Merge branch 'master' into next

* master:
  Delete org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.apache.agent/bin/.project
  Allow to discover bitmap on disk created after the packfile
  Update jetty to 10.0.20
  Update maven plugins
  Update org.assertj:assertj-core to 3.25.3
  Update org.mockito:mockito-core to 5.10.0
  Update org.apache.commons:commons-compress to 1.26.0
  Update byte-buddy to 1.14.12
  Add SystemReader.Delegate to reduce boiler-plate code needed to subclass
  storage.file: Do not throw NSFE when deleting tmp files
  FS.detectSymlinkSupport: fix a race
  RefDirectory: Do not unlock until after deleting loose ref
  Add missing javadoc description for declared exception
  SnapshottingRefDirectory: Invalidate snapshot after locking ref for update
  SnapshottingRefDir: Replace lambas with method refs
  SnapshottingRefDir: Reduce casts with overrides
  [errorprone] Fix wrong comparison which always evaluated to false
  [errorprone] Remove unnecessary comparison
  Errorprone EscapedEntity: Do not use HTML entities inside @code javadoc
  ChangedPathFilter: Suppress warning about backing array (errorprone)
  PackWriterBitmapPreparer: Do not generate bitmaps for excessive branch tips.
  Don't use localized String during JVM shutdown
  RawParseUtils.nextLfSkippingSplitLines: fulfil contract as stated
  [gpg] Refactor the GpgSignatureVerifier
  RawParseUtils: utility method to get a header value
  Improve handling of NFS stale handle errors
  Fix handling of missing pack index file
  Add tests for handling pack files removal during fetch
  RebaseCommand: fix stopping on root commit conflicts
  Improve handling of NFS stale handle errors
  Fix handling of missing pack index file
  CherryPick: add ability to customise cherry-picked commit message
  RawParseUtils: Add missing @since tag for new API method
  Silence API warning for new constant
  [ssh] Bump Apache MINA sshd 2.11.0 -> 2.12.0
  Introduce a PriorityQueue sorting RevCommits by commit timestamp
  Remove org.eclipse.jgit.benchmark/.factorypath
  Update jmh to 1.37 for org.eclipse.jgit.benchmark
  Add tests for handling pack files removal during fetch
  PackWriterBitmapPreparer: Set limit on excessive branch count
  Update jna to 5.14.0
  DfsInserter/PackParser: keep min size for index in the inserter
  FooterLines: handle extraction from messages without headers
  Silence API warnings
  Remove invalid/unnecessary Maven settings
  Update maven plugins
  Update org.eclipse.dash:license-tool-plugin to 1.1.0
  Enable using slf4j 2.x
  Update Tycho to 4.0.4
  Update mockito to 5.8.0
  Add 4.31 target platform and update orbit to 4.31
  Update ecj to 3.36.0
  Renormalize line endings based on .gitattributes
  Configure .gitattributes to manage line endings
  Normalize line endings to LF for all text files
  BasePackFetchConnection: Skip object/ref lookups if local repo is empty
  LooseObjects: Use File#exists when possible
  Remove invalid spotbugs configuration
  Fix PMD plugin configuration
  DfsReader: give subclasses visiblity over the pack bitmap index
  PackBitmapIndex/StoredBitmap: Expose size and counts
  PackWriter/Statistics: Remove the bitmapt hit stats
  Configure Github issue reporting
  Make sure ref to prune is in packed refs
  FooterLine: Protect from ill-formed message
  API filter for PackStatistics.objectsWithBitmapsFound
  StartGenerator: Fix parent rewrite with non-default RevFilter
  Document option gc.writeCommitGraph
  Bump last release version to
  Prepare 6.9.0-SNAPSHOT builds
  BitmapWalkerTest: New test for the walker
  PackWriter: store the objects with bitmaps in the statistics
  FooterLine: First line cannot be a footer
  Reapply "Improve footer parsing to allow multiline footers."
  Revert "Improve footer parsing to allow multiline footers."
  Prepare 6.8.1-SNAPSHOT builds
  JGit v6.8.0.202311291450-r
  Rename method parameter to fix warning about hidden field
  Fix warnings about empty control flow statements
  BitmapIndexImpl: externalize error message
  Suppress not-externalized string warnings
  Silence API error for new method BitmapIndex#addBitmapLookupListener
  Update Orbit to orbit-aggregation/2023-12
  Adapt to type parameter added in commons-compress 1.25.0
  Improve footer parsing to allow multiline footers.
  Make the tests buildable by bazel test
  Prepare 6.8.0-SNAPSHOT builds
  JGit v6.8.0.202311212206-rc1
  BitmapIndex: Add interface to track bitmaps found (or not)
  BitmapWalker: Remove BitmapWalkListener
  Update repository URLs in
  Fix typo in FileUtils.isStaleFileHandle() javadoc
  Fix branch ref exist check
  gpg.bc: Supress errorprone InsecureCryptoUsage
  Adjust javadoc to pass errorprone checks
  Update org.apache.commons:commons-compress to 1.25.0
  Fix annotation of deprecated constant CONFIG_KEY_STREAM_FILE_TRESHOLD
  BitmapWalkListener: Use plain interface with noop instance
  BitmapWalkListener: Add method and rename for commits
  Update bouncycastle to 1.77
  PatchApplier: wrap output's TemporaryBuffer with a CountingOutputStream
  BitmapWalker: announce walked objects via listener interface
  Prepare 6.8.0-SNAPSHOT builds
  Update jetty to 10.0.18
  SSH: bump org.apache.sshd to 2.11.0
  JGit v6.8.0.202311151710-m2
  Fix typo in constant name CONFIG_KEY_STREAM_FILE_TRESHOLD
  Simplify StringUtils#commonPrefix
