blob: e5e3026e9bc97510aad4559f5367725e7b9cc7f7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011-2018 The University of York, Aston University.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
* Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 3.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-3.0
* Contributors:
* Konstantinos Barmpis - initial API and implementation
* Antonio Garcia-Dominguez - improved error reporting
package org.eclipse.hawk.epsilon.emc.optimisation;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.eol.dom.AndOperatorExpression;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.eol.dom.EqualsOperatorExpression;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.eol.dom.Expression;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.eol.dom.GreaterEqualOperatorExpression;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.eol.dom.GreaterThanOperatorExpression;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.eol.dom.ImpliesOperatorExpression;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.eol.dom.LessEqualOperatorExpression;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.eol.dom.LessThanOperatorExpression;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.eol.dom.NameExpression;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.eol.dom.NotEqualsOperatorExpression;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.eol.dom.NotOperatorExpression;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.eol.dom.OperatorExpression;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.eol.dom.OrOperatorExpression;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.eol.dom.PropertyCallExpression;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.eol.dom.XorOperatorExpression;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.eol.exceptions.EolRuntimeException;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.eol.execute.context.IEolContext;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.eol.execute.context.Variable;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.eol.execute.operations.declarative.SelectOperation;
import org.eclipse.hawk.core.IModelIndexer;
import org.eclipse.hawk.core.graph.IGraphDatabase;
import org.eclipse.hawk.core.graph.IGraphIterable;
import org.eclipse.hawk.core.graph.IGraphNode;
import org.eclipse.hawk.core.graph.IGraphNodeIndex;
import org.eclipse.hawk.core.graph.IGraphTransaction;
import org.eclipse.hawk.core.util.Utils;
import org.eclipse.hawk.epsilon.emc.AbstractHawkModel;
import org.eclipse.hawk.epsilon.emc.EOLQueryEngine;
import org.eclipse.hawk.epsilon.emc.wrappers.GraphNodeWrapper;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class OptimisableCollectionSelectOperation extends SelectOperation {
// XXX can also index subsets of X.all as the context is kept. but this may
// be counter-productive as you may end up doing a retain all on a list of a
// couple of elements into an indexed result of millions
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OptimisableCollectionSelectOperation.class);
protected EOLQueryEngine model;
private IEolContext context;
private boolean returnOnFirstMatch;
private Variable iterator;
IGraphNode metaclass;
IGraphDatabase graph = null;
public Object execute(Object target, Variable iterator, Expression ast, IEolContext context,
boolean returnOnFirstMatch) throws EolRuntimeException {
try {
this.context = context;
// cannot guarantee correctness if returnOnFirstMatch is used
this.returnOnFirstMatch = false;
this.iterator = iterator;
model = (EOLQueryEngine) ((OptimisableCollection) target).getModel();
graph = model.getBackend();
try (IGraphTransaction ignored = graph.beginTransaction()) {
metaclass = ((OptimisableCollection) target).type.getNode();
return decomposeAST(target, ast);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new EolRuntimeException("select(...) failed: " + e.getMessage(), ast);
protected Collection<Object> decomposeAST(Object target, Expression ast) throws Exception {
if (ast instanceof AndOperatorExpression) {
