This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'v200909172123'.
diff --git a/features/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt_tests.feature/.cvsignore b/features/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt_tests.feature/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index c14487c..0000000
--- a/features/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt_tests.feature/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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--- a/features/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt_tests.feature/.project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-	<name>org.eclipse.wst.jsdt_tests.feature</name>
-	<comment></comment>
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--- a/features/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt_tests.feature/.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs
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-#Wed Dec 12 03:20:23 EST 2007
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-bin.includes = feature.xml,\
-               epl-v10.html,\
-               eclipse_update_120.jpg,\
-               license.html,\
diff --git a/features/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt_tests.feature/eclipse_update_120.jpg b/features/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt_tests.feature/eclipse_update_120.jpg
deleted file mode 100644
index bfdf708..0000000
--- a/features/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt_tests.feature/eclipse_update_120.jpg
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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-<p align=center style='text-align:center'><b>Eclipse Public License - v 1.0</b>
-<p><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>THE ACCOMPANYING PROGRAM IS PROVIDED UNDER
-OF THIS AGREEMENT.</span> </p>
-<p><b><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>1. DEFINITIONS</span></b> </p>
-<p><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>&quot;Contribution&quot; means:</span> </p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in'><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>a)
-in the case of the initial Contributor, the initial code and documentation
-distributed under this Agreement, and<br clear=left>
-b) in the case of each subsequent Contributor:</span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in'><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>i)
-changes to the Program, and</span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in'><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>ii)
-additions to the Program;</span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in'><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>where
-such changes and/or additions to the Program originate from and are distributed
-by that particular Contributor. A Contribution 'originates' from a Contributor
-if it was added to the Program by such Contributor itself or anyone acting on
-such Contributor's behalf. Contributions do not include additions to the
-Program which: (i) are separate modules of software distributed in conjunction
-with the Program under their own license agreement, and (ii) are not derivative
-works of the Program. </span></p>
-<p><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>&quot;Contributor&quot; means any person or
-entity that distributes the Program.</span> </p>
-<p><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>&quot;Licensed Patents &quot; mean patent
-claims licensable by a Contributor which are necessarily infringed by the use
-or sale of its Contribution alone or when combined with the Program. </span></p>
-<p><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>&quot;Program&quot; means the Contributions
-distributed in accordance with this Agreement.</span> </p>
-<p><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>&quot;Recipient&quot; means anyone who
-receives the Program under this Agreement, including all Contributors.</span> </p>
-<p><b><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>2. GRANT OF RIGHTS</span></b> </p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in'><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>a)
-Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Contributor hereby grants Recipient
-a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free copyright license to<span
-style='color:red'> </span>reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly
-display, publicly perform, distribute and sublicense the Contribution of such
-Contributor, if any, and such derivative works, in source code and object code
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in'><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>b)
-Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Contributor hereby grants
-Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide,<span style='color:green'> </span>royalty-free
-patent license under Licensed Patents to make, use, sell, offer to sell, import
-and otherwise transfer the Contribution of such Contributor, if any, in source
-code and object code form. This patent license shall apply to the combination
-of the Contribution and the Program if, at the time the Contribution is added
-by the Contributor, such addition of the Contribution causes such combination
-to be covered by the Licensed Patents. The patent license shall not apply to
-any other combinations which include the Contribution. No hardware per se is
-licensed hereunder. </span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in'><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>c)
-Recipient understands that although each Contributor grants the licenses to its
-Contributions set forth herein, no assurances are provided by any Contributor
-that the Program does not infringe the patent or other intellectual property
-rights of any other entity. Each Contributor disclaims any liability to Recipient
-for claims brought by any other entity based on infringement of intellectual
-property rights or otherwise. As a condition to exercising the rights and
-licenses granted hereunder, each Recipient hereby assumes sole responsibility
-to secure any other intellectual property rights needed, if any. For example,
-if a third party patent license is required to allow Recipient to distribute
-the Program, it is Recipient's responsibility to acquire that license before
-distributing the Program.</span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in'><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>d)
-Each Contributor represents that to its knowledge it has sufficient copyright
-rights in its Contribution, if any, to grant the copyright license set forth in
-this Agreement. </span></p>
-<p><b><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>3. REQUIREMENTS</span></b> </p>
-<p><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>A Contributor may choose to distribute the
-Program in object code form under its own license agreement, provided that:</span>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in'><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>a)
-it complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and</span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in'><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>b)
-its license agreement:</span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in'><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>i)
-effectively disclaims on behalf of all Contributors all warranties and
-conditions, express and implied, including warranties or conditions of title
-and non-infringement, and implied warranties or conditions of merchantability
-and fitness for a particular purpose; </span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in'><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>ii)
-effectively excludes on behalf of all Contributors all liability for damages,
-including direct, indirect, special, incidental and consequential damages, such
-as lost profits; </span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in'><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>iii)
-states that any provisions which differ from this Agreement are offered by that
-Contributor alone and not by any other party; and</span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in'><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>iv)
-states that source code for the Program is available from such Contributor, and
-informs licensees how to obtain it in a reasonable manner on or through a
-medium customarily used for software exchange.<span style='color:blue'> </span></span></p>
-<p><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>When the Program is made available in source
-code form:</span> </p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in'><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>a)
-it must be made available under this Agreement; and </span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in'><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>b) a
-copy of this Agreement must be included with each copy of the Program. </span></p>
-<p><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>Contributors may not remove or alter any
-copyright notices contained within the Program. </span></p>
-<p><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>Each Contributor must identify itself as the
-originator of its Contribution, if any, in a manner that reasonably allows
-subsequent Recipients to identify the originator of the Contribution. </span></p>
-<p><b><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>4. COMMERCIAL DISTRIBUTION</span></b> </p>
-<p><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>Commercial distributors of software may
-accept certain responsibilities with respect to end users, business partners
-and the like. While this license is intended to facilitate the commercial use
-of the Program, the Contributor who includes the Program in a commercial
-product offering should do so in a manner which does not create potential
-liability for other Contributors. Therefore, if a Contributor includes the
-Program in a commercial product offering, such Contributor (&quot;Commercial
-Contributor&quot;) hereby agrees to defend and indemnify every other
-Contributor (&quot;Indemnified Contributor&quot;) against any losses, damages and
-costs (collectively &quot;Losses&quot;) arising from claims, lawsuits and other
-legal actions brought by a third party against the Indemnified Contributor to
-the extent caused by the acts or omissions of such Commercial Contributor in
-connection with its distribution of the Program in a commercial product
-offering. The obligations in this section do not apply to any claims or Losses
-relating to any actual or alleged intellectual property infringement. In order
-to qualify, an Indemnified Contributor must: a) promptly notify the Commercial
-Contributor in writing of such claim, and b) allow the Commercial Contributor
-to control, and cooperate with the Commercial Contributor in, the defense and
-any related settlement negotiations. The Indemnified Contributor may participate
-in any such claim at its own expense.</span> </p>
-<p><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>For example, a Contributor might include the
-Program in a commercial product offering, Product X. That Contributor is then a
-Commercial Contributor. If that Commercial Contributor then makes performance
-claims, or offers warranties related to Product X, those performance claims and
-warranties are such Commercial Contributor's responsibility alone. Under this
-section, the Commercial Contributor would have to defend claims against the
-other Contributors related to those performance claims and warranties, and if a
-court requires any other Contributor to pay any damages as a result, the
-Commercial Contributor must pay those damages.</span> </p>
-<p><b><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>5. NO WARRANTY</span></b> </p>
-<p><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS
-responsible for determining the appropriateness of using and distributing the
-Program and assumes all risks associated with its exercise of rights under this
-Agreement , including but not limited to the risks and costs of program errors,
-compliance with applicable laws, damage to or loss of data, programs or
-equipment, and unavailability or interruption of operations. </span></p>
-<p><b><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>6. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY</span></b> </p>
-<p><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS
-<p><b><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>7. GENERAL</span></b> </p>
-<p><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>If any provision of this Agreement is invalid
-or unenforceable under applicable law, it shall not affect the validity or
-enforceability of the remainder of the terms of this Agreement, and without
-further action by the parties hereto, such provision shall be reformed to the
-minimum extent necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable.</span> </p>
-<p><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>If Recipient institutes patent litigation
-against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit)
-alleging that the Program itself (excluding combinations of the Program with
-other software or hardware) infringes such Recipient's patent(s), then such
-Recipient's rights granted under Section 2(b) shall terminate as of the date
-such litigation is filed. </span></p>
-<p><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>All Recipient's rights under this Agreement
-shall terminate if it fails to comply with any of the material terms or
-conditions of this Agreement and does not cure such failure in a reasonable
-period of time after becoming aware of such noncompliance. If all Recipient's
-rights under this Agreement terminate, Recipient agrees to cease use and
-distribution of the Program as soon as reasonably practicable. However,
-Recipient's obligations under this Agreement and any licenses granted by
-Recipient relating to the Program shall continue and survive. </span></p>
-<p><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute
-copies of this Agreement, but in order to avoid inconsistency the Agreement is
-copyrighted and may only be modified in the following manner. The Agreement
-Steward reserves the right to publish new versions (including revisions) of
-this Agreement from time to time. No one other than the Agreement Steward has
-the right to modify this Agreement. The Eclipse Foundation is the initial
-Agreement Steward. The Eclipse Foundation may assign the responsibility to
-serve as the Agreement Steward to a suitable separate entity. Each new version
-of the Agreement will be given a distinguishing version number. The Program
-(including Contributions) may always be distributed subject to the version of
-the Agreement under which it was received. In addition, after a new version of
-the Agreement is published, Contributor may elect to distribute the Program
-(including its Contributions) under the new version. Except as expressly stated
-in Sections 2(a) and 2(b) above, Recipient receives no rights or licenses to
-the intellectual property of any Contributor under this Agreement, whether
-expressly, by implication, estoppel or otherwise. All rights in the Program not
-expressly granted under this Agreement are reserved.</span> </p>
-<p><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>This Agreement is governed by the laws of the
-State of New York and the intellectual property laws of the United States of
-America. No party to this Agreement will bring a legal action under this
-Agreement more than one year after the cause of action arose. Each party waives
-its rights to a jury trial in any resulting litigation.</span> </p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><![if !supportEmptyParas]>&nbsp;<![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/features/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt_tests.feature/ b/features/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt_tests.feature/
deleted file mode 100644
index dba39f8..0000000
--- a/features/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt_tests.feature/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# Contributors:
-#     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
-# contains externalized strings for feature.xml
-# "%foo" in feature.xml corresponds to the key "foo" in this file
-# file (ISO 8859-1 with "\" escapes)
-# This file should be translated.
-# "featureName" property - name of the feature
-featureName=JSDT Tests
-# "providerName" property - name of the company that provides the feature
-# "updateSiteName" property - label for the update site
-updateSiteName=The Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) Project update site
-# "description" property - description of the feature
-description=JSDT tests
-# "copyright" property - text of the "Feature Update Copyright"
-Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.\n\
-All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials\n\
-are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0\n\
-which accompanies this distribution, and is available at\n\
-    IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation\n
-################ end of copyright property ####################################
-# "licenseURL" property - URL of the "Feature License"
-# do not translate value - just change to point to a locale-specific HTML page
-# "license" property - text of the "Feature Update License"
-# should be plain text version of license agreement pointed to be "licenseURL"
-June 06, 2007\n\
-Usage Of Content\n\
-Applicable Licenses\n\
-Unless otherwise indicated, all Content made available by the Eclipse Foundation\n\
-is provided to you under the terms and conditions of the Eclipse Public\n\
-License Version 1.0 ("EPL"). A copy of the EPL is provided with this\n\
-Content and is also available at\n\
-For purposes of the EPL, "Program" will mean the Content.\n\
-Content includes, but is not limited to, source code, object code,\n\
-documentation and other files maintained in the CVS\n\
-repository ("Repository") in CVS modules ("Modules") and made available\n\
-as downloadable archives ("Downloads").\n\
-   - Content may be structured and packaged into modules to facilitate delivering,\n\
-     extending, and upgrading the Content. Typical modules may include plug-ins ("Plug-ins"),\n\
-     plug-in fragments ("Fragments"), and features ("Features").\n\
-   - Each Plug-in or Fragment may be packaged as a sub-directory or JAR (Java? ARchive)\n\
-     in a directory named "plugins".\n\
-   - A Feature is a bundle of one or more Plug-ins and/or Fragments and associated material.\n\
-     Each Feature may be packaged as a sub-directory in a directory named "features".\n\
-     Within a Feature, files named "feature.xml" may contain a list of the names and version\n\
-     numbers of the Plug-ins and/or Fragments associated with that Feature.\n\
-   - Features may also include other Features ("Included Features"). Within a Feature, files\n\
-     named "feature.xml" may contain a list of the names and version numbers of Included Features.\n\
-Features may also include other Features ("Included Features"). Files named\n\
-"feature.xml" may contain a list of the names and version numbers of\n\
-Included Features.\n\
-The terms and conditions governing Plug-ins and Fragments should be\n\
-contained in files named "about.html" ("Abouts"). The terms and\n\
-conditions governing Features and Included Features should be contained\n\
-in files named "license.html" ("Feature Licenses"). Abouts and Feature\n\
-Licenses may be located in any directory of a Download or Module\n\
-including, but not limited to the following locations:\n\
-   - The top-level (root) directory\n\
-   - Plug-in and Fragment directories\n\
-   - Inside Plug-ins and Fragments packaged as JARs\n\
-   - Sub-directories of the directory named "src" of certain Plug-ins\n\
-   - Feature directories\n\
-Note: if a Feature made available by the Eclipse Foundation is installed using the\n\
-Eclipse Update Manager, you must agree to a license ("Feature Update\n\
-License") during the installation process. If the Feature contains\n\
-Included Features, the Feature Update License should either provide you\n\
-with the terms and conditions governing the Included Features or inform\n\
-you where you can locate them. Feature Update Licenses may be found in\n\
-the "license" property of files named "". Such Abouts,\n\
-Feature Licenses and Feature Update Licenses contain the terms and\n\
-conditions (or references to such terms and conditions) that govern your\n\
-use of the associated Content in that directory.\n\
-    - Common Public License Version 1.0 (available at\n\
-    - Apache Software License 1.1 (available at\n\
-    - Apache Software License 2.0 (available at\n\
-    - IBM Public License 1.0 (available at\n\
-    - Metro Link Public License 1.00 (available at\n\
-    - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (available at\n\
-    - Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) Version 1.0 (available at\n\
-TO USE OF THE CONTENT. If no About, Feature License or Feature Update License\n\
-is provided, please contact the Eclipse Foundation to determine what terms and conditions\n\
-govern that particular Content.\n\
-Content may contain encryption software. The country in which you are\n\
-currently may have restrictions on the import, possession, and use,\n\
-and/or re-export to another country, of encryption software. BEFORE\n\
-using any encryption software, please check the country's laws,\n\
-regulations and policies concerning the import, possession, or use,\n\
-and re-export of encryption software, to see if this is permitted.\n\
-Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both.\n
-########### end of license property ##########################################
diff --git a/features/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt_tests.feature/feature.xml b/features/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt_tests.feature/feature.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b45b64..0000000
--- a/features/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt_tests.feature/feature.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-      id="org.eclipse.wst.jsdt_tests.feature"
-      label="%featureName"
-      version="1.2.0.qualifier"
-      provider-name="%providerName">
-   <description>
-      %description
-   </description>
-   <copyright>
-      %copyright
-   </copyright>
-   <license url="license.html">
-      %license
-   </license>
-   <url>
-      <update label="%updateSiteName" url=""/>
-   </url>
-   <plugin
-         id="org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler"
-         download-size="0"
-         install-size="0"
-         version="0.0.0"/>
-   <plugin
-         id="org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.model"
-         download-size="0"
-         install-size="0"
-         version="0.0.0"/>
-   <plugin
-         id="org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.web.core.tests"
-         download-size="0"
-         install-size="0"
-         version="0.0.0"/>
-   <plugin
-         id="org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.web.ui.tests"
-         download-size="0"
-         install-size="0"
-         version="0.0.0"/>
diff --git a/features/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt_tests.feature/license.html b/features/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt_tests.feature/license.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 303e665..0000000
--- a/features/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt_tests.feature/license.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
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-<BODY lang=EN-US vLink=purple link=blue>
-<H2>Eclipse Foundation Software User Agreement</H2>
-<P>June 06, 2007</P>
-<H3>Usage Of Content</H3>
-<H3>Applicable Licenses</H3>
-<P>Unless otherwise indicated, all Content made available by the Eclipse 
-Foundation is provided to you under the terms and conditions of the Eclipse 
-Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL"). A copy of the EPL is provided with this 
-Content and is also available at <A 
-For purposes of the EPL, "Program" will mean the Content.</P>
-<P>Content includes, but is not limited to, source code, object code, 
-documentation and other files maintained in the CVS repository 
-("Repository") in CVS modules ("Modules") and made available as downloadable 
-archives ("Downloads").</P>
-<P>Content may be apportioned into plug-ins ("Plug-ins"), plug-in fragments 
-("Fragments"), and features ("Features"). A Feature is a bundle of one or more 
-Plug-ins and/or Fragments and associated material. Files named "feature.xml" may 
-contain a list of the names and version numbers of the Plug-ins and/or Fragments 
-associated with a Feature. Plug-ins and Fragments are located in directories 
-named "plugins" and Features are located in directories named "features".</P>
-<P>Features may also include other Features ("Included Features"). Files named 
-"feature.xml" may contain a list of the names and version numbers of Included 
-<P>The terms and conditions governing Plug-ins and Fragments should be contained 
-in files named "about.html" ("Abouts"). The terms and conditions governing 
-Features and Included Features should be contained in files named "license.html" 
-("Feature Licenses"). Abouts and Feature Licenses may be located in any 
-directory of a Download or Module including, but not limited to the following 
-  <LI>The top-level (root) directory 
-  <LI>Plug-in and Fragment directories 
-  <LI>Subdirectories of the directory named "src" of certain Plug-ins 
-  <LI>Feature directories </LI></UL>
-<P>Note: if a Feature made available by the Eclipse Foundation is installed 
-using the Eclipse Update Manager, you must agree to a license ("Feature Update 
-License") during the installation process. If the Feature contains Included 
-Features, the Feature Update License should either provide you with the terms 
-and conditions governing the Included Features or inform you where you can 
-locate them. Feature Update Licenses may be found in the "license" property of 
-files named "". Such Abouts, Feature Licenses and Feature 
-Update Licenses contain the terms and conditions (or references to such terms 
-and conditions) that govern your use of the associated Content in that 
-  <LI>Common Public License Version 1.0 (available at <A 
-  href=""></A>)
-  <LI>Apache Software License 1.1 (available at <A 
-  href=""></A>)
-  <LI>Apache Software License 2.0 (available at <A 
-  href=""></A>)
-  <LI>IBM Public License 1.0 (available at <A 
-  href=""></A>)
-  <LI>Metro Link Public License 1.00 (available at <A 
-  href=""></A>) 
-  <LI>Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (available at <A 
-  href=""></A>) </LI>
-  <li>Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) Version 1.0 (available at <A 
-  href=""></A>
-  </LI>
-TO USE OF THE CONTENT. If no About, Feature License or Feature Update License is 
-provided, please contact the Eclipse Foundation to determine what terms and 
-conditions govern that particular Content.</P>
-<P>Content may contain encryption software. The country in which you are 
-currently may have restrictions on the import, possession, and use, and/or 
-re-export to another country, of encryption software. BEFORE using any 
-encryption software, please check the country's laws, regulations and policies 
-concerning the import, possession, or use, and re-export of encryption software, 
-to see if this is permitted.</P></BODY></HTML>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/.classpath b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/.classpath
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@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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-	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/J2SE-1.4"/>
-	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.pde.core.requiredPlugins"/>
-	<classpathentry kind="output" path="bin"/>
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index 7722bc8..0000000
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--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/.project
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-	<name>org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler</name>
-	<comment></comment>
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-			<arguments>
-			</arguments>
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-		<buildCommand>
-			<name>org.eclipse.pde.ManifestBuilder</name>
-			<arguments>
-			</arguments>
-		</buildCommand>
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-			<name>org.eclipse.pde.SchemaBuilder</name>
-			<arguments>
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-		</buildCommand>
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-		<nature>org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature</nature>
-		<nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>
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diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs
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--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs
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-#Wed Dec 12 03:20:36 EST 2007
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
deleted file mode 100644
index e23f845..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#Wed Dec 12 03:10:27 EST 2007
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
deleted file mode 100644
index b2fd298..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-Manifest-Version: 1.0
-Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
-Bundle-Name: %pluginName
-Bundle-SymbolicName: org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler; singleton:=true
-Bundle-Version: 1.0.300.qualifier
-Bundle-Vendor: %providerName
-Bundle-Localization: plugin
-Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.core.resources;bundle-version="[3.4.0,4.0.0)",
- org.eclipse.core.runtime;bundle-version="[3.4.0,4.0.0)",
- org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core;bundle-version="[1.1.0,2.0.0)",
- org.junit;bundle-version="[3.8.2,4.0.0)"
-Export-Package: org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler,
- org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser,
- org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression,
- org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.future.compiler.regression,
- org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.interpret,
- org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.junit.extension,
- org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.runtime,
- org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util
-Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.4
-Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/about.html b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/about.html
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index 4602330..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/about.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
-    "">
-<html xmlns="">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"/>
-<body lang="EN-US">
-<h2>About This Content</h2>
-<p>June 2, 2006</p>	
-<p>The Eclipse Foundation makes available all content in this plug-in (&quot;Content&quot;).  Unless otherwise 
-indicated below, the Content is provided to you under the terms and conditions of the
-Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 (&quot;EPL&quot;).  A copy of the EPL is available 
-at <a href=""></a>.
-For purposes of the EPL, &quot;Program&quot; will mean the Content.</p>
-<p>If you did not receive this Content directly from the Eclipse Foundation, the Content is 
-being redistributed by another party (&quot;Redistributor&quot;) and different terms and conditions may
-apply to your use of any object code in the Content.  Check the Redistributor's license that was 
-provided with the Content.  If no such license exists, contact the Redistributor.  Unless otherwise
-indicated below, the terms and conditions of the EPL still apply to any source code in the Content
-and such source code may be obtained at <a href=""></a>.</p>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5717ad8..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# Contributors:
-#     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
-bin.includes = test.xml,\
-               .,\
-     ,\
-               META-INF/,\
-               about.html
-src.includes = test.xml
-source.. = src/
-jars.compile.order = .
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7793cd8..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# Contributors:
-#     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
-# Messages in plugin.xml.
-pluginName=JSDT Tests - Compiler
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b32849..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.

- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials

- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0

- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation

- *******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler;


-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.Iterator;


-import junit.framework.Test;

-import junit.framework.TestSuite;


-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.JavaScriptCore;

-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser.SyntaxErrorTest;

-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression.BasicAnalyseTests;

-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression.BasicParserTests;

-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression.BasicResolveTests;

-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression.CharOperationTest;

-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression.InferTypesTests;

-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression.UtilTest;

-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.interpret.BasicInterpretTest;



- * Run all compiler regression tests

- */

-public class JSDTCompilerTests extends TestSuite {


-static {

-	JavaScriptCore.getPlugin().getPluginPreferences().setValue("semanticValidation", true);



-public JSDTCompilerTests() {

-	this("JavaScript Model Tests");



-public JSDTCompilerTests(String testName) {

-	super(testName);


-public static Test suite() {


-	ArrayList standardTests = new ArrayList();


-	// regression tests

-	standardTests.add(BasicParserTests.class);

-	standardTests.add(InferTypesTests.class);

-	standardTests.add(BasicResolveTests.class);

-	standardTests.add(BasicAnalyseTests.class);

-	standardTests.add(CharOperationTest.class);

-	standardTests.add(UtilTest.class);


-	// parser tests

-	standardTests.add(SyntaxErrorTest.class);


-	// interpret tests

-	standardTests.add(BasicInterpretTest.class);





-//	standardTests.addAll(JavadocTest.allTestClasses);


-//	standardTests.add(BasicErrorTests.class);


-	//	// add all javadoc tests

-//	for (int i=0, l=JavadocTest.ALL_CLASSES.size(); i<l; i++) {

-//		standardTests.add(JavadocTest.ALL_CLASSES.get(i));

-//	}


-	TestSuite all = new TestSuite("JSDT 'Compiler' Tests");

-//	int possibleComplianceLevels = AbstractCompilerTest.getPossibleComplianceLevels();

-//	if ((possibleComplianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_3) != 0) {

-//		ArrayList tests_1_3 = (ArrayList)standardTests.clone();

-//		tests_1_3.add(Compliance_1_3.class);

-//		tests_1_3.add(JavadocTest_1_3.class);

-//		// Reset forgotten subsets tests

-//		TestCase.TESTS_PREFIX = null;

-//		TestCase.TESTS_NAMES = null;

-//		TestCase.TESTS_NUMBERS= null;

-//		TestCase.TESTS_RANGE = null;

-//		TestCase.RUN_ONLY_ID = null;

-//		all.addTest(AbstractCompilerTest.buildComplianceTestSuite(AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_3, tests_1_3));

-//	}

-//	if ((possibleComplianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_4) != 0) {

-//		ArrayList tests_1_4 = (ArrayList)standardTests.clone();

-//		tests_1_4.add(AssertionTest.class);

-//		tests_1_4.add(Compliance_1_4.class);

-//		tests_1_4.add(ClassFileReaderTest_1_4.class);

-//		tests_1_4.add(JavadocTest_1_4.class);

-//		// Reset forgotten subsets tests

-//		TestCase.TESTS_PREFIX = null;

-//		TestCase.TESTS_NAMES = null;

-//		TestCase.TESTS_NUMBERS= null;

-//		TestCase.TESTS_RANGE = null;

-//		TestCase.RUN_ONLY_ID = null;

-//		all.addTest(AbstractCompilerTest.buildComplianceTestSuite(AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_4, tests_1_4));

-//	}

-//	if ((possibleComplianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_5) != 0) {

-//		ArrayList tests_1_5 = (ArrayList)standardTests.clone();

-//		tests_1_5.addAll(RunComparableTests.ALL_CLASSES);

-//		tests_1_5.add(AssertionTest.class);

-//		tests_1_5.add(ClassFileReaderTest_1_5.class);

-//		tests_1_5.add(GenericTypeSignatureTest.class);

-//		tests_1_5.add(InternalHexFloatTest.class);

-//		tests_1_5.add(JavadocTest_1_5.class);

-//		tests_1_5.add(BatchCompilerTest.class);

-//		tests_1_5.add(ExternalizeStringLiterals15Test.class);

-//		// Reset forgotten subsets tests

-//		TestCase.TESTS_PREFIX = null;

-//		TestCase.TESTS_NAMES = null;

-//		TestCase.TESTS_NUMBERS= null;

-//		TestCase.TESTS_RANGE = null;

-//		TestCase.RUN_ONLY_ID = null;

-//		all.addTest(AbstractCompilerTest.buildComplianceTestSuite(AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_5, tests_1_5));

-//	}

-//	if ((possibleComplianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_6) != 0) {

-//		ArrayList tests_1_6 = (ArrayList)standardTests.clone();

-//		tests_1_6.addAll(RunComparableTests.ALL_CLASSES);

-//		tests_1_6.add(AssertionTest.class);

-//		tests_1_6.add(ClassFileReaderTest_1_5.class);

-//		tests_1_6.add(GenericTypeSignatureTest.class);

-//		tests_1_6.add(InternalHexFloatTest.class);

-//		tests_1_6.add(JavadocTest_1_5.class);

-//		tests_1_6.add(BatchCompilerTest.class);

-//		tests_1_6.add(ExternalizeStringLiterals15Test.class);

-//		tests_1_6.add(StackMapAttributeTest.class);

-//		// Reset forgotten subsets tests

-//		TestCase.TESTS_PREFIX = null;

-//		TestCase.TESTS_NAMES = null;

-//		TestCase.TESTS_NUMBERS= null;

-//		TestCase.TESTS_RANGE = null;

-//		TestCase.RUN_ONLY_ID = null;

-//		all.addTest(AbstractCompilerTest.buildComplianceTestSuite(AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_6, tests_1_6));

-//	}

-	for (Iterator iter = standardTests.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {

-		Class test = (Class);

-		all.addTestSuite(test); 

-	}

-	return all;



diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ec8ee5..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.codeassist.complete.CompletionParser;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.codeassist.complete.CompletionScanner;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.FieldDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.Initializer;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.batch.CompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.DefaultProblemFactory;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.AbstractCompilerTest;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util;
-public abstract class AbstractCompletionTest extends AbstractCompilerTest {
-	public final static String NONE = "<NONE>";
-public AbstractCompletionTest(String testName){
-	super(testName);
- * DietParse with completionNode check
- */
-public void checkDietParse(
-	char[] source, 
-	int cursorLocation, 
-	String expectedCompletion, 
-	String expectedUnitToString, 
-	String expectedCompletionIdentifier,
-	String expectedReplacedSource,
-	String testName) {
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		source, 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletion,
-		null,
-		expectedUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName);
- * DietParse with completionNode check
- */
-public void checkDietParse(
-	char[] source, 
-	int cursorLocation, 
-	String expectedCompletion, 
-	String expectedParentCompletion,
-	String expectedUnitToString, 
-	String expectedCompletionIdentifier,
-	String expectedReplacedSource,
-	String testName) {
-	CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions());
-	CompletionParser parser = 
-		new CompletionParser(
-			new ProblemReporter(
-				DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-				options, 
-				new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault())));
-	ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null);
-	CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 0, 0, 0);	
-	CompilationUnitDeclaration unit = parser.dietParse(sourceUnit, compilationResult, cursorLocation);
-	String computedCompletion = parser.assistNode == null 
-									? NONE
-									: parser.assistNode.toString();
-	String computedParentCompletion = parser.assistNodeParent == null 
-								? NONE
-								: parser.assistNodeParent.toString();
-	String computedUnitToString = unit.toString();
-	//System.out.println(computedUnitToString);
-	//System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString));
-	//System.out.println(expectedUnitToString);
-	if (!expectedCompletion.equals(computedCompletion)) {
-		System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedCompletion));
-	}
-	assertEquals(
-		"invalid completion node-" + testName,
-		expectedCompletion,
-		computedCompletion);
-	if(expectedParentCompletion != null) {
-		if (!expectedParentCompletion.equals(computedParentCompletion)) {
-			System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedParentCompletion));
-		}
-		assertEquals(
-		"invalid completion parent node-" + testName,
-		expectedParentCompletion,
-		computedParentCompletion);
-	}
-	if (!expectedUnitToString.equals(computedUnitToString)) {
-		System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString));
-	}
-	assertEquals(
-		"invalid completion tree-" + testName,
-		expectedUnitToString,
-		computedUnitToString);
-	if (expectedCompletionIdentifier != null){
-		char[] chars = ((CompletionScanner)parser.scanner).completionIdentifier;
-		String computedCompletionIdentifier = chars == null ? NONE : new String(chars);
-		assertEquals(
-			"invalid completion identifier-" + testName,
-			expectedCompletionIdentifier,
-			computedCompletionIdentifier);
-	}
-	if (expectedReplacedSource != null){
-		char[] chars = null;
-		if (parser.assistNode != null){
-			chars = CharOperation.subarray(
-				parser.scanner.source, 
-				parser.assistNode.sourceStart, 
-				parser.assistNode.sourceEnd + 1);
-		} else {
-			if (parser.assistIdentifier() != null){
-				if (((CompletionScanner)parser.scanner).completedIdentifierEnd 
-					>= ((CompletionScanner)parser.scanner).completedIdentifierStart){
-					chars = CharOperation.subarray(
-						parser.scanner.source, 
-						((CompletionScanner)parser.scanner).completedIdentifierStart, 
-						((CompletionScanner)parser.scanner).completedIdentifierEnd + 1);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		String computedReplacedSource  = chars == null ? NONE : new String(chars);
-		assertEquals(
-			"invalid replaced source-" + testName,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			computedReplacedSource);
-	}
- * Parse a method with completionNode check
- */
-public void checkMethodParse(
-		char[] source, 
-		int cursorLocation, 
-		String expectedCompletion, 
-		String expectedParentCompletion,
-		String expectedUnitToString, 
-		String expectedCompletionIdentifier, 
-		String expectedReplacedSource,
-		String[] expectedLabels,
-		String testName) {
-	assertTrue("bad cursor location",cursorLocation>=0);
-	CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions());
-	CompletionParser parser = 
-		new CompletionParser(
-			new ProblemReporter(
-				DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-				options, 
-				new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault())));
-	ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null);
-	CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 0, 0, 0);	
-	CompilationUnitDeclaration unit = parser.dietParse(sourceUnit, compilationResult, cursorLocation);
-	if (Parser.DO_DIET_PARSE)
-	{
-	ASTNode foundMethod = null;
-	if (unit.types != null) {
-		for (int i = 0; i < unit.types.length; i++) {
-			TypeDeclaration type = unit.types[i];
-			ASTNode method = findMethod(type, cursorLocation);
-			if (method != null) {
-				foundMethod = method;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	assertTrue("no method found at cursor location", foundMethod != null);
-	if (foundMethod instanceof AbstractMethodDeclaration) {
-		parser.parseBlockStatements((AbstractMethodDeclaration)foundMethod, unit);
-	} else {
-		TypeDeclaration type = (TypeDeclaration)foundMethod;
-		if (type.fields != null) {
-			for (int i = 0; i < type.fields.length; i++) {
-				FieldDeclaration field = type.fields[i];
-				if (field.declarationSourceStart <= cursorLocation && (cursorLocation <= field.declarationSourceEnd || field.declarationSourceEnd == 0)) {
-					if (field instanceof Initializer) {
-						parser.parseBlockStatements((Initializer)field, type, unit);
-						break;
-					}
-					assertTrue("TBD", false); // field initializer
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	}
-	String computedCompletion = parser.assistNode == null 
-								? NONE
-								: parser.assistNode.toString();
-	String computedParentCompletion = parser.assistNodeParent == null 
-								? NONE
-								: parser.assistNodeParent.toString();
-	String computedUnitToString = unit.toString();
-	if (!expectedCompletion.equals(computedCompletion)) {
-		System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedCompletion));
-	}
-	assertEquals(
-		"invalid completion node-" + testName,
-		expectedCompletion,
-		computedCompletion);
-	if(expectedParentCompletion != null) {
-		if (!expectedParentCompletion.equals(computedParentCompletion)) {
-			System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedParentCompletion));
-		}
-		assertEquals(
-		"invalid completion parent node-" + testName,
-		expectedParentCompletion,
-		computedParentCompletion);
-	}
-	if (!expectedUnitToString.equals(computedUnitToString)) {
-		System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString));
-	}
-	assertEquals(
-		"invalid completion location-"+testName,
-		expectedUnitToString,
-		computedUnitToString);
-	if (expectedCompletionIdentifier != null){
-		char[] chars = ((CompletionScanner)parser.scanner).completionIdentifier;
-		String computedCompletionIdentifier = chars == null ? NONE : new String(chars);
-		if (!expectedCompletionIdentifier.equals(computedCompletionIdentifier)) {
-			System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedCompletionIdentifier));
-		}
-		assertEquals(
-			"invalid completion identifier-" + testName,
-			expectedCompletionIdentifier,
-			computedCompletionIdentifier);
-	}
-	if (expectedReplacedSource != null){
-		char[] chars = null;
-		if (parser.assistNode != null){
-			chars = CharOperation.subarray(
-				parser.scanner.source, 
-				parser.assistNode.sourceStart, 
-				parser.assistNode.sourceEnd + 1);
-		} else {
-			if (parser.assistIdentifier() != null){
-				if (((CompletionScanner)parser.scanner).completedIdentifierEnd 
-					>= ((CompletionScanner)parser.scanner).completedIdentifierStart){
-					chars = CharOperation.subarray(
-						parser.scanner.source, 
-						((CompletionScanner)parser.scanner).completedIdentifierStart, 
-						((CompletionScanner)parser.scanner).completedIdentifierEnd + 1);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		String computedReplacedSource  = chars == null ? NONE : new String(chars);
-		if (!expectedReplacedSource.equals(computedReplacedSource)) {
-			System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedReplacedSource));
-		}
-		assertEquals(
-			"invalid replaced source-" + testName,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			computedReplacedSource);
-		if (expectedReplacedSource.length() == 0) {
-			assertEquals(
-				"invalid insertion point-" + testName,
-				cursorLocation + 1, 
-				parser.assistNode.sourceStart);
-		}
-	}
-	if (expectedLabels != null) {
-//		int length = (parser.labels == null) ? 0 : parser.labels.length;
-//		assertEquals("invalid number of labels-" + testName, expectedLabels.length, length);
-//		for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-//			String label = new String(parser.labels[i]);
-//			assertEquals("invalid label-" + testName, expectedLabels[i], label);
-//		}
-	}
- * Parse a method with completionNode check
- */
-public void checkMethodParse(
-		char[] source, 
-		int cursorLocation, 
-		String expectedCompletion, 
-		String expectedUnitToString, 
-		String expectedCompletionIdentifier, 
-		String expectedReplacedSource, 
-		String testName) {
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		source, 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletion,
-		null,
-		expectedUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		null,
-		testName);
- * Parse a method with completionNode check
- */
-public void checkMethodParse(
-		char[] source, 
-		int cursorLocation, 
-		String expectedCompletion,
-		String expectedParentCompletion, 
-		String expectedUnitToString, 
-		String expectedCompletionIdentifier, 
-		String expectedReplacedSource, 
-		String testName) {
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		source, 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletion,
-		expectedParentCompletion,
-		expectedUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		null,
-		testName);
- * Parse a method with completionNode check
- */
-public void checkMethodParse(
-		char[] source, 
-		int cursorLocation, 
-		String expectedCompletion, 
-		String expectedUnitToString, 
-		String expectedCompletionIdentifier, 
-		String expectedReplacedSource,
-		String[] expectedLabels,
-		String testName) {
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		source, 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletion,
-		null,
-		expectedUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		expectedLabels,
-		testName);
- * Returns the method, the constructor or the type declaring the initializer
- * at the cursor location in the given type.
- * Returns null if not found.
- */
-private ASTNode findMethod(TypeDeclaration type, int cursorLocation) {
-	if (type.methods != null) {
-		for (int i = 0; i < type.methods.length; i++) {
-			AbstractMethodDeclaration method = type.methods[i];
-			if (method.declarationSourceStart <= cursorLocation && (cursorLocation <= method.declarationSourceEnd || method.declarationSourceEnd == 0)) {
-				return method;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (type.memberTypes != null) {
-		for (int i = 0; i < type.memberTypes.length; i++) {
-			TypeDeclaration memberType = type.memberTypes[i];
-			ASTNode method = findMethod(memberType, cursorLocation);
-			if (method != null) {
-				return method;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (type.fields != null) {
-		for (int i = 0; i < type.fields.length; i++) {
-			FieldDeclaration field = type.fields[i];
-			if (field instanceof Initializer && field.declarationSourceStart <= cursorLocation && (cursorLocation <= field.declarationSourceEnd || field.declarationSourceEnd == 0)) {
-				return type;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return null;
- * Runs the given test that checks that diet completion parsing returns the given completion.
- */
-protected void runTestCheckDietParse(
-		String compilationUnit, 
-		String completeBehind, 
-		String expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		String expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		String expectedCompletionIdentifier,
-		String expectedReplacedSource,
-		String testName) {
-	int cursorLocation = compilationUnit.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		compilationUnit.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		expectedCompletionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Runs the given test that checks that method completion parsing returns the given completion.
- */
-protected void runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		String compilationUnit, 
-		String completeBehind, 
-		String expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		String expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		String expectedCompletionIdentifier,
-		String expectedReplacedSource,
-		String[] expectedLabels,
-		String testName) {
-	int completeBehindStart = compilationUnit.indexOf(completeBehind);
-	assertTrue("completeBehind string not found", completeBehindStart >= 0);
-	int cursorLocation = completeBehindStart + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		compilationUnit.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		expectedCompletionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		expectedLabels,
-		testName); 
- * Runs the given test that checks that method completion parsing returns the given completion.
- */
-protected void runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		String compilationUnit, 
-		String completeBehind, 
-		String expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		String expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		String expectedCompletionIdentifier,
-		String expectedReplacedSource,
-		String testName) {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		compilationUnit,
-		completeBehind,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		expectedCompletionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		null,
-		testName); 
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 405bbcd..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.Block;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.FieldDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.Initializer;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.batch.CompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.DefaultProblemFactory;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.AbstractCompilerTest;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util;
-public abstract class AbstractSelectionTest extends AbstractCompilerTest {
-	public final static String NONE = "<NONE>";
-public AbstractSelectionTest(String testName){
-	super(testName);
- * DietParse with selectionNode check
- */
-public void checkDietParse(
-	char[] source, 
-	int selectionStart,
-	int selectionEnd,
-	String expectedSelection, 
-	String expectedUnitToString, 
-	String expectedSelectionIdentifier,
-	String expectedSelectedSource,
-	String testName) {
-	CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions());
-	SelectionParser parser = 
-		new SelectionParser(
-			new ProblemReporter(
-				DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-				options, 
-				new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault())));
-	ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null);
-	CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 0, 0, 0);	
-	CompilationUnitDeclaration unit = parser.dietParse(sourceUnit, compilationResult, selectionStart, selectionEnd);
-	String computedUnitToString = unit.toString();
-	//System.out.println(computedUnitToString);
-	//System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString));
-	//System.out.println(expectedUnitToString);
-	String computedSelection = parser.assistNode == null 
-									? NONE
-									: parser.assistNode.toString();
-	assertEquals(
-		"invalid selection node-" + testName,
-		expectedSelection,
-		computedSelection);
-	if (!expectedUnitToString.equals(computedUnitToString)) {
-		System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString, 2));
-	}
-	assertEquals(
-		"invalid selection unit-" + testName,
-		expectedUnitToString,
-		computedUnitToString);
-	if (expectedSelectionIdentifier != null){
-		char[] chars = ((SelectionScanner)parser.scanner).selectionIdentifier;
-		String computedSelectionIdentifier = chars == null ? NONE : new String(chars);
-		assertEquals(
-			"invalid selection identifier-" + testName,
-			expectedSelectionIdentifier,
-			computedSelectionIdentifier);
-	}
-	if (expectedSelectedSource != null){
-		char[] chars = null;
-		if (parser.assistNode != null){
-			chars = CharOperation.subarray(
-				parser.scanner.source, 
-				parser.assistNode.sourceStart, 
-				parser.assistNode.sourceEnd + 1);
-		} else {
-			if (parser.assistIdentifier() != null){
-				if (((SelectionScanner)parser.scanner).selectionEnd 
-					>= ((SelectionScanner)parser.scanner).selectionStart){
-					chars = CharOperation.subarray(
-						parser.scanner.source, 
-						((SelectionScanner)parser.scanner).selectionStart, 
-						((SelectionScanner)parser.scanner).selectionEnd + 1);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		String computedSelectedSource  = chars == null ? NONE : new String(chars);
-		assertEquals(
-			"invalid replaced source-" + testName,
-			expectedSelectedSource,
-			computedSelectedSource);
-	}
- * Parse a method with selectionNode check
- */
-public void checkMethodParse(
-		char[] source, 
-		int selectionStart,
-		int selectionEnd, 
-		String expectedSelection, 
-		String expectedUnitToString, 
-		String expectedSelectionIdentifier, 
-		String expectedSelectedSource,
-		String[] expectedLabels,
-		String testName) {
-	CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions());
-	SelectionParser parser = 
-		new SelectionParser(
-			new ProblemReporter(
-				DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-				options, 
-				new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault())));
-	ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null);
-	CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 0, 0, 0);	
-	CompilationUnitDeclaration unit = parser.dietParse(sourceUnit, compilationResult, selectionStart, selectionEnd);
-	if (Parser.DO_DIET_PARSE)
-	{
-	ASTNode foundMethod = null;
-	if (unit.types != null) {
-		for (int i = 0; i < unit.types.length; i++) {
-			TypeDeclaration type = unit.types[i];
-			ASTNode method = findMethod(type, selectionStart);
-			if (method != null) {
-				foundMethod = method;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	assertTrue("no method found at cursor location", foundMethod != null);
-	if (foundMethod instanceof AbstractMethodDeclaration) {
-		parser.parseBlockStatements((AbstractMethodDeclaration)foundMethod, unit);
-	} else {
-		TypeDeclaration type = (TypeDeclaration)foundMethod;
-		if (type.fields != null) {
-			for (int i = 0; i < type.fields.length; i++) {
-				FieldDeclaration field = type.fields[i];
-				if (field instanceof Initializer && field.sourceStart <= selectionStart && selectionStart <= field.sourceEnd) {
-					parser.parseBlockStatements((Initializer)field, type, unit);
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	}
-	String computedUnitToString = unit.toString();
-	//System.out.println(computedUnitToString);
-	//System.out.println(expectedUnitToString);	
-	String computedCompletion = parser.assistNode == null 
-								? NONE
-								: parser.assistNode.toString();
-	assertEquals(
-		"invalid selection node-" + testName,
-		expectedSelection,
-		computedCompletion);
-	if (!expectedUnitToString.equals(computedUnitToString)) {
-		System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString, 2));
-	}
-	assertEquals(
-		"invalid selection unit-"+testName,
-		expectedUnitToString,
-		computedUnitToString);
-	if (expectedSelectionIdentifier != null){
-		char[] chars = ((SelectionScanner)parser.scanner).selectionIdentifier;
-		String computedSelectionIdentifier = chars == null ? NONE : new String(chars);
-		assertEquals(
-			"invalid selection identifier-" + testName,
-			expectedSelectionIdentifier,
-			computedSelectionIdentifier);
-	}
-	if (expectedSelectedSource != null){
-		char[] chars = null;
-		if (parser.assistNode != null){
-			chars = CharOperation.subarray(
-				parser.scanner.source, 
-				parser.assistNode.sourceStart, 
-				parser.assistNode.sourceEnd + 1);
-		} else {
-			if (parser.assistIdentifier() != null){
-				if (((SelectionScanner)parser.scanner).selectionEnd 
-					>= ((SelectionScanner)parser.scanner).selectionStart){
-					chars = CharOperation.subarray(
-						parser.scanner.source, 
-						((SelectionScanner)parser.scanner).selectionStart, 
-						((SelectionScanner)parser.scanner).selectionEnd + 1);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		String computedReplacedSource  = chars == null ? NONE : new String(chars);
-		assertEquals(
-			"invalid replaced source-" + testName,
-			expectedSelectedSource,
-			computedReplacedSource);
-	}
-	if (expectedLabels != null) {
-		assert("no labels-" + testName, parser.labels != null);
-		int length = parser.labels.length;
-		assertEquals("invalid number of labels-" + testName, expectedLabels.length, length);
-		for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-			String label = new String(parser.labels[i]);
-			assertEquals("invalid label-" + testName, expectedLabels[i], label);
-		}
-	}
- * Parse a method with selectionNode check
- */
-public void checkMethodParse(
-		char[] source, 
-		int selectionStart,
-		int selectionEnd, 		
-		String expectedSelection, 
-		String expectedUnitToString, 
-		String expectedSelectionIdentifier, 
-		String expectedSelectedSource, 
-		String testName) {
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		source, 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedSelection, 
-		expectedUnitToString,
-		expectedSelectionIdentifier,
-		expectedSelectedSource,
-		null,
-		testName);
- * Returns the method, the constructor or the type declaring the initializer
- * at the cursor location in the given type.
- * Returns null if not found.
- */
-protected ASTNode findMethod(TypeDeclaration type, int cursorLocation) {
-	if (type.methods != null) {
-		for (int i = 0; i < type.methods.length; i++) {
-			AbstractMethodDeclaration method = type.methods[i];
-			if (method.declarationSourceStart <= cursorLocation && (cursorLocation <= method.declarationSourceEnd || method.declarationSourceEnd == 0)) {
-				return method;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (type.memberTypes != null) {
-		for (int i = 0; i < type.memberTypes.length; i++) {
-			TypeDeclaration memberType = type.memberTypes[i];
-			ASTNode method = findMethod(memberType, cursorLocation);
-			if (method != null) {
-				return method;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (type.fields != null) {
-		for (int i = 0; i < type.fields.length; i++) {
-			FieldDeclaration field = type.fields[i];
-			if (field instanceof Initializer) {
-				Initializer initializer = (Initializer)field;
-				Block block = initializer.block;
-				if (block != null && block.sourceStart <= cursorLocation && (cursorLocation <= block.sourceEnd || block.sourceEnd == 0)) {
-					return type;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return null;
- * Runs the given test that checks that method completion parsing returns the given completion.
- */
-protected void runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		String compilationUnit, 
-		String selectionStartBehind,
-		String selectionEndBehind,
-		String expectedSelectionNodeToString,
-		String expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		String expectedSelectionIdentifier,
-		String expectedReplacedSource,
-		String testName) {
-	int selectionStartBehindStart = compilationUnit.indexOf(selectionStartBehind);
-	assertTrue("selectionStartBehind string not found", selectionStartBehindStart != -1);
-	int selectionStart = selectionStartBehindStart + selectionStartBehind.length();
-	int selectionEndBehindStart = compilationUnit.indexOf(selectionEndBehind);
-	assertTrue("selectionEndBehind string not found", selectionEndBehindStart != -1);
-	int selectionEnd = selectionEndBehindStart + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		compilationUnit.toCharArray(), 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedSelectionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		expectedSelectionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index bf642bb..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import junit.framework.Test;
- * Completion is expected to be an AllocationExpression.
- */
-public class AllocationExpressionCompletionTest extends AbstractCompletionTest {
-public AllocationExpressionCompletionTest(String testName) {
-	super(testName);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(AllocationExpressionCompletionTest.class);
- * Completion inside an if statement.
- */
-public void testInIfStatement() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		if (true) {							\n" +
-		"			new z.y.X(1, 2, i);				\n" +
-		"		}									\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X(1, 2,",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnAllocationExpression:new z.y.X(1, 2)>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnAllocationExpression:new z.y.X(1, 2)>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<complete inside an if statement>"
-	);
- * Completion on a constructor invocation with no qualification and using a qualified type name.
- * 
- * ie. ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= 'new' ClassType '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt
- *		where ClassType is a qualified type name
- */
-public void testNoQualificationQualifiedTypeName() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		new z.y.X(1, 2, i);					\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X(1, 2,",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnAllocationExpression:new z.y.X(1, 2)>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnAllocationExpression:new z.y.X(1, 2)>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on non qualified instance creation with qualified type name>"
-	);
- * Completion on a constructor invocation with no qualification and using a simple type name.
- * 
- * ie. ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= 'new' ClassType '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt
- *		where ClassType is a simple type name
- */
-public void testNoQualificationSimpleTypeName() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		new X(1, 2, i);						\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X(1, 2,",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnAllocationExpression:new X(1, 2)>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnAllocationExpression:new X(1, 2)>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on non qualified instance creation with simple type name>"
-	);
- * Completion on a constructor invocation qualified with a name.
- * 
- * ie. ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= ClassInstanceCreationExpressionName 'new' SimpleName '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt
- */
-public void testQualifiedWithName() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		" X(1, 2, i);				\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X(1, 2,",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"< X(1, 2)>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    < X(1, 2)>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on name qualified instance creation>"
-	);
- * Completion on a constructor invocation qualified with a primary.
- * 
- * ie. ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= Primary '.' 'new' SimpleName '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt
- */
-public void testQualifiedWithPrimary() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		primary().new X(1, 2, i);			\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X(1, 2,",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnQualifiedAllocationExpression:primary().new X(1, 2)>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnQualifiedAllocationExpression:primary().new X(1, 2)>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on primary qualified instance creation>"
-	);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index a0bf291..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import junit.framework.Test;
- * Completion is expected to be a ClassLiteralAccess.
- */
-public class ClassLiteralAccessCompletionTest extends AbstractCompletionTest {
-public ClassLiteralAccessCompletionTest(String testName) {
-	super(testName);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(ClassLiteralAccessCompletionTest.class);
- * Completion on the keyword 'class' on an array type
- */
-public void testArrayType() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	void foo() {									\n" +
-		"		String[].;									\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"String[].",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnClassLiteralAccess:String[].>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnClassLiteralAccess:String[].>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"String[].",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on array type member>"
-	);
- * Test access to the keyword 'class' on an array type
- * where the keyword is non empty.
- */
-public void testArrayTypeWithNonEmptyIdentifier() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	void foo() {									\n" +
-		"		String[].class;								\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"String[].cl",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnClassLiteralAccess:String[].cl>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnClassLiteralAccess:String[].cl>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"cl",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"String[].class",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on array type member with non empty identifier>"
-	);
- * Completion on the keyword 'class' on a primitive array type
- */
-public void testPrimitiveArrayType() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	void foo() {									\n" +
-		"		int[].;										\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"int[].",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnClassLiteralAccess:int[].>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnClassLiteralAccess:int[].>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"int[].",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on primitive array type member>"
-	);
- * Completion on the keyword 'class' on a primitive array type where the
- * keyword is non empty
- */
-public void testPrimitiveArrayTypeWithNonEmptyIdentifier() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	void foo() {									\n" +
-		"		int[].class;								\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"int[].cl",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnClassLiteralAccess:int[].cl>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnClassLiteralAccess:int[].cl>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"cl",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"int[].class",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on primitive array type member with non empty identifier>"
-	);
- * Completion on the keyword 'class' on a primitive type
- */
-public void testPrimitiveType() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	void foo() {									\n" +
-		"		int.;										\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"int.",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnClassLiteralAccess:int.>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnClassLiteralAccess:int.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"int.",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on primitive type member>"
-	);
- * Completion on the keyword 'class' on a primitive type where the
- * keyword is non empty
- */
-public void testPrimitiveTypeWithNonEmptyIdentifier() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	void foo() {									\n" +
-		"		int.class;									\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"cl",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"int.class",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on primitive type member with non empty identifier>"
-	);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e3f3ce..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8713 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.codeassist.complete.*;
-public class CompletionParserTest extends AbstractCompletionTest {
-public CompletionParserTest(String testName) {
-	super(testName);
-static {
-//	TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "testXA_1FGGUQF_1FHSL8H_1" };
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(CompletionParserTest.class);
-public void testA() {
-	String str =
-		"	function foo(){\n" + 
-		"		var i;\n" + 
-		"		if (i instanceof O) {\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"		var s = \"hello\";\n" + 
-		"		s.}\n" + 
-		"\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on methods/fields>";
-	String completeBehind = "s.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:s.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-		"  var i;\n" + 
-		"  if ((i instanceof O))\n" + 
-		"      {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"  var s = \"hello\";\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnMemberAccess:s.>;\n" + 
-		"}" + 
-		"\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testAA_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"	function foo() {\n" + 
-			"		var maxUnits = 0;\n" + 
-			"			var unitResult = \n" + 
-			"				new CompilationUnitResult(\n" + 
-			"					null, \n" + 
-			"					i, \n" + 
-			"					maxUnits); \n" + 
-			"	}" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "n";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:n>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "n";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-		"  var maxUnits = 0;\n" + 
-		"  var unitResult = <CompleteOnName:n>;\n" + 
-		"  CompilationUnitResult(null, i, maxUnits);\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "new";
-	String testName = "<complete on initializer (new)>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("new CompilationUnitResult(") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testAA_2() {
-	String str =
-		"// test unicode \\u000a var c = 1; \n" +
-		"var b =c; \n";
-	String testName = "<unicode in comment complete on variable>";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:c>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "c";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "c";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("var b =c") -1 /*+ completeBehind.length() - 1*/;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"// test unicode \\u000a var c = 1; \n" +
-		"var b = <CompleteOnName:c>;\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-//public void testAA_3() {
-//	String str =
-//		"'abc\\u0027def';\n";
-//	String testName = "<unicode in comment complete on variable>";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:c>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "c";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "c";
-//	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("var b =") -1 /*+ completeBehind.length() - 1*/;
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"'abc\\u0027def';\n";
-//	checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		cursorLocation, 
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
-//public void testAA_3() {
-//	String str = 
-//			"package p; \n" + 
-//			"import something; \n" + 
-//			"import p2.; \n" + 
-//			"public class AA {\n" + 
-//			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-//			"		int maxUnits = 0;\n" + 
-//			"		for (int i = 0; \n" + 
-//			"			i < maxUnits; \n" + 
-//			"			i++) {\n" + 
-//			"			CompilationUnitResult unitResult = \n" + 
-//			"				new CompilationUnitResult(\n" + 
-//			"					null, \n" + 
-//			"					i, \n" + 
-//			"					maxUnits); \n" + 
-//			"		}\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"}\n";
-//	String testName = "<complete on call to constructor argument>";
-//	String completeBehind = "i";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:i>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "i";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "i";
-//	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("i, ") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"package p;\n" + 
-//		"import something;\n" + 
-//		"public class AA {\n" + 
-//		"  public AA() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    int maxUnits;\n" + 
-//		"    int i;\n" + 
-//		"    {\n" + 
-//		"      CompilationUnitResult unitResult = new CompilationUnitResult(null, <CompleteOnName:i>);\n" + 
-//		"    }\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		cursorLocation, 
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
-//public void testAA_4() {
-//	String str = 
-//			"package p; \n" + 
-//			"import something; \n" + 
-//			"import p2.; \n" + 
-//			"public class AA {\n" + 
-//			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-//			"		int maxUnits = 0;\n" + 
-//			"		for (int i = 0; \n" + 
-//			"			i < maxUnits; \n" + 
-//			"			i++) {\n" + 
-//			"			CompilationUnitResult unitResult = \n" + 
-//			"				new CompilationUnitResult(\n" + 
-//			"					null, \n" + 
-//			"					i, \n" + 
-//			"					maxUnits); \n" + 
-//			"		}\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"}\n";
-//	String testName = "<complete on constructor call argument>";
-//	String completeBehind = "max";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:max>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "max";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "maxUnits";
-//	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("maxUnits); ") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"package p;\n" + 
-//		"import something;\n" + 
-//		"public class AA {\n" + 
-//		"  public AA() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    int maxUnits;\n" + 
-//		"    int i;\n" + 
-//		"    {\n" + 
-//		"      CompilationUnitResult unitResult = new CompilationUnitResult(null, i, <CompleteOnName:max>);\n" + 
-//		"    }\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		cursorLocation, 
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
-//public void testAB_1FHU9LU() {
-//	String str = 
-//			"package p; \n" + 
-//			"/**\n" + 
-//			" * 1FHU9LU\n" + 
-//			" */\n" + 
-//			"class SuperClass {\n" + 
-//			"	static void eFooStatic() {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"	void eFoo() {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"}\n" + 
-//			"public class AB\n" + 
-//			"	extends SuperClass {\n" + 
-//			"	void eBar() {\n" + 
-//			"		super.eFoo();\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"}\n";
-//	String testName = "<complete on methods/fields from super class>";
-//	String completeBehind = "super.";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:super.>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "super.";
-//	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"package p;\n" + 
-//		"class SuperClass {\n" + 
-//		"  SuperClass() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  static void eFooStatic() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  void eFoo() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n" + 
-//		"public class AB extends SuperClass {\n" + 
-//		"  public AB() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  void eBar() {\n" + 
-//		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:super.>;\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		cursorLocation, 
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
-//public void testAC_1FJ8D9Z_1() {
-//	String str = 
-//			"package p; \n" + 
-//			"/**\n" + 
-//			" * 1FJ8D9Z\n" + 
-//			" */\n" + 
-//			"import*;\n" + 
-//			"public class AC {\n" + 
-//			"	AC() {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"	AC(int i) {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"	AC(int i, String s) {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-//			"		new AC(new File(\n" + 
-//			"			new java\n" + 
-//			"			.util\n" + 
-//			"			.Vector(}\n" + 
-//			"}\n";
-//	String testName = "<complete on constructor argument>";
-//	String completeBehind = "new AC(";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnAllocationExpression:new AC()>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-//	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"package p;\n" + 
-//		"import*;\n" + 
-//		"public class AC {\n" + 
-//		"  AC() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  AC(int i) {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  AC(int i, String s) {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    <CompleteOnAllocationExpression:new AC()>;\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		cursorLocation, 
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
-//public void testAC_1FJ8D9Z_2() {
-//	String str = 
-//			"package p; \n" + 
-//			"/**\n" + 
-//			" * 1FJ8D9Z\n" + 
-//			" */\n" + 
-//			"import*;\n" + 
-//			"public class AC {\n" + 
-//			"	AC() {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"	AC(int i) {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"	AC(int i, String s) {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-//			"		new AC(new File(\n" + 
-//			"			new java\n" + 
-//			"			.util\n" + 
-//			"			.Vector(}\n" + 
-//			"}\n";
-//	String testName = "<complete on constructor argument>";
-//	String completeBehind = "new File(";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnAllocationExpression:new File()>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-//	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"package p;\n" + 
-//		"import*;\n" + 
-//		"public class AC {\n" + 
-//		"  AC() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  AC(int i) {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  AC(int i, String s) {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    <CompleteOnAllocationExpression:new File()>;\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		cursorLocation, 
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
-//public void testAC_1FJ8D9Z_3() {
-//	String str = 
-//			"package p; \n" + 
-//			"/**\n" + 
-//			" * 1FJ8D9Z\n" + 
-//			" */\n" + 
-//			"import*;\n" + 
-//			"public class AC {\n" + 
-//			"	AC() {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"	AC(int i) {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"	AC(int i, String s) {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-//			"		new AC(new File(\n" + 
-//			"			new java.util.Vector(}\n" + 
-//			"}\n";
-//	String testName = "<complete on constructor argument>";
-//	String completeBehind = "new java.util.Vector(";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnAllocationExpression:new java.util.Vector()>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-//	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"package p;\n" + 
-//		"import*;\n" + 
-//		"public class AC {\n" + 
-//		"  AC() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  AC(int i) {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  AC(int i, String s) {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    <CompleteOnAllocationExpression:new java.util.Vector()>;\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		cursorLocation, 
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
-public void testB() {
-	String str = 
-		"function B() {\n" + 
-		"	var o = new Object \n}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on type into type creation>";
-	String completeBehind = "new Object";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:Object>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "Object";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "Object";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function B() {\n" + 
-		"  var o = new   <CompleteOnType:Object>;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-//public void testBA_1() {
-//	String str = 
-//			"package p; \n" + 
-//			"public class BA {\n" + 
-//			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-//			"		java.util.Vector v2;\n" + 
-//			"		java.util.Vector v1;\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"}\n";
-//	String testName = "<complete on package name>";
-//	String completeBehind = "java.";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:java.>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "java.";
-//	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"package p;\n" + 
-//		"public class BA {\n" + 
-//		"  public BA() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    <CompleteOnName:java.>;\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		cursorLocation, 
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
-//public void testBA_2() {
-//	String str = 
-//			"package p; \n" + 
-//			"public class BA {\n" + 
-//			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-//			"		java.util.Vector v2;\n" + 
-//			"		java.util.Vector v1;\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"}\n";
-//	String testName = "<complete on package contents>";
-//	String completeBehind = "java.util.";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:java.util.>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "java.util.";
-//	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"package p;\n" + 
-//		"public class BA {\n" + 
-//		"  public BA() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    <CompleteOnName:java.util.>;\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		cursorLocation, 
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
-public void testBB_1FHJ8H9() {
-	String str = 
-			"function bar() {\n" + 
-			"		z }\n" + 
-			"\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field from implicit method call>";
-	String completeBehind = "z";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:z>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "z";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "z";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function bar() {\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnName:z>;\n" + 
-		"}" + 
-		"\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-//public void testBC_1FJ4GSG_1() {
-//	String str = 
-//			"package p; \n" + 
-//			"/**\n" + 
-//			" * 1FJ4GSG\n" + 
-//			" */\n" + 
-//			"import java.util.Vector;\n" + 
-//			"public class BC {\n" + 
-//			"	int Value1 = 0;\n" + 
-//			"	interface Constants {\n" + 
-//			"		int OK = 1;\n" + 
-//			"		int CANCEL = 2;\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-//			"		Vector v = \n" + 
-//			"			new Vector(\n" + 
-//			"				Value1, \n" + 
-//			"				BC.Constants.OK\n" + 
-//			"					| BC.Constants.CANCEL); \n" + 
-//			"		Object ans = v.elementAt(1);\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"}\n";
-//	String testName = "<complete on member type>";
-//	String completeBehind = "BC.";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:BC.>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "BC.";
-//	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"package p;\n" + 
-//		"import java.util.Vector;\n" + 
-//		"public class BC {\n" + 
-//		"  interface Constants {\n" + 
-//		"    int OK;\n" + 
-//		"    int CANCEL;\n" + 
-//		"    <clinit>() {\n" + 
-//		"    }\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  int Value1;\n" + 
-//		"  public BC() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    Vector v = new Vector(Value1, <CompleteOnName:BC.>);\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		cursorLocation, 
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
-//public void testBC_1FJ4GSG_2() {
-//	String str = 
-//			"package p; \n" + 
-//			"/**\n" + 
-//			" * 1FJ4GSG\n" + 
-//			" */\n" + 
-//			"import java.util.Vector;\n" + 
-//			"public class BC {\n" + 
-//			"	int Value1 = 0;\n" + 
-//			"	interface Constants {\n" + 
-//			"		int OK = 1;\n" + 
-//			"		int CANCEL = 2;\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-//			"		Vector v = \n" + 
-//			"			new Vector(\n" + 
-//			"				Value1, \n" + 
-//			"				BC.Constants.OK\n" + 
-//			"					| BC.Constants.CANCEL); \n" + 
-//			"		Object ans = v.elementAt(1);\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"}\n";
-//	String testName = "<complete on member type method/field>";
-//	String completeBehind = "| BC.Constants.";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:BC.Constants.>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "BC.Constants.";
-//	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"package p;\n" + 
-//		"import java.util.Vector;\n" + 
-//		"public class BC {\n" + 
-//		"  interface Constants {\n" + 
-//		"    int OK;\n" + 
-//		"    int CANCEL;\n" + 
-//		"    <clinit>() {\n" + 
-//		"    }\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  int Value1;\n" + 
-//		"  public BC() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    Vector v = (BC.Constants.OK | <CompleteOnName:BC.Constants.>);\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		cursorLocation, 
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
-public void testMsgSend() {
-	String str = 
-		"  function foo() {\n"+
-		"    var removed = 0;\n"+
-		"    toto(Test.vvv).titi(removed);\n"+
-		"  }\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method call>";
-	String completeBehind = "removed";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:removed>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "removed";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "removed";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-		"  var removed = 0;\n" + 
-		"  toto(Test.vvv).titi(<CompleteOnName:removed>);\n" + 
-		"}" + 
-		"\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testMsgSend2() {
-	String str = 
-		"    abc.titi();\n"+
-		"";
-	String testName = "<complete on method call 2>";
-	String completeBehind = "titi";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMessageSend:abc.titi()>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "titi";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "titi()";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"<CompleteOnMessageSend:abc.titi()>;" + 
-		"\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testMsgSend3() {
-	String str = 
-		"  function foo() {\n"+
-		"    var removed = 0;\n"+
-		"    toto(Test.vvv).titi(removed);\n"+
-		"  }\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method call 3>";
-	String completeBehind = "titi";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMessageSend:toto(Test.vvv).titi(removed)>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "titi";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "titi(removed)";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-		"  var removed = 0;\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnMessageSend:toto(Test.vvv).titi(removed)>;\n" + 
-		"}" + 
-		"\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testBC_1FJ4GSG_3() {
-	String str = 
-			"	function foo() {\n" + 
-			"		var v = \n" + 
-			"			new Vector();\n" + 
-			"		var ans = v.elementAt(1);\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field>";
-	String completeBehind = "v.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:v.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "v.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-		"  var v = new   Vector();\n" + 
-		"  var ans = <CompleteOnMemberAccess:v.>;\n" + 
-		"}" + 
-		"\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testC() {
-	String str = 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-		"		var string = n;\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"\n";
-	String completeBehind = "= n";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:n>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "n";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-		"  var string = <CompleteOnName:n>;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "n";
-	String testName = "<complete on local variable initializer>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testCA_1FGPJQZ() {
-	String str = 
-			"	function moo() {\n" + 
-			"		unknownField.}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field>";
-	String completeBehind = "unknownField.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:unknownField.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function moo() {\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnMemberAccess:unknownField.>;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testCB_1FHSKQ9_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"	function foo() {\n" + 
-			"		var i = 0;\n" + 
-			"		var tab1 = 0;\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(\n" + 
-			"			\" \" + (i + 1)); \n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method call argument>";
-	String completeBehind = "+ (i";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:i>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "i";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "i";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-		"  var i = 0;\n" + 
-		"  var tab1 = 0;\n" + 
-		"  System.out.println((\" \" + (<CompleteOnName:i> + 1)));\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testCB_1FHSKQ9_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"	function foo() {\n" + 
-			"		var i = 0;\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(\n" + 
-			"			\" \" + (i + 1)); \n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "i + 1";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = NONE;
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = null;
-	String expectedReplacedSource = NONE;
-	String testName = "<complete on digit into method call argument>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	try {
-		checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(), 
-			cursorLocation, 
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			testName); 
-		assertTrue("failed to detect invalid cursor location", false);		
-	} catch(InvalidCursorLocation e){
-		assertEquals("invalid cursor location: ", e.irritant, InvalidCursorLocation.NO_COMPLETION_INSIDE_NUMBER);
-	}
-//public void testCC_1FJ64I9() {
-//	String str = 
-//			"package p; \n" + 
-//			"/**\n" + 
-//			" * 1FJ64I9\n" + 
-//			" */\n" + 
-//			"class CCHelper {\n" + 
-//			"	class Member1 {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"	class Member2 {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"}\n" + 
-//			"public class CC {\n" + 
-//			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-//			"		new CCHelper()\n" + 
-//			"			.new CCHelper()\n" + 
-//			"			.new M }\n" + 
-//			"}\n";
-//	String testName = "<complete on qualified member type>";
-//	String completeBehind = ".new M";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:M>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "M";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "M";
-//	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"package p;\n" + 
-//		"class CCHelper {\n" + 
-//		"  class Member1 {\n" + 
-//		"    Member1() {\n" + 
-//		"    }\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  class Member2 {\n" + 
-//		"    Member2() {\n" + 
-//		"    }\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  CCHelper() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n" + 
-//		"public class CC {\n" + 
-//		"  public CC() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    new CCHelper().new CCHelper().new <CompleteOnType:M>();\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		cursorLocation, 
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
-//public void testD_1() {
-//	String str = 
-//		"package p; \n" + 
-//		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-//		"public class D {\n" + 
-//		"	static int i;\n" + 
-//		"	static {\n" + 
-//		"		i = 5;\n" + 
-//		"	}\n" + 
-//		"	public int j;\n" + 
-//		"	Vector a = new Vector();\n" + 
-//		"	void foo(String s) {\n" + 
-//		"		String string = null;\n" + 
-//		"		int soso;\n" + 
-//		"		float f;\n" + 
-//		"		string.regionMatches(\n" + 
-//		"			0, \n" + 
-//		"			\"\", \n" + 
-//		"			0, \n" + 
-//		"			0); \n" + 
-//		"	}\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String testName = "<complete on variable into type initializer>";
-//	String completeBehind = "i";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:i>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "i";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "i";
-//	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("i = 5;") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"package p;\n" + 
-//		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-//		"public class D {\n" + 
-//		"  static int i;\n" + 
-//		"  static {\n" + 
-//		"    <CompleteOnName:i>;\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  public int j;\n" + 
-//		"  Vector a;\n" + 
-//		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  public D() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  void foo(String s) {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		cursorLocation, 
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
-public void testD_2() {
-	String str = 
-		"	var a = new Vector();\n" + 
-		"	function foo(s) {\n" + 
-		"		var string = null;\n" + 
-		"		var soso;\n" + 
-		"		var f;\n" + 
-		"		string.regionMatches(\n" + 
-		"			0, \n" + 
-		"			\"\", \n" + 
-		"			0, \n" + 
-		"			0); \n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field>";
-	String completeBehind = "string.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:string.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "string.";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"var a = new Vector();\n" + 
-		"function foo(s) {\n" + 
-		"  var string = null;\n" + 
-		"  var soso;\n" + 
-		"  var f;\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnMemberAccess:string.>;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testD_2b() {
-	String str = 
-		"	function foo(s) {\n" + 
-		"		foo(string.regionMatches);\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field>";
-	String completeBehind = "string.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:string.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "string.";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "regionMatches";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function foo(s) {\n" + 
-		"  foo(<CompleteOnMemberAccess:string.>);\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testD_2c() {
-	String str = 
-		"	var obj= {\n" + 
-		"	a: string.regionMatches\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field>";
-	String completeBehind = "string.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:string.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "regionMatches";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"var obj = {\n" + 
-		"  a : <CompleteOnMemberAccess:string.>\n" + 
-		"};\n";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testDA_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class DA {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		new TestCase(\"error\") {\n" + 
-			"			protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-			"				Vector v11111 = new Vector();\n" + 
-			"				v }\n" + 
-			"		};\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field into anonymous declaration>";
-	String completeBehind = "v";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:v>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "v";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "v";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("v }") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class DA {\n" + 
-		"  public DA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    new TestCase(\"error\") {\n" + 
-		"      () {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-		"        Vector v11111;\n" + 
-		"        <CompleteOnName:v>;\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testDA_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class DA {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		new TestCase(\"error\") {\n" + 
-			"			protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-			"				Vector v11111 = new Vector();\n" + 
-			"				v }\n" + 
-			"		};\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "protected v";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:v>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "v";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class DA {\n" + 
-		"  public DA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    new TestCase(\"error\") {\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnType:v>;\n" + 
-		"      () {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      runTest() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "void";
-	String testName = "<complete on return type into anonymous declaration>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testDA_3() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class DA {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		new TestCase(\"error\") {\n" + 
-			"			protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-			"				Vector v11111 = new Vector();\n" + 
-			"				v }\n" + 
-			"		};\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method selector into anonymous declaration>";
-	String completeBehind = "r";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnFieldName:void r>;";
-	String completionIdentifier = "r";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "runTest";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("runTest") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class DA {\n" + 
-		"  public DA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    new TestCase(\"error\") {\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnFieldName:void r>;\n" + 
-		"      {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      () {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testDA_4() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class DA {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		new TestCase(\"error\") {\n" + 
-			"			protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-			"				Vector v11111 = new Vector();\n" + 
-			"				v }\n" + 
-			"		};\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on local variable type into anonymous declaration>";
-	String completeBehind = "V";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:V>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "V";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "Vector";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("Vector v11111") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class DA {\n" + 
-		"  public DA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    new TestCase(\"error\") {\n" + 
-		"      () {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-		"        <CompleteOnName:V>;\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testDA_5() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class DA {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		new TestCase(\"error\") {\n" + 
-			"			protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-			"				Vector v11111 = new Vector();\n" + 
-			"				v }\n" + 
-			"		};\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on local type into anonymous declaration>";
-	String completeBehind = "v";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:v>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "v";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "v";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("v }") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class DA {\n" + 
-		"  public DA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    new TestCase(\"error\") {\n" + 
-		"      () {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-		"        Vector v11111;\n" + 
-		"        <CompleteOnName:v>;\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testDB_1FHSLDR() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FHSLDR\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class DB {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		try {\n" + 
-			"			System.out.println(\"\");\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		fi }\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on finally keyword>";
-	String completeBehind = "fi";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:fi>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fi";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fi";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("fi }") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class DB {\n" + 
-		"  public DB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnKeyword:fi>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testDC_1FJJ0JR_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FJJ0JR\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class DC\n" + 
-			"	extends ModelChangeOperation {\n" + 
-			"	ISec public SetSecondarySourceOperation(\n" + 
-			"		ISecondarySourceContainer element, \n" + 
-			"		VersionID id) {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	protected abstract void doExecute(IProgressMonitor monitor)\n" + 
-			"		throws OperationFailedException {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method return type>";
-	String completeBehind = "ISec";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:ISec>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ISec";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "ISec";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class DC extends ModelChangeOperation {\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:ISec>;\n" + 
-		"  public DC() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public SetSecondarySourceOperation(ISecondarySourceContainer element, VersionID id) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  protected abstract void doExecute(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws OperationFailedException;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testE_1FG1YDS_1() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FG1YDS\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class E {\n" + 
-		"	{\n" + 
-		"		new Y()\n" + 
-		"	 }\n" + 
-		"	{\n" + 
-		"		new Y().}\n" + 
-		"	class Y\n" + 
-		"		extends java.util.Vector {\n" + 
-		"		void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on type into type creation>";
-	String completeBehind = "Y";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:Y>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "Y";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "Y";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class E {\n" + 
-		"  class Y extends java.util.Vector {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    new <CompleteOnType:Y>();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public E() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("Y()\n") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testE_1FG1YDS_2() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FG1YDS\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class E {\n" + 
-		"	{\n" + 
-		"		new Y()\n" + 
-		"	 }\n" + 
-		"	{\n" + 
-		"		new Y().}\n" + 
-		"	class Y\n" + 
-		"		extends java.util.Vector {\n" + 
-		"		void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on implicit method call into intializer>";
-	String completeBehind = "new Y().";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:new Y().>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class E {\n" + 
-		"  class Y extends java.util.Vector {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:new Y().>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public E() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testE_1FG1YDS_3() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FG1YDS\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class E {\n" + 
-		"	{\n" + 
-		"		new Y()\n" + 
-		"	 }\n" + 
-		"	{\n" + 
-		"		new Y().}\n" + 
-		"	class Y\n" + 
-		"		extends java.util.Vector {\n" + 
-		"		void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on extend type>";
-	String completeBehind = "java.util.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnClass:java.util.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "java.util.Vector";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class E {\n" + 
-		"  class Y extends <CompleteOnClass:java.util.> {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public E() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testEA_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class EA {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		try {\n" + 
-			"			throw new Error();\n" + 
-			"		} catch (Exception eeee) {\n" + 
-			"			eeee.}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on catch block exception type declaration>";
-	String completeBehind = "E";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnException:E>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "E";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "Exception";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class EA {\n" + 
-		"  public EA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnException:E>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("Exception eeee") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testEA_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class EA {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		try {\n" + 
-			"			throw new Error();\n" + 
-			"		} catch (Exception eeee) {\n" + 
-			"			eeee.}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of thrown exception into catch block>";
-	String completeBehind = "eeee.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:eeee.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "eeee.";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class EA {\n" + 
-		"  public EA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      Exception eeee;\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnName:eeee.>;\n" +
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testEB_1FI74S3() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FI74S3\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class EB {\n" + 
-			"	int[] table;\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		int x = table.}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of array>";
-	String completeBehind = "table.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:table.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "table.";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class EB {\n" + 
-		"  int[] table;\n" + 
-		"  public EB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int x = <CompleteOnName:table.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testEC_1FSBZ2Y() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FSBZ2Y\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"class EC {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		EC\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class ECOtherTopLevel {\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on local variable decaration type>";
-	String completeBehind = "EC";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:EC>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "EC";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "EC";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class EC {\n" + 
-		"  EC() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:EC>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"class ECOtherTopLevel {\n" + 
-		"  ECOtherTopLevel() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("EC\n") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testF() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"public class F {\n" + 
-		"	void bar() {\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	class Y {\n" + 
-		"		void foo() {\n" + 
-		"			ba }\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field explicit access>";
-	String completeBehind = "ba";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:ba>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ba";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "ba";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class F {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnName:ba>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public F() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("ba }") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testFA_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class FA {\n" + 
-			"	byte value;\n" + 
-			"	public float foo() {\n" + 
-			"		return (float) value;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on cast expression type>";
-	String completeBehind = "f";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:f>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "f";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "float";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class FA {\n" + 
-		"  byte value;\n" + 
-		"  public FA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public float foo() {\n" + 
-		"    return <CompleteOnName:f>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("float)") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testFA_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class FA {\n" + 
-			"	byte value;\n" + 
-			"	public float foo() {\n" + 
-			"		return (float) value; \n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on returned value>";
-	String completeBehind = "v";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:v>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "v";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "value";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class FA {\n" + 
-		"  byte value;\n" + 
-		"  public FA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public float foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (float) <CompleteOnName:v>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("value; \n") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testFB_1FI74S3() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FI74S3\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class FB {\n" + 
-			"	int[] table;\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		int x = table[1].}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of array element>";
-	String completeBehind = "table[1].";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:table[1].>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class FB {\n" + 
-		"  int[] table;\n" + 
-		"  public FB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int x = <CompleteOnMemberAccess:table[1].>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testFC_1FSBZ9B() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FSBZ9B\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"class FC {\n" + 
-			"	UNKOWNTYPE field;\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		f\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field implicit access>";
-	String completeBehind = "f";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:f>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "f";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "f";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("f\n") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class FC {\n" + 
-		"  UNKOWNTYPE field;\n" + 
-		"  FC() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:f>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testG() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"public class G {\n" + 
-		"	int bar() {\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	class Y {\n" + 
-		"		void foo(int b) {\n" + 
-		"			return b }\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on return value>";
-	String completeBehind = "b";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:b>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "b";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "b";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class G {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo(int b) {\n" + 
-		"      return <CompleteOnName:b>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public G() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("b }") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testGA() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class GA {\n" + 
-			"	void foo(String s) {\n" + 
-			"		String string = s;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on local variable initializer>";
-	String completeBehind = "s";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:s>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "s";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "s";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("s;") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class GA {\n" + 
-		"  public GA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo(String s) {\n" + 
-		"    String string = <CompleteOnName:s>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testGB_1FI74S3() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FI74S3\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class GB {\n" + 
-			"	String[] table;\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		int x = table[1].}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of array element>";
-	String completeBehind = "table[1].";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:table[1].>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class GB {\n" + 
-		"  String[] table;\n" + 
-		"  public GB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int x = <CompleteOnMemberAccess:table[1].>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testGC_1FSHLHV_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FSHLHV\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class GC {\n" + 
-			"public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"	Object l = new Object() {\n" + 
-			"		public void handleEvent(String[] event) {\n" + 
-			"			String s = new String();\n" + 
-			"			s.\n" + 
-			"			try {\n" + 
-			"				event.;\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"			catch (Exception e) {\n" + 
-			"				e.\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on anonymous declaration type>";
-	String completeBehind = "O";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:O>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "O";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "Object";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("Object()") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class GC {\n" + 
-		"  public GC() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"    Object l = new <CompleteOnType:O>();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testGC_1FSHLHV_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FSHLHV\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class GC {\n" + 
-			"public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"	Object l = new Object() {\n" + 
-			"		public void handleEvent(String[] event) {\n" + 
-			"			String s = new String();\n" + 
-			"			s.\n" + 
-			"			try {\n" + 
-			"				event.;\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"			catch (Exception e) {\n" + 
-			"				e.\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of local variable into anonymous declaration>";
-	String completeBehind = "s.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:s.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "s.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class GC {\n" + 
-		"  public GC() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"    Object l;\n" + 
-		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-		"      () {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      public void handleEvent(String[] event) {\n" + 
-		"        String s;\n" + 
-		"        <CompleteOnName:s.>;\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testGC_1FSHLHV_3() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FSHLHV\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class GC {\n" + 
-			"public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"	Object l = new Object() {\n" + 
-			"		public void handleEvent(String[] event) {\n" + 
-			"			String s = new String();\n" + 
-			"			s.\n" + 
-			"			try {\n" + 
-			"				event.;\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"			catch (Exception e) {\n" + 
-			"				e.\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of array>";
-	String completeBehind = "event.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:event.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "event.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class GC {\n" + 
-		"  public GC() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"    Object l;\n" + 
-		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-		"      () {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      public void handleEvent(String[] event) {\n" + 
-		"        String s;\n" + 
-		"        {\n" + 
-		"          <CompleteOnName:event.>;\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testGC_1FSHLHV_4() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FSHLHV\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class GC {\n" + 
-			"public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"	Object l = new Object() {\n" + 
-			"		public void handleEvent(String[] event) {\n" + 
-			"			String s = new String();\n" + 
-			"			s.\n" + 
-			"			try {\n" + 
-			"				event.;\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"			catch (Exception e) {\n" + 
-			"				e.\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of thrown exception into catch block into anonymous declaration>";
-	String completeBehind = "e.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:e.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "e.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class GC {\n" + 
-		"  public GC() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"    Object l;\n" + 
-		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-		"      () {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      public void handleEvent(String[] event) {\n" + 
-		"        String s;\n" + 
-		"        {\n" + 
-		"          Exception e;\n" + 
-		"          <CompleteOnName:e.>;\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testH0() {
-	String str = 
-		"	function foo() {\n" + 
-		"		whil \n" + 
-		"\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on while keyword argument>";
-	String completeBehind = "whil";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:whil>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "whil";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "whil";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnName:whil>;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testH() {
-	String str = 
-		"	function foo(bbbb) {\n" + 
-		"		while (Xbm }\n" + 
-		"	function bar() {\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on while keyword argument>";
-	String completeBehind = "Xbm";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:Xbm>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "Xbm";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "Xbm";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class H {\n" + 
-		"  public H() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  function foo( bbbb) {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:Xbm>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  function bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testHA_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class HA {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		x.y.Z[] field1; \n" + 
-			"		field1[1].}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on package member type>";
-	String completeBehind = "x.y.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:x.y.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "x.y.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class HA {\n" + 
-		"  public HA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:x.y.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testHA_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class HA {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		x.y.Z[] field1; \n" + 
-			"		field1[1].}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of array element>";
-	String completeBehind = "field1[1].";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:field1[1].>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class HA {\n" + 
-		"  public HA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    x.y.Z[] field1;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:field1[1].>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testHB_1FHSLDR() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FHSLDR\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class HB {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		for (; i < totalUnits; i++) {\n" + 
-			"			unit = unitsToProcess[i];\n" + 
-			"			try {\n" + 
-			"				if (options.verbose) {\n" + 
-			"					System.out.println(\n" + 
-			"						\"process \"\n" + 
-			"							+ (i + 1)\n" + 
-			"							+ \"/\"\n" + 
-			"							+ totalUnits\n" + 
-			"							+ \" : \"\n" + 
-			"							+ unitsToProcess[i]\n" + 
-			"								.sourceFileName()); \n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"				process(unit, i);\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"			fi }\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on finally keyword>";
-	String completeBehind = "fi";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:fi>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fi";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fi";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("fi }") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class HB {\n" + 
-		"  public HB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnKeyword:fi>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testHC_1FMPYO3_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FMPYO3\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"class HC {\n" + 
-			"	HC(Object o){}\n" + 
-			"	void foo(){\n" + 
-			"		HC a = new HC(new Object()).\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of object creation>";
-	String completeBehind = "new HC(new Object()).";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:new HC(new Object()).>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class HC {\n" + 
-		"  HC(Object o) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    HC a = <CompleteOnMemberAccess:new HC(new Object()).>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testHC_1FMPYO3_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FMPYO3\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"class HC {\n" + 
-			"	HC(Object o){}\n" + 
-			"	void foo(){\n" + 
-			"		A a = new A(new Object()).\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on object of nested object creation declaration>";
-	String completeBehind = "O";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:O>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "O";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "Object";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("Object()") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class HC {\n" + 
-		"  HC(Object o) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    A a = new A(new <CompleteOnType:O>());\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testI() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"public class I {\n" + 
-		"	Component }\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on incomplete field declaration type>";
-	String completeBehind = "C";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:C>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "C";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "Component";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class I {\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:C>;\n" + 
-		"  public I() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testIA_1FGNBPR_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FGNBPR\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class IA {\n" + 
-			"	void foo1() {\n" + 
-			"		label1 : while (true) {\n" + 
-			"			class A {\n" + 
-			"				void foo2() {\n" + 
-			"					label2 : while (true) {\n" + 
-			"						break la }\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"			A a = new A();\n" + 
-			"			break la }\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on label name>";
-	String completeBehind = "la";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "break <CompleteOnLabel:la>;";
-	String completionIdentifier = "la";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "la";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("la }") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class IA {\n" + 
-		"  public IA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo1() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      class A {\n" + 
-		"        A() {\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"        void foo2() {\n" + 
-		"          break <CompleteOnLabel:la>;\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testIA_1FGNBPR_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FGNBPR\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class IA {\n" + 
-			"	void foo1() {\n" + 
-			"		label1 : while (true) {\n" + 
-			"			class A {\n" + 
-			"				void foo2() {\n" + 
-			"					label2 : while (true) {\n" + 
-			"						break la }\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"			A a = new A();\n" + 
-			"			break la }\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on label name>";
-	String completeBehind = "la";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "break <CompleteOnLabel:la>;";
-	String completionIdentifier = "la";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "la";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("la }", str.indexOf("la }") + 1) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class IA {\n" + 
-		"  public IA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo1() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      class A {\n" +
-		"        A() {\n" +
-		"          super();\n" + // could be optimized out ?
-		"        }\n" +
-		"        void foo2() {\n" +
-		"        }\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"      A a;\n" +
-		"      break <CompleteOnLabel:la>;\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testIB() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class IB {\n" + 
-			"	UnknownFieldTYPE field;\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		field.}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of field of unkown type>";
-	String completeBehind = "field.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:field.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "field.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class IB {\n" + 
-		"  UnknownFieldTYPE field;\n" + 
-		"  public IB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:field.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testIC_1FMGUPR() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FMGUPR\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class IC {\n" + 
-			"	void foo(){\n" + 
-			"		new String().toString().\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on multiple method/field call>";
-	String completeBehind = "new String().toString().";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:new String().toString().>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class IC {\n" + 
-		"  public IC() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:new String().toString().>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testJ() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"public class J {\n" + 
-		"	int foo1()[void foo2() int i;\n" + 
-		"	void foo3() {\n" + 
-		"		f }\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field access into corrupted method declaration>";
-	String completeBehind = "f";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:f>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "f";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "f";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("f }") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class J {\n" + 
-		"  public J() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo1() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo2() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo3() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:f>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testJA_1FGQVW2_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FGQVW2\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class JA {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		\"abc.txt\". 'a'.}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on string literal>";
-	String completeBehind = "\"abc.txt\".";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:\"abc.txt\".>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class JA {\n" + 
-		"  public JA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:\"abc.txt\".>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testJA_1FGQVW2_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FGQVW2\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class JA {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		\"abc.txt\". 'a'.}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on char literal>";
-	String completeBehind = "'a'.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:'a'.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class JA {\n" + 
-		"  public JA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:'a'.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testJB() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class JB\n" + 
-			"	extends UnknownSUPERCLASS\n" + 
-			"	implements UnknownSUPERINTERFACE {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		f }\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete into method declared into corrupted class declaration>";
-	String completeBehind = "f";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:f>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "f";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "f";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("f }") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class JB extends UnknownSUPERCLASS implements UnknownSUPERINTERFACE {\n" + 
-		"  public JB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:f>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testJC_1FLG1ZC() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FLG1ZC\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class JC {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		new String ().\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of object creation with dummy spaces>";
-	String completeBehind = "new String ().";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:new String().>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class JC {\n" + 
-		"  public JC() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:new String().>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testK_1() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"class Other {\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class K {\n" + 
-		"	public static void main(\n" + 
-		"		java.lang.String[] args) {\n" + 
-		" bbbb = \n" + 
-		"			new File(\"c:\\abc.txt\"); \n" + 
-		"		O bb bbbb.}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-//	str = 
-//		"public class K {\n" + 
-//		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-//		"		new X(\"c:abc.txt\"); \n" + 
-//		"		O" +
-//		"   }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on corrupted local variable declaration>";
-	String completeBehind = "		O";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:O>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "O";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "O";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class Other {\n" + 
-		"  Other() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class K {\n" + 
-		"  public K() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) {\n" + 
-		" bbbb;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:O>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testK_2() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"class Other {\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class K {\n" + 
-		"	public static void main(\n" + 
-		"		java.lang.String[] args) {\n" + 
-		" bbbb = \n" + 
-		"			new File(\"c:\\abc.txt\"); \n" + 
-		"		O bb bbbb.}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on corrupted local variable declaration name>";
-	String completeBehind = "bb";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnLocalName:O bb>;";
-	String completionIdentifier = "bb";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "bb";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("bb bbbb.") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class Other {\n" + 
-		"  Other() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class K {\n" + 
-		"  public K() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) {\n" +
-		" bbbb;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnLocalName:O bb>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testK_3() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"class Other {\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class K {\n" + 
-		"	public static void main(\n" + 
-		"		java.lang.String[] args) {\n" + 
-		" bbbb = \n" + 
-		"			new File(\"c:\\abc.txt\"); \n" + 
-		"		O bb bbbb.}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on corrupted local variable declaration>";
-	String completeBehind = "bbbb";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:bbbb>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "bbbb";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "bbbb";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("bbbb.}") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class Other {\n" + 
-		"  Other() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class K {\n" + 
-		"  public K() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) {\n" + 
-		" bbbb;\n" + 
-		"    O bb;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:bbbb>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testK_4() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"class Other {\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class K {\n" + 
-		"	public static void main(\n" + 
-		"		java.lang.String[] args) {\n" + 
-		" bbbb = \n" + 
-		"			new File(\"c:\\abc.txt\"); \n" + 
-		"		O bb bbbb.}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of local variable with corrupted declaration>";
-	String completeBehind = "bbbb.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:bbbb.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "bbbb.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class Other {\n" + 
-		"  Other() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class K {\n" + 
-		"  public K() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) {\n" + 
-		" bbbb;\n" + 
-		"    O bb;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:bbbb.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testKA_1FH5SU5() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FH5SU5\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"class KAHelper\n" + 
-			"	extends java.util.Vector {\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class KA {\n" + 
-			"	public int hashCode() {\n" + 
-			"		return 10;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		KA a = new KA;\n" + 
-			"		a.has }\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field>";
-	String completeBehind = "a.has";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:a.has>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "has";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "a.has";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class KAHelper extends java.util.Vector {\n" + 
-		"  KAHelper() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class KA {\n" + 
-		"  public KA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public int hashCode() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"    KA a;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:a.has>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testKB() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class KB {\n" + 
-			"	void foo()[i }\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on corrupted method header>";
-	String completeBehind = "void foo()[i";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = NONE;
-	String completionIdentifier = "i";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "i";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class KB {\n" + 
-		"  public KB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testKC_1FLG1ZC() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FLG1ZC\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"import*;\n" + 
-			"public class KC {\n" + 
-			"private static char[] read(String fileName){\n" + 
-			"	try {\n" + 
-			"		File file = new File(fileName);\n" + 
-			"		FileReader reader =\n" + 
-			"			new FileReader(file);\n" + 
-			"		int length;\n" + 
-			"		char[] contents =\n" + 
-			"			new char[\n" + 
-			"				length =\n" + 
-			"				(int) file.length()];\n" + 
-			"		int len = 0;\n" + 
-			"		int readSize = 0;\n" + 
-			"		while ((readSize != -1)\n" + 
-			"			&& (len != length)) {\n" + 
-			"			readSize =\n" + 
-			"				contents,\n" + 
-			"				len,\n" + 
-			"				length - len);\n" + 
-			"			len += readSize;\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		reader. t\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field with dummy spaces>";
-	String completeBehind = "reader. t";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:reader.t>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "t";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "reader. t";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class KC {\n" + 
-		"  public KC() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  private static char[] read(String fileName) {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      File file;\n" + 
-		"      FileReader reader;\n" + 
-		"      int length;\n" + 
-		"      char[] contents;\n" + 
-		"      int len;\n" + 
-		"      int readSize;\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnName:reader.t>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testL_1() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"public class L {\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		x.y.Z[] field1, \n" + 
-		"			field2; \n" + 
-		"		field1.if (int[].class }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field>";
-	String completeBehind = "field1.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:field1.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "field1.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class L {\n" + 
-		"  public L() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    x.y.Z[] field1;\n" + 
-		"    x.y.Z[] field2;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:field1.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testL_2() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"public class L {\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		x.y.Z[] field1, \n" + 
-		"			field2; \n" + 
-		"		field1.if (int[].class }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of array>";
-	String completeBehind = "int[].";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnClassLiteralAccess:int[].>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int[].";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class L {\n" + 
-		"  public L() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    x.y.Z[] field1;\n" + 
-		"    x.y.Z[] field2;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnClassLiteralAccess:int[].>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testL_3() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"public class L {\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		x.y.Z[] field1, \n" + 
-		"			field2; \n" + 
-		"		field1.if (int[].class }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on argument of corrupted if statement>";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:int>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class L {\n" + 
-		"  public L() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    x.y.Z[] field1;\n" + 
-		"    x.y.Z[] field2;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:int>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testLA_1FGLMOF() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FGLMOF\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class LA {\n" + 
-			"	void[] foo() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void bar() {\n" + 
-			"		f }\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field with corrupted method header>";
-	String completeBehind = "f";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:f>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "f";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "f";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("f }") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class LA {\n" + 
-		"  public LA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void[] foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:f>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testLB() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class LB {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void bar() {\n" + 
-			"		i }\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field with duplicate method declaration>";
-	String completeBehind = "i";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:i>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "i";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "i";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("i }") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class LB {\n" + 
-		"  public LB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:i>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testLC_1FLG1E2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FLG1E2\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class LC {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		Object[] x = new Object[10];\n" + 
-			"		x [1].\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of array element with dummy spaces>";
-	String completeBehind = "x [1].";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:x[1].>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class LC {\n" + 
-		"  public LC() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object[] x;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:x[1].>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testM_1FGGLMT() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FGGLMT\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class M {\n" + 
-		"	class Member {\n" + 
-		"		void fooMember() {\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		new Member().}\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"class MemberOfCU {\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of explicit object creation>";
-	String completeBehind = "new Member().";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:new Member().>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class M {\n" + 
-		"  class Member {\n" + 
-		"    Member() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void fooMember() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public M() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:new Member().>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"class MemberOfCU {\n" + 
-		"  MemberOfCU() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testMA_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class MA {\n" + 
-			"	class Member\n" + 
-			"		extends java.util.Vector {\n" + 
-			"		static void fooStaticMember() {\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		void fooMember() {\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		class MemberMember {\n" + 
-			"			void fooMemberMember() {\n" + 
-			"				MemberOfCUMA m = \n" + 
-			"					new MemberOfCUMA(); \n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		class MemberMember2 {\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		Membe }\n" + 
-			"	void foobar() {\n" + 
-			"		new Member().}\n" + 
-			"	class Member2 {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class MemberOfCUMA {\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on local variable declaration type>";
-	String completeBehind = "Membe";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:Membe>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "Membe";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "Membe";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("Membe }") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class MA {\n" + 
-		"  class Member extends java.util.Vector {\n" + 
-		"    class MemberMember {\n" + 
-		"      MemberMember() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void fooMemberMember() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    class MemberMember2 {\n" + 
-		"      MemberMember2() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    Member() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    static void fooStaticMember() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void fooMember() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  class Member2 {\n" + 
-		"    Member2() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public MA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:Membe>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foobar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"class MemberOfCUMA {\n" + 
-		"  MemberOfCUMA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testMA_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class MA {\n" + 
-			"	class Member\n" + 
-			"		extends java.util.Vector {\n" + 
-			"		static void fooStaticMember() {\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		void fooMember() {\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		class MemberMember {\n" + 
-			"			void fooMemberMember() {\n" + 
-			"				MemberOfCUMA m = \n" + 
-			"					new MemberOfCUMA(); \n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		class MemberMember2 {\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		Membe }\n" + 
-			"	void foobar() {\n" + 
-			"		new Member().}\n" + 
-			"	class Member2 {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class MemberOfCUMA {\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on object creation type>";
-	String completeBehind = "MemberOfCU";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:MemberOfCU>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "MemberOfCU";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "MemberOfCUMA";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("MemberOfCUMA();") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class MA {\n" + 
-		"  class Member extends java.util.Vector {\n" + 
-		"    class MemberMember {\n" + 
-		"      MemberMember() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void fooMemberMember() {\n" + 
-		"        MemberOfCUMA m = new <CompleteOnType:MemberOfCU>();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    class MemberMember2 {\n" + 
-		"      MemberMember2() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    Member() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    static void fooStaticMember() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void fooMember() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  class Member2 {\n" + 
-		"    Member2() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public MA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foobar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"class MemberOfCUMA {\n" + 
-		"  MemberOfCUMA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testMA_3() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class MA {\n" + 
-			"	class Member\n" + 
-			"		extends java.util.Vector {\n" + 
-			"		static void fooStaticMember() {\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		void fooMember() {\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		class MemberMember {\n" + 
-			"			void fooMemberMember() {\n" + 
-			"				MemberOfCUMA m = \n" + 
-			"					new MemberOfCUMA(); \n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		class MemberMember2 {\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		Membe }\n" + 
-			"	void foobar() {\n" + 
-			"		new Member().}\n" + 
-			"	class Member2 {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class MemberOfCUMA {\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of object creation>";
-	String completeBehind = "new Member().";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:new Member().>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class MA {\n" + 
-		"  class Member extends java.util.Vector {\n" + 
-		"    class MemberMember {\n" + 
-		"      MemberMember() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void fooMemberMember() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    class MemberMember2 {\n" + 
-		"      MemberMember2() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    Member() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    static void fooStaticMember() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void fooMember() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  class Member2 {\n" + 
-		"    Member2() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public MA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foobar() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:new Member().>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"class MemberOfCUMA {\n" + 
-		"  MemberOfCUMA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testMB_1FHSLMQ_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FHSLMQ\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class MB {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		try {\n" + 
-			"			System.out.println(\"\");\n" + 
-			"		} catch (Exception eFirst) {\n" + 
-			"			e } catch (Exception eSecond) {\n" + 
-			"			e }\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on local variable name into catch block>";
-	String completeBehind = "e";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:e>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "e";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "e";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("e }") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class MB {\n" + 
-		"  public MB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      Exception eFirst;\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnName:e>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testMB_1FHSLMQ_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FHSLMQ\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class MB {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		try {\n" + 
-			"			System.out.println(\"\");\n" + 
-			"		} catch (Exeption eFirst) {\n" + 
-			"			e } catch (Exception eSecond) {\n" + 
-			"			e }\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on local variable name into catch block>";
-	String completeBehind = "e";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:e>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "e";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "e";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("e }\n") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class MB {\n" + 
-		"  public MB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      Exception eSecond;\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnName:e>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testMC_1FJ8D9Z() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FJ8D9Z\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class MC {\n" + 
-			"	p2.X someField;\n" + 
-			"	public void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		new p2.X(\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on object creation argument>";
-	String completeBehind = "new p2.X(";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnAllocationExpression:new p2.X()>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class MC {\n" + 
-		"  p2.X someField;\n" + 
-		"  public MC() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnAllocationExpression:new p2.X()>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testN() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"public class N extends p.M {\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		class MLocal\n" + 
-		"			extends Schmurz {\n" + 
-		"			void foo() {\n" + 
-		"			}\n" + 
-		"			int field1;\n" + 
-		"			class MLocalMember\n" + 
-		"				extends myInnerC {\n" + 
-		"				void foo() {\n" + 
-		"				}\n" + 
-		"				void bar() {\n" + 
-		"					new M }\n" + 
-		"			}\n" + 
-		"			class MLocalMember2 {\n" + 
-		"				void fooMyInnerC() {\n" + 
-		"				}\n" + 
-		"			}\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on object creation type>";
-	String completeBehind = "new M";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:M>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "M";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "M";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class N extends p.M {\n" + 
-		"  public N() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    class MLocal extends Schmurz {\n" + 
-		"      class MLocalMember extends myInnerC {\n" + 
-		"        MLocalMember() {\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"        void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"        void bar() {\n" + 
-		"          new <CompleteOnType:M>();\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      class MLocalMember2 {\n" + 
-		"        MLocalMember2() {\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"        void fooMyInnerC() {\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      int field1;\n" + 
-		"      MLocal() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testNA_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"class NException2\n" + 
-			"	extends NoClassDefFoundError {\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface NInterface {\n" + 
-			"	void foo();\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class DAB {\n" + 
-			"	public DA foo() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public int foufou;\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class DANA {\n" + 
-			"	public int f;\n" + 
-			"	N fieldC;\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class NA\n" + 
-			"	extends NException2\n" + 
-			"	implements N {\n" + 
-			"	DA fieldB;\n" + 
-			"	class freak {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void dede() {\n" + 
-			"		DA local;\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface NCool {\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on local variable name>";
-	String completeBehind = "l";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:l>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "l";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "local";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("local.") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class NException2 extends NoClassDefFoundError {\n" + 
-		"  NException2() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"interface NInterface {\n" + 
-		"  void foo();\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"class DAB {\n" + 
-		"  public int foufou;\n" + 
-		"  DAB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public DA foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"class DANA {\n" + 
-		"  public int f;\n" + 
-		"  N fieldC;\n" + 
-		"  DANA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class NA extends NException2 implements N {\n" + 
-		"  class freak {\n" + 
-		"    freak() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  DA fieldB;\n" + 
-		"  public NA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void dede() {\n" + 
-		"    DA local;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:l>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"interface NCool {\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testNA_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"class NException2\n" + 
-			"	extends NoClassDefFoundError {\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface NInterface {\n" + 
-			"	void foo();\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class DAB {\n" + 
-			"	public DA foo() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public int foufou;\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class DANA {\n" + 
-			"	public int f;\n" + 
-			"	N fieldC;\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class NA\n" + 
-			"	extends NException2\n" + 
-			"	implements N {\n" + 
-			"	DA fieldB;\n" + 
-			"	class freak {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void dede() {\n" + 
-			"		DA local;\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface NCool {\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of local variable>";
-	String completeBehind = "local.f";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:local.f>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "f";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "local.fieldC";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class NException2 extends NoClassDefFoundError {\n" + 
-		"  NException2() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"interface NInterface {\n" + 
-		"  void foo();\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"class DAB {\n" + 
-		"  public int foufou;\n" + 
-		"  DAB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public DA foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"class DANA {\n" + 
-		"  public int f;\n" + 
-		"  N fieldC;\n" + 
-		"  DANA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class NA extends NException2 implements N {\n" + 
-		"  class freak {\n" + 
-		"    freak() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  DA fieldB;\n" + 
-		"  public NA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void dede() {\n" + 
-		"    DA local;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:local.f>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"interface NCool {\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testNA_3() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"class NException2\n" + 
-			"	extends NoClassDefFoundError {\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface NInterface {\n" + 
-			"	void foo();\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class DAB {\n" + 
-			"	public DA foo() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public int foufou;\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class DANA {\n" + 
-			"	public int f;\n" + 
-			"	N fieldC;\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class NA\n" + 
-			"	extends NException2\n" + 
-			"	implements N {\n" + 
-			"	DA fieldB;\n" + 
-			"	class freak {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void dede() {\n" + 
-			"		DA local;\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface NCool {\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of local variable>";
-	String completeBehind = "local.fieldC.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:local.fieldC.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "local.fieldC.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class NException2 extends NoClassDefFoundError {\n" + 
-		"  NException2() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"interface NInterface {\n" + 
-		"  void foo();\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"class DAB {\n" + 
-		"  public int foufou;\n" + 
-		"  DAB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public DA foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"class DANA {\n" + 
-		"  public int f;\n" + 
-		"  N fieldC;\n" + 
-		"  DANA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class NA extends NException2 implements N {\n" + 
-		"  class freak {\n" + 
-		"    freak() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  DA fieldB;\n" + 
-		"  public NA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void dede() {\n" + 
-		"    DA local;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:local.fieldC.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"interface NCool {\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testNB() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class NB {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		int iOutside;\n" + 
-			"		if (i != 0) {\n" + 
-			"			for (int i = 10; --i >= 0;)\n" + 
-			"				unit[i].parseMethod(\n" + 
-			"					parser, \n" + 
-			"					unit); \n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on variable name into for statement>";
-	String completeBehind = "i";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:i>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "i";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "i";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("i >=") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class NB {\n" + 
-		"  public NB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int iOutside;\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      int i;\n" + 
-		"      -- <CompleteOnName:i>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testNC_1FJ8D9Z() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FJ8D9Z\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class NC {\n" + 
-			"	String s = new String(\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on field intializer into corrupted class declaration>";
-	String completeBehind = "new String(";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnAllocationExpression:new String()>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class NC {\n" + 
-		"  String s = <CompleteOnAllocationExpression:new String()>;\n" + 
-		"  public NC() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testO_1FG1YU0() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FG1YU0\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class O\n" + 
-		"	extends java.util.Vector {\n" + 
-		"	void bar(boolean bbbb) {\n" + 
-		"		this.}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of explicit this>";
-	String completeBehind = "this.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:this.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "this.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class O extends java.util.Vector {\n" + 
-		"  public O() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar(boolean bbbb) {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:this.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testOA_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class OA {\n" + 
-			"	void proc() {\n" + 
-			"		int[] a = new int[10];\n" + 
-			"		Object b = a;\n" + 
-			"		Class c = a.getClass();\n" + 
-			"		String s = a.toString();\n" + 
-			"		boolean l = a.equals(b);\n" + 
-			"		int h = a.hashCode();\n" + 
-			"		try {\n" + 
-			"			a.wait();\n" + 
-			"			a.wait(3);\n" + 
-			"			a.wait(4, 5);\n" + 
-			"		} catch (Exception e) {\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		a.notify();\n" + 
-			"		a.notifyAll();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of array>";
-	String completeBehind = "a.n";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:a.n>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "a.notify";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class OA {\n" + 
-		"  public OA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void proc() {\n" + 
-		"    int[] a;\n" + 
-		"    Object b;\n" + 
-		"    Class c;\n" + 
-		"    String s;\n" + 
-		"    boolean l;\n" + 
-		"    int h;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:a.n>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testOA_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class OA {\n" + 
-			"	void proc() {\n" + 
-			"		int[] a = new int[10];\n" + 
-			"		Object b = a;\n" + 
-			"		Class c = a.getClass();\n" + 
-			"		String s = a.toString();\n" + 
-			"		boolean l = a.equals(b);\n" + 
-			"		int h = a.hashCode();\n" + 
-			"		try {\n" + 
-			"			a.wait();\n" + 
-			"			a.wait(3);\n" + 
-			"			a.wait(4, 5);\n" + 
-			"		} catch (Exception e) {\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		a.notify();\n" + 
-			"		a.notifyAll();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of array>";
-	String completeBehind = "a.w";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:a.w>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "w";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "a.wait";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("a.wait(4, 5)") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class OA {\n" + 
-		"  public OA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void proc() {\n" + 
-		"    int[] a;\n" + 
-		"    Object b;\n" + 
-		"    Class c;\n" + 
-		"    String s;\n" + 
-		"    boolean l;\n" + 
-		"    int h;\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnName:a.w>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testOB_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class OB {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		label : while (true) {\n" + 
-			"			System.out.println(\"\");\n" + 
-			"			break label;\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on keyword>";
-	String completeBehind = "b";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:b>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "b";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "break";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("break") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class OB {\n" + 
-		"  public OB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnName:b>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testOB_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class OB {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		label : while (true) {\n" + 
-			"			System.out.println(\"\");\n" + 
-			"			break label;\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on label name>";
-	String completeBehind = "l";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:l>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "l";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "label";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("label") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class OB {\n" + 
-		"  public OB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:l>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testOC_1FM7J7F() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FM7J7F\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"class OC {\n" + 
-			"	String s = new String(\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on field initializer>";
-	String completeBehind = "new String(";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnAllocationExpression:new String()>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class OC {\n" + 
-		"  String s = <CompleteOnAllocationExpression:new String()>;\n" + 
-		"  OC() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testP_1FG1YU0() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FG1YU0\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class P {\n" + 
-		"	{\n" + 
-		"		void bar() {\n" + 
-		"			f }\n" + 
-		"		void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field>";
-	String completeBehind = "f";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:f>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "f";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "f";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("f }") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class P {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public P() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:f>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); }
-public void testPA_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"class PAHelper {\n" + 
-			"	public int fieldPublic;\n" + 
-			"	protected int fieldProtected;\n" + 
-			"	private int fieldPrivate;\n" + 
-			"	int fieldDefault;\n" + 
-			"	static void staticFoo() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	static int i = 1;\n" + 
-			"	int neuneu1() {\n" + 
-			"		return 0;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void neuneu2() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class PA\n" + 
-			"	extends PAHelper {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		B[] b = \n" + 
-			"			new java.lang.Number[]; \n" + 
-			"		java.lang.Short s;\n" + 
-			"		// b[1].;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on comment>";
-	String completeBehind = "b[1].";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = NONE;
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = NONE;
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = null;
-	try {
-		checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(), 
-			cursorLocation, 
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			testName); 
-		assertTrue("failed to detect invalid cursor location", false);		
-	} catch(InvalidCursorLocation e){
-		assertEquals("invalid cursor location: ", e.irritant, InvalidCursorLocation.NO_COMPLETION_INSIDE_COMMENT);
-	}
-public void testPA_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"class PAHelper {\n" + 
-			"	public int fieldPublic;\n" + 
-			"	protected int fieldProtected;\n" + 
-			"	private int fieldPrivate;\n" + 
-			"	int fieldDefault;\n" + 
-			"	static void staticFoo() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	static int i = 1;\n" + 
-			"	int neuneu1() {\n" + 
-			"		return 0;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void neuneu2() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class PA\n" + 
-			"	extends PAHelper {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		B[] b = \n" + 
-			"			new java.lang.Number[]; \n" + 
-			"		java.lang.Short s;\n" + 
-			"		// b[1].;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on new keyword>";
-	String completeBehind = "n";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:n>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "new";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("new ") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class PAHelper {\n" + 
-		"  public int fieldPublic;\n" + 
-		"  protected int fieldProtected;\n" + 
-		"  private int fieldPrivate;\n" + 
-		"  int fieldDefault;\n" + 
-		"  static int i;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  PAHelper() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static void staticFoo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int neuneu1() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void neuneu2() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class PA extends PAHelper {\n" + 
-		"  public PA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    B[] b = <CompleteOnName:n>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testPB() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class PB {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		class Local {\n" + 
-			"			void foo() {\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"			class LocalMember1 {\n" + 
-			"				void foo() {\n" + 
-			"					class LocalMemberLocal {\n" + 
-			"						void foo() {\n" + 
-			"							f\n"+
-			"						}\n" + 
-			"					}\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"			class LocalMember2 {\n" + 
-			"				void foo() {\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field into nested local type>";
-	String completeBehind = "f";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:f>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "f";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "f";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("f\n") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class PB {\n" + 
-		"  public PB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    class Local {\n" + 
-		"      class LocalMember1 {\n" + 
-		"        LocalMember1() {\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"        void foo() {\n" + 
-		"          class LocalMemberLocal {\n" + 
-		"            LocalMemberLocal() {\n" + 
-		"            }\n" + 
-		"            void foo() {\n" + 
-		"              <CompleteOnName:f>;\n" + 
-		"            }\n" + 
-		"          }\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      class LocalMember2 {\n" + 
-		"        LocalMember2() {\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"        void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      Local() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testPC_1FSU4EF() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FSU4EF\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"import java.util.Vector;\n" + 
-			"public class PC {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		class Inner {\n" + 
-			"			Vector v = new Vector();\n" + 
-			"			void foo() {\n" + 
-			"				Vector v = new Vector();\n" + 
-			"				v.addElement();\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field into local type>";
-	String completeBehind = "v.a";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:v.a>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "a";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "v.addElement";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.Vector;\n" + 
-		"public class PC {\n" + 
-		"  public PC() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    class Inner {\n" + 
-		"      Vector v;\n" + 
-		"      Inner() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        Vector v;\n" + 
-		"        <CompleteOnName:v.a>;\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testQ_1FG1YU0() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FG1YU0\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class Q {\n" + 
-		"	void bar(boolean bbbb) {\n" + 
-		"		this.}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field>";
-	String completeBehind = "this.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:this.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "this.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class Q {\n" + 
-		"  public Q() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar(boolean bbbb) {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:this.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testQA_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"class QAHelper {\n" + 
-			"	int i = 10;\n" + 
-			"	void f() {\n" + 
-			"		Chk.chkIntVal(\n" + 
-			"			\"err_0\", \n" + 
-			"			\"i\", \n" + 
-			"			this.i, \n" + 
-			"			i); \n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	static class Y\n" + 
-			"		extends QAHelper {\n" + 
-			"		public void f() {\n" + 
-			"			super.f();\n" + 
-			"			int j = super.i;\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		public static void main(String a[]) {\n" + 
-			"			Y oy = new Y();\n" + 
-			"			oy.f();\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class QA {\n" + 
-			"	static String s[] = \n" + 
-			"		{\"Dolby\", \"Thx\",}; \n" + 
-			"	void check() {\n" + 
-			"		new QAHelper().new Y().main(\n" + 
-			"			s); \n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	static public void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"		new QA().check();\n" + 
-			"		Chk.endTest(\"ciner111\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field>";
-	String completeBehind = "new QAHelper().new Y().m";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:new QAHelper().new Y().m>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "m";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "main";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class QAHelper {\n" + 
-		"  static class Y extends QAHelper {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    public void f() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    public static void main(String[] a) {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int i;\n" + 
-		"  QAHelper() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void f() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class QA {\n" + 
-		"  static String[] s;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public QA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void check() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:new QAHelper().new Y().m>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testQA_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"class QAHelper {\n" + 
-			"	int i = 10;\n" + 
-			"	void f() {\n" + 
-			"		Chk.chkIntVal(\n" + 
-			"			\"err_0\", \n" + 
-			"			\"i\", \n" + 
-			"			this.i, \n" + 
-			"			i); \n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	static class Y\n" + 
-			"		extends QAHelper {\n" + 
-			"		public void f() {\n" + 
-			"			super.f();\n" + 
-			"			int j = super.i;\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		public static void main(String a[]) {\n" + 
-			"			Y oy = new Y();\n" + 
-			"			oy.f();\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class QA {\n" + 
-			"	static String s[] = \n" + 
-			"		{\"Dolby\", \"Thx\",}; \n" + 
-			"	void check() {\n" + 
-			"		new QAHelper().new Y().main(\n" + 
-			"			s); \n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	static public void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"		new QA().check();\n" + 
-			"		Chk.endTest(\"ciner111\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of object creation>";
-	String completeBehind = "new QAHelper().";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:new QAHelper().>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class QAHelper {\n" + 
-		"  static class Y extends QAHelper {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    public void f() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    public static void main(String[] a) {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int i;\n" + 
-		"  QAHelper() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void f() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class QA {\n" + 
-		"  static String[] s;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public QA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void check() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:new QAHelper().>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testQA_3() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"class QAHelper {\n" + 
-			"	int i = 10;\n" + 
-			"	void f() {\n" + 
-			"		Chk.chkIntVal(\n" + 
-			"			\"err_0\", \n" + 
-			"			\"i\", \n" + 
-			"			this.i, \n" + 
-			"			i); \n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	static class Y\n" + 
-			"		extends QAHelper {\n" + 
-			"		public void f() {\n" + 
-			"			super.f();\n" + 
-			"			int j = super.i;\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		public static void main(String a[]) {\n" + 
-			"			Y oy = new Y();\n" + 
-			"			oy.f();\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class QA {\n" + 
-			"	static String s[] = \n" + 
-			"		{\"Dolby\", \"Thx\",}; \n" + 
-			"	void check() {\n" + 
-			"		new QAHelper().new Y().main(\n" + 
-			"			s); \n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	static public void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"		new QA().check();\n" + 
-			"		Chk.endTest(\"ciner111\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of object creation>";
-	String completeBehind = "new QAHelper().new Y().";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:new QAHelper().new Y().>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class QAHelper {\n" + 
-		"  static class Y extends QAHelper {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    public void f() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    public static void main(String[] a) {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int i;\n" + 
-		"  QAHelper() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void f() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class QA {\n" + 
-		"  static String[] s;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public QA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void check() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:new QAHelper().new Y().>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testQA_4() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"class QAHelper {\n" + 
-			"	int i = 10;\n" + 
-			"	void f() {\n" + 
-			"		Chk.chkIntVal(\n" + 
-			"			\"err_0\", \n" + 
-			"			\"i\", \n" + 
-			"			this.i, \n" + 
-			"			i); \n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	static class Y\n" + 
-			"		extends QAHelper {\n" + 
-			"		public void f() {\n" + 
-			"			super.f();\n" + 
-			"			int j = super.i;\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		public static void main(String a[]) {\n" + 
-			"			Y oy = new Y();\n" + 
-			"			oy.f();\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class QA {\n" + 
-			"	static String s[] = \n" + 
-			"		{\"Dolby\", \"Thx\",}; \n" + 
-			"	void check() {\n" + 
-			"		new QAHelper().new Y().main(\n" + 
-			"			s); \n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	static public void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"		new QA().check();\n" + 
-			"		Chk.endTest(\"ciner111\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of object creation>";
-	String completeBehind = "new QA().";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:new QA().>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class QAHelper {\n" + 
-		"  static class Y extends QAHelper {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    public void f() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    public static void main(String[] a) {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int i;\n" + 
-		"  QAHelper() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void f() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class QA {\n" + 
-		"  static String[] s;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public QA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void check() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:new QA().>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testQB_1FIK820() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FIK820\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class QB {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		{\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		.}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on block (no answers wanted)>";
-	String completeBehind = ".";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(".}") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class QB {\n" + 
-		"  public QB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testR_1FGD31E() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FGD31E\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class R {\n" + 
-		"	void moo() {\n" + 
-		"		b }\n" + 
-		"	void bar() {\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field>";
-	String completeBehind = "b";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:b>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "b";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "b";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("b }") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class R {\n" + 
-		"  public R() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void moo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:b>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testRA_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class RA extends A {\n" + 
-			"	private int f = 5;\n" + 
-			"	int i(int k) {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	class B extends I {\n" + 
-			"		void foo();\n" + 
-			"		class C extends Z {\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		final int fo;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	final void foo(k j) {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	o o() throws Exc, Exc {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	static {\n" + 
-			"		this.ff = 5;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on incorrect this call>";
-	String completeBehind = "t";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:t>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "t";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "this";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("this.ff") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class RA extends A {\n" + 
-		"  class B extends I {\n" + 
-		"    class C extends Z {\n" + 
-		"      C() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    final int fo;\n" + 
-		"    B() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  private int f;\n" + 
-		"  static {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:t>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public RA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int i(int k) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  final void foo(k j) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  o o() throws Exc, Exc {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testRA_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class RA extends A {\n" + 
-			"	private int f = 5;\n" + 
-			"	int i(int k) {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	class B extends I {\n" + 
-			"		void foo();\n" + 
-			"		class C extends Z {\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		final int fo;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	final void foo(k j) {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	o o() throws Exc, Exc {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	static {\n" + 
-			"		this.ff = 5;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on t>";
-	String completeBehind = "t";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:t>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "t";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "this";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("this") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class RA extends A {\n" + 
-		"  class B extends I {\n" + 
-		"    class C extends Z {\n" + 
-		"      C() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    final int fo;\n" + 
-		"    B() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  private int f;\n" + 
-		"  static {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:t>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public RA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int i(int k) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  final void foo(k j) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  o o() throws Exc, Exc {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testRA_3() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class RA extends A {\n" + 
-			"	private int f = 5;\n" + 
-			"	int i(int k) {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	class B extends I {\n" + 
-			"		void foo();\n" + 
-			"		class C extends Z {\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		final int fo;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	final void foo(k j) {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	o o() throws Exc, Exc {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	static {\n" + 
-			"		this.ff = 5;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on exception type>";
-	String completeBehind = "Exc";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnException:Exc>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "Exc";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "Exc";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("Exc {") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class RA extends A {\n" + 
-		"  class B extends I {\n" + 
-		"    class C extends Z {\n" + 
-		"      C() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    final int fo;\n" + 
-		"    B() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  private int f;\n" + 
-		"  static {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public RA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int i(int k) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  final void foo(k j) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  o o() throws Exc, <CompleteOnException:Exc> {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testRB_1FI74S3() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FI74S3\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class RB {\n" + 
-			"	int[] table;\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		int x = table.}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of arry>";
-	String completeBehind = "table.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:table.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "table.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class RB {\n" + 
-		"  int[] table;\n" + 
-		"  public RB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int x = <CompleteOnName:table.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testS_1FGF64P_1() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FGF64P\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class S {\n" + 
-		"	{\n" + 
-		"		new Y()..}\n" + 
-		"	class Y {\n" + 
-		"		void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on incorrect call>";
-	String completeBehind = "new Y()..";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class S {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnName:>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public S() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testS_1FGF64P_2() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FGF64P\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class S {\n" + 
-		"	{\n" + 
-		"		new Y()..}\n" + 
-		"	class Y {\n" + 
-		"		void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of object creation>";
-	String completeBehind = "new Y().";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:new Y().>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class S {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:new Y().>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public S() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testS_1FGF64P_3() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FGF64P\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class S {\n" + 
-		"	{\n" + 
-		"		new Y()..}\n" + 
-		"	class Y {\n" + 
-		"		void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on incorrect call>";
-	String completeBehind = "new Y()..";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class S {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnName:>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public S() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testSA() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class SA {\n" + 
-			"	public sy void foo() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method modifier>";
-	String completeBehind = "sy";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:sy>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "sy";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "sy";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class SA {\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:sy>;\n" + 
-		"  public SA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testSB_1FILFDG() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FILFDG\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class SB {\n" + 
-			"	public void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		String s = \"hello\n" + 
-			"		int}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on field declaration type>";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:int>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class SB {\n" + 
-		"  public SB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    String s;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:int>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testT_1FGF64P() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FGF64P\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class T {\n" + 
-		"	{\n" + 
-		"		new Y().}\n" + 
-		"	class Y {\n" + 
-		"		void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on object creation>";
-	String completeBehind = "new Y().";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:new Y().>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class T {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:new Y().>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public T() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testTA_1FHISJJ_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FHISJJ\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class TA {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		Object[] items = \n" + 
-			"			{\n" + 
-			"				\"Mark unublishable\", \n" + 
-			"				null, \n" + 
-			"				\"Properties...\"}\n" + 
-			"		.;\n" + 
-			"		items.}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on array intializer value>";
-	String completeBehind = "n";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:n>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "null";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("null, ") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class TA {\n" + 
-		"  public TA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object[] items = {<CompleteOnName:n>};\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testTA_1FHISJJ_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FHISJJ\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class TA {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		Object[] items = \n" + 
-			"			{\n" + 
-			"				\"Mark unublishable\", \n" + 
-			"				null, \n" + 
-			"				\"Properties...\"}\n" + 
-			"		.;\n" + 
-			"		items.}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of array intializer>";
-	String completeBehind =
-			"			{\n" + 
-			"				\"Mark unublishable\", \n" + 
-			"				null, \n" + 
-			"				\"Properties...\"}\n" + 
-			"		.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class TA {\n" + 
-		"  public TA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object[] items;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testTA_1FHISJJ_3() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FHISJJ\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class TA {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		Object[] items = \n" + 
-			"			{\n" + 
-			"				\"Mark unublishable\", \n" + 
-			"				null, \n" + 
-			"				\"Properties...\"}\n" + 
-			"		.;\n" + 
-			"		items.}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of array>";
-	String completeBehind = "items.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:items.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "items.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class TA {\n" + 
-		"  public TA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object[] items;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:items.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testTB_1FHSLMQ() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FHSLMQ\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class TB {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		if (true)\n" + 
-			"			System.out.println(\"\");\n" + 
-			"		e }\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on else keyword>";
-	String completeBehind = "e";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:e>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "e";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "e";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("e }") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class TB {\n" + 
-		"  public TB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:e>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testU_1FGGUME() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FGGUME\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class U {\n" + 
-		"	public static final int Source = \n" + 
-		"		5; \n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on digit>";
-	String completeBehind = "5";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = NONE;
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = NONE;
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = null;
-	try {
-		checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(), 
-			cursorLocation, 
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			testName); 
-		assertTrue("failed to detect invalid cursor location", false);		
-	} catch(InvalidCursorLocation e){
-		assertEquals("invalid cursor location: ", e.irritant, InvalidCursorLocation.NO_COMPLETION_INSIDE_NUMBER);
-	}
-public void testUA_1FHISJJ_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FHISJJ\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class UA {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		Object[] items = \n" + 
-			"			new String[] {\n" + 
-			"				\"Mark unublishable\", \n" + 
-			"				null, \n" + 
-			"				\"Properties...\"}\n" + 
-			"		.;\n" + 
-			"		items.}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on array initializer>";
-	String completeBehind =
-			"new String[] {\n" + 
-			"				\"Mark unublishable\", \n" + 
-			"				null, \n" + 
-			"				\"Properties...\"}\n" + 
-			"		.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:new String[]{\"Mark unublishable\", null, \"Properties...\"}.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class UA {\n" + 
-		"  public UA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object[] items = <CompleteOnMemberAccess:new String[]{\"Mark unublishable\", null, \"Properties...\"}.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testUA_1FHISJJ_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FHISJJ\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class UA {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		Object[] items = \n" + 
-			"			new String[] {\n" + 
-			"				\"Mark unublishable\", \n" + 
-			"				null, \n" + 
-			"				\"Properties...\"}\n" + 
-			"		.;\n" + 
-			"		items.}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of array>";
-	String completeBehind = "items.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:items.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "items.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class UA {\n" + 
-		"  public UA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object[] items;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:items.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testUB_1FSBZ02() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FSBZ02\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"class UB {\n" + 
-			"	void bar() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	class UBMember {\n" + 
-			"		void bar2() {\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		void foo() {\n" + 
-			"			b\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on keyword>";
-	String completeBehind = "b";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:b>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "b";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "b";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("b\n") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class UB {\n" + 
-		"  class UBMember {\n" + 
-		"    UBMember() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void bar2() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnName:b>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  UB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testV_1FGGUOO_1() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FGGUOO\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class V i java\n" + 
-		"	.io\n" + 
-		"	.Serializable {\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on implements keyword>";
-	String completeBehind = "i";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:i>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "i";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "i";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("i java") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class V extends <CompleteOnKeyword:i> {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public V() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testV_1FGGUOO_2() {
-	String str = 
-		"package x.y.z; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FGGUOO\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class V implements {\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on package>";
-	String completeBehind = "y";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnPackage:x.y>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "y";
-	String expectedReplacedSource =
-		"x.y.z";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("y") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package <CompleteOnPackage:x.y>;\n" + 
-		"public class V implements {\n" + 
-		"  public V() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testVA_1FHISJJ_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FHISJJ\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class VA {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		Object item = new String() {\n" + 
-			"			public boolean equals() {\n" + 
-			"				return false;\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		.;\n" + 
-			"		item.}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on anonymous type declaration>";
-	String completeBehind =
-			"new String() {\n" + 
-			"			public boolean equals() {\n" + 
-			"				return false;\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:new String() {\n" + 
-		"  public boolean equals() {\n" + 
-		"    return false;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class VA {\n" + 
-		"  public VA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object item = <CompleteOnMemberAccess:new String() {\n" + 
-		"  public boolean equals() {\n" + 
-		"    return false;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testVA_1FHISJJ_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FHISJJ\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class VA {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		Object item = new String() {\n" + 
-			"			public boolean equals() {\n" + 
-			"				return false;\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		.;\n" + 
-			"		item.}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on local variable>";
-	String completeBehind = "item.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:item.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "item.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class VA {\n" + 
-		"  public VA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object item;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:item.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testVB_1() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"public class VB {\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		new\"error\") {\n" + 
-		"			protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-		"				Vector v11111 = new Vector();\n" + 
-		"				v }\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"		.;\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on local variable name into anonymous declaration>";
-	String completeBehind = "v";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:v>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "v";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "v";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("v }") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class VB {\n" + 
-		"  public VB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    new\"error\") {\n" + 
-		"      protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-		"        Vector v11111;\n" + 
-		"        <CompleteOnName:v>;\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-// TODO excluded test (completion on field access on anonymous inner class with syntax error)
-public void _testVB_2() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"public class VB {\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		new\"error\") {\n" + 
-		"			protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-		"				Vector v11111 = new Vector();\n" + 
-		"				v }\n" + 
-		"		}.\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on anonymous type declaration>";
-	String completeBehind =
-		"new\"error\") {\n" + 
-		"			protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-		"				Vector v11111 = new Vector();\n" + 
-		"				v }\n" + 
-		"		}.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = 
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:new\"error\") {\n" + 
-		"  protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource =
-		"new\"error\") {\n" + 
-		"			protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-		"				Vector v11111 = new Vector();\n" + 
-		"				v }\n" + 
-		"		}.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class VB {\n" + 
-		"  public VB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:new\"error\") {\n" + 
-		"  protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testVB_3() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"public class VB {\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		new\"error\") {\n" + 
-		"			protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-		"				Vector v11111 = new Vector();\n" + 
-		"				v }\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"		.;\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on constructor>";
-	String completeBehind = "new";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnAllocationExpression:new>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class VB {\n" + 
-		"  public VB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnAllocationExpression:new>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-// TODO excluded test (completion on field access on anonymous inner class with syntax error)
-public void _testVB_4() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"public class VB {\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		new\"error\") {\n" + 
-		"			protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-		"				Vector v11111 = new Vector();\n" + 
-		"				v }\n" + 
-		"		}\n" +
-		"		.;\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on anonymous type declaration with dummy spaces>";
-	String completeBehind =
-		"new\"error\") {\n" + 
-		"			protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-		"				Vector v11111 = new Vector();\n" + 
-		"				v }\n" + 
-		"		}\n" +
-		"		.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = 
-		"<CompleteOnName:new\"error\") {\n" + 
-		"  protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource =
-		"new\"error\") {\n" + 
-		"			protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-		"				Vector v11111 = new Vector();\n" + 
-		"				v }\n" + 
-		"		}\n" +
-		"		.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class VB {\n" + 
-		"  public VB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:new\"error\") {\n" + 
-		"  protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-// TODO excluded test (completion on field access on anonymous inner class with syntax error)
-public void _testVB_5() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"public class VB {\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		new\"error\") {\n" + 
-		"			protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-		"				Vector v11111 = new Vector();\n" + 
-		"				v }\n" + 
-		"		}.;\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on anonymous type declaration with trailing semi-colon>";
-	String completeBehind =
-		"new\"error\") {\n" + 
-		"			protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-		"				Vector v11111 = new Vector();\n" + 
-		"				v }\n" + 
-		"		}.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = 
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:new\"error\") {\n" + 
-		"  protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource =
-		"new\"error\") {\n" + 
-		"			protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-		"				Vector v11111 = new Vector();\n" + 
-		"				v }\n" + 
-		"		}.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class VB {\n" + 
-		"  public VB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:new\"error\") {\n" + 
-		"  protected void runTest() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testW_1FGGUS4() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FGGUS4\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class W {\n" + 
-		"	public static final int LA = \n" + 
-		"		1; \n" + 
-		"	public static final int LAB = \n" + 
-		"		2; \n" + 
-		"	public static final int LABO = \n" + 
-		"		4; \n" + 
-		"	public int produceDebugAttributes = \n" + 
-		"		LABO; \n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on field initializer>";
-	String completeBehind = "L";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:L>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "L";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "LABO";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("LABO;") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class W {\n" + 
-		"  public static final int LA;\n" + 
-		"  public static final int LAB;\n" + 
-		"  public static final int LABO;\n" + 
-		"  public int produceDebugAttributes = <CompleteOnName:L>;\n" + 
-		"  public W() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testWA_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class WA {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		int value = 10;\n" + 
-			"		v int[] tab = new int[value];\n" + 
-			"	}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on array size value>";
-	String completeBehind = "v";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:v>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "v";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "value";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("value];") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class WA {\n" + 
-		"  public WA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int value;\n" + 
-		"    int[] tab = new int[<CompleteOnName:v>];\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testWA_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class WA {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		int value = 10;\n" + 
-			"		v int[] tab = new int[value];\n" + 
-			"	}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on corrupter local variable declaration>";
-	String completeBehind = "v";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:v>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "v";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "v";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("v int[]") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class WA {\n" + 
-		"  public WA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int value;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:v>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testWB_1FI313C() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/*\n" + 
-			" * 1FI313C\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"class WBHelper {\n" + 
-			"	public int fieldPublic;\n" + 
-			"	protected int fieldProtected;\n" + 
-			"	private int fieldPrivate;\n" + 
-			"	int fieldDefault;\n" + 
-			"	static void staticFoo() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	static int i = d;\n" + 
-			"	int neuneu1() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void neuneu2() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class WB\n" + 
-			"	extends WBHelper {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		BIJOUR[] b = \n" + 
-			"			new java.lang.Number[]; \n" + 
-			"		java.lang.Short s;\n" + 
-			"		b[1].}\n" + 
-			"	B() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	B(int) {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of array element>";
-	String completeBehind = "b[1].";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:b[1].>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class WBHelper {\n" + 
-		"  public int fieldPublic;\n" + 
-		"  protected int fieldProtected;\n" + 
-		"  private int fieldPrivate;\n" + 
-		"  int fieldDefault;\n" + 
-		"  static int i;\n" + 
-		"  WBHelper() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static void staticFoo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int neuneu1() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void neuneu2() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class WB extends WBHelper {\n" + 
-		"  public WB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    BIJOUR[] b;\n" + 
-		"    java.lang.Short s;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:b[1].>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  B() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  B() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testX_1FGGV8C_1() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"import p2.Y; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FGGV8C and 1FGPE8E\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	public static final float Vars; \n" + 
-		"	public static final float Lines; \n" + 
-		"	public static final float Source; \n" + 
-		"	public static final float UnreachableCode; \n" + 
-		"	public static final float produceDebugAttributes; \n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		int locale, \n" + 
-		"			errorThreshold, \n" + 
-		"			preserveAllLocalVariables; \n" + 
-		"		return new Y[] {\n" + 
-		"			new Y(\n" + 
-		"				\"debug.vars\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				(produceDebugAttributes\n" + 
-		"					& Vars)\n" + 
-		"					!= 0\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1), \n" + 
-		"			new Y(\n" + 
-		"				\"debug.lines\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				(produceDebugAttributes\n" + 
-		"					& Lines)\n" + 
-		"					!= 0\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1), \n" + 
-		"			new Y(\n" + 
-		"				\"debug.source\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				(produceDebugAttributes\n" + 
-		"					& Source)\n" + 
-		"					!= 0\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1), \n" + 
-		"			new Y(\n" + 
-		"				\"debug.preserveAllLocals\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				preserveAllLocalVariables\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1), \n" + 
-		"			new Y(\n" + 
-		"				\"optionalError.unReachableCode\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				(errorThreshold\n" + 
-		"					& UnreachableCode)\n" + 
-		"					!= 0\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1)\n" + 
-		"				 }\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on argument of anonymous type declaration>";
-	String completeBehind = "t";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:t>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "t";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "this";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("this, ") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import p2.Y;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public static final float Vars;\n" + 
-		"  public static final float Lines;\n" + 
-		"  public static final float Source;\n" + 
-		"  public static final float UnreachableCode;\n" + 
-		"  public static final float produceDebugAttributes;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int locale;\n" + 
-		"    int errorThreshold;\n" + 
-		"    int preserveAllLocalVariables;\n" + 
-		"    new Y(\"debug.vars\", <CompleteOnName:t>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testX_1FGGV8C_2() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"import p2.YZA; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FGGV8C and 1FGPE8E\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	public static final float Vars; \n" + 
-		"	public static final float Lines; \n" + 
-		"	public static final float Source; \n" + 
-		"	public static final float UnreachableCode; \n" + 
-		"	public static final float produceDebugAttributes; \n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		int locale, \n" + 
-		"			errorThreshold, \n" + 
-		"			preserveAllLocalVariables; \n" + 
-		"		return new YZA[] {\n" + 
-		"			new YZA(\n" + 
-		"				\"debug.vars\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				(produceDebugAttributes\n" + 
-		"					& Vars)\n" + 
-		"					!= 0\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1), \n" + 
-		"			new YZA(\n" + 
-		"				\"debug.lines\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				(produceDebugAttributes\n" + 
-		"					& Lines)\n" + 
-		"					!= 0\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1), \n" + 
-		"			new YZA(\n" + 
-		"				\"debug.source\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				(produceDebugAttributes\n" + 
-		"					& Source)\n" + 
-		"					!= 0\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1), \n" + 
-		"			new YZA(\n" + 
-		"				\"debug.preserveAllLocals\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				preserveAllLocalVariables\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1), \n" + 
-		"			new YZA(\n" + 
-		"				\"optionalError.unReachableCode\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				(errorThreshold\n" + 
-		"					& UnreachableCode)\n" + 
-		"					!= 0\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1)\n" + 
-		"				 }\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on anonymous type declaration into a return statement>";
-	String completeBehind = "Y";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:Y>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "Y";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "YZA";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("YZA[]") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import p2.YZA;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public static final float Vars;\n" + 
-		"  public static final float Lines;\n" + 
-		"  public static final float Source;\n" + 
-		"  public static final float UnreachableCode;\n" + 
-		"  public static final float produceDebugAttributes;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int locale;\n" + 
-		"    int errorThreshold;\n" + 
-		"    int preserveAllLocalVariables;\n" + 
-		"    return new <CompleteOnType:Y>();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testX_1FGGV8C_3() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"import p2.YZA; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FGGV8C and 1FGPE8E\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	public static final float Vars; \n" + 
-		"	public static final float Lines; \n" + 
-		"	public static final float Source; \n" + 
-		"	public static final float UnreachableCode; \n" + 
-		"	public static final float produceDebugAttributes; \n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		int locale, \n" + 
-		"			errorThreshold, \n" + 
-		"			preserveAllLocalVariables; \n" + 
-		"		return new YZA[] {\n" + 
-		"			new YZA(\n" + 
-		"				\"debug.vars\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				(produceDebugAttributes\n" + 
-		"					& Vars)\n" + 
-		"					!= 0\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1), \n" + 
-		"			new YZA(\n" + 
-		"				\"debug.lines\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				(produceDebugAttributes\n" + 
-		"					& Lines)\n" + 
-		"					!= 0\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1), \n" + 
-		"			new YZA(\n" + 
-		"				\"debug.source\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				(produceDebugAttributes\n" + 
-		"					& Source)\n" + 
-		"					!= 0\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1), \n" + 
-		"			new YZA(\n" + 
-		"				\"debug.preserveAllLocals\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				preserveAllLocalVariables\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1), \n" + 
-		"			new YZA(\n" + 
-		"				\"optionalError.unReachableCode\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				(errorThreshold\n" + 
-		"					& UnreachableCode)\n" + 
-		"					!= 0\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1)\n" + 
-		"				 }\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on anonymous type declaration nested into an array initializer>";
-	String completeBehind = "Y";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:Y>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "Y";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "YZA";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("YZA(") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import p2.YZA;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public static final float Vars;\n" + 
-		"  public static final float Lines;\n" + 
-		"  public static final float Source;\n" + 
-		"  public static final float UnreachableCode;\n" + 
-		"  public static final float produceDebugAttributes;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int locale;\n" + 
-		"    int errorThreshold;\n" + 
-		"    int preserveAllLocalVariables;\n" + 
-		"    new YZA[]{new <CompleteOnType:Y>()};\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testX_1FGGV8C_4() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"import p2.Y; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FGGV8C and 1FGPE8E\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	public static final float Vars; \n" + 
-		"	public static final float Lines; \n" + 
-		"	public static final float Source; \n" + 
-		"	public static final float UnreachableCode; \n" + 
-		"	public static final float produceDebugAttributes; \n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		int locale, \n" + 
-		"			errorThreshold, \n" + 
-		"			preserveAllLocalVariables; \n" + 
-		"		return new Y[] {\n" + 
-		"			new Y(\n" + 
-		"				\"debug.vars\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				(produceDebugAttributes\n" + 
-		"					& Vars)\n" + 
-		"					!= 0\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1), \n" + 
-		"			new Y(\n" + 
-		"				\"debug.lines\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				(produceDebugAttributes\n" + 
-		"					& Lines)\n" + 
-		"					!= 0\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1), \n" + 
-		"			new Y(\n" + 
-		"				\"debug.source\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				(produceDebugAttributes\n" + 
-		"					& Source)\n" + 
-		"					!= 0\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1), \n" + 
-		"			new Y(\n" + 
-		"				\"debug.preserveAllLocals\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				preserveAllLocalVariables\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1), \n" + 
-		"			new Y(\n" + 
-		"				\"optionalError.unReachableCode\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				(errorThreshold\n" + 
-		"					& UnreachableCode)\n" + 
-		"					!= 0\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1)\n" + 
-		"				 }\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field into array intializer>";
-	String completeBehind = "n";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:n>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "new";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("new Y(") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import p2.Y;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public static final float Vars;\n" + 
-		"  public static final float Lines;\n" + 
-		"  public static final float Source;\n" + 
-		"  public static final float UnreachableCode;\n" + 
-		"  public static final float produceDebugAttributes;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int locale;\n" + 
-		"    int errorThreshold;\n" + 
-		"    int preserveAllLocalVariables;\n" + 
-		"    new Y[]{<CompleteOnName:n>};\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testX_1FGPE8E() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"import p2.Y; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FGGV8C and 1FGPE8E\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	public static final float Vars; \n" + 
-		"	public static final float Lines; \n" + 
-		"	public static final float Source; \n" + 
-		"	public static final float UnreachableCode; \n" + 
-		"	public static final float produceDebugAttributes; \n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		int locale, \n" + 
-		"			errorThreshold, \n" + 
-		"			preserveAllLocalVariables; \n" + 
-		"		return new Y[] {\n" + 
-		"			new Y(\n" + 
-		"				\"debug.vars\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				(produceDebugAttributes\n" + 
-		"					& Vars)\n" + 
-		"					!= 0\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1), \n" + 
-		"			new Y(\n" + 
-		"				\"debug.lines\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				(produceDebugAttributes\n" + 
-		"					& Lines)\n" + 
-		"					!= 0\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1), \n" + 
-		"			new Y(\n" + 
-		"				\"debug.source\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				(produceDebugAttributes\n" + 
-		"					& Source)\n" + 
-		"					!= 0\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1), \n" + 
-		"			new Y(\n" + 
-		"				\"debug.preserveAllLocals\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				preserveAllLocalVariables\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1), \n" + 
-		"			new Y(\n" + 
-		"				\"optionalError.unReachableCode\", \n" + 
-		"				this, \n" + 
-		"				locale, \n" + 
-		"				(errorThreshold\n" + 
-		"					& UnreachableCode)\n" + 
-		"					!= 0\n" + 
-		"					? 0\n" + 
-		"					: 1)\n" + 
-		"				 }\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field into return statement>";
-	String completeBehind = "n";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:n>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "new";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("new Y[]") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import p2.Y;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public static final float Vars;\n" + 
-		"  public static final float Lines;\n" + 
-		"  public static final float Source;\n" + 
-		"  public static final float UnreachableCode;\n" + 
-		"  public static final float produceDebugAttributes;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int locale;\n" + 
-		"    int errorThreshold;\n" + 
-		"    int preserveAllLocalVariables;\n" + 
-		"    return <CompleteOnName:n>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-// Disabled since javadoc completion has been implemented
-public void _testXA_1FGGUQF_1FHSL8H_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"// int\n" + 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FGGUQF and 1FHSL8H\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * int\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"/*\n" + 
-			" * int\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"// int\n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			"int.\n" + 
-			" * Internal API used to resolve a compilation unit minimally for code assist engine\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * int\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class XA {\n" + 
-			"	//  int\n" + 
-			"	/*  int */\n" + 
-			"	/** int */\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	int.\n" + 
-			"	 * Internal API used to resolve a compilation unit minimally for code assist engine\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	void /* int */\n" + 
-			"	foo() {\n" + 
-			"		//  int\n" + 
-			"		/*  int */\n" + 
-			"		/** int */\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	int.\n" + 
-			"	 * Internal API used to resolve a compilation unit minimally for code assist engine\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	int field /* int */\n" + 
-			"	;\n" + 
-			"	/*\n" + 
-			"	    int\n" + 
-			"	*/\n" + 
-			"	static {\n" + 
-			"		// int\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"//  int\n" + 
-			"/*  int */\n" + 
-			"/** int */\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on comment>";
-	String completeBehind = "int.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = NONE;
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = NONE;
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("int.\n") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = null;
-	try {
-		checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(), 
-			cursorLocation, 
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			testName); 
-		assertTrue("failed to detect invalid cursor location", false);		
-	} catch(InvalidCursorLocation e){
-		assertEquals("invalid cursor location: ", e.irritant, InvalidCursorLocation.NO_COMPLETION_INSIDE_COMMENT);
-	}
-public void testXA_1FGGUQF_1FHSL8H_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"// int\n" + 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FGGUQF and 1FHSL8H\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * int\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"/*\n" + 
-			" * int\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"// int\n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			"int.\n" + 
-			" * Internal API used to resolve a compilation unit minimally for code assist engine\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * int\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class XA {\n" + 
-			"	//  int\n" + 
-			"	/*  int */\n" + 
-			"	/** int */\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	int.\n" + 
-			"	 * Internal API used to resolve a compilation unit minimally for code assist engine\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	void /* int */\n" + 
-			"	foo() {\n" + 
-			"		//  int\n" + 
-			"		/*  int */\n" + 
-			"		/** int */\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	int.\n" + 
-			"	 * Internal API used to resolve a compilation unit minimally for code assist engine\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	int field /* int */\n" + 
-			"	;\n" + 
-			"	/*\n" + 
-			"	    int\n" + 
-			"	*/\n" + 
-			"	static {\n" + 
-			"		// int\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"//  int\n" + 
-			"/*  int */\n" + 
-			"/** int */\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on comment>";
-	String completeBehind = "i";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = NONE;
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = NONE;
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("int\n") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = null;
-	try {
-		checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(), 
-			cursorLocation, 
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			testName); 
-		assertTrue("failed to detect invalid cursor location", false);		
-	} catch(InvalidCursorLocation e){
-		assertEquals("invalid cursor location: ", e.irritant, InvalidCursorLocation.NO_COMPLETION_INSIDE_COMMENT);
-	}
-public void testXA_1FGGUQF_1FHSL8H_3() {
-	String str = 
-			"// int\n" + 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FGGUQF and 1FHSL8H\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * int\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"/*\n" + 
-			" * int\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"// int\n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			"int.\n" + 
-			" * Internal API used to resolve a compilation unit minimally for code assist engine\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * int\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class XA {\n" + 
-			"	//  int\n" + 
-			"	/*  int */\n" + 
-			"	/** int */\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	int.\n" + 
-			"	 * Internal API used to resolve a compilation unit minimally for code assist engine\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	void /* int */ foo() {\n" + 
-			"		//  int\n" + 
-			"		/*  int */\n" + 
-			"		/** int */\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	int.\n" + 
-			"	 * Internal API used to resolve a compilation unit minimally for code assist engine\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	int field /* int */\n" + 
-			"	;\n" + 
-			"	/*\n" + 
-			"	    int\n" + 
-			"	*/\n" + 
-			"	static {\n" + 
-			"		// int\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"//  int\n" + 
-			"/*  int */\n" + 
-			"/** int */\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on comment>";
-	String completeBehind = "i";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = NONE;
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = NONE;
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("int */") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = null;
-	try {
-		checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(), 
-			cursorLocation, 
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			testName); 
-		assertTrue("failed to detect invalid cursor location", false);		
-	} catch(InvalidCursorLocation e){
-		assertEquals("invalid cursor location: ", e.irritant, InvalidCursorLocation.NO_COMPLETION_INSIDE_COMMENT);
-	}
-public void testXA_1FGGUQF_1FHSL8H_4() {
-	String str = 
-			"// int\n" + 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FGGUQF and 1FHSL8H\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * int\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"/*\n" + 
-			" * int\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"// int\n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			"int.\n" + 
-			" * Internal API used to resolve a compilation unit minimally for code assist engine\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * int\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class XA {\n" + 
-			"	//  int\n" + 
-			"	/*  int */\n" + 
-			"	/** int */\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	int.\n" + 
-			"	 * Internal API used to resolve a compilation unit minimally for code assist engine\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	void /* int */ foo() {\n" + 
-			"		//  int\n" + 
-			"		/*  int */\n" + 
-			"		/** int */\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	int.\n" + 
-			"	 * Internal API used to resolve a compilation unit minimally for code assist engine\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	int field /* int */\n" + 
-			"	;\n" + 
-			"	/*\n" + 
-			"	    int\n" + 
-			"	*/\n" + 
-			"	static {\n" + 
-			"		// int\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"//  int\n" + 
-			"/*  int  */\n" + 
-			"/** int   */\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on comment>";
-	String completeBehind = "i";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = NONE;
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = NONE;
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("int */ foo()") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = null;
-	try {
-		checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(), 
-			cursorLocation, 
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			testName); 
-		assertTrue("failed to detect invalid cursor location", false);		
-	} catch(InvalidCursorLocation e){
-		assertEquals("invalid cursor location: ", e.irritant, InvalidCursorLocation.NO_COMPLETION_INSIDE_COMMENT);
-	}
-public void testXB_1FIYM5I_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/*\n" + 
-			" * 1FIYM5I\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class XB\n" + 
-			"	extends {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		XB xb = new XB();\n" + 
-			"		this.separator.;\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	String bar() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of explicit this access>";
-	String completeBehind = "this.s";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:this.s>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "s";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "this.separator";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class XB extends {\n" + 
-		"  public XB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    XB xb;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:this.s>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  String bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testXB_1FIYM5I_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/*\n" + 
-			" * 1FIYM5I\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class XB\n" + 
-			"	extends {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		XB xb = new XB();\n" + 
-			"		this.separator.;\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	String bar() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of explicitly accessed field>";
-	String completeBehind = "this.separator.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:this.separator.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class XB extends {\n" + 
-		"  public XB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    XB xb;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:this.separator.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  String bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testXB_1FIYM5I_3() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/*\n" + 
-			" * 1FIYM5I\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class XB\n" + 
-			"	extends {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		XB xb = new XB();\n" + 
-			"		this.separator.;\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	String bar() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of explicit this access>";
-	String completeBehind = "this.b";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:this.b>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "b";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class XB extends {\n" + 
-		"  public XB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    XB xb;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:this.b>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  String bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testXB_1FIYM5I_4() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/*\n" + 
-			" * 1FIYM5I\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class XB\n" + 
-			"	extends {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		XB xb = new XB();\n" + 
-			"		this.separator.;\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	String bar() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of explicitly accessed method>";
-	String completeBehind = "";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class XB extends {\n" + 
-		"  public XB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    XB xb;\n" + 
-		"    <>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  String bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testY_1FGPESI() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"import p2.; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FGPESI\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class Y {\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on imports>";
-	String completeBehind = "p2.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnImport:p2.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "p2.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import <CompleteOnImport:p2.>;\n" + 
-		"public class Y {\n" + 
-		"  public Y() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testYA_1FGRIUH() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FGRIUH\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class YA\n" + 
-			"	extends YASecondTopLevel {\n" + 
-			"	void eFoo() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	class YAMember {\n" + 
-			"		void eFoo() {\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		void eBar() {\n" + 
-			"			e }\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class YASecondTopLevel {\n" + 
-			"	public boolean equals(YA yaya) {\n" + 
-			"		return true;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public eFoo() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public void eFooBar() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field>";
-	String completeBehind = "e";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:e>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "e";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "e";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("e }") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class YA extends YASecondTopLevel {\n" + 
-		"  class YAMember {\n" + 
-		"    YAMember() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void eFoo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void eBar() {\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnName:e>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public YA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void eFoo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"class YASecondTopLevel {\n" + 
-		"  YASecondTopLevel() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public boolean equals(YA yaya) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public eFoo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void eFooBar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testYB_1FJ4D46_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FJ4D46\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class YB {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		new String(\"asdf\".getBytes()).}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of object creation>";
-	String completeBehind = "new String(\"asdf\".getBytes()).";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:new String(\"asdf\".getBytes()).>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class YB {\n" + 
-		"  public YB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:new String(\"asdf\".getBytes()).>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testZ_1FGPF3D_1() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FGPF3D\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class Z imp Pro.Sev, \n" + 
-		"	Bla.Blo {\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on implements keyword>";
-	String completeBehind = "imp";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:imp>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "imp";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "imp";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class Z extends <CompleteOnKeyword:imp> {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public Z() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testZ_1FGPF3D_2() {
-	String str = 
-		"package p; \n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * 1FGPF3D\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class Z implements Pro.Sev, \n" + 
-		"	Bla.Blo {\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on implented interface>";
-	String completeBehind = "P";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnInterface:P>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "P";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "Pro";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("Pro.Sev") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class Z implements <CompleteOnInterface:P>, Bla.Blo {\n" + 
-		"  public Z() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testZA_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"import java.util.Vector;\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on import keyword>";
-	String completeBehind = "i";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:i>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "i";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "import";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("import") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:i>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testZA_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"import java.util.Vector;\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on imported package>";
-	String completeBehind = "jav";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnImport:jav>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "jav";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "java.util.Vector";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("java.util.Vector") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import <CompleteOnImport:jav>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testZA_3() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"import java.util.Vector;\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on imported type>";
-	String completeBehind = "java.util.V";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnImport:java.util.V>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "V";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "java.util.Vector";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import <CompleteOnImport:java.util.V>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testZB_1FJ4D46_1() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FJ4D46\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"import;\n" + 
-			"import*;\n" + 
-			"public class ZB {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(\n" + 
-			"		java.lang.String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		File file = \n" + 
-			"			new File(\"d:\\\\314\"); \n" + 
-			"		CRC32 crc = new CRC32();\n" + 
-			"		file.}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on method/field of local variable>";
-	String completeBehind = "file.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:file.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "file.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import;\n" + 
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class ZB {\n" + 
-		"  public ZB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"    File file;\n" + 
-		"    CRC32 crc;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:file.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testZB_1FJ4D46_2() {
-	String str = 
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1FJ4D46\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"import;\n" + 
-			"import*;\n" + 
-			"public class ZB {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(\n" + 
-			"		java.lang.String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		File file = \n" + 
-			"			new File(\"d:\\\\314\"); \n" + 
-			"		CRC32 crc = new CRC32();\n" + 
-			"		file.}\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete on local variable type>";
-	String completeBehind = "CRC";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:CRC>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "CRC";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "CRC32";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("CRC32 crc") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import;\n" + 
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class ZB {\n" + 
-		"  public ZB() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"    File file;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:CRC>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in initializer
- */
-public void test001(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    int v1;\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      Obj\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete in initializer>";
-	String completeBehind = "Obj";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:Obj>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "Obj";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "Obj";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("Obj") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int v1;\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnName:Obj>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete after initializer
- */
-public void test002(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    int v1;\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      int v2\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    Obj" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete after initializer>";
-	String completeBehind = "Obj";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:Obj>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "Obj";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "Obj";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("Obj") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int v1;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:Obj>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in initializer
- */
-public void test003(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    int v1;\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      this.\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete in initializer>";
-	String completeBehind = "this.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:this.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "this.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("this.") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int v1;\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnMemberAccess:this.>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in switch
- */
-public void test004(){
-	String str = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  final static int ZZZ = 1;\n"+
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    switch(2)\n" +
-		"      case 0 + ZZZ :\n" + 
-		"      case 1 + ZZZ :\n" + 
-		"          bar(ZZZ)\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar(int y) {}\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete in switch>";
-	String completeBehind = "ZZZ";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:ZZZ>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ZZZ";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "ZZZ";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ZZZ") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  static final int ZZZ;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    bar(<CompleteOnName:ZZZ>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar(int y) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in method type.
- */
-public void test005(){
-	String str = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  clon foo(){\n" +  
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete in method type>";
-	String completeBehind = "clon";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:clon>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "clon";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "clon";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("clon") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:clon>\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in method type.
- */
-public void test006(){
-	String str = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  clon\n" +  
-		"  foo();\n" +  
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete in method type>";
-	String completeBehind = "clon";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:clon>;";
-	String completionIdentifier = "clon";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "clon";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("clon") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:clon>;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  foo();\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in field type.
- */
-public void test007(){
-	String str = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  clon  x;\n" +  
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete in field type>";
-	String completeBehind = "clon";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:clon>;";
-	String completionIdentifier = "clon";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "clon";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("clon") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:clon>;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in field type.
- */
-public void test008(){
-	String str = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  clon\n" +  
-		"  x;\n" +  
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete in field type>";
-	String completeBehind = "clon";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:clon>;";
-	String completionIdentifier = "clon";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "clon";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("clon") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:clon>;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in field type.
- */
-public void test009(){
-	String str = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  clon\n" +  
-		"  x y;\n" +  
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete in field tpye>";
-	String completeBehind = "clon";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:clon>;";
-	String completionIdentifier = "clon";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "clon";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("clon") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:clon>;\n" + 
-		"  x y;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in method type.
- */
-public void test010(){
-	String str = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  clon\n" +  
-		"  x y(){}\n" +  
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<complete in method type>";
-	String completeBehind = "clon";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:clon>;";
-	String completionIdentifier = "clon";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "clon";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("clon") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:clon>;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  x y() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- *
- */
-public void test011(){
-	String str = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    new Object[]{\n" + 
-		"      bar(zzz)\n" +  
-		"    };\n" +  
-		"  }\n" +  
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<bug 25233>";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    bar(<CompleteOnName:zzz>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- *
- */
-public void test012(){
-	String str = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" +   
-		"  }\n" +  
-		"  Object o = new ZZZ\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<bug 27370>";
-	String completeBehind = "ZZZ";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:ZZZ>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ZZZ";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "ZZZ";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ZZZ") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  Object o = new <CompleteOnType:ZZZ>();\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- *
- */
-public void test013(){
-	String str = 
-		"public class Bar {\n" +
-		"  #\n" + 
-		"  Bar foo1 = new Bar(){};\n" +   
-		"  {int i;}\n" +  
-		"  synchronized void foo3() {}\n" + 
-		"  zzz\n" +  
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<bug 27735>";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:zzz>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class Bar {\n" +
-		"  Bar foo1;\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  public Bar() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  synchronized void foo3() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- *
- */
-public void test014(){
-	String str = 
-		"public class Bar {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    String s = \"a\" + \"b\";\n" + 
-		"    zzz\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +  
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<bug 27941>";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class Bar {\n" +
-		"  public Bar() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    String s;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- *
- */
-public void test015(){
-	String str = 
-		"public class Bar {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = new Object[]{};\n" + 
-		"    foo();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +  
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<bug 39502>";
-	String completeBehind = "foo(";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMessageSend:foo()>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "foo(";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("foo(") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  public Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:foo()>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- *
- */
-public void test016(){
-	String str = 
-		"public class Bar {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = new Object[0];\n" + 
-		"    foo();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +  
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<bug 39502>";
-	String completeBehind = "foo(";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMessageSend:foo()>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "foo(";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("foo(") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  public Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:foo()>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void test017(){
-	String str = 
-		"public class Bar {\n" +
-		"  String s;\n" + 
-		"  /**/\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "";
-	String completeBehind = "/**/";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("/**/") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  String s;\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:>;\n" + 
-		"  public Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void testRECOVERY001() {
-	String str = 
-		"var foo;\n" + 
-		"if (f) {\n"; 
-	String testName = "<complete on name inside if>";
-	String completeBehind = "(f";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:f>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "f";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "f";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"var foo;\n" + 
-		"if (<CompleteOnName:f>)\n" + 
-		"\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 866e47b..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9671 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-public class CompletionParserTest2 extends AbstractCompletionTest {
-public CompletionParserTest2(String testName) {
-	super(testName);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(CompletionParserTest2.class);
-public void test0001(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  Object o = zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "Object o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-public void test0002(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "Object o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0003(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    Object o = zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "Object o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0004(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  #\n" + 
-		"  Object o = zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "Object o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-public void test0005(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object o = zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "Object o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      Object o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0006(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object o = zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "Object o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0007(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  Object o = new zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "Object o = new <CompleteOnType:zzz>();";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o = new <CompleteOnType:zzz>();\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast"); 
-public void test0008(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = new zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "Object o = new <CompleteOnType:zzz>();";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = new <CompleteOnType:zzz>();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0009(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    Object o = new zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "Object o = new <CompleteOnType:zzz>();";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = new <CompleteOnType:zzz>();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0010(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  #\n" + 
-		"  Object o = new zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "Object o = new <CompleteOnType:zzz>();";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o = new <CompleteOnType:zzz>();\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast"); 
-public void test0011(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object o = new zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "Object o = new <CompleteOnType:zzz>();";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      Object o = new <CompleteOnType:zzz>();\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0012(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object o = new zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "Object o = new <CompleteOnType:zzz>();";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = new <CompleteOnType:zzz>();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0013(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  Object o = yyy;\n" + 
-		"  zzz\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o;\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-public void test0014(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = yyy;\n" + 
-		"    zzz\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0015(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    Object o = yyy;\n" + 
-		"    zzz\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0016(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  #\n" + 
-		"  Object o = yyy;\n" + 
-		"  zzz\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o;\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast"); 
-public void test0017(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object o = yyy;\n" + 
-		"    zzz\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      Object o;\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0018(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object o = yyy;\n" + 
-		"    zzz\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0019(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  Object o = bar(zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "bar(<CompleteOnName:zzz>)";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o = bar(<CompleteOnName:zzz>);\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast"); 
-public void test0020(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = bar(zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "bar(<CompleteOnName:zzz>)";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = bar(<CompleteOnName:zzz>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0021(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    Object o = bar(zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "bar(<CompleteOnName:zzz>)";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = bar(<CompleteOnName:zzz>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0022(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  #\n" + 
-		"  Object o = bar(zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "bar(<CompleteOnName:zzz>)";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o = bar(<CompleteOnName:zzz>);\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast"); 
-public void test0023(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object o = bar(zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "bar(<CompleteOnName:zzz>)";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      Object o = bar(<CompleteOnName:zzz>);\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0024(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object o = bar(zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "bar(<CompleteOnName:zzz>)";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = bar(<CompleteOnName:zzz>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0025(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  Object o = new X(zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "new X(<CompleteOnName:zzz>)";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o = new X(<CompleteOnName:zzz>);\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast"); 
-public void test0026(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = new X(zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new X(<CompleteOnName:zzz>)";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = new X(<CompleteOnName:zzz>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0027(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    Object o = new X(zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new X(<CompleteOnName:zzz>)";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = new X(<CompleteOnName:zzz>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0028(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  #\n" + 
-		"  Object o = new X(zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "new X(<CompleteOnName:zzz>)";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o = new X(<CompleteOnName:zzz>);\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast"); 
-public void test0029(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object o = new X(zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new X(<CompleteOnName:zzz>)";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      Object o = new X(<CompleteOnName:zzz>);\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0030(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object o = new X(zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new X(<CompleteOnName:zzz>)";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = new X(<CompleteOnName:zzz>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0031(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  Object o = {zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o;\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o;\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0032(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = {zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0033(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    Object o = {zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0034(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  #\n" + 
-		"  Object o = {zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o;\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o;\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0035(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object o = {zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      Object o;\n" +
-		"      {\n" +
-		"        <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"      }\n" +
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0036(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object o = {zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0037(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  Object[] o = {zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "Object[] o = {<CompleteOnName:zzz>};";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object[] o = {<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-public void test0038(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object[] o = {zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "Object[] o = {<CompleteOnName:zzz>};";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object[] o = {<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0039(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    Object[] o = {zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "Object[] o = {<CompleteOnName:zzz>};";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object[] o = {<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0040(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  #\n" + 
-		"  Object[] o = {zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "Object[] o = {<CompleteOnName:zzz>};";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object[] o = {<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-public void test0041(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object[] o = {zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "Object[] o = {<CompleteOnName:zzz>};";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      Object[] o = {<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0042(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object[] o = {zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "Object[] o = {<CompleteOnName:zzz>};";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object[] o = {<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0043(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  Object[] o = new X[zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>]";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object[] o = new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>];\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-public void test0044(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object[] o = new X[zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>]";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" +
-		"    Object[] o = new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>];\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0045(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    Object[] o = new X[zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>]";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object[] o = new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>];\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0046(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  #\n" + 
-		"  Object[] o = new X[zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>]";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object[] o = new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>];\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-public void test0047(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object[] o = new X[zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>]";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      Object[] o = new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>];\n" + 
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0048(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object[] o = new X[zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>]";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object[] o = new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>];\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0049(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  Object[] o = new X[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>}";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object[] o = new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-public void test0050(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object[] o = new X[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>}";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object[] o = new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0051(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    Object[] o = new X[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>}";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>}";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object[] o = new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0052(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  #\n" + 
-		"  Object[] o = new X[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>}";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object[] o = new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-public void test0053(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object[] o = new X[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>}";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      Object[] o = new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0054(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object[] o = new X[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>}";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>}";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object[] o = new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0055(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  Object[] o = zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "Object[] o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object[] o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-public void test0056(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object[] o = zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "Object[] o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object[] o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0057(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    Object[] o = zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "Object[] o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object[] o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0058(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  #\n" + 
-		"  Object[] o = zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "Object[] o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object[] o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-public void test0059(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object[] o = zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "Object[] o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      Object[] o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0060(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object[] o = zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "Object[] o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object[] o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0061(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  Object o = new X[zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>]";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o = new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>];\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-public void test0062(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = new X[zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>]";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>];\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0063(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    Object o = new X[zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>]";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>];\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0064(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  #\n" + 
-		"  Object o = new X[zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>]";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o = new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>];\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-public void test0065(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object o = new X[zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>]";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      Object o = new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>];\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0066(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object o = new X[zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>]";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = new X[<CompleteOnName:zzz>];\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0067(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  Object o = new X[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o;\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o;\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0068(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = new X[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>}";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0069(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    Object o = new X[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>}";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>}";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0070(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  #\n" + 
-		"  Object o = new X[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o;\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o;\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0071(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object o = new X[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      Object o;\n" +
-		"      {\n" +
-		"        <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0072(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object o = new X[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>}";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0073(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  int o = new int[zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "new int[<CompleteOnName:zzz>]";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int o = new int[<CompleteOnName:zzz>];\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-public void test0074(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    int o = new int[zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new int[<CompleteOnName:zzz>]";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    int o = new int[<CompleteOnName:zzz>];\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0075(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    int o = new int[zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new int[<CompleteOnName:zzz>]";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int o = new int[<CompleteOnName:zzz>];\n" +  
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0076(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  #\n" + 
-		"  int o = new int[zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "new int[<CompleteOnName:zzz>]";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int o = new int[<CompleteOnName:zzz>];\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-public void test0077(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    int o = new int[zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new int[<CompleteOnName:zzz>]";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      int o = new int[<CompleteOnName:zzz>];\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0078(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    int o = new int[zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new int[<CompleteOnName:zzz>]";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int o = new int[<CompleteOnName:zzz>];\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0079(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  int o = new int[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int o;\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int o;\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0080(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    int o = new int[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new int[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>}";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    int o = new int[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0081(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    int o = new int[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "new int[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>}";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +  
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      new int[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new int[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>}";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int o = new int[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" +  
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0082(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  #\n" + 
-		"  int o = new int[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int o;\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int o;\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0083(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    int o = new int[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      int o;\n" +
-		"      {\n" +
-		"        <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0084(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    int o = new int[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "new int[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>}";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      new int[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int o;\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0085(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  X o = new X[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  X o;\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  X o;\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0086(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    X o = new X[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>}";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    X o = new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0087(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    X o = new X[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>}";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>}";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    X o = new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0088(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  #\n" + 
-		"  X o = new X[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  X o;\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  X o;\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0089(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    X o = new X[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      X o;\n" +
-		"      {\n" +
-		"        <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0090(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    X o = new X[]{zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>}";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      new X[]{<CompleteOnName:zzz>};\n" + 
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    X o;\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0091(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  Object o = \"yyy;\n" + 
-		"  zzz\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o;\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-public void test0092(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object o = \"yyy;\n" + 
-		"    zzz\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0093(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    Object o = \"yyy;\n" + 
-		"    zzz\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0094(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  #\n" + 
-		"  Object o = \"yyy;\n" + 
-		"  zzz\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o;\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast"); 
-public void test0095(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object o = \"yyy;\n" + 
-		"    zzz\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      Object o;\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0096(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    Object o = \"yyy;\n" + 
-		"    zzz\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +  
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      Object o;\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast"); 
-public void test0097(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    o = zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0098(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    o = zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    o = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0099(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    o = new zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "o = new <CompleteOnType:zzz>()";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    o = new <CompleteOnType:zzz>();\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0100(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    o = new zzz;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "o = new <CompleteOnType:zzz>()";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    o = new <CompleteOnType:zzz>();\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0101(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    o = yyy;\n" +
-		"    zzz\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0102(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    o = yyy;\n" +
-		"    zzz\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0103(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    o = \"yyy;\n" +
-		"    zzz\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0104(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    o = \"yyy;\n" +
-		"    zzz\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0105(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    int x = 1 + zzz\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "(1 + <CompleteOnName:zzz>)";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int x = (1 + <CompleteOnName:zzz>);\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0106(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    int x = 1 + (zzz\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "(1 + <CompleteOnName:zzz>)";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int x = (1 + <CompleteOnName:zzz>);\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0107(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    int x = 0;\n" +
-		"    int y = 1 + x;\n" +
-		"    zzz;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int x;\n" +
-		"    int y;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0108(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    int x = -zzz;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "(- <CompleteOnName:zzz>)";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int x = (- <CompleteOnName:zzz>);\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0109(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    int x = -(zzz;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "(- <CompleteOnName:zzz>)";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int x = (- <CompleteOnName:zzz>);\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0110(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    int x = 0;\n" +
-		"    int y = -x;\n" +
-		"    zzz;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int x;\n" +
-		"    int y;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0111(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    if(1 == zzz) {}\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "(1 == <CompleteOnName:zzz>)";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (1 == <CompleteOnName:zzz>);\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0112(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"    if(1 == (zzz)) {}\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "(1 == <CompleteOnName:zzz>)";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (1 == <CompleteOnName:zzz>);\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0113(){
-	String str = 
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(Object x){\n" + 
-		"    if(x instanceof ZZZ) {}\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "ZZZ";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("ZZZ") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo(Object x) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:ZZZ>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "(x instanceof <CompleteOnType:ZZZ>)";
-	completionIdentifier = "ZZZ";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "ZZZ";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo(Object x) {\n" + 
-		"    (x instanceof <CompleteOnType:ZZZ>);\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0114(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    boolean a, b, c;\n" +
-		"    c = a == b ? zzz\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "c = <CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    boolean a;\n" +
-		"    boolean b;\n" +
-		"    boolean c;\n" +
-		"    c = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0115(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    boolean a, b;\n" +
-		"    a == b ? zzz\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    boolean a;\n" +
-		"    boolean b;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0116(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    boolean a, b, c;\n" +
-		"    c = a == b ? a : zzz\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "c = ((a == b) ? a : <CompleteOnName:zzz>)";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    boolean a;\n" +
-		"    boolean b;\n" +
-		"    boolean c;\n" +
-		"    c = ((a == b) ? a : <CompleteOnName:zzz>);\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0117(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    boolean a, b, c;\n" +
-		"    c = a == b ? a : (zzz\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "c = <CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    boolean a;\n" +
-		"    boolean b;\n" +
-		"    boolean c;\n" +
-		"    c = <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0118(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    boolean a, b, c;\n" +
-		"    c = a# == b ? a : zzz\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    boolean a;\n" +
-		"    boolean b;\n" +
-		"    boolean c;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0119(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    switch(1) {\n" +
-		"      case zzz\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString =
-		"switch (1) {\n" + 
-		"case <CompleteOnName:zzz> : ;\n" + 
-		"}";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      switch (1) {\n" + 
-		"      case <CompleteOnName:zzz> : ;\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0120(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    switch(1) {\n" +
-		"      case Something :\n" +
-		"      case zzz\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString =
-		"switch (1) {\n" + 
-		"case Something : ;\n" + 
-		"case <CompleteOnName:zzz> : ;\n" + 
-		"}";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      switch (1) {\n" + 
-		"      case Something : ;\n" + 
-		"      case <CompleteOnName:zzz> : ;\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0121(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    tab[zzz]\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "tab[<CompleteOnName:zzz>]";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    tab[<CompleteOnName:zzz>];\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0122(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    tab[].zzz\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnClassLiteralAccess:tab[].zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "tab[].zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnClassLiteralAccess:tab[].zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0123(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    tab[0].zzz\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:tab[0].zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:tab[0].zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0124(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    foo()[zzz]\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "foo()[<CompleteOnName:zzz>]";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    foo()[<CompleteOnName:zzz>];\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0125(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    foo()[].zzz\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0126(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    foo()[1].zzz\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:foo()[1].zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:foo()[1].zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0127(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    if (zzz() == null) bar = null;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  Object o = new O();\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "O";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("O") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:O>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "Object o = new <CompleteOnType:O>();";
-	String completionIdentifier = "O";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "O";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  Object o = new <CompleteOnType:O>();\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-public void test0128(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    new Object() {\n" +
-		"      void bar() {\n" +
-		"        a[zzz\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "a[<CompleteOnName:zzz>]";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    new Object() {\n" +
-		"      void bar() {\n" +
-		"        a[<CompleteOnName:zzz>];\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"    };\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
-public void test0129(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    Object local;\n" +
-		"    double bar;\n" +
-		"    for(;;) {\n" +
-		"      bar = (double)0;\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"    zzz\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    Object local;\n" +
-		"    double bar;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0130(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    A.B c = null;\n" +
-		"    zzz();\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz(";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz(") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMessageSend:zzz()>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz(";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    A.B c;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:zzz()>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0131(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    try {\n" +
-		"    } catch(A.B e) {\n" +
-		"      zzz();\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz(";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz(") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMessageSend:zzz()>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz(";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      A.B e;\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnMessageSend:zzz()>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0132(){
-	String str =
-		"public class A\n" +
-		"{\n" +
-		"   public A(final String str1, final String str2)\n" +
-		"   {\n" +
-		"      \n" +	
-		"   }\n" +
-		"   \n" +
-		"   private A[] methodA(final String str1, final String str2)\n" +
-		"      {\n" +
-		"         return new A[]\n" +
-		"         {\n" +
-		"            new A(str1, str2)\n" +
-		"            {\n" +
-		"               //initialiser!\n" +
-		"               {\n" +
-		"                  methodA(\"1\", \"2\");\n" +
-		"               }\n" +
-		"            },\n" +
-		"            new A(\"hello\".c) //<--------code complete to \"hello\".concat()\n" +
-		"         };\n" +
-		"      \n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "\"2\");";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("\"2\");") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"  public A(final String str1, final String str2) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  private A[] methodA(final String str1, final String str2) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"  public A(final String str1, final String str2) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  private A[] methodA(final String str1, final String str2) {\n" + 
-		"    new A(str1, str2) {\n" + 
-		"      {\n" + 
-		"        <CompleteOnName:>;\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0133(){
-	String str =
-	"public class X {\n" +
-	"   int x;\n" +
-	"   void foo() {\n" +
-	"      switch(x){\n" +
-	"         case 0:\n" +
-	"            break;\n" +
-	"      }\n" +
-	"      bar\n" +
-	"   }\n" +
-	"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "bar";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("bar") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int x;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:bar>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "bar";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "bar";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int x;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:bar>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0134(){
-	String str =
-	"public class X {\n" +
-	"	Object o = new Object() {\n" +
-	"		void foo() {\n" +
-	"			try {\n" +
-	"			} catch(Exception e) {\n" +
-	"				e.\n" +
-	"			}\n" +
-	"		}\n" +
-	"	};\n" +
-	"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "e.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("e.") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:e.>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "e.";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o = new Object() {\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" + 
-		"      {\n" + 
-		"        Exception e;\n" + 
-		"        <CompleteOnName:e.>;\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  };\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"diet ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0135(){
-	String str =
-	"public class X {\n" +
-	"	void bar(){\n" +
-	"		#\n" +
-	"		class Inner {\n" +
-	"			void foo() {\n" +
-	"				try {\n" +
-	"				} catch(Exception e) {\n" +
-	"					e.\n" +
-	"				}\n" +
-	"			}\n" +
-	"		}\n" +
-	"	}\n" +
-	"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "e.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("e.") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:e.>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "e.";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"    class Inner {\n" + 
-		"      Inner() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        {\n" + 
-		"          Exception e;\n" + 
-		"          <CompleteOnName:e.>;\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0136(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	void bar(){\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "ba";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("ba") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompletionOnMethodName:void ba()>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ba";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "bar()";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <CompletionOnMethodName:void ba()>\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0137(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	void foo(){\n" +
-		"		new Object(){\n" +
-		"			void bar(){\n" +
-		"				super.zzz();\n" +
-		"			}\n" +
-		"		};\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz(";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz(") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMessageSend:super.zzz()>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "zzz(";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-		"      void bar() {\n" + 
-		"        <CompleteOnMessageSend:super.zzz()>;\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0138(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    new Y() {\n" + 
-		"      public void bar() {\n" + 
-		"        switch (zzz){\n" + 
-		"          case 1 :\n" + 
-    	"          };\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"        new Z() {\n" + 
-		"          public void toto() {		\n" + 	
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"      });\n" + 
-		"    });\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"\n";
-	String completeBehind = "to";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("to") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnFieldName:void to>;";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "to";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "toto";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    new Y() {\n" + 
-		"      public void bar() {\n" + 
-		"        new Z() {\n" + 
-		"          <CompleteOnFieldName:void to>;\n" + 
-		"          {\n" + 
-		"          }\n" + 
-		"        };\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
-public void test0139(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X  extends Z. #  {\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "Z.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("Z.") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnClass:Z.>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "Z.";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X extends <CompleteOnClass:Z.> {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n"
-		;
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0140(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X  {\n" + 
-		"    public void baz() {\n" + 
-		"    	new Object() {\n" + 
-		"            public void bar() {\n" + 
-		"            }\n" + 
-		"        };\n" +   
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    private Object var = new Object() {\n" + 
-		"        public void foo(Object e) {\n" + 
-		"           e.\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "e.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("e.") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:e.>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "e.";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  private Object var = new Object() {\n" + 
-		"    public void foo(Object e) {\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnName:e.>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  };\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void baz() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0141(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X  {\n" + 
-		"    Object var1 = new Object() {};\n" + 
-		"    void bar() {\n" + 
-		"        new Object() {};\n" + 
-		"        bar();\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    Object var2 = new \n" + 
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "var2 = new ";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("var2 = new ") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "Object var2 = new <CompleteOnType:>();";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object var1;\n" + 
-		"  Object var2 = new <CompleteOnType:>();\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0142(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    bar(new Object(){\n" + 
-		"      public void toto() {\n" + 
-		"        if(a instanceof Object) {}\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-    	"    });\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"\n";
-	String completeBehind = "instanceof";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("instanceof") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:instanceof>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "instanceof";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "instanceof";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-		"      public void toto() {\n" + 
-		"        <CompleteOnKeyword:instanceof>;\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0143(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o =(int) tmp;\n" + 
-		"    bar\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"\n";
-	String completeBehind = "bar";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("bar") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:bar>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "bar";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "bar";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:bar>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0144(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o =(int[]) tmp;\n" + 
-		"    bar\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"\n";
-	String completeBehind = "bar";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("bar") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:bar>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "bar";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "bar";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:bar>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0145(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o =(X) tmp;\n" + 
-		"    bar\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"\n";
-	String completeBehind = "bar";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("bar") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:bar>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "bar";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "bar";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:bar>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0146(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o =(X[]) tmp;\n" + 
-		"    bar\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"\n";
-	String completeBehind = "bar";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("bar") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:bar>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "bar";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "bar";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Object o;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:bar>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0147(){
-	String str =
-		"public class Test {\n" + 
-		"  Object m;\n" + 
-		"  String[] values = (String[]) m;\n" + 
-		"  lo\n" + 
-		"  }";
-	String completeBehind = "lo";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("lo") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:lo>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "lo";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "lo";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class Test {\n" + 
-		"  Object m;\n" + 
-		"  String[] values;\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:lo>;\n" + 
-		"  public Test() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0148(){
-	String str =
-		"public class Test {\n" + 
-		"  Boolean\n" + 
-		"   * some text <b>bold<i>both</i></b>\n" + 
-		"   */\n" + 
-		"  public void foo(String s) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "Boolean";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("Boolean") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:Boolean>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "Boolean";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "Boolean";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class Test {\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:Boolean>;\n" + 
-		"  some text;\n" + 
-		"  bold<i> both;\n" + 
-		"  public Test() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo(String s) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0149(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    new Object(){\n" + 
-		"      void bar(){\n" + 
-		"        if((titi & (ZZ\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"\n";
-	String completeBehind = "ZZ";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("ZZ") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ZZ";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "ZZ";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:ZZ>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "(titi & <CompleteOnName:ZZ>)";
-	completionIdentifier = "ZZ";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "ZZ";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-		"      void bar() {\n" + 
-		"        (titi & <CompleteOnName:ZZ>);\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0150(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    if((titi & (ZZ\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"\n";
-	String completeBehind = "ZZ";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("ZZ") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ZZ";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "ZZ";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:ZZ>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "(titi & <CompleteOnName:ZZ>)";
-	completionIdentifier = "ZZ";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "ZZ";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (titi & <CompleteOnName:ZZ>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0151(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
- 		"    java.util.List elements = null;\n" + 
- 		"    new Test(Test.toStrings((Test[])elements.toArray(new Test[0])));\n" + 
-		"     //code assist fails on this line\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(" //code assis") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"    java.util.List elements;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0152(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object var = new Object() {\n" + 
- 		"    void bar() {\n" + 
- 		"      int i = 0;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" + 
- 		"      zzz\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  };\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "zzz";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("zzz") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:zzz>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "zzz";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "zzz";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object var = new Object() {\n" + 
-		"    void bar() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnName:zzz>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  };\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0153(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
- 		"    label1 : for(;;) {\n" + 
- 		"      break lab\n" + 
- 		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "lab";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("lab") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "break <CompleteOnLabel:lab>;";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "lab";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "lab";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    break <CompleteOnLabel:lab>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0154(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    #\n" + 
- 		"    label1 : for(;;) {\n" + 
- 		"      break lab\n" + 
- 		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "lab";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("lab") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "break <CompleteOnLabel:lab>;";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "lab";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "lab";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      break <CompleteOnLabel:lab>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0155(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
- 		"    label1 : for(;;) {\n" + 
- 		"      continue lab\n" + 
- 		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "lab";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("lab") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "continue <CompleteOnLabel:lab>;";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "lab";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "lab";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    continue <CompleteOnLabel:lab>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0156(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    #\n" + 
- 		"    label1 : for(;;) {\n" + 
- 		"      continue lab\n" + 
- 		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "lab";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("lab") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "continue <CompleteOnLabel:lab>;";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "lab";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "lab";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      continue <CompleteOnLabel:lab>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0157(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    #\n" + 
- 		"    label1 : for(;;) {\n" + 
- 		"      class X {\n" + 
- 		"        void foo() {\n" + 
- 		"          label2 : for(;;) foo();\n" + 
- 		"        }\n" + 
- 		"      }\n" + 
- 		"      continue lab\n" + 
- 		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "lab";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("lab") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "continue <CompleteOnLabel:lab>;";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "lab";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "lab";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      class X {\n" + 
-		"        X() {\n" + 
-		"          super();\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"        void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      continue <CompleteOnLabel:lab>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
- *
- */
-public void test0158(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    #\n" + 
- 		"    label1 : for(;;) {\n" + 
- 		"      class X {\n" + 
- 		"        void foo() {\n" + 
- 		"          label2 : for(;;) {\n" + 
- 		"            continue lab\n" + 
- 		"          }\n" + 
- 		"        }\n" + 
- 		"      }\n" + 
- 		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "lab";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("lab") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "continue <CompleteOnLabel:lab>;";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "lab";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "lab";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      class X {\n" + 
-		"        X() {\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"        void foo() {\n" + 
-		"          {\n" + 
-		"            continue <CompleteOnLabel:lab>;\n" + 
-		"          }\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
-public void test0159() {
-	String str = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	String s = \"ZZZZZ\";\n" +
-		"}\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "ZZZ";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompletionOnString:\"ZZZ\">";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ZZZ";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  String s = <CompletionOnString:\"ZZZ\">;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "\"ZZZZZ\"";
-	String testName = "<complete inside a string literal>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName);
-public void test0160() {
-	String str = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	String s = \\u0022ZZ\\u005AZZ\\u0022;\n" +
-		"}\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "ZZ\\u005A";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompletionOnString:\"ZZZ\">";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ZZZ";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  String s = <CompletionOnString:\"ZZZ\">;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "\\u0022ZZ\\u005AZZ\\u0022";
-	String testName = "<complete inside a string literal>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName);
-public void test0161() {
-	String str = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	String s = \"AAAAA\" + \"ZZZZZ\";\n" +
-		"}\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "ZZZ";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompletionOnString:\"ZZZ\">";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ZZZ";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  String s = (\"AAAAA\" + <CompletionOnString:\"ZZZ\">);\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "\"ZZZZZ\"";
-	String testName = "<complete inside a string literal>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName);
-public void test0162() {
-	String str = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	String s = \"ZZZZZ\n" +
-		"}\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "ZZZ";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompletionOnString:\"ZZZ\">";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ZZZ";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  String s = <CompletionOnString:\"ZZZ\">;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "\"ZZZZZ";
-	String testName = "<complete inside a string literal>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName);
-public void test0163() {
-	String str = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	String s = \"ZZZZZ"; 
-	String completeBehind = "ZZZ";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompletionOnString:\"ZZZ\">";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ZZZ";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  String s = <CompletionOnString:\"ZZZ\">;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "\"ZZZZZ";
-	String testName = "<complete inside a string literal>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName);
-public void test0164() {
-	String str = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	String s = \"\\u005AZZZZ\\u000D\\u0022" +
-		"}\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "\\u005AZZ";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompletionOnString:\"ZZZ\">";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ZZZ";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  String s = <CompletionOnString:\"ZZZ\">;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "\"\\u005AZZZZ";
-	String testName = "<complete inside a string literal>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName);
-public void test0165() {
-	String str = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	void foo() {" +
-		"	/**" +
-		"	 *" +
-		"	 */." +
-		"	}" +
-		"}\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "/.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("/.") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
-public void test0166() {
-	String str = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	public boolean foo() {\n" +
-		"      if(this.equals(null))\n" +
-		"      {\n" +
-		"         (zzz==int.\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"   }" +
-		"}\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "int.";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int.") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnClassLiteralAccess:int.>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "int.";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnClassLiteralAccess:int.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
-public void test0167() {
-	String str = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	public boolean foo() {\n" +
-		"      try {\n" +
-		"         throwing();\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"      catch (IllegalAccessException e) {\n" +
-		"         bar();\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"      catch (IZZ) {\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"   }" +
-		"}\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IZZ";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("IZZ") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnException:IZZ>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString =
-		"try \n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    throwing();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"catch (IllegalAccessException e)   {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"catch (<CompleteOnException:IZZ>  )   {\n" + 
-		"  }";
-	completionIdentifier = "IZZ";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "IZZ";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"    try \n" + 
-		"      {\n" + 
-		"        throwing();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    catch (IllegalAccessException e)       {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    catch (<CompleteOnException:IZZ>  )       {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
-public void test0168() {
-	String str = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	public boolean foo() {\n" +
-		"      try {\n" +
-		"         throwing();\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"      catch (IllegalAccessException e) {\n" +
-		"         bar();\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"      catch (IZZ\n" +
-		"   }" +
-		"}\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IZZ";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("IZZ") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnException:IZZ>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString =
-		"try \n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    throwing();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"catch (IllegalAccessException e)   {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"catch (<CompleteOnException:IZZ>  )   {\n" + 
-		"  }";
-	completionIdentifier = "IZZ";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "IZZ";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"    try \n" + 
-		"      {\n" + 
-		"        throwing();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    catch (IllegalAccessException e)       {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    catch (<CompleteOnException:IZZ>  )       {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
-public void test0169() {
-	String str = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	public boolean foo() {\n" +
-		"      try {\n" +
-		"         throwing();\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"      catch (IllegalAccessException e) {\n" +
-		"         bar()\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"      catch (IZZ) {\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"   }" +
-		"}\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IZZ";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("IZZ") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnException:IZZ>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "IZZ";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "IZZ";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnException:IZZ>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
-public void test0170() {
-	String str = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	public boolean foo() {\n" +
-		"      #\n" +
-		"      try {\n" +
-		"         throwing();\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"      catch (IllegalAccessException e) {\n" +
-		"         bar();\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"      catch (IZZ) {\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"   }" +
-		"}\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IZZ";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("IZZ") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnException:IZZ>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "IZZ";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "IZZ";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnException:IZZ>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
-public void test0171() {
-	String str = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	public boolean foo() {\n" +
-		"      try {\n" +
-		"         throwing();\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"      catch (IZZ) {\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"   }" +
-		"}\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IZZ";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("IZZ") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-	"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnException:IZZ>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString =
-		"try \n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    throwing();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"catch (<CompleteOnException:IZZ>  )   {\n" + 
-		"  }"
-	completionIdentifier = "IZZ";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "IZZ";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"    try \n" + 
-		"      {\n" + 
-		"        throwing();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    catch (<CompleteOnException:IZZ>  )       {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-			str.toCharArray(),
-			cursorLocation,
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedParentNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			"full ast");
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a4cc80..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15538 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-public class CompletionParserTestKeyword extends AbstractCompletionTest {
-public CompletionParserTestKeyword(String testName) {
-	super(testName);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(CompletionParserTestKeyword.class);
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0001(){
-	String str =
-		"abst";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0002(){
-	String str =
-		"abst zzz";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0003(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"abst";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0004(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"abst zzz";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0005(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"abst";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0006(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"abst zzz";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0007(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"public abst";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0008(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"public abst zzz";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0009(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"abstract abst";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import yyy;\n" + 
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0010(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"abstract abst zzz";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import yyy;\n" + 
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0011(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import \n" +
-		"abst";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnImport:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import <CompleteOnImport:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0012(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"public class X {}\n" +
-		"abst";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0013(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"public class X {}\n" +
-		"abst zzz";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0014(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"final abst";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import yyy;\n" + 
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0015(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  abst\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:abst>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0016(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  abst zzz\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:abst>;";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:abst>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0017(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public abst zzz\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:abst>;";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:abst>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0018(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  final abst\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:abst>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0019(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  abstract abst\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:abst>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0020(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  static abst\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:abst>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0021(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    abst\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:abst>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:abst>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0022(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    abst zzz\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:abst>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:abst>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'break' keyword.
- */
-public void test0023(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    bre\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "bre";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("bre") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:bre>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "bre";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "bre";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:bre>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'break' keyword.
- */
-public void test0024(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    for(int i; i < 10; i++) {\n" +
-		"      bre\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "bre";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("bre") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:bre>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "bre";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "bre";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    int i;\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnName:bre>;\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'case' keyword.
- */
-public void test0025(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    cas\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "cas";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cas") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:cas>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "cas";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "cas";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:cas>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'case' keyword.
- */
-public void test0026(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    switch(0) {\n" +
-		"      cas\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "cas";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cas") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:cas>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "cas";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "cas";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnKeyword:cas>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'catch' keyword.
- */
-public void test0027(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     cat\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "cat";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cat") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:cat>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "cat";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "cat";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:cat>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'catch' keyword.
- */
-public void test0028(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    try {\n" +
-		"    } cat\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "cat";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cat") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:cat>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "cat";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "cat";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnKeyword:cat>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'class' keyword.
- */
-public void test0029(){
-	String str =
-		"cla";
-	String completeBehind = "cla";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cla") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:cla>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "cla";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "cla";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:cla>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'class' keyword.
- */
-public void test0030(){
-	String str =
-		"public cla";
-	String completeBehind = "cla";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cla") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:cla>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "cla";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "cla";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:cla>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'class' keyword.
- */
-public void test0031(){
-	String str =
-		"public final cla";
-	String completeBehind = "cla";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cla") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:cla>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "cla";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "cla";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:cla>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'class' keyword.
- */
-public void test0032(){
-	String str =
-		"public final cla X";
-	String completeBehind = "cla";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cla") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:cla>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "cla";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "cla";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:cla>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'class' keyword.
- */
-public void test0033(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  cla\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "cla";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cla") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:cla>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "cla";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "cla";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:cla>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'class' keyword.
- */
-public void test0034(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public cla\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "cla";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cla") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:cla>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "cla";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "cla";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:cla>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'class' keyword.
- */
-public void test0035(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public final cla\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "cla";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cla") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:cla>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "cla";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "cla";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:cla>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'class' keyword.
- */
-public void test0036(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public final cla Y\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "cla";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cla") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:cla>;";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "cla";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "cla";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:cla>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'class' keyword.
- */
-public void test0037(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    cla\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "cla";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cla") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:cla>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "cla";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "cla";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:cla>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'class' keyword.
- */
-public void test0038(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    final cla\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "cla";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cla") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:cla>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "cla";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "cla";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:cla>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'class' keyword.
- */
-public void test0039(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    final cla Y\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "cla";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cla") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:cla>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "cla";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "cla";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:cla>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'continue' keyword.
- */
-public void test0040(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     con\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "con";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("con") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:con>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "con";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "con";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:con>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'continue' keyword.
- */
-public void test0041(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     for(int i; i < 5; i++) {\n" +
-		"       con\n" +
-		"     }\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "con";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("con") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:con>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "con";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "con";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    int i;\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnName:con>;\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'default' keyword.
- */
-public void test0042(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     def\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "def";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("def") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:def>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "def";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "def";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:def>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'default' keyword.
- */
-public void test0043(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     switch(0) {\n" +
-		"       case 1 : break;\n" +
-		"       def\n" +
-		"     }\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "def";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("def") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:def>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "def";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "def";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnName:def>;\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'do' keyword.
- */
-public void test0044(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     do\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "do";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("do") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:do>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "do";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "do";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:do>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'else' keyword.
- */
-public void test0045(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     els\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "els";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("els") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:els>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "els";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "els";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:els>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'else' keyword.
- */
-public void test0046(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     if(true) {\n" +
-		"     } els\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "els";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("els") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:els>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "els";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "els";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:els>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'extends' keyword.
- */
-public void test0047(){
-	String str =
-		"ext";
-	String completeBehind = "ext";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ext") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:ext>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ext";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "ext";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:ext>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'extends' keyword.
- */
-public void test0048(){
-	String str =
-		"X ext";
-	String completeBehind = "ext";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ext") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ext";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "ext";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'extends' keyword.
- */
-public void test0049(){
-	String str =
-		"ext Y";
-	String completeBehind = "ext";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ext") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:ext>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ext";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "ext";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:ext>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'extends' keyword.
- */
-public void test0050(){
-	String str =
-		"class X ext";
-	String completeBehind = "ext";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ext") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:ext>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ext";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "ext";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"class X extends <CompleteOnKeyword:ext> {\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'extends' keyword.
- */
-public void test0051(){
-	String str =
-		"class X ext Y";
-	String completeBehind = "ext";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ext") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:ext>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ext";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "ext";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"class X extends <CompleteOnKeyword:ext> {\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'extends' keyword.
- */
-public void test0052(){
-	String str =
-		"class X ext Y {";
-	String completeBehind = "ext";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ext") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:ext>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ext";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "ext";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"class X extends <CompleteOnKeyword:ext> {\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'extends' keyword.
- */
-public void test0053(){
-	String str =
-		"class X extends Y ext";
-	String completeBehind = "ext";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ext") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:ext>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ext";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "ext";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"class X extends <CompleteOnKeyword:ext> {\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'extends' keyword.
- */
-public void test0054(){
-	String str =
-		"class X implements Y ext";
-	String completeBehind = "ext";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ext") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ext";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "ext";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"class X implements Y {\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'finally' keyword.
- */
-public void test0055(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     fin" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:fin>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:fin>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'finally' keyword.
- */
-public void test0056(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     try {" +
-		"     } fin" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:fin>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnKeyword:fin>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'for' keyword.
- */
-public void test0057(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     for" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "for";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("for") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:for>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "for";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "for";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:for>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'if' keyword.
- */
-public void test0058(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     if" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "if";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("if") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:if>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "if";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "if";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:if>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'switch' keyword.
- */
-public void test0059(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     swi" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "swi";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("swi") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:swi>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "swi";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "swi";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:swi>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'implements' keyword.
- */
-public void test0060(){
-	String str =
-		"impl";
-	String completeBehind = "impl";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impl") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:impl>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impl";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impl";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:impl>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'implements' keyword.
- */
-public void test0061(){
-	String str =
-		"X impl";
-	String completeBehind = "impl";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impl") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impl";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impl";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'implements' keyword.
- */
-public void test0062(){
-	String str =
-		"impl Y";
-	String completeBehind = "impl";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impl") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:impl>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impl";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impl";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:impl>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'implements' keyword.
- */
-public void test0063(){
-	String str =
-		"class X impl";
-	String completeBehind = "impl";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impl") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:impl>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impl";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impl";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"class X extends <CompleteOnKeyword:impl> {\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'implements' keyword.
- */
-public void test0064(){
-	String str =
-		"class X impl Y";
-	String completeBehind = "impl";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impl") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:impl>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impl";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impl";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"class X extends <CompleteOnKeyword:impl> {\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'implements' keyword.
- */
-public void test0065(){
-	String str =
-		"class X impl Y {";
-	String completeBehind = "impl";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impl") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:impl>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impl";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impl";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"class X extends <CompleteOnKeyword:impl> {\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'implements' keyword.
- */
-public void test0066(){
-	String str =
-		"class X extends Y impl";
-	String completeBehind = "impl";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impl") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:impl>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impl";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impl";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"class X extends <CompleteOnKeyword:impl> {\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'implements' keyword.
- */
-public void test0067(){
-	String str =
-		"class X implements Y impl";
-	String completeBehind = "impl";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impl") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impl";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impl";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"class X implements Y {\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'import' keyword.
- */
-public void test0068(){
-	String str =
-		"impo";
-	String completeBehind = "impo";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impo") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:impo>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impo";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impo";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:impo>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'import' keyword.
- */
-public void test0069(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"impo";
-	String completeBehind = "impo";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impo") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:impo>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impo";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impo";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:impo>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'import' keyword.
- */
-public void test0070(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import p2.Y;\n" +
-		"impo";
-	String completeBehind = "impo";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impo") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:impo>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impo";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impo";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import p2.Y;\n" +
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:impo>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'import' keyword.
- */
-public void test0071(){
-	String str =
-		"impo p2.Y";
-	String completeBehind = "impo";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impo") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:impo>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impo";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impo";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:impo>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0072(){
-	String str =
-		"int";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:int>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:int>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0073(){
-	String str =
-		"public int";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:int>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:int>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0074(){
-	String str =
-		"public abstract int";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:int>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:int>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0075(){
-	String str =
-		"public abstract int X";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:int>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:int>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0076(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  int\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:int>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:int>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0077(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public int\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:int>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:int>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0078(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public abstract int\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:int>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:int>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0079(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public abstract int Y\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:int>;";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:int>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0080(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    int\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:int>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "int";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:int>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0081(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    abstract int\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:int>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "int";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:int>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0082(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    abstract int Y\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:int>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "int";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:int>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0083(){
-	String str =
-		"public final int";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:int>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:int>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0084(){
-	String str =
-		"public final int X";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:int>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:int>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'package' keyword.
- */
-public void test0085(){
-	String str =
-		"pac";
-	String completeBehind = "pac";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pac") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pac>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pac";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pac";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pac>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'package' keyword.
- */
-public void test0086(){
-	String str =
-		"pac p";
-	String completeBehind = "pac";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pac") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pac>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pac";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pac";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pac>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'package' keyword.
- */
-public void test0087(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;" +
-		"pac";
-	String completeBehind = "pac";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pac") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pac>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pac";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pac";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pac>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'package' keyword.
- */
-public void test0088(){
-	String str =
-		"import p;" +
-		"pac";
-	String completeBehind = "pac";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pac") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pac>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pac";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pac";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import p;\n" + 
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pac>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'package' keyword.
- */
-public void test0089(){
-	String str =
-		"class X {}" +
-		"pac";
-	String completeBehind = "pac";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pac") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pac>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pac";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pac";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pac>;\n" + 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'return' keyword.
- */
-public void test0090(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  int foo() {\n" +
-		"    ret\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "ret";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ret") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  int foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:ret>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "ret";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "ret";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  int foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:ret>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'throw' keyword.
- */
-public void test0091(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    thr\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "thr";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("thr") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:thr>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "thr";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "thr";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:thr>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'try' keyword.
- */
-public void test0092(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    try\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "try";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("try") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:try>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "try";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "try";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:try>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'try' keyword.
- */
-public void test0093(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    if(try\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "try";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("try") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:try>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "try";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "try";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:try>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'do' keyword.
- */
-public void test0094(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    if(do\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "do";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("do") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:do>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "do";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "do";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:do>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'for' keyword.
- */
-public void test0095(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    if(for\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "for";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("for") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:for>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "for";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "for";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:for>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'if' keyword.
- */
-public void test0096(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    if(if\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "if";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("if") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:if>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "if";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "if";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:if>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'switch' keyword.
- */
-public void test0097(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    if(swi\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "swi";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("swi") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:swi>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "swi";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "swi";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:swi>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'new' keyword.
- */
-public void test0098(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    new\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "new";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("new") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:new>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "new";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "new";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:new>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'new' keyword.
- */
-public void test0099(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    new X\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "new";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("new") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:new>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "new";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "new";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:new>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'new' keyword.
- */
-public void test0100(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    new X()\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "new";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("new") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:new>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "new";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "new";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:new>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'throws' keyword.
- */
-public void test0101(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() thr\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "thr";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("thr") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:thr>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "thr";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "thr";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() throws <CompleteOnKeyword:thr> {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'throws' keyword.
- */
-public void test0102(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() thr {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "thr";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("thr") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:thr>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "thr";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "thr";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() throws <CompleteOnKeyword:thr> {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'throws' keyword.
- */
-public void test0103(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() thr E {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "thr";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("thr") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:thr>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "thr";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "thr";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() throws <CompleteOnKeyword:thr> {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'throws' keyword.
- */
-public void test0104(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() throws E thr\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "thr";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("thr") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "thr";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "thr";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() throws E {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'throws' keyword.
- */
-public void test0105(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  X() thr\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "thr";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("thr") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:thr>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "thr";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "thr";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  X() throws <CompleteOnKeyword:thr> {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'throws' keyword.
- */
-public void test0106(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  int foo()[] thr\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "thr";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("thr") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:thr>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "thr";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "thr";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  int[] foo() throws <CompleteOnKeyword:thr> {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'while' keyword.
- */
-public void test0107(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    whi\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "whi";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("whi") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:whi>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "whi";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "whi";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:whi>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'while' keyword.
- */
-public void test0108(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    if(whi\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "whi";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("whi") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:whi>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "whi";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "whi";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:whi>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'assert' keyword.
- */
-public void test0109(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    ass\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "ass";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ass") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:ass>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "ass";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "ass";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:ass>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'assert' keyword.
- */
-public void test0110(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    if(ass\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "ass";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ass") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:ass>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "ass";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "ass";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:ass>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'final' keyword.
- */
-public void test0111(){
-	String str =
-		"fin";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:fin>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:fin>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'final' keyword.
- */
-public void test0112(){
-	String str =
-		"public fin";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:fin>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:fin>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'final' keyword.
- */
-public void test0113(){
-	String str =
-		"fin zzz";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:fin>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:fin>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'final' keyword.
- */
-public void test0114(){
-	String str =
-		"final fin";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:fin>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:fin>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'final' keyword.
- */
-public void test0115(){
-	String str =
-		"abstract fin";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:fin>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:fin>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'final' keyword.
- */
-public void test0116(){
-	String str =
-		"public fin class X {}";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:fin>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:fin>;\n" +
-		"class X {\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'final' keyword.
- */
-public void test0117(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  fin\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:fin>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:fin>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'final' keyword.
- */
-public void test0118(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public fin\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:fin>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:fin>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'final' keyword.
- */
-public void test0119(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  fin zzz\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:fin>;";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:fin>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'final' keyword.
- */
-public void test0120(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  final fin\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:fin>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:fin>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'final' keyword.
- */
-public void test0121(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  abstract fin\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:fin>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:fin>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'native' keyword.
- */
-public void test0122(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  nat\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "nat";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("nat") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:nat>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "nat";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "nat";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:nat>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'native' keyword.
- */
-public void test0123(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public nat\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "nat";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("nat") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:nat>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "nat";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "nat";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:nat>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'native' keyword.
- */
-public void test0124(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  transient nat\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "nat";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("nat") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:nat>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "nat";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "nat";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:nat>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'native' keyword.
- */
-public void test0125(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  transient nat\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "nat";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("nat") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:nat>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "nat";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "nat";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:nat>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'native' keyword.
- */
-public void test0126(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  volatile nat\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "nat";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("nat") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:nat>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "nat";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "nat";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:nat>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'strictfp' keyword.
- */
-public void test0127(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  str\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "str";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("str") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:str>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "str";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "str";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:str>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'strictfp' keyword.
- */
-public void test0128(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public str\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "str";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("str") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:str>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "str";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "str";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:str>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'strictfp' keyword.
- */
-public void test0129(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  transient str\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "str";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("str") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:str>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "str";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "str";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:str>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'strictfp' keyword.
- */
-public void test0130(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  transient str\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "str";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("str") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:str>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "str";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "str";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:str>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'strictfp' keyword.
- */
-public void test0131(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  volatile str\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "str";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("str") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:str>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "str";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "str";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:str>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'volatile' keyword.
- */
-public void test0132(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  vol\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "vol";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("vol") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:vol>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "vol";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "vol";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:vol>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'volatile' keyword.
- */
-public void test0133(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public vol\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "vol";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("vol") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:vol>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "vol";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "vol";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:vol>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'volatile' keyword.
- */
-public void test0134(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  transient vol\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "vol";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("vol") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:vol>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "vol";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "vol";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:vol>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'volatile' keyword.
- */
-public void test0135(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  volatile vol\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "vol";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("vol") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:vol>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "vol";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "vol";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:vol>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'volatile' keyword.
- */
-public void test0136(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  native vol\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "vol";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("vol") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:vol>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "vol";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "vol";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:vol>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'transient' keyword.
- */
-public void test0137(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  tra\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "tra";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("tra") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:tra>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "tra";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "tra";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:tra>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'transient' keyword.
- */
-public void test0138(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public tra\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "tra";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("tra") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:tra>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "tra";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "tra";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:tra>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'transient' keyword.
- */
-public void test0139(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  transient tra\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "tra";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("tra") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:tra>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "tra";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "tra";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:tra>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'transient' keyword.
- */
-public void test0140(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  volatile tra\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "tra";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("tra") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:tra>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "tra";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "tra";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:tra>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'transient' keyword.
- */
-public void test0141(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  native tra\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "tra";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("tra") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:tra>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "tra";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "tra";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:tra>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'synchronized' keyword.
- */
-public void test0142(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  syn\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "syn";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("syn") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:syn>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "syn";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "syn";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:syn>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'synchronized' keyword.
- */
-public void test0143(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public syn\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "syn";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("syn") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:syn>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "syn";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "syn";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:syn>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'synchronized' keyword.
- */
-public void test0144(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  transient syn\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "syn";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("syn") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:syn>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "syn";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "syn";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:syn>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'synchronized' keyword.
- */
-public void test0145(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  transient syn\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "syn";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("syn") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:syn>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "syn";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "syn";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:syn>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'synchronized' keyword.
- */
-public void test0146(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  volatile syn\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "syn";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("syn") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:syn>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "syn";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "syn";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:syn>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'synchronized' keyword.
- */
-public void test0147(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    syn\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "syn";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("syn") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:syn>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "syn";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "syn";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:syn>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'synchronized' keyword.
- */
-public void test0148(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    if(syn\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "syn";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("syn") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:syn>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "syn";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "syn";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:syn>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'static' keyword.
- */
-public void test0149(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  sta\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "sta";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("sta") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:sta>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "sta";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "sta";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:sta>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'static' keyword.
- */
-public void test0150(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public sta\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "sta";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("sta") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:sta>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "sta";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "sta";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:sta>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'public' keyword.
- */
-public void test0151(){
-	String str =
-		"pub";
-	String completeBehind = "pub";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pub") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pub>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pub";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pub";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pub>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'public' keyword.
- */
-public void test0152(){
-	String str =
-		"final pub";
-	String completeBehind = "pub";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pub") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pub>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pub";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pub";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pub>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'public' keyword.
- */
-public void test0153(){
-	String str =
-		"public pub";
-	String completeBehind = "pub";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pub") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pub>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pub";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pub";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pub>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'public' keyword.
- */
-public void test0154(){
-	String str =
-		"private pub";
-	String completeBehind = "pub";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pub") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pub>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pub";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pub";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pub>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'public' keyword.
- */
-public void test0155(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{}\n" +
-		"pub";
-	String completeBehind = "pub";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pub") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pub>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pub";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pub";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pub>;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'public' keyword.
- */
-public void test0156(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  pub\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pub";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pub") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pub>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pub";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pub";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pub>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'public' keyword.
- */
-public void test0157(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  public pub\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pub";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pub") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pub>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pub";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pub";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pub>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'public' keyword.
- */
-public void test0158(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  private pub\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pub";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pub") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pub>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pub";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pub";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pub>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'public' keyword.
- */
-public void test0159(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  protected pub\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pub";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pub") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pub>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pub";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pub";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pub>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'public' keyword.
- */
-public void test0160(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  abstract pub\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pub";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pub") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pub>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pub";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pub";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pub>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'protected' keyword.
- */
-public void test0161(){
-	String str =
-		"pro";
-	String completeBehind = "pro";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'protected' keyword.
- */
-public void test0162(){
-	String str =
-		"final pro";
-	String completeBehind = "pro";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pro") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pro>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pro";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pro";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pro>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'protected' keyword.
- */
-public void test0163(){
-	String str =
-		"public pro";
-	String completeBehind = "pro";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pro") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pro>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pro";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pro";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pro>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'protected' keyword.
- */
-public void test0164(){
-	String str =
-		"private pro";
-	String completeBehind = "pro";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pro") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pro>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pro";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pro";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pro>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'protected' keyword.
- */
-public void test0165(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{}\n" +
-		"pro";
-	String completeBehind = "pro";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pro") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pro>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pro";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pro";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pro>;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'protected' keyword.
- */
-public void test0166(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  pro\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pro";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pro") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pro>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pro";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pro";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pro>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'protected' keyword.
- */
-public void test0167(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  public pro\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pro";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pro") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pro>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pro";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pro";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pro>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'protected' keyword.
- */
-public void test0168(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  private pro\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pro";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pro") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pro>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pro";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pro";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pro>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'protected' keyword.
- */
-public void test0169(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  protected pro\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pro";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pro") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pro>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pro";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pro";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pro>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'protected' keyword.
- */
-public void test0170(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  abstract pro\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pro";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pro") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pro>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pro";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pro";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pro>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'private' keyword.
- */
-public void test0171(){
-	String str =
-		"pri";
-	String completeBehind = "pri";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'private' keyword.
- */
-public void test0172(){
-	String str =
-		"final pri";
-	String completeBehind = "pri";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pri") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pri>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pri";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pri";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pri>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'private' keyword.
- */
-public void test0173(){
-	String str =
-		"public pri";
-	String completeBehind = "pri";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pri") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pri>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pri";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pri";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pri>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'private' keyword.
- */
-public void test0174(){
-	String str =
-		"private pri";
-	String completeBehind = "pri";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pri") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pri>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pri";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pri";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pri>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'private' keyword.
- */
-public void test0175(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{}\n" +
-		"pri";
-	String completeBehind = "pri";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pri") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pri>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pri";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pri";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pri>;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'private' keyword.
- */
-public void test0176(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  pri\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pri";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pri") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pri>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pri";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pri";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pri>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'private' keyword.
- */
-public void test0177(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  public pri\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pri";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pri") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pri>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pri";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pri";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pri>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'private' keyword.
- */
-public void test0178(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  private pri\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pri";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pri") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pri>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pri";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pri";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pri>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'private' keyword.
- */
-public void test0179(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  protected pri\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pri";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pri") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pri>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pri";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pri";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pri>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'private' keyword.
- */
-public void test0180(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  abstract pri\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pri";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pri") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pri>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pri";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pri";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pri>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'super' keyword.
- */
-public void test0181(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     sup\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "sup";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("sup") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:sup>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "sup";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "sup";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:sup>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'this' keyword.
- */
-public void test0182(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     thi\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "thi";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("thi") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:thi>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "thi";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "thi";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:thi>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'true' keyword.
- */
-public void test0183(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     tru\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "tru";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("tru") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:tru>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "tru";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "tru";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:tru>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'false' keyword.
- */
-public void test0184(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     fal\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "fal";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fal") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:fal>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "fal";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "fal";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:fal>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'null' keyword.
- */
-public void test0185(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     nul\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "nul";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("nul") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:nul>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "nul";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "nul";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:nul>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'instanceof' keyword.
- */
-public void test0186(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     if(zzz ins\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "ins";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ins") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:ins>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "ins";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "ins";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnKeyword:ins>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'instanceof' keyword.
- */
-public void test0187(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     ins\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "ins";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ins") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:ins>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "ins";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "ins";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:ins>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'instanceof' keyword.
- */
-public void test0188(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     if(zzz zzz ins\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "ins";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ins") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:ins>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "ins";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "ins";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    zzz zzz;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:ins>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'while' keyword.
- */
-public void test0189(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    do{\n" +
-		"    } whi\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "whi";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("whi") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:whi>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "whi";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "whi";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnKeyword:whi>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'catch' keyword.
- */
-public void test0190(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    try {\n" +
-		"    } catch(E e) {\n" +
-		"    } cat\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "cat";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cat") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:cat>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "cat";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "cat";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:cat>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'finally' keyword.
- */
-public void test0191(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     try {" +
-		"     } catch(E e) {" +
-		"     } fin" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:fin>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:fin>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'finally' keyword.
- */
-public void test0192(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     try {" +
-		"     } finally {" +
-		"     } fin" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:fin>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:fin>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'this' keyword.
- */
-public void test0193(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"     X.thi\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "thi";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("thi") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:X.thi>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "thi";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "X.thi";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:X.thi>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0194(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"abst";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0195(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"abst zzz";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0196(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"abst";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0197(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"abst zzz";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0198(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"abst";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0199(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"abst zzz";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0200(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"public abst";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0201(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"public abst zzz";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0202(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"abstract abst";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import yyy;\n" + 
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0203(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"abstract abst zzz";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import yyy;\n" + 
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0204(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import \n" +
-		"abst";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnImport:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import <CompleteOnImport:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0205(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"public class X {}\n" +
-		"abst";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0206(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"public class X {}\n" +
-		"abst zzz";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0207(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import yyy;\n" +
-		"final abst";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import yyy;\n" + 
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:abst>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0208(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  abst\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:abst>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0209(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  abst zzz\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:abst>;";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:abst>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0210(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public abst zzz\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:abst>;";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:abst>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0211(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  final abst\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:abst>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0212(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  abstract abst\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:abst>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0213(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  static abst\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:abst>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:abst>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0214(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    abst\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:abst>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:abst>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'abstract' keyword.
- */
-public void test0216(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    abst zzz\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "abst";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("abst") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:abst>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "abst";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "abst";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:abst>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'break' keyword.
- */
-public void test0217(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    bre\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "bre";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("bre") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:bre>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "bre";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "bre";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:bre>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'break' keyword.
- */
-public void test0218(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    for(int i; i < 10; i++) {\n" +
-		"      bre\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "bre";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("bre") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:bre>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "bre";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "bre";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    int i;\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnName:bre>;\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'case' keyword.
- */
-public void test0219(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    cas\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "cas";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cas") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:cas>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "cas";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "cas";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:cas>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'case' keyword.
- */
-public void test0220(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    switch(0) {\n" +
-		"      cas\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "cas";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cas") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:cas>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "cas";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "cas";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnKeyword:cas>;\n" +
-		"    }\n"+
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'catch' keyword.
- */
-public void test0221(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    cat\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "cat";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cat") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:cat>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "cat";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "cat";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:cat>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'catch' keyword.
- */
-public void test0222(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    try {\n" +
-		"    } cat\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "cat";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cat") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:cat>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "cat";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "cat";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnKeyword:cat>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'class' keyword.
- */
-public void test0223(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"cla";
-	String completeBehind = "cla";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cla") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:cla>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "cla";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "cla";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:cla>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'class' keyword.
- */
-public void test0224(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public cla";
-	String completeBehind = "cla";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cla") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:cla>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "cla";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "cla";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:cla>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'class' keyword.
- */
-public void test0225(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public final cla";
-	String completeBehind = "cla";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cla") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:cla>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "cla";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "cla";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:cla>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'class' keyword.
- */
-public void test0226(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public final cla X";
-	String completeBehind = "cla";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cla") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:cla>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "cla";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "cla";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:cla>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'class' keyword.
- */
-public void test0227(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  cla\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "cla";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cla") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:cla>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "cla";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "cla";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:cla>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'class' keyword.
- */
-public void test0228(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public cla\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "cla";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cla") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:cla>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "cla";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "cla";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:cla>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'class' keyword.
- */
-public void test0229(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public final cla\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "cla";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cla") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:cla>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "cla";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "cla";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:cla>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'class' keyword.
- */
-public void test0230(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public final cla Y\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "cla";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cla") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:cla>;";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "cla";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "cla";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:cla>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'class' keyword.
- */
-public void test0231(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    cla\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "cla";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cla") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:cla>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "cla";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "cla";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:cla>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'class' keyword.
- */
-public void test0232(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    final cla\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "cla";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cla") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:cla>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "cla";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "cla";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:cla>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'class' keyword.
- */
-public void test0233(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    final cla Y\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "cla";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cla") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:cla>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "cla";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "cla";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:cla>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'continue' keyword.
- */
-public void test0234(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    con\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "con";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("con") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:con>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "con";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "con";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:con>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'continue' keyword.
- */
-public void test0235(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    for(int i; i < 5; i++) {\n" +
-		"      con\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "con";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("con") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:con>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "con";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "con";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    int i;\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnName:con>;\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'default' keyword.
- */
-public void test0236(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    def\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "def";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("def") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:def>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "def";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "def";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:def>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'default' keyword.
- */
-public void test0237(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    switch(0) {\n" +
-		"      case 1 : break;\n" +
-		"      def\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "def";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("def") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:def>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "def";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "def";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnName:def>;\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'do' keyword.
- */
-public void test0238(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    do\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "do";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("do") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:do>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "do";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "do";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:do>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'else' keyword.
- */
-public void test0239(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    els\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "els";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("els") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:els>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "els";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "els";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:els>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'else' keyword.
- */
-public void test0240(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    if(true) {\n" +
-		"    } els\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "els";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("els") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:els>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "els";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "els";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:els>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'extends' keyword.
- */
-public void test0241(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"ext";
-	String completeBehind = "ext";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ext") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:ext>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ext";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "ext";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:ext>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'extends' keyword.
- */
-public void test0242(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"X ext";
-	String completeBehind = "ext";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ext") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ext";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "ext";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'extends' keyword.
- */
-public void test0243(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"ext Y";
-	String completeBehind = "ext";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ext") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:ext>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ext";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "ext";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:ext>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'extends' keyword.
- */
-public void test0244(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"class X ext";
-	String completeBehind = "ext";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ext") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:ext>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ext";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "ext";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"class X extends <CompleteOnKeyword:ext> {\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'extends' keyword.
- */
-public void test0245(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"class X ext Y";
-	String completeBehind = "ext";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ext") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:ext>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ext";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "ext";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"class X extends <CompleteOnKeyword:ext> {\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'extends' keyword.
- */
-public void test0246(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"class X ext Y {";
-	String completeBehind = "ext";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ext") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:ext>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ext";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "ext";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"class X extends <CompleteOnKeyword:ext> {\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'extends' keyword.
- */
-public void test0247(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"class X extends Y ext";
-	String completeBehind = "ext";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ext") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:ext>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ext";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "ext";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"class X extends <CompleteOnKeyword:ext> {\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'extends' keyword.
- */
-public void test0248(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"class X implements Y ext";
-	String completeBehind = "ext";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ext") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ext";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "ext";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"class X implements Y {\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'finally' keyword.
- */
-public void test0249(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    fin" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:fin>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:fin>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'finally' keyword.
- */
-public void test0250(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    try {" +
-		"    } fin" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:fin>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnKeyword:fin>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'for' keyword.
- */
-public void test0251(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    for" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "for";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("for") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:for>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "for";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "for";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:for>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'if' keyword.
- */
-public void test0252(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    if" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "if";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("if") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:if>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "if";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "if";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:if>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'switch' keyword.
- */
-public void test0253(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    swi" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "swi";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("swi") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:swi>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "swi";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "swi";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:swi>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'implements' keyword.
- */
-public void test0254(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"impl";
-	String completeBehind = "impl";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impl") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:impl>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impl";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impl";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:impl>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'implements' keyword.
- */
-public void test0255(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"X impl";
-	String completeBehind = "impl";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impl") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impl";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impl";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'implements' keyword.
- */
-public void test0256(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"impl Y";
-	String completeBehind = "impl";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impl") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:impl>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impl";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impl";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:impl>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'implements' keyword.
- */
-public void test0257(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"class X impl";
-	String completeBehind = "impl";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impl") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:impl>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impl";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impl";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"class X extends <CompleteOnKeyword:impl> {\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'implements' keyword.
- */
-public void test0258(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"class X impl Y";
-	String completeBehind = "impl";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impl") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:impl>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impl";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impl";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"class X extends <CompleteOnKeyword:impl> {\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'implements' keyword.
- */
-public void test0259(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"class X impl Y {";
-	String completeBehind = "impl";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impl") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:impl>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impl";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impl";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"class X extends <CompleteOnKeyword:impl> {\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'implements' keyword.
- */
-public void test0260(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"class X extends Y impl";
-	String completeBehind = "impl";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impl") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:impl>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impl";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impl";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"class X extends <CompleteOnKeyword:impl> {\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'implements' keyword.
- */
-public void test0261(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"class X implements Y impl";
-	String completeBehind = "impl";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impl") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impl";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impl";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"class X implements Y {\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'import' keyword.
- */
-public void test0262(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"impo";
-	String completeBehind = "impo";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impo") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:impo>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impo";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impo";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:impo>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'import' keyword.
- */
-public void test0263(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"impo";
-	String completeBehind = "impo";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impo") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:impo>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impo";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impo";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:impo>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'import' keyword.
- */
-public void test0264(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import p2.Y;\n" +
-		"impo";
-	String completeBehind = "impo";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impo") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:impo>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impo";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impo";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"import p2.Y;\n" +
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:impo>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'import' keyword.
- */
-public void test0265(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"impo p2.Y";
-	String completeBehind = "impo";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("impo") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:impo>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "impo";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "impo";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:impo>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0266(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"int";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:int>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:int>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0267(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public int";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:int>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:int>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0268(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public abstract int";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:int>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:int>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0269(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public abstract int X";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:int>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:int>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0270(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  int\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:int>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:int>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0271(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public int\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:int>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:int>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0272(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public abstract int\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:int>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:int>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0273(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public abstract int Y\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:int>;";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:int>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0274(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    int\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:int>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "int";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:int>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0275(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    abstract int\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:int>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "int";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:int>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0276(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    abstract int Y\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:int>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "int";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:int>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0277(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public final int";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:int>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:int>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'interface' keyword.
- */
-public void test0278(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public final int X";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("int") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:int>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:int>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'package' keyword.
- */
-public void test0279(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"pac";
-	String completeBehind = "pac";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pac") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pac>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pac";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pac";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pac>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'package' keyword.
- */
-public void test0280(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"pac p";
-	String completeBehind = "pac";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pac") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pac>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pac";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pac";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pac>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'package' keyword.
- */
-public void test0281(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"package p;" +
-		"pac";
-	String completeBehind = "pac";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pac") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pac>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pac";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pac";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pac>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'package' keyword.
- */
-public void test0282(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"import p;" +
-		"pac";
-	String completeBehind = "pac";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pac") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pac>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pac";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pac";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import p;\n" + 
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pac>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'package' keyword.
- */
-public void test0283(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"class X {}" +
-		"pac";
-	String completeBehind = "pac";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pac") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pac>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pac";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pac";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pac>;\n" + 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'return' keyword.
- */
-public void test0284(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  int foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    ret\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "ret";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ret") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  int foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:ret>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "ret";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "ret";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  int foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:ret>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'throw' keyword.
- */
-public void test0285(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    thr\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "thr";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("thr") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:thr>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "thr";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "thr";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:thr>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'try' keyword.
- */
-public void test0286(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    try\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "try";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("try") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:try>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "try";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "try";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:try>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'try' keyword.
- */
-public void test0287(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    if(try\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "try";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("try") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:try>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "try";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "try";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:try>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'do' keyword.
- */
-public void test0288(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    if(do\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "do";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("do") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:do>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "do";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "do";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:do>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'for' keyword.
- */
-public void test0289(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    if(for\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "for";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("for") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:for>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "for";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "for";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:for>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'if' keyword.
- */
-public void test0290(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    if(if\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "if";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("if") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:if>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "if";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "if";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:if>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'switch' keyword.
- */
-public void test0291(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    if(swi\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "swi";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("swi") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:swi>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "swi";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "swi";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:swi>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'new' keyword.
- */
-public void test0292(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    new\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "new";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("new") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:new>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "new";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "new";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:new>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'new' keyword.
- */
-public void test0293(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    new X\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "new";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("new") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:new>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "new";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "new";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:new>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'new' keyword.
- */
-public void test0294(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    new X()\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "new";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("new") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:new>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "new";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "new";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:new>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'throws' keyword.
- */
-public void test0295(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() thr\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "thr";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("thr") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:thr>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "thr";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "thr";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() throws <CompleteOnKeyword:thr> {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'throws' keyword.
- */
-public void test0296(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() thr {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "thr";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("thr") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:thr>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "thr";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "thr";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() throws <CompleteOnKeyword:thr> {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'throws' keyword.
- */
-public void test0297(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() thr E {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "thr";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("thr") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:thr>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "thr";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "thr";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() throws <CompleteOnKeyword:thr> {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'throws' keyword.
- */
-public void test0298(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() throws E thr\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "thr";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("thr") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "thr";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "thr";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() throws E {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'throws' keyword.
- */
-public void test0299(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  X() thr\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "thr";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("thr") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:thr>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "thr";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "thr";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  X() throws <CompleteOnKeyword:thr> {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'throws' keyword.
- */
-public void test0300(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  int foo()[] thr\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "thr";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("thr") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:thr>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "thr";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "thr";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  int[] foo() throws <CompleteOnKeyword:thr> {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'while' keyword.
- */
-public void test0301(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    whi\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "whi";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("whi") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:whi>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "whi";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "whi";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:whi>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'while' keyword.
- */
-public void test0302(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    if(whi\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "whi";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("whi") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:whi>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "whi";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "whi";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:whi>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'assert' keyword.
- */
-public void test0303(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    ass\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "ass";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ass") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:ass>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "ass";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "ass";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:ass>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'assert' keyword.
- */
-public void test0304(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    if(ass\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "ass";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ass") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:ass>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "ass";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "ass";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:ass>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'final' keyword.
- */
-public void test0305(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"fin";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:fin>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:fin>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'final' keyword.
- */
-public void test0306(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public fin";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:fin>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:fin>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'final' keyword.
- */
-public void test0307(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"fin zzz";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:fin>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:fin>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'final' keyword.
- */
-public void test0308(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"final fin";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:fin>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:fin>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'final' keyword.
- */
-public void test0309(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"abstract fin";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:fin>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:fin>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'final' keyword.
- */
-public void test0310(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public fin class X {}";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:fin>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:fin>;\n" +
-		"class X {\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'final' keyword.
- */
-public void test0311(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  fin\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:fin>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:fin>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'final' keyword.
- */
-public void test0312(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public fin\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:fin>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:fin>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'final' keyword.
- */
-public void test0313(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  fin zzz\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:fin>;";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:fin>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'final' keyword.
- */
-public void test0314(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  final fin\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:fin>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:fin>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'final' keyword.
- */
-public void test0315(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  abstract fin\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:fin>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:fin>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'native' keyword.
- */
-public void test0316(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  nat\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "nat";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("nat") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:nat>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "nat";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "nat";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:nat>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'native' keyword.
- */
-public void test0317(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public nat\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "nat";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("nat") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:nat>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "nat";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "nat";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:nat>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'native' keyword.
- */
-public void test0318(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  transient nat\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "nat";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("nat") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:nat>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "nat";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "nat";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:nat>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'native' keyword.
- */
-public void test0319(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  transient nat\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "nat";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("nat") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:nat>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "nat";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "nat";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:nat>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'native' keyword.
- */
-public void test0320(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  volatile nat\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "nat";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("nat") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:nat>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "nat";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "nat";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:nat>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'strictfp' keyword.
- */
-public void test0321(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  str\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "str";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("str") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:str>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "str";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "str";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:str>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'strictfp' keyword.
- */
-public void test0322(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public str\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "str";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("str") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:str>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "str";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "str";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:str>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'strictfp' keyword.
- */
-public void test0323(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  transient str\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "str";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("str") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:str>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "str";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "str";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:str>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'strictfp' keyword.
- */
-public void test0324(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  transient str\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "str";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("str") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:str>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "str";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "str";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:str>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'strictfp' keyword.
- */
-public void test0325(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  volatile str\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "str";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("str") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:str>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "str";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "str";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:str>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'volatile' keyword.
- */
-public void test0326(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  vol\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "vol";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("vol") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:vol>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "vol";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "vol";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:vol>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'volatile' keyword.
- */
-public void test0327(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public vol\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "vol";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("vol") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:vol>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "vol";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "vol";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:vol>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'volatile' keyword.
- */
-public void test0328(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  transient vol\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "vol";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("vol") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:vol>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "vol";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "vol";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:vol>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'volatile' keyword.
- */
-public void test0329(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  volatile vol\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "vol";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("vol") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:vol>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "vol";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "vol";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:vol>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'volatile' keyword.
- */
-public void test0330(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  native vol\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "vol";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("vol") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:vol>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "vol";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "vol";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:vol>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'transient' keyword.
- */
-public void test0331(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  tra\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "tra";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("tra") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:tra>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "tra";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "tra";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:tra>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'transient' keyword.
- */
-public void test0332(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public tra\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "tra";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("tra") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:tra>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "tra";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "tra";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:tra>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'transient' keyword.
- */
-public void test0333(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  transient tra\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "tra";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("tra") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:tra>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "tra";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "tra";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:tra>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'transient' keyword.
- */
-public void test0334(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  volatile tra\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "tra";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("tra") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:tra>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "tra";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "tra";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:tra>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'transient' keyword.
- */
-public void test0335(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  native tra\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "tra";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("tra") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:tra>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "tra";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "tra";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:tra>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'synchronized' keyword.
- */
-public void test0336(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  syn\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "syn";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("syn") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:syn>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "syn";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "syn";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:syn>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'synchronized' keyword.
- */
-public void test0337(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public syn\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "syn";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("syn") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:syn>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "syn";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "syn";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:syn>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'synchronized' keyword.
- */
-public void test0338(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  transient syn\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "syn";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("syn") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:syn>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "syn";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "syn";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:syn>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'synchronized' keyword.
- */
-public void test0339(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  transient syn\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "syn";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("syn") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:syn>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "syn";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "syn";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:syn>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'synchronized' keyword.
- */
-public void test0340(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  volatile syn\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "syn";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("syn") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:syn>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "syn";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "syn";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:syn>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'synchronized' keyword.
- */
-public void test0341(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    syn\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "syn";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("syn") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:syn>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "syn";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "syn";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:syn>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'synchronized' keyword.
- */
-public void test0342(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    if(syn\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "syn";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("syn") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:syn>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "syn";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "syn";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:syn>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'static' keyword.
- */
-public void test0343(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  sta\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "sta";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("sta") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:sta>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "sta";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "sta";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:sta>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'static' keyword.
- */
-public void test0344(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public sta\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "sta";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("sta") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:sta>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "sta";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "sta";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:sta>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'public' keyword.
- */
-public void test0345(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"pub";
-	String completeBehind = "pub";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pub") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pub>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pub";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pub";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pub>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'public' keyword.
- */
-public void test0346(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"final pub";
-	String completeBehind = "pub";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pub") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pub>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pub";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pub";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pub>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'public' keyword.
- */
-public void test0347(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public pub";
-	String completeBehind = "pub";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pub") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pub>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pub";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pub";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pub>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'public' keyword.
- */
-public void test0348(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"private pub";
-	String completeBehind = "pub";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pub") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pub>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pub";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pub";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pub>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'public' keyword.
- */
-public void test0349(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X{}\n" +
-		"pub";
-	String completeBehind = "pub";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pub") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pub>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pub";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pub";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pub>;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'public' keyword.
- */
-public void test0350(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  pub\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pub";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pub") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pub>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pub";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pub";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pub>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'public' keyword.
- */
-public void test0351(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  public pub\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pub";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pub") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pub>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pub";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pub";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pub>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'public' keyword.
- */
-public void test0352(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  private pub\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pub";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pub") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pub>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pub";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pub";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pub>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'public' keyword.
- */
-public void test0353(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  protected pub\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pub";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pub") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pub>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pub";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pub";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pub>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'public' keyword.
- */
-public void test0354(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  abstract pub\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pub";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pub") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pub>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pub";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pub";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pub>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'protected' keyword.
- */
-public void test0355(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"pro";
-	String completeBehind = "pro";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'protected' keyword.
- */
-public void test0356(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"final pro";
-	String completeBehind = "pro";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pro") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pro>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pro";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pro";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pro>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'protected' keyword.
- */
-public void test0357(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public pro";
-	String completeBehind = "pro";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pro") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pro>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pro";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pro";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pro>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'protected' keyword.
- */
-public void test0358(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"private pro";
-	String completeBehind = "pro";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pro") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pro>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pro";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pro";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pro>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'protected' keyword.
- */
-public void test0359(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X{}\n" +
-		"pro";
-	String completeBehind = "pro";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pro") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pro>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pro";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pro";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pro>;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'protected' keyword.
- */
-public void test0360(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  pro\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pro";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pro") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pro>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pro";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pro";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pro>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'protected' keyword.
- */
-public void test0361(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  public pro\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pro";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pro") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pro>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pro";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pro";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pro>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'protected' keyword.
- */
-public void test0362(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  private pro\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pro";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pro") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pro>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pro";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pro";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pro>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'protected' keyword.
- */
-public void test0363(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  protected pro\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pro";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pro") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pro>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pro";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pro";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pro>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'protected' keyword.
- */
-public void test0364(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  abstract pro\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pro";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pro") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pro>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pro";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pro";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pro>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'private' keyword.
- */
-public void test0365(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"pri";
-	String completeBehind = "pri";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'private' keyword.
- */
-public void test0366(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"final pri";
-	String completeBehind = "pri";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pri") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pri>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pri";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pri";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pri>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'private' keyword.
- */
-public void test0367(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public pri";
-	String completeBehind = "pri";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pri") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pri>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pri";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pri";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pri>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'private' keyword.
- */
-public void test0368(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"private pri";
-	String completeBehind = "pri";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pri") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pri>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pri";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pri";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pri>;\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'private' keyword.
- */
-public void test0369(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X{}\n" +
-		"pri";
-	String completeBehind = "pri";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pri") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:pri>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pri";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pri";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import <CompleteOnKeyword:pri>;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'private' keyword.
- */
-public void test0370(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  pri\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pri";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pri") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pri>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pri";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pri";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pri>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'private' keyword.
- */
-public void test0371(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  public pri\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pri";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pri") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pri>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pri";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pri";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pri>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'private' keyword.
- */
-public void test0372(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  private pri\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pri";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pri") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pri>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pri";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pri";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pri>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'private' keyword.
- */
-public void test0373(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  protected pri\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pri";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pri") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pri>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pri";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pri";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pri>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'private' keyword.
- */
-public void test0374(){
-	String str =
-		"#\n" +
-		"public class X{\n" +
-		"  abstract pri\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "pri";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("pri") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:pri>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "pri";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "pri";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:pri>;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
- * Test for 'super' keyword.
- */
-public void test0375(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    sup\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "sup";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("sup") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:sup>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "sup";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "sup";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:sup>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'this' keyword.
- */
-public void test0376(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    thi\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "thi";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("thi") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:thi>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "thi";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "thi";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:thi>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'true' keyword.
- */
-public void test0377(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    tru\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "tru";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("tru") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:tru>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "tru";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "tru";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:tru>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'false' keyword.
- */
-public void test0378(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    fal\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "fal";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fal") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:fal>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "fal";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "fal";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:fal>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'null' keyword.
- */
-public void test0379(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    nul\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "nul";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("nul") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:nul>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "nul";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "nul";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:nul>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'instanceof' keyword.
- */
-public void test0380(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    if(zzz ins\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "ins";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ins") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:ins>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "ins";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "ins";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnKeyword:ins>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'instanceof' keyword.
- */
-public void test0381(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    ins\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "ins";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ins") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:ins>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "ins";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "ins";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:ins>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'instanceof' keyword.
- */
-public void test0382(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    if(zzz zzz ins\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "ins";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("ins") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:ins>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "ins";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "ins";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    zzz zzz;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:ins>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'while' keyword.
- */
-public void test0384(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    do{\n" +
-		"    } whi\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}";
-	String completeBehind = "whi";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("whi") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:whi>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "whi";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "whi";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnKeyword:whi>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'catch' keyword.
- */
-public void test0385(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    try {\n" +
-		"    } catch(E e) {\n" +
-		"    } cat\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "cat";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("cat") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:cat>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "cat";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "cat";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:cat>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'finally' keyword.
- */
-public void test0386(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    try {" +
-		"    } catch(E e) {" +
-		"    } fin" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:fin>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:fin>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'finally' keyword.
- */
-public void test0387(){
-	String str =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    try {" +
-		"    } finally {" +
-		"    } fin" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "fin";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("fin") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:fin>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "fin";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "fin";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"package p;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:fin>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
- * Test for 'this' keyword.
- */
-public void test0388(){
-	String str =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"    X.thi\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "thi";
-	int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf("thi") + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "<NONE>";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(),
-		cursorLocation,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"diet ast");
-	expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:X.thi>";
-	expectedParentNodeToString = "<NONE>";
-	completionIdentifier = "thi";
-	expectedReplacedSource = "X.thi";
-	expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:X.thi>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedParentNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		"full ast");
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index b0ce013..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1031 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-public class CompletionRecoveryTest extends AbstractCompletionTest {
-public CompletionRecoveryTest(String testName){
-	super(testName);
-static {
-//	TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 22 };	
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(CompletionRecoveryTest.class);
- * Complete on variable behind ill-formed declaration
- */
-public void test01() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;							\n" + 
-		"											\n" + 
-		"public class X extends IOException {		\n" +
-		"	int foo(){								\n" +
-		"		String str = ;						\n" +
-		"		str.								\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "str.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:str.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X extends IOException {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    String str;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:str.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "str.";
-	String testName = "<complete on variable behind ill-formed declaration>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on variable behind ill-formed declaration and nested block
- */
-public void test02() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;							\n" + 
-		"											\n" + 
-		"public class X extends IOException {		\n" +
-		"	int foo(){								\n" +
-		"		String str = ;						\n" +
-		"		{									\n" +
-		"		 	int i;							\n" +
-		"			str.							\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "str.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:str.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X extends IOException {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    String str;\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      int i;\n" +		
-		"      <CompleteOnName:str.>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "str.";
-	String testName = "<complete on variable behind ill-formed declaration and nested block>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on variable behind ill-formed declaration and inside local type field initialization
- */
-public void test03() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;							\n" + 
-		"											\n" + 
-		"public class X extends IOException {		\n" +
-		"	int foo(){								\n" +
-		"		final String str = ;				\n" +
-		"		class L {							\n" +
-		"		 	int i = str						\n";
-	String completeBehind = "i = str";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:str>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "str";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X extends IOException {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    final String str;\n" + 
-		"    class L {\n" + 
-		"      int i = <CompleteOnName:str>;\n" + 
-		"      L() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + // could be optimized out
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "str";
-	String testName = "<complete on variable behind ill-formed declaration and inside local type field initialization>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on variable behind closed scope
- */
-public void test04() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;							\n" + 
-		"											\n" + 
-		"public class X extends 					\n" +
-		"	int foo(String str)						\n" +
-		"		String variable = ;					\n" +
-		"		{									\n" +
-		"		 	String variableNotInScope;		\n" +
-		"		}									\n" +
-		"		foo(varia							\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "foo(var";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:var>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "var";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo(String str) {\n" + 
-		"    String variable;\n" + 
-		"    foo(<CompleteOnName:var>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "varia";
-	String testName = "<complete on variable behind closed scope>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on variable str with sibling method stringAppend()
- */
-public void test05() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;									\n"+
-		"													\n"+			
-		"public class X extends 							\n"+
-		"	int foo(String str)								\n"+
-		"		String str = ;								\n"+
-		"		{											\n"+
-		"		 	String strNotInScope;					\n"+
-		"		}											\n"+
-		"		class L {									\n"+
-		"			int bar(){								\n"+
-		"				foo(str								\n"+							
-		"			void stringAppend(String s1, String s2)	\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "foo(str";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:str>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "str";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo(String str) {\n" + 
-		"    String str;\n" + 
-		"    class L {\n" + 
-		"      L() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      int bar() {\n" + 
-		"        foo(<CompleteOnName:str>);\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void stringAppend(String s1, String s2) {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "str";
-	String testName = "<complete on variable str with sibling method stringAppend()>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on variable str with sibling method stringAppend(), eliminating
- * uninteresting method bodies
- */
-public void test06() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;									\n"+
-		"													\n"+			
-		"public class X extends 							\n"+
-		"	int foo(String str)								\n"+
-		"		String str = ;								\n"+
-		"		{											\n"+
-		"		 	String strNotInScope;					\n"+
-		"		}											\n"+
-		"		class L {									\n"+
-		"			int notInterestingBody(){				\n"+
-		"				System.out.println();				\n"+
-		"			}										\n"+
-		"			int bar(){								\n"+
-		"				foo(str								\n"+							
-		"			void stringAppend(String s1, String s2)	\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "foo(str";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:str>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "str";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo(String str) {\n" + 
-		"    String str;\n" + 
-		"    class L {\n" + 
-		"      L() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      int notInterestingBody() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      int bar() {\n" + 
-		"        foo(<CompleteOnName:str>);\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void stringAppend(String s1, String s2) {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "str";
-	String testName = "<complete on variable eliminating other uninteresting method bodies>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on new keyword
- */
-public void test07(){ 
-	String str = 
-		"import*							\n" + 
-		"											\n" + 
-		"public class X extends IOException {		\n" +
-		"	int foo() {								\n" +
-		"		X x = new X(						\n" +
-		"}											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "= n";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:n>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "n";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X extends IOException {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    X x = <CompleteOnName:n>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "new";
-	String testName = "<complete on new keyword>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on field type in anonymous type.
- */
-public void test08() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"package test;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.Vector;\n" + 
-		"public class VA {\n" + 
-		"	Object o1 = new Object() {\n" + 
-		"		V\n" + 
-		"		void foo2() {\n" + 
-		"			int i = 1;\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	};\n" + 
-		"	String s2;\n" + 
-		"	void bar() {\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	void foo() { \n" + 
-		"		new String[] {}..equals()\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"		V",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:V>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"package test;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.Vector;\n" + 
-		"public class VA {\n" + 
-		"  Object o1 = new Object() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnType:V>;\n" + 
-		"    void foo2() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  };\n" + 
-		"  String s2;\n" + 
-		"  public VA() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"V",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"V",
-		// test name
-		"<completion on field type in anonymous type>"
-	);
- * Complete on argument name
- */
-public void test09() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"package pack;								\n"+
-		"class A  {									\n"+
-		"											\n"+
-		"	public static void main(String[] argv	\n"+
-		"			new Member().f					\n"+
-		"			;								\n"+
-		"	}										\n"+
-		"	class Member {							\n"+
-		"		int foo()							\n"+
-		"		}									\n"+
-		"	}										\n"+
-		"};											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"argv",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnArgumentName:String[] argv>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"package pack;\n" + 
-		"class A {\n" + 
-		"  class Member {\n" + 
-		"    Member() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  A() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(<CompleteOnArgumentName:String[] argv>) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"argv",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"argv",
-		// test name
-		"<completion on argument name>"
-	);
- * Complete on argument name
- */
-public void test10() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"package pack;								\n"+
-		"class A  {									\n"+
-		"											\n"+
-		"	public static void main(String[] argv	\n"+
-		"			new Member().f					\n"+
-		"			;								\n"+
-		"	}										\n"+
-		"	class Member {							\n"+
-		"		int foo()							\n"+
-		"		}									\n"+
-		"	}										\n"+
-		"};											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"argv",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"package pack;\n" + 
-		"class A {\n" + 
-		"  class Member {\n" + 
-		"    Member() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  A() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(<CompleteOnArgumentName:String[] argv>) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<completion on argument name>"
-	);
- * Complete inside method with incomplete signature
- */
-public void test11() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"package pack;								\n"+
-		"class A  {									\n"+
-		"											\n"+
-		"	public static void main(String[] argv	\n"+
-		"			new Member().f					\n"+
-		"			;								\n"+
-		"	}										\n"+
-		"	class Member {							\n"+
-		"		int foo()							\n"+
-		"		}									\n"+
-		"	}										\n"+
-		"};											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"new Member().f",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:new Member().f>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"package pack;\n" + 
-		"class A {\n" + 
-		"  class Member {\n" + 
-		"    Member() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  A() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] argv) {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:new Member().f>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"f",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"f",
-		// test name
-		"<complete inside method with incomplete signature>"
-	);
- * Complete on argument name with class decl later on
- */
-public void test12() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class DD  {									\n"+
-		"	public static void main(String[] argv		\n"+
-		"												\n"+
-		"class D {										\n"+
-		"												\n"+
-		"	int i;										\n"+
-		"	class Mem1 {}								\n"+
-		"	int dumb(String s)							\n"+
-		"	int dumb(float fNum, double dNum) {			\n"+
-		"		dumb(\"world\", i);						\n"+
-		"												\n"+
-		"		if (i == 0) {							\n"+
-		"			class Local {						\n"+
-		"												\n"+
-		"				int hello() 					\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"argv",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class DD {\n" + 
-		"  DD() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(<CompleteOnArgumentName:String[] argv>) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on argument name with class decl later on>"
-	);
- * Complete behind array type
- */
-public void test13() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class C {						\n"+
-		"	void test() {				\n"+
-		"		String[].				\n"+
-		"	}							\n"+
-		"}								\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"String[].",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnClassLiteralAccess:String[].>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class C {\n" + 
-		"  C() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void test() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnClassLiteralAccess:String[].>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"String[].",
-		// test name
-		"<complete behind array type>"
-	);
- * Complete inside array type
- */
-public void test14() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"public class B {			\n"+
-		"	class Member {}			\n"+
-		"							\n"+
-		"	int[] j;				\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"int[",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		NONE,
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"public class B {\n" + 
-		"  class Member {\n" + 
-		"    Member() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public B() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		NONE,
-		// test name
-		"<complete inside array type>"
-	);
- * Complete inside array type
- */
-public void test15() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"public class B {			\n"+
-		"	class Member {}			\n"+
-		"							\n"+
-		"	int[					\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"int[",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		NONE,
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"public class B {\n" + 
-		"  class Member {\n" + 
-		"    Member() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public B() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		NONE,
-		// test name
-		"<complete inside array type>"
-	);
- * Complete behind invalid array type
- */
-public void test16() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"public class B {			\n"+
-		"	class Member {}			\n"+
-		"							\n"+
-		"	int[					\n"+
-		"	Obje					\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"Obje",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:Obje>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"public class B {\n" + 
-		"  class Member {\n" + 
-		"    Member() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:Obje>;\n" + 
-		"  public B() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"Obje",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Obje",
-		// test name
-		"<complete behind invalid array type>"
-	);
- * Complete behind invalid base type
- */
-public void test17() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class D {				\n" +
-		"	class Member {}		\n" +
-		"						\n" +
-		"	void test() {		\n" +
-		"		int.			\n" +
-		"		test();			\n" +
-		"	}					\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"int.",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnClassLiteralAccess:int.>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class D {\n" + 
-		"  class Member {\n" + 
-		"    Member() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  D() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void test() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnClassLiteralAccess:int.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"int.",
-		// test name
-		"<complete behind invalid base type>"
-	);
- * Complete behind incomplete local method header
- */
-public void test18() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class E {					\n"+
-		"	int bar() {				\n"+
-		"		class Local {		\n"+
-		"			int hello() {	\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"hello()",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class E {\n" + 
-		"  E() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int bar() {\n" + 
-		"    class Local {\n" + 
-		"      Local() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      int hello() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<complete behind incomplete local method header>"
-	);
- * Complete behind catch variable
- */
-public void test19() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"public class Test {					\n" +
-		"	void foo() {						\n" +
-		"		try {							\n" +
-		"		} catch (Exception e) {			\n" +
-		"		}								\n" +
-		"		e								\n" +
-		"	}									\n" +
-		"}										\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"\n\t\te",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:e>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"public class Test {\n" + 
-		"  public Test() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:e>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"e",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"e",
-		// test name
-		"<complete behind catch variable>"
-	);
- * Complete on catch variable
- */
-public void test20() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"public class Test {					\n" +
-		"	void foo() {						\n" +
-		"		try {							\n" +
-		"		} catch (Exception e) {			\n" +
-		"			e							\n" +
-		"		}								\n" +
-		"	}									\n" +
-		"}										\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"\n\t\t\te",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:e>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"public class Test {\n" + 
-		"  public Test() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      Exception e;\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnName:e>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"e",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"e",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on catch variable>"
-	);
- * Complete on catch variable after syntax error
- */
-public void test21() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"public class Test {					\n" +
-		"	void foo() {						\n" +
-		"		try {							\n" +
-		"			bar						\n" +
-		"		} catch (Exception e) {			\n" +
-		"			e							\n" +
-		"		}								\n" +
-		"	}									\n" +
-		"}										\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"\n\t\t\te",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:e>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"public class Test {\n" + 
-		"  public Test() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      Exception e;\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnName:e>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n"
-		,
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"e",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"e",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on catch variable after syntax error>"
-	);
- * Complete on constructor type name
- * 1G1HF7P: ITPCOM:WIN98 - CodeAssist may not work in constructor signature
- */
-public void test22() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"public class SomeType {\n" +
-		"	public SomeType(int i){}\n" +
-		"}\n" +
-		"\n" +
-		"class SomeOtherType extends SomeType {\n" +
-		"	SomeOtherType(int i){\n" +
-		"		super(i);\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"	SomeOther",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:SomeOther>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"public class SomeType {\n" + 
-		"  public SomeType(int i) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"class SomeOtherType extends SomeType {\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:SomeOther>;\n" + 
-		"  int i;\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  SomeOtherType() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n"
-		,
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"SomeOther",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"SomeOtherType",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on constructor type name>"
-	);
- * Complete in initializer in recovery mode
- */
-public void test23() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){)\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      Obj\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"Obj",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:Obj>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnName:Obj>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n"
-		,
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"Obj",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Obj",
-		// test name
-		"<complete in initializer>"
-	);
- * Complete after initializer in recovery mode
- */
-public void test24() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){)\n" + 
-		"    int v1;\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      int v2\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    Obj" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"Obj",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:Obj>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int v1;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:Obj>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n"
-		,
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"Obj",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Obj",
-		// test name
-		"<complete after initializer>"
-	);
- * Complete after dot, before a number .<|>12
- */
-public void test25() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"package p;\n" +  
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo(){\n" + 
-		"      this.12\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"this.",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:this.>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:this.>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n"
-		,
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"this.",
-		// test name
-		"<complete after dot number>"
-	);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index c384268..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2375 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression.AbstractRegressionTest;
-public class ComplianceDiagnoseTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-	public ComplianceDiagnoseTest(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-// Static initializer to specify tests subset using TESTS_* static variables
-// All specified tests which does not belong to the class are skipped...
-//static {
-//	TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "test000" };
-//	TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 50 };
-//	TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 21, 50 };
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-public static Class testClass() {
-	return ComplianceDiagnoseTest.class;
-public void runComplianceParserTest(
-	String[] testFiles,
-	String expected13ProblemLog,
-	String expected14ProblemLog,
-	String expected15ProblemLog){
-	if(COMPLIANCE_1_3.equals(this.complianceLevel)) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(testFiles, expected13ProblemLog);
-	} else if(COMPLIANCE_1_4.equals(this.complianceLevel)) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(testFiles, expected14ProblemLog);
-	} else if(this.complianceLevel.compareTo(COMPLIANCE_1_5) >= 0) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(testFiles, expected15ProblemLog);
-	}
-public void test0001() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"import static aaa.BBB.*;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import static aaa.BBB.*;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, static imports are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import static aaa.BBB.*;\n" + 
-		"	              ^^^\n" + 
-		"The import aaa cannot be resolved\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import static aaa.BBB.*;\n" + 
-		"	              ^^^\n" + 
-		"The import aaa cannot be resolved\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0002() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"import static aaa.BBB.CCC;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import static aaa.BBB.CCC;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, static imports are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import static aaa.BBB.CCC;\n" + 
-		"	              ^^^\n" + 
-		"The import aaa cannot be resolved\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import static aaa.BBB.CCC;\n" + 
-		"	              ^^^\n" + 
-		"The import aaa cannot be resolved\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0003() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public enum X {\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public enum X {\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"enum\", interface expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0004() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	void foo(){\n" +
-		"		for(String o: c) {\n" +
-		"		}\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	for(String o: c) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, \'for each\' statements are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	for(String o: c) {\n" + 
-		"	              ^\n" + 
-		"c cannot be resolved\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	for(String o: c) {\n" + 
-		"	              ^\n" + 
-		"c cannot be resolved\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0005() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	void foo(Z ... arg){\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(Z ... arg){\n" + 
-		"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, varargs are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(Z ... arg){\n" + 
-		"	         ^\n" + 
-		"Z cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(Z ... arg){\n" + 
-		"	         ^\n" + 
-		"Z cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0006() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X <T1 extends String, T2> extends Y {\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X <T1 extends String, T2> extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X <T1 extends String, T2> extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	                                               ^\n" + 
-		"Y cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X <T1 extends String, T2> extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	                           ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type parameter T1 should not be bounded by the final type String. Final types cannot be further extended\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X <T1 extends String, T2> extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	                                               ^\n" + 
-		"Y cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0007() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public interface X <T1 extends String, T2> extends Y {\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public interface X <T1 extends String, T2> extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public interface X <T1 extends String, T2> extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	                                                   ^\n" + 
-		"Y cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public interface X <T1 extends String, T2> extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	                               ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type parameter T1 should not be bounded by the final type String. Final types cannot be further extended\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public interface X <T1 extends String, T2> extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	                                                   ^\n" + 
-		"Y cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0008() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	public <T1 extends String, T2> int foo(){\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public <T1 extends String, T2> int foo(){\n" + 
-		"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public <T1 extends String, T2> int foo(){\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type parameter T1 should not be bounded by the final type String. Final types cannot be further extended\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public <T1 extends String, T2> int foo(){\n" + 
-		"	                                   ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"This method must return a result of type int\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0009() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	public <T1 extends String, T2> X(){\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public <T1 extends String, T2> X(){\n" + 
-		"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public <T1 extends String, T2> X(){\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type parameter T1 should not be bounded by the final type String. Final types cannot be further extended\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0010() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	Z<Y1, Y2> var;\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z<Y1, Y2> var;\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Z cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z<Y1, Y2> var;\n" + 
-		"	  ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z<Y1, Y2> var;\n" + 
-		"	  ^^\n" + 
-		"Y1 cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z<Y1, Y2> var;\n" + 
-		"	      ^^\n" + 
-		"Y2 cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z<Y1, Y2> var;\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Z cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z<Y1, Y2> var;\n" + 
-		"	  ^^\n" + 
-		"Y1 cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z<Y1, Y2> var;\n" + 
-		"	      ^^\n" + 
-		"Y2 cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0011() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	public X(){\n" +
-		"		<Y1, Y2>this(null);\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	<Y1, Y2>this(null);\n" + 
-		"	 ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	<Y1, Y2>this(null);\n" + 
-		"	 ^^\n" + 
-		"Y1 cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	<Y1, Y2>this(null);\n" + 
-		"	     ^^\n" + 
-		"Y2 cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	<Y1, Y2>this(null);\n" + 
-		"	 ^^\n" + 
-		"Y1 cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	<Y1, Y2>this(null);\n" + 
-		"	     ^^\n" + 
-		"Y2 cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0012() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    assert true;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n" +
-		"\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	assert true;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"\'assert\' should not be used as an identifier, since it is a reserved keyword from source level 1.4 on\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	assert true;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"assert\", AssignmentOperator expected after this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		"";
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		expected14ProblemLog;
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0013() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"import static aaa.*\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"}\n" +
-		"\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import static aaa.*\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, static imports are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import static aaa.*\n" + 
-		"	              ^^^\n" + 
-		"The import aaa cannot be resolved\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import static aaa.*\n" + 
-		"	                  ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"*\", ; expected after this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import static aaa.*\n" + 
-		"	              ^^^\n" + 
-		"The import aaa cannot be resolved\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import static aaa.*\n" + 
-		"	                  ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"*\", ; expected after this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0014() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public enum X \n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public enum X \n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public enum X \n" + 
-		"	            ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"X\", { expected after this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0015() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	void foo(){\n" +
-		"		for(String o: c) {\n" +
-		"			#\n" +
-		"		}\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	for(String o: c) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, \'for each\' statements are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	#\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"Invalid Character\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	#\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"Invalid Character\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0016() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	void foo(Z ... arg){\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"	#\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(Z ... arg){\n" + 
-		"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, varargs are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(Z ... arg){\n" + 
-		"	         ^\n" + 
-		"Z cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	#\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"Invalid Character\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(Z ... arg){\n" + 
-		"	         ^\n" + 
-		"Z cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	#\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"Invalid Character\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0017() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X <T1 extends String, T2> extends Y {\n" +
-		"	#\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X <T1 extends String, T2> extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X <T1 extends String, T2> extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	                                               ^\n" + 
-		"Y cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	#\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"Invalid Character\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X <T1 extends String, T2> extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	                           ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type parameter T1 should not be bounded by the final type String. Final types cannot be further extended\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X <T1 extends String, T2> extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	                                               ^\n" + 
-		"Y cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	#\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"Invalid Character\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0018() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	public <T1 extends String, T2> int foo(){\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"	#\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public <T1 extends String, T2> int foo(){\n" + 
-		"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	#\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"Invalid Character\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public <T1 extends String, T2> int foo(){\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type parameter T1 should not be bounded by the final type String. Final types cannot be further extended\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	#\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"Invalid Character\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0019() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	Z<Y1, Y2> var;\n" +
-		"	#\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z<Y1, Y2> var;\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Z cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z<Y1, Y2> var;\n" + 
-		"	  ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z<Y1, Y2> var;\n" + 
-		"	  ^^\n" + 
-		"Y1 cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z<Y1, Y2> var;\n" + 
-		"	      ^^\n" + 
-		"Y2 cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"5. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	#\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"Invalid Character\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z<Y1, Y2> var;\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Z cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z<Y1, Y2> var;\n" + 
-		"	  ^^\n" + 
-		"Y1 cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z<Y1, Y2> var;\n" + 
-		"	      ^^\n" + 
-		"Y2 cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	#\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"Invalid Character\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0020() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    assert true;\n" +
-		"    #\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n" +
-		"\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	assert true;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"\'assert\' should not be used as an identifier, since it is a reserved keyword from source level 1.4 on\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	assert true;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"assert\", AssignmentOperator expected after this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	#\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"Invalid Character\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	#\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"Invalid Character\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		expected14ProblemLog;
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-//TODO (david) suspicious behavior
-public void test0021() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"import staic aaa.*;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"}\n" +
-		"\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import staic aaa.*;\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The import staic cannot be resolved\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import staic aaa.*;\n" + 
-		"	             ^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"aaa\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import staic aaa.*;\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"staic\", static expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import staic aaa.*;\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The import staic cannot be resolved\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-//TODO (david) suspicious behavior
-public void test0022() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"import static aaa.*.*;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"}\n" +
-		"\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import static aaa.*.*;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, static imports are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import static aaa.*.*;\n" + 
-		"	              ^^^\n" + 
-		"The import aaa cannot be resolved\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import static aaa.*.*;\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import static aaa.*.*;\n" + 
-		"	              ^^^\n" + 
-		"The import aaa cannot be resolved\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import static aaa.*.*;\n" + 
-		"	                  ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"*\", Identifier expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0023() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"import static for;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"}\n" +
