blob: 2bf3499a03cfd9f9b1f6cf64c275084d2a38307a [file] [log] [blame]
include( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/rap/_projectCommon.php" );
$PAGE_TITLE = "RAP - Incubator";
$PAGE_NAV_POSITION = array( "home", "incubator" );
$WEB_ROOT = "";
$REPO_ROOT = "";
$components = new SimpleXMLElement( 'components.xml', null, true );
if( $components == null ) {
echo '<div class="error">There was a problem loading the data for this page.</div>';
<div id="midcolumn">
<h1>RAP Incubator Add-Ons</h1>
The RAP Incubator is a sub-project to make new and promising RAP add-on developments visible and
available for the community. It is partitioned into components, each maintained by its own
Incubator committer(s).
When a component has matured and is broadly used, it may graduate and move to the RAP project.
A completely
<a href=""><b>unfiltered list</b></a> of software
that was developed to be used together with RAP (including this incubator components)
can be found in the RAP wiki.
<h2>Available components</h2>
<? foreach( $components->component as $component ) : ?>
$COMPONENT_ID = $component[ "id" ];
$COMPONENT_NAME = $component->name;
$COMPONENT_MAINTAINER = $component->maintainer;
$COMPONENT_DESCRIPTION = $component->description->asXML();
<div class="box">
<div class="images">
<img style="display:inline-block; width:250px; height:190px; background-image:url(/rap/images/incubator.png)"
src="<?= 'images/' . $COMPONENT_ID . '.png' ?>" alt=""/>
<h3><?= $COMPONENT_NAME ?></h3>
<strong>Maintainer:</strong> <?= $COMPONENT_MAINTAINER ?>
<strong>Source code:</strong>
<a href="<?= $COMPONENT_WEBURL ?>">git repository</a>
<? if( $component->builds ) : ?>
<strong>Builds (p2 repositories):</strong>
<? foreach( $component->builds->build as $build ) : ?>
$BUILD_URL = $REPO_ROOT . $build . "/" . $COMPONENT_ID;
if( $build == "nightly" ) {
$BUILD_LABEL = "nightly builds";
} else {
$BUILD_LABEL = "RAP " . $build . " compatible version";
<li><a href="<?= $BUILD_URL ?>"><?= $BUILD_LABEL ?></a></li>
<? endforeach; ?>
<? endif ?>
<div style="clear:both"></div>
<? endforeach; ?>
<div id="rightcolumn">
<div class="sideitem">
<div style="text-align: center;">
<a href="/projects/what-is-incubation.php"><img
align="center" src="/images/egg-incubation.png"
border="0" alt="Incubation" /></a>