updates for 8.1.1
diff --git a/index_811.php b/index_811.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4771238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index_811.php
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+	#*****************************************************************************
+	#
+	# index.php
+	#
+	# Author: 		Beth Tibbitts
+	# Date:			2006-06-11
+	#
+	# Description: Main PTP site root page
+	#
+	#
+	#****************************************************************************
+	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/eclipse.org-common/system/app.class.php");	
+	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/eclipse.org-common/system/nav.class.php"); 	
+	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/eclipse.org-common/system/menu.class.php"); 	
+	$App 	= new App();	
+	$Nav	= new Nav();	
+	$Menu 	= new Menu();		
+	include($App->getProjectCommon());
+	#$localVersion = false;
+	#
+	# Begin: page-specific settings.  Change these. 
+	$pageTitle 		= "Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform (PTP)";
+	$pageKeywords	= "Eclipse, Parallel Programming, Parallel debugger, Parallel Tools, MPI, OpenMP, OpenMPI, Fortran, C, C++";
+	$pageAuthor		= "Beth Tibbitts   tibbitts@us.ibm.com";
+	# End: page-specific settings
+	#
+	# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!	
+	$html = <<<EOHTML
+	<div id="maincontent">
+	<div id="midcolumn">
+		<h1>Eclipse PTP</h1>
+		  <table>
+		    <tr>
+		      <td>
+			<p>The PTP project provides an integrated development environment to support the development of parallel applications written 
+			in C, C++, and Fortran. Eclipse PTP provides:
+	      	<ul>
+		        <li>Support for the MPI, OpenMP and UPC programming models, as well as OpenSHMEM and OpenACC</li>
+		        <li>Support for a wide range of batch systems and runtime systems, including PBS/Torque, LoadLeveler, GridEngine,
+		        Parallel Environment, Open MPI, and MPICH2</li>
+		        <li>A scalable parallel debugger</li>
+		        <li>Support for  the integration of a wide range of parallel tools</li>
+			</ul>
+			</p>
+			  </td>
+			  <td align="right">
+			    <img alt="PTP" src="/ptp/images/ptp_logo_icon256.png"/>
+			  </td>
+			</tr>
+          </table>
+			<h2>Fortran Development Tools (Photran)</h2>
+			<p>The <a href="http://eclipse.org/photran">Photran</a> project is now part of PTP. 
+				Forming an integral part of the parallel tools platform, 
+				Fortran language support provided by Photran is an essential tool for the parallel development community. 
+				Please consult the <a href="http://help.eclipse.org/luna/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.eclipse.photran.doc.user%2Fhtml%2Ftoc.html">Photran User's Guide</a>
+				for information on downloading and installing this plug-in. 
+				<a href="http://help.eclipse.org/luna/topic/org.eclipse.photran.doc.user/html/toc.html">Online version of the Photran User's Guide</a> 
+				is also available as part of the plug-in installation.
+				Highlights include:
+			<ul>
+				<li>Support for IBM XLF, Intel Fortran, gfortran and other compilers</li>
+				<li>Fortran editor with syntax highlighting</li>
+				<li>Powerful refactoring support</li>
+				<li>Managed build support</li>
+			</ul>
+			</p>
+	</div>
+	</div>
+    <div id="rightcolumn">
+    	$sidebar
+		<div class="sideitem">
+			<h6>Current Status</h6>
+			<p>PTP 8.1.1 released 27 February, 2015 </p>
+			<p>If you installed the 
+		    <a href="https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-parallel-application-developers/lunar">Eclipse for Parallel Application Developers</a>
+		    package you can do <b>Help > Check for Updates</b>.
+		    You can also see <a href="https://wiki.eclipse.org/PTP/release_notes/8.0#Updating_from_a_previous_release">
+		    Updating from a previous release</a> on the PTP wiki for details about updating from and to different releases.
+		    </p>
+		</div>
+		<div class="sideitem">
+		  <h6>Recent News</h6>
+		  <p><i>February 27, 2015</i> - PTP 8.1.1 Available. Check the <a href="downloads.php">Download</a> link on how to get yours.</p>	  
+		  <p><i>September 26, 2014</i> - PTP 8.1 Available. Check the <a href="downloads.php">Download</a> link on how to get yours.</p>	  
+		  <p><i>July 13, 2014</i> - PTP 8.0.1 Available. Check the <a href="downloads.php">Download</a> link on how to get yours.</p>
+		  <p><i>June 25, 2014</i> - PTP 8.0.0 Available. The <a href="https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-parallel-application-developers/lunar">Eclipse for Parallel Application Developers</a> package now is based on Eclipse Luna</p>
+		  <p><i>April 11, 2014</i> - PTP 7.0.5 Available</p>
+		  <p><i>February 28, 2014</i> - Eclipse Kepler SR2 and PTP 7.0.4 Available. You can update PTP and the rest of your Eclipse workbench with the Eclipse Kepler SR2 release.</p>
+		  <p><i>August 15, 2013</i> - PTP 7.0.3 Available</p>
+		  <p><i>July 21, 2013</i> - PTP 7.0.2 Available</p>
+		  <p><i>July 3, 2013</i> - PTP 7.0.1 Available</p>
+		  <p><i>June 26, 2013</i> - PTP 7.0.0 Available with Eclipse Kepler.</p>
+		    The <b>Help > Check for updates</b>
+		    menu item should work to update your Eclipse and PTP from a previous
+		    Luna-based (PTP 8.x) release.
+			<!--
+			<h3>Eclipse for Parallel Application Developers now is based on Eclipse Kepler </h3>
+			<p><i>June 26, 2013 -</i> PTP 7.0 is now the basis of this package in the 
+			Eclipse Kepler release. Check the <a href="downloads.php">Download</a> link on how to get yours.</p>
+		    -->
+		    <!--PTP was refreshed to 6.0.2 in the September SR1 release of the package.
+		    PTP 6.0.3 was subsequently released on November 11, 2012.-->
+		</div>
+		<div class="sideitem">
+			<h6>More Information</h6>
+			<p>The <a href="http://wiki.eclipse.org/PTP">PTP Wiki</a> is often the best source of up-to-date information on PTP for Developers and Users.
+		</div>
+	</div>
+	# Generate the web page
+	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);