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This document is provided as a template along with some guidance for creating
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suggestions represented in this document represent the reasonable minimum
amount of information to move forward.
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<p>The Eclipse Kura project is a proposed open source project under the <a
Eclipse Technology Project</a>.</p>
The communication channel must be specified. Typically, this is the
"Proposals" forum. In general, you don't need to change this.
<p>This proposal is in the Project Proposal Phase (as defined in the
Eclipse Development Process) and is written to declare its intent and
scope. We solicit additional participation and input from the Eclipse
community. Please send all feedback to the
<a href="">Eclipse Proposals</a>
Optionally provide the background that has lead you to creating this project.
Until recently, machine-to-machine projects have been approached as embedded systems
designed around custom hardware, custom software, and custom network connectivity.
The challenge of developing such projects was given by the large customization and
integration costs and the small re-usability across similar engagements.
The results were often proprietary systems leveraging proprietary protocols.
The emergence of the service gateway model, which operates on the edge of an M2M
deployment as an aggregator and controller, has opened up new possibilities.
Cost effective service gateways are now capable of running modern software stacks
opening the world of M2M to enterprise technologies and programming languages.
Advanced software frameworks, which isolate the developer from the complexity of the
hardware and the networking sub-systems, can now be offered to complement the service
gateway hardware into an integrated hardware and software solution.
All projects must have a well-defined scope. Describe, concisely, what
is in-scope and (optionally) what is out-of-scope. An Eclipse project
cannot have an open-ended scope.
The goals of the Eclipse Kura project can be summarized as:
<li>Provide an OSGi-based container for M2M applications running in service gateways.
Kura complements the Java 6 SE and OSGi platforms with API and services covering the most
common requirements of M2M applications. These extensions include but they are not limited
to: I/O access, data services, watchdog, network configuration and remote management.</li>
<li>Kura adopts existing javax.* API for its functionalities when available - for example
javax.comm, javax.usb, and javax.bluetooth. When possible, Kura will select an open source
implementation of such API that is compatible with the Eclipse-license and package it in
an OSGi bundle to include it in the Kura default build.</li>
<li>Design a build environment, which isolates the native code components and makes it
simple to add ports of these components for new platforms in the Kura build and
<li>Provide a development environment which allows developers to run M2M applications in
an emulated environment within the Eclipse IDE, then deploy them on a target gateway and
finally remotely provision the applications to Kura-enabled devices on the field.</li>
Kura offers a foundation on top of which other contributions for higher-level M2M protocol
implementations like ModBUS, CanBUS, ProfiBUS can reside.
Describe the project here. Be concise, but provide enough information that
somebody who doesn't already know very much about your project idea or domain
has at least a fighting chance of understanding its purpose.
Kura offers a Java/OSGi-based container for M2M applications running in service
gateways. Kura provides or, when available, aggregates open source implementations for
the most common services needed by M2M applications. Kura components are designed as
configurable OSGi Declarative Service exposing service API and raising events.
While several Kura components are in pure Java, others are invoked through JNI and
have a dependency on the Linux operating system.
Kura is currently planning this initial set of services:
<li><strong>I/O Services</strong>
<li>Serial port access through javax.comm 2.0 API or OSGi I/O connection</li>
<li>USB access and events through javax.usb, HID API, custom extensions</li>
<li>Bluetooth access through javax.bluetooth or OSGi I/O connection</li>
<li>Position Service for GPS information from a NMEA stream</li>
<li>Clock Service for the synchronization of the system clock</li>
<li>Kura API for GPIO/PWM/I2C/SPI access</li>
<li><strong>Data Services</strong>
<li>Store and forward functionality for the telemetry data collected by the
gateway and published to remote servers.</li>
<li>Policy-driven publishing system, which abstracts the application developer
from the complexity of the network layer and the publishing protocol used.
Eclipse Paho and its MQTT client provides the default messaging library used.</li>
<li><strong>Cloud Services</strong>
<li>Easy to use API layer for M2M application to communicate with a remote server.
In addition to simple publish/subscribe, the Cloud Service API simplifies the
implementation of more complex interaction flows like request/response or remote
resource management.</li>
<li>Allow for a single connection to a remote server to be shared across more
than one application in the gateway providing the necessary topic partitioning.</li>
<li><strong>Configuration Service</strong>
<li>Leverage the OSGi specifications ConfigurationAdmin and MetaType to provide
a snapshot service to import/export the configuration of all registered services
in the container.</li>
<li><strong>Remote Management</strong>
<li>Allow for remote management of the M2M applications installed in Kura
including their deployment, upgrade and configuration management. The Remote
Management service relies on the Configuration Service and the Cloud Service.</li>
<li>Provide API for introspects and configure the network interfaces available
in the gateway like Ethernet, Wifi, and Cellular modems.</li>
<li><strong>Watchdog Service</strong>
<li>Register critical components to the Watchdog Service, which will force a
system reset through the hardware watchdog when a problem is detected.</li>
<li><strong>Web administration interface</strong>
<li>Offer a web-based management console running within the Kura container
to manage the gateway.</li>
Kura will provide a pre-made build for popular open hardware platforms like the RaspberryPi.
