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diff --git a/documentation/102_moviesexample.html b/documentation/102_moviesexample.html
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--- a/documentation/102_moviesexample.html
+++ b/documentation/102_moviesexample.html
@@ -216,12 +216,12 @@
 <p>A <a href="202_xtend_classes_members.html#fields">field’s type</a> can be inferred from the expression on the right hand-side. That is called local type inference and is supported everywhere in Xtend. We want the field to be final, so we declare it as a value using the keyword <code>val</code>.</p>
-<p>The initialization on the right hand side first creates a new <a href="">FileReader</a>. Then the method <code>readLines()</code> is invoked on that instance. But if you have a look at <code>FileReader</code> you will not find such a method. In fact <code>readLines()</code> is a static method from Google Guava’s <a href="">CharStreams</a> which was imported as an <a href="202_xtend_classes_members.html#extension-imports">extension</a>. Extensions allow us to use this readable syntax.</p>
+<p>The initialization on the right hand side first creates a new <a href="">FileReader</a>. Then the method <code>readLines()</code> is invoked on that instance. But if you have a look at <code>FileReader</code> you will not find such a method. In fact <code>readLines()</code> is a static method from Google Guava’s <a href="">CharStreams</a> which was imported as an <a href="202_xtend_classes_members.html#extension-imports">extension</a>. Extensions allow us to use this readable syntax.</p>
 <pre><code class="language-xtend">import static extension*
-<p><a href=""><code>CharStreams.readLines(Reader)</code></a> returns a <a href=""><code>List&lt;String&gt;</code></a> on which we call another extension method <code>map</code>. This one is defined in the runtime library (<a href="">…)</a>) and is automatically imported and therefore available on all lists. The <code>map</code> extension expects a function as a parameter. It basically invokes that function for each value in the list and returns another list containing the results of the function invocations. Actually this mapping is performed lazily so if you never access the values of the result list, the mapping function is never executed.</p>
+<p><a href=""><code>CharStreams.readLines(Reader)</code></a> returns a <a href=""><code>List&lt;String&gt;</code></a> on which we call another extension method <code>map</code>. This one is defined in the runtime library (<a href="">…)</a>) and is automatically imported and therefore available on all lists. The <code>map</code> extension expects a function as a parameter. It basically invokes that function for each value in the list and returns another list containing the results of the function invocations. Actually this mapping is performed lazily so if you never access the values of the result list, the mapping function is never executed.</p>
 <p>Function objects are created using <a href="203_xtend_expressions.html#lambdas">lambda expressions</a> (the code in squared brackets). Within the lambda we process a single line from the text file and turn it into a movie by splitting the string using two whitespace characters as the separator. On the result of the split operation, the method <code>iterator()</code> is invoked. As you might know <a href="">String.split(String)</a> returns a string array (<code>String[]</code>), which Xtend <a href="201_types.html#conversion-rules">auto-converts to a list</a> when we call <a href=""><code>Iterable.iterator()</code></a> on it.</p>
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+    <pubDate>Mon, 16 Nov 2020 12:34:01 +0000</pubDate>
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