blob: 76edd219603ae16e4e034d203ade767c814b6597 [file] [log] [blame]
* <copyright>
* Copyright (c) 2015 SRC
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* pjpaulin - Bug 352120 - Initial API, implementation and documentation
* mwenz - Bug 394315 - Enable injecting behavior objects in DiagramEditor
* mwenz - Bug 401859 - Graphiti DiagramEditor#dispose() does not release the editor related objects
* mwenz - Bug 407510 - Color background without Grid Layer turned to gray
* fvelasco - Bug 403664 - Enable DoubleClickFeature on the diagram background
* mwenz - Bug 433650 - Editor in in dirty state after a Save
* mwenz - Bug 439689 - DiagramEdtior.setPictogramElementForSelection adds SelectionBorders to invisible PictogramElements
* mwenz - Bug 407894 - Luna: After DiagramsInViews change graphical viewer is configured and initialized only by a workaround
* mwenz - Bug 433779 - DiagramBehaviour.setInput() is not extensible
* mwenz - Bug 470038 - NullPointerException in DiagramBehavior.unregisterDiagramResourceSetListener
* mwenz - Bug 470150 - NullPointerException in DiagramBehavior.getAdapter
* mwenz - Bug 477526 - NullPointerException in DiagramBehavior.addGefListeners
* </copyright>
package org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.editor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.AssertionFailedException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.FigureCanvas;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.PositionConstants;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Dimension;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet;
import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.RecordingCommand;
import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.TransactionalEditingDomain;
import org.eclipse.gef.ContextMenuProvider;
import org.eclipse.gef.DefaultEditDomain;
import org.eclipse.gef.EditPart;
import org.eclipse.gef.GraphicalEditPart;
import org.eclipse.gef.GraphicalViewer;
import org.eclipse.gef.KeyHandler;
import org.eclipse.gef.KeyStroke;
import org.eclipse.gef.SnapToGeometry;
import org.eclipse.gef.SnapToGrid;
import org.eclipse.gef.commands.CommandStack;
import org.eclipse.gef.commands.CommandStackEvent;
import org.eclipse.gef.commands.CommandStackEventListener;
import org.eclipse.gef.editparts.GridLayer;
import org.eclipse.gef.editparts.ZoomManager;
import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteRoot;
import org.eclipse.gef.ui.actions.ActionRegistry;
import org.eclipse.gef.ui.actions.AlignmentAction;
import org.eclipse.gef.ui.actions.DirectEditAction;
import org.eclipse.gef.ui.actions.GEFActionConstants;
import org.eclipse.gef.ui.actions.MatchHeightAction;
import org.eclipse.gef.ui.actions.MatchWidthAction;
import org.eclipse.gef.ui.actions.ToggleGridAction;
import org.eclipse.gef.ui.actions.ZoomInAction;
import org.eclipse.gef.ui.actions.ZoomOutAction;
import org.eclipse.gef.ui.palette.FlyoutPaletteComposite.FlyoutPreferences;
import org.eclipse.gef.ui.palette.PaletteViewerProvider;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.DiagramScrollingBehavior;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.dt.IDiagramTypeProvider;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.IAddFeature;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.IFeature;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.IFeatureProvider;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.IPrintFeature;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.ISaveImageFeature;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.context.IAddContext;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.context.IContext;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.internal.command.AddFeatureCommandWithContext;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.internal.command.FeatureCommandWithContext;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.internal.command.GenericFeatureCommandWithContext;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.tb.DefaultToolBehaviorProvider;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.tb.IToolBehaviorProvider;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.action.CopyAction;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.action.DeleteAction;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.action.FeatureExecutionHandler;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.action.PasteAction;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.action.PrintGraphicalViewerAction;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.action.RemoveAction;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.action.SaveImageAction;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.action.ToggleContextButtonPadAction;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.action.UpdateAction;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.command.GefCommandWrapper;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.config.ConfigurationProvider;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.config.IConfigurationProviderInternal;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.contextbuttons.ContextButtonManagerForPad;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.contextbuttons.IContextButtonManager;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.dnd.GFTemplateTransferDropTargetListener;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.dnd.ObjectsTransferDropTargetListener;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.editor.DiagramChangeListener;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.editor.DomainModelChangeListener;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.editor.GFCommandStack;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.editor.GFFigureCanvas;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.editor.GFScrollingGraphicalViewer;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.editor.GraphitiScrollingGraphicalViewer;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.util.gef.ScalableRootEditPartAnimated;
import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.platform.IConfigurationProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction;
import org.eclipse.jface.commands.ActionHandler;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.TransferDropTargetListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredSelection;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.ScrolledComposite;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.ISelectionListener;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.actions.ActionFactory;
import org.eclipse.ui.handlers.IHandlerService;
import org.eclipse.ui.part.ViewPart;
* Provides the common functionality needed to display and manage diagrams.
* Diagrams can be displayed either in a simple SWT {@link Composite}, in a
* {@link ViewPart} or in an {@link IEditorPart}, so it's not possible to
* provide common functionality through sub-classing.
* @since 0.10
public class DiagramBehavior implements IDiagramBehaviorUI {
private IDiagramContainerUI diagramContainer;
private DefaultUpdateBehavior updateBehavior;
private DefaultPaletteBehavior paletteBehaviour;
private DefaultPersistencyBehavior persistencyBehavior;
private DefaultMarkerBehavior markerBehavior;
private DefaultRefreshBehavior refreshBehavior;
private PictogramElement pictogramElementsForSelection[];
private IConfigurationProvider configurationProvider;
private Point mouseLocation;
private KeyHandler keyHandler;
private DiagramScrollingBehavior diagramScrollingBehavior;
private boolean directEditingActive = false;
private CommandStackEventListener gefCommandStackListener;
private DiagramChangeListener diagramChangeListener;
private DomainModelChangeListener domainModelListener;
private IDiagramEditorInput diagramEditorInput;
private String editorInitializationError = null;
private IWorkbenchPart parentPart;
private ContextMenuProvider contextMenuProvider = null;
public DiagramBehavior(IDiagramContainerUI diagramContainer) {
* Setter for the associated {@link IDiagramContainerUI container}
* displaying the diagram of this behavior. Note that once the container has
* been set it must not be changed any more.
* @param diagramContainer
* the diagramContainer to set
* @since 0.12
protected void setDiagramContainer(IDiagramContainerUI diagramContainer) {
if (this.diagramContainer != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("diagramContainer must not be changed once it has been set");
this.diagramContainer = diagramContainer;
* Returns the associated container displaying the diagram of this behavior
* object.