  Optimize RefDirectory.getRefsByPrefix(String...)
  CommitGraphWriter: Remove unnecesary progress update call
  Use try-with-resource to ensure UploadPack is closed
  Fix hiding field warning
  Fix warning for empty code blocks
  Fix boxing warnings
  errorprone: remove unnecessary parentheses
  Update mockito to 5.7.0 and bytebuddy to 1.14.9
  Enable Maven reproducible builds
  Upgrade bazlets to the latest revision
  Revert "Optimise Git protocol v2 `ref-prefix` scanning"
  Document GIT_TRACE_PERFORMANCE to show timings fix sort order
  ComboBitset: Add Javadoc
  CommitGraphWriter: Add progress monitor to bloom filter computation
  CommitGraphWriter: Use ProgressMonitor from the OutputStream
  CommitGraphWriter: Unnest generation-number progress
  Optimise Git protocol v2 `ref-prefix` scanning
  UploadPackTest: Cover using wanted-refs as advertised set
  UploadPack: use want-refs as advertised set in fetch v2
  BasePackFetchConnection: Avoid full clone with useNegotiationTip
  Checkout: better directory handling
  .gitignore: ignore all Maven output directories `target/`
  benchmarks: use org.eclipse.jgit-parent as parent pom
  Generate SBOMs using cyclonedx maven plugin
  DfsPackFile: Do not attempt to read stream if pack doesn't have it
  PackObjectSizeIndexLoader: Log wrong bytes on exception
  Silence API warnings for API added in 5.13.3
  FileBasedConfig: in-process synchronization for load() and save()
  FileUtils.rename(): better retry handling
  FileBasedConfig: ensure correct snapshot if no file
  DeleteBranchCommand: update config only at the end
  Config.removeSection() telling whether it changed the config
  RebaseCommand: return correct status on stash apply conflicts
  Use net.i2p.crypto.eddsa 0.3.0 from new Orbit build
  PackConfig: fix @since tags
  Remove unused API problem filters
  Add support for git config repack.packKeptObjects
  Do not exclude objects in locked packs from bitmap processing
  [errorprone] Fix InconsistentCapitalization
  TestRepository: Add getInstant method
  Update orbit to orbit-aggregation/2023-12
  Prepare 6.8.0-SNAPSHOT builds
  JGit v6.8.0.202310031045-m1
  UploadPack: Delay freeing refs in sendPack()
  ByteBufferInputStream: add missing @since 6.8
  Fix log level for successful execution of ShutdownHook#notify to debug
  Eclipse features: update copyright year
  SSH agent: correct plug-in title
  Fix DefaultCharset bug pattern flagged by error prone
  Activate additional error prone checks
  WorkingTreeIterator: directly filter input stream
  [errorprone] Add missing javadoc summary
  [errorprone] Fix BadImport
  [errorprone] Prevent int expression may overflow
  [errorprone] Suppress ByteBufferBackingArray
  [errorprone] Suppress JavaLangClash to avoid breaking change
  [errorprone] Fix EqualsGetClass
  [errorprone] MockSystemReader: fix CatchAndPrintStackTrace
  [errorprone] MetaFilter: fix IdentityHashMapUsage
  [errorprone] InternalFetchConnection: Suppress CatchAndPrintStackTrace
  [errorprone] Don't swallow exception
  [errorprone] Fix inconsistent capitalization
  [errorprone] PageRef#isStringRef: suppress UnusedMethod
  [errorprone] FileReftableStack: fix EqualsUnsafeCast
  [errorprone] Suppress MissingSummary for translation bundles
  [errorprone] CommandLineMergeTool: Remove unused constuctor
  [errorprone] SimilarityRenameDetector: suppress IntLongMath
  Add comment why protocol list uses WeakReference
  [errorprone] Transport: Suppress ModifyCollectionInEnhancedForLoop
  [errorprone] Rename method parameter to silence InvalidParam
  [errorprone] MyersDiff#main: fix CatchAndPrintStackTrace
  [errorprone] TagCommand: Remove unused parameter of private method
  [errorprone] PathFilter#getPathsBestEffort: fix ArrayAsKeyOfSetOrMap
  [errorprone] DirCacheEntry: suppress JavaInstantGetSecondsGetNano
  [errorprone] Directly implement functional interface
  [errorprone] InterruptTimer#terminate: ensure Thread#join succeeds
  [errorprone] RawParseUtils@parseHexInt64: suppress IntLongMath
  [errorprone] Exceptions should not override #toString
  [errorprone] Fix invalid param in javadoc
  [errorprone] FS#searchPath: handle surprising behavior of String#split
  [errorprone] FileStoreAttributes#FUTURE_RUNNER: Fix corePoolSize
  [errorprone] Express duration using seconds which is clearer
  [errorprone] Use ArrayList instead of LinkedList
  [errorprone] AddCommand#filepattern: use a more specific type
  [errorprone] Suppress UnnecessaryParentheses
  [errorprone] Remove unnecessary parentheses
  tools/BUILD: Sort errorprone rules alphabetically
  Update jetty to 10.0.16
  Update bazel to 6.3.2
  DfsPackFile: remove unnecessary @SuppressWarnings("boxing")
  CommitGraphWriter: Remove unnecessary semicolon
  CommitGraphWriter: fix boxing warnings
  CommitGraphWriter#createCoreChunks: Remove not-thrown exceptions
  CommitGraphWriter: Decouple Stats from computing bloom filters
  CommitGraphWriter: Move bloom filter calculation out of createChunks
  Documentation: Move writeChangedPaths flag from commitGraph to gc section.
  [errorprone] Fix wrong comparison which always evaluated to false
  [errorprone] Remove unnecessary comparison
  Update org.eclipse.jdt:ecj to 3.35.0
  Update org.apache.commons:commons-compress to 1.24.0
  [errorprone] Suppress ImmutableEnumChecker for ShutdownHook
  Update bytebuddy to 1.14.8