return and(target, (AndOperatorExpression) ast);
} else if (ast instanceof OrOperatorExpression) {
return or(target, (OrOperatorExpression) ast);
} else if (ast instanceof XorOperatorExpression) {
return xor(target, (XorOperatorExpression) ast);
// ( a or b ) and ( not(a and b) )
// a != b
} else if (ast instanceof ImpliesOperatorExpression) {
return implies(target, (ImpliesOperatorExpression) ast);
// not(a) or b
// not( a and not(b) )
} else if (ast instanceof NotOperatorExpression) {
return not(target, (NotOperatorExpression) ast);
} else if (isOptimisable(ast)) {
return optimisedExecution(target, ast);
} else {
// System.err.println("giving to super: "+ast.toStringTree());
Object ret = super.execute(target, iterator, (Expression) ast, context, returnOnFirstMatch);
// System.err.println("super returns: "+ret.getClass());
return (Collection<Object>) ret;
private Collection<Object> implies(Object target, ImpliesOperatorExpression ast) throws Exception {
final Expression lOperand = ast.getFirstOperand();
final Expression rOperand = ast.getSecondOperand();
final boolean lOptimisable = isOptimisable(lOperand);
final boolean rOptimisable = isOptimisable(rOperand);
final Set<Object> filter = new HashSet<Object>();
filter.addAll((Collection<Object>) target);
if (lOptimisable && rOptimisable) {
// not(a) or b
Collection<Object> aa = optimisedExecution(target, lOperand);
Collection<Object> bb = optimisedExecution(target, rOperand);
return filter;
else if (lOptimisable) {
// not( a and not(b) )
final Collection<Object> lhsResult = optimisedExecution(target, lOperand);
lhsResult.removeAll((Collection<Object>) decomposeAST(lhsResult, rOperand));
return filter;
else if (rOptimisable) {
// not( not(b) and a )
final Collection<Object> rhsResult = optimisedExecution(target, rOperand);
final Collection<Object> notb = new HashSet<Object>((Collection<Object>) target);
filter.removeAll(decomposeAST(notb, lOperand));
return filter;
else {
// not(a) or b
final Collection<Object> aa = decomposeAST(target, lOperand);
final Collection<Object> bb = decomposeAST(target, rOperand);
return filter;
private Collection<Object> not(Object target, NotOperatorExpression ast) throws Exception {
final Set<Object> filter = new HashSet<Object>((Collection<Object>) target);
final Expression operand = ast.getFirstOperand();
if (isOptimisable(operand)) {
filter.removeAll(optimisedExecution(target, operand));
else {
filter.removeAll(decomposeAST(target, operand));
return filter;
private Collection<Object> xor(Object target, XorOperatorExpression ast) throws Exception {
Collection<Object> filter = new HashSet<Object>();
Collection<Object> a = null;
Collection<Object> b = null;
final Expression lOperand = ast.getFirstOperand();
final Expression rOperand = ast.getSecondOperand();
if (isOptimisable(lOperand) && isOptimisable(rOperand)) {
a = optimisedExecution(target, lOperand);
b = optimisedExecution(target, rOperand);
} else {
a = decomposeAST(target, lOperand);
b = decomposeAST(target, rOperand);
// a or b
// intersection of a and b
// a xor b
return filter;
private Collection<Object> or(Object target, OrOperatorExpression ast) throws Exception {
// System.err.println("anding:
// "+lOperand.toStringTree()+"\n"+rOperand.toStringTree());
final Expression lOperand = ast.getFirstOperand();
final Expression rOperand = ast.getSecondOperand();
final Collection<Object> filter = new HashSet<Object>();
if (isOptimisable(lOperand) && (isOptimisable(rOperand))) {
filter.addAll(optimisedExecution(target, lOperand));
filter.addAll(optimisedExecution(target, rOperand));
} else {
filter.addAll(decomposeAST(target, lOperand));
filter.addAll(decomposeAST(target, rOperand));
return filter;
private Collection<Object> and(Object target, AndOperatorExpression ast) throws Exception {
// System.err.println("anding:
// "+lOperand.toStringTree()+"\n"+rOperand.toStringTree());
final Expression lOperand = ast.getFirstOperand();
final Expression rOperand = ast.getSecondOperand();
final boolean lOptimisable = isOptimisable(lOperand);
final boolean rOptimisable = isOptimisable(rOperand);
