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| h1. EMF Compare User Guide |
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| @Authors@ Me |
| @Contact@ me@mycompany.com |
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| {toc} |
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| h2. Installation |
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| To install EMF Compare you'll need to use either the <a href="http://www.eclipse.org/modeling/emf/updates/"> EMF update-site :</a> or the build bits from the: <a href="http://www.eclipse.org/modeling/emf/downloads/?project=compare"> download page </a> |
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| h2. Requirements |
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| EMF Compare depends on: |
| # EMF runtime |
| # Eclipse Platform (if you don't want to run EMF Compare in "standalone mode"). |
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| h2. Configuration |
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| h3. Activating EMF Compare on a given file extension |
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| EMF compare uses a content-type to know whether it should be used for comparison. This content-type will initially register itself against .ecore and .uml files. |
| You may add your own extension using the Preferences view / Global / Content-types and adding your file extension in the "EMF Compare" content-type. |
| !images/ContentTypes.png! |
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| h2. Usage |
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| Once activated you can compare your file (locally or from any Configuration Management System supported by the Team API) using the @compare with@ menu in Eclipse. |
| !images/CompareUI.png! |
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| The following areas are highlighted in the picture : |
| 1. The diff model displaying all the differences found on the models |
| 2. The version 1 model |
| 3. The version 2 model |
| 4. The "export differences" button |
| 5. Move to next/Move to previous difference |
| 6. Merge the current difference (left to right or right to left) |
| 7. Merge all non conflicting differences (left to right or right to left) |
| 8. Display properties differences |
| Note that some actions may be disabled depending on whether you are using VCS or not. |