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<title>Diagrams beyond Editors</title>
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<h1>Diagrams beyond Editors</h1>
<p>Starting with Graphiti 0.10.0 it is possible to add diagrams to
other UIs besides editors. Before that release there was no way to
display a diagram outside of an editor. Prominent use cases are e.g.
to place a diagram inside an Eclipse view or onto a popup. But it would
also be possible to add a diagram into a any other SWT UI just as a
Different from the editor use case where Graphiti brings everything
that is needed to display and edit diagrams in an editor, clients have
to define the UI part (e.g. the Eclipse view) by themselves. There are
no base classes corresponding to <a
like <i>DiagramView</i> or <i>DiagramPopup</i>. This is because the
usage varieties are much greater than with editors. But a large part
of the functionality can be reused from the editor. This was enabled
in the Graphiti framework by splitting the former <i>GraphitiEditor</i>
class into two parts: one consisting of the new <a
class providing the functionality that is only needed for Eclipse
editors and a new class <a
that provides functionality that may be used independently from the
editor. The latter is embedded both into the editor and into the new <a
class that users might embed into other kinds of UIs, like Eclipse
views or popups. This architecture allows the Graphiti framework to
provide the standard functionality of Graphiti diagrams within editors
and views and clients to be flexible in respect to their view
alt="Relationship between DiagramEditor, DiagramComposite and DiagramBehavior"
src="images/EditorAPI.png" width="600px">
There are some basic examples on how to use a diagram composite within an
Eclipse view and a popup included in the SDK download. For details see
the section on <a href="../examples/Composite.htm">the composite
One important aspect to keep in mind is that the diagram composite
always embeds a complete GEF diagram viewer instance (<a
cares about embedding that). Since GEF diagram viewers are tightly
coupled with editors, also the Graphiti diagram composite incorporates
much of the functionality and the lifecycle requirements of an editor.
Also since GEF uses standard Eclipse 3.x APIs it is not possible to
embed such a diagram composite into an E4 part without using the
3.x compatibility layer. Using the compatibility layer, this is of
course possible.
While <a
embed the complete functionality of a Graphiti diagram editor and
enable the user to trigger all features that would also be available
in an editor, it is up the the client implementing the view, popup or
other integrating part to embed the functionality into the
environment. Clients will have to care about things like:
<li>Should changes be allowed in the view? This could be disabled
in the view implementation or by using a read-only <a
(one that has a feature provider without any modifying features). Of
course changes might also be possible.
<li>In case changes are allowed the save handling must be
implemented by the client.</li>
<li>Tool bars and menus in the main tool bar and menu need to be
added and enabled. Associated keybindings need to be established.</li>
<li>A way how to open the view needs to be implemented. An
already existing view might be populated with a new diagram. Clients
are in this case fully responsible for disposing old diagrams, their
diagram type providers and all other used resources.</li>
<p>More examples on how to achieve things like described above will
be added in future versions of Graphiti.</p>
The <a
instance used inside an editor and a view might be reused between the
different viewing locations and can share client adaptations to the
default behavior that clients can implement by replacing the various <i>Default...Behavior</i>
objects. This possibility has been established for Graphiti editors in
Graphiti 0.9.0 and has been taken over for diagram composites as well.