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<!-- VIATRA2 Description part -->
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<h3>VIATRA2 Documentation</h3>
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Currently, the VIATRA2 Documentation consists of the following documents:
<h4>VIATRA2 Documentation</h4>
For current Milestones (3.x), a completely new documentation has been established at the <a href="">VIATRA2 Wiki</a>.<br/>
It contains both the users guide and the most up-to-date documentation of the VIATRA2 transformation language.
You should start here.
<h4>The VIATRA2 Transformation Language Specification [obsolete]</h4>
The document describes the VIATRA2 Transformation Command Language in detail. A VIATRA2 transformation
consists of graph pattern definitions (Section 3) defined by precise formal semantics (Section 4), and
control structures (Section 5).<br/>
The language specification is archived in PDF format from <a href="ViatraSpecification.pdf">here.</a>
<h4>Users' Guide [obsolete]</h4>
The Users' Guide offered a description of the user interface (which is completely superseded by the wiki),
howtos for writing model importers and native functions, and a by-example section to get you started
with writing VIATRA transformations.<br/>
Archived in PDF from <a href="viatratut.pdf">here</a>.