blob: 2be1359c9dc7c30061c6af3e6599b61975e22092 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014, 2020 1C-Soft LLC and others.
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under
# the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
# Contributors:
# Vladimir Piskarev (1C) - initial API and implementation
pluginName = Handly Examples
providerName = Eclipse Handly = Handly Examples = Adapter Example
wizard.description.examples.adapter = Create plug-in projects implementing a \
Handly-based model that adapts the JDT Java model = Basic Example
wizard.description.examples.basic = Create plug-in projects implementing a \
Handly-based model for a simple Xtext-based language = JModel Example
wizard.description.examples.jmodel = Create plug-in projects implementing a \
Handly-based Java model = Xtext-Xtext Example
wizard.description.examples.xtext.xtext = Create a project implementing a \
Handly-based call hierarchy view for the Xtext language
projectDescriptor.description.examples.adapter = This project implements a \
Handly-based model adapting the JDT Java model.\n\
Note: The project's root folder contains the '' file that can be used \
to set the target platform for the example.
projectDescriptor.description.examples.adapter.ui = This project contains UI parts \
using the adapter model.
projectDescriptor.description.examples.basic = This project implements a simple \
language based on Xtext.\n\
Note: The project's root folder contains the '' file that can be used \
to set the target platform for the example, and the 'example.p2f' file that can \
be used to install the recommended development tools for the example.
projectDescriptor.description.examples.basic.ide = This project contains \
Eclipse-independent IDE parts for the example language.
projectDescriptor.description.examples.basic.ui = This project impelements a \
Handly-based model for the example language, complete with content outline and \
a navigator view.
projectDescriptor.description.examples.basic.ui.tests = This project contains \
plug-in tests.
projectDescriptor.description.examples.jmodel = This project implements a \
Handly-based Java model.\n\
Note: The project's root folder contains the '' file that can be used \
to set the target platform for the example.
projectDescriptor.description.examples.jmodel.tests = This project contains \
plug-in tests.
projectDescriptor.description.examples.jmodel.ui = This project contains UI parts \
using the Java model.
projectDescriptor.description.examples.xtext.xtext = This project implements a \
Handly-based call hierarchy view for the Xtext language.\n\
Note: The project's root folder contains the '' file that can be used \
to set the target platform for the example, and the 'example.p2f' file that can \
be used to install the recommended development tools for the example.