* @return The associated {@link IDiagramContainerUI} instance.
public IDiagramContainerUI getDiagramContainer() {
return diagramContainer;
* Creates the behavior extension that deals with markers. See
* {@link DefaultMarkerBehavior} for details and the default implementation.
* Override to change the marker behavior.
* @return a new instance of {@link DefaultMarkerBehavior}
protected DefaultMarkerBehavior createMarkerBehavior() {
return new DefaultMarkerBehavior(this);
* Returns the instance of the marker behavior that is used with this
* behavior. To change the behavior override {@link #createMarkerBehavior()}
* .
* @return the used instance of the marker behavior, by default a
* {@link DefaultMarkerBehavior}.
protected DefaultMarkerBehavior getMarkerBehavior() {
return markerBehavior;
* Creates the behavior extension that deals with the update handling. See
* {@link DefaultUpdateBehavior} for details and the default implementation.
* Override to change the update behavior.
* @return a new instance of {@link DefaultUpdateBehavior}
protected DefaultUpdateBehavior createUpdateBehavior() {
return new DefaultUpdateBehavior(this);
* Returns the instance of the update behavior that is used with this
* behavior. To change the behavior override {@link #createUpdateBehavior()}
* .
* @return the used instance of the marker behavior, by default a
* {@link DefaultUpdateBehavior}.
public DefaultUpdateBehavior getUpdateBehavior() {
return updateBehavior;
* Creates the behavior extension that deals with the palette handling. See
* {@link DefaultPaletteBehavior} for details and the default
* implementation. Override to change the palette behavior.
* @return a new instance of {@link DefaultPaletteBehavior}
protected DefaultPaletteBehavior createPaletteBehaviour() {
return new DefaultPaletteBehavior(this);
* Returns the instance of the palette behavior that is used with this
* behavior. To change the behavior override
* {@link #createPaletteBehaviour()} .
* @return the used instance of the palette behavior, by default a
* {@link DefaultPaletteBehavior}.
protected DefaultPaletteBehavior getPaletteBehavior() {
return paletteBehaviour;
* Creates the behavior extension that deals with the persistence handling.
* See {@link DefaultPersistencyBehavior} for details and the default
* implementation. Override to change the persistence behavior.
* @return a new instance of {@link DefaultPersistencyBehavior}
protected DefaultPersistencyBehavior createPersistencyBehavior() {
return new DefaultPersistencyBehavior(this);
* Returns the instance of the persistency behavior that is used with this
* behavior. To change the behavior override
* {@link #createPersistencyBehavior()} .
* @return the used instance of the persistency behavior, by default a
* {@link DefaultPersistencyBehavior}.
protected DefaultPersistencyBehavior getPersistencyBehavior() {
return persistencyBehavior;
* Creates the behavior extension that deals with the refresh handling. See
* {@link DefaultRefreshBehavior} for details and the default
* implementation. Override to change the refresh behavior.
* @return a new instance of {@link DefaultRefreshBehavior}
protected DefaultRefreshBehavior createRefreshBehavior() {
return new DefaultRefreshBehavior(this);
* Returns the instance of the refresh behavior that is used with this
* behavior. To change the behavior override
* {@link #createRefreshBehavior()} .
* @return the used instance of the refresh behavior, by default a
* {@link DefaultRefreshBehavior}.
public DefaultRefreshBehavior getRefreshBehavior() {
return refreshBehavior;
// ------------------ Initialization ---------------------------------------
* Hook to initialize the default sub behavior instances used by this editor
* behavior. The default implementation simply delegates to the create
* methods for the various objects. In case other default behavior
* implementation should be used, clients should override these create
* methods instead of this method.
* @see #createMarkerBehavior()
* @see #createUpdateBehavior()
* @see #createPaletteBehaviour()
* @see #createPersistencyBehavior()
* @see #createRefreshBehavior()
protected void initDefaultBehaviors() {
// Initialize behavior objects first, they are needed already within the
// init method. We cannot create these objects in the constructor of
// diagram editor because that would prevent injecting them, see
// Bugzilla 394315
markerBehavior = createMarkerBehavior();
updateBehavior = createUpdateBehavior();
paletteBehaviour = createPaletteBehaviour();
persistencyBehavior = createPersistencyBehavior();
refreshBehavior = createRefreshBehavior();
* Sets the given {@link IDiagramEditorInput} object as the input for this
* behavior instance. The default implementation here cares about loading
* the diagram from the EMF {@link Resource} the input points to, sets the
* ID of the {@link IDiagramTypeProvider} for the diagram given in the
* input, registers listeners (by delegating to
* {@link #registerDiagramResourceSetListener()} and
* {@link #registerBusinessObjectsListener()}) and does the refreshing of
* the UI.
* @param input
* the {@link DiagramEditorInput} instance to use within this
* behavior.
protected void setInput(IDiagramEditorInput input) {
// Check the input
if (input == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The IEditorInput must not be null"); //$NON-NLS-1$
setDiagramEditorInput((IDiagramEditorInput) input);
// Retrieve the diagram
Diagram diagram = getPersistencyBehavior().loadDiagram(getInput().getUri());
if (diagram == null) {
// Can happen if editor is started with invalid URI
setEditorInitializationError("No Diagram found for URI '" + getInput().getUri().toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
IDiagramTypeProvider diagramTypeProvider = initDiagramTypeProvider(diagram);
* Creates and initializes a new {@link IDiagramTypeProvider} for the given
* {@link Diagram} and diagram type provider ID.
* @param diagram
* The diagram
* @param providerId
* The diagram type provider ID
* @since 0.12
protected IDiagramTypeProvider initDiagramTypeProvider(Diagram diagram) {
String providerId = getDiagramTypeProviderId(diagram);
IDiagramTypeProvider diagramTypeProvider = GraphitiUi.getExtensionManager().createDiagramTypeProvider(
if (diagramTypeProvider == null) {
setEditorInitializationError("Could not find diagram type provider for " + diagram.getDiagramTypeId()); //$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
diagramTypeProvider.init(diagram, this);
return diagramTypeProvider;
* Gets the diagram type provider ID for the diagram. The default
* implementation checks if the input defines one and will use that that,
* otherwise it will retrieve the ID of the first diagram type provider that
* is registered for the type of the passed diagram.
* In case no ID is found this method will set the editor initialization
* error and throw an {@link AssertionFailedException}.
* @param diagram
* The diagram to find the ID for.
