blob: 6036f4b0c562da911f186126d8973c2606019a69 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jdt.debug.tests.eval.generator;
Copyright (c) 2000, 2002 IBM Corp. and others.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v0.5
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
IBM Corporation - Initial implementation
public class TestGenerator {
static protected int getPromotionType(int left, int right) {
return fTypeTable[left][right];
static protected int getUnaryPromotionType(int type) {
return fTypeTable[type][T_int];
static final int T_undefined = 0;
static final int T_object = 1;
static final int T_char = 2;
static final int T_byte = 3;
static final int T_short = 4;
static final int T_boolean = 5;
static final int T_void = 6;
static final int T_long = 7;
static final int T_double = 8;
static final int T_float = 9;
static final int T_int = 10;
static final int T_String = 11;
static final int T_null = 12;
private static final int[][] fTypeTable= {
/* undefined */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined},
/* object */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_String, T_undefined},
/* char */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_int, T_int, T_int, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_long, T_double, T_float, T_int, T_String, T_undefined},
/* byte */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_int, T_int, T_int, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_long, T_double, T_float, T_int, T_String, T_undefined},
/* short */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_int, T_int, T_int, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_long, T_double, T_float, T_int, T_String, T_undefined},
/* boolean */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_boolean, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_String, T_undefined},
/* void */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined},
/* long */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_long, T_long, T_long, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_long, T_double, T_float, T_long, T_String, T_undefined},
/* double */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_double, T_double, T_double, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_double, T_double, T_double, T_double, T_String, T_undefined},
/* float */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_float, T_float, T_float, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_float, T_double, T_float, T_float, T_String, T_undefined},
/* int */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_int, T_int, T_int, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_long, T_double, T_float, T_int, T_String, T_undefined},
/* String */ {T_undefined, T_String, T_String, T_String, T_String, T_String, T_undefined, T_String, T_String, T_String, T_String, T_String, T_String},
/* null */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_String, T_undefined},
static final String[] typeName = new String[] {"undefined", "java.lang.Object", "char", "byte", "short", "boolean", "void", "long", "double", "float", "int", "java.lang.String", "null"};
static final String[] typeUpperName = new String[] {"Undefined", "Object", "Char", "Byte", "Short", "Boolean", "Void", "Long", "Double", "Float", "Int", "String", "Null"};
static final int Op_plus = 0;
static final int Op_minus = 1;
static final int Op_multiply = 2;
static final int Op_divide = 3;
static final int Op_remainder = 4;
static final int Op_greater = 5;
static final int Op_greaterEqual = 6;
static final int Op_less = 7;
static final int Op_lessEqual = 8;
static final int Op_equalEqual = 9;
static final int Op_notEqual = 10;
static final int Op_leftShift = 11;
static final int Op_rightShift = 12;
static final int Op_unsignedRightShift = 13;
static final int Op_or = 14;
static final int Op_and = 15;
static final int Op_xor = 16;
static final int Op_twiddle = 17;
static final int Op_not = 18;
static final int Op_equal = 19;
static final int Op_plusAss = 20;
static final int Op_minusAss = 21;
static final int Op_multiplyAss = 22;
static final int Op_divideAss = 23;
static final int Op_remainderAss = 24;
static final int Op_leftShiftAss = 25;
static final int Op_rightShiftAss = 26;
static final int Op_unsignedRightShiftAss = 27;
static final int Op_orAss = 28;
static final int Op_andAss = 29;
static final int Op_xorAss = 30;
static final int Op_prefixPlusPlus = 31;
static final int Op_postfixPlusPlus = 32;
static final int Op_prefixMinusMinus = 33;
static final int Op_postfixMinusMinus = 34;
static final String[] opSymbol = new String[] {"+", "-", "*", "/", "%", ">", ">=", "<", "<=", "==", "!=", "<<", ">>", ">>>", "|", "&", "^", "~", "!", "=", "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "%=", "<<=", ">>=", ">>>=", "|=", "&=", "^=", "++", "++", "--", "--"};
static final String[] opName = new String[] {"plus", "minus", "multiply", "divide", "remainder", "greater", "greaterEqual", "less", "lessEqual", "equalEqual", "notEqual", "leftShift", "rightShift", "unsignedRightShift", "or", "and", "xor", "twiddle", "not", "equal", "plusAssignment", "minusAssignment", "multiplyAssignment", "divideAssignment", "remainderAssignment", "leftShiftAssignment", "rightShiftAssignment", "unsignedRightShiftAssignment", "orAssignment", "andAssignment", "xorAssignment", "prefixPlusPlus", "postfixPlusPlus", "prefixMinusMinus", "postfixMinusMinus"};
static final String[] opUpperName = new String[] {"Plus", "Minus", "Multiply", "Divide", "Remainder", "Greater", "GreaterEqual", "Less", "LessEqual", "EqualEqual", "NotEqual", "LeftShift", "RightShift", "UnsignedRightShift", "Or", "And", "Xor", "Twiddle", "Not", "Equal", "PlusAssignment", "MinusAssignment", "MultiplyAssignment", "DivideAssignment", "RemainderAssignment", "LeftShiftAssignment", "RightShiftAssignment", "UnsignedRightShiftAssignment", "OrAssignment", "AndAssignment", "XorAssignment", "PrefixPlusPlus", "PostfixPlusPlus", "PrefixMinusMinus", "PostfixMinusMinus"};
static final String[] immediate = new String[] {"x", "y"};
static final String[] variable = new String[] {"xVar", "yVar", "xArray", "yArray"};
static final String[] field = new String[] {"xField", "yField", "xStaticField", "yStaticField"};
static final String[] prefixList = new String[] {"foo.", "EvalTypeTests.", ""};
static public void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
public static void genTestsNumericTypeAllOpsAllTypes(int type) throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = typeUpperName[type] + "OperatorsTests";
genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticOpNumericTypes(type, Op_plus, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, Op_plus, T_String, code);
genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticOpNumericTypes(type, Op_minus, code);
genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticOpNumericTypes(type, Op_multiply, code);
genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticOpNumericTypes(type, Op_divide, code);
genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticOpNumericTypes(type, Op_remainder, code);
genTestsNumericTypeComparisonOpNumericTypes(type, Op_greater, code);
genTestsNumericTypeComparisonOpNumericTypes(type, Op_greaterEqual, code);
genTestsNumericTypeComparisonOpNumericTypes(type, Op_less, code);
genTestsNumericTypeComparisonOpNumericTypes(type, Op_lessEqual, code);
genTestsNumericTypeComparisonOpNumericTypes(type, Op_equalEqual, code);
genTestsNumericTypeComparisonOpNumericTypes(type, Op_notEqual, code);
if (type != T_float && type != T_double) {
genTestsIntegerTypeShiftOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_leftShift, code);
genTestsIntegerTypeShiftOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_rightShift, code);
genTestsIntegerTypeShiftOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_unsignedRightShift, code);
genTestsIntegerTypeBooleanOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_or, code);
genTestsIntegerTypeBooleanOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_and, code);
genTestsIntegerTypeBooleanOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_xor, code);
genTestUnaryOpNumericType(type, Op_plus, code);
genTestUnaryOpNumericType(type, Op_minus, code);
if (type != T_float && type != T_double) {
genTestUnaryOpNumericType(type, Op_twiddle, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalSimpleTests", 15, 1, code);
public static void genTestsBooleanAllOpsBoolean() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "BooleanOperatorsTests";
genTestBooleanBinaryOpBoolean(Op_or, code);
genTestBooleanBinaryOpBoolean(Op_and, code);
genTestBooleanBinaryOpBoolean(Op_xor, code);
genTestUnaryOpBoolean(Op_not, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalSimpleTests", 15, 1, code);
public static void genTestsStringPlusOpAllTypes() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "StringPlusOpTests";
code.append("\t// " + typeName[T_String] + " " + opSymbol[Op_plus] + " {" + typeName[T_byte] + ", " + typeName[T_char] + ", " + typeName[T_short] + ", " + typeName[T_int] + ", " + typeName[T_long] + ", " + typeName[T_String] + ", " + typeName[T_null] + "}\n" +
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(T_String, Op_plus, T_byte, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(T_String, Op_plus, T_char, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(T_String, Op_plus, T_short, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(T_String, Op_plus, T_int, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(T_String, Op_plus, T_long, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(T_String, Op_plus, T_double, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(T_String, Op_plus, T_boolean, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(T_String, Op_plus, T_String, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(T_String, Op_plus, T_null, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalSimpleTests", 15, 1, code);
public static void genTestsLocalVarValue() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "LocalVarValueTests";
code.append("\t// \n" +
genTestLocalVarValue(T_byte, code);
genTestLocalVarValue(T_char, code);
genTestLocalVarValue(T_short, code);
genTestLocalVarValue(T_int, code);
genTestLocalVarValue(T_long, code);
genTestLocalVarValue(T_float, code);
genTestLocalVarValue(T_double, code);
genTestLocalVarValue(T_String, code);
genTestLocalVarValue(T_boolean, code);
// genTestLocalVarValue(T_null, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalSimpleTests", 37, 1, code);
public static void genTestsLocalVarAssignment() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "LocalVarAssignmentTests";
code.append("\t// \n" +
genTestLocalVarAssignment(T_byte, code);
genTestLocalVarAssignment(T_char, code);
genTestLocalVarAssignment(T_short, code);
genTestLocalVarAssignment(T_int, code);
genTestLocalVarAssignment(T_long, code);
genTestLocalVarAssignment(T_float, code);
genTestLocalVarAssignment(T_double, code);
genTestLocalVarAssignment(T_String, code);
genTestLocalVarAssignment(T_boolean, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalSimpleTests", 37, 1, code);
public static void genTestsNumericTypeAllAssignmentOpsAllTypes(int type) throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = typeUpperName[type] + "AssignmentOperatorsTests";
genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpNumericTypes(type, Op_plusAss, code);
genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpNumericTypes(type, Op_minusAss, code);
genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpNumericTypes(type, Op_multiplyAss, code);
genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpNumericTypes(type, Op_divideAss, code);
genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpNumericTypes(type, Op_remainderAss, code);
if (type != T_float && type != T_double) {
genTestsIntegerTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_leftShiftAss, code);
genTestsIntegerTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_rightShiftAss, code);
genTestsIntegerTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_unsignedRightShiftAss, code);
genTestsIntegerTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_orAss, code);
genTestsIntegerTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_andAss, code);
genTestsIntegerTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_xorAss, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalSimpleTests", 37, 1, code);
public static void genTestsBooleanAllAssignmentOpsBoolean() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "BooleanAssignmentOperatorsTests";
code.append("\t// " + typeName[T_boolean] + " " + opSymbol[Op_orAss] + " " + typeName[T_boolean] + "\n" +
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_boolean, Op_orAss, T_boolean, code);
code.append("\t// " + typeName[T_boolean] + " " + opSymbol[Op_andAss] + " " + typeName[T_boolean] + "\n" +
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_boolean, Op_andAss, T_boolean, code);
code.append("\t// " + typeName[T_boolean] + " " + opSymbol[Op_xorAss] + " " + typeName[T_boolean] + "\n" +
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_boolean, Op_xorAss, T_boolean, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalSimpleTests", 37, 1, code);
public static void genTestsStringPlusAssignmentOpAllTypes() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "StringPlusAssignmentOpTests";
