blob: 26daed5ce53a504baca966d66cd3d785ff26dd4d [file] [log] [blame]
* Subversive Release Notes *
* *
* Subversive - a brand new Eclipse Client for Subversion (SVN) *
* See details at *
Version 1.0.0.I20120601-1700 release date: 01 June 2012
1. What's New
The version is 1.0.0 graduation release.
Changes comparatively to the previous release version are listed below. The full list of
changes you can find in Change Log.
* Add SVN 1.7 support (bug 365627)
* Rename "Commit Templates" preferences node to the "Comments and Input History" (bug 367026)
* Smartcard Login on Windows (MSCAPI Support) (bug 351510)
+ special thanks for the contribution to Markus Oberlassnig (ilogs information logistics GmbH)
* Add SVN 1.7 API support (bug 361257)
* Replace with Revision fails to notice trivial changes on locked files (bug 353875)
+ special thanks to Neels Hofmeyr
* New decoration mode for branches and tags [fullpath] (bug 359650)
* UI commit extensions improvement (bug 356025)
+ special thanks to Jc Temp
* Create patch to Workspace could default location to current project (bug 356042)
* IRepositoryLocation state listener (bug 356024)
+ special thanks to Jc Temp, Eike Stepper
* ISVNConnector calls interception API (bug 356023)
+ special thanks to Jc Temp, Eike Stepper, Adrian
* Add "record-only" option to the merge dialog (bug 354996)
* Make SVN: 'Save Authorization Info' operation optional (bug 349111)
* Update Subversive help regarding persistent SVN+SSH connection option (bug 349139)
* Provide a flexible way to traverse resources tree in operation execution context (bug 345170)
* Provide several modes for a branch/tag creation based on the working copy (bug 343073)
* Undo and Redo doesn't work in Commit Dialog (bug 298556)
* Add the svn:mergeinfo property into the SVN Property editor list (bug 339832)
* Improve bug report facilities (bug 337250)
* Allow to branch/tag files and folders in single transaction in the SVN Repositories view (bug 335922)
* Provide API to open the History view on a specific revision range (bug 335421)
* There is no access to the SVN 1.6-related method signatures (bug 333211)
* Allow repository creation with the latest SVN Kit-based connector (bug 333202)
* Add documentation about Revision Graph options dialog (bug 317802)
* [Revision Graph] Allow to hide merge connections by pressing on merge icon (bug 319383)
* Make lighter comment color for selected node in Revision Graph (bug 317699)
* Allow to call revision graph for multi-selection (bug 318719)
* Add help about Properties View contribution in Revision Graph (bug 319109)
* Show nodes info in Properties View in Revision Graph (bug 319104)
* Show example of date in preferences (bug 299908)
* Save revision graph setting in options dialog (bug 317839)
* [Revision Graph] Allow to search revision nodes on graph (bug 319968)
* [Revision Graph] Allow to specify revisions range (bug 319249)
* Support set-depth option (bug 295217)
* Add merge information to revision graph (bug 313134)
* Incorrect console color preferences handling (bug 376929)
* NPE in SVNUtility when repository is unavailable [ID-S1M7B] (bug 377166)
* Correct supported Eclipse Platform version restriction according to the used API (bug 377864)
* "Resource '/.../.svn' does not exist" exception while checking for SVN meta-information [ID-BHMBD] (bug 378922)
* NPE while sharing project using the SVN 1.7 connector [ID-FMF5P] (bug 379628)
* NPE in ScanLocksOperation.createLockFile [ID-OKCDI] (bug 375150)
* "Document is closed" exception while writing to the console [ID-UODT8] (bug 374884)
* Missing Text fields in Commit dialog (bug 375038)
* NPE in EditTreeConflictsPanel due to wrong enablement (bug 373821)
* Class SVNConsole shouldn't extend MessageConsole (bug 373049)
* SVNConsole class shouldn't be initialized at plug-in startup (bug 370374)
* [KeyBindings] SVN Sync and Commit keybindings no longer work (bug 309074)
* Commit UI extension fails to set a commit message prior to opening the dialog (bug 372027)