  Use ShutdownHook to gracefully handle JVM shutdown
  Add ShutdownHook to cleanup FileLocks on graceful JVM shutdown
  Unregister ShutdownHook when GC#PidLock is closed
  OSGi: move plugin localization to subdirectory
  ssh: Remove redundant null check for home.getAbsoluteFile()
  RevertCommand: support for inserting a Gerrit change ID
  [releng] Bump japicmp base version to
  DfsPackFile: Record index loads only in one place
  DfsPackfile: Emit the index load with the index object
  Prepare 6.8.0-SNAPSHOT builds
  Prepare 6.7.1-SNAPSHOT builds
  Switch back to wagon-ssh-external
  Fix generation of maven site
  Ensure home directory not null before using in Sshdsessionfactory
  CommitGraphWriter: Make the list of chunks immutable
  CommitGraphWriter: Assert written bytes
  JGit v6.7.0.202309050840-r
  Remove unused API problem filters
  [releng] Bump japicmp base version to
  Fix list of 3rd party bundles in p2 repo
  Add missing source bundle to target platform
  Prepare 6.6.2-SNAPSHOT builds
  JGit v6.6.1.202309021850-r
  Checkout: better directory handling
  CommitGraphWriter: throw exception on unknown chunk
  Document commit-graph options supported by JGit
  Fix warning raised for local variable hiding DfsPackFile#index
  Suppress boxing warnings in DfsPackFile
  Remove unused API problem filters
  Suppress boxing warnings in tests
  Fix warning about empty block
  Update mockito to 5.5.0
  Update byte-buddy to 1.14.7
  Prepare 6.7.0-SNAPSHOT builds
  JGit v6.7.0.202308301100-rc1
  Remove the cbi-snapshots Maven repository
  Update Orbit to orbit-aggregation/release/4.29.0
  Add target platform for Eclipse 2023-09 (4.29)
  Use release p2 repo for Eclipse 2023-06 (4.28)
  Update tycho to 4.0.2
  Update jmh to 1.37
  Update bouncycastle to 1.76
  Fix some tests in ConfigTest
  Handle global git config $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/config
  IO: use JDK convenience methods
  org.eclipse.jgit.junit.ssh/.settings/.api_filters: fix unclosed tags
  ReadChangedPathFilter: fix Non-externalized string literal warning
  Introduce core.packedIndexGitUseStrongRefs config key
  DfsReader: Make PackLoadListener interface visible to subclasses
  DfsGarbageCollector: provide commit graph stats
  DfsGarbageCollector: put only GC commits into the commit graph
  DfsReader: Expose when indices are loaded
  Update to Tycho 4.0.1
  Prepare 6.7.0-SNAPSHOT builds
  JGit v6.7.0.202308011830-m2
  Add missing @since tags
  Fix errorprone warning about precedence
  Move footer-line parsing methods from RevCommit to FooterLine
  Merge: Add diff3 style merge conflict formatter.
  RevCommitCG: Read changed-path-filters directly from commit graph
  Update commons-codec to 1.16.0
  Add missing @since tags for new API methods
  Add missing package import needed to use MurmurHash3
  Identify a commit that generates a diffEntry on a rename Event.
  Pack: open reverse index from file if present
  PackReverseIndexV1: reverse index parsed from version 1 file
  PackReverseIndex: open file if present otherwise compute
  PackReverseIndex: verify checksums
  ComputedPackReverseIndex: Clarify custom bucket sort algorithm
  CommitGraphWriter: add option for writing/using bloom filters
  CommitGraphWriter: reuse changed path filters
  RevWalk: use changed path filters
  CommitGraphLoader: read changed-path filters
  CommitGraphWriter: write changed-path filters
  ssh: PKCS#11 support
  GC: Remove handling of extra pack for RefTree
  Remove unnecessary @SuppressWarnings("serial")
  Remove unused API problem filters
  Remove redundant specification of type arguments
  DfsPackParser: Create object indices if config says so
  PackParserTest: Extract pack-writing helper code to its own class
  DfsInserter: generate object size index if config says so
  DfsInserter: populate full size on object insertion
  DFSGarbargeCollector: Write object size indices
  DfsReader/PackFile: Implement isNotLargerThan using the obj size idx
  [releng] Use tycho 4.0.0 instead of 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT
  Add verification in GcKeepFilesTest that bitmaps are generated
  Express the explicit intention of creating bitmaps in GC
  GC: prune all packfiles after the loosen phase
  Update mockito to 5.4.0 and bytebuddy to 1.14.5
  Fix S3Repository getSize to handle larger object sizes
  DfsPackFile: make #getReverseIdx public
  Add missing bazel dependency to benchmarks
  Update JMH to 1.36
  Update bouncycastle to 1.75
  Update org.eclipse.jdt:ecj to 3.34.0
  Update eclipse-jarsigner-plugin to 1.4.2
  Update maven-surefire-report-plugin to 3.0.0
  Update maven-project-info-reports-plugin to 3.4.3
  Update maven-compiler-plugin to 3.11.0
  Update maven-enforcer-plugin to 3.3.0
  Update build-helper-maven-plugin to 3.4.0
  Update spring-boot-maven-plugin to 2.7.13
  Update maven-source-plugin to 3.3.0
  Prepare 5.13.3-SNAPSHOT builds
  JGit v5.13.2.202306221912-r
  PackReverseIndex: separate out the computed implementation
  Default for global (user) git ignore file
  Fix all Javadoc warnings and fail on them
  Mark COMMIT_GENERATION_* constants final
  Update Orbit to R20230531010532 for 2023-06
  Revert "RefDirectory: Throw exception if CAS of packed ref list fails"
  PackReverseIndex: use static builder instead of constructor
  Gc#writePack: write the reverse index file to disk
