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<title>Package-level Javadoc</title>
Application programming interfaces for interaction
with the Eclipse Java User Interface.
Package Specification</h2>
The package provides support classes for presenting Java elements in the
user interface.
<p>The class <b>JavaUI </b>is the main access point to the Java user interface
components. It allows to programmatically open editors on Java elements
and open package and type prompter dialogs. The package exposes constants
for retrieving Java user interface parts from the workbench registry. JavaUI
gives access to the <b>IWorkingCopyManager</b>. It manages the working
copies that are in use for Java compilation units.
<p>The interfaces <b>ITypeHierarchyViewPart</b> and <b>IPackagesViewPart</b>
define the programming interface to interact with the type hierarchy and
packages view parts.
<p>The classes <b>JavaElementContentProvider</b> and <b>JavaElementLabelProvider
presenting Java elements in JFace viewers.