blob: 1518a0e9f0b105b6556b29fc86675775aa404649 [file] [log] [blame]
include( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/rap/_projectCommon.php" );
$title = "RAP - Getting Involved";
$navPosition = array( "community", "getting-involved" );
printHeader( $title, $navPosition );
<div id="midcolumn">
<h1>Getting involved with RAP development</h1>
You are invited to contribute to RAP. This includes:
<!-- share findings in the newsgroup -->
<strong>Write a valuable bug report.</strong>
If you've found a defect in RAP, please don't keep it to yourself.
Every environment is a bit different, and you may be the first one to notice the problem.
So please, <a href="../bugs/">file a new bug</a> to let us know!
<strong>Provide a fix.</strong>
If you're familiar with the <a href="../source/">souce code</a> and know how to fix a problem,
please consider to contribute your fix.
We use the <a href="">Gerrit</a> code review system
so you can easily push your commit for review.
<strong>Contribute a custom component.</strong>
If you wrote a custom component for RAP that might be useful to others, please consider to
contribute it back.
<a href="/rap/incubator/">Incubator</a> might be a suitable place to host it.
Please contact us on the
<a href="">developer mailing list</a>
if you'd like to share your code.
<h2>Developer resources</h2>
As a contributor, you should work with the latest
<a href="/rap/source/">source code</a>.
<!-- Tests -->
Please take a minute to read over our
<a href="">Coding Standards</a>.
Development-related questions are discussed on the
<a href="">rap-dev</a>
mailing list.
<div id="rightcolumn">
<?php includeSidebar( "contributors.php" ) ?>
printFooter( $title, $navPosition );