This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag
diff --git a/.cvsignore b/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 65655cb..0000000
--- a/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/.project b/.project
deleted file mode 100644
index 49c98a5..0000000
--- a/.project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-	<name>www-tm</name>
-	<comment></comment>
-	<projects>
-	</projects>
-	<buildSpec>
-	</buildSpec>
-	<natures>
-	</natures>
diff --git a/.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs b/.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs
deleted file mode 100644
index 651887c..0000000
--- a/.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#Wed Mar 05 13:00:00 CET 2008
diff --git a/.settings/org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.prefs b/.settings/org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.prefs
deleted file mode 100644
index ea3342e..0000000
--- a/.settings/org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.prefs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#Fri Feb 08 19:53:33 CET 2008
diff --git a/TM_press_text_2006_06.php b/TM_press_text_2006_06.php
deleted file mode 100644
index fe307db..0000000
--- a/TM_press_text_2006_06.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-<?php  																														require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	$App 	= new App();	$Nav	= new Nav();	$Menu 	= new Menu();		include($App->getProjectCommon());    # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
-	#*****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# tm_press_text_2006_06.php
-	#
-	# Author: 		Martin Oberhuber
-	# Date:			2006-06-09
-	#
-	# Description: TM Press Release Jun 2006
-	#
-	#
-	#****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# Begin: page-specific settings.  Change these. 
-	$pageTitle 		= "Press Text: Target Management - Jun 2006";
-	$pageKeywords	= "Target, Embedded, Device, Press, Article";
-	$pageAuthor		= "Martin Oberhuber";
-	# Add page-specific Nav bars here
-	# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
-	# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", 	"downloads.php");
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3);
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
-	# End: page-specific settings
-	#
-	# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!	
-	$html = <<<EOHTML
-<div id="maincontent">
-	<div id="midcolumn">
-		<h1>$pageTitle</h1>
-<h2>Target Management Project</h2>
-<p>The Target Management Project is creating frameworks and a consistent UI 
-for accessing remote compute resources from Eclipse. The current code base
- (Remote Systems Explorer, RSE) supports remote file, shell and process
-  access through a supplied Java based agent, or standard protocols like FTP
-  and secure shell (ssh). Adopters are currently writing extensions to bring
-  their own proprietary protocols into the framework for accessing devices
-  like hardware debuggers. A 1.0 release is planned for October 20, a functional
-  complete milestone (M3) is planned for June 30. A 2.0 release shall be aligned
-  with Eclipse 3.3 in June 2007.</p>
-<p>For the 2.0 release planning and the longer term future, the TM project
-participants are dealing with advanced extensions to the framework in
-various technology sub-groups (see 
-<a href=""></a>).
-Active discussions are also going on for collaboration with other Eclipse
-Projects, especially the 
- <a href="">CDT project</a>, the 
- <a href="">Eclipse Communication Framework (ECF)</a>, the 
- <a href="">Parallel Tools Platform (PTP)</a>, and the
- <a href="">
- Eclipse Platform/Team group.</a>
-A comprehensive 
- <a href="">document
- outlining the use-cases</a> and applicability
-of the Target Management Project is available from the "Getting Started"
-area on the Project Website at 
-  <a href=""></a>.
-<h4>active project participants:</h4>
-<ul><li>IBM - 3 committers + 1 contributor, core RSE development</li>
-    <li>Windriver - 1 committer, contributed ssh services, lots of testing, project lead and communications</li>
-    <li>PalmSource - contributed CDT Launch</li>
-    <li>Symbian - bugfixes, about to contribute zeroconf-discovery</li>
-    <li>PTP Project/LANL - testing on Macintosh, EFS, ssh</li>
-<h4>active adopters:</h4>
-<ul><li>Freescale - writing proprietary wizards for JTAG on RSE</li>
-    <li>Accelerated Technology - about to write proprietary Services for JTAG on RSE</li>
-    <li>Montavista</li>
-    <li>Siemens</li>
-<h4>features committed to CVS:</h4> 
-<ul><li>Remote file system access through ssh, ftp or dstore protocols</li>
-    <li>Remote shell (command) access through ssh or dstore protocols</li>
-    <li>Remote process access through dstore protocol on Linux</li>
-    <li>dstore protocol implementation and agent for remote search, remote archive exploring, remote process and other pluggable miners</li>
-    <li>CDT Remote Launch Integration Example</li>
-    <li>Common UI - Single consistent view, including filters</li>
-    <li>Team sharing of connection and filter definitions</li>
-    <li>Framework for plugging in custom protocols, services and subsystems</li>
-<h4>what features are coming next:</h4> 
-<ul><li>user-defined menus and actions for instant access to remote programs</li>
-    <li>import/export wizards for fast remote file transfer</li>
-    <li>Apache Commons Net integration for FTP, Telnet</li>
-    <li>Bring documentation/examples up-to-date</li>
-<h4>release plans:</h4> 
-<ul><li>1.0 release planned for October 20
-    <ul><li>M3 milestone (June 30) to be feature complete</li>
-    </ul></li>
-    <li>2.0 release planned with Eclipse 3.3 June 2007</li>
-<h4>recruiting efforts:</h4>
-<ul><li>A lot of companies is already active on the TM project, we continue to lower the bar for using and extending the RSE</li>
-    <li>Communications with other Eclipse projects, e.g. Platform/Team, TPTP and WTP. They all have some need for remote system access.</li>
-    <li>RSE ssh tools will be useful for every Eclipse committer, we want to give simple access through an update site (and announce
-  publicly among all committers) our M3 milestone end of june</li>
-<h4>quotation from the project lead:</h4>
-"The real benefit of RSE is that it gathers lots of totally heterogeneous systems and subsystems under a single consistent view." 
-	</div>
-	# Generate the web page
-	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
diff --git a/_projectCommon.php b/_projectCommon.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0230c62..0000000
--- a/_projectCommon.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-# <modeling variables>
-$PR = "dsdp/tm";
-$projectName = "Target Management";
-$isEMFserver = (preg_match("/^emf(?:\.torolab\.ibm\.com)$/", $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]));
-$isBuildServer = (preg_match("/^(dsdp|build)\.eclipse\.org$/", $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"])) || $isEMFserver;
-$isBuildDotEclipseServer = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] == "";
-$isWWWserver = (preg_match("/^(?:www.|)$/", $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]));
-$isEclipseCluster = (preg_match("/^(?:www.||download.|download1.|build.)$/", $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]));
-$debug = (isset ($_GET["debug"]) && preg_match("/^\d+$/", $_GET["debug"]) ? $_GET["debug"] : -1);
-$writableRoot = ($isBuildServer ? $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/dsdp/includes/" : "/home/data/httpd/writable/dsdp/");
-$writableBuildRoot = $isBuildDotEclipseServer ? "/opt/public/dsdp" : "/home/www-data";
-$rooturl = "http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/$PR";
-$downurl = ($isBuildServer ? "" : "");
-$bugurl = "";
-# Set the theme for your project's web pages.
-# See the Committer Tools "How Do I" for list of themes
-# Optional: defaults to system theme 
-#$theme = "Lazarus";
-if (isset ($_GET["skin"]) && preg_match("/^(Blue|EclipseStandard|Industrial|Lazarus|Miasma|Modern|OldStyle|Phoenix|PhoenixTest|PlainText)$/", $_GET["skin"], $regs))
-	$theme = $regs[1];
-	$theme = "Lazarus";
-/* projects/components in cvs */
-/* "proj" => "cvsname" */
-#$cvsprojs = array (); /* should always be empty */
-$cvsprojs = array (
-	"rse" => ""
-/* sub-projects/components in cvs for projects/components above (if any) */
-/* "cvsname" => array("shortname" => "cvs-subname") */
-$cvscoms = array(
-	"" => array (
-		"terminal" => "terminal",
-		"discovery" => "discovery"
-		/* add more here */
-	)
-/* Readable Project names: "bugzilla component" => "shortname" */
-$projects = array(
-	"RSE" => "rse",
-	#"TCF" => "tcf",
-	"Terminal" => "terminal",
-	#"Core" => "discovery",
-$bugcoms = array_flip($projects);
-$bugcoms = preg_replace("/ /", "%20", $bugcoms);
-$extraprojects = array(); //components with only downloads, no info yet, "prettyname" => "directory"
-$nodownloads = array("coordinated","jcrm","temporality", "emf4net"); //components with only information, no downloads, or no builds available yet, "projectkey"
-$nonewsgroup = array(); //components without newsgroup
-$nomailinglist = array(); //components without mailinglist
-#$incubating = $projects; // ALL components are incubating
-$incubating = array("tcf"); //Only TCF is incubating for now
-$hasmoved = array(
-	"query" => "emf", "transaction" => "emf", "validation" => "emf",
-	"eodm" => "mdt", "ocl" => "mdt",
-	"jet" => "m2t", "jeteditor" => "m2t"); // components which have moved, and to where
-$nomenclature = "Component"; //are we dealing with "components" or "projects"?
-include_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/dsdp/includes/scripts.php";
-$regs = null;
-$proj = (isset($_GET["project"]) && preg_match("/^(" . join("|", $projects) . ")$/", $_GET["project"], $regs) ? $regs[1] : getProjectFromPath($PR));
-$projct= preg_replace("#^/#", "", $proj);
-$buildtypes = array(
-	"R" => "Release",
-	"S" => "Stable",
-	"I" => "Integration",
-	"M" => "Maintenance",
-	"N" => "Nightly"
-# </modeling variables>
-	# Define your project-wide Nav bars here.
-	# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
-	# these are optional
-	#$Nav->addNavSeparator("Target Management", 	"/dsdp/tm/index.php");
-	#$Nav->addCustomNav("About", 		"/dsdp/tm/about.php", 	 "_self", 2);
-	#$Nav->addCustomNav("Downloads", 	"/dsdp/tm/downloads.php", "_self", 2);
-	#$Nav->addCustomNav("Getting Started", "/dsdp/tm/tutorial/index.php",  "_self", 2);
-	#$Nav->addCustomNav("Development", 	"/dsdp/tm/development/index.php", "_self", 2);
-	$Nav->setLinkList(array());
-	$branding = <<<EOBRANDING
-<div id="branding">
-<h1><a href="">Target Management (RSE)</a></h1>
-	$Menu->setProjectBranding($branding);
-	$Nav->addNavSeparator("Target Management", 	"/dsdp/tm");
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("About This Project", "", "_self", 1);
-	#$Nav->addCustomNav("About", "/dsdp/tm/tm-new/about", "_self", 2);
-	#$Nav->addCustomNav("Team", "/dsdp/tm/tm-new/team",	"_self", 2);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("Team", "/dsdp/tm/development/contributors.php",	"_self", 2);
-	#$Nav->addCustomNav("Demos", "/dsdp/tm/tm-new/demos", "_self", 2);
-	#$Nav->addCustomNav("Wiki", "", "_self", 2); 
-	$Nav->addNavSeparator("Users", "", "_self", 2);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("Getting Started", "/dsdp/tm/tutorial/index.php", "_self", 2);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("Downloads", "", "_self", 2);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("FAQ (wiki)", "", "_self", 2);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("Newsgroup", "", "_self", 2);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("Bugs", "/dsdp/tm/bugs", "_self", 2);
-	$Nav->addNavSeparator("Integrators", "", "_self", 2);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("API Plan", "/dsdp/tm/development/plan.php", "_self", 2);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("Documents", "/dsdp/tm/doc/", "_self", 2);
-	#$Nav->addCustomNav("Release Notes", "/$PR/news/relnotes.php?project=$proj&amp;version=HEAD", "_self", 2);
-	#$Nav->addCustomNav("Legal", "dsdp/tm/development/tm-log.csv", "_self", 2);
-	$Nav->addNavSeparator("Contributors", "/dsdp/tm/development/contributors.php", "_self", 2);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("Contributing (wiki)", "", "_self", 2);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("Mailing List", "", "_self", 2);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("CVS", "/dsdp/tm/development/cvs_setup.php", "_self", 2);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("Development Tools", "/dsdp/tm/development/", "_self", 2);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("Search CVS", "/$PR/searchcvs.php?" . "+days%3A+7", "_self", 2);
-	$collist = "%26query_format%3Dadvanced&amp;column_changeddate=on&amp;column_bug_severity=on&amp;column_priority=on&amp;column_rep_platform=on&amp;column_bug_status=on&amp;column_product=on&amp;column_component=on&amp;column_version=on&amp;column_target_milestone=on&amp;column_short_short_desc=on&amp;splitheader=0";
-	#$Nav->addCustomNav("Open Bugs", "$bugurl/bugs/colchange.cgi?rememberedquery=product%3D" . $projectName . (isset ($bugcoms[$proj]) ? "%26component=$bugcoms[$proj]" : "") . "%26bug_status%3DNEW%26bug_status%3DASSIGNED%26bug_status%3DREOPENED%26order%3Dbugs.bug_status%2Cbugs.target_milestone%2Cbugs.bug_id" . $collist, "_self", 2);
-#$App->AddExtraHtmlHeader("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/dsdp/includes/common.css\"/>\n");
-unset ($bugcoms);
diff --git a/about.php b/about.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d921b63..0000000
--- a/about.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-<?php  																														require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	$App 	= new App();	$Nav	= new Nav();	$Menu 	= new Menu();		include($App->getProjectCommon());    # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
-	#*****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# template.php
-	#
-	# Author: 		Martin Oberhuber
-	# Date:			2006-02-01
-	#
-	# Description: Type your page comments here - these are not sent to the browser
-	#
-	#
-	#****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# Begin: page-specific settings.  Change these. 
-	$pageTitle 		= "About Target Management";
-	$pageKeywords	= "device, target";
-	$pageAuthor		= "Martin Oberhuber";
-	# Add page-specific Nav bars here
-	# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
-	# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", 	"downloads.php");
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3);
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
-	# End: page-specific settings
-	#
-	# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!	
-	$html = <<<EOHTML
-<div id="maincontent">
-	<div id="midcolumn">
-		<h1>$pageTitle</h1>
-	<h2>Mission Statement</h2>
-    The Target Management project creates data models and frameworks
-    to configure and manage remote systems, their connections, and their services.
-    </P>
-    <UL>
-      <LI><I>Remote systems</I> (aka targets) can range from large-scale host computers, multi-board 
-      or multi-core parallel systems to target boards without even a CPU or FPGA (connected
-      by a hardware debugging box).</LI>
-      <LI><I>Configuration</I> means dealing with board description files from a variety of sources,
-      displaying remote system components and manipulating board and connection properties.</LI>
-      <LI><I>Management</I> means maintaining a list of remote systems which is team
-      shareable and available to other subsystems, creating groups of systems when appropriate,
-      and handling access control to targets that are shared in a team (board lab).</LI>
-      <LI><I>Connections</I> can range from TCP/IP standard protocols like FTP or telnet,
-	  secure encryption, authentication and firewall tunnelling (ssh), to serial line terminal and 
-	  vendor-specific protocols for remote agent and on-chip debugging (JTAG) solutions.
-	  We want connection schemes and protocols to be pluggable in our framework.</LI>
-	  <LI><I>Services</I> on remote systems include downloading software and data,
-      launching single or multiple configurations, starting and stopping cores,
-      resetting and querying target information.</LI>
-    </UL>
-    <P>
-    Since there are many different vendors and solutions around in the device software
-    space, the main charter of target management is to provide data models and frameworks
-    that are flexible and open enough for vendor-specific extensions. Sample implementations 
-    are provided for TCP/IP Secure Shell (ssh) connections, FTP data transfer and gdb remote launching 
-    in the CDT environment. The basis for our implementations is an open-source version
-    of the <A HREF="">
-    IBM Remote System Explorer</A>. Current releases can be downloaded for evaluation
-    <a href="">here</a>.
-	  <div class="homeitem3col">
-		<h3>For more information, see the</h3>
-    	<ul>
-    	<li><a href="">
-      		Target Management Overview Slides</a>
-    	  	which include a diagram of the envisioned components and architecture for our project
-    	  	(<a href="">PPT</a>
-    	  	| <a href="">PDF</a>).
-    	  	</li>
-		<li><a href="">TM Webinar</a>:
-		  goals, architecture, future plans and online demo
-		  (<a href="">50 minute full recording</a> |
-		  <a href="">PPT slides</a>)
-		  </li> 
-    	<li><a href="">
-      		DSDP Top-Level Overview Diagrams</a> to understand how the Target Management
-      		Project fits into DSDP, and what its basic building blocks are.</li> 
-    	<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/doc/DSDPTM_Use_Cases_v1.1c.pdf">
-      		Target Management Use-Case Document</a> 
-      		to understand what scenarios we want to cover with our project.</li>
-    	<li><a href="">
-      		IBM Remote Systems Explorer (RSE) Presentation</a>
-			to get a preview of what RSE looks like.
-		<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/plan.php">
-			Target Management Project Planning</a> 
-			to understand what features and releases are coming next.</li>
-		</ul>
-	  </div>
-	</div>
-	<div id="rightcolumn">
-		<div class="sideitem">
-			<h6>Getting started</h6>
-			<ul>				
-				<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/tutorial/index.php"
-					target="_self">TM Getting Started</a></li>
-				<li><a href=""
-					target="_self">TM Overview Slides</a></li>
-				<li><a href="">TM Webinar</a>
-				    </li>
-				<li><a href="" target="_self">
-				    TM 2.0 Release Review Slides</a></li>
-			    <li><a href="" 
-			    	target="_self">DSDP Overview Diagrams</a></li>				
-				<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/doc/DSDPTM_Use_Cases_v1.1c.pdf"
-					target="_self">TM Use Cases Document</a></li>
-				<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/plan.php"
-					target="_self">TM Project Plan</a></li>
-			</ul>
-		</div>
-	# Generate the web page
-	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
diff --git a/bugs/index.php b/bugs/index.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e65a3d..0000000
--- a/bugs/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-<?php  																														require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	$App 	= new App();	$Nav	= new Nav();	$Menu 	= new Menu();		include($App->getProjectCommon());    # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
-	#*****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# index.php
-	#
-	# Author: 		Kevin Doyle
-	# Date:			2008-01-25			
-	#
-	# Description:	Display a list of bug queries and how to open a new bug
-	#
-	#
-	#****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# Begin: page-specific settings.  Change these. 
-	$pageTitle 		= "Target Management Bugs";
-	$pageKeywords	= "target management, remote system explorer, tm, rse, Eclipse, device, target";
-	$pageAuthor		= "Kevin Doyle";
-	# Add page-specific Nav bars here
-	# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
-	# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", 	"downloads.php");
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3);
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
-	# End: page-specific settings
-	#
-	# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!	
-	$html = <<<EOHTML
-	<div id="maincontent">
-	<div id="midcolumn">
-		<div class="homeitem3col">
-			<h3>Found a Bug?  Have an enhancement idea?</h3>
-			<ul>
-				<li>You can submit bugs/enhancement requests though <a href="">Bugzilla</a>.</li>
-				<li>See the <a href="">FAQ</a> for what to include in your bug reports</li>
-			</ul>
-		</div>
-		<div class="homeitem3col">
-			<h3>Queries</h3>
-			<ul>
-				<li><a href="">
-				Open severe bugs (blocker, critical, major, P1, P2)</a></li>
-				<li><a href="">
-				All open bugs with severity normal</a></li>
-				<li><a href="">
-				All open bugs with severity minor or trivial</a></li>
-				<li><a href="">
-				All open enhancement requests</a></li>
-				<li><a href="">
-				Remote System Explorer bugs</a></li>
-				<li><a href="">
-				Terminal bugs</a></li>
-				<li><a href="">
-				BugDay Bugs</a></li>
-				<li><a href="">
-				Helpwanted Bugs</a></li>
-				<li><a href="">
-				All Resolved Bugs</a></li>
-			</ul>
-			<p>
-			See the <a href="/dsdp/tm/development/bug_process.php">Bug Process Page</a> for more queries and information.
-			<p>
-		</div>
-	</div>
-	# Generate the web page
-	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
diff --git a/build/.cvsignore b/build/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 79eb93b..0000000
--- a/build/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/_common.php b/build/_common.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 190e5bf..0000000
--- a/build/_common.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-require_once ("../../includes/buildServer-common.php");
-$options = array (
-	"BaseBuilderBranch" => "M4_34",
-	"BranchAndJDK" => array (
-		",------------",
-		"3.0.0=HEAD,/opt/sun-java2-5.0",
-		"2.0.3=R2_0_maintenance,/opt/sun-java2-5.0",
-		#"1.0.2=R1_0_maintenance,/opt/sun-java2-1.4",
-		",------------",
-		"3.0.0=HEAD,/opt/public/common/ibm-java2-ppc-50",
-		"2.0.3=R2_0_maintenance,/opt/public/common/ibm-java2-ppc-50",
-		#"1.0.2=R1_0_maintenance,/opt/public/stp/apps/IBMJava2-ppc-142" // bug 178681
-	),
-	"Mapfile_Rule_Default" => 0, // 0: "Use Map, No Tagging=use-false" or 1:"Generate Map, No Tagging=gen-false"
-	"EmailDefault" => "", // prefil email contact box with comma-sep'd list
-	"Users" => array("moberhuber","moberhuber","moberhuber") /* build user, eclipse cvs user, IES cvs user */
diff --git a/build/index.php b/build/index.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 76f8a9c..0000000
--- a/build/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<?php require_once ("_common.php"); require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/dsdp/build/build-common.php"); ?>
diff --git a/build/log-viewer.php b/build/log-viewer.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b19790a..0000000
--- a/build/log-viewer.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-<?php require_once ("../../includes/buildServer-common.php");
-require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/dsdp/build/log-viewer-common.php"); ?>
diff --git a/build/removeRelease.php b/build/removeRelease.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7eb3940..0000000
--- a/build/removeRelease.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-require_once ("../../includes/buildServer-common.php");
-require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/modeling/includes/removeRelease-common.php");
diff --git a/build/sideitems-common.php b/build/sideitems-common.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f44b9f2..0000000
--- a/build/sideitems-common.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/* extra sidebar stuff appended at the bottom */
-function sidebar()
-	global $PR, $projct, $isBuildServer, $isEMFserver;
-	if ($isBuildServer)
-	{
-	?>
-	<div class="sideitem">
-		<h6>Actions</h6>
-		<ul>
-			<li><a href="/<?php print $PR; ?>/<?php print $projct ? $projct : "compare"; ?>/build/">Build</a>,
-					 <a href="/<?php print $PR; ?>/<?php print $projct ? $projct : "compare"; ?>/build/promo.php">Promote</a></li>
-			<li><a href="/<?php print $PR; ?>/downloads/?project=<?php print $projct ? $projct : "compare"; ?>&amp;showAll=0&amp;showMax=5&amp;sortBy=date">See Recent Builds</a></li>
-		</ul>
-	</div>
-	<div class="sideitem">
-		<h6>Info</h6>
-		<ul>
-			<li><a href=";component=<?php echo $projct; ?>&amp;bug_status=ASSIGNED">Assigned Bugs</a></li>
-			<li><a href=";component=<?php echo $projct; ?>&amp;bug_status=RESOLVED">Resolved Bugs</a></li>
-			<li><a href="">Development This Week</a></li>
-			<li><a href="">Maintenance This Week</a></li>
-			<!-- <li><a href="<?php print $PR; ?>/downloads/downloads.php">Download Stats</a></li> -->
-			<li><a href="">Modeling Project Releng Help</a></li>
-		</ul>
-	</div>
-	}
diff --git a/conferences/2005_CDT_Conference_DSDP_Update.ppt b/conferences/2005_CDT_Conference_DSDP_Update.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index f6766b4..0000000
--- a/conferences/2005_CDT_Conference_DSDP_Update.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/development/.project b/development/.project
deleted file mode 100644
index 40dedf2..0000000
--- a/development/.project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-	<name>www-tm-development</name>
-	<comment></comment>
-	<projects>
-	</projects>
-	<buildSpec>
-	</buildSpec>
-	<natures>
-	</natures>
diff --git a/development/.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs b/development/.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f19fe0..0000000
--- a/development/.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#Wed Mar 05 13:00:00 CET 2008
diff --git a/development/bug_process.php b/development/bug_process.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 57b95d6..0000000
--- a/development/bug_process.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-<?php  																														require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	$App 	= new App();	$Nav	= new Nav();	$Menu 	= new Menu();		include($App->getProjectCommon());    # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
-	#*****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# bug_process.php
-	#
-	# Author: 		Martin Oberhuber
-	# Date:			2006-07-03
-	#
-	# Description: Bugzilla Process for the DSDP TM Project
-	#
-	#
-	#****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# Begin: page-specific settings.  Change these. 
-	$pageTitle 		= "Target Management Bug Process";
-	$pageKeywords	= "DSDP, Target Management, Bugs, Process, Guidelines";
-	$pageAuthor		= "Martin Oberhuber";
-	# Add page-specific Nav bars here
-	# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
-	# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", 	"downloads.php");
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3);
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
-	# End: page-specific settings
-	#
-	# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!	
-	$html = <<<EOHTML
-	<div id="midcolumn">
-		<h1>$pageTitle</h1>
-		<p>This documents how the Target Management Project uses 
-		<a href="">Bugzilla</a> to handle
-		bug reports, enhancement requests, patches etc. It covers
-		basic lifecycle information and clarifications for how to
-		use the various Bugzilla fields.</p>
-		<h2>Interesting Bugzilla Queries</h2>
-		<p><b>Planning and feature work</b></p>
-		<ul>
-		  <li>TM and RSE <a href="">
-		    Plan Items</a></li>
-		  <li>TM and RSE <a href="">
-		    unplanned open API</a> bugs (without any plan items as "blocks" references)</li>
-		  <li>TM and RSE <a href="">
-		    all open API</a> bugs</li>
-		  <li>TM and RSE <a href="">
-		    new bugs not yet triaged</a></li>
-		  <li>TM and RSE <a href="">
-		    2.0.4 assigned bugs</a></li>
-		  <li>TM and RSE <a href="">
-		    3.0M7 assigned bugs</a></li>
-		  <li>TM and RSE <a href="">
-		    Bugs related to PII</a></li>
-		  <li><a href="">
-		    TCF open bugs</a></li>
-		  <li><a href="">
-		    Terminal open bugs</a></li>
-		  <li>TM and RSE <a href="">
-		    bugs deferred to the future</a></li>
-		</ul>
-		<p><b>Bugfix and Contribution work</b></p>
-		<ul>
-		  <li>TM and RSE <a href="">
-		    open severe bugs (major, critical, blocker)</a></li>
-		  <li>TM and RSE <a href="">
-		    open hi-pri bugs</a> (major, critical, blocker, P1 or P2)</li>
-		  <li>TM and RSE <a href="">
-		    open bugs assigned to RC3</a>
-		    (or report: <a href="">other milestones</a>)
-		    </li>
-		  <li>TM and RSE <a href="">
-		    open bugs with patches attached</a></li>
-	      <li>TM and RSE <a href="">
-		    open current bugs</a> (bugs which changed last week, except deferred with Target Milestone="---" or Target Milestone="Future")</li>
-		  <li>TM and RSE <a href="">
-		    bugs fixed last week</a> (important for verification!)
-		</ul>
-		<p><b>Bugs assigned to committers or contributors</b></p>
-		<ul>
-		  <li>TM and RSE
-		    <a href="">
-		    Assigned to Inbox</a></li>
-		  <li>TM and RSE <a href="">
-		    Report: All Open, Assignee vs. Priority</a> - Helps to see who is working on high priority issues;<br/>
-		    allows to pick a particular assignee in order to create <b>"assigned to me"</b> reports as follows
-		    <p/>
-		    <table border=1>
-		      <tr><th>Company</th><th>TM Open Assigned to</th><th>NEW for</th><th>Changed last week for</th></tr>
-		      <tr><td rowspan="4">IBM</td>
-		        <td><a href="">david_dykstal</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">david_dykstal</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">david_dykstal</a></td>
-		      </tr><tr>
-		        <td><a href="">dmcknigh</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">dmcknigh</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">dmcknigh</a></td>
-		      </tr><tr>
-		        <td><a href="">kjdoyle</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">kjdoyle</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">kjdoyle</a></td>
-		      </tr><tr>
-		        <td><a href="">xuanchen</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">xuanchen</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">xuanchen</a></td>
-		      </tr><tr>
-		        <td rowspan="5">Wind River</td>
-		        <td><a href="">martin.oberhuber</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">martin.oberhuber</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">martin.oberhuber</a></td>
-		      </tr><tr>
-		        <td><a href="">uwe.stieber</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">uwe.stieber</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">uwe.stieber</a></td>
-		      </tr><tr>
-		        <td><a href="">michael.scharf</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">michael.scharf</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">michael.scharf</a></td>
-		      </tr><tr>
-		        <td><a href="">eugene.tarassov</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">eugene.tarassov</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">eugene.tarassov</a></td>
-		      </tr><tr>
-		        <td><a href="">felix.burton</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">felix.burton</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">felix.burton</a></td>
-		      </tr><tr>
-		        <td>ProSyst</td>
-		        <td><a href="">r_gerganov</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">r_gerganov</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">r_gerganov</a></td>
-		      </tr><tr>
-		        <td>Private</td>
-		        <td><a href="">javier.montalvoorus</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">javier.montalvoorus</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">javier.montalvoorus</a></td>
-		      </tr><tr>
-		        <td rowspan="6">Contributors</td>
-		        <td><a href="">ewa.matejska</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">ewa.matejska</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">ewa.matejska</a></td>
-		      </tr><tr>
-		        <td><a href="">ykuo</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">ykuo</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">ykuo</a></td>
-		      </tr><tr>
-		        <td><a href="">adushistova</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">adushistova</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">adushistova</a></td>
-		      </tr><tr>
-		        <td><a href="">lothar.werzinger</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">lothar.werzinger</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">lothar.werzinger</a></td>
-		      </tr><tr>
-		        <td><a href="">rupenm</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">rupenm</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">rupenm</a></td>
-		      </tr><tr>
-		        <td><a href="">takuya</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">takuya</a></td>
-		        <td><a href="">takuya</a></td>
-		      </tr>
-		    </table></li>
-		</ul>
-		<p><b>QA queries</b></p>
-		<ul>
-		    <!--
-		  <li>TM and RSE
-		    <a href=""> 
-		    Bugs fixed for RSE 1.0.1 (by target milestone)</a></li>
-		    -->
-		  <li>TM
-		    <a href="">
-		    major, critical, blocker, P1 or P2 fixed but not yet verified</a>
-		  <li>TM
-		    <a href="">
-		    API bugs fixed for RC2</a>
-		  <li>TM
-		    <a href="">
-		    all bugs fixed for RC2</a>
-		  <li>TM
-		    <a href="">
-		    open bugs assigned to 2.0RC2 or older milestones</a>
-		  <li>TM
-		    <a href="">
-		    verified but not yet closed</a>
-		</ul>
-		<p>Reports for Release Review</p>
-		<ul>
-		  <li>TM Report: <a href="">
-		    All 2.x bugs vs. Target Milestone</a>
-		    <ul>
-		       <li><a href="">
-		           Resolved 2.x bugs by Target Milestone (including API)</a></li>
-		       <li><a href="">
-		           Resolved 2.x API Change Requests by Target Milestone</a></li>
-		       <li><a href="">
-		           Open 2.x bugs by Target Milestone</a></li>
-		    </ul></li>
-		  <li>TM Report: <a href="">
-		    All 3.x bugs vs. Target Milestone</a>
-		    <ul>
-		       <li><a href="">
-		           Resolved 3.x bugs by Target Milestone (including API)</a></li>
-		       <li><a href="">
-		           Resolved 3.x API Change Requests by Target Milestone</a></li>
-		       <li><a href="">
-		           Open 3.x bugs by Target Milestone</a></li>
-		    </ul></li>
-		  <li>TM <a href="">
-		    Report: All Bugs, Severity vs. Status</a></li>
-		  <li>TM <a href="">
-		  	Report: All Bugs, Severity vs. Resolution</a></li>
-		</ul>
-		<p>Reports and queries needed less frequently</p>
-		<ul>
-		  <li>TM <a href="">
-		    Report: User-submitted Open Bugs</a> (Committer-submitted bugs filtered out)</li>
-		  <li>TM <a href="">
-		    Report: All Open, Reporter vs. Severity</a> - Helps to see who found the most important bugs</li>
-		  <li>TM <a href="">
-		    Report: All Bugs, Reporter vs. Resolution</a> - Helps to find reporters who frequently make invalid or duplicate reports</li>
-		  <li>TM <a href="">
-		    All Open Bugs</a></li>
-		  <li>TM <a href="">
-		    All Fixed Bugs</a></li>
-		</ul>
-		<h2>Bug Lifecycle</h2>
-		<p>Everybody - users and developers - may apply for a 
-		<a href="">Bugzilla account</a>
-		and submit bug reports or enhancement requests.</p>
-		<ul>
-		  <li><a target="_top" href="">Submit a new bug</a></li>
-		  <li><a target="_top" href="">Request an enhancement</a></li>
-		</ul>
-		<p>Once the bug report is filed, contributors and committers
-		work on it, including updates to bug status. All users
-		may contribute to the discussion by adding comments (but
-		typically not change the status fields).
-		The Eclipse Process Guidelines contain some good
-		<a href="">
-		information	and a handy diagram</a> for understanding the 
-		lifecycle of an issue in Bugzilla.<p/> 
-		<h3>How to defer bugs</h2>
-		<p>In our <a href="">
-		Committer Meeting on 23-May 2006</a> we decided on the following strategies for deferring bugs.
-		This was later amended according to <a href="">
-		bug 178923</a> by adding a "Future" milestone. The main goal of these guidelines is 
-		to be able and write good bugzilla queries that allow us avoid looking
-		at deferred bugs again later. So here is the process:
-		<ul>
-		  <li>Set the <b>Priority</b> according to personal judgement of importance: 
-		    Even bugs with a high priority can be deferred to an upcoming release
-		    if time just dont permit fixing them.</li>
-		  <li>Set Resolved, Resolution=<b>INVALID</b> for requests that do not make
-		    sense.</li>
-		  <li>Set Resolved, Resolution=<b>WONTFIX</b> for bugs that we will supposedly
-		    never address e.g. because there is a suitable workaround or the effort is
-		    just too high although the request makes sense.</li>
-		  <li>Set <b>Target Milestone=Future</b> for bugs that make sense but are
-		    too much effort for the current release. They should be triaged again for
-		    the next release, and perhaps be documented as known limitations in
-		    the release notes. Such bugs will typically be in NEW state and assigned
-		    to or</li>
-		  <li><b>Assign</b> the bug to a developer and set the <b>target milestone</b>
-		    for bugs that we want to address in the current release cycle.</li>
-		  <li>Assign bugs to the <b></b> with 
-		    the default target milestone="---" if you have no idea what to do with
-		    a request and also dont know who else could handle it. It will triaged
-		    again by all committers together in the next committer meeting. Please
-		    do this as a last resort, though, since looking multiple times at the
-		    same bug is unnecessary effort; and add a comment with your thoughts
-		    on the bug.</li>
-		</ul></p>
-		<h3>How to verify and close</h3>
-		<ul>
-		  <li>Bugs that are set RESOLVED are candidates for verification.</li>
-		  <li>Ideally, the person who filed a bug should also verify it and set
-		     it to <b>VERIFIED</b> if OK.</li>
-		  <li>During the final release test cycle, all RESOLVED and even VERIFIED
-		     bugs will be checked again. If they pass the test, they will be set
-		     <b>CLOSED</b>.</li>
-		  <li>Enhancement requests and applied patches can also be set <b>CLOSED</b>
-		     right after checkin, especially if they do not apply to testable
-		     product functionality but rather some code cleanliness.</li>
-		</ul>
-		<h2>Clarification of Fields</h2>
-		<ul>
-		  <li><b>Platform</b> and <b>OS</b>: These should be set by the submitter
-		     of a bug to describe the platform and OS on which a bug was detected.
-		     This does not mean that the bug would occur only on this particular
-		     platform.
-		     <ul>
-		       <li>Use Platform <b>All</b> only if you have good evidence that a 
-		           bug actually occurs on all platforms.</li>
-		       <li>When you are sure that a bug occurs <b>only</b> on a particular
-		           platform, please indicate so in the <b>Summary</b> field by adding
-		           a tag lice [mac] or [linux]</li>
-		     </ul></li>
-		</ul><p/>
-		<ul>
-		  <li><b>Summary</b> field: We use tags in square brackets to indicate certain
-		     categories of bugs. Please use the following tags as indication:
-		     <ul>
-		       <li><b>[api]</b> - API problem (typically not user visible)</li> 
-		       <li><b>[apidoc]</b> - API documentation issue</li> 
-		       <li><b>[doc]</b> - User documentation issue</li> 
-		       <li><b>[linux]</b> - Bug occurs on Linux only</li> 
-		       <li><b>[mac]</b> - Bug occurs on MacOS X only</li> 
-		       <li><b>[persistence]</b> - RSE Persistency support issue</li> 
-		       <li><b>[ssh]</b> - Bug occurs on ssh subsystem only</li> 
-		       <li><b>[team]</b> - RSE Team support issue</li> 
-		       <li><b>[updating]</b> - Problem with update status of items in RSE</li>
-		       <li><b>[windows]</b> - Bug occurs on Windows only</li> 
-		     </ul>
-		</ul>
-		<h2>Submitting a Patch</h2>
-		Every user may submit a patch for an issue he finds, by attaching
-		the code to the corresponding Bugzilla item. Submitting patches turns 
-		the ordinary user into a contributor, for which he or she will be 
-		given credit to.<br/>
-		Please attach only patches on bugzilla for which you have the right
-		to attach them. In the typical case, if you put a legal notice like 
-		the following alongside your contribution, it will speed up the 
-		contribution process:
-		    <p style="border: thin 1px dashed; background-color: ivory; 
-padding-top: 2px; 
-padding-left: 2px;
-padding-right: 2px;
-padding-bottom: 2px">
-		    Legal Message: I, {name}, declare that I developed attached code from
-			scratch, without referencing any 3rd party materials except material
-			licensed under the EPL. {I am authorized by my employer to make this
-			contribution under the EPL.}
-		    </p>
-		If this message does not apply for you (e.g. because you did use 3rd party
-		materials), please contact the <a href="">
-</a> Developer Mailing List to seek assistance of
-		a committer.<br/>
-		Once your contribution is attached to Bugzilla, a committer will pick it
-		up and follow the <a href="/dsdp/tm/development/committer_howto.php#external_contrib">
-		Committer HOWTO</a> guidelines to merge your contribution. 
-		code without being allowed to do so by the copyright owner).
-		<p/>
-		<h2>Testing, tips and tricks for bug finding</h2>
-		<ul>
-		  <li>The <a href="">
-		    TM Testing</a> page coordinates the TM Testing efforts.</li>
-		  <li>The <a href="">
-		    Field Guide to Callisto Bugs</a> is also an interesting read.</li>
-		</ul>
-	</div>
-	# Generate the web page
-	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
diff --git a/development/committer_guide.php b/development/committer_guide.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ca17f21..0000000
--- a/development/committer_guide.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-<?php  																														require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	$App 	= new App();	$Nav	= new Nav();	$Menu 	= new Menu();		include($App->getProjectCommon());    # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
-	#*****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# committer_guide.php
-	#
-	# Author: 		Martin Oberhuber
-	# Date:			2006-05-10
-	#
-	# Description: Committer Guidelines for the DSDP TM Project
-	#
-	#
-	#****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# Begin: page-specific settings.  Change these. 
-	$pageTitle 		= "TM Committer Guidelines";
-	$pageKeywords	= "DSDP, Target Management, Committer, Guidelines";
-	$pageAuthor		= "Martin Oberhuber";
-	# Add page-specific Nav bars here
-	# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
-	# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", 	"downloads.php");
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3);
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
-	# End: page-specific settings
-	#
-	# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!	
-	$html = <<<EOHTML
-	<div id="midcolumn">
-		<h1>$pageTitle</h1>
-		<p>While we do not want to get too process-heavy, there are a few simple
-		things that will make all our lives easier. See also the
-		<a href="committer_howto.php">committer HOWTO</a>
-		for simple cookbook-style instructions for common tasks.</p>
-		<h2>Bugzilla Guidelines</h2>
-		<ul>
-		  <li>See the <a href="/dsdp/tm/development/bug_process.php">Bug Process Page</a>
-		    for bugzilla queries to find interesting bugs, and our general bug process
-		    (handling bugzilla states and priorities)<p/></li>
-		  <li>When you check in a fix for a bugzilla entry, <b>please</b> include
-			the bugzilla number in the commit message. Example:
-		   <b>"[139207] Fix browsing into tar archives by dstore"</b>.<p/></li>
-		   <li>After committing a fix for bugzilla, set the entry <b>FIXED</b>. 
-		   Do not set it closed until it has been tested and verified by somebody 
-		   else.<p/></li>
-		</ul>
-		<h2>Checkin Policies</h2>
-		<ul><li>When you add a new plugin, feature or other project to your workspace,
-		   please update the <b>Team Project Sets</b> so that other committers or 
-		   CVS users can pick up your new project easily: Add the "www-tm-development" 
-		   project to your workspace. You can do this most easily by importing the 
-		   Team Project set from<ul>
-		     <li><a href="">
-		   </ul>
-		   Update the Project sets there and commit them to the web page:<ul>
-		     <li><a href="">
-		     <li><a href="">
-		   </ul>You can either export a selection as team project set, or edit the 
-		   project set manually. For the pserver version, you typically need to replace-all
-		   ":extssh:" by ":pserver:".<p/></li>
-		</ul>
-		<h2>IP Due Diligence</h2>
-		When you check in a contributed patch, we <b>have to follow IP Due Diligence
-		guidelines</b>, as outlined on the 
-		<a href="">
-		Eclipse IP Process Flowchart</a> and the
-		<a href="">
-		Project Log Guidelines</a>:<p/>
-		<ul>
-		   <li>Check the contribution. In case of any uncertainty, consult the
-		   TM Lead, or Eclipse Legal:
-		   <ul><li>Does the contributor have sufficient <b>rights to contribute</b>?
-		     In other words, is it written by the contributor himself without
-		     referencing any 3rd party materials?</li>
-		     <li>Does the contribution include <b>anything not under EPL, 
-		     or amount to &gt; 250 lines of code</b> including all documentation
-		     etc.? If yes, a 
-		     <a href="">
-		     Contribution Questionnaire</a> has to be filled out!
-		     (The 250 line clause can be waived if the contributor is a committer
-		     himeself, and there is a member committer agreement in place for 
-		     his employer company; it may also be waived for plain bug fixes).</li><p/>
-		   </ul>
-		   <li>Add the "www-tm-development" project to your workspace. You can do 
-		   this most easily by importing the Team Project set 
-		   from<ul><li>
-		     <a href="">
-		   </li></ul>
-		   In the www-tm project, add a line for the contribution in the <b>tm-log.csv</b>
-		   file. There are some sample lines already, so adding one should not be too hard.<p/></li>
-		   <li>Before committing both the code changes and the tm-log.csv, for any files
-		   patched by the contribution, add a <b>credit line for the contributor</b> into the 
-		   file's copyright notice. It's good practice to give credit to our contributors.
-		   (when a whole new file is added by the contribution, leave the copyright notice
-		   as is, of course).<p/></li>
-		   <li>Make sure the bugzilla number is part of the commit message.</li>
-		   <li>For more details, see the <a href="/dsdp/tm/development/committer_howto.php#external_contrib">Committer Howto
-		       on applying a patch from an external contributor</a></li>.
-		</ul>  
-		<h2>Coding Guidelines</h2>
-		We <b>do not want to be too restrictive right now</b> - especially do not 
-		rewrite existing code just to make it conform to some naming convention.
-		Most of the RSE code seems to follow proper coding style already. In the
-		end, we'll want to produce code and APIs of 
-		<a href="">
-		Eclipse Quality</a>. Therefore, we better strive for quality early. Which means, try
-		to follow common accepted guidelines for writing new code<p/>
-		Some useful references are 
-		<ul><li>The <a href="">Eclipse Platform API Central</a></li>
-		<li>The <a href="">Eclipse Platform Devlopment Guidelines</a></li>
-		</ul>
-		<h2>Other stuff for reference</h2>
-		The <a href="">
-		Eclipse Standard Charter</a> (as referenced by the <a href="">
-		DSDP Project Charter</a>) has more information about committer rights
-		and duties, and our development process.<p/>
-		In particular, this charter says that committers need to agree on the
-		<a href="/dsdp/tm/development/plan.php">project plan</a> and its modifications,
-		and that committers can veto code changes.<p/> 
-	</div>
-	# Generate the web page
-	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
diff --git a/development/committer_howto.php b/development/committer_howto.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 108fe03..0000000
--- a/development/committer_howto.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
-<?php  																														require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	$App 	= new App();	$Nav	= new Nav();	$Menu 	= new Menu();		include($App->getProjectCommon());    # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
-	#*****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# committer_howto.php
-	#
-	# Author: 		Martin Oberhuber
-	# Date:			2006-05-23
-	#
-	# Description: Committer Howto for the DSDP TM Project
-	#
-	#
-	#****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# Begin: page-specific settings.  Change these. 
-	$pageTitle 		= "TM Committer Howto";
-	$pageKeywords	= "DSDP, Target Management, Committer, Howto, Guidelines, IP";
-	$pageAuthor		= "Martin Oberhuber";
-	# Add page-specific Nav bars here
-	# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
-	# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", 	"downloads.php");
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3);
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
-	# End: page-specific settings
-	#
-	# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!	
-	$html = <<<EOHTML
-	<div id="midcolumn">
-		<h1>$pageTitle</h1>
-		<p>While we do not want to get too process-heavy, there are a few simple
-		things that will make all our lives easier. Here are a few "howto..."
-		cookbook-style instructions for performing typical committer tasks.</p>
-		<p>If you need any background information regarding these instructions,
-		look at the <a href="committer_guide.php">committer guidelines</a>.
-		<p>How do I...
-		 <ul>
-		   <li><a href="#check_code">Properly check my code before checkin</a></li>
-		   <li><a href="#format_checkin_comment">Format my checkin comment</a></li>
-		   <li><a href="#checkin_fix">Work with bugs and fixes</a></li>
-		   <li><a href="#external_contrib">Apply a patch from an external contributor</a></li>
-		   <li><a href="#project_log">Edit the TM Project Log (tm-log.csv)</a></li>
-		   <li><a href="#sloccount">Count lines of code in a contribution</a></li>
-		   <li><a href="#legacy_code">Add some legacy code to the project</a></li>
-		   <li><a href="#add_plugin">Add a plugin or other project to the workspace</a></li>
-		   <li><a href="#fix_copyrights">Find missing or incorrect Copyright notices in my code and fix them</a></li>
-         </ul>
-		</p>
-		<a name="check_code"></a>
-		<h2>Properly check my code before checkin</h2>
-		<ul>
-		  <li>Ensure that you have <a href="/dsdp/tm/development/compiler_warnings.php">Compiler Warnings
-		      </a> switched on as recommended. For every file that you modify, please ensure that it
-		      compiles without warnings before you check it in.</li>
-		  <li>Keep the <a href="">
-		  	  Code Ownership Page</a> up-to-date on the Wiki.</li>
-		</ul>
-		<a name="format_checkin_comment"></a>
-		<h2>Format my checkin comment</h2>
-		<p>
-		There are 
-		<a href="">
-		tools available</a> which build a MySQL database of all CVS 
-		checkins and allow searching it, or even associate checkins with
-		bugzilla bugs in order to generate release notes:
-		for example see the 
-		<a href="">
-		EMF Search CVS</a> and
-		<a href="">
-		EMF Release Notes</a>.</p>
-		<p>
-		At the TM project, we'll want to make use of these tools as soon
-		as possible. In order to associate cvs checkins with bugzilla, 
-		these tools need the bug id properly formatted in the checkin comment.
-		Multiple formats are supported, but this is the preferred one (see also
-		<a href="">
-		bug 164719</a> and 
-		<a href="">
-		this e-mail</a>):
-		<ul>
-		  <li>All checkin comments should be formatted like this:<br/>
-		      &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>[123456] fixing ugly images</b><br/>
-		      &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>[123456] apply patch from Ewa Matejska for remotecdt-over-dstore</b><p/>
-		      Where the number [123456] references a bugzilla number, of course. Checkins that fix 
-		      multiple bugs should have the various bug numbers listed on a separate line of the
-		      checkin comment each.
-		</ul>
-		<a name="checkin_fix"></a>
-		<h2>Work with bugs and fixes</h2>
-		<ul>
-		  <li>See the <a href="/dsdp/tm/development/bug_process.php">Bug Process Page</a>
-		    for bugzilla queries to find interesting bugs, and our general bug process
-		    (handling bugzilla states and priorities)</li>
-		  <li>Test your fix once to verify that it actually works - if this is
-		    not too difficult. You may also place a note on the bugzilla report,
-		    asking the original submitter to verify.</li>
-		  <li>Ideally, write a JUnit test to make sure the bug will not creep
-		    in again (may not always be applicable).</li>
-		  <li>Commit your fix, <a href="#format_checkin_comment">adding the bugzilla number</a>
-		  	to the commit message. 
-		    Example: <ul>
-			  <li><b>[139207] fix browsing into tar archives by dstore</b></li>
-			</ul></li>
-		  <li>Set the <b>bugzilla report FIXED</b> and verify that the bugzilla
-		      <b>Target Milestone</b> reflects the version that your fix is about
-		      to go into. The bugzilla comment along with the state change 
-  should include some help that allows a reader to understand what was done. Some good examples:<ul>
-    <li><b>Fixed by correcting id in files.ui/plugin.xml</b></li>
-    <li><b>Fixed in SystemViewPart and other *ViewPart files by using common action handler</b></li>
-  </ul>
-  The comment in bugzilla should be short enough so that it is not
-  much effort creating it. But long enough to help a later
-  reader find the corresponding change in cvs, and/or get some idea
-  what the problem actually was and what was done about it:
-  <ul>
-    <li>In case a single file was changed, a reference to the filename is sufficient</li>
-    <li>In case multiple files were changed, the most dominant file is often sufficient</li>
-    <li>In case lots of files were changed, the plugin or the component is fine</li>
-  </ul></li>
-		<a name="external_contrib"></a>
-		<h2>Apply a patch from an external contributor</h2>
-		<ul>
-		  <li>Ensure that the patch is on <b>bugzilla</b>. If not, ask the contributor
-		    to create a bugzilla entry. This is requird even for patches from
-		    co-workers in your own company!</li>
-		  <li><b>Contact the contributor</b> and ask the following (see the 
-		    <a href="">
-		    Eclipse Legal Poster</a>):
-		    <ul><li>If this is the first time the contributor makes a contribution: 
-		         Contact information for IP records - Name, Company, E-Mail, Office address, Office phone.</li>  
-		        <li>Did you write the contribution yourself?</li>
-		        <li>Did you reference any 3rd party material?</li>
-		        <li>If yes, under what terms (license) did you receive this material?</li>
-		        <li>Are you authorized by your employer to make the contribution?</li>
-		    </ul>
-		    In the typical case (no IP problems expected), the contributor should put
-		    a message like the following on the bugzilla report that holds his/her patch:
-		    <p style="border: thin 1px dashed; background-color: ivory; 
-padding-top: 2px; 
-padding-left: 2px;
-padding-right: 2px;
-padding-bottom: 2px">
-		    Legal Message: I, {name}, declare that I developed attached code from
-			scratch, without referencing any 3rd party materials except material
-			licensed under the EPL. {I am authorized by my employer to make this
-			contribution under the EPL.}
-		    </p>
-		    </li>
-		  <li>Apply the patch in a <b>test workspace</b>, and review the code for any obvious traces 
-		     of copyright breaches, blasphemy or "bad words". It makes sense to have a
-		     separate workspace for applying patches only, such that your current work
-		     on other things is not affected negatively.</li> 
-		  <li><b>Collaborate with the contributor</b> (i.e. exchange e-mails) until the patch satisfies your needs. 
-		    Doing so educates our contributors, keeps the process transparent, and takes work off committers:
-		    <ul><li>Patch works on HEAD (if not: ask contributor to re-base and re-submit the patch)</li>
-		        <li>Contributor''s name added to the Copyright section of all modified files</li>
-		        <li>Coding style appropriate</li>.
-		    </ul></li>
-		  <li>If the contribution is more than 250 lines of code and the contributor
-		     is not from your own company, or there is any 
-		     uncertainty about licening and purity of IP and copyrights: fill out 
-		     a Contribution Questionnaire (available from the 
-		     <a href="">committer tools</a>)</li>
-		  <li>Once IP due diligence is completed: Apply the patch and commit it. Do not 
-		    make local modifications between applying and committing, in order to keep the 
-		    process transparent. <b>Put the bugzilla number on the commit message</b>.</li>
-		  <li>Add a line describing the contribution to the <b>tm-log.csv</b> Project Log, see
-		    <a href="#project_log">below</a>.</li>
-		  <li>Add the keyword <b>contributed</b> to the bugzilla report that the patch came 
-		    from. Verify that the bugzilla <b>Target Milestone</b> reflects the
-		    version that your fix is about to go into, then set the bugzilla report
-		    to <b>FIXED</b>.
-		</ul>
-		<a name="project_log"></a>
-		<h2>Edit the TM Project Log (tm-log.csv)</h2>
-		<ul>
-		  <li>The Project Log is required as per the Eclipse 
-		    <a href="">
-		    Project Log Guidelines</a>. It records every non-committer-contribution
-		    (including legacy code contributions). Please keep it up-to-date.</li>
-		   <li><a name="www_tm_dev"></a>
-		      Add the <b>www-tm-development</b> project to your workspace.
-		      You can do this most easily by importing the Team Project set 
-			  from<ul><li>
-		     <a href="">
-		   </li></ul></li>
-		   <li>When you already have the www-tm-development project in your workspace,
-		     <b>update it</b> before editing -- this saves you from having to merge before checkin.</li>
-		   <li>In the www-tm project, add a line for the contribution in the <b>tm-log.csv</b>
-		   file. There are some sample lines already, so adding one should not be too hard.</li>
-		   <li>For <a href="#sloccount">counting lines of code</a> see the section below.</li>
-		   <li><b>Commit</b> the changed tm-log.csv file.</li>
-		</ul>
-		<a name="sloccount"></a>
-		<h2>Count lines of code in a contribution</h2>
-		<ul>
-		  <li>For Eclipse IP review bookkeeping, we need to count lines of code in contribution, 
-		  INCLUDING xml files, documentation, readmes, property files and so on. Most 
-		  known code counters do not fulfill these needs. The simple shellscripts
-		  below count all lines of all text files except empty lines.</li>
-		  <li>We optionally also suppress lines that only contain whitespace, empty comments
-		  or {} charactes. This is in order to account for different coding styles,
-		  which might prefer to have the { characters on a separate line or not.</li>'
-		  <li><img src=""/>
-		    We now have scripts to count the lines of code in a contribution. Download
-		    any of the following:
-		    <ul>
-		      <li><a href="">line_count_scripts-2.0RC1.tar</a>
-		      <li><a href=""></a>
-		    </ul>
-		    These scripts count all lines in either a patch or a list of directories,
-		    suppressing binary files and optionally also empty lines or lines containing
-		    only empty comments. See the script source code for details.
-		    <ul>
-		      <li>UNIX shellscripts should run out of the box. On Windows, Cygwin is
-		          required. Windows .bat files are provided as wrappers if cygwin is
-		          not your primary environment. The .bat files expect the cygwin bin
-		          directory in your PATH or installed in C:\Cygwin\bin - change the
-		          .bat file if you do not like this assumption.</li> 
-		      <li>For contributions supplied as an archive, use the 
-		         <a href="">
-		         lc script</a>
-		         (plus 
-		         <a href="">
-		         lc.bat</a> if you are on Windows). Run it
-		         with one or more directories to count as arguments. <b>Example:</b><br/>
-		         <code>
-		           # Count lines in all RSE plugins, including empty lines<br/>
-		           lc -e org.eclipse.rse.*
-		         </code>
-		         </li>
-		      <li>For contributions supplied as a patch, use the
-		         <a href="">
-		         lcp script</a>
-		         (plus 
-		         <a href="">
-		         lcp.bat</a> if you are on Windows).
-		         Run it with the patch file as argument.  <b>Example:</b><br/>
-		         <code>
-		           # Count lines in contributed patch for bug 12345<br/>
-		           lcp bug12345_patch.diff.txt
-		         </code>
-		         </li> 
-		    </ul></li>
-		</ul>
-		<a name="legacy_code"></a>
-		<h2>Add some legacy code to the project</h2>
-		<ul>
-		  <li>Obtain <b>PMC Member Approval</b>: Write an e-mail to 
-		      <a href=""></a>,
-		      describing the intended contribution. Give the PMC an idea of how large the
-		      contribution is, what it is good for (cryptography?), and if there are 
-		      any other licenses than the EPL involved.</li>
-		  <li>PMC Member Approval should be returned by E-Mail.</li>
-		  <li>Create a <b>Bugzilla Entry</b> holding the contribution in a form that is suitable for checkin.
-		      A ZIP archive of all the files/projects affected is fine.</li>
-		  <li>Fill in a Contribution Questionnaire (available from the 
-		     <a href="">committer tools</a>)
-		     and wait for EMO approval.</li>
-		  <li>Once approved, check in the contribution. Dont forget to add the <b>bugzilla number
-		      on the commit message.</b> Commit the code verbatim as from the bug entry first, 
-		      and make any necessary modifications later.</li>
-		  <li>If project(s) were added, update the <b>*.psf Project Set Files</b> (see
-		      <a href="#add_plugin">below</a>). 
-		  <li>Add a line describing the contribution to the <b>tm-log.csv</b> Project Log, see
-		    <a href="#project_log">above</a>.</li>
-		</ul>
-		<a name="add_plugin"></a>
-		<h2>Add a plugin or other project to the workspace</h2>
-		<ul>
-		  <li>Commit your modifications.</li>
-		  <li>In the <b>www-tm-development</b> project (see <a href="#www_tm_dev">above</a> for how 
-		     to get it), update the <b><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/cvs_setup">
-		     team project sets</a></b>.
-		   You can either export a selection as team project set, and sort
-		   the lines afterwards (e.g. in Emacs, do M-X sort-lines). Or, edit the 
-		   project set manually. For the pserver version, you typically need to replace-all
-		   ":extssh:" by ":pserver:".</li>
-		  <li>Send an <b>E-mail</b> to dsdp-tm-dev, informing everybody that team project sets
-		    have been updated with your new plugins.</li>
-		  <li>For <b>release engineering</b> purposes, it may be necessary to also reference your
-		      new plugins in an existing feature, add new features, modify Mapfiles
-		      and/or the ANT files for nightly builds in the project <tt></tt>.
-		      These tasks can all be accomplished by your build and release engineer, 
