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<title>Package-level Javadoc</title>
Application programming interfaces for Java search participants..
<h2> Package Specification</h2>
The package provides API that allows clients to participate in Java searches. A Java search query is specified by a
; an
if searching for a specific
, a
when searching for a string pattern.
<P>Clients who want to participate in Java search queries should implement <TT>IQueryParticipant</TT>. A query participant interprets a <TT>QuerySpecification</TT> and reports matches to a <TT>ISearchRequestor</TT>. If a query participant wishes to report matches against elements that are not <TT>IResources</TT> or <TT>IJavaElements</TT>, it has to implement a <TT>IMatchPresentation</TT> to render these elements.</P>