code.append("\t// " + typeName[T_String] + " " + opSymbol[Op_plusAss] + " {" + typeName[T_byte] + ", " + typeName[T_char] + ", " + typeName[T_short] + ", " + typeName[T_int] + ", " + typeName[T_long] + ", " + typeName[T_String] + ", " + typeName[T_null] + "}\n" +
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_String, Op_plusAss, T_byte, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_String, Op_plusAss, T_char, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_String, Op_plusAss, T_short, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_String, Op_plusAss, T_int, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_String, Op_plusAss, T_long, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_String, Op_plusAss, T_float, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_String, Op_plusAss, T_double, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_String, Op_plusAss, T_String, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_String, Op_plusAss, T_null, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalSimpleTests", 37, 1, code);
public static void genTestsNumericTypeCast() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "NumericTypesCastTests";
genTestsNumericTypeCast(T_byte, code);
genTestsNumericTypeCast(T_char, code);
genTestsNumericTypeCast(T_short, code);
genTestsNumericTypeCast(T_int, code);
genTestsNumericTypeCast(T_long, code);
genTestsNumericTypeCast(T_float, code);
genTestsNumericTypeCast(T_double, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalSimpleTests", 15, 1, code);
public static void genTestsAllIntegerTypesAllXfixOps() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "XfixOperatorsTests";
genTestsNumericTypeAllXfixOps(T_byte, code);
genTestsNumericTypeAllXfixOps(T_char, code);
genTestsNumericTypeAllXfixOps(T_short, code);
genTestsNumericTypeAllXfixOps(T_int, code);
genTestsNumericTypeAllXfixOps(T_long, code);
genTestsNumericTypeAllXfixOps(T_float, code);
genTestsNumericTypeAllXfixOps(T_double, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalSimpleTests", 37, 1, code);
public static void genTestsQualifiedFieldValue() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "QualifiedFieldValueTests";
genTestFieldValue(T_byte, 0, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_char, 0, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_short, 0, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_int, 0, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_long, 0, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_float, 0, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_double, 0, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_String, 0, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_boolean, 0, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalTypeTests", 73, 1, code);
public static void genTestsQualifiedStaticFieldValue() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "QualifiedStaticFieldValueTests";
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_byte, 0, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_char, 0, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_short, 0, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_int, 0, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_long, 0, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_float, 0, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_double, 0, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_String, 0, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_boolean, 0, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalTypeTests", 73, 1, code);
code = new StringBuffer();
className = "QualifiedStaticFieldValueTests2";
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_byte, 1, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_char, 1, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_short, 1, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_int, 1, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_long, 1, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_float, 1, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_double, 1, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_String, 1, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_boolean, 1, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalTypeTests", 73, 1, code);
public static void genTestsFieldValue() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "FieldValueTests";
genTestFieldValue(T_byte, 2, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_char, 2, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_short, 2, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_int, 2, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_long, 2, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_float, 2, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_double, 2, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_String, 2, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_boolean, 2, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalTypeTests", 63, 2, code);
public static void genTestsStaticFieldValue() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "StaticFieldValueTests";
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_byte, 2, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_char, 2, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_short, 2, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_int, 2, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_long, 2, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_float, 2, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_double, 2, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_String, 2, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_boolean, 2, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalTypeTests", 63, 2, code);
className = "StaticFieldValueTests2";
createJavaFile(className, "EvalTypeTests", 67, 2, code);
public static void genTestsArrayValue() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "ArrayValueTests";
genTestArrayLength(T_byte, code);
genTestArrayLength(T_char, code);
genTestArrayLength(T_short, code);
genTestArrayLength(T_int, code);
genTestArrayLength(T_long, code);
genTestArrayLength(T_float, code);
genTestArrayLength(T_double, code);
genTestArrayLength(T_String, code);
genTestArrayLength(T_boolean, code);
genTestArrayValue(T_byte, code);
genTestArrayValue(T_char, code);
genTestArrayValue(T_short, code);
genTestArrayValue(T_int, code);
genTestArrayValue(T_long, code);
genTestArrayValue(T_float, code);
genTestArrayValue(T_double, code);
genTestArrayValue(T_String, code);
genTestArrayValue(T_boolean, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalArrayTests", 37, 1, code);