<h2>Why Eclipse?</h2>
Answer these two questions: What value does this project bring to the Eclipse
community? What value do you expect to obtain from hosting your project at Eclipse?
What value do you get by having your project at Eclipse over and above the value
of hosting at Eclipse Labs?
Being an M2M project, Kura aims at becoming another component of the interesting
set of technologies grouped under the Eclipse M2M Industry Working Group umbrella.
Kura already has a strong relationship with other Eclipse projects:
<li><a href="">Eclipse Paho</a> is the default message
protocol library used in Kura. The default communication protocol in Kura is MQTT and
it is used to transport both data and device management messages.</li>
<li>Eclipse Equinox is the default OSGi container for Kura.</li>
<li><a href="">Eclipse Concierge</a>,
a small-footprint OSGi container optimized for embedded devices, will be considered
as another runtime platform for Kura.</li>
Kura originates from Eurotech Everyware Software Framework.
The UI client view of that framework has already been contributed to the Eclipse Paho
<h2>Initial Contribution</h2>
Projects are expected to arrive at Eclipse with existing code.
Describe the existing code that will be contributed to the project. Please provide
a couple of paragraphs describing the code with modest detail, including important
information like code ownership (who holds the copyright?), and some consideration
of community that exists around the code. Include a listing of third-party libraries
and associated licenses.
The initial contribution of the Kura project will be a large subset of the current
Eurotech Everyware Software Framework. In particular:
<li>Kura source code and build system for most of the services described above
including the web management administration UI</li>
<li>A Kura M2M application developer's guide with an example application</li>
<li>Documentation on the Kura application protocol to perform remote resource management
and remote administration of M2M applications</li>
<li>A build of Kura for an open-hardware platform like the RaspberryPi</li>
<h2>Legal Issues</h2>
Please describe any potential legal issues in this section. Does somebody else
own the trademark to the project name? Is there some issue that prevents you
from licensing the project under the Eclipse Public License? Are parts of the
code available under some other license? Are there any LGPL/GPL bits that you
absolutely require?
Eurotech will go through the Eclipse legal review process to make sure all Kura
dependencies are eligible for contribution. While Kura has selected open-source
components with friendly licenses, a detailed review will be conducted with
the Eclipse legal team.
Kura has already been tested on open Java VM implementations like OpenJDK.
List any initial committers that should be provisioned along with the
new project. Include affiliation, but do not include email addresses at
this point.
The following individuals are proposed as initial committers to the project:
<dt>Wes Johnson, Eurotech</dt>
<dt>Marco Carrer, Eurotech</dt>
<dt>Cristiano De Alti, Eurotech</dt>
<dt>Dave Woodard, Eurotech</dt>
<dt>Elbert Evangelista, Eurotech</dt>
<dt>Pierre Pitiot, Eurotech</dt>
<p>We welcome additional committers and contributions.</p>
Describe any initial contributions of code that will be brought to the
project. If there is no existing code, just remove this section.
New Eclipse projects require a minimum of two mentors from the Architecture
Council. You need to identify two mentors before the project is created. The
proposal can be posted before this section is filled in (it's a little easier
to find a mentor when the proposal itself is public).
<p>The following Architecture Council members will mentor this
<li>Benjamin Cabé</li>
<h2>Interested Parties</h2>
Provide a list of individuals, organisations, companies, and other Eclipse
projects that are interested in this project. This list will provide some
insight into who your project's community will ultimately include. Where
possible, include affiliations. Do not include email addresses.
<p>The following individuals, organisations, companies and projects have
expressed interest in this project:</p>
<li>Dave Locke, IBM</li>
<h2>Project Scheduling</h2>
Describe, in rough terms, what the basic scheduling of the project will
be. You might, for example, include an indication of when an initial contribution
should be expected, when your first build will be ready, etc. Exact
dates are not required.
Kura aims at the initial contribution to be completed by Q4 2013.
<h2>Changes to this Document</h2>
List any changes that have occurred in the document here.
You only need to document changes that have occurred after the document
has been posted live for the community to view and comment.
<td>Document created</td>
<td>Incorporated Eurotech's internal feedback</td>
<td>Incorporated Benjamin Cabé's feedback</td>
<td>Incorporated Dave Locke's feedback</td>