blob: 52e7f2a1effec36e712261e1f18e55a359914c34 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.flow;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.FieldBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.LocalVariableBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ReferenceBinding;
* Record initialization status during definite assignment analysis
* No caching of pre-allocated instances.
public class UnconditionalFlowInfo extends FlowInfo {
public long definiteInits;
public long potentialInits;
public long extraDefiniteInits[];
public long extraPotentialInits[];
public long definiteNulls;
public long definiteNonNulls;
public long extraDefiniteNulls[];
public long extraDefiniteNonNulls[];
public int reachMode; // by default
public int maxFieldCount;
// Constants
public static final int BitCacheSize = 64; // 64 bits in a long.
UnconditionalFlowInfo() {
this.reachMode = REACHABLE;
// unions of both sets of initialization - used for try/finally
public FlowInfo addInitializationsFrom(FlowInfo inits) {
if (this == DEAD_END)
return this;
UnconditionalFlowInfo otherInits = inits.unconditionalInits();
if (otherInits == DEAD_END)
return this;
// union of definitely assigned variables,
definiteInits |= otherInits.definiteInits;
// union of potentially set ones
potentialInits |= otherInits.potentialInits;
// union of definitely null variables,
definiteNulls = (definiteNulls | otherInits.definiteNulls) & ~otherInits.definiteNonNulls;
// union of definitely non null variables,
definiteNonNulls = (definiteNonNulls | otherInits.definiteNonNulls) & ~otherInits.definiteNulls;
// fix-up null/non-null infos since cannot overlap: <defN1:0,defNoN1:1> + <defN2:1,defNoN2:0> --> <defN:0,defNon:0>
// treating extra storage
if (extraDefiniteInits != null) {
if (otherInits.extraDefiniteInits != null) {
// both sides have extra storage
int i = 0, length, otherLength;
if ((length = extraDefiniteInits.length) < (otherLength = otherInits.extraDefiniteInits.length)) {
// current storage is shorter -> grow current (could maybe reuse otherInits extra storage?)
System.arraycopy(extraDefiniteInits, 0, (extraDefiniteInits = new long[otherLength]), 0, length);
System.arraycopy(extraPotentialInits, 0, (extraPotentialInits = new long[otherLength]), 0, length);
System.arraycopy(extraDefiniteNulls, 0, (extraDefiniteNulls = new long[otherLength]), 0, length);
System.arraycopy(extraDefiniteNonNulls, 0, (extraDefiniteNonNulls = new long[otherLength]), 0, length);
for (; i < length; i++) {
extraDefiniteInits[i] |= otherInits.extraDefiniteInits[i];
extraPotentialInits[i] |= otherInits.extraPotentialInits[i];
extraDefiniteNulls[i] = (extraDefiniteNulls[i] | otherInits.extraDefiniteNulls[i]) & ~otherInits.extraDefiniteNonNulls[i];
extraDefiniteNonNulls[i] = (extraDefiniteNonNulls[i] | otherInits.extraDefiniteNonNulls[i]) & ~otherInits.extraDefiniteNulls[i];
for (; i < otherLength; i++) {
extraPotentialInits[i] = otherInits.extraPotentialInits[i];
} else {
// current storage is longer
for (; i < otherLength; i++) {
extraDefiniteInits[i] |= otherInits.extraDefiniteInits[i];
extraPotentialInits[i] |= otherInits.extraPotentialInits[i];
extraDefiniteNulls[i] = (extraDefiniteNulls[i] | otherInits.extraDefiniteNulls[i]) & ~otherInits.extraDefiniteNonNulls[i];
extraDefiniteNonNulls[i] = (extraDefiniteNonNulls[i] | otherInits.extraDefiniteNonNulls[i]) & ~otherInits.extraDefiniteNulls[i];
for (; i < length; i++) {
extraDefiniteInits[i] = 0;
extraDefiniteNulls[i] = 0;
extraDefiniteNonNulls[i] = 0;
} else {
// no extra storage on otherInits
} else
if (otherInits.extraDefiniteInits != null) {
// no storage here, but other has extra storage.
