blob: d923eb2069a86d9400f12551047141c91c393b4b [file] [log] [blame]
$eclipseVersion = '2020-03';
$latest = '7.1';
$latestDev = '7.2';
# Set the theme for your project's web pages.
# See the Committer Tools "How Do I" for list of themes
# Optional: defaults to system theme
$_theme = "";
$theme = "";
if(isset($_POST['theme'])) {
$_theme = $_POST['theme'];
if($_theme != "" && $App->isValidTheme($_theme)) {
setcookie("theme", $_theme);
$theme = $_theme;
else {
# Get theme from browser, or none default
$theme = 'quicksilver';
# Define your project-wide Nav bars here.
# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
# these are optional
/** @var $Nav Nav */
// override the default left navigator links (because there is no oter way to add the "About this project" link before them :(
$Nav->setLinkList( array() );
$Nav->addCustomNav("About", "#about", "", 1 );
$Nav->addCustomNav("Features", "#features", "", 1 );
// add the predefined links for left navigator (Committers, Newsgroup, Bugs, Articles)
// this is a BAD practice since they are maintainted by Denis Roy in the nav.class.php file
// and now I add them explicitly, bug good Denis did not provide a way to Link object to the Nav
// so I cannot reuse his LinkList objects even if i want to :(
$Nav->addCustomNav("Download", "#download", "", 1);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Extensions", "#extensions", "_self", 1);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Contributing", "#contributing", "", 1);
// [almaz] the links here are relative to /pdt to make the links valid even when this page is included from a PHP file
// that is not at the root, such as from plans/php_plan_2_0.php
$Nav->addNavSeparator("Project", "");
$Nav->addCustomNav("News & Noteworthy", "" . str_replace('.', '', $latest), "_self", 2);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Marketplace", "", "_self", 2);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Project Repository", "", "_self", 2);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Project Details", "", "_self", 2);
$Nav->addNavSeparator("Support", "");
$Nav->addCustomNav("Manual", "", "_self", 2);
$Nav->addCustomNav("PDT Forum", "", "_self", 2);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Wiki", "", "_self", 2);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Mailing List", "", "_self", 2);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Submit A Bug", "", "_self", 2);
// fork me
/** @var $App App */
$App->setThemeVariables(array('leftnav_html' => '<a href="" class="fork-me"><img width="149" height="149" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Fork me on GitHub" data-recalc-dims="1"></a>'));
<style type="text/css">
.carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-left, .carousel-control .icon-prev, .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-right, .carousel-control .icon-next { color: #f7941e; }
.carousel-control.right, .carousel-control.left { background: none !important; }
.carousel-indicators li { border-color: #f7941e; }
.carousel-indicators .active { background-color: #f7941e; }
.fork-me {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
right: 0px;
z-index: 3;