blob: cab173efffdc14a1306caf185f0875ea3c6179c1 [file] [log] [blame]
Handly Examples
Some examples of Handly usage are provided in bundles under the
common `org.eclipse.handly.examples` namespace. Each example has its own
namespace (e.g., `o.e.handly.examples.basic`) and the corresponding
set of bundles. The root bundle for every example contains the
accompanying `README` file. There are predefined launch configurations
for launching runtime Eclipse and plug-in tests.
You might want to clone the project's Git repository and set up
a developer workspace to be able to play with the examples most
productively. Please see the project's Developer Resources for
information on setting things up.
Another option is to materialize example projects in your workspace using
wizards under the `Handly Examples` category. Make sure that you have the
`org.eclipse.handly.examples` feature installed, then use `File -> New ->
Example...` to select the appropriate wizard.