int otherLength;
System.arraycopy(otherInits.extraDefiniteInits, 0, (extraDefiniteInits = new long[otherLength = otherInits.extraDefiniteInits.length]), 0, otherLength);
System.arraycopy(otherInits.extraPotentialInits, 0, (extraPotentialInits = new long[otherLength]), 0, otherLength);
System.arraycopy(otherInits.extraDefiniteNulls, 0, (extraDefiniteNulls = new long[otherLength]), 0, otherLength);
System.arraycopy(otherInits.extraDefiniteNonNulls, 0, (extraDefiniteNonNulls = new long[otherLength]), 0, otherLength);
return this;
// unions of both sets of initialization - used for try/finally
public FlowInfo addPotentialInitializationsFrom(FlowInfo inits) {
if (this == DEAD_END){
return this;
UnconditionalFlowInfo otherInits = inits.unconditionalInits();
if (otherInits == DEAD_END){
return this;
// union of potentially set ones
this.potentialInits |= otherInits.potentialInits;
// also merge null check information (affected by potential inits)
this.definiteNulls &= otherInits.definiteNulls;
this.definiteNonNulls &= otherInits.definiteNonNulls;
// treating extra storage
if (this.extraDefiniteInits != null) {
if (otherInits.extraDefiniteInits != null) {
// both sides have extra storage
int i = 0, length, otherLength;
if ((length = this.extraDefiniteInits.length) < (otherLength = otherInits.extraDefiniteInits.length)) {
// current storage is shorter -> grow current (could maybe reuse otherInits extra storage?)
System.arraycopy(this.extraDefiniteInits, 0, (this.extraDefiniteInits = new long[otherLength]), 0, length);
System.arraycopy(this.extraPotentialInits, 0, (this.extraPotentialInits = new long[otherLength]), 0, length);
System.arraycopy(this.extraDefiniteNulls, 0, (this.extraDefiniteNulls = new long[otherLength]), 0, length);
System.arraycopy(this.extraDefiniteNonNulls, 0, (this.extraDefiniteNonNulls = new long[otherLength]), 0, length);
while (i < length) {
this.extraPotentialInits[i] |= otherInits.extraPotentialInits[i];
this.extraDefiniteNulls[i] &= otherInits.extraDefiniteNulls[i];
this.extraDefiniteNonNulls[i] &= otherInits.extraDefiniteNonNulls[i++];
while (i < otherLength) {
this.extraPotentialInits[i] = otherInits.extraPotentialInits[i];
this.extraDefiniteNulls[i] &= otherInits.extraDefiniteNulls[i];
this.extraDefiniteNonNulls[i] &= otherInits.extraDefiniteNonNulls[i++];
} else {
// current storage is longer
while (i < otherLength) {
this.extraPotentialInits[i] |= otherInits.extraPotentialInits[i];
this.extraDefiniteNulls[i] &= otherInits.extraDefiniteNulls[i];
this.extraDefiniteNonNulls[i] &= otherInits.extraDefiniteNonNulls[i++];
} else
if (otherInits.extraDefiniteInits != null) {
// no storage here, but other has extra storage.
