blob: 1d011d2f0e1a0b1d916cfd190ac47017bc36a743 [file] [log] [blame]
function count_pattern($directory, $filenameFilter, $pattern)
$count = 0;
$dir = dir($directory);
while ($anEntry = $dir->read())
if ($anEntry != "." && $anEntry != "..")
$anEntry = $directory."/".$anEntry;
if (is_dir($anEntry))
$count += count_pattern($anEntry, $filenameFilter, $pattern);
if (stristr($anEntry, $filenameFilter))
$handle = @fopen($anEntry, "r");
if (FALSE !== $handle) {
$size = filesize($anEntry);
$content = fread($handle, $size);
$count += substr_count($content, $pattern);
return $count;
function parse_testResult($filename)
$junitFailures = 0;
$compileErrors = 0;
$compileWarnings = 0;
if (is_file($filename)) {
$handle = @fopen($filename, "r");
if ($handle)
$size = filesize($filename);
$content = fread($handle, $size);
$junitStart = strpos($content, "Errors &amp; Failures");
$junitEnd = strpos($content, "</table>", $junitStart);
$junitInfo = substr($content, $junitStart, $junitEnd - $junitStart);
$start = strpos($junitInfo, "<td><b><font color=\"#ff0000\">");
while ($start !== false)
$start += 29;
$stop = strpos($junitInfo, "</font></b></td>", $start);
if ($stop !== false)
$result = substr($junitInfo, $start, $stop - $start);
if (is_numeric($result))
$junitFailures += $result;
else if (strcmp($result, "DNF") == 0)
$start = strpos($junitInfo, "<td><b><font color=\"#ff0000\">", $stop);
$compileStart = strpos($content, "Compile Logs (Jar Files)");
$compileEnd = strpos($content, "</table>", $compileStart);
$compileInfo = substr($content, $compileStart, $compileEnd - $compileStart);
$rowStart = strpos($compileInfo, "<tr>");
while ($rowStart !== false)
$start += 4;
$rowStop = strpos($compileInfo, "</tr>", $rowStart);
if ($rowStop !== false)
$row = substr($compileInfo, $rowStart, $rowStop - $rowStart);
$cellStart = strpos($row, "<td");
$gotError = false;
$gotWarning = false;
while ($cellStart !== false && (!$gotError || !$gotWarning))
// this parsing logic got a bit more complicated in M2_33 basebuild, as the
// tag <td align="center"> was used, instead of <td>
// $cellStart += 4;
$cellStart = strpos($row, ">", $cellStart);
$cellStart = $cellStart + 1;
$cellStop = strpos($row, "</td>", $cellStart);
if ($cellStop !== false)
$cell = substr($row, $cellStart, $cellStop - $cellStart);
if (is_numeric($cell))
if (!$gotError)
$compileErrors += $cell;
$gotError = true;
else if (!$gotWarning)
$compileWarnings += $cell;
$gotWarning = true;
// this parsing logic got a bit more complicated in M2_33 basebuild, as the
// tag <td align="center"> was used, instead of <td>
$cellStart = strpos($row, "<td", $cellStop);
$rowStart = strpos($compileInfo, "<tr>", $rowStop);
$results = array($compileErrors, $compileWarnings, $junitFailures);
return $results;
function parse($filename, $key)
if (!is_readable($filename))
return 0;
$handle = @fopen($filename, "r");
if (!$handle)
return 0;
$size = filesize($filename);
$content = fread($handle, $size);
$start = strpos($content, $key);
while ($start !== false)
$start += strlen($key);
$stop = strpos($content, "\"", $start);
if ($stop !== false)
$value += substr($content, $start, $stop - $start);
$start = strpos($content, $key, $stop);
return $value;