blob: c5846a3c45faf070371acfa6a783ebe73a2b9a7a [file] [log] [blame]
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Jetty :: OSGi :: Test</name>
<description>Jetty OSGi Integration test</description>
<!-- Pax Exam Dependencies -->
<!-- OPS4J Swissbox Dependencies -->
<!-- Don't use the native container for now. Observed limitations:
- single test with a single configuration
- does not read the versions of the dependencies from the pom.xml
and hence hardcode the bundles versions in the source code instead
- no support for most configuration options for the OSGi container. -->
<!-- container is not bad but not enough config parameters yet
can't pass the VMOption for npn-boot
<!-- OSGi R4 frameworks -->
<!-- For sane logging -->
<!-- OSGi Deps -->
<!-- Jetty Deps -->
<!-- Eclipse OSGi Deps -->
<!-- we use the servlet jar from orbit -->
<!-- No point defining -Xbootclasspath as the actual OSGi VM is run as a forked process by pax-exam -->
<!-- But we do pass the sys property of the npn-boot jar -->
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself.-->
<ignore />