int otherLength;
this.extraDefiniteInits = new long[otherLength = otherInits.extraDefiniteInits.length];
System.arraycopy(otherInits.extraPotentialInits, 0, (this.extraPotentialInits = new long[otherLength]), 0, otherLength);
this.extraDefiniteNulls = new long[otherLength];
this.extraDefiniteNonNulls = new long[otherLength];
return this;
* Answers a copy of the current instance
public FlowInfo copy() {
// do not clone the DeadEnd
if (this == DEAD_END)
return this;
// look for an unused preallocated object
UnconditionalFlowInfo copy = new UnconditionalFlowInfo();
// copy slots
copy.definiteInits = this.definiteInits;
copy.potentialInits = this.potentialInits;
copy.definiteNulls = this.definiteNulls;
copy.definiteNonNulls = this.definiteNonNulls;
copy.reachMode = this.reachMode;
copy.maxFieldCount = this.maxFieldCount;
if (this.extraDefiniteInits != null) {
int length;
System.arraycopy(this.extraDefiniteInits, 0, (copy.extraDefiniteInits = new long[length = extraDefiniteInits.length]), 0, length);
System.arraycopy(this.extraPotentialInits, 0, (copy.extraPotentialInits = new long[length]), 0, length);
System.arraycopy(this.extraDefiniteNulls, 0, (copy.extraDefiniteNulls = new long[length]), 0, length);
System.arraycopy(this.extraDefiniteNonNulls, 0, (copy.extraDefiniteNonNulls = new long[length]), 0, length);
return copy;
public UnconditionalFlowInfo discardFieldInitializations(){
int limit = this.maxFieldCount;
if (limit < BitCacheSize) {
long mask = (1L << limit)-1;
this.definiteInits &= ~mask;
this.potentialInits &= ~mask;
this.definiteNulls &= ~mask;
this.definiteNonNulls &= ~mask;
return this;
this.definiteInits = 0;
this.potentialInits = 0;
this.definiteNulls = 0;
this.definiteNonNulls = 0;
// use extra vector
if (extraDefiniteInits == null) {
return this; // if vector not yet allocated, then not initialized
int vectorIndex, length = this.extraDefiniteInits.length;
if ((vectorIndex = (limit / BitCacheSize) - 1) >= length) {
return this; // not enough room yet
for (int i = 0; i < vectorIndex; i++) {
this.extraDefiniteInits[i] = 0L;
this.extraPotentialInits[i] = 0L;
this.extraDefiniteNulls[i] = 0L;
this.extraDefiniteNonNulls[i] = 0L;
long mask = (1L << (limit % BitCacheSize))-1;
this.extraDefiniteInits[vectorIndex] &= ~mask;
this.extraPotentialInits[vectorIndex] &= ~mask;
this.extraDefiniteNulls[vectorIndex] &= ~mask;
this.extraDefiniteNonNulls[vectorIndex] &= ~mask;
return this;
public UnconditionalFlowInfo discardNonFieldInitializations(){
int limit = this.maxFieldCount;
if (limit < BitCacheSize) {
long mask = (1L << limit)-1;
this.definiteInits &= mask;
this.potentialInits &= mask;
this.definiteNulls &= mask;
this.definiteNonNulls &= mask;
return this;
// use extra vector
if (extraDefiniteInits == null) {
return this; // if vector not yet allocated, then not initialized
int vectorIndex, length = this.extraDefiniteInits.length;
if ((vectorIndex = (limit / BitCacheSize) - 1) >= length) {
return this; // not enough room yet
long mask = (1L << (limit % BitCacheSize))-1;
this.extraDefiniteInits[vectorIndex] &= mask;
this.extraPotentialInits[vectorIndex] &= mask;
this.extraDefiniteNulls[vectorIndex] &= mask;
this.extraDefiniteNonNulls[vectorIndex] &= mask;
for (int i = vectorIndex+1; i < length; i++) {
this.extraDefiniteInits[i] = 0L;
this.extraPotentialInits[i] = 0L;
this.extraDefiniteNulls[i] = 0L;
this.extraDefiniteNonNulls[i] = 0L;
return this;
public UnconditionalFlowInfo discardNullRelatedInitializations(){
this.definiteNulls = 0;
this.definiteNonNulls = 0;
int length = this.extraDefiniteInits == null ? 0 : this.extraDefiniteInits.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
this.extraDefiniteNulls[i] = 0L;
this.extraDefiniteNonNulls[i] = 0L;
return this;
public FlowInfo initsWhenFalse() {
return this;
public FlowInfo initsWhenTrue() {
return this;
* Check status of definite assignment at a given position.
* It deals with the dual representation of the InitializationInfo2:
* bits for the first 64 entries, then an array of booleans.
final private boolean isDefinitelyAssigned(int position) {
// Dependant of CodeStream.isDefinitelyAssigned(..)