-		      so this is another reason for sending an <b>E-mail to dsdp-tm-dev</b> 
-		      when you added a new plugin. 
-		</ul>
-		<a name="fix_copyrights"></a>
-		<h2>Find missing or incorrect Copyright notices in my code and fix them</h2>
-		<ul>
-		<!--
-		  <li>Please use the Releng tool from the bottom of the 
-		    <a href="">
-		    Eclipse 3.2 Download Page</a></li>
-		  <li>See the description there: "6. Fix Copyrights"</li>
-		-->
-		  <li>Please use the Releng tool from the bottom of the 
-		    <a href="">
-		    Eclipse 3.3 Download Page</a></li>
-		  <li>See the description there at the end of the page:
-		    <a href="">Fix Copyright</a></li>
-		  <li>For more detail information about "Fix Copyright" vs. "Advanced Fix Copyrights" also see
-		  <ul><li><a href="">This message</a> on cross-project-issues-dev</li>
-		      <li><a href="">This message</a> which was a reply on it</li>
-		      <li><a href="">This message</a> on dsdp-tm-dev</li>
-		  </ul></li>
-		</ul>
-		<p/>
-	</div>
-	# Generate the web page
-	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
diff --git a/development/compiler_warnings.php b/development/compiler_warnings.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d84f67..0000000
--- a/development/compiler_warnings.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-<?php  																														require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	$App 	= new App();	$Nav	= new Nav();	$Menu 	= new Menu();		include($App->getProjectCommon());    # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
-	#*****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# compiler_warnings.php
-	#
-	# Author: 		Martin Oberhuber
-	# Date:			2006-08-29
-	#
-	# Description: TM Recommended Compiler Warnings
-	#
-	#
-	#****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# Begin: page-specific settings.  Change these. 
-	$pageTitle 		= "Recommended Compiler Warnings";
-	$pageKeywords	= "DSDP, Target Management, Compiler, Warning, Quality, Guidelines";
-	$pageAuthor		= "Martin Oberhuber";
-	# Add page-specific Nav bars here
-	# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
-	# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", 	"downloads.php");
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3);
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
-	# End: page-specific settings
-	#
-	# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!	
-	$html = <<<EOHTML
-	<div id="midcolumn">
-		<h1>$pageTitle</h1>
-		<p>For the Target Management Project, we recommend enabling the following
-		compiler warnings in JDT (<i>Window &gt; Preferences &gt; Java &gt; Compiler
-		&gt; <b>Errors/Warnings</b> and <b>Javadoc</b></i>).
-		Settings that differ from the JDT default are marked in bold.</p>
-		<p>In most cases, we use stricter warnings in the TM project than the 
-		JDT default suggests - with one notable exception: Because parts of 
-		RSE require access to Platform "internal" packages, and this requirement
-		cannot be fixed currently, we disable the "discouraged access" warning
-		for now.</p>
-<table border=1 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1>
-  <tr><th>Setting</th><th>Value</th><th>Comment</th></tr>
-  <tr><th colspan="3">Code Style</th></tr>
-  <tr><td>Non-static access to static member:</td><td>Warning</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Indirect access to static member:</td><td><b>Warning</b></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Unqualified access to instance field:</td><td>Ignore</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Undocumented empty block:</td><td>Ignore</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Access to a non-accessible member of an enclosing type:</td><td>Ignore</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Method with a constructor name:</td><td><b>Error</b></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Parameter assignment:</td><td>Ignore</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Non-externalized strings (missing/unused $NON-NLS$ tag):</td><td><b>Warning</b></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Potential programming problems</th></tr>
-  <tr><td>Serializable class without serialVersionUID:</td><td>Warning</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Assignment has no effect (e.g. 'x = x'):</td><td>Warning</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Possible accidental boolean assignment (e.g. if (a=b)):</td><td><b>Warning</b></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>'finally' does not complete normally:</td><td>Warning</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Empty statement:</td><td><b>Warning</b></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Using a char array in string concatenation:</td><td>Warning</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Hidden catch block:</td><td>Warning</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Inexact type match for vararg arguments:</td><td>Warning</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Boxing and unboxing conversions:</td><td><b>Warning</b></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Enum type constant not covered on 'switch':</td><td><b>Warning</b></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>'switch' case fall-through:</td><td><b>Warning</b></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Null reference:</td><td><b>Warning</b></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Name shadowing and conflicts</th></tr>
-  <tr><td>Field declaration hides another field or variable:</td><td><b>Warning</b></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Local variable declaration hides another field or variable:</td><td>Ignore</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-    <tr><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Include constructor or setter method parameters</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Type parameter hides another type:</td><td>Warning</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Method overridden but not package visible:</td><td><b>Error</b></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Interface method conflicts with protected 'Object' method:</td><td>Warning</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Deprecated and restricted API</th></tr>
-  <tr><td>Deprecated API:</td><td>Warning</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-    <tr><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Signal use of deprecated API inside deprecated code</td><td><b>On</b></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-    <tr><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Signal overriding or implementing deprecated method</td><td><b>On</b></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Forbidden reference (access rules):</td><td>Error</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Discouraged reference (access rules):</td><td>Warning</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Unnecessary code</th></tr>
-  <tr><td>Local variable is never read:</td><td>Warning</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Parameter is never read:</td><td>Ignore</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-    <tr><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Check overriding and implementing methods</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Unused import:</td><td>Warning</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Unused local or private member:</td><td>Warning</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Unnecessary else statement:</td><td>Ignore</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Unnecessary cast or 'instanceof' operation:</td><td><b>Warning</b></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Unnecessary declaration of thrown checked exception:</td><td>Ignore</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-    <tr><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Check overriding and implementing methods</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Unused break/continue label:</td><td>Warning</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><th colspan="3">Generic types</th></tr>
-  <tr><td colspan="3">(Not applicable since TM does not use Java 5)</td></tr> 
-  <tr><th colspan="3">Annotations</th></tr>
-  <tr><td colspan="3">(Not applicable since TM does not use Java 5)</td></tr> 
- </table>		
- <p/>
-<table border=1 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1>
-  <tr><th>Setting</th><th>Value</th><th>Comment</th></tr>
-  <tr><th colspan="3">Javadoc</th></tr>
-  <tr><td>Process Javadoc comments (includes search and refactoring)</td><td>On</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Malformed Javadoc comments:</td><td><b>Warning</b></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-    <tr><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Only consider members visible as:</td><td><b>Protected</b></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-    <tr><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Report errors in tags</td><td><b>On</b></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-    <tr><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Report non visible references</td><td><b>On</b></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-    <tr><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Report deprecated references</td><td><b>On</b></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Missing Javadoc tags:</td><td>Ignore</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
-  <tr><td>Missing Javadoc comments:</td><td>Ignore</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> 
- </table>		
- <p/>
-	</div>
-	# Generate the web page
-	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
diff --git a/development/contributors.php b/development/contributors.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c8735d..0000000
--- a/development/contributors.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-<?php  																														require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	$App 	= new App();	$Nav	= new Nav();	$Menu 	= new Menu();		include($App->getProjectCommon());    # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
-	#*****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# template.php
-	#
-	# Author: 		Martin Oberhuber
-	# Date:			2006-02-01
-	#
-	# Description: Contributors, Committers and Lead of Target Management Project
-	#
-	#
-	#****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# Begin: page-specific settings.  Change these. 
-	$pageTitle 		= "DSDP-TM Project Contributors";
-	$pageKeywords	= "device, target, contributor, committer, lead, author, developer";
-	$pageAuthor		= "Martin Oberhuber";
-	# Add page-specific Nav bars here
-	# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
-	# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", 	"downloads.php");
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3);
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
-	# End: page-specific settings
-	#
-	# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!	
-	$html = <<<EOHTML
-<div id="maincontent">
-	<div id="midcolumn">
-		<h1>$pageTitle</h1>
-		<div class="homeitem3col">
-		<h3>Target Management Lead</h3>
-		<li><b>Martin Oberhuber, Wind River Systems</b> (martin.oberhuber at<br/>
-			Martin is the overall project lead for the Target Management Project,
-			and in this role he also serves on the DSDP Project Management Council (PMC).
-			As a software developer and architect, Martin is responsible for the
-			current Target Manager component in Wind River Workbench.<br/>
-			Martin holds an MS degree in Telematics from the University
-			of Technology Graz/Austria, and has been working on source code analysis
-			and tools development since 1999.<br/>
-			<a href="">more about Martin Oberhuber &raquo;</a>
-			</li>
-		<li><b>David Dykstal, IBM</b> (david_dykstal at<br/>
-		 	David is the Project Lead for the IBM Remote System Explorer,
-		 	and thus plays a key role in all activities around RSE.<br/>
-		 	David has worked either for or with IBM for over 28 years,
-		 	including a significant stint with Object Technology International.
-		 	Dave has worked on compilers, user interfaces, database tools, and IDE&#39;s.		
-		</div>
-		<div class="homeitem3col">
-		<h3>Committers (in alphabetical order)</h3>
-		<ul class="midlist">
-			<li><b>Xuan Chen</b>, IBM</li>
-			<li><b>Kevin Doyle</b>, IBM</li>
-			<li><b>David Dykstal</b>, IBM</li>
-			<li><b>Radoslav Gerganov</b>, ProSyst</li>
-			<li><b>David McKnight</b>, IBM</li>
-			<li><b>Javier Montalvo-Orús</b>, Private</li>
-			<li><b>Martin Oberhuber</b>, Wind River</li>
-			<li><b>Michael Scharf</b>, Wind River</li>
-			<li><b>Uwe Stieber</b>, Wind River</li>
-			<li><b>Eugene Tarassov</b>, Wind River</li>
-		</ul>
-		</div>
-		<div class="homeitem3col">
-		<h3>Former Committers (in alphabetical order)</h3>
-		<ul class="midlist">
-			<li><b>Kushal Munir</b>, IBM</li>
-			<li><b>Ted Williams</b>, Wind River</li>
-		</ul>
-		</div>
-		<div class="homeitem3col">
-		<h3>Contributors (in alphabetical order)</h3>
-		This is the list of people who have made code contributions to the 
-		TM Project on Bugzilla so far, with their code actually being 
-		merged into the TM codebase in CVS. The list is sorted alphabetically
-		by last name:
-		<ul class="midlist">
-			<li><b>Michael Berger</b>, IBM</li>
-			<li><b>Felix Burton</b>, Wind River</li>
-			<li><b>Johann Draschwandtner</b>, Wind River</li>
-			<li><b>Sheldon D&acute;Souza</b>, Celunite</li>
-			<li><b>Anna Dushistova</b>, MontaVista</li>
-			<li><b>Øyvind Harboe</b>, Zylin</li>
-			<li><b>Rob Hasselbaum</b>, BEZ Systems, Inc</li>
-			<li><b>Mikhail Kalugin</b>, Xored Software</li>
-			<li><b>Yu-Fen Kuo</b>, MontaVista</li>
-			<li><b>Renan Le Padellec</b>, Wind River</li>
-			<li><b>Johnson Ma</b>, Wind River</li>
-			<li><b>Rupen Mardirossian</b>, IBM</li>
-			<li><b>Ewa Matejska</b>, ACCESS Systems (formerly PalmSource)</li>
-			<li><b>Willian Mitsuda</b>, (private)</li>
-			<li><b>Benjamin Muskalla</b>, Innoopract</li>
-			<li><b>Tobias Schwarz</b>, Wind River</li>
-			<li><b>Remy Chi Jian Suen</b>, IBM</li>
-			<li><b>Ruslan Sychev</b>, Xored Software</li>
-			<li><b>Noriaki Takatsu</b>, IBM</li>
-			<li><b>Olivier Thomann</b>, IBM</li>
-			<li><b>Lothar Werzinger</b>, Tradescape Inc.</li>
-  		</ul>
-		</div>
-		<div class="homeitem3col">
-		<h3>Other interested parties</h3>
-		We also honor the contributions that people make in the form of bug reports,
-		good questions on the mailing list, or other discussions. These are partially
-		reflected in the following
-		<ul>
-  		<li><b><a href="">
-  		Bugzilla Report</a></b> - all bug reporters except committers</li>
-  		</ul> 
-		Apart from plain bugs, here is the list of companies and people who have 
-		been active in the TM face-to-face meetings and phone conferences so far,
-		or made interesting contributions on the TM Mailing List.
-		The list is sorted alphabetically by company first, then by last name:
-		<ul class="midlist">
-			<li><b>Accelerated Technology</b>:
-			  Mark Bozeman, George Clark, Aaron Spear</li>
-			<li><b>Cisco</b>: Hamang Lavana</li>
-			<li><b>Curtiss-Wright Controls</b>: Mark Littlefield, Darian Wong</li>
-			<li><b>Digi</b>: John Leier</li>
-			<li><b>FreeScale</b>: Kirk Beitz, John Cortell, Daymon Rogers</li>
-			<li><b>IBM</b>: Alan Boxall, Denise Schmidt</li>
-			<li><b>IBM / LANL</b>: Greg Watson</li>
-			<li><b>Intel</b>: Peter Lachner</li>
-			<li><b>Montavista</b>: Joe Green, Pierre-Alexandre Masse</li>
-			<li><b>QNX</b>: Alex Chapiro, David Inglis, Doug Schaefer</li>
-			<li><b>Star Bridge Systems</b>: Matthew Scarpino</li> 
-			<li><b>Symbian</b>: Victor Palau, Neil Taylor</li>
-			<li><b>TI</b>: Paul Gingrich</li> 
-			<li><b>TU Munich</b>: Tianchao Li</li> 
-			<li><b>Wind River</b>: Martin Gutschelhofer, Brian Nettleton</li>
-			<li><b>Zend Technologies</b>: Yossi Leon, Yaron Mazor</li> 
-  		</ul>
-		</div>
-	</div>
-	<div id="rightcolumn">
-		<div class="sideitem">
-			<h6>Getting started</h6>
-			<ul>				
-				<li><a href=""
-					target="_self">TM Overview Slides</a></li>
-				<li><a href="" target="_self">
-				    TM 2.0 Release Review Slides</a></li>
-			    <li><a href="" 
-			    	target="_self">DSDP Overview Diagrams</a></li>				
-				<li><a
-					href="/dsdp/tm/doc/DSDPTM_Use_Cases_v1.1c.pdf"
-					target="_self">TM Use Cases Document</a></li>
-				<li><a href=""
-					target="_self">IBM RSE Presentation</a></li>
-				<!-- <li><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/index.php">Developer Resources</a></li> -->
-				<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/doc/index.php">Developer Documents</a></li>
-			</ul>
-		</div>
-	</div>
-	# Generate the web page
-	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
diff --git a/development/cvs_setup.php b/development/cvs_setup.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ab802fd..0000000
--- a/development/cvs_setup.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-<?php  																														require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	$App 	= new App();	$Nav	= new Nav();	$Menu 	= new Menu();		include($App->getProjectCommon());    # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
-	#*****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# project_sets.php
-	#
-	# Author: 		Martin Oberhuber
-	# Date:			2006-07-03
-	#
-	# Description: Eclipse Team Project Sets for TM development
-	#
-	#
-	#****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# Begin: page-specific settings.  Change these. 
-	$pageTitle 		= "TM Repository and Team Project Sets";
-	$pageKeywords	= "DSDP, Target Management, Team, Development, Project Set, psf, workspace";
-	$pageAuthor		= "Martin Oberhuber";
-	# Add page-specific Nav bars here
-	# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
-	# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", 	"downloads.php");
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3);
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
-	# End: page-specific settings
-	#
-	# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!	
-	$html = <<<EOHTML
-	<div id="midcolumn">
-		<h1>$pageTitle</h1>
-		<a name="projectsets"></a>
-		<p>When you want to work on RSE code obtained from our 
-		CVS Repositories, the simplest way to set up your workspace
-		is to import our team project sets.</p>
-		<p>Simply pick the project set below that is appropriate
-		for your use, save it to a local disk and in Eclipse choose
-		<b>File &gt; Import &gt; Team &gt; Team Project Set</b>.</p>
-		<p>For most contributors, we recommend using <b>
-		<a href="rse-anonymous.psf">rse-anonymous.psf</a></b>.
-		Since the RSE code is located on three different repositories,
-		importing this project set will ask you three times for 
-		your user and password information. Use
-		<ul><li>User: <b>anonymous</b></li>
-		    <li>Password: <b></b></li>
-		</ul>
-		After entering this three times during import, Eclipse will 
-		not ask you again. 
-		Since committers with write access to the repository need
-		a different repository setup, there are specific project
-		sets for committers.</p>
-		<p>Once you have obtained a project set, a project named
-		<b>www-tm-development</b> will also be part of your workspace.
-		This project holds the web pages you are just reading, 
-		including the team project sets themselves. So when you want
-		to update your workspace e.g. because you have been informed
-		that new plugins have been added, just synchronize the 
-		www-tm-development project with the repository, and then
-		import the proper team project set from your local workspace
-		(there is no need to go back to the web page again).</p>
-		<p>For more details on Team Project Sets, see the
-		<a href="">
-		Eclipse Workbench documentation.</a></p>
-		<table border=1>
-		  <tr><th>Project Set Contents</th><th>Anonymous Access</th><th>Committer Access</th></tr>
-		  <tr>
-		    <td>Core RSE plugins, including examples, docs and all subsystem implementations</td>
-		    <td><a href="rse-anonymous.psf">rse-anonymous.psf</a></td>
-		    <td><a href="rse-committer.psf">rse-committer.psf</a></td>
-		  </tr>
-		  <tr>
-		    <td>RSE feature projects, tests and release engineering support projects</td>
-		    <td><a href="rse-releng-anonymous.psf">rse-releng-anonymous.psf</a></td>
-		    <td><a href="rse-releng-committer.psf">rse-releng-committer.psf</a></td>
-		  </tr>
-		  <tr>
-		    <td>Discovery component</td>
-		    <td><a href="discovery-anonymous.psf">discovery-anonymous.psf</a></td>
-		    <td><a href="discovery-committer.psf">discovery-committer.psf</a></td>
-		  </tr>
-		  <tr>
-		    <td>Terminal component</td>
-		    <td><a href="terminal-anonymous.psf">terminal-anonymous.psf</a></td>
-		    <td><a href="terminal-committer.psf">terminal-committer.psf</a></td>
-		  </tr>
-		  <tr>
-		    <td>Complete workspace, including all four project sets above</td>
-		    <td><a href="tm-all-anonymous.psf">tm-all-anonymous.psf</a></td>
-		    <td><a href="tm-all-committer.psf">tm-all-committer.psf</a></td>
-		  </tr>
-		  <tr>
-		    <td>TM Orbit contribution (Jakarta ORO and Commons Net)</td>
-		    <td><a href="tm-orbit-anonymous.psf">tm-orbit-anonymous.psf</a></td>
-		    <td><a href="tm-orbit-committer.psf">tm-orbit-committer.psf</a></td>
-		  </tr>
-		  <tr>
-		    <td>Target Communication Framework (TCF) (note: requires Subversive Team Provider)</td>
-		    <td><a href="tcf-anonymous.psf">tcf-anonymous.psf</a></td>
-		    <td><a href="tcf-committer.psf">tcf-committer.psf</a></td>
-		  </tr>
-		</table>
-		<a name="viewcvs"></a>
-		<h2>WWW viewcvs access</h2>
-		<p>Our repositories can also be accessed over the internet 
-		through the viewcvs interface:</p>
-		<ul>
-		  <li><a href="">TM Core Repository</a>, 
-		    holding re-usable core components without further dependencies like
-		    third party libraries (Apache Commons Net, Jakarta-ORO),
-		    Discovery components and Terminal view.</li>
-		  <li><a href="">RSE Repository</a>,
-		    holding the Remote System Explorer (RSE) framework including services, subsystems,
-		    UI components, examples, tests, documentation and all release engineering
-		    support projects.</li>
-		  <li><a href="">Orbit Repository</a>,
-		    holding the TM contributions to Orbit, namely bundled versions of Apache
-		    Commons Net 1.4.1 and Jakarta ORO 2.0.8.</li>
-		  <li><a href="">TM Website Repository</a>,
-		    holding the project web pages.</li>
-		</ul>
-		<a name="manual"></a>
-		<h2>Direct manual access to our Repositories</h2>
-		<p>Finally, if you want to manually browse our repositories in the
-		Eclipse CVS Repository Explorer or a similar CVS browser, here is
-		how to access them:</p>
-		<table border=1>
-		  <tr><th> &nbsp; </th><th>Repository</th><th>Module path</th></tr>
-		  <tr>
-		    <td>TM Core Repository</td>
-		    <td></td>
-		    <td></td>
-		  </tr>
-		  <tr>
-		    <td>RSE Main Repository</td>
-		    <td></td>
-		    <td></td>
-		  </tr>
-		  <tr>
-		    <td>Orbit Repository</td>
-		    <td></td>
-		    <td>org.eclipse.orbit</td>
-		  </tr>
-		  <tr>
-		    <td>TM Website Repository</td>
-		    <td></td>
-		    <td>www/dsdp/tm</td>
-		  </tr>
-		</table>
-		<a name="changelogs"></a>
-		<h2>Change Logs</h2>
-		<p>The TM project maintains change logs for the latest modifications
-		to the repositories. Unfortunately, these need to be separate for the
-		Core and RSE repositories due to technical constraints:</p>
-		<ul>
-		  <li><a href="">RSE Main Changelog</a></li>
-		  <li><a href="">Core Components Changelog</a></li>
-		</ul>
-		<a name="notifications"></a>
-		<h2>Commit Notifications</h2>
-		<p>You can subscribe to the 
-		  <a href="">dsdp-tm-cvs-commit</a>
-		  mailing list to receive notification E-Mails for new checkins.</p>
-		<a name="cvsbackground"></a>
-		<h2>Background information on CVS and Eclipse</h2>
-		<ul>
-		  <li>See <a href="">
-			Using Eclipse with CVS</a> for instructions on how to use
-			Eclipse with CVS.</li>
-		</ul>
-		<p/>
-	</div>
-	# Generate the web page
-	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
diff --git a/development/discovery-anonymous.psf b/development/discovery-anonymous.psf
deleted file mode 100644
index a936469..0000000
--- a/development/discovery-anonymous.psf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<psf version="2.0">
-	<provider id="">
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.discovery"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,www/dsdp/tm/development,www-tm-development"/>
-	</provider>
diff --git a/development/discovery-committer.psf b/development/discovery-committer.psf
deleted file mode 100644
index 8203c8d..0000000
--- a/development/discovery-committer.psf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<psf version="2.0">
-	<provider id="">
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.discovery"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,www/dsdp/tm/development,www-tm-development"/>
-	</provider>
diff --git a/development/index.php b/development/index.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e59ede..0000000
--- a/development/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-<?php  																														require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	$App 	= new App();	$Nav	= new Nav();	$Menu 	= new Menu();		include($App->getProjectCommon());    # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
-	#*****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# development/index.php
-	#
-	# Author: 		Martin Oberhuber
-	# Date:			2006-02-10
-	#
-	# Description: DSDP-TM developer resources page
-	#
-	#
-	#****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# Begin: page-specific settings.  Change these. 
-	$pageTitle 		= "TM Developer Resources";
-	$pageKeywords	= "developer,resources,device,target";
-	$pageAuthor		= "Martin Oberhuber";
-	# Add page-specific Nav bars here
-	# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
-	# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", 	"downloads.php");
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3);
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
-	# End: page-specific settings
-	#
-	# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!	
-	$html = <<<EOHTML
-<div id="maincontent">
-	<div id="midcolumn">
-	<h1>$pageTitle</h1>
-		<div class="homeitem">
-			<h3>Development Tools</h3>
-				<ul class="midlist">
-					<li><b><a
-						href="/dsdp/tm/development/cvs_setup.php">CVS Repository</a></b><br/>
-						TM development is managed in 
-						<!-- two CVS repositories:
-						<ul class="midlist">
-							<li>The <a href="">Core Repository</a>
-						    <li>The <a href="">RSE Repository</a>
-						</ul>
-						-->
-						the <a href="">RSE</a> and
-						<a href="">Core</a> Repositories.
-						To populate an Eclipse workspace with our code, best use our
-						<a href="/dsdp/tm/development/cvs_setup.php">Team Project Sets</a>.
-						A 
-						<a href="">
-						CVS Changelog</a> is available, and you can subscribe to commit notifications on
-						<a href="">dsdp-tm-cvs-commit</a>.</li>
-					<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/bug_process.php" target="_self"><b>Bug Process</b></a><br> 
-					   View <a href="">all open</a> issues
-					   | <a target="_top" href="">Submit new</a> bugs
-					   | Request an <a target="_top" href="">enhancement</a>
-					</li>
-					<li><b><a
-						href="">Eclipse API Scanner</a></b><br/>Describe the API of a component and scan plug-ins for API
-						violations (from the <a href=""
-						target="_self">WebTools</a> project).</li>
-					<li><b><a href="">Check
-						Unused Properties Tool</a></b> <br>
-						Scan property files for unused messages (from the <a
-							href="" target="_self">WebTools</a>
-						project).</li>
-					<li><b><a href="">Core
-						Tools</a></b> <br>
-						Useful utilities from the Platform team. Consider adding their
-						<a href="">
-						update site</a> to your configuration.</li>
-					<li><b><a
-						href="">Release Engineering</a></b> <br>
-						See the instructions, FAQs and help from the Platform-Releng team.</li>
-					<!-- Dashboard is currently not useful.
-					<li><b><a
-						href="">Project
-						Dashboard</a></b> <br>
-						View generated project statistics.</li>
-					-->
-					<li><b><a
-						href="">Eclipse Committer
-						Tools</a></b> <br>
-						Information on infrastructure status, file path information,
-						FAQs, etc. [login required]</li>
-				</ul>
-		</div>
-		<div class="homeitem">
-			<h3>Development Resources</h3>
-				<ul class="midlist">
-					<li><b><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/committer_howto.php">Committer HOWTO</a></b><br>
-						Simple cookbook instructions for performing basic tasks properly.
-						Committers need to follow check-in conventions and IP Due Diligence as outlined
-						<a href="/dsdp/tm/development/committer_guide.php">here</a>. 
-						</li>
-					<li><b><a href="">API Guidelines</a></b><br>
-						Look <a href="">
-						here</a> for general Eclipse API rules of engagement. We strive to achieve 
-						<a href="">
-						Eclipse Quality</a>, as outlined in the draft of
-						<a href="">
-						Eclipse Quality APIs</a>.
-						</li>
-					<li><b><a href="">
-					    Development Conventions and Guidelines</a></b><br>
-						Coding standards, naming conventions, and other
-						guidelines used by the Platform. TM will use these conventions
-						until such time as deviation is required.</li>
-			    	<li><b><a href="">
-						Architectural Overview</a></b><br>
-						A high level summary of the components and their architecture.</li>
-					<li><b><a
-							href="">Project
-						Requirements</a></b> <br>
-						Look here for a list of the project use cases and their
-						priorities.</li>
-					<li><b><a
-						href="">Charter</a></b>
-						<br>
-						As a DSDP subproject, the TM project abides by the
-						<a href="/dsdp/dsdp-charter.php">DSDP Project charter</a> and the
-						<a href="">
-						Eclipse Standard Charter</a>.</li>
-					<li><b><a
-							href="/dsdp/tm/development/contributors.php">Contributors
-						and Committers</a></b> <br>
-						List of TM Project contributors and committers.</li>
-				</ul>
-		</div>
-	</div>
-	<div id="rightcolumn">
-		<div class="sideitem">
-			<h6>Getting started</h6>
-			<ul>				
-				<li><a href=""
-					target="_self">TM Overview Slides</a></li>
-				<li><a href="" target="_self">
-				    TM 2.0 Release Review Slides</a></li>
-			    <li><a href="" 
-			    	target="_top">DSDP Overview Diagrams</a></li>				
-				<li><a
-					href="/dsdp/tm/doc/DSDPTM_Use_Cases_v1.1c.pdf"
-					target="_top">TM Use Cases Document</a></li>
-				<li><a href=""
-					target="_self">IBM RSE Presentation</a></li>
-				<!-- <li><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/index.php">Developer Resources</a></li> -->
-				<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/doc/index.php">Developer Documents</a></li>
-			</ul>
-		</div>
-	</div>
-	# Generate the web page
-	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
diff --git a/development/new.gif b/development/new.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ef5f5e..0000000
--- a/development/new.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/development/ok.gif b/development/ok.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 689e523..0000000
--- a/development/ok.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/development/plan.php b/development/plan.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 41f9b57..0000000
--- a/development/plan.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-<?php  																														require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	$App 	= new App();	$Nav	= new Nav();	$Menu 	= new Menu();		include($App->getProjectCommon());    # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
-	#*****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# development/plan.php
-	#
-	# Author: 		Martin Oberhuber
-	# Date:			2006-02-10
-	#
-	# Description: DSDP-TM project plans
-	#
-	#
-	#****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# Begin: page-specific settings.  Change these. 
-	$pageTitle 		= "Target Management Project Planning";
-	$pageKeywords	= "development,project,plan,device,target,embedded,communication";
-	$pageAuthor		= "Martin Oberhuber";
-	# Add page-specific Nav bars here
-	# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
-	# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", 	"downloads.php");
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3);
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
-	# "Proposal" background image: url('/proposals/proposal.gif')
-	$extraHtmlHeaders = "<style>
-body {  
-background-image: url('/images/draft.gif');
-background-repeat: repeat-y
-	";
-	# $App->AddExtraHtmlHeader($extraHtmlHeaders);
-	# End: page-specific settings
-	#
-	# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!	
-	$html = <<<EOHTML
-<div id="maincontent">
-	<div id="midcolumn"><br/>
-		<h1>$pageTitle</h1>
-		<!--
-		<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
-			<tbody>
-				<tr>
-					<td align="left"><h1>$pageTitle</h1></td>
-					<td align="right"><img align="right" src="/dsdp/tm/images/logo_banner.png" /></td>
-				</tr>
-			</tbody>
-		</table><hr/>
-		-->
-		<div class="homeitem3col">
-			<h3>Releases currently under development</h3>
-    <ul>
-      <li><a href="tm_project_plan_2_0.html"> Target Management Project 2.0 Plan</a><br>
-        This document lays out the feature and API set for the Target Management 2.0 release. </li>
-      <li><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/bug_process.php"> Target Management Bug Process</a><br>
-    	Queries for up-to-date status on plan items and bugs from Eclipse Bugzilla. </li>
-      <li><a href=""> 
-        TM Future Planning Wiki</a><br>
-        Plan Incubator Wiki, holding ideas for future releases. 
-      </li>
-      <li><a href=""> DSDP/TM Wiki</a><br>
-    	Target Management Wiki, linking to Technology Sub-Groups for breeding future ideas. </li>
-    </ul>
-      	</div>
-		<div class="homeitem3col">
-			<h3>Development Process</h3>
-	<ul>
-	<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/">
-		TM Development Home Page</a><br>
-		Main page for Target Management Development Resources.</li>
-	<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/doc/DSDPTM_Use_Cases_v1.1c.pdf">
-    	Target Management Use Cases Document</a><br>
-    	Requirements: Target Management Use Cases - dated but still current.</li>
-	<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/doc/index.php">
-		Developer Documents</a><br>
-		Target Management Development Documents.</li>
-    </ul>
-      	</div>
-		<div class="homeitem3col">
-			<h3>Historical information about past releases</h3>
-	<ul>
-	<li><a href="tm_project_plan_1_0.html"> Target Management Project 1.0 Plan</a><br>
-        This document lays out the feature and API set for the Target Management 1.0 release. </li>
-    </ul>
-    	</div>
-	</div>
-	# Generate the web page
-	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
diff --git a/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-export.png b/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-export.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 296870c..0000000
--- a/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-export.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-ftplistformat.png b/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-ftplistformat.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 32d6b25..0000000
--- a/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-ftplistformat.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-import.png b/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-import.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b3a890..0000000
--- a/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-import.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-remote-system-type-selection.png b/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-remote-system-type-selection.png
deleted file mode 100644
index de7e61b..0000000
--- a/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-remote-system-type-selection.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-sdaddress.png b/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-sdaddress.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 2aeee17..0000000
--- a/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-sdaddress.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-shellprocesses.png b/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-shellprocesses.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f0a809..0000000
--- a/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-shellprocesses.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-telnet.png b/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-telnet.png
deleted file mode 100644
index a5e668e..0000000
--- a/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-telnet.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-terminalinput.png b/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-terminalinput.png
deleted file mode 100644
index fd9c6d1..0000000
--- a/development/relnotes/2.0/images/new-terminalinput.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/development/relnotes/2.0/readme_tm_2.0.html b/development/relnotes/2.0/readme_tm_2.0.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b73091..0000000
--- a/development/relnotes/2.0/readme_tm_2.0.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<title>DSDP-TM Release Notes 2.0.2</title>
-<h1>DSDP Target Management Release Notes</h1>
-<p>Release 2.0.3<br/>
-Last revised February 25, 2008</p>
-<h2>TM Service Release 2.0.3</h2>
-TM 2.0.3 service release includes 13 bug fixes compared to TM 2.0.2.
-RSE persistence was made more robust, SSH connections
-do not time out any more thanks to keepalives,
-FTP connections can show hidden files,
-and the Terminal optional input line got Ctrl+Space field assist
-for quickly accessing its history.
-TM 2.0.3 is 100% upward and backward compatible with TM 2.0. If you already have TM 2.0, you 
-can "check for updates" using the Eclipse update manager to get it.
-See the <a href="">
-TM 2.0.3 Build Notes</a> for details.
-<h2>TM Service Release 2.0.2</h2>
-TM 2.0.2 service release includes 24 bug fixes, especially fixing some serious issues with the new
-fast Terminal implementation, and two problems with file upload.
-See the <a href="">
-TM 2.0.2 Build Notes</a> for details.
-<h2>TM Service Release 2.0.1</h2>
-TM 2.0.1 service release includes more than 150 bug fixes and performance enhancements, particularly
-<ul><li>Fixes <b>non-ASCII encodings</b> for files and directories on remote FTP or SSH servers
-    <li>includes a <b>lighting fast new Terminal implementation</b> (up to 1000 times faster than the old one on Windows)</li>
-    <li>Several fixes for FTP passive mode, archive handlers and the <b>Eclipse Filesystem (EFS) provider</b></li>.
-EFS works nicely now for mapping remote resources into any kind of Eclipse project.
-See the <a href="">
-TM 2.0.1 Build Notes</a> for details.
-<h2>TM Patch Release</h2>
-The TM patch release changes 6 lines of Java code compared to TM 2.0 in order to fix
-critical bugs <a href="">192741</a> 
-and <a href="">194204</a>
-which could lead to loss of data
-when working with ZIP archives or renaming files on an FTP connection.
-The RSE Core and RSE FTP features were changed.
-See the <a href="">
-TM Build Notes</a> for details.
-<h2>TM Release 2.0.0</h2>
-TM 2.0 includes significant cleanups, refactorings and API changes for enhanced flexibility
-compared to the RSE 1.0 release.
-541 unique bugs were adressed, including 136 API change requests.
-Users will see enhanced FTP configuration options, Terminal improvements,
-an EFS integration, and Import/Export wizards for bulk uploads and downloads
-among other improvements.</p>
-  <li>See the <a href="">TM 2.0 New & Noteworthy</a> for new features</li> 
-  <li>See the <a href="">TM 2.0 Project Plan</a>
-      for supported operating environments</li>
-  <li>See the <a href="">TM 2.0 Known Issues and Workarounds</a> Wiki for known problems</li>
-  <li>See the <a href="">TM 2.0 Migration</a> Wiki for migration info</li>
-  <li>See the <a href="">TM 2.0 Build Notes</a> for bugs fixed, APIs changed and other information</li> 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/development/relnotes/2.0/tm-news-2.0.html b/development/relnotes/2.0/tm-news-2.0.html
deleted file mode 100644
index eab9ab0..0000000
--- a/development/relnotes/2.0/tm-news-2.0.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
-<html xmlns="">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us" />
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css"/>
-<title>DSDP-TM 2.0 News</title>
-<h1>DSDP Target Management 2.0 - New and Noteworthy</h1>
-<p>The emphasis on the TM 2.0 release has been API polish and cleanup,
-  so there are not too many new features to mention. Still, here are 
-  some of the more noteworthy things you'll find in TM 2.0 (June 27, 2007)
-  which is now available for <a href="" target="_top">download</a>.
-  See the <a href="readme_tm_2.0.html">TM 2.0 release notes</a> as well
-  as the <a href="">build notes</a>
-  for details about API changes, bugs fixed and other changes.</p>
-  <li><a href="#RSE">Remote System Explorer (RSE)</a>
-  <ul>
-     <li><a href="#RSE">Internals</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#Wizards">Wizards</a></li>
-     <li><a href="#Subsystems">Connections and Subsystems</a></li>
-  </ul></li>
-  <li><a href="#Terminal">Terminal</a></li>
-  <li><a href="#Discovery">Discovery</a></li>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" width="80%">
-  <tr>
-    <td colspan="2"><hr />
-      <h2><a name="RSE" id="RSE"></a>Remote System Explorer (RSE)</h2>
-      <hr /></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td width="30%" valign="top" align="left"><b>Persistence in .metadata</b></td>
-    <td width="70%" valign="top">Persistence of RSE objects is now done in .metadata by default.
-       This fixes problems with workspace locking.
-       Existing connection definitions in the old format are still read and
-       understood. The old default behavior can be restored by a Preference setting.
-       For details, see bug
-       <a href="">[187647]</a>.</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td colspan="2"><hr />
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td width="30%" valign="top" align="left"><b>Dynamic Remote System Types</b></td>
-    <td width="70%" valign="top"><p>Remote System Types can now be contributed programaticaly via a
-    system type provider. The dynamic remote system types allow for increased and more fine-granular
-    control of the contributed system type behavior. See the TM 2.0 system type providers extension
-    point documentation for details.
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td colspan="2"><hr />
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td width="30%" valign="top" align="left"><b>DStore Version Number updated</b></td>
-    <td width="70%" valign="top"><p>The version number of the DStore protocol
-        was updated to <em>"DataStore.9.0.0"</em>, indicating that the TM 2.0
-        RSE client should be used with a TM 2.0 DStore server only. Supporting
-        this change, the default port of the DStore daemon was changed from
-        4035 to 4075
-        [<a href="">188365</a>]
-        [<a href="">194442</a>].</p>
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td colspan="2"><hr />
-      <h3><a name="Wizards" id="Wizards"></a>RSE: Wizards</h3>
-      <hr /></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td width="30%" valign="top" align="left"><b>New Connection: System Type Selection</b></td>
-    <td width="70%" valign="top"><p>The Remote System Type selection wizard page now supports
-    the grouping of system types within categories and filtering. See the TM 2.0 new connection
-    wizards extension point documentation for details.
-    <p><img src="images/new-remote-system-type-selection.png" alt="Remote System Type Selection" /></p></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td colspan="2"><hr />
-    <!--
-      <h3><a name="ImportExportWizards" id="ImportExportWizard"></a>RSE: Import and Export</h3>
-      <hr />
-    -->
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td width="30%" valign="top" align="left"><b>Import and Export Wizards</b></td>
-    <td width="70%" valign="top"><p>Remote folders can now be downloaded to Eclipse projects via 
-    the new Remote File System Import Wizard and Eclipse projects can now be uploaded to remote folders via 
-    the new Remote File System Export Wizard.
-    Settings of the import or export operation can be saved in a file for later 
-    re-play of the same operation, such that a local and a remote project can be
-    kept in sync.
-    <p><img src="images/new-import.png" alt="Remote File System Import Wizard" /></p>
-    <!--
-    <p><img src="images/new-export.png" alt="Remote File System Export Wizard" /></p>
-    -->
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td colspan="2"><hr />
-      <h3><a name="Subsystems" id="Subsystems"></a>RSE: Connections and Subsystems</h3>
-      <hr /></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td align="left" valign="top" width="30%"><b>FTP passive mode and listing parser selection</b></td>
-    <td valign="top" width="70%">FTP passive mode can now be enabled through the FTP settings,
-    either in the New Connection Wizard or on the subsystem properties page.
-    The FTP listing parser is automatically assigned depending on 
-    the remote server information, but it can also be selected from a list 
-    in the FTP settings by the user. This may help communicating with 
-    servers that incorrectly identify their system type.
-    <p><img src="images/new-ftplistformat.png" alt="FTP directory listing and passive mode in FTP settings" /></p></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td colspan="2"><hr />
-    <!--
-      <h3><a name="Telnet" id="Telnet"></a>RSE: Telnet</h3>
-      <hr />
-    -->
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td width="30%" valign="top" align="left"><b>Telnet Shell Subsystem</b></td>
-    <td width="70%" valign="top"><p>The new RSE Telnet Subsystem can be activated
-       by selecting the new system type "Telnet Only (Experimental)". The
-       subsystem can be configured in the New Connection Wizard by setting
-       properties for the expected login, password and prompt Strings.
-       RSE password management is supported. Once connected, the Telnet 
-       connection can serve as the channel for layered subsystems like the
-       Linux Shell Processes subsystem. As per TM 2.0, the Telnet subsystem
-       is still considered experimental because the login sequence is not
-       robust against invalid configuration.</p>
-      <p><img src="images/new-telnet.png" alt="Telnet Subsystem" /></p></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td colspan="2"><hr />
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td width="30%" valign="top" align="left"><b>Linux Shell Processes</b></td>
-    <td width="70%" valign="top"><p>For Linux systems, a special processes subsystem
-       has been added that gets its data through any contributed shell subsystem
-       (like an SSH shell or a Telnet shell). This allows working with processes
-       even if dstore is not available. It is also an interesting example of 
-       layering a subsystem on top of another, arbitrary contributed one.</p>
-       <p>Currently, the Shell Processes subsystem works on Linux only because
-       it uses shell commands against the /proc file system.</p>
-      <p><img src="images/new-shellprocesses.png" alt="Shell Processes Subsystem" /></p></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td colspan="2"><hr />
-      <h2><a name="Terminal" id="Terminal"></a>Terminal</h2>
-      <hr /></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td width="30%" valign="top" align="left"><b>Lazy initialization</b></td>
-    <td width="70%" valign="top">All terminal connectors are now initialized
-      lazily, avoiding unnecessary plugin activation.</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td colspan="2"><hr />
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td width="30%" valign="top" align="left"><b>Optional editable input line</b></td>
-    <td width="70%" valign="top">The terminal now supports an optional separate
-      input line. The input line provides editing capabilities as well as a 
-      command history with cursor up/down. The optional input line is useful
-      for connecting to dumb terminals that do not support commandline editing.
-      <p><img border="0" src="images/new-terminalinput.png" alt="Terminal input line" /></p></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td colspan="2"><hr />
-      <h2><a name="Discovery" id="Discovery"></a>Discovery</h2>
-      <hr /></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td align="left" valign="top" width="30%"><b>Subsystems can now register for Discovery</b></td>
-    <td valign="top" width="70%">Subsystems can now register for being discovered
-        by the Discovery component. They do so by adding a "services" tag to their
-        subsystemConfigurations extension point markup.</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td colspan="2"><hr />
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td align="left" valign="top" width="30%"><b>Fill in multicast address
-        for service discovery</b></td>
-    <td valign="top" width="70%">The Service Discovery Wizard now provides
-      a checkbox for automatically filling in the proper IP multicast 
-      address for zeroconf or DNS-SD based service discovery:
-      <p><img src="images/new-sdaddress.png" alt="Multicast Address in SD Wizard" /></p></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td colspan="2"><hr />
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-<p>More details about API changes, new features and bugs fixed are in the 
-  build notes of the earlier TM 2.0 milestone builds:</p>
-  <li><a href="">
-      TM 2.0RC4 build notes (June 20, 2007)</a></li>
-  <li><a href="">
-      TM 2.0RC3 build notes (June 14, 2007)</a></li>
-  <li><a href="">
-      TM 2.0RC2 build notes (June 5, 2007)</a></li>
-  <li><a href="">
-      TM 2.0RC1 build notes (May 25, 2007)</a></li>
-  <li><a href="">
-      TM 2.0M7 build notes (May 18, 2007)</a></li>
-  <li><a href="">
-      TM 2.0M6a build notes (April 11, 2007)</a></li>
-  <li><a href="">
-      TM 2.0M5 build notes (February 24, 2007)</a></li>
-  <li><a href="">
-      TM 2.0M4 build notes (January 4, 2007)</a></li>
-  </li>
diff --git a/development/rse-anonymous.psf b/development/rse-anonymous.psf
deleted file mode 100644
index 90a51c3..0000000
--- a/development/rse-anonymous.psf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
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-		<project reference="1.0,,org.eclipse.orbit/,,v1_4_1"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,org.eclipse.orbit/org.apache.oro,org.apache.oro,v2_0_8"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.wince"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.dstore.doc.isv"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.doc.isv"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.doc.user"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.examples.daytime"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.examples.tutorial"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.remotecdt"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.dstore.core"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.dstore.extra"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.connectorservice.dstore"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.connectorservice.local"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.connectorservice.ssh"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.connectorservice.telnet"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.core"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.efs"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.efs.ui"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.files.ui"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.importexport"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.processes.ui"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.shells.ui"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.files.core"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.files.dstore"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.files.ftp"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.files.local"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.files.ssh"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.processes.core"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.processes.dstore"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.processes.local"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.shells.core"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.shells.dstore"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.shells.local"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.shells.ssh"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.shells.telnet"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.terminals.core"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.terminals.ssh"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.terminals.ui"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.ui"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.useractions"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,www/dsdp/tm/development,www-tm-development"/>
-	</provider>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/development/rse-committer.psf b/development/rse-committer.psf
deleted file mode 100644
index f186625..0000000
--- a/development/rse-committer.psf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<psf version="2.0">
-	<provider id="">
-		<project reference="1.0,,org.eclipse.orbit/,,v1_4_1"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,org.eclipse.orbit/org.apache.oro,org.apache.oro,v2_0_8"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.wince"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.dstore.doc.isv"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.doc.isv"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.doc.user"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.examples.daytime"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.examples.tutorial"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.remotecdt"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.dstore.core"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.dstore.extra"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.connectorservice.dstore"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.connectorservice.local"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.connectorservice.ssh"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.connectorservice.telnet"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.core"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.efs"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.efs.ui"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.files.ui"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.importexport"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.processes.ui"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.shells.ui"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.files.core"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.files.dstore"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.files.ftp"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.files.local"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.files.ssh"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.processes.core"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.processes.dstore"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.processes.local"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.shells.core"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.shells.dstore"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.shells.local"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.shells.ssh"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.shells.telnet"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.terminals.core"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.terminals.ssh"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.terminals.ui"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.ui"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.useractions"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,www/dsdp/tm/development,www-tm-development"/>
-	</provider>
diff --git a/development/rse-releng-anonymous.psf b/development/rse-releng-anonymous.psf
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c12aaa..0000000
--- a/development/rse-releng-anonymous.psf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<psf version="2.0">
-	<provider id="">
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.wince-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.examples-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.core-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.dstore-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.ftp-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.local-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.remotecdt-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.sdk-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.ssh-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.telnet-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.terminals-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.useractions-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.sdk"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.releng.infocenter"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.updatesite"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.tests"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.tests-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.tests.framework"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.tests.framework.examples"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.tests.manual"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,www/dsdp/tm/development,www-tm-development"/>
-	</provider>
diff --git a/development/rse-releng-committer.psf b/development/rse-releng-committer.psf
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bf169c..0000000
--- a/development/rse-releng-committer.psf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<psf version="2.0">
-	<provider id="">
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.wince-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.examples-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.core-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.dstore-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.ftp-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.local-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.remotecdt-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.sdk-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.ssh-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.telnet-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.terminals-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.useractions-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.sdk"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.releng.infocenter"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.updatesite"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.tests"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.tests-feature"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.tests.framework"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.tests.framework.examples"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,,org.eclipse.rse.tests.manual"/>
-		<project reference="1.0,,www/dsdp/tm/development,www-tm-development"/>
-	</provider>
diff --git a/development/scripts/.cvsignore b/development/scripts/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d455be..0000000
--- a/development/scripts/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/development/scripts/lc b/development/scripts/lc
deleted file mode 100755
index 18f7acc..0000000
--- a/development/scripts/lc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Wind River Systems, Inc.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials 
-# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at 
-# Contributors: 
-# Martin Oberhuber - initial API and implementation 
-#:# lc - Count lines of code, data and documentation of all files below a
-#:# list of directories. Do not count empty lines or binary files.
-#:# Usage:
-#:#    lc [-efh] {directory,...}
-#:# Options:
-#:#    -e  ..  include empty lines in count (like wc -l)
-#:#    -f  ..  show file list on stderr (for debugging)
-#:#    -h  ..  show help
-#:# Examples:
-#:#    lc -f com.foobar.plugin
-#:#    lc -e org.eclipse.core.*
-case x$1 in
-  x-e*) INCLUDE_EMPTY=1; shift ;;
-  x-f*) SHOW_FILES=1; shift ;;
-  x-*) HELP=1 ;;
-if [ "$HELP" = "1" ]; then
-  grep '^#:#' $0 | grep -v grep | sed -e 's,^#:#,,'
-  exit 0
-if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then 
-  echo "Error: Argument is not a directory: $1"
-  echo "Type `basename $0` -help for help"
-  exit 1
-while [ -f ${FILE_LIST} ]; do
-while [ -f {LINES_FILE} ]; do
-trap "rm -f ${FILE_LIST} ${LINES_FILE}" EXIT
-#trap "rm -f ${FILE_LIST} ${LINES_FILE}; cd \"${curdir}\"" EXIT
-while [ "$1" != "" ]; do
-  # Cat all non-binary files, suppress empty and lines only containing /*#{}
-  if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then
-    echo "$1: Not a directory"
-    shift
-    continue
-  else
-    echo "$1:"
-  fi
-  cd "$1"
-  find . -type f | egrep -v '/(CVS|.metadata)/' \
-      | egrep -iv '\.(a|class|dll|exe|bmp|gif|png|jpg|so|o|obj|jar|tar|gz|zip)$' \
-      > ${FILE_LIST}
-  if [ "$SHOW_FILES" = "1" ]; then
-    #cat ${FILE_LIST} > /dev/stderr
-    cat ${FILE_LIST} 1>&2-
-  fi
-  ################################
-  # Here's our contribution line counting algorithm:
-  # 1. Cat all files from the contribution, delimited by newlines (xargs -d \\n cat)
-  # 2. Suppress empty lines and lines only containing /*#{}
-  #
-  # Known limitations:
-  # a. Fails for filenames with newlines embedded (a pretty academic limitation)
-  if [ x${INCLUDE_EMPTY} = x1 ]; then
-    cat ${FILE_LIST} | xargs -d \\n cat | wc -l > ${LINES_FILE}
-  else
-    cat ${FILE_LIST} | xargs -d \\n cat \
-      | egrep -v '^[^a-zA-Z0-9_!?"|@~`$%&()+;,.:<>=+-]*$' | wc -l > ${LINES_FILE}
-  fi
-  LINES=`cat ${LINES_FILE}`
-  echo ${LINES}
-  TOTAL=`expr ${TOTAL} + ${LINES}`
-  cd "$curdir"
-  shift
-echo "Total: ${TOTAL}"
-exit 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/development/scripts/lc.bat b/development/scripts/lc.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c8dc64..0000000
--- a/development/scripts/lc.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@