-		"\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import static for;\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on tokens, Name expected instead\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import static for;\n" + 
-		"	              ^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"for\", Identifier expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-//TODO (david) reenable once bug is fixed
-public void _test0024() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"import static {aaa};\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"}\n" +
-		"\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import static {aaa};\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on tokens, Name expected instead\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import static {aaa};\n" + 
-		"	              ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on tokens, Name expected instead\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0025() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"static aaa.*;\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"}\n" +
-		"\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	static aaa.*;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"static\", import expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	static aaa.*;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"static\", import expected before this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0026() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	void foo(){\n" +
-		"		for(Object o ? c){\n" +
-		"		}\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}\n" +
-		"\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	for(Object o ? c){\n" + 
-		"	    ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"Object\", ( expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	for(Object o ? c){\n" + 
-		"	           ^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token(s), misplaced construct(s)\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	for(Object o ? c){\n" + 
-		"	                ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"AssignmentOperator Expression\" to complete Assignment\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	for(Object o ? c){\n" + 
-		"	                ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"; ; ) Statement\" to complete BlockStatements\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	for(Object o ? c){\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"?\", : expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0027() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	void foo(){\n" +
-		"		for(Object o : switch){\n" +
-		"		}\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}\n" +
-		"\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	for(Object o : switch){\n" + 
-		"	           ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"; ; ) Statement\" to complete BlockStatements\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	for(Object o : switch){\n" + 
-		"	               ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"switch\", invalid Expression\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0028() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	void foo(int ... ){\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}\n" +
-		"\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X {\n" + 
-		"	               ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete ClassBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(int ... ){\n" + 
-		"	             ^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"...\", invalid VariableDeclaratorId\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"}\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X {\n" + 
-		"	               ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete ClassBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(int ... ){\n" + 
-		"	             ^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"...\", VariableDeclaratorId expected after this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"}\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0029() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	void foo(int ... for){\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}\n" +
-		"\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X {\n" + 
-		"	               ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete ClassBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(int ... for){\n" + 
-		"	             ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on tokens, VariableDeclaratorId expected instead\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"}\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X {\n" + 
-		"	               ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete ClassBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(int ... for){\n" + 
-		"	                 ^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"for\", invalid VariableDeclaratorId\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"}\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0030() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	void foo(int .. aaa){\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}\n" +
-		"\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X {\n" + 
-		"	               ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete ClassBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(int .. aaa){\n" + 
-		"	             ^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"}\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X {\n" + 
-		"	               ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete ClassBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(int .. aaa){\n" + 
-		"	             ^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"}\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0031() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	void foo(int ... aaa bbb){\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}\n" +
-		"\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X {\n" + 
-		"	               ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete ClassBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(int ... aaa bbb){\n" + 
-		"	         ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, varargs are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(int ... aaa bbb){\n" + 
-		"	             ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token(s), misplaced construct(s)\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"}\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X {\n" + 
-		"	               ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete ClassBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(int ... aaa bbb){\n" + 
-		"	                     ^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"bbb\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"}\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0032() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X <T1 extends String, T2 extends Y {\n" +
-		"	\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X <T1 extends String, T2 extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token(s), misplaced construct(s)\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X <T1 extends String, T2 extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	                           ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type parameter T1 should not be bounded by the final type String. Final types cannot be further extended\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X <T1 extends String, T2 extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	                                              ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \">\" to complete ReferenceType1\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X <T1 extends String, T2 extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	                                              ^\n" + 
-		"Y cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0033() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X T1 extends String, T2> extends Y {\n" +
-		"	\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X T1 extends String, T2> extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	               ^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"T1\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X T1 extends String, T2> extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X T1 extends String, T2> extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"X\", < expected after this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0034() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X <T1 extnds String, T2> extends Y {\n" +
-		"	\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X <T1 extnds String, T2> extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	               ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"<\", { expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X <T1 extnds String, T2> extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on tokens, InterfaceHeaderName expected instead\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X <T1 extnds String, T2> extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"extnds cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X <T1 extnds String, T2> extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	                          ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"String\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"5. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete ClassBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X <T1 extnds String, T2> extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"extnds\", extends expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X <T1 extnds String, T2> extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"extnds cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0035() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X <T1 extends for, T2> extends Y {\n" +
-		"	\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X <T1 extends for, T2> extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X <T1 extends for, T2> extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	                           ^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"for\", invalid ReferenceType\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0036() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	public <T1 extends String, T2> foo(){\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public <T1 extends String, T2> foo(){\n" + 
-		"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public <T1 extends String, T2> foo(){\n" + 
-		"	                               ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Return type for the method is missing\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public <T1 extends String, T2> foo(){\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type parameter T1 should not be bounded by the final type String. Final types cannot be further extended\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public <T1 extends String, T2> foo(){\n" + 
-		"	                               ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Return type for the method is missing\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0037() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	public <T1 extnds String, T2> int foo(){\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public <T1 extnds String, T2> int foo(){\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token(s), misplaced construct(s)\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public <T1 extnds String, T2> int foo(){\n" + 
-		"	        ^^\n" + 
-		"T1 cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public <T1 extnds String, T2> int foo(){\n" + 
-		"	                            ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \">\", ; expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public <T1 extnds String, T2> int foo(){\n" + 
-		"	        ^^\n" + 
-		"T1 cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public <T1 extnds String, T2> int foo(){\n" + 
-		"	           ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"extnds\", extends expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0038() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	public <T1 extends String T2> int foo(){\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public <T1 extends String T2> int foo(){\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token(s), misplaced construct(s)\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public <T1 extends String T2> int foo(){\n" + 
-		"	                            ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \">\", ; expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public <T1 extends String T2> int foo(){\n" + 
-		"	                          ^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"T2\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0039() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	Z Y1, Y2> var;\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z Y1, Y2> var;\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Z cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z Y1, Y2> var;\n" + 
-		"	        ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \">\", , expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z Y1, Y2> var;\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Z cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z Y1, Y2> var;\n" + 
-		"	        ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \">\", , expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0040() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	Z <Y1, Y2 var;\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z <Y1, Y2 var;\n" + 
-		"	  ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token(s), misplaced construct(s)\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z <Y1, Y2 var;\n" + 
-		"	       ^^\n" + 
-		"Y2 cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z <Y1, Y2 var;\n" + 
-		"	       ^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \">\" to complete ReferenceType1\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z <Y1, Y2 var;\n" + 
-		"	       ^^\n" + 
-		"Y2 cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0041() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	Z <Y1, for Y2> var;\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z <Y1, for Y2> var;\n" + 
-		"	  ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Z <Y1, for Y2> var;\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"for\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0042() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"void ___eval() {\n" +
-		"	new Runnable() {\n" +
-		"		int ___run() throws Throwable {\n" +
-		"			return blah;\n" +
-		"		}\n" +
-		"		private String blarg;\n" +
-		"		public void run() {\n" +
-		"		}\n" +
-		"	};\n" +
-		"}\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	private static int x;\n" +
-		"	private String blah;\n" +
-		"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"	public void hello() {\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"	public boolean blah() {\n" +
-		"		return false;\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"	public void foo() {\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	public void run() {\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	};\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	void ___eval() {\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"void\", @ expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	void ___eval() {\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \")\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	};\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"}\", { expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in (at line 23)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete ClassBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"5. ERROR in (at line 23)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete MemberValueArrayInitializer\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"6. ERROR in (at line 23)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \")\" to complete Modifiers\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"7. ERROR in (at line 23)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"enum Identifier\" to complete EnumHeader\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"8. ERROR in (at line 23)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"EnumBody\" to complete JavaScriptUnit\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test0043() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public static void foo(){}\n" + 
-		"\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"}\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	public static void foo(){}\n" + 
-		"	                         ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete ClassBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test0044() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	public <T> X(T t){\n" + 
-		"		System.out.println(t);\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"		class Local extends X {\n" + 
-		"			Local() {\n" + 
-		"				<String>super(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-		"			}\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"		new Local();\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public <T> X(T t){\n" + 
-		"	        ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public <T> X(T t){\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"}\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	<String>super(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-		"	 ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"5. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	<String>super(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-		"	 ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"6. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	<String>super(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-		"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The constructor X(String) is undefined\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"}\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test0045() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	public void foo(){\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	public void bar() {\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"}\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test0046() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public @interface X {\n" + 
-		"	String annName();\n" + 
-		"}"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public @interface X {\n" + 
-		"	                  ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, annotation declarations are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = "";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test0047() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public @interface A {}",
-		"",
-		"@A public class X {\n" + 
-		"}"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public @interface A {}\n" + 
-		"	                  ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, annotation declarations are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	@A public class X {\n" + 
-		"	^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, annotations are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = "";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0048() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	void foo(X ... arg[]){\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(X ... arg[]){\n" + 
-		"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, varargs are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(X ... arg[]){\n" + 
-		"	               ^^^\n" + 
-		"Extended dimensions are illegal for a variable argument\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0049() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"@interface MyAnn {\n" + 
-		"	String value1() default \"\";\n" + 
-		"	String value2();\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"class ZZZ {}		\n" + 			
-		"public @MyAnn(\"\",\"\") class Test {		\n" + 													
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	@interface MyAnn {\n" + 
-		"	           ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, annotation declarations are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	public @MyAnn(\"\",\"\") class Test {		\n" + 
-		"	              ^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \")\" to complete Modifier\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	public @MyAnn(\"\",\"\") class Test {		\n" + 
-		"	                ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \",\", / expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0050() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	void foo(List<String>... args) {}\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(List<String>... args) {}\n" + 
-		"	         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, varargs are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(List<String>... args) {}\n" + 
-		"	         ^^^^\n" + 
-		"List cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(List<String>... args) {}\n" + 
-		"	              ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(List<String>... args) {}\n" + 
-		"	         ^^^^\n" + 
-		"List cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0051() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	void foo(java.util.List2<String>... args) {}\n" +
-		"}\n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(java.util.List2<String>... args) {}\n" + 
-		"	         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, varargs are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(java.util.List2<String>... args) {}\n" + 
-		"	         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"java.util.List2 cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(java.util.List2<String>... args) {}\n" + 
-		"	                         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(java.util.List2<String>... args) {}\n" + 
-		"	         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"java.util.List2 cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
-public void test0052() {
-	String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	void foo1() {\n" +
-		"		class Y  {\n" +
-		"		}\n" +
-		"		void foo2() {\n" +
-		"		}\n" +
-		"		class Z<T> { \n" +
-		"		}\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"} \n"
-	};
-	String expected13ProblemLog =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	void foo2() {\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"void\", new expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	class Z<T> { \n" + 
-		"	^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"class\", invalid AssignmentOperator\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	class Z<T> { \n" + 
-		"	         ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \">\", ; expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String expected14ProblemLog =
-		expected13ProblemLog;
-	String expected15ProblemLog = 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	void foo2() {\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"void\", new expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \";\" to complete Statement\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	runComplianceParserTest(
-		testFiles,
-		expected13ProblemLog,
-		expected14ProblemLog,
-		expected15ProblemLog
-	);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index ed93f7f..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2033 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.codeassist.complete.InvalidCursorLocation;
-public class DietCompletionTest extends AbstractCompletionTest {
-public DietCompletionTest(String testName){
-	super(testName);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(DietCompletionTest.class);
- * Complete on superclass
- */
-public void test01() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;							\n" + 
-		"											\n" + 
-		"public class X extends IOException {		\n" + 
-		"}											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IOEx";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnClass:IOEx>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "IOEx";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X extends <CompleteOnClass:IOEx> {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "IOException";
-	String testName = "<complete on superclass>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on superinterface
- */
-public void test02() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;													\n" + 
-		"																	\n" + 
-		"public class X extends IOException implements Serializable {		\n" +
-		" int foo(){} \n" +
-		"}																	\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "Seria";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnInterface:Seria>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "Seria";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X extends IOException implements <CompleteOnInterface:Seria> {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "Serializable";		
-	String testName = "<complete on superinterface>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on qualified superclass
- */
-public void test03() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;													\n" + 
-		"																	\n" + 
-		"public class X extends  {						\n" + 
-		"}																	\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IOEx";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "IOEx";	
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X extends <> {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";		
-	String testName = "<complete on qualified superclass>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on qualified superinterface
- */
-public void test04() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;															\n" + 
-		"																			\n" + 	
-		"public class X extends IOException implements {		\n" + 
-		"}																			\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "Seria";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "Seria";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X extends IOException implements <> {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";		
-	String testName = "<complete on qualified superinterface>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on incomplete superclass
- */
-public void test05() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;							\n" + 
-		"											\n" + 
-		"public class X extends IOEx {				\n" + 
-		"}											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IOEx";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnClass:IOEx>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "IOEx";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X extends <CompleteOnClass:IOEx> {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "IOEx";		
-	String testName = "<complete on incomplete superclass>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on incomplete superinterface
- */
-public void test06() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;													\n" + 
-		"																	\n" + 
-		"public class X extends IOException implements Seria {				\n" + 
-		"}																	\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "Seria";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnInterface:Seria>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "Seria";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X extends IOException implements <CompleteOnInterface:Seria> {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "Seria";		
-	String testName = "<complete on incomplete superinterface>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on incomplete qualified superclass
- */
-public void test07() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;													\n" + 
-		"																	\n" + 
-		"public class X extends  		{						\n" + 
-		"}																	\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IOEx";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "IOEx";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = "import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X extends <> {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-		String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	String testName = "<complete on incomplete qualified superclass>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on incomplete qualified superinterface
- */
-public void test08() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;															\n" + 
-		"																			\n" + 	
-		"public class X extends IOException implements {				\n" + 
-		"}																			\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "Seria";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "Seria";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X extends IOException implements <> {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";		
-	String testName = "<complete on incomplete qualified superinterface>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete inside qualified superclass
- */
-public void test09() {
-	String str = 
-		"																	\n" + 
-		"public class X extends  		{				\n" + 
-		"}																	\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = ".io";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "io";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"public class X extends <> {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	String testName = "<complete inside qualified superclass>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete inside qualified superinterface
- */
-public void test10() {
-	String str = 
-		"public class X extends IOException implements {		\n" + 
-		"}																			\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = ".io";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "io";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X extends IOException implements <> {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";		
-	String testName = "<complete inside qualified superinterface>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete inside qualified superclass ending with dot
- */
-public void test11() {
-	String str = 
-		"																	\n" + 
-		"public class X extends	{								\n" + 
-		"}																	\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = ".io.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"public class X extends <> {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";		
-	String testName = "<complete inside qualified superclass ending with dot>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete inside qualified superinterface ending with dot
- */
-public void test12() {
-	String str = 
-		"public class X extends IOException implements				 {		\n" + 
-		"}																			\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = ".io.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X extends IOException implements <> {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";		
-	String testName = "<complete inside qualified superinterface ending with dot>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on empty superclass
- */
-public void test13() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;							\n" + 
-		"											\n" + 
-		"public class X extends  {					\n" + 
-		"}											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "extends ";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnClass:>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X extends <CompleteOnClass:> {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";		
-	String testName = "<complete on empty superclass>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on empty superinterface
- */
-public void test14() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;													\n" + 
-		"																	\n" + 
-		"public class X extends IOException implements  {					\n" + 
-		"}																	\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "implements ";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnInterface:>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X extends IOException implements <CompleteOnInterface:> {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";		
-	String testName = "<complete on empty superinterface>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on empty superclass followed by identifier
- */
-public void test15() {
-	String str = 
-		"public class X extends IOException  {			\n" + 
-		"}														\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"public class X extends <> {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";		
-	String testName = "<complete on empty superclass followed by identifier>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on keyword extends
- */
-public void test16() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;							\n" + 
-		"											\n" + 
-		"public class X extends  {					\n" + 
-		"}											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "extends";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:extends>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "extends";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X extends <CompleteOnKeyword:extends> {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "extends";		
-	String testName = "<complete on keyword extends>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in keyword extends
- */
-public void test17() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;							\n" + 
-		"											\n" + 
-		"public class X ext  {						\n" + 
-		"}											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "ext";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnKeyword:ext>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ext";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X extends <CompleteOnKeyword:ext> {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "ext";		
-	String testName = "<complete in keyword extends>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in field type
- */
-public void test18() {
-	String str =
-		"class X {									\n" + 
-		"											\n" + 
-		"	IOException x;							\n" + 
-		"}											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IO";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:IO>;";
-	String completionIdentifier = "IO";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:IO>;\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "IOException";		
-	String testName = "<complete in field type>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete at beginning of field type
- */
-public void test19() {
-	String str =
-		"class X {									\n" + 
-		"											\n" + 
-		"	final IOException x;					\n" + 
-		"}											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "final ";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:>;";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:>;\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "IOException";		
-	String testName = "<complete at beginning of field type>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete at beginning of superclass
- */
-public void test20() {
-	String str =
-		"class X extends IOException {				\n" + 
-		"											\n" + 
-		"}											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "extends ";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnClass:>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"class X extends <CompleteOnClass:> {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "IOException";		
-	String testName = "<complete at beginning of superclass>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in return type
- */
-public void test21() {
-	String str =
-		"class X {									\n" + 
-		"	IOEx									\n" + 
-		"}											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IOEx";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:IOEx>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "IOEx";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:IOEx>;\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "IOEx";		
-	String testName = "<complete in return type>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in argument type
- */
-public void test22() {
-	String str =
-		"class X {									\n" + 
-		"	int foo(IOEx							\n" + 
-		"}											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IOEx";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:IOEx>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "IOEx";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:IOEx>;\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "IOEx";		
-	String testName = "<complete in argument type>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in return type
- */
-public void test23() {
-	String str =
-		"class X {									\n" + 
-		"	IOEx									\n" + 
-		"											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IOEx";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:IOEx>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "IOEx";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:IOEx>;\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "IOEx";		
-	String testName = "<complete in return type>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in argument type (no closing brace for type)
- */
-public void test24() {
-	String str =
-		"class X {									\n" + 
-		"	int foo(IOEx							\n" + 
-		"											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IOEx";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:IOEx>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "IOEx";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:IOEx>;\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "IOEx";		
-	String testName = "<complete in argument type>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in return type with modifiers
- */
-public void test25() {
-	String str =
-		"class X {									\n" + 
-		"	public final IOEx						\n" + 
-		"											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IOEx";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:IOEx>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "IOEx";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:IOEx>;\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "IOEx";		
-	String testName = "<complete in return type with modifiers>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in field initialization
- */
-public void test26() {
-	String str =
-		"class X {									\n" + 
-		"	public final int x = IOEx				\n" + 
-		"											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IOEx";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:IOEx>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "IOEx";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  public final int x = <CompleteOnName:IOEx>;\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "IOEx";		
-	String testName = "<complete in field initialization>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in nth argument type
- */
-public void test27() {
-	String str =
-		"class X {									\n" + 
-		"	int foo(AA a, BB b, IOEx				\n" + 
-		"											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IOEx";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:IOEx>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "IOEx";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:IOEx>;\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo(AA a, BB b) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "IOEx";		
-	String testName = "<complete in nth argument type>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in nth argument qualified type
- */
-public void test28() {
-	String str =
-		"class X {									\n" + 
-		"	int foo(AA a, BB b,		\n" + 
-		"											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = ".io.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  <>;\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo(AA a, BB b) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";		
-	String testName = "<complete in nth argument qualified type>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in nth thrown exception qualified type
- */
-public void test29() {
-	String str =
-		"class X {												\n" + 
-		"	public int foo(AA a, BB b) throws AA,	\n" +
-		"														\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = ".io";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "io";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public int foo(AA a, BB b) throws AA, <> {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";		
-	String testName = "<complete in nth thrown exception qualified type>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in completed argument 
- */
-public void test30() {
-	String str =
-		"class X {												\n" + 
-		"	public int foo(AA a, b) 					\n" +
-		"														\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "io.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public int foo(AA a, <> b) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	String testName = "<complete in in completed argument>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Negative test: no diet completion in allocation expression 
- */
-public void test31() {
-	String str =
-		"class Bar {								\n"+
-		"	void foo() {							\n"+
-		"		new X().zzz();						\n"+
-		"	}										\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String completeBehind = "new X";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = NONE;
-	String completionIdentifier = NONE;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = null;		
-	String testName = "<no diet completion in allocation expression>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Completion in package statement
- */
-public void test32() {
-	String str =
-		"package				\n"+
-		"import x.util.*;				\n"+
-		"import x.*;					\n"+
-		"class X extends util{	\n"+
-		"    X(){}				\n"+
-		"    X(int a, int b){}	\n"+
-		"}								\n";
-	String completeBehind = "x.ab";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnPackage:x.ab>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "ab";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"package <CompleteOnPackage:x.ab>;\n" + 
-		"import x.util.*;\n" + 
-		"import x.*;\n" + 
-		"class X extends util {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  X(int a, int b) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";		
-	String testName = "<complete in package statement>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Completion in import statement
- */
-public void test33() {
-	String str =
-		"package;				\n"+
-		"import x.util				\n"+
-		"import x.*;					\n"+
-		"class X extends util{	\n"+
-		"    X(){}				\n"+
-		"    X(int a, int b){}	\n"+
-		"}								\n";
-	String completeBehind = "x.util";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnImport:x.util>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "util";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"package;\n" + 
-		"import <CompleteOnImport:x.util>;\n" + 
-		"import x.*;\n" + 
-		"class X extends util {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  X(int a, int b) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "x.util";		
-	String testName = "<complete in import statement>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on superclass behind a unicode
- *
- * -- compute the unicode representation for a given string --
-   [ String str = "IOEx";
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("\"");
-	for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++){
-		String hex = Integer.toHexString(str.charAt(i));
-		buffer.append("\\u0000".substring(0, 6-hex.length()));
-		buffer.append(hex);
-	}
-	buffer.append("\"");
-	buffer.toString()
-	]
- */
-public void test34() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;									\n" + 
-		"													\n" + 
-		"public class X extends IOE\\u0078ception {			\n" + 
-		"}													\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IOE\\u0078";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnClass:IOEx>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "IOEx";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X extends <CompleteOnClass:IOEx> {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "IOE\\u0078ception";
-	String testName = "<complete on superclass behind a unicode>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void test34a() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;									\n" + 
-		"													\n" + 
-		"public class X extends IOException {			\n" + 
-		"}													\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IOE";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnClass:IOE>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "IOE";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X extends <CompleteOnClass:IOE> {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "IOException";
-	String testName = "<complete on superclass before a unicode>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void test34b() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;									\n" + 
-		"													\n" + 
-		"public class X extends IOE\\u0078c\\u0065ption {			\n" + 
-		"}													\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IOE\\u0078c\\u0065p";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnClass:IOExcep>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "IOExcep";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X extends <CompleteOnClass:IOExcep> {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "IOE\\u0078c\\u0065ption";
-	String testName = "<complete on superclass behind a unicode>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void test34c() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;									\n" + 
-		"													\n" + 
-		"public class X \\u0065xt\\u0065nds IOE\\u0078c\\u0065ption {			\n" + 
-		"}													\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IOE\\u0078c\\u0065p";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnClass:IOExcep>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "IOExcep";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X extends <CompleteOnClass:IOExcep> {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "IOE\\u0078c\\u0065ption";
-	String testName = "<complete on superclass behind a unicode>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Invalid completion inside a unicode
- *
- * -- compute the unicode representation for a given string --
-   [ String str = "IOEx";
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("\"");
-	for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++){
-		String hex = Integer.toHexString(str.charAt(i));
-		buffer.append("\\u0000".substring(0, 6-hex.length()));
-		buffer.append(hex);
-	}
-	buffer.append("\"");
-	buffer.toString()
-	]
- */
-public void test35() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;									\n" + 
-		"													\n" + 
-		"public class X extends IOE\\u0078ception {			\n" + 
-		"}													\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IOE\\u00";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = NONE;
-	String completionIdentifier = NONE;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = NONE;
-	String testName = "<complete inside unicode>";
-	try {
-		int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-		this.checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(), 
-			cursorLocation, 
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			testName);
-		assertTrue("failed to detect invalid cursor location", false);
-	} catch(InvalidCursorLocation e){
-		assertEquals("invalid cursor location: ", e.irritant, InvalidCursorLocation.NO_COMPLETION_INSIDE_UNICODE);
-	}
- * Invalid completion inside a comment
- *
- */
-public void test36() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;									\n" + 
-		"													\n" + 
-		"public class X extends /*IOException*/ {			\n" + 
-		"}													\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IOEx";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = NONE;
-	String completionIdentifier = NONE;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = NONE;
-	String testName = "<complete inside comment>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	try {
-		this.checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(), 
-			cursorLocation, 
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			testName);
-		assertTrue("failed to detect invalid cursor location", false);		
-	} catch(InvalidCursorLocation e){
-		assertEquals("invalid cursor location: ", e.irritant, InvalidCursorLocation.NO_COMPLETION_INSIDE_COMMENT);
-	}
- * Invalid completion inside a string literal
- *
- */
-public void test37() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;									\n" + 
-		"													\n" + 
-		"public class X {									\n" +
-		"	String s = \"IOException\";						\n" +
-		"}													\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IOEx";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompletionOnString:\"IOEx\">";
-	String completionIdentifier = "IOEx";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  String s = <CompletionOnString:\"IOEx\">;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "\"IOException\"";
-	String testName = "<complete inside a string literal>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName);
- * Invalid completion inside a number literal
- *
- */
-public void test38() {
-	String str = 
-		"import*;									\n" + 
-		"													\n" + 
-		"public class X {									\n" +
-		"	int s = 12345678;								\n" +
-		"}													\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "1234";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = NONE;
-	String completionIdentifier = NONE;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = "";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = NONE;
-	String testName = "<complete inside a number literal>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	try{
-		this.checkDietParse(
-			str.toCharArray(), 
-			cursorLocation, 
-			expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-			expectedUnitDisplayString,
-			completionIdentifier,
-			expectedReplacedSource,
-			testName);
-		assertTrue("failed to detect invalid cursor location", false);		
-	} catch(InvalidCursorLocation e){
-		assertEquals("invalid cursor location: ", e.irritant, InvalidCursorLocation.NO_COMPLETION_INSIDE_NUMBER);
-	}	
- * Completion in import statement at the end of the unit
- */
-public void test39() {
-	String str =
-		"package;				\n"+
-		"import x.util";
-	String completeBehind = "x.util";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnImport:x.util>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "util";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"package;\n" + 
-		"import <CompleteOnImport:x.util>;\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "x.util";		
-	String testName = "<complete in import statement at the end of the unit>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Completion in import statement at the end of the unit (qualified empty name)
- */
-public void test40() {
-	String str =
-		"package a.b;			\n"+
-		"import java.";
-	String completeBehind = "java.";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnImport:java.>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"package a.b;\n" + 
-		"import <CompleteOnImport:java.>;\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "java.";		
-	String testName = "<complete in import statement at the end of the unit>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Should not find any diet completion
- */
-public void test41() {
-	String str =
-		"import*;							\n" + 
-		"											\n" + 
-		"public class X extends 					\n" +
-		"	int foo(String str)						\n" +
-		"		String variable = ;					\n" +
-		"		{									\n" +
-		"		 	String variableNotInScope;		\n" +
-		"		}									\n" +
-		"		foo(varia							\n";
-	String completeBehind = "foo(var";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = NONE;
-	String completionIdentifier = "var";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo(String str) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "varia";		
-	String testName = "<should not find diet completion>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on array type with prefix dimensions
- */
-public void test42() {
-	String str =
-		"import*;							\n" + 
-		"											\n" + 
-		"public class X {		 					\n" +
-		"	int[] foo(String str)					\n";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:int>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:int>\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";		
-	String testName = "<completion on array type with prefix dimensions>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on array type with postfix dimensions
- */
-public void test43() {
-	String str =
-		"import*;							\n" + 
-		"											\n" + 
-		"public class X {		 					\n" +
-		"	int foo(String str)	[]					\n";
-	String completeBehind = "int";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:int>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "int";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:int>\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int";		
-	String testName = "<completion on array type with postfix dimensions>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in return type behind other member
- */
-public void test44() {
-	String str =
-		"class X {									\n" +
-		"	int i;									\n" +
-		"	IOEx									\n" + 
-		"}											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IOEx";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:IOEx>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "IOEx";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"class X {\n" +
-		"  int i;\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:IOEx>;\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "IOEx";		
-	String testName = "<complete in return type>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in return type behind other member
- */
-public void test45() {
-	String str =
-		"class X {									\n" +
-		"	int i;									\n" +
-		"	public IOEx								\n" + 
-		"}											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "IOEx";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:IOEx>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "IOEx";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"class X {\n" +
-		"  int i;\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:IOEx>;\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "IOEx";		
-	String testName = "<complete in return type>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on name in field initializer
- */
-public void test46() {
-	String str =
-		"class X {									\n" +
-		"	String s = \"hello\";					\n" +
-		"	int f = s.								\n" +
-		"}											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "= s";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:s>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "s";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"class X {\n" +
-		"  String s;\n" +
-		"  int f = <CompleteOnName:s>;\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "s";		
-	String testName = "<complete on name in field initializer>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete in field initializer in innner class 
- */
-public void test47() {
-	String str =
-		"class X {									\n" +
-		"	class Y {								\n" +
-		"		Object[] f = { }			\n" +
-		"		Object foo(){ return this; }		\n" +
-		"}											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "foo";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Object[] f = {<>};\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    Object foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";		
-	String testName = "<complete in field initializer in inner class>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Should not find fake field of type <CompleteOnType:f>
- */
-public void test48() {
-	String str =
-		"package pack;								\n"+
-		"class A  {									\n"+
-		"											\n"+
-		"	public static void main(String[] argv)	\n"+
-		"			new Member().f					\n"+
-		"			;								\n"+
-		"	}										\n"+
-		"	class Member {							\n"+
-		"		int foo()							\n"+
-		"		}									\n"+
-		"	}										\n"+
-		"};											\n";
-	String completeBehind = "new Member().f";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = NONE;
-	String completionIdentifier = "f";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"package pack;\n" + 
-		"class A {\n" + 
-		"  class Member {\n" + 
-		"    Member() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  A() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] argv) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "f";		
-	String testName = "<should not find fake field of type f>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Completion in middle of package import statement
- */
-public void test49() {
-	String str =
-		"import java.lang.reflect.*;	\n"+
-		"class X {						\n"+
-		"}								\n";
-	String completeBehind = "";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "la";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"import <>;\n" + 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "java.lang.reflect";		
-	String testName = "<complete in middle of package import statement>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on instance creation in field initializer.
- */
-public void test50() {
-	String str =
-		"class X {									\n" +
-		"	String s = \"hello\";					\n" +
-		"	Object o = new Xyz();					\n" +
-		"}											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "new X";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnType:X>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "X";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"class X {\n" +
-		"  String s;\n" +
-		"  Object o = new <CompleteOnType:X>();\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "Xyz";		
-	String testName = "<complete on instance creation in field initializer>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on member access in field initializer.
- */
-public void test51() {
-	String str =
-		"class X {									\n" +
-		"	String s = \"hello\";					\n" +
-		"	Object o = fred().xyz;					\n" +
-		"}											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "fred().x";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "x";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"class X {\n" +
-		"  String s;\n" +
-		"  Object o = <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "xyz";		
-	String testName = "<complete on member access in field initializer>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on class literal access in field initializer.
- */
-public void test52() {
-	String str =
-		"class X {									\n" +
-		"	String s = \"hello\";					\n" +
-		"	Class c = int[].class;					\n" +
-		"}											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "int[].c";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnClassLiteralAccess:int[].c>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "c";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"class X {\n" +
-		"  String s;\n" +
-		"  Class c = <CompleteOnClassLiteralAccess:int[].c>;\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "int[].class";		
-	String testName = "<complete on class literal access in field initializer>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on method invocation in field initializer.
- */
-public void test53() {
-	String str =
-		"class X {									\n" +
-		"	String s = \"hello\";					\n" +
-		"	Object o = s.concat();					\n" +
-		"}											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "s.concat(";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnMessageSend:s.concat()>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"class X {\n" +
-		"  String s;\n" +
-		"  Object o = <CompleteOnMessageSend:s.concat()>;\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "concat(";		
-	String testName = "<complete on method invocation in field initializer>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Should not find fake field of type <CompleteOnType:f>
- */
-public void test54() {
-	String str =
-		"package pack;								\n"+
-		"class A  {									\n"+
-		"											\n"+
-		"	public static void main(String[] argv	\n"+
-		"			new Member().f					\n"+
-		"			;								\n"+
-		"	}										\n"+
-		"	class Member {							\n"+
-		"		int foo()							\n"+
-		"		}									\n"+
-		"	}										\n"+
-		"};											\n";
-	String completeBehind = "new Member().f";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = NONE;
-	String completionIdentifier = "f";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"package pack;\n" + 
-		"class A {\n" + 
-		"  class Member {\n" + 
-		"    Member() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  A() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] argv) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "f";		
-	String testName = "<should not find fake field of type f>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Complete on anonymous type in field initializer.
- */
-public void test55() {
-	String str =
-		"class X {									\n" +
-		"	Object o = new Object(){				\n" +
-		"		void foo(){							\n" +
-		"			String x = \"\";				\n" +
-		"			x.index							\n" +
-		"		}									\n" +
-		"											\n" +
-		"		void bar(){							\n" +
-		"			String y = \"\";				\n" +
-		"		}									\n" +
-		"	};					 					\n" +
-		"}											\n"; 
-	String completeBehind = "x.index";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<CompleteOnName:x.index>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "index";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o = new Object() {\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" + 
-		"      String x;\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnName:x.index>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void bar() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  };\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "x.index";		
-	String testName = "<complete on anonymous type in field initializer>";
-	int cursorLocation = str.indexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		cursorLocation, 
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 344e6f0..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7680 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.AbstractCompilerTest;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.codeassist.complete.CompletionParser;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.SourceElementParser;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.batch.CompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.DefaultProblemFactory;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter;
-public class DietRecoveryTest extends AbstractCompilerTest {
-	public static boolean optimizeStringLiterals = false;
-	public static long sourceLevel = ClassFileConstants.JDK1_3; //$NON-NLS-1$
-static {
-//	TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 113 };	
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(DietRecoveryTest.class);
-public DietRecoveryTest(String testName){
-	super(testName);
-public void checkParse(
-	char[] source, 
-	String expectedDietUnitToString,
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,	
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,
-	String expectedFullUnitToString, 
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, String testName) {
-	/* using regular parser in DIET mode */
-	{
-		Parser parser = 
-			new Parser(
-				new ProblemReporter(
-					DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-					new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()), 
-					new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault())),
-				optimizeStringLiterals);
-		ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null);
-		CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 0, 0, 0);	
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration computedUnit = parser.dietParse(sourceUnit, compilationResult);
-		String computedUnitToString = computedUnit.toString();
-		if (!expectedDietUnitToString.equals(computedUnitToString)){
-			System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString));
-		}
-		assertEquals(
-			"Invalid unit diet structure" + testName,
-			expectedDietUnitToString,
-			computedUnitToString);
-	}
-	/* using regular parser in DIET mode + getMethodBodies */
-	{
-		Parser parser = 
-			new Parser(
-				new ProblemReporter(
-					DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-					new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()), 
-					new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault())),
-				optimizeStringLiterals);
-		parser.setMethodsFullRecovery(false);
-		parser.setStatementsRecovery(false);
-		ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null);
-		CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 0, 0, 0);	
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration computedUnit = parser.dietParse(sourceUnit, compilationResult);
-		String computedUnitToString = computedUnit.toString();
-		if (!expectedDietUnitToString.equals(computedUnitToString)){
-			System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString));
-		}
-		assertEquals(
-			"Invalid unit diet structure" + testName,
-			expectedDietUnitToString,
-			computedUnitToString);
-		if (computedUnit.types != null) {
-			for (int i = computedUnit.types.length; --i >= 0;){
-				computedUnit.types[i].parseMethod(parser, computedUnit);
-			}
-		}
-		computedUnitToString = computedUnit.toString();
-		if (!expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString.equals(computedUnitToString)){
-			System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString));
-		}
-		assertEquals(
-			"Invalid unit diet+body structure" + testName,
-			expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-			computedUnitToString);
-	}
-	/* using regular parser in DIET mode + getMethodBodies + statements recovery */
-	{
-		Parser parser = 
-			new Parser(
-				new ProblemReporter(
-					DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-					new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()), 
-					new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault())),
-				optimizeStringLiterals);
-		parser.setMethodsFullRecovery(true);
-		parser.setStatementsRecovery(true);
-		ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null);
-		CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 0, 0, 0);	
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration computedUnit = parser.dietParse(sourceUnit, compilationResult);
-		String computedUnitToString = computedUnit.toString();
-		if (!expectedDietUnitToString.equals(computedUnitToString)){
-			System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString));
-		}
-		assertEquals(
-			"Invalid unit diet structure" + testName,
-			expectedDietUnitToString,
-			computedUnitToString);
-		if (computedUnit.types != null) {
-			for (int i = computedUnit.types.length; --i >= 0;){
-				computedUnit.types[i].parseMethod(parser, computedUnit);
-			}
-		}
-		computedUnitToString = computedUnit.toString();
-		if (!expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString.equals(computedUnitToString)){
-			System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString));
-		}
-		assertEquals(
-			"Invalid unit diet+body structure with statements recovery" + testName,
-			expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,
-			computedUnitToString);
-	}
-	/* using regular parser in FULL mode */
-	{
-		Parser parser = 
-			new Parser(
-				new ProblemReporter(
-					DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-					new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()), 
-					new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault())),
-				optimizeStringLiterals);
-		ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null);
-		CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 0, 0, 0);	
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration computedUnit = parser.parse(sourceUnit, compilationResult);
-		String computedUnitToString = computedUnit.toString();
-		if (!expectedFullUnitToString.equals(computedUnitToString)){
-			System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString));
-		}
-		assertEquals(
-			"Invalid unit full structure" + testName,
-			expectedFullUnitToString,
-			computedUnitToString);
-	}
-	/* using source element parser in DIET mode */
-	{
-		SourceElementParser parser =
-			new SourceElementParser(
-				new TestSourceElementRequestor(),
-				new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault()),
-				new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()),
-				false/*don't record local declarations*/,
-				true/*optimize string literals*/);
-		ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null);
-		CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 0, 0, 0);	
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration computedUnit = parser.dietParse(sourceUnit, compilationResult);
-		String computedUnitToString = computedUnit.toString();
-		if (!expectedDietUnitToString.equals(computedUnitToString)){
-			System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString));
-		}
-		assertEquals(
-			"Invalid source element diet structure" + testName,
-			expectedDietUnitToString,
-			computedUnitToString);
-	}
-	/* using source element parser in FULL mode */
-	{
-		SourceElementParser parser =
-			new SourceElementParser(
-				new TestSourceElementRequestor(),
-				new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault()),
-				new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()),
-				false/*don't record local declarations*/,
-				true/*optimize string literals*/);
-		ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null);
-		CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 0, 0, 0);	
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration computedUnit = parser.parse(sourceUnit, compilationResult);
-		String computedUnitToString = computedUnit.toString();
-		if (!expectedFullUnitToString.equals(computedUnitToString)){
-			System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString));
-		}
-		assertEquals(
-			"Invalid source element full structure" + testName,
-			expectedFullUnitToString,
-			computedUnitToString);
-	}	
-	/* using completion parser in DIET mode */
-	{
-		CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions());
-		CompletionParser parser =
-			new CompletionParser(
-				new ProblemReporter(
-					DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-					options, 
-					new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault())));
-		ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null);
-		CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 0, 0, 0);	
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration computedUnit = parser.dietParse(sourceUnit, compilationResult, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
-		String computedUnitToString = computedUnit.toString();
-		if (!expectedCompletionDietUnitToString.equals(computedUnitToString)){
-			System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString));
-		}
-		assertEquals(
-			"Invalid completion diet structure" + testName,
-			expectedCompletionDietUnitToString,
-			computedUnitToString);
-	}
- * Should treat variables 'h' and 'i' as fields since 'public'.
- */
-public void test01() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "import java.lang.*;							\n"
-			+ "import java.util.*;							\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "		System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "	public int h;								\n"
-			+ "	public int[] i = { 0, 1 };					\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ "	void truc(){								\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public int[] i = {0, 1};\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public int[] i = {0, 1};\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public int[] i;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<promote local vars into fields>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,	
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should filter out local type altogether
- */
-public void test02() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "import java.lang.*;							\n"
-			+ "import java.util.*;							\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "		System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "		class L {								\n"
-			+ "			void baz(){}						\n"
-			+ "		}										\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "	public int h;								\n"
-			+ "	public int[] i = { 0, 1 };					\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ "	void truc(){								\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public int[] i = {0, 1};\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public int[] i = {0, 1};\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";	
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public int[] i = {0, 1};\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    class L {\n" + 
-		"      L() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void baz() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";	
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public int[] i;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<filter out local type>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,	
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should still be finding last method (#baz)
- */
-public void test03() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "import java.lang.*;							\n"
-			+ "import java.util.*;							\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "		System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "	public int h;								\n"
-			+ "	public int[] i = { 0, 1 };					\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ "	void baz(){								\n"
-			+ "	}											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public int[] i = {0, 1};\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void baz() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public int[] i = {0, 1};\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void baz() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";	
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public int[] i;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void baz() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<should find last method>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,	
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,	
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should finding 5 fields.
- */
-public void test04() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "import java.lang.*;							\n"
-			+ "import java.util.*;							\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ " X x;										\n"
-			+ " Object a, b = null;							\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "		System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "	public int h;								\n"
-			+ "	public int[] i = { 0, 1 };					\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ "	void truc(){								\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  X x;\n" + 
-		"  Object a;\n" + 
-		"  Object b = null;\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public int[] i = {0, 1};\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  X x;\n" + 
-		"  Object a;\n" + 
-		"  Object b = null;\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public int[] i = {0, 1};\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  X x;\n" + 
-		"  Object a;\n" + 
-		"  Object b;\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public int[] i;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<five fields>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,	
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,	
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Diet parse thinks it is successful - no recovery
- */
-public void test05() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {									\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "		System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ " 	void baz(){}							\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "	void truc(){								\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    new baz() {\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void baz() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<diet was successful>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,	
-		expectedFullUnitToString,	
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Recovery will not restart from scratch, and miss some signatures (#baz())
- */
-public void test06() {
-	String s = 
-			"import java.lang.*;							\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "		System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ " 	void baz(){}							\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "	void truc(){								\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void baz() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void baz() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<will not miss nested method>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,	
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Attaching orphan methods and fields 
- */
-public void test07() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X {								\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "		System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ " int x;										\n"
-			+ "	void baz(){									\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ " int y;										\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int x;\n" + 
-		"  int y;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void baz() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int x;\n" + 
-		"  int y;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void baz() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<attaching orphans>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,	
-		expectedFullUnitToString,	
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Properly attaching fields/methods to member type
- */
-public void test08() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X {								\n"
-			+ " class Y {									\n"
-			+ "	  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "	   System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "   }											\n"
-			+ " public int h;								\n"
-			+ " public int[] i = {0, 1};					\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ "	void baz(){									\n"
-			+ " }											\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    public int h;\n" + 
-		"    public int[] i = {0, 1};\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void bar() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void baz() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    public int h;\n" + 
-		"    public int[] i = {0, 1};\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"      super();\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" + 
-		"      System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void bar() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void baz() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    public int h;\n" + 
-		"    public int[] i;\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void bar() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void baz() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<attaching to member type>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Properly attaching fields/methods to enclosing type
- */
-public void test09() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X {								\n"
-			+ " class Y {									\n"
-			+ "	  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "	   System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "   }											\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ " public int h;								\n"
-			+ " public int[] i = {0, 1};					\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ "	void baz(){									\n"
-			+ " }											\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public int[] i = {0, 1};\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void baz() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"      super();\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" + 
-		"      System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public int[] i = {0, 1};\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void baz() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public int[] i;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void baz() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<attaching to enclosing type>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,	
-		expectedFullUnitToString,	
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Properly attaching fields/methods to member type in presence of missing
- * member type opening brace (Y) (and array initializer for (i)).
- */
-public void test10() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X {								\n"
-			+ " class Y 									\n"
-			+ "	  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "	   System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "   }											\n"
-			+ " public int h;								\n"
-			+ " public int[] i = {0, 1};					\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ "	void baz(){									\n"
-			+ " }											\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    public int h;\n" + 
-		"    public int[] i = {0, 1};\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void bar() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void baz() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    public int h;\n" + 
-		"    public int[] i = {0, 1};\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"      super();\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" + 
-		"      System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void bar() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void baz() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    public int h;\n" + 
-		"    public int[] i;\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void bar() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void baz() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<missing brace + array initializer>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Attaching orphan methods and fields, by counting brackets
- * variable 'x' should be eliminated (looks like a local variable) 
- */
-public void test11() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X {								\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "		System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ "  int x;										\n"
-			+ "	void baz(){									\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ " int y;										\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int y;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void baz() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int y;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"    int x;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void baz() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<attaching orphans with missing brackets>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,	
-		expectedFullUnitToString,	
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Attaching orphan methods and fields, by counting brackets
- * variable 'x' should NOT be eliminated given it looks like a field
- */
-public void test12() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X {								\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "		System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ " public int x;								\n"
-			+ "	void baz(){									\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ " int y;										\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public int x;\n" + 
-		"  int y;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void baz() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public int x;\n" + 
-		"  int y;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void baz() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<attaching orphans with missing brackets 2>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString		,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,	
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should still recover incomplete type signature (missing superclass)
- */
-public void test13() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X extends {						\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {								\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 	
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<invalid type header>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should still recover incomplete method signature (missing opening brace)
- */
-public void test14() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X extends Thread {				\n"
-			+ "	void foo() 									\n"
-			+ "	void bar() 									\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X extends Thread {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X extends Thread {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 	
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<method header missing opening brace>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should still recover incomplete method signature (missing thrown exceptions)
- */
-public void test15() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X extends Thread {				\n"
-			+ "	void foo() throws							\n"
-			+ "	void bar() 									\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X extends Thread {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X extends Thread {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 	
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"public class X extends Thread {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 	
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    ;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<method header missing thrown exceptions>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should still recover incomplete type signature (missing superinterfaces)
- */
-public void test16() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X implements 						\n"
-			+ "	void foo() 									\n"
-			+ "	void bar() 									\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 	
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<type header missing superinterfaces>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should still recover incomplete type signature (missing superinterfaces)
- */
-public void test17() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X implements Y,					\n"
-			+ "	void foo() 									\n"
-			+ "	void bar() 									\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X implements Y {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X implements Y {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 	
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<type header missing superinterfaces 2>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,	
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should find member type behind incomplete enclosing type header
- */
-public void test18() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X implements 						\n"
-			+ " class Y { 									\n"
-			+ "	 void bar() 								\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void bar() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"      super();\n" + 	
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void bar() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 	
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<member type behind incomplete enclosing type>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,	
-		expectedFullUnitToString,	
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should find member type when missing opening brace
- */
-public void test19() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X 		 						\n"
-			+ " class Y { 									\n"
-			+ "	 void bar() 								\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void bar() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"      super();\n"+
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void bar() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n"+
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<member type when missing opening brace>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,	
-		expectedFullUnitToString,	
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should not find fieldX signature behind missing brace
- */
-public void test20() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X 		 						\n"
-		+ " fieldX;										\n"
-		+ " class Y { 									\n"
-		+ "	 void bar() 								\n"
-		+ " }											\n"
-		+ "}											\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void bar() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"      super();\n"+
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void bar() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n"+
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<no field behind missing brace>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should find Y as member type
- */
-public void test21() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X 		 						\n"
-			+ " fieldX;										\n"
-			+ " class Y  									\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"      super();\n"+
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n"+
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should find Y as member type>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,	
-		expectedFullUnitToString,	
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should filter out incomplete local type
- */
-public void test22() {
-	String s =
-		"package a;											\n" +
-		"import java.lang.*;							\n" +
-		"import java.util.*;							\n" +
-		"												\n" +
-		"public class X {								\n" +							
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		System.out.println();					\n" +		
-		"												\n" +
-		"		class L extends {						\n" +
-		"			public int l;						\n" +
-		"			void baz(){}						\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"												\n" +
-		"	public int h;								\n" +					
-		"												\n" +
-		"	void bar(){									\n" +				
-		"	void truc(){								\n" +
-		"}	\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n"+
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n"+
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    class L {\n" + 
-		"      public int l;\n" + 
-		"      L() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void baz() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should filter out incomplete local type>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,	
-		expectedFullUnitToString,	
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should filter out incomplete local type and method signature
- */
-public void test23() {
-	String s =
-		"package a;											\n" +
-		"import java.lang.*;							\n" +
-		"import java.util.*;							\n" +
-		"												\n" +
-		"public class X {								\n" +							
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		System.out.println();					\n" +		
-		"												\n" +
-		"		class L extends {						\n" +
-		"			public int l;						\n" +
-		"			void baz() throws {}				\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"												\n" +
-		"	public int h;								\n" +					
-		"												\n" +
-		"	void bar(){									\n" +				
-		"	void truc(){								\n" +
-		"}	\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n"+
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n"+
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    class L {\n" + 
-		"      public int l;\n" + 
-		"      L() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void baz() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should filter out incomplete local type/method>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should filter out anonymous type
- */
-public void test24() {
-	String s =
-		"package a;											\n" +
-		"import java.lang.*;							\n" +
-		"import java.util.*;							\n" +
-		"												\n" +
-		"public class X {								\n" +							
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		System.out.println();					\n" +		
-		"												\n" +
-		"		new X(){								\n" +
-		"			void baz() {}						\n" +
-		"		}.baz();								\n" +
-		"												\n" +
-		"	public int h;								\n" +					
-		"												\n" +
-		"	void bar(){									\n" +				
-		"	void truc(){								\n" +
-		"}	\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    new X() {\n" + 
-		"  void baz() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}.baz();\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should filter out incomplete anonymous type/method>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should filter out incomplete anonymous type
- */
-public void test25() {
-	String s =
-		"package a;											\n" +
-		"import java.lang.*;							\n" +
-		"import java.util.*;							\n" +
-		"												\n" +
-		"public class X {								\n" +							
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		System.out.println();					\n" +		
-		"												\n" +
-		"		new X(){								\n" +
-		"			void baz() {}						\n" +
-		"												\n" +
-		"		public int h;							\n" +					
-		"												\n" +
-		"		void bar(){								\n" +				
-		"		void truc(){							\n" +
-		"}	\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n"+
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n"+
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    new X() {\n" + 
-		"      public int h;\n" + 
-		"      void baz() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void bar() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void truc() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should filter out incomplete anonymous type>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should filter out incomplete anonymous method
- */
-public void test26() {
-	String s =
-		"package a;											\n" +
-		"import java.lang.*;							\n" +
-		"import java.util.*;							\n" +
-		"												\n" +
-		"public class X {								\n" +							
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		System.out.println();					\n" +		
-		"												\n" +
-		"		new X(){								\n" +
-		"			void baz() 							\n" +
-		"	    }										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"	public int h;								\n" +					
-		"												\n" +
-		"	void bar(){									\n" +				
-		"	void truc(){								\n" +
-		"}	\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n"+
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n"+
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should filter out incomplete anonymous method>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should filter out incomplete local type and local var h
- */
-public void test27() {
-	String s =
-		"package a;							\n"	+
-		"import java.lang.*;				\n"	+				
-		"import java.util.*;				\n"	+				
-		"									\n"	+				
-		"public class X {					\n"	+				
-		"	void foo() {					\n"	+				
-		"		System.out.println();		\n"	+				
-		"									\n"	+			
-		"		class L extends {			\n"	+
-		"			public int l;			\n"	+				
-		"			void baz(){}			\n"	+				
-		"		}							\n"	+				
-		"									\n"	+				
-		"		int h;						\n"	+				
-		"									\n"	+				
-		"	void bar(){						\n"	+				
-		"	void truc(){					\n"	+				
-		"}									\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n"+
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n"+
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    class L {\n" + 
-		"      public int l;\n" + 
-		"      L() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void baz() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    int h;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should filter incomplete local type L and variable h>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should find <y> as a field in Y
- */
-public void test28() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {		 	\n" +
-		"  int x;			 		\n"	+						
-		"							\n" +
-		"  int foo(){ }				\n" +
-		"							\n" +
-		"  class Y  {				\n"	+
-		"    int y;					\n" +
-		"}							\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    int y;\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int x;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    int y;\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"      super();\n"+
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int x;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n"+
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should find <y> as a field in Y>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should find <y> as a field in X
- */
-public void test29() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {		 	\n" +
-		"  int x;			 		\n"	+						
-		"							\n" +
-		"  int foo(){ }				\n" +
-		"							\n" +
-		"  class Y  {				\n"	+
-		"}							\n" +
-		"  int y;					\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int x;\n" + 
-		"  int y;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"      super();\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int x;\n" + 
-		"  int y;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should find <y> as a field in X>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should find <y> as a field in X
- */
-public void test30() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {		 	\n" +
-		"  int x;			 		\n"	+						
-		"							\n" +
-		"  int foo(){ }				\n" +
-		"							\n" +
-		"  class Y  				\n"	+
-		"}							\n" +
-		"  int y;					\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int x;\n" + 
-		"  int y;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"      super();\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int x;\n" + 
-		"  int y;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should find <y> as a field in X>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should recover from partial method header foo()
- */
-public void test31() {
-	String s =
-		"package a;								\n"+
-		"import java.lang.*;					\n"+
-		"import java.util.*;					\n"+
-		"										\n"+
-		"public class X {						\n"+
-		"	void foo() 							\n"+
-		"		System.out.println();			\n"+
-		"										\n"+
-		"	public int h;						\n"+
-		"	public int[] i = { 0, 1 };			\n"+
-		"										\n"+
-		"	void bar(){							\n"+						
-		"	void truc(){						\n"+						
-		"}										\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public int[] i = {0, 1};\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public int[] i = {0, 1};\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int h;\n" + 
-		"  public int[] i;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void truc() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<should recover from partial method header>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should recover from method with missing argument names
- */
-public void test32() {
-	String s =
-		"public class WB2 {											\n"+
-		"	public void foo(java.util.Locale, java.util.Vector) {	\n"+
-		"		int i;												\n"+
-		"		if(i instanceof O) {								\n"+
-		"		}													\n"+
-		"		String s = \"hello\";								\n"+
-		"		s.													\n"+
-		"	}														\n"+
-		"}															\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class WB2 {\n" + 
-		"  public WB2() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class WB2 {\n" + 
-		"  public WB2() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString;
-	if(COMPLIANCE_1_3.equals(this.complianceLevel) ||
-			COMPLIANCE_1_4.equals(this.complianceLevel)) {
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString =
-			"public class WB2 {\n" + 
-			"  public WB2() {\n" + 
-			"    super();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-			" $missing$;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	} else {
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString =
-			expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString;
-	}
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should recover from method with missing argument names>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should not find message with no argument as a constructor
- */
-public void test33() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {				\n"+
-		"	void hello()				\n"+
-		"	public X(int i)				\n"+						
-		"	void foo() {				\n"+
-		"		System.out.println();	\n"+			
-		"								\n"+
-		"}								\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  void hello() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X(int i) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  void hello() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X(int i) {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should not find message with no argument as a constructor>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,	
-		expectedFullUnitToString,	
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should not find allocation as a constructor
- */
-public void test34() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {				\n"+
-		"	void hello()				\n"+
-		"	public X(int i)				\n"+						
-		"	static void foo() {			\n"+
-		"		X x;					\n"+
-		"		x = new X(23);			\n"+
-		"		System.out.println();	\n"+			
-		"								\n"+
-		"}								\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  void hello() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X(int i) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  void hello() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X(int i) {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    X x;\n" + 
-		"    x = new X(23);\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should not find allocation as a constructor>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Incomplete field header
- */
-public void test35() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {		\n" +						
-		"	int x				\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int x;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int x;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<incomplete field header>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Incomplete multiple field headers
- */
-public void test36() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {		\n" +						
-		"	int x, y			\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int x;\n" +
-		"  int y;\n" + 		
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int x;\n" +
-		"  int y;\n" + 		
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<incomplete multiple field headers>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Field header with started string initializer
- */
-public void test37() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {		\n" +						
-		"	String s = \"		\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  String s;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  String s;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<field header with started string initializer>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Field header with started string initializer combined with incomplete superinterface
- */
-public void test38() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X implements Y, {		\n" +						
-		"	String s = \"					\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X implements Y {\n" + 
-		"  String s;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X implements Y {\n" + 
-		"  String s;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<field header and incomplete superinterface>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Field signature behind keyword implements
- */
-public void test39() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X implements 		\n"+
-		"int x							\n"+	
-		"}								\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int x;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int x;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<field signature behind keyword implements>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Field type read as interface
- */
-public void test40() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X implements Y, 		\n" +						
-		"	String s = \"					\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X implements Y, String {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X implements Y, String {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<field type read as interface>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Contiguous headers (checking checkpoint positions)
- */
-public void test41() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X public int foo(int bar(static String s";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  static String s;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  static String s;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<contiguous headers>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Contiguous headers without comma (checking checkpoint positions)
- */
-public void test42() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X public int foo(int x, int bar public String s;";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" +  
-		"  public String s;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public int foo(int x, int bar) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" +  
-		"  public String s;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public int foo(int x, int bar) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<contiguous headers without comma>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Contiguous headers without comma (checking checkpoint positions)
- */
-public void test43() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X 			\n" +
-		"	public int foo(			\n" +
-		"	int bar(				\n" +
-		" 	static String s, int x	\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  static String s;\n" + 
-		"  int x;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  static String s;\n" + 
-		"  int x;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<contiguous headers without comma>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should find static field <x>
- */
-public void test44() {
-	String s =
-		"class X {					\n" +
-		"	String s;				\n" +
-		"							\n" +
-		"	public void foo(		\n" +
-		"		static int x		\n" +
-		"}							\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString =
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  String s;\n" + 
-		"  static int x;\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  String s;\n" + 
-		"  static int x;\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should find static field x>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Missing string literal quote inside method
- */
-public void test45() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {			\n"+
-		"	int foo(){				\n"+
-		"		String s = \"		\n"+
-		"	}						\n"+
-		"}							\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<missing string literal quote inside method>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Detecting member type closing when missing brackets
- */
-public void test46() {
-	String s =
-		"class X 					\n"+
-		"  String s = \"class y 	\n"+
-		"  class Member 			\n"+
-		"	int foo() 				\n"+
-		"        public int x;    	\n"+
-		"  } 						\n"+
-		" int bar() 				\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Member {\n" + 
-		"    public int x;\n" + 
-		"    Member() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  String s;\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Member {\n" + 
-		"    public int x;\n" + 
-		"    Member() {\n" + 
-		"      super();\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  String s;\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<detecting member type closing when missing brackets>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Unterminated method arguments
- */
-public void test47() {
-	String s =
-		"class X {									\n" + 
-		"	int foo(AA a, BB b, IOEx				\n" + 
-		"											\n"; 
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  int foo(AA a, BB b) {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  int foo(AA a, BB b) {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<unterminated method arguments>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Unterminated literal string in method body
- */
-public void test48() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {							\n"+
-		"	final static int foo(){ 				\n"+
-		"		return \"1; 						\n"+
-		"	} 										\n"+
-		"	public static void main(String argv[]){ \n"+
-		"		foo();								\n"+
-		"	} 										\n"+
-		"}											\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static final int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] argv) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static final int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] argv) {\n" + 
-		"    foo();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<unterminated literal string in method body>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Unterminated initializer with local declaration
- */
-public void test49() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {							\n"+
-		"	{										\n"+
-		"     int x;								\n"+
-		"	 										\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<unterminated initializer with local declaration>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Unterminated if statement
- */
-public void test50() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {							\n"+
-		"   int foo(){								\n"+
-		"	  if(true){								\n"+
-		"     	int x;								\n"+
-		"	 										\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    if (true)\n" + 
-		"        {\n" + 
-		"          int x;\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"    else\n" + 
-		"        ;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<unterminated if statement>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Unterminated nested block with local declaration
- */
-public void test51() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {							\n"+
-		"   int foo(){								\n"+
-		"	  {										\n"+
-		"     	int x;								\n"+
-		"	 										\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      int x;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<unterminated nested block with local declaration>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Unterminated nested block with field declaration
- */
-public void test52() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {							\n"+
-		"   int foo(){								\n"+
-		"	  {										\n"+
-		"     	public int x;						\n"+
-		"	 										\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public int x;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public int x;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<unterminated nested block with field declaration>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Unterminated initializer with field declaration
- */
-public void test53() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {							\n"+
-		"	{										\n"+
-		"     public int x;							\n"+
-		"	 										\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +		
-		"  public int x;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +		
-		"  public int x;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<unterminated initializer with field declaration>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Invalid class name
- */
-public void test54() {
-	String s =
-		"package p;								\n"+
-		"public class ZPro.Sev.Blo {														\n"+
-		"void ThisIsADummyMethodThatIsCreatedOnlyForThePurposesOfTheCompletionEngine() {	\n"+
-		"	System.out.println(this.getClass());											\n"+
-		"}																					\n"+
-		"	// COMMENT																		\n"+
-		"}																					\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class ZPro {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public ZPro() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void ThisIsADummyMethodThatIsCreatedOnlyForThePurposesOfTheCompletionEngine() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString =
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class ZPro {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public ZPro() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void ThisIsADummyMethodThatIsCreatedOnlyForThePurposesOfTheCompletionEngine() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println(this.getClass());\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<Invalid class name>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Unterminated static initializer with field declaration
- */
-public void test55() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {							\n"+
-		"	static {								\n"+
-		"     public int x;							\n"+
-		"	 										\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  static {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public int x;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  static {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public int x;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<unterminated static initializer with field declaration>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Multiple initializers combined with array initializer
- */
-public void test56() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X 				\n"+
-		"	static int zz				\n"+
-		"	{							\n"+
-		"	}							\n"+
-		"	static {					\n"+
-		"   public int x;				\n"+
-		"	int[] y = { 0, 1};			\n"+
-		"	{							\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  static int zz;\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public int x;\n" + 
-		"  int[] y = {0, 1};\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  static int zz;\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public int x;\n" + 
-		"  int[] y = {0, 1};\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  static int zz;\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public int x;\n" + 
-		"  int[] y;\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<multiple initializers combined with array initializer>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Combination of unterminated methods and fields
- */
-public void test57() {
-	String s =
-		"class X						\n"+
-		"	void foo(){					\n"+
-		"		{						\n"+
-		"	public static int x;		\n"+
-		"	void bar()					\n"+
-		"	}							\n"+
-		"	int y;						\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  public static int x;\n" + 
-		"  int y;\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  public static int x;\n" + 
-		"  int y;\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<combination of unterminated methods and fields>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Illegal unicode inside method body
- */
-public void test58() {
-	String s =
-		"package p; \n"+
-		"													\n"+
-		"class A {											\n"+
-		"	void bar() {									\n"+
-		"		String s = \"\\u000D\";						\n"+
-		"	}												\n"+
-		"}													\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class A {\n" + 
-		"  A() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class A {\n" + 
-		"  A() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<illegal unicode inside method body>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Extra identifier in type signature
- */
-public void test59() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X extends IOException  {			\n" +
-		"}																	\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X extends {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X extends {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<extra identifier in type signature>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Extra identifier in method signature
- */
-public void test60() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X extends  {		\n" +
-		"	int foo() ExtraIdentifier {						\n" +
-		"}													\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X extends {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X extends {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<extra identifier in method signature>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Extra identifier behind thrown exception
- */
-public void test61() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X extends  {							\n" +
-		"	int foo() throws IOException ExtraIdentifier {	\n" +
-		"}													\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() throws IOException {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() throws IOException {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<extra identifier behind thrown exception>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Unterminated array initializer
- */
-public void test62() {
-	String s =
-		"class X {				\n"+
-		" class Y 				\n"+
-		"   public String s;	\n"+
-		"   int foo(){			\n"+
-		"	return 1;			\n"+
-		"   static int y = {;	\n"+ // can only be an initializer since type is not array one
-		" }						\n"+
-		" public int i = 0;		\n"+
-		" 						\n"+
-		" int baz()				\n"+
-		"						\n"+
-		"}						\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    public String s;\n" + 
-		"    static int y;\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    public int i = 0;\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    int baz() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    public String s;\n" + 
-		"    static int y;\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      ;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    public int i = 0;\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"      super();\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    int foo() {\n" + 
-		"      return 1;\n" +
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    int baz() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    public String s;\n" + 
-		"    static int y;\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    public int i;\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    int baz() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<unterminated array initializer>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Initializer behind array initializer
- */
-public void test63() {
-	String s =
-		"class X {				\n"+
-		" int x[] = {0, 1}		\n"+
-		" {						\n"+
-		" }						\n"+
-		"}						\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  int[] x = {0, 1};\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  int[] x = {0, 1};\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  int[] x;\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<initializer behind array initializer>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Initializers mixed with fields
- */
-public void test64() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X 			\n"+
-		"	int[] x = { 0, 1};		\n"+
-		"	static int zz			\n"+
-		"	{						\n"+
-		"	}						\n"+
-		"	static {				\n"+								
-		"    public int x;			\n"+							
-		"	{						\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int[] x = {0, 1};\n" + 
-		"  static int zz;\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public int x;\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int[] x = {0, 1};\n" + 
-		"  static int zz;\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public int x;\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int[] x;\n" + 
-		"  static int zz;\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public int x;\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<initializers mixed with fields>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should find method behind some()
- */
-public void test65() {
-	String s =
-		"import java.lang.*;													\n" +
-		"																		\n" +
-		"public class Hanoi {													\n" +
-		"private    Post[] posts;												\n" +
-		"public static void main (String args[]) {								\n" +
-		"}																		\n" +
-		"public void some(){													\n" +
-		"																		\n" +
-		"private void moveDisk (Post source, Post destination) {				\n" +
-		"}																		\n" +
-		"protected void reportMove (Post source, Post destination) {			\n" +
-		"}																		\n" +
-		"private void reset () {												\n" +
-		"}																		\n" +
-		"public void solve () {													\n" +
-		"}																		\n" +
-		"private void solve (int depth, Post start, Post free, Post end) {		\n" +
-		"}																		\n" +
-		"}																		\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"public class Hanoi {\n" + 
-		"  private Post[] posts;\n" + 
-		"  public Hanoi() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void some() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  private void moveDisk(Post source, Post destination) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  protected void reportMove(Post source, Post destination) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  private void reset() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void solve() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  private void solve(int depth, Post start, Post free, Post end) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"public class Hanoi {\n" + 
-		"  private Post[] posts;\n" + 
-		"  public Hanoi() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void some() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  private void moveDisk(Post source, Post destination) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  protected void reportMove(Post source, Post destination) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  private void reset() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void solve() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  private void solve(int depth, Post start, Post free, Post end) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should find method behind some()>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should detect X(int) as a method with no return type
- */
-public void test66() {
-	String s =
-		"class X {			\n"+
-		"	class Y {		\n"+
-		"	X(int i){}		\n"+
-		"}					\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    X(int i) {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"      super();\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    X(int i) {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should detect X(int) as a method with no return type>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should detect orphan X(int) as a constructor
- */
-public void test67() {
-	String s =
-		"class X {			\n"+
-		"	class Y {		\n"+
-		"	}				\n"+
-		"}					\n"+
-		"	X(int i){		\n"+
-		"   }				\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  X(int i) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString =
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    Y() {\n" + 
-		"      super();\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  X(int i) {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should detect orphan X(int) as a constructor>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Empty unit
- */
-public void test68() {
-	String s = "";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = "";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<empty unit>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Unit reduced to a method declaration
- */
-public void test69() {
-	String s = 
-		"	int foo(){					\n" +
-		"		System.out.println();	\n" +
-		"	}							\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = "";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<unit reduced to a method declaration>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Unit reduced to a constructor declaration
- */
-public void test70() {
-	String s = 
-		"	X(){						\n" +
-		"		System.out.println();	\n" +
-		"	}							\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = "";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<unit reduced to a constructor declaration>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Unit reduced to a field declaration
- */
-public void test71() {
-	String s = 
-		"	String str = new String();";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = "";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<unit reduced to a field declaration>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Unit reduced to a field declaration with array initializer
- */
-public void test72() {
-	String s = 
-		"	String[] str = { \"hello\" };";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = "";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<unit reduced to a field declaration with array initializer>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should not pick-up any constructor with no arg
- */
-public void test73() {
-	String s = 
-		"	class X {			\n" +
-		"		X(int i){}		\n" +
-		"		int foo(){		\n" +
-		"			new X(		\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X(int i) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString =
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X(int i) {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString =
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X(int i) {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    new X();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should not pick-up any constructor with no arg>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should not detect any field
- */
-public void test74() {
-	String s = 
-		"package pack;						\n" +
-		"									\n" +
-		"class A extends IOException {		\n" +
-		"									\n" +
-		"	S{								\n" +
-		"		int x;						\n" +
-		"	}								\n" +
-		"}									\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package pack;\n" + 
-		"class A extends IOException {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  A() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package pack;\n" + 
-		"class A extends IOException {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" +
-		"    int x;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  A() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should not detect any field>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Bunch of syntax errors
- */
-public void test75() {
-	String s = 
-		"package ZKentTest;\n"+
-		"\n"+
-		"import java.awt.color.*;\n"+
-		"\n"+
-		"public class A {\n"+
-		"	A foo(int i) { return this; }\n"+
-		"	int[] ii = {0, 1clone()\n"+
-		"\n"+
-		"	int bar() {\n"+
-		"		class Local {\n"+
-		"			int hello(){\n"+
-		"				fo\n"+
-		"			}\n"+
-		"			int world()\n"+
-		"			}\n"+
-		"	void foo() {\n"+
-		"		ba		\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package ZKentTest;\n" + 
-		"import java.awt.color.*;\n" + 
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"  int[] ii;\n" + 
-		"  public A() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  A foo(int i) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString =
-		"package ZKentTest;\n" + 
-		"import java.awt.color.*;\n" + 
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"  int[] ii;\n" + 
-		"  public A() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  A foo(int i) {\n" + 
-		"    return this;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString =
-		"package ZKentTest;\n" + 
-		"import java.awt.color.*;\n" + 
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"  int[] ii;\n" + 
-		"  public A() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  A foo(int i) {\n" + 
-		"    return this;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int bar() {\n" + 
-		"    class Local {\n" + 
-		"      Local() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      int hello() {\n" + 
-		"        fo = $missing$;\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      int world() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    int hello;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		"package ZKentTest;\n" + 
-		"import java.awt.color.*;\n" + 
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"  int[] ii;\n" + 
-		"  public A() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  A foo(int i) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  clone() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<bunch of syntax errors>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should find Member as a member type
- */
-public void test76() {
-	String s = 
-		"package pack;								\n"+
-		"class A  {									\n"+
-		"											\n"+
-		"	public static void main(String[] argv)	\n"+
-		"			new Member().f					\n"+
-		"			;								\n"+
-		"	}										\n"+
-		"	class Member {							\n"+
-		"		int foo()							\n"+
-		"		}									\n"+
-		"	}										\n"+
-		"};											\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package pack;\n" + 
-		"class A {\n" + 
-		"  class Member {\n" + 
-		"    Member() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  A() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] argv) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package pack;\n" + 
-		"class A {\n" + 
-		"  class Member {\n" + 
-		"    Member() {\n" + 
-		"      super();\n" + 			
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  A() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] argv) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";	
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package pack;\n" + 
-		"class A {\n" + 
-		"  class Member {\n" + 
-		"    Member() {\n" + 
-		"      super();\n" + 			
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  A() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] argv) {\n" + 
-		"    new Member().f = $missing$;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";	
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should find Member as a member type>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should not recover duplicate field numberOfDisks
- */
-public void test77() {
-	String s = 
-		"package p;															\n"+
-		"																		\n"+
-		"import java.lang.*;													\n"+
-		"																		\n"+
-		"class IncompleteHanoi {												\n"+
-		"private    Post[] posts;												\n"+
-		"private    int numberOfDisks;											\n"+
-		"																		\n"+
-		"public Hanoi (int numberOfDisks) {										\n"+
-		" this.numberOfDisks = numberOfDisks;									\n"+
-		"'' this.posts = new Post[3];											\n"+
-		" String[] postNames = new String[]{\"Left\", \"Middle\", \"Right\"};	\n"+
-		"																		\n"+
-		" for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)											\n"+
-		"  this.posts[i] = new Post(postNames[i], numberOfDisks);				\n"+
-		"}																		\n"+
-		"																		\n"+
-		"private void solve (int depth, Post start, Post free, Post end) {		\n"+
-		" if (depth == 1)														\n"+
-		"  moveDisk(start, end);												\n"+
-		" else if (depth > 1) {													\n"+
-		"  sol																	\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"class IncompleteHanoi {\n" + 
-		"  private Post[] posts;\n" + 
-		"  private int numberOfDisks;\n" + 
-		"  IncompleteHanoi() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public Hanoi(int numberOfDisks) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  private void solve(int depth, Post start, Post free, Post end) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"class IncompleteHanoi {\n" + 
-		"  private Post[] posts;\n" + 
-		"  private int numberOfDisks;\n" + 
-		"  IncompleteHanoi() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public Hanoi(int numberOfDisks) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  private void solve(int depth, Post start, Post free, Post end) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-		"class IncompleteHanoi {\n" + 
-		"  private Post[] posts;\n" + 
-		"  private int numberOfDisks;\n" + 
-		"  IncompleteHanoi() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public Hanoi(int numberOfDisks) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  private void solve(int depth, Post start, Post free, Post end) {\n" + 
-		"    if ((depth == 1))\n" + 
-		"        moveDisk(start, end);\n" + 
-		"    else\n" + 
-		"        if ((depth > 1))\n" + 
-		"            {\n" + 
-		"              sol = $missing$;\n" + 
-		"            }\n" + 
-		"        else\n" + 
-		"            ;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should not recover duplicate field numberOfDisks>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should not detect a field v (1/2)
- */
-public void test78() {
-	String s = 
-		"class X {								\n" +
-		"	int foo(){							\n" +
-		"		Vector v = new Vector();		\n" +
-		"		s								\n" +
-		"		v.addElement(					\n" +
-		"	}									\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Vector v = new Vector();\n" + 
-		"    s v;\n" + 
-		"    addElement();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should not detect a field v>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should not detect a field v (2/2)
- */
-public void test79() {
-	String s = 
-		"class X {								\n" +
-		"	int foo(){							\n" +
-		"		Vector v = new Vector();		\n" +
-		"		public s   v.addElement(		\n" +
-		"	}									\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    Vector v = new Vector();\n" + 
-		"    public s v;\n" + 
-		"    addElement();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should not detect a field v>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should not detect a method bar
- */
-public void test80() {
-	String s = 
-		"class X {								\n" +
-		"	int test(){							\n" +
-		"		int[] i;						\n" +
-		"		i								\n" +
-		"		// some comment					\n" +
-		"		bar(1);							\n" +
-		"	}									\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int test() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int test() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int test() {\n" + 
-		"    int[] i;\n" + 
-		"    i bar = 1;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should not detect a method bar>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should not pick-up any constructor with no arg
- */
-public void test81() {
-	String s = 
-		"	class X {				\n" +
-		"		X(int i){}			\n" +
-		"		int foo(){			\n" +
-		"			X(12)			\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X(int i) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X(int i) {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X(int i) {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    X(12);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should not pick-up any constructor with no arg>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should not promote message sending as a method
- */
-public void test82() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class A {		\n"+
-		"						\n"+
-		"	void foo() 			\n"+
-		"		if (true) {		\n"+
-		"		} else {		\n"+
-		"			Bar s; 		\n"+
-		"			s.fred();	\n"+
-		"		}				\n"+
-		"	}					\n"+
-		"}						\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"  public A() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"  public A() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    if (true)\n" + 
-		"        {\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"    else\n" + 
-		"        {\n" + 
-		"          Bar s;\n" + 
-		"          s.fred();\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should not promote message sending as a method>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should not promote message sending as a method 2
- */
-public void test83() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class A {			\n"+
-		"							\n"+
-		"	void foo() if (true) {	\n"+
-		"		} else {			\n"+
-		"			Bar s; 			\n"+
-		"			s.fred();		\n"+
-		"		}					\n"+
-		"	}						\n"+
-		"}							\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"  public A() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class A {\n" +
-		"  public A() {\n" +
-		"    super();\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    if (true)\n" +
-		"        {\n" +
-		"        }\n" +
-		"    else\n" +
-		"        {\n" +
-		"          Bar s;\n" +
-		"          s.fred();\n" +
-		"        }\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should not promote message sending as a method>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should find a static initializer
- */
-public void test84() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class A extends			\n" +
-		"								\n" +
-		"	static {					\n" +
-		"}								\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"  static {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public A() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"  static {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public A() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should find a static initializer>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should find a static initializer
- */
-public void test85() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class A 			\n" +
-		"							\n" +
-		"	static {				\n" +
-		"}							\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"  static {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public A() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"  static {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public A() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should find a static initializer>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should find an initializer
- */
-public void test86() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class A 			\n" +
-		"							\n" +
-		"	int 					\n" +
-		"	{						\n" +
-		"}							\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public A() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public A() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should find an initializer>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Should find an initializer
- */
-public void test87() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class A 			\n" +
-		"							\n" +
-		"	int x;					\n" +
-		"  {						\n" +
-		"	int y;					\n" +
-		"}							\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"  int x;\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public A() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"  int x;\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    int y;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public A() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<should find an initializer>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * 1FVRQG0: ITPCOM:WINNT - NullPointerException in recovery mode
- */
-public void test88() {
-	String s = 
-		"package p1;					\n" +
-		"								\n" +
-		"public class X {				\n" +
-		"	int foo(String s, int x) 	\n" +
-		"	public int y = new X() { 	\n" +
-		"								\n" +
-		"}								\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package p1;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int y;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo(String s, int x) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package p1;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int y;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo(String s, int x) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString =
-		"package p1;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public int y;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo(String s, int x) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<1FVRQG0: ITPCOM:WINNT - NullPointerException in recovery mode>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * 1FVRN9V: ITPJCORE:WIN98 - Internal builder error compiling servlet
- */
-public void test89() {
-	String s = 
-		"import javax.servlet.*;											\n" +
-		"import javax.servlet.http.*;										\n" +
-		"																	\n" +
-		"public class Servlet1 extends HttpServlet {						\n" +
-		"	protected (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) {	\n" +
-		"	}																\n" +
-		"}																	\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"import javax.servlet.*;\n" + 
-		"import javax.servlet.http.*;\n" + 
-		"public class Servlet1 extends HttpServlet {\n" + 
-		"  HttpServletRequest req;\n" + 
-		"  HttpServletRequest HttpServletResponse;\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public Servlet1() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"import javax.servlet.*;\n" + 
-		"import javax.servlet.http.*;\n" + 
-		"public class Servlet1 extends HttpServlet {\n" + 
-		"  HttpServletRequest req;\n" + 
-		"  HttpServletRequest HttpServletResponse;\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public Servlet1() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<1FVRN9V: ITPJCORE:WIN98 - Internal builder error compiling servlet>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * 1FVXQZ4: ITPCOM:WIN98 - Walkback during parsing recovery
- */
-public void test90() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class Test {	\n"+
-		"						\n"+
-		"	int x;				\n"+
-		"	int foo(			\n"+
-		"	int bar(			\n"+
-		"	baz(A a				\n"+
-		"}						\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class Test {\n" + 
-		"  int x;\n" + 
-		"  public Test() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  baz(A a) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class Test {\n" + 
-		"  int x;\n" + 
-		"  public Test() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  baz(A a) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<1FVXQZ4: ITPCOM:WIN98 - Walkback during parsing recovery>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * 1FVXWKI: ITPCOM:WIN98 - Walkback when parsing a bogus interface
- */
-public void test91() {
-	String s = 
-		"public interface Fred {		\n" +
-		"	void foo();					\n" +
-		"	void bar();					\n" +
-		"	public fred(X x, int y);	\n" +
-		"}								\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public interface Fred {\n" + 
-		"  void foo();\n" + 
-		"  void bar();\n" + 
-		"  public fred(X x, int y);\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<1FVXWKI: ITPCOM:WIN98 - Walkback when parsing a bogus interface>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * Variation on 1FVXWKI: ITPCOM:WIN98 - Walkback when parsing a bogus interface
- */
-public void test92() {
-	String s = 
-		"public interface Test {		\n"+
-		"	void foo();					\n"+
-		"								\n"+
-		"	public fred(Fred x, int y);	\n"+
-		"}								\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public interface Test {\n" + 
-		"  void foo();\n" + 
-		"  public fred(Fred x, int y);\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<1FVXWKI: ITPCOM:WIN98 - Walkback when parsing a bogus interface>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * 1FW5A4E: ITPCOM:WIN98 - Walkback reconciling
- */
-public void test93() {
-	String s = 
-		"class X{			\n" +
-		"	int foo()		\n" +
-		"	static { }		\n" +
-		"}					\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  static {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  static {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<1FW5A4E: ITPCOM:WIN98 - Walkback reconciling>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * 1FW3663: ITPCOM:WIN98 - Outline - does not show method #fred()
- */
-public void test94() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {						\n" +
-		"	int[] array;						\n" +
-		"										\n" +
-		"void foo() {							\n" +
-		"	bar(this.array.length, 10, fred(	\n" +
-		"										\n" +
-		"int fred(								\n" +
-		"}										\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int[] array;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  int fred() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int[] array;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  int fred() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int[] array;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    bar(this.array.length, 10, fred());\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  int fred() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<1FW3663: ITPCOM:WIN98 - Outline - does not show method #fred()>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * 1FW6M5M: ITPJUI:ALL - NPE in SourceElementParser
- */
-public void test95() {
-	String s = 
-		"public interface IP {			\n"+
-		"	public static toString() {	\n"+
-		"	}							\n"+
-		"}								\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public interface IP {\n" + 
-		"  public static toString() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<1FW6M5M: ITPJUI:ALL - NPE in SourceElementParser>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * 1FWHXX7: ITPCOM:WINNT - ClassCastException compiling invalid import
- */
-public void test96() {
-	String s = 
-		"import ;\n"+
-		"class X {\n"+
-		"	int foo(){\n"+
-		"		System.out.println();\n"+
-		"	}\n"+
-		"	static {\n"+
-		"		int i = j;\n"+
-		"	}\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  static {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  static {\n" + 
-		"    int i = j;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";	
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<1FWHXX7: ITPCOM:WINNT - ClassCastException compiling invalid import>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- * variation on 1FWHXX7: ITPCOM:WINNT - ClassCastException compiling invalid import
- */
-public void test97() {
-	String s = 
-		"import ;\n"+
-		"class X {\n"+
-		"	int foo(){\n"+
-		"		System.out.println();\n"+
-		"	}\n"+
-		"	static {\n"+
-		"	}\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  static {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  static {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";	
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<variation on 1FWHXX7: ITPCOM:WINNT - ClassCastException compiling invalid import>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
- *
- */
-public void test98() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class A {		                                                \n"+
-		"	class Platform {		                                            \n"+
-		"		public static void run(Runnable r) {		                    \n"+
-		"		}		                                                        \n"+
-		"	}			                                                        \n"+
-		"	Object [] array = null;		                                        \n"+
-		"	for (int nX = 0; nX < array.length; nX ++) {		                \n"+
-		"		final String part = \"\";		                                \n"+
-		"		final String sel = \"\";		                                \n"+
-		"		Object l = null;		                                        \n"+
-		"		if ((part != null && sel != null) || l instanceof String) {	\n"+
-		" Runnable() {		                        \n"+
-		"				public void run() {		                                \n"+
-		"				}		                                                \n"+
-		"				public void handleException(Throwable e) {		        \n"+
-		"				}		                                                \n"+
-		"			});		                                                    \n"+
-		"		}		                                                        \n"+
-		"	}		                                                            \n"+
-		"}                                                                      \n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class A {\n"+
-		"  class Platform {\n"+
-		"    Platform() {\n"+
-		"    }\n"+
-		"    public static void run(Runnable r) {\n"+
-		"    }\n"+
-		"  }\n"+
-		"  Object[] array = null;\n"+
-		"  int nX = 0;\n"+
-		"  {\n"+
-		"  }\n"+
-		"  public A() {\n"+
-		"  }\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = "public class A {\n"+
-		"  class Platform {\n"+
-		"    Platform() {\n"+
-		"      super();\n"+
-		"    }\n"+
-		"    public static void run(Runnable r) {\n"+
-		"    }\n"+
-		"  }\n"+
-		"  Object[] array = null;\n"+
-		"  int nX = 0;\n"+
-		"  {\n"+
-		"    final String part = \"\";\n"+
-		"    final String sel = \"\";\n"+
-		"    Object l = null;\n"+
-    	"    if ((((part != null) && (sel != null)) || (l instanceof String)))\n"+
-    	"        {\n"+
-     	" Runnable() {\n"+
-		"  public void run() {\n"+
-		"  }\n"+
-		"  public void handleException(Throwable e) {\n"+
-		"  }\n"+
-		"});\n"+
-		"        }\n"+
-		"  }\n"+
-		"  public A() {\n"+
-		"    super();\n"+
-		"  }\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class A {\n"+
-		"  class Platform {\n"+
-		"    Platform() {\n"+
-		"    }\n"+
-		"    public static void run(Runnable r) {\n"+
-		"    }\n"+
-		"  }\n"+
-		"  Object[] array;\n"+
-		"  int nX;\n"+
-		"  {\n"+
-		"  }\n"+
-		"  public A() {\n"+
-		"  }\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<check for null inside RecoveredInitializer>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test99() {
-	String s = 
-		"import ;\n"+
-		"class X {\n"+
-		"}\n"+
-		"- public void addThreadFilter(IJavaThread thread) - restricts breakpoint to \n"+
-		"given thread and any other previously specified threads\n"+
-		"- public void removeThreadFilter(IJavaThread thread)- removes the given thread \n"+
-		"restriction (will need to re-create breakpoint request as JDI does not support \n"+
-		"the removal of thread filters)\n"+
-		"- public IJavaThread[] getThreadFilters() - return the set of threads this \n"+
-		"breakpoint is currently restricted to\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void addThreadFilter(IJavaThread thread) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void removeThreadFilter(IJavaThread thread) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public IJavaThread[] getThreadFilters() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void addThreadFilter(IJavaThread thread) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void removeThreadFilter(IJavaThread thread) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public IJavaThread[] getThreadFilters() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void addThreadFilter(IJavaThread thread) {\n" + 
-		"    restricts breakpoint;\n" + 
-		"    given thread;\n" + 
-		"    any other;\n" + 
-		"    specified = $missing$;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void removeThreadFilter(IJavaThread thread) {\n" + 
-		"    removes the;\n" + 
-		"    thread restriction;\n" + 
-		"    will need = (re - create);\n" + 
-		"    request as;\n" + 
-		"    does not;\n" + 
-		"    the removal;\n" + 
-		"    thread = $missing$;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public IJavaThread[] getThreadFilters() {\n" + 
-		"    return the;\n" + 
-		"    of threads;\n" + 
-		"    breakpoint is;\n" + 
-		"    restricted to;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<9101 - Parse error while typing in Java editor>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test100() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class Bug {\n" + 
-		"	static boolean bold = false;\n" + 
-		"public static void main(String arguments[]) {\n" + 
-		"	Shell shell = new Shell(SWT.MENU | SWT.RESIZE | SWT.TITLE | SWT.H_SCROLL);\n" + 
-		"	StyledText text = new StyledText(shell, SWT.WRAP); \n" + 
-		"	shell.addListener(SWT.Resize, new Listener() {\n" + 
-		"		public void handleEvent(Event e) {\n" + 
-		"			text.setBounds(shell.getClientArea());			 \n" + 
-		"		}  \n" + 
-		"	});	\n" + 
-		"	shell.addListener(SWT.KeyDown, bew Listener () {\n" + 
-		"		public void handleEvent(Event e) {\n" + 
-		"			bold = !bold;\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	}); \n" + 
-		"	text.addLineStyleListener(new LineStyleListener() { \n" + 
-		"		public void lineGetStyle(LineStyleEvent event) {\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	});\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class Bug {\n" + 
-		"  static boolean bold = false;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public Bug() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] arguments) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class Bug {\n" + 
-		"  static boolean bold = false;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public Bug() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] arguments) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"public class Bug {\n" + 
-		"  static boolean bold = false;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public Bug() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] arguments) {\n" + 
-		"    Shell shell = new Shell((((SWT.MENU | SWT.RESIZE) | SWT.TITLE) | SWT.H_SCROLL));\n" + 
-		"    StyledText text = new StyledText(shell, SWT.WRAP);\n" + 
-		"    shell.addListener(SWT.Resize, new Listener() {\n" + 
-		"  public void handleEvent(Event e) {\n" + 
-		"    text.setBounds(shell.getClientArea());\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"});\n" + 
-		"    shell.addListener(SWT.KeyDown, new Listener() {\n" + 
-		"  public void handleEvent(Event e) {\n" + 
-		"    bold = (! bold);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"});\n" + 
-		"    text.addLineStyleListener(new LineStyleListener() {\n" + 
-		"  public void lineGetStyle(LineStyleEvent event) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"});\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = 
-		"public class Bug {\n" + 
-		"  static boolean bold = false;\n" + 
-		"  public Bug() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] arguments) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  bew Listener() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void handleEvent(Event e) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class Bug {\n" + 
-		"  static boolean bold;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public Bug() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] arguments) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "<10616 - local type outside method>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void _test101() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {	\n"+
-		"    Object foo(Stack<X> s) {	\n"+
-		"    }	\n"+
-		"   List<T> bar(int pos, T x1, T x2, List<T> l) {	\n"+
-		"    }	\n"+
-		"}	\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  Object foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  bar(int pos, T x1, T x2) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 		
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  Object foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  bar(int pos, T x1, T x2) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<12387 out of memory with generics>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test102() {
-	String s = 
-		"void ___eval() {	\n"+
-		"new Runnable(){	\n"+
-		"void ___run() throws Throwable {	\n"+
-		"return blah;	\n"+
-		"}	\n"+
-		"private String blarg;	\n"+
-		"public void run (){	\n"+
-		"		class Local { \n" +
-		"			void baz() {	\n"+ 
-		"			}	\n" +
-		"		} 	\n"+
-		"}	\n"+
-		"}	\n"+
-		";}	\n"+
-		"public class Hello{	\n"+
-		"private static int x;	\n"+
-		"private String blah;	\n"+
-		"public static void main (String[] args){	\n"+
-		"}	\n"+
-		"public void hello (){	\n"+
-		"}	\n"+
-		"public boolean blah (){	\n"+
-		"return false;}	\n"+
-		"public void foo (){	\n"+
-		"}	\n"+
-		"}	\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class Hello {\n" + 
-		"  private static int x;\n" + 
-		"  private String blah;\n" + 
-		"  public Hello() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void hello() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public boolean blah() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" ;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class Hello {\n" + 
-		"  private static int x;\n" + 
-		"  private String blah;\n" + 
-		"  public Hello() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void hello() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public boolean blah() {\n" + 
-		"    return false;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<12454 - handling toplevel anonymous>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test103() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X{	\n"+
-		"   void foo(int x, int y, void z";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  void z;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo(int x, int y) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  void z;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo(int x, int y) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<14038 - third argument type is void>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test104() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class P#AField {\n" +
-		"	public void setP#A(String P#A) {\n" +
-		"		this.P#A = P#A;\n" +
-		"	}\n" +	
-		"}";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class P {\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public void setP;\n" +
-		"  public P() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  A(String P) {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class P {\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public void setP;\n" +
-		"  public P() {\n" +
-		"    super();\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  A(String P) {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<16126>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test105() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	static int foo(int[] a, int[] b) {\n" +
-		"		return 0;\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"	static int B =\n" +
-		"		foo(\n" +
-		"			new int[]{0, 0},\n" +
-		"			new int[]{0, 0}\n" +
-		"		);\n" +
-		"	#\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  static int B = foo(new int[]{0, 0}, new int[]{0, 0});\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  static int foo(int[] a, int[] b) {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  static int B = foo(new int[]{0, 0}, new int[]{0, 0});\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"    super();\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  static int foo(int[] a, int[] b) {\n" +
-		"    return 0;\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  static int B;\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  static int foo(int[] a, int[] b) {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test106() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  clon\n" +  
-		"  foo();\n" +  
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  clon foo();\n" +  
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"    super();\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  clon foo();\n" +  
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  clon foo();\n" +  
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test107() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	int[] a = new int[]{0, 0}, b = new int[]{0, 0};\n" +
-		"	#\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  int[] a = new int[]{0, 0};\n" +
-		"  int[] b = new int[]{0, 0};\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  int[] a = new int[]{0, 0};\n" +
-		"  int[] b = new int[]{0, 0};\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"    super();\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  int[] a;\n" +
-		"  int[] b;\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test108() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	int a = new int[]{0, 0}, b = new int[]{0, 0};\n" +
-		"	#\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  int a = new int[]{0, 0};\n" +
-		"  int b = new int[]{0, 0};\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  int a = new int[]{0, 0};\n" +
-		"  int b = new int[]{0, 0};\n" +
-		"  public X() {\n" +
-		"    super();\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int a;\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test109() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	Object o = new Object() {\n" +
-		"		void foo() {\n" +
-		"			try {\n" +
-		"			} catch(Exception e) {\n" +
-		"				e.\n" +
-		"			}\n" +
-		"		}\n" +
-		"	};\n" +
-		"}";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  Object o;\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test110() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	void bar(){\n" +
-		"		#\n" +
-		"		class Inner {\n" +
-		"			void foo() {\n" +
-		"				try {\n" +
-		"				} catch(Exception e) {\n" +
-		"					e.\n" +
-		"				}\n" +
-		"			}\n" +
-		"		}\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"    class Inner {\n" + 
-		"      Inner() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        try \n" + 
-		"          {\n" + 
-		"          }\n" + 
-		"        catch (Exception e)           {\n" + 
-		"          }\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String testName = "";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test111() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	void bar(){\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"	void foo() {\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test112() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {\n"+
-		"  public void foo()\n"+
-		"    try {			\n"+
-		"    }  catch (Exception e) {\n"+
- 		"     bar(\"blabla\");\n"+
-		"      throw new Exception(prefix  \"bloblo\");\n"+
-		"    }\n"+
-		"  }\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    try \n" + 
-		"      {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    catch (Exception e)       {\n" + 
-		"        bar(\"blabla\");\n" + 
-		"        throw new Exception(prefix);\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test113() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {\n"+
-		"  public void foo(Object[] tab)\n"+
-		"    for (Object o : tab) {\n"+
-		"		o.toString();\n"+
-		"	 }\n"+
-		"  }\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo(Object[] tab) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo(Object[] tab) {\n" + 
-		"    for (Object o : tab) \n" + 
-		"      {\n" + 
-		"        o.toString();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "test foreach toString";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test114() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {\n"+
-		"  public void foo() {\n"+
-		"    int int;\n"+
-		"  }\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int $missing$;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "test foreach toString";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test115() {
-	String s = 
-		"public interface Test {\n"+
-		"  public void myMethod()\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public interface Test {\n" + 
-		"  public void myMethod() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public interface Test {\n" + 
-		"  public void myMethod() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString =
-		"public interface Test {\n" + 
-		"  public void myMethod() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "test foreach toString";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test116() {
-	String s = 
-		"public interface Test {\n"+
-		"  public void myMethod()\n"+
-		"    System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public interface Test {\n" + 
-		"  public void myMethod() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public interface Test {\n" + 
-		"  public void myMethod() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString =
-		"public interface Test {\n" + 
-		"  public void myMethod() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "test foreach toString";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test117() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	void foo1() {\n" + 
-		"		class Y  {\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"		void foo2() {\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"		class Z<T> { \n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"} \n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = null;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = null;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = null;
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = null;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = null;
-	if(COMPLIANCE_1_3.equals(this.complianceLevel) || 
-			COMPLIANCE_1_4.equals(this.complianceLevel)) {
-		expectedDietUnitToString = 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public X() {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo1() {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public X() {\n" + 
-			"    super();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo1() {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString =
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public X() {\n" + 
-			"    super();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo1() {\n" + 
-			"    class Y {\n" + 
-			"      Y() {\n" + 
-			"        super();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    class Z<T> {\n" + 
-			"      Z() {\n" + 
-			"        super();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-		expectedFullUnitToString =
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  class Z<T> {\n" + 
-			"    Z() {\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public X() {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo1() {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo2() {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-			expectedDietUnitToString;
-	} else if(this.complianceLevel.compareTo(COMPLIANCE_1_5) >= 0) {
-		expectedDietUnitToString = 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public X() {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo1() {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public X() {\n" + 
-			"    super();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo1() {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString =
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public X() {\n" + 
-			"    super();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo1() {\n" + 
-			"    class Y {\n" + 
-			"      Y() {\n" + 
-			"        super();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    new foo2() {\n" + 
-			"    };\n" + 
-			"    class Z<T> {\n" + 
-			"      Z() {\n" + 
-			"        super();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-		expectedFullUnitToString =
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  class Z<T> {\n" + 
-			"    Z() {\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public X() {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo1() {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo2() {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-			expectedDietUnitToString;
-	}
-	String testName = "test foreach toString";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test117_2() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	void foo1() {\n" + 
-		"		class Y  {\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"		void foo2() {\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"		class Z { \n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"} \n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = null;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = null;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = null;
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = null;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = null;
-	expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo1() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo1() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo1() {\n" + 
-		"    class Y {\n" + 
-		"      Y() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    new foo2() {\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"    class Z {\n" + 
-		"      Z() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	expectedFullUnitToString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  class Z {\n" + 
-		"    Z() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo1() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo2() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "test foreach toString";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test118() {
-	String s = 
-		"interface Irrelevant {}\n"+
-		"interface I {\n"+
-		"	Object foo(Number n);\n"+
-		"}\n"+
-		"interface J extends I {\n"+
-		"	String foo(Number n);\n"+
-		"}\n"+
-		"interface K {\n"+
-		"	Object foo(Number n);\n"+
-		"}\n"+
-		"public class  {\n"+
-		"	void foo() {\n"+
-		"\n"+
-		"	}\n"+
-		"} \n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"interface Irrelevant {\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"interface I {\n" + 
-		"  Object foo(Number n);\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"interface J extends I {\n" + 
-		"  String foo(Number n);\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"interface K {\n" + 
-		"  Object foo(Number n);\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"interface Irrelevant {\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"interface I {\n" + 
-		"  Object foo(Number n);\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"interface J extends I {\n" + 
-		"  String foo(Number n);\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"interface K {\n" + 
-		"  Object foo(Number n);\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "test foreach toString";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test119() {
-	String s = 
-		"interface Irrelevant {}\n"+
-		"interface I {\n"+
-		"	Object foo(Number n);\n"+
-		"}\n"+
-		"interface J extends I {\n"+
-		"	String foo(Number n);\n"+
-		"}\n"+
-		"abstract class K {\n"+
-		"	abstract Object foo(Number n);\n"+
-		"}\n"+
-		"public class  {\n"+
-		"	void foo() {\n"+
-		"\n"+
-		"	}\n"+
-		"} \n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"interface Irrelevant {\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"interface I {\n" + 
-		"  Object foo(Number n);\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"interface J extends I {\n" + 
-		"  String foo(Number n);\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"abstract class K {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  K() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  abstract Object foo(Number n);\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"interface Irrelevant {\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"interface I {\n" + 
-		"  Object foo(Number n);\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"interface J extends I {\n" + 
-		"  String foo(Number n);\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"abstract class K {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  K() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  abstract Object foo(Number n);\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "test foreach toString";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test120() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    #\n" + 
-		"    try {\n" + 
-		"      System.out.println(); \n" + 
-		"    } catch (Exception e) {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    class Z {}\n" + 
-		" }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    try \n" + 
-		"      {\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    catch (Exception e)       {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    class Z {\n" + 
-		"      Z() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "test foreach toString";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test121() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    #\n" + 
-		"    try {\n" + 
-		"      System.out.println(); \n" + 
-		"    } catch (Exception e) {\n" + 
-		"      class Z {}\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		" }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    try \n" + 
-		"      {\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    catch (Exception e)       {\n" + 
-		"        class Z {\n" + 
-		"          Z() {\n" + 
-		"            super();\n" + 
-		"          }\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "test foreach toString";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test122() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class Test\n" + 
-		"{\n" + 
-		"  public void func1()\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    try\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"    catch ( Exception exception)\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      exception.printStackTrace();\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"\n" + 
-		"  class Clazz\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class Test {\n" + 
-		"  public Test() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void func1() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class Test {\n" + 
-		"  public Test() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void func1() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString =
-		"public class Test {\n" + 
-		"  public Test() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void func1() {\n" + 
-		"    try \n" + 
-		"      {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    catch (Exception exception)       {\n" + 
-		"        exception.printStackTrace();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    class Clazz {\n" + 
-		"      Clazz() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "test foreach toString";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test123() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class SwitchBug {\n" + 
-		"       void aMethod() {\n" + 
-		"               int i=0;\n" + 
-		"               try {\n" + 
-		"                        switch( i ) {\n" + 
-		"                } catch( Exception ex ) {\n" + 
-		"                }\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"        class Nested {\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class SwitchBug {\n" + 
-		"  public SwitchBug() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void aMethod() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class SwitchBug {\n" + 
-		"  public SwitchBug() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void aMethod() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString =
-		"public class SwitchBug {\n" + 
-		"  public SwitchBug() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void aMethod() {\n" + 
-		"    int i = 0;\n" + 
-		"    try \n" + 
-		"      {\n" + 
-		"        switch (i) {\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    catch (Exception ex)       {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    class Nested {\n" + 
-		"      Nested() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString = expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "test foreach toString";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
-public void test124() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class Test {\n" + 
-		"	void aMethod() {\n" + 
-		"		public static void m1()\n" + 
-		"		{\n" + 
-		"			int a;\n" + 
-		"			int b;\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"		public static void m2()\n" + 
-		"		{\n" + 
-		"			int c;\n" + 
-		"			int d;\n" + 
-		"		}\n" +
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"public class Test {\n" + 
-		"  public Test() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void aMethod() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"public class Test {\n" + 
-		"  public Test() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void aMethod() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString = null;
-	if(COMPLIANCE_1_3.equals(this.complianceLevel) || 
-			COMPLIANCE_1_4.equals(this.complianceLevel)) {
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString =
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"  public Test() {\n" + 
-			"    super();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void aMethod() {\n" + 
-			"    m1();\n" + 
-			"    {\n" + 
-			"      int a;\n" + 
-			"      int b;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    m2();\n" + 
-			"    {\n" + 
-			"      int c;\n" + 
-			"      int d;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	} else {
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString =
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"  public Test() {\n" + 
-			"    super();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void aMethod() {\n" + 
-			"    public static @m1() enum $missing$ {\n" + 
-			"      public $missing$() {\n" + 
-			"        super();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      <clinit>() {\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n";
-	}
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		"public class Test {\n" + 
-		"  public Test() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void aMethod() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void m1() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void m2() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedCompletionDietUnitToString = 
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "test";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyPlusStatementsRecoveryUnitToString,		
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedCompletionDietUnitToString, testName);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e75351..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.CategorizedProblem;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.AbstractCompilerTest;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.batch.CompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.DefaultProblem;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.DefaultProblemFactory;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter;
-public class DualParseSyntaxErrorTest extends AbstractCompilerTest {
-	public static boolean optimizeStringLiterals = false;
-	public static long sourceLevel = ClassFileConstants.JDK1_3; //$NON-NLS-1$
-public DualParseSyntaxErrorTest(String testName){
-	super(testName);
-public void checkParse(
-	char[] source, 
-	String expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis,
-	String testName) {
-	Parser parser = 
-		new Parser(
-			new ProblemReporter(
-				DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-				new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()), 
-				new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault())),
-			optimizeStringLiterals);
-	ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null);
-	CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 0, 0, 0);	
-	CompilationUnitDeclaration computedUnit = parser.dietParse(sourceUnit, compilationResult);
-	if (computedUnit.types != null) {
-		for (int i = computedUnit.types.length; --i >= 0;){
-			computedUnit.types[i].parseMethod(parser, computedUnit);
-		}
-	}
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(100);
-	if (compilationResult.hasProblems() || compilationResult.hasTasks()) {
-		CategorizedProblem[] problems = compilationResult.getAllProblems();
-		int count = problems.length;
-		int problemCount = 0;
-		char[] unitSource = compilationResult.compilationUnit.getContents();
-		for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { 
-			if (problems[i] != null) {
-				if (problemCount == 0)
-					buffer.append("----------\n");
-				problemCount++;
-				buffer.append(problemCount + (problems[i].isError() ? ". ERROR" : ". WARNING"));
-				buffer.append(" in " + new String(problems[i].getOriginatingFileName()).replace('/', '\\'));
-				try {
-					buffer.append(((DefaultProblem)problems[i]).errorReportSource(unitSource));
-					buffer.append("\n");
-					buffer.append(problems[i].getMessage());
-					buffer.append("\n");
-				} catch (Exception e) {
-					StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
-					e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(stringWriter));
-					buffer.append(stringWriter.getBuffer());
-				}
-				buffer.append("----------\n");
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	String computedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis = buffer.toString();
-	if(!Util.convertToIndependantLineDelimiter(expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis)
-			.equals(Util.convertToIndependantLineDelimiter(computedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis))) {
- 		System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis));
-	}
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid syntax error diagnosis" + testName,
-		Util.convertToIndependantLineDelimiter(expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis),
-		Util.convertToIndependantLineDelimiter(computedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis));
-public void test01() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {							\n"+
-		"	int fX;         						\n"+
-		"	void foo() {   							\n"+
-		"		fX = 0;  							\n"+
-		"	}			  							\n"+
-		"	public void bar() {						\n"+
-		"	}										\n"+
-		"}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis =
-		"";
-	String testName = "<test1>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis,
-		testName);
-public void test02() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {							\n"+
-		"	int fX;         						\n"+
-		"	void foo() {   							\n"+
-		"		fX = 0;  							\n"+
-		"	public void bar() {						\n"+
-		"	}										\n"+
-		"}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in <test2> (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	fX = 0;  							\n" + 
-		"	      ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete MethodBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String testName = "<test2>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis,
-		testName);
-public void test03() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {							\n"+
-		"	int fX;         						\n"+
-		"	void foo()   							\n"+
-		"		fX = 0;  							\n"+
-		"	public void bar() {						\n"+
-		"	}										\n"+
-		"}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in <test3> (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	void foo()   							\n" + 
-		"	         ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \")\", { expected after this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in <test3> (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	fX = 0;  							\n" + 
-		"	      ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete MethodBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String testName = "<test3>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis,
-		testName);
-public void test04() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {							\n"+
-		"	int fX;         						\n"+
-		"	void foo()   							\n"+
-		"		fX = 0;  							\n"+
-		"	} 			  							\n"+
-		"	public void bar() {						\n"+
-		"	}										\n"+
-		"}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in <test4> (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	void foo()   							\n" + 
-		"	         ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \")\", { expected after this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String testName = "<test4>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis,
-		testName);
-public void test05() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {							\n"+
-		"	int fX;         						\n"+
-		"	void foo() {  							\n"+
-		"		if(true){  							\n"+
-		"	} 			  							\n"+
-		"	public void bar() {						\n"+
-		"	}										\n"+
-		"}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in <test5> (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	if(true){  							\n" + 
-		"	        ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete Statement\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String testName = "<test5>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis,
-		testName);
-public void test06() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {							\n"+
-		"	int fX;         						\n"+
-		"	void foo() {  							\n"+
-		"		if(true){  							\n"+
-		"	} 			  							\n"+
-		"	//comment								\n"+
-		"	public void bar() {						\n"+
-		"	}										\n"+
-		"}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in <test6> (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	if(true){  							\n" + 
-		"	        ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete Statement\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String testName = "<test6>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis,
-		testName);
-public void test07() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {							\n"+
-		"	int fX;         						\n"+
-		"	void foo() {  							\n"+
-		"		if(true){  							\n"+
-		"	} 			  							\n"+
-		"	System.out.println();					\n"+
-		"	public void bar() {						\n"+
-		"	}										\n"+
-		"}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in <test7> (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println();					\n" + 
-		"	                    ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete MethodBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String testName = "<test7>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis,
-		testName);
-public void test08() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {							\n"+
-		"	int fX;         						\n"+
-		"	void foo() {  							\n"+
-		"		if(true){  							\n"+
-		"	} 			  							\n"+
-		"	public int bar;							\n"+
-		"}											\n";  	
-	String expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in <test8> (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	if(true){  							\n" + 
-		"	        ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete Statement\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String testName = "<test8>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis,
-		testName);
-public void test09() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {							\n"+
-		"	int fX;         						\n"+
-		"	void foo() {  							\n"+
-		"		if(true){  							\n"+
-		"	} 			  							\n"+
-		"	//comment	  							\n"+
-		"	public int bar;							\n"+
-		"}											\n";  	
-	String expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in <test9> (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	if(true){  							\n" + 
-		"	        ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete Statement\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String testName = "<test9>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis,
-		testName);
-public void test10() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {							\n"+
-		"	int fX;         						\n"+
-		"	void foo() {  							\n"+
-		"		if(true){  							\n"+
-		"	} 			  							\n"+
-		"	System.out.println();					\n"+
-		"	public int bar;							\n"+
-		"}											\n";  	
-	String expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in <test10> (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println();					\n" + 
-		"	                    ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete MethodBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String testName = "<test10>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis,
-		testName);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 174f94f..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import junit.framework.Test;
- * Completion is expected to be an ExplicitConstructorInvocation
- * or inside an ExplicitConstructorInvocation
- */
-public class ExplicitConstructorInvocationCompletionTest extends AbstractCompletionTest {
-public ExplicitConstructorInvocationCompletionTest(String testName) {
-	super(testName);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(ExplicitConstructorInvocationCompletionTest.class);
- * Completion on a qualified 'super' constructor invocation.
- * 
- * ie. ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Primary '.' 'super' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ';'
- */
-public void testPrimarySuper() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	static Bar x;								\n" +
-		"	public class InnerBar {						\n" +
-		"		InnerBar(Bar x) {						\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"	public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {	\n" +
-		"		SubInnerBar(Bar x) {					\n" +
-		"			primary().super(1, 2, i);			\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"super(1, 2,",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnExplicitConstructorCall:primary().super(1, 2)>;",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  public class InnerBar {\n" + 
-		"    InnerBar(Bar x) {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {\n" + 
-		"    SubInnerBar(Bar x) {\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnExplicitConstructorCall:primary().super(1, 2)>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static Bar x;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on explicit constructor invocation primary super>"
-	);
- * Completion on a qualified 'this' constructor invocation.
- * 
- * ie. ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Primary '.' 'this' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ';'
- */
-public void testPrimaryThis() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	static Bar x;								\n" +
-		"	public class InnerBar {						\n" +
-		"		InnerBar(Bar x) {						\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"	public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {	\n" +
-		"		SubInnerBar(Bar x) {					\n" +
-		"			primary().this(1, 2, i);			\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"this(1, 2,",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnExplicitConstructorCall:primary().this(1, 2)>;",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  public class InnerBar {\n" + 
-		"    InnerBar(Bar x) {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {\n" + 
-		"    SubInnerBar(Bar x) {\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnExplicitConstructorCall:primary().this(1, 2)>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static Bar x;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on explicit constructor invocation primary this>"
-	);
- * Completion on a 'super' constructor invocation.
- * 
- * ie. ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= 'super' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ';'
- */
-public void testSuper() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	Bar() {									\n" +
-		"		super(1, 2, i);						\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"super(1, 2,",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnExplicitConstructorCall:super(1, 2)>;",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnExplicitConstructorCall:super(1, 2)>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<completion on 'super' constructor invocation>"
-	);
- * Completion on a 'this' constructor invocation.
- * 
- * ie. ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= 'this' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ';'
- */
-public void testThis() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	Bar() {									\n" +
-		"		this(1, 2, i);						\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"this(1, 2,",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnExplicitConstructorCall:this(1, 2)>;",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnExplicitConstructorCall:this(1, 2)>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<completion on 'this' constructor invocation>"
-	);
- * ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Name '.' 'super' '(' <ArgumentListopt> ')' ';'
- */
-public void testWrapperNameSuper() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	static Bar x;								\n" +
-		"	public class InnerBar {						\n" +
-		"		InnerBar(Bar x) {						\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"	public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {	\n" +
-		"		SubInnerBar() {							\n" +
-		"			Bar.super(fred().xyz);				\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred().x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  public class InnerBar {\n" + 
-		"    InnerBar(Bar x) {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {\n" + 
-		"    SubInnerBar() {\n" + 
-		"      super(<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static Bar x;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on wrapper name super>"
-	);
- * ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Name '.' 'this' '(' <ArgumentListopt> ')' ';'  
- */
-public void testWrapperNameThis() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	static Bar x;								\n" +
-		"	public class InnerBar {						\n" +
-		"		InnerBar(Bar x) {						\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"	public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {	\n" +
-		"		SubInnerBar() {							\n" +
-		"			Bar.this(fred().xyz);				\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred().x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  public class InnerBar {\n" + 
-		"    InnerBar(Bar x) {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {\n" + 
-		"    SubInnerBar() {\n" + 
-		"      this(<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static Bar x;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on wrapper name this>"
-	);
- * ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Primary '.' 'this' '(' <ArgumentListopt> ')' ';' 
- */
-public void testWrapperPrimarySuper() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	static Bar x;								\n" +
-		"	public class InnerBar {						\n" +
-		"		InnerBar(Bar x) {						\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"	public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {	\n" +
-		"		SubInnerBar(Bar x) {					\n" +
-		"			primary().super(fred().xyz);			\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred().x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  public class InnerBar {\n" + 
-		"    InnerBar(Bar x) {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {\n" + 
-		"    SubInnerBar(Bar x) {\n" + 
-		"      super(<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static Bar x;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on wrapper primary super>"
-	);
- * ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= 'super' '(' <ArgumentListopt> ')' ';'   
- */
-public void testWrapperSuper() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	Bar() {										\n" +
-		"		super(fred().xyz);						\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" +
-		"    super(<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on wrapper super>"
-	);
- * ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= 'this' '(' <ArgumentListopt> ')' ';'   
- */
-public void testWrapperThis() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	Bar() {										\n" +
-		"		this(fred().xyz);							\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" +
-		"    this(<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on wrapper this>"
-	);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 541b7f2..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
- * Selection is expected to be wrapped with an explicit constructor invocation.
- */
-public class ExplicitConstructorInvocationSelectionTest extends AbstractSelectionTest {
-public ExplicitConstructorInvocationSelectionTest(String testName) {
-	super(testName);
- * ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Name '.' 'super' '(' <ArgumentListopt> ')' ';'  
- */
-public void testNameSuper() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	static Bar x;								\n" +
-		"	public class InnerBar {						\n" +
-		"		InnerBar(Bar x) {						\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"	public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {	\n" +
-		"		SubInnerBar() {							\n" +
-		"			Bar.super(fred());					\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// selectionStartBehind:
-		"Bar.super(",
-		// selectionEndBehind:
-		"fred",
-		// expectedSelectionNodeToString:
-		"<SelectOnMessageSend:fred()>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  public class InnerBar {\n" + 
-		"    InnerBar(Bar x) {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {\n" + 
-		"    SubInnerBar() {\n" + 
-		"      super(<SelectOnMessageSend:fred()>);\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static Bar x;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedSelectionIdentifier:
-		"fred",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred()",
-		// testName:
-		"<select on explicit constructor invocation name super>"
-	);
- * ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Name '.' 'this' '(' <ArgumentListopt> ')' ';'  
- */
-public void testNameThis() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	static Bar x;								\n" +
-		"	public class InnerBar {						\n" +
-		"		InnerBar(Bar x) {						\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"	public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {	\n" +
-		"		SubInnerBar() {							\n" +
-		"			Bar.this(fred());					\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// selectionStartBehind:
-		"Bar.this(",
-		// selectionEndBehind:
-		"fred",
-		// expectedSelectionNodeToString:
-		"<SelectOnMessageSend:fred()>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  public class InnerBar {\n" + 
-		"    InnerBar(Bar x) {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {\n" + 
-		"    SubInnerBar() {\n" + 
-		"      this(<SelectOnMessageSend:fred()>);\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static Bar x;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedSelectionIdentifier:
-		"fred",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred()",
-		// testName:
-		"<select on explicit constructor invocation name this>"
-	);
- * ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Primary '.' 'this' '(' <ArgumentListopt> ')' ';' 
- */
-public void testPrimarySuper() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	static Bar x;								\n" +
-		"	public class InnerBar {						\n" +
-		"		InnerBar(Bar x) {						\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"	public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {	\n" +
-		"		SubInnerBar(Bar x) {					\n" +
-		"			primary().super(fred());			\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// selectionStartBehind:
-		"super(",
-		// selectionEndBehind:
-		"fred",
-		// expectedSelectionNodeToString:
-		"<SelectOnMessageSend:fred()>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  public class InnerBar {\n" + 
-		"    InnerBar(Bar x) {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {\n" + 
-		"    SubInnerBar(Bar x) {\n" + 
-		"      super(<SelectOnMessageSend:fred()>);\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static Bar x;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedSelectionIdentifier:
-		"fred",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred()",
-		// testName:
-		"<select on explicit constructor invocation primary super>"
-	);
- * ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= 'super' '(' <ArgumentListopt> ')' ';'  
- */
-public void testSuper() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	Bar() {										\n" +
-		"		super(fred());							\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// selectionStartBehind:
-		"super(",
-		// selectionEndBehind:
-		"fred",
-		// expectedSelectionNodeToString:
-		"<SelectOnMessageSend:fred()>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" +
-		"    super(<SelectOnMessageSend:fred()>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedSelectionIdentifier:
-		"fred",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred()",
-		// testName:
-		"<select on explicit constructor invocation super>"
-	);
- * ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= 'this' '(' <ArgumentListopt> ')' ';' 
- */
-public void testThis() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	Bar() {										\n" +
-		"		this(fred());							\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// selectionStartBehind:
-		"this(",
-		// selectionEndBehind:
-		"fred",
-		// expectedSelectionNodeToString:
-		"<SelectOnMessageSend:fred()>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" +
-		"    this(<SelectOnMessageSend:fred()>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedSelectionIdentifier:
-		"fred",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred()",
-		// testName:
-		"<select on explicit constructor invocation this>"
-	);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index f02fb25..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2424 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import junit.framework.Test;
- * Completion is expected to be a FieldAccess.
- */
-public class FieldAccessCompletionTest extends AbstractCompletionTest {
-public FieldAccessCompletionTest(String testName) {
-	super(testName);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(FieldAccessCompletionTest.class);
- * AdditiveExpression ::= AdditiveExpression '-' <MultiplicativeExpression>  
- */
-public void testAdditiveExpressionMinus() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	int foo() {										\n" +
-		"		return 1 - fred().xyz;						\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-			// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (1 - <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on additive expression minus>"
-	);
- * AdditiveExpression ::= AdditiveExpression '+' <MultiplicativeExpression> 
- */
-public void testAdditiveExpressionPlus() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	int foo() {										\n" +
-		"		return 1 + fred().xyz;						\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-			// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (1 + <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on additive expression plus>"
-	);
- * AndExpression ::= AndExpression '&' <EqualityExpression>
- */
-public void testAndExpression() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	boolean foo() {									\n" +
-		"		return isTrue & fred().xyz;					\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-			// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (isTrue & <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"<complete on and expression>"
-	);
- * ArgumentList ::= ArgumentList ',' <Expression> 
- */
-public void testArgumentList() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		bizz(1, \"2\", fred().xyz);				\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-			// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    bizz(1, \"2\", <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on argument list>"
-	);
- * ArrayAccess ::= Name '[' <Expression> ']' 
- */
-public void testArrayAccess() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	int foo() {									\n" +
-		"		return v[fred().xyz];						\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-			// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    v[<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>];\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on array access>"
-	);
- * ArrayAccess ::= PrimaryNoNewArray '[' <Expression> ']' 
- */
-public void testArrayAccessPrimaryNoNewArray() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	int foo() {									\n" +
-		"		return buzz()[fred().xyz];				\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-			// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    buzz()[<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>];\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on array access primary no new array>"
-	);
- * ArrayInitializer ::= '{' <VariableInitializers> '}' 
- */
-public void testArrayInitializer() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {											\n" +
-		"	void foo() {										\n" +
-		"		int[] i = new int[] {fred().xyz}				\n" +
-		"	}													\n" +
-		"}														\n",
-			// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int[] i = new int[]{<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>};\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on array initializer>"
-	);
- * ArrayInitializer ::= '{' <VariableInitializers> , '}' 
- */
-public void testArrayInitializerComma() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {											\n" +
-		"	void foo() {										\n" +
-		"		int[] i = new int[] {fred().xyz,}					\n" +
-		"	}													\n" +
-		"}														\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int[] i = new int[]{<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>};\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on array initializer comma>"
-	);
- * Assignment ::= LeftHandSide AssignmentOperator <AssignmentExpression> 
- */
-public void testAssignment() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {											\n" +
-		"	void foo() {										\n" +
-		"		i = fred().xyz;									\n" +
-		"	}													\n" +
-		"}														\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    i = <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on assignment>"
-	);
- * Block ::= OpenBlock '{' <BlockStatementsopt> '}' 
- */
-public void testBlock() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		try {									\n" +
-		"			fred().xyz = new Foo();				\n" +
-		"		} catch (Exception e) {}				\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on block>"
-	);
- * BlockStatements ::= BlockStatements <BlockStatement>
- */
-public void testBlockStatements() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		int i = 0;								\n" +
-		"		fred().xyz = new Foo();					\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int i;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on block statements>"
-	);
- * ConstructorBody ::= NestedMethod '{' ExplicitConstructorInvocation <BlockStatements> '}'   
- */
-public void testBlockStatementsInConstructorBody() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	Bar() {										\n" +
-		"		super();									\n" +
-		"		fred().xyz = new Foo();		\n" +
-		"	}													\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" +
-		"    super();\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on block statements in constructor body>"
-	);
- * BlockStatements ::= BlockStatements <BlockStatement>
- *
- * in a non static initializer.
- */
-public void testBlockStatementsInInitializer() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	{											\n" +
-		"		int i = 0;								\n" +
-		"		fred().xyz = new Foo();					\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    int i;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on block statements in initializer>"
-	);
- * BlockStatements ::= BlockStatements <BlockStatement>
- *
- * in a static initializer.
- */
-public void testBlockStatementsInStaticInitializer() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	static {									\n" +
-		"		int i = 0;								\n" +
-		"		fred().xyz = new Foo();					\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  static {\n" + 
-		"    int i;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on block statements in static initializer>"
-	);
- * CastExpression ::= PushLPAREN <Expression> PushRPAREN UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus
- *
- * NB: Valid syntaxically but not semantically
- */
-public void testCastExpression() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	Bar foo() {									\n" +
-		"		return (fred().xyz)buzz();				\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  Bar foo() {\n" + 
-		"    return <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on cast expression>"
-	);
- * CastExpression ::= PushLPAREN PrimitiveType Dimsopt PushRPAREN <UnaryExpression>
- * or
- * CastExpression ::= PushLPAREN Name Dims PushRPAREN <UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus>
- * or
- * CastExpression ::= PushLPAREN Expression PushRPAREN <UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus> 
- */
-public void testCastExpressionUnaryExpression() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	Bar foo() {									\n" +
-		"		return (Bar)(fred().xyz);				\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  Bar foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (Bar) <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on cast expression unary expression>"
-	);
- * ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= 'new' ClassType '(' <ArgumentListopt> ')' ClassBodyopt 
- */
-public void testClassInstanceCreationExpression() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		new Bar(fred().xyz);						\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    new Bar(<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on class instance creation expression>"
-	);
- * ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= ClassInstanceCreationExpressionName 'new' SimpleName '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt  
- */
-public void testClassInstanceCreationExpressionName() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		" Bar(fred().xyz);					\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		" Bar(<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on class instance creation expression name>"
-	);
- * ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= Primary '.' 'new' SimpleName '(' <ArgumentListopt> ')' ClassBodyopt 
- */
-public void testClassInstanceCreationExpressionPrimary() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		bizz().new Bar(fred().xyz);				\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    bizz().new Bar(<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on class instance creation expression primary>"
-	);
- * ConditionalAndExpression ::= ConditionalAndExpression '&&' <InclusiveOrExpression> 
- */
-public void testConditionalAndExpression() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	boolean foo() {									\n" +
-		"		return isTrue && fred().xyz;					\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (isTrue && <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on conditional and expression>"
-	);
- * ConditionalExpression ::= ConditionalOrExpression '?' <Expression> ':' ConditionalExpression
- */
-public void testConditionalExpression() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	Bar foo() {										\n" +
-		"		return fred().xyz == null ? null : new Bar();	\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  Bar foo() {\n" + 
-		"    return <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on conditional expression>"
-	);
- * ConditionalExpression ::= ConditionalOrExpression '?' Expression ':' <ConditionalExpression> 
- */
-public void testConditionalExpressionConditionalExpression() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	boolean foo() {									\n" +
-		"		return isTrue ? true : fred().xyz;			\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (isTrue ? true : <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on conditional expression conditional expression>"
-	);
- * ConditionalOrExpression ::= ConditionalOrExpression '||' <ConditionalAndExpression> 
- */
-public void testConditionalOrExpression() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	boolean foo() {									\n" +
-		"		return isTrue || fred().xyz;					\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (isTrue || <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on conditional or expression>"
-	);
- * ConstructorBody ::= NestedMethod '{' <BlockStatementsopt> '}' 
- */
-public void testConstructorBody() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	Bar() {										\n" +
-		"		fred().xyz = new Foo();					\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" +
-		"    super();\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on constructor body>"
-	);
- * DimWithOrWithOutExpr ::= '[' <Expression> ']' 
- */
-public void testDimWithOrWithOutExpr() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		int[] v = new int[fred().xyz];			\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int[] v = new int[<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>];\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on dim with or without expr>"
-	);
- * DoStatement ::= 'do' Statement 'while' '(' <Expression> ')' ';'  
- */
-public void testDoExpression() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		do										\n" +
-		"			System.out.println();				\n" +
-		"		while (fred().xyz);						\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on do expression>"
-	);
- * DoStatement ::= 'do' <Statement> 'while' '(' Expression ')' ';'  
- */
-public void testDoStatement() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		do										\n" +
-		"			fred().xyz = new Foo();				\n" +
-		"		while (true);							\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on do statement>"
-	);
- * EqualityExpression ::= EqualityExpression '==' <RelationalExpression> 
- */
-public void testEqualityExpression() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	boolean foo() {									\n" +
-		"		return 1 == fred().xyz;						\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (1 == <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on equality expression>"
-	);
- * EqualityExpression ::= EqualityExpression '!=' <RelationalExpression> 
- */
-public void testEqualityExpressionNot() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	boolean foo() {									\n" +
-		"		return 1 != fred().xyz;						\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (1 != <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on equality expression not>"
-	);
- * ExclusiveOrExpression ::= ExclusiveOrExpression '^' <AndExpression> 
- */
-public void testExclusiveOrExpression() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	boolean foo() {									\n" +
-		"		return isTrue ^ fred().xyz;					\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (isTrue ^ <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on exclusive or expression>"
-	);
- * ConstructorBody ::= NestedMethod '{' <ExplicitConstructorInvocation> '}'
- * or
- * ConstructorBody ::= NestedMethod '{' <ExplicitConstructorInvocation> BlockStatements '}'  
- */
-public void testExplicitConstructorInvocationInConstructorBody() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	static Bar x;								\n" +
-		"	public class InnerBar {						\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"	public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {	\n" +
-		"		SubInnerBar() {							\n" +
-		"			Bar.x.x.super();					\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"Bar.x.x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:Bar.x.x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" +
-		"  public class InnerBar {\n" +
-		"    public InnerBar() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {\n" +
-		"    SubInnerBar() {\n" +
-		"      super();\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnName:Bar.x.x>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  static Bar x;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Bar.x.x",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on explicit constructor invocation in constructor body>"
-	);
- * ForStatement ::= 'for' '(' <ForInitopt> ';' Expressionopt ';' ForUpdateopt ')' Statement
- * or
- * ForStatementNoShortIf ::= 'for' '(' <ForInitopt> ';' Expressionopt ';' ForUpdateopt ')' StatementNoShortIf 
- */
-public void testForInit() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		for (int i = fred().xyz; i < 2; i++)		\n" +
-		"			System.out.println();				\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int i = <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on for init>"
-	);
- * ForStatement ::= 'for' '(' ForInitopt ';' Expressionopt ';' ForUpdateopt ')' <Statement>
- * or
- * ForStatementNoShortIf ::= 'for' '(' ForInitopt ';' Expressionopt ';' ForUpdateopt ')' <StatementNoShortIf> 
- */
-public void testForStatement() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)				\n" +
-		"			fred().xyz = new Foo();				\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int i;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on for statement>"
-	);
- * ForStatement ::= 'for' '(' ForInitopt ';' <Expressionopt> ';' ForUpdateopt ')' Statement 
- * or
- * ForStatementNoShortIf ::= 'for' '(' ForInitopt ';' <Expressionopt> ';' ForUpdateopt ')' StatementNoShortIf  
- */
-public void testForStatementExpression() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		for (int i = 0; fred().xyz > i; i++)		\n" +
-		"			Systemout.println();				\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int i;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on for statement expression>"
-	);
- * ForStatement ::= 'for' '(' ForInitopt ';' Expressionopt ';' <ForUpdateopt> ')' Statement 
- * or
- * ForStatementNoShortIf ::= 'for' '(' ForInitopt ';' Expressionopt ';' <ForUpdateopt> ')' StatementNoShortIf 
- */
-public void testForUpdate() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		for (int i = 0; i < 2; i+= fred().xyz)	\n" +
-		"			System.out.println();				\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int i;\n" + 
-		"    i += <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on for update>"
-	);
- * IfThenStatement ::= 'if' '(' <Expression> ')' Statement 
- */
-public void testIfExpresionThen() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		if (fred().xyz)							\n" +
-		"			System.out.println();				\n"	+
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on \"if expression then\">"
-	);
- * IfThenElseStatement ::= 'if' '(' <Expression> ')' StatementNoShortIf 'else' Statement
- * or
- * IfThenElseStatementNoShortIf ::= 'if' '(' <Expression> ')' StatementNoShortIf 'else' StatementNoShortIf 
- */
-public void testIfExpresionThenElse() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		if (fred().xyz)							\n" +
-		"			System.out.println();				\n"	+
-		"		else									\n" +
-		"			System.out.println();				\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on \"if expression then else\">"
-	);
- * IfThenElseStatement ::= 'if' '(' Expression ')' StatementNoShortIf 'else' <Statement>
- * or
- * IfThenElseStatementNoShortIf ::= 'if' '(' Expression ')' StatementNoShortIf 'else' <StatementNoShortIf>
- */
-public void testIfThenElseStatement() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		if (false)								\n" +
-		"			System.out.println();				\n"	+
-		"		else									\n" +
-		"			fred().xyz = new Foo();				\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on \"if then else\" statement>"
-	);
- * IfThenStatement ::= 'if' '(' Expression ')' <Statement> 
- */
-public void testIfThenStatement() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		if (true)								\n" +
-		"			fred().xyz = new Foo();				\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on \"if then\" statement>"
-	);
- * IfThenStatementElse ::= 'if' '(' Expression ')' <StatementNoShortIf> 'else' Statement
- * or
- * IfThenElseStatementNoShortIf ::= 'if' '(' Expression ')' <StatementNoShortIf> 'else' StatementNoShortIf
- */
-public void testIfThenStatementElse() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		if (true)								\n" +
-		"			fred().xyz = new Foo();				\n"	+
-		"		else									\n" +
-		"			System.out.println();				\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on \"if then statement else\">"
-	);
- * InclusiveOrExpression ::= InclusiveOrExpression '|' <ExclusiveOrExpression> 
- */
-public void testInclusiveOrExpression() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	boolean foo() {									\n" +
-		"		return isTrue | fred().xyz;					\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (isTrue | <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on inclusive or expression>"
-	);
- * LabeledStatement ::= 'Identifier' ':' <Statement>
- * or
- * LabeledStatementNoShortIf ::= 'Identifier' ':' <StatementNoShortIf> 
- */
-public void testLabeledStatement() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		fredCall: fred().xyz = new Foo();			\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// expectedLabels:
-		new String[] {"fredCall"},
-		// test name
-		"<complete on labeled statement>"
-	);
- * MethodBody ::= NestedMethod '{' <BlockStatementsopt> '}'
- */
-public void testMethodBody() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		fred().xyz = new Foo();					\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on method body>"
-	);
- * FunctionInvocation ::= Name '(' <ArgumentListopt> ')'  
- */
-public void testMethodInvocation() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		bizz(fred().xyz);							\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    bizz(<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on method invocation>"
-	);
- * FunctionInvocation ::= Primary '.' 'Identifier' '(' <ArgumentListopt> ')'  
- */
-public void testMethodInvocationPrimary() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		buzz().bizz(fred().xyz);					\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    buzz().bizz(<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on method invocation primary>"
-	);
- * FunctionInvocation ::= 'super' '.' 'Identifier' '(' <ArgumentListopt> ')' 
- */
-public void testMethodInvocationSuper() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		super.bizz(fred().xyz);					\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    super.bizz(<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on method invocation super>"
-	);
- * MultiplicativeExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression '/' <UnaryExpression>
- */
-public void testMultiplicativeExpressiondDivision() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	double foo() {									\n" +
-		"		return 2 / fred().xyz;						\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  double foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (2 / <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on multiplicative expression division>"
-	);
- * MultiplicativeExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression '*' <UnaryExpression> 
- */
-public void testMultiplicativeExpressionMultiplication() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	int foo() {										\n" +
-		"		return 2 * fred().xyz;						\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (2 * <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on multiplicative expression multiplication>"
-	);
- * MultiplicativeExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression '%' <UnaryExpression> 
- */
-public void testMultiplicativeExpressionRemainder() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	int foo() {										\n" +
-		"		return 2 % fred().xyz;						\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (2 % <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on multiplicative expression remainder>"
-	);
- * PreDecrementExpression ::= '--' PushPosition <UnaryExpression> 
- */
-public void testPreIncrementExpressionMinusMinus() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		-- fred().xyz;							\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    -- <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on pre increment expression minus minus>"
-	);
- * PreIncrementExpression ::= '++' PushPosition <UnaryExpression> 
- */
-public void testPreIncrementExpressionPlusPlus() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		++ fred().xyz;							\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    ++ <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on pre increment expression plus plus>"
-	);
- * PrimaryNoNewArray ::= PushLPAREN <Expression> PushRPAREN
- */
-public void testPrimaryNoNewArray() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		(fred().xyz).zzz();						\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on primary no new array>"
-	);
- * RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression '>' <ShiftExpression> 
- */
-public void testRelationalExpressionGreaterThan() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	boolean foo() {									\n" +
-		"		return 1 > fred().xyz;						\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (1 > <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on relational expression greater than>"
-	);
- * RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression '>=' <ShiftExpression> 
- */
-public void testRelationalExpressionGreaterThanOrEquals() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	boolean foo() {									\n" +
-		"		return 1 >= fred().xyz;						\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (1 >= <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on relational expression greater than or equal>"
-	);
- * RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression '<' <ShiftExpression>  
- */
-public void testRelationalExpressionLessThan() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	boolean foo() {									\n" +
-		"		return 1 < fred().xyz;						\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (1 < <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on relational expression less than>"
-	);
- * RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression '<=' <ShiftExpression> 
- */
-public void testRelationalExpressionLessThanOrEqual() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	boolean foo() {									\n" +
-		"		return 1 <= fred().xyz;						\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (1 <= <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on relational expression less than or equal>"
-	);
- * ReturnStatement ::= 'return' <Expressionopt> ';
- */
-public void testReturnStatement() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	int foo() {									\n" +
-		"		return fred().xyz;						\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    return <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on return statement>"
-	);
- * ShiftExpression ::= ShiftExpression '<<' <AdditiveExpression> 
- */
-public void testShiftExpressionLeft() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	int foo() {										\n" +
-		"		return i << fred().xyz;						\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (i << <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on shift expression left>"
-	);
- * ShiftExpression ::= ShiftExpression '>>' <AdditiveExpression>
- */
-public void testShiftExpressionRight() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	int foo() {										\n" +
-		"		return i >> fred().xyz;						\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (i >> <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on shift expression right>"
-	);
- * ShiftExpression ::= ShiftExpression '>>>' <AdditiveExpression>
- */
-public void testShiftExpressionRightUnSigned() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	int foo() {										\n" +
-		"		return i >>> fred().xyz;						\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (i >>> <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on shift expression right unsigned>"
-	);
- * StatementExpressionList ::= StatementExpressionList ',' <StatementExpression> 
- */
-public void testStatementExpressionList() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {											\n" +
-		"	void foo() {										\n" +
-		"		for (int i = 0, length = fred().xyz; i < 2; i++)	\n" +
-		"			System.out.println();						\n" +
-		"	}													\n" +
-		"}														\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int i;\n" +
-		"    int length = <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on statement expression list>"
-	);
- * SwitchBlockStatement ::= SwitchLabels <BlockStatements>   
- */
-public void testSwitchBlockStatement() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		int i =  0;								\n" +
-		"		switch (i) {							\n" +
-		"			case 0: fred().xyz = new Foo();		\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int i;\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on switch block statement>"
-	);
- * SwitchStatement ::= 'switch' OpenBlock '(' <Expression> ')' SwitchBlock    
- */
-public void testSwitchExpression() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		switch (fred().xyz) {						\n" +
-		"			case 0: System.out.println();		\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on switch expression>"
-	);
- * SwitchLabel ::= 'case' <ConstantExpression> ':' 
- */
-public void testSwitchLabel() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	void foo() {									\n" +
-		"		int i =  0;									\n" +
-		"		switch (i) {								\n" +
-		"			case fred().xyz: System.out.println();	\n" +
-		"		}											\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int i;\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      switch (i) {\n" + 
-		"      case <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x> : ;\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on switch label>"
-	);
- * SynchronizedStatement ::= OnlySynchronized '(' <Expression> ')' Block
- */
-public void testSynchronizedStatement() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		synchronized (fred().xyz) {				\n" +
-		"			 System.out.println();				\n" +
-		"		} 										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on synchronized expression>"
-	);
- * ThrowStatement ::= 'throw' <Expression> ';' 
- */
-public void testThrowExpression() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		throw fred().xyz;							\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on throw expression>"
-	);
- * UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus ::= '~' PushPosition <UnaryExpression> 
- */
-public void testUnaryExpressionBitwiseComplement() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		i = ~ fred().xyz;							\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (~ <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on unary expression bitwise complement>"
-	);
- * UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus ::= '!' PushPosition <UnaryExpression>  
- */
-public void testUnaryExpressionLogicalComplement() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		i = ! fred().xyz;							\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (! <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on unary expression logical complement>"
-	);
- * UnaryExpression ::= '-' PushPosition <UnaryExpression> 
- */
-public void testUnaryExpressionMinus() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		i = - fred().xyz;							\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (- <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on unary expression minus>"
-	);
- * UnaryExpression ::= '+' PushPosition <UnaryExpression>
- */
-public void testUnaryExpressionPlus() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		i = + fred().xyz;							\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (+ <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on unary expression plus>"
-	);
- * VariableDeclarator ::= VariableDeclaratorId EnterField '=' ForceNoDiet <VariableInitializer> RestoreDiet ExitField 
- */
-public void testVariableDeclarator() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {											\n" +
-		"	void foo() {										\n" +
-		"		int i = fred().xyz;								\n" +
-		"	}													\n" +
-		"}														\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int i = <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on variable declarator>"
-	);
- * VariableInitializers ::= VariableInitializers ',' <VariableInitializer>
- */
-public void testVariableInitializers() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {											\n" +
-		"	void foo() {										\n" +
-		"		int i = 0, j = fred().xyz;						\n" +
-		"	}													\n" +
-		"}														\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int i;\n" +
-		"    int j = <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on variable initializers>"
-	);
- * WhileStatement ::= 'while' '(' <Expression> ')' Statement 
- * or
- * WhileStatementNoShortIf ::= 'while' '(' <Expression> ')' StatementNoShortIf 
- */
-public void testWhileExpression() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		while (fred().xyz)						\n" +
-		"			System.out.println();				\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on while expresion>"
-	);
- * WhileStatement ::= 'while' '(' Expression ')' <Statement>
- * or
- * WhileStatementNoShortIf ::= 'while' '(' Expression ')' <StatementNoShortIf> 
- */
-public void testWhileStatement() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		while (true)							\n" +
-		"			fred().xyz = new Foo();				\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on while statement>"
-	);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index bfeb591..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.batch.CompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.env.*;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.ITypeRequestor;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.lookup.Binding;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.HashtableOfObject;
-public class InMemoryNameEnvironment implements INameEnvironment {
-	INameEnvironment[] classLibs;
-	HashtableOfObject compilationUnits = new HashtableOfObject();
-public InMemoryNameEnvironment(String[] compilationUnits, INameEnvironment[] classLibs) {
-	this.classLibs = classLibs;
-	for (int i = 0, length = compilationUnits.length - 1; i < length; i += 2) {
-		String fileName = compilationUnits[i];
-		char[] contents = compilationUnits[i + 1].toCharArray();
-		String dirName = "";
-		int lastSlash = -1;
-		if ((lastSlash = fileName.lastIndexOf('/')) != -1) {
-			dirName = fileName.substring(0, lastSlash);
-		}
-		char[] packageName = dirName.replace('/', '.').toCharArray();
-		char[] cuName = fileName.substring(lastSlash == -1 ? 0 : lastSlash + 1, fileName.length() - 5).toCharArray(); // remove ".java"
-		HashtableOfObject cus = (HashtableOfObject)this.compilationUnits.get(packageName);
-		if (cus == null) {
-			cus = new HashtableOfObject();
-			this.compilationUnits.put(packageName, cus);
-		}
-		CompilationUnit unit = new CompilationUnit(contents, fileName, null);
-		cus.put(cuName, unit);
-	}
-public NameEnvironmentAnswer findType(char[][] compoundTypeName, ITypeRequestor requestor) {
-	return findType(
-		compoundTypeName[compoundTypeName.length - 1],
-		CharOperation.subarray(compoundTypeName, 0, compoundTypeName.length - 1),requestor);
-public NameEnvironmentAnswer findBinding(char[] typeName, char[][] packageName, int type, ITypeRequestor requestor, boolean returnMultiple, String excludePath) {
-	HashtableOfObject cus = (HashtableOfObject)this.compilationUnits.get(CharOperation.concatWith(packageName, '.'));
-	if (cus == null) {
-		return this.findTypeFromClassLibs(typeName, packageName,type,requestor);
-	}
-	CompilationUnit unit = (CompilationUnit)cus.get(typeName);
-	if (unit == null) {
-		return this.findTypeFromClassLibs(typeName, packageName,type,requestor);
-	}
-	return new NameEnvironmentAnswer(unit, null /*no access restriction*/);
-public NameEnvironmentAnswer findType(char[] typeName, char[][] packageName, ITypeRequestor requestor) {
-	return findBinding(typeName, packageName, Binding.TYPE|Binding.PACKAGE,requestor, false, null);
-//	HashtableOfObject cus = (HashtableOfObject)this.compilationUnits.get(CharOperation.concatWith(packageName, '.'));
-//	if (cus == null) {
-//		return this.findTypeFromClassLibs(typeName, packageName);
-//	}
-//	JavaScriptUnit unit = (JavaScriptUnit)cus.get(typeName);
-//	if (unit == null) {
-//		return this.findTypeFromClassLibs(typeName, packageName);
-//	}
-//	return new NameEnvironmentAnswer(unit, null /*no access restriction*/);
-private NameEnvironmentAnswer findTypeFromClassLibs(char[] typeName, char[][] packageName, int type, ITypeRequestor requestor) {
-	for (int i = 0; i < this.classLibs.length; i++) {
-		NameEnvironmentAnswer answer = this.classLibs[i].findBinding(typeName, packageName, type,requestor, false, null);
-		if (answer != null) {
-			return answer;
-		}
-	}
-	return null;
-public boolean isPackage(char[][] parentPackageName, char[] packageName) {
-	char[] pkg = CharOperation.concatWith(parentPackageName, packageName, '.');
-	return 
-		this.compilationUnits.get(pkg) != null || 
-		this.isPackageFromClassLibs(parentPackageName, packageName);
-public boolean isPackageFromClassLibs(char[][] parentPackageName, char[] packageName) {
-	for (int i = 0; i < this.classLibs.length; i++) {
-		if (this.classLibs[i].isPackage(parentPackageName, packageName)) {
-			return true;
-		}
-	}
-	return false;
-public void cleanup() {
-	for (int i = 0, max = this.classLibs.length; i < max; i++) {
-		this.classLibs[i].cleanup();
-	}
-	this.compilationUnits = new HashtableOfObject();
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ff33c9..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,456 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import junit.framework.Test;
- * Completion is expected to be in an inner type
- */
-public class InnerTypeCompletionTest extends AbstractCompletionTest {
-public InnerTypeCompletionTest(String testName) {
-	super(testName);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(InnerTypeCompletionTest.class);
- * Test completion in the first method of an anonymous inner class
- */
-public void testAnonymousFirstMethod() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		Object o = new Object() {				\n" +
-		"			void buzz() {						\n" +
-		"				int i = fred().xyz;				\n" +
-		"			}									\n" +
-		"			void fuzz() {						\n" +
-		"			}									\n" +
-		"		};										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    new Object() {\n" +
-		"      void buzz() {\n" +
-		"        int i = <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"      void fuzz() {\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"    };\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete in anonymous inner class in first method>"
-	);
- * Test completion in anonymous inner class with no statement defined before.
- */
-public void testAnonymousNoStatementBefore() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		Object o = new Object() {				\n" +
-		"			void buzz() {						\n" +
-		"				int i = fred().xyz;				\n" +
-		"			}									\n" +
-		"		};										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    new Object() {\n" +
-		"      void buzz() {\n" +
-		"        int i = <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"    };\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete in anonymous inner class with no statement before>"
-	);
- * Test completion in anonymous inner class with one field defined before
- * the method containing the completion.
- */
-public void testAnonymousOneFieldBefore() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		Object o = new Object() {				\n" +
-		"			int field = 1;						\n" +
-		"			void buzz() {						\n" +
-		"				int i = fred().xyz;				\n" +
-		"			}									\n" +
-		"		};										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    new Object() {\n" +
-		"      int field;\n" +
-		"      void buzz() {\n" +
-		"        int i = <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"    };\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete in anonymous inner class with one field before>"
-	);
- * Test completion in anonymous inner class with one statement defined before.
- */
-public void testAnonymousOneStatementBefore() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		int i = 1;								\n" +
-		"		Object o = new Object() {				\n" +
-		"			void buzz() {						\n" +
-		"				int i = fred().xyz;				\n" +
-		"			}									\n" +
-		"		};										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    int i;\n" +
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    new Object() {\n" +
-		"      void buzz() {\n" +
-		"        int i = <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"    };\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete in anonymous inner class with one statement before>"
-	);
- * Test completion in the second method of an anonymous inner class
- */
-public void testAnonymousSecondMethod() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		Object o = new Object() {				\n" +
-		"			void fuzz() {						\n" +
-		"			}									\n" +
-		"			void buzz() {						\n" +
-		"				int i = fred().xyz;				\n" +
-		"			}									\n" +
-		"		};										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    Object o;\n" +
-		"    new Object() {\n" +
-		"      void fuzz() {\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"      void buzz() {\n" +
-		"        int i = <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"    };\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete in anonymous inner class in second method>"
-	);
- * Test completion in the first method of a local type declaration
- */
-public void testLocalTypeFirstMethod() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		class InnerBar {						\n" +
-		"			void buzz() {						\n" +
-		"				int i = fred().xyz;				\n" +
-		"			}									\n" +
-		"			void fuzz() {						\n" +
-		"			}									\n" +
-		"		};										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    class InnerBar {\n" +
-		"      InnerBar() {\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"      void buzz() {\n" +
-		"        int i = <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"      void fuzz() {\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete in local type declaration in first method>"
-	);
- * Test completion in local type declaration with no statement defined before.
- */
-public void testLocalTypeNoStatementBefore() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		class InnerBar {						\n" +
-		"			void buzz() {						\n" +
-		"				int i = fred().xyz;				\n" +
-		"			}									\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    class InnerBar {\n" +
-		"      InnerBar() {\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"      void buzz() {\n" +
-		"        int i = <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete in local type declaration with no statement before>"
-	);
- * Test completion in local type declaration with one field defined before
- * the method containing the completion.
- */
-public void testLocalTypeOneFieldBefore() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		class InnerBar {						\n" +
-		"			int field = 1;						\n" +
-		"			void buzz() {						\n" +
-		"				int i = fred().xyz;				\n" +
-		"			}									\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    class InnerBar {\n" +
-		"      int field;\n" +
-		"      InnerBar() {\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"      void buzz() {\n" +
-		"        int i = <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete in local type declaration with one field before>"
-	);
- * Test completion in local type declaration with one statement defined before.
- */
-public void testLocalTypeOneStatementBefore() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		int i = 1;								\n" +
-		"		class InnerBar {						\n" +
-		"			void buzz() {						\n" +
-		"				int i = fred().xyz;				\n" +
-		"			}									\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    int i;\n" +
-		"    class InnerBar {\n" +
-		"      InnerBar() {\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"      void buzz() {\n" +
-		"        int i = <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete in local type declaration with 1 statement before>"
-	);
- * Test completion in the second method of a local type declaration
- */
-public void testLocalTypeSecondMethod() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		class InnerBar {						\n" +
-		"			void fuzz() {						\n" +
-		"			}									\n" +
-		"			void buzz() {						\n" +
-		"				int i = fred().xyz;				\n" +
-		"			}									\n" +
-		"		};										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    class InnerBar {\n" +
-		"      InnerBar() {\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"      void fuzz() {\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"      void buzz() {\n" +
-		"        int i = <CompleteOnMemberAccess:fred().x>;\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete in local type declaration in second method>"
-	);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index e03b898..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,621 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.StringTokenizer;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.codeassist.complete.CompletionJavadoc;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.codeassist.complete.CompletionOnJavadocTag;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.codeassist.complete.CompletionParser;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.batch.CompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.parser.JavadocTagConstants;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.DefaultProblemFactory;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter;
-public class JavadocCompletionParserTest extends AbstractCompletionTest implements JavadocTagConstants {
-	public static int INLINE_ALL_TAGS_LENGTH = 0;
-	public static int BLOCK_ALL_TAGS_LENGTH = 0;
-	static {
-		for (int i=0; i<INLINE_TAGS_LENGTH; i++) {
-		}
-		for (int i=0; i<BLOCK_TAGS_LENGTH; i++) {
-		}
-	}
-	CompletionJavadoc javadoc;
-	String sourceLevel;
-public JavadocCompletionParserTest(String testName) {
-	super(testName);
-static {
-	// org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.codeassist.CompletionEngine.DEBUG = true;
-//	TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 8 };
-//	TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 20, -1 };
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(JavadocCompletionParserTest.class);
-/* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.test.performance.PerformanceTestCase#setUp()
- */
-protected void setUp() throws Exception {
-	super.setUp();
-	this.sourceLevel = null;
-protected void assertCompletionNodeResult(String source, String expected) {
-	ASTNode completionNode = this.javadoc.getCompletionNode();
-	assertNotNull("Javadoc should have a completion node!!!", completionNode);
-	String actual = this.javadoc.getCompletionNode().toString();
-	if (!expected.equals(actual)) {
-		System.out.println("********************************************************************************");
-		System.out.print(getName());
-		System.out.println(" expect following result:");
-    	String toDisplay = new String(org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util.displayString(new String(actual), 2).toCharArray());
-    	System.out.println(toDisplay);
-		System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
-		System.out.println(source);
-	}
-	assertEquals(
-		"Completion node is not correct!",
-		expected,
-		actual
-	);
-protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-	Map options = super.getCompilerOptions();
-	if (this.sourceLevel == null) {
-		return options;
-	}
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, this.sourceLevel);
-	return options;
-protected void verifyCompletionInJavadoc(String source, String after) {
-	CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions());
-	CompletionParser parser = new CompletionParser(new ProblemReporter(DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(),
-		options,
-		new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault())));
-	ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source.toCharArray(), "", null);
-	CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 0, 0, 0);
-	int cursorLocation = source.indexOf(after) + after.length() - 1;
-	parser.dietParse(sourceUnit, compilationResult, cursorLocation);
-	assertNotNull("Parser should have an assist node parent", parser.assistNodeParent);
-	assertEquals("Expecting completion in javadoc!", CompletionJavadoc.class, parser.assistNodeParent.getClass());
-	this.javadoc = (CompletionJavadoc) parser.assistNodeParent;
-protected void verifyCompletionOnJavadocTag(char[] tag, char[][] expectedTags, boolean inline) {
-	assertTrue("Invalid javadoc completion node!", this.javadoc.getCompletionNode() instanceof CompletionOnJavadocTag);
-	CompletionOnJavadocTag completionTag = (CompletionOnJavadocTag) this.javadoc.getCompletionNode();
-	StringBuffer expected = new StringBuffer("<CompleteOnJavadocTag:");
-	if (inline) expected.append('{');
-	expected.append('@');
-	if (tag != null) expected.append(tag);
-	if (inline) expected.append('}');
-	if (expectedTags != null) {
-		expected.append("\npossible tags:");
-		int length = expectedTags.length;
-		for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
-			expected.append("\n	- ");
-			expected.append(expectedTags[i]);
-		}
-		expected.append('\n');
-	}
-	expected.append(">");
-	if (expectedTags == null) {
-		assertEquals("Invalid completion tag", expected.toString(), completionTag.toString());
-	} else {
-		String completionTagString = completionTag.toString();
-		StringTokenizer completionTagTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(completionTagString, "\n");
-		StringBuffer completionTagBuffer = new StringBuffer(completionTagString.length());
-		boolean possibleLine = false, newLine = false;
-		while (completionTagTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
-			String line = completionTagTokenizer.nextToken();
-			if (line.startsWith("possible")) {
-				if (!possibleLine) {
-					possibleLine = true;
-					completionTagBuffer.append("\npossible tags:");
-				}
-			} else {
-				if (newLine) completionTagBuffer.append('\n');
-				completionTagBuffer.append(line);
-			}
-			newLine = true;
-		}
-		assertEquals("Invalid completion tag", expected.toString(), completionTagBuffer.toString());
-	}
-protected void verifyAllTagsCompletion() {
-	char[][] allTags = {
-		// Block tags
-		// Inline tags
-	};
-	char[][] additionalTags = null;
-	if (complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_4)) {
-		additionalTags = new char[][] {
-		};
-	}
-	else if (!complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3)) {
-		additionalTags = new char[][] {
-		};
-	}
-	if (additionalTags != null) {
-		int length = allTags.length;
-		int add = additionalTags.length;
-		System.arraycopy(allTags, 0, allTags = new char[length+add][], 0, length);
-		System.arraycopy(additionalTags, 0, allTags, length, add);
-	}
-	verifyCompletionOnJavadocTag(null, allTags, false);
- * @tests Test completions for javadoc tag names
- */
-public void test001() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" +
-		" * Completion on empty tag name:\n" +
-		" * 	@\n" +
-		" */\n" +
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "@");
-	verifyAllTagsCompletion();
-public void test002() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" +
-		" * Completion on impossible tag name:\n" +
-		" * 	@none\n" +
-		" */\n" +
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "@none");
-	verifyCompletionOnJavadocTag("none".toCharArray(), null, false);
-public void test003() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" +
-		" * Completion on one letter:\n" +
-		" * 	@v\n" +
-		" */\n" +
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "@v");
-	char[][] allTags = this.complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3) 
-		? new char[][] { TAG_VERSION }
-		: new char[][] { TAG_VERSION };
-	verifyCompletionOnJavadocTag(new char[] { 'v' }, allTags, false);
-public void test004() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" +
-		" * Completion with several letters:\n" +
-		" * 	@deprec\n" +
-		" */\n" +
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "@deprec");
-	verifyCompletionOnJavadocTag("deprec".toCharArray(), new char[][] { TAG_DEPRECATED }, false);
-public void test005() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" +
-		" * Completion on full tag name:\n" +
-		" * 	@link\n" +
-		" */\n" +
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "@link");
-	char[][] allTags = this.complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3) 
-		? new char[][] { TAG_LINK }
-		: new char[][] { TAG_LINK, TAG_LINKPLAIN };
-	verifyCompletionOnJavadocTag("link".toCharArray(), allTags, false);
-public void test006() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" +
-		" * Completion on empty tag name @ but inside text\n" +
-		" */\n" +
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "@");
-	char[][] allTags = {
-	};
-	char[][] additionalTags = null;
-	if (complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_4)) {
-		additionalTags = new char[][] {
-		};
-	}
-	else if (!complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3)) {
-		additionalTags = new char[][] {
-		};
-	}
-	if (additionalTags != null) {
-		int length = allTags.length;
-		int add = additionalTags.length;
-		System.arraycopy(allTags, 0, allTags = new char[length+add][], 0, length);
-		System.arraycopy(additionalTags, 0, allTags, length, add);
-	}
-	verifyCompletionOnJavadocTag(null, allTags, false);
-public void test007() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * Completion on :\n" + 
-		" * 	@\n" + 
-		" * 		- with following lines:\n" + 
-		" * 			+ \"@ {@link }\"\n" + 
-		" * 			+ \"@ {@linkplain }\"\n" + 
-		" * 			+ \"@ {@literal }\"\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "@");
-	verifyAllTagsCompletion();
- * @bug [javadoc][assist] @linkplain no longer proposed when 1.4 compliance is used
- * @see ""
- */
-public void test008() {
-	this.sourceLevel = CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_3;
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" +
-		" * Completion on empty tag name:\n" +
-		" * 	@\n" +
-		" */\n" +
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "@");
-	verifyAllTagsCompletion();
- * @tests Tests to verify completion node flags
- * @bug 113506: [javadoc][assist] No tag proposals when there is a prefix on a line
- * @see ""
- */
-public void test010() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * @see \n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "@see ");
-	assertCompletionNodeResult(source,
-		"<CompletionOnJavadocSingleTypeReference:\n" + 
-		"	infos:formal reference\n" + 
-		">"
-	);
-public void test011() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * {@link }\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "@link ");
-	assertCompletionNodeResult(source,
-		"<CompletionOnJavadocSingleTypeReference:\n" + 
-		"	infos:formal reference\n" + 
-		">"
-	);
-public void test012() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * @see Str\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "Str");
-	assertCompletionNodeResult(source,
-		"<CompletionOnJavadocSingleTypeReference:Str\n" + 
-		"	infos:formal reference\n" + 
-		">"
-	);
-public void test013() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * {@link Str}\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "Str");
-	assertCompletionNodeResult(source,
-		"<CompletionOnJavadocSingleTypeReference:Str\n" + 
-		"	infos:formal reference\n" + 
-		">"
-	);
-public void test014() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * @see String Subclass of Obj\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "Obj");
-	assertCompletionNodeResult(source,
-		"<CompletionOnJavadocSingleTypeReference:Obj\n" + 
-		"	infos:text\n" + 
-		">"
-	);
-public void test015() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * {@link String Subclass of Obj}\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "Obj");
-	assertCompletionNodeResult(source,
-		"<CompletionOnJavadocSingleTypeReference:Obj\n" + 
-		"	infos:formal reference\n" + 
-		">"
-	);
- * @test Bug 113469: CompletionOnJavadocTag token is not correct
- * @see ""
- */
-public void test020() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * @see\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "@s");
-	verifyCompletionOnJavadocTag("s".toCharArray(), new char[][] { TAG_SEE, TAG_SINCE/*, TAG_SERIAL, TAG_SERIAL_DATA, TAG_SERIAL_FIELD*/ }, false);
-	CompletionOnJavadocTag completionTag = (CompletionOnJavadocTag) this.javadoc.getCompletionNode();
-	assertEquals("Invalid tag start position", 24, completionTag.tagSourceStart);
-	assertEquals("Invalid tag end position", 28, completionTag.tagSourceEnd+1);
-public void test021() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * @see\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "@se");
-	verifyCompletionOnJavadocTag("se".toCharArray(), new char[][] { TAG_SEE/*, TAG_SERIAL, TAG_SERIAL_DATA, TAG_SERIAL_FIELD */}, false);
-	CompletionOnJavadocTag completionTag = (CompletionOnJavadocTag) this.javadoc.getCompletionNode();
-	assertEquals("Invalid tag start position", 24, completionTag.tagSourceStart);
-	assertEquals("Invalid tag end position", 28, completionTag.tagSourceEnd+1);
-public void test022() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * @see\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "@see");
-	verifyCompletionOnJavadocTag("see".toCharArray(), new char[][] { TAG_SEE }, false);
-	CompletionOnJavadocTag completionTag = (CompletionOnJavadocTag) this.javadoc.getCompletionNode();
-	assertEquals("Invalid tag start position", 24, completionTag.tagSourceStart);
-	assertEquals("Invalid tag end position", 28, completionTag.tagSourceEnd+1);
-public void test023() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * @ebj-tag\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "ebj");
-	verifyCompletionOnJavadocTag("ebj".toCharArray(), null, false);
-	CompletionOnJavadocTag completionTag = (CompletionOnJavadocTag) this.javadoc.getCompletionNode();
-	assertEquals("Invalid tag start position", 24, completionTag.tagSourceStart);
-	assertEquals("Invalid tag end position", 32, completionTag.tagSourceEnd+1);
-public void test024() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * @ebj-tag\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "tag");
-	verifyCompletionOnJavadocTag("ebj-tag".toCharArray(), null, false);
-	CompletionOnJavadocTag completionTag = (CompletionOnJavadocTag) this.javadoc.getCompletionNode();
-	assertEquals("Invalid tag start position", 24, completionTag.tagSourceStart);
-	assertEquals("Invalid tag end position", 32, completionTag.tagSourceEnd+1);
- * @test Bug 114091: [assist][javadoc] eternal loop 
- * @see ""
- */
-public void test025() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * {@</code>\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "{@");
-	char[][] allTags = {
-	};
-	char[][] additionalTags = null;
-	if (complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_4)) {
-		additionalTags = new char[][] {
-		};
-	}
-	else if (!complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3)) {
-		additionalTags = new char[][] {
-		};
-	}
-	if (additionalTags != null) {
-		int length = allTags.length;
-		int add = additionalTags.length;
-		System.arraycopy(allTags, 0, allTags = new char[length+add][], 0, length);
-		System.arraycopy(additionalTags, 0, allTags, length, add);
-	}
-	verifyCompletionOnJavadocTag("".toCharArray(), allTags, false);
-	CompletionOnJavadocTag completionTag = (CompletionOnJavadocTag) this.javadoc.getCompletionNode();
-	int start = source.indexOf("{@");
-	assertEquals("Invalid tag start position", start, completionTag.tagSourceStart);
-	int end = source.indexOf('>');
-	assertEquals("Invalid tag end position", end, completionTag.tagSourceEnd);
-public void test026() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * {@li</code>\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "{@li");
-	char[][] allTags = complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3)
-		? new char[][] { TAG_LINK }
-		: (complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_4)
-				? new char[][] { TAG_LINK, TAG_LINKPLAIN }
-				: new char[][] { TAG_LINK, TAG_LINKPLAIN, TAG_LITERAL });
-	verifyCompletionOnJavadocTag("li".toCharArray(), allTags, false);
-	CompletionOnJavadocTag completionTag = (CompletionOnJavadocTag) this.javadoc.getCompletionNode();
-	int start = source.indexOf("{@");
-	assertEquals("Invalid tag start position", start, completionTag.tagSourceStart);
-	int end = source.indexOf('>');
-	assertEquals("Invalid tag end position", end, completionTag.tagSourceEnd);
-public void test027() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * {@link</code>\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "{@link");
-	char[][] allTags = complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3)
-		? new char[][] { TAG_LINK }
-		: new char[][] { TAG_LINK, TAG_LINKPLAIN  };
-	verifyCompletionOnJavadocTag("link".toCharArray(), allTags, false);
-	CompletionOnJavadocTag completionTag = (CompletionOnJavadocTag) this.javadoc.getCompletionNode();
-	int start = source.indexOf("{@");
-	assertEquals("Invalid tag start position", start, completionTag.tagSourceStart);
-	int end = source.indexOf('>');
-	assertEquals("Invalid tag end position", end, completionTag.tagSourceEnd);
-public void test028() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * {@|\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "{@");
-	char[][] allTags = {
-	};
-	char[][] additionalTags = null;
-	if (complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_4)) {
-		additionalTags = new char[][] {
-		};
-	}
-	else if (!complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3)) {
-		additionalTags = new char[][] {
-		};
-	}
-	if (additionalTags != null) {
-		int length = allTags.length;
-		int add = additionalTags.length;
-		System.arraycopy(allTags, 0, allTags = new char[length+add][], 0, length);
-		System.arraycopy(additionalTags, 0, allTags, length, add);
-	}
-	verifyCompletionOnJavadocTag("".toCharArray(), allTags, false);
-	CompletionOnJavadocTag completionTag = (CompletionOnJavadocTag) this.javadoc.getCompletionNode();
-	int start = source.indexOf("{@");
-	assertEquals("Invalid tag start position", start, completionTag.tagSourceStart);
-	int end = source.indexOf('|');
-	assertEquals("Invalid tag end position", end, completionTag.tagSourceEnd);
-public void test029() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * {@li/\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "{@li");
-	char[][] allTags = complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3)
-		? new char[][] { TAG_LINK }
-		: (complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_4)
-				? new char[][] { TAG_LINK, TAG_LINKPLAIN }
-				: new char[][] { TAG_LINK, TAG_LINKPLAIN, TAG_LITERAL });
-	verifyCompletionOnJavadocTag("li".toCharArray(), allTags, false);
-	CompletionOnJavadocTag completionTag = (CompletionOnJavadocTag) this.javadoc.getCompletionNode();
-	int start = source.indexOf("{@");
-	assertEquals("Invalid tag start position", start, completionTag.tagSourceStart);
-	int end = source.indexOf("/\n");
-	assertEquals("Invalid tag end position", end, completionTag.tagSourceEnd);
-public void test030() {
-	String source = "package javadoc;\n" +
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * {@link+\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class Test {}\n";
-	verifyCompletionInJavadoc(source, "{@link");
-	char[][] allTags = complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3)
-		? new char[][] { TAG_LINK }
-		: new char[][] { TAG_LINK, TAG_LINKPLAIN  };
-	verifyCompletionOnJavadocTag("link".toCharArray(), allTags, false);
-	CompletionOnJavadocTag completionTag = (CompletionOnJavadocTag) this.javadoc.getCompletionNode();
-	int start = source.indexOf("{@");
-	assertEquals("Invalid tag start position", start, completionTag.tagSourceStart);
-	int end = source.indexOf('+');
-	assertEquals("Invalid tag end position", end, completionTag.tagSourceEnd);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5745f15..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import junit.framework.Test;
- * Completion is expected to be in a LabeledStatement.
- */
-public class LabelStatementCompletionTest extends AbstractCompletionTest {
-public LabelStatementCompletionTest(String testName) {
-	super(testName);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(LabelStatementCompletionTest.class);
- * Completion inside an inner class defined inside a labeled statement.
- */
-public void test1FTEO9L() {
-	String cu =
-		"package p; 					\n" +
-		"								\n" +
-		"class CCHelper {				\n" +
-		"	class Member1 {				\n" +
-		"	}							\n" +
-		"	class Member2 {				\n" +
-		"	}							\n" +
-		"	void foo() {				\n" +
-		"	}							\n" +
-		"}								\n" +
-		"								\n" +
-		"public class CC {				\n" +
-		"	void foo() {				\n" +
-		"		new CCHelper()			\n" +
-		"			.new CCHelper()		\n" +
-		"			.new M				\n" +
-		"	}							\n" +
-		"}								\n";
-	// first case
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		cu,
-		// completeBehind:
-		"			.n",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:new CCHelper().n>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class CCHelper {\n" + 
-		"  class Member1 {\n" + 
-		"    Member1() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  class Member2 {\n" + 
-		"    Member2() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  CCHelper() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class CC {\n" + 
-		"  public CC() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:new CCHelper().n>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"n",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"new",
-		// test name
-		"<regression test 1FTEO9L (first case)>"
-	);
-	// second case
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		cu,
-		// completeBehind:
-		"			.new CC",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:CC>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class CCHelper {\n" + 
-		"  class Member1 {\n" + 
-		"    Member1() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  class Member2 {\n" + 
-		"    Member2() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  CCHelper() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class CC {\n" + 
-		"  public CC() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    new CCHelper().new <CompleteOnType:CC>();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"CC",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"CCHelper",
-		// test name
-		"<regression test 1FTEO9L (second case)>"
-	);
-	// third case
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		cu,
-		// completeBehind:
-		"			.new CCHelper()		\n" +
-		"			.n",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMemberAccess:new CCHelper().new CCHelper().n>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class CCHelper {\n" + 
-		"  class Member1 {\n" + 
-		"    Member1() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  class Member2 {\n" + 
-		"    Member2() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  CCHelper() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class CC {\n" + 
-		"  public CC() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMemberAccess:new CCHelper().new CCHelper().n>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"n",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"new",
-		// test name
-		"<regression test 1FTEO9L (third case)>"
-	);
-	// fourth case
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		cu,
-		// completeBehind:
-		"			.new CCHelper()		\n" +
-		"			.new M",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:M>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class CCHelper {\n" + 
-		"  class Member1 {\n" + 
-		"    Member1() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  class Member2 {\n" + 
-		"    Member2() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  CCHelper() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class CC {\n" + 
-		"  public CC() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    new CCHelper().new CCHelper().new <CompleteOnType:M>();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"M",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"M",
-		// test name
-		"<regression test 1FTEO9L (fourth case)>"
-	);
- * Completion inside a case that has an identifier as its constant expression.
- */
-public void testInCaseWithIdentifier() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	void foo() {									\n" +
-		"		label1: {									\n" +
-		"			switch (i) {							\n" +
-		"				case a: label2: X o = new Object();	\n" +
-		"			}										\n" +
-		"		}											\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      {\n" +
-		"        <CompleteOnName:X>;\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"X",
-		// expectedLabels:
-		new String[] {"label1", "label2"},
-		// test name
-		"<complete in case with identifier>"
-	);
- * Completion inside a case that has a number as its constant expression.
- */
-public void testInCaseWithNumberConstant() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {										\n" +
-		"	void foo() {									\n" +
-		"		label1: {									\n" +
-		"			switch (i) {							\n" +
-		"				case 1: label2: X o = new Object();	\n" +
-		"			}										\n" +
-		"		}											\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      {\n" +
-		"        <CompleteOnName:X>;\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"X",
-		// expectedLabels:
-		new String[] {"label1", "label2"},
-		// test name
-		"<complete in case with number>"
-	);
- * Completion inside an inner class defined inside a labeled statement.
- */
-public void testInLabeledInnerClass() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		label1: {								\n" +
-		"			Object o = new Object() {			\n" +
-		"				void fred() {					\n" +
-		"					label2: {					\n" +
-		"						X o = new Object();		\n" +
-		"					}							\n" +
-		"				}								\n" +
-		"			};									\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      Object o;\n" +
-		"      new Object() {\n" +
-		"        void fred() {\n" +
-		"          {\n" +
-		"            <CompleteOnName:X>;\n" +
-		"          }\n" +
-		"        }\n" +
-		"      };\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"X",
-		// expectedLabels:
-		new String[] {"label2"},
-		// test name
-		"<complete in labeled inner class>"
-	);
- * Completion inside an inner class defined inside a labeled statement with a syntax error
- * just before the labeled statement.
- */
-public void testInLabeledInnerClassWithErrorBefore() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		int i == 2; \n" +
-		"		label1: {								\n" +
-		"			Object o = new Object() {			\n" +
-		"				void fred() {					\n" +
-		"					label2: {					\n" +
-		"						X o = new Object();		\n" +
-		"					}							\n" +
-		"				}								\n" +
-		"			};									\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int i;\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      Object o;\n" + 
-		"      new Object() {\n" + 
-		"        void fred() {\n" + 
-		"          {\n" + 
-		"            <CompleteOnName:X>;\n" + 
-		"          }\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"      };\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"X",
-		// expectedLabels:
-		new String[] {"label2"},
-		// test name
-		"<complete in labeled inner class with syntax error before>"
-	);
- * Completion inside a labeled statement one level deep.
- */
-public void testOneLevelDeep() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		label1: X o = new Object();				\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:X>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"X",
-		// expectedLabels:
-		new String[] {"label1"},
-		// test name
-		"<complete in one level deep>"
-	);
- * Completion inside a labeled statement which is the second one in the method.
- */
-public void testSecondLabel() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		label1: buzz();							\n" +
-		"		label2: X o = new Object();				\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:X>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"X",
-		// expectedLabels:
-		new String[] {"label2"},
-		// test name
-		"<complete in second labeled statement>"
-	);
- * Completion inside a labeled statement two level deep.
- */
-public void testTwoLevelDeep() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		label1: {								\n" +
-		"			label2: X o = new Object();			\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnName:X>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"X",
-		// expectedLabels:
-		new String[] {"label1", "label2"},
-		// test name
-		"<complete in two level deep>"
-	);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index e96a683..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,863 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import junit.framework.Test;
- * Completion is expected to be a FunctionInvocation.
- */
-public class MethodInvocationCompletionTest extends AbstractCompletionTest {
-public MethodInvocationCompletionTest(String testName) {
-	super(testName);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(MethodInvocationCompletionTest.class);
- * Completion with no receiver inside a for statement.
- */
-public void test1FVVWS8_1() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class X {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		for (int i = 10; i > 0; --i)		\n" +
-		"			fred(							\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred(",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMessageSend:fred()>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    int i;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:fred()>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred(",
-		// test name
-		"<1FVVWS8_1>"
-	);
- * Completion with no receiver inside an if statement.
- */
-public void test1FVVWS8_2() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class X {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		if (true)							\n" +
-		"			fred(							\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred(",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMessageSend:fred()>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:fred()>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred(",
-		// test name
-		"<1FVVWS8_2>"
-	);
- * Completion with no receiver inside a for statement
- * and after a field access.
- */
-public void test1FW2ZTB_1() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class X {											\n" +
-		"	int[] array;									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {									\n" +
-		"		for (int i = this.array.length; i > 0; --i)	\n" +
-		"			fred(									\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred(",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMessageSend:fred()>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class X {\n" +
-		"  int[] array;\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    int i;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:fred()>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred(",
-		// test name
-		"<1FW2ZTB_1"
-	);
- * Completion with no receiver inside another message send
- * and after a field access in a previous argument.
- */
-public void test1FW2ZTB_2() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class X {											\n" +
-		"	int[] array;									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {									\n" +
-		"		bar(this.array.length, 10, fred(			\n" +
-		"	}												\n" +
-		"}													\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred(",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMessageSend:fred()>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class X {\n" +
-		"  int[] array;\n" +
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:fred()>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred(",
-		// test name
-		"<1FW2ZTB_2"
-	);
- * Complete on method invocation with expression receiver
- * inside another invocation with no receiver.
- */
-public void test1FW35YZ_1() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		bar(primary().fred(					\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred(",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMessageSend:primary().fred()>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:primary().fred()>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred(",
-		// test name
-		"<1FW35YZ_1>"
-	);
- * Complete on qualified allocation expression
- * inside an invocation with no receiver.
- */
-public void test1FW35YZ_2() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		bar(primary().new X(				\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X(",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnQualifiedAllocationExpression:primary().new X()>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnQualifiedAllocationExpression:primary().new X()>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<1FW35YZ_2>"
-	);
- * Completion with primary receiver.
- */
-public void test1FWYBKF() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class X {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"						\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"bar(",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"bar(",
-		// test name
-		"<1FWYBKF>"
-	);
- * Completion just after a parameter which is a message send.
- */
-public void test1GAJBUQ() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		x.y.Z.fred(buzz());					\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred(buzz()",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMessageSend:x.y.Z.fred(buzz())>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:x.y.Z.fred(buzz())>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred(buzz()",
-		// test name
-		"<1GAJBUQ>"
-	);
- * Completion just before the second parameter, the first parameter being an empty
- * anonymous class.
- */
-public void testAfterEmptyAnonymous() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		this.fred(new Runnable() {}, 2, i);	\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred(new Runnable() {}, ",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMessageSend:this.fred(new Runnable() {\n})>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:this.fred(new Runnable() {\n" + 
-		"})>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred(new Runnable() {}, ",
-		// test name
-		"<completion just before second parameter, the first parameter being an empty anonymous class>"
-	);
- * Completion just after the first parameter.
- */
-public void testAfterFirstParameter() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		this.fred(\"abc\" , 2, i);		\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred(\"abc\" ",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMessageSend:this.fred(\"abc\")>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:this.fred(\"abc\")>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred(\"abc\" ",
-		// test name
-		"<completion just after first parameter>"
-	);
- * Completion just before the first parameter.
- */
-public void testBeforeFirstParameter() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		this.fred(1, 2, i);					\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred(",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMessageSend:this.fred()>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:this.fred()>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred(",
-		// test name
-		"<completion just before first parameter>"
-	);
- * Completion just before the last parameter.
- */
-public void testBeforeLastParameter() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		this.fred(1, 2, i);					\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred(1, 2,",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMessageSend:this.fred(1, 2)>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:this.fred(1, 2)>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred(1, 2,",
-		// test name
-		"<completion just before last parameter>"
-	);
- * Completion just before the second parameter.
- */
-public void testBeforeSecondParameter() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		this.fred(1, 2, i);					\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred(1, ",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMessageSend:this.fred(1)>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:this.fred(1)>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred(1, ",
-		// test name
-		"<completion just before second parameter>"
-	);
- * Completion on empty name inside the expression of the first parameter.
- */
-public void testEmptyInFirstParameter() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		this.fred(\"abc\" + , 2, i);		\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred(\"abc\" +",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (\"abc\" + <CompleteOnName:>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<completion empty in first parameter>"
-	);
- * Completion inside the expression of the first parameter.
- */
-public void testInFirstParameter() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		this.fred(\"abc\" + bizz, 2, i);	\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred(\"abc\" + bi",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:bi>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    (\"abc\" + <CompleteOnName:bi>);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"bi",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"bizz",
-		// test name
-		"<completion inside first parameter>"
-	);
- * Completion inside an if statement.
- */
-public void testInIfStatement() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class X {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		if (true) {							\n" +
-		"			bar.fred();						\n" +
-		"		}									\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred(",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMessageSend:bar.fred()>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnMessageSend:bar.fred()>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred(",
-		// test name
-		"<completion inside a if statement>"
-	);
- * Completion in labeled method invocation with expression receiver.
- */
-public void testLabeledWithExpressionReceiver() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class X {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		label1: bar().fred(1, 2, o);		\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred(1, 2,",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMessageSend:bar().fred(1, 2)>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:bar().fred(1, 2)>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred(1, 2,",
-		// expectedLabels:
-		new String[] {"label1"},
-		// test name
-		"<completion in labeled method invocation with expression receiver>"
-	);
- * Completion in labeled method invocation without receiver.
- */
-public void testLabeledWithoutReceiver() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		label1: fred(1, 2, o);				\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred(1, 2,",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMessageSend:fred(1, 2)>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:fred(1, 2)>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred(1, 2,",
-		// expectedLabels:
-		new String[] {"label1"},
-		// test name
-		"<completion in labeled method invocation without receiver>"
-	);
- * FunctionInvocation ::= Name '(' ArgumentListopt ')'
- */
-public void testNoReceiver() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		fred();								\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred(",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMessageSend:fred()>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:fred()>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred(",
-		// test name
-		"<completion on method invocation with no receiver>"
-	);
- * Completion just before the first parameter with a space after the open parenthesis.
- */
-public void testSpaceThenFirstParameter() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		this.fred( 1, 2, i);				\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred( ",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMessageSend:this.fred()>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:this.fred()>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred( ",
-		// test name
-		"<completion just before first parameter with a space after open parenthesis>"
-	);
- * FunctionInvocation ::= 'super' '.' 'Identifier' '(' ArgumentListopt ')'
- */
-public void testSuper() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		super.fred(1, 2, i);				\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred(",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMessageSend:super.fred()>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:super.fred()>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred(",
-		// test name
-		"<completion on super method invocation>"
-	);
- * Complete on method invocation with expression receiver.
- */
-public void testWithExpressionReceiver() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		bar().fred();						\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred(",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMessageSend:bar().fred()>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:bar().fred()>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred(",
-		// test name
-		"<completion on method invocation with expression receiver>"
-	);
- * Completion with a name receiver.
- */
-public void testWithNameReceiver() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		Vector v = new Vector();			\n" +
-		"		v.addElement(\"1\");				\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"addElement(",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMessageSend:v.addElement()>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    Vector v;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:v.addElement()>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"addElement(",
-		// test name
-		"<completion with name receiver>"
-	);
- * Completion with a name receiver after conditional expression.
- */
-public void testWithNameReceiverAfterConditionalExpression() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class X {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		buzz.test(cond ? max : min);		\n" +
-		"		bar.fred();							\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred(",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMessageSend:bar.fred()>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:bar.fred()>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred(",
-		// expectedLabels:
-		new String[] {},
-		// test name
-		"<completion with name receiver after conditional expression>"
-	);
- * Completion with a name receiver and 2 arguments.
- */
-public void testWithNameReceiverAndTwoArgs() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		X x = new X();						\n" +
-		"		x.fred(1, 2, o);					\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x.fred(1, 2,",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMessageSend:x.fred(1, 2)>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    X x;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:x.fred(1, 2)>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred(1, 2,",
-		// test name
-		"<completion with name receiver and 2 arguments>"
-	);
- * Completion with a qualified name receiver.
- */
-public void testWithQualifiedNameReceiver() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		X x = new X();						\n" +
-		"		y.x.fred(1, 2, o);					\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x.fred(1, 2,",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnMessageSend:y.x.fred(1, 2)>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    X x;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnMessageSend:y.x.fred(1, 2)>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"fred(1, 2,",
-		// test name
-		"<completion with qualified name receiver>"
-	);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index ffb632c..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,923 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import junit.framework.Test;
- * Completion is expected to be a name reference.
- */
-public class NameReferenceCompletionTest extends AbstractCompletionTest {
-public NameReferenceCompletionTest(String testName) {
-	super(testName);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(NameReferenceCompletionTest.class);
- * Regression test for 1FTZ849.
- * The instance creation before the completion is not properly closed, and thus
- * the completion parser used to think the completion was on a type.
- */
-public void test1FTZ849() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		X o = new X;						\n" +
-		";							\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"fred.x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:fred.x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    X o;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:fred.x>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<1FTZ849>"
-	);
- * Completion in a field initializer with no syntax error. 
- */
-public void test1FUUP73() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"public class A {					\n" +
-		"	String s = \"hello\";			\n" +
-		"	Object o = s.concat(\"boo\");	\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"Object o = s",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:s>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"public class A {\n" +
-		"  String s;\n" +
-		"  Object o = <CompleteOnName:s>;\n" +
-		"  public A() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"s",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"s",
-		// test name
-		"<1FUUP73>"
-	);
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"public class A {					\n" +
-		"	String s = \"hello\";			\n" +
-		"	Object o = s.concat(\"boo\");	\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"Object o = s.c",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:s.c>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"public class A {\n" +
-		"  String s;\n" +
-		"  Object o = <CompleteOnName:s.c>;\n" +
-		"  public A() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"c",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"s.concat",
-		// test name
-		"<1FUUP73>"
-	);
- * Regression test for 1FVRQQA.
- */
-public void test1FVRQQA_1() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class X {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		Enumeration e = null; 				\n" +
-		"								\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    Enumeration e;\n" + 
-		"    <>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"to",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<1FVRQQA_1>"
-	);
- * Regression test for 1FVRQQA.
- */
-public void test1FVRQQA_2() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class X {													\n" +
-		"	void foo() {											\n" +
-		"		for (Enumeration e = getSomeEnumeration(); e.has	\n" +
-		"	}														\n" +
-		"}															\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"e.has",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:e.has>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    Enumeration e;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:e.has>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"has",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"e.has",
-		// test name
-		"<1FVRQQA_2>"
-	);
- * Regression test for 1FVT66Q.
- */
-public void test1FVT66Q_1() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"package test;							\n" +
-		"										\n" +
-		"public class Test {					\n" +
-		"	public void foo() {					\n" +
-		"		final int codeAssistTarget= 3;	\n" +
-		"										\n" +
-		"		Thread t= new Thread() {		\n" +
-		"			public void run() {			\n" +
-		"				codeAss					\n" +
-		"			}							\n" +
-		"		};								\n" +
-		"		codeA							\n" +
-		"	}									\n" +
-		"}										\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"	codeAss",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:codeAss>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"package test;\n" + 
-		"public class Test {\n" + 
-		"  public Test() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    final int codeAssistTarget;\n" + 
-		"    Thread t;\n" + 
-		"    new Thread() {\n" + 
-		"      public void run() {\n" + 
-		"        <CompleteOnName:codeAss>;\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"codeAss",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"codeAss",
-		// test name
-		"<1FVT66Q_1>"
-	);
- * Regression test for 1FVT66Q.
- */
-public void test1FVT66Q_2() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"package test;							\n" +
-		"										\n" +
-		"public class Test {					\n" +
-		"	public void foo() {					\n" +
-		"		final int codeAssistTarget= 3;	\n" +
-		"										\n" +
-		"		Thread t= new Thread() {		\n" +
-		"			public void run() {			\n" +
-		"				codeAss					\n" +
-		"			}							\n" +
-		"		};								\n" +
-		"		codeA							\n" +
-		"	}									\n" +
-		"}										\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"\n		codeA",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:codeA>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"package test;\n" + 
-		"public class Test {\n" + 
-		"  public Test() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    final int codeAssistTarget;\n" + 
-		"    Thread t;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:codeA>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"codeA",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"codeA",
-		// test name
-		"<1FVT66Q_2>"
-	);
- * Regression test for 1G8DE30.
- */
-public void test1G8DE30() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		new Runnable() {					\n" +
-		"			public void run() {				\n" +
-		"				Bar							\n" +
-		"			}								\n" +
-		"		};									\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"public void run() {				\n				",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    new Runnable() {\n" + 
-		"      public void run() {\n" + 
-		"        <CompleteOnName:>;\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<1G8DE30>"
-	);
- * Completion on an empty name reference. 
- */
-public void testEmptyNameReference() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		int i = 0;							\n" +
-		"											\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"int i = 0;							\n		",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    int i;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on empty name reference>"
-	);
- * Completion on an empty name reference after a cast. 
- */
-public void testEmptyNameReferenceAfterCast() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class X {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		X x = (X)							\n" +
-		"											\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"(X)",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    X x = (X) <CompleteOnName:>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on empty name reference after cast>"
-	);
- * Completion on an empty name reference after + operator. 
- */
-public void testEmptyNameReferenceAfterPlus() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class X {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		1 + 								\n" +
-		"											\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"1 +",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on empty name reference after + operator>"
-	);
- * Completion on an empty name reference in an array dimension. 
- */
-public void testEmptyNameReferenceInArrayDim() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class X {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		int[]								\n" +
-		"											\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"int[",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on empty name reference in array dim>"
-	);
- * Completion on an empty name reference in inner class. 
- */
-public void testEmptyNameReferenceInInnerClass() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class X {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		class Y {							\n" +
-		"			void bar() {					\n" +
-		"											\n" +
-		"			}								\n" +
-		"		}									\n" +
-		"											\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"\n				",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    class Y {\n" + 
-		"      Y() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void bar() {\n" + 
-		"        <CompleteOnName:>;\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on empty name reference in inner class>"
-	);
- * Completion in the statement following an if expression. 
- */
-public void testInIfThenStatement() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		if (bar()) 							\n" +
-		"											\n" +
-		"											\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"\n			",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<complete in if then statement>"
-	);
- * Completion on a name reference inside an inner class in a field initializer. 
- */
-public void testInnerClassFieldInitializer() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	Object o = new Object() {				\n" +
-		"		void foo() {						\n" +
-		"			xyz								\n" +
-		"		}									\n" +
-		"	};										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"xyz",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:xyz>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" +
-		"  Object o = new Object() {\n" +
-		"    void foo() {\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnName:xyz>;\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  };\n" +
-		"  Bar() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"xyz",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"xyz",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on name reference in inner class in field initializer>"
-	);
- * Completion on an empty name reference inside an invocation in a field initializer. 
- */
-public void testInvocationFieldInitializer() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	String s = fred(1 + );					\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"(1 + ",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" +
-		"  String s = (1 + <CompleteOnName:>);\n" +
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on empty name reference in invocation in field initializer>"
-	);
- * Completion inside an anonymous inner class which is
- * inside a method invocation with receiver.
- */
-public void testMethodInvocationAnonymousInnerClass() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		primary().bizz(							\n" +
-		"			new X() {							\n" +
-		"				void fuzz() {					\n" +
-		"					x.y.z						\n" +
-		"				}								\n" +
-		"			}									\n"	+			
-		"		);										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x.",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:x.>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    new X() {\n" + 
-		"      void fuzz() {\n" + 
-		"        <CompleteOnName:x.>;\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"x.",
-		// test name
-		"<complete inside anonymous inner class inside method invocation 1>"
-	);
- * Completion on a qualified name reference, where the cursor is in the 
- * first type reference. 
- */
-public void testQualifiedNameReferenceShrinkAll() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		int i = 0;							\n" +
-		"		a.b.c.Xxx o = new Y(i);		\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"		a",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:a>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    int i;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:a>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"a",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"a",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on qualified name reference (shrink all)>"
-	);
- * Completion on a qualified name reference, where the cursor is right after the first dot.
- */
-public void testQualifiedNameReferenceShrinkAllButOne() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	static Bar x;								\n" +
-		"	public class InnerBar {						\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"	public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {	\n" +
-		"		SubInnerBar() {							\n" +
-		"			Bar.x.x.super();					\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"Bar.",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:Bar.>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" +
-		"  public class InnerBar {\n" +
-		"    public InnerBar() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {\n" +
-		"    SubInnerBar() {\n" + 
-		"      super();\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnName:Bar.>;\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static Bar x;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Bar.",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on qualified name reference (shrink all but one)>"
-	);
- * Completion on a qualified name reference, where the cursor is right after the first dot. 
- */
-public void testQualifiedNameReferenceShrinkAllButOne2() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		int i = 0;							\n" +
-		"		a.b.c.X o = new Y(i);		\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"		a.",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:a.>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    int i;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:a.>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"a.",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on qualified name reference (shrink all but one) 2>"
-	);
- * Completion on a qualified name reference,where the cursor is right after the end 
- * of the last name reference.  
- */
-public void testQualifiedNameReferenceShrinkNone() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	static Bar x;								\n" +
-		"	public class InnerBar {						\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"	public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {	\n" +
-		"		SubInnerBar() {							\n" +
-		"			Bar.x.x.super();					\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"Bar.x.x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:Bar.x.x>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  public class InnerBar {\n" + 
-		"    public InnerBar() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {\n" + 
-		"    SubInnerBar() {\n" + 
-		"      super();\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnName:Bar.x.x>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static Bar x;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"x",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Bar.x.x",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on qualified name reference (shrink none)>"
-	);
- * Completion on a qualified name reference, where the cursor is right after the end 
- * of the last type reference. 
- */
-public void testQualifiedNameReferenceShrinkNone2() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		int i = 0;							\n" +
-		"		a.b.c.Xxx o = new Y(i);		\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:a.b.c.X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    int i;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:a.b.c.X>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"a.b.c.Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on qualified name reference (shrink none) 2>"
-	);
- * Completion on a qualified name reference, where the cursor is right after the 
- * last dot.
- */
-public void testQualifiedNameReferenceShrinkOne() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit: 
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	static Bar x;								\n" +
-		"	public class InnerBar {						\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"	public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {	\n" +
-		"		SubInnerBar() {							\n" +
-		"			Bar.x.x.super();					\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"Bar.x.",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:Bar.x.>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" +
-		"  public class InnerBar {\n" +
-		"    public InnerBar() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public class SubInnerBar extends InnerBar {\n" +
-		"    SubInnerBar() {\n" + 
-		"      super();\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnName:Bar.x.>;\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static Bar x;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Bar.x.",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on qualified name reference (shrink one)>"
-	);
- * Completion on a qualified name reference, where the cursor is right after the 
- * last dot. 
- */
-public void testQualifiedNameReferenceShrinkOne2() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		int i = 0;							\n" +
-		"		a.b.c.X o = new Y(i);		\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"a.b.c.",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:a.b.c.>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    int i;\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:a.b.c.>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"a.b.c.",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on qualified name reference (shrink one) 2>"
-	);
- * Completion on a qualified name reference that contains a unicode. 
- */
-public void testUnicode() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class X {					\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {			\n" + 
-		"		bar.\\u005ax 		\n" +
-		"	}						\n" + 
-		"}							\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:bar.Zx>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <CompleteOnName:bar.Zx>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"Zx",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"bar.\\u005ax",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on unicode>"
-	);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d80c97..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,693 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import java.util.Hashtable;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression.AbstractRegressionTest;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class ParserTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-static {
-//		TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "test000" };
-//		TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 18 };
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 11, -1 };
-public ParserTest(String name) {
-	super(name);
-public void test001() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	function foo(){\n" +
-			"		throws\n" +
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	throws\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"throws\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-public void test002() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	function foo(){\n" +
-			"		throws new\n" +
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	throws new\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-public void test003() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	function foo(){\n" +
-			"		throws new X\n" +
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	throws new X\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"throws\", throw expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	throws new X\n" + 
-		"	           ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, unexpected end of method\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-//public void test004() {
-//	this.runNegativeTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"X.js",
-//			"public class X {\n" +
-//			"	{\n" +
-//			"		throws\n" +
-//			"	}\n" +
-//			"}\n"
-//		},
-//		"----------\n" + 
-//		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-//		"	throws\n" + 
-//		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-//		"Syntax error on token \"throws\", delete this token\n" + 
-//		"----------\n"
-//	);
-//public void test005() {
-//	this.runNegativeTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"X.js",
-//			"public class X {\n" +
-//			"	{\n" +
-//			"		throws new\n" +
-//			"	}\n" +
-//			"}\n"
-//		},
-//		"----------\n" + 
-//		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-//		"	throws new\n" + 
-//		"	^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-//		"Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens\n" + 
-//		"----------\n"
-//	);
-public void test006() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	{\n" +
-			"		throws new X\n" +
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	throws new X\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"throws\", throw expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	throws new X\n" + 
-		"	           ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, unexpected end of initializer\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-//public void test007() {
-//	this.runNegativeTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"X.js",
-//			"public class X {\n" +
-//			"	void foo()throw {\n" +
-//			"	}\n" +
-//			"}\n"
-//		},
-//		"----------\n" + 
-//		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 1)\n" + 
-//		"	public class X {\n" + 
-//		"	               ^\n" + 
-//		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete ClassBody\n" + 
-//		"----------\n" + 
-//		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-//		"	void foo()throw {\n" + 
-//		"	          ^^^^^\n" + 
-//		"Syntax error on token \"throw\", { expected\n" + 
-//		"----------\n"
-//	);
-//public void test008() {
-//	this.runNegativeTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"X.js",
-//			"public class X {\n" +
-//			"	void foo()throw E {\n" +
-//			"	}\n" +
-//			"}\n"
-//		},
-//		"----------\n" + 
-//		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 1)\n" + 
-//		"	public class X {\n" + 
-//		"	               ^\n" + 
-//		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete ClassBody\n" + 
-//		"----------\n" + 
-//		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-//		"	void foo()throw E {\n" + 
-//		"	          ^^^^^\n" + 
-//		"Syntax error on token \"throw\", throws expected\n" + 
-//		"----------\n" + 
-//		"3. ERROR in X.js (at line 4)\n" + 
-//		"	}\n" + 
-//		"	^\n" + 
-//		"Syntax error on token \"}\", delete this token\n" + 
-//		"----------\n"
-//	);
-public void test009() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	function foo(){\n" +
-			"		throws e\n" +
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	throws e\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-//public void test010() {
-//	this.runNegativeTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"X.js",
-//			"public class X {\n" +
-//			"	void foo(){\n" +
-//			"		throws e;\n" +
-//			"	}\n" +
-//			"}\n"
-//		},
-//		"----------\n" + 
-//		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-//		"	throws e;\n" + 
-//		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-//		"Syntax error on token \"throws\", throw expected\n" + 
-//		"----------\n"
-//	);
-//public void test011() {
-//	this.runNegativeTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"X.js",
-//			"public class X {\n" +
-//			"	public void foo(X, Object o, String s) {\n" +
-//			"	}\n" +
-//			"   public void bar(){}\n" + 
-//			"}\n"
-//		},
-//		"----------\n" + 
-//		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-//		"	public void foo(X, Object o, String s) {\n" + 
-//		"	                 ^\n" + 
-//		"Syntax error on token \",\", . expected\n" + 
-//		"----------\n"
-//	);
- *
- */
-public void test012() {
-	Hashtable nls = new Hashtable();
-	nls.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	function foo() {\n" +
-			"		\"foo\".equals(\"bar\");\n" +
-			"		;\n" +
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	\"foo\".equals(\"bar\");\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Non-externalized string literal; it should be followed by //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	\"foo\".equals(\"bar\");\n" + 
-		"	             ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Non-externalized string literal; it should be followed by //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null, // custom classpath
-		true, // flush previous output dir content
-		nls // custom options
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test013() {
-	Hashtable nls = new Hashtable();
-	nls.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	function foo() {\n" +
-			"		\"foo\".equals(\"bar\");\n" +
-			"		//;\n" +
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	\"foo\".equals(\"bar\");\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Non-externalized string literal; it should be followed by //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	\"foo\".equals(\"bar\");\n" + 
-		"	             ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Non-externalized string literal; it should be followed by //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null, // custom classpath
-		true, // flush previous output dir content
-		nls // custom options
-	);
- *
- */
-//public void test014() {
-//	this.runNegativeTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"X.js",
-//			"public class X {\n" +
-//			"	public void foo() { \n" +
-//			"		import java.lang.*;\n" +
-//			"	} \n" +
-//			"}\n"
-//		},
-//		"----------\n" + 
-//		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-//		"	import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-//		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-//		"Syntax error on token \"import\", delete this token\n" + 
-//		"----------\n" + 
-//		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-//		"	import java.lang.*;\n" + 
-//		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-//		"Syntax error on token(s), misplaced construct(s)\n" + 
-//		"----------\n"
-//	);
- *
- */
-public void _test015() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"function foo() {\n" + 
-			"// some code\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"/*\n" + 
-			"// some comments\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	/*\n" + 
-		"// some comments\n" + 
-		"\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unexpected end of comment\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test016() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"function foo() {\n" + 
-			"	var s = \""
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	var s = \"\n" + 
-		"	           ^\n" + 
-		"String literal is not properly closed by a double-quote\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test017() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"function foo() {\n" + 
-			"	var c = '"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	var c = \'\n" + 
-		"	         ^\n" + 
-		"Invalid character constant\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test018() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"function foo() {\n" + 
-			"	var c = '\\u0"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	var c = \'\\u0\n" + 
-		"	          ^^^\n" + 
-		"Invalid unicode\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test019() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	function doit() {\n" + 
-			"		var foo = null;\n" + 
-			"		foo[0] = \n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	foo[0] = \n" + 
-		"	     ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"AssignmentOperator Expression\" to complete Assignment\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	foo[0] = \n" + 
-		"	     ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \";\" to complete Statement\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test020() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	function main( args) {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	function newLibraryEntry() {\n" + 
-			"		if (sourceAttachmentPath != null) {\n" + 
-			"			if (sourceAttachmentPath.isEmpty()) { && !\n" + 
-			"sourceAttachmentPath.isAbsolute()) {\n" + 
-			"			foo();\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		return null;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	function foo() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	function bar() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			""
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	if (sourceAttachmentPath.isEmpty()) { && !\n" + 
-		"	                                      ^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"&&\", invalid (\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	sourceAttachmentPath.isAbsolute()) {\n" + 
-		"	                                   ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"{\", invalid AssignmentOperator\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-public void test021() {
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-//	buffer.append("public class X {\n");
-	for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
-		buffer.append("\tvar field_" + i + " = 0; \n");
-	}
-	for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
-		if (i == 0)
-			buffer.append("\tfunction method_" + i + "() { /* default */ } \n");
-		else
-			buffer.append("\tfunction method_" + i + "() { method_" + (i - 1) + "() \n");
-	}
-//	buffer.append("}\n");
-	Hashtable options = new Hashtable();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_MaxProblemPerUnit, "10");
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			buffer.toString()
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 1002)\n" + 
-		"	void method_1() { method_0() \n" + 
-		"	                           ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete MethodBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 1002)\n" + 
-		"	void method_1() { method_0() \n" + 
-		"	                           ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \";\" to complete BlockStatements\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in X.js (at line 1003)\n" + 
-		"	void method_2() { method_1() \n" + 
-		"	                           ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete MethodBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in X.js (at line 1003)\n" + 
-		"	void method_2() { method_1() \n" + 
-		"	                           ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \";\" to complete BlockStatements\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"5. ERROR in X.js (at line 1004)\n" + 
-		"	void method_3() { method_2() \n" + 
-		"	                           ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete MethodBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"6. ERROR in X.js (at line 1004)\n" + 
-		"	void method_3() { method_2() \n" + 
-		"	                           ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \";\" to complete BlockStatements\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"7. ERROR in X.js (at line 1005)\n" + 
-		"	void method_4() { method_3() \n" + 
-		"	                           ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete MethodBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"8. ERROR in X.js (at line 1005)\n" + 
-		"	void method_4() { method_3() \n" + 
-		"	                           ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \";\" to complete BlockStatements\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"9. ERROR in X.js (at line 1006)\n" + 
-		"	void method_5() { method_4() \n" + 
-		"	                           ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete MethodBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"10. ERROR in X.js (at line 2001)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete ClassBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null, // custom classpath
-		true, // flush previous output dir content
-		options // custom options
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test022() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportEmptyStatement, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"interface X {\n" + 
-			"    int f= 1;;\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	int f= 1;;\n" + 
-		"	         ^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary semicolon\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null, // custom classpath
-		true, // flush previous output dir content
-		options // custom options
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test023() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportEmptyStatement, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"    int f= 1;;\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	int f= 1;;\n" + 
-		"	         ^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary semicolon\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null, // custom classpath
-		true, // flush previous output dir content
-		options // custom options
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test024() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportEmptyStatement, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"interface X {\n" + 
-			"    int f= 1;\\u003B\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	int f= 1;\\u003B\n" + 
-		"	         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary semicolon\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null, // custom classpath
-		true, // flush previous output dir content
-		options // custom options
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test025() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUndocumentedEmptyBlock, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"        static class Y {\n" + 
-			"                public void foo(int i) {}\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        static Y FakeInvocationSite = new Y(){\n" + 
-			"                public void foo(int i) {}\n" + 
-			"        };\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	public void foo(int i) {}\n" + 
-		"	                       ^^\n" + 
-		"Empty block should be documented\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	public void foo(int i) {}\n" + 
-		"	                       ^^\n" + 
-		"Empty block should be documented\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null, // custom classpath
-		true, // flush previous output dir content
-		options // custom options
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test026() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUndocumentedEmptyBlock, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"        static class Y {\n" + 
-			"                public void foo(int i) {}\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        static Y FakeInvocationSite = new Y(){\n" + 
-			"                public void foo(int i) {\n" +
-			"					class A {\n" +
-			"						A() {}\n" +
-			"						public void bar() {}\n" +
-			"					}\n" +
-			"					new A().bar();\n" +
-			"				 }\n" + 
-			"        };\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	public void foo(int i) {}\n" + 
-		"	                       ^^\n" + 
-		"Empty block should be documented\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	A() {}\n" + 
-		"	    ^^\n" + 
-		"Empty block should be documented\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in X.js (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	public void bar() {}\n" + 
-		"	                  ^^\n" + 
-		"Empty block should be documented\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null, // custom classpath
-		true, // flush previous output dir content
-		options // custom options
-	);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index bc4427a..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1553 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import junit.framework.Test;
- * Completion is expected to be a ReferenceType.
- */
-public class ReferenceTypeCompletionTest extends AbstractCompletionTest {
-public ReferenceTypeCompletionTest(String testName) {
-	super(testName);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(ReferenceTypeCompletionTest.class);
- * Regression test for 1FTZCIG. 
- */
-public void test1FTZCIG() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		new X() {							\n" +
-		"			protected void bar() {			\n" +
-		"			}								\n" +
-		"		}									\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"p",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:p>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" +
-		"  Bar() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    new X() {\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnType:p>;\n" +
-		"      void bar() {\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"    };\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"p",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"protected",
-		// test name
-		"<1FTZCIG>"
-	);
- * Block ::= OpenBlock '{' <BlockStatementsopt> '}'  
- */
-public void testBlock() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		try {								\n" +
-		"			Xxx o = new Y();				\n" +
-		"		} catch (Exception e) {				\n"	+
-		"		}									\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    {\n" + 
-		"      <CompleteOnName:X>;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on block>"
-	);
- * BlockStatements ::= BlockStatements <BlockStatement> 
- */
-public void testBlockStatements() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		int i = 0;							\n" +
-		"		Xxx o = new Y();					\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    int i;\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:X>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on block statements>"
-	);
- * CatchClause ::= 'catch' '(' <FormalParameter> ')' Block  
- */
-public void testCatchClause1() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		try {								\n" +
-		"			fred();							\n" +
-		"		} catch (Xxx e) {					\n"	+
-		"		}									\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnException:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    try \n" + 
-		"      {\n" + 
-		"        fred();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    catch (<CompleteOnException:X>  )       {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on catch clause 1>"
-	);
- * CatchClause ::= 'catch' '(' <FormalParameter> ')' Block  
- */
-public void testCatchClause2() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		try {								\n" +
-		"			fred();							\n" +
-		"		} catch (final Xxx e) {				\n"	+
-		"		}									\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnException:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    try \n" + 
-		"      {\n" + 
-		"        fred();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    catch (<CompleteOnException:X>  )       {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on catch clause 2>"
-	);
- * CatchClause ::= 'catch' '(' <FormalParameter> ')' Block  
- */
-public void testCatchClause3() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		try {								\n" +
-		"			fred();							\n" +
-		"		} catch (x.y.Xxx e) {				\n"	+
-		"		}									\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"x.y.X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnException:x.y.X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    try \n" + 
-		"      {\n" + 
-		"        fred();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    catch (<CompleteOnException:x.y.X>  )       {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"x.y.Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on catch clause 3>"
-	);
- * ClassBody ::= '{' <ClassBodyDeclarationsopt> '}' 
- */
-public void testClassBody() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" + 
-		"	Xxx foo() {								\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:X>\n" +
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on  class body>"
-	);
- * ClassBodyDeclarations ::= ClassBodyDeclarations <ClassBodyDeclaration> 
- */
-public void testClassBodyDeclarations() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	int i = 0;								\n" +
-		"	Xxx foo() {								\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  int i;\n" +
-		"  Bar() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  <CompleteOnType:X>\n" +
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on  class body declarations>"
-	);
- * ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= 'new' <ClassType> '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt 
- */
-public void testClassInstanceCreationExpression1() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		new Xxx().zzz();					\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    new <CompleteOnType:X>();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on class instance creation expression 1>"
-	);
- * ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= 'new' <ClassType> '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt 
- */
-public void testClassInstanceCreationExpression2() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		new Y(new Xxx()).zzz();				\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    new Y(new <CompleteOnType:X>());\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on class instance creation expression 2>"
-	);
- * ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= 'new' <ClassType> '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt 
- */
-public void testClassInstanceCreationExpression3() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		new Y(1, true, new Xxx()).zzz();	\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    new Y(1, true, new <CompleteOnType:X>());\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on class instance creation expression 3>"
-	);
- * ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= 'new' <ClassType> '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt 
- */
-public void testClassInstanceCreationExpression4() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		fred().new Y(new Xxx()).zzz();		\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    fred().new Y(new <CompleteOnType:X>());\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on class instance creation expression 4>"
-	);
- * ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= ClassInstanceCreationExpressionName 'new' SimpleName '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt
- */
-public void testClassInstanceCreationExpressionName1() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"public class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	static Bar baz;								\n" +
-		"	public class X {							\n" +
-		"		void foo() {							\n" +
-		" Xxx();					\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"new X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"public class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  public class X {\n" + 
-		"    public X() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" +
-		" <CompleteOnType:X>();\n" +
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static Bar baz;\n" +
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on class instance creation expression with name 1>"
-	);
- * ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= ClassInstanceCreationExpressionName 'new' SimpleName '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt
- */
-public void testClassInstanceCreationExpressionName2() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"public class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	static Bar baz;								\n" +
-		"	public class X {							\n" +
-		"		void foo() {							\n" +
-		"			new Y( Xxx());			\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"new X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"public class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  public class X {\n" + 
-		"    public X() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" +
-		"      new Y( <CompleteOnType:X>());\n" +
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static Bar baz;\n" +
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on class instance creation expression with name 2>"
-	);
- * ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= ClassInstanceCreationExpressionName 'new' SimpleName '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt
- */
-public void testClassInstanceCreationExpressionName3() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"public class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	static Bar baz;								\n" +
-		"	public class X {							\n" +
-		"		void foo() {							\n" +
-		"			new Y(1, true, Xxx());	\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"new X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"public class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  public class X {\n" + 
-		"    public X() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" +
-		"      new Y(1, true, <CompleteOnType:X>());\n" +
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static Bar baz;\n" +
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on class instance creation expression with name 3>"
-	);
- * ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= ClassInstanceCreationExpressionName 'new' SimpleName '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt
- */
-public void testClassInstanceCreationExpressionName4() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"public class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	static Bar baz;								\n" +
-		"	public class X {							\n" +
-		"		void foo() {							\n" +
-		"			fred().new Y( Xxx());		\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"new X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"public class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  public class X {\n" + 
-		"    public X() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" +
-		"      fred().new Y( <CompleteOnType:X>());\n" +
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  static Bar baz;\n" +
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on class instance creation expression with name 4>"
-	);
- * ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= Primary '.' 'new' SimpleName '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt
- */
-public void testClassInstanceCreationExpressionPrimary1() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"public class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	public class X {							\n" +
-		"		void foo() {							\n" +
-		"			new Bar().new Xxx();				\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"new X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"public class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  public class X {\n" + 
-		"    public X() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" +
-		"      new Bar().new <CompleteOnType:X>();\n" +
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on class instance creation expression with primary 1>"
-	);
- * ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= Primary '.' 'new' SimpleName '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt
- */
-public void testClassInstanceCreationExpressionPrimary2() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"public class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	public class X {							\n" +
-		"		void foo() {							\n" +
-		"			new Y(new Bar().new Xxx());			\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"new X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"public class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  public class X {\n" + 
-		"    public X() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" +
-		"      new Y(new Bar().new <CompleteOnType:X>());\n" +
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on class instance creation expression with primary 2>"
-	);
- * ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= Primary '.' 'new' SimpleName '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt
- */
-public void testClassInstanceCreationExpressionPrimary3() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"public class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	public class X {							\n" +
-		"		void foo() {							\n" +
-		"			fred().new Y(new Bar().new Xxx());	\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"new X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"public class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  public class X {\n" + 
-		"    public X() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" +
-		"      fred().new Y(new Bar().new <CompleteOnType:X>());\n" +
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on class instance creation expression with primary 3>"
-	);
- * ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= Primary '.' 'new' SimpleName '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt
- */
-public void testClassInstanceCreationExpressionPrimary4() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"public class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	public class X {							\n" +
-		"		void foo() {							\n" +
-		"			new Y(1, true, new Bar().new Xxx());\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"new X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"public class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  public class X {\n" + 
-		"    public X() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    void foo() {\n" +
-		"      new Y(1, true, new Bar().new <CompleteOnType:X>());\n" +
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on class instance creation expression with primary 4>"
-	);
- * ClassTypeList ::= ClassTypeList ',' <ClassTypeElt> 
- */
-public void testClassTypeList() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" + 
-		"	void foo() throws Exception, Xxx {		\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnException:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() throws Exception, <CompleteOnException:X> {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on class type list>"
-	);
- * ConstructorBody ::= NestedMethod '{' <BlockStatementsopt> '}' 
- */
-public void testConstructorBody() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	Bar() {									\n" +
-		"		Xxx o = new Y();					\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" +
-		"    super();\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:X>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on constructor body>"
-	);
- * ConstructorDeclarator ::= 'Identifier' '(' <FormalParameterListopt> ')' 
- */
-public void testConstructorDeclarator() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	Bar(Xxx o) {							\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar(<CompleteOnType:X> o) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on constructor declarator>"
-	);
- * The reference type is burried in several blocks 
- */
-public void testDeepReference() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		if (a == 2) {						\n" +
-		"		}									\n" +
-		"		try {								\n" +
-		"		} finally {							\n" +
-		"			if (1 == fgh) {					\n" +
-		"				Xxx o = null;				\n" +
-		"			}								\n" +
-		"		}									\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      {\n" +
-		"        <CompleteOnName:X>;\n" +
-		"      }\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on deep type>"
-	);
- * Super ::= 'extends' <ClassType> 
- */
-public void testExtendsClass() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar extends Xxx {					\n" + 
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnClass:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar extends <CompleteOnClass:X> {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on extends>"
-	);
- * ExtendsInterfaces ::= 'extends' <InterfaceTypeList> 
- */
-public void testExtendsInterface() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"interface Bar extends Xxx {				\n" + 
-		"}											\n", 
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnInterface:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"interface Bar extends <CompleteOnInterface:X> {\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on extends>"
-	);
- * FieldDeclaration ::= Modifiersopt <Type> VariableDeclarators ';'
- * where Modifiersopt is not empty
- */
-public void testFieldDeclarationWithModifiers() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" + 
-		"	public final Xxx foo;					\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>;",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:X>;\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on field declaration with modifiers>"
-	);
- * FieldDeclaration ::= Modifiersopt <Type> VariableDeclarators ';'
- * where Modifiersopt is empty
- */
-public void testFieldDeclarationWithoutModifiers() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" + 
-		"	Xxx foo;								\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>;",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:X>;\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on field declaration without modifiers>"
-	);
- * FormalParameter ::= Modifiers <Type> VariableDeclaratorId 
- */
-public void testFormalParameter() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo(final Xxx x) {					\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo(final <CompleteOnType:X> x) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on formal parameter>"
-	);
- * FormalParameterList ::= FormalParameterList ',' <FormalParameter> 
- */
-public void testFormalParameterList() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo(int i, final Object o, Xxx x) {\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo(int i, final Object o, <CompleteOnType:X> x) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on formal parameter list>"
-	);
- * ForStatement ::= 'for' '(' <ForInitopt> ';' Expressionopt ';' ForUpdateopt ')' Statement
- * or
- * ForStatementNoShortIf ::= 'for' '(' <ForInitopt> ';' Expressionopt ';' ForUpdateopt ')' StatementNoShortIf  
- */
-public void testForStatement() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		for (Xxx o = new Y(); o.size() < 10; ) {\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:X>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on for statement>"
-	);
- * Interfaces ::= 'implements' <InterfaceTypeList> 
- */
-public void testImplements() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar implements Xxx {					\n" + 
-		"}											\n", 
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnInterface:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar implements <CompleteOnInterface:X> {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on implements>"
-	);
- * RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression 'instanceof' <ReferenceType>
- */
-public void testInstanceOf() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	boolean foo() {								\n" +
-		"		return this instanceof Xxx;				\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  boolean foo() {\n" +
-		"    (this instanceof <CompleteOnType:X>);\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on instanceof>"
-	);
- * InterfaceBody ::= '{' <InterfaceMemberDeclarationsopt> '}' 
- */
-public void testInterfaceBody() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"interface Bar {							\n" +
-		"	Xxx foo();								\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"interface Bar {\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:X>\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on interface body>"
-	);
- * InterfaceMemberDeclarations ::= InterfaceMemberDeclarations <InterfaceMemberDeclaration> 
- */
-public void testInterfaceMemberDeclarations() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"interface Bar {							\n" +
-		"	int CONSTANT = 0;						\n" +
-		"	Xxx foo();								\n" +
-		"}											\n", 
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"interface Bar {\n" +
-		"  int CONSTANT;\n" + 
-		"  <clinit>() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:X>\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on interface member declarations>"
-	);
- * InterfaceTypeList ::= InterfaceTypeList ',' <InterfaceType> 
- */
-public void testInterfaceTypeList() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"interface Bar extends Comparable, Xxx {	\n" + 
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnInterface:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"interface Bar extends Comparable, <CompleteOnInterface:X> {\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on interface list>"
-	);
- * LocalVariableDeclaration ::= Modifiers <Type> VariableDeclarators 
- */
-public void testLocalVariableDeclaration() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {									\n" +
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		final Xxx o = new Y();					\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"}												\n", 
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:X>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on local variable declaration>"
-	);
- * MethodBody ::= NestedMethod '{' <BlockStatementsopt> '}' 
- */
-public void testMethodBody() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		Xxx o = new Y();					\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    <CompleteOnName:X>;\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on method body>"
-	);
- * MethodDeclarator ::= 'Identifier' '(' <FormalParameterListopt> ')' Dimsopt 
- */
-public void testMethodDeclarator() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo(Xxx o) {						\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n", 
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" +
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo(<CompleteOnType:X> o) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on method declarator>"
-	);
- * MethodHeader ::= Modifiersopt <Type> MethodDeclarator Throwsopt 
- * where Modifiersopt is not empty 
- */
-public void testMethodHeaderWithModifiers() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	public static Xxx foo() {				\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" +
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:X>\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on method header with modifiers>"
-	);
- * MethodHeader ::= Modifiersopt <Type> MethodDeclarator Throwsopt 
- * where Modifiersopt is empty 
- */
-public void testMethodHeaderWithoutModifiers() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	Xxx foo() {								\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n", 
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" +
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  <CompleteOnType:X>\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on method header without modifiers>"
-	);
- * Completion on a qualified type reference, where the cursor is in the 
- * first type reference. 
- */
-public void testQualifiedTypeReferenceShrinkAll() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		int i = 0;							\n" +
-		"		new a.b.c.Xxx();			\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"		new a",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:a>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    int i;\n" + 
-		"    new <CompleteOnType:a>();\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"a",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"a",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on qualified type reference (shrink all)>"
-	);
- * Completion on a qualified type reference, where the cursor is right after the first dot. 
- */
-public void testQualifiedTypeReferenceShrinkAllButOne() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		int i = 0;							\n" +
-		"		new a.b.c.Xxx();			\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"a.",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:a.>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    int i;\n" + 
-		"    new <CompleteOnType:a.>();\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"a.",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on qualified type reference (shrink all but one)>"
-	);
- * Completion on a qualified type reference, where the cursor is right after the end 
- * of the last type reference. 
- */
-public void testQualifiedTypeReferenceShrinkNone() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		int i = 0;							\n" +
-		"		new a.b.c.Xxx();			\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:a.b.c.X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    int i;\n" + 
-		"    new <CompleteOnType:a.b.c.X>();\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"a.b.c.Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on qualified type reference (shrink none)>"
-	);
- * Completion on a qualified type reference, where the cursor is right after the 
- * last dot. 
- */
-public void testQualifiedTypeReferenceShrinkOne() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		int i = 0;							\n" +
-		"		new a.b.c.Xxx();			\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"a.b.c.",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnType:a.b.c.>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    int i;\n" + 
-		"    new <CompleteOnType:a.b.c.>();\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"a.b.c.",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on qualified type reference (shrink one)>"
-	);
- * SwitchBlockStatement ::= SwitchLabels <BlockStatements>
- */
-public void testSwitchBlockStatement() {
-	this.runTestCheckMethodParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" +
-		"	void foo() {							\n" +
-		"		int i = 1;							\n" +
-		"		switch (i) {						\n" +
-		"			case 1: 						\n" +
-		"				Xxx o = fred(i);			\n" +
-		"				break;						\n" +
-		"			default:						\n" +
-		"		}									\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnName:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" +
-		"    int i;\n" +
-		"    {\n" +
-		"      <CompleteOnName:X>;\n" +
-		"    }\n" +
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on switch block statement>"
-	);
- * Throws ::= 'throws' <ClassTypeList>  
- */
-public void testThrows() {
-	this.runTestCheckDietParse(
-		// compilationUnit:
-		"class Bar {								\n" + 
-		"	void foo() throws Xxx {					\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n",
-		// completeBehind:
-		"X",
-		// expectedCompletionNodeToString:
-		"<CompleteOnException:X>",
-		// expectedUnitDisplayString:
-		"class Bar {\n" + 
-		"  Bar() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() throws <CompleteOnException:X> {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		// expectedCompletionIdentifier:
-		"X",
-		// expectedReplacedSource:
-		"Xxx",
-		// test name
-		"<complete on throws>"
-	);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c7d6d9..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.junit.extension.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.AbstractCompilerTest;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
-public class RunCompletionParserTests extends junit.framework.TestCase {
-	public final static List TEST_CLASSES = new ArrayList();
-	public final static List TEST_CLASSES_1_5 = new ArrayList();
-	static {
-		TEST_CLASSES.add(AllocationExpressionCompletionTest.class);
-		TEST_CLASSES.add(CompletionParserTest.class);
-		TEST_CLASSES.add(CompletionParserTest2.class);
-		TEST_CLASSES.add(CompletionParserTestKeyword.class);
-		TEST_CLASSES.add(CompletionRecoveryTest.class);
-		TEST_CLASSES.add(FieldAccessCompletionTest.class);
-		TEST_CLASSES.add(JavadocCompletionParserTest.class);
-		TEST_CLASSES.add(LabelStatementCompletionTest.class);
-		TEST_CLASSES.add(MethodInvocationCompletionTest.class);
-		TEST_CLASSES.add(NameReferenceCompletionTest.class);
-	}
-	public RunCompletionParserTests(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		ArrayList testClasses = new ArrayList();
-		testClasses.addAll(RunCompletionParserTests.TEST_CLASSES);
-		TestSuite all = new TestSuite(TestAll.class.getName());
-		int possibleComplianceLevels = AbstractCompilerTest.getPossibleComplianceLevels();
-		if ((possibleComplianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_3) != 0) {
-			ArrayList tests_1_3 = (ArrayList)testClasses.clone();
-			// Reset forgotten subsets tests
-			TestCase.TESTS_PREFIX = null;
-			TestCase.TESTS_NAMES = null;
-			TestCase.TESTS_NUMBERS= null;
-			TestCase.TESTS_RANGE = null;
-			TestCase.RUN_ONLY_ID = null;
-			all.addTest(AbstractCompilerTest.buildComplianceTestSuite(AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_3, tests_1_3));
-		}
-		if ((possibleComplianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_4) != 0) {
-			ArrayList tests_1_4 = (ArrayList)testClasses.clone();
-			// Reset forgotten subsets tests
-			TestCase.TESTS_PREFIX = null;
-			TestCase.TESTS_NAMES = null;
-			TestCase.TESTS_NUMBERS= null;
-			TestCase.TESTS_RANGE = null;
-			TestCase.RUN_ONLY_ID = null;
-			all.addTest(AbstractCompilerTest.buildComplianceTestSuite(AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_4, tests_1_4));
-		}
-		if ((possibleComplianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_5) != 0) {
-			ArrayList tests_1_5 = (ArrayList)testClasses.clone();
-			tests_1_5.addAll(TEST_CLASSES_1_5);
-			// Reset forgotten subsets tests
-			TestCase.TESTS_PREFIX = null;
-			TestCase.TESTS_NAMES = null;
-			TestCase.TESTS_NUMBERS= null;
-			TestCase.TESTS_RANGE = null;
-			TestCase.RUN_ONLY_ID = null;
-			all.addTest(AbstractCompilerTest.buildComplianceTestSuite(AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_5, tests_1_5));
-		}
-		if ((possibleComplianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_6) != 0) {
-			ArrayList tests_1_6 = (ArrayList)testClasses.clone();
-			tests_1_6.addAll(TEST_CLASSES_1_5);
-			// Reset forgotten subsets tests
-			TestCase.TESTS_PREFIX = null;
-			TestCase.TESTS_NAMES = null;
-			TestCase.TESTS_NUMBERS= null;
-			TestCase.TESTS_RANGE = null;
-			TestCase.RUN_ONLY_ID = null;
-			all.addTest(AbstractCompilerTest.buildComplianceTestSuite(AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_6, tests_1_6));
-		}
-		if ((possibleComplianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_7) != 0) {
-			ArrayList tests_1_7 = (ArrayList)testClasses.clone();
-			tests_1_7.addAll(TEST_CLASSES_1_5);
-			// Reset forgotten subsets tests
-			TestCase.TESTS_PREFIX = null;
-			TestCase.TESTS_NAMES = null;
-			TestCase.TESTS_NUMBERS= null;
-			TestCase.TESTS_RANGE = null;
-			TestCase.RUN_ONLY_ID = null;
-			all.addTest(AbstractCompilerTest.buildComplianceTestSuite(AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_7, tests_1_7));
-		}
-		return all;
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bc19ba..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,865 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ASTVisitor;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.ConstructorDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.FieldDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.MethodDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.batch.CompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.lookup.BlockScope;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ClassScope;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.lookup.CompilationUnitScope;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.lookup.MethodScope;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.lookup.Scope;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.DefaultProblemFactory;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter;
-import junit.framework.Test;
- * Class to test selection in Javadoc comments.
- * @see ""
- */
-public class SelectionJavadocTest extends AbstractSelectionTest {
-	String source;
-	StringBuffer result;
-	ICompilationUnit unit;
-	public SelectionJavadocTest(String testName) {
-		super(testName);
-	}
-	static {
-//		TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 9, 10 };
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 26, -1 };
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(SelectionJavadocTest.class);
-	}
-	class SelectionVisitor extends ASTVisitor {
-		public boolean visit(ConstructorDeclaration constructor, ClassScope scope) {
-			if (constructor.javadoc != null) {
-				assertTrue("Invalid type for Javadoc on " + constructor, constructor.javadoc instanceof SelectionJavadoc);
-				SelectionJavadocTest.this.result.append(constructor.javadoc.toString());
-			}
-			return super.visit(constructor, scope);
-		}
-		public boolean visit(FieldDeclaration field, MethodScope scope) {
-			if (field.javadoc != null) {
-				assertTrue("Invalid type for Javadoc on " + field, field.javadoc instanceof SelectionJavadoc);
-				SelectionJavadocTest.this.result.append(field.javadoc.toString());
-			}
-			return super.visit(field, scope);
-		}
-		public boolean visit(MethodDeclaration method, Scope scope) {
-			if (method.javadoc != null) {
-				assertTrue("Invalid type for Javadoc on " + method, method.javadoc instanceof SelectionJavadoc);
-				SelectionJavadocTest.this.result.append(method.javadoc.toString());
-			}
-			return super.visit(method, scope);
-		}
-		public boolean visit(TypeDeclaration type, BlockScope scope) {
-			if (type.javadoc != null) {
-				assertTrue("Invalid type for Javadoc on " + type, type.javadoc instanceof SelectionJavadoc);
-				SelectionJavadocTest.this.result.append(type.javadoc.toString());
-			}
-			return super.visit(type, scope);
-		}
-		public boolean visit(TypeDeclaration type, ClassScope scope) {
-			if (type.javadoc != null) {
-				assertTrue("Invalid type for Javadoc on " + type, type.javadoc instanceof SelectionJavadoc);
-				SelectionJavadocTest.this.result.append(type.javadoc.toString());
-			}
-			return super.visit(type, scope);
-		}
-		public boolean visit(TypeDeclaration type, CompilationUnitScope scope) {
-			if (type.javadoc != null) {
-				assertTrue("Invalid type for Javadoc on " + type, type.javadoc instanceof SelectionJavadoc);
-				SelectionJavadocTest.this.result.append(type.javadoc.toString());
-			}
-			return super.visit(type, scope);
-		}
-	}
-	protected void assertValid(String expected) {
-		String actual = this.result.toString();
-		if (!actual.equals(expected)) {
-			System.out.println("Expected result for test "+testName()+":");
-			System.out.println(Util.displayString(actual, 3));
-			System.out.println("	source: [");
-			System.out.print(Util.indentString(this.source, 2));
-			System.out.println("]\n");
-			assertEquals("Invalid selection node", expected, actual);
-		}
-	}
-	protected void setUp() throws Exception {
-		super.setUp();
-		this.unit = null;
-	}
-	void setUnit(String name, String source) {
-		this.source = source;
-		this.unit = new CompilationUnit(source.toCharArray(), name, null);
-		this.result = new StringBuffer();
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Parse a method with selectionNode check
-	 */
-	protected void findJavadoc(String selection) {
-		findJavadoc(selection, 1);
-	}
-	protected void findJavadoc(String selection, int occurences) {
-		// Verify unit
-		assertNotNull("Missing compilation unit!", this.unit);
-		// Get selection start and end
-		int selectionStart = source.indexOf(selection);
-		int length = selection.length();
-		int selectionEnd = selectionStart + length - 1;
-		for (int i = 1; i < occurences; i++) {
-			selectionStart = source.indexOf(selection, selectionEnd);
-			selectionEnd = selectionStart + length - 1;
-		}
-		// Parse unit
-		CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions());
-		SelectionParser parser = new SelectionParser(new ProblemReporter(DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(),
-			options,
-			new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault())));
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration unitDecl = parser.dietParse(this.unit, new CompilationResult(this.unit, 0, 0, 0), selectionStart, selectionEnd);
-		parser.getMethodBodies(unitDecl);
-		// Visit compilation unit declaration to find javadoc
-		unitDecl.traverse(new SelectionVisitor(), unitDecl.scope);
-	}
-	public void test01() {
-		setUnit("",
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"	/** @see #foo() */\n" + 
-			"	void bar() {\n" + 
-			"		foo();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("foo");
-		assertValid("/**<SelectOnMethod:#foo()>*/\n");
-	}
-	public void test02() {
-		setUnit("",
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"	/** {@link #foo() foo} */\n" + 
-			"	void bar() {\n" + 
-			"		foo();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("foo");
-		assertValid("/**<SelectOnMethod:#foo()>*/\n");
-	}
-	public void test03() {
-		setUnit("",
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"	/** @see Test */\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("Test", 2);
-		assertValid("/**<SelectOnType:Test>*/\n");
-	}
-	public void test04() {
-		setUnit("",
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"	/** Javadoc {@link Test} */\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("Test", 2);
-		assertValid("/**<SelectOnType:Test>*/\n");
-	}
-	public void test05() {
-		setUnit("",
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"	int field;\n" + 
-			"	/** @see #field */\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("field", 2);
-		assertValid("/**<SelectOnField:#field>*/\n");
-	}
-	public void test06() {
-		setUnit("",
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"	int field;\n" + 
-			"	/**{@link #field}*/\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("field", 2);
-		assertValid("/**<SelectOnField:#field>*/\n");
-	}
-	public void test07() {
-		setUnit("",
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * @see Test#field\n" + 
-			"	 * @see #foo(int, String)\n" + 
-			"	 * @see Test#foo(int, String)\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	void bar() {\n" + 
-			"		foo(0, \"\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	int field;\n" + 
-			"	void foo(int x, String s) {}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("foo");
-		findJavadoc("String");
-		findJavadoc("Test", 2);
-		findJavadoc("foo", 2);
-		findJavadoc("String", 2);
-		findJavadoc("Test", 3);
-		findJavadoc("field");
-		assertValid(
-			"/**<SelectOnMethod:#foo(int , String )>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:String>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Test>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnMethod:Test#foo(int , String )>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:String>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Test>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnField:Test#field>*/\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test08() {
-		setUnit("",
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * First {@link #foo(int, String)}\n" + 
-			"	 * Second {@link Test#foo(int, String) method foo}\n" + 
-			"	 * Third {@link Test#field field}\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	void bar() {\n" + 
-			"		foo(0, \"\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	int field;\n" + 
-			"	void foo(int x, String s) {}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("foo");
-		findJavadoc("String");
-		findJavadoc("Test", 2);
-		findJavadoc("foo", 2);
-		findJavadoc("String", 2);
-		findJavadoc("Test", 3);
-		findJavadoc("field");
-		assertValid(
-			"/**<SelectOnMethod:#foo(int , String )>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:String>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Test>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnMethod:Test#foo(int , String )>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:String>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Test>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnField:Test#field>*/\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test09() {
-		setUnit("test/junit/",
-			"package test.junit;\n" + 
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * @see test.junit.Test\n" + 
-			"	 * @see test.junit.Test#field\n" + 
-			"	 * @see test.junit.Test#foo(Object[] array)\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	void bar() {\n" + 
-			"		foo(null);\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	int field;\n" + 
-			"	void foo(Object[] array) {}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("test", 2);
-		findJavadoc("junit", 2);
-		findJavadoc("Test", 2);
-		findJavadoc("test", 3);
-		findJavadoc("junit", 3);
-		findJavadoc("Test", 3);
-		findJavadoc("field");
-		findJavadoc("test", 4);
-		findJavadoc("junit", 4);
-		findJavadoc("Test", 4);
-		findJavadoc("foo");
-		findJavadoc("Object");
-		findJavadoc("array");
-		assertValid(
-			"/**<SelectOnType:test>*/\n" + 
-			"/**<SelectOnType:test.junit>*/\n" + 
-			"/**<SelectOnType:test.junit.Test>*/\n" + 
-			"/**<SelectOnType:test>*/\n" + 
-			"/**<SelectOnType:test.junit>*/\n" + 
-			"/**<SelectOnType:test.junit.Test>*/\n" + 
-			"/**<SelectOnField:test.junit.Test#field>*/\n" + 
-			"/**<SelectOnType:test>*/\n" + 
-			"/**<SelectOnType:test.junit>*/\n" + 
-			"/**<SelectOnType:test.junit.Test>*/\n" + 
-			"/**<SelectOnMethod:test.junit.Test#foo(Object[] array)>*/\n" + 
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Object>*/\n" +
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" */\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test10() {
-		setUnit("test/junit/",
-			"package test.junit;\n" + 
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"	/** Javadoc {@linkplain test.junit.Test}\n" + 
-			"	 * {@linkplain test.junit.Test#field field}\n" + 
-			"	 * last line {@linkplain test.junit.Test#foo(Object[] array) foo(Object[])}\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	void bar() {\n" + 
-			"		foo(null);\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	int field;\n" + 
-			"	void foo(Object[] array) {}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("test", 2);
-		findJavadoc("junit", 2);
-		findJavadoc("Test", 2);
-		findJavadoc("test", 3);
-		findJavadoc("junit", 3);
-		findJavadoc("Test", 3);
-		findJavadoc("field");
-		findJavadoc("test", 4);
-		findJavadoc("junit", 4);
-		findJavadoc("Test", 4);
-		findJavadoc("foo");
-		findJavadoc("Object");
-		findJavadoc("array");
-		assertValid(
-			"/**<SelectOnType:test>*/\n" + 
-			"/**<SelectOnType:test.junit>*/\n" + 
-			"/**<SelectOnType:test.junit.Test>*/\n" + 
-			"/**<SelectOnType:test>*/\n" + 
-			"/**<SelectOnType:test.junit>*/\n" + 
-			"/**<SelectOnType:test.junit.Test>*/\n" + 
-			"/**<SelectOnField:test.junit.Test#field>*/\n" + 
-			"/**<SelectOnType:test>*/\n" + 
-			"/**<SelectOnType:test.junit>*/\n" + 
-			"/**<SelectOnType:test.junit.Test>*/\n" + 
-			"/**<SelectOnMethod:test.junit.Test#foo(Object[] array)>*/\n" + 
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Object>*/\n" +
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" */\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test11() {
-		setUnit("",
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * @throws RuntimeException runtime exception\n" + 
-			"	 * @throws InterruptedException interrupted exception\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("RuntimeException");
-		findJavadoc("InterruptedException");
-		assertValid(
-			"/**<SelectOnType:RuntimeException>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:InterruptedException>*/\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test12() {
-		setUnit("",
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * @exception RuntimeException runtime exception\n" + 
-			"	 * @exception InterruptedException interrupted exception\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("RuntimeException");
-		findJavadoc("InterruptedException");
-		assertValid(
-			"/**<SelectOnType:RuntimeException>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:InterruptedException>*/\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test13() {
-		setUnit("",
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * @param xxx integer param\n" +
-			"	 * @param str string param\n" +
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	void foo(int xxx, String str) {}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("xxx");
-		findJavadoc("str");
-		assertValid(
-			"/**<SelectOnLocalVariable:xxx>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnLocalVariable:str>*/\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test14() {
-		setUnit("",
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * Javadoc of {@link Test}\n" + 
-			" * @see Field#foo\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class Test {}\n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * Javadoc on {@link Field} to test selection in javadoc field references\n" + 
-			" * @see #foo\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"class Field {\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * Javadoc on {@link #foo} to test selection in javadoc field references\n" + 
-			"	 * @see #foo\n" + 
-			"	 * @see Field#foo\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	int foo;\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("Field");
-		findJavadoc("foo");
-		findJavadoc("Field", 2);
-		findJavadoc("foo", 2);
-		findJavadoc("foo", 3);
-		findJavadoc("foo", 4);
-		findJavadoc("Field", 4);
-		findJavadoc("foo", 5);
-		assertValid(
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Field>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnField:Field#foo>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Field>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnField:#foo>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnField:#foo>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnField:#foo>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Field>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnField:Field#foo>*/\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test15() {
-		setUnit("",
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * Javadoc of {@link Test}\n" + 
-			" * @see Method#foo(int, String)\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class Test {}\n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * Javadoc on {@link Method} to test selection in javadoc method references\n" + 
-			" * @see #foo(int, String)\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"class Method {\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * Javadoc on {@link #foo(int,String)} to test selection in javadoc method references\n" + 
-			"	 * @see #foo(int, String)\n" + 
-			"	 * @see Method#foo(int, String)\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	void bar() {}\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * Method with parameter and throws clause to test selection in javadoc\n" + 
-			"	 * @param xxx TODO\n" + 
-			"	 * @param str TODO\n" + 
-			"	 * @throws RuntimeException blabla\n" + 
-			"	 * @throws InterruptedException bloblo\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	void foo(int xxx, String str) throws RuntimeException, InterruptedException {}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("Method");
-		findJavadoc("foo");
-		findJavadoc("Method", 2);
-		findJavadoc("foo", 2);
-		findJavadoc("foo", 3);
-		findJavadoc("foo", 4);
-		findJavadoc("Method", 4);
-		findJavadoc("foo", 5);
-		findJavadoc("xxx");
-		findJavadoc("str");
-		findJavadoc("RuntimeException");
-		findJavadoc("InterruptedException");
-		assertValid(
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Method>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnMethod:Method#foo(int , String )>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Method>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnMethod:#foo(int , String )>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnMethod:#foo(int , String )>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnMethod:#foo(int , String )>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Method>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnMethod:Method#foo(int , String )>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnLocalVariable:xxx>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnLocalVariable:str>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:RuntimeException>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:InterruptedException>*/\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test16() {
-		setUnit("",
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * Javadoc of {@link Test}\n" + 
-			" * @see Other\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class Test {}\n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * Javadoc of {@link Other}\n" + 
-			" * @see Test\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"class Other {}\n"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("Test");
-		findJavadoc("Other");
-		findJavadoc("Test", 3);
-		findJavadoc("Other", 2);
-		assertValid(
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Test>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Other>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Test>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Other>*/\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test17() {
-		setUnit("",
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * @see Test.Field#foo\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * @see Field#foo\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	class Field {\n" + 
-			"		/**\n" + 
-			"		 * @see #foo\n" + 
-			"		 * @see Field#foo\n" + 
-			"		 * @see Test.Field#foo\n" + 
-			"		 */\n" + 
-			"		int foo;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("Test");
-		findJavadoc("Field");
-		findJavadoc("foo");
-		findJavadoc("Field", 2);
-		findJavadoc("foo", 2);
-		findJavadoc("foo", 3);
-		findJavadoc("Field", 4);
-		findJavadoc("foo", 4);
-		findJavadoc("Test", 3);
-		findJavadoc("Field", 5);
-		findJavadoc("foo", 5);
-		assertValid(
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Test>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Test.Field>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnField:Test.Field#foo>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Field>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnField:Field#foo>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnField:#foo>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Field>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnField:Field#foo>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Test>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Test.Field>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnField:Test.Field#foo>*/\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test18() {
-		setUnit("",
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * @see Test.Method#foo()\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * @see Method#foo()\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	class Method {\n" + 
-			"		/**\n" + 
-			"		 * @see #foo()\n" + 
-			"		 * @see Method#foo()\n" + 
-			"		 * @see Test.Method#foo()\n" + 
-			"		 */\n" + 
-			"		void foo() {}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("Test");
-		findJavadoc("Method");
-		findJavadoc("foo");
-		findJavadoc("Method", 2);
-		findJavadoc("foo", 2);
-		findJavadoc("foo", 3);
-		findJavadoc("Method", 4);
-		findJavadoc("foo", 4);
-		findJavadoc("Test", 3);
-		findJavadoc("Method", 5);
-		findJavadoc("foo", 5);
-		assertValid(
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Test>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Test.Method>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnMethod:Test.Method#foo()>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Method>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnMethod:Method#foo()>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnMethod:#foo()>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Method>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnMethod:Method#foo()>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Test>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Test.Method>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnMethod:Test.Method#foo()>*/\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test19() {
-		setUnit("",
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * @see Test.Other\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * @see Test\n" + 
-			"	 * @see Other\n" + 
-			"	 * @see Test.Other\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	class Other {}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("Test");
-		findJavadoc("Other");
-		findJavadoc("Test", 3);
-		findJavadoc("Other", 2);
-		findJavadoc("Test", 4);
-		findJavadoc("Other", 3);
-		assertValid(
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Test>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Test.Other>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Test>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Other>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Test>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Test.Other>*/\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test20() {
-		setUnit("",
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"	void bar() {\n" + 
-			"		/**\n" + 
-			"		 * @see Field#foo\n" + 
-			"		 */\n" + 
-			"		class Field {\n" + 
-			"			/**\n" + 
-			"			 * @see #foo\n" + 
-			"			 * @see Field#foo\n" + 
-			"			 */\n" + 
-			"			int foo;\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("Field");
-		findJavadoc("foo");
-		findJavadoc("foo", 2);
-		findJavadoc("Field", 3);
-		findJavadoc("foo", 3);
-		assertValid(
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Field>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnField:Field#foo>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnField:#foo>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Field>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnField:Field#foo>*/\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test21() {
-		setUnit("",
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"	void bar() {\n" + 
-			"		/**\n" + 
-			"		 * @see Method#foo()\n" + 
-			"		 */\n" + 
-			"		class Method {\n" + 
-			"			/**\n" + 
-			"			 * @see #foo()\n" + 
-			"			 * @see Method#foo()\n" + 
-			"			 */\n" + 
-			"			void foo() {}\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("Method");
-		findJavadoc("foo");
-		findJavadoc("foo", 2);
-		findJavadoc("Method", 3);
-		findJavadoc("foo", 3);
-		assertValid(
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Method>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnMethod:Method#foo()>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnMethod:#foo()>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Method>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnMethod:Method#foo()>*/\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test22() {
-		setUnit("",
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"	void bar() {\n" + 
-			"		/**\n" + 
-			"		 * @see Test\n" + 
-			"		 * @see Other\n" + 
-			"		 */\n" + 
-			"		class Other {}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("Test", 2);
-		findJavadoc("Other");
-		assertValid(
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Test>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Other>*/\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test23() {
-		setUnit("",
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"	void bar() {\n" + 
-			"		new Object() {\n" + 
-			"			/**\n" + 
-			"			 * @see Field#foo\n" + 
-			"			 */\n" + 
-			"			class Field {\n" + 
-			"				/**\n" + 
-			"				 * @see #foo\n" + 
-			"				 * @see Field#foo\n" + 
-			"				 */\n" + 
-			"				int foo;\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		};\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("Field");
-		findJavadoc("foo");
-		findJavadoc("foo", 2);
-		findJavadoc("Field", 3);
-		findJavadoc("foo", 3);
-		assertValid(
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Field>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnField:Field#foo>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnField:#foo>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Field>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnField:Field#foo>*/\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test24() {
-		setUnit("",
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"	void bar() {\n" + 
-			"		new Object() {\n" + 
-			"			/**\n" + 
-			"			 * @see Method#foo()\n" + 
-			"			 */\n" + 
-			"			class Method {\n" + 
-			"				/**\n" + 
-			"				 * @see #foo()\n" + 
-			"				 * @see Method#foo()\n" + 
-			"				 */\n" + 
-			"				void foo() {}\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		};\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("Method");
-		findJavadoc("foo");
-		findJavadoc("foo", 2);
-		findJavadoc("Method", 3);
-		findJavadoc("foo", 3);
-		assertValid(
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Method>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnMethod:Method#foo()>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnMethod:#foo()>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Method>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnMethod:Method#foo()>*/\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test25() {
-		setUnit("",
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"	void bar() {\n" + 
-			"		new Object() {\n" + 
-			"			/**\n" + 
-			"			 * @see Test\n" + 
-			"			 * @see Other\n" + 
-			"			 */\n" + 
-			"			class Other {}\n" + 
-			"		};\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		);
-		findJavadoc("Test", 2);
-		findJavadoc("Other");
-		assertValid(
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Test>*/\n" +
-			"/**<SelectOnType:Other>*/\n"
-		);
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ac33c8..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2579 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-public class SelectionTest extends AbstractSelectionTest {
-static {
-//		TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 53 };	
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(SelectionTest.class);
-public SelectionTest(String testName) {
-	super(testName);
- * Select superclass
- */
-public void test00() {
-	String str = 
-		"	var i=foo(); 									\n" +
-		"";
-	String selectionStartBehind = "=";
-	String selectionEndBehind = "foo";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnMessageSend:foo()>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "foo";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"var i = <SelectOnMessageSend:foo()>;\n" + 
-		"" + 
-		"";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "foo()";
-	String testName = "<select message send>";
-	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void test01() {
-	String str = 
-		"	var; 									\n" +
-		"";
-	String selectionStartBehind = "bb.";
-	String selectionEndBehind = "foo";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "foo";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"var i = <>;\n" + 
-		"" + 
-		"";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-	String testName = "<select message send>";
-	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-// * Select superclass
-// */
-//public void test01() {
-//	String str = 
-//		"import*;							\n" + 
-//		"											\n" + 
-//		"public class X extends IOException {		\n" + 
-//		"}											\n"; 
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "extends ";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "IOException";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnType:IOException>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "IOException";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"import*;\n" + 
-//		"public class X extends <SelectOnType:IOException> {\n" + 
-//		"  public X() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "IOException";
-//	String testName = "<select superclass>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkDietParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
- * Select superinterface
- */
-//public void test02() {
-//	String str = 
-//		"import*;													\n" + 
-//		"																	\n" + 
-//		"public class X extends IOException implements Serializable {		\n" +
-//		" int foo(){} 														\n" +
-//		"}																	\n"; 
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "implements ";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "Serializable";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnType:Serializable>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "Serializable";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"import*;\n" + 
-//		"public class X extends IOException implements <SelectOnType:Serializable> {\n" + 
-//		"  public X() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "Serializable";
-//	String testName = "<select superinterface>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkDietParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
-// * Select qualified superclass
-// */
-//public void test03() {
-//	String str = 
-//		"public class X extends {	\n" + 
-//		"}												\n"; 
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "IOException";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "IOException";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class X extends <> {\n" + 
-//		"  public X() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-//	String testName = "<select qualified superclass>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkDietParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
-// * Select package from qualified superclass
-// */
-//public void test04() {
-//	String str = 
-//		"public class X extends {	\n" + 
-//		"}												\n"; 
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "java.";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "io";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class X extends <> {\n" + 
-//		"  public X() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "";
-//	String testName = "<select package from qualified superclass>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkDietParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
- * Select message send
- */
-public void test05() {
-	String str = 
-		"	function foo(){									\n" +
-		"		System.out.println(\"hello\");			\n";
-	String selectionStartBehind = "System.out.";
-	String selectionEndBehind = "println";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnMessageSend:System.out.println(\"hello\")>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "println";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-		"  <SelectOnMessageSend:System.out.println(\"hello\")>;\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "System.out.println(\"hello\")";
-	String testName = "<select message send>";
-	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-public void test05b() {
-	String str = 
-		"		System.out.println(\"hello\");			\n";
-	String selectionStartBehind = "System.out.";
-	String selectionEndBehind = "println";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnMessageSend:System.out.println(\"hello\")>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "println";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"<SelectOnMessageSend:System.out.println(\"hello\")>;\n" + 
-		"";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "System.out.println(\"hello\")";
-	String testName = "<select message send>";
-	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Select message send with recovery before
- */
-public void test06() {
-	String str = 
-		"	function foo(){									\n" +
-		"		System.out.println(\"hello\");			\n";
-	String selectionStartBehind = "System.out.";
-	String selectionEndBehind = "println";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnMessageSend:System.out.println(\"hello\")>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "println";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-		"  <SelectOnMessageSend:System.out.println(\"hello\")>;\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "System.out.println(\"hello\")";
-	String testName = "<select message send with recovery before>";
-	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Select message send with sibling method
- */
-public void test07() {
-	String str = 
-		"	function foo(){									\n" +
-		"\"hello\");					\n" +
-		"	function bar( s){							\n" +
-		"		return s.length();						\n"	+
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"";
-	String selectionStartBehind = "this.";
-	String selectionEndBehind = "";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<\"hello\")>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "bar";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-		"  <\"hello\")>;\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"function bar(s) {\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "\"hello\")";
-	String testName = "<select message send with sibling method>";
-	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Select field reference
- */
-public void test08() {
-	String str = 
-		"	var num = 0;								\n" +
-		"	function foo(){									\n" +
-		"		var j = this.num;						\n" +
-		"";
-	String selectionStartBehind = "this.";
-	String selectionEndBehind = "this.num";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectionOnFieldReference:this.num>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "num";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"var num;\n" + 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-		"  var j = <SelectionOnFieldReference:this.num>;\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "this.num";
-	String testName = "<select field reference>";
-	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Select field reference with syntax errors
- */
-public void test09() {
-	String str = 
-		"	var num 									\n" +
-		"	function foo(){									\n" +
-		"		var j = this.num;						\n" +
-		"}												\n";
-	String selectionStartBehind = "this.";
-	String selectionEndBehind = "this.num";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectionOnFieldReference:this.num>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "num";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"var num;\n" + 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-		"  var j = <SelectionOnFieldReference:this.num>;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "this.num";
-	String testName = "<select field reference with syntax errors>";
-	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Select field reference inside message receiver
- */
-public void test10() {
-	String str = 
-		"	var x; 									\n" +
-		"	function foo(){								\n" +
-		"		var j =;				\n" +
-		"}											\n";
-	String selectionStartBehind = "this.";
-	String selectionEndBehind = "this.x";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectionOnFieldReference:this.x>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "x";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"var x;\n" + 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-		"  var j = <SelectionOnFieldReference:this.x>.foo();\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "this.x";
-	String testName = "<select field reference inside message receiver>";
-	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Select allocation
- */
-public void test11() {
-	String str = 
-		"	function X(i){}								\n" +
-		"	function foo(){								\n" +
-		"		var j = 0;							\n" +
-		"		var x = new X(j);						\n" +
-		"}											\n";
-	String selectionStartBehind = "new ";
-	String selectionEndBehind = "new X";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnAllocationExpression:new X(j)>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "X";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function X(i) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-		"  var j;\n" + 
-		"  var x = <SelectOnAllocationExpression:new X(j)>;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "new X(j)";
-	String testName = "<select allocation>";
-	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Select qualified allocation
- */
-//public void test12() {
-//	String str = 
-//		"public class X {		 					\n" +
-//		" 	class Y {								\n" +
-//		"		Y(int i){}							\n" +
-//		"	}										\n" +
-//		"	X(int i){}								\n" +
-//		"	int foo(){								\n" +
-//		"		int j = 0;							\n" +
-//		"		X x = new X(j);						\n" +
-//		" Y(1);							\n" +
-//		"	}										\n" +
-//		"}											\n";
-//	String selectionStartBehind = " ";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = " Y";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "< Y(1)>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "Y";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class X {\n" + 
-//		"  class Y {\n" + 
-//		"    Y(int i) {\n" + 
-//		"    }\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  X(int i) {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    int j;\n" + 
-//		"    X x;\n" + 
-//		"    < Y(1)>;\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = " Y(1)";
-//	String testName = "<select qualified allocation>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
- * Select qualified name reference receiver
- */
-public void test13() {
-	String str = 
-		"	function foo(){								\n" +
-		"		java.lang.System.out.println();		\n" +
-		"}											\n";
-	String selectionStartBehind = "java.lang.";
-	String selectionEndBehind = "java.lang.System";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnName:java.lang.System>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "System";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <SelectOnName:java.lang.System>;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "java.lang.System.out";
-	String testName = "<select qualified name receiver>";
-	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Select qualified name reference 
- */
-public void test14() {
-	String str = 
-		"	int foo(){								\n" +
-		"		var sys = java.lang.System;		\n" +
-		"}											\n";
-	String selectionStartBehind = "java.lang.";
-	String selectionEndBehind = "java.lang.System";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnName:java.lang.System>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "System";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-		"  var sys = <SelectOnName:java.lang.System>;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "java.lang.System";
-	String testName = "<select qualified name>";
-	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-// * Select variable type with modifier
-// */
-//public void test15() {
-//	String str = 
-//		"public class X {		 					\n" +
-//		"	int foo(){								\n" +
-//		"		final System sys = null;			\n" +
-//		"	}										\n" +
-//		"}											\n";
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "final ";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "final System";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnType:System>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "System";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class X {\n" + 
-//		"  public X() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    final <SelectOnType:System> sys;\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "System";
-//	String testName = "<select variable type with modifier>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
- * Select variable type
- */
-//public void test16() {
-//	String str = 
-//		"public class X {		 					\n" +
-//		"	int foo(){								\n" +
-//		"		System sys = null;					\n" +
-//		"	}										\n" +
-//		"}											\n";
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "\n		";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "\n		System";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnType:System>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "System";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class X {\n" + 
-//		"  public X() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    <SelectOnType:System> sys;\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "System";
-//	String testName = "<select variable type>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
- * Select name
- */
-public void test17() {
-	String str = 
-		"function foo(){								\n" +
-		"		System 								\n" +
-		"}											\n";
-	String selectionStartBehind = "\n		";
-	String selectionEndBehind = "\n		System";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnName:System>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "System";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-		"  <SelectOnName:System>;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "System";
-	String testName = "<select name>";
-	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Select anonymous type
- */
-//public void test18() {
-//	String str = 
-//		"public class X {		 					\n" +
-//		"	int foo(){								\n" +
-//		"		new Object(){						\n" +
-//		"			int bar(){}						\n" +
-//		"		}									\n" +
-//		"	}										\n" +
-//		"}											\n";
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "new ";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "new Object";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = 
-//		"<SelectOnAllocationExpression:new Object() {\n" +
-//		"  () {\n" +
-//		"    super();\n" +
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "Object";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class X {\n" + 
-//		"  public X() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    <SelectOnAllocationExpression:new Object() {\n" +
-//		"      () {\n" +
-//		"        super();\n" +
-//		"      }\n" + 
-//		"    }>;\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "new Object()";
-//	String testName = "<select anonymous type>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
- * Select cast type
- */
-//public void test19() {
-//	String str = 
-//		"public class X {		 					\n" +
-//		"	Object foo(){							\n" +
-//		"		return (Object) this;				\n" +
-//		"		}									\n" +
-//		"	}										\n" +
-//		"}											\n";
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "return (";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "return (Object";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnName:Object>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "Object";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class X {\n" + 
-//		"  public X() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  Object foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    <SelectOnName:Object>;\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "Object";
-//	String testName = "<select cast type>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
- * Select package
- */
-//public void test20() {
-//	String str =
-//		"package x.y.other;					\n" +
-//		"public class X {		 					\n" +
-//		"	int foo(){								\n" +
-//		"		}									\n" +
-//		"	}										\n" +
-//		"}											\n";
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "x.";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "x.y";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnPackage:x.y>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "y";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"package <SelectOnPackage:x.y>;\n" + 
-//		"public class X {\n" + 
-//		"  public X() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "x.y.other";
-//	String testName = "<select package>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkDietParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
-// * Select import
-// */
-//public void test21() {
-//	String str =
-//		"import x.y.Other;					\n" +
-//		"public class X {		 					\n" +
-//		"	int foo(){								\n" +
-//		"		}									\n" +
-//		"	}										\n" +
-//		"}											\n";
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "y.";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "y.Other";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnImport:x.y.Other>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "Other";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"import <SelectOnImport:x.y.Other>;\n" + 
-//		"public class X {\n" + 
-//		"  public X() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "x.y.Other";
-//	String testName = "<select import>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkDietParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
-// * Select import on demand
-// */
-//public void test22() {
-//	String str =
-//		"import x.y.other.*;					\n" +
-//		"public class X {		 					\n" +
-//		"	int foo(){								\n" +
-//		"		}									\n" +
-//		"	}										\n" +
-//		"}											\n";
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "y.";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "y.other";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnImport:x.y.other>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "other";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"import <SelectOnImport:x.y.other>;\n" + 
-//		"public class X {\n" + 
-//		"  public X() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "x.y.other";
-//	String testName = "<select import on demand>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkDietParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
- * Select array initializer type
- */
-public void test23() {
-	String str =
-		"public class X {		 					\n" +
-		"	int foo(){								\n" +
-		"		String[] p = new String[]{\"Left\"};\n" +
-//		"		}									\n" +
-		"	}										\n" +
-		"}											\n";
-	String selectionStartBehind = "new ";
-	String selectionEndBehind = "new String";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnType:String>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "String";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    String[] p = <SelectOnType:String>;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "String";
-	String testName = "<select array initializer type>";
-	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
-// * Select nested type superclass with syntax error behind
-// */
-//public void test24() {
-//	String str =
-//		"public class G {					\n" +
-//		"	void foo() {					\n" +
-//		"		class X {					\n" +
-//		"			class Y extends G {		\n" +
-//		"				int foo()			\n" +
-//		"			}						\n" +
-//		"		}							\n" +
-//		"	}								\n" +
-//		"}									\n";
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "extends ";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "extends G";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnType:G>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "G";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class G {\n" + 
-//		"  public G() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    class X {\n" + 
-//		"      class Y extends <SelectOnType:G> {\n" + 
-//		"        Y() {\n" + 
-//		"        }\n" + 
-//		"        int foo() {\n" + 
-//		"        }\n" + 
-//		"      }\n" + 
-//		"      X() {\n" + 
-//		"      }\n" + 
-//		"    }\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "G";
-//	String testName = "<select nested type superclass>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
- * Select super
- */
-//public void test25() {
-//	String str =
-//		"public class G {					\n" +
-//		"	Object foo() {					\n" +
-//		"		return;			\n" +
-//		"	}								\n" +
-//		"}									\n";
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "return ";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "return super";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnSuper:super>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "super";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class G {\n" + 
-//		"  public G() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  Object foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    <SelectOnSuper:super>;\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "super";
-//	String testName = "<select super>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
- * Select qualified super
- */
-//public void test26() {
-//	String str =
-//		"public class G {						\n" +
-//		"	Object foo() {						\n" +
-//		"		new X(){						\n" +
-//		"			Object bar(){				\n" +
-//		"				return;	\n" +
-//		"			}							\n" +
-//		"		}								\n" +
-//		"	}									\n" +
-//		"}										\n";
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "G.";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "G.super";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnQualifiedSuper:G.super>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "super";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class G {\n" + 
-//		"  public G() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  Object foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    new X() {\n" + 
-//		"      () {\n" + 
-//		"      }\n" + 
-//		"      Object bar() {\n" + 
-//		"        <SelectOnQualifiedSuper:G.super>;\n" + 
-//		"      }\n" + 
-//		"    };\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";	
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "G.super";
-//	String testName = "<select qualified super>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
- * Select super constructor call
- */
-//public void test27() {
-//	String str =
-//		"public class G {					\n" +
-//		"	G() {							\n" +
-//		"		super();					\n" +
-//		"	}								\n" +
-//		"}									\n";
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "\n\t\t";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "super";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnExplicitConstructorCall:super()>;";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "super";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class G {\n" + 
-//		"  G() {\n" + 
-//		"    <SelectOnExplicitConstructorCall:super()>;\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "super()";
-//	String testName = "<select super constructor call>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
- * Select qualified super constructor call
- */
-//public void test28() {
-//	String str =
-//		"public class G {						\n" +
-//		"	class M {}							\n" +
-//		"	static Object foo() {				\n" +
-//		"		class X extends M {				\n" +
-//		"			X (){						\n" +
-//		"				new G().super();		\n" +
-//		"			}							\n" +
-//		"		}								\n" +
-//		"	}									\n" +
-//		"}										\n";
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "new G().";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "new G().super";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnExplicitConstructorCall:new G().super()>;";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "super";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class G {\n" + 
-//		"  class M {\n" + 
-//		"    M() {\n" + 
-//		"    }\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  public G() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  static Object foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    class X extends M {\n" + 
-//		"      X() {\n" + 
-//		"        <SelectOnExplicitConstructorCall:new G().super()>;\n" + 
-//		"      }\n" + 
-//		"    }\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";	
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "new G().super()";
-//	String testName = "<select qualified super constructor call>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
- * Select qualified super constructor call with arguments
- */
-//public void test29() {
-//	String str =
-//		"public class G {								\n" +
-//		"	class M {}									\n" +
-//		"	static Object foo() {						\n" +
-//		"		class X extends M {						\n" +
-//		"			X (){								\n" +
-//		"				new G().super(23 + \"hello\");	\n" +
-//		"			}									\n" +
-//		"		}										\n" +
-//		"	}											\n" +
-//		"}												\n";
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "new G().";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "new G().super";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnExplicitConstructorCall:new G().super((23 + \"hello\"))>;";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "super";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class G {\n" + 
-//		"  class M {\n" + 
-//		"    M() {\n" + 
-//		"    }\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  public G() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  static Object foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    class X extends M {\n" + 
-//		"      X() {\n" + 
-//		"        <SelectOnExplicitConstructorCall:new G().super((23 + \"hello\"))>;\n" + 
-//		"      }\n" + 
-//		"    }\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";	
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "new G().super(23 + \"hello\")";
-//	String testName = "<select qualified super constructor call with arguments>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
- * Select super constructor call with arguments
- */
-//public void test30() {
-//	String str =
-//		"public class G {					\n" +
-//		"	G() {							\n" +
-//		"		super(new G());				\n" +
-//		"	}								\n" +
-//		"}									\n";
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "\n\t\t";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "super";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnExplicitConstructorCall:super(new G())>;";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "super";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class G {\n" + 
-//		"  G() {\n" + 
-//		"    <SelectOnExplicitConstructorCall:super(new G())>;\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "super(new G())";
-//	String testName = "<select super constructor call with arguments>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
- * Regression test for 1FVQ0LK
- */
-//public void test31() {
-//	String str =
-//		"class X {							\n" +
-//		"	Y f;							\n" +
-//		"	void foo() {					\n" +
-//		"		new Bar(fred());			\n" +
-//		"		Z z= new Z();				\n" +
-//		"	}								\n" +
-//		"}									\n";
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "\n\t";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "Y";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnType:Y>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "Y";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"class X {\n" +
-//		"  <SelectOnType:Y> f;\n" +
-//		"  X() {\n" +
-//		"  }\n" +
-//		"  void foo() {\n" +
-//		"  }\n" +
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "Y";
-//	String testName = "<regression test for 1FVQ0LK>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkDietParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
- * Regression test for 1FWT4AJ: ITPCOM:WIN98 - SelectionParser produces duplicate type declaration
- */
-public void test32() {
-	String str =
-		"function containsPhrase(){							\n"+
-		"				var currentChar = \"hello\".toLowerCase()		\n"+
-		"}																\n";
-	String selectionStartBehind = "\"hello\".";
-	String selectionEndBehind = "\"hello\".toLowerCase";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnMessageSend:\"hello\".toLowerCase()>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "toLowerCase";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function containsPhrase() {\n" + 
-		"  var currentChar = <SelectOnMessageSend:\"hello\".toLowerCase()>;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "\"hello\".toLowerCase()";
-	String testName = "<1FWT4AJ: ITPCOM:WIN98 - SelectionParser produces duplicate type declaration>";
-	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Regression test for 1G4CLZM: ITPJUI:WINNT - 'Import Selection' - Set not found
- */
-//public void test33() {
-//	String str =
-//		"	import java.util.AbstractMap;				\n"+
-//		"	public class c4 extends AbstractMap {		\n"+
-//		"		/**										\n"+
-//		"		 * @see AbstractMap#entrySet			\n"+
-//		"		 */										\n"+
-//		"		public Set entrySet() {					\n"+
-//		"			return null;						\n"+
-//		"		}										\n"+
-//		"	}											\n";
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "\n\t\tpublic ";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "public Set";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnType:Set>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "Set";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"import java.util.AbstractMap;\n" + 
-//		"public class c4 extends AbstractMap {\n" + 
-//		"  public c4() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  public <SelectOnType:Set> entrySet() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "Set";
-//	String testName = "<1G4CLZM: ITPJUI:WINNT - 'Import Selection' - Set not found>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkDietParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
- * Regression test for 1GB99S3: ITPJUI:WINNT - SH: NPE in editor while getting hover help
- */
-public void test34() {
-	String str =
-		"function foo() {						\n"+
-		"  var array = new Object();		\n"+
-		"		return array.length;				\n"+
-		"}											\n";
-	String selectionStartBehind = "\n\t\treturn ";
-	String selectionEndBehind = "array.length";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = NONE;
-	String completionIdentifier = NONE;
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-		"  var array;\n" + 
-		"  return array.length;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = NONE;
-	String testName = "<1GB99S3: ITPJUI:WINNT - SH: NPE in editor while getting hover help>";
-	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName); 
- * Select this constructor call
- */
-//public void test35() {
-//	String str =
-//		"public class G {					\n" +
-//		"	G() {							\n" +
-//		"	}								\n" +
-//		"	G(int x) {						\n" +
-//		"		this();						\n" +
-//		"	}								\n" +
-//		"}									\n";
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "\n\t\t";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "this";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnExplicitConstructorCall:this()>;";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "this";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class G {\n" + 
-//		"  G() {\n" +
-//		"  }\n" +
-//		"  G(int x) {\n" + 
-//		"    <SelectOnExplicitConstructorCall:this()>;\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" +
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "this()";
-//	String testName = "<select this constructor call>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
-// * Select qualified this constructor call
-// */
-//public void test36() {
-//	String str =
-//		"public class G {						\n" +
-//		"	static Object foo() {				\n" +
-//		"		class X {						\n" +
-//		"			X (){						\n" +
-//		"			}							\n" +
-//		"			X (int x){					\n" +
-//		"				new G().this();			\n" +
-//		"			}							\n" +
-//		"		}								\n" +
-//		"	}									\n" +
-//		"}										\n";
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "new G().";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "new G().this";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnExplicitConstructorCall:new G().this()>;";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "this";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class G {\n" + 
-//		"  public G() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  static Object foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    class X {\n" + 
-//		"      X() {\n" +
-//		"        super();\n"+
-//		"      }\n" + 
-//		"      X(int x) {\n" + 
-//		"        <SelectOnExplicitConstructorCall:new G().this()>;\n" + 
-//		"      }\n" + 
-//		"    }\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";	
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "new G().this()";
-//	String testName = "<select qualified this constructor call>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
-// * Select qualified this constructor call with arguments
-// */
-//public void test37() {
-//	String str =
-//		"public class G {								\n" +
-//		"	static Object foo() {						\n" +
-//		"		class X {								\n" +
-//		"			X (){								\n" +
-//		"			}									\n" +
-//		"			X (int x){							\n" +
-//		"				new G().this(23 + \"hello\");	\n" +
-//		"			}									\n" +
-//		"		}										\n" +
-//		"	}											\n" +
-//		"}												\n";
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "new G().";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "new G().this";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnExplicitConstructorCall:new G().this((23 + \"hello\"))>;";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "this";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class G {\n" + 
-//		"  public G() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  static Object foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    class X {\n" + 
-//		"      X() {\n" + 
-//		"        super();\n"+
-//		"      }\n" + 
-//		"      X(int x) {\n" + 
-//		"        <SelectOnExplicitConstructorCall:new G().this((23 + \"hello\"))>;\n" + 
-//		"      }\n" + 
-//		"    }\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";	
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "new G().this(23 + \"hello\")";
-//	String testName = "<select qualified this constructor call with arguments>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
-// * Select this constructor call with arguments
-// */
-//public void test38() {
-//	String str =
-//		"public class G {					\n" +
-//		"	G() {							\n" +
-//		"		this(new G());				\n" +
-//		"	}								\n" +
-//		"}									\n";
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "\n\t\t";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "this";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnExplicitConstructorCall:this(new G())>;";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "this";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class G {\n" + 
-//		"  G() {\n" + 
-//		"    <SelectOnExplicitConstructorCall:this(new G())>;\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "this(new G())";
-//	String testName = "<select this constructor call with arguments>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName); 
-// * bugs 3293 search does not work in inner class (1GEUQHJ)
-// */
-//public void test39() {
-//	String str =
-//		"public class X {                \n" +
-//		"  Object hello = new Object(){  \n" +
-//		"    public void foo(String s){  \n" +
-//		"      s.length();               \n" +
-//		"    }                           \n" +
-//		"  };                            \n" +
-//		"}								 \n";
-//	String selectionStartBehind = "s.";
-//	String selectionEndBehind = "length";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnMessageSend:s.length()>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "length";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class X {\n" +
-//		"  Object hello = new Object() {\n" +
-//		"    public void foo(String s) {\n" +
-//		"      <SelectOnMessageSend:s.length()>;\n" +
-//		"    }\n" +
-//		"  };\n" +
-//		"  public X() {\n" +
-//		"  }\n" +
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "s.length()";
-//	String testName = "<select message send in anonymous class>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selectionStartBehind) + selectionStartBehind.length();
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selectionEndBehind) + selectionEndBehind.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkDietParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName);
-// * bugs 3229 OpenOnSelection - strange behaviour of code resolve (1GAVL08)
-// */
-//public void test40() {
-//	String str =
-//		"public class X {                \n" +
-//		"  Object                        \n" +
-//		"}								 \n";
-//	String selection = "Object";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnType:Object>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "Object";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class X {\n" + 
-//		"  <SelectOnType:Object>;\n" + 
-//		"  public X() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "Object";
-//	String testName = "<select fake field>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selection);
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selection) + selection.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkDietParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName);
- * bugs 11475 selection on local name.
- */
-public void test41() {
-	String str =
-		"function foo(){                   \n" +
-		"    var vari;              \n" +
-		"}								 \n";
-	String selection = "vari";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectionOnLocalName:vari>;";
-	String completionIdentifier = "vari";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-		"  <SelectionOnLocalName:vari>;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "vari";
-	String testName = "<select local name>";
-	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selection);
-	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selection) + selection.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName);
- * bugs 11475 selection on argument name.
- */
-public void test42() {
-	String str =
-		" function foo(vari){          \n" +
-		"}								 \n";
-	String selection = "vari";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectionOnArgumentName:vari>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "vari";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function foo(<SelectionOnArgumentName:vari>) {\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "vari";
-	String testName = "<select argument name>";
-	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selection);
-	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selection) + selection.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName);
-// * bugs 11475 selection on argument name inside catch statement.
-// */
-//public void test43() {
-//	String str =
-//		"public class X {                \n" +
-//		"  public void foo(){                   \n" +
-//		"    try{              \n" +
-//		"    }catch(Object var){}\n" +
-//		"  }                             \n" +
-//		"}								 \n";
-//	String selection = "var";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectionOnArgumentName:Object var>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "var";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class X {\n" + 
-//		"  public X() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    <SelectionOnArgumentName:Object var>;\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "var";
-//	String testName = "<select argument name inside catch statement>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selection);
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selection) + selection.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName);
- * bugs 15430
- */
-//public void test44() {
-//	String str =
-//		"public class X {                \n" +
-//		"  String x =  \n" +
-//		"}								 \n";
-//	String selection = "super";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnSuper:super>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "super";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class X {\n" + 
-//		"  String x = <SelectOnSuper:super>;\n" + 
-//		"  public X() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "super";
-//	String testName = "<select super in field initializer>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selection);
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selection) + selection.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkDietParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName);
- * bugs 14468
- */
-//public void test45() {
-//	String str =
-//		"public class X {                \n" +
-//		"  void foo() {\n" +
-//		"    if(x instanceof Object){\n" +
-//		"    }\n" +
-//		"  }  \n" +
-//		"}								 \n";
-//	String selection = "Object";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnType:Object>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "Object";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class X {\n"+
-//		"  public X() {\n"+
-//		"  }\n"+
-//		"  void foo() {\n"+
-//		"    <SelectOnType:Object>;\n"+
-//		"  }\n"+
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "Object";
-//	String testName = "<select inside instanceof statement>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selection);
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selection) + selection.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName);
- * bugs 14468
- */
-//public void test46() {
-//	String str =
-//		"public class X {                \n" +
-//		"  void foo() {\n" +
-//		"    y = x instanceof Object;\n" +
-//		"  }  \n" +
-//		"}								 \n";
-//	String selection = "Object";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnType:Object>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "Object";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class X {\n"+
-//		"  public X() {\n"+
-//		"  }\n"+
-//		"  void foo() {\n"+
-//		"    <SelectOnType:Object>;\n"+
-//		"  }\n"+
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "Object";
-//	String testName = "<select inside instanceof statement>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selection);
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selection) + selection.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName);
- * bugs 14468
- */
-//public void test47() {
-//	String str =
-//		"public class X {                \n" +
-//		"  void foo() {\n" +
-//		"   boolean y = x instanceof Object;\n" +
-//		"  }  \n" +
-//		"}								 \n";
-//	String selection = "Object";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnType:Object>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "Object";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class X {\n"+
-//		"  public X() {\n"+
-//		"  }\n"+
-//		"  void foo() {\n"+
-//		"    boolean y = <SelectOnType:Object>;\n"+
-//		"  }\n"+
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "Object";
-//	String testName = "<select inside instanceof statement>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selection);
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selection) + selection.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName);
- * bugs 14468
- */
-//public void test48() {
-//	String str =
-//		"public class X {                \n" +
-//		"  boolean y = x instanceof Object;\n" +
-//		"}								 \n";
-//	String selection = "Object";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnType:Object>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "Object";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class X {\n"+
-//		"  boolean y = <SelectOnType:Object>;\n"+
-//		"  public X() {\n"+
-//		"  }\n"+
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "Object";
-//	String testName = "<select inside instanceof statement>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selection);
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selection) + selection.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkDietParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName);
- * bugs 28064
- */
-public void test49() {
-	String str =
-		"var x = new X();\n" +
-		"								 \n";
-	String selection = "X";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnAllocationExpression:new X()>" 
-											 ;
-	String completionIdentifier = "X";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"var x = <SelectOnAllocationExpression:new X()>\n" +
-		"\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "new X()";
-	String testName = "<select anonymous type>";
-	int selectionStart = str.lastIndexOf(selection);
-	int selectionEnd = str.lastIndexOf(selection) + selection.length() - 1;
-	this.checkDietParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName);
- * bugs
- */
-//public void test50() {
-//	String str =
-//		"  void foo() {\n" +
-//		"    new Object(){\n" +
-//		"      void bar(){\n" +
-//		"        bar2();\n" +
-//		"      }\n" +
-//		"      void bar2() {\n" +
-//		"      }\n" +
-//		"    }\n" +
-//		"}								 \n";
-//	String selection = "bar2";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnMessageSend:bar2()>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "bar2";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class X {\n" + 
-//		"  public X() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-//		"      () {\n" + 
-//		"      }\n" + 
-//		"      void bar() {\n" + 
-//		"        <SelectOnMessageSend:bar2()>;\n" + 
-//		"      }\n" + 
-//		"      void bar2() {\n" + 
-//		"      }\n" + 
-//		"    };\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "bar2()";
-//	String testName = "<select inside anonymous type>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selection);
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selection) + selection.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName);
- * bugs
- */
-//public void test51() {
-//	String str =
-//		"public class X {                \n" +
-//		"  void foo() {\n" +
-//		"    new Object(){\n" +
-//		"      void foo0(){\n" +
-//		"        new Object(){\n" +
-//		"          void bar(){\n" +
-//		"            bar2();\n" +
-//		"          }\n" +
-//		"          void bar2() {\n" +
-//		"          }\n" +
-//		"        }\n" +
-//		"      }\n" +
-//		"    }\n" +
-//		"  }\n" +
-//		"}								 \n";
-//	String selection = "bar2";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnMessageSend:bar2()>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "bar2";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class X {\n" + 
-//		"  public X() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-//		"      () {\n" + 
-//		"      }\n" + 
-//		"      void foo0() {\n" + 
-//		"        new Object() {\n" + 
-//		"          () {\n" + 
-//		"          }\n" + 
-//		"          void bar() {\n" + 
-//		"            <SelectOnMessageSend:bar2()>;\n" + 
-//		"          }\n" + 
-//		"          void bar2() {\n" + 
-//		"          }\n" + 
-//		"        };\n" + 
-//		"      }\n" + 
-//		"    };\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "bar2()";
-//	String testName = "<select inside anonymous type>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selection);
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selection) + selection.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName);
- * bugs
- */
-//public void test52() {
-//	String str =
-//		"public class X {                \n" +
-//		"  void foo() {\n" +
-//		"    new Object(){\n" +
-//		"      void foo0(){\n" +
-//		"        new Object(){\n" +
-//		"          void bar(){\n" +
-//		"            bar2();\n" +
-//		"          }\n" +
-//		"        }\n" +
-//		"      }\n" +
-//		"      void bar2() {\n" +
-//		"      }\n" +
-//		"    }\n" +
-//		"  }\n" +
-//		"}								 \n";
-//	String selection = "bar2";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnMessageSend:bar2()>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "bar2";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class X {\n" + 
-//		"  public X() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-//		"      () {\n" + 
-//		"      }\n" + 
-//		"      void foo0() {\n" + 
-//		"        new Object() {\n" + 
-//		"          () {\n" + 
-//		"          }\n" + 
-//		"          void bar() {\n" + 
-//		"            <SelectOnMessageSend:bar2()>;\n" + 
-//		"          }\n" + 
-//		"        };\n" + 
-//		"      }\n" + 
-//		"      void bar2() {\n" + 
-//		"      }\n" + 
-//		"    };\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "bar2()";
-//	String testName = "<select inside anonymous type>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selection);
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selection) + selection.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName);
-//public void test53() {
-//	String str =
-//		"public class X {                \n" +
-//		"  void foo(String[] stringArray) {\n" +
-//		"    for(String string2 : stringArray);\n" +
-//		"  }\n" +
-//		"}								 \n";
-//	String selection = "string2";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectionOnLocalName:String string2>;";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "string2";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class X {\n" + 
-//		"  public X() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  void foo(String[] stringArray) {\n" + 
-//		"    for (<SelectionOnLocalName:String string2> : stringArray) \n" + 
-//		"      ;\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "string2";
-//	String testName = "<select>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selection);
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selection) + selection.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName);
-//public void test54() {
-//	String str =
-//		"public class X {                \n" +
-//		"  void foo() {\n" +
-//		"    new Test.Sub();\n" +
-//		"  }\n" +
-//		"}								 \n";
-//	String selection = "Test";
-//	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnType:Test>";
-//	String completionIdentifier = "Test";
-//	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-//		"public class X {\n" + 
-//		"  public X() {\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-//		"    new <SelectOnType:Test>();\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n";
-//	String expectedReplacedSource = "Test";
-//	String testName = "<select>";
-//	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selection);
-//	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selection) + selection.length() - 1;
-//	this.checkMethodParse(
-//		str.toCharArray(), 
-//		selectionStart,
-//		selectionEnd,
-//		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-//		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-//		completionIdentifier,
-//		expectedReplacedSource,
-//		testName);
-public void test55() {
-	String str =
-		"function foo() {\n" +
-		"    new Test.Sub();\n" +
-		"}								 \n";
-	String selection = "Sub";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnAllocationExpression:new Test.Sub()>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "Sub";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-		"    <SelectOnAllocationExpression:new Test.Sub()>;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "new Test.Sub()";
-	String testName = "<select>";
-	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(selection);
-	int selectionEnd = str.indexOf(selection) + selection.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName);
-static final String RESOLVE_LOCAL_NAME=
-	"function foo(){\n" +
-	"var var1 = new Object();\n" +
-	"var var2 = 1;\n" +
-	"var1.toString();\n" +
-	"var2++;\n" +
-	"if (var2 == 3) {\n" +
-	"	var var3 = var1;\n" +
-	"	var3.hashCode();\n" +
-	"} else {\n" +
-	"	var var3 = new Object();\n" +
-	"	var3.toString();\n" +
-	"}\n" +
-	"var var4 = 1;\n" +
-	"\n" +
-	"}\n" ;
-public void test56() {
-	String startString = "var1.toString();";
-	String selection = "var1";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnName:var1>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "var1";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-		"  var var1;\n" + 
-		"  var var2;\n" + 
-		"  <SelectOnName:var1>;\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    var var3;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    var var3;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  var var4;\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "var1";
-	String testName = "<select>";
-	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(startString);
-	int selectionEnd = selectionStart + selection.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName);
-public void test57() {
-	String str ="YAHOO.widget.Slider = function (sElementId, sGroup, oThumb, sType) {\n"+
-				"if (sElementId) {\n"+
-				"}\n"+
-				"};\n";
-	String startString = "sElementId)";
-	String selection = "sElementId";
-	String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnName:sElementId>";
-	String completionIdentifier = "sElementId";
-	String expectedUnitDisplayString  =
-		  "YAHOO.widget.Slider = function (sElementId, sGroup, oThumb, sType) {\n"+
-			"  if (<SelectOnName:sElementId>)\n      {\n"+
-			"      }\n"+
-			"};\n";
-	String expectedReplacedSource = "sElementId";
-	String testName = "<select>";
-	int selectionStart = str.indexOf(startString);
-	int selectionEnd = selectionStart + selection.length() - 1;
-	this.checkMethodParse(
-		str.toCharArray(), 
-		selectionStart,
-		selectionEnd,
-		expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-		expectedUnitDisplayString,
-		completionIdentifier,
-		expectedReplacedSource,
-		testName);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ca4666..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.FieldDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.Initializer;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.batch.CompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.DefaultProblemFactory;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter;
-public class SelectionTest2 extends AbstractSelectionTest {
-public SelectionTest2(String testName) {
-	super(testName);
-boolean thereWasAnNPE = false;
-private class SpecialSelectionParser extends SelectionParser {
-	public SpecialSelectionParser(ProblemReporter problemReporter) {
-		super(problemReporter);
-	}
-	public void doNPEInParser(){
-		this.stack = null;
-	}
- SpecialSelectionParser createParser(){
-	CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions());
-	SpecialSelectionParser parser = 
-		new SpecialSelectionParser(
-			new ProblemReporter(
-				DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-				options, 
-				new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault())));
-	return parser;
-void checkMethodParse(
-		SelectionParser parser,
-		char[] source, 
-		int selectionStart,
-		int selectionEnd, 
-		String expectedSelection, 
-		String expectedUnitToString, 
-		String expectedSelectionIdentifier, 
-		String expectedSelectedSource,
-		String testName) {
-	ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null);
-	CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 0, 0, 0);	
-	CompilationUnitDeclaration unit = parser.dietParse(sourceUnit, compilationResult, selectionStart, selectionEnd);
-	ASTNode foundMethod = null;
-	if (unit.types != null) {
-		for (int i = 0; i < unit.types.length; i++) {
-			TypeDeclaration type = unit.types[i];
-			ASTNode method = findMethod(type, selectionStart);
-			if (method != null) {
-				foundMethod = method;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	assertTrue("no method found at cursor location", foundMethod != null);
-	if (foundMethod instanceof AbstractMethodDeclaration) {
-		parser.parseBlockStatements((AbstractMethodDeclaration)foundMethod, unit);
-	} else {
-		TypeDeclaration type = (TypeDeclaration)foundMethod;
-		if (type.fields != null) {
-			for (int i = 0; i < type.fields.length; i++) {
-				FieldDeclaration field = type.fields[i];
-				if (field instanceof Initializer && field.sourceStart <= selectionStart && selectionStart <= field.sourceEnd) {
-					parser.parseBlockStatements((Initializer)field, type, unit);
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	String computedUnitToString = unit.toString();
-	//System.out.println(computedUnitToString);
-	//System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString));
-	//System.out.println(expectedUnitToString);	
-	String computedCompletion = parser.assistNode == null 
-								? NONE
-								: parser.assistNode.toString();
-	assertEquals(
-		"invalid selection node-" + testName,
-		expectedSelection,
-		computedCompletion);
-	assertEquals(
-		"invalid selection location-"+testName,
-		expectedUnitToString,
-		computedUnitToString);
-	if (expectedSelectionIdentifier != null){
-		char[] chars = ((SelectionScanner)parser.scanner).selectionIdentifier;
-		String computedSelectionIdentifier = chars == null ? NONE : new String(chars);
-		assertEquals(
-			"invalid selection identifier-" + testName,
-			expectedSelectionIdentifier,
-			computedSelectionIdentifier);
-	}
-	if (expectedSelectedSource != null){
-		char[] chars = null;
-		if (parser.assistNode != null){
-			chars = CharOperation.subarray(
-				parser.scanner.source, 
-				parser.assistNode.sourceStart, 
-				parser.assistNode.sourceEnd + 1);
-		} else {
-			if (parser.assistIdentifier() != null){
-				if (((SelectionScanner)parser.scanner).selectionEnd 
-					>= ((SelectionScanner)parser.scanner).selectionStart){
-					chars = CharOperation.subarray(
-						parser.scanner.source, 
-						((SelectionScanner)parser.scanner).selectionStart, 
-						((SelectionScanner)parser.scanner).selectionEnd + 1);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		String computedReplacedSource  = chars == null ? NONE : new String(chars);
-		assertEquals(
-			"invalid replaced source-" + testName,
-			expectedSelectedSource,
-			computedReplacedSource);
-	}
- *
- */
-public void testBug30946() {
-	final SpecialSelectionParser parser = createParser();
-	Thread query = new Thread(
-		new Runnable(){
-			public void run(){
-				String str =
-					"public class A {\n" +
-					"	void foo() {\n" +
-					"		if (true) {\n" +
-					"			if()\n" +
-					"			switch (1) {\n" +
-					"				case A.B:\n" +
-					"					C d= (C) s;\n" +
-					"					here\n" +
-					"			}\n" +
-					"		}\n" +
-					"	}\n" +
-					"}n";
-				String selection = "here";
-				String expectedCompletionNodeToString = "<SelectOnName:here>";
-				String completionIdentifier = "here";
-				String expectedUnitDisplayString =
-					"public class A {\n" +
-					"  public A() {\n" +
-					"  }\n" +
-					"  void foo() {\n" +
-					"    {\n" +
-					"      {\n" +
-					"        C d;\n" +
-					"        <SelectOnName:here>;\n" +
-					"      }\n" +
-					"    }\n" +
-					"  }\n" +
-					"}\n";
-				String expectedReplacedSource = "here";
-				String testName = "<inifinite loop test>";
-				int selectionStart = str.lastIndexOf(selection);
-				int selectionEnd = str.lastIndexOf(selection) + selection.length() - 1;
-				try {
-					SelectionTest2.this.checkMethodParse(
-						parser,
-						str.toCharArray(), 
-						selectionStart,
-						selectionEnd,
-						expectedCompletionNodeToString,
-						expectedUnitDisplayString,
-						completionIdentifier,
-						expectedReplacedSource,
-						testName);
-				} catch (NullPointerException e) {
-					SelectionTest2.this.thereWasAnNPE = true;
-				}
-		}
-	});
-	query.start();
-	try {
-		Thread.sleep(500);
-	} catch (InterruptedException e) {
-	}
-	// force parser to stop
-	parser.doNPEInParser();
-	try {
-		Thread.sleep(500);
-	} catch (InterruptedException e) {
-	}
-	assertTrue("there is an infinite loop", !thereWasAnNPE);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index afccb6a..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
- * Only 1 test should be in this class
- */
-public class SingleCompletionTest extends AbstractCompletionTest {
- * SingleCompletionTest constructor comment.
- * @param testName java.lang.String
- */
-public SingleCompletionTest(String testName) {
-	super(testName);
-private void run(Class testClass, String methodName) {
-	try {
-		java.lang.reflect.Constructor constructor = testClass.getDeclaredConstructor(new Class[] {String.class});
-		TestCase test = (TestCase)constructor.newInstance(new Object[] {"single completion test"});
-		java.lang.reflect.Method method = testClass.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, new Class[] {});
-		method.invoke(test, new Object[] {});
-	} catch (InstantiationException e) {
-		e.printStackTrace();
-	} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
-		e.printStackTrace();
-	} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
-		e.printStackTrace();
-	} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
-		Throwable target = e.getTargetException();
-		if (target instanceof RuntimeException) {
-			throw (RuntimeException)target;
-		}
-		if (target instanceof Error) {
-			throw (Error)target;
-		}
-		throw new Error(target.getMessage());
-	}
- * The test.
- */
-public void test() {
-	run(NameReferenceCompletionTest.class, "testMethodInvocationAnonymousInnerClass2");
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index feafab8..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5261 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.CategorizedProblem;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.AbstractCompilerTest;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ISourceElementRequestor;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.SourceElementParser;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.batch.CompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.DefaultProblemFactory;
-public class SourceElementParserTest extends AbstractCompilerTest implements ISourceElementRequestor {
-	private  SourceUnit currentUnit;
-	private SourceType currentType;
-	private SourceMethod currentMethod;
-	private SourceField currentField;
-	private SourceInitializer currentInitializer;
-	private char[] source;
-	private SourcePackage currentPackage;
-	private SourceImport[] currentImports;
-	private int numberOfImports;
-public SourceElementParserTest(String testName) {
-	super(testName);
-public SourceElementParserTest(String testName, char[] source) {
-	super(testName);
-	this.source = source;
- * acceptConstructorReference method comment.
- */
-public void acceptConstructorReference(char[] typeName, int argCount, int sourcePosition) {
-	if (currentMethod == null) {
-		if (currentType != null) {
-			StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-			buffer.append(typeName).append("(").append(argCount).append(")\n");
-			currentType.setDefaultConstructor(buffer.toString());
-		}
-		return;		
-	}
-	if (currentMethod.isConstructor()) {
-		StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-		buffer.append(typeName).append("(").append(argCount).append(")\n");
-		currentMethod.setExplicitConstructorCall(buffer.toString());
-	} else {
-		if (currentType != null) {
-			StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-			buffer.append(typeName).append("(").append(argCount).append(")\n");
-			currentType.setDefaultConstructor(buffer.toString());
-		}		
-	}
- * acceptFieldReference method comment.
- */
-public void acceptFieldReference(char[] fieldName, int sourcePosition) {}
- * acceptImport method comment.
- */
-public void acceptImport(
-	int declarationStart, 
-	int declarationEnd, 
-	char[][] tokens, 
-	boolean onDemand) {
-	addImport(
-		new SourceImport(declarationStart, declarationEnd, CharOperation.concatWith(tokens, '.'), onDemand, source)); 
- * acceptLineSeparatorPositions method comment.
- */
-public void acceptLineSeparatorPositions(int[] positions) {}
- * acceptMethodReference method comment.
- */
-public void acceptMethodReference(char[] methodName, int argCount, int sourcePosition) {}
- * acceptPackage method comment.
- */
-public void acceptPackage(
-	int declarationStart, 
-	int declarationEnd, 
-	char[] name) {
-	currentPackage = 
-		new SourcePackage(declarationStart, declarationEnd, name, source); 
- * acceptProblem method comment.
- */
-public void acceptProblem(CategorizedProblem problem) {}
- * acceptTypeReference method comment.
- */
-public void acceptTypeReference(char[][] typeName, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd) {}
- * acceptTypeReference method comment.
- */
-public void acceptTypeReference(char[] typeName, int sourcePosition) {}
- * acceptUnknownReference method comment.
- */
-public void acceptUnknownReference(char[][] name, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd) {}
- * acceptUnknownReference method comment.
- */
-public void acceptUnknownReference(char[] name, int sourcePosition) {}
-protected void addImport(SourceImport sourceImport) {
-	if (currentImports == null) {
-		currentImports = new SourceImport[4];
-	}
-	if (numberOfImports == currentImports.length) {
-		System.arraycopy(
-			currentImports, 
-			0, 
-			currentImports = new SourceImport[numberOfImports * 2], 
-			0, 
-			numberOfImports); 
-	}
-	currentImports[numberOfImports++] = sourceImport;
-public void dietParse(String s, String testName) {
-	this.dietParse(s, testName, false);
-public void dietParse(String s, String testName, boolean recordLocalDeclaration) {
-	this.source = s.toCharArray();
-	reset();
-	SourceElementParser parser = 
-		new SourceElementParser(
-			this, 
-			new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault()), 
-			new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()),
-			recordLocalDeclaration/*don't record local declarations*/,
-			true/*optimize string literals*/); 
-	ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null);
-	parser.parseCompilationUnit(sourceUnit, false);
-public static String displayModifiers(int modifiers) {
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	if ((modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccPublic) != 0)
-		buffer.append("public ");
-	if ((modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccProtected) != 0)
-		buffer.append("protected ");
-	if ((modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccPrivate) != 0)
-		buffer.append("private ");
-	if ((modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccFinal) != 0)
-		buffer.append("final ");
-	if ((modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccStatic) != 0)
-		buffer.append("static ");
-	if ((modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccAbstract) != 0)
-		buffer.append("abstract ");
-	if ((modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccNative) != 0)
-		buffer.append("native ");
-	return buffer.toString();
-public void enterType(TypeInfo typeInfo) {
-	if (currentType == null) {
-		// top level type
-		currentType = 
-			new SourceType(
-				null, 
-				typeInfo.declarationStart, 
-				typeInfo.modifiers, 
-				typeInfo.nameSourceStart, 
-				typeInfo.nameSourceEnd, 
-				typeInfo.superclass, 
-				source); 
-		currentType.setPackage(currentPackage);
-		setImports();
-	} else {
-		// member type
-		SourceType memberType;
-		currentType.addMemberType(
-			memberType = 
-				new SourceType(
-					currentType.getName(), 
-					typeInfo.declarationStart, 
-					typeInfo.modifiers, 
-					typeInfo.nameSourceStart, 
-					typeInfo.nameSourceEnd, 
-					typeInfo.superclass, 
-					source)); 
-		memberType.parent = currentType;
-		currentType = memberType;
-	}
-public void enterCompilationUnit() {
-	currentUnit=new SourceUnit();
-public void enterConstructor(MethodInfo methodInfo) {
-	enterAbtractMethod(methodInfo);
-public void enterField(FieldInfo fieldInfo) {
-	if (currentType!=null)
-	{
-	currentType.addField(
-			currentField = 
-				new SourceField(
-					fieldInfo.declarationStart, 
-					fieldInfo.modifiers, 
-					fieldInfo.type, 
-					fieldInfo.nameSourceStart, 
-					fieldInfo.nameSourceEnd, 
-					source)); 
-	}else{
-		currentUnit.addField(
-				currentField = 
-					new SourceField(
-						fieldInfo.declarationStart, 
-						fieldInfo.modifiers, 
-						fieldInfo.type, 
-						fieldInfo.nameSourceStart, 
-						fieldInfo.nameSourceEnd, 
-						source)); 
-	}
-public void enterInitializer(int declarationSourceStart, int modifiers) {
-	currentType.addField(
-		currentInitializer = new SourceInitializer(
-			declarationSourceStart, 
-			modifiers)); 
-public void exitInitializer(int declarationSourceEnd) {
-	currentInitializer.setDeclarationSourceEnd(declarationSourceEnd);
-public void enterMethod(MethodInfo methodInfo) {
-	enterAbtractMethod(methodInfo);
-protected void enterAbtractMethod(MethodInfo methodInfo) {
-	if (currentMethod!=null)
-	{
-		SourceMethod memberMethod;
-		currentMethod.addMemberMethod(
-				memberMethod = 
-					new SourceMethod(
-							methodInfo.declarationStart, 
-							methodInfo.modifiers, 
-							methodInfo.returnType, 
-, // null for constructors
-							methodInfo.nameSourceStart, 
-							methodInfo.nameSourceEnd, 
-							methodInfo.parameterTypes, 
-							methodInfo.parameterNames, 
-							source)); 
-		memberMethod.parent = currentMethod;
-		currentMethod = memberMethod; 
-	}
-	else if (currentType!=null)
-	{
-		currentType.addMethod(
-				currentMethod = 
-					new SourceMethod(
-						methodInfo.declarationStart, 
-						methodInfo.modifiers, 
-						methodInfo.returnType, 
-, // null for constructors
-						methodInfo.nameSourceStart, 
-						methodInfo.nameSourceEnd, 
-						methodInfo.parameterTypes, 
-						methodInfo.parameterNames, 
-						source)); 
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		currentUnit.addMethod(
-				currentMethod = 
-					new SourceMethod(
-						methodInfo.declarationStart, 
-						methodInfo.modifiers, 
-						methodInfo.returnType, 
-, // null for constructors
-						methodInfo.nameSourceStart, 
-						methodInfo.nameSourceEnd, 
-						methodInfo.parameterTypes, 
-						methodInfo.parameterNames, 
-						source)); 
-	}
-public void exitType(int declarationEnd) {
-	currentType.setDeclarationSourceEnd(declarationEnd);
-	if (currentType.parent != null) {
-		currentType = currentType.parent;
-	}
-public void exitCompilationUnit(int declarationEnd) {}
-public void exitConstructor(int declarationEnd) {
-	exitAbstractMethod(declarationEnd);
-public void exitField(int initializationStart, int declarationEnd, int declarationSourceEnd) {
-	currentField.setDeclarationSourceEnd(declarationEnd);
-public void exitMethod(int declarationEnd, int defaultValueStart, int defaultValueEnd) {
-	exitAbstractMethod(declarationEnd);
-protected void exitAbstractMethod(int declarationEnd) {
-	currentMethod.setDeclarationSourceEnd(declarationEnd);
-	currentMethod=currentMethod.parent;
-public void fullParse(String s, String testName) {
-	this.fullParse(s, testName, false);
-public void fullParse(String s, String testName, boolean recordLocalDeclaration) {
-	this.source = s.toCharArray();
-	reset();
-	SourceElementParser parser = 
-		new SourceElementParser(
-			this, new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault()), 
-			new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()),
-			recordLocalDeclaration/*don't record local declarations*/,
-			true/*optimize string literals*/); 
-	ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null);
-	parser.parseCompilationUnit(sourceUnit, true);
-public void reset() {
-	currentType = null;
-	currentUnit = null;
-	currentMethod = null;
-	currentField = null;
-	currentPackage = null;
-	currentImports = null;
-	numberOfImports = 0;
-public void setImports() {
-	if (currentImports == null)
-		return;
-	if (numberOfImports != currentImports.length) {
-		System.arraycopy(
-			currentImports, 
-			0, 
-			currentImports = new SourceImport[numberOfImports], 
-			0, 
-			numberOfImports); 
-	}
-	currentType.setImports(currentImports);
-//public void test00() {
-//	String s = 
-//			 "i=0;" 
-//			+ "\n"; 
-//	String expectedUnitToString = 
-//		"i=0;\n"
-//			+ " "; 
-//	String testName = "test00: full parse";
-//	fullParse(s,testName);
-////	assertEquals(
-////		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-////		52, 
-////		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-////	assertEquals(
-////		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-////		178, 
-////		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-////	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-////	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-////	assertEquals("Invalid fields length ", 2, fields.length);
-////	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field h", 105, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-////	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field h", 117, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-////	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field i", 119, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-////	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field i", 144, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-////	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-////	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-////	assertEquals("Invalid methods length ", 3, methods.length);
-////	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 69, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-////	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 103, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-////	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bare", 147, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-////	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bare", 163, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-////	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method truc", 164, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-////	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method truc", 177, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-////	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-////	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bare", "bar" + "\\" + "u0065", methods[1].getActualName());
-//	assertEquals(
-//		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-//		expectedUnitToString, 
-//		currentUnit.toString()); 
-public void test01() {
-	String s = 
-			 "function foo() {\n"
-			+ "System.out.println();\n"
-			+ "}\n"
-			+ "var h;\n"
-			+ "var i ;\n"
-			+ "\n"
-			+ "function bar" + "\\" + "u0065(){}\n"
-			+ "function truc(){}\n"
-			+ "\n"; 
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			 "\tvar h;\n"
-			+ "\tvar i;\n"
-			+ "\tfunction foo() {}\n" 
-			+ "\tfunction bare() {}\n"
-			+ "\tfunction truc() {}\n"
-			+ ""; 
-	String testName = "test01: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	currentUnit.toString();
-	SourceField[] fields = currentUnit.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid fields length ", 2, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field h", 41, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field h",46 , fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field i", 48, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field i", 54, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentUnit.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid methods length ", 3, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 0, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 39, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bare", 57, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bare", 78, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method truc", 80, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method truc", 96, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bare", "bar" + "\\" + "u0065", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentUnit.toString()); 
-public void test02() {
-	String s =
-			"/** javadoc comment */\n"
-			+ "function ss()"
-			+ "\n"; 
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			 "\tfunction ss() {}\n"
-			+ ""; 
-	String testName = "test02: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentUnit.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentUnit.toString()); 
-public void test03() {
-	String s = 
-		 "function X() {\n"
-		+ "  this.h=1;\n"
-		+ "  this.i=[];\n"
-		+ "}\n"
-		+ "function X_foo() {\n"
-		+ "}\n"
-		+ ";\n"
-		+ ""; 
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-	 "class X extends Object {\n"
-	+ "	var h;\n"
-	+ "	var i;\n"
-	+ "	function foo() {}\n"
-	+ "	function X() {}\n"
-	+ "}"
-	+ ""; 
-	String testName = "test03: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-//	assertEquals(
-//		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-//		52, 
-//		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-//	assertEquals(
-//		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-//		178, 
-//		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid fields length ", 2, fields.length);
-//	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field h", 105, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-//	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field h", 117, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-//	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field i", 119, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-//	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field i", 144, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid methods length ", 2, methods.length);
-//	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 69, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-//	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 103, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-//	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 147, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-//	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 163, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-//	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method truc", 164, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-//	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method truc", 177, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "X_foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid  name for method foo", "foo", new String(methods[0].getSelector()));
-//	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bare", "bar" + "\\" + "u0065", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test04() {
-	String s =
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "import java.lang.*;							\n"
-			+ "import java.util.*;							\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "		System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "		class L {								\n"
-			+ "			void baz(){}						\n"
-			+ "		}										\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "	public int h;								\n"
-			+ "	public int[] i = { 0, 1 };					\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ "	void truc(){								\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n"
-			+ "import java.lang.*;\n"
-			+ "import java.util.*;\n"
-			+ "public class X {\n"
-			+ "\tpublic int h;\n"
-			+ "\tpublic int[] i;\n"
-			+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-			+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid truc() {}\n"
-			+ "}"; 
-	String testName = "test04: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		89, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		372, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid fields length ", 2, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field h", 248, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field h", 260, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field i", 271, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field i", 296, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid methods length ", 3, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 115, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 222, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 317, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 337, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method truc", 339, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method truc", 360, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test05() {
-	String s =
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "import java.lang.*;							\n"
-			+ "import java.util.*;							\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "		System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "		class L {								\n"
-			+ "			void baz(){}						\n"
-			+ "		}										\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "	public int h;								\n"
-			+ "	public int[] i = { 0, 1 };					\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ "	void truc(){								\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n"
-			+ "import java.lang.*;\n"
-			+ "import java.util.*;\n"
-			+ "public class X {\n"
-			+ "\tpublic int h;\n"
-			+ "\tpublic int[] i;\n"
-			+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid truc() {}\n"
-			+ "}"; 
-	String testName = "test05: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		89, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		372, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid fields length ", 2, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field h", 248, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field h", 260, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field i", 271, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field i", 296, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid methods length ", 3, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 115, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 222, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 317, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 337, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method truc", 339, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method truc", 360, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test06() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "import java.lang.*;							\n"
-			+ "import java.util.*;							\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ " X x;										\n"
-			+ " Object a, b = null;							\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "		System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "	public int h;								\n"
-			+ "	public int[] i = { 0, 1 };					\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ "	void truc(){								\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			"package a;\n"
-			+ "import java.lang.*;\n"
-			+ "import java.util.*;\n"
-			+ "public class X {\n"
-			+ "\tX x;\n"
-			+ "\tObject a;\n"
-			+ "\tObject b;\n"
-			+ "\tpublic int h;\n"
-			+ "\tpublic int[] i;\n"
-			+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid truc() {}\n"
-			+ "}"; 
-	String testName = "test06: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		89, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		347, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid fields length ", 5, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field x", 115, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field x", 118, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field a", 131, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field a", 139, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field b", 131, fields[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field b", 149, fields[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field h", 223, fields[3].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field h", 235, fields[3].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field i", 246, fields[4].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field i", 271, fields[4].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid methods length ", 3, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 159, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 221, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 292, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 312, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method truc", 314, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method truc", 335, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method truc", "truc", methods[2].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test07() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "import java.lang.*;							\n"
-			+ "import java.util.*;							\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ " X x;										\n"
-			+ " Object a, b = null;							\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "		System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "	public int h;								\n"
-			+ "	public int[] i = { 0, 1 };					\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ "	void truc(){								\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			"package a;\n"
-			+ "import java.lang.*;\n"
-			+ "import java.util.*;\n"
-			+ "public class X {\n"
-			+ "\tX x;\n"
-			+ "\tObject a;\n"
-			+ "\tObject b;\n"
-			+ "\tpublic int h;\n"
-			+ "\tpublic int[] i;\n"
-			+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-			+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid truc() {}\n"
-			+ "}"; 
-	String testName = "test07: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		89, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		347, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid fields length ", 5, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field xh", 115, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field x", 118, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field a", 131, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field a", 139, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field b", 131, fields[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field b", 149, fields[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field h", 223, fields[3].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field h", 235, fields[3].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field i", 246, fields[4].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field i", 271, fields[4].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid methods length ", 3, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 159, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 221, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 292, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 312, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method truc", 314, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method truc", 335, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method truc", "truc", methods[2].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test08() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {									\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "		System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ " 	void baz(){}							\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "	void truc(){								\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			"public class X {\n"
-			+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid truc() {}\n"
-			+ "}";
-	String testName = "test08: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		198, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid methods length ", 3, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 27, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 100, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 127, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 149, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method truc", 163, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method truc", 185, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method truc", "truc", methods[2].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test09() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {									\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "		System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ " 	void baz(){}							\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "												\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "	void truc(){								\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			"public class X {\n"
-			+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-			+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid truc() {}\n"
-			+ "}";
-	String testName = "test09: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		198, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid methods length ", 3, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 27, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 100, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 127, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 149, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method truc", 163, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method truc", 185, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method truc", "truc", methods[2].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test10() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {									\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "		System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ " 	void baz(){}							\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "	/** comment                                 \n"
-			+ "  *                                          \n"
-			+ "  *                                          \n"
-			+ "  */                                         \n"
-			+ "                                             \n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "	void truc(){								\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			"public class X {\n"
-			+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid truc() {}\n"
-			+ "}";
-	String testName = "test10: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		415, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid methods length ", 3, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 27, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 100, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 114, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 366, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method truc", 380, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method truc", 402, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method truc", "truc", methods[2].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test11() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X {									\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "		System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ " 	void baz(){}  							\n"
-			+ "	/** comment                                 \n"
-			+ "  *                                          \n"
-			+ "  *                                          \n"
-			+ "  */                                         \n"
-			+ "  int[][] j[] = null, k; // comment          \n"
-			+ "                                             \n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "	void truc(){								\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			 "public class X {\n"
-			+ "\tint[][][] j;\n"
-			+ "\tint[][] k;\n"
-			+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-			+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid baz() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid truc() {}\n"
-			+ "}";
-	String testName = "test11: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		449, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field j", 102, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field j", 305, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field k", 102, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field k", 308, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid methods length ", 4, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 27, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 76, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method baz", 79, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method baz", 90, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 378, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 400, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method truc", 414, methods[3].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method truc", 436, methods[3].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method baz", "baz", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[2].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method truc", "truc", methods[3].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test12() {
-	String s = 
-			"import java.util.Enumeration;\n"
-			+ "import java.util.Hashtable;"
-			+ "\n"
-			+ "/** comment */\n"
-			+ "public class A2 {\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {\n"	
-			+ "		System.out.println();\n"
-			+ " 	void baz(){}\n"
-			+ "	/** comment\n"                            
-			+ "  *\n"                              
-			+ "  *\n"                                       
-			+ "  */\n"                                       
-			+ "  static { } // comment\n"
-			+ "  \n"
-			+ "\n"                                        
-			+ "	void bar(){\n"
-			+ " }\n"
-			+ "	void truc(){\n"
-			+ " }\n"
-			+ "}\n";							
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			"import java.util.Enumeration;\n"
-			+ "import java.util.Hashtable;\n"
-			+ "public class A2 {\n"
-			+ "\tstatic {}\n"
-			+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-			+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid baz() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid truc() {}\n"
-			+ "}";
-	String testName = "test12: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		58, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		231, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid fields length ", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for initializer", 145, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for initializer", 181, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid methods length ", 4, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 92, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 128, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method baz", 131, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method baz", 142, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 183, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 212, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method truc", 215, methods[3].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method truc", 229, methods[3].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method baz", "baz", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[2].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method truc", "truc", methods[3].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test13() {
-	String s = 
-			"import java.util.Enumeration;\n"
-			+ "import java.util.Hashtable;\n"
-			+ "\n"
-			+ "public class A2 {\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {\n"	
-			+ "		System.out.println();\n"
-			+ " 	void baz(){}\n"
-			+ "  static { }\n"
-			+ "  \n"
-			+ "\n"                                        
-			+ "	void bar(){\n"
-			+ " }\n"
-			+ "	void truc(){\n"
-			+ " }\n"
-			+ "}\n";							
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			"import java.util.Enumeration;\n"
-			+ "import java.util.Hashtable;\n"
-			+ "public class A2 {\n"
-			+ "\tstatic {}\n"
-			+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-			+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid baz() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid truc() {}\n"
-			+ "}";
-	String testName = "test13: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		59, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		180, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid fields length", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for initializer", 132, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for initializer", 141, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid methods length ", 4, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 78, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 114, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method baz", 117, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method baz", 128, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 148, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 161, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method truc", 164, methods[3].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method truc", 178, methods[3].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method baz", "baz", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[2].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method truc", "truc", methods[3].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test14() {
-	String s = 
-			"import java.util.Enumeration;\n"
-			+ "import java.util.Hashtable;\n"
-			+ "\n"
-			+ "public class A2 {\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {\n"	
-			+ "		System.out.println();\n"
-			+ " 	void baz(){}\n"
-			+ "  static { }\n"
-			+ " }\n"
-			+ "\n"                                        
-			+ "	void bar(){\n"
-			+ " }\n"
-			+ "	void truc(){\n"
-			+ " }\n"
-			+ "}\n";							
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			"import java.util.Enumeration;\n"
-			+ "import java.util.Hashtable;\n"
-			+ "public class A2 {\n"
-			+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid truc() {}\n"
-			+ "}";
-	String testName = "test14: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		59, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		180, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid methods length ", 3, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 78, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 144, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 148, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 161, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method truc", 164, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method truc", 178, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method truc", "truc", methods[2].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test15() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X {								\n"
-			+ " class Y {									\n"
-			+ "	  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "	   System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "   }											\n"
-			+ " public int h;								\n"
-			+ " public int[] i = {0, 1};					\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ "	void baz(){									\n"
-			+ " }											\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			"public class X {\n"
-			+ "\tclass Y {\n"
-			+ "\t\tpublic int h;\n"
-			+ "\t\tpublic int[] i;\n"
-			+ "\t\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-			+ "\t\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-			+ "\t\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-			+ "\t\tvoid baz() {}\n"
-			+ "\t}\n"
-			+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-			+ "}";
-	String testName = "test15: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		227, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods == null);
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid members length ", 1, members.length);
-	fields = members[0].getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid fields length ", 2, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field h", 117, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field h", 129, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field i", 140, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field i", 163, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	methods = members[0].getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid methods length ", 3, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 48, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 103, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 171, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 191, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method baz", 193, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method baz", 215, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method baz", "baz", methods[2].getActualName());
-	SourceType member = members[0];
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		26, 
-		member.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		227, 
-		member.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test16() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X {								\n"
-			+ " class Y {									\n"
-			+ "	  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "	   System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "   }											\n"
-			+ " public int h;								\n"
-			+ " public int[] i = {0, 1};					\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ "	void baz(){									\n"
-			+ " }											\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			"public class X {\n"
-			+ "\tclass Y {\n"
-			+ "\t\tpublic int h;\n"
-			+ "\t\tpublic int[] i;\n"
-			+ "\t\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-			+ "\t\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-			+ "\t\tvoid baz() {}\n"
-			+ "\t}\n"
-			+ "}";
-	String testName = "test16: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		227, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods == null);
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid members length ", 1, members.length);
-	fields = members[0].getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid fields length ", 2, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field h", 117, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field h", 129, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field i", 140, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field i", 163, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	methods = members[0].getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid methods length ", 3, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 48, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 103, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 171, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 191, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method baz", 193, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method baz", 215, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method baz", "baz", methods[2].getActualName());
-	SourceType member = members[0];
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		26, 
-		member.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		227, 
-		member.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test17() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X {								\n"
-			+ " class Y {									\n"
-			+ "	  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "	   System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "   }											\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ " public int h;								\n"
-			+ " public int[] i = {0, 1};					\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ "	void baz(){									\n"
-			+ " }											\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			"public class X {\n"
-			+ "\tclass Y {\n"
-			+ "\t\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-			+ "\t\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-			+ "\t}\n"
-			+ "\tpublic int h;\n"
-			+ "\tpublic int[] i;\n"
-			+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-			+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid baz() {}\n"
-			+ "}";
-	String testName = "test17: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		241, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid fields length ", 2, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field h", 131, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field h", 143, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field i", 154, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field i", 177, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid fields length ", 2, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 185, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 205, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method baz", 207, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method baz", 229, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method baz", "baz", methods[1].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid members length ", 1, members.length);
-	fields = members[0].getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	methods = members[0].getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid methods length ", 1, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 48, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 103, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	SourceType member = members[0];
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		26, 
-		member.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		117, 
-		member.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test18() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X {								\n"
-			+ " class Y {									\n"
-			+ "	  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "	   System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "   }											\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ " public int h;								\n"
-			+ " public int[] i = {0, 1};					\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ "	void baz(){									\n"
-			+ " }											\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			"public class X {\n"
-			+ "\tclass Y {\n"
-			+ "\t\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-			+ "\t}\n"
-			+ "\tpublic int h;\n"
-			+ "\tpublic int[] i;\n"
-			+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid baz() {}\n"
-			+ "}";
-	String testName = "test18: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		241, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid fields length ", 2, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field h", 131, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field h", 143, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field i", 154, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field i", 177, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid fields length ", 2, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 185, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 205, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method baz", 207, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method baz", 229, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method baz", "baz", methods[1].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid members length ", 1, members.length);
-	fields = members[0].getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	methods = members[0].getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid methods length ", 1, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 48, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 103, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	SourceType member = members[0];
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		26, 
-		member.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		117, 
-		member.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test19() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X {								\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "		System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ "  int x;										\n"
-			+ "	void baz(){									\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ " int y;										\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			"public class X {\n"
-			+ "\t{}\n"
-			+ "\tint y;\n"
-			+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-			+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid baz() {}\n"
-			+ "}";
-	String testName = "test19: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		197, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid fields length ", 2, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for initializer", 90, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for initializer", 90, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field y", 181, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field y", 186, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid fields length ", 3, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 26, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 77, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 104, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 143, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method baz", 145, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method baz", 167, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method baz", "baz", methods[2].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test20() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X {								\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "		System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ " public int x;								\n"
-			+ "	void baz(){									\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ " int y;										\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			"public class X {\n"
-			+ "\t{}\n"
-			+ "\tpublic int x;\n"
-			+ "\tint y;\n"
-			+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-			+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid baz() {}\n"
-			+ "}";
-	String testName = "test20: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		201, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid fields length ", 3, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for initializer", 90, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for initializer", 90, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field x", 126, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field x", 138, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field y", 185, fields[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field y", 190, fields[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid fields length ", 3, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 26, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 77, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 104, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 124, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method baz", 149, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method baz", 171, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method baz", "baz", methods[2].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test21() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X {								\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "		System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"
-			+ "	void bar(){									\n"
-			+ " public int x;								\n"
-			+ "	void baz(){									\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ " int y;										\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			"public class X {\n"
-			+ "\t{}\n"
-			+ "\tpublic int x;\n"
-			+ "\tint y;\n"
-			+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid baz() {}\n"
-			+ "}";
-	String testName = "test21: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		201, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid fields length ", 3, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for initializer", 90, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for initializer", 90, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field x", 126, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field x", 138, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field y", 185, fields[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field y", 190, fields[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid fields length ", 3, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 26, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 77, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 104, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 124, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method baz", 149, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method baz", 171, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method baz", "baz", methods[2].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test22() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X extends {						\n"
-			+ "	void foo() {								\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n";						
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			"public class X {\n"
-			+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-			+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-			+ "}";
-	String testName = "test22: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		67, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid fields length ", 1, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 32, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 54, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test23() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X extends Thread {				\n"
-			+ "	void foo() throws							\n"
-			+ "	void bar() 									\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			"public class X extends Thread {\n"
-			+ "\tThread(0)\n"
-			+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-			+ "}";
-	String testName = "test23: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		98, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid fields length ", 2, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 37, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 61, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 63, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 85, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test24() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X implements 						\n"
-			+ "	void foo() 									\n"
-			+ "	void bar() 									\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			"public class X {\n"
-			+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-			+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-			+ "}";
-	String testName = "test24: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		91, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid fields length ", 2, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 34, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 54, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 56, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 78, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test25() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X implements Y,					\n"
-			+ "	void foo() 									\n"
-			+ "	void bar() 									\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			"public class X implements Y, {\n"