public static void genTestsArrayAssignment() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "ArrayAssignementTests";
genTestArrayAssignment(T_byte, code);
genTestArrayAssignment(T_char, code);
genTestArrayAssignment(T_short, code);
genTestArrayAssignment(T_int, code);
genTestArrayAssignment(T_long, code);
genTestArrayAssignment(T_float, code);
genTestArrayAssignment(T_double, code);
genTestArrayAssignment(T_String, code);
genTestArrayAssignment(T_boolean, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalArrayTests", 37, 1, code);
public static void genTestsArrayAllocation() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "ArrayAllocationTests";
genTestArrayAllocation(T_byte, code);
genTestArrayAllocation(T_char, code);
genTestArrayAllocation(T_short, code);
genTestArrayAllocation(T_int, code);
genTestArrayAllocation(T_long, code);
genTestArrayAllocation(T_float, code);
genTestArrayAllocation(T_double, code);
genTestArrayAllocation(T_String, code);
genTestArrayAllocation(T_boolean, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalArrayTests", 37, 1, code);
public static void genTestsArrayInitialization() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "ArrayInitializationTests";
genTestArrayInitialization(T_byte, code);
genTestArrayInitialization(T_char, code);
genTestArrayInitialization(T_short, code);
genTestArrayInitialization(T_int, code);
genTestArrayInitialization(T_long, code);
genTestArrayInitialization(T_float, code);
genTestArrayInitialization(T_double, code);
genTestArrayInitialization(T_String, code);
genTestArrayInitialization(T_boolean, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalArrayTests", 37, 1, code);
public static void genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticOpNumericTypes(int type, int op, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t// " + typeName[type] + " " + opSymbol[op] + " {" + typeName[T_byte] + ", " + typeName[T_char] + ", " + typeName[T_short] + ", " + typeName[T_int] + ", " + typeName[T_long] + ", " + typeName[T_float] + ", " + typeName[T_double] + "}\n" +
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_byte, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_char, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_short, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_int, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_long, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_float, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_double, code);
public static void genTestsNumericTypeComparisonOpNumericTypes(int type, int op, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t// " + typeName[type] + " " + opSymbol[op] + " {" + typeName[T_byte] + ", " + typeName[T_char] + ", " + typeName[T_short] + ", " + typeName[T_int] + ", " + typeName[T_long] + ", " + typeName[T_float] + ", " + typeName[T_double] + "}\n" +
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBooleanResult(type, op, T_byte, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBooleanResult(type, op, T_char, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBooleanResult(type, op, T_short, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBooleanResult(type, op, T_int, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBooleanResult(type, op, T_long, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBooleanResult(type, op, T_float, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBooleanResult(type, op, T_double, code);
public static void genTestsIntegerTypeShiftOpIntegerTypes(int type, int op, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t// " + typeName[type] + " " + opSymbol[op] + " {" + typeName[T_byte] + ", " + typeName[T_char] + ", " + typeName[T_short] + ", " + typeName[T_int] + ", " + typeName[T_long] + "}\n" +
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeUnaryPromotion(type, op, T_byte, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeUnaryPromotion(type, op, T_char, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeUnaryPromotion(type, op, T_short, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeUnaryPromotion(type, op, T_int, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeUnaryPromotion(type, op, T_long, code);
public static void genTestsIntegerTypeBooleanOpIntegerTypes(int type, int op, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t// " + typeName[type] + " " + opSymbol[op] + " {" + typeName[T_byte] + ", " + typeName[T_char] + ", " + typeName[T_short] + ", " + typeName[T_int] + ", " + typeName[T_long] + "}\n" +
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_byte, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_char, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_short, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_int, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_long, code);
public static void genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpNumericTypes(int type, int op, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t// " + typeName[type] + " " + opSymbol[op] + " {" + typeName[T_byte] + ", " + typeName[T_char] + ", " + typeName[T_short] + ", " + typeName[T_int] + ", " + typeName[T_long] + ", " + typeName[T_float] + ", " + typeName[T_double] + "}\n" +
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_byte, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_char, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_short, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_int, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_long, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_float, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_double, code);
public static void genTestsIntegerTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpIntegerTypes(int type, int op, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t// " + typeName[type] + " " + opSymbol[op] + " {" + typeName[T_byte] + ", " + typeName[T_char] + ", " + typeName[T_short] + ", " + typeName[T_int] + ", " + typeName[T_long] + ", " + typeName[T_float] + ", " + typeName[T_double] + "}\n" +
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_byte, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_char, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_short, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_int, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_long, code);
public static void genTestsNumericTypeCast(int type, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t// (" + typeName[type] + ") {" + typeName[T_byte] + ", " + typeName[T_char] + ", " + typeName[T_short] + ", " + typeName[T_int] + ", " + typeName[T_long] + ", " + typeName[T_float] + ", " + typeName[T_double] + "}\n" +