-REM ******************************************************************************

-REM # Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Wind River Systems, Inc.

-REM # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials 

-REM # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 

-REM # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at 

-REM # 

-REM # 

-REM # Contributors: 

-REM # Martin Oberhuber - initial API and implementation 

-REM #******************************************************************************

-REM #:#

-REM #:# lc.bat - Shellscript wrapper for Cygwin "lc" to count lines of code,

-REM #:# data and documentation of all files below a list of directories.

-REM #:# See the "lc" script for details.

-REM #:#

-REM #:# Usage:

-REM #:#    lc [-efh] {directory,...}

-REM #:# Options:

-REM #:#    -e  ..  include empty lines in count (like wc -l)

-REM #:#    -f  ..  show file list on stderr (for debugging)

-REM #:#    -h  ..  show help

-REM #:# Examples:

-REM #:#    lc -f com.foobar.plugin

-REM #:#    lc -e org.eclipse.core.*

-REM #:#


-SET MYDIR=%~dp0






-IF NOT EXIST %ECL_SCRIPTS%\lcp GOTO err_no_scripts


-IF "%CYGWIN_BIN%" == "" SET CYGWIN_BIN=E:\Apps\Cygwin\bin


-IF NOT EXIST %CYGWIN_BIN%\bash.exe GOTO cygwin_in_path


-REM Use bash.exe -x for debugging

-REM %CYGWIN_BIN%\bash.exe -x %ECL_SCRIPTS%\lc %*

-%CYGWIN_BIN%\bash.exe %ECL_SCRIPTS%\lc %*

-GOTO end


-bash -c echo 2> NUL:

-IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO err_no_cygwin

-bash %ECL_SCRIPTS%\lc %*

-GOTO end




-ECHO Error: Cygwin bash.exe not found.

-ECHO Please edit lc.bat to contain the directory of your cygwin installation.

-GOTO end



-ECHO Error: lc shellscript not found.

-ECHO Please edit lc.bat to contain the directory of your downloaded lc script.



diff --git a/development/scripts/lcp b/development/scripts/lcp
deleted file mode 100755
index 0a4a3a7..0000000
--- a/development/scripts/lcp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Wind River Systems, Inc.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials 
-# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at 
-# Contributors: 
-# Martin Oberhuber - initial API and implementation 
-#:# lcp - Count lines of code, data and documentation in a file submitted
-#:# as a patch
-#:# Usage:
-#:#    lcp [-eh] {patchfile}
-#:# Options:
-#:#    -e  ..  include empty lines in count (like wc -l)
-#:#    -h  ..  show help
-#:# Examples:
-#:#    lcp bug12345.patch.diff
-case x$1 in
-  x-e*) INCLUDE_EMPTY=1 ;;
-  x-*) HELP=1 ;;
-if [ "$HELP" = "1" ]; then
-  grep '^#:#' $0 | grep -v grep | sed -e 's,^#:#,,'
-  exit 0
-if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then 
-  echo "Error: Argument is not a file: $1"
-  echo "Type `basename $0` -help for help"
-  exit 1
-# Here's our contribution line counting algorithm for patches:
-# 1. Cat the patch (necessary to support patches embedding binary data)
-# 2. Extract all lines that were added in the patch (starting with '+').
-#    We use -a in order to work around embedded icons and other binary data
-# 3. Suppress filenames (starting with '+++').
-# 4. Suppress empty lines and lines only containing /*#{}
-# Known limitations:
-# a. "Moving around" type modications count too many + lines.
-if [ x${INCLUDE_EMPTY} = x1 ]; then
-  cat "$1" | grep -a '^[+]' | grep -a -v '^[+][+][+]' | wc -l
-  cat "$1" | grep -a '^[+]' | grep -a -v '^[+][+][+]' \
-      | egrep -a -v '^\+[^a-zA-Z0-9_!?"|@~`$%&()+;,.:<>=+-]*$' | wc -l
diff --git a/development/scripts/lcp.bat b/development/scripts/lcp.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index e305d2c..0000000
--- a/development/scripts/lcp.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@

-REM ******************************************************************************

-REM # Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Wind River Systems, Inc.

-REM # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials 

-REM # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 

-REM # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at 

-REM # 

-REM # 

-REM # Contributors: 

-REM # Martin Oberhuber - initial API and implementation 

-REM #******************************************************************************

-REM #:#

-REM #:# lcp.bat - Shellscript wrapper for Cygwin "lcp" to Count lines of code,

-REM #:# data and documentation in a file submitted as a patch.

-REM #:# See the "lcp" script for details.

-REM #:#

-REM #:# Usage:

-REM #:#    lcp [-eh] {patchfile}

-REM #:# Options:

-REM #:#    -e  ..  include empty lines in count (like wc -l)

-REM #:#    -h  ..  show help

-REM #:# Examples:

-REM #:#    lcp bug12345.patch.diff

-REM #:#


-SET MYDIR=%~dp0






-IF NOT EXIST %ECL_SCRIPTS%\lcp GOTO err_no_scripts


-IF "%CYGWIN_BIN%" == "" SET CYGWIN_BIN=E:\Apps\Cygwin\bin


-IF NOT EXIST %CYGWIN_BIN%\bash.exe GOTO cygwin_in_path


-REM Use bash.exe -x for debugging

-REM %CYGWIN_BIN%\bash.exe -x %ECL_SCRIPTS%\lcp %*

-%CYGWIN_BIN%\bash.exe %ECL_SCRIPTS%\lcp %*

-GOTO end


-bash -c echo 2> NUL:

-IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO err_no_cygwin

-bash %ECL_SCRIPTS%\lcp %*

-GOTO end




-ECHO Error: Cygwin bash.exe not found.

-ECHO Please edit lcp.bat to contain the directory of your cygwin installation.

-GOTO end



-ECHO Error: lcp shellscript not found.