-			+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-			+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-			+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-			+ "}";
-	String testName = "test25: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		92, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid fields length ", 2, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 35, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 55, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 57, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 79, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test26() {
-	String s =
-			"public class X implements 						\n"
-			+ " class Y { 									\n"
-			+ "	 void bar() 								\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			"public class X {\n"
-			+ "\tclass Y {\n"
-			+ "\t\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-			+ "\t\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-			+ "\t}\n"
-			+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-			+ "}";
-	String testName = "test26: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		102, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods == null);
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains one member ", 1, members.length);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		34, 
-		members[0].getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		90, 
-		members[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	methods = members[0].getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains one method ", 1, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 56, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 77, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[0].getActualName());
-	members = members[0].getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test27() {
-	String s = 
-		"public class X 		 						\n"
-		+ " fieldX;										\n"
-		+ " class Y { 									\n"
-		+ "	 void bar() 								\n"
-		+ " }											\n"
-		+ "}											\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			"public class X {\n"
-			+ "\tclass Y {\n"
-			+ "\t\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-			+ "\t\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-			+ "\t}\n"
-			+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-			+ "}";
-	String testName = "test27: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		113, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods == null);
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains one member ", 1, members.length);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		45, 
-		members[0].getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		101, 
-		members[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	methods = members[0].getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains one method ", 1, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 67, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 88, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[0].getActualName());
-	members = members[0].getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test28() {
-	String s = 
-			"public class X 		 						\n"
-			+ " fieldX;										\n"
-			+ " class Y  									\n"
-			+ " }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-			"public class X {\n"
-			+ "\tclass Y {\n"
-			+ "\t\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-			+ "\t}\n"
-			+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-			+ "}";
-	String testName = "test28: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		78, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods == null);
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains one member ", 1, members.length);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		45, 
-		members[0].getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		65, 
-		members[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	methods = members[0].getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods == null);
-	members = members[0].getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test29() {
-	String s =
-		"package a;										\n" +
-		"import java.lang.*;							\n" +
-		"import java.util.*;							\n" +
-		"												\n" +
-		"public class X {								\n" +							
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		System.out.println();					\n" +		
-		"												\n" +
-		"		class L extends {						\n" +
-		"			public int l;						\n" +
-		"			void baz(){}						\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"												\n" +
-		"	public int h;								\n" +					
-		"												\n" +
-		"	void bar(){									\n" +				
-		"	void truc(){								\n" +
-		"}	\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n"
-		+ "import java.lang.*;\n"
-		+ "import java.util.*;\n"
-		+ "public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tpublic int h;\n"
-		+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-		+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-		+ "\tvoid truc() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test29: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		88, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		357, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("contains one field ", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field h", 276, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field h", 288, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains 3 methods ", 3, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 114, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 250, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 312, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 332, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method truc", 334, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method truc", 355, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method truc", "truc", methods[2].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test30() {
-	String s =
-		"package a;										\n" +
-		"import java.lang.*;							\n" +
-		"import java.util.*;							\n" +
-		"												\n" +
-		"public class X {								\n" +							
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		System.out.println();					\n" +		
-		"												\n" +
-		"		class L extends {						\n" +
-		"			public int l;						\n" +
-		"			void baz(){}						\n" +
-		"		}										\n" +
-		"												\n" +
-		"	public int h;								\n" +					
-		"												\n" +
-		"	void bar(){									\n" +				
-		"	void truc(){								\n" +
-		"}	\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n"
-		+ "import java.lang.*;\n"
-		+ "import java.util.*;\n"
-		+ "public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tpublic int h;\n"
-		+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-		+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-		+ "\tvoid truc() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test30: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		88, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		357, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("contains one field ", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field h", 276, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field h", 288, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains 3 methods ", 3, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 114, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 250, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 312, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 332, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method truc", 334, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method truc", 355, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method truc", "truc", methods[2].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test31() {
-	String s =
-		"package a;											\n" +
-		"import java.lang.*;							\n" +
-		"import java.util.*;							\n" +
-		"												\n" +
-		"public class X {								\n" +							
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		System.out.println();					\n" +		
-		"												\n" +
-		"		new X(){								\n" +
-		"			void baz() {}						\n" +
-		"		}.baz();								\n" +
-		"												\n" +
-		"	public int h;								\n" +					
-		"												\n" +
-		"	void bar(){									\n" +				
-		"	void truc(){								\n" +
-		"}	\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n"
-		+ "import java.lang.*;\n"
-		+ "import java.util.*;\n"
-		+ "public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tpublic int h;\n"
-		+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-		+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-		+ "\tvoid truc() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test31: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		89, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		334, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("contains one field ", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field h", 253, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field h", 265, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains 3 methods ", 3, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 115, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 251, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 289, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 309, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method truc", 311, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method truc", 332, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method truc", "truc", methods[2].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test32() {
-	String s =
-		"package a;											\n" +
-		"import java.lang.*;							\n" +
-		"import java.util.*;							\n" +
-		"												\n" +
-		"public class X {								\n" +							
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		System.out.println();					\n" +		
-		"												\n" +
-		"		new X(){								\n" +
-		"			void baz() {}						\n" +
-		"												\n" +
-		"		public int h;							\n" +					
-		"												\n" +
-		"		void bar(){								\n" +				
-		"		void truc(){							\n" +
-		"}	\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n"
-		+ "import java.lang.*;\n"
-		+ "import java.util.*;\n"
-		+ "public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test32: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		89, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		315, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains one methods ", 1, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 115, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 315, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test33() {
-	String s =
-		"package a;											\n" +
-		"import java.lang.*;							\n" +
-		"import java.util.*;							\n" +
-		"												\n" +
-		"public class X {								\n" +							
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		System.out.println();					\n" +		
-		"												\n" +
-		"		new X(){								\n" +
-		"			void baz() {}						\n" +
-		"												\n" +
-		"		public int h;							\n" +					
-		"												\n" +
-		"		void bar(){								\n" +				
-		"		void truc(){							\n" +
-		"}	\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n"
-		+ "import java.lang.*;\n"
-		+ "import java.util.*;\n"
-		+ "public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test33: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		89, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		315, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains one methods ", 1, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 115, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 315, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test34() {
-	String s =
-		"package a;										\n" +
-		"import java.lang.*;							\n" +
-		"import java.util.*;							\n" +
-		"												\n" +
-		"public class X {								\n" +							
-		"	void foo() {								\n" +
-		"		System.out.println();					\n" +		
-		"												\n" +
-		"		new X(){								\n" +
-		"			void baz() 							\n" +
-		"	    }										\n" +
-		"	}											\n" +
-		"	public int h;								\n" +					
-		"												\n" +
-		"	void bar(){									\n" +				
-		"	void truc(){								\n" +
-		"}												\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n"
-		+ "import java.lang.*;\n"
-		+ "import java.util.*;\n"
-		+ "public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tpublic int h;\n"
-		+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-		+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-		+ "\tvoid truc() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test34: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		88, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		342, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("contains one field ", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field h", 250, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field h", 262, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains 3 methods ", 3, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 114, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 236, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 286, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 306, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method truc", 308, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method truc", 329, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method truc", "truc", methods[2].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test35() {
-	String s =
-		"package a;							\n"	+
-		"import java.lang.*;				\n"	+				
-		"import java.util.*;				\n"	+				
-		"									\n"	+				
-		"public class X {					\n"	+				
-		"	void foo() {					\n"	+				
-		"		System.out.println();		\n"	+				
-		"									\n"	+			
-		"		class L extends {			\n"	+
-		"			public int l;			\n"	+				
-		"			void baz(){}			\n"	+				
-		"		}							\n"	+				
-		"									\n"	+				
-		"		int h;						\n"	+				
-		"									\n"	+				
-		"	void bar(){						\n"	+				
-		"	void truc(){					\n"	+				
-		"}									\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n"
-		+ "import java.lang.*;\n"
-		+ "import java.util.*;\n"
-		+ "public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-		+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-		+ "\tvoid truc() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test35: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		76, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		309, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains 3 methods ", 3, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 99, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 260, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 262, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 279, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method truc", 281, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method truc", 299, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method truc", "truc", methods[2].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test36() {
-	String s =
-		"package a;							\n"	+
-		"import java.lang.*;				\n"	+				
-		"import java.util.*;				\n"	+				
-		"									\n"	+				
-		"public class X {					\n"	+				
-		"	void foo() {					\n"	+				
-		"		System.out.println();		\n"	+				
-		"									\n"	+			
-		"		class L extends {			\n"	+
-		"			public int l;			\n"	+				
-		"			void baz(){}			\n"	+				
-		"		}							\n"	+				
-		"									\n"	+				
-		"		int h;						\n"	+				
-		"									\n"	+				
-		"	void bar(){						\n"	+				
-		"	void truc(){					\n"	+				
-		"}									\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n"
-		+ "import java.lang.*;\n"
-		+ "import java.util.*;\n"
-		+ "public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tvoid foo() {}\n"
-		+ "\tvoid bar() {}\n"
-		+ "\tvoid truc() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test36: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		76, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		309, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains 3 methods ", 3, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 99, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 260, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 262, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 279, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method truc", 281, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method truc", 299, methods[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method truc", "truc", methods[2].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test37() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {		 	\n" +
-		"  int x;			 		\n"	+						
-		"							\n" +
-		"  int foo(){ }				\n" +
-		"							\n" +
-		"  class Y  {				\n"	+
-		"    int y;					\n" +
-		"}							\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tclass Y {\n"
-		+ "\t\tint y;\n"
-		+ "\t\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "\t}\n"
-		+ "\tint x;\n"
-		+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "\tint foo() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test37: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		112, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("contains one field ", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field x", 23, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field x", 28, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains one methods ", 1, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 46, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 57, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members != null);
-	assertEquals("contains one member ", 1, members.length);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		73, 
-		members[0].getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		104, 
-		members[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	fields = members[0].getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("contains one field ", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field y", 92, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field y", 97, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	methods = members[0].getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test38() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {		 	\n" +
-		"  int x;			 		\n"	+						
-		"							\n" +
-		"  int foo(){ }				\n" +
-		"							\n" +
-		"  class Y  {				\n"	+
-		"    int y;					\n" +
-		"}							\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tclass Y {\n"
-		+ "\t\tint y;\n"
-		+ "\t}\n"
-		+ "\tint x;\n"
-		+ "\tint foo() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test38: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		112, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("contains one field ", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field x", 23, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field x", 28, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains one methods ", 1, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 46, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 57, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members != null);
-	assertEquals("contains one member ", 1, members.length);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		73, 
-		members[0].getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		104, 
-		members[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	fields = members[0].getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("contains one field ", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field y", 92, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field y", 97, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	methods = members[0].getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test39() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {		 	\n" +
-		"  int x;			 		\n"	+						
-		"							\n" +
-		"  int foo(){ }				\n" +
-		"							\n" +
-		"  class Y  				\n"	+
-		"}							\n" +
-		"  int y;					\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tclass Y {\n"
-		+ "\t\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "\t}\n"
-		+ "\tint x;\n"
-		+ "\tint y;\n"
-		+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "\tint foo() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test39: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		109, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("contains one field ", 2, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field x", 23, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field x", 28, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field y", 98, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field y", 103, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains one methods ", 1, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 46, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 57, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members != null);
-	assertEquals("contains one member ", 1, members.length);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		73, 
-		members[0].getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		87, 
-		members[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	fields = members[0].getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	methods = members[0].getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test40() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {		 	\n" +
-		"  int x;			 		\n"	+						
-		"							\n" +
-		"  int foo(){ }				\n" +
-		"							\n" +
-		"  class Y  				\n"	+
-		"}							\n" +
-		"  int y;					\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tclass Y {\n"
-		+ "\t}\n"
-		+ "\tint x;\n"
-		+ "\tint y;\n"
-		+ "\tint foo() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test40: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		109, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("contains one field ", 2, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field x", 23, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field x", 28, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field y", 98, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field y", 103, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains one methods ", 1, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 46, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 57, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members != null);
-	assertEquals("contains one member ", 1, members.length);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		73, 
-		members[0].getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		87, 
-		members[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	fields = members[0].getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	methods = members[0].getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test41() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {				\n"+
-		"	void hell" + "\\" + "u006f()\n"+
-		"	static void foo() {			\n"+
-		"		X x;					\n"+
-		"		x = new X(23);			\n"+
-		"		System.out.println();	\n"+			
-		"								\n"+
-		"}								\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "\tvoid hello() {}\n"
-		+ "\tstatic void foo() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test41: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		139, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains one methods ", 2, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method hello", 22, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method hello", 39, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 41, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 130, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method hello", "hell" + "\\" + "u006f", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[1].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test42() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {		\n" +						
-		"	int x				\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tint x;\n"
-		+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test42: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		29, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains one field", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field x", 20, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field x", 24, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods == null);
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test43() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {		\n" +						
-		"	int x				\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tint x;\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test43: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		29, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains one field", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field x", 20, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field x", 24, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods == null);
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test44() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {		\n" +						
-		"	int x, y			\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tint x;\n"
-		+ "\tint y;\n"
-		+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test44: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		31, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains one field", 2, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field x", 20, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field x", 25, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field y", 20, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field y", 27, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods == null);
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test45() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {		\n" +						
-		"	int x, y			\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tint x;\n"
-		+ "\tint y;\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test45: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		31, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains one field", 2, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field x", 20, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field x", 25, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field y", 20, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field y", 27, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods == null);
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test46() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {		\n" +						
-		"	String s = \"		\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tString s;\n"
-		+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test46: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		34, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains one field", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field s", 20, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field s", 34, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods == null);
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test47() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {		\n" +						
-		"	String s = \"		\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tString s;\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test47: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		34, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals(" contains one field", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field s", 20, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field s", 34, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods == null);
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test48() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X implements Y, 		\n" +						
-		"	String s = \"					\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X implements Y, String, {\n"
-		+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test48: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		50, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods == null);
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test49() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X implements Y, 		\n" +						
-		"	String s = \"					\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X implements Y, String, {\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test49: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		50, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods == null);
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test50() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X implements 		\n"+
-		"int x							\n"+	
-		"}								\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tint x;\n"
-		+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test50: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		42, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("has one field ", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field x", 29, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field x", 33, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods == null);
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test51() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X implements 		\n"+
-		"int x							\n"+	
-		"}								\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tint x;\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test51: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		42, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("has one field ", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field x", 29, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field x", 33, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods == null);
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test52() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X public int foo(int bar(static String s";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tstatic String s;\n"
-		+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "\tpublic int foo() {}\n"
-		+ "\tint bar() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test52: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		52, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("has one field ", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field s", 38, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field s", 52, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 15, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 29, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 30, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 37, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test53() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X public int foo(int x, int bar public String s;";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tpublic String s;\n"
-		+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "\tpublic int foo(int x, int bar, ) {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test53: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		60, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("has one field ", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field s", 45, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field s", 60, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("has one method ", 1, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 15, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 44, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test54() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X 			\n" +
-		"	public int foo(			\n" +
-		"	int bar(				\n" +
-		" 	static String s, int x	\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tstatic String s;\n"
-		+ "\tint x;\n"		
-		+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "\tpublic int foo() {}\n"
-		+ "\tint bar() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test54: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		78, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("has 2 fields ", 2, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field s", 55, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field s", 70, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field x", 72, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field x", 76, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("has 2 methods ", 2, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 20, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 38, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 40, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 52, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test55() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X 			\n" +
-		"	public int foo(			\n" +
-		"	int bar(				\n" +
-		" 	static String s, int x	\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tstatic String s;\n"
-		+ "\tint x;\n"		
-		+ "\tpublic int foo() {}\n"
-		+ "\tint bar() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test55: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		78, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("has 2 fields ", 2, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field s", 55, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field s", 70, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field x", 72, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field x", 76, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("has 2 methods ", 2, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 20, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 38, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method bar", 40, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method bar", 52, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method bar", "bar", methods[1].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test56() {
-	String s =
-		"class X {					\n" +
-		"	String s;				\n" +
-		"							\n" +
-		"	public void foo(		\n" +
-		"		static int x		\n" +
-		"}							\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n"
-		+ "\tString s;\n"
-		+ "\tstatic int x;\n"		
-		+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "\tpublic void foo() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test56: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		75, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("has 2 fields ", 2, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field s", 16, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field s", 24, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field x", 60, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field x", 71, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("has 1 method ", 1, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 39, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 57, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test57() {
-	String s =
-		"class X {					\n" +
-		"	String s;				\n" +
-		"							\n" +
-		"	public void foo(		\n" +
-		"		static int x		\n" +
-		"}							\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n"
-		+ "\tString s;\n"
-		+ "\tstatic int x;\n"		
-		+ "\tpublic void foo() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test57: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		75, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("has 2 fields ", 2, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field s", 16, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field s", 24, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field x", 60, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field x", 71, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("has 1 method ", 1, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 39, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 57, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test58() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {			\n"+
-		"	int foo(){				\n"+
-		"		String s = \"		\n"+
-		"	}						\n"+
-		"}							\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "\tint foo() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test58: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		62, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("has 1 method ", 1, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 21, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 54, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test59() {
-	String s =
-		"class X {									\n" + 
-		"	int foo(AA a, BB b, IOEx				\n" + 
-		"											\n"; 
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n"
-		+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "\tint foo(AA a, BB b, ) {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test59: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		60, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("has 1 method ", 1, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 20, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 60, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test60() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {							\n"+
-		"	final static int foo(){ 				\n"+
-		"		return \"1; 						\n"+
-		"	} 										\n"+
-		"	public static void main(String argv[]){ \n"+
-		"		foo();								\n"+
-		"	} 										\n"+
-		"}											\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "\tfinal static int foo() {}\n"
-		+ "\tpublic static void main(String[] argv, ) {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test60: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		161, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("has 1 method ", 2, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 25, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 75, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method main", 89, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method main", 148, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method main", "main", methods[1].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test61() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {							\n"+
-		"	{										\n"+
-		"     int x;";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\t{}\n"
-		+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test61: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		47, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for initializer", 25, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for initializer", 47, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods == null);
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test62() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {							\n"+
-		"   int foo(){								\n"+
-		"	  if(true){								\n"+
-		"     	int x;";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "\tint foo() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test62: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		78, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("has one method", 1, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 27, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 78, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test63() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {							\n"+
-		"   int foo(){}								\n"+
-		"}											\n"+
-		"int x;\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tint x;\n"
-		+ "\tjava.lang.Object(0)\n"
-		+ "\tint foo() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test63: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		66, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("has one field", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field x", 60, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field x", 65, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("has one method", 1, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 27, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 37, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test64() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {							\n"+
-		"   int foo(){}								\n"+
-		"}											\n"+
-		"int x;\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tint x;\n"
-		+ "\tint foo() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test64: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		66, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("has one field", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field x", 60, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field x", 65, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("has one method", 1, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 27, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 37, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test65() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {							\n"+
-		"   int foo(){}								\n"+
-		"}											\n"+
-		"int x();\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\t{}\n"
-		+ "\tint foo() {}\n"
-		+ "\tint x() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test65: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		68, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid fields length ", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for initializer", 47, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for initializer", 47, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("has two methods", 2, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 27, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 37, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method x", 60, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method x", 67, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method x", "x", methods[1].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test66() {
-	String s =
-		"public interface X {						\n"+
-		"   int foo() {};							\n"+
-		"}											\n"+
-		"int x();\n";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public interface X {\n"
-		+ "\t{}\n"
-		+ "\tint foo() {}\n"
-		+ "\tint x() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test66: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		72, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals(" invalid fields length ", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for initializer", 51, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for initializer", 51, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("has two methods", 2, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 30, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 41, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method x", 64, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method x", 71, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method x", "x", methods[1].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test67() {
-	String s =
-		"public interface X {						\n"+
-		"   int foo() {};							\n"+
-		"   int x();								\n"+
-		"}";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public interface X {\n"
-		+ "\tint foo() {}\n"
-		+ "\tint x() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test67: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		71, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("has two methods", 2, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 30, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 41, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method x", 54, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method x", 61, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method x", "x", methods[1].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test68() {
-	String s =
-		"public interface X {						\n"+
-		"   int foo() {};							\n"+
-		"   int x();								\n"+
-		"}";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public interface X {\n"
-		+ "\tint foo() {}\n"
-		+ "\tint x() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test68: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		71, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("has two methods", 2, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 30, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 41, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method x", 54, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method x", 61, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method x", "x", methods[1].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test69() {
-	String s =
-		"public interface X {						\n"+
-		"float y;									\n"+
-		"   int foo()	;							\n"+
-		"   int x();								\n"+
-		"}";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public interface X {\n"
-		+ "\tfloat y;\n"
-		+ "\tint foo() {}\n"
-		+ "\tint x() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test69: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		87, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("has one field", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field y", 27, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field y", 34, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("has two methods", 2, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 48, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 58, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method x", 70, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method x", 77, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method x", "x", methods[1].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test70() {
-	String s =
-		"public interface X {						\n"+
-		"   int foo();								\n"+
-		"   int x();								\n"+
-		"}";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public interface X {\n"
-		+ "\tint foo() {}\n"
-		+ "\tint x() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test70: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		69, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields == null);
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("has two methods", 2, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 30, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 39, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method x", 52, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method x", 59, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method x", "x", methods[1].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test71() {
-	String s =
-		"public interface X {						\n"+
-		"   int[] i = ;								\n"+
-		"   int foo() {}							\n"+
-		"   int x();								\n"+
-		"}";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public interface X {\n"
-		+ "\tint[] i;\n"
-		+ "\tint foo() {}\n"
-		+ "\tint x() {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test71: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		93, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue(" invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("has one field", 1, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field i", 30, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field i", 49, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods != null);
-	assertEquals("has two methods", 2, methods.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method foo", 53, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method foo", 64, methods[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for method x", 76, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for method x", 83, methods[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method foo", "foo", methods[0].getActualName());
-	assertEquals(" Invalid actual name for method x", "x", methods[1].getActualName());
-	SourceType[] members = currentType.getMemberTypes();
-	assertTrue(" invalid members ", members == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test72() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {						\n"+
-		"   X() {								\n" +
-		"   	this();							\n" +
-		"	}									\n" +
-		"}";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X {\n"
-		+ "\tX() {\n"
-		+ "\t\tX(0)\n"
-		+ "\t}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test72: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test73() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X extends Toto {			\n"+
-		"   X() {								\n" +
-		"   	this();							\n" +
-		"	}									\n" +
-		"   X(int i) {							\n" +
-		"   	super();						\n" +
-		"	}									\n" +
-		"   X() {								\n" +
-		"   	this(0);						\n" +
-		"	}									\n" +
-		"}";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X extends Toto {\n"
-		+ "\tX() {\n"
-		+ "\t\tX(0)\n"
-		+ "\t}\n"
-		+ "\tX(int i, ) {\n"
-		+ "\t\tToto(0)\n"
-		+ "\t}\n"
-		+ "\tX() {\n"
-		+ "\t\tX(1)\n"
-		+ "\t}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test73: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test74() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X extends Toto {			\n"+
-		"	class Y extends Throwable {			\n" +
-		"	}									\n" +
-		"   X() {								\n" +
-		"   	this();							\n" +
-		"	}									\n" +
-		"   X(int i) {							\n" +
-		"   	super();						\n" +
-		"	}									\n" +
-		"   X() {								\n" +
-		"   	this(0);						\n" +
-		"	}									\n" +
-		"	public Object foo(int i) {			\n" +
-		"		return new Object() {};			\n" +
-		"	}									\n" +
-		"}";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X extends Toto {\n"
-		+ "\tclass Y extends Throwable {\n"
-		+ "\t\tThrowable(0)\n"
-		+ "\t}\n"
-		+ "\tX() {\n"
-		+ "\t\tX(0)\n"
-		+ "\t}\n"
-		+ "\tX(int i, ) {\n"
-		+ "\t\tToto(0)\n"
-		+ "\t}\n"
-		+ "\tX() {\n"
-		+ "\t\tX(1)\n"
-		+ "\t}\n"
-		+ "\tpublic Object foo(int i, ) {}\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test74: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
- * bugs  16126
- */
-public void test75() {
-	String s =
-		"public class P#AField {\n" +
-		"	public void setP#A(String P#A) {\n" +
-		"		this.P#A = P#A;\n" +
-		"	}\n" +	
-		"}";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class P {\n" +
-		"	{}\n" +
-		"	public void setP;\n" +
-		"	java.lang.Object(0)\n" +
-		"	A(String P, ) {}\n" +
-		"}";
-	String testName = "test75: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void test76() {
-	String s = 
-		"class X {\n" + 
-		"  public static int j = 0;\n" + 
-		"  /* static */ {\n" +  
-		"  }" +  
-		"  public static int i = 9;\n" +  
-		"}\n"; 
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"class X {\n" +
-		"	public static int j;\n" +
-		"	{}\n" +
-		"	public static int i;\n" +
-		"	java.lang.Object(0)\n" +
-		"}"; 
-	String testName = "test76: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-		84, 
-		currentType.getDeclarationSourceEnd()); 
-	SourceField[] fields = currentType.getFields();
-	assertTrue("invalid fields ", fields != null);
-	assertEquals("Invalid fields length ", 3, fields.length);
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field j", 12, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for field j", 35, fields[0].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for initializer", 39, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end for initializer", 56, fields[1].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source start for field i", 59, fields[2].getDeclarationSourceStart());
-	assertEquals("Invalid declaration source end field i", 82, fields[2].getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	SourceMethod[] methods = currentType.getMethods();
-	assertTrue(" invalid methods ", methods == null);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
- * Bug 99662:[1.5] JavaModel returns inexistent IType for package-info ICompilationUnits
- * @see ""
- *
- */
-public void testBug99662() {
-	String s = 
-		"@Deprecated\n" + 
-		"package p;\n"; 
-	String testName = "";
-	fullParse(s,testName);
-	assertNull(" file should not have ANY type!",  this.currentType);
-public void _test77() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		class Y {\n" + 
-		"			String s = null;\n" + 
-		"			{\n" + 
-		"				class Z {\n" + 
-		"				}\n" + 
-		"			}\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X implements Y, String, {\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test77: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName, true);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void _test78() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		class Y {\n" + 
-		"			String s = null;\n" + 
-		"			{\n" + 
-		"				class Z {\n" + 
-		"				}\n" + 
-		"			}\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X implements Y, String, {\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test78: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName, true);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void _test79() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		class Y {\n" + 
-		"			{\n" + 
-		"				class Z {\n" + 
-		"				}\n" + 
-		"			}\n" + 
-		"			String s = null;\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X implements Y, String, {\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test79: diet parse";
-	dietParse(s,testName, true);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void _test80() {
-	String s =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		class Y {\n" + 
-		"			{\n" + 
-		"				class Z {\n" + 
-		"				}\n" + 
-		"			}\n" + 
-		"			String s = null;\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}";
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"public class X implements Y, String, {\n"
-		+ "}";
-	String testName = "test80: full parse";
-	fullParse(s,testName, true);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentType.toString()); 
-public void testInnerMethod01() {
-	String s =
-			"function ss() {\n"
-			+ "function ins() {}\n"
-			+ "}\n" 
-			+ "\n"; 
-	String expectedUnitToString = 
-		"\tfunction ss() {\n"
-		+ "\t\tfunction ins() {}\n"
-		+ "\t}" 
-			+ "\n"; 
-	String testName = "testInnerMethod01";
-	fullParse(s,testName,true);
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid class declarationSourceStart ", 
-		0, 
-		currentUnit.getDeclarationSourceStart()); 
-//	assertEquals(
-//		"Invalid class declarationSourceEnd ", 
-//		40, 
-//		currentUnit.getDeclarationSourceEnd());
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid source " + testName, 
-		expectedUnitToString, 
-		currentUnit.toString()); 
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
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@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.env.ISourceField;
-public class SourceField implements ISourceField {
-	protected int modifiers;
-	protected char[] typeName;
-	protected char[] name;
-	protected int declarationStart;
-	protected int declarationEnd;
-	protected int nameSourceStart;
-	protected int nameSourceEnd; 
-	protected char[] source;
-public SourceField(
-	int declarationStart,
-	int modifiers,
-	char[] typeName,
-	char[] name,
-	int nameSourceStart,
-	int nameSourceEnd,
-	char[] source) {
-	this.declarationStart = declarationStart;
-	this.modifiers = modifiers;
-	this.typeName = typeName;
- = name;
-	this.nameSourceStart = nameSourceStart;
-	this.nameSourceEnd = nameSourceEnd;
-	this.source = source;
-public String displayModifiers() {
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	if (this.modifiers == 0)
-		return null;
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccPublic) != 0)
-		buffer.append("public ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccProtected) != 0)
-		buffer.append("protected ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccPrivate) != 0)
-		buffer.append("private ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccFinal) != 0)
-		buffer.append("final ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccStatic) != 0)
-		buffer.append("static ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccAbstract) != 0)
-		buffer.append("abstract ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccNative) != 0)
-		buffer.append("native ");
-	return buffer.toString();
-public String getActualName() {
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	buffer.append(source, nameSourceStart, nameSourceEnd - nameSourceStart + 1);
-	return buffer.toString();
-public int getDeclarationSourceEnd() {
-	return declarationEnd;
-public int getDeclarationSourceStart() {
-	return declarationStart;
-public char[] getInitializationSource() {
-	return null;
-public int getModifiers() {
-	return modifiers;
-public char[] getName() {
-	return name;
-public int getNameSourceEnd() {
-	return nameSourceEnd;
-public int getNameSourceStart() {
-	return nameSourceStart;
-public char[] getTypeName() {
-	return typeName;
-protected void setDeclarationSourceEnd(int position) {
-	declarationEnd = position;
-public String tabString(int tab) {
-	/*slow code*/
-	String s = "";
-	for (int i = tab; i > 0; i--)
-		s = s + "\t";
-	return s;
-public String toString() {
-	return toString(0);
-public String toString(int tab) {
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	buffer.append(tabString(tab));
-	String displayModifiers = displayModifiers();
-	if (displayModifiers != null) {
-		buffer.append(displayModifiers);
-	}
-	buffer.append("var ");
-//	if (typeName!=null)
-//	{
-//		buffer.append(typeName).append(" ");	
-//	}
-	buffer.append(name);
-	buffer.append(";");
-	return buffer.toString();
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
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@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-public class SourceImport {
-	int declarationSourceStart;
-	int declarationSourceEnd;
-	char[] name;
-	boolean onDemand;
-	char[] source;
- * @param declarationSourceStart int
- * @param declarationSourceEnd int
- * @param name char[]
- * @param onDemand boolean
- */
-public SourceImport(
-	int declarationSourceStart, 
-	int declarationSourceEnd, 
-	char[] name, 
-	boolean onDemand,
-	char[] source) {
-	this.declarationSourceStart = declarationSourceStart;
-	this.declarationSourceEnd = declarationSourceEnd; 
- = name;
-	this.onDemand = onDemand;
-	this.source = source;
- * 
- * @return java.lang.String
- */
-public String toString() {
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	buffer
-		.append(
-			source, 
-			declarationSourceStart, 
-			declarationSourceEnd - declarationSourceStart + 1)
-		.append("\n"); 
-	return buffer.toString();
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
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index 8fd619e..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
-public class SourceInitializer extends SourceField {
-public SourceInitializer(
-	int declarationStart, 
-	int modifiers) {
-	super(declarationStart, modifiers, null, null, -1, -1, null);
-public void setDeclarationSourceEnd(int declarationSourceEnd) {
-	this.declarationEnd = declarationSourceEnd;
-public String toString(int tab) {
-	if (modifiers == ClassFileConstants.AccStatic) {
-		return tabString(tab) + "static {}";
-	}
-	return tabString(tab) + "{}";
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
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index a910ebd..0000000
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@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.env.ISourceMethod;
-public class SourceMethod implements ISourceMethod {
-	private int modifiers;
-	private int declarationStart;
-	private int declarationEnd;
-	private char[] returnTypeName;
-	private char[] selector;
-	private int nameSourceStart;
-	private int nameSourceEnd;
-	private char[][] argumentTypeNames;
-	private char[][] argumentNames;
-	private char[] source;
-	private String explicitConstructorCall;
-	private int numberOfMemberMethods;
-	private SourceMethod[] memberMethods;
-	char[][] typeParameterNames;
-	char[][][] typeParameterBounds;
-	SourceMethod parent;
-public SourceMethod(
-	int declarationStart,
-	int modifiers,
-	char[] returnTypeName,
-	char[] selector,
-	int nameSourceStart,
-	int nameSourceEnd,
-	char[][] argumentTypeNames,
-	char[][] argumentNames,
-	char[] source) {
-	this.declarationStart = declarationStart;
-	this.modifiers = modifiers;
-	this.returnTypeName = returnTypeName;
-	this.selector = selector;
-	this.nameSourceStart = nameSourceStart;
-	this.nameSourceEnd = nameSourceEnd;
-	this.argumentTypeNames = argumentTypeNames;
-	this.argumentNames = argumentNames;
-	this.source = source;
-public String displayModifiers() {
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	if (this.modifiers == 0)
-		return null;
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccPublic) != 0)
-		buffer.append("public ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccProtected) != 0)
-		buffer.append("protected ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccPrivate) != 0)
-		buffer.append("private ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccFinal) != 0)
-		buffer.append("final ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccStatic) != 0)
-		buffer.append("static ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccAbstract) != 0)
-		buffer.append("abstract ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccNative) != 0)
-		buffer.append("native ");
-	if (buffer.toString().trim().equals(""))
-		return null;
-	return buffer.toString().trim();
-protected void addMemberMethod(SourceMethod sourceMemberMethod) {
-	if(memberMethods == null) {
-		memberMethods = new SourceMethod[4];
-	}
-	if(numberOfMemberMethods == memberMethods.length) {
-		System.arraycopy(memberMethods, 0, memberMethods = new SourceMethod[numberOfMemberMethods * 2], 0, numberOfMemberMethods);
-	}
-	memberMethods[numberOfMemberMethods++] = sourceMemberMethod;
-public SourceMethod[] getMemberMethods() {
-	if (memberMethods != null && memberMethods.length != numberOfMemberMethods) {
-		System.arraycopy(
-				memberMethods, 
-			0, 
-			memberMethods = new SourceMethod[numberOfMemberMethods], 
-			0, 
-			numberOfMemberMethods); 
-	}
-	return memberMethods;
-public String getActualName() {
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	buffer.append(source, nameSourceStart, nameSourceEnd - nameSourceStart + 1);
-	return buffer.toString();
-public char[][] getArgumentNames() {
-	return argumentNames;
-public char[][] getArgumentTypeNames() {
-	return argumentTypeNames;
-public int getDeclarationSourceEnd() {
-	return declarationEnd;
-public int getDeclarationSourceStart() {
-	return declarationStart;
-public int getModifiers() {
-	return modifiers;
-public int getNameSourceEnd() {
-	return nameSourceEnd;
-public int getNameSourceStart() {
-	return nameSourceStart;
-public char[] getReturnTypeName() {
-	return returnTypeName;
-public char[] getSelector() {
-	return selector;
-public char[][][] getTypeParameterBounds() {
-	return typeParameterBounds;
-public char[][] getTypeParameterNames() {
-	return typeParameterNames;	
-public boolean isConstructor() {
-	return returnTypeName == null;
-protected void setDeclarationSourceEnd(int position) {
-	declarationEnd = position;
-protected void setExplicitConstructorCall(String s) {
-	explicitConstructorCall = s;
-public String tabString(int tab) {
-	/*slow code*/
-	String s = "";
-	for (int i = tab; i > 0; i--)
-		s = s + "\t";
-	return s;
-public String toString() {
-	return toString(0);
-public String toString(int tab) {
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	buffer.append(tabString(tab));
-	String displayModifiers = displayModifiers();
-	if (displayModifiers != null) {
-		buffer.append(displayModifiers).append(" ");
-	}
-	if (returnTypeName != null) {
-		buffer.append(returnTypeName).append(" ");
-	}
-	buffer.append("function ").append(selector).append("(");
-	if (argumentTypeNames != null) {
-		for (int i = 0, max = argumentTypeNames.length; i < max; i++) {
-			buffer.append(argumentTypeNames[i]).append(" ").append(
-				argumentNames[i]).append(
-				", "); 
-		}
-	}
-	buffer.append(") ");
-	buffer.append("{");
-	if (explicitConstructorCall != null) {
-		buffer.append("\n").append(tabString(tab+1)).append(explicitConstructorCall).append(tabString(tab)).append("}");
-	}
-	if (this.numberOfMemberMethods>0)
-	{
-		for (int i = 0; i < numberOfMemberMethods; i++) {
-			buffer.append("\n").append(memberMethods[i].toString(tab+1));
-		}
-		buffer.append("\n").append(tabString(tab));
-	}
-	buffer.append("}");
-	return buffer.toString();
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@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-public class SourcePackage {
-	int declarationSourceStart;
-	int declarationSourceEnd;
-	char[] name;
-	char[] source;
- * @param declarationSourceStart int
- * @param declarationSourceEnd int
- * @param name char[]
- * @param source char[]
- */
-public SourcePackage(
-	int declarationSourceStart, 
-	int declarationSourceEnd, 
-	char[] name,
-	char[] source) {
-	this.declarationSourceStart = declarationSourceStart;
-	this.declarationSourceEnd = declarationSourceEnd; 
- = name;
-	this.source = source;
- * 
- * @return java.lang.String
- */
-public String toString() {
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	buffer
-		.append(
-			source, 
-			declarationSourceStart, 
-			declarationSourceEnd - declarationSourceStart + 1)
-		.append("\n"); 
-	return buffer.toString();
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
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@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
-public final class SourceType {
-	private int modifiers;
-	private int declarationStart;
-	private int declarationEnd;
-	private char[] fileName;
-	private SourcePackage packageName;
-	private SourceImport[] imports;
-	private char[] enclosingTypeName;
-	private char[] name;
-	private int nameSourceStart;
-	private int nameSourceEnd;
-	private char[] superclassName;
-	private SourceType[] memberTypes;
-	private int numberOfMemberTypes;
-	private SourceMethod[] methods;
-	private int numberOfMethods;
-	private SourceField[] fields;
-	private int numberOfFields;
-	private char[] source;
-	SourceType parent;
-	// Buffering.
-	private char[] qualifiedName;
-	private String defaultConstructor;
-public SourceType(
-	char[] enclosingTypeName,
-	int declarationStart,
-	int modifiers,
-	char[] name,
-	int nameSourceStart,
-	int nameSourceEnd,
-	char[] superclassName,
-	char[] source) {
-	this.enclosingTypeName = enclosingTypeName;
-	this.declarationStart = declarationStart;
-	this.modifiers = modifiers;
- = name;
-	this.nameSourceStart = nameSourceStart;
-	this.nameSourceEnd = nameSourceEnd;
-	this.superclassName = superclassName;
-	this.source = source;
-protected void addField(SourceField sourceField) {
-	if (fields == null) {
-		fields = new SourceField[4];
-	}
-	if (numberOfFields == fields.length) {
-		System.arraycopy(
-			fields, 
-			0, 
-			fields = new SourceField[numberOfFields * 2], 
-			0, 
-			numberOfFields); 
-	}
-	fields[numberOfFields++] = sourceField;
-protected void addMemberType(SourceType sourceMemberType) {
-	if(memberTypes == null) {
-		memberTypes = new SourceType[4];
-	}
-	if(numberOfMemberTypes == memberTypes.length) {
-		System.arraycopy(memberTypes, 0, memberTypes = new SourceType[numberOfMemberTypes * 2], 0, numberOfMemberTypes);
-	}
-	memberTypes[numberOfMemberTypes++] = sourceMemberType;
-protected void addMethod(SourceMethod sourceMethod) {
-	if (methods == null) {
-		methods = new SourceMethod[4];
-	}
-	if (numberOfMethods == methods.length) {
-		System.arraycopy(
-			methods, 
-			0, 
-			methods = new SourceMethod[numberOfMethods * 2], 
-			0, 
-			numberOfMethods); 
-	}
-	methods[numberOfMethods++] = sourceMethod;
-public String displayModifiers() {
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	if (this.modifiers == 0)
-		return null;
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccPublic) != 0)
-		buffer.append("public ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccProtected) != 0)
-		buffer.append("protected ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccPrivate) != 0)
-		buffer.append("private ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccFinal) != 0)
-		buffer.append("final ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccStatic) != 0)
-		buffer.append("static ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccAbstract) != 0)
-		buffer.append("abstract ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccNative) != 0)
-		buffer.append("native ");
-	return buffer.toString().trim();
-public String getActualName() {
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	buffer.append(source, nameSourceStart, nameSourceEnd - nameSourceStart + 1);
-	return buffer.toString();
-public int getDeclarationSourceEnd() {
-	return declarationEnd;
-public int getDeclarationSourceStart() {
-	return declarationStart;
-public char[] getEnclosingTypeName() {
-	return enclosingTypeName;
-public SourceField[] getFields() {
-	if (fields != null && fields.length != numberOfFields) {
-		System.arraycopy(fields, 0, fields = new SourceField[numberOfFields], 0, numberOfFields);
-	}
-	return fields;
-public char[] getFileName() {
-	return fileName;
-public char[][] getImports() {
-	if (imports == null) return null;
-	int importLength = imports.length;
-	char[][] importNames = new char[importLength][];
-	for (int i = 0, max = importLength; i < max; i++) {
-		importNames[i] = imports[i].name;
-	}
-	return importNames;
-public SourceType[] getMemberTypes() {
-	if (memberTypes != null && memberTypes.length != numberOfMemberTypes) {
-		System.arraycopy(
-			memberTypes, 
-			0, 
-			memberTypes = new SourceType[numberOfMemberTypes], 
-			0, 
-			numberOfMemberTypes); 
-	}
-	return memberTypes;
-public SourceMethod[] getMethods() {
-	if (methods != null && methods.length != numberOfMethods) {
-		System.arraycopy(methods, 0, methods = new SourceMethod[numberOfMethods], 0, numberOfMethods);
-	}
-	return methods;
-public int getModifiers() {
-	return modifiers;
-public char[] getName() {
-	return name;
-public int getNameSourceEnd() {
-	return nameSourceEnd;
-public int getNameSourceStart() {
-	return nameSourceStart;
-public char[] getPackageName() {
-	return;
-public char[] getQualifiedName() {
-	if (qualifiedName == null) {
-		StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer();
-		temp.append(packageName);
-		temp.append('.');
-		temp.append(name);
-		qualifiedName = temp.toString().toCharArray();
-	}
-	return qualifiedName;
-public char[] getSuperclassName() {
-	return superclassName;
-public boolean isBinaryType() {
-	return false;
-public boolean isClass() {
-	return true;
-public void setDeclarationSourceEnd(int position) {
-	declarationEnd = position;
-public void setDefaultConstructor(String s) {
-	this.defaultConstructor = s;
-public void setImports(SourceImport[] imports) {
-	this.imports = imports;
-public void setPackage(SourcePackage sourcePackage) {
-	packageName = sourcePackage;
-public void setSuperclass(char[] superclassName) {
-	this.superclassName = superclassName;
-public String tabString(int tab) {
-	/*slow code*/
-	String s = "";
-	for (int i = tab; i > 0; i--)
-		s = s + "\t";
-	return s;
-public String toString() {
-	return toString(0);
-public String toString(int tab) {
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	if (packageName != null) {
-		buffer.append(tabString(tab)).append(packageName);
-	}
-	if (imports != null) {
-		for (int i = 0, max = imports.length; i < max; i++) {
-			buffer.append(tabString(tab)).append(imports[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	buffer.append(tabString(tab));
-	String displayModifiers = displayModifiers();
-	if (displayModifiers != null) {
-		buffer.append(displayModifiers).append(" ");
-	}
-	buffer.append("class ").append(name).append(" ");
-	if (superclassName != null) {
-		buffer.append("extends ").append(superclassName).append(" ");
-	}
-	buffer.append("{\n");
-	if (memberTypes != null) {
-		for (int i = 0, max = numberOfMemberTypes; i < max; i++) {
-			buffer.append(memberTypes[i].toString(tab + 1)).append("\n");
-		}
-	}
-	if (fields != null) {
-		for (int i = 0, max = numberOfFields; i < max; i++) {
-			buffer.append(fields[i].toString(tab + 1)).append("\n");
-		}
-	}
-	if (defaultConstructor != null) {
-			buffer.append(tabString(tab + 1)).append(defaultConstructor);		
-	}
-	if (methods != null) {
-		for (int i = 0, max = numberOfMethods; i < max; i++) {
-			buffer.append(methods[i].toString(tab + 1)).append("\n");
-		}
-	}
-	buffer.append(tabString(tab)).append("}");
-	return buffer.toString();
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d3e15c..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
-public final class SourceUnit {
-	private int modifiers;
-	private int declarationStart;
-	private int declarationEnd;
-	private char[] fileName;
-	private SourcePackage packageName;
-	private SourceImport[] imports;
-	private char[] enclosingTypeName;
-	private char[] name;
-	private int nameSourceStart;
-	private int nameSourceEnd;
-	private char[] superclassName;
-	private char[][] interfaceNames;
-	private SourceType[] memberTypes;
-	private int numberOfMemberTypes;
-	private SourceMethod[] methods;
-	private int numberOfMethods;
-	private SourceField[] fields;
-	private int numberOfFields;
-	private char[] source;
-	SourceUnit parent;
-	// Buffering.
-	private char[] qualifiedName;
-	private String defaultConstructor;
-public SourceUnit(
-	) {
-protected void addField(SourceField sourceField) {
-	if (fields == null) {
-		fields = new SourceField[4];
-	}
-	if (numberOfFields == fields.length) {
-		System.arraycopy(
-			fields, 
-			0, 
-			fields = new SourceField[numberOfFields * 2], 
-			0, 
-			numberOfFields); 
-	}
-	fields[numberOfFields++] = sourceField;
-protected void addMemberType(SourceType sourceMemberType) {
-	if(memberTypes == null) {
-		memberTypes = new SourceType[4];
-	}
-	if(numberOfMemberTypes == memberTypes.length) {
-		System.arraycopy(memberTypes, 0, memberTypes = new SourceType[numberOfMemberTypes * 2], 0, numberOfMemberTypes);
-	}
-	memberTypes[numberOfMemberTypes++] = sourceMemberType;
-protected void addMethod(SourceMethod sourceMethod) {
-	if (methods == null) {
-		methods = new SourceMethod[4];
-	}
-	if (numberOfMethods == methods.length) {
-		System.arraycopy(
-			methods, 
-			0, 
-			methods = new SourceMethod[numberOfMethods * 2], 
-			0, 
-			numberOfMethods); 
-	}
-	methods[numberOfMethods++] = sourceMethod;
-public String displayModifiers() {
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	if (this.modifiers == 0)
-		return null;
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccPublic) != 0)
-		buffer.append("public ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccProtected) != 0)
-		buffer.append("protected ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccPrivate) != 0)
-		buffer.append("private ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccFinal) != 0)
-		buffer.append("final ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccStatic) != 0)
-		buffer.append("static ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccAbstract) != 0)
-		buffer.append("abstract ");
-	if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccNative) != 0)
-		buffer.append("native ");
-	return buffer.toString().trim();
-public String getActualName() {
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	buffer.append(source, nameSourceStart, nameSourceEnd - nameSourceStart + 1);
-	return buffer.toString();
-public int getDeclarationSourceEnd() {
-	return declarationEnd;
-public int getDeclarationSourceStart() {
-	return declarationStart;
-public char[] getEnclosingTypeName() {
-	return enclosingTypeName;
-public SourceField[] getFields() {
-	if (fields != null && fields.length != numberOfFields) {
-		System.arraycopy(fields, 0, fields = new SourceField[numberOfFields], 0, numberOfFields);
-	}
-	return fields;
-public char[] getFileName() {
-	return fileName;
-public char[][] getImports() {
-	if (imports == null) return null;
-	int importLength = imports.length;
-	char[][] importNames = new char[importLength][];
-	for (int i = 0, max = importLength; i < max; i++) {
-		importNames[i] = imports[i].name;
-	}
-	return importNames;
-public char[][] getInterfaceNames() {
-	return interfaceNames;
-public SourceType[] getMemberTypes() {
-	if (memberTypes != null && memberTypes.length != numberOfMemberTypes) {
-		System.arraycopy(
-			memberTypes, 
-			0, 
-			memberTypes = new SourceType[numberOfMemberTypes], 
-			0, 
-			numberOfMemberTypes); 
-	}
-	return memberTypes;
-public SourceMethod[] getMethods() {
-	if (methods != null && methods.length != numberOfMethods) {
-		System.arraycopy(methods, 0, methods = new SourceMethod[numberOfMethods], 0, numberOfMethods);
-	}
-	return methods;
-public int getModifiers() {
-	return modifiers;
-public char[] getName() {
-	return name;
-public int getNameSourceEnd() {
-	return nameSourceEnd;
-public int getNameSourceStart() {
-	return nameSourceStart;
-public char[] getPackageName() {
-	return;
-public char[] getQualifiedName() {
-	if (qualifiedName == null) {
-		StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer();
-		temp.append(packageName);
-		temp.append('.');
-		temp.append(name);
-		qualifiedName = temp.toString().toCharArray();
-	}
-	return qualifiedName;
-public char[] getSuperclassName() {
-	return superclassName;
-public boolean isBinaryType() {
-	return false;
-public boolean isClass() {
-	return true;
-public void setDeclarationSourceEnd(int position) {
-	declarationEnd = position;
-public void setDefaultConstructor(String s) {
-	this.defaultConstructor = s;
-public void setImports(SourceImport[] imports) {
-	this.imports = imports;
-public void setPackage(SourcePackage sourcePackage) {
-	packageName = sourcePackage;
-public void setSuperclass(char[] superclassName) {
-	this.superclassName = superclassName;
-public void setSuperinterfaces(char[][] superinterfacesNames) {
-	this.interfaceNames = superinterfacesNames;
-public String tabString(int tab) {
-	/*slow code*/
-	String s = "";
-	for (int i = tab; i > 0; i--)
-		s = s + "\t";
-	return s;
-public String toString() {
-	return toString(0);
-public String toString(int tab) {
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-//	if (packageName != null) {
-//		buffer.append(tabString(tab)).append(packageName);
-//	}
-//	if (imports != null) {
-//		for (int i = 0, max = imports.length; i < max; i++) {
-//			buffer.append(tabString(tab)).append(imports[i]);
-//		}
-//	}
-//	buffer.append(tabString(tab));
-//	String displayModifiers = displayModifiers();
-//	if (displayModifiers != null) {
-//		buffer.append(displayModifiers).append(" ");
-//	}
-//	buffer.append(isInterface() ? "interface " : "class ").append(name).append(" ");
-//	if (superclassName != null) {
-//		buffer.append("extends ").append(superclassName).append(" ");
-//	}
-//	if (interfaceNames != null) {
-//		buffer.append("implements ");
-//		for (int i = 0, max = interfaceNames.length; i < max; i++) {
-//			buffer.append(interfaceNames[i]).append(", ");
-//		}
-//	}
-//	buffer.append("{\n");
-//	if (memberTypes != null) {
-//		for (int i = 0, max = numberOfMemberTypes; i < max; i++) {
-//			buffer.append(memberTypes[i].toString(tab + 1)).append("\n");
-//		}
-//	}
-	if (fields != null) {
-		for (int i = 0, max = numberOfFields; i < max; i++) {
-			buffer.append(fields[i].toString(tab + 1)).append("\n");
-		}
-	}
-//	if (defaultConstructor != null) {
-//			buffer.append(tabString(tab + 1)).append(defaultConstructor);		
-//	}
-	if (methods != null) {
-		for (int i = 0, max = numberOfMethods; i < max; i++) {
-			buffer.append(methods[i].toString(tab + 1)).append("\n");
-		}
-	}
-//	buffer.append(tabString(tab)).append("}");
-	return buffer.toString();
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index a7480c2..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3734 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.batch.CompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.DefaultProblemFactory;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.AbstractCompilerTest;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util;
-public class StatementRecoveryTest extends AbstractCompilerTest {
-	public static final boolean ONLY_DIET_PLUS_BODY_WITH_STATEMENT_RECOVERY = true;
-	public static boolean optimizeStringLiterals = false;
-	public static long sourceLevel = ClassFileConstants.JDK1_3; //$NON-NLS-1$
-static {
-//	TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "test0037"};
-//	TESTS_RANGE = new int[] {10, 20};
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(StatementRecoveryTest.class);
-public StatementRecoveryTest(String testName){
-	super(testName);
-public void checkParse(
-	char[] source, 
-	String expectedDietUnitToString,
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,	
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,	
-	String expectedFullUnitToString,
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-	String testName) {
-	/* using regular parser in DIET mode */
-		Parser parser = 
-			new Parser(
-				new ProblemReporter(
-					DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-					new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()), 
-					new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault())),
-				optimizeStringLiterals);
-		parser.setMethodsFullRecovery(false);
-		parser.setStatementsRecovery(false);
-		ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null);
-		CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 0, 0, 0);	
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration computedUnit = parser.dietParse(sourceUnit, compilationResult);
-		String computedUnitToString = computedUnit.toString();
-		if (!expectedDietUnitToString.equals(computedUnitToString)){
-			System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString));
-		}
-		assertEquals(
-			"Invalid unit diet structure" + testName,
-			expectedDietUnitToString,
-			computedUnitToString);
-	}
-	/* using regular parser in DIET mode and statementRecoveryEnabled */
-		Parser parser = 
-			new Parser(
-				new ProblemReporter(
-					DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-					new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()), 
-					new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault())),
-				optimizeStringLiterals);
-		ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null);
-		CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 0, 0, 0);	
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration computedUnit = parser.dietParse(sourceUnit, compilationResult);
-		String computedUnitToString = computedUnit.toString();
-		if (!expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString.equals(computedUnitToString)){
-			System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString));
-		}
-		assertEquals(
-			"Invalid unit diet structure with statement recovery enabled" + testName,
-			expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-			computedUnitToString);
-	}
-	/* using regular parser in DIET mode + getMethodBodies */
-		Parser parser = 
-			new Parser(
-				new ProblemReporter(
-					DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-					new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()), 
-					new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault())),
-				optimizeStringLiterals);
-		parser.setMethodsFullRecovery(false);
-		parser.setStatementsRecovery(false);
-		ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null);
-		CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 0, 0, 0);	
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration computedUnit = parser.dietParse(sourceUnit, compilationResult);
-		String computedUnitToString = computedUnit.toString();
-		if (!expectedDietUnitToString.equals(computedUnitToString)){
-			System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString));
-		}
-		assertEquals(
-			"Invalid unit diet structure" + testName,
-			expectedDietUnitToString,
-			computedUnitToString);
-		if (computedUnit.types != null) {
-			for (int i = computedUnit.types.length; --i >= 0;){
-				computedUnit.types[i].parseMethod(parser, computedUnit);
-			}
-		}
-		computedUnitToString = computedUnit.toString();
-		if (!expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString.equals(computedUnitToString)){
-			System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString));
-		}
-		assertEquals(
-			"Invalid unit diet+body structure" + testName,
-			expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-			computedUnitToString);
-	}
-	/* using regular parser in DIET mode + getMethodBodies and statementRecoveryEnabled */
-	{
-		Parser parser = 
-			new Parser(
-				new ProblemReporter(
-					DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-					new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()), 
-					new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault())),
-				optimizeStringLiterals);
-		ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null);
-		CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 0, 0, 0);	
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration computedUnit = parser.dietParse(sourceUnit, compilationResult);
-		String computedUnitToString = computedUnit.toString();
-		if (!expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString.equals(computedUnitToString)){
-			System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString));
-		}
-		assertEquals(
-			"Invalid unit diet structure" + testName,
-			expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-			computedUnitToString);
-		if (computedUnit.types != null) {
-			for (int i = computedUnit.types.length; --i >= 0;){
-				computedUnit.types[i].parseMethod(parser, computedUnit);
-			}
-		}
-		computedUnitToString = computedUnit.toString();
-		if (!expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString.equals(computedUnitToString)){
-			System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString));
-		}
-		assertEquals(
-			"Invalid unit diet+body structure with statement recovery enabled" + testName,
-			expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-			computedUnitToString);
-	}
-	/* using regular parser in FULL mode */
-		Parser parser = 
-			new Parser(
-				new ProblemReporter(
-					DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-					new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()), 
-					new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault())),
-				optimizeStringLiterals);
-		parser.setMethodsFullRecovery(false);
-		parser.setStatementsRecovery(false);
-		ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null);
-		CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 0, 0, 0);	
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration computedUnit = parser.parse(sourceUnit, compilationResult);
-		String computedUnitToString = computedUnit.toString();
-		if (!expectedFullUnitToString.equals(computedUnitToString)){
-			System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString));
-		}
-		assertEquals(
-			"Invalid unit full structure" + testName,
-			expectedFullUnitToString,
-			computedUnitToString);
-	}
-	/* using regular parser in FULL mode and statementRecoveryEnabled */
-		Parser parser = 
-			new Parser(
-				new ProblemReporter(
-					DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-					new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()), 
-					new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault())),
-				optimizeStringLiterals);
-		ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null);
-		CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 0, 0, 0);	
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration computedUnit = parser.parse(sourceUnit, compilationResult);
-		String computedUnitToString = computedUnit.toString();
-		if (!expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString.equals(computedUnitToString)){
-			System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedUnitToString));
-		}
-		assertEquals(
-			"Invalid unit full structure with statement recovery enabled" + testName,
-			expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-			computedUnitToString);
-	}
-public void test0001() {
-	String s = 
-			"  function foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-    	 "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedFullUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0002() {
-	String s = 
-		"  function foo() {								\n"
-		+ "    #                    					\n"
-		+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-		+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0002a() {
-	String s = 
-		  "    System.out.print1();					\n"
-		 + "    #                    					\n"
-		+ "    System.out.print2();					\n"
-		+ "											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-   	    "System.out.print1();\n"+
-   	    "System.out.print2();\n"+
- 		"";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-   	    "System.out.print1();\n"+
-   	    "System.out.print2();\n"+
- 		"";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0002b() {
-	String s = 
-		"  foo = function () {								\n"
-		+ "    #                    					\n"
-		+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-		+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"foo = function () {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"};\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"foo = function () {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"foo = function () {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"};\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0002c() {
-	String s = 
-		"  obj ={								\n"
-		+"   p1 : 2,							\n"
-		+" meth: function () {								\n"
-		+ "    #                    					\n"
-		+ "    FOO();					\n"
-		+ "}											\n" 	
-		+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"foo = function () {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"};\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"foo = function () {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"foo = function () {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"};\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0002d() {
-	String s = 
-		" a= foo{								\n"
-		+"  function () {								\n"
-		+ "    #                    					\n"
-		+ "    bar();					\n"
-		+ "}											\n" 	
-		+ ");											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"foo = function () {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"};\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"foo = function () {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"foo = function () {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"};\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0003() {
-	String s = 
-		"  function foo() {								\n"
-		+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-		+ "    #                    					\n"
-		+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0003b() {
-	String s = 
-		"  function foo1() {								\n"
-		+ "    var i;					\n"
-		+ "}											\n" 	
-		+ "  function foo2() {								\n"
-		+ "    #                    					\n"
-		+ "    a=1;					\n"
-		+ "}											\n" 	
-		+ "  function foo3() {								\n"
-		+ "    var k;					\n"
-		+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0004() {
-	String s = 
-		"  function foo() {								\n"
-		+ "    #                    					\n"
-		+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-		+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-		+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0005() {
-	String s = 
-		"  function foo() {								\n"
-		+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-		+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-		+ "    #                    					\n"
-		+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0006() {
-	String s = 
-		"function foo() {\n"  
-		+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-		+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-		+ "    #                    					\n"
-		+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-		+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-		+"}\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"function foo() {\n" + 
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-   	    "  System.out.println();\n"+
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0007() {
-	String s = 
-		"function foo() {\n"  
-		+ "    #                    					\n"
-		+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-		+ "    if(true) {								\n"
-		+ "      System.out.println();					\n"
-		+ "    }										\n"
-		+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-		+"}\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"function foo() {\n" 
-		+ "  System.out.println();\n"
-		+ "  if (true)\n" 
-		+ "      {\n"
-		+ "        System.out.println();\n"
-		+ "      }\n"
-		+ "  System.out.println();\n"
-		+"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"function foo() {\n" 
-		+ "  System.out.println();\n"
-		+ "  if (true)\n" 
-		+ "      {\n"
-		+ "        System.out.println();\n"
-		+ "      }\n"
-		+ "  System.out.println();\n"
-		+"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"function foo() {\n" 
-		+ "  System.out.println();\n"
-		+ "  if (true)\n" 
-		+ "      {\n"
-		+ "        System.out.println();\n"
-		+ "      }\n"
-		+ "  System.out.println();\n"
-		+"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0008() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    if(true) {								\n"
-			+ "      System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    }										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    #                    					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    if (true)\n" + 
-		"        {\n" + 
-		"          System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0009() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    if(true) {								\n"
-			+ "      System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    }										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    #                    					\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    if(true) {								\n"
-			+ "      System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    }										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    if (true)\n" + 
-		"        {\n" + 
-		"          System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    if (true)\n" + 
-		"        {\n" + 
-		"          System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0010() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    class Z {								\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {}							\n"
-			+ "    }										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    class Z {\n" + 
-		"      Z() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    class Z {\n" + 
-		"      Z() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0011() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    class Z {								\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {}							\n"
-			+ "    }										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    #										\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    class Z {\n" + 
-		"      Z() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0012() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    #										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    class Z {								\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {}							\n"
-			+ "    }										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    class Z {\n" + 
-		"      Z() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0013() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    class Z {								\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {}							\n"
-			+ "    }										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    #										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    class Y {								\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {}							\n"
-			+ "    }										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    class Z {\n" + 
-		"      Z() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    class Y {\n" + 
-		"      Y() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0014() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    class Z {								\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {							\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "      }										\n"
-			+ "    }										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    #										\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    class Z {\n" + 
-		"      Z() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0015() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    #										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    class Z {								\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {							\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "      }										\n"
-			+ "    }										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    class Z {\n" + 
-		"      Z() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0016() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    class Z {								\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {							\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "      }										\n"
-			+ "    }										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    #										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    class Z {								\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {							\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "      }										\n"
-			+ "    }										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    class Z {\n" + 
-		"      Z() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    class Z {\n" + 
-		"      Z() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0017() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    class Z {								\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {							\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        if(true) {							\n"
-			+ "          System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        }									\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        #									\n"
-			+ "      }										\n"
-			+ "    }										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    class Z {\n" + 
-		"      Z() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        if (true)\n" + 
-		"            {\n" + 
-		"              System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"            }\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0018() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    class Z {								\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {							\n"
-			+ "        #									\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        if(true) {							\n"
-			+ "          System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        }									\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "      }										\n"
-			+ "    }										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    class Z {\n" + 
-		"      Z() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        if (true)\n" + 
-		"            {\n" + 
-		"              System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"            }\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0019() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    class Z {								\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {							\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        if(true) {							\n"
-			+ "          System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        }									\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        #									\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        if(true) {							\n"
-			+ "          System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        }									\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "      }										\n"
-			+ "    }										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    class Z {\n" + 
-		"      Z() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        if (true)\n" + 
-		"            {\n" + 
-		"              System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"            }\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        if (true)\n" + 
-		"            {\n" + 
-		"              System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"            }\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0020() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    #										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    class Z {								\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {							\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        if(true) {							\n"
-			+ "          System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        }									\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        #									\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        if(true) {							\n"
-			+ "          System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        }									\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "      }										\n"
-			+ "    }										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    class Z {\n" + 
-		"      Z() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        if (true)\n" + 
-		"            {\n" + 
-		"              System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"            }\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        if (true)\n" + 
-		"            {\n" + 
-		"              System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"            }\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0021() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    new Object() {							\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {}							\n"
-			+ "    };										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0022() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    new Object() {							\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {}							\n"
-			+ "    };										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    #										\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-		"      () {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0023() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    #										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    new Object() {							\n"
-			+ "      void bar() {}							\n"
-			+ "    };										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-		"      () {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void bar() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0024() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    new Object() {							\n"
-			+ "      void bar() {}							\n"
-			+ "    };										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    #										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    new Object() {							\n"
-			+ "      void bar() {}							\n"
-			+ "    };										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-		"      () {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void bar() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-		"      () {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void bar() {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0025() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    new Object() {							\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {							\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "      }										\n"
-			+ "    };										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    #										\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-		"      () {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0026() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    #										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    new Object() {							\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {							\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "      }										\n"
-			+ "    };										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-		"      () {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0027() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    new Object() {							\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {							\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "      }										\n"
-			+ "    };										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    #										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    new Object() {							\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {							\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "      }										\n"
-			+ "    };										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-		"      () {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-		"      () {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0028() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    new Object() {							\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {							\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        if(true) {							\n"
-			+ "          System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        }									\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        #									\n"
-			+ "      }										\n"
-			+ "    };										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-		"      () {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        if (true)\n" + 
-		"            {\n" + 
-		"              System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"            }\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0029() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    new Object() {							\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {							\n"
-			+ "        #									\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        if(true) {							\n"
-			+ "          System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        }									\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "      }										\n"
-			+ "    };										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-		"      () {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        if (true)\n" + 
-		"            {\n" + 
-		"              System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"            }\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0030() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    new Object() {							\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {							\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        if(true) {							\n"
-			+ "          System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        }									\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        #									\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        if(true) {							\n"
-			+ "          System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        }									\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "      }										\n"
-			+ "    };										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-		"      () {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        if (true)\n" + 
-		"            {\n" + 
-		"              System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"            }\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        if (true)\n" + 
-		"            {\n" + 
-		"              System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"            }\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0031() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    #										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    new Object() {							\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {							\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        if(true) {							\n"
-			+ "          System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        }									\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        #									\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        if(true) {							\n"
-			+ "          System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        }									\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "      }										\n"
-			+ "    };										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-		"      () {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        if (true)\n" + 
-		"            {\n" + 
-		"              System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"            }\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        if (true)\n" + 
-		"            {\n" + 
-		"              System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"            }\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0032() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    #										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    bar(new Object() {						\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {							\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        if(true) {							\n"
-			+ "          System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        }									\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        #									\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        if(true) {							\n"
-			+ "          System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        }									\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "      }										\n"
-			+ "    });										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    bar(new Object() {\n" + 
-		"  () {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    if (true)\n" + 
-		"        {\n" + 
-		"          System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    if (true)\n" + 
-		"        {\n" + 
-		"          System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"});\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0033() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    #										\n"
-			+ "    class Z {								\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {							\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "      }										\n"
-			+ "    }										\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    class Z {\n" + 
-		"      Z() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0034() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    #										\n"
-			+ "    new Object() {							\n"
-			+ "      void foo() {							\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "      }										\n"
-			+ "    };										\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    new Object() {\n" + 
-		"      () {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      void foo() {\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    };\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0035() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    bar(\\u0029								\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n"; 	
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    bar();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0036() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    if(true) {								\n"
-			+ "      foo();									\n"
-			+ "    }										\n"
-			+ "    for(;									\n"
-			+ "    if(true) {								\n"
-			+ "      foo();									\n"
-			+ "    }										\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    if (true)\n" + 
-		"        {\n" + 
-		"          foo();\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"    for (; ; ) \n" + 
-		"      ;\n" + 
-		"    if (true)\n" + 
-		"        {\n" + 
-		"          foo();\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0037() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    if() {									\n"
-			+ "      foo();									\n"
-			+ "    }										\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    if ($missing$)\n" + 
-		"        {\n" + 
-		"          foo();\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0038() {
-	String s = 
-		"package p1;										\n"+
-			"public class A {									\n"+
-			"	public interface B {							\n"+
-			"		public abstract void aMethod (int A);		\n"+
-			"		public interface C {						\n"+
-			"			public abstract void anotherMethod(int A);\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public class aClass implements B, B.C {			\n"+
-			"		public void aMethod (int A) {				\n"+
-			"			public void anotherMethod(int A) {};	\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"   	public static void main (String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");			\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package p1;\n" + 
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"  public interface B {\n" + 
-		"    public interface C {\n" + 
-		"      public abstract void anotherMethod(int A);\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    public abstract void aMethod(int A);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public class aClass implements B, B.C {\n" + 
-		"    public aClass() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    public void aMethod(int A) {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public A() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] argv) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package p1;\n" + 
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"  public interface B {\n" + 
-		"    public interface C {\n" + 
-		"      public abstract void anotherMethod(int A);\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    public abstract void aMethod(int A);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public class aClass implements B, B.C {\n" + 
-		"    public aClass() {\n" + 
-		"      super();\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    public void aMethod(int A) {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public A() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] argv) {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package p1;\n" + 
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"  public interface B {\n" + 
-		"    public interface C {\n" + 
-		"      public abstract void anotherMethod(int A);\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    public abstract void aMethod(int A);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public class aClass implements B, B.C {\n" + 
-		"    public aClass() {\n" + 
-		"      super();\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    public void aMethod(int A) {\n" + 
-		"      public void anotherMethod;\n" + 
-		"      int A;\n" + 
-		"      ;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public A() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] argv) {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		"package p1;\n" + 
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"  public interface B {\n" + 
-		"    public interface C {\n" + 
-		"      public abstract void anotherMethod(int A);\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    public abstract void aMethod(int A);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public class aClass implements B, B.C {\n" + 
-		"    public aClass() {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    public void aMethod(int A) {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    public void anotherMethod(int A) {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public A() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] argv) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedFullUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0039() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  {											\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    foo()									\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    foo();\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0040() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  {											\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    class Y {								\n"
-			+ "      {										\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        foo()								\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "      }										\n"
-			+ "    }										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    class Y {\n" + 
-		"      {\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        foo();\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      Y() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0041() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  {											\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    class Y {								\n"
-			+ "      {										\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        foo()								\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "      }										\n"
-			+ "    }										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    class Z {								\n"
-			+ "      {										\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "        foo()								\n"
-			+ "        System.out.println();				\n"
-			+ "      }										\n"
-			+ "    }										\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "    foo()									\n"
-			+ "    System.out.println();					\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    class Y {\n" + 
-		"      {\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        foo();\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      Y() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    class Z {\n" + 
-		"      {\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"        foo();\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      Z() {\n" + 
-		"        super();\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"    foo();\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0042() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public class X {								\n"
-			+ "  void foo() {								\n"
-			+ "    for(int i								\n"
-			+ "  }											\n"
-			+ "}											\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public X() {\n" + 
-		"    super();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    for (int i;; ; ) \n" + 
-		"      ;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
-public void test0043() {
-	String s = 
-		"package a;											\n"
-			+ "public interface Test {						\n"
-			+ "  public void myMethod()						\n"
-			+ "}											\n";
-	String expectedDietUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public interface Test {\n" + 
-		"  public void myMethod() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public interface Test {\n" + 
-		"  public void myMethod() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString = 
-		"package a;\n" + 
-		"public interface Test {\n" + 
-		"  public void myMethod() {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-	String expectedFullUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString =
-		expectedDietUnitToString;
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedDietUnitToString,
-		expectedDietWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyUnitToString,
-		expectedDietPlusBodyWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		expectedFullUnitToString,
-		expectedFullWithStatementRecoveryUnitToString,
-		testName);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index ab3f37b..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.CategorizedProblem;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.AbstractCompilerTest;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.batch.CompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.DefaultProblem;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.DefaultProblemFactory;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter;
-public class SyntaxErrorTest extends AbstractCompilerTest {
-	public static boolean optimizeStringLiterals = false;
-	public static long sourceLevel = ClassFileConstants.JDK1_3; //$NON-NLS-1$
-public SyntaxErrorTest(String testName){
-	super(testName);
-public void checkParse(
-	char[] source, 
-	String expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis,
-	String testName) {
-	/* using regular parser in DIET mode */
-	Parser parser = 
-		new Parser(
-			new ProblemReporter(
-				DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-				new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()), 
-				new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault())),
-			optimizeStringLiterals);
-	ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null);
-	CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 0, 0, 0);	
-	parser.parse(sourceUnit, compilationResult);
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(100);
-	if (compilationResult.hasProblems() || compilationResult.hasTasks()) {
-		CategorizedProblem[] problems = compilationResult.getAllProblems();
-		int count = problems.length;
-		int problemCount = 0;
-		char[] unitSource = compilationResult.compilationUnit.getContents();
-		for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { 
-			if (problems[i] != null) {
-				if (problemCount == 0)
-					buffer.append("----------\n");
-				problemCount++;
-				buffer.append(problemCount + (problems[i].isError() ? ". ERROR" : ". WARNING"));
-				buffer.append(" in " + new String(problems[i].getOriginatingFileName()).replace('/', '\\'));
-				try {
-					buffer.append(((DefaultProblem)problems[i]).errorReportSource(unitSource));
-					buffer.append("\n");
-					buffer.append(problems[i].getMessage());
-					buffer.append("\n");
-				} catch (Exception e) {
-				}
-				buffer.append("----------\n");
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	String computedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis = buffer.toString();
- 	//System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis));
-	assertEquals(
-		"Invalid syntax error diagnosis" + testName,
-		Util.convertToIndependantLineDelimiter(expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis),
-		Util.convertToIndependantLineDelimiter(computedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis));
- * Should diagnose parenthesis mismatch
- */
-//TODO - fix bug
-public void Xtest01() {
-	String s = 
-		"function X() {									\n"+
-		" function solve(){								\n"+
-		"												\n"+
-		"  var results = new X[10];						\n"+
-		"  for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){					\n"+
-		"   var result = results[i];					\n"+
-		"   var found = false;							\n"+
-		"   for(var j = 0; j < 10; j++){				\n"+
-		"    if (this == (result.documentName){			\n"+
-		"     found = true;								\n"+
-		"     break;									\n"+
-		"    }											\n"+
-		"   }											\n"+
-		"  }											\n"+
-		"  return andResult;							\n"+
-		" }												\n"+
-		"}												\n"; 
-	String expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis =
-		"----------\n" +
-		"1. ERROR in <parenthesis mismatch> (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	if (this == (result.documentName){			\n" + 
-		"	                                ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \") BlockStatement\" to complete BlockStatements\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String testName = "<parenthesis mismatch>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis,
-		testName);
- * Should diagnose brace mismatch
- */
-public void test02() {
-	String s = 
-		"function Bar() {		\n"+				
-		" this.a = (fred().x{); \n"+					
-		"}						\n"; 	
-	String expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis =
-		"----------\n" +
-		"1. ERROR in <brace mismatch> (at line 2)\n" +
-		"	this.a = (fred().x{); \n" +
-		"	                  ^\n" +
-		"Syntax error on token \"{\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	String testName = "<brace mismatch>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis,
-		testName);
-public void test03() {
-	String s = 
-		"function X() { 												\n"+
-		"    o = { s: \"Success\"; };								\n"+
-		"}																\n"; 	
-	String expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis =
-		"----------\n"+
-		"1. ERROR in <test> (at line 2)\n"+
-		"	o = { s: \"Success\"; };								\n"+
-		"	                  ^\n"+
-		"Syntax error on token \";\", delete this token\n"+
-		"----------\n";
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis,
-		testName);
-public void test04() {
-	String s = 
-		"function X() { 												\n"+
-		"    var o = { s: \"Success\"; };								\n"+
-		"}																\n"; 	
-	String expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis =
-		"----------\n"+
-		"1. ERROR in <test> (at line 2)\n"+
-		"	var o = { s: \"Success\"; };								\n"+
-		"	                      ^\n"+
-		"Syntax error on token \";\", delete this token\n"+
-		"----------\n";
-	String testName = "<test>";
-	checkParse(
-		s.toCharArray(),
-		expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis,
-		testName);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 67161d6..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.junit.extension.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.AbstractCompilerTest;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
- * Run all parser regression tests
- */
-public class TestAll extends junit.framework.TestCase {
-	public final static List TEST_CLASSES_1_5 = new ArrayList();
-	static {
-		/* completion tests */
-		TEST_CLASSES_1_5.addAll(RunCompletionParserTests.TEST_CLASSES_1_5);
-	}
-public TestAll(String testName) {
-	super(testName);
-public static Test suite() {
-	ArrayList testClasses = new ArrayList();
-	/* completion tests */
-	testClasses.addAll(RunCompletionParserTests.TEST_CLASSES);
-	/* selection tests */
-	testClasses.add(ExplicitConstructorInvocationSelectionTest.class);
-	testClasses.add(SelectionTest.class);
-	testClasses.add(SelectionTest2.class);
-	testClasses.add(SelectionJavadocTest.class);
-	/* recovery tests */
-	testClasses.add(DietRecoveryTest.class);
-	testClasses.add(StatementRecoveryTest.class);
-	/* source element parser tests */
-	testClasses.add(SourceElementParserTest.class);
-	/* syntax error diagnosis tests */
-	testClasses.add(SyntaxErrorTest.class);
-	testClasses.add(DualParseSyntaxErrorTest.class);
-	testClasses.add(ParserTest.class);
-	testClasses.add(ComplianceDiagnoseTest.class);
-	TestSuite all = new TestSuite(TestAll.class.getName());
-	int possibleComplianceLevels = AbstractCompilerTest.getPossibleComplianceLevels();
-	if ((possibleComplianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_3) != 0) {
-		ArrayList tests_1_3 = (ArrayList)testClasses.clone();
-		// Reset forgotten subsets tests
-		TestCase.TESTS_PREFIX = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NAMES = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NUMBERS= null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_RANGE = null;
-		TestCase.RUN_ONLY_ID = null;
-		all.addTest(AbstractCompilerTest.buildComplianceTestSuite(AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_3, tests_1_3));
-	}
-	if ((possibleComplianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_4) != 0) {
-		ArrayList tests_1_4 = (ArrayList)testClasses.clone();
-		// Reset forgotten subsets tests
-		TestCase.TESTS_PREFIX = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NAMES = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NUMBERS= null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_RANGE = null;
-		TestCase.RUN_ONLY_ID = null;
-		all.addTest(AbstractCompilerTest.buildComplianceTestSuite(AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_4, tests_1_4));
-	}
-	if ((possibleComplianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_5) != 0) {
-		ArrayList tests_1_5 = (ArrayList)testClasses.clone();
-		tests_1_5.addAll(TEST_CLASSES_1_5);
-		// Reset forgotten subsets tests
-		TestCase.TESTS_PREFIX = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NAMES = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NUMBERS= null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_RANGE = null;
-		TestCase.RUN_ONLY_ID = null;
-		all.addTest(AbstractCompilerTest.buildComplianceTestSuite(AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_5, tests_1_5));
-	}
-	if ((possibleComplianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_6) != 0) {
-		ArrayList tests_1_6 = (ArrayList)testClasses.clone();
-		tests_1_6.addAll(TEST_CLASSES_1_5);
-		// Reset forgotten subsets tests
-		TestCase.TESTS_PREFIX = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NAMES = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NUMBERS= null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_RANGE = null;
-		TestCase.RUN_ONLY_ID = null;
-		all.addTest(AbstractCompilerTest.buildComplianceTestSuite(AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_6, tests_1_6));
-	}
-	if ((possibleComplianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_7) != 0) {
-		ArrayList tests_1_7 = (ArrayList)testClasses.clone();
-		tests_1_7.addAll(TEST_CLASSES_1_5);
-		// Reset forgotten subsets tests
-		TestCase.TESTS_PREFIX = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NAMES = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NUMBERS= null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_RANGE = null;
-		TestCase.RUN_ONLY_ID = null;
-		all.addTest(AbstractCompilerTest.buildComplianceTestSuite(AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_7, tests_1_7));
-	}
-	return all;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e06d49..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.parser;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.CategorizedProblem;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ISourceElementRequestor;
-public class TestSourceElementRequestor implements ISourceElementRequestor {
- * DummySourceElementRequestor constructor comment.
- */
-public TestSourceElementRequestor() {
-	super();
- * acceptConstructorReference method comment.
- */
-public void acceptConstructorReference(char[] typeName, int argCount, int sourcePosition) {}
- * acceptFieldReference method comment.
- */
-public void acceptFieldReference(char[] fieldName, int sourcePosition) {}
- * acceptImport method comment.
- */
-public void acceptImport(int declarationStart, int declarationEnd, char[][] tokens, boolean onDemand) {}
- * acceptLineSeparatorPositions method comment.
- */
-public void acceptLineSeparatorPositions(int[] positions) {}
- * acceptMethodReference method comment.
- */
-public void acceptMethodReference(char[] methodName, int argCount, int sourcePosition) {}
- * acceptPackage method comment.
- */
-public void acceptPackage(int declarationStart, int declarationEnd, char[] name) {}
- * acceptProblem method comment.
- */
-public void acceptProblem(CategorizedProblem problem) {}
- * acceptTypeReference method comment.
- */
-public void acceptTypeReference(char[][] typeName, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd) {}
- * acceptTypeReference method comment.
- */
-public void acceptTypeReference(char[] typeName, int sourcePosition) {}
- * acceptUnknownReference method comment.
- */
-public void acceptUnknownReference(char[][] name, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd) {}
- * acceptUnknownReference method comment.
- */
-public void acceptUnknownReference(char[] name, int sourcePosition) {}
- * enterCompilationUnit method comment.
- */
-public void enterCompilationUnit() {}
- * enterConstructor method comment.
- */
-public void enterConstructor(MethodInfo methodInfo) {}
- * enterField method comment.
- */
-public void enterField(FieldInfo fieldInfo) {}
- * enterMethod method comment.
- */
-public void enterMethod(MethodInfo methodInfo) {}
- * enterType method comment.
- */
-public void enterType(TypeInfo typeInfo) {}
- * exitCompilationUnit method comment.
- */
-public void exitCompilationUnit(int declarationEnd) {}
- * exitConstructor method comment.
- */
-public void exitConstructor(int declarationEnd) {}
- * exitField method comment.
- */
-public void exitField(int initializationStart, int declarationEnd, int declarationSourceEnd) {}
- * exitMethod method comment.
- */
-public void exitMethod(int declarationEnd, int defaultValueStart, int defaultValueEnd) {}
- * enterInitializer method comment.
- */
-public void enterInitializer(int sourceStart, int sourceEnd) {
- * exitInitializer method comment.
- */
-public void exitInitializer(int sourceEnd) {
- * exitType method comment.
- */
-public void exitType(int declarationEnd) {}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index e28ff8f..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1006 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ASTVisitor;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.Argument;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.BinaryExpression;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.CharLiteral;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.CombinedBinaryExpression;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.ExtendedStringLiteral;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.JavadocSingleTypeReference;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.LocalDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.SingleNameReference;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.StringLiteral;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.StringLiteralConcatenation;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.batch.CompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.lookup.BlockScope;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ClassScope;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.DefaultProblemFactory;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter;
- * A tests series especially meant to validate the internals of our AST
- * implementation.
- */
-public class ASTImplTests extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-public ASTImplTests(String name) { 
-    super(name);
-	// Static initializer to specify tests subset using TESTS_* static variables
-  	// All specified tests which does not belong to the class are skipped...
-  	// Only the highest compliance level is run; add the VM argument
-  	// -Dcompliance=1.4 (for example) to lower it if needed
-  	static {
-//    	TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "test2050" };
-//    	TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 3 };   
-//    	TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 2999 };   
-//    	TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 2050, -1 }; 
-  	}
-public static Test suite() {
-    return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-public static Class testClass() {
-    return ASTImplTests.class;
-// Helper methods
-static Parser defaultParser = new Parser(
-			new ProblemReporter(DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-			new CompilerOptions(), 
-			new DefaultProblemFactory()), false);
-public void runConformTest(String fileName, String fileContents, 
-		Parser parser, ASTCollector visitor, String expected) {
-	CompilationUnit source = 
-		new CompilationUnit(fileContents.toCharArray(),	fileName, null);
-	CompilationResult compilationResult =
-		new CompilationResult(source, 1, 1, 10); 
-	CompilationUnitDeclaration unit = parser.parse(source, compilationResult);
-	assertEquals(0, compilationResult.problemCount);
-	unit.traverse(visitor, unit.scope);
-	String result = visitor.result();
-	if (! expected.equals(result)) {
-		System.out.println(getClass().getName() + '#' + getName());
-		System.out.println("Expected:");
-		System.out.println(expected);
-		System.out.println("But was:");
-		System.out.println(result);
-		System.out.println("Cut and paste:");
-		System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, INDENT, SHIFT));
-	}
-	assertEquals(expected, result);
-// AST implementation - visiting binary expressions
-public void test0001_regular_binary_expression() {
-	runConformTest(
-		"X.js", 
-		"  function foo() {\n" + 
-		"    var s1 = \"s1\";\n" + 
-		"    var s2 = \"s2\";\n" + 
-		"    var s3 = \"s3\";\n" + 
-		"    var s4 = \"s4\";\n" + 
-		"    println(s1 + \"l1\" + s2 + \"l2\" +\n" +
-		"      s3 + \"l3\" + s4);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"\n",
-		defaultParser,
-		new ASTBinaryExpressionCollector(),
-		"[v SL \"s1\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s1\"]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"s2\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s2\"]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"s3\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s3\"]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"s4\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s4\"]\n" + 
-		"[v BE ((((((s1 + \"l1\") + s...) + s4)]\n" + 
-		"[v BE (((((s1 + \"l1\") + s2...+ \"l3\")]\n" + 
-		"[v BE ((((s1 + \"l1\") + s2)...) + s3)]\n" + 
-		"[v BE (((s1 + \"l1\") + s2) + \"l2\")]\n" + 
-		"[v BE ((s1 + \"l1\") + s2)]\n" + 
-		"[v BE (s1 + \"l1\")]\n" + 
-		"[v SNR s1]\n" + 
-		"[ev SNR s1]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"l1\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"l1\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE (s1 + \"l1\")]\n" + 
-		"[v SNR s2]\n" + 
-		"[ev SNR s2]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE ((s1 + \"l1\") + s2)]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"l2\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"l2\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE (((s1 + \"l1\") + s2) + \"l2\")]\n" + 
-		"[v SNR s3]\n" + 
-		"[ev SNR s3]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE ((((s1 + \"l1\") + s2)...) + s3)]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"l3\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"l3\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE (((((s1 + \"l1\") + s2...+ \"l3\")]\n" + 
-		"[v SNR s4]\n" + 
-		"[ev SNR s4]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE ((((((s1 + \"l1\") + s...) + s4)]\n");
-// AST implementation - visiting binary expressions
-// Adding combined binary expressions
-public void test0002_combined_binary_expression() {
-	CombinedBinaryExpression.defaultArityMaxStartingValue = 3;
-	// one CBE each fourth BE
-	runConformTest(
-		"X.js", 
-		"  function foo() {\n" + 
-		"    var s1 = \"s1\";\n" + 
-		"    var s2 = \"s2\";\n" + 
-		"    var s3 = \"s3\";\n" + 
-		"    var s4 = \"s4\";\n" + 
-		"    println(s1 + \"l1\" + s2 + \"l2\" +\n" +
-		"      s3 + \"l3\" + s4);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"\n",
-		defaultParser,
-		new ASTBinaryExpressionCollector() {
-			public void endVisit(BinaryExpression binaryExpression, BlockScope scope) {
-				if (binaryExpression instanceof CombinedBinaryExpression &&
-						((CombinedBinaryExpression) binaryExpression).
-							referencesTable != null) {
-					this.collector.append("[ev CBE " + 
-						cut(binaryExpression.toString()) + "]\n");
-				} else {
-					super.endVisit(binaryExpression, scope);
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		"[v SL \"s1\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s1\"]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"s2\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s2\"]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"s3\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s3\"]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"s4\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s4\"]\n" + 
-		"[v BE ((((((s1 + \"l1\") + s...) + s4)]\n" + 
-		"[v BE (((((s1 + \"l1\") + s2...+ \"l3\")]\n" + 
-		"[v BE ((((s1 + \"l1\") + s2)...) + s3)]\n" + 
-		"[v BE (((s1 + \"l1\") + s2) + \"l2\")]\n" + 
-		"[v BE ((s1 + \"l1\") + s2)]\n" + 
-		"[v BE (s1 + \"l1\")]\n" + 
-		"[v SNR s1]\n" + 
-		"[ev SNR s1]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"l1\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"l1\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE (s1 + \"l1\")]\n" + 
-		"[v SNR s2]\n" + 
-		"[ev SNR s2]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE ((s1 + \"l1\") + s2)]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"l2\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"l2\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE (((s1 + \"l1\") + s2) + \"l2\")]\n" + 
-		"[v SNR s3]\n" + 
-		"[ev SNR s3]\n" + 
-		"[ev CBE ((((s1 + \"l1\") + s2)...) + s3)]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"l3\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"l3\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE (((((s1 + \"l1\") + s2...+ \"l3\")]\n" + 
-		"[v SNR s4]\n" + 
-		"[ev SNR s4]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE ((((((s1 + \"l1\") + s...) + s4)]\n");
-	CombinedBinaryExpression.defaultArityMaxStartingValue = 
-		CombinedBinaryExpression.ARITY_MAX_MIN;
-// AST implementation - visiting binary expressions
-// Adding combined binary expressions
-public void test0003_combined_binary_expression() {
-	Parser parser = new Parser(
-			new ProblemReporter(DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-			new CompilerOptions(), 
-			new DefaultProblemFactory()), true); // optimize string literals
-	CombinedBinaryExpression.defaultArityMaxStartingValue = 2;
-		// one CBE each third BE - except the top one, which is degenerate (no
-		// references table)
-	runConformTest(
-		"X.js", 
-		"  function foo() {\n" + 
-		"    var s1 = \"s1\";\n" + 
-		"    var s2 = \"s2\";\n" + 
-		"    var s3 = \"s3\";\n" + 
-		"    var s4 = \"s4\";\n" + 
-		"    println(s1 + \"l1\" + s2 + \"l2\" +\n" +
-		"      s3 + \"l3\" + s4);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"\n",
-		parser,		
-		new ASTBinaryExpressionCollector() {
-			public void endVisit(BinaryExpression binaryExpression, BlockScope scope) {
-				if (binaryExpression instanceof CombinedBinaryExpression &&
-						((CombinedBinaryExpression) binaryExpression).
-							referencesTable != null) {
-					this.collector.append("[ev CBE " + 
-						cut(binaryExpression.toString()) + "]\n");
-				} else {
-					super.endVisit(binaryExpression, scope);
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		"[v SL \"s1\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s1\"]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"s2\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s2\"]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"s3\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s3\"]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"s4\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s4\"]\n" + 
-		"[v BE ((((((s1 + \"l1\") + s...) + s4)]\n" + 
-		"[v BE (((((s1 + \"l1\") + s2...+ \"l3\")]\n" + 
-		"[v BE ((((s1 + \"l1\") + s2)...) + s3)]\n" + 
-		"[v BE (((s1 + \"l1\") + s2) + \"l2\")]\n" + 
-		"[v BE ((s1 + \"l1\") + s2)]\n" + 
-		"[v BE (s1 + \"l1\")]\n" + 
-		"[v SNR s1]\n" + 
-		"[ev SNR s1]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"l1\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"l1\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE (s1 + \"l1\")]\n" + 
-		"[v SNR s2]\n" + 
-		"[ev SNR s2]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE ((s1 + \"l1\") + s2)]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"l2\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"l2\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev CBE (((s1 + \"l1\") + s2) + \"l2\")]\n" + 
-		"[v SNR s3]\n" + 
-		"[ev SNR s3]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE ((((s1 + \"l1\") + s2)...) + s3)]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"l3\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"l3\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE (((((s1 + \"l1\") + s2...+ \"l3\")]\n" + 
-		"[v SNR s4]\n" + 
-		"[ev SNR s4]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE ((((((s1 + \"l1\") + s...) + s4)]\n");
-	CombinedBinaryExpression.defaultArityMaxStartingValue = 
-		CombinedBinaryExpression.ARITY_MAX_MIN;
-// AST implementation - visiting binary expressions
-// Adding combined binary expressions - effect of a literal at the start with
-// string literal optimization
-public void test0004_combined_binary_expression() {
-	Parser parser = new Parser(
-			new ProblemReporter(DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-			new CompilerOptions(), 
-			new DefaultProblemFactory()), true); // optimize string literals
-	runConformTest(
-		"X.js", 
-		"  function foo() {\n" + 
-		"    var s1 = \"s1\";\n" + 
-		"    println(\"l\" + \"1\" + s1);\n" +
-			// "l" + "1" is collapsed into "l1" without affecting binary 
-			// expressions: only one BE
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"\n",
-		parser,
-		new ASTBinaryExpressionCollector(),
-		"[v SL \"s1\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s1\"]\n" + 
-		"[v BE (ExtendedStringLiter...} + s1)]\n" + 
-		"[v ESL ExtendedStringLiteral{l1}]\n" + 
-		"[ev ESL ExtendedStringLiteral{l1}]\n" + 
-		"[v SNR s1]\n" + 
-		"[ev SNR s1]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE (ExtendedStringLiter...} + s1)]\n");
-// AST implementation - visiting binary expressions
-// Adding combined binary expressions - effect of a literal at the start without
-// string literals optimization
-public void test0005_combined_binary_expression() {
-	runConformTest(
-		"X.js", 
-		"  function foo() {\n" + 
-		"    var s1 = \"s1\";\n" + 
-		"    println(\"l\" + \"1\" + s1);\n" +
-			// "l" + "1" is handled by a string literal concatenation without 
-			// affecting binary expressions: only one BE
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"\n",
-		defaultParser,
-		new ASTBinaryExpressionCollector(),
-		"[v SL \"s1\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s1\"]\n" + 
-		"[v BE (StringLiteralConcat...} + s1)]\n" + 
-		"[v SLC StringLiteralConcate...\n" + 
-		"\"1\"+\n" + 
-		"}]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"l\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"l\"]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"1\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"1\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SLC StringLiteralConcate...\n" + 
-		"\"1\"+\n" + 
-		"}]\n" + 
-		"[v SNR s1]\n" + 
-		"[ev SNR s1]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE (StringLiteralConcat...} + s1)]\n");
-// AST implementation - visiting binary expressions
-// Adding combined binary expressions - cutting the traversal half-way down
-public void test0006_combined_binary_expression() {
-	CombinedBinaryExpression.defaultArityMaxStartingValue = 1;
-	runConformTest(
-		"X.js", 
-		"  function foo() {\n" + 
-		"    var s1 = \"s1\";\n" + 
-		"    var s2 = \"s2\";\n" + 
-		"    var s3 = \"s3\";\n" + 
-		"    var s4 = \"s4\";\n" + 
-		"    println(s1 + \"l1\" + s2 + \"l2\" +\n" +
-		"      s3 + s1 + s4);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"\n",
-		defaultParser,
-		new ASTBinaryExpressionCollector() {
-			public boolean visit(BinaryExpression binaryExpression, BlockScope scope) {
-				super.visit(binaryExpression, scope);
-				if (binaryExpression.right instanceof StringLiteral) {
-					return false;
-				}
-				return true;
-			}
-		},
-		"[v SL \"s1\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s1\"]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"s2\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s2\"]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"s3\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s3\"]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"s4\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s4\"]\n" + 
-		"[v BE ((((((s1 + \"l1\") + s...) + s4)]\n" + 
-		"[v BE (((((s1 + \"l1\") + s2...) + s1)]\n" + 
-		"[v BE ((((s1 + \"l1\") + s2)...) + s3)]\n" + 
-		"[v BE (((s1 + \"l1\") + s2) + \"l2\")]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE (((s1 + \"l1\") + s2) + \"l2\")]\n" + 
-		"[v SNR s3]\n" + 
-		"[ev SNR s3]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE ((((s1 + \"l1\") + s2)...) + s3)]\n" + 
-		"[v SNR s1]\n" + 
-		"[ev SNR s1]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE (((((s1 + \"l1\") + s2...) + s1)]\n" + 
-		"[v SNR s4]\n" + 
-		"[ev SNR s4]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE ((((((s1 + \"l1\") + s...) + s4)]\n");
-	CombinedBinaryExpression.defaultArityMaxStartingValue = 
-		CombinedBinaryExpression.ARITY_MAX_MIN;
-// AST implementation - visiting binary expressions
-// Adding combined binary expressions - cutting the traversal right away
-public void test0007_combined_binary_expression() {
-	CombinedBinaryExpression.defaultArityMaxStartingValue = 4; 
-	runConformTest(
-		"X.js", 
-		"  function foo() {\n" + 
-		"    var s1 = \"s1\";\n" + 
-		"    var s2 = \"s2\";\n" + 
-		"    var s3 = \"s3\";\n" + 
-		"    var s4 = \"s4\";\n" + 
-		"    println(s1 + \"l1\" + s2 + \"l2\" +\n" +
-		"      s3 + \"l3\" + s4);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"\n",
-		defaultParser,
-		new ASTBinaryExpressionCollector() {
-			public boolean visit(BinaryExpression binaryExpression, BlockScope scope) {
-				super.visit(binaryExpression, scope);
-				return false;
-			}
-		},
-		"[v SL \"s1\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s1\"]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"s2\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s2\"]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"s3\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s3\"]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"s4\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s4\"]\n" + 
-		"[v BE ((((((s1 + \"l1\") + s...) + s4)]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE ((((((s1 + \"l1\") + s...) + s4)]\n");
-	CombinedBinaryExpression.defaultArityMaxStartingValue = 
-		CombinedBinaryExpression.ARITY_MAX_MIN;
-// AST implementation - visiting binary expressions
-// Adding combined binary expressions - case of one-deep expression
-public void test0008_combined_binary_expression() {
-	runConformTest(
-		"X.js", 
-		"  function foo() {\n" + 
-		"    var s1 = \"s1\";\n" + 
-		"    var s2 = \"s2\";\n" + 
-		"    println(s1 + \"l1\" + s2 + \"l2\");\n" + 
-		"    println(s1 + s2);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"\n",
-		defaultParser,		
-		new ASTBinaryExpressionCollector() {
-			public void endVisit(BinaryExpression binaryExpression, BlockScope scope) {
-				if (binaryExpression instanceof CombinedBinaryExpression) {
-					this.collector.append("[ev CBE " + 
-						cut(binaryExpression.toString()) + "]\n");
-				} else {
-					super.endVisit(binaryExpression, scope);
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		"[v SL \"s1\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s1\"]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"s2\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"s2\"]\n" + 
-		"[v BE (((s1 + \"l1\") + s2) + \"l2\")]\n" + 
-		"[v BE ((s1 + \"l1\") + s2)]\n" + 
-		"[v BE (s1 + \"l1\")]\n" + 
-		"[v SNR s1]\n" + 
-		"[ev SNR s1]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"l1\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"l1\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE (s1 + \"l1\")]\n" + 
-		"[v SNR s2]\n" + 
-		"[ev SNR s2]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE ((s1 + \"l1\") + s2)]\n" + 
-		"[v SL \"l2\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev SL \"l2\"]\n" + 
-		"[ev CBE (((s1 + \"l1\") + s2) + \"l2\")]\n" + 
-		"[v BE (s1 + s2)]\n" + 
-		"[v SNR s1]\n" + 
-		"[ev SNR s1]\n" + 
-		"[v SNR s2]\n" + 
-		"[ev SNR s2]\n" + 
-		"[ev BE (s1 + s2)]\n");
-// check if the generated code is OK when leveraging CombinedBinaryExpression
-public void test0009_combined_binary_expression() {
-	assertEquals(20, CombinedBinaryExpression.ARITY_MAX_MIN);
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"  function main(args) {\n" + 
-			"    var max = 30; \n" + 
-			"    var s = new Array();\n" + 
-			"    for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {\n" + 
-			"        s[i] = \"a\";\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    foo(s);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			" function foo (s) {\n" + 
-			"    println(\n" + 
-			"        s[0] + s[1] + s[2] + s[3] + s[4] + s[5] + s[6] + \n" +
-			"        s[7] + s[8] + s[9] + s[10] + s[11] + s[12] + s[13] +\n" +
-			"        s[14] + s[15] + s[16] + s[17] + s[18] + s[19] + \n" + 
-			"        s[20] + s[21] + s[22] + s[23] + s[24] + s[25] + \n" +
-			"        s[26] + s[27] + s[28] + s[29]\n" + 
-			"        );\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			""},
-		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa");
-// check if the generated code is OK when leveraging CombinedBinaryExpression
-// variant involving constant binary expressions deep in the tree
-public void test0010_combined_binary_expression() {
-	assertEquals(20, CombinedBinaryExpression.ARITY_MAX_MIN);
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  function main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"    final int max = 30; \n" + 
-			"    String s[] = new String[max];\n" + 
-			"    for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {\n" + 
-			"        s[i] = \"a\";\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    foo(s);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			" function foo (s) {\n" +
-			"    var c = \"a\";" + 
-			"    println(\n" + 
-			"        c + c + c + c + s[4] + s[5] + s[6] + s[7] + s[8] + \n" +
-			"        s[9] + s[10] + s[11] + s[12] + s[13] + s[14] + \n" +
-			"        s[15] + s[16] + s[17] + s[18] + s[19] + s[20] + \n" +
-			"        s[21] + s[22] + s[23] + s[24] + s[25] + s[26] + \n" +
-			"        s[27] + s[28] + s[29]\n" + 
-			"        );\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa");
-// check if the generated code is OK when leveraging CombinedBinaryExpression
-// variant involving a constant combined binary expression
-public void test0011_combined_binary_expression() {
-	assertEquals(20, CombinedBinaryExpression.ARITY_MAX_MIN);
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"  function main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"    var max = 30; \n" + 
-			"    var s = new Array();\n" + 
-			"    for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {\n" + 
-			"        s[i] = \"a\";\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    foo(s);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			" function foo (s) {\n" +
-			"    var c = \"a\";" + 
-			"    println(\n" + 
-			"        c + c + c + c + c + c + c + c + c + c + \n" + 
-			"        c + c + c + c + c + c + c + c + c + c + \n" + 
-			"        c + c + s[22] + s[23] + s[24] + s[25] + s[26] + \n" +
-			"        s[27] + s[28] + s[29]\n" + 
-			"        );\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			""
-		},
-		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa");
-// AST implementation - visiting binary expressions
-// Adding combined binary expressions - checking recursive print
-public void test0012_combined_binary_expression() {
-	CombinedBinaryExpression.defaultArityMaxStartingValue = 2; 
-	runConformTest(
-		"X.js", 
-		"  function foo() {\n" + 
-		"    var s1 = \"s1\";\n" + 
-		"    var s2 = \"s2\";\n" + 
-		"    var s3 = \"s3\";\n" + 
-		"    var s4 = \"s4\";\n" + 
-		"    println(s1 + \"l1\" + s2 + \"l2\" +\n" +
-		"      s3 + s1 + s4);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"\n",
-		defaultParser,
-		new ASTCollector() {
-			public boolean visit(BinaryExpression binaryExpression, 
-					BlockScope scope) {
-				super.visit(binaryExpression, scope);
-				this.collector.append(binaryExpression);
-				return true;
-			}
-		},
-		"((((((s1 + \"l1\") + s2) + \"l2\") + s3) + s1) + s4)(((((s1 + \"l1\")" +
-		" + s2) + \"l2\") + s3) + s1)((((s1 + \"l1\") + s2) + \"l2\") + s3)" +
-		"(((s1 + \"l1\") + s2) + \"l2\")((s1 + \"l1\") + s2)(s1 + \"l1\")");
-	CombinedBinaryExpression.defaultArityMaxStartingValue = 
-		CombinedBinaryExpression.ARITY_MAX_MIN;
-//// check if the generated code is OK when leveraging CombinedBinaryExpression
-//// variant involving a left-deep right expression at the topmost level
-//public void test0013_combined_binary_expression() {
-//	assertEquals(20, CombinedBinaryExpression.ARITY_MAX_MIN);
-//	this.runConformTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"X.js",
-//			"  function main(var args[]) {\n" + 
-//			"    final int max = 30; \n" + 
-//			"    var s[] = new String[max];\n" + 
-//			"    for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {\n" + 
-//			"        s[i] = \"a\";\n" + 
-//			"    }\n" + 
-//			"    foo(s);\n" + 
-//			"}\n" + 
-//			" function foo (var s[]) {\n" + 
-//			"    println(\n" + 
-//			"        \"b\" + (s[0] + s[1] + s[2] + s[3] + s[4] + s[5] + s[6] + \n" +
-//			"        s[7] + s[8] + s[9] + s[10] + s[11] + s[12] + s[13] +\n" +
-//			"        s[14] + s[15] + s[16] + s[17] + s[18] + s[19] + \n" + 
-//			"        s[20] + s[21] + s[22] + s[23] + s[24] + s[25] + \n" +
-//			"        s[26] + s[27] + s[28] + s[29])\n" + 
-//			"        );\n" + 
-//			"}\n" + 
-//			"}"
-//		},
-//		"baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa");
-//// check if the generated code is OK when leveraging CombinedBinaryExpression
-//// variant involving a left-deep right expression at the topmost level, with
-//// a constant high in tree
-//public void test0014_combined_binary_expression() {
-//	assertEquals(20, CombinedBinaryExpression.ARITY_MAX_MIN);
-//	this.runConformTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"X.js",
-//			" class X {\n" + 
-//			"  function main(var args[]) {\n" + 
-//			"    final int max = 30; \n" + 
-//			"    var s[] = new String[max];\n" + 
-//			"    for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {\n" + 
-//			"        s[i] = \"a\";\n" + 
-//			"    }\n" + 
-//			"    foo(s);\n" + 
-//			"}\n" + 
-//			" function foo (var s[]) {\n" +
-//			"    final var c = \"c\";\n" + 
-//			"    println(\n" + 
-//			"        \"b\" + \n" +
-//			"         (c + c + c + c + c + c + c + c + c + c + \n" +
-//			"          c + c + c + c + c + c + c + c + c + c + \n" +
-//			"          c + c + s[0])\n" + 
-//			"        );\n" + 
-//			"}\n" + 
-//			"}"
-//		},
-//		"bcccccccccccccccccccccca");
-// check if the generated code is OK when leveraging CombinedBinaryExpression
-// variant involving a left-deep right expression at the topmost level, with
-// a constant low in tree
-//public void test0015_combined_binary_expression() {
-//	assertEquals(20, CombinedBinaryExpression.ARITY_MAX_MIN);
-//	this.runConformTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"X.js",
-//			" class X {\n" + 
-//			"  function main(var args[]) {\n" + 
-//			"    final int max = 30; \n" + 
-//			"    var s[] = new String[max];\n" + 
-//			"    for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {\n" + 
-//			"        s[i] = \"a\";\n" + 
-//			"    }\n" + 
-//			"    foo(s);\n" + 
-//			"}\n" + 
-//			" function foo (var s[]) {\n" +
-//			"    final var c = \"c\";\n" + 
-//			"    println(\n" + 
-//			"        \"b\" + \n" +
-//			"         (c + c + c + c + c + c + c + c + c + c + \n" +
-//			"          c + c + c + c + c + c + c + c + c + c + \n" +
-//			"          s[0] + s[1] + s[2])\n" + 
-//			"        );\n" + 
-//			"}\n" + 
-//			"}"
-//		},
-//		"bccccccccccccccccccccaaa");
-// AST implementation - binary expressions
-// Adding combined binary expressions - alternate operands
-public void test0016_combined_binary_expression() {
-	CombinedBinaryExpression.defaultArityMaxStartingValue = 2; 
-	this.runConformTest(
-		"X.js", 
-		"function foo( i1,  i2,  i3,  i4) {\n" + 
-		"  println(i1 - i2 + 0 + i3 + 0 + i4);\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"\n",
-		defaultParser,
-		new ASTCollector() {
-			public boolean visit(BinaryExpression binaryExpression, 
-					BlockScope scope) {
-				super.visit(binaryExpression, scope);
-				this.collector.append(binaryExpression);
-				return true;
-			}
-		},
-		"(((((i1 - i2) + 0) + i3) + 0) + i4)((((i1 - i2) + 0) + i3) + 0)" +
-			"(((i1 - i2) + 0) + i3)((i1 - i2) + 0)(i1 - i2)");
-	CombinedBinaryExpression.defaultArityMaxStartingValue = 
-		CombinedBinaryExpression.ARITY_MAX_MIN;
-//public void test0017() {
-//	CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions();
-//	options.complianceLevel = ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5;
-//	options.sourceLevel = ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5;
-//	options.targetJDK = ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5;
-//	this.runConformTest(
-//		"X.js", 
-//		"@interface Annot {\n" +
-//		"	int value() default 0;\n" +
-//		"}\n" +
-//		"@Annot\n" +
-//		"@Annot(3)\n" +
-//		"@Annot(value=4)\n" +
-//		" class X {\n" + 
-//		"}\n",
-//		new Parser(
-//				new ProblemReporter(DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-//				options, 
-//				new DefaultProblemFactory()), false),
-//		new AnnotationCollector(),
-//		"marker annotation start visit\n" + 
-//		"marker annotation end visit\n" + 
-//		"single member annotation start visit\n" + 
-//		"3\n" + 
-//		"single member annotation end visit\n" + 
-//		"normal annotation start visit\n" + 
-//		"member value pair start visit\n" + 
-//		"value, 4\n" + 
-//		"member value pair end visit\n" + 
-//		"normal annotation end visit\n");
-//public void test0018() {
-//	CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions();
-//	options.complianceLevel = ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5;
-//	options.sourceLevel = ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5;
-//	options.targetJDK = ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5;
-//	options.docCommentSupport = true;
-//	this.runConformTest(
-//		"X.js", 
-//		"@interface Annot {\n" +
-//		"	int value() default 0;\n" +
-//		"}\n" +
-//		"/**\n" +
-//		" * @see Annot\n" +
-//		" */\n" +
-//		"@Annot\n" +
-//		"@Annot(3)\n" +
-//		"@Annot(value=4)\n" +
-//		" class X {\n" +
-//		"	/**\n" +
-//		"	 * @see Annot\n" +
-//		"	 */\n" +
-//		"	public function foo() {}\n" +
-//		"}\n",
-//		new Parser(
-//				new ProblemReporter(DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-//				options, 
-//				new DefaultProblemFactory()), false),
-//		new AnnotationCollector(),
-//		"java doc single type reference start visit\n" + 
-//		"java doc single type reference end visit\n" + 
-//		"marker annotation start visit\n" + 
-//		"marker annotation end visit\n" + 
-//		"single member annotation start visit\n" + 
-//		"3\n" + 
-//		"single member annotation end visit\n" + 
-//		"normal annotation start visit\n" + 
-//		"member value pair start visit\n" + 
-//		"value, 4\n" + 
-//		"member value pair end visit\n" + 
-//		"normal annotation end visit\n" + 
-//		"java doc single type reference start visit\n" + 
-//		"java doc single type reference end visit\n");
-//public void test0019() {
-//	CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions();
-//	options.complianceLevel = ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5;
-//	options.sourceLevel = ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5;
-//	options.targetJDK = ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5;
-//	options.docCommentSupport = true;
-//	this.runConformTest(
-//		"X.js", 
-//		"@interface Annot {\n" +
-//		"	int value() default 0;\n" +
-//		"}\n" +
-//		"/**\n" +
-//		" * @see Annot\n" +
-//		" */\n" +
-//		"@Annot\n" +
-//		"@Annot(3)\n" +
-//		"@Annot(value=4)\n" +
-//		"public class X {\n" +
-//		"	/**\n" +
-//		"	 * @see Annot\n" +
-//		"	 */\n" +
-//		"	public function foo(@Annot int i) {\n" +
-//		"		@Annot int j = 0;" +
-//		"	}\n" +
-//		"}\n",
-//		new Parser(
-//				new ProblemReporter(DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), 
-//				options, 
-//				new DefaultProblemFactory()), false),
-//		new AnnotationCollector(),
-//		"java doc single type reference start visit\n" + 
-//		"java doc single type reference end visit\n" + 
-//		"marker annotation start visit\n" + 
-//		"marker annotation end visit\n" + 
-//		"single member annotation start visit\n" + 
-//		"3\n" + 
-//		"single member annotation end visit\n" + 
-//		"normal annotation start visit\n" + 
-//		"member value pair start visit\n" + 
-//		"value, 4\n" + 
-//		"member value pair end visit\n" + 
-//		"normal annotation end visit\n" + 
-//		"java doc single type reference start visit\n" + 
-//		"java doc single type reference end visit\n" + 
-//		"start argument\n" + 
-//		"marker annotation start visit\n" + 
-//		"marker annotation end visit\n" + 
-//		"exit argument\n" + 
-//		"start local declaration\n" + 
-//		"marker annotation start visit\n" + 
-//		"marker annotation end visit\n" + 
-//		"exit local declaration\n");
-// Helper classes: define visitors leveraged by some tests
-class ASTCollector extends ASTVisitor {
-	StringBuffer collector = new StringBuffer();
-public String result() {
-	return this.collector.toString();
-class ASTBinaryExpressionCollector extends ASTCollector {
-static final int LIMIT = 30;
-// help limit the output in length by suppressing the middle
-// part of strings which length exceeds LIMIT
-String cut(String source) {
-	int length;
-	if ((length = source.length()) > LIMIT) {
-		StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(length);
-		result.append(source.substring(0, LIMIT - 10));
-		result.append("...");
-		result.append(source.substring(length - 7, length));
-		return result.toString();
-	} else {
-		return source;
-	}
-public void endVisit(BinaryExpression binaryExpression, BlockScope scope) {
-	this.collector.append("[ev BE " + cut(binaryExpression.toString()) + "]\n");
-	super.endVisit(binaryExpression, scope);
-public void endVisit(CharLiteral charLiteral, BlockScope scope) {
-	this.collector.append("[ev CL " + cut(charLiteral.toString()) + "]\n");
-	super.endVisit(charLiteral, scope);
-public void endVisit(ExtendedStringLiteral literal, BlockScope scope) {
-	this.collector.append("[ev ESL " + cut(literal.toString()) + "]\n");
-	super.endVisit(literal, scope);
-public void endVisit(SingleNameReference singleNameReference, 
-		BlockScope scope) {
-	this.collector.append("[ev SNR " + cut(singleNameReference.toString()) + 
-		"]\n");
-	super.endVisit(singleNameReference, scope);
-public void endVisit(StringLiteral stringLiteral, BlockScope scope) {
-	this.collector.append("[ev SL " + cut(stringLiteral.toString()) + "]\n");
-	super.endVisit(stringLiteral, scope);
-public void endVisit(StringLiteralConcatenation literal, BlockScope scope) {
-	this.collector.append("[ev SLC " + cut(literal.toString()) + "]\n");
-	super.endVisit(literal, scope);
-public boolean visit(BinaryExpression binaryExpression, BlockScope scope) {
-	this.collector.append("[v BE " + cut(binaryExpression.toString()) + "]\n");
-	return super.visit(binaryExpression, scope);
-public boolean visit(CharLiteral charLiteral, BlockScope scope) {
-	this.collector.append("[v CL " + cut(charLiteral.toString()) + "]\n");
-	return super.visit(charLiteral, scope);
-public boolean visit(ExtendedStringLiteral literal, BlockScope scope) {
-	this.collector.append("[v ESL " + cut(literal.toString()) + "]\n");
-	return super.visit(literal, scope);
-public boolean visit(SingleNameReference singleNameReference, 
-		BlockScope scope) {
-	this.collector.append("[v SNR " + cut(singleNameReference.toString()) + 
-		"]\n");
-	return super.visit(singleNameReference, scope);
-public boolean visit(StringLiteral stringLiteral, BlockScope scope) {
-	this.collector.append("[v SL " + cut(stringLiteral.toString()) + "]\n");
-	return super.visit(stringLiteral, scope);
-public boolean visit(StringLiteralConcatenation literal, BlockScope scope) {
-	this.collector.append("[v SLC " + cut(literal.toString()) + "]\n");
-	return super.visit(literal, scope);
-class AnnotationCollector extends ASTCollector {
-public void endVisit(JavadocSingleTypeReference typeRef, BlockScope scope) {
-	this.collector.append("java doc single type reference end visit\n");
-public void endVisit(JavadocSingleTypeReference typeRef, ClassScope scope) {
-	this.collector.append("java doc single type reference end visit\n");
-public boolean visit(JavadocSingleTypeReference typeRef, BlockScope scope) {
-	this.collector.append("java doc single type reference start visit\n");
-	return true;
-public boolean visit(JavadocSingleTypeReference typeRef, ClassScope scope) {
-	this.collector.append("java doc single type reference start visit\n");
-	return true;
-/* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ASTVisitor#endVisit(org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.Argument, org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.lookup.BlockScope)
- */
-public void endVisit(Argument argument, BlockScope scope) {
-	this.collector.append("exit argument\n");
-/* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ASTVisitor#endVisit(org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.Argument, org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ClassScope)
- */
-public void endVisit(Argument argument, ClassScope scope) {
-	this.collector.append("exit argument\n");
-/* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ASTVisitor#endVisit(org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.LocalDeclaration, org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.lookup.BlockScope)
- */
-public void endVisit(LocalDeclaration localDeclaration, BlockScope scope) {
-	this.collector.append("exit local declaration\n");
-/* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ASTVisitor#visit(org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.Argument, org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.lookup.BlockScope)
- */
-public boolean visit(Argument argument, BlockScope scope) {
-	this.collector.append("start argument\n");
-	return true;
-/* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ASTVisitor#visit(org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.Argument, org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ClassScope)
- */
-public boolean visit(Argument argument, ClassScope scope) {
-	this.collector.append("start argument\n");
-	return true;
-/* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ASTVisitor#visit(org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.LocalDeclaration, org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.lookup.BlockScope)
- */
-public boolean visit(LocalDeclaration localDeclaration, BlockScope scope) {
-	this.collector.append("start local declaration\n");
-	return true;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index fc969d6..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class AbstractComparableTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-	public static Test buildComparableTestSuite(Class evaluationTestClass) {
-		Test suite = buildMinimalComplianceTestSuite(evaluationTestClass, F_1_5);
-		TESTS_COUNTERS.put(evaluationTestClass.getName(), new Integer(suite
-				.countTestCases()));
-		return suite;
-	}
-	public AbstractComparableTest(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Toggle compiler in mode -1.5
-	 */
-	protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-		Map options = super.getCompilerOptions();
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance,
-				CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_5);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_5);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TargetPlatform,
-				CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_5);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFinalParameterBound,
-				CompilerOptions.WARNING);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnnecessaryTypeCheck,
-				CompilerOptions.WARNING);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportRawTypeReference,
-				CompilerOptions.WARNING);
-		return options;
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index c876e52..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1718 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.CategorizedProblem;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.infer.DefaultInferrenceProvider;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.infer.InferEngine;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.infer.InferOptions;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.infer.InferrenceProvider;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.junit.extension.StopableTestCase;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.AbstractCompilerTest;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.CompilerTestSetup;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.Compiler;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ICompilerRequestor;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.IErrorHandlingPolicy;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.IProblemFactory;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.SourceJavadocParser;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.batch.CompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.batch.FileSystem;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.env.INameEnvironment;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.ReferenceContext;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeConstants;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.AbortCompilation;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.DefaultProblemFactory;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter;
-public abstract class AbstractRegressionTest extends AbstractCompilerTest
-		implements StopableTestCase {
-	// javac comparison related types, fields and methods - see runJavac for
-	// details
-	class Logger extends Thread {
-		StringBuffer buffer;
-		InputStream inputStream;
-		String type;
-		Logger(InputStream inputStream, String type) {
-			this.inputStream = inputStream;
-			this.type = type;
-			this.buffer = new StringBuffer();
-		}
-		public void run() {
-			try {
-				BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(
-						new InputStreamReader(this.inputStream));
-				String line = null;
-				while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
-					this.buffer./* append(this.type).append("->"). */append(
-							line).append("\n");
-				}
-				reader.close();
-			} catch (IOException e) {
-				e.printStackTrace();
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	protected static int[] DIFF_COUNTERS = new int[3];
-	protected static final String EVAL_DIRECTORY = Util.getOutputDirectory()
-			+ File.separator + "eval";
-	public static int INDENT = 2;
-	protected static final String JAVA_NAME = File.pathSeparatorChar == ':' ? "java"
-			: "java.exe";
-	protected static final String JAVAC_NAME = File.pathSeparatorChar == ':' ? "javac"
-			: "javac.exe";
-	protected static String JAVAC_OUTPUT_DIR = Util.getOutputDirectory()
-			+ File.separator + "javac";
-	protected static String javacCommandLineHeader;
-	protected static PrintWriter javacFullLog;
-	// flags errors so that any error in a test case prevents
-	// java execution
-	private static String javacFullLogFileName;
-	protected static String javaCommandLineHeader;
-	// needed for multiple test calls within a single test method
-	protected static boolean javacTestErrorFlag;
-	protected static String javacTestName;
-	protected static IPath jdkRootDirPath;
-	public static final String OUTPUT_DIR = Util.getOutputDirectory()
-			+ File.separator + "regression";
-	public final static String PACKAGE_INFO_NAME = new String(
-			TypeConstants.PACKAGE_INFO_NAME);
-	public static boolean SHIFT = false;
-	protected static final String SOURCE_DIRECTORY = Util.getOutputDirectory()
-			+ File.separator + "source";
-	public static final String INFERENCE_ENGINES = "InferenceEnginesOption";
-	protected String[] classpaths;
-//	protected boolean createdVerifier;
-	protected INameEnvironment javaClassLib;
-//	protected TestVerifier verifier;
-	public AbstractRegressionTest(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	// protected void checkClassFile(String className, String source, String
-	// expectedOutput) throws ClassFormatException, IOException {
-	// // this.checkClassFile("", className, source, expectedOutput,
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler.SYSTEM);
-	// }
-	// protected void checkClassFile(String className, String source, String
-	// expectedOutput, int mode) throws ClassFormatException, IOException {
-	// this.checkClassFile("", className, source, expectedOutput, mode);
-	// }
-	// protected void checkClassFile(String directoryName, String className,
-	// String disassembledClassName, String source, String expectedOutput, int
-	// mode) throws ClassFormatException, IOException {
-	// // compileAndDeploy(source, directoryName, className);
-	// // try {
-	// // File directory = new File(EVAL_DIRECTORY, directoryName);
-	// // if (!directory.exists()) {
-	// // assertTrue(".class file not generated properly in " + directory,
-	// false);
-	// // }
-	// // File f = new File(directory, disassembledClassName + ".class");
-	// // byte[] classFileBytes =
-	// org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-	// // ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler =
-	// ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-	// // String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n", mode);
-	// // int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-	// // if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-	// // System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-	// // }
-	// // if (index == -1) {
-	// // assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-	// // }
-	// //
-	// // try {
-	// // FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(f);
-	// //, className + ".class", true);
-	// // stream.close();
-	// // } catch
-	// (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFormatException e)
-	// {
-	// // e.printStackTrace();
-	// // assertTrue("ClassFormatException", false);
-	// // } catch (IOException e) {
-	// // e.printStackTrace();
-	// // assertTrue("IOException", false);
-	// // }
-	// // } finally {
-	// // removeTempClass(className);
-	// // }
-	// }
-	//
-	// protected void checkClassFile(String directoryName, String className,
-	// String source, String expectedOutput, int mode) throws
-	// ClassFormatException, IOException {
-	// this.checkClassFile(directoryName, className, className, source,
-	// expectedOutput, mode);
-	// }
-	//
-	protected void checkDisassembledClassFile(String fileName,
-			String className, String expectedOutput) {
-		// this.checkDisassembledClassFile(fileName, className, expectedOutput,
-		// ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-	}
-	protected void checkDisassembledClassFile(String fileName,
-			String className, String expectedOutput, int mode) {
-		// File classFile = new File(fileName);
-		// if (!classFile.exists()) {
-		// assertTrue(".class file doesn't exist", false);
-		// }
-		// String result = null;
-		// try {
-		// byte[] classFileBytes =
-		// org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(classFile);
-		// ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler =
-		// ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-		// result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n", mode);
-		// } catch (IOException e) {
-		// e.printStackTrace();
-		// assertTrue("Should not happen : ", false);
-		// } catch (ClassFormatException e) {
-		// e.printStackTrace();
-		// assertTrue("Should not happen : ", false);
-		// }
-		// int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-		// if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-		// System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 2));
-		// }
-		// if (index == -1) {
-		// assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-		// }
-		//		
-		// try {
-		// FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(classFile);
-		//, className + ".class", true);
-		// stream.close();
-		// } catch
-		// (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFormatException
-		// e) {
-		// e.printStackTrace();
-		// assertTrue("ClassFormatException", false);
-		// } catch (IOException e) {
-		// e.printStackTrace();
-		// assertTrue("IOException", false);
-		// }
-	}
-	/*
-	 * ###################################### Specific method to let tests Sun
-	 * javac compilation available... #######################################
-	 */
-	protected void compileAndDeploy(String source, String directoryName,
-			String className) {
-		File directory = new File(SOURCE_DIRECTORY);
-		if (!directory.exists()) {
-			if (!directory.mkdirs()) {
-				System.out.println("Could not create " + SOURCE_DIRECTORY);
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-		if (directoryName != null && directoryName.length() != 0) {
-			directory = new File(SOURCE_DIRECTORY, directoryName);
-			if (!directory.exists()) {
-				if (!directory.mkdirs()) {
-					System.out.println("Could not create " + directory);
-					return;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		String fileName = directory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator
-				+ className + ".java";
-		try {
-			BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fileName));
-			writer.write(source);
-			writer.flush();
-			writer.close();
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			e.printStackTrace();
-			return;
-		}
-		StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer().append("\"").append(fileName)
-				.append("\" -d \"").append(EVAL_DIRECTORY);
-		if (this.complianceLevel.compareTo(COMPLIANCE_1_5) < 0) {
-			buffer.append("\" -1.4 -source 1.3 -target 1.2");
-		} else {
-			buffer.append("\" -1.5");
-		}
-		buffer.append(" -preserveAllLocals -nowarn -g -classpath \"").append(
-				Util.getJavaClassLibsAsString()).append(SOURCE_DIRECTORY)
-				.append("\"");
-		org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.batch.Main.compile(buffer
-				.toString());
-	}
-	protected void dualPrintln(String message) {
-		System.out.println(message);
-		javacFullLog.println(message);
-	}
-	protected void executeClass(String sourceFile,
-			String expectedSuccessOutputString, String[] classLib,
-			boolean shouldFlushOutputDirectory, String[] vmArguments,
-			Map customOptions, ICompilerRequestor clientRequestor) {
-		// Compute class name by removing ".java" and replacing slashes with
-		// dots
-		String className = sourceFile.substring(0, sourceFile.length() - 5)
-				.replace('/', '.').replace('\\', '.');
-		if (className.endsWith(PACKAGE_INFO_NAME))
-			return;
-//		if (vmArguments != null) {
-//			if (this.verifier != null) {
-//				this.verifier.shutDown();
-//			}
-//			this.verifier = new TestVerifier(false);
-//			this.createdVerifier = true;
-//		}
-//		boolean passed = this.verifier
-//				.verifyClassFiles(sourceFile, className,
-//						expectedSuccessOutputString, this.classpaths, null,
-//						vmArguments);
-//		assertTrue(this.verifier.failureReason, // computed by
-//												// verifyClassFiles(...) action
-//				passed);
-//		if (vmArguments != null) {
-//			if (this.verifier != null) {
-//				this.verifier.shutDown();
-//			}
-//			this.verifier = new TestVerifier(false);
-//			this.createdVerifier = true;
-//		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Returns the references in the given .class file.
-	 */
-	protected String findReferences(String classFilePath) {
-		// check that "new Z().init()" is bound to "AbstractB.init()"
-		final StringBuffer references = new StringBuffer(10);
-		final SearchParticipant participant = new JavaSearchParticipant() {
-			final SearchParticipant searchParticipant = this;
-			public SearchDocument getDocument(final String documentPath) {
-				return new SearchDocument(documentPath, this.searchParticipant) {
-					public byte[] getByteContents() {
-						try {
-							return org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util
-									.getFileByteContent(new File(getPath()));
-						} catch (IOException e) {
-							e.printStackTrace();
-							return null;
-						}
-					}
-					public char[] getCharContents() {
-						// not used
-						return null;
-					}
-					public String getEncoding() {
-						// not used
-						return null;
-					}
-				};
-			}
-		};
-		SearchDocument document = participant.getDocument(new File(
-				classFilePath).getPath());
-		SourceIndexer indexer = new SourceIndexer(document) {
-			protected void addIndexEntry(char[] category, char[] key) {
-				references.append(category);
-				references.append('/');
-				references.append(key);
-				references.append('\n');
-			}
-		};
-		indexer.indexDocument();
-		String computedReferences = references.toString();
-		return computedReferences;
-	}
-	protected INameEnvironment[] getClassLibs() {
-		String encoding = (String) getCompilerOptions().get(
-				CompilerOptions.OPTION_Encoding);
-		if ("".equals(encoding))
-			encoding = null;
-		INameEnvironment[] classLibs = new INameEnvironment[1];
-		classLibs[0] = new FileSystem(this.classpaths, new String[] {}, // ignore
-																		// initial
-																		// file
-																		// names
-				encoding // default encoding
-		);
-		return classLibs;
-	}
-	protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-		Map defaultOptions = super.getCompilerOptions();
-		defaultOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_LocalVariableAttribute,
-				CompilerOptions.GENERATE);
-		defaultOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnusedPrivateMember,
-				CompilerOptions.WARNING);
-		defaultOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportLocalVariableHiding,
-				CompilerOptions.WARNING);
-		defaultOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFieldHiding,
-				CompilerOptions.WARNING);
-		defaultOptions
-				.put(
-						CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportPossibleAccidentalBooleanAssignment,
-						CompilerOptions.WARNING);
-		defaultOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportWrongNumberOfArguments,
-				CompilerOptions.WARNING);
-		defaultOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_PreserveUnusedLocal,
-				CompilerOptions.PRESERVE);
-		defaultOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnnecessaryElse,
-				CompilerOptions.WARNING);
-		defaultOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Unresolved_Field,
-				CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		defaultOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Unresolved_Method,
-				CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		defaultOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Unresolved_Type,
-				CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		defaultOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUninitializedLocalVariable, 
-				CompilerOptions.WARNING);
-		defaultOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUninitializedGlobalVariable, 
-				CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-		return defaultOptions;
-	}
-	protected String[] getDefaultClassPaths() {
-		return Util.concatWithClassLibs(OUTPUT_DIR, false);
-	}
-	protected IErrorHandlingPolicy getErrorHandlingPolicy() {
-		return new IErrorHandlingPolicy() {
-			public boolean stopOnFirstError() {
-				return false;
-			}
-			public boolean proceedOnErrors() {
-				return true;
-			}
-		};
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Will consider first the source units passed as arguments, then
-	 * investigate the classpath: jdklib + output dir
-	 */
-	protected INameEnvironment getNameEnvironment(final String[] testFiles,
-			String[] classPaths) {
-		this.classpaths = classPaths == null ? getDefaultClassPaths()
-				: classPaths;
-		return new InMemoryNameEnvironment(testFiles, getClassLibs());
-	}
-	protected INameEnvironment getNameEnvironment(final String[] testFiles,
-			String[] files, String[] classPaths) {
-		this.classpaths = classPaths == null ? getDefaultClassPaths()
-				: classPaths;
-		InMemoryNameEnvironment inMemoryNameEnvironment = new InMemoryNameEnvironment(
-				testFiles, getClassLibs());
-		return inMemoryNameEnvironment;
-	}
-	protected IProblemFactory getProblemFactory() {
-		return new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault());
-	}
-	public void initialize(CompilerTestSetup setUp) {
-		super.initialize(setUp);
-		if (setUp instanceof RegressionTestSetup) {
-			RegressionTestSetup regressionTestSetUp = (RegressionTestSetup) setUp;
-			this.javaClassLib = regressionTestSetUp.javaClassLib;
-//			this.verifier = regressionTestSetUp.verifier;
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Write given source test files in current output sub-directory. Use test
-	 * name for this sub-directory name (ie. test001, test002, etc...)
-	 */
-	protected void printFiles(String[] testFiles) {
-		for (int i = 0, length = testFiles.length; i < length; i++) {
-			System.out.println(testFiles[i++]);
-			System.out.println(testFiles[i]);
-		}
-		System.out.println("");
-	}
-	protected void printJavacResultsSummary() {
-		if (RUN_JAVAC) {
-			Integer count = (Integer) TESTS_COUNTERS.get(CURRENT_CLASS_NAME);
-			if (count != null) {
-				int newCount = count.intValue() - 1;
-				TESTS_COUNTERS.put(CURRENT_CLASS_NAME, new Integer(newCount));
-				if (newCount == 0) {
-					if (DIFF_COUNTERS[0] != 0 || DIFF_COUNTERS[1] != 0
-							|| DIFF_COUNTERS[2] != 0) {
-						dualPrintln("===========================================================================");
-						dualPrintln("Results summary:");
-					}
-					if (DIFF_COUNTERS[0] != 0)
-						dualPrintln("	- "
-								+ DIFF_COUNTERS[0]
-								+ " test(s) where Javac found errors/warnings but Eclipse did not");
-					if (DIFF_COUNTERS[1] != 0)
-						dualPrintln("	- "
-								+ DIFF_COUNTERS[1]
-								+ " test(s) where Eclipse found errors/warnings but Javac did not");
-					if (DIFF_COUNTERS[2] != 0)
-						dualPrintln("	- "
-								+ DIFF_COUNTERS[2]
-								+ " test(s) where Eclipse and Javac did not have same output");
-					System.out.println("\n");
-				}
-			}
-			dualPrintln("\n\nFull results sent to " + javacFullLogFileName);
-			javacFullLog.flush();
-		}
-	}
-	protected void removeTempClass(String className) {
-		File dir = new File(SOURCE_DIRECTORY);
-		String[] fileNames = dir.list();
-		if (fileNames != null) {
-			for (int i = 0, max = fileNames.length; i < max; i++) {
-				if (fileNames[i].indexOf(className) != -1) {
-					Util.delete(SOURCE_DIRECTORY + File.separator
-							+ fileNames[i]);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		dir = new File(EVAL_DIRECTORY);
-		fileNames = dir.list();
-		if (fileNames != null) {
-			for (int i = 0, max = fileNames.length; i < max; i++) {
-				if (fileNames[i].indexOf(className) != -1) {
-					Util.delete(EVAL_DIRECTORY + File.separator + fileNames[i]);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	protected void runConformTest(String[] testFiles) {
-		runConformTest(testFiles, null /* no expected output string */,
-				null /* no extra class libraries */, true /*
-														 * flush output
-														 * directory
-														 */, null /*
-																 * no vm
-																 * arguments
-																 */, null /*
-																		 * no
-																		 * custom
-																		 * options
-																		 */,
-				null /* no custom requestor */, false /*
-													 * do not skip javac for
-													 * this peculiar test
-													 */);
-	}
-	protected void runConformTest(String[] testFiles,
-			String expectedSuccessOutputString) {
-		runConformTest(testFiles, expectedSuccessOutputString, null /*
-																	 * no extra
-																	 * class
-																	 * libraries
-																	 */,
-				true /* flush output directory */, null /* no vm arguments */,
-				null /* no custom options */, null /* no custom requestor */,
-				false /* do not skip javac for this peculiar test */);
-	}
-	protected void runConformTest(String[] testFiles,
-			String expectedSuccessOutputString, String[] vmArguments) {
-		runConformTest(testFiles, expectedSuccessOutputString, null /*
-																	 * no extra
-																	 * class
-																	 * libraries
-																	 */,
-				true /* flush output directory */, vmArguments, null /*
-																	 * no custom
-																	 * options
-																	 */,
-				null /* no custom requestor */, false /*
-													 * do not skip javac for
-													 * this peculiar test
-													 */);
-	}
-	protected void runConformTest(String[] testFiles,
-			String expectedSuccessOutputString, String[] classLib,
-			boolean shouldFlushOutputDirectory, String[] vmArguments) {
-		runConformTest(testFiles, expectedSuccessOutputString, classLib,
-				shouldFlushOutputDirectory, vmArguments,
-				null /* no custom options */, null /* no custom requestor */,
-				false /* do not skip javac for this peculiar test */);
-	}
-	protected void runConformTest(String[] testFiles,
-			String expectedSuccessOutputString, String[] classLib,
-			boolean shouldFlushOutputDirectory, String[] vmArguments,
-			Map customOptions, ICompilerRequestor clientRequestor) {
-		runConformTest(testFiles, expectedSuccessOutputString, classLib,
-				shouldFlushOutputDirectory, vmArguments, customOptions,
-				clientRequestor, false /*
-										 * do not skip javac for this peculiar
-										 * test
-										 */);
-	}
-	protected void runConformTest(String[] testFiles,
-			String expectedSuccessOutputString, String[] classLib,
-			boolean shouldFlushOutputDirectory, String[] vmArguments,
-			Map customOptions, ICompilerRequestor clientRequestor,
-			boolean skipJavac) {
-		// Non-javac part
-		try {
-			if (shouldFlushOutputDirectory)
-				Util.flushDirectoryContent(new File(OUTPUT_DIR));
-			IProblemFactory problemFactory = getProblemFactory();
-			Requestor requestor = new Requestor(problemFactory, OUTPUT_DIR
-					.endsWith(File.separator) ? OUTPUT_DIR : OUTPUT_DIR
-					+ File.separator, false, clientRequestor, false, /*
-																	 * show
-																	 * category
-																	 */
-			false /* show warning token */);
-			Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-			if (customOptions != null) {
-				options.putAll(customOptions);
-			}
-			CompilerOptions compilerOptions = new CompilerOptions(options);
-			compilerOptions.performMethodsFullRecovery = false;
-			compilerOptions.performStatementsRecovery = false;
-			Compiler batchCompiler = new Compiler(getNameEnvironment(
-					new String[] {}, classLib), getErrorHandlingPolicy(),
-					compilerOptions, requestor, problemFactory);
-			compilerOptions.produceReferenceInfo = true;
-			try {
-				batchCompiler.compile(Util.compilationUnits(testFiles)); // compile
-																			// all
-																			// files
-																			// together
-			} catch (RuntimeException e) {
-				System.out.println(getClass().getName() + '#' + getName());
-				e.printStackTrace();
-				for (int i = 0; i < testFiles.length; i += 2) {
-					System.out.print(testFiles[i]);
-					System.out.println(" ["); //$NON-NLS-1$
-					System.out.println(testFiles[i + 1]);
-					System.out.println("]"); //$NON-NLS-1$
-				}
-				throw e;
-			}
-			if (!requestor.hasErrors) {
-				String sourceFile = testFiles[0];
-				// Compute class name by removing ".java" and replacing slashes
-				// with dots
-				String className = sourceFile.substring(0,
-						sourceFile.length() - 5).replace('/', '.').replace(
-						'\\', '.');
-				if (className.endsWith(PACKAGE_INFO_NAME))
-					return;
-//				if (vmArguments != null) {
-//					if (this.verifier != null) {
-//						this.verifier.shutDown();
-//					}
-//					this.verifier = new TestVerifier(false);
-//					this.createdVerifier = true;
-//				}
-//				boolean passed = this.verifier.verifyClassFiles(sourceFile,
-//						className, expectedSuccessOutputString,
-//						this.classpaths, null, vmArguments);
-//				if (!passed) {
-//					System.out.println(getClass().getName() + '#' + getName());
-//					for (int i = 0; i < testFiles.length; i += 2) {
-//						System.out.print(testFiles[i]);
-//						System.out.println(" ["); //$NON-NLS-1$
-//						System.out.println(testFiles[i + 1]);
-//						System.out.println("]"); //$NON-NLS-1$
-//					}
-//				}
-//				assertTrue(this.verifier.failureReason, // computed by
-//														// verifyClassFiles(...)
-//														// action
-//						passed);
-				if (vmArguments != null) {
-//					if (this.verifier != null) {
-//						this.verifier.shutDown();
-//					}
-//					this.verifier = new TestVerifier(false);
-//					this.createdVerifier = true;
-				}
-			} else {
-				System.out.println(getClass().getName() + '#' + getName());
-				System.out.println(Util.displayString(requestor.problemLog,
-						INDENT, SHIFT));
-				for (int i = 0; i < testFiles.length; i += 2) {
-					System.out.print(testFiles[i]);
-					System.out.println(" ["); //$NON-NLS-1$
-					System.out.println(testFiles[i + 1]);
-					System.out.println("]"); //$NON-NLS-1$
-				}
-				assertTrue("Unexpected problems: " + requestor.problemLog,
-						false);
-			}
-			// javac part
-		} catch (AssertionFailedError e) {
-			throw e;
-		} finally {
-			if (RUN_JAVAC && !skipJavac)
-				runJavac(testFiles, null, expectedSuccessOutputString,
-						shouldFlushOutputDirectory);
-			// PREMATURE for now, skipping javac implies skipping the compile
-			// and execution steps; yet, only cases for which the
-			// execution step was a problem have been discovered so
-			// far; may consider skipping the execution step only
-		}
-	}
-	protected void runConformTest(String[] testFiles, String[] vmArguments) {
-		runConformTest(testFiles, null /* no expected output string */,
-				null /* no extra class libraries */, true /*
-														 * flush output
-														 * directory
-														 */, vmArguments,
-				null /* no custom options */, null /* no custom requestor */,
-				false /* do not skip javac for this peculiar test */);
-	}
-	// PREMATURE consider whether conform tests throwing errors should
-	// implement javac comparison or not
-	protected void runConformTestThrowingError(String[] testFiles,
-			String expectedSuccessOutputString, String[] classLib,
-			boolean shouldFlushOutputDirectory, String[] vmArguments) {
-		if (shouldFlushOutputDirectory)
-			Util.flushDirectoryContent(new File(OUTPUT_DIR));
-		IProblemFactory problemFactory = getProblemFactory();
-		Requestor requestor = new Requestor(problemFactory, OUTPUT_DIR
-				.endsWith(File.separator) ? OUTPUT_DIR : OUTPUT_DIR
-				+ File.separator, false, null/* no custom requestor */, false, /*
-																			 * show
-																			 * category
-																			 */
-		false /* show warning token */);
-		CompilerOptions compilerOptions = new CompilerOptions(
-				getCompilerOptions());
-		compilerOptions.performMethodsFullRecovery = false;
-		compilerOptions.performStatementsRecovery = false;
-		Compiler batchCompiler = new Compiler(getNameEnvironment(
-				new String[] {}, classLib), getErrorHandlingPolicy(),
-				compilerOptions, requestor, problemFactory);
-		batchCompiler.options.produceReferenceInfo = true;
-		Throwable exception = null;
-		try {
-			batchCompiler.compile(Util.compilationUnits(testFiles)); // compile
-																		// all
-																		// files
-																		// together
-		} catch (RuntimeException e) {
-			exception = e;
-			throw e;
-		} catch (Error e) {
-			exception = e;
-			throw e;
-		} finally {
-			if (!requestor.hasErrors) {
-				String sourceFile = testFiles[0];
-				// Compute class name by removing ".java" and replacing slashes
-				// with dots
-				String className = sourceFile.substring(0,
-						sourceFile.length() - 5).replace('/', '.').replace(
-						'\\', '.');
-//				boolean passed = this.verifier.verifyClassFilesThrowingError(
-//						sourceFile, className, expectedSuccessOutputString,
-//						this.classpaths, null, vmArguments);
-//				if (exception == null)
-//					assertTrue(this.verifier.failureReason, // computed by
-//															// verifyClassFiles(...)
-//															// action
-//							passed);
-			} else {
-				if (exception == null)
-					assertTrue("Unexpected problems: " + requestor.problemLog,
-							false);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Run Sun compilation using javac. Launch compilation in a thread and
-	 * verify that it does not take more than 5s to perform it. Otherwise abort
-	 * the process and log in console. TODO (maxime) not sure we really do that
-	 * 5s cap any more. A semi verbose output is sent to the console that
-	 * analyzes differences of behaviors between javac and Eclipse on a per test
-	 * basis. A more verbose output is produced into a file which name is
-	 * printed on the console. Such files can be compared between various javac
-	 * releases to check potential changes. To enable such tests, specify the
-	 * following VM properies in the launch configuration: -Drun.javac=enabled
-	 * mandatory - tells the test suite to run javac tests -Djdk.root=<the root
-	 * directory of the tested javac> optional - enables to find the javac that
-	 * will be run by the tests suite; the root directory must be specified as
-	 * an absolute path and should point to the JDK root, aka /opt/jdk1.5.0_05
-	 * for Linux or c:/JDK_50 for Windows; in case this property is not
-	 * specified, the tests suite will use the runtime JRE of the launching
-	 * configuration. Note that enabling javac tests implies running into 1.5
-	 * compliance level (without having to specify it into the VM properties.)
-	 * TODO (maxime) consider impacts of Java 6
-	 */
-	protected void runJavac(String[] testFiles,
-			final String expectedProblemLog,
-			final String expectedSuccessOutputString,
-			boolean shouldFlushOutputDirectory) {
-		String testName = null;
-		Process compileProcess = null;
-		Process execProcess = null;
-		try {
-			// Init test name
-			testName = testName();
-			// Cleanup javac output dir if needed
-			File javacOutputDirectory = new File(JAVAC_OUTPUT_DIR);
-			if (shouldFlushOutputDirectory) {
-				Util.delete(javacOutputDirectory);
-			}
-			// Write files in dir
-			writeFiles(testFiles);
-			// Prepare command line
-			StringBuffer cmdLine = new StringBuffer(javacCommandLineHeader);
-			// compute extra classpath
-			String[] classpath = Util.concatWithClassLibs(JAVAC_OUTPUT_DIR,
-					false);
-			StringBuffer cp = new StringBuffer(" -classpath ");
-			int length = classpath.length;
-			for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-				if (i > 0)
-					cp.append(File.pathSeparatorChar);
-				if (classpath[i].indexOf(" ") != -1) {
-					cp.append("\"" + classpath[i] + "\"");
-				} else {
-					cp.append(classpath[i]);
-				}
-			}
-			cmdLine.append(cp);
-			// add source files
-			for (int i = 0; i < testFiles.length; i += 2) {
-				// *.java is not enough (p1/, p2/
-				cmdLine.append(' ');
-				cmdLine.append(testFiles[i]);
-			}
-			// Launch process
-			compileProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdLine.toString(),
-					null, this.outputTestDirectory);
-			// Log errors
-			Logger errorLogger = new Logger(compileProcess.getErrorStream(),
-					"ERROR");
-			// Log output
-			Logger outputLogger = new Logger(compileProcess.getInputStream(),
-					"OUTPUT");
-			// start the threads to run outputs (standard/error)
-			errorLogger.start();
-			outputLogger.start();
-			// Wait for end of process
-			int exitValue = compileProcess.waitFor();
-			errorLogger.join(); // make sure we get the whole output
-			outputLogger.join();
-			// Report raw javac results
-			if (!testName.equals(javacTestName)) {
-				javacTestName = testName;
-				javacTestErrorFlag = false;
-				javacFullLog
-						.println("-----------------------------------------------------------------");
-				javacFullLog.println(CURRENT_CLASS_NAME + " " + testName);
-			}
-			if (exitValue != 0) {
-				javacTestErrorFlag = true;
-			}
-			if (errorLogger.buffer.length() > 0) {
-				javacFullLog.println("--- javac err: ---");
-				javacFullLog.println(errorLogger.buffer.toString());
-			}
-			if (outputLogger.buffer.length() > 0) {
-				javacFullLog.println("--- javac out: ---");
-				javacFullLog.println(outputLogger.buffer.toString());
-			}
-			// Compare compilation results
-			if (expectedProblemLog == null || expectedProblemLog.length() == 0) {
-				// Eclipse found no error and no warning
-				if (exitValue != 0) {
-					// Javac found errors
-					System.out
-							.println("----------------------------------------");
-					System.out
-							.println(testName
-									+ " - Javac has found error(s) but Eclipse expects conform result:\n");
-					javacFullLog
-							.println("JAVAC_MISMATCH: Javac has found error(s) but Eclipse expects conform result");
-					System.out.println(errorLogger.buffer.toString());
-					printFiles(testFiles);
-					DIFF_COUNTERS[0]++;
-				} else {
-					// Javac found no error - may have found warnings
-					if (errorLogger.buffer.length() > 0) {
-						System.out
-								.println("----------------------------------------");
-						System.out
-								.println(testName
-										+ " - Javac has found warning(s) but Eclipse expects conform result:\n");
-						javacFullLog
-								.println("JAVAC_MISMATCH: Javac has found warning(s) but Eclipse expects conform result");
-						System.out.println(errorLogger.buffer.toString());
-						printFiles(testFiles);
-						DIFF_COUNTERS[0]++;
-					}
-					if (expectedSuccessOutputString != null
-							&& !javacTestErrorFlag) {
-						// Neither Eclipse nor Javac found errors, and we have a
-						// runtime
-						// bench value
-						StringBuffer javaCmdLine = new StringBuffer(
-								javaCommandLineHeader);
-						javaCmdLine.append(cp);
-						javaCmdLine.append(' ').append(
-								testFiles[0].substring(0, testFiles[0]
-										.indexOf('.')));
-						// assume executable class is name of first test file -
-						// PREMATURE check if this is also the case in other
-						// test fwk classes
-						execProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(
-								javaCmdLine.toString(), null,
-								this.outputTestDirectory);
-						Logger logger = new Logger(
-								execProcess.getInputStream(), "");
-						// PREMATURE implement consistent error policy
-						logger.start();
-						exitValue = execProcess.waitFor();
-						logger.join(); // make sure we get the whole output
-						String javaOutput = logger.buffer.toString().trim();
-						if (!expectedSuccessOutputString.equals(javaOutput)) {
-							System.out
-									.println("----------------------------------------");
-							System.out
-									.println(testName
-											+ " - Javac and Eclipse runtime output is not the same:");
-							javacFullLog
-									.println("JAVAC_MISMATCH: Javac and Eclipse runtime output is not the same");
-							dualPrintln("eclipse:");
-							dualPrintln(expectedSuccessOutputString);
-							dualPrintln("javac:");
-							dualPrintln(javaOutput);
-							System.out.println("\n");
-							printFiles(testFiles); // PREMATURE consider
-													// printing files to the log
-													// as well
-							DIFF_COUNTERS[2]++;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				// Eclipse found errors or warnings
-				if (errorLogger.buffer.length() == 0) {
-					System.out
-							.println("----------------------------------------");
-					System.out
-							.println(testName
-									+ " - Eclipse has found error(s)/warning(s) but Javac did not find any:");
-					javacFullLog
-							.println("JAVAC_MISMATCH: Eclipse has found error(s)/warning(s) but Javac did not find any");
-					dualPrintln("eclipse:");
-					dualPrintln(expectedProblemLog);
-					printFiles(testFiles);
-					DIFF_COUNTERS[1]++;
-				} else if (expectedProblemLog.indexOf("ERROR") > 0
-						&& exitValue == 0) {
-					System.out
-							.println("----------------------------------------");
-					System.out
-							.println(testName
-									+ " - Eclipse has found error(s) but Javac only found warning(s):");
-					javacFullLog
-							.println("JAVAC_MISMATCH: Eclipse has found error(s) but Javac only found warning(s)");
-					dualPrintln("eclipse:");
-					dualPrintln(expectedProblemLog);
-					System.out.println("javac:");
-					System.out.println(errorLogger.buffer.toString());
-					printFiles(testFiles);
-					DIFF_COUNTERS[1]++;
-				} else {
-					// PREMATURE refine comparison
-					// TODO (frederic) compare warnings in each result and
-					// verify they are similar...
-					// System.out.println(testName+": javac has found warnings :");
-					// System.out.print(errorLogger.buffer.toString());
-					// System.out.println(testName+": we're expecting warning results:");
-					// System.out.println(expectedProblemLog);
-				}
-			}
-		} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
-			if (compileProcess != null)
-				compileProcess.destroy();
-			if (execProcess != null)
-				execProcess.destroy();
-			System.out.println(testName
-					+ ": Sun javac compilation was aborted!");
-			javacFullLog
-					.println("JAVAC_WARNING: Sun javac compilation was aborted!");
-			e1.printStackTrace(javacFullLog);
-		} catch (Throwable e) {
-			System.out.println(testName
-					+ ": could not launch Sun javac compilation!");
-			e.printStackTrace();
-			javacFullLog
-					.println("JAVAC_ERROR: could not launch Sun javac compilation!");
-			e.printStackTrace(javacFullLog);
-			// PREMATURE failing the javac pass or comparison could also fail
-			// the test itself
-		} finally {
-			// Clean up written file(s)
-			Util.delete(outputTestDirectory);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Log contains all problems (warnings+errors)
-	 */
-	protected void runNegativeTest(String[] testFiles, String expectedProblemLog) {
-		runNegativeTest(testFiles, expectedProblemLog, null, true);
-		runNegativeTest(testFiles, expectedProblemLog, null /*
-															 * no extra class
-															 * libraries
-															 */, true /*
-																	 * flush
-																	 * output
-																	 * directory
-																	 */,
-				null /* no custom options */,
-				false /* do not generate output */,
-				false /* do not show category */,
-				false /* do not show warning token */, false /*
-															 * do not skip javac
-															 * for this peculiar
-															 * test
-															 */, false /*
-																		 * do
-																		 * not
-																		 * perform
-																		 * statements
-																		 * recovery
-																		 */,
-				null);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Log contains all problems (warnings+errors)
-	 */
-	protected void runNegativeTest(String[] testFiles,
-			String expectedProblemLog, String[] classLib,
-			boolean shouldFlushOutputDirectory) {
-		runNegativeTest(testFiles, expectedProblemLog, classLib,
-				shouldFlushOutputDirectory, null /* no custom options */,
-				false /* do not generate output */,
-				false /* do not show category */,
-				false /* do not show warning token */, false /*
-															 * do not skip javac
-															 * for this peculiar
-															 * test
-															 */, false /*
-																		 * do
-																		 * not
-																		 * perform
-																		 * statements
-																		 * recovery
-																		 */,
-				null);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Log contains all problems (warnings+errors)
-	 */
-	protected void runNegativeTest(String[] testFiles,
-			String expectedProblemLog, String[] classLib,
-			boolean shouldFlushOutputDirectory, Map customOptions) {
-		runNegativeTest(testFiles, expectedProblemLog, classLib,
-				shouldFlushOutputDirectory, customOptions, false /*
-																 * do not
-																 * generate
-																 * output
-																 */,
-				false /* do not show category */,
-				false /* do not show warning token */, false /*
-															 * do not skip javac
-															 * for this peculiar
-															 * test
-															 */, false /*
-																		 * do
-																		 * not
-																		 * perform
-																		 * statements
-																		 * recovery
-																		 */,
-				null);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Log contains all problems (warnings+errors)
-	 */
-	protected void runNegativeTest(String[] testFiles,
-			String expectedProblemLog, String[] classLib,
-			boolean shouldFlushOutputDirectory, Map customOptions,
-			boolean generateOutput, boolean showCategory,
-			boolean showWarningToken) {
-		runNegativeTest(testFiles, expectedProblemLog, classLib,
-				shouldFlushOutputDirectory, customOptions, generateOutput,
-				showCategory, showWarningToken, false /*
-													 * do not skip javac for
-													 * this peculiar test
-													 */, false /*
-																 * do not
-																 * perform
-																 * statements
-																 * recovery
-																 */, null);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Log contains all problems (warnings+errors)
-	 */
-	protected void runNegativeTest(String[] testFiles,
-			String expectedProblemLog, String[] classLib,
-			boolean shouldFlushOutputDirectory, Map customOptions,
-			boolean generateOutput, boolean showCategory,
-			boolean showWarningToken, boolean skipJavac,
-			boolean performStatementsRecovery, String[] otherFiles) {
-		// Non-javac part
-		try {
-			if (shouldFlushOutputDirectory)
-				Util.flushDirectoryContent(new File(OUTPUT_DIR));
-			if (otherFiles == null)
-				otherFiles = new String[] {};
-			IProblemFactory problemFactory = getProblemFactory();
-			Requestor requestor = new Requestor(problemFactory, OUTPUT_DIR
-					.endsWith(File.separator) ? OUTPUT_DIR : OUTPUT_DIR
-					+ File.separator, generateOutput,
-					null/* no custom requestor */, showCategory,
-					showWarningToken);
-			Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-			if (customOptions != null) {
-				options.putAll(customOptions);
-			}
-			CompilerOptions compilerOptions = new CompilerOptions(options);
-			compilerOptions.performMethodsFullRecovery = performStatementsRecovery;
-			compilerOptions.performStatementsRecovery = performStatementsRecovery;
-			Compiler batchCompiler = new Compiler(getNameEnvironment(
-					otherFiles, classLib), getErrorHandlingPolicy(),
-					compilerOptions, requestor, problemFactory);
-			Object inferEngines = options.get(INFERENCE_ENGINES);
-			if (inferEngines != null) {
-				batchCompiler.parser.inferenceEngines = (InferEngine[]) inferEngines;
-			}
-			batchCompiler.options.produceReferenceInfo = true;
-			Throwable exception = null;
-			try {
-				batchCompiler.compile(Util.compilationUnits(testFiles)); // compile
-																			// all
-																			// files
-																			// together
-			} catch (RuntimeException e) {
-				exception = e;
-				throw e;
-			} catch (Error e) {
-				exception = e;
-				throw e;
-			} finally {
-				String computedProblemLog = Util
-						.convertToIndependantLineDelimiter(requestor.problemLog
-								.toString());
-				String platformIndependantExpectedLog = Util
-						.convertToIndependantLineDelimiter(expectedProblemLog);
-				if (!platformIndependantExpectedLog.equals(computedProblemLog)) {
-					System.out.println(getClass().getName() + '#' + getName());
-					System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedProblemLog,
-							INDENT, SHIFT));
-					for (int i = 0; i < testFiles.length; i += 2) {
-						System.out.print(testFiles[i]);
-						System.out.println(" ["); //$NON-NLS-1$
-						System.out.println(testFiles[i + 1]);
-						System.out.println("]"); //$NON-NLS-1$
-					}
-				}
-				if (exception == null)
-					assertEquals("Invalid problem log ",
-							platformIndependantExpectedLog, computedProblemLog);
-			}
-			// javac part
-		} catch (AssertionFailedError e) {
-			throw e;
-		} finally {
-			if (RUN_JAVAC && !skipJavac)
-				runJavac(testFiles, expectedProblemLog, null,
-						shouldFlushOutputDirectory);
-		}
-	}
-	protected void runNegativeTestWithExecution(String[] testFiles,
-			String expectedProblemLog, String expectedSuccessOutputString,
-			String[] classLib, boolean shouldFlushOutputDirectory,
-			String[] vmArguments, Map customOptions,
-			ICompilerRequestor clientRequestor) {
-		if (shouldFlushOutputDirectory)
-			Util.flushDirectoryContent(new File(OUTPUT_DIR));
-		IProblemFactory problemFactory = getProblemFactory();
-		Requestor requestor = new Requestor(problemFactory, OUTPUT_DIR
-				.endsWith(File.separator) ? OUTPUT_DIR : OUTPUT_DIR
-				+ File.separator, true, clientRequestor,
-				false /* show category */, false /* show warning token */);
-		Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-		if (customOptions != null) {
-			options.putAll(customOptions);
-		}
-		CompilerOptions compilerOptions = new CompilerOptions(options);
-		compilerOptions.performMethodsFullRecovery = false;
-		compilerOptions.performStatementsRecovery = false;
-		Compiler batchCompiler = new Compiler(getNameEnvironment(
-				new String[] {}, classLib), getErrorHandlingPolicy(),
-				compilerOptions, requestor, problemFactory);
-		batchCompiler.options.produceReferenceInfo = true;
-		try {
-			batchCompiler.compile(Util.compilationUnits(testFiles)); // compile
-																		// all
-																		// files
-																		// together
-		} catch (RuntimeException e) {
-			System.out.println(getClass().getName() + '#' + getName());
-			e.printStackTrace();
-			for (int i = 0; i < testFiles.length; i += 2) {
-				System.out.print(testFiles[i]);
-				System.out.println(" ["); //$NON-NLS-1$
-				System.out.println(testFiles[i + 1]);
-				System.out.println("]"); //$NON-NLS-1$
-			}
-			throw e;
-		}
-		assertTrue("Must have errors", requestor.hasErrors);
-		String computedProblemLog = Util
-				.convertToIndependantLineDelimiter(requestor.problemLog
-						.toString());
-		String platformIndependantExpectedLog = Util
-				.convertToIndependantLineDelimiter(expectedProblemLog);
-		if (!platformIndependantExpectedLog.equals(computedProblemLog)) {
-			System.out.println(getClass().getName() + '#' + getName());
-			System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedProblemLog, INDENT,
-					SHIFT));
-			for (int i = 0; i < testFiles.length; i += 2) {
-				System.out.print(testFiles[i]);
-				System.out.println(" ["); //$NON-NLS-1$
-				System.out.println(testFiles[i + 1]);
-				System.out.println("]"); //$NON-NLS-1$
-			}
-			assertEquals("Invalid problem log ",
-					platformIndependantExpectedLog, computedProblemLog);
-		}
-		String sourceFile = testFiles[0];
-		// Compute class name by removing ".java" and replacing slashes with
-		// dots
-		String className = sourceFile.substring(0, sourceFile.length() - 5)
-				.replace('/', '.').replace('\\', '.');
-		if (className.endsWith(PACKAGE_INFO_NAME))
-			return;
-//		if (vmArguments != null) {
-//			if (this.verifier != null) {
-//				this.verifier.shutDown();
-//			}
-//			this.verifier = new TestVerifier(false);
-//			this.createdVerifier = true;
-//		}
-//		boolean passed = this.verifier
-//				.verifyClassFiles(sourceFile, className,
-//						expectedSuccessOutputString, this.classpaths, null,
-//						vmArguments);
-//		if (!passed) {
-//			String platformIndependantExpectedSuccessOutputString = Util
-//					.convertToIndependantLineDelimiter(expectedSuccessOutputString);
-//			String platformIndependantFailureReason = Util
-//					.convertToIndependantLineDelimiter(this.verifier.failureReason);
-//			if (platformIndependantFailureReason
-//					.indexOf(platformIndependantExpectedSuccessOutputString) == -1) {
-//				System.out.println(getClass().getName() + '#' + getName());
-//				System.out.println(Util.displayString(
-//						platformIndependantFailureReason, INDENT, SHIFT));
-//				assertEquals("Invalid runtime log ",
-//						platformIndependantExpectedSuccessOutputString,
-//						platformIndependantFailureReason);
-//				System.out.println(getClass().getName() + '#' + getName());
-//				for (int i = 0; i < testFiles.length; i += 2) {
-//					System.out.print(testFiles[i]);
-//					System.out.println(" ["); //$NON-NLS-1$
-//					System.out.println(testFiles[i + 1]);
-//					System.out.println("]"); //$NON-NLS-1$
-//				}
-//			}
-//		} else if (vmArguments != null) {
-//			if (this.verifier != null) {
-//				this.verifier.shutDown();
-//			}
-//			this.verifier = new TestVerifier(false);
-//			this.createdVerifier = true;
-//		}
-	}
-	protected void setUp() throws Exception {
-		super.setUp();
-//		if (this.verifier == null) {
-//			this.verifier = new TestVerifier(true);
-//			this.createdVerifier = true;
-//		}
-		if (RUN_JAVAC) {
-			if (isFirst()) {
-				if (javacFullLog == null) {
-					// One time initialization of javac related concerns
-					// compute command lines and extract javac version
-					String jdkRootDirectory = System.getProperty("jdk.root");
-					if (jdkRootDirectory == null)
-						jdkRootDirPath = (new Path(Util.getJREDirectory()))
-								.removeLastSegments(1);
-					else
-						jdkRootDirPath = new Path(jdkRootDirectory);
-					StringBuffer cmdLineHeader = new StringBuffer(
-							jdkRootDirPath.append("bin").append(JAVA_NAME)
-									.toString()); // PREMATURE replace JAVA_NAME
-													// and JAVAC_NAME with
-													// locals? depends on
-													// potential reuse
-					javaCommandLineHeader = cmdLineHeader.toString();
-					cmdLineHeader = new StringBuffer(jdkRootDirPath.append(
-							"bin").append(JAVAC_NAME).toString());
-					cmdLineHeader.append(" -classpath . ");
-					// start with the current directory which contains the
-					// source files
-					Process compileProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(
-							cmdLineHeader.toString() + " -version", null, null);
-					Logger versionLogger = new Logger(compileProcess
-							.getErrorStream(), "");
-					// PREMATURE implement consistent error policy
-					versionLogger.start();
-					compileProcess.waitFor();
-					versionLogger.join(); // make sure we get the whole output
-					String version = versionLogger.buffer.toString();
-					int eol = version.indexOf('\n');
-					version = version.substring(0, eol);
-					cmdLineHeader.append(" -d ");
-					cmdLineHeader
-							.append(JAVAC_OUTPUT_DIR.indexOf(" ") != -1 ? "\""
-									+ JAVAC_OUTPUT_DIR + "\""
-									: JAVAC_OUTPUT_DIR);
-					cmdLineHeader
-							.append(" -source 1.5 -deprecation -Xlint:unchecked "); // enable
-																					// recommended
-																					// warnings
-					// REVIEW consider enabling all warnings instead? Philippe
-					// does not see
-					// this as ez to use (too many changes in logs)
-					javacCommandLineHeader = cmdLineHeader.toString();
-					new File(Util.getOutputDirectory()).mkdirs();
-					// TODO maxime check why this happens to miss in some cases
-					javacFullLogFileName = Util.getOutputDirectory()
-							+ File.separatorChar
-							+ version.replace(' ', '_')
-							+ "_"
-							+ (new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"))
-									.format(new Date()) + ".txt";
-					javacFullLog = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(
-							javacFullLogFileName));
-					javacFullLog.println(version); // so that the contents is
-													// self sufficient
-					System.out
-							.println("***************************************************************************");
-					System.out
-							.println("* Sun Javac compiler output archived into file:");
-					System.out.println("* " + javacFullLogFileName);
-					System.out
-							.println("***************************************************************************");
-				}
-				// per class initialization
-				CURRENT_CLASS_NAME = getClass().getName();
-				dualPrintln("***************************************************************************");
-				System.out
-						.print("* Comparison with Sun Javac compiler for class ");
-						.lastIndexOf('.') + 1)
-						+ " ("
-						+ " tests)");
-				System.out
-						.println("***************************************************************************");
-				DIFF_COUNTERS[0] = 0;
-				DIFF_COUNTERS[1] = 0;
-				DIFF_COUNTERS[2] = 0;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	public void stop() {
-//		this.verifier.shutDown();
-	}
-	protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
-//		if (this.createdVerifier) {
-//			this.stop();
-//		}
-		// clean up output dir
-		File outputDir = new File(OUTPUT_DIR);
-		if (outputDir.exists()) {
-			Util.flushDirectoryContent(outputDir);
-		}
-		super.tearDown();
-		if (RUN_JAVAC) {
-			printJavacResultsSummary();
-		}
-	}
-	protected void runBasicTest(String[] testFiles) {
-		runBasicTest(testFiles, null /* no extra class libraries */, null /*
-																		 * no
-																		 * custom
-																		 * options
-																		 */,
-				null /* no custom requestor */);
-	}
-	protected void runBasicTest(String[] testFiles, String[] classLib,
-			Map customOptions, ICompilerRequestor clientRequestor) {
-		// Non-javac part
-		try {
-			IProblemFactory problemFactory = getProblemFactory();
-			Requestor requestor = new Requestor(problemFactory, OUTPUT_DIR
-					.endsWith(File.separator) ? OUTPUT_DIR : OUTPUT_DIR
-					+ File.separator, false, clientRequestor, false, /*
-																	 * show
-																	 * category
-																	 */
-			false /* show warning token */);
-			Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-			if (customOptions != null) {
-				options.putAll(customOptions);
-			}
-			CompilerOptions compilerOptions = new CompilerOptions(options);
-			compilerOptions.performStatementsRecovery = false;
-			Compiler batchCompiler = new Compiler(getNameEnvironment(
-					new String[] {}, classLib), getErrorHandlingPolicy(),
-					compilerOptions, requestor, problemFactory);
-			compilerOptions.produceReferenceInfo = true;
-			try {
-				batchCompiler.compile(Util.compilationUnits(testFiles)); // compile
-																			// all
-																			// files
-																			// together
-			} catch (RuntimeException e) {
-				System.out.println(getClass().getName() + '#' + getName());
-				e.printStackTrace();
-				for (int i = 0; i < testFiles.length; i += 2) {
-					System.out.print(testFiles[i]);
-					System.out.println(" ["); //$NON-NLS-1$
-					System.out.println(testFiles[i + 1]);
-					System.out.println("]"); //$NON-NLS-1$
-				}
-				throw e;
-			}
-			if (!requestor.hasErrors) {
-//				String sourceFile = testFiles[0];
-//				boolean passed = true;
-//				if (!passed) {
-//					System.out.println(getClass().getName() + '#' + getName());
-//					for (int i = 0; i < testFiles.length; i += 2) {
-//						System.out.print(testFiles[i]);
-//						System.out.println(" ["); //$NON-NLS-1$
-//						System.out.println(testFiles[i + 1]);
-//						System.out.println("]"); //$NON-NLS-1$
-//					}
-//				}
-//				assertTrue(this.verifier.failureReason, // computed by
-//														// verifyClassFiles(...)
-//														// action
-//						passed);
-			} else {
-				System.out.println(getClass().getName() + '#' + getName());
-				System.out.println(Util.displayString(requestor.problemLog,
-						INDENT, SHIFT));
-				for (int i = 0; i < testFiles.length; i += 2) {
-					System.out.print(testFiles[i]);
-					System.out.println(" ["); //$NON-NLS-1$
-					System.out.println(testFiles[i + 1]);
-					System.out.println("]"); //$NON-NLS-1$
-				}
-				assertTrue("Unexpected problems: " + requestor.problemLog,
-						false);
-			}
-			// javac part
-		} catch (AssertionFailedError e) {
-			throw e;
-		} finally {
-		}
-	}
-	static class TestParser extends Parser {
-		public TestParser(IProblemFactory problemFactory,
-				CompilerOptions options, boolean optimizeStringLiterals,
-				boolean useSourceJavadocParser) {
-			super(new ProblemReporter(DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies
-					.exitAfterAllProblems(), options, problemFactory),
-					optimizeStringLiterals);
-			// we want to notify all syntax error with the acceptProblem API
-			// To do so, we define the record method of the ProblemReporter
-			this.problemReporter = new ProblemReporter(
-					DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.exitAfterAllProblems(),
-					options, problemFactory) {
-				public void record(CategorizedProblem problem,
-						CompilationResult unitResult, ReferenceContext context) {
-					unitResult.record(problem, context); // TODO (jerome)
-															// clients are
-															// trapping problems
-															// either through
-															// factory or
-															// requestor... is
-															// result storing
-															// needed?
-					System.out.println("PARSER ERROR: " + problem.toString());
-					assertTrue("unexpected parse Error", false);
-				}
-			};
-			this.options = options;
-			// set specific javadoc parser
-			if (useSourceJavadocParser) {
-				this.javadocParser = new SourceJavadocParser(this);
-			}
-		}
-		public CompilationUnitDeclaration parseCompilationUnit(
-				ICompilationUnit unit, boolean fullParse) {
-			boolean old = diet;
-			try {
-				diet = !fullParse;
-				CompilationResult compilationUnitResult = new CompilationResult(
-						unit, 0, 0, this.options.maxProblemsPerUnit);
-				CompilationUnitDeclaration parsedUnit = parse(unit,
-						compilationUnitResult);
-				int initialStart = this.scanner.initialPosition;
-				int initialEnd = this.scanner.eofPosition;
-				if (fullParse) {
-					diet = false;
-					this.getMethodBodies(parsedUnit);
-				}
-				this.scanner.resetTo(initialStart, initialEnd);
-				assertTrue(this.expressionPtr < 0);
-				assertTrue(this.expressionLengthPtr < 0);
-				assertTrue(this.astPtr < 0);
-				assertTrue(this.astLengthPtr < 0);
-				assertTrue(this.intPtr < 0);
-				return parsedUnit;
-			} catch (AbortCompilation e) {
-				// ignore this exception
-			} finally {
-				diet = old;
-			}
-			return null;
-		}
-	}
-	protected CompilationUnitDeclaration runParseTest(String s,
-			String testName, String expected) {
-		// Non-javac part
-		try {
-			char[] source = s.toCharArray();
-			TestParser parser = new TestParser(new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale
-					.getDefault()), new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()),
-					true/* optimize string literals */, false);
-			ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName,
-					null);
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration compUnit = parser.parseCompilationUnit(
-					sourceUnit, true);
-			if (expected != null) {
-				String result = compUnit.toString();
-				assertEquals(expected, result);
-			}
-			return compUnit;
-			// javac part
-		} catch (AssertionFailedError e) {
-			throw e;
-		} finally {
-		}
-	}
-	protected CompilationUnitDeclaration runJSDocParseTest(String s,
-			String testName, String expected) {
-		// Non-javac part
-		try {
-			char[] source = s.toCharArray();
-			TestParser parser = new TestParser(new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale
-					.getDefault()), new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()),
-					true/* optimize string literals */, false);
-			parser.javadocParser.checkDocComment = true;
-			ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName,
-					null);
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration compUnit = parser.parseCompilationUnit(
-					sourceUnit, true);
-			if (expected != null) {
-				String result = compUnit.toString();
-				assertEquals(expected, result);
-			}
-			return compUnit;
-			// javac part
-		} catch (AssertionFailedError e) {
-			throw e;
-		} finally {
-		}
-	}
-	protected CompilationUnitDeclaration runInferTest(String s,
-			String testName, String expected, InferOptions inferOptions) {
-		return runInferTest(s, testName, expected, inferOptions,
-				new DefaultInferrenceProvider());
-	}
-	protected CompilationUnitDeclaration runInferTest(String s,
-			String testName, String expected, InferOptions inferOptions,
-			InferrenceProvider inferrenceProvider) {
-		// Non-javac part
-		try {
-			char[] source = s.toCharArray();
-			CompilerOptions compilerOptions = new CompilerOptions(
-					getCompilerOptions());
-			compilerOptions.inferOptions = inferOptions;
-			TestParser parser = new TestParser(new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale
-					.getDefault()), compilerOptions, true/*
-														 * optimize string
-														 * literals
-														 */, false);
-			parser.javadocParser.checkDocComment = true;
-			ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName,
-					null);
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration compUnit = parser.parseCompilationUnit(
-					sourceUnit, true);
-			InferEngine inferEngine = inferrenceProvider.getInferEngine();
-			inferEngine.initialize();
-			inferEngine.setCompilationUnit(compUnit);
-			inferEngine.doInfer();
-			if (expected != null) {
-				StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
-				compUnit.printInferredTypes(sb);
-				String result = sb.toString();
-				assertEquals(expected, result);
-			}
-			return compUnit;
-			// javac part
-		} catch (AssertionFailedError e) {
-			throw e;
-		} finally {
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9514ccb..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,614 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class AssignmentTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-	public AssignmentTest(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-		Map options = super.getCompilerOptions();
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNullReference,
-				CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNoEffectAssignment,
-				CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		return options;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * no effect assignment bug
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test001() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"    var i;	\n" + "    function X(j) {	\n"
-								+ "    	i = j;	\n" + "    }	\n"
-								+ "       function B() {	\n"
-								+ "            this.i =this.i;	\n"
-								+ "        }	\n"
-								+ "      function main( args) {	\n"
-								+ "        X a = new X(3);	\n"
-								+ "        print(a.i + \" \");	\n"
-								+ "        print( B().i);	\n" + "	}	\n"
-								+ "}	\n", }, "3 3");
-	}
-	public void test002() {
-		this
-				.runNegativeTest(
-						new String[] {
-								"X.js",
-								"	var a;	\n"
-										+ "	var next;	\n"
-										+ "	 function foo( arg){	\n"
-										+ "	\n"
-										+ "		zork = zork;	\n"
-										+ "		arg = zork;	\n"
-										+ "	\n"
-										+ "		arg = arg;  // noop	\n"
-										+ "		a = a;  // noop	\n"
-										+ " =; // noop	\n"
-										+ " = next; // noop	\n"
-										+ "	\n"
-										+ "		next.a = next.a; // could raise NPE	\n"
-										+ " =; // could raise NPE	\n"
-										+ "		a = next.a; // could raise NPE	\n"
-										+ "		this. a = next.a; 	\n" + "	}	\n"
-										+ "\n", },
-						"----------\n"
-								+ "2. ERROR in X.js (at line 5)\n"
-								+ "	zork = zork;	\n"
-								+ "	       ^^^^\n"
-								+ "zork cannot be resolved\n"
-								+ "----------\n"
-								+ "3. ERROR in X.js (at line 6)\n"
-								+ "	arg = zork;	\n"
-								+ "	      ^^^^\n"
-								+ "zork cannot be resolved\n"
-								+ "----------\n"
-								+ "4. ERROR in X.js (at line 8)\n"
-								+ "	arg = arg;  // noop	\n"
-								+ "	^^^^^^^^^\n"
-								+ "The assignment to variable arg has no effect\n"
-								+ "----------\n"
-								+ "5. ERROR in X.js (at line 9)\n"
-								+ "	a = a;  // noop	\n"
-								+ "	^^^^^\n"
-								+ "The assignment to variable a has no effect\n"
-								+ "----------\n"
-								+ "6. ERROR in X.js (at line 10)\n"
-								+ " =; // noop	\n"
-								+ "	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-								+ "The assignment to variable next has no effect\n"
-								+ "----------\n"
-								+ "7. ERROR in X.js (at line 11)\n"
-								+ " = next; // noop	\n"
-								+ "	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-								+ "The assignment to variable next has no effect\n"
-								+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	// // final multiple assignment
-	// public void test020() {
-	// this.runNegativeTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "X.js",
-	// "	function foo() {\n" +
-	// "		 var v;\n" +
-	// "		for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n" +
-	// "			v = i;\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "		v = 0;\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "\n",
-	// },
-	// "----------\n" +
-	// "1. ERROR in X.js (at line 4)\n" +
-	// "	v = i;\n" +
-	// "	^\n" +
-	// "The final local variable v may already have been assigned\n" +
-	// "----------\n" +
-	// "2. ERROR in X.js (at line 6)\n" +
-	// "	v = 0;\n" +
-	// "	^\n" +
-	// "The final local variable v may already have been assigned\n" +
-	// "----------\n");
-	// }
-	// null part has been repeated into NullReferenceTest#test1033
-	public void test033() {
-		this
-				.runNegativeTest(
-						new String[] {
-								"X.js",
-								"	\n" + "	function foo() {\n" + "		var a,b;\n"
-										+ "		do{\n" + "		   a=\"Hello \";\n"
-										+ "		}while(a!=null);\n" + "				\n"
-										+ "		if(a!=null)\n" + "		{\n"
-										+ "		   b=\"World!\";\n" + "		}\n"
-										+ "		println(a+b);\n" + "	}\n" + "\n", },
-						"----------\n"
-								+ "1. ERROR in X.js (at line 6)\n"
-								+ "	}while(a!=null);\n"
-								+ "	       ^\n"
-								+ "The variable a cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n"
-								+ "----------\n"
-								+ "2. ERROR in X.js (at line 8)\n"
-								+ "	if(a!=null)\n"
-								+ "	   ^\n"
-								+ "The variable a can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n"
-								+ "----------\n"
-								+ "3. ERROR in X.js (at line 12)\n"
-								+ "	println(a+b);\n"
-								+ "	                     ^\n"
-								+ "The local variable b may not have been initialized\n"
-								+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	//
-	// TODO (philippe) should move to InitializationTest suite
-	public void test034() {
-		this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public final class X \n" + "{\n" + "	  var vdg;\n"
-						+ "	   var aa = null;\n" + "	   var a = 14;\n"
-						+ "	   var b = 3;\n" + "	   var c = 12;\n"
-						+ "	   var d = 2; \n" + "	   var e = 3; \n"
-						+ "	   var f = 34; \n" + "	   var g = 35; \n"
-						+ "	   var h = 36; \n" + "	   var j = 4;\n"
-						+ "	   var k = 1;\n" + "	   var aba = 1;\n"
-						+ "	   var as = 11;\n" + "	   var ad = 12;\n"
-						+ "	   var af = 13;\n" + "	   var ag = 2;\n"
-						+ "	   var ah = 21;\n" + "	   var aj = 22;\n"
-						+ "	   var ak = 3;\n" + "	   var aaad = null;\n"
-						+ "	   var aaaf = 1;\n" + "	   var aaag = 2;\n"
-						+ "	   var aaha = 2;\n" + "	 var cxvvb = 1;\n"
-						+ "	 var z = a;\n" + "	var asdff;\n" + "	  var ppfp;\n"
-						+ "	  var ppfpged;\n" + "	boolean asfadf;\n"
-						+ "	boolean cbxbx;\n" + "	  long tyt, rrky;\n"
-						+ "	  var dgjt, ykjr6y;\n" + "	   var krykr = 1;\n"
-						+ "	  var rykr5;\n" + "	  var dhfg;\n"
-						+ "	  var dthj;\n" + "	  var fkffy;\n"
-						+ "	  var fhfy;\n" + "	  var fhmf;\n"
-						+ "	 var ryur6;\n" + "	 var dhdthd;\n"
-						+ "	 var dth5;\n" + "	 var kfyk;\n" + "	 var ntd;\n"
-						+ "	 var asdasdads;\n" + "	   var dntdr = 7;\n"
-						+ "	   var asys = 1;\n" + "	   var djd5rwas = 11;\n"
-						+ "	   var dhds45rjd = 12;\n"
-						+ "	   var srws4jd = 13;\n" + "	   var s4ts = 2;\n"
-						+ "	   var dshes4 = 21;\n"
-						+ "	   var drthed56u = 22;\n"
-						+ "	   var drtye45 = 23;\n" + "	   var xxbxrb = 3;\n"
-						+ "	   var xfbxr = 31;\n" + "	   var asgw4y = 32;\n"
-						+ "	   var hdtrhs5r = 33;\n" + "	   var dshsh = 34;\n"
-						+ "	   var ds45yuwsuy = 4;\n"
-						+ "	   var astgs45rys = 5;\n" + "	   var srgs4y = 6;\n"
-						+ "	   var srgsryw45 = -6;\n"
-						+ "	   var srgdtgjd45ry = -7;\n"
-						+ "	   var srdjs43t = 1;\n"
-						+ "	   var sedteued5y = 2;\n" + "	  var jrfd6u;\n"
-						+ "	  var udf56u;\n" + "	 var jf6tu;\n"
-						+ "	 var jf6tud;\n" + "	var bsrh;\n" + "	 X(var a)\n"
-						+ "	{\n" + "	}\n" + "	 long sfhdsrhs;\n"
-						+ "	 boolean qaafasdfs;\n" + "	 var sdgsa;\n"
-						+ "	 long dgse4;\n" + "	long sgrdsrg;\n"
-						+ "	 function gdsthsr()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "	 var hsrhs;\n" + "	 function hsrhsdsh()\n" + "	{\n"
-						+ "	}\n" + "	 var dsfhshsr;\n"
-						+ "	 function sfhsh4rsrh()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "	 function shsrhsh()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "	 function sfhstuje56u()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "	 function dhdrt6u()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "	 function hdtue56u()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "	 function htdws4()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "	var mfmgf;\n" + "	var mgdmd;\n" + "	var mdsrh;\n"
-						+ "	var nmdr;\n" + "	 function oyioyio()\n" + "	{\n"
-						+ "	}\n" + "	  long oyioyreye()\n" + "	{\n"
-						+ "		return 0;\n" + "	}\n" + "	  long etueierh()\n"
-						+ "	{\n" + "		return 0;\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "	  function sdfgsgs()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "	  function fhsrhsrh()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n" + "\n"
-						+ "	long dcggsdg;\n" + "	var ssssssgsfh;\n"
-						+ "	long ssssssgae;\n" + "	long ssssssfaseg;\n"
-						+ "	 function zzzdged()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n" + "	\n"
-						+ "	var t;\n" + "	 function xxxxxcbsg()\n" + "	{\n"
-						+ "	}\n" + "\n" + "	\n" + "	 function vdg()\n" + "	{\n"
-						+ "	}\n" + "	\n" + "	 int[] fffcvffffffasdfaef;\n"
-						+ "	 int[] fffcffffffasdfaef;\n"
-						+ "	 long[] ffcvfffffffasdfaef;\n"
-						+ "	 var fffffghffffasdfaef; \n"
-						+ "	 var fffffdffffasdfaef; \n"
-						+ "	 var ffafffffffasdfaef;\n" + "	\n"
-						+ "	 function fffffffffasdfaef()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "	\n" + "	 boolean aaaadgasrg;\n"
-						+ "	 function ddddgaergnj()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n" + "\n"
-						+ "	 function aaaadgaeg()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n" + "	\n"
-						+ "	 function aaaaaaefadfgh()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "	\n" + "	 function addddddddafge()\n" + "	{\n"
-						+ "	}\n" + "	\n" + "	 boolean aaaaaaaefae;\n"
-						+ "	 function aaaaaaefaef()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n" + "\n"
-						+ "	 function ggggseae()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n" + "\n"
-						+ "	  function ggggggsgsrg()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "\n" + "	  synchronized function ggggggfsfgsr()\n"
-						+ "	{\n" + "	}\n" + "\n" + "	 function aaaaaadgaeg()\n"
-						+ "	{\n" + "	}\n" + "	\n"
-						+ "	 function aaaaadgaerg()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "	\n" + "	 function bbbbbbsfryghs()\n" + "	{\n"
-						+ "	}\n" + "	\n" + "	 function bfbbbbbbfssreg()\n"
-						+ "	{\n" + "	}\n" + "\n" + "	 function bbbbbbfssfb()\n"
-						+ "	{\n" + "	}\n" + "\n" + "	 function bbbbbbfssb()\n"
-						+ "	{\n" + "	}\n" + "\n" + "	 function bbbbfdssb()\n"
-						+ "	{\n" + "	}\n" + "	\n" + "	boolean dggggggdsg;\n"
-						+ "\n" + "	 function hdfhdr()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "	\n" + "	 function dhdrtdrs()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "	\n" + "	 function dghdthtdhd()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "	\n" + "	 function dhdhdtdh()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "	\n" + "	 function fddhdsh()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "	\n" + "	 boolean sdffgsdg()\n" + "	{\n"
-						+ "		return true;\n" + "	}\n" + "			\n"
-						+ "	  boolean sdgsdg()\n" + "	{\n"
-						+ "		return false;\n" + "	}\n" + "	\n"
-						+ "	   function sfdgsg()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n" + "\n"
-						+ "	 int[] fghtys;\n" + "\n" + "	   var sdsst = 1;\n"
-						+ "	  X asdfahnr;\n"
-						+ "	  var ssdsdbrtyrtdfhd, ssdsrtyrdbdfhd;\n"
-						+ "	  var ssdsrtydbdfhd, ssdsrtydffbdfhd;\n"
-						+ "	  var ssdrtyhrtysdbdfhd, ssyeghdsdbdfhd;\n"
-						+ "	  var ssdsdrtybdfhd, ssdsdehebdfhd;\n"
-						+ "	  var ssdthrtsdbdfhd, ssdshethetdbdfhd;\n"
-						+ "	  var sstrdrfhdsdbdfhd;\n"
-						+ "	  var ssdsdbdfhd, ssdsdethbdfhd;\n"
-						+ "	  long ssdshdfhchddbdfhd;\n"
-						+ "	  long ssdsdvbbdfhd;\n" + "	\n" + "	\n"
-						+ "	  long ssdsdbdfhd()\n" + "	{\n" + "		return 0;\n"
-						+ "	}\n" + "\n" + "	  long sdgsrsbsf()\n" + "	{\n"
-						+ "		return 0;\n" + "	}\n" + "\n"
-						+ "	  function sfgsfgssghr()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "	\n" + "	  var sgsgsrg()\n" + "	{\n"
-						+ "		return null;\n" + "	}\n" + "\n"
-						+ "	  function sdgshsdygra()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "\n" + "	  var sdfsdfs()\n" + "	{\n"
-						+ "		return null;\n" + "	}\n" + "\n"
-						+ "	 boolean ryweyer;\n" + "\n"
-						+ "	  function adfadfaghsfh()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "	\n" + "	  function ghasghasrg()\n" + "	{\n"
-						+ "	}\n" + "\n" + "	  function aadfadfaf()\n" + "	{\n"
-						+ "	}\n" + "\n" + "	  function aadfadf()\n" + "	{\n"
-						+ "	}\n" + "	\n" + "	  var fgsfhwr()\n" + "	{\n"
-						+ "		return 0;\n" + "	}\n" + "\n"
-						+ "	  var gdfgfgrfg()\n" + "	{\n" + "		return 0;\n"
-						+ "	}\n" + "\n" + "	  var asdfsfs()\n" + "	{\n"
-						+ "		return 0;\n" + "	}\n" + "\n" + "	  var sdgs;\n"
-						+ "	  var sdfsh4e;\n" + "	   var gsregs = 0;\n" + "	\n"
-						+ "	  var sgsgsd()\n" + "	{\n" + "		return null;\n"
-						+ "	}\n" + "\n"
-						+ "	 byte[] sdhqtgwsrh(String rsName, var id)\n"
-						+ "	{\n" + "		var rs = null;\n" + "		try\n" + "		{\n"
-						+ "			rs = \"\";\n" + "			return null;\n" + "		}\n"
-						+ "		catch (Exception ex)\n" + "		{\n" + "		}\n"
-						+ "		finally\n" + "		{\n" + "			if (rs != null)\n"
-						+ "			{\n" + "				try\n" + "				{\n"
-						+ "					rs.toString();\n" + "				}\n"
-						+ "				catch (Exception ex)\n" + "				{\n" + "				}\n"
-						+ "			}\n" + "		}\n" + "		return null;\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "\n" + "	 function dgagadga()\n" + "	{\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "	\n" + "	 var adsyasta;\n" + "}\n", }, "");
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Check scenario: i = i++
-	 * disabled:
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test035() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"	var f;\n" + "	function foo( i) {\n" + "		i = i++;\n"
-						+ "		i = ++i;\n" + "		f = f++;\n" + "		f = ++f;\n"
-						+ "		var z;" + "	}\n" + "\n", }, "----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in X.js (at line 4)\n" + "	i = ++i;\n"
-				+ "	^^^^^^^\n" + "The assignment to variable i has no effect\n"
-				+ "----------\n" + "2. ERROR in X.js (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	f = ++f;\n" + "	^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "The assignment to variable f has no effect\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test036() {
-		this
-				.runNegativeTest(
-						new String[] {
-								"X.js",
-								"\n" + "	function foo() {\n"
-										+ "		var o = new Object();\n"
-										+ "		do {\n" + "			o = null;\n"
-										+ "		} while (o != null);\n"
-										+ "		if (o == null) {\n"
-										+ "			// throw new Exception();\n"
-										+ "		}\n" + "	}\n" + "\n", },
-						"----------\n"
-								+ "1. ERROR in X.js (at line 6)\n"
-								+ "	} while (o != null);\n"
-								+ "	         ^\n"
-								+ "The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n"
-								+ "----------\n"
-								+ "2. ERROR in X.js (at line 7)\n"
-								+ "	if (o == null) {\n"
-								+ "	    ^\n"
-								+ "The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n"
-								+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	// //
-	// public void test037() {
-	// this.runConformTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "X.js",
-	// " class X extends Object implements Runnable {\n" +
-	// "	var interval = 5;\n" +
-	// "	 function run() {\n" +
-	// "		try {\n" +
-	// "			Thread.sleep(interval = interval + 100);\n" +
-	// "			Thread.sleep(interval += 100);\n" +
-	// "		} catch (InterruptedException e) {\n" +
-	// "			e.printStackTrace();\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "\n" +
-	// "	  function main( args) {\n" +
-	// "		new X().run();\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "}\n",
-	// },
-	// "");
-	// }
-	//
-	// public void test038() {
-	// this.runNegativeTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "X.js",
-	// "import java.awt.event.*;\n" +
-	// "\n" +
-	// "import javax.swing.*;\n" +
-	// "import javax.swing.event.*;\n" +
-	// "\n" +
-	// " class X {\n" +
-	// "    JButton myButton = new JButton();\n" +
-	// "    JTree myTree = new JTree();\n" +
-	// "    ActionListener action;\n" +
-	// "    X() {\n" +
-	// "        action = new ActionListener() {\n" +
-	// "             function actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {\n" +
-	// "                if (true) {\n" +
-	// "                    // unlock document\n" +
-	// "                     Object document = new Object();\n" +
-	// "                    myButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {\n"
-	// +
-	// "                          boolean selectionChanged;\n" +
-	// "                         TreeSelectionListener list = new TreeSelectionListener() {\n"
-	// +
-	// "                             function valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) {\n"
-	// +
-	// "                                selectionChanged = true;\n" +
-	// "                            }\n" +
-	// "                        };\n" +
-	// "                       {\n" +
-	// "                      myTree.addTreeSelectionListener(list);\n" +
-	// "                      }\n" +
-	// "                         function actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {\n" +
-	// "                            if(!selectionChanged)\n" +
-	// "                            myButton.removeActionListener(this);\n" +
-	// "                        }\n" +
-	// "                    });\n" +
-	// "                }\n" +
-	// "            }\n" +
-	// "        };\n" +
-	// "    }\n" +
-	// "      function main( args) {\n" +
-	// "        new X();\n" +
-	// "    }\n" +
-	// "\n" +
-	// "}",
-	// },
-	// "----------\n" +
-	// "1. WARNING in X.js (at line 19)\n" +
-	// "	 function valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) {\n" +
-	// "	                                            ^\n" +
-	// "The parameter e is hiding another local variable defined in an enclosing type scope\n"
-	// +
-	// "----------\n" +
-	// "2. ERROR in X.js (at line 23)\n" +
-	// "	 {\n" +
-	// "	       ^\n" +
-	// "Cannot define  initializer in inner type new ActionListener(){}\n" +
-	// "----------\n" +
-	// "3. ERROR in X.js (at line 24)\n" +
-	// "	myTree.addTreeSelectionListener(list);\n" +
-	// "	^^^^^^\n" +
-	// "Cannot make a  reference to the non- field myTree\n" +
-	// "----------\n" +
-	// "4. WARNING in X.js (at line 26)\n" +
-	// "	 function actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {\n" +
-	// "	                                        ^\n" +
-	// "The parameter e is hiding another local variable defined in an enclosing type scope\n"
-	// +
-	// "----------\n");
-	// }
-	//
-	// public void test039() {
-	// this.runConformTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "X.js",
-	// " class X {\n" +
-	// "	  function main( args) {\n" +
-	// "		var a = 1;\n" +
-	// "	    a = a++;\n" +
-	// "		print(\"a=\"+a);\n" +
-	// "		\n" +
-	// "		var b = 1;\n" +
-	// "		print(b = b++);\n" +
-	// "		println(\"b=\"+b);\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "}\n",
-	// },
-	// "a=11b=1");
-	// }
-	// warn upon parameter assignment
-	//
-	public void test040() {
-		Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportParameterAssignment,
-				CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"  function foo(b) {\n" + "    b = false;\n" + "  }\n"
-								+ "\n", }, "----------\n"
-						+ "1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + "	b = false;\n"
-						+ "	^\n" + "The parameter b should not be assigned\n"
-						+ "----------\n", null, true, options);
-	}
-	// warn upon parameter assignment
-	//
-	// diagnose within fake reachable code
-	public void test041() {
-		Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportParameterAssignment,
-				CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		this.runNegativeTest(new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"  function foo(b) {\n" + "    if (false) {\n"
-						+ "      b = false;\n" + "    }\n" + "  }\n" + "\n", },
-				"----------\n" + "1. ERROR in X.js (at line 3)\n"
-						+ "	b = false;\n" + "	^\n"
-						+ "The parameter b should not be assigned\n"
-						+ "----------\n", null, true, options);
-	}
-	// warn upon parameter assignment
-	//
-	// diagnose within fake reachable code
-	public void test042() {
-		Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportParameterAssignment,
-				CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		this.runNegativeTest(new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"  function foo(b) {\n" + "    if (true) {\n"
-						+ "      return;\n" + "    }\n" + "    b = false;\n"
-						+ "  }\n" + "\n", }, "----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in X.js (at line 5)\n" + "	b = false;\n" + "	^\n"
-				+ "The parameter b should not be assigned\n" + "----------\n",
-				null, true, options);
-	}
-	// // warn upon parameter assignment
-	// //
-	// // we only show the 'assignment to final' error here
-	// public void test043() {
-	// Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	// options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportParameterAssignment,
-	// CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	// this.runNegativeTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "X.js",
-	// " class X {\n" +
-	// "  function foo( boolean b) {\n" +
-	// "    if (false) {\n" +
-	// "      b = false;\n" +
-	// "    }\n" +
-	// "  }\n" +
-	// "}\n",
-	// },
-	// "----------\n" +
-	// "1. ERROR in X.js (at line 4)\n" +
-	// "	b = false;\n" +
-	// "	^\n" +
-	// "The final local variable b cannot be assigned. It must be blank and not using a compound assignment\n"
-	// +
-	// "----------\n",
-	// null, true, options);
-	// }
-	//
-	public void test044() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"	var length1 = 0;\n" + "	{\n"
-						+ "		length1 = length1; // already detected\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "	var length2 = length2 = 0; // not detected\n"
-						+ "	var length3 = 0;\n" + "	{\n"
-						+ "		length3 = length3 = 0; // not detected\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "	 function foo() {\n" + "		var length1 = 0;\n"
-						+ "		length1 = length1; // already detected\n"
-						+ "		var length2 = length2 = 0; // not detected\n"
-						+ "		var length3 = 0;\n"
-						+ "		length3 = length3 = 0; // not detected\n" + "	}\n"
-						+ "\n", }, "----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in X.js (at line 3)\n"
-				+ "	length1 = length1; // already detected\n"
-				+ "	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "The assignment to variable length1 has no effect\n"
-				+ "----------\n" + "2. ERROR in X.js (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	var length2 = length2 = 0; // not detected\n"
-				+ "	    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "The assignment to variable length2 has no effect\n"
-				+ "----------\n" + "3. ERROR in X.js (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	length3 = length3 = 0; // not detected\n"
-				+ "	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "The assignment to variable length3 has no effect\n"
-				+ "----------\n" + "4. ERROR in X.js (at line 12)\n"
-				+ "	length1 = length1; // already detected\n"
-				+ "	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "The assignment to variable length1 has no effect\n"
-				+ "----------\n" + "5. ERROR in X.js (at line 13)\n"
-				+ "	var length2 = length2 = 0; // not detected\n"
-				+ "	    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "The assignment to variable length2 has no effect\n"
-				+ "----------\n" + "6. ERROR in X.js (at line 15)\n"
-				+ "	length3 = length3 = 0; // not detected\n"
-				+ "	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "The assignment to variable length3 has no effect\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test045() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"	function foo() {\n"
-						+ "		var length2 = length2 = 0; // first problem\n"
-						+ "		var length3 = 0;\n"
-						+ "		length3 = length3 = 0; // second problem\n"
-						+ "	}\n" + "\n", }, "----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n"
-				+ "	var length2 = length2 = 0; // first problem\n"
-				+ "	    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "The assignment to variable length2 has no effect\n"
-				+ "----------\n" + "2. ERROR in X.js (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	length3 = length3 = 0; // second problem\n"
-				+ "	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "The assignment to variable length3 has no effect\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public static Class testClass() {
-		return AssignmentTest.class;
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index f6f7a20..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class BasicAnalyseTests extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-	public BasicAnalyseTests(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public void testBug251374_1() {
-		Map custom = new HashMap();
-		custom.put("org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.problem.nullReference", "error");
-		custom.put("org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.problem.potentialNullReference", "error");
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var b = null;\n" +
-						"function boo() {\n" +
-						"b.toString();\n" +
-						"}\n" +
-						"b = 2;\n" +
-						"boo();" 
-				},
-				"", null, false, custom
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug251374_2() {
-		Map custom = new HashMap();
-		custom.put("org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.problem.nullReference", "error");
-		custom.put("org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.problem.potentialNullReference", "error");
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var b = null;\n" +
-						"function boo() {\n" +
-						"b.toString();\n" +
-						"}\n" +
-						"boo();" 
-				},
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	b.toString();\n" + 
-				"	^\n" + 
-				"Null pointer access: The variable b can only be null at this location\n" + 
-				"----------\n", null, false, custom
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug251374_3() {
-		Map custom = new HashMap();
-		custom.put("org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.problem.nullReference", "error");
-		custom.put("org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.problem.potentialNullReference", "error");
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var b = null;\n" +
-						"function boo() {\n" +
-						"b = null\n" +
-						"b.toString();\n" +
-						"}\n" +
-						"b = 2;\n" +
-						"boo();" 
-				},
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	b.toString();\n" + 
-				"	^\n" + 
-				"Null pointer access: The variable b can only be null at this location\n" + 
-				"----------\n", null, false, custom
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug251374_4() {
-		Map custom = new HashMap();
-		custom.put("org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.problem.nullReference", "error");
-		custom.put("org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.problem.potentialNullReference", "error");
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var b = null;\n" +
-						"function boo() {\n" +
-						"b = null\n" +
-						"b.toString();\n" +
-						"}\n" +
-						"b = 2;\n" +
-						"boo();\n" +
-						"b.toString();" 
-				},
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	b.toString();\n" + 
-				"	^\n" + 
-				"Null pointer access: The variable b can only be null at this location\n" + 
-				"----------\n", null, false, custom
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug251374_5() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var b = null;\n" +
-						"function boo() {\n" +
-						"b = null\n" +
-						"b.toString();\n" +
-						"}\n" +
-						"b = 2;\n" +
-						"boo();\n" +
-						"b.toString();" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug286029_1() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var sub;\n" +
-						"if(!sub) sub = {};" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug286029_2() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"function abc() {\n" +
-						"var sub;\n" +
-						"if(!sub) sub = {};\n" +
-						"}"
-				},
-				"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	if(!sub) sub = {};\n" + 
-		"	    ^^^\n" + 
-		"The local variable sub may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug286029_3() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"function abc() {\n" +
-						"var sub; sub = {};\n" +
-						"if(!sub) sub = {};\n" +
-						"}"
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c835d4..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration;
-public class BasicErrorTests extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-	public BasicErrorTests(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public void test001() {
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runParseTest(
-				"function foo(){\n" + 
-				"  var c;\n" + 
-				"  var d;\n" + 
-				"  c.\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"function foo(){\n" + 
-			"  var c;\n" + 
-			"  var d;\n" + 
-			"  c.\n" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test002() {
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runParseTest(
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"/**\n" +
-				" * @category test\n" +
-				" */\n" +
-				"public class Y {\n" +
-			"}\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"function foo(){\n" + 
-			"  var c;\n" + 
-			"  var d;\n" + 
-			"  c.\n" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f4965d..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration;
-public class BasicJsdocTests extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-	public BasicJsdocTests(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public void test001() {
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runJSDocParseTest(
-			 "/**\n"
-				+ " * Valid class javadoc\n"
-				+ " * @param p1 param def\n"
-				+ " */\n"
-			+"function foo(p1){}" + 
-			"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"/**\n" +
-			"   * @param p1\n" +
-			" */\n" +
-			"function foo(p1) {\n}" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test002() {
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runJSDocParseTest(
-			 "/**\n"
-				+ " * Valid class javadoc\n"
-				+ " * @param {String} p1 param def\n"
-				+ " */\n"
-			+"function foo(p1){}" + 
-			"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"/**\n" +
-			"   * @param {String} p1\n" +
-			" */\n" +
-			"function foo(p1) {\n}" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-//	public void test002b() {
-//		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runJSDocParseTest(
-//			 "/**\n"
-//				+ " * Valid class javadoc\n"
-//				+ " * @param {String} p1 param def\n"
-//				+ " */\n"
-//			+"function foo(p1){}" + 
-//			"\n",
-//			"X.js",
-//			"/**\n" +
-//			"   * @param {String*} p1\n" +
-//			" */\n" +
-//			"function foo(p1) {\n}" + 
-//			"\n"
-//		 );
-//	}
-	public void test003() {
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runJSDocParseTest(
-			 "/**\n"
-				+ " * Valid class javadoc\n"
-				+ " * @param {String|Number} p1 param def\n"
-				+ " */\n"
-			+"function foo(p1){}" + 
-			"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"/**\n" +
-			"   * @param {String|Number} p1\n" +
-			" */\n" +
-			"function foo(p1) {\n}" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test004() {
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runJSDocParseTest(
-			 "/**\n"
-				+ " * Valid class javadoc\n"
-				+ " * @constructor \n"
-				+ " */\n"
-			+"function foo(p1){}" + 
-			"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"/**\n" +
-			"   * @constructor\n" +
-			" */\n" +
-			"function foo(p1) {\n}" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005() {
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runJSDocParseTest(
-			 "/**\n"
-				+ " * Valid class javadoc\n"
-				+ " * @type String \n"
-				+ " */\n"
-			+"function foo(p1){}" + 
-			"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"/**\n" +
-			"   * @type String\n" +
-			" */\n" +
-			"function foo(p1) {\n}" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test006() {
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runJSDocParseTest(
-			 "/**\n"
-				+ " * Valid class javadoc\n"
-				+ " * @private \n"
-				+ " */\n"
-			+"function foo(p1){}" + 
-			"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"/**\n" +
-			"   * @private\n" +
-			" */\n" +
-			"function foo(p1) {\n}" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test007() {
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runJSDocParseTest(
-			 "/**\n"
-				+ " * Valid class javadoc\n"
-				+ " * @member MyClass \n"
-				+ " */\n"
-			+"function foo(p1){}" + 
-			"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"/**\n" +
-			"   * @member MyClass\n" +
-			" */\n" +
-			"function foo(p1) {\n}" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test008() {
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runJSDocParseTest(
-			 "/**\n"
-				+ " * Valid class javadoc\n"
-				+ " * @base MyClass \n"
-				+ " */\n"
-			+"function foo(p1){}" + 
-			"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"/**\n" +
-			"   * @extends MyClass\n" +
-			" */\n" +
-			"function foo(p1) {\n}" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test010() {
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runJSDocParseTest(
-				"i= { \n"+
-				"/**\n" +
-				"   * @type Number\n" +
-				" */\n" +
-				" a: 2 ,\n"+
-				"/**\n" +
-				"   * @type Int\n" +
-				" */\n" +
-				" b: 3+4};" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = {\n"+
-			"  /**\n" +
-			"   * @type Number\n" +
-			" */\n" +
-			"a : 2,\n"+
-			"  /**\n" +
-			"   * @type Int\n" +
-			" */\n" +
-			"b : (3 + 4)\n};" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 159a8c7..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1017 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration;
-public class BasicParserTests extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-	public BasicParserTests(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public void test001() {
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runParseTest(
-			"{i=1;}" + 
-			"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"{\n  i = 1;\n}" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test002() {	// missing semicolon
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runParseTest(
-				"i=1\n" + 
-				"j=2;" + 
-			"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = 1;\n" + 
-			"j = 2;" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test003() {	// var
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runParseTest(
-				"var i=1,c=4;" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"var i = 1, c = 4;" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"var i=1,c;" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"var i = 1, c;" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test003a() {	// var
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runParseTest(
-				"var foo=null;" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"var foo = null;" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"var i=1,c;" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"var i = 1, c;" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test004() {	// functions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"function abc(){}" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"function abc() {\n}" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test004a() {	// functions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"function abc(a){}" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"function abc(a) {\n}" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test004b() {	// functions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"function abc(a,b){i=1;}" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"function abc(a, b) {\n  i = 1;\n}" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005a() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i=this.v1+4;" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = (this.v1 + 4);" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005b() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i=funccall(c,b);" + 
-				"i=cc.funccall(c,b);" + 
-				",b);" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = funccall(c, b);\n" + 
-			"i = cc.funccall(c, b);\n" + 
-			"i =, b);" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005b2() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i=funccall().methCall();" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = funccall().methCall();" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005d() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i= function (c,b) {i=2;}" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = function (c, b) {\n  i = 2;\n};" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005e() {	// expressions/
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i= 1+(z-v);" + 
-				"i= ++z * v--;" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = (1 + (z - v));\n" + 
-			"i = ((++ z) * (v --));" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005f() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i= new abc(dd);" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = new abc(dd);" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005f1() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i= new dojo.uri.Uri(1,2);" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = new dojo.uri.Uri(1, 2);" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005f2() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"dojo.string.normalizeNewlines = function (text,newlineChar) {i=1;}" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"dojo.string.normalizeNewlines = function (text, newlineChar) {\n  i = 1;\n};" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005f3() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"	function foo() {\n" + 
-				"		var maxUnits = 0;\n" + 
-				"			var unitResult = \n" + 
-				"				new CompilationUnitResult(\n" + 
-				"					null, \n" + 
-				"					i, \n" + 
-				"					maxUnits); \n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"function foo() {\n"+
-			"  var maxUnits = 0;\n"+
-			"  var unitResult = new   CompilationUnitResult(null, i, maxUnits);\n"+
-			"}"+
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005f4() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i= new SomeClass;" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = new SomeClass;" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005f5() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"function f(){\n" + 
-				"i= new SomeClass \n}" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"function f() {\n" + 
-			"  i = new SomeClass;\n" + 
-			"}" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005f6() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"	function X(i){}								\n" +
-				"	function foo(){								\n" +
-				"		var j = 0;							\n" +
-				"		var x = new X(j);						\n" +
-				"}	" +
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"function X(i) {\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"function foo() {\n" + 
-			"  var j = 0;\n" +
-			"  var x = new   X(j);\n" +
-			"}" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005g1() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i= typeof objpath != \"string\";" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = ((typeof objpath) != \"string\");" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005g2() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i= ar instanceof Error;" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = (ar instanceof Error);" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}		 
-	public void test005g3() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i= != null ;" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = ( != null);" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}		 
-	public void test005g4() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i= != undefined ;" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = ( != undefined);" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}		 
-	public void test005h1() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i= { a: 2 , b: 3+4};" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = {\n  a : 2,\n  b : (3 + 4)\n};" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	public void test005h1a() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i= { 'a': 2 , 'b': 3+4};" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = {\n  'a' : 2,\n  'b' : (3 + 4)\n};" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	public void test005h2() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i= { a: function(){ var ar={c:3,d:4,e:4}; } , b: function(cc){ var c=1;} , d:function(){}};" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = {\n  a : function () {\n  var ar = {\n    c : 3,\n    d : 4,\n    e : 4\n  };\n},\n  b : function (cc) {\n  var c = 1;\n},\n  d : function () {\n}\n};" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	public void test005i() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i= arr[4];" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = arr[4];" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005i1() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"arr[4]=1;" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"arr[4] = 1;" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005i2() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"var arr=null;" + 
-				"arr[4]=1;" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"var arr = null;\n" + 
-			"arr[4] = 1;" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005j() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i= [a,b];" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = [a, b];" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005j2() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i= [,a];" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = [, a];" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005j3() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i= [a,];" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = [a, ];" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005j4() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i= [,];" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = [, ];" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005j5() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i= [];" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = [];" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005j6() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i= [a,,b];" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = [a, , b];" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005j7() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i= [,,];" + 
-				"i= [,,,];" + 
-				"i= [,,b,];" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = [, , ];\n" + 
-			"i = [, , , ];\n" + 
-			"i = [, , b, ];" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test005j8() {	// expressions
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"i= [a,b,,c];" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"i = [a, b, , c];" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test007() {	// if
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"if (a>1) this.c=f+5;" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"if ((a > 1))\n    this.c = (f + 5);" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test008() {	// try catch
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"try { a=2;} catch (ex) {a=3;}" + 
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"try \n  {\n    a = 2;\n  }\ncatch (ex)   {\n    a = 3;\n  }" + 
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test009() {	// for
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"for (i=1;i<3;i++)\n" +
-				"  f++;" +
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"for (i = 1; (i < 3); i ++) \n  f ++;"+	
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test009a() {	// for
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"for (;i<3;i++)\n" +
-				"  f++;" +
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"for (; (i < 3); i ++) \n  f ++;"+	
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test010() {	// for in
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"for (var a in this.vars)\n" +
-				"  f++;" +
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"for (var a in this.vars) \n  f ++;"+	
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test011() {	// for in
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"with (foo)\n" +
-				"  bar;" +
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"with (foo)\n"+	
-			"  bar;\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test010a() {	// for in
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"for (a in this.vars)\n" +
-				"  f++;" +
-				"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"for (a in this.vars) \n  f ++;"+	
-			"\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test015() {	// missing semicolon
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"  function bar() \n{\n" +
-				"    System.out.println()\n" +
-				"  }\n" ,
-			"X.js",
-			"function bar() {\n"+	
-			"  System.out.println();\n" +
-			"}\n" 
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test015a() {	// missing semicolon
-		this.runParseTest(
-			"function bar() {\n"+	
-			"  System.out\n" +
-			"}\n", 
-			"X.js",
-			"function bar() {\n"+	
-			"  System.out;\n" +
-			"}\n" 
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test020() {	// missing semicolon
-		this.runParseTest(
-			      "function Bob(firstname, lastname) {\n" +
-			      "   var Firstname = firstname;\n" +
-			      "   var Lastname = lastname;\n" +
-			      "}\n" +
-			      " = function () {return this.Fistname + this.Lastname;};\n",
-			"X.js",
-		      "function Bob(firstname, lastname) {\n" +
-		      "  var Firstname = firstname;\n" +
-		      "  var Lastname = lastname;\n" +
-		      "}\n" +
-		      " = function () {\n  return (this.Fistname + this.Lastname);\n};\n"
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test022() {
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"var SingleQuote = {\n" +
-				"   Version: '1.1-beta2' \n" +
-				"}\n",
-			"X.js",
-				"var SingleQuote = {\n" +
-				"  Version : '1.1-beta2'\n" +
-				"};\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test023() {
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"var Try = { \n" +
-				"	these: function() { \n" +
-				"		var returnValue; \n" +
-				"	} \n"+
-				"	} \n",
-			"X.js",
-			"var Try = {\n" +
-			"  these : function () {\n" +
-			"  var returnValue;\n" +
-			"}\n"+
-			"};\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test024() {
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"var Try = { \n" +
-				"	these: function() { \n" +
-				"		var returnValue; \n" +
-				"	} \n" +
-				"};",
-			"X.js",
-				"var Try = {\n" +
-				"  these : function () {\n" +
-				"  var returnValue;\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"};\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test026() {
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"String.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');",
-			"X.js",
-				"String.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test027() {
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"  (!options) ? options = {} : '';",
-			"X.js",
-				"((! options) ? (options = {}) : '');\n"			
-		);
-	}
-	public void test027b() {
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"  (!options) ? '' : options = {};",
-			"X.js",
-				"((! options) ? '' : (options = {}));\n"			
-		);
-	}
-	public void test028() {
-		this.runParseTest(
-				" if (typeof dojo==\"undefined\"){ \n" +
-				"	function dj_undef(){ \n" +
-				"	} \n" +
-				"}",
-			"X.js",
-				"if (((typeof dojo) == \"undefined\"))\n" +
-				"    {\n" +
-				"      function dj_undef() {\n" +
-				"      }\n" +
-				"    }\n"			
-		);
-	}
-	public void test029() {
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"  abc();",
-			"X.js",
-				"abc();\n"			
-		);
-	}
-	public void test030() {
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"  \"cc\".abc();",
-			"X.js",
-				"\"cc\".abc();\n"			
-		);
-	}
-	public void test031() {
-		this.runParseTest(
-			"var a = 1;\n" +
-			"// test unicode \\u00a var a =1; \n" +
-			"var b = 2; \n",
-			"X.js",
-			"var a = 1;\n" +
-			"var b = 2;\n"			
-		);
-	}
-	public void test032() {
-		this.runParseTest(
-			"var a = 1;\n" +
-			"/* \n" +
-			"* test unicode \\u00a var a =1; \n " +
-			"*/" +
-			"var b = 2; \n",
-			"X.js",
-			"var a = 1;\n" +
-			"var b = 2;\n"			
-		);
-	}
-	public void test033() {
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"var a = \"a\\>\";\n",
-			"X.js",
-				"var a = \"a>\";\n"			
-		);
-	}
-	public void test034() {
-				this.runParseTest(
-						"label: for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n" +
-						"	     continue label;\n" +
-						"}", 
-						"X.js",
-						"label: for (var i = 0;; (i < 10); i ++) \n" +
-						"  {\n"+			
-						"    continue label;\n"+			
-						"  }\n"
-					);
-	}
-	public void test035() {
-		// check a unicode " in string. The expected " is escaped 
-		// because of the way the test framework works. It converts 
-		// special characters to a character representation before
-		// doing the compare. 
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"\"abc\\u0022def\";\n",
-			"X.js",
-				"\"abc\\\"def\";\n"			
-		);
-	}
-	public void test036() {
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"'abc\\u0027def';\n",
-			"X.js",
-				"'abc'def';\n"			
-		);
-	}
-	public void test037() {
-		// check a unicode " in string. The expected " is escaped 
-		// because of the way the test framework works. It converts 
-		// special characters to a character representation before
-		// doing the compare. 
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"\"\\u0022def\";\n",
-			"X.js",
-				"\"\\\"def\";\n"			
-		);
-	}
-	public void test038() {
-		// check a unicode " in string. The expected " is escaped 
-		// because of the way the test framework works. It converts 
-		// special characters to a character representation before
-		// doing the compare. 
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"\"abc\\x22def\";\n",
-			"X.js",
-				"\"abc\\\"def\";\n"			
-		);
-	}
-	public void test039() {
-		// check a unicode " in string. The expected " is escaped 
-		// because of the way the test framework works. It converts 
-		// special characters to a character representation before
-		// doing the compare. 
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"\"\\x22def\";\n",
-			"X.js",
-				"\"\\\"def\";\n"			
-		);
-	}
-	public void test040() {
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"var onStart = function() { \n" +
-				";\n" + 
-				"	this.runtimeAttributes = {};\n" +
-				"	for (var attr in this.attributes) {\n" +
-				";\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"};",
-			"X.js",
-				"var onStart = function () {\n" +
-				";\n" + 
-				"  this.runtimeAttributes = {};\n" +
-				"  for (var attr in this.attributes) \n" +
-				"    {\n" +
-				";\n" +
-				"    }\n" +
-				"};\n"		
-		);
-	}
-	public void test041() {
-		// check a unicode " in string. The expected " is escaped 
-		// because of the way the test framework works. It converts 
-		// special characters to a character representation before
-		// doing the compare. 
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"(function (){});\n",
-			"X.js",
-				"function () {\n};\n"			
-		);
-	}
-	public void test042() {
-		// check a unicode " in string. The expected " is escaped 
-		// because of the way the test framework works. It converts 
-		// special characters to a character representation before
-		// doing the compare. 
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"function trim(oldString)\n" +
-				"{\n" + 
-				"var newString = oldString;\n" +
-				"var safety = 0;\n" +
-				"var safetyLimit = 10000;\n" +
-				"while(newString.charAt(0) == \" \" && safety < safetyLimit){\n" +
-				"	newString = newString.substring(1);\n" +
-				"	safety++;\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"while(newString.charAt(newString.length-1) == \" \" && safety < safetyLimit){\n" +
-				"newString = newString.substring(0, newString.length-1);\n" +
-				"	safety++\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"return newString;\n" +
- 				"};",
-			"X.js",
-			"function trim(oldString) {\n" +
-			"  var newString = oldString;\n" +
-			"  var safety = 0;\n" +
-			"  var safetyLimit = 10000;\n" +
-			"  while (((newString.charAt(0) == \" \") && (safety < safetyLimit)))    {\n" +
-			"      newString = newString.substring(1);\n" +
-			"      safety ++;\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"  while (((newString.charAt((newString.length - 1)) == \" \") && (safety < safetyLimit)))    {\n" +
-			"      newString = newString.substring(0, (newString.length - 1));\n" +
-			"      safety ++;\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"  return newString;\n" +
-			"}\n" +
-				";\n"		
-		);
-	}
-	public void test043() {
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"Foo=function(){}\nbar=function(){}",
-			"X.js",
-				"Foo = function () {\n};\nbar = function () {\n};\n"			
-		);
-	}
-	public void test044() {
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"ptr[i]();",
-			"X.js",
-				"ptr[i]();\n"			
-		);
-	}
-	public void test045() {
-		// make sure divide not seen as regex 
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"((weight + 1)/2)",
-			"X.js",
-				"((weight + 1) / 2);\n"			
-		);
-	}
-	public void test046() {
-		// make sure divide not seen as regex 
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"a=1,b=2",
-			"X.js",
-				"(a = 1), (b = 2);\n"			
-		);
-	}
-	public void test046b() {
-		// make sure divide not seen as regex 
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"a=1,funcall(0),5",
-			"X.js",
-				"(a = 1), funcall(0), 5;\n"			
-		);
-	}
-	public void test050() {
-		// make sure divide not seen as regex 
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"if (true) var c=1;",
-			"X.js",
-				"if (true)\n    var c = 1;\n"			
-		);
-	}
-	public void test051() {
-		// method on function object 
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"var c=function(){}.bind();",
-			"X.js",
-				"var c = function () {\n}.bind();\n"			
-		);
-	}
-	public void test051b() {
-		// method on function object 
-		this.runParseTest(
-				      "transforms = map(function (){\n"+
-				      "}.bind()).reject(function (){\n"+
-				      "});", 
-			"X.js",
-		      "transforms = map(function () {\n"+
-		      "}.bind()).reject(function () {\n"+
-		      "});\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test051c() {
-		// method on function object 
-		this.runParseTest(
-			    "map(function(){"+
-			     "if(true) {"+
-			     "} else if(true)"+ 
-			       "var components = value.match(),"+
-			        "unit =  null;"+
-			   		"}.bind(this));",
-			"X.js",
-		    "map(function () {\n"+
-		     "  if (true)\n      {\n"+
-		     "      }\n  else\n      if (true)\n"+ 
-		       "          var components = value.match(),"+
-		        " unit = null;"+
-		   		"\n}.bind(this));\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test051d() {
-		this.runParseTest(
-			    "function bb(){"+
-			     "if(true)"+ 
-			       "var components = value.match(),"+
-			        "unit =  null;"+
-			   		"};",
-			"X.js",
-		    "function bb() {\n"+
-		     "  if (true)\n"+ 
-		       "      var components = value.match(),"+
-		        " unit = null;"+
-		   		"\n}\n;\n"  
-		);
-	}
-	public void testbug254572() {
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"var fields = ["+
-			     "               {name: 'id', type: 'int'},"+
-			      "             abc, userName, , 'forumtitle', 'forumid', 'author',"+
-				""+
-				"                {name: 'lastpost', mapping: 'lastpost', type: 'date',"+
-			    "dateFormat: 'timestamp'},"+
-			     "               'lastposter', 'excerpt'"+
-			      "          ];"+
-			   		";",
-			"X.js",
-			"var fields = ["+
-		     "{\n  name : 'id',\n  type : 'int'\n},"+
-		      " abc, userName, , 'forumtitle', 'forumid', 'author',"+
-			" {\n  name : 'lastpost',\n  mapping : 'lastpost',\n  type : 'date',\n"+
-		    "  dateFormat : 'timestamp'\n},"+
-		     " 'lastposter', 'excerpt'"+
-		      "];"+
-		   		"\n;\n"  
-		);
-	}
-	public void testbug248145() {
-		this.runParseTest(
-				"return \n"+
-			     "a+b;"+
-			   		"",
-			"X.js",
-			"return ;\n"+
-		     "(a + b);"+
-		   		"\n"  
-		);
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d1b378..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1402 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-public class BasicResolveTests extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-	public BasicResolveTests(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public void test002()	{	// local method 
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"	function foo(){\n" +
-						"	  abc(); \n" +
-						"}\n"
-				},
-				"----------\n" +
-				"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" +
-				"	abc(); \n"+ 
-				"	^^^\n"+
-				"The function abc() is undefined\n"+ 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"	function foo(a){\n" +
-						"	  foo(a); \n" +
-						"}\n"
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test003()	{	// local var 
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var i;" +
-						"i=1;\n" +
-						"\n"
-				},
-				""
-		);
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var i;\n" +
-						"i=j;\n" 
-				},
-				"----------\n" +
-				"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" +
-				"	i=j;\n"+ 
-				"	  ^\n"+
-				"j cannot be resolved\n"+ 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test004()	{	// system reference 
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var win=debugger;\n" +
-						"Object();\n" +
-						"\n"
-				},
-				""
-		);
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var i;\n" +
-						"i=j;\n" 
-				},
-				"----------\n" +
-				"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" +
-				"	i=j;\n"+ 
-				"	  ^\n"+
-				"j cannot be resolved\n"+ 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test005()	{	// system reference 
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"Object();\n" +
-						"\n"
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-//	With inferred types
-	public void test010()	{	// field reference 
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"MyClass.prototype.someMethod = MyClass_someMethod;"+ 
-						"function MyClass(){}"+
-						"function MyClass_someMethod(){}"+
-						"var myClassObj = new MyClass();\n"+
-						"myClassObj.someMethod();\n"
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test011()	{	// field reference 
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"function MyClass() {\n"+
-						"  this.url = \"\";\n"+
-						"  this.activate = function(){}\n"+
-						"}\n"+
-						"var myClassObj = new MyClass();\n"+
-						"var u=myClassObj.url;\n"+
-						"\n"
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test012()	{	// field reference 
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"function Bob(firstname, lastname) {\n" +
-						"   this.Firstname = firstname;\n" +
-						"   this.Lastname = lastname;\n" +
-						"}\n" +
-						" = function () {return this.Firstname + this.Lastname;};\n",
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test013()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var SingleQuote = {\n" +
-						"   Version: '1.1-beta2' \n" +
-						"}\n"
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test014()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var o = {x:1, y: 2, name: \"print\" };\n" +
-						"o.Z = 0; \n"
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test020()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"function foo() {\n" +
-						"		var t = new Test();\n" +
-						"}\n" +
-						"   function Test()\n" +
-						"{\n" +
-						"}\n"
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test021()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"function foo() {\n" +
-						"	var i=1;\n" +
-						"	if (2>i )\n" +
-						"		foo();\n" +
-						"}\n" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test022()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"function foo() {\n" +
-						"	var ff=function(p) \n" +
-						"	{var c=p;};\n" +
-						"	ff(1);\n" +
-						"}\n" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test022b()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"	var ff=function(p) \n" +
-						"	{var c=p;};\n" +
-						"	ff(1);\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test023()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"	var ff=new String();\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}		
-	public void test024()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						" function bar() {;\n" +
-						"return Test.x;\n" +
-						"}\n" +
-						"Test.prototype=new Object();\n" +
-						"Test.x=1;\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test025()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						" function g() {\n" +
-						"return null;\n" +
-						"}\n" +
-						"function foo() {\n" +
-						"	g();\n" +
-						"}\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test026()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var i=[10];\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test027()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						" function bar(vv) {;\n" +
-						"return vv%4;\n" +
-						"}\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test028()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var c=false;\n" +
-						"var d=!c;\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test029()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var d=new Date(1);\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test030()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"function foo(e) {\n" +
-						"var x= 10, z = null, i, j;\n" +
-						"}\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test031()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"function OBJ(){}\n" +
-						"var o = new OBJ();\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test032()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var foo;\n" +
-						" foo.onMouseDown = function () { return 1; };\n" +
-						" foo.onMouseDown();\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test032b()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var foo;\n" +
-						" foo.level1=new Object();\n" +
-						" foo.level1.onMouseDown = function () { return 1; };\n" +
-						" foo.level1.onMouseDown();\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test033()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						" if (typeof abc == \"undefined\") {}\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test034()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						" if (true) {\n" +
-						"   var abc=1;}\n" +
-						" var d=abc;\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test035()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						" function foo() {\n" +
-						"   var vv=arguments;}\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test036()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						" function foo() {\n" +
-						"   function inner(){}\n" +
-						"   inner();\n" +
-						"   }\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test037()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						" var s = new String();\n" +
-						" var sub=s.substring(0,0);\n" +
-						" var i=sub.length;\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test038()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						" s = new String();\n" +
-						" sub=s.substring(0,0);\n" +
-						" i=sub.length;\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test039()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						" var s = \"\";\n" +
-						" with (s) {\n" +
-						"   var i=length;\n" +
-						" }\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test040()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						" var s = \"\";\n" +
-						" with (s) {\n" +
-						"   var i=charAt(0);\n" +
-						" }\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Field reference error testing
-	 */
-	public void test041()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var x = {};\n" +
-						"var b=x;\n;"+
-						"b.a=\"\";\n;"+
-						"x.a = \"\""
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test042()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var x = {};\n" +
-						"x.a.b = \"\""
-				},
-				"----------\n" +
-				"1. WARNING in X.js (at line 2)\n" +
-				"	x.a.b = \"\"\n"+ 
-				"	  ^\n"+
-				"a cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"+ 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test043()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var x = null;\n" +
-						"x>3;"+
-						"var y;\n" +
-						"y=null;\n" +
-						"y>3"+
-						""
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test044()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						" if (typeof abc == \"undefined\") { abc=1;}\n" +
-						" var c= abc;\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test045()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						" var a,b=1;\n" +
-						" var c= b;\n" +
-						" function abc(){" +
-						" var d= 1,e=4;\n" +
-						" var f=e;}\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test046()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"function debug2() {\n" +
-						" var keyFunct = null;\n" +
-						" keyFunct = function () {};\n" +
-						"  keyFunct();\n" +
-						"  }\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test046b()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"function debug2() {\n" +
-						" var keyFunct = null;\n" +
-						" keyFunct = new function () {};\n" +
-						"  keyFunct();\n" +
-						"  }\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test047()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"function Config() {}\n" +
-						"Config.printDocTypes = function() { throw new (\"doctype 1.\"); };\n" +
-						"Config.prototype.toString = function () { return \"\"; };\n" +
-						"function main() {\n" +
-						"    Config.printDocTypes();\n" +
-						"}   \n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test048()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"function Config2() {};\n" +
-						"Config2.INPUT_DIR = \"\";\n" +
-						"Config2.OUTPUT_DIR = Config2.INPUT_DIR  ;\n" +
-						"Config2.getNum = function() { return 1; }\n" +
-						"function numberGen() { \n" +
-						"    return Config2.getNum(); \n" +
-						"}   \n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test049()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var arr=[];\n" +
-						"var ref=arr.length;\n" +
-						"var o=arr.pop();\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test050()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"function getDateTime() {\n" +
-						"	    this.ctime = new Object();\n" +
-						"	    this.ctime.getDay = new function() { return \"Mon\"; };\n" +
-						"	    return this;\n" +
-						"	}\n" +
-						"	function debug3() {\n" +
-						"	    var newObj = getDateTime();\n" +
-						"	    return newObj.ctime.getDay();\n" +
-						"	}\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test050b()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"function getDateTime() {\n" +
-						"	    this.ctime = new Object();\n" +
-						"	    this.ctime.getDay = new function() { return \"Mon\"; };\n" +
-						"	    return this;\n" +
-						"	}\n" +
-						"	function debug3() {\n" +
-						"	    var newObj = new getDateTime();\n" +
-						"	    return newObj.ctime.getDay();\n" +
-						"	}\n" +
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test051()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var ns = {};\n"+ 
-						" = function(){\n" +
-						"};\n" +
-						" = \"\";\n" +
-						" = function(){\n" +
-						"  return \"\";\n" +
-						"}\n"+
-						"c=new;\n"+
-						"c.bar2();\n"+
-						";\n"+
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test052()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var myObject=new Object();\n"+ 
-						"myObject.ctor=   function(){\n" +
-						"};\n" +
-						" = \"\";\n" +
-						"myObject.ctor.prototype.bar2 = function(){\n" +
-						"  return \"\";\n" +
-						"}\n"+
-						"c=new myObject.ctor();\n"+
-						"c.bar2();\n"+
-						";\n"+
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test053()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"function funccall(pp){}\n"+ 
-						"funccall({\n"+ 
-						"meth : function(){  \n" +
-						"  var c=this.i; },\n" +
-						" i : 1 \n" +
-						"});\n"+
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	/*public void testbug259187()	{	 
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var params = \"some?string\".split('?');\n" +
-				        "var base = params.shift();"
-				},
-				"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in X.js (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	var params = \"some?string\".split(\'?\');\n" + 
-		"	             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Wrong number of arguments for the function split (), expecting 2 argument(s), but there was 1 \n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testbug259023()	{	 
-		Map custom = new HashMap();
-		custom.put("org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.problem.unusedLocal", "error");
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var myObject = {\n" +
-							"val1: \"test1\",\n" +
-							"val2: \"test2\"\n" +
-						"};\n" +
-						"myObject.val1 = \"test3\";"
-				},
-				"", null, true, custom
-		);
-	}
-	public void testbug259023_2()	{	 
-		Map custom = new HashMap();
-		custom.put("org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.problem.unusedLocal", "error");
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var myObject = \"test3\";\n" +
-						"if(myObject == \"test3\") {}"
-				},
-				"", null, true, custom
-		);
-	}
-	public void testbug251374()	{	
-		Map custom = new HashMap();
-		custom.put("org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.problem.nullReference", "error");
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var a = null;\n" +
-						"function foo() { a.toString();}\n" +
-						"a = 1; foo();"
-				},
-				"", null, true, custom
-		);
-	}
-	public void testChris()	{	 
-		Map custom = new HashMap();
-		custom.put("org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.problem.unusedLocal", "error");
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var square = function(x) {return x*x;};" +
-						"square(2);",
-				},
-				"", null, true, custom
-		);
-	}
-	public void testChris2()	{	 
-		Map custom = new HashMap();
-		custom.put("org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.problem.unusedLocal", "error");
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var square = \"chris\";" +
-						"square.split(\".\", 1);",
-				},
-				"", null, true, custom
-		);
-	}*/
-	public void test054()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"function func1(pp){}\n"+ 
-						"func1();\n"+ 
-						"function obj(){}\n"+ 
-						"var o=new obj(1);\n"+ 
-						"" 
-				},
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. WARNING in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-				"	func1();\n" + 
-				"	^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Wrong number of arguments for the function func1 (), expecting 1 argument(s), but there was 0 \n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. WARNING in X.js (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	var o=new obj(1);\n" + 
-				"	      ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Wrong number of arguments for the function obj (), expecting 0 argument(s), but there was 1 \n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test055()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"function func1(base,mixin){\n"+ 
-						"var bp = (base||0).prototype;\n"+ 
-						"}\n"+ 
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test056()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var arr=[];\n"+ 
-						"arr.push(1);\n"+ 
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test057()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var arr= {\n"+ 
-						"  func: function(){ \n"+ 
-						"       this.func();\n"+ 
-						"   } \n"+ 
-						"};\n"+ 
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test058()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var cls= {};\n"+ 
-						"cls.arr={};\n"+ 
-						"cls.arr[\"ss\"]=1;\n"+ 
-						"var dd=cls.arr[\"ssd\"];\n"+ 
-						"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test059()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						 "/**\n"
-						+ " * Valid class javadoc\n"
-						+ " * @param {String | Number} p1 param def\n"
-						+ " */\n"
-						+"function foo(p1){\n"  
-						+"p1.length;\n" 
-						+"p1.toPrecision(1);\n" 
-						+"}\n" 
-						+"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test060()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"function foo(p1){\n"  
-						+"p1();\n" 
-						+"}\n" 
-						+"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test061()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"function foo(){\n"
-						+"p1=1;\n" 
-						+"p1();\n" 
-						+"}\n" 
-						+"" 
-				},
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. WARNING in X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	p1();\n" + 
-				"	^^\n" + 
-				"p1 is not a function \n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test062()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var cc=function(){\n"  
-						+"  function inner(){}\n" 
-						+"  var dd=inner;\n" 
-						+"}\n" 
-						+"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test063()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var cc=function(){\n"  
-						+"  var ii;\n" 
-						+"  function inner(){\n" 
-						+"    var dd=ii;\n" 
-						+"  }\n" 
-						+"}\n" 
-						+"" 
-				},
-				"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in X.js (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	var dd=ii;\n" + 
-		"	       ^^\n" + 
-		"The local variable ii may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test064()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						 "  function inner(){\n" 
-						+"  var ii=0,i2=ii+1;\n" 
-//						+"  var ii=0;\n" 
-//						+"  var i2=ii+1;\n" 
-						+"}\n" 
-						+"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test065()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						 "  function inner(aArray){\n" 
-						+"  var number = 0;\n" 
-						+"  number -= aArray.length;\n" 
-						+"  number += aArray.length;\n" 
-						+"  return number;\n" 
-						+"}\n" 
-						+"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test066()	{
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						 "  TestClass = function() {\n" 
-						+"  }\n" 
-						+"  TestClass.prototype = new Object();\n" 
-						+"  ns=new Object();\n" 
-						+"  ns.TestClass = function() {\n" 
-						+"  }\n" 
-						+"  ns.TestClass.prototype = new Object();\n" 
-						+"" 
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test067()	{	 
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"	function foo(a){\n" +
-						"	  doo(a); \n" +
-						"}\n",
-						"Y.js",
-						"	function doo(a){\n" +
-						"	  foo(a); \n" +
-						"}\n"
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test068()	{	 
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"	function foo(param1 , param2){\n" +
-						"	if(\"\" || 0) {} \n" +
-						"	 var value = param1 || param2; \n" +
-						"	 if(param1 || param2) {} \n" +
-						"}\n",
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test070()	{	 
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"	var s=new String();\n" +
-						"	s.length=1; \n" +
-						"\n",
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void testbug255428()	{	 
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"	 function MyClass(){}\n" +
-						" MyClass.prototype = {\n" +
-						"    a : 0,\n" +
-						"     myfunc : function(){} \n" +
-						" };\n" +
-						"function test() { \n" +
-						"     var lObj = new MyClass();\n" +
-						"     lObj.a = 2;\n" +
-						"     lObj.myfunc();\n" +
-						"}\n",
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void testbug259187_String_slice()	{	 
-		// String.split() argument count
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-					new String[] {
-							"X.js",
-							"var params = \"some?string\".slice('?');\n"
-					},
-					"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in X.js (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	var params = \"some?string\".slice(\'?\');\n" + 
-			"	             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Wrong number of arguments for the function slice (), expecting 2 argument(s), but there was 1 \n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			);
-		// check return type and argument count
-		runBasicTest(new String[] {
-			"Yprime.js",
-			"var aString = \"some?string\".slice(2, 4);\n" +
-			"aString.length;" 
-		});
-	}
-	public void testbug259187_String_split()	{	 
-		// String.split() argument count
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-					new String[] {
-							"Y.js",
-							"var params = \"some?string\".split('?');\n" +
-							"var base = params.shift();"
-					},
-					"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in Y.js (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	var params = \"some?string\".split(\'?\');\n" + 
-			"	             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Wrong number of arguments for the function split (), expecting 2 argument(s), but there was 1 \n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			);
-		// check return type and argument count
-		runBasicTest(new String[] {
-			"Yprime.js",
-			"var count = \"some?string\".split(\",\", 3);\n" +
-			"count.length;" 
-		});
-	}
-	public void testbug259187_String_substring() {
-		// String.substring() argument count
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-					new String[] {
-							"Z.js",
-							"var count = \"some?string\".substring('?');" 
-					},
-					"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in Z.js (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	var count = \"some?string\".substring(\'?\');\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Wrong number of arguments for the function substring (), expecting 2 argument(s), but there was 1 \n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			);
-		// check return type and argument count
-		runBasicTest(new String[] {
-			"Zprime.js",
-			"var count = \"some?string\".substring(4, 3);\n" +
-			"count.substring(4, 3);" 
-		});
-	}
-	public void Xtestbug196377_1() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-					new String[] {
-							"Z.js",
-							"(function() {\n" +
-							"hasClass();\n" +
-							"function hasClass() {}\n" +
-							"})();"
-					},
-					""
-			);
-	}
-	public void Xtestbug196377_2() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-					new String[] {
-							"Z.js",
-							"top();" +
-							"function top() {\n" +
-							"inner();\n" +
-							"function inner() {}\n" +
-							"}"
-					},
-					""
-			);
-	}
-	public void testbug196377_3() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-					new String[] {
-							"Z.js",
-							"top();\n" +
-							"function top() {}\n"
-					},
-					""
-			);
-	}
-	public void testbug196377_4() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-					new String[] {
-							"Z.js",
-							"top(1);\n" +
-							"function top(a) {}\n"
-					},
-					""
-			);
-	}
-	public void testbug283663() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-					new String[] {
-							"Z.js",
-							"var myNum = 3;\n" +
-							"if(myNum === undefined){}\n" +
-							"if(myNum == undefined){}\n"
-					},
-					""
-			);
-	}
-	public void testbug262728_A() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-					new String[] {
-							"Z.js",
-							"function top() {\n"+
-							"var x = function() {};\n"+
-							"var x1 = 3;\n"+
-							"inner();\n"+
-							"function inner() {\n"+
-							"var p = x1 + 3;\n"+
-							"x();\n"+
-							"inner2();\n"+
-							"function inner2() {}\n"+
-							"inner2();\n"+
-							"}\n"+
-							"x();\n"+
-							"top();\n"+
-							"}\n"+
-							"top();"
-					},
-					""
-			);
-	}
-	public void testbug262728_B() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-					new String[] {
-							"Z.js",
-							"function class2() {\n"+
-							"this.publicFunction = function() {\n"+
-							"privateFunction();\n"+
-							"};\n"+
-							"function privateFunction() {\n"+
-							"return null;\n"+
-							"};\n"+
-							"}\n"+
-							"function class1() {\n"+
-							"function privateFunction() {\n"+
-							"return null;\n"+
-							"};\n"+
-							"this.publicFunction = function() {\n"+
-							"privateFunction();\n"+
-							"};\n"+
-							"}"
-					},
-					""
-			);
-	}
-	public void testbug262728_C() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-					new String[] {
-							"Z.js",
-							"inner();\n"+
-							"function top() {\n"+
-							"inner();\n"+
-							"function inner(){};\n"+
-							"inner();\n"+
-							"}\n"+
-							"inner();"
-					},
-					"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in Z.js (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	inner();\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The function inner() is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" +
-			"2. ERROR in Z.js (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	inner();\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The function inner() is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			);
-	}
-	public void testbug262728_D() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-					new String[] {
-							"Z.js",
-							"(function() {\n"+
-							"privateFunction();\n"+
-							"var x;\n"+
-							"function privateFunction() {\n"+
-							"x + 3;\n"+
-							"}\n"+
-							"})();"
-					},
-					"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in Z.js (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	x + 3;\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The local variable x may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-			);
-	}
-	public void testbug269203() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-					new String[] {
-							"Z.js",
-							"function Square() {}\n" +
-							"var sq = new Square();\n" +
-							"sq.area = function() {};"
-					},
-					""
-			);
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index f52a2fe..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
-public class CharOperationTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-public CharOperationTest(String name) {
-	super(name);
-public void test001() {
-	 char[] array = { 'a' , 'b', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a' };
-	 char[] toBeReplaced = { 'b', 'c' };
-	 char replacementChar = 'a';
-	 int  start = 4;
-	 int  end = 8;
-	 CharOperation.replace(array, toBeReplaced, replacementChar, start, end);
-	 char[] result = { 'a' , 'b', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a' };
-	 for (int i = 0, max = array.length; i < max; i++) {
-		 assertEquals("Wrong value at " + i, result[i], array[i]);
-	 }
-public void test002() {
-	 char[] array = { 'a' , 'b', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a' };
-	 char[] toBeReplaced = { 'b', 'c' };
-	 char replacementChar = 'a';
-	 int  start = 2;
-	 int  end = 3;
-	 CharOperation.replace(array, toBeReplaced, replacementChar, start, end);
-	 char[] result = { 'a' , 'b', 'a', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a' };
-	 for (int i = 0, max = array.length; i < max; i++) {
-		 assertEquals("Wrong value at " + i, result[i], array[i]);
-	 }
-public void test003() {
-	 char[] second = { 'a' , 'b', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a' };
-	 char[] first = { 'b', 'c', 'a' };
-	 int  start = 2;
-	 int  end = 5;
-	 assertTrue(CharOperation.equals(first, second, start, end, true));
-public void test004() {
-	 char[] second = { 'A' };
-	 char[] first = { 'a' };
-	 int  start = 0;
-	 int  end = 1;
-	 assertTrue(CharOperation.equals(first, second, start, end, false));
-public void test005() {
-	 char[] array = { 'a' , 'b', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a' };
-	 char[] toBeReplaced = { 'b', 'c' };
-	 char replacementChar = 'a';
-	 CharOperation.replace(array, toBeReplaced, replacementChar);
-	 char[] result = { 'a' , 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a' };
-	 for (int i = 0, max = array.length; i < max; i++) {
-		 assertEquals("Wrong value at " + i, result[i], array[i]);
-	 }
-public void test006() {
-	 char[] array = { 'a' , 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a' };
-	 char[] toBeReplaced = { 'a', 'a' };
-	 char[] replacementChar = { 'a' };
-	 char[] result = CharOperation.replace(array, toBeReplaced, replacementChar);
-	 char[] expectedValue = { 'a' , 'a', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a' };
-	 assertEquals("Wrong size", expectedValue.length, result.length);
-	 for (int i = 0, max = expectedValue.length; i < max; i++) {
-		 assertEquals("Wrong value at " + i, result[i], expectedValue[i]);
-	 }
-// test compareTo(char[], char[])
-public void test007() {
-	char[] array = { 'a' , 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a' };
-	char[] array2 = { 'a', 'a' };
-	assertTrue(CharOperation.compareTo(array, array2) > 0);
-	 array2 = new char[] { 'a', 'a' };
-	 array = new char[] { 'a' , 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a' };
-	 assertTrue(CharOperation.compareTo(array2, array) < 0);
-	array = new char[] { 'a' , 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a' };
-	array2 = new char[] { 'a' , 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a' };
-	assertTrue(CharOperation.compareTo(array, array2) == 0);
-	assertTrue(CharOperation.compareTo(array2, array) == 0);
-	array = new char[] { 'a' , 'b', 'c' };
-	array2 = new char[] { 'a' , 'b', 'c', 'a', 'a'};
-	assertTrue(CharOperation.compareTo(array, array2) < 0);
-	array = new char[] { 'a' , 'b', 'c' };
-	array2 = new char[] { 'a' , 'b', 'd'};
-	assertTrue(CharOperation.compareTo(array, array2) < 0);
-public static Class testClass() {
-	return CharOperationTest.class;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
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index 6b3aa3d..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,791 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.lang.reflect.Field;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.JavaScriptCore;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.CategorizedProblem;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.IProblem;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ICompilerRequestor;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemSeverities;
-import junit.framework.Test;
- * This class is meant to gather test cases related to the invocation of the
- * compiler, be it at an API or non API level.
- */
-public class CompilerInvocationTests extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-public CompilerInvocationTests(String name) {
-    super(name);
-	// Static initializer to specify tests subset using TESTS_* static variables
-  	// All specified tests which does not belong to the class are skipped...
-  	// Only the highest compliance level is run; add the VM argument
-  	// -Dcompliance=1.4 (for example) to lower it if needed
-  	static {
-//    	TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "test001" };
-//    	TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 1 };   
-//    	TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 1, -1 }; 
-//  	TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 1, 2049 }; 
-//  	TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 449, 451 }; 
-//    	TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 900, 999 }; 
-  	}
-public static Test suite() {
-    return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-public static Class testClass() {
-    return CompilerInvocationTests.class;
-// irritant vs warning token
-public void test001_irritant_warning_token() {
-	String [] tokens = new String[64];
-	Map matcher = new HashMap();
-	long irritant;
-	String token;
-	for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
-		if ((token = tokens[i] = CompilerOptions.warningTokenFromIrritant(irritant = 1L << i)) != null) {
-			matcher.put(token, token);
-			assertTrue((irritant & CompilerOptions.warningTokenToIrritant(token)) != 0);
-		}
-	}
-	String [] allTokens = CompilerOptions.warningTokens;
-	int length = allTokens.length;
-	matcher.put("all", "all"); // all gets undetected in the From/To loop
-	assertEquals(allTokens.length, matcher.size());
-	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-		assertNotNull(matcher.get(allTokens[i]));
-	}
-// problem categories - check that none is left unspecified
-public void test002_problem_categories() {
-	try {
-		Class iProblemClass;
-		Map excludedProblems = new HashMap();
-		// categories
-		excludedProblems.put("ObjectHasNoSuperclass", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UndefinedType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NotVisibleType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AmbiguousType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UsingDeprecatedType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InternalTypeNameProvided", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnusedPrivateType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IncompatibleTypesInEqualityOperator", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IncompatibleTypesInConditionalOperator", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("TypeMismatch", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IndirectAccessToStaticType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("MissingEnclosingInstanceForConstructorCall", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("MissingEnclosingInstance", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IncorrectEnclosingInstanceReference", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalEnclosingInstanceSpecification", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("CannotDefineStaticInitializerInLocalType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("OuterLocalMustBeFinal", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("CannotDefineInterfaceInLocalType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalPrimitiveOrArrayTypeForEnclosingInstance", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("EnclosingInstanceInConstructorCall", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AnonymousClassCannotExtendFinalClass", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("CannotDefineAnnotationInLocalType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("CannotDefineEnumInLocalType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NonStaticContextForEnumMemberType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UndefinedName", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UninitializedLocalVariable", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("VariableTypeCannotBeVoid", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("VariableTypeCannotBeVoidArray", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("CannotAllocateVoidArray", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("RedefinedLocal", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("RedefinedArgument", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DuplicateFinalLocalInitialization", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NonBlankFinalLocalAssignment", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ParameterAssignment", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("FinalOuterLocalAssignment", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("LocalVariableIsNeverUsed", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ArgumentIsNeverUsed", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("BytecodeExceeds64KLimit", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("BytecodeExceeds64KLimitForClinit", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("TooManyArgumentSlots", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("TooManyLocalVariableSlots", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("TooManySyntheticArgumentSlots", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("TooManyArrayDimensions", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("BytecodeExceeds64KLimitForConstructor", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UndefinedField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NotVisibleField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AmbiguousField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UsingDeprecatedField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NonStaticFieldFromStaticInvocation", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ReferenceToForwardField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NonStaticAccessToStaticField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnusedPrivateField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IndirectAccessToStaticField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnqualifiedFieldAccess", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("FinalFieldAssignment", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UninitializedBlankFinalField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DuplicateBlankFinalFieldInitialization", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("LocalVariableHidingLocalVariable", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("LocalVariableHidingField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("FieldHidingLocalVariable", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("FieldHidingField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ArgumentHidingLocalVariable", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ArgumentHidingField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("MissingSerialVersion", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UndefinedMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NotVisibleMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AmbiguousMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UsingDeprecatedMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DirectInvocationOfAbstractMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("VoidMethodReturnsValue", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("MethodReturnsVoid", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("MethodRequiresBody", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ShouldReturnValue", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("MethodButWithConstructorName", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("MissingReturnType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("BodyForNativeMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("BodyForAbstractMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NoMessageSendOnBaseType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ParameterMismatch", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NoMessageSendOnArrayType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NonStaticAccessToStaticMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnusedPrivateMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IndirectAccessToStaticMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UndefinedConstructor", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NotVisibleConstructor", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AmbiguousConstructor", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UsingDeprecatedConstructor", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnusedPrivateConstructor", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InstanceFieldDuringConstructorInvocation", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InstanceMethodDuringConstructorInvocation", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("RecursiveConstructorInvocation", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ThisSuperDuringConstructorInvocation", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidExplicitConstructorCall", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UndefinedConstructorInDefaultConstructor", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NotVisibleConstructorInDefaultConstructor", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AmbiguousConstructorInDefaultConstructor", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UndefinedConstructorInImplicitConstructorCall", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NotVisibleConstructorInImplicitConstructorCall", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AmbiguousConstructorInImplicitConstructorCall", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnhandledExceptionInDefaultConstructor", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnhandledExceptionInImplicitConstructorCall", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ArrayReferenceRequired", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NoImplicitStringConversionForCharArrayExpression", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("StringConstantIsExceedingUtf8Limit", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NonConstantExpression", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NumericValueOutOfRange", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalCast", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidClassInstantiation", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("CannotDefineDimensionExpressionsWithInit", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("MustDefineEitherDimensionExpressionsOrInitializer", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidOperator", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("CodeCannotBeReached", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("CannotReturnInInitializer", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InitializerMustCompleteNormally", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidVoidExpression", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("MaskedCatch", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DuplicateDefaultCase", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnreachableCatch", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnhandledException", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IncorrectSwitchType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DuplicateCase", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DuplicateLabel", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidBreak", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidContinue", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UndefinedLabel", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidTypeToSynchronized", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidNullToSynchronized", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("CannotThrowNull", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AssignmentHasNoEffect", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("PossibleAccidentalBooleanAssignment", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("SuperfluousSemicolon", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnnecessaryCast", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnnecessaryArgumentCast", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnnecessaryInstanceof", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("FinallyMustCompleteNormally", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnusedMethodDeclaredThrownException", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnusedConstructorDeclaredThrownException", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidCatchBlockSequence", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("EmptyControlFlowStatement", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnnecessaryElse", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NeedToEmulateFieldReadAccess", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NeedToEmulateFieldWriteAccess", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NeedToEmulateMethodAccess", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NeedToEmulateConstructorAccess", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("FallthroughCase", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InheritedMethodHidesEnclosingName", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InheritedFieldHidesEnclosingName", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InheritedTypeHidesEnclosingName", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalUsageOfQualifiedTypeReference", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnusedLabel", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ThisInStaticContext", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("StaticMethodRequested", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalDimension", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidTypeExpression", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ParsingError", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ParsingErrorNoSuggestion", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidUnaryExpression", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InterfaceCannotHaveConstructors", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ArrayConstantsOnlyInArrayInitializers", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ParsingErrorOnKeyword", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ParsingErrorOnKeywordNoSuggestion", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnmatchedBracket", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NoFieldOnBaseType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidExpressionAsStatement", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ExpressionShouldBeAVariable", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("MissingSemiColon", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidParenthesizedExpression", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ParsingErrorInsertTokenBefore", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ParsingErrorInsertTokenAfter", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ParsingErrorDeleteToken", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ParsingErrorDeleteTokens", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ParsingErrorMergeTokens", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ParsingErrorInvalidToken", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ParsingErrorMisplacedConstruct", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ParsingErrorReplaceTokens", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ParsingErrorNoSuggestionForTokens", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ParsingErrorUnexpectedEOF", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ParsingErrorInsertToComplete", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ParsingErrorInsertToCompleteScope", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ParsingErrorInsertToCompletePhrase", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("EndOfSource", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidHexa", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidOctal", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidCharacterConstant", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidEscape", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidInput", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidUnicodeEscape", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidFloat", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NullSourceString", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnterminatedString", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnterminatedComment", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NonExternalizedStringLiteral", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidDigit", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidLowSurrogate", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidHighSurrogate", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnnecessaryNLSTag", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DiscouragedReference", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InterfaceCannotHaveInitializers", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DuplicateModifierForType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalModifierForClass", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalModifierForInterface", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalModifierForMemberClass", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalModifierForMemberInterface", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalModifierForLocalClass", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ForbiddenReference", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalModifierCombinationFinalAbstractForClass", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalVisibilityModifierForInterfaceMemberType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalVisibilityModifierCombinationForMemberType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalStaticModifierForMemberType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("SuperclassMustBeAClass", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ClassExtendFinalClass", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DuplicateSuperInterface", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("SuperInterfaceMustBeAnInterface", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("HierarchyCircularitySelfReference", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("HierarchyCircularity", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("HidingEnclosingType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DuplicateNestedType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("CannotThrowType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("PackageCollidesWithType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("TypeCollidesWithPackage", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DuplicateTypes", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IsClassPathCorrect", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("PublicClassMustMatchFileName", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("MustSpecifyPackage", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("HierarchyHasProblems", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("PackageIsNotExpectedPackage", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ObjectCannotHaveSuperTypes", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ObjectMustBeClass", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("SuperclassNotFound", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("SuperclassNotVisible", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("SuperclassAmbiguous", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("SuperclassInternalNameProvided", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("SuperclassInheritedNameHidesEnclosingName", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InterfaceNotFound", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InterfaceNotVisible", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InterfaceAmbiguous", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InterfaceInternalNameProvided", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InterfaceInheritedNameHidesEnclosingName", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DuplicateField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DuplicateModifierForField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalModifierForField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalModifierForInterfaceField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalVisibilityModifierCombinationForField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalModifierCombinationFinalVolatileForField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnexpectedStaticModifierForField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("FieldTypeNotFound", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("FieldTypeNotVisible", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("FieldTypeAmbiguous", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("FieldTypeInternalNameProvided", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("FieldTypeInheritedNameHidesEnclosingName", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DuplicateMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalModifierForArgument", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DuplicateModifierForMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalModifierForMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalModifierForInterfaceMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalVisibilityModifierCombinationForMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnexpectedStaticModifierForMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalAbstractModifierCombinationForMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AbstractMethodInAbstractClass", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ArgumentTypeCannotBeVoid", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ArgumentTypeCannotBeVoidArray", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ReturnTypeCannotBeVoidArray", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NativeMethodsCannotBeStrictfp", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DuplicateModifierForArgument", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ArgumentTypeNotFound", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ArgumentTypeNotVisible", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ArgumentTypeAmbiguous", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ArgumentTypeInternalNameProvided", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ArgumentTypeInheritedNameHidesEnclosingName", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ExceptionTypeNotFound", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ExceptionTypeNotVisible", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ExceptionTypeAmbiguous", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ExceptionTypeInternalNameProvided", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ExceptionTypeInheritedNameHidesEnclosingName", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ReturnTypeNotFound", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ReturnTypeNotVisible", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ReturnTypeAmbiguous", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ReturnTypeInternalNameProvided", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ReturnTypeInheritedNameHidesEnclosingName", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ConflictingImport", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DuplicateImport", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("CannotImportPackage", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnusedImport", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ImportNotFound", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ImportNotVisible", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ImportAmbiguous", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ImportInternalNameProvided", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ImportInheritedNameHidesEnclosingName", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidTypeForStaticImport", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DuplicateModifierForVariable", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalModifierForVariable", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("LocalVariableCannotBeNull", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("LocalVariableCanOnlyBeNull", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("LocalVariableMayBeNull", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AbstractMethodMustBeImplemented", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("FinalMethodCannotBeOverridden", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IncompatibleExceptionInThrowsClause", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IncompatibleExceptionInInheritedMethodThrowsClause", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IncompatibleReturnType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InheritedMethodReducesVisibility", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("CannotOverrideAStaticMethodWithAnInstanceMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("CannotHideAnInstanceMethodWithAStaticMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("StaticInheritedMethodConflicts", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("MethodReducesVisibility", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("OverridingNonVisibleMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AbstractMethodCannotBeOverridden", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("OverridingDeprecatedMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IncompatibleReturnTypeForNonInheritedInterfaceMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IncompatibleExceptionInThrowsClauseForNonInheritedInterfaceMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalVararg", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("CodeSnippetMissingClass", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("CodeSnippetMissingMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("CannotUseSuperInCodeSnippet", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("TooManyConstantsInConstantPool", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("TooManyBytesForStringConstant", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("TooManyFields", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("TooManyMethods", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UseAssertAsAnIdentifier", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UseEnumAsAnIdentifier", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("EnumConstantsCannotBeSurroundedByParenthesis", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("Task", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UndocumentedEmptyBlock", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocMissingIdentifier", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocNonStaticTypeFromStaticInvocation", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocInvalidParamTagTypeParameter", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocUnexpectedTag", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocMissingParamTag", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocMissingParamName", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocDuplicateParamName", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocInvalidParamName", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocMissingReturnTag", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocDuplicateReturnTag", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocMissingThrowsTag", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocMissingThrowsClassName", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocInvalidThrowsClass", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocDuplicateThrowsClassName", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocInvalidThrowsClassName", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocMissingSeeReference", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocInvalidSeeReference", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocInvalidSeeHref", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocInvalidSeeArgs", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocMissing", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocInvalidTag", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocUndefinedField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocNotVisibleField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocAmbiguousField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocUsingDeprecatedField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocUndefinedConstructor", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocNotVisibleConstructor", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocAmbiguousConstructor", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocUsingDeprecatedConstructor", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocUndefinedMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocNotVisibleMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocAmbiguousMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocUsingDeprecatedMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocNoMessageSendOnBaseType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocParameterMismatch", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocNoMessageSendOnArrayType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocUndefinedType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocNotVisibleType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocAmbiguousType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocUsingDeprecatedType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocInternalTypeNameProvided", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocInheritedMethodHidesEnclosingName", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocInheritedFieldHidesEnclosingName", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocInheritedNameHidesEnclosingTypeName", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocAmbiguousMethodReference", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocUnterminatedInlineTag", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocMalformedSeeReference", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocMessagePrefix", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocMissingHashCharacter", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocEmptyReturnTag", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocInvalidValueReference", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocUnexpectedText", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocInvalidParamTagName", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DuplicateTypeVariable", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalTypeVariableSuperReference", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NonStaticTypeFromStaticInvocation", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ObjectCannotBeGeneric", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NonGenericType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IncorrectArityForParameterizedType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("TypeArgumentMismatch", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DuplicateMethodErasure", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ReferenceToForwardTypeVariable", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("BoundMustBeAnInterface", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnsafeRawConstructorInvocation", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnsafeRawMethodInvocation", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnsafeTypeConversion", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidTypeVariableExceptionType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidParameterizedExceptionType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalGenericArray", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnsafeRawFieldAssignment", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("FinalBoundForTypeVariable", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UndefinedTypeVariable", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("SuperInterfacesCollide", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("WildcardConstructorInvocation", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("WildcardMethodInvocation", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("WildcardFieldAssignment", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("GenericMethodTypeArgumentMismatch", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("GenericConstructorTypeArgumentMismatch", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnsafeGenericCast", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalInstanceofParameterizedType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalInstanceofTypeParameter", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NonGenericMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IncorrectArityForParameterizedMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ParameterizedMethodArgumentTypeMismatch", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NonGenericConstructor", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IncorrectArityForParameterizedConstructor", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ParameterizedConstructorArgumentTypeMismatch", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("TypeArgumentsForRawGenericMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("TypeArgumentsForRawGenericConstructor", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("SuperTypeUsingWildcard", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("GenericTypeCannotExtendThrowable", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalClassLiteralForTypeVariable", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnsafeReturnTypeOverride", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("MethodNameClash", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("RawMemberTypeCannotBeParameterized", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("MissingArgumentsForParameterizedMemberType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("StaticMemberOfParameterizedType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("BoundHasConflictingArguments", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DuplicateParameterizedMethods", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalQualifiedParameterizedTypeAllocation", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DuplicateBounds", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("BoundCannotBeArray", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnsafeRawGenericConstructorInvocation", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnsafeRawGenericMethodInvocation", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("TypeParameterHidingType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("RawTypeReference", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("NoAdditionalBoundAfterTypeVariable", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IncompatibleTypesInForeach", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidTypeForCollection", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidUsageOfTypeParameters", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidUsageOfStaticImports", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidUsageOfForeachStatements", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidUsageOfTypeArguments", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidUsageOfEnumDeclarations", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidUsageOfVarargs", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidUsageOfAnnotations", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidUsageOfAnnotationDeclarations", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalModifierForAnnotationMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalExtendedDimensions", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidFileNameForPackageAnnotations", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalModifierForAnnotationType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalModifierForAnnotationMemberType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("InvalidAnnotationMemberType", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AnnotationCircularitySelfReference", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AnnotationCircularity", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DuplicateAnnotation", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("MissingValueForAnnotationMember", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DuplicateAnnotationMember", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UndefinedAnnotationMember", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AnnotationValueMustBeClassLiteral", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AnnotationValueMustBeConstant", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AnnotationFieldNeedConstantInitialization", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalModifierForAnnotationField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AnnotationCannotOverrideMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AnnotationMembersCannotHaveParameters", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AnnotationMembersCannotHaveTypeParameters", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AnnotationTypeDeclarationCannotHaveSuperclass", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AnnotationTypeDeclarationCannotHaveSuperinterfaces", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DuplicateTargetInTargetAnnotation", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("DisallowedTargetForAnnotation", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("MethodMustOverride", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AnnotationTypeDeclarationCannotHaveConstructor", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AnnotationValueMustBeAnnotation", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AnnotationTypeUsedAsSuperInterface", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("MissingOverrideAnnotation", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("FieldMissingDeprecatedAnnotation", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("MethodMissingDeprecatedAnnotation", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("TypeMissingDeprecatedAnnotation", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnhandledWarningToken", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("AnnotationValueMustBeArrayInitializer", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("CorruptedSignature", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("BoxingConversion", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("UnboxingConversion", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalModifierForEnum", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalModifierForEnumConstant", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalModifierForLocalEnum", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalModifierForMemberEnum", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("CannotDeclareEnumSpecialMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalQualifiedEnumConstantLabel", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("CannotExtendEnum", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("CannotInvokeSuperConstructorInEnum", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("EnumAbstractMethodMustBeImplemented", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("EnumSwitchCannotTargetField", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalModifierForEnumConstructor", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("MissingEnumConstantCase", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("EnumStaticFieldInInInitializerContext", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("IllegalExtendedDimensionsForVarArgs", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("MethodVarargsArgumentNeedCast", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ConstructorVarargsArgumentNeedCast", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("VarargsConflict", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocGenericMethodTypeArgumentMismatch", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocNonGenericMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocIncorrectArityForParameterizedMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocParameterizedMethodArgumentTypeMismatch", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocTypeArgumentsForRawGenericMethod", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocGenericConstructorTypeArgumentMismatch", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocNonGenericConstructor", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocIncorrectArityForParameterizedConstructor", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocParameterizedConstructorArgumentTypeMismatch", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("JavadocTypeArgumentsForRawGenericConstructor", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ExternalProblemNotFixable", null);
-		excludedProblems.put("ExternalProblemFixable", null);
-		// TODO (maxime) there are obviously too many exclusions here... 
-		Field[] fields = (iProblemClass = IProblem.class).getFields();
-		for (int i = 0, length = fields.length; i < length; i++) {
-			Field field = fields[i];
-			int pureProblemId;
-			if (field.getType() == Integer.TYPE) {
-				if ((pureProblemId = field.getInt(iProblemClass) & IProblem.IgnoreCategoriesMask) != 0
-						&& pureProblemId != IProblem.IgnoreCategoriesMask
-						&& ProblemReporter.getProblemCategory(ProblemSeverities.Error, pureProblemId)
-							== CategorizedProblem.CAT_UNSPECIFIED
-						&& !excludedProblems.containsKey(field.getName())) {
-					 fail("unspecified category for problem " + field.getName());
-//					System.out.println("excludedProblems.put(\"" + field.getName() + "\", null);");
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
-		fail("could not access members");
-	}
-class TasksReader implements ICompilerRequestor {
-	CompilationResult result;
-	public void acceptResult(CompilationResult compilationResult) {
-		this.result = compilationResult;
-	}
-static String taskTagsAsCutAndPaste(CategorizedProblem tasks[]) {
-	StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
-	String arguments[];
-	for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length - 1; i++) {
-		arguments = tasks[i].getArguments();
-		System.out.print("\t\t\"[");
-		System.out.print(arguments[0]);
-		System.out.print(',');
-		System.out.print(arguments[1]);
-		System.out.print(',');
-		System.out.print(arguments[2]);
-		System.out.println("]\\n\" +");
-	}
-	arguments = tasks[tasks.length - 1].getArguments();
-	System.out.print("\t\t\"[");
-	System.out.print(arguments[0]);
-	System.out.print(',');
-	System.out.print(arguments[1]);
-	System.out.print(',');
-	System.out.print(arguments[2]);
-	System.out.println("]\\n\"");
-	return result.toString();
-static String taskTagsAsStrings(CategorizedProblem tasks[]) {
-	StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
-	String arguments[];
-	for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
-		arguments = tasks[i].getArguments();
-		result.append('[');
-		result.append(arguments[0]);
-		result.append(',');
-		result.append(arguments[1]);
-		result.append(',');
-		result.append(arguments[2]);
-		result.append(']');
-		result.append("\n");
-	}
-	return result.toString();
-public void runTaskTagsOptionsTest(
-		String[] testFiles,
-		Map customOptions,
-		String expectedTags) {
-	TasksReader reader = new TasksReader();
-	Map options = JavaScriptCore.getDefaultOptions();
-	if (customOptions != null) {
-		options.putAll(customOptions);
-	}
-	this.runConformTest(
-		testFiles,
-		"",
-		null /* no extra class libraries */, 
-		true /* flush output directory */,
-		null, /* no VM args */
-		options,
-		reader, 
-		true /* skip javac */);
-	String tags = taskTagsAsStrings(reader.result.tasks);
-	if (! tags.equals(expectedTags)) {
-		System.out.println(getClass().getName() + '#' + getName());
-		System.out.println("Effective results:");
-		System.out.println(tags);
-		System.out.println("Cut and paste:");
-		taskTagsAsCutAndPaste(reader.result.tasks);
-		assertEquals(expectedTags, tags);
-	}
-// Basic test on task tags: watch default behavior
-public void test003_task_tags_options() {
-	this.runTaskTagsOptionsTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x) {\n" + 
-			"    // FIXME TODO XXX message contents\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		null,
-		"[FIXME,message contents,HIGH]\n" +
-		"[TODO,message contents,NORMAL]\n" +
-		"[XXX,message contents,NORMAL]\n");
-// effect of cancelling priorities
-// reactivate when bug is fixed
-public void _test004_task_tags_options() {
-	Map customOptions = new HashMap();
-	customOptions.put(JavaScriptCore.COMPILER_TASK_PRIORITIES, "");
-	this.runTaskTagsOptionsTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x) {\n" + 
-			"    // FIXME TODO XXX message contents\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		customOptions,
-		"[FIXME,message contents,NORMAL]\n" +
-		"[TODO,message contents,NORMAL]\n" +
-		"[XXX,message contents,NORMAL]\n");
-// effect of cancelling priorities
-// reactivate when bug is fixed
-public void _test005_task_tags_options() {
-	Map customOptions = new HashMap();
-	customOptions.put(JavaScriptCore.COMPILER_TASK_PRIORITIES, ",,");
-	this.runTaskTagsOptionsTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x) {\n" + 
-			"    // FIXME TODO XXX message contents\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		customOptions,
-		"[FIXME,message contents,NORMAL]\n" +
-		"[TODO,message contents,NORMAL]\n" +
-		"[XXX,message contents,NORMAL]\n");
-	// would expect an exception of some sort
-// effect of changing priorities
-// reactivate when bug is fixed
-public void _test006_task_tags_options() {
-	Map customOptions = new HashMap();
-	customOptions.put(JavaScriptCore.COMPILER_TASK_PRIORITIES, "A,B,C,D,E");
-	this.runTaskTagsOptionsTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x) {\n" + 
-			"    // FIXME TODO XXX message contents\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		customOptions,
-		"[FIXME,message contents,NORMAL]\n" +
-		"[TODO,message contents,NORMAL]\n" +
-		"[XXX,message contents,NORMAL]\n");
-	// would expect an exception of some sort	
-// effect of changing priorities
-public void test007_task_tags_options() {
-	Map customOptions = new HashMap();
-	this.runTaskTagsOptionsTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x) {\n" + 
-			"    // FIXME TODO XXX message contents\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		customOptions,
-		"[FIXME,message contents,NORMAL]\n" +
-		"[TODO,message contents,NORMAL]\n" +
-		"[XXX,message contents,NORMAL]\n");
-// effect of changing priorities
-// reactivate when bug is fixed
-public void _test008_task_tags_options() {
-	Map customOptions = new HashMap();
-	customOptions.put(JavaScriptCore.COMPILER_TASK_PRIORITIES, "NORMAL,NORMAL"); // one less than the number of tags
-	this.runTaskTagsOptionsTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x) {\n" + 
-			"    // FIXME TODO XXX message contents\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		customOptions,
-		"[FIXME,message contents,NORMAL]\n" +
-		"[TODO,message contents,NORMAL]\n" +
-		"[XXX,message contents,NORMAL]\n");
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6423214..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class Compliance_1_3 extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-boolean docSupport = false;
-public Compliance_1_3(String name) {
-	super(name);
- * Toggle compiler in mode -1.3
- */
-protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-	Map options = super.getCompilerOptions();
-	if (docSupport) {
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_DocCommentSupport, CompilerOptions.ENABLED);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadoc, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadocTags, CompilerOptions.ENABLED);
-	}
-	return options;
-public static Test suite() {
-		return buildUniqueComplianceTestSuite(testClass(), COMPLIANCE_1_3);
-public static Class testClass() {
-	return Compliance_1_3.class;
-// Use this static initializer to specify subset for tests
-// All specified tests which does not belong to the class are skipped...
-static {
-//		TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "Bug58069" };
-//		TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 104 };
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 76, -1 };
-/* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
- */
-protected void setUp() throws Exception {
-	super.setUp();
-	// Javadoc disabled by default 
-	docSupport = false;
-// test001 - moved to SuperTypeTest#test002
-// test002 - moved to SuperTypeTest#test003
-// test003 - moved to SuperTypeTest#test004
-// test004 - moved to SuperTypeTest#test005
-// test005 - moved to SuperTypeTest#test006
-// test006 - moved to SuperTypeTest#test007
-// test007 - moved to TryStatementTest#test057
-// test008 - moved to LookupTest#test074
-// test009 - moved to RuntimeTests#test1004
-// check actualReceiverType when array type
-// test unreachable code complaints
-public void test011() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	void foo() { \n"+
-			"		while (false);	\n" +
-			"		while (false) println(\"unreachable\");	\n" +
-			"		do ; while (false);	\n" +
-			"		do println(\"unreachable\"); while (false);	\n" +
-			"		for (;false;);	\n" +
-			"		for (;false;) println(\"unreachable\");	\n" +
-			"		if (false);	\n" +
-			"		if (false) println(\"unreachable\");		\n" +		
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	function println(s){}	\n" +
-			" \n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	while (false) System.out.println(\"unreachable\");	\n" + 
-		"	              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p1\\X.js (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	for (;false;) System.out.println(\"unreachable\");	\n" + 
-		"	              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-// binary compatibility
- *
- *
- */
-public void test037() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TaskTags, "TODO:");
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"function X() {\n"+
-			"}\n"+
-			"// TODO: something"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in p\\X.js (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	// TODO: something\n" + 
-		"	   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"TODO: something\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);
- *
- *
- */
-public void test038() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TaskTags, "TODO:");
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"// TODO: something"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in X.js (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	// TODO: something\n" + 
-		"	   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"TODO: something\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);
-public void test072() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"    function main( args) {\n" + 
-			"        try {\n" + 
-			"            f();\n" + 
-			"        } catch(e) {\n" + 
-			"            println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    function f() {\n" + 
-			"       function ff ()\n" + 
-			"      //      {\n" + 
-			"                    if (true) throw null;\n" + 
-			"            }\n" + 
-			"      //  };\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  function println(s){}",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 12)\n" + 
-		"	if (true) throw null;\n" + 
-		"	                ^^^^\n" + 
-		"Cannot throw null as an exception\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// checking for captured outer local initialization status
-// NOTE: only complain against non-inlinable outer locals
-public void test074() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"    function main(args) {	\n" +
-			"    	var nonInlinedString = \"[Local]\";	\n" +
-			"    	var i = 2;	\n" +
-			"		switch(i){	\n" +
-			"			case 1:	\n" +
-			"				var displayString = nonInlinedString;\n" +
-			"				var inlinedString = \"a\";	\n" +
-			"//				class Local {	\n" +
-			"					function toString() {	\n" +
-			"						return inlinedString + displayString;	\n" +
-			"					}	\n" +
-			"//				}	\n" +
-			"			case 2:	\n" +
-			"//				print(new Local());	\n" +
-			"//				print(\"-\");	\n" +
-//			"				println(new Local(){	\n" +
-//			"					public String toString() {	\n" +
-//			"						return super.toString()+\": anonymous\";	\n" +
-//			"					}	\n" +
-//			"				});	\n" +
-			"		}	\n" +
-			"    }	\n" +
-			"	function println(s){}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 14)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.print(new Local());	\n" + 
-		"	                 ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The local variable displayString may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 16)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println(new Local(){	\n" + 
-		"					public String toString() {	\n" + 
-		"						return super.toString()+\": anonymous\";	\n" + 
-		"					}	\n" + 
-		"				});	\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The local variable displayString may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- *
- */
-public void test084() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		Object enum = null;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Object enum = null;\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^\n" + 
-		"\'enum\' should not be used as an identifier, since it is a reserved keyword from source level 5.0 on\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test100() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"    var \\ud800\\udc05\\ud800\\udc04\\ud800\\udc03\\ud800\\udc02\\ud800\\udc01\\ud800\\udc00;\n" + 
-			"    function foo() {\n" + 
-			"        var \\ud800\\udc05\\ud800\\udc04\\ud800\\udc03\\ud800\\udc02\\ud800\\udc01\\ud800\\udc00;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	int \\ud800\\udc05\\ud800\\udc04\\ud800\\udc03\\ud800\\udc02\\ud800\\udc01\\ud800\\udc00;\n" + 
-		"	    ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Invalid unicode\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	int \\ud800\\udc05\\ud800\\udc04\\ud800\\udc03\\ud800\\udc02\\ud800\\udc01\\ud800\\udc00;\n" + 
-		"	    ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Invalid unicode\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0888dde..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,737 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-public class DeprecatedTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-public DeprecatedTest(String name) {
-	super(name);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-public void test001() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class B extends A {\n" + 
-		"    float x = super.x;\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class A {\n" + 
-		"    /** @deprecated */\n" + 
-		"    int x = 1;\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	}, 
-	"----------\n" + 
-	"1. WARNING in p\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-	"	float x = super.x;\n" + 
-	"	      ^\n" + 
-	"The field B.x is hiding a field from type A\n" + 
-	"----------\n" + 
-	"2. WARNING in p\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-	"	float x = super.x;\n" + 
-	"	                ^\n" + 
-	"The field A.x is deprecated\n" + 
-	"----------\n"
-	);
-public void test002() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class C {\n" + 
-		"    static int x = new A().x;\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class A {\n" + 
-		"    /** @deprecated */\n" + 
-		"    int x = 1;\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in p\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	static int x = new A().x;\n" + 
-		"	                       ^\n" + 
-		"The field A.x is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-public void test003() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class Top {\n" + 
-		"  \n" + 
-		"  class M1 {\n" + 
-		"    class M2 {}\n" + 
-		"  };\n" + 
-		"  \n" + 
-		"  static class StaticM1 {\n" + 
-		"    static class StaticM2 {\n" + 
-		"      class NonStaticM3{}};\n" + 
-		"  };\n" + 
-		"  \n" + 
-		"public static void main(String argv[]){\n" + 
-		"  Top tip = new Top();\n" + 
-		"  System.out.println(\"Still alive 0\");\n" + 
-		"  tip.testStaticMember();\n" + 
-		"  System.out.println(\"Still alive 1\");\n" + 
-		"  tip.testStaticMember1();\n" + 
-		"  System.out.println(\"Still alive 2\");\n" + 
-		"  tip.testStaticMember2();\n" + 
-		"  System.out.println(\"Still alive 3\");\n" + 
-		"  tip.testStaticMember3();\n" + 
-		"  System.out.println(\"Still alive 4\");\n" + 
-		"  tip.testStaticMember4();\n" + 
-		"  System.out.println(\"Completed\");\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"  void testMember(){\n" + 
-		"    new M1().new M2();}\n" + 
-		"  void testStaticMember(){\n" + 
-		"    new StaticM1().new StaticM2();}\n" + 
-		"  void testStaticMember1(){\n" + 
-		"    new StaticM1.StaticM2();}\n" + 
-		"  void testStaticMember2(){\n" + 
-		"    new StaticM1.StaticM2().new NonStaticM3();}\n" + 
-		"  void testStaticMember3(){\n" + 
-		"    // define an anonymous subclass of the non-static M3\n" + 
-		"    new StaticM1.StaticM2().new NonStaticM3(){};\n" + 
-		"  }   \n" + 
-		"  void testStaticMember4(){\n" + 
-		"    // define an anonymous subclass of the non-static M3\n" + 
-		"    new StaticM1.StaticM2().new NonStaticM3(){\n" + 
-		"      Object hello(){\n" + 
-		"        return new StaticM1.StaticM2().new NonStaticM3();\n" + 
-		"      }};\n" + 
-		"      \n" + 
-		"  }    \n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 30)\n" + 
-		"	new StaticM1().new StaticM2();}\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Illegal enclosing instance specification for type Top.StaticM1.StaticM2\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. WARNING in p\\ (at line 42)\n" + 
-		"	Object hello(){\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method hello() from the type new Top.StaticM1.StaticM2.NonStaticM3(){} is never used locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- * Regression test for PR #1G9ES9B
- */
-public void test004() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.Date;\n" +
-		"public class Warning {\n" +
-		"public Warning() {\n" +
-		"     super();\n" +
-		"     Date dateObj = new Date();\n" +
-		"     dateObj.UTC(1,2,3,4,5,6);\n" +
-		"}\n" +
-		"}\n",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in p\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	dateObj.UTC(1,2,3,4,5,6);\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The static method UTC(int, int, int, int, int, int) from the type Date should be accessed in a static way\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. WARNING in p\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	dateObj.UTC(1,2,3,4,5,6);\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method UTC(int, int, int, int, int, int) from the type Date is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test005() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-		  "public class X {\n"
-			+ "/**\n"
-			+ " * @deprecated\n"
-			+ " */\n"
-			+ " 	public static class Y {\n"
-			+ "	}\n" +
-			"   public static void main(String[] args) {	\n" +
-			"        System.out.print(\"SUCCESS\");	\n" +
-			"	}	\n"
-			+ "}"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS", // expected output
-		null,
-		true, // flush previous output dir content
-		null, // special vm args
-		null,  // custom options
-		null); // custom requestor
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class A extends X.Y {}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class A extends X.Y {}\n" + 
-		"	                       ^^^\n" + 
-		"The type X.Y is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n",// expected output
-		null,
-		false, // flush previous output dir content
-		null);  // custom options
-public void test006() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" +
-			"	/**\n" +
-			"	  @deprecated\n" +
-			"	 */\n" +
-			"	; // line comment\n" +
-			"	static int i;\n" +
-			"   public static void main(String[] args) {	\n" +
-			"        System.out.print(\"SUCCESS\");	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS", // expected output
-		null,
-		true, // flush previous output dir content
-		null, // special vm args
-		null,  // custom options
-		null); // custom requestor
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class A {\n" +
-			"   public static void main(String[] args) {	\n" +
-			"        System.out.print(X.i);	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}"
-		},
-		"",// expected output
-		null,
-		false, // flush previous output dir content
-		null);  // custom options
-public void test007() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * @deprecated\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"",
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * @deprecated\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class Y {\n" + 
-			"  Zork z;\n" +
-			"  X x;\n" +
-			"  X foo() {\n" + 
-			"    X x; // unexpected deprecated warning here\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	Zork z;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. WARNING in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	X x; // unexpected deprecated warning here\n" + 
-		"	  ^\n" + 
-		"The local variable x is hiding a field from type Y\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// - variation
-public void test008() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * @deprecated\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"");
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * @deprecated\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class Y {\n" + 
-			"  Zork z;\n" +
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    X x; // unexpected deprecated warning here\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	Zork z;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n",// expected output
-		null,
-		false, // flush previous output dir content
-		null);  // custom options
-// - variation
-public void test009() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * @deprecated\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"",
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * @deprecated\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class Y {\n" + 
-			"  Zork z;\n" +
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    X x; // unexpected deprecated warning here\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	Zork z;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test010() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_DocCommentSupport, CompilerOptions.ENABLED);
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidAnnotation, CompilerOptions.WARNING);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-            "",
-            "/**\n" + 
-            " * @deprecated\n" + 
-            " */\n" + 
-            "public class X {\n" + 
-            "        /**\n" + 
-            "         * @see I2#foo()\n" + 
-            "         */\n" + 
-            "        I1 foo() {\n" + 
-            "                return null;\n" + 
-            "        }\n" + 
-            "       Zork z;\n" +
-            "}\n",              
-			"",
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * @deprecated\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public interface I1 {\n" + 
-			"		 // empty block\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"",
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * @deprecated\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public interface I2 {\n" + 
-			"		 I1 foo(); // unexpected warning here\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-		"	Zork z;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);
-public void test011() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-				"p1/", // =================
-				"package p1;\n" +
-				"import p2.I;\n" +
-				"/** @deprecated */\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	Zork z;\n" +
-				"}\n", // =================
-				"p2/", // =================
-				"package p2;\n" +
-				"/** @deprecated */\n" + 
-				"public interface I {\n" + 
-				"}\n", // =================
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	Zork z;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// @deprecated upon locals do not influence the deprecation diagnostic
-// JLS3 9.6
-public void test012() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation, 
-		CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecationInDeprecatedCode, 
-		CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-            "",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    void foo() {\n" + 
-			"        /** @deprecated */\n" + 
-			"        int i1 = Y.m;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    /** @deprecated */\n" + 
-			"    void bar() {\n" + 
-			"        int i1 = Y.m;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-            "",
-			"public class Y {\n" + 
-			"    /** @deprecated */\n" + 
-			"    static int m;\n" +			
-			"}\n",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	int i1 = Y.m;\n" + 
-		"	           ^\n" + 
-		"The field Y.m is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);
-// @deprecated upon locals do not influence the deprecation diagnostic
-// JLS3 9.6
-// @Deprecated variant
-public void test013() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_5.compareTo(this.complianceLevel) <= 0) {
-		Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-		customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation, 
-			CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecationInDeprecatedCode, 
-			CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-	            "",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"    void foo() {\n" + 
-				"        @Deprecated\n" + 
-				"        int i1 = Y.m;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"    @Deprecated\n" + 
-				"    void bar() {\n" + 
-				"        int i1 = Y.m;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-	            "",
-				"public class Y {\n" + 
-				"    @Deprecated\n" + 
-				"    static int m;\n" +			
-				"}\n",
-			}, 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	int i1 = Y.m;\n" + 
-			"	           ^\n" + 
-			"The field Y.m is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-			null,
-			true,
-			customOptions);
-	}
-public void test014() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" +
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * @deprecated\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"",
-			"import p.X;\n" +
-			"public class Y {\n" + 
-			"  Zork z;\n" +
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    X x;\n" + 
-			"    X[] xs = { x };\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void bar() {\n" + 
-			"    p.X x;\n" + 
-			"    p.X[] xs = { x };\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	import p.X;\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^\n" + 
-		"The type X is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	Zork z;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	X x;\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The type X is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. WARNING in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	X[] xs = { x };\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The type X is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"5. WARNING in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	p.X x;\n" + 
-		"	^^^\n" + 
-		"The type X is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"6. WARNING in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	p.X[] xs = { x };\n" + 
-		"	^^^\n" + 
-		"The type X is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// the order of the CUs must not modify the behavior, see also test016 
-public void test015() {
-	Map customOptions = new HashMap();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" +
-			"public class M1 {\n" +
-			"  void bar() {\n" +
-			"    a.N1.N2.N3 m = null;\n" +
-			";\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"a/",
-			"package a;\n" +
-			"public class N1 {\n" +
-			"  /** @deprecated */\n" + 
-			"  public class N2 {" +
-			"    public class N3 {" +
-			"      public void foo() {}" +
-			"    }" +
-			"  }" +
-			"}\n",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	a.N1.N2.N3 m = null;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type N1.N2 is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	a.N1.N2.N3 m = null;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type N1.N2.N3 is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in p\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		";\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo() from the type N1.N2.N3 is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions,
-		true,
-		false,
-		false);
-public void test016() {
-	Map customOptions = new HashMap();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"a/",
-			"package a;\n" +
-			"public class N1 {\n" +
-			"  /** @deprecated */\n" + 
-			"  public class N2 {" +
-			"    public class N3 {" +
-			"      public void foo() {}" +
-			"    }" +
-			"  }" +
-			"}\n",
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" +
-			"public class M1 {\n" +
-			"  void bar() {\n" +
-			"    a.N1.N2.N3 m = null;\n" +
-			";\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	a.N1.N2.N3 m = null;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type N1.N2 is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	a.N1.N2.N3 m = null;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type N1.N2.N3 is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in p\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		";\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo() from the type N1.N2.N3 is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions,
-		true,
-		false,
-		false);
-// variant: self-contained case, hence no report
-public void test017() {
-	Map customOptions = new HashMap();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecationInDeprecatedCode, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"a/",
-			"package a;\n" +
-			"public class N1 {\n" +
-			"  /** @deprecated */\n" + 
-			"  public class N2 {" +
-			"    public class N3 {" +
-			"      public void foo() {}" +
-			"    }" +
-			"  }" +
-			"  void bar() {\n" +
-			"    a.N1.N2.N3 m = null;\n" +
-			";\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		}, 
-		"",
-		null,
-		true,
-		null,
-		customOptions,
-		null,
-		false);
-// variant: using a binary class
-public void test018() {
-	Map customOptions = new HashMap();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecationInDeprecatedCode, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"a/",
-			"package a;\n" +
-			"public class N1 {\n" +
-			"  /** @deprecated */\n" + 
-			"  public class N2 {" +
-			"    public class N3 {" +
-			"      public void foo() {}" +
-			"    }" +
-			"  }" +
-			"}\n"
-		}, 
-		"",
-		null,
-		true,
-		null,
-		customOptions,
-		null,
-		false);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" +
-			"public class M1 {\n" +
-			"  void bar() {\n" +
-			"    a.N1.N2.N3 m = null;\n" +
-			";\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	a.N1.N2.N3 m = null;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type N1.N2 is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	a.N1.N2.N3 m = null;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type N1.N2.N3 is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in p\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		";\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo() from the type N1.N2.N3 is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		false /* do not flush */,
-		customOptions,
-		true,
-		false,
-		false);
-public static Class testClass() {
-	return DeprecatedTest.class;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index df6a6df..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2003, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class ExternalizeStringLiterals15Test extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-static {
-//	TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "test000" };
-//	TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 6 };
-//	TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 11, -1 };
-public ExternalizeStringLiterals15Test(String name) {
-	super(name);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildUniqueComplianceTestSuite(testClass(), COMPLIANCE_1_5);
-public void test001() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;\n" +
-			"import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*;\n" +
-			"import java.lang.annotation.Retention;\n" +
-			"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
-			"@Target({TYPE, FIELD, METHOD,\r\n" + 
-			"         PARAMETER, CONSTRUCTOR,\r\n" + 
-			"         LOCAL_VARIABLE, PACKAGE})\r\n" + 
-			"@Retention(CLASS)\r\n" + 
-			"public @interface X\r\n" + 
-			"{\r\n" + 
-			"    String[] value() default {};\r\n" + 
-			"    String justification() default \"\";\r\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"",
-		null,
-		true,
-		null,
-		customOptions,
-		null);
-public void test002() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" +
-			"	String s2 = \"test1\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" +
-			"	String s3 = \"test2\"; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$\n" +
-			"	\n" +
-			"	@SuppressWarnings(\"nls\")\n" +
-			"	void foo() {\n" +
-			"		String s4 = null;\n" +
-			"		String s5 = \"test3\";\n" +
-			"		String s6 = \"test4\";\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"test5\");\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"}",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	String s3 = \"test2\"; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$\n" + 
-		"	                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	String s5 = \"test3\";\n" + 
-		"	            ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Non-externalized string literal; it should be followed by //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	String s6 = \"test4\";\n" + 
-		"	            ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Non-externalized string literal; it should be followed by //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println(\"test5\");\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Non-externalized string literal; it should be followed by //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);
-public void test003() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" +
-			"	String s2 = \"test1\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" +
-			"	String s3 = \"test2\"; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$\n" +
-			"	\n" +
-			"	@SuppressWarnings(\"nls\")\n" +
-			"	void foo() {\n" +
-			"		String s4 = null;\n" +
-			"		String s5 = null;//$NON-NLS-1$\n" +
-			"		String s6 = \"test4\";\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"test5\");\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"}",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	String s3 = \"test2\"; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$\n" + 
-		"	                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	String s5 = null;//$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	String s6 = \"test4\";\n" + 
-		"	            ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Non-externalized string literal; it should be followed by //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println(\"test5\");\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Non-externalized string literal; it should be followed by //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);
-public void test004() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.WARNING);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" +
-			"	String s2 = \"test1\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" +
-			"	String s3 = \"test2\"; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$\n" +
-			"	\n" +
-			"	@SuppressWarnings(\"nls\")\n" +
-			"	void foo() {\n" +
-			"		String s4 = null;\n" +
-			"		String s5 = null;//$NON-NLS-1$\n" +
-			"		String s6 = \"test4\";\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"test5\");\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"}",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	String s3 = \"test2\"; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$\n" + 
-		"	                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);
-public void test005() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" +
-			"	@SuppressWarnings(\"nls\")\n" +
-			"	void foo() {\n" +
-			"		String s6 = \"SUCCESS\";\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(s6);\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"}",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	String s6 = \"SUCCESS\";\n" + 
-		"	            ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Non-externalized string literal; it should be followed by //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);
-public void test006() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.WARNING);
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" +
-			"	@SuppressWarnings(\"nls\")\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-			"		String s6 = \"SUCCESS\";\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(s6);\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"}",
-		},
-		null,
-		true,
-		null,
-		customOptions,
-		null);
-public static Class testClass() {
-	return ExternalizeStringLiterals15Test.class;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index e00ae3f..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2003, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-public class ExternalizeStringLiteralsTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-static {
-//	TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "test000" };
-//	TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 16 };
-//	TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 11, -1 };
-public ExternalizeStringLiteralsTest(String name) {
-	super(name);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-public void test001() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"A.js",
-			"	function foo() {\n" + 
-			"		println(\"a\");\n" + 
-			"	} //$NON-NLS-1$	\n" + 
-			""
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in A.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	println(\"a\");\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^^\n" + 
-		"Non-externalized string literal; it should be followed by //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in A.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	} //$NON-NLS-1$	\n" + 
-		"	  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);
-public void test002() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	var s = null; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" +
-			"	var s2 = \"\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" +
-			"	var s3 = \"\"; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$\n" +
-			"	\n" +
-			"	function foo() {\n" +
-			"		var s4 = null; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" +
-			"		var s5 = \"\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" +
-			"		var s6 = \"\"; //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$\n" +
-			"		println(\"foo\");//$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$\n" +
-			"	} //$NON-NLS-1$\n" +
-			"	//$NON-NLS-1$\n" +
-			"",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	var s = null; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	var s3 = \"\"; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$\n" + 
-		"	                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in X.js (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	var s4 = null; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in X.js (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	var s6 = \"\"; //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"5. ERROR in X.js (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	println(\"foo\");//$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$\n" + 
-		"	                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"6. ERROR in X.js (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	} //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);
-public void test003() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"Foo.js",
-			"    function foo() {\n" + 
-			"		println(\"string1\" + \"string2\" //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-			"		);\n" + 
-			"",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in Foo.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	println(\"string1\" + \"string2\" //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	                               ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Non-externalized string literal; it should be followed by //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p\\Foo.js (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete ClassBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);	
-public void test004() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"Foo.js",
-			"    function foo() {\n" + 
-			"		//$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-			"	 };\n" + 
-			"",
-		}, 
-		"",
-		null,
-		true,
-		null,
-		customOptions,
-		null);	
-public void test005() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	function main( args) {\r\n" + 
-			"		var s = \"\"; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-1$\r\n" + 
-			"    }\r\n" + 
-			"",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	var s = \"\"; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);	
-public void test006() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	public static function main(String[] args) {\r\n" + 
-			"		var s = \"\"; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-1$\r\n" + 
-			"    \r\n" +
-			"",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	var s = \"\"; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete ClassBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);	
-public void test007() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	function main(args) {\r\n" + 
-			"		var s = null; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-1$\r\n" + 
-			"    }\r\n" +
-			"",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	var s = null; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	var s = null; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);	
-public void test008() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	function main(args) {\r\n" + 
-			"		var s = \"test\"; //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-3$\r\n" + 
-			"    }\r\n" +
-			"",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	var s = \"test\"; //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-3$\n" + 
-		"	           ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Non-externalized string literal; it should be followed by //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	var s = \"test\"; //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-3$\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	var s = \"test\"; //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-3$\n" + 
-		"	                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);	
-public void test009() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"Foo.js",
-			"    function foo(i) {\n" + 
-			"		println(\"test1\" + i + \"test2\"); //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$\r\n" + 
-			"	 };\n" + 
-			"",
-		}, 
-		"",
-		null,
-		true,
-		null,
-		customOptions,
-		null);	
-public void test010() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	function main(args) {\n" +
-			"		var s = \"test\"; //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-3$\n" +
-			"		var i = s;\n" +
-			"		println(s);\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	var s = \"test\"; //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-3$\n" + 
-		"	           ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Non-externalized string literal; it should be followed by //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	var s = \"test\"; //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-3$\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	var s = \"test\"; //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-3$\n" + 
-		"	                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);	
-public void test011() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	function main(args) {\n" +
-			"		var i = null;\n" +
-			"		var s = \"test\"; //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-3$\n" +
-			"		println(s + i);\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	var s = \"test\"; //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-3$\n" + 
-		"	           ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Non-externalized string literal; it should be followed by //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	var s = \"test\"; //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-3$\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	var s = \"test\"; //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-3$\n" + 
-		"	                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);	
-public void test012() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	function main(args) {\n" +
-			"		var i = null;\n" +
-			"		var s = null; //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-3$\n" +
-			"		println(s + i);\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	var s = null; //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-3$\n" + 
-		"	                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	var s = null; //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-3$\n" + 
-		"	                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);	
-public void test013() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	function main(args) {\n" +
-			"		var s = \"test1\";\n" +
-			"		println(s);\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	var s = \"test1\";\n" + 
-		"	           ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Non-externalized string literal; it should be followed by //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);	
-public void test014() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	function main(args) {\n" +
-			"		var s = \"test1\"; //$NON-NLS-?$\n" +
-			"		println(s);\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	var s = \"test1\"; //$NON-NLS-?$\n" + 
-		"	           ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Non-externalized string literal; it should be followed by //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	var s = \"test1\"; //$NON-NLS-?$\n" + 
-		"	                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);	
-public void test015() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	public function foo() {\n" +
-			"		var s1= null; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" +
-			"		var s2= \"\";\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	var s1= null; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	var s2= \"\";\n" + 
-		"	           ^^\n" + 
-		"Non-externalized string literal; it should be followed by //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);	
-public void test016() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	var s1= null; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" +
-			"	\n" +
-			"	function foo() {\n" +
-			"		var s2= \"\";\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"}",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	private var s1= null; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unnecessary $NON-NLS$ tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in X.js (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	var s2= \"\";\n" + 
-		"	           ^^\n" + 
-		"Non-externalized string literal; it should be followed by //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);	
-public void test017() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"X.js",
-			"	function foo(locationInAST) {\n" +
-			"		var enclosingType= \"\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" +
-			"		if (locationInAST != null) {\n" +
-			"			enclosingType.toString()\n" +
-			"		}\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in X.js (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	enclosingType.toString()\n" + 
-		"	                       ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \";\" to complete BlockStatements\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions,
-		false,
-		false,
-		false,
-		false,
-		true,
-		null);	
-public static Class testClass() {
-	return ExternalizeStringLiteralsTest.class;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 81e689b..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class FieldAccessTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-	static {
-//		TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "test000" };
-//		TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 5, 6 };
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 21, 50 };
-	}
-public FieldAccessTest(String name) {
-	super(name);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-	Map options = super.getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportIndirectStaticAccess, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	return options;
-public void test001() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"foo/",
-			"package foo;\n" + 
-			"class BaseFoo {\n" + 
-			" public static final int VAL = 0;\n" + 
-			"}",
-			"foo/",
-			"package foo;\n" + 
-			"public class NextFoo extends BaseFoo {\n" + 
-			"}",
-			"bar/",
-			"package bar;\n" + 
-			"public class Bar {\n" + 
-			" int v = foo.NextFoo.VAL;\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"");
-public void test002() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"foo/",
-			"package foo;\n" + 
-			"public class BaseFoo {\n" + 
-			" public static final int VAL = 0;\n" + 
-			"}",
-			"foo/",
-			"package foo;\n" + 
-			"public class NextFoo extends BaseFoo {\n" + 
-			"}",
-			"bar/",
-			"package bar;\n" + 
-			"public class Bar {\n" + 
-			" int v = foo.NextFoo.VAL;\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in bar\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	int v = foo.NextFoo.VAL;\n" + 
-		"	                    ^^^\n" + 
-		"The static field BaseFoo.VAL should be accessed directly\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test003() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonStaticAccessToStatic, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"foo/",
-			"package foo;\n" + 
-			"class BaseFoo {\n" + 
-			" public static final int VAL = 0;\n" + 
-			"}",
-			"foo/",
-			"package foo;\n" + 
-			"public class NextFoo extends BaseFoo {\n" + 
-			"}",
-			"bar/",
-			"package bar;\n" + 
-			"import foo.NextFoo;\n" +
-			"public class Bar {\n" +
-			"	NextFoo[] tab = new NextFoo[] { new NextFoo() };\n" +
-			"	int v = tab[0].VAL;\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"",
-		null,
-		true,
-		null,
-		options,
-		null);
-public void test004() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonStaticAccessToStatic, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"foo/",
-			"package foo;\n" + 
-			"public class BaseFoo {\n" + 
-			" public static final int VAL = 0;\n" + 
-			"}",
-			"foo/",
-			"package foo;\n" + 
-			"public class NextFoo extends BaseFoo {\n" + 
-			"}",
-			"bar/",
-			"package bar;\n" + 
-			"import foo.NextFoo;\n" +
-			"public class Bar {\n" +
-			"	NextFoo[] tab = new NextFoo[] { new NextFoo() };\n" +
-			"	int v = tab[0].VAL;\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in bar\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	int v = tab[0].VAL;\n" + 
-		"	               ^^^\n" + 
-		"The static field BaseFoo.VAL should be accessed directly\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		options);
-public void test005() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnqualifiedFieldAccess, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	private String memberVariable;\n" + 
-			"	public String getMemberVariable() {\n" + 
-			"		return (memberVariable);\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	return (memberVariable);\n" + 
-		"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unqualified access to the field X.memberVariable \n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		options);
-public void test006() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnqualifiedFieldAccess, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	private String memberVariable;\n" + 
-			"	public String getMemberVariable() {\n" + 
-			"		return \\u0028memberVariable\\u0029;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	return \\u0028memberVariable\\u0029;\n" + 
-		"	             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unqualified access to the field X.memberVariable \n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		options);
-public static Class testClass() {
-	return FieldAccessTest.class;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c6e0c6..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1242 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.CategorizedProblem;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.IProblem;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemSeverities;
-public class FlowAnalysisTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-public FlowAnalysisTest(String name) {
-	super(name);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-public void test001() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(new String[] {
-		"", // =================
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	public String foo(int i) {\n" + 
-		"		if (true) {\n" + 
-		"			return null;\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"		if (i > 0) {\n" + 
-		"			return null;\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	}	\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	},
-	"----------\n" + 
-	"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-	"	public String foo(int i) {\n" + 
-	"	              ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-	"This method must return a result of type String\n" + 
-	"----------\n");
-// Compiler incorrectly reports "variable may not have been initialized"
-public void test002() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportParameterAssignment, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public void test() {\n" + 
-			"        int c1, c2;\n" + 
-			"        while ((char) (c1 = 0) == 1) {}\n" + 
-			"        if (c1 == 0) {} // silent\n" + 
-			"        if (c2 == 0) {} // complain\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	if (c2 == 0) {} // complain\n" + 
-		"	    ^^\n" + 
-		"The local variable c2 may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null, true, options);
-// Compiler incorrectly reports "variable may not have been initialized"
-public void test003() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportParameterAssignment, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public void test() {\n" + 
-			"        int c1, c2;\n" + 
-			"        while ((char) (c1 = 0) == 1) ;\n" + 
-			"        if (c1 == 0) {} // silent\n" + 
-			"        if (c2 == 0) {} // complain\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	if (c2 == 0) {} // complain\n" + 
-		"	    ^^\n" + 
-		"The local variable c2 may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null, true, options);
-// Compiler incorrectly reports "variable may not have been initialized"
-public void test004() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportParameterAssignment, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public void test() {\n" + 
-			"        int c1, c2;\n" + 
-			"        for (;(char) (c1 = 0) == 1;) ;\n" + 
-			"        if (c1 == 0) {} // silent\n" + 
-			"        if (c2 == 0) {} // complain\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	if (c2 == 0) {} // complain\n" + 
-		"	    ^^\n" + 
-		"The local variable c2 may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null, true, options);
-// Compiler incorrectly reports "variable may not have been initialized"
-public void test005() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportParameterAssignment, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public void test() {\n" + 
-			"        int c1, c2;\n" + 
-			"        do ; while ((char) (c1 = 0) == 1);\n" + 
-			"        if (c1 == 0) {} // silent\n" + 
-			"        if (c2 == 0) {} // complain\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	if (c2 == 0) {} // complain\n" + 
-		"	    ^^\n" + 
-		"The local variable c2 may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null, true, options);
-// [compiler] warning on fall through
-// basic scenario
-public void test006() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFallthroughCase, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public void test(int p) {\n" + 
-			"        switch (p) {\n" + 
-			"        case 0:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(0); // silent because first case\n" + 
-			"        case 1:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(1); // complain: possible fall-through\n" + 
-			"            break;\n" + 
-			"        case 2:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(3); // silent because of break\n" + 
-			"            return;\n" + 
-			"        case 3:                            // silent because of return\n" + 
-			"        case 4:                            // silent because grouped cases\n" + 
-			"        default:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(\"default\"); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	case 1:\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Switch case may be entered by falling through previous case\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null, true, options);
-// [compiler] warning on fall through
-// SuppressWarnings effect - explicit fallthrough token
-public void test007() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_5.equals(this.complianceLevel)) {
-		Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFallthroughCase, CompilerOptions.WARNING);
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"    @SuppressWarnings(\"fallthrough\")\n" + 
-				"    public void test(int p) {\n" + 
-				"        switch (p) {\n" + 
-				"        case 0:\n" + 
-				"            System.out.println(0); // silent because first case\n" + 
-				"        case 1:\n" + 
-				"            System.out.println(1); // silent because of SuppressWarnings\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"    }\n" +
-				"	Zork z;\n" + // complain on Zork (unknown type)
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	Zork z;\n" + 
-			"	^^^^\n" + 
-			"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-			null, true, options);
-	}
-// [compiler] warning on fall through
-// deep return (1) - fake reachable is seen as reachable
-public void test008() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFallthroughCase, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public void test(int p) {\n" + 
-			"        switch (p) {\n" + 
-			"        case 0:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(0);\n" +
-			"            if (true) {\n" +
-			"              return;\n" +
-			"            }\n" + 
-			"        case 1:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(1);\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	case 1:\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Switch case may be entered by falling through previous case\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null, true, options);
-// [compiler] warning on fall through
-// deep return (2)
-public void test009() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFallthroughCase, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public void test(int p, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"        switch (p) {\n" + 
-			"        case 0:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(0);\n" +
-			"            if (b) {\n" +
-			"              return;\n" +
-			"            }\n" + 
-			"            else {\n" +
-			"              return;\n" +
-			"            }\n" + 
-			"        case 1:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(1);\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"",
-		null, true, null, options, null);
-// [compiler] warning on fall through
-// deep return (3), limit: cannot recognize that we won't return
-public void test010() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFallthroughCase, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public void test(int p, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"        switch (p) {\n" + 
-			"        case 0:\n" + 
-			"            System.exit(0);\n" +
-			"        case 1:\n" + // complain 
-			"            System.out.println(1);\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	case 1:\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Switch case may be entered by falling through previous case\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null, true, options);
-// [compiler] warning on fall through
-// SuppressWarnings effect - implicit, using all token
-public void test011() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_5.equals(this.complianceLevel)) {
-		Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFallthroughCase, CompilerOptions.WARNING);
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"    @SuppressWarnings(\"all\")\n" + 
-				"    public void test(int p) {\n" + 
-				"        switch (p) {\n" + 
-				"        case 0:\n" + 
-				"            System.out.println(0); // silent because first case\n" + 
-				"        case 1:\n" + 
-				"            System.out.println(1); // silent because of SuppressWarnings\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"    }\n" +
-				"	Zork z;\n" + // complain on Zork (unknown type)
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	Zork z;\n" + 
-			"	^^^^\n" + 
-			"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-			null, true, options);
-	}
-// [compiler] skip fall-through case warning when the fall-through is documented
-// skip because of comment
-public void _test012() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFallthroughCase, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public void test(int p) {\n" + 
-			"        switch (p) {\n" + 
-			"        case 0:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(0); // silent because first case\n" + 
-			"            // on purpose fall-through\n" + 
-			"        case 1:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(1); // silent because of comment alone on its line above \n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"",
-		null, true, null, options, null);
-// [compiler] skip fall-through case warning when the fall-through is documented
-// skip because of comment - default label
-public void _test013() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFallthroughCase, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public void test(int p) {\n" + 
-			"        switch (p) {\n" + 
-			"        case 0:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(0); // silent because first case\n" + 
-			"            // on purpose fall-through\n" + 
-			"        default:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(1); // silent because of comment alone on its line above \n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"",
-		null, true, null, options, null);
-// [compiler] warning on fall through
-// basic scenario: default label
-public void test014() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFallthroughCase, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public void test(int p) {\n" + 
-			"        switch (p) {\n" + 
-			"        case 0:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(0); // silent because first case\n" +
-						// note: the comment above is not alone on its line, hence it does not
-						// protect against fall-through diagnostic
-			"        default:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(1); // complain: possible fall-through\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	default:\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Switch case may be entered by falling through previous case\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null, true, options);
-// [compiler] warning on fall through
-// skip because of comment - variants
-public void test015() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFallthroughCase, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public void test(int p) {\n" + 
-			"        switch (p) {\n" + 
-			"        case 0:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(0); // silent because first case\n" + 
-			"            // on purpose fall-through\n" +
-			"\n" + // extraneous line breaks fall-through protection 
-			"        case 1:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(1); // silent because of comment alone on its line above \n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	case 1:\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Switch case may be entered by falling through previous case\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null, true, options);
-// [compiler] warning on fall through
-// skip because of comment - variants
-public void test016() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFallthroughCase, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public void test(int p) {\n" + 
-			"        switch (p) {\n" + 
-			"        case 0:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(0); // silent because first case\n" + 
-			"            // on purpose fall-through\n" +
-			"            /* other comment */\n" + // non-single line comment breaks fall-through protection 
-			"        case 1:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(1); // silent because of comment alone on its line above \n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	case 1:\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Switch case may be entered by falling through previous case\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null, true, options);
-// [compiler] skip fall-through case warning when the fall-through is documented
-// skip because of comment - variants
-public void _test017() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFallthroughCase, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public void test(int p) {\n" + 
-			"        switch (p) {\n" + 
-			"        case 0:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(0);\n" + 
-			"// on purpose fall-through\n" + // very beginning of line
-			"        case 1:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(1); // silent because of comment alone on its line above \n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"",
-		null, true, null, options, null);
-// [compiler] skip fall-through case warning when the fall-through is documented
-// skip because of comment - variants
-public void _test018() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFallthroughCase, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public void test(int p) {\n" + 
-			"        switch (p) {\n" + 
-			"        case 0:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(0);\n" + 
-			"            //\n" + // empty line comment alone upon its line
-			"        case 1:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(1); // silent because of comment alone on its line above \n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"",
-		null, true, null, options, null);
-// [compiler] warning on fall through
-// conditioned break
-public void test019() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFallthroughCase, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public void test(int p, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"        switch (p) {\n" + 
-			"        case 0:\n" + 
-			"            if (b) {\n" +
-			"              break;\n" +
-			"            }\n" +
-			"        case 1:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(1); // silent because of comment alone on its line above \n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	case 1:\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Switch case may be entered by falling through previous case\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null, true, options);
-// [compiler] warning on fall through
-// default reporting is ignore
-public void test020() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public void test(int p) {\n" + 
-			"        switch (p) {\n" + 
-			"        case 0:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(0); // silent because first case\n" + 
-			"        case 1:\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(1); // silent because default level is ignore\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" +
-			"	Zork z;\n" + // complain on Zork (unknown type)
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	Zork z;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// [compiler] warning on fall through
-// problem category
-public void test021() {
-	if (ProblemReporter.getProblemCategory(ProblemSeverities.Warning, IProblem.FallthroughCase) != 
-		fail("bad category for fall-through case problem");
-	}
-public void test022() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportEmptyStatement, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		if (true)\n" + 
-			"            ;\n" + 
-			"        else\n" + 
-			"            ;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	;\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Empty control-flow statement\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	;\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Empty control-flow statement\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null, true, options);
-public void test023() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		final X x;\n" + 
-			"		while (true) {\n" + 
-			"			if (true) {\n" + 
-			"				break;\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"			x = new X();\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public void foo() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		";\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The local variable x may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test024() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public void foo(boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    final Object l;\n" + 
-			"    do {\n" + 
-			"      if (b) {\n" + 
-			"        l = new Object();\n" + 
-			"        break;\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    } while (false);\n" + 
-			"    l.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	l.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The local variable l may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test025() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.print(\"[starting]\");\n" + 
-			"		X l = new X();\n" + 
-			"		l.testLoop();\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(\"[finished]\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	public void testLoop() {\n" + 
-			"		int loops = 0;\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"		do {\n" + 
-			"			System.out.print(\"[Loop \" + loops + \"]\");\n" + 
-			"			if (loops > 2) {\n" + 
-			"				return;\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"			if (loops < 4) {\n" + 
-			"				++loops;\n" + 
-			"				continue; \n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		} while (false);\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"[starting][Loop 0][finished]");
-public void test026() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o1) {\n" + 
-			"    int a00, a01, a02, a03, a04, a05, a06, a07, a08, a09;\n" + 
-			"    int a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19;\n" + 
-			"    int a20, a21, a22, a23, a24, a25, a26, a27, a28, a29;\n" + 
-			"    int a30, a31, a32, a33, a34, a35, a36, a37, a38, a39;\n" + 
-			"    int a40, a41, a42, a43, a44, a45, a46, a47, a48, a49;\n" + 
-			"    int a50, a51, a52, a53, a54, a55, a56, a57, a58, a59;\n" + 
-			"    int a60, a61, a62, a63, a64, a65, a66, a67, a68, a69;\n" + 
-			"    String s;\n" + 
-			"    Object o2 = o1;\n" + 
-			"    if (o2 == null) {\n" + 
-			"      s = \"\";\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(s);\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println(s);\n" + 
-		"	                   ^\n" + 
-		"The local variable s may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// Non-recursive approach for deep binary expressions. Check that the
-// flow analysis doesn't break.
-public void test027() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"    String s;\n" + 
-			"    if (args.length == 0) {\n" + 
-			"      s = \"s\";\n" + 
-			"    } else {\n" + 
-			"      s = args[0];\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(s + \"-\" + s + \"-\" + s + \"-\" +\n" +
-			"                       s + \"-\" + s + \"-\" + s + \"-\" +\n" + 
-			"                       s + \"-\" + s + \"-\" + s + \"-\" +\n" + 
-			"                       s + \"-\" + s + \"-\" + s + \"-\" +\n" + 
-			"                       s + \"-\" + s + \"-\" + s + \"-\");\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-");
-public void test028() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"   {\n" + 
-			"      if (true) throw new NullPointerException();\n" + 
-			"   }\n" + 
-			"}\n" // =================
-		},
-		"");
-// - variation
-public void test029() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"   {\n" + 
-			"      if (true) throw new NullPointerException();\n" + 
-			"   }\n" + 
-			"   X() {\n" + 
-			"      System.out.println();\n" + 
-			"   }\n" + 
-			"}\n", // =================
-		},
-		"");
-// - variation
-public void test030() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class Y {\n" + 
-			"	Y(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.print(o);\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"public class X extends Y {\n" + 
-			"	{\n" + 
-			"		if (true)\n" + 
-			"			throw new NullPointerException();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	X() {\n" + 
-			"		super(new Object() {\n" + 
-			"			public String toString() {\n" + 
-			"				return \"SUCCESS:\";\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		});\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		try {\n" + 
-			"			new X();\n" + 
-			"		} catch(NullPointerException e) {\n" + 
-			"			System.out.println(\"caught:NPE\");\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n", // =================
-		},
-		"SUCCESS:caught:NPE");
-// - variation
-public void test031() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class Y {\n" + 
-			"	Y(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"public class X extends Y {\n" + 
-			"	final int blank;\n" + 
-			"	{\n" + 
-			"		if (true)\n" + 
-			"			throw new NullPointerException();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	X() {\n" + 
-			"		super(new Object() {});\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n", // =================
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-		"	X() {\n" + 
-		"	^^^\n" + 
-		"The blank final field blank may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// - variation
-public void test032() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class Y {\n" + 
-			"	Y(int i) {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"public class X extends Y {\n" + 
-			"	final int blank;\n" + 
-			"	{\n" + 
-			"		if (true)\n" + 
-			"			throw new NullPointerException();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	X() {\n" + 
-			"		super(blank = 0);\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n", // =================
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-		"	super(blank = 0);\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Cannot refer to an instance field blank while explicitly invoking a constructor\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// - variation
-public void test033() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class Y {\n" + 
-			"	Y(int i) {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class X extends Y {\n" + 
-			"	final int blank;\n" + 
-			"	{\n" + 
-			"		if (true)\n" + 
-			"			throw new NullPointerException();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	X() {\n" + 
-			"		super(0);\n" + 
-			"		blank = 0;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n", // =================
-		},
-		"");
-public void test034() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo1() {\n" + 
-			"    switch (1) {\n" + 
-			"    case 0:\n" + 
-			"      final int i = 1;\n" + 
-			"    case i: // should complain: i not initialized\n" + 
-			"      System.out.println(i); // should complain: i not initialized\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	case i: // should complain: i not initialized\n" + 
-		"	     ^\n" + 
-		"The local variable i may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println(i); // should complain: i not initialized\n" + 
-		"	                   ^\n" + 
-		"The local variable i may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// variant
-public void test035() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo2() {\n" + 
-			"    switch (1) {\n" + 
-			"    case 0:\n" + 
-			"      int j = 0;\n" + 
-			"    case 1:\n" + 
-			"      System.out.println(j); // should complain: j not initialized\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println(j); // should complain: j not initialized\n" + 
-		"	                   ^\n" + 
-		"The local variable j may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// variant - not a flow analysis issue per se, contrast with 34 and 35 above
-public void test036() {
-	String src =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  void foo3() {\n" + 
-		"    switch (1) {\n" + 
-		"    case 0:\n" + 
-		"      class Local {\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      ;\n" + 
-		"    case 1:\n" + 
-		"      new Local();\n" +  // complain for compliance >= 1.4
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}";
-	if (complianceLevel.compareTo(COMPLIANCE_1_3) <= 0) {
-		this.runConformTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					src
-				},
-				""
-			);
-	} else {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				src
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	new Local();\n" + 
-			"	    ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Local cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-public void test037() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    if (false) {\n" + 
-			"      String s;\n" + 
-			"      System.out.println(s);\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println(s);\n" + 
-		"	                   ^\n" + 
-		"The local variable s may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// variant: the declaration is outside of the fake reachable block
-public void test038() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    String s;\n" + 
-			"    if (false) {\n" + 
-			"      System.out.println(s);\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"");
-// variant with deeper nesting
-public void test039() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    if (false) {\n" + 
-			"      String s;\n" + 
-			"      if (System.out != null) {\n" +
-			"        System.out.println(s);\n" +
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println(s);\n" + 
-		"	                   ^\n" + 
-		"The local variable s may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// variant - checking duplicate initialization of final variables
-public void test040() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    final String s = \"\";\n" + 
-			"    if (false) {\n" + 
-			"      s = \"\";\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	s = \"\";\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The final local variable s cannot be assigned. It must be blank and not using a compound assignment\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// variant - checking duplicate initialization of final variables
-public void test041() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    final String s;\n" + 
-			"    s = \"\";\n" + 
-			"    if (false) {\n" + 
-			"      s = \"\";\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"");
-// variant - checking duplicate initialization of final variables
-public void test042() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    final String s;\n" + 
-			"    if (false) {\n" + 
-			"      s = \"\";\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    s = \"\";\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	s = \"\";\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The final local variable s may already have been assigned\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// switch and definite assignment
-public void test043() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public abstract class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {\n" + 
-			"      System.out.print(i);\n" + 
-			"      switch (i) {\n" + 
-			"        case 1:\n" + 
-			"          final int j;\n" + 
-			"          j = 1;\n" + 
-			"          System.out.println(j);\n" + 
-			"          break;\n" + 
-			"        case 2:\n" + 
-			"          j = 2;\n" + 
-			"          System.out.println(j);\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"011\n22");
-// switch and definite assignment
-public void test044() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public abstract class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {\n" + 
-			"      System.out.print(i);\n" + 
-			"      switch (i) {\n" + 
-			"        case 1:\n" + 
-			"          final int j = 1;\n" + 
-			"          System.out.println(j);\n" + 
-			"          break;\n" + 
-			"        case 2:\n" + 
-			"          j = 2;\n" + 
-			"          System.out.println(j);\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-		"	j = 2;\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The final local variable j cannot be assigned. It must be blank and not using a compound assignment\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// switch and definite assignment
-// **
-public void test045() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public abstract class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"    switch (args.length) {\n" + 
-			"      case 1:\n" + 
-			"        final int j = 1;\n" + 
-			"      case 2:\n" + 
-			"        switch (5) {\n" + 
-			"          case j:\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	case j:\n" + 
-		"	     ^\n" + 
-		"The local variable j may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// for and definite assignment
-// **
-public void test046() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public abstract class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"    for (final int i; 0 < (i = 1); i = i + 1) {\n" + 
-			"      System.out.println(i);\n" + 
-			"      break;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"1");
-public static Class testClass() {
-	return FlowAnalysisTest.class;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index b1ff69f..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class ForStatementTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-public ForStatementTest(String name) {
-	super(name);
-protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-	Map options = super.getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_PreserveUnusedLocal, CompilerOptions.OPTIMIZE_OUT);
-	return options;
-// Static initializer to specify tests subset using TESTS_* static variables
-// All specified tests which do not belong to the class are skipped...
-static {
-//	TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "test000" };
-//	TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 45, 46 };
-//	TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 34, 38 };
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-public void test001() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static Object m(int[] arg) {\n" + 
-				"		yyLoop: for (int i = 0;; ++i) {\n" + 
-				"			yyInner: for (;;) {\n" + 
-				"				switch (arg[i]) {\n" + 
-				"					case 0:\n" + 
-				"						break;\n" + 
-				"					case 1:\n" + 
-				"						continue yyInner;\n" + 
-				"				}\n" + 
-				"				if (i == 32)\n" + 
-				"					return arg;\n" + 
-				"				if (i == 12)\n" + 
-				"					break;\n" + 
-				"				continue yyLoop;\n" + 
-				"			}\n" + 
-				"			if (i == 32)\n" + 
-				"				return null;\n" + 
-				"			if (i > 7)\n" + 
-				"				continue yyLoop;\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public static Class testClass() {
-	return ForStatementTest.class;
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5ebfd2a..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.batch.CompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.env.*;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.ITypeRequestor;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.lookup.Binding;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.HashtableOfObject;
-public class InMemoryNameEnvironment implements INameEnvironment {
-	INameEnvironment[] classLibs;
-	HashtableOfObject compilationUnits = new HashtableOfObject();
-public InMemoryNameEnvironment(String[] compilationUnits, INameEnvironment[] classLibs) {
-	this.classLibs = classLibs;
-	for (int i = 0, length = compilationUnits.length - 1; i < length; i += 2) {
-		String fileName = compilationUnits[i];
-		char[] contents = compilationUnits[i + 1].toCharArray();
-		String dirName = "";
-		int lastSlash = -1;
-		if ((lastSlash = fileName.lastIndexOf('/')) != -1) {
-			dirName = fileName.substring(0, lastSlash);
-		}
-		char[] packageName = dirName.replace('/', '.').toCharArray();
-		char[] cuName = fileName.substring(lastSlash == -1 ? 0 : lastSlash + 1, fileName.length() - 3).toCharArray(); // remove ".java"
-		HashtableOfObject cus = (HashtableOfObject)this.compilationUnits.get(packageName);
-		if (cus == null) {
-			cus = new HashtableOfObject();
-			this.compilationUnits.put(packageName, cus);
-		}
-		CompilationUnit unit = new CompilationUnit(contents, fileName, null);
-		cus.put(cuName, unit);
-	}
-public NameEnvironmentAnswer findType(char[][] compoundTypeName, ITypeRequestor requestor) {
-	return findType(
-		compoundTypeName[compoundTypeName.length - 1],
-		CharOperation.subarray(compoundTypeName, 0, compoundTypeName.length - 1),requestor);
-public NameEnvironmentAnswer findBinding(char[] typeName, char[][] packageName, int type, ITypeRequestor requestor, boolean returnMultiple, String excludePath) {
-  if ((type&Binding.COMPILATION_UNIT)!=0)
-  {
-			HashtableOfObject cus = (HashtableOfObject)this.compilationUnits.get(CharOperation.concatWith(packageName, '.'));
-			if (cus!=null)
-			{
-				CompilationUnit unit = (CompilationUnit)cus.get(typeName);
-				unit.packageName=packageName;
-				if (unit != null) 
-					return new NameEnvironmentAnswer(unit, null /*no access restriction*/);
-			}
-  }
-	//	HashtableOfObject cus = (HashtableOfObject)this.compilationUnits.get(CharOperation.concatWith(packageName, '.'));
-//	if (cus == null) {
-		return this.findTypeFromClassLibs(typeName, packageName,type,requestor);
-//	}
-//	JavaScriptUnit unit = (JavaScriptUnit)cus.get(typeName);
-//	if (unit == null) {
-//		return this.findTypeFromClassLibs(typeName, packageName,type,requestor);
-//	}
-//	return new NameEnvironmentAnswer(unit, null /*no access restriction*/);
-public NameEnvironmentAnswer findType(char[] typeName, char[][] packageName, ITypeRequestor requestor) {
-	return findBinding(typeName, packageName, Binding.TYPE|Binding.PACKAGE,requestor, false, null);
-//	HashtableOfObject cus = (HashtableOfObject)this.compilationUnits.get(CharOperation.concatWith(packageName, '.'));
-//	if (cus == null) {
-//		return this.findTypeFromClassLibs(typeName, packageName);
-//	}
-//	JavaScriptUnit unit = (JavaScriptUnit)cus.get(typeName);
-//	if (unit == null) {
-//		return this.findTypeFromClassLibs(typeName, packageName);
-//	}
-//	return new NameEnvironmentAnswer(unit, null /*no access restriction*/);
-private NameEnvironmentAnswer findTypeFromClassLibs(char[] typeName, char[][] packageName, int type, ITypeRequestor requestor) {
-	for (int i = 0; i < this.classLibs.length; i++) {
-		NameEnvironmentAnswer answer = this.classLibs[i].findBinding(typeName, packageName, type,requestor, false, null);
-		if (answer != null) {
-			return answer;
-		}
-	}
-	return null;
-public boolean isPackage(char[][] parentPackageName, char[] packageName) {
-	char[] pkg = CharOperation.concatWith(parentPackageName, packageName, '.');
-	return 
-		this.compilationUnits.get(pkg) != null || 
-		this.isPackageFromClassLibs(parentPackageName, packageName);
-public boolean isPackageFromClassLibs(char[][] parentPackageName, char[] packageName) {
-	for (int i = 0; i < this.classLibs.length; i++) {
-		if (this.classLibs[i].isPackage(parentPackageName, packageName)) {
-			return true;
-		}
-	}
-	return false;
-public void cleanup() {
-	for (int i = 0, max = this.classLibs.length; i < max; i++) {
-		this.classLibs[i].cleanup();
-	}
-	this.compilationUnits = new HashtableOfObject();
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@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IExpression;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IFunctionCall;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IFunctionExpression;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IObjectLiteral;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IObjectLiteralField;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.ISingleNameReference;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IStringLiteral;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.infer.IInferenceFile;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.infer.InferEngine;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.infer.InferredMethod;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.infer.InferredType;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.infer.InferrenceProvider;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.infer.RefactoringSupport;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.infer.ResolutionConfiguration;
-public class InferResolveTests  extends AbstractRegressionTest  {
-	static class InferProvider implements InferrenceProvider 
-	{
-		InferEngine inferEngine;
-		public InferProvider(InferEngine inferEngine) {
-			this.inferEngine = inferEngine;
-			inferEngine.inferenceProvider=this;
-		}
-		public int applysTo(IInferenceFile scriptFile) {
-			return InferrenceProvider.MAYBE_THIS;
-		}
-		public String getID() {
-			return "dummyID";
-		}
-		public InferEngine getInferEngine() {
-			return inferEngine;
-		}
-		public RefactoringSupport getRefactoringSupport() {
-			return null;
-		}
-		public ResolutionConfiguration getResolutionConfiguration() {
-			return null;
-		}
-	}
-	static class TestInferEngine extends InferEngine
-	{
-		static final char[] []ADD_CLASS={"defineClass".toCharArray()};
-		static final char[] []ADD_MIXIN={"addMixin".toCharArray()};
-		protected boolean handleFunctionCall(IFunctionCall functionCall) {
-			if (isFunction(functionCall, ADD_CLASS) )
-			{
-				IExpression[] arguments = functionCall.getArguments();
-				if (arguments.length>1 && arguments[0] instanceof IStringLiteral)
-				{
-					char [] className=getString(arguments[0]);
-					InferredType type = addType(className,true);
-					if (arguments[1] instanceof IObjectLiteral) {
-						IObjectLiteral objectLiteral = (IObjectLiteral) arguments[1];
-						if (objectLiteral.getFields()!=null)
-							for (int i = 0; i < objectLiteral.getFields().length; i++) {
-								IObjectLiteralField field=objectLiteral.getFields()[i];
-								char[] name = getString(field.getFieldName());
-								if (field.getInitializer() instanceof IFunctionExpression)
-								{
-									IFunctionExpression functionExpression=(IFunctionExpression)field.getInitializer();
-									InferredMethod method=type.addMethod(name, functionExpression.getMethodDeclaration(),false);
-								}
-							}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			else if (isFunction(functionCall, ADD_MIXIN) )
-			{
-				IExpression[] arguments = functionCall.getArguments();
-				if (arguments.length>1 )
-				{
-					char [] className=getString(arguments[0]);
-					char [] mixinName=getString(arguments[1]);
-					if (className!=null && mixinName!=null)
-					{
-						InferredType type = findDefinedType(className);
-						if (type!=null)
-							type.addMixin(mixinName);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return true;
-		}
-		private char[] getString(IExpression expression)
-		{
-		  if (expression instanceof IStringLiteral) {
-			IStringLiteral strLit = (IStringLiteral) expression;
-			return strLit.source();
- 		   }
-			else if ((expression instanceof ISingleNameReference))
-			{
-				ISingleNameReference snr=(ISingleNameReference)expression;
-				return snr.getToken();
-			}
-		  return null;
-		}
-	}
-	public InferResolveTests(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	protected void runNegativeTest(String[] testFiles, InferEngine inferEngine, String expectedProblemLog) {
-		HashMap options = new HashMap();
-		InferEngine[] inferenceEngines = new InferEngine[]  
-		                            			{
-		                            					new InferProvider(inferEngine).getInferEngine()
-		                            			};
-		options.put(INFERENCE_ENGINES, inferenceEngines);
-		runNegativeTest(
-				testFiles, 
-			expectedProblemLog, 
-			null /* no extra class libraries */, 
-			true /* flush output directory */, 
-			options /* no custom options */,
-			false /* do not generate output */,
-			false /* do not show category */, 
-			false /* do not show warning token */, 
-			false  /* do not skip javac for this peculiar test */,
-			false  /* do not perform statements recovery */,
-			null);
-	}
-	public void test001()	{	 
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"cls.js",
-						 "  function defineClass(name,args){}\n" 
-						 +"  function addMixin(toClass,mixinName){}\n" 
-						+"  defineClass(\"MyClass\",\n" 
-						+"   {meth1 : function (){} }\n" 
-						+" );\n" 
-						+"  addMixin(\"MyClass\",\"myMixin\");\n" 
-						+"", 
-						"mix.js",
-						"  defineClass(\"myMixin\",\n" 
-						+"   {mixinFunc : function (){} }\n" 
-						+" );\n" 
-						+"", 
-						"use.js",
-						 "  var v=new MyClass();\n" 
-						 +" v.mixinFunc();\n" 
-						+"", 
-				},
-				new TestInferEngine(),
-				""
-		);
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index bc82f1d..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,949 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.infer.InferOptions;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration;
-public class InferTypesTests extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-	public InferTypesTests(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	private InferOptions getDefaultOptions()
-	{
-		InferOptions inferOptions=new InferOptions();
-		inferOptions.setDefaultOptions();
-		return inferOptions;
-	}
-	public void test001() {
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-			"function MyClass() {\n"+
-			"  this.url = \"\";\n"+
-			"  this.activate = function(){}\n"+
-			"}\n"+
-			"var myClassObj = new MyClass();\n"+
-			"\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"class MyClass extends Object{\n  String url;\n  void activate()\n  MyClass()\n}\n",
-			getDefaultOptions()
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test002() {
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"Shape.prototype.GetArea = Shape_GetArea;"+ 
-				"function Shape(){}"+
-				"function Shape_GetArea()"+
-				"{"+
-				" var area = 5;"+ 
-				"return area;"+ 
-				"}",
-			"X.js",
-			"class Shape extends Object{\n  Number GetArea()\n  Shape()\n}\n",
-			getDefaultOptions()
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test003() {
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"Shape.prototype.GetArea = function(a){};"+ 
-				"function Shape(){}\n"+
-				"",
-			"X.js",
-			"class Shape extends Object{\n  void GetArea(a)\n  Shape()\n}\n",
-			getDefaultOptions()
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test004() {
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"Shape.prototype.GetArea = Shape_GetArea;"+ 
-				"function Shape(){}"+
-				"function Shape_GetArea()"+
-				"{"+
-				"return this.area;"+ 
-				"}"+
-				"Circle.prototype = new Shape();"+ 
-				"Circle.prototype.constructor = Circle;"+
-				"Circle.prototype.GetArea = Circle_GetArea;"+
-				"function Circle_GetArea()"+
-				"{"+
-				"}",
-			"X.js",
-			"class Shape extends Object{\n  ?? GetArea()\n  Shape()\n}\n"+
-			"class Circle extends Shape{\n  ?? constructor;\n  void GetArea()\n}\n",
-			getDefaultOptions()
-		 );
-	}
-	/*
-	 * This test setting members using the this.
-	 * 
-	 * The InferEngine will no be able to tell the types of the members... there is no information
-	 * provided.
-	 */
-	public void test010() {
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-			      "function Bob(firstname, lastname) {\n" +
-			      "   this.Firstname = firstname;\n" +
-			      "   this.Lastname = lastname;\n" +
-			      "}\n" +
-			      " = function () {return this.Firstname + this.Lastname;};\n",
-			"X.js",
-			"class Bob extends Object{\n  ?? Firstname;\n  ?? Lastname;\n  ?? name()\n  Bob(firstname, lastname)\n}\n",
-			getDefaultOptions()
-		 );
-	}	
-	public void test011() {
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				 "function X() {\n"
-				+ "  this.h=1;\n"
-				+ "  this.i=[];\n"
-				+ "}\n"
-				+ "function X_foo() {\n"
-				+ "}\n"
-				+ ";\n"
-				+ "",
-				"X.js",
-			"class X extends Object{\n  Number h;\n  Array i;\n  void foo()\n  X()\n}\n",
-			getDefaultOptions()
-		 );
-	}
-	public void test011b() {
-		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				 "P.prototype=new Object();\n"
-				+ "P.prototype.f=1;\n"
-				+ "function P(){}\n"
-				+ "function a(){}\n"
-				+ "function m() {\n"
-				+ "                this.f++;\n"
-				+ "                var p= new P();\n"
-				+ "                    a();"
-				+ "}\n"
-				+ ";\n",
-				"X.js",
-			"class P extends Object{\n  Number f;\n  void mm()\n  P()\n}\n",
-			getDefaultOptions()
-		 );
-	}
-		public void test012() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-					 "Test.prototype=new Object();\n"
-					+ "Test.x=1;\n"
-					+ "",
-					"X.js",
-				"class Test extends Object{\n  static Number x;\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test013() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"function MyClass() {\n"+
-				"  this.arr = [1];\n"+
-				"}\n"+
-				"var myClassObj = new MyClass();\n"+
-				"\n",
-				"X.js",
-				"class MyClass extends Object{\n  Array(Number) arr;\n  MyClass()\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test020() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"var foo;\n"+
-				"  foo.onMouseDown = function () { return 1; };\n"+
-				"\n",
-				"X.js",
-				"class ___foo0 extends Object{\n  static Number onMouseDown()\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test040() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-					 "/**\n"
-					+ " * @constructor \n"
-					+ " */\n"
-				+"function MyClass(){}"   
-				+ "/**\n"
-				+ " * @memberOf MyClass \n"
-				+ " * @type String \n"
-				+ " */\n"
-			+"var s;"   
-			+ "/**\n"
-			+ " * @memberOf MyClass \n"
-			+ " * @type Number \n"
-			+ " */\n"
-			+"function numValue(){};"   
-			+"\n",
-				"X.js",
-				"class MyClass extends Object{\n  String s;\n  MyClass()\n  Number numValue()\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test041() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-					" i= { \n"+
-					"/**\n" +
-					"   * @memberOf MyClass\n" +
-					"   * @type Number\n" +
-					" */\n" +
-					" a: 2 ,\n"+
-					"/**\n" +
-					"   * @memberOf MyClass\n" +
-					"   * @type String\n" +
-					" */\n" +
-					" b: function(){}};" + 
-					"\n",
-					"X.js",
-				"class MyClass extends Object{\n  Number a;\n  String b()\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test042() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-					 "/**\n"
-					+ " * @constructor \n"
-					+ " * @extends String \n"
-					+ " */\n"
-				+"function MyClass(){}"   
-				+"MyClass.prototype = { \n"+
-					"/**\n" +
-					"   * @memberOf MyClass\n" +
-					"   * @type Number\n" +
-					" */\n" +
-					" a: 2 ,\n"+
-					"/**\n" +
-					"   * @memberOf MyClass\n" +
-					"   * @type String\n" +
-					" */\n" +
-					" b: function(){}};" + 
-					"\n",
-					"X.js",
-				"class MyClass extends String{\n  Number a;\n  MyClass()\n  String b()\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test043() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-					 "/**\n"
-					+ " * @constructor \n"
-					+ " */\n"
-				+"function MyClass(){}"   
-			+ "/**\n"
-			+ " * @memberOf MyClass \n"
-			+ " * @param {Number} p1\n" 
-			+ " * @type String \n"
-			+ " */\n"
-			+"function foo(p1){};"   
-			+"\n",
-				"X.js",
-				"class MyClass extends Object{\n  MyClass()\n  String foo(Number p1)\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test060() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-					"Shape.prototype.GetArea = Shape_GetArea;"+ 
-					"function Shape_GetArea()"+
-					"{"+
-					" var str=\"\";"+ 
-					"return str;"+ 
-					"}",
-				"X.js",
-				"class Shape extends Object{\n  String GetArea()\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Test Object literal local variable declaration
-		 */
-		public void test061() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-					"var foo = {"+ 
-					"  bar: \"bar\","+
-					"  bar2: function(){}"+
-					"}",
-				"X.js",
-				"class ___anonymous10_44 extends Object{\n  String bar;\n  void bar2()\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Test Object literal assignment
-		 */
-		public void test062() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-					"var foo;"+
-					"foo = {"+ 
-					"  bar: \"bar\","+
-					"  bar2: function(){}"+
-					"}",
-				"X.js",
-				"class ___anonymous14_48 extends Object{\n  String bar;\n  void bar2()\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Test nested Object literals
-		 */
-		public void test063() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-					"var foo = {"+ 
-					"  bar: \"bar\","+
-					"  bar2: {" +
-					"    bar3: \"bar3\"" +
-					"  }"+
-					"}",
-				"X.js",
-				"class ___anonymous10_52 extends Object{\n  String bar;\n  ___anonymous32_51 bar2;\n}\n"+
-				"class ___anonymous32_51 extends Object{\n  String bar3;\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Runtime simple member assignment to Object literal
-		 */
-		public void test064() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-					"var ns = {};" + 
-					" = \"\";" +
-					" = function(){" +
-					"  return \"\";" +
-					"}",
-				"X.js",
-				"class ___anonymous9_10 extends Object{\n  String foo;\n  String bar()\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Runtime complex member (setting to an Object literal) asignment to Object literal 
-		 */
-		public void test065() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-					"var ns = {};"+ 
-					" = {" +
-					"  bar: \"\""+
-					"};",
-				"X.js",
-				"class ___anonymous9_10 extends Object{\n  ___anonymous21_31 foo;\n}\n"+
-				"class ___anonymous21_31 extends Object{\n  String bar;\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Assign Object Literal to prototype
-		 */
-		public void test066() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-					"function foo(){"+
-					"};"+
-					"foo.prototype = {"+
-					"  bar: \"\""+ 
-					"}",
-				"X.js",
-				"class foo extends Object{\n  String bar;\n  foo()\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Assign Object Literal to a prototype member
-		 */
-		public void test067() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-					"function foo(){"+
-					"};"+
-					" = {"+
-					"  bar2: \"\""+ 
-					"}",
-				"X.js",
-				"class foo extends Object{\n  ___anonymous37_48 bar;\n  foo()\n}\n"+
-				"class ___anonymous37_48 extends Object{\n  String bar2;\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		/**
-		 * namespaced type (new "class" nested inside an Object Literal)
-		 */
-		public void test068() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-					"var ns = {};"+ 
-					" = function(){" +
-					"};" +
-					" = \"\";" +
-					" = function(){" +
-					"  return \"\";" +
-					"}",
-				"X.js",
-				"class ___anonymous9_10 extends Object{\n  void foo()\n}\n"+
-				"class extends Object{\n  String bar;\n  String bar2()\n\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test068b() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-					"var ns = {};"+ 
-					" = function(){};" +
-					"function abc(){};" +
-					"ns.foo2 = abc;" +
-					"",
-				"X.js",
-				"class ___anonymous9_10 extends Object{\n  void foo()\n  void foo2()\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test068c() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-					"var ns = {};"+ 
-					" = function(){};" +
-					"ns.foo2 =;" +
-					"",
-				"X.js",
-				"class ___anonymous9_10 extends Object{\n  void foo()\n  void foo2()\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		/**
-		 * namespaced type (new "class" nested inside an Object Literal)
-		 */
-		public void test069() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-					"var ns1 = {" +
-					"  ns2: {}" +
-					"};"+ 
-					" = function(){" +
-					"};" +
-					" = \"\";" +
-					" = function(){" +
-					"  return \"\";" +
-					"}",
-				"X.js",
-				"class ___anonymous10_20 extends Object{\n  ___anonymous18_19 ns2;\n}\n"+
-				"class ___anonymous18_19 extends Object{\n  void foo()\n}\n"+
-				"class extends Object{\n  String bar;\n  String bar2()\n\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		/*
-		 * Test a potential problem with anonymous and members when returning an {} from a member
-		 */
-		public void test070() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-					"var foo = {" +
-					"  a: \"\"," +
-					"  b: function(){" +
-					"    return \"\";" +
-					"  }"+
-					"};" +
-					"foo.c = \"\";" +
-					"foo.d = function(x, y, z) {" +
-					"  return { x : \"\", y : \"\", z : \"\" };" +
-					"};",
-				"X.js",
-				"class ___anonymous10_52 extends Object{\n  String a;\n  String c;\n  String b()\n  ___anonymous101_126 d(x, y, z)\n}\n"+
-				"class ___anonymous101_126 extends Object{\n  String x;\n  String y;\n  String z;\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test071() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-					"if( true ){" +
-					"  var foo = {};" +
-					"}" +
-					" = \"\"",
-				"X.js",
-				"class ___anonymous23_24 extends Object{\n  String bar;\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		/*
-		 * Object literal within a function as return (need to prevent duplicates)
-		 */
-		public void test072() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-					"var foo = function(){" +
-					"	return {" +
-					"		x: \"\"," +
-					"		y: \"\"" +
-					"	}" +
-					"};",
-				"X.js",
-				"class ___anonymous29_46 extends Object{\n  String x;\n  String y;\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		/*
-		 * Object literal within a function (not a return
-		 */
-		public void test073() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-					"var foo = function(){" +
-					"	var bar = {" +
-					"		x: \"\"," +
-					"		y: \"\"" +
-					"	}" +
-					"};",
-				"X.js",
-				"class ___anonymous32_49 extends Object{\n  String x;\n  String y;\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test074() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"/**\n" +
-				"  * Object Node()\n" +
-				"  * @super Object\n" +
-				"  * @constructor\n" +
-				"  * @class Node\n" +
-				"  * @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition\n" +
-				"  * @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.\n" +
-				"  * @link\n" +
-				" */\n" +
-				"function Node(){};\n" +
-				"/**\n" +
-				"  * Property firstChild\n" + 
-				"  * @type Node\n" +
-				"  * @class Node\n" +
-				"  * @see Node\n" +
-				"\n" + 
-				"  * @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition\n" + 
-				"  * @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.\n" +
-				"  * @link\n" +     
-				" */\n" +
-				"Node.prototype.firstChild=new Node();\n" + 
-				"/**\n" +
-				"  * function insertBefore(newChild, refChild)\n" +   
-				"  * @type Node\n" +
-				"  * @class Node\n" +
-				"  * @param newChilds Node\n" +
-				"  * @param refChild Node\n" +
-				"  * @return Node\n" +
-				"  * @throws DOMException\n" +
-				"  * @see Node\n" +
-				"  * @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition\n" + 
-				"  * @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.\n" +
-				"  * @link\n" +     
-				" */\n" +
-				"Node.prototype.insertBefore = function(newChild, refChild){};\n",
-				"X.js",
-				"class Node extends Object{\n  Node firstChild;\n  Node()\n  Node insertBefore(newChild, refChild)\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		/*
-		 * Static member check
-		 */
-		public void test075() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"var x = function(){};" +
-				"x.prototype = {};" +
-				" = \"\";" +
-				" = function(){" +
-				"  return \"\";" +
-				"}",
-				"X.js",
-				"class x extends Object{\n  static String foo;\n  static String bar()\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		/*
-		 * only statics
-		 */
-		public void test075b() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"function x(){};" +
-				" = \"\";" +
-				" = function(){" +
-				"  return \"\";" +
-				"}",
-				"X.js",
-				"class x extends Object{\n  static String foo;\n  static String bar()\n  x()\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		/*
-		 * Global Object mixin
-		 */
-		public void test080() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"(function(){" +
-				"this.someField = 1;" +
-				"})();" ,
-				"X.js",
-				"class Global extends Object{\n  Number someField;\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		/*
-		 * Static member on built-in
-		 */
-		public void test081() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				" = \"\";" +
-				" = function(){" +
-				"  return \"\";" +
-				"}",
-				"X.js",
-				"class String extends Object{\n  static String foo;\n  static String bar()\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test082() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				" = \"\";" +
-				"String.bar1 = String.bar2 = function(){" +
-				"  return \"\";" +
-				"}",
-				"X.js",
-				"class String extends Object{\n  static String foo;\n  static String bar1()\n  static String bar2()\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test083() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"function Car() {" +
-				"	this.color = 'red';" +
-				"	this.Move = function() { return \"I'm moving\"; };" +
-				"};" +
-				"Car.Stop = function() { return \"I'm not moving\"; };" +
-				"Car.engine = 'diesel';" +
-				"",
-				"X.js",
-				"class Car extends Object{\n  String color;\n  static String engine;\n  String Move()\n  static String Stop()\n  Car()\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		// test type infered from function with 'this' assignments
-		public void test084() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"function Car() {" +
-				"	this.color = 'red';" +
-				"	this.Move = function() { return \"I'm moving\"; };" +
-				"};" +
-				"",
-				"X.js",
-				"class Car extends Object{\n  String color;\n  String Move()\n  Car()\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test085() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"function Shape(l, w){" +
-				"	this.length = l;" +
-				"	this.width = w;" +
-				"}",
-				"X.js",
-				"class Shape extends Object{\n  ?? length;\n  ?? width;\n  Shape(l, w)\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test086() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"function Shape(l, w){" +
-				"	this.length = l;" +
-				"	this.width = w;" +
-				"	return this.length * this.width;" +
-				"}",
-				"X.js",
-				"class Shape extends Object{\n  ?? length;\n  ?? width;\n  Shape(l, w)\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test087() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"function Shape(l, w){" +
-				"	this.length = l;" +
-				"	this.width = w;" +
-				"}" + 
-				"var s = new Shape(2, 3);" + 
-				"s.area = function() {return this.length * this.width;};",
-				"X.js",
-				"class Shape extends Object{\n  ?? length;\n  ?? width;\n  Shape(l, w)\n}\n" +
-				"class ___s0 extends Shape{\n  Number area()\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test088() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"function Shape(l, w){" +
-				"	this.length = l;" +
-				"	this.width = w;" +
-				"	this.area = function() {return this.length * this.width;};" +
-				"}",
-				"X.js",
-				"class Shape extends Object{\n  ?? length;\n  ?? width;\n  Number area()\n  Shape(l, w)\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test089() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"function Shape(l, w){" +
-				"	this.length = l;" +
-				"	this.width = w;" +
-				"}" +
-				"Shape.prototype.area = function() {return this.length * this.width;};",
-				"X.js",
-				"class Shape extends Object{\n  ?? length;\n  ?? width;\n  Number area()\n  Shape(l, w)\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test090() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"function Shape(l, w){" +
-				"	this.length = l;" +
-				"	this.width = w;" +
-				"}" +
-				"Shape.CONSTANT = 3;",
-				"X.js",
-				"class Shape extends Object{\n  ?? length;\n  ?? width;\n  static Number CONSTANT;\n  Shape(l, w)\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test091() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"function Round(r){" +
-				"	this.rad = r;" +
-				"}" +
-				"Round.PI = 3.14;" +
-				"Round.prototype.area = function() {return Round.PI * this.rad * this.rad;};" +
-				"Round.equal = function(a, b) {" +
-				"if(a == b) return true;" +
-				"return false;" +
-				"};",
-				"X.js",
-				"class Round extends Object{\n  ?? rad;\n  static Number PI;\n  Number area()\n  static Boolean equal(a, b)\n  Round(r)\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test092() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"function Com(r, i){" +
-				"	this.r1 = r;" +
-				"	this.i1 = i;" +
-				"}" +
-				"Com.prototype.meth1 = function() {return 1;};" +
-				"Com.prototype.meth2 = function() {return new Com(1, 2);};" +
-				"Com.prototype.meth3 = function(that) {return new Com(that+1, that-1);};" +
-				"Com.prototype.toString = function() {return \"hi\"};" +
-				"Com.classMeth1 = function(a, b) {return new Com(a, b);};" +
-				"Com.classMeth2 = function(a, b) {return new Com(a, b);};" +
-				"Com.ZERO = new Com(0,0);" +
-				"Com.ONE = new Com(1,0);",
-				"X.js",
-				"class Com extends Object{\n  ?? r1;\n  ?? i1;\n  static Com ZERO;\n  static Com ONE;\n" +
-				"  Number meth1()\n  Com meth2()\n  Com meth3(that)\n  String toString()\n  static Com classMeth1(a, b)\n  static Com classMeth2(a, b)\n  Com(r, i)\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test093() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"function Shape(l, w){" +
-				"	this.length = function() {return l;};" +
-				"	this.width = function() {return w;};" +
-				"}" +
-				"Shape.prototype.perimeter = function() {return (this.length * 2) + (this.width * 2);};",
-				"X.js",
-				"class Shape extends Object{\n  ?? length()\n  ?? width()\n  Number perimeter()\n  Shape(l, w)\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test094() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"function Shape(l, w){" +
-				"	this.length = l;" +
-				"	this.width = w;" +
-				"}" +
-				"Shape.prototype.area = function() {return this.length * this.width;};" +
-				"function SubShape(l, w, x) {" +
-				", l, w);" +
-				"this.x = y;" +
-				"}" +
-				"SubShape.prototype = new Shape();" +
-				"SubShape.prototype.meth = function() {return 1};",
-				"X.js",
-				"class Shape extends Object{\n  ?? length;\n  ?? width;\n  Number area()\n  Shape(l, w)\n}\n" +
-				"class SubShape extends Shape{\n  ?? x;\n  Number meth()\n  SubShape(l, w, x)\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test095() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"function Abc(){" +
-				"	this.mult = function(a, b){return a * b;};" +
-				"	this.div = function(a, b){return a / b;};" +
-				"	this.rem = function(a, b){return a % b;};" +
-				"	this.sub = function(a, b){return a - b;};" +
-				"}",
-				"X.js",
-				"class Abc extends Object{\n  Number mult(a, b)\n  Number div(a, b)\n  Number rem(a, b)\n  Number sub(a, b)\n  Abc()\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test096() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"function Plus(){" +
-				"	this.strings = function(){return \"a\" + \"b\";};" +
-				"	this.oneStringOneNumber = function(){return \"a\" + 1;};" +
-				"	this.oneStringOneNumber2 = function(){return \"3\" + 1;};" +
-				"	this.numbers = function(){return 1 + 2;};" +
-				"	this.unknownString = function(a){return a + \"b\";};" +
-				"	this.unknownNumber = function(a){return a + 3;};" +
-				"	this.unknownUnknown = function(a, b){return a + b;};" +
-				"}",
-				"X.js",
-				"class Plus extends Object{\n  String strings()\n  String oneStringOneNumber()\n  String oneStringOneNumber2()\n  " +
-				"Number numbers()\n  String unknownString(a)\n  ?? unknownNumber(a)\n  ?? unknownUnknown(a, b)\n  Plus()\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void test097() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"function Equality(){" +
-				"	this.equalsEquals = function(){return \"a\" == \"b\";};" +
-				"	this.equalsEqualsEquals = function(){return \"a\" === \"b\";};" +
-				"	this.notEquals = function(){return \"a\" != \"b\";};" +
-				"	this.notEqualsEquals = function(){return \"a\" !== \"b\";};" +
-				"}",
-				"X.js",
-				"class Equality extends Object{\n  Boolean equalsEquals()\n  Boolean equalsEqualsEquals()\n  Boolean notEquals()\n  Boolean notEqualsEquals()\n  Equality()\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
-		public void testBUG286010() {
-			CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runInferTest(
-				"var MyFunc = function () {};\n" +
-				"MyFunc.myMeth = function () {};",
-				"X.js",
-				"class MyFunc extends Function{\n  static void myMeth()\n}\n",
-				getDefaultOptions()
-			 );
-		}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8edf0b5..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5692 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class InnerEmulationTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-static {
-//		TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "Bug58069" };
-//		TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 144 };
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 144, -1 };
-public InnerEmulationTest(String name) {
-	super(name);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
- * Protected access emulation : should be performed onto implicit field and method accesses
- */
-public void test001() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;								\n"+
-			"import p2.*;								\n"+
-			"public class A {							\n"+
-			"	protected int value = 0;				\n"+
-			"	protected A delegatee;					\n"+
-			"	public A(A del, int val) {				\n"+
-			"		this.delegatee = del;				\n"+
-			"		this.value = val;					\n"+
-			"	}										\n"+
-			"	protected void foo() {					\n"+
-			"		value += 3;							\n"+
-			"	}										\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] argv){	\n"+
-			"		int result = new B(					\n"+
-			"					  new B(null, 10), 20)  \n"+
-			"					 .value; 				\n"+
-			"		int expected = 30; 					\n"+
-			"		System.out.println( 				\n"+
-			"			result == expected 				\n"+
-			"				? \"SUCCESS\"  				\n"+
-			"				: \"FAILED : got \"+result+\" instead of \"+ expected); \n"+
-			"	}										\n"+
-			"}											\n",
-			/* p2.B */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;								\n"+
-			"import p1.*;								\n"+
-			"public class B extends A {					\n"+
-			"	public B(B del, int val){				\n"+
-			"		super(del, val);					\n"+
-			"		Runnable r = new Runnable () {		\n"+
-			"			public void run() {				\n"+
-			"				foo(); 						\n"+
-			"				if (delegatee != null) 		\n"+
-			"					value += 7;				\n"+
-			"			}								\n"+
-			"		};									\n"+
-			";							\n"+
-			"	}										\n"+
-			"}											\n"
-		}, 
-	);									
- * 1FN4S4Z: The compiler doesn't detect a illegal constructor invocation which leads to a VerifyError
- */
-public void test002() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"class B { \n"+
-			"} \n"+
-			"public class A { \n"+
-			"	B b; \n"+
-			"	class C extends B { \n"+
-			"		public C() { \n"+
-			"		} \n"+
-			"	} \n"+
-			"	public A() { \n"+
-			"		this(new C()); \n"+
-			"	} \n"+
-			"	public A(C c) { \n"+
-			"		this.b = c; \n"+
-			"	} \n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) { \n"+
-			"		A a = new A(); \n"+
-			"		System.out.println(a); \n"+
-			"	} \n"+
-			"} \n"
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	this(new C()); \n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type A is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);									
- * 1FZ2G7R: use of non static inner class in constuctor
- */
-public void test003() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"public class A extends Thread { \n" +
-			"	private class B { \n" +
-			"	} \n" +
-			"	private static Runnable getRunnable() { \n" +
-			"		return null; \n" +
-			"	} \n" +
-			"	public A() { \n" +
-			"		super(getRunnable(), new B().toString()); \n" +
-			"	} \n" +
-			"} \n"
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	super(getRunnable(), new B().toString()); \n" + 
-		"	                     ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Access to enclosing constructor A.B() is emulated by a synthetic accessor method. Increasing its visibility will improve your performance\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	super(getRunnable(), new B().toString()); \n" + 
-		"	                     ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type A is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n");									
- * 1F995V9: Walkback in innerclass emulation when mixing source and binaries
- */
-public void test004() {
-	/* first compile */
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"class A3 { \n"+
-			"	class B {} \n"+
-			"} \n"
-		},
-		null,
-		null); // no specific success output string
-	/* then compile with previous input */
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"class A4 { \n"+
-			"	void foo(){ \n"+
-			"		new A3().new B(){}; \n"+
-			"	} \n"+
-			"} \n"
-		},
-		null, // no specific success output string
-		null, // use default class-path
-		false,
-		null); // do not flush previous output dir content
- * 1FK9ALJ: Cannot invoke private super constructor ... 
- */
-public void test005() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"public class X { \n"+
-			"	private X(){} \n"+
-			"	class Y extends X { \n"+
-			"	} \n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] argv){	\n"+
-			"		new X().new Y();	 				 \n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	 \n"+
-			"	}										\n"+
-			"} \n"
-		}, 
-	);									
- * 1FKLXDL: Verification error due to incorrect private access emulation
- */
-public void test006() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"public class X { \n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] argv){ \n"+
-			"		new B(); \n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); \n"+
-			"	} \n"+
-			"	private static void foo(int i, int j) { \n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"private foo\"); \n"+
-			"	} \n"+
-			"	static class B { \n"+
-			"		{ \n"+
-			"			foo(1, 2); \n"+
-			"		} \n"+
-			"	} \n"+
-			"}		 \n"
-		}, 
-		"private foo\n" + 
-	);									
- * 1PQCT5T: Missing emulation for access to sibling local types
- */
-public void test007() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"public class Y { \n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] argv){ \n" +
-			"		if (new Y().bar() == 3) \n" +
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); \n" +
-			"		else \n" +
-			"			System.out.println(\"FAILED\"); \n" +
-			"	} \n" +
-			"	int bar() { \n" +
-			"		final int i = \"xxx\".length(); \n" +
-			"		class X { \n" +
-			"			class AX { \n" +
-			"				int foo() { \n" +
-			"					return new BX().foo(); \n" +
-			"				} \n" +
-			"			} \n" +
-			"			class BX { \n" +
-			"				int foo() { \n" +
-			"					return new CX().foo(); \n" +
-			"				} \n" +
-			"			} \n" +
-			"			class CX { \n" +
-			"				int foo() { \n" +
-			"					return i; \n" +
-			"				} \n" +
-			"			} \n" +
-			"		} \n" +
-			"		return new X().new AX().foo(); \n" +
-			"	} \n"+
-			"} \n"
-		}, 
-	);									
- * 1PQCT5T: Missing emulation for access to sibling local types
- */
-public void test008() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"public class Y2 { \n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] argv){ \n" +
-			"		if (new Y2().foo(45) == 45) \n" +
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); \n" +
-			"		else \n" +
-			"			System.out.println(\"FAILED\"); \n" +
-			"	} \n" +
-			"	int foo(final int i){ \n"+
-			"		class B { \n"+
-			"			int foo(){ \n"+
-			"				return new C().foo(); \n"+
-			"			} \n"+
-			"			class C { \n"+
-			"				int foo(){ return i; } \n"+
-			"			} \n"+
-			"		}; \n"+
-			"		return new B().foo(); \n"+
-			"	} \n"+
-			"} \n"
-		}, 
-	);									
- * 1PQCT5T: Missing emulation for access to sibling local types
- */
-public void test009() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"public class Y3 { \n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] argv){ \n" +
-			"		if (new Y3().bar() == 8) \n" +
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); \n" +
-			"		else \n" +
-			"			System.out.println(\"FAILED\"); \n" +
-			"	} \n" +
-			"	int bar() { \n" +
-			"		final int i = \"xxx\".length(); \n" +
-			"		final String s = this.toString(); \n" +
-			"		class X { \n" +
-			"			class AX { \n" +
-			"				int foo() { \n" +
-			"					return i + new CX().foo(); \n" +
-			"				} \n" +
-			"			} \n" +
-			"			class BX { \n" +
-			"				int foo() { \n" +
-			"					return new AX().foo(); \n" +
-			"				} \n" +
-			"			} \n" +
-			"			class CX { \n" +
-			"				int foo() { \n" +
-			"					return 5; \n" +
-			"				} \n" +
-			"			} \n" +
-			"		} \n" +
-			"		return new X().new AX().foo(); \n" +
-			"	} \n" +
-			"} \n"
-		}, 
-	);									
- * 1PQCT5T: Missing emulation for access to sibling local types
- */
-public void test010() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"public class Y4 { \n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] argv){ \n" +
-			"		if (new Y4().bar() == 3) \n" +
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); \n" +
-			"		else \n" +
-			"			System.out.println(\"FAILED\"); \n" +
-			"	} \n" +
-			"	int bar() { \n" +
-			"		final int i = \"xxx\".length(); \n" +
-			"		final String s = this.toString(); \n" +
-			"		class X { \n" +
-			"			class AX { \n" +
-			"				int bar() { \n" +
-			"					class BX { \n" +
-			"						int foo() { \n" +
-			"							return new AX().foo(); \n" +
-			"						} \n" +
-			"					} \n" +
-			"					return new BX().foo(); \n" +
-			"				} \n" +
-			"				int foo() { \n" +
-			"					return i; \n" +
-			"				} \n" +
-			"			} \n" +
-			"		} \n" +
-			"		return new X().new AX().bar(); \n" +
-			"	} \n" +
-			"} \n"
-		}, 
-	);									
- * 1PQCT5T: Missing emulation for access to sibling local types
- */
-public void test011() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"public class Y5 { \n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] argv){ \n" +
-			"		if (new Y5().bar(5) == 5) \n" +
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); \n" +
-			"		else \n" +
-			"			System.out.println(\"FAILED\"); \n" +
-			"	} \n" +
-			"	int bar(final int i) { \n" +
-			"		class X { \n" +
-			"			int bar() { \n" +
-			"				return new Object(){  \n" +
-			"						int foo(){ \n" +
-			"							return i; \n" +
-			"						} \n" +
-			"					}.foo(); \n" +
-			"			} \n" +
-			"		} \n" +
-			"		return new X().bar(); \n" +
-			"	} \n" +
-			"} \n"
-		}, 
-	);									
- * 1F3AH7N: GPF on innerclass emulation for double anonymous type
- */
-public void test012() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"public class A { \n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] argv){ \n" +
-			"		if (new A().foo() == 5) \n" +
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); \n" +
-			"		else \n" +
-			"			System.out.println(\"FAILED\"); \n" +
-			"	} \n" +
-			"	int foo() { \n" +
-			"		return new A() { \n" +
-			"			int foo() { \n" +
-			"				final int i = \"hello\".length(); \n" +
-			"				return new A() { \n" +
-			"					int foo() { \n" +
-			"						return i; \n" +
-			"					} \n" +
-			"				} \n" +
-			"				.foo(); \n" +
-			"			} \n" +
-			"		} \n" +
-			"		.foo(); \n" +
-			"	} \n" +
-			"} \n"
-		}, 
-	);									
- * 1F26XE2: Bug in inner class emulation
- */
-public void test013() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"public class Inner { \n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] argv){ \n" +
-			"		new B().new C(\"hello\"); \n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); \n" +
-			"	} \n" +
-			"  class A { 	\n"+
-			"    public A(String s){ this.s=s; }	\n"+
-			"    String s;	\n"+
-			"  }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"class B {	\n"+
-			"  class C extends Inner.A {	\n"+
-			"    public C(String s){  B.this.inner.super(s); }   	\n"+
-			"  }	\n"+
-			"  Inner inner=new Inner();	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		}, 
-	);									
- * 1EX5I8Z: Inner class emulation bug
- */
-public void test014() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"public class Z1 { \n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] argv){ \n" +
-			"		new Z1().new W(); \n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); \n" +
-			"	} \n" +
-			"	class W extends Y { \n" +
-			"		W() { \n" +
-			"			super(new Object(), foo()); \n" +
-			"		} \n" +
-			"	} \n" +
-			"	String foo() { \n" +
-			"		return \"\"; \n" +
-			"	} \n" +
-			"} \n" +
-			"class Y { \n" +
-			"	Y(Object o, String s) { \n" +
-			"	} \n" +
-			"}	\n"
-		}, 
-	);									
- * 1EUC39Y: Incorrect Synthetic Emulation 
- */
-public void test015() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"public class AAA {  \n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]){  \n"+
-			"		if (new AAA().foo(5) == 15);  \n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); \n" +
-			"	}  \n"+
-			"	int foo(final int loc){  \n"+
-			"		class I {  \n"+
-			"			int i = loc;  \n"+
-			"			{  \n"+
-			"				System.out.println(\"loc=\"+ loc );	  \n"+
-			"			}  \n"+
-			"			int foo(){   \n"+
-			"				System.out.println(\"I:i=\"+ i );	  \n"+
-			"				return i;}   \n"+
-			"		}    \n"+
-			"		class J extends I {  \n"+
-			"			I obj = new I(){  \n"+
-			"				int foo() {  \n"+
-			"					System.out.println(\"J\");  \n"+
-			"					return + 10; }};  \n"+
-			"		}  \n"+
-			"		return new J();  \n"+
-			"	}  \n"+
-			" }  \n"
-		}, 
-		"loc=5\n" + 
-		"loc=5\n" + 
-		"J\n" + 
-		"I:i=5\n" + 
-	);									
- * 1EUC39Y: Incorrect Synthetic Emulation 
- */
-public void test016() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"public class AAA {  \n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]){  \n"+
-			"		if (new AAA().foo(5) == 15);  \n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); \n" +
-			"	}  \n"+
-			"	class B{} \n"+
-			"	int foo(final int loc){ \n"+
-			"		class I extends B { \n"+
-			"			int i = loc; \n"+
-			"			{ \n"+
-			"				System.out.println(\"loc=\"+ loc );	 \n"+
-			"			} \n"+
-			"			int foo(){  \n"+
-			"				System.out.println(\"I:i=\"+ i );	 \n"+
-			"				return i;}  \n"+
-			"		}   \n"+
-			"		class J extends I { \n"+
-			"			I obj = new I(){ \n"+
-			"				int foo() { \n"+
-			"					System.out.println(\"J\"); \n"+
-			"					return + 10; }}; \n"+
-			"		} \n"+
-			"		return new J(); \n"+
-			"	} \n"+
-			" }  \n"
-		}, 
-		"loc=5\n" + 
-		"loc=5\n" + 
-		"J\n" + 
-		"I:i=5\n" + 
-	);									
- * Complex multi-threaded test involving inner classes
- */
-public void test017() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"public class MultiComplex {\n" + 
-			"	// should just be an interface, once supported...\n" + 
-			"	abstract class AbstractTask implements Runnable {\n" + 
-			"		public void run() {\n" + 
-			"			MultiComplex.this.notifyCompletion(this,0); \n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		abstract public String taskName();		\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]){\n" + 
-			"		try {\n" + 
-			"			new MultiComplex().performTasks(3);\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		catch(InterruptedException e){};\n" + 
-			"	}  \n" + 
-			"	void notifyCompleted(AbstractTask task) {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void notifyCompletion(AbstractTask task, int percentage) {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void notifyExecutionEnd() {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(\"EXECUTION FINISHED\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void notifyExecutionStart() {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(\"EXECUTION STARTING\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void performTasks(final int maxTasks) throws InterruptedException {\n" + 
-			"		Thread workers[] = new Thread[maxTasks];\n" + 
-			"		AbstractTask tasks[] = new AbstractTask[maxTasks];\n" + 
-			"		final int maxIteration = 5;\n" + 
-			" \n" + 
-			"		// Local Task \n" + 
-			"		class Task extends AbstractTask { \n" + 
-			"				String taskName; \n" + 
-			"				Task(String aName) {\n" + 
-			"					taskName = aName;\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"				public String taskName() { \n" + 
-			"					return taskName; \n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"	\n" + 
-			"				public void run() {\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"					for(int j = 0; j < maxIteration; j++)\n" + 
-			"						MultiComplex.this.notifyCompletion(this,  (int)((float) (j + 1) / maxIteration * 100));\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"		};\n" + 
-			"		notifyExecutionStart();\n" + 
-			"		\n" + 
-			"		// Creating and launching the tasks\n" + 
-			"		for (int ii = 0; ii < maxTasks; ii++) {\n" + 
-			"			final int i = ii;\n" + 
-			"			tasks[i] = new Task(String.valueOf(i + 1)) {			\n" + 
-			"				public String taskName() { \n" + 
-			"					return super.taskName() +  \" of \" + maxTasks; }\n" + 
-			"				public void run() {\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"					MultiComplex.this.notifyCompleted(this);\n" + 
-			"				}		\n" + 
-			"			};\n" + 
-			"			workers[i] = new Thread(tasks[i],tasks[i].taskName());\n" + 
-			"			workers[i].start();\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		// Waiting for *all* tasks to be ended\n" + 
-			"		for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++)\n" + 
-			"			workers[i].join();\n" + 
-			"		notifyExecutionEnd();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"		
-		}, 
-	);									
- * Complex multi-threaded test involving inner classes
- */
-public void test018() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"public class MultiAnonymous {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]){\n" + 
-			"		try {\n" + 
