blob: 50eaa677dc34cef15bab2117eaaa5c4ae6ca922f [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2021 in-tech GmbH
This program and the accompanying materials are made
available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
which is available at
SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
.. _components_vehiclecomponents:
.. _components_aeb:
The Autonomous Emergency Braking system checks if a collision is likely to occur in the near future and, if necessary, brakes to avoid the collision.
In each timestep, the system evaluates all objects detected by a Sensor and calculates the time to collision (TTC) for this object based on the perceived movement of the object.
If, for any object, the TTC is lower than the threshold of the component, then the component gets activated. The system deactivates if the TTC is larger than 1,5 times the threshold of the component.
.. table::
:class: tight-table
====================================== ====== ==== ===================================================================================
Attribute Type Unit Description
====================================== ====== ==== ===================================================================================
CollisionDetectionLongitudinalBoundary Double m Additional length added the vehicle boundary when checking for collision detection
CollisionDetectionLateralBoundary Double m Additional width added the vehicle boundary when checking for collision detection
TTC Double s Time to collision which is used to trigger AEB
Acceleration Double m/s² Braking acceleration when activated
====================================== ====== ==== ===================================================================================
.. code-block:: xml
<ProfileGroup Type="AEB">
<Profile Type="AEB" Name="AEB1">
<Double Key="CollisionDetectionLongitudinalBoundary" Value="4.0"/>
<Double Key="CollisionDetectionLateralBoundary" Value="1.5"/>
<Double Key="TTC" Value="2.0"/>
<Double Key="Acceleration" Value="-2"/>
.. _components_trajectoryfollower:
This module forces agents to drive according to a specific trajectory. The trajectory is defined in the scenario. This module is disabled by default and is activated if a trajectory from openSCENARIO is triggered.
It is always important that the trajectories matches the current scenery file, otherwise the Agent could be placed outside of valid lanes. If the agent gets placed on a invalid position, it will be deleted.
All attributes are required.
.. table::
:class: tight-table
===================== ==== =======================================================================================================================
Attribute Type Description
===================== ==== =======================================================================================================================
AutomaticDeactivation Bool If true, the trajectory follower relinquishes control of the vehicle after the final instruction in the TrajectoryFile.
EnforceTrajectory Bool If true, the trajectory follower overrides external input related to the vehicle's travel.
===================== ==== =======================================================================================================================
.. code-block:: xml
<ProfileGroup Type="DynamicsTrajectoryFollower">
<Profile Name="BasicTrajectoryFollower">
<Bool Key="AutomaticDeactivation" Value="true"/>
<Bool Key="EnforceTrajectory" Value="true"/>
.. _components_geometric2d:
This sensor is selected, when a sensor is parameterized as ProfileGroup "Geometric2D".
.. table::
:class: tight-table
=============================== ====== ==== ==================================================================================================
Parameter Type Unit Description
=============================== ====== ==== ==================================================================================================
DetectionRange Double m Detection range
EnableVisualObstruction Bool Activates 2D sensor obstruction calculation
FailureProbability Double Probability of an object detection failure
Latency Double s Sensor latency
OpeningAngleH Double rad Horizontal opening angle
RequiredPercentageOfVisibleArea Double Required percentage of an object within the sensor cone to trigger a detection
=============================== ====== ==== ==================================================================================================
.. literalinclude:: /../../../sim/contrib/examples/Configurations/ADAS_AEB_PreventingCollisionWithObstacle/ProfilesCatalog.xml
:language: xml
:dedent: 2
:start-at: <ProfileGroup Type="Geometric2D">
:end-at: </ProfileGroup>
.. note::
Sensors also need a mounting position, defined w.r.t. the coordinate system of the vehicle (center of rear axis).
See also :ref:`profilescatalog_vehicleprofiles`.