-ECHO Please edit lcp.bat to contain the directory of your downloaded lcp script.



diff --git a/development/scripts/ b/development/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 38911fd..0000000
--- a/development/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-cd `dirname $0`
-if [ -f ${ARCHIVE_NAME}-${RELEASE}.tar ]; then
-  rm -f ${ARCHIVE_NAME}-${RELEASE}.tar
-if [ -f ${ARCHIVE_NAME}-${RELEASE}.zip ]; then
-  rm -f ${ARCHIVE_NAME}-${RELEASE}.zip
-mkdir ${ARCHIVE_NAME}
-chmod 755 ${ARCHIVE_NAME}
-cp lc lc.bat lcp lcp.bat ${ARCHIVE_NAME}
-cp notice.html ${ARCHIVE_NAME}
-chmod 755 ${ARCHIVE_NAME}/lc*
-chmod 644 ${ARCHIVE_NAME}/lc*.bat
-chmod 644 ${ARCHIVE_NAME}/notice.html
-rm -rf ${ARCHIVE_NAME}
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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
-<meta name="Author" content="Martin Oberhuber">
-<meta name="Keywords" content="development,project,plan,device,target,embedded,communication">
-<title>DSDP - Target Management 1.0 Plan</title>
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../default_style.css" type="text/css">
-<h1>DSDP - Target Management 1.0 Plan</h1>
-<p>Last revised 11:00 CEST Oct 23, 2006 (
-<img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/>
-marks interesting recent 
-<a href="">changes</a>
-since the 
-<a href="">
-previous draft of Jul 5, 2006</a>)
-<p><i>Please send comments about this draft plan to
-the </i><a href=""></a> <i>developer
-mailing list.</i></p>
-<p>This document lays out the feature and API set for the initial
-release of the Eclipse DSDP - Target Management Project, 
-<b>Remote System Explorer (RSE) version 1.0.0</b>.</p>
-<p>The Remote System Explorer is a Tool and Framework for working with 
-remote computer systems. It forms the first release out of the DSDP - 
-Target Management Project, to be augmented by additional plug-ins for device
-specific connection schemes and tasks in the future.</p> 
-	<li><a href="#Deliverables">Release deliverables</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#Milestones">Release milestones</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#OperatingEnvironments">Operating
-	environments</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#Compatibility">Compatibility and dependencies</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#Features">Features and capabilities</a></li>
-<p>This project plan and associated requirements are the result of an
-open and transparent process and includes input from those who have
-expressed an interest in the project. That said, the success of the
-project and its deliverables is solely dependent upon the contributions
-from its community membership. If you are interested in contributing to
-the project in the delivery of its stated goals, you are more than
-<p>The first part of the plan deals with the important matters of
-release deliverables, release milestones, operating environments,
-compatibilities and dependencies. These are all things that need to be
-clear for any release, even if no features were to change.</p>
-<p>The remainder of the plan consists of themes for the project's
-milestones, with more detail on these and future capabilities found on
-the project <a href="/dsdp/tm/development/requirements.php">requirements</a>
-document. Each plan item covers a feature or API that is to be added to
-the Remote System Explorer, or some aspect of the project that is
-to be improved.</p>
-<p>As this plan represents the goals for the initial release of the
-Remote System Explorer, it is expected and hoped that the project
-will acquire additional requirements, a vibrant user community, and most
-importantly, a plug-in developer community to utilize the RSE framework
-for creating additional connection protocols, subsystem visualizers and more.
-With this, it is expected that the plan will be adjusted during the
-development cycle in order to accomodate the community to as great an
-extent as possible.</p>
-<h2><a name="Deliverables"></a>Release deliverables</h2>
-<p>The release deliverables have the same form as is found in most Eclipse projects,
-	<li>Remote System Explorer source code release, available as versions tagged "R1_0" in the project's
-		<a href="">RSE CVS Repository</a>
-		<!--
-		and
-		<a href="">TM Core CVS Repository</a>
-		-->
-		.
-	</li>
-	<li>Remote System Explorer SDK (includes runtime, user and programmer documentation, with sources) (downloadable).</li>
-	<li>Remote System Explorer runtime binary distribution (includes user documentation) (downloadable).</li>
-	<li>Remote System Explorer examples (downloadable).</li>
-	<!--
-	<li>Remote System Explorer unit tests (downloadable).</li>
-	-->
-<h2><a name="Milestones"></a>Release milestones</h2>
-<p>Release milestone will be occurring at roughly 6 week intervals. The
-milestones are:</p>
-	<li>Friday April 28, 2006 - Milestone 1 (1.0 M1) - stable build</li>
-	<li>Friday May 19, 2006 - Milestone 2 (1.0 M2) - stable build</li>
-	<li>Friday June 30, 2006 - Milestone 3 (1.0 M3) - stable build</li>
-	<li>Friday August 11, 2006 - Milestone 4 (1.0 M4) - stable build (API freeze)</li>
-	<li>Friday September 22, 2006 - Milestone 5 (1.0 M5/RC0) - stable build</li>
-<p>Lock down and testing then begins with M5, and progress through a
-series of test-fix passes against candidates releases. 
-Release candidate builds are planned as follows (M5 is
-release candidate 0):</p>
-	<li>Friday October 6, 2006 - Release Candidate 1 - (1.0 RC1)</li>
-	<li><img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/>
-	    Friday October 20, 2006 - Release Candidate 2 - (1.0 RC2)</li>
-	<li><img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/>
-	    Friday October 27, 2006 - Release Candidate 3 - (1.0 RC3)</li>
-	<li><img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/>
-	    Friday November 3, 2006 - 1.0 Release target date</li>
-<p>As soon as no critical problems are found in the testing
-period between two release candidates (one or two weeks),
-a release candidate can be declared the release.</p>
-<p>All release deliverables
-will be available for download as soon as the release has been tested
-and validated in the operating environments listed below.</p>
-<!-- -------------------------------------------------------- -->
-<h2><a name="OperatingEnvironments"></a>Operating
-<p>In order to remain current, each Eclipse release is designed to run on
-reasonably current versions of the underlying operating environments.</p>
-<p>The Remote System Explorer depends upon on the Eclipse Platform.
-For this release, the RSE sources will be written and compiled
-against version 1.4.2 of the Java Platform APIs (i.e., Java 2 Platform,
-Release 1.4.2 SE), and designed to run on version 1.4.2 of the Java
-Runtime Environment, Standard Edition. Since Java 5 is also used as
-Eclipse Reference Platform, some testing of RSE will also
-be done on Java 5.</p> 
-<p>Eclipse Platform SDK 3.2 will be tested and validated on a number of
-<a href="">
-reference platforms</a>
-(this list is updated over the course of the release cycle). The 
-Remote System Explorer wil be tested and validated against a 
-subset of those listed for the platform, plus some more (marked
-<img src="topic.gif" alt="(tm-only)" border="0" height="16" width="16">
-) for which contributors have have expressed special interest 
-and volunteered to perform the systematic testing:</p>
-<table summary="Remote System Explorer Reference Platforms" style="width: 821px;"
-<tr bgcolor="#cccccc">
-<th colspan="5">
-<div align="center"><strong><font size="+1">Remote System Explorer Reference
-<td width="205"><b>Operating system</b></td>
-<td width="59"><b>OS version</b></td>
-<td width="76"><b>Processor architecture</b></td>
-<td width="59"><b>Window system</b></td>
-<td width="453"><b>Java 2 Platform</b></td>
-<td width="205">Microsoft Windows</td>
-<td width="59">XP</td>
-<td width="76">Intel x86</td>
-<td width="59">Win32</td>
-<td width="453"> Sun Java 2 Standard Edition 5.0 Update 6<br>
-for Microsoft Windows </td>
-<td width="205">Microsoft Windows</td>
-<td width="59">XP</td>
-<td width="76">Intel x86</td>
-<td width="59">Win32</td>
-<td width="453"> IBM 32-bit SDK for Windows,<br>
-Java 2 Technology Edition 5.0 </td>
-<td width="205">Microsoft Windows</td>
-<td width="59">
-  <img src="topic.gif" alt="(tm-only)" border="0" height="16" width="16">
-  2000</td>
-<td width="76">Intel x86</td>
-<td width="59">Win32</td>
-<td width="453"> Sun Java 2 Standard Edition <img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/> 1.4.2_12<br>
-for Microsoft Windows </td>
-<td width="205">Red Hat Enterprise Linux</td>
-<td width="59">WS 4</td>
-<td width="76">Intel x86</td>
-<td width="59">GTK</td>
-<td width="453"> Sun Java 2 Standard Edition 5.0 Update 6<br>
-for Linux x86</td>
-<td width="205">SUSE Linux Enterprise Server</td>
-<td width="59">9</td>
-<td width="76">Intel x86</td>
-<td width="59">GTK</td>
-<td width="453"> IBM 32-bit SDK for Linux on Intel architecture,<br>
-Java 2 Technology Edition 1.4.2 service release 3 </td>
-<td width="205">Sun Solaris</td>
-<td width="59">
-  <img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/>
-  9</td>
-<td width="76">SPARC</td>
-<td width="59">
-  <img src="topic.gif" alt="(tm-only)" border="0" height="16" width="16">
-  Motif</td>
-<td width="453">Sun Java 2 Standard Edition 1.4.2_10<br>
-for Solaris SPARC</td>
-<td width="205">
-  <img src="topic.gif" alt="(tm-only)" border="0" height="16" width="16">
-  Ubuntu / Debian Linux</td>
-<td width="59">5.10</td>
-<td width="76">Intel x86</td>
-<td width="59">GTK</td>
-<td width="453">
-Sun Java 2 Standard Edition <img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/> 1.4.2_12<br/>
-for Linux x86</td>
-<p>Eclipse and the RSE undoubtedly run fine
-in many operating environments beyond the reference platforms we test.
-However, since we do not systematically test them we cannot vouch for them.
-Problems encountered when running Eclipse on a non-reference platform
-that cannot be recreated on any reference platform will be given lower
-priority than problems with running Eclipse on a reference platform.</p>
-Datastore Agent Reference Platforms
-<p>The Datastore protocol is the default protocol shipped with RSE for accessing
-remote file systems, process info and shells. It requires a Datastore server 
-(agent) running on the remote system.
-This Datastore agent is shipped as plain Java Source Code together with the 
-RSE distribution. It should run fine on any Java Platform, with additional
-Data Miner Plug-ins that may be OS specific.</p>
-<p>We will test and verify the Datastore agent on the following Reference Platforms,
-which are a subset of the Platforms we test the RSE UI on:</p>
-<li>Red Hat Enterprise Linx 4, Intel x86, IBM and Sun VMs</li>
-<li>SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9, Intel x86, IBM and Sun VMs</li>
-<p>The Remote System Explorer is designed as the basis for internationalized
-products. The user interface elements provided by the RSE
-components, including dialogs and error messages, are externalized. The
-English strings are provided as the default resource bundles.
-The default bundles will be localized to a subset of those
-locales offered by the Platform. This plan will be updated to indicate
-which locales will be provided and the timeframe for availability.</p>
-<!-- ------------------------------------------------------------ -->
-<h2><a name="Compatibility"></a>Compatibility and Dependencies</h2>
-<h3>Compatibility of Release 1.0</h3>
-<p>The Remote System Explorer will be developed in parallel with the
-Eclipse Platform SDK version 3.2. Each RSE Milestone Release will be
-based on the most recent Platform Milestone available at the time of
-release. Therefore, the RSE initial release will be
-compatible with Eclipse Platform 3.2 release and will publish binary 
-and source compatibilities with migration guides on subsequent releases.</p>
-<h3>API Contract</h3>
-<p>APIs published for the 1.0 release will be carefully
-reviewed prior to release, making use of "internal" packages for
-unsupported and variable implementation classes. Client plug-ins that
-directly depend on anything other than what is specified in the
-published API are inherently unsupportable and receive no guarantees
-about future compatibility. Refer to <i><a
-	href="">How
-to Use the Eclipse API</a></i> for information about how to write
-compliant plug-ins.</p>
-<p><img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/>
-Though it is our goal to create stable APIs, being able to do so
-depends on the amount of API feedback we will get from the community.
-As described in <a href="">
-<i>Eclipse Quality APIs</i></a>, we will therefore mark all of our
-APIs provisional. This removes the guarantee of 1.0 to 2.0 compatibility,
-though we&#39;d strive to achieve that. We expect to get sufficient feedback
-during the 1.0 to 2.0 development period to declare the APIs final.</p>
-<h2><a name="Features">Features and Capabilities</a></h2>
-A list of project requirements and agreed upon implementation
-timeframes is found in
-  <a href="/dsdp/tm/requirements.php">this</a>
-For the milestones listed in this document, a set of overall themes 
-("purpose") is used to indicate what major set of functionalities is to 
-be concentrated on for each. These themes are presented below, while the 
-requirements document and associated Bugzilla entries are left to those 
-wanting more detailed information on each.</p>
-<h4><a name="M1">M1 Theme: Functional (April 28)</a></h4>
-<li><span style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0);">Purpose:</span>
-give easy access to RSE to a wider community; acquire API comments, begin
-prototyping; get obvious bugs into Bugzilla, find client OS problems.</li>
-<li>Deliverables: SDK package (plugins and features, no docs yet), rseserver packages.</li>
-<li>Get Build Infrastrucure in place for assembling SDK and rseserver packages. 
-Create Download site.</li>
-<li>Plugin and feature versions set to 1.</li>
-<li>Start Refactoring to separate UI from Non-UI components</li>
-<li>Hide "New..." entries from the RSE tree</li>
-<li>Fix obvious bugs in order to enable community usage of the SDK</li>
-<h4><a name="M2">M2 Theme: Added Function (May 19)</a></h4>
-<li><span style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0);">Purpose:</span>
-Lots of API feedback by the community, lots of bug reports.
-Documentation feedback regarding missing or semantically
-incorrect instructions (but not about incorrect wording, 
-package names etc.) </li>
-<li>Deliverables: Same as M1, docs on bugzilla.</li>
-<li>More Refactoring</li>
-<li>Start automated (weekly, nightly) builds</li>
-<li>Register "New Connection" as a New Wizard</li>
-<li>Add Persistence Provider for sharing in a team (make
-different versions merge-able by using a scheme that is simpler than
-<li>ISV Doc and User doc in its current form (marked "outdated")</li>
-<li>Add secure shell (ssh) support for command view and files (sftp)</li>
-<li>Some examples in CVS</li>
-<li>Manual Test Plans (Scripts, what the manual testers have to do)</li>
-<h4><a name="M3">M3 Theme: Functional Complete (June 30)</a></h4>
-<li><span style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0);">Purpose:</span>
-Add required functionality to provide an environment that is 
-complete for those applications that we currently know of. 
-Finding &amp; fixing bugs, prototyping, documentation feedback, use to
-drive future function requests (for next release), verification of
-extensions, usage in various different environments.</li>
-<li>Deliverables: Add Docs to SDK. Add Runtime to Downloads. Add an Automatic Update Site.</li>
-<li>More Refactoring: Incorporate community feedback on APIs, Docs</li>
-<li>Add examples, e.g. CDT Launch Example</li>
-<li>Wizard completely replacable</li>
-<li>Draft form of new ISV doc</li>
-<li>More manual test plans</li>
-<li>Add basic framework for automated tests, add some automated Test Scripts (JUnit).</li>
-<h4><a name="M4">M4 Theme: API Freeze (August 11)</a></h4>
-<li><span style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0);">Purpose:</span>
-Planned and coordinated testing on all supported reference platforms,
-polishing, finding documentation issues</li>
-<li>Deliverables: <img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12">
-Make separate download for examples.</li> 
-<li>Updated FTP Implementation (through Apache Commons Net)</li>
-<li>Telnet (through Apache Commons Net)</li>
-<li>Incorporate Community Feedback on APIs, Docs, and change where appropriate</li>
-<li>API and String Constants polish to meet <i>
-<a href="">
-Eclipse Quality</a></i></li>
-<li>Final form of ISV Doc</li>
-<li>Automated testing for some of API</li>
-<h4><a name="M5">M5 / RC0 Theme: Ready to Release (September 22)</a></h4>
-<li><span style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0);">Purpose:</span>
-<a href="">Planned and coordinated testing</a>
-on all supported reference platforms,
-fixing final bugs</li>
-<li>Final form of User Doc</li>
-<li>Localization and product polish</li>
-<li>Implementation and Documentation Polish to meet <i>
-<a href="">
-Eclipse Quality</a></i>: Get rid of accessing Platform <i>internal</i> packages</li>
-<li>Prepare for <a href="">
-Release Review</a> (<img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12">
-Sept. 27, 2006) - slides (<a href="">PPT</a> | 
-	<a href="">PDF</a>)</li>
-<h4><a name="REL">RSE Release 1.0.0: Target date
-	<img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/>
-	November 3, 2006</a></h4>
-<li><a href="">Planned and coordinated testing</a>
-	 on all supported reference platforms</li>
-<li>Bug fixing and verification</li>
-<li>Going through <a href="">
-Release checklist</a></li>
-<h2><a name="Deferred">Deferred Features from the original plan</a></h2>
-The following features were deferred from original plan. They will be provided
-as separately downloadable feature shortly after the release, marked "experimental".
-<li>User Actions</li>
-<li>Import / Export facility</li>
-<li>Experimental Eclipse Filesystem (EFS) provider feature</li>
-<li><img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/>
-    JUnit tests and specification for all API where reasonable</li>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/development/tm_project_plan_2_0.html b/development/tm_project_plan_2_0.html
deleted file mode 100644
index a388cca..0000000
--- a/development/tm_project_plan_2_0.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,638 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
-<meta name="Author" content="Martin Oberhuber">
-<meta name="Keywords" content="development,project,plan,device,target,embedded,communication">
-<title>DSDP - Target Management 2.0 Plan</title>
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../default_style.css" type="text/css">
-<h1>DSDP - Target Management 2.0 Plan</h1>
-<p>Last revised 16:20 CEST Jul 11, 2007
-(<img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/>
-marks interesting recent 
-<a href="">changes</a>
-since the 
-<a href="">
-previous draft of May 21, 2007</a>)
-<p><i>Please send comments about this plan to
-the </i><a href=""></a> <i>developer
-mailing list.</i></p>
-<p>This document lays out the feature and API set for the
-next feature release of the DSDP Target Management Project
-after RSE 1.0, designated TM release 2.0.
-	<li><a href="#Deliverables">Release deliverables</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#Milestones">Release milestones</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#OperatingEnvironments">Operating
-	environments</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#Compatibility">Compatibility and dependencies</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#Features">Features and capabilities</a><ul>
-	<!--
-	   <li><a href="#Committed">Committed Items</a></li>
-	   <li><a href="#Proposed">Proposed Items</a></li>
-	   <li><a href="#Deferred">Deferred Items</a></li>
-	-->
-	</ul></li>
-<p>This project plan and associated requirements are the result of an
-open and transparent process and includes input from those who have
-expressed an interest in the project. The plan is not entirely static:
-to ensure the planning process is transparent and open to the entire Eclipse community, 
-we (the Target Management Project Lead) post plans in an embryonic form and revise them 
-throughout the release cycle. That said, the success of the
-project and its deliverables is solely dependent upon the contributions
-from its community membership. If you are interested in contributing to
-the project planning, or the delivery of its stated goals, you are more than
-<p>The first part of the plan deals with the important matters of
-release deliverables, release milestones, operating environments,
-compatibilities and dependencies. These are all things that need to be
-clear for any release, even if no features were to change.</p>
-<p>The remainder of the plan consists of plan items which are listed
-here for complete reference, but tracked individually through bugzilla.
-With the previous release as the starting point, this is the plan for how we
-will enhance and improve it. Fixing bugs, improving test coverage,
-documentation, examples, performance tuning, usability, etc. are considered routine
-ongoing maintenance activities and are not included in this plan unless they
-would also involve a significant change to the API or feature set, or involve a
-significant amount of work. The intent of the plan is to account for all
-interesting feature work.
-<h2><a name="Deliverables"></a>Release deliverables</h2>
-<p>The Target Management Project provides data models, frameworks and tools 
-for working with remote computer systems.
-The main deliverable is the Remote System Explorer (RSE), a feature-rich 
-integrated perspective and toolkit for seamlessly working on
-remote systems. Besides that, we deliver flexible, re-usable 
-components for Networking and Target Management that run stand-alone
-or integrated with RSE:
-	<li>Target Management source code release, available as versions tagged "R2_0" in the project's
-		<a href="">RSE CVS Repository</a>
-		and
-		<a href="">TM Core CVS Repository</a>
-		.
-	</li>
-	<li>Remote System Explorer (RSE):<ul>
-	   <li>RSE SDK (includes runtime, user and programmer documentation, with sources) (downloadable).</li>
-	   <li>RSE client runtime binaries (split up by protocol, includes user documentation) (downloadable).</li>
-	   <li>RSE dstore server runtime (downloadable).</li>
-	   <li>RSE CDT Launch Integration (downloadable).</li>
-	   <li>RSE tutorial code and examples (downloadable).</li>
-       <li>RSE unit test framework and tests (downloadable).</li>
-    </ul></li>
-    <li>Stand-alone components:<ul>
-	   <li>TM Terminal SDK (includes runtime, user and programmer documentation, with sources) (downloadable).</li>
-	   <li>TM Discovery SDK (includes runtime, user and programmer documentation, with sources) (downloadable).</li>
-	   <li>Redistribution of Apache Commons Net 1.4.1 and Jakarta ORO 2.0.8 (downloadable through the Orbit project).</li>
-    </ul></li>
-    <li><img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/>
-       TM 2.0 <a href="">Release Review</a> Slide Deck (Jun 6, 2007)
-        (<a href="">PPT</a> | 
-	     <a href="">PDF</a>)</li>
-The former experimental RSE EFS integration is scheduled to be moved
-into the standard RSE SDK and client runtime binaries, respectively.
-All stand-alone components will have an integration part that makes
-them work inside the RSE framework. For that reason, there are no
-downloadable stand-alone component tests, but the RSE unit test
-component will also have tests for the stand-alone components.
-<h2><a name="Milestones"></a>Release milestones</h2>
-<p>Release milestone will be occurring at roughly 6 week intervals,
-and will be aligned with the
-<a href="">
-Europa Simultaneous Release</a> train.
-Milestone names start with M4 in order to clarify this
-relationship. The milestones are:</p>
-	<li>Thursday January 4, 2007 - Milestone 4 (2.0 M4) - stable build</li>
-	<li>Friday February 23, 2007 - Milestone 5 (2.0 M5) - stable build</li>
-	<li>Friday April 6, 2007 - Milestone 6 (2.0 M6) - stable build (API Freeze)</li>
-	<li>Friday May 18, 2007 - Milestone 7 (2.0 M7/RC0) - stable build</li>
-<p>Lock down and testing then begins with M7, and progress through a
-series of test-fix passes against candidates releases.
-A detailed <a href="">
-TM 2.0 Ramp down Plan</a> towards the release is available especially for the Eclipse 
-<a href="">
-Europa Simultaneous Release</a> integration.
-Release candidate builds are planned as follows (M7 is
-release candidate 0):
-	<li><img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/>
-	   Friday May 25, 2007 - Release Candidate 1 - (2.0 RC1)</li>
-	<li><img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/>
-	   Tuesday June 5, 2007 - Release Candidate 2 - (2.0 RC2)</li>
-	<li><img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/>
-	   Thursday June 14, 2007 - Release Candidate 3 - (2.0 RC3)</li>
-	<li><img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/>
-	   Thursday June 21, 2007 - Release Candidate 4 - (2.0 RC4)</li>
-<p>As soon as no critical problems are found in the testing
-period between two release candidates (one or two weeks),
-a release candidate can be declared the release.
-The target date for availability of Target Management 2.0 is:</p>
-	<li>Friday June 29, 2007 - 2.0 Release target date</li>
-<p>All release deliverables
-will be available for download as soon as the release has been tested
-and validated in the operating environments listed below.</p>
-<!-- -------------------------------------------------------- -->
-<h2><a name="OperatingEnvironments"></a>Operating
-<p>In order to remain current, each Eclipse release is designed to run on
-reasonably current versions of the underlying operating environments.
-<p>The Target Management Project 2.0 depends upon on the Eclipse Platform 3.3.
-Various sub components also depend on other Eclipse Projects, namely
-the C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) 4.0 and the Eclipse Modeling Framework 
-(EMF) 2.3. 
-For this release, the RSE sources will be written and compiled
-against version 1.4.2 of the Java Platform APIs (i.e., Java 2 Platform,
-Release 1.4.2 SE), and designed to run on version 1.4.2 of the Java
-Runtime Environment, Standard Edition. Since Java 5 is also used as
-Eclipse Reference Platform, some testing of Target Management will also
-be done on Java 5.</p> 
-<p>Eclipse Platform SDK 3.3 will be tested and validated on a number of
-<a href="">
-reference platforms</a>. The 
-Target Management deliverables will be tested and validated against a 
-subset of those listed for the platform, plus some more (marked
-<img src="topic.gif" alt="(tm-only)" border="0" height="16" width="16">
-) for which contributors have have expressed special interest 
-and volunteered to perform the systematic testing
-(this list is updated over the course of the release cycle).</p>
-Solaris-Motif is discontinued as a reference platform.
-Although it should still work, it is no longer being regularly tested.
-<table summary="Target Management Reference Platforms" style="width: 821px;"
-<tr bgcolor="#cccccc">
-<th colspan="5">
-<div align="center"><strong><font size="+1">Target Management Reference
-<td width="205"><b>Operating system</b></td>
-<td width="59"><b>OS version</b></td>
-<td width="76"><b>Processor architecture</b></td>
-<td width="59"><b>Window system</b></td>
-<td width="453"><b>Java 2 Platform</b></td>
-<td width="205">Microsoft Windows</td>
-<td width="59">XP</td>
-<td width="76">Intel x86</td>
-<td width="59">Win32</td>
-<td width="453"> Sun Java 2 Standard Edition 5.0 <strike>Update 8</strike>
-Update 11<br>
-for Microsoft Windows </td>
-<td width="205">Microsoft Windows</td>
-<td width="59">XP</td>
-<td width="76">Intel x86</td>
-<td width="59">Win32</td>
-<td width="453"> IBM 32-bit SDK for Windows,<br>
-Java 2 Technology Edition 5.0 </td>
-<td width="205">Microsoft Windows</td>
-<td width="59">
-  <img src="topic.gif" alt="(tm-only)" border="0" height="16" width="16">
-  2000</td>
-<td width="76">Intel x86</td>
-<td width="59">Win32</td>
-<td width="453"> Sun Java 2 Standard Edition <strike>1.4.2_13</strike>
-for Microsoft Windows </td>
-<td width="205">Red Hat Enterprise Linux</td>
-<td width="59">WS 4</td>
-<td width="76">Intel x86</td>
-<td width="59">GTK</td>
-<td width="453"> Sun Java 2 Standard Edition 5.0 <strike>Update 8</strike>
-Update 11<br>
-for Linux x86</td>
-<td width="205">SUSE Linux Enterprise Server</td>
-<td width="59">9</td>
-<td width="76">Intel x86</td>
-<td width="59">GTK</td>
-<td width="453"> IBM 32-bit SDK for Linux on Intel architecture,<br>
-Java 2 Technology Edition 1.4.2 service release 3 </td>
-<td width="205">
-  <img src="topic.gif" alt="(tm-only)" border="0" height="16" width="16">
-  Ubuntu / Debian Linux</td>
-<td width="59">5.10</td>
-<td width="76">Intel x86</td>
-<td width="59">GTK</td>
-<td width="453">
-Sun Java 2 Standard Edition 1.4.2_13<br/>
-for Linux x86</td>
-<td width="205">Sun Solaris</td>
-<td width="59">9</td>
-<td width="76">SPARC</td>
-<td width="59">GTK</td>
-<td width="453">Sun Java 2 Standard Edition 5.0 <strike>Update 8</strike>
-Update 11<br>
-for Solaris SPARC</td>
-<td width="205"><strike>Sun Solaris</strike></td>
-<td width="59"><strike>9</strike></td>
-<td width="76"><strike>SPARC</strike></td>
-<td width="59"><strike>Motif</strike></td>
-<td width="453"><strike>Sun Java 2 Standard Edition 5.0 Update 8<br>
-for Solaris SPARC</strike></td>
-<td width="205">Apple Mac OS X</td>
-<td width="59">10.4</td>
-<td width="76">Power</td>
-<td width="59">Carbon</td>
-<td width="453">
-Java 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SE) 1.4.2<br>service release 2 for Tiger
-<p>Eclipse and Target Management undoubtedly run fine
-in many operating environments beyond the reference platforms we test.
-However, since we do not systematically test them we cannot vouch for them.
-Problems encountered when running Target Management on a non-reference platform
-that cannot be recreated on any reference platform will be given lower
-priority than problems with running Target Management on a reference platform.</p>
-<p>Although untested, Target Management should work fine on other OSes that 
-support the same window system. For Win32: Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, and Server 
-2003; SWT HTML viewer requires Internet Explorer 5 (or higher). For GTK on other 
-Linux systems: version 2.2.1 of the GTK+ widget toolkit and associated libraries 
-(GLib, Pango); SWT HTML viewer requires Mozilla 1.4GTK2. For more details, see
-<a href="">
-Eclipse Project Plan Reference Platforms</a>.</p>
-Datastore Agent Reference Platforms
-<p>The Datastore protocol is the default protocol shipped with RSE for accessing
-remote file systems, process info and shells. It requires a Datastore server 
-(agent) running on the remote system.
-This Datastore agent is shipped as plain Java Source Code together with the 
-RSE distribution. It should run fine on any Java Platform, with additional
-Data Miner Plug-ins that may be OS specific.</p>
-<p>We will test and verify the Datastore agent on the following Reference Platforms,
-which are a subset of the Platforms we test the RSE UI on:</p>
-<li>Red Hat Enterprise Linx 4, Intel x86, Sun 1.5.0_11 VM</li>
-<li>SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9, Intel x86, IBM 1.4.2 sr 3 VM</li>
-<li>Apple Mac OS X 10.4, Power, Apple 1.4.2 sr 2 VM</li>
-<p>The Remote System Explorer is designed as the basis for internationalized
-products. The user interface elements provided by the RSE
-components, including dialogs and error messages, are externalized. The
-English strings are provided as the default resource bundles.
-The default bundles will be localized to a subset of those
-locales offered by the Platform. This plan will be updated to indicate
-which locales will be provided and the timeframe for availability.</p>
-<!-- ------------------------------------------------------------ -->
-<h2><a name="Compatibility"></a>Compatibility and Dependencies</h2>
-<h3>Dependencies of Release 2.0</h3>
-<p>Target Management takes part in the
-<a href="">
-Europa Simultaneous Release Train</a>. Therefore, deliverables will be 
-developed in parallel with
-<li><a href="">Eclipse Platform SDK</a> version 3.3,</li>
-<li><a href="">C/C++ Development Tools (CDT)</a> version 4.0 (CDT Launch Integration only),</li>
-<li><a href="">Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF)</a> version 2.3 (Discovery component only),</li>
-<li><a href="">RXTX</a> version 2.1-7 (Terminal Serial Connection component only).</li>
-Each Target Management Milestone Release will be
-based on the most recent Milestone releases of underlying components
-available at the time of release as well as the final releases.
-<h3>Compatibility of Release 2.0 with 1.0</h3>
-<p>In order to evolve APIs and especially foster more UI/Non-UI separation,
-Target Management 2.0 will not be compatible with RSE 1.0.</p>
-  <strong>API Contract Compatibility:</strong> Target Management 2.0 will not be 
-  compatible with RSE 1.0.
-<p><strong>Binary (plug-in) Compatibility:</strong> Target Management 2.0 will not be 
-  compatible with RSE 1.0. 
-<p><strong>Source Compatibility:</strong> Target Management 2.0 will not be 
-  compatible with RSE 1.0, but a <em>Target Management 2.0 Migration Guide</em>
-  will be published that explains how to port RSE 1.0 applications to the 
-  TM 2.0 APIs.
-  In most cases, "organize imports" should be sufficient in order to
-  update API usage to classes refactored for better UI/Non-UI separation.
-  Downward source compatibility is not supported. 
-<p><strong>Workspace Compatibility:</strong> We intend to keep Target Management
-  2.0 upwards workspace-compatible with RSE 1.0 unless noted. 
-  This means that workspaces and projects created with RSE 1.0 can be successfully 
-  opened by Target Mangement 2.0 and upgraded to a 2.0 workspace.
-  This includes especially RSE 1.0 connection definitions, which may propagate 
-  between workspaces via file copying or team repositories.
-  User interface session state may be discarded when a workspace is upgraded.
-  Downward workspace compatibility is not supported. 
-  A workspace created (or opened) by a product based on TM 2.0 will be unusable 
-  with a product based on RSE 1.0.
-<h3>API Contract</h3>
-<p>APIs published for the Target Management 2.0 release will be carefully
-reviewed prior to release, making use of "internal" packages for
-unsupported and variable implementation classes. Client plug-ins that
-directly depend on anything other than what is specified in the
-published API are inherently unsupportable and receive no guarantees
-about future compatibility. Refer to <i><a
-	href="">How
-to Use the Eclipse API</a></i> for information about how to write
-compliant plug-ins.</p>
-Though it is our goal to create stable APIs, being able to do so
-depends on the amount of API feedback we will get from the community.
-As described in <a href="">
-<i>Eclipse Quality APIs</i></a>, we will therefore mark all of our
-APIs provisional. This removes the guarantee of 1.0 to 2.0 compatibility,
-though we&#39;d strive to achieve that. We expect to get sufficient feedback
-during the 1.0 to 2.0 development period to declare the APIs final.</p>
-<h2><a name="Features">Features and Capabilities</a></h2>
-<p>Plan items listed bleow were defined according to contributor requirements,
-but in accordance with the Target Management
-<a href="">
-Use Cases Document</a> and the DSDP and Eclipse
-<a href="">
-Themes and Priorities</a> (Preliminary Roadmap v3)
-set forth by the Eclipse Requirments Council.
-Each plan item covers a feature or API that is to be added to the 
-Target Management deliverables, or some aspect of the Target 
-Management Project that is to be improved. Each plan item has its 
-own entry in the Eclipse bugzilla database, with a title and a 
-concise summary (usually a single paragraph) that explains the 
-work item at a suitably high enough level so that everyone can 
-readily understand what the work item is without having to understand
-the nitty-gritty detail. 
-<p>Not all plan items represent the same amount of work; some may be quite
-large, others, quite small. Although some plan items are for work that is 
-more pressing than others, the plan items appear in no particular order.
-Use the
-<a href="">
-<a href=">
-TM Project plan items</a> bugzilla query for an up-to-date list.
-See the corresponding bugzilla items for up-to-date status information on
-ongoing work and planned delivery milestones.
-<p>The current status of each plan item is noted:
-  <li><b>Committed</b> plan item - A committed plan item is one that we have
-    decided to address for the release.</li>
-  <li><b>Proposed</b> plan item - A proposed plan item is one that we are
-    considering addressing for the release. Although we are actively
-    investigating it, we are not yet in a position to commit to it, or to say
-    that we won't be able to address it. After due consideration, a proposal
-    will either be committed or deferred.</li>
-  <li><b>Deferred</b> plan item - A reasonable proposal that will not make it in
-    to this release for some reason is marked as deferred with a brief note as
-    to why it was deferred. Deferred plan items may resurface as committed plan
-    items at a later point.</li>
-<h3><a name="Committed">Committed Items</a></h3>
-<strong>Contribute Import/Export from RSE7.</strong>
-The predecessor of Eclipse RSE was an IBM product, 
-<a href="">
-IBM RSE 7.0</a>. Not all features of RSE 7.0 have been ported yet.
-For Eclipse RSE 2.0, we will port the <em>Import/Export</em> feature.
-Porting User actions and Compile Commands need to be deferred to a later
-release. While porting the feature, it will be refactored and optimized.
-See the link above
-for a presentation with more details about this feature.
-(Themes: Ease of Use, Enterprise Ready / Facilitated On-Boarding)
-(<a href="">170909</a>) 
-<p><strong>Allow encoding of remote files to be specified.</strong>
-Provide UI components for specifying the encoding of remote resources for
-cases where it differs from the standard Platform encoding. This will allow
-to transparently edit such remote resources properly. Also, support transparent 
-re-encoding of resources when doing copy&amp;paste or drag&amp;drop between folders 
-that require different encodings. 
-(Theme: Enterprise Ready)
-(<a href="">163820</a>) 
-<p><strong>Improve Discovery and Autodetect in RSE.</strong>
-Support the use cases defined by the 
-<a href="">
-Autodetect Group</a>, namely finding remote systems such that
-they can be added as RSE connections; and finding services on those
-systems and registering them with RSE connections. A single RSE
-connection should be used for a single remote system detected,
-adding support for the services detected.
-(Theme: Ease Of Use)
-(<a href="">170911</a>) 
-<strong>Improve UI/Non-UI splitting in RSE.</strong>
-RSE code should be further refactored to split UI from non-UI parts. This means
-providing non-UI (headless) APIs for
-accessing the SystemRegistry, getting IHost objects; 
-getting ISubSystem, ISubSystemConfiguration objects as well as services;
-and using IFileServiceSubsystem as well as other ISubSystem and IService APIs
-for actions like upload, download, run-shell-command.
-Full support for headless Launches needs to be deferred to a later release.
-(Theme: Design for Extensibility)
-(<a href="">170923</a>) 
-<h3><a name="Proposed">Proposed Items</a></h3>
-<p><strong>Adopt Eclipse Platform 3.3 concepts in RSE.</strong>
-TM should adopt Eclipse Platform concepts wherever possible. For instance,
-Move Commons Net packages into Orbit (needed for Europa); Improve 
-drag&amp;drop, copy&amp;paste for Project Explorer, Package Explorer;
-Use Common Preferences for ssh and Proxy - Collaborate with Platform/Team
-on (<a href="">170883</a>);
-Adopt the Commands framework with retargetable actions (e.g. for Properties);
-Adopt ICU4J and Capabilities. 
-(Theme: Persistent &amp; Pervasive Themes; Ease of Use)
-(<a href="">170915</a>) 
-<p><strong>Fix and improve the RSE EFS integration.</strong>
-Given any files subsystem registered with RSE, RSE should be able
-to act as an EFS provider through that registered files subsystem.
-Current bugs with workspace resource locking should be fixed.
-In addition to that, it would be desirable to support an RSE
-subsystem under the Local system type that acts as an EFS browser,
-i.e. be able to access remote resources through any registered
-EFS provider.
-(Theme: Design for Extensibility)
-(<a href="">170916</a>) 
-<p><strong>Improve RSE SystemType and New Connection Wizard flexibility.</strong>
-ISVs need to be able to add new system types which are compatible with existing
-ones, and be able to automatically pick up subsystem implementations from 3rd
-parties that they don't know about initially. Additional states (and thus decorators)
-need to be considered by IHost objects and registered with systemTypes.
-More considerations need to be made for systemTypes that do not describe TCP/IP
-connections. Finally, contributors should be able to disable SystemTypes 
-via capabilities and/or a dynamic enabler class.
-(Themes: Design for Extensibility, Embedded Device Software)
-(<a href="">170918</a>) 
-<p><strong>Optimize APIs - Remove obsolete API.</strong>
-RSE APIs should be made smaller (less API, more internal) in order to make them
-easier to understand and maintain. Eliminate dead code. Clarify threading
-model. Add asynchronous callbacks for long-runnint operations.
-(Theme: Design for Extensibility)
-(<a href="">170922</a>) 
-<p><strong>Improve the Remote File Service APIs.</strong>
-RSE File Service APIs should be sufficient to make a proper EFS provider.
-This means especially support for setting a file read-only / writable;
-changing a file's timestamp; preserving permissions when copying across 
-systems; UI tools for reviewing / changing timestamp and read-only status;
-and returning potentially large remote files as streams for 
-partial access, such that not the entire file is necessarily downloaded.
-In order to differenciate ourselves from EFS, we may add more tools that do not
-operate on an "abstract" file system but support more direct access to remote
-system's contributed permission and other status bits like Access Control
-Lists (ACLs).
-(Themes: Scaling Up, Design for Extensibility)
-(<a href="">170926</a>) 
-<p><strong>RSE should be more service-oriented.</strong>
-Currently, behavior of subsystems depends on the system type
-name they are registered against. Instead of this, Properties
-of system types should be used to modify subsystem behavior,
-such that existing subsystems can be added as services to 
-more different system types. In addition to that, it should
-be possible to group services into a system; and support
-more dynamic enabling / disabling of subsystems / services 
-based on availability. 
-(Theme: Design for Extensibility)
-(<a href="">150498</a>) 
-<p><strong>Improve the RSE default Persistence Provider.</strong>
-For facilitated on-boarding, it should be easier to get access
-to pre-defined RSE connections out of a Team-Shared Repository
-or by importing/exporting connection definitions as XML.
-Fewer files should be used to store RSE state.
-It should be possible to associate connections, profiles, filter 
-pools etc. with projects. Data storage should be flexible in the
-metadata or the project workspace, similar to the persistence
-mechanism used by Eclipse Launch Configurations today.
-(Theme: Enterprise Ready / Facilitated On-Boarding)
-(<a href="">170932</a>) 
-<p><strong>Add full support for Macintosh.</strong>
-MacOS X is a widespread Eclipse Platform and should be made
-official reference platform, thus giving bug reports a higher
-priority and doing automated unit testing regularly.
-(Theme: Platform Support)
-(<a href="">170936</a>) 
-<h3><a name="Deferred">Deferred Items</a></h3>
-<strong>Contribute User Actions from RSE7.</strong>
-The <a href="">
-IBM RSE 7.0</a> <em>User Actions</em> and <em>Compile Commands</em>
-could not be ported to Eclipse TM RSE 2.0 in time due to lack of resources.
-They will be added in a later release. See the link above
-for a presentation with more details about these features.
-(Themes: Ease of Use, Enterprise Ready / Facilitated On-Boarding)
-(<a href="">187395</a>) 
-<strong>Support headless launches.</strong>
-Based on improved UI / non-UI splitting, a headless
-Eclipse should be able to perform Launches through RSE-provided services /
-subsystems. While a lot improvement has been made for RSE 2.0, a few 
-roadblocks to full headless launch support could not be overcome due
-to lack of resources. 
-(Theme: Design for Extensibility)
-(<a href="">170923</a>,
-<a href="">183771</a>) 
-<p><img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/>
-<strong>Integrate the TM Terminal View with RSE.</strong>
-RSE provides a framework for registering data transfer protocols and
-managing connections. It provides a subsystem for executing commands
-on remote hosts through those protocols, but this is a line-oriented
-command view without terminal emulation.
-The current stand-alone TM Terminal View will be integrated with RSE
-as a new kind of subsystem that provides a terminal over any registered
-RSE IHostShell connection channel.
-(Theme: Ease Of Use)
-(<a href="">170910</a>) 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/development/tm_project_plan_3_0.html b/development/tm_project_plan_3_0.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e942f8..0000000
--- a/development/tm_project_plan_3_0.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,644 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
-<meta name="Author" content="Martin Oberhuber">
-<meta name="Keywords" content="development,project,plan,device,target,embedded,communication">
-<title>DSDP - Target Management 3.0 Plan</title>
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../default_style.css" type="text/css">
-<h1>DSDP - Target Management 3.0 Plan</h1>
-<p>Last revised 22:00 CET Oct 11, 2007
-(<img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/>
-marks interesting recent 
-<a href="">changes</a>
-since the 
-<a href="">
-previous draft of Oct 11, 2007</a>)
-<p><i>Please send comments about this plan to
-the </i><a href=""></a> <i>developer
-mailing list.</i></p>
-<p>This document lays out the feature and API set for the
-next feature release of the DSDP Target Management Project
-after TM 2.0, designated TM release 3.0.
-	<li><a href="#Deliverables">Release deliverables</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#Milestones">Release milestones</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#OperatingEnvironments">Operating
-	environments</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#Compatibility">Compatibility and dependencies</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#Features">Features and capabilities</a><ul>
-	<!--
-	   <li><a href="#Committed">Committed Items</a></li>
-	   <li><a href="#Proposed">Proposed Items</a></li>
-	   <li><a href="#Deferred">Deferred Items</a></li>
-	-->
-	</ul></li>
-<p>This project plan and associated requirements are the result of an
-open and transparent process and includes input from those who have
-expressed an interest in the project. The plan is not entirely static:
-to ensure the planning process is transparent and open to the entire Eclipse community, 
-we (the Target Management Project Lead) post plans in an embryonic form and revise them 
-throughout the release cycle. That said, the success of the
-project and its deliverables is solely dependent upon the contributions
-from its community membership. If you are interested in contributing to
-the project planning, or the delivery of its stated goals, you are more than
-<p>The first part of the plan deals with the important matters of
-release deliverables, release milestones, operating environments,
-compatibilities and dependencies. These are all things that need to be
-clear for any release, even if no features were to change.</p>
-<p>The remainder of the plan consists of plan items which are listed
-here for complete reference, but tracked individually through bugzilla.
-With the previous release as the starting point, this is the plan for how we
-will enhance and improve it. Fixing bugs, improving test coverage,
-documentation, examples, performance tuning, usability, etc. are considered routine
-ongoing maintenance activities and are not included in this plan unless they
-would also involve a significant change to the API or feature set, or involve a
-significant amount of work. The intent of the plan is to account for all
-interesting feature work.
-<h2><a name="Deliverables"></a>Release deliverables</h2>
-<p>The Target Management Project provides data models, frameworks and tools 
-for working with remote computer systems.
-The main deliverable is the Remote System Explorer (RSE), a feature-rich 
-integrated perspective and toolkit for seamlessly working on
-remote systems. Besides that, we deliver flexible, re-usable 
-components for Networking and Target Management that run stand-alone
-or integrated with RSE:
-	<li>Target Management source code release, available as versions tagged "R3_0" in the project's
-		<a href="">RSE CVS Repository</a>
-		and
-		<a href="">TM Core CVS Repository</a>
-		.
-	</li>
-	<li>Remote System Explorer (RSE):<ul>
-	   <li>RSE SDK (includes runtime, user and programmer documentation, with sources) (downloadable).</li>
-	   <li>RSE client runtime binaries (split up by protocol, includes user documentation) (downloadable).</li>
-	   <li>RSE dstore server runtime (downloadable).</li>
-	   <li>RSE CDT Launch Integration (downloadable).</li>
-	   <li>RSE tutorial code and examples (downloadable).</li>
-       <li>RSE unit test framework and tests (downloadable).</li>
-    </ul></li>
-    <li>Stand-alone components:<ul>
-	   <li>TM Terminal SDK (includes runtime, user and programmer documentation, with sources) (downloadable).</li>
-	   <li>TM Discovery SDK (includes runtime, user and programmer documentation, with sources) (downloadable).</li>
-	   <li>Redistribution of Apache Commons Net 1.4.1 and Jakarta ORO 2.0.8 (downloadable through the Orbit project).</li>
-    </ul></li>
-    <!--
-    <li><img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/>
-       TM 2.0 <a href="">Release Review</a> Slide Deck (Jun 6, 2007)
-        (<a href="">PPT</a> | 
-	     <a href="">PDF</a>)</li>
-	 -->
-All stand-alone components will have an integration part that makes
-them work inside the RSE framework. For that reason, there are no
-downloadable stand-alone component tests, but the RSE unit test
-component will also have tests for the stand-alone components.
-<h2><a name="Milestones"></a>Release milestones</h2>
-<p>Release milestone will be occurring at roughly 6 week intervals,
-and will be aligned with the
-<a href="">
-Ganymede Simultaneous Release</a> train.
-Milestone names start with M3 in order to clarify this
-relationship. The milestones are:</p>
-	<li>Friday Nov 16, 2007 - Milestone 3 (3.0 M3) - stable build</li>
-	<li>Friday Dec 28, 2007 - Milestone 4 (3.0 M4) - stable build</li>
-	<li>Friday Feb 22, 2007 - Milestone 5 (3.0 M5) - stable build</li>
-	<!--
-	<li>Friday April 6, 2007 - Milestone 6 (3.0 M6) - stable build (API Freeze)</li>
-	<li>Friday May 18, 2007 - Milestone 7 (3.0 M7/RC0) - stable build</li>
-	-->
-<p>Lock down and testing then begins with M7, and progress through a
-series of test-fix passes against candidates releases.
-A detailed <a href="">
-TM 3.0 Ramp down Plan</a> towards the release is available especially for the Eclipse 
-<a href="">
-Ganymede Simultaneous Release</a> integration.
-Release candidate builds are planned as follows (M7 is
-release candidate 0):
-	<li><img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/>
-	   Friday May 25, 2007 - Release Candidate 1 - (2.0 RC1)</li>
-	<li><img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/>
-	   Tuesday June 5, 2007 - Release Candidate 2 - (2.0 RC2)</li>
-	<li><img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/>
-	   Thursday June 14, 2007 - Release Candidate 3 - (2.0 RC3)</li>
-	<li><img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/>
-	   Thursday June 21, 2007 - Release Candidate 4 - (2.0 RC4)</li>
-<p>As soon as no critical problems are found in the testing
-period between two release candidates (one or two weeks),
-a release candidate can be declared the release.
-The target date for availability of Target Management 3.0 is:</p>
-	<li>Friday June 29, 2007 - 2.0 Release target date</li>
-<p>All release deliverables
-will be available for download as soon as the release has been tested
-and validated in the operating environments listed below.</p>
-<!-- -------------------------------------------------------- -->
-<h2><a name="OperatingEnvironments"></a>Operating
-<p>In order to remain current, each Eclipse release is designed to run on
-reasonably current versions of the underlying operating environments.
-<p>The Target Management Project 3.0 depends upon on the Eclipse Platform 3.4.
-Various sub components also depend on other Eclipse Projects, namely
-the C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) 4.0 and the Eclipse Modeling Framework 
-(EMF) 2.3. 
-For this release, the RSE sources will be written and compiled
-against version 1.4.2 of the Java Platform APIs (i.e., Java 2 Platform,
-Release 1.4.2 SE), and designed to run on version 1.4.2 of the Java
-Runtime Environment, Standard Edition. Since Java 5 is also used as
-Eclipse Reference Platform, some testing of Target Management will also
-be done on Java 5.</p> 
-<p>Eclipse Platform SDK 3.4 will be tested and validated on a number of
-<a href="">
-reference platforms</a>. The 
-Target Management deliverables will be tested and validated against a 
-subset of those listed for the platform, plus some more (marked
-<img src="topic.gif" alt="(tm-only)" border="0" height="16" width="16">
-) for which contributors have have expressed special interest 
-and volunteered to perform the systematic testing
-(this list is updated over the course of the release cycle).</p>
-Solaris-Motif is discontinued as a reference platform.
-Although it should still work, it is no longer being regularly tested.
-<table summary="Target Management Reference Platforms" style="width: 821px;"
-<tr bgcolor="#cccccc">
-<th colspan="5">
-<div align="center"><strong><font size="+1">Target Management Reference
-<td width="205"><b>Operating system</b></td>
-<td width="59"><b>OS version</b></td>
-<td width="76"><b>Processor architecture</b></td>
-<td width="59"><b>Window system</b></td>
-<td width="453"><b>Java 2 Platform</b></td>
-<td width="205">Microsoft Windows</td>
-<td width="59">XP</td>
-<td width="76">Intel x86</td>
-<td width="59">Win32</td>
-<td width="453"> Sun Java 2 Standard Edition 5.0 Update 11<br>
-for Microsoft Windows </td>
-<td width="205">Microsoft Windows</td>
-<td width="59">XP</td>
-<td width="76">Intel x86</td>
-<td width="59">Win32</td>
-<td width="453"> IBM 32-bit SDK for Windows,<br>
-Java 2 Technology Edition 5.0 </td>
-<td width="205">Microsoft Windows</td>
-<td width="59">
-  <img src="topic.gif" alt="(tm-only)" border="0" height="16" width="16">
-  2000</td>
-<td width="76">Intel x86</td>
-<td width="59">Win32</td>
-<td width="453"> Sun Java 2 Standard Edition <strike>1.4.2_13</strike>
-for Microsoft Windows </td>
-<td width="205">Red Hat Enterprise Linux</td>
-<td width="59">WS 4</td>
-<td width="76">Intel x86</td>
-<td width="59">GTK</td>
-<td width="453"> Sun Java 2 Standard Edition 5.0 <strike>Update 8</strike>
-Update 11<br>
-for Linux x86</td>
-<td width="205">SUSE Linux Enterprise Server</td>
-<td width="59">9</td>
-<td width="76">Intel x86</td>
-<td width="59">GTK</td>
-<td width="453"> IBM 32-bit SDK for Linux on Intel architecture,<br>
-Java 2 Technology Edition 1.4.2 service release 3 </td>
-<td width="205">
-  <img src="topic.gif" alt="(tm-only)" border="0" height="16" width="16">
-  Ubuntu / Debian Linux</td>
-<td width="59">5.10</td>
-<td width="76">Intel x86</td>
-<td width="59">GTK</td>
-<td width="453">
-Sun Java 2 Standard Edition 1.4.2_13<br/>
-for Linux x86</td>
-<td width="205">Sun Solaris</td>
-<td width="59">9</td>
-<td width="76">SPARC</td>
-<td width="59">GTK</td>
-<td width="453">Sun Java 2 Standard Edition 5.0 <strike>Update 8</strike>
-Update 11<br>
-for Solaris SPARC</td>
-<td width="205"><strike>Sun Solaris</strike></td>
-<td width="59"><strike>9</strike></td>
-<td width="76"><strike>SPARC</strike></td>
-<td width="59"><strike>Motif</strike></td>
-<td width="453"><strike>Sun Java 2 Standard Edition 5.0 Update 8<br>
-for Solaris SPARC</strike></td>
-<td width="205">Apple Mac OS X</td>
-<td width="59">10.4</td>
-<td width="76">Power</td>
-<td width="59">Carbon</td>
-<td width="453">
-Java 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SE) 1.4.2<br>service release 2 for Tiger
-<p>Eclipse and Target Management undoubtedly run fine
-in many operating environments beyond the reference platforms we test.
-However, since we do not systematically test them we cannot vouch for them.
-Problems encountered when running Target Management on a non-reference platform
-that cannot be recreated on any reference platform will be given lower
-priority than problems with running Target Management on a reference platform.</p>
-<p>Although untested, Target Management should work fine on other OSes that 
-support the same window system. For Win32: Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, and Server 
-2003; SWT HTML viewer requires Internet Explorer 5 (or higher). For GTK on other 
-Linux systems: version 2.2.1 of the GTK+ widget toolkit and associated libraries 
-(GLib, Pango); SWT HTML viewer requires Mozilla 1.4GTK2. For more details, see
-<a href="">
-Eclipse Project Plan Reference Platforms</a>.</p>
-Datastore Agent Reference Platforms
-<p>The Datastore protocol is the default protocol shipped with RSE for accessing
-remote file systems, process info and shells. It requires a Datastore server 
-(agent) running on the remote system.
-This Datastore agent is shipped as plain Java Source Code together with the 
-RSE distribution. It should run fine on any Java Platform, with additional
-Data Miner Plug-ins that may be OS specific.</p>
-<p>We will test and verify the Datastore agent on the following Reference Platforms,
-which are a subset of the Platforms we test the RSE UI on:</p>
-<li>Red Hat Enterprise Linx 4, Intel x86, Sun 1.5.0_11 VM</li>
-<li>SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9, Intel x86, IBM 1.4.2 sr 3 VM</li>
-<li>Apple Mac OS X 10.4, Power, Apple 1.4.2 sr 2 VM</li>
-<p>The Remote System Explorer is designed as the basis for internationalized
-products. The user interface elements provided by the RSE
-components, including dialogs and error messages, are externalized. The
-English strings are provided as the default resource bundles.
-The default bundles will be localized to a subset of those
-locales offered by the Platform. This plan will be updated to indicate
-which locales will be provided and the timeframe for availability.</p>
-<!-- ------------------------------------------------------------ -->
-<h2><a name="Compatibility"></a>Compatibility and Dependencies</h2>
-<h3>Dependencies of Release 2.0</h3>
-<p>Target Management takes part in the
-<a href="">
-Ganymede Simultaneous Release Train</a>. Therefore, deliverables will be 
-developed in parallel with
-<li><a href="">Eclipse Platform SDK</a> version 3.4,</li>
-<li><a href="">C/C++ Development Tools (CDT)</a> version 5.0 (CDT Launch Integration only),</li>
-<li><a href="">Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF)</a> version 2.3 (Discovery component only),</li>
-<li><a href="">RXTX</a> version 2.1-7 (Terminal Serial Connection component only).</li>
-Each Target Management Milestone Release will be
-based on the most recent Milestone releases of underlying components
-available at the time of release as well as the final releases.
-<h3>Compatibility of Release 3.0 with 2.0</h3>
-<p>In order to evolve APIs and especially foster more UI/Non-UI separation,
-Target Management 3.0 will not be compatible with TM 2.0.</p>
-  <strong>API Contract Compatibility:</strong> Target Management 3.0 will not be 
-  compatible with TM 2.0.
-<p><strong>Binary (plug-in) Compatibility:</strong> Target Management 3.0 will not be 
-  compatible with TM 2.0. 
-<p><strong>Source Compatibility:</strong> Target Management 3.0 will not be 
-  compatible with TM 2.0, but a <em>Target Management 3.0 Migration Guide</em>
-  will be published that explains how to port TM 2.0 applications to the 
-  TM 3.0 APIs.
-  In most cases, "organize imports" should be sufficient in order to
-  update API usage to classes refactored for better UI/Non-UI separation.
-  Downward source compatibility is not supported. 
-<p><strong>Workspace Compatibility:</strong> We intend to keep Target Management
-  3.0 upwards workspace-compatible with TM 2.0 unless noted. 
-  This means that workspaces and projects created with TM 2.0 can be successfully 
-  opened by Target Mangement 3.0 and upgraded to a 3.0 workspace.
-  This includes especially TM 2.0 connection definitions, which may propagate 
-  between workspaces via file copying or team repositories.
-  User interface session state may be discarded when a workspace is upgraded.
-  Downward workspace compatibility is not supported. 
-  A workspace created (or opened) by a product based on TM 3.0 will be unusable 
-  with a product based on TM 2.0.
-<h3>API Contract</h3>
-<p>APIs published for the Target Management 3.0 release will be carefully
-reviewed prior to release, making use of "internal" packages for
-unsupported and variable implementation classes. Client plug-ins that
-directly depend on anything other than what is specified in the
-published API are inherently unsupportable and receive no guarantees
-about future compatibility. Refer to <i><a
-	href="">How
-to Use the Eclipse API</a></i> for information about how to write
-compliant plug-ins.</p>
-Though it is our goal to create stable APIs, being able to do so
-depends on the amount of API feedback we will get from the community.
-As described in <a href="">
-<i>Eclipse Quality APIs</i></a>, we will therefore mark all of our
-APIs provisional. This removes the guarantee of 1.0 to 2.0 compatibility,
-though we&#39;d strive to achieve that. We expect to get sufficient feedback
-during the 1.0 to 2.0 development period to declare the APIs final.</p>
-<h2><a name="Features">Features and Capabilities</a></h2>
-<p>Plan items listed bleow were defined according to contributor requirements,
-but in accordance with the Target Management
-<a href="">
-Use Cases Document</a> and the DSDP and Eclipse
-<a href="">
-Themes and Priorities</a> (Preliminary Roadmap v3)
-set forth by the Eclipse Requirments Council.
-Each plan item covers a feature or API that is to be added to the 
-Target Management deliverables, or some aspect of the Target 
-Management Project that is to be improved. Each plan item has its 
-own entry in the Eclipse bugzilla database, with a title and a 
-concise summary (usually a single paragraph) that explains the 
-work item at a suitably high enough level so that everyone can 
-readily understand what the work item is without having to understand
-the nitty-gritty detail. 
-<p>Not all plan items represent the same amount of work; some may be quite
-large, others, quite small. Although some plan items are for work that is 
-more pressing than others, the plan items appear in no particular order.
-Use the
-<a href="">
-<a href=">
-TM Project plan items</a> bugzilla query for an up-to-date list.
-See the corresponding bugzilla items for up-to-date status information on
-ongoing work and planned delivery milestones.
-<p>The current status of each plan item is noted:
-  <li><b>Committed</b> plan item - A committed plan item is one that we have
-    decided to address for the release.</li>
-  <li><b>Proposed</b> plan item - A proposed plan item is one that we are
-    considering addressing for the release. Although we are actively
-    investigating it, we are not yet in a position to commit to it, or to say
-    that we won't be able to address it. After due consideration, a proposal
-    will either be committed or deferred.</li>
-  <li><b>Deferred</b> plan item - A reasonable proposal that will not make it in
-    to this release for some reason is marked as deferred with a brief note as
-    to why it was deferred. Deferred plan items may resurface as committed plan
-    items at a later point.</li>
-<h3><a name="Committed">Committed Items</a></h3>
-<strong>Contribute Import/Export from RSE7.</strong>
-The predecessor of Eclipse RSE was an IBM product, 
-<a href="">
-IBM RSE 7.0</a>. Not all features of RSE 7.0 have been ported yet.
-For Eclipse RSE 2.0, we will port the <em>Import/Export</em> feature.
-Porting User actions and Compile Commands need to be deferred to a later
-release. While porting the feature, it will be refactored and optimized.
-See the link above
-for a presentation with more details about this feature.
-(Themes: Ease of Use, Enterprise Ready / Facilitated On-Boarding)
-(<a href="">170909</a>) 
-<p><strong>Allow encoding of remote files to be specified.</strong>
-Provide UI components for specifying the encoding of remote resources for
-cases where it differs from the standard Platform encoding. This will allow
-to transparently edit such remote resources properly. Also, support transparent 
-re-encoding of resources when doing copy&amp;paste or drag&amp;drop between folders 
-that require different encodings. 
-(Theme: Enterprise Ready)
-(<a href="">163820</a>) 
-<p><strong>Improve Discovery and Autodetect in RSE.</strong>
-Support the use cases defined by the 
-<a href="">
-Autodetect Group</a>, namely finding remote systems such that
-they can be added as RSE connections; and finding services on those
-systems and registering them with RSE connections. A single RSE
-connection should be used for a single remote system detected,
-adding support for the services detected.
-(Theme: Ease Of Use)
-(<a href="">170911</a>) 
-<strong>Improve UI/Non-UI splitting in RSE.</strong>
-RSE code should be further refactored to split UI from non-UI parts. This means
-providing non-UI (headless) APIs for
-accessing the SystemRegistry, getting IHost objects; 
-getting ISubSystem, ISubSystemConfiguration objects as well as services;
-and using IFileServiceSubsystem as well as other ISubSystem and IService APIs
-for actions like upload, download, run-shell-command.
-Full support for headless Launches needs to be deferred to a later release.
-(Theme: Design for Extensibility)
-(<a href="">170923</a>) 
-<h3><a name="Proposed">Proposed Items</a></h3>
-<p><strong>Adopt Eclipse Platform 3.3 concepts in RSE.</strong>
-TM should adopt Eclipse Platform concepts wherever possible. For instance,
-Move Commons Net packages into Orbit (needed for Europa); Improve 
-drag&amp;drop, copy&amp;paste for Project Explorer, Package Explorer;
-Use Common Preferences for ssh and Proxy - Collaborate with Platform/Team
-on (<a href="">170883</a>);
-Adopt the Commands framework with retargetable actions (e.g. for Properties);
-Adopt ICU4J and Capabilities. 
-(Theme: Persistent &amp; Pervasive Themes; Ease of Use)
-(<a href="">170915</a>) 
-<p><strong>Fix and improve the RSE EFS integration.</strong>
-Given any files subsystem registered with RSE, RSE should be able
-to act as an EFS provider through that registered files subsystem.
-Current bugs with workspace resource locking should be fixed.
-In addition to that, it would be desirable to support an RSE
-subsystem under the Local system type that acts as an EFS browser,
-i.e. be able to access remote resources through any registered
-EFS provider.
-(Theme: Design for Extensibility)
-(<a href="">170916</a>) 
-<p><strong>Improve RSE SystemType and New Connection Wizard flexibility.</strong>
-ISVs need to be able to add new system types which are compatible with existing
-ones, and be able to automatically pick up subsystem implementations from 3rd
-parties that they don't know about initially. Additional states (and thus decorators)
-need to be considered by IHost objects and registered with systemTypes.
-More considerations need to be made for systemTypes that do not describe TCP/IP
-connections. Finally, contributors should be able to disable SystemTypes 
-via capabilities and/or a dynamic enabler class.
-(Themes: Design for Extensibility, Embedded Device Software)
-(<a href="">170918</a>) 
-<p><strong>Optimize APIs - Remove obsolete API.</strong>
-RSE APIs should be made smaller (less API, more internal) in order to make them
-easier to understand and maintain. Eliminate dead code. Clarify threading
-model. Add asynchronous callbacks for long-runnint operations.
-(Theme: Design for Extensibility)
-(<a href="">170922</a>) 
-<p><strong>Improve the Remote File Service APIs.</strong>
-RSE File Service APIs should be sufficient to make a proper EFS provider.
-This means especially support for setting a file read-only / writable;
-changing a file's timestamp; preserving permissions when copying across 
-systems; UI tools for reviewing / changing timestamp and read-only status;
-and returning potentially large remote files as streams for 
-partial access, such that not the entire file is necessarily downloaded.
-In order to differenciate ourselves from EFS, we may add more tools that do not
-operate on an "abstract" file system but support more direct access to remote
-system's contributed permission and other status bits like Access Control
-Lists (ACLs).
-(Themes: Scaling Up, Design for Extensibility)
-(<a href="">170926</a>) 
-<p><strong>RSE should be more service-oriented.</strong>
-Currently, behavior of subsystems depends on the system type
-name they are registered against. Instead of this, Properties
-of system types should be used to modify subsystem behavior,
-such that existing subsystems can be added as services to 
-more different system types. In addition to that, it should
-be possible to group services into a system; and support
-more dynamic enabling / disabling of subsystems / services 
-based on availability. 
-(Theme: Design for Extensibility)
-(<a href="">150498</a>) 
-<p><strong>Improve the RSE default Persistence Provider.</strong>
-For facilitated on-boarding, it should be easier to get access
-to pre-defined RSE connections out of a Team-Shared Repository
-or by importing/exporting connection definitions as XML.
-Fewer files should be used to store RSE state.
-It should be possible to associate connections, profiles, filter 
-pools etc. with projects. Data storage should be flexible in the
-metadata or the project workspace, similar to the persistence
-mechanism used by Eclipse Launch Configurations today.
-(Theme: Enterprise Ready / Facilitated On-Boarding)
-(<a href="">170932</a>) 
-<p><strong>Add full support for Macintosh.</strong>
-MacOS X is a widespread Eclipse Platform and should be made
-official reference platform, thus giving bug reports a higher
-priority and doing automated unit testing regularly.
-(Theme: Platform Support)
-(<a href="">170936</a>) 
-<h3><a name="Deferred">Deferred Items</a></h3>
-<strong>Contribute User Actions from RSE7.</strong>
-The <a href="">
-IBM RSE 7.0</a> <em>User Actions</em> and <em>Compile Commands</em>
-could not be ported to Eclipse TM RSE 2.0 in time due to lack of resources.
-They will be added in a later release. See the link above
-for a presentation with more details about these features.
-(Themes: Ease of Use, Enterprise Ready / Facilitated On-Boarding)
-(<a href="">187395</a>) 
-<strong>Support headless launches.</strong>
-Based on improved UI / non-UI splitting, a headless
-Eclipse should be able to perform Launches through RSE-provided services /
-subsystems. While a lot improvement has been made for RSE 2.0, a few 
-roadblocks to full headless launch support could not be overcome due
-to lack of resources. 
-(Theme: Design for Extensibility)
-(<a href="">170923</a>,
-<a href="">183771</a>) 
-<p><img src="new.gif" alt="(new)" border="0" height="12" width="12"/>
-<strong>Integrate the TM Terminal View with RSE.</strong>
-RSE provides a framework for registering data transfer protocols and
-managing connections. It provides a subsystem for executing commands
-on remote hosts through those protocols, but this is a line-oriented
-command view without terminal emulation.
-The current stand-alone TM Terminal View will be integrated with RSE
-as a new kind of subsystem that provides a terminal over any registered
-RSE IHostShell connection channel.
-(Theme: Ease Of Use)
-(<a href="">170910</a>) 
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
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-	<provider id="">
-		<project reference="1.0,,www/dsdp/tm/development,www-tm-development"/>
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--- a/doc/DSDPTM_Design_Proposal_v0.3.pdf
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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--- a/doc/DSDPTM_Target_Connection_Adapter_Proposal.pdf
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-	#*****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# doc/index.php
-	#
-	# Author: 		Martin Oberhuber
-	# Date:			2006-02-01
-	#
-	# Description: DSDP-TM developer documents index page
-	#
-	#
-	#****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# Begin: page-specific settings.  Change these. 
-	$pageTitle 		= "TM Developer Documents";
-	$pageKeywords	= "device, target";
-	$pageAuthor		= "Martin Oberhuber";
-	# Add page-specific Nav bars here
-	# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
-	# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", 	"downloads.php");
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3);
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
-	# End: page-specific settings
-	#
-	# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!	
-	$html = <<<EOHTML
-<div id="maincontent">
-	<div id="midcolumn">
-		<h1>$pageTitle</h1>
-    	<h2>Use Cases (your best bet to get started!)</h2>
-    	<ul>
-    	<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/doc/DSDPTM_Use_Cases_v1.1c.pdf">DSDP-TM Use Cases v1.1c.pdf</a></li>
-    	<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/doc/nucleus_edge_target_usecase.pdf">nucleus edge target usecase.pdf</a></li>
-    	</ul>
-		<h2>Current API Docs</h2>
-		These are part of the downloaded SDK, and available online. The online docs are automatically generated
-		from the latest code every night.
-		<ul>
-		  <li><a href="">RSE User Guide</a></li>
-		  <li><a href="">RSE Developer Guide</a></li>
-		  <li><a href="">DStore Developer Guide</a></li>
-		</ul>
-		<h2>Design Documents</h2>
-		<ul>
-	    <li><a href="/dsdp/tm/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/DSDPTM_Overview.ppt">DSDP-TM Overview (ppt)</a></li>
-		<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/doc/DSDPTM_Design_Proposal_v0.3.pdf">DSDP-TM Design Proposal v0.3.pdf</a></li>
-		<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/doc/DSDPTM_Target_Connection_Adapter_Proposal.pdf">DSDP-TM Target Connection Adapter Proposal.pdf</a></li>
-	    <li><a href="/dsdp/tm/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/DSDPTM_Brainstorming_2005-10-14.htm">Brainstorming Notes from Chicago Meeting</a></li>
-		</ul>
-		<h2>Presentations</h2>
-		<ul>
-		<li><a href="">TM 2.0 Release Review Slides (PPT: 237k)</a>
-		   | <a href="">(PDF: 300K)</a></li>
-    	<li>Eclipse Summit Europe 2006-9-29 
-    		<a href="">
-      		TM Overview Slides (PPT: 314k)</a>
-    	  	| <a href="">(PDF: 298k)</a></li>
-		<li><a href="">TM 1.0 Release Review Slides (PPT: 248k)</a>
-		   | <a href="">(PDF: 195K)</a></li>
-		<li>EclipseCon 2006: 
-		   <a href="">
-		   Using and Extending the DSDP Target Management Framework (PPT: 850k)</a>
-		   | <a href="">(Zipped PPT: 559k)</a></li>
-		<li><a href="">
-		    IBM RSE Presentation</a></li>
-		</ul>
-		<h2>Older Meeting Notes (Newer notes are on the <a href="">Wiki</a>)</h2>
-		<ul>
-		<h4>CDT Conference Ottawa, 2005 October 25-26</h4>
-		<ul>
-		<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/conferences/2005_CDT_Conference_DSDP_Update.ppt">DSDP Update at CDT Conference (ppt)</a></li>
-		</ul>
-		<h4>F2F Meeting Chicago, 2005 October 12-13</h4>
-		<ul>
-		<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/2005-10-12_Chicago_TM_MeetingNotes.htm">Meeting Notes</a></li>
-	    <li><a href="/dsdp/tm/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/DSDPTM_Brainstorming_2005-10-14.htm">Brainstorming Notes</a></li>
-	    <li><a href="/dsdp/tm/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/Eclipse_IP_Due_Diligence.ppt">Eclipse IP Due Diligence (ppt)</a></li>
-	    <li><a href="/dsdp/tm/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/DSDPTM_Overview.ppt">DSDP-TM Overview (ppt)</a></li>
-	    <li><a href="/dsdp/tm/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/DSDPTM_DD_Borderline.ppt">On the Borderline between Target Management and Debugging (ppt)</a></li>
-	    <li><a href="/dsdp/tm/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/DSDPTM_DebuggerBackend.ppt">WR Debugger Backend Interface Proposal (ppt)</a></li>
-	    <li><a href="/dsdp/tm/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/DSDPTM_TCA.ppt">Target Connection Adapter Proposal (ppt)</a></li>
-		</ul>
-		<h4>Phone Meeting Notes</h4>
-		<ul>
-		<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/meetingnotes/DSDP-TM_MeetingNotes_20051107.htm">2005-11-07 Phone Conference</a></li>
-		<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/meetingnotes/DSDP-TM_MeetingNotes_20050926.pdf">2005-09-26 Phone Conference</a><br>
-		<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/meetingnotes/DSDP-TM_MeetingNotes_20050829.pdf">2005-08-29 Phone Conference</a><br>
-		<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/meetingnotes/DSDP-TM_MeetingNotes_20050808.pdf">2005-08-08 Phone Conference</a><br>
-		<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/meetingnotes/DSDP-TM_MeetingNotes_20050718.pdf">2005-07-18 Phone Conference</a><br>
-		<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/meetingnotes/DSDP-TM_MeetingNotes_20050627.pdf">2005-06-27 Phone Conference</a><br>
-		<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/meetingnotes/DSDP-TM_MeetingNotes_20050613.pdf">2005-06-13 Phone Conference</a><br>
-		</ul>
-		<p/>
-	</div>
-	<div id="rightcolumn">
-		<div class="sideitem">
-			<h6>Getting started</h6>
-			<ul>
-				<li><a href=""
-					target="_self">TM Overview Slides</a></li>
-				<li><a href="" target="_self">
-				    TM 2.0 Release Review Slides</a></li>
-			    <li><a href="" 
-			    	target="_self">DSDP Overview Diagrams</a></li>				
-				<li><a
-					href="/dsdp/tm/doc/DSDPTM_Use_Cases_v1.1c.pdf"
-					target="_self">TM Use Cases Document</a></li>
-				<li><a href=""
-					target="_self">IBM RSE Presentation</a></li>
-				<!-- <li><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/index.php">Developer Resources</a></li> -->
-				<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/plan.php"
-					target="_self">TM Project Plan</a></li>
-			</ul>
-		</div>
-	</div>
-	# Generate the web page
-	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
diff --git a/doc/nucleus_edge_target_usecase.pdf b/doc/nucleus_edge_target_usecase.pdf
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index 0fdc90e..0000000
--- a/doc/nucleus_edge_target_usecase.pdf
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/doc/rsf/RSFCoreModel.xmi b/doc/rsf/RSFCoreModel.xmi
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index 7fe343a..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4709 +0,0 @@
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-        <UML:Parameter kind="return""11538" type="235" />

