Bug 499385 - Socket Listen mode should allow multiple connections

Modify SocketListenConnector to take new "connectionLimit" argument to
allow up to N connections, or unlimited if N == 0.  By default, N
= 1 to mimic previous behaviour.

Required fixing up SocketConnection and SocketTransportService to
allow multiple connections.

Add the accept time to the VM labels to help differentiate between
the VMs.

The "connectionLimit" argument is defined in SocketListeningConnectorImpl
even though the actual implementation is handled in
SocketListenConnectorProcess as the IntegerArgumentImpl is package
protected and otherwise inaccessible from

Signed-off-by: Brian de Alwis <bsd@mt.ca>
Change-Id: I680cc111c45963a92d697522b33fcd5f00cbac16
11 files changed