* fails to return an InputStream from getContents when compare is invoked against a folder (bug 363845)
* If there were no SVN-related activities on the workspace startup, Subversive can't see that imported projects are linked to SVN (bug 336689)
* Provide "Edit properties conflicts" to edit conflicts on properties (and mark as merged) (bug 364407)
* "Edit Conflicts" action should cover both: property and content conflict cases (bug 370072)
* "Mark As Merged" seemingly has no effect on projects with property conflicts (bug 370071)
* Exception produced on Show Revision Graph for a source folder (bug 369217)
* Move refactoring cause NPE (bug 368325)
* Shift and Enter in the commit message window -annoyingly- always causes a commit (bug 366954)
* Add "path history depth" setting (bug 367027)
* There are Eclipse 3.7-specific API usage due to misleading documentation (bug 364572)
* Subversive doesn't refresh synchronize view after commit (bug 329555)
* JavaHL: Commit across multiple project atomically does not work (bug 362182)
* Collapse All and Expand All buttons are separated in Team Sync view (bug 230868)
* "Subversive JDT ignore recommendations" plug-in deadlocks on Eclipse startup (bug 359199)
* Problem with RevisionComposite_Reverse (bug 363635)
+ special thanks to Satoru Yoshida
* Problem with MarkAsMergedAction.tooltip (bug 363634)
+ special thanks to Satoru Yoshida
* SVN Compare does not allow new files to be copied (bug 362652)
* NPE while obtaining IProxyData data for the specified host [ID-ELYHN] (bug 362983)
* If there were no SVN-related activities on the workspace startup, Subversive can't see that imported projects are linked to SVN (bug 336689)
+ special thanks to Brice Laurencin, Kris De Volder
* ClassCastException in ShowHistoryViewOperation [ID-L8NW8] (bug 362570)
* Team-private members are marked at wrong time while importing the already shared project (bug 361831)
+ special thanks to Kris De Volder
* There are no notification about the repository node absence while synchronizing workspace (bug 361829)
* ReplaceWithRemoteOperation ignores cancellation event (bug 359652)
* When updating depth "Recursively" should be the default option (bug 359651)
* SVN: '0x00400113: Show Conflict Editor' operation finished with error: null (bug 358998)
* FileNotFoundException in ReplaceWithLatestRevisionAction [ID-PASE4] (bug 323684)
* Unable to compare files from different branches (bug 356870)
* False warning about tag modification (bug 358068)
* Create branch from revision not work on project (bug 357562)
* NPE in SwitchOperation [ID-LK5LW] (bug 351434)
* NPE in ResourceCompareInput [ID-H92AC] (bug 356872)
* NPE in MarkAsMergedOperation [ID-WZ3PP] (bug 357104)
* Problem during Replace with Latest from repository (temporary path is too long) (bug 297721)
* Changes model initialization shouldn't cause an I/O exception [ID-AI4E7] (bug 355901)
* Class Preferences, methods savePluginPreferences() and getProxyDataForHost() are deprecated (bug 355996)
* GetRemoteFolderChildrenOperation implementation depends on the JDK specific (bug 352947)
* Do not mess svn:externals order (bug 350143)
+ special thanks to Julien HENRY
* Duplicate folder name for svn:externals if same destination (bug 353009)
+ special thanks to Julien HENRY
* Performance problem with Create Patch (bug 333785)
* Refactor SVN locks support code (bug 354058)
* Data processing error is mistakenly recognized as a bug in the CreatePatchOperation code [ID-W32HV] (bug 354062)
* When i "create patch". The patch file don't encode in utf-8. (bug 284081)
* Missing Resources dialog does not resize correctly (bug 304486)
* JavaHL is independent of Windows, please properly document this (bug 307397)
* Exceptions when eclipse start (bug 302569)
* Validation of the issue number using bugtraq:logregex is broken (bug 300402)
* SetRevisionAuthorNameOperation shouldn't be performed if original (commit, copy etc.) operation failed [ID-WP0UC] (bug 354812)