-       </UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-      </UML:Operation>

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-        <UML:Parameter kind="return""11539" type="5" />

-       </UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

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-      </UML:Operation>

-      <UML:Operation isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public""209" isRoot="false" isAbstract="false" name="getOptions" >

-       <UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-        <UML:Parameter kind="return""11545" type="235" />

-       </UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-      </UML:Operation>

-      <UML:Operation isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public""222" isRoot="false" isAbstract="false" name="getProvides" >

-       <UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-        <UML:Parameter kind="return""11546" type="235" />

-       </UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-      </UML:Operation>

-      <UML:Operation isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public""248" isRoot="false" isAbstract="false" name="getRequirements" >

-       <UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-        <UML:Parameter kind="return""11547" type="235" />

-       </UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-      </UML:Operation>

-      <UML:Operation isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public""257" isRoot="false" isAbstract="false" name="getCommunicationInterfaceId" >

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-        <UML:Parameter kind="return""11548" type="10" />

-       </UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-      </UML:Operation>

-      <UML:Operation isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public""276" isRoot="false" isAbstract="false" name="createService" >

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-        <UML:Parameter isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="private""277" isRoot="false" value="" type="38" isAbstract="false" name="remoteSystem" />

-       </UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-      </UML:Operation>

-     </UML:Classifier.feature>

-    </UML:Interface>

-    <UML:Interface stereotype="36" isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public""58" isRoot="false" isAbstract="true" name="IServiceTypeModel" >

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-      <UML:Operation isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public""317" isRoot="false" isAbstract="false" name="getId" >

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-       </UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

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-      <UML:Operation isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public""328" isRoot="false" isAbstract="false" name="getName" >

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-        <UML:Parameter kind="return""11551" type="10" />

-       </UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

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-      <UML:Operation isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public""341" isRoot="false" isAbstract="false" name="getServiceClass" />

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-      <UML:Operation isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public""674" isRoot="false" isAbstract="false" name="getOptions" >

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-        <UML:Parameter kind="return""11553" type="235" />

-       </UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-      </UML:Operation>

-     </UML:Classifier.feature>

-    </UML:Interface>

-    <UML:Interface stereotype="36" isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public""813" isRoot="false" isAbstract="true" name="IRSFObject" >

-     <UML:Classifier.feature>

-      <UML:Operation isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public""833" isRoot="false" isAbstract="false" name="getId" >

-       <UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-        <UML:Parameter kind="return""11554" type="10" />

-       </UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-      </UML:Operation>

-      <UML:Operation isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public""854" isRoot="false" isAbstract="false" name="getName" >

-       <UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-        <UML:Parameter kind="return""11555" type="10" />

-       </UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-      </UML:Operation>

-     </UML:Classifier.feature>

-    </UML:Interface>

-    <UML:Interface stereotype="36" isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public""1734" isRoot="false" isAbstract="true" name="ICommunicationInterfaceModel" >

-     <UML:Classifier.feature>

-      <UML:Operation isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public""1756" isRoot="false" isAbstract="false" name="getOption" >

-       <UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-        <UML:Parameter kind="return""11556" type="35" />

-        <UML:Parameter isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="private""1757" isRoot="false" value="" type="10" isAbstract="false" name="optionId" />

-       </UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-      </UML:Operation>

-      <UML:Operation isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public""1801" isRoot="false" isAbstract="false" name="getOptions" >

-       <UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-        <UML:Parameter kind="return""11557" type="235" />

-       </UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-      </UML:Operation>

-      <UML:Operation isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public""1825" isRoot="false" isAbstract="false" name="createCommunicationInterface" />

-     </UML:Classifier.feature>

-    </UML:Interface>

-    <UML:Interface stereotype="36" isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public""3391" isRoot="false" isAbstract="true" name="IRemoteFSService" >

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-       <UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-        <UML:Parameter kind="return""11558" type="235" />

-       </UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-      </UML:Operation>

-      <UML:Operation isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public""6230" isRoot="false" isAbstract="false" name="getRemoteSystem" >

-       <UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-        <UML:Parameter kind="return""11559" type="38" />

-       </UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-      </UML:Operation>

-      <UML:Operation isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public""6277" isRoot="false" isAbstract="false" name="copy" >

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-        <UML:Parameter isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="private""6278" isRoot="false" value="" type="3533" isAbstract="false" name="source" />

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-       </UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-      </UML:Operation>

-      <UML:Operation isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public""6418" isRoot="false" isAbstract="false" name="copy" >

-       <UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-        <UML:Parameter isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="private""6419" isRoot="false" value="" type="3533" isAbstract="false" name="source" />

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-      <UML:Operation isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public""6979" isRoot="false" isAbstract="false" name="delete" >

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-        <UML:Parameter isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="private""6980" isRoot="false" value="" type="3533" isAbstract="false" name="resource" />

-        <UML:Parameter isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="private""7073" isRoot="false" value="" type="5" isAbstract="false" name="force" />

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-      </UML:Operation>

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-        <UML:Parameter isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="private""7167" isRoot="false" value="" type="3533" isAbstract="false" name="source" />

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-      </UML:Operation>

-      <UML:Operation isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public""7307" isRoot="false" isAbstract="false" name="move" >

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-       </UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

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-       </UML:BehavioralFeature.parameter>

-      </UML:Operation>

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-      </UML:Operation>

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-  <codegeneration>

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-    <codedocument writeOutCode="false" package="" id="ANTDOC" fileExt=".xml" fileName="build" >

-     <textblocks>

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-       <header>

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-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" />

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-       <header>

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-       <header>

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-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

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-       <header>

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-       </header>

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-         <header>

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-         </header>

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-         <header>

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-         </header>

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-           <header>

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-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

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-             <header>

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-             </header>

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-           </header>

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-             <header>

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-           </header>

-           <textblocks/>

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-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 16:39:56&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields/>

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-     <textblocks>

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-       <header>

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-       <header>

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-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

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-       <header>

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-       </header>

-       <textblocks>

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-         <header>

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-         </header>

-         <textblocks/>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

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-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Methods" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

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-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="public Char ( ) { }" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />

-             </header>

-            </codeblockwithcomments>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

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-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

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-             <header>

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-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

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-           <header>

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-           </header>

-           <textblocks/>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-       </textblocks>

-      </javaclassdeclarationblock>

-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 16:39:56&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields/>

-    </classifiercodedocument>

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-     <textblocks>

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-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

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-       <header>

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-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

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-       <header>

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-       </header>

-       <textblocks>

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-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks/>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="methodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Methods" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

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-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="public Boolean ( ) { }" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />

-             </header>

-            </codeblockwithcomments>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

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-           <header>

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-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

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-             <header>

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-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

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-             <header>

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-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

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-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks/>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-       </textblocks>

-      </javaclassdeclarationblock>

-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 16:48:38&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields/>