  Bazel: Fix remote build execution for Java 17
  Bump bazel vesion to 6.2.0
  Prepare 6.6.1-SNAPSHOT builds
  JGit v6.6.0.202305301015-r
  Bump bazel vesion to 6.2.0
  Update to Orbit S20230516204213
  Prepare 6.6.0-SNAPSHOT builds
  Prepare 6.7.0-SNAPSHOT builds
  JGit v6.6.0.202305241045-m3
  GraphObjectIndex: fix search in findGraphPosition
  Update to Tycho 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT
  PGP sign p2 artefacts
  Revert 'Use net.i2p.crypto:eddsa directly from Maven Central'
  Update dash license-tool-plugin to 1.0.2
  Also add suppressed exception if unchecked exception occurs in finally
  Candidate: use "Objects.equals" instead of "=="
  Use hamcrest 2.2 directly from Maven Central
  Use commons-logging directly from Maven Central
  Update jna to 5.13.0
  Use bytebuddy directly from Maven Central
  Use jna directly from Maven Central
  Use net.i2p.crypto:eddsa directly from Maven Central
  Use org.tukaani:xz directly from Maven Central
  Use args4j directly from Maven Central
  Use gson directly from Maven Central
  Remove unused $NON-NLS-1$
  Remove unused API filters
  Switch to Apache MINA sshd 2.10.0
  [releng] API filter for PackIndex.DEFAULT_WRITE_REVERSE_INDEX
  PackExt: add a #getTmpExtension method
  UploadPack: Record negotiation stats on fetchV2 call
  RewriteGeneratorTest: Introduce test cases for the RewriteGenerator
  PackWriter: write the PackReverseIndex file
  Prepare 6.6.0-SNAPSHOT builds
  JGit v6.6.0.202305031100-m2
  Update Maven plugins
  Add TransportHttp#getAdditionalHeaders
  Add 4.27 (2023-03) and 4.28 (2023-06) target platforms
  Fix inProcessPackedRefsLock not shared with copies of the instance
  Update slf4j to 1.7.36 and consume it directly from Maven Central
  Update assertj-core to 3.24.2
  Update plexus-compiler to 2.13.0
  Update Apache commons-codec to 1.15
  Update org.apache.commons:commons-compress to 1.23.0
  Update javaEWAH to 1.2.3 and use it directly from Maven central
  Update org.eclipse.jdt:ecj to 3.33.0
  Add missing @since tag to IntComparator
  Update to jakarta.servlet:jakarta.servlet-api:4.0.4
  Support rebasing independent branches
  Support cherry-picking a root commit
  AddCommand: ability to switch off renormalization
  Update jetty to 10.0.15 and use it from Maven central directly
  Update bouncycastle to 1.73
  [errorprone] Fix MissingOverride error
  PackReverseIndexWriter: write out version 1 reverse index file
  IntList: add #sort using quick sort for O(n log n) runtime.
  [bazel] Move ToolTestCase to src folder (6.2)
  GcConcurrentTest: @Ignore flaky testInterruptGc
  Fix CommitTemplateConfigTest
  Fix after_open config and Snapshotting RefDir tests to work with bazel
  [bazel] Skip ConfigTest#testCommitTemplatePathInHomeDirecory
  Demote severity of some error prone bug patterns to warnings
  [bazel] Fix version number of bcpg-jdk18on
  Parse pull.rebase=preserve as alias for pull.rebase=merges
  Use bouncycastle libraries directly from Maven Central
  UploadPack: Fix NPE when traversing a tag chain
  Add missing @since tag for BatchRefUpdate#getRefDatabase
  Add missing since tag for SshBasicTestBase
  Add missing since tag for SshTestHarness#publicKey2
  Silence API errors
  Prevent infinite loop rescanning the pack list on PackMismatchException
  Remove blank in maven.config
  PackedBatchRefUpdate#execute: reduce nesting of try-catch blocks
  PackedBatchRefUpdate: Handle the case where loose refs fail to pack
  Remove blank in maven.config
  Add protocol configuration to Amazon S3 transport
  [pgm] Implement git tag --contains option
  ListTagCommand: implement git tag --contains
  RevWalk: use generation number to optimize getMergedInto()
  DfsPackFile: Extract block aligment code
  Ensure parsed RevCommitCG has derived data from commit-graph
  PatchApplierTest: specify charset to avoid warning
  GcConcurrentTest: @Ignore flaky testInterruptGc
  PatchApplier: Check for existence of src/dest files before any operation
  Revert "RefDirectory: Throw exception if CAS of packed ref list fails"
  RefDirectory.delete: Prevent failures when packed-refs is outdated
  RefDirectory.pack: Only rely on packed refs from disk
  RefDirectory: Make pack() and commitPackRefs() void
  Implement a snapshotting RefDirectory for use in request scope
  Fix RefDirectoryTest.testGetRefs_LooseSorting_Bug_348834
  PackedBatchRefUpdate: Ensure updates are applied on latest packed refs
  Downgrade maven-site-plugin to 3.12.1
  Use wagon-ssh-external to deploy Maven site
  Record my e-mail change in .mailmap
  [releng] Bump japicmp base version
  PatchApplier: missing @since, and minor formatting
  BasePackFetchConnection: support negotiationTip feature
  DirCache: support option index.skipHash
  PatchApplierTest: Remove test data with Apache license
  Fix PatchApplier error handling.
  Ensure FileCommitGraph scans commit-graph file if it already exists
  GC: Close File.lines stream
  GC: Close File.lines stream
  Rerun flaky tests 3 times
  Prepare 6.5.1-SNAPSHOT builds
  JGit v6.5.0.202303070854-r
  Ignore generated org.eclipse.jgit.benchmarks/dependency-reduced-pom.xml
  [sshd] Fix calculation of timeout in AbstractClientProxyConnector
  Silence API error raised for removed BranchRebaseMode#PRESERVE
  [errorprone] Suppress [Finally] warnings
  Update Orbit to R20230302014618 for 2023-03