* @since 0.12
protected String getDiagramTypeProviderId(Diagram diagram) {
String providerId = getInput().getProviderId();
// If provider is null then take the first installed provider for this
// diagram type
if (providerId == null) {
providerId = GraphitiUi.getExtensionManager().getDiagramTypeProviderId(diagram.getDiagramTypeId());
if (providerId == null) {
String message = "DiagramEditorInput does not convey a Provider ID '" + getInput() + ". See the error log for details."; //$NON-NLS-1$ $NON-NLS-1$
Assert.isNotNull(providerId, message);
return providerId;
* Adds the needed GEF listeners after the edit domain is initialized
protected void addGefListeners() {
gefCommandStackListener = new CommandStackEventListener() {
public void stackChanged(CommandStackEvent event) {
// Only fire if triggered from UI thread
if (Display.getCurrent() != null) {
IDiagramContainerUI diagramContainer = getDiagramContainer();
if (diagramContainer != null) {
// Promote the changes to the command stack also to the
// action bars and registered actions to correctly
// reflect e.g. undo/redo in the menu (introduced to
// enable removing NOP commands from the command stack
* Creates the GraphicalViewer on the specified {@link Composite} and
* initializes it.
* @param parent
* the parent composite
protected void createGraphicalViewer(Composite parent) {
GraphicalViewer viewer;
if (getDiagramScrollingBehavior() == DiagramScrollingBehavior.SCROLLBARS_ALWAYS_VISIBLE) {
viewer = new GFScrollingGraphicalViewer(this);
((GFScrollingGraphicalViewer) viewer).createGFControl(parent);
} else {
viewer = new GraphitiScrollingGraphicalViewer(this);
IDiagramContainerUI diagramContainer = getDiagramContainer();
* Called to configure the behavior viewer, before it receives its content.
* The default-implementation is for example doing the following: configure
* the ZoomManager, registering Actions... Here everything is done, which is
* independent of the {@link IConfigurationProvider}.
* @see
protected void configureGraphicalViewer() {
ScrollingGraphicalViewer viewer = (ScrollingGraphicalViewer) getDiagramContainer().getGraphicalViewer();
ScalableRootEditPartAnimated rootEditPart = new ScalableRootEditPartAnimated(viewer, getConfigurationProvider()) {
protected GridLayer createGridLayer() {
return new org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.internal.util.draw2d.GridLayer(
(IConfigurationProviderInternal) getConfigurationProvider());
// configure ZoomManager
viewer.setRootEditPart(rootEditPart); // support
// animation of the zoom
ZoomManager zoomManager = rootEditPart.getZoomManager();
List<String> zoomLevels = new ArrayList<String>(3);
IToolBehaviorProvider toolBehaviorProvider = getConfigurationProvider().getDiagramTypeProvider()
// set the keyhandler.
viewer.setKeyHandler((new GraphicalViewerKeyHandler(viewer)).setParent(getCommonKeyHandler()));
// settings for grid and guides
Diagram diagram = getConfigurationProvider().getDiagram();
boolean snapToGrid = diagram.isSnapToGrid();
int horizontalGridUnit = diagram.getGridUnit();
int verticalGridUnit = diagram.getVerticalGridUnit();
if (verticalGridUnit == -1) {
// No vertical grid unit set (or old diagram before 0.8): use
// vertical grid unit
verticalGridUnit = horizontalGridUnit;
boolean gridVisisble = (horizontalGridUnit > 0) && (verticalGridUnit > 0);
viewer.setProperty(SnapToGrid.PROPERTY_GRID_VISIBLE, new Boolean(gridVisisble));
viewer.setProperty(SnapToGrid.PROPERTY_GRID_ENABLED, new Boolean(snapToGrid));
viewer.setProperty(SnapToGrid.PROPERTY_GRID_SPACING, new Dimension(horizontalGridUnit, verticalGridUnit));
viewer.setProperty(SnapToGeometry.PROPERTY_SNAP_ENABLED, toolBehaviorProvider.isShowGuides());
// context button manager
IConfigurationProviderInternal configurationProvider = (IConfigurationProviderInternal) this
configurationProvider.setContextButtonManager(new ContextButtonManagerForPad(this, configurationProvider
/* sw: make scroll bars always visible */
if (getDiagramScrollingBehavior() == DiagramScrollingBehavior.SCROLLBARS_ALWAYS_VISIBLE) {
GFFigureCanvas figureCanvas = getGFFigureCanvas();
if (figureCanvas != null) {
* Called to initialize the behavior viewer with its content. Here
* everything is done, which is dependent of the
* {@link IConfigurationProvider}.
* @see
protected void initializeGraphicalViewer() {
// register Actions
IFeatureProvider featureProvider = getConfigurationProvider().getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider();
if (featureProvider != null) {
IPrintFeature pf = featureProvider.getPrintFeature();
if (pf != null && parentPart != null) {
registerAction(new PrintGraphicalViewerAction(this, getConfigurationProvider()));
// setting ContextMenuProvider
contextMenuProvider = createContextMenuProvider();
GraphicalViewer graphicalViewer = getDiagramContainer().getGraphicalViewer();
if (contextMenuProvider != null) {
// the registration allows an extension of the context-menu by other
// plugins
if (shouldRegisterContextMenu() && parentPart != null) {
parentPart.getSite().registerContextMenu(contextMenuProvider, graphicalViewer);
// set contents
graphicalViewer.setEditPartFactory(((IConfigurationProviderInternal) getConfigurationProvider())
graphicalViewer.getControl().addMouseMoveListener(new MouseMoveListener() {
public void mouseMove(MouseEvent e) {
setMouseLocation(e.x, e.y);
List<TransferDropTargetListener> objectDropTargetListeners = createBusinessObjectDropTargetListeners();
for (TransferDropTargetListener dropTargetListener : objectDropTargetListeners) {
TransferDropTargetListener paletteDropTargetListener = createPaletteDropTargetListener();
if (paletteDropTargetListener != null) {
* Creates the drop target listener that is used for adding new objects from
* the palette via drag and drop. Clients may change the default behavior by
* providing their own drop target listener or disable drag and drop from
* the palette by returning null.
* @return An instance of the {@link TransferDropTargetListener} that
* handles dropping new objects from the palette or
* <code>null</code> to disable dropping from the palette.
* @since 0.10
protected TransferDropTargetListener createPaletteDropTargetListener() {
return new GFTemplateTransferDropTargetListener(getDiagramContainer().getGraphicalViewer(), this);
* Creates a list of drop target listeners that enable dropping domain
* objects into the diagram, e.g. from the project explorer. By adding
* additional listeners other sources may be enabled, simply returning an
* empty list will disable drag and drop into the editor.
* @return a {@link List} containing all the
* {@link TransferDropTargetListener} that shall be registered in
* the editor.
