h1. Intent : setting up your dev environment | |
This document lists all actions required to set up a clean dev environment for Intent. | |
h2. Step 1 : configure git | |
If you are under Windows, please execute the following command in your terminal, to avoid line-ending issues : | |
@git config --global core.autocrlf true@ | |
If your are under Linux, this step is optionnal. | |
h2. Step 2 : use Intent target platform | |
Please remember to use Intent's target platform (Window > Preferences > Plug-in Development > Target Platform > Intent - Indigo TP). | |
h2. Step 3 : configure your workspace | |
Please refer to the @/dev/code/README.textile@ to learn how to configure your workspace. | |
h2. Step 4 : use launch configurations | |
Please refer to the @/dev/launchconfigs/README.textile@ to learn how to use launch configurations to launch tests, clients and runtimes. | |
h2. Step 5 (optional) : use JaCoCo and Sonar | |
You can control the code coverage and many other useful informations relative to code quality using Sonar and Jacoco. | |
* Install and launch Sonar | |
* launch a build (@mvn clean verify@) | |
* launch Sonar (@mvn sonar:sonar@) |