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<h2 class="title wow fadeInDown" data-wow-duration="500ms" data-wow-delay=".2s">What's New in Sirius 3.0</h2>
<h3 class="wow fadeInDown" data-wow-duration="500ms" data-wow-delay=".3s"></h3>
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<h2>Smarter Diagrams and Better User Experience</h2>
<p>This release comes with many ergonomic improvements for a better edition of diagrams.</p>
<br /><br />
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<h2>Anchor on borders</h2>
<p>Now the edges are linked closely to the images. You only need to use images with a transparent background.</p>
<p><img class="shadow" src="../images/whatsnew3/imageborder.png" width="300px" /></p>
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<h2>Underline and strike through</h2>
<p>In the Appearance tab, in addition to <i>Bold</i> and <i>Italic</i>, it is now possible to set the font formatting style to <i>Underline</i> and <i>Strike through</i>.</p>
<p><img class="shadow" src="../images/whatsnew3/underline.png" width="300px" /></p>
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<p>Containers now support vertical and horizontal compartments layout, thanks to new possible values for <i>Children Presentation</i> attribute.</p>
<p><img class="shadow" src="../images/whatsnew3/compartments.png" width="300px" /></p>
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<h2>Tree and table</h2>
<p>Keyboard shortcuts were added on table and tree: refresh (F5), quick outline (Ctrl+O) and line deletion (Del).</p>
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<h2>Background image</h2>
<p>On diagrams, it is now possible to set a custom background image on list containers.</p>
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<h2>Container label visibility</h2>
<p>When users need to simplify their diagram, now they can hide the label of containers.</p>
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<img class="shadow" width="400" src="../images/whatsnew3/sirius-query-bench.png" />
<h2>Easier and Faster Query Language: AQL</h2>
<p>Sirius 3.0 introduces AQL (Acceleo Query Language), a new language that makes your life easier writing expressions for querying EMF models.</p>
<p>Usable as a new query language in Sirius configuration files, AQL is a simplified and optimized variant of Acceleo /
OCL. The implementation has been specifically tailored for the Sirius context, providing much better performance.</p>
<p>AQL expressions start with the <i>aql:</i> prefix and have a syntax similar to Acceleo (without the enclosing [../] brackets). This new syntax is very easy to learn: if you know OCL, you already know AQL!</p>
<p>The following example shows how an Acceleo 3 expression can be simplified with AQL:<br />
<li><b>With Acceleo: </b><i>[if father.oclIsUndefined() then '' else endif/]</i></li>
<li><b>With AQL: </b> <i></i></li>
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<h2>Better Performance and Memory Consumption</h2>
<p>This release comes with lots of performance improvements, also including reduced memory consumption. This was tested and validated with models composed of more than <b>1 million elements</b>.</p>
<p>Here is a list of major works done for Sirius 3.0:</p>
<p> </p>
<li><b>Big operations (open, save, close, etc.):</b> the model footprint was reduced by 20% and the save strategy was reviewed.</li>
<li><b>Right-click latency:</b> selecting an object in the project explorer was optimized for large models.</li>
<li><b>Properties edition:</b> property views made with EEF are better integrated to greatly improve performances.</li>
<li><b>Refresh:</b> the refresh operation was improved for diagrams, trees and tables.</li>
<li><b>Image caches:</b> diagrams with a lot of images scale better.</li>
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<img class="shadow" width="400" src="../images/whatsnew3/imagepathselection.png" />
<h2>Stronger Modeling Tools</h2>
<p>With Sirius 3.0.0, potential problems when creating a new Sirius-based modeler are detected earlier:</p>
<li>Java services can be defined and tested directly in your current development environment.</li>
<li>A selection wizard guarantees the valid specification of images path.</li>
<li>A quick Outline is now available to easily find any element in a odesign. Just hit Ctrl+O.</li>
<li>Validation of Sirius configuration file was improved to be more complete and precise.</li>
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<br />
<p>The complete list of changes is available here: <a href="" title="New & Noteworthy"></a>.</p>
<p>Read <a href="" title="New & Noteworthy">What's new in Sirius 2.0</a> to see the new and noteworthy features of previous version.</p>
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