final Collection<Object> filter = new HashSet<>();
if (lOptimisable && rOptimisable) {
filter.addAll(optimisedExecution(optimisedExecution(target, lOperand), rOperand));
} else if (lOptimisable) {
filter.addAll(decomposeAST(optimisedExecution(target, lOperand), rOperand));
} else if (rOptimisable) {
filter.addAll(decomposeAST(optimisedExecution(target, rOperand), lOperand));
} else {
filter.addAll(decomposeAST(decomposeAST(target, lOperand), rOperand));
// modifiedlist = (Collection<?>)
// super.execute(modifiedlist,iterator, ast, context,
// returnOnFirstMatch);
return filter;
private Collection<Object> optimisedExecution(Object target, Expression ast) throws EolRuntimeException {
// NOTE: this assumes that isOptimisable(ast) returned true
final OperatorExpression opExp = (OperatorExpression) ast;
final PropertyCallExpression lOperand = (PropertyCallExpression) opExp.getFirstOperand();
final String attributename = lOperand.getName();
final String variableName = ((NameExpression) lOperand.getTargetExpression()).getName();
final Expression valueAST = opExp.getSecondOperand();
Object attributevalue = null;
try {
attributevalue = context.getExecutorFactory().execute(valueAST, context);
} catch (Exception e) {
// if the rhs is invalid or tries to use the iterator of the select
// (which is outside its scope) -- default to epsilon's select
LOGGER.warn("Warning: the RHS of the expression:\n{}"
+ "\ncannot be evaluated using database indexing,\nas the iterator variable of the current select operation ({}) "
+ "is not used in this process.\nDefaulting to Epsilon's select", ast, iterator.getName());
String indexname;
if (attributevalue != null && (indexname = isIndexed(attributename)) != null) {
if (!(attributevalue instanceof Collection<?>)) {
attributevalue = AbstractHawkModel.toPrimitive(attributevalue);
} else {
Collection<?> cRet = (Collection<?>) attributevalue;
Object[] aRet = new Object[cRet.size()];
int count = 0;
for (Iterator<?> it = cRet.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
aRet[count] = AbstractHawkModel.toPrimitive(;
// flatten to allow comparison to index value (which cannot be
// multi-valued)
attributevalue = Arrays.toString(aRet);
final Set<Object> result = new HashSet<Object>((Collection<Object>) target);
System.err.println(String.format("indexed ast found: %s.%s %s %s (type: %s)",
variableName, attributename, ast.getClass().getName(),
new Utils().toString(attributevalue),
final Set<Object> filter = new HashSet<Object>();
// use index to query
try (IGraphTransaction ignored = graph.beginTransaction()) {
IGraphNodeIndex index = graph.getOrCreateNodeIndex(indexname);
IGraphIterable<? extends IGraphNode> hits = null;
if (ast instanceof EqualsOperatorExpression && !(ast instanceof NotEqualsOperatorExpression)) {
if (attributevalue instanceof Integer)
hits = index.query(attributename, (int) attributevalue, (int) attributevalue, true, true);
else if (attributevalue instanceof Long)
hits = index.query(attributename, (long) attributevalue, (long) attributevalue, true, true);
else if (attributevalue instanceof Double)
hits = index.query(attributename, (double) attributevalue, (double) attributevalue, true, true);
hits = index.get(attributename, attributevalue);
} else if (ast instanceof GreaterEqualOperatorExpression) {
if (attributevalue instanceof Integer)
hits = index.query(attributename, (int) attributevalue, Integer.MAX_VALUE, true, true);
else if (attributevalue instanceof Long)
hits = index.query(attributename, (long) attributevalue, Long.MAX_VALUE, true, true);
else if (attributevalue instanceof Double)
hits = index.query(attributename, (double) attributevalue, Double.MAX_VALUE, true, true);
throw new EolRuntimeException(
">= used with a non numeric value (" + attributevalue.getClass() + ")");
} else if (ast instanceof GreaterThanOperatorExpression) {
if (attributevalue instanceof Integer)
hits = index.query(attributename, (int) attributevalue, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false, true);
else if (attributevalue instanceof Long)