-			"			new MultiAnonymous().performTasks(3);\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		catch(InterruptedException e){};\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void notifyExecutionEnd() {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(\"EXECUTION FINISHED\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void notifyExecutionStart() {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(\"EXECUTION STARTING\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void performTasks(final int maxTasks) throws java.lang.InterruptedException {\n" + 
-			"		Thread workers[] = new Thread[maxTasks];\n" + 
-			"		Runnable tasks[] = new Runnable[maxTasks];\n" + 
-			"		final int maxIteration = 5;\n" + 
-			"		notifyExecutionStart();\n" + 
-			"		\n" + 
-			"		// Creating and launching the tasks\n" + 
-			"		for (int ii = 0; ii < maxTasks; ii++) {\n" + 
-			"			final int i = ii;\n" + 
-			"			tasks[i] = new Runnable() {			\n" + 
-			"				public String toString() { return ((i + 1) + \" of \" + maxTasks); }\n" + 
-			"				public void run() {\n" + 
-			"					for(int j = 0; j < maxIteration; j++)\n" + 
-			"						notifyCompletion( (int)((float) (j + 1) / maxIteration * 100));\n" + 
-			"				}		\n" + 
-			"			\n" + 
-			"				void notifyCompletion(int percentage) {\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"			};\n" + 
-			"			workers[i] = new Thread(tasks[i],\"Running task(\"+(tasks[i].toString())+\")\");\n" + 
-			"			workers[i].start();\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		// Waiting for *all* tasks to be ended\n" + 
-			"		for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++)\n" + 
-			"			workers[i].join();\n" + 
-			"		notifyExecutionEnd();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		}, 
-	);									
- * Complex multi-threaded test involving inner classes
- */
-public void test019() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"public class MultiComplex2 {\n" + 
-			"	public interface AbstractTask extends Runnable {\n" + 
-			"		public void run();\n" + 
-			"		public String taskName();		\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]){\n" + 
-			"		try {\n" + 
-			"			new MultiComplex2().performTasks(3);\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		catch(InterruptedException e){};\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void notifyCompleted(AbstractTask task) {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void notifyCompletion(AbstractTask task, int percentage) {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void notifyExecutionEnd() {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(\"EXECUTION FINISHED\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void notifyExecutionStart() {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(\"EXECUTION STARTING\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"		void performTasks(final int maxTasks) throws java.lang.InterruptedException {\n" + 
-			"		Thread workers[] = new Thread[maxTasks];\n" + 
-			"		AbstractTask tasks[] = new AbstractTask[maxTasks];\n" + 
-			"		final int maxIteration = 5;\n" + 
-			"		// Local Task\n" + 
-			"		class Task implements AbstractTask {\n" + 
-			"				String taskName;\n" + 
-			"				Task(String aName) {\n" + 
-			"					taskName = aName;\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"				public String taskName() { \n" + 
-			"					return taskName; \n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"	\n" + 
-			"				public void run() {\n" + 
-			"					MultiComplex2.this.notifyCompletion(this,0); \n" + 
-			"					for(int j = 0; j < maxIteration; j++)\n" + 
-			"						MultiComplex2.this.notifyCompletion(this,  (int)((float) (j + 1) / maxIteration * 100));\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"		};\n" + 
-			"		notifyExecutionStart();\n" + 
-			"		\n" + 
-			"		// Creating and launching the tasks\n" + 
-			"		for (int ii = 0; ii < maxTasks; ii++) {\n" + 
-			"			final int i = ii;\n" + 
-			"			tasks[i] = new Task(String.valueOf(i + 1)) {			\n" + 
-			"				public String taskName() { \n" + 
-			"					return super.taskName() +  \" of \" + maxTasks; }\n" + 
-			"				public void run() {\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"					MultiComplex2.this.notifyCompleted(this);\n" + 
-			"				}		\n" + 
-			"			};\n" + 
-			"			workers[i] = new Thread(tasks[i],tasks[i].taskName());\n" + 
-			"			workers[i].start();\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		// Waiting for *all* tasks to be ended\n" + 
-			"		for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++)\n" + 
-			"			workers[i].join();\n" + 
-			"		notifyExecutionEnd();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		}, 
-	);									
- * Complex multi-threaded test involving inner classes
- */
-public void test020() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"public class MultiLocal {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]){\n" + 
-			"		class Task implements Runnable {\n" + 
-			"			private String taskName;\n" + 
-			"			private int maxIteration; \n" + 
-			"			public Task(String name, int value) {\n" + 
-			"				taskName = name; \n" + 
-			"				maxIteration = value;\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"	\n" + 
-			"			public String toString() { return taskName; }\n" + 
-			"			public void run() {\n" + 
-			"				for(int i = 0; i < maxIteration; i++)\n" + 
-			"					notifyCompletion( (int)((float) (i + 1) / maxIteration * 100));\n" + 
-			"			}		\n" + 
-			"			\n" + 
-			"			void notifyCompletion(int percentage) {\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		};\n" + 
-			"		MultiLocal multi = new MultiLocal();\n" + 
-			"		int maxTasks = 3;\n" + 
-			"		Task tasks[] = new Task[maxTasks];\n" + 
-			"		for (int i = 0; i < maxTasks; i++) \n" + 
-			"			tasks[i] = new Task(String.valueOf(i),5);\n" + 
-			"		try {\n" + 
-			"			multi.performTasks(tasks);\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		catch(InterruptedException e){};\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void notifyExecutionEnd() {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(\"EXECUTION FINISHED\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void notifyExecutionStart() {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(\"EXECUTION STARTING\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void performTasks(Runnable tasks[]) throws java.lang.InterruptedException {\n" + 
-			"		Thread workers[] = new Thread[tasks.length];\n" + 
-			"		notifyExecutionStart();\n" + 
-			"		\n" + 
-			"		// Launching the tasks\n" + 
-			"		for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {\n" + 
-			"			workers[i] = new Thread(tasks[i],\"Running task(\"+(tasks[i].toString())+\")\");\n" + 
-			"			workers[i].start();\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		// Waiting for *all* tasks to be ended\n" + 
-			"		for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++)\n" + 
-			"			workers[i].join();\n" + 
-			"		notifyExecutionEnd();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		}, 
-	);									
- * Complex multi-threaded test involving inner classes
- */
-public void test021() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"public class MultiLocal2 {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]){\n" + 
-			"		final int maxTasks = 3;\n" + 
-			"		class Task implements Runnable {\n" + 
-			"			private String taskName;\n" + 
-			"			private int maxIteration;\n" + 
-			"			public Task(String name, int value) {\n" + 
-			"				taskName = name; \n" + 
-			"				maxIteration = value;\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"	\n" + 
-			"			public String toString() { return taskName + \" of \" + String.valueOf(maxTasks); }\n" + 
-			"			public void run() {\n" + 
-			"				for(int i = 0; i < maxIteration; i++)\n" + 
-			"					notifyCompletion( (int)((float) (i + 1) / maxIteration * 100));\n" + 
-			"			}		\n" + 
-			"			\n" + 
-			"			void notifyCompletion(int percentage) {\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		};\n" + 
-			"		MultiLocal2 multi = new MultiLocal2();\n" + 
-			"		Task tasks[] = new Task[maxTasks];\n" + 
-			"		for (int i = 0; i < maxTasks; i++) \n" + 
-			"			tasks[i] = new Task(String.valueOf(i+1),5);\n" + 
-			"		try {\n" + 
-			"			multi.performTasks(tasks);\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		catch(InterruptedException e){};\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void notifyExecutionEnd() {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(\"EXECUTION FINISHED\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void notifyExecutionStart() {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(\"EXECUTION STARTING\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void performTasks(Runnable tasks[]) throws java.lang.InterruptedException {\n" + 
-			"		Thread workers[] = new Thread[tasks.length];\n" + 
-			"		notifyExecutionStart();\n" + 
-			"		\n" + 
-			"		// Launching the tasks\n" + 
-			"		for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {\n" + 
-			"			workers[i] = new Thread(tasks[i],\"Running task(\"+(tasks[i].toString())+\")\");\n" + 
-			"			workers[i].start();\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		// Waiting for *all* tasks to be ended\n" + 
-			"		for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++)\n" + 
-			"			workers[i].join();\n" + 
-			"		notifyExecutionEnd();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		}, 
-	);									
- * Complex multi-threaded test involving inner classes
- */
-public void test022() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"public class MultiMember {\n" + 
-			"	class Task implements Runnable {\n" + 
-			"		private String taskName; \n" + 
-			"		private int maxIteration;\n" + 
-			"		public Task(String name, int value) {\n" + 
-			"			taskName = name; \n" + 
-			"			maxIteration = value;\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		public String toString() { return taskName; }\n" + 
-			"		public void run() {\n" + 
-			"			for(int i = 0; i < maxIteration; i++)\n" + 
-			"				notifyCompletion( (int)((float) (i + 1) / maxIteration * 100));\n" + 
-			"		}		\n" + 
-			"		\n" + 
-			"		void notifyCompletion(int percentage) {\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]){\n" + 
-			"		MultiMember multi = new MultiMember();\n" + 
-			"		int maxTasks = 3;\n" + 
-			"		Task tasks[] = new Task[maxTasks];\n" + 
-			"		for (int i = 0; i < maxTasks; i++) \n" + 
-			"			tasks[i] = Task(String.valueOf(i),5);\n" + 
-			"		try {\n" + 
-			"			multi.performTasks(tasks);\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		catch(InterruptedException e){};\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void notifyExecutionEnd() {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(\"EXECUTION FINISHED\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void notifyExecutionStart() {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(\"EXECUTION STARTING\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void performTasks(Task tasks[]) throws java.lang.InterruptedException {\n" + 
-			"		Thread workers[] = new Thread[tasks.length];\n" + 
-			"		notifyExecutionStart();\n" + 
-			"		\n" + 
-			"		// Launching the tasks\n" + 
-			"		for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {\n" + 
-			"			workers[i] = new Thread(tasks[i],\"Running task(\"+(tasks[i].toString())+\")\");\n" + 
-			"			workers[i].start();\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		// Waiting for *all* tasks to be ended\n" + 
-			"		for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++)\n" + 
-			"			workers[i].join();\n" + 
-			"		notifyExecutionEnd();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		}, 
-	);									
- * No need for protected access emulation
- */
-public void test023() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"p/",
-			"public class X extends q.Y { \n" +
-			"	void bar(){ Object o = someObject; } \n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] argv){ \n" +
-			"		new X().bar();\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n"+
-			"	}\n"+
-			"}\n",
-			/* */
-			"q/",
-			"package q; \n" + 
-			"public class Y { \n" + 
-			"	protected Object someObject; \n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		}, 
-		""	// no problem log: not even a synthetic access emulation one
-	);									
- * No need for protected access emulation
- */
-public void test024() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"p/",
-			"package p; \n" + 
-			"public class X extends q.Y { \n" +
-			"	void bar(){ foo(); } \n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] argv){ \n" +
-			"		new X().bar();\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n"+
-			"	}\n"+
-			"}\n",
-			/* */
-			"q/",
-			"package q; \n" + 
-			"public class Y { \n" + 
-			"	protected Object foo(){ return null;} \n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		}, 
-		""	// no problem log: not even a synthetic access emulation one
-	);									
-public void test025() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"import java.util.*; \n"+
-			"public class PortReport { \n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) { \n"+
-			"		Portfolio port = new Portfolio(\"foobar\"); \n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); \n" +
-			"	} \n"+
-			"} \n",
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"import java.util.*;	\n"+
-			"public class Portfolio {	\n"+
-			"	String name;	\n"+
-			"	public Portfolio(String buf) {	\n"+
-			"		TokenBuffer tbuf = new TokenBuffer();	\n"+
-			"		switch (1) {	\n"+
-			"			case TokenBuffer.T_NAME :	\n"+
-			"				name = \"figi\";	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	String getName() {	\n"+
-			"		return name;	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	class TokenBuffer {	\n"+
-			"		static final int T_NAME = 3;	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		}, 
-	);									
- * Compatability - Compiler does not comply with 1.1 standard.
- */
-public void test026() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Test {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String args[]){	\n"+
-			"		new c2();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class c1 {	\n"+
-			"	protected class c1a{	\n"+
-			"		public c1a(){}	\n"+
-			"		public void foo(){ System.out.println(\"Foo called\");	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	};	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"import p1.*;	\n"+
-			"public class c2 extends c1 {	\n"+
-			"	public c1a myC1a;	\n"+
-			"	{	\n"+
-			"		myC1a = new c1a();	\n"+
-			";	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		}, 
-		"Foo called"
-	);									
- * Compatability - Compiler does not comply with 1.1 standard.
- */
-public void test027() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Test {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String args[]){	\n"+
-			"		new c2();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class c1 {	\n"+
-			"	public class c1m {	\n"+
-			"		protected class c1a{	\n"+
-			"			public c1a(){}	\n"+
-			"			public void foo(){ System.out.println(\"Foo called\");	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+
-			"	};	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"import p1.*;	\n"+
-			"public class c2 extends c1 {	\n"+
-			"	public c1m.c1a myC1a;	\n"+
-			"	{	\n"+
-			"		myC1a = new c1m().new c1a();	\n"+
-			";	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	public c1m.c1a myC1a;	\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type c1m.c1a is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	myC1a = new c1m().new c1a();	\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^\n" + 
-		"myC1a cannot be resolved\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	myC1a = new c1m().new c1a();	\n" + 
-		"	                      ^^^\n" + 
-		"The type c1.c1m.c1a is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		";	\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^\n" + 
-		"myC1a cannot be resolved\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);									
- * Compatability - Compiler does not comply with 1.1 standard.
- */
-public void test028() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Test {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String args[]){	\n"+
-			"		new c2();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class c1 {	\n"+
-			"	protected class c1m {	\n"+
-			"		protected class c1a{	\n"+
-			"			public c1a(){}	\n"+
-			"			public void foo(){ System.out.println(\"Foo called\");	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+
-			"	};	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"import p1.*;	\n"+
-			"public class c2 extends c1 {	\n"+
-			"	public c1m.c1a myC1a;	\n"+
-			"	{	\n"+
-			"		myC1a = new c1m().new c1a();	\n"+
-			";	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	public c1m.c1a myC1a;	\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type c1m.c1a is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	myC1a = new c1m().new c1a();	\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^\n" + 
-		"myC1a cannot be resolved\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	myC1a = new c1m().new c1a();	\n" + 
-		"	        ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The constructor c1.c1m() is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	myC1a = new c1m().new c1a();	\n" + 
-		"	                      ^^^\n" + 
-		"The type c1.c1m.c1a is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"5. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		";	\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^\n" + 
-		"myC1a cannot be resolved\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);									
- * Compatability - Compiler does not comply with 1.1 standard.
- */
-public void test029() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Test {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String args[]){	\n"+
-			"		new c2();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class c1 {	\n"+
-			"	protected class c1a{	\n"+
-			"		public c1a(){}	\n"+
-			"		public void foo(){ System.out.println(\"Foo called\");	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	};	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"import p1.*;	\n"+
-			"public class c2 extends c1 {	\n"+
-			"	public c1.c1a myC1a;\n"+
-			"	{	\n"+
-			"		myC1a = new c1a();	\n"+
-			";	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		}, 
-		"Foo called");									
- * Compatability - Compiler does not comply with 1.1 standard.
- */
-public void test030() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Test {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String args[]){	\n"+
-			"		new c2();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class c1 {	\n"+
-			"	protected class c1a{	\n"+
-			"		public c1a(){}	\n"+
-			"		public void foo(){ System.out.println(\"Foo called\");	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	};	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"import p1.*;	\n"+
-			"public class c2 extends c1.c1a {// qualified acces does not work	\n"+
-			"	public c1a myC1a; \n"+
-			"	{	\n"+
-			"		myC1a = new c1a();	\n"+
-			";	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	public class c2 extends c1.c1a {// qualified acces does not work	\n" + 
-		"	                        ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type c1.c1a is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	public c1a myC1a; \n" + 
-		"	       ^^^\n" + 
-		"c1a cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	myC1a = new c1a();	\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^\n" + 
-		"myC1a cannot be resolved\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	myC1a = new c1a();	\n" + 
-		"	            ^^^\n" + 
-		"c1a cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"5. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		";	\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^\n" + 
-		"myC1a cannot be resolved\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);									
- * Compatability - Compiler does not comply with 1.1 standard.
- */
-public void test031() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Test {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String args[]){	\n"+
-			"		new c2();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class c1 {	\n"+
-			"	protected class c1a{	\n"+
-			"		public c1a(){}	\n"+
-			"		public void foo(){ System.out.println(\"Foo called\");	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	};	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"import p1.c1.*;	\n"+
-			"public class c2 extends c1a {	\n"+
-			"	public c1a myC1a; \n"+
-			"	{	\n"+
-			"		myC1a = new c1a();	\n"+
-			";	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	public class c2 extends c1a {	\n" + 
-		"	                        ^^^\n" + 
-		"The type c1a is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	public c1a myC1a; \n" + 
-		"	       ^^^\n" + 
-		"The type c1a is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	myC1a = new c1a();	\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^\n" + 
-		"myC1a cannot be resolved\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	myC1a = new c1a();	\n" + 
-		"	            ^^^\n" + 
-		"The type c1a is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"5. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		";	\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^\n" + 
-		"myC1a cannot be resolved\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);									
- * VerifyError using .class literal inside inner classes
- */
-public void test032() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;	\n"+
-			"public class A {\n" +
-			"		public class B {\n" +
-			"				public B() {\n" +
-			"				}\n" +
-			"				public Class getCls() {\n" +
-			"						return A.class;\n" +
-			"				}\n" +
-			"		}\n" +
-			"		public A() {\n" +
-			"				super();\n" +
-			"				B b = new B();\n" +
-			"				System.out.println(\"Class: \" + b.getCls());\n" + 
-			"		}\n" +
-			"		public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-			"				A a = new A();\n" +
-			"		}\n" +
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"Class: class p.A");
- * Missing implementation in the compiler compiling invalid code
- */
-public void test033() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"class D {	\n"+
-			"	class E {	\n"+
-			"		E(Object o, Object o1, Object o2, F f) {}	\n"+
-			"		void execute() {}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"class F {	\n"+
-			"	F(Object o) {	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"public class A2 {	\n"+
-			"	private abstract class B {	\n"+
-			"		public Object get() {	\n"+
-			"			return null;	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	private class C extends B {	\n"+
-			"		public void foo() {	\n"+
-			"			(new D.E(null, null, null, new F(get()) {}) {}).execute();	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}\n"
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in p1\\ (at line 18)\n" + 
-		"	private class C extends B {	\n" + 
-		"	              ^\n" + 
-		"The type A2.C is never used locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. WARNING in p1\\ (at line 18)\n" + 
-		"	private class C extends B {	\n" + 
-		"	              ^\n" + 
-		"Access to enclosing constructor A2.B() is emulated by a synthetic accessor method. Increasing its visibility will improve your performance\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 20)\n" + 
-		"	(new D.E(null, null, null, new F(get()) {}) {}).execute();	\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type D is accessible. Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type D (e.g. A() where x is an instance of D).\n" + 
-		"----------\n");									
- * Missing implementation in the compiler compiling invalid code
- */
-public void test034() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"class D {	\n"+
-			"	class E {	\n"+
-			"		E(Object o, Object o1, Object o2, F f) {}	\n"+
-			"		void execute() {}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"class F {	\n"+
-			"	F(Object o) {	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"public class A2 {	\n"+
-			"	private abstract class B {	\n"+
-			"		public Object get() {	\n"+
-			"			return null;	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	private class C extends B {	\n"+
-			"		public void foo() {	\n"+
-			"			(new D().new E(null, null, null, new F(get()) {}) {}).execute();	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] argv){	\n"+
-			"		new A2().new C().foo();	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		}, 
-	);									
- * Missing implementation in the compiler compiling invalid code
- */
-public void test035() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"class D {	\n"+
-			"	class E {	\n"+
-			"		E(Object o, Object o1, Object o2, F f) {}	\n"+
-			"		void execute() {}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"class F {	\n"+
-			"	F(Object o) {	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"public class A2 {	\n"+
-			"	private abstract class B {	\n"+
-			"		public Object get() {	\n"+
-			"			return null;	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	private class C extends B {	\n"+
-			"		public void foo() {	\n"+
-			"			(new D.E(null, null, null, new F(get()) {})).execute();	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}\n"
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in p1\\ (at line 18)\n" + 
-		"	private class C extends B {	\n" + 
-		"	              ^\n" + 
-		"The type A2.C is never used locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. WARNING in p1\\ (at line 18)\n" + 
-		"	private class C extends B {	\n" + 
-		"	              ^\n" + 
-		"Access to enclosing constructor A2.B() is emulated by a synthetic accessor method. Increasing its visibility will improve your performance\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 20)\n" + 
-		"	(new D.E(null, null, null, new F(get()) {})).execute();	\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type D is accessible. Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type D (e.g. A() where x is an instance of D).\n" + 
-		"----------\n");									
- * ClassCastException during inner class emulation
- */
-public void test036() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class A {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] argv){	\n"+
-			"		new A().foo();	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	public Object foo() {	\n"+
-			"		B b = new B() {	\n"+
-			"			protected Object bar() {	\n"+
-			"				return new B.C() {};	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+
-			"		return b;	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"class B {	\n"+
-			"	class C {	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		}, 
-	);									
- * ClassCastException during inner class emulation
- */
-public void test037() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class A {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] argv){	\n"+
-			"		new A().foo();	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	public Object foo() {	\n"+
-			"		I i = new I() {	\n"+
-			"			protected Object bar() {	\n"+
-			"				return new I.C() {};	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+
-			"		return i;	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"interface I {	\n"+
-			"	class C {	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		}, 
-	);									
- * Enclosing instance comparison
- */
-public void test038() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"		if (new X().foo())	\n"+
-			"			System.out.println(\"FAILED\");	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	boolean bar() {	\n"+
-			"		return false;	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	boolean foo() {	\n"+
-			"		X x = new X() {	\n"+
-			"			boolean test() {	\n"+
-			"				return (X.this == this);	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+
-			"		return;	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		}, 
-	);									
- *
- * Invalid error when compiling access to protected member inside innerclass   
- */
-public void test039() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1/ */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	protected void foo() {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"		new p2.Y().bar();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* p2/ */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Y extends p1.X {	\n"+
-			"	public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"		new Object(){	\n"+
-			"	      void doSomething(){	\n"+
-			"; \n"+
-			"	      }	\n"+
-			"	    }.doSomething();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		}, 
-	);									
- *
- * Invalid error when compiling access to protected member inside innerclass   
- */
-public void test040() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1/ */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	protected void foo() {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"		new p2.Y().bar();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* p2/ */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Y extends p1.X {	\n"+
-			"	public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"		new Object(){	\n"+
-			"	      void doSomething(){	\n"+
-			"	        new Y().foo(); \n"+
-			"	      }	\n"+
-			"	    }.doSomething();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		}, 
-	);									
- *
- * Invalid error when compiling access to protected member inside innerclass   
- */
-public void test041() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1/ */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	protected void foo() {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"		new p2.Y().bar();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* p2/ */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Y extends p1.X {	\n"+
-			"	public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"		new Object(){	\n"+
-			"	      void doSomething(){	\n"+
-			"; \n"+
-			"	      }	\n"+
-			"	    }.doSomething();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		}, 
-	);									
- *
- * Invalid error when compiling access to protected member inside innerclass   
- */
-public void test042() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1/ */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	protected String foo = \"SUCCESS\";	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"		new p2.Y().bar();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* p2/ */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Y extends p1.X {	\n"+
-			"	public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"		new Object(){	\n"+
-			"	      void doSomething(){	\n"+
-			"	        System.out.println(; \n"+
-			"	      }	\n"+
-			"	    }.doSomething();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		}, 
-	);									
- *
- * Invalid error when compiling access to protected member inside innerclass   
- */
-public void test043() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1/ */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	protected String foo = \"SUCCESS\";	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"		new p2.Y().bar();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* p2/ */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Y extends p1.X {	\n"+
-			"	public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"		new Object(){	\n"+
-			"	      void doSomething(){	\n"+
-			"	        System.out.println(; \n"+
-			"	      }	\n"+
-			"	    }.doSomething();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		}, 
-	);									
- *
- * Invalid error when compiling access to protected member inside innerclass   
- */
-public void test044() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1/ */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	protected String foo = \"SUCCESS\";	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"		new p2.Y().bar();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* p2/ */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Y extends p1.X {	\n"+
-			"	public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"		new Object(){	\n"+
-			"	      void doSomething(){	\n"+
-			"	        System.out.println(new Y().foo); \n"+
-			"	      }	\n"+
-			"	    }.doSomething();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		}, 
-	);									
- *
- * Invalid error when compiling access to protected member inside innerclass   
- */
-public void test045() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1/ */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	protected String foo = \"SUCCESS\";	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"		new p2.Y().bar();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* p2/ */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Y extends p1.X {	\n"+
-			"	public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"		new Object(){	\n"+
-			"	      void doSomething(){	\n"+
-			"	        System.out.println(foo); \n"+
-			"	      }	\n"+
-			"	    }.doSomething();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		}, 
-	);									
- *
- * Invalid error when compiling access to protected member inside innerclass   
- */
-public void test046() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1/ */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	protected String foo = \"SUCCESS\";	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"		new p2.Y().bar();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* p2/ */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Y extends p1.X {	\n"+
-			"   Y someY;	\n"+
-			"	public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"		someY = this;	\n"+
-			"		new Object(){	\n"+
-			"	      void doSomething(){	\n"+
-			"	        System.out.println(; \n"+
-			"	      }	\n"+
-			"	    }.doSomething();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		}, 
-	);									
- *
- * Invalid error when compiling access to protected member inside innerclass   
- */
-public void test047() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1/ */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	protected String foo = \"FAILED\";	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"		new p2.Y().bar();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* p2/ */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Y extends p1.X {	\n"+
-			"	public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"		new Object(){	\n"+
-			"	      void doSomething(){	\n"+
-			"	        System.out.println( = \"SUCCESS\"); \n"+
-			"	      }	\n"+
-			"	    }.doSomething();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		}, 
-	);									
- *
- * Invalid error when compiling access to protected member inside innerclass   
- */
-public void test048() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1/ */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	protected String foo = \"FAILED\";	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"		new p2.Y().bar();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* p2/ */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Y extends p1.X {	\n"+
-			"	public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"		new Object(){	\n"+
-			"	      void doSomething(){	\n"+
-			"	        System.out.println( = \"SUCCESS\"); \n"+
-			"	      }	\n"+
-			"	    }.doSomething();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		}, 
-	);									
- *
- * Invalid error when compiling access to protected member inside innerclass   
- */
-public void test049() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1/ */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	protected String foo = \"FAILED\";	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"		new p2.Y().bar();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* p2/ */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Y extends p1.X {	\n"+
-			"	public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"		new Object(){	\n"+
-			"	      void doSomething(){	\n"+
-			"	        System.out.println(new Y().foo = \"SUCCESS\"); \n"+
-			"	      }	\n"+
-			"	    }.doSomething();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		}, 
-	);									
- *
- * Invalid error when compiling access to protected member inside innerclass   
- */
-public void test050() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1/ */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	protected String foo = \"FAILED\";	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"		new p2.Y().bar();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* p2/ */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Y extends p1.X {	\n"+
-			"	public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"		new Object(){	\n"+
-			"	      void doSomething(){	\n"+
-			"	        System.out.println(foo = \"SUCCESS\"); \n"+
-			"	      }	\n"+
-			"	    }.doSomething();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		}, 
-	);									
- *
- * Invalid error when compiling access to protected member inside innerclass   
- */
-public void test051() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1/ */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	protected String foo = \"FAILED\";	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"		new p2.Y().bar();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* p2/ */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Y extends p1.X {	\n"+
-			"   Y someY;	\n"+
-			"	public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"		someY = this;	\n"+
-			"		new Object(){	\n"+
-			"	      void doSomething(){	\n"+
-			"	        System.out.println( = \"SUCCESS\"); \n"+
-			"	      }	\n"+
-			"	    }.doSomething();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		}, 
-	);									
-public void test052() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p2/ */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Y {	\n"+
-			"	void bar(final int someVal){	\n"+
-			"		class Local {	\n"+
-			"			void localDo(final int localVal){	\n"+
-			"				new Object(){	\n"+
-			"					void doSomething(){	\n"+
-			"						System.out.print(someVal + localVal);	\n"+
-			"					}	\n"+
-			"				}.doSomething();	\n"+
-			"			}				\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+
-			"		Local loc = new Local();	\n"+
-			"		loc.localDo(8);	\n"+
-			"		class SubLocal extends Local {	\n"+
-			"			void localDo(final int localVal){	\n"+
-			"				super.localDo(localVal + 1);	\n"+
-			"				new Object(){	\n"+
-			"					void doSomething(){	\n"+
-			"						SubLocal.super.localDo(localVal + 2);	\n"+
-			"						System.out.print(someVal + localVal + 3);	\n"+
-			"					}	\n"+
-			"				}.doSomething();	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+
-			"		SubLocal subloc = new SubLocal();	\n"+
-			"		subloc.localDo(8);	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		new Y().bar(4);	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"12131415"
-	);
-public void test053() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p2/ */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"import p1.X;	\n"+
-			"public class Z {	\n"+
-			"	class ZMember extends X {	\n"+
-			"		ZMember(Object o){}	\n"+
-			"		Z bar(){	\n"+
-			"			System.out.println(foo = \"FAILED\");	\n"+
-			"			return Z.this;	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	Z(final Object foo){	\n"+
-			"		Object obj2 = new Object(){	\n"+
-			"			Object doSomething(){	\n"+
-			"				ZMember obj3 = new ZMember(foo){	\n"+
-			"					Z bar(){	\n"+
-			"						System.out.println(;	\n"+
-			"						return Z.this;	\n"+
-			"					} \n"+
-			"				};	\n"+
-			";	\n"+
-			"				return this;	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		}.doSomething();	\n"+
-			"	}		\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		new Z(new Object());	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			/* p1/ */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	protected String foo = \"SUCCESS\";	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-	);
-public void test055() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1/ */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	void foo() {	\n"+
-			"		class L1 {	\n"+
-			"			class LM1 {	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"		class L2 extends L1.LM1 {	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"		new L2();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		new X().foo();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	class L2 extends L1.LM1 {	\n" + 
-		"	      ^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type L1 is accessible to invoke the super constructor. Must define a constructor and explicitly qualify its super constructor invocation with an instance of L1 (e.g. x.super() where x is an instance of L1).\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-public void test056() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1/ */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	void foo() {	\n"+
-			"		class L1 {	\n"+
-			"			class LM1 {	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"		new L1().new LM1(){};	//ok\n"+
-			"		new L1.LM1(){};	//ko\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		new X().foo();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	new L1.LM1(){};	//ko\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type L1 is accessible. Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type L1 (e.g. A() where x is an instance of L1).\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
- *
- * VerifyError with Inner Class having private constructor
- */
-public void test057() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* */
-			"",
-			"public class VE_Test {	\n"+
-			"    class VE_Inner {	\n"+
-			"        private VE_Inner() {}	\n"+
-			"    }	\n"+
-			"    private static void test(){	\n"+
-			"        VE_Test ve_test = new VE_Test();	\n"+
-			"        VE_Inner pi = VE_Inner();	\n"+
-			"    }	\n"+
-			"    public static void main(String[] args){	\n"+
-			"        new VE_Test();	\n"+
-			"        System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"    }	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-	);
- *
- * NPE during emulation
- */
-public void test058() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"import p2.A;	\n"+
-			"public class Test {	\n"+
-			"    public static void main(String[] args){	\n"+
-			"        new Test();	\n"+
-			"    }	\n"+
-			"	private A a = new A() {	\n"+
-			"		public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"			new Object() {	\n"+
-			"				protected void foo() {	\n"+
-			"					init();	\n"+
-			"				}	\n"+
-			"			}.foo(); 	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	};	\n"+
-			"	private void init() {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class A {	\n"+
-			"  public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"  }	\n"+
-			"  private void init() {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"FAILED\");	\n"+
-			"  }	\n"+
-			"} 	\n"			
-		},
-	);
- *
- * variant for single name ref
- */
-public void test059() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"import p2.A;	\n"+
-			"public class Test {	\n"+
-			"    public static void main(String[] args){	\n"+
-			"        new Test();	\n"+
-			"    }	\n"+
-			"	private A a = new A() {	\n"+
-			"		public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"			new Object() {	\n"+
-			"				protected void foo() {	\n"+
-			"					System.out.println(init);	\n"+
-			"				}	\n"+
-			"			}.foo(); 	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	};	\n"+
-			"	private String init = \"SUCCESS\";	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class A {	\n"+
-			"  public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"  }	\n"+
-			"	private String init = \"FAILED\";	\n"+
-			"} 	\n"			
-		},
-	);
- *
- * variant for qualified name ref
- */
-public void test060() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"import p2.A;	\n"+
-			"public class Test {	\n"+
-			"    public static void main(String[] args){	\n"+
-			"        new Test();	\n"+
-			"    }	\n"+
-			"	private A a = new A() {	\n"+
-			"		public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"			class L {	\n"+
-			"				Test next = Test.this;	\n"+
-			"				protected void foo() {	\n"+
-			"					System.out.println(next.init);	\n"+
-			"				}	\n"+
-			"			};	\n" +
-			"			new L().foo(); 	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	};	\n"+
-			"	private String init = \"SUCCESS\";	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class A {	\n"+
-			"  public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"  }	\n"+
-			"} 	\n"			
-		},
-	);
- *
- * variant for field name ref
- */
-public void test061() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"import p2.A;	\n"+
-			"public class Test {	\n"+
-			"    public static void main(String[] args){	\n"+
-			"        new Test();	\n"+
-			"    }	\n"+
-			"	private A a = new A() {	\n"+
-			"		public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"			class L {	\n"+
-			"				protected void foo() {	\n"+
-			"					System.out.println(Test.this.init);	\n"+
-			"				}	\n"+
-			"			};	\n" +
-			"			new L().foo(); 	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	};	\n"+
-			"	private String init = \"SUCCESS\";	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class A {	\n"+
-			"  public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"  }	\n"+
-			"} 	\n"			
-		},
-	);
-public void test062() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"    public static void main(String args[]) {	\n"+
-			"		final String s = args.length == 0 ? \"SUCCESS\" : null;	\n"+
-			"		final class Local {	\n"+
-			"			private Local() {	\n"+
-			"				new LocalMember();	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"			class LocalMember {	\n"+
-			"				{	\n"+
-			"					new LocalMemberMember();	\n"+
-			"				}	\n"+
-			"				class LocalMemberMember {	\n"+
-			"					{	\n"+
-			"						System.out.println(s);	\n"+
-			"					}	\n"+
-			"				}	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"		new Local();	\n"+
-			"    }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-	);
-public void test062a() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"    public static void main(String args[]) {	\n"+
-			"		final String s = \"SUCCESS\";\n"+
-			"		final class Local {	\n"+
-			"			Local() {	\n"+
-			"				new LocalMember();	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"			class LocalMember {	\n"+
-			"				{	\n"+
-			"					new LocalMemberMember();	\n"+
-			"				}	\n"+
-			"				class LocalMemberMember {	\n"+
-			"					{	\n"+
-			"						System.out.println(s);	\n"+
-			"					}	\n"+
-			"				}	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"		new Local();	\n"+
-			"    }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-	);
-public void test063() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	String a = new Object(){	\n"+
-			"			class LocalMember {	\n"+
-			"				String s = \"SUCCESS\";	\n"+
-			"			};	\n"+
-			"			String get_a(){	\n"+
-			"				return new LocalMember().s;	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"	}.get_a();	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(new X().a);	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		);
- *
- * should invoke at runtime
- */
-public void test064(){
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Y extends T {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"		new Y().bar();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	protected void foo() {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	protected void foo() {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class T extends p1.X {	\n"+
-			"	public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"		new Object(){	\n"+
-			"			void doSomething(){	\n" +
-			";	\n"+
-			"			}	\n" +
-			"		}.doSomething();	\n" +
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		""
-		);
- *
- * variation - if is defined
- */
-public void test065(){
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Y extends T {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"		new Y().bar();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	protected void foo() {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	protected void foo() {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class T extends p1.X {	\n"+
-			"	public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"		new Object(){	\n"+
-			"			void doSomething(){	\n" +
-			";	\n"+
-			"			}	\n" +
-			"		}.doSomething();	\n" +
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	protected void foo() {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		""
-		);
- *
- * should invoke and at runtime (through 2 separate access methods)
- */
-public void test066(){
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Y extends T {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"		new Y().bar();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	protected void foo() {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.print(\"\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	protected void foo() {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class T extends p1.X {	\n"+
-			"	public void bar() {	\n"+
-			"		new Object(){	\n"+
-			"			void doSomething(){	\n" +
-			";	\n"+
-			";	//need extra access method \n"+
-			"			}	\n" +
-			"		}.doSomething();	\n" +
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		""
-		);
- *
- * test collision check for synthetic accessors to constructors
- */
-public void test067(){
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;	\n"+
-			"public class Test {	\n"+
-			"	class Member {	\n"+
-			"		private Member(){	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"		private Member(Member other){	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		Test t = new Test();	\n"+
-			"		Member m1 = Member();	\n"+
-			" Member(m1);	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS"); 
-public void test068(){
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		new X().new X2().foo();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	class X1 {	\n"+
-			"		void baz1() {	\n"+
-			"			System.out.print(\"-X1.baz1()\");	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	class X2 {	\n"+
-			"		void foo(){	\n"+
-			" X1(){	\n"+
-			"				void bar(){	\n"+
-			"					baz();	\n"+
-			"					baz1();	\n"+
-			"					baz2();	\n"+
-			"				}	\n"+
-			"			}.bar();	\n"+
-			"		}		\n"+
-			"		void baz2() {	\n"+
-			"			System.out.println(\"-X2.baz2()\");	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	void baz() {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.print(\"X.baz()\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"X.baz()-X1.baz1()-X2.baz2()"); 
-// synthetic outer local variables must be appended after user arguments
-public void test069() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"    X(String s, int j) {}	\n"+
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {	\n"+
-			"        final int i;	\n"+
-			"        new X(\"hello\", i = 1) {	\n"+ // val$i must be appended after i got assigned
-			"            { 	\n"+
-			"            	System.out.print(\"SUCCESS:\"+i); 	\n"+
-			"            }	\n"+
-			"        };	\n"+
-			"    }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS:1");
-// variation on test069
-public void test070() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"    X() {}	\n"+
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {	\n"+
-			"        final int i;	\n"+
-			"        new X().new Y(\"hello\", i = 1) {	\n"+ // val$i must be appended after i got assigned
-			"            { 	\n"+
-			"            	System.out.print(\"SUCCESS:\"+i); 	\n"+
-			"            }	\n"+
-			"        };	\n"+
-			"    }	\n"+
-			"	class Y {	\n" +
-			"		Y(String s, int j) {}	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS:1");
-// test too many synthetic arguments
-public void test071() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	void foo(int i) {	\n"+
-			"		final long v0 = i, v1 = i, v2 = i, v3 = i, v4 = i, v5 = i, v6 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v7 = i, v8 = i, v9 = i, v10 = i, v11 = i, v12 = i, v13 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v14 = i, v15 = i, v16 = i, v17 = i, v18 = i, v19 = i, v20 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v21 = i, v22 = i, v23 = i, v24 = i, v25 = i, v26 = i, v27 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v28 = i, v29 = i, v30 = i, v31 = i, v32 = i, v33 = i, v34 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v35 = i, v36 = i, v37 = i, v38 = i, v39 = i, v40 = i, v41 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v42 = i, v43 = i, v44 = i, v45 = i, v46 = i, v47 = i, v48 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v49 = i, v50 = i, v51 = i, v52 = i, v53 = i, v54 = i, v55 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v56 = i, v57 = i, v58 = i, v59 = i, v60 = i, v61 = i, v62 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v63 = i, v64 = i, v65 = i, v66 = i, v67 = i, v68 = i, v69 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v70 = i, v71 = i, v72 = i, v73 = i, v74 = i, v75 = i, v76 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v77 = i, v78 = i, v79 = i, v80 = i, v81 = i, v82 = i, v83 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v84 = i, v85 = i, v86 = i, v87 = i, v88 = i, v89 = i, v90 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v91 = i, v92 = i, v93 = i, v94 = i, v95 = i, v96 = i, v97 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v98 = i, v99 = i, v100 = i, v101 = i, v102 = i, v103 = i, v104 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v105 = i, v106 = i, v107 = i, v108 = i, v109 = i, v110 = i, v111 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v112 = i, v113 = i, v114 = i, v115 = i, v116 = i, v117 = i, v118 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v119 = i, v120 = i, v121 = i, v122 = i, v123 = i, v124 = i, v125 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v126 = i;												\n"+
-			"		final int v127 = i;	// int is already too many arg					\n"+
-			"		new X() {															\n"+
-			"			{																\n"+
-			"				System.out.println(											\n"+
-			"					v0 + v1 + v2 + v3 + v4 + v5 + v6						\n" +
-			"					+ v7 + v8 + v9 + v10 + v11 + v12 + v13					\n" +
-			"					+ v14 + v15 + v16 + v17 + v18 + v19 + v20				\n" +
-			"					+ v21 + v22 + v23 + v24 + v25 + v26 + v27				\n" +
-			"					+ v28 + v29 + v30 + v31 + v32 + v33 + v34				\n" +
-			"					+ v35 + v36 + v37 + v38 + v39 + v40 + v41				\n" +
-			"					+ v42 + v43 + v44 + v45 + v46 + v47 + v48				\n" +
-			"					+ v49 + v50 + v51 + v52 + v53 + v54 + v55				\n" +
-			"					+ v56 + v57 + v58 + v59 + v60 + v61 + v62				\n" +
-			"					+ v63 + v64 + v65 + v66 + v67 + v68 + v69				\n" +
-			"					+ v70 + v71 + v72 + v73 + v74 + v75 + v76				\n" +
-			"					+ v77 + v78 + v79 + v80 + v81 + v82 + v83				\n" +
-			"					+ v84 + v85 + v86 + v87 + v88 + v89 + v90				\n" +
-			"					+ v91 + v92 + v93 + v94 + v95 + v96 + v97				\n" +
-			"					+ v98 + v99 + v100 + v101 + v102 + v103 + v104			\n" +
-			"					+ v105 + v106 + v107 + v108 + v109 + v110 + v111		\n" +
-			"					+ v112 + v113 + v114 + v115 + v116 + v117 + v118		\n" +
-			"					+ v119 + v120 + v121 + v122 + v123 + v124 + v125		\n" +
-			"					+ v126);												\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+		
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 23)\n" + 
-		"	new X() {															\n" + 
-		"	    ^^^\n" + 
-		"Too many synthetic parameters, emulated parameter val$v126 is exceeding the limit of 255 words eligible for method parameters\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// test too many synthetic arguments
-public void test072() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	void foo(int i) {	\n"+
-			"		final long v0 = i, v1 = i, v2 = i, v3 = i, v4 = i, v5 = i, v6 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v7 = i, v8 = i, v9 = i, v10 = i, v11 = i, v12 = i, v13 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v14 = i, v15 = i, v16 = i, v17 = i, v18 = i, v19 = i, v20 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v21 = i, v22 = i, v23 = i, v24 = i, v25 = i, v26 = i, v27 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v28 = i, v29 = i, v30 = i, v31 = i, v32 = i, v33 = i, v34 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v35 = i, v36 = i, v37 = i, v38 = i, v39 = i, v40 = i, v41 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v42 = i, v43 = i, v44 = i, v45 = i, v46 = i, v47 = i, v48 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v49 = i, v50 = i, v51 = i, v52 = i, v53 = i, v54 = i, v55 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v56 = i, v57 = i, v58 = i, v59 = i, v60 = i, v61 = i, v62 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v63 = i, v64 = i, v65 = i, v66 = i, v67 = i, v68 = i, v69 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v70 = i, v71 = i, v72 = i, v73 = i, v74 = i, v75 = i, v76 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v77 = i, v78 = i, v79 = i, v80 = i, v81 = i, v82 = i, v83 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v84 = i, v85 = i, v86 = i, v87 = i, v88 = i, v89 = i, v90 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v91 = i, v92 = i, v93 = i, v94 = i, v95 = i, v96 = i, v97 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v98 = i, v99 = i, v100 = i, v101 = i, v102 = i, v103 = i, v104 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v105 = i, v106 = i, v107 = i, v108 = i, v109 = i, v110 = i, v111 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v112 = i, v113 = i, v114 = i, v115 = i, v116 = i, v117 = i, v118 = i;	\n"+
-			"		final long v119 = i, v120 = i, v121 = i, v122 = i, v123 = i, v124 = i, v125 = i;	\n"+
-			"		new X() {															\n"+
-			"			{																\n"+
-			"				System.out.println(											\n"+
-			"					v0 + v1 + v2 + v3 + v4 + v5 + v6						\n" +
-			"					+ v7 + v8 + v9 + v10 + v11 + v12 + v13					\n" +
-			"					+ v14 + v15 + v16 + v17 + v18 + v19 + v20				\n" +
-			"					+ v21 + v22 + v23 + v24 + v25 + v26 + v27				\n" +
-			"					+ v28 + v29 + v30 + v31 + v32 + v33 + v34				\n" +
-			"					+ v35 + v36 + v37 + v38 + v39 + v40 + v41				\n" +
-			"					+ v42 + v43 + v44 + v45 + v46 + v47 + v48				\n" +
-			"					+ v49 + v50 + v51 + v52 + v53 + v54 + v55				\n" +
-			"					+ v56 + v57 + v58 + v59 + v60 + v61 + v62				\n" +
-			"					+ v63 + v64 + v65 + v66 + v67 + v68 + v69				\n" +
-			"					+ v70 + v71 + v72 + v73 + v74 + v75 + v76				\n" +
-			"					+ v77 + v78 + v79 + v80 + v81 + v82 + v83				\n" +
-			"					+ v84 + v85 + v86 + v87 + v88 + v89 + v90				\n" +
-			"					+ v91 + v92 + v93 + v94 + v95 + v96 + v97				\n" +
-			"					+ v98 + v99 + v100 + v101 + v102 + v103 + v104			\n" +
-			"					+ v105 + v106 + v107 + v108 + v109 + v110 + v111		\n" +
-			"					+ v112 + v113 + v114 + v115 + v116 + v117 + v118		\n" +
-			"					+ v119 + v120 + v121 + v122 + v123 + v124 + v125);		\n" +
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+		
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {	\n"+
-			"       System.out.print(\"SUCCESS\"); 	\n"+
-			"    }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
- * verify error in synthetic access to constructor
- * (ordering of parameters after moving outerlocals after user args)
- */
-public void test073() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n" +
-			"    public static void main(final String[] args) {	\n" +
-			"		class Local {	\n" +
-			"			private Local(String str){	\n" +
-			"				Object o = args;	\n" +
-			"				System.out.println(str);	\n" +
-			"			}	\n" +
-			"		};	\n" +
-			"		new Local(\"SUCCESS\");	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n" 
-	},
- * verify error in synthetic access to constructor - test collisions
- * (ordering of parameters after moving outerlocals after user args)
- */
-public void test074() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n" +
-			"    public static void main(final String[] args) {	\n" +
-			"		class Local {	\n" +
-			"			public Local(String str, Local loc, String str2){	\n" + // collision
-			"			}	\n" +
-			"			public Local(String str, Local loc){	\n" + // collision
-			"			}	\n" +
-			"			private Local(String str){	\n" +
-			"				Object o = args;	\n" +
-			"				System.out.println(str);	\n" +
-			"			}	\n" +
-			"		};	\n" +
-			"		new Local(\"SUCCESS\");	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n" 
-	},
- * should not consider synthetic methods on binary types
- */
-public void test075() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n" +
-			"   public static void main(final String[] args) {	\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	private static void foo() {	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"    A a = new A();	\n" +
-			"    class A {	\n" +
-			"		private A() {}	\n" +
-			"		A(String s) {	\n" +
-			"			foo();	\n" +
-			"		}	\n" +
-			"		A(int s) {	\n" +
-			"			foo();	\n" +
-			"		}	\n" +
-			"    }	\n" +
-			"    class B extends A {	\n" +
-			"    	B(){	\n" +
-			"    		super();	\n" +
-			"    	}	\n" +
-			"    }	\n" +
-			"}	\n" 
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class Y {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(){	\n" +
-			"		new X().new A(null);	\n" +
-			"		new X().access$0();	\n" +
-			"	}	\n"+
- 			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	new X().access$0();	\n" + 
-		"	        ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method access$0() is undefined for the type X\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null, // use default class-path
-		false); // do not flush previous output dir content
- *
- * implicit enclosing instances
- */
-public void test076() {
-	CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions());
-	if (options.sourceLevel <= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_3) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {	\n"+
-				"	X(Object o){	\n"+
-				"		class A { 	\n"+
-				"			private A() {	\n"+ // implicit enclosing instance in non-static context
-				"			}	\n"+
-				"		}	\n"+
-				"		class B extends X {	\n"+
-				"			B() {	\n"+
-				"				super(new A(){	\n"+
-				"				});	\n"+
-				"			}	\n"+
-				"		}	\n"+
-				"	}	\n"+
-				"} 	\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 7)\n" +
-			"	class B extends X {	\n" +
-			"	      ^\n" +
-			"The type B is never used locally\n" +
-			"----------\n" +
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	B() {	\n" + 
-			"	^^^\n" + 
-			"The constructor B() is never used locally\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	super(new A(){	\n" + 
-			"				});	\n" + 
-			"	      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. WARNING in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	super(new A(){	\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^\n" + 
-			"Access to enclosing constructor A() is emulated by a synthetic accessor method. Increasing its visibility will improve your performance\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	if (options.sourceLevel <= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_4) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {	\n"+
-				"	X(Object o){	\n"+
-				"		class A { 	\n"+
-				"			private A() {	\n"+ // implicit enclosing instance in non-static context
-				"			}	\n"+
-				"		}	\n"+
-				"		class B extends X {	\n"+
-				"			B() {	\n"+
-				"				super(new A(){	\n"+
-				"				});	\n"+
-				"			}	\n"+
-				"		}	\n"+
-				"	}	\n"+
-				"} 	\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 7)\n" +
-			"	class B extends X {	\n" +
-			"	      ^\n" +
-			"The type B is never used locally\n" +
-			"----------\n" +
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	B() {	\n" + 
-			"	^^^\n" + 
-			"The constructor B() is never used locally\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	super(new A(){	\n" + 
-			"				});	\n" + 
-			"	      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	X(Object o){	\n"+
-			"		class A { 	\n"+
-			"			private A() {	\n"+ // implicit enclosing instance in non-static context
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"		class B extends X {	\n"+
-			"			B() {	\n"+
-			"				super(new A(){	\n"+
-			"				});	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"} 	\n"
-		},
-		"");
- *
- * implicit enclosing instances
- */
-public void test077() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] args){	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	X(Object o){	\n"+
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	static void foo() {	\n"+ 
-			"		class A { 	\n"+ // no implicit enclosing in STATIC context
-			"			private A() {	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"		class B extends X {	\n"+
-			"			B() {	\n"+
-			"				super(new A(){	\n"+
-			"				});	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"} 	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
- *
- * implicit enclosing instances
- */
-public void test078() {
-	CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions());
-	if (options.sourceLevel <= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_3) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {	\n"+
-				"	X(Object o){	\n"+
-				"		class A { 	\n"+
-				"			private A() {	\n"+ // implicit enclosing instance in non-static context
-				"			}	\n"+
-				"		}	\n"+
-				"		class B extends X {	\n"+
-				"			B() {	\n"+
-				"				super(new A(){	\n"+
-				"					void foo() { System.out.println(X.this);	} \n"+
-				"				});	\n"+
-				"			}	\n"+
-				"		}	\n"+
-				"	}	\n"+
-				"} 	\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 7)\n" +
-			"	class B extends X {	\n" +
-			"	      ^\n" +
-			"The type B is never used locally\n" +
-			"----------\n" +
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	B() {	\n" + 
-			"	^^^\n" + 
-			"The constructor B() is never used locally\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	super(new A(){	\n" + 
-			"					void foo() { System.out.println(X.this);	} \n" + 
-			"				});	\n" + 
-			"	      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. WARNING in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	super(new A(){	\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^\n" + 
-			"Access to enclosing constructor A() is emulated by a synthetic accessor method. Increasing its visibility will improve your performance\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. WARNING in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	void foo() { System.out.println(X.this);	} \n" + 
-			"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo() from the type new A(){} is never used locally\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	void foo() { System.out.println(X.this);	} \n" + 
-			"	                                ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"No enclosing instance of the type X is accessible in scope\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	if (options.sourceLevel <= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_4) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {	\n"+
-				"	X(Object o){	\n"+
-				"		class A { 	\n"+
-				"			private A() {	\n"+ // implicit enclosing instance in non-static context
-				"			}	\n"+
-				"		}	\n"+
-				"		class B extends X {	\n"+
-				"			B() {	\n"+
-				"				super(new A(){	\n"+
-				"					void foo() { System.out.println(X.this);	} \n"+
-				"				});	\n"+
-				"			}	\n"+
-				"		}	\n"+
-				"	}	\n"+
-				"} 	\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 7)\n" +
-			"	class B extends X {	\n" +
-			"	      ^\n" +
-			"The type B is never used locally\n" +
-			"----------\n" +
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	B() {	\n" + 
-			"	^^^\n" + 
-			"The constructor B() is never used locally\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	super(new A(){	\n" + 
-			"					void foo() { System.out.println(X.this);	} \n" + 
-			"				});	\n" + 
-			"	      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. WARNING in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	void foo() { System.out.println(X.this);	} \n" + 
-			"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo() from the type new A(){} is never used locally\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	void foo() { System.out.println(X.this);	} \n" + 
-			"	                                ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"No enclosing instance of the type X is accessible in scope\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	X(Object o){	\n"+
-			"		class A { 	\n"+
-			"			private A() {	\n"+ // implicit enclosing instance in non-static context
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"		class B extends X {	\n"+
-			"			B() {	\n"+
-			"				super(new A(){	\n"+
-			"					void foo() { System.out.println(X.this);	} \n"+
-			"				});	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"} 	\n"
-		},
-		"");
- * Check that X.this is actually bound to an X, and not innermost compatible type (Z)
- */
-public void test079() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		new X().new Y().new Z().bar();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	String foo() { return \"X-foo\"; }	\n"+
-			"	class Y extends X {	\n"+
-			"		String foo() { return \"Y-foo\"; }	\n"+
-			"		class Z extends Y {	\n"+
-			"			Z(){	\n"+
-			"				X.this.super();	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"			String foo() { return \"Z-foo\"; }	\n"+
-			"			void bar () {	\n"+
-			"				System.out.println(;	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"X-foo");
-public void test080() { // verified as conform
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"+
-			"		new X().new C();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	int m() {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"		return 1;	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	class C extends B {	\n"+
-			"		C(int j){}	\n"+
-			"		C(){	\n"+
-			"			this(X.this.m());	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"class B extends X {	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test081() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"+
-			"		new X().new C();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	int m() {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"		return 1;	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	class C extends q.B {	\n"+
-			"		C(int j){}	\n"+
-			"		C(){	\n"+
-			"			this(m());	\n"+ // only X.this can see m()
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			"q/",
-			"package q;	\n"+
-			"public class B extends p.X {	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
- * Default constructor for Z, will use enclosing 'this' as default-value for enclosing instance for super().
- */
-public void test083() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		new X().new Y().new Z().bar();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	String foo() { return \"X-foo\"; }	\n"+
-			"	class Y extends X {	\n"+
-			"		String foo() { return \"Y-foo\"; }	\n"+
-			"		class Z {	\n"+
-			"			Z(){	\n"+
-			"				//X.this.super();	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"			String foo() { return \"Z-foo\"; }	\n"+
-			"			void bar () {	\n"+
-			"				System.out.println(;	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"X-foo");
-public void test084() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class Foo {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		new Foo(null);	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	Foo(int i){}	\n"+
-			"	Foo(Object o){		\n"+
-			"		class A { 		\n"+
-			"			private A() {	 	\n"+
-			"			}		\n"+
-			"		}		\n"+
-			"		class B extends Foo {		\n"+
-			"			B() {		\n"+
-			"				super(0);	\n"+
-			"				new A(){		\n"+
-			"					void foo() { 	\n"+
-			"						System.out.println(Foo.this.getClass().getName());		\n"+
-			"					} 	\n"+
-			"				}.foo();		\n"+
-			"			}		\n"+
-			"		}		\n"+
-			"		new B();	\n"+
-			"	}		\n"+
-			"} 	\n",
-		},
-		"Foo");
-public void test085() {
-	CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions());
-	if (options.sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {	\n"+
-				"	int m() {		\n"+
-				"		return 1;		\n"+
-				"	}		\n"+
-				"	class C extends B {		\n"+
-				"		C(int j){}		\n"+
-				"		C(){		\n"+
-				"			this(	\n"+
-				"				new B(){ 	\n"+
-				"					X x = X.this; 	\n"+
-				"					int m(){	\n"+
-				"						return 1;	\n"+
-				"					}	\n"+
-				"				}.m());	\n"+
-				"		}		\n"+
-				"	}		\n"+
-				"}		\n"+
-				"class B extends X {		\n"+
-				"}	\n"
-			},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	X x = X.this; 	\n" + 
-		"	  ^\n" + 
-		"The field new B(){}.x is never read locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	X x = X.this; 	\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of the type X is accessible in scope\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	int m() {		\n"+
-			"		return 1;		\n"+
-			"	}		\n"+
-			"	class C extends B {		\n"+
-			"		C(int j){}		\n"+
-			"		C(){		\n"+
-			"			this(	\n"+
-			"				new B(){ 	\n"+
-			"					X x = X.this; 	\n"+
-			"					int m(){	\n"+
-			"						return 1;	\n"+
-			"					}	\n"+
-			"				}.m());	\n"+
-			"		}		\n"+
-			"	}		\n"+
-			"}		\n"+
-			"class B extends X {		\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"");
-public void test086() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { 	\n"+
-			"		new X().new C();		\n"+
-			"	}		\n"+
-			"	int m() {		\n"+
-			"		return 1;		\n"+
-			"	}		\n"+
-			"	class C extends B {		\n"+
-			"		C(int j){}		\n"+
-			"		C(){		\n"+
-			"			this(	\n"+
-			"				new B(){ 	\n"+
-			"					int m(){	\n"+
-			"						System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");		\n"+
-			"						return 1;	\n"+
-			"					}	\n"+
-			"				}.m());	\n"+
-			"		}		\n"+
-			"	}		\n"+
-			"}		\n"+
-			"class B extends X {		\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test087() {
-	CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions());
-	if (options.complianceLevel <= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_4) {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {	\n"+
-				"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-				"		new X().f();	\n"+
-				"	}	\n"+
-				"    void f () {	\n"+
-				"        class C {	\n"+
-				"        	C() {	\n"+
-				"        		System.out.println(\"[\"+X.this.getClass().getName()+\"]\");	\n"+
-				"        	}	\n"+
-				"        }	\n"+
-				"        class N extends X {	\n"+
-				"            { new C(); } // selects N.this, not O.this	\n"+
-				"        }	\n"+
-				"        new N();	\n"+
-				"    }	\n"+
-				"}	\n"
-			},
-			"[X$1$N]");
-		return;
-	}
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		new X().f();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"    void f () {	\n"+
-			"        class C {	\n"+
-			"        	C() {	\n"+
-			"        		System.out.println(\"[\"+X.this.getClass().getName()+\"]\");	\n"+
-			"        	}	\n"+
-			"        }	\n"+
-			"        class N extends X {	\n"+
-			"            { new C(); } // selects N.this, not O.this	\n"+
-			"        }	\n"+
-			"        new N();	\n"+
-			"    }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"[X$1N]");
-public void test088() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	class Middle {	\n"+
-			"		class Inner {	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	} 	\n"+
-			"	class M extends Middle.Inner {	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	class M extends Middle.Inner {	\n" + 
-		"	      ^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X.Middle is accessible to invoke the super constructor. Must define a constructor and explicitly qualify its super constructor invocation with an instance of X.Middle (e.g. x.super() where x is an instance of X.Middle).\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test089() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	static class Middle {	\n"+
-			"		static class Inner {	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	} 	\n"+
-			"	class M extends Middle.Inner {	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		new X().new M();	\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test090() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	void foo() {	\n"+
-			"		class Middle {	\n"+
-			"			class Inner {	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		} 	\n"+
-			"		class M extends Middle.Inner {	\n"+
-			"			M() {	\n"+
-			"				new Middle().super();	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		new X().foo();	\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-// ensure that local member empty constructor gets implicit constructor call
-public void test091() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	Object o = new Object() {	\n"+
-			"		class Inner {	\n"+
-			"			private Inner() {}	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}.new Inner(){};	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		new X();	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
- *
- * ensure first anonymous is X$1(extends X), last is X$2(extends A)
- */
-public void test092() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	class A {	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"[\"+new X(){}.new A(){}.getClass().getName()+\"]\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"[X$2]");
-public void test093() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(X.this);	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println(X.this);	\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Cannot use this in a static context \n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test094() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	class Y {}	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		int i = 0;	\n"+
-			" Y();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		" Y();	\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Cannot use an expression of the type int as a valid enclosing instance\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test095() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	class Y {}	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		int i = 0;	\n"+
-			" Y(){};	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		" Y(){};	\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Cannot use an expression of the type int as a valid enclosing instance\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test096() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	static class Y {}	\n"+
-			"	void foo() {	\n"+
-			"		new X().new Y(){};	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	new X().new Y(){};	\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Illegal enclosing instance specification for type X.Y\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- *
- */
-public void test097() { 
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"apples/",
-			"package apples;	\n" +
-			"public class Base {	\n"+
-			"	protected String foo = \"SUCCESS\";	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args){	\n"+
-			"		new oranges.Derived().new Inner(new oranges.Derived()).bug();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			"oranges/",
-			"package oranges;	\n"+
-			"import apples.*;	\n"+
-			"public class Derived extends Base {	\n"+
-			"    public class Inner {	\n"+
-			"        Derived c = null;	\n"+
-			"        public Inner(Derived c) {	\n"+
-			"            this.c = c;	\n"+
-			"        } 	\n"+
-			"        public void bug() {	\n"+
-			"            // The following reference to causes the 	\n"+
-			"            // VerifyError	\n"+
-			"            System.out.println(;	\n"+
-			"        }	\n"+
-			"    }	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
- *
- */
-public void test098() { 
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"first inner class = \" + new Object() {}.getClass());	\n"+
-			"		if (true) {	\n"+
-			"			System.out.println(\"Always true\");	\n"+
-			"		} else {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"unreachable inner class = \" + new Object() {}.getClass());	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"last inner class = \" + new Object() {}.getClass());	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"first inner class = class X$1\n" + 
-		"Always true\n" + 
-		"last inner class = class X$2");
- *
- */
-public void test099() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class Y { \n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {	\n" +
-			"		class Local {} \n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n" +
-			"	} \n" +
-			"} \n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-	CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions());
-	if (options.complianceLevel <= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_4) {	
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X { \n" +
-				"    public static void main(String argv[]) { \n" +
-				"		Object a = new Y$1$Local();        // compile-time error \n" +
-				"    } \n" +
-				"} \n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	Object a = new Y$1$Local();        // compile-time error \n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The nested type Y$1$Local cannot be referenced using its binary name\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-			null,
-			false);
-		return;
-	}
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X { \n" +
-			"    public static void main(String argv[]) { \n" +
-			"		Object a = new Y$1Local();        // compile-time error \n" +
-			"    } \n" +
-			"} \n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	Object a = new Y$1Local();        // compile-time error \n" + 
-		"	               ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The nested type Y$1Local cannot be referenced using its binary name\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		false);
- * Check that member type allocation is granted access to compatible enclosing instance available as constructor argument
- */
-public void test101() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	X(Object o) {\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"		new X(null).new M(null);\n" + 
-		"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	class M extends Top {\n" + // no issue if M is unrelated to X
-		"		M() {\n" + 
-		"			super(null);\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"		M(Object o) {\n" + 
-		"			super(new M(){});\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	class Top {\n" + 
-		"		Top(Object o) {\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
- * Check that direct member type allocation is denied access to compatible enclosing instance available as constructor argument
- */
-public void test102() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	X(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	class M extends X {\n" + 
-			"		M() {\n" + 
-			"			super(null); //1\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		M(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"			super(new M());//2\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	super(new M());//2\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- * Check that indirect member type allocation is denied access to compatible enclosing instance available as constructor argument
- */
-public void test104() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	X(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		new X(null).new M(null);\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	class N extends X {\n" + 
-			"		N() {\n" + 
-			"			super(null); //1\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		N(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"			super(new M());//2\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			" 	class M extends X {\n" + 
-			"		M() {\n" + 
-			"			super(null); //3\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		M(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"			super(new M());//4\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-		"	super(new M());//2\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 21)\n" + 
-		"	super(new M());//4\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test107() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X { \n" + 
-			"	public static class Y { \n" + 
-			"		public Y(Z z) {} \n" + 
-			"	} \n" + 
-			"	public interface Z {} \n" + 
-			"} \n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"class A { \n" + 
-			"	private static class B extends X.Y implements X.Z { \n" + 
-			"		B(A a) { \n" + 
-			"			super(B.this); \n" + 
-			"		} \n" + 
-			"	} \n" + 
-			"} ",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	private static class B extends X.Y implements X.Z { \n" + 
-		"	                     ^\n" + 
-		"The type A.B is never used locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-		"	super(B.this); \n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Cannot refer to \'this\' nor \'super\' while explicitly invoking a constructor\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- // javac 1.4.2 incorrectly accepts it, jikes rejects it as we do
-public void test108() {
-	CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions());
-	if (options.sourceLevel == ClassFileConstants.JDK1_4) {	 // 1.3 and 1.5 both accept it
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	{\n" + 
-				"		class Local1 extends X {\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"		class Local2 extends Local1 {\n" +
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" +
-			"	class Local2 extends Local1 {\n" +
-			"	      ^^^^^^\n" +
-			"The type Local2 is never used locally\n" +
-			"----------\n" +
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	class Local2 extends Local1 {\n" + 
-			"	      ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	{\n" + 
-			"		class Local1 extends X {\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		class Local2 extends Local1 {\n" +
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}",
-		},
-		"");
-public void test109() {
-	CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions());
-	if (options.sourceLevel == ClassFileConstants.JDK1_4) {		 // 1.3 and 1.5 both accept it
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public void bar() {\n" + 
-				"		class C extends X {\n" + 
-				"			public void foo() {\n" + 
-				"				\n" + 
-				"			}\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"		X a= new X() {\n" + 
-				"			public void foo() {\n" + 
-				"				\n" + 
-				"			}\n" + 
-				"		};\n" + 
-				"		class D extends C {\n" + 
-				"			\n" + 
-				"		};\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	public void foo() {\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo() from the type C is never used locally\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	public void foo() {\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo() from the type new X(){} is never used locally\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in (at line 13)\n" +
-			"	class D extends C {\n" +
-			"	      ^\n" +
-			"The type D is never used locally\n" +
-			"----------\n" +
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	class D extends C {\n" + 
-			"	      ^\n" + 
-			"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public void bar() {\n" + 
-			"		class C extends X {\n" + 
-			"			public void foo() {\n" + 
-			"				\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		X a= new X() {\n" + 
-			"			public void foo() {\n" + 
-			"				\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		};\n" + 
-			"		class D extends C {\n" + 
-			"			\n" + 
-			"		};\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"");
-// - NPE when generating fake reachable local type
-public void test110() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		if (true) {\n" + 
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"			return;\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		class ShouldNotBeGenerated {\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-// - variation with anonymous type
-public void test111() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		if (true) {\n" + 
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"			return;\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		new Object() {}; \n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test112() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    private Object t;\n" + 
-			"    X(Object t) {\n" + 
-			"        this.t = t;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"        new X(\"OUTER\").bar();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    void bar() {\n" + 
-			"        new X(this) {\n" + 
-			"            void run() {\n" + 
-			"                new Object() {\n" + 
-			"                    void run() {\n" + 
-			"				        System.out.println(t);\n" + 
-			"                    }\n" + 
-			"                }.run();\n" + 
-			"            }\n" + 
-			"        }.run();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"OUTER");
-public void test113() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    private Object t;\n" + 
-			"    X(Object t) {\n" + 
-			"        this.t = t;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"        new X(\"OUTER\").bar();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    void bar() {\n" + 
-			"        new X(this) {\n" + 
-			"            void run() {\n" + 
-			"                new Object() {\n" + 
-			"                    void run() {\n" + 
-			"						try {	\n" +
-			"							X x = (X) t;	\n" +
-			"				        } catch(ClassCastException e){ \n" +
-			"							System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"						} \n" +
-			"                    }\n" + 
-			"                }.run();\n" + 
-			"            }\n" + 
-			"        }.run();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test114() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	String s;\n" + 
-			"	X(String s) {\n" + 
-			"		this.s = s;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		class L extends X {\n" + 
-			"			L() {\n" + 
-			"				super(s);\n" + 
-			"				System.out.println(s);		\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		new L();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		new X(\"SUCCESS\").foo();		\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"		
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	super(s);\n" + 
-		"	      ^\n" + 
-		"Cannot refer to an instance field s while explicitly invoking a constructor\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test115() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;\n" + 
-			"public class X2 extends p1.X1 {\n" + 
-			"    private void foo() {\n" + 
-			"        new p1.X1.M1() {\n" + 
-			"            public void bar() {\n" + 
-			"                System.out.print(X2.this.field);\n" + 
-			"                X2.this.doit();\n" + 
-			"            }\n" + 
-			"        }.bar();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"        X2 t2 = new X2();\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}",
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;\n" + 
-			"public class X1 {\n" + 
-			"    public abstract class M1 {\n" + 
-			"        public abstract void bar();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    protected static String field = \"SUCC\";\n" + 
-			"    protected static void doit() {\n" + 
-			"        System.out.println(\"ESS\");\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}",
-			},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test116() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class Display {\n" + 
-			"  public interface Bla {\n" + 
-			"    void a();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void aMethod() {\n" + 
-			"    Display display = null;\n" + 
-			" Bla() {\n" + 
-			"    };\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		" Bla() {\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Illegal enclosing instance specification for type Display.Bla\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		" Bla() {\n" + 
-		"	            ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type new Display.Bla(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Display.Bla.a()\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test117() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		new X().bar();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void bar() {\n" + 
-			"		new X(){\n" + 
-			"			void baz() {\n" + 
-			"				new M();\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		}.baz();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	class M {\n" + 
-			"		M() {\n" + 
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test118() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-			"	class M {\n" + 
-			"		M(Object o) {}\n" + 
-			"		M() {\n" + 
-			"			this(new Object() {\n" + 
-			"				void baz() {\n" + 
-			"					foo();\n" + 
-			"					bar();\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"			});\n" + 
-			"			new Object() {\n" + 
-			"				void baz() {\n" + 
-			"					foo();\n" + 
-			"					bar();\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"			};\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		void bar() {}\n" + 
-			"		void baz() {\n" + 
-			"			new Object() {\n" + 
-			"				void baz() {\n" + 
-			"					foo();\n" + 
-			"					bar();\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"			};\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	bar();\n" + 
-		"	^^^\n" + 
-		"Cannot refer to an instance method while explicitly invoking a constructor\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. WARNING in (at line 22)\n" + 
-		"	void baz() {\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method baz() from the type new Object(){} is never used locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test119() {
-	CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions());
-	if (options.sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		new X().new M();\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	void foo(String s) { System.out.print(\"<foo:\"+s+\">\"); }\n" + 
-				"	class M {\n" + 
-				"		M(Runnable r) {; }\n" + 
-				"		M() {\n" + 
-				"			this(new Runnable() {\n" + 
-				"				public void run() {\n" + 
-				"					foo(\"0\");\n" + 
-				"					new Object() {\n" + 
-				"						void baz() {\n" + 
-				"//							foo(\"1\");\n" + 
-				"						}\n" + 
-				"					};\n" + 
-				"					class Local {\n" + 
-				"						void baz() {\n" + 
-				"//							foo(\"2\");\n" + 
-				"						}\n" + 
-				"					}				\n" + 
-				"					new Local();\n" + 
-				"				}\n" + 
-				"			});\n" + 
-				"			new Object() {\n" + 
-				"				void baz() {\n" + 
-				"					foo(\"3\");\n" + 
-				"					bar(\"3\");\n" + 
-				"				}\n" + 
-				"			}.baz();\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"		void bar(String s) { System.out.print(\"<bar:\"+s+\">\"); }\n" + 
-				"		void baz() {\n" + 
-				"			new Object() {\n" + 
-				"				void baz() {\n" + 
-				"					foo(\"4\");\n" + 
-				"					bar(\"4\");\n" + 
-				"				}\n" + 
-				"			};\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	foo(\"0\");\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"No enclosing instance of the type X is accessible in scope\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	void baz() {\n" + 
-			"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method baz() from the type new Object(){} is never used locally\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in (at line 18)\n" + 
-			"	void baz() {\n" + 
-			"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method baz() from the type Local is never used locally\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. WARNING in (at line 35)\n" + 
-			"	void baz() {\n" + 
-			"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method baz() from the type new Object(){} is never used locally\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		new X().new M();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void foo(String s) { System.out.print(\"<foo:\"+s+\">\"); }\n" + 
-			"	class M {\n" + 
-			"		M(Runnable r) {; }\n" + 
-			"		M() {\n" + 
-			"			this(new Runnable() {\n" + 
-			"				public void run() {\n" + 
-			"					foo(\"0\");\n" + 
-			"					new Object() {\n" + 
-			"						void baz() {\n" + 
-			"//							foo(\"1\");\n" + 
-			"						}\n" + 
-			"					};\n" + 
-			"					class Local {\n" + 
-			"						void baz() {\n" + 
-			"//							foo(\"2\");\n" + 
-			"						}\n" + 
-			"					}				\n" + 
-			"					new Local();\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"			});\n" + 
-			"			new Object() {\n" + 
-			"				void baz() {\n" + 
-			"					foo(\"3\");\n" + 
-			"					bar(\"3\");\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"			}.baz();\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		void bar(String s) { System.out.print(\"<bar:\"+s+\">\"); }\n" + 
-			"		void baz() {\n" + 
-			"			new Object() {\n" + 
-			"				void baz() {\n" + 
-			"					foo(\"4\");\n" + 
-			"					bar(\"4\");\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"			};\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"<foo:0><foo:3><bar:3>");
-public void test120() {
-	CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions());
-	if (options.sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"	class M {\n" + 
-				"		M(Object o) {}\n" + 
-				"		M() {\n" + 
-				"			this(new Object() {\n" + 
-				"				void baz() {\n" + 
-				"					new Object() {\n" + 
-				"						void baz() {\n" + 
-				"							foo(); //0\n" + 
-				"						}\n" + 
-				"					};\n" + 
-				"					class Local {\n" + 
-				"						void baz() {\n" + 
-				"							foo(); //1\n" + 
-				"						}\n" + 
-				"					}\n" + 
-				"					new Local();\n" + 
-				"					foo();//2\n" + 
-				"				}\n" + 
-				"			});\n" + 
-				"			new Object() {\n" + 
-				"				void baz() {\n" + 
-				"					foo();//3\n" + 
-				"					bar();\n" + 
-				"				}\n" + 
-				"			};\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"		void bar() {}\n" + 
-				"		void baz() {\n" + 
-				"			new Object() {\n" + 
-				"				void baz() {\n" + 
-				"					foo();//4\n" + 
-				"					bar();\n" + 
-				"				}\n" + 
-				"			};\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	void baz() {\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method baz() from the type new Object(){} is never used locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. WARNING in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	void baz() {\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method baz() from the type new Object(){} is never used locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	foo(); //0\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of the type X is accessible in scope\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. WARNING in (at line 14)\n" + 
-		"	void baz() {\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method baz() from the type Local is never used locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"5. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-		"	foo(); //1\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of the type X is accessible in scope\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"6. ERROR in (at line 19)\n" + 
-		"	foo();//2\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of the type X is accessible in scope\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"7. WARNING in (at line 23)\n" + 
-		"	void baz() {\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method baz() from the type new Object(){} is never used locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"8. WARNING in (at line 32)\n" + 
-		"	void baz() {\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method baz() from the type new Object(){} is never used locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-			"	class M {\n" + 
-			"		M(Object o) {}\n" + 
-			"		M() {\n" + 
-			"			this(new Object() {\n" + 
-			"				void baz() {\n" + 
-			"					class Local {\n" + 
-			"						void baz() {\n" + 
-			"							foo(); //1\n" + 
-			"						}\n" + 
-			"					}\n" + 
-			"					new Local();\n" + 
-			"					foo();//2\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"			});\n" + 
-			"			new Object() {\n" + 
-			"				void baz() {\n" + 
-			"					foo();//3\n" + 
-			"					bar();\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"			};\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		void bar() {}\n" + 
-			"		void baz() {\n" + 
-			"			new Object() {\n" + 
-			"				void baz() {\n" + 
-			"					foo();//4\n" + 
-			"					bar();\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"			};\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	void baz() {\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method baz() from the type new Object(){} is never used locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. WARNING in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	void baz() {\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method baz() from the type Local is never used locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	foo(); //1\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of the type X is accessible in scope\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. WARNING in (at line 18)\n" + 
-		"	void baz() {\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method baz() from the type new Object(){} is never used locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"5. WARNING in (at line 27)\n" + 
-		"	void baz() {\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method baz() from the type new Object(){} is never used locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test121() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	X(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	class M extends X {\n" + 
-			"		M() {\n" + 
-			"			super(null); //1\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		M(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"			super(new X(null){});//2\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"");
-public void _test122() {
-	CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions());
-	if (options.sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		new X().new M();\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	void foo(String s) { System.out.print(\"<foo:\"+s+\">\"); }\n" + 
-				"	class M {\n" + 
-				"		M(Runnable r) {; }\n" + 
-				"		M() {\n" + 
-				"			this(new Runnable() {\n" + 
-				"				{\n" + 
-				"					foo(\"0\");\n" + 
-				"					bar(\"0\");\n" + 
-				"				}\n" + 
-				"				public void run() {\n" + 
-				"				}\n" + 
-				"			});\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"		void bar(String s) { System.out.print(\"<bar:\"+s+\">\"); }\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"cannot access foo(0)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	bar(\"0\");\n" + 
-			"	^^^\n" + 
-			"Cannot refer to an instance method while explicitly invoking a constructor\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		new X().new M();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	void foo(String s) { System.out.print(\"<foo:\"+s+\">\"); }\n" + 
-			"	class M {\n" + 
-			"		M(Runnable r) {; }\n" + 
-			"		M() {\n" + 
-			"			this(new Runnable() {\n" + 
-			"				{\n" + 
-			"					foo(\"0\");\n" + 
-			"					bar(\"0\");\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"				public void run() {\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"			});\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		void bar(String s) { System.out.print(\"<bar:\"+s+\">\"); }\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-		"	bar(\"0\");\n" + 
-		"	^^^\n" + 
-		"Cannot refer to an instance method while explicitly invoking a constructor\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// - variation
-public void test123() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class Y {\n" + 
-			"	public static final boolean b = false;\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    private static Y y = new Y(); \n" + 
-			"    private static Object o = new Object(); \n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	static class Z {\n" + 
-			"		Z() {\n" + 
-			"	    	if (y.b) {\n" + 
-			"	    		System.out.println(\"dead code\");\n" + 
-			"	    	}\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		public int bar() {\n" + 
-			"	    	if (y.b) {\n" + 
-			"	    		System.out.println(\"dead code\");\n" + 
-			"	    	}\n" + 
-			"    		System.out.println(\"bar\");\n" + 
-			"			return 0;\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"    static int foo() {\n" + 
-			"    	synchronized(o) { \n" + 
-			"	    	Z z = new Z();\n" + 
-			"    		return;\n" + 
-			"    	}\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    \n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"    	foo();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"bar");
-public void test124() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {\n" + 
-			"        Foo foo = new Foo();\n" + 
-			"        try {\n" + 
-			"	        foo.frob(Baz.class);\n" + 
-			"        	System.out.println(\"FAILED\");\n" + 
-			"        } catch(IllegalAccessException e){\n" + 
-			"        	System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    private static class Baz {\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class Foo {\n" + 
-			"    public void frob(Class cls) throws Exception {\n" + 
-			"        Object o = cls.newInstance();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-// - variation
-public void test125() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	\n" + 
-			"	void foo(final String s) {\n" + 
-			"		class Local {\n" + 
-			"			private Local() {}\n" + 
-			"				void bar() {\n" + 
-			"					System.out.println(s);\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		new Local().bar();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		new X().foo(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-	// check private constructor outcome (if >= 1.4 modifier change, if 1.3 synthetic emulation)
-	CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions());
-public void test126() {
-	CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions());
-	if (options.sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface X {\n" + 
-				"        private class Inner {}\n" + 
-				"        private interface IInner {}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	private class Inner {}\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The interface member type Inner can only be public\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	private interface IInner {}\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The interface member type IInner can only be public\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public interface X {\n" + 
-			"        private class Inner {}\n" + 
-			"        private interface IInner {}\n" + 
-			"        private enum EInner {}\n" + 
-			"        private @interface AInner {}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	private class Inner {}\n" + 
-		"	              ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The interface member type Inner can only be public\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	private interface IInner {}\n" + 
-		"	                  ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The interface member type IInner can only be public\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	private enum EInner {}\n" + 
-		"	             ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The interface member type EInner can only be public\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	private @interface AInner {}\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The interface member type AInner can only be public\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test127() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"public abstract class BugContainer {\n" + 
-			"        protected static class InternalInfo$ {\n" + 
-			"                public InternalInfo$() {}\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        abstract protected InternalInfo$ getInfo();\n" + 
-			"}\n", // =================
-		},
-		"");
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-				"q/", // =================
-				"package q;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"import p.BugContainer;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class BugUser extends BugContainer{\n" + 
-				"        protected InternalInfo$ getInfo() {\n" + 
-				"                return new InternalInfo$();\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"}", // =================
-			},
-		"",
-		null, 
-		false, 
-		null);	
-// - variation
-public void test128() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"public abstract class BugContainer {\n" + 
-			"        protected static class InternalInfo$ {\n" + 
-			"                public InternalInfo$() {}\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        abstract protected InternalInfo$ getInfo();\n" + 
-			"}\n", // =================
-			"q/", // =================
-			"package q;\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"import p.BugContainer;\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"public class BugUser extends BugContainer{\n" + 
-			"        protected InternalInfo$ getInfo() {\n" + 
-			"                return new InternalInfo$();\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"}", // =================
-		},
-		"");
-// - variation
-public void test129() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"", //========================
-			"public interface X {\n" + 
-			"  interface Entry {\n" + 
-			"    interface Internal extends Entry {\n" + 
-			"      Internal createEntry();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n", //========================
-			"",
-			"public class Y implements X.Entry.Internal {\n" + 
-			"  public Internal createEntry() {\n" + 
-			"    return null;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" , //========================
-		}, 
-		"");
-	// compile Y against X binary
-	this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"", //========================
-				"public class Y implements X.Entry.Internal {\n" + 
-				"  public Internal createEntry() {\n" + 
-				"    return null;\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n" , //========================
-			}, 
-			"",
-			null,
-			false,
-			null);	
-public void test130() {
-	CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions());
-	if (options.sourceLevel <= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_3) {
-    	this.runConformTestThrowingError(
-    		new String[] {
-    			"", //========================
-    			"public class X {\n" + 
-    			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-    			"    	new M().foo2();\n" + 
-    			"    }\n" + 
-    			"}\n"+
-    			"class M  {\n" + 
-    			"	String name;\n" + 
-    			"	\n" + 
-    			"	M() {\n" + 
-    			" = \"SUCCESS\";\n" + 
-    			"	}\n" + 
-    			"\n" + 
-    			"	private class Y extends N {\n" + 
-    			"		private Y() {\n" + 
-    			"			super();\n" + 
-    			"		}\n" + 
-    			"		protected void foo(Z z) {\n" + 
-    			" A());\n" + 
-    			"		}\n" + 
-    			"	}\n" + 
-    			"	\n" + 
-    			"    public class A implements I {\n" + 
-    			"    	public void configure() {\n" + 
-    			"    		new B().foo();\n" + 
-    			"    	}\n" + 
-    			"    	public class B {\n" + 
-    			"            public void foo() {\n" + 
-    			"				try {\n" +
-    			"                System.out.println(;\n" + 
-    			"				} catch(NullPointerException e) {\n" +
-    			"					System.err.println(\"NPE THROWN\");\n" +
-    			"				}\n" +
-    			"            }\n" + 
-    			"        }\n" + 
-    			"    }\n" + 
-    			"    \n" + 
-    			"    public void foo2() {\n" + 
-    			"    	new Y();\n" + 
-    			"    }\n" + 
-    			"}\n" + 
-    			"class Z {\n" + 
-    			"	void bar(I i) {\n" + 
-    			"		i.configure();\n" + 
-    			"	}\n" + 
-    			"}\n" + 
-    			"\n" + 
-    			"interface I {\n" + 
-    			"	void configure();\n" + 
-    			"}\n" + 
-    			"\n" + 
-    			"class N {\n" + 
-    			"	protected void foo(Z z) {\n" + 
-    			"	}\n" + 
-    			"	N() {\n" + 
-    			" Z());\n" + 
-    			"	}\n" + 
-    			"}\n"
-    		}, 
-    		"NPE THROWN",
-    		null,
-    		true,
-    		null);
-    	return;
-	}
-	this.runConformTest(
-    		new String[] {
-    			"", //========================
-    			"public class X {\n" + 
-    			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-    			"    	new M().foo2();\n" + 
-    			"    }\n" + 
-    			"}\n"+
-    			"class M  {\n" + 
-    			"	String name;\n" + 
-    			"	\n" + 
-    			"	M() {\n" + 
-    			" = \"SUCCESS\";\n" + 
-    			"	}\n" + 
-    			"\n" + 
-    			"	private class Y extends N {\n" + 
-    			"		private Y() {\n" + 
-    			"			super();\n" + 
-    			"		}\n" + 
-    			"		protected void foo(Z z) {\n" + 
-    			" A());\n" + 
-    			"		}\n" + 
-    			"	}\n" + 
-    			"	\n" + 
-    			"    public class A implements I {\n" + 
-    			"    	public void configure() {\n" + 
-    			"    		new B().foo();\n" + 
-    			"    	}\n" + 
-    			"    	public class B {\n" + 
-    			"            public void foo() {\n" + 
-    			"                System.out.println(;\n" + 
-    			"            }\n" + 
-    			"        }\n" + 
-    			"    }\n" + 
-    			"    \n" + 
-    			"    public void foo2() {\n" + 
-    			"    	new Y();\n" + 
-    			"    }\n" + 
-    			"}\n" + 
-    			"class Z {\n" + 
-    			"	void bar(I i) {\n" + 
-    			"		i.configure();\n" + 
-    			"	}\n" + 
-    			"}\n" + 
-    			"\n" + 
-    			"interface I {\n" + 
-    			"	void configure();\n" + 
-    			"}\n" + 
-    			"\n" + 
-    			"class N {\n" + 
-    			"	protected void foo(Z z) {\n" + 
-    			"	}\n" + 
-    			"	N() {\n" + 
-    			" Z());\n" + 
-    			"	}\n" + 
-    			"}\n"
-    		}, 
-    		"SUCCESS");
-public void test131() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		class Local {\n" + 
-			"			void foo() {\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		{\n" + 
-			"			class Local {\n" + 
-			"				Local(int i) {\n" + 
-			"					this.init(i);\n" + 
-			"; // should detect error\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"				void init(int i) {\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"			Local l = new Local(0); // should be fine\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		Local l = new Local();\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}", // =================,
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	class Local {\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Duplicate nested type Local\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-		"; // should detect error\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^\n" + 
-		"The method bar() is undefined for the type Local\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test132() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" + 
-			"		class Local {}\n" + 
-			"		class Foo {\n" + 
-			"			void foo() {\n" + 
-			"				class Local {}\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}", // =================
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" +
-		"	class Local {}\n" +
-		"	      ^^^^^\n" +
-		"The type Local is never used locally\n" +
-		"----------\n" +
-		"2. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" +
-		"	class Foo {\n" +
-		"	      ^^^\n" +
-		"The type Foo is never used locally\n" +
-		"----------\n" +
-		"3. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo() from the type Foo is never used locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. WARNING in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	class Local {}\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type Local is hiding the type Local\n" + 
-		"----------\n" +
-		"5. WARNING in (at line 6)\n" +
-		"	class Local {}\n" +
-		"	      ^^^^^\n" +
-		"The type Local is never used locally\n" +
-		"----------\n");
-public void test133() {
-	if (this.complianceLevel.compareTo(COMPLIANCE_1_5) >= 0) {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",	//===================
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  public static interface I {\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"  public static interface IE extends I {\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"  public static interface J {\n" + 
-				"    I getI(int i);\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"  public static interface JE extends J {\n" + 
-				"    IE getI(int i);\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"  public static class Y implements JE {\n" + 
-				"    public IE getI(int i) {\n" + 
-				"      return null;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"  private J j = new Y();\n" + 
-				"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-				"    j.getI(0);\n" + 
-				"    System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"    new X().foo();\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}", 		// =================
-			},
-			"SUCCESS");
-	}
-public void test134() {
-	if (this.complianceLevel.compareTo(COMPLIANCE_1_5) >= 0) {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",	//===================
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  public interface I {\n" + 
-				"    public String foo();\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"  public interface J {\n" + 
-				"    public I getI();\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"  public static class XI implements I {\n" + 
-				"    public String foo() {\n" + 
-				"      return \"XI\";\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"  public interface K extends J {\n" + 
-				"    public XI getI();\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"  public static abstract class XK implements K {\n" + 
-				"    public XI getI() {\n" + 
-				"      return new XI();\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"  public static class Y extends XK {\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"    K k = new Y();\n" + 
-				"    System.out.println(k.getI().foo());\n" + 
-				"    J j = k;\n" + 
-				"    System.out.println(j.getI().foo());\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}", 		// =================
-			},
-			"XI\nXI");
-	}
-public void test135() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" +
-			"import p.A;\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	\n" + 
-			"	void foo(Object o, Object [] os) {\n" + 
-			"		A.M2.MM1 mm1 = (A.M2.MM1) o;\n" + 
-			"		A.M2.MM1[] mm1s = (A.M2.MM1[]) os;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	private interface Outer {\n" + 
-			"		interface Inner {\n" + 
-			"			String variable = \"my testing\";\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(Outer.Inner.variable);\n" + 
-			"		Zork z;\n" +
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}", // =================,
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" +
-			"/** @deprecated */\n" +
-			"public class A {\n" + 
-			"	public class M1 {\n" +
-			"		public class MM1 {\n" +
-			"		}\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"	public class M2 extends M1 {\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"}", // =================,
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in p\\ (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	import p.A;\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^\n" + 
-		"The type A is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. WARNING in p\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	A.M2.MM1 mm1 = (A.M2.MM1) o;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type A is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. WARNING in p\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	A.M2.MM1 mm1 = (A.M2.MM1) o;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type A.M2 is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. WARNING in p\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	A.M2.MM1 mm1 = (A.M2.MM1) o;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type A.M1.MM1 is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"5. WARNING in p\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	A.M2.MM1 mm1 = (A.M2.MM1) o;\n" + 
-		"	                ^\n" + 
-		"The type A is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"6. WARNING in p\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	A.M2.MM1 mm1 = (A.M2.MM1) o;\n" + 
-		"	                ^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type A.M2 is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"7. WARNING in p\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	A.M2.MM1 mm1 = (A.M2.MM1) o;\n" + 
-		"	                ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type A.M1.MM1 is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"8. WARNING in p\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	A.M2.MM1[] mm1s = (A.M2.MM1[]) os;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type A is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"9. WARNING in p\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	A.M2.MM1[] mm1s = (A.M2.MM1[]) os;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type A.M2 is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"10. WARNING in p\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	A.M2.MM1[] mm1s = (A.M2.MM1[]) os;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type A.M1.MM1 is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"11. WARNING in p\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	A.M2.MM1[] mm1s = (A.M2.MM1[]) os;\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type A is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"12. WARNING in p\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	A.M2.MM1[] mm1s = (A.M2.MM1[]) os;\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type A.M2 is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"13. WARNING in p\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	A.M2.MM1[] mm1s = (A.M2.MM1[]) os;\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type A.M1.MM1 is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"14. ERROR in p\\ (at line 16)\n" + 
-		"	Zork z;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// - variation
-public void test136() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" +
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	private interface Outer {\n" + 
-			"		interface Inner {\n" + 
-			"			String variable = \"my testing\";\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		Outer.Inner variable = null;\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(variable);\n" + 
-			"		Zork z;\n" +
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}", // =================,
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 11)\n" + 
-		"	Zork z;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// - variation
-public void test137() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" +
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	private interface Outer {\n" + 
-			"		interface Inner {\n" + 
-			"			String variable = \"my testing\";\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	private interface Outer2 extends Outer {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(Outer2.Inner.variable);\n" + 
-			"		Zork z;\n" +
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}", // =================,
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 12)\n" + 
-		"	Zork z;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// - variation
-public void test138() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	private interface Outer {\n" + 
-			"		interface Inner {\n" + 
-			"			String variable = \"my testing\";\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	private interface Outer2 extends Outer {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		Outer2.Inner variable = null;\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(variable);\n" + 
-			"		Zork z;\n" +
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}", // =================,
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 12)\n" + 
-		"	Zork z;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// - variation
-public void test139() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X { \n" + 
-			"   private class A {\n" + 
-			"    class B {}\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  private class Y extends A {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  Y.B d = null;\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class Y extends Zork {}\n", // =================
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	private class Y extends A {\n" + 
-		"	              ^\n" + 
-		"Access to enclosing constructor X.A() is emulated by a synthetic accessor method. Increasing its visibility will improve your performance\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	class Y extends Zork {}\n" + 
-		"	                ^^^^\n" + 
-		"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test140() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"	public static interface I {\n" + 
-		"		void foo();\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}",
-		"p1/",
-		"package p1;\n" + 
-		"import p.A;\n" + 
-		"public class X implements A.I {\n" + 
-		"        public void foo() { /* dummy */ }\n" + 
-		"}"
-	});
-	String expectedOutput =
-		"  Inner classes:\n" + 
-		"    [inner class info: #5 p/A$I, outer class info: #20 p/A\n" + 
-		"     inner name: #22 I, accessflags: 1545 public abstract static]\n";
-	checkDisassembledClassFile(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "p1" + File.separator + "X.class", "X", expectedOutput);
-public void test141() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"	public static class B {\n" + 
-		"		void foo() { /* dummy */ }\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}",
-		"p1/",
-		"package p1;\n" + 
-		"import p.A;\n" + 
-		"public class X extends A.B {\n" + 
-		"}"
-	});
-	String expectedOutput =
-		"  Inner classes:\n" + 
-		"    [inner class info: #3 p/A$B, outer class info: #17 p/A\n" + 
-		"     inner name: #19 B, accessflags: 9 public static]\n";
-	checkDisassembledClassFile(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "p1" + File.separator + "X.class", "X", expectedOutput);
-public void test142() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class A {\n" + 
-		"	public class B {\n" + 
-		"		void foo() { /* dummy */ }\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}",
-		"p1/",
-		"package p1;\n" + 
-		"import p.A;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	Object foo() {\n" +
-		"		return new A().new B();\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}"
-	});
-	String expectedOutput =
-		"  Inner classes:\n" + 
-		"    [inner class info: #16 p/A$B, outer class info: #18 p/A\n" + 
-		"     inner name: #31 B, accessflags: 1 public]\n";
-	if (new CompilerOptions(this.getCompilerOptions()).targetJDK == ClassFileConstants.JDK1_1) {
-		expectedOutput =
-			"  Inner classes:\n" + 
-			"    [inner class info: #16 p/A$B, outer class info: #18 p/A\n" + 
-			"     inner name: #27 B, accessflags: 1 public]\n";
-	}
-	checkDisassembledClassFile(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "p1" + File.separator + "X.class", "X", expectedOutput);
-public void test143() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"",
-		"class A {\n" + 
-		"	public class B {\n" + 
-		"		void foo() { /* dummy */ }\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	Object foo() {\n" +
-		"		return A.B.class;\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}"
-	});
-	if (new CompilerOptions(this.getCompilerOptions()).targetJDK >= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) {
-		String expectedOutput =
-			"  Inner classes:\n" + 
-			"    [inner class info: #16 A$B, outer class info: #21 A\n" + 
-			"     inner name: #23 B, accessflags: 1 public]\n";
-		checkDisassembledClassFile(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class", "X", expectedOutput);
-	}
-public void test144() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"",
-		"class A {\n" + 
-		"	public static class B {\n" + 
-		"		public static int CONST = 0;\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n" +
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"	int foo() {\n" +
-		"		return A.B.CONST;\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}"
-	});
-	String expectedOutput =
-		"  Inner classes:\n" + 
-		"    [inner class info: #17 A$B, outer class info: #25 A\n" + 
-		"     inner name: #27 B, accessflags: 9 public static]\n";
-	checkDisassembledClassFile(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class", "X", expectedOutput);
-public void test145() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"",
-		"class A {\n" + 
-		"	public static class B {\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	A.B field;\n" +
-		"}"
-	});
-	String expectedOutput =
-		"  Inner classes:\n" + 
-		"    [inner class info: #19 A$B, outer class info: #21 A\n" + 
-		"     inner name: #23 B, accessflags: 9 public static]\n";
-	checkDisassembledClassFile(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class", "X", expectedOutput);
-public void test146() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"",
-		"class A {\n" + 
-		"	public static class B {\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	int foo(A.B o) {\n" +
-		"		return 0;\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}"
-	});
-	String expectedOutput =
-		"  Inner classes:\n" + 
-		"    [inner class info: #21 A$B, outer class info: #23 A\n" + 
-		"     inner name: #25 B, accessflags: 9 public static]\n";
-	checkDisassembledClassFile(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class", "X", expectedOutput);
-public void test147() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"",
-		"class A {\n" + 
-		"	public static class B {\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	A.B foo() {\n" +
-		"		return null;\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}"
-	});
-	String expectedOutput =
-		"  Inner classes:\n" + 
-		"    [inner class info: #19 A$B, outer class info: #21 A\n" + 
-		"     inner name: #23 B, accessflags: 9 public static]\n";
-	checkDisassembledClassFile(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class", "X", expectedOutput);
-public void test148() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"",
-		"class A {\n" + 
-		"	public static class B extends Exception {\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	void foo() throws A.B{\n" +
-		"	}\n" +
-		"}"
-	});
-	String expectedOutput =
-		"  Inner classes:\n" + 
-		"    [inner class info: #16 A$B, outer class info: #21 A\n" + 
-		"     inner name: #23 B, accessflags: 9 public static]\n";
-	checkDisassembledClassFile(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class", "X", expectedOutput);
-public void test149() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public final class X implements A.Foo1 {\n" + 
-		"        public void foo() {}\n" + 
-		"        public A.Foo2 foo2() {   return null; }\n" + 
-		"        public void foo3( A.Foo3 foo ) {}\n" + 
-		"        public void foo4() { A.Foo4 foo = null; }\n" + 
-		"        public void foo5() {\n" + 
-		"                new A.Foo5() {\n" + 
-		"                        public void foo() {}\n" + 
-		"                }.foo();\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"        public static class Foo6 implements A.Foo6 {\n" + 
-		"                public void foo() {}\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"        public void foo7() { Bar2.foo7().foo(); }\n" + 
-		"}",
-		"",
-		"class A {\n" + 
-		"        public static interface Foo1 { void foo(); }\n" + 
-		"        public static interface Foo2 { void foo(); }\n" + 
-		"        public static interface Foo3 { void foo(); }\n" + 
-		"        public static interface Foo4 { void foo(); }\n" + 
-		"        public static interface Foo5 { void foo(); }\n" + 
-		"        public static interface Foo6 { void foo(); }\n" + 
-		"        public static interface Foo7 { void foo(); }\n" + 
-		"}",
-		"",
-		"class Bar2 {\n" + 
-		"        public static A.Foo7 foo7() { return null; }\n" + 
-		"}"
-	});
-	String expectedOutput =
-		"  Inner classes:\n" + 
-		"    [inner class info: #5 A$Foo1, outer class info: #44 A\n" + 
-		"     inner name: #46 Foo1, accessflags: 1545 public abstract static],\n" + 
-		"    [inner class info: #47 A$Foo2, outer class info: #44 A\n" + 
-		"     inner name: #49 Foo2, accessflags: 1545 public abstract static],\n" + 
-		"    [inner class info: #50 A$Foo3, outer class info: #44 A\n" + 
-		"     inner name: #52 Foo3, accessflags: 1545 public abstract static],\n" + 
-		"    [inner class info: #39 A$Foo7, outer class info: #44 A\n" + 
-		"     inner name: #53 Foo7, accessflags: 1545 public abstract static],\n" + 
-		"    [inner class info: #25 X$1, outer class info: #0\n" + 
-		"     inner name: #0, accessflags: 0 default],\n" + 
-		"    [inner class info: #54 X$Foo6, outer class info: #1 X\n" + 
-		"     inner name: #56 Foo6, accessflags: 9 public static]\n";
-	checkDisassembledClassFile(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class", "X", expectedOutput);
-public static Class testClass() {
-	return InnerEmulationTest.class;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index bef8cfc..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,409 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.FloatUtil;
-public class InternalHexFloatTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-	static class DoubleTest {
-		String input;
-		long output;
-		public DoubleTest(String input, long output) {
-			this.input = input;
-			this.output = output;
-		}
-	}
-	static class FloatTest {
-		String input;
-		int output;
-		public FloatTest(String input, int output) {
-			this.input = input;
-			this.output = output;
-		}
-	}
-	public InternalHexFloatTest(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		return buildMinimalComplianceTestSuite(testClass(), F_1_5);
-	}
-	public static Class testClass() {
-		return InternalHexFloatTest.class;
-	}
-	/**
-	 */
-	public void test001() {
-		List x = new ArrayList();
-		// various forms of zero
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0p0", 0x0L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0p0d", 0x0L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0p0D", 0x0L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.0p0D", 0x0L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x.0p0D", 0x0L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.p0D", 0x0L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x00000.00000000000p0D", 0x0L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0p99D", 0x0L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0p-99D", 0x0L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0p9999999D", 0x0L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0p-9999999D", 0x0L));
-		// small doubles
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.8p0D",       0x3fe0000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.4p0D",       0x3fd0000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.2p0D",       0x3fc0000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.1p0D",       0x3fb0000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.08p0D",      0x3fa0000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.04p0D",      0x3f90000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.02p0D",      0x3f80000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.01p0D",      0x3f70000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.010p0D",     0x3f70000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x1p0D",         0x3ff0000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x2p0D",         0x4000000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x4p0D",         0x4010000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x8p0D",         0x4020000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x10p0D",        0x4030000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x20p0D",        0x4040000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x40p0D",        0x4050000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x80p0D",        0x4060000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x80.p0D",       0x4060000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x80.8p0D",      0x4060100000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x80.80p0D",     0x4060100000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x123456789p0D", 0x41f2345678900000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0xabcedfp0D",    0x416579dbe0000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0xABCDEFp0D",    0x416579bde0000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000p0d", 0x3f70000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001p0d", 0x33b0000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000p0d", 0x4cf0000000000000L));
-		// rounding to 53 bits
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x823456789012380p0d", 0x43a0468acf120247L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF80p0d", 0x43afffffffffffffL));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFC0p0d", 0x43b0000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFA0p0d", 0x43afffffffffffffL));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF81p0d", 0x43afffffffffffffL));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x123456789abcd10p0d", 0x43723456789abcd1L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x123456789abcd18p0d", 0x43723456789abcd2L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFC0p0d", 0x439fffffffffffffL));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFE0p0d", 0x43a0000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFE0p0d", 0x438fffffffffffffL));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFF0p0d", 0x4390000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFF0p0d", 0x437fffffffffffffL));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFF8p0d", 0x4380000000000000L));
-		// rounding to overflow at +1024; denormalized at -1022; underflow at -1075
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x1p5000D",    0x7ff0000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x1p-5000D",   0x7ff8000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x1.0p1022d",  0x7fd0000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x1.0p1023d",  0x7fe0000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x1.0p1024d",  0x7ff0000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x1.0p-1022d", 0x0010000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x1.0p-1023d", 0x0008000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x1.0p-1024d", 0x0004000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x1.0p-1074d", 0x0000000000000001L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x1.0p-1075d", 0x7ff8000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x1.0p-1076d", 0x7ff8000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x1.0p-1077d", 0x7ff8000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x1.0p-1078d", 0x7ff8000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.8p1023d",  0x7fd0000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.8p1024d",  0x7fe0000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.8p1025d",  0x7ff0000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.8p-1021d", 0x0010000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.8p-1022d", 0x0008000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.8p-1023d", 0x0004000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.8p-1024d", 0x0002000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.8p-1074d", 0x7ff8000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.8p-1075d", 0x7ff8000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.8p-1076d", 0x7ff8000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.4p-1021d", 0x0008000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.4p-1022d", 0x0004000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.4p-1023d", 0x0002000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.4p-1073d", 0x7ff8000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.4p-1074d", 0x7ff8000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.4p-1075d", 0x7ff8000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.2p-1020d", 0x0008000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.2p-1021d", 0x0004000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.2p-1022d", 0x0002000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.2p-1072d", 0x7ff8000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.2p-1073d", 0x7ff8000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.2p-1074d", 0x7ff8000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.1p-1019d", 0x0008000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.1p-1020d", 0x0004000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.1p-1021d", 0x0002000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.1p-1071d", 0x7ff8000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.1p-1072d", 0x7ff8000000000000L));
-		x.add(new DoubleTest("0x0.1p-1073d", 0x7ff8000000000000L));
-		for (Iterator it = x.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
-			DoubleTest t = (DoubleTest);
-			String s = t.input;
-			long expectedBits = t.output;
-			double libExpected = 0.0d;
-			boolean isJ2SE5;
-			try {
-				// note that next line only works with a 1.5 J2SE
-				libExpected = Double.parseDouble(s);
-				isJ2SE5 = true;
-			} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
-				isJ2SE5 = false;
-			}
-			double dActual = FloatUtil.valueOfHexDoubleLiteral(s.toCharArray());
-			long actualBits = Double.doubleToLongBits(dActual);
-			if (isJ2SE5) {
-				// cross-check bits computed by J2SE 1.5 library
-				long libExpectedBits = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(libExpected);
-				if (expectedBits != libExpectedBits) {
-					if (Double.isNaN(Double.longBitsToDouble(expectedBits)) && libExpected == 0.0d) {
-						// this is ok - we return NaN where lib quietly underflows to 0
-					} else {
-						assertEquals("Test has wrong table value for " + s, libExpectedBits, expectedBits);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			assertEquals("Wrong double value for " + s, expectedBits, actualBits);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 */
-	public void test002() {
-		List x = new ArrayList();
-		// various forms of zero
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0p0f", 0x0));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0p0F", 0x0));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.0p0F", 0x0));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x.0p0F", 0x0));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.p0F", 0x0));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x00000.00000000000p0F", 0x0));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0p99F", 0x0));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0p-99F", 0x0));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0p9999999F", 0x0));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0p-9999999F", 0x0));
-		// small floats
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.8p0F", 0x3f000000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.4p0F", 0x3e800000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.2p0F", 0x3e000000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.1p0F", 0x3d800000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.08p0F", 0x3d000000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.04p0F", 0x3c800000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.02p0F", 0x3c000000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.01p0F", 0x3b800000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.010p0F", 0x3b800000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x1p0F", 0x3f800000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x2p0F", 0x40000000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x4p0F", 0x40800000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x8p0F", 0x41000000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x10p0F", 0x41800000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x20p0F", 0x42000000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x40p0F", 0x42800000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x80p0F", 0x43000000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x80.p0F", 0x43000000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x80.8p0F", 0x43008000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x80.80p0F", 0x43008000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x123456789p0F", 0x4f91a2b4));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0xabcedfp0F", 0x4b2bcedf));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0xABCDEFp0F", 0x4b2bcdef));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.000000000000000000000000000001p0f", 0x3800000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x10000000000000000000000000000000p0f", 0x7d800000));
-		// rounding to 24 bits
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x823456p0f",   0x4b023456));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0xFFFFFF80p0f", 0x4f800000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0xFFFFFF40p0f", 0x4f7fffff));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0xFFFFFF20p0f", 0x4f7fffff));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x123456p0f",   0x4991a2b0));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x7890abp0f",   0x4af12156));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0xcdefABp0f",   0x4b4defab));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0xCDEFdep0f",   0x4b4defde));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x123456p0f",   0x4991a2b0));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x7FFFFF8p0f",  0x4cffffff));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x3FFFFFCp0f",  0x4c7fffff));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x1FFFFFEp0f",  0x4bffffff));
-		// rounding to overflow at +128; denormalized at -126; underflow at -150
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x1p5000F",     0x7f800000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x1p-5000F",    0x7fc00000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x1.0p126f",    0x7e800000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x1.0p127f",    0x7f000000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x1.0p128f",    0x7f800000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x1.0p129f",    0x7f800000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x1.0p-127f",   0x00400000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x1.0p-128f",   0x00200000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x1.0p-129f",   0x00100000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x1.0p-149f",   0x00000001));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x1.0p-150f",   0x7fc00000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x1.0p-151f",   0x7fc00000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.8p127f",    0x7e800000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.8p128f",    0x7f000000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.8p129f",    0x7f800000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.8p-125f",   0x00800000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.8p-126f",   0x00400000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.8p-127f",   0x00200000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.8p-128f",   0x00100000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.8p-148f",   0x00000001));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.8p-149f",   0x7fc00000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.8p-150f",   0x7fc00000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.4p-124f",   0x00800000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.4p-125f",   0x00400000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.4p-126f",   0x00200000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.4p-147f",   0x00000001));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.4p-148f",   0x7fc00000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.4p-149f",   0x7fc00000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.4p-150f",   0x7fc00000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.2p-123f",   0x00800000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.2p-124f",   0x00400000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.2p-125f",   0x00200000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.2p-126f",   0x00100000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.2p-146f",   0x00000001));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.2p-147f",   0x7fc00000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.2p-148f",   0x7fc00000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.2p-149f",   0x7fc00000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.1p-122f",   0x00800000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.1p-123f",   0x00400000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.1p-124f",   0x00200000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.1p-145f",   0x00000001));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.1p-146f",   0x7fc00000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.1p-147f",   0x7fc00000));
-		x.add(new FloatTest("0x0.1p-148f",   0x7fc00000));		
-		for (Iterator it = x.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
-			FloatTest t = (FloatTest);
-			String s = t.input;
-			int expectedBits = t.output;
-			float libExpected = 0.0f;
-			boolean isJ2SE5;
-			try {
-				// note that next line only works with a 1.5 J2SE
-				libExpected = Float.parseFloat(s);
-				isJ2SE5 = true;
-			} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
-				isJ2SE5 = false;
-			}
-			float dActual = FloatUtil.valueOfHexFloatLiteral(s.toCharArray());
-			long actualBits = Float.floatToIntBits(dActual);
-			if (isJ2SE5) {
-				// cross-check bits computed by J2SE 1.5 library
-				int libExpectedBits = Float.floatToRawIntBits(libExpected);
-				if (expectedBits != libExpectedBits) {
-					if (Float.isNaN(Float.intBitsToFloat(expectedBits)) && libExpected == 0.0f) {
-						// this is ok - we return NaN where lib quietly underflows to 0
-					} else {
-						assertEquals("Test has wrong table value for " + s, libExpectedBits, expectedBits);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			assertEquals("Wrong float value for " + s, expectedBits, actualBits);
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test003() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {	\n" +
-				"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"        System.out.println(-0Xf.aP1F);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			"-31.25");
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test004() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {	\n" +
-				"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"        System.out.println(0X000.0000P5000);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			"0.0");
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test005() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {	\n" +
-				"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"        System.out.println(-0X000.0000P5000F);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			"-0.0");
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test006() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {	\n" +
-				"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"        System.out.println(0X000.eP-5000F);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	System.out.println(0X000.eP-5000F);\r\n" + 
-			"	                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The literal 0X000.eP-5000F of type float is out of range \n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test007() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {	\n" +
-				"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"        System.out.println(0X000.eP5000F);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	System.out.println(0X000.eP5000F);\r\n" + 
-			"	                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The literal 0X000.eP5000F of type float is out of range \n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index c3985d1..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.InvalidInputException;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.parser.Scanner;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens;
-public class InternalScannerTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-	public InternalScannerTest(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-	}
-	public static Class testClass() {
-		return InternalScannerTest.class;
-	}
-	/**
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test001() {
-		String source =	"//Comment";
-		Scanner scanner = new Scanner();
-		scanner.setSource(source.toCharArray());
-		int token = 0;
-		try {
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			// ignore
-		}
-		assertEquals("Wrong token type", TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF, token);
-		assertEquals("Wrong comment start", 0,  scanner.commentStarts[0]);
-		assertEquals("Wrong comment start", -9, scanner.commentStops[0]);
-	}
-	/**
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test002() throws InvalidInputException {
-		Scanner scanner = new Scanner();
-		scanner.recordLineSeparator = true;
-		scanner.setSource("a\nb\nc\n".toCharArray());
-		int token = 0;
-		while (token !=  TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF) {
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-		}
-		scanner.setSource("a\nb\n".toCharArray());
-		token = 0;
-		while (token !=  TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF) {
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-		}
-		assertEquals("Wrong number of line ends", 2, scanner.getLineEnds().length);
-	}					
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 61c4459..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5193 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class JavadocBugsTest extends JavadocTest {
-	String docCommentSupport = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-	String reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-	String reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-	String reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-	String reportMissingJavadocComments = null;
-	String reportDeprecation = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-	String reportJavadocDeprecation = null;
-	public JavadocBugsTest(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public static Class javadocTestClass() {
-		return JavadocBugsTest.class;
-	}
-	// Use this static initializer to specify subset for tests
-	// All specified tests which does not belong to the class are skipped...
-	static {
-//		TESTS_PREFIX = "testBug96237";
-//		TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "testBug68017javadocWarning2" };
-//		TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 129241 };
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 21, 50 };
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(javadocTestClass());
-	}
-	protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-		Map options = super.getCompilerOptions();
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_DocCommentSupport, docCommentSupport);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadoc, reportInvalidJavadoc);
-		if (!CompilerOptions.IGNORE.equals(reportInvalidJavadoc)) {
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility, this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility);
-		}
-		if (this.reportJavadocDeprecation != null) {
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef, reportJavadocDeprecation);
-		}
-		if (reportMissingJavadocComments != null) {
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocComments, reportMissingJavadocComments);
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocCommentsOverriding, CompilerOptions.ENABLED);
-		} else {
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocComments, reportInvalidJavadoc);
-		}
-		if (reportMissingJavadocTags != null) {
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTags, reportMissingJavadocTags);
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTagsOverriding, CompilerOptions.ENABLED);
-		} else {
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTags, reportInvalidJavadoc);
-		}
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFieldHiding, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-//		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportSyntheticAccessEmulation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation, reportDeprecation);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportRawTypeReference, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnusedPrivateMember, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-		return options;
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
-	 */
-	protected void setUp() throws Exception {
-		super.setUp();
-		docCommentSupport = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		reportDeprecation = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 45596.
-	 * When this bug happened, compiler wrongly complained on missing parameter javadoc
-	 * entries for method declaration in anonymous class.
-	 * @see <a href="">45596</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug45596() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-			 	+ "class X {\n"
-					+ "	void foo(int x, String str) {}\n"
-			  		+ "}\n",
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-			   		+ "class Y {\n"
-			   		+ "  /** */\n"
-			   		+ "  protected X field = new X() {\n"
-			   		+ "    void foo(int x, String str) {}\n"
-			   		+ "  };\n"
-			   		+ "}\n"});
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Additional test for bug 45596.
-	 * Verify correct complain about missing parameter javadoc entries in anonymous class.
-	 * Since bug 47132, @param, @return and @throws tags are not resolved in javadoc of anonymous
-	 * class...
-	 */
-	public void testBug45596a() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	void foo(int x, String str) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"public class Y1 {\n" + 
-				"	/** */\n" +
-				"	protected X field = new X() {\n" + 
-				"		/** Invalid javadoc comment in anonymous class */\n" + 
-				"		void foo(String str) {}\n" + 
-				"	};\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"public class Y2 {\n" + 
-				"	/** */\n" + 
-				"	void foo() {\n" + 
-				"		X x = new X() {\n" + 
-				"			/** Invalid javadoc comment in anonymous class */\n" + 
-				"			void foo(String str) {}\n" + 
-				"		};\n" + 
-				", \"\");\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"public class Y3 {\n" + 
-				"	static X x;\n" + 
-				"	static {\n" + 
-				"		x = new X() {\n" + 
-				"			/** Invalid javadoc comment in anonymous class */\n" + 
-				"			void foo(String str) {}\n" + 
-				"		};\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" }
-			);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Additional test for bug 45596.
-	 * Verify no complain about missing parameter javadoc entries.
-	 */
-	public void testBug45596b() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	void foo(int x, String str) {}\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		"",
-		"public class Y1 {\n" + 
-		"	/** */\n" + 
-		"	protected X field = new X() {\n" + 
-		"		/**\n" + 
-		"		 * Valid javadoc comment in anonymous class.\n" + 
-		"		 * @param str String\n" + 
-		"		 * @return int\n" + 
-		"		 */\n" + 
-		"		int bar(String str) {\n" + 
-		"			return 10;\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	};\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		"",
-		"public class Y2 {\n" + 
-		"	/** */\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"		X x = new X() {\n" + 
-		"			/**\n" + 
-		"			 * Valid javadoc comment in anonymous class.\n" + 
-		"			 * @param str String\n" + 
-		"			 * @return int\n" + 
-		"			 */\n" + 
-		"			int bar(String str) {\n" + 
-		"				return 10;\n" + 
-		"			}\n" + 
-		"		};\n" + 
-		", \"\");\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-		"",
-		"public class Y3 {\n" + 
-		"	static X x;\n" + 
-		"	static {\n" + 
-		"		x = new X() {\n" + 
-		"			/**\n" + 
-		"			 * Valid javadoc comment in anonymous class.\n" + 
-		"			 * @param str String\n" + 
-		"			 * @return int\n" + 
-		"			 */\n" + 
-		"			int bar(String str) {\n" + 
-		"				return 10;\n" + 
-		"			}\n" + 
-		"		};\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n"}
-			);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 45592.
-	 * When this bug happened, a NullPointerException occured during the compilation.
-	 * @see <a href="">45592</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug45592() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"a/",
-				"package a;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"/** */\n" + 
-				"public class Y {\n" + 
-				"	protected boolean bar(Object obj) {\n" + 
-				"		return obj == null;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static Boolean valueOf(boolean bool) {\n" + 
-				"		if (bool) {\n" + 
-				"			return Boolean.TRUE;\n" + 
-				"		} else {\n" + 
-				"			return Boolean.FALSE;\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"import a.Y;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"/** */\n" + 
-				"public class YY extends Y {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * Returns a Boolean.\n" + 
-				"	 * @param key\n" + 
-				"	 * @return A Boolean telling whether the key is null or not.\n" + 
-				"	 * @see #bar(Object)\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	protected Boolean foo(Object key) {\n" + 
-				"		return X.valueOf(bar(key));\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 45737.
-	 * When this bug happened, compiler complains on return type and argument of method bar.
-	 * @see <a href="">45737</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug45737() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class Y {\n" + 
-				"	void foo() {\n" + 
-				"		X x = new X() {\n" + 
-				"			/**\n" + 
-				"			 * Valid javadoc comment in anonymous class.\n" + 
-				"			 * @param str String\n" + 
-				"			 * @return int\n" + 
-				"			 */\n" + 
-				"			int bar(String str) {\n" + 
-				"				return 10;\n" + 
-				"			}\n" + 
-				"		};\n" + 
-				";\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"class X {\n" + 
-				"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 45669.
-	 * @see <a href="">45669</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug45669() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * Valid javadoc comment with tags mixed order\n" + 
-				"	 * @param str first param\n" + 
-				"	 * 		@see String\n" + 
-				"	 * @param dbl second param\n" + 
-				"	 * 		@see Double\n" + 
-				"	 * 		also\n" + 
-				"	 * 		@see \"String ref\"\n" + 
-				"	 * @return int\n" + 
-				"	 * @throws InterruptedException\n" + 
-				"	 * \n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	int foo(String str, Double dbl) throws InterruptedException {\n" + 
-				"		return 0;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Additional test for bug 45669.
-	 * Verify that compiler complains when @throws tag is between @param tags.
-	 */
-	public void testBug45669a() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * Javadoc comment with tags invalid mixed order\n" + 
-				"	 * @param str first param\n" + 
-				"	 * 		@see String\n" + 
-				"	 * @throws InterruptedException\n" + 
-				"	 * @param dbl second param\n" + 
-				"	 * 		@see Double\n" + 
-				"	 * 		also\n" + 
-				"	 * 		@see \"String ref\"\n" + 
-				"	 * @return int\n" + 
-				"	 * \n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public int foo(String str, Double dbl) throws InterruptedException {\n" + 
-				"		return 0;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	* @param dbl second param\n" + 
-		"	   ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-		"	public int foo(String str, Double dbl) throws InterruptedException {\n" + 
-		"	                                  ^^^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter dbl\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 45958.
-	 * @see <a href="">45958</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug45958() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	int x;\n" + 
-				"	public X(int i) {\n" + 
-				"		x = i;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see #X(int)\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	void foo() {\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug45958a() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-			   "",
-		   		"public class X {\n" + 
-		   		"	int x;\n" + 
-		   		"	public X(int i) {\n" + 
-		   		"		x = i;\n" + 
-		   		"	}\n" + 
-		   		"	/**\n" + 
-		   		"	 * @see #X(String)\n" + 
-		   		"	 */\n" + 
-		   		"	public void foo() {\n" + 
-		   		"	}\n" + 
-		   		"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @see #X(String)\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: The constructor X(String) is undefined\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug45958b() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-			   "",
-		   		"public class X {\n" + 
-		   		"	int x;\n" + 
-		   		"	public X(int i) {\n" + 
-		   		"		x = i;\n" + 
-		   		"	}\n" + 
-		   		"	/**\n" + 
-		   		"	 * @see #X(int)\n" + 
-		   		"	 */\n" + 
-		   		"	public void foo() {\n" + 
-		   		"	}\n" + 
-		   		"}\n",
-		   		"",
-		   		"public class XX extends X {\n" + 
-		   		"	/**\n" + 
-		   		"	 * @param i\n" + 
-		   		"	 * @see #X(int)\n" + 
-		   		"	 */\n" + 
-		   		"	public XX(int i) {\n" + 
-		   		"		super(i);\n" + 
-		   		"		x++;\n" + 
-		   		"	}\n" + 
-		   		"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @see #X(int)\n" + 
-				"	        ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: The method X(int) is undefined for the type XX\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-			);
-	}
-	public void testBug45958c() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	int x;\n" + 
-				"	public X(int i) {\n" + 
-				"		x = i;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see #X(String)\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	void foo() {\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	void X(String str) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 46901.
-	 * @see <a href="">46901</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug46901() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public abstract class A {\n" + 
-				"	public A() { super(); }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see A#A()\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class X extends A {\n" + 
-				"	public X() { super(); }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 47215.
-	 * @see <a href="">47215</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug47215() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see X\n" + 
-				"	 * @see X#X(int)\n" + 
-				"	 * @see X(double)\n" + 
-				"	 * @see X   (double)\n" + 
-				"	 * @see X[double]\n" + 
-				"	 * @see X!=}}\n" + 
-				"	 * @see foo()\n" + 
-				"	 * @see foo  ()\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public class X {\n" + 
-				"		public X(int i){}\n" + 
-				"		public void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"	}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @see X(double)\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing #: \"X(double)\"\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @see X[double]\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed reference (missing end space separator)\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @see X!=}}\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed reference (missing end space separator)\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	* @see foo()\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing #: \"foo()\"\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	* @see foo  ()\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: foo cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 47341.
-	 * @see <a href="">47341</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug47341() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p1/",
-				"package p1;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	void foo_package() {}\n" + 
-				"	protected void foo_protected() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p1/",
-				"package p1;\n" + 
-				"public class Y extends X {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see #foo_package()\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	protected void bar() {\n" + 
-				"		foo_package();\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;\n" + 
-				"import p1.X;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class Y extends X {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see X#foo_protected()\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	protected void bar() {\n" + 
-				"		foo_protected();\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 47132.
-	 * @see <a href="">47132</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug47132() {
-		reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/** */\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  /** */\n" + 
-				"  public void foo(){\n" + 
-				"    new Object(){\n" + 
-				"		public int x;\n" + 
-				"       public void bar(){}\n" + 
-				"    };\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 47339.
-	 * @see <a href="">47339</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug47339() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/** */\n" + 
-				"public class X implements Comparable {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object)\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public int compareTo(Object o) {\n" + 
-				"		return 0;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	/** @see Object#toString() */\n" + 
-				"	public String toString(){\n" + 
-				"		return \"\";\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug47339a() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/** */\n" + 
-				"public class X extends RuntimeException {\n" + 
-				"	\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see RuntimeException#RuntimeException(java.lang.String)\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public X(String message) {\n" + 
-				"		super(message);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug47339b() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/** */\n" + 
-				"public class X implements Comparable {\n" + 
-				"	/** */\n" + 
-				"	public int compareTo(Object o) {\n" + 
-				"		return 0;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	/** */\n" + 
-				"	public String toString(){\n" + 
-				"		return \"\";\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	public int compareTo(Object o) {\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for return type\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	public int compareTo(Object o) {\n" + 
-				"	                            ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter o\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	public String toString(){\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for return type\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug47339c() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/** */\n" + 
-				"public class X extends RuntimeException {\n" + 
-				"	\n" + 
-				"	/** */\n" + 
-				"	public X(String message) {\n" + 
-				"		super(message);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	public X(String message) {\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter message\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 48064.
-	 * @see <a href="">48064</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug48064() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public X(String str) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"public class Y extends X {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see X#X(STRING)\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public Y(String str) {super(str);}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X(STRING)\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: STRING cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	public Y(String str) {super(str);}\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter str\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug48064a() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(String str) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"public class Y extends X {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see X#foo(STRING)\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(String str) {;}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo(STRING)\n" + 
-			"	             ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: STRING cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	public void foo(String str) {;}\n" + 
-			"	                       ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter str\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 48523.
-	 * @see <a href="">48523</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug48523() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import;\n" + 
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	public void foo() throws IOException {}\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-				"",
-				"import;\n" + 
-					"public class Y extends X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * @throws IOException\n" + 
-					"	 * @see X#foo()\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo() throws IOException {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 48711.
-	 * @see <a href="">48711</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug48711() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import*;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @throws IOException\n" + 
-				"	 * @throws EOFException\n" + 
-				"	 * @throws FileNotFoundException\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public void foo() throws IOException {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 45782.
-	 * When this bug happened, compiler wrongly complained on missing parameters declaration
-	 * @see <a href="">45782</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug45782() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X implements Comparable {\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Overridden method with return value and parameters.\n" + 
-					"	 * {@inheritDoc}\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public boolean equals(Object obj) {\n" + 
-					"		return super.equals(obj);\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Overridden method with return value and thrown exception.\n" + 
-					"	 * {@inheritDoc}\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {\n" + 
-					"		return super.clone();\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Implemented method (Comparable)  with return value and parameters.\n" + 
-					"	 * {@inheritDoc}\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public int compareTo(Object o) { return 0; }\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			});
-	}
-	public void testBug45782a() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Unefficient inheritDoc tag on a method which is neither overridden nor implemented...\n" + 
-					"	 * {@inheritDoc}\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public int foo(String str) throws IllegalArgumentException { return 0; }\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* {@inheritDoc}\n" + 
-			"	    ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	public int foo(String str) throws IllegalArgumentException { return 0; }\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for return type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	public int foo(String str) throws IllegalArgumentException { return 0; }\n" + 
-			"	                      ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter str\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	public int foo(String str) throws IllegalArgumentException { return 0; }\n" + 
-			"	                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for declared exception IllegalArgumentException\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 49260.
-	 * When this bug happened, compiler wrongly complained on Invalid parameters declaration
-	 * @see <a href="">49260</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug49260() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n" + 
-					"public final class X {\n" + 
-					"	int bar(String str, int var, Vector list, char[] array) throws IllegalAccessException { return 0; }\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Valid method reference on several lines\n" + 
-					"	 * @see #bar(String str,\n" + 
-					"	 * 		int var,\n" + 
-					"	 * 		Vector list,\n" + 
-					"	 * 		char[] array)\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n" });
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 48385.
-	 * When this bug happened, compiler does not complain on CharOperation references in @link tags
-	 * @see <a href="">48385</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug48385() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n" + 
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Method outside javaDoc Comment\n" + 
-					"	 *  1) {@link String} tag description not empty\n" + 
-					"	 *  2) {@link CharOperation Label not empty} tag description not empty\n" + 
-					"	 * @param str\n" + 
-					"	 * @param var tag description not empty\n" + 
-					"	 * @param list third param with embedded tag: {@link Vector}\n" + 
-					"	 * @param array fourth param with several embedded tags on several lines:\n" + 
-					"	 *  1) {@link String} tag description not empty\n" + 
-					"	 *  2) {@linkplain CharOperation Label not empty} tag description not empty\n" + 
-					"	 * @throws IllegalAccessException\n" + 
-					"	 * @throws NullPointerException tag description not empty\n" + 
-					"	 * @return an integer\n" + 
-					"	 * @see String\n" + 
-					"	 * @see Vector tag description not empty\n" + 
-					"	 * @see Object tag description includes embedded tags and several lines:\n" + 
-					"	 *  1) {@link String} tag description not empty\n" + 
-					"	 *  2) {@link CharOperation Label not empty} tag description not empty\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	int foo(String str, int var, Vector list, char[] array) throws IllegalAccessException { return 0; }\n" + 
-					"}\n"},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	*  2) {@link CharOperation Label not empty} tag description not empty\n" + 
-				"	             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: CharOperation cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-				"	*  2) {@linkplain CharOperation Label not empty} tag description not empty\n" + 
-				"	                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: CharOperation cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 20)\n" + 
-				"	*  2) {@link CharOperation Label not empty} tag description not empty\n" + 
-				"	             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: CharOperation cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug48385And49620() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n" + 
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Method outside javaDoc Comment\n" + 
-					"	 *  1) {@link\n" + 
-					"	 * 				String} tag description not empty\n" + 
-					"	 *  2) {@link\n" + 
-					"	 * 				CharOperation Label not empty} tag description not empty\n" + 
-					"	 * @param\n" + 
-					"	 * 				str\n" + 
-					"	 * @param\n" + 
-					"	 * 				var tag description not empty\n" + 
-					"	 * @param list third param with embedded tag: {@link\n" + 
-					"	 * 				Vector} but also on several lines: {@link\n" + 
-					"	 * 				CharOperation}\n" + 
-					"	 * @param array fourth param with several embedded tags on several lines:\n" + 
-					"	 *  1) {@link String} tag description not empty\n" + 
-					"	 *  2) {@link CharOperation Label not empty} tag description not empty\n" + 
-					"	 * @throws\n" + 
-					"	 * 					IllegalAccessException\n" + 
-					"	 * @throws\n" + 
-					"	 * 					NullPointerException tag description not empty\n" + 
-					"	 * @return\n" + 
-					"	 * 					an integer\n" + 
-					"	 * @see\n" + 
-					"	 * 			String\n" + 
-					"	 * @see\n" + 
-					"	 * 		Vector\n" + 
-					"	 * 		tag description not empty\n" + 
-					"	 * @see Object tag description includes embedded tags and several lines:\n" + 
-					"	 *  1) {@link String} tag description not empty\n" + 
-					"	 *  2) {@link CharOperation Label not empty} tag description not empty\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	int foo(String str, int var, Vector list, char[] array) throws IllegalAccessException { return 0; }\n" + 
-					"}\n"},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	* 				CharOperation Label not empty} tag description not empty\n" + 
-				"	  				^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: CharOperation cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-				"	* 				CharOperation}\n" + 
-				"	  				^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: CharOperation cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-				"	*  2) {@link CharOperation Label not empty} tag description not empty\n" + 
-				"	             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: CharOperation cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 32)\n" + 
-				"	*  2) {@link CharOperation Label not empty} tag description not empty\n" + 
-				"	             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: CharOperation cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug48385a() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Method outside javaDoc Comment\n" + 
-					"	 *  1) {@link } Missing reference\n" + 
-					"	 *  2) {@link Unknown} Cannot be resolved\n" + 
-					"	 *  3) {@link *} Missing reference\n" + 
-					"	 *  4) {@link #} Invalid reference\n" + 
-					"	 *  5) {@link String } } Valid reference\n" + 
-					"	 *  6) {@link String {} Invalid tag\n" + 
-					"	 * @return int\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	int foo() {return 0;}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	*  1) {@link } Missing reference\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	*  2) {@link Unknown} Cannot be resolved\n" + 
-				"	             ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	*  3) {@link *} Missing reference\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	*  4) {@link #} Invalid reference\n" + 
-				"	             ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	*  6) {@link String {} Invalid tag\n" + 
-				"	      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing closing brace for inline tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 49491.
-	 * When this bug happened, compiler complained on duplicated throws tag
-	 * @see <a href="">49491</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug49491() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public final class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Now valid duplicated throws tag\n" + 
-					"	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException First comment\n" + 
-					"	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException Second comment\n" + 
-					"	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException Last comment\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	void foo() throws IllegalArgumentException {}\n" + 
-					"}\n" });
-	}
-	public void testBug49491a() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public final class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Duplicated param tags should be still flagged\n" + 
-					"	 * @param str First comment\n" + 
-					"	 * @param str Second comment\n" + 
-					"	 * @param str Last comment\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	void foo(String str) {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param str Second comment\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Duplicate tag for parameter\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param str Last comment\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Duplicate tag for parameter\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 48376.
-	 * When this bug happened, compiler complained on duplicated throws tag
-	 * @see <a href="">48376</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug48376() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-					"	* @see <a href=\"http:/\">IBM Home Page</a>\n" + 
-					"	* @see <a href=\"http:/\">\n" + 
-					"	*          IBM Home Page</a>\n" + 
-					"	* @see <a href=\"http:/\">\n" + 
-					"	*          IBM Home Page\n" + 
-					"	* 			</a>\n" + 
-					"	* @see <a href=\"http:/\">\n" + 
-					"	*\n" + 
-					"	*          IBM\n" + 
-					"	*\n" + 
-					"	*          Home Page\n" + 
-					"	*\n" + 
-					"	*\n" + 
-					"	* 			</a>\n" + 
-					"	* @see Object\n" + 
-					"	*/\n" + 
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-		 });
-	}
-	public void testBug48376a() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-					"	* @see <a href=\"http:/\">IBM Home Page\n" + 
-					"	* @see <a href=\"http:/\">\n" + 
-					"	*          IBM Home Page\n" + 
-					"	* @see <a href=\"http:/\">\n" + 
-					"	*          IBM Home Page<\n" + 
-					"	* 			/a>\n" + 
-					"	* @see <a href=\"http:/\">\n" + 
-					"	*\n" + 
-					"	*          IBM\n" + 
-					"	*\n" + 
-					"	*          Home Page\n" + 
-					"	*\n" + 
-					"	*\n" + 
-					"	* 			\n" + 
-					"	* @see Unknown\n" + 
-					"	*/\n" + 
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-				"	* @see <a href=\"http:/\">IBM Home Page\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @see <a href=\"http:/\">\n" + 
-				"	*          IBM Home Page\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	*          IBM Home Page<\n" + 
-				"	                        ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	* @see <a href=\"http:/\">\n" + 
-				"	*\n" + 
-				"	*          IBM\n" + 
-				"	*\n" + 
-				"	*          Home Page\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-				"	* @see Unknown\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 50644.
-	 * When this bug happened, compiler complained on duplicated throws tag
-	 * @see <a href="">50644</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug50644() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p1/",
-				"package p1;\n" + 
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Should not be @deprecated\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;\n" + 
-					"import p1.X;\n" + 
-					"public class Y {\n" + 
-					"	public void foo() {\n" + 
-					"		X x = new X();\n" + 
-					";\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-		 });
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 50695.
-	 * @see <a href="">50695</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug50695() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * @see java\n" + 
-					"	 * @see java.util\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-		 });
-	}
-	public void testBug50695b() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * @see java.unknown\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			 },
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @see java.unknown\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: java.unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 51626.
-	 * @see <a href="">51626</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug51626() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p1/",
-				"package p1;\n" + 
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * @see String\n" + 
-					"	 * toto @deprecated\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;\n" + 
-					"import p1.*;\n" + 
-					"public class Y {\n" + 
-					"	void foo() {\n" + 
-					"		X x = new X(); \n" + 
-					";\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-		 });
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 52216.
-	 * @see <a href="">52216</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug52216() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-					" * Valid ref with white spaces at the end\n" + 
-					"* @see <a href=\"\">RFC 2045 - Section 6.8</a>		   \n" + 
-					"*/\n" + 
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-		 });
-	}
-	public void testBug52216a() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-					"* @see \"Valid ref with white spaces at the end\"	   \n" + 
-					"*/\n" + 
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-		 });
-	}
-	public void testBug52216b() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-					"* @see <a href=\"\">RFC 2045 - Section 6.8</a>		   \n" + 
-					"* @see <a href=\"\">RFC 2045 - Section 6.8</a>\n" + 
-					"* @see <a href=\"\">RFC 2045 - Section 6.8</a>			,\n" + 
-					"* @see \"Valid ref with white spaces at the end\"\n" + 
-					"* @see \"Valid ref with white spaces at the end\"	   \n" + 
-					"* @see \"Invalid ref\"	   .\n" + 
-					"*/\n" + 
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			 },
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @see <a href=\"\">RFC 2045 - Section 6.8</a>			,\n" + 
-				"	                                                                            ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected text\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @see \"Invalid ref\"	   .\n" + 
-				"	                    ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected text\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 51529.
-	 * @see <a href="">51529</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug51529() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see Vector\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-		 });
-	}
-	public void testBug51529a() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see Vector\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug51529b() {
-		docCommentSupport = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see Vector\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-				"	import java.util.Vector;\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"The import java.util.Vector is never used\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 51911.
-	 * @see <a href="">51911</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug51911() {
-		// Warn an ambiguous method reference
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" +
-					" * @see #foo\n" +
-					" */\n" +
-					"public class X {\n" +
-					"	public void foo(int i, float f) {}\n" +
-					"	public void foo(String str) {}\n" +
-					"}\n"
-		 	},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-				"	* @see #foo\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: foo is an ambiguous method reference or is not a field\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug51911a() {
-		// Accept unambiguous method reference
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" +
-					" * @see #foo\n" +
-					" */\n" +
-					"public class X {\n" +
-					"	public void foo(String str) {}\n" +
-					"}\n"
-		 	}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug51911b() {
-		// Accept field reference with method name
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" +
-					" * @see #foo\n" +
-					" */\n" +
-					"public class X {\n" +
-					"	public int foo;\n" +
-					"	public void foo(String str) {}\n" +
-					"}\n"
-		 	}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug51911c() {
-		// Accept field reference with ambiguous method name
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					"/**\n" +
-					" * @see #foo\n" +
-					" */\n" +
-					"public class X {\n" +
-					"	public int foo;\n" +
-					"	public void foo() {}\n" +
-					"	public void foo(String str) {}\n" +
-					"}\n"
-		 	}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 53279: [Javadoc] Compiler should complain when inline tag is not terminated
-	 * @see <a href="">53279</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug53279() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Unterminated inline tags\n" + 
-					"	 *  {@link Object\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	*  {@link Object\n" + 
-				"	   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing closing brace for inline tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug53279a() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Unterminated inline tags\n" + 
-					"	 *  {@link Object\n" + 
-					"	 * @return int\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	int foo() {return 0;}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	*  {@link Object\n" + 
-				"	   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing closing brace for inline tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug53279b() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Unterminated inline tags\n" + 
-					"	 *  {@link        \n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	*  {@link        \n" + 
-				"	   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing closing brace for inline tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	*  {@link        \n" + 
-				"	     ^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug53279c() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Unterminated inline tags\n" + 
-					"	 *  {@link\n" + 
-					"	 * @return int\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	int foo() {return 0;}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	*  {@link\n" + 
-				"	   ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing closing brace for inline tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	*  {@link\n" + 
-				"	     ^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 53290: [Javadoc] Compiler should complain when tag name is not correct
-	 * @see <a href="">53290</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug53290() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * See as inline tag\n" + 
-					"	 *  {@see Object}\n" + 
-					"	 *  @see Object\n" + 
-					"	 *  @link Object\n" + 
-					"	 *  {@link Object}\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	*  {@see Object}\n" + 
-				"	     ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	*  @link Object\n" + 
-				"	    ^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 62812: Some malformed javadoc tags are not reported as malformed
-	 * @see <a href="">62812</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug62812() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-					" * @see Object#clone())\n" + 
-					" * @see Object#equals(Object)}\n" + 
-					" * @see Object#equals(Object))\n" + 
-					" * @see Object#equals(Object)xx\n" + 
-					" */\n" + 
-					"public class Test {\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-				"	* @see Object#clone())\n" + 
-				"	                   ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed reference (missing end space separator)\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @see Object#equals(Object)}\n" + 
-				"	                    ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed reference (missing end space separator)\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @see Object#equals(Object))\n" + 
-				"	                    ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed reference (missing end space separator)\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @see Object#equals(Object)xx\n" + 
-				"	                    ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed reference (missing end space separator)\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug62812a() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-					" * {@link Object#clone())}\n" + 
-					" * {@link Object#equals(Object)}\n" + 
-					" * {@link Object#equals(Object))}\n" + 
-					" * {@link Object#equals(Object)xx}\n" + 
-					" */\n" + 
-					"public class Test {\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-				"	* {@link Object#clone())}\n" + 
-				"	                     ^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed reference (missing end space separator)\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* {@link Object#equals(Object))}\n" + 
-				"	                      ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed reference (missing end space separator)\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* {@link Object#equals(Object)xx}\n" + 
-				"	                      ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed reference (missing end space separator)\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 51606: [Javadoc] Compiler should complain when tag name is not correct
-	 * @see <a href="">51606</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug51606() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"  /**\n" + 
-					"   * @param a aaa\n" + 
-					"   * @param b bbb\n" + 
-					"   */\n" + 
-					"  public void foo(int a, int b) {\n" + 
-					"  }\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-				"",
-				"public class Y extends X {\n" + 
-					"  /**\n" + 
-					"  *  @param a {@inheritDoc}\n" + 
-					"   */\n" + 
-					"  public void foo(int a, int b) {\n" + 
-					"  }\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(int a, int b) {\n" + 
-				"	                           ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter b\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug51606a() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"  /**\n" + 
-					"   * @param a aaa\n" + 
-					"   * @param b bbb\n" + 
-					"   */\n" + 
-					"  public void foo(int a, int b) {\n" + 
-					"  }\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-				"",
-				"public class Y extends X {\n" + 
-					"  /**\n" + 
-					"   * {@inheritDoc}\n" + 
-					"  *  @param a aaaaa\n" + 
-					"   */\n" + 
-					"  public void foo(int a, int b) {\n" + 
-					"  }\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug51606b() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"  /**\n" + 
-					"   * @param a aaa\n" + 
-					"   * @param b bbb\n" + 
-					"   */\n" + 
-					"  public void foo(int a, int b) {\n" + 
-					"  }\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-				"",
-				"public class Y extends X {\n" + 
-					"  /**\n" + 
-					"   * Text before inherit tag\n" + 
-					"   * {@inheritDoc}\n" + 
-					"  *  @param a aaaaa\n" + 
-					"   */\n" + 
-					"  public void foo(int a, int b) {\n" + 
-					"  }\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug51606c() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"  /**\n" + 
-					"   * @param a aaa\n" + 
-					"   * @param b bbb\n" + 
-					"   */\n" + 
-					"  public void foo(int a, int b) {\n" + 
-					"  }\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-				"",
-				"public class Y extends X {\n" + 
-					"  /**\n" + 
-					"   * Text before inherit tag {@inheritDoc}\n" + 
-					"  *  @param a aaaaa\n" + 
-					"   */\n" + 
-					"  public void foo(int a, int b) {\n" + 
-					"  }\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 65174: Spurious "Javadoc: Missing reference" error
-	 * @see <a href="">65174</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug65174() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-					" * Comment with no error: {@link\n" + 
-					" * Object valid} because it\'s not on first line\n" + 
-					" */\n" + 
-					"public class Test {\n" + 
-					"	/** Comment previously with error: {@link\n" + 
-					"	 * Object valid} because tag is on comment very first line\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug65174a() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-					" * Comment with no error: {@link    		\n" + 
-					" * Object valid} because it\'s not on first line\n" + 
-					" */\n" + 
-					"public class Test {\n" + 
-					"	/** Comment previously with error: {@link   		\n" + 
-					"	 * Object valid} because tag is on comment very first line\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug65174b() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-					" * Comment with no error: {@link java.lang.\n" + 
-					" * Object valid} because it\'s not on first line\n" + 
-					" */\n" + 
-					"public class Test {\n" + 
-					"	/** Comment previously with error: {@link java.lang.\n" + 
-					"	 * Object valid} because tag is on comment very first line\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug65174c() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-					" * Comment with no error: {@link Object\n" + 
-					" * valid} because it\'s not on first line\n" + 
-					" */\n" + 
-					"public class Test {\n" + 
-					"	/** Comment previously with no error: {@link Object\n" + 
-					"	 * valid} because tag is on comment very first line\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug65174d() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-					"	/** Comment previously with no error: {@link Object valid} comment on one line */\n" + 
-					"	void foo1() {}\n" + 
-					"	/** Comment previously with no error: {@link Object valid}       */\n" + 
-					"	void foo2() {}\n" + 
-					"	/** Comment previously with no error: {@link Object valid}*/\n" + 
-					"	void foo3() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**                    {@link Object valid} comment on one line */\n" + 
-					"	void foo4() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**{@link Object valid} comment on one line */\n" + 
-					"	void foo5() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**       {@link Object valid} 				*/\n" + 
-					"	void foo6() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**{@link Object valid} 				*/\n" + 
-					"	void foo7() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**				{@link Object valid}*/\n" + 
-					"	void foo8() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**{@link Object valid}*/\n" + 
-					"	void foo9() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 65180: Spurious "Javadoc: xxx cannot be resolved or is not a field" error with inner classes
-	 * @see <a href="">65180</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug65180() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-					"	public class Inner {\n" + 
-					"		/**\n" + 
-					"		 * Does something.\n" + 
-					"		 * \n" + 
-					"		 * @see #testFunc\n" + 
-					"		 */\n" + 
-					"		public void innerFunc() {\n" + 
-					"			testFunc();\n" + 
-					"		}\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"	\n" + 
-					"	public void testFunc() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n" + 
-					"\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @see #testFunc\r\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: testFunc cannot be resolved or is not a field\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug65180a() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-					"	public class Inner {\n" + 
-					"		/**\n" + 
-					"		 * Does something.\n" + 
-					"		 * \n" + 
-					"		 * @see #testFunc()\n" + 
-					"		 */\n" + 
-					"		public void innerFunc() {\n" + 
-					"			testFunc();\n" + 
-					"		}\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"	\n" + 
-					"	public void testFunc() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n" + 
-					"\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug65180b() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-					"	public class Inner {\n" + 
-					"		/**\n" + 
-					"		 * Does something.\n" + 
-					"		 * \n" + 
-					"		 * @see Test#testFunc\n" + 
-					"		 * @see Test#testFunc()\n" + 
-					"		 */\n" + 
-					"		public void innerFunc() {\n" + 
-					"			testFunc();\n" + 
-					"		}\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"	\n" + 
-					"	public void testFunc() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n" + 
-					"\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug65180c() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-					"	public class Inner {\n" + 
-					"		/**\n" + 
-					"		 * Does something.\n" + 
-					"		 * \n" + 
-					"		 * @see #testFunc\n" + 
-					"		 */\n" + 
-					"		public void innerFunc() {\n" + 
-					"			testFunc();\n" + 
-					"		}\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"	\n" + 
-					"	public void testFunc() {}\n" + 
-					"	public void testFunc(String str) {}\n" + 
-					"}\n" + 
-					"\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @see #testFunc\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: testFunc cannot be resolved or is not a field\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug65180d() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-					"	int testField;\n" + 
-					"	public class Inner {\n" + 
-					"		/**\n" + 
-					"		 * Does something.\n" + 
-					"		 * \n" + 
-					"		 * @see #testField\n" + 
-					"		 * @see #testFunc(int)\n" + 
-					"		 */\n" + 
-					"		public void innerFunc() {\n" + 
-					"			testFunc(testField);\n" + 
-					"		}\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"	\n" + 
-					"	public void testFunc(int test) {\n" + 
-					"		testField = test; \n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"}\n" + 
-					"\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug65180e() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface ITest {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * @see #foo() \n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public static int field = 0;\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * @see #field\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo();\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug65180f() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-					"    static class SuperInner {\n" + 
-					"    	public int field;\n" + 
-					"        public void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"     }\n" + 
-					"    \n" + 
-					"	public static class Inner extends SuperInner {\n" + 
-					"		/**\n" + 
-					"		 * @see #field\n" + 
-					"		 */\n" + 
-					"		public static int f;\n" + 
-					"		/**\n" + 
-					"		 * @see #foo()\n" + 
-					"		 */\n" + 
-					"		public static void bar() {}\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"	\n" + 
-					"	public void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 65253: [Javadoc] @@tag is wrongly parsed as @tag
-	 * @see <a href="">65253</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug65253() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-					" * Comment \n" + 
-					" * @@@@see Unknown Should not complain on ref\n" + 
-					" */\n" + 
-					"public class Test {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Comment\n" + 
-					"	 * @@@param xxx Should not complain on param\n" + 
-					"	 * @@return int\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	int foo() { // should warn on missing tag for return type\n" + 
-					"		return 0;\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @@@@see Unknown Should not complain on ref\n" + 
-			"	   ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid tag\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	* @@@param xxx Should not complain on param\n" + 
-			"	   ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid tag\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* @@return int\n" + 
-			"	   ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid tag\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	int foo() { // should warn on missing tag for return type\n" + 
-			"	^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for return type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 66551: Error in org.eclipse.swt project on class PrinterData
-	 * @see <a href="">66551</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug66551() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-					"    int field;\n" + 
-					"    /**\n" + 
-					"     *  @see #field\n" + 
-					"     */\n" + 
-					"    void foo(int field) {\n" + 
-					"    }\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug66551a() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-					"    static int field;\n" + 
-					"    /**\n" + 
-					"     *  @see #field\n" + 
-					"     */\n" + 
-					"    static void foo(int field) {\n" + 
-					"    }\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug66551b() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-					"	int field;\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * {@link #field}\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	void foo(int field) {\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug66551c() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-					"	static int field;\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * {@link #field}\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	static void foo(int field) {\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}	
-	/**
-	 * Bug 66573: Shouldn't bind to local constructs
-	 * @see <a href="">66573</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug66573() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-					"    /**\n" + 
-					"     * @see Local\n" + 
-					"     */\n" + 
-					"    void foo() {\n" + 
-					"        class Local { \n" + 
-					"            // shouldn\'t be seen from javadoc\n" + 
-					"         }\n" + 
-					"    }\n" + 
-					"}\n"	
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @see Local\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Local cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 68017: Javadoc processing does not detect missing argument to @return
-	 * @see <a href="">68017</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug68017conform() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**@return valid integer*/\n" + 
-					"	public int foo1() {return 0; }\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 *	@return #\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public int foo2() {return 0; }\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug68017negative() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**@return*/\n" + 
-					"	public int foo1() {return 0; }\n" + 
-					"	/**@return        */\n" + 
-					"	public int foo2() {return 0; }\n" + 
-					"	/**@return****/\n" + 
-					"	public int foo3() {return 0; }\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 *	@return\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public int foo4() {return 0; }\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-				"	/**@return*/\n" + 
-				"	    ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing return type description\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	/**@return        */\n" + 
-				"	    ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing return type description\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	/**@return****/\n" + 
-				"	    ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing return type description\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	*	@return\n" + 
-				"	 	 ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing return type description\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	// Javadoc issue a warning on following tests
-	public void testBug68017javadocWarning1() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 *	@return* */\n" + 
-					"	public int foo1() {return 0; }\n" + 
-					"	/**@return** **/\n" + 
-					"	public int foo2() {return 0; }\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	*	@return* */\n" + 
-				"	 	 ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing return type description\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	/**@return** **/\n" + 
-				"	    ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing return type description\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug68017javadocWarning2() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 *	@return #\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public int foo1() {return 0; }\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 *	@return @\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public int foo2() {return 0; }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug68017javadocWarning3() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 *	@return#\n" + 
-					"	 *	@return#text\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public int foo() {return 0; }\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	*	@return#\n" + 
-			"	 	 ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid tag\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	*	@return#text\n" + 
-			"	 	 ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid tag\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 68025: Javadoc processing does not detect some wrong links
-	 * @see <a href="">68025</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug68025conform() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Y {\n" + 
-					"	public int field;\n" + 
-					"	public void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-				"",
-				"public class Z {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 *	@see Y#field #valid\n" + 
-					"	 *	@see Y#foo #valid\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo1() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Y#field     # valid*/\n" + 
-					"	public void foo2() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Y#foo		# valid*/\n" + 
-					"	public void foo3() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Y#foo()\n" + 
-					"	 *# valid*/\n" + 
-					"	public void foo4() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug68025negative() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	public int field;\n" + 
-					"	public void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 *	@see #field#invalid\n" + 
-					"	 *	@see #foo#invalid\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo1() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Y#field# invalid*/\n" + 
-					"	public void foo2() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Y#foo#	invalid*/\n" + 
-					"	public void foo3() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Y#foo()#\n" + 
-					"	 *valid*/\n" + 
-					"	public void foo4() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	*	@see #field#invalid\n" + 
-				"	 	     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed reference (missing end space separator)\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	*	@see #foo#invalid\n" + 
-				"	 	     ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed reference (missing end space separator)\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	/**@see Y#field# invalid*/\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed reference (missing end space separator)\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-				"	/**@see Y#foo#	invalid*/\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed reference (missing end space separator)\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-				"	/**@see Y#foo()#\n" + 
-				"	             ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed reference (missing end space separator)\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 68726: [Javadoc] Target attribute in @see link triggers warning
-	 * @see <a href="">68726</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug68726conform1() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 *	@see Object <a href=\"\" target=\"_top\">Eclipse</a>\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	void foo1() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Object <a href=\"\" target=\"_top\" target1=\"_top1\" target2=\"_top2\">Eclipse</a>*/\n" + 
-					"	void foo2() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"	
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug68726conform2() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-					"	* @see <a href=\"http:/\" target=\"_top\">IBM Home Page</a>\n" + 
-					"	* @see <a href=\"http:/\" target=\"_top\">\n" + 
-					"	*          IBM Home Page</a>\n" + 
-					"	* @see <a href=\"http:/\" target=\"_top\">\n" + 
-					"	*          IBM Home Page\n" + 
-					"	* 			</a>\n" + 
-					"	* @see <a href=\"http:/\" target=\"_top\">\n" + 
-					"	*\n" + 
-					"	*          IBM\n" + 
-					"	*\n" + 
-					"	*          Home Page\n" + 
-					"	*\n" + 
-					"	*\n" + 
-					"	* 			</a>\n" + 
-					"	* @see Object\n" + 
-					"	*/\n" + 
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"}\n"	
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug68726negative1() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid URL link references\n" + 
-					"	 *\n" + 
-					"	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\" target\n" + 
-					"	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\" target=\n" + 
-					"	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\" target=\"\n" + 
-					"	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\" target=\"_top\n" + 
-					"	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\" target=\"_top\"\n" + 
-					"	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\" target=\"_top\">\n" + 
-					"	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\" target=\"_top\">\n" + 
-					"	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\" target=\"_top\">invalid\n" + 
-					"	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\" target=\"_top\">invalid<\n" + 
-					"	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\" target=\"_top\">invalid</\n" + 
-					"	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\" target=\"_top\">invalid</a\n" + 
-					"	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\" target=\"_top\">invalid</a> no text allowed after the href\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"	
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @see <a href=\"invalid\" target\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @see <a href=\"invalid\" target=\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @see <a href=\"invalid\" target=\"\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	* @see <a href=\"invalid\" target=\"_top\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	* @see <a href=\"invalid\" target=\"_top\"\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	* @see <a href=\"invalid\" target=\"_top\">\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"7. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-				"	* @see <a href=\"invalid\" target=\"_top\">\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"8. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-				"	* @see <a href=\"invalid\" target=\"_top\">invalid\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"9. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-				"	* @see <a href=\"invalid\" target=\"_top\">invalid<\n" + 
-				"	                                              ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"10. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-				"	* @see <a href=\"invalid\" target=\"_top\">invalid</\n" + 
-				"	                                              ^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"11. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-				"	* @see <a href=\"invalid\" target=\"_top\">invalid</a\n" + 
-				"	                                              ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"12. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-				"	* @see <a href=\"invalid\" target=\"_top\">invalid</a> no text allowed after the href\n" + 
-				"	                                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected text\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug68726negative2() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-					"	* @see <a href=\"http:/\" target=\"_top\">IBM Home Page\n" + 
-					"	* @see <a href=\"http:/\" target=\"_top\">\n" + 
-					"	*          IBM Home Page\n" + 
-					"	* @see <a href=\"http:/\" target=\"_top\">\n" + 
-					"	*          IBM Home Page<\n" + 
-					"	* 			/a>\n" + 
-					"	* @see <a href=\"http:/\" target=\"_top\">\n" + 
-					"	*\n" + 
-					"	*          IBM\n" + 
-					"	*\n" + 
-					"	*          Home Page\n" + 
-					"	*\n" + 
-					"	*\n" + 
-					"	* 			\n" + 
-					"	* @see Unknown\n" + 
-					"	*/\n" + 
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"}\n"	
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-				"	* @see <a href=\"http:/\" target=\"_top\">IBM Home Page\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @see <a href=\"http:/\" target=\"_top\">\n" + 
-				"	*          IBM Home Page\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	*          IBM Home Page<\n" + 
-				"	                        ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	* @see <a href=\"http:/\" target=\"_top\">\n" + 
-				"	*\n" + 
-				"	*          IBM\n" + 
-				"	*\n" + 
-				"	*          Home Page\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-				"	* @see Unknown\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 69272: [Javadoc] Invalid malformed reference (missing separator)
-	 * @see <a href="">69272</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug69272classValid() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Object*/\n" + 
-					"	public void foo1() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Object\n" + 
-					"	*/\n" + 
-					"	public void foo2() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Object    */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo3() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Object****/\n" + 
-					"	public void foo4() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Object		****/\n" + 
-					"	public void foo5() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug69272classInvalid() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Object* */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo1() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Object*** ***/\n" + 
-					"	public void foo2() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Object***\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo3() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-				"	/**@see Object* */\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed reference (missing end space separator)\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	/**@see Object*** ***/\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed reference (missing end space separator)\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	/**@see Object***\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed reference (missing end space separator)\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug69272fieldValid() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	int field;\n" + 
-					"	/**@see #field*/\n" + 
-					"	public void foo1() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see #field\n" + 
-					"	*/\n" + 
-					"	public void foo2() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see #field    */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo3() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see #field****/\n" + 
-					"	public void foo4() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see #field		********/\n" + 
-					"	public void foo5() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug69272fieldInvalid() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	int field;\n" + 
-					"	/**@see #field* */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo1() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see #field*** ***/\n" + 
-					"	public void foo2() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see #field***\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo3() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	/**@see #field* */\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed reference (missing end space separator)\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	/**@see #field*** ***/\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed reference (missing end space separator)\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	/**@see #field***\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed reference (missing end space separator)\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug69272methodValid() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Object#wait()*/\n" + 
-					"	public void foo1() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Object#wait()\n" + 
-					"	*/\n" + 
-					"	public void foo2() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Object#wait()    */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo3() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Object#wait()****/\n" + 
-					"	public void foo4() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Object#wait()		****/\n" + 
-					"	public void foo5() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug69272methodInvalid() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Object#wait()* */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo1() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Object#wait()*** ***/\n" + 
-					"	public void foo2() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Object#wait()***\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo3() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-				"	/**@see Object#wait()* */\n" + 
-				"	                   ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed reference (missing end space separator)\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	/**@see Object#wait()*** ***/\n" + 
-				"	                   ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed reference (missing end space separator)\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	/**@see Object#wait()***\n" + 
-				"	                   ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed reference (missing end space separator)\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 69275: [Javadoc] Invalid warning on @see link
-	 * @see <a href="">69275</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug69275conform() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**@see <a href=\"\">text</a>*/\n" + 
-					"	void foo1() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see <a href=\"\">text</a>\n" + 
-					"	*/\n" + 
-					"	void foo2() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see <a href=\"\">text</a>		*/\n" + 
-					"	void foo3() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see <a href=\"\">text</a>**/\n" + 
-					"	void foo4() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see <a href=\"\">text</a>     *****/\n" + 
-					"	void foo5() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"	
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug69275negative() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**@see <a href=\"\">text</a>* */\n" + 
-					"	void foo1() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see <a href=\"\">text</a>	** **/\n" + 
-					"	void foo2() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see <a href=\"\">text</a>**\n" + 
-					"	*/\n" + 
-					"	void foo3() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"	
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-				"	/**@see <a href=\"\">text</a>* */\n" + 
-				"	                                              ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected text\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	/**@see <a href=\"\">text</a>	** **/\n" + 
-				"	                                              ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected text\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 69302: [Javadoc] Invalid reference warning inconsistent with javadoc tool
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug69302conform1() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 *	@see Object <a href=\"\">Eclipse</a>\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	void foo1() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 *	@see Object \"Valid string reference\"\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	void foo2() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"	
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug69302negative1() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 *	@see Unknown <a href=\"\">Eclipse</a>\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	void foo1() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 *	@see Unknown \"Valid string reference\"\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	void foo2() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"	
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	*	@see Unknown <a href=\"\">Eclipse</a>\n" + 
-			"	 	     ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	*	@see Unknown \"Valid string reference\"\n" + 
-			"	 	     ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug69302negative2() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Unknown blabla <a href=\"\">text</a>*/\n" + 
-					"	void foo1() {}\n" + 
-					"	/**@see Unknown blabla \"Valid string reference\"*/\n" + 
-					"	void foo2() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"	
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	/**@see Unknown blabla <a href=\"\">text</a>*/\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	/**@see Unknown blabla \"Valid string reference\"*/\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @bug 70892: [1.5][Javadoc] Compiler should parse reference for inline tag @value
-	 * @test Ensure that reference in tag 'value' is only verified when source level >= 1.5
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug70892a() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * {@value}\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	static int field1;\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * {@value }\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	static int field2;\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * {@value #field}\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	static int field;\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug70892b() {
-		String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * {@value \"invalid\"}\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	final static int field1 = 1;\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * {@value <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</a>} invalid\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	final static int field2 = 2;\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * {@value #field}\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	final static int field3 = 3;\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * {@value #foo}\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	final static int field4 = 4;\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * {@value #foo()}\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	final static int field5 = 5;\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		};
-		if (this.complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3) || this.complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_4)) {
-			runConformTest(testFiles);
-		} else {
-			runNegativeTest(testFiles,
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-				"	* {@value \"invalid\"}\r\n" + 
-				"	          ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Only static field reference is allowed for @value tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\r\n" + 
-				"	* {@value <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</a>} invalid\r\n" + 
-				"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Only static field reference is allowed for @value tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 11)\r\n" + 
-				"	* {@value #field}\r\n" + 
-				"	           ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: field cannot be resolved or is not a field\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 15)\r\n" + 
-				"	* {@value #foo}\r\n" + 
-				"	           ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Only static field reference is allowed for @value tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 19)\r\n" + 
-				"	* {@value #foo()}\r\n" + 
-				"	           ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Only static field reference is allowed for @value tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-			);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 73348: [Javadoc] Missing description for return tag is not always warned
-	 * @see <a href="">73348</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug73348conform() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 *	@return      \n" + 
-					"	 *	int\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public int foo1() {return 0; }\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 *	@return      \n" + 
-					"	 *	int\n" + 
-					"	 *	@see Object\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public int foo2() {return 0; }\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug73348negative() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 *	@return\n" + 
-					"	 *	@see Object\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public int foo1() {return 0; }\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 *	@return      \n" + 
-					"	 *	@see Object\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public int foo2() {return 0; }\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	*	@return\n" + 
-				"	 	 ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing return type description\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	*	@return      \n" + 
-				"	 	 ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing return type description\n" + 
- 				"----------\n"
- 		);
- 	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 73479: [Javadoc] Improve error message for invalid link in @see tags
-	 * @see <a href="">73479</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug73479() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 *	@see <a href=\"spec.html#section\">Java Spec<a>\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	*	@see <a href=\"spec.html#section\">Java Spec<a>\n" + 
-				"	 	                                          ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
- 				"----------\n"
- 		);
- 	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 73995: [Javadoc] Wrong warning for missing return type description for @return {@inheritdoc}
-	 * @see <a href="">73995</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug73995() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 *	@return {@link Object}     \n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public int foo1() {return 0; }\n" + 
-					"	/** @return {@inheritedDoc} */\n" + 
-					"	public int foo2() {return 0; }\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 *	@return\n" + 
-					"	 *		{@unknown_tag}\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public int foo3() {return 0; }\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			}
- 		);
- 	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 74369: [Javadoc] incorrect javadoc in local class
-	 * @see <a href="">74369</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug74369() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-					"   public void method() {\n" + 
-					"       /**\n" + 
-					"        * @see #hsgdfdj\n" + 
-					"        */\n" + 
-					"        System.out.println(\"println\");\n" + 
-					"        class Local {}\n" + 
-					"    }\n" + 
-					"}"
-			}
- 		);
- 	}
-	public void testBug74369deprecated() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"public class Y {\n" + 
-					"   /**\n" + 
-					"    * @deprecated\n" + 
-					"    */\n" + 
-					"   public void bar() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-				"",
-				"import p.Y;\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	Object obj = new Object() {\n" + 
-					"		public boolean equals(Object o) {\n" + 
-					"			/**\n" + 
-					"			 * @deprecated\n" + 
-					"			 */\n" + 
-					"	        System.out.println(\"println\");\n" + 
-					"	        class Local {\n" + 
-					"	        	void bar() {\n" + 
-					"					new Y().bar();\n" + 
-					"	        	}\n" + 
-					"	        }\n" + 
-					"			return super.equals(o);\n" + 
-					"		}\n" + 
-					"	};\n" + 
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	new Y().bar();\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method bar() from the type Y is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
- 		);
- 	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 76324: [Javadoc] Wrongly reports invalid link format in @see and @link
-	 * @see <a href="">76324</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug76324() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"\n" + 
-					"/**\n" + 
-					" * Subclasses perform GUI-related work in a dedicated thread. For instructions\n" + 
-					" * on using this class, see\n" + 
-					" * {@link <a  href=\"\"> Swing tutorial </a>}\n" + 
-					" * \n" + 
-					" * @see <a\n" + 
-					" *      href=\"\">\n" + 
-					" *      EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent </a>\n" + 
-					" * @see <a\n" + 
-					" *      href=\"\">\n" + 
-					" *      JDK 5.0 </a>\n" + 
-					" * @author {@link <a href=\"\">Doug Lea</a>}\n" + 
-					" * @author {@link <a href=\"\">J?rgen Failenschmid</a>}\n" + 
-					"  *\n" + 
-					"  * It is assumed that you have read the introductory document\n" + 
-					"  * {@link <a HREF=\"../../../../../internat/overview.htm\">\n" + 
-					"  * Internationalization</a>}\n" + 
-					"  * and are familiar with \n" + 
-					" */\n" + 
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			}
- 		);
- 	}
-	// URL Link references
-	public void testBug76324url() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" +
-					"	 * Invalid inline URL link references \n" +
-					"	 *\n" +
-					"	 * {@link <}\n" +
-					"	 * {@link <a}\n" +
-					"	 * {@link <a hre}\n" +
-					"	 * {@link <a href}\n" +
-					"	 * {@link <a href=}\n" +
-					"	 * {@link <a href=\"}\n" +
-					"	 * {@link <a href=\"invalid}\n" +
-					"	 * {@link <a href=\"invalid\"}\n" +
-					"	 * {@link <a href=\"invalid\">}\n" +
-					"	 * {@link <a href=\"invalid\">invalid}\n" +
-					"	 * {@link <a href=\"invalid\">invalid<}\n" +
-					"	 * {@link <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</}\n" +
-					"	 * {@link <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</a}\n" +
-					"	 * {@link <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</a> no text allowed after}\n" +
-					"	 */\n" +
-					"	public void s_foo() {\n" +
-					"	}\n" +
-					"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* {@link <}\n" + 
-				"	         ^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* {@link <a}\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* {@link <a hre}\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	* {@link <a href}\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	* {@link <a href=}\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	* {@link <a href=\"}\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"7. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-				"	* {@link <a href=\"invalid}\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"8. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-				"	* {@link <a href=\"invalid\"}\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"9. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-				"	* {@link <a href=\"invalid\">}\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"10. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-				"	* {@link <a href=\"invalid\">invalid}\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"11. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-				"	* {@link <a href=\"invalid\">invalid<}\n" + 
-				"	                                  ^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"12. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-				"	* {@link <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</}\n" + 
-				"	                                  ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"13. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-				"	* {@link <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</a}\n" + 
-				"	                                  ^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"14. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-				"	* {@link <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</a> no text allowed after}\n" + 
-				"	                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected text\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	// String references
-	public void testBug76324string() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" +
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * Inline string references \n" + 
-			"	 *\n" + 
-			"	 * {@link \"}\n" + 
-			"	 * {@link \"unterminated string}\n" + 
-			"	 * {@link \"invalid string\"\"}\n" + 
-			"	 * {@link \"valid string\"}\n" + 
-			"	 * {@link \"invalid\" no text allowed after the string}\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	public void s_foo() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" },
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* {@link \"}\n" + 
-			"	         ^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	* {@link \"unterminated string}\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	* {@link \"invalid string\"\"}\n" + 
-			"	                         ^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Unexpected text\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* {@link \"invalid\" no text allowed after the string}\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Unexpected text\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 77510: [javadoc] compiler wrongly report deprecation when option "process javadoc comments" is not set
-	 * @see <a href="">77510</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug77510enabled() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class A {\n" + 
-					"	/** \\u0009 @deprecated */\n" + 
-					"	static int i0009;\n" + 
-					"	/** \\u000a @deprecated */\n" + 
-					"	static int i000a;\n" + 
-					"	/** \\u000b @deprecated */\n" + 
-					"	static int i000b;\n" + 
-					"	/** \\u000c @deprecated */\n" + 
-					"	static int i000c;\n" + 
-					"	/** \\u001c @deprecated */\n" + 
-					"	static int i001c;\n" + 
-					"	/** \\u001d @deprecated */\n" + 
-					"	static int i001d;\n" + 
-					"	/** \\u001e @deprecated */\n" + 
-					"	static int i001e;\n" + 
-					"	/** \\u001f @deprecated */\n" + 
-					"	static int i001f;\n" + 
-					"	/** \\u2007 @deprecated */\n" + 
-					"	static int i2007;\n" + 
-					"	/** \\u202f @deprecated */\n" + 
-					"	static int i202f;\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	int i0 = A.i0009;\n" + 
-					"	int i1 = A.i000a;\n" + 
-					"	int i2 = A.i000b;\n" + 
-					"	int i3 = A.i000c;\n" + 
-					"	int i4 = A.i001c;\n" + 
-					"	int i5 = A.i001d;\n" + 
-					"	int i6 = A.i001e;\n" + 
-					"	int i7 = A.i001f;\n" + 
-					"	int i8 = A.i2007;\n" + 
-					"	int i9 = A.i202f;\n" + 
-					"}\n" },
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	int i0 = A.i0009;\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The field A.i0009 is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	int i1 = A.i000a;\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The field A.i000a is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	int i3 = A.i000c;\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The field A.i000c is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug77510disabled() {
-		docCommentSupport = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class A {\n" + 
-					"	/** \\u0009 @deprecated */\n" + 
-					"	static int i0009;\n" + 
-					"	/** \\u000a @deprecated */\n" + 
-					"	static int i000a;\n" + 
-					"	/** \\u000b @deprecated */\n" + 
-					"	static int i000b;\n" + 
-					"	/** \\u000c @deprecated */\n" + 
-					"	static int i000c;\n" + 
-					"	/** \\u001c @deprecated */\n" + 
-					"	static int i001c;\n" + 
-					"	/** \\u001d @deprecated */\n" + 
-					"	static int i001d;\n" + 
-					"	/** \\u001e @deprecated */\n" + 
-					"	static int i001e;\n" + 
-					"	/** \\u001f @deprecated */\n" + 
-					"	static int i001f;\n" + 
-					"	/** \\u2007 @deprecated */\n" + 
-					"	static int i2007;\n" + 
-					"	/** \\u202f @deprecated */\n" + 
-					"	static int i202f;\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	int i0 = A.i0009;\n" + 
-					"	int i1 = A.i000a;\n" + 
-					"	int i2 = A.i000b;\n" + 
-					"	int i3 = A.i000c;\n" + 
-					"	int i4 = A.i001c;\n" + 
-					"	int i5 = A.i001d;\n" + 
-					"	int i6 = A.i001e;\n" + 
-					"	int i7 = A.i001f;\n" + 
-					"	int i8 = A.i2007;\n" + 
-					"	int i9 = A.i202f;\n" + 
-					"}\n" },
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	int i0 = A.i0009;\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The field A.i0009 is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	int i1 = A.i000a;\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The field A.i000a is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	int i3 = A.i000c;\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The field A.i000c is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Test bug 77260: [Javadoc] deprecation warning should not be reported when @deprecated tag is set
-	 */
-	public void testBug77260() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/** @deprecated */\n" + 
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	public int x;\n" + 
-					"	public void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-					" * @see X\n" + 
-					" * @deprecated\n" + 
-					" */\n" + 
-					"public class Y {\n" + 
-					"	/** @see X#x */\n" + 
-					"	public int x;\n" + 
-					"	/** @see X#foo() */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-				"",
-				"public class Z {\n" + 
-					"	/** \n" + 
-					"	 * @see X#x\n" + 
-					"	 * @deprecated\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public int x;\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * @see X#foo()\n" + 
-					"	 * @deprecated\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n" }
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug77260nested() {
-		Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecationInDeprecatedCode, CompilerOptions.ENABLED);
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/** @deprecated */\n" + 
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	public int x;\n" + 
-					"	public void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-					" * @see X\n" + 
-					" * @deprecated\n" + 
-					" */\n" + 
-					"public class Y {\n" + 
-					"	/** @see X#x */\n" + 
-					"	public int x;\n" + 
-					"	/** @see X#foo() */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-				"",
-				"public class Z {\n" + 
-					"	/** \n" + 
-					"	 * @see X#x\n" + 
-					"	 * @deprecated\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public int x;\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * @see X#foo()\n" + 
-					"	 * @deprecated\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n" },
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-				"	* @see X\n" + 
-				"	       ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: The type X is deprecated\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	/** @see X#x */\n" + 
-				"	         ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: The type X is deprecated\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	/** @see X#x */\n" + 
-				"	           ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: The field X.x is deprecated\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	/** @see X#foo() */\n" + 
-				"	         ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: The type X is deprecated\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	/** @see X#foo() */\n" + 
-				"	           ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: The method foo() from the type X is deprecated\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @see X#x\n" + 
-				"	       ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: The type X is deprecated\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @see X#x\n" + 
-				"	         ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: The field X.x is deprecated\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	* @see X#foo()\n" + 
-				"	       ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: The type X is deprecated\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	* @see X#foo()\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: The method foo() from the type X is deprecated\n" + 
-				"----------\n",
-			null,
-			true,
-			options
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug77260nested_disabled() {
-		Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecationInDeprecatedCode, CompilerOptions.ENABLED);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef, CompilerOptions.DISABLED);
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/** @deprecated */\n" + 
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	public int x;\n" + 
-					"	public void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-					" * @see X\n" + 
-					" * @deprecated\n" + 
-					" */\n" + 
-					"public class Y {\n" + 
-					"	/** @see X#x */\n" + 
-					"	public int x;\n" + 
-					"	/** @see X#foo() */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-				"",
-				"public class Z {\n" + 
-					"	/** \n" + 
-					"	 * @see X#x\n" + 
-					"	 * @deprecated\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public int x;\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * @see X#foo()\n" + 
-					"	 * @deprecated\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo() {}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			},
-			"",
-			null,
-			true,
-			null,
-			options,
-			null
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 77602: [javadoc] "Only consider members as visible as" is does not work for syntax error
-	 */
-	public void testBug77602() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"  /**\n" + 
-					"   * @see\n" + 
-					"   * @see UnknownClass\n" + 
-					"   */\n" + 
-					"  protected void foo() {\n" + 
-					"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @see\n" + 
-				"	   ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @see UnknownClass\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: UnknownClass cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug77602_Public() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"  /**\n" + 
-					"   * @see\n" + 
-					"   * @see UnknownClass\n" + 
-					"   */\n" + 
-					"  protected void foo() {\n" + 
-					"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 78091: [1.5][javadoc] Compiler should accept new 1.5 syntax for @param
-	 * @see <a href="">78091</a>
-	 */
-	public void testBug78091() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param xxx.yyy invalid\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj(x) invalid\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo(int xxx, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param xxx.yyy invalid\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param obj(x) invalid\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(int xxx, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                    ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter xxx\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(int xxx, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                                ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter obj\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 80910: [javadoc] Invalid missing reference warning on @see or @link tags
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug80910() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	int field;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @param key\'s toto\n" + 
-				"	 * @see #field\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(int x) {\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @param key\'s toto\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 82088: [search][javadoc] Method parameter types references not found in @see/@link tags
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug82088() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	int field;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @param key\'s toto\n" + 
-				"	 * @see #field\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(int x) {\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @param key\'s toto\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 83285: [javadoc] Javadoc reference to constructor of secondary type has no binding / not found by search
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug83285a() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"class A { }\n" + 
-				"class C {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * Link {@link #C(String)} was also wrongly warned...\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    private String fGerman;\n" + 
-				"    public C(String german) {\n" + 
-				"        fGerman = german;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83285b() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"class A {\n" + 
-				"	A(char c) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class B {\n" + 
-				"	B(Exception ex) {}\n" + 
-				"	void foo() {} \n" + 
-				"	class C { \n" + 
-				"	    /**\n" + 
-				"	     * Link {@link #B(Exception)} OK\n" + 
-				"	     * Link {@link #B.C(String)} OK\n" + 
-				"	     * Link {@link #foo()} OK\n" + 
-				"	     * Link {@link #bar()} OK\n" + 
-				"	     */\n" + 
-				"	    public C(String str) {}\n" + 
-				"		void bar() {}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83285c() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"class A {\n" + 
-				"	A(char c) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class B {\n" + 
-				"	B(Exception ex) {}\n" + 
-				"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"	class C { \n" + 
-				"	    /**\n" + 
-				"	     * Link {@link #A(char)} KO\n" + 
-				"	     * Link {@link #B(char)}  KO\n" + 
-				"	     * Link {@link #C(char)} KO\n" + 
-				"	     * Link {@link #foo(int)} KO\n" + 
-				"	     * Link {@link #bar(int)} KO\n" + 
-				"	     */\n" + 
-				"	    public C(String str) {}\n" + 
-				"		void bar() {}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	* Link {@link #A(char)} KO\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method A(char) is undefined for the type B.C\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in p\\ (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	* Link {@link #B(char)}  KO\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method B(char) is undefined for the type B.C\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in p\\ (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	* Link {@link #C(char)} KO\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor B.C(char) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in p\\ (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	* Link {@link #foo(int)} KO\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(int) is undefined for the type B.C\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in p\\ (at line 14)\n" + 
-			"	* Link {@link #bar(int)} KO\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method bar() in the type B.C is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 87404: [javadoc] Unexpected not defined warning on constructor
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug87404() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"class A {\n" + 
-				"	A(char c) {}\n" + 
-				"	class B {\n" + 
-				"		B(Exception ex) {}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * Link {@link #A(char)} OK \n" + 
-				"     * Link {@link #A(String)} OK\n" + 
-				"     * Link {@link #foo()} OK\n" + 
-				"     * Link {@link #bar()} OK\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public A(String str) {}\n" + 
-				"	void bar() {}\n" + 
-				"}"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 90302: [javadoc] {@inheritedDoc} should be inactive for non-overridden method
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug90302() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see #foo(String)\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * Static method\n" + 
-				"	 * @param str\n" + 
-				"	 * @return int\n" + 
-				"	 * @throws NumberFormatException\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	static int foo(String str) throws NumberFormatException{\n" + 
-				"		return Integer.parseInt(str);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see #foo(String)\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Y extends X { \n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * Static method: does not override super\n" + 
-				"	 * {@inheritDoc}\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	static int foo(String str) throws NumberFormatException{\n" + 
-				"		return Integer.parseInt(str);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	* {@inheritDoc}\n" + 
-			"	    ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	static int foo(String str) throws NumberFormatException{\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for return type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	static int foo(String str) throws NumberFormatException{\n" + 
-			"	                      ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter str\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	static int foo(String str) throws NumberFormatException{\n" + 
-			"	                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for declared exception NumberFormatException\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug90302b() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/** */\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see #foo(String)\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Y extends X { \n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * Simple method: does not override super\n" + 
-				"	 * {@inheritDoc}\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	static int foo(String str) throws NumberFormatException{\n" + 
-				"		return Integer.parseInt(str);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	* {@inheritDoc}\n" + 
-			"	    ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	static int foo(String str) throws NumberFormatException{\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for return type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	static int foo(String str) throws NumberFormatException{\n" + 
-			"	                      ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter str\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	static int foo(String str) throws NumberFormatException{\n" + 
-			"	                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for declared exception NumberFormatException\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 103304: [Javadoc] Wrong reference proposal for inner classes.
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug103304a() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"boden/",
-				"package boden;\n" + 
-				"public interface IAFAState {\n" + 
-				"    public class ValidationException extends Exception {\n" + 
-				"        public ValidationException(String variableName, IAFAState subformula) {\n" + 
-				"            super(\"Variable \'\"+variableName+\"\' may be unbound in \'\"+subformula+\"\'\");\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"        public void method() {}\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * Validates a formula for consistent bindings. Bindings are consistent, when at each point in time,\n" + 
-				"     * the set of povided variables can be guaranteed to be a superset of the set of required variables.\n" + 
-				"     * @throws ValidationException Thrown if a variable is unbound. \n" + 
-				"     * @see ValidationException#IAFAState.ValidationException(String, IAFAState)\n" + 
-				"     * @see IAFAState.ValidationException#method()\n" + 
-				"     * @see ValidationException\n" + 
-				"     * {@link ValidationException}\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public void validate() throws ValidationException;\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"boden/",
-				"package boden;\n" + 
-				"import boden.IAFAState.ValidationException;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see ValidationException\n" + 
-				" * @see IAFAState.ValidationException\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class TestValid {\n" + 
-				"	/**  \n" + 
-				"	 * @see ValidationException#IAFAState.ValidationException(String, IAFAState)\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	IAFAState.ValidationException valid1;\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see IAFAState.ValidationException#IAFAState.ValidationException(String, IAFAState)\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	IAFAState.ValidationException valid2;\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			//boden\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: ValidationException
-			//boden\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: ValidationException#IAFAState.ValidationException(String, IAFAState)
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in boden\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see ValidationException\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in boden\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* @see ValidationException#IAFAState.ValidationException(String, IAFAState)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug103304b() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"boden/",
-				"package boden;\n" + 
-				"public interface IAFAState {\n" + 
-				"    public class ValidationException extends Exception {\n" + 
-				"        public ValidationException(String variableName, IAFAState subformula) {\n" + 
-				"            super(\"Variable \'\"+variableName+\"\' may be unbound in \'\"+subformula+\"\'\");\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"        public void method() {}\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"boden/",
-				"package boden;\n" + 
-				"import boden.IAFAState.ValidationException;\n" + 
-				"public class TestInvalid1 {\n" + 
-				"	/** \n" + 
-				"	 * @see ValidationException#ValidationException(String, IAFAState)\n" + 
-				"	 */ \n" + 
-				"	IAFAState.ValidationException invalid;\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"boden/",
-				"package boden;\n" + 
-				"public class TestInvalid2 {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see IAFAState.ValidationException#ValidationException(String, IAFAState)\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	IAFAState.ValidationException invalid;\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"boden/",
-				"package boden;\n" + 
-				"import boden.IAFAState.ValidationException;\n" + 
-				"public class TestInvalid3 {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see IAFAState.ValidationException#IAFA.State.ValidationException(String, IAFAState)\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	IAFAState.ValidationException invalid;\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"boden/",
-				"package boden;\n" + 
-				"import boden.IAFAState.ValidationException;\n" + 
-				"public class TestInvalid4 {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see IAFAState.ValidationException#IAFAState .ValidationException(String, IAFAState)\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	IAFAState.ValidationException invalid;\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			//boden\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: ValidationException#ValidationException(String, IAFAState)
-			//boden\ warning - Tag @see: can't find ValidationException(String, IAFAState) in boden.IAFAState.ValidationException => bug ID: 4288720
-			//boden\ warning - Tag @see: can't find IAFA.State.ValidationException(String, IAFAState) in boden.IAFAState.ValidationException
-			//boden\ warning - Tag @see: can't find IAFAState in boden.IAFAState.ValidationException
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in boden\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @see ValidationException#ValidationException(String, IAFAState)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in boden\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @see IAFAState.ValidationException#IAFA.State.ValidationException(String, IAFAState)\n" + 
-		"	                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in boden\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @see IAFAState.ValidationException#IAFAState .ValidationException(String, IAFAState)\n" + 
-			"	                                     ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: IAFAState cannot be resolved or is not a field\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug103304c() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"public interface Test {\n" + 
-				"	public class Level0 {\n" + 
-				"		public Level0() {}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	public interface Member {\n" + 
-				"		public class Level1 {\n" + 
-				"			public Level1() {}\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"public class C {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see Test.Level0#Test.Level0()\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	Test.Level0 valid = new Test.Level0();\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see Test.Level0#Level0()\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	Test.Level0 invalid = new Test.Level0();\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-			//test\ warning - Tag @see: can't find Level0() in test.Test.Level0 => bug ID: 4288720
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug103304d() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"public interface Test {\n" + 
-				"	public class Level0 {\n" + 
-				"		public Level0() {}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	public interface Member {\n" + 
-				"		public class Level1 {\n" + 
-				"			public Level1() {}\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"public class C2 {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see Test.Member.Level1#Test.Member.Level1()\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	Test.Member.Level1 valid = new Test.Member.Level1();\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see Test.Member.Level1#Level1()\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	Test.Member.Level1 invalid = new Test.Member.Level1();\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see Test.Member.Level1#Test.Level1()\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	Test.Member.Level1 wrong = new Test.Member.Level1();\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			//test\ warning - Tag @see: can't find Level1() in test.Test.Member.Level1 => Bug ID: 4288720
-			//test\ warning - Tag @see: can't find Test.Level1() in test.Test.Member.Level1
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test.Member.Level1#Test.Level1()\n" + 
-			"	                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug103304e() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"implicit/",
-				"package implicit;\n" + 
-				"public interface Valid {\n" + 
-				"	public class Level0 {\n" + 
-				"		/**\n" + 
-				"		 * @see #Valid.Level0() Valid\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		public Level0() {}\n" + 
-				"		/**\n" + 
-				"		 * @see #Valid.Level0(String) Valid\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		public Level0(String str) {}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	public interface Member {\n" + 
-				"		public class Level1 {\n" + 
-				"			/**\n" + 
-				"			 * @see #Valid.Member.Level1() Valid\n" + 
-				"			 */\n" + 
-				"			public Level1() {}\n" + 
-				"			/**\n" + 
-				"			 * @see #Valid.Member.Level1(int) Valid\n" + 
-				"			 */\n" + 
-				"			public Level1(int x) {}\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug103304f() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"implicit/",
-				"package implicit;\n" + 
-				"public interface Invalid {\n" + 
-				"	public class Level0 {\n" + 
-				"		/**\n" + 
-				"		 * @see #Level0() Invalid\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		public Level0() {}\n" + 
-				"		/**\n" + 
-				"		 * @see #Level0(String) Invalid\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		public Level0(String str) {}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	public interface Member {\n" + 
-				"		public class Level1 {\n" + 
-				"			/**\n" + 
-				"			 * @see #Level1() Invalid\n" + 
-				"			 * @see #Member.Level1() Invalid\n" + 
-				"			 * @see #Invalid.Level1() Invalid\n" + 
-				"			 */\n" + 
-				"			public Level1() {}\n" + 
-				"			/**\n" + 
-				"			 * @see #Level1(int) Invalid\n" + 
-				"			 * @see #Invalid.Level1(int) Invalid\n" + 
-				"			 * @see #Member.Level1(int) Invalid\n" + 
-				"			 */\n" + 
-				"			public Level1(int x) {}\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			//implicit\ warning - Tag @see: can't find Level0() in implicit.Invalid.Level0 => bug ID: 4288720
-			//implicit\ warning - Tag @see: can't find Level0(String) in implicit.Invalid.Level0 => bug ID: 4288720
-			//implicit\ warning - Tag @see: can't find Level1() in implicit.Invalid.Member.Level1 => bug ID: 4288720
-			//implicit\ warning - Tag @see: can't find Member.Level1() in implicit.Invalid.Member.Level1
-			//implicit\ warning - Tag @see: can't find Invalid.Level1() in implicit.Invalid.Member.Level1
-			//implicit\ warning - Tag @see: can't find Level1(int) in implicit.Invalid.Member.Level1 => bug ID: 4288720
-			//implicit\ warning - Tag @see: can't find Invalid.Level1(int) in implicit.Invalid.Member.Level1
-			//implicit\ warning - Tag @see: can't find Member.Level1(int) in implicit.Invalid.Member.Level1
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in implicit\\ (at line 17)\n" + 
-			"	* @see #Member.Level1() Invalid\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in implicit\\ (at line 18)\n" + 
-			"	* @see #Invalid.Level1() Invalid\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in implicit\\ (at line 23)\n" + 
-			"	* @see #Invalid.Level1(int) Invalid\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in implicit\\ (at line 24)\n" + 
-			"	* @see #Member.Level1(int) Invalid\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 116464: [javadoc] Unicode tag name are not correctly parsed
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug116464() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @\\u0070\\u0061\\u0072\\u0061\\u006d str xxx\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	void foo(String str) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 125903: [javadoc] Treat whitespace in javadoc tags as invalid tags
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug125903() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * {@ link java.lang.String}\n" + 
-				" * @ since 2.1\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* {@ link java.lang.String}\n" + 
-			"	   ^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid tag\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @ since 2.1\n" + 
-			"	  ^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid tag\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 128954: Javadoc problems with category CAT_INTERNAL
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug128954() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.WARNING;
-		this.reportDeprecation = CompilerOptions.WARNING;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"", //========================
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see p.A#bar()\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	void foo() {\n" + 
-				"		Zork z;\n" +
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",  //========================
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"public class A {\n" + 
-				"	/** @deprecated */\n" +
-				"	public void bar() {\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see p.A#bar()\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"[@cat:javadoc] Javadoc: The method bar() from the type A is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	Zork z;\n" + 
-			"	^^^^\n" + 
-			"[@cat:type] Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-			null,
-			true,
-			null,
-			false,
-			true,
-			true);
-	}	
-	/**
-	 * Bug 128954: Javadoc problems with category CAT_INTERNAL - variation
-	 * @see "" 
-	 */
-	public void testBug128954a() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.WARNING;
-		this.reportDeprecation = CompilerOptions.WARNING;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see p.A#bar()\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	void foo() {\n" + 
-				"		Zork z;\n" +
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see p.A#bar()\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^\n" + 
-			"[@cat:javadoc] Javadoc: p cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	Zork z;\n" + 
-			"	^^^^\n" + 
-			"[@cat:type] Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-			null,
-			true,
-			null,
-			false,
-			true,
-			true);
-	}	
-	/**
-	 * Bug 129241: [Javadoc] deprecation warning wrongly reported when ignoring Malformed Javadoc comments
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug129241a() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see p.A#bar\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"/** @deprecated */\n" +
-				"public class A {\n" + 
-				"	void bar() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see p.A#bar\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type A is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug129241b() {
-		this.reportDeprecation = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see p.A#bar\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"/** @deprecated */\n" +
-				"public class A {\n" + 
-				"	void bar() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see p.A#bar\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type A is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug129241c() {
-		this.reportJavadocDeprecation = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see p.A#bar\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"/** @deprecated */\n" +
-				"public class A {\n" + 
-				"	void bar() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug129241d() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see p.A#bar\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"/** @deprecated */\n" +
-				"public class A {\n" + 
-				"	void bar() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 132813: NPE in Javadoc.resolve( + log swamped
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug132813() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X { \n" + 
-				"	/**	 */ \n" + 
-				"	public Test() {}\n" + 
-				"	/**	 */\n" + 
-				"	public test() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class X { \n" + 
-			"	             ^\n" + 
-			"The public type X must be defined in its own file\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	public Test() {}\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Return type for the method is missing\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	public test() {}\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Return type for the method is missing\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 149013: [javadoc] In latest 3.3 build, there is a javadoc error in org.eclipse.core.resources
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug149013_Private01() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test1/",
-				"package test1;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		class Level2 {\n" + 
-				"			class Level3 {}\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"test1/",
-				"package test1;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see X.Inner\n" + 
-				" * @see X.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				" * @see X.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {}\n",
-				"test1/"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug149013_Public01() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test1/",
-				"package test1;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		class Level2 {\n" + 
-				"			class Level3 {}\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"test1/",
-				"package test1;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see X.Inner\n" + 
-				" * @see X.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				" * @see X.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			//test1\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: X.Inner
-			//test1\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: X.Inner.Level2
-			//test1\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: X.Inner.Level2.Level3
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test1\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.Inner\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: \'public\' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this \'default\' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test1\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: \'public\' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this \'default\' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in test1\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: \'public\' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this \'default\' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug149013_Private02() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test1/",
-				"package test1;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		class Level2 {\n" + 
-				"			class Level3 {}\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"test2/",
-				"package test2;\n" + 
-				"import test1.X;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see X.Inner\n" + 
-				" * @see X.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				" * @see X.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {}\n",
-			},
-			//test2\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: X.Inner
-			//test2\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: X.Inner.Level2
-			//test2\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: X.Inner.Level2.Level3
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test2\\ (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.Inner\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type X.Inner is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test2\\ (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.Inner.Level2\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type X.Inner is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in test2\\ (at line 6)\r\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.Inner.Level2.Level3\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type X.Inner is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug149013_Public02() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test1/",
-				"package test1;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		class Level2 {\n" + 
-				"			class Level3 {}\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"test2/",
-				"package test2;\n" + 
-				"import test1.X;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see X.Inner\n" + 
-				" * @see X.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				" * @see X.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {}\n",
-			},
-			//test2\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: X.Inner
-			//test2\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: X.Inner.Level2
-			//test2\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: X.Inner.Level2.Level3
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test2\\ (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.Inner\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type X.Inner is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test2\\ (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.Inner.Level2\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type X.Inner is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in test2\\ (at line 6)\r\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.Inner.Level2.Level3\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type X.Inner is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug149013_Private03() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test1/",
-				"package test1;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		class Level2 {\n" + 
-				"			class Level3 {}\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"test3/",
-				"package test3;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see test1.X.Inner\n" + 
-				" * @see test1.X.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				" * @see test1.X.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {}\n"
-			},
-			// no warning
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test3\\ (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	* @see test1.X.Inner\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type test1.X.Inner is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test3\\ (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-			"	* @see test1.X.Inner.Level2\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type test1.X.Inner is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in test3\\ (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-			"	* @see test1.X.Inner.Level2.Level3\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type test1.X.Inner is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug149013_Public03() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test1/",
-				"package test1;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		class Level2 {\n" + 
-				"			class Level3 {}\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"test3/",
-				"package test3;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see test1.X.Inner\n" + 
-				" * @see test1.X.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				" * @see test1.X.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {}\n"
-			},
-			// no warning
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test3\\ (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	* @see test1.X.Inner\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type test1.X.Inner is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test3\\ (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-			"	* @see test1.X.Inner.Level2\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type test1.X.Inner is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in test3\\ (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-			"	* @see test1.X.Inner.Level2.Level3\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type test1.X.Inner is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @bug 153399: [javadoc] JDT Core should warn if the @value tag is not used correctly
-	 * @test Ensure that 'value' tag is well warned when not used correctly
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug153399a() {
-		String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X { \n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * {@value #MY_VALUE}\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	public final static int MY_VALUE = 0; \n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * {@value #MY_VALUE}\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	public void foo() {}\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * {@value #MY_VALUE}\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	class Sub {} \n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		};
-		if (complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3) || complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_4)) {
-			runNegativeTest(testFiles,
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* {@value #MY_VALUE}\n" + 
-				"	    ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-				"	* {@value #MY_VALUE}\n" + 
-				"	    ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-			);
-		} else {
-			runConformTest(testFiles);
-		}
-	}
-	public void testBug153399b() {
-		String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X { \n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * {@value}\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	public final static int MY_VALUE = 0; \n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * {@value}\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	public void foo() {}\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * {@value}\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	class Sub {} \n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		};
-		if (complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3) || complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_4)) {
-			runNegativeTest(testFiles,
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* {@value}\n" + 
-				"	    ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-				"	* {@value}\n" + 
-				"	    ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-			);
-		} else {
-			runConformTest(testFiles);
-		}
-	}
-	public void testBug153399c() {
-		String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * @return a\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	boolean get() {\n" + 
-			"		return false;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		};
-		runConformTest(testFiles);
-	}
-	public void testBug153399d() {
-		String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X { \n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * {@value #MY_VALUE}\n" + 
-			"	 * {@value}\n" + 
-			"	 * {@value Invalid}\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	public final static int MY_VALUE = 0; \n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		};
-		if (complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3) || complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_4)) {
-			runNegativeTest(testFiles,
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* {@value #MY_VALUE}\n" + 
-				"	    ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* {@value}\n" + 
-				"	    ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-			);
-		} else {
-			runNegativeTest(testFiles,
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* {@value Invalid}\n" + 
-				"	          ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-			);
-		}
-	}
-	public void testBug153399e() {
-		String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X { \n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * {@value Invalid}\n" + 
-			"	 * {@value #MY_VALUE}\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	public final static int MY_VALUE = 0; \n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		};
-		if (complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3) || complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_4)) {
-			runNegativeTest(testFiles,
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* {@value Invalid}\n" + 
-				"	    ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-			);
-		} else {
-			runNegativeTest(testFiles,
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* {@value Invalid}\n" + 
-				"	          ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-			);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @bug 160015: [1.5][javadoc] Missing warning on autoboxing compatible methods
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug160015() {
-		runNegativeTest(new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see #method(Long) Warning!\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	public void method(long l) {}\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see #method(Long) Warning!\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	void bar() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see #method(Long) Warning!\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method method(long) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (Long)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	* @see #method(Long) Warning!\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method method(long) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (Long)\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @bug 163659: [javadoc] Compiler should warn when method parameters are not identical
-	 * @test Ensure that a warning is raised when method parameter types are not identical
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug163659() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see #foo(MyInterface)\n" + 
-				" * @see #foo(MySubInterface)\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(MyInterface mi) {\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"interface MyInterface {}\n" + 
-				"interface MySubInterface extends MyInterface {} \n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see #foo(MySubInterface)\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(MyInterface) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (MySubInterface)\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @bug 165794: [javadoc] Should not report ambiguous on method with parameterized types as parameters
-	 * @test Ensure that no warning are raised when ambiguous parameterized methods are present in javadoc comments
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug165794() {
-		String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-			"",
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * No reasonable hint for resolving the {@link #getMax(A)}.\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    /**\n" + 
-			"     * Extends Number method.\n" + 
-			"     * @see #getMax(A ipZ)\n" + 
-			"     */\n" + 
-			"    public <T extends Y> T getMax(final A<T> ipY) {\n" + 
-			"        return ipY.t();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    \n" + 
-			"    /**\n" + 
-			"     * Extends Exception method.\n" + 
-			"     * @see #getMax(A ipY)\n" + 
-			"     */\n" + 
-			"    public <T extends Z> T getMax(final A<T> ipZ) {\n" + 
-			"        return ipZ.t();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class A<T> {\n" + 
-			"	T t() { return null; }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class Y {}\n" + 
-			"class Z {}"
-		};
-		if (complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3) || complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_4)) {
-			return;
-		}
-		runConformTest(testFiles);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @bug 166365: [javadoc] severity level of malformed javadoc comments did not work properly
-	 * @test Ensure that no warning is raised when visibility is lower than the javadoc option one
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug166365() {
-		String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    /**\n" + 
-			"     * @return\n" + 
-			"     */\n" + 
-			"    private String getSomePrivate() {\n" + 
-			"        return \"SomePrivate\";\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    /**\n" + 
-			"     * @return\n" + 
-			"     */\n" + 
-			"    protected String getSomeProtected() {\n" + 
-			"        return \"SomeProtected\";\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    /**\n" + 
-			"     * @return\n" + 
-			"     */\n" + 
-			"    String getSomeDefault() {\n" + 
-			"        return \"SomeDefault\";\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    /**\n" + 
-			"     * @return\n" + 
-			"     */\n" + 
-			"    public String getSomePublic() {\n" + 
-			"        return \"SomePublic\";\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		};
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(testFiles,
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 21)\n" + 
-			"	* @return\n" + 
-			"	   ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing return type description\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @bug 166436: [javadoc] Potentially wrong javadoc warning for unexpected duplicate tag value
-	 * @test Ensure that no duplicate warning is raised for value tag
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug166436() {
-		String[] testFiles = new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public static final String PUBLIC_CONST = \"public\";\n" + 
-			"	protected static final String PROTECTED_CONST = \"protected\";\n" + 
-			"	static final String DEFAULT_CONST = \"default\"; \n" + 
-			"	private static final String PRIVATE_CONST = \"private\"; \n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * Values:\n" + 
-			"	 * <ul>\n" + 
-			"	 * 	<li>{@value #PUBLIC_CONST}</li>\n" + 
-			"	 * 	<li>{@value #PROTECTED_CONST}</li>\n" + 
-			"	 * 	<li>{@value #DEFAULT_CONST}</li>\n" + 
-			"	 * 	<li>{@value #PRIVATE_CONST}</li>\n" + 
-			"	 * </ul>\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	public X() {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		};
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		if (complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3) || complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_4)) {
-			runNegativeTest(testFiles,
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	* 	<li>{@value #PUBLIC_CONST}</li>\n" + 
-				"	  	      ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	* 	<li>{@value #PROTECTED_CONST}</li>\n" + 
-				"	  	      ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-				"	* 	<li>{@value #DEFAULT_CONST}</li>\n" + 
-				"	  	      ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-				"	* 	<li>{@value #PRIVATE_CONST}</li>\n" + 
-				"	  	      ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-			);
-		} else {
-			runNegativeTest(testFiles,
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	* 	<li>{@value #PROTECTED_CONST}</li>\n" + 
-				"	  	            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: \'public\' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this \'protected\' reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-				"	* 	<li>{@value #DEFAULT_CONST}</li>\n" + 
-				"	  	            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: \'public\' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this \'default\' reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-				"	* 	<li>{@value #PRIVATE_CONST}</li>\n" + 
-				"	  	            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: \'public\' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this \'private\' reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-			);
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index cf6e61f..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,578 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.junit.extension.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.AbstractCompilerTest;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public abstract class JavadocTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-	boolean useLibrary = false;
-	static String ZIP_FILE = "/";
-	static final String LINE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("line.separator");
-	public static ArrayList ALL_CLASSES = null;
-	static final String DOC_COMMENT_SUPPORT = System.getProperty("");
-	static boolean debug = false;
-	// Javadoc execution
-	protected static final String JAVADOC_NAME = 
-		File.pathSeparatorChar == ':' ? "javadoc" : "javadoc.exe";
-  protected static String javadocCommandLineHeader;
-	static {
-		ALL_CLASSES = new ArrayList();
-		ALL_CLASSES.add(JavadocBugsTest.class);
-		ALL_CLASSES.add(JavadocTestForMethod.class);
-		ALL_CLASSES.add(JavadocTestMixed.class);
-		ALL_CLASSES.add(JavadocTestForClass.class);
-		ALL_CLASSES.add(JavadocTestForConstructor.class);
-		ALL_CLASSES.add(JavadocTestForField.class);
-		ALL_CLASSES.add(JavadocTestForInterface.class);
-		ALL_CLASSES.add(JavadocTestOptions.class);
-	}
-	public static void addTest(TestSuite suite, Class testClass) {
-		TestSuite innerSuite = new TestSuite(testClass);
-		suite.addTest(innerSuite);
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		TestSuite testSuite = new TestSuite(JavadocTest.class.getName());
-		// Reset forgotten subsets of tests
-		TestCase.TESTS_PREFIX = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NAMES = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NUMBERS = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_RANGE = null;
-		TestCase.RUN_ONLY_ID = null;
-		for (int i = 0, size=ALL_CLASSES.size(); i < size; i++) {
-			Class testClass = (Class) ALL_CLASSES.get(i);
-			Test suite = buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass);
-			testSuite.addTest(suite);
-		}
-		int complianceLevels = AbstractCompilerTest.getPossibleComplianceLevels();
-		if ((complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_3) != 0) {
-			testSuite.addTest(buildUniqueComplianceTestSuite(JavadocTest_1_3.class, COMPLIANCE_1_3));
-		}
-		if ((complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_4) != 0) {
-			testSuite.addTest(buildUniqueComplianceTestSuite(JavadocTest_1_4.class, COMPLIANCE_1_4));
-		}
-		if ((complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_5) != 0) {
-			testSuite.addTest(buildUniqueComplianceTestSuite(JavadocTest_1_5.class, COMPLIANCE_1_5));
-		}
-		return testSuite;
-	}
-	public static Test suiteForComplianceLevel(String level, Class testClass) {
-		Test suite = buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass);
-		return new RegressionTestSetup(suite, level);
-	}
-	public JavadocTest(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-		Map options = super.getCompilerOptions();
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFieldHiding, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-//		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportSyntheticAccessEmulation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_DocCommentSupport, CompilerOptions.ENABLED);
-		// Set default before bug changes
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility, CompilerOptions.PRIVATE);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadocTags, CompilerOptions.ENABLED);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef, CompilerOptions.ENABLED);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef, CompilerOptions.ENABLED);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTagsVisibility, CompilerOptions.PRIVATE);
-//		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingSerialVersion, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-		return options;
-	}
-	protected String[] getDefaultClassPaths() {
-		if (useLibrary) {
-			String[] classLibs = super.getDefaultClassPaths();
-			final int length = classLibs.length;
-			String[] newClassPaths = new String[length + 1];
-			System.arraycopy(classLibs, 0, newClassPaths, 0, length);
-			newClassPaths[length] = getClass().getResource(ZIP_FILE).getPath();
-			return newClassPaths;
-		}
-		return super.getDefaultClassPaths();
-	}
-	static String[] referencedClasses = null;
-	static {
-		referencedClasses =
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"public abstract class AbstractVisibility {\n" +
-				"	private class AvcPrivate {\n" +
-				"		private int avf_private = 10;\n" +
-				"		public int avf_public = avf_private;\n" +
-				"		private int avm_private() {\n" +
-				"			avf_private = (new AvcPrivate()).avf_private;\n" +
-				"			return avf_private;\n" +
-				"		}\n" +
-				"		public int avm_public() {\n" +
-				"			return avm_private();\n" +
-				"		}\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	public class AvcPublic {\n" +
-				"		private int avf_private = 10;\n" +
-				"		public int avf_public = avf_private;\n" +
-				"		private int avm_private() {\n" +
-				"			avf_private = (new AvcPrivate()).avf_private;\n" +
-				"			return avf_private;\n" +
-				"		}\n" +
-				"		public int avm_public() {\n" +
-				"			return avm_private();\n" +
-				"		}\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	private int avf_private = 100;\n" +
-				"	public int avf_public = avf_private;\n" +
-				"	\n" +
-				"	private int avm_private() {\n" +
-				"		avf_private = (new AvcPrivate()).avf_private;\n" +
-				"		return avf_private;\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	public int avm_public() {\n" +
-				"		return avm_private();\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"public class Visibility extends AbstractVisibility {\n" +
-				"	private class VcPrivate {\n" +
-				"		private int vf_private = 10;\n" +
-				"		public int vf_public = vf_private;\n" +
-				"		private int vm_private() {\n" +
-				"			vf_private = (new VcPrivate()).vf_private;\n" +
-				"			avf_private = vf_private;\n" +
-				"			return vf_private+avf_private;\n" +
-				"		}\n" +
-				"		public int vm_public() {\n" +
-				"			return vm_private();\n" +
-				"		}\n" +
-				"	};\n" +
-				"	public class VcPublic {\n" +
-				"		private int vf_private = 10;\n" +
-				"		public int vf_public = vf_private;\n" +
-				"		private int vm_private() {\n" +
-				"			vf_private = (new VcPrivate()).vf_private;\n" +
-				"			avf_private = vf_private;\n" +
-				"			return vf_private+avf_private;\n" +
-				"		}\n" +
-				"		public int vm_public() {\n" +
-				"			return vm_private();\n" +
-				"		}\n" +
-				"	};\n" +
-				"	private int vf_private = 100;\n" +
-				"	private int avf_private = 100;\n" +
-				"	public int vf_public = vf_private;\n" +
-				"	public int avf_public = vf_private;\n" +
-				"	\n" +
-				"	private int vm_private() {\n" +
-				"		vf_private = (new VcPrivate()).vf_private;\n" +
-				"		avf_private = vf_private;\n" +
-				"		return vf_private+avf_private;\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	public int vm_public() {\n" +
-				"		return vm_private();\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"test/copy/",
-				"package test.copy;\n" +
-				"class VisibilityPackage {\n" +
-				"	private class VpPrivate {\n" +
-				"		private int vf_private = 10;\n" +
-				"		public int vf_public = vf_private;\n" +
-				"		private int vm_private() {\n" +
-				"			vf_private = (new VpPrivate()).vf_private;\n" +
-				"			return vf_private;\n" +
-				"		}\n" +
-				"		public int vm_public() {\n" +
-				"			return vm_private();\n" +
-				"		}\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	public class VpPublic {\n" +
-				"		private int vf_private = 10;\n" +
-				"		public int vf_public = vf_private;\n" +
-				"		private int vm_private() {\n" +
-				"			vf_private = (new VpPrivate()).vf_private;\n" +
-				"			return vf_private;\n" +
-				"		}\n" +
-				"		public int vm_public() {\n" +
-				"			return vm_private();\n" +
-				"		}\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	private int vf_private = 100;\n" +
-				"	public int vf_public = vf_private;\n" +
-				"	\n" +
-				"	private int vm_private() {\n" +
-				"		vf_private = (new VpPrivate()).vf_private;\n" +
-				"		return vf_private;\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	public int vm_public() {\n" +
-				"		return vm_private();\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"test/copy/",
-				"package test.copy;\n" +
-				"public class VisibilityPublic {\n" +
-				"	private class VpPrivate {\n" +
-				"		private int vf_private = 10;\n" +
-				"		public int vf_public = vf_private;\n" +
-				"		private int vm_private() {\n" +
-				"			vf_private = (new VpPrivate()).vf_private;\n" +
-				"			return vf_private;\n" +
-				"		}\n" +
-				"		public int vm_public() {\n" +
-				"			return vm_private();\n" +
-				"		}\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	public class VpPublic {\n" +
-				"		private int vf_private = 10;\n" +
-				"		public int vf_public = vf_private;\n" +
-				"		private int vm_private() {\n" +
-				"			vf_private = (new VpPrivate()).vf_private;\n" +
-				"			return vf_private;\n" +
-				"		}\n" +
-				"		public int vm_public() {\n" +
-				"			return vm_private();\n" +
-				"		}\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	private int vf_private = 100;\n" +
-				"	public int vf_public = vf_private;\n" +
-				"	\n" +
-				"	private int vm_private() {\n" +
-				"		vf_private = (new VpPrivate()).vf_private;\n" +
-				"		return vf_private;\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	public int vm_public() {\n" +
-				"		return vm_private();\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" };
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
-	 */
-	protected void setUp() throws Exception {
-		super.setUp();
-		if (RUN_JAVAC) {
-			javadocCommandLineHeader = 
-				jdkRootDirPath.append("bin").append(JAVADOC_NAME).toString(); // PREMATURE replace JAVA_NAME and JAVAC_NAME with locals? depends on potential reuse
-		}
-//		SHIFT = true;
-//		INDENT = 3;
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * @see junit.framework.TestCase#tearDown()
-	 */
-	protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
-//		SHIFT = false;
-//		INDENT = 2;
-		super.tearDown();
-	}
-	protected void runConformReferenceTest(String[] testFiles) {
-		String[] completedFiles = testFiles;
-		if (!useLibrary) {
-			completedFiles = new String[testFiles.length + referencedClasses.length];
-			System.arraycopy(referencedClasses, 0, completedFiles, 0, referencedClasses.length);
-			System.arraycopy(testFiles, 0, completedFiles, referencedClasses.length, testFiles.length);
-		}
-		runConformTest(completedFiles);
-	}
-	protected void runNegativeReferenceTest(String[] testFiles, String expected) {
-		String[] completedFiles = testFiles;
-		if (!useLibrary) {
-			completedFiles = new String[testFiles.length + referencedClasses.length];
-			System.arraycopy(referencedClasses, 0, completedFiles, 0, referencedClasses.length);
-			System.arraycopy(testFiles, 0, completedFiles, referencedClasses.length, testFiles.length);
-		}
-		runNegativeTest(completedFiles, expected);
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * @see org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression.AbstractRegressionTest#runConformTest(java.lang.String[], java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], boolean, java.lang.String[], java.util.Map, org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ICompilerRequestor)
-	 *
-	protected void runConformTest(String[] testFiles,
-			String expectedSuccessOutputString,
-			String[] classLib,
-			boolean shouldFlushOutputDirectory,
-			String[] vmArguments,
-			Map customOptions,
-			ICompilerRequestor clientRequestor) {
-		if (TESTS_NAMES != null || TESTS_PREFIX != null || TESTS_NUMBERS != null || TESTS_RANGE != null) {
-			writeFiles(testFiles);
-		}
-		super.runConformTest(testFiles,
-			expectedSuccessOutputString,
-			classLib,
-			shouldFlushOutputDirectory,
-			vmArguments,
-			customOptions,
-			clientRequestor);
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * @see org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression.AbstractRegressionTest#runNegativeTest(java.lang.String[], java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], boolean, java.util.Map, boolean)
-	 *
-	protected void runNegativeTest(String[] testFiles,
-			String expectedProblemLog,
-			String[] classLib,
-			boolean shouldFlushOutputDirectory,
-			Map customOptions,
-			boolean generateOutput) {
-		if (TESTS_NAMES != null || TESTS_PREFIX != null || TESTS_NUMBERS != null || TESTS_RANGE != null) {
-			writeFiles(testFiles);
-		}
-		super.runNegativeTest(testFiles,
-			expectedProblemLog,
-			classLib,
-			shouldFlushOutputDirectory,
-			customOptions,
-			generateOutput);
-	}
-	*/
-	protected void writeFiles(String[] testFiles) {
-		String classDirName = getClass().getName().substring(getClass().getName().lastIndexOf('.')+1); //.substring(11);
-		String testName = getName();
-		int idx = testName.indexOf(" - ");
-		if (idx > 0) {
-			testName = testName.substring(idx+3);
-		}
-    // File dir = new File("d:/usr/OTI/tests/javadoc/");
-		// non portable
-		createOutputTestDirectory(classDirName);
-		createOutputTestDirectory(Character.toUpperCase(testName.charAt(0)) + 
-				testName.substring(1));
-		System.out.println("Write test file to " + 
-				this.outputTestDirectory.getPath() + "...");
-		for (int i=0, length=testFiles.length; i<length; i++) {
-			String contents = testFiles[i+1];
-			String fileName = testFiles[i++];
-			String dirFileName = this.outputTestDirectory.getPath();
-			if (fileName.indexOf("Visibility")>0) {
-				continue;
-			} else {
-				int index = fileName.lastIndexOf('/');
-				if (index > 0) {
-					String subdirs = fileName.substring(0, index);
-					String packName = subdirs.replace('/', '.');
-					contents = "package "+packName+";"+contents.substring(contents.indexOf(';')+1);
-					File dir = new File(dirFileName, subdirs);
-					if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdirs();
-					if (RUN_JAVAC) {
-						Util.writeToFile(contents, dirFileName+"/"+fileName);
-						// PREMATURE this results into a duplicate file.
-					}
-					fileName = fileName.substring(index+1);
-				}
-			}
-			Util.writeToFile(contents, dirFileName+"/"+fileName); 
-			// REVIEW don't know why this is created at the default package level
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Run Sun compilation using javadoc.
-	 * See implementation in parent for details.
-	 */
-	protected void runJavac(
-			String[] testFiles, 
-			final String expectedProblemLog, 
-			final String expectedSuccessOutputString, 
-			boolean shouldFlushOutputDirectory) {
-		String testName = null;
-		Process compileProcess = null;
-		Process execProcess = null;
-		try {
-			// Init test name
-			testName = testName();
-			// Cleanup javac output dir if needed
-			File javacOutputDirectory = new File(JAVAC_OUTPUT_DIR);
-			if (shouldFlushOutputDirectory) {
-				Util.delete(javacOutputDirectory);
-			}
-			// Write files in dir
-			writeFiles(testFiles);
-			// Prepare command line
-			StringBuffer cmdLine = new StringBuffer(javadocCommandLineHeader);
-			// compute extra classpath
-			String[] classpath = Util.concatWithClassLibs(JAVAC_OUTPUT_DIR, false);
-			StringBuffer cp = new StringBuffer(" -classpath ");
-			int length = classpath.length;
-			for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-				if (i > 0)
-				  cp.append(File.pathSeparatorChar);
-				if (classpath[i].indexOf(" ") != -1) {
-					cp.append("\"" + classpath[i] + "\"");
-				} else {
-					cp.append(classpath[i]);
-				}
-			} 
-			cmdLine.append(cp);
-			// add source files
-			for (int i = 0; i < testFiles.length; i += 2) {
-				// *.java is not enough (p1/, p2/
-				cmdLine.append(' ');
-				cmdLine.append(testFiles[i]);
-			}
-			// Launch process
-			compileProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(
-				cmdLine.toString(), null, this.outputTestDirectory);
-			// Log errors
-      Logger errorLogger = new Logger(compileProcess.getErrorStream(), "ERROR");            
-      // Log output
-      Logger outputLogger = new Logger(compileProcess.getInputStream(), "OUTPUT");
-      // start the threads to run outputs (standard/error)
-      errorLogger.start();
-      outputLogger.start();
-      // Wait for end of process
-			int exitValue = compileProcess.waitFor();
-			errorLogger.join(); // make sure we get the whole output
-			outputLogger.join();
-			// Report raw javadoc results
-			if (! testName.equals(javacTestName)) {
-				javacTestName = testName;
-				javacTestErrorFlag = false;
-				javacFullLog.println("-----------------------------------------------------------------");
-				javacFullLog.println(CURRENT_CLASS_NAME + " " + testName);
-			}
-			if (exitValue != 0) {
-				javacTestErrorFlag = true;
-			}
-			if (errorLogger.buffer.length() > 0) {
-				javacFullLog.println("--- javac err: ---");
-				javacFullLog.println(errorLogger.buffer.toString());
-			}
-			if (outputLogger.buffer.length() > 0) {
-				javacFullLog.println("--- javac out: ---");
-				javacFullLog.println(outputLogger.buffer.toString());
-			}
-			// Compare compilation results
-			if (expectedProblemLog == null || expectedProblemLog.length() == 0) {
-				// Eclipse found no error and no warning
-				if (exitValue != 0) {
-					// Javac found errors
-					System.out.println("----------------------------------------");
-					System.out.println(testName + " - Javadoc has found error(s) but Eclipse expects conform result:\n");
-					javacFullLog.println("JAVAC_MISMATCH: Javadoc has found error(s) but Eclipse expects conform result");
-					System.out.println(errorLogger.buffer.toString());
-					printFiles(testFiles);
-					DIFF_COUNTERS[0]++;
-				} 
-				else {
-					// Javac found no error - may have found warnings
-					if (errorLogger.buffer.length() > 0) {
-						System.out.println("----------------------------------------");
-						System.out.println(testName + " - Javadoc has found warning(s) but Eclipse expects conform result:\n");
-						javacFullLog.println("JAVAC_MISMATCH: Javadoc has found warning(s) but Eclipse expects conform result");
-						System.out.println(errorLogger.buffer.toString());
-						printFiles(testFiles);
-						DIFF_COUNTERS[0]++;
-					} 
-				}
-			} 
-			else {
-				// Eclipse found errors or warnings
-				if (errorLogger.buffer.length() == 0) {
-					System.out.println("----------------------------------------");
-					System.out.println(testName + " - Eclipse has found error(s)/warning(s) but Javadoc did not find any:");
-					javacFullLog.println("JAVAC_MISMATCH: Eclipse has found error(s)/warning(s) but Javadoc did not find any");
-					dualPrintln("eclipse:");
-					dualPrintln(expectedProblemLog);
-					printFiles(testFiles);
-					DIFF_COUNTERS[1]++;
-				} else if (expectedProblemLog.indexOf("ERROR") > 0 && exitValue == 0){
-					System.out.println("----------------------------------------");
-					System.out.println(testName + " - Eclipse has found error(s) but Javadoc only found warning(s):");
-					javacFullLog.println("JAVAC_MISMATCH: Eclipse has found error(s) but Javadoc only found warning(s)");
-					dualPrintln("eclipse:");
-					dualPrintln(expectedProblemLog);
-					System.out.println("javadoc:");
-					System.out.println(errorLogger.buffer.toString());
-					printFiles(testFiles);
-					DIFF_COUNTERS[1]++;
-				} else {
-					// PREMATURE refine comparison
-					// TODO (frederic) compare warnings in each result and verify they are similar...
-//						System.out.println(testName+": javac has found warnings :");
-//						System.out.print(errorLogger.buffer.toString());
-//						System.out.println(testName+": we're expecting warning results:");
-//						System.out.println(expectedProblemLog);
-				}
-			}
-		} 
-		catch (InterruptedException e1) {
-			if (compileProcess != null) compileProcess.destroy();
-			if (execProcess != null) execProcess.destroy();
-			System.out.println(testName+": Sun javadoc compilation was aborted!");
-			javacFullLog.println("JAVAC_WARNING: Sun javadoc compilation was aborted!");
-			e1.printStackTrace(javacFullLog);
-		}
-		catch (Throwable e) {
-			System.out.println(testName+": could not launch Sun javadoc compilation!");
-			e.printStackTrace();
-			javacFullLog.println("JAVAC_ERROR: could not launch Sun javac compilation!");
-			e.printStackTrace(javacFullLog);
-			// PREMATURE failing the javac pass or comparison could also fail
-			//           the test itself
-		} 
-		finally {
-			Util.delete(outputTestDirectory);
-		}
-	}
-	protected void	printJavacResultsSummary() {
-		if (RUN_JAVAC) {
-			Integer count = (Integer)TESTS_COUNTERS.get(CURRENT_CLASS_NAME);
-			if (count != null) {
-				int newCount = count.intValue()-1;
-				TESTS_COUNTERS.put(CURRENT_CLASS_NAME, new Integer(newCount));
-				if (newCount == 0) {
-					if (DIFF_COUNTERS[0]!=0 || DIFF_COUNTERS[1]!=0 || DIFF_COUNTERS[2]!=0) {
-						dualPrintln("===========================================================================");
-						dualPrintln("Results summary:");
-					}
-					if (DIFF_COUNTERS[0]!=0)
-						dualPrintln("	- "+DIFF_COUNTERS[0]+" test(s) where Javadoc found errors/warnings but Eclipse did not");
-					if (DIFF_COUNTERS[1]!=0)
-						dualPrintln("	- "+DIFF_COUNTERS[1]+" test(s) where Eclipse found errors/warnings but Javadoc did not");
-					System.out.println("\n");
-				}
-			}
-			javacFullLog.flush();
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0313a05..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,990 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class JavadocTestForClass extends JavadocTest {
-	public static Test suite() {
-		return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(javadocTestClass());
-	}
-	public JavadocTestForClass(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public static Class javadocTestClass() {
-		return JavadocTestForClass.class;
-	}
-	protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-		Map options = super.getCompilerOptions();
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadoc, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility, CompilerOptions.PRIVATE);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTags, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTagsVisibility, CompilerOptions.PRIVATE);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportRawTypeReference, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-		return options;
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * Test unexpected tags
-	 */
-	public void test001() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid class javadoc\n"
-					+ "	 * @author ffr\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test002() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid class javadoc\n"
-					+ "	 * @param x Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n"
-				+ "	* @param x Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test003() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid class javadoc\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test004() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid class javadoc\n"
-					+ "	 * @exception NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n"
-				+ "	* @exception NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test005() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid class javadoc\n"
-					+ "	 * @return Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n"
-				+ "	* @return Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test006() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid class javadoc\n"
-					+ "	 * @exception NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 * @return Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 * @param x Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n"
-				+ "	* @exception NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @return Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @param x Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test007() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid class javadoc\n"
-					+ "	 * @author ffr\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo() {}\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid javadoc comment\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "}\n" }
-			);
-	}
-	public void test008() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo() {}\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid javadoc comment\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "}\n" }
-			);
-	}
-	public void test009() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid javadoc comment\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "}\n" }
-			);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * (non-Javadoc) Test @see tag
-	 */
-	// String references
-	public void test010() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid string references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"unterminated string\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"invalid string\"\"\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"invalid\" no text allowed after the string\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @see \"\n"
-				+ "	       ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see \"unterminated string\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see \"invalid string\"\"\n"
-				+"	                       ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected text\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see \"invalid\" no text allowed after the string\n"
-				+ "	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected text\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test011() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid string references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"Valid normal string\"\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"Valid \\\"string containing\\\" \\\"double-quote\\\"\"\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	// URL Link references
-	public void test012() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid URL link references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href=\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</a> no text allowed after the href\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a href=\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</a> no text allowed after the href\n"
-				+ "	                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected text\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test013() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid URL link references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href=\"\">Valid URL link reference</a>\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	// @see Classes references
-	public void test020() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local classes references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility Valid ref: local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic Valid ref: visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPublic Valid ref: visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility Valid ref: local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.VcPublic Valid ref: visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.AvcPublic Valid ref: visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test021() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local classes references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Unknown Invalid ref: unknown class \n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.AvcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.Visibility.AvcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Unknown Invalid ref: unknown class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test022() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"import test.copy.*;\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Valid external classes references \n" +
-				"	 *\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic Valid ref: visible class through import => no warning on import\n" +
-				// Inner classes are not visible in generated documentation
-				//"	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic Valid ref: visible inner class in visible class \n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public void s_foo() {\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test023() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.*;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid external classes references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage Invalid ref: non visible class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class \n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPackage Invalid ref: non visible class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test024() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Valid external classes references \n" +
-				"	 *\n" +
-				"	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic Valid ref: visible class through import => no warning on import\n" +
-				// Inner classes are not visible in generated documentation
-				//"	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic Valid ref: visible inner class in visible class \n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public void s_foo() {\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-				}
-		);
-	}
-	// @see Field references
-	public void test030() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local class field references\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #x Valid ref: accessible field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vf_public Valid ref: visible field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vf_public Valid ref: visible field in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	int x;\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test031() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local class field references\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #x Invalid ref: non existent field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #x Invalid ref: non existent field\n"
-				+ "	        ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: x cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test032() {
-		runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"import test.copy.*;\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Valid other package visible class fields references\n" +
-				"	 *\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vf_public Valid ref to not visible field of other package class\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_public Valid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public void s_foo() {\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test033() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.*;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other package non visible class fields references\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package non visible class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#unknown Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (non existent field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package public inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPackage#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package non visible class\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package class\n"
-				+ "	                        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package class\n"
-				+ "	                        ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#unknown Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (non existent field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package public inner class\n"
-				+ "	                                 ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n"
-				+ "	                                 ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	// @see method references
-	public void test040() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references with array\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] array, int[][] matrix, String[][][] dim, Vector[][][][] extra) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[],int[][],java.lang.String[][][],java.util.Vector[][][][]) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(char[] array, int[][] matrix, String[][][] dim, Vector[][][][] extra) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test041() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references with array (non applicable arrays)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(char[] array, int[][] matrix, String[][][] dim, Vector[][][][] extra) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][])\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test042() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo() Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean a1,int a2,byte a3,short a4,char a5,long a6,float a7,double a8) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test043() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #unknown() Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #unknown() Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type X\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test044() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(float, long, char, short, byte, int, boolean) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(String, String, int, String) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(float, long, char, short, byte, int, boolean) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (float, long, char, short, byte, int, boolean)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(String, String, int, String) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(String, String, int) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (String, String, int, String)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(boolean) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (boolean)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-				+ "	                ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Hashtable cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-				+ "	                             ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Vector cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test045() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo() Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(boolean,int,byte,short,char,long,float,double) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(String x, java.lang.String y, int z) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test046() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/deep/qualified/name/p/",
-				"package;\n"
-					+ "import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see,int,byte,short,char,long,float,double) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see x, java.lang.String y, int z) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see a, Vector b, boolean c) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test047() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid package class methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test048() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid package class methods references (non-existence)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#unknown() Invalid ref: non-existent method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non existent method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non-existent class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non existent inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#unknown() Invalid ref: non-existent method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type Visibility\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non existent method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type Visibility.VcPublic\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non-existent class\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non existent inner class\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Visibility.Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test049() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid package class methods references (non-visible)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_private() Invalid ref: non-visible method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vm_private() Invalid ref: non-visible method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() from the type Visibility is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() from the type Visibility.VcPublic is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test050() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid package class methods references (non-applicable)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_private(int) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_public(String) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private(Integer, byte) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public(Double z, Boolean x) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vm_private(int) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() in the type Visibility is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vm_public(String) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_public() in the type Visibility is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private(Integer, byte) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() in the type Visibility.VcPublic is not applicable for the arguments (Integer, byte)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public(Double z, Boolean x) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_public() in the type Visibility.VcPublic is not applicable for the arguments (Double, Boolean)\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test051() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.*;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other package non visible class methods references (non existent/visible arguments)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test052() {
-		runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"import test.copy.VisibilityPublic;\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Valid other package visible class methods references \n" +
-				"	 * \n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to not visible method of other package class\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to visible method of other package public inner class\n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public void s_foo() {\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test053() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid other package visible class methods references \n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to not visible method of other package class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to visible method of other package public inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9658557..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,946 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class JavadocTestForConstructor extends JavadocTest {
-	public JavadocTestForConstructor(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public static Class javadocTestClass() {
-		return JavadocTestForConstructor.class;
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(javadocTestClass());
-	}
-	static { // Use this static to initialize TESTS_NAMES (String[]) , TESTS_RANGE (int[2]), TESTS_NUMBERS (int[])
-	}
-	protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-		Map options = super.getCompilerOptions();
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadoc, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility, CompilerOptions.PRIVATE);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTags, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTagsVisibility, CompilerOptions.PRIVATE);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportRawTypeReference, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-		return options;
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * Test @deprecated tag
-	 */
-	public void test001() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	\n"
-					+ "	{\n"
-					+ "		new Z();\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				"",
-				"public class Z {\n"
-					+ "  /** \n"
-					+ "   * \n"
-					+ "   * **   ** ** ** @deprecated */\n"
-					+ "	public Z() { \n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				},
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	new Z();\n"
-				+ "	^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "The constructor Z() is deprecated\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test002() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	\n"
-					+ "	{\n"
-					+ "		new Z(2);\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				"",
-				"public class Z {\n"
-					+ "  /** \n"
-					+ "   * Valid tags with deprecation at end\n"
-					+ "   *\n"
-					+ "   * @param value Valid param tag\n"
-					+ "   * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ "   * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ "   * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ "   * @deprecated\n"
-					+ "   */\n"
-					+ "	public Z(int value) { \n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				},
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	new Z(2);\n"
-				+ "	^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "The constructor Z(int) is deprecated\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test003() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	\n"
-					+ "	{\n"
-					+ "		new Z();\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				"",
-				"public class Z {\n"
-					+ "  /** \n"
-					+ "   * Invalid javadoc tags with valid deprecation at end\n"
-					+ "   *\n"
-					+ "   * @param\n"
-					+ "   * @return\n"
-					+ "   * @throws Unknown\n"
-					+ "   * @see \"Invalid\n"
-					+ "   * @see Unknown\n"
-					+ "   * @param x\n"
-					+ "   * @deprecated\n"
-					+ "   */\n"
-					+ "	public Z() { \n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				},
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	new Z();\n"
-				+ "	^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "The constructor Z() is deprecated\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @param\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing parameter name\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @return\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws Unknown\n"
-				+ "	          ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see \"Invalid\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Unknown\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @param x\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	/*
-	 * (non-Javadoc) Test @see tag
-	 */
-	// String references
-	public void test010() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid string references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"unterminated string\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"invalid\" no text allowed after the string\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see \"unterminated string\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see \"invalid\" no text allowed after the string\n"
-				+ "	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected text\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test011() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid string references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"Valid normal string\"\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"Valid \\\"string containing\\\" \\\"double-quote\\\"\"\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	// URL Link references
-	public void test012() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid URL link references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href=\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</a> no text allowed after the href\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a href=\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</a> no text allowed after the href\n"
-				+ "	                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected text\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test013() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid URL link references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href=\"\">Valid URL link reference</a>\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	// @see Classes references
-	public void test020() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local classes references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility Valid ref: local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic Valid ref: visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPublic Valid ref: visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility Valid ref: local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.VcPublic Valid ref: visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.AvcPublic Valid ref: visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test021() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local classes references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Unknown Invalid ref: unknown class \n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.AvcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.Visibility.AvcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Unknown Invalid ref: unknown class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test022() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"import test.copy.*;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Valid external classes references \n" +
-				"	 *\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic Valid ref: visible class through import => no warning on import\n" +
-				// Inner classes are not visible in generated documentation
-				//"	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic Valid ref: visible inner class in visible class \n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"	public X() {\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test023() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.*;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid external classes references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage Invalid ref: non visible class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class \n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPackage Invalid ref: non visible class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test024() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Valid external classes references \n" +
-				"	 *\n" +
-				"	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic Valid ref: visible class through import => no warning on import\n" +
-				// Inner classes are not visible in generated documentation
-				//"	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic Valid ref: visible inner class in visible class \n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"	public X() {\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	// @see Field references
-	public void test030() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	int x;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local class field references\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #x Valid ref: accessible field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vf_public Valid ref: visible field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vf_public Valid ref: visible field in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test031() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local class field references\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #x Invalid ref: non existent field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #x Invalid ref: non existent field\n"
-				+ "	        ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: x cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test032() {
-		runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"import test.copy.*;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Valid other package visible class fields references\n" +
-				"	 *\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vf_public Valid ref to not visible field of other package class\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_public Valid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"	public X() {\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test033() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.*;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other package non visible class fields references\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package non visible class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#unknown Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (non existent field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package public inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPackage#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package non visible class\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package class\n"
-				+ "	                        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package class\n"
-				+ "	                        ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#unknown Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (non existent field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package public inner class\n"
-				+ "	                                 ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n"
-				+ "	                                 ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	// @see method references
-	public void test040() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references with array\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] array, int[][] matrix, String[][][] dim, Vector[][][][] extra) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[],int[][],java.lang.String[][][],java.util.Vector[][][][]) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(char[] array, int[][] matrix, String[][][] dim, Vector[][][][] extra) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test041() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references with array (non applicable arrays)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(char[] array, int[][] matrix, String[][][] dim, Vector[][][][] extra) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][])\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test042() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo() Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean a1,int a2,byte a3,short a4,char a5,long a6,float a7,double a8) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test043() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #unknown() Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #unknown() Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type X\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test044() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(float, long, char, short, byte, int, boolean) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(String, String, int, String) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(float, long, char, short, byte, int, boolean) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (float, long, char, short, byte, int, boolean)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(String, String, int, String) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(String, String, int) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (String, String, int, String)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(boolean) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (boolean)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-				+ "	                ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Hashtable cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-				+ "	                             ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Vector cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test045() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo() Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(boolean,int,byte,short,char,long,float,double) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(String x, java.lang.String y, int z) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test046() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/deep/qualified/name/p/",
-				"package;\n"
-					+ "import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see,int,byte,short,char,long,float,double) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see x, java.lang.String y, int z) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see a, Vector b, boolean c) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test047() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid package class methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test048() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid package class methods references (non-existence)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#unknown() Invalid ref: non-existent method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non existent method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non-existent class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non existent inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#unknown() Invalid ref: non-existent method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type Visibility\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non existent method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type Visibility.VcPublic\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non-existent class\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non existent inner class\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Visibility.Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test049() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid package class methods references (non-visible)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_private() Invalid ref: non-visible method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vm_private() Invalid ref: non-visible method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() from the type Visibility is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() from the type Visibility.VcPublic is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test050() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid package class methods references (non-applicable)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_private(int) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_public(String) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private(Integer, byte) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public(Double z, Boolean x) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vm_private(int) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() in the type Visibility is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vm_public(String) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_public() in the type Visibility is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private(Integer, byte) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() in the type Visibility.VcPublic is not applicable for the arguments (Integer, byte)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public(Double z, Boolean x) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_public() in the type Visibility.VcPublic is not applicable for the arguments (Double, Boolean)\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test051() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.*;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other package non visible class methods references (non existent/visible arguments)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test052() {
-		runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"import test.copy.VisibilityPublic;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Valid other package visible class methods references \n" +
-				"	 * \n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to not visible method of other package class\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to visible method of other package public inner class\n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"	public X() {\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test053() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid other package visible class methods references \n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to not visible method of other package class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to visible method of other package public inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 058f7a6..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1013 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class JavadocTestForField extends JavadocTest {
-	public JavadocTestForField(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public static Class javadocTestClass() {
-		return JavadocTestForField.class;
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(javadocTestClass());
-	}
-	static { // Use this static to initialize testNames (String[]) , testRange (int[2]), testNumbers (int[])
-	}
-	protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-		Map options = super.getCompilerOptions();
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadoc, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility, CompilerOptions.PRIVATE);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTags, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTagsVisibility, CompilerOptions.PRIVATE);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportRawTypeReference, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-		return options;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * (non-Javadoc) Test @param tag
-	 */
-	public void test001() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid field javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @author ffr\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test002() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid field javadoc\n"
-					+ "	 * @param x Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @param x Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test003() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid field javadoc\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test004() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid field javadoc\n"
-					+ "	 * @exception NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @exception NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test005() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid class javadoc\n"
-					+ "	 * @return Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @return Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test006() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid class javadoc\n"
-					+ "	 * @exception NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 * @return Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 * @param x Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @exception NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @return Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @param x Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	/*
-	 * (non-Javadoc)
-	 * Test @deprecated tag
-	 */
-	public void test007() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	int x;\n"
-					+ "	{\n"
-					+ "		x=(new Z()).z;\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				"",
-				"public class Z {\n"
-					+ "  /** \n"
-					+ "   * \n"
-					+ "   * **   ** ** ** @deprecated */\n"
-					+ "	public int z;\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				},
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	x=(new Z()).z;\n"
-				+ "	            ^\n"
-				+ "The field Z.z is deprecated\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test008() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	int x;\n"
-					+ "	{\n"
-					+ "		x=(new Z()).z;\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				"",
-				"public class Z {\n"
-					+ "  /** \n"
-					+ "   * Invalid tags with deprecation\n"
-					+ "   *\n"
-					+ "   * @param x\n"
-					+ "   * @return\n"
-					+ "   * @throws NullPointerException\n"
-					+ "   * @exception IllegalArgumentException\n"
-					+ "   * @see X\n"
-					+ "   * @deprecated\n"
-					+ "   */\n"
-					+ "	public int z;\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				},
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	x=(new Z()).z;\n"
-				+ "	            ^\n"
-				+ "The field Z.z is deprecated\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @param x\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @return\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws NullPointerException\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @exception IllegalArgumentException\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	/*
-	 * (non-Javadoc)
-	 * Test @see tag
-	 */
-	// String references
-	public void test010() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid string references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"unterminated string\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"invalid\" no text allowed after the string\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see \"unterminated string\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see \"invalid\" no text allowed after the string\n"
-				+ "	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected text\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test011() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid string references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"Valid normal string\"\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"Valid \\\"string containing\\\" \\\"double-quote\\\"\"\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	// URL Link references
-	public void test012() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid URL link references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</a> no text allowed after the href\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</\n"
-				+ "	                                ^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</a> no text allowed after the href\n"
-				+ "	                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected text\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test013() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid URL link references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <A HREF = \"\">Valid URL link reference</A>\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	// @see Classes references
-	public void test020() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local classes references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility Valid ref: local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic Valid ref: visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPublic Valid ref: visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility Valid ref: local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.VcPublic Valid ref: visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.AvcPublic Valid ref: visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test021() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local classes references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Unknown Invalid ref: unknown class \n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.AvcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.Visibility.AvcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Unknown Invalid ref: unknown class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test022() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"import test.copy.*;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Valid external classes references \n" +
-				"	 *\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic Valid ref: visible class through import => no warning on import\n" +
-				// Inner classes are not visible in generated documentation
-				//"	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic Valid ref: visible inner class in visible class \n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"	public int x;\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test023() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.*;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid external classes references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage Invalid ref: non visible class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class \n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPackage Invalid ref: non visible class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test024() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Valid external classes references \n" +
-				"	 *\n" +
-				"	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic Valid ref: visible class through import => no warning on import\n" +
-				// Inner classes are not visible in generated documentation
-				//"	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic Valid ref: visible inner class in visible class \n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"	public int x;\n" +
-				"}\n"
-				}
-			);
-	}
-	// @see Field references
-	public void test030() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local class field references\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #str Valid ref: accessible field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vf_public Valid ref: visible field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vf_public Valid ref: visible field in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "	public String str;\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test031() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local class field references\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #str Invalid ref: non existent field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #str Invalid ref: non existent field\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: str cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test032() {
-		runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"import test.copy.*;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Invalid other package non visible class fields references\n" +
-				"	 *\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vf_public Valid ref to not visible field of other package class\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_public Valid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"	public int x;\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test033() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.*;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other package non visible class fields references\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage#unknown Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#unknown Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (non existent field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package public inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPackage#unknown Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package class\n"
-				+ "	                        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package class\n"
-				+ "	                        ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#unknown Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (non existent field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package public inner class\n"
-				+ "	                                 ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n"
-				+ "	                                 ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	// @see method references
-	public void test040() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references with array\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] array, int[][] matrix, String[][][] dim, Vector[][][][] extra) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[],int[][],java.lang.String[][][],java.util.Vector[][][][]) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(char[] array, int[][] matrix, String[][][] dim, Vector[][][][] extra) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test041() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references with array (non applicable arrays)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(char[] array, int[][] matrix, String[][][] dim, Vector[][][][] extra) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (char, int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][])\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test042() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo() Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean a1,int a2,byte a3,short a4,char a5,long a6,float a7,double a8) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test043() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #unknown() Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #unknown() Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type X\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test044() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(float, long, char, short, byte, int, boolean) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(String, String, int, String) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(float, long, char, short, byte, int, boolean) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (float, long, char, short, byte, int, boolean)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(String, String, int, String) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(String, String, int) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (String, String, int, String)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(boolean) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (boolean)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-				+ "	                ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Hashtable cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-				+ "	                             ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Vector cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test045() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo() Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(boolean,int,byte,short,char,long,float,double) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(String x, java.lang.String y, int z) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test046() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/deep/qualified/name/p/",
-				"package;\n"
-					+ "import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see,int,byte,short,char,long,float,double) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see x, java.lang.String y, int z) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see a, Vector b, boolean c) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test047() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid package class methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test048() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid package class methods references (non-existence)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#unknown() Invalid ref: non-existent method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non existent method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non-existent class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non existent inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#unknown() Invalid ref: non-existent method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type Visibility\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non existent method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type Visibility.VcPublic\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non-existent class\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non existent inner class\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Visibility.Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test049() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid package class methods references (non-visible)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_private() Invalid ref: non-visible method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vm_private() Invalid ref: non-visible method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() from the type Visibility is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() from the type Visibility.VcPublic is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test050() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid package class methods references (non-applicable)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_private(int) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_public(String) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private(Integer, byte) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public(Double z, Boolean x) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vm_private(int) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() in the type Visibility is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vm_public(String) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_public() in the type Visibility is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private(Integer, byte) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() in the type Visibility.VcPublic is not applicable for the arguments (Integer, byte)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public(Double z, Boolean x) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_public() in the type Visibility.VcPublic is not applicable for the arguments (Double, Boolean)\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test051() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.*;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other package non visible class methods references (non existent/visible arguments)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test052() {
-		runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"import test.copy.VisibilityPublic;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Valid other package visible class methods references \n" +
-				"	 * \n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to not visible method of other package class\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to visible method of other package public inner class\n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"	public int x;\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test053() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid other package visible class methods references \n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to not visible method of other package class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to visible method of other package public inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index b7fb201..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2219 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class JavadocTestForInterface extends JavadocTest {
-	public JavadocTestForInterface(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public static Class javadocTestClass() {
-		return JavadocTestForInterface.class;
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(javadocTestClass());
-	}
-	static { // Use this static to initialize testNames (String[]) , testRange (int[2]), testNumbers (int[])
-	}
-	protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-		Map options = super.getCompilerOptions();
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadoc, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility, CompilerOptions.PRIVATE);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTags, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTagsVisibility, CompilerOptions.PRIVATE);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportRawTypeReference, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-		return options;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * (non-Javadoc)
-	 * Javadoc comment of Interface
-	 */
-	// Unexpected tag
-	public void test001() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid class javadoc\n"
-					+ "	 * @author ffr\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test002() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid class javadoc\n"
-					+ "	 * @param x Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n"
-				+ "	* @param x Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test003() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid class javadoc\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test004() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid class javadoc\n"
-					+ "	 * @exception NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n"
-				+ "	* @exception NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test005() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid class javadoc\n"
-					+ "	 * @return Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n"
-				+ "	* @return Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test006() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid class javadoc\n"
-					+ "	 * @exception NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 * @return Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 * @param x Invalid tag\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n"
-				+ "	* @exception NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws NullPointerException Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @return Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @param x Invalid tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test007() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid class javadoc\n"
-					+ "	 * @author ffr\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid javadoc comment\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "}\n" }
-			);
-	}
-	public void test008() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid javadoc comment\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "}\n" }
-			);
-	}
-	public void test009() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid javadoc comment\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "}\n" }
-			);
-	}
-	// @see tag
-	public void test010() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid string references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"unterminated string\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"invalid\" no text allowed after the string\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @see \"unterminated string\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see \"invalid\" no text allowed after the string\n"
-				+ "	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected text\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test011() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid string references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"Valid normal string\"\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"Valid \\\"string containing\\\" \\\"double-quote\\\"\"\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test012() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid URL link references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</a\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</a> no text allowed after the href\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</a\n"
-				+ "	                                ^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</a> no text allowed after the href\n"
-				+ "	                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected text\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test013() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid URL link references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a hReF = \"\">Valid URL link reference</A>\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	// @see Classes references
-	public void test020() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local classes references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility Valid ref: local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic Valid ref: visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPublic Valid ref: visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility Valid ref: local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.VcPublic Valid ref: visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.AvcPublic Valid ref: visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test021() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local classes references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Unknown Invalid ref: unknown class \n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.AvcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.Visibility.AvcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Unknown Invalid ref: unknown class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test022() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"import test.copy.*;\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Valid external classes references \n" +
-				"	 *\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic Valid ref: visible class through import => no warning on import\n" +
-				// Inner classes are not visible in generated documentation
-				//"	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic Valid ref: visible inner class in visible class \n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"public interface IX {\n" +
-				"	public void foo();\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test023() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.*;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid external classes references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage Invalid ref: non visible class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class \n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPackage Invalid ref: non visible class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test024() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Valid external classes references \n" +
-				"	 *\n" +
-				"	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic Valid ref: visible class through import => no warning on import\n" +
-				// Inner classes are not visible in generated documentation
-				//"	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic Valid ref: visible inner class in visible class \n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"public interface IX {\n" +
-				"	public void foo();\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	// @see Field references
-	public void test030() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local class field references\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vf_public Valid ref: visible field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vf_public Valid ref: visible field in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test031() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local class field references\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #x Invalid ref: non existent field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #x Invalid ref: non existent field\n"
-				+ "	        ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: x cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test032() {
-		runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"import test.copy.*;\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Valid other package visible class fields references\n" +
-				"	 *\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vf_public Valid ref to not visible field of other package class\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_public Valid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"public interface IX {\n" +
-				"	public void foo();\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test033() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.*;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other package non visible class fields references\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package non visible class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#unknown Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (non existent field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package public inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPackage#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package non visible class\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package class\n"
-				+ "	                        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package class\n"
-				+ "	                        ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#unknown Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (non existent field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package public inner class\n"
-				+ "	                                 ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n"
-				+ "	                                 ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	// @see method references
-	public void test040() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references with array\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] array, int[][] matrix, String[][][] dim, Vector[][][][] extra) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[],int[][],java.lang.String[][][],java.util.Vector[][][][]) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(char[] array, int[][] matrix, String[][][] dim, Vector[][][][] extra);\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test041() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references with array (non applicable arrays)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(char[] array, int[][] matrix, String[][][] dim, Vector[][][][] extra);\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) in the type IX is not applicable for the arguments (char[], int[][], String[][], Vector[][][][])\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test042() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo() Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean a1,int a2,byte a3,short a4,char a5,long a6,float a7,double a8) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo();\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d);\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i);\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b);\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test043() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #unknown() Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #unknown() Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type IX\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test044() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(int) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(float, long, char, short, byte, int, boolean) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(String, String, int, String) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo();\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d);\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i);\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b);\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(int) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo() in the type IX is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(float, long, char, short, byte, int, boolean) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) in the type IX is not applicable for the arguments (float, long, char, short, byte, int, boolean)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(String, String, int, String) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(String, String, int) in the type IX is not applicable for the arguments (String, String, int, String)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(boolean) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) in the type IX is not applicable for the arguments (boolean)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-				+ "	                ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Hashtable cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-				+ "	                             ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Vector cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test045() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see IX#smr_foo() Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see IX#smr_foo(boolean,int,byte,short,char,long,float,double) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see IX#smr_foo(String x, java.lang.String y, int z) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see IX#smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo();\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d);\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i);\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b);\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test046() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/deep/qualified/name/p/",
-				"package;\n"
-					+ "import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see,int,byte,short,char,long,float,double) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see x, java.lang.String y, int z) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see a, Vector b, boolean c) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo();\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d);\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i);\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, Vector v, boolean b);\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test047() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid package class methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test048() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid package class methods references (non-existence)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#unknown() Invalid ref: non-existent method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non existent method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non-existent class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non existent inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#unknown() Invalid ref: non-existent method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type Visibility\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non existent method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type Visibility.VcPublic\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non-existent class\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non existent inner class\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Visibility.Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test049() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid package class methods references (non-visible)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_private() Invalid ref: non-visible method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vm_private() Invalid ref: non-visible method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() from the type Visibility is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() from the type Visibility.VcPublic is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test050() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid package class methods references (non-applicable)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_private(int) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_public(String) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private(Integer, byte) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public(Double z, Boolean x) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vm_private(int) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() in the type Visibility is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vm_public(String) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_public() in the type Visibility is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private(Integer, byte) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() in the type Visibility.VcPublic is not applicable for the arguments (Integer, byte)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public(Double z, Boolean x) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_public() in the type Visibility.VcPublic is not applicable for the arguments (Double, Boolean)\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test051() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.*;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other package non visible class methods references (non existent/visible arguments)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test052() {
-		runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"import test.copy.VisibilityPublic;\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Valid other package visible class methods references \n" +
-				"	 * \n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to not visible method of other package class\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to visible method of other package public inner class\n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"public interface IX {\n" +
-				"	public void foo();\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test053() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid other package visible class methods references \n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to not visible method of other package class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to visible method of other package public inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	/*
-	 * (non-Javadoc)
-	 * Javadoc method comment in Interface
-	 */
-	// @deprecated tag
-	public void test060() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo(IX x) {\n"
-					+ ";\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "  /** \n"
-					+ "   * \n"
-					+ "   * **   ** ** ** @deprecated */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				},
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. WARNING in (at line 3)\n"
-				+ ";\n"
-				+ "	^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "The method foo() from the type IX is deprecated\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test061() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/** @deprecated */\n"
-					+ "	int x=0;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #x\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				"",
-				"/** @deprecated */\n"
-					+ "public interface IY {\n"
-					+ "	int y=0;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * @see IX#x\n"
-					+ "	 * @see IY\n"
-					+ "	 * @see IY#y\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	int x;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * @see IX#x\n"
-					+ "	 * @see IY\n"
-					+ "	 * @see IY#y\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	void foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @see IX#x\n"
-				+ "	          ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field IX.x is deprecated\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see IY\n"
-				+ "	       ^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type IY is deprecated\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see IY#y\n"
-				+ "	       ^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type IY is deprecated\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see IY#y\n"
-				+ "	          ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field IY.y is deprecated\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test062() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	\n"
-					+ "	void foo(IX x) {\n"
-					+ ";\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "  /** \n"
-					+ "   * Valid tags with deprecation\n"
-					+ "   *\n"
-					+ "   * @param x Valid param tag\n"
-					+ "   * @return Valid return tag\n"
-					+ "   * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ "   * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ "   * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ "   * @deprecated\n"
-					+ "   */\n"
-					+ "	public String foo(int x);\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				},
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ ";\n"
-				+ "	^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "The method foo(int) from the type IX is deprecated\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test063() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	\n"
-					+ "	void foo(IX x) {\n"
-					+ ";\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "  /** \n"
-					+ "   * Invalid javadoc tags with valid deprecation\n"
-					+ "   *\n"
-					+ "   * @param\n"
-					+ "   * @return String\n"
-					+ "   * @throws Unknown\n"
-					+ "   * @see \"Invalid\n"
-					+ "   * @see Unknown\n"
-					+ "   * @param x\n"
-					+ "   * @deprecated\n"
-					+ "   */\n"
-					+ "	public String foo(int x);\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				},
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ ";\n"
-				+ "	^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "The method foo(int) from the type IX is deprecated\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @param\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing parameter name\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws Unknown\n"
-				+ "	          ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see \"Invalid\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Unknown\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @param x\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in (at line 13)\n"
-				+ "	public String foo(int x);\n"
-				+ "	                      ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter x\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	// @param tag
-	public void test064() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid @param: no tags, no args\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid @throws/@exception: no tags, no thrown exception\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test065() {
-		this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test066() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @param declaration: no arguments, 2 declared tags\n"
-					+ "	 * @param x\n"
-					+ "	 * 			Invalid param: not an argument on 2 lines\n"
-					+ "	 * @param x Invalid param: not an argument\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @param x\n"
-				+ "	         ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Parameter x is not declared\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @param x Invalid param: not an argument\n"
-				+ "	         ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Parameter x is not declared\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test067() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid @param declaration: 3 arguments, 3 tags in right order\n"
-					+ "	 * @param a Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 * @param b Valid param \n"
-					+ "	 * @param c Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo(int a, int b, int c);\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test068() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @param declaration: 3 arguments, 3 correct tags in right order + 2 additional\n"
-					+ "	 * @param a Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 * @param x Invalid param: not an argument\n"
-					+ "	 * @param b Valid param \n"
-					+ "	 * @param y Invalid param: not an argument\n"
-					+ "	 * @param c Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo(char a, char b, char c);\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @param x Invalid param: not an argument\n"
-				+ "	         ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Parameter x is not declared\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @param y Invalid param: not an argument\n"
-				+ "	         ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Parameter y is not declared\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test069() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @param: all arguments are not documented\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo(double a, double b, double c);\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	public void foo(double a, double b, double c);\n"
-				+ "	                       ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter a\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	public void foo(double a, double b, double c);\n"
-				+ "	                                 ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter b\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	public void foo(double a, double b, double c);\n"
-				+ "	                                           ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter c\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test070() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @param: mix of all possible errors (missing a, not argument tag and duplicated)\n"
-					+ "	 * @param c Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 * @param x Invalid param: not an argument\n"
-					+ "	 * @param b Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 * @param c Invalid param: duplicated\n"
-					+ "	 * @param\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo(double a, long b, int c);\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @param x Invalid param: not an argument\n"
-				+ "	         ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Parameter x is not declared\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @param c Invalid param: duplicated\n"
-				+ "	         ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Duplicate tag for parameter\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @param\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing parameter name\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	public void foo(double a, long b, int c);\n"
-				+ "	                       ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter a\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	// @throws/@exception tag
-	public void test071() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid @throws tags: documented exception are unchecked\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Runtime subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 * @exception NullPointerException Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Runtime subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws java.awt.AWTError Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Error subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 * @exception OutOfMemoryError Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Runtime subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test072() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws java.awt.AWTexception Invalid exception: unknown type\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws IOException Invalid exception: unknown type\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws java.awt.AWTexception Invalid exception: unknown type\n"
-				+ "	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: java.awt.AWTexception cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws IOException Invalid exception: unknown type\n"
-				+ "	          ^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: IOException cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test073() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import;\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws Invalid exception: known exception but neither thrown nor unchecked\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws FileNotFoundException Invalid exception: known exception but neither thrown nor unchecked\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws Invalid exception: known exception but neither thrown nor unchecked\n"
-				+ "	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Exception EOFException is not declared\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws FileNotFoundException Invalid exception: known exception but neither thrown nor unchecked\n"
-				+ "	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Exception FileNotFoundException is not declared\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test074() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import;\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @throws tags: documented exception are unchecked but some thrown exception are invalid\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws IllegalAccessException Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Runtime subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Runtime subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 * @exception NullPointerException Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Runtime subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws java.awt.AWTError Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Error subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 * @exception OutOfMemoryError Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Runtime subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo() throws\n"
-					+ "		IllegalAccessException, \n"
-					+ "		InvalidException, \n"
-					+ "		String, \n"
-					+ ", \n"
-					+ "		FileNotFoundException, \n"
-					+ "		IOException;\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"1. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-					"	InvalidException, \n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"InvalidException cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"2. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-					"	String, \n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"No exception of type String can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"3. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-					", \n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"Javadoc: Missing tag for declared exception EOFException\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"4. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-					"	FileNotFoundException, \n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"Javadoc: Missing tag for declared exception FileNotFoundException\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"5. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-					"	IOException;\n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"IOException cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-					"----------\n");
-	}
-	// @return tag
-	public void test080() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid return declaration\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @return Return an int\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public int foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test081() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid empty return declaration\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @return string\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public String foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test082() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Missing return declaration\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public Object[] foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	public Object[] foo();\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for return type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test083() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid return declaration\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @return Dimension\n"
-					+ "	 * @return Duplicated\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public double foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @return Duplicated\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Duplicate tag for return type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test084() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid return declaration\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @return Invalid return on void method\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @return Invalid return on void method\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	// @see tag: string
-	public void test090() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid string references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"unterminated string\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"invalid\" no text allowed after the string\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see \"unterminated string\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see \"invalid\" no text allowed after the string\n"
-				+ "	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected text\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test091() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid string references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"Valid normal string\"\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"Valid \\\"string containing\\\" \\\"double-quote\\\"\"\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	// @see tag: URL
-	public void test092() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid URL link references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</a> no text allowed after the href\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a\n"
-				+ "	       ^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</a> no text allowed after the href\n"
-				+ "	                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected text\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	// @see tag: class references
-	public void test095() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local classes references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility Valid ref: local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic Valid ref: visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPublic Valid ref: visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility Valid ref: local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.VcPublic Valid ref: visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.AvcPublic Valid ref: visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test096() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local classes references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Unknown Invalid ref: unknown class \n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.AvcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.Visibility.AvcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Unknown Invalid ref: unknown class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test097() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"import test.copy.*;\n" +
-				"public interface IX {\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Valid external classes references \n" +
-				"	 *\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic Valid ref: visible class through import => no warning on import\n" +
-				// Inner classes are not visible in generated documentation
-				//"	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic Valid ref: visible inner class in visible class \n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"	public void foo();\n" +
-				"}\n"
-				}
-			);
-	}
-	public void test098() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.*;\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid external classes references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage Invalid ref: non visible class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class \n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPackage Invalid ref: non visible class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test099() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"public interface IX {\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Valid external classes references \n" +
-				"	 *\n" +
-				"	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic Valid ref: visible class through import => no warning on import\n" +
-				// Inner classes are not visible in generated documentation
-				//"	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic Valid ref: visible inner class in visible class \n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"	public void foo();\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	// @see tag: field references
-	public void test105() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local class field references\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vf_public Valid ref: visible field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vf_public Valid ref: visible field in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test106() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local class field references\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #x Invalid ref: non existent field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #x Invalid ref: non existent field\n"
-				+ "	        ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: x cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test107() {
-		runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"import test.copy.*;\n" +
-				"public interface IX {\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Invalid other package non visible class fields references\n" +
-				"	 *\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vf_public Valid ref to not visible field of other package class\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_public Valid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"	public void foo();\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test108() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.*;\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other package non visible class fields references\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package non visible class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#unknown Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (non existent field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package public inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPackage#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package non visible class\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package class\n"
-				+ "	                        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package class\n"
-				+ "	                        ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#unknown Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (non existent field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package public inner class\n"
-				+ "	                                 ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n"
-				+ "	                                 ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	// @see method references
-	public void test110() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references with array\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] array, int[][] matrix, String[][][] dim, Vector[][][][] extra) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[],int[][],java.lang.String[][][],java.util.Vector[][][][]) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(char[] array, int[][] matrix, String[][][] dim, Vector[][][][] extra);\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test111() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references with array (non applicable arrays)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(char[] array, int[][] matrix, String[][][] dim, Vector[][][][] extra);\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) in the type IX is not applicable for the arguments (char[], int[][], String[][], Vector[][][][])\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test112() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo() Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean a1,int a2,byte a3,short a4,char a5,long a6,float a7,double a8) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo();\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d);\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i);\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b);\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test113() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #unknown() Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #unknown() Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type IX\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test114() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(int) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(float, long, char, short, byte, int, boolean) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(String, String, int, String) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo();\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d);\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i);\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b);\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(int) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo() in the type IX is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(float, long, char, short, byte, int, boolean) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) in the type IX is not applicable for the arguments (float, long, char, short, byte, int, boolean)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(String, String, int, String) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(String, String, int) in the type IX is not applicable for the arguments (String, String, int, String)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(boolean) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) in the type IX is not applicable for the arguments (boolean)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-				+ "	                ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Hashtable cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-				+ "	                             ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Vector cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test115() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see IX#smr_foo() Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see IX#smr_foo(boolean,int,byte,short,char,long,float,double) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see IX#smr_foo(String x, java.lang.String y, int z) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see IX#smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo();\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d);\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i);\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b);\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test116() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/deep/qualified/name/p/",
-				"package;\n"
-					+ "import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see,int,byte,short,char,long,float,double) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see x, java.lang.String y, int z) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see a, Vector b, boolean c) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo();\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d);\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i);\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, Vector v, boolean b);\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test117() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid package class methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test118() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid package class methods references (non-existence)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#unknown() Invalid ref: non-existent method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non existent method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non-existent class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non existent inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#unknown() Invalid ref: non-existent method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type Visibility\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non existent method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type Visibility.VcPublic\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non-existent class\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non existent inner class\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Visibility.Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test119() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid package class methods references (non-visible)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_private() Invalid ref: non-visible method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vm_private() Invalid ref: non-visible method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() from the type Visibility is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() from the type Visibility.VcPublic is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test120() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid package class methods references (non-applicable)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_private(int) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_public(String) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private(Integer, byte) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public(Double z, Boolean x) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vm_private(int) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() in the type Visibility is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vm_public(String) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_public() in the type Visibility is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private(Integer, byte) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() in the type Visibility.VcPublic is not applicable for the arguments (Integer, byte)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public(Double z, Boolean x) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_public() in the type Visibility.VcPublic is not applicable for the arguments (Double, Boolean)\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test121() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.*;\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other package non visible class methods references (non existent/visible arguments)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test122() {
-		runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"import test.copy.VisibilityPublic;\n" +
-				"public interface IX {\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Valid other package visible class methods references \n" +
-				"	 * \n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to not visible method of other package class\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to visible method of other package public inner class\n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"	public void foo();\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test123() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public interface IX {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid other package visible class methods references \n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to not visible method of other package class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to visible method of other package public inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo();\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3793429..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4835 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class JavadocTestForMethod extends JavadocTest {
-	public JavadocTestForMethod(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public static Class javadocTestClass() {
-		return JavadocTestForMethod.class;
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(javadocTestClass());
-	}
-	// Use this static initializer to specify subset for tests
-	// All specified tests which does not belong to the class are skipped...
-	static {
-		// Names of tests to run: can be "testBugXXXX" or "BugXXXX")
-//		TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "Bug51529a", "Bug51529b" };
-		// Numbers of tests to run: "test<number>" will be run for each number of this array
-//		TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 117, 124, 132, 137 };
-		// Range numbers of tests to run: all tests between "test<first>" and "test<last>" will be run for { first, last }
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 21, 50 };
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { -1, 50 }; // run all tests with a number less or equals to 50
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 10, -1 }; // run all tests with a number greater or equals to 10
-	}
-	protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-		Map options = super.getCompilerOptions();
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadoc, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility, CompilerOptions.PRIVATE);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTags, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTagsVisibility, CompilerOptions.PRIVATE);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportRawTypeReference, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-		return options;
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * Test @deprecated tag
-	 */
-	public void test001() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					  "	foo();\n"
-//				"",
-//				"public class Z {\n"
-					+ "  /** \n"
-					+ "   * \n"
-					+ "   * **   ** ** ** @deprecated */\n"
-					+ "	function foo() { \n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "",
-				},
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n"
-				+ "	foo();\n"
-				+ "	^^^^^\n"
-				+ "The function foo() from the type is deprecated\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test002() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	/** @deprecated */\n" +
-				"	int x;\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * @see #x\n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"	void foo() {\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/** @deprecated */\n" +
-				"public class Y {\n" +
-				"	int y;\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * @see X#x\n" +
-				"	 * @see Y\n" +
-				"	 * @see Y#y\n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"	void foo() {\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"public class Z {\n" +
-				"	int z;\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * @see X#x\n" +
-				"	 * @see Y\n" +
-				"	 * @see Y#y\n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"	void foo() {\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" },
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	* @see X#x\n" + 
-		"	         ^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: The field X.x is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	* @see Y\n" + 
-		"	       ^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: The type Y is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	* @see Y#y\n" + 
-		"	       ^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: The type Y is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	* @see Y#y\n" + 
-		"	         ^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: The field Y.y is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-			);
-	}
-	public void test003() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-					"		foo(2);\n"
-//				"",
-//				"public class Z {\n"
-					+ "  /** \n"
-					+ "   * Valid tags with deprecation at end\n"
-					+ "   *\n"
-					+ "   * @param x Valid param tag\n"
-					+ "   * @return Valid return tag\n"
-					+ "   * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ "   * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ "   * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ "   * @deprecated\n"
-					+ "   */\n"
-					+ "	function foo( x) { \n"
-					+ "		return \"\";\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "",
-				},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in X.js (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	foo(2);\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The function foo(any) from the type X.js is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-				);
-	}
-	public void test004() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	\n"
-					+ "	{\n"
-					+ "		new Z().foo(2);\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				"Z.js",
-				"public class Z {\n"
-					+ "  /** \n"
-					+ "   * Invalid javadoc tags with valid deprecation at end\n"
-					+ "   *\n"
-					+ "   * @param\n"
-					+ "   * @return String\n"
-					+ "   * @throws Unknown\n"
-					+ "   * @see \"Invalid\n"
-					+ "   * @see Unknown\n"
-					+ "   * @param x\n"
-					+ "   * @deprecated\n"
-					+ "   */\n"
-					+ "	public String foo(int x) { \n"
-					+ "		return \"\";\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	new Z().foo(2);\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo(int) from the type Z is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	* @param\n" + 
-		"	   ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: Missing parameter name\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	* @throws Unknown\n" + 
-		"	          ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	* @see \"Invalid\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: Invalid reference\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	* @see Unknown\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"5. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	* @param x\n" + 
-		"	   ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"6. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-		"	public String foo(int x) { \n" + 
-		"	                      ^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter x\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-				);
-	}
-	public void test005() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	\n"
-					+ "	{\n"
-					+ "		new Z().foo(2);\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				"Z.js",
-				"public class Z {\n"
-					+ "  /** \n"
-					+ "   * Valid tags with deprecation at beginning\n"
-					+ "   *\n"
-					+ "   * @deprecated\n"
-					+ "   * @param x Valid param tag\n"
-					+ "   * @return Valid return tag\n"
-					+ "   * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ "   * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ "   * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ "   */\n"
-					+ "	public String foo(int x) { \n"
-					+ "		return \"\";\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	new Z().foo(2);\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo(int) from the type Z is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-				);
-	}
-	public void test006() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	\n"
-					+ "	{\n"
-					+ "		new Z().foo(2);\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				"Z.js",
-				"public class Z {\n"
-					+ "  /** \n"
-					+ "   * Invalid javadoc tags with valid deprecation at beginning\n"
-					+ "   *\n"
-					+ "   * @deprecated\n"
-					+ "   * @param\n"
-					+ "   * @return String\n"
-					+ "   * @throws Unknown\n"
-					+ "   * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ "   * @see \"Invalid\n"
-					+ "   * @see Unknown\n"
-					+ "   * @param x\n"
-					+ "   */\n"
-					+ "	public String foo(int x) { \n"
-					+ "		return \"\";\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	new Z().foo(2);\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo(int) from the type Z is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	* @param\n" + 
-		"	   ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: Missing parameter name\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	* @throws Unknown\n" + 
-		"	          ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	* @see \"Invalid\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: Invalid reference\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-		"	* @see Unknown\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"5. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-		"	* @param x\n" + 
-		"	   ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"6. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-		"	public String foo(int x) { \n" + 
-		"	                      ^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter x\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-				);
-	}
-	public void test007() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	\n"
-					+ "	{\n"
-					+ "		new Z().foo(2);\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				"Z.js",
-				"public class Z {\n"
-					+ "  /** \n"
-					+ "   * Valid tags with deprecation in the middle\n"
-					+ "   *\n"
-					+ "   * @param x Valid param tag\n"
-					+ "   * @return Valid return tag\n"
-					+ "   * @deprecated\n"
-					+ "   * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ "   * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ "   * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ "   */\n"
-					+ "	public String foo(int x) { \n"
-					+ "		return \"\";\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	new Z().foo(2);\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo(int) from the type Z is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-				);
-	}
-	public void test008() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	\n"
-					+ "	{\n"
-					+ "		new Z().foo(2);\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				"Z.js",
-				"public class Z {\n"
-					+ "  /** \n"
-					+ "   * Invalid javadoc tags with valid deprecation in the middle\n"
-					+ "   *\n"
-					+ "   * @param\n"
-					+ "   * @return String\n"
-					+ "   * @throws Unknown\n"
-					+ "   * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ "   * @see \"Invalid\n"
-					+ "   * @deprecated\n"
-					+ "   * @see Unknown\n"
-					+ "   */\n"
-					+ "	public String foo(int x) { \n"
-					+ "		return \"\";\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n",
-				},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	new Z().foo(2);\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo(int) from the type Z is deprecated\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	* @param\n" + 
-		"	   ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: Missing parameter name\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	* @throws Unknown\n" + 
-		"	          ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	* @see \"Invalid\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: Invalid reference\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-		"	* @see Unknown\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"5. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-		"	public String foo(int x) { \n" + 
-		"	                      ^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter x\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-				);
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * Test @param tag
-	 */
-	public void test011() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid @param: no tags, no args\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid @throws/@exception: no tags, no thrown exception\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void p_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test012() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public void p_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test013() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @param declaration: no arguments, 2 declared tags\n"
-					+ "	 * @param x\n"
-					+ "	 * 			Invalid param: not an argument on 2 lines\n"
-					+ "	 * @param x Invalid param: not an argument\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void p_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @param x\n"
-				+ "	         ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Parameter x is not declared\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @param x Invalid param: not an argument\n"
-				+ "	         ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Parameter x is not declared\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test014() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid @param declaration: 3 arguments, 3 tags in right order\n"
-					+ "	 * @param a Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 * @param b Valid param \n"
-					+ "	 * @param c Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void p_foo(int a, int b, int c) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test015() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @param declaration: 3 arguments, 3 correct tags in right order + 2 additional\n"
-					+ "	 * @param a Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 * @param x Invalid param: not an argument\n"
-					+ "	 * @param b Valid param \n"
-					+ "	 * @param x Invalid param: not an argument\n"
-					+ "	 * @param c Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void p_foo(char a, char b, char c) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @param x Invalid param: not an argument\n"
-				+ "	         ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Parameter x is not declared\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @param x Invalid param: not an argument\n"
-				+ "	         ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Parameter x is not declared\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test016() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid @param declaration: 3 arguments, 3 tags in wrong order\n"
-					+ "	 * @param c Valid param, not well placed\n"
-					+ "	 * @param b Valid param, not well placed \n"
-					+ "	 * @param a Valid param, not well placed\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void p_foo(long a, long b, long c) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test017() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @param declaration: 3 arguments, 3 correct tags in wrong order + 1 duplicate tag + 1 additional\n"
-					+ "	 * @param c Valid param, not well placed\n"
-					+ "	 * @param a Valid param, not well placed\n"
-					+ "	 * @param b Valid param, not well placed \n"
-					+ "	 * @param a Invalid param: duplicated\n"
-					+ "	 * @param x Invalid param: not an argument\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void p_foo(float a, float b, float c) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @param a Invalid param: duplicated\n"
-				+ "	         ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Duplicate tag for parameter\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @param x Invalid param: not an argument\n"
-				+ "	         ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Parameter x is not declared\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test020() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @param: all arguments are not documented\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void p_foo(double a, double b, double c) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	public void p_foo(double a, double b, double c) {\n"
-				+ "	                         ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter a\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	public void p_foo(double a, double b, double c) {\n"
-				+ "	                                   ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter b\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	public void p_foo(double a, double b, double c) {\n"
-				+ "	                                             ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter c\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test021() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @param: b and c arguments are not documented\n"
-					+ "	 * @param a Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void p_foo(int a, char b, long c) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	public void p_foo(int a, char b, long c) {\n"
-				+ "	                              ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter b\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	public void p_foo(int a, char b, long c) {\n"
-				+ "	                                      ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter c\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test022() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @param: a and c arguments are not documented\n"
-					+ "	 * @param b Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void p_foo(int a, char b, long c) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	public void p_foo(int a, char b, long c) {\n"
-				+ "	                      ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter a\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	public void p_foo(int a, char b, long c) {\n"
-				+ "	                                      ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter c\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test023() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @param: a and b arguments are not documented\n"
-					+ "	 * @param c Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void p_foo(int a, char b, long c) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	public void p_foo(int a, char b, long c) {\n"
-				+ "	                      ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter a\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	public void p_foo(int a, char b, long c) {\n"
-				+ "	                              ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter b\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test024() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @param: c argument is not documented\n"
-					+ "	 * @param a Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 * @param b Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void p_foo(int a, char b, long c) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	public void p_foo(int a, char b, long c) {\n"
-				+ "	                                      ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter c\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test025() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @param: a argument is not documented + b and c are not well placed\n"
-					+ "	 * @param c Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 * @param b Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void p_foo(int a, char b, long c) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	public void p_foo(int a, char b, long c) {\n"
-				+ "	                      ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter a\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test026() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @param: b argument is not documented + a and c are not well placed\n"
-					+ "	 * @param c Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 * @param a Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void p_foo(int a, char b, long c) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	public void p_foo(int a, char b, long c) {\n"
-				+ "	                              ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter b\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test030() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @param: mix of all possible errors (missing a, not argument tag and duplicated)\n"
-					+ "	 * @param c Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 * @param x Invalid param: not an argument\n"
-					+ "	 * @param b Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 * @param c Invalid param: duplicated\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void p_foo(double a, long b, int c) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @param x Invalid param: not an argument\n"
-				+ "	         ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Parameter x is not declared\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @param c Invalid param: duplicated\n"
-				+ "	         ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Duplicate tag for parameter\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	public void p_foo(double a, long b, int c) {\n"
-				+ "	                         ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter a\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test031() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @param: missing parameter name\n"
-					+ "	 * @param\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void p_foo(String a) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @param\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing parameter name\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	public void p_foo(String a) {\n"
-				+ "	                         ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter a\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test032() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @param: missing parameter name + valid param \n"
-					+ "	 * @param\n"
-					+ "	 * @param x\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void p_foo(int x) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @param\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing parameter name\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test033() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @param: missing parameter names + valid params \n"
-					+ "	 * @param h\n"
-					+ "	 * @param\n"
-					+ "	 * @param h\n"
-					+ "	 * @param\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void p_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, float f) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @param\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing parameter name\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @param h\n"
-				+ "	         ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Duplicate tag for parameter\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @param\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing parameter name\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	public void p_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, float f) {\n"
-				+ "	                                               ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter f\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test034() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @param: missing parameter name + valid param \n"
-					+ "	 * @param *\n"
-					+ "	 * @param ?\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void p_foo(int x) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n"
-				},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param *\n" + 
-				"	         ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param ?\n" + 
-				"	         ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public void p_foo(int x) {\n" + 
-				"	                      ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter x\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test035() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid @param but compiler errors\n"
-					+ "	 * @param a Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 * @param b Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 * @param c Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void p_foo(inr a, int b, int c) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	public void p_foo(inr a, int b, int c) {\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^\n"
-				+ "inr cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test036() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @param + compiler errors\n"
-					+ "	 * @param b Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 * @param b Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 * @param c Valid param\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void p_foo(inr a, inx b, inq c) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	public void p_foo(inr a, inx b, inq c) {\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^\n"
-				+ "inr cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	public void p_foo(inr a, inx b, inq c) {\n"
-				+ "	                         ^^^\n"
-				+ "inx cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	public void p_foo(inr a, inx b, inq c) {\n"
-				+ "	                                ^^^\n"
-				+ "inq cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test037() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @param: class reference instead of param name\n"
-					+ "	 * @param java.lang.Hashtable\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void p_foo(int x) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param java.lang.Hashtable\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	public void p_foo(int x) {\n" + 
-				"	                      ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter x\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test038() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"import java.util.Hashtable;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @param: class reference instead of param name + unused import\n"
-					+ "	 * @param Hashtable\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void p_foo(int x) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @param Hashtable\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Parameter Hashtable is not declared\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	public void p_foo(int x) {\n" + 
-			"	                      ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter x\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * Test @throws/@exception tag
-	 */
-	public void test050() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid @throws tags: documented exception are unchecked\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Runtime subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 * @exception NullPointerException Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Runtime subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws java.awt.AWTError Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Error subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 * @exception OutOfMemoryError Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Runtime subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void t_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test051() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws IllegalArgumenException.. Invalid exception: invalid class name\n"
-					+ "	 * @exception IllegalArgumen..Exception.. Invalid exception: invalid class name\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void t_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws IllegalArgumenException.. Invalid exception: invalid class name\n"
-				+ "	         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid class name\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @exception IllegalArgumen..Exception.. Invalid exception: invalid class name\n"
-				+ "	            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid class name\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test052() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws java.awt.AWTexception Invalid exception: unknown type\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws IOException Invalid exception: unknown type\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void t_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws java.awt.AWTexception Invalid exception: unknown type\n"
-				+ "	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: java.awt.AWTexception cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws IOException Invalid exception: unknown type\n"
-				+ "	          ^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: IOException cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test053() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"import;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws Invalid exception: known exception but neither thrown nor unchecked\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws FileNotFoundException Invalid exception: known exception but neither thrown nor unchecked\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void t_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws Invalid exception: known exception but neither thrown nor unchecked\n"
-				+ "	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Exception EOFException is not declared\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws FileNotFoundException Invalid exception: known exception but neither thrown nor unchecked\n"
-				+ "	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Exception FileNotFoundException is not declared\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test055() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid @throws tags: documented exception are unchecked but method throws an unknown exception\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Runtime subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 * @exception NullPointerException Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Runtime subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws java.awt.AWTError Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Error subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 * @exception OutOfMemoryError Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Runtime subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void t_foo() throws InvalidException {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	public void t_foo() throws InvalidException {\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "InvalidException cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test056() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws IllegalArgumenException._ Invalid exception: invalid class name\n"
-					+ "	 * @exception IllegalArgumen.*.Exception.. Invalid exception: invalid class name\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void t_foo() throws InvalidException {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws IllegalArgumenException._ Invalid exception: invalid class name\n"
-				+ "	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: IllegalArgumenException cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @exception IllegalArgumen.*.Exception.. Invalid exception: invalid class name\n"
-				+ "	            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid class name\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	public void t_foo() throws InvalidException {\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "InvalidException cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test057() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws java.awt.AWTexception Invalid exception: unknown type\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws IOException Invalid exception: unknown type\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void t_foo() throws InvalidException {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws java.awt.AWTexception Invalid exception: unknown type\n"
-				+ "	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: java.awt.AWTexception cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws IOException Invalid exception: unknown type\n"
-				+ "	          ^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: IOException cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	public void t_foo() throws InvalidException {\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "InvalidException cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test058() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"import;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws Invalid exception: known exception but neither thrown nor unchecked\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws FileNotFoundException Invalid exception: known exception but neither thrown nor unchecked\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void t_foo() throws InvalidException {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws Invalid exception: known exception but neither thrown nor unchecked\n"
-				+ "	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Exception EOFException is not declared\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws FileNotFoundException Invalid exception: known exception but neither thrown nor unchecked\n"
-				+ "	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Exception FileNotFoundException is not declared\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	public void t_foo() throws InvalidException {\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "InvalidException cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test060() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @throws tags: documented exception are unchecked but thrown exception is not documented\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Runtime subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 * @exception NullPointerException Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Runtime subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws java.awt.AWTError Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Error subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 * @exception OutOfMemoryError Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Runtime subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void t_foo() throws IllegalAccessException {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	public void t_foo() throws IllegalAccessException {\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for declared exception IllegalAccessException\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test061() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws /IllegalArgumenException.. Invalid exception: invalid class name\n"
-					+ "	 * @exception .IllegalArgumen..Exception.. Invalid exception: invalid class name\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void t_foo() throws IllegalAccessException {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws /IllegalArgumenException.. Invalid exception: invalid class name\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing class name\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @exception .IllegalArgumen..Exception.. Invalid exception: invalid class name\n"
-				+ "	            ^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid class name\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	public void t_foo() throws IllegalAccessException {\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for declared exception IllegalAccessException\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test062() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws java.awt.AWTexception Invalid exception: unknown type\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws IOException Invalid exception: unknown type\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void t_foo() throws IllegalAccessException {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws java.awt.AWTexception Invalid exception: unknown type\n"
-				+ "	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: java.awt.AWTexception cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws IOException Invalid exception: unknown type\n"
-				+ "	          ^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: IOException cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	public void t_foo() throws IllegalAccessException {\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for declared exception IllegalAccessException\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test063() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"import;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws Invalid exception: known exception but neither thrown nor unchecked\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws FileNotFoundException Invalid exception: known exception but neither thrown nor unchecked\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws IOException Invalid exception: unknown type\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void t_foo() throws IllegalAccessException {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws Invalid exception: known exception but neither thrown nor unchecked\n"
-				+ "	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Exception EOFException is not declared\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws FileNotFoundException Invalid exception: known exception but neither thrown nor unchecked\n"
-				+ "	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Exception FileNotFoundException is not declared\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws IOException Invalid exception: unknown type\n"
-				+ "	          ^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: IOException cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	public void t_foo() throws IllegalAccessException {\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for declared exception IllegalAccessException\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test065() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid @throws tags: documented exception are unchecked but some thrown exception are invalid\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws IllegalAccessException Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Runtime subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Runtime subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 * @exception NullPointerException Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Runtime subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws java.awt.AWTError Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Error subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 * @exception OutOfMemoryError Valid unchecked exception (java.lang.Runtime subclass)\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void t_foo() throws\n"
-					+ "		IllegalAccessException, \n"
-					+ "		InvalidException, \n"
-					+ "		String, \n"
-					+ "		IllegalArgumentException\n"
-					+ "	{}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"1. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-					"	InvalidException, \n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"InvalidException cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"2. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-					"	String, \n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"No exception of type String can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable\n" + 
-					"----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test066() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws %IllegalArgumenException Invalid exception: invalid class name\n"
-					+ "	 * @exception (IllegalArgumen Invalid exception: invalid class name\n"
-					+ "	 * @exception \"IllegalArgumen Invalid exception: invalid class name\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void t_foo() throws\n"
-					+ "		IllegalAccessException, \n"
-					+ "		InvalidException, \n"
-					+ "		String, \n"
-					+ "		IllegalArgumentException\n"
-					+ "	{}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-					"	* @throws %IllegalArgumenException Invalid exception: invalid class name\n" + 
-					"	   ^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"Javadoc: Missing class name\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-					"	* @exception (IllegalArgumen Invalid exception: invalid class name\n" + 
-					"	   ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"Javadoc: Missing class name\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-					"	* @exception \"IllegalArgumen Invalid exception: invalid class name\n" + 
-					"	   ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"Javadoc: Missing class name\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-					"	IllegalAccessException, \n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"Javadoc: Missing tag for declared exception IllegalAccessException\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"5. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-					"	InvalidException, \n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"InvalidException cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"6. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-					"	String, \n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"No exception of type String can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"7. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-					"	IllegalArgumentException\n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"Javadoc: Missing tag for declared exception IllegalArgumentException\n" + 
-					"----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test067() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws java.awt.AWTexception Invalid exception: unknown type\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws IOException Invalid exception: unknown type\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void t_foo() throws\n"
-					+ "		IllegalAccessException, \n"
-					+ "		InvalidException, \n"
-					+ "		String, \n"
-					+ "		IllegalArgumentException\n"
-					+ "	{}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-					"	* @throws java.awt.AWTexception Invalid exception: unknown type\n" + 
-					"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"Javadoc: java.awt.AWTexception cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-					"	* @throws IOException Invalid exception: unknown type\n" + 
-					"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"Javadoc: IOException cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-					"	IllegalAccessException, \n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"Javadoc: Missing tag for declared exception IllegalAccessException\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-					"	InvalidException, \n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"InvalidException cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"5. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-					"	String, \n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"No exception of type String can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"6. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-					"	IllegalArgumentException\n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"Javadoc: Missing tag for declared exception IllegalArgumentException\n" + 
-					"----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test068() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"import;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws Invalid exception: known exception but neither thrown nor unchecked\n"
-					+ "	 * @throws FileNotFoundException Invalid exception: known exception but neither thrown nor unchecked\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void t_foo() throws\n"
-					+ "		IllegalAccessException, \n"
-					+ "		InvalidException, \n"
-					+ "		String, \n"
-					+ "		IllegalArgumentException\n"
-					+ "	{}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-					"	* @throws Invalid exception: known exception but neither thrown nor unchecked\n" + 
-					"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"Javadoc: Exception EOFException is not declared\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-					"	* @throws FileNotFoundException Invalid exception: known exception but neither thrown nor unchecked\n" + 
-					"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"Javadoc: Exception FileNotFoundException is not declared\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-					"	IllegalAccessException, \n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"Javadoc: Missing tag for declared exception IllegalAccessException\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-					"	InvalidException, \n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"InvalidException cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"5. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-					"	String, \n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"No exception of type String can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"6. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-					"	IllegalArgumentException\n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"Javadoc: Missing tag for declared exception IllegalArgumentException\n" + 
-					"----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test069() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"import;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void t_foo() throws\n"
-					+ "		IllegalAccessException, \n"
-					+ "		InvalidException, \n"
-					+ "		String, \n"
-					+ ", \n"
-					+ "		FileNotFoundException, \n"
-					+ "		IOException, \n"
-					+ "		IllegalArgumentException\n"
-					+ "	{}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-					"	IllegalAccessException, \n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"Javadoc: Missing tag for declared exception IllegalAccessException\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-					"	InvalidException, \n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"InvalidException cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-					"	String, \n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"No exception of type String can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-					", \n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"Javadoc: Missing tag for declared exception EOFException\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"5. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-					"	FileNotFoundException, \n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"Javadoc: Missing tag for declared exception FileNotFoundException\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"6. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-					"	IOException, \n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"IOException cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-					"----------\n" + 
-					"7. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-					"	IllegalArgumentException\n" + 
-					"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-					"Javadoc: Missing tag for declared exception IllegalArgumentException\n" + 
-					"----------\n");
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * Test @return tag
-	 */
-	public void test070() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid return declaration\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @return Return an int\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public int s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	  return 0;\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test071() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid empty return declaration\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @return string\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public String s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	  return \"\";\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test072() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid return declaration\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @return Vector A list of things\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public java.util.Vector s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	  return new java.util.Vector();\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test073() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Missing return declaration\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public Object[] s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	  return new Object[0];\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	public Object[] s_foo() {\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for return type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test074() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid return declaration\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @return double\n"
-					+ "	 * @return Dimension\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public double s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	  return 3.14;\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @return Dimension\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Duplicate tag for return type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test075() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid return declaration\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @return Invalid return on void method\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @return Invalid return on void method\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test076() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid return declaration\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @return Invalid return on void method\n"
-					+ "	 * @return\n"
-					+ "	 * @return Invalid return on void method\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @return Invalid return on void method\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @return\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Duplicate tag for return type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @return Invalid return on void method\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Duplicate tag for return type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * Test @see tag
-	 */
-	// String references
-	public void test080() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid string references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"unterminated string\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"invalid string\"\"\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"invalid\" no text allowed after the string\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see \"\n"
-				+ "	       ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see \"unterminated string\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see \"invalid string\"\"\n"
-				+ "	                       ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected text\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see \"invalid\" no text allowed after the string\n"
-				+ "	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected text\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test081() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid string references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"Valid normal string\"\n"
-					+ "	 * @see \"Valid \\\"string containing\\\" \\\"double-quote\\\"\"\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	// URL Link references
-	public void test085() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid URL link references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a hre\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href=\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href=\"\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\"\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\">\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid<\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</a\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</a> no text allowed after the href\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <\n"
-				+ "	       ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a\n"
-				+ "	       ^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a hre\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a href\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a href=\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a href=\"\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "7. ERROR in (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a href=\"invalid\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "8. ERROR in (at line 12)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a href=\"invalid\"\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "9. ERROR in (at line 13)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a href=\"invalid\">\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "10. ERROR in (at line 14)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "11. ERROR in (at line 15)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid<\n"
-				+ "	                                ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "12. ERROR in (at line 16)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</\n"
-				+ "	                                ^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "13. ERROR in (at line 17)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</a\n"
-				+ "	                                ^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "14. ERROR in (at line 18)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a href=\"invalid\">invalid</a> no text allowed after the href\n"
-				+ "	                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected text\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test086() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid URL references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href=\"\">Valid URL link reference</a>\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <A HREF = \"\">Valid URL link reference</A>\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a hReF = \"\">Valid URL link reference</A>\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test087() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid URL references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a xref=\"\">Invalid URL link reference</a>\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <b href=\"\">Invalid URL link reference</a>\n"
-					+ "	 * @see <a href=\"\">Invalid URL link reference</b>\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a xref=\"\">Invalid URL link reference</a>\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <b href=\"\">Invalid URL link reference</a>\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a href=\"\">Invalid URL link reference</b>\n"
-				+ "	                                                                                                             ^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Malformed link reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	// @see Classes references
-	public void test090() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local classes references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility Valid ref: local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic Valid ref: visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPublic Valid ref: visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility Valid ref: local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.VcPublic Valid ref: visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.AvcPublic Valid ref: visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test091() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local classes references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Unknown Invalid ref: unknown class \n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.AvcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.Visibility.VcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.Visibility.AvcPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class of local class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.Visibility.AvcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Unknown Invalid ref: unknown class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test092() {
-		runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"import test.copy.*;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Valid external classes references \n" +
-				"	 *\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic Valid ref: visible class through import => no warning on import\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic Valid ref: visible inner class in visible class \n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"	public void s_foo() {\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test093() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.*;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid external classes references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage Invalid ref: non visible class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class in non visible class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage.VpPublic Invalid ref: visible inner class in non visible class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class \n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPackage Invalid ref: non visible class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class in non visible class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPackage.VpPublic Invalid ref: visible inner class in non visible class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test094() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Valid external classes references \n" +
-				"	 *\n" +
-				"	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic Valid ref: visible class through import => no warning on import\n" +
-				"	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic Valid ref: visible inner class in visible class \n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"	public void s_foo() {\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test095() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid external classes references \n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage Invalid ref: non visible class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class in non visible class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPublic Invalid ref: visible inner class in non visible class \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class \n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage Invalid ref: non visible class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class in non visible class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPublic Invalid ref: visible inner class in non visible class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class \n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	// @see Field references
-	public void test100() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	int x;\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local class field references\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #x Valid ref: visible field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vf_public Valid ref: visible field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vf_public Valid ref: visible field in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test101() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local class field references\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non visible field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate#vf_public Invalid ref: non visible inner class (public field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non visible field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate#vf_public Invalid ref: non visible inner class (public field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown Invalid ref: non existent field in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible field in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test102() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid super class field references in the same package\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#avf_public Valid ref: visible inherited field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPublic#avf_public Valid ref: visible field of inherited visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test103() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid super class field references in the same package\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#avf_private Invalid ref: non visible inherited field\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPrivate#avf_private Invalid ref: inherited non visible inner class (non visible field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPrivate#avf_public Invalid ref: inherited non visible inner class (visible field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPublic#avf_private Invalid ref: non visible field of inherited visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#avf_private Invalid ref: non visible inherited field\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field avf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.AvcPrivate#avf_private Invalid ref: inherited non visible inner class (non visible field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.AvcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.AvcPrivate#avf_public Invalid ref: inherited non visible inner class (visible field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.AvcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.AvcPublic#avf_private Invalid ref: non visible field of inherited visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                            ^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The field avf_private is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test104() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.*;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other package non visible class fields references\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage#unknown Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage#vf_public Invalid ref: non visible class (visible field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#unknown Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non existent field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non visible field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vf_public Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (visible field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#unknown Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non existent field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non visible field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vf_public Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (visible field)\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage#unknown Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent field)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent field)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage#vf_public Invalid ref: non visible class (visible field)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#unknown Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non existent field)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non visible field)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vf_public Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (visible field)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#unknown Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non existent field)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in test\\ (at line 14)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non visible field)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in test\\ (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vf_public Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (visible field)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test105() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other package non visible class fields references\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#unknown Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#vf_public Invalid ref: non visible class (visible field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#unknown Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non existent field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non visible field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vf_public Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (visible field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#unknown Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non existent field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non visible field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vf_public Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (visible field)\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#unknown Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#vf_public Invalid ref: non visible class (visible field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#unknown Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non existent field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non visible field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vf_public Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (visible field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#unknown Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non existent field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "8. ERROR in test\\ (at line 13)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vf_private Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non visible field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "9. ERROR in test\\ (at line 14)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vf_public Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (visible field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test106() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other package non visible class fields references\n"
-					+ "	 *\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vf_public Valid ref to not visible field of other package class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#unknown Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (non existent field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vf_private Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (non visible field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vf_public Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (public field)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package public inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_public Valid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package class\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: VisibilityPublic cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package class\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: VisibilityPublic cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic#vf_public Valid ref to not visible field of other package class\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: VisibilityPublic cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#unknown Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (non existent field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: VisibilityPublic cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vf_private Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (non visible field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: VisibilityPublic cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vf_public Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (public field)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: VisibilityPublic cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package public inner class\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: VisibilityPublic cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "8. ERROR in test\\ (at line 13)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: VisibilityPublic cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "9. ERROR in test\\ (at line 14)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_public Valid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: VisibilityPublic cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test107() {
-		runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"import test.copy.*;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Invalid other package non visible class fields references\n" +
-				"	 *\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vf_public Valid ref to not visible field of other package class\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_public Valid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"	public void s_foo() {\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test108() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"import test.copy.*;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Invalid other package non visible class fields references\n" +
-				"	 *\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package class\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package class\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#unknown Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (non existent field)\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vf_private Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (non visible field)\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vf_public Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (public field)\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package public inner class\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"	public void s_foo() {\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" +
-			"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n" +
-			"	* @see VisibilityPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package class\n" +
-			"	                        ^^^^^^^\n" +
-			"Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n" +
-			"----------\n" +
-			"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n" +
-			"	* @see VisibilityPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package class\n" +
-			"	                        ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
-			"Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n" +
-			"----------\n" +
-			"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n" +
-			"	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#unknown Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (non existent field)\n" +
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n" +
-			"----------\n" +
-			"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n" +
-			"	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vf_private Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (non visible field)\n" +
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n" +
-			"----------\n" +
-			"5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n" +
-			"	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vf_public Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (public field)\n" +
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n" +
-			"----------\n" +
-			"6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n" +
-			"	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package public inner class\n" +
-			"	                                 ^^^^^^^\n" +
-			"Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n" +
-			"----------\n" +
-			"7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 13)\n" +
-			"	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n" +
-			"	                                 ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
-			"Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n" +
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test109() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Invalid other package non visible class fields references\n" +
-				"	 *\n" +
-				"	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#vf_public Valid ref to not visible field of other package class\n" +
-				"	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_public Valid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"	public void s_foo() {\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test110() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Invalid other package non visible class fields references\n" +
-				"	 *\n" +
-				"	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package class\n" +
-				"	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package class\n" +
-				"	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#unknown Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (non existent field)\n" +
-				"	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vf_private Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (non visible field)\n" +
-				"	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vf_public Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (public field)\n" +
-				"	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package public inner class\n" +
-				"	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"	public void s_foo() {\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n"},
-			"----------\n" +
-			"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n" +
-			"	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package class\n" +
-			"	                                  ^^^^^^^\n" +
-			"Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n" +
-			"----------\n" +
-			"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n" +
-			"	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package class\n" +
-			"	                                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
-			"Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n" +
-			"----------\n" +
-			"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n" +
-			"	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#unknown Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (non existent field)\n" +
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
-			"Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n" +
-			"----------\n" +
-			"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n" +
-			"	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vf_private Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (non visible field)\n" +
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
-			"Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n" +
-			"----------\n" +
-			"5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n" +
-			"	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vf_public Invalid ref to a non visible other package private inner class (public field)\n" +
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
-			"Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n" +
-			"----------\n" +
-			"6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n" +
-			"	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#unknown Invalid ref to non existent field of other package public inner class\n" +
-			"	                                           ^^^^^^^\n" +
-			"Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n" +
-			"----------\n" +
-			"7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n" +
-			"	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vf_private Invalid ref to not visible field of other package public inner class\n" +
-			"	                                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
-			"Javadoc: The field vf_private is not visible\n" +
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	// @see local method references