* @since 0.10
protected List<TransferDropTargetListener> createBusinessObjectDropTargetListeners() {
ArrayList<TransferDropTargetListener> result = new ArrayList<TransferDropTargetListener>(1);
result.add(new ObjectsTransferDropTargetListener(getDiagramContainer().getGraphicalViewer()));
return result;
* Returns the error text of the error that occurred while initializing this
* behavior and its components. In case this method reports the error text
* and error UI may be shown instead of the normal diagram viewer.
* @return The error text in case an error has occurred, <code>null</code>
* otherwise
protected String getEditorInitializationError() {
return editorInitializationError;
* Sets the error text for an error that occured during the initialization
* of this {@link DiagramEditor}. Setting a <code>non-null</code> value
* indicates an error has occurred, setting <code>null</code> indicates
* everything went fine.
* @param editorInitializationError
* The error message
* @since 0.12
protected void setEditorInitializationError(String editorInitializationError) {
this.editorInitializationError = editorInitializationError;
* Creates the default error page in case an error occurred while
* initializing this behavior.
* @param parent
* The parent {@link Composite} to add the UI to
protected void createErrorPartControl(Composite parent) {
Display display = parent.getDisplay();
// Define colors as desired, in high contrast mode use system defaults
Color backgroundColor;
final Color foregroundColor;
final Color separatorColor;
if (display.getHighContrast()) {
backgroundColor = display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WIDGET_BACKGROUND);
foregroundColor = display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WIDGET_FOREGROUND);
separatorColor = foregroundColor;
} else {
backgroundColor = display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WHITE);
foregroundColor = display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_DARK_BLUE);
separatorColor = new Color(display, 152, 170, 203);
ScrolledComposite scrolledComposite = new ScrolledComposite(parent, SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL);
scrolledComposite.addDisposeListener(new DisposeListener() {
public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent e) {
if (separatorColor != foregroundColor) {
// Dispose the color only if it was created as additional
// color
Composite composite = new Composite(scrolledComposite, SWT.NONE);
composite.setLayout(new GridLayout());
Composite separator = new Composite(composite, SWT.NO_FOCUS);
GridData data = new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL);
data.heightHint = 2;
data.verticalIndent = 50;
StyledText widget = new StyledText(composite, SWT.READ_ONLY | SWT.MULTI);
widget.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL));
scrolledComposite.setMinSize(composite.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT));
// ------------------- Dirty state -----------------------------------------
* Returns the dirty state of this behavior object
* @return <code>true</code> in case the stored saved command is different
* from the next undo command.
protected boolean isDirty() {
return getPersistencyBehavior().isDirty();
// ---------------------- Palette --------------------------------------- //
* Delegates to the method (or the method in a subclass of)
* {@link DefaultPaletteBehavior#createPaletteViewerProvider()
* #createPaletteViewerProvider()} to create the
* {@link PaletteViewerProvider} used inside the GEF editor.
* @return the {@link PaletteViewerProvider} to use
protected final PaletteViewerProvider createPaletteViewerProvider() {
if (getEditorInitializationError() != null) {
// Editor input is erroneous, show error page instead of diagram and
// do not initialize the palette to avoid exceptions
return null;
return paletteBehaviour.createPaletteViewerProvider();
* Delegates to the method (or the method in a subclass of)
* {@link DefaultPaletteBehavior#getPalettePreferences()}. To change the
* palette override the behavior there.
* @return the {@link PaletteViewerProvider} preferences to use.
protected final FlyoutPreferences getPalettePreferences() {
return getPaletteBehavior().getPalettePreferences();
* Returns the {@link PaletteRoot} to use in the GEF editor by delegating to
* {@link DefaultPaletteBehavior#getPaletteRoot()}.
* @return the {@link PaletteRoot} to use
protected final PaletteRoot getPaletteRoot() {
return getPaletteBehavior().getPaletteRoot();
// ---------------------- Refresh --------------------------------------- //
* Triggers a complete refresh of the behavior visualization (content,
* title, tooltip, palette and decorators) by delegating to
* {@link DefaultRefreshBehavior#refresh()}.
public void refresh() {
* Refreshes the rendering decorators (image decorators and the like) by
* delegating to
* {@link DefaultRefreshBehavior#refreshRenderingDecorators(PictogramElement)}
* for the given {@link PictogramElement}.
* @param pe
* the {@link PictogramElement} for which the decorators shall be
* refreshed.
public void refreshRenderingDecorators(PictogramElement pe) {
* Refreshes the palette to correctly reflect all available creation tools
* for the available create features and the currently enabled selection
* tools.
public void refreshPalette() {
* Refreshes the content of the editor (what's shown inside the diagram
* itself).
public void refreshContent() {
Diagram currentDiagram = getDiagramTypeProvider().getDiagram();
if (GraphitiInternal.getEmfService().isObjectAlive(currentDiagram)) {
} else {
IDiagramEditorInput diagramEditorInput = getDiagramContainer().getDiagramEditorInput();
// resolve diagram in reloaded resource
Diagram diagram = getPersistencyBehavior().loadDiagram(diagramEditorInput.getUri());
IDiagramTypeProvider diagramTypeProvider = getConfigurationProvider().getDiagramTypeProvider();
// clean performance hashtables which have references
// to old proxies
// create new edit parts
// ---------------------- Selection ------------------------------------- //
* Selects the given {@link PictogramElement}s in the diagram.
* @param pictogramElements
* an array of {@link PictogramElement}s to select.
protected void selectPictogramElements(PictogramElement[] pictogramElements) {
List<EditPart> editParts = new ArrayList<EditPart>();
Map<?, ?> editPartRegistry = getDiagramContainer().getGraphicalViewer().getEditPartRegistry();
if (editPartRegistry != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < pictogramElements.length; i++) {
PictogramElement pe = pictogramElements[i];
* Bug 439689 - Check for visible state of PictogramElement as
* it might have changed and the edit part state might not have
* been updated yet.
if (pe != null && pe.isVisible()) {
Object obj = editPartRegistry.get(pe);
* Add all EditParts to a list to be selected. Bug 324556:
* Only add EditParts that allow selection to the list, e.g.
* invisible objects will cause an IllegalArgumentException
* in AbstractEditPart.setSelected (GEF) when setSelected is
* called.
if (obj instanceof EditPart && ((EditPart) obj).isSelectable()) {
editParts.add((EditPart) obj);
if (parentPart != null) {
parentPart.getSite().getSelectionProvider().setSelection(new StructuredSelection(editParts));
if (editParts.size() > 0) {
final EditPart editpart = editParts.get(0);
// if the editPart is newly created it is possible that his
// figure has not a valid bounds. Hence we have to wait for
// the UI update (for the validation of the figure tree).
// Otherwise the reveal method can't work correctly.
Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
* Returns the {@link PictogramElement}s that are currently selected in the
* diagram.