genTestNumericTypeCast(type, T_byte, code);
genTestNumericTypeCast(type, T_char, code);
genTestNumericTypeCast(type, T_short, code);
genTestNumericTypeCast(type, T_int, code);
genTestNumericTypeCast(type, T_long, code);
genTestNumericTypeCast(type, T_float, code);
genTestNumericTypeCast(type, T_double, code);
public static void genTestsNumericTypeAllXfixOps(int type, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t// {" + opSymbol[Op_prefixPlusPlus] + ", " + opSymbol[Op_prefixMinusMinus] + "} " + typeName[type] + "\n" +
"\t// " + typeName[type] + " {" + opSymbol[Op_postfixPlusPlus] + ", " + opSymbol[Op_postfixMinusMinus] + "}\n" +
genTestNumericTypePrefixOp(type, Op_prefixPlusPlus, code);
genTestNumericTypePrefixOp(type, Op_prefixMinusMinus, code);
genTestNumericTypePostfixOp(type, Op_postfixPlusPlus, code);
genTestNumericTypePostfixOp(type, Op_postfixMinusMinus, code);
public static void genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(int type1, int op, int type2, StringBuffer code) {
int promotedType = getPromotionType(type1, type2);
String t1UName = typeUpperName[type1];
String t2UName = typeUpperName[type2];
String oUName = opUpperName[op];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + t1UName + oUName + t2UName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeBinaryOp(type1, op, type2, promotedType, 0, 1, true, code);
genCodeBinaryOp(type1, op, type2, promotedType, 1, 0, false, code);
public static void genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBooleanResult(int type1, int op, int type2, StringBuffer code) {
int promotedType = T_boolean;
String t1UName = typeUpperName[type1];
String t2UName = typeUpperName[type2];
String oUName = opUpperName[op];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + t1UName + oUName + t2UName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeBinaryOp(type1, op, type2, promotedType, 0, 1, true, code);
genCodeBinaryOp(type1, op, type2, promotedType, 1, 0, false, code);
genCodeBinaryOp(type1, op, type2, promotedType, 0, 0, false, code);
public static void genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeUnaryPromotion(int type1, int op, int type2, StringBuffer code) {
int promotedType = getUnaryPromotionType(type1);
String t1UName = typeUpperName[type1];
String t2UName = typeUpperName[type2];
String oUName = opUpperName[op];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + t1UName + oUName + t2UName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeBinaryOp(type1, op, type2, promotedType, 0, 1, true, code);
genCodeBinaryOp(type1, op, type2, promotedType, 1, 0, false, code);
public static void genTestBooleanBinaryOpBoolean(int op, StringBuffer code) {
int type = T_boolean;
String uName = typeUpperName[type];
String oUName = opUpperName[op];
code.append("\t// " + typeName[type] + " " + opSymbol[op] + " " + typeName[type] + "\n" +
code.append("\tpublic void test" + uName + oUName + uName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeBinaryOp(type, op, type, type, 0, 0, true, code);
genCodeBinaryOp(type, op, type, type, 0, 1, false, code);
genCodeBinaryOp(type, op, type, type, 1, 0, false, code);
genCodeBinaryOp(type, op, type, type, 1, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestUnaryOpNumericType(int type, int op, StringBuffer code) {
int promotedType = getUnaryPromotionType(type);
String tName = typeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String oSymbol = opSymbol[op];
String oUName = opUpperName[op];
code.append("\t// " + oSymbol + " " + tName + "\n" +
code.append("\tpublic void test" + oUName + tUName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeUnaryOp(type, op, promotedType, 0, true, code);
genCodeUnaryOp(type, op, promotedType, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestUnaryOpBoolean(int op, StringBuffer code) {
int type = T_boolean;
String uName = typeUpperName[type];
String oUName = opUpperName[op];
code.append("\t// " + opSymbol[op] + " " + typeName[type] + "\n" +
code.append("\tpublic void test" + oUName + uName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeUnaryOp(type, op, type, 0, true, code);
genCodeUnaryOp(type, op, type, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestLocalVarValue(int type, StringBuffer code ) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + tUName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeLocalVarValue(type, 0, true, code);
genCodeLocalVarValue(type, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestLocalVarAssignment(int type, StringBuffer code) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + tUName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeLocalVarAssignment(type, 0, 0, true, code);
genCodeLocalVarAssignment(type, 0, 1, false, code);
genCodeLocalVarAssignment(type, 1, 0, false, code);
genCodeLocalVarAssignment(type, 1, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(int type1, int op, int type2, StringBuffer code) {
String t1UName = typeUpperName[type1];
String t2UName = typeUpperName[type2];
String oUName = opUpperName[op];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + t1UName + oUName + t2UName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeSetTmp("tmp" + variable[0], type1, Op_equal, variable[0] + t1UName + "Value", true, code);
genCodeSetTmp("tmp" + variable[0], type1, op, immediate[0] + t2UName + "Value", false, code);
genCodeAssignmentOp(type1, op, type2, 0, 0, true, code);
genCodeSetTmp("tmp" + variable[0], type1, op, immediate[1] + t2UName + "Value", false, code);
genCodeAssignmentOp(type1, op, type2, 0, 1, false, code);
genCodeSetTmp("tmp" + variable[1], type1, Op_equal, variable[1] + t1UName + "Value", true, code);
genCodeSetTmp("tmp" + variable[1], type1, op, immediate[0] + t2UName + "Value", false, code);
genCodeAssignmentOp(type1, op, type2, 1, 0, false, code);
genCodeSetTmp("tmp" + variable[1], type1, op, immediate[1] + t2UName + "Value", false, code);
genCodeAssignmentOp(type1, op, type2, 1, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestNumericTypeCast(int type1, int type2, StringBuffer code) {
String t1UName = typeUpperName[type1];
String t2UName = typeUpperName[type2];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + t1UName + "Cast" + t2UName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeCast(type1, type2, 0, true, code);
genCodeCast(type1, type2, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestNumericTypePrefixOp(int type, int op, StringBuffer code) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String oUName = opUpperName[op];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + oUName + tUName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodePrefixOp(type, op, 0, true, code);