-	public void test115() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references with array\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] array, int[][] matrix, String[][][] dim, Vector[][][][] extra) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[],int[][],java.lang.String[][][],java.util.Vector[][][][]) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(char[] array, int[][] matrix, String[][][] dim, Vector[][][][] extra) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test116() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references with array (wrong brackets peer)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[ , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][, String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[]], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[[], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][, Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][]], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][[], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[]][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[[][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][]]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][[]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][]][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][[][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[]][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[[][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(char[] array, int[][] matrix, String[][][] dim, Vector[][][][] extra) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[ , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][, String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[]], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[[], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "7. ERROR in (at line 12)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][, Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "8. ERROR in (at line 13)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][]], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "9. ERROR in (at line 14)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][[], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "10. ERROR in (at line 15)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[]][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "11. ERROR in (at line 16)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[[][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "12. ERROR in (at line 17)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "13. ERROR in (at line 18)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "14. ERROR in (at line 19)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][]]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "15. ERROR in (at line 20)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][[]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "16. ERROR in (at line 21)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][]][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "17. ERROR in (at line 22)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][[][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "18. ERROR in (at line 23)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[]][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "19. ERROR in (at line 24)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[[][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "20. ERROR in (at line 25)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test117() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references with array (non applicable arrays)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int, String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String, Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(char[] array, int[][] matrix, String[][][] dim, Vector[][][][] extra) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (char, int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][])\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (char[], int[], String[][][], Vector[][][][])\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int, String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (char[], int, String[][][], Vector[][][][])\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (char[], int[][], String[][], Vector[][][][])\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (char[], int[][], String[], Vector[][][][])\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String, Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (char[], int[][], String, Vector[][][][])\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "7. ERROR in (at line 12)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][])\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "8. ERROR in (at line 13)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][])\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "9. ERROR in (at line 14)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[])\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "10. ERROR in (at line 15)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (char[], int[][], String[][][], Vector)\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test118() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references with array (non applicable arrays)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[1] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[2][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][3], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[4][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][5][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][6], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[7][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][8][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][9][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][10]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(char[] array, int[][] matrix, String[][][] dim, Vector[][][][] extra) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[1] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[2][], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][3], String[][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[4][][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][5][], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][6], Vector[][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "7. ERROR in (at line 12)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[7][][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "8. ERROR in (at line 13)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][8][][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "9. ERROR in (at line 14)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][9][]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "10. ERROR in (at line 15)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(char[] , int[][], String[][][], Vector[][][][10]) Invalid ref: invalid arguments declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test120() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo() Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean,int,byte,short,char,long,float,double) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean a1,int a2,byte a3,short a4,char a5,long a6,float a7,double a8) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(String, String, int) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.lang.String, String, int) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(String, java.lang.String, int) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(String x,String y,int z) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.lang.String x,String y, int z) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(String x,java.lang.String y,int z) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.lang.String x,java.lang.String y,int z) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable,java.util.Vector,boolean) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable,Vector,boolean) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable a, java.util.Vector b, boolean c) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test121() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #unknown() Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smrfoo() Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_FOO() Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #unknown() Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type X\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smrfoo() Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smrfoo() is undefined for the type X\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_FOO() Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_FOO() is undefined for the type X\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test122() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean, int, byte) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean, int) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (boolean, int, byte, short, char, long)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (boolean, int, byte, short, char)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (boolean, int, byte, short)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(boolean, int, byte) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (boolean, int, byte)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(boolean, int) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (boolean, int)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "7. ERROR in (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(boolean) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (boolean)\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test123() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(int, String, String) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(String, int, String) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(String, String) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(String) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(int, String, String) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(String, String, int) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (int, String, String)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(String, int, String) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(String, String, int) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (String, int, String)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(String, String) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(String, String, int) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(String) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(String, String, int) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test124() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable,java.util.Vector) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable,boolean,java.util.Vector) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean,java.util.Hashtable,java.util.Vector) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.util.Vector) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable,java.util.Vector) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(Hashtable, Vector, boolean) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (Hashtable, Vector)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable,boolean,java.util.Vector) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(Hashtable, Vector, boolean) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (Hashtable, boolean, Vector)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(boolean,java.util.Hashtable,java.util.Vector) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(Hashtable, Vector, boolean) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (boolean, Hashtable, Vector)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(Hashtable, Vector, boolean) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (Hashtable)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(java.util.Vector) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(Hashtable, Vector, boolean) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (Vector)\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test125() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean,int i,byte y,short s,char c,long l,float f,double d) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean b,int, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean b,int i,byte,short s,char c,long l,float f,double d) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean b,int i,byte y,short,char c,long l,float f,double d) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean b,int i,byte y,short s,char,long l,float f,double d) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean b,int i,byte y,short s,char c,long,float f,double d) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean b,int i,byte y,short s,char c,long l,float,double d) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(boolean b,int i,byte y,short s,char c,long l,float f,double) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(boolean,int i,byte y,short s,char c,long l,float f,double d) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(boolean b,int, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(boolean b,int i,byte,short s,char c,long l,float f,double d) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(boolean b,int i,byte y,short,char c,long l,float f,double d) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(boolean b,int i,byte y,short s,char,long l,float f,double d) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(boolean b,int i,byte y,short s,char c,long,float f,double d) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "7. ERROR in (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(boolean b,int i,byte y,short s,char c,long l,float,double d) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "8. ERROR in (at line 12)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(boolean b,int i,byte y,short s,char c,long l,float f,double) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test126() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(String,String y,int z) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.lang.String x,String, int z) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(String x,java.lang.String y,int) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int z) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(String,String y,int z) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(java.lang.String x,String, int z) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(String x,java.lang.String y,int) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int z) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test127() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(Hashtable,java.util.Vector,boolean) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(Hashtable,Vector,boolean) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(Hashtable a, java.util.Vector b, boolean c) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable a, java.util.Vector b, boolean) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable, Vector, boolean c) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(Hashtable a, java.util.Vector, boolean c) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see #smr_foo(Hashtable, Vector b, boolean c) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(Hashtable,java.util.Vector,boolean) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-				+ "	                ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Hashtable cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(Hashtable,Vector,boolean) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-				+ "	                ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Hashtable cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(Hashtable a, java.util.Vector b, boolean c) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-				+ "	                ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Hashtable cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-				+ "	                ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Hashtable cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable a, java.util.Vector b, boolean) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable, Vector, boolean c) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "7. ERROR in (at line 12)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(Hashtable a, java.util.Vector, boolean c) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "8. ERROR in (at line 13)\n"
-				+ "	* @see #smr_foo(Hashtable, Vector b, boolean c) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test130() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo() Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(boolean,int,byte,short,char,long,float,double) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(boolean a1,int a2,byte a3,short a4,char a5,long a6,float a7,double a8) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(String, String, int) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(java.lang.String, String, int) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(String, java.lang.String, int) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(String x,String y,int z) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(java.lang.String x,String y, int z) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(String x,java.lang.String y,int z) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(java.lang.String x,java.lang.String y,int z) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable,java.util.Vector,boolean) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable,Vector,boolean) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable a, java.util.Vector b, boolean c) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable a, Vector b, boolean c) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test131() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#unknown() Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smrfoo() Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_FOO() Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see X#unknown() Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-				+ "	         ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type X\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see X#smrfoo() Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-				+ "	         ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smrfoo() is undefined for the type X\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see X#smr_FOO() Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-				+ "	         ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_FOO() is undefined for the type X\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test132() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(Object) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(String, int) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(String) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable,Vector) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see X#smr_foo(Object) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	         ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo() in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (Object)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see X#smr_foo(int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	         ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (int, byte, short, char, long, float, double)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see X#smr_foo(String, int) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	         ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(String, String, int) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (String, int)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see X#smr_foo(String) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	         ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(String, String, int) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see X#smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable,Vector) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	         ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(Hashtable, Vector, boolean) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (Hashtable, Vector)\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test133() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"X.js",
-				"import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(boolean,int i,byte,short s,char,long l,float,double d) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(String,String y,int) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(Hashtable,Vector,boolean) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-					+ "	 * @see X#smr_foo(Hashtable,Vector,boolean b) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see X#smr_foo(boolean,int i,byte,short s,char,long l,float,double d) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see X#smr_foo(String,String y,int) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see X#smr_foo(Hashtable,Vector,boolean) Invalid reference: unresolved argument type\n"
-				+ "	                 ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Hashtable cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see X#smr_foo(Hashtable,Vector,boolean b) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test135() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/deep/qualified/name/p/X.js",
-				"package;\n"
-					+ "import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see, int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see,int,byte,short,char,long,float,double) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see a1,int a2,byte a3,short a4,char a5,long a6,float a7,double a8) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see, String, int) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see, String, int) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see, java.lang.String, int) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see, java.lang.String, int) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see x,String y,int z) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see x,String y, int z) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see x,java.lang.String y,int z) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see x,java.lang.String y,int z) Valid local method reference   \n"
-					+ "	 * @see,java.util.Vector,boolean) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see,Vector,boolean) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see a, java.util.Vector b, boolean c) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see a, Vector b, boolean c) Valid local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test136() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/deep/qualified/name/p/X.js",
-				"package;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\deep\\qualified\\name\\p\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-				+ "	                                    ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type X\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\deep\\qualified\\name\\p\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-				+ "	                                    ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smrfoo() is undefined for the type X\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\deep\\qualified\\name\\p\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Invalid ref: undefined local method reference\n"
-				+ "	                                    ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_FOO() is undefined for the type X\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test137() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/deep/qualified/name/p/X.js",
-				"package;\n"
-					+ "import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see, byte, short, char, long, float, double) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see, int) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 * @see,Vector) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\deep\\qualified\\name\\p\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	                                    ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo() in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (Object)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\deep\\qualified\\name\\p\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see, byte, short, char, long, float, double) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	                                    ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(boolean, int, byte, short, char, long, float, double) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (int, byte, short, char, long, float, double)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\deep\\qualified\\name\\p\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see, int) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	                                    ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(String, String, int) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (String, int)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\deep\\qualified\\name\\p\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	                                    ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(String, String, int) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\deep\\qualified\\name\\p\\ (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see,Vector) Invalid ref: local method not applicable\n"
-				+ "	                                    ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method smr_foo(Hashtable, Vector, boolean) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (Hashtable, Vector)\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test138() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/deep/qualified/name/p/X.js",
-				"package;\n"
-					+ "import java.util.Vector;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid local methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see,int i,byte,short s,char,long l,float,double d) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see,String y,int) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see,Vector,boolean b) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see,Vector,boolean b) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	// Empty methods definition for reference\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(boolean b, int i, byte y, short s, char c, long l, float f, double d) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(String str1, java.lang.String str2, int i) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void smr_foo(java.util.Hashtable h, java.util.Vector v, boolean b) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\deep\\qualified\\name\\p\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	* @see,int i,byte,short s,char,long l,float,double d) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n" + 
-			"	                                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\deep\\qualified\\name\\p\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	* @see,String y,int) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n" + 
-			"	                                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in test\\deep\\qualified\\name\\p\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* @see,Vector,boolean b) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n" + 
-			"	                                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in test\\deep\\qualified\\name\\p\\ (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	* @see,Vector,boolean b) Invalid reference: mixed argument declaration\n" + 
-			"	                                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test140() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid package class methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test141() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid package class methods references (non-existence)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#unknown() Invalid ref: non-existent method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non existent method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non-existent class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non existent inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#unknown() Invalid ref: non-existent method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type Visibility\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non existent method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type Visibility.VcPublic\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non-existent class\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.Unknown#vm_public() Invalid ref: non existent inner class\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Visibility.Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test142() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid package class methods references (non-visible)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_private() Invalid ref: non-visible method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate#vm_private(boolean, String) Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non applicable method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate#vm_public() Invalid ref: non visible inner class (visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate#vm_public(Object, float) Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non applicable visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vm_private() Invalid ref: non-visible method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() from the type Visibility is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non visible method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate#vm_private(boolean, String) Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non applicable method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate#vm_public() Invalid ref: non visible inner class (visible method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate#vm_public(Object, float) Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non applicable visible method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.VcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() from the type Visibility.VcPublic is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test143() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid package class methods references (non-applicable)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_private(int) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_public(String) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private(Integer, byte) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public(Double z, Boolean x) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vm_private(int) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() in the type Visibility is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vm_public(String) Invalid ref: non-applicable method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_public() in the type Visibility is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private(Integer, byte) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() in the type Visibility.VcPublic is not applicable for the arguments (Integer, byte)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public(Double z, Boolean x) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_public() in the type Visibility.VcPublic is not applicable for the arguments (Double, Boolean)\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test144() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid package class methods references (invalid arguments)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_private(,) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#vm_public(,String) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate#vm_private(char, double d) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPrivate#vm_public(#) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private(a a a) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public(####) Invalid ref: Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vm_private(,) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                            ^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#vm_public(,String) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                           ^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate#vm_private(char, double d) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPrivate#vm_public(#) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                                     ^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_private(a a a) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                                     ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.VcPublic#vm_public(####) Invalid ref: Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                                    ^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test145() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid package super class methods references\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#avm_public() Valid ref: visible inherited method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPublic#avm_public() Valid ref: visible inherited method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility#avm_public() Valid ref: visible inherited method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.Visibility.AvcPublic#avm_public() Valid ref: visible inherited method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test146() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid package super class methods references (non-visible)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#avm_private() Invalid ref: non-visible inherited method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPrivate#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPrivate#avm_private() Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class (non visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPrivate#avm_private(boolean, String) Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class (non applicable method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPrivate#avm_public() Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class (visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPrivate#avm_public(Object, float) Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class (non applicable visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPublic#avm_private() Invalid ref: non visible inherited method in visible inherited inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#avm_private() Invalid ref: non-visible inherited method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method avm_private() from the type AbstractVisibility is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.AvcPrivate#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class (non existent method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.AvcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.AvcPrivate#avm_private() Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class (non visible method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.AvcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.AvcPrivate#avm_private(boolean, String) Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class (non applicable method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.AvcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.AvcPrivate#avm_public() Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class (visible method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.AvcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.AvcPrivate#avm_public(Object, float) Invalid ref: non visible inherited inner class (non applicable visible method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type Visibility.AvcPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.AvcPublic#avm_private() Invalid ref: non visible inherited method in visible inherited inner class\n"
-				+ "	                            ^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method avm_private() from the type AbstractVisibility.AvcPublic is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test147() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid package super class methods references (non-applicable)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#avm_private(int) Invalid ref: non-applicable inherited method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#avm_public(String) Invalid ref: non-applicable inherited method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPublic#avm_private(Integer, byte) Invalid ref: non applicable inherited method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPublic#avm_public(Double z, Boolean x) Invalid ref: non applicable inherited method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#avm_private(int) Invalid ref: non-applicable inherited method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method avm_private() in the type AbstractVisibility is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#avm_public(String) Invalid ref: non-applicable inherited method\n"
-				+ "	                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method avm_public() in the type AbstractVisibility is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.AvcPublic#avm_private(Integer, byte) Invalid ref: non applicable inherited method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                            ^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method avm_private() in the type AbstractVisibility.AvcPublic is not applicable for the arguments (Integer, byte)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.AvcPublic#avm_public(Double z, Boolean x) Invalid ref: non applicable inherited method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                            ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method avm_public() in the type AbstractVisibility.AvcPublic is not applicable for the arguments (Double, Boolean)\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test148() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid package super class methods references (invalid arguments)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#avm_private(,,,,) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility#avm_public(String,,,) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPrivate#avm_private(char c, double) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPrivate#avm_public(*) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPublic#avm_private(a a a) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see Visibility.AvcPublic#avm_public(*****) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#avm_private(,,,,) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                             ^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility#avm_public(String,,,) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                            ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.AvcPrivate#avm_private(char c, double) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.AvcPrivate#avm_public(*) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                                       ^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.AvcPublic#avm_private(a a a) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                                       ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see Visibility.AvcPublic#avm_public(*****) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                                      ^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test150() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.*;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other package non visible class methods references (non existent/visible arguments)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible class (non visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage#vm_private(boolean) Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage#vm_public() Invalid ref: non visible class (visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage#vm_public(long,long,long,int) Invalid ref: non visible class (visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_private(boolean, String) Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non applicable method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_public() Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_public(Object, float) Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non applicable visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_private(boolean, String) Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non applicable method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_public() Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_public(Object, float) Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non applicable visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible class (non visible method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage#vm_private(boolean) Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage#vm_public() Invalid ref: non visible class (visible method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage#vm_public(long,long,long,int) Invalid ref: non visible class (visible method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non existent method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non visible method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in test\\ (at line 14)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_private(boolean, String) Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non applicable method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in test\\ (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_public() Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (visible method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in test\\ (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_public(Object, float) Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non applicable visible method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in test\\ (at line 17)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non existent method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"12. ERROR in test\\ (at line 18)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non visible method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"13. ERROR in test\\ (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_private(boolean, String) Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non applicable method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"14. ERROR in test\\ (at line 20)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_public() Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (visible method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"15. ERROR in test\\ (at line 21)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_public(Object, float) Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non applicable visible method)\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type VisibilityPackage is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test151() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.VisibilityPackage;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other package non visible class methods references (invalid arguments)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage#vm_private(boolean-) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage#vm_public(long, int() Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_private(char, a double d()) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_public(()) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_private(char double) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_public((((() Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 2)\n"
-				+ "	import test.copy.VisibilityPackage;\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPackage#vm_private(boolean-) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                                   ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPackage#vm_public(long, int() Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_private(char, a double d()) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_public(()) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                                            ^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_private(char double) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_public((((() Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                                           ^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test152() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other fully qualified name package non visible class methods references (non existent/visible arguments)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible class (non visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#vm_private(boolean) Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#vm_public() Invalid ref: non visible class (visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#vm_public(long,long,long,int) Invalid ref: non visible class (visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_private(boolean, String) Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non applicable method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_public() Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_public(Object, float) Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non applicable visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_private(boolean, String) Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non applicable method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_public() Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_public(Object, float) Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non applicable visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible class (non visible method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#vm_private(boolean) Invalid ref: non visible class (non existent method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#vm_public() Invalid ref: non visible class (visible method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#vm_public(long,long,long,int) Invalid ref: non visible class (visible method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non existent method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non visible method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "8. ERROR in test\\ (at line 13)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_private(boolean, String) Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non applicable method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "9. ERROR in test\\ (at line 14)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_public() Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (visible method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "10. ERROR in test\\ (at line 15)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_public(Object, float) Invalid ref: non visible class and non visible inner class (non applicable visible method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "11. ERROR in test\\ (at line 16)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non existent method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "12. ERROR in test\\ (at line 17)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non visible method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "13. ERROR in test\\ (at line 18)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_private(boolean, String) Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non applicable method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "14. ERROR in test\\ (at line 19)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_public() Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (visible method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "15. ERROR in test\\ (at line 20)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_public(Object, float) Invalid ref: non visible class and visible inner class (non applicable visible method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPackage is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test153() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other fully qualified name package non visible class methods references (invalid arguments)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#vm_private(boolean-) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#vm_public(long, int() Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_private(char, a double d()) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_public(()) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_private(char double) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_public((((() Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 */  \n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#vm_private(boolean-) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                                             ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage#vm_public(long, int() Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_private(char, a double d()) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPrivate#vm_public(()) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                                                      ^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_private(char double) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPackage.VpPublic#vm_public((((() Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-				+ "	                                                     ^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test154() {
-		runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"import test.copy.VisibilityPublic;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	/**\n" +
-				"	 * Valid other package visible class methods references \n" +
-				"	 * \n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to not visible method of other package class\n" +
-				"	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to visible method of other package public inner class\n" +
-				"	 */\n" +
-				"	public void s_foo() {\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test155() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.VisibilityPublic;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other package visible class methods references (non-existent)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non existent method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non existent method of visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non existent method\n"
-				+ "	                        ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type VisibilityPublic\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non existent method of visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                                 ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type VisibilityPublic.VpPublic\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test156() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.VisibilityPublic;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other package visible class methods references (non-visible)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible method in visible class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method in visible class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class and (non visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_private(boolean, String) Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class (non applicable method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_public() Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class (visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_public(Object, float) Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class (non applicable visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible method in visible class\n"
-				+ "	                        ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() from the type VisibilityPublic is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class and (non visible method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_private(boolean, String) Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class (non applicable method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_public() Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class (visible method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 13)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_public(Object, float) Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class (non applicable visible method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 14)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                                 ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() from the type VisibilityPublic.VpPublic is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test157() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.VisibilityPublic;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other package visible class methods references (non-applicable)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vm_private(boolean) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vm_public(long,long,long,int) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_private(boolean, String) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_public(Object, float) Invalid ref: visible inner class (non applicable visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic#vm_private(boolean) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible class\n"
-				+ "	                        ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() in the type VisibilityPublic is not applicable for the arguments (boolean)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic#vm_public(long,long,long,int) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible class\n"
-				+ "	                        ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_public() in the type VisibilityPublic is not applicable for the arguments (long, long, long, int)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_private(boolean, String) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                                 ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() in the type VisibilityPublic.VpPublic is not applicable for the arguments (boolean, String)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_public(Object, float) Invalid ref: visible inner class (non applicable visible method)\n"
-				+ "	                                 ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_public() in the type VisibilityPublic.VpPublic is not applicable for the arguments (Object, float)\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test158() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.VisibilityPublic;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other package visible class methods references (non-existent)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vm_private(\"boolean\") Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic#vm_public(long, \"int) Invalid ref: invalid argument definition\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_private(double d()) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_public(\") Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_private(d()) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_public(205) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPublic#vm_private(\"boolean\") Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n" + 
-			"	                                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPublic#vm_public(long, \"int) Invalid ref: invalid argument definition\n" + 
-			"	                                 ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_private(double d()) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n" + 
-			"	                                            ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_public(\") Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n" + 
-			"	                                           ^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_private(d()) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n" + 
-			"	                                           ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	* @see VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_public(205) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n" + 
-			"	                                          ^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test159() {
-		this.runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Valid other package visible class methods references \n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to not visible method of other package class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_public() Valid ref to visible method of other package public inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test160() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other package visible class methods references (non-existent)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non existent method\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non existent method of visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non existent method\n"
-				+ "	                                  ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type VisibilityPublic\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#unknown() Invalid ref: non existent method of visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                                           ^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type VisibilityPublic.VpPublic\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test161() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other package visible class methods references (non-visible)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible method in visible class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#vm_public() Valid ref: visible method in visible class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class and (non visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_private(boolean, String) Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class (non applicable method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_public() Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class (visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_public(Object, float) Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class (non applicable visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible method in visible class\n"
-				+ "	                                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() from the type VisibilityPublic is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#unknown() Invalid ref: non visible inner class (non existent method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class and (non visible method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_private(boolean, String) Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class (non applicable method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_public() Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class (visible method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_public(Object, float) Invalid ref: non visible inner class in visible class (non applicable visible method)\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The type test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 13)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_private() Invalid ref: non visible method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() from the type VisibilityPublic.VpPublic is not visible\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test162() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other package visible class methods references (non-applicable)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#vm_private(boolean) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#vm_public(long,long,long,int) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_private(boolean, String) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_public(Object, float) Invalid ref: visible inner class (non applicable visible method)\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#vm_private(boolean) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible class\n"
-				+ "	                                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() in the type VisibilityPublic is not applicable for the arguments (boolean)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#vm_public(long,long,long,int) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible class\n"
-				+ "	                                  ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_public() in the type VisibilityPublic is not applicable for the arguments (long, long, long, int)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_private(boolean, String) Invalid ref: non applicable method in visible inner class\n"
-				+ "	                                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_private() in the type VisibilityPublic.VpPublic is not applicable for the arguments (boolean, String)\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n"
-				+ "	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_public(Object, float) Invalid ref: visible inner class (non applicable visible method)\n"
-				+ "	                                           ^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: The method vm_public() in the type VisibilityPublic.VpPublic is not applicable for the arguments (Object, float)\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test163() {
-		this.runNegativeReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/X.js",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "import test.copy.VisibilityPublic;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/**\n"
-					+ "	 * Invalid other package visible class methods references (non-existent)\n"
-					+ "	 * \n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#vm_private(\"\") Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#vm_public(\"\"\") Invalid ref: invalid argument definition\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_private(String d()) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_public([) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_private([]) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 * @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_public(char[], int[],]) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n"
-					+ "	 */\n"
-					+ "	public void s_foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#vm_private(\"\") Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n" + 
-			"	                                            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic#vm_public(\"\"\") Invalid ref: invalid argument definition\n" + 
-			"	                                           ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_private(String d()) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n" + 
-			"	                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPrivate#vm_public([) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n" + 
-			"	                                                     ^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_private([]) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n" + 
-			"	                                                     ^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	* @see test.copy.VisibilityPublic.VpPublic#vm_public(char[], int[],]) Invalid ref: invalid argument declaration\n" + 
-			"	                                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid parameters declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9539670..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,859 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class JavadocTestMixed extends JavadocTest {
-	String docCommentSupport = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-	String reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-	String reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-	String reportMissingJavadocComments = null;
-	public JavadocTestMixed(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public static Class javadocTestClass() {
-		return JavadocTestMixed.class;
-	}
-	// Use this static initializer to specify subset for tests
-	// All specified tests which does not belong to the class are skipped...
-	static {
-//		TESTS_PREFIX = "testBug77602";
-//		TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "testBug80910" };
-//		TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 31, 32, 33 };
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 21, 50 };
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(javadocTestClass());
-	}
-	protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-		Map options = super.getCompilerOptions();
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_DocCommentSupport, this.docCommentSupport);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadoc, reportInvalidJavadoc);
-		if (reportMissingJavadocComments != null) 
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocComments, reportMissingJavadocComments);
-		else
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocComments, reportInvalidJavadoc);
-		if (reportMissingJavadocTags != null) 
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTags, reportMissingJavadocTags);
-		else
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTags, reportInvalidJavadoc);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFieldHiding, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-//		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportSyntheticAccessEmulation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportRawTypeReference, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-		return options;
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
-	 */
-	protected void setUp() throws Exception {
-		super.setUp();
-		this.docCommentSupport = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportMissingJavadocComments = null;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Test missing javadoc
-	 */
-	public void test001() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "/** */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "  /** */\n"
-					+ "  public int x;\n"
-					+ "  /** */\n"
-					+ "	 public X() {}\n"
-					+ "  /** */\n"
-					+ "	 public void foo() {}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test002() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "/** */\n"
-					+ "class X {\n"
-					+ "  /** */\n"
-					+ "  int x;\n"
-					+ "  /** */\n"
-					+ "	 X() {}\n"
-					+ "  /** */\n"
-					+ "  void foo() {}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test003() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "/** */\n"
-					+ "class X {\n"
-					+ "  /** */\n"
-					+ "  protected int x;\n"
-					+ "  /** */\n"
-					+ "  protected X() {}\n"
-					+ "  /** */\n"
-					+ "  protected void foo() {}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test004() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "/** */\n"
-					+ "class X {\n"
-					+ "  /** */\n"
-					+ "  private int x;\n"
-					+ "  /** */\n"
-					+ "  private X() {}\n"
-					+ "  /** */\n"
-					+ "  private void foo() {}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test005() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	public X() {}\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	public void foo() {}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test006() {
-		reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	String s1 = \"non-terminated;\n" + 
-				"	void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"	String s2 = \"terminated\";\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-				"	String s1 = \"non-terminated;\n" + 
-				"	            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"String literal is not properly closed by a double-quote\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test010() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/** Field javadoc comment */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	/** Constructor javadoc comment */\n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	/** Method javadoc comment */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 2)\n"
-				+ "	public class X {\n"
-				+ "	             ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing comment for public declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test011() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "/** Class javadoc comment */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	/** Constructor javadoc comment */\n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	/** Method javadoc comment */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 4)\n"
-				+ "	public int x;\n"
-				+ "	           ^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing comment for public declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test012() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "/** Class javadoc comment */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/** Field javadoc comment */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	/** Method javadoc comment */\n"
-					+ "	public void foo() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	public X() {\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing comment for public declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test013() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "/** Class javadoc comment */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "	/** Field javadoc comment */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "	/** Constructor javadoc comment */\n"
-					+ "	public X() {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "	public void foo(int a) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	public void foo(int a) {\n"
-				+ "	            ^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing comment for public declaration\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Test mixing javadoc comments
-	 */
-	public void test021() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid class javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @author ffr\n"
-					+ " * @see \"Test class X\"\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid field javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @see <a href=\"\">Valid URL</a>\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid constructor javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @param str Valid param tag\n"
-					+ " * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ " * @deprecated\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public X(String str) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid method javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @param list Valid param tag\n"
-					+ " * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @return Valid return tag\n"
-					+ " * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ " * @deprecated\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public String foo(java.util.Vector list) {\n"
-					+ "		return \"\";\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test022() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Unexpected tag in class javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @author ffr\n"
-					+ " * @see \"Test class X\"\n"
-					+ " * @param x\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid field javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @see <a href=\"\">Valid URL</a>\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid constructor javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @param str Valid param tag\n"
-					+ " * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ " * @deprecated\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public X(String str) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid method javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @param list Valid param tag\n"
-					+ " * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @return Valid return tag\n"
-					+ " * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ " * @deprecated\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public String foo(java.util.Vector list) {\n"
-					+ "		return \"\";\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n"
-				+ "	* @param x\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test023() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid class javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @author ffr\n"
-					+ " * @see \"Test class X\"\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Unexpected tag in field javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @throws InvalidException\n"
-					+ " * @see <a href=\"\">Valid URL</a>\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid constructor javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @param str Valid param tag\n"
-					+ " * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ " * @deprecated\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public X(String str) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid method javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @param list Valid param tag\n"
-					+ " * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @return Valid return tag\n"
-					+ " * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ " * @deprecated\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public String foo(java.util.Vector list) {\n"
-					+ "		return \"\";\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @throws InvalidException\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test024() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid class javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @author ffr\n"
-					+ " * @see \"Test class X\"\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid field javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @see <a href=\"\">Valid URL</a>\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Wrong tags order in constructor javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ " * @param str Valid param tag\n"
-					+ " * @deprecated\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public X(String str) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid method javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @param list Valid param tag\n"
-					+ " * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @return Valid return tag\n"
-					+ " * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ " * @deprecated\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public String foo(java.util.Vector list) {\n"
-					+ "		return \"\";\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 19)\n"
-				+ "	* @param str Valid param tag\n"
-				+ "	   ^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 22)\n"
-				+ "	public X(String str) {\n"
-				+ "	                ^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter str\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test025() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid class javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @author ffr\n"
-					+ " * @see \"Test class X\"\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid field javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @see <a href=\"\">Valid URL</a>\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid constructor javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @param str Valid param tag\n"
-					+ " * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ " * @deprecated\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public X(String str) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Wrong param tag in method javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @param vector Invalid param tag\n"
-					+ " * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @return Valid return tag\n"
-					+ " * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ " * @deprecated\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public String foo(java.util.Vector list) {\n"
-					+ "		return \"\";\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 26)\n"
-				+ "	* @param vector Invalid param tag\n"
-				+ "	         ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Parameter vector is not declared\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 33)\n"
-				+ "	public String foo(java.util.Vector list) {\n"
-				+ "	                                   ^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter list\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test026() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Invalid see tag in class javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @author ffr\n"
-					+ " * @see \"Test class X\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Invalid field javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @see <a href=\"\">Valid URL</a>unexpected text\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Missing throws tag in constructor javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @param str Valid param tag\n"
-					+ " * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ " * @deprecated\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public X(String str) throws {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Missing return tag in method javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @param list Valid param tag\n"
-					+ " * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ " * @deprecated\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public String foo(java.util.Vector list) {\n"
-					+ "		return \"\";\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 5)\n"
-				+ "	* @see \"Test class X\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Invalid reference\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n"
-				+ "	* @see <a href=\"\">Valid URL</a>unexpected text\n"
-				+ "	                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Unexpected text\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 22)\n"
-				+ "	public X(String str) throws {\n"
-				+ "	                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for declared exception IOException\n"
-				+ "----------\n"
-				+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 32)\n"
-				+ "	public String foo(java.util.Vector list) {\n"
-				+ "	       ^^^^^^\n"
-				+ "Javadoc: Missing tag for return type\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Javadoc on invalid syntax
-	 */
-	public void test030() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid class javadoc on invalid declaration\n"
-					+ " * @author ffr\n"
-					+ " * @see \"Test class X\"\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "protected class X {\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid field javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @see <a href=\"\">Valid URL</a>\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid constructor javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @param str Valid param tag\n"
-					+ " * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ " * @deprecated\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public X(String str) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid method javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @param list Valid param tag\n"
-					+ " * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @return Valid return tag\n"
-					+ " * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ " * @deprecated\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public String foo(java.util.Vector list) {\n"
-					+ "		return \"\";\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n"
-				+ "	protected class X {\n"
-				+ "	                ^\n"
-				+ "Illegal modifier for the class X; only public, abstract & final are permitted\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test031() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid class javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @author ffr\n"
-					+ " * @see \"Test class X\"\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid field javadoc on invalid declaration\n"
-					+ " * @see <a href=\"\">Valid URL</a>\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public int x\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid constructor javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @param str Valid param tag\n"
-					+ " * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ " * @deprecated\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public X(String str) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid method javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @param list Valid param tag\n"
-					+ " * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @return Valid return tag\n"
-					+ " * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ " * @deprecated\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public String foo(java.util.Vector list) {\n"
-					+ "		return \"\";\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n"
-				+ "	public int x\n"
-				+ "	           ^\n"
-				+ "Syntax error, insert \";\" to complete ClassBodyDeclarations\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test032() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid class javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @author ffr\n"
-					+ " * @see \"Test class X\"\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid field javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @see <a href=\"\">Valid URL</a>\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid constructor javadoc on invalid declaration\n"
-					+ " * @param str Valid param tag\n"
-					+ " * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ " * @deprecated\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public X(String str) \n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid method javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @param list Valid param tag\n"
-					+ " * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @return Valid return tag\n"
-					+ " * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ " * @deprecated\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public String foo(java.util.Vector list) {\n"
-					+ "		return \"\";\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-			"----------\n"
-				+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 22)\n"
-				+ "	public X(String str) \n"
-				+ "	                   ^\n"
-				+ "Syntax error on token \")\", { expected after this token\n"
-				+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test033() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid class javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @author ffr\n"
-					+ " * @see \"Test class X\"\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "public class X {\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid field javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @see <a href=\"\">Valid URL</a>\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public int x;\n"
-					+ "\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid constructor javadoc\n"
-					+ " * @param str Valid param tag\n"
-					+ " * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ " * @deprecated\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public X(String str) {\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "/**\n"
-					+ " * Valid method javadoc on invalid declaration\n"
-					+ " * @param list Valid param tag\n"
-					+ " * @throws NullPointerException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @exception IllegalArgumentException Valid throws tag\n"
-					+ " * @return Valid return tag\n"
-					+ " * @see X Valid see tag\n"
-					+ " * @deprecated\n"
-					+ " */\n"
-					+ "	public String foo(java.util.Vector ) {\n"
-					+ "		return \"\";\n"
-					+ "	}\n"
-					+ "}\n" },
-					this.complianceLevel.compareTo(COMPLIANCE_1_5) < 0
-					? "----------\n"
-						+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 23)\n"
-						+ "	}\n"
-						+ "	^\n"
-						+ "Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete ClassBody\n"
-						+ "----------\n"
-						+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 26)\n"
-						+ "	* @param list Valid param tag\n"
-						+ "	         ^^^^\n"
-						+ "Javadoc: Parameter list is not declared\n"
-						+ "----------\n"
-						+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 33)\n"
-						+ "	public String foo(java.util.Vector ) {\n"
-						+ "	                            ^^^^^^\n"
-						+ "Syntax error on token \"Vector\", VariableDeclaratorId expected after this token\n"
-						+ "----------\n"
-						+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 36)\n"
-						+ "	}\n"
-						+ "	^\n"
-						+ "Syntax error on token \"}\", delete this token\n"
-						+ "----------\n"
-					: "----------\n"
-						+ "1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 23)\n"
-						+ "	}\n"
-						+ "	^\n"
-						+ "Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete ClassBody\n"
-						+ "----------\n"
-						+ "2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 26)\n"
-						+ "	* @param list Valid param tag\n"
-						+ "	         ^^^^\n"
-						+ "Javadoc: Parameter list is not declared\n"
-						+ "----------\n"
-						+ "3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 33)\n"
-						+ "	public String foo(java.util.Vector ) {\n"
-						+ "	                           ^\n"
-						+ "Syntax error on token \".\", ... expected\n"
-						+ "----------\n"
-						+ "4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 36)\n"
-						+ "	}\n"
-						+ "	^\n"
-						+ "Syntax error on token \"}\", delete this token\n"
-						+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test040() {
-		reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	/** \n" + 
-					"	 * @param str\n" + 
-					"	 * @param x\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public void bar(String str, int x) {\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"	public void foo() {\n" + 
-					"		bar(\"toto\", 0 /* block comment inline */);\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"}\n" });
-	}
-	public void test041() {
-		reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * @see String\n" + 
-					"	 * @see #\n" + 
-					"	 * @return String\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	String bar() {return \"\";}\n" + 
-					"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @see #\n" + 
-				"	       ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid reference\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-			);
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 085e110..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2022 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.StringTokenizer;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
- * Tests to verify that Compiler options work well for Javadoc.
- * This class does not tests syntax error option as it's considered already
- * tested by other JavadocTest* classes.
- * @see <a href="">46854</a>
- * @see <a href="">46976</a>
- */
-public class JavadocTestOptions extends JavadocTest {
-	String docCommentSupport = null;
-	String reportInvalidJavadoc = null;
-	String reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = null;
-	String reportInvalidJavadocTags = null;
-	String reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef= null;
-	String reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = null;
-	String reportMissingJavadocTags = null;
-	String reportMissingJavadocTagsVisibility = null;
-	String reportMissingJavadocTagsOverriding = null;
-	String reportMissingJavadocComments = null;
-	String reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility = null;
-	String reportMissingJavadocCommentsOverriding = null;
-	private final int PUBLIC_VISIBILITY = 0;
-	private final int PROTECTED_VISIBILITY = 1;
-	private final int DEFAULT_VISIBILITY = 2;
-	private final int PRIVATE_VISIBILITY = 3;
-	private static String INVALID_CLASS_JAVADOC_REF = "	/**\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X_dep\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X.X_priv\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X.Unknown\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X#X(int)\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X#X(String)\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X#X()\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X#x_dep\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X#x_priv\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X#unknown\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X#foo_dep()\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X#foo_priv()\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X#foo_dep(String)\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X#unknown()\n" + 
-		"	 */\n";
-	private static String INVALID_METHOD_JAVADOC_REF = "	/**\n" + 
-		"	 * @param str\n" + 
-		"	 * @param str\n" + 
-		"	 * @param xxx\n" + 
-		"	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException\n" + 
-		"	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException\n" + 
-		"	 * @throws\n" + 
-		"	 * @throws Unknown\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X_dep\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X.X_priv\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X.Unknown\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X#X(int)\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X#X(String)\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X#X()\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X#x_dep\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X#x_priv\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X#unknown\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X#foo_dep()\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X#foo_priv()\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X#foo_dep(String)\n" + 
-		"	 * @see X#unknown()\n" + 
-		"	 */\n";
-	private static String DEP_CLASS =
-		"/** @deprecated */\n" + 
-		"public class X_dep {}\n";
-	private static String REF_CLASS =
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-// Deprecated class must be a top level to avoid visibility issue
-//		"	/** @deprecated */\n" + 
-//		"	class X_dep{}\n" + 
-		"	private class X_priv{}\n" + 
-		"	/** @deprecated */\n" + 
-		"	public int x_dep;\n" + 
-		"	private int x_priv;\n" + 
-		"	/** @deprecated */\n" + 
-		"	public X() {}\n" + 
-		"	private X(int x) {}\n" + 
-		"	/** @deprecated */\n" + 
-		"	public void foo_dep() {}\n" + 
-		"	private void foo_priv() {}\n" + 
-		"	}\n";
-	private static String[] CLASSES_INVALID_COMMENT = {
-		"",
-		"",
-		"",
-		"public class Y {\n" + 
-			"	public class X_pub {}\n" + 
-			"	protected class X_prot {}\n" + 
-			"	class X_pack {}\n" + 
-			"	private class X_priv {}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n"
-	};
-	private static String[] FIELDS_INVALID_COMMENT = {
-		"",
-		"",
-		"",
-		"public class Y {\n" + 
-			"	public int x_pub;\n" + 
-			"	protected int x_prot;\n" + 
-			"	int x_pack;\n" + 
-			"	private int x_priv;\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n"
-	};
-	private static String[] METHODS_INVALID_COMMENT = {
-		"",
-		"",
-		"",
-		"public class Y {\n" + 
-			"	public void foo_pub(String str) throws IllegalArgumentException {}\n" +
-			"	protected void foo_pro(String str) throws IllegalArgumentException {}\n" + 
-			"	void foo_pack(String str) throws IllegalArgumentException {}\n" + 
-			"	private void foo_priv(String str) throws IllegalArgumentException {}\n" +
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n"
-	};
-	private static String[] CONSTRUCTORS_INVALID_COMMENT = {
-		"",
-		"",
-		"",
-		"public class Y {\n" + 
-			"	public Y(int str) {}\n" +
-			"	protected Y(long str) {}\n" + 
-			"	Y(float str) {}\n" + 
-			"	private Y(double str) {}\n" +
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n"
-	};
-	private static String[] MISSING_TAGS = {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	// public\n" + 
-			"	/** */\n" + 
-			"	public class PublicClass {}\n" + 
-			"	/** */\n" + 
-			"	public int publicField;\n" + 
-			"	/** */\n" + 
-			"	public X(int i) {}\n" + 
-			"	/** */\n" + 
-			"	public int publicMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	// protected\n" + 
-			"	/** */\n" + 
-			"	protected class ProtectedClass {}\n" + 
-			"	/** */\n" + 
-			"	protected int protectedField;\n" + 
-			"	/** */\n" + 
-			"	protected X(long l) {}\n" + 
-			"	/** */\n" + 
-			"	protected int protectedMethod(long l) { return 0; }\n" + 
-			"	// default\n" + 
-			"	/** */\n" + 
-			"	class PackageClass {}\n" + 
-			"	/** */\n" + 
-			"	int packageField;\n" + 
-			"	/** */\n" + 
-			"	X(float f) {}\n" + 
-			"	/** */\n" + 
-			"	int packageMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	// private\n" + 
-			"	/** */\n" + 
-			"	private class PrivateClass {}\n" + 
-			"	/** */\n" + 
-			"	private int privateField;\n" + 
-			"	/** */\n" + 
-			"	private X(double d) {}\n" + 
-			"	/** */\n" + 
-			"	private int privateMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-		"\n",
-		"",
-		"/** */\n" + 
-			"public class Y extends X {\n" + 
-			"	public Y(int i) { super(i); }\n" + 
-			"	//methods\n" + 
-			"	/** */\n" + 
-			"	public int publicMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	/** */\n" + 
-			"	protected int protectedMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	/** */\n" + 
-			"	int packageMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	/** */\n" + 
-			"	private int privateMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-	};
-	private static String[] MISSING_COMMENTS = {
-		"",
-		"/** */\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	// public\n" + 
-			"	public class PublicClass {}\n" + 
-			"	public int publicField;\n" + 
-			"	public X(int i) {}\n" + 
-			"	public int publicMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	// protected\n" + 
-			"	protected class ProtectedClass {}\n" + 
-			"	protected int protectedField;\n" + 
-			"	protected X(long l) {}\n" + 
-			"	protected int protectedMethod(long l) { return 0; }\n" + 
-			"	// default\n" + 
-			"	class PackageClass {}\n" + 
-			"	int packageField;\n" + 
-			"	X(float f) {}\n" + 
-			"	int packageMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	// private\n" + 
-			"	private class PrivateClass {}\n" + 
-			"	private int privateField;\n" + 
-			"	private X(double d) {}\n" + 
-			"	private int privateMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n",
-		"",
-		"/** */\n" + 
-			"public class Y extends X {\n" + 
-			"	/** */\n" + 
-			"	public Y(int i) { super(i); }\n" + 
-			"	public int publicMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	protected int protectedMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	int packageMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	private int privateMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-	};
-	private static String[] CLASSES_ERRORS = {
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X_dep\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type X_dep is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.X_priv\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type X.X_priv is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.Unknown\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: X.Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X(int)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X(int) is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X(String)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X(String) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X() is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#x_dep\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The field X.x_dep is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#x_priv\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The field x_priv is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#unknown\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_dep()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_dep() from the type X is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_priv()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_priv() from the type X is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"12. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_dep(String)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_dep() in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"13. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#unknown()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-		"14. ERROR in (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X_dep\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type X_dep is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"15. ERROR in (at line 20)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.X_priv\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type X.X_priv is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"16. ERROR in (at line 21)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.Unknown\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: X.Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"17. ERROR in (at line 22)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X(int)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X(int) is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"18. ERROR in (at line 23)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X(String)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X(String) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"19. ERROR in (at line 24)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X() is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"20. ERROR in (at line 25)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#x_dep\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The field X.x_dep is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"21. ERROR in (at line 26)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#x_priv\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The field x_priv is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"22. ERROR in (at line 27)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#unknown\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"23. ERROR in (at line 28)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_dep()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_dep() from the type X is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"24. ERROR in (at line 29)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_priv()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_priv() from the type X is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"25. ERROR in (at line 30)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_dep(String)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_dep() in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"26. ERROR in (at line 31)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#unknown()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-		"27. ERROR in (at line 35)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X_dep\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type X_dep is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"28. ERROR in (at line 36)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.X_priv\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type X.X_priv is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"29. ERROR in (at line 37)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.Unknown\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: X.Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"30. ERROR in (at line 38)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X(int)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X(int) is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"31. ERROR in (at line 39)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X(String)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X(String) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"32. ERROR in (at line 40)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X() is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"33. ERROR in (at line 41)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#x_dep\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The field X.x_dep is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"34. ERROR in (at line 42)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#x_priv\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The field x_priv is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"35. ERROR in (at line 43)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#unknown\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"36. ERROR in (at line 44)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_dep()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_dep() from the type X is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"37. ERROR in (at line 45)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_priv()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_priv() from the type X is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"38. ERROR in (at line 46)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_dep(String)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_dep() in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"39. ERROR in (at line 47)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#unknown()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-		"40. ERROR in (at line 51)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X_dep\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type X_dep is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"41. ERROR in (at line 52)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.X_priv\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type X.X_priv is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"42. ERROR in (at line 53)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.Unknown\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: X.Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"43. ERROR in (at line 54)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X(int)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X(int) is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"44. ERROR in (at line 55)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X(String)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X(String) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"45. ERROR in (at line 56)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X() is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"46. ERROR in (at line 57)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#x_dep\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The field X.x_dep is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"47. ERROR in (at line 58)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#x_priv\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The field x_priv is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"48. ERROR in (at line 59)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#unknown\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"49. ERROR in (at line 60)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_dep()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_dep() from the type X is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"50. ERROR in (at line 61)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_priv()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_priv() from the type X is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"51. ERROR in (at line 62)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_dep(String)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_dep() in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"52. ERROR in (at line 63)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#unknown()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-	};
-	private static String[] METHODS_ERRORS = {
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @param str\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Duplicate tag for parameter\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @param xxx\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Parameter xxx is not declared\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	* @throws\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Exception IOException is not declared\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* @throws Unknown\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X_dep\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type X_dep is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.X_priv\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type X.X_priv is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.Unknown\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: X.Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X(int)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X(int) is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X(String)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X(String) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X() is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#x_dep\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The field X.x_dep is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"12. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#x_priv\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The field x_priv is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"13. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#unknown\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"14. ERROR in (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_dep()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_dep() from the type X is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"15. ERROR in (at line 20)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_priv()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_priv() from the type X is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"16. ERROR in (at line 21)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_dep(String)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_dep() in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"17. ERROR in (at line 22)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#unknown()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-		"18. ERROR in (at line 27)\n" + 
-			"	* @param str\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Duplicate tag for parameter\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"19. ERROR in (at line 28)\n" + 
-			"	* @param xxx\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Parameter xxx is not declared\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"20. ERROR in (at line 31)\n" + 
-			"	* @throws\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Exception IOException is not declared\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"21. ERROR in (at line 32)\n" + 
-			"	* @throws Unknown\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"22. ERROR in (at line 33)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X_dep\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type X_dep is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"23. ERROR in (at line 34)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.X_priv\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type X.X_priv is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"24. ERROR in (at line 35)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.Unknown\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: X.Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"25. ERROR in (at line 36)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X(int)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X(int) is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"26. ERROR in (at line 37)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X(String)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X(String) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"27. ERROR in (at line 38)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X() is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"28. ERROR in (at line 39)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#x_dep\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The field X.x_dep is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"29. ERROR in (at line 40)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#x_priv\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The field x_priv is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"30. ERROR in (at line 41)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#unknown\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"31. ERROR in (at line 42)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_dep()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_dep() from the type X is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"32. ERROR in (at line 43)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_priv()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_priv() from the type X is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"33. ERROR in (at line 44)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_dep(String)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_dep() in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"34. ERROR in (at line 45)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#unknown()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-		"35. ERROR in (at line 50)\n" + 
-			"	* @param str\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Duplicate tag for parameter\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"36. ERROR in (at line 51)\n" + 
-			"	* @param xxx\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Parameter xxx is not declared\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"37. ERROR in (at line 54)\n" + 
-			"	* @throws\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Exception IOException is not declared\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"38. ERROR in (at line 55)\n" + 
-			"	* @throws Unknown\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"39. ERROR in (at line 56)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X_dep\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type X_dep is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"40. ERROR in (at line 57)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.X_priv\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type X.X_priv is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"41. ERROR in (at line 58)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.Unknown\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: X.Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"42. ERROR in (at line 59)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X(int)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X(int) is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"43. ERROR in (at line 60)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X(String)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X(String) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"44. ERROR in (at line 61)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X() is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"45. ERROR in (at line 62)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#x_dep\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The field X.x_dep is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"46. ERROR in (at line 63)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#x_priv\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The field x_priv is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"47. ERROR in (at line 64)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#unknown\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"48. ERROR in (at line 65)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_dep()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_dep() from the type X is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"49. ERROR in (at line 66)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_priv()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_priv() from the type X is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"50. ERROR in (at line 67)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_dep(String)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_dep() in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"51. ERROR in (at line 68)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#unknown()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-		"52. ERROR in (at line 73)\n" + 
-			"	* @param str\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Duplicate tag for parameter\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"53. ERROR in (at line 74)\n" + 
-			"	* @param xxx\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Parameter xxx is not declared\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"54. ERROR in (at line 77)\n" + 
-			"	* @throws\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Exception IOException is not declared\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"55. ERROR in (at line 78)\n" + 
-			"	* @throws Unknown\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"56. ERROR in (at line 79)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X_dep\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type X_dep is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"57. ERROR in (at line 80)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.X_priv\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The type X.X_priv is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"58. ERROR in (at line 81)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X.Unknown\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: X.Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"59. ERROR in (at line 82)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X(int)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X(int) is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"60. ERROR in (at line 83)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X(String)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X(String) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"61. ERROR in (at line 84)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#X()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor X() is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"62. ERROR in (at line 85)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#x_dep\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The field X.x_dep is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"63. ERROR in (at line 86)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#x_priv\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The field x_priv is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"64. ERROR in (at line 87)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#unknown\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"65. ERROR in (at line 88)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_dep()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_dep() from the type X is deprecated\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"66. ERROR in (at line 89)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_priv()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_priv() from the type X is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"67. ERROR in (at line 90)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#foo_dep(String)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo_dep() in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"68. ERROR in (at line 91)\n" + 
-			"	* @see X#unknown()\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-	};
-	private String resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(int visibility) {
-		if (reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef == null && reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef == null) {
-			String result = "----------\n";
-			for (int i=0; i<=visibility; i++) {
-				result += CLASSES_ERRORS[i];
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer("----------\n");
-		for (int i=0, count=1; i<= visibility; i++) {
-			StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(CLASSES_ERRORS[i], "\n");
-			while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
-				StringBuffer error = new StringBuffer();
-				boolean add = true;
-				for (int j=0; j<5; j++) {
-					String line = tokenizer.nextToken();
-					switch (j) {
-						case 0:
-							error.append(count);
-							error.append(line.substring(line.indexOf('.')));
-							break;
-						case 3:
-							if (CompilerOptions.DISABLED.equals(reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef)) {
-								add = line.indexOf("is deprecated") == -1;
-							}
-							if (add && CompilerOptions.DISABLED.equals(reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef)) {
-								add = line.indexOf("is not visible") == -1 && line.indexOf("visibility for malformed doc comments") == -1;
-							}
-						default:
-							error.append(line);
-					}
-					error.append('\n');
-				}
-				if (add) {
-					count++;
-					result.append(error);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return result.toString();
-	}
-	private String resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(int visibility) {
-		if (reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef == null && reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef == null) {
-			String result = "----------\n";
-			for (int i=0; i<=visibility; i++) {
-				result += METHODS_ERRORS[i];
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer("----------\n");
-		for (int i=0, count=1; i<= visibility; i++) {
-			StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(METHODS_ERRORS[i], "\n");
-			while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
-				StringBuffer error = new StringBuffer();
-				boolean add = true;
-				for (int j=0; j<5; j++) {
-					String line = tokenizer.nextToken();
-					switch (j) {
-						case 0:
-							error.append(count);
-							error.append(line.substring(line.indexOf('.')));
-							break;
-						case 3:
-							if (CompilerOptions.DISABLED.equals(reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef)) {
-								add = line.indexOf("is deprecated") == -1;
-							}
-							if (add && CompilerOptions.DISABLED.equals(reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef)) {
-								add = line.indexOf("is not visible") == -1 && line.indexOf("visibility for malformed doc comments") == -1;
-							}
-						default:
-							error.append(line);
-					}
-					error.append('\n');
-				}
-				if (add) {
-					count++;
-					result.append(error);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return result.toString();
-	}
-	private static String[] X_ResultForMissingTags = {
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	public X(int i) {}\n" + 
-			"	             ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter i\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	public int publicMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for return type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	public int publicMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	                             ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter l\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-		"4. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-			"	protected X(long l) {}\n" + 
-			"	                 ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter l\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	protected int protectedMethod(long l) { return 0; }\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for return type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	protected int protectedMethod(long l) { return 0; }\n" + 
-			"	                                   ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter l\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-		"7. ERROR in (at line 26)\n" + 
-			"	X(float f) {}\n" + 
-			"	        ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter f\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 28)\n" + 
-			"	int packageMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for return type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in (at line 28)\n" + 
-			"	int packageMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	                       ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter l\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-		"10. ERROR in (at line 35)\n" + 
-			"	private X(double d) {}\n" + 
-			"	                 ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter d\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in (at line 37)\n" + 
-			"	private int privateMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for return type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"12. ERROR in (at line 37)\n" + 
-			"	private int privateMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	                               ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter l\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-	};
-	private static String[] Y_ResultForMissingTags = {
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	public int publicMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for return type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	public int publicMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	                             ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter l\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	protected int protectedMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for return type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	protected int protectedMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	                                   ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter l\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-		"5. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	int packageMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for return type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	int packageMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	                       ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter l\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-		"7. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	private int privateMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for return type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	private int privateMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	                               ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter l\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-		"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	private int privateMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for return type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	private int privateMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	                               ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter l\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-	};
-	private String resultForMissingTags(int visibility) {
-		StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer("----------\n");
-		for (int i=0; i<=visibility; i++) {
-			result.append(X_ResultForMissingTags[i]);
-		}
-		if (CompilerOptions.ENABLED.equals(reportMissingJavadocTagsOverriding)) {
-			result.append("----------\n");
-			result.append(Y_ResultForMissingTags[PUBLIC_VISIBILITY]);
-			if (visibility >= PROTECTED_VISIBILITY) {
-				result.append(Y_ResultForMissingTags[PROTECTED_VISIBILITY]);
-				if (visibility >= DEFAULT_VISIBILITY) {
-					result.append(Y_ResultForMissingTags[DEFAULT_VISIBILITY]);
-					if (visibility == PRIVATE_VISIBILITY) {
-						result.append(Y_ResultForMissingTags[PRIVATE_VISIBILITY]);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Private level is always reported for as it never overrides...
-		else if (visibility == PRIVATE_VISIBILITY) {
-			result.append(Y_ResultForMissingTags[PRIVATE_VISIBILITY+1]);
-		}
-		return result.toString();
-	}
-	private static String[] X_ResultForMissingComments = {
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	public class PublicClass {}\n" + 
-			"	             ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing comment for public declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	public int publicField;\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing comment for public declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	public X(int i) {}\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing comment for public declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	public int publicMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing comment for public declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-		"5. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	protected class ProtectedClass {}\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing comment for protected declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	protected int protectedField;\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing comment for protected declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	protected X(long l) {}\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing comment for protected declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	protected int protectedMethod(long l) { return 0; }\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing comment for protected declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-		"9. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-			"	class PackageClass {}\n" + 
-			"	      ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing comment for default declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	int packageField;\n" + 
-			"	    ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing comment for default declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	X(float f) {}\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing comment for default declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"12. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-			"	int packageMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing comment for default declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-		"13. ERROR in (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	private class PrivateClass {}\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing comment for private declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"14. ERROR in (at line 20)\n" + 
-			"	private int privateField;\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing comment for private declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"15. ERROR in (at line 21)\n" + 
-			"	private X(double d) {}\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing comment for private declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"16. ERROR in (at line 22)\n" + 
-			"	private int privateMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing comment for private declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-	};
-	private static String[] Y_ResultForMissingComments = {
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	public int publicMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing comment for public declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	protected int protectedMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing comment for protected declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	int packageMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing comment for default declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-		"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	private int privateMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing comment for private declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-		"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	private int privateMethod(long l) { return 0;}\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing comment for private declaration\n" + 
-			"----------\n"			
-	};
-	private String resultForMissingComments(int visibility) {
-		StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer("----------\n");
-		for (int i=0; i<=visibility; i++) {
-			result.append(X_ResultForMissingComments[i]);
-		}
-		if (CompilerOptions.ENABLED.equals(reportMissingJavadocCommentsOverriding)) {
-			result.append("----------\n");
-			result.append(Y_ResultForMissingComments[PUBLIC_VISIBILITY]);
-			if (visibility >= PROTECTED_VISIBILITY) {
-				result.append(Y_ResultForMissingComments[PROTECTED_VISIBILITY]);
-				if (visibility >= DEFAULT_VISIBILITY) {
-					result.append(Y_ResultForMissingComments[DEFAULT_VISIBILITY]);
-					if (visibility == PRIVATE_VISIBILITY) {
-						result.append(Y_ResultForMissingComments[PRIVATE_VISIBILITY]);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Private level is always reported for as it never overrides...
-		else if (visibility == PRIVATE_VISIBILITY) {
-			result.append(Y_ResultForMissingComments[PRIVATE_VISIBILITY+1]);
-		}
-		return result.toString();
-	}
-	public JavadocTestOptions(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public static Class javadocTestClass() {
-		return JavadocTestOptions.class;
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(javadocTestClass());
-	}
-	static { // Use this static to initialize testNames (String[]) , testRange (int[2]), testNumbers (int[])
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @return Returns the docCommentSupport.
-	 *
-	public String getNamePrefix() {
-		if (this.localDocCommentSupport == null) {
-			return super.getNamePrefix();
-		} else {
-			return this.localDocCommentSupport;
-		}
-	}
-	*/
-	protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-		Map options = super.getCompilerOptions();
-		// Set javadoc options if non null
-		if (this.docCommentSupport != null) 
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_DocCommentSupport, this.docCommentSupport);
-		if (reportInvalidJavadoc != null)
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadoc, reportInvalidJavadoc);
-		if (reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility != null)
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility, reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility);
-		if (reportInvalidJavadocTags != null)
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadocTags, reportInvalidJavadocTags);
-		if (reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef != null)
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef, reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef);
-		if (reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef!= null)
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef, reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef);
-		if (reportMissingJavadocTags != null)
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTags, reportMissingJavadocTags);
-		if (reportMissingJavadocTagsVisibility != null)
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTagsVisibility, reportMissingJavadocTagsVisibility);
-		if (reportMissingJavadocTagsOverriding != null)
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTagsOverriding, reportMissingJavadocTagsOverriding);
-		if (reportMissingJavadocComments != null)
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocComments, reportMissingJavadocComments);
-		if (reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility != null)
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility, reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility);
-		if (reportMissingJavadocCommentsOverriding != null)
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocCommentsOverriding, reportMissingJavadocCommentsOverriding);
-		// Ignore other options to avoid polluting warnings
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFieldHiding, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-//		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportSyntheticAccessEmulation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnusedLocal, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnusedPrivateMember, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-		return options;
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
-	 */
-	protected void setUp() throws Exception {
-		super.setUp();
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = null;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = null;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = null;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = null;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = null;
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = null;
-		reportMissingJavadocTagsVisibility = null;
-		reportMissingJavadocTagsOverriding = null;
-		reportMissingJavadocComments = null;
-		reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility = null;
-		reportMissingJavadocCommentsOverriding = null;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Tests for 'invalid javadoc' options when no doc support is set
-	 */
-	public void testInvalidTagsClassNoSupport() {
-		docCommentSupport = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsFieldNoSupport() {
-		docCommentSupport = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsMethodNoSupport() {
-		docCommentSupport = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsConstructorNoSupport() {
-		docCommentSupport = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Tests for 'invalid javadoc' options
-	 */
-	// Test default invalid javadoc (means "ignore" with tags"disabled" and visibility "public")
-	public void testInvalidTagsClassDefaults() {
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsFieldDefaults() {
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsMethodDefaults() {
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsConstructorDefaults() {
-	}
-	// Test invalid javadoc "error" + tags "disabled" and visibility "public"
-	public void testInvalidTagsClassErrorNotags() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsFieldErrorNotags() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsMethodErrorNotags() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsConstructorErrorNotags() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-	}
-	// Test invalid javadoc "error" + tags "enabled" and visibility "public"
-	public void testInvalidTagsClassErrorTagsPublic() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(CLASSES_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsFieldErrorTagsPublic() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(FIELDS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsMethodErrorTagsPublic() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(METHODS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsConstructorErrorTagsPublic() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(CONSTRUCTORS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test invalid javadoc "error" + tags "enabled" and visibility "protected"
-	public void testInvalidTagsClassErrorTagsProtected() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PROTECTED;
-		runNegativeTest(CLASSES_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PROTECTED_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsFieldErrorTagsProtected() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PROTECTED;
-		runNegativeTest(FIELDS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PROTECTED_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsMethodErrorTagsProtected() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PROTECTED;
-		runNegativeTest(METHODS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PROTECTED_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsConstructorErrorTagsProtected() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PROTECTED;
-		runNegativeTest(CONSTRUCTORS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PROTECTED_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test invalid javadoc "error" + tags "enabled" and visibility "default"
-	public void testInvalidTagsClassErrorTagsPackage() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.DEFAULT;
-		runNegativeTest(CLASSES_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(DEFAULT_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsFieldErrorTagsPackage() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.DEFAULT;
-		runNegativeTest(FIELDS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(DEFAULT_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsMethodErrorTagsPackage() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.DEFAULT;
-		runNegativeTest(METHODS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(DEFAULT_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsConstructorErrorTagsPackage() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.DEFAULT;
-		runNegativeTest(CONSTRUCTORS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(DEFAULT_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test invalid javadoc "error" + tags "enabled" and visibility "private"
-	public void testInvalidTagsClassErrorTagsPrivate() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		runNegativeTest(CLASSES_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PRIVATE_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsFieldErrorTagsPrivate() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		runNegativeTest(FIELDS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PRIVATE_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsMethodErrorTagsPrivate() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		runNegativeTest(METHODS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PRIVATE_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsConstructorErrorTagsPrivate() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		runNegativeTest(CONSTRUCTORS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PRIVATE_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test invalid javadoc "error" + tags "enabled" but invalid deprecated references "disabled" and visibility "public"
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedRefClassErrorTagsPublic() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(CLASSES_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedRefFieldErrorTagsPublic() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(FIELDS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedRefMethodErrorTagsPublic() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(METHODS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedRefConstructorErrorTagsPublic() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(CONSTRUCTORS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test invalid javadoc "error" + tags "enabled" but invalid deprecated references "disabled" visibility "protected"
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedRefClassErrorTagsProtected() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PROTECTED;
-		runNegativeTest(CLASSES_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PROTECTED_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedRefFieldErrorTagsProtected() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PROTECTED;
-		runNegativeTest(FIELDS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PROTECTED_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedRefMethodErrorTagsProtected() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PROTECTED;
-		runNegativeTest(METHODS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PROTECTED_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedRefConstructorErrorTagsProtected() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PROTECTED;
-		runNegativeTest(CONSTRUCTORS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PROTECTED_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test invalid javadoc "error" + tags "enabled" but invalid deprecated references "disabled" and visibility "default"
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedRefClassErrorTagsPackage() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.DEFAULT;
-		runNegativeTest(CLASSES_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(DEFAULT_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedRefFieldErrorTagsPackage() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.DEFAULT;
-		runNegativeTest(FIELDS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(DEFAULT_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedRefMethodErrorTagsPackage() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.DEFAULT;
-		runNegativeTest(METHODS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(DEFAULT_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedRefConstructorErrorTagsPackage() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.DEFAULT;
-		runNegativeTest(CONSTRUCTORS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(DEFAULT_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test invalid javadoc "error" + tags "enabled" but invalid deprecated references "disabled" and visibility "private"
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedRefClassErrorTagsPrivate() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(CLASSES_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PRIVATE_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedRefFieldErrorTagsPrivate() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(FIELDS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PRIVATE_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedRefMethodErrorTagsPrivate() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(METHODS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PRIVATE_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedRefConstructorErrorTagsPrivate() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(CONSTRUCTORS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PRIVATE_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test invalid javadoc "error" + tags "enabled" but invalid not visible references "disabled" and visibility "public"
-	public void testInvalidTagsNotVisibleRefClassErrorTagsPublic() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(CLASSES_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsNotVisibleRefFieldErrorTagsPublic() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(FIELDS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsNotVisibleRefMethodErrorTagsPublic() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(METHODS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsNotVisibleRefConstructorErrorTagsPublic() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(CONSTRUCTORS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test invalid javadoc "error" + tags "enabled" but invalid not visible references "disabled" visibility "protected"
-	public void testInvalidTagsNotVisibleRefClassErrorTagsProtected() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PROTECTED;
-		runNegativeTest(CLASSES_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PROTECTED_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsNotVisibleRefFieldErrorTagsProtected() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PROTECTED;
-		runNegativeTest(FIELDS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PROTECTED_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsNotVisibleRefMethodErrorTagsProtected() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PROTECTED;
-		runNegativeTest(METHODS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PROTECTED_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsNotVisibleRefConstructorErrorTagsProtected() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PROTECTED;
-		runNegativeTest(CONSTRUCTORS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PROTECTED_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test invalid javadoc "error" + tags "enabled" but invalid not visible references "disabled" and visibility "default"
-	public void testInvalidTagsNotVisibleRefClassErrorTagsPackage() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.DEFAULT;
-		runNegativeTest(CLASSES_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(DEFAULT_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsNotVisibleRefFieldErrorTagsPackage() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.DEFAULT;
-		runNegativeTest(FIELDS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(DEFAULT_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsNotVisibleRefMethodErrorTagsPackage() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.DEFAULT;
-		runNegativeTest(METHODS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(DEFAULT_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsNotVisibleRefConstructorErrorTagsPackage() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.DEFAULT;
-		runNegativeTest(CONSTRUCTORS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(DEFAULT_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test invalid javadoc "error" + tags "enabled" but invalid not visible references "disabled" and visibility "private"
-	public void testInvalidTagsNotVisibleRefClassErrorTagsPrivate() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(CLASSES_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PRIVATE_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsNotVisibleRefFieldErrorTagsPrivate() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(FIELDS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PRIVATE_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsNotVisibleRefMethodErrorTagsPrivate() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(METHODS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PRIVATE_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsNotVisibleRefConstructorErrorTagsPrivate() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(CONSTRUCTORS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PRIVATE_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test invalid javadoc "error" + tags "enabled" but invalid deprecated or not visible references "disabled" and visibility "public"
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedAndNotVisibleRefClassErrorTagsPublic() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(CLASSES_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedAndNotVisibleRefFieldErrorTagsPublic() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(FIELDS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedAndNotVisibleRefMethodErrorTagsPublic() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(METHODS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedAndNotVisibleRefConstructorErrorTagsPublic() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(CONSTRUCTORS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test invalid javadoc "error" + tags "enabled" but invalid deprecated or not visible references "disabled" visibility "protected"
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedAndNotVisibleRefClassErrorTagsProtected() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PROTECTED;
-		runNegativeTest(CLASSES_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PROTECTED_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedAndNotVisibleRefFieldErrorTagsProtected() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PROTECTED;
-		runNegativeTest(FIELDS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PROTECTED_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedAndNotVisibleRefMethodErrorTagsProtected() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PROTECTED;
-		runNegativeTest(METHODS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PROTECTED_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedAndNotVisibleRefConstructorErrorTagsProtected() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PROTECTED;
-		runNegativeTest(CONSTRUCTORS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PROTECTED_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test invalid javadoc "error" + tags "enabled" but invalid deprecated or not visible references "disabled" and visibility "default"
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedAndNotVisibleRefClassErrorTagsPackage() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.DEFAULT;
-		runNegativeTest(CLASSES_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(DEFAULT_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedAndNotVisibleRefFieldErrorTagsPackage() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.DEFAULT;
-		runNegativeTest(FIELDS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(DEFAULT_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedAndNotVisibleRefMethodErrorTagsPackage() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.DEFAULT;
-		runNegativeTest(METHODS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(DEFAULT_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedAndNotVisibleRefConstructorErrorTagsPackage() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.DEFAULT;
-		runNegativeTest(CONSTRUCTORS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(DEFAULT_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test invalid javadoc "error" + tags "enabled" but invalid deprecated or not visible references "disabled" and visibility "private"
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedAndNotVisibleRefClassErrorTagsPrivate() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(CLASSES_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PRIVATE_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedAndNotVisibleRefFieldErrorTagsPrivate() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(FIELDS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsClassOrField(PRIVATE_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedAndNotVisibleRefMethodErrorTagsPrivate() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(METHODS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PRIVATE_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsDeprecatedAndNotVisibleRefConstructorErrorTagsPrivate() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(CONSTRUCTORS_INVALID_COMMENT, resultForInvalidTagsMethodOrConstructor(PRIVATE_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Tests for 'missing javadoc tags' options
-	 */
-	// Test default missing javadoc tags (means "ignore" with visibility "public" and overriding="enabled")
-	public void testMissingTagsDefaults() {
-		runConformTest(MISSING_TAGS);
-	}
-	// Test missing javadoc tags "error" + "public" visibility + "enabled" overriding
-	public void testMissingTagsErrorPublicOverriding() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportMissingJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		reportMissingJavadocTagsOverriding = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(MISSING_TAGS, resultForMissingTags(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test missing javadoc tags "error" + "public" visibility + "disabled" overriding
-	public void testMissingTagsErrorPublic() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportMissingJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		reportMissingJavadocTagsOverriding = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(MISSING_TAGS, resultForMissingTags(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test missing javadoc tags "error" + "protected" visibility + "enabled" overriding
-	public void testMissingTagsErrorProtectedOverriding() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportMissingJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PROTECTED;
-		reportMissingJavadocTagsOverriding = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(MISSING_TAGS, resultForMissingTags(PROTECTED_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test missing javadoc tags "error" + "protected" visibility + "disabled" overriding
-	public void testMissingTagsErrorProtected() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportMissingJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PROTECTED;
-		reportMissingJavadocTagsOverriding = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(MISSING_TAGS, resultForMissingTags(PROTECTED_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test missing javadoc tags "error" + "default" visibility + "enabled" overriding
-	public void testMissingTagsErrorPackageOverriding() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportMissingJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.DEFAULT;
-		reportMissingJavadocTagsOverriding = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(MISSING_TAGS, resultForMissingTags(DEFAULT_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test missing javadoc tags "error" + "default" visibility + "disabled" overriding
-	public void testMissingTagsErrorPackage() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportMissingJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.DEFAULT;
-		reportMissingJavadocTagsOverriding = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(MISSING_TAGS, resultForMissingTags(DEFAULT_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test missing javadoc tags "error" + "private" visibility + "enabled" overriding
-	public void testMissingTagsErrorPrivateOverriding() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportMissingJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		reportMissingJavadocTagsOverriding = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(MISSING_TAGS, resultForMissingTags(PRIVATE_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test missing javadoc tags "error" + "private" visibility + "disabled" overriding
-	public void testMissingTagsErrorPrivate() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportMissingJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		reportMissingJavadocTagsOverriding = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(MISSING_TAGS, resultForMissingTags(PRIVATE_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Tests for 'missing javadoc comments' options
-	 */
-	// Test default missing javadoc comments (means "ignore" with visibility "public" and overriding="enabled")
-	public void testMissingCommentsDefaults() {
-		runConformTest(MISSING_COMMENTS);
-	}
-	// Test missing javadoc comments "error" + "public" visibility + "enabled" overriding
-	public void testMissingCommentsErrorPublicOverriding() {
-		reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		reportMissingJavadocCommentsOverriding = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(MISSING_COMMENTS, resultForMissingComments(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test missing javadoc comments "error" + "public" visibility + "disabled" overriding
-	public void testMissingCommentsErrorPublic() {
-		reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		reportMissingJavadocCommentsOverriding = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(MISSING_COMMENTS, resultForMissingComments(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test missing javadoc comments "error" + "protected" visibility + "enabled" overriding
-	public void testMissingCommentsErrorProtectedOverriding() {
-		reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PROTECTED;
-		reportMissingJavadocCommentsOverriding = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(MISSING_COMMENTS, resultForMissingComments(PROTECTED_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test missing javadoc comments "error" + "protected" visibility + "disabled" overriding
-	public void testMissingCommentsErrorProtected() {
-		reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PROTECTED;
-		reportMissingJavadocCommentsOverriding = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(MISSING_COMMENTS, resultForMissingComments(PROTECTED_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test missing javadoc comments "error" + "default" visibility + "enabled" overriding
-	public void testMissingCommentsErrorPackageOverriding() {
-		reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility = CompilerOptions.DEFAULT;
-		reportMissingJavadocCommentsOverriding = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(MISSING_COMMENTS, resultForMissingComments(DEFAULT_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test missing javadoc comments "error" + "default" visibility + "disabled" overriding
-	public void testMissingCommentsErrorPackage() {
-		reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility = CompilerOptions.DEFAULT;
-		reportMissingJavadocCommentsOverriding = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(MISSING_COMMENTS, resultForMissingComments(DEFAULT_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test missing javadoc comments "error" + "private" visibility + "enabled" overriding
-	public void testMissingCommentsErrorPrivateOverriding() {
-		reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		reportMissingJavadocCommentsOverriding = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(MISSING_COMMENTS, resultForMissingComments(PRIVATE_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	// Test missing javadoc comments "error" + "private" visibility + "disabled" overriding
-	public void testMissingCommentsErrorPrivate() {
-		reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		reportMissingJavadocCommentsOverriding = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(MISSING_COMMENTS, resultForMissingComments(PRIVATE_VISIBILITY));
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Crossed tests
-	 */
-	public void testInvalidTagsClassWithMissingTagsOption() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportMissingJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsFieldWithMissingTagsOption() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportMissingJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsMethodWithMissingTagsOption() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportMissingJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-	}
-	public void testInvalidTagsConstructorWithMissingTagsOption() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportMissingJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-	}
-	public void testMissingTagsWithInvalidTagsOption() {
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runConformTest(MISSING_TAGS);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Test fix for bug 52264.
-	 * @see <a href="">52264</a>
-	 */
-	// Test invalid javadoc "error" with javadoc comment support disabled
-	public void testInvalidTagsJavadocSupportDisabled() {
-		this.docCommentSupport = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		reportInvalidJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-	}
-	// Test missing javadoc comments "error" with javadoc comment support disabled
-	public void testMissingCommentsJavadocSupportDisabled() {
-		this.docCommentSupport = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		runConformReferenceTest(MISSING_COMMENTS);
-	}
-	// Test missing javadoc tags "error" with javadoc comment support disabled
-	public void testMissingTagsJavadocSupportDisabled() {
-		this.docCommentSupport = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		runConformReferenceTest(MISSING_TAGS);
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 752ca73..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3914 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class JavadocTest_1_3 extends JavadocTest {
-	String docCommentSupport = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-	String reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-	String reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-	String reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-	String reportMissingJavadocComments = null;
-	String reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility = null;
-	public JavadocTest_1_3(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public static Class testClass() {
-		return JavadocTest_1_3.class;
-	}
-	// Use this static initializer to specify subset for tests
-	// All specified tests which does not belong to the class are skipped...
-	static {
-//		TESTS_NAMES = new String[] {
-//			"testBug70892conform1", "testBug70892conform2"
-//		};
-//		TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 101283 };
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 21, 50 };
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		return buildMinimalComplianceTestSuite(testClass(), F_1_3);
-	}
-	protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-		Map options = super.getCompilerOptions();
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_DocCommentSupport, this.docCommentSupport);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadoc, reportInvalidJavadoc);
-		if (!CompilerOptions.IGNORE.equals(reportInvalidJavadoc)) {
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility, this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility);
-		}
-		if (reportMissingJavadocComments != null) 
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocComments, reportMissingJavadocComments);
-		else
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocComments, reportInvalidJavadoc);
-		if (reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility != null) 
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility, reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility);
-		if (reportMissingJavadocTags != null) 
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTags, reportMissingJavadocTags);
-		else
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTags, reportInvalidJavadoc);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFieldHiding, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-//		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportSyntheticAccessEmulation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		return options;
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
-	 */
-	protected void setUp() throws Exception {
-		super.setUp();
-		this.docCommentSupport = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		this.reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		this.reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Test fix for bug 70891: [1.5][javadoc] Compiler should accept new 1.5 syntax for @param
-	 * @see <a href="">70891</a>
-	 * These two tests fail for 1.5 source level but should pass for 1.3 or 1.4
-	 * @see JavadocTest_1_3
-	 */
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * Test @param for generic class type parameter
-	 */
-	public void test003() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E> Type\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<E> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-				"	public class X<E> {}\r\n" + 
-				"	               ^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test004() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E> Type extends RuntimeException\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<E extends RuntimeException> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type extends RuntimeException\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-				"	public class X<E extends RuntimeException> {}\r\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test005() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 1\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\r\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\r\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test006() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E> Type parameter\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X {}",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test007() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E> Type parameter\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<E, F> {}",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<E, F> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test008() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test009() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  * @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test010() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 1\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\r\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\r\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test011() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test012() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test013() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test014() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test015() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test016() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test017() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test018() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test019() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test020() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param\n" + 
-				"	   ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing parameter name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test021() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference: compile error\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, , V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, , V> {}\n" + 
-				"	              ^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, , V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, insert \"ClassBody\" to complete JavaScriptUnit\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test022() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference: compile error\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V extend Exception> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V extend Exception> {}\n" + 
-				"	              ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V extend Exception> {}\n" + 
-				"	                   ^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, insert \"ClassBody\" to complete JavaScriptUnit\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V extend Exception> {}\n" + 
-				"	                       ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"extend cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * Test @param for generic method type parameter
-	 */
-	public void test023() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <E> Type\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <E> void foo() {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\r\n" + 
-				"	public <E> void foo() {}\r\n" + 
-				"	        ^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test024() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <E> Type extends RuntimeException\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <E extends RuntimeException> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type extends RuntimeException\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\r\n" + 
-				"	public <E extends RuntimeException> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\r\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test025() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 1\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 10)\r\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\r\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test026() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <E> Type parameter\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test027() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <E> Type parameter\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <E, F> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	public <E, F> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	public <E, F> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                           ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter val\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	public <E, F> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                                       ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter obj\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test028() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"	 * @param xxx int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param Obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @param xxx int\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Parameter xxx is not declared\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	* @param Obj Object\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Parameter Obj is not declared\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	public <T> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	        ^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"7. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	public <T> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                        ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter val\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"8. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	public <T> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                                    ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter obj\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test029() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test030() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 1\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 10)\r\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\r\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test031() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                              ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter val\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                                          ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter obj\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test032() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                                          ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter obj\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test033() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                              ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter val\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test034() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 * @param Object obj\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	* @param Object obj\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Parameter Object is not declared\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"7. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-				"	* @param val int\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Duplicate tag for parameter\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"8. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"9. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                                          ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter obj\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test035() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param\n" + 
-				"	   ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing parameter name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                              ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter val\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                                          ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter obj\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	// TODO (david) recovery seems not to work properly here:
-	// we should have type parameters in method declaration.
-	public void test036() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference: compile error\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <T> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, , V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, , V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test037() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference: compile error\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <T> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V extends Exceptions> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V extends Exceptions> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test038() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param < Type\n" + 
-					"  * @param < Type for parameterization\n" + 
-					"  * @param <> Type\n" + 
-					"  * @param <?> Type\n" + 
-					"  * @param <*> Type\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<E> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param < Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param < Type for parameterization\n" + 
-				"	         ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <> Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <?> Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <*> Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<E> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test039() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E Type parameter of class X\n" + 
-					"  * @param E> Type\n" + 
-					"  * @param <<E> Type\n" + 
-					"  * @param <<<E> Type\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E>> Type\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<E> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E Type parameter of class X\n" + 
-				"	         ^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param E> Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <<E> Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <<<E> Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E>> Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<E> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test040() {
-		runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" +
-				" * @category\n" +
-				" */\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Test fix for bug 80257: [javadoc] Invalid missing reference warning on @see or @link tags
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug80257() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see G#G(Object)\n" + 
-				" * @see G#G(Exception)\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class X extends G<Exception> {\n" + 
-				"	X(Exception exc) { super(exc);}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class G<E extends Exception> {\n" + 
-				"	G(E e) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see G#G(Object)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor G(Object) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see G#G(Exception)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor G(Exception) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	public class X extends G<Exception> {\n" + 
-			"	                       ^\n" + 
-			"The type G is not generic; it cannot be parameterized with arguments <Exception>\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	public class X extends G<Exception> {\n" + 
-			"	                         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	X(Exception exc) { super(exc);}\n" + 
-			"	                   ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The constructor Object(Exception) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	class G<E extends Exception> {\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	G(E e) {}\n" + 
-			"	  ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Test fix for bug 82514: [1.5][javadoc] Problem with generics in javadoc
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug82514() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class ComparableUtils {\n" + 
-				"   public static <T extends Comparable< ? super T>> int compareTo(final Object first, final Object firstPrime,  final Class<T> type) throws ClassCastException\n" + 
-				"    {\n" + 
-				"        return 0;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"    public static <X extends Comparable< ? super X>> int compareTo(final X first, final X firstPrime)\n" + 
-				"        throws ClassCastException\n" + 
-				"    {\n" + 
-				"        return 0;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"public final class X {  \n" + 
-				"	/** Tests the method{@link ComparableUtils#compareTo(Object, Object, Class)} and\n" + 
-				"	 *  {@link ComparableUtils#compareTo(Object, Object)}.\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"    public void testCompareTo() {}\n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	public static <T extends Comparable< ? super T>> int compareTo(final Object first, final Object firstPrime,  final Class<T> type) throws ClassCastException\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	public static <T extends Comparable< ? super T>> int compareTo(final Object first, final Object firstPrime,  final Class<T> type) throws ClassCastException\n" + 
-			"	                                                                                                                         ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	public static <T extends Comparable< ? super T>> int compareTo(final Object first, final Object firstPrime,  final Class<T> type) throws ClassCastException\n" + 
-			"	                                                                                                                         ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	public static <X extends Comparable< ? super X>> int compareTo(final X first, final X firstPrime)\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	/** Tests the method{@link ComparableUtils#compareTo(Object, Object, Class)} and\n" + 
-			"	                                           ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method compareTo(X, X) in the type ComparableUtils is not applicable for the arguments (Object, Object, Class)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-			"	*  {@link ComparableUtils#compareTo(Object, Object)}.\n" + 
-			"	                          ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method compareTo(X, X) in the type ComparableUtils is not applicable for the arguments (Object, Object)\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Test fix for bug 83127: [1.5][javadoc][dom] Wrong / strange bindings for references in javadoc to methods with type variables as parameter types
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug83127a() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Test#add(T) \n" + 
-				" * @see #add(T)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#Test(T)\n" + 
-				" * @see #Test(T)\n" + 
-				" *   - warning = \"The method add(Object) in the type Test is not applicable for\n" + 
-				" *                the arguments (T)\"\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = Test.add(Object)\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = T of A\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T> {\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#add(T) \n" + 
-			"	                ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see #add(T)\n" + 
-			"	            ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#Test(T)\n" + 
-			"	                 ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @see #Test(T)\n" + 
-			"	             ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	public class Test<T> {\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"12. ERROR in (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The constructor Object(null) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"13. ERROR in (at line 20)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83127b() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Sub#add(T)\n" + 
-				" * @see Sub#Sub(T)\n" + 
-				" *   - warning = \"The method add(Object) in the type Test is not applicable for\n" + 
-				" *                the arguments (T)\"\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = Test.add(Object)\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = T of A\n" + 
-				" *     -> Do we need to change this as T natually resolved to TypeVariable?\n" + 
-				" *        As compiler raises a warning, it\'s perhaps not a problem now...\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Sub#add(T)\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Sub#Sub(T)\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The constructor Object(null) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in (at line 20)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83127c() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Sub#add(E) \n" + 
-				" * @see Sub#Sub(E)\n" + 
-				" *   - warning = \"E cannot be resolved to a type\"\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = null\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = null\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Sub#add(E) \n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Sub#Sub(E)\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The constructor Object(null) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83127d() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Unrelated1<E extends Number> {\n" + 
-				"	public Unrelated1(E e) {}\n" + 
-				"	public boolean add(E e) { return false; }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#add(E)\n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#Unrelated1(E)\n" + 
-				" *   - warning = \"E cannot be resolved to a type\"\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = null\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = null\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class Unrelated1<E extends Number> {\n" + 
-			"	                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	public Unrelated1(E e) {}\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) { return false; }\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated1#add(E)\n" + 
-			"	                      ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated1#Unrelated1(E)\n" + 
-			"	                             ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The constructor Object(null) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83127e() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Unrelated1<E extends Number> {\n" + 
-				"	public Unrelated1(E e) {}\n" + 
-				"	public boolean add(E e) { return false; }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#add(Object)\n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#Unrelated1(Object)\n" + 
-				" *   - warning = \"The method add(Object) in the type Test is not applicable for\n" + 
-				" *                the arguments (Object)\"\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = Unrelated1.add(Number)\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = java.lang.Object\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class Unrelated1<E extends Number> {\n" + 
-			"	                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	public Unrelated1(E e) {}\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) { return false; }\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated1#add(Object)\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method add(Object) is undefined for the type Unrelated1\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated1#Unrelated1(Object)\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor Unrelated1(Object) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The constructor Object(null) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83127f() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Unrelated1<E extends Number> {\n" + 
-				"	public Unrelated1(E e) {}\n" + 
-				"	public boolean add(E e) { return false; }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#add(Number)\n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#Unrelated1(Number)\n" + 
-				" *   - no warning\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = Unrelated1.add(Number)\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = java.lang.Number\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	public class Unrelated1<E extends Number> {\r\n" + 
-			"	                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	public Unrelated1(E e) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) { return false; }\r\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated1#add(Number)\r\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method add(Number) is undefined for the type Unrelated1\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated1#Unrelated1(Number)\r\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor Unrelated1(Number) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\r\n" + 
-			"	public class Test<T>{\r\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 9)\r\n" + 
-			"	Test(T t) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 10)\r\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(T t) {\r\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 14)\r\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\r\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 14)\r\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\r\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 14)\r\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\r\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in (at line 15)\r\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\r\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in (at line 15)\r\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\r\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The constructor Object(null) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in (at line 16)\r\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) {\r\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83127g() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Unrelated1<E extends Number> {\n" + 
-				"	public Unrelated1(E e) {}\n" + 
-				"	public boolean add(E e) { return false; }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#add(Integer)\n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#Unrelated1(Integer)\n" + 
-				" *   - warning = \"The method add(Object) in the type Test is not applicable for\n" + 
-				" *                the arguments (Integer)\"\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = Unrelated1.add(Number)\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = java.lang.Integer\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class Unrelated1<E extends Number> {\n" + 
-			"	                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	public Unrelated1(E e) {}\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) { return false; }\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated1#add(Integer)\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method add(Integer) is undefined for the type Unrelated1\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated1#Unrelated1(Integer)\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor Unrelated1(Integer) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The constructor Object(null) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83127h() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface Unrelated2<E> {\n" + 
-				"	boolean add(E e);\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated2#add(T)\n" + 
-				" *   - warning = \"The method add(Object) in the type Test is not applicable for\n" + 
-				" *                the arguments (T)\"\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = Unrelated2.add(Object)\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = T of A\n" + 
-				" *     -> Do we need to change this as T natually resolved to TypeVariable?\n" + 
-				" *        As compiler raises a warning, it\'s perhaps not a problem now...\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public interface Unrelated2<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                            ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	boolean add(E e);\n" + 
-			"	            ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated2#add(T)\n" + 
-			"	                      ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The constructor Object(null) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 83393: [1.5][javadoc] reference to vararg method also considers non-array type as correct
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug83393a() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(int a, int b) {} \n" + 
-				"	public void foo(int a, int... args) {}\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(String... args) {}\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(Exception str, boolean... args) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(int, int)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(int, int[])\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(int, int...)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(String[])\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(String...)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(Exception, boolean[])\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(Exception, boolean...)\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Valid {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	public void foo(int a, int... args) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                       ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, varargs are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-			"	public void foo(String... args) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, varargs are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-			"	public void foo(Exception str, boolean... args) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, varargs are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83393b() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(int a, int b) {} \n" + 
-				"	public void foo(int a, int... args) {}\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(String... args) {}\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(Exception str, boolean... args) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(int)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(int, int, int)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo()\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(String)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(String, String)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(Exception)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(Exception, boolean)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(Exception, boolean, boolean)\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	public void foo(int a, int... args) {}\n" + 
-			"	                       ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, varargs are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	public void foo(String... args) {}\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, varargs are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	public void foo(Exception str, boolean... args) {}\n" + 
-			"	                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, varargs are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo(int)\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(int, int) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo(int, int, int)\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(int, int) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (int, int, int)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo()\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(String[]) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments ()\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo(String)\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(String[]) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo(String, String)\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(int, int) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo(Exception)\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(Exception, boolean[]) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (Exception)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo(Exception, boolean)\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(Exception, boolean[]) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (Exception, boolean)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo(Exception, boolean, boolean)\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(Exception, boolean[]) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (Exception, boolean, boolean)\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 83804: [1.5][javadoc] Missing Javadoc node for package declaration
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug83804() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"pack/",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * Valid javadoc.\n" + 
-				" * @see Test\n" + 
-				" * @see Unknown\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo()\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#unknown()\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#field\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#unknown\n" + 
-				" * @param unexpected\n" + 
-				" * @throws unexpected\n" + 
-				" * @return unexpected \n" + 
-				" * @deprecated accepted by javadoc.exe although javadoc 1.5 spec does not say that's a valid tag\n" + 
-				" * @other-tags are valid\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"package pack;\n",
-				"pack/",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * Invalid javadoc\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"package pack;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	public int field;\n" + 
-				"	public void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 96237: [javadoc] Inner types must be qualified
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug96237_Public01() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6/",
-				"package comment6;\n" + 
-				"public class Valid {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Valid.Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * See also {@link Valid.Inner}\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"class Sub2 extends Valid { }"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Public02() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6/",
-				"package comment6;\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * See also {@link Inner} \n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"class Sub1 extends Invalid { }\n"
-			},
-			//comment6\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6\\ (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Public03() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6a/def/",
-				"package comment6a.def;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"comment6a/test/",
-				"package comment6a.test;\n" + 
-				"import comment6a.def.Test;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * See also {@link Inner}\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid extends Test { \n" + 
-				"}",
-				"comment6a/test/",
-				"package comment6a.test;\n" + 
-				"import comment6a.def.Test;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid2 extends Test { \n" + 
-				"}",
-				"comment6a/test/",
-				"package comment6a.test;\n" + 
-				"import comment6a.def.Test;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see comment6a.def.Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Valid extends Test { \n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			//comment6a\def\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner
-			//comment6a\test\ warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Inner
-			//comment6a\test\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Test.Inner => bug ID: 4464323
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6a\\def\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6a\\test\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* See also {@link Inner}\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Public04() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6b/",
-				"package comment6b;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid implements Test { \n" + 
-				"}",
-				"comment6b/",
-				"package comment6b;\n" + 
-				"public interface Test {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"comment6b/",
-				"package comment6b;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Valid implements Test { \n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			//comment6b\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner
-			//comment6b\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6b\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6b\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Public05() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/a/",
-				"package test.a;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Inner\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	class Inner {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			//test\a\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner
-			//test\a\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Test.Inner
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\a\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\a\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test.Inner\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Public06() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/b/",
-				"package test.b;\n" + 
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	/** \n" + 
-				"	 * @see Level2\n" + 
-				"	 * @see Test.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		class Level2 {}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			//test\b\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner.Level2
-			//test\b\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Test.Inner.Level2
-			//test\b\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Level2
-			//test\b\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Test.Inner.Level2
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\b\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner.Level2\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\b\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in test\\b\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Level2\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in test\\b\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Public07() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/c/",
-				"package test.c;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	public class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		/**\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Level3\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Test.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		public class Level2 {\n" + 
-				"			class Level3 {\n" + 
-				"			}\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			//test\c\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner.Level2.Level3
-			//test\c\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Test.Inner.Level2.Level3
-			//test\c\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Level3
-			//test\c\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Level2.Level3
-			//test\c\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner.Level2.Level3
-			//test\c\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Test.Inner.Level2.Level3
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\c\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\c\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in test\\c\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Level3\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in test\\c\\ (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Level2.Level3\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in test\\c\\ (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in test\\c\\ (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Public08() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/d/",
-				"package test.d;\n" + 
-				"class Reference {\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"test/d/",
-				"package test.d;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Secondary\n" + 
-				" * @see Reference\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class Secondary {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\d\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Secondary\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\d\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Reference\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private01() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6/",
-				"package comment6;\n" + 
-				"public class Valid {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Valid.Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * See also {@link Valid.Inner}\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"class Sub2 extends Valid { }"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private02() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6/",
-				"package comment6;\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * See also {@link Inner} \n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"class Sub1 extends Invalid { }\n"
-			},
-			//comment6\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner
-			//comment6\ warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Inner
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in comment6\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* See also {@link Inner} \n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private03() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6a/def/",
-					"package comment6a.def;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"comment6a/test/",
-				"package comment6a.test;\n" + 
-				"import comment6a.def.Test;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * See also {@link Inner}\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid extends Test { \n" + 
-				"}",
-				"comment6a/test/",
-				"package comment6a.test;\n" + 
-				"import comment6a.def.Test;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid2 extends Test { \n" + 
-				"}",
-				"comment6a/test/",
-				"package comment6a.test;\n" + 
-				"import comment6a.def.Test;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see comment6a.def.Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Valid extends Test { \n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			//comment6a\def\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner
-			//comment6a\test\ warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Inner
-			//comment6a\test\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Test.Inner => bug ID: 4464323
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6a\\def\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6a\\test\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* See also {@link Inner}\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private04() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6b/",
-				"package comment6b;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid implements Test { \n" + 
-				"}",
-				"comment6b/",
-				"package comment6b;\n" + 
-				"public interface Test {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"comment6b/",
-				"package comment6b;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Valid implements Test { \n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			//comment6b\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner
-			//comment6b\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6b\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6b\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private05() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/a/",
-				"package test.a;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Inner\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	class Inner {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private06() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/b/",
-				"package test.b;\n" + 
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	/** \n" + 
-				"	 * @see Level2\n" + 
-				"	 * @see Test.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		class Level2 {}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private07() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/c/",
-				"package test.c;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	public class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		/**\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Level3\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Test.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		public class Level2 {\n" + 
-				"			class Level3 {\n" + 
-				"			}\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private08() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/d/",
-				"package test.d;\n" + 
-				"class Reference {\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"test/d/",
-				"package test.d;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Secondary\n" + 
-				" * @see Reference\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class Secondary {}"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 95286: [1.5][javadoc] incorrectly flags "Missing comment for public declaration"
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug95286_Default() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		this.reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility = CompilerOptions.DEFAULT;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * Javadoc for all package \n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"package test;\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug95286_Private() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		this.reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * Javadoc for all package \n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"package test;\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 95521: [1.5][javadoc] validation with @see tag not working for generic method
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug95521() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"/** Test */\n" + 
-				"public class X implements I {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see test.I#foo(java.lang.Class)\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public <T> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-				"		return null;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"/** Interface */\n" + 
-				"interface I {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @param <T>\n" + 
-				"     * @param stuffClass \n" + 
-				"     * @return stuff\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public <T extends Object> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass);\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @param <T>\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"class G<T> {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-			"	        ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-			"	             ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-			"	             ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-			"	                          ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-			"	                          ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	* @param <T>\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	public <T extends Object> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass);\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in test\\ (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	public <T extends Object> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass);\n" + 
-			"	                            ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in test\\ (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	public <T extends Object> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass);\n" + 
-			"	                            ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in test\\ (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	public <T extends Object> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass);\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in test\\ (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	public <T extends Object> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass);\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"12. ERROR in test\\ (at line 22)\n" + 
-			"	* @param <T>\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"13. ERROR in test\\ (at line 24)\n" + 
-			"	class G<T> {}\n" + 
-			"	        ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	public void testBug95521b() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"/** Test */\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @param <T>\n" + 
-				"     * @param classT \n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"	public <T> X(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @param <T>\n" + 
-				"     * @param classT\n" + 
-				"     * @return classT\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"	public <T> Class<T> foo(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-				"		return classT;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"/** Super class */\n" + 
-				"class Y extends X {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see X#X(java.lang.Class)\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public <T> Y(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-				"		super(classT);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see X#foo(java.lang.Class)\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"    public <T extends Object> Class<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-				"    	return null;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	* @param <T>\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> X(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-			"	        ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> X(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> X(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	* @param <T>\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> Class<T> foo(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-			"	        ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> Class<T> foo(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-			"	                 ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in test\\ (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> Class<T> foo(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-			"	                 ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in test\\ (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> Class<T> foo(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-			"	                              ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in test\\ (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> Class<T> foo(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-			"	                              ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in test\\ (at line 25)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> Y(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-			"	        ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"12. ERROR in test\\ (at line 25)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> Y(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"13. ERROR in test\\ (at line 25)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> Y(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"14. ERROR in test\\ (at line 32)\n" + 
-			"	public <T extends Object> Class<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"15. ERROR in test\\ (at line 32)\n" + 
-			"	public <T extends Object> Class<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-			"	                                ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"16. ERROR in test\\ (at line 32)\n" + 
-			"	public <T extends Object> Class<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-			"	                                ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"17. ERROR in test\\ (at line 32)\n" + 
-			"	public <T extends Object> Class<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-			"	                                             ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"18. ERROR in test\\ (at line 32)\n" + 
-			"	public <T extends Object> Class<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-			"	                                             ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 101283: [1.5][javadoc] Javadoc validation raises missing implementation in compiler
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug101283a() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X<T, F> {\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @param <T>  \n" + 
-				"	 * @param <F>\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	static class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-				"		// empty\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class X<T, F> {\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @param <T>  \n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @param <F>\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	static class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug101283b() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X<T, F> {\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see T Variable \n" + 
-				"	 * @see F Variable\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	static class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-				"		// empty\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class X<T, F> {\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see T Variable \n" + 
-			"	       ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @see F Variable\n" + 
-			"	       ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: F cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	static class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug101283c() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X<T, F> {\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @param <T>  \n" + 
-				"	 * @param <F>\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-				"		// empty\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class X<T, F> {\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @param <T>  \n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @param <F>\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug101283d() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X<T, F> {\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see T Variable \n" + 
-				"	 * @see F Variable\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-				"		// empty\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class X<T, F> {\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see T Variable \n" + 
-			"	       ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @see F Variable\n" + 
-			"	       ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: F cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	// Verify that ProblemReasons.InheritedNameHidesEnclosingName is not reported as Javadoc error
-	public void testBug101283g() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	int foo() { return 0; }\n" + 
-				"	class XX extends X2 {\n" + 
-				"		int bar() {\n" + 
-				"			return foo();\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class X2 {\n" + 
-				"	int foo() {\n" + 
-				"		return 0;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"public class Y {\n" + 
-				"	int foo;\n" + 
-				"	class YY extends Y2 {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 *  @see #foo\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"		int bar() {\n" + 
-				"			return foo;\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class Y2 {\n" + 
-				"	int foo;\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\r\n" + 
-			"	return foo();\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo is defined in an inherited type and an enclosing scope\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\r\n" + 
-			"	return foo;\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^\n" + 
-			"The field foo is defined in an inherited type and an enclosing scope \n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 112346: [javadoc] {@inheritedDoc} should be inactive for non-overridden method
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug112346() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * Test references\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#field\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo()\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T> {\n" + 
-				"	T field;\n" + 
-				"	T foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#field\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: field cannot be resolved or is not a field\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo()\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo() is undefined for the type Test\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	public class Test<T> {\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	T field;\n" + 
-			"	^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	T foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-			"	^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 119857: [javadoc] Some inner class references should be flagged as unresolved
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug119857() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class DefaultInformationControl {\n" + 
-				"	public interface IInformationPresenter {\n" + 
-				"		/**\n" + 
-				"		 * Updates the given presentation of the given information and\n" + 
-				"		 * thereby may manipulate the information to be displayed. The manipulation\n" + 
-				"		 * could be the extraction of textual encoded style information etc. Returns the\n" + 
-				"		 * manipulated information.\n" + 
-				"		 *\n" + 
-				"		 * @param hoverInfo the information to be presented\n" + 
-				"		 * @param maxWidth the maximal width in pixels\n" + 
-				"		 * @param maxHeight the maximal height in pixels\n" + 
-				"		 *\n" + 
-				"		 * @return the manipulated information\n" + 
-				"		 * @deprecated As of 3.2, replaced by {@link IInformationPresenterExtension#updatePresentation(String, int, int)}\n" + 
-				"		 * 				see bug for details.\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		String updatePresentation(String hoverInfo, int maxWidth, int maxHeight);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * An information presenter determines the style presentation\n" + 
-				"	 * of information displayed in the default information control.\n" + 
-				"	 * The interface can be implemented by clients.\n" + 
-				"	 * \n" + 
-				"	 * @since 3.2\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public interface IInformationPresenterExtension {\n" + 
-				"		\n" + 
-				"		/**\n" + 
-				"		 * Updates the given presentation of the given information and\n" + 
-				"		 * thereby may manipulate the information to be displayed. The manipulation\n" + 
-				"		 * could be the extraction of textual encoded style information etc. Returns the\n" + 
-				"		 * manipulated information.\n" + 
-				"		 * <p>\n" + 
-				"		 * Replaces {@link IInformationPresenter#updatePresentation(String, int, int)}\n" + 
-				"		 * <em>Make sure that you do not pass in a <code>Display</code></em> until\n" + 
-				"		 * is fixed.\n" + 
-				"		 * </p>\n" + 
-				"		 *\n" + 
-				"		 * @param hoverInfo the information to be presented\n" + 
-				"		 * @param maxWidth the maximal width in pixels\n" + 
-				"		 * @param maxHeight the maximal height in pixels\n" + 
-				"		 *\n" + 
-				"		 * @return the manipulated information\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		String updatePresentation(String hoverInfo, int maxWidth, int maxHeight);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-			"	* @deprecated As of 3.2, replaced by {@link IInformationPresenterExtension#updatePresentation(String, int, int)}\n" + 
-			"	                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 34)\n" + 
-			"	* Replaces {@link IInformationPresenter#updatePresentation(String, int, int)}\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Fields() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see MyInnerClass#foo\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class TestFields {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see MyInnerClass#foo\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class MyInnerClass {\n" + 
-				"            Object foo;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	* @see MyInnerClass#foo\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Methods() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see MyInnerClass#foo()\n" + 
-				" * @see MyInnerInterface#foo()\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class TestMethods {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see MyInnerInterface#foo()\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class MyInnerClass {\n" + 
-				"            public void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see MyInnerClass#foo()\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public interface MyInnerInterface {\n" + 
-				"            public void foo();\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	* @see MyInnerInterface#foo()\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	* @see MyInnerClass#foo()\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Types() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see MyInnerClass\n" + 
-				" * @see MyInnerInterface\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class TestTypes {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see MyInnerInterface\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public class MyInnerClass {\n" + 
-				"	        public void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see MyInnerClass\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public interface MyInnerInterface {\n" + 
-				"	        public void foo();\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	* @see MyInnerInterface\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	* @see MyInnerClass\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Private01() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"pack/",
-				"package pack;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	static class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	public Inner field;\n" + 
-				"	/** \n" + 
-				"	 * @see Inner#foo()\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public Object foo() {\n" + 
-				"		return;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Public01() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"pack/",
-				"package pack;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	static class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	public Inner field;\n" + 
-				"	/** \n" + 
-				"	 * @see Inner#foo()\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public Object foo() {\n" + 
-				"		return;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			//pack/ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner1#foo()
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in pack\\ (at line 8)\r\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner#foo()\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: \'public\' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this \'default\' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Private02() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	static class Inner1 {\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	static class Inner2 {\n" + 
-				"		public Inner1 field;\n" + 
-				"		/** \n" + 
-				"		 * @see Inner1#foo()\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() {\n" + 
-				"			return;\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			//pack\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner1#foo()
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\r\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner1#foo()\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Public02() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	static class Inner1 {\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	static class Inner2 {\n" + 
-				"		public Inner1 field;\n" + 
-				"		/** \n" + 
-				"		 * @see Inner1#foo()\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() {\n" + 
-				"			return;\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Public03() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"pack/",
-				"package pack;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	static class Inner1 {\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	public static class Inner2 {\n" + 
-				"		public Inner1 field;\n" + 
-				"		/** \n" + 
-				"		 * @see Inner1#foo()\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() {\n" + 
-				"			return;\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			//pack/ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner1#foo()
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in pack\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner1#foo()\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: \'public\' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this \'default\' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 145007: [1.5][javadoc] Generics + Inner Class -> Javadoc "missing @throws" warning
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug145007() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class TestClass<T> {\n" + 
-				"    static class Test1 {\n" + 
-				"        /**\n" + 
-				"         * A simple method that demonstrates tag problems\n" + 
-				"         * \n" + 
-				"         * @return a string\n" + 
-				"         * @throws MyException\n" + 
-				"         *             if something goes wrong\n" + 
-				"         */\n" + 
-				"        public String getString() throws MyException {\n" + 
-				"            throw new MyException();\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"    static class MyException extends Exception {\n" + 
-				"        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	class TestClass<T> {\r\n" + 
-			"	                ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index a9b902a..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3908 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class JavadocTest_1_4 extends JavadocTest {
-	String docCommentSupport = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-	String reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-	String reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-	String reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-	String reportMissingJavadocComments = null;
-	String reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility = null;
-	public JavadocTest_1_4(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public static Class testClass() {
-		return JavadocTest_1_4.class;
-	}
-	// Use this static initializer to specify subset for tests
-	// All specified tests which does not belong to the class are skipped...
-	static {
-//		TESTS_PREFIX = "testBug95521";
-//		TESTS_NAMES = new String[] {
-//			"testBug70892conform1", "testBug70892conform2"
-//		};
-//		TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 101283 };
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 21, 50 };
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		return buildMinimalComplianceTestSuite(testClass(), F_1_4);
-	}
-	protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-		Map options = super.getCompilerOptions();
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_DocCommentSupport, this.docCommentSupport);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadoc, reportInvalidJavadoc);
-		if (!CompilerOptions.IGNORE.equals(reportInvalidJavadoc)) {
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility, this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility);
-		}
-		if (reportMissingJavadocComments != null) 
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocComments, reportMissingJavadocComments);
-		else
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocComments, reportInvalidJavadoc);
-		if (reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility != null) 
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility, reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility);
-		if (reportMissingJavadocTags != null) 
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTags, reportMissingJavadocTags);
-		else
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTags, reportInvalidJavadoc);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFieldHiding, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-//		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportSyntheticAccessEmulation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		return options;
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
-	 */
-	protected void setUp() throws Exception {
-		super.setUp();
-		this.docCommentSupport = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		this.reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		this.reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Test fix for bug 70891: [1.5][javadoc] Compiler should accept new 1.5 syntax for @param
-	 * @see <a href="">70891</a>
-	 * These two tests fail for 1.5 source level but should pass for 1.3 or 1.4
-	 * @see JavadocTest_1_4
-	 */
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * Test @param for generic class type parameter
-	 */
-	public void test003() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E> Type\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<E> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-				"	public class X<E> {}\r\n" + 
-				"	               ^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test004() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E> Type extends RuntimeException\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<E extends RuntimeException> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type extends RuntimeException\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-				"	public class X<E extends RuntimeException> {}\r\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test005() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 1\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\r\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\r\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test006() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E> Type parameter\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X {}",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test007() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E> Type parameter\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<E, F> {}",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<E, F> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test008() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test009() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  * @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test010() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 1\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\r\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\r\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test011() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test012() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test013() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test014() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test015() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test016() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test017() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test018() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test019() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test020() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param\n" + 
-				"	   ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing parameter name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test021() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference: compile error\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, , V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, , V> {}\n" + 
-				"	              ^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, , V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, insert \"ClassBody\" to complete JavaScriptUnit\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test022() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference: compile error\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V extend Exception> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V extend Exception> {}\n" + 
-				"	              ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V extend Exception> {}\n" + 
-				"	                   ^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, insert \"ClassBody\" to complete JavaScriptUnit\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V extend Exception> {}\n" + 
-				"	                       ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"extend cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * Test @param for generic method type parameter
-	 */
-	public void test023() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <E> Type\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <E> void foo() {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\r\n" + 
-				"	public <E> void foo() {}\r\n" + 
-				"	        ^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test024() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <E> Type extends RuntimeException\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <E extends RuntimeException> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type extends RuntimeException\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\r\n" + 
-				"	public <E extends RuntimeException> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\r\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test025() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 1\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 10)\r\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\r\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test026() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <E> Type parameter\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test027() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <E> Type parameter\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <E, F> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	public <E, F> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	public <E, F> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                           ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter val\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	public <E, F> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                                       ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter obj\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test028() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"	 * @param xxx int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param Obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @param xxx int\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Parameter xxx is not declared\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	* @param Obj Object\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Parameter Obj is not declared\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	public <T> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	        ^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"7. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	public <T> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                        ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter val\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"8. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	public <T> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                                    ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter obj\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test029() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test030() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\r\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 1\r\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 10)\r\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\r\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test031() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                              ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter val\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                                          ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter obj\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test032() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                                          ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter obj\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test033() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                              ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter val\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test034() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 * @param Object obj\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	* @param Object obj\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Parameter Object is not declared\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"7. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-				"	* @param val int\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Duplicate tag for parameter\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"8. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"9. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                                          ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter obj\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test035() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param\n" + 
-				"	   ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing parameter name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                              ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter val\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                                          ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter obj\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	// TODO (david) recovery seems not to work properly here:
-	// we should have type parameters in method declaration.
-	public void test036() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference: compile error\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <T> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, , V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, , V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test037() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference: compile error\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <T> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V extends Exceptions> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V extends Exceptions> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test038() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param < Type\n" + 
-					"  * @param < Type for parameterization\n" + 
-					"  * @param <> Type\n" + 
-					"  * @param <?> Type\n" + 
-					"  * @param <*> Type\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<E> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param < Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param < Type for parameterization\n" + 
-				"	         ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <> Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <?> Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <*> Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<E> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test039() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E Type parameter of class X\n" + 
-					"  * @param E> Type\n" + 
-					"  * @param <<E> Type\n" + 
-					"  * @param <<<E> Type\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E>> Type\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<E> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E Type parameter of class X\n" + 
-				"	         ^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param E> Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <<E> Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <<<E> Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E>> Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<E> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test040() {
-		runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" +
-				" * @category\n" +
-				" */\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Test fix for bug 80257: [javadoc] Invalid missing reference warning on @see or @link tags
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug80257() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see G#G(Object)\n" + 
-				" * @see G#G(Exception)\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class X extends G<Exception> {\n" + 
-				"	X(Exception exc) { super(exc);}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class G<E extends Exception> {\n" + 
-				"	G(E e) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see G#G(Object)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor G(Object) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see G#G(Exception)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor G(Exception) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	public class X extends G<Exception> {\n" + 
-			"	                       ^\n" + 
-			"The type G is not generic; it cannot be parameterized with arguments <Exception>\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	public class X extends G<Exception> {\n" + 
-			"	                         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	X(Exception exc) { super(exc);}\n" + 
-			"	                   ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The constructor Object(Exception) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	class G<E extends Exception> {\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	G(E e) {}\n" + 
-			"	  ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Test fix for bug 82514: [1.5][javadoc] Problem with generics in javadoc
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug82514() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class ComparableUtils {\n" + 
-				"   public static <T extends Comparable< ? super T>> int compareTo(final Object first, final Object firstPrime,  final Class<T> type) throws ClassCastException\n" + 
-				"    {\n" + 
-				"        return 0;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"    public static <X extends Comparable< ? super X>> int compareTo(final X first, final X firstPrime)\n" + 
-				"        throws ClassCastException\n" + 
-				"    {\n" + 
-				"        return 0;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"public final class X {  \n" + 
-				"	/** Tests the method{@link ComparableUtils#compareTo(Object, Object, Class)} and\n" + 
-				"	 *  {@link ComparableUtils#compareTo(Object, Object)}.\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"    public void testCompareTo() {}\n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	public static <T extends Comparable< ? super T>> int compareTo(final Object first, final Object firstPrime,  final Class<T> type) throws ClassCastException\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	public static <T extends Comparable< ? super T>> int compareTo(final Object first, final Object firstPrime,  final Class<T> type) throws ClassCastException\n" + 
-			"	                                                                                                                         ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	public static <T extends Comparable< ? super T>> int compareTo(final Object first, final Object firstPrime,  final Class<T> type) throws ClassCastException\n" + 
-			"	                                                                                                                         ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	public static <X extends Comparable< ? super X>> int compareTo(final X first, final X firstPrime)\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	/** Tests the method{@link ComparableUtils#compareTo(Object, Object, Class)} and\n" + 
-			"	                                           ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method compareTo(X, X) in the type ComparableUtils is not applicable for the arguments (Object, Object, Class)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-			"	*  {@link ComparableUtils#compareTo(Object, Object)}.\n" + 
-			"	                          ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method compareTo(X, X) in the type ComparableUtils is not applicable for the arguments (Object, Object)\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Test fix for bug 83127: [1.5][javadoc][dom] Wrong / strange bindings for references in javadoc to methods with type variables as parameter types
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug83127a() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Test#add(T) \n" + 
-				" * @see #add(T)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#Test(T)\n" + 
-				" * @see #Test(T)\n" + 
-				" *   - warning = \"The method add(Object) in the type Test is not applicable for\n" + 
-				" *                the arguments (T)\"\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = Test.add(Object)\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = T of A\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T> {\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#add(T) \n" + 
-			"	                ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see #add(T)\n" + 
-			"	            ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#Test(T)\n" + 
-			"	                 ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @see #Test(T)\n" + 
-			"	             ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	public class Test<T> {\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"12. ERROR in (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The constructor Object(null) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"13. ERROR in (at line 20)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83127b() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Sub#add(T)\n" + 
-				" * @see Sub#Sub(T)\n" + 
-				" *   - warning = \"The method add(Object) in the type Test is not applicable for\n" + 
-				" *                the arguments (T)\"\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = Test.add(Object)\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = T of A\n" + 
-				" *     -> Do we need to change this as T natually resolved to TypeVariable?\n" + 
-				" *        As compiler raises a warning, it\'s perhaps not a problem now...\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Sub#add(T)\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Sub#Sub(T)\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The constructor Object(null) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in (at line 20)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83127c() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Sub#add(E) \n" + 
-				" * @see Sub#Sub(E)\n" + 
-				" *   - warning = \"E cannot be resolved to a type\"\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = null\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = null\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Sub#add(E) \n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Sub#Sub(E)\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The constructor Object(null) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83127d() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Unrelated1<E extends Number> {\n" + 
-				"	public Unrelated1(E e) {}\n" + 
-				"	public boolean add(E e) { return false; }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#add(E)\n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#Unrelated1(E)\n" + 
-				" *   - warning = \"E cannot be resolved to a type\"\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = null\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = null\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class Unrelated1<E extends Number> {\n" + 
-			"	                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	public Unrelated1(E e) {}\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) { return false; }\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated1#add(E)\n" + 
-			"	                      ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated1#Unrelated1(E)\n" + 
-			"	                             ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The constructor Object(null) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83127e() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Unrelated1<E extends Number> {\n" + 
-				"	public Unrelated1(E e) {}\n" + 
-				"	public boolean add(E e) { return false; }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#add(Object)\n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#Unrelated1(Object)\n" + 
-				" *   - warning = \"The method add(Object) in the type Test is not applicable for\n" + 
-				" *                the arguments (Object)\"\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = Unrelated1.add(Number)\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = java.lang.Object\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class Unrelated1<E extends Number> {\n" + 
-			"	                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	public Unrelated1(E e) {}\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) { return false; }\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated1#add(Object)\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method add(Object) is undefined for the type Unrelated1\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated1#Unrelated1(Object)\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor Unrelated1(Object) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The constructor Object(null) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83127f() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Unrelated1<E extends Number> {\n" + 
-				"	public Unrelated1(E e) {}\n" + 
-				"	public boolean add(E e) { return false; }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#add(Number)\n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#Unrelated1(Number)\n" + 
-				" *   - no warning\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = Unrelated1.add(Number)\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = java.lang.Number\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	public class Unrelated1<E extends Number> {\r\n" + 
-			"	                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	public Unrelated1(E e) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) { return false; }\r\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated1#add(Number)\r\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method add(Number) is undefined for the type Unrelated1\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated1#Unrelated1(Number)\r\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor Unrelated1(Number) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\r\n" + 
-			"	public class Test<T>{\r\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 9)\r\n" + 
-			"	Test(T t) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 10)\r\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(T t) {\r\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 14)\r\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\r\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 14)\r\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\r\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 14)\r\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\r\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in (at line 15)\r\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\r\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in (at line 15)\r\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\r\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The constructor Object(null) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in (at line 16)\r\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) {\r\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83127g() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Unrelated1<E extends Number> {\n" + 
-				"	public Unrelated1(E e) {}\n" + 
-				"	public boolean add(E e) { return false; }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#add(Integer)\n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#Unrelated1(Integer)\n" + 
-				" *   - warning = \"The method add(Object) in the type Test is not applicable for\n" + 
-				" *                the arguments (Integer)\"\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = Unrelated1.add(Number)\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = java.lang.Integer\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class Unrelated1<E extends Number> {\n" + 
-			"	                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	public Unrelated1(E e) {}\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) { return false; }\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated1#add(Integer)\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method add(Integer) is undefined for the type Unrelated1\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated1#Unrelated1(Integer)\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor Unrelated1(Integer) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The constructor Object(null) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83127h() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface Unrelated2<E> {\n" + 
-				"	boolean add(E e);\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated2#add(T)\n" + 
-				" *   - warning = \"The method add(Object) in the type Test is not applicable for\n" + 
-				" *                the arguments (T)\"\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = Unrelated2.add(Object)\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = T of A\n" + 
-				" *     -> Do we need to change this as T natually resolved to TypeVariable?\n" + 
-				" *        As compiler raises a warning, it\'s perhaps not a problem now...\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public interface Unrelated2<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                            ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	boolean add(E e);\n" + 
-			"	            ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated2#add(T)\n" + 
-			"	                      ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-			"	class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	     ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-			"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The constructor Object(null) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 83393: [1.5][javadoc] reference to vararg method also considers non-array type as correct
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug83393a() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(int a, int b) {} \n" + 
-				"	public void foo(int a, int... args) {}\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(String... args) {}\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(Exception str, boolean... args) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(int, int)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(int, int[])\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(int, int...)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(String[])\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(String...)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(Exception, boolean[])\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(Exception, boolean...)\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Valid {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	public void foo(int a, int... args) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                       ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, varargs are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-			"	public void foo(String... args) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, varargs are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-			"	public void foo(Exception str, boolean... args) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, varargs are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83393b() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(int a, int b) {} \n" + 
-				"	public void foo(int a, int... args) {}\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(String... args) {}\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(Exception str, boolean... args) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(int)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(int, int, int)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo()\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(String)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(String, String)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(Exception)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(Exception, boolean)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(Exception, boolean, boolean)\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	public void foo(int a, int... args) {}\n" + 
-			"	                       ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, varargs are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	public void foo(String... args) {}\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, varargs are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	public void foo(Exception str, boolean... args) {}\n" + 
-			"	                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, varargs are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo(int)\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(int, int) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo(int, int, int)\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(int, int) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (int, int, int)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo()\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(String[]) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments ()\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo(String)\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(String[]) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo(String, String)\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(int, int) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo(Exception)\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(Exception, boolean[]) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (Exception)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo(Exception, boolean)\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(Exception, boolean[]) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (Exception, boolean)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo(Exception, boolean, boolean)\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(Exception, boolean[]) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (Exception, boolean, boolean)\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 83804: [1.5][javadoc] Missing Javadoc node for package declaration
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug83804() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"pack/",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * Valid javadoc.\n" + 
-				" * @see Test\n" + 
-				" * @see Unknown\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo()\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#unknown()\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#field\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#unknown\n" + 
-				" * @param unexpected\n" + 
-				" * @throws unexpected\n" + 
-				" * @return unexpected \n" + 
-				" * @deprecated accepted by javadoc.exe although javadoc 1.5 spec does not say that's a valid tag\n" + 
-				" * @other-tags are valid\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"package pack;\n",
-				"pack/",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * Invalid javadoc\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"package pack;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	public int field;\n" + 
-				"	public void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 95286: [1.5][javadoc] incorrectly flags "Missing comment for public declaration"
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug95286_Default() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		this.reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility = CompilerOptions.DEFAULT;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * Javadoc for all package \n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"package test;\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug95286_Private() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		this.reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * Javadoc for all package \n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"package test;\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 95521: [1.5][javadoc] validation with @see tag not working for generic method
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug95521() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"/** Test */\n" + 
-				"public class X implements I {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see test.I#foo(java.lang.Class)\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public <T> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-				"		return null;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"/** Interface */\n" + 
-				"interface I {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @param <T>\n" + 
-				"     * @param stuffClass \n" + 
-				"     * @return stuff\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public <T extends Object> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass);\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @param <T>\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"class G<T> {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-			"	        ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-			"	             ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-			"	             ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-			"	                          ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-			"	                          ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	* @param <T>\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	public <T extends Object> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass);\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in test\\ (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	public <T extends Object> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass);\n" + 
-			"	                            ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in test\\ (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	public <T extends Object> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass);\n" + 
-			"	                            ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in test\\ (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	public <T extends Object> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass);\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in test\\ (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	public <T extends Object> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass);\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"12. ERROR in test\\ (at line 22)\n" + 
-			"	* @param <T>\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"13. ERROR in test\\ (at line 24)\n" + 
-			"	class G<T> {}\n" + 
-			"	        ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug95521b() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"/** Test */\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @param <T>\n" + 
-				"     * @param classT \n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"	public <T> X(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @param <T>\n" + 
-				"     * @param classT\n" + 
-				"     * @return classT\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"	public <T> Class<T> foo(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-				"		return classT;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"/** Super class */\n" + 
-				"class Y extends X {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see X#X(java.lang.Class)\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public <T> Y(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-				"		super(classT);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see X#foo(java.lang.Class)\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"    public <T extends Object> Class<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-				"    	return null;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	* @param <T>\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> X(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-			"	        ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> X(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> X(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	* @param <T>\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> Class<T> foo(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-			"	        ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> Class<T> foo(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-			"	                 ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in test\\ (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> Class<T> foo(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-			"	                 ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in test\\ (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> Class<T> foo(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-			"	                              ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in test\\ (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> Class<T> foo(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-			"	                              ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in test\\ (at line 25)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> Y(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-			"	        ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"12. ERROR in test\\ (at line 25)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> Y(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"13. ERROR in test\\ (at line 25)\n" + 
-			"	public <T> Y(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"14. ERROR in test\\ (at line 32)\n" + 
-			"	public <T extends Object> Class<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"15. ERROR in test\\ (at line 32)\n" + 
-			"	public <T extends Object> Class<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-			"	                                ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"16. ERROR in test\\ (at line 32)\n" + 
-			"	public <T extends Object> Class<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-			"	                                ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"17. ERROR in test\\ (at line 32)\n" + 
-			"	public <T extends Object> Class<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-			"	                                             ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"18. ERROR in test\\ (at line 32)\n" + 
-			"	public <T extends Object> Class<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-			"	                                             ^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 96237: [javadoc] Inner types must be qualified
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug96237_Public01() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6/",
-				"package comment6;\n" + 
-				"public class Valid {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Valid.Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * See also {@link Valid.Inner}\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"class Sub2 extends Valid { }"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Public02() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6/",
-				"package comment6;\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * See also {@link Inner} \n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"class Sub1 extends Invalid { }\n"
-			},
-			//comment6\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6\\ (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Public03() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6a/def/",
-				"package comment6a.def;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"comment6a/test/",
-				"package comment6a.test;\n" + 
-				"import comment6a.def.Test;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * See also {@link Inner}\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid extends Test { \n" + 
-				"}",
-				"comment6a/test/",
-				"package comment6a.test;\n" + 
-				"import comment6a.def.Test;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid2 extends Test { \n" + 
-				"}",
-				"comment6a/test/",
-				"package comment6a.test;\n" + 
-				"import comment6a.def.Test;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see comment6a.def.Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Valid extends Test { \n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			//comment6a\def\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner
-			//comment6a\test\ warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Inner
-			//comment6a\test\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Test.Inner => bug ID: 4464323
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6a\\def\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6a\\test\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* See also {@link Inner}\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Public04() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6b/",
-				"package comment6b;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid implements Test { \n" + 
-				"}",
-				"comment6b/",
-				"package comment6b;\n" + 
-				"public interface Test {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"comment6b/",
-				"package comment6b;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Valid implements Test { \n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			//comment6b\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner
-			//comment6b\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6b\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6b\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Public05() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/a/",
-				"package test.a;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Inner\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	class Inner {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			//test\a\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner
-			//test\a\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Test.Inner
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\a\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\a\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test.Inner\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Public06() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/b/",
-				"package test.b;\n" + 
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	/** \n" + 
-				"	 * @see Level2\n" + 
-				"	 * @see Test.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		class Level2 {}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			//test\b\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner.Level2
-			//test\b\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Test.Inner.Level2
-			//test\b\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Level2
-			//test\b\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Test.Inner.Level2
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\b\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner.Level2\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\b\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in test\\b\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Level2\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in test\\b\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Public07() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/c/",
-				"package test.c;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	public class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		/**\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Level3\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Test.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		public class Level2 {\n" + 
-				"			class Level3 {\n" + 
-				"			}\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			//test\c\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner.Level2.Level3
-			//test\c\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Test.Inner.Level2.Level3
-			//test\c\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Level3
-			//test\c\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Level2.Level3
-			//test\c\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner.Level2.Level3
-			//test\c\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Test.Inner.Level2.Level3
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\c\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\c\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in test\\c\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Level3\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in test\\c\\ (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Level2.Level3\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in test\\c\\ (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in test\\c\\ (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Public08() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/d/",
-				"package test.d;\n" + 
-				"class Reference {\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"test/d/",
-				"package test.d;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Secondary\n" + 
-				" * @see Reference\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class Secondary {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\d\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Secondary\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\d\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Reference\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private01() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6/",
-				"package comment6;\n" + 
-				"public class Valid {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Valid.Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * See also {@link Valid.Inner}\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"class Sub2 extends Valid { }"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private02() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6/",
-				"package comment6;\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * See also {@link Inner} \n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"class Sub1 extends Invalid { }\n"
-			},
-			//comment6\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner
-			//comment6\ warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Inner
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in comment6\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* See also {@link Inner} \n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private03() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6a/def/",
-					"package comment6a.def;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"comment6a/test/",
-				"package comment6a.test;\n" + 
-				"import comment6a.def.Test;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * See also {@link Inner}\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid extends Test { \n" + 
-				"}",
-				"comment6a/test/",
-				"package comment6a.test;\n" + 
-				"import comment6a.def.Test;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid2 extends Test { \n" + 
-				"}",
-				"comment6a/test/",
-				"package comment6a.test;\n" + 
-				"import comment6a.def.Test;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see comment6a.def.Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Valid extends Test { \n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			//comment6a\def\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner
-			//comment6a\test\ warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Inner
-			//comment6a\test\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Test.Inner => bug ID: 4464323
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6a\\def\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6a\\test\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* See also {@link Inner}\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private04() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6b/",
-				"package comment6b;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid implements Test { \n" + 
-				"}",
-				"comment6b/",
-				"package comment6b;\n" + 
-				"public interface Test {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"comment6b/",
-				"package comment6b;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Valid implements Test { \n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			//comment6b\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner
-			//comment6b\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6b\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6b\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private05() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/a/",
-				"package test.a;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Inner\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	class Inner {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private06() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/b/",
-				"package test.b;\n" + 
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	/** \n" + 
-				"	 * @see Level2\n" + 
-				"	 * @see Test.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		class Level2 {}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private07() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/c/",
-				"package test.c;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	public class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		/**\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Level3\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Test.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		public class Level2 {\n" + 
-				"			class Level3 {\n" + 
-				"			}\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private08() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/d/",
-				"package test.d;\n" + 
-				"class Reference {\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"test/d/",
-				"package test.d;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Secondary\n" + 
-				" * @see Reference\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class Secondary {}"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 101283: [1.5][javadoc] Javadoc validation raises missing implementation in compiler
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug101283a() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X<T, F> {\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @param <T>  \n" + 
-				"	 * @param <F>\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	static class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-				"		// empty\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class X<T, F> {\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @param <T>  \n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @param <F>\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	static class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug101283b() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X<T, F> {\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see T Variable \n" + 
-				"	 * @see F Variable\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	static class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-				"		// empty\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class X<T, F> {\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see T Variable \n" + 
-			"	       ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @see F Variable\n" + 
-			"	       ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: F cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	static class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug101283c() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X<T, F> {\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @param <T>  \n" + 
-				"	 * @param <F>\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-				"		// empty\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class X<T, F> {\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @param <T>  \n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @param <F>\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug101283d() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X<T, F> {\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see T Variable \n" + 
-				"	 * @see F Variable\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-				"		// empty\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class X<T, F> {\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see T Variable \n" + 
-			"	       ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @see F Variable\n" + 
-			"	       ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: F cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	// Verify that ProblemReasons.InheritedNameHidesEnclosingName is not reported as Javadoc error
-	public void testBug101283g() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	int foo() { return 0; }\n" + 
-				"	class XX extends X2 {\n" + 
-				"		int bar() {\n" + 
-				"			return foo();\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class X2 {\n" + 
-				"	int foo() {\n" + 
-				"		return 0;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"public class Y {\n" + 
-				"	int foo;\n" + 
-				"	class YY extends Y2 {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 *  @see #foo\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"		int bar() {\n" + 
-				"			return foo;\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class Y2 {\n" + 
-				"	int foo;\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 112346: [javadoc] {@inheritedDoc} should be inactive for non-overridden method
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug112346() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * Test references\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#field\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo()\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T> {\n" + 
-				"	T field;\n" + 
-				"	T foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#field\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: field cannot be resolved or is not a field\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo()\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo() is undefined for the type Test\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	public class Test<T> {\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	T field;\n" + 
-			"	^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	T foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-			"	^\n" + 
-			"T cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 119857: [javadoc] Some inner class references should be flagged as unresolved
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug119857() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class DefaultInformationControl {\n" + 
-				"	public interface IInformationPresenter {\n" + 
-				"		/**\n" + 
-				"		 * Updates the given presentation of the given information and\n" + 
-				"		 * thereby may manipulate the information to be displayed. The manipulation\n" + 
-				"		 * could be the extraction of textual encoded style information etc. Returns the\n" + 
-				"		 * manipulated information.\n" + 
-				"		 *\n" + 
-				"		 * @param hoverInfo the information to be presented\n" + 
-				"		 * @param maxWidth the maximal width in pixels\n" + 
-				"		 * @param maxHeight the maximal height in pixels\n" + 
-				"		 *\n" + 
-				"		 * @return the manipulated information\n" + 
-				"		 * @deprecated As of 3.2, replaced by {@link IInformationPresenterExtension#updatePresentation(String, int, int)}\n" + 
-				"		 * 				see bug for details.\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		String updatePresentation(String hoverInfo, int maxWidth, int maxHeight);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * An information presenter determines the style presentation\n" + 
-				"	 * of information displayed in the default information control.\n" + 
-				"	 * The interface can be implemented by clients.\n" + 
-				"	 * \n" + 
-				"	 * @since 3.2\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public interface IInformationPresenterExtension {\n" + 
-				"		\n" + 
-				"		/**\n" + 
-				"		 * Updates the given presentation of the given information and\n" + 
-				"		 * thereby may manipulate the information to be displayed. The manipulation\n" + 
-				"		 * could be the extraction of textual encoded style information etc. Returns the\n" + 
-				"		 * manipulated information.\n" + 
-				"		 * <p>\n" + 
-				"		 * Replaces {@link IInformationPresenter#updatePresentation(String, int, int)}\n" + 
-				"		 * <em>Make sure that you do not pass in a <code>Display</code></em> until\n" + 
-				"		 * is fixed.\n" + 
-				"		 * </p>\n" + 
-				"		 *\n" + 
-				"		 * @param hoverInfo the information to be presented\n" + 
-				"		 * @param maxWidth the maximal width in pixels\n" + 
-				"		 * @param maxHeight the maximal height in pixels\n" + 
-				"		 *\n" + 
-				"		 * @return the manipulated information\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		String updatePresentation(String hoverInfo, int maxWidth, int maxHeight);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-			"	* @deprecated As of 3.2, replaced by {@link IInformationPresenterExtension#updatePresentation(String, int, int)}\n" + 
-			"	                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 34)\n" + 
-			"	* Replaces {@link IInformationPresenter#updatePresentation(String, int, int)}\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Fields() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see MyInnerClass#foo\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class TestFields {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see MyInnerClass#foo\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class MyInnerClass {\n" + 
-				"            Object foo;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	* @see MyInnerClass#foo\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Methods() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see MyInnerClass#foo()\n" + 
-				" * @see MyInnerInterface#foo()\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class TestMethods {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see MyInnerInterface#foo()\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class MyInnerClass {\n" + 
-				"            public void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see MyInnerClass#foo()\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public interface MyInnerInterface {\n" + 
-				"            public void foo();\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	* @see MyInnerInterface#foo()\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	* @see MyInnerClass#foo()\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Types() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see MyInnerClass\n" + 
-				" * @see MyInnerInterface\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class TestTypes {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see MyInnerInterface\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public class MyInnerClass {\n" + 
-				"	        public void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see MyInnerClass\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public interface MyInnerInterface {\n" + 
-				"	        public void foo();\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	* @see MyInnerInterface\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	* @see MyInnerClass\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Private01() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"pack/",
-				"package pack;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	static class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	public Inner field;\n" + 
-				"	/** \n" + 
-				"	 * @see Inner#foo()\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public Object foo() {\n" + 
-				"		return;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Public01() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"pack/",
-				"package pack;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	static class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	public Inner field;\n" + 
-				"	/** \n" + 
-				"	 * @see Inner#foo()\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public Object foo() {\n" + 
-				"		return;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			//pack/ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner1#foo()
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in pack\\ (at line 8)\r\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner#foo()\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: \'public\' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this \'default\' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Private02() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	static class Inner1 {\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	static class Inner2 {\n" + 
-				"		public Inner1 field;\n" + 
-				"		/** \n" + 
-				"		 * @see Inner1#foo()\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() {\n" + 
-				"			return;\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			//pack\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner1#foo()
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\r\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner1#foo()\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Public02() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	static class Inner1 {\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	static class Inner2 {\n" + 
-				"		public Inner1 field;\n" + 
-				"		/** \n" + 
-				"		 * @see Inner1#foo()\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() {\n" + 
-				"			return;\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Public03() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"pack/",
-				"package pack;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	static class Inner1 {\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	public static class Inner2 {\n" + 
-				"		public Inner1 field;\n" + 
-				"		/** \n" + 
-				"		 * @see Inner1#foo()\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() {\n" + 
-				"			return;\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			//pack/ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner1#foo()
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in pack\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner1#foo()\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: \'public\' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this \'default\' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 145007: [1.5][javadoc] Generics + Inner Class -> Javadoc "missing @throws" warning
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug145007() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class TestClass<T> {\n" + 
-				"    static class Test1 {\n" + 
-				"        /**\n" + 
-				"         * A simple method that demonstrates tag problems\n" + 
-				"         * \n" + 
-				"         * @return a string\n" + 
-				"         * @throws MyException\n" + 
-				"         *             if something goes wrong\n" + 
-				"         */\n" + 
-				"        public String getString() throws MyException {\n" + 
-				"            throw new MyException();\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"    static class MyException extends Exception {\n" + 
-				"        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	class TestClass<T> {\r\n" + 
-			"	                ^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, type parameters are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index bd135cb..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2940 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class JavadocTest_1_5 extends JavadocTest {
-	String docCommentSupport = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-	String reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-	String reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-	String reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-	String reportMissingJavadocTagsOverriding = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-	String reportMissingJavadocComments = null;
-	String reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility = null;
-	public JavadocTest_1_5(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public static Class testClass() {
-		return JavadocTest_1_5.class;
-	}
-	// Use this static initializer to specify subset for tests
-	// All specified tests which does not belong to the class are skipped...
-	static {
-//		TESTS_PREFIX = "testBug95521";
-//		TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "testBug83127a" };
-//		TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 101283 };
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 23, -1 };
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		return buildMinimalComplianceTestSuite(testClass(), F_1_5);
-	}
-	protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-		Map options = super.getCompilerOptions();
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_DocCommentSupport, this.docCommentSupport);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadoc, reportInvalidJavadoc);
-		if (!CompilerOptions.IGNORE.equals(reportInvalidJavadoc)) {
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadocTagsVisibility, this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility);
-		}
-		if (reportMissingJavadocComments != null) 
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocComments, reportMissingJavadocComments);
-		else
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocComments, reportInvalidJavadoc);
-		if (reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility != null) 
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility, reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility);
-		if (reportMissingJavadocTags != null)  {
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTags, reportMissingJavadocTags);
-			if (this.reportMissingJavadocTagsOverriding != null) {
-				options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTagsOverriding, reportMissingJavadocTagsOverriding);
-			}
-		} else {
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingJavadocTags, reportInvalidJavadoc);
-		}
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFieldHiding, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-//		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportSyntheticAccessEmulation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		return options;
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
-	 */
-	protected void setUp() throws Exception {
-		super.setUp();
-		this.docCommentSupport = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		this.reportInvalidJavadoc = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTagsOverriding = CompilerOptions.ENABLED;
-		this.reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Test fix for bug 70891: [1.5][javadoc] Compiler should accept new 1.5 syntax for @param
-	 * @see <a href="">70891</a>
-	 * These two tests fail for 1.5 source level but should pass for 1.3 or 1.4
-	 * @see JavadocTest_1_4
-	 */
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * Test @param for generic class type parameter
-	 */
-	public void test003() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E> Type\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<E> {}"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test004() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E> Type extends RuntimeException\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<E extends RuntimeException> {}"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test005() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test006() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E> Type parameter\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X {}",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter\n" + 
-				"	   ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test007() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E> Type parameter\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<E, F> {}",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<E, F> {}\n" + 
-				"	                  ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter F\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test008() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	          ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: U cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	          ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: V cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test009() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  * @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	          ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Parameter X is not declared\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	          ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test010() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test011() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	          ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	          ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Duplicate tag for parameter\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test012() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter T\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	                  ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter U\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	                     ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter V\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test013() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	                  ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter U\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	                     ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter V\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test014() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter T\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	                     ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter V\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test015() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter T\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test016() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	                  ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter U\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test017() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	                     ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter V\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test018() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter T\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	                  ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter U\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test019() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	          ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Parameter X is not declared\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	          ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	          ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Duplicate tag for parameter\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter T\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test020() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param\n" + 
-				"	   ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing parameter name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter T\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test021() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference: compile error\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, , V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	          ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: V cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	          ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: U cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, , V> {}\n" + 
-				"	                  ^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error on token \",\", delete this token\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test022() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-					" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference: compile error\n" + 
-					"  * @param <T> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"  * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<T, U, V extend Exception> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V extend Exception> {}\n" + 
-				"	                       ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error on token \"extend\", extends expected\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<T, U, V extend Exception> {}\n" + 
-				"	                       ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"extend cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * Test @param for generic method type parameter
-	 */
-	public void test023() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <E> Type\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <E> void foo() {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test024() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <E> Type extends RuntimeException\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <E extends RuntimeException> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test025() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test026() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <E> Type parameter\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter\n" + 
-				"	   ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test027() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <E> Type parameter\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <E, F> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	public <E, F> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	           ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter F\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	public <E, F> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                           ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter val\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	public <E, F> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                                       ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter obj\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test028() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"	 * @param xxx int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param Obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	          ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: U cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-				"	          ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: V cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @param xxx int\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Parameter xxx is not declared\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	* @param Obj Object\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Parameter Obj is not declared\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	public <T> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                        ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter val\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	public <T> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                                    ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter obj\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test029() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	          ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Parameter X is not declared\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	          ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test030() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Valid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <T> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test031() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	        ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter T\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	           ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter U\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	              ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter V\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                              ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter val\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                                          ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter obj\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test032() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <T> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	           ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter U\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	              ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter V\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                                          ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter obj\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test033() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 3\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	        ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter T\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                              ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter val\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test034() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 * @param Object obj\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <X> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	          ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Parameter X is not declared\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	* @param Object obj\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Parameter Object is not declared\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	          ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	          ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Duplicate tag for parameter\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-				"	* @param val int\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Duplicate tag for parameter\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	        ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter T\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"7. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                                          ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter obj\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test035() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param\n" + 
-				"	   ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing parameter name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	        ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter T\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                              ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter val\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                                          ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter obj\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	// TODO (david) recovery seems not to work properly here:
-	// we should have type parameters in method declaration.
-	public void test036() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference: compile error\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <T> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, , V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <T> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	   ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-				"	   ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-				"	   ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, , V> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	           ^\n" + 
-				"Syntax error on token \",\", delete this token\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test037() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" public class X {\n" +
-					"	/**\n" + 
-					"	 * Invalid type parameter reference: compile error\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <T> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <V> Type parameter 2\n" + 
-					"	 * @param <U> Type parameter 1\n" + 
-					"	 * @param val int\n" + 
-					"	 * @param obj Object\n" + 
-					"	 */\n" + 
-					"	public <T, U, V extends Exceptions> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" +
-					"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	public <T, U, V extends Exceptions> void foo(int val, Object obj) {}\n" + 
-				"	                        ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Exceptions cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test038() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param < Type\n" + 
-					"  * @param < Type for parameterization\n" + 
-					"  * @param <> Type\n" + 
-					"  * @param <?> Type\n" + 
-					"  * @param <*> Type\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<E> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param < Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag type parameter name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param < Type for parameterization\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag type parameter name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <> Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag type parameter name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <?> Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag type parameter name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <*> Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag type parameter name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<E> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter E\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test039() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				" /**\n" + 
-					"  * Invalid type parameter reference\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E Type\n" + 
-					"  * @param E> Type\n" + 
-					"  * @param <<E> Type\n" + 
-					"  * @param <<<E> Type\n" + 
-					"  * @param <E>> Type\n" + 
-					"  */\n" + 
-					" public class X<E> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag type parameter name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-				"	* @param E> Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <<E> Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag type parameter name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <<<E> Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag type parameter name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	* @param <E>> Type\n" + 
-				"	         ^^^^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Invalid param tag type parameter name\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"6. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	public class X<E> {}\n" + 
-				"	               ^\n" + 
-				"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter E\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test040() {
-		runConformReferenceTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" +
-				" * @category\n" +
-				" */\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Test fix for bug 80257: [javadoc] Invalid missing reference warning on @see or @link tags
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug80257() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see G#G(Object)\n" + 
-				" * @see G#G(Exception)\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class X extends G<Exception> {\n" + 
-				"	X(Exception exc) { super(exc);}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class G<E extends Exception> {\n" + 
-				"	G(E e) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see G#G(Object)\n" + 
-			"	         ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor G(Object) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Test fix for bug 82514: [1.5][javadoc] Problem with generics in javadoc
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug82514() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class ComparableUtils {\n" + 
-				"   public static <T extends Comparable< ? super T>> int compareTo(final Object first, final Object firstPrime,  final Class<T> type) throws ClassCastException\n" + 
-				"    {\n" + 
-				"        return 0;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"    public static <X extends Comparable< ? super X>> int compareTo(final X first, final X firstPrime)\n" + 
-				"        throws ClassCastException\n" + 
-				"    {\n" + 
-				"        return 0;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"public final class X {  \n" + 
-				"	/** Tests the method{@link ComparableUtils#compareTo(Object, Object, Class)} and\n" + 
-				"	 *  {@link ComparableUtils#compareTo(Object, Object)}.\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"    public void testCompareTo() {}\n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	public static <X extends Comparable< ? super X>> int compareTo(final X first, final X firstPrime)\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"The type parameter X is hiding the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-			"	*  {@link ComparableUtils#compareTo(Object, Object)}.\n" + 
-			"	                          ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Bound mismatch: The generic method compareTo(X, X) of type ComparableUtils is not applicable for the arguments (Object, Object). The inferred type Object is not a valid substitute for the bounded parameter <X extends Comparable<? super X>>\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Test fix for bug 83127: [1.5][javadoc][dom] Wrong / strange bindings for references in javadoc to methods with type variables as parameter types
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug83127a() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Test#add(T) \n" + 
-				" * @see #add(T)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#Test(T)\n" + 
-				" * @see #Test(T)\n" + 
-				" *   - warning = \"The method add(Object) in the type Test is not applicable for\n" + 
-				" *                the arguments (T)\"\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = Test.add(Object)\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = T of A\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T> {\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#add(T) \n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method add(Object) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (T)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see #add(T)\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method add(Object) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (T)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#Test(T)\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor Test(T) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @see #Test(T)\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor Test(T) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83127b() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Sub#add(T)\n" + 
-				" * @see Sub#Sub(T)\n" + 
-				" *   - warning = \"The method add(Object) in the type Test is not applicable for\n" + 
-				" *                the arguments (T)\"\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = Test.add(Object)\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = T of A\n" + 
-				" *     -> Do we need to change this as T natually resolved to TypeVariable?\n" + 
-				" *        As compiler raises a warning, it\'s perhaps not a problem now...\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Sub#add(T)\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method add(Object) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (T)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Sub#Sub(T)\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor Sub(T) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83127c() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Sub#add(E) \n" + 
-				" * @see Sub#Sub(E)\n" + 
-				" *   - warning = \"E cannot be resolved to a type\"\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = null\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = null\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Sub#add(E) \n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Sub#Sub(E)\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83127d() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Unrelated1<E extends Number> {\n" + 
-				"	public Unrelated1(E e) {}\n" + 
-				"	public boolean add(E e) { return false; }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#add(E)\n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#Unrelated1(E)\n" + 
-				" *   - warning = \"E cannot be resolved to a type\"\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = null\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = null\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated1#add(E)\n" + 
-			"	                      ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated1#Unrelated1(E)\n" + 
-			"	                             ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: E cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83127e() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Unrelated1<E extends Number> {\n" + 
-				"	public Unrelated1(E e) {}\n" + 
-				"	public boolean add(E e) { return false; }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#add(Object)\n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#Unrelated1(Object)\n" + 
-				" *   - warning = \"The method add(Object) in the type Test is not applicable for\n" + 
-				" *                the arguments (Object)\"\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = Unrelated1.add(Number)\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = java.lang.Object\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated1#add(Object)\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method add(Number) in the type Unrelated1 is not applicable for the arguments (Object)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated1#Unrelated1(Object)\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor Unrelated1(Object) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83127f() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Unrelated1<E extends Number> {\n" + 
-				"	public Unrelated1(E e) {}\n" + 
-				"	public boolean add(E e) { return false; }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#add(Number)\n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#Unrelated1(Number)\n" + 
-				" *   - no warning\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = Unrelated1.add(Number)\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = java.lang.Number\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83127g() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Unrelated1<E extends Number> {\n" + 
-				"	public Unrelated1(E e) {}\n" + 
-				"	public boolean add(E e) { return false; }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#add(Integer)\n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated1#Unrelated1(Integer)\n" + 
-				" *   - warning = \"The method add(Object) in the type Test is not applicable for\n" + 
-				" *                the arguments (Integer)\"\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = Unrelated1.add(Number)\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = java.lang.Integer\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"	public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated1#add(Integer)\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method add(Number) in the type Unrelated1 is not applicable for the arguments (Integer)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated1#Unrelated1(Integer)\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The constructor Unrelated1(Integer) is undefined\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83127h() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface Unrelated2<E> {\n" + 
-				"	boolean add(E e);\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Unrelated2#add(T)\n" + 
-				" *   - warning = \"The method add(Object) in the type Test is not applicable for\n" + 
-				" *                the arguments (T)\"\n" + 
-				" *   - method binding = Unrelated2.add(Object)\n" + 
-				" *   - parameter binding = T of A\n" + 
-				" *     -> Do we need to change this as T natually resolved to TypeVariable?\n" + 
-				" *        As compiler raises a warning, it\'s perhaps not a problem now...\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T>{\n" + 
-				"	Test(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(T t) {\n" + 
-				"        return true;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"class Sub<E extends Number> extends Test<E> {\n" + 
-				"	Sub (E e) {super(null);}\n" + 
-				"    public boolean add(E e) {\n" + 
-				"        if (e.doubleValue() > 0)\n" + 
-				"            return false;\n" + 
-				"        return super.add(e);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unrelated2#add(T)\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method add(Object) in the type Unrelated2 is not applicable for the arguments (T)\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 83393: [1.5][javadoc] reference to vararg method also considers non-array type as correct
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug83393a() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(int a, int b) {} \n" + 
-				"	public void foo(int a, int... args) {}\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(String... args) {}\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(Exception str, boolean... args) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(int, int)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(int, int[])\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(int, int...)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(String[])\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(String...)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(Exception, boolean[])\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(Exception, boolean...)\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Valid {}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug83393b() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(int a, int b) {} \n" + 
-				"	public void foo(int a, int... args) {}\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(String... args) {}\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(Exception str, boolean... args) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(int)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(int, int, int)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo()\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(String)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(String, String)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(Exception)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(Exception, boolean)\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo(Exception, boolean, boolean)\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo(int)\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(int, int...) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo(int, int, int)\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(int, int...) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (int, int, int)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo()\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(String...) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments ()\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo(String)\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(String...) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo(String, String)\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(String...) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo(Exception)\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(Exception, boolean...) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (Exception)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo(Exception, boolean)\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(Exception, boolean...) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (Exception, boolean)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#foo(Exception, boolean, boolean)\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method foo(Exception, boolean...) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (Exception, boolean, boolean)\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 83804: [1.5][javadoc] Missing Javadoc node for package declaration
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug83804() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"pack/",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * Valid javadoc.\n" + 
-				" * @see Test\n" + 
-				" * @see Unknown\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo()\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#unknown()\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#field\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#unknown\n" + 
-				" * @param unexpected\n" + 
-				" * @throws unexpected\n" + 
-				" * @return unexpected \n" + 
-				" * @deprecated accepted by javadoc.exe although javadoc 1.5 spec does not say that's a valid tag\n" + 
-				" * @other-tags are valid\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"package pack;\n",
-				"pack/",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * Invalid javadoc\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"package pack;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	public int field;\n" + 
-				"	public void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in pack\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Unknown\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Unknown cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in pack\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#unknown()\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: The method unknown() is undefined for the type Test\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in pack\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test#unknown\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: unknown cannot be resolved or is not a field\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in pack\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* @param unexpected\n" + 
-			"	   ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in pack\\ (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	* @throws unexpected\n" + 
-			"	   ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in pack\\ (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	* @return unexpected \n" + 
-			"	   ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Unexpected tag\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 95286: [1.5][javadoc] incorrectly flags "Missing comment for public declaration"
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug95286_Default() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		this.reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility = CompilerOptions.DEFAULT;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * Javadoc for all package \n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"package test;\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug95286_Private() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocComments = CompilerOptions.ERROR;
-		this.reportMissingJavadocCommentsVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * Javadoc for all package \n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"package test;\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 95521: [1.5][javadoc] validation with @see tag not working for generic method
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug95521() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"/** Test */\n" + 
-				"public class X implements I {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see test.I#foo(java.lang.Class)\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public <T> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-				"		return null;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"/** Interface */\n" + 
-				"interface I {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @param <T>\n" + 
-				"     * @param stuffClass \n" + 
-				"     * @return stuff\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public <T extends Object> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass);\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @param <T>\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"class G<T> {}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug95521b() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"/** Test */\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @param <T>\n" + 
-				"     * @param classT \n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"	public <T> X(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @param <T>\n" + 
-				"     * @param classT\n" + 
-				"     * @return classT\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"	public <T> Class<T> foo(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-				"		return classT;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"/** Super class */\n" + 
-				"class Y extends X {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see X#X(java.lang.Class)\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public <T> Y(Class<T> classT) {\n" + 
-				"		super(classT);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see X#foo(java.lang.Class)\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"    public <T extends Object> Class<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) {\n" + 
-				"    	return null;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 96237: [javadoc] Inner types must be qualified
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug96237_Public01() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6/",
-				"package comment6;\n" + 
-				"public class Valid {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Valid.Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * See also {@link Valid.Inner}\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"class Sub2 extends Valid { }"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Public02() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6/",
-				"package comment6;\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * See also {@link Inner} \n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"class Sub1 extends Invalid { }\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Public03() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6a/def/",
-				"package comment6a.def;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"comment6a/test/",
-				"package comment6a.test;\n" + 
-				"import comment6a.def.Test;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * See also {@link Inner}\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid extends Test { \n" + 
-				"}",
-				"comment6a/test/",
-				"package comment6a.test;\n" + 
-				"import comment6a.def.Test;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid2 extends Test { \n" + 
-				"}",
-				"comment6a/test/",
-				"package comment6a.test;\n" + 
-				"import comment6a.def.Test;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see comment6a.def.Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Valid extends Test { \n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			//comment6a\test\ warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Inner
-			//comment6a\test\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Test.Inner => bug ID: 4464323
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6a\\test\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* See also {@link Inner}\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Public04() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6b/",
-				"package comment6b;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid implements Test { \n" + 
-				"}",
-				"comment6b/",
-				"package comment6b;\n" + 
-				"public interface Test {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"comment6b/",
-				"package comment6b;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Valid implements Test { \n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			//comment6b\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6b\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Public05() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/a/",
-				"package test.a;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Inner\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	class Inner {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			//test\a\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner
-			//test\a\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Test.Inner
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\a\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\a\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test.Inner\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Public06() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/b/",
-				"package test.b;\n" + 
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	/** \n" + 
-				"	 * @see Level2\n" + 
-				"	 * @see Test.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		class Level2 {}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			//test\b\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner.Level2
-			//test\b\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Test.Inner.Level2
-			//test\b\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Level2
-			//test\b\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Test.Inner.Level2
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\b\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner.Level2\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\b\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in test\\b\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Level2\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in test\\b\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Public07() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/c/",
-				"package test.c;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	public class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		/**\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Level3\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Test.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		public class Level2 {\n" + 
-				"			class Level3 {\n" + 
-				"			}\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			//test\c\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner.Level2.Level3
-			//test\c\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Test.Inner.Level2.Level3
-			//test\c\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Level3
-			//test\c\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Level2.Level3
-			//test\c\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner.Level2.Level3
-			//test\c\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Test.Inner.Level2.Level3
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\c\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\c\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in test\\c\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Level3\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in test\\c\\ (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Level2.Level3\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in test\\c\\ (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in test\\c\\ (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Test.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Public08() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/d/",
-				"package test.d;\n" + 
-				"class Reference {\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"test/d/",
-				"package test.d;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Secondary\n" + 
-				" * @see Reference\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class Secondary {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\d\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Secondary\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in test\\d\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Reference\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: 'public' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this 'default' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private01() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6/",
-				"package comment6;\n" + 
-				"public class Valid {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Valid.Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * See also {@link Valid.Inner}\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"class Sub2 extends Valid { }"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private02() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6/",
-				"package comment6;\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * See also {@link Inner} \n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"class Sub1 extends Invalid { }\n"
-			},
-			//comment6\ warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Inner
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* See also {@link Inner} \n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private03() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6a/def/",
-				"package comment6a.def;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"comment6a/test/",
-				"package comment6a.test;\n" + 
-				"import comment6a.def.Test;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * See also {@link Inner}\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid extends Test { \n" + 
-				"}",
-				"comment6a/test/",
-				"package comment6a.test;\n" + 
-				"import comment6a.def.Test;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid2 extends Test { \n" + 
-				"}",
-				"comment6a/test/",
-				"package comment6a.test;\n" + 
-				"import comment6a.def.Test;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see comment6a.def.Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Valid extends Test { \n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			//comment6a\test\ warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Inner
-			//comment6a\test\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Test.Inner => bug ID: 4464323
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6a\\test\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* See also {@link Inner}\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private04() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"comment6b/",
-				"package comment6b;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Invalid implements Test { \n" + 
-				"}",
-				"comment6b/",
-				"package comment6b;\n" + 
-				"public interface Test {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see Inner\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class Inner { }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"comment6b/",
-				"package comment6b;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Valid implements Test { \n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			//comment6b\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in comment6b\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid member type qualification\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private05() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/a/",
-				"package test.a;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Inner\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	class Inner {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private06() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/b/",
-				"package test.b;\n" + 
-				"/** \n" + 
-				" * @see Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	/** \n" + 
-				"	 * @see Level2\n" + 
-				"	 * @see Test.Inner.Level2\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		class Level2 {}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private07() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/c/",
-				"package test.c;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				" * @see Test.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	public class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		/**\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Level3\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				"		 * @see Test.Inner.Level2.Level3\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		public class Level2 {\n" + 
-				"			class Level3 {\n" + 
-				"			}\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug96237_Private08() {
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PRIVATE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/d/",
-				"package test.d;\n" + 
-				"class Reference {\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"test/d/",
-				"package test.d;\n" + 
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see Secondary\n" + 
-				" * @see Reference\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class Secondary {}"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 101283: [1.5][javadoc] Javadoc validation raises missing implementation in compiler
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug101283a() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X<T, F> {\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @param <T>  \n" + 
-				"	 * @param <F>\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	static class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-				"		// empty\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @param <T>  \n" + 
-			"	          ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Parameter T is not declared\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @param <F>\n" + 
-			"	          ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Parameter F is not declared\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	static class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter L\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	static class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-			"	                      ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter R\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug101283b() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X<T, F> {\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see T Variable \n" + 
-				"	 * @see F Variable\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	static class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-				"		// empty\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see T Variable \n" + 
-			"	       ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @see F Variable\n" + 
-			"	       ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	static class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter L\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	static class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-			"	                      ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter R\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug101283c() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X<T, F> {\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @param <T>  \n" + 
-				"	 * @param <F>\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-				"		// empty\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @param <T>  \n" + 
-			"	          ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Parameter T is not declared\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @param <F>\n" + 
-			"	          ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Parameter F is not declared\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-			"	            ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter L\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter R\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug101283d() {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X<T, F> {\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see T Variable \n" + 
-				"	 * @see F Variable\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-				"		// empty\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	* @see T Variable \n" + 
-			"	       ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	* @see F Variable\n" + 
-			"	       ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Invalid reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-			"	            ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter L\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	class Entry<L, R> {\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Missing tag for parameter R\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	// Verify duplicate test case: bug
-	public void testBug101283e() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface Test<V, R extends Component<?>, C extends\n" + 
-				"Test<V, R, C>> extends Control<SelectModel<V>, C>\n" + 
-				"{\n" + 
-				"	public interface ValueRepresentationStrategy<VV, RR extends Component<?>> extends ComponentFactory<VV, RR>\n" + 
-				"	{\n" + 
-				"		/**This value must be equal to the ID of the component returned by the {@link\n" + 
-				"		ComponentFactory#createComponent(V)} method.*/\n" + 
-				"		public String getID(final VV value);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class Component<T> {}\n" + 
-				"interface Control<U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"class SelectModel<V> {}\n" + 
-				"interface ComponentFactory <U, V> {\n" +
-				"	public void createComponent(V v);\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	ComponentFactory#createComponent(V)} method.*/\n" + 
-			"	                                 ^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: Cannot make a static reference to the non-static type variable V\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug101283f() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface Test<V, R extends Component<?>, C extends\n" + 
-				"Test<V, R, C>> extends Control<SelectModel<V>, C>\n" + 
-				"{\n" + 
-				"	public interface ValueRepresentationStrategy<VV, RR extends Component<?>> extends ComponentFactory<VV, RR>\n" + 
-				"	{\n" + 
-				"		/**This value must be equal to the ID of the component returned by the {@link\n" + 
-				"		ComponentFactory#createComponent(Object)} method.*/\n" + 
-				"		public String getID(final VV value);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class Component<T> {}\n" + 
-				"interface Control<U, V> {}\n" + 
-				"class SelectModel<V> {}\n" + 
-				"interface ComponentFactory <U, V> {\n" +
-				"	public void createComponent(V v);\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	// Verify that ProblemReasons.InheritedNameHidesEnclosingName is not reported as Javadoc error
-	public void testBug101283g() {
-		reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	int foo() { return 0; }\n" + 
-				"	class XX extends X2 {\n" + 
-				"		int bar() {\n" + 
-				"			return foo();\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class X2 {\n" + 
-				"	int foo() {\n" + 
-				"		return 0;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"public class Y {\n" + 
-				"	int foo;\n" + 
-				"	class YY extends Y2 {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 *  @see #foo\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"		int bar() {\n" + 
-				"			return foo;\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class Y2 {\n" + 
-				"	int foo;\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 112346: [javadoc] {@inheritedDoc} should be inactive for non-overridden method
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug112346() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * Test references\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#field\n" + 
-				" * @see Test#foo()\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class Test<T> {\n" + 
-				"	T field;\n" + 
-				"	T foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 119857: [javadoc] Some inner class references should be flagged as unresolved
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug119857() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class DefaultInformationControl {\n" + 
-				"	public interface IInformationPresenter {\n" + 
-				"		/**\n" + 
-				"		 * Updates the given presentation of the given information and\n" + 
-				"		 * thereby may manipulate the information to be displayed. The manipulation\n" + 
-				"		 * could be the extraction of textual encoded style information etc. Returns the\n" + 
-				"		 * manipulated information.\n" + 
-				"		 *\n" + 
-				"		 * @param hoverInfo the information to be presented\n" + 
-				"		 * @param maxWidth the maximal width in pixels\n" + 
-				"		 * @param maxHeight the maximal height in pixels\n" + 
-				"		 *\n" + 
-				"		 * @return the manipulated information\n" + 
-				"		 * @deprecated As of 3.2, replaced by {@link IInformationPresenterExtension#updatePresentation(String, int, int)}\n" + 
-				"		 * 				see bug for details.\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		String updatePresentation(String hoverInfo, int maxWidth, int maxHeight);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * An information presenter determines the style presentation\n" + 
-				"	 * of information displayed in the default information control.\n" + 
-				"	 * The interface can be implemented by clients.\n" + 
-				"	 * \n" + 
-				"	 * @since 3.2\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public interface IInformationPresenterExtension {\n" + 
-				"		\n" + 
-				"		/**\n" + 
-				"		 * Updates the given presentation of the given information and\n" + 
-				"		 * thereby may manipulate the information to be displayed. The manipulation\n" + 
-				"		 * could be the extraction of textual encoded style information etc. Returns the\n" + 
-				"		 * manipulated information.\n" + 
-				"		 * <p>\n" + 
-				"		 * Replaces {@link IInformationPresenter#updatePresentation(String, int, int)}\n" + 
-				"		 * <em>Make sure that you do not pass in a <code>Display</code></em> until\n" + 
-				"		 * is fixed.\n" + 
-				"		 * </p>\n" + 
-				"		 *\n" + 
-				"		 * @param hoverInfo the information to be presented\n" + 
-				"		 * @param maxWidth the maximal width in pixels\n" + 
-				"		 * @param maxHeight the maximal height in pixels\n" + 
-				"		 *\n" + 
-				"		 * @return the manipulated information\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		String updatePresentation(String hoverInfo, int maxWidth, int maxHeight);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Fields() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see MyInnerClass#foo\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class TestFields {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see MyInnerClass#foo\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class MyInnerClass {\n" + 
-				"            Object foo;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Methods() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see MyInnerClass#foo()\n" + 
-				" * @see MyInnerInterface#foo()\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class TestMethods {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see MyInnerInterface#foo()\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public class MyInnerClass {\n" + 
-				"            public void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @see MyInnerClass#foo()\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public interface MyInnerInterface {\n" + 
-				"            public void foo();\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Types() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * @see MyInnerClass\n" + 
-				" * @see MyInnerInterface\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class TestTypes {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see MyInnerInterface\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public class MyInnerClass {\n" + 
-				"	        public void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see MyInnerClass\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public interface MyInnerInterface {\n" + 
-				"	        public void foo();\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Private01() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"pack/",
-				"package pack;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	static class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	public Inner field;\n" + 
-				"	/** \n" + 
-				"	 * @see Inner#foo()\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public Object foo() {\n" + 
-				"		return;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Public01() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.DISABLED;
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"pack/",
-				"package pack;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	static class Inner {\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	public Inner field;\n" + 
-				"	/** \n" + 
-				"	 * @see Inner#foo()\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public Object foo() {\n" + 
-				"		return;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			//pack/ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner1#foo()
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in pack\\ (at line 8)\r\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner#foo()\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: \'public\' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this \'default\' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Private02() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	static class Inner1 {\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	static class Inner2 {\n" + 
-				"		public Inner1 field;\n" + 
-				"		/** \n" + 
-				"		 * @see Inner1#foo()\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() {\n" + 
-				"			return;\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Public02() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	static class Inner1 {\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	static class Inner2 {\n" + 
-				"		public Inner1 field;\n" + 
-				"		/** \n" + 
-				"		 * @see Inner1#foo()\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() {\n" + 
-				"			return;\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug119857_Public03() {
-		this.reportMissingJavadocTags = CompilerOptions.IGNORE;
-		this.reportInvalidJavadocVisibility = CompilerOptions.PUBLIC;
-		runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"pack/",
-				"package pack;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	static class Inner1 {\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	public static class Inner2 {\n" + 
-				"		public Inner1 field;\n" + 
-				"		/** \n" + 
-				"		 * @see Inner1#foo()\n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		public Object foo() {\n" + 
-				"			return;\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			//pack/ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Inner1#foo()
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in pack\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	* @see Inner1#foo()\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Javadoc: \'public\' visibility for malformed doc comments hides this \'default\' reference\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 132430: [1.5][javadoc] Unwanted missing tag warning for overridden method with parameter containing type variable
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug132430() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class A<E> {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @param object\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public void aMethod(E object) {}\n" + 
-				"}",
-				"",
-				"public class B<E> extends A<E> {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see A#aMethod(java.lang.Object)\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	@Override\n" + 
-				"	public void aMethod(E object) {\n" + 
-				"		super.aMethod(object);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug132430b() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class A<E> {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @param object\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public void aMethod(E object) {}\n" + 
-				"}",
-				"",
-				"public class B<E> extends A<E> {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * @see A#aMethod(java.lang.Object)\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public void aMethod(E object) {\n" + 
-				"		super.aMethod(object);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void testBug132430c() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class A<E> {\n" + 
-				"    /**\n" + 
-				"     * @param object\n" + 
-				"     */\n" + 
-				"    public void aMethod(E object) {}\n" + 
-				"}",
-				"",
-				"public class B<E> extends A<E> {\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * Empty comment\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	@Override\n" + 
-				"	public void aMethod(E object) {\n" + 
-				"		super.aMethod(object);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Bug 145007: [1.5][javadoc] Generics + Inner Class -> Javadoc "missing @throws" warning
-	 * @see ""
-	 */
-	public void testBug145007() {
-		runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class TestClass<T> {\n" + 
-				"    static class Test1 {\n" + 
-				"        /**\n" + 
-				"         * A simple method that demonstrates tag problems\n" + 
-				"         * \n" + 
-				"         * @return a string\n" + 
-				"         * @throws MyException\n" + 
-				"         *             if something goes wrong\n" + 
-				"         */\n" + 
-				"        public String getString() throws MyException {\n" + 
-				"            throw new MyException();\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"    static class MyException extends Exception {\n" + 
-				"        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}"
-			}
-		);
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 99c434f..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-public class LocalVariableTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-public LocalVariableTest(String name) {
-	super(name);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-public void test001() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"        int foo(){\n" + 
-		"                int i;\n" + 
-		"                return 1;\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	});
-public void test002() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    String temp;\n" + 
-		"    try {\n" + 
-		"      return;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    catch (Exception e){\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	});
-public void test003() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    String temp;\n" + 
-		"    try {\n" + 
-		"      return;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    catch (Exception e) {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	});
-public void test004() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  {\n" + 
-		"     int i = 1;\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println(i);\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  X(int j){\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	});
-public void test005() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int j;\n" + 
-		"  void f1() {\n" + 
-		"    int l;\n" + 
-		"    switch (j) {\n" + 
-		"      case 0 :\n" + 
-		"        l = 10;\n" + 
-		"		 l++;\n" + // at least one read usage
-		"        break;\n" + 
-		"      case 1 :\n" + 
-		"        l = 20;\n" + 
-		"        break;\n" + 
-		"      case 2 :\n" + 
-		"        l = 30;\n" + 
-		"        break;\n" + 
-		"      default :\n" + 
-		"        l = 10;\n" + 
-		"        break;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	});
-public void test006() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class Truc{\n" + 
-		"   void foo(){\n" + 
-		"      final int i; \n" +
-		"	   i = 1;\n" + 
-		"      if (false) i = 2;\n" + 
-		"   } \n" + 
-		"	public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"  		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); \n" + 
-		"	}	\n" +
-		"}",
-	},
-public void test007() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"import p.helper.Y;\n" + 
-		"class A extends Y {\n" + 
-		"  class Y {\n" + 
-		"    int j = i;// i is a protected member inherited from Y\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}",
-		"p/helper/",
-		"package p.helper;\n" + 
-		"public class Y {\n" + 
-		"  protected int i = 10;\n" + 
-		"  public inner in = new inner();\n" + 
-		"    \n" + 
-		"  protected class inner {\n" + 
-		"    public int  f() {\n" + 
-		"      return 20;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}",
-	});
-public void test008() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"	class Y {\n" + 
-			"		Y innerY;\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"		int longMemberName;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	static public void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"		Y y;\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(y.innerY.longMemberName);\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}"},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	System.out.println(y.innerY.longMemberName);\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"The local variable y may not have been initialized\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-public void test009() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"	class Y {\n" + 
-			"		int longMemberName;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	static public void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"		Y y;\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(y.longMemberName);\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}"},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	System.out.println(y.longMemberName);\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"The local variable y may not have been initialized\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-public void test010() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(
-		CompilerOptions.OPTION_DocCommentSupport,
-		CompilerOptions.ENABLED);
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * @see Y\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"}",
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class Z {\n" + 
-		"}",
-	},
-	"",
-	null,
-	true,
-	null,
-	options,
-	null);
-public void test011() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"        public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"                int x = 2;\n" + 
-				"                if (true) {\n" + 
-				"                        int x = 4;\n" + 
-				"                }\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	int x = 4;\n" + 
-			"	    ^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate local variable x\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-public void test012() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"        public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"                int x = x = 0;\n" + 
-				"                if (true) {\n" + 
-				"                        int x = x = 1;\n" + 
-				"                }\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	int x = x = 0;\n" + 
-			"	    ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The assignment to variable x has no effect\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	int x = x = 1;\n" + 
-			"	    ^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate local variable x\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	int x = x = 1;\n" + 
-			"	    ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The assignment to variable x has no effect\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-// - variation
-//check variable collision resiliance (catch argument)
-// variable collision should not interfere with exception collision
-public void test013() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"        public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"                int x = 2;\n" + 
-				"                try {\n" + 
-				"                	\n" + 
-				"                } catch(Exception x) {\n" + 
-				"                } catch(Exception e) {\n" + 
-				"                }\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	} catch(Exception x) {\n" + 
-			"	                  ^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate parameter x\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	} catch(Exception e) {\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Unreachable catch block for Exception. It is already handled by the catch block for Exception\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-// - variation
-public void test014() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	void foo(){\n" + 
-				"		int x = 0;\n" + 
-				"		String x = \"\";\n" + 
-				"		x.toString();\n" + 
-				"	  }\n" +
-				"	}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	String x = \"\";\n" + 
-			"	       ^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate local variable x\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-public void test015() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	if (this.complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3)) return;
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_PreserveUnusedLocal, CompilerOptions.OPTIMIZE_OUT);
-	this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"        public static boolean test() {\n" + 
-				"                boolean b = false;\n" + 
-				"                assert b = true;\n" + 
-				"                return false;\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"        public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"                test();\n" + 
-				"                System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"SUCCESS",
-			null,
-			true,
-			null,
-			options,
-			null);
-public static Class testClass() {
-	return LocalVariableTest.class;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 959fcc1..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2702 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Hashtable;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
- * Name Lookup within Inner Classes
- * Creation date: (8/2/00 12:04:53 PM)
- * @author Dennis Conway
- */
-public class LookupTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-public LookupTest(String name) {
-	super(name);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
- * Non-static member class
- */
-public void test001() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;										\n"+
-			"public class A {									\n"+
-			"	private static int value = 23;					\n"+
-			"	class B {										\n"+
-			"		private int value;							\n"+
-			"		B (int val) {								\n"+
-			"			value = (A.value * 2) + val;			\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String args[]) {		\n"+
-			"		int result = new A().new B(12).value; 		\n"+
-			"		int expected = 58; 							\n"+
-			"		System.out.println( 						\n"+
-			"			result == expected 						\n"+
-			"				? \"SUCCESS\"  						\n"+
-			"				: \"FAILED : got \"+result+\" instead of \"+ expected); \n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}"
-		},
-	);									
- * Attempt to access non-static field from static inner class (illegal)
- */
-public void test002() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;										\n"+
-			"class A {											\n"+
-			"	private int value;								\n"+
-			"	static class B {								\n"+
-			"		B () {										\n"+
-			"			value = 2;								\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String argv[]) {		\n"+
-			"		B result = new B();							\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in p1\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	private int value;								\n" + 
-		"	            ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The field A.value is never read locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	value = 2;								\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Cannot make a static reference to the non-static field value\n" + 
-		"----------\n");									
- * Access static field from static inner class
- */
-public void test003() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;										\n"+
-			"public class A {									\n"+
-			"	private static int value;						\n"+
-			"	static class B {								\n"+
-			"		B () {										\n"+
-			"			value = 2;								\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String argv[]) {		\n"+
-			"		B result = new B();							\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");			\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}",
-		}
-	);									
- * 
- */
-public void test004() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;										\n"+
-			"public class A {									\n"+
-			"	private String value;							\n"+
-			"	private A (String strIn) {						\n"+
-			"		value = new B(strIn, \"E\").str;			\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	class B {										\n"+
-			"		String str;									\n"+
-			"			private B (String strFromA, String strIn)	{\n"+
-			"				str = strFromA + strIn + new C(\"S\").str;\n"+
-			"			}										\n"+
-			"		class C {									\n"+
-			"			String str;								\n"+
-			"			private C (String strIn) {				\n"+
-			"				str = strIn + new D(\"S\").str;		\n"+
-			"			}										\n"+
-			"			class D {								\n"+
-			"				String str;							\n"+
-			"				private D (String strIn) {			\n"+
-			"					str = strIn;					\n"+
-			"				}									\n"+
-			"			}										\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String argv[]) {		\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(new A(\"SUCC\").value);	\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}"
-		},
-	);
- * 
- */
-public void test005() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;										\n"+
-			"public class A {									\n"+
-			"	private static void doSomething(String showThis) {\n"+
-			"		System.out.print(showThis);					\n"+
-			"		return;										\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	class B {										\n"+
-			"		void aMethod () {							\n"+
-			"			p1.A.doSomething(\"SUCC\");				\n"+
-			"			A.doSomething(\"ES\");					\n"+
-			"			doSomething(\"S\");						\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+		
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String argv[]) {		\n"+
-			"		B foo = new A().new B();					\n"+
-			"		foo.aMethod();								\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}"
-		},
-	);
- * jdk1.2.2 reports: No variable sucess defined in nested class p1.A. B.C.
- * jdk1.3 reports: success has private access in p1.A
- */
-public void test006() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;										\n"+
-			"class A {											\n"+
-			"	private static String success = \"SUCCESS\";	\n"+
-			"	public interface B {							\n"+
-			"		public abstract void aTask();				\n"+
-			"		class C extends A implements B {			\n"+
-			"			public void aTask() {System.out.println(this.success);}\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String[] argv) {		\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in p1\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	private static String success = \"SUCCESS\";	\n" + 
-		"	                      ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The field A.success is never read locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	public void aTask() {System.out.println(this.success);}\n" + 
-		"	                                             ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The field A.success is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- * No errors in jdk1.2.2, jdk1.3
- */
-public void test007() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;										\n"+
-			"public class A {									\n"+
-			"	private static String success = \"SUCCESS\";	\n"+
-			"	public interface B {							\n"+
-			"		public abstract void aTask();				\n"+	
-			"		class C extends A implements B {			\n"+
-			"			public void aTask() {System.out.println(A.success);}\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String[] argv) {		\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}"
-		}
-	);
- * jdk1.2.2 reports: Undefined variable: A.this
- * jdk1.3 reports: non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context
- */
-public void test008() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;										\n"+
-			"class A {											\n"+
-			"	private static String success = \"SUCCESS\";	\n"+
-			"	public interface B {							\n"+
-			"		public abstract void aTask();				\n"+	
-			"		class C extends A implements B {			\n"+
-			"			public void aTask() {System.out.println(A.this.success);}\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String[] argv) {		\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	public void aTask() {System.out.println(A.this.success);}\n" + 
-		"	                                        ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of the type A is accessible in scope\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. WARNING in p1\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	public void aTask() {System.out.println(A.this.success);}\n" + 
-		"	                                               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The static field A.success should be accessed in a static way\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
- * jdk1.2.2 reports: No variable success defined in nested class p1.A. B.C
- * jdk1.3 reports: success has private access in p1.A
- */
-public void test009() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;										\n"+
-			"class A {											\n"+
-			"	private String success = \"SUCCESS\";			\n"+
-			"	public interface B {							\n"+
-			"		public abstract void aTask();				\n"+
-			"		class C extends A implements B {			\n"+
-			"			public void aTask() {System.out.println(this.success);}\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String[] argv) {		\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in p1\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	private String success = \"SUCCESS\";			\n" + 
-		"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The field A.success is never read locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	public void aTask() {System.out.println(this.success);}\n" + 
-		"	                                             ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The field A.success is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- * jdk1.2.2 reports: Can't make a static reference to nonstatic variable success in class p1.A
- * jdk1.3 reports: non-static variable success cannot be referenced from a static context
- */
-public void test010() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;										\n"+
-			"class A {											\n"+
-			"	private String success = \"SUCCESS\";			\n"+
-			"	public interface B {							\n"+
-			"		public abstract void aTask();				\n"+	
-			"		class C extends A implements B {			\n"+
-			"			public void aTask() {System.out.println(A.success);}\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String[] argv) {		\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in p1\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	private String success = \"SUCCESS\";			\n" + 
-		"	               ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The field A.success is never read locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	public void aTask() {System.out.println(A.success);}\n" + 
-		"	                                        ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Cannot make a static reference to the non-static field A.success\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- * 
- */
-public void test011() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p2.Aa */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;										\n"+
-			"class Aa extends p1.A{								\n"+
-			"	class B implements p1.A.C {						\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String args[]) {		\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}",
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;										\n"+
-			"public class A {									\n"+
-			"   public A() {									\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	class B implements C {							\n"+
-			"		public int sMethod() {						\n"+
-			"			return 23;								\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public interface C {							\n"+
-			"		public abstract int sMethod();				\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	class B implements p1.A.C {						\n" + 
-		"	      ^\n" + 
-		"The type Aa.B must implement the inherited abstract method A.C.sMethod()\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
- * 
- */
-public void test012() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;										\n"+
-			"public class A {									\n"+
-			"	public interface B {							\n"+
-			"		public abstract void aMethod (int A);		\n"+
-			"		public interface C {						\n"+
-			"			public abstract void anotherMethod();	\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public class aClass implements B, B.C {			\n"+
-			"		public void aMethod (int A) {				\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"		public void anotherMethod(){}				\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"   	public static void main (String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");			\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}"
-		},
-	);
- * 
- */
-public void test013() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;										\n"+
-			"public class A {									\n"+
-			"	public interface B {							\n"+
-			"		public abstract void aMethod (int A);		\n"+
-			"		public interface C {						\n"+
-			"			public abstract void anotherMethod(int A);\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public class aClass implements B, B.C {			\n"+
-			"		public void aMethod (int A) {				\n"+
-			"			public void anotherMethod(int A) {};	\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"   	public static void main (String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");			\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	public class aClass implements B, B.C {			\n" + 
-		"	             ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type A.aClass must implement the inherited abstract method A.B.C.anotherMethod(int)\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 11)\n" + 
-		"	public void anotherMethod(int A) {};	\n" + 
-		"	                         ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"(\", ; expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 11)\n" + 
-		"	public void anotherMethod(int A) {};	\n" + 
-		"	                               ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \")\", ; expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test014() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* pack1.First */
-			"pack1/",
-			"package pack1;										\n"+
-			"public class First {								\n"+
-			"	public static void something() {}				\n"+
-			"		class Inner {}								\n"+	
-			"	public static void main (String argv[]) {		\n"+
-			"		First.Inner foo = new First().new Inner();	\n"+
-			"		foo.something();							\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");			\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in pack1\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	foo.something();							\n" + 
-		"	    ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method something() is undefined for the type First.Inner\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test015() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* pack1.First */
-			"pack1/",
-			"package pack1;										\n"+
-			"public class First {								\n"+
-			"		class Inner {								\n"+
-			"			public void something() {}				\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+	
-			"	public static void main (String argv[]) {		\n"+
-			"		First.Inner foo = new First().new Inner();	\n"+
-			"		foo.something();							\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");			\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}"
-		},
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test016() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* pack1.Outer */
-			"pack1/",
-			"package pack1;										\n"+
-			"import pack2.*;									\n"+
-			"public class Outer {								\n"+
-			"	int time, distance;								\n"+
-			"	public Outer() {								\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public Outer(int d) {							\n"+
-			"		distance = d;								\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public void aMethod() {							\n"+
-			"		this.distance *= 2;							\n"+
-			"		return;										\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}",
-			/* pack2.OuterTwo */
-			"pack2/",
-			"package pack2;										\n"+
-			"import pack1.*;									\n"+
-			"public class OuterTwo extends Outer {				\n"+
-			"	public OuterTwo(int bar) {						\n"+
-			"		Outer A = new Outer(3) {					\n"+
-			"			public void bMethod(){					\n"+
-			"				final class X {						\n"+
-			"					int price;						\n"+
-			"					public X(int inp) {				\n"+
-			"						price = inp + 32;			\n"+
-			"					}								\n"+
-			"				}									\n"+
-			"			}										\n"+
-			"		};											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String argv[]) {		\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"\");					\n"+
-			"		OuterTwo foo = new OuterTwo(12);			\n"+
-			"		Outer bar = new Outer(8);					\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}"
-		}
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test017() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;										\n"+
-			"public class A	{									\n"+
-			"	int value;										\n"+
-			"	public A(B bVal) {								\n"+
-			"		bVal.sval += \"V\";							\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	static class B {								\n"+
-			"		public static String sval;					\n"+
-			"		public void aMethod() {						\n"+
-			"			sval += \"S\";							\n"+
-			"			A bar = new A(this);					\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String argv[]) {		\n"+
-			"		B foo = new B();							\n"+
-			"		foo.sval = \"U\";							\n"+
-			"		foo.aMethod();								\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(foo.sval);				\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}"
-		},
-		"USV"
-	);
- * member class
- */
-public void test018() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;										\n"+
-			"public class A	{									\n"+
-			"	private String rating;							\n"+
-			"	public class B {								\n"+
-			"		String rating;								\n"+
-			"		public B (A sth) {							\n"+
-			"			sth.rating = \"m\";						\n"+
-			"			rating = \"er\";						\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String argv[]) {		\n"+
-			"		A foo = new A();							\n"+
-			"		foo.rating = \"o\";							\n"+
-			"		B bar = B(foo);						\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(foo.rating + bar.rating);\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}"
-		},
-		"mer"
-	);
- * member class
- */
-public void test019() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;										\n"+
-			"public class A	{									\n"+
-			"	private String rating;							\n"+
-			"	public void setRating(A sth, String setTo) {	\n"+
-			"		sth.rating = setTo;							\n"+
-			"		return;										\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public class B {								\n"+
-			"		public B (A sth) {							\n"+
-			"			setRating(sth, \"m\");					\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String argv[]) {		\n"+
-			"		A foo = new A();							\n"+
-			"		foo.rating = \"o\";							\n"+
-			"		B bar = B(foo);						\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(foo.rating + bar.other);	\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 17)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println(foo.rating + bar.other);	\n" + 
-		"	                                ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"bar.other cannot be resolved or is not a field\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
- * member class
- */
-public void test020() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;										\n"+
-			"public class A	{									\n"+
-			"	private String rating;							\n"+
-			"	public class B {								\n"+
-			"		public B (A sth) {							\n"+
-			"			sth.rating = \"m\";						\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String argv[]) {		\n"+
-			"		A foo = new A();							\n"+
-			"		foo.rating = \"o\";							\n"+
-			"		B bar = B(foo);						\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(foo.rating + bar.other);	\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in p1\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	sth.rating = \"m\";						\n" + 
-		"	    ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Write access to enclosing field A.rating is emulated by a synthetic accessor method. Increasing its visibility will improve your performance\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 13)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println(foo.rating + bar.other);	\n" + 
-		"	                                ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"bar.other cannot be resolved or is not a field\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
- * member class
- */
-public void test021() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;										\n"+
-			"public class A	{									\n"+
-			"	private String rating;							\n"+
-			"	public class B {								\n"+
-			"		public B (A sth) {							\n"+
-			"			sth.rating = \"m\";						\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String argv[]) {		\n"+
-			"		A foo = new A();							\n"+
-			"		foo.rating = \"o\";							\n"+
-			"		B bar = B(foo);						\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(foo.rating);				\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}"
-		}
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test022() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;										\n"+
-			"import p2.*;										\n"+
-			"public class A {									\n"+
-			"	public int aValue;								\n"+
-			"	public A() {}									\n"+
-			"	public static class C extends A {				\n"+
-			"		public String aString;						\n"+
-			"		public C() {								\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}",
-			/* p2.B */
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;										\n"+
-			"import p1.*;										\n"+
-			"public class B extends A.C {						\n"+
-			"	public B() {}									\n"+
-			"	public class D extends A {						\n"+
-			"		public D() {								\n"+
-			"			C val2 = new C();						\n"+
-			"			val2.aString = \"s\";					\n"+
-			"			A val = new A();						\n"+
-			"			val.aValue = 23;						\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String argv[]) {		\n"+
-			"		D foo = new B().new D();					\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}"
-		}
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test023() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;\n"+
-			"public class A implements B {						\n"+
-			"}													\n"+
-			"interface B {										\n"+
-			"	public class A implements B {					\n"+
-			"		public static void main (String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"			class Ba {								\n"+
-			"				int time;							\n"+
-			"			}										\n"+
-			"			Ba foo = new Ba();						\n"+
-			"			foo.time = 3;							\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"		interface C {								\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"		interface Bb extends C {					\n"+
-			"		}											\n"+
-			"	}												\n"+
-			"}"
-		}
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test024() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;									\n"+
-			"public class A {								\n"+
-			"	protected static String bleh;				\n"+
-			"	interface B {								\n"+
-			"		public String bleh();					\n"+
-			"		class C{								\n"+
-			"			public String bleh() {return \"B\";}\n"+
-			"		}										\n"+
-			"	}											\n"+
-			"	class C implements B {						\n"+
-			"		public String bleh() {return \"A\";}	\n"+
-			"	}											\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"		C foo = new A().new C();				\n"+
-			"	}											\n"+
-			"}"
-		}
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test025() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;								\n"+
-			"import p2.*;								\n"+
-			"public class A {							\n"+
-			"	public static class B {					\n"+
-			"		public static int B;				\n"+
-			"	}										\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {\n"+
-			"		B foo = new A.B();					\n"+
-			"		B bar = new B();					\n"+
-			"		foo.B = 2;							\n"+
-			"		p2.B bbar = new p2.B();				\n"+
-			"		if (bar.B == 35) {					\n"+
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n"+
-			"		}									\n"+
-			"		else {								\n"+
-			"			System.out.println(bar.B);		\n"+
-			"		}									\n"+
-			"	}										\n"+
-			"}",
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;								\n"+
-			"import p1.*;								\n"+
-			"public class B extends A {					\n"+
-			"	public B() {							\n"+
-			"		A.B bleh = new A.B();				\n"+
-			"		bleh.B = 35;						\n"+
-			"	}										\n"+
-			"}"
-		},
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test026() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;								\n"+
-			"public class A {							\n"+
-			"	public static class B {					\n"+
-			"		protected static int B;				\n"+
-			"	}										\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {\n"+
-			"		B foo = new A.B();					\n"+
-			"		B bar = new B();					\n"+
-			"		B.B = 2;							\n"+
-			"		p2.B bbar = new p2.B();				\n"+
-			"		if (B.B == 35) {					\n"+
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n"+
-			"		}									\n"+
-			"		else {								\n"+
-			"			System.out.println(B.B);		\n"+
-			"		}									\n"+
-			"	}										\n"+
-			"}",
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;								\n"+
-			"import p1.*;								\n"+
-			"public class B extends A {					\n"+
-			"	public B() {							\n"+
-			"		A.B bleh = new A.B();				\n"+
-			"		bleh.B = 35;						\n"+
-			"	}										\n"+
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	bleh.B = 35;						\n" + 
-		"	     ^\n" + 
-		"The field A.B.B is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- *
- */
-public void test027() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;								\n"+
-			"public class A {							\n"+
-			"	protected static class B {				\n"+
-			"		public static int B;				\n"+
-			"	}										\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {\n"+
-			"		B foo = new A.B();					\n"+
-			"		B bar = new B();					\n"+
-			"		B.B = 2;							\n"+
-			"		p2.B bbar = new p2.B();				\n"+
-			"		if (B.B == 35) {					\n"+
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n"+
-			"		}									\n"+
-			"		else {								\n"+
-			"			System.out.println(B.B);		\n"+
-			"		}									\n"+
-			"	}										\n"+
-			"}",
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;								\n"+
-			"import p1.*;								\n"+
-			"public class B extends A {					\n"+
-			"	public B() {							\n"+
-			"		A.B bleh = new A.B();				\n"+
-			"		A.B.B = 35;						\n"+
-			"	}										\n"+
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	A.B bleh = new A.B();				\n" + 
-		"	           ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The constructor A.B() is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test028() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1.A */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;									\n"+
-			"public class A {								\n"+
-			"	static class B {							\n"+
-			"		public static class C {					\n"+
-			"			private static int a;				\n"+
-			"			private int b;						\n"+
-			"		}										\n"+
-			"	}											\n"+
-			"	class D extends B {							\n"+
-			"		int j = p1.A.B.C.a;						\n"+
-			"	}											\n"+
-			"	public static void main (String argv[]) {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");		\n"+
-			"	}											\n"+
-			"}"
-		},
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test029() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"import p2.Top;	\n"+
-			"public class X extends Top {	\n"+
-			"	Member field;	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-			"p2/",
-			"package p2;	\n"+
-			"public class Top {	\n"+
-			"	class Member {	\n"+
-			"		void foo(){}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"	+
-			"}	\n"	
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	Member field;	\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type Member is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- *
- * 1.3 compiler must accept classfiles without abstract method (target >=1.2)
- */
-public void test030() {
-	Hashtable target1_2 = new Hashtable();
-	target1_2.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TargetPlatform, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_2);
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1; \n"+
-			"public abstract class A implements I {	\n" +
-			"  public static void main(String[] args) {	\n" +
-			"    System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n" +			
-			"  }	\n" +
-			"} \n" +
-			"interface I {	\n" +
-			"	void foo();	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS", // expected output
-		null, // custom classpath
-		true, // flush previous output dir content
-		null, // special vm args
-		target1_2,  // custom options
-		null/*no custom requestor*/);
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1; \n"+
-			"public class C {	\n" +
-			"	void bar(A a){ \n" +
-			";	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"  public static void main(String[] args) {	\n" +
-			"    System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n" +			
-			"  }	\n" +
-			"} \n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS", // expected output
-		null, // custom classpath
-		false, // flush previous output dir content
-		null, // special vm args
-		null,  // custom options
-		null/*no custom requestor*/);
- *
- * variant - must filter abstract methods when searching concrete methods
- */
-public void test031() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X extends AbstractY {	\n"+
-			"	public void init() {	\n"+
-			"		super.init();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		new X().init();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"abstract class AbstractY extends AbstractZ implements I {	\n"+
-			"	public void init(int i) {	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"abstract class AbstractZ implements I {	\n"+
-			"	public void init() {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"interface I {	\n"+
-			"	void init();	\n"+
-			"	void init(int i);	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS"); // expected output
- *
- *
- */
-public void test032() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"", //--------------------------------
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(p.Bar.array[0].length);\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(p.Bar.array.length);\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(p.Bar.array[0].foo());\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"p/", //----------------------------
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"public class Bar {\n" + 
-			"	public static Z[] array;\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class Z {\n" + 
-			"	public String foo(){ \n" + 
-			"		return \"\";\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" 
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println(p.Bar.array[0].length);\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type Z is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println(p.Bar.array.length);\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type Z is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println(p.Bar.array[0].foo());\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type Z is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// 30805 Abstract non-visible method diagnosis fooled by intermediate declarations
-public void test033() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/", //==================================
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class X {	\n" +
-			"	abstract void foo();	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"q/", //==================================
-			"package q;	\n" +
-			"public class Y extends p.X {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(){}	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in q\\ (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public class Y extends p.X {	\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"This class must implement the inherited abstract method, but cannot override it since it is not visible from Y. Either make the type abstract or make the inherited method visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. WARNING in q\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(){}	\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method does not override the inherited method from X since it is private to a different package\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// 30805 Abstract non-visible method diagnosis fooled by intermediate declarations
-public void test034() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/", //==================================
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class X {	\n" +
-			"	abstract void foo();	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"q/", //==================================
-			"package q;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class Y extends p.X {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(){}	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"class Z extends Y {	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in q\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(){}	\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method does not override the inherited method from X since it is private to a different package\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in q\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	class Z extends Y {	\n" + 
-		"	      ^\n" + 
-		"This class must implement the inherited abstract method, but cannot override it since it is not visible from Z. Either make the type abstract or make the inherited method visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-// 30805 Abstract non-visible method diagnosis fooled by intermediate declarations
-public void test035() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/", //==================================
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class X {	\n" +
-			"	abstract void foo();	\n" +
-			"	abstract void bar();	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"p/", //==================================
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class Y extends X {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(){};	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"q/", //==================================
-			"package q;	\n" +
-			"class Z extends p.Y {	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in q\\ (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	class Z extends p.Y {	\n" + 
-		"	      ^\n" + 
-		"This class must implement the inherited abstract method, but cannot override it since it is not visible from Z. Either make the type abstract or make the inherited method visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// 30805 Abstract non-visible method diagnosis fooled by intermediate declarations
-public void test036() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/", //==================================
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class X {	\n" +
-			"	abstract void foo();	\n" +
-			"	public interface I {	\n" +
-			"		void foo();	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"q/", //==================================
-			"package q;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class Y extends p.X {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(){}	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"class Z extends Y implements p.X.I {	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in q\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(){}	\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method does not override the inherited method from X since it is private to a different package\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in q\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	class Z extends Y implements p.X.I {	\n" + 
-		"	      ^\n" + 
-		"This class must implement the inherited abstract method, but cannot override it since it is not visible from Z. Either make the type abstract or make the inherited method visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + // TODO (philippe) should not have following error due to default abstract?
-		"3. ERROR in q\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	class Z extends Y implements p.X.I {	\n" + 
-		"	      ^\n" + 
-		"The inherited method cannot hide the public abstract method in X.I\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// 30805 Abstract non-visible method diagnosis fooled by intermediate declarations
-public void test037() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/", //==================================
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class X {	\n" +
-			"	abstract void foo();	\n" +
-			"	void bar(){}	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"q/", //==================================
-			"package q;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class Y extends p.X {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(){}	//warn \n" +
-			"	void bar(){}	//warn \n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"class Z extends Y {	\n" +
-			"	void bar(){}	//nowarn \n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in q\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(){}	//warn \n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method does not override the inherited method from X since it is private to a different package\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. WARNING in q\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	void bar(){}	//warn \n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method does not override the inherited method from X since it is private to a different package\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in q\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	class Z extends Y {	\n" + 
-		"	      ^\n" + 
-		"This class must implement the inherited abstract method, but cannot override it since it is not visible from Z. Either make the type abstract or make the inherited method visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// 30805 Abstract non-visible method diagnosis fooled by intermediate declarations
-public void test038() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/", //==================================
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class X {	\n" +
-			"	abstract void foo();	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"q/", //==================================
-			"package q;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class Y extends p.X {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(){}	//warn \n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"class Z extends Y {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(){}	//error \n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in q\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(){}	//warn \n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method does not override the inherited method from X since it is private to a different package\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in q\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	class Z extends Y {	\n" + 
-		"	      ^\n" + 
-		"This class must implement the inherited abstract method, but cannot override it since it is not visible from Z. Either make the type abstract or make the inherited method visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// 31198 - regression after 30805 - Abstract non-visible method diagnosis fooled by intermediate declarations
-public void test039() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/", //==================================
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class X {	\n" +
-			"	abstract void foo();	\n" + // should not complain about this one in Z, since it has a visible implementation
-			"	abstract void bar();	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"p/", //==================================
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class Y extends X {	\n" +
-			"	public void foo(){};	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"q/", //==================================
-			"package q;	\n" +
-			"class Z extends p.Y {	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in q\\ (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	class Z extends p.Y {	\n" + 
-		"	      ^\n" + 
-		"This class must implement the inherited abstract method, but cannot override it since it is not visible from Z. Either make the type abstract or make the inherited method visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- * 31398 - non-visible abstract method fooling method verification - should not complain about foo() or bar()
- */
-public void test040() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/", //================================
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public class X extends q.Y.Member {	\n" +
-			"		void baz(){}	\n" + // doesn't hide Y.baz()
-			"}	\n",
-			"q/", //================================
-			"package q;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class Y {	\n" +
-			"	abstract void foo();	\n" +
-			"	abstract void bar();	\n" +
-			"	abstract void baz();	\n" +
-			"	public static abstract class Member extends Y {	\n" +
-			"		public void foo() {}	\n" + 
-			"		void bar(){}	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public class X extends q.Y.Member {	\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"This class must implement the inherited abstract method Y.baz(), but cannot override it since it is not visible from X. Either make the type abstract or make the inherited method visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. WARNING in p\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	void baz(){}	\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method X.baz() does not override the inherited method from Y since it is private to a different package\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- * 31450 - non-visible abstract method fooling method verification - should not complain about foo() 
- */
-public void test041() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/", //================================
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public class X extends q.Y.Member {	\n" +
-			"	public void foo() {}	\n" +
-			"	public static class M extends X {}	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"q/", //================================
-			"package q;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class Y {	\n" +
-			"	abstract void foo();	\n" +
-			"	abstract void bar();	\n" +
-			"	public static abstract class Member extends Y {	\n" +
-			"		protected abstract void foo();	\n" + // takes precedence over inherited abstract
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public class X extends q.Y.Member {	\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"This class must implement the inherited abstract method, but cannot override it since it is not visible from X. Either make the type abstract or make the inherited method visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	public static class M extends X {}	\n" + 
-		"	                    ^\n" + 
-		"This class must implement the inherited abstract method, but cannot override it since it is not visible from M. Either make the type abstract or make the inherited method visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- * 31450 - non-visible abstract method fooling method verification - should not complain about foo() 
- */
-public void test042() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/", //================================
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public class X extends q.Y.Member {	\n" +
-			"	public void foo() {}	\n" +
-			"	public static class M extends X {}	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"q/", //================================
-			"package q;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class Y {	\n" +
-			"	abstract void foo();	\n" +
-			"	abstract void bar();	\n" +
-			"	public static abstract class Member extends Y {	\n" +
-			"		void foo(){}	\n" + 
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public class X extends q.Y.Member {	\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"This class must implement the inherited abstract method, but cannot override it since it is not visible from X. Either make the type abstract or make the inherited method visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. WARNING in p\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	public void foo() {}	\n" + 
-		"	            ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method does not override the inherited method from Y.Member since it is private to a different package\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in p\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	public static class M extends X {}	\n" + 
-		"	                    ^\n" + 
-		"This class must implement the inherited abstract method, but cannot override it since it is not visible from M. Either make the type abstract or make the inherited method visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test043() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"", //================================
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public interface Copyable extends Cloneable {\n" + 
-			"		public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	public interface TestIf extends Copyable {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	public static class ClassA implements Copyable {\n" + 
-			"		public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {\n" + 
-			"			return super.clone();\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	public static class ClassB implements TestIf {\n" + 
-			"		public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {\n" + 
-			"			return super.clone();\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {\n" + 
-			"		Copyable o1 = new ClassA();\n" + 
-			"		ClassB o2 = new ClassB();\n" + 
-			"		TestIf o3 = o2;\n" + 
-			"		Object clonedObject;\n" + 
-			"		clonedObject = o1.clone();\n" + 
-			"		clonedObject = o2.clone();\n" + 
-			"		clonedObject = o3.clone();\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
- * 62639 - check that missing member type is not noticed if no direct connection with compiled type
- */
-public void test044() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" +
-			"public class Dumbo {\n" +
-			"  public class Clyde { }\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		  System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-	// delete binary file Dumbo$Clyde (i.e. simulate removing it from classpath for subsequent compile)
-	Util.delete(new File(OUTPUT_DIR, "p" + File.separator + "Dumbo$Clyde.class"));
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"q/",
-			"package q;\n" +
-			"public class Main extends p.Dumbo {\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-			"		  p.Dumbo d;\n" +
-			"		  System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" +
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		null,
-		false,
-		null);
- * ensure that can still found binary member types at depth >=2 (enclosing name Dumbo$Clyde $ Fred)
- */
-public void test045() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" +
-			"public class Dumbo {\n" +
-			"  public class Clyde {\n" +
-			"  	  public class Fred {\n" +
-			"	  }\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		  System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"q/",
-			"package q;\n" +
-			"public class Main extends p.Dumbo {\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-			"		  p.Dumbo.Clyde.Fred f;\n" +
-			"		  System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" +
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		null,
-		false,
-		null);
-public void test046() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"", //================================
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"     private XY foo(XY t) {\n" + 
-			"        System.out.println(t);\n" + 
-			"        return t;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"        new X() {\n" + 
-			"            void run() {\n" + 
-			"                foo(new XY());\n" + 
-			"            }\n" + 
-			"        }.run();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class XY {\n" + 
-			"    public String toString() {\n" + 
-			"        return \"SUCCESS\";\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		}, 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	foo(new XY());\n" + 
-			"	^^^\n" + 
-			"Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method foo(XY) from the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-public void test047() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"", //================================
-			"public class X extends SuperTest\n" + 
-			"{\n" + 
-			"    public X()\n" + 
-			"    {\n" + 
-			"        super();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"    static void print(Object obj)\n" + 
-			"    {\n" + 
-			"        System.out.println(\"Object:\" + obj.toString());\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    \n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String[] args)\n" + 
-			"    {\n" + 
-			"        print(\"Hello world\");\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class SuperTest\n" + 
-			"{\n" + 
-			"    SuperTest(){};\n" + 
-			"    static void print(String s)\n" + 
-			"    {\n" + 
-			"        System.out.println(\"String: \" + s);\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n"	},
-		"String: Hello world");
-// 76682 - ClassCastException in qualified name computeConversion
-public void test049() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"", //---------------------------
-			"public class X\n" + 
-			"{\n" + 
-			"    private String foo() {\n" + 
-			"        return \"Started \" + java.text.DateFormat.format(new java.util.Date());\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n" ,
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-		"	return \"Started \" + java.text.DateFormat.format(new java.util.Date());\r\n" + 
-		"	                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method format(Date) from the type DateFormat\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test050() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"", //---------------------------
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    static class Y {\n" + 
-			"    	static class Z {\n" + 
-			"    		static void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"    		}\n" + 
-			"    	}\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test051() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"", //---------------------------
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"        args.finalize();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	args.finalize();\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method finalize() from the type Object is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test052() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"", //---------------------------
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public void test() {\n" + 
-			"		class C {\n" + 
-			"			public C() {\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"			public void foo() {\n" + 
-			"				System.out.println(\"hello\");\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		int n = 0;\n" + 
-			"		switch (n) {\n" + 
-			"			case 0 :\n" + 
-			"				if (true) {\n" + 
-			"					C c2 = new C();\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"");
-// - variation
-public void test053() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"", //---------------------------
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public void test() {\n" + 
-			"		int l = 1;\n" + 
-			"		switch(l) {\n" + 
-			"			case 1: \n" + 
-			"				class C {\n" + 
-			"					public C() {\n" + 
-			"					}\n" + 
-			"					public void foo() {\n" + 
-			"						System.out.println(\"hello\");\n" + 
-			"					}\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"				int n = 0;\n" + 
-			"				switch (n) {\n" + 
-			"					case 0 :\n" + 
-			"						if (true) {\n" + 
-			"							C c2 = new C();\n" + 
-			"						}\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"");
-public void test054() {
-    this.runConformTest(
-        new String[] {
-            "", //---------------------------
-            "import java.util.LinkedHashMap;\n" + 
-            "import java.util.Map.Entry;\n" + 
-            "\n" + 
-            "public class X {\n" + 
-            "    \n" + 
-            "    private LinkedHashMap fCache;\n" + 
-            "    \n" + 
-            "    public X(final int cacheSize) {\n" + 
-            "        // start with 100 elements but be able to grow until cacheSize\n" + 
-            "        fCache= new LinkedHashMap(100, 0.75f, true) {\n" + 
-            "            /** This class is not intended to be serialized. */\n" + 
-            "            private static final long serialVersionUID= 1L;\n" + 
-            "            protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Entry eldest) {\n" + 
-            "                return size() > cacheSize;\n" + 
-            "            }\n" + 
-            "        };\n" + 
-            "    }\n" + 
-            "}\n",
-        },
-        "");
-public void test055() {
-    this.runNegativeTest(
-        new String[] {
-            "",
-            "import p.*;\n" + 
-            "public class A {\n" + 
-            "    public void errors() {\n" + 
-	            "    B b = new B();\n" + 
-            "        String s1 = b.str;\n" + 
-            "        String s2 = B.str;\n" + 
-            "    }\n" + 
-            "}\n",
-            "p/",
-            "package p;\n" + 
-            "class B {\n" + 
-            "    public static String str;\n" + 
-            "}\n",
-        },
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-		"	B b = new B();\r\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The type B is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-		"	B b = new B();\r\n" + 
-		"	          ^\n" + 
-		"The type B is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\r\n" + 
-		"	String s2 = B.str;\r\n" + 
-		"	            ^\n" + 
-		"The type B is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-// final method in static inner class still found in extending classes
-public void test056() {
-    this.runConformTest(
-        new String[] {
-            "",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"    I x = new Z();\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  static interface I {\n" + 
-			"    Y foo();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  static class Y {\n" + 
-			"    public final Y foo() { \n" + 
-			"        System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"        return null; \n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  static class Z extends Y implements I {\n" + 
-			"      // empty\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}",
-        },
-        "SUCCESS");
-// unresolved type does not fool methods signature comparison
-public void test057() {
-    this.runNegativeTest(
-        new String[] {
-            "",
-			"import java.awt.*;\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public void foo(Window w) {\n" + 
-			"        // empty\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    public void foo(Applet a) {\n" + 
-			"        // empty\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	public void foo(Applet a) {\n" + 
-		"	                ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Applet cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-		);
-public void test058() {
-    this.runConformTest(
-        new String[] {
-        		"p/", // =================
-        		"package p;\n" + 
-        		"\n" + 
-        		"import p.q.Z;\n" + 
-        		"public class X { \n" + 
-        		"  public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" + 
-        		"     System.out.println(Z.z);\n" + 
-        		"  }\n" + 
-        		"}", // =================
-        		"p/q/", // =================
-        		"package p.q;\n" + 
-        		"\n" + 
-        		"public class Z extends Y implements I { \n" + 
-        		"}\n" + 
-        		"class Y {\n" + 
-        		"    protected static int z = 1;\n" + 
-        		"}\n" + 
-        		"interface I {\n" + 
-        		"    int z = 0;\n" + 
-        		"}", // =================
-		},
-		"0");
-public void test059() {
-    this.runNegativeTest(
-        new String[] {
-        		"", // =================
-    			"public class X {\n" + 
-    			"	\n" + 
-    			"	void aa(int i) {\n" + 
-    			"	}\n" + 
-    			"	void aa(long l) {\n" + 
-    			"	}\n" + 
-    			"	Zork bb() {\n" + 
-    			"	}\n" + 
-    			"	void cc() {\n" + 
-    			";\n" + 
-    			"	}\n" + 
-    			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-    			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-    			"	}\n" + 
-    			"}\n", // =================
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	Zork bb() {\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		";\n" + 
-		"	     ^^\n" + 
-		"The method bb() is undefined for the type X\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// - variation
-public void test060() {
-    this.runNegativeTest(
-        new String[] {
-        		"", // =================
-    			"public class X {\n" + 
-    			"	\n" + 
-    			"	void aa(int i) {\n" + 
-    			"	}\n" + 
-    			"	Zork aa(long l) {\n" + 
-    			"	}\n" + 
-    			"	Zork bb() {\n" + 
-    			"	}\n" + 
-    			"	void cc() {\n" +
-    			";\n" + 
-    			"	}\n" + 
-    			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-    			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-    			"	}\n" + 
-    			"}\n", // =================
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	Zork aa(long l) {\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	Zork bb() {\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		";\n" + 
-		"	     ^^\n" + 
-		"The method bb() is undefined for the type X\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test061() {
-	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-	if (CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_3.equals(options.get(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance))) {
-		// ensure target is 1.1 for having default abstract methods involved
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TargetPlatform, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_1);
-	}
-    this.runConformTest(
-        new String[] {
-        		"", // =================
-    			"interface MyInterface {\n" + 
-    			"        public void writeToStream();\n" + 
-    			"        public void readFromStream();\n" + 
-    			"}\n" + 
-    			"\n" + 
-    			"public abstract class X implements MyInterface {\n" + 
-    			"        public void b() {\n" + 
-    			"        }\n" + 
-    			"        public void a() {\n" + 
-    			"                writeTypeToStream();\n" + 
-    			"        }\n" + 
-    			"        private void writeTypeToStream() {\n" + 
-    			"        }\n" + 
-    			"}\n", // =================
-		},
-		"",
-		null,
-		true,
-		null,
-		options,
-		null);
-public void test062() {
-	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-	if (CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_3.equals(options.get(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance))) {
-		// ensure target is 1.1 for having default abstract methods involved
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TargetPlatform, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_1);
-	}
-    this.runConformTest(
-        new String[] {
-        		"", // =================
-    			"interface MyInterface {\n" + 
-    			"        public void writeToStream();\n" + 
-    			"        public void readFromStream();\n" + 
-    			"}\n" + 
-    			"\n" + 
-    			"public abstract class X implements MyInterface {\n" + 
-    			"        public void b() {\n" + 
-    			"        }\n" + 
-    			"        public void a() {\n" + 
-    			"                writeTypeToStream();\n" + 
-    			"        }\n" + 
-    			"        private void writeTypeToStream() {\n" + 
-    			"        }\n" + 
-    			"}\n", // =================
-		},
-		"",
-		null,
-		true,
-		null,
-		options,
-		null);
-public void test063() {
-    this.runNegativeTest(
-        new String[] {
-    		"", // =================
-			"class 56 {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"        private static class B {\n" + 
-			"                public static final String F = \"\";\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"        private static class C {\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"        public void foo() {\n" + 
-			"                System.out.println(B.F);\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"}\n", // =================
-	},
-	"----------\n" + 
-	"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-	"	class 56 {\n" + 
-	"	      ^^\n" + 
-	"Syntax error on token \"56\", Identifier expected\n" + 
-	"----------\n" + 
-	"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-	"	private static class B {\n" + 
-	"	                     ^\n" + 
-	"Illegal modifier for the class B; only public, abstract & final are permitted\n" + 
-	"----------\n" + 
-	"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-	"	private static class C {\n" + 
-	"	                     ^\n" + 
-	"Illegal modifier for the class C; only public, abstract & final are permitted\n" + 
-	"----------\n" + 
-	"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-	"	}\n" + 
-	"	^\n" + 
-	"Syntax error on token \"}\", delete this token\n" + 
-	"----------\n" + 
-	"5. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-	"	System.out.println(B.F);\n" + 
-	"	                   ^^^\n" + 
-	"The type B is not visible\n" + 
-	"----------\n" + 
-	"6. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-	"	}\n" + 
-	"	^\n" + 
-	"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete ClassBody\n" + 
-	"----------\n");
-public void test064() {
-	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-	if (CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_3.equals(options.get(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance))) {
-		// ensure target is 1.1 for having default abstract methods involved
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TargetPlatform, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_1);
-	}
-	this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-				"		B a = new C();\n" + 
-				"		\n" + 
-				"		a.hasKursAt(1);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"}",
-				"",
-				"abstract public class A implements IA0 {\n" + 
-				"	int t;\n" + 
-				"	public A() {\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}",
-				"",
-				"abstract public class B extends A implements IA3, IA1 {\n" + 
-				"	int a;\n" + 
-				"	public B() {\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	public void test() {	\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}",
-				"",
-				"public class C extends B implements IA4, IA2{\n" + 
-				"	int c;\n" + 
-				"	public C() {\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	public boolean hasKursAt(int zeitpunkt) {\n" + 
-				"		return false;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}",
-				"",
-				"public interface IA0 {\n" + 
-				"	public void test();\n" + 
-				"}",
-				"",
-				"public interface IA1 extends IA0 {\n" + 
-				"	public boolean hasKursAt(int zeitpunkt);\n" + 
-				"}",
-				"",
-				"public interface IA2 extends IA0 {\n" + 
-				"	public boolean hasKursAt(int zeitpunkt);\n" + 
-				"}",
-				"",
-				"public interface IA3 extends IA2 {\n" + 
-				"}",
-				"",
-				"public interface IA4 extends IA3 {\n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			"SUCCESS",
-			null,
-			true,
-			null,
-			options,
-			null);
-public void test065() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"com/internap/other/",//===================
-				"package com.internap.other;\n" + 
-				"import com.internap.*;\n" + 
-				"public class ScopeExample {\n" + 
-				"	private static final String LOGGER = \"SUCCESS\";\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		PublicAccessSubclass sub = new PublicAccessSubclass() {\n" + 
-				"			public void implementMe() {\n" + 
-				"				System.out.println(LOGGER);\n" + 
-				"			}\n" + 
-				"		};\n" + 
-				"		sub.implementMe();\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}",
-				"com/internap/",//===================
-				"package com.internap;\n" + 
-				"public abstract class PublicAccessSubclass extends DefaultAccessSuperclass {\n" + 
-				"	public abstract void implementMe();				\n" + 
-				"}",
-				"com/internap/",//===================
-				"package com.internap;\n" + 
-				"class DefaultAccessSuperclass {\n" + 
-				"	private static final String LOGGER = \"FAILED\";\n" + 
-				"}",
-			},
-			"SUCCESS");
-// - variation
-public void test066() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"com/internap/other/",//===================
-				"package com.internap.other;\n" + 
-				"import com.internap.*;\n" + 
-				"public class ScopeExample {\n" + 
-				"	private static final String LOGGER() { return \"SUCCESS\"; }\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		PublicAccessSubclass sub = new PublicAccessSubclass() {\n" + 
-				"			public void implementMe() {\n" + 
-				"				System.out.println(LOGGER());\n" + 
-				"			}\n" + 
-				"		};\n" + 
-				"		sub.implementMe();\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}",
-				"com/internap/",//===================
-				"package com.internap;\n" + 
-				"public abstract class PublicAccessSubclass extends DefaultAccessSuperclass {\n" + 
-				"	public abstract void implementMe();				\n" + 
-				"}",
-				"com/internap/",//===================
-				"package com.internap;\n" + 
-				"class DefaultAccessSuperclass {\n" + 
-				"	private static final String LOGGER() { return \"FAILED\"; }\n" + 
-				"}",
-			},
-			"SUCCESS");
-// - variation
-public void test067() {
-	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-	if (CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_3.equals(options.get(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance))) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"com/internap/other/",//===================
-					"package com.internap.other;\n" + 
-					"import com.internap.*;\n" + 
-					"public class ScopeExample {\n" + 
-					"	private static final String LOGGER = \"FAILED\";\n" + 
-					"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-					"		PublicAccessSubclass sub = new PublicAccessSubclass() {\n" + 
-					"			public void implementMe() {\n" + 
-					"				System.out.println(LOGGER);\n" + 
-					"			}\n" + 
-					"		};\n" + 
-					"		sub.implementMe();\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"}",
-					"com/internap/",//===================
-					"package com.internap;\n" + 
-					"public abstract class PublicAccessSubclass extends DefaultAccessSuperclass {\n" + 
-					"	public abstract void implementMe();				\n" + 
-					"}",
-					"com/internap/",//===================
-					"package com.internap;\n" + 
-					"class DefaultAccessSuperclass {\n" + 
-					"	public static final String LOGGER = \"SUCCESS\";\n" + 
-					"}",
-				},
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. WARNING in com\\internap\\other\\ (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-				"	private static final String LOGGER = \"FAILED\";\r\n" + 
-				"	                            ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"The field ScopeExample.LOGGER is never read locally\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in com\\internap\\other\\ (at line 8)\r\n" + 
-				"	System.out.println(LOGGER);\r\n" + 
-				"	                   ^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"The field LOGGER is defined in an inherited type and an enclosing scope \n" + 
-				"----------\n");
-		return;
-	}	
-	this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"com/internap/other/",//===================
-				"package com.internap.other;\n" + 
-				"import com.internap.*;\n" + 
-				"public class ScopeExample {\n" + 
-				"	private static final String LOGGER = \"FAILED\";\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		PublicAccessSubclass sub = new PublicAccessSubclass() {\n" + 
-				"			public void implementMe() {\n" + 
-				"				System.out.println(LOGGER);\n" + 
-				"			}\n" + 
-				"		};\n" + 
-				"		sub.implementMe();\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}",
-				"com/internap/",//===================
-				"package com.internap;\n" + 
-				"public abstract class PublicAccessSubclass extends DefaultAccessSuperclass {\n" + 
-				"	public abstract void implementMe();				\n" + 
-				"}",
-				"com/internap/",//===================
-				"package com.internap;\n" + 
-				"class DefaultAccessSuperclass {\n" + 
-				"	public static final String LOGGER = \"SUCCESS\";\n" + 
-				"}",
-			},
-			"SUCCESS");
-public void test068() {
-	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-	CompilerOptions compOptions = new CompilerOptions(options);
-	if (compOptions.complianceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) return;
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4);
-	this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",//===================
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"    public X() {\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"        X l = new X();\n" + 
-				"        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();\n" + 
-				"        sb.append(l);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}", // =================,
-			},
-			"",
-			null,
-			true,
-			null,
-			options,
-			null);
-public void test068a() {
-	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-	CompilerOptions compOptions = new CompilerOptions(options);
-	if (compOptions.complianceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) return;
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X1 { X1 foo() { return null; } }\n" + 
-			"class X2 extends X1 { X2 foo() { return null; } }\n" + 
-			"class Y { public X2 foo() { return null; } }\n" + 
-			"interface I { X1 foo(); }\n" + 
-			"class Z extends Y implements I {}",
-		},
-		"");
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",//===================
-			"public class Test {\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"        X1 x = new X2().foo();\n" + 
-			"        X2 xx = new X2().foo();\n" + 
-			"        X1 z = new Z().foo();\n" + 
-			"        X2 zz = new Z().foo();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}", // =================,
-		},
-		"",
-		null,
-		false,
-		null);
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4);
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",//===================
-			"public class Test14 {\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"        X1 x = new X2().foo();\n" + 
-			"        X2 xx = new X2().foo();\n" + 
-			"        X1 z = new Z().foo();\n" + 
-			"        X2 zz = new Z().foo();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}", // =================,
-		},
-		"",
-		null,
-		false,
-		null,
-		options,
-		null);
-// - variation
-public void test069() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",//===================
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"    public X() {\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"        X l = new X();\n" + 
-				"        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();\n" + 
-				"        sb.append(l);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}", // =================,
-			},
-			"");
-public void test070() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",//===================
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	interface I {\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	void test() {\n" + 
-				"		new I() {\n" + 
-				"			void foo() {\n" + 
-				"			}\n" + 
-				"		}.foo(); // compiles OK.\n" + 
-				"		new I() {\n" + 
-				"			void $foo() {\n" + 
-				"			}\n" + 
-				"		}.$foo(); // The method $foo() is undefined for the type new T.I(){}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}", // =================
-			},
-			"");
-// using $ in the name of a class defined within another package
-public void test071() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" +
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"}",
-			"p/X$",
-			"package p;\n" +
-			"public class X$X {\n" + 
-			"}",
-		},
-		"");
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"import p.*;\n" +
-			"public class Y {\n" +
-			"  X$X f = new X$X();\n" + 
-			"}",
-		},
-		"", 
-		null /* no extra class libraries */, 
-		false /* do not flush output directory */, 
-		null /* no vm arguments */,
-		null /* no custom options*/,
-		null /* no custom requestor*/,
-	  	false /* do not skip javac for this peculiar test */);
-public void test072() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",//===================
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	void bar(AX ax) {\n" + 
-				";\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"interface IX {\n" + 
-				"	void foo(String s);\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"interface JX {\n" + 
-				"	void foo(Thread t);\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"abstract class AX implements IX, JX {\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(String s) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n", // =================
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"	   ^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo(String) is ambiguous for the type AX\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-public void test073() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",//===================
-			"public class E {\n" + 
-			"	void run(int i) {}\n" + 
-			"	static class Inner {\n" + 
-			"		void run() { run(1); }\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	void run() { run(1); }\n" + 
-		"	             ^^^\n" + 
-		"The method run() in the type E.Inner is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// was Compliance_1_x#test008
-public void test074() {
-	String[] sources = new String[] {
-		"p1/",
-		"package p1; \n"+
-		"import Test2;	\n" +
-		"import Test2.Member;	\n" +
-		"public class Test { \n"+
-		"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"+
-		"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"	+
-		"	} \n"+
-		"} \n",
-		"",
-		"public class Test2 { \n"+
-		"	public class Member {	\n" +
-		"	} \n"+
-		"} \n"
-	};
-	if (this.complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3)) {
-		runConformTest(
-			sources,
-			"SUCCESS");
-	} else {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			sources,
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	import Test2;	\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import Test2 cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	import Test2.Member;	\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import Test2 cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-public void test075() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"package1/",//===================
-				"package package1;\n" + 
-				"import package2.MyList;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"        public void reproduce(String sortKey, boolean isAscending) {\n" + 
-				"                MyList recList = new MyList();\n" + 
-				"                recList.add(null);\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"}\n",//===================
-				"package2/",//===================
-				"package package2;\n" + 
-				"import java.util.AbstractList;\n" + 
-				"import java.util.List;\n" + 
-				"public class MyList extends AbstractList implements List {\n" + 
-				"        void add(Integer i) {\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"        public Object get(int index) {\n" + 
-				"                return null;\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"        public int size() {\n" + 
-				"                return 0;\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"}", // =================
-			},
-			"");
-public void test076() {
-	if (this.complianceLevel.compareTo(COMPLIANCE_1_5) >= 0) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p/",	//===================
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class Y {\n" + 
-				"  public static void foo(String s) {\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n",		//===================
-				"q/",	//===================
-				"package q;\n" + 
-				"import static;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"        void foo() {\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"        void bar() {\n" + 
-				"          foo(\"\");\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"}", 		// =================
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in q\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	foo(\"\");\n" + 
-			"	^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo() in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-public void test077() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",	//===================
-			"abstract  class B {\n" + 
-			"  public String getValue(){\n" + 
-			"    return \"pippo\";\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class D {\n" + 
-			"  private String value;\n" + 
-			"  public D(String p_Value){\n" + 
-			"    value = p_Value;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  private  String getValue(){\n" + 
-			"    return \"pippoD\";\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class X extends B {\n" + 
-			"  class C extends D{\n" + 
-			"    public C() {\n" + 
-			"      super(getValue());\n" + 
-			"      String s = getValue();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n", 		// =================
-		},
-		"");
-// - variation
-public void test078() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",	//===================
-			"class D {\n" + 
-			"  private String value;\n" + 
-			"  public D(String p_Value){\n" + 
-			"    value = p_Value;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  private  String getValue(){\n" + 
-			"    return \"pippoD\";\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  class C extends D{\n" + 
-			"    public C() {\n" + 
-			"      super(getValue());\n" + 
-			"      String s = getValue();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n", 		// =================
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	private String value;\n" + 
-		"	               ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The field D.value is never read locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-		"	super(getValue());\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method getValue() from the type D is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-		"	String s = getValue();\n" + 
-		"	           ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method getValue() from the type D is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// **
-public void test079() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",	//===================
-			"abstract class Y {\n" + 
-			"  private void foo(boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(\"Y\");\n" + 
-			"    return;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  private void foo(String s) {\n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(\"X\");\n" + 
-			"    return;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  private class Z extends Y {\n" + 
-			"    public void bar(boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"      foo(\"Flag \" + b);\n" + 
-			"\"Flag \" + b);\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  Z m = new Z();\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"    new X();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}", 		// =================
-		},
-		"X\nX");
-// variant
-public void test080() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",	//===================
-			"abstract class Y {\n" + 
-			"  private void foo(String s) {\n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(\"Y\");\n" + 
-			"    return;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  private void foo(String s) {\n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(\"X\");\n" + 
-			"    return;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  private class Z extends Y {\n" + 
-			"    public void bar(boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"      foo(\"Flag \" + b);\n" + 
-			"\"Flag \" + b);\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  Z m = new Z();\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"    new X();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}", 		// =================
-		},
-		"X\nX");
-public static Class testClass() {	return LookupTest.class;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index fdc6555..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7376 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class MethodVerifyTest extends AbstractComparableTest {
-	static {
-//		TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "test000" };
-//		TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 121 };
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 113, -1};
-	}
-	public MethodVerifyTest(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		return buildComparableTestSuite(testClass());
-	}
-	public static Class testClass() {
-		return MethodVerifyTest.class;
-	}
-	public void test001() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Y<T> extends X<A> { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" +
-				"class X<U> { public void foo(U u) {} }\n" +
-				"class A {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class Y<T> extends X<A> { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                                             ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(T) of type Y<T> has the same erasure as foo(U) of type X<U> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: foo(T) in Y<T> and foo(U) in X<A> have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test001a() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					"public class J<T> implements I<A> { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" +
-					"interface I<U> { public void foo(U u); }\n" +
-					"class A {}\n"
-				},
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-				"	public class J<T> implements I<A> { public void foo(T t) {} }\r\n" + 
-				"	             ^\n" + 
-				"The type J<T> must implement the inherited abstract method I<A>.foo(A)\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-				"	public class J<T> implements I<A> { public void foo(T t) {} }\r\n" + 
-				"	                                                ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Name clash: The method foo(T) of type J<T> has the same erasure as foo(U) of type I<U> but does not override it\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-				// J is not abstract and does not override abstract method foo(A) in I
-			);
-	}
-	public void test001b() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class YY<T> extends X { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" +
-				"class X<U> { public void foo(U u) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class YY<T> extends X { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                           ^\n" + 
-			"X is a raw type. References to generic type X<U> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class YY<T> extends X { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                                           ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(T) of type YY<T> has the same erasure as foo(Object) of type X but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: foo(T) in YY<T> and foo(U) in X have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test001c() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"",
-						"public class JJ<T> implements I { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" +
-						"interface I<U> { public void foo(U u); }\n"
-				},
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-				"	public class JJ<T> implements I { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" + 
-				"	             ^^\n" + 
-				"The type JJ<T> must implement the inherited abstract method\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-				"	public class JJ<T> implements I { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" + 
-				"	                              ^\n" + 
-				"I is a raw type. References to generic type I<U> should be parameterized\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-				"	public class JJ<T> implements I { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" + 
-				"	                                              ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Name clash: The method foo(T) of type JJ<T> has the same erasure as foo(Object) of type I but does not override it\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-				// JJ is not abstract and does not override abstract method foo(java.lang.Object) in I
-		);
-	}
-	public void test001d() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"",
-						"public class YYY<T> extends X<T> { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" +
-						"class X<U> { public void foo(U u) {} }\n"
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test001e() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"",
-						"public class JJJ<T> implements I<T> { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" +
-						"interface I<U> { public void foo(U u); }\n"
-				},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test002() { // separate files
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Y<T> extends X<A> { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" +
-				"class A {}\n",
-				"",
-				"class X<U> { public void foo(U u) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class Y<T> extends X<A> { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                                             ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(T) of type Y<T> has the same erasure as foo(U) of type X<U> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: foo(T) in Y<T> and foo(U) in X<A> have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test002a() { // separate files
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class J<T> implements I<A> { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" +
-				"class A {}\n",
-				"",
-				"interface I<U> { public void foo(U u); }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	public class J<T> implements I<A> { public void foo(T t) {} }\r\n" + 
-			"	             ^\n" + 
-			"The type J<T> must implement the inherited abstract method I<A>.foo(A)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	public class J<T> implements I<A> { public void foo(T t) {} }\r\n" + 
-			"	                                                ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(T) of type J<T> has the same erasure as foo(U) of type I<U> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// J is not abstract and does not override abstract method foo(A) in I
-		);
-	}
-	public void test002b() { // separate files
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class YY<T> extends X { public void foo(T t) {} }\n",
-				"",
-				"class X<U> { public void foo(U u) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class YY<T> extends X { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                           ^\n" + 
-			"X is a raw type. References to generic type X<U> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class YY<T> extends X { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                                           ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(T) of type YY<T> has the same erasure as foo(Object) of type X but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: foo(T) in YY<T> and foo(U) in X have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test002c() { // separate files
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class JJ<T> implements I { public void foo(T t) {} }\n",
-				"",
-				"interface I<U> { public void foo(U u); }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class JJ<T> implements I { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" + 
-			"	             ^^\n" + 
-			"The type JJ<T> must implement the inherited abstract method\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class JJ<T> implements I { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                              ^\n" + 
-			"I is a raw type. References to generic type I<U> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class JJ<T> implements I { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                                              ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(T) of type JJ<T> has the same erasure as foo(Object) of type I but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// JJ is not abstract and does not override abstract method foo(java.lang.Object) in I
-		);
-	}
-	public void test002d() { // separate files
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class YYY<T> extends X<T> { public void foo(T t) {} }\n",
-				"",
-				"class X<U> { public void foo(U u) {} }\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test002e() { // separate files
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class JJJ<T> implements I<T> { public void foo(T t) {} }\n",
-				"",
-				"interface I<U> { public void foo(U u); }\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test003() { // pick up superTypes as binaries
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A {}\n",
-				"",
-				"class B {}\n",
-				"",
-				"class X<U> { public void foo(U u) {} }\n",
-				"",
-				"interface I<U> { public void foo(U u); }\n",
-			},
-			""
-		);
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Y<T> extends X<A> { public void foo(T t) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class Y<T> extends X<A> { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                                             ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(T) of type Y<T> has the same erasure as foo(U) of type X<U> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-			// name clash: foo(T) in Y<T> and foo(U) in X<A> have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-			null,
-			false,
-			null
-		);
-	}
-	public void test003a() { // pick up superTypes as binaries
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A {}\n",
-				"",
-				"class B {}\n",
-				"",
-				"class X<U> { public void foo(U u) {} }\n",
-				"",
-				"interface I<U> { public void foo(U u); }\n",
-			},
-			""
-		);
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class J<T> implements I<A> { public void foo(T t) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	public class J<T> implements I<A> { public void foo(T t) {} }\r\n" + 
-			"	             ^\n" + 
-			"The type J<T> must implement the inherited abstract method I<A>.foo(A)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	public class J<T> implements I<A> { public void foo(T t) {} }\r\n" + 
-			"	                                                ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(T) of type J<T> has the same erasure as foo(U) of type I<U> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-			// J is not abstract and does not override abstract method foo(A) in I
-			null,
-			false,
-			null
-		);
-	}
-	public void test003b() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A {}\n",
-				"",
-				"class B {}\n",
-				"",
-				"class X<U> { public void foo(U u) {} }\n",
-				"",
-				"interface I<U> { public void foo(U u); }\n",
-			},
-			""
-		);
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class YY<T> extends X { public void foo(T t) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class YY<T> extends X { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                           ^\n" + 
-			"X is a raw type. References to generic type X<U> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class YY<T> extends X { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                                           ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(T) of type YY<T> has the same erasure as foo(Object) of type X but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-			// name clash: foo(T) in YY<T> and foo(U) in X have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-			null,
-			false,
-			null
-		);
-	}
-	public void test003c() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A {}\n",
-				"",
-				"class B {}\n",
-				"",
-				"class X<U> { public void foo(U u) {} }\n",
-				"",
-				"interface I<U> { public void foo(U u); }\n",
-			},
-			""
-		);
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class JJ<T> implements I { public void foo(T t) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class JJ<T> implements I { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" + 
-			"	             ^^\n" + 
-			"The type JJ<T> must implement the inherited abstract method\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class JJ<T> implements I { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                              ^\n" + 
-			"I is a raw type. References to generic type I<U> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class JJ<T> implements I { public void foo(T t) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                                              ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(T) of type JJ<T> has the same erasure as foo(Object) of type I but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-			// JJ is not abstract and does not override abstract method foo(java.lang.Object) in I
-			null,
-			false,
-			null
-		);
-	}
-	public void test003d() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A {}\n",
-				"",
-				"class B {}\n",
-				"",
-				"class X<U> { public void foo(U u) {} }\n",
-				"",
-				"interface I<U> { public void foo(U u); }\n",
-			},
-			""
-		);
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class YYY<T> extends X<T> { public void foo(T t) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"",
-			null,
-			false,
-			null
-		);
-	}
-	public void test003e() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A {}\n",
-				"",
-				"class B {}\n",
-				"",
-				"class X<U> { public void foo(U u) {} }\n",
-				"",
-				"interface I<U> { public void foo(U u); }\n",
-			},
-			""
-		);
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class JJJ<T> implements I<T> { public void foo(T t) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"",
-			null,
-			false,
-			null
-		);
-	}
-	public void test004() { // all together
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A {}\n" +
-				"class B {}\n" +
-				"class X<U> { public U foo() {return null;} }\n" +
-				"interface I<U> { public U foo(); }\n" +
-				"class J<T> implements I<B> { public T foo() {return null;} }\n" +
-				"class K<T> implements I<T> { public T foo() {return null;} }\n" +
-				"class L<T> implements I { public T foo() {return null;} }\n" +
-				"class Y<T> extends X<A> { @Override public T foo() { return; } }\n" +
-				"class Z<T> extends X<T> { @Override public T foo() { return; } }\n" +
-				"class W<T> extends X { @Override public T foo() { return; } }\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	class J<T> implements I<B> { public T foo() {return null;} }\n" + 
-			"	                                    ^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with I<B>.foo()\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	class L<T> implements I { public T foo() {return null;} }\n" + 
-			"	                      ^\n" + 
-			"I is a raw type. References to generic type I<U> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	class Y<T> extends X<A> { @Override public T foo() { return; } }\n" + 
-			"	                                           ^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with X<A>.foo()\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	class Y<T> extends X<A> { @Override public T foo() { return; } }\n" + 
-			"	                                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type mismatch: cannot convert from A to T\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. WARNING in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	class W<T> extends X { @Override public T foo() { return; } }\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"X is a raw type. References to generic type X<U> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	class W<T> extends X { @Override public T foo() { return; } }\n" + 
-			"	                                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to T\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			/*
- J is not abstract and does not override abstract method foo() in I
- foo() in J cannot implement foo() in I; attempting to use incompatible return type
- foo() in Y cannot override foo() in X; attempting to use incompatible return type
- incompatible types
-			found   : A
-			required: T
-			class Y<T> extends X<A> { public T foo() { return; } }
-			                                                           ^
- incompatible types
-			found   : java.lang.Object
-			required: T
-			class W<T> extends X { public T foo() { return; } }
-			 */
-		);
-	}
-	public void test005() { // separate files
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A {}\n",
-				"",
-				"class B {}\n",
-				"",
-				"class X<U> { public U foo() {return null;} }\n",
-				"",
-				"interface I<U> { public U foo(); }\n",
-				"",
-				"class J<T> implements I<B> { public T foo() {return null;} }\n",
-				"",
-				"class K<T> implements I<T> { public T foo() {return null;} }\n",
-				"",
-				"class L<T> implements I { public T foo() {return null;} }\n",
-				"",
-				"class Y<T> extends X<A> { @Override public T foo() { return; } }\n",
-				"",
-				"class Z<T> extends X<T> { @Override public T foo() { return; } }\n",
-				"",
-				"class W<T> extends X { @Override public T foo() { return; } }\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	class J<T> implements I<B> { public T foo() {return null;} }\n" + 
-			"	                                    ^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with I<B>.foo()\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	class L<T> implements I { public T foo() {return null;} }\n" + 
-			"	                      ^\n" + 
-			"I is a raw type. References to generic type I<U> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	class Y<T> extends X<A> { @Override public T foo() { return; } }\n" + 
-			"	                                           ^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with X<A>.foo()\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	class Y<T> extends X<A> { @Override public T foo() { return; } }\n" + 
-			"	                                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type mismatch: cannot convert from A to T\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	class W<T> extends X { @Override public T foo() { return; } }\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"X is a raw type. References to generic type X<U> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	class W<T> extends X { @Override public T foo() { return; } }\n" + 
-			"	                                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to T\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			/*
- J is not abstract and does not override abstract method foo() in I
- foo() in J cannot implement foo() in I; attempting to use incompatible return type
- incompatible types
-			found   : java.lang.Object
-			required: T
-			class W<T> extends X { public T foo() { return; } }
- foo() in Y cannot override foo() in X; attempting to use incompatible return type
- incompatible types
-			found   : A
-			required: T
-			class Y<T> extends X<A> { public T foo() { return; } }
-			 */
-		);
-	}
-	public void test006() { // pick up superTypes as binaries
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A {}\n",
-				"",
-				"class B {}\n",
-				"",
-				"class X<U> { public U foo() {return null;} }\n",
-				"",
-				"interface I<U> { public U foo(); }\n",
-			},
-			""
-		);
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class J<T> implements I<B> { public T foo() {return null;} }\n",
-				"",
-				"class K<T> implements I<T> { public T foo() {return null;} }\n",
-				"",
-				"class L<T> implements I { public T foo() {return null;} }\n",
-				"",
-				"class Y<T> extends X<A> { @Override public T foo() { return; } }\n",
-				"",
-				"class Z<T> extends X<T> { @Override public T foo() { return; } }\n",
-				"",
-				"class W<T> extends X { @Override public T foo() { return; } }\n",
-				},
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-				"	class J<T> implements I<B> { public T foo() {return null;} }\n" + 
-				"	                                    ^\n" + 
-				"The return type is incompatible with I<B>.foo()\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-				"	class L<T> implements I { public T foo() {return null;} }\n" + 
-				"	                      ^\n" + 
-				"I is a raw type. References to generic type I<U> should be parameterized\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-				"	class Y<T> extends X<A> { @Override public T foo() { return; } }\n" + 
-				"	                                           ^\n" + 
-				"The return type is incompatible with X<A>.foo()\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-				"	class Y<T> extends X<A> { @Override public T foo() { return; } }\n" + 
-				"	                                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Type mismatch: cannot convert from A to T\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-				"	class W<T> extends X { @Override public T foo() { return; } }\n" + 
-				"	                   ^\n" + 
-				"X is a raw type. References to generic type X<U> should be parameterized\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-				"	class W<T> extends X { @Override public T foo() { return; } }\n" + 
-				"	                                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to T\n" + 
-				"----------\n",
-			/*
- J is not abstract and does not override abstract method foo() in I
- foo() in J cannot implement foo() in I; attempting to use incompatible return type
- incompatible types
-			found   : java.lang.Object
-			required: T
-			class W<T> extends X { public T foo() { return; } }
- foo() in Y cannot override foo() in X; attempting to use incompatible return type
- incompatible types
-			found   : A
-			required: T
-			class Y<T> extends X<A> { public T foo() { return; } }
-			 */
-			null,
-			false,
-			null
-		);
-	}
-	public void test007() { // simple covariance cases
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"abstract class A implements I {}\n" +
-				"interface I extends J { String foo(); }\n" +
-				"interface J { Object foo(); }\n",
-				"",
-				"abstract class X1 extends A implements J {}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test007a() { // simple covariance cases
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"abstract class A implements I {}\n" +
-				"interface I extends J { Object foo(); }\n" +
-				"interface J { String foo(); }\n",
-				"",
-				"abstract class X2 extends A implements J {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class A implements I {}\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with,\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	interface I extends J { Object foo(); }\n" + 
-			"	                        ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class X2 extends A implements J {}\n" + 
-			"	               ^^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with,\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test007b() { // simple covariance cases
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"abstract class A implements I {}\n" +
-				"interface I { String foo(); }\n",
-				"",
-				"abstract class X3 extends A implements J {}\n" +
-				"interface J { Object foo(); }\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test007c() { // simple covariance cases
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"abstract class A implements I {}\n" +
-				"interface I { Object foo(); }\n",
-				"",
-				"abstract class X4 extends A implements J {}\n" +
-				"interface J { String foo(); }\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test007d() { // simple covariance cases
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A { public String foo() { return null; } }\n" +
-				"interface I { Object foo(); }\n",
-				"",
-				"abstract class X5 extends A implements I {}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test007e() { // simple covariance cases
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A { public Object foo() { return null; } }\n" +
-				"interface I { String foo(); }\n",
-				"",
-				"abstract class X6 extends A implements I {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	abstract class X6 extends A implements I {}\r\n" + 
-			"	               ^^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with,\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test007f() { // simple covariance cases
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A { int get(short i, short s) { return i; } }\n" +
-				"class B extends A { @Override short get(short i, short s) {return i; } }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	class B extends A { @Override short get(short i, short s) {return i; } }\r\n" + 
-			"	                              ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with A.get(short, short)\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test008() { // covariance test
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface I { I foo(); }\n" +
-				"class A implements I { public A foo() { return null; } }\n" +
-				"class B extends A { @Override public B foo() { return null; } }\n" +
-				"class C extends B { @Override public A foo() { return null; } }\n" +
-				"class D extends B implements I {}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-			"	class C extends B { @Override public A foo() { return null; } }\r\n" + 
-			"	                                     ^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// foo() in C cannot override foo() in B; attempting to use incompatible return type
-		);
-	}
-	public void test009() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class G<T> {}\n" +
-				"interface I { void foo(G<I> x); }\n" +
-				"abstract class A implements I { void foo(G<A> x) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	abstract class A implements I { void foo(G<A> x) {} }\r\n" + 
-			"	                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(G<A>) of type A has the same erasure as foo(G<I>) of type I but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: foo(G<A>) in A and foo(G<I>) in I have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test009a() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class G<T> {}\n" +
-				"interface I { I foo(G<I> x); }\n" +
-				"abstract class A implements I { I foo(G<A> x) { return null; } }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	abstract class A implements I { I foo(G<A> x) { return null; } }\r\n" + 
-			"	                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(G<A>) of type A has the same erasure as foo(G<I>) of type I but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: foo(G<A>) in A and foo(G<I>) in I have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test010() { // executable bridge method case
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"    public X foo() {\n" +
-				"        System.out.println(\"Did NOT add bridge method\");\n" +
-				"        return this;\n" +
-				"    }\n" +
-				"    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {\n" +
-				"        X x = new A();\n" +
-				";\n" +
-				"        System.out.print(\" + \");\n" +
-				"        I i = new A();\n" +
-				";\n" +
-				"    }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface I {\n" +
-				"    public I foo();\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A extends X implements I {\n" +
-				"    public A foo() {\n" +
-				"        System.out.print(\"Added bridge method\");\n" +
-				"        return this;\n" +
-				"    }\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"Added bridge method + Added bridge method"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test011() {
-		// javac 1.5.0 will only issue 1 name clash per compile... doesn't matter how many source files are involved
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A { <T> void foo(T t) {} }\n" +
-				"interface I { <T> void foo(T t); }\n",
-				"",
-				"abstract class X1 extends A implements I {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	abstract class X1 extends A implements I {}\r\n" + 
-			"	               ^^\n" + 
-			"The inherited method cannot hide the public abstract method in I\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// <T>foo(T) in A cannot implement <T>foo(T) in I; attempting to assign weaker access privileges; was public
-		);
-	}
-	public void test011a() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A { <T, S> void foo(T t) {} }\n" +
-				"interface I { <T> void foo(T t); }\n",
-				"",
-				"abstract class X2 extends A implements I {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class X2 extends A implements I {}\n" + 
-			"	               ^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(T) of type A has the same erasure as foo(T) of type I but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: <T,S>foo(T) in A and <T>foo(T) in I have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test011b() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A { <T> void foo(T t) {} }\n" +
-				"interface I { <T, S> void foo(T t); }\n",
-				"",
-				"abstract class X3 extends A implements I {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class X3 extends A implements I {}\n" + 
-			"	               ^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(T) of type A has the same erasure as foo(T) of type I but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: <T>foo(T) in A and <T,S>foo(T) in I have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test012() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A { public <T> void foo(T s) {} }\n" +
-				"class Y1 extends A { @Override void foo(Object s) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	class Y1 extends A { @Override void foo(Object s) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Cannot reduce the visibility of the inherited method from A\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// foo(java.lang.Object) in Y1 cannot override <T>foo(T) in A; attempting to assign weaker access privileges; was public
-		);
-	}		
-	public void test012a() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A { public <T> void foo(T[] s) {} }\n" +
-				"class Y2 extends A { @Override void foo(Object[] s) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	class Y2 extends A { @Override void foo(Object[] s) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Cannot reduce the visibility of the inherited method from A\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// foo(java.lang.Object[]) in Y2 cannot override <T>foo(T[]) in A; attempting to assign weaker access privileges; was public
-		);
-	}
-	public void test012b() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A { public void foo(Class<Object> s) {} }\n" +
-				"class Y3 extends A { @Override void foo(Class<Object> s) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	class Y3 extends A { @Override void foo(Class<Object> s) {} }\r\n" + 
-			"	                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Cannot reduce the visibility of the inherited method from A\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// foo(java.lang.Class<java.lang.Object>) in Y3 cannot override foo(java.lang.Class<java.lang.Object>) in A; attempting to assign weaker access privileges; was public
-		);
-	}
-	public void test013() {
-		// javac 1.5.0 will only issue 1 name clash per compile... doesn't matter how many source files are involved
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A { public <T> void foo(Class<T> s) {} }\n" +
-				"interface I { <T> void foo(Class<T> s); }\n",
-				"",
-				"abstract class X0 extends A implements I {}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test013a() {
-		// javac 1.5.0 will only issue 1 name clash per compile... doesn't matter how many source files are involved
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A { <T, S> void foo(Class<T> s) {} }\n" +
-				"interface I { <T> void foo(Class<T> s); }\n",
-				"",
-				"abstract class X1 extends A implements I {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	abstract class X1 extends A implements I {}\r\n" + 
-			"	               ^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(Class<T>) of type A has the same erasure as foo(Class<T>) of type I but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: <T,S>foo(java.lang.Class<T>) in A and <T>foo(java.lang.Class<T>) in I have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test013b() {
-		// javac 1.5.0 will only issue 1 name clash per compile... doesn't matter how many source files are involved
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A { <T> void foo(Class<T> s) {} }\n" +
-				"interface I { <T, S> void foo(Class<T> s); }\n",
-				"",
-				"abstract class X2 extends A implements I {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	abstract class X2 extends A implements I {}\r\n" + 
-			"	               ^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(Class<T>) of type A has the same erasure as foo(Class<T>) of type I but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: <T>foo(java.lang.Class<T>) in A and <T,S>foo(java.lang.Class<T>) in I have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test013c() {
-		// javac 1.5.0 will only issue 1 name clash per compile... doesn't matter how many source files are involved
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A { <T, S> S foo(Class<T> s) { return null; } }\n" +
-				"interface I { <T> Object foo(Class<T> s); }\n",
-				"",
-				"abstract class X3 extends A implements I {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	abstract class X3 extends A implements I {}\r\n" + 
-			"	               ^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(Class<T>) of type A has the same erasure as foo(Class<T>) of type I but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: <T,S>foo(java.lang.Class<T>) in A and <T>foo(java.lang.Class<T>) in I have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test013d() {
-		// javac 1.5.0 will only issue 1 name clash per compile... doesn't matter how many source files are involved
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A { <T> Object foo(Class<T> s) { return null; } }\n" +
-				"interface I { <T, S> S foo(Class<T> s); }\n",
-				"",
-				"abstract class X4 extends A implements I {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	abstract class X4 extends A implements I {}\r\n" + 
-			"	               ^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(Class<T>) of type A has the same erasure as foo(Class<T>) of type I but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: <T>foo(java.lang.Class<T>) in A and <T,S>foo(java.lang.Class<T>) in I have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test013e() {
-		// javac 1.5.0 will only issue 1 name clash per compile... doesn't matter how many source files are involved
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A { public <T, S> void foo(Class<T> s) {} }\n" +
-				"interface I { <T> void foo(Class<T> s); }\n",
-				"",
-				"class X5 extends A implements I { public <T> void foo(Class<T> s) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	class X5 extends A implements I { public <T> void foo(Class<T> s) {} }\r\n" + 
-			"	                                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(Class<T>) of type X5 has the same erasure as foo(Class<T>) of type A but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: <T>foo(java.lang.Class<T>) in X5 and <T,S>foo(java.lang.Class<T>) in A have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test014() { // name clash tests
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class X { void foo(A a) {} }\n" + 
-				"class Y extends X { void foo(A a) {} }\n" + 
-				"class A<T> {}\n" 
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test014a() { // name clash tests
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class X { void foo(A[] a) {} }\n" + 
-				"class Y extends X { void foo(A[] a) {} }\n" + 
-				"class A<T> {}\n" 
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test014b() { // name clash tests
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class X { void foo(A<String>[] a) {} }\n" + 
-				"class Y extends X { void foo(A[] a) {} }\n" + 
-				"class A<T> {}\n" 
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test014c() { // name clash tests
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class X { void foo(A<String> a) {} }\n" + 
-				"class Y extends X { void foo(A a) {} }\n" + 
-				"class A<T> {}\n" 
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test014d() { // name clash tests
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class X { void foo(A a) {} }\n" + 
-				"class Y extends X { void foo(A<String> a) {} }\n" + 
-				"class A<T> {}\n" 
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	class X { void foo(A a) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"A is a raw type. References to generic type A<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	class Y extends X { void foo(A<String> a) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(A<String>) of type Y has the same erasure as foo(A) of type X but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: foo(A<java.lang.String>) in Y and foo(A) in X have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test014e() { // name clash tests
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class X { void foo(A[] a) {} }\n" + 
-				"class Y extends X { void foo(A<String>[] a) {} }\n" + 
-				"class A<T> {}\n" 
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	class X { void foo(A[] a) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"A is a raw type. References to generic type A<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	class Y extends X { void foo(A<String>[] a) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(A<String>[]) of type Y has the same erasure as foo(A[]) of type X but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: foo(A<java.lang.String>[]) in Y and foo(A[]) in X have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test015() { // more name clash tests
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"abstract class X extends Y implements I { }\n" + 
-				"interface I { void foo(A a); }\n" + 
-				"class Y { public void foo(A a) {} }\n" + 
-				"class A<T> {}\n" 
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test015a() { // more name clash tests
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"abstract class X extends Y implements I { }\n" + 
-				"interface I { void foo(A[] a); }\n" + 
-				"class Y { public void foo(A[] a) {} }\n" + 
-				"class A<T> {}\n" 
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test015b() { // more name clash tests
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"abstract class X extends Y implements I { }\n" + 
-				"interface I { void foo(A<String>[] a); }\n" + 
-				"class Y { public void foo(A[] a) {} }\n" + 
-				"class A<T> {}\n" 
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test015c() { // more name clash tests
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"abstract class X extends Y implements I { }\n" + 
-				"interface I { void foo(A<String> a); }\n" + 
-				"class Y { public void foo(A a) {} }\n" + 
-				"class A<T> {}\n" 
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test015d() { // more name clash tests
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"abstract class X extends Y implements I { }\n" + 
-				"interface I { void foo(A a); }\n" + 
-				"class Y { public void foo(A<String> a) {} }\n" + 
-				"class A<T> {}\n" 
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class X extends Y implements I { }\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(A<String>) of type Y has the same erasure as foo(A) of type I but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	interface I { void foo(A a); }\n" + 
-			"	                       ^\n" + 
-			"A is a raw type. References to generic type A<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: foo(A<java.lang.String>) in Y and foo(A) in I have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test015e() { // more name clash tests
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"abstract class X extends Y implements I { }\n" + 
-				"interface I { void foo(A[] a); }\n" + 
-				"class Y { public void foo(A<String>[] a) {} }\n" + 
-				"class A<T> {}\n" 
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class X extends Y implements I { }\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(A<String>[]) of type Y has the same erasure as foo(A[]) of type I but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	interface I { void foo(A[] a); }\n" + 
-			"	                       ^\n" + 
-			"A is a raw type. References to generic type A<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: foo(A<java.lang.String>[]) in Y and foo(A[]) in I have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test016() { // 73971
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	<E extends A> void m(E e) { System.out.print(\"A=\"+e.getClass()); }\n" + 
-				"	<E extends B> void m(E e) { System.out.print(\"B=\"+e.getClass()); }\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		new X().m(new A());\n" +
-				"		new X().m(new B());\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A {}\n" + 
-				"class B extends A {}\n"
-			},
-			"A=class AB=class B"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test016b() { // 73971
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	static <E extends A> void m(E e) { System.out.print(\"A=\"+e.getClass()); }\n" + 
-				"	static <E extends B> void m(E e) { System.out.print(\"B=\"+e.getClass()); }\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		m(new A());\n" +
-				"		m(new B());\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A {}\n" + 
-				"class B extends A {}\n"
-			},
-			"A=class AB=class B"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test017() { // 77785
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class X<T> {}\n" + 
-				"class Y { void test(X<? extends Number> a) {} }\n" + 
-				"class Z extends Y { void test(X<Number> a) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	class Z extends Y { void test(X<Number> a) {} }\r\n" + 
-			"	                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method test(X<Number>) of type Z has the same erasure as test(X<? extends Number>) of type Y but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: test(X<java.lang.Number>) in Z and test(X<? extends java.lang.Number>) in Y have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test017a() { // 77785
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class X<T> {}\n" + 
-				"class Y { void test(X<Number> a) {} }\n" + 
-				"class Z extends Y { void test(X<? extends Number> a) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	class Z extends Y { void test(X<? extends Number> a) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method test(X<? extends Number>) of type Z has the same erasure as test(X<Number>) of type Y but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: test(X<? extends java.lang.Number>) in Z and test(X<java.lang.Number>) in Y have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test018() { // 77861
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class X implements Comparable<X> {\n" + 
-				"	public int compareTo(Object o) { return 0; }\n" + 
-				"	public int compareTo(X o) { return 1; }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	public int compareTo(Object o) { return 0; }\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method compareTo(Object) of type X has the same erasure as compareTo(T) of type Comparable<T> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: compareTo(java.lang.Object) in X and compareTo(T) in java.lang.Comparable<X> have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test019() { // 78140
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class A {\n" + 
-				"	<T> T get() { return null; } \n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class B extends A {\n" + 
-				"	<T> T get() { return null; } \n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test020() { // 78232
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		AbstractBase ab = new AbstractBase();\n" + 
-				"		Derived d = new Derived();\n" + 
-				"		AbstractBase ab2 = new Derived();\n" + 
-				"		Visitor<String, String> v = new MyVisitor();\n" + 
-				"		System.out.print(ab.accept(v, ab.getClass().getName()));\n" + 
-				"		System.out.print('+');\n" + 
-				"		System.out.print(d.accept(v, d.getClass().getName()));\n" + 
-				"		System.out.print('+');\n" + 
-				"		System.out.print(ab2.accept(v, ab2.getClass().getName()));\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	static class MyVisitor implements Visitor<String, String> {\n" + 
-				"		public String visitBase(AbstractBase ab, String obj) { return \"Visited base: \" + obj; }\n" + 
-				"		public String visitDerived(Derived d, String obj) { return \"Visited derived: \" + obj; }\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"interface Visitor<R, T> {\n" + 
-				"	R visitBase(AbstractBase ab, T obj);\n" + 
-				"	R visitDerived(Derived d, T obj);\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"interface Visitable {\n" + 
-				"	<R, T> R accept(Visitor<R, T> v, T obj);\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class AbstractBase implements Visitable {\n" + 
-				"	public <R, T> R accept(Visitor<R, T> v, T obj) { return v.visitBase(this, obj); }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class Derived extends AbstractBase implements Visitable {\n" + 
-				"	public <R, T> R accept(Visitor<R, T> v, T obj) { return v.visitDerived(this, obj); }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"Visited base: AbstractBase+Visited derived: Derived+Visited derived: Derived"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test021() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class A {\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(java.util.Map<String, Class<?>> m) { } \n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"",
-				"class B extends A {\n" + 
-				"	@Override void foo(java.util.Map<String, Class<?>> m) { } \n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	@Override void foo(java.util.Map<String, Class<?>> m) { } \r\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Cannot reduce the visibility of the inherited method from A\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-		// now save A & pick it up as a binary type
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class A {\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(java.util.Map<String, Class<?>> m) { } \n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class B extends A {\n" + 
-				"	@Override void foo(java.util.Map<String, Class<?>> m) { } \n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	@Override void foo(java.util.Map<String, Class<?>> m) { } \r\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Cannot reduce the visibility of the inherited method from A\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-			null,
-			false,
-			null
-		);
-	}
-	public void test022() { // 77562
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-				"class A { List getList() { return null; } }\n" + 
-				"class B extends A { @Override List<String> getList() { return null; } }\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test022a() { // 77562
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-				"class A { List<String> getList() { return null; } }\n" + 
-				"class B extends A { @Override List getList() { return null; } }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	class B extends A { @Override List getList() { return null; } }\n" + 
-			"	                              ^^^^\n" + 
-			"List is a raw type. References to generic type List<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	class B extends A { @Override List getList() { return null; } }\n" + 