* @return an array of {@link PictogramElement}s.
public PictogramElement[] getSelectedPictogramElements() {
PictogramElement pe[] = new PictogramElement[0];
ISelectionProvider selectionProvider = null;
if (parentPart == null) {
selectionProvider = getDiagramContainer().getGraphicalViewer();
} else {
selectionProvider = parentPart.getSite().getSelectionProvider();
if (selectionProvider != null) {
ISelection s = selectionProvider.getSelection();
if (s instanceof IStructuredSelection) {
IStructuredSelection sel = (IStructuredSelection) s;
List<PictogramElement> list = new ArrayList<PictogramElement>();
for (Iterator<?> iter = sel.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Object o =;
if (o instanceof EditPart) {
EditPart editPart = (EditPart) o;
if (editPart.getModel() instanceof PictogramElement) {
list.add((PictogramElement) editPart.getModel());
pe = list.toArray(new PictogramElement[0]);
return pe;
* Sets one {@link PictogramElement} for later selection.
* <p>
* The methods {@link #getPictogramElementsForSelection()},
* {@link #setPictogramElementForSelection(PictogramElement)},
* {@link #setPictogramElementsForSelection(PictogramElement[])} and
* {@link #selectBufferedPictogramElements()} offer the possibility to use a
* deferred selection mechanism: via the setters, {@link PictogramElement}s
* can be stored for a selection operation that is triggered lateron during
* a general refresh via the method
* {@link #selectBufferedPictogramElements()}. This mechanism is used e.g.
* in the Graphiti framework in direct editing to restore the previous
* selection, but can also be used by clients.
* @param pictogramElement
* the {@link PictogramElement} that shall be stored for later
* selection
public void setPictogramElementForSelection(PictogramElement pictogramElement) {
if (pictogramElement == null) {
pictogramElementsForSelection = null;
} else {
pictogramElementsForSelection = new PictogramElement[] { pictogramElement };
* Sets {@link PictogramElement}s for later selection.
* <p>
* The methods {@link #getPictogramElementsForSelection()},
* {@link #setPictogramElementForSelection(PictogramElement)},
* {@link #setPictogramElementsForSelection(PictogramElement[])} and
* {@link #selectBufferedPictogramElements()} offer the possibility to use a
* deferred selection mechanism: via the setters, {@link PictogramElement}s
* can be stored for a selection operation that is triggered later on during
* a general refresh via the method
* {@link #selectBufferedPictogramElements()}. This mechanism is used e.g.
* in the Graphiti framework in direct editing to restore the previous
* selection, but can also be used by clients.
* @param pictogramElements
* the {@link PictogramElement}s that shall be stored for later
* selection
protected void setPictogramElementsForSelection(PictogramElement[] pictogramElements) {
pictogramElementsForSelection = pictogramElements;
* Triggers the selection for the {@link PictogramElement}s that are stored
* for later selection. Can be called e.g during a general refresh of the
* editor or after another operation needing another selection is finished
* (an example in the framework is direct editing).
* <p>
* The methods {@link #getPictogramElementsForSelection()},
* {@link #setPictogramElementForSelection(PictogramElement)},
* {@link #setPictogramElementsForSelection(PictogramElement[])} and
* {@link #selectBufferedPictogramElements()} offer the possibility to use a
* deferred selection mechanism: via the setters, {@link PictogramElement}s
* can be stored for a selection operation that is triggered later on during
* a general refresh via the method
* {@link #selectBufferedPictogramElements()}. This mechanism is used e.g.
* in the Graphiti framework in direct editing to restore the previous
* selection, but can also be used by clients.
public void selectBufferedPictogramElements() {
if (getPictogramElementsForSelection() != null) {
* Returns the {@link PictogramElement}s that are set for later selection.
* <p>
* The methods {@link #getPictogramElementsForSelection()},
* {@link #setPictogramElementForSelection(PictogramElement)},
* {@link #setPictogramElementsForSelection(PictogramElement[])} and
* {@link #selectBufferedPictogramElements()} offer the possibility to use a
* deferred selection mechanism: via the setters, {@link PictogramElement}s
* can be stored for a selection operation that is triggered lateron during
* a general refresh via the method
* {@link #selectBufferedPictogramElements()}. This mechanism is used e.g.
* in the Graphiti framework in direct editing to restore the previous
* selection, but can also be used by clients.
* @return the {@link PictogramElement}s stored for later selection
protected PictogramElement[] getPictogramElementsForSelection() {
return pictogramElementsForSelection;
// ---------------------- Other ----------------------------------------- //
* Returns the EMF {@link TransactionalEditingDomain} used within this
* behavior object by delegating to the update behavior extension, by
* default {@link DefaultUpdateBehavior#getEditingDomain()}.
* @return the {@link TransactionalEditingDomain} instance used in the
* behavior
public TransactionalEditingDomain getEditingDomain() {
return getUpdateBehavior().getEditingDomain();
* The EMF {@link ResourceSet} used within this {@link DiagramBehavior}. The
* resource set is always associated in a 1:1 relation to the
* {@link TransactionalEditingDomain}.
* @return the resource set used within this behavior object
public ResourceSet getResourceSet() {
ResourceSet ret = null;
TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = getEditingDomain();
if (editingDomain != null) {
ret = editingDomain.getResourceSet();
return ret;
* Returns the {@link IDiagramTypeProvider} instance associated with this
* {@link DiagramBehavior}. There is always a 1:1 relation between the
* behavior and the provider.
* @return the associated {@link IDiagramTypeProvider} instance.
public IDiagramTypeProvider getDiagramTypeProvider() {
IConfigurationProvider cfgProvider = getConfigurationProvider();
if (cfgProvider != null)
return cfgProvider.getDiagramTypeProvider();
return null;
* Executes the given {@link IFeature} with the given {@link IContext} in
* the scope of this {@link DiagramBehavior}, meaning within its
* {@link TransactionalEditingDomain} and on its
* {@link org.eclipse.emf.common.command.CommandStack}.
* @param feature
* the feature to execute
* @param context
* the context to use. In case the passed feature is a
* {@link IAddFeature} this context needs to be an instance of
* {@link IAddContext}, otherwise an
* {@link AssertionFailedException} will be thrown.
