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<title>Introducing the PTP Runtime Perspective</title>
<h1>Introducing the PTP Runtime Perspective</h1>
<p>Here we show a brief tour of the PTP Runtime Perspective
and hint at some of its features.
<p>First, open the PTP Runtime Perspective:
<p>Window -> Open Perspective -> Other...
<br><img src="images/selectPerspective.gif">
<br>Select "PTP Runtime"
<p>The PTP Runtime Perspective is displayed.
<br>Here you see the machines view (with a single machine in this example),
with the Node information of the currently selected node shown in the lower
left, and process info showing the processes running on that node to its right.
The Jobs view (top center) shows 16 processes running in the job.
The yellow diamond icons indicate they are currently stopped.
The Console view would show output if generated by the program.
Other views (source and outline) are from CDT.
The different icons and their meanings are
shown by the Legend dialog, found by clicking the
<img src="images/legendIcon.gif"> Legend icon in the toolbar.
<p><img src="images/runtimePersp.gif">s
<p>For more details on this perspective, see
<a href="03ptpRuntimePersp.html">the PTP Runtime Perspective</a>
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