-			"	                              ^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The return type List for getList() from the type B needs unchecked conversion to conform to List<String> from the type A\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// unchecked warning on B.getList()
-		);
-	}
-	public void test023() { // 80739
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A<T> {\n" + 
-				"	void foo(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"	void foo(String i) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class B extends A<String> {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-			"	class B extends A<String> {}\r\n" + 
-			"	      ^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate methods named foo with the parameters (String) and (T) are defined by the type A<String>\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// methods foo(T) from A<java.lang.String> and foo(java.lang.String) from A<java.lang.String> are inherited with the same signature
-		);
-	}
-	public void test024() { // 80626
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A {\n" + 
-				"	public <E extends Object> void m(E e) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class B extends A {\n" + 
-				"	public void m(Object e) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			""
-			// no complaint
-		);
-	}
-	public void test024a() { // 80626
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A {\n" + 
-				"	public void m(Object e) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class B extends A {\n" + 
-				"	public <E extends Object> void m(E e) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-			"	public <E extends Object> void m(E e) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                               ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method m(E) of type B has the same erasure as m(Object) of type A but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: <E>m(E) in B and m(java.lang.Object) in A have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test024b() { // 80626
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A {\n" + 
-				"	public <E extends Object> void m(E e) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class B extends A {\n" + 
-				"	@Override public void m(Object e) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class C extends B {\n" + 
-				"	public <E extends Object> void m(E e) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\r\n" + 
-			"	public <E extends Object> void m(E e) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                               ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method m(E) of type C has the same erasure as m(Object) of type B but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: <E>m(E) in C and m(java.lang.Object) in B have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test025() { // 81618
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		new B().test();\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A {\n" + 
-				"	<T extends Number> T test() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class B extends A {\n" + 
-				"	@Override Integer test() { return 1; }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	@Override Integer test() { return 1; }\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The return type Integer for test() from the type B needs unchecked conversion to conform to T from the type A\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// warning: test() in B overrides <T>test() in A; return type requires unchecked conversion
-		);
-	}
-	public void test025a() { // 81618
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		new B().test();\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A {\n" + 
-				"	<T extends Number> T[] test() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class B extends A {\n" + 
-				"	@Override Integer[] test() { return new Integer[] {2}; }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	@Override Integer[] test() { return new Integer[] {2}; }\n" + 
-			"	          ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The return type Integer[] for test() from the type B needs unchecked conversion to conform to T[] from the type A\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// warning: test() in B overrides <T>test() in A; return type requires unchecked conversion
-		);
-	}
-	public void test025b() { // 81618
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		System.out.println(new B().<Integer>test(new Integer(1)));\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A {\n" + 
-				"	<T> T test(T t) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class B extends A {\n" + 
-				"	@Override <T> T test(T t) { return t; }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"1"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test025c() { // 81618
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		System.out.println(new B().<Number>test(1));\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A<T> {\n" + 
-				"	<U> T test(U u) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class B extends A<Integer> {\n" + 
-				"	@Override <U> Integer test(U u) { return 1; }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"1"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test025d() { // 81618
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.concurrent.Callable;\n" + 
-				"public class A {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {\n" + 
-				"		Callable<Integer> integerCallable = new Callable<Integer>() {\n" + 
-				"			public Integer call() { return new Integer(1); }\n" + 
-				"		};\n" + 
-				"		System.out.println(;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"1"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test025e() { // 81618
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface X<T extends X> { T x(); }\n" +
-				"abstract class Y<S extends X> implements X<S> { public abstract S x(); }\n" +
-				"abstract class Z implements X { public abstract X x(); }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	interface X<T extends X> { T x(); }\n" + 
-			"	                      ^\n" + 
-			"X is a raw type. References to generic type X<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class Y<S extends X> implements X<S> { public abstract S x(); }\n" + 
-			"	                           ^\n" + 
-			"X is a raw type. References to generic type X<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class Z implements X { public abstract X x(); }\n" + 
-			"	                            ^\n" + 
-			"X is a raw type. References to generic type X<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class Z implements X { public abstract X x(); }\n" + 
-			"	                                                ^\n" + 
-			"X is a raw type. References to generic type X<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}		
-	public void test025f() { // 81618
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface X<T extends X> { T[] x(); }\n" +
-				"abstract class Y<S extends X> implements X<S> { public abstract S[] x(); }\n" +
-				"abstract class Z implements X { public abstract X[] x(); }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	interface X<T extends X> { T[] x(); }\n" + 
-			"	                      ^\n" + 
-			"X is a raw type. References to generic type X<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class Y<S extends X> implements X<S> { public abstract S[] x(); }\n" + 
-			"	                           ^\n" + 
-			"X is a raw type. References to generic type X<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class Z implements X { public abstract X[] x(); }\n" + 
-			"	                            ^\n" + 
-			"X is a raw type. References to generic type X<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class Z implements X { public abstract X[] x(); }\n" + 
-			"	                                                ^\n" + 
-			"X is a raw type. References to generic type X<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test026() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		System.out.print(\n" + 
-				"			new B().test().getClass() + \" & \"\n" + 
-				"			+ new C().test().getClass() + \" & \"\n" + 
-				"			+ new D().test().getClass());\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A<T extends Number> {\n" + 
-				"	A<T> test() { return this; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class B extends A {\n" + 
-				"	A test() { return super.test(); }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class C extends A<Integer> {\n" + 
-				"	A<Integer> test() { return super.test(); }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class D<U, V extends Number> extends A<V> {\n" + 
-				"	A<V> test() { return super.test(); }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"class B & class C & class D"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test026a() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public abstract class A<E> {\n" + 
-				"	public abstract A<E> test();\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class H<K,V> {\n" + 
-				"	class M extends A<K> {\n" + 
-				"		public A<K> test() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}		
-	public void test026b() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X extends java.util.AbstractMap {\n" + 
-				"	public java.util.Set entrySet() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}		
-	public void test026c() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		System.out.print(new C().test().getClass());\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A<T extends Number> {\n" + 
-				"	A<T> test() { return this; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class C extends A<Integer> {\n" + 
-				"	@Override A test() { return super.test(); }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	@Override A test() { return super.test(); }\n" + 
-			"	          ^\n" + 
-			"A is a raw type. References to generic type A<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	@Override A test() { return super.test(); }\n" + 
-			"	          ^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The return type A for test() from the type C needs unchecked conversion to conform to A<T> from the type A<T>\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// warning: test() in C overrides test() in A; return type requires unchecked conversion
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test027() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X { <T> void test() {} }\n" + 
-				"class Y extends X { void test() {} }\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test027a() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X { void test() {} }\n" + 
-				"class Y extends X { <T> void test() {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	class Y extends X { <T> void test() {} }\n" + 
-			"	                             ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method test() of type Y has the same erasure as test() of type X but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: <T>foo() in Y and foo() in X have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test027b() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X<T> { void test(T o) {} }\n" + 
-				"class Y<T> extends X<T> { void test(Object o) {} }\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test027c() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X<T> { void test(T o, T t) {} }\n" + 
-				"class Y<T> extends X<T> { void test(Object o, T t) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	class Y<T> extends X<T> { void test(Object o, T t) {} }\r\n" + 
-			"	                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method test(Object, T) of type Y<T> has the same erasure as test(T, T) of type X<T> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: test(java.lang.Object,T) in Y<T> and test(T,T) in X<T> have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test027d() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	void test() {\n" + 
-				"		Pair<Double, Integer> p = new InvertedPair<Integer, Double>();\n" + 
-				"		p.setA(new Double(1.1));\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Pair<A, B> {\n" + 
-				"	public void setA(A a) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class InvertedPair<A, B> extends Pair<B, A> {\n" + 
-				"	public void setA(A a) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	public void setA(A a) {}\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method setA(A) of type InvertedPair<A,B> has the same erasure as setA(A) of type Pair<A,B> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: setA(A) in InvertedPair<A,B> and setA(A) in Pair<B,A> have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test028() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X implements I<X>{\n" + 
-				"	public X foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface I<T extends I> { T foo(); }\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test029() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface I {\n" + 
-				"	public I clone();\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface J extends I {}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test030() {
-		java.util.Map options = super.getCompilerOptions();
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4);	
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import;\n" + 
-				"import;\n" + 
-				"public class X extends PrintWriter implements Runnable {\n" + 
-				"	public X(OutputStreamWriter out, boolean flag) { super(out, flag); }\n" +
-				"	public void run() {}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"",
-			null, // use default class-path
-			false, // do not flush previous output dir content
-			null, // no special vm args
-			options,
-			null
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test031() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface X { long hashCode(); }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	interface X { long hashCode(); }\r\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with Object.hashCode()\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// hashCode() in X cannot override hashCode() in java.lang.Object; attempting to use incompatible return type
-		);
-	}
-	// &
-	public void test032() {
-		// NOTE: javac only reports these errors when the problem type follows the bounds
-		// if the type X is defined first, then no errors are reported
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface I { Integer foo(); }\n" +
-				"interface J { Integer foo(); }\n" +
-				"public class X<T extends I&J> implements I {\n" +
-				"	public Integer foo() { return null; }\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	// &
-	public void test032a() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface I { Float foo(); }\n" +
-				"interface J { Integer foo(); }\n" +
-				"public class X<T extends I&J> {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	public class X<T extends I&J> {}\r\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with,\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// types J and I are incompatible; both define foo(), but with unrelated return types
-		);
-	}
-	// &
-	public void test032b() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface I { String foo(); }\n" +
-				"class A { public Object foo() { return null; } }" +
-				"public class X<T extends A&I> {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	class A { public Object foo() { return null; } }public class X<T extends A&I> {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                                                               ^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with,\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// foo() in A cannot implement foo() in I; attempting to use incompatible return type
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test033() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface I { Number foo(); }\n" +
-				"interface J { Integer foo(); }\n" +
-				"public class X implements I, J {\n" +
-				"	public Integer foo() {return 1;}\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" +
-				"		I i = null;\n" +
-				"		J j = null;\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(i instanceof J);\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('=');\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(j instanceof I);\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"false=false"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test033a() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface I { Number foo(A a); }\n" +
-				"interface J<T> { Integer foo(A<T> a); }\n" +
-				"class A<T>{}\n" +
-				"public class X implements I, J {\n" +
-				"	public Integer foo(A a) {return 1;}\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" +
-				"		I i = null;\n" +
-				"		J j = null;\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(i instanceof J);\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('=');\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(j instanceof I);\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"false=false"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test034() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface I<E extends Comparable<E>> { void test(E element); }\n" +
-				"class A implements I<Integer> { public void test(Integer i) {} }\n" +
-				"public class B extends A { public void test(String i) {} }\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test034a() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface I<E extends Comparable> { void test(E element); }\n" +
-				"class A { public void test(Integer i) {} }\n" +
-				"public class B extends A implements I<Integer> {}\n" +
-				"class C extends B { public void test(Object i) {} }\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test034b() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface I<E extends Comparable> { void test(E element); }\n" +
-				"class A { public void test(Integer i) {} }\n" +
-				"public class B extends A implements I<Integer> { public void test(Comparable i) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	interface I<E extends Comparable> { void test(E element); }\n" + 
-			"	                      ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Comparable is a raw type. References to generic type Comparable<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	public class B extends A implements I<Integer> { public void test(Comparable i) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                                                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method test(Comparable) of type B has the same erasure as test(E) of type I<E> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	public class B extends A implements I<Integer> { public void test(Comparable i) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                                                                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Comparable is a raw type. References to generic type Comparable<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: test(java.lang.Comparable) in B and test(E) in I<java.lang.Integer> have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test034c() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface I<E extends Comparable<E>> { void test(E element); }\n" +
-				"class A implements I<Integer> { public void test(Integer i) {} }\n" +
-				"public class B extends A { public void test(Comparable i) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	public class B extends A { public void test(Comparable i) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method test(Comparable) of type B has the same erasure as test(E) of type I<E> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	public class B extends A { public void test(Comparable i) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                                            ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Comparable is a raw type. References to generic type Comparable<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: test(java.lang.Comparable) in B and test(E) in I<java.lang.Integer> have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test034d() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"abstract class AA<E extends Comparable> { abstract void test(E element); }\n" +
-				"class A extends AA<Integer> { @Override public void test(Integer i) {} }\n" +
-				"public class B extends A { public void test(Comparable i) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class AA<E extends Comparable> { abstract void test(E element); }\n" + 
-			"	                            ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Comparable is a raw type. References to generic type Comparable<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	public class B extends A { public void test(Comparable i) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method test(Comparable) of type B has the same erasure as test(E) of type AA<E> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	public class B extends A { public void test(Comparable i) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                                            ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Comparable is a raw type. References to generic type Comparable<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: test(java.lang.Comparable) in B and test(E) in AA<java.lang.Integer> have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test035() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface I<U>{ int compareTo(U o); }\n" +
-				"abstract class F<T extends F<T>> implements I<T>{ public final int compareTo(T o) { return 0; } }\n" +
-				"public class E extends F<E> { public int compareTo(Object o) { return 0; } }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	public class E extends F<E> { public int compareTo(Object o) { return 0; } }\n" + 
-			"	                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method compareTo(Object) of type E has the same erasure as compareTo(U) of type I<U> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: compareTo(java.lang.Object) in E and compareTo(U) in I<E> have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test035a() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public enum X {\n" +
-				"	;\n" +
-				"	public int compareTo(Object o) { return 0; }\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	public int compareTo(Object o) { return 0; }\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method compareTo(Object) of type X has the same erasure as compareTo(T) of type Comparable<T> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: compareTo(java.lang.Object) in X and compareTo(T) in java.lang.Comparable<X> have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test036() { // 2 interface cases
-		// no bridge methods are created in these conform cases so no name clashes can occur
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class X implements Equivalent, EqualityComparable {\n" +
-				"	public boolean equalTo(Object other) { return true; }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"abstract class Y implements Equivalent, EqualityComparable {}\n" +
-				"class Z extends Y {\n" +
-				"	public boolean equalTo(Object other) { return true; }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface Equivalent<T> { boolean equalTo(T other); }\n" +
-				"interface EqualityComparable<T> { boolean equalTo(T other); }\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test036a() { // 2 interface cases
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class X implements Equivalent, EqualityComparable {\n" +
-				"	public boolean equalTo(Comparable other) { return true; }\n" +
-				"	public boolean equalTo(Number other) { return true; }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"abstract class Y implements Equivalent, EqualityComparable {}\n" +
-				"class Z extends Y {\n" +
-				"	public boolean equalTo(Comparable other) { return true; }\n" +
-				"	public boolean equalTo(Number other) { return true; }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface Equivalent<T extends Comparable> { boolean equalTo(T other); }\n" +
-				"interface EqualityComparable<T extends Number> { boolean equalTo(T other); }\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test036b() { // 2 interface cases
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class X<S> implements Equivalent<S>, EqualityComparable<S> {\n" +
-				"	public boolean equalTo(S other) { return true; }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"abstract class Y<S> implements Equivalent<S>, EqualityComparable<S> {}\n" +
-				"class Z<U> extends Y<U> {\n" +
-				"	public boolean equalTo(U other) { return true; }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface Equivalent<T> { boolean equalTo(T other); }\n" +
-				"interface EqualityComparable<T> { boolean equalTo(T other); }\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test036c() { // 2 interface cases
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class X<T extends Comparable, S extends Number> implements Equivalent<T>, EqualityComparable<S> {\n" +
-				"	public boolean equalTo(T other) { return true; }\n" +
-				"	public boolean equalTo(S other) { return true; }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"abstract class Y<T extends Comparable, S extends Number> implements Equivalent<T>, EqualityComparable<S> {}\n" +
-				"class Z<U extends Comparable, V extends Number> extends Y<U, V> {\n" +
-				"	public boolean equalTo(U other) { return true; }\n" +
-				"	public boolean equalTo(V other) { return true; }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface Equivalent<T extends Comparable> { boolean equalTo(T other); }\n" +
-				"interface EqualityComparable<S extends Number> { boolean equalTo(S other); }\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test036d() { // 2 interface cases
-		// in these cases, bridge methods are needed once abstract/concrete methods are defiined (either in the abstract class or a concrete subclass)
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"abstract class Y implements Equivalent<String>, EqualityComparable<Integer> {\n" +
-				"	public abstract boolean equalTo(Number other);\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface Equivalent<T> { boolean equalTo(T other); }\n" +
-				"interface EqualityComparable<T> { boolean equalTo(T other); }\n"
-			},
-			""
-			// no bridge methods are created here since Y does not define an equalTo(?) method which equals an inherited equalTo method
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test036e() { // 2 interface cases
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"abstract class Y implements Equivalent<String>, EqualityComparable<Integer> {\n" +
-				"	public abstract boolean equalTo(Object other);\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface Equivalent<T> { boolean equalTo(T other); }\n" +
-				"interface EqualityComparable<T> { boolean equalTo(T other); }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	public abstract boolean equalTo(Object other);\n" + 
-			"	                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method equalTo(Object) of type Y has the same erasure as equalTo(T) of type Equivalent<T> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	public abstract boolean equalTo(Object other);\n" + 
-			"	                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method equalTo(Object) of type Y has the same erasure as equalTo(T) of type EqualityComparable<T> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: equalTo(java.lang.Object) in Y and equalTo(T) in Equivalent<java.lang.String> have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}		
-	//
-	public void test036f() { // 2 interface cases
-		// NOTE: javac has a bug, reverse the implemented interfaces & the name clash goes away
-		// but eventually when a concrete subclass must define the remaining method, the error shows up
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"abstract class Y implements Equivalent<String>, EqualityComparable<Integer> {\n" +
-				"	public abstract boolean equalTo(String other);\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface Equivalent<T> { boolean equalTo(T other); }\n" +
-				"interface EqualityComparable<T> { boolean equalTo(T other); }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class Y implements Equivalent<String>, EqualityComparable<Integer> {\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method equalTo(T) of type Equivalent<T> has the same erasure as equalTo(T) of type EqualityComparable<T> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: equalTo(T) in Equivalent<java.lang.String> and equalTo(T) in EqualityComparable<java.lang.Integer> have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test036g() { // 2 interface cases
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"abstract class Y implements EqualityComparable<Integer>, Equivalent<String> {\n" +
-				"	public boolean equalTo(Integer other) { return true; }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface Equivalent<T> { boolean equalTo(T other); }\n" +
-				"interface EqualityComparable<T> { boolean equalTo(T other); }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class Y implements EqualityComparable<Integer>, Equivalent<String> {\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method equalTo(T) of type EqualityComparable<T> has the same erasure as equalTo(T) of type Equivalent<T> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: equalTo(T) in EqualityComparable<java.lang.Integer> and equalTo(T) in Equivalent<java.lang.String> have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test037() { // test inheritance scenarios
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public abstract class X implements I, J { }\n" +
-				"abstract class Y implements J, I { }\n" +
-				"abstract class Z implements K { }\n" +
-				"class YYY implements J, I { public void foo(A a) {} }\n" +
-				"class XXX implements I, J { public void foo(A a) {} }\n" +
-				"class ZZZ implements K { public void foo(A a) {} }\n" +
-				"interface I { void foo(A a); }\n" +
-				"interface J { void foo(A<String> a); }\n" +
-				"interface K extends I { void foo(A<String> a); }\n" +
-				"class A<T> {}"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test037a() { // test inheritance scenarios
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public abstract class XX implements I, J { public abstract void foo(A<String> a); }\n" +
-				"interface I { void foo(A a); }\n" +
-				"interface J { void foo(A<String> a); }\n" +
-				"class A<T> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public abstract class XX implements I, J { public abstract void foo(A<String> a); }\n" + 
-			"	                                                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(A<String>) of type XX has the same erasure as foo(A) of type I but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	interface I { void foo(A a); }\n" + 
-			"	                       ^\n" + 
-			"A is a raw type. References to generic type A<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: foo(A<java.lang.String>) in XX and foo(A) in I have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test037b() { // test inheritance scenarios
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class XX implements I, J { public void foo(A<String> a) {} }\n" +
-				"class YY implements J, I { public void foo(A<String> a) {} }\n" +
-				"class ZZ implements K { public void foo(A<String> a) {} }\n" +
-				"interface I { void foo(A a); }\n" +
-				"interface J { void foo(A<String> a); }\n" +
-				"interface K extends I { void foo(A<String> a); }\n" +
-				"class A<T> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class XX implements I, J { public void foo(A<String> a) {} }\n" + 
-			"	             ^^\n" + 
-			"The type XX must implement the inherited abstract method\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class XX implements I, J { public void foo(A<String> a) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(A<String>) of type XX has the same erasure as foo(A) of type I but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	class YY implements J, I { public void foo(A<String> a) {} }\n" + 
-			"	      ^^\n" + 
-			"The type YY must implement the inherited abstract method\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	class YY implements J, I { public void foo(A<String> a) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(A<String>) of type YY has the same erasure as foo(A) of type I but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	class ZZ implements K { public void foo(A<String> a) {} }\n" + 
-			"	      ^^\n" + 
-			"The type ZZ must implement the inherited abstract method\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	class ZZ implements K { public void foo(A<String> a) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(A<String>) of type ZZ has the same erasure as foo(A) of type I but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	interface I { void foo(A a); }\n" + 
-			"	                       ^\n" + 
-			"A is a raw type. References to generic type A<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// XX/YY/ZZ is not abstract and does not override abstract method foo(A) in I
-		);
-	}
-	public void test037c() { // test inheritance scenarios
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public abstract class X extends Y implements I { }\n" +
-				"interface I { void foo(A a); }\n" +
-				"class Y { void foo(A<String> a) {} }\n" +
-				"class A<T> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public abstract class X extends Y implements I { }\n" + 
-			"	                      ^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(A<String>) of type Y has the same erasure as foo(A) of type I but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	interface I { void foo(A a); }\n" + 
-			"	                       ^\n" + 
-			"A is a raw type. References to generic type A<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: foo(A<java.lang.String>) in Y and foo(A) in I have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test037d() { // test inheritance scenarios
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public abstract class X extends Y implements I { }\n" +
-				"interface I { void foo(A<String> a); }\n" +
-				"class Y { void foo(A a) {} }\n" +
-				"class A<T> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public abstract class X extends Y implements I { }\n" + 
-			"	                      ^\n" + 
-			"The inherited method cannot hide the public abstract method in I\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	class Y { void foo(A a) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"A is a raw type. References to generic type A<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// foo(A) in Y cannot implement foo(A<java.lang.String>) in I; attempting to assign weaker access privileges; was public
-		);
-	}
-	public void test037e() { // test inheritance scenarios
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public abstract class X extends Y implements I { }\n" +
-				"interface I { <T, S> void foo(T t); }\n" +
-				"class Y { <T> void foo(T t) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	public abstract class X extends Y implements I { }\r\n" + 
-			"	                      ^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(T) of type Y has the same erasure as foo(T) of type I but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: <T>foo(T) in Y and <T,S>foo(T) in I have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	public void test038() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X extends H<Object> { void foo(A<?> a) {; } }\n" +
-				"class H<T extends Object> { void foo(A<? extends T> a) {} }\n" +
-				"class A<T> {}"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test038a() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X extends H<Number> { void foo(A<?> a) {} }\n" +
-				"class H<T extends Number> { void foo(A<? extends T> a) {} }\n" +
-				"class A<T> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	public class X extends H<Number> { void foo(A<?> a) {} }\r\n" + 
-			"	                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(A<?>) of type X has the same erasure as foo(A<? extends T>) of type H<T> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: foo(A<?>) in X and foo(A<? extends T>) in H<java.lang.Number> have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-			// with    public class X extends H<Number> { void foo(A<?> a) {; } }
-			// foo(A<? extends java.lang.Number>) in H<java.lang.Number> cannot be applied to (A<capture of ?>)
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test039() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"   public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"      Test test = new Test();\n" + 
-				"      This test2 = new Test();\n" + 
-				"      System.out.println(test.get());\n" + 
-				"   }\n" + 
-				"   interface This {\n" + 
-				"      public Object get();\n" + 
-				"   }\n" + 
-				" \n" + 
-				"   interface That extends This {\n" + 
-				"      public String get();\n" + 
-				" \n" + 
-				"   }\n" + 
-				" \n" + 
-				"   static class Test implements That {\n" + 
-				" \n" + 
-				"      public String get() {\n" + 
-				"         return \"That\";\n" + 
-				" \n" + 
-				"      }\n" + 
-				"   }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"That"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test040() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface Base<E> { Base<E> proc(); }\n" +
-				"abstract class Derived<D> implements Base<D> { public abstract Derived<D> proc(); }\n"
-			},
-			"" // no warnings
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test040a() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A { <T extends Number> T test() { return null; } }\n" +
-				"class B extends A { @Override Integer test() { return 1; } }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	class B extends A { @Override Integer test() { return 1; } }\n" + 
-			"	                              ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The return type Integer for test() from the type B needs unchecked conversion to conform to T from the type A\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// warning: test() in B overrides <T>test() in A; return type requires unchecked conversion
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test040b() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-				"class A { List<String> getList() { return null; } }\n" + 
-				"class B extends A { @Override List getList() { return null; } }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	class B extends A { @Override List getList() { return null; } }\n" + 
-			"	                              ^^^^\n" + 
-			"List is a raw type. References to generic type List<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	class B extends A { @Override List getList() { return null; } }\n" + 
-			"	                              ^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The return type List for getList() from the type B needs unchecked conversion to conform to List<String> from the type A\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// unchecked warning on B.getList()
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test040c() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface X<T> { X<T> x(); }\n" +
-				"abstract class Y<S> implements X<S> { public abstract X x(); }\n" + // warning: x() in Y implements x() in X; return type requires unchecked conversion
-				"abstract class Z implements X { public abstract X x(); }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class Y<S> implements X<S> { public abstract X x(); }\n" + 
-			"	                                                      ^\n" + 
-			"X is a raw type. References to generic type X<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class Y<S> implements X<S> { public abstract X x(); }\n" + 
-			"	                                                      ^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The return type X for x() from the type Y<S> needs unchecked conversion to conform to X<T> from the type X<T>\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class Z implements X { public abstract X x(); }\n" + 
-			"	                            ^\n" + 
-			"X is a raw type. References to generic type X<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class Z implements X { public abstract X x(); }\n" + 
-			"	                                                ^\n" + 
-			"X is a raw type. References to generic type X<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test040d() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface X<T> { X<T>[] x(); }\n" +
-				"abstract class Y<S> implements X<S> { public abstract X[] x(); }\n" + // warning: x() in Y implements x() in X; return type requires unchecked conversion
-				"abstract class Z implements X { public abstract X[] x(); }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class Y<S> implements X<S> { public abstract X[] x(); }\n" + 
-			"	                                                      ^\n" + 
-			"X is a raw type. References to generic type X<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class Y<S> implements X<S> { public abstract X[] x(); }\n" + 
-			"	                                                      ^^^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The return type X[] for x() from the type Y<S> needs unchecked conversion to conform to X<T>[] from the type X<T>\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class Z implements X { public abstract X[] x(); }\n" + 
-			"	                            ^\n" + 
-			"X is a raw type. References to generic type X<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class Z implements X { public abstract X[] x(); }\n" + 
-			"	                                                ^\n" + 
-			"X is a raw type. References to generic type X<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test041() { // inherited cases for bridge methods, varargs clashes, return type conversion checks
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X { public void foo(String... n) {} }\n" +
-				"interface I { void foo(String[] n); }\n" +
-				"class Y extends X implements I { }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	class Y extends X implements I { }\n" + 
-			"	      ^\n" + 
-			"Varargs methods should only override or be overridden by other varargs methods unlike and[])\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// warning: foo(java.lang.String...) in X cannot implement foo(java.lang.String[]) in I; overridden method has no '...'
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test041a() { // inherited cases for bridge methods, varargs clashes, return type conversion checks
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X { public void foo(String[] n) {} }\n" +
-				"interface I { void foo(String... n); }\n" +
-				"class Y extends X implements I { }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	class Y extends X implements I { }\n" + 
-			"	      ^\n" + 
-			"Varargs methods should only override or be overridden by other varargs methods unlike[]) and\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// warning: foo(java.lang.String[]) in X cannot implement foo(java.lang.String...) in I; overriding method is missing '...'
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test041b() { // inherited cases for bridge methods, varargs clashes, return type conversion checks
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public Y foo() {\n" +
-				"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-				"		return null;\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-				"		((I) new Y()).foo();\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface I { X foo(); }\n" +
-				"class Y extends X implements I { }\n"
-			},
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test041c() { // inherited cases for bridge methods, varargs clashes, return type conversion checks
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X { public A foo() { return null; } }\n" +
-				"interface I { A<String> foo(); }\n" +
-				"class Y extends X implements I { }\n" +
-				"class A<T> { }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class X { public A foo() { return null; } }\n" + 
-			"	                        ^\n" + 
-			"A is a raw type. References to generic type A<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	class Y extends X implements I { }\n" + 
-			"	      ^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The return type A for foo() from the type X needs unchecked conversion to conform to A<String> from the type I\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// warning: foo() in X implements foo() in I; return type requires unchecked conversion
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test041d() { // inherited cases for bridge methods, varargs clashes, return type conversion checks
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X { public Object foo() { return null; } }\n" +
-				"interface I { <T> T foo(); }\n" +
-				"class Y extends X implements I { }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	class Y extends X implements I { }\n" + 
-			"	      ^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The return type Object for foo() from the type X needs unchecked conversion to conform to T from the type I\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// NOTE: javac issues an error & a warning which contradict each other
-			// if the method Object foo() is implemented in Y then only the warning is issued, so X should be allowed to implement the method
-			// Y is not abstract and does not override abstract method <T>foo() in I
-			// warning: foo() in X implements <T>foo() in I; return type requires unchecked conversion
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test042() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface Callable<T>\n" + 
-				"{\n" + 
-				"    public enum Result { GOOD, BAD };\n" + 
-				"    public Result call(T arg);\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class X implements Callable<String>\n" + 
-				"{\n" + 
-				"    public Result call(String arg) { return Result.GOOD; } // Warning line\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test043() { // ambiguous message sends because of substitution from 2 different type variables
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X { void test(E<Integer,Integer> e) { Integer(1)); } }\n" +
-				"abstract class C<A> { public abstract void id(A x); }\n" +
-				"interface I<B> { void id(B x); }\n" +
-				"abstract class E<A, B> extends C<A> implements I<B> {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class E<A, B> extends C<A> implements I<B> {}\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method id(A) of type C<A> has the same erasure as id(B) of type I<B> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// javac won't report it until is made concrete or implemented in E
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test043a() { // ambiguous message sends because of substitution from 2 different type variables
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X { void test(E<Integer,Integer> e) { Integer(2)); } }\n" +
-				"abstract class C<A extends Number> { public abstract void id(A x); }\n" +
-				"interface I<B> { void id(B x); }\n" +
-				"abstract class E<A extends Number, B> extends C<A> implements I<B> {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	public class X { void test(E<Integer,Integer> e) { Integer(2)); } }\r\n" + 
-			"	                                                     ^^\n" + 
-			"The method id(Integer) is ambiguous for the type E<Integer,Integer>\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// reference to id is ambiguous, both method id(A) in C<java.lang.Integer> and method id(B) in I<java.lang.Integer> match
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test043b() { // ambiguous message sends because of substitution from 2 different type variables
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X { void test(E<Integer,Integer> e) { Integer(111)); } }\n" +
-				"abstract class C<A extends Number> { public void id(A x) {} }\n" +
-				"interface I<B> { void id(B x); }\n" +
-				"class E<A extends Number, B> extends C<A> implements I<B> { public void id(B b) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	public class X { void test(E<Integer,Integer> e) { Integer(111)); } }\r\n" + 
-			"	                                                     ^^\n" + 
-			"The method id(Integer) is ambiguous for the type E<Integer,Integer>\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// reference to id is ambiguous, both method id(A) in C<java.lang.Integer> and method id(B) in E<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer> match
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test043c() { // ambiguous message sends because of substitution from 2 different type variables
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	void test(E<Integer,Integer> e) { Integer(111)); }\n" +
-				"	void test(M<Integer,Integer> m) {\n" +
-				" Integer(111));\n" +
-				"		((E<Integer, Integer>) m).id(new Integer(111));\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	void test(N<Integer> n) { Integer(111)); }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"abstract class C<A extends Number> { public void id(A x) {} }\n" +
-				"interface I<B> { void id(B x); }\n" +
-				"abstract class E<A extends Number, B> extends C<A> implements I<B> {}\n" +
-				"class M<A extends Number, B> extends E<A, B> { public void id(B b) {} }\n" +
-				"abstract class N<T extends Number> extends E<T, Number> { @Override public void id(T n) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-			" Integer(111));\r\n" + 
-			"	  ^^\n" + 
-			"The method id(Integer) is ambiguous for the type M<Integer,Integer>\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// reference to id is ambiguous, both method id(A) in C<java.lang.Integer> and method id(B) in M<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer> match
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test043d() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"import static p.Y.*;\n" +
-				"import static p.Z.*;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	Y data = null;\n" +
-				"	public X() { foo(data.l); }\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"import java.util.List;\n" +
-				"public class Y {\n" +
-				"	List l = null;\n" +
-				"	public static <T> void foo(T... e) {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"import java.util.List;\n" +
-				"public class Z {\n" +
-				"	public static <T> void foo(List<T>... e) {}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in p\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	public X() { foo(data.l); }\n" + 
-			"	             ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: Unchecked invocation foo(List...) of the generic method foo(List<T>...) of type Z\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in p\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	public X() { foo(data.l); }\n" + 
-			"	                 ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The expression of type List needs unchecked conversion to conform to List<T>\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in p\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	List l = null;\n" + 
-			"	^^^^\n" + 
-			"List is a raw type. References to generic type List<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// unchecked conversion warnings
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test043e() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"import static p.Y.*;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	Y data = null;\n" +
-				"	public X() { foo(data.l); }\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"import java.util.List;\n" +
-				"public class Y {\n" +
-				"	List l = null;\n" +
-				"	public static <T> void foo(T... e) {}\n" +
-				"	public static <T> void foo(List<T>... e) {}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in p\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	public X() { foo(data.l); }\n" + 
-			"	             ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: Unchecked invocation foo(List...) of the generic method foo(List<T>...) of type Y\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in p\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	public X() { foo(data.l); }\n" + 
-			"	                 ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The expression of type List needs unchecked conversion to conform to List<T>\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in p\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	List l = null;\n" + 
-			"	^^^^\n" + 
-			"List is a raw type. References to generic type List<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// unchecked conversion warnings
-		);
-	}
-	public void test043f() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	void test(M<Integer,Integer> m) {\n" +
-				" Integer(111), new Integer(112));\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"abstract class C<T1 extends Number> { public <U1 extends Number> void id(T1 x, U1 u) {} }\n" +
-				"interface I<T2> { }\n" +
-				"abstract class E<T3 extends Number, T4> extends C<T3> implements I<T4> {}\n" +
-				"class M<T5 extends Number, T6> extends E<T5, T6> { public <U2 extends Number> void id(T5 b, U2 u) {} }\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test043g() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	void test(M<Integer,Integer> m) {\n" +
-				" Integer(111));\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"abstract class C<T1 extends Number> { public void id(T1 x) {} }\n" +
-				"interface I<T2> { void id(T2 x); }\n" +
-				"abstract class E<T3 extends Number, T4> extends C<T3> implements I<T4> {}\n" +
-				"class M<T5 extends Number, T6> extends E<T5, T6> { public void id(T6 b) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			" Integer(111));\n" + 
-			"	  ^^\n" + 
-			"The method id(Integer) is ambiguous for the type M<Integer,Integer>\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// reference to id is ambiguous, both method id(A) in C<java.lang.Integer> and method id(B) in M<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer> match
-		);
-	}
-	// ensure AccOverriding remains when attempting to override final method 
-	public void test044() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X { final void foo() {} }\n" + 
-				"class XS extends X { @Override void foo() {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	class XS extends X { @Override void foo() {} }\n" + 
-			"	                                    ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Cannot override the final method from X\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	// ensure AccOverriding remains when attempting to override final method 
-	public void test044a() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X { public void foo() {} }\n" + 
-				"class XS extends X { @Override void foo() {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	class XS extends X { @Override void foo() {} }\n" + 
-			"	                                    ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Cannot reduce the visibility of the inherited method from X\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	// ensure AccOverriding remains when attempting to override final method 
-	public void test044b() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X { void foo() {} }\n" + 
-				"class XS extends X { @Override void foo() throws ClassNotFoundException {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	class XS extends X { @Override void foo() throws ClassNotFoundException {} }\n" + 
-			"	                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Exception ClassNotFoundException is not compatible with throws clause in\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	// ensure AccOverriding remains when attempting to override final method 
-	public void test044c() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X { void foo() {} }\n" + 
-				"class XS extends X { @Override int foo() {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	class XS extends X { @Override int foo() {} }\n" + 
-			"	                               ^^^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test045() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class Foo {}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"interface Bar {\n" + 
-				"  Foo get(Class<?> c);\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"public class X implements Bar {\n" + 
-				"  public Foo get(Class c) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	// ensure no unchecked warning
-	public void test046() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface IX <T> {\n" + 
-				"	public T doSomething();\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"public class X implements IX<Integer> {\n" + 
-				"   Zork z;\n" +
-				"	public Integer doSomething() {\n" + 
-				"		return null;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	Zork z;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test047() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface Interface {\n" + 
-				"    Number getValue();\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class C1 {\n" + 
-				"    public Double getValue() {\n" + 
-				"        return 0.0;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"public class X extends C1 implements Interface{\n" + 
-				"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"        Interface i=new X();\n" + 
-				"        System.out.println(i.getValue());\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-		"0.0");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test048() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-				"public class X1 extends LinkedHashMap<String, String> {\n" + 
-				"    public Object putAll(Map<String,String> a) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test048a() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X2 extends Y<String> {\n" + 
-				"    public Object foo(I<String> z) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y<T> implements I<T> {\n" + 
-				"    public void foo(I<? extends T> a) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface I<T> {\n" +
-				"    public void foo(I<? extends T> a);\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test048b() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X3 extends Y<String> {\n" + 
-				"    public void foo(I<String> z) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y<T> implements I<T> {\n" + 
-				"    public void foo(I<? extends T> a) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface I<T> {\n" +
-				"    public void foo(I<? extends T> a);\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	public void foo(I<String> z) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(I<String>) of type X3 has the same erasure as foo(I<? extends T>) of type Y<T> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: foo(I<java.lang.String>) in X and foo(I<? extends T>) in Y<java.lang.String> have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test048c() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X4 extends Y<String> {\n" + 
-				"    public String foo(I<String> z) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y<T> implements I<T> {\n" + 
-				"    public Object foo(I<? extends T> a) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface I<T> {\n" +
-				"    public Object foo(I<? extends T> a);\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test048d() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X5 extends Y<String> {\n" + 
-				"    public Object foo(I<String> z) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y<T> implements I<T> {\n" + 
-				"    public String foo(I<? extends T> a) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface I<T> {\n" +
-				"    public String foo(I<? extends T> a);\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test048e() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X6 extends Y<String> {\n" + 
-				"    public void foo(I<String> z) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y<T> implements I<T> {\n" + 
-				"    public Object foo(I<? extends T> a) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface I<T> {\n" +
-				"    public Object foo(I<? extends T> a);\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test048f() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X7 extends Y<String> {\n" + 
-				"    public String foo(I<String> z) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y<T> implements I<T> {\n" + 
-				"    public T foo(I<? extends T> a) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface I<T> {\n" +
-				"    public T foo(I<? extends T> a);\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test048g() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X8 extends Y<String> {\n" + 
-				"    public Object foo(I<String> z) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y<T> implements I<T> {\n" + 
-				"    public T foo(I<? extends T> a) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface I<T> {\n" +
-				"    public T foo(I<? extends T> a);\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	public Object foo(I<String> z) { return null; }\r\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo(I<String>) of type X8 has the same erasure as foo(I<? extends T>) of type Y<T> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: foo(I<java.lang.String>) in X7 and foo(I<? extends T>) in Y<java.lang.String> have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test049() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X<T> {\n" + 
-				"	T id(T x) { return x; }\n" + 
-				"	A id(A x) { return x; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y<T extends A> extends X<T> {\n" + 
-				"	@Override T id(T x) { return x; }\n" + 
-				"	@Override A id(A x) { return x; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class A {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	class Y<T extends A> extends X<T> {\n" + 
-			"	      ^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method id(A) of type X<T> has the same erasure as id(T) of type X<T> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	@Override T id(T x) { return x; }\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Method id(T) has the same erasure id(A) as another method in type Y<T>\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	@Override A id(A x) { return x; }\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method id(A) in type Y<T>\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// id(T) is already defined in Y
-			// id(java.lang.String) in Y overrides id(T) in X; return type requires unchecked conversion
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test050() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"		 public static <S extends A> S foo() { System.out.print(\"A\"); return null; }\n" + 
-				"		 public static <N extends B> N foo() { System.out.print(\"B\"); return null; }\n" + 
-				"		 public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		 	X.<A>foo();\n" + 
-				"		 	X.<B>foo();\n" + 
-				"		 	new X().<B>foo();\n" + 
-				"		 }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class A {}\n" + 
-				"class B {}\n"
-			},
-			"ABB"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test050a() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"		 public static <S extends A> void foo() { System.out.print(\"A\"); }\n" + 
-				"		 public static <N extends B> N foo() { System.out.print(\"B\"); return null; }\n" + 
-				"		 static void test () {\n" + 
-				";\n" + 
-				"		 	foo();\n" + 
-				"		 }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class A {}\n" + 
-				"class B {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-			";\r\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo() is ambiguous for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\r\n" + 
-			"	foo();\r\n" + 
-			"	^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo() is ambiguous for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// both references are ambiguous
-		);
-	}
-	// - variation
-	public void test050b() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	class C1 {\n" + 
-				"		Y foo(Object o) {  return null; } // duplicate\n" + 
-				"		Z foo(Object o) {  return null; } // duplicate\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	class C2 {\n" + 
-				"		<T extends Y> T foo(Object o) {  return null; } // ok\n" + 
-				"		<T extends Z> T foo(Object o) {  return null; } // ok\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	class C3 {\n" + 
-				"		A<Y> foo(Object o) {  return null; } // duplicate\n" + 
-				"		A<Z> foo(Object o) {  return null; } // duplicate\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	class C4 {\n" + 
-				"		Y foo(Object o) {  return null; } // duplicate\n" + 
-				"		<T extends Z> T foo(Object o) {  return null; } // duplicate\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A<T> {}" +
-				"class Y {}" +
-				"class Z {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	Y foo(Object o) {  return null; } // duplicate\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method foo(Object) in type X.C1\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	Z foo(Object o) {  return null; } // duplicate\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method foo(Object) in type X.C1\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	A<Y> foo(Object o) {  return null; } // duplicate\n" + 
-			"	     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method foo(Object) in type X.C3\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	A<Z> foo(Object o) {  return null; } // duplicate\n" + 
-			"	     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method foo(Object) in type X.C3\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	Y foo(Object o) {  return null; } // duplicate\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method foo(Object) in type X.C4\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	<T extends Z> T foo(Object o) {  return null; } // duplicate\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method foo(Object) in type X.C4\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// foo(java.lang.Object) is already defined in X.C1
-			// foo(java.lang.Object) is already defined in X.C3
-			// foo(java.lang.Object) is already defined in X.C4
-		);
-	}
-	// - variation
-	public void test050c() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	class C5 {\n" + 
-				"		A<Y> foo(A<Y> o) {  return null; } // duplicate\n" + 
-				"		A<Z> foo(A<Z> o) {  return null; } // duplicate\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	class C6 {\n" + 
-				"		<T extends Y> T foo(A<Y> o) {  return null; } // ok\n" + 
-				"		<T extends Z> T foo(A<Z> o) {  return null; } // ok\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A<T> {}" +
-				"class Y {}" +
-				"class Z {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	A<Y> foo(A<Y> o) {  return null; } // duplicate\r\n" + 
-			"	     ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method foo(A<Y>) in type X.C5\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-			"	A<Z> foo(A<Z> o) {  return null; } // duplicate\r\n" + 
-			"	     ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method foo(A<Z>) in type X.C5\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: foo(A<Y>) and foo(A<Z>) have the same erasure
-		);
-	}
-	// - variation
-	public void test050d() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	class C7 {\n" + 
-				"		<T extends Y, U> T foo(Object o) {  return null; } // ok\n" + 
-				"		<T extends Z> T foo(Object o) {  return null; } // ok\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A<T> {}" +
-				"class Y {}" +
-				"class Z {}"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}	
-	//
-	public void test050e() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"		 <N extends B> N a(A<String> s) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"		 <N> Object a(A<Number> n) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"		 <N extends B> void b(A<String> s) {}\n" + 
-				"		 <N extends B> B b(A<Number> n) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"		 void c(A<String> s) {}\n" + 
-				"		 B c(A<Number> n) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A<T> {}\n" + 
-				"class B {}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test050f() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"		 <N extends B> N a(A<String> s) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"		 <N> B a(A<Number> n) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A<T> {}\n" + 
-				"class B {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	<N extends B> N a(A<String> s) { return null; }\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method a(A<String>) in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	<N> B a(A<Number> n) { return null; }\n" + 
-			"	      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method a(A<Number>) in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: <N>a(A<java.lang.String>) and <N>a(A<java.lang.Number>) have the same erasure
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test050g() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"		 <N extends B> N b(A<String> s) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"		 <N extends B> B b(A<Number> n) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A<T> {}\n" + 
-				"class B {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	<N extends B> N b(A<String> s) { return null; }\r\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method b(A<String>) in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	<N extends B> B b(A<Number> n) { return null; }\r\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method b(A<Number>) in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: <N>b(A<java.lang.String>) and <N>b(A<java.lang.Number>) have the same erasure
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test050h() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"		 B c(A<String> s) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"		 B c(A<Number> n) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A<T> {}\n" + 
-				"class B {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	B c(A<String> s) { return null; }\r\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method c(A<String>) in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	B c(A<Number> n) { return null; }\r\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method c(A<Number>) in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: c(A<java.lang.String>) and c(A<java.lang.Number>) have the same erasure
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test050i() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"		 <N extends B> N a(A<Number> s) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"		 <N> Object a(A<Number> n) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"		 <N extends B> N b(A<Number> s) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"		 <N> Object b(A<String> n) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A<T> {}\n" + 
-				"class B {}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test050j() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"		 <N extends B> N a(A<Number> s) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"		 <N> B a(A<Number> n) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"		 <N extends B> N b(A<Number> s) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"		 <N> B b(A<String> n) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A<T> {}\n" + 
-				"class B {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	<N extends B> N a(A<Number> s) { return null; }\r\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method a(A<Number>) in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	<N> B a(A<Number> n) { return null; }\r\n" + 
-			"	      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method a(A<Number>) in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-			"	<N extends B> N b(A<Number> s) { return null; }\r\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method b(A<Number>) in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-			"	<N> B b(A<String> n) { return null; }\r\n" + 
-			"	      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method b(A<String>) in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: <N>a(A<java.lang.Number>) and <N>a(A<java.lang.Number>) have the same erasure
-			// name clash: <N>b(A<java.lang.Number>) and <N>b(A<java.lang.String>) have the same erasure
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test050k() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"		 <N extends B> void a(A<Number> s) {}\n" + 
-				"		 <N extends B> B a(A<Number> n) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"		 <N extends B> Object b(A<Number> s) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"		 <N extends B> B b(A<Number> n) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A<T> {}\n" + 
-				"class B {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	<N extends B> void a(A<Number> s) {}\n" + 
-			"	                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method a(A<Number>) in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	<N extends B> B a(A<Number> n) { return null; }\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method a(A<Number>) in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	<N extends B> Object b(A<Number> s) { return null; }\n" + 
-			"	                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method b(A<Number>) in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	<N extends B> B b(A<Number> n) { return null; }\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method b(A<Number>) in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// <N>a(A<java.lang.Number>) is already defined in X
-			// <N>b(A<java.lang.Number>) is already defined in X
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test050l() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"		 void a(A<Number> s) {}\n" + 
-				"		 B a(A<Number> n) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"		 Object b(A<Number> s) {}\n" + 
-				"		 B b(A<Number> n) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A<T> {}\n" + 
-				"class B {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	void a(A<Number> s) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method a(A<Number>) in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	B a(A<Number> n) { return null; }\r\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method a(A<Number>) in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-			"	Object b(A<Number> s) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method b(A<Number>) in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-			"	B b(A<Number> n) { return null; }\r\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method b(A<Number>) in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// a(A<java.lang.Number>) is already defined in X
-			// b(A<java.lang.Number>) is already defined in X
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test051() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X implements I {\n" + 
-				"		 public <T extends I> void foo(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface I {\n" + 
-				"		 <T> void foo(T t);\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	public class X implements I {\r\n" + 
-			"	             ^\n" + 
-			"The type X must implement the inherited abstract method\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// X is not abstract and does not override abstract method <T>foo(T) in I
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test051a() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	void foo(A<String> a) {}\n" + 
-				"	void foo(A<Integer> a) {}\n" +
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class A<T> {}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	void foo(A<String> a) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method foo(A<String>) in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	void foo(A<Integer> a) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method foo(A<Integer>) in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: foo(A<java.lang.String>) and foo(A<java.lang.Integer>) have the same erasure
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test051b() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	void foo(A<String> a) {}\n" + 
-				"	Object foo(A<Integer> a) { return null; }\n" +
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class A<T> {}\n",
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test052() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class A<T> {\n" + 
-				"	public A test() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public A<T> test2() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public A<X> test3() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public <U> A<U> test4() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class B extends A<X> {\n" + 
-				"	@Override public B test() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	@Override public B test2() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	@Override public B test3() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	@Override public <U> A<U> test4() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class X{}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test052a() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					"public class A<T> {\n" + 
-					"	public <U> A<U> test() { return null; }\n" + 
-					"	public <U> A<U> test2() { return null; }\n" + 
-					"	public <U> A<U> test3() { return null; }\n" + 
-					"}\n" +
-					"class B extends A<X> {\n" + 
-					"	@Override public B test() { return null; }\n" + 
-					"	@Override public A test2() { return null; }\n" + 
-					"	@Override public A<X> test3() { return null; }\n" + 
-					"}\n" +
-					"class X{}\n"
-				},
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. WARNING in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	@Override public B test() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	                 ^\n" + 
-				"Type safety: The return type B for test() from the type B needs unchecked conversion to conform to A<Object> from the type A<X>\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. WARNING in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	@Override public A test2() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	                 ^\n" + 
-				"A is a raw type. References to generic type A<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. WARNING in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	@Override public A test2() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	                 ^\n" + 
-				"Type safety: The return type A for test2() from the type B needs unchecked conversion to conform to A<U> from the type A<T>\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. WARNING in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	@Override public A<X> test3() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	                 ^\n" + 
-				"Type safety: The return type A<X> for test3() from the type B needs unchecked conversion to conform to A<Object> from the type A<X>\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-				// warning: test() in B overrides <U>test() in A; return type requires unchecked conversion
-				// warning: test2() in B overrides <U>test2() in A; return type requires unchecked conversion
-				// warning: test3() in B overrides <U>test3() in A; return type requires unchecked conversion
-			);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test053() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class X {\n" + 
-				"	void test(A a) { B b =; }\n" + 
-				"	void test2(A<X> a) { B b =; }\n" + 
-				"	void test3(B b) { B bb =; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A<T> {\n" + 
-				"	<U> A<U> foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class B extends A<X> {\n" + 
-				"	@Override B foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	void test(A a) { B b =; }\n" + 
-			"	          ^\n" + 
-			"A is a raw type. References to generic type A<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	void test(A a) { B b =; }\n" + 
-			"	                       ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type mismatch: cannot convert from A to B\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	void test2(A<X> a) { B b =; }\n" + 
-			"	                           ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type mismatch: cannot convert from A<Object> to B\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. WARNING in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	@Override B foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-			"	          ^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The return type B for foo() from the type B needs unchecked conversion to conform to A<Object> from the type A<X>\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// 2: incompatible types
-			// 3: incompatible types; no instance(s) of type variable(s) U exist so that A<U> conforms to B
-			// 10 warning: foo() in B overrides <U>foo() in A; return type requires unchecked conversion
-		);
-	}
-	// more duplicate tests, see
-	public void test054() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	void a(Object x) {}\n" +
-				"	<T> T a(T x) {  return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	void a(Object x) {}\n" + 
-			"	     ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method a(Object) in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	<T> T a(T x) {  return null; }\n" + 
-			"	      ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Method a(T) has the same erasure a(Object) as another method in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// a(X) is already defined in X
-		);
-	}
-	// more duplicate tests, see
-	public void test054a() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	<T1, T2> String aaa(X x) {  return null; }\n" + 
-				"	<T extends X> T aaa(T x) {  return null; }\n" + 
-				"	<T> String aa(X x) {  return null; }\n" + 
-				"	<T extends X> T aa(T x) {  return null; }\n" + 
-				"	String a(X x) {  return null; }\n" + // dup
-				"	<T extends X> T a(T x) {  return null; }\n" + 
-				"	<T> String z(X x) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	<T, S> Object z(X x) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\r\n" + 
-			"	String a(X x) {  return null; }\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method a(X) in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\r\n" + 
-			"	<T extends X> T a(T x) {  return null; }\r\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Method a(T) has the same erasure a(X) as another method in type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// a(X) is already defined in X
-		);
-	}
-	// more duplicate tests, see
-	public void test054b() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X<T> {\n" + 
-				"		 Object foo(X<T> t) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"		 <S> String foo(X<T> s) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	// more duplicate tests, see
-	public void test054c() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X<T> {\n" + 
-				"		<T1 extends X<T1>> void dupT() {}\n" + 
-				"		<T2 extends X<T2>> Object dupT() {return null;}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	<T1 extends X<T1>> void dupT() {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                        ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method dupT() in type X<T>\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	<T2 extends X<T2>> Object dupT() {return null;}\r\n" + 
-			"	                          ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method dupT() in type X<T>\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// <T1>dupT() is already defined in X
-		);
-	}
-	// more duplicate tests, see
-	public void test054d() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	<T> T a(A<T> t) {return null;}\n" + 
-				"	<T> String a(A<Object> o) {return null;}\n" +
-				"	<T> T aa(A<T> t) {return null;}\n" + 
-				"	String aa(A<Object> o) {return null;}\n" +
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class A<T> {}\n",
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test055() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		A a = new C();\n" + 
-				"		try { a.f(new Object()); } catch (ClassCastException e) {\n" +
-				"			System.out.println(1);\n" +
-				"		}\n" +
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface A<T> { void f(T x); }\n" + 
-				"interface B extends A<String> { void f(String x); }\n" + 
-				"class C implements B { public void f(String x) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"1"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test056() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"   public static String bind(String message, Object binding) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"   public static String bind(String message, Object[] bindings) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class Y extends X {\n" + 
-				"   public static String bind(String message, Object binding) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"   public static String bind(String message, Object[] bindings) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class Z {\n" + 
-				"   void bar() { Y.bind(\"\", new String[] {\"\"}); }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test057() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"   public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"   	A<Integer> x = new A<Integer>();\n" + 
-				"   	B<Integer> y = new B<Integer>();\n" + 
-				"   	new X().print(x);\n" + 
-				"   	new X().print(y);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	public <T extends IA<?>> void print(T a) { System.out.print(1); }\n" +
-				"	public <T extends IB<?>> void print(T a) { System.out.print(2); }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface IA<E> {}\n" + 
-				"interface IB<E> extends IA<E> {}\n" + 
-				"class A<E> implements IA<E> {}\n" + 
-				"class B<E> implements IB<E> {}\n"
-			},
-			"12");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test057a() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class XX {\n" + 
-				"   public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"   	A<Integer> x = new A<Integer>();\n" + 
-				"   	B<Integer> y = new B<Integer>();\n" + 
-				"   	print(x);\n" + 
-				"   	print(y);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	public static <T extends IA<?>> void print(T a) { System.out.print(3); }\n" +
-				"	public static <T extends IB<?>> void print(T a) { System.out.print(4); }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface IA<E> {}\n" + 
-				"interface IB<E> extends IA<E> {}\n" + 
-				"class A<E> implements IA<E> {}\n" + 
-				"class B<E> implements IB<E> {}\n"
-			},
-			"34");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test058() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X <B extends Number> {\n" + 
-				"   public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"   	X<Integer> x = new X<Integer>();\n" + 
-				";\n" + 
-				";\n" + 
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	<T> T aaa(T t) { System.out.print('T'); return null; }\n" +
-				"	void aaa(B b) { System.out.print('B'); }\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"BB");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test058a() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X<A> {\n" + 
-				"   void test() {\n" + 
-				"   	new X<Object>().foo(\"X\");\n" + 
-				"   	new X<Object>().foo2(\"X\");\n" + 
-				"   }\n" + 
-				"	<T> T foo(T t) {return null;}\n" +
-				"	void foo(A a) {}\n" +
-				"	<T> T foo2(T t) {return null;}\n" +
-				"	<T> void foo2(A a) {}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	new X<Object>().foo(\"X\");\r\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo(String) is ambiguous for the type X<Object>\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-			"	new X<Object>().foo2(\"X\");\r\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo2(String) is ambiguous for the type X<Object>\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// both references are ambiguous
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test058b() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X<A> extends Y<A> {\n" + 
-				"   void test() {\n" + 
-				"   	new X<Object>().foo(\"X\");\n" + 
-				"   	new X<Object>().foo2(\"X\");\n" + 
-				"   }\n" + 
-				"	<T> T foo(T t) {return null;}\n" +
-				"	<T> T foo2(T t) {return null;}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y<A> {\n" +
-				"	void foo(A a) {}\n" +
-				"	<T> void foo2(A a) {}\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	new X<Object>().foo(\"X\");\r\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo(String) is ambiguous for the type X<Object>\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-			"	new X<Object>().foo2(\"X\");\r\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo2(String) is ambiguous for the type X<Object>\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// both references are ambiguous
-		);
-	}
-	public void test059() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {new B().foo(\"aa\");}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A { <U> void foo(U u) {System.out.print(false);} }\n" + 
-				"class B extends A { <V> void foo(String s) {System.out.print(true);} }\n"
-			},
-			"true");
-	}
-	public void test059a() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {new B().foo(\"aa\");}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A { <U> void foo(String s) {System.out.print(true);} }\n" + 
-				"class B extends A { <V> void foo(V v) {System.out.print(false);} }\n"
-			},
-			"true");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test060() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Iterator;\n" +
-				"public interface I {\n" +
-				"	void method(Iterator<Object> iter);\n" +
-				"	public static class TestClass implements I {\n" +
-				"		public void method(Iterator iter) {}\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test060b() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Iterator;\n" +
-				"public interface I2 {\n" +
-				"	void method(Iterator<Object>[] iter);\n" +
-				"	public static class TestClass implements I2 {\n" +
-				"		public void method(Iterator[] iter) {}\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test060c() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Iterator;\n" +
-				"public interface I3 {\n" +
-				"	void method(Iterator<Object>[] iter);\n" +
-				"	public static class TestClass implements I3 {\n" +
-				"		public void method(Iterator[][] iter) {}\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	public static class TestClass implements I3 {\n" + 
-			"	                    ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The type I3.TestClass must implement the inherited abstract method I3.method(Iterator<Object>[])\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	public void method(Iterator[][] iter) {}\n" + 
-			"	                   ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Iterator is a raw type. References to generic type Iterator<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// does not override abstract method method(java.util.Iterator<java.lang.Object>[]) in I3
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test061() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Try {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-				"		Ex<String> ex = new Ex<String>();\n" +
-				"\"eclipse\", new Integer(1));\n" +
-				"		ex.two(new Integer(1));\n" +
-				"		ex.three(\"eclipse\");\n" +
-				"		ex.four(\"eclipse\");\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(',');\n" +
-				"		Ex ex2 = ex;\n" +
-				"\"eclipse\", new Integer(1));\n" + // unchecked warning
-				"		ex2.two(new Integer(1));\n" + // unchecked warning
-				"		ex2.three(\"eclipse\");\n" + // unchecked warning
-				"		ex2.four(\"eclipse\");\n" + // unchecked warning
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Top<TC> {\n" +
-				"	<TM> void one(TC cTop, TM mTop) { System.out.print(-1); }\n" +
-				"	<TM> void two(TM mTop) { System.out.print(-2); }\n" +
-				"	void three(TC cTop) { System.out.print(-3); }\n" +
-				"	<TM> void four(TC cTop) { System.out.print(-4); }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Ex<C> extends Top<C> {\n" +
-				"	@Override <M> void one(C cEx, M mEx) { System.out.print(1); }\n" +
-				"	@Override <M> void two(M mEx) { System.out.print(2); }\n" +
-				"	@Override void three(C cEx) { System.out.print(3); }\n" +
-				"	@Override <M> void four(C cEx) { System.out.print(4); }\n" +
-				"}"				
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	Ex ex2 = ex;\n" + 
-			"	^^\n" + 
-			"Ex is a raw type. References to generic type Ex<C> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"\"eclipse\", new Integer(1));\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The method one(Object, Object) belongs to the raw type Ex. References to generic type Ex<C> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	ex2.two(new Integer(1));\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The method two(Object) belongs to the raw type Ex. References to generic type Ex<C> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. WARNING in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	ex2.three(\"eclipse\");\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The method three(Object) belongs to the raw type Ex. References to generic type Ex<C> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. WARNING in (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	ex2.four(\"eclipse\");\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The method four(Object) belongs to the raw type Ex. References to generic type Ex<C> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test062() {
-		String expectedOutput = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()).sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_6
-		?	"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	ex.six(\"eclipse\");\n" + 
-			"	   ^^^\n" + 
-			"The method six(String) is ambiguous for the type Ex<String>\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	Ex ex2 = ex;\n" + 
-			"	^^\n" + 
-			"Ex is a raw type. References to generic type Ex<C> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	ex2.five(\"eclipse\");\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The method five(Object) belongs to the raw type Ex. References to generic type Ex<C> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	ex2.six(\"eclipse\");\n" + 
-			"	    ^^^\n" + 
-			"The method six(Object) is ambiguous for the type Ex\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 21)\n" + 
-			"	@Override <M> void six(C cEx) {}\n" + 
-			"	                   ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method six(C) of type Ex<C> has the same erasure as six(TC) of type Top<TC> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 21)\n" + 
-			"	@Override <M> void six(C cEx) {}\n" + 
-			"	                   ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method six(C) of type Ex<C> must override a superclass method\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		:	"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	ex.six(\"eclipse\");\n" + 
-			"	   ^^^\n" + 
-			"The method six(String) is ambiguous for the type Ex<String>\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	Ex ex2 = ex;\n" + 
-			"	^^\n" + 
-			"Ex is a raw type. References to generic type Ex<C> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	ex2.five(\"eclipse\");\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The method five(Object) belongs to the raw type Ex. References to generic type Ex<C> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	ex2.six(\"eclipse\");\n" + 
-			"	    ^^^\n" + 
-			"The method six(Object) is ambiguous for the type Ex\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 21)\n" + 
-			"	@Override <M> void six(C cEx) {}\n" + 
-			"	                   ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method six(C) of type Ex<C> has the same erasure as six(TC) of type Top<TC> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 21)\n" + 
-			"	@Override <M> void six(C cEx) {}\n" + 
-			"	                   ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method six(C) of type Ex<C> must override or implement a supertype method\n" + 
-			"----------\n";		
-				this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Errors {\n" +
-				"	void foo() {\n" +
-				"		Ex<String> ex = new Ex<String>();\n" +
-				"		ex.proof(\"eclipse\");\n" +
-				"		ex.five(\"eclipse\");\n" +
-				"		ex.six(\"eclipse\");\n" +
-				"		Ex ex2 = ex;\n" +
-				"		ex2.proof(\"eclipse\");\n" +
-				"		ex2.five(\"eclipse\");\n" +
-				"		ex2.six(\"eclipse\");\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Top<TC> {\n" +
-				"	<TM> void proof(Object cTop) {}\n" +
-				"	<TM> void five(TC cTop) {}\n" +
-				"	void six(TC cTop) {}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Ex<C> extends Top<C> {\n" +
-				"	@Override void proof(Object cTop) {}\n" +
-				"	@Override void five(C cEx) {}\n" +
-				"	@Override <M> void six(C cEx) {}\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			expectedOutput
-			// we disagree about the ambiguous errors on lines 5, 9 & 20, see the message sends to proof()
-			// 5: reference to five is ambiguous, both method <TM>five(TC) in Top<java.lang.String> and method five(C) in Ex<java.lang.String> match
-			// 6: reference to six is ambiguous, both method six(TC) in Top<java.lang.String> and method <M>six(C) in Ex<java.lang.String> match
-			// 9: reference to five is ambiguous, both method <TM>five(TC) in Top and method five(C) in Ex match
-			// 9: warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to <TM>five(TC) as a member of the raw type Top
-			// 10: reference to six is ambiguous, both method six(TC) in Top and method <M>six(C) in Ex match
-			// 10: warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to six(TC) as a member of the raw type Top
-			// 20: method does not override a method from its superclass
-			// 21: method does not override a method from its superclass
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test063() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface IStructuredContentProvider<I, E extends I> {\n" + 
-				"    public E[] getElements(I inputElement);\n" + 
-				"    public E[] getChildren(E parent);\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class X implements IStructuredContentProvider {\n" + 
-				"// eclipse error: The type X must implement the inherited\n" + 
-				"// abstract method IStructuredContentProvider.getChildren(I)\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"    public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {\n" + 
-				"        // eclipse error: The return type is incompatible with\n" + 
-				"        // IStructuredContentProvider.getElements(Object)\n" + 
-				"        return null;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"    public Object[] getChildren(Object parent) {\n" + 
-				"        // eclipse error: Name clash: The method getChildren(Object) of type\n" + 
-				"        // X has the same erasure as getChildren(E) of type\n" + 
-				"        // IStructuredContentProvider<I,E> but does not override it\n" + 
-				"        return null;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"");
-	}
-	// - variation
-	public void test064() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface IStructuredContentProvider<I, E extends I> {\n" + 
-				"    public E[] getElements(I inputElement);\n" + 
-				"    public E[] getChildren(E parent);\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class X implements IStructuredContentProvider<Object,Object> {\n" + 
-				"// eclipse error: The type X must implement the inherited\n" + 
-				"// abstract method IStructuredContentProvider.getChildren(I)\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"    public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {\n" + 
-				"        // eclipse error: The return type is incompatible with\n" + 
-				"        // IStructuredContentProvider.getElements(Object)\n" + 
-				"        return null;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"    public Object[] getChildren(Object parent) {\n" + 
-				"        // eclipse error: Name clash: The method getChildren(Object) of type\n" + 
-				"        // X has the same erasure as getChildren(E) of type\n" + 
-				"        // IStructuredContentProvider<I,E> but does not override it\n" + 
-				"        return null;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"");
-	}
-	// - variation
-	public void test065() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.List;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"interface IStructuredContentProvider<I, E extends List<String>> {\n" + 
-				"    public E[] getElements(I inputElement);\n" + 
-				"    public E[] getChildren(E parent);\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class X implements IStructuredContentProvider {\n" + 
-				"// eclipse error: The type X must implement the inherited\n" + 
-				"// abstract method IStructuredContentProvider.getChildren(I)\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"    public List[] getElements(Object inputElement) {\n" + 
-				"        // eclipse error: The return type is incompatible with\n" + 
-				"        // IStructuredContentProvider.getElements(Object)\n" + 
-				"        return null;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"    public List[] getChildren(List parent) {\n" + 
-				"        // eclipse error: Name clash: The method getChildren(Object) of type\n" + 
-				"        // X has the same erasure as getChildren(E) of type\n" + 
-				"        // IStructuredContentProvider<I,E> but does not override it\n" + 
-				"        return null;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test066() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class JukeboxImpl implements Jukebox {\n" + 
-				"    public <M extends Music,A extends Artist<M>> A getArtist (M music){return null;}\n" + 
-				"    void test () { getArtist(new Rock()); }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"interface Jukebox {\n" + 
-				"	<M extends Music, A extends Artist<M>> A getArtist (M music);\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"interface Music {}\n" + 
-				"class Rock implements Music {}\n" + 
-				"interface Artist<M extends Music> {}\n"
-			},
-			"");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test067() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class NoErrors {\n" + 
-				"    public static void main(String[] args) { new B().foo2(1, 10); }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class A<T> {\n" + 
-				"	<S1 extends T> void foo2(Number t, S1 s) { System.out.print(false); }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class B extends A<Number> {\n" + 
-				"	<S2 extends Number> void foo2(Number t, S2 s) { System.out.print(true); }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"true");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test068() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.lang.reflect.Type;\n" +
-				"public class ReflectionNavigator implements Navigator<Type> {\n" + 
-				"    public <T> Class<T> erasure(Type t) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"interface Navigator<TypeT> {\n" + 
-				"	<T> TypeT erasure(TypeT x);\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class Usage {\n" + 
-				"	public void foo(ReflectionNavigator r, Type t) { r.erasure(t); }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test069() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.lang.reflect.Type;\n" +
-				"public class X implements I<A> {\n" + 
-				"    public <N extends A> void x1() {}\n" + 
-				"    public <N extends Number> void x2() {}\n" + 
-				"    public <N extends Number> void x3() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"interface I<V> {\n" + 
-				"	<N extends V> void x1();\n" + 
-				"	<N extends String> void x2();\n" + 
-				"	<N extends Object> void x3();\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class A {}\n" + 
-				"class B<T> {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	public class X implements I<A> {\r\n" + 
-			"	             ^\n" + 
-			"The type X must implement the inherited abstract method I<A>.x3()\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	public class X implements I<A> {\r\n" + 
-			"	             ^\n" + 
-			"The type X must implement the inherited abstract method I<A>.x2()\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-			"	public <N extends Number> void x2() {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                               ^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method x2() of type X has the same erasure as x2() of type I<V> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-			"	public <N extends Number> void x3() {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                               ^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method x3() of type X has the same erasure as x3() of type I<V> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. WARNING in (at line 9)\r\n" + 
-			"	<N extends String> void x2();\r\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The type parameter N should not be bounded by the final type String. Final types cannot be further extended\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test070() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface Factory<T> {\n" +
-				"	<U extends T> U create(Class<U> c);\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"public class BooleanFactory implements Factory<Boolean> {\n" + 
-				"	public <U extends Boolean> U create(Class<U> c) {\n" + 
-				"		try { return c.newInstance(); } catch(Exception e) { return null; }\n" +
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	public <U extends Boolean> U create(Class<U> c) {\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The type parameter U should not be bounded by the final type Boolean. Final types cannot be further extended\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test071() {
-		String expectedOutput = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()).sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_6
-		?	"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	@Override void m(Number t) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method m(Number) of type D has the same erasure as m(T) of type A<T> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	@Override void m(Number t) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method m(Number) of type D must override a superclass method\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in (at line 6)\r\n" + 
-			"	class B<S extends Integer> extends A<S> { @Override void m(S t) {} }\r\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The type parameter S should not be bounded by the final type Integer. Final types cannot be further extended\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		:	"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	@Override void m(Number t) {}\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method m(Number) of type D has the same erasure as m(T) of type A<T> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	@Override void m(Number t) {}\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method m(Number) of type D must override or implement a supertype method\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	class B<S extends Integer> extends A<S> { @Override void m(S t) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The type parameter S should not be bounded by the final type Integer. Final types cannot be further extended\n" + 
-			"----------\n";
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class D extends B<Integer> {\n" +
-				"	@Override void m(Number t) {}\n" + 
-				"	@Override void m(Integer t) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class A<T extends Number> { void m(T t) {} }\n" +
-				"class B<S extends Integer> extends A<S> { @Override void m(S t) {} }"
-			},
-			expectedOutput);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test072() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A<E> { E foo(E e) { return null; } }\n" + 
-				"class B<T> extends A<T> {\n" +
-				"	@Override T foo(Object arg0) { return null; }\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test073() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class Array<T> {\n" + 
-				"	public void add(T t) { System.out.println(false); }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"public class NumericArray<T extends Number> extends Array<T> {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) { new NumericArray<Integer>().add(1); }\n" +
-				"	@Override public void add(Number n) { System.out.println(true); }\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			"true"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test073a() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class Array<T> {\n" + 
-				"	public T add(T t) { System.out.println(false); return null; }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"public class NumericArray2<T extends Number> extends Array<T> {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) { new NumericArray2<Integer>().add(1); }\n" +
-				"	@Override public T add(Number n) { System.out.println(true); return null; }\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			"true"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test073b() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class Array<T> {\n" + 
-				"	public <U extends Number> void add(U u) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"public class NumericArray3<T extends Number> extends Array<T> {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) { new NumericArray3<Integer>().add(1); }\n" +
-				"	@Override public void add(Number n) { System.out.println(true); }\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			"true"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test073c() {
-		String expectedOutput = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()).sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_6
-		?	"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-			"	@Override public <U> void add(Number n) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method add(Number) of type NumericArray4<T> must override a superclass method\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		:	"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	@Override public <U> void add(Number n) {}\n" + 
-			"	                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method add(Number) of type NumericArray4<T> must override or implement a supertype method\n" + 
-			"----------\n";
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class Array<T> {\n" + 
-				"	public <U> void add(T t) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"public class NumericArray4<T extends Number> extends Array<T> {\n" +
-				"	@Override public <U> void add(Number n) {}\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			expectedOutput);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test073d() {
-		String expectedOutput = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()).sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_6
-		?	"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-			"	@Override public void add(Number n, Integer i) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method add(Number, Integer) of type NumericArray5<T> must override a superclass method\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		:	"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	@Override public void add(Number n, Integer i) {}\n" + 
-			"	                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method add(Number, Integer) of type NumericArray5<T> must override or implement a supertype method\n" + 
-			"----------\n";		
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class Array<T> {\n" + 
-				"	public <U> void add(T t, U u) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"public class NumericArray5<T extends Number> extends Array<T> {\n" +
-				"	@Override public void add(Number n, Integer i) {}\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			expectedOutput);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test074() {
-		String expectedOutput = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()).sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_6
-		?	"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	interface J extends I { @Override void clone(); }\n" + 
-			"	                                  ^^^^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with Object.clone(), thus this interface cannot be implemented\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	interface J extends I { @Override void clone(); }\n" + 
-			"	                                       ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method clone() of type J must override a superclass method\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		:	"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	interface J extends I { @Override void clone(); }\n" + 
-			"	                                  ^^^^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with Object.clone(), thus this interface cannot be implemented\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	interface J extends I { @Override void clone(); }\n" + 
-			"	                                       ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method clone() of type J must override or implement a supertype method\n" + 
-			"----------\n";		
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface I {}\n" +
-				"interface J extends I { @Override void clone(); }"
-			},
-			expectedOutput);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test074a() {
-		String expectedOutput = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()).sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_6
-		?	"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	interface I { @Override void clone(); }\n" + 
-			"	                        ^^^^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with Object.clone(), thus this interface cannot be implemented\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	interface I { @Override void clone(); }\n" + 
-			"	                             ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method clone() of type I must override a superclass method\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		:	"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	interface I { @Override void clone(); }\n" + 
-			"	                        ^^^^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with Object.clone(), thus this interface cannot be implemented\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	interface I { @Override void clone(); }\n" + 
-			"	                             ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method clone() of type I must override or implement a supertype method\n" + 
-			"----------\n";		
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface I { @Override void clone(); }\n" +
-				"interface J extends I {}"
-			},
-			expectedOutput);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test074b() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"interface I {\n" +
-				"	int finalize();\n" +
-				"	float hashCode();\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface J extends I {}\n" +
-				"abstract class A implements J {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	int finalize();\n" + 
-			"	^^^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with Object.finalize(), thus this interface cannot be implemented\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	float hashCode();\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with Object.hashCode()\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class A implements J {}\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with I.finalize(), Object.finalize()\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class A implements J {}\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with I.hashCode(), Object.hashCode()\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test075() {
-		String expectedOutput = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()).sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_6
-			?	"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-				"	class B extends A { @Override <T1, S1 extends J & I<S1>> void foo() { } }\n" + 
-				"	                                                              ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Name clash: The method foo() of type B has the same erasure as foo() of type A but does not override it\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-				"	class B extends A { @Override <T1, S1 extends J & I<S1>> void foo() { } }\n" + 
-				"	                                                              ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"The method foo() of type B must override a superclass method\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	class C extends A { @Override <T2, S2 extends J & I> void foo() { } }\n" + 
-				"	                                                  ^\n" + 
-				"I is a raw type. References to generic type I<TT> should be parameterized\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	class C extends A { @Override <T2, S2 extends J & I> void foo() { } }\n" + 
-				"	                                                          ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Name clash: The method foo() of type C has the same erasure as foo() of type A but does not override it\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	class C extends A { @Override <T2, S2 extends J & I> void foo() { } }\n" + 
-				"	                                                          ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"The method foo() of type C must override a superclass method\n" + 
-				"----------\n"
-			:	"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-				"	class B extends A { @Override <T1, S1 extends J & I<S1>> void foo() { } }\n" + 
-				"	                                                              ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Name clash: The method foo() of type B has the same erasure as foo() of type A but does not override it\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-				"	class B extends A { @Override <T1, S1 extends J & I<S1>> void foo() { } }\n" + 
-				"	                                                              ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"The method foo() of type B must override or implement a supertype method\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	class C extends A { @Override <T2, S2 extends J & I> void foo() { } }\n" + 
-				"	                                                  ^\n" + 
-				"I is a raw type. References to generic type I<TT> should be parameterized\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"4. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	class C extends A { @Override <T2, S2 extends J & I> void foo() { } }\n" + 
-				"	                                                          ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Name clash: The method foo() of type C has the same erasure as foo() of type A but does not override it\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"5. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-				"	class C extends A { @Override <T2, S2 extends J & I> void foo() { } }\n" + 
-				"	                                                          ^^^^^\n" + 
-				"The method foo() of type C must override or implement a supertype method\n" + 
-				"----------\n";		
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A { <T, S extends J & I<T>> void foo() { } }\n" +
-				"class B extends A { @Override <T1, S1 extends J & I<S1>> void foo() { } }\n" + // fails, name clash only shows up when Override is removed
-				"class C extends A { @Override <T2, S2 extends J & I> void foo() { } }\n" + // fails, name clash only shows up when Override is removed
-				"class D extends A { @Override <T3, S3 extends J & I<T3>> void foo() { } }\n" +
-				"class E extends A { @Override <T4, S4 extends I<T4> & J> void foo() { } }\n" +
-				"interface I<TT> {}\n" +
-				"interface J {}"
-			},
-			expectedOutput
-			// method does not override a method from its superclass
-			// method does not override a method from its superclass
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test075a() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			// there is no name clash in this case AND no override error - there would be if the annotation was present
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A<U> { <S extends J> void foo(U u, S s) { } }\n" +
-				"class B<V> extends A<V> { <S1 extends K> void foo(V v, S1 s) { } }\n" +
-				"interface J {}\n" +
-				"interface K extends J {}"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test075b() {
-		String expectedOutput = new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()).sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_6
-		?	"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	class B<V> extends A<V> { @Override <T1, S1 extends K & I<T1>> void foo(V v, T1 t, S1 s) { } }\r\n" + 
-			"	                                                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo(V, T1, S1) of type B<V> must override a superclass method\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		:	"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	class B<V> extends A<V> { @Override <T1, S1 extends K & I<T1>> void foo(V v, T1 t, S1 s) { } }\n" + 
-			"	                                                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo(V, T1, S1) of type B<V> must override or implement a supertype method\n" + 
-			"----------\n";				
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A<U> { <T, S extends J & I<T>> void foo(U u, T t, S s) { } }\n" +
-				"class B<V> extends A<V> { @Override <T1, S1 extends K & I<T1>> void foo(V v, T1 t, S1 s) { } }\n" +
-				"interface I<TT> {}\n" +
-				"interface J {}\n" +
-				"interface K extends J {}"
-			},
-			expectedOutput
-			// method does not override a method from its superclass
-		);
-	}
-	public void test076() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A {\n" +
-				"	<T, S extends J & I<S>> void foo(S s) { }\n" +
-				"	<T, S extends I<T> & J > void foo(S s) { }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface I<TT> {}\n" +
-				"interface J {}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test076a() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A {\n" +
-				"	<T, S extends J & I<T>> void foo() { }\n" +
-				"	<T, S extends I<T> & J> void foo() { }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface I<TT> {}\n" +
-				"interface J {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	<T, S extends J & I<T>> void foo() { }\r\n" + 
-			"	                             ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method foo() in type A\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	<T, S extends I<T> & J> void foo() { }\r\n" + 
-			"	                             ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method foo() in type A\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// <T,S>foo() is already defined in A
-		);
-	}
-	public void test076b() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A {\n" +
-				"	<T, S extends J & I<T>> void foo() { }\n" +
-				"	<T, S extends I<T> & K> void foo() { }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface I<TT> {}\n" +
-				"interface J {}\n" +
-				"interface K extends J {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	<T, S extends J & I<T>> void foo() { }\r\n" + 
-			"	                             ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method foo() in type A\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	<T, S extends I<T> & K> void foo() { }\r\n" + 
-			"	                             ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method foo() in type A\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: <T,S>foo() and <T,S>foo() have the same erasure
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test077() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	Object o = new A<Integer>().foo(new Integer(1));\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface I<T1> { I<T1> foo(T1 t); }\n" +
-				"interface J<T2> { J<T2> foo(T2 t); }\n" +
-				"class B<T> { public A<T> foo(T t) { return new A<T>(); } }\n" +
-				"class A<S> extends B<S> implements I<S>, J<S> {}"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test077a() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public interface I { I foo(); }\n" +
-				"interface J { J foo(); }\n" +
-				"interface K extends I, J { K foo(); }\n" +
-				"interface L { K getI(); }\n" +
-				"interface M { I getI(); }\n" +
-				"interface N { J getI(); }\n" +
-				"interface O extends L, M, N { K getI(); }\n" +
-				"interface P extends L, M, N {}\n" +
-				"class X implements L, M, N { public K getI() { return null; } }\n" +
-				"abstract class Y implements L, M, N {}\n" +
-				"abstract class Z implements L, M, N { public K getI() { return null; } }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	interface P extends L, M, N {}\n" + 
-			"	          ^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with N.getI(), M.getI(), L.getI()\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class Y implements L, M, N {}\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with N.getI(), M.getI(), L.getI()\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-/* See addtional comments in
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	interface K extends I, J { K foo(); }\r\n" + 
-			"	          ^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with,\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\r\n" + 
-			"	interface O extends L, M, N { K getI(); }\r\n" + 
-			"	          ^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with N.getI(), M.getI(), L.getI()\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\r\n" + 
-			"	interface P extends L, M, N {}\r\n" + 
-			"	          ^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with N.getI(), M.getI(), L.getI()\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 10)\r\n" + 
-			"	abstract class Y implements L, M, N {}\r\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with N.getI(), M.getI(), L.getI()\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test078() {
-		Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-		customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_5);			    
-		customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4);
-		customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TargetPlatform, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4);
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public abstract class X implements IAppendable {\n" + 
-				"    public X append(char c) {\n" + 
-				"        return null;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"interface IAppendable {\n" + 
-				"	IAppendable append(char c);\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	public X append(char c) {\n" + 
-			"	       ^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with IAppendable.append(char)\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);		
-	}			
-	//
-	public void test079() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A<E> { void x(A<String> s) {} }\n" +
-				"class B extends A { void x(A<String> s) {} }\n" +
-				"class C extends A { @Override void x(A s) {} }\n" +
-				"class D extends A { void x(A<Object> s) {} }"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	class B extends A { void x(A<String> s) {} }\r\n" + 
-			"	                ^\n" + 
-			"A is a raw type. References to generic type A<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	class B extends A { void x(A<String> s) {} }\r\n" + 
-			"	                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method x(A<String>) of type B has the same erasure as x(A) of type A but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	class C extends A { @Override void x(A s) {} }\r\n" + 
-			"	                ^\n" + 
-			"A is a raw type. References to generic type A<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. WARNING in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	class C extends A { @Override void x(A s) {} }\r\n" + 
-			"	                                     ^\n" + 
-			"A is a raw type. References to generic type A<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. WARNING in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-			"	class D extends A { void x(A<Object> s) {} }\r\n" + 
-			"	                ^\n" + 
-			"A is a raw type. References to generic type A<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-			"	class D extends A { void x(A<Object> s) {} }\r\n" + 
-			"	                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method x(A<Object>) of type D has the same erasure as x(A) of type A but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// name clash: x(A<java.lang.String>) in B and x(A<java.lang.String>) in A have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-			// name clash: x(A<java.lang.Object>) in D and x(A<java.lang.String>) in A have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test080() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class HashOrder extends DoubleHash<String> {\n" +
-				"	public static HashOrder create() { return null; }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class DoubleHash<T> {\n" +
-				"	public static <U> DoubleHash<U> create() { return null; }\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	public static HashOrder create() { return null; }\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The return type HashOrder for create() from the type HashOrder needs unchecked conversion to conform to DoubleHash<Object> from the type DoubleHash<String>\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// warning: create() in HashOrder overrides <U>create() in DoubleHash; return type requires unchecked conversion
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test081() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public abstract class X<U> implements I {\n" +
-				"	public A<String> foo() { return null; }\n" +
-				"	public <S> A<U> bar() { return null; }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface I {\n" +
-				"	<T> A<T> foo();\n" +
-				"	<S> A<S> bar();\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A<V> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	public A<String> foo() { return null; }\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The return type A<String> for foo() from the type X<U> needs unchecked conversion to conform to A<Object> from the type I\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	public <S> A<U> bar() { return null; }\r\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^^\n" + 
-			"The return type is incompatible with\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// <S>bar() in X cannot implement <S>bar() in I; attempting to use incompatible return type
-			// warning: foo() in X implements <T>foo() in I; return type requires unchecked conversion
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test082() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class V extends U { @Override public C<B> foo() { return null; } }\n" +
-				"class U { public <T extends A> C<T> foo() { return null; } }\n" +
-				"class A {}\n" +
-				"class B extends A {}\n" +
-				"class C<T> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class V extends U { @Override public C<B> foo() { return null; } }\n" + 
-			"	                                            ^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The return type C<B> for foo() from the type V needs unchecked conversion to conform to C<A> from the type U\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// warning: foo() in V overrides <T>foo() in U; return type requires unchecked conversion
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test083() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class C extends p.B {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-				"		System.out.println(((p.I) new C()).m() == null);\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"public abstract class B extends A {}\n" +
-				"abstract class A implements I {\n" +
-				"	public A m() { return null; }\n" +
-				"}",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"public interface I { I m(); }\n"
-			},
-			"true"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test084() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class A<T1 extends A.M> implements I<T1> {\n" +
-				"	public java.util.List<T1> f(M n) { return null; }\n" +
-				"	static class M {}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface I<T2> {\n" +
-				"	java.util.List<T2> f(T2 t);\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test084a() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class A<T1 extends A.M> implements I<T1> {\n" +
-				"	public void foo(Number n, M m) {}\n" +
-				"	public void foo2(Number n, M m) {}\n" +
-				"	public void foo3(Number n, M m) {}\n" +
-				"	static class M {}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface I<T2> {\n" +
-				"	<U extends Number> void foo(U u, T2 t);\n" +
-				"	void foo2(Number n, T2 t);\n" +
-				"	<U extends Number> void foo3(U u, A.M m);\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test084b() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class A<T1 extends A.M> implements I<T1> {\n" +
-				"	public void foo4(Number n, T1 m) {}\n" +
-				"	static class M {}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"interface I<T2> {\n" +
-				"	<U extends Number> void foo4(U u, A.M m);\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	public class A<T1 extends A.M> implements I<T1> {\r\n" + 
-			"	             ^\n" + 
-			"The type A<T1> must implement the inherited abstract method I<T1>.foo4(U, A.M)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	public void foo4(Number n, T1 m) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method foo4(Number, T1) of type A<T1> has the same erasure as foo4(U, A.M) of type I<T2> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// A is not abstract and does not override abstract method <U>foo4(U,A.M) in I
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test085() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Collection;\n" +
-				"public class Parent {\n" +
-				"	static void staticCase1(Collection c) {}\n" +
-				"	static void staticCase2(Collection<String> c) {}\n" +
-				"	void instanceCase1(Collection c) {}\n" +
-				"	void instanceCase2(Collection<String> c) {}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Child extends Parent {\n" +
-				"	static void staticCase1(Collection<String> c) {}\n" +
-				"	static void staticCase2(Collection c) {}\n" +
-				"	void instanceCase1(Collection<String> c) {}\n" +
-				"	@Override void instanceCase2(Collection c) {}\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	static void staticCase1(Collection c) {}\n" + 
-			"	                        ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	void instanceCase1(Collection c) {}\n" + 
-			"	                   ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	static void staticCase2(Collection c) {}\n" + 
-			"	                        ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	void instanceCase1(Collection<String> c) {}\n" + 
-			"	     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method instanceCase1(Collection<String>) of type Child has the same erasure as instanceCase1(Collection) of type Parent but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. WARNING in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	@Override void instanceCase2(Collection c) {}\n" + 
-			"	                             ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// @Override is an error for instanceCase1
-			// name clash: instanceCase1(Collection<String>) in Child and instanceCase1(Collection) in Parent have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
-		);
-	}
-	// - case 2
-	public void test085b() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Collection;\n" +
-				"public class Parent {\n" +
-				"	static void staticMismatchCase1(Collection c) {}\n" +
-				"	static void staticMismatchCase2(Collection<String> c) {}\n" +
-				"	void mismatchCase1(Collection c) {}\n" +
-				"	void mismatchCase2(Collection<String> c) {}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Child extends Parent {\n" +
-				"	void staticMismatchCase1(Collection c) {}\n" +
-				"	void staticMismatchCase2(Collection<String> c) {}\n" +
-				"	static void mismatchCase1(Collection c) {}\n" +
-				"	static void mismatchCase2(Collection<String> c) {}\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	static void staticMismatchCase1(Collection c) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                                ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-			"	void mismatchCase1(Collection c) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                   ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 9)\r\n" + 
-			"	void staticMismatchCase1(Collection c) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"This instance method cannot override the static method from Parent\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. WARNING in (at line 9)\r\n" + 
-			"	void staticMismatchCase1(Collection c) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                         ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 10)\r\n" + 
-			"	void staticMismatchCase2(Collection<String> c) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"This instance method cannot override the static method from Parent\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 11)\r\n" + 
-			"	static void mismatchCase1(Collection c) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"This static method cannot hide the instance method from Parent\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. WARNING in (at line 11)\r\n" + 
-			"	static void mismatchCase1(Collection c) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                          ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 12)\r\n" + 
-			"	static void mismatchCase2(Collection<String> c) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"This static method cannot hide the instance method from Parent\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// staticMismatchCase1(java.util.Collection) in Child cannot override staticMismatchCase1(java.util.Collection) in Parent; overridden method is static
-			// staticMismatchCase2(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>) in Child cannot override staticMismatchCase2(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>) in Parent; overridden method is static
-			// mismatchCase1(java.util.Collection) in Child cannot override mismatchCase1(java.util.Collection) in Parent; overriding method is static
-			// mismatchCase2(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>) in Child cannot override mismatchCase2(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>) in Parent; overriding method is static
-		);
-	}
-	// - case 3
-	public void test085c() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public abstract class X<V> extends CX<V> implements IX<V> {}\n" +
-				"class CX<T> { public static void foo(Object o) {} }\n" +
-				"abstract class X2 extends CX implements IX {}\n" +
-				"interface IX<U> { void foo(U u); }"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public abstract class X<V> extends CX<V> implements IX<V> {}\n" + 
-			"	                      ^\n" + 
-			"The static method foo(Object) conflicts with the abstract method in IX<V>\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	abstract class X2 extends CX implements IX {}\r\n" + 
-			"	               ^^\n" + 
-			"The static method foo(Object) conflicts with the abstract method in IX\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	abstract class X2 extends CX implements IX {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                          ^^\n" + 
-			"CX is a raw type. References to generic type CX<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. WARNING in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	abstract class X2 extends CX implements IX {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                                        ^^\n" + 
-			"IX is a raw type. References to generic type IX<U> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// line 1: foo(java.lang.Object) in CX cannot implement foo(U) in IX; overriding method is static
-			// line 3: foo(java.lang.Object) in CX cannot implement foo(U) in IX; overriding method is static
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test086() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X implements I { public <T extends Object & Data> void copyData(T data) {} }\n" +
-				"interface I { <A extends Data> void copyData(A data); }\n" +
-				"interface Data {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class X implements I { public <T extends Object & Data> void copyData(T data) {} }\n" + 
-			"	             ^\n" + 
-			"The type X must implement the inherited abstract method I.copyData(A)\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// X is not abstract and does not override abstract method <A>copyData(A) in I
-		);
-	}
-	// - case 2
-	public void test086b() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X implements I { public <T> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass) { return null; } }\n" +
-				"interface I { <T extends Object> G<T> foo(Class<T> stuffClass); }\n" +
-				"class G<T> {}"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test087() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.Collection;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"interface Interface1 {\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"interface Interface2 extends Interface1 {\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"interface Interface3 {\n" + 
-				"    <P extends Interface1> Collection<P> doStuff();\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"interface Interface4 extends Interface3 {\n" + 
-				"    Collection<Interface2> doStuff();\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"    Zork z;\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 11)\r\n" + 
-			"	Collection<Interface2> doStuff();\r\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The return type Collection<Interface2> for doStuff() from the type Interface4 needs unchecked conversion to conform to Collection<Interface1> from the type Interface3\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 14)\r\n" + 
-			"	Zork z;\r\n" + 
-			"	^^^^\n" + 
-			"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}	
-	// - variation
-	public void test088() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",//===================
-				"import java.util.*;\n" +
-				"public class X<T0> extends ArrayList<T0> implements I<T0>,Runnable {\n" + 
-				"	\n" + 
-				"	void foo() {\n" + 
-				"		this.add(new Object());\n" + 
-				"		this.add(null);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"interface I<T1> extends Collection<String> {\n" + 
-				"}\n" , // =================, // =================			
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	public class X<T0> extends ArrayList<T0> implements I<T0>,Runnable {\n" + 
-			"	             ^\n" + 
-			"The interface Collection cannot be implemented more than once with different arguments: Collection<T0> and Collection<String>\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	public class X<T0> extends ArrayList<T0> implements I<T0>,Runnable {\n" + 
-			"	             ^\n" + 
-			"The type X<T0> must implement the inherited abstract method\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	public class X<T0> extends ArrayList<T0> implements I<T0>,Runnable {\n" + 
-			"	             ^\n" + 
-			"The serializable class X does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	this.add(new Object());\n" + 
-			"	     ^^^\n" + 
-			"The method add(T0) in the type ArrayList<T0> is not applicable for the arguments (Object)\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	// - variation
-	public void test089() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",//===================
-				"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-				"public class X extends X2 {}\n" + 
-				"abstract class X2 extends X3 implements List<String> {}\n" + 
-				"abstract class X3 implements List<Thread> {}", // =================
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	abstract class X2 extends X3 implements List<String> {}\n" + 
-			"	               ^^\n" + 
-			"The interface List cannot be implemented more than once with different arguments: List<Thread> and List<String>\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-//	public void test090() {
-//		this.runConformTest(
-//			new String[] {
-//				"",
-//				"class XSuper {\n" + 
-//				"	Object foo() throws Exception { return null; }\n" + 
-//				"	protected Object bar() throws Exception { return null; }\n" + 
-//				"}\n" + 
-//				"public class X extends XSuper {\n" + 
-//				"	protected String foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-//				"	public String bar() { return null; }\n" + 
-//				"}", // =================
-//			},
-//			"");
-//		// 	ensure bridge methods have target method modifiers, and inherited thrown exceptions
-//		String expectedOutput =
-//			"  // Method descriptor #17 ()Ljava/lang/Object;\n" + 
-//			"  // Stack: 1, Locals: 1\n" + 
-//			"  public bridge synthetic java.lang.Object bar() throws java.lang.Exception;\n" + 
-//			"    0  aload_0\n" + 
-//			"    1  invokevirtual : java.lang.String [21]\n" + 
-//			"    4  areturn\n" + 
-//			"      Line numbers:\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 0, line: 1]\n" + 
-//			"  \n" + 
-//			"  // Method descriptor #17 ()Ljava/lang/Object;\n" + 
-//			"  // Stack: 1, Locals: 1\n" + 
-//			"  protected bridge synthetic java.lang.Object foo() throws java.lang.Exception;\n" + 
-//			"    0  aload_0\n" + 
-//			"    1  invokevirtual : java.lang.String [23]\n" + 
-//			"    4  areturn\n" + 
-//			"      Line numbers:\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 0, line: 1]\n";
-//		try {
-//			File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-//			byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-//			ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-//			String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n", ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-//			int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-//			if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-//				System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-//			}
-//			if (index == -1) {
-//				assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-//			}
-//		} catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-//			assertTrue(false);
-//		} catch (IOException e) {
-//			assertTrue(false);
-//		}		
-//	}
-	//	
-	public void test091() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",//===================
-				"import;\n" + 
-				"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"class DataSet<T extends Number> implements List, Iterator, Serializable {\n" + 
-				"	\n" + 
-				"	public <S> S[] toArray(S[] s) {\n" + 
-				"		return s;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	public boolean add(Object o) { return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public void add(int index, Object element) {}\n" + 
-				"	public boolean addAll(Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public boolean addAll(int index, Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public void clear() {}\n" + 
-				"	public boolean contains(Object o) {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public boolean containsAll(Collection c) { return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public Object get(int index) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public int indexOf(Object o) { return 0; }\n" + 
-				"	public boolean isEmpty() {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public Iterator iterator() {	return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public int lastIndexOf(Object o) {	return 0; }\n" + 
-				"	public ListIterator listIterator() {	return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public ListIterator listIterator(int index) {	return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public boolean remove(Object o) {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public Object remove(int index) {	return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public boolean removeAll(Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public boolean retainAll(Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public Object set(int index, Object element) {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public int size() {	return 0; }\n" + 
-				"	public List subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {	return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public Object[] toArray() {	return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public boolean hasNext() {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public Object next() {	return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public void remove() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n", // =================
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	class DataSet<T extends Number> implements List, Iterator, Serializable {\n" + 
-			"	      ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The type DataSet<T> must implement the inherited abstract method List.toArray(Object[])\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	class DataSet<T extends Number> implements List, Iterator, Serializable {\n" + 
-			"	      ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The serializable class DataSet does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	class DataSet<T extends Number> implements List, Iterator, Serializable {\n" + 
-			"	                                           ^^^^\n" + 
-			"List is a raw type. References to generic type List<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	class DataSet<T extends Number> implements List, Iterator, Serializable {\n" + 
-			"	                                                 ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Iterator is a raw type. References to generic type Iterator<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	public <S> S[] toArray(S[] s) {\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method toArray(S[]) of type DataSet<T> has the same erasure as toArray(Object[]) of type List but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	public <S> S[] toArray(S[] s) {\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method toArray(S[]) of type DataSet<T> has the same erasure as toArray(Object[]) of type Collection but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. WARNING in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean addAll(Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-			"	                      ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. WARNING in (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean addAll(int index, Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-			"	                                 ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. WARNING in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean containsAll(Collection c) { return false; }\n" + 
-			"	                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. WARNING in (at line 20)\n" + 
-			"	public Iterator iterator() {	return null; }\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Iterator is a raw type. References to generic type Iterator<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. WARNING in (at line 22)\n" + 
-			"	public ListIterator listIterator() {	return null; }\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"ListIterator is a raw type. References to generic type ListIterator<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"12. WARNING in (at line 23)\n" + 
-			"	public ListIterator listIterator(int index) {	return null; }\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"ListIterator is a raw type. References to generic type ListIterator<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"13. WARNING in (at line 26)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean removeAll(Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-			"	                         ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"14. WARNING in (at line 27)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean retainAll(Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-			"	                         ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"15. WARNING in (at line 30)\n" + 
-			"	public List subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {	return null; }\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^\n" + 
-			"List is a raw type. References to generic type List<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}	
-	// - variation
-	public void test092() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",//===================
-				"import;\n" + 
-				"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"class DataSet<T extends Number> implements List, Iterator, Serializable {\n" + 
-				"	\n" + 
-				"	public <S extends T> S[] toArray(S[] s) {\n" + 
-				"		return s;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	public boolean add(Object o) { return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public void add(int index, Object element) {}\n" + 
-				"	public boolean addAll(Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public boolean addAll(int index, Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public void clear() {}\n" + 
-				"	public boolean contains(Object o) {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public boolean containsAll(Collection c) { return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public Object get(int index) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public int indexOf(Object o) { return 0; }\n" + 
-				"	public boolean isEmpty() {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public Iterator iterator() {	return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public int lastIndexOf(Object o) {	return 0; }\n" + 
-				"	public ListIterator listIterator() {	return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public ListIterator listIterator(int index) {	return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public boolean remove(Object o) {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public Object remove(int index) {	return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public boolean removeAll(Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public boolean retainAll(Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public Object set(int index, Object element) {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public int size() {	return 0; }\n" + 
-				"	public List subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {	return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public Object[] toArray() {	return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public boolean hasNext() {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public Object next() {	return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public void remove() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n", // =================
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	class DataSet<T extends Number> implements List, Iterator, Serializable {\n" + 
-			"	      ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The type DataSet<T> must implement the inherited abstract method List.toArray(Object[])\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	class DataSet<T extends Number> implements List, Iterator, Serializable {\n" + 
-			"	      ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The serializable class DataSet does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	class DataSet<T extends Number> implements List, Iterator, Serializable {\n" + 
-			"	                                           ^^^^\n" + 
-			"List is a raw type. References to generic type List<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	class DataSet<T extends Number> implements List, Iterator, Serializable {\n" + 
-			"	                                                 ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Iterator is a raw type. References to generic type Iterator<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. WARNING in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean addAll(Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-			"	                      ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. WARNING in (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean addAll(int index, Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-			"	                                 ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. WARNING in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean containsAll(Collection c) { return false; }\n" + 
-			"	                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. WARNING in (at line 20)\n" + 
-			"	public Iterator iterator() {	return null; }\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Iterator is a raw type. References to generic type Iterator<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. WARNING in (at line 22)\n" + 
-			"	public ListIterator listIterator() {	return null; }\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"ListIterator is a raw type. References to generic type ListIterator<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. WARNING in (at line 23)\n" + 
-			"	public ListIterator listIterator(int index) {	return null; }\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"ListIterator is a raw type. References to generic type ListIterator<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. WARNING in (at line 26)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean removeAll(Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-			"	                         ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"12. WARNING in (at line 27)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean retainAll(Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-			"	                         ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"13. WARNING in (at line 30)\n" + 
-			"	public List subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {	return null; }\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^\n" + 
-			"List is a raw type. References to generic type List<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}	
-	// - variation
-	public void test093() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",//===================
-				"import;\n" + 
-				"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"class DataSet<T extends Number> implements List, Iterator, Serializable {\n" + 
-				"	\n" + 
-				"	public <S> S[] toArray(S[] s) {\n" + 
-				"		return s;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	public Object[] toArray(Object[] o) {\n" + 
-				"		return o;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	public boolean add(Object o) { return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public void add(int index, Object element) {}\n" + 
-				"	public boolean addAll(Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public boolean addAll(int index, Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public void clear() {}\n" + 
-				"	public boolean contains(Object o) {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public boolean containsAll(Collection c) { return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public Object get(int index) { return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public int indexOf(Object o) { return 0; }\n" + 
-				"	public boolean isEmpty() {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public Iterator iterator() {	return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public int lastIndexOf(Object o) {	return 0; }\n" + 
-				"	public ListIterator listIterator() {	return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public ListIterator listIterator(int index) {	return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public boolean remove(Object o) {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public Object remove(int index) {	return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public boolean removeAll(Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public boolean retainAll(Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public Object set(int index, Object element) {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public int size() {	return 0; }\n" + 
-				"	public List subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {	return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public Object[] toArray() {	return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public boolean hasNext() {	return false; }\n" + 
-				"	public Object next() {	return null; }\n" + 
-				"	public void remove() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n", // =================
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	class DataSet<T extends Number> implements List, Iterator, Serializable {\n" + 
-			"	      ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The type DataSet<T> must implement the inherited abstract method List.toArray(Object[])\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	class DataSet<T extends Number> implements List, Iterator, Serializable {\n" + 
-			"	      ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The serializable class DataSet does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	class DataSet<T extends Number> implements List, Iterator, Serializable {\n" + 
-			"	                                           ^^^^\n" + 
-			"List is a raw type. References to generic type List<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	class DataSet<T extends Number> implements List, Iterator, Serializable {\n" + 
-			"	                                                 ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Iterator is a raw type. References to generic type Iterator<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	public <S> S[] toArray(S[] s) {\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Method toArray(S[]) has the same erasure toArray(Object[]) as another method in type DataSet<T>\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	public Object[] toArray(Object[] o) {\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Duplicate method toArray(Object[]) in type DataSet<T>\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. WARNING in (at line 14)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean addAll(Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-			"	                      ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. WARNING in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean addAll(int index, Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-			"	                                 ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. WARNING in (at line 18)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean containsAll(Collection c) { return false; }\n" + 
-			"	                           ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. WARNING in (at line 22)\n" + 
-			"	public Iterator iterator() {	return null; }\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Iterator is a raw type. References to generic type Iterator<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. WARNING in (at line 24)\n" + 
-			"	public ListIterator listIterator() {	return null; }\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"ListIterator is a raw type. References to generic type ListIterator<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"12. WARNING in (at line 25)\n" + 
-			"	public ListIterator listIterator(int index) {	return null; }\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"ListIterator is a raw type. References to generic type ListIterator<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"13. WARNING in (at line 28)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean removeAll(Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-			"	                         ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"14. WARNING in (at line 29)\n" + 
-			"	public boolean retainAll(Collection c) {	return false; }\n" + 
-			"	                         ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Collection is a raw type. References to generic type Collection<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"15. WARNING in (at line 32)\n" + 
-			"	public List subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {	return null; }\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^\n" + 
-			"List is a raw type. References to generic type List<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}	
-public void test094() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",//===================
-			"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" + 
-			"import java.util.Arrays;\n" + 
-			"class Y<T> {}\n" + 
-			"public class X\n" + 
-			"{\n" + 
-			"  private static ArrayList<Y<X>> y = new ArrayList<Y<X>>();\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Y[] array)\n" + 
-			"  {\n" + 
-			"    y.addAll(Arrays.asList(array));\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n", // =================
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(Y[] array)\n" + 
-		"	         ^\n" + 
-		"Y is a raw type. References to generic type Y<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	y.addAll(Arrays.asList(array));\n" + 
-		"	  ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method addAll(Collection<? extends Y<X>>) in the type ArrayList<Y<X>> is not applicable for the arguments (List<Y>)\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-public void test096() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",//===================
-			"import java.util.Collection;\n" + 
-			"import javax.swing.JLabel;\n" + 
-			"interface SuperInterface {\n" + 
-			"   public <A extends JLabel> void doIt(Collection<A> as);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"public class ProblemClass implements SuperInterface {\n" + 
-			"   public void doIt(Collection<? extends JLabel> as) {\n" + 
-			"   }\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	public class ProblemClass implements SuperInterface {\n" + 
-		"	             ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type ProblemClass must implement the inherited abstract method SuperInterface.doIt(Collection<A>)\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	public void doIt(Collection<? extends JLabel> as) {\n" + 
-		"	            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Name clash: The method doIt(Collection<? extends JLabel>) of type ProblemClass has the same erasure as doIt(Collection<A>) of type SuperInterface but does not override it\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// - variation
-public void test097() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",//===================
-			"import java.util.Collection;\n" + 
-			"import javax.swing.JLabel;\n" + 
-			"interface SuperInterface {\n" + 
-			"   public <A extends JLabel> void doIt(Collection<A> as);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"public class ProblemClass implements SuperInterface {\n" + 
-			"   public <B extends JLabel> void doIt(Collection<B> as) {\n" + 
-			"   }\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		""
-	);
-// autoboxing mixed with type parameters substitution
-public void test098() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-			"public class X<A, B> {\n" + 
-			"    public X(List<A> toAdd) {\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    public <L extends List<? super A>, LF extends Factory<L>> L \n" + 
-			"            foo(B b, L l, LF lf) {\n" + 
-			"        return l;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    public static class ListFactory<T> implements Factory<List<T>> {\n" + 
-			"        public List<T> create() {\n" + 
-			"            return null;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    public static interface Factory<T> {\n" + 
-			"        public T create();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    public static void bar() {\n" + 
-			"        (new X<Long, Number>(new ArrayList<Long>())).\n" + 
-			"            foo(1, (List<Number>) null, new ListFactory<Number>());\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		""
-	);
-public void test099() {
-	Map customOptions= getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4);
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"import java.nio.charset.*;\n" + 
-			"public class TestCharset extends Charset {\n" + 
-			"	protected TestCharset(String n, String[] a) { super(n, a); }\n" + 
-			"	public boolean contains(Charset cs) { return false; }\n" + 
-			"	public CharsetDecoder newDecoder() { return null; }\n" + 
-			"	public CharsetEncoder newEncoder() { return null; }\n" + 
-			"}\n" ,
-		},
-		"",
-		null,
-		true,
-		null,
-		customOptions,
-		null/*no custom requestor*/);
-// name conflict
-public void test100() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"import java.util.Collection;\n" + 
-			"public class X<E> {\n" + 
-			"  boolean removeAll(Collection<? extends E> c) {\n" + 
-			"    return false;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"",
-			"import java.util.Collection;\n" + 
-			"public class Y<E> extends X<E>\n" + 
-			"{\n" + 
-			"  <T extends E> boolean removeAll(Collection<T> c) {\n" + 
-			"    return false;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	<T extends E> boolean removeAll(Collection<T> c) {\n" + 
-		"	                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Name clash: The method removeAll(Collection<T>) of type Y<E> has the same erasure as removeAll(Collection<? extends E>) of type X<E> but does not override it\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-// name conflict
-public void test101() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"import java.util.List;\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    Integer getX(List<Integer> l) {\n" + 
-			"        return null;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    String getX(List<String> l) {\n" + 
-			"        return null;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class Y {\n" + 
-			"    Integer getX(List<Integer> l) {\n" + 
-			"        return null;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    String getX(List<Integer> l) {\n" + 
-			"        return null;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-		"	Integer getX(List<Integer> l) {\n" + 
-		"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Duplicate method getX(List<Integer>) in type Y\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-		"	String getX(List<Integer> l) {\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Duplicate method getX(List<Integer>) in type Y\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-public void test102() {
-	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-//	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportSyntheticAccessEmulation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	private interface ReturnBase {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	private interface ReturnDerived extends ReturnBase {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	private interface ReturnLeaf extends ReturnDerived {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	private interface Interface {\n" + 
-			"		ReturnBase bar();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	private static class Implementation {\n" + 
-			"		public final ReturnDerived bar() {\n" + 
-			"			return null;\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	private static class Child extends Implementation implements Interface {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	private static class Grandchild extends Child implements Interface {\n" +
-			"		@Override\n" + 
-			"		public ReturnLeaf bar() {\n" + 
-			"			return null;\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		new Grandchild();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 26)\n" + 
-		"	public ReturnLeaf bar() {\n" + 
-		"	                  ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Cannot override the final method from X.Implementation\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		options
-	);
-//public void test103() {
-//	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-//	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportSyntheticAccessEmulation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-//	this.runConformTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"",
-//			"public class X {\n" + 
-//			"	private interface ReturnBase {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private interface ReturnDerived extends ReturnBase {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private interface Interface {\n" + 
-//			"		ReturnBase bar();\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Implementation {\n" + 
-//			"		public final ReturnDerived bar() {\n" + 
-//			"			return null;\n" + 
-//			"		}\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Grandchild extends Child implements Interface {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Child extends Implementation implements Interface {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-//			"		new Grandchild();\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"}"
-//		},
-//		"",
-//		null,
-//		true,
-//		null,
-//		options,
-//		null
-//	);
-//	File fileX = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Child.class");
-//	IClassFileReader reader = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileReader(fileX.getAbsolutePath(), IClassFileReader.ALL_BUT_METHOD_BODIES);
-//	IMethodInfo[] methodInfos = reader.getMethodInfos();
-//	boolean found = false;
-//	for (int i = 0, max = methodInfos.length; i < max; i++) {
-//		if (new String(methodInfos[i].getName()).equals("bar")) {
-//			found = true;
-//			break;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertTrue("bar should be there", found);
-//	fileX = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Grandchild.class");
-//	reader = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileReader(fileX.getAbsolutePath(), IClassFileReader.ALL_BUT_METHOD_BODIES);
-//	methodInfos = reader.getMethodInfos();
-//	found = false;
-//	for (int i = 0, max = methodInfos.length; i < max; i++) {
-//		if (new String(methodInfos[i].getName()).equals("bar")) {
-//			found = true;
-//			break;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertFalse("bar should not be there", found);		
-//public void test104() {
-//	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-//	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportSyntheticAccessEmulation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-//	this.runConformTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"",
-//			"public class X {\n" + 
-//			"	private interface ReturnBase {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private interface ReturnDerived extends ReturnBase {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private interface Interface {\n" + 
-//			"		ReturnBase bar();\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Implementation {\n" + 
-//			"		public final ReturnDerived bar() {\n" + 
-//			"			return null;\n" + 
-//			"		}\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Child extends Implementation implements Interface {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Grandchild extends Child implements Interface {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-//			"		new Grandchild();\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"}"
-//		},
-//		"",
-//		null,
-//		true,
-//		null,
-//		options,
-//		null
-//	);
-//	File fileX = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Child.class");
-//	IClassFileReader reader = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileReader(fileX.getAbsolutePath(), IClassFileReader.ALL_BUT_METHOD_BODIES);
-//	IMethodInfo[] methodInfos = reader.getMethodInfos();
-//	boolean found = false;
-//	for (int i = 0, max = methodInfos.length; i < max; i++) {
-//		if (new String(methodInfos[i].getName()).equals("bar")) {
-//			found = true;
-//			break;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertTrue("bar should be there", found);
-//	fileX = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Grandchild.class");
-//	reader = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileReader(fileX.getAbsolutePath(), IClassFileReader.ALL_BUT_METHOD_BODIES);
-//	methodInfos = reader.getMethodInfos();
-//	found = false;
-//	for (int i = 0, max = methodInfos.length; i < max; i++) {
-//		if (new String(methodInfos[i].getName()).equals("bar")) {
-//			found = true;
-//			break;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertFalse("bar should not be there", found);		
-//public void test105() {
-//	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-//	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportSyntheticAccessEmulation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-//	this.runConformTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"",
-//			"public class X {\n" + 
-//			"	private interface ReturnBase {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private interface ReturnDerived extends ReturnBase {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Super {\n" + 
-//			"		ReturnBase bar() {\n" + 
-//			"			return null;\n" + 
-//			"		}\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Implementation extends Super {\n" + 
-//			"		public final ReturnDerived bar() {\n" + 
-//			"			return null;\n" + 
-//			"		}\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Child extends Implementation {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Grandchild extends Child {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-//			"		new Grandchild();\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"}"
-//		},
-//		"",
-//		null,
-//		true,
-//		null,
-//		options,
-//		null
-//	);
-//	File fileX = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Child.class");
-//	IClassFileReader reader = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileReader(fileX.getAbsolutePath(), IClassFileReader.ALL_BUT_METHOD_BODIES);
-//	IMethodInfo[] methodInfos = reader.getMethodInfos();
-//	boolean found = false;
-//	for (int i = 0, max = methodInfos.length; i < max; i++) {
-//		if (new String(methodInfos[i].getName()).equals("bar")) {
-//			found = true;
-//			break;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertFalse("bar should not be there", found);
-//	fileX = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Grandchild.class");
-//	reader = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileReader(fileX.getAbsolutePath(), IClassFileReader.ALL_BUT_METHOD_BODIES);
-//	methodInfos = reader.getMethodInfos();
-//	found = false;
-//	for (int i = 0, max = methodInfos.length; i < max; i++) {
-//		if (new String(methodInfos[i].getName()).equals("bar")) {
-//			found = true;
-//			break;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertFalse("bar should not be there", found);
-//	fileX = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Implementation.class");
-//	reader = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileReader(fileX.getAbsolutePath(), IClassFileReader.ALL_BUT_METHOD_BODIES);
-//	methodInfos = reader.getMethodInfos();
-//	int count = 0;
-//	found = false;
-//	for (int i = 0, max = methodInfos.length; i < max; i++) {
-//		IMethodInfo methodInfo = methodInfos[i];
-//		if (new String(methodInfo.getName()).equals("bar")) {
-//			count++;
-//			if (Flags.isBridge(methodInfo.getAccessFlags())) {
-//				found = true;
-//			}
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertEquals("Should have two method bar", 2, count);
-//	assertTrue("should have one bridge method", found);
-//public void test106() {
-//	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-//	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportSyntheticAccessEmulation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-//	this.runConformTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"",
-//			"public class X {\n" + 
-//			"	private interface ReturnBase {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private interface ReturnDerived extends ReturnBase {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Super {\n" + 
-//			"		ReturnBase bar() {\n" + 
-//			"			return null;\n" + 
-//			"		}\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static abstract class Implementation extends Super {\n" + 
-//			"		public final ReturnDerived bar() {\n" + 
-//			"			return null;\n" + 
-//			"		}\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Child extends Implementation {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Grandchild extends Child {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-//			"		new Grandchild();\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"}"
-//		},
-//		"",
-//		null,
-//		true,
-//		null,
-//		options,
-//		null
-//	);
-//	File fileX = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Child.class");
-//	IClassFileReader reader = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileReader(fileX.getAbsolutePath(), IClassFileReader.ALL_BUT_METHOD_BODIES);
-//	IMethodInfo[] methodInfos = reader.getMethodInfos();
-//	boolean found = false;
-//	for (int i = 0, max = methodInfos.length; i < max; i++) {
-//		if (new String(methodInfos[i].getName()).equals("bar")) {
-//			found = true;
-//			break;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertFalse("bar should not be there", found);
-//	fileX = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Grandchild.class");
-//	reader = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileReader(fileX.getAbsolutePath(), IClassFileReader.ALL_BUT_METHOD_BODIES);
-//	methodInfos = reader.getMethodInfos();
-//	found = false;
-//	for (int i = 0, max = methodInfos.length; i < max; i++) {
-//		if (new String(methodInfos[i].getName()).equals("bar")) {
-//			found = true;
-//			break;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertFalse("bar should not be there", found);
-//	fileX = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Implementation.class");
-//	reader = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileReader(fileX.getAbsolutePath(), IClassFileReader.ALL_BUT_METHOD_BODIES);
-//	methodInfos = reader.getMethodInfos();
-//	int count = 0;
-//	found = false;
-//	for (int i = 0, max = methodInfos.length; i < max; i++) {
-//		IMethodInfo methodInfo = methodInfos[i];
-//		if (new String(methodInfo.getName()).equals("bar")) {
-//			count ++;
-//			if (Flags.isBridge(methodInfo.getAccessFlags())) {
-//				found = true;
-//			}
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertEquals("should have two methods bar", 2, count);
-//	assertTrue("should have one bridge method", found);
-//public void test107() {
-//	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-//	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportSyntheticAccessEmulation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-//	this.runConformTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"",
-//			"public class X {\n" + 
-//			"	private interface ReturnBase {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private interface ReturnDerived extends ReturnBase {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private interface Interface<E> {\n" + 
-//			"		ReturnBase bar();\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Implementation<T> {\n" + 
-//			"		public final ReturnDerived bar() {\n" + 
-//			"			return null;\n" + 
-//			"		}\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Child<U> extends Implementation<U> implements Interface<U> {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Grandchild<V> extends Child<V> implements Interface<V> {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-//			"		new Grandchild();\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"}"
-//		},
-//		"",
-//		null,
-//		true,
-//		null,
-//		options,
-//		null
-//	);
-//	File fileX = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Child.class");
-//	IClassFileReader reader = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileReader(fileX.getAbsolutePath(), IClassFileReader.ALL_BUT_METHOD_BODIES);
-//	IMethodInfo[] methodInfos = reader.getMethodInfos();
-//	boolean found = false;
-//	for (int i = 0, max = methodInfos.length; i < max; i++) {
-//		if (new String(methodInfos[i].getName()).equals("bar")) {
-//			found = true;
-//			break;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertTrue("bar should be there", found);
-//	fileX = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Grandchild.class");
-//	reader = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileReader(fileX.getAbsolutePath(), IClassFileReader.ALL_BUT_METHOD_BODIES);
-//	methodInfos = reader.getMethodInfos();
-//	found = false;
-//	for (int i = 0, max = methodInfos.length; i < max; i++) {
-//		if (new String(methodInfos[i].getName()).equals("bar")) {
-//			found = true;
-//			break;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertFalse("bar should not be there", found);
-public void test108() {
-	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-//	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportSyntheticAccessEmulation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	private interface ReturnBase {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	private interface ReturnDerived extends ReturnBase {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	private interface ReturnLeaf extends ReturnDerived {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	private interface Interface<E> {\n" + 
-			"		ReturnBase bar();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	private static class Implementation<T> {\n" + 
-			"		public final ReturnDerived bar() {\n" + 
-			"			return null;\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	private static class Child<U> extends Implementation<U> implements Interface<U> {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	private static class Grandchild<V> extends Child<V> implements Interface<V> {\n" +
-			"		@Override\n" + 
-			"		public ReturnLeaf bar() {\n" + 
-			"			return null;\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		new Grandchild<String>();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 26)\n" + 
-		"	public ReturnLeaf bar() {\n" + 
-		"	                  ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Cannot override the final method from X.Implementation<V>\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		options
-	);
-//public void test109() {
-//	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-//	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportSyntheticAccessEmulation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-//	this.runConformTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"",
-//			"public class X {\n" + 
-//			"	private interface ReturnBase {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private interface ReturnDerived extends ReturnBase {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private interface Interface<E> {\n" + 
-//			"		ReturnBase bar();\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Implementation<T> {\n" + 
-//			"		public final ReturnDerived bar() {\n" + 
-//			"			return null;\n" + 
-//			"		}\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Grandchild<V> extends Child<V> implements Interface<V> {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Child<U> extends Implementation<U> implements Interface<U> {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-//			"		new Grandchild();\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"}"
-//		},
-//		"",
-//		null,
-//		true,
-//		null,
-//		options,
-//		null
-//	);
-//	File fileX = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Child.class");
-//	IClassFileReader reader = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileReader(fileX.getAbsolutePath(), IClassFileReader.ALL_BUT_METHOD_BODIES);
-//	IMethodInfo[] methodInfos = reader.getMethodInfos();
-//	boolean found = false;
-//	for (int i = 0, max = methodInfos.length; i < max; i++) {
-//		if (new String(methodInfos[i].getName()).equals("bar")) {
-//			found = true;
-//			break;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertTrue("bar should be there", found);
-//	fileX = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Grandchild.class");
-//	reader = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileReader(fileX.getAbsolutePath(), IClassFileReader.ALL_BUT_METHOD_BODIES);
-//	methodInfos = reader.getMethodInfos();
-//	found = false;
-//	for (int i = 0, max = methodInfos.length; i < max; i++) {
-//		if (new String(methodInfos[i].getName()).equals("bar")) {
-//			found = true;
-//			break;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertFalse("bar should not be there", found);		
-//public void test110() {
-//	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-//	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportSyntheticAccessEmulation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-//	this.runConformTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"",
-//			"public class X {\n" + 
-//			"	private interface ReturnBase {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private interface ReturnDerived extends ReturnBase {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private interface Interface<E> {\n" + 
-//			"		ReturnBase bar();\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Implementation<T> {\n" + 
-//			"		public final ReturnDerived bar() {\n" + 
-//			"			return null;\n" + 
-//			"		}\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Child<U> extends Implementation<U> implements Interface<U> {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Grandchild<V> extends Child<V> implements Interface<V> {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-//			"		new Grandchild();\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"}"
-//		},
-//		"",
-//		null,
-//		true,
-//		null,
-//		options,
-//		null
-//	);
-//	File fileX = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Child.class");
-//	IClassFileReader reader = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileReader(fileX.getAbsolutePath(), IClassFileReader.ALL_BUT_METHOD_BODIES);
-//	IMethodInfo[] methodInfos = reader.getMethodInfos();
-//	boolean found = false;
-//	for (int i = 0, max = methodInfos.length; i < max; i++) {
-//		if (new String(methodInfos[i].getName()).equals("bar")) {
-//			found = true;
-//			break;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertTrue("bar should be there", found);
-//	fileX = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Grandchild.class");
-//	reader = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileReader(fileX.getAbsolutePath(), IClassFileReader.ALL_BUT_METHOD_BODIES);
-//	methodInfos = reader.getMethodInfos();
-//	found = false;
-//	for (int i = 0, max = methodInfos.length; i < max; i++) {
-//		if (new String(methodInfos[i].getName()).equals("bar")) {
-//			found = true;
-//			break;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertFalse("bar should not be there", found);		
-//public void test111() {
-//	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-//	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportSyntheticAccessEmulation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-//	this.runConformTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"",
-//			"public class X {\n" + 
-//			"	private interface ReturnBase {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private interface ReturnDerived extends ReturnBase {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Super<E> {\n" + 
-//			"		ReturnBase bar() {\n" + 
-//			"			return null;\n" + 
-//			"		}\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Implementation<T> extends Super<T> {\n" + 
-//			"		public final ReturnDerived bar() {\n" + 
-//			"			return null;\n" + 
-//			"		}\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Child<U> extends Implementation<U> {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Grandchild<V> extends Child<V> {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-//			"		new Grandchild();\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"}"
-//		},
-//		"",
-//		null,
-//		true,
-//		null,
-//		options,
-//		null
-//	);
-//	File fileX = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Child.class");
-//	IClassFileReader reader = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileReader(fileX.getAbsolutePath(), IClassFileReader.ALL_BUT_METHOD_BODIES);
-//	IMethodInfo[] methodInfos = reader.getMethodInfos();
-//	boolean found = false;
-//	for (int i = 0, max = methodInfos.length; i < max; i++) {
-//		if (new String(methodInfos[i].getName()).equals("bar")) {
-//			found = true;
-//			break;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertFalse("bar should not be there", found);
-//	fileX = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Grandchild.class");
-//	reader = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileReader(fileX.getAbsolutePath(), IClassFileReader.ALL_BUT_METHOD_BODIES);
-//	methodInfos = reader.getMethodInfos();
-//	found = false;
-//	for (int i = 0, max = methodInfos.length; i < max; i++) {
-//		if (new String(methodInfos[i].getName()).equals("bar")) {
-//			found = true;
-//			break;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertFalse("bar should not be there", found);
-//	fileX = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Implementation.class");
-//	reader = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileReader(fileX.getAbsolutePath(), IClassFileReader.ALL_BUT_METHOD_BODIES);
-//	methodInfos = reader.getMethodInfos();
-//	int count = 0;
-//	found = false;
-//	for (int i = 0, max = methodInfos.length; i < max; i++) {
-//		IMethodInfo methodInfo = methodInfos[i];
-//		if (new String(methodInfo.getName()).equals("bar")) {
-//			count++;
-//			if (Flags.isBridge(methodInfo.getAccessFlags())) {
-//				found = true;
-//			}
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertEquals("should have two methods bar", 2, count);
-//	assertTrue("should have one bridge method", found);
-//public void test112() {
-//	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-//	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportSyntheticAccessEmulation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-//	this.runConformTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"",
-//			"public class X {\n" + 
-//			"	private interface ReturnBase {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private interface ReturnDerived extends ReturnBase {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Super<E> {\n" + 
-//			"		ReturnBase bar() {\n" + 
-//			"			return null;\n" + 
-//			"		}\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static abstract class Implementation<T> extends Super<T> {\n" + 
-//			"		public final ReturnDerived bar() {\n" + 
-//			"			return null;\n" + 
-//			"		}\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Child<U> extends Implementation<U> {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	private static class Grandchild<V> extends Child<V> {\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-//			"		new Grandchild();\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"}"
-//		},
-//		"",
-//		null,
-//		true,
-//		null,
-//		options,
-//		null
-//	);
-//	File fileX = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Child.class");
-//	IClassFileReader reader = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileReader(fileX.getAbsolutePath(), IClassFileReader.ALL_BUT_METHOD_BODIES);
-//	IMethodInfo[] methodInfos = reader.getMethodInfos();
-//	boolean found = false;
-//	for (int i = 0, max = methodInfos.length; i < max; i++) {
-//		if (new String(methodInfos[i].getName()).equals("bar")) {
-//			found = true;
-//			break;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertFalse("bar should not be there", found);
-//	fileX = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Grandchild.class");
-//	reader = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileReader(fileX.getAbsolutePath(), IClassFileReader.ALL_BUT_METHOD_BODIES);
-//	methodInfos = reader.getMethodInfos();
-//	found = false;
-//	for (int i = 0, max = methodInfos.length; i < max; i++) {
-//		if (new String(methodInfos[i].getName()).equals("bar")) {
-//			found = true;
-//			break;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertFalse("bar should not be there", found);
-//	fileX = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Implementation.class");
-//	reader = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileReader(fileX.getAbsolutePath(), IClassFileReader.ALL_BUT_METHOD_BODIES);
-//	methodInfos = reader.getMethodInfos();
-//	int count = 0;
-//	found = false;
-//	for (int i = 0, max = methodInfos.length; i < max; i++) {
-//		IMethodInfo methodInfo = methodInfos[i];
-//		if (new String(methodInfo.getName()).equals("bar")) {
-//			count++;
-//			if (Flags.isBridge(methodInfo.getAccessFlags())) {
-//				found = true;
-//			}
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertEquals("should have two methods bar", 2, count);
-//	assertTrue("should have one bridge method", found);
-//public void test113() {
-//	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-//	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportOverridingMethodWithoutSuperInvocation, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-//	this.runConformTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"",
-//			"abstract class Y {\n" + 
-//			"  abstract void foo();\n" + 
-//			"}\n" + 
-//			"public class X extends Y {\n" + 
-//			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-//			"    // should not complain for missing super call, since overriding \n" + 
-//			"    // abstract method\n" + 
-//			"  }\n" + 
-//			"}"
-//		},
-//		"",
-//		null,
-//		true,
-//		null,
-//		options,
-//		null
-//	);
-public void test114() {
-	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportOverridingMethodWithoutSuperInvocation, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class Y {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class X extends Y {\n" + 
-			"  @Override\n" +
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method is overriding a method without making a super invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		options
-	);
-public void test115() {
-	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportOverridingMethodWithoutSuperInvocation, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class Y {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class X extends Y {\n" + 
-			"  @Override\n" +
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"",
-		null,
-		true,
-		null,
-		options,
-		null
-	);
-public void test116() {
-   	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-   	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportOverridingMethodWithoutSuperInvocation, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	String expectedOutput = new CompilerOptions(options).sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_6
-	?	"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Zork foo() {}\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	Object foo() {\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo() of type X must override a superclass method\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	:	"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Zork foo() {}\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	Object foo() {\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo() of type X must override or implement a supertype method\n" + 
-		"----------\n";	
-   	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class Y {\n" + 
-			"  Zork foo() {}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class X extends Y {\n" + 
-			"  @Override\n" +
-			"  Object foo() {\n" +
-			"     return new Y() {\n" +
-			"         Object foo() {\n" +
-			"            return null;\n" +
-			"         }\n" +
-			"     };" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		expectedOutput,
-		null,
-		true,
-		options	);
-public void test117() {
-	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportOverridingMethodWithoutSuperInvocation, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class Y {\n" + 
-			"  Object foo() {\n" +
-			"     return null;\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class X extends Y {\n" + 
-			"  @Override\n" +
-			"  Object foo() {\n" +
-			"     return new Y() {\n" +
-   			"         @Override\n" +
-			"         Object foo() {\n" +
-			"            return null;\n" +
-			"         }\n" +
-			"     };" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	Object foo() {\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method is overriding a method without making a super invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-		"	Object foo() {\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method new Y(){}.foo() is overriding a method without making a super invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		options
-	);
-public void test118() {
-	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportOverridingMethodWithoutSuperInvocation, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class Y<E> {\n" + 
-			"	<U extends E> U foo() {\n" + 
-			"		return null;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"public class X<T> extends Y<T> {\n" + 
-			"	@Override\n" + 
-			"	<V extends T> V foo() {\n" + 
-			"		return null;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	<V extends T> V foo() {\n" + 
-		"	                ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method X<T>.foo() is overriding a method without making a super invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		options
-	);
-public void test119() {
-	Map options = this.getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportOverridingMethodWithoutSuperInvocation, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class Y<E> {\n" + 
-			"	E foo() {\n" + 
-			"		return null;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"public class X<T> extends Y<T> {\n" + 
-			"	@Override\n" + 
-			"	T foo() {\n" + 
-			"		return null;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	T foo() {\n" + 
-		"	  ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method X<T>.foo() is overriding a method without making a super invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		options
-	);
-public void test120() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	abstract class M<T extends CharSequence, S> {\n" + 
-			"		abstract void a(T t);\n" + 
-			"		abstract void a(S s);\n" + 
-			"		void a(String s) {}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"		abstract void b(T t);\n" + 
-			"		protected void b(String s) {}\n" + 
-			"		protected abstract void b(S s);\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"		public void c(String s) {}\n" + 
-			"		protected abstract void c(T t);\n" + 
-			"		abstract void c(S s);\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"		protected abstract void d(T t);\n" + 
-			"		public void d(S s) {}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"		void e(T t) {}\n" + 
-			"		void e(S s) {}\n" +
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	class N extends M<String, String> {}\n" +
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 21)\n" + 
-		"	class N extends M<String, String> {}\n" + 
-		"	      ^\n" + 
-		"Duplicate methods named e with the parameters (S) and (T) are defined by the type X.M<String,String>\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-public void test121() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface Root {\n" + 
-			"	public Root someMethod();\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"interface Intermediary extends Root {\n" + 
-			"	public Leaf someMethod();\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"class Leaf implements Intermediary {\n" + 
-			"	public Leaf someMethod() {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.print(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"		return null;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		Leaf leafReference = new Leaf();\n" + 
-			"		leafReference.someMethod();\n" + 
-			"		Root rootReference = leafReference;\n" + 
-			"		rootReference.someMethod(); /* throws error */\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-	);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ba9235..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class NonFatalErrorTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-	public NonFatalErrorTest(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	// Static initializer to specify tests subset using TESTS_* static variables
-	// All specified tests which does not belong to the class are skipped...
-	static {
-//		TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "test127" };
-//		TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 5 };
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 169, 180 };
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-	}
-	public static Class testClass() {  
-		return NonFatalErrorTest.class;
-	}
-	public void test001() {
-		Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-		customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_FatalOptionalError, CompilerOptions.DISABLED);
-		this.runNegativeTestWithExecution(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.*;\n" +
-				"\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"		 public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" +
-				"				 System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-				"		 }\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	import java.util.*;\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import java.util is never used\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-			"SUCCESS",
-			null,
-			true,
-			null,
-			customOptions,
-			null);
-	}
-	public void test002() {
-		Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-		customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_FatalOptionalError, CompilerOptions.ENABLED);
-		this.runNegativeTestWithExecution(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.*;\n" +
-				"\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"		 public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" +
-				"				 System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-				"		 }\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	import java.util.*;\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import java.util is never used\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-			"Unexpected target error running resulting class file for\n" + 
-			"java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: \n" + 
-			"\n",
-			null,
-			true,
-			null,
-			customOptions,
-			null);
-	}
-	public void test003() {
-		Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-		customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_FatalOptionalError, CompilerOptions.DISABLED);
-		customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		this.runNegativeTestWithExecution(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"		 public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" +
-				"				 System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-				"		 }\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"	                   ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Non-externalized string literal; it should be followed by //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-			"SUCCESS",
-			null,
-			true,
-			null,
-			customOptions,
-			null);
-	}
-	public void test004() {
-		Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-		customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_FatalOptionalError, CompilerOptions.DISABLED);
-		customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUndocumentedEmptyBlock, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		this.runNegativeTestWithExecution(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"		 public static void foo() {}\n" +
-				"		 public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" +
-				"				foo();\n" +	
-				"				System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-				"		 }\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	public static void foo() {}\n" + 
-			"	                         ^^\n" + 
-			"Empty block should be documented\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-			"SUCCESS",
-			null,
-			true,
-			null,
-			customOptions,
-			null);
-	}
-	public void test005() {
-		Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-		customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_FatalOptionalError, CompilerOptions.ENABLED);
-		customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUndocumentedEmptyBlock, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		this.runNegativeTestWithExecution(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"		 public static void foo() {}\n" +
-				"		 public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" +
-				"				foo();\n" +	
-				"				System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-				"		 }\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	public static void foo() {}\n" + 
-			"	                         ^^\n" + 
-			"Empty block should be documented\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-			"Unexpected target error running resulting class file for\n" + 
-			"java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: \n" + 
-			"	Empty block should be documented\n" + 
-			"\n",
-			null,
-			true,
-			null,
-			customOptions,
-			null);
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index f1c2039..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1889 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.SortedMap;
-import java.util.TreeMap;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.flow.FlowInfo;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.flow.NullInfoRegistry;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.flow.UnconditionalFlowInfo;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.flow.UnconditionalFlowInfo.AssertionFailedException;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.Constant;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.lookup.LocalVariableBinding;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.lookup.PackageBinding;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeBinding;
-import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
- * A tests series especially meant to validate the internals of our null
- * reference analysis. See NullReferenceTest for tests targetted at 
- * the source code compiler behavior level.
- */
-public class NullReferenceImplTests extends NullReferenceTest {
-	// Static initializer to specify tests subset using TESTS_* static variables
-  	// All specified tests which does not belong to the class are skipped...
-  	// Only the highest compliance level is run; add the VM argument
-  	// -Dcompliance=1.4 (for example) to lower it if needed
-  	static {
-//    	TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "test2050" };
-//    	TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 2061 };   
-//    	TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 2999 };   
-//    	TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 2050, -1 }; 
-  	}
- * A class to hold states as seen by the low level validation tests and machinery.
- * State provides:
- * - singletons for all possible states given the number of bits for the said 
- *   states;
- * - semantic names for known states;
- * - printable representation of states as bit fields;
- * - coordination with other classes to perform transitive closure analysis, etc.
- */
-	/*
-		This is a tabular definition for states. It can be completed/leveraged by 
-		the Generator class so as to smoothen the transition between differing encodings
-		of the states.
-			000000	start
-			000001
-			000010
-			000011
-			000100	pot. unknown
-			000101
-			000110
-			000111
-			001000	pot. non null
-			001001
-			001010
-			001011
-			001100	pot. nn & pot. un
-			001101
-			001110
-			001111
-			010000	pot. null
-			010001
-			010010
-			010011
-			010100	pot. n & pot. un
-			010101
-			010110
-			010111
-			011000	pot. n & pot. nn
-			011001
-			011010
-			011011
-			011100
-			011101
-			011110
-			011111
-			100000
-			100001
-			100010
-			100011
-			100100	def. unknown
-			100101
-			100110
-			100111
-			101000	def. non null
-			101001
-			101010
-			101011
-			101100	pot. nn & prot. nn
-			101101
-			101110
-			101111
-			110000	def. null
-			110001
-			110010
-			110011
-			110100	pot. n & prot. n
-			110101
-			110110
-			110111
-			111000	prot. null
-			111001
-			111010
-			111011
-			111100	prot. non null
-			111101
-			111110
-			111111
-	*/
-	public static class State implements Comparable {
-		// PREMATURE consider moving initialization to test setup/dispose
-		public final static State[] states = {
-			new State(0, "start"), // 000000
-			new State(1), // 000001
-			new State(2), // 000010
-			new State(3), // 000011
-			new State(4, "pot. unknown"), // 000100
-			new State(5), // 000101
-			new State(6), // 000110
-			new State(7), // 000111
-			new State(8, "pot. non null"), // 001000
-			new State(9), // 001001
-			new State(10), // 001010
-			new State(11), // 001011
-			new State(12, "pot. nn & pot. un"), // 001100
-			new State(13), // 001101
-			new State(14), // 001110
-			new State(15), // 001111
-			new State(16, "pot. null"), // 010000
-			new State(17), // 010001
-			new State(18), // 010010
-			new State(19), // 010011
-			new State(20, "pot. n & pot. un"), // 010100
-			new State(21), // 010101
-			new State(22), // 010110
-			new State(23), // 010111
-			new State(24, "pot. n & pot. nn"), // 011000
-			new State(25), // 011001
-			new State(26), // 011010
-			new State(27), // 011011
-			new State(28), // 011100
-			new State(29), // 011101
-			new State(30), // 011110
-			new State(31), // 011111
-			new State(32), // 100000
-			new State(33), // 100001
-			new State(34), // 100010
-			new State(35), // 100011
-			new State(36, "def. unknown"), // 100100
-			new State(37), // 100101
-			new State(38), // 100110
-			new State(39), // 100111
-			new State(40, "def. non null"), // 101000
-			new State(41), // 101001
-			new State(42), // 101010
-			new State(43), // 101011
-			new State(44, "pot. nn & prot. nn"), // 101100
-			new State(45), // 101101
-			new State(46), // 101110
-			new State(47), // 101111
-			new State(48, "def. null"), // 110000
-			new State(49), // 110001
-			new State(50), // 110010
-			new State(51), // 110011
-			new State(52, "pot. n & prot. n"), // 110100
-			new State(53), // 110101
-			new State(54), // 110110
-			new State(55), // 110111
-			new State(56, "prot. null"), // 111000
-			new State(57), // 111001
-			new State(58), // 111010
-			new State(59), // 111011
-			new State(60, "prot. non null"), // 111100
-			new State(61), // 111101
-			new State(62), // 111110
-			new State(63), // 111111
-		};
-		public final static State start = states[0];
-		public static final int 
-			stateMaxValue = 0x3F,
-			stateWidth = 6,
-			statesNb = stateMaxValue + 1;
-		String name, printableBitsField, hexString;
-		public byte value;
-		boolean symbolic;
-	private State() {
-	}
-	private State(int numericValue) {
-		this(numericValue, null);
-	}
-	private State(int numericValue, String publicName) {
-		if (numericValue > stateMaxValue) {
-			throw new IllegalArgumentException("state value overflow");
-		}
-		this.value = (byte) numericValue;
-		StringBuffer printableValue = new StringBuffer(6);
-		for (int i = stateWidth - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-			printableValue.append((numericValue >>> i & 1) != 0 ? '1' : '0');
-		}
-		this.printableBitsField = printableValue.toString();
-		if (this.value > 0xF) {
-			this.hexString = "0x" + Integer.toHexString(this.value).toUpperCase();
-		}
-		else {
-			this.hexString = "0x0" + Integer.toHexString(this.value).toUpperCase();
-		}
-		if (publicName != null) {
- = publicName;
-			this.symbolic = true;
-		}
-		else {
- = this.printableBitsField;
-		}
-	}
-	private State(String commentLine) {
-		char current = ' '; // keep the initialization status quiet
-		int cursor, length;
-		for (cursor = 0, length = commentLine.length(); 
-			cursor < length;
-			cursor++) {
-			if ((current = commentLine.charAt(cursor)) == '0' ||
-					current == '1') {
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		if (cursor == length) {
-			throw new RuntimeException("bad state definition format (missing bits field): " + commentLine); 
-			// PREMATURE adopt consistent error policy
-		}
-		int valueDigits;
-		for (valueDigits = 1; cursor < (length - 1) && valueDigits < stateWidth; valueDigits++) {
-			this.value = (byte) ((this.value << 1) + (current - '0'));
-			if ((current = commentLine.charAt(++cursor)) != '0' &&
-					current != '1') {
-				throw new RuntimeException("bad state definition format (inappropriate character in bits field): " + commentLine);
-				// PREMATURE adopt consistent error policy
-			}
-		}
-		if (valueDigits < stateWidth) {
-			throw new RuntimeException("bad state definition format (bits field is too short): " + commentLine);
-			// PREMATURE adopt consistent error policy
-		}
-		this.value = (byte) ((this.value << 1) + (current - '0'));
-		this.printableBitsField = commentLine.substring(cursor - stateWidth + 1, cursor + 1);
-		if (this.value > 0xF) {
-			this.hexString = "0x" + Integer.toHexString(this.value).toUpperCase();
-		}
-		else {
-			this.hexString = "0x0" + Integer.toHexString(this.value).toUpperCase();
-		}
-		while (++cursor < length && Character.isWhitespace(current = commentLine.charAt(++cursor)) && current != '\n') {
-			// loop
-		}
-		if (cursor < length && current != '\n') {
- = commentLine.substring(cursor, length);
-		}
-		if ( == null) {
- = this.printableBitsField;
-		} else {
-			this.symbolic = true;
-		}
-	}
-	private String asInitializer() {
-		StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(70);
-		result.append("		new State(");
-		result.append(this.value);
-		char first;
-		boolean nameIsSymbolic = (first = != '0'
-			&& first != '1';
-		if (nameIsSymbolic) {
-			result.append(", \"");
-			result.append(;
-			result.append('"');
-		}
-		result.append("), // ");
-		result.append(this.printableBitsField);
-		return result.toString();
-	}
-	long [] asLongArray() {
-		long[] result = new long[stateWidth];
-		for (int i = 0; i < stateWidth; i++) {
-			result[i] = ((this.value >> (stateWidth - i - 1)) & 1) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-		}
-		return result;
-	}
-	private String asSourceComment() {
-		StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(70);
-		result.append("\t\t");
-		result.append(this.printableBitsField);
-		char first;
-		boolean nameIsSymbolic = (first = != '0'
-			&& first != '1';
-		if (nameIsSymbolic) {
-			result.append('\t');
-			result.append(;
-		}
-		return result.toString();
-	}
-	public int compareTo(Object o) {
-		return this.value - ((State) o).value;
-	}
-	static State fromLongValues(long bit1, long bit2, long bit3, long bit4, long bit5, long bit6) {
-		// PREMATURE consider taking an UnconditionalFlowInfo in parameter
-		return states[(int)(
-			(bit6 & 1) + 
-				2 * ((bit5 & 1) +
-					2 * ((bit4 & 1) +
-						2 * ((bit3 & 1) +
-							2 * ((bit2 & 1) +
-								2 * (bit1 & 1))))))];
-	}
-	private static Map namesIndex; 
-	static State fromSymbolicName (String name) {
-		if (namesIndex == null) {
-			namesIndex = new HashMap(states.length);
-			for (int i = 0; i < states.length; i++) {
-				if (states[i].name != null) {
-					namesIndex.put(states[i].name, states[i]);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return (State) namesIndex.get(name);
-	}
-	private static void grabDefinitionFromComment(BufferedReader input) {
-		String line;
-		State current;
-	// use when the initializer is incomplete, hence needs to be reinitialized
-	//	states = new State[stateMaxValue + 1];
-	// use when the states field is final, with the appropriate size:
-		for (int i = 0; i <= stateMaxValue; i++) {
-			states[i] = null;
-		}
-		try {
-			while ((line = input.readLine()) != null && line.indexOf(definitionEndMarker) == -1) {
-				current = new State(line);
-				if (states[current.value] != null) {
-					throw new RuntimeException("duplicate state for index: " + current.value);
-				}
-				else {
-					states[current.value] = current;
-				}
-			}
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			throw new RuntimeException(e);
-		}
-		for (int i = 0; i < stateMaxValue; i++) {
-			if (states[i] == null) {
-				states[i] = new State(i);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// PREMATURE may decide to remove
-	//private static void printAsInitializer() {
-	//	int i, length;
-	//	System.out.println(initializerStartMarker);
-	//	for (i = 0, length = states.length; i < length; i++) {
-	//		System.out.println(states[i].asInitializer());
-	//	}
-	//	for (/* continue */; i <= stateMaxValue; i++) {
-	//		System.out.println((new State(i)).asInitializer() + " CHECK");
-	//	}
-	//	System.out.println(initializerEndMarker);
-	//}
-	// PREMATURE may decide to remove
-	//private static void printAsSourceComment() {
-	//	int i, length;
-	//	System.out.println("/*");
-	//	System.out.println(definitionStartMarker);
-	//	for (i = 0, length = states.length; i < length; i++) {
-	//		System.out.println(states[i].asSourceComment());
-	//	}
-	//	for (/* continue */; i <= stateMaxValue; i++) {
-	//		System.out.println((new State(i)).asSourceComment());
-	//	}
-	//	System.out.println(definitionEndMarker);
-	//	System.out.println("*/");
-	//}
-	private final static String 
-		definitionStartMarker = "// STATES " + CodeAnalysis.definitionStartMarker,
-		definitionEndMarker = "// STATES " + CodeAnalysis.definitionEndMarker,
-		initializerStartMarker = "// STATES " + CodeAnalysis.initializerStartMarker,
-		initializerEndMarker = "// STATES " + CodeAnalysis.initializerEndMarker;
-	static void reinitializeFromComment(BufferedReader input, BufferedWriter output) {
-		String line, tab = "";
-		int cursor;
-		char c;
-		try {
-			while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {
-				output.write(line);
-				output.write('\n');
-				if ((cursor = line.indexOf(definitionStartMarker)) != -1) {
-					// check the line format
-					boolean reachedStart = true;
-					for (int i = 0; i < cursor; i++) {
-						if (!Character.isWhitespace(c = line.charAt(i))) {
-							reachedStart = false;
-							break;
-						}
-						else {
-							tab += c;
-						}
-					}
-					if (reachedStart) {
-						grabDefinitionFromComment(input); // consumes up to the END line
-						int i, length;
-						for (i = 0, length = states.length; i < length; i++) {
-							output.write(states[i].asSourceComment());
-							output.write('\n');
-						}
-						output.write(tab + definitionEndMarker + "\n");
-					}
-				}
-				if ((cursor = line.indexOf(initializerStartMarker)) != -1) {
-					// check the line format
-					boolean reachedStart = true;
-					tab = "";
-					for (int i = 0; i < cursor; i++) {
-						if (!Character.isWhitespace(c = line.charAt(i))) {
-							reachedStart = false;
-							break;
-						}
-						else {
-							tab += c;
-						}
-					}
-					if (reachedStart) {
-						while ((line = input.readLine()) != null && 
-								line.indexOf(initializerEndMarker) == -1) {
-							// loop
-						}
-						int i, length;
-						for (i = 0, length = states.length; i < length; i++) {
-							output.write(states[i].asInitializer());
-							output.write('\n');
-						}
-						output.write(tab + initializerEndMarker + "\n");
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			output.flush();
-			namesIndex = null;
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			throw new RuntimeException(e);
-		}
-	}
-	static Iterator symbolicStates() {
-		return new Iterator() {
-			int nextSymbolic = -1;
-			public boolean hasNext() {
-				if (nextSymbolic == -1) {
-					for (nextSymbolic = 0; nextSymbolic < states.length; nextSymbolic++) {
-						if (states[nextSymbolic].symbolic) {
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-				} else {
-					for (; nextSymbolic < states.length; nextSymbolic++) {
-						if (states[nextSymbolic].symbolic) {
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				return nextSymbolic < states.length;
-			}
-			public Object next() {
-				State result = null;
-				if (nextSymbolic < states.length) {
-					result = states[nextSymbolic];
-					nextSymbolic++;
-				}
-				return result;
-			}
-			public void remove() {
-				throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented");
-			}
-		};
-	}
-	public String toString() {
-		return;
-	}
-	}
-public NullReferenceImplTests(String name) {
-    super(name);
-  	// Tests tuning
-	static final boolean 
-		skipHighOrderBits = false; // define to true when tuning encoding
-	static final int
-		combinationTestsloopsNb = 1; // define to 10000s to measure performances
-public static Test suite() {
-	// we do not want to run for 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 but once only
-    Class clazz = testClass();
-    TestSuite all = new TestSuite(clazz.getName());
-    List tests = buildTestsList(testClass());
-    for (int i = 0, length = tests.size(); i < length; i++) {
-    	all.addTest((Test) tests.get(i));
-    }
-	return all;
-public static Class testClass() {
-    return NullReferenceImplTests.class;
-public void test2050_markAsComparedEqualToNonNull() {
-	int failures = NullReferenceImplTransformations.markAsComparedEqualToNonNull.test();
-	assertTrue("nb of failures: " + failures, failures == 0);
-public void test2051_markAsComparedEqualToNull() {
-	int failures = NullReferenceImplTransformations.markAsComparedEqualToNull.test();
-	assertTrue("nb of failures: " + failures, failures == 0);
-public void test2055_markAsDefinitelyNonNull() {
-	int failures = NullReferenceImplTransformations.markAsDefinitelyNonNull.test();
-	assertTrue("nb of failures: " + failures, failures == 0);
-public void test2056_markAsDefinitelyNull() {
-	int failures = NullReferenceImplTransformations.markAsDefinitelyNull.test();
-	assertTrue("nb of failures: " + failures, failures == 0);
-public void test2057_markAsDefinitelyUnknown() {
-	int failures = NullReferenceImplTransformations.markAsDefinitelyUnknown.test();
-	assertTrue("nb of failures: " + failures, failures == 0);
-public void test2060_addInitializationsFrom() {
-	int failures = NullReferenceImplTransformations.addInitializationsFrom.test();
-	assertTrue("nb of failures: " + failures, failures == 0);
-public void test2061_addPotentialInitializationsFrom() {
-	int failures = NullReferenceImplTransformations.addPotentialInitializationsFrom.test();
-	assertTrue("nb of failures: " + failures, failures == 0);
-public void test2062_mergedWith() {
-	int failures = NullReferenceImplTransformations.mergedWith.test();
-	assertTrue("nb of failures: " + failures, failures == 0);
-public void test2070_newNullInfoRegistry() {
-	int failures = NullReferenceImplTransformations.newNullInfoRegistry.test();
-	assertTrue("nb of failures: " + failures, failures == 0);
-// PREMATURE rewrite from scratch
-//public void _test2058_recode() {
-//	long [][][] testData = transitionsTablesData[recode];
-//	int failures = 0;
-//	long start;
-//	if (combinationTestsloopsNb > 1) {
-//		start = System.currentTimeMillis();
-//	}
-//	String header = "recode failures: ";
-//	for (int l = 0; l < combinationTestsloopsNb ; l++) {
-//		for (int i = 0; i < testData.length; i++) {
-//			UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness result;
-//			result = UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-//						testUnconditionalFlowInfo(testData[i][0]);
-//			result.encode();
-//			result.decode();
-//			if (!result.testEquals(UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-//						testUnconditionalFlowInfo(testData[i][0]))) {
-//				if (failures == 0) {
-//					System.out.println(header);
-//				}
-//				failures++;
-//				System.out.println("\t\t{" + result.testString() + 
-//					"}, // instead of: " + testStringValueOf(testData[i][0]));
-//			}
-//		}
-//	}
-//	if (combinationTestsloopsNb > 1) {
-//		System.out.println("mergedWith\t\t\t" + combinationTestsloopsNb + "\t" + 
-//				(System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
-//	}
-//	for (int i = 0; i < testData.length; i++) {
-//		UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness result;
-//		result = UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-//					testUnconditionalFlowInfo(testData[i][0], 64);
-//		result.encode();
-//		result.decode();
-//		if (!result.testEquals(UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-//					testUnconditionalFlowInfo(testData[i][0], 64))) {
-//			if (failures == 0) {
-//				System.out.println(header);
-//			}
-//			failures++;
-//			System.out.println("\t\t{" + result.testString() + 
-//				"}, // (64) - instead of: " + testStringValueOf(testData[i][0]));
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertTrue("nb of failures: " + failures, failures == 0);
-public void test2400_state_consistency() {
-	int failures = 0;
-	long start;
-	if (combinationTestsloopsNb > 1) {
-		start = System.currentTimeMillis();
-	}
-	String header = "state consistency failures: ";
-	for (int l = 0; l < combinationTestsloopsNb ; l++) {
-		for (int i = 0; i < State.states.length; i++) {
-			if (State.states[i].symbolic) {
-				UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness 
-					state = UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-							testUnconditionalFlowInfo(State.states[i]);
-				boolean
-					isDefinitelyNonNull = state.isDefinitelyNonNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local0),
-					isDefinitelyNull = state.isDefinitelyNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local0),
-					isDefinitelyUnknown = state.isDefinitelyUnknown(TestLocalVariableBinding.local0),
-					isPotentiallyNonNull = state.isPotentiallyNonNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local0),
-					isPotentiallyNull = state.isPotentiallyNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local0),
-					isPotentiallyUnknown = state.isPotentiallyUnknown(TestLocalVariableBinding.local0),
-					isProtectedNonNull = state.isProtectedNonNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local0),
-					isProtectedNull = state.isProtectedNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local0),
-					cannotBeDefinitelyNullOrNonNull = state.cannotBeDefinitelyNullOrNonNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local0),
-					cannotBeNull = state.cannotBeNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local0),
-					canOnlyBeNull = state.canOnlyBeNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local0);
-				if (isDefinitelyNonNull
-							&& (isDefinitelyNull || isDefinitelyUnknown
-									|| isPotentiallyNull
-									|| isProtectedNull)) {
-					if (failures == 0) {
-						System.out.println(header);
-					}
-					failures++;
-					System.out.println("\t\tconsistency breakage for definitely non null state " + State.states[i].name);
-				}
-				if (isDefinitelyNull
-							&& (isDefinitelyNonNull || isDefinitelyUnknown
-									|| isPotentiallyUnknown || isProtectedNonNull)) {
-					if (failures == 0) {
-						System.out.println(header);
-					}
-					failures++;
-					System.out.println("\t\tconsistency breakage for definitely null state " + State.states[i].name);
-				}
-				if (isDefinitelyUnknown
-							&& (isDefinitelyNonNull || isDefinitelyNull
-									|| isPotentiallyNull || isProtectedNonNull
-									|| isProtectedNull)) {
-					if (failures == 0) {
-						System.out.println(header);
-					}
-					failures++;
-					System.out.println("\t\tconsistency breakage for definitely unknown state " + State.states[i].name);
-				}
-				if (isProtectedNonNull && !isDefinitelyNonNull
-						|| isProtectedNull && !isDefinitelyNull
-						|| i > 0 // not start
-							&& !State.states[i].name.equals("pot. non null")
-							&& !(isDefinitelyNonNull || isDefinitelyNull
-									|| isDefinitelyUnknown || isPotentiallyNull
-									|| isPotentiallyUnknown || isProtectedNonNull
-									|| isProtectedNull)
-						|| cannotBeDefinitelyNullOrNonNull != 
-							(isPotentiallyUnknown ||
-								isPotentiallyNull && isPotentiallyNonNull)
-						|| cannotBeNull != (isProtectedNonNull || 
-								isDefinitelyNonNull)
-						|| canOnlyBeNull != (isProtectedNull || 
-								isDefinitelyNull)) {
-					if (failures == 0) {
-						System.out.println(header);
-					}
-					failures++;
-					System.out.println("\t\tconsistency breakage for " + State.states[i].name);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (combinationTestsloopsNb > 1) {
-		System.out.println("mergedWith\t\t\t" + combinationTestsloopsNb + "\t" + 
-				(System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
-	}
-	for (int i = 0; i < State.states.length; i++) {
-		if (State.states[i].symbolic) {
-			UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness state;
-			state = UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-						testUnconditionalFlowInfo(State.states[i], 64);
-			boolean
-				isDefinitelyNonNull = state.isDefinitelyNonNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local64),
-				isDefinitelyNull = state.isDefinitelyNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local64),
-				isDefinitelyUnknown = state.isDefinitelyUnknown(TestLocalVariableBinding.local64),
-				isPotentiallyNonNull = state.isPotentiallyNonNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local64),
-				isPotentiallyNull = state.isPotentiallyNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local64),
-				isPotentiallyUnknown = state.isPotentiallyUnknown(TestLocalVariableBinding.local64),
-				isProtectedNonNull = state.isProtectedNonNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local64),
-				isProtectedNull = state.isProtectedNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local64),
-				cannotBeDefinitelyNullOrNonNull = state.cannotBeDefinitelyNullOrNonNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local64),
-				cannotBeNull = state.cannotBeNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local64),
-				canOnlyBeNull = state.canOnlyBeNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local64);
-				if (isDefinitelyNonNull
-							&& (isDefinitelyNull || isDefinitelyUnknown
-									|| isPotentiallyNull
-									|| isProtectedNull)) {
-					if (failures == 0) {
-						System.out.println(header);
-					}
-					failures++;
-					System.out.println("\t\tconsistency breakage (64) for definitely non null state " + State.states[i].name);
-				}
-				if (isDefinitelyNull
-							&& (isDefinitelyNonNull || isDefinitelyUnknown
-									|| isPotentiallyUnknown || isProtectedNonNull)) {
-					if (failures == 0) {
-						System.out.println(header);
-					}
-					failures++;
-					System.out.println("\t\tconsistency breakage (64) for definitely null state " + State.states[i].name);
-				}
-				if (isDefinitelyUnknown
-							&& (isDefinitelyNonNull || isDefinitelyNull
-									|| isPotentiallyNull || isProtectedNonNull
-									|| isProtectedNull)) {
-					if (failures == 0) {
-						System.out.println(header);
-					}
-					failures++;
-					System.out.println("\t\tconsistency breakage (64) for definitely unknown state " + State.states[i].name);
-				}
-				if (isProtectedNonNull && !isDefinitelyNonNull
-						|| isProtectedNull && !isDefinitelyNull
-						|| i > 0 // not start
-							&& !State.states[i].name.equals("pot. non null")						
-							&& !(isDefinitelyNonNull || isDefinitelyNull
-									|| isDefinitelyUnknown || isPotentiallyNull
-									|| isPotentiallyUnknown || isProtectedNonNull
-									|| isProtectedNull)
-									|| cannotBeDefinitelyNullOrNonNull != 
-										(isPotentiallyUnknown ||
-											isPotentiallyNull && 
-												isPotentiallyNonNull)
-									|| cannotBeNull != (isProtectedNonNull || 
-											isDefinitelyNonNull)
-									|| canOnlyBeNull != (isProtectedNull || 
-											isDefinitelyNull)) {
-					if (failures == 0) {
-						System.out.println(header);
-					}
-					failures++;
-					System.out.println("\t\tconsistency breakage (64) for " + State.states[i].name);
-				}
-		}
-	}
-	assertTrue("nb of failures: " + failures, failures == 0);
-public void test2500_addInitializationsFrom_for_definites() {
-	// when an added initialization is a def. something, it should
-	// affect the left hand term as the markAsDefinite* method would
-	// do
-	int failures = 0;
-	for (int i = 0; i < State.states.length; i++) {
-		if (State.states[i].symbolic) {
-			UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness source1, source2, result1, result2;
-			source1 = UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-				testUnconditionalFlowInfo(State.states[i]);
-			for (int j = 0; j < State.states.length; j++) {
-				if (State.states[j].symbolic) {
-					source2 = UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-						testUnconditionalFlowInfo(State.states[j]);
-					result1 = (UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness) source1.copy();
-					result2 = (UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness) source1.copy();
-					if (source2.isDefinitelyNonNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local0)) {
-						if (! source2.isProtectedNonNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local0)) {
-							result1.markAsDefinitelyNonNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local0);
-						} else {
-							continue;
-						}
-					}
-					else if (source2.isDefinitelyNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local0)) {
-						if (! source2.isProtectedNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local0)) {
-							result1.markAsDefinitelyNull(TestLocalVariableBinding.local0);
-						} else {
-							continue;
-						}
-					}
-					else if (source2.isDefinitelyUnknown(TestLocalVariableBinding.local0)) {
-						result1.markAsDefinitelyUnknown(TestLocalVariableBinding.local0);
-					}
-					else if (source2.nullBit1 != 0) {
-						if (failures == 0) {
-							System.out.println("addInitializationsFrom_for_definites failures: "); //$NON-NLS-1$
-						}
-						failures++;
-						System.out.println("\t\t" + State.states[j].name +
-							" should answer true to at least one isDefinite* query");
-						// PREMATURE move to specific queries test case
-					}
-					else {
-						continue;
-					}
-					result2.addInitializationsFrom(source2);
-					if (!result1.testEquals(result2)) {
-						if (failures == 0) {
-							System.out.println("addInitializationsFrom_for_definites failures: "); //$NON-NLS-1$
-						}
-						failures++;
-						System.out.println("\t\t" + State.states[i].name + 
-							" + " + State.states[j].name +
-							" => " + result2.asState().name + 
-							" instead of: " + result1.asState().name);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	assertTrue("nb of failures: " + failures, failures == 0);
-// Use for coverage tests only. Needs specific instrumentation of code,
-// that is controled by UnconditionalFlowInfo#coverageTestFlag.
-// Note: coverage tests tend to fill the console with messages, and the
-//       instrumented code is slower, so never release code with active
-//       coverage tests.
-private static int coveragePointsNb = 39;
-// PREMATURE reactivate coverage tests
-// Coverage by state transition tables methods.
-public void test2998_coverage() {
-	if (UnconditionalFlowInfo.coverageTestFlag) {
-		// sanity check: need to be sure that the tests execute properly when not
-		// trying to check coverage
-		UnconditionalFlowInfo.coverageTestId = 0;
-		test0053_array();
-		test0070_type_reference();
-		test2050_markAsComparedEqualToNonNull();
-		test2051_markAsComparedEqualToNull();
-		test2055_markAsDefinitelyNonNull();
-		test2056_markAsDefinitelyNull();
-		test2057_markAsDefinitelyUnknown();
-		test2060_addInitializationsFrom();
-		test2061_addPotentialInitializationsFrom();
-		test2062_mergedWith();
-		// coverage check
-		int failuresNb = 0;
-		for (int i = 1; i <= coveragePointsNb; i++) {
-			if (i == 11 || i == 12 || i == 14) {
-				continue;
-				// these can only be reached via a direct call to addPotentialNullInfoFrom,
-				// which is not implemented in low level tests - all those go through
-				// addPotentialInitsFrom
-			}
-			try {
-				UnconditionalFlowInfo.coverageTestId = i;
-				test0053_array();
-				test0070_type_reference();
-				test2050_markAsComparedEqualToNonNull();
-				test2051_markAsComparedEqualToNull();
-				test2055_markAsDefinitelyNonNull();
-				test2056_markAsDefinitelyNull();
-				test2057_markAsDefinitelyUnknown();
-				test2060_addInitializationsFrom();
-				test2061_addPotentialInitializationsFrom();
-				test2062_mergedWith();
-			}
-			catch (AssertionFailedError e) {
-				continue;
-			}
-			catch (AssertionFailedException e) {
-				continue;
-			}
-			failuresNb++;
-			System.out.println("Missing coverage point: " + i);
-		}
-		UnconditionalFlowInfo.coverageTestId = 0; // reset for other tests
-		assertEquals(failuresNb + " missing coverage point(s)", failuresNb, 0);
-	}
-// Coverage by code samples.
-public void test2999_coverage() {
-	if (UnconditionalFlowInfo.coverageTestFlag) {
-		// sanity check: need to be sure that the tests execute properly when not
-		// trying to check coverage
-		UnconditionalFlowInfo.coverageTestId = 0;
-		test0001_simple_local();
-		test0053_array();
-		test0070_type_reference();
-		test0327_if_else();
-		test0401_while();
-		test0420_while();
-		test0509_try_finally_embedded();
-		test2000_flow_info();
-		test2004_flow_info();
-		test2008_flow_info();
-		test2011_flow_info();
-		test2013_flow_info();
-		test2018_flow_info();
-		test2019_flow_info();
-		test2020_flow_info();
-		// coverage check
-		int failuresNb = 0;
-		for (int i = 1; i <= coveragePointsNb; i++) {
-			if (i < 3
-				|| 4 < i && i < 11
-				|| 11 < i && i < 16
-				|| 16 < i && i < 20
-				|| i == 21
-				|| 23 < i && i < 27
-				|| 29 < i && i < 33
-				|| 36 < i) { // TODO (maxime) complete coverage tests
-				continue;
-			}
-			try {
-				UnconditionalFlowInfo.coverageTestId = i;
-				test0001_simple_local();
-				test0053_array();
-				test0070_type_reference();
-				test0327_if_else();
-				test0401_while();
-				test0420_while();
-				test0509_try_finally_embedded();
-				test2000_flow_info();
-				test2004_flow_info();
-				test2008_flow_info();
-				test2011_flow_info();
-				test2013_flow_info();
-				test2018_flow_info();
-				test2019_flow_info();
-				test2020_flow_info();
-			}
-			catch (AssertionFailedError e) {
-				continue;
-			}
-			catch (AssertionFailedException e) {
-				continue;
-			}
-			failuresNb++;
-			System.out.println("Missing coverage point: " + i);
-		}
-		UnconditionalFlowInfo.coverageTestId = 0; // reset for other tests
-		assertEquals(failuresNb + " missing coverage point(s)", failuresNb, 0);
-	}
-// only works for info coded on bit 0 - least significant
-String testCodedValueOf(long[] data) {
-	int length;
-	StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(length = data.length);
-	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-		result.append(data[i] == 0 ? '0' : '1');
-	}
-	return result.toString();
-static String testStringValueOf(long[] data) {
-	int length;
-	StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer((length = data.length) * 2 + 1);
-	result.append('{');
-	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-		if (i > 0) {
-			result.append(',');
-		}
-		result.append(data[i]);
-	}
-	result.append('}');
-	return result.toString();
- * A specific extension of LocalVariableBinding suitable for flow info 
- * manipulation at an implementation level.
- */
-class TestLocalVariableBinding extends LocalVariableBinding {
-	static class TestTypeBinding extends TypeBinding {
-		public TestTypeBinding() {
-			tagBits = 0L;
-		}
-		public char[] constantPoolName() {
-			return null;
-		}
-		public PackageBinding getPackage() {
-			return null;
-		}
-		public boolean isCompatibleWith(TypeBinding right) {
-			return false;
-		}
-		public char[] qualifiedSourceName() {
-			return null;
-		}
-		public char[] sourceName() {
-			return null;
-		}
-		public char[] readableName() {
-			return null;
-		}
-	}
-	final static TypeBinding testTypeBinding = new TestTypeBinding();
-	final static char [] testName = {'t', 'e', 's', 't'};
-	TestLocalVariableBinding(int id) {
-		super(testName, testTypeBinding, 0, false);
- = id;
-	}
-	public Constant constant() {
-		return Constant.NotAConstant;
-	}
-	static final TestLocalVariableBinding 
-		local0 = new TestLocalVariableBinding(0),
-		local64 = new TestLocalVariableBinding(64),
-		local128 = new TestLocalVariableBinding(128);	
- * A class meant to augment 
- * @link{org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.flow.UnconditionalFlowInfo} with
- * capabilities in the test domain. It especially provides factories to build
- * fake flow info instances for use in state transitions validation.
- */
- * Moreover, this class defines the implementation of key operations for the
- * benefit of itself and NullInfoRegistryTestHarness. Given the fact that the
- * latter could not extend UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness and
- * NullInfoRegistry, the code is factorized into static methods.
- */
-class UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness extends UnconditionalFlowInfo {
-	int testPosition;
-	// Interface
- * Return the state represented by this.
- * @return the state represented by this
- */
-NullReferenceImplTests.State asState() {
-	return asState(this, 0);
- * Return the state represented by this for a variable encoded at a given position.
- * @param position - int the position of the considered variable
- * @return the state represented by this for a variable encoded at a given position
- */
-NullReferenceImplTests.State asState(int position) {
-	return asState(this, position);
-public FlowInfo copy() {
-	UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness copy = 
-		new UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness();
-	copy.testPosition = this.testPosition;
-	copy(this, copy);
-	return copy;
-public void markAsDefinitelyNonNull(LocalVariableBinding local) {
-	grow( getLocalID(local));
-	super.markAsDefinitelyNonNull(local);
-public void markAsDefinitelyNull(LocalVariableBinding local) {
-	grow( getLocalID(local));
-	super.markAsDefinitelyNull(local);
-public void markAsDefinitelyUnknown(LocalVariableBinding local) {
-	grow( getLocalID(local));
-	super.markAsDefinitelyUnknown(local);
- * Return a fake unconditional flow info which bit fields represent the given
- * null bits for a local variable of id 0 within a class that would have no
- * field.
- * @param nullBits the bits that must be set, given in the same order as the
- *        nullAssignment* fields in UnconditionalFlowInfo definition; use 0
- *        for a bit that is not set, 1 else
- * @return a fake unconditional flow info which bit fields represent the
- *         null bits given in parameter
- */
-public static UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness testUnconditionalFlowInfo(
-		long [] nullBits) {
-	return testUnconditionalFlowInfo(nullBits, 0);
- * Return a fake unconditional flow info which bit fields represent the given
- * null bits for a local variable of id position within a class that would have 
- * no field.
- * @param nullBits the bits that must be set, given in the same order as the
- *        nullAssignment* fields in UnconditionalFlowInfo definition; use 0
- *        for a bit that is not set, 1 else
- * @param position the position of the variable within the bit fields; use
- *        various values to test different parts of the bit fields, within
- *        or beyond BitCacheSize
- * @return a fake unconditional flow info which bit fields represent the
- *         null bits given in parameter
- */
-public static UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness testUnconditionalFlowInfo(
-		long [] nullBits, int position) {
- 	UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness result = 
- 		new UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness();
-	result.testPosition = position;
-	init(result, nullBits, position);
-	return result;
- * Return a fake unconditional flow info which bit fields represent the given
- * state for a local variable of id 0 within a class that would have 
- * no field.
- * @param state - State the desired state for the variable
- * @return a fake unconditional flow info which bit fields represent the
- *         state given in parameter
- */
-public static UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness testUnconditionalFlowInfo(NullReferenceImplTests.State state) {
-	return testUnconditionalFlowInfo(state, 0);
- * Return a fake unconditional flow info which bit fields represent the given
- * state for a local variable of id position within a class that would have 
- * no field.
- * @param state - State the desired state for the variable
- * @param position the position of the variable within the bit fields; use
- *        various values to test different parts of the bit fields, within
- *        or beyond BitCacheSize
- * @return a fake unconditional flow info which bit fields represent the
- *         state given in parameter
- */
-public static UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness testUnconditionalFlowInfo(
-		NullReferenceImplTests.State state, int position) {
- 	UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness result = 
- 		new UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness();
- 	long[] nullBits = state.asLongArray();
-	result.testPosition = position;
-	init(result, nullBits, position);
-	return result;
- * Return true iff this flow info can be considered as equal to the one passed
- * in parameter.
- * @param other the flow info to compare to
- * @return true iff this flow info compares equal to other
- */
-public boolean testEquals(UnconditionalFlowInfo other) {
-	return testEquals(this, other);
- * Return true iff this flow info can be considered as equal to the one passed
- * in parameter in respect with a single local variable which id would be
- * position in a class with no field.
- * @param other the flow info to compare to
- * @param position the position of the local to consider
- * @return true iff this flow info compares equal to other for a given local
- */
-public boolean testEquals(UnconditionalFlowInfo other, int position) {
-	return testEquals(this, other, position);
- * Return a string suitable for use as a representation of this flow info
- * within test series.
- * @return a string suitable for use as a representation of this flow info
- */
-public String testString() {
-	if (this == DEAD_END) {
-		return "FlowInfo.DEAD_END"; //$NON-NLS-1$
-	}
-	return testString(this, this.testPosition);
- * Return a string suitable for use as a representation of this flow info
- * within test series.
- * @param position a position to consider instead of this flow info default
- *                 test position
- * @return a string suitable for use as a representation of this flow info
- */
-public String testString(int position) {
-	return testString(this, position);
-	// Factorized implementation
-static NullReferenceImplTests.State asState(UnconditionalFlowInfo zis, int position) {
-	if ((zis.tagBits & NULL_FLAG_MASK) == 0) {
-		return NullReferenceImplTests.State.start;
-	}
-	if (position < BitCacheSize) {
-		return NullReferenceImplTests.State.fromLongValues(
-				(zis.nullBit1 >> position) & 1,
-				(zis.nullBit2 >> position) & 1,
-				(zis.nullBit3 >> position) & 1,
-				(zis.nullBit4 >> position) & 1,
-				0,
-				0);
-	} 
- 	else {
-		int vectorIndex = (position / BitCacheSize) - 1;
-        position %= BitCacheSize;
-        if (vectorIndex >= zis.extra[2].length) {
-        	return NullReferenceImplTests.State.start;
-        }
-		return NullReferenceImplTests.State.fromLongValues(
-				(zis.extra[2][vectorIndex] >> position) & 1,
-				(zis.extra[3][vectorIndex] >> position) & 1,
-				(zis.extra[4][vectorIndex] >> position) & 1,
-				(zis.extra[5][vectorIndex] >> position) & 1,
-				0 //(zis.extra[6][vectorIndex] >> position) & 1,
-				, 0 //(zis.extra[7][vectorIndex] >> position) & 1
-				);
-	}
-static void copy(UnconditionalFlowInfo source, UnconditionalFlowInfo target) {
-	target.definiteInits = source.definiteInits;
-	target.potentialInits = source.potentialInits;
-	boolean hasNullInfo = (source.tagBits & NULL_FLAG_MASK) != 0;
-	if (hasNullInfo) { 
-		target.nullBit1 = source.nullBit1;
-		target.nullBit2 = source.nullBit2;
-		target.nullBit3 = source.nullBit3;
-		target.nullBit4 = source.nullBit4;
-//		target.nullBit5 = source.nullBit5;
-//		target.nullBit6 = source.nullBit6;
-	}
-	target.tagBits = source.tagBits;
-	target.maxFieldCount = source.maxFieldCount;
-	if (source.extra != null) {
-		int length;
-        target.extra = new long[extraLength][];
-		System.arraycopy(source.extra[0], 0, 
-			(target.extra[0] = new long[length = source.extra[0].length]), 0, length);
-		System.arraycopy(source.extra[1], 0, 
-			(target.extra[1] = new long[length]), 0, length);
-		if (hasNullInfo) {
-            for (int j = 0; j < extraLength; j++) {
-			    System.arraycopy(source.extra[j], 0, 
-				    (target.extra[j] = new long[length]), 0, length);
-            }
-		}
-		else {
-            for (int j = 0; j < extraLength; j++) {
-			    target.extra[j] = new long[length];
-            }
-		}
-	}
-public void grow(int position) {
-	int vectorIndex = ((position) / BitCacheSize) - 1;
-	int length = vectorIndex + 1, oldLength;
-	if (this.extra == null) {
-		this.extra = new long[extraLength][];
-		for (int j = 0; j < extraLength; j++) {
-			this.extra[j] = new long[length];
-		}
-	} else if (length > (oldLength = this.extra[2].length)) {
-		for (int j = 0; j < extraLength; j++) {
-			System.arraycopy(this.extra[j], 0, 
-				this.extra[j] = new long[length], 0, oldLength);
-		}
-	}
-static void init(UnconditionalFlowInfo zis, long [] nullBits, int position) {
-	if (position < BitCacheSize) {
-		zis.nullBit1 = nullBits[0] << position;
-		zis.nullBit2 = nullBits[1] << position;
-		zis.nullBit3 = nullBits[2] << position;
-		zis.nullBit4 = nullBits[3] << position;
-//		zis.nullBit5 = nullBits[4] << position;
-//		zis.nullBit6 = nullBits[5] << position;
-	}
- 	else {
-		int vectorIndex = (position / BitCacheSize) - 1,
-			length = vectorIndex + 1;
-        position %= BitCacheSize;
-        zis.extra = new long[extraLength][];
-		zis.extra[0] = new long[length];
-		zis.extra[1] = new long[length];
-        for (int j = 2; j < extraLength; j++) {
-		    zis.extra[j] = new long[length];
-		    zis.extra[j][vectorIndex] = nullBits[j - 2] << position;
-        }
-	}
-	if (nullBits[0] != 0 || nullBits[1] != 0
-	        || nullBits[2] != 0 || nullBits[3] != 0
-	        || nullBits[4] != 0 || nullBits[5] != 0) { 
-		// cascade better than nullBits[0] | nullBits[1] | nullBits[2] | nullBits[3]
-		// by 10%+
-		// TODO (maxime) run stats to determine which is the better order
-		zis.tagBits |= NULL_FLAG_MASK;
-	}
-	zis.maxFieldCount = 0;
-static boolean testEquals(UnconditionalFlowInfo zis, UnconditionalFlowInfo other) {
-	if (zis.tagBits != other.tagBits) {
-		return false;
-	}
-	if (zis.nullBit1 != other.nullBit1 
-			|| zis.nullBit2 != other.nullBit2 
-			|| zis.nullBit3 != other.nullBit3 
-			|| zis.nullBit4 != other.nullBit4
-			/* || zis.nullBit5 != other.nullBit5 
-			|| zis.nullBit6 != other.nullBit6 */) {
-		return false;
-	}
-	int left = zis.extra == null ? 0 : zis.extra[2].length,
-			right = other.extra == null ? 0 : other.extra[2].length,
-			both = 0, i;
-	if (left > right) {
-		both = right;
-	}
-	else {
-		both = left;
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < both ; i++) {
-		for (int j = 2; j < extraLength; j++) { 
-			if (zis.extra[j][i] != 
-					other.extra[j][i]) {
-				return false;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	for (; i < left; i++) {
-		for (int j = 2; j < extraLength; j++) { 
-			if (zis.extra[j][i] != 0) {
-				return false;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	for (; i < right; i++) {
-		for (int j = 2; j < extraLength; j++) { 
-			if (other.extra[j][i] != 0) {
-				return false;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return true;
-static boolean testEquals(UnconditionalFlowInfo zis, UnconditionalFlowInfo other,
-		int position) {
-	int vectorIndex = position / BitCacheSize - 1;
-	if ((zis.tagBits & other.tagBits & NULL_FLAG_MASK) == 0) {
-		return true;
-	}
-	long mask;
-	if (vectorIndex < 0) {
-		return ((zis.nullBit1 & (mask = (1L << position))) ^
-					(other.nullBit1 & mask)) == 0 &&
-				((zis.nullBit2 & mask) ^
-					(other.nullBit2 & mask)) == 0 &&
-				((zis.nullBit3 & mask) ^
-					(other.nullBit3 & mask)) == 0 &&
-				((zis.nullBit4 & mask) ^
-					(other.nullBit4 & mask)) == 0 /* &&
-				((zis.nullBit5 & mask) ^
-					(other.nullBit5 & mask)) == 0 &&
-				((zis.nullBit6 & mask) ^
-					(other.nullBit6 & mask)) == 0 */;
-	}
-	else {
-		int left = zis.extra == null ?
-				0 :
-				zis.extra[0].length;
-		int right = other.extra == null ?
-				0 :
-				other.extra[0].length;
-		int both = left < right ? left : right;
-		if (vectorIndex < both) {
-			mask = (1L << (position % BitCacheSize));
-			for (int j = 2; j < extraLength; j++) {
-				if (((zis.extra[j][vectorIndex] & mask) 
-						^ (other.extra[j][vectorIndex] & mask)) != 0) {
-					return false;
-				}
-			}
-			return true;
-		}
-		if (vectorIndex < left) {
-			return ((zis.extra[2][vectorIndex] |
-					zis.extra[3][vectorIndex] |
-					zis.extra[4][vectorIndex] |
-					zis.extra[5][vectorIndex] |
-					zis.extra[6][vectorIndex] |
-					zis.extra[7][vectorIndex]) &
-					(1L << (position % BitCacheSize))) == 0;
-		}
-		return ((other.extra[2][vectorIndex] |
-				other.extra[3][vectorIndex] |
-				other.extra[4][vectorIndex] |
-				other.extra[5][vectorIndex] |
-				other.extra[6][vectorIndex] |
-				other.extra[7][vectorIndex]) &
-				(1L << (position % BitCacheSize))) == 0;
-	}
-static String testString(UnconditionalFlowInfo zis, int position) {
-	if (zis == DEAD_END) {
-		return "FlowInfo.DEAD_END"; //$NON-NLS-1$
-	}
-	if (position < BitCacheSize) {
-		return "{" + (zis.nullBit1 >> position) //$NON-NLS-1$
-					+ "," + (zis.nullBit2 >> position) //$NON-NLS-1$
-					+ "," + (zis.nullBit3 >> position) //$NON-NLS-1$
-					+ "," + (zis.nullBit4 >> position) //$NON-NLS-1$
-//					+ "," + (zis.nullBit5 >> position) //$NON-NLS-1$
-//					+ "," + (zis.nullBit6 >> position) //$NON-NLS-1$
-					+ "}"; //$NON-NLS-1$
-	}
-	else {
-		int vectorIndex = position / BitCacheSize - 1,
-			shift = position % BitCacheSize;
-			return "{" + (zis.extra[2][vectorIndex] //$NON-NLS-1$
-			               >> shift) 
-						+ "," + (zis.extra[3][vectorIndex] //$NON-NLS-1$
-						   >> shift)
-						+ "," + (zis.extra[4][vectorIndex] //$NON-NLS-1$
-						   >> shift)
-						+ "," + (zis.extra[5][vectorIndex] //$NON-NLS-1$
-						   >> shift)
-//						+ "," + (zis.extra[6][vectorIndex] //$NON-NLS-1$
-//						   >> shift)
-//						+ "," + (zis.extra[7][vectorIndex] //$NON-NLS-1$
-//						   >> shift)
-						+ "}"; //$NON-NLS-1$
-	}
- * A class meant to augment 
- * @link{org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.flow.NullInfoRegistry} with
- * capabilities in the test domain. It especially provides factories to build
- * fake flow info instances for use in state transitions validation.
- */
- * The reason why UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness and this class were 
- * separated is that NullInfoRegistry redefines part of the markAs* methods,
- * in effect preventing a harness extending NullInfoRegistry to access 
- * UnconditionalFlowInfo implementations of the said methods.
- */
-class NullInfoRegistryTestHarness extends NullInfoRegistry {
-	private int testPosition;
-private NullInfoRegistryTestHarness() {
-	super(FlowInfo.DEAD_END);
-	// Interface
- * Return the state represented by this.
- * @return the state represented by this
- */
-NullReferenceImplTests.State asState() {
-	return UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.asState(this, 0);
- * Return the state represented by this for a variable encoded at a given position.
- * @param position - int the position of the considered variable
- * @return the state represented by this for a variable encoded at a given position
- */
-NullReferenceImplTests.State asState(int position) {
-	return UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.asState(this, position);
-public FlowInfo copy() {
-	NullInfoRegistryTestHarness copy = 
-		new NullInfoRegistryTestHarness();
-	copy.testPosition = this.testPosition;
-	UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.copy(this, copy);
-	return copy;
- * Return a fake null info registry derived from an unconditional flow
- * info.
- * @param upstream - UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness the upstream flow info
- * @return a fake null info registry derived from upstream
- */
-public static NullInfoRegistryTestHarness testNullInfoRegistry(
-		UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness upstream) {
-	NullInfoRegistry nullInfoRegistry = new NullInfoRegistry(upstream);
- 	NullInfoRegistryTestHarness result = 
- 		new NullInfoRegistryTestHarness();
-	result.testPosition = upstream.testPosition;
-	if (result.testPosition < BitCacheSize) {
-		result.nullBit1 = nullInfoRegistry.nullBit1;
-		result.nullBit2 = nullInfoRegistry.nullBit2;
-		result.nullBit3 = nullInfoRegistry.nullBit3;
-		result.nullBit4 = nullInfoRegistry.nullBit4;
-//		result.nullBit5 = nullInfoRegistry.nullBit5;
-//		result.nullBit6 = nullInfoRegistry.nullBit6;
-	} 
- 	else if ((nullInfoRegistry.tagBits & NULL_FLAG_MASK) != 0){
-		int vectorIndex = (result.testPosition / BitCacheSize) - 1,
-			length = vectorIndex + 1;
-        result.extra = new long[extraLength][];
-		result.extra[0] = new long[length];
-		result.extra[1] = new long[length];
-        for (int j = 2; j < extraLength; j++) {
-		    result.extra[j] = new long[length];
-		    result.extra[j][vectorIndex] = nullInfoRegistry.extra[j][vectorIndex];
-        }
-	}
-	if ((nullInfoRegistry.tagBits & NULL_FLAG_MASK) != 0) { 
-		result.tagBits |= NULL_FLAG_MASK;
-	}
-	result.maxFieldCount = 0;
-	return result;
- * Return true iff this flow info can be considered as equal to the one passed
- * in parameter.
- * @param other the flow info to compare to
- * @return true iff this flow info compares equal to other
- */
-public boolean testEquals(UnconditionalFlowInfo other) {
-	return UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.testEquals(this, other);
- * Return true iff this flow info can be considered as equal to the one passed
- * in parameter in respect with a single local variable which id would be
- * position in a class with no field.
- * @param other the flow info to compare to
- * @param position the position of the local to consider
- * @return true iff this flow info compares equal to other for a given local
- */
-public boolean testEquals(UnconditionalFlowInfo other, int position) {
-	return UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.testEquals(this, other, position);
- * Return a string suitable for use as a representation of this flow info
- * within test series.
- * @return a string suitable for use as a representation of this flow info
- */
-public String testString() {
-	if (this == DEAD_END) {
-		return "FlowInfo.DEAD_END"; //$NON-NLS-1$
-	}
-	return UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.testString(this, this.testPosition);
- * Return a string suitable for use as a representation of this flow info
- * within test series.
- * @param position a position to consider instead of this flow info default
- *                 test position
- * @return a string suitable for use as a representation of this flow info
- */
-public String testString(int position) {
-	return UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.testString(this, position);
-interface CodeAnalysis {
-	public static final String
-		definitionStartMarker = "DEFINITION START",
-		definitionEndMarker = "DEFINITION END",
-		initializerStartMarker = "INITIALIZER START",
-		initializerEndMarker = "INITIALIZER END";
-class TransitiveClosureHolder {
-static class Element {
-	NullReferenceImplTests.State value;
-	boolean alreadyKnown;
-	Element(NullReferenceImplTests.State value) {
-		if (value == null) {
-			throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a valid element");
-		}
-		this.value = value;
-	}
-Map elements = new TreeMap();
-public TransitiveClosureHolder() {
-	Element start = new Element(NullReferenceImplTests.State.start);
-	this.elements.put(start.value, start);
-void add(NullReferenceImplTests.State value) {
-	if (value == null) {
-		throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a valid state");
-	}
-	if (! this.elements.containsKey(value)) {
-		this.elements.put(value, new Element(value));
-	}
-void add(NullReferenceImplTests.State[] values) {
-	if (values == null) {
-		throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a valid states set");
-	}
-	for (int i = 0, length = values.length; i < length; i++) {
-		add(values[i]);
-	}
-NullReferenceImplTests.State[] asArray() {
-	int length;
-	NullReferenceImplTests.State[] result = new NullReferenceImplTests.State[length = this.elements.size()];
-	Iterator elementsIterator = this.elements.keySet().iterator();
-	for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
-		result[j] = (NullReferenceImplTests.State);
-	}
-	return result;
-NullReferenceImplTests.State[] notAlreadyKnowns() {
-	List resultAccumulator = new ArrayList(this.elements.size());
-	Iterator i = this.elements.values().iterator();
-	Element current;
-	while (i.hasNext()) {
-		if (! (current = (Element) {
-			resultAccumulator.add(current.value);
-		}
-	}
-	int length;
-	NullReferenceImplTests.State[] result = new NullReferenceImplTests.State[length = resultAccumulator.size()];
-	for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
-		result[j] = (NullReferenceImplTests.State) resultAccumulator.get(j);
-	}
-	return result;
-void markAllAsAlreadyKnown() {
-	Iterator i = this.elements.values().iterator();
-	while (i.hasNext()) {
-		((Element) = true;
-	}
-public String toString() {
-	StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();
-	output.append("Transitive closure:\n");
-	SortedMap sorted = new TreeMap(this.elements);
-	Iterator i = sorted.keySet().iterator();
-	while (i.hasNext()) {
-		output.append(;
-		output.append('\n');
-	}
-	return output.toString();
-// PREMATURE segregate pure tooling into a separate project, keep tests only here
- * The Generator class is meant to generate the tabular data needed by the
- * flow information implementation level tests. While the tests should ensure
- * non regression by leveraging their initialization tables only, any change 
- * into the flow information logic or encoding is due to yield considerable
- * changes into the literal values sets of the initializers themselves. 
- * Tooling the production of those literals buys us flexibility.
- * {@link #printHelp printHelp} for details.
- */
-class Generator {
-static NullReferenceImplTests.State[] computeTransitiveClosure() {
-	TransitiveClosureHolder transitiveClosure = new TransitiveClosureHolder();
-	NullReferenceImplTests.State[] unknowns;
-	unknowns = transitiveClosure.notAlreadyKnowns();
-	while (unknowns.length != 0) {
-		transitiveClosure.markAllAsAlreadyKnown();
-		for (int i = 0, length = NullReferenceImplTransformations.transformations.length;	i < length; i ++) {
-			transitiveClosure.add(
-				NullReferenceImplTransformations.transformations[i].
-					computeOutputs(transitiveClosure.asArray()));
-		}
-		unknowns = transitiveClosure.notAlreadyKnowns();
-	} 
-	return transitiveClosure.asArray();
-public static void main(String[] args) {
-	if (args.length == 0) {
-		printHelp(false);
-		System.exit(1);
-	}
-	switch (args.length) {
-		case 1:
-			if (args[0].equals("--help")) {
-				printHelp(true);
-				System.exit(0);
-			}
-			else {
-				printHelp(false);
-				System.exit(1);
-			}
-		case 2:
-			if (args[0].equals("--printTruthTables")) {
-				File outputDir = new File(args[1]);
-				if (outputDir.isDirectory()) {
-					for (int i = 0, length = NullReferenceImplTransformations.transformations.length; i < length; i++) {
-						NullReferenceImplTransformations.transformations[i].printTruthTables(outputDir);
-					}
-				}
-				else {
-					// PREMATURE error handling
-				}
-				System.exit(0);
-			}
-			else {
-				printHelp(false);
-				System.exit(1);
-			}
-		case 3:
-			if (args[0].equals("--reinitializeFromComputedValues")) {
-				reinitializeFromComputedValues(args[1], args[2]);
-				System.out.println("Generator generated new file into " + args[2]);
-				System.exit(0);
-			}
-		case 5:
-			if (args[0].equals("--reinitializeFromComments")) {
-				reinitializeFromComments(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]);
-				System.out.println("Generator generated new files into " + args[2]
-					+ " and " + args[4]);
-				System.exit(0);
-			}
-		default:
-			printHelp(false);
-			System.exit(1);
-	}
-private static void reinitializeFromComments(
-		String statesSource, String statesTarget,
-		String transformationsSource, String transformationsTarget) {
-	if (statesSource.equals(transformationsSource) ||
-			statesTarget.equals(transformationsTarget)) {
-		throw new RuntimeException();
-	}
-	try {
-		BufferedReader in;
-		BufferedWriter out;
-		NullReferenceImplTests.State.reinitializeFromComment(
-			in = new BufferedReader(
-				new FileReader(statesSource)), 
-			out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(statesTarget)));
-		in.close();
-		out.close();
-		File[] tempFiles = new File[2];
-		tempFiles[0] = File.createTempFile("generator", "java");
-		tempFiles[1] = File.createTempFile("generator", "java");
-		NullReferenceImplTransformations.transformations[0].reinitializeFromComments(
-			in = new BufferedReader(
-				new FileReader(transformationsSource)), 
-			out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(tempFiles[0])));
-		in.close();
-		out.close();
-		int i, length;
-		for (i = 1, length = NullReferenceImplTransformations.transformations.length - 1; i < length; i++) {
-			NullReferenceImplTransformations.transformations[i].reinitializeFromComments(
-				in = new BufferedReader(
-					new FileReader(tempFiles[(i + 1) % 2])), 
-				out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(tempFiles[i % 2])));
-			in.close();
-			out.close();
-		}
-		NullReferenceImplTransformations.transformations[i].reinitializeFromComments(
-			in = new BufferedReader(
-				new FileReader(tempFiles[(i + 1) % 2])), 
-			out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(transformationsTarget)));
-		in.close();
-		out.close();
-	} catch (Throwable t) {
-		System.err.println("Generator error:");
-		t.printStackTrace(System.err);
-		System.exit(2);
-	}
-private static void reinitializeFromComputedValues(String source, String target) {
-	for (int i = 0, length = NullReferenceImplTransformations.transformations.length;
-			i < length; i++) {
-		NullReferenceImplTransformations.transformations[i].hydrate();
-	}
-	NullReferenceImplTests.State[] transitiveClosure = computeTransitiveClosure();
-	try {
-		BufferedReader in;
-		BufferedWriter out;
-		File[] tempFiles = new File[2];
-		tempFiles[0] = File.createTempFile("generator", "java");
-		tempFiles[1] = File.createTempFile("generator", "java");
-		NullReferenceImplTransformations.transformations[0].reinitializeFromComputedValues(
-			in = new BufferedReader(
-				new FileReader(source)), 
-			out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(tempFiles[0])),
-			transitiveClosure);
-		in.close();
-		out.close();
-		int i, length;
-		for (i = 1, length = NullReferenceImplTransformations.transformations.length - 1; i < length; i++) {
-			NullReferenceImplTransformations.transformations[i].reinitializeFromComputedValues(
-				in = new BufferedReader(
-					new FileReader(tempFiles[(i + 1) % 2])), 
-				out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(tempFiles[i % 2])),
-				transitiveClosure);
-			in.close();
-			out.close();
-		}
-		NullReferenceImplTransformations.transformations[i].reinitializeFromComputedValues(
-			in = new BufferedReader(
-				new FileReader(tempFiles[(i + 1) % 2])), 
-			out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(target)),
-			transitiveClosure);
-		in.close();
-		out.close();
-	} catch (Throwable t) {
-		System.err.println("Generator error:");
-		t.printStackTrace(System.err);
-		System.exit(2);
-	}
-private static void printHelp(boolean longText) {
-	if (longText) {
-		System.out.println(
-			"Generator use cases\n" +
-			" - when a brand new logic is experimented for the transitions, the best\n" +
-			"   way to go is to write explicit (inefficient) transformation code within\n" +
-			"   UnconditionalFlowInfo, then generate the literal initializers from\n" +
-			"   there; use the command\n" +
-			"   --reinitializeFromComputedValues <source file> <target file>\n" +
-			"   to this effect; in case of inconsistencies or errors, messages are\n" +
-			"   printed to the error output stream and the result should be considered as non reliable;\n" +
-			" - when only a few changes are made to state names or a specific\n" +
-			"   transitions, it should be possible to get the test initializers fixed\n" +
-			"   before UnconditionalFlowInfo implements those changes; use the command\n" +
-	        "   --reinitializeFromComments <states source file> <states target file> <transformations source file> <transformations target file>\n" +
-	        "   to this effect;\n" +
-	        " - the same command can be used when, while the semantics of the system\n" +
-	        "   are unchanged, the encoding is modified; it should then produce the\n" +
-	        "   initializers according to the new encoding, as defined by the comment\n" +
-	        "   for State.states, and the transformations as defined by their\n" +
-	        "   respective comment;\n" +
-	        " - when a given encoding is retained, its optimization may leverage truth\n" +
-	        "   tables; use the --printTruthTables command to this effect.\n" +
-	        "   \n\n");
-		printHelp(false);
-	}
-	else {
-		System.out.println(
-	        "Usage:\n" +
-	        "Generator --help\n" +
-	        "  prints a more detailed help message\n" +
-	        "Generator --printTruthTables\n" +
-	        "  prints the truth tables of the transformations\n" +
-	        "Generator --reinitializeFromComments <source file> <target file>\n" +
-	        "  generates into target file a copy of source file into which\n" +
-	        "  transformations initializers have been reset from their definitions\n" +
-			"Generator --reinitializeFromComputedValues <source file> <target file>\n"  +
-	        "  generates into target file a copy of source file into which\n" +
-	        "  transformations definitions and initializers have been reset\n" +
-	        "  according to the behavior of the current UnconditionalFlowInfo\n"
-	        );
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 861b550..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3177 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.SortedMap;
-import java.util.TreeMap;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression.NullReferenceImplTests.State;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.flow.UnconditionalFlowInfo;
-public class NullReferenceImplTransformations {
-	public static final Transformation
-		markAsComparedEqualToNonNull = 
-		// markAsComparedEqualToNonNull DEFINITION START
-		// start => prot. non null
-		// prot. non null => prot. non null
-		// prot. null => prot. non null
-		// pot. unknown => pot. nn & prot. nn 
-		// pot. non null => pot. nn & prot. nn
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. nn & prot. nn
-		// pot. nn & pot. un => pot. nn & prot. nn
-		// pot. null => prot. non null
-		// pot. n & prot. n => prot. non null
-		// pot. n & pot. un => pot. nn & prot. nn 
-		// pot. n & pot. nn => pot. nn & prot. nn
-		// def. unknown => def. non null 
-		// def. non null => def. non null
-		// def. null => prot. non null
-		// markAsComparedEqualToNonNull DEFINITION END
-			new TwoDimensionalTransformation("markAsComparedEqualToNonNull",
-					new byte[][] {
-					// markAsComparedEqualToNonNull INITIALIZER START
-					{0x00,0x3C},
-					{0x04,0x2C},
-					{0x08,0x2C},
-					{0x0C,0x2C},
-					{0x10,0x3C},
-					{0x14,0x2C},
-					{0x18,0x2C},
-					{0x24,0x28},
-					{0x28,0x28},
-					{0x2C,0x2C},
-					{0x30,0x3C},
-					{0x34,0x3C},
-					{0x38,0x3C},
-					{0x3C,0x3C},
-					// markAsComparedEqualToNonNull INITIALIZER END
-					}) {
-				UnconditionalFlowInfo output(UnconditionalFlowInfo input, 
-						TestLocalVariableBinding local) {
-					UnconditionalFlowInfo result = (UnconditionalFlowInfo)input.copy();
-					result.markAsComparedEqualToNonNull(local);
-					return result;
-				}
-			},
-		markAsComparedEqualToNull =
-		// markAsComparedEqualToNull DEFINITION START
-		// start => prot. null
-		// prot. non null => prot. null
-		// prot. null => prot. null
-		// pot. unknown => pot. n & prot. n
-		// pot. non null => prot. null
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn => prot. null
-		// pot. nn & pot. un => pot. n & prot. n
-		// pot. null => pot. n & prot. n
-		// pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & prot. n
-		// pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & prot. n
-		// pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & prot. n
-		// def. unknown => def. null
-		// def. non null => prot. null
-		// def. null => def. null
-		// markAsComparedEqualToNull DEFINITION END
-			new TwoDimensionalTransformation("markAsComparedEqualToNull",
-				new byte[][] {
-				// markAsComparedEqualToNull INITIALIZER START
-				{0x00,0x38},
-				{0x04,0x34},
-				{0x08,0x38},
-				{0x0C,0x34},
-				{0x10,0x34},
-				{0x14,0x34},
-				{0x18,0x34},
-				{0x24,0x30},
-				{0x28,0x38},
-				{0x2C,0x38},
-				{0x30,0x30},
-				{0x34,0x34},
-				{0x38,0x38},
-				{0x3C,0x38},
-				// markAsComparedEqualToNull INITIALIZER END
-				}) {
-			UnconditionalFlowInfo output(UnconditionalFlowInfo input, 
-					TestLocalVariableBinding local) {
-				UnconditionalFlowInfo result = (UnconditionalFlowInfo)input.copy();
-				result.markAsComparedEqualToNull(local);
-				return result;
-			}
-		},
-		markAsDefinitelyNonNull = 
-		// markAsDefinitelyNonNull DEFINITION START
-		// start => def. non null
-		// prot. non null => def. non null
-		// prot. null => def. non null
-		// pot. unknown => def. non null
-		// pot. non null => def. non null
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn => def. non null
-		// pot. nn & pot. un => def. non null
-		// pot. null => def. non null
-		// pot. n & prot. n => def. non null
-		// pot. n & pot. un => def. non null
-		// pot. n & pot. nn => def. non null
-		// def. unknown => def. non null
-		// def. non null => def. non null
-		// def. null => def. non null
-		// markAsDefinitelyNonNull DEFINITION END
-			new TwoDimensionalTransformation("markAsDefinitelyNonNull",
-				new byte[][] {
-				// markAsDefinitelyNonNull INITIALIZER START
-				{0x00,0x28},
-				{0x04,0x28},
-				{0x08,0x28},
-				{0x0C,0x28},
-				{0x10,0x28},
-				{0x14,0x28},
-				{0x18,0x28},
-				{0x24,0x28},
-				{0x28,0x28},
-				{0x2C,0x28},
-				{0x30,0x28},
-				{0x34,0x28},
-				{0x38,0x28},
-				{0x3C,0x28},
-				// markAsDefinitelyNonNull INITIALIZER END
-				}) {
-			UnconditionalFlowInfo output(UnconditionalFlowInfo input, 
-					TestLocalVariableBinding local) {
-				UnconditionalFlowInfo result = (UnconditionalFlowInfo)input.copy();
-				result.markAsDefinitelyNonNull(local);
-				return result;
-			}
-		},
-		markAsDefinitelyNull =
-		// markAsDefinitelyNull DEFINITION START
-		// start => def. null
-		// prot. non null => def. null
-		// prot. null => def. null
-		// pot. unknown => def. null
-		// pot. non null => def. null
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn => def. null
-		// pot. nn & pot. un => def. null
-		// pot. null => def. null
-		// pot. n & prot. n => def. null
-		// pot. n & pot. un => def. null
-		// pot. n & pot. nn => def. null
-		// def. unknown => def. null
-		// def. non null => def. null
-		// def. null => def. null
-		// markAsDefinitelyNull DEFINITION END
-			// PREMATURE add 'catch rules'
-			new TwoDimensionalTransformation("markAsDefinitelyNull",
-				new byte[][] {
-				// markAsDefinitelyNull INITIALIZER START
-				{0x00,0x30},
-				{0x04,0x30},
-				{0x08,0x30},
-				{0x0C,0x30},
-				{0x10,0x30},
-				{0x14,0x30},
-				{0x18,0x30},
-				{0x24,0x30},
-				{0x28,0x30},
-				{0x2C,0x30},
-				{0x30,0x30},
-				{0x34,0x30},
-				{0x38,0x30},
-				{0x3C,0x30},
-				// markAsDefinitelyNull INITIALIZER END
-				}) {
-			UnconditionalFlowInfo output(UnconditionalFlowInfo input, 
-					TestLocalVariableBinding local) {
-				UnconditionalFlowInfo result = (UnconditionalFlowInfo)input.copy();
-				result.markAsDefinitelyNull(local);
-				return result;
-			}
-		},
-		markAsDefinitelyUnknown =
-		// markAsDefinitelyUnknown DEFINITION START
-		// start => def. unknown
-		// prot. non null => def. unknown
-		// prot. null => def. unknown
-		// pot. unknown => def. unknown
-		// pot. non null => def. unknown
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn => def. unknown
-		// pot. nn & pot. un => def. unknown
-		// pot. null => def. unknown
-		// pot. n & prot. n => def. unknown
-		// pot. n & pot. un => def. unknown
-		// pot. n & pot. nn => def. unknown
-		// def. unknown => def. unknown
-		// def. non null => def. unknown
-		// def. null => def. unknown
-		// markAsDefinitelyUnknown DEFINITION END
-			new TwoDimensionalTransformation("markAsDefinitelyUnknown",
-				new byte[][] {
-				// markAsDefinitelyUnknown INITIALIZER START
-				{0x00,0x24},
-				{0x04,0x24},
-				{0x08,0x24},
-				{0x0C,0x24},
-				{0x10,0x24},
-				{0x14,0x24},
-				{0x18,0x24},
-				{0x24,0x24},
-				{0x28,0x24},
-				{0x2C,0x24},
-				{0x30,0x24},
-				{0x34,0x24},
-				{0x38,0x24},
-				{0x3C,0x24},
-				// markAsDefinitelyUnknown INITIALIZER END
-				}) {
-			UnconditionalFlowInfo output(UnconditionalFlowInfo input, 
-					TestLocalVariableBinding local) {
-				UnconditionalFlowInfo result = (UnconditionalFlowInfo)input.copy();
-				result.markAsDefinitelyUnknown(local);
-				return result;
-			}
-		},
-		addInitializationsFrom =
-		// addInitializationsFrom DEFINITION START
-		// def. non null + def. non null => def. non null		
-		// def. non null + def. null => def. null		
-		// def. non null + def. unknown => def. unknown		
-		// def. non null + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// def. non null + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// def. non null + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// def. non null + pot. nn & pot. un => def. unknown		
-		// def. non null + pot. nn & prot. nn => def. non null		
-		// def. non null + pot. non null => def. non null		
-		// def. non null + pot. null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// def. non null + pot. unknown => def. unknown // priv.	
-		// def. non null + prot. non null => def. non null		
-		// def. non null + prot. null => prot. null		
-		// def. non null + start => def. non null		
-		// def. null + def. non null => def. non null		
-		// def. null + def. null => def. null		
-		// def. null + def. unknown => def. unknown		
-		// def. null + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// def. null + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// def. null + pot. n & prot. n => def. null		
-		// def. null + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// def. null + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// def. null + pot. non null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// def. null + pot. null => def. null		
-		// def. null + pot. unknown => pot. n & pot. un // pot. null privileged over def. unknown		
-		// def. null + prot. non null => prot. non null		
-		// def. null + prot. null => def. null		
-		// def. null + start => def. null		
-		// def. unknown + def. non null => def. non null		
-		// def. unknown + def. null => def. null		
-		// def. unknown + def. unknown => def. unknown		
-		// def. unknown + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// def. unknown + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un	// we loose the def here, but we need the pot. null
-		// def. unknown + pot. n & prot. n => def. null		
-		// def. unknown + pot. nn & pot. un => def. unknown // priv.
-		// def. unknown + pot. nn & prot. nn => def. non null		
-		// def. unknown + pot. non null => def. unknown	// privileging over pot. nn & pot. un
-		// def. unknown + pot. null => pot. n & pot. un
-		// def. unknown + pot. unknown => def. unknown		
-		// def. unknown + prot. non null => def. non null 		
-		// def. unknown + prot. null => def. null		
-		// def. unknown + start => def. unknown		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + def. non null => def. non null		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + def. null => def. null		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + def. unknown => def. unknown		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + pot. non null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + pot. null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + pot. unknown => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + prot. non null => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + prot. null => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + start => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + def. non null => def. non null		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + def. null => def. null		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + def. unknown => def. unknown		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + pot. non null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + pot. null => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + pot. unknown => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + prot. non null => pot. nn & prot. nn 		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + prot. null => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + start => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + def. non null => def. non null		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + def. null => def. null		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + def. unknown => def. unknown		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + pot. non null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + pot. null => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + pot. unknown => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + prot. non null => prot. non null		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + prot. null => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + start => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + def. non null => def. non null		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + def. null => def. null		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + def. unknown => def. unknown		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + pot. non null => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + pot. null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + pot. unknown => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + prot. non null => pot. nn & prot. nn
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + prot. null => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + start => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + def. non null => def. non null		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + def. null => def. null		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + def. unknown => def. unknown		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. nn & pot. un
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + pot. non null => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + pot. null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + pot. unknown => pot. nn & pot. un
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + prot. non null => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + prot. null => prot. null		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + start => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// pot. non null + def. non null => def. non null		
-		// pot. non null + def. null => def. null		
-		// pot. non null + def. unknown => def. unknown		
-		// pot. non null + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. non null + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. non null + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// pot. non null + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. non null + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// pot. non null + pot. non null => pot. non null		
-		// pot. non null + pot. null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. non null + pot. unknown => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. non null + prot. non null => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// pot. non null + prot. null => prot. null		
-		// pot. non null + start => pot. non null
-		// pot. null + def. non null => def. non null		
-		// pot. null + def. null => def. null		
-		// pot. null + def. unknown => def. unknown		
-		// pot. null + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. null + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. null + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// pot. null + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. null + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// pot. null + pot. non null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. null + pot. null => pot. null		
-		// pot. null + pot. unknown => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. null + prot. non null => prot. non null		
-		// pot. null + prot. null => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// pot. null + start => pot. null		
-		// pot. unknown + def. non null => def. non null
-		// pot. unknown + def. null => def. null
-		// pot. unknown + def. unknown => def. unknown
-		// pot. unknown + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn
-		// pot. unknown + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un
-		// pot. unknown + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & prot. n
-		// pot. unknown + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. nn & pot. un
-		// pot. unknown + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. nn & prot. nn
-		// pot. unknown + pot. non null => pot. nn & pot. un
-		// pot. unknown + pot. null => pot. n & pot. un
-		// pot. unknown + pot. unknown => pot. unknown
-		// pot. unknown + prot. non null => pot. nn & prot. nn
-		// pot. unknown + prot. null => pot. n & prot. n
-		// pot. unknown + start => pot. unknown
-		// prot. non null + def. non null => def. non null
-		// prot. non null + def. null => def. null
-		// prot. non null + def. unknown => def. unknown
-		// prot. non null + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn
-		// prot. non null + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un
-		// prot. non null + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & prot. n
-		// prot. non null + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. nn & pot. un
-		// prot. non null + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. nn & prot. nn
-		// prot. non null + pot. non null => pot. nn & prot. nn
-		// prot. non null + pot. null => pot. null
-		// prot. non null + pot. unknown => pot. unknown
-		// prot. non null + prot. non null => prot. non null
-		// prot. non null + prot. null => prot. null
-		// prot. non null + start => prot. non null
-		// prot. null + def. non null => def. non null
-		// prot. null + def. null => def. null
-		// prot. null + def. unknown => def. unknown
-		// prot. null + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn
-		// prot. null + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un
-		// prot. null + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & prot. n
-		// prot. null + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. nn & pot. un
-		// prot. null + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. nn & prot. nn
-		// prot. null + pot. non null => pot. non null
-		// prot. null + pot. null => pot. n & prot. n
-		// prot. null + pot. unknown => pot. unknown
-		// prot. null + prot. non null => prot. non null
-		// prot. null + prot. null => prot. null
-		// prot. null + start => prot. null
-		// start + def. non null => def. non null
-		// start + def. null => def. null
-		// start + def. unknown => def. unknown
-		// start + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn
-		// start + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un
-		// start + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & prot. n
-		// start + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. nn & pot. un
-		// start + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. nn & prot. nn
-		// start + pot. non null => pot. non null
-		// start + pot. null => pot. null
-		// start + pot. unknown => pot. unknown
-		// start + prot. non null => prot. non null
-		// start + prot. null => prot. null
-		// start + start => start
-		// addInitializationsFrom DEFINITION END
-			new ThreeDimensionalTransformation("addInitializationsFrom",
-				new byte[][] {
-				// addInitializationsFrom INITIALIZER START
-				{0x00,0x00,0x00},
-				{0x00,0x04,0x04},
-				{0x00,0x08,0x08},
-				{0x00,0x0C,0x0C},
-				{0x00,0x10,0x10},
-				{0x00,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x00,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x00,0x24,0x24},
-				{0x00,0x28,0x28},
-				{0x00,0x2C,0x2C},
-				{0x00,0x30,0x30},
-				{0x00,0x34,0x34},
-				{0x00,0x38,0x38},
-				{0x00,0x3C,0x3C},
-				{0x04,0x00,0x04},
-				{0x04,0x04,0x04},
-				{0x04,0x08,0x0C},
-				{0x04,0x0C,0x0C},
-				{0x04,0x10,0x14},
-				{0x04,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x04,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x04,0x24,0x24},
-				{0x04,0x28,0x28},
-				{0x04,0x2C,0x2C},
-				{0x04,0x30,0x30},
-				{0x04,0x34,0x34},
-				{0x04,0x38,0x34},
-				{0x04,0x3C,0x2C},
-				{0x08,0x00,0x08},
-				{0x08,0x04,0x0C},
-				{0x08,0x08,0x08},
-				{0x08,0x0C,0x0C},
-				{0x08,0x10,0x18},
-				{0x08,0x14,0x18},
-				{0x08,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x08,0x24,0x24},
-				{0x08,0x28,0x28},
-				{0x08,0x2C,0x2C},
-				{0x08,0x30,0x30},
-				{0x08,0x34,0x34},
-				{0x08,0x38,0x38},
-				{0x08,0x3C,0x2C},
-				{0x0C,0x00,0x0C},
-				{0x0C,0x04,0x0C},
-				{0x0C,0x08,0x0C},
-				{0x0C,0x0C,0x0C},
-				{0x0C,0x10,0x18},
-				{0x0C,0x14,0x18},
-				{0x0C,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x0C,0x24,0x24},
-				{0x0C,0x28,0x28},
-				{0x0C,0x2C,0x2C},
-				{0x0C,0x30,0x30},
-				{0x0C,0x34,0x34},
-				{0x0C,0x38,0x34},
-				{0x0C,0x3C,0x2C},
-				{0x10,0x00,0x10},
-				{0x10,0x04,0x14},
-				{0x10,0x08,0x18},
-				{0x10,0x0C,0x18},
-				{0x10,0x10,0x10},
-				{0x10,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x10,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x10,0x24,0x24},
-				{0x10,0x28,0x28},
-				{0x10,0x2C,0x2C},
-				{0x10,0x30,0x30},
-				{0x10,0x34,0x34},
-				{0x10,0x38,0x34},
-				{0x10,0x3C,0x3C},
-				{0x14,0x00,0x14},
-				{0x14,0x04,0x14},
-				{0x14,0x08,0x18},
-				{0x14,0x0C,0x18},
-				{0x14,0x10,0x14},
-				{0x14,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x14,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x14,0x24,0x24},
-				{0x14,0x28,0x28},
-				{0x14,0x2C,0x2C},
-				{0x14,0x30,0x30},
-				{0x14,0x34,0x34},
-				{0x14,0x38,0x34},
-				{0x14,0x3C,0x2C},
-				{0x18,0x00,0x18},
-				{0x18,0x04,0x18},
-				{0x18,0x08,0x18},
-				{0x18,0x0C,0x18},
-				{0x18,0x10,0x18},
-				{0x18,0x14,0x18},
-				{0x18,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x18,0x24,0x24},
-				{0x18,0x28,0x28},
-				{0x18,0x2C,0x2C},
-				{0x18,0x30,0x30},
-				{0x18,0x34,0x34},
-				{0x18,0x38,0x34},
-				{0x18,0x3C,0x2C},
-				{0x24,0x00,0x24},
-				{0x24,0x04,0x24},
-				{0x24,0x08,0x24},
-				{0x24,0x0C,0x24},
-				{0x24,0x10,0x14},
-				{0x24,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x24,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x24,0x24,0x24},
-				{0x24,0x28,0x28},
-				{0x24,0x2C,0x28},
-				{0x24,0x30,0x30},
-				{0x24,0x34,0x30},
-				{0x24,0x38,0x30},
-				{0x24,0x3C,0x28},
-				{0x28,0x00,0x28},
-				{0x28,0x04,0x24},
-				{0x28,0x08,0x28},
-				{0x28,0x0C,0x24},
-				{0x28,0x10,0x18},
-				{0x28,0x14,0x18},
-				{0x28,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x28,0x24,0x24},
-				{0x28,0x28,0x28},
-				{0x28,0x2C,0x28},
-				{0x28,0x30,0x30},
-				{0x28,0x34,0x34},
-				{0x28,0x38,0x38},
-				{0x28,0x3C,0x28},
-				{0x2C,0x00,0x2C},
-				{0x2C,0x04,0x0C},
-				{0x2C,0x08,0x2C},
-				{0x2C,0x0C,0x0C},
-				{0x2C,0x10,0x18},
-				{0x2C,0x14,0x18},
-				{0x2C,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x2C,0x24,0x24},
-				{0x2C,0x28,0x28},
-				{0x2C,0x2C,0x2C},
-				{0x2C,0x30,0x30},
-				{0x2C,0x34,0x34},
-				{0x2C,0x38,0x38},
-				{0x2C,0x3C,0x2C},
-				{0x30,0x00,0x30},
-				{0x30,0x04,0x14},
-				{0x30,0x08,0x18},
-				{0x30,0x0C,0x18},
-				{0x30,0x10,0x30},
-				{0x30,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x30,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x30,0x24,0x24},
-				{0x30,0x28,0x28},
-				{0x30,0x2C,0x2C},
-				{0x30,0x30,0x30},
-				{0x30,0x34,0x30},
-				{0x30,0x38,0x30},
-				{0x30,0x3C,0x3C},
-				{0x34,0x00,0x34},
-				{0x34,0x04,0x14},
-				{0x34,0x08,0x18},
-				{0x34,0x0C,0x18},
-				{0x34,0x10,0x34},
-				{0x34,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x34,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x34,0x24,0x24},
-				{0x34,0x28,0x28},
-				{0x34,0x2C,0x2C},
-				{0x34,0x30,0x30},
-				{0x34,0x34,0x34},
-				{0x34,0x38,0x34},
-				{0x34,0x3C,0x3C},
-				{0x38,0x00,0x38},
-				{0x38,0x04,0x04},
-				{0x38,0x08,0x08},
-				{0x38,0x0C,0x0C},
-				{0x38,0x10,0x34},
-				{0x38,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x38,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x38,0x24,0x24},
-				{0x38,0x28,0x28},
-				{0x38,0x2C,0x2C},
-				{0x38,0x30,0x30},
-				{0x38,0x34,0x34},
-				{0x38,0x38,0x38},
-				{0x38,0x3C,0x3C},
-				{0x3C,0x00,0x3C},
-				{0x3C,0x04,0x04},
-				{0x3C,0x08,0x2C},
-				{0x3C,0x0C,0x0C},
-				{0x3C,0x10,0x10},
-				{0x3C,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x3C,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x3C,0x24,0x24},
-				{0x3C,0x28,0x28},
-				{0x3C,0x2C,0x2C},
-				{0x3C,0x30,0x30},
-				{0x3C,0x34,0x34},
-				{0x3C,0x38,0x38},
-				{0x3C,0x3C,0x3C},
-				// addInitializationsFrom INITIALIZER END
-				}) {
-			UnconditionalFlowInfo output(UnconditionalFlowInfo input1, 
-					UnconditionalFlowInfo input2) {
-				return (UnconditionalFlowInfo) 
-					input1.copy().addInitializationsFrom(input2);
-			}
-		},
-		// addPotentialInitializationsFrom DEFINITION START
-		// def. non null + def. non null => def. non null		
-		// def. non null + def. null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// def. non null + def. unknown => def. unknown		
-		// def. non null + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// def. non null + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// def. non null + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// def. non null + pot. nn & pot. un => def. unknown		
-		// def. non null + pot. nn & prot. nn => def. non null		
-		// def. non null + pot. non null => def. non null		
-		// def. non null + pot. null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// def. non null + pot. unknown => def. unknown		
-		// def. non null + prot. non null => def. non null		
-		// def. non null + prot. null => def. non null		
-		// def. non null + start => def. non null		
-		// def. null + def. non null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// def. null + def. null => def. null		
-		// def. null + def. unknown => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// def. null + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// def. null + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un
-		// def. null + pot. n & prot. n => def. null		
-		// def. null + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// def. null + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// def. null + pot. non null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// def. null + pot. null => def. null		
-		// def. null + pot. unknown => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// def. null + prot. non null => def. null		
-		// def. null + prot. null => def. null		
-		// def. null + start => def. null
-		// def. unknown + def. non null => def. unknown
-		// def. unknown + def. null => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// def. unknown + def. unknown => def. unknown		
-		// def. unknown + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// def. unknown + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// def. unknown + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// def. unknown + pot. nn & pot. un => def. unknown		
-		// def. unknown + pot. nn & prot. nn => def. unknown
-		// def. unknown + pot. non null => def. unknown
-		// def. unknown + pot. null => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// def. unknown + pot. unknown => def. unknown		
-		// def. unknown + prot. non null => def. unknown		
-		// def. unknown + prot. null => def. unknown		
-		// def. unknown + start => def. unknown		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + def. non null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + def. null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + def. unknown => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + pot. non null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + pot. null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + pot. unknown => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + prot. non null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + prot. null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + start => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + def. non null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + def. null => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + def. unknown => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + pot. non null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + pot. null => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + pot. unknown => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + prot. non null => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + prot. null => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + start => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + def. non null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + def. null => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + def. unknown => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + pot. non null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + pot. null => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + pot. unknown => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + prot. non null => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + prot. null => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + start => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + def. non null => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + def. null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + def. unknown => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + pot. non null => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + pot. null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + pot. unknown => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + prot. non null => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + prot. null => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + start => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + def. non null => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + def. null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + def. unknown => pot. nn & pot. un
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. nn & pot. un	// see test1501
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + pot. non null => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + pot. null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + pot. unknown => pot. nn & pot. un
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + prot. non null => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + prot. null => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + start => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// pot. non null + def. non null => pot. non null		
-		// pot. non null + def. null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. non null + def. unknown => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. non null + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. non null + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. non null + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. non null + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. non null + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. non null		
-		// pot. non null + pot. non null => pot. non null		
-		// pot. non null + pot. null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. non null + pot. unknown => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. non null + prot. non null => pot. non null		
-		// pot. non null + prot. null => pot. non null		
-		// pot. non null + start => pot. non null		
-		// pot. null + def. non null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. null + def. null => pot. null		
-		// pot. null + def. unknown => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. null + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. null + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. null + pot. n & prot. n => pot. null		
-		// pot. null + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. null + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. null + pot. non null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. null + pot. null => pot. null		
-		// pot. null + pot. unknown => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. null + prot. non null => pot. null		
-		// pot. null + prot. null => pot. null		
-		// pot. null + start => pot. null		
-		// pot. unknown + def. non null => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. unknown + def. null => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. unknown + def. unknown => pot. unknown		
-		// pot. unknown + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. unknown + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. unknown + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. unknown + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. unknown + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. unknown + pot. non null => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. unknown + pot. null => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. unknown + pot. unknown => pot. unknown		
-		// pot. unknown + prot. non null => pot. unknown		
-		// pot. unknown + prot. null => pot. unknown		
-		// pot. unknown + start => pot. unknown		
-		// prot. non null + def. non null => pot. nn & prot. nn
-		// prot. non null + def. null => pot. null		
-		// prot. non null + def. unknown => pot. unknown
-		// prot. non null + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// prot. non null + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// prot. non null + pot. n & prot. n => pot. null		
-		// prot. non null + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. nn & pot. un	// see test1500
-		// prot. non null + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// prot. non null + pot. non null => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// prot. non null + pot. null => pot. null		
-		// prot. non null + pot. unknown => pot. unknown
-		// prot. non null + prot. non null => prot. non null		
-		// prot. non null + prot. null => prot. non null
-		// prot. non null + start => prot. non null		
-		// prot. null + def. non null => pot. non null		
-		// prot. null + def. null => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// prot. null + def. unknown => pot. unknown		
-		// prot. null + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// prot. null + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// prot. null + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// prot. null + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// prot. null + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. non null		
-		// prot. null + pot. non null => pot. non null		
-		// prot. null + pot. null => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// prot. null + pot. unknown => pot. unknown		
-		// prot. null + prot. non null => prot. null
-		// prot. null + prot. null => prot. null		
-		// prot. null + start => prot. null		
-		// start + def. non null => pot. non null		
-		// start + def. null => pot. null		
-		// start + def. unknown => pot. unknown		
-		// start + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// start + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// start + pot. n & prot. n => pot. null		
-		// start + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// start + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. non null		
-		// start + pot. non null => pot. non null		
-		// start + pot. null => pot. null		
-		// start + pot. unknown => pot. unknown		
-		// start + prot. non null => start // PREMATURE may need to be tainted?
-		// start + prot. null => start		// PREMATURE may need to be tainted?
-		// start + start => start
-		// addPotentialInitializationsFrom DEFINITION END
-		addPotentialInitializationsFrom =
-			new ThreeDimensionalTransformation("addPotentialInitializationsFrom",
-				new byte[][] {
-				// addPotentialInitializationsFrom INITIALIZER START
-				{0x00,0x00,0x00},
-				{0x00,0x04,0x04},
-				{0x00,0x08,0x08},
-				{0x00,0x0C,0x0C},
-				{0x00,0x10,0x10},
-				{0x00,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x00,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x00,0x24,0x04},
-				{0x00,0x28,0x08},
-				{0x00,0x2C,0x08},
-				{0x00,0x30,0x10},
-				{0x00,0x34,0x10},
-				{0x00,0x38,0x00},
-				{0x00,0x3C,0x00},
-				{0x04,0x00,0x04},
-				{0x04,0x04,0x04},
-				{0x04,0x08,0x0C},
-				{0x04,0x0C,0x0C},
-				{0x04,0x10,0x14},
-				{0x04,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x04,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x04,0x24,0x04},
-				{0x04,0x28,0x0C},
-				{0x04,0x2C,0x0C},
-				{0x04,0x30,0x14},
-				{0x04,0x34,0x14},
-				{0x04,0x38,0x04},
-				{0x04,0x3C,0x04},
-				{0x08,0x00,0x08},
-				{0x08,0x04,0x0C},
-				{0x08,0x08,0x08},
-				{0x08,0x0C,0x0C},
-				{0x08,0x10,0x18},
-				{0x08,0x14,0x18},
-				{0x08,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x08,0x24,0x0C},
-				{0x08,0x28,0x08},
-				{0x08,0x2C,0x08},
-				{0x08,0x30,0x18},
-				{0x08,0x34,0x18},
-				{0x08,0x38,0x08},
-				{0x08,0x3C,0x08},
-				{0x0C,0x00,0x0C},
-				{0x0C,0x04,0x0C},
-				{0x0C,0x08,0x0C},
-				{0x0C,0x0C,0x0C},
-				{0x0C,0x10,0x18},
-				{0x0C,0x14,0x18},
-				{0x0C,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x0C,0x24,0x0C},
-				{0x0C,0x28,0x0C},
-				{0x0C,0x2C,0x0C},
-				{0x0C,0x30,0x18},
-				{0x0C,0x34,0x18},
-				{0x0C,0x38,0x0C},
-				{0x0C,0x3C,0x0C},
-				{0x10,0x00,0x10},
-				{0x10,0x04,0x14},
-				{0x10,0x08,0x18},
-				{0x10,0x0C,0x18},
-				{0x10,0x10,0x10},
-				{0x10,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x10,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x10,0x24,0x14},
-				{0x10,0x28,0x18},
-				{0x10,0x2C,0x18},
-				{0x10,0x30,0x10},
-				{0x10,0x34,0x10},
-				{0x10,0x38,0x10},
-				{0x10,0x3C,0x10},
-				{0x14,0x00,0x14},
-				{0x14,0x04,0x14},
-				{0x14,0x08,0x18},
-				{0x14,0x0C,0x18},
-				{0x14,0x10,0x14},
-				{0x14,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x14,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x14,0x24,0x14},
-				{0x14,0x28,0x18},
-				{0x14,0x2C,0x18},
-				{0x14,0x30,0x14},
-				{0x14,0x34,0x14},
-				{0x14,0x38,0x14},
-				{0x14,0x3C,0x14},
-				{0x18,0x00,0x18},
-				{0x18,0x04,0x18},
-				{0x18,0x08,0x18},
-				{0x18,0x0C,0x18},
-				{0x18,0x10,0x18},
-				{0x18,0x14,0x18},
-				{0x18,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x18,0x24,0x18},
-				{0x18,0x28,0x18},
-				{0x18,0x2C,0x18},
-				{0x18,0x30,0x18},
-				{0x18,0x34,0x18},
-				{0x18,0x38,0x18},
-				{0x18,0x3C,0x18},
-				{0x24,0x00,0x24},
-				{0x24,0x04,0x24},
-				{0x24,0x08,0x24},
-				{0x24,0x0C,0x24},
-				{0x24,0x10,0x14},
-				{0x24,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x24,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x24,0x24,0x24},
-				{0x24,0x28,0x24},
-				{0x24,0x2C,0x24},
-				{0x24,0x30,0x14},
-				{0x24,0x34,0x14},
-				{0x24,0x38,0x24},
-				{0x24,0x3C,0x24},
-				{0x28,0x00,0x28},
-				{0x28,0x04,0x24},
-				{0x28,0x08,0x28},
-				{0x28,0x0C,0x24},
-				{0x28,0x10,0x18},
-				{0x28,0x14,0x18},
-				{0x28,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x28,0x24,0x24},
-				{0x28,0x28,0x28},
-				{0x28,0x2C,0x28},
-				{0x28,0x30,0x18},
-				{0x28,0x34,0x18},
-				{0x28,0x38,0x28},
-				{0x28,0x3C,0x28},
-				{0x2C,0x00,0x2C},
-				{0x2C,0x04,0x0C},
-				{0x2C,0x08,0x2C},
-				{0x2C,0x0C,0x0C},
-				{0x2C,0x10,0x18},
-				{0x2C,0x14,0x18},
-				{0x2C,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x2C,0x24,0x0C},
-				{0x2C,0x28,0x2C},
-				{0x2C,0x2C,0x2C},
-				{0x2C,0x30,0x18},
-				{0x2C,0x34,0x18},
-				{0x2C,0x38,0x2C},
-				{0x2C,0x3C,0x2C},
-				{0x30,0x00,0x30},
-				{0x30,0x04,0x14},
-				{0x30,0x08,0x18},
-				{0x30,0x0C,0x18},
-				{0x30,0x10,0x30},
-				{0x30,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x30,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x30,0x24,0x14},
-				{0x30,0x28,0x18},
-				{0x30,0x2C,0x18},
-				{0x30,0x30,0x30},
-				{0x30,0x34,0x30},
-				{0x30,0x38,0x30},
-				{0x30,0x3C,0x30},
-				{0x34,0x00,0x34},
-				{0x34,0x04,0x14},
-				{0x34,0x08,0x18},
-				{0x34,0x0C,0x18},
-				{0x34,0x10,0x34},
-				{0x34,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x34,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x34,0x24,0x14},
-				{0x34,0x28,0x18},
-				{0x34,0x2C,0x18},
-				{0x34,0x30,0x34},
-				{0x34,0x34,0x34},
-				{0x34,0x38,0x34},
-				{0x34,0x3C,0x34},
-				{0x38,0x00,0x38},
-				{0x38,0x04,0x04},
-				{0x38,0x08,0x08},
-				{0x38,0x0C,0x0C},
-				{0x38,0x10,0x34},
-				{0x38,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x38,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x38,0x24,0x04},
-				{0x38,0x28,0x08},
-				{0x38,0x2C,0x08},
-				{0x38,0x30,0x34},
-				{0x38,0x34,0x34},
-				{0x38,0x38,0x38},
-				{0x38,0x3C,0x38},
-				{0x3C,0x00,0x3C},
-				{0x3C,0x04,0x04},
-				{0x3C,0x08,0x2C},
-				{0x3C,0x0C,0x0C},
-				{0x3C,0x10,0x10},
-				{0x3C,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x3C,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x3C,0x24,0x04},
-				{0x3C,0x28,0x2C},
-				{0x3C,0x2C,0x2C},
-				{0x3C,0x30,0x10},
-				{0x3C,0x34,0x10},
-				{0x3C,0x38,0x3C},
-				{0x3C,0x3C,0x3C},
-				// addPotentialInitializationsFrom INITIALIZER END
-				}) {
-			UnconditionalFlowInfo output(UnconditionalFlowInfo input1, 
-					UnconditionalFlowInfo input2) {
-				return (UnconditionalFlowInfo) 
-					input1.copy().addPotentialInitializationsFrom(input2);
-			}
-		},
-		mergedWith =
-		// mergedWith DEFINITION START
-		// def. non null + def. non null => def. non null		
-		// def. non null + def. null => pot. n & pot. nn
-		// def. null + def. null => def. null		
-		// def. unknown + def. non null => def. unknown
-		// def. unknown + def. null => pot. n & pot. un // pot. n priv. over def. unknown
-		// def. unknown + def. unknown => def. unknown		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + def. non null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + def. null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + def. unknown => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. nn + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + def. non null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + def. null => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + def. unknown => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & pot. un + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + def. non null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + def. null => pot. n & prot. n
-		// pot. n & prot. n + def. unknown => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. n & prot. n + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + def. non null => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + def. null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + def. unknown => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. nn & pot. un + pot. null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + def. non null => pot. nn & prot. nn
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + def. null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + def. unknown => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn + pot. null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. non null + def. non null => pot. non null		
-		// pot. non null + def. null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. non null + def. unknown => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. non null + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. non null + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. non null + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. non null + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. non null + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. non null		
-		// pot. non null + pot. non null => pot. non null		
-		// pot. non null + pot. null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. null + def. non null => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. null + def. null => pot. null		
-		// pot. null + def. unknown => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. null + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. null + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. null + pot. n & prot. n => pot. null		
-		// pot. null + pot. null => pot. null		
-		// pot. unknown + def. non null => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. unknown + def. null => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. unknown + def. unknown => pot. unknown		
-		// pot. unknown + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// pot. unknown + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. unknown + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. unknown + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. unknown + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. unknown + pot. non null => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// pot. unknown + pot. null => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// pot. unknown + pot. unknown => pot. unknown		
-		// prot. non null + def. non null => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// prot. non null + def. null => pot. null		
-		// prot. non null + def. unknown => def. unknown // test726
-		// prot. non null + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// prot. non null + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// prot. non null + pot. n & prot. n => pot. null		
-		// prot. non null + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// prot. non null + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. nn & prot. nn		
-		// prot. non null + pot. non null => pot. non null		
-		// prot. non null + pot. null => pot. null		
-		// prot. non null + pot. unknown => pot. unknown		
-		// prot. non null + prot. non null => prot. non null		
-		// prot. non null + prot. null => pot. null // PREMATURE use tainted instead
-		// prot. null + def. non null => pot. non null		 // PREMATURE should become tainted null & pot. nn... not really, depends on the three way merge... or even on the conditions that got there (pb with no contrib prot. null branch)
-		// prot. null + def. null => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// prot. null + def. unknown => pot. unknown	// PREMATURE possibly wrong, but no test case yet	
-		// prot. null + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// prot. null + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// prot. null + pot. n & prot. n => pot. n & prot. n		
-		// prot. null + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. n & pot. nn
-		// prot. null + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn
-		// prot. null + pot. non null => pot. n & pot. nn
-		// prot. null + pot. null => pot. null		
-		// prot. null + pot. unknown => pot. unknown // PREMATURE possibly wrong, but no test case yet		
-		// prot. null + prot. null => prot. null		
-		// start + def. non null => pot. non null		
-		// start + def. null => pot. null		
-		// start + def. unknown => pot. unknown		
-		// start + pot. n & pot. nn => pot. n & pot. nn		
-		// start + pot. n & pot. un => pot. n & pot. un		
-		// start + pot. n & prot. n => pot. null		
-		// start + pot. nn & pot. un => pot. nn & pot. un		
-		// start + pot. nn & prot. nn => pot. non null		
-		// start + pot. non null => pot. non null		
-		// start + pot. null => pot. null		
-		// start + pot. unknown => pot. unknown		
-		// start + prot. non null => start // PREMATURE should it taint?		
-		// start + prot. null => start		
-		// start + start => start		
-		// mergedWith DEFINITION END
-			new SymmetricalThreeDimensionalTransformation("mergedWith",
-				new byte[][] {
-				// mergedWith INITIALIZER START
-				{0x00,0x00,0x00},
-				{0x00,0x04,0x04},
-				{0x00,0x08,0x08},
-				{0x00,0x0C,0x0C},
-				{0x00,0x10,0x10},
-				{0x00,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x00,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x00,0x24,0x04},
-				{0x00,0x28,0x08},
-				{0x00,0x2C,0x08},
-				{0x00,0x30,0x10},
-				{0x00,0x34,0x10},
-				{0x00,0x38,0x00},
-				{0x00,0x3C,0x00},
-				{0x04,0x04,0x04},
-				{0x04,0x08,0x0C},
-				{0x04,0x0C,0x0C},
-				{0x04,0x10,0x14},
-				{0x04,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x04,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x04,0x24,0x04},
-				{0x04,0x28,0x0C},
-				{0x04,0x2C,0x0C},
-				{0x04,0x30,0x14},
-				{0x04,0x34,0x14},
-				{0x08,0x08,0x08},
-				{0x08,0x0C,0x0C},
-				{0x08,0x10,0x18},
-				{0x08,0x14,0x18},
-				{0x08,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x08,0x24,0x0C},
-				{0x08,0x28,0x08},
-				{0x08,0x2C,0x08},
-				{0x08,0x30,0x18},
-				{0x08,0x34,0x18},
-				{0x0C,0x0C,0x0C},
-				{0x0C,0x10,0x18},
-				{0x0C,0x14,0x18},
-				{0x0C,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x0C,0x24,0x0C},
-				{0x0C,0x28,0x0C},
-				{0x0C,0x30,0x18},
-				{0x0C,0x34,0x18},
-				{0x10,0x10,0x10},
-				{0x10,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x10,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x10,0x24,0x14},
-				{0x10,0x28,0x18},
-				{0x10,0x30,0x10},
-				{0x10,0x34,0x10},
-				{0x14,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x14,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x14,0x24,0x14},
-				{0x14,0x28,0x18},
-				{0x14,0x30,0x14},
-				{0x18,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x18,0x24,0x18},
-				{0x18,0x28,0x18},
-				{0x18,0x30,0x18},
-				{0x24,0x24,0x24},
-				{0x24,0x28,0x24},
-				{0x24,0x30,0x14},
-				{0x28,0x28,0x28},
-				{0x28,0x30,0x18},
-				{0x2C,0x0C,0x0C},
-				{0x2C,0x10,0x18},
-				{0x2C,0x14,0x18},
-				{0x2C,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x2C,0x24,0x0C},
-				{0x2C,0x28,0x2C},
-				{0x2C,0x2C,0x2C},
-				{0x2C,0x30,0x18},
-				{0x2C,0x34,0x18},
-				{0x30,0x30,0x30},
-				{0x34,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x34,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x34,0x24,0x14},
-				{0x34,0x28,0x18},
-				{0x34,0x30,0x34},
-				{0x34,0x34,0x34},
-				{0x38,0x04,0x04},
-				{0x38,0x08,0x18},
-				{0x38,0x0C,0x18},
-				{0x38,0x10,0x10},
-				{0x38,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x38,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x38,0x24,0x04},
-				{0x38,0x28,0x08},
-				{0x38,0x2C,0x18},
-				{0x38,0x30,0x34},
-				{0x38,0x34,0x34},
-				{0x38,0x38,0x38},
-				{0x3C,0x04,0x04},
-				{0x3C,0x08,0x08},
-				{0x3C,0x0C,0x0C},
-				{0x3C,0x10,0x10},
-				{0x3C,0x14,0x14},
-				{0x3C,0x18,0x18},
-				{0x3C,0x24,0x24},
-				{0x3C,0x28,0x2C},
-				{0x3C,0x2C,0x2C},
-				{0x3C,0x30,0x10},
-				{0x3C,0x34,0x10},
-				{0x3C,0x38,0x10},
-				{0x3C,0x3C,0x3C},
-				// mergedWith INITIALIZER END
-				}) {
-			UnconditionalFlowInfo output(UnconditionalFlowInfo input1, 
-					UnconditionalFlowInfo input2) {
-				return input1.copy().mergedWith(input2);
-			}
-		},
-		newNullInfoRegistry = 
-		// newNullInfoRegistry DEFINITION START
-		// start => start
-		// prot. non null => start
-		// prot. null => start
-		// pot. unknown => start
-		// pot. non null => start
-		// pot. nn & prot. nn => start
-		// pot. nn & pot. un => start
-		// pot. null => start
-		// pot. n & prot. n => start
-		// pot. n & pot. un => start
-		// pot. n & pot. nn => start
-		// def. unknown => pot. unknown
-		// def. non null => pot. non null
-		// def. null => pot. null
-		// newNullInfoRegistry DEFINITION END
-			new CreationalTransformation("newNullInfoRegistry",
-				new byte[][] {
-				// newNullInfoRegistry INITIALIZER START
-				{0x00,0x00},
-				{0x04,0x00},
-				{0x08,0x00},
-				{0x0C,0x00},
-				{0x10,0x00},
-				{0x14,0x00},
-				{0x18,0x00},
-				{0x24,0x04},
-				{0x28,0x08},
-				{0x2C,0x00},
-				{0x30,0x10},
-				{0x34,0x00},
-				{0x38,0x00},
-				{0x3C,0x00},
-				// newNullInfoRegistry INITIALIZER END
-				}) {
-			UnconditionalFlowInfo output(UnconditionalFlowInfo input) {
-				return NullInfoRegistryTestHarness.
-					testNullInfoRegistry((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness) input);
-			}
-		};		
-	public static final Transformation[] transformations = {
-			markAsComparedEqualToNonNull,
-			markAsComparedEqualToNull,
-			markAsDefinitelyNonNull,
-			markAsDefinitelyNull,
-			markAsDefinitelyUnknown,
-			addInitializationsFrom,
-			addPotentialInitializationsFrom,
-			mergedWith,
-			newNullInfoRegistry
-		};
-public abstract static class Transformation {
-	public String name; 
-	String	definitionStartMarker, definitionEndMarker, 
-		initializerStartMarker,	initializerEndMarker;
-	int dimension;
-	public Map initializedTransitions, computedTransitions;
-		// PREMATURE limit public access
-	int failuresNb; // transient
-// PREMATURE complete the test coverage for NullInfoRegistry (need to consider several classes
-//  		 of transitions so as to avoid considering NullInfoRegistry states and 
-//			 UnconditionalFlowInfo states into the same pool; moreover, cross classes 
-//			 transformations exist.
-Transformation(String name) {
- = name;
-	this.definitionStartMarker = "// " + name + " " + CodeAnalysis.definitionStartMarker;
-	this.definitionEndMarker = "// " + name + " " + CodeAnalysis.definitionEndMarker;
-	this.initializerStartMarker = "// " + name + " " + CodeAnalysis.initializerStartMarker;
-	this.initializerEndMarker = "// " + name + " " + CodeAnalysis.initializerEndMarker;
-abstract State[] computeOutputs(State[] inputs);
-abstract void hydrate();
-void fail() {
-	if (this.failuresNb == 0) {
-		System.out.println( + " failures: ");
-	}
-	this.failuresNb++;
-abstract void printTruthTables(File outputDirectory);
-static boolean checkContiguity(String a, String b) {
-	int aLength;
-	if ((aLength = a.length()) != b.length()) {
-		System.out.println("inappropriate string length: " + a + " vs " + b);
-		return false;
-	}
-	int status = 0;
-	for (int i = 0; i < aLength; i++) {
-		if (a.charAt(i) != b.charAt(i)) {
-			status++;
-		} 
-	}
-	if (status != 1) {
-		System.out.println("non contiguous strings: " + a + " vs " + b);
-		return false;
-	}
-	return true;
-final static String truthTableRowNames[] = { // need a specific order to yield simplication opportunities
-		"000000",
-		"000100",
-		"001100",
-		"001000",
-		"011000",
-		"011100",
-		"010100",
-		"010000",
-		"110000",
-		"110100",
-		"111100",
-		"111000",
-		"101000",
-		"101100",
-		"100100",
-		"100000",		
-		// PREMATURE cheated to group first four bits... reconsider
-		"000001",
-		"000011",
-		"000010",
-		"000110",
-		"000111",
-		"000101",
-		"001101",
-		"001111",
-		"001110",
-		"001010",
-		"001011",
-		"001001",
-		"011001",
-		"011011",
-		"011010",
-		"011110",
-		"011111",
-		"011101",
-		"010101",
-		"010111",
-		"010110",
-		"010010",
-		"010011",
-		"010001",
-		"110001",
-		"110011",
-		"110010",
-		"110110",
-		"110111",
-		"110101",
-		"111101",
-		"111111",
-		"111110",
-		"111010",
-		"111011",
-		"111001",
-		"101001",
-		"101011",
-		"101010",
-		"101110",
-		"101111",
-		"101101",
-		"100101",
-		"100111",
-		"100110",
-		"100010",
-		"100011",
-		"100001",
-	};
-private static Map ranksForStates;
-int rankForState(State state) {
-	int length;
-	if (ranksForStates == null) {
-		ranksForStates = new HashMap(length = truthTableRowNames.length);
-		for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-			ranksForStates.put(truthTableRowNames[i], new Integer(i));
-		}
-	}
-	Integer rank;
-	if ((rank = (Integer) ranksForStates.get(state.printableBitsField)) != null) {
-		return rank.intValue();
-	}
-	return 0;
-abstract void reinitializeFromComments(BufferedReader input, BufferedWriter output);
-abstract void reinitializeFromComputedValues(BufferedReader input, BufferedWriter output,
-	State[] consideredStates);
- * Run a test against UnconditionalFlowInfo by comparing the transitions as memorized
- * into the initializer and as delivered by UnconditionalFlowInfo for various positions
- * in the encoding and return the number of failures.
- * @return the number of failures, that is 0 if the results match the expectations
- */
-abstract int test();
-abstract static class TwoDimensionalTransformation extends Transformation {
-TwoDimensionalTransformation(String name, byte[][] transitions) {
-	super(name);
-	this.dimension = 2;
-	int length;
-	this.initializedTransitions = new HashMap(length = transitions.length);
-	State input1;
-	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-		if (transitions[i].length != 2) {
-			throw new IllegalArgumentException("transitions should have two entries");
-		}
-		input1 = State.states[transitions[i][0]]; // array out of bounds exception if broken
-		if (this.initializedTransitions.get(input1) != null) {
-			throw new IllegalArgumentException("duplicate entry");
-		}
-		this.initializedTransitions.put(input1, State.states[transitions[i][1]]);
-	}
-State[] computeOutputs(State[] inputs) {
-	Map resultAccumulator = new HashMap(State.stateMaxValue + 1);
-	hydrate(); // pre-compute all possible combinations, then cache them
-	for (int i = 0, inputsLength = inputs.length; i < inputsLength; i++) {
-		resultAccumulator.put(this.computedTransitions.get(inputs[i]), null);
-	}
-	int length;
-	State[] result = new State[length = resultAccumulator.size()];
-	Iterator resultIterator = resultAccumulator.keySet().iterator();
-	for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
-		result[j] = (State);
-	}
-	return result;	
-void hydrate() {
-	if (this.computedTransitions == null) {
-		State input, output;
-		this.computedTransitions = new HashMap(State.stateMaxValue + 1);
-		for (int i = 0, length = State.states.length; i < length; i++) {
-			output = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-				output(UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-					testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input = State.states[i]), 
-						TestLocalVariableBinding.local0)).asState();
-			if (input.symbolic && !output.symbolic) {
-				System.err.println( + " generates non-symbolic state " +
-					output + " upon entry: " + input);
-			}
-			this.computedTransitions.put(input, output);
-		}
-	}
-abstract UnconditionalFlowInfo output(UnconditionalFlowInfo input, TestLocalVariableBinding local);
-void printTruthTables(File outputDirectory) {
-	try {
-		String outputFileName = outputDirectory.getPath() + File.separator + + ".txt";
-		PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(
-				new File(outputFileName)));
-		System.out.println("Printing " + outputFileName);
-		out.println("======================================================");
-		out.println("Truth table for " + );
-		char truthValues[][] = new char[State.statesNb][State.stateWidth];
-		int row, column;
-		for (row = 0; row < State.statesNb; row++) {
-			for (column = 0; column < State.stateWidth; column++) {
-				truthValues[row][column] = '.';
-			}
-		}
-		boolean keepRow[] = new boolean[State.statesNb];
-		Iterator i1 = this.initializedTransitions.entrySet().iterator();
-		while (i1.hasNext()) {
-			Map.Entry transitionsSet = (Map.Entry);
-			State input = (State) transitionsSet.getKey();
-			keepRow[row = rankForState(input)] = true;
-			for (int bit = 0; bit < State.stateWidth; bit++) {
-				truthValues[row][bit] = 
-					((State) transitionsSet.getValue()).printableBitsField.charAt(bit);
-			}
-		}
-		StringBuffer line;
-		line = new StringBuffer(140);
-		line.append("         ");
-		for (int i = 1; i <= State.stateWidth; i++) {
-			line.append(i);
-			line.append(' ');
-		}
-		out.println(line);
-		line = new StringBuffer(140);
-		line.append("       ---------------------");
-		out.println(line);
-		for (row = 0; row < State.statesNb; row++) {
-			if (keepRow[row]) {
-				line = new StringBuffer(140);
-				line.append(truthTableRowNames[row]);
-				line.append(" | ");
-				for (int i = 0; i < State.stateWidth; i++) {
-					line.append(truthValues[row][i]);
-					line.append(' ');
-				}
-				out.println(line);
-			}
-		}
-		out.println("======================================================");
-		out.flush();
-		out.close();
-	}
-	catch (Throwable t) {
-		// PREMATURE improve error handling
-	}
-void reinitializeFromComments(BufferedReader input, BufferedWriter output) {
-	String line, tab = "";
-	int cursor;
-	char c;
-	this.initializedTransitions = new HashMap(State.stateMaxValue);
-	int lineNumber = 0;
-	try {
-		while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {
-			lineNumber++;
-			output.write(line);
-			output.write('\n');
-			if ((cursor = line.indexOf(definitionStartMarker)) != -1) {
-				// check the line format
-				boolean reachedStart = true;
-				for (int i = 0; i < cursor; i++) {
-					if (!Character.isWhitespace(c = line.charAt(i))) {
-						reachedStart = false;
-						break;
-					}
-					else {
-						tab += c;
-					}
-				}
-				if (reachedStart) {
-					while ((line = input.readLine()) != null && 
-							line.indexOf(definitionEndMarker) == -1) {
-						lineNumber++;
-						final int 
-							start = 0,
-							commentStart = 1,
-							commentFound = 2,
-							firstState = 10,
-							firstStateWS = 11,
-							implies = 20,
-							impliesWS = 21,
-							secondState = 30,
-							secondStateWS = 31, // caveat, multi-state
-							error = 99;
-						int state = start, 
-							firstStateStart = 0, firstStateEnd = 0, firstStateWhiteSpace = 0,
-							secondStateStart = 0, secondStateEnd = 0, secondStateWhiteSpace = 0;
-						char current;
-						analysis: for (int i = 0, length = line.length(); i < length; i++) {
-							current = line.charAt(i);
-							switch (state) {
-								case start:
-									if (current == '/') {
-										state = commentStart;
-									} else if (! Character.isWhitespace(current)) {
-										state = error;
-										break analysis;
-									} 
-									break;
-								case commentStart:
-									if (current == '/') {
-										state = commentFound;
-									} else {
-										state = error;
-										break analysis;
-									}
-									break;
-								case commentFound:
-									if (! Character.isWhitespace(current)) {
-										firstStateStart = firstStateEnd = i;
-										state = firstState;
-									}
-									break;
-								case firstState:
-									if (Character.isWhitespace(current)) {
-										state = firstStateWS;
-										firstStateWhiteSpace = 1;
-									} else {
-										firstStateEnd++;
-									}
-									break;
-								case firstStateWS:
-									if (current == '=') {
-										state = implies;
-									} else if (Character.isWhitespace(current)) {
-										firstStateWhiteSpace++;
-									} else {
-										state = firstState;
-										firstStateEnd += firstStateWhiteSpace + 1;
-									}
-									break;
-								case implies:
-									if (current == '>') {
-										state = impliesWS;
-									} else {
-										state = error;
-										break analysis;
-									}
-									break;
-								case impliesWS:
-									if (! Character.isWhitespace(current)) {
-										secondStateStart = secondStateEnd = i;
-										state = secondState;
-									}
-									break;
-								case secondState:
-									if (current == '/') {
-										break analysis;
-									} else if (Character.isWhitespace(current)) {
-										state = secondStateWS;
-										secondStateWhiteSpace = 1;
-									} else {
-										secondStateEnd++;
-									}
-									break;
-								case secondStateWS:
-									if (current == '/') {
-										state = secondState;
-										break analysis;
-									} else if (current == 'C') {
-										state++;
-									} else if (Character.isWhitespace(current)) {
-										secondStateWhiteSpace++;
-									} else {
-										state = secondState;
-										secondStateEnd += secondStateWhiteSpace + 1;
-									}
-									break;
-								case secondStateWS + 1:
-									if (current == '/') {
-										state = secondState;
-										break analysis;
-									} else if (current == 'H') {
-										state++;
-									} else {
-										state = secondState;
-										secondStateEnd += secondStateWhiteSpace + 2;
-									}
-									break;
-								case secondStateWS + 2:
-									if (current == '/') {
-										state = secondState;
-										break analysis;
-									} else if (current == 'E') {
-										state++;
-									} else {
-										state = secondState;
-										secondStateEnd += secondStateWhiteSpace + 3;
-									}
-									break;
-								case secondStateWS + 3:
-									if (current == '/') {
-										state = secondState;
-										break analysis;
-									} else if (current == 'C') {
-										state++;
-									} else {
-										state = secondState;
-										secondStateEnd += secondStateWhiteSpace + 4;
-									}
-									break;
-								case secondStateWS + 4:
-									if (current == '/' || current == 'K') {
-										state = secondState;
-										break analysis;
-									} else {
-										state = secondState;
-										secondStateEnd += secondStateWhiteSpace + 5;
-									}
-									break;
-							}
-						}
-						if (state == error || state < secondState) {
-							System.err.println("Could not interpret comment definition"); // PREMATURE improve diagnostic
-						} else {
-							if (state > secondStateWS) {
-								secondStateEnd += (state - secondState);
-							}
-							String stateName;
-							State first, second;
-							if ((first = State.fromSymbolicName(
-										stateName = line.substring(firstStateStart, firstStateEnd + 1)))
-									== null) {
-								System.err.println("Could not find state: " + stateName); // PREMATURE improve diagnostic
-							}
-							if ((second = State.fromSymbolicName(
-										stateName = line.substring(secondStateStart, secondStateEnd + 1)))
-									== null) {
-								System.err.println("Could not find state: " + stateName); // PREMATURE improve diagnostic
-							}
-							if (first != null && second != null) {
-								if (this.initializedTransitions.get(first) != null) {
-									System.err.println("Line " + lineNumber + ": Skipping duplicate entry for state: " + first); // PREMATURE improve diagnostic
-								} else {
-									this.initializedTransitions.put(first, second);
-								}
-							}
-						}
-						output.write(line);
-						output.write('\n');
-					}
-					Iterator firsts = State.symbolicStates();
-					State first;
-					while (firsts.hasNext()) {
-						first = (State);
-						if (this.initializedTransitions.get(first) == null) {
-								System.err.println("Adding missing transition for state: " + first);
-								output.write(tab);
-								output.write("// ");
-								output.write(first.toString());
-								output.write(" => start\t\t CHECK\n");
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				output.write(tab + definitionEndMarker + "\n");
-			}
-			if (line != null && (cursor = line.indexOf(initializerStartMarker)) != -1) {
-				// check the line format
-				boolean reachedStart = true;
-				tab = "";
-				for (int i = 0; i < cursor; i++) {
-					if (!Character.isWhitespace(c = line.charAt(i))) {
-						reachedStart = false;
-						break;
-					}
-					else {
-						tab += c;
-					}
-				}
-				if (reachedStart) {
-					while ((line = input.readLine()) != null && 
-							line.indexOf(initializerEndMarker) == -1) {
-						// loop
-					}
-					SortedMap sorted = new TreeMap(this.initializedTransitions);
-					Iterator transitions = sorted.entrySet().iterator();
-					Map.Entry transition;
-					while (transitions.hasNext()) {
-						transition = (Map.Entry);
-						output.write(tab);
-						output.write('{');
-						output.write(((State)transition.getKey()).hexString);
-						output.write(',');
-						output.write(((State)transition.getValue()).hexString);
-						output.write("},");
-						output.write('\n');
-					}
-					output.write(tab + initializerEndMarker + "\n");
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		output.flush();
-	} catch (IOException e) {
-		throw new RuntimeException(e);
-	}
-void reinitializeFromComputedValues(BufferedReader input, BufferedWriter output,
-		State[] consideredStates) {
-	String line, tab = "";
-	int cursor;
-	char c;
-	State result;
-	try {
-		while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {
-			output.write(line);
-			output.write('\n');
-			if ((cursor = line.indexOf(definitionStartMarker)) != -1) {
-				// check the line format
-				boolean reachedStart = true;
-				for (int i = 0; i < cursor; i++) {
-					if (!Character.isWhitespace(c = line.charAt(i))) {
-						reachedStart = false;
-						break;
-					}
-					else {
-						tab += c;
-					}
-				}
-				if (reachedStart) {
-					while ((line = input.readLine()) != null && 
-							line.indexOf(definitionEndMarker) == -1) {
-						// loop
-					}
-					int i, length;
-					for (i = 0, length = consideredStates.length; i < length; i++) {
-						output.write(tab);
-						output.write("// ");
-						output.write(consideredStates[i].name);
-						output.write(" => ");
-						output.write(
-							(result = (State) this.computedTransitions.get(consideredStates[i])).name);
-						if (!result.symbolic ||
-								result != this.initializedTransitions.get(consideredStates[i])) {
-							output.write("\t\t CHECK");
-						}
-						output.write('\n');
-					}
-					output.write(tab + definitionEndMarker + "\n");
-				}
-			}
-			if (line != null && (cursor = line.indexOf(initializerStartMarker)) != -1) {
-				// check the line format
-				boolean reachedStart = true;
-				tab = "";
-				for (int i = 0; i < cursor; i++) {
-					if (!Character.isWhitespace(c = line.charAt(i))) {
-						reachedStart = false;
-						break;
-					}
-					else {
-						tab += c;
-					}
-				}
-				if (reachedStart) {
-					while ((line = input.readLine()) != null && 
-							line.indexOf(initializerEndMarker) == -1) {
-						// loop
-					}
-					int i, length;
-					for (i = 0, length = consideredStates.length; i < length; i++) {
-						output.write(tab);
-						output.write('{');
-						output.write(consideredStates[i].hexString);
-						output.write(',');
-						output.write(
-							((State) this.computedTransitions.get(consideredStates[i])).hexString);
-						output.write("},");
-						output.write('\n');
-					}
-					output.write(tab + initializerEndMarker + "\n");
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		output.flush();
-	} catch (IOException e) {
-		throw new RuntimeException(e);
-	}
-int test() {
-	Iterator transitions = this.initializedTransitions.entrySet().iterator();
-	State input, expectedOutput, effectiveOutput;
-	Map.Entry transition;
-	this.failuresNb = 0; // reset
-	while (transitions.hasNext()) {
-		transition = (Map.Entry);
-		input = (State) transition.getKey();
-		expectedOutput = (State) transition.getValue();
-		effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness) 
-			output(UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-				testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input), 
-					TestLocalVariableBinding.local0)).asState();
-		if (effectiveOutput != expectedOutput) {
-			fail();
-			System.out.println("\t\t" + input.printableBitsField + 
-				" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-				" instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-		}
-	}
-	transitions = this.initializedTransitions.entrySet().iterator();
-	while (transitions.hasNext()) {
-		transition = (Map.Entry);
-		input = (State) transition.getKey();
-		expectedOutput = (State) transition.getValue();
-		effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-				output(UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-					testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input, 64), 
-						TestLocalVariableBinding.local64)).asState(64);
-		if (effectiveOutput != expectedOutput) {
-			fail();
-			System.out.println("\t\t" + input.printableBitsField + 
-				" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-				" (64) instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-		}
-		if (input == State.start) {
-			effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-				output(UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-					testUnconditionalFlowInfo(expectedOutput),
-						TestLocalVariableBinding.local64)).asState(64);
-			if (effectiveOutput != expectedOutput) {
-				fail();
-				System.out.println("\t\t" + input.printableBitsField + 
-					" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-					" (zero 64) instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	transitions = this.initializedTransitions.entrySet().iterator();
-	while (transitions.hasNext()) {
-		transition = (Map.Entry);
-		input = (State) transition.getKey();
-		if (input == State.start) {
-			expectedOutput = (State) transition.getValue();
-			effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-				output(UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-					testUnconditionalFlowInfo(expectedOutput, 64),
-						TestLocalVariableBinding.local128)).asState(128);
-			if (effectiveOutput != expectedOutput) {
-				fail();
-				System.out.println("\t\t" + input.printableBitsField + 
-					" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-					" (zero 128) instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return this.failuresNb;
-abstract static class CreationalTransformation extends TwoDimensionalTransformation {
-CreationalTransformation(String name, byte[][] transitions) {
-	super(name, transitions);
-void hydrate() {
-	if (this.computedTransitions == null) {
-		State input, output;
-		this.computedTransitions = new HashMap(State.stateMaxValue + 1);
-		for (int i = 0, length = State.states.length; i < length; i++) {
-			output = ((NullInfoRegistryTestHarness)
-				output(UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-					testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input = State.states[i]), 
-						TestLocalVariableBinding.local0)).asState();
-			if (input.symbolic && !output.symbolic) {
-				System.err.println( + " generates non-symbolic state " +
-					output + " upon entry: " + input);
-			}
-			this.computedTransitions.put(input, output);
-		}
-	}
-UnconditionalFlowInfo output(UnconditionalFlowInfo input, TestLocalVariableBinding local) {
-	return output(input);
-abstract UnconditionalFlowInfo output(UnconditionalFlowInfo input);
-int test() {
-	Iterator transitions = this.initializedTransitions.entrySet().iterator();
-	State input, expectedOutput, effectiveOutput;
-	Map.Entry transition;
-	this.failuresNb = 0; // reset
-	while (transitions.hasNext()) {
-		transition = (Map.Entry);
-		input = (State) transition.getKey();
-		expectedOutput = (State) transition.getValue();
-		effectiveOutput = ((NullInfoRegistryTestHarness) 
-			output(UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-				testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input), 
-					TestLocalVariableBinding.local0)).asState();
-		if (effectiveOutput != expectedOutput) {
-			fail();
-			System.out.println("\t\t" + input.printableBitsField + 
-				" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-				" instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-		}
-	}
-	transitions = this.initializedTransitions.entrySet().iterator();
-	while (transitions.hasNext()) {
-		transition = (Map.Entry);
-		input = (State) transition.getKey();
-		expectedOutput = (State) transition.getValue();
-		effectiveOutput = ((NullInfoRegistryTestHarness)
-				output(UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-					testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input, 64))).asState(64);
-		if (effectiveOutput != expectedOutput) {
-			fail();
-			System.out.println("\t\t" + input.printableBitsField + 
-				" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-				" (64) instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-		}
-	}
-	return this.failuresNb;
-public abstract static class ThreeDimensionalTransformation extends Transformation {
-ThreeDimensionalTransformation(String name) {
-	super(name);
-	this.dimension = 3;
-ThreeDimensionalTransformation(String name, byte[][] transitions) {
-	super(name);
-	this.dimension = 3;
-	int length;
-	this.initializedTransitions = new HashMap(length = transitions.length);
-	State input1, input2;
-	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-		if (transitions[i].length != 3) {
-			throw new IllegalArgumentException("transitions should have three entries");
-		}
-		input1 = State.states[transitions[i][0]]; // array out of bounds exception if broken
-		input2 = State.states[transitions[i][1]];
-		Map transitionsForInput1 = (Map) this.initializedTransitions.get(input1);
-		if (transitionsForInput1 == null) {
-			transitionsForInput1 = new HashMap(length);
-			this.initializedTransitions.put(input1, transitionsForInput1);
-		}
-		if (transitionsForInput1.get(input2) != null) {
-			throw new IllegalArgumentException("duplicate entry");
-		}
-		transitionsForInput1.put(input2, State.states[transitions[i][2]]);
-	}
-State[] computeOutputs(State[] inputs) {
-	Map resultAccumulator = new HashMap(State.stateMaxValue + 1);
-	hydrate(); // pre-compute all possible combinations, then cache them
-	for (int i = 0, inputsLength = inputs.length; i < inputsLength; i++) {
-		for (int i2 = 0; i2 < inputsLength; i2++) {
-			resultAccumulator.put(
-				((Map) this.computedTransitions.get(inputs[i])).get(inputs[i2]), null);
-		}
-	}
-	int length;
-	State[] result = new State[length = resultAccumulator.size()];
-	Iterator resultIterator = resultAccumulator.keySet().iterator();
-	for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
-		result[j] = (State);
-	}
-	return result;	
-void hydrate() {
-	if (this.computedTransitions == null) {
-		State input1, input2, output;
-		this.computedTransitions = new HashMap(State.stateMaxValue + 1);
-		Map entry;
-		for (int i = 0, length = State.states.length; i < length; i++) {
-			entry = new HashMap(State.stateMaxValue + 1);
-			this.computedTransitions.put(input1 = State.states[i], entry);
-			for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
-				output = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-					output(UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-						testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input1),
-						UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-						testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input2 = State.states[j]))).asState();
-				if (input1.symbolic && input2.symbolic && !output.symbolic) {
-					System.err.println( + " generates non-symbolic state " +
-						output + " upon entry: " + input1 + " + " + input2);
-				}
-				entry.put(input2, output);
-			}
-		}
-	}	
-abstract UnconditionalFlowInfo output(UnconditionalFlowInfo input1, UnconditionalFlowInfo input2);
-void printDefinitions(BufferedWriter output, State[] consideredStates, String tab)
-		throws IOException {
-	int i, j, length;
-	State result;
-	for (i = 0, length = consideredStates.length; i < length; i++) {
-		for (j = 0; j < length; j++) {
-			output.write(tab);
-			output.write("// ");
-			output.write(consideredStates[i].name);
-			output.write(" + ");
-			output.write(consideredStates[j].name);
-			output.write(" => ");
-			output.write(
-				(result = (State)
-					((Map) this.computedTransitions.get(consideredStates[i])).get(consideredStates[j])).name);
-			if (!result.symbolic ||
-				result != this.initializedTransitions.get(consideredStates[i])) {
-				output.write("\t\t CHECK");
-			}
-			output.write('\n');
-		}
-	}
-void printInitializers(BufferedWriter output, State[] consideredStates, String tab)
-		throws IOException {
-	int i, j, length;
-	for (i = 0, length = consideredStates.length; i < length; i++) {
-		for (j = 0; j < length; j++) {
-			output.write(tab);
-			output.write('{');
-			output.write(consideredStates[i].hexString);
-			output.write(',');
-			output.write(consideredStates[j].hexString);
-			output.write(',');
-			output.write(
-				((State)
-					((Map) this.computedTransitions.get(consideredStates[i])).get(consideredStates[j])).hexString);
-			output.write("},");
-			output.write('\n');
-		}
-				}
-void printMissingEntries(BufferedWriter output, String tab) throws IOException {
-	Iterator firsts = State.symbolicStates(), seconds;
-	State first, second;
-	Map transitions;
-	while (firsts.hasNext()) {
-		first = (State);
-		seconds = State.symbolicStates();
-		if ((transitions = (Map) this.initializedTransitions.get(first))
-				== null) {
-			while (seconds.hasNext()) {
-				second = (State);
-				System.err.println("Adding missing transition for states (" + first + ", " + second + ")");
-				output.write(tab);
-				output.write("// ");
-				output.write(first.toString());
-				output.write(" + ");
-				output.write(second.toString());
-				output.write(" => start\t\t CHECK\n");
-			}
-		} else {
-			while (seconds.hasNext()) {
-				second = (State);
-				if (transitions.get(second) == null) {
-					System.err.println("Adding missing transition for states (" + first + ", " + second + ")");
-					output.write(tab);
-					output.write("// ");
-					output.write(first.toString());
-					output.write(" + ");
-					output.write(second.toString());
-					output.write(" => start\t\t CHECK\n");
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void printTruthTables(File outputDirectory) {
-	for (int bit = 1; bit <= State.stateWidth; bit++) {
-		try {
-			String outputFileName = outputDirectory.getPath() + File.separator + + "_" + bit + ".txt";
-			PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(
-					new File(outputFileName)));
-			System.out.println("Printing " + outputFileName);
-			out.println("======================================================");
-			out.println("Truth table for " + + " null bit " + bit);
-			char truthValues[][] = new char[State.statesNb][State.statesNb];
-			int row, column;
-			for (row = 0; row < State.statesNb; row++) {
-				for (column = 0; column < State.statesNb; column++) {
-					truthValues[row][column] = '.';
-				}
-			}
-			if (false) { // checking row names
-				boolean gotProblem = false;
-				if (truthTableRowNames.length > State.statesNb) {
-					System.out.println("row names table contains too many rows");
-					gotProblem = true;
-				}
-				else if (truthTableRowNames.length < State.statesNb) {
-					System.out.println("row names table contains too few rows");
-					gotProblem = true;
-				}
-				Map check = new HashMap(State.statesNb);
-				for (row = 0; row < truthTableRowNames.length; row++) {
-					if (check.containsKey(truthTableRowNames[row])) {
-						System.out.println("duplicate row: " + truthTableRowNames[row]);
-						gotProblem = true;
-					}
-					else {
-						check.put(truthTableRowNames[row], null);
-					}
-					if (row > 0 && !checkContiguity(truthTableRowNames[row - 1], truthTableRowNames[row])) {
-						gotProblem = true;
-					}
-				}
-		//		assertFalse("invalid rows table", gotProblem);
-			}
-			boolean keepRow[] = new boolean[State.statesNb], 
-				keepColumn[] = new boolean[State.statesNb];
-			Iterator i1 = this.initializedTransitions.entrySet().iterator();
-			while (i1.hasNext()) {
-				Map.Entry transitionsSet = (Map.Entry);
-				State first = (State) transitionsSet.getKey();
-				Iterator i2 = ((Map) transitionsSet.getValue()).entrySet().iterator();
-				while (i2.hasNext()) {
-					Map.Entry transition = (Map.Entry);
-					mark(truthValues, keepRow, keepColumn, rankForState(first),
-							rankForState((State) transition.getKey()),
-							((State) transition.getValue()).printableBitsField.charAt(bit - 1));
-				}
-			}
-			for (row = 0; row < State.statesNb; row += 2) {
-				if (keepRow[row]) {
-					keepRow[row + 1] = true;
-				}
-				else if (keepRow[row + 1]) {
-					keepRow[row] = true;
-				}
-				if (keepColumn[row]) {
-					keepColumn[row + 1] = true;
-				}
-				else if (keepColumn[row + 1]) {
-					keepColumn[row] = true;
-				}
-			}
-			StringBuffer line;
-			for (int i = 0; i < State.stateWidth; i++) {
-				line = new StringBuffer(140);
-				line.append("         ");
-				for (column = 0; column < State.statesNb; column++) {
-					if (keepColumn[column]) {
-						line.append(truthTableRowNames[column].charAt(i));
-						line.append(' ');
-					}
-				}
-				out.println(line);
-			}
-			line = new StringBuffer(140);
-			line.append("       --");
-			for (column = 0; column < State.statesNb; column++) {
-				if (keepColumn[column]) {
-					line.append('-');
-					line.append('-');
-				}
-			}
-			out.println(line);
-			for (row = 0; row < State.statesNb; row++) {
-				if (keepRow[row]) {
-					line = new StringBuffer(140);
-					line.append(truthTableRowNames[row]);
-					line.append(" | ");
-					for (column = 0; column < State.statesNb; column++) {
-						if (keepColumn[column]) {
-							line.append(truthValues[row][column]);
-							line.append(' ');
-						}
-					}
-					out.println(line);
-				}
-			}
-			out.println("======================================================");
-			out.flush();
-			out.close();
-		}
-		catch (Throwable t) {
-			// PREMATURE improve error handling
-		}
-	}
-void mark(char truthValues[][], boolean keepRow[], boolean keepColumn[],
-		int row, int column, char value) {
-	truthValues[row][column] = value;
-	keepRow[row] = true;
-	keepColumn[column] = true;
-void reinitializeFromComments(BufferedReader input, BufferedWriter output) {
-	String line, tab = "";
-	int cursor;
-	char c;
-	this.initializedTransitions = new HashMap(State.stateMaxValue);
-	int lineNumber = 0;
-	try {
-		while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {
-			lineNumber++;
-			output.write(line);
-			output.write('\n');
-			if ((cursor = line.indexOf(definitionStartMarker)) != -1) {
-				// check the line format
-				boolean reachedStart = true;
-				for (int i = 0; i < cursor; i++) {
-					if (!Character.isWhitespace(c = line.charAt(i))) {
-						reachedStart = false;
-						break;
-					}
-					else {
-						tab += c;
-					}
-				}
-				if (reachedStart) {
-					while ((line = input.readLine()) != null && 
-							line.indexOf(definitionEndMarker) == -1) {
-						lineNumber++;
-						final int 
-							start = 0,
-							commentStart = 1,
-							commentFound = 2,
-							firstState = 10,
-							firstStateWS = 11,
-							plus = 20,
-							secondState = 30,
-							secondStateWS = 31,
-							implies = 40,
-							impliesWS = 41,
-							thirdState = 50,
-							thirdStateWS = 51, // caveat, multi-state
-							error = 99;
-						int state = start, 
-							firstStateStart = 0, firstStateEnd = 0, firstStateWhiteSpace = 0,
-							secondStateStart = 0, secondStateEnd = 0, secondStateWhiteSpace = 0,
-							thirdStateStart = 0, thirdStateEnd = 0, thirdStateWhiteSpace = 0;
-						char current;
-						analysis: for (int i = 0, length = line.length(); i < length; i++) {
-							current = line.charAt(i);
-							switch (state) {
-								case start:
-									if (current == '/') {
-										state = commentStart;
-									} else if (! Character.isWhitespace(current)) {
-										state = error;
-										break analysis;
-									} 
-									break;
-								case commentStart:
-									if (current == '/') {
-										state = commentFound;
-									} else {
-										state = error;
-										break analysis;
-									}
-									break;
-								case commentFound:
-									if (! Character.isWhitespace(current)) {
-										firstStateStart = firstStateEnd = i;
-										state = firstState;
-									}
-									break;
-								case firstState:
-									if (Character.isWhitespace(current)) {
-										state = firstStateWS;
-										firstStateWhiteSpace = 1;
-									} else {
-										firstStateEnd++;
-									}
-									break;
-								case firstStateWS:
-									if (current == '+') {
-										state = plus;
-									} else if (Character.isWhitespace(current)) {
-										firstStateWhiteSpace++;
-									} else {
-										state = firstState;
-										firstStateEnd += firstStateWhiteSpace + 1;
-									}
-									break;
-								case plus:
-									if (! Character.isWhitespace(current)) {
-										secondStateStart = secondStateEnd = i;
-										state = secondState;
-									}
-									break;
-								case secondState:
-									if (Character.isWhitespace(current)) {
-										state = secondStateWS;
-										secondStateWhiteSpace = 1;
-									} else {
-										secondStateEnd++;
-									}
-									break;
-								case secondStateWS:
-									if (current == '=') {
-										state = implies;
-									} else if (Character.isWhitespace(current)) {
-										secondStateWhiteSpace++;
-									} else {
-										state = secondState;
-										secondStateEnd += secondStateWhiteSpace + 1;
-									}
-									break;
-								case implies:
-									if (current == '>') {
-										state = impliesWS;
-									} else {
-										state = error;
-										break analysis;
-									}
-									break;
-								case impliesWS:
-									if (! Character.isWhitespace(current)) {
-										thirdStateStart = thirdStateEnd = i;
-										state = thirdState;
-									}
-									break;
-								case thirdState:
-									if (current == '/') {
-										break analysis;
-									} else if (Character.isWhitespace(current)) {
-										state = thirdStateWS;
-										thirdStateWhiteSpace = 1;
-									} else {
-										thirdStateEnd++;
-									}
-									break;
-								case thirdStateWS:
-									if (current == '/') {
-										state = thirdState;
-										break analysis;
-									} else if (current == 'C') {
-										state++;
-									} else if (Character.isWhitespace(current)) {
-										thirdStateWhiteSpace++;
-									} else {
-										state = thirdState;
-										thirdStateEnd += thirdStateWhiteSpace + 1;
-									}
-									break;
-								case thirdStateWS + 1:
-									if (current == '/') {
-										state = thirdState;
-										break analysis;
-									} else if (current == 'H') {
-										state++;
-									} else {
-										state = thirdState;
-										thirdStateEnd += thirdStateWhiteSpace + 2;
-									}
-									break;
-								case thirdStateWS + 2:
-									if (current == '/') {
-										state = thirdState;
-										break analysis;
-									} else if (current == 'E') {
-										state++;
-									} else {
-										state = thirdState;
-										thirdStateEnd += thirdStateWhiteSpace + 3;
-									}
-									break;
-								case thirdStateWS + 3:
-									if (current == '/') {
-										state = thirdState;
-										break analysis;
-									} else if (current == 'C') {
-										state++;
-									} else {
-										state = thirdState;
-										thirdStateEnd += thirdStateWhiteSpace + 4;
-									}
-									break;
-								case thirdStateWS + 4:
-									if (current == '/' || current == 'K') {
-										state = thirdState;
-										break analysis;
-									} else {
-										state = thirdState;
-										thirdStateEnd += thirdStateWhiteSpace + 5;
-									}
-									break;
-							}
-						}
-						if (state == error || state < thirdState) {
-							System.err.println("Could not interpret comment definition"); // PREMATURE improve diagnostic
-						} else {
-							if (state > thirdStateWS) {
-								thirdStateEnd += (state - thirdState);
-							}
-							String stateName;
-							State first, second, third;
-							if ((first = State.fromSymbolicName(
-										stateName = line.substring(firstStateStart, firstStateEnd + 1)))
-									== null) {
-								System.err.println("Could not find state: " + stateName); // PREMATURE improve diagnostic
-							}
-							if ((second = State.fromSymbolicName(
-										stateName = line.substring(secondStateStart, secondStateEnd + 1)))
-									== null) {
-								System.err.println("Could not find state: " + stateName); // PREMATURE improve diagnostic
-							}
-							if ((third = State.fromSymbolicName(
-										stateName = line.substring(thirdStateStart, thirdStateEnd + 1)))
-									== null) {
-								System.err.println("Could not find state: " + stateName); // PREMATURE improve diagnostic
-							}
-							if (first != null && second != null && third != null) {
-								Map transitions;
-								if ((transitions = (Map) this.initializedTransitions.get(first)) == null) {
-									transitions = new HashMap(State.stateMaxValue + 1);
-									this.initializedTransitions.put(first, transitions);
-								}
-								if (transitions.get(second) != null) {
-									System.err.println("Line " + lineNumber + ": Skipping duplicate entry for states: (" + first
-											+ ", " + second + ")"); // PREMATURE improve diagnostic
-								} else {
-									transitions.put(second, third);
-								}
-							}
-						}
-						output.write(line);
-						output.write('\n');
-					}
-				}
-				printMissingEntries(output, tab);
-				output.write(tab + definitionEndMarker + "\n");
-			}
-			if (line != null && (cursor = line.indexOf(initializerStartMarker)) != -1) {
-				// check the line format
-				boolean reachedStart = true;
-				tab = "";
-				for (int i = 0; i < cursor; i++) {
-					if (!Character.isWhitespace(c = line.charAt(i))) {
-						reachedStart = false;
-						break;
-					}
-					else {
-						tab += c;
-					}
-				}
-				if (reachedStart) {
-					while ((line = input.readLine()) != null && 
-							line.indexOf(initializerEndMarker) == -1) {
-						// loop
-					}
-					SortedMap sortedTransitionsSet = new TreeMap(this.initializedTransitions);
-					Iterator transitionsSets = sortedTransitionsSet.entrySet().iterator();
-					Map.Entry transitionsSet;
-					while (transitionsSets.hasNext()) {
-						transitionsSet = (Map.Entry);
-						SortedMap sortedTransitions = new TreeMap((Map) transitionsSet.getValue());
-						Iterator transitions = sortedTransitions.entrySet().iterator();
-						Map.Entry transition;
-						while (transitions.hasNext()) {
-							transition = (Map.Entry);
-							output.write(tab);
-							output.write('{');
-							output.write(((State)transitionsSet.getKey()).hexString);
-							output.write(',');
-							output.write(((State)transition.getKey()).hexString);
-							output.write(',');
-							output.write(((State)transition.getValue()).hexString);
-							output.write("},");
-							output.write('\n');
-						}
-					}
-					output.write(tab + initializerEndMarker + "\n");
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		output.flush();
-	} catch (IOException e) {
-		throw new RuntimeException(e);
-	}
-void reinitializeFromComputedValues(BufferedReader input, BufferedWriter output,
-		State[] consideredStates) {
-	String line, tab = "";
-	int cursor;
-	char c;
-	try {
-		while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {
-			output.write(line);
-			output.write('\n');
-			if ((cursor = line.indexOf(definitionStartMarker)) != -1) {
-				// check the line format
-				boolean reachedStart = true;
-				for (int i = 0; i < cursor; i++) {
-					if (!Character.isWhitespace(c = line.charAt(i))) {
-						reachedStart = false;
-						break;
-					}
-					else {
-						tab += c;
-					}
-				}
-				if (reachedStart) {
-					while ((line = input.readLine()) != null && 
-							line.indexOf(definitionEndMarker) == -1) {
-						// loop
-					}
-					printDefinitions(output, consideredStates, tab);
-					output.write(tab + definitionEndMarker + "\n");
-				}
-			}
-			if (line != null && (cursor = line.indexOf(initializerStartMarker)) != -1) {
-				// check the line format
-				boolean reachedStart = true;
-				tab = "";
-				for (int i = 0; i < cursor; i++) {
-					if (!Character.isWhitespace(c = line.charAt(i))) {
-						reachedStart = false;
-						break;
-					}
-					else {
-						tab += c;
-					}
-				}
-				if (reachedStart) {
-					while ((line = input.readLine()) != null && 
-							line.indexOf(initializerEndMarker) == -1) {
-						// loop
-					}
-					printInitializers(output, consideredStates, tab);
-					output.write(tab + initializerEndMarker + "\n");
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		output.flush();
-	} catch (IOException e) {
-		throw new RuntimeException(e);
-	}
-int test() {
-	return test(1, false);
-int test(int combinationTestsLoopsNb, boolean skipHighOrderBits) {
-	Iterator transitionsSetsIterator, transitionsIterator;
-	State input1, input2, expectedOutput, effectiveOutput;
-	Map.Entry transition, transitionsSet;
-	this.failuresNb = 0; // reset
-	this.failuresNb = 0; // reset
-	long start = 0;
-	if (combinationTestsLoopsNb > 1) {
-		start = System.currentTimeMillis();
-	}
-	for (int l = 0; l < combinationTestsLoopsNb ; l++) {
-		transitionsSetsIterator = this.initializedTransitions.entrySet().iterator();
-		while (transitionsSetsIterator.hasNext()) {
-			transitionsSet = (Map.Entry);
-			input1 = (State) transitionsSet.getKey();
-			transitionsIterator = ((Map) transitionsSet.getValue()).
-				entrySet().iterator();
-			while (transitionsIterator.hasNext()) {
-				transition = (Map.Entry);
-				input2 = (State) transition.getKey();
-				expectedOutput = (State) transition.getValue();
-				effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness) output(
-						UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input1),
-						UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input2)))
-					.asState();
-				if (effectiveOutput != expectedOutput) {
-					fail();
-					System.out.println("\t\t" + input1.printableBitsField +
-						" + " + input2.printableBitsField +
-						" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-						" instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (combinationTestsLoopsNb > 1) {
-		System.out.println( + "...\t\t" + combinationTestsLoopsNb + "\t" + 
-				(System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
-	}
-	// PREMATURE optimize test (extraneous allocations and copies)
-	// PREMATURE optimize test (extraneous iterations - undup)
-	if (!skipHighOrderBits) {
-		UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness 
-			zero = UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-					testUnconditionalFlowInfo(State.start),
-			left, right, left64, right64, left128, right128,
-			special = (UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness) zero.copy();
-			special.grow(64); // allocates one extra without adding null info
-			transitionsSetsIterator = this.initializedTransitions.entrySet().iterator();
-			while (transitionsSetsIterator.hasNext()) {
-				transitionsSet = (Map.Entry);
-				input1 = (State) transitionsSet.getKey();
-				transitionsIterator = ((Map) transitionsSet.getValue()).
-					entrySet().iterator();
-				while (transitionsIterator.hasNext()) {
-					transition = (Map.Entry);
-					input2 = (State) transition.getKey();
-					expectedOutput = (State) transition.getValue();
-					left = UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-							testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input1);
-					left64 = UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-							testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input1, 64);
-					left128 = UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-						testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input1, 128);
-					right = UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-							testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input2);
-					right64 = UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-							testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input2, 64);
-					right128 = UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-							testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input2, 128);
-				if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-						output(left64, right64)).asState(64)) != 
-							expectedOutput) {
-					fail();
-					System.out.println("\t\t" + input1.printableBitsField +
-						" + " + input2.printableBitsField +
-						" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-						" (64, 64) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-				}
-				if (input1 == State.start) {
-					if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-							output(right128, right)).asState()) != expectedOutput) {
-						fail();
-						System.out.println("\t\t" + input1.printableBitsField +
-							" + " + input2.printableBitsField +
-							" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-							" (zero 128, 1) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-					}
-					if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-							output(zero, right64)).asState(64)) != expectedOutput) {
-						fail();
-						System.out.println("\t\t" + input1.printableBitsField +
-							" + " + input2.printableBitsField +
-							" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-							" (zero, 64) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-					}
-					if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-							output(right128, right64)).asState(64)) != expectedOutput) {
-						fail();
-						System.out.println("\t\t" + input1.printableBitsField +
-							" + " + input2.printableBitsField +
-							" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-							" (zero 128, 64) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-					}
-					if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-							output(zero, right128)).asState(128)) != expectedOutput) {
-						fail();
-						System.out.println("\t\t" + input1.printableBitsField +
-							" + " + input2.printableBitsField +
-							" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-							" (zero, 128) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-					}
-					if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-							output(right64, right128)).asState(128)) != expectedOutput) {
-						fail();
-						System.out.println("\t\t" + input1.printableBitsField +
-							" + " + input2.printableBitsField +
-							" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-							" (zero 64, 128) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-					}
-					if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-							output(special, right128)).asState(128)) != expectedOutput) {
-						fail();
-						System.out.println("\t\t" + input1.printableBitsField +
-							" + " + input2.printableBitsField +
-							" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-							" (special zero, 128) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-					}
-				}
-				if (input2 == State.start) {
-					if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-							output(left, left128)).asState()) != expectedOutput) {
-						fail();
-						System.out.println("\t\t" + input1.printableBitsField +
-							" + " + input2.printableBitsField +
-							" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-							" (1, zero 128) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-					}
-					if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-							output(left64, zero)).asState(64)) != expectedOutput) {
-						fail();
-						System.out.println("\t\t" + input1.printableBitsField +
-							" + " + input2.printableBitsField +
-							" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-							" (64, zero) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-					}
-					if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-							output(left64, left128)).asState(64)) != expectedOutput) {
-						fail();
-						System.out.println("\t\t" + input1.printableBitsField +
-							" + " + input2.printableBitsField +
-							" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-							" (64, zero 128) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-					}
-					if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-							output(left128, zero)).asState(128)) != expectedOutput) {
-						fail();
-						System.out.println("\t\t" + input1.printableBitsField +
-							" + " + input2.printableBitsField +
-							" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-							" (128, zero) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-					}
-					if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-							output(left128, left64)).asState(128)) != expectedOutput) {
-						fail();
-						System.out.println("\t\t" + input1.printableBitsField +
-							" + " + input2.printableBitsField +
-							" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-							" (128, zero 64) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return this.failuresNb;
-public abstract static class SymmetricalThreeDimensionalTransformation 
-		extends ThreeDimensionalTransformation{
-SymmetricalThreeDimensionalTransformation(String name, byte[][] transitions) {
-	super(name);
-	int length;
-	this.initializedTransitions = new HashMap((length = transitions.length) * 2 - 1);
-	State input1, input2;
-	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-		if (transitions[i].length != 3) {
-			throw new IllegalArgumentException("transitions should have three entries");
-		}
-		if (transitions[i][0] <= transitions[i][1]) {
-			input1 = State.states[transitions[i][0]]; // array out of bounds exception if broken
-			input2 = State.states[transitions[i][1]];
-		}
-		else {
-			input1 = State.states[transitions[i][1]];
-			input2 = State.states[transitions[i][0]];
-		}
-		Map transitionsForInput1 = (Map) this.initializedTransitions.get(input1);
-		if (transitionsForInput1 == null) {
-			transitionsForInput1 = new HashMap(length);
-			this.initializedTransitions.put(input1, transitionsForInput1);
-		}
-		if (transitionsForInput1.get(input2) != null) {
-			throw new IllegalArgumentException("duplicate entry");
-		}
-		transitionsForInput1.put(input2, State.states[transitions[i][2]]);
-	}
-void hydrate() {
-	super.hydrate();
-	checkSymmetry(this.computedTransitions);
-private void checkSymmetry(Map map) {
-	State input1, input2, result;
-	Map.Entry entry1, entry2;
-	Map transition;
-	Iterator transitions1 = map.entrySet().iterator(), transitions2;
-	while (transitions1.hasNext()) {
-		entry1 = (Map.Entry);
-		input1 = (State) entry1.getKey();
-		transition = (Map) entry1.getValue();
-		transitions2 = transition.entrySet().iterator();
-		while (transitions2.hasNext()) {
-			entry2 = (Map.Entry);
-			input2 = (State) entry2.getKey();
-			result = (State) entry2.getValue();
-			if (result != ((Map) map.get(input2)).get(input1) && input1.symbolic && input2.symbolic) {
-				System.err.println("symmetry mismatch: " + input1 + " + " +
-						input2 + " -> " + result + "/" + ((Map) map.get(input2)).get(input1));
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void mark(char truthValues[][], boolean keepRow[], boolean keepColumn[],
-		int row, int column, char value) {
-	truthValues[row][column] = truthValues[column][row] = value;
-	keepRow[row] = true;
-	keepColumn[column] = true;
-	keepRow[column] = true;
-	keepColumn[row] = true;
-void printDefinitions(BufferedWriter output, State[] consideredStates, String tab)
-		throws IOException {
-	// only difference with parent is that we print only half of possible 
-	// combinations
-	int i, j, length;
-	State result;
-	for (i = 0, length = consideredStates.length; i < length; i++) {
-		for (j = i; j < length; j++) {
-			output.write(tab);
-			output.write("// ");
-			output.write(consideredStates[i].name);
-			output.write(" + ");
-			output.write(consideredStates[j].name);
-			output.write(" => ");
-			output.write(
-				(result = (State)
-					((Map) this.computedTransitions.get(consideredStates[i])).get(consideredStates[j])).name);
-			if (!result.symbolic ||
-				result != this.initializedTransitions.get(consideredStates[i])) {
-				output.write("\t\t CHECK");
-			}
-			output.write('\n');
-		}
-	}
-void printInitializers(BufferedWriter output, State[] consideredStates, String tab)
-		throws IOException {
-	// only difference with parent is that we print only half of possible 
-	// combinations
-	int i, j, length;
-	for (i = 0, length = consideredStates.length; i < length; i++) {
-		for (j = i; j < length; j++) {
-			output.write(tab);
-			output.write('{');
-			output.write(consideredStates[i].hexString);
-			output.write(',');
-			output.write(consideredStates[j].hexString);
-			output.write(',');
-			output.write(
-				((State)
-					((Map) this.computedTransitions.get(consideredStates[i])).get(consideredStates[j])).hexString);
-			output.write("},");
-			output.write('\n');
-		}
-	}
-void printMissingEntries(BufferedWriter output, String tab) throws IOException {
-	Iterator firsts = State.symbolicStates(), seconds;
-	State first, second;
-	while (firsts.hasNext()) {
-		first = (State);
-		seconds = State.symbolicStates();
-		while (seconds.hasNext()) {
-			second = (State);
-			if (!checkPair(first, second)) {
-				addPair(first, second);
-				System.err.println("Adding missing transition for states (" + first + ", " + second + ")");
-				output.write(tab);
-				output.write("// ");
-				output.write(first.toString());
-				output.write(" + ");
-				output.write(second.toString());
-				output.write(" => start\t\t CHECK\n");
-			}
-		}
-	}
-private boolean checkPair(State s1, State s2) {
-	Map transitions;
-	if ((transitions = (Map) this.initializedTransitions.get(s1)) != null) {
-		if (transitions.get(s2) != null) {
-			return true;
-		}
-	}
-	if ((transitions = (Map) this.initializedTransitions.get(s2)) != null) {
-		if (transitions.get(s1) != null) {
-			return true;
-		}
-	}
-	return false;
-private void addPair(State s1, State s2) {
-	Map transitions;
-	if ((transitions = (Map) this.initializedTransitions.get(s1)) == null) {
-		transitions = new HashMap();
-		this.initializedTransitions.put(s1, transitions);
-	}
-	transitions.put(s2, s2); // dummy, non null value
-// PREMATURE factorize upward
-int test(int combinationTestsLoopsNb, boolean skipHighOrderBits) {
-	Iterator transitionsSetsIterator, transitionsIterator;
-	State input1, input2, expectedOutput, effectiveOutput;
-	Map.Entry transition, transitionsSet;
-	this.failuresNb = 0; // reset
-	this.failuresNb = 0; // reset
-	long start = 0;
-	if (combinationTestsLoopsNb > 1) {
-		start = System.currentTimeMillis();
-	}
-	for (int l = 0; l < combinationTestsLoopsNb ; l++) {
-		transitionsSetsIterator = this.initializedTransitions.entrySet().iterator();
-		while (transitionsSetsIterator.hasNext()) {
-			transitionsSet = (Map.Entry);
-			input1 = (State) transitionsSet.getKey();
-			transitionsIterator = ((Map) transitionsSet.getValue()).
-				entrySet().iterator();
-			while (transitionsIterator.hasNext()) {
-				transition = (Map.Entry);
-				input2 = (State) transition.getKey();
-				expectedOutput = (State) transition.getValue();
-				effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness) output(
-						UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input1),
-						UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input2)))
-					.asState();
-				if (effectiveOutput != expectedOutput) {
-					fail();
-					System.out.println("\t\t" + input1.printableBitsField +
-						" + " + input2.printableBitsField +
-						" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-						" instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-				}
-				effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness) output(
-						UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input2),
-						UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input1)))
-					.asState();
-				if (effectiveOutput != expectedOutput) {
-					fail();
-					System.out.println("\t\t" + input2.printableBitsField +
-						" + " + input1.printableBitsField +
-						" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-						" instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (combinationTestsLoopsNb > 1) {
-		System.out.println( + "...\t\t" + combinationTestsLoopsNb + "\t" + 
-				(System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
-	}
-	// PREMATURE optimize test (extraneous allocations and copies)
-	// PREMATURE optimize test (extraneous iterations - undup)
-	if (!skipHighOrderBits) {
-		UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness 
-			zero = UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-					testUnconditionalFlowInfo(State.start),
-			right, left64, right64, right128;
-			transitionsSetsIterator = this.initializedTransitions.entrySet().iterator();
-			while (transitionsSetsIterator.hasNext()) {
-				transitionsSet = (Map.Entry);
-				input1 = (State) transitionsSet.getKey();
-				transitionsIterator = ((Map) transitionsSet.getValue()).
-					entrySet().iterator();
-				while (transitionsIterator.hasNext()) {
-					transition = (Map.Entry);
-					input2 = (State) transition.getKey();
-					expectedOutput = (State) transition.getValue();
-					left64 = UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-							testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input1, 64);
-					right = UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-							testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input2);
-					right64 = UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-							testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input2, 64);
-					right128 = UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness.
-							testUnconditionalFlowInfo(input2, 128);
-				if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-						output(left64, right64)).asState(64)) != 
-							expectedOutput) {
-					fail();
-					System.out.println("\t\t" + input1.printableBitsField +
-						" + " + input2.printableBitsField +
-						" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-						" (64, 64) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-				}
-				if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-						output(right64, left64)).asState(64)) != 
-							expectedOutput) {
-					fail();
-					System.out.println("\t\t" + input2.printableBitsField +
-						" + " + input1.printableBitsField +
-						" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-						" (64, 64) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-				}
-				if (input1 == State.start) {
-					if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-							output(right128, right)).asState()) != expectedOutput) {
-						fail();
-						System.out.println("\t\t" + input1.printableBitsField +
-							" + " + input2.printableBitsField +
-							" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-							" (zero 128, 1) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-					}
-					if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-							output(zero, right64)).asState(64)) != expectedOutput) {
-						fail();
-						System.out.println("\t\t" + input1.printableBitsField +
-							" + " + input2.printableBitsField +
-							" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-							" (zero, 64) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-					}
-					if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-							output(right128, right64)).asState(64)) != expectedOutput) {
-						fail();
-						System.out.println("\t\t" + input1.printableBitsField +
-							" + " + input2.printableBitsField +
-							" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-							" (zero 128, 64) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-					}
-					if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-							output(zero, right128)).asState(128)) != expectedOutput) {
-						fail();
-						System.out.println("\t\t" + input1.printableBitsField +
-							" + " + input2.printableBitsField +
-							" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-							" (zero, 128) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-					}
-					if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-							output(right64, right128)).asState(128)) != expectedOutput) {
-						fail();
-						System.out.println("\t\t" + input1.printableBitsField +
-							" + " + input2.printableBitsField +
-							" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-							" (zero 64, 128) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-					}
-					if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-							output(right, right128)).asState()) != expectedOutput) {
-						fail();
-						System.out.println("\t\t" + input2.printableBitsField +
-							" + " + input1.printableBitsField +
-							" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-							" (1, zero 128) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-					}
-					if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-							output(right64, zero)).asState(64)) != expectedOutput) {
-						fail();
-						System.out.println("\t\t" + input2.printableBitsField +
-							" + " + input1.printableBitsField +
-							" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-							" (64, zero) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-					}
-					if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-							output(right64, right128)).asState(64)) != expectedOutput) {
-						fail();
-						System.out.println("\t\t" + input2.printableBitsField +
-							" + " + input1.printableBitsField +
-							" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-							" (64, zero 128) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-					}
-					if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-							output(right128, zero)).asState(128)) != expectedOutput) {
-						fail();
-						System.out.println("\t\t" + input2.printableBitsField +
-							" + " + input1.printableBitsField +
-							" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-							" (128, zero) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-					}
-					if ((effectiveOutput = ((UnconditionalFlowInfoTestHarness)
-							output(right128, right64)).asState(128)) != expectedOutput) {
-						fail();
-						System.out.println("\t\t" + input2.printableBitsField +
-							" + " + input1.printableBitsField +
-							" => " + effectiveOutput.printableBitsField + 
-							" (128, zero 64) - instead of: " + expectedOutput.printableBitsField);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return this.failuresNb;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e8ef7f..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8710 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-/* See also NullReferenceImplTests for low level, implementation dependent 
- * tests. */
-public class NullReferenceTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-public NullReferenceTest(String name) { 
-    super(name);
-	// Static initializer to specify tests subset using TESTS_* static variables
-  	// All specified tests which does not belong to the class are skipped...
-  	// Only the highest compliance level is run; add the VM argument
-  	// -Dcompliance=1.4 (for example) to lower it if needed
-  	static {
-//    	TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "test011" };
-//    	TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 561 };   
-//    	TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 2999 };   
-//    	TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 2050, -1 }; 
-//  	TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 1, 2049 }; 
-//  	TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 449, 451 }; 
-//    	TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 900, 999 }; 
-  	}
-public static Test suite() {
-    return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-public static Class testClass() {
-    return NullReferenceTest.class;
-// Augment problem detection settings
-protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-    Map defaultOptions = super.getCompilerOptions();
-//    defaultOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNullReference, CompilerOptions.WARNING);
-    defaultOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNullReference, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	defaultOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportRawTypeReference, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-//    defaultOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNoEffectAssignment, CompilerOptions.WARNING);
-    return defaultOptions;
-// null analysis -- simple case for local
-public void test0001_simple_local() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			  "public class X {\n" + 
-			  "  void foo() {\n" + 
-			  "    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			  "    o.toString();\n" + 
-			  "  }\n" + 
-			  "}\n"},
-	    "----------\n" + 
-	    "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-	    "	o.toString();\n" + 
-	    "	^\n" + 
-	    "The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-	    "----------\n");
-// null analysis -- simple case for field
-// the current design leaves fields out of the analysis altogether
-public void test0002_simple_field() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object o;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    o = null;\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-	""
-//      "----------\n" + 
-//      "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-//      "	o.toString();\n" + 
-//      "	^\n" + 
-//      "The field o is likely null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-//      "----------\n"
-	);
-// null analysis -- simple case for parameter
-public void test0003_simple_parameter() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    o = null;\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- final local
-public void test0004_final_local() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" +        
-			"    final Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- final local
-public void test0005_final_local() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" +        
-			"    final Object o;\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The local variable o may not have been initialized\n" +
-			// hides the null related message, but complains once, which is good
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- final local
-public void test0006_final_local() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" +        
-			"    final Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + // complain 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- local with member
-public void test0007_local_with_member() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" +
-			"  Object m;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" +        
-			"    X x = null;\n" + 
-			"    x.m.toString();\n" + // complain 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	x.m.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable x can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- local with member
-public void test0008_local_with_member() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" +
-			"  Object m;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" +        
-			"    X x = null;\n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(x.m);\n" + // complain 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println(x.m);\n" + 
-		"	                   ^\n" + 
-		"The variable x can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- local with member
-public void test0009_local_with_member() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" +
-			"  Object m;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x) {\n" +        
-			"    x.m.toString();\n" + // quiet
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- field
-public void test0010_field_with_method_call() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object o;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    o = null;\n" + 
-			"    bar();\n" + // defuses null by side effect
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void bar() {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- field
-public void test0011_field_with_method_call() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  static Object o;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    o = null;\n" + 
-			"    bar();\n" + // defuses null by side effect
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  static void bar() {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- field
-public void test0012_field_with_method_call() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object o;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    o = null;\n" + 
-			"    bar();\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  static void bar() {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"" // still ok because the class may hold a pointer to this
-	);
-// null analysis -- field
-public void test0013_field_with_method_call() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  static Object o;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    o = null;\n" + 
-			"    bar();\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void bar() {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"" // still ok because this may place a static call upon X
-	);
-// null analysis -- field
-public void test0014_field_with_explicit_this_access() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object o;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    o = null;\n" + 
-			"    this.o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		""
-//      "----------\n" + 
-//      "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-//      "	this.o.toString();\n" + 
-//      "	^^^^^^\n" + 
-//      "The field o is likely null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-//      "----------\n"
-	);
-// null analysis -- field
-public void test0015_field_with_explicit_this_access() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object o;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    this.o = null;\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		""
-//      "----------\n" + 
-//      "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-//      "	o.toString();\n" + 
-//      "	^\n" + 
-//      "The field o is likely null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-//      "----------\n"
-	);
-// null analysis -- field
-public void test0016_field_of_another_object() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object o;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    X other = new X();\n" + 
-			"    other.o = null;\n" + 
-			"    other.o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- field
-public void test0017_field_of_another_object() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object o;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    X other = this;\n" + 
-			"    o = null;\n" + 
-			"    other.o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- field
-public void test0018_field_of_enclosing_object() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object o;\n" + 
-			"  public class Y {\n" + 
-			"    void foo() {\n" + 
-			"      X.this.o = null;\n" + 
-			"      X.this.o.toString();\n" + // complain
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		""
-//      "----------\n" + 
-//      "1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-//      "	X.this.o.toString();\n" + 
-//      "	^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-//      "The field o is likely null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-//      "----------\n"
-	);
-// null analysis -- fields
-// check that fields that are protected against concurrent access
-// behave as locals when no call to further methods can affect them
-public void test0019_field_synchronized() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object o;\n" + 
-			"  public synchronized void foo() {\n" +        
-			"    o = null;\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void bar() {/* */}\n" +        
-			"}\n"},
-		""
-//      "----------\n" + 
-//      "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-//      "	o.toString();\n" + 
-//      "	^\n" + 
-//      "The field o is likely null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-//      "----------\n" 
-	);
-// null analysis -- field
-// check that final fields behave as locals despite calls to further 
-// methods
-public void test0020_final_field() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  final Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"  public synchronized void foo() {\n" +        
-			"    bar();\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void bar() {/* */}\n" +        
-			"}\n"},
-		""
-//      "----------\n" + 
-//      "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-//      "	o.toString();\n" + 
-//      "	^\n" + 
-//      "The field o is likely null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-//      "----------\n" 
-	);
-// null analysis -- field
-public void test0021_final_field() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  final Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"  X () {\n" +        
-			"    bar();\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void bar() {/* */}\n" +        
-			"}\n"},
-		""
-//      "----------\n" + 
-//      "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-//      "	o.toString();\n" + 
-//      "	^\n" + 
-//      "The field o is likely null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-//      "----------\n" 
-	);
-// null analysis -- field
-public void test0022_final_field() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  final Object o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"  X () {\n" +        
-			"    bar();\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* empty */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void bar() {/* */}\n" +        
-			"}\n"},
-		""
-//      "----------\n" + 
-//      "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-//      "	if (o == null) { /* empty */ }\n" + 
-//      "	    ^\n" + 
-//      "The field o is likely non null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-//      "----------\n"
-	);
-// null analysis -- field
-public void test0023_field_assignment() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object m;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = x.m;\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* */ };\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- field
-public void test0024_field_cast_assignment() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object m;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object x) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = ((X) x).m;\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* */ };\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- parameter
-public void test0025_parameter() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + // quiet: parameters have unknown value 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- suppress warnings
-public void test0026_suppress_warnings() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_5.compareTo(this.complianceLevel) <= 0) {
-		Map compilerOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-		compilerOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNullReference, CompilerOptions.WARNING);
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"@SuppressWarnings(\"null\")\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void foo() {\n" + 
-				"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-				"    o.toString();\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"},
-		    "", null, true, null, compilerOptions, null);
-	}
-// null analysis -- embedded comparison
-public void test0027_embedded_comparison() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    boolean b = o != null;\n" + // shades doubts upon o 
-			"    if (b) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 		// complain
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- field
-public void test0028_field_as_initializer() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  X f;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    X x = f;\n" + 
-			"    if (x == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- field
-public void test0029_field_assignment() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object m;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    X x = null;\n" + 
-			"    x.m = new Object();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	x.m = new Object();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable x can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- conditional expression
-public void test0030_conditional_expression() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = true ? null : null;\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- conditional expression
-public void test0031_conditional_expression() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = true ? null : new Object();\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- conditional expression
-public void test0032_conditional_expression() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = false ? null : new Object();\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- conditional expression
-public void test0033_conditional_expression() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = (1 == 1) ? null : new Object();\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- conditional expression
-// TODO (maxime) fix - may consider simultaneous computation of expression null status
-// this case is one of those which raise the need for the simultaneous calculation of
-// the null status of an expression and the code analysis of the said expression; this
-// case is simplistic: we need a value (here, potentially null), that is *not* carried
-// by the current embodiment of the flow info; other cases are less trivial in which
-// side effects on variables could introduce errors into after the facts evaluations;
-// one possible trick would be to add a slot for this
-// other path: use a tainted unknown expression status; does not seem to cope well 
-// with o = (o ==  null ? new Object() : o)
-// TODO (maxime)
-public void _test0034_conditional_expression() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean b;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = b ? null : new Object();\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- conditional expression
-public void test0035_conditional_expression() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean b;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = b ? null : new Object();\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- conditional expression
-public void test0036_conditional_expression() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean b;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = b ? null : null;\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- autoboxing
-public void test0040_autoboxing_compound_assignment() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_5.compareTo(this.complianceLevel) <= 0) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void foo() {\n" + 
-				"    Integer i = null;\n" +
-				"    i += 1;\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	i += 1;\n" + 
-			"	^\n" + 
-			"The variable i can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-// null analysis -- autoboxing
-public void test0041_autoboxing_increment_operator() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_5.compareTo(this.complianceLevel) <= 0) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void foo() {\n" + 
-				"    Integer i = null;\n" +
-				"    i++;\n" + // complain: this is null
-				"    ++i;\n" + // quiet (because previous step guards it)
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	i++;\n" + 
-			"	^\n" + 
-			"The variable i can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-// null analysis -- autoboxing
-public void test0042_autoboxing_literal() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_5.compareTo(this.complianceLevel) <= 0) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void foo() {\n" + 
-				"    Integer i = 0;\n" +
-				"    if (i == null) {};\n" + // complain: this is non null
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	if (i == null) {};\n" + 
-			"	    ^\n" + 
-			"The variable i cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-// null analysis -- autoboxing
-public void test0043_autoboxing_literal() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_5.compareTo(this.complianceLevel) <= 0) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void foo() {\n" + 
-				"    Integer i = null;\n" +
-				"    System.out.println(i + 4);\n" + // complain: this is null
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	System.out.println(i + 4);\n" + 
-			"	                   ^\n" + 
-			"The variable i can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-// null analysis -- autoboxing
-// origin: AssignmentTest#test020
-public void test0044_autoboxing() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    int i = 0;\n" +
-			"    boolean b = i < 10;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- autoboxing
-// variant of 42 for
-public void test0045_autoboxing_operator() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_5.compareTo(this.complianceLevel) <= 0) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void foo() {\n" +
-				"    int j = 5;" + 
-				"    Integer i = 0 + j;\n" +
-				"    if (i == null) {}\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	if (i == null) {}\n" + 
-			"	    ^\n" + 
-			"The variable i cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-// null analysis -- array
-public void test0050_array() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"    args = new String[] {\"zero\"};\n" +
-			"    args[0] = null;\n" +
-			"    if (args[0] == null) {};\n" + 
-			     // quiet: we don't keep track of all array elements
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- array
-public void test0051_array() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"    args = null;\n" +
-			"    args[0].toString();\n" + // complain: args is null
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	args[0].toString();\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"The variable args can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- array
-public void test0052_array() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public void foo(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"    String s = args[0];\n" +
-			"    if (s == null) {};\n" + 
-			     // quiet: we don't keep track of all array elements
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- array
-public void test0053_array() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public void foo(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { /* */}\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- method call
-public void test0061_method_call_guard() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" +      // guards o from being null
-			"    if (o == null) {};\n" + // complain
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) {};\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - method call
-public void test0062_method_call_isolation() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    if (bar(o = null)) {\n" + 
-			"      if (o == null) {/* empty */}\n" + // complain 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  boolean bar(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    return true;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) {/* empty */}\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - method call
-public void test0063_method_call_isolation() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    if (bar(o == null ? new Object() : o)) {\n" + 
-			"      if (o == null) {/* empty */}\n" + // quiet 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  boolean bar(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    return true;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - method call
-public void test0064_method_call_isolation() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    if (bar(o = new Object())) {\n" + 
-			"      if (o == null) {/* empty */}\n" + // complain 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  boolean bar(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    return true;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) {/* empty */}\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - method call
-public void test0065_method_call_invocation_target() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    (o = new Object()).toString();\n" + // quiet 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - method call
-public void test0066_method_call_invocation_target() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    (o = null).toString();\n" + // complain 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	(o = null).toString();\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - method call
-public void test0067_method_call_invocation_target() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    (o = new Object()).toString();\n" + // quiet 
-			"    if (o == null)  { /* */ }\n" + // complain 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null)  { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - method call
-public void test0068_method_call_assignment() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  X bar() {\n" + 
-			"    return null;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x) {\n" + 
-			"    x =;\n" +  
-			"    if (x == null)  { /* */ }\n" + // quiet 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- type reference
-public void test0070_type_reference() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"    Class c = java.lang.Object.class;\n" +
-			"    if (c == null) {};\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	if (c == null) {};\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable c cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test0080_shortcut_boolean_expressions() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o1, Object o2) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o1 != null && (o2 = o1) != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	if (o1 != null && (o2 = o1) != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	                  ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The variable o2 cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-public void test0081_shortcut_boolean_expressions() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o1, Object o2) {\n" + 
-			"    while (o1 != null && (o2 = o1) != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	while (o1 != null && (o2 = o1) != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	                     ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The variable o2 cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-// null analysis - shortcut boolean expression
-public void test0082_shortcut_boolean_expression() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null || o == null) {\n" + 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null || o == null) {\n" + 
-		"	                 ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - shortcut boolean expression
-public void test0083_shortcut_boolean_expression() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null && o == null) {\n" + 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null && o == null) {\n" + 
-		"	                 ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - shortcut boolean expression
-public void test0084_shortcut_boolean_expression() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean foo(Integer i1, Integer i2) {\n" + 
-			"    return (i1 == null && i2 == null)\n" + 
-			"      || (i1.byteValue() == i2.byteValue());\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	|| (i1.byteValue() == i2.byteValue());\n" + 
-		"	    ^^\n" + 
-		"The variable i1 may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - shortcut boolean expression
-public void test0085_shortcut_boolean_expression() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean foo(Integer i1, Integer i2) {\n" + 
-			"    return (i1 == null & i2 == null)\n" + 
-			"      || (i1.byteValue() == i2.byteValue());\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	|| (i1.byteValue() == i2.byteValue());\n" + 
-		"	    ^^\n" + 
-		"The variable i1 may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	|| (i1.byteValue() == i2.byteValue());\n" + 
-		"	                      ^^\n" + 
-		"The variable i2 may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- instanceof
-// JLS: instanceof returns false if o turns out to be null
-public void test0090_instanceof() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo (Object o) {\n" + 
-			"	if (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"	  o = null;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	if (o instanceof X) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- instanceof
-public void test0091_instanceof() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo (Object o) {\n" + 
-			"	if (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"	  o = null;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	if (o instanceof X) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"	if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- instanceof
-// can only be null always yields false
-public void test0092_instanceof() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo () {\n" + 
-			"	Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"	if (o instanceof X) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	if (o instanceof X) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- instanceof
-public void test0093_instanceof() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object x) {\n" + 
-			"    if (x instanceof X) {\n" + 
-			"      if (x == null) { /* */ }\n" + // cannot happen 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	if (x == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable x cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- instanceof
-public void test0094_instanceof() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object x) {\n" + 
-			"    if (x instanceof X) {\n" + 
-			"      return;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (x != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			// cannot decide: could be null of new Object() for example  
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- instanceof combined with conditional or
-public void test0095_instanceof_conditional_or() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object x) {\n" + 
-			"    if (! (x instanceof String)\n" +
-			"         || x == null) {\n" + 
-			"      return;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	|| x == null) {\n" + 
-		"	   ^\n" + 
-		"The variable x cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- strings concatenation
-// JLS 15.18.1: if one of the operands is null, it is replaced by "null"
-// Note: having the diagnostic could come handy when the initialization path
-//       is non trivial; to get the diagnostic, simply put in place an
-//       extraneous call to toString() -- and remove it before releasing.
-public void test0120_strings_concatenation() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  String foo(String s1, String s2) {\n" + 
-			"    if (s1 == null) { /* */ };\n" +
-			"    return s1 + s2;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- strings concatenation
-public void test0121_strings_concatenation() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  String foo(String s1, String s2) {\n" + 
-			"    if (s1 == null) { /* */ };\n" +
-			"    s1 += s2;\n" + 
-			"    return s1;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- strings concatenation
-public void test0122_strings_concatenation() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  String foo(String s1) {\n" + 
-			"    if (s1 == null) { /* */ };\n" +
-			"    return s1.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	return s1.toString();\n" + 
-		"	       ^^\n" + 
-		"The variable s1 may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- strings concatenation
-// it should suffice that the return type is String to avoid
-// errors
-public void test0123_strings_concatenation() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  String foo(String s, Object o, Integer i) {\n" + 
-			"    if (s == null || o == null || i == null) { /* */ };\n" +
-			"    if (bar()) {\n" +
-			"      return s + i;\n" + // quiet: i replaced by "null" if null
-			"    }\n" +
-			"    return o + s;\n" + // quiet: o replaced by "null" if null
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  boolean bar() {\n" +
-			"    return false;\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- strings concatenation
-// variant
-public void test0124_strings_concatenation() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  String foo(String s, Object o, Integer i) {\n" + 
-			"    if (s == null || o == null || i == null) { /* */ };\n" +
-			"    s += o;\n" + // quiet: o replaced by "null" if null
-			"    s += i;\n" + // quiet: i replaced by "null" if null
-			"    return s;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- strings concatenation
-// variant
-public void test0125_strings_concatenation() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, Integer i) {\n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(o + (o == null ? \"\" : o.toString()));\n" + // quiet: o replaced by "null" if null
-			"    System.out.println(i + (i == null ? \"\" : i.toString()));\n" + // quiet: o replaced by "null" if null
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- strings concatenation
-public void test0126_strings_concatenation() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(o + \"\");\n" +
-			"    if (o != null) { /* */ };\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- strings concatenation
-public void test0127_strings_concatenation() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" +
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(o + \"\");\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- if/else
-// check that obviously unreachable code does not modify the null
-// status of a local
-// the said code is not marked as unreachable per JLS 14.21 (the rationale
-// being the accommodation for the if (constant_flag_evaluating_to_false)
-// {code...} volontary code exclusion pattern)
-public void test0300_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public void foo() {\n" +         
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    if (false) {\n" + 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" + // skipped 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (true) {\n" + 
-			"      //\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    else {\n" + 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" + // skipped
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0301_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) {\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	if (o != null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0302_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) throws Exception {\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) {\n" + 
-			"      throw new Exception();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) {\n" + // only get there if o non null
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	if (o != null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0303_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) {\n" + 
-			"      return;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) {\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	if (o != null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0304_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) {\n" + 
-			"      o.toString();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0305_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) {\n" + 
-			"      // do nothing\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0306_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o.toString().equals(\"\")) {\n" + 
-			"      if (o == null) {\n" + // complain: could not get here 
-			"        // do nothing\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0307_if_else() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o ==  null) {\n" + 
-			"      System.exit(0);\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) {\n" + 
-			  // quiet 
-			  // a direct call to System.exit() can be recognized as such; yet,
-			  // a lot of other methods may have the same property (aka calling
-			  // System.exit() themselves.)
-			"      // do nothing\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0308_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean b;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    if (b) {\n" + 
-			"      o = null;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + // complain
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0309_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean b1, b2;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    if (b1) {\n" + 
-			"      o = null;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (b2) {\n" + 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + // complain
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0310_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean b1, b2;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    if (b1) {\n" + 
-			"      o = null;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (b2) {\n" + 
-			"      o.toString();\n" + // complain
-			"      o.toString();\n" + // silent
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + // complain
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0311_if_else() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null)\n" + 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + // quiet 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"	},
-		"");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0312_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + // complain 
-			"    if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" +
-			"    o.toString();\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0313_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) {\n" + // quiet 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			// complain: o set to non null iff it was null 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0314_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) {\n" + // quiet 
-			"      o = null;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + // complain 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0315_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) {\n" + // quiet 
-			"      o = null;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + // complain 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0316_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null || b) { /* */ }\n" + // quiet 
-			"    else { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + // complain 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0317_if_else_nested() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) {\n" + // quiet 
-			"      if (b) {\n" + // quiet 
-			"        o = null;\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + // quiet 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0318_if_else_nested() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) {\n" + // quiet 
-			"      if (b) {\n" + // quiet 
-			"        o = null;\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + // quiet 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - if/else
-// we do nothing to diagnose the contents of fake reachable code
-public void test0319_if_else_dead_branch() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    if (false) {\n" + 
-			"      o = null;\n" + 
-			"      if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + // may have considered complaining here 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0320_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + // complain 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0321_if_else() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    Object other = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    if (b) {\n" +
-			"      other = o;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + // quiet 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0322_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"    if (b) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + // complain 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0323_if_else() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null && b) {\n" + 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + // quiet 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0324_if_else_nested() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",				
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo (boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    String s = null;\n" + 
-			"    if (b) {\n" + 
-			"      if (b) {\n" + 
-			"        s = \"1\";\n" + 
-			"      } \n" + 
-			"      else {\n" + 
-			"        s = \"2\";\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    } \n" + 
-			"    else if (b) {\n" + 
-			"      s = \"3\"; \n" + 
-			"    } \n" + 
-			"    else {\n" + 
-			"      s = \"4\";\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    s.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0325_if_else_nested() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",				
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo (boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    String s = null;\n" + 
-			"    if (b) {\n" + 
-			"      if (b) {\n" + 
-			"        s = \"1\";\n" + 
-			"      } \n" + 
-			"      else {\n" + 
-			"        s = \"2\";\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    } \n" + 
-			"    else if (b) {\n" + 
-			"      if (b) {\n" + 
-			"        s = \"3\"; \n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    } \n" + 
-			"    else {\n" + 
-			"      s = \"4\";\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    s.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 20)\n" + 
-		"	s.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable s may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-// limit: we cannot sync on external factors, even if this is a pattern
-// that is quite used
-public void test0326_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",				
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo (boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    String s1 = null;\n" + 
-			"    if (b) {\n" + 
-			"      s1 = \"1\";\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    s1.toString();\n" + // complain: can't guess if b means anything for s1 init 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	s1.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^^\n" + 
-		"The variable s1 may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-// limit: we cannot sync on external factors, even if this is a pattern
-// that is quite used
-public void test0327_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",				
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo (String s1) {\n" + 
-			"    String s2 = null;\n" + 
-			"    if (s1 == null) {\n" + 
-			"      s1 = \"1\";\n" + 
-			"      s2 = \"2\";\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    s1.toString();\n" + // quiet 
-			"    s2.toString();\n" + // complain: can't guess whether s2 depends on s1 for init
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	s2.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^^\n" + 
-		"The variable s2 may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0328_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null || b) {\n" +
-			"      if (b) {\n" +
-			"        o = new Object();\n" +
-			"      }\n" +
-			"    }\n" + // quiet 
-			"    else { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + // complain 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0329_if_else_nested() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    if (b) {\n" +
-			"      if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + // shade doubts on o
-			"    }\n" +  
-			"    o.toString();\n" + // complain 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0330_if_else_nested() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    if (b) {\n" +
-			"      if (o == null) {\n" +
-			"        o = new Object();\n" +
-			"      }\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"    o.toString();\n" + // quiet 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0331_if_else_nested() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o1, Object o2) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o3 = o2;\n" + 
-			"    if (o1 != null) {\n" + 
-			"      o3.toString(); // guards o3\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o1 = o3;\n" + 
-			"    if (o1 != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - if/else
-public void test0332_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    if (b) {\n" +
-			"      o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + // complain 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-// invalid analysis when redundant check is done
-public void test0333_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) {\n" + // complain
-			"      o.toString();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + // quiet asked
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	if (o != null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-// invalid analysis when redundant check is done - variant
-public void test0334_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) {\n" + // complain
-			"      o.toString();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    else {\n" +
-			"      o.toString();\n" + // must complain anyway (could be quite distant from the if test)
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + // quiet
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	if (o != null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-// TODO (maxime)
-// this is a limit of the fix for bug 128014 - calls for a nuance 
-// between potential null and tainted null
-public void _test0335_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) {\n" + 
-			"      if (o != null) {\n" + // complain
-			"        o.toString();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      o.toString();\n" + // quiet
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	if (o != null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else
-// invalid analysis when redundant check is done - variant
-public void test0336_if_else() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) {\n" + 
-			"      if (o != null) {\n" + // complain
-			"        o.toString();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      else {\n" +
-			"        o.toString();\n" + // must complain anyway (could be quite distant from the if test)
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      o.toString();\n" + // quiet
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	if (o != null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else nested with correlation
-// reconsider if we implement correlation
-// TODO (maxime)
-public void _test0337_if_else_nested_correlation() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public int foo (Object o1, Object o2) {\n" + 
-			"    int result = 0;\n" + 
-			"    if (o1 == null && o2 != null) {\n" + 
-			"      result = -1;\n" + 
-			"    } else {\n" + 
-			"      if (o1 == null && o2 == null) {\n" + 
-			"        result = 0;\n" + 
-			"      } else {\n" + 
-			"        if (o1 != null && o2 == null) {\n" + 
-			"          result = 1;\n" + 
-			"        } else {\n" + 
-			"          int lhs = ((Y) o1).foo();  // may be null\n" + 
-			"          int rhs = ((Y) o2).foo();\n" + 
-			"          result = lhs - rhs;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    return result;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class Y {\n" + 
-			"  abstract int foo();\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - if/else nested with correlation
-// workaround
-public void test0338_if_else_nested() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public int foo (Object o1, Object o2) {\n" + 
-			"    int result = 0;\n" + 
-			"    if (o1 == null && o2 == null) {\n" + 
-			"      result = 0;\n" + 
-			"    } else {\n" + 
-			"      if (o1 == null) {\n" + 
-			"        result = -1;\n" + 
-			"      } else {\n" + 
-			"        if (o2 == null) {\n" + 
-			"          result = 1;\n" + 
-			"        } else {\n" + 
-			"          int lhs = ((Y) o1).foo();\n" + 
-			"          int rhs = ((Y) o2).foo();\n" + 
-			"          result = lhs - rhs;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    return result;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class Y {\n" + 
-			"  abstract int foo();\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - if/else nested with unknown protection: unknown cannot protect
-public void test0339_if_else_nested() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null || b) {\n" + 
-			"      if (bar() == o) {\n" + 
-			"        o.toString();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  Object bar() {\n" + 
-			"    return new Object();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else nested
-public void test0340_if_else_nested() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) {\n" + 
-			"      if (bar() == o) {\n" + 
-			"        o.toString();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  Object bar() {\n" + 
-			"    return new Object();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else nested
-public void test0341_if_else_nested() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o1, Object o2, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o1 == null || b) {\n" + 
-			"      if (o1 == o2) {\n" + 
-			"        o1.toString();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	o1.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^^\n" + 
-		"The variable o1 may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - if/else nested
-public void test0342_if_else_nested() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o1, Object o2, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o1 == null || b) {\n" + 
-			"      if (o2 == o1) {\n" + 
-			"        o1.toString();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	o1.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^^\n" + 
-		"The variable o1 may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0401_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (o.toString() != null) {/* */}\n" +
-			      // complain: NPE
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	while (o.toString() != null) {/* */}\n" + 
-		"	       ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0402_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (o != null) {/* */}\n" + 
-			  // complain: get o null first time and forever
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	while (o != null) {/* */}\n" + 
-		"	       ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0403_while() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (o == null) {\n" + 
-			      // quiet: first iteration is sure to find o null, 
-			      // but other iterations may change it 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0404_while() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (o == null) {\n" + 
-			     // quiet: first iteration is sure to find o null, 
-			     // but other iterations may change it 
-			"      if (System.currentTimeMillis() > 10L) {\n" + 
-			"        o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0405_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean bar() {\n" + 
-			"    return true;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    while (bar() && o == null) {\n" + 
-			"      o.toString();\n" + // complain: NPE
-			"      o = new Object();\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0406_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    o = null;\n" +
-			"    while (dummy || o != null) { /* */ }\n" + // o can only be null 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	while (dummy || o != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	                ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0407_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (dummy) {\n" +
-			"      o.toString();\n" +  // complain: NPE on first iteration
-			"      o = new Object();\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- while
-// this test shows that, as long as we do not explore all possible
-// paths, we have to take potential initializations into account
-// even in branches that could be pruned in the first passes
-// first approximation is to stop pruning code conditioned by
-// variables
-// second approximation could still rely upon variables that are
-// never affected by the looping code (unassigned variables)
-// complete solution would call for multiple iterations in the
-// null analysis
-public void test0408_while() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null,\n" + 
-			"           u = new Object(),\n" + 
-			"           v = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    while (o == null) {\n" +
-			"      if (v == null) {\n" +
-			"        o = new Object();\n" +
-			"      };\n" +
-			"      if (u == null) {\n" +
-			"        v = null;\n" +
-			"      };\n" +
-			"      u = null;\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0409_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (dummy || (o = new Object()).equals(o)) {\n" +
-			"      o.toString();\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0410_while_nested() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"      while (o != null) {\n" + 
-			"        o.toString();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      if (System.currentTimeMillis() > 10L) {\n" + 
-			"        o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0411_while_nested() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null,\n" + 
-			"           u = new Object(),\n" + 
-			"           v = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    while (o == null) {\n" + 
-			"      if (v == null) {\n" +
-			"        o = new Object();\n" +
-			"      };\n" +
-			"      while (o == null) {\n" +
-			"        if (u == null) {\n" +
-			"          v = null;\n" +
-			"        };\n" +
-			"        u = null;\n" +
-			"      }\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0412_while_if_nested() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy, other;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (dummy) {\n" +   
-			"      if (other) {\n" + 
-			"        o.toString();\n" +    
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0413_while_unknown_field() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object o;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(boolean dummy) {\n" + 
-			"    while (dummy) {\n" +
-			"      o = null;\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"    o.toString();\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0414_while_unknown_parameter() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    while (dummy) {\n" +
-			"      o = null;\n" + // quiet: first iteration doesn't know
-			"    }\n" +
-			"    o.toString();\n" + // complain: only get out of the loop with null
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0415_while_unknown_if_else() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" +
-			"    if (dummy) {\n" +
-			"      o = new Object();\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"    while (dummy) {\n" + 
-			  // limit of the analysis: we do not correlate if and while conditions
-			"      if (o == null) {/* */}\n" + 
-			"    }\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0416_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0417_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (dummy) { /* */ }\n" + // doesn't affect o
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- while
-// origin AssignmentTest.testO22
-public void test0418_while_try() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean bool() { return true; }\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (bool()) {\n" + 
-			"      try {\n" + 
-			"        if (o == null) {\n" + 
-			"          o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"      } finally { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0419_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean bool;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    while (bool) {\n" + 
-			"      o.toString();" + // complain NPE because of second iteration
-			"      o = null;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();      o = null;\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0420_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean bool;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object compare) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    while ((o = null) == compare) {\n" + 
-			"      if (true) {\n" +
-			"        break;\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + // complain can only be null
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0421_while() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean bool;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object compare) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (bool) {\n" + 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" +
-			"      o.toString();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0422_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean bool;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o;\n" + 
-			"    while (bool) {\n" + 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" +
-			"      if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"      o = null;\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0423_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean bool;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (bool) {\n" + 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" +
-			"      if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"      o = null;\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0424_while_try() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (o == null) {\n" + 
-			     // quiet: first iteration is sure to find o null, 
-			     // but other iterations may change it 
-			"      try { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"      finally {\n" + 
-			"        if (b) {\n" +
-			"          o = new Object();\n" +
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0425_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object u) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"      o = u;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0426_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"    while (dummy) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + // complain 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- while
-public void test0427_while_return() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"      if (o == null) {\n" +
-			"        return;\n" +
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - while
-public void test0428_while() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  X bar() {\n" + 
-			"    return null;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x) {\n" + 
-			";\n" +  
-			"    while (x != null) {\n" +
-			"      x =;\n" +  
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - while
-public void test0429_while_nested() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo (X[] xa) {\n" + 
-			"	while (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"	  xa = null;\n" + 
-			"	  if (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"	    xa = new X[5];\n" + 
-			"	  }\n" + 
-			"	  if (xa != null) {\n" + 
-			"		int i = 0;\n" + 
-			"		while (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"		  X x = xa[i++];\n" + 
-			"		  x.toString();\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	  }\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - while
-public void test0430_while_for_nested() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo (X[] xa) {\n" + 
-			"	while (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"	  xa = null;\n" + 
-			"	  if (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"	    xa = new X[5];\n" + 
-			"	  }\n" + 
-			"	  if (xa != null) {\n" + 
-			"		for (int i = 0; i < xa.length; i++) {\n" + 
-			"		  X x = xa[i];\n" + 
-			"		  x.toString();\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	  }\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - while
-public void test0431_while() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo (X x) {\n" + 
-			"	x = null;\n" + 
-			"	while (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"	  x = bar();\n" + 
-			"	  x.toString();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  X bar() {\n" + 
-			"	return null;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - while
-public void test0432_while() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo (X x) {\n" + 
-			"	while (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"	  x = bar();\n" + 
-			"	  x.toString();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  X bar() {\n" + 
-			"	return null;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - while
-public void test0433_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo (X x) {\n" + 
-			"	x = null;\n" +
-			"   while (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"	  x.toString();\n" + // complain and protect
-			"	  x.toString();\n" + // quiet
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	x.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable x can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - while
-// this one shows that we cannot project definitely unknown onto potentially unknown too soon
-public void test0434_while_switch_nested() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object bar() {\n" + 
-			"    return new Object();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo(boolean b, int selector) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (b) {\n" + 
-			"      switch (selector) {\n" + 
-			"      case 0:\n" + 
-			"        o = bar();\n" + 
-			"        if (o != null) { \n" + 
-			"          return;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - while
-public void test0435_while_init() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  int f1;\n" + 			
-			"  X f2;\n" + 			
-			"  void foo(X x1, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    X x2;\n" + 
-			"    x2 = x1;\n" + 
-			"    while (b) {\n" + 
-//			"      if (x2.f1 > 0) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"      if (x2.toString().equals(\"\")) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"      x2 = x2.f2;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - while
-public void test0436_while_init() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  int f1;\n" + 			
-			"  X f2;\n" + 			
-			"  void foo(X x1, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    X x2 = x1;\n" + 
-			"    while (b) {\n" + 
-			"      if (x2.f1 > 0) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"      x2 = x2.f2;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - while
-public void test0437_while_exit() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (b) {\n" + 
-			"      if (b) {\n" + 
-			"        o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      if (o != null) {\n" + 
-			"        throw new RuntimeException(); \n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - while
-public void test0438_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    while (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + // quiet 
-			"    if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + // complain 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - while
-public void test0439_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    while (o == null) {\n" +
-			"      o = new Object();\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + // quiet 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - while
-public void test0440_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    while (o == null) {\n" +
-			"      o = new Object();\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + // complain 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - while
-public void test0441_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  X bar() {\n" + 
-			"    return new X();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    while (o == null) {\n" +
-			"      o = bar();\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + // complain 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - while
-public void test0442_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean bar() {\n" + 
-			"    return true;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    while (o == null && bar()) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + // complain 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - while
-public void test0443_while_nested() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    ext: for (int i = 0; i < 5 ; i++) {\n" + 
-			"        if (o != null) {\n" + 
-			"          break;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"        int j = 0;\n" + 
-			"        while (j++ < 2) {\n" + 
-			"          continue ext;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        return;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - while
-public void test0444_while_deeply_nested() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    ext: for (int i = 0; i < 5 ; i++) {\n" + 
-			"        if (o != null) {\n" + 
-			"          break;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" +
-			"        do {\n" + 
-			"          o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"          int j = 0;\n" + 
-			"          while (j++ < 2) {\n" + 
-			"            continue ext;\n" + 
-			"          }\n" + 
-			"        } while (b);\n" + 
-			"        return;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - while
-public void test0445_while_deeply_nested() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    ext: for (int i = 0; i < 5 ; i++) {\n" + 
-			"        if (o != null) {\n" + 
-			"          break;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" +
-			"        do {\n" + 
-			"          // o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"          int j = 0;\n" + 
-			"          while (j++ < 2) {\n" + 
-			"            continue ext;\n" + 
-			"          }\n" + 
-			"        } while (b);\n" + 
-			"        return;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	if (o != null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - while
-public void test0446_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    while (o == null || b) {\n" +
-			"      o = new Object();\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + // complain 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - while
-public void test0447_while() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    while (o == null & b) {\n" +
-			"      o = new Object();\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - while
-public void test0448_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(boolean b[]) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    ext: for (int i = 0; i < 5 ; i++) {\n" + 
-			"        if (o != null) {\n" + 
-			"          break;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" +
-			"        while (b[1]) {\n" + 
-			"          continue ext;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        while (b[2]) {\n" + 
-			"          continue ext;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        while (b[3]) {\n" + 
-			"          continue ext;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        while (b[4]) {\n" + 
-			"          continue ext;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        while (b[5]) {\n" + 
-			"          continue ext;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        while (b[6]) {\n" + 
-			"          continue ext;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        return;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	if (o != null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - while
-// this series (up to 451) shows that the merge of the states
-// potential non null and potential unknown yields damages in
-// case of nested loops (unested loops still OK because we can
-// carry the definite non null property)
-public void test0449_while_nested() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object p, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    while (b) {\n" + 
-			"      while (b) {\n" + 
-			"        o = p;\n" + // now o is unknown
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - while
-public void test0450_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    while (b) {\n" + 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" + // o still non null
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - while
-public void test0451_while_nested() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    while (b) {\n" + 
-			"      while (b) {\n" + 
-			"        o = new Object();\n" + // o still non null
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// variant - the bug is not specific to the do while loop
-public void _test0452_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object doubt) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (true) {\n" + 
-			"      if (o == null) {\n" +
-			"        return;\n" +
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      o = doubt;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-// variant - cannot refine the diagnostic without engaging into conditionals
-// dedicated flow context
-public void _test0453_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object doubt, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o1 = null, o2 = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (true) {\n" + 
-			"      if (o1 == null) { /* empty */ }\n" +
-			"      if (b) {\n" +
-			"        if (o2 == null) {\n" +
-			"          return;\n" +
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      o1 = o2 = doubt;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"ERROR: complain on line 7, but not on line 5"
-	);
-public void test0454_while() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object bar() {\n" + 
-			"    return new Object();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (true) {\n" + 
-			"      o = bar();\n" + 
-			"      if (o != null) {\n" + 
-			"        o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      o = null; // quiet pls\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		""
-	);
-// null analysis - while
-// variant
-public void test0455_while_nested() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    while (b) {\n" + 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" + // o still non null
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - while
-// false positive after nested loop with break to explicit label
-public void test0456_while_nested_explicit_label() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    while (true) {\n" + 
-			"      if (o != null) {\n" + 
-			"        o.toString();\n" + 
-			"        loop: while (true) {\n" + 
-			"          break loop;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        o.toString();\n" + // must not complain here 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - while
-public void test0457_while_nested_break() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public void test(String p, String q, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    while (b) {\n" + 
-			"      String e = q;\n" + 
-			"      e.trim();\n" + 
-			"      while (true) {\n" + 
-			"        if (b)\n" + 
-			"          e = q;\n" + 
-			"        else\n" + 
-			"          e = null;\n" + 
-			"        if (e == null || p != null) {\n" + 
-			"          if (e != null) {\n" + // should not complain here
-			"            // Do something\n" + 
-			"          }\n" + 
-			"          break;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - while
-// variant: no label yields no problem
-public void test0458_while_nested_explicit_label() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    while (true) {\n" + 
-			"      if (o != null) {\n" + 
-			"        o.toString();\n" + 
-			"        while (true) {\n" + 
-			"          break;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        o.toString();\n" + // must not complain here 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-public void test0500_try_finally() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object m;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    try { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"    finally {\n" + 
-			"      o = m;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"" // because finally assigns to unknown value
-	);
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-public void test0501_try_finally() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    try { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"    finally {\n" + 
-			"      o = null;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n" // because finally assigns to null 
-	);
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-public void test0502_try_finally() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      System.out.println();\n" + // might throw a runtime exception 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    finally { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			    // still OK because in case of exception this code is 
-			    // not reached
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-public void test0503_try_finally() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x) {\n" + 
-			"    x = null;\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      x = null;\n" +                // complain, already null
-			"    } finally { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	x = null;\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable x can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-public void test0504_try_finally() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x) {\n" + 
-			"    x = null;\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"    } finally {\n" + 
-			"      if (x != null) { /* */ }\n" + // complain null 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	if (x != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable x can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-// origin: AssignmentTest#test017
-// The whole issue here is whether or not to detect premature exits. We
-// follow JLS's conservative approach, which considers that the try
-// block may exit before the assignment is completed.
-// Note: conversely, without line 1, we would complain about x not being 
-//       initialized (for sure) on line 2.
-public void test0505_try_finally() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			" void foo(X x) {\n" + 
-			"   x = this;\n" + // 1
-			"   try {\n" + 
-			"     x = null;\n" + 
-			"   } finally {\n" + 
-			"     if (x == null) {/* */}\n" + // 2
-			"   }\n" + 
-			" }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- try finally
-public void test0506_try_finally() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    try { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"    finally {\n" + 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- try finally
-public void test0507_try_finally() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    try { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"    finally {\n" + 
-			"      o.toString();\n" +  // protect
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) {\n" + // complain
-			"      o = new Object();\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- try finally
-public void test0508_try_finally() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    o = null;" +
-			"    try { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"    finally {\n" + 
-			"      o.toString();\n" +  // complain and protect
-			"      o.toString();\n" +  // quiet
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" +  // quiet
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- try finally
-public void test0509_try_finally_embedded() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o1) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o2 = null;" +
-			"    while (true) {\n" + 
-			"      // o2 = o1;\n" + 
-			"      try { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"      finally {\n" + 
-			"        o2.toString();\n" +  // complain and protect
-			"        o2.toString();\n" +  // quiet
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      o2.toString();\n" +  // quiet
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	o2.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^^\n" + 
-		"The variable o2 can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- try finally
-public void test0510_try_finally() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void bar() throws Exception {\n" + 
-			"    // empty\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, boolean b) throws Exception {\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      bar();\n" + 
-			"      if (b) {\n" +
-			"        o.toString();\n" +
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    finally {\n" + 
-			"      if (o != null) {\n" + 
-			"          o.toString();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- try finally
-public void test0511_try_finally() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o1, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o2 = null;\n" +
-			"    if (b) {\n" +
-			"      o2 = new Object();\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 				// 0011
-			"    try { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"    finally {\n" + 
-			"      o2 = o1;\n" + 		// 1011 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o2.toString();\n" + 	// 1011 -- quiet
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-public void test0512_try_finally() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			" void foo(X x) {\n" + 
-			"   x = null;\n" +
-			"   try {\n" + 
-			"     x = new X();\n" + 
-			"   } finally {\n" + 
-			"     x.toString();\n" +
-			"   }\n" + 
-			" }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	x.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable x may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-public void test0513_try_finally() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			" X bar() {\n" + 
-			"   return null;\n" +
-			" }\n" +
-			" Object foo() {\n" + 
-			"   X x = null;\n" +
-			"   try {\n" + 
-			"     x = bar();\n" +
-			"     x.toString();\n" +
-			"     return x;\n" + 
-			"   } finally {\n" + 
-			"     if (x != null) {\n" +
-			"       x.toString();\n" +
-			"     }\n" +
-			"   }\n" + 
-			" }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-// embedded variant 1
-public void test0514_try_finally() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			" X bar() {\n" + 
-			"   return null;\n" +
-			" }\n" +
-			" Object foo() {\n" + 
-			"   X x = null;\n" +
-			"   try {\n" + 
-			"     try {\n" + 
-			"       x = bar();\n" +
-			"       x.toString();\n" +
-			"       return x;\n" + 
-			"     }\n" +
-			"     finally {\n" + 
-			"     }\n" +
-			"   }\n" + 
-			"   finally {\n" + 
-			"     if (x != null) {\n" +
-			"       x.toString();\n" +
-			"     }\n" +
-			"   }\n" + 
-			" }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-// embedded variant 2
-public void test0515_try_finally() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			" X bar() {\n" + 
-			"   return null;\n" +
-			" }\n" +
-			" Object foo() {\n" + 
-			"   X x = null;\n" +
-			"   try {\n" + 
-			"     try {\n" + 
-			"       x = bar();\n" +
-			"       x.toString();\n" +
-			"       return x;\n" + 
-			"     }\n" +
-			"     finally {\n" + 
-			"       System.out.println();\n" +
-			"     }\n" +
-			"   }\n" + 
-			"   finally {\n" + 
-			"     if (x != null) {\n" +
-			"       x.toString();\n" +
-			"     }\n" +
-			"   }\n" + 
-			" }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-// variant
-public void test0516_try_finally() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			" Object foo() {\n" + 
-			"   X x = null;\n" +
-			"   try {\n" + 
-			"     x = new X();\n" +
-			"     return x;\n" +
-			"   }\n" + 
-			"   finally {\n" + 
-			"     if (x != null) {\n" +
-			"       x.toString();\n" +
-			"     }\n" +
-			"   }\n" + 
-			" }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		""); 
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-// AIOOBE in null check compiling from JDK 1.5 source
-public void test0517_try_finally() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			" Object foo() {\n" +
-			"   String s00, s01, s02, s03, s04, s05, s06, s07, s08, s09;\n" + 
-			"   String s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15, s16, s17, s18, s19;\n" + 
-			"   String s20, s21, s22, s23, s24, s25, s26, s27, s28, s29;\n" + 
-			"   String s30, s31, s32, s33, s34, s35, s36, s37, s38, s39;\n" + 
-			"   String s40, s41, s42, s43, s44, s45, s46, s47, s48, s49;\n" + 
-			"   String s50, s51, s52, s53, s54, s55, s56, s57, s58, s59;\n" + 
-			"   String s60, s61, s62, s63, s64, s65, s66, s67, s68, s69;\n" + 
-			"   String s100, s101, s102, s103, s104, s105, s106, s107, s108, s109;\n" + 
-			"   String s110, s111, s112, s113, s114, s115, s116, s117, s118, s119;\n" + 
-			"   String s120, s121, s122, s123, s124, s125, s126, s127, s128, s129;\n" + 
-			"   String s130, s131, s132, s133, s134, s135, s136, s137, s138, s139;\n" + 
-			"   String s140, s141, s142, s143, s144, s145, s146, s147, s148, s149;\n" + 
-			"   String s150, s151, s152, s153, s154, s155, s156, s157, s158, s159;\n" + 
-			"   String s160, s161, s162, s163, s164, s165, s166, s167, s168, s169;\n" + 
-			"   String s200, s201, s202, s203, s204, s205, s206, s207, s208, s209;\n" + 
-			"   String s210, s211, s212, s213, s214, s215, s216, s217, s218, s219;\n" + 
-			"   String s220, s221, s222, s223, s224, s225, s226, s227, s228, s229;\n" + 
-			"   String s230, s231, s232, s233, s234, s235, s236, s237, s238, s239;\n" + 
-			"   String s240, s241, s242, s243, s244, s245, s246, s247, s248, s249;\n" + 
-			"   String s250, s251, s252, s253, s254, s255, s256, s257, s258, s259;\n" + 
-			"   String s260, s261, s262, s263, s264, s265, s266, s267, s268, s269;\n" +
-			"   X x = new X();\n" + 
-			"   try {\n" + 
-			"     return x;\n" +
-			"   }\n" + 
-			"   finally {\n" + 
-			"   }\n" + 
-			" }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		""); 
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-// [compiler][null] NPE batch compiling JDT/Core from HEAD
-public void test0518_try_finally() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			" void foo() {\n" + 
-			"   String s00, s01, s02, s03, s04, s05, s06, s07, s08, s09;\n" + 
-			"   String s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15, s16, s17, s18, s19;\n" + 
-			"   String s20, s21, s22, s23, s24, s25, s26, s27, s28, s29;\n" + 
-			"   String s30, s31, s32, s33, s34, s35, s36, s37, s38, s39;\n" + 
-			"   String s40, s41, s42, s43, s44, s45, s46, s47, s48, s49;\n" + 
-			"   String s50, s51, s52, s53, s54, s55, s56, s57, s58, s59;\n" + 
-			"   String s60, s61, s62, s63, s64, s65, s66, s67, s68, s69;\n" +
-			"   String s100, s101, s102, s103, s104, s105, s106, s107, s108, s109;\n" + 
-			"   String s110, s111, s112, s113, s114, s115, s116, s117, s118, s119;\n" + 
-			"   String s120, s121, s122, s123, s124, s125, s126, s127, s128, s129;\n" + 
-			"   String s130, s131, s132, s133, s134, s135, s136, s137, s138, s139;\n" + 
-			"   String s140, s141, s142, s143, s144, s145, s146, s147, s148, s149;\n" + 
-			"   String s150, s151, s152, s153, s154, s155, s156, s157, s158, s159;\n" + 
-			"   String s160, s161, s162, s163, s164, s165, s166, s167, s168, s169;\n" + 
-			"   String s200, s201, s202, s203, s204, s205, s206, s207, s208, s209;\n" + 
-			"   String s210, s211, s212, s213, s214, s215, s216, s217, s218, s219;\n" + 
-			"   String s220, s221, s222, s223, s224, s225, s226, s227, s228, s229;\n" + 
-			"   String s230, s231, s232, s233, s234, s235, s236, s237, s238, s239;\n" + 
-			"   String s240, s241, s242, s243, s244, s245, s246, s247, s248, s249;\n" + 
-			"   String s250, s251, s252, s253, s254, s255, s256, s257, s258, s259;\n" + 
-			"   String s260, s261, s262, s263, s264, s265, s266, s267, s268, s269;\n" +
-			"   X x = null;\n" +
-			"   try {\n" + 
-			"     x = new X();\n" + 
-			"   } finally {\n" + 
-			"     x.toString();\n" +
-			"   }\n" + 
-			" }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 28)\n" + 
-		"	x.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable x may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-// incorrect analysis within try finally with a constructor throwing an exception
-public void test0519_try_finally_constructor_exc() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public void foo(Y y) throws E {\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      new Y();\n" + 
-			"      y.toString();\n" + // should be quiet
-			"    } finally {\n" + 
-			"      y = null;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class Y {\n" + 
-			"  Y() throws E {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class E extends Exception {\n" + 
-			"  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-// incorrect analysis within try finally with a constructor throwing an exception
-// variant
-public void test0520_try_finally_constructor_exc() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public void foo(Y y) throws E { \n" + 
-			"    try { \n" + 
-			"      new Y() {\n" + 
-			"          void bar() {\n" + 
-			"              // do nothing\n" + 
-			"          }\n" + 
-			"      }; \n" + 
-			"      y.toString();\n" + 
-			"    } finally { \n" + 
-			"      y = null; \n" + 
-			"    } \n" + 
-			"  } \n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class Y {\n" + 
-			"  Y() throws E { \n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  abstract void bar();\n" + 
-			"} \n" + 
-			"class E extends Exception {\n" + 
-			"  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-// incorrect analysis within try finally with an embedded && expression
-public void test0521_try_finally() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X\n" + 
-			"{\n" + 
-			"  X m;\n" + 
-			"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {\n" + 
-			"      try {\n" + 
-			"        j++;\n" + 
-			"      } finally {\n" + 
-			"        X t = m;\n" + 
-			"        if( t != null && {\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  boolean bar() {\n" + 
-			"    return false;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-// variant
-public void test0522_try_finally() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X\n" + 
-			"{\n" + 
-			"  X m;\n" + 
-			"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {\n" + 
-			"      try {\n" + 
-			"        j++;\n" + 
-			"      } finally {\n" + 
-			"        X t = null;\n" + 
-			"        if( {\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  boolean bar() {\n" + 
-			"    return false;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	if( {\n" + 
-		"	   ^\n" + 
-		"The variable t can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-// variant
-public void test0523_try_finally() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X\n" + 
-			"{\n" + 
-			"  X m;\n" + 
-			"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {\n" + 
-			"      try {\n" + 
-			"        j++;\n" + 
-			"      } finally {\n" + 
-			"        X t = m;\n" + 
-			"        if(t == null ? false : (t == null ? false : {\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  boolean bar() {\n" + 
-			"    return false;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	if(t == null ? false : (t == null ? false : {\n" + 
-		"	                        ^\n" + 
-		"The variable t cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-// variant
-public void test0524_try_finally() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X\n" + 
-			"{\n" + 
-			"  X m;\n" + 
-			"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {\n" + 
-			"      try {\n" + 
-			"        j++;\n" + 
-			"      } finally {\n" + 
-			"        X t = m;\n" + 
-			"        if(t != null ? false : (t == null ? false : {\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  boolean bar() {\n" + 
-			"    return false;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	if(t != null ? false : (t == null ? false : {\n" + 
-		"	                        ^\n" + 
-		"The variable t can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-public void test0525_try_finally_unchecked_exception() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X\n" + 
-			"{\n" + 
-			"  String foo(Object p) {\n" + 
-			"    String s = null;\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"        o = p;\n" + 
-			"        if (o == null) {\n" + 
-			"          return null;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        s = o.getClass().getName();\n" + 
-			"    } catch (RuntimeException e) {\n" + 
-			"            o.toString();\n" + 
-			"            s = null;\n" + 
-			"    } finally {\n" + 
-			"      if (o != null) {\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    return s;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 13)\r\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\r\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-// variant
-public void test0526_try_finally_unchecked_exception() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X\n" + 
-			"{\n" + 
-			"  String foo(Object p) {\n" + 
-			"    String s = null;\n" + 
-			"    Object o = p;\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"        if (o == null) {\n" +  // shades doubts upon o
-			"          return null;\n" +	// may throw a RuntimeException by spec 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        s = o.getClass().getName();\n" + 
-			"    } catch (RuntimeException e) {\n" + 
-			"            o.toString();\n" + 
-			"            s = null;\n" + 
-			"    } finally {\n" + 
-			"      if (o != null) {\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    return s;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-//null analysis -- try/finally
-public void test0527_try_finally_unchecked_exception() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X\n" + 
-			"{\n" + 
-			"  String foo(Object p) {\n" + 
-			"    String s = null;\n" + 
-			"    Object o = p;\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"        if (o == null) {\n" +  // shades doubts upon o
-			"          return null;\n" +	// may throw a RuntimeException by spec 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        s = o.getClass().getName();\n" + 
-			"    } catch (RuntimeException e) {\n" + 
-			"            o.toString();\n" + 
-			"            s = null;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    return s;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-public void test0528_try_finally() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x) {\n" + 
-			"    x = null;\n" + 
-			"    X y = null;\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"    } finally {\n" + 
-			"      if (x != null) { /* */ }\n" + // complain null 
-			"      if (y != null) { /* */ }\n" + // complain null as well 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	if (x != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable x can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	if (y != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable y can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- try finally
-public void test0529_try_finally() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    o = null;\n" +
-			"    Object o2 = null;\n" +
-			"    try { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"    finally {\n" + 
-			"      o.toString();\n" +  // complain
-			"      o2.toString();\n" + // complain
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	o2.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^^\n" + 
-		"The variable o2 can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-public void test0530_try_finally() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			" void foo(X x) {\n" + 
-			"   x = null;\n" +
-			"   X y = null;\n" +
-			"   try {\n" + 
-			"     x = new X();\n" + 
-			"   } finally {\n" + 
-			"     x.toString();\n" +
-			"     y.toString();\n" + // complain
-			"   }\n" + 
-			" }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	x.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable x may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	y.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable y can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- try/finally
-public void test0531_try_finally() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			" void foo() {\n" + 
-			"   X x = new X();\n" +
-			"   X y = null;\n" +
-			"   try {\n" + 
-			"   } finally {\n" + 
-			"     if (x != null) {\n" +
-			"       x.toString();\n" +
-			"     }\n" +
-			"     y.toString();\n" + // complain
-			"   }\n" + 
-			" }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	if (x != null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable x cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	y.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable y can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- try/catch
-public void test0550_try_catch() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      System.out.println();\n" +  // might throw a runtime exception 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    catch (Throwable t) {\n" + // catches everything 
-			"      return;\n" +             // gets out         
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" +         // non null  
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - try/catch
-public void test0551_try_catch() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      System.out.println();\n" + 
-			"      if (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"        o = null;\n" + 
-			"        throw new Exception();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    catch (Exception e) {\n" + 
-			"      o.toString();\n" + // complain
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - try/catch
-public void test0552_try_catch() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() throws Exception {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      if (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"        o = null;\n" + 
-			"        throw new Exception();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    catch (Exception e) {\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) {\n" +
-			  // quiet: get out of try either through normal flow, leaves a new
-			  // object, or through Exception, leaves a null 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - try/catch
-public void test0553_try_catch() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy, other;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      if (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"        if (other) {\n" + 
-			"          throw new LocalException();\n" + // may launch new exception
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        o = null;\n" + 
-			"        throw new LocalException();\n" + // must launch new exception
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    catch (LocalException e) {\n" + 
-			"      o.toString();\n" + // complain
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  class LocalException extends Exception {\n" + 
-			"    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - try/catch
-public void test0554_try_catch() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) throws Exception {\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      o = null;\n" + 
-			"      throwLocalException();\n" + 
-			"      throw new Exception();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    catch (LocalException e) {\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) {\n" +
-			  // complain: only way to get out of try and get there is to go
-			  // through throwLocalException, after the assignment 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  class LocalException extends Exception {\n" + 
-			"    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void throwLocalException() throws LocalException {\n" + 
-			"    throw new LocalException();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		""
-		// conservative flow analysis suppresses the warning
-//		"----------\n" + 
-//		"1. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-//		"	if (o != null) {\n" + 
-//		"	    ^\n" + 
-//		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-//		"----------\n"
-	);
-// null analysis - try/catch
-public void test0555_try_catch() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      o = null;\n" + 
-			"      throwException();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    catch (Exception e) {\n" + 
-			"      o.toString();\n" + // complain NPE
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void throwException() throws Exception {\n" + 
-			"    throw new Exception();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - try/catch
-public void test0556_try_catch() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      o = null;\n" + 
-			"      throwException();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    catch (Throwable t) {\n" + 
-			"      o.toString();\n" + // complain NPE
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void throwException() throws Exception {\n" + 
-			"    throw new Exception();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - try/catch
-public void test0557_try_catch() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      if (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"        o = null;\n" + 
-			"        throw new Exception();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    catch (Exception e) {\n" + 
-			"      o.toString();\n" + // complain NPE
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - try/catch
-public void test0558_try_catch() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      if (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"        System.out.print(0);\n" + // may thow RuntimeException 
-			"        o = null;\n" + 
-			"        throw new LocalException();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    catch (LocalException e) {\n" + // doesn't catch RuntimeException
-			"      o.toString();\n" + // complain NPE
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  class LocalException extends Exception {\n" + 
-			"    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-//		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" +
-		// conservative flow analysis softens the error
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - try/catch
-public void test0559_try_catch() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      if (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"        o = null;\n" + 
-			"        throw new SubException();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    catch (LocalException e) {\n" + // must catch SubException
-			"      o.toString();\n" + // complain NPE
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  class LocalException extends Exception {\n" + 
-			"    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  class SubException extends LocalException {\n" + 
-			"    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-//		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" +
-		// conservative flow analysis softens the error
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - try/catch
-public void test0560_try_catch() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Class bar(boolean b) throws ClassNotFoundException {\n" + 
-			"    if (b) {\n" + 
-			"      throw new ClassNotFoundException();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    return null;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public Class foo(Class c, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    if (c != null)\n" + 
-			"      return c;\n" + 
-			"    if (b) {\n" + 
-			"      try {\n" + 
-			"        c = bar(b);\n" + 
-			"        return c;\n" + 
-			"      } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {\n" + 
-			"      // empty\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (c == null) { // should complain: c can only be null\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    return c;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 19)\n" + 
-		"	if (c == null) { // should complain: c can only be null\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable c can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - try/catch
-public void test0561_try_catch_unchecked_exception() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      o = bar();\n" + 
-			"    } catch (RuntimeException e) {\n" + 
-			"      o.toString();\n" + // may be null
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  private Object bar() {\n" + 
-			"    return new Object();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - try/catch
-// (slightly different) variant of 561
-public void test0562_try_catch_unchecked_exception() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"import*;\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    LineNumberReader o = null;\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      o = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(\"dummy\"));\n" + 
-			"    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {\n" + 
-			"      o.toString();\n" + // may be null
-			"    } catch (IOException e) {\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - try/catch
-public void test0563_try_catch() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public void foo(boolean b) {\n" +
-			"    Exception ex = null;\n" + 
-			"    if (b) {\n" + 
-			"      try {\n" + 
-			"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-			"        return;\n" + 
-			"      } catch (Exception e) {\n" + 
-			"        ex = e;\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    else {\n" + 
-			"      try {\n" + 
-			"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-			"        return;\n" + 
-			"      } catch (Exception e) {\n" + 
-			"        ex = e;\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (ex == null) {\n" + // complain: ex cannot be null\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 20)\n" + 
-		"	if (ex == null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^^\n" + 
-		"The variable ex cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - try/catch
-public void test0564_try_catch_unchecked_exception() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static Object foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object result = null;\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      result = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    } catch (Exception e) {\n" + 
-			"      result = null;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    return result;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - try/catch
-// variant
-public void test0565_try_catch_unchecked_exception() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static Object foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object result = null;\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      result = new Object();\n" + 
-			"      result = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    } catch (Exception e) {\n" + 
-			"      result = null;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    return result;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - try/catch
-// variant
-public void test0566_try_catch_unchecked_exception() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static Object foo(Y y) {\n" + 
-			"    Object result = null;\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      while ( {\n" + 
-			"        result = y.getObject();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    } catch (Exception e) {\n" + 
-			"      result = null;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    return result;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class Y {\n" + 
-			"  boolean next() {\n" + 
-			"    return false;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  Object getObject() {\n" + 
-			"    return null;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- do while
-public void test0601_do_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    do {/* */}\n" +
-			"    while (o.toString() != null);\n" +
-			      // complain: NPE
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	while (o.toString() != null);\n" + 
-		"	       ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- do while
-public void test0602_do_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    do {/* */}\n" + 
-			"    while (o != null);\n" + 
-			  // complain: get o null first time and forever
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	while (o != null);\n" + 
-		"	       ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- do while
-public void test0603_do_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    do {\n" + 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    while (o == null);\n" + 
