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<h2 class="title wow fadeInDown" data-wow-duration="500ms" data-wow-delay=".2s">What's New in Sirius 2.0</h2>
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<img class="shadow" width="340" src="../images/whatsnew2/sirius2-bigdiagram.png" />
<h2>Performance & Scalability</h2>
<p>For this release, a special effort was made on the performance and scalability.</p>
<p>These improvements have been tested and validated with models composed of more than 500 000 model elements displayed in 20 000 representations. </p>
<p> </p>
<li><b>Initialization</b>: Sirius is initializing itself quicker providing a better feedback on startups and first usage.</li>
<li><b>Calls from the UI</b>: Calls from the UI are faster: it scales better when you have thousands of representations.</li>
<li><b>Lists</b>: Diagram having lists containing numerous elements are created and refreshed quicker.</li>
<li><b>Select All</b>: Select All operation is now instantly completed on a big model, without any lag.</li>
<li><b>Tree Editors</b>: Tree Editors defined using Sirius are now more efficient in refreshing the SWT Components.</li>
<li><b>Delete</b>: Delete operations are now scaling based on how many things have changed, independently of the size of the model.</li>
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<h2>User Experience</h2>
<p>This release comes with many ergonomic improvements for a better edition of diagrams.</p>
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<h2>Shapes Distribution</h2>
<p>Now users can homogeneously distribute shapes: horizontaly or vertically, based on the gap between shapes or their centers.</p>
<p><img class="shadow" src="../images/whatsnew2/sirius2-distribution.png" /></p>
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<h2>Edge Centering</h2>
<p>The creator of the modeling tool can force an edge end to be always directed toward the center of a node.</p>
<p><img class="shadow" width="300" src="../images/whatsnew2/sirius2-edge-centering.png" /></p>
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<h2>Snap to Shape</h2>
<p>Now, the Snap to Shape option is selected by default on new diagrams. It displays smart guides to help you aligning objects to each others.</p>
<p><img class="shadow" src="../images/whatsnew2/sirius2-snap-to-shape.png" /></p>
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<h2>Snap to Grid</h2>
<p>When creating a new object with the Snap to grid option activated, it is automatically aligned to the grid.</p>
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<p><img class="shadow" src="../images/whatsnew2/sirius2-snap-to-grid.png" /></p>
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<h2>Touching mode</h2>
<p>When drawing a selecting zone on a diagram, each object touched by this zone will be added to the selection (before, the selected objects had to be entirely inside the zone).</p>
<p><img class="shadow" src="../images/whatsnew2/sirius2-touch-mode.png" /></p>
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<p>When an object is not visible on the diagram, its selection from the outline reveals it: Sirius automatically moves the displayed zone of the diagram in order to make the object visible.</p>
<p><img class="shadow" src="../images/whatsnew2/sirius2-outline.png" /></p>
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<p>The move and resize of existing elements is better managed:</p>
<li>Changing the location of an edge's end only changes its closest segment;</li>
<li>Resizing a shape doesn't modify its edge(s) location;</li>
<li>Increasing the size of a container doesn't modify the location of its children</li>
<p><img class="shadow" src="../images/whatsnew2/sirius2-edges.png" /></p>
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<h2>Navigation and creation menus</h2>
<p>The former <i>Navigate</i> menu on a diagram element has been replaced by two distinct ones:</p>
<li><i>New</i>: provides the sub-menus to create new diagrams for the selected element;</li>
<li><i>Open</i>: provides sub-menus to open existing diagrams owned by the selected element.</li>
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<p><img class="shadow" width="300" src="../images/whatsnew2/sirius2-menus.png" /></p>
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<img class="shadow" src="../images/whatsnew2/sirius2-headless.png" />
<h2>Headless mode</h2>
<p>New APIs have been added to run Sirius without any UI.</p><p>Things like loading a representation resource, creating a diagram, refreshing it, modifying the model and saving can now be used as a server-side or continuous integration process. </p>
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<p>The complete list of changes is available here: <a href="" title="New & Noteworthy"></a>.</p>
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