-    </classifiercodedocument>

-    <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="6" parent_class="6" fileExt=".java" fileName="float" >

-     <textblocks>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="packages" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="imports" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <javaclassdeclarationblock parent_id="6" tag="ClassDeclBlock" canDelete="false" >

-       <header>

-        <javacodedocumentation tag="" text="Class Float&amp;#010;" />

-       </header>

-       <textblocks>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="fieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks/>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="methodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Methods" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="public Float ( ) { }" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />

-             </header>

-            </codeblockwithcomments>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="staticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="regularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks/>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-       </textblocks>

-      </javaclassdeclarationblock>

-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 16:39:56&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields/>

-    </classifiercodedocument>

-    <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="7" parent_class="7" fileExt=".java" fileName="double" >

-     <textblocks>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="packages" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="imports" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <javaclassdeclarationblock parent_id="7" tag="ClassDeclBlock" canDelete="false" >

-       <header>

-        <javacodedocumentation tag="" text="Class Double&amp;#010;" />

-       </header>

-       <textblocks>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="fieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks/>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="methodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Methods" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="public Double ( ) { }" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />

-             </header>

-            </codeblockwithcomments>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="staticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="regularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks/>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-       </textblocks>

-      </javaclassdeclarationblock>

-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 16:39:56&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields/>

-    </classifiercodedocument>

-    <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="8" parent_class="8" fileExt=".java" fileName="byte" >

-     <textblocks>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="packages" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="imports" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <javaclassdeclarationblock parent_id="8" tag="ClassDeclBlock" canDelete="false" >

-       <header>

-        <javacodedocumentation tag="" text="Class Byte&amp;#010;" />

-       </header>

-       <textblocks>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="fieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks/>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="methodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Methods" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="public Byte ( ) { }" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />

-             </header>

-            </codeblockwithcomments>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="staticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="regularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks/>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-       </textblocks>

-      </javaclassdeclarationblock>

-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 16:39:56&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields/>

-    </classifiercodedocument>

-    <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="9" parent_class="9" fileExt=".java" fileName="short" >

-     <textblocks>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="packages" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="imports" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <javaclassdeclarationblock parent_id="9" tag="ClassDeclBlock" canDelete="false" >

-       <header>

-        <javacodedocumentation tag="" text="Class Short&amp;#010;" />

-       </header>

-       <textblocks>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="fieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks/>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="methodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Methods" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="public Short ( ) { }" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />

-             </header>

-            </codeblockwithcomments>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="staticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="regularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks/>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-       </textblocks>

-      </javaclassdeclarationblock>

-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 16:39:56&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields/>

-    </classifiercodedocument>

-    <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="10" parent_class="10" fileExt=".java" fileName="string" >

-     <textblocks>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="packages" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="imports" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <javaclassdeclarationblock parent_id="10" tag="ClassDeclBlock" canDelete="false" >

-       <header>

-        <javacodedocumentation tag="" text="Class String&amp;#010;" />

-       </header>

-       <textblocks>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="fieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks/>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="methodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Methods" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="public String ( ) { }" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />

-             </header>

-            </codeblockwithcomments>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="staticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="regularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks/>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-       </textblocks>

-      </javaclassdeclarationblock>

-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 16:43:03&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields/>

-    </classifiercodedocument>

-    <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="18" parent_class="18" fileExt=".java" fileName="void" >

-     <textblocks>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="packages" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="imports" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <javaclassdeclarationblock parent_id="18" tag="ClassDeclBlock" canDelete="false" >

-       <header>

-        <javacodedocumentation tag="" text="Class Void&amp;#010;" />

-       </header>

-       <textblocks>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="fieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks/>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="methodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Methods" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="public Void ( ) { }" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />

-             </header>

-            </codeblockwithcomments>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="staticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="regularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks/>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-       </textblocks>

-      </javaclassdeclarationblock>

-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 16:48:26&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields/>

-    </classifiercodedocument>

-    <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="35" parent_class="35" fileExt=".java" fileName="IOption" >

-     <textblocks>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="packages" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="imports" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <javaclassdeclarationblock parent_id="35" tag="ClassDeclBlock" canDelete="false" >

-       <header>

-        <javacodedocumentation tag="" text="Interface IOption&amp;#010;" />

-       </header>

-       <textblocks>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="fieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks/>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="methodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Methods" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="public IOption ( ) { }" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />

-             </header>

-            </codeblockwithcomments>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="staticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="regularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="439" tag="operation_439" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return String  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="453" tag="operation_453" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return String  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="468" tag="operation_468" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param newValue &amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="498" tag="operation_498" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return String  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="514" tag="operation_514" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return boolean  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="531" tag="operation_531" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return List  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-       </textblocks>

-      </javaclassdeclarationblock>

-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 18:24:37&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="1395" field_type="565" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="1395" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="public IRSFObject ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="1395" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1395" role_id="0" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="1395" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1395" role_id="0" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="1395" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1395" role_id="0" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IRSFObject to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="1395" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1395" role_id="0" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IRSFObject from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="1395" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1395" role_id="0" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-     </classfields>

-    </classifiercodedocument>

-    <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="38" parent_class="38" fileExt=".java" fileName="IRemoteSystem" >

-     <textblocks>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="packages" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="imports" text="&amp;#010;import IService;&amp;#010;import ICommunicationInterface;" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <javaclassdeclarationblock parent_id="38" tag="ClassDeclBlock" canDelete="false" >

-       <header>

-        <javacodedocumentation tag="" text="Interface IRemoteSystem&amp;#010;" />

-       </header>

-       <textblocks>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="fieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

-          <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="2583" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="public ICommunicationInterface ;" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-           </header>

-          </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="methodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Methods" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="public IRemoteSystem ( ) { }" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />

-             </header>

-            </codeblockwithcomments>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="staticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="2583" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2583" role_id="0" text="return ;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="2583" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2583" role_id="0" text=" = value;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="2583" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2583" role_id="0" text=".add(value);" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type ICommunicationInterface to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="2583" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2583" role_id="0" text=".remove(value);" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type ICommunicationInterface from the List &amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="2583" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2583" role_id="0" text="return (List) ;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-             </textblocks>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="regularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="115" tag="operation_115" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param serviceId &amp;#010;@return IService  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="126" tag="operation_126" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return List  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="132" tag="operation_132" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param commIntId &amp;#010;@return ICommunicationInterface  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="188" tag="operation_188" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return List  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="195" tag="operation_195" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return List  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="11177" tag="operation_11177" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="11227" tag="operation_11227" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return boolean  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="11378" tag="operation_11378" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-       </textblocks>

-      </javaclassdeclarationblock>

-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 19:12:54&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="1170" field_type="22225904" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="1170" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="public IRSFObject ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="1170" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1170" role_id="0" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="1170" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1170" role_id="0" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="1170" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1170" role_id="0" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IRSFObject to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="1170" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1170" role_id="0" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IRSFObject from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="1170" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1170" role_id="0" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="2534" field_type="97" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="2534" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="public IService ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="2534" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2534" role_id="0" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="2534" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2534" role_id="0" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="2534" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2534" role_id="0" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IService to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IService from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="2534" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2534" role_id="0" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type ICommunicationInterface to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type ICommunicationInterface from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="2583" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2583" role_id="0" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-     </classfields>

-    </classifiercodedocument>

-    <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="40" parent_class="40" fileExt=".java" fileName="IService" >

-     <textblocks>

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-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

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-       <header>

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-             <header>

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-             <header>

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-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-               </header>

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-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

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-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IServiceModel to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-               </header>

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-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IServiceModel from the List &amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

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-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

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-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

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-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

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-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IRemoteSystem to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

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-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IRemoteSystem from the List &amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="2534" tag="hblock_tag_10" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2534" role_id="1" text="return (List) ;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

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-             <header>

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-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

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-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

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-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param optionId &amp;#010;@return IOption  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="76" tag="operation_76" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return boolean  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="80" tag="operation_80" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return boolean  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="85" tag="operation_85" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param enabled &amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

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-            <codeoperation parent_id="95" tag="operation_95" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return List  " />

-             </header>

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-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 18:24:39&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="1215" field_type="6357108" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

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-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="1215" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1215" role_id="0" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="1215" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1215" role_id="0" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IRSFObject to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="1215" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1215" role_id="0" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IRSFObject from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="1215" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1215" role_id="0" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="2217" field_type="6357108" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="2217" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="public ICommunicationInterface ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="2217" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2217" role_id="0" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="2217" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2217" role_id="0" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="2217" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2217" role_id="0" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type ICommunicationInterface to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="2217" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2217" role_id="0" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type ICommunicationInterface from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="2217" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2217" role_id="0" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="2266" field_type="0" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="2266" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="public IServiceModel ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

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-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="2266" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2266" role_id="0" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="2266" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2266" role_id="0" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="2266" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2266" role_id="0" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IServiceModel to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="2266" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2266" role_id="0" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IServiceModel from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="2266" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2266" role_id="0" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="2436" field_type="32" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="2436" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="public IServiceModel ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="2436" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2436" role_id="0" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="2436" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2436" role_id="0" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="2436" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2436" role_id="0" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IServiceModel to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="2436" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2436" role_id="0" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IServiceModel from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="2436" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2436" role_id="0" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="2534" field_type="0" initialValue="" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="2534" tag="tblock_5" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="public IRemoteSystem ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="2534" tag="hblock_tag_6" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2534" role_id="1" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="2534" tag="hblock_tag_7" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2534" role_id="1" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IRemoteSystem to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IRemoteSystem from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

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-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IService to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

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-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IService from the List &amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

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-               <header>

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-               </header>

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-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

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-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IService to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-               </header>

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-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IService from the List &amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

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-               <header>

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-               </header>

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-           <header>

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-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param optionId &amp;#010;@return IOption  " />

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-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return List  " />

-             </header>

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-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return List  " />

-             </header>

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-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return List  " />

-             </header>

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-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return String  " />

-             </header>

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-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param remoteSystem &amp;#010;@return IService  " />

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-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 18:24:40&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields>

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-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

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-        <header>

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-        <header>

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-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IRSFObject to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="1260" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1260" role_id="0" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IRSFObject from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="1260" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1260" role_id="0" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

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-       <header>

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-       </header>

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-        <header>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IService to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="2266" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2266" role_id="1" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IService from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="2266" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2266" role_id="1" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

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-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

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-        <header>

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-        </header>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

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-        <header>

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-        </header>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IServiceTypeModel to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IServiceTypeModel from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

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-       <header>

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-        <header>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IService to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IService from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

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-       <header>

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-       <header>

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-       <header>

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-             <header>

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-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="staticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="2364" tag="hblock_tag_6" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2364" role_id="1" text="return ;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="2364" tag="hblock_tag_7" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2364" role_id="1" text=" = value;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="2364" tag="hblock_tag_8" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2364" role_id="1" text=".add(value);" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IServiceModel to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="2364" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2364" role_id="1" text=".remove(value);" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IServiceModel from the List &amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="2364" tag="hblock_tag_10" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2364" role_id="1" text="return (List) ;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-             </textblocks>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="regularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="1305" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1305" role_id="0" text="return ;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="1305" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1305" role_id="0" text=" = value;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="1305" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1305" role_id="0" text=".add(value);" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IRSFObject to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="1305" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1305" role_id="0" text=".remove(value);" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IRSFObject from the List &amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="1305" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1305" role_id="0" text="return (List) ;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-             </textblocks>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="317" tag="operation_317" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return String  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="328" tag="operation_328" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return String  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="341" tag="operation_341" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return class  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-       </textblocks>

-      </javaclassdeclarationblock>

-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 18:24:40&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="1305" field_type="1" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="1305" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="public IRSFObject ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="1305" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1305" role_id="0" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="1305" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1305" role_id="0" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="1305" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1305" role_id="0" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IRSFObject to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="1305" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1305" role_id="0" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IRSFObject from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="1305" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1305" role_id="0" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="2364" field_type="0" initialValue="" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="2364" tag="tblock_5" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="public IServiceModel ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="2364" tag="hblock_tag_6" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2364" role_id="1" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="2364" tag="hblock_tag_7" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2364" role_id="1" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="2364" tag="hblock_tag_8" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2364" role_id="1" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IServiceModel to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="2364" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2364" role_id="1" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IServiceModel from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="2364" tag="hblock_tag_10" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2364" role_id="1" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-     </classfields>

-    </classifiercodedocument>

-    <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="159" parent_class="159" fileExt=".java" fileName="ICommunicationInterface" >

-     <textblocks>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="packages" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="imports" text="&amp;#010;import IOption;" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <javaclassdeclarationblock parent_id="159" tag="ClassDeclBlock" canDelete="false" >

-       <header>

-        <javacodedocumentation tag="" text="Interface ICommunicationInterface&amp;#010;" />

-       </header>

-       <textblocks>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="fieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

-          <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="2217" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="public IService ;" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-           </header>

-          </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-          <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="2315" tag="tblock_5" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="public ICommunicationInterfaceModel ;" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-           </header>

-          </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-          <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="2485" tag="tblock_11" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="public ICommunicationInterfaceModel ;" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-           </header>

-          </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="methodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Methods" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="public ICommunicationInterface ( ) { }" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />

-             </header>

-            </codeblockwithcomments>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="staticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="2217" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2217" role_id="1" text="return ;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="2217" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2217" role_id="1" text=" = value;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="2217" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2217" role_id="1" text=".add(value);" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IService to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="2217" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2217" role_id="1" text=".remove(value);" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IService from the List &amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="2217" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2217" role_id="1" text="return (List) ;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="2315" tag="hblock_tag_6" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2315" role_id="0" text="return ;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="2315" tag="hblock_tag_7" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2315" role_id="0" text=" = value;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="2315" tag="hblock_tag_8" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2315" role_id="0" text=".add(value);" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type ICommunicationInterfaceModel to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="2315" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2315" role_id="0" text=".remove(value);" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type ICommunicationInterfaceModel from the List &amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="2315" tag="hblock_tag_10" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2315" role_id="0" text="return (List) ;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="2485" tag="hblock_tag_12" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2485" role_id="0" text="return ;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="2485" tag="hblock_tag_13" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2485" role_id="0" text=" = value;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="2485" tag="hblock_tag_14" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2485" role_id="0" text=".add(value);" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type ICommunicationInterfaceModel to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="2485" tag="hblock_tag_15" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2485" role_id="0" text=".remove(value);" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type ICommunicationInterfaceModel from the List &amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="2485" tag="hblock_tag_16" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2485" role_id="0" text="return (List) ;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-             </textblocks>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="regularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="635" tag="operation_635" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param optionId &amp;#010;@return IOption  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="674" tag="operation_674" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return List  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-       </textblocks>

-      </javaclassdeclarationblock>

-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 18:24:36&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="1350" field_type="9680624" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="1350" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="public IRSFObject ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="1350" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1350" role_id="0" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="1350" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1350" role_id="0" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="1350" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1350" role_id="0" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IRSFObject to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="1350" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1350" role_id="0" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IRSFObject from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="1350" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1350" role_id="0" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="2217" field_type="0" initialValue="" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="2217" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="public IService ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="2217" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2217" role_id="1" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="2217" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2217" role_id="1" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="2217" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2217" role_id="1" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IService to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="2217" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2217" role_id="1" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IService from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="2217" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2217" role_id="1" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="2315" field_type="0" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="2315" tag="tblock_5" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="public ICommunicationInterfaceModel ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="2315" tag="hblock_tag_6" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2315" role_id="0" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="2315" tag="hblock_tag_7" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2315" role_id="0" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="2315" tag="hblock_tag_8" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2315" role_id="0" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type ICommunicationInterfaceModel to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="2315" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2315" role_id="0" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type ICommunicationInterfaceModel from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="2315" tag="hblock_tag_10" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2315" role_id="0" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="2485" field_type="0" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="2485" tag="tblock_11" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="public ICommunicationInterfaceModel ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="2485" tag="hblock_tag_12" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2485" role_id="0" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="2485" tag="hblock_tag_13" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2485" role_id="0" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="2485" tag="hblock_tag_14" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2485" role_id="0" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type ICommunicationInterfaceModel to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="2485" tag="hblock_tag_15" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2485" role_id="0" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type ICommunicationInterfaceModel from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="2485" tag="hblock_tag_16" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2485" role_id="0" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="2583" field_type="7274601" initialValue="" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="2583" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="public IRemoteSystem ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="2583" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2583" role_id="1" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="2583" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2583" role_id="1" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="2583" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2583" role_id="1" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IRemoteSystem to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="2583" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2583" role_id="1" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IRemoteSystem from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="2583" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2583" role_id="1" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-     </classfields>

-    </classifiercodedocument>

-    <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="235" parent_class="235" fileExt=".java" fileName="List" >

-     <textblocks>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="packages" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="imports" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <javaclassdeclarationblock parent_id="235" tag="ClassDeclBlock" canDelete="false" >

-       <header>

-        <javacodedocumentation tag="" text="Class List&amp;#010;" />

-       </header>

-       <textblocks>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="fieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks/>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="methodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Methods" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="public List ( ) { }" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />

-             </header>

-            </codeblockwithcomments>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="staticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="regularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks/>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-       </textblocks>

-      </javaclassdeclarationblock>

-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 17:11:14&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields/>

-    </classifiercodedocument>

-    <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="366" parent_class="366" fileExt=".java" fileName="java.lang.Class" >

-     <textblocks>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="packages" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="imports" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <javaclassdeclarationblock parent_id="366" tag="ClassDeclBlock" canDelete="false" >

-       <header>

-        <javacodedocumentation tag="" text="Class Java.lang.Class&amp;#010;" />

-       </header>

-       <textblocks>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="fieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks/>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="methodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Methods" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="public Java.lang.Class ( ) { }" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />

-             </header>

-            </codeblockwithcomments>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="staticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="regularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks/>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-       </textblocks>

-      </javaclassdeclarationblock>

-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 17:17:17&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields/>

-    </classifiercodedocument>

-    <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="813" parent_class="813" fileExt=".java" fileName="IRSFObject" >

-     <textblocks>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="packages" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="imports" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <javaclassdeclarationblock parent_id="813" tag="ClassDeclBlock" canDelete="false" >

-       <header>

-        <javacodedocumentation tag="" text="Interface IRSFObject&amp;#010;" />

-       </header>

-       <textblocks>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="fieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

-          <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="1170" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="public IRemoteSystem ;" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-           </header>

-          </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-          <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="1260" tag="tblock_5" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="public IServiceModel ;" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-           </header>

-          </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-          <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="1350" tag="tblock_11" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="public ICommunicationInterface ;" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-           </header>

-          </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="methodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Methods" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="public IRSFObject ( ) { }" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />

-             </header>

-            </codeblockwithcomments>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="staticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="1170" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1170" role_id="1" text="return ;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="1170" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1170" role_id="1" text=" = value;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

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-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IRemoteSystem to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="1170" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1170" role_id="1" text=".remove(value);" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IRemoteSystem from the List &amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="1170" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1170" role_id="1" text="return (List) ;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="1260" tag="hblock_tag_6" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1260" role_id="1" text="return ;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

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-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

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-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IServiceModel to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="1260" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1260" role_id="1" text=".remove(value);" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IServiceModel from the List &amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="1260" tag="hblock_tag_10" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1260" role_id="1" text="return (List) ;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="1350" tag="hblock_tag_12" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1350" role_id="1" text="return ;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="1350" tag="hblock_tag_13" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1350" role_id="1" text=" = value;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="1350" tag="hblock_tag_14" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1350" role_id="1" text=".add(value);" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type ICommunicationInterface to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="1350" tag="hblock_tag_15" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1350" role_id="1" text=".remove(value);" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type ICommunicationInterface from the List &amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="1350" tag="hblock_tag_16" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1350" role_id="1" text="return (List) ;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-             </textblocks>

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-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="regularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

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-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="833" tag="operation_833" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return String  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="854" tag="operation_854" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return String  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

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-       </textblocks>

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-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 18:24:38&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="1170" field_type="0" initialValue="" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="1170" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="public IRemoteSystem ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

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-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="1170" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1170" role_id="1" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="1170" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1170" role_id="1" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="1170" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1170" role_id="1" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IRemoteSystem to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="1170" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1170" role_id="1" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IRemoteSystem from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="1170" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1170" role_id="1" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="1215" field_type="7077986" initialValue="" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="1215" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="public IService ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="1215" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1215" role_id="1" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="1215" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1215" role_id="1" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="1215" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1215" role_id="1" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IService to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="1215" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1215" role_id="1" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IService from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="1215" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1215" role_id="1" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="1260" field_type="0" initialValue="" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="1260" tag="tblock_5" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="public IServiceModel ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="1260" tag="hblock_tag_6" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1260" role_id="1" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="1260" tag="hblock_tag_7" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1260" role_id="1" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="1260" tag="hblock_tag_8" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1260" role_id="1" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IServiceModel to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="1260" tag="hblock_tag_9" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1260" role_id="1" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IServiceModel from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="1260" tag="hblock_tag_10" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1260" role_id="1" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="1305" field_type="64" initialValue="" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="1305" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="public IServiceTypeModel ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="1305" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1305" role_id="1" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="1305" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1305" role_id="1" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="1305" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1305" role_id="1" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IServiceTypeModel to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="1305" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1305" role_id="1" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IServiceTypeModel from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="1305" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1305" role_id="1" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="1350" field_type="0" initialValue="" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

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-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

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-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="1350" tag="hblock_tag_12" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1350" role_id="1" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="1350" tag="hblock_tag_13" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1350" role_id="1" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

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-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type ICommunicationInterface to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="1350" tag="hblock_tag_15" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1350" role_id="1" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type ICommunicationInterface from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="1350" tag="hblock_tag_16" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1350" role_id="1" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="1395" field_type="-1400154376" initialValue="" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="1395" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="public IOption ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

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-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="1395" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1395" role_id="1" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="1395" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1395" role_id="1" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="1395" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1395" role_id="1" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IOption to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="1395" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1395" role_id="1" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IOption from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="1395" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="1395" role_id="1" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-     </classfields>

-    </classifiercodedocument>

-    <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="1734" parent_class="1734" fileExt=".java" fileName="ICommunicationInterfaceModel" >

-     <textblocks>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="packages" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

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-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <javaclassdeclarationblock parent_id="1734" tag="ClassDeclBlock" canDelete="false" >

-       <header>

-        <javacodedocumentation tag="" text="Interface ICommunicationInterfaceModel&amp;#010;" />

-       </header>

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-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />

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-           </header>

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-         <header>

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-           <header>

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-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="public ICommunicationInterfaceModel ( ) { }" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />

-             </header>

-            </codeblockwithcomments>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="staticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="2485" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2485" role_id="1" text="return ;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="2485" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2485" role_id="1" text=" = value;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="2485" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2485" role_id="1" text=".add(value);" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type ICommunicationInterface to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="2485" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2485" role_id="1" text=".remove(value);" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type ICommunicationInterface from the List &amp;#010;" />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-              <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="2485" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2485" role_id="1" text="return (List) ;" >

-               <header>

-                <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-               </header>

-              </codeaccessormethod>

-             </textblocks>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="regularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="1756" tag="operation_1756" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param optionId &amp;#010;@return IOption  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="1801" tag="operation_1801" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return List  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="1825" tag="operation_1825" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-       </textblocks>

-      </javaclassdeclarationblock>

-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 18:24:37&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="2315" field_type="2752554" initialValue="" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="2315" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="public ICommunicationInterface ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="2315" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2315" role_id="1" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="2315" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2315" role_id="1" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="2315" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2315" role_id="1" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type ICommunicationInterface to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="2315" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2315" role_id="1" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type ICommunicationInterface from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="2315" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2315" role_id="1" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="2485" field_type="0" initialValue="" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="2485" tag="tblock_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="public ICommunicationInterface ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="2485" tag="hblock_tag_0" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2485" role_id="1" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="2485" tag="hblock_tag_1" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2485" role_id="1" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="2485" tag="hblock_tag_2" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2485" role_id="1" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type ICommunicationInterface to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="2485" tag="hblock_tag_3" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2485" role_id="1" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type ICommunicationInterface from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="2485" tag="hblock_tag_4" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="2485" role_id="1" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-     </classfields>

-    </classifiercodedocument>

-    <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="3391" parent_class="3391" fileExt=".java" fileName="IRemoteFSService" >

-     <textblocks>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="packages" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="imports" text="&amp;#010;import IRemoteSystem;&amp;#010;import IRemoteResource;&amp;#010;import IRemoteContainer;&amp;#010;import IRemoteFile;" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <javaclassdeclarationblock parent_id="3391" tag="ClassDeclBlock" canDelete="false" >

-       <header>

-        <javacodedocumentation tag="" text="Interface IRemoteFSService&amp;#010;" />

-       </header>

-       <textblocks>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="fieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks/>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="methodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Methods" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="public IRemoteFSService ( ) { }" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />

-             </header>

-            </codeblockwithcomments>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="staticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="regularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="6184" tag="operation_6184" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return List  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="6230" tag="operation_6230" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return IRemoteSystem  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="6277" tag="operation_6277" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param source &amp;#010;@param destination &amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="6418" tag="operation_6418" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param source &amp;#010;@param destination &amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="6744" tag="operation_6744" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param source &amp;#010;@param destination &amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="6885" tag="operation_6885" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param resource &amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="6979" tag="operation_6979" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param resource &amp;#010;@param force &amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="7166" tag="operation_7166" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param source &amp;#010;@param destination &amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="7307" tag="operation_7307" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param source &amp;#010;@param destination &amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="7448" tag="operation_7448" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param source &amp;#010;@param destination &amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="7589" tag="operation_7589" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param container &amp;#010;@return int  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="7780" tag="operation_7780" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param resource &amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="7876" tag="operation_7876" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param file &amp;#010;@return InputStream  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="7972" tag="operation_7972" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param file &amp;#010;@param contents &amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="8119" tag="operation_8119" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param path &amp;#010;@return IRemoteResource  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="9495" tag="operation_9495" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param resource &amp;#010;@param force &amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="9694" tag="operation_9694" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param file &amp;#010;@param contents &amp;#010;@param force &amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-       </textblocks>

-      </javaclassdeclarationblock>

-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 19:00:40&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields/>

-    </classifiercodedocument>

-    <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="3533" parent_class="3533" fileExt=".java" fileName="IRemoteResource" >

-     <textblocks>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="packages" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="imports" text="&amp;#010;import IRemoteFile;&amp;#010;import IRemoteContainer;&amp;#010;import IRemoteResource;&amp;#010;import IRemoteSystem;&amp;#010;import IRemoteFSService;" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <javaclassdeclarationblock parent_id="3533" tag="ClassDeclBlock" canDelete="false" >

-       <header>

-        <javacodedocumentation tag="" text="Interface IRemoteResource&amp;#010;" />

-       </header>

-       <textblocks>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="fieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks/>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="methodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Methods" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="public IRemoteResource ( ) { }" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />

-             </header>

-            </codeblockwithcomments>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="staticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="regularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="4129" tag="operation_4129" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return boolean  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="4161" tag="operation_4161" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return String  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="4194" tag="operation_4194" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return String  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="4228" tag="operation_4228" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="4297" tag="operation_4297" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return boolean  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="4333" tag="operation_4333" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return boolean  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="4370" tag="operation_4370" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return boolean  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="4408" tag="operation_4408" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return IRemoteResource  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="4447" tag="operation_4447" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return IRemoteSystem  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="4487" tag="operation_4487" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return IRemoteFSService  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="4528" tag="operation_4528" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return int  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="4609" tag="operation_4609" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return int  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="4693" tag="operation_4693" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return int  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="4262" tag="operation_4262" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return boolean  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="4737" tag="operation_4737" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param force &amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-       </textblocks>

-      </javaclassdeclarationblock>

-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 19:02:49&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="10433" field_type="6357108" initialValue="" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="10433" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="public IRemoteFile ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="10433" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10433" role_id="1" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="10433" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10433" role_id="1" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="10433" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10433" role_id="1" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IRemoteFile to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="10433" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10433" role_id="1" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IRemoteFile from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="10433" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10433" role_id="1" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="10534" field_type="29429296" initialValue="" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="10534" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="public IRemoteContainer ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="10534" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10534" role_id="1" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="10534" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10534" role_id="1" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="10534" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10534" role_id="1" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IRemoteContainer to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="10534" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10534" role_id="1" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IRemoteContainer from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="10534" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10534" role_id="1" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-     </classfields>

-    </classifiercodedocument>

-    <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="3562" parent_class="3562" fileExt=".java" fileName="IRemoteFile" >

-     <textblocks>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="packages" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="imports" text="&amp;#010;import IRemoteResource;" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <javaclassdeclarationblock parent_id="3562" tag="ClassDeclBlock" canDelete="false" >

-       <header>

-        <javacodedocumentation tag="" text="Interface IRemoteFile&amp;#010;" />

-       </header>

-       <textblocks>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="fieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks/>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="methodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Methods" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="public IRemoteFile ( ) { }" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />

-             </header>

-            </codeblockwithcomments>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="staticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="regularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="5083" tag="operation_5083" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return InputStream  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="5741" tag="operation_5741" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param content &amp;#010;@param force &amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="9298" tag="operation_9298" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="9198" tag="operation_9198" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param contents &amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-       </textblocks>

-      </javaclassdeclarationblock>

-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 19:02:47&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="10433" field_type="34272112" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="10433" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="public IRemoteResource ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="10433" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10433" role_id="0" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="10433" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10433" role_id="0" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="10433" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10433" role_id="0" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IRemoteResource to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="10433" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10433" role_id="0" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IRemoteResource from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="10433" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10433" role_id="0" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-     </classfields>

-    </classifiercodedocument>

-    <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="3591" parent_class="3591" fileExt=".java" fileName="IRemoteFolder" >

-     <textblocks>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="packages" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="imports" text="&amp;#010;import IRemoteContainer;" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <javaclassdeclarationblock parent_id="3591" tag="ClassDeclBlock" canDelete="false" >

-       <header>

-        <javacodedocumentation tag="" text="Interface IRemoteFolder&amp;#010;" />

-       </header>

-       <textblocks>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="fieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks/>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="methodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Methods" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="public IRemoteFolder ( ) { }" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />

-             </header>

-            </codeblockwithcomments>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="staticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="regularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="8756" tag="operation_8756" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-       </textblocks>

-      </javaclassdeclarationblock>

-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 19:02:55&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="10635" field_type="-1400154376" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="10635" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="public IRemoteContainer ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="10635" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10635" role_id="0" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="10635" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10635" role_id="0" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="10635" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10635" role_id="0" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IRemoteContainer to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="10635" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10635" role_id="0" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IRemoteContainer from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="10635" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10635" role_id="0" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-     </classfields>

-    </classifiercodedocument>

-    <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="3620" parent_class="3620" fileExt=".java" fileName="IRemoteContainer" >

-     <textblocks>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="packages" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="imports" text="&amp;#010;import IRemoteResource;&amp;#010;import IRemoteFolder;" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <javaclassdeclarationblock parent_id="3620" tag="ClassDeclBlock" canDelete="false" >

-       <header>

-        <javacodedocumentation tag="" text="Interface IRemoteContainer&amp;#010;" />

-       </header>

-       <textblocks>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="fieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks/>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="methodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Methods" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="public IRemoteContainer ( ) { }" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />

-             </header>

-            </codeblockwithcomments>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="staticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="regularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="3761" tag="operation_3761" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return List  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="3791" tag="operation_3791" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@return void  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-            <codeoperation parent_id="3852" tag="operation_3852" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="&amp;#010;@param name &amp;#010;@return IRemoteResource  " />

-             </header>

-            </codeoperation>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-       </textblocks>

-      </javaclassdeclarationblock>

-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 19:02:50&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="10534" field_type="14893168" initialValue="" role_id="1" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="10534" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="0" text="public IRemoteResource ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="10534" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10534" role_id="0" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="10534" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10534" role_id="0" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="10534" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10534" role_id="0" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IRemoteResource to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="10534" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10534" role_id="0" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IRemoteResource from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="10534" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10534" role_id="0" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-      <codeclassfield parent_id="10635" field_type="32456720" initialValue="" role_id="0" writeOutMethods="true" listClassName="" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" />

-       </header>

-       <ccfdeclarationcodeblock parent_id="10635" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" role_id="1" text="public IRemoteFolder ;" >

-        <header>

-         <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-        </header>

-       </ccfdeclarationcodeblock>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="0" parent_id="10635" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10635" role_id="1" text="return ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return the value of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="1" parent_id="10635" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10635" role_id="1" text=" = value;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Set the value of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="2" parent_id="10635" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10635" role_id="1" text=".add(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Add an object of type IRemoteFolder to the List &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return void" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="3" parent_id="10635" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10635" role_id="1" text=".remove(value);" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Remove an object of type IRemoteFolder from the List &amp;#010;" />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-       <codeaccessormethod accessType="4" parent_id="10635" tag="" canDelete="false" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" classfield_id="10635" role_id="1" text="return (List) ;" >

-        <header>

-         <javacodedocumentation tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Get the list of &amp;#010;&amp;#010;@return List of " />

-        </header>

-       </codeaccessormethod>

-      </codeclassfield>

-     </classfields>

-    </classifiercodedocument>

-    <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="5170" parent_class="5170" fileExt=".java" fileName="InputStream" >

-     <textblocks>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="packages" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="imports" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <javaclassdeclarationblock parent_id="5170" tag="ClassDeclBlock" canDelete="false" >

-       <header>

-        <javacodedocumentation tag="" text="Class InputStream&amp;#010;" />

-       </header>

-       <textblocks>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="fieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks/>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="methodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Methods" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="public InputStream ( ) { }" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />

-             </header>

-            </codeblockwithcomments>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="staticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="regularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks/>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-       </textblocks>

-      </javaclassdeclarationblock>

-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 18:39:52&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields/>

-    </classifiercodedocument>

-    <classifiercodedocument writeOutCode="true" package="" id="6558" parent_class="6558" fileExt=".java" fileName="File" >

-     <textblocks>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="packages" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <codeblockwithcomments tag="imports" writeOutText="false" >

-       <header>

-        <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" />

-       </header>

-      </codeblockwithcomments>

-      <javaclassdeclarationblock parent_id="6558" tag="ClassDeclBlock" canDelete="false" >

-       <header>

-        <javacodedocumentation tag="" text="Class File&amp;#010;" />

-       </header>

-       <textblocks>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="fieldsDecl" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Fields" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks/>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-        <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="methodsBlock" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-         <header>

-          <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Methods" />

-         </header>

-         <textblocks>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="constructorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Constructors" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <codeblockwithcomments tag="emptyconstructor" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" text="public File ( ) { }" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Empty Constructor" />

-             </header>

-            </codeblockwithcomments>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="accessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Accessor Methods" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="staticAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-            <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="regularAccessorMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-             <header>

-              <codecomment tag="" writeOutText="false" indentLevel="1" />

-             </header>

-             <textblocks/>

-            </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-           </textblocks>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-          <hierarchicalcodeblock tag="operationMethods" canDelete="false" indentLevel="1" >

-           <header>

-            <codecomment tag="" indentLevel="1" text="Operations" />

-           </header>

-           <textblocks/>

-          </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-         </textblocks>

-        </hierarchicalcodeblock>

-       </textblocks>

-      </javaclassdeclarationblock>

-     </textblocks>

-     <header>

-      <codecomment tag="" text="/************************************************************************&amp;#010; - Copyright pmasse&amp;#010;&amp;#010;Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other&amp;#010;information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply&amp;#010;configure the &quot;headings&quot; directory in uml to point to a directory&amp;#010;where you have your heading files.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own.&amp;#010;If you want to do this, this file is located at&amp;#010;&amp;#010;/opt/kde3/share/apps/umbrello/headings/;#010;&amp;#010;-->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension&amp;#010;   i.e. it will look for a file name ending in &quot;.h&quot; to include in C++ header&amp;#010;   files, and for a file name ending in &quot;.java&quot; to include in all generated&amp;#010;   java code.&amp;#010;   If you name the file &quot;heading.&lt;extension>&quot;, Code Generator will always&amp;#010;   choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the&amp;#010;   directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that&amp;#010;   extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it.&amp;#010;&amp;#010;you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation&amp;#010;time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath.&amp;#010;just write %variable_name%&amp;#010;&amp;#010;This file was generated on Sun Nov 20 2005 at 18:45:23&amp;#010;The original location of this file is &amp;#010;**************************************************************************/&amp;#010;" />

