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Running PTP OpenMP Tools Plug-in
<h1> Running PTP OpenMP Tools </h1>
<p>For the most part, the OpenMP tools are similar to the MPI
tools. See the <a href="setup.html">setup</a> and <a href="run.html">run</a> instructions for the MPI tools to
see how to configure CDT to find the header files, and compile
and run.
<p>You can find OpenMP artifacts, sort the artifacts in the
OpenMP artifact view, navigate to source code lines,
use hover help, content assist, and bring up a help view
on the APIs as well.
<p>The PTP Parallel Language Development Tools do add a few
specific functions uniquely for OpenMP development:
<li><a href="#pragma">Show #pragma regions</a></li>
<li><a href="#concur">Show concurrency</a></li>
<li><a href="#prob">Show Common OpenMP problems</a></li>
<h2 id="pragma">Show #pragma regions</h2>
<img src="images/ptp-openMPpragmaAnn.gif">
<p>In the example screenshot above, OpenMP analysis has been run
on the source file and two artifacts were found, one API and
one #pragma.
They are shown in the "OpenMP Artifact View" near the bottom of the screen.
In the OpenMP artifact view, use the context menu on the #pragma item
and select "Show pragma region" and the region that the #pragma
encompasses is selected and shown in grey in the editor.
<h2 id="concur">Show concurrency</h2>
<p><img src="images/ptp-openMPshowConcurrencymenu.gif">
<br>Select a statement, e.g. the statement highlighted in grey above.
Select the context menu on the highlighted statement, and click "Show Concurrency"
as indicated above. The results are shown below:
<p><img src="images/ptp-openMPshowConcurrency.gif">
<p>Above are the screen-shot results of an analysis, perhaps on a not so real,
but at least interesting example.
After indicating via the context menu the statement upon which
the "Show Concurrency" action is to be executed,
other statements will be highlighted in yellow.
The meaning is the following:
The gray selected statement is analysed for the following: which
statements can execute concurrently to it.
The result includes all highlighted statements between the two barriers. But because of the conditional jump around the lower barrier, execution could also reach the top of the loop - hitting the condition and the loop increment, as well as the first statement in the loop body. All of those statements are highlighted as well. If correct, this example would usefully point out a bug - being that the second barrier should be outside that if statement!
<h2 id="prob">Show Common OpenMP Problems</h2>
<p><img src="images/ptp-openMPproblems.gif">
<p>Along with the analysis for finding OpenMP artifacts,
common problems are also located, and shown in the OpenMP Problems view.
<p>Types of problems recognized include:
<!-- problems identified in -->
<li>Parallel directive dynamically inside another parallel, establishes single thread context</li>
<li>For directive embedded within critical, ordered, or master extents</li>
<li>For directive embedded within another parallel for or parallel sections</li>
<li>Parallel directive dynamically inside another parallel, establishes single thread context</li>
<li>For directive embedded within another for, sections, or single directive</li>
<li>Barrier directive not permitted in region extent of for, ordered, sections, single, master, and critical</li>
<li>Master directive not permitted in dynamic extent of for, sections, or single directives</li>
<li>Ordered directive not permitted in dynamic extent of critical region</li>
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