  Improve test coverage when core.trustPackedRefsStat set to after_open
  Prepare 6.6.0-SNAPSHOT builds
  Prepare 6.5.0-SNAPSHOT builds
  JGit v6.5.0.202302281825-rc1
  Prepare 6.5.0-SNAPSHOT builds
  Change config pull.rebase=preserve to pull.rebase=merges
  BatchingProgressMonitor: expose time spent per task
  PackWriter: offer to write an object-size index for the pack
  Fix formatting in GC#doGc
  PackExt: Define new extension for the object size index
  JGit v6.5.0.202302221508-m3
  If tryLock fails to get the lock another gc has it
  Fix GcConcurrentTest#testInterruptGc
  Don't swallow IOException in GC.PidLock#lock
  Check if FileLock is valid before using or releasing it
  Use Java 11 ProcessHandle to get pid of the current process
  UploadPack: use allow-any-sha1-in-want configuration
  Acquire file lock "" before running gc
  Silence API errors introduced by 9424052f
  Externalize strings introduced in c9552aba
  Silence API error introduced by 596c445a
  PackConfig: add entry for minimum size to index
  Fix getPackedRefs to not throw NoSuchFileException
  PackObjectSizeIndex: interface and impl for the object-size index
  UInt24Array: Array of unsigned ints encoded in 3 bytes.
  PackIndex: expose the position of an object-id in the index
  Add pack options to preserve and prune old pack files
  DfsPackFile/DfsGC: Write commit graphs and expose in pack
  ObjectReader: Allow getCommitGraph to throw IOException
  Allow to perform PackedBatchRefUpdate without locking loose refs
  Document option "core.sha1Implementation" introduced in 59029aec
  UploadPack: consume delimiter in object-info command
  PatchApplier fix - init cache with provided tree
  Prepare 6.5.0-SNAPSHOT builds
  JGit v6.5.0.202302011120-m2
  Avoid error-prone warning
  Fix unused exception error-prone warning
  UploadPack: advertise object-info command if enabled
  Shortcut during git fetch for avoiding looping through all local refs
  FetchCommand: fix fetchSubmodules to work on a Ref to a blob
  Silence API warnings introduced by I466dcde6
  Allow the exclusions of refs prefixes from bitmap
  Move MemRefDatabase creation in a separate method.
  PackWriterBitmapPreparer: do not include annotated tags in bitmap
  BatchingProgressMonitor: avoid int overflow when computing percentage
  DfsReaderIoStats: Add Commit Graph fields into DfsReaderIoStats
  [pgm] Fetch-CLI: add support for shallow
  Speedup GC listing objects referenced from reflogs
  Re-add servlet-api 4.0 to the target platform
  Upgrade maven plugins
  Cache trustFolderStat/trustPackedRefsStat value per-instance
  Refresh 'objects' dir and retry if a loose object is not found
  Prepare 6.5.0-SNAPSHOT builds
  JGit v6.5.0.202301111425-m1
  Update Orbit to S20230101190934
  Update to releases p2 repo for 4.26 simultaneous release
  RevWalk: integrate commit-graph with commit parsing
  FileSnapshotTest: Add more MISSING_FILE coverage
  GC: disable writing commit-graph for shallow repos
  Introduce core.trustPackedRefsStat config
  RefDatabase: fix javadoc formatting
  Pull up additionalRefsNames from RefDirectory to RefDatabase
  Add TernarySearchTree
  CommitGraph: teach ObjectReader to get commit-graph
  PatchApplier: fix handling of last newline in text patch
  CommitGraph: add commit-graph for FileObjectDatabase
  Reformat PatchApplier and PatchApplierTest
  PackWriter#prepareBitmapIndex: add clarifying comments
  IO#readFully: provide overload that fills the full array
  Fix API warnings for the new CommitGraph
  PackReverseIndex#findPosition: fix typo in method name
  GC: Write commit-graph files when gc
  CommitGraph: add core.commitGraph config
  CommitGraph: implement commit-graph read
  Gc#deleteOrphans: avoid dependence on PackExt alphabetical ordering
  WalkPushConnection: Sanitize paths given to transports
  Fix documentation for core.trustFolderStat
  GraphCommits: Remove unused getter by position
  CommitGraphWriter: fix UnusedException errorprone error
  Update jetty to 10.0.13
  PackExt: Add a commit graph extension.
  BatchRefUpdate: Consistent switch branches in ref update
  RefWriter#writePackedRefs: Remove a redundant "if" check
  commitgraph package: fix exports/imports, add @since tag for new API
  CommitGraph: implement commit-graph writer
  [releng] bump japicmp base version
  Prepare 6.4.1-SNAPSHOT builds
  JGit v6.4.0.202211300538-r
  Fix crashes on rare combination of file names
  Prepare 6.5.0-SNAPSHOT builds
  Prepare 6.4.0-SNAPSHOT build
  JGit v6.4.0.202211231055-rc1
  [pgm] Add options --name-only, --name-status to diff, log, show
  Update Orbit to R20221123021534 for 2022-12
  RBE: Update toolchain with bazel-toolchains 5.1.2 release
  SshTestGitServer: : ensure UploadPack is closed to fix resource leak
  UploadPackTest: ensure UploadPack is closed to fix resource leak
  [pgm] Ensure UploadPack is closed to fix resource leak
  UploadPackServlet#doPost use try-with-resource to ensure up is closed
  Fix warnings in PatchApplierTest
  Fix boxing warnings in TransportTest
  Silence warnings about unclosed BasePackPushConnection
  Fix warning about non-externalized String
  Remove unused imports
  Suppress non-externalized String warnings
  Remove unused API problem filters
  Silence API errors
  Silence API errors
  Silence API warnings
  Add 4.26 target platform
  Use "releases" repository for 4.25 target platform