hits = index.query(attributename, (long) attributevalue, Long.MAX_VALUE, false, true);
else if (attributevalue instanceof Double)
hits = index.query(attributename, (double) attributevalue, Double.MAX_VALUE, false, true);
throw new EolRuntimeException(
"> used with a non numeric value (" + attributevalue.getClass() + ")");
} else if (ast instanceof LessEqualOperatorExpression) {
if (attributevalue instanceof Integer)
hits = index.query(attributename, Integer.MIN_VALUE, (int) attributevalue, true, true);
else if (attributevalue instanceof Long)
hits = index.query(attributename, Long.MIN_VALUE, (long) attributevalue, true, true);
else if (attributevalue instanceof Double)
hits = index.query(attributename, Double.MIN_VALUE, (double) attributevalue, true, true);
throw new EolRuntimeException(
"<= used with a non numeric value (" + attributevalue.getClass() + ")");
} else if (ast instanceof LessThanOperatorExpression) {
if (attributevalue instanceof Integer)
hits = index.query(attributename, Integer.MIN_VALUE, (int) attributevalue, true, false);
else if (attributevalue instanceof Long)
hits = index.query(attributename, Long.MIN_VALUE, (long) attributevalue, true, false);
else if (attributevalue instanceof Double)
hits = index.query(attributename, Double.MIN_VALUE, (double) attributevalue, true, false);
throw new EolRuntimeException(
"< used with a non numeric value (" + attributevalue.getClass() + ")");
// modifiedlist.clear();
for (IGraphNode hit : hits) {
filter.add(new GraphNodeWrapper(hit, model));
// ((OptimisableCollection) modifiedlist)
// .add(new NeoIdWrapperDebuggable(graph, hit
// .getId(), model));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new EolRuntimeException("select optimisation failed: " + e.getMessage(), ast);
return result;
// System.err.println(Arrays.toString(ret.toArray()));
// return ret;
} else {
// System.err.println("giving to super: "+ast.toStringTree());
return (Collection<Object>) super.execute(target, iterator, (Expression) ast, context, returnOnFirstMatch);
// System.err.println("super returns: "+rett.getClass());
// return rett;
private boolean isOptimisable(Expression ast) {
try {
if (!(ast instanceof OperatorExpression)) {
return false;
// LEFT - we should have
// L1. Check for a property call expression
final OperatorExpression opExp = (OperatorExpression) ast;
final Expression rawLOperand = opExp.getFirstOperand();
if (!(rawLOperand instanceof PropertyCallExpression)) {
return false;
final PropertyCallExpression lOperand = (PropertyCallExpression) rawLOperand;
// L2. Check that we're using the iterator
final Expression rawTargetExpression = lOperand.getTargetExpression();
if (!(lOperand.getTargetExpression() instanceof NameExpression)) {
return false;
final NameExpression nameExpression = (NameExpression) rawTargetExpression;
if (!iterator.getName().equals(nameExpression.getName())) {
return false;
// MIDDLE - we should be using a comparison operator (but not "!=").
// Antonio: checking with Dimitris on subtype relationships in =/!=, </<= and >/>=
return ast instanceof EqualsOperatorExpression && !(ast instanceof NotEqualsOperatorExpression)
|| ast instanceof GreaterThanOperatorExpression
|| ast instanceof LessThanOperatorExpression
|| ast instanceof NotEqualsOperatorExpression
|| ast instanceof GreaterEqualOperatorExpression
|| ast instanceof LessEqualOperatorExpression
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
private String isIndexed(String attributename) {
String result = null;
try (IGraphTransaction ignored = graph.beginTransaction()) {
String indexname = metaclass.getOutgoingWithType("epackage").iterator().next().getEndNode()
.getProperty(IModelIndexer.IDENTIFIER_PROPERTY) + "##"
+ metaclass.getProperty(IModelIndexer.IDENTIFIER_PROPERTY) + "##" + attributename;
// if (indexManager == null) indexManager = graph.index();
// System.err.println(indexname);
// System.err.println(graph.getNodeIndexNames());
if (graph.nodeIndexExists(indexname))
result = indexname;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.warn("Suppressed exception from isIndexed", e);
return result;