// id is zero-based
if (position < BitCacheSize) {
return (definiteInits & (1L << position)) != 0; // use bits
// use extra vector
if (extraDefiniteInits == null)
return false; // if vector not yet allocated, then not initialized
int vectorIndex;
if ((vectorIndex = (position / BitCacheSize) - 1) >= extraDefiniteInits.length)
return false; // if not enough room in vector, then not initialized
return ((extraDefiniteInits[vectorIndex]) & (1L << (position % BitCacheSize))) != 0;
* Check status of definite non-null assignment at a given position.
* It deals with the dual representation of the InitializationInfo2:
* bits for the first 64 entries, then an array of booleans.
final private boolean isDefinitelyNonNull(int position) {
// Dependant of CodeStream.isDefinitelyAssigned(..)
// id is zero-based
if (position < BitCacheSize) {
return (definiteNonNulls & (1L << position)) != 0; // use bits
// use extra vector
if (extraDefiniteNonNulls == null)
return false; // if vector not yet allocated, then not initialized
int vectorIndex;
if ((vectorIndex = (position / BitCacheSize) - 1) >= extraDefiniteNonNulls.length)
return false; // if not enough room in vector, then not initialized
return ((extraDefiniteNonNulls[vectorIndex]) & (1L << (position % BitCacheSize))) != 0;
* Check status of definite null assignment at a given position.
* It deals with the dual representation of the InitializationInfo2:
* bits for the first 64 entries, then an array of booleans.
final private boolean isDefinitelyNull(int position) {
// Dependant of CodeStream.isDefinitelyAssigned(..)
// id is zero-based
if (position < BitCacheSize) {
return (definiteNulls & (1L << position)) != 0; // use bits
// use extra vector
if (extraDefiniteNulls == null)
return false; // if vector not yet allocated, then not initialized
int vectorIndex;
if ((vectorIndex = (position / BitCacheSize) - 1) >= extraDefiniteNulls.length)
return false; // if not enough room in vector, then not initialized
return ((extraDefiniteNulls[vectorIndex]) & (1L << (position % BitCacheSize))) != 0;
* Check status of definite assignment for a field.
final public boolean isDefinitelyAssigned(FieldBinding field) {
// Dependant of CodeStream.isDefinitelyAssigned(..)
// We do not want to complain in unreachable code
if ((this.reachMode & UNREACHABLE) != 0)
return true;
return isDefinitelyAssigned(;
* Check status of definite assignment for a local.
final public boolean isDefinitelyAssigned(LocalVariableBinding local) {
// Dependant of CodeStream.isDefinitelyAssigned(..)
// We do not want to complain in unreachable code
if ((this.reachMode & UNREACHABLE) != 0)
return true;
// final constants are inlined, and thus considered as always initialized
if (local.isConstantValue()) {
return true;
return isDefinitelyAssigned( + maxFieldCount);
* Check status of definite non-null assignment for a field.
final public boolean isDefinitelyNonNull(FieldBinding field) {
// Dependant of CodeStream.isDefinitelyAssigned(..)
// We do not want to complain in unreachable code
if ((this.reachMode & UNREACHABLE) != 0)
return false;
return isDefinitelyNonNull(;
* Check status of definite non-null assignment for a local.
final public boolean isDefinitelyNonNull(LocalVariableBinding local) {
// Dependant of CodeStream.isDefinitelyAssigned(..)
// We do not want to complain in unreachable code
if ((this.reachMode & UNREACHABLE) != 0)
return false;
// final constants are inlined, and thus considered as always initialized
if (local.isConstantValue()) {
return true;
return isDefinitelyNonNull( + maxFieldCount);
* Check status of definite null assignment for a field.
final public boolean isDefinitelyNull(FieldBinding field) {
// Dependant of CodeStream.isDefinitelyAssigned(..)
// We do not want to complain in unreachable code
if ((this.reachMode & UNREACHABLE) != 0)
return false;
return isDefinitelyNull(;
* Check status of definite null assignment for a local.
final public boolean isDefinitelyNull(LocalVariableBinding local) {
// Dependant of CodeStream.isDefinitelyAssigned(..)