  Update Apache Mina SSHD to 2.9.2
  Update Orbit to S20221118032057
  DfsBlockCache: Report IndexEventConsumer metrics for reverse indexes.
  DfsStreamKey: Replace ForReverseIndex to separate metrics.
  Prepare 6.4.0-SNAPSHOT builds
  RawText.isBinary(): handle complete buffer correctly
  JGit v6.4.0.202211160543-m3
  PackExt: Add a reverse index extension.
  [benchmarks] Remove profiler configuration
  Add SHA1 benchmark
  [benchmarks] Set version of maven-compiler-plugin to 3.8.1
  Fix running JMH benchmarks
  Add option to allow using JDK's SHA1 implementation
  Fix API breakage caused by extracting WorkTreeUpdater
  Update Orbit to S20221109014815
  Use replace instead of replaceAll in toCleanString
  Extract Exception -> HTTP status code mapping for reuse
  Don't handle internal git errors as an HTTP error
  Fix the path for
  Fix crashes on rare combination of file names
  Fix Maven SHA1 for Bazel build
  UploadPack: Receive and parse client session-id
  TransferConfig: Move reading advertisesid setting into TransferConfig
  FirstWant: Parse client session-id if received.
  ReceivePack: Receive and parse client session-id.
  Ignore IllegalStateException if JVM is already shutting down
  Prepare 6.4.0-SNAPSHOT builds
  Allow to perform PackedBatchRefUpdate without locking loose refs
  JGit v6.4.0.202210260700-m2
  PushCommand: allow users to disable use of bitmaps for push
  I/O redirection for the pre-push hook
  PackParser: populate full size of the PackedObjectInfos
  PackedObjectInfo: add the full size to the description
  ObjectReader: New #isNotLargerThan method
  Fail build if there are license issues with dependencies
  Update org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore to 4.4.15
  Update Orbit to S20220927175816
  Update JMH to 1.35
  Update org.eclipse.jdt:ecj to 3.31.0
  Update plexus compiler to 2.12.1
  Update org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh to 3.5.2
  pgm/BUILD: Add dependencty to java EWAH
  [sshd] Guard against numerical overflow
  Remove unused imports
  Remove unused API filters
  ObjectDirectory: avoid using File.getCanonicalPath()
  AutoCRLFOutputStream: use BufferedOutputStream
  CloneCommand: set HEAD also when not checking out
  Pass on shallowSince only if not null
  Fix wrong @since tag
  Split out ApplyCommand logic to PatchApplier class
  Prepare 6.4.0-SNAPSHOT builds
  Fix typo in FetchV2Request javadoc
  Prepare 6.3.1-SNAPSHOT builds
  DfsBundleWriter: Add test case about GC_REST pack.
  JGit v6.3.0.202209071007-r
  JGit v6.3.0.2022009070944-r
  [merge] Fix merge conflicts with symlinks
  Update DEPENDENCIES for 6.3.0
  Update tycho to 2.7.5
  Move WorkTreeUpdater to merge package
  WorkTreeUpdater: use DirCacheCheckout#StreamSupplier
  DirCacheCheckout#getContent: also take InputStream supplier
  Revert "Adds FilteredRevCommit that can overwrites its parents in the DAG."
  Revert "Option to pass start RevCommit to be blamed on to the BlameGenerator."
  WorkTreeUpdater: remove safeWrite option
  Update Orbit to R20220830213456 for 2022-09
  BaseSuperprojectWriter: report invalid paths as manifest errors
  ApplyCommand: fix ApplyResult#updatedFiles
  WorkTreeUpdater: rename metadata maps
  WorkTreeUpdater#Result: hide data members
  Add javadoc on RevCommit
  Option to pass start RevCommit to be blamed on to the BlameGenerator.
  WorkTreeUpdater: re-format and clean-up
  Prepare 6.3.0-SNAPSHOT builds
  Adds FilteredRevCommit that can overwrites its parents in the DAG.
  JGit v6.3.0.202208161710-m3
  DirCacheCheckout: load WorkingTreeOptions only once
  WorkTreeUpdater: Fix unclosed streams
  Fix adding symlinks to the index when core.symlinks=false
  Remove unused API problem filters
  Add missing @since tag for RevCommit#parents introduced in 61b4d105e4
  Fix API errors caused by 23a71696cd
  Provide default shallowCommits getter and setter in ObjectDatabase
  Reapply "Create util class for work tree updating in both filesystem and index."
  ResolveMerger: add coverage for inCore file => directory transition
  Provide encoding to String#getBytes()
  Revert "Create util class for work tree updating in both filesystem and index."
  Provide a default implementation for set/get shallowCommits on DfsObjDatabase
  Revert "Adds FilteredRevCommit that can overwrites its parents in the DAG."
  Revert "Option to pass start RevCommit to be blamed on to the BlameGenerator."
  CleanCommand: fix prefix matching
  Option to pass start RevCommit to be blamed on to the BlameGenerator.
  Adds FilteredRevCommit that can overwrites its parents in the DAG.
  Add the ability to override parents on RevCommit.
  Refactor NameConflictTreeWalk.fastMin method
  Fix BUILD rules for FilteredRenameDetectorTest
  Rename fastMinHasMatch to allTreesNamesMatchFastMinRef
  Document TreeWalk#min()
  Squash error-prone messages
  Use constants for git packet protocol line identifiers
  ObjectDirectory: improve reading of shallow file
  Fetch: add support for shallow
  [tests] Stabilize the HTTP server's request log
  NameConflictTreeWalk: respect git order on multi-tree iteration
  Update Orbit to S20220726152247 and bouncycastle to 1.71
  Create util class for work tree updating in both filesystem and index.
  Fix the handling of .git/info/exclude and core.excludesFile
  Remove version constraints from org.tukaani.xz package