* Negative revision numbers are not allowed [ID-VBVYH] (bug 296094)
* 'Replace with revision' fails when using javahl16 connector (bug 351370)
* SVN repositories view blocks UI thread (bug 295110)
* Useless reordering in the SVN Repositories View (bug 351649)
* Team Hook does not work while moving versioned files or folders into unmanaged project (bug 254846)
* NPE in CompareEditorInput.setDirty in Eclipse 3.7 [ID-MAMS9] (bug 348787)
* SVNKitconnector may access uninitialized CoreExtensionsManager (bug 351357)
* IllegalArgumentException in AbstractActionOperation [ID-CUA4N] (bug 350077)
* extremely poor refreshLocalResourceImpl performance (bug 259287)
* FileReplaceListener performs time consuming actions at inappropriate time (bug 321542)
* svn perspective launches svnserve which never close (bug 305658)
* Correct french translation for PerformancePreferencePage_enableCache (bug 349138)
* Correct help section regarding latest changes in Merge Dialog behaviour (bug 347143)
* Bug fix: update version number to the actual 1.6.15 (bug 347568)
* Indigo requires license update (bug 346698)
* Sometimes SVN Kit does not throw an exception when repository is inaccessible [ID-VIT54] (bug 347737)
* Deadlock when starting Eclipse with Synch View open [ID-V0QM2] (bug 313866)
* Indigo requires license update (bug 346698)
* Make revision selection dialog more intuitive (automatically include lesser revision changes into the selected range) (bug 319962)
* No way to specify correctly a name for the resources traversal operation (bug 345855)
* Rename Class/Interface causes code garbage with Subversive and keyword substitution (bug 315279)
* MarkAsMergedOperation ignores cancellation event (bug 345169)
* SVNMoveDeleteHook does not report any errors happened while moving resources (bug 344361)
* Unused NLS message (bug 343439)
* Branch/Tag action from the "Team" menu blocks UI thread (bug 342743)
* "Keep resource history" option name in the "Team->Copy To" dialog causes misunderstanding (bug 341723)
* Set Keywords action is enabled for new resources (bug 311665)
* NPE in SVNHistoryPage resource state listener [ID-Q5KRR] (bug 341896)
* Undo Delete does not restore the latest file state but the version before (bug 340318)
* Missing NLS string in (bug 341364)
* UIMonitorUtility is not equipped to handle applications with more than one shell (bug 341271)
* IndexOutOfBoundsException during cache update (bug 315544)
* Correct connectors compatibility ID [ID-D1U3Y] (bug 340527)
* Correct Mylyn integration feature dependencies (bug 340376)
* IllegalStateException in discovery feature when network problem or cancellation occurs [ID-FEJWD] (bug 334408)
* Extract operation fails with exception [ID-BOAKP] (bug 339469)
* "Unrecognized node kind" error while comparing resources [ID-RTYVU] (bug 338876)
* Unhandled EOF exception in Revision Graph [EID-NVOHU] (bug 338485)
* No error dialog appears if commit fails (bug 338641)
* "Find/Check out as": destination folder browser should open location of actual workspace [ID-P1ILO] (bug 334252)
* ResourceContentStorage does not implement equals() (bug 305866)
* Update Subversive help regarding installation and updating workflow (bug 338289)
* Remove Subversive menu in Help (bug 229495)
* The "svnconnector" extension point is broken (bug 336207)
* SWTException in SVNTeamModificationValidator when lock is required (bug 336064)
* Extract operation fails under certain conditions (bug 335079)
* Remove duplicated code parts (bug 333061)
* Pressing Cancel during compare results in invalid GUI message (no differences) (bug 328820)
* Calls to the deprecated function in the SelectPatchFilePage (bug 332775)
* There is a compilation issue in the core plug-in under Eclipse 3.7 (bug 332528)
* Connectors from polarion update site not detected (bug 328104)
* No serialVersionUID for the serializable class ActionIDList (bug 332235)
* Finish to create new SVN repository and share project in single operation fails (bug 330780)