// We do not want to complain in unreachable code
if ((this.reachMode & UNREACHABLE) != 0)
return false;
return isDefinitelyNull( + maxFieldCount);
public boolean isReachable() {
return this.reachMode == REACHABLE;
* Check status of potential assignment at a given position.
* It deals with the dual representation of the InitializationInfo3:
* bits for the first 64 entries, then an array of booleans.
final private boolean isPotentiallyAssigned(int position) {
// id is zero-based
if (position < BitCacheSize) {
// use bits
return (potentialInits & (1L << position)) != 0;
// use extra vector
if (extraPotentialInits == null)
return false; // if vector not yet allocated, then not initialized
int vectorIndex;
if ((vectorIndex = (position / BitCacheSize) - 1) >= extraPotentialInits.length)
return false; // if not enough room in vector, then not initialized
return ((extraPotentialInits[vectorIndex]) & (1L << (position % BitCacheSize))) != 0;
* Check status of definite assignment for a field.
final public boolean isPotentiallyAssigned(FieldBinding field) {
return isPotentiallyAssigned(;
* Check status of potential assignment for a local.
final public boolean isPotentiallyAssigned(LocalVariableBinding local) {
// final constants are inlined, and thus considered as always initialized
if (local.isConstantValue()) {
return true;
return isPotentiallyAssigned( + maxFieldCount);
* Record a definite assignment at a given position.
* It deals with the dual representation of the InitializationInfo2:
* bits for the first 64 entries, then an array of booleans.
final private void markAsDefinitelyAssigned(int position) {
if (this != DEAD_END) {
// position is zero-based
if (position < BitCacheSize) {
// use bits
long mask;
definiteInits |= (mask = 1L << position);
potentialInits |= mask;
definiteNulls &= ~mask;
definiteNonNulls &= ~mask;
} else {
// use extra vector
int vectorIndex = (position / BitCacheSize) - 1;
if (extraDefiniteInits == null) {
int length;
extraDefiniteInits = new long[length = vectorIndex + 1];
extraPotentialInits = new long[length];
extraDefiniteNulls = new long[length];
extraDefiniteNonNulls = new long[length];
} else {
int oldLength; // might need to grow the arrays
if (vectorIndex >= (oldLength = extraDefiniteInits.length)) {
System.arraycopy(extraDefiniteInits, 0, (extraDefiniteInits = new long[vectorIndex + 1]), 0, oldLength);
System.arraycopy(extraPotentialInits, 0, (extraPotentialInits = new long[vectorIndex + 1]), 0, oldLength);
System.arraycopy(extraDefiniteNulls, 0, (extraDefiniteNulls = new long[vectorIndex + 1]), 0, oldLength);
System.arraycopy(extraDefiniteNonNulls, 0, (extraDefiniteNonNulls = new long[vectorIndex + 1]), 0, oldLength);
long mask;
extraDefiniteInits[vectorIndex] |= (mask = 1L << (position % BitCacheSize));
extraPotentialInits[vectorIndex] |= mask;
extraDefiniteNulls[vectorIndex] &= ~mask;
extraDefiniteNonNulls[vectorIndex] &= ~mask;
* Record a field got definitely assigned.
public void markAsDefinitelyAssigned(FieldBinding field) {
if (this != DEAD_END)
* Record a local got definitely assigned.
public void markAsDefinitelyAssigned(LocalVariableBinding local) {
if (this != DEAD_END)
markAsDefinitelyAssigned( + maxFieldCount);
* Record a definite non-null assignment at a given position.
