Bug 546797 - [9][build path] Polish the new UI for modularity details

- textual rendering of patch-module (with absolute paths)
- explanation label in the Show JPMS Options dialog
- dis/enablement for the new button
- text polish
- robustness wrt closed projects
- offer to add system modules needed for add-reads
- offer tab switching from add-reads and remove(module)
- split module search (for correctness & speed):
  - system modules only via the projects JRE entry
  - only non-system modules via workspace search
- when current project is a patch, show the patched module as focus mod
  - required: improved CPListElement.{hashCode,equals}
- polish null return vs. exception
- create module attribute on source folder of focus project if needed

Change-Id: I379ecdee3b3116820af5fc15fae6873542723852
Signed-off-by: Stephan Herrmann <stephan.herrmann@berlin.de>
14 files changed
tree: 774bcd6f74e9af5fe1b26b8504c38fa9783746d2
  1. org.eclipse.jdt.astview/
  2. org.eclipse.jdt.astview.feature/
  3. org.eclipse.jdt.core.manipulation/
  4. org.eclipse.jdt.jeview/
  5. org.eclipse.jdt.jeview.feature/
  6. org.eclipse.jdt.junit/
  7. org.eclipse.jdt.junit.core/
  8. org.eclipse.jdt.junit.runtime/
  9. org.eclipse.jdt.junit4.runtime/
  10. org.eclipse.jdt.junit5.runtime/
  11. org.eclipse.jdt.text.tests/
  12. org.eclipse.jdt.ui/
  13. org.eclipse.jdt.ui.examples.javafamily/
  14. org.eclipse.jdt.ui.examples.projects/
  15. org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests/
  16. org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring/
  17. org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring/
  18. org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.tests/
  19. org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring/
  20. org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.tests/
  21. tests-pom/
  22. .gitignore
  25. NOTICE
  26. pom.xml
  27. README.md

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Project description:

The JDT UI implements the user interface for the Java IDE. This includes views like Package Explorer and JUnit, the Java and properties files editors, Java search, and refactorings. Website: http://www.eclipse.org/jdt/ui/

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