* @return in case of an {@link IAddFeature} being passed as feature the
* newly added {@link PictogramElement} will be returned (in case
* the add method returning it), in all other cases
* <code>null</code>
* @since 0.9
public Object executeFeature(IFeature feature, IContext context) {
Object returnValue = null;
DefaultEditDomain domain = getDiagramContainer().getEditDomain();
// Make sure the editor is valid
CommandStack commandStack = domain.getCommandStack();
// Create the correct feature command
FeatureCommandWithContext featureCommand = null;
if (feature instanceof IAddFeature) {
// Context must fit to the feature
Assert.isTrue(context instanceof IAddContext);
featureCommand = new AddFeatureCommandWithContext(feature, context);
} else {
featureCommand = new GenericFeatureCommandWithContext(feature, context);
// Execute the feature using the command
GefCommandWrapper commandWrapper = new GefCommandWrapper(featureCommand, getEditingDomain());
if (featureCommand instanceof AddFeatureCommandWithContext) {
// In case of an add feature, select the newly added shape
PictogramElement addedPictogramElement = ((AddFeatureCommandWithContext) featureCommand)
if (addedPictogramElement != null) {
// Store the added pictogram element as return value
returnValue = addedPictogramElement;
return returnValue;
* Should be called (e.g. by the various behavior instances) before mass EMF
* resource operations are triggered (e.g. saving all resources). Can be
* used to disable eventing for performance reasons. See
* {@link #enableAdapters()} as well.<br>
* Important note: make sure that you re-enable eventing using
* {@link #enableAdapters()} after the operation has finished (best in a
* finally clause to do that also in case of exceptions), otherwise strange
* errors may happen.
* @since 0.12
public void disableAdapters() {
* Should be called by the various behavior instances after mass EMF
* resource operations have been triggered (e.g. saving all resources). Can
* be used to re-enable eventing after it was disabled for performance
* reasons. See {@link #disableAdapters()} as well.<br>
* Must be called after {@link #disableAdapters()} has been called and the
* operation has finshed (best in a finally clause to also enable the
* exception case), otherwise strange errors may occur within the editor.
* @since 0.12
public void enableAdapters() {
* Checks if this behavior is alive.
* @return <code>true</code>, if editor contains a model connector and a
* valid Diagram, <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean isAlive() {
IConfigurationProvider cp = getConfigurationProvider();
if (cp != null) {
TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = getEditingDomain();
Diagram diagram = cp.getDiagram();
if (editingDomain != null && GraphitiInternal.getEmfService().isObjectAlive(diagram)) {
return true;
return false;
* Hook that is called by the holder of the
* {@link TransactionalEditingDomain} ({@link DefaultUpdateBehavior} or a
* subclass of it) after the editing domain has been initialized. Can be
* used to e.g. register additional listeners on the domain.<br>
* The default implementation notifies the marker behavior extension to
* register its listeners.
protected void editingDomainInitialized() {
* Implements the Eclipse {@link IAdaptable} interface. This implementation
* first delegates to the {@link IToolBehaviorProvider#getAdapter(Class)}
* method and checks if something is returned. In case the return value is
* <code>null</code> it returns adapters for ZoomManager,
* IPropertySheetPage, Diagram, KeyHandler, SelectionSynchronizer and
* IContextButtonManager. It also delegates to the super implementation in
* {@link GraphicalEditorWithFlyoutPalette#getAdapter(Class)}.
* @param type
* the type to which shall be adapted
* @return the adapter instance
public Object getAdapter(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class type) {
IConfigurationProvider cfgProvider = getConfigurationProvider();
if (cfgProvider != null) {
IDiagramTypeProvider diagramTypeProvider = cfgProvider.getDiagramTypeProvider();
if (diagramTypeProvider != null) {
IToolBehaviorProvider toolBehaviorProvider = diagramTypeProvider.getCurrentToolBehaviorProvider();
if (toolBehaviorProvider != null) {
Object ret = toolBehaviorProvider.getAdapter(type);
if (ret != null) {
return ret;
IDiagramContainerUI diagramContainer = getDiagramContainer();
GraphicalViewer viewer = diagramContainer.getGraphicalViewer();
if (type == ZoomManager.class && viewer != null) {
return viewer.getProperty(ZoomManager.class.toString());
if (type == IPropertySheetPage.class) {
if (cfgProvider != null && diagramContainer instanceof ITabbedPropertySheetPageContributor) {
ITabbedPropertySheetPageContributor contributor = (ITabbedPropertySheetPageContributor) diagramContainer;
if (contributor.getContributorId() != null) {
return new TabbedPropertySheetPage(contributor);
return null; // not yet initialized
if (type == Diagram.class) {
IDiagramTypeProvider diagramTypeProvider = getDiagramTypeProvider();
if (diagramTypeProvider != null) {
return diagramTypeProvider.getDiagram();
} else {
return null;
if (type == KeyHandler.class) {
return getCommonKeyHandler();
if (type == IContextButtonManager.class) {
return ((IConfigurationProviderInternal) getConfigurationProvider()).getContextButtonManager();
return null;
* Returns the {@link ConfigurationProvider} for this behavior. It is mainly
* a wrapper around various objects that are connected to the diagram
* behavior.
* @return an {@link IConfigurationProvider} instance.
* @since 0.12
public IConfigurationProvider getConfigurationProvider() {
return configurationProvider;
* Returns the contents {@link EditPart} of this behavior. This is the
* topmost EditPart in the {@link GraphicalViewer}.
* @return The contents {@link EditPart} of this behavior.
public EditPart getContentEditPart() {
if (getDiagramContainer().getGraphicalViewer() != null) {
return getDiagramContainer().getGraphicalViewer().getContents();
return null;
* Method to retrieve the GEF {@link EditPart} for a given
* {@link PictogramElement}.
* @param pe
* the {@link PictogramElement} to retrieve the GEF
* representation for
* @return the GEF {@link GraphicalEditPart} that represents the given
* {@link PictogramElement}.
public GraphicalEditPart getEditPartForPictogramElement(PictogramElement pe) {
Map<?, ?> editPartRegistry = getDiagramContainer().getGraphicalViewer().getEditPartRegistry();
if (editPartRegistry != null) {
Object obj = editPartRegistry.get(pe);
if (obj instanceof GraphicalEditPart) {
GraphicalEditPart ep = (GraphicalEditPart) obj;
return ep;
return null;
* Gets the current mouse location as a {@link Point}.
* @return the mouse location
public Point getMouseLocation() {
if (mouseLocation == null) {
mouseLocation = new Point();
return mouseLocation;
* Calculates the mouse location depending on scrollbars and zoom factor.
* @param nativeLocation
* the native location given as {@link Point}
* @return the {@link Point} of the real mouse location
public Point calculateRealMouseLocation(Point nativeLocation) {
Point ret = new Point(nativeLocation);
Point viewLocation;
// view location depends on the current scroll bar position
if (getDiagramScrollingBehavior() == DiagramScrollingBehavior.SCROLLBARS_ALWAYS_VISIBLE) {
viewLocation = getGFFigureCanvas().getViewport().getViewLocation();
} else {
viewLocation = getFigureCanvas().getViewport().getViewLocation();
ret.x += viewLocation.x;
ret.y += viewLocation.y;
ZoomManager zoomManager = (ZoomManager) getDiagramContainer().getGraphicalViewer()
ret = ret.getScaled(1 / zoomManager.getZoom());
return ret;
* Returns if direct editing is currently active for this behavior.