genCodePrefixOp(type, op, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestNumericTypePostfixOp(int type, int op, StringBuffer code) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String oUName = opUpperName[op];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + oUName + tUName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodePostfixOp(type, op, 0, true, code);
genCodePostfixOp(type, op, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestFieldValue(int type, int prefix, StringBuffer code ) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + tUName + "FieldValue() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeFieldValue(type, 0, prefix, true, code);
genCodeFieldValue(type, 1, prefix, false, code);
public static void genTestStaticFieldValue(int type, int prefix, StringBuffer code ) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + tUName + "StaticFieldValue() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeFieldValue(type, 2, prefix, true, code);
genCodeFieldValue(type, 3, prefix, false, code);
public static void genTestArrayValue(int type, StringBuffer code ) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + tUName + "ArrayValue() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeArrayValue(type, 2, 0, true, code);
genCodeArrayValue(type, 2, 1, false, code);
genCodeArrayValue(type, 2, 2, false, code);
genCodeArrayValue(type, 3, 0, false, code);
genCodeArrayValue(type, 3, 1, false, code);
genCodeArrayValue(type, 3, 2, false, code);
public static void genTestArrayLength(int type, StringBuffer code ) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + tUName + "ArrayLength() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeArrayLength(type, 2, true, code);
genCodeArrayLength(type, 3, false, code);
public static void genTestArrayAssignment(int type, StringBuffer code ) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + tUName + "ArrayAssignment() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeArrayAssignment(type, 2, 0, 0, true, code);
genCodeArrayAssignment(type, 2, 1, 1, false, code);
genCodeArrayAssignment(type, 2, 2, 0, false, code);
genCodeArrayAssignment(type, 3, 0, 1, false, code);
genCodeArrayAssignment(type, 3, 1, 0, false, code);
genCodeArrayAssignment(type, 3, 2, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestArrayAllocation(int type, StringBuffer code) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + tUName + "ArrayAllocation() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeArrayAllocation(type, 2, 0, true, code);
genCodeArrayAllocation(type, 3, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestArrayInitialization(int type, StringBuffer code) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + tUName + "ArrayAllocation() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeArrayInitialization(type, 2, true, code);
genCodeArrayInitialization(type, 3, false, code);
public static void genCodeBinaryOp(int type1, int op, int type2, int resultType, int var1, int var2, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String t1Name = typeName[type1];
String t1UName = typeUpperName[type1];
String t2Name = typeName[type2];
String t2UName = typeUpperName[type2];
String resName = typeName[resultType];
String resUName = typeUpperName[resultType];
String oName = opName[op];
String oSymbol = opSymbol[op];
String v1Name = immediate[var1];
String v2Name = immediate[var2];
genCodeEval(v1Name + t1UName + " + " + oName + "Op + " + v2Name + t2UName, first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(t1Name + " " + oName + " " + t2Name, resName, first, code);
switch (resultType) {
case T_String:
genCodeReturnValueCheckStringType(t1Name + " " + oName + " " + t2Name, v1Name + t1UName + "Value " + oSymbol + " " + v2Name + t2UName + "Value", first, code);
case T_float:
case T_double:
genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType(t1Name + " " + oName + " " + t2Name, resName, resUName, v1Name + t1UName + "Value " + oSymbol + " " + v2Name + t2UName + "Value", first, code);
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(t1Name + " " + oName + " " + t2Name, resName, resUName, v1Name + t1UName + "Value " + oSymbol + " " + v2Name + t2UName + "Value", first, code);
public static void genCodeUnaryOp(int type, int op, int resultType, int var, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tName = typeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String resName = typeName[resultType];
String resUName = typeUpperName[resultType];
String oName = opName[op];
String oSymbol = opSymbol[op];
String vName = immediate[var];
genCodeEval(oName + "Op + " + vName + tUName, first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(oName + " " + tName, resName, first, code);
if (type == T_float || type == T_double) {
genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType(oName + " " + tName, resName, resUName, oSymbol + " " + vName + tUName + "Value", first, code);
} else {
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(oName + " " + tName, resName, resUName, oSymbol + " " + vName + tUName + "Value", first, code);
public static void genCodeLocalVarValue(int type, int var, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String vName = variable[var];
genCodeLocalVarValue(type,var, vName + tUName + "Value", first, code);
public static void genCodeLocalVarValue(int type, int var, String referenceExpression, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tName = typeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String vName = variable[var];
genCodeEval(vName + tUName, first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(tName + " local variable value", tName, first,code);
switch (type) {
case T_String:
genCodeReturnValueCheckStringType(tName + " local variable value", referenceExpression, first, code);
case T_float:
case T_double:
genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType(tName + " local variable value", tName, tUName, referenceExpression, first, code);
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(tName + " local variable value", tName, tUName, referenceExpression, first, code);
public static void genCodeLocalVarAssignment(int type, int var, int imm, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tName = typeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String vName = variable[var];
String iName = immediate[imm];
String oName = opName[Op_equal];
genCodeEval(vName + tUName + " + " + oName + "Op +" + iName + tUName, first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(tName + " local variable assignment", tName, first,code);
switch (type) {
case T_String:
genCodeReturnValueCheckStringType(tName + " local variable assignment", iName + tUName + "Value", first, code);