* IWorkspaceRoot.findFilesForLocation() is deprecated (bug 331373)
* IWorkspaceRoot.findContainersForLocation() is deprecated (bug 331188)
* [ID-ZT6S5] "Negative revision numbers are not allowed" error while performing "Mark As Merged" operation (bug 330737)
* Eclipse-LazyStart option is deprecated in Eclipse 3.3 and later versions (bug 331003)
* Lots of warnings in the files (bug 330843)
* Use Shell from the FileModificationValidationContext if possible (bug 330638)
* Eclipse 3.5 discovery feature connector source code produces compilation errors (bug 330637)
* SVNTeamModificationValidator does not take into account LockProposeUtility.proposeLock(..) returned status (bug 330290)
* Error in menu item title: "Comapre With" (bug 330228)
* Ability to reject incoming changes (make Mark as Merged active) (bug 297821)
* Finish button on "Select Resource" dialog not enabled until a different revision is selected (bug 329756)
* Correct simple share mode option name (bug 329726)
* Wrong French translation for a SVN error (bug 329201)
* Some NLS messages should be removed (bug 329187)
* SWTException when Subversive UI plugin starts in a worker thread (bug 326684)
* No tooltip for clock icon on merge dialog (bug 326074)
* NPE starting target workspace (bug 328149)
* Properties conflict on project makes Subversive totally unusable. (bug 283999)
* Update javahl binaries to 1.6.12 version (bug 326829)
* Subversive does not start correctly under Eclipse 3.5.x with discovery feature enabled (bug 326834)
* Remove SVN 1.4-related connectors from the discovery feature list (bug 326831)
* Discovery feature do not starts under Eclipse 3.6 (bug 326564)
* The conflict editor ignores custom file encoding on the right hand side, uses encoding from container instead (bug 325122)
* Resolving Tree Conflicts - Apply Local Changes doesn't work on 2.2.2 (bug 320843)
* Subversive should not set forcibly svn:mime-type to text/plain (bug 322772)
* NPE in SVNRemoteStorage [ID-AFBM0] (bug 324394)
* Default key binding in editors prevents AT from working properly (bug 316097)
* Commit Comments history depth doesn't have any effect, when i change it to lower value (bug 302571)
* [Revision Graph] Add ... to Show Revision Graph action (bug 319138)
* Handle missing resources in Commit dialog (bug 312874)
* [Revision Graph] Increase vertical offset between neighbor nodes (bug 319133)
* Create patch file filter not working (bug 302937)
* [Revision Graph] Increase graph margin (bug 319129)
* Error when calling SVN Info for moved resource (bug 315545)
* [Revision Graph] Show graph for called resource (bug 319243)
* Error in annotation if there are specified revisions (bug 317612)
* Connector discovery says it's retrieving list from, but connects to (bug 320955)
* Show History failure - No such revision (bug 312464)
* [Revision Graph] Improve comment presentation (bug 319228)
* [Revision Graph] Improve tooltip presentation (bug 319148)
* Allow to truncate paths in Revision Graph (bug 319029)
* Handle if errors happen during revision info fetching at Revision Graph (bug 317801)
* NPE in create patch (bug 300720)
* Cache directory is empty for revision graph (bug 317266)
* All updates in a merge marked as conflicts (bug 312585)
* [Show History] Error: Retrieval of mergeinfo unsupported (bug 257669)
* Lock user account with Subversive (bug 314490)
* Realm credentials are not used in auth prompt (bug 314639)
* Unable to customize preferences when Subversive is embedded in an eclipse product (bug 311019)
2. Information
2.1. System Requirements
Subversive requires JDK 1.5 or higher and supports following versions of Eclipse:
* 3.6
* 3.7
* 3.8
* 4.2
Subversive supports
Subversion version 1.4-1.6 with SVN Kit 1.3.7 and JavaHL 1.6.15,
Subversion version 1.7 with SVN Kit 1.7.4-v1 and JavaHL 1.7.4,
2.2 Known issues
* "Find projects" part of "Find/Checkout As" action could take too much time on slow connections