-     </header>

-     <classfields/>

-    </classifiercodedocument>

-   </codegenerator>

-  </codegeneration>

- </XMI.extensions>





diff --git a/doc/rsf/rsfmodel.zuml b/doc/rsf/rsfmodel.zuml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cf119e..0000000
--- a/doc/rsf/rsfmodel.zuml
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/downloads.php b/downloads.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 26fe61c..0000000
--- a/downloads.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-<?php  																														require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	$App 	= new App();	$Nav	= new Nav();	$Menu 	= new Menu();		include($App->getProjectCommon());    # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
-	#*****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# downloads.php
-	#
-	# Author: 		Martin Oberhuber
-	# Date:			2006-02-01
-	#
-	# Description: DSDP-TM downloads page
-	#
-	#
-	#****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# Begin: page-specific settings.  Change these. 
-	$pageTitle 		= "DSDP-TM Downloads";
-	$pageKeywords	= "device, target";
-	$pageAuthor		= "Martin Oberhuber";
-	# Add page-specific Nav bars here
-	# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
-	# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", 	"downloads.php");
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3);
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
-	# End: page-specific settings
-	#
-	# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!	
-	$html = <<<EOHTML
-<div id="maincontent">
-	<div id="midcolumn">
-		<h1>$pageTitle</h1>
-		The Target Management Downloads are now available on
-		<ul>
-		<li><a href="">The TM Download Site</a>
-		<li><a href="">The TM 2.0 Update Site</a>
-		(or legacy: <a href="">TM 1.x update site</a>)
-		</ul>
-		<p>Older downloads have been submitted to via bugzilla:
-		<p/>
-		<ul>
-		<li>Bugzilla <a href="">65471</a>:
-			Remote System Framework (RSF) 2.0.0 code and 
-			<a href="">presentation</a>
-			</li>
-		</ul>
-		<p/>
-		In addition to that, <a href="/dsdp/tm/doc/index.php">Developer Documents</a> are available for download.
-		<p/>
-	</div>
-	<div id="rightcolumn">
-		<div class="sideitem">
-			<h6>Getting started</h6>
-			<ul>				
-				<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/DSDPTM_Overview.ppt"
-					target="_self">TM Overview Presentation</a></li>
-				<li><a href="" target="_self">
-				    TM 2.0 Release Review Slides</a></li>
-			    <li><a href="" 
-			    	target="_self">DSDP Overview Diagrams</a></li>				
-				<li><a
-					href="/dsdp/tm/doc/DSDPTM_Use_Cases_v1.1c.pdf"
-					target="_self">TM Use Cases Document</a></li>
-				<li><a href=""
-					target="_self">IBM RSE Presentation</a></li>
-				<!-- <li><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/index.php">Developer Resources</a></li> -->
-				<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/doc/index.php">Developer Documents</a></li>
-			</ul>
-		</div>
-	</div>
-	# Generate the web page
-	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
diff --git a/downloads/index.php b/downloads/index.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a0852c..0000000
--- a/downloads/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-require_once ("../../includes/buildServer-common.php");
-require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");  require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); $App = new App(); $Nav = new Nav(); $Menu = new Menu(); include($App->getProjectCommon());
-/* temporary redirect for emft projects, except on build servers if downloads folder exists */
-if (isset($_GET["project"]) && isset($emft_redirects) && is_array($emft_redirects) && in_array($_GET["project"],$emft_redirects))
-	header("Location:" . $_GET["project"]);
-	exit;
-else if (isset($_GET["project"]) && $_GET["project"]=="sdo")
-	$_GET["project"]="emf"; /* special case */
-/* zips that are allowed to be absent from the downloads page (eg., new ones added/removed mid-stream) */
-$extraZips = array(
-	"emf-sdo-xsd-Standalone", # deprecated
-	"emf-sdo-xsd-Models", # new
-	"emf-sdo-SDK", "xsd-SDK", # deprecated x 2
-	"emf-sdo-runtime", # deprecated
-	"emf-runtime", "sdo-runtime", # new EMF 2.4.0M5 x 2
-	"emf-sourcedoc", "sdo-sourcedoc", "xsd-sourcedoc", # new EMF 2.4.0M5 x 3
-/* config */
-/* $project => sections/Project Name => (prettyname => filename) */
-/* only required if using something other than the default 4; otherwise will be generated */
-$dls = array(
-	/*"/newProj" => array(
-		"Project Name" => array( # same as value in _projectCommon.php's $projects array
-			"SDK (Runtime, Source)" => "SDK",
-			"Runtime" => "runtime",
-			"Examples" => "examples",
-			"Automated Tests" => "automated-tests"
-		)
-	),*/
-	"/rse" => array(
-		"RSE" => array(
-			"SDK (Runtime, Source, Doc)" => "SDK",
-			"Runtime" => "runtime",
-			"Examples" => "examples",
-			"Automated Tests" => "automated-tests"
-		),
-		"RSE Add-ons, Integrations and Stand-alone Offerings" => array(
-			"Remote CDT Integration" => "remotecdt",
-			"Discovery Framework" => "discovery",
-			"Terminal" => "terminal"
-		),
-		"DStore Server Runtime" => array(
-			"rseserver-windows" => "windows",
-			"rseserver-linux" => "linux",
-			"rseserver for Other UNIX" => "unix",
-			"rseserver for Mac OS X" => "macosx"
-		),
-	),
-	"/emf" => array(
-		"EMF, SDO, and XSD" => array(
-			"<b style=\"color:green\">All-In-One SDK</b> (Runtime, Source, Doc)" => "SDK",
-			"Standalone" => "Standalone",			# deprecated EMF 2.3.0
-			"Models" => "Models",
-			"Automated Tests" => "Automated-Tests",
-			"Examples" => "Examples"
-		),
-		"EMF and SDO" => array(
-			"SDK (Runtime, Source, Doc)" => "SDK", 	# deprecated EMF 2.4.0M5
-			"Runtimes" => "runtime",					# deprecated EMF 2.4.0M5
-			"EMF Sources + Docs" => "sourcedoc",		# new EMF 2.4.0M5
-			"EMF Runtime" => "runtime",					# new EMF 2.4.0M5
-			"SDO Sources + Docs" => "sourcedoc",		# new EMF 2.4.0M5
-			"SDO Runtime" => "runtime"					# new EMF 2.4.0M5
-		),
-		"XSD" => array(
-			"SDK (Runtime, Source, Doc)" => "SDK",	# deprecated EMF 2.4.0M5
-			"Sources + Docs" => "sourcedoc",		# new EMF 2.4.0M5
-			"Runtime" => "runtime"
-		)
-	),
-/* list of valid file prefixes for projects who have been renamed; keys have leading / to match $proj */
-/* only required if using something other than the default; otherwise will be generated */
-$filePre = array(
-	/* "/newproj" => array("emft-newproj", "emf-newproj"), */
-	"/emf" => array("emf-sdo-xsd", "emf-sdo", "emf", "sdo", "xsd"),
-	"/rse" => array("RSE", "TM", "rseserver"),
-/* alternate method for specifying prefixes - static list */
-$filePreStatic = array(
-	"/emf" => array(
-		"emf-sdo-xsd",
-		"emf-sdo-xsd",	# deprecated EMF 2.3.0
-		"emf-sdo-xsd",
-		"emf-sdo-xsd",
-		"emf-sdo-xsd",
-		"emf-sdo",		# deprecated EMF 2.4.0M5
-		"emf-sdo",		# deprecated EMF 2.4.0M5
-		"emf",			# new EMF 2.4.0M5
-		"emf",			# new EMF 2.4.0M5
-		"sdo",			# new EMF 2.4.0M5
-		"sdo",			# new EMF 2.4.0M5
-		"xsd",			# deprecated EMF 2.4.0M5
-		"xsd",			# new EMF 2.4.0M5
-		"xsd"
-	)
-/* define showNotes(), $oldrels, doLanguagePacks() in extras-$proj.php (or just extras.php for flat projects) if necessary, downloads-common.php will include them */
-/* end config */
-require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/dsdp/includes/downloads-common.php");
-$html = ob_get_contents();
-$trans = array_flip($projects);
-$pageTitle = "Eclipse DSDP - " . $trans[$projct] . " - Downloads";
-$pageKeywords = ""; // TODO: add something here
-$pageAuthor = "Neil Skrypuch, Nick Boldt, Martin Oberhuber";
-# Generate the web page
-$App->AddExtraHtmlHeader('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/dsdp/includes/downloads.css"/>' . "\n");
-$App->AddExtraHtmlHeader('<script src="/dsdp/includes/downloads.js" type="text/javascript"></script>' . "\n"); //ie doesn't understand self closing script tags, and won't even try to render the page if you use one
-if ($projct)
-	$App->AddExtraHtmlHeader('<link type="application/rss+xml" rel="alternate" title="' . (false===strpos($trans[$projct], "EMF") ? "EMF " : "") . $trans[$projct] . ' Build Feed" href="' . $PR . '/feeds/builds-' . $projct . '.xml"/>' . "\n");
-$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
diff --git a/downloads/stats.php b/downloads/stats.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5891cb7..0000000
--- a/downloads/stats.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/downloads/testResults.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<?php include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/dsdp/includes/testResults-common.php"); ?>
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--- a/feeds/builds-rse.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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-<feed xmlns="">
-  <title>RSE Builds</title>
-  <link href="" rel="self" type="application/atom+xml"/>
-  <updated>2008-04-12T08:00:00Z</updated>
-  <author>
-    <name>RSE Build Team</name>
-  </author>
-  <id></id>
-  <entry>
-    <title>[announce] RSE 3.0.0M6 (S200804112145) is available</title>
-    <link href=""/>
-    <id></id>
-    <updated>2008-04-12T08:00:00Z</updated>
-    <summary>
-      <build xmlns="" branch="HEAD" datetime="200804112145" href="" type="S" version="3.0.0">
-        <detail config="build.cfg" href=";file=/dsdp/tm/downloads/drops/S-3.0M6-200804112145/" log="buildlog.txt" map="directory.txt"/>
-        <update></update>
-        <downloads></downloads>
-        <releasenotes>
-          </releasenotes>
-        <releases>
-          <release arch="ALL" os="ALL" type="SDK" ws="ALL"></release>
-        </releases>
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-          <test href=";file=/dsdp/tm/downloads/drops/S-3.0M6-200804112145/testResults.php" type="junit">
-            <result arch="ALL" os="ALL" ws="ALL">PASS</result>
-          </test>
-        </tests>
-        <dependencies>
-          <dependency></dependency>
-          <dependency></dependency>
-          <dependency></dependency>
-          <dependency></dependency>
-          <dependency></dependency>
-        </dependencies>
-        <coordinated status=""/>
-      </build>
-    </summary>
-  </entry>
-  <entry>
-    <title>[announce] RSE 3.0.0M5 (S200802181400) is available</title>
-    <link href=""/>
-    <id></id>
-    <updated>2008-02-18T14:50:00Z</updated>
-    <summary>
-      <build xmlns="" branch="HEAD" datetime="200802181450" href="" type="S" version="3.0.0">
-        <detail config="build.cfg" href=";file=/dsdp/tm/downloads/drops/S-3.0M5-200802181400/" log="buildlog.txt" map="directory.txt"/>
-        <update></update>
-        <downloads></downloads>
-        <releasenotes>
-          </releasenotes>
-        <releases>
-          <release arch="ALL" os="ALL" type="SDK" ws="ALL"></release>
-        </releases>
-        <tests>
-          <test href=";file=/dsdp/tm/downloads/drops/S-3.0M5-200802181400/testResults.php" type="junit">
-            <result arch="ALL" os="ALL" ws="ALL">PASS</result>
-          </test>
-        </tests>
-        <dependencies>
-          <dependency></dependency>
-          <dependency></dependency>
-          <dependency></dependency>
-          <dependency></dependency>
-          <dependency></dependency>
-        </dependencies>
-        <coordinated status=""/>
-      </build>
-    </summary>
-  </entry>
-  <entry>
-    <title>[announce] RSE 3.0.0M4 (S200801071150) is available</title>
-    <link href=""/>
-    <id></id>
-    <updated>2008-01-07T12:50:00Z</updated>
-    <summary>
-      <build xmlns="" branch="HEAD" datetime="200801071150" href=";showAll=1&amp;hlbuild=S200801071150#S200801071150" type="S" version="3.0.0">
-        <detail config="build.cfg" href=";file=/dsdp/tm/downloads/drops/S-3.0M4-200801071150/" log="buildlog.txt" map="directory.txt"/>
-        <update></update>
-        <downloads></downloads>
-        <releasenotes>
-          </releasenotes>
-        <releases>
-          <release arch="ALL" os="ALL" type="SDK" ws="ALL"></release>
-        </releases>
-        <tests>
-          <test href=";file=/dsdp/tm/downloads/drops/S-3.0M4-200801071150/testResults.php" type="junit">
-            <result arch="ALL" os="ALL" ws="ALL">PASS</result>
-          </test>
-        </tests>
-        <dependencies>
-          <dependency></dependency>
-          <dependency></dependency>
-          <dependency></dependency>
-        </dependencies>
-        <coordinated status=""/>
-      </build>
-    </summary>
-  </entry>
diff --git a/feeds/index.php b/feeds/index.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 48a3791..0000000
--- a/feeds/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-require_once ("../../includes/buildServer-common.php");
-require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/dsdp/includes/feeds-common.php");
diff --git a/images/RSESample.gif b/images/RSESample.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ddb991..0000000
--- a/images/RSESample.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/images/RSESample_2x.gif b/images/RSESample_2x.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f72e4c..0000000
--- a/images/RSESample_2x.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/images/RSESample_4x.gif b/images/RSESample_4x.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index f29c44c..0000000
--- a/images/RSESample_4x.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 88fc382..0000000
--- a/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-   <head>
-      <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=index.php"/>
-   </head>
-   <body>
-      <a href="index.php">This document has moved</a>
-   </body>
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 88862e2..0000000
--- a/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-<?php  																														require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	$App 	= new App();	$Nav	= new Nav();	$Menu 	= new Menu();		include($App->getProjectCommon());    # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
-	#*****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# index.php
-	#
-	# Author: 		Martin Oberhuber
-	# Date:			2006-02-01
-	#
-	# Description: DSDP-TM main page
-	#
-	#
-	#****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# Begin: page-specific settings.  Change these. 
-	$pageTitle 		= "Target Management Home page";
-	$pageKeywords	= "device, target";
-	$pageAuthor		= "Martin Oberhuber";
-	# Add page-specific Nav bars here
-	# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
-	# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", 	"downloads.php");
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3);
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
-	# End: page-specific settings
-	#
-	# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!	
-	$html = <<<EOHTML
-<div id="maincontent">
-	<div id="midcolumn">
-		<h1>$pageTitle</h1>
-		<h2>Mission Statement</h2>
-		<p>The Target Management project creates data models and frameworks
-		 to configure and manage remote (mainframe down to embedded) systems,
-		 their connections, and their services.</p>
-		 <h3>The Vision</h3>
-		 <p>To be the Eclipse <i>"Explorer of the Network Neighborhood"</i>,
-		 with pluggable information providers under a single, consistent UI.
-		 Interactively discover, drill down, analyze remote systems (from
-		 mainframes down to embedded systems), and provide the
-		 context for more advanced actions being plugged in to it.
-		 <h3>The Toolkit</h3>
-		<p>The core <a href="">
-		 Remote System Explorer (RSE)</a> framework integrates
-         any sort of heterogeneous remote resources through a concept
-         of pluggable subsystems. The base toolkit includes a Remote Files
-         subsystem that allows <a href="">
-         transparent working on remote computers</a> just 
-         like the local one, a shell and a processes subsystem.
-         Other offerings include a lightweight Terminal and a Network Discovery
-         framework.</p>
-        <p>Vendors are extending the RSE with custom subsystems for debugging,
-        remote VNC display and other uses.</p>
-		<p><font size="+2"><b>Latest Release:</b> 
-		<a href="">
-		TM 2.0.3</a></font>
-		[<a href="">downloads</a> 
-		| <a href="">update site</a>
-		| <a href="">build notes</a>]<br/>
-		The TM 2.0.3 service release includes 13 bug fixes compared to TM 2.0.2.
-		RSE persistence was made more robust,
-		SSH connections do not time out any more thanks to keepalives,
-		FTP connections can show hidden files, and the Terminal
-		optional input line got Ctrl+Space field assist for quickly accessing its history.
-		Includes also all TM 2.0.x fixes for Terminal and EFS issues, 
-		and support for non-ASCII encodings over FTP or SSH.
-		<br/>
-		TM 2.0.3 is 100% upward and backward compatible with TM 2.0. If you already have TM 2.0, you 
-		can "check for updates" using the Eclipse update manager to get it.
-		Look at <a href="">this blog</a>, the
-		<a href="/dsdp/tm/tutorial/index.php">Getting Started Page</a>
-		and the
-		<a href="/dsdp/tm/development/relnotes/2.0/tm-news-2.0.html">TM 2.0 New & Noteworthy</a>
-		<a href="/dsdp/tm/development/relnotes/2.0/readme_tm_2.0.html">
-		release notes</a>
-		for more information.</p>
-		<p><font size="+0"><b>Latest Milestone:</b> 
-		<a href="">
-		TM 3.0M6</a></font>
-		[<a href="">downloads</a> 
-		| <a href="">update site</a>
-		| <a href="">
-		build notes</a>]<br/>
-		See the 
-		<a href="">
-		build notes</a> for new&amp;noteworthy and more information.</p>
-		<br/>
-		With M7, the <a href="">
-		Ramp-down phase</a> of release candidates towards
-		the TM 2.0 release with Europa on June 29 has been entered.
-		</p>
-		<p><font size="+2"><b>Upcoming Releases:</b></font>
-		<ul><li><b>TM 3.0:</b> ETA June 2008 with Eclipse 3.4
-		        [<a href="">Planning Page</a>]</li>
-		</ul></p>
-		<p>
-		<u>Additional Links:</u><br/> 
-		<a href="/dsdp/tm/about.php">more about target management &raquo;</a> <br/>
-		<a href="/dsdp/tm/TM_press_text_2006_06.php">press text - jun 2006 &raquo;</a> </p>
-		<div class="homeitem">
-			<h3>Quick Links</h3>
-				<ul class="midlist">
-					<li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Wiki</b></a> | We use the Wiki extensively for collaboration. Find ongoing discussions, meeting notes and other "not so official" stuff there.</li>
-					<li><a href="news://" target="_blank"><b>Newsgroup</b></a> | For general questions and community discussion (<a href="">Web access</a>, <a href="">archive</a>).</li>
-					<li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Mailing List</b></a> | For project development discussions.</li>
-					<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/bug_process.php" target="_blank"><b>Bugs</b></a> 
-					   | View <a href="">all open</a> issues
-					   | <a target="_top" href="">Submit new</a> bugs
-					   | Request an <a target="_top" href="">enhancement</a>
-					</li>
-					<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/doc/DSDPTM_Use_Cases_v1.1c.pdf"><b>Use cases</b></a> and requirements for Target Management</a></li>
-			    	<li><a href="">
-      					<b>Architectural Overview</b></a>
-    	  				(<a href="">PPT</a>
-    	  				| <a href="">PDF</a>).
-    	  			</li>
-					<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/plan.php"><b>TM Project Plan</b></a></li>
-					<li><a href="/dsdp/dsdp-charter.php"><b>DSDP Project Charter</b></a></li>
-		</div>
-		<div class="homeitem">
-			<h3>Events</h3>
-			<ul class="midlist">
-				<li>
-				  <b>March 17-20, 2008</b>: <a href="">EclipseCon 2008</a> - <ul>
-				    <li><a href="" target="_blank">
-				         <b>Remote access with the DSDP Target Management Project</b></a>, Tutorial by Martin Oberhuber (Wind River)
-						(slides:  
-						<a href="">PPT</a> 757 KB |
-						<a href="">PDF</a> 639 KB) |
-						(code:
-						<a href=""></a> 3.7 MB |
-						<a href=""></a> 465 KB)</li>
-				    <li><a href="" target="_blank">
-				         <b>Target Management New and Noteworthy</b></a>, Short Talk by Martin Oberhuber (Wind River), TM project lead
-						(slides:  
-						<a href="">PPT</a> 707 KB |
-						<a href="">PDF</a> 581 KB)
-					</ul></li>
-				<li><b>March 14, 2008</b>: <a href="">TCF</a>
-					publicly announced</li>
-				<li>
-				  <b>October 9-11, 2007</b>: Eclipse Summit Europe 2007 -<ul>
-				    <li><a href="" target="_blank">
-				         <b>The DSDP Target Management Project</b></a>, long talk by Martin Oberhuber
-				         (slides:  
-				         <a href="">PPT</a> |
-				         <a href="">PDF</a>)
-				         </li>
-				    </ul></li>
-				<li><b>September 17-19, 2007</b>: 
-				  <a href="">
-				  TM Planning Meeting and Coding Camp</a>, Toronto
-				  </li> 
-				<li><b>April 12, 2007</b>: 
-				  <a href="">Webinar</a>:
-				  TM goals, architecture, future plans and online demo
-				  (<a href="">50 minute full recording</a> |
-				  <a href="">PPT slides</a>)
-				  </li> 
-				<li>
-				  <b>Mar 5-8, 2007</b>: EclipseCon 2007 -<ul>
-				    <li><a href="" target="_blank">
-				         <b>TM Tutorial</b></a> (includes 
-				         <a href="">slides and sample code</a>)</li>
-				    <li><a href="" target="_blank">
-				         <b>Short Talk</b></a> (includes 
-				         <a href="">slides</a>)</li>
-				    <li><a href="" target="_blank">
-				         <b>Short Demo</b></a> (includes 
-				         <a href="">slides</a>)</li>
-				  </ul></li>
-				<li><b>Oct. 11, 2006</b>: 
-				  Eclipse Summit Europe - 
-				  <a href="">Talk by Michael Scharf on RSE</a>;<br/>
-				  TM Overview slides
-				  (<a href="">PPT</a> | 
-				  <a href="">PDF</a>);<br/>
-				  DSDP Overview slides
-				  (<a href="">PDF</a>)
-				  </li>
-				<li><b>Sept. 27, 2006</b>: TM passed its 1.0 Release Review. The Slides are an interesting read
-				    for everyone (Slides as  
-				    <a href="">PPT</a> | 
-				    <a href="">PDF</a>).</li>
-				<li>Monthly developer phone conference, every 1st wednesday of the month, 9am PST
-				    (See the <a href="">Wiki</a> for actual
-				    agenda and details)</li>
-			</ul>
-		</div>
-	</div>
-	<div id="rightcolumn">
-		<div class="sideitem">
-			<h6>Getting started</h6>
-			<ul>				
-				<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/tutorial/index.php"
-					target="_self">TM Getting Started</a></li>
-				<li><a href=""
-					target="_self">TM Overview Slides</a></li>
-				<li><a href="">TM Webinar</a></li>
-				<li><a href="" target="_self">
-				    TM 2.0 Release Review Slides</a></li>
-				<li><a href=""
-					target="_self">TM 2.0 Tutorial</a></li>
-				<li><a
-					href="/dsdp/tm/doc/DSDPTM_Use_Cases_v1.1c.pdf"
-					target="_self">TM Use Cases</a></li>
-				<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/plan.php">TM Project Plan</a></li>
-			</ul>
-		</div>
-		<div class="sideitem">
-			<h6>What's New</h6>
-			<ul><li>Apr 11th: <a href="">TM 3.0M6</a> released</li>
-				<li>Mar 14th: <a href="">TCF</a> publicly announced</li>
-				<li>Feb 25th: <a href="">TM 2.0.3</a> Service Release</li>
-				<li>Dec 20th: <a href="">TCF</a> has been approved by Eclipse Legal</li>
-			    <li>Nov 13th: <a href="">TM 2.0.2</a> Service Release</li>
-				<li>Apr 12th: 63 people registered at <a href="">TM Webinar</a></li>
-				<li>Mar 5th: <a href="">TM Tutorial</a> at EclipseCon</li>
-                <!--
- 			    <li>Mar 22nd: About 70 participants at the
-			    	<a href=""
-					target="_self">EclipseCon TM talk</a></li>
-                -->
-			</ul>
-		</div>
-	</div>
-	# Generate the web page
-	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
diff --git a/meetingnotes/DSDP-TM_MeetingNotes_20050613.pdf b/meetingnotes/DSDP-TM_MeetingNotes_20050613.pdf
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index 7e0fcb9..0000000
--- a/meetingnotes/DSDP-TM_MeetingNotes_20050613.pdf
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Binary files differ
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--- a/meetingnotes/DSDP-TM_MeetingNotes_20050627.pdf
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Binary files differ
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Binary files differ
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--- a/meetingnotes/DSDP-TM_MeetingNotes_20050808.pdf
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Binary files differ
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index 52a3d3a..0000000
--- a/meetingnotes/DSDP-TM_MeetingNotes_20050829.pdf
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Binary files differ
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index e095cac..0000000
--- a/meetingnotes/DSDP-TM_MeetingNotes_20050926.pdf
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-<div class=Section1>
-<p class=MsoTitle>DSDP – TM Conference Call, 11-November -2005</p>
-<p class=MsoSubtitle>Meeting Notes</p>
-<h1 style='margin-left:0in'>Attendees:</h1>
-<h3>Wind River – Salzburg, Austria</h3>
-<h4><span style='font-weight:normal'>Martin Oberhuber – WR Technical lead for
-DSDP-Target Manager<o:p></o:p></span></h4>
-<h4><span style='font-weight:normal'>Doug Gaff – DSDP Project Lead<o:p></o:p></span></h4>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-font-weight:
-bold'>Dave Dykstal – Remote System Explorer (RSE)<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<h4><span style='font-weight:normal'>Peter Lachner – Manages XScale component
-tools project; currently compiler tools<o:p></o:p></span></h4>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<h4><span style='font-weight:normal'>Pierre-Alexandre Masse – wrote the
-Bugzilla 65471 RSF framework<o:p></o:p></span></h4>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<h4><span style='font-weight:normal'>Doug Schaefer – CDT Project Lead<o:p></o:p></span></h4>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-weight:bold'>Victor Palau –
-Engineering Manage for Tools at Symbian<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-weight:bold'>Neil Taylor –
-Technological architect for Tools at Symbian</span><span style='mso-bidi-font-size:
-<h1 style='margin-left:0in'>Original Agenda</h1>
-<p class=MsoListBullet><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:Symbol;
-mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>·<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Recent News<span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'><o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=ListBullet2><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:"Courier New";
-mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>o<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>IBM RSE status<span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'><o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=ListBullet2><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:"Courier New";
-mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>o<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>CDT Conference Report<span style='mso-bidi-font-family:
-<p class=ListBullet2><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:"Courier New";
-mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>o<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Interest by Apogee, Inc<span style='mso-bidi-font-family:
-<p class=ListBullet2><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:"Courier New";
-mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>o<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Interest by Symbian<span style='mso-bidi-font-family:
-<p class=MsoListBullet><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:Symbol;
-mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>·<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Discussions regarding TM Design<span style='mso-bidi-font-family:
-<p class=ListBullet2><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:"Courier New";
-mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>o<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Reiterate on Chicago meeting<span style='mso-bidi-font-family:
-<p class=ListBullet2><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:"Courier New";
-mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>o<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Interfaces for CDT Remote Launch<span style='mso-bidi-font-family:
-<p class=MsoListBullet><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:Symbol;
-mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>·<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Toronto Meeting Feb.2006<span style='mso-bidi-font-family:
-<p class=MsoListBullet><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:Symbol;
-mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>·<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Next steps<span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'><o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<h1 style='margin-left:0in'>Meeting Notes</h1>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>Martin O. opens the
-call and asks attendees who had not joined the first TM call to introduce
-themselves (see attendee list above).<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><b style='mso-bidi-font-weight:normal'><u><span
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>Victor Palau:
-Engineering Manager for Tools at Symbian (non-core-tools: not needed for
-building the product, but helping). Looking for TM for Symbian Devices. Want to
-provide a standard communication channel for Symbian (on top of Debugging).<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>Currently, have a
-set of Symbian specific solutions:<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.3in;text-indent:-.15in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo8;
-tab-stops:list .4in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:Symbol;
-mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>·<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>Symbian Agent,
-+ FTP Proxy device on the PC that makes the agent connection transparent
-(connection is over serial line)<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.3in;text-indent:-.15in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo8;
-tab-stops:list .4in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:Symbol;
-mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>·<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>Custom FTP
-commands for installation + execution of programs, and restart the board<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.3in;text-indent:-.15in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo8;
-tab-stops:list .4in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:Symbol;
-mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>·<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>Currently
-moving to Eclipse environment (Nokia is the provider of the first toolset) –
-working in various projects including CDT, in order to make this Symbian aware.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>Neil: Technology
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>Javier Montanu –
-One of the engineers working on TM<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<h3><span style='mso-bidi-font-weight:normal'>CDT Conference – Doug Gaff:<o:p></o:p></span></h3>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.3in;text-indent:-.15in;mso-list:l5 level1 lfo11;
-tab-stops:list .4in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:Symbol;
-mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>·<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>1<sup>st</sup>
-day, Mikhail presented the Remote Launch idea<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l5 level2 lfo11;
-tab-stops:list 1.0in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:"Courier New";
-mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>o<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>Got an action
-item to resolve what Remote Launch will look like<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.3in;text-indent:-.15in;mso-list:l5 level1 lfo11;
-tab-stops:list .4in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:Symbol;
-mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>·<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>Greg from LANL
-(Parallel Tools Project) did an impressive presentation of their tools;
-potential need for TM<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l5 level2 lfo11;
-tab-stops:list 1.0in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:"Courier New";
-mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>o<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>AI contact
-Greg; see what they are doing, possibility to collaborate?<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><b style='mso-bidi-font-weight:normal'><u><span
-style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>Doug Schaefer:<o:p></o:p></span></u></b></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>Progress on Remote
-Launch – HP has something for Remote Launch, but currently not much progress;
-CDT folks will be comfortable with having some TM packages for remote launch<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>Some Remote Java
-stuff could benefit from Target Management as well!<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>CDT put up a Wiki
-on, so thatÂ’s a good place to read about some details. Currently
-itÂ’s not a true Wiki because only Committers can add stuff, but they are trying
-to fix this (e.g. everyone with a Bugzilla account)<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.3in;text-indent:-.15in;mso-list:l9 level1 lfo12;
-tab-stops:list .4in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:Symbol;
-mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>·<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>AI add a TM
-page at Wiki<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.3in;text-indent:-.15in;mso-list:l9 level1 lfo12;
-tab-stops:list .4in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:Symbol;
-mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>·<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>What are the
-CDT folks using the Wiki for? – Replacement for Homepage, since it is much
-easier to add content than adding it to the homepage (facts, howtos etc.) –
-Discussions are still on the mailing list for now.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><b style='mso-bidi-font-weight:normal'><u><span
-style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>Follow-up on Chicago Meeting Action Items:<o:p></o:p></span></u></b></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>Website update, and
-CDT presentation are done. Other action items are still open.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>Martin O: Explains
-the TM Mission statement on the Website<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>Victor P: Aligned
-with what Symbian wants to do<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>The mission
-statement is accepted as written down on the website.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><b style='mso-bidi-font-weight:normal'><u><span
-style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>RSE Status:<o:p></o:p></span></u></b></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>Making some
-progress but sill some obstacles; looking better, but not quite there yet,
-hopefully make it till the next meeting (3 weeks)<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<h3>Toronto Meeting:</h3>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Feb. 22-24, Toronto accepted by TM group<span
-style='mso-bidi-font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";color:white'><o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<h3>Next Steps:</h3>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>Meeting on TCA
-Nov.14 in Salzburg: Open up Phone conf., at least for a summary <o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Pierre-Alexandre: What can we do while still waiting for RSE
-to come out?</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>MartinO: Send scenarios; work on TM interfaces (our API to
-the outside should not depend on actual RSE implementation). A very rough start
-at a TM API is in the Chicago Brainstorming Notes, and the CDT Presentation
-(there is 1 slide).</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<h3>Action Items:</h3>
-<p class=MsoListBullet><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:Symbol;
-mso-fareast-font-family:Arial'>·<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]><b><span style='mso-fareast-font-family:Arial'>DavidD</span></b><span
-style='mso-fareast-font-family:Arial'>: Approach ssh / team people<br>
-RSE Docs, Sample, Release<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoListBullet><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:Symbol;
-mso-fareast-font-family:Arial'>·<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]><b><span style='mso-fareast-font-family:Arial'>MartinO</span></b><span
-style='mso-fareast-font-family:Arial'>: Launch Actions – Initial Design<br>
-TM API – Initial Design<br>
-Contact Greg Watson (LANL, PTP)<br>
-Add a Wiki starting page for TM<br>
-Post phone dial-in info for Salzburg TCA Meeting Nov.14<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoListBullet><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:Symbol;
-mso-fareast-font-family:Arial'>·<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]><b><span style='mso-fareast-font-family:Arial'>MartinO</span></b><span
-style='mso-fareast-font-family:Arial'>, <b>Pierre-Alexandre</b>:<br>
-TM API – Initial Design<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoListBullet><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:Symbol;
-mso-fareast-font-family:Arial'>·<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]><b><span style='mso-fareast-font-family:Arial'>George
-Clark</span></b><span style='mso-fareast-font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-font-weight:
-bold'>:</span><span style='mso-fareast-font-family:Arial'> Approach ARM
-regarding Register file definitions<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoListBullet><![if !supportLists]><span style='font-family:Symbol;
-mso-fareast-font-family:Arial'>·<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]><b><span style='mso-fareast-font-family:Arial'>Everyone</span></b><span
-style='mso-fareast-font-family:Arial'>: Scenarios for various environments<br>
-Bring schema / example for Register Files &amp; Boardfiles<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoListBullet style='margin-left:0in;text-indent:0in;mso-list:none;
-tab-stops:.5in'><span style='mso-bidi-font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";
-color:white'><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<h3>Next Meeting:</h3>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'>3 Weeks: Monday,
-28-Nov -2005 at 9am PST (followup 3 wk, 19-Dec-05).<o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bidi-font-family:Arial'><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></span></p>
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-<title>Eclipse DSDP-TM 2005-10-14</title>
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-  <o:LastAuthor>Martin Oberhuber</o:LastAuthor>
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-  <o:Created>2005-11-07T16:09:00Z</o:Created>
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-<body lang=EN-US style='tab-interval:.5in'>
-<div class=Section1>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Eclipse DSDP-TM 2005-10-14</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Brainstorming Notes</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
-<ul style='margin-top:0in' type=disc>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Coordinating
-     debuggers (ARM+DSP) [Events?]</li>
- <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=circle>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Run
-      Control</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Module
-      Loads / symbol file association</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Inter-debugger
-      events</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Setting
-      up a multi-core launch</li>
- </ul>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>TM
-     framework vs. extensions</li>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>ECF</li>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Multiple
-     Connections with same target [Querying TM config]</li>
- <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=circle>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Unique
-      target ID</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>ICE+agent
-      -&gt; what is target stop</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Each
-      connection might be from different vendors</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Dependencies</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Setting
-      and querying properties (static or dynamic) could be done by getting APIs
-      using adapters or key-value pairs</li>
- </ul>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Dropping
-     into device debugging (or OS debugging) [Actions, events?]</li>
- <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=circle>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Debuggers
-      could be separate</li>
- </ul>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Too OS
-     focused?</li>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Workflow
-     scenarios</li>
- <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=circle>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Launching
-      scenarios</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Scenarios
-      for board bring up</li>
-  <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=square>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>Only
-       memory &amp; registers</li>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>Maybe
-       without run-control or without project</li>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>Connect
-       only</li>
-  </ul>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>OS
-      debugging</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Project-less
-      debugging</li>
- </ul>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Board
-     description</li>
- <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=circle>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Tools
-      or services in TM framework vs. just providing an opaque data store</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Purely
-      informational (docs)</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Board
-      manufacturer to create descriptions</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>XML
-      files</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Composing
-      configuration by reference existing components descriptions</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Converting
-      different formats (XSLT?)</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Define
-      common formats</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Avoid
-      copying device descriptions</li>
-  <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=square>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>Directly
-       suck in a standard format</li>
-  </ul>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>AI:
-      bring out current formats to the group (registers, memory, cores)</li>
-  <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=square>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>New
-       subgroup?</li>
-  </ul>
- </ul>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Shared
-     board labs</li>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Launch
-     actions – scripting?</li>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Boarder
-     between TM and launch</li>
- <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=circle>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>What
-      does “connect” mean?</li>
- </ul>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Security,
-     encryption &amp; authentication</li>
- <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=circle>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Ssh</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Access
-      control (deployed devices)</li>
- </ul>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>DSM
-     (management of deployed devices)</li>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Update
-     policies</li>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Other
-     tools/services beyond debug and download</li>
- <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=circle>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Flashing</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Profiling</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Etc</li>
- </ul>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Events
-     between TM-aware tools/services?</li>
- <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=circle>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>An
-      Eclipse issue/service (not TM)?</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>ECF
-      with a loopback connection?</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Listeners</li>
- </ul>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Concerned
-     about moving debugger stuff down</li>
- <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=circle>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Many
-      levels of synchronized run-control</li>
-  <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=square>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>Some
-       ICE have HW support for triggering each other.<span style="mso-spacerun:
-       yes">  </span>This must be possible to describe in the TM</li>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>This
-       cross triggering could also be done in software by connectors</li>
-  </ul>
- </ul>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>AI:
-     Add legend to the DSDP-TM Base Architecture slide</li>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Connection
-     groups</li>
- <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=circle>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Could
-      help describe synchronous run-control</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Same
-      target or different</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Relationships
-      between connections in the same group e.g. agent+HW connection on the
-      same target</li>
- </ul>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Associate
-     launch with connection.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>Associate
-     launch with project.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>Associate
-     project with build-spec.</li>
- <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=circle>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>System
-      unique properties provided by different sub-system (e.g. project,
-      connection, launch, etc) could be used for filtering by taking
-      intersection of existing ones.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> 
-      </span>Example of system unique properties could be</li>
-  <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=square>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>Platform
-       (VxWorks, Linux, QNX, etc)</li>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>Project
-       type (Application, Process, SHLIB, Kernel, LKM, etc)</li>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>Architecture
-       (PPC, ARM, etc)</li>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>CPU
-       variant</li>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>Endianess</li>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>Compatibility
-       (fuzzy?)</li>
-  </ul>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Internal
-      properties could be translated to system unique properties by the
-      sub-system or sub-system plug-ins</li>
- </ul>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Wizard
-     for creating launches</li>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Open
-     source GDB using gdb-server need to launch agent on target.<span
-     style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>This is true for other agents
-     also.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>In the general case a
-     preparation stage might be needed before the agent is available to be
-     connected to.</li>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Some
-     target connections might want to connect from the wizard w/o asking in
-     order to auto-detect services or settings known by the target e.g. path
-     mapping</li>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>How do
-     we get the executable to the target?</li>
- <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=circle>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Debugger</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Other
-      service</li>
- </ul>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Multiple
-     download paths</li>
- <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=circle>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Availability
-      in connection specification or discovered on the fly by action availability</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Choosing
-      a path in the launch </li>
-  <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=square>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>In
-       other cases user might specify “use any available path”</li>
-  </ul>
- </ul>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>How
-     quickly will CDT adopt DarinÂ’s new architecture?</li>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Remote
-     GDB – how to handle I/O to/from the debugged program?</li>
-<p class=MsoNormal><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
-<ul style='margin-top:0in' type=disc>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Workflow</li>
- <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=circle>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Preconditions</li>
-  <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=square>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>First
-       product launch</li>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>OS
-       already booted &amp; configured</li>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>Agent
-       already running</li>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>Remote
-       X86 target running Linux</li>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>Application
-       debugging using gdb over TCP/IP</li>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>Project
-       is open with application</li>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>Some
-       information already needed at build time (build spec)</li>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>Lot
-       of pre-configuration might be shipped already</li>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>Target
-       setup was not of startup</li>
-   <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=disc>
-    <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level4 lfo1;tab-stops:list 2.0in'>Questions
-        should be deferred</li>
-   </ul>
-  </ul>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>New
-      &gt; Target Connection &gt; Linux Agent</li>
-  <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=square>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>Wizard</li>
-   <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=disc>
-    <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level4 lfo1;tab-stops:list 2.0in'>IP
-        address</li>
-    <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level4 lfo1;tab-stops:list 2.0in'>Connection
-        name (possibly computed from other properties but could be modified or
-        overridden by user)</li>
-    <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level4 lfo1;tab-stops:list 2.0in'>Finish
-        </li>
-    <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=circle>
-     <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level5 lfo1;tab-stops:list 2.5in'>Target
-         connects (if option selected)</li>
-     <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level5 lfo1;tab-stops:list 2.5in'>Status
-         information is shown</li>
-    </ul>
-   </ul>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>Select
-       executable &gt; run &gt; debug (create launch)</li>
-   <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=disc>
-    <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level4 lfo1;tab-stops:list 2.0in'>System
-        picks correct launch type</li>
-    <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level4 lfo1;tab-stops:list 2.0in'>User
-        confirms connection (localhost-native vs. remote)</li>
-    <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level4 lfo1;tab-stops:list 2.0in'>Bring
-        up launch dialog</li>
-    <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level4 lfo1;tab-stops:list 2.0in'>Enter
-        target path or keep default</li>
-    <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=circle>
-     <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level5 lfo1;tab-stops:list 2.5in'>Specify
-         FTP download</li>
-    </ul>
-    <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level4 lfo1;tab-stops:list 2.0in'>Additional
-        downloadÂ’s (shared libraries, configuration files, Â…)</li>
-   </ul>
-   <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level3 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.5in'>Press
-       “Debug” button</li>
-  </ul>
- </ul>
-<p class=MsoNormal><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>CDT</p>
-<ul style='margin-top:0in' type=disc>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Who
-     extends whom?</li>
- <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=circle>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Optional
-      CDT plug-in that depends on TM</li>
- </ul>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Extend
-     or add launch configuration type</li>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>CDT
-     could contribute Actions to TM</li>
- <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=circle>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Right
-      click on a connection</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Contributed
-      to certain connection types</li>
- </ul>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Option
-     A: Each vendor (debugger provider) doing their LC-type (by deriving from
-     base type)</li>
- <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=circle>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>New
-      launch configuration type: Remote c/c++ application</li>
- </ul>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Option
-     B: Add an extension point to CDT (or platform?) such that tools/actions
-     can be added to a launch</li>
- <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=circle>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Problem:
-      not all debugger back-ends might support TM extension</li>
- </ul>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Option
-     C: Contribute connection to debugger dropdown</li>
- <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=circle>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>What
-      if just running?</li>
- </ul>
-<p class=MsoNormal><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>TM API</p>
-<ul style='margin-top:0in' type=disc>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Connection
-     in launch: reference or copy?</li>
- <ul style='margin-top:0in' type=circle>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Share
-      connections with same mechanisms as launches</li>
-  <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level2 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in'>Warning
-      “changing global settings”</li>
- </ul>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>getConnectionData(ref)</li>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>showConnectionSelection(filter)</li>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>TM to
-     define a Widget for connection selection</li>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Connect()
-     vs. isConnected()</li>
- <li class=MsoNormal style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>RunAction
-     – in first version to be done by delegate</li>
diff --git a/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/DSDPTM_DD_Borderline.ppt b/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/DSDPTM_DD_Borderline.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ee575f..0000000
--- a/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/DSDPTM_DD_Borderline.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/DSDPTM_DebuggerBackend.ppt b/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/DSDPTM_DebuggerBackend.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index 79dbe4e..0000000
--- a/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/DSDPTM_DebuggerBackend.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/DSDPTM_Overview.ppt b/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/DSDPTM_Overview.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bd8f54..0000000
--- a/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/DSDPTM_Overview.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/DSDPTM_TCA.ppt b/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/DSDPTM_TCA.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index ad34976..0000000
--- a/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/DSDPTM_TCA.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/Eclipse_IP_Due_Diligence.ppt b/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/Eclipse_IP_Due_Diligence.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index 89d9c42..0000000
--- a/meetingnotes/ff01_chicago/Eclipse_IP_Due_Diligence.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/news/changeset.php b/news/changeset.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 977de7f..0000000
--- a/news/changeset.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/dsdp/includes/changeset-common.php");
diff --git a/news/checkReleaseExists.php b/news/checkReleaseExists.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a9cd397..0000000
--- a/news/checkReleaseExists.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-require_once ("../../includes/buildServer-common.php");
-require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/dsdp/includes/checkReleaseExists-common.php");
diff --git a/news/index.php b/news/index.php
deleted file mode 100644
index dc731f9..0000000
--- a/news/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<?php header("Location: relnotes.php?project=rse&version=HEAD"); ?>
diff --git a/news/news.xml b/news/news.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b532d37..0000000
--- a/news/news.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



-<news date="February 6, 2008" showOn="docs,whatsnew,bleedingedge">

-	<a href="">New RSE Build Server</a> is available.