* @return <code>true</code> in case direct editing is currently active
* within this editor, <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean isDirectEditingActive() {
return directEditingActive;
* Sets that direct editing is now active in the behavior or not. Note that
* this flag set to <code>true</code> does not actually start direct editing
* it is simply an indication that prevents certain operations from running
* (e.g. refresh)
* @param directEditingActive
* <code>true</code> to set the flag to direct editing currently
* active, <code>false</code> otherwise.
public void setDirectEditingActive(boolean directEditingActive) {
this.directEditingActive = directEditingActive;
((IConfigurationProviderInternal) getConfigurationProvider()).getContextButtonManager()
* Returns the zoom level currently used in the diagram.
* @return the zoom level
public double getZoomLevel() {
ZoomManager zoomManager = (ZoomManager) getAdapter(ZoomManager.class);
if (zoomManager == null)
return 1;
* avoid long running calculations for large diagrams and zoom factors
* below 5%
return Math.max(0.05D, zoomManager.getZoom());
* Method to retrieve the Draw2D {@link IFigure} for a given
* {@link PictogramElement}.
* @param pe
* the {@link PictogramElement} to retrieve the Draw2D
* representation for
* @return the Draw2D {@link IFigure} that represents the given
* {@link PictogramElement}.
public IFigure getFigureForPictogramElement(PictogramElement pe) {
GraphicalEditPart ep = getEditPartForPictogramElement(pe);
if (ep != null) {
return ep.getFigure();
return null;
* Initializes the given {@link IConfigurationProvider} for this
* {@link DiagramBehavior} instance and sets it.
* @param configurationProvider
* The configuration provider
* @since 0.12
protected void initConfigurationProvider(IDiagramTypeProvider diagramTypeProvider) {
configurationProvider = createConfigurationProvider(diagramTypeProvider);
// initialize configuration-provider depending on this editor
if (getDiagramContainer().getGraphicalViewer() != null) {
if (getDiagramContainer() instanceof IEditorPart) {
DefaultEditDomain editDomain = new DefaultEditDomain((IEditorPart) getDiagramContainer());
CommandStack commandStack = new GFCommandStack(configurationProvider, getEditingDomain());
* Creates a new {@link ConfigurationProvider} for this
* {@link DiagramBehavior} and the given {@link IDiagramTypeProvider}. The
* default implementation will create a default
* {@link ConfigurationProvider} which should suite for all Graphiti
* clients.
* @since 0.12
protected IConfigurationProvider createConfigurationProvider(IDiagramTypeProvider diagramTypeProvider) {
return new ConfigurationProvider(this, diagramTypeProvider);
private void setMouseLocation(int x, int y) {
getMouseLocation().setLocation(x, y);
* Returns a new {@link ContextMenuProvider}. Clients can return null, if no
* context-menu shall be displayed.
* @return A new instance of {@link ContextMenuProvider}.
protected ContextMenuProvider createContextMenuProvider() {
return new DiagramEditorContextMenuProvider(getDiagramContainer().getGraphicalViewer(),
* Allows subclasses to prevent that the diagram context menu should be
* registered for extensions at Eclipse. By default others can provide
* extensions to the menu (default return value of this method is
* <code>true</code>). By returning <code>false</code> any extension of the
* context menu can be prevented.
* <p>
* For details see Bugzilla 345347
* (
* @return <code>true</code> in case extensions shall be allowed (default),
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @since 0.9
protected boolean shouldRegisterContextMenu() {
return true;
* Registers the given action with the Eclipse {@link ActionRegistry}.
* @param action
* the action to register
* @since 0.9
protected void registerAction(IAction action) {
if (action == null || parentPart == null) {
IDiagramContainerUI diagramContainer = getDiagramContainer();
if (action.getActionDefinitionId() != null) {
IHandlerService hs = (IHandlerService) parentPart.getSite()
hs.activateHandler(action.getActionDefinitionId(), new ActionHandler(action));
List<String> selectionActions = diagramContainer.getSelectionActions();
* Initializes the action registry with the predefined actions (update,
* remove, delete, copy, paste, zooming, direct editing, alignment and
* toggling actions for the diagram grip and hiding of the context button
* pad.
* @param zoomManager
* the GEF zoom manager to use
protected void initActionRegistry(ZoomManager zoomManager) {
if (parentPart == null)
IDiagramContainerUI diagramContainer = getDiagramContainer();
final ActionRegistry actionRegistry = diagramContainer.getActionRegistry();
final List<String> selectionActions = diagramContainer.getSelectionActions();
// register predefined actions (e.g. update, remove, delete, ...)
IAction action = new UpdateAction(parentPart, getConfigurationProvider());
action = new RemoveAction(parentPart, getConfigurationProvider());
action = new DeleteAction(parentPart, getConfigurationProvider());
action = new CopyAction(parentPart, getConfigurationProvider());
action = new PasteAction(parentPart, getConfigurationProvider());
IFeatureProvider fp = getConfigurationProvider().getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider();
if (fp != null) {
ISaveImageFeature sf = fp.getSaveImageFeature();
if (sf != null) {
action = new SaveImageAction(this, getConfigurationProvider());
registerAction(new ZoomInAction(zoomManager));
registerAction(new ZoomOutAction(zoomManager));
registerAction(new DirectEditAction(parentPart));
registerAction(new AlignmentAction(parentPart, PositionConstants.LEFT));
registerAction(new AlignmentAction(parentPart, PositionConstants.RIGHT));
registerAction(new AlignmentAction(parentPart, PositionConstants.TOP));
registerAction(new AlignmentAction(parentPart, PositionConstants.BOTTOM));
registerAction(new AlignmentAction(parentPart, PositionConstants.CENTER));
registerAction(new AlignmentAction(parentPart, PositionConstants.MIDDLE));
registerAction(new MatchWidthAction(parentPart));
registerAction(new MatchHeightAction(parentPart));
IAction showGrid = new ToggleGridAction(diagramContainer.getGraphicalViewer());
// Bug 323351: Add button to toggle a flag if the context pad buttons
// shall be shown or not
IAction toggleContextButtonPad = new ToggleContextButtonPadAction(this);
// End bug 323351
IHandlerService hs = (IHandlerService) parentPart.getSite()
hs.activateHandler(FeatureExecutionHandler.COMMAND_ID, new FeatureExecutionHandler(getConfigurationProvider()));
* Returns the KeyHandler with common bindings to be used for both the
* Outline and the Graphical Viewer.
