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<title>Launching Parallel Programs</title>
<h1 id="top">Launching Parallel Programs</h1>
<p>Topics include:
<li>selecting the machine to run on
<li>selecting executable to run
<li>supplying resource requirements (currently only number of
processes, but this will include other requirements, such as scheduler information, later)
<li>debugger information
<h2>The parallel launch configuration dialog</h2>
<li>Open the run configuration dialog (Run ->Run...)
or click the run icon on the tool bar and select Run...
<li>Create a new Parallel Application by clicking "Parallel Application" and
then clicking on the "New" button icon.
<img src="images/launch1.gif">
<p>Enter a name for the configuration in the "Name:" field.
Here we use the same name as the project.
<li>In the Main Tab:</li>
<li>Choose the project</li>
<li>Choose the executable from the project (see red arrows)</li>
<br><img src="images/launch2.gif">
<li>Select the Arguments tab
<li>Enter any <i>program</i> arguments</li>
<li>Change working directory if necessary
<li>Select the Parallel Tab</li>
<li>Choose the machine that the job will run on
<li>Enter the number of processes to run, which was probably
set to "0" initially. Enter a value > 0.
This will dismiss the Error at the top of the
dialog which reports "[Parallel]: Value must be an Integer."
Actually, this should probably say "an integer greater than zero."
<br><img src="images/launch4.gif">
<li>Select the Debugger Tab</li>
<li>Select the Debugger that will control the parallel processes
by selecting "SDM" (the PTP's Scalable Debug Manager) from the selection menu.
<li>This will dismiss the Error at the top of the
dialog which reports "[Debugger]: No debugger available."</li>
<br><img src="images/launch5.gif">
<li>Click on Apply, then Run.
<li>The parallel program begins execution...
<p>Continue with Monitoring Parallel
Program execution with <a href="03ptpRuntimePersp.html">the PTP Runtime Perspective
<p>While not applicable to most users, there is information on
<a href="02pLaunchSim.html">Launching the simulator</a>.
<p><a href="#top">Back to Top</a> | <a href="toc.html">Back to Table of Contents</a>