blob: 6946a7538e1a8c7811ec17b79ec73d1988c93ee1 [file] [log] [blame]
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"url" => "/rap/incubator/"
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"url" => ""
"demos" => array(
"label" => "Demos",
"url" => "/rap/demos/",
"sub-entries" => array(
"demos" => array(
"label" => "Demos",
"url" => "/rap/demos/"
"built-on-rap" => array(
"label" => "Built on RAP",
"url" => "/rap/users/"
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"label" => "Download",
"url" => "/rap/downloads/",
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"url" => "/rap/downloads/"
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"url" => "/rap/incubator/"
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"label" => "Overview",
"url" => "/rap/documentation/"
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"label" => "Developer's Guide",
"url" => "/rap/developers-guide/"
"noteworthy" => array(
"label" => "New and Noteworthy",
"url" => "/rap/noteworthy/"
"articles" => array(
"label" => "Articles",
"url" => "/rap/articles/"
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"url" => "/rap/getting-involved/",
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"getting-involved" => array(
"label" => "Getting Involved",
"url" => "/rap/getting-involved/"
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"label" => "<span class='nav-redirect'>Forum</span>",
"url" => ""
"bugs" => array(
"label" => "Bugs",
"url" => "/rap/bugs/"
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"label" => "Support",
"url" => "/rap/support/"
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