Change-Id: I31997b67bf432ae3bf6b1cde076fa9307b1e00f4
tree: 56931e98a84a0beef4386fe6b05d11db1f69ad40
  1. .github/
  2. .mvn/
  3. .settings/
  4. Documentation/
  5. lib/
  6. org.eclipse.jgit/
  7. org.eclipse.jgit.ant/
  8. org.eclipse.jgit.ant.test/
  9. org.eclipse.jgit.archive/
  10. org.eclipse.jgit.benchmarks/
  11. org.eclipse.jgit.coverage/
  12. org.eclipse.jgit.gpg.bc/
  13. org.eclipse.jgit.gpg.bc.test/
  14. org.eclipse.jgit.http.apache/
  15. org.eclipse.jgit.http.server/
  16. org.eclipse.jgit.http.test/
  17. org.eclipse.jgit.junit/
  18. org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http/
  19. org.eclipse.jgit.junit.ssh/
  20. org.eclipse.jgit.lfs/
  21. org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.server/
  22. org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.server.test/
  23. org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.test/
  24. org.eclipse.jgit.packaging/
  25. org.eclipse.jgit.pgm/
  26. org.eclipse.jgit.pgm.test/
  27. org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.apache/
  28. org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.apache.agent/
  29. org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.apache.test/
  30. org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.jsch/
  31. org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.jsch.test/
  32. org.eclipse.jgit.test/
  33. org.eclipse.jgit.ui/
  34. tools/
  35. .bazelrc
  36. .bazelversion
  37. .gitattributes
  38. .gitignore
  39. .mailmap
  40. BUILD
  44. pom.xml

