blob: a578767c768aafecab1ad0e78e6731b7dc11d790 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jdi.internal.connect;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import com.sun.jdi.*;
import com.sun.jdi.connect.*;
import com.sun.jdi.event.*;
import com.sun.jdi.request.*;
import org.eclipse.jdi.internal.*;
import java.util.*;
public class SocketLaunchingConnectorImpl extends ConnectorImpl implements LaunchingConnector {
/** Time that a launched VM is given to connect to us. */
private static final int ACCEPT_TIMEOUT = 10*1000;
/** Home directory of the SDK or runtime environment used to launch the application. */
private String fHome;
/** Launched VM options. */
private String fOptions;
/** Main class and arguments, or if -jar is an option, the main jar file and arguments. */
private String fMain;
/** All threads will be suspended before execution of main. */
private boolean fSuspend;
/** Character used to combine space-delimited text into a single command line argument. */
private String fQuote;
/** Name of the Java VM launcher. */
private String fLauncher;
* Creates new SocketAttachingConnectorImpl.
public SocketLaunchingConnectorImpl(VirtualMachineManagerImpl virtualMachineManager) {
// Create communication protocol specific transport.
SocketTransportImpl transport = new SocketTransportImpl();
* @return Returns the default arguments.
public Map defaultArguments() {
HashMap arguments = new HashMap(6);
// Home
StringArgumentImpl strArg = new StringArgumentImpl("home", "Home directory of the SDK or runtime environment used to launch the application.", "Home", false);
arguments.put(, strArg);
// Options
strArg = new StringArgumentImpl("options", "Launched VM options.", "Options", false);
arguments.put(, strArg);
// Main
strArg = new StringArgumentImpl("main", "Main class and arguments, or if -jar is an option, the main jar file and arguments.", "Main", true);
arguments.put(, strArg);
// Suspend
BooleanArgumentImpl boolArg = new BooleanArgumentImpl("suspend", "All threads will be suspended before execution of main.", "Suspend", false);
arguments.put(, boolArg);
// Quote
strArg = new StringArgumentImpl("quote", "Character used to combine space-delimited text into a single command line argument.", "Quote", true);
arguments.put(, strArg);
// Launcher
strArg = new StringArgumentImpl("vmexec", "Name of the Java VM launcher.", "Launcher", true);
arguments.put(, strArg);
return arguments;
* @return Returns a human-readable description of this connector and its purpose.
public String name() {
return "com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch";
* @return Returns a short identifier for the connector.
public String description() {
return "Launches target using Sun Java VM command line and attaches to it.";
* Retrieves connection arguments.
private void getConnectionArguments(Map connectionArgs) throws IllegalConnectorArgumentsException {
String attribute = "";
try {
attribute = "home";
fHome = ((Connector.StringArgument)connectionArgs.get(attribute)).value();
attribute = "options";
fOptions = ((Connector.StringArgument)connectionArgs.get(attribute)).value();
attribute = "main";
fMain = ((Connector.StringArgument)connectionArgs.get(attribute)).value();
attribute = "suspend";
fSuspend = ((Connector.BooleanArgument)connectionArgs.get(attribute)).booleanValue();
attribute = "quote";
fQuote = ((Connector.StringArgument)connectionArgs.get(attribute)).value();
attribute = "vmexec";
fLauncher = ((Connector.StringArgument)connectionArgs.get(attribute)).value();
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new IllegalConnectorArgumentsException("Connection argument is not of the right type.", attribute);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new IllegalConnectorArgumentsException("Necessary connection argument is null.", attribute);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalConnectorArgumentsException("Connection argument is not a number", attribute);
* Launches an application and connects to its VM.
* @return Returns a connected Virtual Machine.
public VirtualMachine launch(Map connectionArgs) throws IOException, IllegalConnectorArgumentsException, VMStartException {
// A listening connector is used that waits for a connection of the VM that is started up.
// Note that port number zero means that a free port is chosen.
SocketListeningConnectorImpl listenConnector = new SocketListeningConnectorImpl(virtualMachineManager());
Map args = listenConnector.defaultArguments();
// String for Executable.
String slash = System.getProperty("file.separator");
String execString = fHome + slash + "bin" + slash + fLauncher;
// Add Debug options.
execString += " -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE";
execString += " -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=localhost:" + listenConnector.listeningPort() + ",server=n,suspend=" + (fSuspend ? "y" : "n");
// Add User specified options.
if (fOptions != null)
execString += " " + fOptions;
// Add Main class.
execString += " " + fMain;
// Start VM.
Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(execString);
// The accept times out it the VM does not connect.
VirtualMachineImpl virtualMachine;
try {
virtualMachine = (VirtualMachineImpl)listenConnector.accept(args);
} catch (InterruptedIOException e) {
throw new VMStartException("VM did not connect within given time: " + ((Connector.IntegerArgument)args.get("timeout")).value() + " ms.", proc);
return virtualMachine;