blob: 61d3e1f51ad22be03f25d867ba923fd94b2ab72b [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<component id="chart">
Ralf Sternberg
Chart widgets for RAP, based on <a href="">d3.js</a> and
<a href="">nvd3.js</a>
<component id="fileupload">
Ivan Furnadjiev
RAP File Upload Support
<em>This component has been graduated and moved to the RAP core as of 3.0.</em>
<component id="nebula-grid">
Nebula Grid widget for RAP
Ivan Furnadjiev
RAP port of the <a href="">Grid widget</a>
from the <a href="">Nebula project</a>.
The Grid widget is a spreadsheet/table component that offers features not currently
available in the base SWT Tree/Table like column grouping, checkboxes on multiple
columns, variable item height and more.
<em>This component has been graduated and moved to the RAP core as of 3.0.</em>
<component id="dropdown">
AutoSuggest (DropDown)
Tim Buschtöns
AutoSuggest is a widget that attaches type-ahead suggestions to a Text field.
This component is built upon the DropDown widget that displays a list of selectable items
below a text field.
<em>As of RAP 2.3, the DropDown widget has become part of RWT, while the AutoSuggest remains
in this repository.</em>
<a href="">DropDown wiki page</a>
<component id="richtext">
RichText Widget
Tim Buschtöns
This is a custom widget for RAP that wraps the CKEditor, a web-based WYSIWYG/Rich-Text editor.
This version is compatible with RAP 2.1 and above, and is based on CKEditor version
For more information, view the readme.txt in the <code>org.eclipse.rap.addons.ckeditor</code> bundle.
<em>This component has been graduated and moved to the RAP core as of 3.1.</em>
<component id="e4">
E4 on RAP
Tom Schindl
This component provides a target platform to run Eclipse 4 applications on RAP.
The E4 application model and the DI-Container are fully supported,
including the event bus (IEventBroker), ExtendedObjectSuppliers (@UIEventTopic, @Preference)
and runtime language change support.
For details, see <a href="">this blog post</a>.
<component id="clientscripting">
Tim Buschtöns
ClientScripting allows developers to handle certain events that occur in RAP applications
directly on the client without creating any http-requests. Client scripts are written in
JavaScript using an SWT-like API.
<a href="">ClientScripting wiki page</a>
<em>This component has been graduated and moved to the RAP core as of 2.2.</em>
<component id="osgi-packaging">
Markus Knauer
OSGi-Packaging re-packages RAP bundles plus important bundles from the Eclipse
ecosystem to be used in OSGi containers other than Equinox. As a start it provides
the necessary Karaf features and Karaf archive in order to run RAP applications
in Apache Karaf.
<component id="cnf">
Common Navigator Framework (CNF)
Bartosz Michalik
Port of the <a href="">Common Navigator Framework</a>
for RAP.
<component id="gef">
Graphical Editing Framework (GEF)
Austin Riddle
Initial port of <a href="">Draw2D, GEF and Zest</a> for RAP, still under development.
<component id="pde">
PDE Runtime
Arnaud Mergey
Ports of the plugin-spy and error log views from
<a href="">PDE UI</a>.
<a href="">wiki page</a>
<component id="tabbed-properties">
Tabbed Properties View
Gunnar Wagenknecht
RAP port of the
<a href="">Tabbed Properties View</a>.
<component id="visualization">
Google Visualization
Austin Riddle
This component provides a simple integration of all of the
Google Visualization widgets as RAP custom widgets:
Motion Chart, Annotated Timeline, Area Chart, Bar Chart,
Column Chart, Gauge, Geomap, Intensity Map, Line Chart,
Pie Chart, Scatter Chart, and Table.