Java Git

An implementation of the Git version control system in pure Java.

This project is licensed under the EDL (Eclipse Distribution License).

JGit can be imported straight into Eclipse and built and tested from there. It can be built from the command line using Maven or Bazel. The CI builds use Maven and run on Jenkins.

  • org.eclipse.jgit

    A pure Java library capable of being run standalone, with no additional support libraries. It provides classes to read and write a Git repository and operate on a working directory.

    All portions of JGit are covered by the EDL. Absolutely no GPL, LGPL or EPL contributions are accepted within this package.

  • org.eclipse.jgit.ant

    Ant tasks based on JGit.

  • org.eclipse.jgit.archive

    Support for exporting to various archive formats (zip etc).

  • org.eclipse.jgit.http.apache

    Apache httpclient support.

  • org.eclipse.jgit.http.server

    Server for the smart and dumb Git HTTP protocol.

  • org.eclipse.jgit.lfs

    Support for LFS (Large File Storage).

  • org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.server

    Basic LFS server support.

  • org.eclipse.jgit.packaging

    Production of Eclipse features and p2 repository for JGit. See the JGit Wiki on why and how to use this module.

  • org.eclipse.jgit.pgm

    Command-line interface Git commands implemented using JGit (“pgm” stands for program).

  • org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.apache

    Client support for the SSH protocol based on Apache Mina sshd.

  • org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.apache.agent

    Optional support for SSH agents for org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.apache.

  • org.eclipse.jgit.ui

    Simple UI for displaying git log.


  • org.eclipse.jgit.junit, org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http, org.eclipse.jgit.junit.ssh: Helpers for unit testing
  • org.eclipse.jgit.ant.test: Unit tests for org.eclipse.jgit.ant
  • org.eclipse.jgit.http.test: Unit tests for org.eclipse.jgit.http.server
  • org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.server.test: Unit tests for org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.server
  • org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.test: Unit tests for org.eclipse.jgit.lfs
  • org.eclipse.jgit.pgm.test: Unit tests for org.eclipse.jgit.pgm
  • org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.apache.test: Unit tests for org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.apache
  • org.eclipse.jgit.test: Unit tests for org.eclipse.jgit


  • Native symbolic links are supported, provided the file system supports them. For Windows you must use a non-administrator account and have the SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege.

  • Only the timestamp of the index is used by JGit if the index is dirty.

  • JGit 6.0 and newer requires at least Java 11. Older versions require at least Java 1.8.

  • CRLF conversion is performed depending on the core.autocrlf setting, however Git for Windows by default stores that setting during installation in the “system wide” configuration file. If Git is not installed, use the global or repository configuration for the core.autocrlf setting.

  • The system wide configuration file is located relative to where C Git is installed. Make sure Git can be found via the PATH environment variable. When installing Git for Windows check the “Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt” option. There are other options like Eclipse settings that can be used for pointing out where C Git is installed. Modifying PATH is the recommended option if C Git is installed.

  • We try to use the same notation of $HOME as C Git does. On Windows this is often not the same value as the user.home system property.


  • org.eclipse.jgit

    • Read loose and packed commits, trees, blobs, including deltafied objects.

    • Read objects from shared repositories

    • Write loose commits, trees, blobs.

    • Write blobs from local files or Java InputStreams.

    • Read blobs as Java InputStreams.

    • Copy trees to local directory, or local directory to a tree.

    • Lazily loads objects as necessary.

    • Read and write .git/config files.

    • Create a new repository.

    • Read and write refs, including walking through symrefs.

    • Read, update and write the Git index.

    • Checkout in dirty working directory if trivial.

    • Walk the history from a given set of commits looking for commits introducing changes in files under a specified path.

    • Object transport

      Fetch via ssh, git, http, Amazon S3 and bundles. Push via ssh, git, http, and Amazon S3. JGit does not yet deltify the pushed packs so they may be a lot larger than C Git packs.

    • Garbage collection

    • Merge

    • Rebase

    • And much more

  • org.eclipse.jgit.pgm

    • Assorted set of command line utilities. Mostly for ad-hoc testing of jgit log, glog, fetch etc.
  • org.eclipse.jgit.ant

    • Ant tasks
  • org.eclipse.jgit.archive

    • Support for Zip/Tar and other formats
  • org.eclipse.http

    • HTTP client and server support

Missing Features

There are some missing features:

  • signing push
  • shallow and partial cloning
  • support for remote helpers
  • support for credential helpers
  • support for multiple working trees (git-worktree)
  • using external diff tools
  • support for HTTPS client certificates
  • SHA-256 object IDs
  • git protocol V2 (client side): packfile-uris
  • multi-pack index
  • split index


Post questions, comments or discussions to the mailing list. You need to be subscribed to post. File bugs and enhancement requests in Bugzilla.


See the EGit Contributor Guide.

About Git

More information about Git, its repository format, and the canonical C based implementation can be obtained from the Git website.