* It deals with the dual representation of the InitializationInfo2:
* bits for the first 64 entries, then an array of booleans.
final private void markAsDefinitelyNonNull(int position) {
if (this != DEAD_END) {
// position is zero-based
if (position < BitCacheSize) {
// use bits
long mask;
definiteNonNulls |= (mask = 1L << position);
definiteNulls &= ~mask;
} else {
// use extra vector
int vectorIndex = (position / BitCacheSize) - 1;
long mask;
extraDefiniteNonNulls[vectorIndex] |= (mask = 1L << (position % BitCacheSize));
extraDefiniteNulls[vectorIndex] &= ~mask;
* Record a field got definitely assigned to non-null value.
public void markAsDefinitelyNonNull(FieldBinding field) {
if (this != DEAD_END)
* Record a local got definitely assigned to non-null value.
public void markAsDefinitelyNonNull(LocalVariableBinding local) {
if (this != DEAD_END)
markAsDefinitelyNonNull( + maxFieldCount);
* Record a definite null assignment at a given position.
* It deals with the dual representation of the InitializationInfo2:
* bits for the first 64 entries, then an array of booleans.
final private void markAsDefinitelyNull(int position) {
if (this != DEAD_END) {
// position is zero-based
if (position < BitCacheSize) {
// use bits
long mask;
definiteNulls |= (mask = 1L << position);
definiteNonNulls &= ~mask;
} else {
// use extra vector
int vectorIndex = (position / BitCacheSize) - 1;
long mask;
extraDefiniteNulls[vectorIndex] |= (mask = 1L << (position % BitCacheSize));
extraDefiniteNonNulls[vectorIndex] &= ~mask;
* Record a field got definitely assigned to null.
public void markAsDefinitelyNull(FieldBinding field) {
if (this != DEAD_END)
* Record a local got definitely assigned to null.
public void markAsDefinitelyNull(LocalVariableBinding local) {
if (this != DEAD_END)
markAsDefinitelyNull( + maxFieldCount);
* Clear initialization information at a given position.
* It deals with the dual representation of the InitializationInfo2:
* bits for the first 64 entries, then an array of booleans.
final private void markAsDefinitelyNotAssigned(int position) {
if (this != DEAD_END) {
// position is zero-based
if (position < BitCacheSize) {
// use bits
long mask;
definiteInits &= ~(mask = 1L << position);
potentialInits &= ~mask;
definiteNulls &= ~mask;
definiteNonNulls &= ~mask;
} else {
// use extra vector
int vectorIndex = (position / BitCacheSize) - 1;
if (extraDefiniteInits == null) {
return; // nothing to do, it was not yet set
// might need to grow the arrays
if (vectorIndex >= extraDefiniteInits.length) {
return; // nothing to do, it was not yet set
long mask;
extraDefiniteInits[vectorIndex] &= ~(mask = 1L << (position % BitCacheSize));
extraPotentialInits[vectorIndex] &= ~mask;
extraDefiniteNulls[vectorIndex] &= ~mask;
extraDefiniteNonNulls[vectorIndex] &= ~mask;
* Clear the initialization info for a field
public void markAsDefinitelyNotAssigned(FieldBinding field) {
if (this != DEAD_END)
* Clear the initialization info for a local variable
public void markAsDefinitelyNotAssigned(LocalVariableBinding local) {
if (this != DEAD_END)
markAsDefinitelyNotAssigned( + maxFieldCount);
* Returns the receiver updated in the following way: <ul>
* <li> intersection of definitely assigned variables,
* <li> union of potentially assigned variables.
* </ul>
public UnconditionalFlowInfo mergedWith(UnconditionalFlowInfo otherInits) {
if (this == DEAD_END) return otherInits;
if (otherInits == DEAD_END) return this;
if ((this.reachMode & UNREACHABLE) != (otherInits.reachMode & UNREACHABLE)){
if ((this.reachMode & UNREACHABLE) != 0){
return otherInits;
return this;
// if one branch is not fake reachable, then the merged one is reachable
this.reachMode &= otherInits.reachMode;
// intersection of definitely assigned variables,
this.definiteInits &= otherInits.definiteInits;
// union of potentially set ones
this.potentialInits |= otherInits.potentialInits;
// intersection of definitely null variables,
this.definiteNulls &= otherInits.definiteNulls;
// intersection of definitely non-null variables,
this.definiteNonNulls &= otherInits.definiteNonNulls;
// treating extra storage
if (this.extraDefiniteInits != null) {
if (otherInits.extraDefiniteInits != null) {
// both sides have extra storage
int i = 0, length, otherLength;
if ((length = this.extraDefiniteInits.length) < (otherLength = otherInits.extraDefiniteInits.length)) {
// current storage is shorter -> grow current (could maybe reuse otherInits extra storage?)
