blob: edaa8d71b759c1d525f5072bea04b84852b7c01c [file] [log] [blame]
@M myModelingUnitName
// Label definition (type : implicit), attached to myA by the linkResolver
@lazylabel "myA" "representative instance of class A"
new A myA {
// StructuralFeatures affectation
myAttMultiValued += [ "val1", "val2" ];
mySimpleAtt = "myAttValue";
// Label definition (type : explicit)
@label "myB"
new B myB {
myAtt1 = "41";
// New instance in right-part of an affectation
myAtt2 = new B {
myAtt0 = "okAtt";
// Instance reference in righ-part of an affectation
myAtt3 = myB;
// Section Reference : attached to the next Modeling Element
@see "Mysection where I have defined by B"
@see "Another Section" "reasons for separation of concerns"
// Generic Annotation mechanism.
@Annotation associateBashFileID bashFile="bashFile1", mode="admin"
myA {
myAttMultiValued = "Completion of the definition made earlier";
myAttRelativeToPersistence = new PersistenceInformationHandler {
isPersistent = "true";
// Ressource Declaration : should not be made in the same time than a resource reference
@label "myResourceForPersistence" "you can attache information to resources too"
Resource myResourceForPersistence {
URI = "cdo:/repo1/myResource";
// ModelInstance is the default type : doesn't need to be declared
contentType = "ModelInstance";
content += myRoot1;
content += myRoot2;