blob: 8c6b8f52b6ea1b527391fd5c454307fe474649dd [file] [log] [blame]
include( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/rap/_projectCommon.php" );
$title = "RAP - Bugs";
$navPosition = array( "community", "bugs" );
printHeader( $title, $navPosition );
<div id="midcolumn">
Bugs and feature requests for RAP are tracked in the the Eclipse Bugzilla.
<h2>Find existing bug reports</h2>
<a href=";bug_severity=blocker&amp;bug_severity=critical&amp;bug_severity=major&amp;bug_severity=normal&amp;bug_severity=minor&amp;bug_severity=trivial&amp;bug_severity=enhancement&amp;bug_status=NEW&amp;bug_status=ASSIGNED&amp;bug_status=REOPENED&amp;bugidtype=include&amp;columnlist=bug_status%2Cshort_desc&amp;product=RAP&amp;query_format=advanced&amp;order=bug_id">
All open bug reports and enhancement requests</a>
<a href=";bug_severity=enhancement&amp;bug_status=NEW&amp;bug_status=ASSIGNED&amp;bug_status=REOPENED&amp;bugidtype=include&amp;columnlist=bug_status%2Cshort_desc&amp;product=RAP&amp;query_format=advanced&amp;order=bug_id">
All open enhancement requests</a>
<a href=";classification=RT&amp;product=RAP">
Bugzilla search form</a>
<h2>Report a new bug or enhancement request</h2>
Reporting a bug takes only a few minutes. Start here:
<a href=";rep_platform=All&amp;op_sys=all">
Bugzilla bug report form</a>
<h3>Write good bug reports</h3>
Choose a short and concise title and include the following information in the description:
<li>your environment (operating system, browser type and version, RAP version)</li>
<li>the steps to reproduce the behavior described</li>
<li>the expected outcome / solution, or for enhancement requests, your use case</li>
If the reported problem is not obvious, a <em>simple snippet</em> may be helpful for us
to reproduce the issue.
If you report some visual misbehavior, a <em>screenshot</em> helps us understand your problem.
Remember that we don't have your exact desktop environment and browser.
<h3>Only one problem per bug, please!</h3>
Even if issues appear related, every problem deserves its own bug.
<h3>Is it a bug?</h3>
If you're not sure if a certain behavior in RAP is really a bug, you can ask on the
<a href="">RAP forum</a>
before. If the issue is related to RAP's implementation of Eclipse APIs like SWT or JFace, you
should try your snippet in SWT and see as it works as expected there.
<li><a href="">Eclipse Bug Reporting FAQ</a></li>
<li><a href="">FAQ: How do I report a bug in Eclipse?</a></li>
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