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<title>Details of the PTP Runtime Perspective</title>
<h1 id="top">Details of the PTP Runtime Perspective</h1>
<p>Views in this perspective include the Machines view, and the Jobs view.
<li><a href="#persp">The perspective - overall view</a>
<li><a href="#machines">The machines view</a>
<li><a href="#jobs">The jobs view</a>
<li><a href="#jobproc">The job process view (includes stdout)</a>
<h2 id="persp"><img src="images/fromPTP/parallel_perspective.gif">PTP Runtime Perspective</h2>
<p>To populate the PTP Runtime perspective, you should have
a program running. See <a href="02pLaunchConfig.html">launching parallel programs </a> for how to launch a parallel program.
<p>To open the PTP Runtime perspective,
Select Window > Open Perspective > Other ... and Select PTP Runtime.
<p>The PTP Runtime Perspective includes
the Machines view and the Jobs view.
Details of the resources (Node Info and Process Info) are shown at the bottom
of the Machines view. Process details and process output can be shown for any process
in any job.
<p><img src="images/ptpRunOview.gif">
<h2>Choosing which resources to view</h2>
<p>Select between the Machines or Jobs view.
<p><img src="images/resourcesView.gif">
<h2 id="machines"><img src="images/fromPTP/parallel_perspective.gif">Machines view</h2>
<p>In the Machines view, an icon represents each node.
<td><img src="images/machines1.gif"></td>
<td valign="top"><p>Node icons indicate the status of the node:
<br><img src="images/legendNodes.gif"></td>
<p> <b>Selecting a node:</b>
Double-click on a node icon to display the node information..
<p><img src="images/ptpRun2.gif">
<p>Close-up of node and process info displayed
<p><img src="images/nodeProcess.gif">
<p>Switch between machines using the dropdown menu
<img src="images/fromPTP/machine_normal.gif">
in the toolbar of the Machines view.
<p><img src="images/selectMachine.gif">
<p> <b>Node state icons:</b>
Each node in the machines view is indicated by an icon.
The icons and their meanings are shown in the Legend dialog,
available from the
<img src="images/legendIcon.gif"> legend icon in the toolbar.
<br><img src="images/legend.gif">
<p><b>'Hover' information:</b>
You can also see information on a particular node by hovering the
mouse pointer over a node.
<br><img src="images/nodeHover.gif">
<p><b>Node information:</b>
To display information on a particular node, double-click
on the node icon and the Node info box
<!-- TODO: 'Node info box' or what to call it? -->
will be populated with information about that node.
Here the Node info box and the hover information on the node are
both shown.
<br><img src="images/nodeInfo.gif">
<p><b>Processes running on a node:</b>
While running, the process information is also shown:
<br><img src="images/nodeInfoProcess.gif">
<h3>Zoom views</h3>
<p>Zoom in / Zoom out on process icons allows more processes to be
displayed in the Machines view.
<br><img src="images/zoom1runtimeCrop.gif">
<br><img src="images/zoom2runtimeCrop.gif">
<br><img src="images/zoom3runtimeCrop.gif">
<h2 id="jobs"><img src="images/fromPTP/parallel_perspective.gif">Jobs View</h2>
<p>In the Jobs view, the current status of jobs is shown.
Running and completed jobs are listed.
The jobs are shown in the left pane, and the processes running
in the selected job are shown in the right pane.
<p><img src="images/jobsView.gif">
<p>The following jobs view shows that job3 is currently being debugged.
<p><img src="images/jobsViewDbg.gif">
<p>As shown above, hovering over a process shows the MPI task ID and process ID.
Again, the icons and their meanings are shown in the Legend dialog,
available from the
<img src="images/legendIcon.gif"> legend icon in the toolbar.
The Job and process icons are listed again here:
<table border=1>
<td>Job status icon</td>
<td>Process state icon</td>
<img src="images/fromPTP/runmode_normal.gif"> Currently running job
<br><img src="images/fromPTP/debugmode_normal.gif"> Job under debug
<br><img src="images/fromPTP/terminate_all_normal.gif"> Finished job
<img src="images/fromPTP/proc_starting.gif"> process starting
<br><img src="images/fromPTP/proc_running.gif"> process running
<br><img src="images/fromPTP/proc_exited.gif"> process exited normally
<br><img src="images/fromPTP/proc_exited_signal.gif"> process exited with signal
<br><img src="images/fromPTP/proc_stopped.gif"> process stopped
<br><img src="images/fromPTP/proc_error.gif"> process error
<p>Selecting a job shows the processes belonging to the job.
<p>The Terminate button can be used to kill a job.
<p><img src="images/jobsVterm.gif">
<h2 id="jobproc">Job Process view</h2>
<p><b>Selecting a process: </b>
Double-clicking on a process in the right pane of the Jobs view
brings up a details view for that process.
<br><img src="images/jobDetailsView.gif">
<p>The process details page includes the following information:
<li>Rank: MPI task identifier
<li>Node: node number this process is running on
<li>Total: total number of processes in this job
<li>PID: UNIX process identifier
<li>Job: Job number of the job containing this process
<li>Status: current status of process (starting, running, suspended, exited)
<li>Exit code: exit code when process finishes
The Program output window shows the standard output generated by this
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