case T_float:
case T_double:
genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType(tName + " local variable assignment", tName, tUName, iName + tUName + "Value", first, code);
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(tName + " local variable assignment", tName, tUName, iName + tUName + "Value", first, code);
genCodeLocalVarValue(type, var, iName + tUName + "Value", false, code);
public static void genCodeAssignmentOp(int type1, int op, int type2, int var, int imm, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String t1Name = typeName[type1];
String t1UName = typeUpperName[type1];
String t2Name = typeName[type2];
String t2UName = typeUpperName[type2];
String oName = opName[op];
String vName = variable[var];
String iName = immediate[imm];
genCodeEval(vName + t1UName + " + " + oName + "Op + " + iName + t2UName, first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(t1Name + " " + oName + " " + t2Name, t1Name, first, code);
switch (type1) {
case T_String:
genCodeReturnValueCheckStringType(t1Name + " " + oName + " " + t2Name, "tmp" + vName, first, code);
case T_float:
case T_double:
genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType(t1Name + " " + oName + " " + t2Name, t1Name, t1UName, "tmp" + vName, first, code);
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(t1Name + " " + oName + " " + t2Name, t1Name, t1UName, "tmp" + vName, first, code);
genCodeLocalVarValue(type1, var, "tmp" + vName, false, code);
public static void genCodeCast(int type1, int type2, int imm, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String t1Name = typeName[type1];
String t1UName = typeUpperName[type1];
String t2Name = typeName[type2];
String t2UName = typeUpperName[type2];
String iName = immediate[imm];
genCodeEval("\"(" + t1Name + ")\" + " + iName + t2UName, first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck("(" + t1Name + ") " + t2Name, t1Name, first, code);
if (type1 == T_float || type1 == T_double) {
genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType("(" + t1Name + ") " + t2Name, t1Name, t1UName, "( " + t1Name + ") " + iName + t2UName + "Value", first, code);
} else {
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType("(" + t1Name + ") " + t2Name, t1Name, t1UName, "( " + t1Name + ") " + iName + t2UName + "Value", first, code);
public static void genCodePrefixOp(int type, int op, int var, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tName = typeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String vName = variable[var];
String oName = opName[op];
String oSymbol = opSymbol[op];
genCodeSetTmp("tmp" + vName, type, Op_equal, vName + tUName + "Value", true, code);
genCodeEval(oName + "Op + " + vName + tUName, first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(oName + " " + tName, tName, first, code);
if (type == T_float || type == T_double) {
genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType(oName + " " + tName, tName, tUName, oSymbol + "tmp" + vName, first,code);
} else {
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(oName + " " + tName, tName, tUName, oSymbol + "tmp" + vName, first,code);
genCodeLocalVarValue(type, var, "tmp" + vName, false, code);
public static void genCodePostfixOp(int type, int op, int var, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tName = typeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String vName = variable[var];
String oName = opName[op];
String oSymbol = opSymbol[op];
genCodeSetTmp("tmp" + vName, type, Op_equal, vName + tUName + "Value", true, code);
genCodeEval(vName + tUName + " + " + oName + "Op", first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(tName + " " + oName, tName, first, code);
if (type == T_float || type == T_double) {
genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType(tName + " " + oName, tName, tUName, "tmp" + vName + oSymbol, first,code);
} else {
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(tName + " " + oName, tName, tUName, "tmp" + vName + oSymbol, first,code);
genCodeLocalVarValue(type, var, "tmp" + vName, false, code);
public static void genCodeFieldValue(int type, int var, int prefix, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String fName = field[var];
genCodeFieldValue(type, var, prefix, fName + tUName + "Value", first, code);
public static void genCodeFieldValue(int type, int var, int prefix, String referenceExpression, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tName = typeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String fName = field[var];
String prefixVal = prefixList[prefix];
genCodeEval("\"" + prefixVal + "\" + " + fName + tUName, first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(tName + " field value", tName, first,code);
switch (type) {
case T_String:
genCodeReturnValueCheckStringType(tName + " field value", referenceExpression, first, code);
case T_float:
case T_double:
genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType(tName + " field value", tName, tUName, referenceExpression, first, code);
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(tName + " field value", tName, tUName, referenceExpression, first, code);
public static void genCodeArrayLength(int type, int var, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String vName = variable[var];
genCodeArrayLength(type, var, vName + tUName + "Value.length", first, code);
public static void genCodeArrayLength(int type, int var, String referenceExpression, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tName = typeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String vName = variable[var];
genCodeEval(vName + tUName + " + \".length\"", first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(tName + " array length", typeName[T_int], first,code);
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(tName + " array length", typeName[T_int], typeUpperName[T_int], referenceExpression, first, code);
public static void genCodeArrayValue(int type, int var, int index, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String vName = variable[var];
genCodeArrayValue(type, var, index, vName + tUName + "Value[" + index + "]", first, code);
public static void genCodeArrayValue(int type, int var, int index, String referenceExpression, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tName = typeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String vName = variable[var];
genCodeEval(vName + tUName + " + \"[" + index + "]\"", first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(tName + " array value", tName, first,code);
switch (type) {
case T_String:
genCodeReturnValueCheckStringType(tName + " array value", referenceExpression, first, code);
case T_float:
case T_double:
genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType(tName + " array value", tName, tUName, referenceExpression, first, code);
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(tName + " array value", tName, tUName, referenceExpression, first, code);
public static void genCodeArrayAssignment(int type, int var, int index, int imm, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tName = typeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String vName = variable[var];
String iName = immediate[imm];
String oName = opName[Op_equal];
genCodeEval(vName + tUName + " + \"[" + index + "]\" + " + oName + "Op +" + iName + tUName, first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(tName + " array assignment", tName, first,code);
switch (type) {
case T_String:
genCodeReturnValueCheckStringType(tName + " array assignment", iName + tUName + "Value", first, code);
case T_float:
case T_double:
genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType(tName + " array assignment", tName, tUName, iName + tUName + "Value", first, code);
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(tName + " array assignment", tName, tUName, iName + tUName + "Value", first, code);
genCodeArrayValue(type, var, index, iName + tUName + "Value", false, code);
public static void genCodeArrayAllocation(int type, int var, int dim, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tName = typeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String charUName = typeUpperName[T_char];
String vName = variable[var];
String iName = immediate[dim];
String oName = opName[Op_equal];
genCodeEval(vName + tUName + " + " + oName + "Op + \"new " + tName + "[\" + " + iName + charUName + " + \"]\"", first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(tName + " array assignment", tName + "[]", first, code);
if (first) {
genCodeSetTmp("intValue", T_int, Op_equal, "0", true, code);
genCodeArrayLength(type, var, iName + charUName + "Value", false, code);
public static void genCodeArrayInitialization(int type, int var, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tName = typeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String vName = variable[var];
String oName = opName[Op_equal];
String i1Name = immediate[(var + 1) % 2];
String value = "";
boolean f = true;
for (int i = 0; i < var; i ++) {
if (f) {
f = false;
} else {
value += " + \", \" + ";
value += immediate[i % 2] + tUName;
genCodeEval(vName + tUName + " + " + oName + "Op + \"new " + tName + "[]{\" + " + value + " + \"}\"", first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(tName + " array assignment", tName + "[]", first, code);
if (first) {
genCodeSetTmp("intValue", T_int, Op_equal, "0", true, code);
if (type != T_int) {
genCodeSetTmp(((type == T_String)? "string" : tName) + "Value", type, Op_equal, i1Name + tUName + "Value", true, code);
genCodeArrayLength(type, var, "" + var, false, code);
for (int i = 0; i < var; i++) {
genCodeArrayValue(type, var, i, immediate[i % 2] + tUName + "Value", false, code);
public static void genCodeEval(String expression, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t\t" + ((first)? "IValue " : "") + "value = eval(" + expression + ");\n");
public static void genCodeReturnTypeCheck(String test, String typeName, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t\t" + ((first)? "String " : "") + "typeName = value.getReferenceTypeName();\n" +
"\t\tassertEquals(\"" + test + " : wrong type : \", \"" + typeName + "\", typeName);\n");
public static void genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(String test, String resType, String uResType, String referenceExpression, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t\t" + ((first)? resType + " " : "") + resType + "Value = ((IJavaPrimitiveValue)value).get" + uResType + "Value();\n" +
"\t\tassertEquals(\"" + test + " : wrong result : \", " + referenceExpression + ", " + resType+ "Value);\n");
public static void genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType(String test, String resType, String uResType, String referenceExpression, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t\t" + ((first)? resType + " " : "") + resType + "Value = ((IJavaPrimitiveValue)value).get" + uResType + "Value();\n" +
"\t\tassertEquals(\"" + test + " : wrong result : \", " + referenceExpression + ", " + resType+ "Value, 0);\n");
public static void genCodeReturnValueCheckStringType(String test, String referenceExpression, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t\t" + ((first)? "String " : "") + "stringValue = ((JDIObjectValue)value).getValueString();\n" +
"\t\tassertEquals(\"" + test + " : wrong result : \", " + referenceExpression + ", " + "stringValue);\n");
/* public static void genCodeReturnValueCheckObjectType(String test, String referenceExpression, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t\t" + ((first)? "Object " : "") + "objectValue = ((JDIObjectValue)value).getValueString();\n" +
"\t\tassertEquals(\"" + test + " : wrong result : \" + " + "objectValue, " + "objectValue, " + referenceExpression + ");\n");
public static void genCodeSetTmp(String varName, int type, int op, String value, boolean init , StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t\t" + ((init)? typeName[type] + " " : "") + varName + " " + opSymbol[op] + " " + value + ";\n");
public static void tryBlockBegin(StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t\ttry {\n\t\tinit();\n");
public static void tryBlockEnd(StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t\t} catch (Throwable e) {\n\t\te.printStackTrace(); throw e;\n\t\t} finally {;\n\t\tend();\n\t\t}\n");
public static void createJavaFile(String className, String testClass, int breakPointLine, int frameNumber, StringBuffer tests) throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
code.append("package org.eclipse.jdt.debug.tests.eval;\n" +
"import junit.framework.Test;\n" +
"import junit.framework.TestSuite;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IValue;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaDebugTarget;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaPrimitiveValue;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.model.JDIObjectValue;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class " + className + " extends Tests {\n" +
"\n" +
"\tpublic " + className + "(String arg) {\n" +
"\t\tsuper(arg);\n" +
"\t}\n" +
"\n" +
"\tprotected void init() throws Exception {\n" +
"\t\tinitializeFrame(\"" + testClass + "\"," + breakPointLine + "," + frameNumber + ");\n" +
"\t}\n" +
"\n" +
"\tprotected void end() throws Exception {\n" +
"\t\tdestroyFrame();\n" +
Writer file = new FileWriter(new File(className + ".java").getAbsoluteFile());