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<title>Launching Parallel Programs</title>
<h1 id="top">The old way to launch parallel programs</h1>
<h2 id="launch">Launching the MPI program with external program</h2>
<p>To run the program without using the PTP Runtime
or PTP Debugger, you can launch the 'mpirun' invocation
directly from eclipse.
<p>Set up the launch configuration for launching the
MPI program by configuring for "external tools."
Under the External tools menu
<img src="images/extToolsIcon.gif" border="1">, select External Tools
<p><img src="images/extToolsMenu.gif">
<p>In the External Tools dialog, under Configurations, select Program
and select the "New" button.
<br><img src="images/extToolsDlg.gif">
<p>Fill in the information to run 'mpirun' for example.
<br><img src="images/extToolsDlg2.gif">
Use the buttons to fill in variables that point to locations
within your eclipse project, as shown above.
Click the "Run" button to execute it.
Output will be shown in the console window.
<br><img src="images/extToolsRunMPI.gif">
<h2 id="launch2">Launching the MPI program with the run configuration dialog</h2>
<li>Open the run configuration dialog (Run...)
<li>Create a new C/C++ Local Application (or Local Application)
<li>Choose the project
<li>Enter the <i>full path</i> of the <code>mpirun</code> (or <code>mpiexec</code>)
command in the C/C++ Application (or Application) field
<li>Select the Arguments tab
<li>Enter the <code>mpirun</code> (or <code>mpiexec</code>)
arguments and the name of the executable
<li>Select Apply and then Run
<p>Limitations of the old way:
<li>No indication of job or process status
<li>Cannot easily interact with a job scheduler
<li>Must have MPI installed on local machine
<li>No access to individual stdout of processes
<li>No ability to debug program
<p>Now proceed to <a href="02pLaunchConfig.html">launching your parallel program with the
PTP Runtime</a>
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