blob: 6c756ca60135233b1766a7f8cf8de32fea2eef40 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
RemoteTestRunner.error.classnotfound= Class not found {0}
RemoteTestRunner.error.exception= "Error: " {0}
RemoteTestRunner.error.invoke= Failed to invoke suite(): {0}
RemoteTestRunner.error.load= Could not reload Test: {0}
RemoteTestRunner.junit4=Could not adapt JUnit 4 test
RemoteTestRunner.error.connect= Could not connect to: {0} : {1}
RemoteTestRunner.error.classnamemissing=Error: parameter '-classNames' or '-className' not specified
RemoteTestRunner.error.invalidloader=Error: test loader {0} not found:\n{1}
RemoteTestRunner.error.portmissing=Error: parameter '-port' not specified
RemoteTestRunner.error.notestreturn=setUpTest should return junit.framework.Test
RemoteTestRunner.error.shouldbepublic=setUpTest() must be public
RemoteTestRunner.error.shouldbestatic=setUpTest() must be static
RemoteTestRunner.error.nullreturn=setUpTest returned null
RemoteTestRunner.error.couldnotinvoke=setUpTest could not invoke setup: {0}
RemoteTestRunner.error.invocationexception=setUpTest invocation exception: {0}
RemoteTestRunner.error.couldnotcreate=Could not create test:
RemoteTestRunner.error.rerunClass=JUnit4 test classes cannot be rerun
RemoteTestRunner.error.couldnotprintstacktrace=Could not determine original stack trace