-<news date="January 1, 2008" showOn="whatsnew">

-	Since January 2007, there have been over 100,000 downloads of RSE!




diff --git a/news/relnotes.php b/news/relnotes.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 51d12b5..0000000
--- a/news/relnotes.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-require_once ("../../includes/buildServer-common.php");
-$pageTitle = "Eclipse DSDP - TM - Release Notes";
-if (isset($_GET["project"]) && $_GET["project"] == "xsd")
-	header("Location:");
-	exit;
-// bleeding edge for emf only
-if (isset($_GET["project"]) && $_GET["project"] == "emf")
-	require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/modeling/emf/downloads/extras-emf.php");
-	$extras = array("doBleedingEdge");
-$streams = array(
-	"rse" => array(
-		"3.0.x" => "HEAD",
-		"2.0.x" => "R2_0_maintenance",
-		"1.0.x" => "R1_0_maintenance"
-	)
-require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/dsdp/includes/relnotes-common.php");
diff --git a/project-info/executive-summary.html b/project-info/executive-summary.html
deleted file mode 100644
index a60a05b..0000000
--- a/project-info/executive-summary.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-The Target Management project creates data models and frameworks
-to configure and manage remote (mainframe down to embedded) systems,
-their connections, and their services. As a part of the Ganymede
-coordinate release train, we provide connectivity to remote file
-systems for other projects to use.
-Our Vision is to be the Eclipse "Explorer of the Network Neighborhood",
-with pluggable information providers under a single, consistent UI.
-Interactively discover, drill down, analyze remote systems,
-and provide the context for more advanced actions being plugged in to it. 
-Currently, the TM Community is further growing, a
-<a href="">TM 3.0 project plan 
-</a> is available on the Wiki, with the Community involved in 
-these discussions. Development focus for TM 3.0 is on performance,
-scalability and stability.
-<!-- We are looking forward to getting first
-<a href="">Download Statistics</a>
-for TM 2.0 on Europa - last stats were at 2300 for TM 1.0.1.
diff --git a/project-info/home-page-one-liner.html b/project-info/home-page-one-liner.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 36152c6..0000000
--- a/project-info/home-page-one-liner.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Target Management
diff --git a/project-info/project-page-paragraph.html b/project-info/project-page-paragraph.html
deleted file mode 100644
index bdce5a9..0000000
--- a/project-info/project-page-paragraph.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-<p><b><a href="/dsdp/tm/">Target Management Project</a></b> <br />
-The Target Management project creates data models and frameworks
-to configure and manage remote systems, their connections,
-and their services.<br />
-Our main offering is the Remote System Explorer (RSE), which is also
-part of the Eclipse Ganymede coordinated release train. It integrates
-any sort of heterogeneous remote resources under a single, consistent UI
-and allows transparent working on remote computers just like the local one.
-For Ganymede, it provides access to remote file systems for other projects
-to consume via the Eclipse Filesystem (EFS).<br/>
-Other offerings include a lightweight Terminal, a Network Discovery
-framework, and the Target Communication Framework.
-<a href="/dsdp/tm/about.php">More about target management &raquo;</a></p>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rse/.cvsignore b/rse/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ba8eed..0000000
--- a/rse/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/rse/build/.cvsignore b/rse/build/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 79eb93b..0000000
--- a/rse/build/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rse/build/_common.php b/rse/build/_common.php
deleted file mode 100644
index bec258b..0000000
--- a/rse/build/_common.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-require_once ("../../../includes/buildServer-common.php");
-$options = array (
-	"BaseBuilderBranch" => "M4_34",
-	"BranchAndJDK" => array (
-		",------------",
-		"3.0.0=HEAD,/opt/JDKs/i386/j2sdk1.4.2_16",
-		"3.0.0=HEAD,/opt/JDKs/i386/jdk1.5.0_14",
-		"3.0.0=HEAD,/opt/JDKs/i386/jdk1.6.0_04",
-		"3.0.0=HEAD,/opt/JDKs/i386/IBMJava2-142-10.0",
-		"3.0.0=HEAD,/opt/JDKs/i386/ibm-java2-i386-50-6.0",
-		"3.0.0=HEAD,/opt/JDKs/i386/ibm-java2-i386-60-0.0",
-		",------------",
-		"3.0.0=HEAD,/shared/dsdp/JDKs/ppc/IBMJava2-ppc-142-10.0",
-		"3.0.0=HEAD,/shared/dsdp/JDKs/ppc/ibm-java2-ppc-50-6.0",
-		"3.0.0=HEAD,/shared/common/ibm-java-ppc-60"
-	),
-	"Mapfile_Rule_Default" => 0, // 0: "Use Map, No Tagging=use-false" or 1:"Generate Map, No Tagging=gen-false"
-	"EmailDefault" => "", // prefil email contact box with comma-sep'd list
-	"Users" => array("moberhuber","moberhuber",null) /* build user, eclipse cvs user, IES cvs user */
diff --git a/rse/build/index.php b/rse/build/index.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 76f8a9c..0000000
--- a/rse/build/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<?php require_once ("_common.php"); require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/dsdp/build/build-common.php"); ?>
diff --git a/rse/build/promo.php b/rse/build/promo.php
deleted file mode 100644
index de50d10..0000000
--- a/rse/build/promo.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<?php require_once ("_common.php"); require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/dsdp/build/promo-common.php"); ?>
diff --git a/rse/project-info/overview.html b/rse/project-info/overview.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e86790..0000000
--- a/rse/project-info/overview.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-TBD info about RSE
diff --git a/rse/project-info/project-page-paragraph.html b/rse/project-info/project-page-paragraph.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e86790..0000000
--- a/rse/project-info/project-page-paragraph.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-TBD info about RSE
diff --git a/searchcvs.php b/searchcvs.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b17073..0000000
--- a/searchcvs.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-require_once ("../includes/buildServer-common.php");
-require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/dsdp/includes/searchcvs-common.php");
diff --git a/tm-new/_projectCommon.php b/tm-new/_projectCommon.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 94f6441..0000000
--- a/tm-new/_projectCommon.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-	# Set the theme for your project's web pages.
-	# See the Committer Tools "How Do I" for list of themes
-	#
-	# Optional: defaults to system theme 
-	$theme = "Lazarus";
-	# Define your project-wide Nav bars here.
-	# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
-	# these are optional
-	#$Nav->addNavSeparator("Target Management", 	"/dsdp/tm/index.php");
-	#$Nav->addCustomNav("About", 		"/dsdp/tm/about.php", 	 "_self", 2);
-	#$Nav->addCustomNav("Downloads", 	"/dsdp/tm/downloads.php", "_self", 2);
-	#$Nav->addCustomNav("Getting Started", "/dsdp/tm/tutorial/index.php",  "_self", 2);
-	#$Nav->addCustomNav("Development", 	"/dsdp/tm/development/index.php", "_self", 2);
-	$Nav->setLinkList(array());
-	$branding = <<<EOBRANDING
-<div id="branding">
-<h1><a href="">Target Management (Remote System Explorer)</a></h1>
-	$Menu->setProjectBranding($branding);
-	$Nav->addNavSeparator("Target Management", 	"/dsdp/tm/tm-new/");
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Information", "", "_self", 1);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;About", "/dsdp/tm/tm-new/about", "_self", 1);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Team", "/dsdp/tm/tm-new/team",	"_self", 1);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Plan", "/dsdp/tm/tm-new/plan", "_self", 1);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Presentations", "/dsdp/tm/tm-new/presentations", "_self", 1);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Demos", "/dsdp/tm/tm-new/demos", "_self", 1);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wiki", "", "_self", 1); 
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Legal", "dsdp/tm/development/tm-log.csv", "_self", 1);
-	$Nav->addNavSeparator("Users", "/dsdp/tm/tm-new/tutorial", "_self", 1);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Getting Started", "/dsdp/tm/tm-new/tutorial", "_self", 1);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Downloads", "/dsdp/tm/tm-new/downloads", "_self", 1);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bugs", "/dsdp/tm/tm-new/bugs", "_self", 1);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;FAQ (wiki)", "", "_self", 1);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Newsgroup", "", "_self", 1);
-	$Nav->addNavSeparator("Contributors (wiki)", "", "_self", 1);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Contributing (wiki)", "", "_self", 1);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mailing List", "", "_self", 1);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CVS", "/dsdp/tm/tm-new/cvs/", "_self", 1);
-	$Nav->addCustomNav("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Development Tools", "dsdp/tm/development/", "_self", 1);
diff --git a/tm-new/about/index.php b/tm-new/about/index.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d921b63..0000000
--- a/tm-new/about/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-<?php  																														require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	$App 	= new App();	$Nav	= new Nav();	$Menu 	= new Menu();		include($App->getProjectCommon());    # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
-	#*****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# template.php
-	#
-	# Author: 		Martin Oberhuber
-	# Date:			2006-02-01
-	#
-	# Description: Type your page comments here - these are not sent to the browser
-	#
-	#
-	#****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# Begin: page-specific settings.  Change these. 
-	$pageTitle 		= "About Target Management";
-	$pageKeywords	= "device, target";
-	$pageAuthor		= "Martin Oberhuber";
-	# Add page-specific Nav bars here
-	# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
-	# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", 	"downloads.php");
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3);
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
-	# End: page-specific settings
-	#
-	# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!	
-	$html = <<<EOHTML
-<div id="maincontent">
-	<div id="midcolumn">
-		<h1>$pageTitle</h1>
-	<h2>Mission Statement</h2>
-    The Target Management project creates data models and frameworks
-    to configure and manage remote systems, their connections, and their services.
-    </P>
-    <UL>
-      <LI><I>Remote systems</I> (aka targets) can range from large-scale host computers, multi-board 
-      or multi-core parallel systems to target boards without even a CPU or FPGA (connected
-      by a hardware debugging box).</LI>
-      <LI><I>Configuration</I> means dealing with board description files from a variety of sources,
-      displaying remote system components and manipulating board and connection properties.</LI>
-      <LI><I>Management</I> means maintaining a list of remote systems which is team
-      shareable and available to other subsystems, creating groups of systems when appropriate,
-      and handling access control to targets that are shared in a team (board lab).</LI>
-      <LI><I>Connections</I> can range from TCP/IP standard protocols like FTP or telnet,
-	  secure encryption, authentication and firewall tunnelling (ssh), to serial line terminal and 
-	  vendor-specific protocols for remote agent and on-chip debugging (JTAG) solutions.
-	  We want connection schemes and protocols to be pluggable in our framework.</LI>
-	  <LI><I>Services</I> on remote systems include downloading software and data,
-      launching single or multiple configurations, starting and stopping cores,
-      resetting and querying target information.</LI>
-    </UL>
-    <P>
-    Since there are many different vendors and solutions around in the device software
-    space, the main charter of target management is to provide data models and frameworks
-    that are flexible and open enough for vendor-specific extensions. Sample implementations 
-    are provided for TCP/IP Secure Shell (ssh) connections, FTP data transfer and gdb remote launching 
-    in the CDT environment. The basis for our implementations is an open-source version
-    of the <A HREF="">
-    IBM Remote System Explorer</A>. Current releases can be downloaded for evaluation
-    <a href="">here</a>.
-	  <div class="homeitem3col">
-		<h3>For more information, see the</h3>
-    	<ul>
-    	<li><a href="">
-      		Target Management Overview Slides</a>
-    	  	which include a diagram of the envisioned components and architecture for our project
-    	  	(<a href="">PPT</a>
-    	  	| <a href="">PDF</a>).
-    	  	</li>
-		<li><a href="">TM Webinar</a>:
-		  goals, architecture, future plans and online demo
-		  (<a href="">50 minute full recording</a> |
-		  <a href="">PPT slides</a>)
-		  </li> 
-    	<li><a href="">
-      		DSDP Top-Level Overview Diagrams</a> to understand how the Target Management
-      		Project fits into DSDP, and what its basic building blocks are.</li> 
-    	<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/doc/DSDPTM_Use_Cases_v1.1c.pdf">
-      		Target Management Use-Case Document</a> 
-      		to understand what scenarios we want to cover with our project.</li>
-    	<li><a href="">
-      		IBM Remote Systems Explorer (RSE) Presentation</a>
-			to get a preview of what RSE looks like.
-		<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/plan.php">
-			Target Management Project Planning</a> 
-			to understand what features and releases are coming next.</li>
-		</ul>
-	  </div>
-	</div>
-	<div id="rightcolumn">
-		<div class="sideitem">
-			<h6>Getting started</h6>
-			<ul>				
-				<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/tutorial/index.php"
-					target="_self">TM Getting Started</a></li>
-				<li><a href=""
-					target="_self">TM Overview Slides</a></li>
-				<li><a href="">TM Webinar</a>
-				    </li>
-				<li><a href="" target="_self">
-				    TM 2.0 Release Review Slides</a></li>
-			    <li><a href="" 
-			    	target="_self">DSDP Overview Diagrams</a></li>				
-				<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/doc/DSDPTM_Use_Cases_v1.1c.pdf"
-					target="_self">TM Use Cases Document</a></li>
-				<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/plan.php"
-					target="_self">TM Project Plan</a></li>
-			</ul>
-		</div>
-	# Generate the web page
-	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
diff --git a/tm-new/bugs/index.php b/tm-new/bugs/index.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e7bfba..0000000
--- a/tm-new/bugs/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-<?php  																														require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	$App 	= new App();	$Nav	= new Nav();	$Menu 	= new Menu();		include($App->getProjectCommon());    # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
-	#*****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# index.php
-	#
-	# Author: 		Kevin Doyle
-	# Date:			2008-01-25			
-	#
-	# Description:	Display a list of bug queries and how to open a new bug
-	#
-	#
-	#****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# Begin: page-specific settings.  Change these. 
-	$pageTitle 		= "Target Management Bugs";
-	$pageKeywords	= "target management, remote system explorer, tm, rse, Eclipse, device, target";
-	$pageAuthor		= "Kevin Doyle";
-	# Add page-specific Nav bars here
-	# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
-	# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", 	"downloads.php");
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3);
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
-	# End: page-specific settings
-	#
-	# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!	
-	$html = <<<EOHTML
-	<div id="maincontent">
-	<div id="midcolumn">
-		<div class="homeitem3col">
-			<h3>Found a Bug?  Have an enhancement idea?</h3>
-			<ul>
-				<li>You can submit bugs/enhancement requests though <a href="">Bugzilla</a>.</li>
-				<li>See the <a href="">FAQ</a> for what to include in your bug reports</li>
-			</ul>
-		</div>
-		<div class="homeitem3col">
-			<h3>Queries</h3>
-			<ul>
-				<li><a href="">
-				All open bugs with severity blocker, critical, major, or normal</a></li>
-				<li><a href="">
-				All open bugs with severity minor or trivial</a></li>
-				<li><a href="">
-				All open enhancement requests</a></li>
-				<li><a href="">
-				Remote System Explorer bugs</a></li>
-				<li><a href="">
-				Terminal bugs</a></li>
-				<li><a href="">
-				BugDay Bugs</a></li>
-				<li><a href="">
-				Helpwanted Bugs</a></li>
-				<li><a href="">
-				All Resolved Bugs</a></li>
-			</ul>
-		</div>
-	</div>
-	# Generate the web page
-	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
diff --git a/tm-new/index.php b/tm-new/index.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f98c89b..0000000
--- a/tm-new/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-<?php  																														require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	$App 	= new App();	$Nav	= new Nav();	$Menu 	= new Menu();		include($App->getProjectCommon());    # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
-	#*****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# index.php
-	#
-	# Author: 		Martin Oberhuber, Kevin Doyle
-	# Date:			2006-02-01
-	# Updated: 		2008-01-25
-	#
-	# Description: DSDP-TM main page
-	#
-	#
-	#****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# Begin: page-specific settings.  Change these. 
-	$pageTitle 		= "Eclipse Target Management Project - Remote System Explorer";
-	$pageKeywords	= "target management, remote system explorer, tm, rse, Eclipse, device, target";
-	$pageAuthor		= "Martin Oberhuber";
-	# Add page-specific Nav bars here
-	# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
-	# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", 	"downloads.php");
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3);
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
-	# End: page-specific settings
-	#
-	# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!	
-	$html = <<<EOHTML
-<div id="maincontent">
-	<div id="midcolumn" style="width:93%">
-		<table border="0" cellpadding="5">
-		<tr>
-			<td><a href=""><img alt="Remote System Explorer Perspective" src=""></img></a></td>
-			<td>
-				<p>The Target Management project creates data models and frameworks to configure and manage remote systems, their connections, and their services.  Our main offering is the Remote System Explorer (RSE), which integrates any sort of heterogeneous remote resources under a single, consistent UI and allows transparent working on remote computers just like the local one. Other offerings include a lightweight Terminal and a Network Discovery framework. <a href="">More Information</a></p>
-				<h2><a href="/dsdp/tm/tm-new/tutorial">Getting Started</a></h2>
-				<h2><a href="/dsdp/tm/tm-new/downloads">Downloads</a></h2>
-				<h2><a href="/dsdp/tm/tm-new/demos">Demos</a></h2>
-			</td>
-		</tr>
-		</table>
-		<div id="homeitem3col">
-			<h3>News</h3>
-			<ul>
-			    <li>Feb 25th: <a href="">TM 2.0.3</a> Service Release</li>
-				<li>Feb 18th: <a href="">TM 3.0M5</a> released</li>
-				<li>
-					Jan 7th: <a href="">TM 3.0M4</a> released
-				</li>
-				<li>
-					Dec 20th: <a href="">TCF</a> has been approved by Eclipse Legal
-				</li>
-				<li>
-					Nov 13, 2007: <a href="">TM 2.0.2</a> Service Release
-				</li>
-				<li>
-					October 9-11, 2007: Eclipse Summit Europe 2007
-					<ul><li>
-						 <a href="" target="_blank">
-				         <b>The DSDP Target Management Project</b></a>, long talk by Martin Oberhuber
-				         (slides:  
-				         <a href="">PPT</a> |
-				         <a href="">PDF</a>)
-					</li></ul>
-				</li>
-				<li>
-					Sep 28th: <a href="">TM 2.0.1</a> Service Release
-				</li>
-				<li>
-					September 17-19, 2007:  <a href="">TM Planning Meeting and Coding Camp</a>, Toronto
-				</li>
-				<li>
-					Jun 29th: <a href="">TM 2.0</a> has been released!	
-				</li>
-				<li>
-					April 12, 2007: <a href="">Webinar</a>: TM goals, architecture, future plans and online demo (<a href="">50 minute full recording</a> | <a href="">PPT slides</a>)
-				</li>
-			</ul>
-		</div>
-	</div>
-	# Generate the web page
-	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
diff --git a/tm-new/team/index.php b/tm-new/team/index.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a949f5a..0000000
--- a/tm-new/team/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-<?php  																														require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	$App 	= new App();	$Nav	= new Nav();	$Menu 	= new Menu();		include($App->getProjectCommon());    # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
-	#*****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# template.php
-	#
-	# Author: 		Martin Oberhuber
-	# Date:			2006-02-01
-	#
-	# Description: Contributors, Committers and Lead of Target Management Project
-	#
-	#
-	#****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# Begin: page-specific settings.  Change these. 
-	$pageTitle 		= "DSDP-TM Project Contributors";
-	$pageKeywords	= "device, target, contributor, committer, lead, author, developer";
-	$pageAuthor		= "Martin Oberhuber";
-	# Add page-specific Nav bars here
-	# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
-	# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", 	"downloads.php");
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3);
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
-	# End: page-specific settings
-	#
-	# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!	
-	$html = <<<EOHTML
-<div id="maincontent">
-	<div id="midcolumn">
-		<h1>$pageTitle</h1>
-		<div class="homeitem3col">
-		<h3>Target Management Lead</h3>
-		<li><b>Martin Oberhuber, Wind River Systems</b> (martin.oberhuber at<br/>
-			Martin is the overall project lead for the Target Management Project,
-			and in this role he also serves on the DSDP Project Management Council (PMC).
-			As a software developer and architect, Martin is responsible for the
-			current Target Manager component in Wind River Workbench.<br/>
-			Martin holds an MS degree in Telematics from the University
-			of Technology Graz/Austria, and has been working on source code analysis
-			and tools development since 1999.<br/>
-			<a href="">more about Martin Oberhuber &raquo;</a>
-			</li>
-		<li><b>David Dykstal, IBM</b> (david_dykstal at<br/>
-		 	David is the Project Lead for the IBM Remote System Explorer,
-		 	and thus plays a key role in all activities around RSE.<br/>
-		 	David has worked either for or with IBM for over 28 years,
-		 	including a significant stint with Object Technology International.
-		 	Dave has worked on compilers, user interfaces, database tools, and IDE&#39;s.		
-		</div>
-		<div class="homeitem3col">
-		<h3>Committers (in alphabetical order)</h3>
-		<ul class="midlist">
-			<li><b>Xuan Chen</b>, IBM</li>
-			<li><b>Kevin Doyle</b>, IBM</li>
-			<li><b>David Dykstal</b>, IBM</li>
-			<li><b>David McKnight</b>, IBM</li>
-			<li><b>Javier Montalvo-Orús</b>, Symbian</li>
-			<li><b>Kushal Munir</b>, IBM</li>
-			<li><b>Martin Oberhuber</b>, Wind River</li>
-			<li><b>Michael Scharf</b>, Wind River</li>
-			<li><b>Uwe Stieber</b>, Wind River</li>
-			<li><b>Ted Williams</b>, Wind River</li>
-		</ul>
-		</div>
-		<div class="homeitem3col">
-		<h3>Contributors (in alphabetical order)</h3>
-		This is the list of people who have made code contributions to the 
-		TM Project on Bugzilla so far, with their code actually being 
-		merged into the TM codebase in CVS. The list is sorted alphabetically
-		by last name:
-		<ul class="midlist">
-			<li><b>Michael Berger</b>, IBM</li>
-			<li><b>Felix Burton</b>, Wind River</li>
-			<li><b>Sheldon D&acute;Souza</b>, Celunite</li>
-			<li><b>Øyvind Harboe</b>, Zylin</li>
-			<li><b>Rob Hasselbaum</b>, BEZ Systems, Inc</li>
-			<li><b>Mikhail Kalugin</b>, Xored Software</li>
-			<li><b>Yu-Fen Kuo</b>, Montavista</li>
-			<li><b>Rupen Mardirossian</b>, IBM</li>
-			<li><b>Ewa Matejska</b>, ACCESS Systems (formerly PalmSource)</li>
-			<li><b>Willian Mitsuda</b>, (private)</li>
-			<li><b>Benjamin Muskalla</b>, Innoopract</li>
-			<li><b>Tobias Schwarz</b>, Wind River</li>
-			<li><b>Remy Chi Jian Suen</b>, IBM</li>
-			<li><b>Eugene Tarassov</b>, Wind River</li>
-			<li><b>Olivier Thomann</b>, IBM</li>
-			<li><b>Lothar Werzinger</b>, Tradescape Inc.</li>
-  		</ul>
-		</div>
-		<div class="homeitem3col">
-		<h3>Other interested parties</h3>
-		This is the list of companies and people who have been active
-		in the TM face-to-face meetings and phone conferences so far.
-		The list is sorted alphabetically by company first, then by last name:
-		<ul class="midlist">
-			<li><b>Accelerated Technology</b>:
-			  Mark Bozeman, George Clark, Aaron Spear</li>
-			<li><b>Curtiss-Wright Controls</b>: Mark Littlefield, Darian Wong</li>
-			<li><b>Digi</b>: John Leier</li>
-			<li><b>FreeScale</b>: Kirk Beitz, John Cortell, Daymon Rogers</li>
-			<li><b>IBM Distributed Debugger</b>: Alan Boxall</li>
-			<li><b>Intel</b>: Peter Lachner</li>
-			<li><b>LANL</b>: Greg Watson</li>
-			<li><b>Montavista</b>: Joe Green, Pierre-Alexandre Masse</li>
-			<li><b>QNX</b>: David Inglis, Doug Schaefer</li>
-			<li><b>Star Bridge Systems</b>: Matthew Scarpino</li> 
-			<li><b>Symbian</b>: Victor Palau, Neil Taylor</li>
-			<li><b>TI</b>: Paul Gingrich</li> 
-			<li><b>TU Munich</b>: Tianchao Li</li> 
-			<li><b>Wind River</b>: Martin Gutschelhofer, Brian Nettleton</li>
-			<li><b>Zend Technologies</b>: Yossi Leon, Yaron Mazor</li> 
-  		</ul>
-		</div>
-	</div>
-	<div id="rightcolumn">
-		<div class="sideitem">
-			<h6>Getting started</h6>
-			<ul>				
-				<li><a href=""
-					target="_self">TM Overview Slides</a></li>
-				<li><a href="" target="_self">
-				    TM 2.0 Release Review Slides</a></li>
-			    <li><a href="" 
-			    	target="_self">DSDP Overview Diagrams</a></li>				
-				<li><a
-					href="/dsdp/tm/doc/DSDPTM_Use_Cases_v1.1c.pdf"
-					target="_self">TM Use Cases Document</a></li>
-				<li><a href=""
-					target="_self">IBM RSE Presentation</a></li>
-				<!-- <li><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/index.php">Developer Resources</a></li> -->
-				<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/doc/index.php">Developer Documents</a></li>
-			</ul>
-		</div>
-	</div>
-	# Generate the web page
-	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
diff --git a/tm-new/tutorial/index.php b/tm-new/tutorial/index.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 86097d8..0000000
--- a/tm-new/tutorial/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-<?php  																														require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	$App 	= new App();	$Nav	= new Nav();	$Menu 	= new Menu();		include($App->getProjectCommon());    # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
-	#*****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# template.php
-	#
-	# Author: 		Martin Oberhuber
-	# Date:			2006-02-01
-	#
-	# Description: Type your page comments here - these are not sent to the browser
-	#
-	#
-	#****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# Begin: page-specific settings.  Change these. 
-	$pageTitle 		= "Getting Started with Target Management";
-	$pageKeywords	= "device, target";
-	$pageAuthor		= "Martin Oberhuber";
-	# Add page-specific Nav bars here
-	# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
-	# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", 	"downloads.php");
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3);
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
-	# End: page-specific settings
-	#
-	# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!	
-	$html = <<<EOHTML
-<div id="maincontent">
-	<div id="midcolumn">
-		<h1>$pageTitle</h1>
-	<p>The Target Management project creates data models and frameworks
-    to configure and manage remote systems, their connections, and their services.</p>
-    <p>
-	Our first deliverable is the <i>Remote System Explorer (RSE)</i>,
-	a framework and toolkit in Eclipse Workbench, that allows you to
-	connect and work with a variety of remote systems, including
-	<ul>
-	  <li><b>remote file systems</b> through SSH, FTP or dstore agents (seamless editing of
-	remote files including remote search and compare),</li>
-	  <li><b>remote shell access</b> (compiling with error navigation),</li>
-	  <li><b>remote process</b> handling through dstore agents,</li>
-	  <li>and <b>remote debugging</b> through CDT / gdb / gdbserver.</li>
-	</ul>
-	<p>Besides that, we are working on <b>flexible, re-usable components</b>
-	 for Networking and Target Management that run integrated or without RSE.
-	The following are available from the TM 2.0 download pages 
-	already:
-	<ul>
-	  <li>Fast and Flexible DNS-SD / Zeroconf based <b>Service Discovery</b> (requires EMF)</li>
-	  <li>An ANSI / vt102 compatible <b>Terminal</b> widget with pluggable Serial, ssh and Telnet connectors 
-	    (requires Platform now but can be ported to RCP / J2ME)</li>
-	  <li>Apache <b>Commons Net</b> re-bundled for Eclipse to support FTP, rlogin, telnet
-	    and other standard protocols (requires J2SE-1.2 only)</li>
-	</ul> 
-	<p>TM 2.0 as well as upcoming service releases and milestones are available
-    from our 
-	<a href="">
-	download site</a> as well as our 
-	<a href="">
-	update site</a>. The best resource for programmers to get started
-	with the framework is the 
-	<a href="">EclipseCon 2008 Tutorial</a>
-	(includes <a href="">sample code</a>),
-	which is based on TM 3.0M5. Another
-	<a href="">
-	Tutorial</a> is available as part of the ISV documentation,
-	and an <a href="">
-	FAQ</a> is available on the project Wiki.</p>
-	<p>
-    The basis of RSE is a former IBM product, for which a
-    <A href="">
-    slide show</A> is still available. Our plans beyond 
-    TM 2.0 are available from the
-    Target Management <a href="/dsdp/tm/development/plan.php">Project Plan
-    </a> and our <a href="/dsdp/tm/doc/DSDPTM_Use_Cases_v1.1c.pdf">
-    Use Cases Document</a>, which covers all areas of interest to us.</p>
-	  <div class="homeitem3col">
-		<h3>For more information, see the</h3>
-    	<ul>
-    	<li><a href="">
-      		Target Management Overview Slides</a>
-    	  	which include a diagram of the envisioned components and architecture for our project
-    	  	(<a href="">PPT</a>
-    	  	| <a href="">PDF</a>).
-    	  	</li>
-	    <li><a href="" target="_blank">
-	         <b>Target Management 3.0 New & Noteworthy</b></a>, EclipseCon 2008
-			(<a href="">PPT</a> 707 KB |
-			<a href="">PDF</a> 581 KB)
-		<li><a href="">TM 2.0 Webinar</a>:
-		  goals, architecture, future plans and online demo
-		  (<a href="">50 minute full recording</a> |
-		  <a href="">PPT slides</a>)
-		  </li> 
-    	<li><a href="">
-    		TM and RSE FAQ</a></li>
-		<li>EclipseCon 2008 
-		  <a href="" target="_blank">
-		  <b>TM 3.0 Tutorial</b></a> (includes 
-		  <a href="">slides</a> and
-		  <a href="">sample code</a>)
-		</li>
-    	<li><a href="">
-    		TM Online Docs Tutorial</a></li>
-    	<li><a href="">
-    		TM 2.0 Known Issues and Workarounds</a></li>
-    	<li><a href="">
-      		DSDP Top-Level Overview Diagrams</a> to understand how the Target Management
-      		Project fits into DSDP, and what its basic building blocks are.</li> 
-    	<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/doc/DSDPTM_Use_Cases_v1.1c.pdf">
-      		Target Management Use-Case Document</a> 
-      		to understand what scenarios we want to cover with our project.</li>
-    	<li><a href="">
-      		IBM Remote Systems Explorer (RSE) Presentation</a>
-			to get a preview of what the first release of the Target Management System
-			will look like.
-		<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/plan.php">
-			Target Management Project Plan</a> 
-			to understand what features and releases are coming next.</li>
-		</ul>
-	  </div>
-	</div>
-	<div id="rightcolumn">
-		<div class="sideitem">
-			<h6>Getting started</h6>
-			<ul>
-				<li><a href=""
-					target="_self">TM Overview Slides</a></li>
-				<li><a href="">TM Webinar</a>
-				    </li>
-				<li><a href="" target="_self">
-				    TM 2.0 Release Review Slides</a></li>
-			    <li><a href="" 
-			    	target="_self">DSDP Overview Diagrams</a></li>				
-				<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/doc/DSDPTM_Use_Cases_v1.1c.pdf"
-					target="_self">TM Use Cases Document</a></li>
-				<li><a href=""
-					target="_self">TM 2.0 Tutorial</a></li>
-				<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/plan.php"
-					target="_self">TM Project Plan</a></li>
-			</ul>
-		</div>
-	# Generate the web page
-	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
diff --git a/tutorial/index.php b/tutorial/index.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 86097d8..0000000
--- a/tutorial/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-<?php  																														require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	$App 	= new App();	$Nav	= new Nav();	$Menu 	= new Menu();		include($App->getProjectCommon());    # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
-	#*****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# template.php
-	#
-	# Author: 		Martin Oberhuber
-	# Date:			2006-02-01
-	#
-	# Description: Type your page comments here - these are not sent to the browser
-	#
-	#
-	#****************************************************************************
-	#
-	# Begin: page-specific settings.  Change these. 
-	$pageTitle 		= "Getting Started with Target Management";
-	$pageKeywords	= "device, target";
-	$pageAuthor		= "Martin Oberhuber";
-	# Add page-specific Nav bars here
-	# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
-	# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", 	"downloads.php");
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3);
-	# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
-	# End: page-specific settings
-	#
-	# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!	
-	$html = <<<EOHTML
-<div id="maincontent">
-	<div id="midcolumn">
-		<h1>$pageTitle</h1>
-	<p>The Target Management project creates data models and frameworks
-    to configure and manage remote systems, their connections, and their services.</p>
-    <p>
-	Our first deliverable is the <i>Remote System Explorer (RSE)</i>,
-	a framework and toolkit in Eclipse Workbench, that allows you to
-	connect and work with a variety of remote systems, including
-	<ul>
-	  <li><b>remote file systems</b> through SSH, FTP or dstore agents (seamless editing of
-	remote files including remote search and compare),</li>
-	  <li><b>remote shell access</b> (compiling with error navigation),</li>
-	  <li><b>remote process</b> handling through dstore agents,</li>
-	  <li>and <b>remote debugging</b> through CDT / gdb / gdbserver.</li>
-	</ul>
-	<p>Besides that, we are working on <b>flexible, re-usable components</b>
-	 for Networking and Target Management that run integrated or without RSE.
-	The following are available from the TM 2.0 download pages 
-	already:
-	<ul>
-	  <li>Fast and Flexible DNS-SD / Zeroconf based <b>Service Discovery</b> (requires EMF)</li>
-	  <li>An ANSI / vt102 compatible <b>Terminal</b> widget with pluggable Serial, ssh and Telnet connectors 
-	    (requires Platform now but can be ported to RCP / J2ME)</li>
-	  <li>Apache <b>Commons Net</b> re-bundled for Eclipse to support FTP, rlogin, telnet
-	    and other standard protocols (requires J2SE-1.2 only)</li>
-	</ul> 
-	<p>TM 2.0 as well as upcoming service releases and milestones are available
-    from our 
-	<a href="">
-	download site</a> as well as our 
-	<a href="">
-	update site</a>. The best resource for programmers to get started
-	with the framework is the 
-	<a href="">EclipseCon 2008 Tutorial</a>
-	(includes <a href="">sample code</a>),
-	which is based on TM 3.0M5. Another
-	<a href="">
-	Tutorial</a> is available as part of the ISV documentation,
-	and an <a href="">
-	FAQ</a> is available on the project Wiki.</p>
-	<p>
-    The basis of RSE is a former IBM product, for which a
-    <A href="">
-    slide show</A> is still available. Our plans beyond 
-    TM 2.0 are available from the
-    Target Management <a href="/dsdp/tm/development/plan.php">Project Plan
-    </a> and our <a href="/dsdp/tm/doc/DSDPTM_Use_Cases_v1.1c.pdf">
-    Use Cases Document</a>, which covers all areas of interest to us.</p>
-	  <div class="homeitem3col">
-		<h3>For more information, see the</h3>
-    	<ul>
-    	<li><a href="">
-      		Target Management Overview Slides</a>
-    	  	which include a diagram of the envisioned components and architecture for our project
-    	  	(<a href="">PPT</a>
-    	  	| <a href="">PDF</a>).
-    	  	</li>
-	    <li><a href="" target="_blank">
-	         <b>Target Management 3.0 New & Noteworthy</b></a>, EclipseCon 2008
-			(<a href="">PPT</a> 707 KB |
-			<a href="">PDF</a> 581 KB)
-		<li><a href="">TM 2.0 Webinar</a>:
-		  goals, architecture, future plans and online demo
-		  (<a href="">50 minute full recording</a> |
-		  <a href="">PPT slides</a>)
-		  </li> 
-    	<li><a href="">
-    		TM and RSE FAQ</a></li>
-		<li>EclipseCon 2008 
-		  <a href="" target="_blank">
-		  <b>TM 3.0 Tutorial</b></a> (includes 
-		  <a href="">slides</a> and
-		  <a href="">sample code</a>)
-		</li>
-    	<li><a href="">
-    		TM Online Docs Tutorial</a></li>
-    	<li><a href="">
-    		TM 2.0 Known Issues and Workarounds</a></li>
-    	<li><a href="">
-      		DSDP Top-Level Overview Diagrams</a> to understand how the Target Management
-      		Project fits into DSDP, and what its basic building blocks are.</li> 
-    	<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/doc/DSDPTM_Use_Cases_v1.1c.pdf">
-      		Target Management Use-Case Document</a> 
-      		to understand what scenarios we want to cover with our project.</li>
-    	<li><a href="">
-      		IBM Remote Systems Explorer (RSE) Presentation</a>
-			to get a preview of what the first release of the Target Management System
-			will look like.
-		<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/plan.php">
-			Target Management Project Plan</a> 
-			to understand what features and releases are coming next.</li>
-		</ul>
-	  </div>
-	</div>
-	<div id="rightcolumn">
-		<div class="sideitem">
-			<h6>Getting started</h6>
-			<ul>
-				<li><a href=""
-					target="_self">TM Overview Slides</a></li>
-				<li><a href="">TM Webinar</a>
-				    </li>
-				<li><a href="" target="_self">
-				    TM 2.0 Release Review Slides</a></li>
-			    <li><a href="" 
-			    	target="_self">DSDP Overview Diagrams</a></li>				
-				<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/doc/DSDPTM_Use_Cases_v1.1c.pdf"
-					target="_self">TM Use Cases Document</a></li>
-				<li><a href=""
-					target="_self">TM 2.0 Tutorial</a></li>
-				<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/plan.php"
-					target="_self">TM Project Plan</a></li>
-			</ul>
-		</div>
-	# Generate the web page
-	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);