blob: 9964255ef13b1a6118803b126e1ae675c0546ec7 [file] [log] [blame]
<title>Warning dialogs on first project</title>
<h1>Warning dialogs on first project</h1>
<p>The first time you bring up the PTP Runtime perspective,
you may see two warning dialogs appear.
<p>The first
popup warning indicates that the number of machines is not set.
You can set this in Preferences next.
<br><img src="images/defaultSimNumMachinesSet.gif">
<br>Press OK.
<p>You may also see a popup warning that the control or monitoring
system is not detected.
<br><img src="images/defaultRuntimeSystemSet.gif">
<br>Press OK.
You can also set this in Preferences.
<p>If you need to change the default values for these
settings, use the <a href="05ptpPrefs.html">PTP Preferences.</a>