* @return The KeyHandler with common bindings for both the Outline and the
* Graphical Viewer.
* @since 0.9
protected KeyHandler getCommonKeyHandler() {
if (keyHandler == null) {
keyHandler = new KeyHandler();
IDiagramContainerUI diagramContainer = getDiagramContainer();
keyHandler.put(KeyStroke.getPressed(SWT.DEL, 127, 0),
keyHandler.put(KeyStroke.getPressed(SWT.DEL, 127, SWT.SHIFT), diagramContainer.getActionRegistry()
keyHandler.put(KeyStroke.getPressed(SWT.F2, 0),
keyHandler.put(KeyStroke.getPressed('c', SWT.CTRL),
keyHandler.put(KeyStroke.getPressed('v', SWT.CTRL),
// _keyHandler.put(KeyStroke.getPressed((char) 1, 'a', SWT.CTRL),
// getActionRegistry().getAction(ActionFactory.SELECT_ALL.getId()));
return keyHandler;
* Gets the diagram scrolling behavior.
* @return the diagram scrolling behavior
* @deprecated Scroll bar based infinite canvas is a workaround for GEF
* limitations.
* @see DefaultToolBehaviorProvider#getDiagramScrollingBehavior()
private DiagramScrollingBehavior getDiagramScrollingBehavior() {
if (diagramScrollingBehavior == null) {
IToolBehaviorProvider tbp = getConfigurationProvider().getDiagramTypeProvider()
diagramScrollingBehavior = tbp.getDiagramScrollingBehavior();
return diagramScrollingBehavior;
private FigureCanvas getFigureCanvas() {
GraphicalViewer viewer = getDiagramContainer().getGraphicalViewer();
if (viewer != null) {
Control control = viewer.getControl();
if (control instanceof FigureCanvas) {
return (FigureCanvas) control;
return null;
private GFFigureCanvas getGFFigureCanvas() {
GraphicalViewer viewer = getDiagramContainer().getGraphicalViewer();
if (viewer != null) {
Control control = viewer.getControl();
if (control instanceof GFFigureCanvas) {
return (GFFigureCanvas) control;
return null;
* Hook to unregister the listeners for diagram changes.
* @see #registerDiagramResourceSetListener()
protected void unregisterDiagramResourceSetListener() {
if (diagramChangeListener != null) {
TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = getEditingDomain();
if (editingDomain != null) {
* Hook that is called to unregister the listeners for changes of the
* business objects (domain objects).
* @see DiagramBehavior#registerBusinessObjectsListener()
protected void unregisterBusinessObjectsListener() {
if (domainModelListener != null) {
TransactionalEditingDomain eDomain = getEditingDomain();
* Hook to register listeners for diagram changes. The listener will be
* notified with all events and has to filter for the ones regarding the
* diagram.<br>
* Note that additional listeners registered here should also be
* unregistered in {@link #unregisterDiagramResourceSetListener()}.
protected void registerDiagramResourceSetListener() {
diagramChangeListener = new DiagramChangeListener(this);
TransactionalEditingDomain eDomain = getEditingDomain();
* Hook that is called to register listeners for changes of the business
* objects (domain objects) in the resource set of the editor. The default
* implementation registers the {@link DomainModelChangeListener}.<br>
* Note that additional listeners registered here should also be
* unregistered in {@link #unregisterBusinessObjectsListener()}.
protected void registerBusinessObjectsListener() {
domainModelListener = new DomainModelChangeListener(this);
TransactionalEditingDomain eDomain = getEditingDomain();
* Returns the {@link DiagramEditorInput} instance used in this behavior.
* @return An {@link IDiagramEditorInput} instance.
protected IDiagramEditorInput getInput() {
return this.diagramEditorInput;
* Setter for the field storing the editor input.
* @param diagramEditorInput
* The new input
* @since 0.12
protected void setDiagramEditorInput(IDiagramEditorInput diagramEditorInput) {
this.diagramEditorInput = diagramEditorInput;
* The part of the dispose that should happen before the GEF dispose.
* Disposes this {@link DiagramBehavior} instance and frees all used
* resources and clears all references. Also delegates to all the behavior
* extensions to also free their resources (e.g. and most important is the
* {@link TransactionalEditingDomain} held by the
* {@link DefaultPersistencyBehavior}. Always delegate to
* <code>super.dispose()</code> in case you override this method!
protected void disposeBeforeGefDispose() {
if (getConfigurationProvider() != null) {
if (paletteBehaviour != null) {
// unregister selection listener, registered during createPartControl()
IDiagramContainerUI diagramContainer = getDiagramContainer();
if (diagramContainer instanceof ISelectionListener) {
if (diagramContainer.getSite() != null && diagramContainer.getSite().getPage() != null) {
diagramContainer.getSite().getPage().removeSelectionListener((ISelectionListener) diagramContainer);
if (getEditDomain() != null && getEditDomain().getCommandStack() != null) {
DefaultUpdateBehavior behavior = getUpdateBehavior();
if (contextMenuProvider != null) {
contextMenuProvider = null;
* The part of the dispose that should happen after the GEF dispose. Empties
* the command stack of the edit domain. Always delegate to
* <code>super.dispose()</code> in case you override this method!
protected void disposeAfterGefDispose() {
if (getEditDomain() != null) {
* We provide migration from 0.8.0 to 0.9.0. You can override if you want to
* migrate manually. WARNING: If your diagram is under version control, this
* method can cause a check out dialog to be opened etc.
* @since 0.9
protected void migrateDiagramModelIfNecessary() {
final Diagram diagram = getDiagramTypeProvider().getDiagram();
if (Graphiti.getMigrationService().shouldMigrate080To090(diagram)) {
getEditingDomain().getCommandStack().execute(new RecordingCommand(getEditingDomain()) {
protected void doExecute() {
* Delegation method to retrieve the GEF edit domain also here. Simply
* delegates to the container.
* @return The GEF edit domain used used in the container
public DefaultEditDomain getEditDomain() {
return getDiagramContainer().getEditDomain();
* Sets the parent {@link IWorkbenchPart} for this behavior. Can be used to
* embed this behavior in various UIs.
* @param parentPart
protected void setParentPart(IWorkbenchPart parentPart) {
this.parentPart = parentPart;
* Returns the parent {@link IWorkbenchPart} this behavior is embedded into.
* May be <code>null</code> in case the behavior is embedded in a non part
* UI, like a popup.
* @return The parent {@link IWorkbenchPart} or <code>null</code> in case it
* does not exist
protected IWorkbenchPart getParentPart() {
return parentPart;