System.arraycopy(this.extraDefiniteInits, 0, (this.extraDefiniteInits = new long[otherLength]), 0, length);
System.arraycopy(this.extraPotentialInits, 0, (this.extraPotentialInits = new long[otherLength]), 0, length);
System.arraycopy(this.extraDefiniteNulls, 0, (this.extraDefiniteNulls = new long[otherLength]), 0, length);
System.arraycopy(this.extraDefiniteNonNulls, 0, (this.extraDefiniteNonNulls = new long[otherLength]), 0, length);
while (i < length) {
this.extraDefiniteInits[i] &= otherInits.extraDefiniteInits[i];
this.extraPotentialInits[i] |= otherInits.extraPotentialInits[i];
this.extraDefiniteNulls[i] &= otherInits.extraDefiniteNulls[i];
this.extraDefiniteNonNulls[i] &= otherInits.extraDefiniteNonNulls[i++];
while (i < otherLength) {
this.extraPotentialInits[i] = otherInits.extraPotentialInits[i++];
} else {
// current storage is longer
while (i < otherLength) {
this.extraDefiniteInits[i] &= otherInits.extraDefiniteInits[i];
this.extraPotentialInits[i] |= otherInits.extraPotentialInits[i];
this.extraDefiniteNulls[i] &= otherInits.extraDefiniteNulls[i];
this.extraDefiniteNonNulls[i] &= otherInits.extraDefiniteNonNulls[i++];
while (i < length) {
this.extraDefiniteInits[i] = 0;
this.extraDefiniteNulls[i] = 0;
this.extraDefiniteNonNulls[i++] = 0;
} else {
// no extra storage on otherInits
int i = 0, length = this.extraDefiniteInits.length;
while (i < length) {
this.extraDefiniteInits[i] = 0;
this.extraDefiniteNulls[i] = 0;
this.extraDefiniteNonNulls[i++] = 0;
} else
if (otherInits.extraDefiniteInits != null) {
// no storage here, but other has extra storage.
int otherLength;
this.extraDefiniteInits = new long[otherLength = otherInits.extraDefiniteInits.length];
System.arraycopy(otherInits.extraPotentialInits, 0, (this.extraPotentialInits = new long[otherLength]), 0, otherLength);
this.extraDefiniteNulls = new long[otherLength];
this.extraDefiniteNonNulls = new long[otherLength];
return this;
* Answer the total number of fields in enclosing types of a given type
static int numberOfEnclosingFields(ReferenceBinding type){
int count = 0;
type = type.enclosingType();
while(type != null) {
count += type.fieldCount();
type = type.enclosingType();
return count;
public int reachMode(){
return this.reachMode;
public FlowInfo setReachMode(int reachMode) {
if (this == DEAD_END) return this; // cannot modify DEAD_END
// reset optional inits when becoming unreachable
if ((this.reachMode & UNREACHABLE) == 0 && (reachMode & UNREACHABLE) != 0) {
this.potentialInits = 0;
if (this.extraPotentialInits != null){
for (int i = 0, length = this.extraPotentialInits.length; i < length; i++){
this.extraPotentialInits[i] = 0;
this.reachMode = reachMode;
return this;
public String toString(){
if (this == DEAD_END){
return "FlowInfo.DEAD_END"; //$NON-NLS-1$
return "FlowInfo<def: "+ this.definiteInits //$NON-NLS-1$
+", pot: " + this.potentialInits //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ", reachable:" + ((this.reachMode & UNREACHABLE) == 0) //$NON-NLS-1$
+", defNull: " + this.definiteNulls //$NON-NLS-1$
+", defNonNull: " + this.definiteNonNulls //$NON-NLS-1$
+">"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public UnconditionalFlowInfo unconditionalInits() {
// also see conditional inits, where it requests them to merge
return this;