-			      // complain: set it to non null before test, for each iteration
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	while (o == null);\n" + 
-		"	       ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- do while
-public void test0604_do_while() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    do {\n" + 
-			"      if (System.currentTimeMillis() > 10L) {\n" + 
-			"        o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    while (o == null);\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- do while
-public void test0605_do_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    o = null;\n" +
-			"    do {\n" +
-			"      // do nothing\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    while (dummy || o != null);\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	while (dummy || o != null);\n" + 
-		"	                ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- do while
-public void test0606_do_while() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null,\n" + 
-			"           u = new Object(),\n" + 
-			"           v = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    do {\n" +
-			"      if (v == null) {\n" +
-			"        o = new Object();\n" +
-			"      };\n" +
-			"      if (u == null) {\n" +
-			"        v = null;\n" +
-			"      };\n" +
-			"      u = null;\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"    while (o == null);\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- do while
-public void test0607_do_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    do {\n" + 
-			"      o.toString();\n" + 
-			         // complain: NPE
-			"      o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    while (dummy);\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- do while
-public void test0608_do_while() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    do {\n" + 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    while (dummy);\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- do while
-public void test0609_do_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    do { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"    while (dummy);\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - do while
-public void test0610_do_while() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  X bar() {\n" + 
-			"    return null;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x) {\n" + 
-			";\n" +  
-			"    do {\n" +
-			"      x =;\n" +  
-			"    } while (x != null);\n" + // quiet 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - do while
-public void test0611_do_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  X bar() {\n" + 
-			"    return new X();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    do {\n" +
-			"      o = bar();\n" +
-			"    } while (o == null);\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + // complain 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// the problem here is that a single pass cannot know for the return
-// embedded into the if; prior approach did use the upstream flow 
-// info to catch this, but this is inappropriate in many cases (eg
-// test0606)
-public void _test0612_do_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object doubt) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    do {\n" + 
-			"      if (o == null) {\n" +
-			"        return;\n" +
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      o = doubt;\n" + 
-			"    } while (true);\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-// null analysis - do while
-public void test0613_do_while() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  String f;\n" + 
-			"  void foo (boolean b) {\n" +
-			"    X x = new X();\n" + 
-			"    do {\n" + 
-			"      System.out.println(x.f);\n" + 
-			"      if (b) {\n" + 
-			"        x = null;\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    } while (x != null);\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// variant
-public void _test0614_do_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object doubt) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    exit: do {\n" + 
-			"      if (o == null) {\n" +
-			"        continue exit;\n" +
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      o = doubt;\n" + 
-			"    } while (true);\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-// variant
-public void _test0615_do_while() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object doubt) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    do {\n" + 
-			"      if (o == null) {\n" +
-			"        throw new RuntimeException();\n" +
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      o = doubt;\n" + 
-			"    } while (true);\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0701_for() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    for (;o.toString() != null;) {/* */}\n" +
-			      // complain: NPE
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	for (;o.toString() != null;) {/* */}\n" + 
-		"	      ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0702_for() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    for (;o != null;) {/* */}\n" + 
-			  // complain: get o null first time and forever
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	for (;o != null;) {/* */}\n" + 
-		"	      ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0703_for() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    for (;o == null;) {\n" + 
-			      // quiet: first iteration is sure to find it null, 
-			      // but other iterations may change it 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0704_for() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    for (;o == null;) {\n" + 
-			     // quiet: first iteration is sure to find it null, 
-			     // but other iterations may change it 
-			"      if (System.currentTimeMillis() > 10L) {\n" + 
-			"        o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0705_for() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean bar() {\n" + 
-			"    return true;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    for (;bar() && o == null;) {\n" + 
-			"      o.toString();\n" + // complain: NPE because of condition
-			"      o = new Object();\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0707_for() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    for (;o == null; o.toString()) {\n" + 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0708_for() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    for (;o == null; o.toString()) {\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	for (;o == null; o.toString()) {\n" + 
-		"	                 ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0709_for() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    for (o.toString(); o == null;) { /* */ }\n" + // complain: protected then unchanged
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	for (o.toString(); o == null;) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	                   ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0710_for() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean bar() {\n" + 
-			"    return true;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    o = null;\n" + 
-			"    for (o.toString(); bar();) {\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	for (o.toString(); bar();) {\n" + 
-		"	     ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0711_for() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_5.compareTo(this.complianceLevel) <= 0) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void foo() {\n" + 
-				"    Object t[] = null;\n" + 
-				"    for (Object o : t) {/* */}\n" +
-				      // complain: NPE
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	for (Object o : t) {/* */}\n" + 
-			"	                ^\n" + 
-			"The variable t can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0712_for() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_5.compareTo(this.complianceLevel) <= 0) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void foo() {\n" + 
-				"    Iterable i = null;\n" + 
-				"    for (Object o : i) {/* */}\n" +
-				      // complain: NPE
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	for (Object o : i) {/* */}\n" + 
-			"	                ^\n" + 
-			"The variable i can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0713_for() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_5.compareTo(this.complianceLevel) <= 0) {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void foo() {\n" + 
-				"    Object t[] = new Object[1];\n" + 
-				"    for (Object o : t) {/* */}\n" +
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"},
-			"");
-	}
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0714_for() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_5.compareTo(this.complianceLevel) <= 0) {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void foo() {\n" + 
-				"    Iterable i = new java.util.Vector<Object>();\n" + 
-				"    for (Object o : i) {/* */}\n" +
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"},
-			"");
-	}
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0715_for() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_5.compareTo(this.complianceLevel) <= 0) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void foo() {\n" + 
-				"    Iterable i = new java.util.Vector<Object>();\n" + 
-				"    Object flag = null;\n" + 
-				"    for (Object o : i) {\n" +
-				"      flag = new Object();\n" +
-				"    }\n" +
-				"    flag.toString();\n" + 
-				// complain: cannot know if at least one iteration got executed 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	flag.toString();\n" + 
-			"	^^^^\n" + 
-			"The variable flag may be null\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0716_for() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_5.compareTo(this.complianceLevel) <= 0) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void foo() {\n" + 
-				"    Iterable i = new java.util.Vector<Object>();\n" + 
-				"    Object flag = null;\n" + 
-				"    for (Object o : i) { /* */ }\n" +
-				"    flag.toString();\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	flag.toString();\n" + 
-			"	^^^^\n" + 
-			"The variable flag can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0717_for() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_5.compareTo(this.complianceLevel) <= 0) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void foo(boolean dummy) {\n" + 
-				"    Object flag = null;\n" + 
-				"    for (;dummy;) {\n" +
-				"      flag = new Object();\n" +
-				"    }\n" +
-				"    flag.toString();\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	flag.toString();\n" + 
-			"	^^^^\n" + 
-			"The variable flag may be null\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0718_for() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(boolean dummy) {\n" + 
-			"    Object flag = null;\n" + 
-			"    for (;dummy;) { /* */ }\n" +
-			"    flag.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	flag.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"The variable flag can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- for
-// origin: AssignmentTest#test019
-public void test0719_for() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			    "",
-			    "public class X {\n" + 
-			    "  public static final char[] foo(char[] a, char c1, char c2) {\n" + 
-			    "   char[] r = null;\n" + 
-			    "   for (int i = 0, length = a.length; i < length; i++) {\n" + 
-			    "     char c = a[i];\n" + 
-			    "     if (c == c1) {\n" + 
-			    "       if (r == null) {\n" + 
-			    "         r = new char[length];\n" + 
-			    "       }\n" + 
-			    "       r[i] = c2;\n" + 
-			    "     } else if (r != null) {\n" + 
-			    "       r[i] = c;\n" + 
-			    "     }\n" + 
-			    "   }\n" + 
-			    "   if (r == null) return a;\n" + 
-			    "   return r;\n" + 
-			    " }\n" + 
-			    "}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0720_for_continue_break() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			  "public class X {\n" + 
-			  "  void foo() {\n" + 
-			  "    Object o = new Object();\n" + 
-			  "    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n" + 
-			  "      if (o == null) {\n" + // complain: o cannot be null
-			  "        continue;\n" + 
-			  "      }\n" + 
-			  "      o = null;\n" + 
-			  "      break;\n" + 
-			  "    }\n" + 
-			  "  }\n" + 
-			  "}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0721_for() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" +
-			"    for (; b ? (o = new Object()).equals(o) : false ;) {\n" +
-			// contrast this with test0238; here the condition shades doubts
-			// upon o being null
-			"      /* */\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0722_for_return() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo (boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {\n" + 
-			"      if (b) {\n" + 
-			"        if (o == null) {\n" + 
-			"          o = new Object();\n" + // cleared by return downstream 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        return;\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0723_for() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo () {\n" + 
-			"    Object o[] = new Object[1];\n" + 
-			"    for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {\n" + 
-			"      if (i < 1) {\n" +
-			"        o[i].toString();\n" +
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0724_for_with_initialization() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  X field;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x1) {\n" + 
-			"    // X x2;\n" + 
-			"    outer: for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {\n" + 
-			"      X x2 = x1;\n" + 
-			"      do {\n" + 
-			"        if (x2.equals(x1)) {\n" + 
-			"          continue outer;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        x2 = x2.field;\n" + 
-			"      } while (x2 != null);\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0725_for_with_assignment() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  X field;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x1) {\n" + 
-			"    X x2;\n" + 
-			"    outer: for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {\n" + 
-			"      x2 = x1;\n" + 
-			"      do {\n" + 
-			"        if (x2.equals(x1)) {\n" + 
-			"          continue outer;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        x2 = x2.field;\n" + 
-			"      } while (x2 != null);\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- for
-// changed with
-// we are now able to see that x2 is reinitialized with x1, which is unknown
-public void test0726_for() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x1) {\n" + 
-			"    X x2 = null;\n" + 
-			"    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {\n" + 
-			"      if (x2 == null) {\n" + 
-			"        x2 = x1;\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      x2.toString();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" +  
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0727_for() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    for (; true;) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0728_for() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x) {\n" + 
-			"    for (; true; x.toString()) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"    if (x == null) { /* */ }\n" + // complain 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	if (x == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- for
-public void test0729_for_try_catch_finally() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"import;\n" + 
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  X f;\n" + 
-			"  void bar() throws IOException {\n" + 
-			"    throw new IOException();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo(boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    for (int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) {\n" + 
-			"      X x = this.f;\n" + 
-			"      if (x == null) { \n" + 
-			"        continue;\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      if (b) {\n" + 
-			"        try {\n" + 
-			"          bar();\n" + 
-			"        } \n" + 
-			"        catch(IOException e) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"        finally {\n" + 
-			"          x.toString();\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - for
-public void test0730_for() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    for ( ; o == null ; ) {\n" +
-			"      o = new Object();\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + // complain 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - for
-public void test0731_for() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  X bar() {\n" + 
-			"    return new X();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    for ( ; o == null ; ) {\n" +
-			"      o = bar();\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + // complain 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - for nested with break
-public void test0732_for_nested_break() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(String doubt) {\n" + 
-			"    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n" + 
-			"      String s = doubt;\n" + 
-			"      if(s != null) {\n" + 
-			"        for(int j = 0; j < 1; j++) {\n" + 
-			"          break;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        s.length();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - for while with break
-// variant
-public void test0733_for_while_break() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(String doubt, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n" + 
-			"      String s = doubt;\n" + 
-			"      if (s != null) {\n" + 
-			"        while (b) {\n" + 
-			"          break;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        s.length();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - for while with break
-// variant
-public void test0734_for_while_break() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(String doubt, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n" + 
-			"      String s = doubt;\n" + 
-			"      if (s != null) {\n" + 
-			"        do {\n" + 
-			"          break;\n" + 
-			"        } while (b);\n" + 
-			"        s.length();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - for nested with break
-// variant
-public void test0735_for_nested_break() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_5.compareTo(this.complianceLevel) <= 0) {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void foo(Object[] a, String doubt) {\n" + 
-				"    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n" + 
-				"      String s = doubt;\n" + 
-				"      if(s != null) {\n" + 
-				"        for(Object o : a) {\n" + 
-				"          break;\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"        s.length();\n" + 
-				"      }\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n"},
-			"");
-	}
-// null analysis - for
-public void test0736_for_embedded_lazy_init() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  public boolean foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Boolean b = null;\n" + 
-			"    for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {\n" + 
-			"      if (b == null) {\n" + 
-			"        b = Boolean.TRUE;\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      if (b.booleanValue()) {\n" + // quiet
-			"        return b.booleanValue();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    return false;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis - for with unknown protection: unknown cannot protect anything
-// suggested by
-public void test0737_for_unknown_protection() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  public boolean foo(Boolean p) {\n" + 
-			"    Boolean b = null;\n" + 
-			"    for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {\n" + 
-			"      if (b == p) {\n" + // tells us that p is null as well
-			"        // empty\n" + 
-			"      }\n" +
-			"      else {\n" +
-			"        continue;\n" +
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      if (b.booleanValue()) {\n" + // complain b can only be null
-			"        return b.booleanValue();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    return false;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-		"	if (b.booleanValue()) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable b can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis - for with unknown protection
-// suggested by
-// the issue is that we cannot do less than full aliasing analysis to
-// catch this one
-// TODO (maxime) reconsider when/if we bring full aliasing in
-public void _test0738_for_unknown_protection() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  public boolean foo(Boolean p) {\n" + 
-			"    Boolean b = null;\n" + 
-			"    for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {\n" + 
-			"      if (b == p) {\n" + 
-			"        // empty\n" + 
-			"      }\n" +
-			"      else {\n" +
-			"        b = p;\n" +
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      if (b.booleanValue()) {\n" + // quiet because b is an alias for p, unknown
-			"        return b.booleanValue();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    return false;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- switch
-public void test0800_switch() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			" int k;\n" + 
-			" void foo() {\n" + 
-			"   Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"   switch (k) {\n" + 
-			"     case 0 :\n" + 
-			"       o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"       break;\n" + 
-			"     case 2 :\n" + 
-			"       return;\n" + 
-			"   }\n" + 
-			"   if(o == null) { /* */ }\n" + // quiet: don't know whether came from 0 or default
-			" }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- switch
-public void test0801_switch() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			" int k;\n" + 
-			" void foo() {\n" + 
-			"   Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"   switch (k) {\n" + 
-			"     case 0 :\n" + 
-			"       o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"       break;\n" + 
-			"     default :\n" + 
-			"       return;\n" + 
-			"   }\n" + 
-			"   if(o == null) { /* */ }\n" + // complain: only get there through 0, o non null
-			" }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-		"	if(o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	   ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- switch
-public void test0802_switch() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			" int k;\n" + 
-			" void foo() {\n" + 
-			"   Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"   switch (k) {\n" + 
-			"     case 0 :\n" + 
-			"       o.toString();\n" + // complain: o can only be null
-			"       break;\n" + 
-			"   }\n" + 
-			" }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- switch
-public void test0803_switch() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			" int k;\n" + 
-			" void foo() {\n" + 
-			"   Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"   switch (k) {\n" + 
-			"     case 0 :\n" + 
-			"       o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"     case 1 :\n" + 
-			"       o.toString();\n" + // complain: may come through 0 or 1
-			"       break;\n" + 
-			"   }\n" + 
-			" }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- switch
-public void test0804_switch() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo (Object o, int info) {\n" + 
-			"	 o = null;\n" + 
-			"	 switch (info) {\n" + 
-			"	   case 0 :\n" + 
-			"		 o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"		 break;\n" + 
-			"	   case 1 :\n" + 
-			"		 o = new String();\n" + 
-			"		 break;\n" + 
-			"	   default :\n" + 
-			"		 o = new X();\n" + 
-			"		 break;\n" + 
-			"	 }\n" + 
-			"	 if(o != null) { /* */ }\n" + // complain: all branches allocate a new o
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-		"	if(o != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	   ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- switch
-public void test0805_switch() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X p) {\n" + 
-			"    X x = this;\n" + 
-			"    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {\n" + 
-			"      switch (i) {\n" + 
-			"        case 1:\n" + 
-			"          x = p;\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (x != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- non null protection tag
-public void _test0900_non_null_protection_tag() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    boolean b = o != null;\n" + // shades doubts upon o 
-			"    o/*NN*/.toString();\n" + 	// protection => do not complain
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 		// protected by previous line
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- non null protection tag
-public void _test0901_non_null_protection_tag() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    if (b) {\n" +
-			"      o = null;\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o/*NN*/.toString();\n" +
-			"    if (b) {\n" +
-			"      o = null;\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o/*\n" +
-			"         NN  comment  */.toString();\n" +
-			"    if (b) {\n" +
-			"      o = null;\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o/*  NN\n" +
-			"               */.toString();\n" +
-			"    if (b) {\n" +
-			"      o = null;\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o               //  NN   \n" +
-			"      .toString();\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- non null protection tag
-public void _test0902_non_null_protection_tag() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    if (b) {\n" +
-			"      o = null;\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o/*NON-NULL*/.toString();\n" +
-			"    if (b) {\n" +
-			"      o = null;\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o/*  NON-NULL   comment */.toString();\n" +
-			"    if (b) {\n" +
-			"      o = null;\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o/*  NON-NULL   \n" +
-			"               */.toString();\n" +
-			"    if (b) {\n" +
-			"      o = null;\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o               //  NON-NULL   \n" +
-			"      .toString();\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- non null protection tag
-public void test0903_non_null_protection_tag() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    if (b) {\n" +
-			"      o = null;\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o/*N N*/.toString();\n" +
-			"    if (b) {\n" +
-			"      o = null;\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o/*NNa*/.toString();\n" +
-			"    if (b) {\n" +
-			"      o = null;\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o/*aNN */.toString();\n" +
-			"    if (b) {\n" +
-			"      o = null;\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o/*NON NULL*/.toString();\n" +
-			"    if (b) {\n" +
-			"      o = null;\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o/*Non-Null*/.toString();\n" +
-			"    if (b) {\n" +
-			"      o = null;\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o/*aNON-NULL */.toString();\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	o/*N N*/.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	o/*NNa*/.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-		"	o/*aNN */.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-		"	o/*NON NULL*/.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"5. ERROR in (at line 22)\n" + 
-		"	o/*Non-Null*/.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"6. ERROR in (at line 26)\n" + 
-		"	o/*aNON-NULL */.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- non null protection tag
-public void test0905_non_null_protection_tag() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    boolean b = o != null;\n" + // shades doubts upon o 
-			"    o.toString();/*NN*/\n" + 	// too late to protect => complain
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();/*NN*/\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- non null protection tag
-public void test0906_non_null_protection_tag() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    boolean b = o != null;\n" + // shades doubts upon o 
-			"    /*NN*/o.toString();\n" + 	// too soon to protect => complain
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	/*NN*/o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	      ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// [compiler] Null reference analysis doesn't understand assertions
-public void test0950_assert() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_3.compareTo(this.complianceLevel) < 0) {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-				"    boolean b = o != null;\n" + // shades doubts upon o 
-				"    assert(o != null);\n" + 	// protection
-				"    o.toString();\n" + 		// quiet
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"},
-			"");
-	}
-// [compiler] Null reference analysis doesn't understand assertions
-public void test0951_assert() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_3.compareTo(this.complianceLevel) < 0) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-				"    assert(o == null);\n" + 	// forces null
-				"    o.toString();\n" + 		// can only be null
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-	}
-// [compiler] Null reference analysis doesn't understand assertions
-public void test0952_assert() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_3.compareTo(this.complianceLevel) < 0) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void foo(Object o, boolean b) {\n" + 
-				"    assert(o != null || b);\n" + // shade doubts
-				"    o.toString();\n" + 		// complain
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-	}
-// [compiler] Null reference analysis doesn't understand assertions
-public void test0953_assert_combined() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_3.compareTo(this.complianceLevel) < 0) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void foo(Object o1, Object o2) {\n" + 
-				"    assert(o1 != null && o2 == null);\n" +
-				"    if (o1 == null) { };\n" + 		// complain
-				"    if (o2 == null) { };\n" + 		// complain
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	if (o1 == null) { };\n" + 
-		"	    ^^\n" + 
-		"The variable o1 cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	if (o2 == null) { };\n" + 
-		"	    ^^\n" + 
-		"The variable o2 can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-	}
-// [compiler] Null reference analysis doesn't understand assertions
-public void test0954_assert_fake_reachable() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_3.compareTo(this.complianceLevel) < 0) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-				"    assert(false && o != null);\n" +
-				"    if (o == null) { };\n" + 		// quiet
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"},
-		"");
-	}
-// [compiler] Null reference analysis doesn't understand assertions
-public void test0955_assert_combined() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_3.compareTo(this.complianceLevel) < 0) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-				"    assert(false || o != null);\n" +
-				"    if (o == null) { };\n" + 		// complain
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) { };\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-	}
-// [compiler] Null reference analysis doesn't understand assertions
-public void test0956_assert_combined() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_3.compareTo(this.complianceLevel) < 0) {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void foo() {\n" +
-				"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-				"    assert(o != null);\n" +    // complain
-				"    if (o == null) { };\n" +   // complain
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	assert(o != null);\n" + 
-		"	       ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) { };\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-	}
-// null analysis -- notNull protection tag
-public void _test0900_notNull_protection_tag() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(/** @notNull */ Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    boolean b = o != null;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"ERR cannot be null");
-// null analysis -- notNull protection tag
-public void _test0901_notNull_protection_tag() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    /** @notNull */ Object l = o;\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"ERR cannot be null... ou pas ?");
-// null analysis -- notNull protection tag
-public void _test0902_notNull_protection_tag() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(/** @nullable */ Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    /** @notNull */ Object l = o;\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"ERR cannot be null");
-// null analysis -- notNull protection tag
-public void test0903_notNull_protection_tag() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object bar() {\n" + 
-			"    return null;\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    /** @notNull */ Object l = bar();\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- notNull protection tag
-public void _test0904_notNull_protection_tag() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  /** @notNull */\n" +
-			"  Object bar() {\n" + 
-			"    return new Object();\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object l = bar();\n" +
-			"    if (l == null) { /* empty */ }\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"ERR cannot be null");
-// null analysis -- notNull protection tag
-public void _test0905_notNull_protection_tag() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  /** @notNull */\n" +
-			"  Object bar() {\n" + 
-			"    return null;\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"ERR cannot be null");
-// null analysis -- nullable tag
-public void _test0950_nullable_tag() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(/** @nullable */ Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"ERR may be null");
-// null analysis -- nullable tag
-public void _test0951_nullable_tag() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(/** @nullable */ Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    Object l = o;\n" +
-			"    l.toString();\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"ERR may be null");
-// null analysis -- nullable tag
-public void _test0952_nullable_tag() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    /** @nullable */ Object o;\n" +
-			"    if (b) {\n" +
-			"      o = new Object();\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"    o.toString();\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"ERR may be null");
-// moved from AssignmentTest
-public void test1004() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  X foo(X x) {\n" + 
-			"; // 0\n" + 
-			"    if (x != null) { // 1\n" + 
-			"      if (x == null) { // 2\n" + 
-			"; // 3\n" + 
-			"      } else if (x instanceof X) { // 4\n" + 
-			"; // 5 \n" + 
-			"      } else if (x != null) { // 6\n" + 
-			"; // 7\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"; // 8\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    return this;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	if (x != null) { // 1\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable x cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	if (x == null) { // 2\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable x cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"; // 3\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable x can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	} else if (x != null) { // 6\n" + 
-		"	           ^\n" + 
-		"The variable x cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"5. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-		"; // 8\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable x may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test1005() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Class c) {\n" + 
-			"    if (c.isArray() ) {\n" + 
-			"    } else if (c == java.lang.String.class ) {\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-public void test1006() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x) {\n" + 
-			"    if (x == this)\n" + 
-			"     return;\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-public void test1007() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x, X x2) {\n" + 
-			"    if (x != null)\n" + 
-			"      return;\n" + 
-			"    x = x2;\n" + 
-			"    if (x == null) {\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-public void test1008() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x, X x2) {\n" + 
-			"    if (x != null)\n" + 
-			"      return;\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      x = x2;\n" + 
-			"    } catch(Exception e) {}\n" + 
-			"    if (x == null) {\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-public void test1009() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"import;\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean check(String name) { return true; }\n" + 
-			"  Class bar(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { return null; }\n" + 
-			"  File baz(String name) { return null; }\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  public Class foo(String name, boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException {\n" + 
-			"    \n" + 
-			"    Class c = bar(name);\n" + 
-			"    if (c != null)\n" + 
-			"      return c;\n" + 
-			"    if (check(name)) {\n" + 
-			"      try {\n" + 
-			"        c= bar(name);\n" + 
-			"          return c;\n" + 
-			"      } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {\n" + 
-			"        // keep searching\n" + 
-			"        // only path to here left c unassigned from try block, means it was assumed to be null\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (c == null) {// should complain: c can only be null\n" + 
-			"      File file= baz(name);\n" + 
-			"      if (file == null)\n" + 
-			"        throw new ClassNotFoundException();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    return c;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 22)\n" + 
-		"	if (c == null) {// should complain: c can only be null\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable c can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test1010() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"  X itself() { return this; }\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"  void bar() {\n" + 
-			"    X itself = this.itself();\n" + 
-			"    if (this == itself) {\n" + 
-			"      System.out.println(itself.toString()); //1\n" + 
-			"    } else {\n" + 
-			"      System.out.println(itself.toString()); //2\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-public void test1011() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"  X itself() { return this; }\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"  void bar() {\n" + 
-			"    X itself = this.itself();\n" + 
-			"    if (this == itself) {\n" + 
-			"      X other = (X)itself;\n" + 
-			"      if (other != null) {\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      if (other == null) {\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	if (other != null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The variable other cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test1012() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    do {\n" + 
-			"      if (o == null) {\n" +
-			"        return;\n" +
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      // o = bar();\n" + 
-			"    } while (true);\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  X bar() { \n" + 
-			"    return null; \n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-// x cannot equal this then null with no assignment in between
-// each diagnostic is locally sound though
-public void test1013() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x) {\n" + 
-			"    if (x == this) {\n" + 
-			"      if (x == null) {\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	if (x == null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable x cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		";\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable x can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test1014() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x) {\n" + 
-			"    x = null;\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      x = this;\n" + 
-			"    } finally {\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		";\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable x may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test1015() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    int i = 1;\n" + 
-			"    switch (i) {\n" + 
-			"      case 1:\n" + 
-			"        o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"        break;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null)\n" + 
-			"      o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-public void test1016() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x) {\n" + 
-			"    x = null;\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      x = null;\n" + 
-			"    } finally {\n" + 
-			"      if (x != null) {\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	x = null;\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable x can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	if (x != null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable x can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test1017() { 
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(X x) {\n" + 
-			"    x = this;\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      x = null;\n" + 
-			"    } finally {\n" + 
-			"      if (x == null) {\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		";\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable x can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test1018() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    do {\n" + 
-			"      if (o != null) return;\n" + 
-			"      o = null;\n" + 
-			"    } while (true);\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  X bar() { \n" + 
-			"    return null; \n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\r\n" + 
-		"	if (o != null) return;\r\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\r\n" + 
-		"	o = null;\r\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test1019() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static final char[] replaceOnCopy(\n" + 
-			"      char[] array,\n" + 
-			"      char toBeReplaced,\n" + 
-			"      char replacementChar) {\n" + 
-			"      \n" + 
-			"    char[] result = null;\n" + 
-			"    for (int i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) {\n" + 
-			"      char c = array[i];\n" + 
-			"      if (c == toBeReplaced) {\n" + 
-			"        if (result == null) {\n" + 
-			"          result = new char[length];\n" + 
-			"          System.arraycopy(array, 0, result, 0, i);\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        result[i] = replacementChar;\n" + 
-			"      } else if (result != null) {\n" + 
-			"        result[i] = c;\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (result == null) return array;\n" + 
-			"    return result;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-public void test1021() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  int kind;\n" + 
-			"  X parent;\n" + 
-			"  Object[] foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-			"  void findTypeParameters(X scope) {\n" + 
-			"    Object[] typeParameters = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (scope != null) {\n" + 
-			"      typeParameters = null;\n" + 
-			"      switch (scope.kind) {\n" + 
-			"        case 0 :\n" + 
-			"          typeParameters = foo();\n" + 
-			"          break;\n" + 
-			"        case 1 :\n" + 
-			"          typeParameters = foo();\n" + 
-			"          break;\n" + 
-			"        case 2 :\n" + 
-			"          return;\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      if(typeParameters != null) {\n" + 
-			"        foo();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      scope = scope.parent;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-public void test1022() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean bool() { return true; }\n" + 
-			"  void doSomething() {}\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object progressJob = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (bool()) {\n" + 
-			"      if (bool()) {\n" + 
-			"        if (progressJob != null)\n" + 
-			"          progressJob = null;\n" + 
-			"        doSomething();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      try {\n" + 
-			"        if (progressJob == null) {\n" + 
-			"          progressJob = new Object();\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"      } finally {\n" + 
-			"        doSomething();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"");
-public void test1023() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    while (this != null) {\n" + 
-			"      try {\n" + 
-			"        o = null;\n" + 
-			"        break;\n" + 
-			"      } finally {\n" + 
-			"        o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) return;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) return;\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test1024() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  boolean bool() { return true; }\n" + 
-			"  void doSomething() {}\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object progressJob = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (bool()) {\n" + 
-			"      if (progressJob != null)\n" + 
-			"        progressJob = null;\n" + 
-			"      doSomething();\n" + 
-			"      try {\n" + 
-			"        if (progressJob == null) {\n" + 
-			"          progressJob = new Object();\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"      } finally {\n" + 
-			"        doSomething();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-		"	if (progressJob == null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The variable progressJob can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test1025() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o;\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      o = null;\n" + 
-			"    } finally {\n" + 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) return;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) return;\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// TODO (philippe) reenable once fixed
-public void _test1026() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o;\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" + 
-			"      o = null;\n" + 
-			"    } finally {\n" + 
-			"      if (args == null) o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test1027() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean b;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (b) {\n" + 
-			"      try {\n" + 
-			"        o = null;\n" + 
-			"      } finally {\n" + 
-			"        if (o == null) \n" + 
-			"          o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) return;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// TODO (philippe) reenable once fixed
-public void _test1028() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean b;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (b) {\n" + 
-			"      try {\n" + 
-			"        o = null;\n" + 
-			"        break;\n" + 
-			"      } finally {\n" + 
-			"        if (o == null) \n" + 
-			"          o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) return;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-public void test1029() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    int i = 0;\n" + 
-			"    while (i++ < 2) {\n" + 
-			"      try {\n" + 
-			"        if (i == 2) return;\n" + 
-			"        o = null;\n" + 
-			"      } finally {\n" + 
-			"        if (i == 2) System.out.println(o);\n" + 
-			"        o = \"SUCCESS\";\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) return;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test1030() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object a = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (true) {\n" + 
-			"      a = null;\n" + 
-			"      if (a == null) {\n" + 
-			"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      a = new Object();\n" + 
-			"      break;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	if (a == null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable a can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test1031() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object a = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (true) {\n" + 
-			"      a = null;\n" + 
-			"      if (a == null) {\n" + 
-			"        System.out.println();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      a = new Object();\n" + 
-			"      break;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (a == null) {\n" + 
-			"      System.out.println();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	if (a == null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable a can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-		"	if (a == null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable a cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test1032() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o1 = this;\n" + 
-			"    Object o3;\n" + 
-			"    while (o1 != null && (o3 = o1) != null) {\n" + 
-			"      o1 = o3;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	while (o1 != null && (o3 = o1) != null) {\n" + 
-		"	       ^^\n" + 
-		"The variable o1 cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	while (o1 != null && (o3 = o1) != null) {\n" + 
-		"	                     ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The variable o3 cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// (simplified to focus on nulls)
-public void test1033() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    String a,b;\n" + 
-			"    do{\n" + 
-			"      a=\"Hello \";\n" + 
-			"    }while(a!=null);\n" + 
-			"    if(a!=null)\n" + 
-			"      { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	}while(a!=null);\n" + 
-		"	       ^\n" + 
-		"The variable a cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	if(a!=null)\n" + 
-		"	   ^\n" + 
-		"The variable a can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// from AssignmentTest#test034, simplified
-public void test1034() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public final class X \n" + 
-			"{\n" + 
-			"	void foo()\n" + 
-			"	{\n" + 
-			"		String rs = null;\n" + 
-			"		try\n" + 
-			"		{\n" + 
-			"			rs = \"\";\n" + 
-			"			return;\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		catch (Exception e)\n" + 
-			"		{\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		finally\n" + 
-			"		{\n" + 
-			"			if (rs != null)\n" + 
-			"			{\n" + 
-			"				try\n" + 
-			"				{\n" + 
-			"					rs.toString();\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"				catch (Exception e)\n" + 
-			"				{\n" + 
-			"				}\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		return;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"");
-public void test1036() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = new Object();\n" + 
-			"    do {\n" + 
-			"      o = null;\n" + 
-			"    } while (o != null);\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) {\n" + 
-			"      // throw new Exception();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	} while (o != null);\n" + 
-		"	         ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) {\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o can only be null; it was either set to null or checked for null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// encoding validation
-public void test1500() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, int i, boolean b, Object u) {\n" +
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"    switch (i) {\n" + 
-			"      case 0:\n" +
-			"        if (b) {\n" +
-			"          o = u;\n" +
-			"        } else {\n" +
-			"          o = new Object();\n" +
-			"        }\n" +
-			"        break;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" +
-			"    if (o == null) { /* empty */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// encoding validation
-public void test1501() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, int i, boolean b, Object u) {\n" +
-			"    if (b) {\n" +
-			"      o = new Object();\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"    switch (i) {\n" + 
-			"      case 0:\n" +
-			"        if (b) {\n" +
-			"          o = u;\n" +
-			"        } else {\n" +
-			"          o = new Object();\n" +
-			"        }\n" +
-			"        break;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" +
-			"    if (o == null) { /* empty */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// encoding validation
-public void test1502() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, int i, boolean b, Object u) {\n" +
-			"    if (b) {\n" +
-			"      o = u;\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"    switch (i) {\n" + 
-			"      case 0:\n" +
-			"        if (b) {\n" +
-			"          o = u;\n" +
-			"        } else {\n" +
-			"          o = new Object();\n" +
-			"        }\n" +
-			"        break;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" +
-			"    if (o == null) { /* empty */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// encoding validation
-public void test1503() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o, int i, boolean b, Object u) {\n" +
-			"    if (b) {\n" +
-			"      o = u;\n" +
-			"    } else {\n" +
-			"      o = new Object();\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"    switch (i) {\n" + 
-			"      case 0:\n" +
-			"        if (b) {\n" +
-			"          o = u;\n" +
-			"        } else {\n" +
-			"          o = new Object();\n" +
-			"        }\n" +
-			"        break;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" +
-			"    if (o == null) { /* empty */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// flow info low-level validation
-public void test2000_flow_info() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o0 = new Object(), o1 = o0, o2 = o0, o3 = o0, o4 = o0,\n" + 
-			"      o5 = o0, o6 = o0, o7 = o0, o8 = o0, o9 = o0,\n" + 
-			"      o10 = o0, o11 = o0, o12 = o0, o13 = o0, o14 = o0,\n" + 
-			"      o15 = o0, o16 = o0, o17 = o0, o18 = o0, o19 = o0,\n" + 
-			"      o20 = o0, o21 = o0, o22 = o0, o23 = o0, o24 = o0,\n" + 
-			"      o25 = o0, o26 = o0, o27 = o0, o28 = o0, o29 = o0,\n" + 
-			"      o30 = o0, o31 = o0, o32 = o0, o33 = o0, o34 = o0,\n" + 
-			"      o35 = o0, o36 = o0, o37 = o0, o38 = o0, o39 = o0,\n" + 
-			"      o40 = o0, o41 = o0, o42 = o0, o43 = o0, o44 = o0,\n" + 
-			"      o45 = o0, o46 = o0, o47 = o0, o48 = o0, o49 = o0,\n" + 
-			"      o50 = o0, o51 = o0, o52 = o0, o53 = o0, o54 = o0,\n" + 
-			"      o55 = o0, o56 = o0, o57 = o0, o58 = o0, o59 = o0,\n" + 
-			"      o60 = o0, o61 = o0, o62 = o0, o63 = o0, o64 = o0,\n" + 
-			"      o65 = o0, o66 = o0, o67 = o0, o68 = o0, o69 = o0;\n" + 
-			"    if (o65 == null) { /* */ }\n" + // complain 
-			"    if (o65 != null) { /* */ }\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-		"	if (o65 == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^^^\n" + 
-		"The variable o65 cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test2001_flow_info() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"  void foo(\n" + 
-			"    Object o0, Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4,\n" + 
-			"      Object o5, Object o6, Object o7, Object o8, Object o9,\n" + 
-			"      Object o10, Object o11, Object o12, Object o13, Object o14,\n" + 
-			"      Object o15, Object o16, Object o17, Object o18, Object o19,\n" + 
-			"      Object o20, Object o21, Object o22, Object o23, Object o24,\n" + 
-			"      Object o25, Object o26, Object o27, Object o28, Object o29,\n" + 
-			"      Object o30, Object o31, Object o32, Object o33, Object o34,\n" + 
-			"      Object o35, Object o36, Object o37, Object o38, Object o39,\n" + 
-			"      Object o40, Object o41, Object o42, Object o43, Object o44,\n" + 
-			"      Object o45, Object o46, Object o47, Object o48, Object o49,\n" + 
-			"      Object o50, Object o51, Object o52, Object o53, Object o54,\n" + 
-			"      Object o55, Object o56, Object o57, Object o58, Object o59,\n" + 
-			"      Object o60, Object o61, Object o62, Object o63, Object o64,\n" + 
-			"      Object o65, Object o66, Object o67, Object o68, Object o69) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o65 == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"    if (o65 != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-public void test2002_flow_info() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object m0, m1, m2, m3, m4,\n" + 
-			"    m5, m6, m7, m8, m9,\n" + 
-			"    m10, m11, m12, m13, m14,\n" + 
-			"    m15, m16, m17, m18, m19,\n" + 
-			"    m20, m21, m22, m23, m24,\n" + 
-			"    m25, m26, m27, m28, m29,\n" + 
-			"    m30, m31, m32, m33, m34,\n" + 
-			"    m35, m36, m37, m38, m39,\n" + 
-			"    m40, m41, m42, m43, m44,\n" + 
-			"    m45, m46, m47, m48, m49,\n" + 
-			"    m50, m51, m52, m53, m54,\n" + 
-			"    m55, m56, m57, m58, m59,\n" + 
-			"    m60, m61, m62, m63;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-public void test2003_flow_info() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object m0, m1, m2, m3, m4,\n" + 
-			"    m5, m6, m7, m8, m9,\n" + 
-			"    m10, m11, m12, m13, m14,\n" + 
-			"    m15, m16, m17, m18, m19,\n" + 
-			"    m20, m21, m22, m23, m24,\n" + 
-			"    m25, m26, m27, m28, m29,\n" + 
-			"    m30, m31, m32, m33, m34,\n" + 
-			"    m35, m36, m37, m38, m39,\n" + 
-			"    m40, m41, m42, m43, m44,\n" + 
-			"    m45, m46, m47, m48, m49,\n" + 
-			"    m50, m51, m52, m53, m54,\n" + 
-			"    m55, m56, m57, m58, m59,\n" + 
-			"    m60, m61, m62, m63;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-public void test2004_flow_info() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object m0, m1, m2, m3, m4,\n" + 
-			"    m5, m6, m7, m8, m9,\n" + 
-			"    m10, m11, m12, m13, m14,\n" + 
-			"    m15, m16, m17, m18, m19,\n" + 
-			"    m20, m21, m22, m23, m24,\n" + 
-			"    m25, m26, m27, m28, m29,\n" + 
-			"    m30, m31, m32, m33, m34,\n" + 
-			"    m35, m36, m37, m38, m39,\n" + 
-			"    m40, m41, m42, m43, m44,\n" + 
-			"    m45, m46, m47, m48, m49,\n" + 
-			"    m50, m51, m52, m53, m54,\n" + 
-			"    m55, m56, m57, m58, m59,\n" + 
-			"    m60, m61, m62, m63;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o;\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The local variable o may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test2005_flow_info() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object m0, m1, m2, m3, m4,\n" + 
-			"    m5, m6, m7, m8, m9,\n" + 
-			"    m10, m11, m12, m13, m14,\n" + 
-			"    m15, m16, m17, m18, m19,\n" + 
-			"    m20, m21, m22, m23, m24,\n" + 
-			"    m25, m26, m27, m28, m29,\n" + 
-			"    m30, m31, m32, m33, m34,\n" + 
-			"    m35, m36, m37, m38, m39,\n" + 
-			"    m40, m41, m42, m43, m44,\n" + 
-			"    m45, m46, m47, m48, m49,\n" + 
-			"    m50, m51, m52, m53, m54,\n" + 
-			"    m55, m56, m57, m58, m59,\n" + 
-			"    m60, m61, m62, m63;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    o = null;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-public void test2006_flow_info() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object m0, m1, m2, m3, m4,\n" + 
-			"    m5, m6, m7, m8, m9,\n" + 
-			"    m10, m11, m12, m13, m14,\n" + 
-			"    m15, m16, m17, m18, m19,\n" + 
-			"    m20, m21, m22, m23, m24,\n" + 
-			"    m25, m26, m27, m28, m29,\n" + 
-			"    m30, m31, m32, m33, m34,\n" + 
-			"    m35, m36, m37, m38, m39,\n" + 
-			"    m40, m41, m42, m43, m44,\n" + 
-			"    m45, m46, m47, m48, m49,\n" + 
-			"    m50, m51, m52, m53, m54,\n" + 
-			"    m55, m56, m57, m58, m59,\n" + 
-			"    m60, m61, m62, m63;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-public void test2007_flow_info() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object m0, m1, m2, m3, m4,\n" + 
-			"    m5, m6, m7, m8, m9,\n" + 
-			"    m10, m11, m12, m13, m14,\n" + 
-			"    m15, m16, m17, m18, m19,\n" + 
-			"    m20, m21, m22, m23, m24,\n" + 
-			"    m25, m26, m27, m28, m29,\n" + 
-			"    m30, m31, m32, m33, m34,\n" + 
-			"    m35, m36, m37, m38, m39,\n" + 
-			"    m40, m41, m42, m43, m44,\n" + 
-			"    m45, m46, m47, m48, m49,\n" + 
-			"    m50, m51, m52, m53, m54,\n" + 
-			"    m55, m56, m57, m58, m59,\n" + 
-			"    m60, m61, m62, m63;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o[] = null;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- flow info
-public void test2008_flow_info() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object m0, m1, m2, m3, m4,\n" + 
-			"    m5, m6, m7, m8, m9,\n" + 
-			"    m10, m11, m12, m13, m14,\n" + 
-			"    m15, m16, m17, m18, m19,\n" + 
-			"    m20, m21, m22, m23, m24,\n" + 
-			"    m25, m26, m27, m28, m29,\n" + 
-			"    m30, m31, m32, m33, m34,\n" + 
-			"    m35, m36, m37, m38, m39,\n" + 
-			"    m40, m41, m42, m43, m44,\n" + 
-			"    m45, m46, m47, m48, m49,\n" + 
-			"    m50, m51, m52, m53, m54,\n" + 
-			"    m55, m56, m57, m58, m59,\n" + 
-			"    m60, m61, m62, m63;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (o == null) {\n" + 
-			     // quiet: first iteration is sure to find o null, 
-			     // but other iterations may change it 
-			"      try { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"      finally {\n" + 
-			"        if (b) {\n" +
-			"          o = new Object();\n" +
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-// null analysis -- flow info
-public void test2009_flow_info() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object m0, m1, m2, m3, m4,\n" + 
-			"    m5, m6, m7, m8, m9,\n" + 
-			"    m10, m11, m12, m13, m14,\n" + 
-			"    m15, m16, m17, m18, m19,\n" + 
-			"    m20, m21, m22, m23, m24,\n" + 
-			"    m25, m26, m27, m28, m29,\n" + 
-			"    m30, m31, m32, m33, m34,\n" + 
-			"    m35, m36, m37, m38, m39,\n" + 
-			"    m40, m41, m42, m43, m44,\n" + 
-			"    m45, m46, m47, m48, m49,\n" + 
-			"    m50, m51, m52, m53, m54,\n" + 
-			"    m55, m56, m57, m58, m59,\n" + 
-			"    m60, m61, m62, m63;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"    try { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"    finally {\n" + 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 20)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- flow info
-public void test2010_flow_info() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object m00, m01, m02, m03, m04,\n" + 
-			"    m05, m06, m07, m08, m09,\n" + 
-			"    m10, m11, m12, m13, m14,\n" + 
-			"    m15, m16, m17, m18, m19,\n" + 
-			"    m20, m21, m22, m23, m24,\n" + 
-			"    m25, m26, m27, m28, m29,\n" + 
-			"    m30, m31, m32, m33, m34,\n" + 
-			"    m35, m36, m37, m38, m39,\n" + 
-			"    m40, m41, m42, m43, m44,\n" + 
-			"    m45, m46, m47, m48, m49,\n" + 
-			"    m50, m51, m52, m53, m54,\n" + 
-			"    m55, m56, m57, m58, m59,\n" + 
-			"    m60, m61, m62, m63;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o;\n" + 
-			"    try { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"    finally {\n" + 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 21)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- flow info
-public void test2011_flow_info() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object m000, m001, m002, m003, m004, m005, m006, m007, m008, m009,\n" + 
-			"    m010, m011, m012, m013, m014, m015, m016, m017, m018, m019,\n" + 
-			"    m020, m021, m022, m023, m024, m025, m026, m027, m028, m029,\n" + 
-			"    m030, m031, m032, m033, m034, m035, m036, m037, m038, m039,\n" + 
-			"    m040, m041, m042, m043, m044, m045, m046, m047, m048, m049,\n" + 
-			"    m050, m051, m052, m053, m054, m055, m056, m057, m058, m059,\n" + 
-			"    m060, m061, m062, m063;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o000, o001, o002, o003, o004, o005, o006, o007, o008, o009,\n" + 
-			"      o010, o011, o012, o013, o014, o015, o016, o017, o018, o019,\n" + 
-			"      o020, o021, o022, o023, o024, o025, o026, o027, o028, o029,\n" + 
-			"      o030, o031, o032, o033, o034, o035, o036, o037, o038, o039,\n" + 
-			"      o040, o041, o042, o043, o044, o045, o046, o047, o048, o049,\n" + 
-			"      o050, o051, o052, o053, o054, o055, o056, o057, o058, o059,\n" + 
-			"      o060, o061, o062, o063;\n" + 
-			"    Object o;\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" +
-			"      o000 = new Object();\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    finally {\n" + 
-			"      o = new Object();\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 24)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- flow info
-public void test2012_flow_info() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  Object m000, m001, m002, m003, m004, m005, m006, m007, m008, m009,\n" + 
-			"    m010, m011, m012, m013, m014, m015, m016, m017, m018, m019,\n" + 
-			"    m020, m021, m022, m023, m024, m025, m026, m027, m028, m029,\n" + 
-			"    m030, m031, m032, m033, m034, m035, m036, m037, m038, m039,\n" + 
-			"    m040, m041, m042, m043, m044, m045, m046, m047, m048, m049,\n" + 
-			"    m050, m051, m052, m053, m054, m055, m056, m057, m058, m059,\n" + 
-			"    m060, m061, m062, m063;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o000, o001, o002, o003, o004, o005, o006, o007, o008, o009,\n" + 
-			"      o010, o011, o012, o013, o014, o015, o016, o017, o018, o019,\n" + 
-			"      o020, o021, o022, o023, o024, o025, o026, o027, o028, o029,\n" + 
-			"      o030, o031, o032, o033, o034, o035, o036, o037, o038, o039,\n" + 
-			"      o040, o041, o042, o043, o044, o045, o046, o047, o048, o049,\n" + 
-			"      o050, o051, o052, o053, o054, o055, o056, o057, o058, o059,\n" + 
-			"      o060, o061, o062, o063;\n" + 
-			"    Object o;\n" + 
-			"    try {\n" +
-			"      o = new Object();\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    finally {\n" + 
-			"      o000 = new Object();\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 24)\n" + 
-		"	if (o == null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"The variable o cannot be null; it was either set to a non-null value or assumed to be non-null when last used\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- flow info
-public void test2013_flow_info() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  Object m000, m001, m002, m003, m004, m005, m006, m007, m008, m009,\n" + 
-			"    m010, m011, m012, m013, m014, m015, m016, m017, m018, m019,\n" + 
-			"    m020, m021, m022, m023, m024, m025, m026, m027, m028, m029,\n" + 
-			"    m030, m031, m032, m033, m034, m035, m036, m037, m038, m039,\n" + 
-			"    m040, m041, m042, m043, m044, m045, m046, m047, m048, m049,\n" + 
-			"    m050, m051, m052, m053, m054, m055, m056, m057, m058, m059,\n" + 
-			"    m060, m061, m062, m063;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object u) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"      o = u;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- flow info
-public void test2014_flow_info() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  int m000, m001, m002, m003, m004, m005, m006, m007, m008, m009,\n" + 
-			"    m010, m011, m012, m013, m014, m015, m016, m017, m018, m019,\n" + 
-			"    m020, m021, m022, m023, m024, m025, m026, m027, m028, m029,\n" + 
-			"    m030, m031, m032, m033, m034, m035, m036, m037, m038, m039,\n" + 
-			"    m040, m041, m042, m043, m044, m045, m046, m047, m048, m049,\n" + 
-			"    m050, m051, m052, m053, m054, m055, m056, m057, m058, m059,\n" + 
-			"    m060, m061, m062, m063;\n" +
-			"  final int m064;\n" + 
-			"  X() {\n" + 
-			"    m064 = 10;\n" +
-			"    class Inner extends X {\n" + 
-			"      int m100, m101, m102, m103, m104, m105, m106, m107, m108, m109,\n" + 
-			"        m110, m111, m112, m113, m114, m115, m116, m117, m118, m119,\n" + 
-			"        m120, m121, m122, m123, m124, m125, m126, m127, m128, m129,\n" + 
-			"        m130, m131, m132, m133, m134, m135, m136, m137, m138, m139,\n" + 
-			"        m140, m141, m142, m143, m144, m145, m146, m147, m148, m149,\n" + 
-			"        m150, m151, m152, m153, m154, m155, m156, m157, m158, m159,\n" + 
-			"        m160, m161, m162, m163;\n" +
-			"      final int m164;\n" + 
-			"      int bar() {\n" + 
-			"        return m100 + m101 + m102 + m103 + m104 +\n" + 
-			"               m105 + m106 + m107 + m108 + m109 +\n" + 
-			"               m110 + m111 + m112 + m113 + m114 +\n" + 
-			"               m115 + m116 + m117 + m118 + m119 +\n" + 
-			"               m120 + m121 + m122 + m123 + m124 +\n" + 
-			"               m125 + m126 + m127 + m128 + m129 +\n" + 
-			"               m130 + m131 + m132 + m133 + m134 +\n" + 
-			"               m135 + m136 + m137 + m138 + m139 +\n" + 
-			"               m140 + m141 + m142 + m143 + m144 +\n" + 
-			"               m145 + m146 + m147 + m148 + m149 +\n" + 
-			"               m150 + m151 + m152 + m153 + m154 +\n" + 
-			"               m155 + m156 + m157 + m158 + m159 +\n" + 
-			"               m160 + m161 + m162 + m163 + m164;\n" +
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    };\n" + 
-			"    System.out.println((new Inner()).bar());\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-		"	class Inner extends X {\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The blank final field m164 may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- flow info
-public void test2015_flow_info() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  int m000, m001, m002, m003, m004, m005, m006, m007, m008, m009,\n" + 
-			"    m010, m011, m012, m013, m014, m015, m016, m017, m018, m019,\n" + 
-			"    m020, m021, m022, m023, m024, m025, m026, m027, m028, m029,\n" + 
-			"    m030, m031, m032, m033, m034, m035, m036, m037, m038, m039,\n" + 
-			"    m040, m041, m042, m043, m044, m045, m046, m047, m048, m049,\n" + 
-			"    m050, m051, m052, m053, m054, m055, m056, m057, m058, m059,\n" + 
-			"    m060, m061, m062, m063;\n" +
-			"  final int m200;\n" + 
-			"  int m201, m202, m203, m204, m205, m206, m207, m208, m209,\n" + 
-			"    m210, m211, m212, m213, m214, m215, m216, m217, m218, m219,\n" + 
-			"    m220, m221, m222, m223, m224, m225, m226, m227, m228, m229,\n" + 
-			"    m230, m231, m232, m233, m234, m235, m236, m237, m238, m239,\n" + 
-			"    m240, m241, m242, m243, m244, m245, m246, m247, m248, m249,\n" + 
-			"    m250, m251, m252, m253, m254, m255, m256, m257, m258, m259,\n" + 
-			"    m260, m261, m262, m263;\n" +
-			"  int m301, m302, m303, m304, m305, m306, m307, m308, m309,\n" + 
-			"    m310, m311, m312, m313, m314, m315, m316, m317, m318, m319,\n" + 
-			"    m320, m321, m322, m323, m324, m325, m326, m327, m328, m329,\n" + 
-			"    m330, m331, m332, m333, m334, m335, m336, m337, m338, m339,\n" + 
-			"    m340, m341, m342, m343, m344, m345, m346, m347, m348, m349,\n" + 
-			"    m350, m351, m352, m353, m354, m355, m356, m357, m358, m359,\n" + 
-			"    m360, m361, m362, m363;\n" +
-			"  X() {\n" + 
-			"    m200 = 10;\n" +
-			"    class Inner extends X {\n" + 
-			"      int m100, m101, m102, m103, m104, m105, m106, m107, m108, m109,\n" + 
-			"        m110, m111, m112, m113, m114, m115, m116, m117, m118, m119,\n" + 
-			"        m120, m121, m122, m123, m124, m125, m126, m127, m128, m129,\n" + 
-			"        m130, m131, m132, m133, m134, m135, m136, m137, m138, m139,\n" + 
-			"        m140, m141, m142, m143, m144, m145, m146, m147, m148, m149,\n" + 
-			"        m150, m151, m152, m153, m154, m155, m156, m157, m158, m159,\n" + 
-			"        m160, m161, m162, m163;\n" +
-			"      final int m164;\n" + 
-			"      int bar() {\n" + 
-			"        return m100 + m101 + m102 + m103 + m104 +\n" + 
-			"               m105 + m106 + m107 + m108 + m109 +\n" + 
-			"               m110 + m111 + m112 + m113 + m114 +\n" + 
-			"               m115 + m116 + m117 + m118 + m119 +\n" + 
-			"               m120 + m121 + m122 + m123 + m124 +\n" + 
-			"               m125 + m126 + m127 + m128 + m129 +\n" + 
-			"               m130 + m131 + m132 + m133 + m134 +\n" + 
-			"               m135 + m136 + m137 + m138 + m139 +\n" + 
-			"               m140 + m141 + m142 + m143 + m144 +\n" + 
-			"               m145 + m146 + m147 + m148 + m149 +\n" + 
-			"               m150 + m151 + m152 + m153 + m154 +\n" + 
-			"               m155 + m156 + m157 + m158 + m159 +\n" + 
-			"               m160 + m161 + m162 + m163 + m164;\n" +
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    };\n" + 
-			"    System.out.println((new Inner()).bar());\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 26)\n" + 
-		"	class Inner extends X {\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The blank final field m164 may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// null analysis -- flow info
-public void test2016_flow_info() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  int m000, m001, m002, m003, m004, m005, m006, m007, m008, m009,\n" + 
-			"    m010, m011, m012, m013, m014, m015, m016, m017, m018, m019,\n" + 
-			"    m020, m021, m022, m023, m024, m025, m026, m027, m028, m029,\n" + 
-			"    m030, m031, m032, m033, m034, m035, m036, m037, m038, m039,\n" + 
-			"    m040, m041, m042, m043, m044, m045, m046, m047, m048, m049,\n" + 
-			"    m050, m051, m052, m053, m054, m055, m056, m057, m058, m059,\n" + 
-			"    m060, m061;\n" +
-			"  final int m062;\n" + 
-			"  {\n" +
-			"    int l063, m201 = 0, m202, m203, m204, m205, m206, m207, m208, m209,\n" + 
-			"      m210, m211, m212, m213, m214, m215, m216, m217, m218, m219,\n" + 
-			"      m220, m221, m222, m223, m224, m225, m226, m227, m228, m229,\n" + 
-			"      m230, m231, m232, m233, m234, m235, m236, m237, m238, m239,\n" + 
-			"      m240, m241, m242, m243, m244, m245, m246, m247, m248, m249,\n" + 
-			"      m250, m251, m252, m253, m254, m255, m256, m257, m258, m259,\n" + 
-			"      m260, m261, m262, m263;\n" +
-			"    int m301, m302, m303, m304, m305, m306, m307, m308, m309,\n" + 
-			"      m310, m311, m312, m313, m314, m315, m316, m317, m318, m319,\n" + 
-			"      m320, m321, m322, m323, m324, m325, m326, m327, m328, m329,\n" + 
-			"      m330, m331, m332, m333, m334, m335, m336, m337, m338, m339,\n" + 
-			"      m340, m341, m342, m343, m344, m345, m346, m347, m348, m349,\n" + 
-			"      m350, m351, m352, m353, m354, m355, m356, m357, m358, m359,\n" + 
-			"      m360 = 0, m361 = 0, m362 = 0, m363 = 0;\n" +
-			"    m062 = m360;\n" +
-			"  }\n" +
-			"  X() {\n" + 
-			"    int l0, l1;\n" +
-			"    m000 = l1;\n" +
-			"    class Inner extends X {\n" + 
-			"      int bar() {\n" + 
-			"        return 0;\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    };\n" + 
-			"    System.out.println((new Inner()).bar());\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 29)\n" + 
-		"	m000 = l1;\n" + 
-		"	       ^^\n" + 
-		"The local variable l1 may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test2017_flow_info() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  Object m000, m001, m002, m003, m004, m005, m006, m007, m008, m009,\n" + 
-			"    m010, m011, m012, m013, m014, m015, m016, m017, m018, m019,\n" + 
-			"    m020, m021, m022, m023, m024, m025, m026, m027, m028, m029,\n" + 
-			"    m030, m031, m032, m033, m034, m035, m036, m037, m038, m039,\n" + 
-			"    m040, m041, m042, m043, m044, m045, m046, m047, m048, m049,\n" + 
-			"    m050, m051, m052, m053, m054, m055, m056, m057, m058, m059,\n" + 
-			"    m060, m061, m062, m063;\n" + 
-			"  void foo(Object u) {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = null;\n" + 
-			"    while (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"      if (dummy) {\n" + // uncorrelated
-			"        o = u;\n" +
-			"        continue;\n" +
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    if (o != null) { /* */ }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"");
-public void test2018_flow_info() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  Object m000, m001, m002, m003, m004, m005, m006, m007, m008, m009,\n" + 
-			"    m010, m011, m012, m013, m014, m015, m016, m017, m018, m019,\n" + 
-			"    m020, m021, m022, m023, m024, m025, m026, m027, m028, m029,\n" + 
-			"    m030, m031, m032, m033, m034, m035, m036, m037, m038, m039,\n" + 
-			"    m040, m041, m042, m043, m044, m045, m046, m047, m048, m049,\n" + 
-			"    m050, m051, m052, m053, m054, m055, m056, m057, m058, m059,\n" + 
-			"    m060, m061, m062, m063;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" +
-			"    Object o;\n" + 
-			"    while (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"      if (dummy) {\n" + // uncorrelated
-			"        o = null;\n" +
-			"        continue;\n" +
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" +
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The local variable o may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test2019_flow_info() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  Object m000, m001, m002, m003, m004, m005, m006, m007, m008, m009,\n" + 
-			"    m010, m011, m012, m013, m014, m015, m016, m017, m018, m019,\n" + 
-			"    m020, m021, m022, m023, m024, m025, m026, m027, m028, m029,\n" + 
-			"    m030, m031, m032, m033, m034, m035, m036, m037, m038, m039,\n" + 
-			"    m040, m041, m042, m043, m044, m045, m046, m047, m048, m049,\n" + 
-			"    m050, m051, m052, m053, m054, m055, m056, m057, m058, m059,\n" + 
-			"    m060, m061, m062, m063;\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" +
-			"    Object o;\n" + 
-			"    while (dummy) {\n" + 
-			"      if (dummy) {\n" + // uncorrelated
-			"        continue;\n" +
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      o = null;\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"    o.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The local variable o may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" + 
-		"	o.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"The variable o may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test2020_flow_info() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  boolean dummy;\n" + 
-			"  Object m000, m001, m002, m003, m004, m005, m006, m007, m008, m009,\n" + 
-			"    m010, m011, m012, m013, m014, m015, m016, m017, m018, m019,\n" + 
-			"    m020, m021, m022, m023, m024, m025, m026, m027, m028, m029,\n" + 
-			"    m030, m031, m032, m033, m034, m035, m036, m037, m038, m039,\n" + 
-			"    m040, m041, m042, m043, m044, m045, m046, m047, m048, m049,\n" + 
-			"    m050, m051, m052, m053, m054, m055, m056, m057, m058, m059,\n" + 
-			"    m060, m061, m062, m063;\n" + 
-			"  int m200, m201, m202, m203, m204, m205, m206, m207, m208, m209,\n" + 
-			"    m210, m211, m212, m213, m214, m215, m216, m217, m218, m219,\n" + 
-			"    m220, m221, m222, m223, m224, m225, m226, m227, m228, m229,\n" + 
-			"    m230, m231, m232, m233, m234, m235, m236, m237, m238, m239,\n" + 
-			"    m240, m241, m242, m243, m244, m245, m246, m247, m248, m249,\n" + 
-			"    m250, m251, m252, m253, m254, m255, m256, m257, m258, m259,\n" + 
-			"    m260, m261;\n" +
-			"  void foo() {\n" +
-			"    Object o0, o1;\n" + 
-			"    while (dummy) {\n" +
-			"      o0 = new Object();\n" + 
-			"      if (dummy) {\n" + // uncorrelated
-			"        o1 = null;\n" +
-			"        continue;\n" +
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" +
-			"    o1.toString();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 26)\n" + 
-		"	o1.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^^\n" + 
-		"The local variable o1 may not have been initialized\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 26)\n" + 
-		"	o1.toString();\n" + 
-		"	^^\n" + 
-		"The variable o1 may be null\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 888e582..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-public class NumericTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-public NumericTest(String name) {
-	super(name);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-public void test001() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class B {\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"    int offset = -8;\n" + 
-		"    int temp = 0 - offset;\n" + 
-		"    offset = 0 - offset;  // This is the problem line\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println(\"offset: \" + offset);\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println(\"temp: \" + temp);\n" + 
-		"    if (offset != temp ) {\n" + 
-		"      System.err.println(\"offset (\" + offset + \") should be equal to temp (\" + temp + \").\");\n" + 
-		"      System.exit(-1);\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	});
-public void test002() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class Y {\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"    int clockend = 0;\n" + 
-		"    clockend += 128;\n" + 
-		"    if(clockend < 0) {\n" + 
-		"      System.out.println(clockend);\n" + 
-		"      System.exit(-1);\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	});
-public void test003() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int i1 = -2147483648;\n" + 
-		"  int i2 = -(2147483648);\n" + 
-		"}",
-	},
-	"----------\n" + 
-	"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-	"	int i2 = -(2147483648);\n" + 
-	"	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-	"The literal 2147483648 of type int is out of range \n" + 
-	"----------\n");
-public void test004() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  long l1 = -9223372036854775808L;\n" + 
-		"  long l2 = -(9223372036854775808L);\n" + 
-		"}",
-	},
-	"----------\n" + 
-	"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-	"	long l2 = -(9223372036854775808L);\n" + 
-	"	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-	"The literal 9223372036854775808L of type long is out of range \n" + 
-	"----------\n");
-public static Class testClass() {
-	return NumericTest.class;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
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index 2e71f10..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.oaametadata.ClassData;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.oaametadata.IOAAMetaDataConstants;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.oaametadata.LibraryAPIs;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.oaametadata.MetadataReader;
-public class OaaMetadataTests extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-	static final String LIB1=
-	"<api xmlns=\"\" version=\"...\" apiType=\"JavaScript\">"
-	+"   <class name=\"libraryname.ClassName\" superclass=\"Object\">"
-	+"      <constructors>"
-	+"          <constructor scope=\"instance\">"
-	+"              <description>Constructor description</description>"
-	+"              <parameters>"
-	+"                  <parameter name=\"message\" required=\"true\" datatype=\"String\">"
-	+"                      <description>Parameter description</description>"
-	+"                  </parameter>"
-	+"              </parameters>"
-	+"              <returns datatype=\"Object\">"
-	+"                <description>...</description>" 
-	+"              </returns>"
-	+"          </constructor>"
-	+"       </constructors>"
-	+"      <fields>" 
-	+"          <field name=\"propertyInstance\" readonly=\"false\" scope=\"instance\" datatype=\"String\">"
-	+"              <description>Property description</description>"
-	+"          </field>"
-	+"          <field name=\"propertyStatic\" readonly=\"false\" scope=\"static\" datatype=\"String\">"
-	+"              <description>Property description</description>"
-	+"          </field>"
-	+"      </fields>"
-	+"      <methods>"
-	+"          <method name=\"functionInstance\" scope=\"instance\">"
-	+"              <description>Method description</description>"
-	+"              <parameters>"
-	+"                  <parameter name=\"param\" required=\"true\" datatype=\"String\">"
-	+"                      <description>Parameter description</description>"
-	+"                  </parameter>"
-	+"              </parameters>"
-	+"              <returns datatype=\"String\">"
-	+"                <description>...</description>"
-	+"              </returns>"
-	+"          </method>"
-	+"          <method name=\"functionStatic\" scope=\"static\">"
-	+"              <description>Method description</description>"
-	+"              <parameters/>"
-	+"              <returns datatype=\"String\">" 
-	+"                <description>...</description>" 
-	+"              </returns>"
-	+"          </method>"
-	+"      </methods>"
-	+"  </class>"
-	+"</api>";
-	public OaaMetadataTests(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	protected void runNegativeTest(String[] testFiles,String[]classLib, String expectedProblemLog) {
-		HashMap options = new HashMap();
-		String[] defaultClassPaths = getDefaultClassPaths();
-		String [] classLibs=new String[classLib.length+defaultClassPaths.length];
-		System.arraycopy(classLib, 0, classLibs, 0, classLib.length);
-		System.arraycopy(defaultClassPaths, 0, classLibs, classLib.length, defaultClassPaths.length);
-		runNegativeTest(
-				testFiles, 
-			expectedProblemLog, 
-			classLibs  , 
-			false /* flush output directory */, 
-			options /* no custom options */,
-			false /* do not generate output */,
-			false /* do not show category */, 
-			false /* do not show warning token */, 
-			false  /* do not skip javac for this peculiar test */,
-			false  /* do not perform statements recovery */,
-			null);
-	}
-	public void test001()
-	{
-		LibraryAPIs apis=MetadataReader.readAPIsFromString(LIB1,"");
-		assertTrue(apis.classes!=null && apis.classes.length==1);
-	}
-	public void test003()	{	// local var 
-		String libDir=Util.copyToOutput("libDir/"+IOAAMetaDataConstants.METADATA_FILE, LIB1);
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"X.js",
-						"var i=new libraryname.ClassName(1);\n" +
-						"var d=i.propertyInstance;\n" +
-						"var e=i.functionInstance(1);\n" +
-						"\n"
-				},
-				new String[]{libDir},
-				""
-		);
-	}
-	public void testInclude1()	{	 
-		String base="<api xmlns=\"\" version=\"...\" apiType=\"JavaScript\">"
-		+"   <class name=\"cls1\" superclass=\"Object\">"
-		+"      <include src=\"incl2.xml\"/>"
-		+"  </class>"
-		+"  <include src=\"..\\incl1.xml\"/>"
-		+"</api>";
-		String incl1="<fragment xmlns=\"\">"
-			+"   <class name=\"cls2\" superclass=\"Object\">"
-			+"  </class>"
-			+"</fragment>";
-		String incl2="<fragment xmlns=\"\">"
-			+"          <method name=\"functionInstance\" scope=\"instance\"/>"
-			+"</fragment>";
-		String filePath=Util.copyToOutput("libDir/"+IOAAMetaDataConstants.METADATA_FILE, base);
-		Util.copyToOutput("incl1.xml", incl1);
-		Util.copyToOutput("libDir/incl2.xml", incl2);
-		LibraryAPIs apis=MetadataReader.readAPIsFromFile(filePath);
-		assertTrue(apis.classes!=null && apis.classes.length==2);
-		ClassData classData = apis.classes[0];
-		assertTrue(classData.methods!=null && classData.methods.length==1);
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 134221d..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-public class ProblemConstructorTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-public ProblemConstructorTest(String name) {
-	super(name);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-public static Class testClass() {
-	return ProblemConstructorTest.class;
-public void test001() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"prs/",
-			"package prs;	\n" +
-			"import;	\n" +
-			"public class Test1 {	\n" +
-			"String s = 3;	\n" +
-			"Test1() throws IOException {	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in prs\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	String s = 3;	\n" + 
-		"	       ^\n" + 
-		"Type mismatch: cannot convert from int to String\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		null,
-		true,
-		false,
-		false);
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"prs/",
-			"package prs;	\n" +
-			"import;	\n" +
-			"public class Test2 {	\n" +
-			"public void foo() {	\n" +
-			"try {	\n" +
-			"Test1 t = new Test1();	\n" +
-			"System.out.println();	\n" +
-			"} catch(IOException e)	\n" +
-			"{	\n" +
-			"e.printStackTrace();	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"}"
-		},
-		"",
-		null,
-		false);
-// 49843
-public void test002() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public X();\n" + 
-			"    public Y();\n" + 
-			"    \n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public X();\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^\n" + 
-		"This method requires a body instead of a semicolon\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	public Y();\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^\n" + 
-		"Return type for the method is missing\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	public Y();\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^\n" + 
-		"This method requires a body instead of a semicolon\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test003() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class Example {\n" + 
-			"  private Example() {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public Example(int i) {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class E1 {\n" + 
-			"    private E1(int i) {}\n" + 
-			"    private E1(long l) {}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class E2 {\n" + 
-			"    private E2(int i) {}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class E3 {\n" + 
-			"    public E3(int i) {}\n" + 
-			"    Zork z;\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	private Example() {\n" + 
-		"	        ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The constructor Example() is never used locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-		"	Zork z;\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index f94f6b1..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-public class ProblemTypeAndMethodTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-public ProblemTypeAndMethodTest(String name) {
-	super(name);
-// Static initializer to specify tests subset using TESTS_* static variables
-// All specified tests which does not belong to the class are skipped...
-static {
-//		TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "test127" };
-//		TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 5 };
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 169, 180 };
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-public static Class testClass() {  
-	return ProblemTypeAndMethodTest.class;
-public void test001() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"        interface Moosh { void foo(); }\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"        static abstract class A implements Moosh {}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"        static class W extends A {}\n" + 
-			"        static class Y extends A {}\n" + 
-			"        static class Z extends A {}\n" + 
-			"        public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"                new W();  // throws ClassFormatError\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	static class W extends A {}\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"The type X.W must implement the inherited abstract method\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	static class Y extends A {}\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"The type X.Y must implement the inherited abstract method\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	static class Z extends A {}\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"The type X.Z must implement the inherited abstract method\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null /* no extra class libraries */, 
-		true /* flush output directory */, 
-		null /* no custom options */,
-		true /* do not generate output */,
-		false /* do not show category */, 
-		false /* do not show warning token */, 
-		false  /* do not skip javac for this peculiar test */,
-		false  /* do not perform statements recovery */,
-		null);
-//	ClassFileReader reader = this.getClassFileReader(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$W.class", "X$W");
-//	IBinaryMethod[] methods = reader.getMethods();
-//	assertEquals("Wrong size", 2, methods.length);
-//	int counter = 0;
-//	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-//		IBinaryMethod method = methods[i];
-//		if (new String(method.getSelector()).equals("foo")) {
-//			counter++;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertEquals("Wrong number of foo method", 1, counter);
-//	reader = this.getClassFileReader(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Y.class", "X$Y");
-//	methods = reader.getMethods();
-//	assertEquals("Wrong size", 2, methods.length);
-//	counter = 0;
-//	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-//		IBinaryMethod method = methods[i];
-//		if (new String(method.getSelector()).equals("foo")) {
-//			counter++;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertEquals("Wrong number of foo method", 1, counter);
-//	reader = this.getClassFileReader(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X$Z.class", "X$Z");
-//	methods = reader.getMethods();
-//	assertEquals("Wrong size", 2, methods.length);
-//	counter = 0;
-//	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-//		IBinaryMethod method = methods[i];
-//		if (new String(method.getSelector()).equals("foo")) {
-//			counter++;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	assertEquals("Wrong number of foo method", 1, counter);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
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@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.CompilerTestSetup;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.TestVerifier;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.env.INameEnvironment;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.batch.FileSystem;
-import junit.framework.*;
-public class RegressionTestSetup extends CompilerTestSetup {
-	TestVerifier verifier = new TestVerifier(true);
-	INameEnvironment javaClassLib;
-	public RegressionTestSetup(Test test, String complianceLevel) {
-		super(test, complianceLevel);
-	}
-	protected void setUp() {
-		if (this.javaClassLib == null) {
-			// Create name environment
-			this.javaClassLib = new FileSystem(Util.getJavaClassLibs(), new String[0], null);
-		}
-		super.setUp();
-	}
-	protected void tearDown() {
-		this.verifier.shutDown();
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
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--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Hashtable;
-import junit.framework.Assert;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.CategorizedProblem;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ICompilerRequestor;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.IProblemFactory;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.DefaultProblem;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter;
-public class Requestor extends Assert implements ICompilerRequestor {
-	public boolean hasErrors = false;
-	public IProblemFactory problemFactory;
-	public String outputPath;
-	private boolean generateOutput;
-	public Hashtable expectedProblems = new Hashtable();
-	public String problemLog = "";
-	public ICompilerRequestor clientRequestor;
-	public boolean showCategory = false;
-	public boolean showWarningToken = false;
-public Requestor(IProblemFactory problemFactory, String outputPath, boolean generateOutput, ICompilerRequestor clientRequestor, boolean showCategory, boolean showWarningToken) {
-	this.problemFactory = problemFactory;
-	this.outputPath = outputPath;
-	this.generateOutput = generateOutput;
-	this.clientRequestor = clientRequestor;
-	this.showCategory = showCategory;
-	this.showWarningToken = showWarningToken;
-public void acceptResult(CompilationResult compilationResult) {
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(100);
-	hasErrors |= compilationResult.hasErrors();
-	if (compilationResult.hasProblems() || compilationResult.hasTasks()) {
-		CategorizedProblem[] problems = compilationResult.getAllProblems();
-		int count = problems.length;
-		int problemCount = 0;
-		char[] unitSource = compilationResult.compilationUnit.getContents();
-		for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { 
-			DefaultProblem problem = (DefaultProblem) problems[i];
-			if (problem != null) {
-				if (problemCount == 0)
-					buffer.append("----------\n");
-				problemCount++;
-				buffer.append(problemCount + (problem.isError() ? ". ERROR" : ". WARNING"));
-				buffer.append(" in " + new String(problem.getOriginatingFileName()).replace('/', '\\'));
-				try {
-					buffer.append(problem.errorReportSource(unitSource));
-					buffer.append("\n");
-					if (showCategory) {
-						String category = problem.getInternalCategoryMessage();
-						if (category != null) {
-							buffer.append("[@cat:").append(category).append("] ");
-						}
-					}
-					if (showWarningToken) {
-						long irritant = ProblemReporter.getIrritant(problem.getID());
-						if (irritant != 0) {
-							String warningToken = CompilerOptions.warningTokenFromIrritant(irritant);
-							if (warningToken != null) {
-								buffer.append("[@sup:").append(warningToken).append("] ");
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					buffer.append(problem.getMessage());
-					buffer.append("\n");
-				} catch (Exception e) {
-				}
-				buffer.append("----------\n");
-			}
-		}
-		problemLog += buffer.toString();
-	}
-	if (this.clientRequestor != null) {
-		this.clientRequestor.acceptResult(compilationResult);
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.future.compiler.regression.AmbiguousMethodTest;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.future.compiler.regression.Compliance_1_5;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.junit.extension.TestCase;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
- * Run all compiler regression tests
- */
-public class RunComparableTests extends junit.framework.TestCase {
-	public static ArrayList ALL_CLASSES = null;
-	static {
-		ALL_CLASSES = new ArrayList();
-		ALL_CLASSES.add(AmbiguousMethodTest.class);
-//		ALL_CLASSES.add(AutoBoxingTest.class);
-		ALL_CLASSES.add(Compliance_1_5.class);
-//		ALL_CLASSES.add(ForeachStatementTest.class);
-		ALL_CLASSES.add(StaticImportTest.class);
-		ALL_CLASSES.add(VarargsTest.class);
-		ALL_CLASSES.add(MethodVerifyTest.class);
-//		ALL_CLASSES.add(EnclosingMethodAttributeTest.class);
-		// Reset forgotten subsets tests
-		TestCase.TESTS_PREFIX = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NAMES = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NUMBERS= null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_RANGE = null;
-		TestCase.RUN_ONLY_ID = null;
-	}
-	public RunComparableTests(String testName) {
-		super(testName);
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		TestSuite ts = new TestSuite(RunComparableTests.class.getName());
-		for (int i = 0, size=ALL_CLASSES.size(); i < size; i++) {
-			Class testClass = (Class) ALL_CLASSES.get(i);
-			try {
-				Method suiteMethod = testClass.getDeclaredMethod("suite", new Class[0]); //$NON-NLS-1$
-				Test suite = (Test)suiteMethod.invoke(null, new Object[0]);
-				ts.addTest(suite);
-			} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
-				e.printStackTrace();
-			} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
-				e.getTargetException().printStackTrace();
-			} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
-				e.printStackTrace();
-			}
-		}
-		return ts;
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index f8d7019..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,540 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
- * Here we focus on various aspects of the runtime behavior of the generated 
- * code.
- */
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-public class RuntimeTests extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-public RuntimeTests(String name) {
-	super(name);
-// Static initializer to specify tests subset using TESTS_* static variables
-// All specified tests which does not belong to the class are skipped...
-// Only the highest compliance level is run; add the VM argument
-// -Dcompliance=1.4 (for example) to lower it if needed
-static {
-//		TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "test0001" };
-//	 	TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 1 };   
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 1, -1 }; 
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-public static Class testClass() {
-	return RuntimeTests.class;
-// memory exhaustion - try to allocate too big an instance
-public void test0001_memory_exhaustion() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"    try {" +
-			"      Y y = new Y(Integer.MAX_VALUE);\n" + 
-			"    }" +
-			"    catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {\n" + 
-			"      System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-			"      return;\n" +
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(\"FAILURE\");\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" +
-			"class Y {\n" + 
-			"  long storage[];\n" + 
-			"  Y(int itemsNb) {\n" + 
-			"    storage = new long[itemsNb];\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-	);
-// synchronization - concurrent access to a resource with explicit and
-// implicit locks
-public void test0500_synchronization() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"static public void main (String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"  new Lock().implicitLock();\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class Lock extends Thread {\n" + 
-			"  byte step = 0;\n" + 
-			"  void logStep(String start) {\n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(start + \" \" + this.step); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public void run() {\n" + 
-			"    for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) {\n" + 
-			"      logStep(\"explicit lock\"); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-			"      synchronized (this) {\n" + 
-			"        this.step++;\n" + 
-			"        notify();\n" + 
-			"        while(this.step < 2 * i) {\n" + 
-			"          try {\n" + 
-			"            wait();\n" + 
-			"          } catch (InterruptedException e) {\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(\"EXCEPTION\"); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-			"          }\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  synchronized void implicitLock() {\n" + 
-			"      this.start();\n" + 
-			"      for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {\n" + 
-			"        while (this.step < 1 + i * 2) {\n" + 
-			"          try {\n" + 
-			"            wait();\n" + 
-			"          } catch (InterruptedException e) {\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(\"EXCEPTION\"); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-			"          }\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"        logStep(\"implicit lock\"); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-			"        this.step++;\n" + 
-			"        notify();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      return;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-		"explicit lock 0\n" + 
-		"implicit lock 1\n" + 
-		"explicit lock 2\n" + 
-		"implicit lock 3"
-	);
-// reflection - access to a public method of a package visible
-// class through a public extending class
-public void _test0600_reflection() {
-	if (COMPLIANCE_1_3.equals(this.complianceLevel) ||
-			COMPLIANCE_1_4.equals(this.complianceLevel)) {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.lang.reflect.*;\n" + 
-				"import p.*;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"static public void main (String args[]) {\n" + 
-				"  Y y = new Y();\n" +
-				"  try {\n" +
-				"    Method foo = Y.class.getMethod(\"foo\", null);\n" +
-				"    foo.invoke(y, null);\n" +
-				";\n" +
-				"  }\n" +
-				"  catch (Throwable t) {\n" +
-				"    System.out.println(\"FAILURE: \" + t.getMessage());\n" +
-				"    t.printStackTrace(System.out);\n" +
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"public class Y extends Z {\n" + 
-				"  /* empty */\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"class Z {\n" + 
-				"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-				"  System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"},
-		);
-	}
-	else {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.lang.reflect.*;\n" + 
-				"import p.*;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"static public void main (String args[]) {\n" + 
-				"  Y y = new Y();\n" +
-				"  try {\n" +
-				"    Method foo = Y.class.getMethod(\"foo\");\n" +
-				"    foo.invoke(y);\n" +
-				";\n" +
-				"  }\n" +
-				"  catch (Throwable t) {\n" +
-				"    System.out.println(\"FAILURE: \" + t.getMessage());\n" +
-				"    t.printStackTrace(System.out);\n" +
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"public class Y extends Z {\n" + 
-				"  /* empty */\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"class Z {\n" + 
-				"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-				"  System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"},
-		);
-	}
-// reflection - access to a public field of a package visible
-// class through a public extending class
-public void _test0601_reflection() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"import java.lang.reflect.*;\n" + 
-			"import p.*;\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"static public void main (String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"  Y y = new Y();\n" +
-			"  try {\n" +
-			"    Field f = Y.class.getField(\"m\");\n" +
-			"    System.out.println(y.m);\n" +
-			"    System.out.println(f.get(y));\n" +
-			"  }\n" +
-			"  catch (Throwable t) {\n" +
-			"    System.out.println(\"FAILURE: \" + t.getMessage());\n" +
-			"    t.printStackTrace(System.out);\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" +
-			"public class Y extends Z {\n" + 
-			"  /* empty */\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" +
-			"class Z {\n" + 
-			"  public String m = \"SUCCESS\";\n" + 
-			"}\n"},
-	);
-// partial rebuild - method signature changed (return type)
-public void test1000_partial_rebuild() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"static public void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"  Z.go();\n" +
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"",
-			"public class Z {\n" + 
-			"static public void go() {\n" + 
-			"  int flag = 0;\n" +
-			"  try {\n" +
-			"    new Y().random();\n" + 
-			"    flag = 1;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" +
-			"  catch (NoSuchMethodError e) {\n" +
-			"    flag = 2;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" +
-			"  catch (Throwable t) {\n" +
-			"    flag = 3;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" +
-			"  System.out.println(flag);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"",
-			"public class Y {\n" + 
-			"java.util.Random generator = new java.util.Random();" +
-			"public byte random() {\n" + 
-			"  return (byte) (generator.nextInt() % Byte.MAX_VALUE);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}\n", 
-			},
-		"1");
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"static public void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"  Z.go();\n" +
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"",
-			"public class Y {\n" + 
-			"java.util.Random generator = new java.util.Random();" +
-			"public int random() {\n" + // random now returns an int
-			"  return generator.nextInt();\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}\n", 
-			},
-		"2",
-		null,
-		false, // do not purge output directory - pick old version of Z.class
-		null);
-// partial rebuild - method signature changed (parameter type)
-public void test1001_partial_rebuild() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"static public void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"  Z.go();\n" +
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"",
-			"public class Z {\n" + 
-			"static public void go() {\n" + 
-			"  byte flag = 0;\n" +
-			"  try {\n" +
-			"    new Y().random(flag);\n" + 
-			"    flag = 1;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" +
-			"  catch (NoSuchMethodError e) {\n" +
-			"    flag = 2;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" +
-			"  catch (Throwable t) {\n" +
-			"    flag = 3;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" +
-			"  System.out.println(flag);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"",
-			"public class Y {\n" + 
-			"public int random(byte seed) {\n" + 
-			"  return seed++;\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}\n", 
-			},
-		"1");
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"static public void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"  Z.go();\n" +
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"",
-			"public class Y {\n" + 
-			"public int random(int seed) {\n" + // seed now of type int 
-			"  return seed++;\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}\n", 
-			},
-		"2",
-		null,
-		false, // do not purge output directory - pick old version of Z.class
-		null);
-// partial rebuild - method signature changed (visibility)
-public void test1002_partial_rebuild() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"static public void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"  new Z().go();\n" +
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"",
-			"public class Z extends p.Y {\n" +
-			"  class ZInner extends YInner {\n" +
-			"    // empty\n" +
-			"  }\n" +
-			"public void go() {\n" + 
-			"  byte flag = 0;\n" +
-			"  try {\n" +
-			"    new ZInner().foo();\n" + 
-			"    flag = 1;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" +
-			"  catch (IllegalAccessError e) {\n" +
-			"    flag = 2;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" +
-			"  catch (Throwable t) {\n" +
-			"    flag = 3;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" +
-			"  System.out.println(flag);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"public class Y {\n" + 
-			"  public class YInner {\n" + 
-			"    public void foo() {\n" +
-			"      return;\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"  }\n" +
-			"}\n", 
-			},
-		"1");
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"static public void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"  new Z().go();\n" +
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"public class Y {\n" + 
-			"  public class YInner {\n" + 
-			"    void foo() {\n" + // now foo no more visible (package only)
-			"      return;\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"  }\n" +
-			"}\n", 
-			},
-		"2",
-		null,
-		false, // do not purge output directory - pick old version of Z.class
-		null);
-// partial rebuild - method signature changed (visibility)
-public void test1003_partial_rebuild() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"static public void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"  new Z().go();\n" +
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"",
-			"public class Z extends p.Y {\n" +
-			"  class ZInner extends YInner {\n" +
-			"    // empty\n" +
-			"  }\n" +
-			"public void go() {\n" + 
-			"  byte flag = 0;\n" +
-			"  try {\n" +
-			"    new ZInner().foo();\n" + 
-			"    flag = 1;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" +
-			"  catch (IllegalAccessError e) {\n" +
-			"    flag = 2;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" +
-			"  catch (Throwable t) {\n" +
-			"    flag = 3;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" +
-			"  System.out.println(flag);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"public class Y {\n" + 
-			"  public class YInner {\n" + 
-			"    public void foo() {\n" +
-			"      return;\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"  }\n" +
-			"}\n", 
-			},
-		"1");
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"static public void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"  new Z().go();\n" +
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"public class Y {\n" + 
-			"  public class YInner {\n" + 
-			"    protected void foo() {\n" + 
-			  // now foo no more visible (package + inheriting classes only)
-			"      return;\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"  }\n" +
-			"}\n", 
-			},
-		"2",
-		null,
-		false, // do not purge output directory - pick old version of Z.class
-		null);
-// partial rebuild - extending class now redefines extended class fields and
-//                   methods
-// was Compliance_1_x#test009
-public void test1004_partial_rebuild() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1; \n"+
-			"public class Z {	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"+
-			"		Y y = new Y();	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(y.field);	\n"	+
-			"		System.out.print(y.staticField);	\n"	+
-			"		System.out.print(y.method());	\n"	+
-			"		System.out.println(y.staticMethod());	\n"	+
-			"	} \n"+
-			"} \n",
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1; \n"+
-			"public class X { \n"+
-			"	public String field = \"X.field-\";	\n" +
-			"	public static String staticField = \"X.staticField-\";	\n" +
-			"	public String method(){ return \"X.method()-\";	}	\n" +
-			"	public static String staticMethod(){ return \"X.staticMethod()-\";	}	\n" +
-			"} \n",
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1; \n"+
-			"public class Y extends X { \n"+
-			"} \n"
-		},
-		"X.field-X.staticField-X.method()-X.staticMethod()-");
-	String expectedOutput =
-		this.complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3) ?
-			"X.field-X.staticField-Y.method()-X.staticMethod()-" :
-			"Y.field-Y.staticField-Y.method()-Y.staticMethod()-";
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1; \n"+
-			"public class Y extends X { \n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"+
-			"		Z.main(arguments);	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	public String field = \"Y.field-\";	\n" +
-			"	public static String staticField = \"Y.staticField-\";	\n" +
-			"	public String method(){ return \"Y.method()-\";	}	\n" +
-			"	public static String staticMethod(){ return \"Y.staticMethod()-\";	}	\n" +
-			"} \n"
-		},
-		expectedOutput, // expected output
-		null, // use default class-path
-		false, // do not flush previous output dir content
-		null); // no special vm args
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 483f01d..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1202 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.JavaScriptCore;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ToolFactory;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.IScanner;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.ITerminalSymbols;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.InvalidInputException;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.parser.Scanner;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.core.util.PublicScanner;
-public class ScannerTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-	public ScannerTest(String name) { 
-		super(name);
-	}
-	// Static initializer to specify tests subset using TESTS_* static variables
-	// All specified tests which does not belong to the class are skipped...
-	static {
-//		TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "test000" };
-//		TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 42, 43, 44 };
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 11, -1 };
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-	}
-	public static Class testClass() {
-		return ScannerTest.class;
-	}
-	/**
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test001() {
-		String sourceA001 = "\\u003b";
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(false, true, false, false);
-		scanner.setSource(sourceA001.toCharArray());
-		int token = 0;
-		try {
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-		assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameSEMICOLON, token);
-	}
-	/**
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test002() {
-		String sourceA002 = "// tests\n  ";
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(false, true, false, false);
-		scanner.setSource(sourceA002.toCharArray());
-		int token = 0;
-		try {
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameWHITESPACE, token);
-			assertEquals("Wrong size", 2, scanner.getCurrentTokenSource().length);
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF, token);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test003() {
-		String sourceA003 = "// tests\n  ";
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(true, true, false, false);
-		scanner.setSource(sourceA003.toCharArray());
-		int token = 0;
-		try {
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE, token);
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameWHITESPACE, token);
-			assertEquals("Wrong size", 2, scanner.getCurrentTokenSource().length);
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF, token);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * float constant can have exponent part without dot: 01e0f
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test004() {
-		String source = "01e0f";
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(false, false, false, false);
-		scanner.setSource(source.toCharArray());
-		int token = 0;
-		try {
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameFloatingPointLiteral, token);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test005() {
-		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-		buf.append("\"Hello\"");
-		String str = buf.toString();
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(true, false, false, false);
-		scanner.setSource(str.toCharArray());
-		scanner.resetTo(0, str.length() - 1);
-		int token = 0;
-		try {
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameStringLiteral, token);
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF, token);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test006() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(false, false, false, false);
-		try {
-			scanner.setSource(null);
-		} catch (NullPointerException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Check that bogus resetTo issues EOFs
-	 */
-	public void test007() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(false, false, false, false);
-		char[] source = "int i = 0;".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		scanner.resetTo(source.length + 50, source.length - 1);
-		int token = -1;
-		try {
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-		assertEquals("Expecting EOF", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF, token);
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test008() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(false, false, false, JavaScriptCore.VERSION_1_5);
-		char[] source = "0x11aa.aap-3333f".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		scanner.resetTo(0, source.length - 1);
-		int token = -1;
-		try {
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameFloatingPointLiteral, token);
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-		assertEquals("Expecting EOF", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF, token);
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test009() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(false, false, false, JavaScriptCore.VERSION_1_4);
-		char[] source = "0x11aa.aap-3333f".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		scanner.resetTo(0, source.length - 1);
-		int counter = 0;
-		try {
-			while (scanner.getNextToken() != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
-				counter++;
-			}
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-		assertEquals("Wrong number of tokens", 5, counter);
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test010() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(false, false, false, JavaScriptCore.VERSION_1_5);
-		char[] source = "0x11aa.aap-3333f".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		scanner.resetTo(0, source.length - 1);
-		int counter = 0;
-		try {
-			while (scanner.getNextToken() != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
-				counter++;
-			}
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-		assertEquals("Wrong number of tokens", 1, counter);
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test011() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(false, false, false, JavaScriptCore.VERSION_1_5);
-		char[] source = "0x.aap-3333f".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		scanner.resetTo(0, source.length - 1);
-		int counter = 0;
-		try {
-			while (scanner.getNextToken() != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
-				counter++;
-			}
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-		assertEquals("Wrong number of tokens", 1, counter);
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test012() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(false, false, false, JavaScriptCore.VERSION_1_5);
-		char[] source = "0xaap3f".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		scanner.resetTo(0, source.length - 1);
-		int counter = 0;
-		try {
-			while (scanner.getNextToken() != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
-				counter++;
-			}
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-		assertEquals("Wrong number of tokens", 1, counter);
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test013() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(false, false, false, JavaScriptCore.VERSION_1_5);
-		char[] source = "0xaapaf".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		scanner.resetTo(0, source.length - 1);
-		int counter = 0;
-		try {
-			while (scanner.getNextToken() != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
-				counter++;
-			}
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(true);
-			return;
-		}
-		assertTrue(false);
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test014() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(false, false, false, JavaScriptCore.VERSION_1_5);
-		char[] source = "0xaap.1f".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		scanner.resetTo(0, source.length - 1);
-		int counter = 0;
-		try {
-			while (scanner.getNextToken() != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
-				counter++;
-			}
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(true);
-			return;
-		}
-		assertTrue(false);
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test015() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(false, false, false, JavaScriptCore.VERSION_1_5);
-		char[] source = "0xaa.p1f".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		scanner.resetTo(0, source.length - 1);
-		int counter = 0;
-		try {
-			while (scanner.getNextToken() != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
-				counter++;
-			}
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-		assertEquals("Wrong number of tokens", 1, counter);
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test016() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(false, false, false, JavaScriptCore.VERSION_1_5);
-		char[] source = "0xaa.p1F".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		scanner.resetTo(0, source.length - 1);
-		int counter = 0;
-		try {
-			while (scanner.getNextToken() != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
-				counter++;
-			}
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-		assertEquals("Wrong number of tokens", 1, counter);
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test017() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(false, false, false, JavaScriptCore.VERSION_1_5);
-		char[] source = "0xaa.p1D".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		scanner.resetTo(0, source.length - 1);
-		int counter = 0;
-		try {
-			while (scanner.getNextToken() != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
-				counter++;
-			}
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-		assertEquals("Wrong number of tokens", 1, counter);
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test018() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(false, false, false, JavaScriptCore.VERSION_1_5);
-		char[] source = "0xaa.p1d".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		scanner.resetTo(0, source.length - 1);
-		int counter = 0;
-		try {
-			while (scanner.getNextToken() != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
-				counter++;
-			}
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-		assertEquals("Wrong number of tokens", 1, counter);
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test019() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(false, false, false, JavaScriptCore.VERSION_1_4);
-		char[] source = "0x".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		scanner.resetTo(0, source.length - 1);
-		int counter = 0;
-		try {
-			while (scanner.getNextToken() != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
-				counter++;
-			}
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(true);
-			return;
-		}
-		assertTrue(false);
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test020() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(false, false, false, JavaScriptCore.VERSION_1_5);
-		char[] source = "0x".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		scanner.resetTo(0, source.length - 1);
-		int counter = 0;
-		try {
-			while (scanner.getNextToken() != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
-				counter++;
-			}
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(true);
-			return;
-		}
-		assertTrue(false);
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test021() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(false, false, false, JavaScriptCore.VERSION_1_4);
-		char[] source = "0x1".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		scanner.resetTo(0, source.length - 1);
-		int counter = 0;
-		try {
-			while (scanner.getNextToken() != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
-				counter++;
-			}
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-		assertEquals("Wrong number of tokens", 1, counter);
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test022() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(false, false, false, JavaScriptCore.VERSION_1_5);
-		char[] source = "0x1".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		scanner.resetTo(0, source.length - 1);
-		int counter = 0;
-		try {
-			while (scanner.getNextToken() != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
-				counter++;
-			}
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-		assertEquals("Wrong number of tokens", 1, counter);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * 
-	 */
-	public void test023() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(false, false, false, JavaScriptCore.VERSION_1_5);
-		char[] source = "0x.p-2".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		scanner.resetTo(0, source.length - 1);
-		try {
-			while (scanner.getNextToken() != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
-			}
-			assertTrue(false);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(true);
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test024() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(false, false, true, JavaScriptCore.VERSION_1_5);
-		char[] source = "public class X {\n\n}".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		int counter = 0;
-		try {
-			while (scanner.getNextToken() != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
-				counter++;
-			}
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-		}
-		assertEquals("wrong number of tokens", 5, counter);
-		int[] lineEnds = scanner.getLineEnds();
-		assertNotNull("No line ends", lineEnds);
-		assertEquals("wrong length", 2, lineEnds.length);
-		source = "public class X {}".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		lineEnds = scanner.getLineEnds();
-		assertNotNull("No line ends", lineEnds);
-		assertEquals("wrong length", 0, lineEnds.length);
-		counter = 0;
-		try {
-			while (scanner.getNextToken() != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
-				counter++;
-			}
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-		}
-		assertEquals("wrong number of tokens", 5, counter);
-		lineEnds = scanner.getLineEnds();
-		assertNotNull("No line ends", lineEnds);
-		assertEquals("wrong length", 0, lineEnds.length);
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test025() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(true, true, false, true);
-		scanner.setSource("String\r\nwith\r\nmany\r\nmany\r\nline\r\nbreaks".toCharArray());
-		try {
-			while(scanner.getNextToken()!=ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF){}
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-		assertEquals("Wrong size", 5, scanner.getLineEnds().length);
-		scanner.setSource("No line breaks here".toCharArray()); // expecting line breaks to reset
-		assertEquals("Wrong size", 0, scanner.getLineEnds().length);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * 
-	 */
-	public void test026() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(false, false, false, JavaScriptCore.VERSION_1_4);
-		char[] source = "0x.p-2".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		scanner.resetTo(0, source.length - 1);
-		try {
-			while (scanner.getNextToken() != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
-			}
-			assertTrue(false);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(true);
-		}
-	}
-	//
-	public void test027() {
-		char[] source = ("class Test {\n" +
-				"  char  C = \"\\u005Cn\";\n" +
-				"}").toCharArray();
-		Scanner scanner = new Scanner(false, false, false, ClassFileConstants.JDK1_4, null, null, false);
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		scanner.resetTo(0, source.length - 1);
-		try {
-			int token;
-			StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-			while ((token = scanner.getNextToken()) != TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF) {
-				try {
-					switch(token) {
-						case TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF :
-							break;
-						default :
-							buffer.append(scanner.getCurrentTokenSource());
-							break;
-					}
-				} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
-					e.printStackTrace();
-				}
-			}
-			assertEquals("Wrong contents", "classTest{charC=\"\n\";}", String.valueOf(buffer));
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}		
-	}
-	//
-	public void test028() {
-		char[] source = ("class Test {\n" +
-				"  char  C = \'\\u005Cn\';\n" +
-				"}").toCharArray();
-		Scanner scanner = new Scanner(false, false, false, ClassFileConstants.JDK1_4, null, null, false);
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		scanner.resetTo(0, source.length - 1);
-		try {
-			int token;
-			StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-			while ((token = scanner.getNextToken()) != TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF) {
-				try {
-					switch(token) {
-						case TerminalTokens.TokenNameStringLiteral :
-							buffer.append(new String(scanner.getCurrentTokenSourceString()));
-							break;
-						case TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF :
-							break;
-						default :
-							buffer.append(scanner.getCurrentTokenSource());
-							break;
-					}
-				} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
-					e.printStackTrace();
-				}
-			}
-			assertEquals("Wrong contents", "classTest{charC=\'\\n\';}", String.valueOf(buffer));
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}		
-	}
-	//
-	public void test029() {
-		char[] source = ("class Test {\n" +
-				"  char  C = \"\\n\";\n" +
-				"}").toCharArray();
-		Scanner scanner = new Scanner(false, false, false, ClassFileConstants.JDK1_4, null, null, false);
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		scanner.resetTo(0, source.length - 1);
-		try {
-			int token;
-			StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-			while ((token = scanner.getNextToken()) != TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF) {
-				try {
-					switch(token) {
-						case TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF :
-							break;
-						default :
-							buffer.append(scanner.getCurrentTokenSource());
-							break;
-					}
-				} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
-					e.printStackTrace();
-				}
-			}
-			assertEquals("Wrong contents", "classTest{charC=\"\n\";}", String.valueOf(buffer));
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}		
-	}
-	//
-	public void test030() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					"public class Test {\n" +
-					"  static String C = \"\\n\";\n" +
-					"  \n" +
-					"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-					"  	System.out.print(C.length());\n" +
-					"  	System.out.print(C.charAt(0) == \'\\n\');\n" +
-					"  }\n" +
-					"}"
-				},
-				"1true");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test031() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" +
-				"  static String C = \"\\u005Cn\";\n" +
-				"  \n" +
-				"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-				"  	System.out.print(C.length());\n" +
-				"  	System.out.print(C.charAt(0) == \'\\n\');\n" +
-				"  }\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			"1true");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test032() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					"public class Test {\n" +
-					"  static char C = \'\\u005Cn\';\n" +
-					"  \n" +
-					"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-					"  	System.out.print(C == \'\\n\');\n" +
-					"  }\n" +
-					"}"
-				},
-				"true");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test033() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					"public class Test {\n" +
-					"  static char C = \\u0027\\u005Cn\\u0027;\n" +
-					"  \n" +
-					"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-					"  	System.out.print(C == \'\\n\');\n" +
-					"  }\n" +
-					"}"
-				},
-				"true");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test034() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					"public class Test {\n" +
-					"  static String C = \"\u0043\\n\\u0043\";\n" +
-					"  \n" +
-					"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-					"  	System.out.print(C.length());\n" +
-					"  	System.out.print(C.charAt(1) == \'\\n\');\n" +
-					"  }\n" +
-					"}"
-				},
-				"3true");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test035() {
-		/*
-		 * Corresponding source:
-		 * 
-		 * public class Test {
-		 * 	  static String C = "\n";
-		 *    public static void main(String[] args) {
-		 * 	  	System.out.print(C.length());
-		 * 		  	System.out.print(C.charAt(0) == '\n');
-		 *    }
-		 * }
-		 */
-		this.runConformTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					"\\u0070\\u0075\\u0062\\u006c\\u0069\\u0063\\u0020\\u0063\\u006c\\u0061\\u0073\\u0073\\u0020\\u0054\\u0065\\u0073\\u0074\\u0020\\u007b\\u000A\n" +
-					"\\u0020\\u0020\\u0073\\u0074\\u0061\\u0074\\u0069\\u0063\\u0020\\u0053\\u0074\\u0072\\u0069\\u006e\\u0067\\u0020\\u0043\\u0020\\u003d\\u0020\\u0022\\u005c\\u006e\\u0022\\u003b\\u000A\n" +
-					"\\u0020\\u0020\\u000A\n" +
-					"\\u0020\\u0020\\u0070\\u0075\\u0062\\u006c\\u0069\\u0063\\u0020\\u0073\\u0074\\u0061\\u0074\\u0069\\u0063\\u0020\\u0076\\u006f\\u0069\\u0064\\u0020\\u006d\\u0061\\u0069\\u006e\\u0028\\u0053\\u0074\\u0072\\u0069\\u006e\\u0067\\u005b\\u005d\\u0020\\u0061\\u0072\\u0067\\u0073\\u0029\\u0020\\u007b\\u000A\n" +
-					"\\u0020\\u0020\\u0009\\u0053\\u0079\\u0073\\u0074\\u0065\\u006d\\u002e\\u006f\\u0075\\u0074\\u002e\\u0070\\u0072\\u0069\\u006e\\u0074\\u0028\\u0043\\u002e\\u006c\\u0065\\u006e\\u0067\\u0074\\u0068\\u0028\\u0029\\u0029\\u003b\\u000A\n" +
-					"\\u0020\\u0020\\u0009\\u0053\\u0079\\u0073\\u0074\\u0065\\u006d\\u002e\\u006f\\u0075\\u0074\\u002e\\u0070\\u0072\\u0069\\u006e\\u0074\\u0028\\u0043\\u002e\\u0063\\u0068\\u0061\\u0072\\u0041\\u0074\\u0028\\u0030\\u0029\\u0020\\u003d\\u003d\\u0020\\u0027\\u005c\\u006e\\u0027\\u0029\\u003b\\u000A\n" +
-					"\\u0020\\u0020\\u007d\\u0020\\u0009\\u000A\n" +
-					"\\u007d"
-				},
-				"1true");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test036() {
-		try {
-			IScanner s = ToolFactory.createScanner(true, true, true, "1.5", "1.5");
-			char[] source = { ';', ' ' };
-			s.setSource(source);
-			s.resetTo(0, 0);
-			int token = s.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameSEMICOLON, token);
-			char[] tokenSource = s.getCurrentTokenSource();
-			assertEquals("wront size", 1, tokenSource.length);
-			assertEquals("Wrong character", ';', tokenSource[0]);
-			token = s.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF, token);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue("Should not happen", false);
-		}
-	}
-	//
-	public void test037() {
-		try {
-			IScanner s = ToolFactory.createScanner(true, true, true, "1.5", "1.5");
-			char[] source = { ';', ' ' };
-			s.setSource(source);
-			int token = s.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameSEMICOLON, token);
-			char[] tokenSource = s.getCurrentTokenSource();
-			assertEquals("wront size", 1, tokenSource.length);
-			assertEquals("Wrong character", ';', tokenSource[0]);
-			token = s.getNextToken();
-			tokenSource = s.getCurrentTokenSource();
-			assertEquals("wront size", 1, tokenSource.length);
-			assertEquals("Wrong character", ' ', tokenSource[0]);
-			assertEquals("Wrong token", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameWHITESPACE, token);
-			token = s.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF, token);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue("Should not happen", false);
-		}
-	}
-	//
-	public void test038() {
-		try {
-			IScanner s = ToolFactory.createScanner(true, true, true, "1.5", "1.5");
-			char[] source = { ';', ' ' };
-			s.setSource(source);
-			s.resetTo(0, 1);
-			int token = s.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameSEMICOLON, token);
-			char[] tokenSource = s.getCurrentTokenSource();
-			assertEquals("wront size", 1, tokenSource.length);
-			assertEquals("Wrong character", ';', tokenSource[0]);
-			token = s.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameWHITESPACE, token);
-			tokenSource = s.getCurrentTokenSource();
-			assertEquals("wront size", 1, tokenSource.length);
-			assertEquals("Wrong character", ' ', tokenSource[0]);
-			token = s.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF, token);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue("Should not happen", false);
-		}
-	}
-	//
-	public void test039() {
-		try {
-			IScanner s = ToolFactory.createScanner(true, true, true, "1.5", "1.5");
-			char[] source = { ';', ' ' };
-			s.setSource(source);
-			s.resetTo(1, 1);
-			int token = s.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameWHITESPACE, token);
-			char[] tokenSource = s.getCurrentTokenSource();
-			assertEquals("wront size", 1, tokenSource.length);
-			assertEquals("Wrong character", ' ', tokenSource[0]);
-			token = s.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF, token);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue("Should not happen", false);
-		}
-	}
-	//
-	public void test040() {
-		try {
-			IScanner s = ToolFactory.createScanner(true, true, true, "1.5", "1.5");
-			char[] source = { ';', ' ' };
-			s.setSource(source);
-			s.resetTo(2, 1);
-			int token = s.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF, token);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue("Should not happen", false);
-		}
-	}
-	//
-	public void test041() {
-		try {
-			IScanner s = ToolFactory.createScanner(true, true, true, "1.5", "1.5");
-			char[] source = "\\u003B\\u0020".toCharArray();
-			assertEquals("wrong size", 12, source.length);
-			s.setSource(source);
-			s.resetTo(0, 5);
-			int token = s.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameSEMICOLON, token);
-			char[] tokenSource = s.getRawTokenSource();
-			assertEquals("wront size", 6, tokenSource.length);
-			assertEquals("Wrong character", "\\u003B", new String(tokenSource));
-			token = s.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF, token);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue("Should not happen", false);
-		}
-	}
-	//
-	public void test042() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(true, true, true, "1.5", "1.5");
-		final char[] source = "\"a\\u000D\"".toCharArray();
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-		try {
-			int token;
-			while ((token = scanner.getNextToken()) != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
-				try {
-					switch(token) {
-						case ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF :
-							break;
-						default :
-							buffer.append(scanner.getCurrentTokenSource());
-							break;
-					}
-				} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
-					e.printStackTrace();
-				}
-			}
-			assertTrue("Should have failed", false);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			buffer.append(scanner.getRawTokenSource());
-			assertEquals("Unexpected contents", "\"a\\u000D\"", String.valueOf(buffer));
-			assertEquals("Wrong exception", PublicScanner.INVALID_CHAR_IN_STRING, e.getMessage());
-		}
-	}
-	//
-	public void test043() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(true, true, true, "1.5", "1.5");
-		final char[] source = "\"\\u004Ca\\u000D\"".toCharArray();
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-		try {
-			int token;
-			while ((token = scanner.getNextToken()) != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
-				try {
-					switch(token) {
-						case ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF :
-							break;
-						default :
-							buffer.append(scanner.getCurrentTokenSource());
-							break;
-					}
-				} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
-					e.printStackTrace();
-				}
-			}
-			assertTrue("Should have failed", false);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			buffer.append(scanner.getRawTokenSource());
-			assertEquals("Unexpected contents", "\"\\u004Ca\\u000D\"", String.valueOf(buffer));
-			assertEquals("Wrong exception", PublicScanner.INVALID_CHAR_IN_STRING, e.getMessage());
-		}
-	}
-	//
-	public void test044() {
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(true, true, true, "1.5", "1.5");
-		final char[] source = "\"\\u004Ca\\u000D\\u0022".toCharArray();
-		scanner.setSource(source);
-		final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-		try {
-			int token;
-			while ((token = scanner.getNextToken()) != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
-				try {
-					switch(token) {
-						case ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF :
-							break;
-						default :
-							buffer.append(scanner.getCurrentTokenSource());
-							break;
-					}
-				} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
-					e.printStackTrace();
-				}
-			}
-			assertTrue("Should have failed", false);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			buffer.append(scanner.getRawTokenSource());
-			assertEquals("Unexpected contents", "\"\\u004Ca\\u000D\\u0022", String.valueOf(buffer));
-			assertEquals("Wrong exception", PublicScanner.INVALID_CHAR_IN_STRING, e.getMessage());
-		}
-	}
-	public void test045() {
-		/*
-		 * Corresponding source:
-		 * 
-		 * public class Test {
-		 * 	  static String C = "\n";
-		 *    public static void main(String[] args) {
-		 * 	  	System.out.print(C.length());
-		 * 		  	System.out.print(C.charAt(0) == '\n');
-		 *    }
-		 * }
-		 */
-		this.runConformTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					"import java.lang.reflect.Field;\n" + 
-					"public class _X {\n" + 
-					"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u0000;\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u0001;\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u0002;\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u0003;\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u0004;\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u0005;\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u0006;\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u0007;\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u0008;\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u000e;\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u000f;\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u0010;\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u0011;\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u0012;\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u0013;\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u0014;\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u0015;\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u0016;\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u0017;\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u0018;\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u0019;\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u001a;\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u001b;\n" + 
-					"		String i\\u007f;\n" + 
-					"		System.out.print(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"}"
-				},
-				"SUCCESS");
-	}
-	public void test046() {
-		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-		buf.append("'Hello'");
-		String str = buf.toString();
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(true, false, false, false);
-		scanner.setSource(str.toCharArray());
-		scanner.resetTo(0, str.length() - 1);
-		int token = 0;
-		try {
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameCharacterLiteral, token);
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF, token);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-	}
-	public void test047() {
-		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-		buf.append("/=/g");
-		String str = buf.toString();
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(true, false, false, false);
-		scanner.setSource(str.toCharArray());
-		scanner.resetTo(0, str.length() - 1);
-		int token = 0;
-		try {
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameRegExLiteral, token);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-	}
-	public void test048() {
-		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-		buf.append("// test unicode \\u000a var a =1; \n");
-		String str = buf.toString();
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(true, false, false, false);
-		scanner.setSource(str.toCharArray());
-		scanner.resetTo(0, str.length() - 1);
-		int token = 0;
-		try {
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE, token);
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF, token);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-	}
-	public void test049() {
-		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-		buf.append("/* \n");
-		buf.append("* test unicode \\u000a var a =1; \n ");
-		buf.append("*/");
-		String str = buf.toString();
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(true, false, false, false);
-		scanner.setSource(str.toCharArray());
-		scanner.resetTo(0, str.length() - 1);
-		int token = 0;
-		try {
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK, token);
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF, token);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-	}
-	public void test050() {
-		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-		buf.append("\"a\\>\"");
-		String str = buf.toString();
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(true, false, false, false);
-		scanner.setSource(str.toCharArray());
-		scanner.resetTo(0, str.length() - 1);
-		int token = 0;
-		try {
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameStringLiteral, token);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-	}
-	public void test051() {
-		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-		buf.append("\"abc\\u000adef\";");
-		String str = buf.toString();
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(true, false, false, false);
-		scanner.setSource(str.toCharArray());
-		scanner.resetTo(0, str.length() - 1);
-		int token = 0;
-		try {
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameStringLiteral, token);
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameSEMICOLON, token);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-	}
-	public void test052() {
-		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-		buf.append("\"abc\\u0022def\";\n");
-		String str = buf.toString();
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(true, false, false, false);
-		scanner.setSource(str.toCharArray());
-		scanner.resetTo(0, str.length() - 1);
-		int token = 0;
-		try {
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameStringLiteral, token);
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameSEMICOLON, token);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-	}
-	public void test053() {
-		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-		buf.append("'abc\\u0027def';\n");
-		String str = buf.toString();
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(true, false, false, false);
-		scanner.setSource(str.toCharArray());
-		scanner.resetTo(0, str.length() - 1);
-		int token = 0;
-		try {
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameCharacterLiteral, token);
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameSEMICOLON, token);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-	}
-	public void test054() {
-		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-		buf.append("\"\\u0022def\";\n");
-		String str = buf.toString();
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(true, false, false, false);
-		scanner.setSource(str.toCharArray());
-		scanner.resetTo(0, str.length() - 1);
-		int token = 0;
-		try {
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameStringLiteral, token);
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameSEMICOLON, token);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-	}
-	public void test055() {
-		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-		buf.append("\"abc\\x22def\";\n");
-		String str = buf.toString();
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(true, false, false, false);
-		scanner.setSource(str.toCharArray());
-		scanner.resetTo(0, str.length() - 1);
-		int token = 0;
-		try {
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameStringLiteral, token);
-			char[] characters = scanner.getCurrentTokenSource();
-			String results = String.valueOf(characters);
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameSEMICOLON, token);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-	}
-	public void test056() {
-		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-		buf.append("\"\\x22def\";\n");
-		String str = buf.toString();
-		IScanner scanner = ToolFactory.createScanner(true, false, false, false);
-		scanner.setSource(str.toCharArray());
-		scanner.resetTo(0, str.length() - 1);
-		int token = 0;
-		try {
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			char[] characters = scanner.getCurrentTokenSource();
-			String results = String.valueOf(characters);
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameStringLiteral, token);
-			token = scanner.getNextToken();
-			assertEquals("Wrong token type", ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameSEMICOLON, token);
-		} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-			assertTrue(false);
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 86d3397..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
- * Here we focus on various aspects of the runtime behavior of the generated 
- * code.
- */
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-public class SerialVersionUIDTests extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-public SerialVersionUIDTests(String name) {
-	super(name);
-// Static initializer to specify tests subset using TESTS_* static variables
-// All specified tests which does not belong to the class are skipped...
-// Only the highest compliance level is run; add the VM argument
-// -Dcompliance=1.4 (for example) to lower it if needed
-static {
-//		TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "test0001" };
-//	 	TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 1 };   
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 1, -1 }; 
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-public static Class testClass() {
-	return SerialVersionUIDTests.class;
-protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-	Map options = super.getCompilerOptions();
-//	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMissingSerialVersion, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-	return options;
-public void test001() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"import;\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"public class X implements Serializable {\n" + 
-			"	private void readObject( stream) throws {}\n" + 
-			"	private void writeObject( stream) throws {}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		""
-	);
-public void test002() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X implements {\n" + 
-			"	public void writeExternal( out) throws {}\n" + 
-			"	public void readExternal( in) throws, ClassNotFoundException {}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		""
-	);
-public void test003() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X implements {\n" + 
-			"	private void writeObject( stream) throws {}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X implements {\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"The serializable class X does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-public void test004() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X implements {\n" + 
-			"	private void readObject( stream) throws {}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X implements {\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"The serializable class X does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-public void test005() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X implements {\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X implements {\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"The serializable class X does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-public void test006() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X implements {\n" + 
-			"	Object writeReplace() throws { return null;}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		""
-	);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 062ed3a..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1875 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-public class StaticImportTest extends AbstractComparableTest {
-	// Static initializer to specify tests subset using TESTS_* static variables
-	// All specified tests which do not belong to the class are skipped...
-	static {
-//		TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "test036" };
-//		TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 46 };
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 169, 180 };
-	}
-	public StaticImportTest(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		return buildComparableTestSuite(testClass());
-	}
-	public static Class testClass() {
-		return StaticImportTest.class;
-	}
-	public void test001() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static java.lang.Math.*;\n" +
-				"import static java.lang.Math.PI;\n" +
-				"public class X { double pi = abs(PI); }\n",
-			},
-			"");
-	}
-	public void test002() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"import static p2.Y.*;\n" +
-				"import static p2.Z.Zint;\n" +
-				"import static p2.Z.ZMember;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	int x = y(1);\n" +
-				"	int y = Yint;\n" +
-				"	int z = Zint;\n" +
-				"	void m1(YMember m) {}\n" +
-				"	void m2(ZMember m) {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;\n" +
-				"public class Y {\n" +
-				"	public static int Yint = 1;\n" +
-				"	public static int y(int y) { return y; }\n" +
-				"	public static class YMember {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;\n" +
-				"public class Z {\n" +
-				"	public static int Zint = 1;\n" +
-				"	public static class ZMember {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"");
-	}
-	public void test003() { // test inheritance
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"import static p2.Y.*;\n" +
-				"import static p2.Z.Zint;\n" +
-				"import static p2.Z.ZMember;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	int x = y(1);\n" +
-				"	int y = Yint;\n" +
-				"	int z = Zint;\n" +
-				"	void m1(YMember m) {}\n" +
-				"	void m2(ZMember m) {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;\n" +
-				"public class YY {\n" +
-				"	public static int Yint = 1;\n" +
-				"	public static int y(int y) { return y; }\n" +
-				"	public static class YMember {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;\n" +
-				"public class Y extends YY {}\n",
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;\n" +
-				"public class ZZ {\n" +
-				"	public static int Zint = 1;\n" +
-				"	public static class ZMember {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;\n" +
-				"public class Z extends ZZ {}\n",
-			},
-			"");
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p.A.C;\n" + 
-				"public class X { int i = C; }\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class A extends B implements I {}\n" +
-				"class B implements I {}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public interface I { public static int C = 1; }\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p.A.C;\n" + 
-				"public class X { \n" +
-				"	int i = C; \n" +
-				"	int j = p.A.C; \n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class A implements I {}\n" +
-				"interface I { public static int C = 1; }\n"
-			},
-			"");
-	}
-	public void test004() { // test static vs. instance
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"import static p2.Y.*;\n" +
-				"import static p2.Z.Zint;\n" +
-				"import static p2.Z.ZMember;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	int x = y(1);\n" +
-				"	int y = Yint;\n" +
-				"	int z = Zint;\n" +
-				"	void m1(YMember m) {}\n" +
-				"	void m2(ZMember m) {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;\n" +
-				"public class Y {\n" +
-				"	public int Yint = 1;\n" +
-				"	public int y(int y) { return y; }\n" +
-				"	public class YMember {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;\n" +
-				"public class Z {\n" +
-				"	public int Zint = 1;\n" +
-				"	public class ZMember {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	import static p2.Z.Zint;\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import p2.Z.Zint cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in p\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	import static p2.Z.ZMember;\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import p2.Z.ZMember cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in p\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	int x = y(1);\n" + 
-			"	        ^\n" + 
-			"The method y(int) is undefined for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in p\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	int y = Yint;\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^\n" + 
-			"Yint cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in p\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	int z = Zint;\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^\n" + 
-			"Zint cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in p\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	void m1(YMember m) {}\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"YMember cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in p\\ (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	void m2(ZMember m) {}\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"ZMember cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test005() { // test visibility
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"import static p2.Y.*;\n" +
-				"import static p2.Z.Zint;\n" +
-				"import static p2.Z.ZMember;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	int x = y(1);\n" +
-				"	int y = Yint;\n" +
-				"	int z = Zint;\n" +
-				"	void m1(YMember m) {}\n" +
-				"	void m2(ZMember m) {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;\n" +
-				"public class Y {\n" +
-				"	static int Yint = 1;\n" +
-				"	static int y(int y) { return y; }\n" +
-				"	static class YMember {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;\n" +
-				"public class Z {\n" +
-				"	static int Zint = 1;\n" +
-				"	static class ZMember {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	import static p2.Z.Zint;\n" + 
-		"	              ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The field Z.p2.Z.Zint is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	import static p2.Z.ZMember;\n" + 
-		"	              ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type p2.Z.ZMember is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in p\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	int x = y(1);\n" + 
-		"	        ^\n" + 
-		"The method y(int) from the type Y is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in p\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	int y = Yint;\n" + 
-		"	        ^^^^\n" + 
-		"The field Y.Yint is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"5. ERROR in p\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	int z = Zint;\n" + 
-		"	        ^^^^\n" + 
-		"Zint cannot be resolved\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"6. ERROR in p\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	void m1(YMember m) {}\n" + 
-		"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type YMember is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"7. ERROR in p\\ (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	void m2(ZMember m) {}\n" + 
-		"	        ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"ZMember cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test006() { // test non static member types
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"import static p2.Z.ZStatic;\n" +
-				"import static p2.Z.ZNonStatic;\n" +
-				"import p2.Z.ZNonStatic;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	void m2(ZStatic m) {}\n" +
-				"	void m3(ZNonStatic m) {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;\n" +
-				"public class Z {\n" +
-				"	public static class ZStatic {}\n" +
-				"	public class ZNonStatic {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	import static p2.Z.ZNonStatic;\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import p2.Z.ZNonStatic cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test007() { // test non static member types vs. static field
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"import static p2.Z.ZFieldOverMember;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	int z = ZFieldOverMember;\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;\n" +
-				"public class Z {\n" +
-				"	public static int ZFieldOverMember = 1;\n" +
-				"	public class ZFieldOverMember {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"");
-	}
-	public void test008() { // test static top level types
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"import static java.lang.System;\n" +
-				"public class X {}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	import static java.lang.System;\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The static import java.lang.System must be a field or member type\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test009() { // test static top level types
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"import static java.lang.reflect.Method.*;\n" +
-				"public class X {Method m;}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	public class X {Method m;}\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Method cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test010() { 
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static java.lang.System.*;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	void foo() { arraycopy(); }\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	void foo() { arraycopy(); }\n" + 
-			"	             ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method arraycopy(Object, int, Object, int, int) in the type System is not applicable for the arguments ()\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test011() { 
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p.Y.*;\n" +
-				"public class X extends p.Z {}\n" +
-				"class XX extends M.N {}\n" +
-				"class XXX extends M.Missing {}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"public class YY {\n" +
-				"	public static class M {\n" +
-				"		public static class N {}\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"public class Y extends YY {}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"public class Z {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	class XXX extends M.Missing {}\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"M.Missing cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test012() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static java.lang.Math.*;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		System.out.println(max(1, 2));\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"2");
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static java.lang.Math.max;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		System.out.println(max(1, 3));\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"3");
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p1.C.F;\n" +
-				"import p2.*;\n" +
-				"public class X implements F {" +
-				"	int i = F();" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p1/",
-				"package p1;\n" +
-				"public class C {\n" +
-				"	public static int F() { return 0; }\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;\n" +
-				"public interface F {}\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test013() { 
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p.Y.ZZ;\n" + // found if ZZ is static
-				"import static p.Z.ZZ.WW;\n" + // found if WW is static
-				"import static p.Z.Zz.WW;\n" + // found if WW is static
-				"import static p.Z.Zz.*;\n" + // legal
-				"import static p.Z.Zz.Zzz;\n" + // legal
-				"import static p.Y.Zz;\n" + // Zz is not static
-				"import static p.Z.Zz.WW.*;\n" + // import requires canonical name for p.W.WW
-				"import p.Y.ZZ;\n" + // import requires canonical name for p.Z.ZZ
-				"import static p.Y.ZZ.*;\n" + // import requires canonical name for p.Z.ZZ
-				"import static p.Y.ZZ.WW;\n" + // import requires canonical name for p.Z.ZZ
-				"import static p.Y.ZZ.WW.*;\n" + // import requires canonical name for p.W.WW
-				"import static p.Y.ZZ.ZZZ;\n" + // import requires canonical name for p.Z.ZZ
-				"import static p.Y.ZZ.WW.WWW;\n" + // import requires canonical name for p.W.WW
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	int i = Zzz + Zzzz;\n" +
-				"	ZZ z;\n" +
-				"	WW w;\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"public class Y extends Z {}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"public class Z {\n" +
-				"	public class Zz extends W { public static final int Zzz = 0; public static final int Zzzz = 1; }\n" +
-				"	public static class ZZ extends W { public static final int ZZZ = 0; }\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"public class W {\n" +
-				"	public static class WW { public static final int WWW = 0; }\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\r\n" + 
-			"	import static p.Y.Zz;\r\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import p.Y.Zz cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\r\n" + 
-			"	import static p.Z.Zz.WW.*;\r\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import p.Z.Zz.WW cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\r\n" + 
-			"	import p.Y.ZZ;\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import p.Y.ZZ cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 9)\r\n" + 
-			"	import static p.Y.ZZ.*;\r\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import p.Y.ZZ cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 10)\r\n" + 
-			"	import static p.Y.ZZ.WW;\r\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import p.Y.ZZ cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 11)\r\n" + 
-			"	import static p.Y.ZZ.WW.*;\r\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import p.Y.ZZ cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 12)\r\n" + 
-			"	import static p.Y.ZZ.ZZZ;\r\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import p.Y.ZZ cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 13)\r\n" + 
-			"	import static p.Y.ZZ.WW.WWW;\r\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import p.Y.ZZ cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test014() { 
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p.Z.ZZ.ZZZ;\n" +
-				"public class X {}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"public class Z {\n" +
-				"	public class ZZ { public static final  int ZZZ = 0; }\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test015() { 
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import p.Z.*;\n" +
-				"import static p.Z.*;\n" +
-				"public class X { int i = COUNT; }\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"public class Z {\n" +
-				"	public static final  int COUNT = 0;\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			""
-		);
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p.Z.*;\n" +
-				"import p.Z.*;\n" +
-				"public class X { int i = COUNT; }\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" +
-				"public class Z {\n" +
-				"	public static final  int COUNT = 0;\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test016() { 
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static java.lang.*;\n" +
-				"public class X {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	import static java.lang.*;\r\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Only a type can be imported. java.lang resolves to a package\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test017() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"bug/",
-				"package bug;\n" +
-				"import static bug.C.*;\n" +
-				"public class A {\n" +
-				"   private B b;\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"bug/",
-				"package bug;\n" +
-				"import static bug.C.*;\n" +
-				"public class B {\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"bug/",
-				"package bug;\n" +
-				"public class C {\n" +
-				"   private B b;\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	// - variation
-	public void test018() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"bug/",
-				"package bug;\n" +
-				"import static bug.C.*;\n" +
-				"public class A {\n" +
-				"   private B b2 = b;\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"bug/",
-				"package bug;\n" +
-				"import static bug.C.*;\n" +
-				"public class B {\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"bug/",
-				"package bug;\n" +
-				"public class C {\n" +
-				"   private static B b;\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in bug\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	private B b2 = b;\n" + 
-			"	               ^\n" + 
-			"The field C.b is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in bug\\ (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	import static bug.C.*;\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import bug.C is never used\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in bug\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	private static B b;\n" + 
-			"	                 ^\n" + 
-			"The field C.b is never read locally\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test019() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static java.lang.Math.PI;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  boolean PI;\n" + 
-				"  Zork z;\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	Zork z;\n" + 
-			"	^^^^\n" + 
-			"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test020() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static java.lang.Math.round;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void foo() { cos(0); }\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	void foo() { cos(0); }\n" + 
-			"	             ^^^\n" + 
-			"The method cos(int) is undefined for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n"	);
-	}
-	public void test021() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void test() { foo(); }\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class A { public static void foo() {} }\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class B extends A { }\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  void test() { foo(); }\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class A { public void foo() {} }\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class B extends A { static void foo(int i) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	import static;\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	void test() { foo(); }\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo() is undefined for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test022() { // test field/method collisions
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p.A.F;\n" + 
-				"import static p.B.F;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	int i = F;\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class A { public static class F {} }\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class B { public static int F = 2; }\n",
-			},
-			""
-			// no collision between field and member type
-		);
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p.A.F;\n" + 
-				"import static p.B.F;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	int i = F + F();\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class A { public static int F() { return 1; } }\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class B { public static int F = 2; }\n",
-			},
-			""
-			// no collision between field and method
-		);
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p.A.F;\n" + 
-				"import static p.B.F;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	int i = F;\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class A { public static int F = 1; }\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class B extends A {}\n",
-			},
-			""
-			// no collision between 2 fields that are the same
-		);
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p.A.F;\n" + 
-				"import static p.B.F;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	int i = F;\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class A { public static int F = 1; }\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class B { public static int F = 2; }\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	import static p.B.F;\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import p.B.F collides with another import statement\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// F is already defined in a single-type import
-		);
-	}
-	public void test023() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p.A.C;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(C);\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(C());\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class A {\n" +
-				"	public static int C = 1;\n" +
-				"	public static int C() { return C + 3; }\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"14"
-		);
-		this.runConformTest( // extra inheritance hiccup for method lookup
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p.A.C;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(C);\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(C());\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class A extends B {\n" +
-				"	public static int C() { return C + 3; }\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class B {\n" +
-				"	public static int C = 1;\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"14"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test024() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"import static p.A.m;\n" + 
-				"import static p2.C.m;\n" + 
-				"class A { static void m() {} }\n" + 
-				"public class B { public static void main(String[] args) { m(); } }\n",
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;\n" + 
-				"public class C { public static void m() {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-			"	public class B { public static void main(String[] args) { m(); } }\r\n" + 
-			"	                                                          ^\n" + 
-			"The method m() is ambiguous for the type B\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"import static p.A.m;\n" + 
-				"import static p.B.m;\n" + 
-				"public class X { void test() { m(); } }\n" + 
-				"class B extends A {}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class A { public static int m() { return 0; } }\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test025() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static java.lang.Math.*;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" + 
-				"		System.out.print(max(PI, 4));\n" + 
-				"		new Runnable() {\n" + 
-				"			public void run() {\n" + 
-				"				System.out.println(max(PI, 5));\n" + 
-				"			}\n" + 
-				"		}.run();\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"4.05.0"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test026() { // ensure inherited problem fields do not stop package resolution
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X extends Y { static void test() { java.lang.String.valueOf(0); } }\n" + 
-				"class Y { private String java; }\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test027() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	\n" + 
-				"	foo bar;\n" + 
-				"}\n", 
-				"p/",
-				"package p; \n" + 
-				"public class ST {\n" + 
-				"	public static int foo;\n" + 
-				"}\n"	,			
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	foo bar;\n" + 
-			"	^^^\n" + 
-			"foo cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test028() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p1/",//====================
-				"package p1;\n" + 
-				"public class Z {\n" + 
-				"	public interface I {\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"q/",//====================
-				"package q;\n" + 
-				"import static p.X.I;\n" + 
-				"import static p1.Z.I;\n" + 
-				"public class Y implements I {\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",//====================
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public enum X {\n" + 
-				"	I, J, K\n" + 
-				"}\n"	,			
-			},
-			"");
-		// recompile Y against binaries
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"q/",//====================
-				"package q;\n" + 
-				"import static p.X.I;\n" + 
-				"import static p1.Z.I;\n" + 
-				"public class Y implements I {\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"",
-			null,
-			false,
-			null);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test029() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p1/",
-				"package p1;\n" + 
-				"import static p2.C.B;\n" + 
-				"public class A extends B {\n" + 
-				"	void test() {" +
-				"		int i = B();\n" +
-				"		B b = null;\n" +
-				"		b.fooB();\n" +
-				"		b.fooC();\n" +
-				"		fooC();\n" +
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p1/",
-				"package p1;\n" + 
-				"public class B {\n" + 
-				"	public void fooB() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;\n" + 
-				"public class C {\n" + 
-				"	public static class B { public void fooC() {} }\n" + 
-				"	public static int B() { return 0; }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	b.fooB();\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method fooB() is undefined for the type C.B\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test030() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;\n" + 
-				"import static p1.A.*;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	Inner1 i; // not found\n" + 
-				"	Inner2 j;\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p1/",
-				"package p1;\n" + 
-				"public class A {\n" + 
-				"	public class Inner1 {}\n" +
-				"	public static class Inner2 {}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	Inner1 i; // not found\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Inner1 cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;\n" + 
-				"import p1.A.*;\n" + 
-				"import static p1.A.*;\n" + 
-				"import static p1.A.*;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	Inner1 i;\n" + 
-				"	Inner2 j;\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p1/",
-				"package p1;\n" + 
-				"public class A {\n" + 
-				"	public class Inner1 {}\n" +
-				"	public static class Inner2 {}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test031() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class PointRadius {\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		double radius = 0;\n" + 
-				"		radius = sqrt(pondArea / Math.PI);\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	radius = sqrt(pondArea / Math.PI);\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"pondArea cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test032() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p.A.*;\n" + 
-				"import static p.B.*;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {foo();}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;" +
-				"public class A {\n" + 
-				"	public static void foo() {System.out.print(false);}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;" +
-				"public class B extends A {\n" + 
-				"	public static void foo() {System.out.print(true);}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"true");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test032b() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p2.A.*;\n" + 
-				"import static p2.B.*;\n" + 
-				"public class X2 { void test() {foo();} }\n",
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;" +
-				"public class A {\n" + 
-				"	public static void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;" +
-				"public class B {\n" + 
-				"	public static void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	public class X2 { void test() {foo();} }\r\n" + 
-			"	                               ^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo() is ambiguous for the type X2\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// reference to foo is ambiguous, both method foo() in p.B and method foo() in p.A match
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test032c() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p3.A.*;\n" + 
-				"import static;\n" + 
-				"public class X3 {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {foo();}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p3/",
-				"package p3;" +
-				"public class A {\n" + 
-				"	public static void foo() {System.out.print(false);}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p3/",
-				"package p3;" +
-				"public class B {\n" + 
-				"	public static void foo() {System.out.print(true);}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"true");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test032d() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static;\n" + 
-				"import static p4.B.*;\n" + 
-				"public class X4 {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {foo();}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p4/",
-				"package p4;" +
-				"public class A {\n" + 
-				"	public static void foo() {System.out.print(true);}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p4/",
-				"package p4;" +
-				"public class B extends A {\n" + 
-				"	public static void foo() {System.out.print(false);}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"true");
-	}
-	public void test033() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p.A.*;\n" + 
-				"import static p.B.*;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {foo(\"aa\");}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;" +
-				"public class A {\n" + 
-				"	public static <U> void foo(U u) {System.out.print(false);}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;" +
-				"public class B extends A {\n" + 
-				"	public static <V> void foo(String s) {System.out.print(true);}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"true");
-	}
-	public void test033b() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p2.A.*;\n" + 
-				"import static p2.B.*;\n" + 
-				"public class X2 {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {foo(\"aa\");}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;" +
-				"public class A {\n" + 
-				"	public static <U> void foo(String s) {System.out.print(true);}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p2/",
-				"package p2;" +
-				"public class B extends A {\n" + 
-				"	public static <V> void foo(V v) {System.out.print(false);}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"true");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test034() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"public abstract class AbstractTest<Z> {\n" + 
-				"  \n" + 
-				"  public abstract MyEnum m(Z z);\n" + 
-				"  \n" + 
-				"  public enum MyEnum {\n" + 
-				"    A,B\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"import static test.AbstractTest.MyEnum.*;\n" +
-				"public class X extends AbstractTest<String> {\n" + 
-				"  @Override public MyEnum m(String s) {\n" + 
-				"    return A;\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test035() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static java.lang.String.format;\n" +
-				"public class Bug extends p.TestCase {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		String msg = \"test\";\n" + 
-				"		System.out.print(format(msg));\n" + 
-				"		System.out.print(format(msg, 1, 2));\n" +
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class TestCase {\n" + 
-				"	static String format(String message, Object expected, Object actual) {return null;}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"testtest");
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"class A {\n" + 
-				"	static class B { void foo(Object o, String s) {} }\n" + 
-				"	void foo(int i) {}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class C extends A.B {\n" +
-				"	void test() { foo(1); }\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\r\n" + 
-			"	void test() { foo(1); }\r\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo(Object, String) in the type A.B is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class A {\n" + 
-				"  void foo(int i, long j) {}\n" + 
-				"  class B {\n" + 
-				"    void foo() { foo(1, 1); }\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}",
-			}, 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	void foo() { foo(1, 1); }\n" + 
-			"	             ^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo() in the type A.B is not applicable for the arguments (int, int)\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test036() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p.A.CONSTANT_I;\n" + 
-				"import static p.A.CONSTANT_B;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  static int i = p.A.CONSTANT_I;\n" + 
-				"  static int j = p.A.CONSTANT_B;\n" + 
-				"  static int m = CONSTANT_I;\n" + 
-				"  static int n = CONSTANT_B;\n" + 
-				"}",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class A extends B implements I {}\n" + 
-				"interface I { int CONSTANT_I = 1; }\n" + 
-				"class B { int CONSTANT_B = 1; }",
-			}, 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	import static p.A.CONSTANT_B;\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The field B.p.A.CONSTANT_B is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	static int j = p.A.CONSTANT_B;\n" + 
-			"	                   ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The field B.CONSTANT_B is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	static int n = CONSTANT_B;\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"CONSTANT_B cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	// - variation
-	public void test037() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p.A.CONSTANT_I;\n" + 
-				"import static p.A.CONSTANT_B;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  static int i = p.A.CONSTANT_I;\n" + 
-				"  static int j = p.A.CONSTANT_B;\n" + 
-				"  static int m = CONSTANT_I;\n" + 
-				"  static int n = CONSTANT_B;\n" + 
-				"}",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class A extends B implements I {}\n" + 
-				"interface I { int CONSTANT_I = 1; }\n" + 
-				"class B { public static int CONSTANT_B = 1; }",
-			}, 
-			"");
-	}
-	// - variation
-	public void test038() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p.A.foo_I;\n" + 
-				"import static p.A.foo_B;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  static int i = p.A.foo_I();\n" + 
-				"  static int j = p.A.foo_B();\n" + 
-				"  static int m = foo_I();\n" + 
-				"  static int n = foo_B();\n" + 
-				"}",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public abstract class A extends B implements I {}\n" + 
-				"interface I { int foo_I(); }\n" + 
-				"class B { int foo_B() { return 2;} }",
-			}, 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	import static p.A.foo_I;\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import p.A.foo_I cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	import static p.A.foo_B;\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import p.A.foo_B cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	static int i = p.A.foo_I();\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method foo_I() from the type I\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	static int j = p.A.foo_B();\n" + 
-			"	                   ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo_B() from the type B is not visible\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	static int m = foo_I();\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo_I() is undefined for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	static int n = foo_B();\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo_B() is undefined for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	// - variation
-	public void test039() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p.A.foo_I;\n" + 
-				"import static p.A.foo_B;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  static int i = p.A.foo_I();\n" + 
-				"  static int j = p.A.foo_B();\n" + 
-				"  static int m = foo_I();\n" + 
-				"  static int n = foo_B();\n" + 
-				"}",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public abstract class A extends B implements I {}\n" + 
-				"interface I { int foo_I(); }\n" + 
-				"class B { public static int foo_B() { return 2;} }",
-			}, 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\r\n" + 
-			"	import static p.A.foo_I;\r\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import p.A.foo_I cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-			"	static int i = p.A.foo_I();\r\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method foo_I() from the type I\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\r\n" + 
-			"	static int m = foo_I();\r\n" + 
-			"	               ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo_I() is undefined for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	// - variation
-	public void test040() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p1/",//====================
-				"package p1;\n" + 
-				"public class Z {\n" + 
-				"	public interface I {\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"q/",//====================
-				"package q;\n" + 
-				"import static;\n" + 
-				"import static p1.Z.I;\n" + 
-				"public class Y implements I {\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",//====================
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void foo() {}\n" + 
-				"}\n"	,			
-			},
-			"");
-		// recompile Y against binaries
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"q/",//====================
-				"package q;\n" + 
-				"import static;\n" + 
-				"import static p1.Z.I;\n" + 
-				"public class Y implements I {\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"",
-			null,
-			false,
-			null);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test041() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p.I.*;\n" + 
-				"import static p.J.*;\n" + 
-				"public class Test {\n" + 
-				"	int i = Constant;\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public interface I { static int Constant = 1; }\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public interface J extends I {}\n"	,			
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	import static p.J.*;\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^\n" + 
-			"The import p.J is never used\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test042() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static p.ArrayTest.toString2;\n" + 
-				"public class ImportTest extends SuperTest {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) { printArgs(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); }\n" +
-				"	static void printArgs(Object... args) { toString2(args); }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class SuperTest {\n" + 
-				"	static void toString2() {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class ArrayTest {\n" + 
-				"	public static void toString2(String[] args) {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-			"	static void printArgs(Object... args) { toString2(args); }\r\n" + 
-			"	                                        ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method toString2() in the type SuperTest is not applicable for the arguments (Object[])\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// toString2() in SuperTest cannot be applied to (java.lang.Object[])
-		);
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static java.util.Arrays.toString;\n" + 
-				"public class ImportTest {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) { printArgs(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); }\n" +
-				"	static void printArgs(Object... args) { toString(args); }\n" + 
-				"}\n"	
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	static void printArgs(Object... args) { toString(args); }\n" + 
-			"	                                        ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method toString() in the type Object is not applicable for the arguments (Object[])\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// toString() in java.lang.Object cannot be applied to (java.lang.Object[])
-		);
-	}
-	public void test042b() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static;\n" + 
-				"public class ImportTest extends SuperImportTest {\n" + 
-				"	void test() { foo(\"fails?\"); }\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class SuperImportTest {\n" + 
-				"	private void foo() {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class DefinesFoo {\n" + 
-				"	public static void foo(String s) {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test043() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static java.lang.String.format;\n" + 
-				"public class B extends p.A {\n" + 
-				"	void test() { format(\"fails?\"); }\n" + 
-				"	void test2() { format(\"fails?\", null); }\n" + 
-				"	void test3() { format(\"fails?\", null, null); }\n" + 
-				"	void test4() { format(\"fails?\", null, null, null); }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class A {\n" + 
-				"	static String format(String message, Object expected, Object actual) { return null; }\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	// names potential confusion
-	public void test044() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + 
-				"import static p.X.B.E;\n" + 
-				"import static p.X.B.*;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  public static class Y {\n" + 
-				"    public enum E { FOO; }\n" + 
-				"    public static Object E() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"    public enum F { FOO; }\n" + 
-				"    public static Object F() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"  public static class B extends Y {}\n" + 
-				"  Object f1 = E.FOO;\n" + 
-				"  Object f2 = E();\n" + 
-				"  Object f3 = F.FOO;\n" + 
-				"  Object f4 = F();\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test045() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import static test.Y.arrayList;\n" +
-				"public class X { static void arrayList(int x) { arrayList(); } }\n",
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"public class Y { public static void arrayList() {} }\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	public class X { static void arrayList(int x) { arrayList(); } }\n" + 
-			"	                                                ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method arrayList(int) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments ()\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// arrayList(int) in X cannot be applied to ()
-		);
-	}
-	public void test045b() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"public class One { public static void arrayList(String s) {} }\n",
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"public class Two { public void arrayList(int i) {} }\n",
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"import static test.One.arrayList;\n" +
-				"public class Three extends Two { public static void test(String s) { arrayList(s); } }\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	public class Three extends Two { public static void test(String s) { arrayList(s); } }\n" + 
-			"	                                                                     ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method arrayList(int) in the type Two is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// arrayList(int) in test.Two cannot be applied to (java.lang.String)
-		);
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"public class One { public static void arrayList(String s) {} }\n",
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"public class Two { public static void arrayList(int i) {} }\n",
-				"test/",
-				"package test;\n" +
-				"import static test.One.arrayList;\n" +
-				"public class Three extends Two { public static void test(String s) { arrayList(s); } }\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	public class Three extends Two { public static void test(String s) { arrayList(s); } }\r\n" + 
-			"	                                                                     ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method arrayList(int) in the type Two is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// arrayList(int) in test.Two cannot be applied to (java.lang.String)
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test046() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"error/",
-				"package error;\n" + 
-				"public class Exporter {\n" + 
-				"  public static String getName(Class<?> c) {\n" + 
-				"    return null;\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}",
-				"error/",
-				"package error;\n" + 
-				"import static error.Exporter.getName;\n" + 
-				"public class Importer extends Base {\n" + 
-				"  public void testSomething() {\n" + 
-				"    getName();\n" + 
-				"    getName(Importer.class);\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}",
-				"error/",
-				"package error;\n" + 
-				"public class Base {\n" + 
-				"  public String getName() {\n" + 
-				"    return \"name\";\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in error\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	getName(Importer.class);\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method getName() in the type Base is not applicable for the arguments (Class<Importer>)\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);		
-	}
-	//
-	//
-	public void test047() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"sample/",
-				"package sample;\n" + 
-				"import static sample.X.TestEnum.V1;\n" + 
-				"import static sample.X.TestEnum.V2;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class X<T> {\n" + 
-				"        public static enum TestEnum {\n" + 
-				"                V1,\n" + 
-				"                V2\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"        public void test(final TestEnum value) {\n" + 
-				"                switch (value) {\n" + 
-				"                        case V1:\n" + 
-				"                        case V2:\n" + 
-				"                }\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"        public void ref() {\n" + 
-				"               final TestEnum v1 = TestEnum.V1;\n" + 
-				"               final TestEnum v2 = TestEnum.V2;\n" + 
-				"				int i;\n" +
-				"				i++;\n" +
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"}", // =================
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in sample\\ (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	import static sample.X.TestEnum.V1;\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import sample.X.TestEnum.V1 is never used\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in sample\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	import static sample.X.TestEnum.V2;\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import sample.X.TestEnum.V2 is never used\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in sample\\ (at line 22)\n" + 
-			"	i++;\n" + 
-			"	^\n" + 
-			"The local variable i may not have been initialized\n" + 
-			"----------\n");		
-	}
-	// - variation
-	// - variation
-	public void test048() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"sample/",
-				"package sample;\n" + 
-				"import static sample.X.TestEnum.*;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class X<T> {\n" + 
-				"        public static enum TestEnum {\n" + 
-				"                V1,\n" + 
-				"                V2\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"        public void test(final TestEnum value) {\n" + 
-				"                switch (value) {\n" + 
-				"                        case V1:\n" + 
-				"                        case V2:\n" + 
-				"                }\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"        public void ref() {\n" + 
-				"               final TestEnum v1 = TestEnum.V1;\n" + 
-				"               final TestEnum v2 = TestEnum.V2;\n" + 
-				"				int i;\n" +
-				"				i++;\n" +
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"}", // =================
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in sample\\ (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	import static sample.X.TestEnum.*;\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import sample.X.TestEnum is never used\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in sample\\ (at line 21)\n" + 
-			"	i++;\n" + 
-			"	^\n" + 
-			"The local variable i may not have been initialized\n" + 
-			"----------\n");		
-	}
-	// - variation
-	public void test049() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"sample/",
-				"package sample;\n" + 
-				"import static sample.X.*;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public class Member {}\n" + 
-				"	public void ref() {\n" + 
-				"		int i;\n" +
-				"		i++;\n" +
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}", // =================
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in sample\\ (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	import static sample.X.*;\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import sample.X is never used\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in sample\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	i++;\n" + 
-			"	^\n" + 
-			"The local variable i may not have been initialized\n" + 
-			"----------\n");		
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 00ca596..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-public class SuperTypeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-	public SuperTypeTest(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	// Static initializer to specify tests subset using TESTS_* static variables
-	// All specified tests which does not belong to the class are skipped...
-	static {
-//		TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "test000" };
-//		TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 42, 43, 44 };
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 11, -1 };
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-	}
-	public static Class testClass() {
-		return SuperTypeTest.class;
-	}
-	/**
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test001() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				/* org.eclipse.curiosity.A */
-				"org/eclipse/curiosity/",
-				"package org.eclipse.curiosity;\n" + 
-				"public abstract class A implements InterfaceA {\n" + 
-				"	private void e() {\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	public void f() {\n" + 
-				"		this.e();\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}",
-				/* org.eclipse.curiosity.InterfaceA */
-				"org/eclipse/curiosity/",
-				"package org.eclipse.curiosity;\n" + 
-				"public interface InterfaceA extends InterfaceBase {}\n",
-				"org/eclipse/curiosity/",
-				/* org.eclipse.curiosity.InterfaceBase */
-				"package org.eclipse.curiosity;\n" + 
-				"public interface InterfaceBase {\n" + 
-				"    public void a();\n" + 
-				"    public void b();\n" + 
-				"    public void c();\n" + 
-				"    public void d();\n" + 
-				"}"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-// was Compliance_1_x#test001
-public void test002() {
-	String[] sources = new String[] {
-		"p1/",
-		"package p1; \n"+
-		"public class Test { \n"+
-		"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"+
-		"		new Test().foo(); \n"+
-		"	} \n"+
-		"	class M { \n"+
-		"	} \n"+
-		"	void foo(){ \n"+
-		"		class Y extends Secondary { \n"+
-		"			M m; \n"+
-		"		}; \n"+
-		"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n" +
-		"	} \n"+
-		"} \n" +
-		"class Secondary { \n" +
-		"	class M {} \n" +
-		"} \n"
-	};
-	if (this.complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3)) {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			sources,
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	M m; \n" + 
-			"	^\n" + 
-			"The type M is defined in an inherited type and an enclosing scope\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	} else {
-		runConformTest(
-			sources,
-			"SUCCESS");
-	}
-// was Compliance_1_x#test002
-public void test003() {
-	String[] sources = new String[] {
-		"p1/",
-		"package p1; \n"+
-		"public class Test { \n"+
-		"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"+
-		"		new Test().foo(); \n"+
-		"	} \n"+
-		"	String bar() { \n"+
-		"		return \"FAILED\";	\n" +
-		"	} \n"+
-		"	void foo(){ \n"+
-		"		class Y extends Secondary { \n"+
-		"			String z = bar();	\n" +
-		"		}; \n"+
-		"		System.out.println(new Y().z);	\n" +
-		"	} \n"+
-		"} \n" +
-		"class Secondary { \n" +
-		"	String bar(){ return \"SUCCESS\"; } \n" +
-		"} \n"
-	};
-	if (this.complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3)) {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			sources,
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	String z = bar();	\n" + 
-			"	           ^^^\n" + 
-			"The method bar is defined in an inherited type and an enclosing scope\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	} else {
-		runConformTest(
-			sources,
-			"SUCCESS");
-	}
-// was Compliance_1_x#test003
-public void test004() {
-	String[] sources = new String[] {
-		"p1/",
-		"package p1; \n"+
-		"public class Test { \n"+
-		"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"+
-		"		new Test().foo(); \n"+
-		"	} \n"+
-		"	String bar = \"FAILED\";"+
-		"	void foo(){ \n"+
-		"		class Y extends Secondary { \n"+
-		"			String z = bar; \n"+
-		"		}; \n"+
-		"		System.out.println(new Y().z);	\n" +
-		"	} \n"+
-		"} \n" +
-		"class Secondary { \n" +
-		"	String bar = \"SUCCESS\"; \n" +
-		"} \n"
-	};
-	if (this.complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3)) {
-		runNegativeTest(
-			sources,
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	String z = bar; \n" + 
-			"	           ^^^\n" + 
-			"The field bar is defined in an inherited type and an enclosing scope \n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	} else {
-		runConformTest(
-			sources,
-			"SUCCESS");
-	}
-// was Compliance_1_x#test004
-public void test005() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1; \n"+
-			"public class Test { \n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"+
-			"		new Test().foo(); \n"+
-			"	} \n"+
-			"	String bar() { \n"+
-			"		return \"SUCCESS\";	\n" +
-			"	} \n"+
-			"	void foo(){ \n"+
-			"		class Y extends Secondary { \n"+
-			"			String z = bar();	\n" +
-			"		}; \n"+
-			"		System.out.println(new Y().z);	\n" +
-			"	} \n"+
-			"} \n" +
-			"class Secondary { \n" +
-			"	private String bar(){ return \"FAILED\"; } \n" +
-			"} \n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-// was Compliance_1_x#test005
-public void test006() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1; \n"+
-			"public class Test { \n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"+
-			"		new Test().foo(); \n"+
-			"	} \n"+
-			"	String bar = \"SUCCESS\";"+
-			"	void foo(){ \n"+
-			"		class Y extends Secondary { \n"+
-			"			String z = bar; \n"+
-			"		}; \n"+
-			"		System.out.println(new Y().z);	\n" +
-			"	} \n"+
-			"} \n" +
-			"class Secondary { \n" +
-			"	private String bar = \"FAILED\"; \n" +
-			"} \n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-// was Compliance_1_x#test006
-public void test007() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1; \n"+
-			"public class Test { \n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"+
-			"		new Test().foo(); \n"+
-			"	} \n"+
-			"	String bar() { \n"+
-			"		return \"FAILED\";	\n" +
-			"	} \n"+
-			"	void foo(){ \n"+
-			"		class Y extends Secondary { \n"+
-			"			String z = bar();	\n" +
-			"		}; \n"+
-			"		System.out.println(new Y().z);	\n" +
-			"	} \n"+
-			"} \n" +
-			"class Secondary { \n" +
-			"	String bar(int i){ return \"SUCCESS\"; } \n" +
-			"} \n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 11)\n" + 
-		"	String z = bar();	\n" + 
-		"	           ^^^\n" + 
-		"The method bar(int) in the type Secondary is not applicable for the arguments ()\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index bde73f6..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,576 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-public class SwitchTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-public SwitchTest(String name) {
-	super(name);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-public void test001() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-		"    foo();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    try {\n" + 
-		"      switch(0) {\n" + 
-		"      case 0 :\n" + 
-		"      case 1 - (1 << 31) :\n" + 
-		"      case (1 << 30) :\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"    } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	});
-public void test002() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int k;\n" + 
-		"  public void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int c;\n" + 
-		"    switch (k) {\n" + 
-		"      default :\n" + 
-		"        c = 2;\n" + 
-		"        break;\n" + 
-		"      case 2 :\n" + 
-		"        c = 3;\n" + 
-		"        break;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	});
-public void test003() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int i = 0;\n" + 
-		"  void foo() {\n" + 
-		"    switch (i) {\n" + 
-		"      case 1 :\n" + 
-		"        {\n" + 
-		"          int j;\n" + 
-		"          break;\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	});
-public void test004() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public static int foo() {\n" + 
-		"    int i = 0, j;\n" + 
-		"    switch (i) {\n" + 
-		"      default :\n" + 
-		"        int k = 2;\n" + 
-		"        j = k;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    if (j != -2) {\n" + 
-		"      return 1;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    return 0;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	});
-public void test005() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"class BugJavaCase {\n" + 
-		"  public static final int BC_ZERO_ARG = 1;\n" + 
-		"  public void test01(int i) {\n" + 
-		"    switch (i) {\n" + 
-		"      case BC_ZERO_ARG :\n" + 
-		"        System.out.println(\"i = \" + i);\n" + 
-		"        break;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	});
-public void test006() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-		"    foo(); \n" + 
-		"  } \n" + 
-		" \n" + 
-		"  public static void foo() { \n" + 
-		"    char x = 5;\n" + 
-		"    final short b = 5;\n" + 
-		"    int a;\n" + 
-		"    \n" + 
-		"    switch (x) {\n" + 
-		"      case b:        // compile time error\n" + 
-		"        a = 0;\n" + 
-		"        break; \n" + 
-		"      default:\n" + 
-		"        a=1;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    \n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	});
-public void test007() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  void v() {\n" + 
-			"    switch (1) {\n" + 
-			"      case (int) (1.0 / 0.0) :\n" + 
-			"        break;\n" + 
-			"      case (int) (2.0 / 0.0) :\n" + 
-			"        break;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	case (int) (1.0 / 0.0) :\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Duplicate case\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	case (int) (2.0 / 0.0) :\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Duplicate case\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-public void test008() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"		switch(args.length){\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	},
-public void test009() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"    public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" + 
-		"        switch (81391861) {\n" + 
-		"        case (81391861) :\n" + 
-		"        	System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-		"            break;\n" + 
-		"        default:\n" + 
-		"        	System.out.println(\"FAILED\");\n" + 
-		"        }\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	},
-public void test010() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	\n" + 
-		"	void foo(){\n" + 
-		"		switch(this){\n" + 
-		"			case 0 : \n" + 
-		"				Zork z;\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	\n" + 
-		"	void bar(){\n" + 
-		"		switch(x){\n" + 
-		"			case 0 : \n" + 
-		"				Zork z;\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	}	\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	},
-	"----------\n" + 
-	"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-	"	switch(this){\n" + 
-	"	       ^^^^\n" + 
-	"Cannot switch on a value of type X. Only int values or enum constants are permitted\n" + 
-	"----------\n" + 
-	"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-	"	Zork z;\n" + 
-	"	^^^^\n" + 
-	"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-	"----------\n" + 
-	"3. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-	"	switch(x){\n" + 
-	"	       ^\n" + 
-	"x cannot be resolved\n" + 
-	"----------\n" + 
-	"4. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-	"	Zork z;\n" + 
-	"	^^^^\n" + 
-	"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-	"----------\n");
-public void test011() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	public static void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-		"		switch (args.length) {\n" + 
-		"			case 1 :\n" + 
-		"				System.out.println();\n" + 
-		"			case 3 :\n" + 
-		"				break;\n" + 
-		"			default :\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	},
-//public void test012() {
-//	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-//		"",
-//		"public class X {\n" + 
-//		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-//		"    boolean x= true;\n" + 
-//		"    try {\n" + 
-//		"      int i= 1;\n" + 
-//		"      switch (i) { // <-- breakpoint here\n" + 
-//		"        case 1:\n" + 
-//		"          break;      //step 1 \n" + 
-//		"        case 2:\n" + 
-//		"          x = false;   //step 2 \n" + 
-//		"          break;\n" + 
-//		"      }\n" + 
-//		"    }catch(Exception e) {\n" + 
-//		"    }\n" + 
-//		"    System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-//		"  }\n" + 
-//		"}\n",
-//	},
-//	"SUCCESS");
-//	String expectedOutput = 
-//		"  // Method descriptor #15 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" + 
-//		"  // Stack: 2, Locals: 3\n" + 
-//		"  public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" + 
-//		"     0  iconst_1\n" + 
-//		"     1  istore_1 [x]\n" + 
-//		"     2  iconst_1\n" + 
-//		"     3  istore_2 [i]\n" + 
-//		"     4  iload_2 [i]\n" + 
-//		"     5  tableswitch default: 33\n" + 
-//		"          case 1: 28\n" + 
-//		"          case 2: 31\n" + 
-//		"    28  goto 37\n" + 
-//		"    31  iconst_0\n" + 
-//		"    32  istore_1 [x]\n" + 
-//		"    33  goto 37\n" + 
-//		"    36  astore_2\n" + 
-//		"    37  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" + 
-//		"    40  ldc <String \"SUCCESS\"> [22]\n" + 
-//		"    42  invokevirtual : void [24]\n" + 
-//		"    45  return\n" + 
-//		"      Exception Table:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 2, pc: 33] -> 36 when : java.lang.Exception\n" + 
-//		"      Line numbers:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 0, line: 3]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 2, line: 5]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 4, line: 6]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 28, line: 8]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 31, line: 10]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 33, line: 12]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 36, line: 13]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 37, line: 15]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 45, line: 16]\n" + 
-//		"      Local variable table:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 0, pc: 46] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 2, pc: 46] local: x index: 1 type: boolean\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 4, pc: 36] local: i index: 2 type: int\n";
-//	try {
-//		File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-//		byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-//		ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-//		String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n", ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-//		int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-//		if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-//			System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-//		}
-//		if (index == -1) {
-//			assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-//		}
-//	} catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-//		e.printStackTrace();
-//		assertTrue("ClassFormatException", false);
-//	} catch (IOException e) {
-//		e.printStackTrace();
-//		assertTrue("IOException", false);
-//	}		
-//public void test013() {
-//	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-//		"",
-//		"public class X {\n" + 
-//		"\n" + 
-//		"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-//		"		X x;\n" + 
-//		"		Object o = null;\n" + 
-//		"		for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n" + 
-//		"			if (i < 90) {\n" + 
-//		"				x = new X();\n" + 
-//		"				if (i > 4) {\n" + 
-//		"					o = new Object();\n" + 
-//		"				} else {\n" + 
-//		"					o = null;\n" + 
-//		"				}\n" + 
-//		"				switch (2) {\n" + 
-//		"					case 0:\n" + 
-//		"						if (o instanceof String) {\n" + 
-//		"							System.out.print(\"1\");\n" + 
-//		"							return;\n" + 
-//		"						} else {\n" + 
-//		"							break;\n" + 
-//		"						}\n" + 
-//		"					default: {\n" + 
-//		"						Object diff = o;\n" + 
-//		"						if (diff != null) {\n" + 
-//		"							System.out.print(\"2\");\n" + 
-//		"						}\n" + 
-//		"						break;\n" + 
-//		"					}\n" + 
-//		"				}\n" + 
-//		"				System.out.print(\"3\");				\n" + 
-//		"			}\n" + 
-//		"		}\n" + 
-//		"	}\n" + 
-//		"}\n",
-//	},
-//	"333332323232323");
-//	String expectedOutput = new CompilerOptions(this.getCompilerOptions()).complianceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_6
-//		?	"  // Method descriptor #15 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" + 
-//			"  // Stack: 2, Locals: 5\n" + 
-//			"  public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" + 
-//			"      0  aconst_null\n" + 
-//			"      1  astore_2 [o]\n" + 
-//			"      2  iconst_0\n" + 
-//			"      3  istore_3 [i]\n" + 
-//			"      4  goto 103\n" + 
-//			"      7  iload_3 [i]\n" + 
-//			"      8  bipush 90\n" + 
-//			"     10  if_icmpge 100\n" + 
-//			"     13  new X [1]\n" + 
-//			"     16  dup\n" + 
-//			"     17  invokespecial X() [16]\n" + 
-//			"     20  astore_1 [x]\n" + 
-//			"     21  iload_3 [i]\n" + 
-//			"     22  iconst_4\n" + 
-//			"     23  if_icmple 37\n" + 
-//			"     26  new java.lang.Object [3]\n" + 
-//			"     29  dup\n" + 
-//			"     30  invokespecial java.lang.Object() [8]\n" + 
-//			"     33  astore_2 [o]\n" + 
-//			"     34  goto 39\n" + 
-//			"     37  aconst_null\n" + 
-//			"     38  astore_2 [o]\n" + 
-//			"     39  iconst_2\n" + 
-//			"     40  tableswitch default: 76\n" + 
-//			"          case 0: 60\n" + 
-//			"     60  aload_2 [o]\n" + 
-//			"     61  instanceof java.lang.String [17]\n" + 
-//			"     64  ifeq 92\n" + 
-//			"     67  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [19]\n" + 
-//			"     70  ldc <String \"1\"> [25]\n" + 
-//			"     72  invokevirtual : void [27]\n" + 
-//			"     75  return\n" + 
-//			"     76  aload_2 [o]\n" + 
-//			"     77  astore 4 [diff]\n" + 
-//			"     79  aload 4 [diff]\n" + 
-//			"     81  ifnull 92\n" + 
-//			"     84  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [19]\n" + 
-//			"     87  ldc <String \"2\"> [33]\n" + 
-//			"     89  invokevirtual : void [27]\n" + 
-//			"     92  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [19]\n" + 
-//			"     95  ldc <String \"3\"> [35]\n" + 
-//			"     97  invokevirtual : void [27]\n" + 
-//			"    100  iinc 3 1 [i]\n" + 
-//			"    103  iload_3 [i]\n" + 
-//			"    104  bipush 10\n" + 
-//			"    106  if_icmplt 7\n" + 
-//			"    109  return\n" + 
-//			"      Line numbers:\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 0, line: 5]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 2, line: 6]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 7, line: 7]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 13, line: 8]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 21, line: 9]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 26, line: 10]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 37, line: 12]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 39, line: 14]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 60, line: 16]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 67, line: 17]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 75, line: 18]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 76, line: 23]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 79, line: 24]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 84, line: 25]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 92, line: 30]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 100, line: 6]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 109, line: 33]\n" + 
-//			"      Local variable table:\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 0, pc: 110] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 21, pc: 100] local: x index: 1 type: X\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 2, pc: 110] local: o index: 2 type: java.lang.Object\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 4, pc: 109] local: i index: 3 type: int\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 79, pc: 92] local: diff index: 4 type: java.lang.Object\n"
-//		:
-//			"  // Method descriptor #15 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" + 
-//			"  // Stack: 2, Locals: 5\n" + 
-//			"  public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" + 
-//			"      0  aconst_null\n" + 
-//			"      1  astore_2 [o]\n" + 
-//			"      2  iconst_0\n" + 
-//			"      3  istore_3 [i]\n" + 
-//			"      4  goto 103\n" + 
-//			"      7  iload_3 [i]\n" + 
-//			"      8  bipush 90\n" + 
-//			"     10  if_icmpge 100\n" + 
-//			"     13  new X [1]\n" + 
-//			"     16  dup\n" + 
-//			"     17  invokespecial X() [16]\n" + 
-//			"     20  astore_1 [x]\n" + 
-//			"     21  iload_3 [i]\n" + 
-//			"     22  iconst_4\n" + 
-//			"     23  if_icmple 37\n" + 
-//			"     26  new java.lang.Object [3]\n" + 
-//			"     29  dup\n" + 
-//			"     30  invokespecial java.lang.Object() [8]\n" + 
-//			"     33  astore_2 [o]\n" + 
-//			"     34  goto 39\n" + 
-//			"     37  aconst_null\n" + 
-//			"     38  astore_2 [o]\n" + 
-//			"     39  iconst_2\n" + 
-//			"     40  tableswitch default: 76\n" + 
-//			"          case 0: 60\n" + 
-//			"     60  aload_2 [o]\n" + 
-//			"     61  instanceof java.lang.String [17]\n" + 
-//			"     64  ifeq 92\n" + 
-//			"     67  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [19]\n" + 
-//			"     70  ldc <String \"1\"> [25]\n" + 
-//			"     72  invokevirtual : void [27]\n" + 
-//			"     75  return\n" + 
-//			"     76  aload_2 [o]\n" + 
-//			"     77  astore 4 [diff]\n" + 
-//			"     79  aload 4 [diff]\n" + 
-//			"     81  ifnull 92\n" + 
-//			"     84  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [19]\n" + 
-//			"     87  ldc <String \"2\"> [33]\n" + 
-//			"     89  invokevirtual : void [27]\n" + 
-//			"     92  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [19]\n" + 
-//			"     95  ldc <String \"3\"> [35]\n" + 
-//			"     97  invokevirtual : void [27]\n" + 
-//			"    100  iinc 3 1 [i]\n" + 
-//			"    103  iload_3 [i]\n" + 
-//			"    104  bipush 10\n" + 
-//			"    106  if_icmplt 7\n" + 
-//			"    109  return\n" + 
-//			"      Line numbers:\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 0, line: 5]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 2, line: 6]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 7, line: 7]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 13, line: 8]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 21, line: 9]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 26, line: 10]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 37, line: 12]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 39, line: 14]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 60, line: 16]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 67, line: 17]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 75, line: 18]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 76, line: 23]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 79, line: 24]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 84, line: 25]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 92, line: 30]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 100, line: 6]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 109, line: 33]\n" + 
-//			"      Local variable table:\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 0, pc: 110] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 21, pc: 100] local: x index: 1 type: X\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 2, pc: 110] local: o index: 2 type: java.lang.Object\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 4, pc: 109] local: i index: 3 type: int\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 79, pc: 92] local: diff index: 4 type: java.lang.Object\n" + 
-//			"      Stack map table: number of frames 8\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 7, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], _, java.lang.Object, int}]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 37, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], X, java.lang.Object, int}]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 39, same]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 60, same]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 76, same]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 92, same]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 100, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], _, java.lang.Object, int}]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 103, same]\n";
-//	try {
-//		File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-//		byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-//		ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-//		String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n", ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-//		int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-//		if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-//			System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-//		}
-//		if (index == -1) {
-//			assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-//		}
-//	} catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-//		e.printStackTrace();
-//		assertTrue("ClassFormatException", false);
-//	} catch (IOException e) {
-//		e.printStackTrace();
-//		assertTrue("IOException", false);
-//	}		
-public static Class testClass() {
-	return SwitchTest.class;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index a50dd1f..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.future.compiler.regression.ArrayTest;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.future.compiler.regression.BooleanTest;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.future.compiler.regression.Compliance_1_4;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.junit.extension.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.AbstractCompilerTest;
- * Run all compiler regression tests
- */
-public class TestAll extends junit.framework.TestCase {
-public TestAll(String testName) {
-	super(testName);
-public static Test suite() {
-	// Common test suites
-	ArrayList standardTests = new ArrayList();
-	standardTests.add(ArrayTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(AssignmentTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(BooleanTest.class);
-//	standardTests.add(ClassFileComparatorTest.class);
-//	standardTests.add(CollisionCase.class);
-//	standardTests.add(ConstantTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(DeprecatedTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(LocalVariableTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(LookupTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(NumericTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(ProblemConstructorTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(ProblemTypeAndMethodTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(ScannerTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(SwitchTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(TryStatementTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(UtilTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(XLargeTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(InternalScannerTest.class);
-//	standardTests.add(ConditionalExpressionTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(ExternalizeStringLiteralsTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(NonFatalErrorTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(FlowAnalysisTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(CharOperationTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(RuntimeTests.class);
-//	standardTests.add(DebugAttributeTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(NullReferenceTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(CompilerInvocationTests.class);
-	standardTests.add(InnerEmulationTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(SuperTypeTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(ForStatementTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(FieldAccessTest.class);
-	standardTests.add(SerialVersionUIDTests.class);
-//	standardTests.add(LineNumberAttributeTest.class);
-	// add all javadoc tests
-	for (int i=0, l=JavadocTest.ALL_CLASSES.size(); i<l; i++) {
-		standardTests.add(JavadocTest.ALL_CLASSES.get(i));
-	}
-	// Tests to run when compliance is greater than 1.3
-	ArrayList since_1_4 = new ArrayList();
-//	since_1_4.add(AssertionTest.class);
-	// Tests to run when compliance is greater than 1.4
-	ArrayList since_1_5 = new ArrayList();
-	since_1_5.addAll(RunComparableTests.ALL_CLASSES);
-//	since_1_5.add(ClassFileReaderTest_1_5.class);
-	since_1_5.add(InternalHexFloatTest.class);
-	since_1_5.add(JavadocTest_1_5.class);
-//	since_1_5.add(BatchCompilerTest.class);
-	since_1_5.add(ExternalizeStringLiterals15Test.class);
-//	since_1_5.add(Deprecated15Test.class);
-	// Tests to run when compliance is greater than 1.5
-	ArrayList since_1_6 = new ArrayList();
-//	since_1_6.add(StackMapAttributeTest.class);
-	// Build final test suite
-	TestSuite all = new TestSuite(TestAll.class.getName());
-	int possibleComplianceLevels = AbstractCompilerTest.getPossibleComplianceLevels();
-	if ((possibleComplianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_3) != 0) {
-		ArrayList tests_1_3 = (ArrayList)standardTests.clone();
-		tests_1_3.add(Compliance_1_3.class);
-		tests_1_3.add(JavadocTest_1_3.class);
-		// Reset forgotten subsets tests
-		TestCase.TESTS_PREFIX = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NAMES = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NUMBERS= null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_RANGE = null;
-		TestCase.RUN_ONLY_ID = null;
-		all.addTest(AbstractCompilerTest.buildComplianceTestSuite(AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_3, tests_1_3));
-	}
-	if ((possibleComplianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_4) != 0) {
-		ArrayList tests_1_4 = (ArrayList)standardTests.clone();
-		tests_1_4.addAll(since_1_4);
-		tests_1_4.add(Compliance_1_4.class);
-//		tests_1_4.add(ClassFileReaderTest_1_4.class);
-		tests_1_4.add(JavadocTest_1_4.class);
-		// Reset forgotten subsets tests
-		TestCase.TESTS_PREFIX = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NAMES = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NUMBERS= null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_RANGE = null;
-		TestCase.RUN_ONLY_ID = null;
-		all.addTest(AbstractCompilerTest.buildComplianceTestSuite(AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_4, tests_1_4));
-	}
-	if ((possibleComplianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_5) != 0) {
-		ArrayList tests_1_5 = (ArrayList)standardTests.clone();
-		tests_1_5.addAll(since_1_4);
-		tests_1_5.addAll(since_1_5);
-		// Reset forgotten subsets tests
-		TestCase.TESTS_PREFIX = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NAMES = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NUMBERS= null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_RANGE = null;
-		TestCase.RUN_ONLY_ID = null;
-		all.addTest(AbstractCompilerTest.buildComplianceTestSuite(AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_5, tests_1_5));
-	}
-	if ((possibleComplianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_6) != 0) {
-		ArrayList tests_1_6 = (ArrayList)standardTests.clone();
-		tests_1_6.addAll(since_1_4);
-		tests_1_6.addAll(since_1_5);
-		tests_1_6.addAll(since_1_6);
-		// Reset forgotten subsets tests
-		TestCase.TESTS_PREFIX = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NAMES = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NUMBERS= null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_RANGE = null;
-		TestCase.RUN_ONLY_ID = null;
-		all.addTest(AbstractCompilerTest.buildComplianceTestSuite(AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_6, tests_1_6));
-	}
-	if ((possibleComplianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_7) != 0) {
-		ArrayList tests_1_7 = (ArrayList)standardTests.clone();
-		tests_1_7.addAll(since_1_4);
-		tests_1_7.addAll(since_1_5);
-		tests_1_7.addAll(since_1_6);
-		// Reset forgotten subsets tests
-		TestCase.TESTS_PREFIX = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NAMES = null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_NUMBERS= null;
-		TestCase.TESTS_RANGE = null;
-		TestCase.RUN_ONLY_ID = null;
-		all.addTest(AbstractCompilerTest.buildComplianceTestSuite(AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_7, tests_1_7));
-	}
-	return all;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 96e3c3c..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5366 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2003, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class TryStatementTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-	static {
-		// TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "test000" };
-		// TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 54 };
-		// TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 11, -1 };
-	}
-	public TryStatementTest(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-	}
-	public void test001() {
-		this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + "public class X {\n" + "  public class X1 {\n"
-						+ "    public X1() throws Exception {\n" + "    }\n"
-						+ "  }\n" + "  public void method1(){\n"
-						+ "    try {\n" + "      new X1() {\n" + "      };\n"
-						+ "    } catch(Exception e){\n" + "    }\n" + "  }\n"
-						+ "}\n", });
-	}
-	public void test002() {
-		this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + "import*;\n"
-						+ "import*;\n" + "class X {\n"
-						+ "  void bar() throws ZipException, IOException {}\n"
-						+ "  void foo() {\n" + "    try {\n" + "      bar();\n"
-						+ "    } catch (ZipException e) {\n"
-						+ "    } catch (IOException e) {\n" + "    }\n"
-						+ "  }\n" + "}\n", });
-	}
-	public void test003() {
-		this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + "public class X {\n" + "  public class A1 {\n"
-						+ "    public A1() throws Exception {\n" + "    }\n"
-						+ "  }\n" + "  public void method1(){\n"
-						+ "    try {\n" + "      new A1() {\n" + "      };\n"
-						+ "    } catch(Exception e){\n" + "    }\n" + "  }\n"
-						+ "}\n", });
-	}
-	public void test004() {
-		this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-				"p/",
-				"package p;\n" + "public class ATC {\n" + "    \n"
-						+ "    public class B extends Exception {\n"
-						+ "      public B(String msg) { super(msg); }\n"
-						+ "    }\n" + "    \n"
-						+ "    void foo() throws ATC.B {\n"
-						+ "      Object hello$1 = null;\n" + "      try {\n"
-						+ "        throw new B(\"Inside foo()\");\n"
-						+ "      } catch(B e) {\n"
-						+ "        System.out.println(\"Caught B\");\n"
-						+ "      }    \n" + "    }       \n" + "}\n", });
-	}
-	public void test005() {
-		this
-				.runConformTest(new String[] {
-						"p/",
-						"package p;\n"
-								+ "import;\n"
-								+ "import java.util.Vector;\n"
-								+ "/**\n"
-								+ " * This test0 should run without producing a java.lang.ClassFormatError\n"
-								+ " */\n"
-								+ "public class A {\n"
-								+ "  public Vector getComponents () {\n"
-								+ "    try{\n"
-								+ "      throw new IOException();\n"
-								+ "    }\n"
-								+ "    catch (IOException ioe) {\n"
-								+ "    }\n"
-								+ "    return null;\n"
-								+ "  }\n"
-								+ "  public static void main(String[] args) {\n"
-								+ "    new A().getComponents();\n" + "  }\n"
-								+ "}\n", });
-	}
-	public void test006() {
-		this
-				.runConformTest(new String[] {
-						"p/",
-						"package p;\n"
-								+ "import java.lang.reflect.*;\n"
-								+ "public class T extends InvocationTargetException {\n"
-								+ "  public static void main(String[] args) {\n"
-								+ "    T ct = new T();\n"
-								+ "    ct.getTargetException();\n"
-								+ "  }\n"
-								+ "  public Throwable getTargetException() {\n"
-								+ "    Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {\n"
-								+ "      public void run() {\n"
-								+ "        System.out.println(\"we got here\");\n"
-								+ "        T.super.getTargetException();\n"
-								+ "      }\n" + "    };\n"
-								+ ";\n"
-								+ "    return new Throwable();\n" + "  }\n"
-								+ "}\n", });
-	}
-	public void test007() {
-		this
-				.runConformTest(new String[] {
-						"",
-						"class TryFinally {	\n"
-								+ "	public int readFile(String filename) throws Exception {	\n"
-								+ "		int interfaceID = -1;	\n"
-								+ "		int iNdx = 0;	\n"
-								+ "		try {	\n"
-								+ "			try {	\n"
-								+ "				return interfaceID;	\n"
-								+ "			} // end try	\n"
-								+ "			finally {	\n"
-								+ "				iNdx = 1;	\n"
-								+ "			} // end finally	\n"
-								+ "		} // end try	\n"
-								+ "		catch (Exception ex) {	\n"
-								+ "			throw new Exception(\"general exception \" + ex.getMessage() + \" on processing file \" + filename);	\n"
-								+ "		} // end catch	\n" + "		finally {	\n"
-								+ "		} // end finally	\n"
-								+ "	} // end readFile method	\n" + "}	\n" });
-	}
-	/*
-	 * 1FZR1TO: IVJCOM:WIN - Class does not compile in VAJava 3.02-Java2
-	 */
-	public void test008() {
-		this
-				.runConformTest(
-						new String[] {
-								"",
-								"import*;\n"
-										+ "public class RedundantException {\n"
-										+ "	/**\n"
-										+ "	     * Runs the class as an application.\n"
-										+ "	     */\n"
-										+ "	public static void main(String[] args) {\n"
-										+ "		RedundantException re = new RedundantException();\n"
-										+ "		re.catchIt();\n"
-										+ "		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n"
-										+ "	}\n"
-										+ "	/**\n"
-										+ "	     * Defines a method that lists an exception twice.\n"
-										+ "	     * This can be buried in a much longer list.\n"
-										+ "	     */\n"
-										+ "	void throwIt() throws IOException, IOException {\n"
-										+ "		throw new IOException();\n"
-										+ "	}\n"
-										+ "	/**\n"
-										+ "	     * Catches the redundantly defined exception.\n"
-										+ "	     */\n"
-										+ "	void catchIt() {\n"
-										+ "		try {\n"
-										+ "			throwIt(); // compile error here\n"
-										+ "		} catch (IOException e) {\n"
-										+ "			System.out.println(\"Caught.\");\n"
-										+ "		}\n" + "	}\n" + "}" }, "Caught.\n"
-								+ "SUCCESS");
-	}
-	public void test009() {
-		this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + "public void save() {\n"
-						+ "	int a = 3;\n" + "	try {\n"
-						+ "		Object warnings = null;\n" + "      	try {\n"
-						+ "         	Object contexts = null;\n"
-						+ "         	try {\n"
-						+ "            	System.out.println(warnings);\n"
-						+ "			 	return;\n"
-						+ "      	 	} catch (NullPointerException npe) {\n"
-						+ "				System.out.println(contexts);\n"
-						+ "               return;\n" + "       	}\n"
-						+ "		} catch (Exception e) {\n" + " 			return;\n"
-						+ "   	}\n" + "	} finally {\n" + "     	int b = 4;\n"
-						+ "       System.out.println(\"#save -> \" + b + a);\n"
-						+ "    }\n" + "}\n"
-						+ "public static void main(String[] args) {\n"
-						+ "	new Test().save();\n" + "}\n" + "}" }, "null\n"
-				+ "#save -> 43");
-	}
-	public void test010() {
-		this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + "public void save() {\n"
-						+ "	int a = 3;\n" + "	try {\n"
-						+ "		Object warnings = null;\n" + "      	try {\n"
-						+ "         	Object contexts = null;\n"
-						+ "         	try {\n"
-						+ "            	System.out.println(warnings);\n"
-						+ "			 	return;\n"
-						+ "      	 	} catch (NullPointerException npe) {\n"
-						+ "				System.out.println(contexts);\n"
-						+ "               return;\n" + "       	}\n"
-						+ "		} catch (Exception e) {\n" + " 			return;\n"
-						+ "   	}\n" + "	} catch(Exception e){\n"
-						+ "		Object dummy1 = null;\n"
-						+ "		System.out.println(dummy1);\n"
-						+ "		Object dummy2 = null;\n"
-						+ "		System.out.println(dummy2);\n" + "		return;\n"
-						+ "	} finally {\n" + "     	int b = 4;\n"
-						+ "       System.out.println(\"#save -> \" + b + a);\n"
-						+ "    }\n" + "}\n"
-						+ "public static void main(String[] args) {\n"
-						+ "	new Test().save();\n" + "}\n" + "}" }, "null\n"
-				+ "#save -> 43");
-	}
-	public void test011() {
-		this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test {\n" + "public void save() {\n"
-						+ "	int a = 3;\n" + "	try {\n"
-						+ "		Object warnings = null;\n" + "      	try {\n"
-						+ "         	Object contexts = null;\n"
-						+ "         	try {\n"
-						+ "            	System.out.println(warnings);\n"
-						+ "			 	return;\n"
-						+ "      	 	} catch (NullPointerException npe) {\n"
-						+ "				System.out.println(contexts);\n"
-						+ "               return;\n" + "       	}\n"
-						+ "		} catch (Exception e) {\n" + " 			return;\n"
-						+ "   	}\n" + "	} catch(Exception e){\n"
-						+ "		int dummy1 = 11;\n"
-						+ "		System.out.println(dummy1);\n"
-						+ "		int dummy2 = 12;\n"
-						+ "		System.out.println(dummy2);\n" + "		return;\n"
-						+ "	} finally {\n" + "     	int b = 4;\n"
-						+ "       System.out.println(\"#save -> \" + b + a);\n"
-						+ "    }\n" + "}\n"
-						+ "public static void main(String[] args) {\n"
-						+ "	new Test().save();\n" + "}\n" + "}" }, "null\n"
-				+ "#save -> 43");
-	}
-	/*
-	 * 4943 Verification error
-	 */
-	public void test012() {
-		this
-				.runConformTest(
-						new String[] {
-								"",
-								"import*;\n"
-										+ "public class X {\n"
-										+ "	public static void main(String[] args) {\n"
-										+ "		try {\n"
-										+ "			new X().delete(args);\n"
-										+ "			System.out.println(\"success\");\n"
-										+ "		} catch (Exception e) {\n"
-										+ "		}\n"
-										+ "	}\n"
-										+ "	void bar(int i) {\n"
-										+ "	}\n"
-										+ "	public Object delete(String[] resources) throws IOException {\n"
-										+ "		try {\n"
-										+ "			int totalWork = 3;\n"
-										+ "			Object result = \"aaa\";\n"
-										+ "			try {\n" + "				return result;\n"
-										+ "			} catch (Exception e) {\n"
-										+ "				throw new IOException();\n"
-										+ "			} finally {\n"
-										+ "				bar(totalWork);\n" + "			}\n"
-										+ "		} finally {\n" + "			bar(0);\n"
-										+ "		}\n" + "	}\n" + "}\n" }, "success");
-	}
-	/*
-	 * 4943 Verification error
-	 */
-	public void test013() {
-		this
-				.runConformTest(
-						new String[] {
-								"",
-								"import*;\n"
-										+ "public class X {\n"
-										+ "	public static void main(String[] args) {\n"
-										+ "		try {\n"
-										+ "			new X().delete(args);\n"
-										+ "			System.out.println(\"success\");\n"
-										+ "		} catch (Exception e) {\n"
-										+ "		}\n"
-										+ "	}\n"
-										+ "	void bar(int i) {\n"
-										+ "	}\n"
-										+ "	public Object delete(String[] resources) throws IOException {\n"
-										+ "		try {\n"
-										+ "			int totalWork = 3;\n"
-										+ "			Object result = \"aaa\";\n"
-										+ "			try {\n" + "				return result;\n"
-										+ "			} catch (Exception e) {\n"
-										+ "				throw new IOException();\n"
-										+ "			} finally {\n"
-										+ "				bar(totalWork);\n" + "			}\n"
-										+ "		} finally {\n"
-										+ "			int totalWork = 4;\n"
-										+ "			bar(totalWork);\n" + "		}\n"
-										+ "	}\n" + "}\n" }, "success");
-	}
-	public void test014() {
-		this
-				.runConformTest(
-						new String[] {
-								"",
-								"public class Test {\n"
-										+ "public void save() {\n"
-										+ "	int a = 3;\n"
-										+ "	try {\n"
-										+ "		Object warnings = null;\n"
-										+ "      	try {\n"
-										+ "         	int contexts = 17;\n"
-										+ "         	try {\n"
-										+ "				Object dummy = null;\n"
-										+ "            	System.out.println(warnings);\n"
-										+ "            	System.out.println(dummy);\n"
-										+ "			 	return;\n"
-										+ "      	 	} catch (NullPointerException npe) {\n"
-										+ "				System.out.println(contexts);\n"
-										+ "               return;\n"
-										+ "       	}\n"
-										+ "		} catch (Exception e) {\n"
-										+ " 			return;\n"
-										+ "   	} finally { \n"
-										+ "			int c = 34; \n"
-										+ "			System.out.println(\"#inner-finally ->\" + a + c);\n"
-										+ "       }\n"
-										+ "	} finally {\n"
-										+ "     	int b = 4;\n"
-										+ "       System.out.println(\"#save -> \" + b + a);\n"
-										+ "    }\n"
-										+ "}\n"
-										+ "public static void main(String[] args) {\n"
-										+ "	new Test().save();\n" + "}\n" + "}" },
-						"null\n" + "null\n" + "#inner-finally ->334\n"
-								+ "#save -> 43");
-	}
-	public void test015() {
-		this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-				"p1/",
-				"package p1;	\n" + "import;	\n"
-						+ "public class X {	\n"
-						+ "	public static void main(String args[]) {	\n"
-						+ "		try { 	\n" + "			new Object(){	\n" + "				{	\n"
-						+ "					if (true) throw new IOException();	\n"
-						+ "					if (true) throw new Exception();	\n"
-						+ "				}	\n" + "			};	\n"
-						+ "			System.out.println(\"FAILED\");	\n"
-						+ "		} catch(Exception e){	\n"
-						+ "			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n" + "		}	\n"
-						+ "	}	\n" + "}	\n", }, "SUCCESS");
-	}
-	public void test016() {
-		this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-				"p1/",
-				"package p1;	\n" + "import;	\n"
-						+ "public class X {	\n"
-						+ "	public static void main(String args[]) {	\n"
-						+ "		class SomeClass {	\n"
-						+ "			SomeClass () throws IOException {	\n" + "			}	\n"
-						+ "		}	\n" + "		try { 	\n" + "			new Object(){	\n"
-						+ "				{	\n"
-						+ "					if (true) throw new IOException();	\n"
-						+ "					if (true) throw new Exception();	\n"
-						+ "				}	\n" + "			};	\n"
-						+ "			System.out.println(\"FAILED\");	\n"
-						+ "		} catch(Exception e){	\n"
-						+ "			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n" + "		}	\n"
-						+ "	}	\n" + "}	\n", }, "SUCCESS");
-	}
-	public void test017() {
-		this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-				"p1/",
-				"package p1;	\n" + "public class X {	\n"
-						+ "	public static void main(String args[]) {	\n"
-						+ "		try { 	\n" + "			new Object(){	\n" + "				{	\n"
-						+ "					foo();	\n" + "				}	\n" + "			};	\n"
-						+ "			System.out.println(\"FAILED\");	\n"
-						+ "		} catch(Exception e){	\n"
-						+ "			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n" + "		}	\n"
-						+ "	}	\n" + "	static class AEx extends Exception {} \n"
-						+ "	static class BEx extends Exception {} \n"
-						+ "	static void foo() throws AEx, BEx {	\n"
-						+ "		throw new AEx();	\n" + "	}	\n" + "}	\n", },
-				"SUCCESS");
-	}
-	// 8773 verification error
-	public void test018() {
-		this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class VerifyEr {	\n"
-						+ "  protected boolean err(boolean b) {	\n"
-						+ "     try {	\n"
-						+ "          System.out.print(\"SUCC\");	\n"
-						+ "     } catch (Throwable t) {	\n"
-						+ "          return b;	\n" + "     } finally {	\n"
-						+ "          try {	\n" + "               if (b) {	\n"
-						+ "                    return b;	\n"
-						+ "               }	\n" + "          } finally {	\n"
-						+ "          		System.out.println(\"ESS\");	\n"
-						+ "          }	\n" + "     }	\n"
-						+ "     return false;	\n" + "  }	\n"
-						+ "  public static void main(String[] args) {	\n"
-						+ "     new VerifyEr().err(false);	\n" + "  }	\n"
-						+ "}	\n", }, "SUCCESS");
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test019() {
-		this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {	\n" + "	String logger;	\n"
-						+ "  public static void main(String[] args) {	\n"
-						+ "    new X().foo();	\n" + "	}	\n"
-						+ "	public void foo() {	\n" + "		try {	\n"
-						+ "			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"
-						+ "		} catch (Exception ce) {	\n"
-						+ "			String s = null;	\n" + "			try {	\n"
-						+ "				return;	\n" + "			} catch (Exception ex) {	\n"
-						+ "			}	\n" + "			s.hashCode();	\n"
-						+ "		} finally {	\n"
-						+ "			if (this.logger == null) {	\n"
-						+ "				String loggerManager = null;	\n"
-						+ "				System.out.println(loggerManager);	\n"
-						+ "			}	\n" + "		}	\n" + "	}	\n" + "}	\n" },
-				"SUCCESS\n" + "null");
-	}
-	/*
-	 * shifting of finaly
-	 * scopes against try/catch ones makes the custom ret address shifting
-	 * unnecessary.
-	 */
-	public void test020() {
-		this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {	\n" + "	String logger;	\n"
-						+ "  public static void main(String[] args) {	\n"
-						+ "    new X().foo();	\n" + "	}	\n"
-						+ "	public void foo() {	\n" + "		try {	\n"
-						+ "			System.out.println(\"try1\");	\n" + "			try {	\n"
-						+ "				System.out.println(\"try2\");	\n"
-						+ "			} finally {	\n"
-						+ "				System.out.println(\"finally2\");	\n"
-						+ "			}	\n" + "		} catch (Exception ce) {	\n"
-						+ "			String s = null;	\n" + "			try {	\n"
-						+ "				return;	\n" + "			} catch (Exception ex) {	\n"
-						+ "			}	\n" + "			s.hashCode();	\n"
-						+ "		} finally {	\n"
-						+ "			System.out.println(\"finally1\");	\n"
-						+ "			try {	\n"
-						+ "				System.out.println(\"try3\");	\n"
-						+ "				if (this.logger == null) {	\n"
-						+ "					String loggerManager = null;	\n" + "				}	\n"
-						+ "			} finally {	\n"
-						+ "				System.out.println(\"finally3\");	\n"
-						+ "			}	\n" + "		}	\n" + "		int i1 = 0;	\n"
-						+ "		int i2 = 0;	\n" + "		int i3 = 0;	\n"
-						+ "		int i4 = 0;	\n" + "		int i5 = 0;	\n"
-						+ "		int i6 = 0;	\n" + "		int i7 = 0;	\n"
-						+ "		int i8 = 0;	\n" + "		int i9 = 0;	\n" + "	}	\n"
-						+ "}	\n" }, "try1\n" + "try2\n" + "finally2\n"
-				+ "finally1\n" + "try3\n" + "finally3");
-	}
-	/*
-	 * protected type
-	 * visibility check
-	 */
-	public void test021() {
-		this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-				"pa/",
-				"package pa;	\n" + "public abstract class A {	\n"
-						+ "  public static void main(String[] args) {	\n"
-						+ "    System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n" + "	}	\n"
-						+ "	protected AIC memberA;	\n"
-						+ "	protected class AIC {	\n"
-						+ "		public void methodAIC(String parameter) {	\n"
-						+ "		  // something	\n" + "		}	\n" + "	}	\n"
-						+ "}	\n",
-				"pb/",
-				"package pb;	\n" + "public class B extends pa.A {	\n"
-						+ "	private class BIC {	\n"
-						+ "		public void methodBIC(String param) {	\n"
-						+ "			memberA.methodAIC(param);	\n" + "		}	\n"
-						+ "	}	\n" + "}	\n" }, "SUCCESS");
-	}
-	/*
-	 * nested try/synchronized
-	 * statements (local var index alloc)
-	 */
-	public void test022() {
-		this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-				"pa/",
-				"package pa;	\n" + "public class A {	\n"
-						+ "  public static void main(String[] args) {	\n"
-						+ "	 new A().f();	\n"
-						+ "    System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n" + "	}	\n"
-						+ "	boolean b = false;	\n"
-						+ "	private Integer f() {	\n" + "		while (true) {	\n"
-						+ "			try {	\n" + "				int x = 3;	\n"
-						+ "				synchronized (this) {	\n"
-						+ "					return null;	\n" + "				}	\n"
-						+ "			} finally {	\n" + "				if (b)	\n"
-						+ "					synchronized (this) {	\n"
-						+ "					int y = 3;	\n" + "				}	\n" + "			}	\n"
-						+ "		}	\n" + "	}	\n" + "}	\n" }, "SUCCESS");
-	}
-	public void test023() {
-		Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-		customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportHiddenCatchBlock,
-				CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		this
-				.runNegativeTest(
-						new String[] {
-								"",
-								"public class X {\n"
-										+ "	public static void main(String[] args) {\n"
-										+ "		try {\n" + "			throw new BX();\n"
-										+ "		} catch(BX e) {\n"
-										+ "		} catch(AX e) {\n" + "		}\n"
-										+ "	}\n" + "} \n"
-										+ "class AX extends Exception {}\n"
-										+ "class BX extends AX {}\n" },
-						"----------\n"
-								+ "1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-								+ "	} catch(AX e) {\n"
-								+ "	        ^^\n"
-								+ "Unreachable catch block for AX. Only more specific exceptions are thrown and handled by previous catch block(s).\n"
-								+ "----------\n"
-								+ "2. WARNING in (at line 10)\n"
-								+ "	class AX extends Exception {}\n"
-								+ "	      ^^\n"
-								+ "The serializable class AX does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long\n"
-								+ "----------\n"
-								+ "3. WARNING in (at line 11)\n"
-								+ "	class BX extends AX {}\n"
-								+ "	      ^^\n"
-								+ "The serializable class BX does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long\n"
-								+ "----------\n", null, true, customOptions);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * NPE in
-	 * ExceptionFlowContext
-	 */
-	public void test024() {
-		this
-				.runNegativeTest(
-						new String[] {
-								"p/",
-								"package p;	\n"
-										+ "public class X {	\n"
-										+ "	public void myMethod() {	\n"
-										+ "	    System.out.println(\"starting\");	\n"
-										+ "	    try {	\n"
-										+ "	        if (true) throw new LookupException();	\n"
-										+ "	    } catch(DataException de) {	\n"
-										+ "	       	System.out.println(\"DataException occurred\");	\n"
-										+ "	    } catch(LookupException le) {	\n"
-										+ "	       	System.out.println(\"LookupException occurred\");	\n"
-										+ "	    } catch(Throwable t) {	\n"
-										+ "	       	System.out.println(\"Throwable occurred\");	\n"
-										+ "	    }	\n"
-										+ "	    System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"
-										+ "	}	\n"
-										+ "}	\n"
-										+ "class DataException extends Throwable {	\n"
-										+ "} 	\n"
-										+ "class LookupException extends DataException {	\n"
-										+ "}	\n" },
-						"----------\n"
-								+ "1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 9)\n"
-								+ "	} catch(LookupException le) {	\n"
-								+ "	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-								+ "Unreachable catch block for LookupException. It is already handled by the catch block for DataException\n"
-								+ "----------\n"
-								+ "2. WARNING in p\\ (at line 17)\n"
-								+ "	class DataException extends Throwable {	\n"
-								+ "	      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-								+ "The serializable class DataException does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long\n"
-								+ "----------\n"
-								+ "3. WARNING in p\\ (at line 19)\n"
-								+ "	class LookupException extends DataException {	\n"
-								+ "	      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-								+ "The serializable class LookupException does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long\n"
-								+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	// 60081
-	public void test025() {
-		this
-				.runConformTest(
-						new String[] {
-								"",
-								"import*;\n"
-										+ "public class X\n"
-										+ "{\n"
-										+ "    {\n"
-										+ "        String licenseFileName = \"C:/Program Files/Jatt/bin/license.key\";\n"
-										+ "        File licenseFile = new File(licenseFileName);\n"
-										+ "        try {\n"
-										+ "            BufferedReader licenseReader = new BufferedReader(\n"
-										+ "                new FileReader(licenseFile));\n"
-										+ "            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();\n"
-										+ "            String line = null;\n"
-										+ "            while ((line = licenseReader.readLine()) != null) {\n"
-										+ "                char[] chars = line.toCharArray();\n"
-										+ "                for (int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++) {\n"
-										+ "                    if (!Character.isSpace(line.charAt(i))) {\n"
-										+ "                        buf.append(line.charAt(i));\n"
-										+ "                    }\n"
-										+ "                }\n"
-										+ "            }\n"
-										+ "            \n"
-										+ "        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {\n"
-										+ "            throw new Error(\"License file not found\", e);\n"
-										+ "        } catch (IOException e) {\n"
-										+ "            throw new Error(\"License file cannot be read\", e);\n"
-										+ "        }\n"
-										+ "    }\n"
-										+ "  public X()\n"
-										+ "  {\n"
-										+ "  }\n"
-										+ "  \n"
-										+ "  public X(X r) \n"
-										+ "  {\n"
-										+ "  }    \n"
-										+ "  public static void main(String[] args) {\n"
-										+ "        System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n"
-										+ "    }\n" + "}\n" }, "SUCCESS");
-	}
-	//
-	// public void test026() {
-	//
-	// Map customOptions = this.getCompilerOptions();
-	// customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_PreserveUnusedLocal,
-	// CompilerOptions.PRESERVE);
-	//
-	// this.runConformTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "",
-	// "import java.util.*;\n" +
-	// "\n" +
-	// "public class X {\n" +
-	// "	\n" +
-	// "	static private ResourceBundle bundle = null;\n" +
-	// "	static {\n" +
-	// "		int i = 0;\n" +
-	// "		try {\n" +
-	// "			bundle = foo();\n" +
-	// "		} catch(Throwable e) {\n" +
-	// "			e.printStackTrace();\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "\n" +
-	// "	static ResourceBundle foo() {\n" +
-	// "		return null;\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "}\n",
-	// },
-	// "",
-	// null,
-	// true,
-	// null,
-	// customOptions,
-	// null); // custom requestor
-	//	
-	// String expectedOutput =
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 6, pc: 21] local: i index: 0 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 16, pc: 20] local: e index: 1 type: java.lang.Throwable\n";
-	//	
-	// try {
-	// File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-	// byte[] classFileBytes =
-	// org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler =
-	// ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-	// String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n",
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-	// int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-	// if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-	// System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-	// }
-	// if (index == -1) {
-	// assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-	// }
-	// } catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// } catch (IOException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// }
-	// }
-	// - variation
-	// public void test027() {
-	//
-	// Map customOptions = this.getCompilerOptions();
-	// customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_PreserveUnusedLocal,
-	// CompilerOptions.PRESERVE);
-	//
-	// this.runConformTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "",
-	// "import java.util.*;\n" +
-	// "\n" +
-	// "public class X {\n" +
-	// "	\n" +
-	// "	void bar(boolean b) {\n" +
-	// "		if (b) {\n" +
-	// "			try {\n" +
-	// "				int i = 0;\n" +
-	// "			} catch(Exception e) {\n" +
-	// "				e.printStackTrace();\n" +
-	// "			}\n" +
-	// "		} else {\n" +
-	// "			int j = 0;\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "}\n",
-	// },
-	// "",
-	// null,
-	// true,
-	// null,
-	// customOptions,
-	// null); // custom requestor
-	//	
-	// String expectedOutput =
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 20] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 20] local: b index: 1 type: boolean\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 6, pc: 9] local: i index: 2 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 10, pc: 14] local: e index: 2 type: java.lang.Exception\n";
-	//	
-	// try {
-	// File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-	// byte[] classFileBytes =
-	// org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler =
-	// ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-	// String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n",
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-	// int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-	// if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-	// System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-	// }
-	// if (index == -1) {
-	// assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-	// }
-	// } catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// } catch (IOException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// }
-	// }
-	//
-	public void test028() {
-		this
-				.runConformTest(
-						new String[] {
-								"",
-								"public class X {\n"
-										+ "\n"
-										+ "    public static void main(String[] args) {\n"
-										+ "    	try {\n"
-										+ "	        new X().start();\n"
-										+ "    	} catch(Exception e) {\n"
-										+ "            System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n"
-										+ "    	}\n"
-										+ "    }\n"
-										+ "    public Object start() {\n"
-										+ "        try {\n"
-										+ "            return null;\n"
-										+ "        } finally {\n"
-										+ "            System.out.print(\"ONCE:\");\n"
-										+ "            foo();\n"
-										+ "        }\n"
-										+ "    }\n"
-										+ "\n"
-										+ "    private void foo() {\n"
-										+ "        throw new IllegalStateException(\"Gah!\");\n"
-										+ "    }        \n" + "}\n", },
-						"ONCE:SUCCESS");
-	}
-	// - variation
-	public void test029() {
-		this
-				.runConformTest(
-						new String[] {
-								"",
-								"public class X {\n"
-										+ "\n"
-										+ "    public static void main(String[] args) {\n"
-										+ "    	try {\n"
-										+ "	        new X().start();\n"
-										+ "    	} catch(Exception e) {\n"
-										+ "            System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n"
-										+ "    	}\n"
-										+ "    }\n"
-										+ "    public Object start() {\n"
-										+ "        try {\n"
-										+ "            return null;\n"
-										+ "        } finally {\n"
-										+ "            System.out.print(\"ONCE:\");\n"
-										+ "            foo();\n"
-										+ "            return this;\n"
-										+ "        }\n"
-										+ "    }\n"
-										+ "\n"
-										+ "    private void foo() {\n"
-										+ "        throw new IllegalStateException(\"Gah!\");\n"
-										+ "    }        \n" + "}\n", },
-						"ONCE:SUCCESS");
-	}
-	// - variation
-	public void test030() {
-		this
-				.runConformTest(
-						new String[] {
-								"",
-								"public class X {\n"
-										+ "\n"
-										+ "    public static void main(String[] args) {\n"
-										+ "    	try {\n"
-										+ "	        new X().start();\n"
-										+ "    	} catch(Exception e) {\n"
-										+ "            System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n"
-										+ "    	}\n"
-										+ "    }\n"
-										+ "    public Object start() {\n"
-										+ "        try {\n"
-										+ "            Object o = null;\n"
-										+ "            o.toString();\n"
-										+ "            return null;\n"
-										+ "        } catch(Exception e) {\n"
-										+ "            System.out.print(\"EXCEPTION:\");\n"
-										+ "			return e;        	\n"
-										+ "        } finally {\n"
-										+ "            System.out.print(\"ONCE:\");\n"
-										+ "            foo();\n"
-										+ "        }\n"
-										+ "    }\n"
-										+ "\n"
-										+ "    private void foo() {\n"
-										+ "        throw new IllegalStateException(\"Gah!\");\n"
-										+ "    }        \n" + "}\n", },
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Try block is never reached
-	 */
-	public void test031() {
-		Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-		customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnusedPrivateMember,
-				CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-		this
-				.runNegativeTest(
-						new String[] {
-								"",
-								"import;\n"
-										+ "\n"
-										+ "public class X {\n"
-										+ "	static void foo(Object o) {}\n"
-										+ "	\n"
-										+ "    public static void main(String[] args) {\n"
-										+ "    	try {\n"
-										+ "    		foo(new Object() {\n"
-										+ "    			public void bar() throws IOException {\n"
-										+ "    				bar1();\n"
-										+ "    			}\n"
-										+ "    		});\n"
-										+ "    	} catch(IOException e) {\n"
-										+ "    		e.printStackTrace();\n"
-										+ "    	}\n"
-										+ "    }\n"
-										+ "    \n"
-										+ "    static void bar1() throws IOException {}\n"
-										+ "}" },
-						"----------\n"
-								+ "1. ERROR in (at line 13)\n"
-								+ "	} catch(IOException e) {\n"
-								+ "	        ^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-								+ "Unreachable catch block for IOException. This exception is never thrown from the try statement body\n"
-								+ "----------\n", null, true, customOptions);
-	}
-	/*
-	 *
-	 */
-	public void test032() {
-		this
-				.runConformTest(
-						new String[] {
-								"",
-								"public class X\n"
-										+ "{\n"
-										+ "  static int except_count;\n"
-										+ "\n"
-										+ "  static boolean test_result = true;\n"
-										+ "  \n"
-										+ "  static Throwable all_except[] =\n"
-										+ "  {\n"
-										+ "    new AbstractMethodError(),             //  0\n"
-										+ "    new ArithmeticException(),             //  1\n"
-										+ "    new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(),  //  2\n"
-										+ "    new ArrayStoreException(),             //  3\n"
-										+ "    new ClassCastException(),              //  4\n"
-										+ "    new ClassCircularityError(),           //  5\n"
-										+ "    new ClassFormatError(),                //  6\n"
-										+ "    new ClassNotFoundException(),          //  7\n"
-										+ "    new CloneNotSupportedException(),      //  8\n"
-										+ "    new Error(),                           //  9\n"
-										+ "    new Exception(),                       // 10\n"
-										+ "    new IllegalAccessError(),              // 11\n"
-										+ "    new IllegalAccessException(),          // 12\n"
-										+ "    new IllegalArgumentException(),        // 13\n"
-										+ "    new IllegalMonitorStateException(),    // 14\n"
-										+ "    new IllegalThreadStateException(),     // 15\n"
-										+ "    new IncompatibleClassChangeError(),    // 16\n"
-										+ "    new IndexOutOfBoundsException(),       // 17\n"
-										+ "    new InstantiationError(),              // 18\n"
-										+ "    new InstantiationException(),          // 19\n"
-										+ "    new InternalError(),                   // 20\n"
-										+ "    new InterruptedException(),            // 21\n"
-										+ "    new LinkageError(),                    // 22\n"
-										+ "    new NegativeArraySizeException(),      // 23\n"
-										+ "    new NoClassDefFoundError(),            // 24\n"
-										+ "    new NoSuchFieldError(),                // 25\n"
-										+ "    new NoSuchMethodError(),               // 26\n"
-										+ "    new NoSuchMethodException(),           // 27\n"
-										+ "    new NullPointerException(),            // 28\n"
-										+ "    new NumberFormatException(),           // 29\n"
-										+ "    new OutOfMemoryError(),                // 30\n"
-										+ "    new StackOverflowError(),              // 31\n"
-										+ "    new RuntimeException(),                // 32\n"
-										+ "    new SecurityException(),               // 33\n"
-										+ "    new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(), // 34\n"
-										+ "    new ThreadDeath(),                     // 35\n"
-										+ "    new UnknownError(),                    // 36\n"
-										+ "    new UnsatisfiedLinkError(),            // 37\n"
-										+ "    new VerifyError(),                     // 38\n"
-										+ "  };\n"
-										+ "\n"
-										+ "  private static void check_except(int i)\n"
-										+ "    throws Throwable\n"
-										+ "  {\n"
-										+ "    if (except_count != i)\n"
-										+ "    {\n"
-										+ "      System.out.println(\"Error \"+except_count+\" != \"+i+\";\");\n"
-										+ "      test_result=false;\n"
-										+ "    }\n"
-										+ "    throw all_except[++except_count];\n"
-										+ "  }\n"
-										+ "\n"
-										+ "  public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable\n"
-										+ "  {\n"
-										+ "    try {\n"
-										+ "      except_count = 0;\n"
-										+ "      throw all_except[except_count];\n"
-										+ "    } catch (AbstractMethodError e0) {\n"
-										+ "      try {\n"
-										+ "        check_except(0);\n"
-										+ "      } catch (ArithmeticException e1) {\n"
-										+ "        try {\n"
-										+ "          check_except(1);\n"
-										+ "        } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e2) {\n"
-										+ "          try {\n"
-										+ "            check_except(2);\n"
-										+ "          } catch (ArrayStoreException e3) {\n"
-										+ "            try {\n"
-										+ "              check_except(3);\n"
-										+ "            } catch (ClassCastException e4) {\n"
-										+ "              try {\n"
-										+ "                check_except(4);\n"
-										+ "              } catch (ClassCircularityError e5) {\n"
-										+ "                try {\n"
-										+ "                  check_except(5);\n"
-										+ "                } catch (ClassFormatError e6) {\n"
-										+ "                  try {\n"
-										+ "                    check_except(6);\n"
-										+ "                  } catch (ClassNotFoundException e7) {\n"
-										+ "                    try {\n"
-										+ "                      check_except(7);\n"
-										+ "                    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e8) {\n"
-										+ "                      try {\n"
-										+ "                        check_except(8);\n"
-										+ "                      } catch (Error e9) {\n"
-										+ "                        try {\n"
-										+ "                          check_except(9);\n"
-										+ "                        } catch (Exception e10) {\n"
-										+ "                          try {\n"
-										+ "                            check_except(10);\n"
-										+ "                          } catch (IllegalAccessError e11) {\n"
-										+ "                            try {\n"
-										+ "                              check_except(11);\n"
-										+ "                            } catch (IllegalAccessException e12) {\n"
-										+ "                              try {\n"
-										+ "                                check_except(12);\n"
-										+ "                              } catch (IllegalArgumentException e13) {\n"
-										+ "                                try {\n"
-										+ "                                  check_except(13);\n"
-										+ "                                } catch (IllegalMonitorStateException e14) {\n"
-										+ "                                  try {\n"
-										+ "                                    check_except(14);\n"
-										+ "                                  } catch (IllegalThreadStateException e15) {\n"
-										+ "                                    try {\n"
-										+ "                                      check_except(15);\n"
-										+ "                                    } catch (IncompatibleClassChangeError e16) {\n"
-										+ "                                      try {\n"
-										+ "                                        check_except(16);\n"
-										+ "                                      } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e17) {\n"
-										+ "                                        try {\n"
-										+ "                                          check_except(17);\n"
-										+ "                                        } catch (InstantiationError e18) {\n"
-										+ "                                          try {\n"
-										+ "                                            check_except(18);\n"
-										+ "                                          } catch (InstantiationException e19) {\n"
-										+ "                                            try {\n"
-										+ "                                              check_except(19);\n"
-										+ "                                            } catch (InternalError e20) {\n"
-										+ "                                              try {\n"
-										+ "                                                check_except(20);\n"
-										+ "                                              } catch (InterruptedException \n"
-										+ "e21) {\n"
-										+ "                                                try {\n"
-										+ "                                                  check_except(21);\n"
-										+ "                                                } catch (LinkageError e22) {\n"
-										+ "                                                  try {\n"
-										+ "                                                    check_except(22);\n"
-										+ "                                                  } catch \n"
-										+ "(NegativeArraySizeException e23) {\n"
-										+ "                                                    try {\n"
-										+ "                                                      check_except(23);\n"
-										+ "                                                    } catch \n"
-										+ "(NoClassDefFoundError e24) {\n"
-										+ "                                                      try {\n"
-										+ "                                                        check_except(24);\n"
-										+ "                                                      } catch (NoSuchFieldError \n"
-										+ "e25) {\n"
-										+ "                                                        try {\n"
-										+ "                                                          check_except(25);\n"
-										+ "                                                        } catch \n"
-										+ "(NoSuchMethodError e26) {\n"
-										+ "                                                          try {\n"
-										+ "                                                            check_except(26);\n"
-										+ "                                                          } catch \n"
-										+ "(NoSuchMethodException e27) {\n"
-										+ "                                                            try {\n"
-										+ "                                                              check_except(27);\n"
-										+ "                                                            } catch \n"
-										+ "(NullPointerException e28) {\n"
-										+ "                                                              try {\n"
-										+ "                                                                check_except\n"
-										+ "(28);\n"
-										+ "                                                              } catch \n"
-										+ "(NumberFormatException e29) {\n"
-										+ "                                                                try {\n"
-										+ "                                                                  check_except\n"
-										+ "(29);\n"
-										+ "                                                                } catch \n"
-										+ "(OutOfMemoryError e30) {\n"
-										+ "                                                                  try {\n"
-										+ "                                                                    check_except\n"
-										+ "(30);\n"
-										+ "                                                                  } catch \n"
-										+ "(StackOverflowError e31) {\n"
-										+ "                                                                    try {\n"
-										+ "                                                                      \n"
-										+ "check_except(31);\n"
-										+ "                                                                    } catch \n"
-										+ "(RuntimeException e32) {\n"
-										+ "                                                                      try {\n"
-										+ "                                                                        \n"
-										+ "check_except(32);\n"
-										+ "                                                                      } catch \n"
-										+ "(SecurityException e33) {\n"
-										+ "                                                                        try {\n"
-										+ "                                                                          \n"
-										+ "check_except(33);\n"
-										+ "                                                                        } catch \n"
-										+ "(StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e34) {\n"
-										+ "                                                                          try {\n"
-										+ "                                                                            \n"
-										+ "check_except(34);\n"
-										+ "                                                                          } \n"
-										+ "catch (ThreadDeath e35) {\n"
-										+ "                                                                            try \n"
-										+ "{\n"
-										+ "                                                                              \n"
-										+ "check_except(35);\n"
-										+ "                                                                            } \n"
-										+ "catch (UnknownError e36) {\n"
-										+ "                                                                              \n"
-										+ "try {\n"
-										+ "                                                                                \n"
-										+ "check_except(36);\n"
-										+ "                                                                              } \n"
-										+ "catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e37) {\n"
-										+ "                                                                                \n"
-										+ "try {\n"
-										+ "                                                                                \n"
-										+ "  check_except(37);\n"
-										+ "                                                                                \n"
-										+ "} catch (VerifyError e38) {\n"
-										+ "                                                                                \n"
-										+ "  ++except_count;\n"
-										+ "                                                                                \n"
-										+ "}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\n"
-										+ "    System.out.print(test_result & (except_count == all_except.length));\n"
-										+ "  }\n" + "}", }, "true");
-	}
-	// public void test033() {
-	// this.runConformTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "",
-	// "public class X {\n" +
-	// "	interface IActionSetContributionItem {\n" +
-	// "		String getActionSetId();\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "	public interface IAction {\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "	interface IContributionItem {\n" +
-	// "		String getId();\n" +
-	// "		boolean isSeparator();\n" +
-	// "		boolean isGroupMarker();\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "    public static void findInsertionPoint(String startId,\n" +
-	// "            String sortId, IContributionItem[] items) {\n" +
-	// "        // Find the reference item.\n" +
-	// "        try {\n" +
-	// "	        int insertIndex = 0;\n" +
-	// "	        while (insertIndex < items.length) {\n" +
-	// "	            if (startId.equals(items[insertIndex].getId()))\n" +
-	// "	                break;\n" +
-	// "	            ++insertIndex;\n" +
-	// "	        }\n" +
-	// "	        if (insertIndex >= items.length)\n" +
-	// "	            return;\n" +
-	// "	\n" +
-	// "	        int compareMetric = 0;\n" +
-	// "	\n" +
-	// "	        // Find the insertion point for the new item.\n" +
-	// "	        // We do this by iterating through all of the previous\n" +
-	// "	        // action set contributions define within the current group.\n"
-	// +
-	// "	        for (int nX = insertIndex + 1; nX < items.length; nX++) {\n" +
-	// "	            IContributionItem item = items[nX];\n" +
-	// "	            if (item.isSeparator() || item.isGroupMarker()) {\n" +
-	// "	                // Fix for bug report 18357\n" +
-	// "	                break;\n" +
-	// "	            }\n" +
-	// "	            if (item instanceof IActionSetContributionItem) {\n" +
-	// "	                if (sortId != null) {\n" +
-	// "	                    String testId = ((IActionSetContributionItem) item)\n"
-	// +
-	// "	                            .getActionSetId();\n" +
-	// "	                    if (sortId.compareTo(testId) < compareMetric)\n" +
-	// "	                        break;\n" +
-	// "	                }\n" +
-	// "	                insertIndex = nX;\n" +
-	// "	            } else {\n" +
-	// "	                break;\n" +
-	// "	            }\n" +
-	// "	        }\n" +
-	// "	    } catch(Exception e) {}\n" +
-	// "    }\n" +
-	// "    \n" +
-	// "    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-	// "		findInsertionPoint(\"\", \"\", null);\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "}",
-	// },
-	// "");
-	// String expectedOutput =
-	// "  // Method descriptor #15 (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[LX$IContributionItem;)V\n"
-	// +
-	// "  // Stack: 3, Locals: 8\n" +
-	// "  public static void findInsertionPoint(java.lang.String startId, java.lang.String sortId, X.IContributionItem[] items);\n"
-	// +
-	// "      0  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "      1  istore_3 [insertIndex]\n" +
-	// "      2  goto 26\n" +
-	// "      5  aload_0 [startId]\n" +
-	// "      6  aload_2 [items]\n" +
-	// "      7  iload_3 [insertIndex]\n" +
-	// "      8  aaload\n" +
-	// "      9  invokeinterface X$IContributionItem.getId() : java.lang.String [16] [nargs: 1]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     14  invokevirtual java.lang.String.equals(java.lang.Object) : boolean [22]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     17  ifeq 23\n" +
-	// "     20  goto 32\n" +
-	// "     23  iinc 3 1 [insertIndex]\n" +
-	// "     26  iload_3 [insertIndex]\n" +
-	// "     27  aload_2 [items]\n" +
-	// "     28  arraylength\n" +
-	// "     29  if_icmplt 5\n" +
-	// "     32  iload_3 [insertIndex]\n" +
-	// "     33  aload_2 [items]\n" +
-	// "     34  arraylength\n" +
-	// "     35  if_icmplt 39\n" +
-	// "     38  return\n" +
-	// "     39  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     40  istore 4 [compareMetric]\n" +
-	// "     42  iload_3 [insertIndex]\n" +
-	// "     43  iconst_1\n" +
-	// "     44  iadd\n" +
-	// "     45  istore 5 [nX]\n" +
-	// "     47  goto 123\n" +
-	// "     50  aload_2 [items]\n" +
-	// "     51  iload 5 [nX]\n" +
-	// "     53  aaload\n" +
-	// "     54  astore 6 [item]\n" +
-	// "     56  aload 6 [item]\n" +
-	// "     58  invokeinterface X$IContributionItem.isSeparator() : boolean [28] [nargs: 1]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     63  ifne 134\n" +
-	// "     66  aload 6 [item]\n" +
-	// "     68  invokeinterface X$IContributionItem.isGroupMarker() : boolean [32] [nargs: 1]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     73  ifeq 79\n" +
-	// "     76  goto 134\n" +
-	// "     79  aload 6 [item]\n" +
-	// "     81  instanceof X$IActionSetContributionItem [35]\n" +
-	// "     84  ifeq 134\n" +
-	// "     87  aload_1 [sortId]\n" +
-	// "     88  ifnull 117\n" +
-	// "     91  aload 6 [item]\n" +
-	// "     93  checkcast X$IActionSetContributionItem [35]\n" +
-	// "     96  invokeinterface X$IActionSetContributionItem.getActionSetId() : java.lang.String [37] [nargs: 1]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    101  astore 7 [testId]\n" +
-	// "    103  aload_1 [sortId]\n" +
-	// "    104  aload 7 [testId]\n" +
-	// "    106  invokevirtual java.lang.String.compareTo(java.lang.String) : int [40]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    109  iload 4 [compareMetric]\n" +
-	// "    111  if_icmpge 117\n" +
-	// "    114  goto 134\n" +
-	// "    117  iload 5 [nX]\n" +
-	// "    119  istore_3 [insertIndex]\n" +
-	// "    120  iinc 5 1 [nX]\n" +
-	// "    123  iload 5 [nX]\n" +
-	// "    125  aload_2 [items]\n" +
-	// "    126  arraylength\n" +
-	// "    127  if_icmplt 50\n" +
-	// "    130  goto 134\n" +
-	// "    133  astore_3\n" +
-	// "    134  return\n";
-	//	
-	// try {
-	// File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-	// byte[] classFileBytes =
-	// org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler =
-	// ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-	// String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n",
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-	// int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-	// if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-	// System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-	// }
-	// if (index == -1) {
-	// assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-	// }
-	// } catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// } catch (IOException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// }
-	// }
-	//
-	// public void test034() {
-	// this.runConformTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "",
-	// "public class X {\n" +
-	// "	private static int scenario(){\n" +
-	// "		try {\n" +
-	// "			int i = 1;\n" +
-	// "			System.out.print(\"[i: \" + i+\"]\");\n" +
-	// "			if (i > 5) {\n" +
-	// "				return i;\n" +
-	// "			}\n" +
-	// "			return -i;\n" +
-	// "		} catch (Exception e) {\n" +
-	// "			System.out.print(\"[WRONG CATCH]\");\n" +
-	// "			return 2;\n" +
-	// "		} finally {\n" +
-	// "			System.out.print(\"[finally]\");\n" +
-	// "			try {\n" +
-	// "				throwRuntime();\n" +
-	// "			} finally {\n" +
-	// "				clean();\n" +
-	// "			}\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "\n" +
-	// "	private static void throwRuntime() {\n" +
-	// "		throw new RuntimeException(\"error\");\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "\n" +
-	// "	private static void clean() {\n" +
-	// "		System.out.print(\"[clean]\");\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "\n" +
-	// "	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-	// "		try {\n" +
-	// "			scenario();\n" +
-	// "		} catch(Exception e){\n" +
-	// "			System.out.println(\"[end]\");\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "\n" +
-	// "}\n",
-	// },
-	// "[i: 1][finally][clean][end]");
-	//	
-	// // if (this.complianceLevel.compareTo(COMPLIANCE_1_6) >= 0) return;
-	// String expectedOutput = new
-	// CompilerOptions(this.getCompilerOptions()).inlineJsrBytecode
-	// ? "  // Method descriptor #15 ()I\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 4, Locals: 4\n" +
-	// "  private static int scenario();\n" +
-	// "      0  iconst_1\n" +
-	// "      1  istore_0 [i]\n" +
-	// "      2  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "      5  new java.lang.StringBuilder [22]\n" +
-	// "      8  dup\n" +
-	// "      9  ldc <String \"[i: \"> [24]\n" +
-	// "     11  invokespecial java.lang.StringBuilder(java.lang.String) [26]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     14  iload_0 [i]\n" +
-	// "     15  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(int) : java.lang.StringBuilder [29]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     18  ldc <String \"]\"> [33]\n" +
-	// "     20  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(java.lang.String) : java.lang.StringBuilder [35]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     23  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.toString() : java.lang.String [38]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     26  invokevirtual : void [42]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     29  iload_0 [i]\n" +
-	// "     30  iconst_5\n" +
-	// "     31  if_icmple 61\n" +
-	// "     34  iload_0 [i]\n" +
-	// "     35  istore_2\n" +
-	// "     36  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "     39  ldc <String \"[finally]\"> [47]\n" +
-	// "     41  invokevirtual : void [42]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     44  invokestatic X.throwRuntime() : void [49]\n" +
-	// "     47  goto 56\n" +
-	// "     50  astore_3\n" +
-	// "     51  invokestatic X.clean() : void [52]\n" +
-	// "     54  aload_3\n" +
-	// "     55  athrow\n" +
-	// "     56  invokestatic X.clean() : void [52]\n" +
-	// "     59  iload_2\n" +
-	// "     60  ireturn\n" +
-	// "     61  iload_0 [i]\n" +
-	// "     62  ineg\n" +
-	// "     63  istore_2\n" +
-	// "     64  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "     67  ldc <String \"[finally]\"> [47]\n" +
-	// "     69  invokevirtual : void [42]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     72  invokestatic X.throwRuntime() : void [49]\n" +
-	// "     75  goto 84\n" +
-	// "     78  astore_3\n" +
-	// "     79  invokestatic X.clean() : void [52]\n" +
-	// "     82  aload_3\n" +
-	// "     83  athrow\n" +
-	// "     84  invokestatic X.clean() : void [52]\n" +
-	// "     87  iload_2\n" +
-	// "     88  ireturn\n" +
-	// "     89  astore_0 [e]\n" +
-	// "     90  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "     93  ldc <String \"[WRONG CATCH]\"> [55]\n" +
-	// "     95  invokevirtual : void [42]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     98  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "    101  ldc <String \"[finally]\"> [47]\n" +
-	// "    103  invokevirtual : void [42]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    106  invokestatic X.throwRuntime() : void [49]\n" +
-	// "    109  goto 118\n" +
-	// "    112  astore_3\n" +
-	// "    113  invokestatic X.clean() : void [52]\n" +
-	// "    116  aload_3\n" +
-	// "    117  athrow\n" +
-	// "    118  invokestatic X.clean() : void [52]\n" +
-	// "    121  iconst_2\n" +
-	// "    122  ireturn\n" +
-	// "    123  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    124  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "    127  ldc <String \"[finally]\"> [47]\n" +
-	// "    129  invokevirtual : void [42]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    132  invokestatic X.throwRuntime() : void [49]\n" +
-	// "    135  goto 144\n" +
-	// "    138  astore_3\n" +
-	// "    139  invokestatic X.clean() : void [52]\n" +
-	// "    142  aload_3\n" +
-	// "    143  athrow\n" +
-	// "    144  invokestatic X.clean() : void [52]\n" +
-	// "    147  aload_1\n" +
-	// "    148  athrow\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 44, pc: 50] -> 50 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 72, pc: 78] -> 78 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 36] -> 89 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 61, pc: 64] -> 89 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 106, pc: 112] -> 112 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 36] -> 123 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 61, pc: 64] -> 123 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 89, pc: 98] -> 123 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 132, pc: 138] -> 138 when : any\n"
-	// : "  // Method descriptor #15 ()I\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 4, Locals: 6\n" +
-	// "  private static int scenario();\n" +
-	// "      0  iconst_1\n" +
-	// "      1  istore_0 [i]\n" +
-	// "      2  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "      5  new java.lang.StringBuffer [22]\n" +
-	// "      8  dup\n" +
-	// "      9  ldc <String \"[i: \"> [24]\n" +
-	// "     11  invokespecial java.lang.StringBuffer(java.lang.String) [26]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     14  iload_0 [i]\n" +
-	// "     15  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuffer.append(int) : java.lang.StringBuffer [29]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     18  ldc <String \"]\"> [33]\n" +
-	// "     20  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuffer.append(java.lang.String) : java.lang.StringBuffer [35]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     23  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuffer.toString() : java.lang.String [38]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     26  invokevirtual : void [42]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     29  iload_0 [i]\n" +
-	// "     30  iconst_5\n" +
-	// "     31  if_icmple 41\n" +
-	// "     34  iload_0 [i]\n" +
-	// "     35  istore_3\n" +
-	// "     36  jsr 69\n" +
-	// "     39  iload_3\n" +
-	// "     40  ireturn\n" +
-	// "     41  iload_0 [i]\n" +
-	// "     42  ineg\n" +
-	// "     43  istore_3\n" +
-	// "     44  jsr 69\n" +
-	// "     47  iload_3\n" +
-	// "     48  ireturn\n" +
-	// "     49  astore_0 [e]\n" +
-	// "     50  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "     53  ldc <String \"[WRONG CATCH]\"> [47]\n" +
-	// "     55  invokevirtual : void [42]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     58  jsr 69\n" +
-	// "     61  iconst_2\n" +
-	// "     62  ireturn\n" +
-	// "     63  astore_2\n" +
-	// "     64  jsr 69\n" +
-	// "     67  aload_2\n" +
-	// "     68  athrow\n" +
-	// "     69  astore_1\n" +
-	// "     70  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "     73  ldc <String \"[finally]\"> [49]\n" +
-	// "     75  invokevirtual : void [42]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     78  invokestatic X.throwRuntime() : void [51]\n" +
-	// "     81  goto 99\n" +
-	// "     84  astore 5\n" +
-	// "     86  jsr 92\n" +
-	// "     89  aload 5\n" +
-	// "     91  athrow\n" +
-	// "     92  astore 4\n" +
-	// "     94  invokestatic X.clean() : void [54]\n" +
-	// "     97  ret 4\n" +
-	// "     99  jsr 92\n" +
-	// "    102  ret 1\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 39] -> 49 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 41, pc: 47] -> 49 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 39] -> 63 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 41, pc: 47] -> 63 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 49, pc: 61] -> 63 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 78, pc: 84] -> 84 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 99, pc: 102] -> 84 when : any\n";
-	//
-	// try {
-	// File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-	// byte[] classFileBytes =
-	// org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler =
-	// ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-	// String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n",
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-	// int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-	// if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-	// System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-	// }
-	// if (index == -1) {
-	// assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-	// }
-	// } catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// } catch (IOException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// }
-	// }
-	// - variation
-	public void test035() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"",
-						"public class X {\n"
-								+ "	public static void main(String[] args) {\n"
-								+ "		try {\n" + "			new X().bar();\n"
-								+ "		} catch(Exception e){\n"
-								+ "			System.out.println(\"[end]\");\n"
-								+ "		}\n" + "	}\n" + "	Object bar() {\n"
-								+ "		try {\n"
-								+ "			System.out.print(\"[try]\");\n"
-								+ "			return this;\n"
-								+ "		} catch(Exception e){\n"
-								+ "			System.out.print(\"[WRONG CATCH]\");\n"
-								+ "		} finally {\n"
-								+ "			System.out.print(\"[finally]\");\n"
-								+ "			foo();\n" + "		}\n" + "		return this;\n"
-								+ "	}\n" + "	Object foo() {\n"
-								+ "		throw new RuntimeException();\n" + "	}\n"
-								+ "}\n", }, "[try][finally][end]");
-	}
-	// - variation
-	public void test036() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-				new String[] {
-						"",
-						"public class X {\n"
-								+ "	public static void main(String[] args) {\n"
-								+ "		try {\n" + "			new X().bar();\n"
-								+ "		} catch(Exception e){\n"
-								+ "			System.out.println(\"[end]\");\n"
-								+ "		}\n" + "	}\n" + "	Object bar() {\n"
-								+ "		try {\n"
-								+ "			System.out.print(\"[try]\");\n"
-								+ "			throw new RuntimeException();\n"
-								+ "		} catch(Exception e){\n"
-								+ "			System.out.print(\"[catch]\");\n"
-								+ "			return this;\n" + "		} finally {\n"
-								+ "			System.out.print(\"[finally]\");\n"
-								+ "			foo();\n" + "		}\n" + "	}\n"
-								+ "	Object foo() {\n"
-								+ "		throw new RuntimeException();\n" + "	}\n"
-								+ "}\n", }, "[try][catch][finally][end]");
-	}
-	// - variation
-	public void test037() {
-		this
-				.runConformTest(
-						new String[] {
-								"",
-								"public class X {\n"
-										+ "\n"
-										+ "	public static void main(String[] args) {\n"
-										+ "		try {\n"
-										+ "			scenario();\n"
-										+ "		} catch(Exception e){\n"
-										+ "			System.out.println(\"[end]\");\n"
-										+ "		}\n"
-										+ "	}\n"
-										+ "\n"
-										+ "	private static void scenario() throws Exception {\n"
-										+ "		try {\n"
-										+ "			System.out.print(\"[try1]\");\n"
-										+ "			try {\n"
-										+ "				System.out.print(\"[try2]\");\n"
-										+ "				return;\n"
-										+ "			} catch(Exception e) {\n"
-										+ "				System.out.print(\"[catch2]\");\n"
-										+ "			} finally {\n"
-										+ "				System.out.print(\"[finally2]\");\n"
-										+ "				throwRuntime();\n"
-										+ "			}\n"
-										+ "		} catch(Exception e) {\n"
-										+ "			System.out.print(\"[catch1]\");\n"
-										+ "			throw e;\n"
-										+ "		} finally {\n"
-										+ "			System.out.print(\"[finally1]\");\n"
-										+ "		}\n"
-										+ "	}\n"
-										+ "\n"
-										+ "	private static void throwRuntime() {\n"
-										+ "		throw new RuntimeException(\"error\");\n"
-										+ "	}\n" + "}\n", },
-						"[try1][try2][finally2][catch1][finally1][end]");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test038() {
-		this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + "\n" + "	int hasLoop() {\n"
-						+ "		int l, m, n;\n" + "		for (m = 0; m < 10; m++) {\n"
-						+ "			n = 2;\n" + "			try {\n" + "				n = 3;\n"
-						+ "				try {\n" + "					n = 4;\n"
-						+ "				} catch (ArithmeticException e1) {\n"
-						+ "					n = 11;\n" + "				} finally {\n"
-						+ "					for (l = 0; l < 10; l++) {\n" + "						n++;\n"
-						+ "					}\n" + "					if (n == 12) {\n"
-						+ "						n = 13;\n" + "						break;\n" + "					}\n"
-						+ "					n = 15;\n" + "				}\n"
-						+ "			} catch (OutOfMemoryError e2) {\n"
-						+ "				n = 18;\n" + "			}\n" + "		}\n"
-						+ "		return 0;\n" + "	}\n" + "\n"
-						+ "	public static void main(String args[]) {\n"
-						+ "      System.out.println(\"Loaded fine\");\n"
-						+ "   }\n" + "}\n", }, "Loaded fine");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test039() {
-		this
-				.runConformTest(
-						new String[] {
-								"",
-								"public class X {\n"
-										+ "	public static void someMethod() {\n"
-										+ "		int count = 0;\n"
-										+ "		int code = -1;\n"
-										+ "		while (count < 2 && (code == -1 || code == 2)) {\n"
-										+ "			count++;\n"
-										+ "			try {\n"
-										+ "				{\n"
-										+ "					System.out.print(\"[Try:\" + count + \";\" + code+\"]\");\n"
-										+ "				}\n"
-										+ "				code = 0;\n"
-										+ "\n"
-										+ "			} finally {\n"
-										+ "				System.out.print(\"[Finally\" + count + \";\" + code+\"]\");\n"
-										+ "			}\n"
-										+ "		}\n"
-										+ "		System.out.print(\"[Outering\");\n"
-										+ "\n"
-										+ "		if (code == 0) {\n"
-										+ "			System.out.print(\"[Return:\" + count + \";\" + code+\"]\");\n"
-										+ "			return;\n"
-										+ "		}\n"
-										+ "		throw new RuntimeException(null + \"a\");\n"
-										+ "	}\n"
-										+ "\n"
-										+ "	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {\n"
-										+ "		for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {\n"
-										+ "			someMethod();\n"
-										+ "			System.out.println();\n"
-										+ "		}\n" + "	}\n" + "}\n", },
-						"[Try:1;-1][Finally1;0][Outering[Return:1;0]");
-	}
-	// //
-	// public void test040() {
-	// this.runConformTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "",
-	// "public class X {\n" +
-	// "	public void foo(boolean b) {\n" +
-	// "		try { \n" +
-	// "			if (b){ \n" +
-	// "				int i = 0;\n" +
-	// "				return;\n" +
-	// "			} else {\n" +
-	// "				Object o = null;\n" +
-	// "				return;\n" +
-	// "			}\n" +
-	// "		} finally {\n" +
-	// "			System.out.println(\"done\");\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-	// "		new X().foo(true);\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "}\n",
-	// },
-	// "done");
-	//	
-	// CompilerOptions compilerOptions = new
-	// CompilerOptions(this.getCompilerOptions());
-	// String expectedOutput = !compilerOptions.inlineJsrBytecode
-	// ? "  // Method descriptor #15 (Z)V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 5\n" +
-	// "  public void foo(boolean b);\n" +
-	// "     0  iload_1 [b]\n" +
-	// "     1  ifeq 10\n" +
-	// "     4  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     5  istore_2 [i]\n" +
-	// "     6  jsr 23\n" +
-	// "     9  return\n" +
-	// "    10  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "    11  astore_2 [o]\n" +
-	// "    12  goto 6\n" +
-	// "    15  astore 4\n" +
-	// "    17  jsr 23\n" +
-	// "    20  aload 4\n" +
-	// "    22  athrow\n" +
-	// "    23  astore_3\n" +
-	// "    24  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "    27  ldc <String \"done\"> [22]\n" +
-	// "    29  invokevirtual : void [24]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    32  ret 3\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 9] -> 15 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 10, pc: 15] -> 15 when : any\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 4]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 4, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 6, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 10, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 12, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, line: 11]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 20, line: 13]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 23, line: 11]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 24, line: 12]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 32, line: 13]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 34] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 34] local: b index: 1 type: boolean\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 6, pc: 10] local: i index: 2 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 12, pc: 15] local: o index: 2 type: java.lang.Object\n"
-	// : null;
-	// if (expectedOutput == null) {
-	// if (compilerOptions.targetJDK == ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) {
-	// expectedOutput = "  // Method descriptor #15 (Z)V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 4\n" +
-	// "  public void foo(boolean b);\n" +
-	// "     0  iload_1 [b]\n" +
-	// "     1  ifeq 15\n" +
-	// "     4  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     5  istore_2 [i]\n" +
-	// "     6  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "     9  ldc <String \"done\"> [22]\n" +
-	// "    11  invokevirtual : void [24]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    14  return\n" +
-	// "    15  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "    16  astore_2 [o]\n" +
-	// "    17  goto 6\n" +
-	// "    20  astore_3\n" +
-	// "    21  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "    24  ldc <String \"done\"> [22]\n" +
-	// "    26  invokevirtual : void [24]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    29  aload_3\n" +
-	// "    30  athrow\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 6] -> 20 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, pc: 20] -> 20 when : any\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 4]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 4, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 6, line: 12]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 14, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 17, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 20, line: 11]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 21, line: 12]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 29, line: 13]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 31] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 31] local: b index: 1 type: boolean\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 6, pc: 15] local: i index: 2 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 17, pc: 20] local: o index: 2 type: java.lang.Object\n";
-	// } else {
-	// expectedOutput = "  // Method descriptor #15 (Z)V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 4\n" +
-	// "  public void foo(boolean b);\n" +
-	// "     0  iload_1 [b]\n" +
-	// "     1  ifeq 15\n" +
-	// "     4  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     5  istore_2 [i]\n" +
-	// "     6  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "     9  ldc <String \"done\"> [22]\n" +
-	// "    11  invokevirtual : void [24]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    14  return\n" +
-	// "    15  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "    16  astore_2 [o]\n" +
-	// "    17  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "    20  ldc <String \"done\"> [22]\n" +
-	// "    22  invokevirtual : void [24]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    25  return\n" +
-	// "    26  astore_3\n" +
-	// "    27  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "    30  ldc <String \"done\"> [22]\n" +
-	// "    32  invokevirtual : void [24]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    35  aload_3\n" +
-	// "    36  athrow\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 6] -> 26 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, pc: 17] -> 26 when : any\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 4]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 4, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 6, line: 12]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 14, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 17, line: 12]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 25, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 26, line: 11]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 27, line: 12]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 35, line: 13]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 37] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 37] local: b index: 1 type: boolean\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 6, pc: 15] local: i index: 2 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 17, pc: 26] local: o index: 2 type: java.lang.Object\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 26, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Throwable}]\n";
-	// }
-	// }
-	//
-	// try {
-	// File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-	// byte[] classFileBytes =
-	// org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler =
-	// ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-	// String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n",
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-	// int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-	// if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-	// System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-	// }
-	// if (index == -1) {
-	// assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-	// }
-	// } catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// } catch (IOException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// }
-	// }
-	// - variation
-	// public void test041() {
-	// this.runConformTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "",
-	// "public class X {\n" +
-	// "	public void foo(boolean b) {\n" +
-	// "		try { \n" +
-	// "			int i = 0;\n" +
-	// "			return;\n" +
-	// "		} catch(Exception e) {\n" +
-	// "			return;\n" +
-	// "		} finally {\n" +
-	// "			System.out.println(\"done\");\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-	// "		new X().foo(true);\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "}\n",
-	// },
-	// "done");
-	//	
-	// CompilerOptions compilerOptions = new
-	// CompilerOptions(this.getCompilerOptions());
-	// String expectedOutput = !compilerOptions.inlineJsrBytecode
-	// ? "  // Method descriptor #15 (Z)V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 5\n" +
-	// "  public void foo(boolean b);\n" +
-	// "     0  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     1  istore_2 [i]\n" +
-	// "     2  jsr 18\n" +
-	// "     5  return\n" +
-	// "     6  astore_2 [e]\n" +
-	// "     7  goto 2\n" +
-	// "    10  astore 4\n" +
-	// "    12  jsr 18\n" +
-	// "    15  aload 4\n" +
-	// "    17  athrow\n" +
-	// "    18  astore_3\n" +
-	// "    19  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "    22  ldc <String \"done\"> [22]\n" +
-	// "    24  invokevirtual : void [24]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    27  ret 3\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 5] -> 6 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 5] -> 10 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 6, pc: 10] -> 10 when : any\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 4]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 6, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 7]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 10, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 18, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 19, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 27, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 29] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 29] local: b index: 1 type: boolean\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 6] local: i index: 2 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, pc: 10] local: e index: 2 type: java.lang.Exception\n"
-	// : null;
-	// if (expectedOutput == null) {
-	// if (compilerOptions.targetJDK == ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) {
-	// expectedOutput = "  // Method descriptor #15 (Z)V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 4\n" +
-	// "  public void foo(boolean b);\n" +
-	// "     0  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     1  istore_2 [i]\n" +
-	// "     2  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "     5  ldc <String \"done\"> [22]\n" +
-	// "     7  invokevirtual : void [24]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    10  return\n" +
-	// "    11  astore_2 [e]\n" +
-	// "    12  goto 2\n" +
-	// "    15  astore_3\n" +
-	// "    16  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "    19  ldc <String \"done\"> [22]\n" +
-	// "    21  invokevirtual : void [24]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    24  aload_3\n" +
-	// "    25  athrow\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 2] -> 11 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 2] -> 15 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 11, pc: 15] -> 15 when : any\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 4]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 10, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 11, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 12, line: 7]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 16, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 24, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 26] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 26] local: b index: 1 type: boolean\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 11] local: i index: 2 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 12, pc: 15] local: e index: 2 type: java.lang.Exception\n";
-	// } else {
-	// expectedOutput = "  // Method descriptor #15 (Z)V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 4\n" +
-	// "  public void foo(boolean b);\n" +
-	// "     0  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     1  istore_2 [i]\n" +
-	// "     2  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "     5  ldc <String \"done\"> [22]\n" +
-	// "     7  invokevirtual : void [24]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    10  return\n" +
-	// "    11  astore_2 [e]\n" +
-	// "    12  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "    15  ldc <String \"done\"> [22]\n" +
-	// "    17  invokevirtual : void [24]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    20  return\n" +
-	// "    21  astore_3\n" +
-	// "    22  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "    25  ldc <String \"done\"> [22]\n" +
-	// "    27  invokevirtual : void [24]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    30  aload_3\n" +
-	// "    31  athrow\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 2] -> 11 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 2] -> 21 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 11, pc: 12] -> 21 when : any\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 4]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 10, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 11, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 12, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 20, line: 7]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 21, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 22, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 30, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 32] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 32] local: b index: 1 type: boolean\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 11] local: i index: 2 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 12, pc: 21] local: e index: 2 type: java.lang.Exception\n"
-	// +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 11, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Exception}]\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 21, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Throwable}]\n";
-	// }
-	// }
-	//
-	// try {
-	// File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-	// byte[] classFileBytes =
-	// org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler =
-	// ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-	// String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n",
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-	// int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-	// if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-	// System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-	// }
-	// if (index == -1) {
-	// assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-	// }
-	// } catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// } catch (IOException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// }
-	// }
-	// - variation
-	// public void test042() {
-	// this.runConformTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "",
-	// " public class X {\n" +
-	// " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-	// "		System.out.println(new X().foo(args));\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "	String foo(String[] args) {\n" +
-	// "		try {\n" +
-	// "			if (args == null) return \"KO\";\n" +
-	// "			switch(args.length) {\n" +
-	// "			case 0:\n" +
-	// "				return \"OK\";\n" +
-	// "			case 1:\n" +
-	// "				return \"KO\";\n" +
-	// "			case 3:\n" +
-	// "				return \"OK\";\n" +
-	// "			default:\n" +
-	// "				return \"KO\";\n" +
-	// "			}\n" +
-	// "		} finally {\n" +
-	// "			System.out.print(\"FINALLY:\");\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "}\n",
-	// },
-	// "FINALLY:OK");
-	//	
-	// String expectedOutput = new
-	// CompilerOptions(this.getCompilerOptions()).inlineJsrBytecode
-	// ? "  // Method descriptor #26 ([Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;\n"
-	// +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 3\n" +
-	// "  java.lang.String foo(java.lang.String[] args);\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_1 [args]\n" +
-	// "     1  ifnonnull 15\n" +
-	// "     4  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "     7  ldc <String \"FINALLY:\"> [35]\n" +
-	// "     9  invokevirtual : void [37]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    12  ldc <String \"KO\"> [40]\n" +
-	// "    14  areturn\n" +
-	// "    15  aload_1 [args]\n" +
-	// "    16  arraylength\n" +
-	// "    17  tableswitch default: 65\n" +
-	// "          case 0: 48\n" +
-	// "          case 1: 59\n" +
-	// "          case 2: 65\n" +
-	// "          case 3: 62\n" +
-	// "    48  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "    51  ldc <String \"FINALLY:\"> [35]\n" +
-	// "    53  invokevirtual : void [37]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    56  ldc <String \"OK\"> [42]\n" +
-	// "    58  areturn\n" +
-	// "    59  goto 4\n" +
-	// "    62  goto 48\n" +
-	// "    65  goto 4\n" +
-	// "    68  astore_2\n" +
-	// "    69  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "    72  ldc <String \"FINALLY:\"> [35]\n" +
-	// "    74  invokevirtual : void [37]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    77  aload_2\n" +
-	// "    78  athrow\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 4] -> 68 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, pc: 48] -> 68 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 59, pc: 68] -> 68 when : any\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 7]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 4, line: 19]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 12, line: 7]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 48, line: 19]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 56, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 59, line: 12]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 62, line: 14]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 65, line: 16]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 68, line: 18]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 69, line: 19]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 77, line: 20]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 79] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 79] local: args index: 1 type: java.lang.String[]\n"
-	// : "  // Method descriptor #26 ([Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;\n"
-	// +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 4\n" +
-	// "  java.lang.String foo(java.lang.String[] args);\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_1 [args]\n" +
-	// "     1  ifnonnull 10\n" +
-	// "     4  jsr 65\n" +
-	// "     7  ldc <String \"KO\"> [35]\n" +
-	// "     9  areturn\n" +
-	// "    10  aload_1 [args]\n" +
-	// "    11  arraylength\n" +
-	// "    12  tableswitch default: 56\n" +
-	// "          case 0: 44\n" +
-	// "          case 1: 50\n" +
-	// "          case 2: 56\n" +
-	// "          case 3: 53\n" +
-	// "    44  jsr 65\n" +
-	// "    47  ldc <String \"OK\"> [37]\n" +
-	// "    49  areturn\n" +
-	// "    50  goto 4\n" +
-	// "    53  goto 44\n" +
-	// "    56  goto 4\n" +
-	// "    59  astore_3\n" +
-	// "    60  jsr 65\n" +
-	// "    63  aload_3\n" +
-	// "    64  athrow\n" +
-	// "    65  astore_2\n" +
-	// "    66  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "    69  ldc <String \"FINALLY:\"> [39]\n" +
-	// "    71  invokevirtual : void [41]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    74  ret 2\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 7] -> 59 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 10, pc: 47] -> 59 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 50, pc: 59] -> 59 when : any\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 7]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 10, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 44, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 50, line: 12]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 53, line: 14]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 56, line: 16]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 59, line: 18]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 63, line: 20]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 65, line: 18]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 66, line: 19]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 74, line: 20]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 76] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 76] local: args index: 1 type: java.lang.String[]\n";
-	//
-	// try {
-	// File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-	// byte[] classFileBytes =
-	// org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler =
-	// ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-	// String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n",
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-	// int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-	// if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-	// System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-	// }
-	// if (index == -1) {
-	// assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-	// }
-	// } catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// } catch (IOException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// }
-	// }
-	// // - variation
-	// public void test043() {
-	// this.runConformTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "",
-	// "public class X {\n" +
-	// "	public void save() {\n" +
-	// "		int a = 3;\n" +
-	// "		try {\n" +
-	// "			Object warnings = null;\n" +
-	// "			Object contexts = null;\n" +
-	// "			try {\n" +
-	// "				System.out.print(warnings);\n" +
-	// "				return;\n" +
-	// "			} catch (NullPointerException npe) {\n" +
-	// "				System.out.print(contexts);\n" +
-	// "				return;\n" +
-	// "			} finally {\n" +
-	// "				System.out.print(\"#inner -> \" + a);\n" +
-	// "			}\n" +
-	// "		} catch (Exception e) {\n" +
-	// "			return;\n" +
-	// "		} finally {\n" +
-	// "			int var = 0;\n" +
-	// "			System.out.println(\"#save -> \" + a);\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-	// "		new X().save();\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "}\n",
-	// },
-	// "null#inner -> 3#save -> 3");
-	//	
-	// CompilerOptions compilerOptions = new
-	// CompilerOptions(this.getCompilerOptions());
-	// String expectedOutput = !compilerOptions.inlineJsrBytecode
-	// ? "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 4, Locals: 10\n" +
-	// "  public void save();\n" +
-	// "      0  iconst_3\n" +
-	// "      1  istore_1 [a]\n" +
-	// "      2  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "      3  astore_2 [warnings]\n" +
-	// "      4  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "      5  astore_3 [contexts]\n" +
-	// "      6  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "      9  aload_2 [warnings]\n" +
-	// "     10  invokevirtual : void [21]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     13  jsr 40\n" +
-	// "     16  jsr 78\n" +
-	// "     19  return\n" +
-	// "     20  astore 4 [npe]\n" +
-	// "     22  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "     25  aload_3 [contexts]\n" +
-	// "     26  invokevirtual : void [21]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     29  goto 13\n" +
-	// "     32  astore 6\n" +
-	// "     34  jsr 40\n" +
-	// "     37  aload 6\n" +
-	// "     39  athrow\n" +
-	// "     40  astore 5\n" +
-	// "     42  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "     45  new java.lang.StringBuffer [27]\n" +
-	// "     48  dup\n" +
-	// "     49  ldc <String \"#inner -> \"> [29]\n" +
-	// "     51  invokespecial java.lang.StringBuffer(java.lang.String) [31]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     54  iload_1 [a]\n" +
-	// "     55  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuffer.append(int) : java.lang.StringBuffer [34]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     58  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuffer.toString() : java.lang.String [38]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     61  invokevirtual : void [42]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     64  ret 5\n" +
-	// "     66  astore_2 [e]\n" +
-	// "     67  goto 16\n" +
-	// "     70  astore 8\n" +
-	// "     72  jsr 78\n" +
-	// "     75  aload 8\n" +
-	// "     77  athrow\n" +
-	// "     78  astore 7\n" +
-	// "     80  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     81  istore 9 [var]\n" +
-	// "     83  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "     86  new java.lang.StringBuffer [27]\n" +
-	// "     89  dup\n" +
-	// "     90  ldc <String \"#save -> \"> [44]\n" +
-	// "     92  invokespecial java.lang.StringBuffer(java.lang.String) [31]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     95  iload_1 [a]\n" +
-	// "     96  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuffer.append(int) : java.lang.StringBuffer [34]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     99  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuffer.toString() : java.lang.String [38]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    102  invokevirtual : void [46]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    105  ret 7\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 6, pc: 16] -> 20 when : java.lang.NullPointerException\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 6, pc: 16] -> 32 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 20, pc: 32] -> 32 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 19] -> 66 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 20, pc: 66] -> 66 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 19] -> 70 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 20, pc: 70] -> 70 when : any\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 3]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 4, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 6, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 13, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 20, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 22, line: 11]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 29, line: 12]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 32, line: 13]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 37, line: 15]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 40, line: 13]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 42, line: 14]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 64, line: 15]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 66, line: 16]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 67, line: 17]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 70, line: 18]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 75, line: 21]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 78, line: 18]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 80, line: 19]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 83, line: 20]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 105, line: 21]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 107] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 107] local: a index: 1 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 4, pc: 66] local: warnings index: 2 type: java.lang.Object\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 6, pc: 66] local: contexts index: 3 type: java.lang.Object\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 22, pc: 32] local: npe index: 4 type: java.lang.NullPointerException\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 67, pc: 70] local: e index: 2 type: java.lang.Exception\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 83, pc: 105] local: var index: 9 type: int\n"
-	// : null;
-	//
-	// if (expectedOutput == null) {
-	// if (compilerOptions.targetJDK == ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) {
-	// expectedOutput = "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 4, Locals: 8\n" +
-	// "  public void save();\n" +
-	// "      0  iconst_3\n" +
-	// "      1  istore_1 [a]\n" +
-	// "      2  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "      3  astore_2 [warnings]\n" +
-	// "      4  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "      5  astore_3 [contexts]\n" +
-	// "      6  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "      9  aload_2 [warnings]\n" +
-	// "     10  invokevirtual : void [21]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     13  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "     16  new java.lang.StringBuilder [27]\n" +
-	// "     19  dup\n" +
-	// "     20  ldc <String \"#inner -> \"> [29]\n" +
-	// "     22  invokespecial java.lang.StringBuilder(java.lang.String) [31]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     25  iload_1 [a]\n" +
-	// "     26  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(int) : java.lang.StringBuilder [34]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     29  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.toString() : java.lang.String [38]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     32  invokevirtual : void [42]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     35  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     36  istore 7 [var]\n" +
-	// "     38  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "     41  new java.lang.StringBuilder [27]\n" +
-	// "     44  dup\n" +
-	// "     45  ldc <String \"#save -> \"> [44]\n" +
-	// "     47  invokespecial java.lang.StringBuilder(java.lang.String) [31]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     50  iload_1 [a]\n" +
-	// "     51  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(int) : java.lang.StringBuilder [34]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     54  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.toString() : java.lang.String [38]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     57  invokevirtual : void [46]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     60  return\n" +
-	// "     61  astore 4 [npe]\n" +
-	// "     63  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "     66  aload_3 [contexts]\n" +
-	// "     67  invokevirtual : void [21]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     70  goto 13\n" +
-	// "     73  astore 5\n" +
-	// "     75  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "     78  new java.lang.StringBuilder [27]\n" +
-	// "     81  dup\n" +
-	// "     82  ldc <String \"#inner -> \"> [29]\n" +
-	// "     84  invokespecial java.lang.StringBuilder(java.lang.String) [31]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     87  iload_1 [a]\n" +
-	// "     88  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(int) : java.lang.StringBuilder [34]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     91  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.toString() : java.lang.String [38]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     94  invokevirtual : void [42]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     97  aload 5\n" +
-	// "     99  athrow\n" +
-	// "    100  astore_2 [e]\n" +
-	// "    101  goto 35\n" +
-	// "    104  astore 6\n" +
-	// "    106  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "    107  istore 7 [var]\n" +
-	// "    109  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "    112  new java.lang.StringBuilder [27]\n" +
-	// "    115  dup\n" +
-	// "    116  ldc <String \"#save -> \"> [44]\n" +
-	// "    118  invokespecial java.lang.StringBuilder(java.lang.String) [31]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    121  iload_1 [a]\n" +
-	// "    122  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(int) : java.lang.StringBuilder [34]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    125  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.toString() : java.lang.String [38]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    128  invokevirtual : void [46]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    131  aload 6\n" +
-	// "    133  athrow\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 6, pc: 13] -> 61 when : java.lang.NullPointerException\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 6, pc: 13] -> 73 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 61, pc: 73] -> 73 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 35] -> 100 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 61, pc: 100] -> 100 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 35] -> 104 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 61, pc: 104] -> 104 when : any\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 3]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 4, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 6, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 13, line: 14]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 35, line: 19]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 38, line: 20]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 60, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 61, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 63, line: 11]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 70, line: 12]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 73, line: 13]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 75, line: 14]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 97, line: 15]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 100, line: 16]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 101, line: 17]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 104, line: 18]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 106, line: 19]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 109, line: 20]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 131, line: 21]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 134] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 134] local: a index: 1 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 4, pc: 100] local: warnings index: 2 type: java.lang.Object\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 6, pc: 100] local: contexts index: 3 type: java.lang.Object\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 63, pc: 73] local: npe index: 4 type: java.lang.NullPointerException\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 101, pc: 104] local: e index: 2 type: java.lang.Exception\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 38, pc: 60] local: var index: 7 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 109, pc: 131] local: var index: 7 type: int\n";
-	// } else {
-	// expectedOutput = "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 4, Locals: 8\n" +
-	// "  public void save();\n" +
-	// "      0  iconst_3\n" +
-	// "      1  istore_1 [a]\n" +
-	// "      2  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "      3  astore_2 [warnings]\n" +
-	// "      4  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "      5  astore_3 [contexts]\n" +
-	// "      6  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "      9  aload_2 [warnings]\n" +
-	// "     10  invokevirtual : void [21]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     13  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "     16  new java.lang.StringBuilder [27]\n" +
-	// "     19  dup\n" +
-	// "     20  ldc <String \"#inner -> \"> [29]\n" +
-	// "     22  invokespecial java.lang.StringBuilder(java.lang.String) [31]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     25  iload_1 [a]\n" +
-	// "     26  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(int) : java.lang.StringBuilder [34]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     29  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.toString() : java.lang.String [38]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     32  invokevirtual : void [42]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     35  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     36  istore 7 [var]\n" +
-	// "     38  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "     41  new java.lang.StringBuilder [27]\n" +
-	// "     44  dup\n" +
-	// "     45  ldc <String \"#save -> \"> [44]\n" +
-	// "     47  invokespecial java.lang.StringBuilder(java.lang.String) [31]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     50  iload_1 [a]\n" +
-	// "     51  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(int) : java.lang.StringBuilder [34]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     54  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.toString() : java.lang.String [38]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     57  invokevirtual : void [46]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     60  return\n" +
-	// "     61  astore 4 [npe]\n" +
-	// "     63  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "     66  aload_3 [contexts]\n" +
-	// "     67  invokevirtual : void [21]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     70  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "     73  new java.lang.StringBuilder [27]\n" +
-	// "     76  dup\n" +
-	// "     77  ldc <String \"#inner -> \"> [29]\n" +
-	// "     79  invokespecial java.lang.StringBuilder(java.lang.String) [31]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     82  iload_1 [a]\n" +
-	// "     83  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(int) : java.lang.StringBuilder [34]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     86  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.toString() : java.lang.String [38]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     89  invokevirtual : void [42]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     92  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     93  istore 7 [var]\n" +
-	// "     95  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "     98  new java.lang.StringBuilder [27]\n" +
-	// "    101  dup\n" +
-	// "    102  ldc <String \"#save -> \"> [44]\n" +
-	// "    104  invokespecial java.lang.StringBuilder(java.lang.String) [31]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    107  iload_1 [a]\n" +
-	// "    108  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(int) : java.lang.StringBuilder [34]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    111  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.toString() : java.lang.String [38]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    114  invokevirtual : void [46]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    117  return\n" +
-	// "    118  astore 5\n" +
-	// "    120  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "    123  new java.lang.StringBuilder [27]\n" +
-	// "    126  dup\n" +
-	// "    127  ldc <String \"#inner -> \"> [29]\n" +
-	// "    129  invokespecial java.lang.StringBuilder(java.lang.String) [31]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    132  iload_1 [a]\n" +
-	// "    133  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(int) : java.lang.StringBuilder [34]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    136  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.toString() : java.lang.String [38]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    139  invokevirtual : void [42]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    142  aload 5\n" +
-	// "    144  athrow\n" +
-	// "    145  astore_2 [e]\n" +
-	// "    146  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "    147  istore 7 [var]\n" +
-	// "    149  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "    152  new java.lang.StringBuilder [27]\n" +
-	// "    155  dup\n" +
-	// "    156  ldc <String \"#save -> \"> [44]\n" +
-	// "    158  invokespecial java.lang.StringBuilder(java.lang.String) [31]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    161  iload_1 [a]\n" +
-	// "    162  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(int) : java.lang.StringBuilder [34]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    165  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.toString() : java.lang.String [38]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    168  invokevirtual : void [46]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    171  return\n" +
-	// "    172  astore 6\n" +
-	// "    174  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "    175  istore 7 [var]\n" +
-	// "    177  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "    180  new java.lang.StringBuilder [27]\n" +
-	// "    183  dup\n" +
-	// "    184  ldc <String \"#save -> \"> [44]\n" +
-	// "    186  invokespecial java.lang.StringBuilder(java.lang.String) [31]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    189  iload_1 [a]\n" +
-	// "    190  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(int) : java.lang.StringBuilder [34]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    193  invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.toString() : java.lang.String [38]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    196  invokevirtual : void [46]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    199  aload 6\n" +
-	// "    201  athrow\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 6, pc: 13] -> 61 when : java.lang.NullPointerException\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 6, pc: 13] -> 118 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 61, pc: 70] -> 118 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 35] -> 145 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 61, pc: 92] -> 145 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 118, pc: 145] -> 145 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 35] -> 172 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 61, pc: 92] -> 172 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 118, pc: 146] -> 172 when : any\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 3]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 4, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 6, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 13, line: 14]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 35, line: 19]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 38, line: 20]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 60, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 61, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 63, line: 11]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 70, line: 14]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 92, line: 19]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 95, line: 20]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 117, line: 12]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 118, line: 13]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 120, line: 14]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 142, line: 15]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 145, line: 16]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 146, line: 19]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 149, line: 20]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 171, line: 17]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 172, line: 18]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 174, line: 19]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 177, line: 20]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 199, line: 21]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 202] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 202] local: a index: 1 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 4, pc: 145] local: warnings index: 2 type: java.lang.Object\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 6, pc: 145] local: contexts index: 3 type: java.lang.Object\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 63, pc: 118] local: npe index: 4 type: java.lang.NullPointerException\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 146, pc: 172] local: e index: 2 type: java.lang.Exception\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 38, pc: 60] local: var index: 7 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 95, pc: 117] local: var index: 7 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 149, pc: 171] local: var index: 7 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 177, pc: 199] local: var index: 7 type: int\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 4\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 61, full, stack: {java.lang.NullPointerException}, locals: {X, int, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object}]\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 118, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Throwable}]\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 145, full, stack: {java.lang.Exception}, locals: {X, int}]\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 172, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Throwable}]\n";
-	// }
-	// }
-	//
-	// try {
-	// File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-	// byte[] classFileBytes =
-	// org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler =
-	// ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-	// String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n",
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-	// int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-	// if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-	// System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-	// }
-	// if (index == -1) {
-	// assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-	// }
-	// } catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// } catch (IOException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// }
-	// }
-	// //
-	// public void test044() {
-	// this.runConformTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "",
-	// "public class X {\n" +
-	// "	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-	// "		foo();\n" +
-	// "	}  \n" +
-	// "	static Object foo() {\n" +
-	// "		try {\n" +
-	// "			return null;\n" +
-	// "		} catch(Exception e) {\n" +
-	// "			return null;\n" +
-	// "		} finally {\n" +
-	// "			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "}\n",
-	// },
-	// "SUCCESS");
-	//	
-	// CompilerOptions compilerOptions = new
-	// CompilerOptions(this.getCompilerOptions());
-	// String expectedOutput = !compilerOptions.inlineJsrBytecode ?
-	// "  // Method descriptor #19 ()Ljava/lang/Object;\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 3\n" +
-	// "  static java.lang.Object foo();\n" +
-	// "     0  jsr 15\n" +
-	// "     3  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "     4  areturn\n" +
-	// "     5  astore_0 [e]\n" +
-	// "     6  goto 0\n" +
-	// "     9  astore_2\n" +
-	// "    10  jsr 15\n" +
-	// "    13  aload_2\n" +
-	// "    14  athrow\n" +
-	// "    15  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    16  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [22]\n" +
-	// "    19  ldc <String \"SUCCESS\"> [28]\n" +
-	// "    21  invokevirtual : void [30]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    24  ret 1\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 3] -> 5 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 3] -> 9 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 5, pc: 9] -> 9 when : any\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 7]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 5, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 6, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 9, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 13, line: 12]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 16, line: 11]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 24, line: 12]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 6, pc: 9] local: e index: 0 type: java.lang.Exception\n"
-	// : null;
-	//
-	// if (expectedOutput == null) {
-	// if (compilerOptions.targetJDK == ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) {
-	// expectedOutput = "  // Method descriptor #19 ()Ljava/lang/Object;\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  static java.lang.Object foo();\n" +
-	// "     0  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [22]\n" +
-	// "     3  ldc <String \"SUCCESS\"> [28]\n" +
-	// "     5  invokevirtual : void [30]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     8  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "     9  areturn\n" +
-	// "    10  astore_0 [e]\n" +
-	// "    11  goto 0\n" +
-	// "    14  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    15  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [22]\n" +
-	// "    18  ldc <String \"SUCCESS\"> [28]\n" +
-	// "    20  invokevirtual : void [30]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    23  aload_1\n" +
-	// "    24  athrow\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 10, pc: 14] -> 14 when : any\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 11]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 8, line: 7]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 10, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 11, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 14, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, line: 11]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 23, line: 12]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 11, pc: 14] local: e index: 0 type: java.lang.Exception\n";
-	// } else {
-	// expectedOutput = "  // Method descriptor #19 ()Ljava/lang/Object;\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  static java.lang.Object foo();\n" +
-	// "     0  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [22]\n" +
-	// "     3  ldc <String \"SUCCESS\"> [28]\n" +
-	// "     5  invokevirtual : void [30]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     8  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "     9  areturn\n" +
-	// "    10  astore_0 [e]\n" +
-	// "    11  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [22]\n" +
-	// "    14  ldc <String \"SUCCESS\"> [28]\n" +
-	// "    16  invokevirtual : void [30]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    19  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "    20  areturn\n" +
-	// "    21  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    22  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [22]\n" +
-	// "    25  ldc <String \"SUCCESS\"> [28]\n" +
-	// "    27  invokevirtual : void [30]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    30  aload_1\n" +
-	// "    31  athrow\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 10, pc: 11] -> 21 when : any\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 11]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 8, line: 7]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 10, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 11, line: 11]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 19, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 21, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 22, line: 11]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 30, line: 12]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 11, pc: 21] local: e index: 0 type: java.lang.Exception\n"
-	// +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 10, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Exception}]\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 21, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Throwable}]\n";
-	// }
-	// }
-	// try {
-	// File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-	// byte[] classFileBytes =
-	// org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler =
-	// ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-	// String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n",
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-	// int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-	// if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-	// System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-	// }
-	// if (index == -1) {
-	// assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-	// }
-	// } catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// } catch (IOException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// }
-	// }
-	// //
-	// public void test045() {
-	// this.runConformTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "",
-	// "public class X {\n" +
-	// "	public void save() {\n" +
-	// "		try {\n" +
-	// "			Object warnings = null;\n" +
-	// "			Object contexts = null;\n" +
-	// "			try {\n" +
-	// "				System.out.print(\"[try]\");\n" +
-	// "				System.out.print(warnings); \n" +
-	// "				return;\n" +
-	// "			} catch (NullPointerException npe) {\n" +
-	// "				System.out.print(\"[npe]\");\n" +
-	// "				System.out.print(contexts); \n" +
-	// "				return;\n" +
-	// "			}\n" +
-	// "		} catch (Exception e) {\n" +
-	// "			System.out.print(\"[e]\");\n" +
-	// "			return;\n" +
-	// "		} finally { \n" +
-	// "			int var = 0;\n" +
-	// "			System.out.print(\"[finally]\");\n" +
-	// "			Object o = null;\n" +
-	// "			o.toString();\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-	// "		try {\n" +
-	// "			new X().save();\n" +
-	// "		} catch(NullPointerException e) {\n" +
-	// "			System.out.println(\"[caught npe]\");\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "}\n",
-	// },
-	// "[try]null[finally][caught npe]");
-	//	
-	// CompilerOptions compilerOptions = new
-	// CompilerOptions(this.getCompilerOptions());
-	// String expectedOutput = !compilerOptions.inlineJsrBytecode
-	// ? "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 8\n" +
-	// "  public void save();\n" +
-	// "     0  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "     1  astore_1 [warnings]\n" +
-	// "     2  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "     3  astore_2 [contexts]\n" +
-	// "     4  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "     7  ldc <String \"[try]\"> [21]\n" +
-	// "     9  invokevirtual : void [23]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    12  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "    15  aload_1 [warnings]\n" +
-	// "    16  invokevirtual : void [29]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    19  jsr 62\n" +
-	// "    22  return\n" +
-	// "    23  astore_3 [npe]\n" +
-	// "    24  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "    27  ldc <String \"[npe]\"> [32]\n" +
-	// "    29  invokevirtual : void [23]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    32  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "    35  aload_2 [contexts]\n" +
-	// "    36  invokevirtual : void [29]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    39  goto 19\n" +
-	// "    42  astore_1 [e]\n" +
-	// "    43  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "    46  ldc <String \"[e]\"> [34]\n" +
-	// "    48  invokevirtual : void [23]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    51  goto 19\n" +
-	// "    54  astore 5\n" +
-	// "    56  jsr 62\n" +
-	// "    59  aload 5\n" +
-	// "    61  athrow\n" +
-	// "    62  astore 4\n" +
-	// "    64  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "    65  istore 6 [var]\n" +
-	// "    67  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "    70  ldc <String \"[finally]\"> [36]\n" +
-	// "    72  invokevirtual : void [23]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    75  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "    76  astore 7 [o]\n" +
-	// "    78  aload 7 [o]\n" +
-	// "    80  invokevirtual java.lang.Object.toString() : java.lang.String [38]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    83  pop\n" +
-	// "    84  ret 4\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 4, pc: 19] -> 23 when : java.lang.NullPointerException\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 22] -> 42 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 23, pc: 42] -> 42 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 22] -> 54 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 23, pc: 54] -> 54 when : any\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 4]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 4, line: 7]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 12, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 19, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 23, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 24, line: 11]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 32, line: 12]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 39, line: 13]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 42, line: 15]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 43, line: 16]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 51, line: 17]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 54, line: 18]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 59, line: 23]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 62, line: 18]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 64, line: 19]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 67, line: 20]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 75, line: 21]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 78, line: 22]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 84, line: 23]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 86] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 42] local: warnings index: 1 type: java.lang.Object\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 4, pc: 42] local: contexts index: 2 type: java.lang.Object\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 24, pc: 42] local: npe index: 3 type: java.lang.NullPointerException\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 43, pc: 54] local: e index: 1 type: java.lang.Exception\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 67, pc: 84] local: var index: 6 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 78, pc: 84] local: o index: 7 type: java.lang.Object\n"
-	// : null;
-	//
-	// if (expectedOutput == null) {
-	// if (compilerOptions.targetJDK == ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) {
-	// expectedOutput = "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 7\n" +
-	// "  public void save();\n" +
-	// "     0  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "     1  astore_1 [warnings]\n" +
-	// "     2  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "     3  astore_2 [contexts]\n" +
-	// "     4  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "     7  ldc <String \"[try]\"> [21]\n" +
-	// "     9  invokevirtual : void [23]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    12  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "    15  aload_1 [warnings]\n" +
-	// "    16  invokevirtual : void [29]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    19  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "    20  istore 5 [var]\n" +
-	// "    22  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "    25  ldc <String \"[finally]\"> [32]\n" +
-	// "    27  invokevirtual : void [23]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    30  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "    31  astore 6 [o]\n" +
-	// "    33  aload 6 [o]\n" +
-	// "    35  invokevirtual java.lang.Object.toString() : java.lang.String [34]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    38  pop\n" +
-	// "    39  return\n" +
-	// "    40  astore_3 [npe]\n" +
-	// "    41  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "    44  ldc <String \"[npe]\"> [38]\n" +
-	// "    46  invokevirtual : void [23]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    49  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "    52  aload_2 [contexts]\n" +
-	// "    53  invokevirtual : void [29]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    56  goto 19\n" +
-	// "    59  astore_1 [e]\n" +
-	// "    60  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "    63  ldc <String \"[e]\"> [40]\n" +
-	// "    65  invokevirtual : void [23]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    68  goto 19\n" +
-	// "    71  astore 4\n" +
-	// "    73  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "    74  istore 5 [var]\n" +
-	// "    76  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "    79  ldc <String \"[finally]\"> [32]\n" +
-	// "    81  invokevirtual : void [23]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    84  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "    85  astore 6 [o]\n" +
-	// "    87  aload 6 [o]\n" +
-	// "    89  invokevirtual java.lang.Object.toString() : java.lang.String [34]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    92  pop\n" +
-	// "    93  aload 4\n" +
-	// "    95  athrow\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 4, pc: 19] -> 40 when : java.lang.NullPointerException\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 19] -> 59 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 40, pc: 59] -> 59 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 19] -> 71 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 40, pc: 71] -> 71 when : any\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 4]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 4, line: 7]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 12, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 19, line: 19]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 22, line: 20]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 30, line: 21]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 33, line: 22]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 39, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 40, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 41, line: 11]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 49, line: 12]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 56, line: 13]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 59, line: 15]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 60, line: 16]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 68, line: 17]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 71, line: 18]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 73, line: 19]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 76, line: 20]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 84, line: 21]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 87, line: 22]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 93, line: 23]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 96] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 59] local: warnings index: 1 type: java.lang.Object\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 4, pc: 59] local: contexts index: 2 type: java.lang.Object\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 41, pc: 59] local: npe index: 3 type: java.lang.NullPointerException\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 60, pc: 71] local: e index: 1 type: java.lang.Exception\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 22, pc: 39] local: var index: 5 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 76, pc: 93] local: var index: 5 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 33, pc: 39] local: o index: 6 type: java.lang.Object\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 87, pc: 93] local: o index: 6 type: java.lang.Object\n";
-	// } else {
-	// expectedOutput = "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 7\n" +
-	// "  public void save();\n" +
-	// "      0  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "      1  astore_1 [warnings]\n" +
-	// "      2  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "      3  astore_2 [contexts]\n" +
-	// "      4  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "      7  ldc <String \"[try]\"> [21]\n" +
-	// "      9  invokevirtual : void [23]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     12  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "     15  aload_1 [warnings]\n" +
-	// "     16  invokevirtual : void [29]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     19  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     20  istore 5 [var]\n" +
-	// "     22  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "     25  ldc <String \"[finally]\"> [32]\n" +
-	// "     27  invokevirtual : void [23]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     30  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "     31  astore 6 [o]\n" +
-	// "     33  aload 6 [o]\n" +
-	// "     35  invokevirtual java.lang.Object.toString() : java.lang.String [34]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     38  pop\n" +
-	// "     39  return\n" +
-	// "     40  astore_3 [npe]\n" +
-	// "     41  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "     44  ldc <String \"[npe]\"> [38]\n" +
-	// "     46  invokevirtual : void [23]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     49  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "     52  aload_2 [contexts]\n" +
-	// "     53  invokevirtual : void [29]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     56  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     57  istore 5 [var]\n" +
-	// "     59  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "     62  ldc <String \"[finally]\"> [32]\n" +
-	// "     64  invokevirtual : void [23]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     67  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "     68  astore 6 [o]\n" +
-	// "     70  aload 6 [o]\n" +
-	// "     72  invokevirtual java.lang.Object.toString() : java.lang.String [34]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     75  pop\n" +
-	// "     76  return\n" +
-	// "     77  astore_1 [e]\n" +
-	// "     78  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "     81  ldc <String \"[e]\"> [40]\n" +
-	// "     83  invokevirtual : void [23]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     86  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     87  istore 5 [var]\n" +
-	// "     89  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "     92  ldc <String \"[finally]\"> [32]\n" +
-	// "     94  invokevirtual : void [23]\n"
-	// +
-	// "     97  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "     98  astore 6 [o]\n" +
-	// "    100  aload 6 [o]\n" +
-	// "    102  invokevirtual java.lang.Object.toString() : java.lang.String [34]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    105  pop\n" +
-	// "    106  return\n" +
-	// "    107  astore 4\n" +
-	// "    109  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "    110  istore 5 [var]\n" +
-	// "    112  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [15]\n" +
-	// "    115  ldc <String \"[finally]\"> [32]\n" +
-	// "    117  invokevirtual : void [23]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    120  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "    121  astore 6 [o]\n" +
-	// "    123  aload 6 [o]\n" +
-	// "    125  invokevirtual java.lang.Object.toString() : java.lang.String [34]\n"
-	// +
-	// "    128  pop\n" +
-	// "    129  aload 4\n" +
-	// "    131  athrow\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 4, pc: 19] -> 40 when : java.lang.NullPointerException\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 19] -> 77 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 40, pc: 56] -> 77 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 19] -> 107 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 40, pc: 56] -> 107 when : any\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 77, pc: 86] -> 107 when : any\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 4]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 4, line: 7]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 12, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 19, line: 19]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 22, line: 20]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 30, line: 21]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 33, line: 22]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 39, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 40, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 41, line: 11]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 49, line: 12]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 56, line: 19]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 59, line: 20]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 67, line: 21]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 70, line: 22]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 76, line: 13]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 77, line: 15]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 78, line: 16]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 86, line: 19]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 89, line: 20]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 97, line: 21]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 100, line: 22]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 106, line: 17]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 107, line: 18]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 109, line: 19]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 112, line: 20]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 120, line: 21]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 123, line: 22]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 129, line: 23]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 132] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 77] local: warnings index: 1 type: java.lang.Object\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 4, pc: 77] local: contexts index: 2 type: java.lang.Object\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 41, pc: 77] local: npe index: 3 type: java.lang.NullPointerException\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 78, pc: 107] local: e index: 1 type: java.lang.Exception\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 22, pc: 39] local: var index: 5 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 59, pc: 76] local: var index: 5 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 89, pc: 106] local: var index: 5 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 112, pc: 129] local: var index: 5 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 33, pc: 39] local: o index: 6 type: java.lang.Object\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 70, pc: 76] local: o index: 6 type: java.lang.Object\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 100, pc: 106] local: o index: 6 type: java.lang.Object\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 123, pc: 129] local: o index: 6 type: java.lang.Object\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 3\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 40, full, stack: {java.lang.NullPointerException}, locals: {X, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object}]\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 77, full, stack: {java.lang.Exception}, locals: {X}]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 107, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Throwable}]\n";
-	// }
-	// }
-	//
-	// try {
-	// File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-	// byte[] classFileBytes =
-	// org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler =
-	// ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-	// String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n",
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-	// int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-	// if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-	// System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-	// }
-	// if (index == -1) {
-	// assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-	// }
-	// } catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// } catch (IOException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// }
-	// }
-	// //
-	// public void test046() {
-	// this.runConformTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "",
-	// "public class X {\n" +
-	// "    public static Object sanityCheckBug() {\n" +
-	// "        Object obj;\n" +
-	// "        try {\n" +
-	// "            obj = new Object();\n" +
-	// "            return obj;\n" +
-	// "        } finally {\n" +
-	// "             obj = null;\n" +
-	// "        }\n" +
-	// "    }\n" +
-	// "    public static void main(String[] arguments) {\n" +
-	// "		X.sanityCheckBug();\n" +
-	// "    }\n" +
-	// "}\n",
-	// },
-	// "");
-	//	
-	// CompilerOptions compilerOptions = new
-	// CompilerOptions(this.getCompilerOptions());
-	// String expectedOutput = !compilerOptions.inlineJsrBytecode
-	// ? "  // Method descriptor #15 ()Ljava/lang/Object;\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 4\n" +
-	// "  public static java.lang.Object sanityCheckBug();\n" +
-	// "     0  new java.lang.Object [3]\n" +
-	// "     3  dup\n" +
-	// "     4  invokespecial java.lang.Object() [8]\n" +
-	// "     7  astore_0 [obj]\n" +
-	// "     8  aload_0 [obj]\n" +
-	// "     9  astore_3\n" +
-	// "    10  jsr 21\n" +
-	// "    13  aload_3\n" +
-	// "    14  areturn\n" +
-	// "    15  astore_2\n" +
-	// "    16  jsr 21\n" +
-	// "    19  aload_2\n" +
-	// "    20  athrow\n" +
-	// "    21  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    22  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "    23  astore_0 [obj]\n" +
-	// "    24  ret 1\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 13] -> 15 when : any\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 8, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, line: 7]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 19, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 21, line: 7]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 22, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 24, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 8, pc: 15] local: obj index: 0 type: java.lang.Object\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 24, pc: 26] local: obj index: 0 type: java.lang.Object\n"
-	// : null;
-	//
-	// if (expectedOutput == null) {
-	// if (compilerOptions.targetJDK == ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) {
-	// expectedOutput = "  // Method descriptor #15 ()Ljava/lang/Object;\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 3\n" +
-	// "  public static java.lang.Object sanityCheckBug();\n" +
-	// "     0  new java.lang.Object [3]\n" +
-	// "     3  dup\n" +
-	// "     4  invokespecial java.lang.Object() [8]\n" +
-	// "     7  astore_0 [obj]\n" +
-	// "     8  aload_0 [obj]\n" +
-	// "     9  astore_2\n" +
-	// "    10  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "    11  astore_0 [obj]\n" +
-	// "    12  aload_2\n" +
-	// "    13  areturn\n" +
-	// "    14  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    15  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "    16  astore_0 [obj]\n" +
-	// "    17  aload_1\n" +
-	// "    18  athrow\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 10] -> 14 when : any\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 8, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 10, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 12, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 14, line: 7]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 17, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 8, pc: 14] local: obj index: 0 type: java.lang.Object\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 17, pc: 19] local: obj index: 0 type: java.lang.Object\n";
-	// } else {
-	// expectedOutput = "  // Method descriptor #15 ()Ljava/lang/Object;\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 3\n" +
-	// "  public static java.lang.Object sanityCheckBug();\n" +
-	// "     0  new java.lang.Object [3]\n" +
-	// "     3  dup\n" +
-	// "     4  invokespecial java.lang.Object() [8]\n" +
-	// "     7  astore_0 [obj]\n" +
-	// "     8  aload_0 [obj]\n" +
-	// "     9  astore_2\n" +
-	// "    10  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "    11  astore_0 [obj]\n" +
-	// "    12  aload_2\n" +
-	// "    13  areturn\n" +
-	// "    14  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    15  aconst_null\n" +
-	// "    16  astore_0 [obj]\n" +
-	// "    17  aload_1\n" +
-	// "    18  athrow\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 10] -> 14 when : any\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 8, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 10, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 12, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 14, line: 7]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 17, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 8, pc: 14] local: obj index: 0 type: java.lang.Object\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 17, pc: 19] local: obj index: 0 type: java.lang.Object\n";
-	// }
-	// }
-	//
-	// try {
-	// File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-	// byte[] classFileBytes =
-	// org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler =
-	// ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-	// String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n",
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-	// int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-	// if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-	// System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-	// }
-	// if (index == -1) {
-	// assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-	// }
-	// } catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// } catch (IOException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// }
-	// }
-	public void test047() {
-		if (new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()).complianceLevel <= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_3) {
-			this
-					.runNegativeTest(
-							new String[] {
-									"",
-									"public class X {\n"
-											+ "        public static void main(String[] args) {\n"
-											+ "                try {\n"
-											+ "					if (false) throw null;\n"
-											+ "					throw new Object();\n"
-											+ "                } catch(Object o) {\n"
-											+ "                }\n"
-											+ "        }\n" + "}\n", },
-							"----------\n"
-									+ "1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n"
-									+ "	if (false) throw null;\n"
-									+ "	                 ^^^^\n"
-									+ "Cannot throw null as an exception\n"
-									+ "----------\n"
-									+ "2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-									+ "	throw new Object();\n"
-									+ "	      ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-									+ "No exception of type Object can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable\n"
-									+ "----------\n"
-									+ "3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-									+ "	} catch(Object o) {\n"
-									+ "	        ^^^^^^\n"
-									+ "No exception of type Object can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable\n"
-									+ "----------\n");
-			return;
-		}
-		this
-				.runNegativeTest(
-						new String[] {
-								"",
-								"public class X {\n"
-										+ "        public static void main(String[] args) {\n"
-										+ "                try {\n"
-										+ "					if (false) throw null;\n"
-										+ "					throw new Object();\n"
-										+ "                } catch(Object o) {\n"
-										+ "                }\n" + "        }\n"
-										+ "}\n", },
-						"----------\n"
-								+ "1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n"
-								+ "	throw new Object();\n"
-								+ "	      ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-								+ "No exception of type Object can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable\n"
-								+ "----------\n"
-								+ "2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n"
-								+ "	} catch(Object o) {\n"
-								+ "	        ^^^^^^\n"
-								+ "No exception of type Object can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable\n"
-								+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	// //
-	// public void test048() {
-	// this.runConformTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "",
-	// "public class X {\n" +
-	// "	boolean bool() { return true; }\n" +
-	// "	void foo() {\n" +
-	// "		try {\n" +
-	// "			if (bool()) {\n" +
-	// "				return;\n" +
-	// "			}\n" +
-	// "		} catch (Exception e) {\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "	int foo2() {\n" +
-	// "		try {\n" +
-	// "			while (bool()) {\n" +
-	// "				return 0;\n" +
-	// "			}\n" +
-	// "		} catch (Exception e) {\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "		return 1;\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "	long foo3() {\n" +
-	// "		try {\n" +
-	// "			do {\n" +
-	// "				if (true) return 0L;\n" +
-	// "			} while (bool());\n" +
-	// "		} catch (Exception e) {\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "		return 1L;\n" +
-	// "	}	\n" +
-	// "	float foo4() {\n" +
-	// "		try {\n" +
-	// "			for (int i  = 0; bool(); i++) {\n" +
-	// "				return 0.0F;\n" +
-	// "			}\n" +
-	// "		} catch (Exception e) {\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "		return 1.0F;\n" +
-	// "	}		\n" +
-	// "	double bar() {\n" +
-	// "		if (bool()) {\n" +
-	// "			if (bool())\n" +
-	// "				return 0.0;\n" +
-	// "		} else {\n" +
-	// "			if (bool()) {\n" +
-	// "				throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
-	// "			}\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "		return 1.0;\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "	void baz(int i) {\n" +
-	// "		if (bool()) {\n" +
-	// "			switch(i) {\n" +
-	// "				case 0 : return;\n" +
-	// "				default : break;\n" +
-	// "			}\n" +
-	// "		} else {\n" +
-	// "			bool();\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "}\n",
-	// },
-	// "");
-	//	
-	// String expectedOutput = new
-	// CompilerOptions(this.getCompilerOptions()).complianceLevel <
-	// ClassFileConstants.JDK1_6
-	// ? "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void foo();\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 9\n" +
-	// "     7  return\n" +
-	// "     8  astore_1\n" +
-	// "     9  return\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 7] -> 8 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 8, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 9, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 10] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #22 ()I\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  int foo2();\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 10\n" +
-	// "     7  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     8  ireturn\n" +
-	// "     9  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    10  iconst_1\n" +
-	// "    11  ireturn\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 7] -> 9 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 13]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 14]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 9, line: 16]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 10, line: 18]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 12] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #24 ()J\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  long foo3();\n" +
-	// "    0  lconst_0\n" +
-	// "    1  lreturn\n" +
-	// "    2  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    3  lconst_1\n" +
-	// "    4  lreturn\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 23]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, line: 25]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 3, line: 27]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 5] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #26 ()F\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  float foo4();\n" +
-	// "     0  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     1  istore_1 [i]\n" +
-	// "     2  goto 7\n" +
-	// "     5  fconst_0\n" +
-	// "     6  freturn\n" +
-	// "     7  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     8  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "    11  ifne 5\n" +
-	// "    14  goto 18\n" +
-	// "    17  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    18  fconst_1\n" +
-	// "    19  freturn\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 5] -> 17 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, pc: 14] -> 17 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 31]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 5, line: 32]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 31]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 17, line: 34]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 18, line: 36]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 20] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 14] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #30 ()D\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 1\n" +
-	// "  double bar();\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 16\n" +
-	// "     7  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     8  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "    11  ifeq 31\n" +
-	// "    14  dconst_0\n" +
-	// "    15  dreturn\n" +
-	// "    16  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "    17  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "    20  ifeq 31\n" +
-	// "    23  new java.lang.NullPointerException [31]\n" +
-	// "    26  dup\n" +
-	// "    27  invokespecial java.lang.NullPointerException() [33]\n" +
-	// "    30  athrow\n" +
-	// "    31  dconst_1\n" +
-	// "    32  dreturn\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 39]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 40]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 14, line: 41]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 16, line: 43]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 23, line: 44]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 31, line: 47]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 33] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #35 (I)V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void baz(int i);\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 32\n" +
-	// "     7  iload_1 [i]\n" +
-	// "     8  tableswitch default: 29\n" +
-	// "          case 0: 28\n" +
-	// "    28  return\n" +
-	// "    29  goto 37\n" +
-	// "    32  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "    33  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "    36  pop\n" +
-	// "    37  return\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 50]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 51]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 28, line: 52]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 29, line: 53]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 32, line: 56]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 37, line: 58]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 38] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 38] local: i index: 1 type: int\n"
-	// :
-	// "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void foo();\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 9\n" +
-	// "     7  return\n" +
-	// "     8  astore_1\n" +
-	// "     9  return\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 7] -> 8 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 8, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 9, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 10] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 8, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Exception}]\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 9, same]\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #23 ()I\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  int foo2();\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 10\n" +
-	// "     7  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     8  ireturn\n" +
-	// "     9  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    10  iconst_1\n" +
-	// "    11  ireturn\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 7] -> 9 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 13]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 14]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 9, line: 16]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 10, line: 18]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 12] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 3\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 9, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Exception}]\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 10, same]\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #25 ()J\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  long foo3();\n" +
-	// "    0  lconst_0\n" +
-	// "    1  lreturn\n" +
-	// "    2  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    3  lconst_1\n" +
-	// "    4  lreturn\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 23]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, line: 25]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 3, line: 27]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 5] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 3\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Exception}]\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 3, same]\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #27 ()F\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  float foo4();\n" +
-	// "     0  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     1  istore_1 [i]\n" +
-	// "     2  goto 7\n" +
-	// "     5  fconst_0\n" +
-	// "     6  freturn\n" +
-	// "     7  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     8  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "    11  ifne 5\n" +
-	// "    14  goto 18\n" +
-	// "    17  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    18  fconst_1\n" +
-	// "    19  freturn\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 5] -> 17 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, pc: 14] -> 17 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 31]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 5, line: 32]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 31]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 17, line: 34]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 18, line: 36]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 20] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 14] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 4\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 5, append: {int}]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 17, full, stack: {java.lang.Exception}, locals: {X}]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 18, same]\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #31 ()D\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 1\n" +
-	// "  double bar();\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 16\n" +
-	// "     7  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     8  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "    11  ifeq 31\n" +
-	// "    14  dconst_0\n" +
-	// "    15  dreturn\n" +
-	// "    16  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "    17  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "    20  ifeq 31\n" +
-	// "    23  new java.lang.NullPointerException [32]\n" +
-	// "    26  dup\n" +
-	// "    27  invokespecial java.lang.NullPointerException() [34]\n" +
-	// "    30  athrow\n" +
-	// "    31  dconst_1\n" +
-	// "    32  dreturn\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 39]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 40]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 14, line: 41]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 16, line: 43]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 23, line: 44]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 31, line: 47]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 33] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 16, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 31, same]\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #36 (I)V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void baz(int i);\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 32\n" +
-	// "     7  iload_1 [i]\n" +
-	// "     8  tableswitch default: 29\n" +
-	// "          case 0: 28\n" +
-	// "    28  return\n" +
-	// "    29  goto 37\n" +
-	// "    32  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "    33  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "    36  pop\n" +
-	// "    37  return\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 50]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 51]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 28, line: 52]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 29, line: 53]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 32, line: 56]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 37, line: 58]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 38] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 38] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 4\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 28, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 29, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 32, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 37, same]\n";
-	// try {
-	// File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-	// byte[] classFileBytes =
-	// org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler =
-	// ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-	// String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n",
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-	// int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-	// if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-	// System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-	// }
-	// if (index == -1) {
-	// assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-	// }
-	// } catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// } catch (IOException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// }
-	// }
-	//
-	// // - variation
-	// public void test049() {
-	// this.runConformTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "",
-	// "public class X {\n" +
-	// "	boolean bool() { return true; }\n" +
-	// "	void foo() {\n" +
-	// "		try {\n" +
-	// "			if (bool()) {\n" +
-	// "				throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
-	// "			}\n" +
-	// "		} catch (Exception e) {\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "	void foo2() {\n" +
-	// "		try {\n" +
-	// "			while (bool()) {\n" +
-	// "				throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
-	// "			}\n" +
-	// "		} catch (Exception e) {\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "	void foo3() {\n" +
-	// "		try {\n" +
-	// "			do {\n" +
-	// "				if (true) throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
-	// "			} while (bool());\n" +
-	// "		} catch (Exception e) {\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}	\n" +
-	// "	void foo4() {\n" +
-	// "		try {\n" +
-	// "			for (int i  = 0; bool(); i++) {\n" +
-	// "				throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
-	// "			}\n" +
-	// "		} catch (Exception e) {\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}		\n" +
-	// "	void bar() {\n" +
-	// "		if (bool()) {\n" +
-	// "			if (bool())\n" +
-	// "				throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
-	// "		} else {\n" +
-	// "			if (bool()) {\n" +
-	// "				throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
-	// "			}\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "	void baz(int i) {\n" +
-	// "		if (bool()) {\n" +
-	// "			switch(i) {\n" +
-	// "				case 0 : throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
-	// "				default : break;\n" +
-	// "			}\n" +
-	// "		} else {\n" +
-	// "			bool();\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "}\n",
-	// },
-	// "");
-	//	
-	// String expectedOutput = new
-	// CompilerOptions(this.getCompilerOptions()).complianceLevel <
-	// ClassFileConstants.JDK1_6
-	// ? "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void foo();\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 16\n" +
-	// "     7  new java.lang.NullPointerException [19]\n" +
-	// "    10  dup\n" +
-	// "    11  invokespecial java.lang.NullPointerException() [21]\n" +
-	// "    14  athrow\n" +
-	// "    15  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    16  return\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 15] -> 15 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 16, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 17] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void foo2();\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 16\n" +
-	// "     7  new java.lang.NullPointerException [19]\n" +
-	// "    10  dup\n" +
-	// "    11  invokespecial java.lang.NullPointerException() [21]\n" +
-	// "    14  athrow\n" +
-	// "    15  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    16  return\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 15] -> 15 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 13]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 14]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, line: 16]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 16, line: 18]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 17] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void foo3();\n" +
-	// "     0  new java.lang.NullPointerException [19]\n" +
-	// "     3  dup\n" +
-	// "     4  invokespecial java.lang.NullPointerException() [21]\n" +
-	// "     7  athrow\n" +
-	// "     8  astore_1\n" +
-	// "     9  return\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 8] -> 8 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 22]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 8, line: 24]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 9, line: 26]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 10] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void foo4();\n" +
-	// "     0  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     1  istore_1 [i]\n" +
-	// "     2  goto 13\n" +
-	// "     5  new java.lang.NullPointerException [19]\n" +
-	// "     8  dup\n" +
-	// "     9  invokespecial java.lang.NullPointerException() [21]\n" +
-	// "    12  athrow\n" +
-	// "    13  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "    14  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "    17  ifne 5\n" +
-	// "    20  goto 24\n" +
-	// "    23  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    24  return\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 20] -> 23 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 29]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 5, line: 30]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 13, line: 29]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 23, line: 32]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 24, line: 34]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 25] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 20] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 1\n" +
-	// "  void bar();\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 22\n" +
-	// "     7  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     8  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "    11  ifeq 37\n" +
-	// "    14  new java.lang.NullPointerException [19]\n" +
-	// "    17  dup\n" +
-	// "    18  invokespecial java.lang.NullPointerException() [21]\n" +
-	// "    21  athrow\n" +
-	// "    22  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "    23  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "    26  ifeq 37\n" +
-	// "    29  new java.lang.NullPointerException [19]\n" +
-	// "    32  dup\n" +
-	// "    33  invokespecial java.lang.NullPointerException() [21]\n" +
-	// "    36  athrow\n" +
-	// "    37  return\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 36]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 37]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 14, line: 38]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 22, line: 40]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 29, line: 41]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 37, line: 44]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 38] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #31 (I)V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void baz(int i);\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 39\n" +
-	// "     7  iload_1 [i]\n" +
-	// "     8  tableswitch default: 36\n" +
-	// "          case 0: 28\n" +
-	// "    28  new java.lang.NullPointerException [19]\n" +
-	// "    31  dup\n" +
-	// "    32  invokespecial java.lang.NullPointerException() [21]\n" +
-	// "    35  athrow\n" +
-	// "    36  goto 44\n" +
-	// "    39  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "    40  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "    43  pop\n" +
-	// "    44  return\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 46]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 47]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 28, line: 48]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 36, line: 49]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 39, line: 52]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 44, line: 54]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 45] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 45] local: i index: 1 type: int\n"
-	// :
-	// "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void foo();\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 16\n" +
-	// "     7  new java.lang.NullPointerException [19]\n" +
-	// "    10  dup\n" +
-	// "    11  invokespecial java.lang.NullPointerException() [21]\n" +
-	// "    14  athrow\n" +
-	// "    15  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    16  return\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 15] -> 15 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 16, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 17] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Exception}]\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 16, same]\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void foo2();\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 16\n" +
-	// "     7  new java.lang.NullPointerException [19]\n" +
-	// "    10  dup\n" +
-	// "    11  invokespecial java.lang.NullPointerException() [21]\n" +
-	// "    14  athrow\n" +
-	// "    15  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    16  return\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 15] -> 15 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 13]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 14]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, line: 16]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 16, line: 18]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 17] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 3\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Exception}]\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 16, same]\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void foo3();\n" +
-	// "     0  new java.lang.NullPointerException [19]\n" +
-	// "     3  dup\n" +
-	// "     4  invokespecial java.lang.NullPointerException() [21]\n" +
-	// "     7  athrow\n" +
-	// "     8  astore_1\n" +
-	// "     9  return\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 8] -> 8 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 22]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 8, line: 24]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 9, line: 26]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 10] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 3\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 8, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Exception}]\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 9, same]\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void foo4();\n" +
-	// "     0  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     1  istore_1 [i]\n" +
-	// "     2  goto 13\n" +
-	// "     5  new java.lang.NullPointerException [19]\n" +
-	// "     8  dup\n" +
-	// "     9  invokespecial java.lang.NullPointerException() [21]\n" +
-	// "    12  athrow\n" +
-	// "    13  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "    14  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "    17  ifne 5\n" +
-	// "    20  goto 24\n" +
-	// "    23  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    24  return\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 20] -> 23 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 29]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 5, line: 30]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 13, line: 29]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 23, line: 32]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 24, line: 34]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 25] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 20] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 4\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 5, append: {int}]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 13, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 23, full, stack: {java.lang.Exception}, locals: {X}]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 24, same]\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 1\n" +
-	// "  void bar();\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 22\n" +
-	// "     7  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     8  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "    11  ifeq 37\n" +
-	// "    14  new java.lang.NullPointerException [19]\n" +
-	// "    17  dup\n" +
-	// "    18  invokespecial java.lang.NullPointerException() [21]\n" +
-	// "    21  athrow\n" +
-	// "    22  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "    23  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "    26  ifeq 37\n" +
-	// "    29  new java.lang.NullPointerException [19]\n" +
-	// "    32  dup\n" +
-	// "    33  invokespecial java.lang.NullPointerException() [21]\n" +
-	// "    36  athrow\n" +
-	// "    37  return\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 36]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 37]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 14, line: 38]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 22, line: 40]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 29, line: 41]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 37, line: 44]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 38] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 22, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 37, same]\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #32 (I)V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void baz(int i);\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 39\n" +
-	// "     7  iload_1 [i]\n" +
-	// "     8  tableswitch default: 36\n" +
-	// "          case 0: 28\n" +
-	// "    28  new java.lang.NullPointerException [19]\n" +
-	// "    31  dup\n" +
-	// "    32  invokespecial java.lang.NullPointerException() [21]\n" +
-	// "    35  athrow\n" +
-	// "    36  goto 44\n" +
-	// "    39  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "    40  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "    43  pop\n" +
-	// "    44  return\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 46]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 47]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 28, line: 48]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 36, line: 49]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 39, line: 52]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 44, line: 54]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 45] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 45] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 4\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 28, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 36, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 39, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 44, same]\n";
-	// try {
-	// File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-	// byte[] classFileBytes =
-	// org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler =
-	// ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-	// String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n",
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-	// int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-	// if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-	// System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-	// }
-	// if (index == -1) {
-	// assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-	// }
-	// } catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// } catch (IOException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// }
-	// }
-	// // - variation
-	// public void test050() {
-	// this.runConformTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "",
-	// "public class X {\n" +
-	// "	boolean bool() { return true; }\n" +
-	// "	void foo() {\n" +
-	// "		check: try {\n" +
-	// "			if (bool()) {\n" +
-	// "				break check;\n" +
-	// "			}\n" +
-	// "		} catch (Exception e) {\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "	void foo2() {\n" +
-	// "		check: try {\n" +
-	// "			while (bool()) {\n" +
-	// "				break check;\n" +
-	// "			}\n" +
-	// "		} catch (Exception e) {\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "	void foo3() {\n" +
-	// "		check: try {\n" +
-	// "			do {\n" +
-	// "				if (true) break check;\n" +
-	// "			} while (bool());\n" +
-	// "		} catch (Exception e) {\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}	\n" +
-	// "	void foo4() {\n" +
-	// "		check: try {\n" +
-	// "			for (int i  = 0; bool(); i++) {\n" +
-	// "				break check;\n" +
-	// "			}\n" +
-	// "		} catch (Exception e) {\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "	void bar() {\n" +
-	// "		check: if (bool()) {\n" +
-	// "			if (bool())\n" +
-	// "				break check;\n" +
-	// "		} else {\n" +
-	// "			if (bool()) {\n" +
-	// "				break check;\n" +
-	// "			}\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "	void baz(int i) {\n" +
-	// "		check: if (bool()) {\n" +
-	// "			switch(i) {\n" +
-	// "				case 0 : break check;\n" +
-	// "				default : break;\n" +
-	// "			}\n" +
-	// "		} else {\n" +
-	// "			bool();\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "}\n",
-	// },
-	// "");
-	//	
-	// String expectedOutput = new
-	// CompilerOptions(this.getCompilerOptions()).complianceLevel <
-	// ClassFileConstants.JDK1_6
-	// ? "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void foo();\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 11\n" +
-	// "     7  goto 11\n" +
-	// "    10  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    11  return\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 7] -> 10 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 10, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 11, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 12] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void foo2();\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 11\n" +
-	// "     7  goto 11\n" +
-	// "    10  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    11  return\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 7] -> 10 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 13]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 14]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 10, line: 16]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 11, line: 18]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 12] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void foo3();\n" +
-	// "    0  goto 4\n" +
-	// "    3  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    4  return\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 22]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 3, line: 24]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 4, line: 26]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 5] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void foo4();\n" +
-	// "     0  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     1  istore_1 [i]\n" +
-	// "     2  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     3  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     6  ifne 13\n" +
-	// "     9  goto 13\n" +
-	// "    12  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    13  return\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 9] -> 12 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 29]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 12, line: 32]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 13, line: 34]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 14] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 9] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 1\n" +
-	// "  void bar();\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 17\n" +
-	// "     7  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     8  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "    11  ifeq 24\n" +
-	// "    14  goto 24\n" +
-	// "    17  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "    18  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "    21  ifeq 24\n" +
-	// "    24  return\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 36]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 37]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 14, line: 38]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 17, line: 40]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 24, line: 44]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 25] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #28 (I)V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void baz(int i);\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 34\n" +
-	// "     7  iload_1 [i]\n" +
-	// "     8  tableswitch default: 31\n" +
-	// "          case 0: 28\n" +
-	// "    28  goto 39\n" +
-	// "    31  goto 39\n" +
-	// "    34  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "    35  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "    38  pop\n" +
-	// "    39  return\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 46]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 47]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 28, line: 48]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 31, line: 49]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 34, line: 52]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 39, line: 54]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 40] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 40] local: i index: 1 type: int\n"
-	// :
-	// "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void foo();\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 11\n" +
-	// "     7  goto 11\n" +
-	// "    10  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    11  return\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 7] -> 10 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 10, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 11, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 12] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 10, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Exception}]\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 11, same]\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void foo2();\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 11\n" +
-	// "     7  goto 11\n" +
-	// "    10  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    11  return\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 7] -> 10 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 13]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 14]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 10, line: 16]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 11, line: 18]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 12] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 3\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 10, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Exception}]\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 11, same]\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void foo3();\n" +
-	// "    0  goto 4\n" +
-	// "    3  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    4  return\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 22]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 3, line: 24]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 4, line: 26]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 5] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 3\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 3, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Exception}]\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 4, same]\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void foo4();\n" +
-	// "     0  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     1  istore_1 [i]\n" +
-	// "     2  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     3  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     6  ifne 13\n" +
-	// "     9  goto 13\n" +
-	// "    12  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    13  return\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 9] -> 12 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 29]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 12, line: 32]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 13, line: 34]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 14] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 9] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 3\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, append: {int}]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 12, full, stack: {java.lang.Exception}, locals: {X}]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 13, same]\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 1\n" +
-	// "  void bar();\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 17\n" +
-	// "     7  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     8  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "    11  ifeq 24\n" +
-	// "    14  goto 24\n" +
-	// "    17  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "    18  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "    21  ifeq 24\n" +
-	// "    24  return\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 36]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 37]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 14, line: 38]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 17, line: 40]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 24, line: 44]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 25] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 17, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 24, same]\n" +
-	// "  \n" +
-	// "  // Method descriptor #29 (I)V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void baz(int i);\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifeq 34\n" +
-	// "     7  iload_1 [i]\n" +
-	// "     8  tableswitch default: 31\n" +
-	// "          case 0: 28\n" +
-	// "    28  goto 39\n" +
-	// "    31  goto 39\n" +
-	// "    34  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "    35  invokevirtual X.bool() : boolean [17]\n" +
-	// "    38  pop\n" +
-	// "    39  return\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 46]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 47]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 28, line: 48]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 31, line: 49]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 34, line: 52]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 39, line: 54]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 40] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 40] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 4\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 28, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 31, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 34, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 39, same]\n";
-	//	
-	// try {
-	// File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-	// byte[] classFileBytes =
-	// org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler =
-	// ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-	// String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n",
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-	// int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-	// if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-	// System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-	// }
-	// if (index == -1) {
-	// assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-	// }
-	// } catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// } catch (IOException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// }
-	// }
-	// // - variation
-	// public void test051() {
-	// this.runConformTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "",
-	// "public class X {\n" +
-	// "	public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" +
-	// "		System.out.println(\"[count=\" + count() + \"]\");\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "	static int count() {\n" +
-	// "		int count = 0;\n" +
-	// "		try {\n" +
-	// "			for (int i = 0;;) {\n" +
-	// "				count++;\n" +
-	// "				if (i++ > 10) \n" +
-	// "					break; \n" +
-	// "			}\n" +
-	// "		} catch(Exception e) {\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "		return count;\n" +
-	// "	}\n" +
-	// "}\n",
-	// },
-	// "[count=12]");
-	//	
-	// String expectedOutput = new
-	// CompilerOptions(this.getCompilerOptions()).complianceLevel <
-	// ClassFileConstants.JDK1_6
-	// ? "  // Method descriptor #32 ()I\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  static int count();\n" +
-	// "     0  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     1  istore_0 [count]\n" +
-	// "     2  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     3  istore_1 [i]\n" +
-	// "     4  iinc 0 1 [count]\n" +
-	// "     7  iload_1 [i]\n" +
-	// "     8  iinc 1 1 [i]\n" +
-	// "    11  bipush 10\n" +
-	// "    13  if_icmple 4\n" +
-	// "    16  goto 20\n" +
-	// "    19  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    20  iload_0 [count]\n" +
-	// "    21  ireturn\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 16] -> 19 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 4, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 16, line: 11]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 19, line: 13]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 20, line: 15]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 22] local: count index: 0 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 4, pc: 16] local: i index: 1 type: int\n"
-	// :
-	// "  // Method descriptor #32 ()I\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  static int count();\n" +
-	// "     0  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     1  istore_0 [count]\n" +
-	// "     2  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     3  istore_1 [i]\n" +
-	// "     4  iinc 0 1 [count]\n" +
-	// "     7  iload_1 [i]\n" +
-	// "     8  iinc 1 1 [i]\n" +
-	// "    11  bipush 10\n" +
-	// "    13  if_icmple 4\n" +
-	// "    16  goto 20\n" +
-	// "    19  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    20  iload_0 [count]\n" +
-	// "    21  ireturn\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 16] -> 19 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 4, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 10]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 16, line: 11]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 19, line: 13]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 20, line: 15]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 22] local: count index: 0 type: int\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 4, pc: 16] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 4\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 4, append: {int, int}]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 16, chop 1 local(s)]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 19, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Exception}]\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 20, same]\n";
-	//	
-	// try {
-	// File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-	// byte[] classFileBytes =
-	// org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler =
-	// ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-	// String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n",
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-	// int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-	// if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-	// System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-	// }
-	// if (index == -1) {
-	// assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-	// }
-	// } catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// } catch (IOException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// }
-	// }
-	// // - variation
-	// public void test052() {
-	// this.runConformTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "",
-	// "public class X {\n" +
-	// "	public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" +
-	// "		try {\n" +
-	// "			for (int i = 0; i < 0; i++)\n" +
-	// "				do ;  while (true);\n" +
-	// "		} catch(Exception e) {\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	} \n" +
-	// "}\n",
-	// },
-	// "");
-	//	
-	// String expectedOutput = new
-	// CompilerOptions(this.getCompilerOptions()).complianceLevel <
-	// ClassFileConstants.JDK1_6
-	// ? "  // Method descriptor #15 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  public static void main(java.lang.String[] argv);\n" +
-	// "     0  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     1  istore_1 [i]\n" +
-	// "     2  goto 8\n" +
-	// "     5  goto 5\n" +
-	// "     8  iload_1 [i]\n" +
-	// "     9  iflt 5\n" +
-	// "    12  goto 16\n" +
-	// "    15  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    16  return\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 12] -> 15 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 4]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 5, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 8, line: 4]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 16, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 17] local: argv index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 12] local: i index: 1 type: int\n"
-	// :
-	// "  // Method descriptor #15 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  public static void main(java.lang.String[] argv);\n" +
-	// "     0  iconst_0\n" +
-	// "     1  istore_1 [i]\n" +
-	// "     2  goto 8\n" +
-	// "     5  goto 5\n" +
-	// "     8  iload_1 [i]\n" +
-	// "     9  iflt 5\n" +
-	// "    12  goto 16\n" +
-	// "    15  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    16  return\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 12] -> 15 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 4]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 5, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 8, line: 4]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 16, line: 8]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 17] local: argv index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 12] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 4\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 5, append: {int}]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 8, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 15, full, stack: {java.lang.Exception}, locals: {java.lang.String[]}]\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 16, same]\n";
-	//	
-	// try {
-	// File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-	// byte[] classFileBytes =
-	// org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler =
-	// ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-	// String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n",
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-	// int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-	// if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-	// System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-	// }
-	// if (index == -1) {
-	// assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-	// }
-	// } catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// } catch (IOException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// }
-	// }
-	// // - variation
-	// public void test053() {
-	// this.runConformTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "",
-	// "public class X {\n" +
-	// "	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-	// "		try {\n" +
-	// "			final int val;\n" +
-	// "			for (val = 7; val > 0;) break;\n" +
-	// "			System.out.println(val);\n" +
-	// "		} catch(Exception e) {\n" +
-	// "		}\n" +
-	// "	}	\n" +
-	// "}\n",
-	// },
-	// "7");
-	//	
-	// String expectedOutput = new
-	// CompilerOptions(this.getCompilerOptions()).complianceLevel <
-	// ClassFileConstants.JDK1_6
-	// ? "  // Method descriptor #15 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" +
-	// "     0  bipush 7\n" +
-	// "     2  istore_1 [val]\n" +
-	// "     3  iload_1 [val]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifgt 7\n" +
-	// "     7  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "    10  iload_1 [val]\n" +
-	// "    11  invokevirtual : void [22]\n" +
-	// "    14  goto 18\n" +
-	// "    17  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    18  return\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 14] -> 17 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 17, line: 7]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 18, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 19] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 3, pc: 17] local: val index: 1 type: int\n"
-	// :
-	// "  // Method descriptor #15 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 2, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" +
-	// "     0  bipush 7\n" +
-	// "     2  istore_1 [val]\n" +
-	// "     3  iload_1 [val]\n" +
-	// "     4  ifgt 7\n" +
-	// "     7  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
-	// "    10  iload_1 [val]\n" +
-	// "    11  invokevirtual : void [22]\n" +
-	// "    14  goto 18\n" +
-	// "    17  astore_1\n" +
-	// "    18  return\n" +
-	// "      Exception Table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 14] -> 17 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 5]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, line: 6]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 17, line: 7]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 18, line: 9]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 19] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 3, pc: 17] local: val index: 1 type: int\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 4\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 3, append: {int}]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 7, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 17, full, stack: {java.lang.Exception}, locals: {java.lang.String[]}]\n"
-	// +
-	// "        [pc: 18, same]\n";
-	//	
-	// try {
-	// File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-	// byte[] classFileBytes =
-	// org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler =
-	// ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-	// String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n",
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-	// int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-	// if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-	// System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-	// }
-	// if (index == -1) {
-	// assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-	// }
-	// } catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// } catch (IOException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// }
-	// }
-	// // - variation
-	// public void test054() {
-	// this.runConformTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "",
-	// "public class X {\n" +
-	// " X parent;\n" +
-	// " int kind;\n" +
-	// " static boolean F = false;\n" +
-	// " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-	// "  X x = new X();\n" +
-	// "  x.kind = 2; \n" +
-	// "  try {\n" +
-	// ";\n" +
-	// "  } catch(NullPointerException e) { \n" +
-	// "   System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-	// "   return;\n" +
-	// "  }\n" +
-	// "  System.out.println(\"FAILED\");  \n" +
-	// " }\n" +
-	// " void foo() {\n" +
-	// "  X x = this;\n" +
-	// "  done : while (true) {\n" +
-	// "   switch (x.kind) {\n" +
-	// "    case 2 :\n" +
-	// "     if (F) {\n" +
-	// "      return;\n" +
-	// "     }\n" +
-	// "     break;\n" +
-	// "    case 3 :\n" +
-	// "     break done;\n" +
-	// "   }\n" +
-	// "   x = x.parent; // should throw npe\n" +
-	// "  }\n" +
-	// " } \n" +
-	// "}\n",
-	// },
-	// "SUCCESS");
-	//	
-	// String expectedOutput = new
-	// CompilerOptions(this.getCompilerOptions()).complianceLevel <
-	// ClassFileConstants.JDK1_6
-	// ? "  // Method descriptor #12 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void foo();\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  astore_1 [x]\n" +
-	// "     2  aload_1 [x]\n" +
-	// "     3  getfield X.kind : int [25]\n" +
-	// "     6  tableswitch default: 38\n" +
-	// "          case 2: 28\n" +
-	// "          case 3: 35\n" +
-	// "    28  getstatic X.F : boolean [14]\n" +
-	// "    31  ifeq 38\n" +
-	// "    34  return\n" +
-	// "    35  goto 46\n" +
-	// "    38  aload_1 [x]\n" +
-	// "    39  getfield X.parent : X [53]\n" +
-	// "    42  astore_1 [x]\n" +
-	// "    43  goto 2\n" +
-	// "    46  return\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 17]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, line: 19]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 28, line: 21]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 34, line: 22]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 35, line: 26]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 38, line: 27]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 39, line: 28]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 43, line: 18]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 46, line: 30]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 47] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 47] local: x index: 1 type: X\n"
-	// :
-	// "  // Method descriptor #12 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
-	// "  void foo();\n" +
-	// "     0  aload_0 [this]\n" +
-	// "     1  astore_1 [x]\n" +
-	// "     2  aload_1 [x]\n" +
-	// "     3  getfield X.kind : int [25]\n" +
-	// "     6  tableswitch default: 38\n" +
-	// "          case 2: 28\n" +
-	// "          case 3: 35\n" +
-	// "    28  getstatic X.F : boolean [14]\n" +
-	// "    31  ifeq 38\n" +
-	// "    34  return\n" +
-	// "    35  goto 46\n" +
-	// "    38  aload_1 [x]\n" +
-	// "    39  getfield X.parent : X [55]\n" +
-	// "    42  astore_1 [x]\n" +
-	// "    43  goto 2\n" +
-	// "    46  return\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 17]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, line: 19]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 28, line: 21]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 34, line: 22]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 35, line: 26]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 38, line: 27]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 39, line: 28]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 43, line: 18]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 46, line: 30]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 47] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, pc: 47] local: x index: 1 type: X\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 5\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 2, append: {X}]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 28, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 35, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 38, same]\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 46, same]\n";
-	//	
-	// try {
-	// File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-	// byte[] classFileBytes =
-	// org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler =
-	// ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-	// String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n",
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-	// int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-	// if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-	// System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-	// }
-	// if (index == -1) {
-	// assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-	// }
-	// } catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// } catch (IOException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// }
-	// }
-	// // - variation
-	// public void test055() {
-	// this.runConformTest(
-	// new String[] {
-	// "",
-	// "public class X {\n" +
-	// "\n" +
-	// "void foo5() {\n" +
-	// "  L : for (;;) {\n" +
-	// "    continue L; // good\n" +
-	// "  }\n" +
-	// "}\n" +
-	// "}\n",
-	// },
-	// "");
-	//	
-	// String expectedOutput = new
-	// CompilerOptions(this.getCompilerOptions()).complianceLevel <
-	// ClassFileConstants.JDK1_6
-	// ? "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 0, Locals: 1\n" +
-	// "  void foo5();\n" +
-	// "    0  goto 0\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 4]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 3] local: this index: 0 type: X\n"
-	// :
-	// "  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
-	// "  // Stack: 0, Locals: 1\n" +
-	// "  void foo5();\n" +
-	// "    0  goto 0\n" +
-	// "      Line numbers:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, line: 4]\n" +
-	// "      Local variable table:\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, pc: 3] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
-	// "      Stack map table: number of frames 1\n" +
-	// "        [pc: 0, same]\n";
-	//	
-	// try {
-	// File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-	// byte[] classFileBytes =
-	// org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler =
-	// ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-	// String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n",
-	// ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-	// int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-	// if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-	// System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-	// }
-	// if (index == -1) {
-	// assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-	// }
-	// } catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// } catch (IOException e) {
-	// assertTrue(false);
-	// }
-	// }
-	public void _test056() {
-		this
-				.runNegativeTest(
-						new String[] {
-								"p/",
-								"package p;\n"
-										+ "class BytecodeA {\n"
-										+ "  \n"
-										+ "int foo() { // good\n"
-										+ "  boolean b = true;\n"
-										+ "  if (b) {\n"
-										+ "    if (true)\n"
-										+ "      return 0;\n"
-										+ "  } else {\n"
-										+ "    if (true)\n"
-										+ "      return 1;\n"
-										+ "  }\n"
-										+ "  return 5;\n"
-										+ "}\n"
-										+ "int foo10() {\n"
-										+ "  try {\n"
-										+ "    //if (true)\n"
-										+ "      return 0;\n"
-										+ "  } catch (Exception e) {\n"
-										+ "    if (true)\n"
-										+ "      return 1;\n"
-										+ "  } finally {\n"
-										+ "    if (true)\n"
-										+ "      return 2;\n"
-										+ "  };\n"
-										+ "  return 1;\n"
-										+ "}   \n"
-										+ "int foo11() {\n"
-										+ "  synchronized (this) {\n"
-										+ "    if (true)\n"
-										+ "      return 1;\n"
-										+ "  };\n"
-										+ "  return 2;\n"
-										+ "} \n"
-										+ "int foo12() {\n"
-										+ "  for (;;)\n"
-										+ "    return 1;\n"
-										+ "}\n"
-										+ "int foo13() {\n"
-										+ "  for (;;)\n"
-										+ "    if (true)\n"
-										+ "      return 1;\n"
-										+ "}\n"
-										+ "int foo14() {\n"
-										+ "  for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)\n"
-										+ "    if (true)\n"
-										+ "      return 1;\n"
-										+ "  return 2;\n"
-										+ "} \n"
-										+ "int foo15() {\n"
-										+ "  for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)\n"
-										+ "    return 1;\n"
-										+ "  return 2;\n"
-										+ "}\n"
-										+ "int foo16() {\n"
-										+ "  final int i;\n"
-										+ "  while (true) {\n"
-										+ "    i = 1;\n"
-										+ "    if (true)\n"
-										+ "      break;\n"
-										+ "  };\n"
-										+ "  return 1;\n"
-										+ "}              \n"
-										+ "int foo17() {\n"
-										+ "  final int i;\n"
-										+ "  for (;;) {\n"
-										+ "    i = 1;\n"
-										+ "    if (true)\n"
-										+ "      break;\n"
-										+ "  };\n"
-										+ "  return 1;\n"
-										+ "} \n"
-										+ "void foo2() {\n"
-										+ "  L1 :;  // good\n"
-										+ "}\n"
-										+ "void foo20() {\n"
-										+ "  if (true)\n"
-										+ "    return;\n"
-										+ "} \n"
-										+ "void foo3() {\n"
-										+ "  L : if (true) {\n"
-										+ "    for (;;) {\n"
-										+ "      continue L; // bad\n"
-										+ "    }\n"
-										+ "  }\n"
-										+ "}   \n"
-										+ "void foo4() {\n"
-										+ "  L : if (true) {\n"
-										+ "    try {\n"
-										+ "      for (;;) {\n"
-										+ "        continue L; // bad\n"
-										+ "      }\n"
-										+ "    } finally {\n"
-										+ "      return;\n"
-										+ "    }\n"
-										+ "  } \n"
-										+ "}\n"
-										+ "void foo5() {\n"
-										+ "  L : for (;;) {\n"
-										+ "    continue L; // good\n"
-										+ "  }\n"
-										+ "}\n"
-										+ "void foo5bis() {\n"
-										+ "  L : K : for (;;) {\n"
-										+ "    continue L; // good\n"
-										+ "  }\n"
-										+ "}\n"
-										+ "void foo6(){\n"
-										+ "  int i;\n"
-										+ "  boolean a[] = new boolean[5];\n"
-										+ "  a[i=1] = i > 0; // good\n"
-										+ "}    \n"
-										+ "void foo7(){\n"
-										+ "  Object x[];\n"
-										+ "  x [1] = (x = new Object[5]); // bad\n"
-										+ "}    \n"
-										+ "void foo8() {\n"
-										+ "  try {\n"
-										+ "  } catch ( e) {\n"
-										+ "    foo(); // unreachable\n"
-										+ "  }\n"
-										+ "}\n"
-										+ "void foo9() {\n"
-										+ "  try {\n"
-										+ "  } catch (NullPointerException e) {\n"
-										+ "    foo(); // ok\n"
-										+ "  }\n"
-										+ "}\n"
-										+ "    public static void main(String args[]) {\n"
-										+ "      BytecodeA a = new BytecodeA();\n"
-										+ "      a.foo10();\n" + "    }\n"
-										+ "}", },
-						"----------\n"
-								+ "1. WARNING in p\\ (at line 74)\n"
-								+ "	L1 :;  // good\n"
-								+ "	^^\n"
-								+ "The label L1 is never explicitly referenced\n"
-								+ "----------\n"
-								+ "2. ERROR in p\\ (at line 83)\n"
-								+ "	continue L; // bad\n"
-								+ "	^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-								+ "continue cannot be used outside of a loop\n"
-								+ "----------\n"
-								+ "3. ERROR in p\\ (at line 91)\n"
-								+ "	continue L; // bad\n"
-								+ "	^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-								+ "continue cannot be used outside of a loop\n"
-								+ "----------\n"
-								+ "4. WARNING in p\\ (at line 93)\n"
-								+ "	} finally {\n"
-								+ "      return;\n"
-								+ "    }\n"
-								+ "	          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-								+ "finally block does not complete normally\n"
-								+ "----------\n"
-								+ "5. WARNING in p\\ (at line 104)\n"
-								+ "	L : K : for (;;) {\n"
-								+ "	    ^\n"
-								+ "The label K is never explicitly referenced\n"
-								+ "----------\n"
-								+ "6. ERROR in p\\ (at line 105)\n"
-								+ "	continue L; // good\n"
-								+ "	^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-								+ "continue cannot be used outside of a loop\n"
-								+ "----------\n"
-								+ "7. ERROR in p\\ (at line 115)\n"
-								+ "	x [1] = (x = new Object[5]); // bad\n"
-								+ "	^\n"
-								+ "The local variable x may not have been initialized\n"
-								+ "----------\n"
-								+ "8. ERROR in p\\ (at line 119)\n"
-								+ "	} catch ( e) {\n"
-								+ "	         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"
-								+ "Unreachable catch block for IOException. This exception is never thrown from the try statement body\n"
-								+ "----------\n");
-	}
-	// was Compliance_1_x#test007
-	public void test057() {
-		String[] sources = new String[] {
-				"p1/",
-				"package p1; \n" + "public class Test { \n"
-						+ "	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"
-						+ "		try {	\n" + "			throw null; \n"
-						+ "		} catch(NullPointerException e){ 	\n"
-						+ "			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n" + "		}	\n"
-						+ "	} \n" + "} \n" };
-		if (this.complianceLevel.equals(COMPLIANCE_1_3)) {
-			runNegativeTest(sources, "----------\n"
-					+ "1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 5)\n"
-					+ "	throw null; \n" + "	      ^^^^\n"
-					+ "Cannot throw null as an exception\n" + "----------\n");
-		} else {
-			runConformTest(sources, "SUCCESS");
-		}
-	}
-	public static Class testClass() {
-		return TryStatementTest.class;
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b58ab1..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,605 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
-public class UtilTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-StringBuffer camelCaseErrors;
-public UtilTest(String name) {
-	super(name);
- * Assert that a pattern and a name matches or not.
- * If result is invalid then store warning in buffer and display it.
- */
-void assertCamelCase(String pattern, String name, boolean match) {
-	boolean camelCase = CharOperation.camelCaseMatch(pattern==null?null:pattern.toCharArray(), name==null?null:name.toCharArray());
-	if (match != camelCase) {
-		StringBuffer line = new StringBuffer("'");
-		line.append(name);
-		line.append("' SHOULD");
-		if (!match) line.append(" NOT");
-		line.append(" match pattern '");
-		line.append(pattern);
-		line.append("', but it DOES");
-		if (!camelCase) line.append(" NOT");
-		if (this.camelCaseErrors.length() == 0) {
-			System.out.println("Invalid results in test "+getName()+":");
-		}
-		System.out.println("	- "+line);
-		this.camelCaseErrors.append('\n');
-		this.camelCaseErrors.append(line);
-	}
-/* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression.AbstractRegressionTest#setUp()
- */
-protected void setUp() throws Exception {
-	super.setUp();
-	this.camelCaseErrors = new StringBuffer();
-public boolean checkPathMatch(char[] pattern, char[] path, boolean isCaseSensitive) {
-	CharOperation.replace(pattern, '/', File.separatorChar);
-	CharOperation.replace(pattern, '\\', File.separatorChar);
-	CharOperation.replace(path, '/', File.separatorChar);
-	CharOperation.replace(path, '\\', File.separatorChar);
-	boolean result = CharOperation.pathMatch(pattern, path, isCaseSensitive, File.separatorChar);
-//	boolean antResult = SelectorUtils.matchPath(new String(pattern), new String(path), isCaseSensitive);
-//	if (antResult != result) {
-//		new AssertionFailedError("WARNING : Ant expectation for patchMatch(\""+new String(pattern)+"\", \""+new String(path)+"\", ...) is: "+antResult).printStackTrace();
-//	}
-	return result;
-public void test01() {
-	assertTrue("Pattern matching failure",
-		!CharOperation.match("X".toCharArray(), "Xyz".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test02() {
-	assertTrue("Pattern matching failure",
-		CharOperation.match("X*".toCharArray(), "Xyz".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test03() {
-	assertTrue("Pattern matching failure",
-		CharOperation.match("X".toCharArray(), "X".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test04() {
-	assertTrue("Pattern matching failure",
-		CharOperation.match("X*X".toCharArray(), "XYX".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test05() {
-	assertTrue("Pattern matching failure",
-		CharOperation.match("XY*".toCharArray(), "XYZ".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test06() {
-	assertTrue("Pattern matching failure",
-		CharOperation.match("*XY*".toCharArray(), "XYZ".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test07() {
-	assertTrue("Pattern matching failure",
-		CharOperation.match("*".toCharArray(), "XYZ".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test08() {
-	assertTrue("Pattern matching failure",
-		!CharOperation.match("a*".toCharArray(), "XYZ".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test09() {
-	assertTrue("Pattern matching failure",
-		!CharOperation.match("abc".toCharArray(), "XYZ".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test10() {
-	assertTrue("Pattern matching failure",
-		!CharOperation.match("ab*c".toCharArray(), "abX".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test11() {
-	assertTrue("Pattern matching failure",
-		CharOperation.match("a*b*c".toCharArray(), "aXXbYYc".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test12() {
-	assertTrue("Pattern matching failure",
-		!CharOperation.match("*a*bc".toCharArray(), "aXXbYYc".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test13() {
-	assertTrue("Pattern matching failure",
-		!CharOperation.match("*foo*bar".toCharArray(), "".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test14() {
-	assertTrue("Pattern matching failure",
-		CharOperation.match("*foo*bar".toCharArray(), "ffoobabar".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test15() {
-	assertTrue("Pattern matching failure",
-		!CharOperation.match("*fol*bar".toCharArray(), "ffoobabar".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test16() {
-	assertTrue("Pattern matching failure",
-		CharOperation.match("*X*Y*".toCharArray(), "XY".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test17() {
-	assertTrue("Pattern matching failure",
-		CharOperation.match("*X*Y*".toCharArray(), "XYZ".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test18() {
-	assertTrue("Pattern matching failure",
-		CharOperation.match("main(*)".toCharArray(), "main(argv)".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test19() {
-	assertTrue("Pattern matching failure",
-		CharOperation.match("*rr*".toCharArray(), "ARRAY".toCharArray(), false));
-public void test20() {
-	assertTrue("Pattern matching failure",
-		CharOperation.match("hello*World".toCharArray(), "helloWorld".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test21() {
-	assertEquals("Trim failure", "hello", new String(CharOperation.trim("hello".toCharArray())));
-public void test22() {
-	assertEquals("Trim failure", "hello", new String(CharOperation.trim("   hello".toCharArray())));
-public void test23() {
-	assertEquals("Trim failure", "hello", new String(CharOperation.trim("   hello   ".toCharArray())));
-public void test24() {
-	assertEquals("Trim failure", "hello", new String(CharOperation.trim("hello   ".toCharArray())));
-public void test25() {
-	assertEquals("Trim failure", "", new String(CharOperation.trim("   ".toCharArray())));
-public void test26() {
-	assertEquals("Trim failure", "hello world", new String(CharOperation.trim(" hello world  ".toCharArray())));
-public void test27() {
-	char [][] tokens = CharOperation.splitAndTrimOn(','," hello,world".toCharArray());
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++){
-		buffer.append('[').append(tokens[i]).append(']');
-	}
-	assertEquals("SplitTrim failure", "[hello][world]", buffer.toString());
-public void test28() {
-	char [][] tokens = CharOperation.splitAndTrimOn(','," hello , world".toCharArray());
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++){
-		buffer.append('[').append(tokens[i]).append(']');
-	}
-	assertEquals("SplitTrim failure", "[hello][world]", buffer.toString());
-public void test29() {
-	char [][] tokens = CharOperation.splitAndTrimOn(','," hello, world   ".toCharArray());
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++){
-		buffer.append('[').append(tokens[i]).append(']');
-	}
-	assertEquals("SplitTrim failure", "[hello][world]", buffer.toString());
-public void test30() {
-	char [][] tokens = CharOperation.splitAndTrimOn(','," hello, world   ,zork/, aaa bbb".toCharArray());
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++){
-		buffer.append('[').append(tokens[i]).append(']');
-	}
-	assertEquals("SplitTrim failure", "[hello][world][zork/][aaa bbb]", buffer.toString());
-public void test31() {
-	char [][] tokens = CharOperation.splitAndTrimOn(',',"  ,  ".toCharArray());
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++){
-		buffer.append('[').append(tokens[i]).append(']');
-	}
-	assertEquals("SplitTrim failure", "[][]", buffer.toString());
-public void test32() {
-	char [][] tokens = CharOperation.splitAndTrimOn(',',"   ".toCharArray());
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++){
-		buffer.append('[').append(tokens[i]).append(']');
-	}
-	assertEquals("SplitTrim failure", "[]", buffer.toString());
-public void test33() {
-	char [][] tokens = CharOperation.splitAndTrimOn(',',"  , hello  ".toCharArray());
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++){
-		buffer.append('[').append(tokens[i]).append(']');
-	}
-	assertEquals("SplitTrim failure", "[][hello]", buffer.toString());
-public void test34() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure",
-		checkPathMatch("hello/*/World".toCharArray(), "hello/zzz/World".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test35() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure",
-		checkPathMatch("hello/**/World".toCharArray(), "hello/x/y/z/World".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test36() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure",
-		checkPathMatch("hello/**/World/**/*.java".toCharArray(), "hello/x/y/z/World/".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test37() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure",
-		checkPathMatch("**/World/**/*.java".toCharArray(), "hello/x/y/z/World/".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test38() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure",
-		!checkPathMatch("/*.java".toCharArray(), "/hello/x/y/z/World/".toCharArray(), true));
- * From Ant pattern set examples
- */
-public void test39() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-1",
-		checkPathMatch("**/CVS/*".toCharArray(), "CVS/Repository".toCharArray(), true));
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-2",
-		checkPathMatch("**/CVS/*".toCharArray(), "org/apache/CVS/Entries".toCharArray(), true));
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-3",
-		checkPathMatch("**/CVS/*".toCharArray(), "org/apache/jakarta/tools/ant/CVS/Entries".toCharArray(), true));
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-4",
-		!checkPathMatch("**/CVS/*".toCharArray(), "org/apache/CVS/foo/bar/Entries".toCharArray(), true));
- * From Ant pattern set examples
- */
-public void test40() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-1",
-		checkPathMatch("org/apache/jakarta/**".toCharArray(), "org/apache/jakarta/tools/ant/docs/index.html".toCharArray(), true));
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-2",
-		checkPathMatch("org/apache/jakarta/**".toCharArray(), "org/apache/jakarta/test.xml".toCharArray(), true));
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-3",
-		!checkPathMatch("org/apache/jakarta/**".toCharArray(), "org/apache/".toCharArray(), true));
- * From Ant pattern set examples
- */
-public void test41() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-1",
-		checkPathMatch("org/apache/**/CVS/*".toCharArray(), "org/apache/CVS/Entries".toCharArray(), true));
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-2",
-		checkPathMatch("org/apache/**/CVS/*".toCharArray(), "org/apache/jakarta/tools/ant/CVS/Entries".toCharArray(), true));
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-3",
-		!checkPathMatch("org/apache/**/CVS/*".toCharArray(), "org/apache/CVS/foo/bar/Entries".toCharArray(), true));
- * From Ant pattern set examples
- */
-public void test42() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-1",
-		checkPathMatch("**/test/**".toCharArray(), "org/apache/test/CVS/Entries".toCharArray(), true));
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-2",
-		checkPathMatch("**/test/**".toCharArray(), "test".toCharArray(), true));
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-3",
-		checkPathMatch("**/test/**".toCharArray(), "a/test".toCharArray(), true));
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-4",
-		checkPathMatch("**/test/**".toCharArray(), "test/a.js".toCharArray(), true));
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-5",
-		!checkPathMatch("**/test/**".toCharArray(), "org/apache/test.js".toCharArray(), true));
- * Corner cases
- */
-public void test43() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-1",
-		checkPathMatch("/test/".toCharArray(), "/test/CVS/Entries".toCharArray(), true));
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-2",
-		checkPathMatch("/test/**".toCharArray(), "/test/CVS/Entries".toCharArray(), true));
- * Corner cases
- */
-public void test44() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-1",
-		!checkPathMatch("test".toCharArray(), "test/CVS/Entries".toCharArray(), true));
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-2",
-		!checkPathMatch("**/test".toCharArray(), "test/CVS/Entries".toCharArray(), true));
- * Corner cases
- */
-public void test45() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-1",
-		checkPathMatch("/test/test1/".toCharArray(), "/test/test1/test/test1".toCharArray(), true));
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-2",
-		!checkPathMatch("/test/test1".toCharArray(), "/test/test1/test/test1".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test46() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure",
-		checkPathMatch("hello/**/World".toCharArray(), "hello/World".toCharArray(), true));
- * Regression test for 28316 Missing references to constructor 
- */
-public void test47() {
-	assertTrue("Pattern matching failure",
-		CharOperation.match("*x".toCharArray(), "x.X".toCharArray(), false));
-public void test48() {
-	assertTrue("Pattern matching failure",
-		CharOperation.match("*a*".toCharArray(), "abcd".toCharArray(), false));
-public void test49() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure",
-		checkPathMatch("**/hello".toCharArray(), "hello/hello".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test50() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure",
-		checkPathMatch("**/hello/**".toCharArray(), "hello/hello".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test51() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure",
-		checkPathMatch("**/hello/".toCharArray(), "hello/hello".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test52() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure",
-		checkPathMatch("hello/".toCharArray(), "hello/hello".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test53() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure",
-		!checkPathMatch("/".toCharArray(), "hello/hello".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test54() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-1",
-		!checkPathMatch("x/".toCharArray(), "hello/x".toCharArray(), true)); // 29761
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-2",
-		checkPathMatch("**/x/".toCharArray(), "hello/x".toCharArray(), true)); 
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-3",
-		!checkPathMatch("/x/".toCharArray(), "hello/x".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test56() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure",
-		!checkPathMatch("/**".toCharArray(), "hello/hello".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test57() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure",
-		checkPathMatch("/".toCharArray(), "/hello/hello".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test58() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure",
-		checkPathMatch("/**".toCharArray(), "/hello/hello".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test59() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure",
-		!checkPathMatch("**".toCharArray(), "/hello/hello".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test60() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-1",
-		!checkPathMatch("/P/src".toCharArray(), "/P/src/X".toCharArray(), true));
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-2",
-		!checkPathMatch("/P/**/src".toCharArray(), "/P/src/X".toCharArray(), true));
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-3",
-		checkPathMatch("/P/src".toCharArray(), "/P/src".toCharArray(), true));
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-4",
-		!checkPathMatch("".toCharArray(), "/P/src/".toCharArray(), true));		
-public void test61() {
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-1",
-		checkPathMatch("/P/src/**/CVS".toCharArray(), "/P/src/CVS".toCharArray(), true));
-	assertTrue("Path pattern matching failure-2",
-		checkPathMatch("/P/src/**/CVS/".toCharArray(), "/P/src/CVS".toCharArray(), true));
-public void test62() {
-	assertCamelCase("NPE", "NullPointerException", true/* should match */);
-	assertCamelCase("NPExc", "NullPointerException", true/* should match */);
-	assertCamelCase("NPoE", "NullPointerException", true/* should match */);
-	assertCamelCase("NuPExc", "NullPointerException", true/* should match */);
-	// Verify that there were no unexpected results
-    assertTrue(this.camelCaseErrors.toString(), this.camelCaseErrors.length()==0);
-public void test63() {
-	assertCamelCase("NPEX", "NullPointerException", false/* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("NPex", "NullPointerException", false/* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("npe", "NullPointerException", false/* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("npe", "NPException", false/* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("NPointerE", "NullPointerException", true/* should match */);
-	// Verify that there were no unexpected results
-    assertTrue(this.camelCaseErrors.toString(), this.camelCaseErrors.length()==0);
-public void test64() {
-	assertCamelCase("IAE", "IgnoreAllErrorHandler", true/* should match */);
-	assertCamelCase("IAE", "IAnchorElement", true/* should match */);
-	assertCamelCase("IAnchorEleme", "IAnchorElement", true/* should match */);
-	assertCamelCase("", "IAnchorElement", false/* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase(null, "IAnchorElement", true/* should match */);
-	assertCamelCase("", "", true/* should match */);
-	assertCamelCase("IAnchor", null, false/* should not match */);
-	// Verify that there were no unexpected results
-    assertTrue(this.camelCaseErrors.toString(), this.camelCaseErrors.length()==0);
-public void test65() {
-	assertCamelCase("iSCDCo", "invokeStringConcatenationDefaultConstructor", true/* should match */);
-	assertCamelCase("inVOke", "invokeStringConcatenationDefaultConstructor", false/* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("i", "invokeStringConcatenationDefaultConstructor", true/* should match */);
-	assertCamelCase("I", "invokeStringConcatenationDefaultConstructor", false/* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("iStringCD", "invokeStringConcatenationDefaultConstructor", true/* should match */);
-	assertCamelCase("NPE", "NullPointerException/java.lang", true/* should match */);
-	assertCamelCase("NPE", "NullPointer/lang.Exception", false/* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("NPE", "Null_Pointer$Exception", true/* should match */);
-	assertCamelCase("NPE", "Null1Pointer2Exception", true/* should match */);
-	assertCamelCase("NPE", "Null.Pointer.Exception", false/* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("NPE", "aNullPointerException", false/* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("nullP", "nullPointerException", true/* should match */);
-	assertCamelCase("nP", "nullPointerException", true/* should match */);
-	// Verify that there were no unexpected results
-    assertTrue(this.camelCaseErrors.toString(), this.camelCaseErrors.length()==0);
- * Bug 130390: CamelCase algorithm cleanup and improvement
- * @see ""
- */
-public void test66() {
-    String[][] MATCHES = {
-            {"TZ","TimeZone"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"TiZ","TimeZone"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"TiZon","TimeZone"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"TZon","TimeZone"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"TZone","TimeZone"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"TimeZone","TimeZone"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"TimeZ","TimeZ"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"TZ","TimeZ"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"T","TimeZ"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"T","TimeZone"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"TZ","TZ"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"aT","aTimeZone"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"aTi","aTimeZone"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"aTiZ","aTimeZone"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"aTZ","aTimeZone"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"aT","artTimeZone"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"aTi","artTimeZone"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"aTiZ","artTimeZone"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"aTZ","artTimeZone"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-    };
-    for (int i = 0; i<MATCHES.length ; i++) {
-        String[] match = MATCHES[i];
-        assertCamelCase(match[0], match[1], true/*should match*/);
-    }
-    String[][] MIS_MATCHES = {
-            {"TZ","Timezone"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"aTZ","TimeZone"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"aTZ","TZ"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"arT","aTimeZone"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"arTi","aTimeZone"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"arTiZ","aTimeZone"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"arTZ","aTimeZone"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-            {"aT","atimeZone"},  //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
-    };
-    for (int i = 0; i<MIS_MATCHES.length ; i++) {
-        String[] match = MIS_MATCHES[i];
-        assertCamelCase(match[0], match[1], false/*should not match*/);
-    }
-	// Verify that there were no unexpected results
-    assertTrue(this.camelCaseErrors.toString(), this.camelCaseErrors.length()==0);
- * Bug 137087: Open Type - missing matches when using mixed case pattern
- * @see ""
- */
-public void test67() {
-	assertCamelCase("runtimeEx", "RuntimeException", false/* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("Runtimeex", "RuntimeException", false/* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("runtimeexception", "RuntimeException", false/* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("Runtimexception", "RuntimeException", false/* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("illegalMSException", "IllegalMonitorStateException", false/* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("illegalMsException", "IllegalMonitorStateException", false /* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("IllegalMSException", "IllegalMonitorStateException", true/* should match */);
-	assertCamelCase("IllegalMsException", "IllegalMonitorStateException", false /* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("clonenotsupportedex", "CloneNotSupportedException", false/* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("CloneNotSupportedEx", "CloneNotSupportedException", true/* should match */);
-	assertCamelCase("cloneNotsupportedEx", "CloneNotSupportedException", false/* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("ClonenotSupportedexc", "CloneNotSupportedException", false/* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("cloneNotSupportedExcep", "CloneNotSupportedException", false/* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("Clonenotsupportedexception", "CloneNotSupportedException", false/* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("CloneNotSupportedException", "CloneNotSupportedException", true /* should match */);
-	// Verify that there were no unexpected results
-    assertTrue(this.camelCaseErrors.toString(), this.camelCaseErrors.length()==0);
-// lower CamelCase
-public void test68() {
-	assertCamelCase("aMe", "aMethod", true/* should match */);
-	assertCamelCase("ame", "aMethod", false/* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("longNOM", "longNameOfMethod", true/* should match */);
-	assertCamelCase("longNOMeth", "longNameOfMethod", true/* should match */);
-	assertCamelCase("longNOMethod", "longNameOfMethod", true/* should match */);
-	assertCamelCase("longNoMethod", "longNameOfMethod", false/* should not match */);
-	// Verify that there were no unexpected results
-    assertTrue(this.camelCaseErrors.toString(), this.camelCaseErrors.length()==0);
-// search tests
-public void test69() {
-	assertCamelCase("aa", "AxxAyy", false /* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("Aa", "AxxAyy", false /* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("aA", "AxxAyy", false /* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("AA", "AxxAyy", true /* should match */);
-	assertCamelCase("aa", "AbcdAbcdefAbcAbcdefghAbAAzzzzAbcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzAbcdefghijklmnAbcAbcdefghijklm", false /* should not match */);
-	assertCamelCase("AA", "AbcdAbcdefAbcAbcdefghAbAAzzzzAbcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzAbcdefghijklmnAbcAbcdefghijklm", true /* should match */);
-	// Verify that there were no unexpected results
-    assertTrue(this.camelCaseErrors.toString(), this.camelCaseErrors.length()==0);
-public static Class testClass() {
-	return UtilTest.class;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index c323074..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2067 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-public class VarargsTest extends AbstractComparableTest {
-	public VarargsTest(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	// Static initializer to specify tests subset using TESTS_* static variables
-	// All specified tests which does not belong to the class are skipped...
-	static {
-//		TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "test000" };
-//		TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 30 };
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 11, -1 };
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		return buildComparableTestSuite(testClass());
-	}
-	public static Class testClass() {
-		return VarargsTest.class;
-	}
-	public void test001() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('<');\n" +
-				"		Y y = new Y();\n" +
-				"		y = new Y(null);\n" +
-				"		y = new Y(1);\n" +
-				"		y = new Y(1, 2, (byte) 3, 4);\n" +
-				"		y = new Y(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4 });\n" +
-				"		\n" +
-				"		Y.count();\n" +
-				"		Y.count(null);\n" +
-				"		Y.count(1);\n" +
-				"		Y.count(1, 2, (byte) 3, 4);\n" +
-				"		Y.count(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4 });\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('>');\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y {\n" +
-				"	public Y(int ... values) {\n" +
-				"		int result = 0;\n" +
-				"		for (int i = 0, l = values == null ? 0 : values.length; i < l; i++)\n" +
-				"			result += values[i];\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(result);\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(' ');\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	public static void count(int ... values) {\n" +
-				"		int result = 0;\n" +
-				"		for (int i = 0, l = values == null ? 0 : values.length; i < l; i++)\n" +
-				"			result += values[i];\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(result);\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(' ');\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"<0 0 1 10 10 0 0 1 10 10 >");
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('<');\n" +
-				"		Y y = new Y();\n" +
-				"		y = new Y(null);\n" +
-				"		y = new Y(1);\n" +
-				"		y = new Y(1, 2, (byte) 3, 4);\n" +
-				"		y = new Y(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4 });\n" +
-				"		\n" +
-				"		Y.count();\n" +
-				"		Y.count(null);\n" +
-				"		Y.count(1);\n" +
-				"		Y.count(1, 2, (byte) 3, 4);\n" +
-				"		Y.count(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4 });\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('>');\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"<0 0 1 10 10 0 0 1 10 10 >",
-			null,
-			false,
-			null);
-	}
-	public void test002() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('<');\n" +
-				"		Y y = new Y();\n" +
-				"		y = new Y(null);\n" +
-				"		y = new Y(1);\n" +
-				"		y = new Y(1, 2, (byte) 3, 4);\n" +
-				"		y = new Y(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4 });\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('>');\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y extends Z {\n" +
-				"	public Y(int ... values) { super(values); }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Z {\n" +
-				"	public Z(int ... values) {\n" +
-				"		int result = 0;\n" +
-				"		for (int i = 0, l = values == null ? 0 : values.length; i < l; i++)\n" +
-				"			result += values[i];\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(result);\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(' ');\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"<0 0 1 10 10 >");
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('<');\n" +
-				"		Y y = new Y();\n" +
-				"		y = new Y(null);\n" +
-				"		y = new Y(1);\n" +
-				"		y = new Y(1, 2, (byte) 3, 4);\n" +
-				"		y = new Y(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4 });\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('>');\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"<0 0 1 10 10 >",
-			null,
-			false,
-			null);
-	}
-	public void test003() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('<');\n" +
-				"		Y.count();\n" +
-				"		Y.count((int[]) null);\n" +
-				"		Y.count((int[][]) null);\n" +
-				"		Y.count(new int[] {1});\n" +
-				"		Y.count(new int[] {1, 2}, new int[] {3, 4});\n" +
-				"		Y.count(new int[][] {new int[] {1, 2, 3}, new int[] {4}});\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('>');\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y {\n" +
-				"	public static int count(int[] values) {\n" +
-				"		int result = 0;\n" +
-				"		for (int i = 0, l = values == null ? 0 : values.length; i < l; i++)\n" +
-				"			result += values[i];\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(' ');\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(result);\n" +
-				"		return result;\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	public static void count(int[] ... values) {\n" +
-				"		int result = 0;\n" +
-				"		for (int i = 0, l = values == null ? 0 : values.length; i < l; i++)\n" +
-				"			result += count(values[i]);\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('=');\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(result);\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"<=0 0=0 1 3 7=10 6 4=10>");
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('<');\n" +
-				"		Y.count();\n" +
-				"		Y.count((int[]) null);\n" +
-				"		Y.count((int[][]) null);\n" +
-				"		Y.count(new int[] {1});\n" +
-				"		Y.count(new int[] {1, 2}, new int[] {3, 4});\n" +
-				"		Y.count(new int[][] {new int[] {1, 2, 3}, new int[] {4}});\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('>');\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"<=0 0=0 1 3 7=10 6 4=10>",
-			null,
-			false,
-			null);
-	}
-	public void test004() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('<');\n" +
-				"		Y.count(0);\n" +
-				"		Y.count(-1, (int[]) null);\n" +
-				"		Y.count(-2, (int[][]) null);\n" +
-				"		Y.count(1);\n" +
-				"		Y.count(2, new int[] {1});\n" +
-				"		Y.count(3, new int[] {1}, new int[] {2, 3}, new int[] {4});\n" +
-				"		Y.count((byte) 4, new int[][] {new int[] {1}, new int[] {2, 3}, new int[] {4}});\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('>');\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y {\n" +
-				"	public static int count(int j, int[] values) {\n" +
-				"		int result = j;\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(' ');\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('[');\n" +
-				"		for (int i = 0, l = values == null ? 0 : values.length; i < l; i++)\n" +
-				"			result += values[i];\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(result);\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(']');\n" +
-				"		return result;\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	public static void count(int j, int[] ... values) {\n" +
-				"		int result = j;\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(' ');\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(result);\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(':');\n" +
-				"		for (int i = 0, l = values == null ? 0 : values.length; i < l; i++)\n" +
-				"			result += count(j, values[i]);\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('=');\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(result);\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"< 0:=0 [-1] -2:=-2 1:=1 [3] 3: [4] [8] [7]=22 4: [5] [9] [8]=26>");
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('<');\n" +
-				"		Y.count(0);\n" +
-				"		Y.count(-1, (int[]) null);\n" +
-				"		Y.count(-2, (int[][]) null);\n" +
-				"		Y.count(1);\n" +
-				"		Y.count(2, new int[] {1});\n" +
-				"		Y.count(3, new int[] {1}, new int[] {2, 3}, new int[] {4});\n" +
-				"		Y.count((byte) 4, new int[][] {new int[] {1}, new int[] {2, 3}, new int[] {4}});\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('>');\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"< 0:=0 [-1] -2:=-2 1:=1 [3] 3: [4] [8] [7]=22 4: [5] [9] [8]=26>",
-			null,
-			false,
-			null);
-	}	
-	public void test005() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('<');\n" +
-				"		Y.print();\n" +
-				"		Y.print(new Integer(1));\n" +
-				"		Y.print(new Integer(1), new Byte((byte) 3), new Integer(7));\n" +
-				"		Y.print(new Integer[] {new Integer(11) });\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('>');\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y {\n" +
-				"	public static void print(Number ... values) {\n" +
-				"		for (int i = 0, l = values.length; i < l; i++) {\n" +
-				"			System.out.print(' ');\n" +
-				"			System.out.print(values[i]);\n" +
-				"		}\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(',');\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"<, 1, 1 3 7, 11,>");
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('<');\n" +
-				"		Y.print();\n" +
-				"		Y.print(new Integer(1));\n" +
-				"		Y.print(new Integer(1), new Byte((byte) 3), new Integer(7));\n" +
-				"		Y.print(new Integer[] {new Integer(11) });\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('>');\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"<, 1, 1 3 7, 11,>",
-			null,
-			false,
-			null);
-	}
-	public void test006() { // 70056
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		String[] T_NAMES = new String[] {\"foo\"};\n" +
-				"		String error = \"error\";\n" +
-				"		Y.format(\"E_UNSUPPORTED_CONV\", new Integer(0));\n" +
-				"		Y.format(\"E_SAVE\", T_NAMES[0], error);\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y {\n" +
-				"	public static String format(String key) { return null; }\n" +
-				"	public static String format(String key, Object ... args) { return null; }\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"");
-	}
-	public void test007() { // array dimension test compatibility with Object
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		Y.byte2(null);\n" + // warning: inexact argument type for last parameter
-				"		Y.byte2((byte) 1);\n" + // error
-				"		Y.byte2(new byte[] {});\n" +
-				"		Y.byte2(new byte[][] {});\n" + 
-				"		Y.byte2(new byte[][][] {});\n" + // error
-				"\n" +
-				"		Y.object(null);\n" + // warning
-				"		Y.object((byte) 1);\n" +
-				"		Y.object(new byte[] {});\n" +
-				"		Y.object(new byte[][] {});\n" + // warning
-				"		Y.object(new byte[][][] {});\n" + // warning
-				"\n" +
-				"		Y.object(new String());\n" +
-				"		Y.object(new String[] {});\n" + // warning
-				"		Y.object(new String[][] {});\n" + // warning
-				"\n" +
-				"		Y.object2(null);\n" + // warning
-				"		Y.object2((byte) 1);\n" + // error
-				"		Y.object2(new byte[] {});\n" + // error
-				"		Y.object2(new byte[][] {});\n" + 
-				"		Y.object2(new byte[][][] {});\n" + // warning
-				"\n" +
-				"		Y.object2(new String());\n" + // error
-				"		Y.object2(new String[] {});\n" + 
-				"		Y.object2(new String[][] {});\n" + // warning
-				"\n" +
-				"		Y.string(null);\n" + // warning
-				"		Y.string(new String());\n" +
-				"		Y.string(new String[] {});\n" +
-				"		Y.string(new String[][] {});\n" + // error
-				"\n" +
-				"		Y.string(new Object());\n" + // error
-				"		Y.string(new Object[] {});\n" + // error
-				"		Y.string(new Object[][] {});\n" + // error
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y {\n" +
-				"	public static void byte2(byte[] ... values) {}\n" +
-				"	public static void object(Object ... values) {}\n" +
-				"	public static void object2(Object[] ... values) {}\n" +
-				"	public static void string(String ... values) {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	Y.byte2(null);\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The argument of type null should explicitly be cast to byte[][] for the invocation of the varargs method byte2(byte[]...) from type Y. It could alternatively be cast to byte[] for a varargs invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	Y.byte2((byte) 1);\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method byte2(byte[]...) in the type Y is not applicable for the arguments (byte)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	Y.byte2(new byte[][][] {});\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method byte2(byte[]...) in the type Y is not applicable for the arguments (byte[][][])\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. WARNING in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	Y.object(null);\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The argument of type null should explicitly be cast to Object[] for the invocation of the varargs method object(Object...) from type Y. It could alternatively be cast to Object for a varargs invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. WARNING in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	Y.object(new byte[][] {});\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The argument of type byte[][] should explicitly be cast to Object[] for the invocation of the varargs method object(Object...) from type Y. It could alternatively be cast to Object for a varargs invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. WARNING in (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	Y.object(new byte[][][] {});\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The argument of type byte[][][] should explicitly be cast to Object[] for the invocation of the varargs method object(Object...) from type Y. It could alternatively be cast to Object for a varargs invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. WARNING in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	Y.object(new String[] {});\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The argument of type String[] should explicitly be cast to Object[] for the invocation of the varargs method object(Object...) from type Y. It could alternatively be cast to Object for a varargs invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. WARNING in (at line 17)\n" + 
-			"	Y.object(new String[][] {});\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The argument of type String[][] should explicitly be cast to Object[] for the invocation of the varargs method object(Object...) from type Y. It could alternatively be cast to Object for a varargs invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. WARNING in (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	Y.object2(null);\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The argument of type null should explicitly be cast to Object[][] for the invocation of the varargs method object2(Object[]...) from type Y. It could alternatively be cast to Object[] for a varargs invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in (at line 20)\n" + 
-			"	Y.object2((byte) 1);\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method object2(Object[]...) in the type Y is not applicable for the arguments (byte)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in (at line 21)\n" + 
-			"	Y.object2(new byte[] {});\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method object2(Object[]...) in the type Y is not applicable for the arguments (byte[])\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"12. WARNING in (at line 23)\n" + 
-			"	Y.object2(new byte[][][] {});\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The argument of type byte[][][] should explicitly be cast to Object[][] for the invocation of the varargs method object2(Object[]...) from type Y. It could alternatively be cast to Object[] for a varargs invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"13. ERROR in (at line 25)\n" + 
-			"	Y.object2(new String());\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method object2(Object[]...) in the type Y is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"14. WARNING in (at line 27)\n" + 
-			"	Y.object2(new String[][] {});\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The argument of type String[][] should explicitly be cast to Object[][] for the invocation of the varargs method object2(Object[]...) from type Y. It could alternatively be cast to Object[] for a varargs invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"15. WARNING in (at line 29)\n" + 
-			"	Y.string(null);\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The argument of type null should explicitly be cast to String[] for the invocation of the varargs method string(String...) from type Y. It could alternatively be cast to String for a varargs invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"16. ERROR in (at line 32)\n" + 
-			"	Y.string(new String[][] {});\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method string(String...) in the type Y is not applicable for the arguments (String[][])\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"17. ERROR in (at line 34)\n" + 
-			"	Y.string(new Object());\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method string(String...) in the type Y is not applicable for the arguments (Object)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"18. ERROR in (at line 35)\n" + 
-			"	Y.string(new Object[] {});\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method string(String...) in the type Y is not applicable for the arguments (Object[])\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"19. ERROR in (at line 36)\n" + 
-			"	Y.string(new Object[][] {});\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method string(String...) in the type Y is not applicable for the arguments (Object[][])\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test008() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		Y y = new Y(null);\n" +
-				"		y = new Y(true, null);\n" + // null warning
-				"		y = new Y('i', null);\n" + // null warning
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y {\n" +
-				"	public Y(int ... values) {}\n" +
-				"	public Y(boolean b, Object ... values) {}\n" +
-				"	public Y(char c, int[] ... values) {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	y = new Y(true, null);\n" + 
-			"	    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The argument of type null should explicitly be cast to Object[] for the invocation of the varargs constructor Y(boolean, Object...). It could alternatively be cast to Object for a varargs invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	y = new Y(\'i\', null);\n" + 
-			"	    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The argument of type null should explicitly be cast to int[][] for the invocation of the varargs constructor Y(char, int[]...). It could alternatively be cast to int[] for a varargs invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		Y y = new Y(null);\n" +
-				"		y = new Y(true, null);\n" + // null warning
-				"		y = new Y('i', null);\n" + // null warning
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y extends Z {\n" +
-				"	public Y(int ... values) { super(values); }\n" +
-				"	public Y(boolean b, Object ... values) { super(b, values); }\n" +
-				"	public Y(char c, int[] ... values) {}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Z {\n" +
-				"	public Z(int ... values) {}\n" +
-				"	public Z(boolean b, Object ... values) {}\n" +
-				"	public Z(char c, int[] ... values) {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	y = new Y(true, null);\n" + 
-			"	    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The argument of type null should explicitly be cast to Object[] for the invocation of the varargs constructor Y(boolean, Object...). It could alternatively be cast to Object for a varargs invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	y = new Y(\'i\', null);\n" + 
-			"	    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The argument of type null should explicitly be cast to int[][] for the invocation of the varargs constructor Y(char, int[]...). It could alternatively be cast to int[] for a varargs invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	public void test009() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('<');\n" +
-				"		Y.count(null);\n" +
-				"		Y.count(1);\n" +
-				"		Y.count(1, 2);\n" +
-				"\n" +
-				"		Z.count(1L, 1);\n" + // only choice is Z.count(long, int)
-				"		Z.count(1, 1);\n" + // chooses Z.count(long, long) over Z.count(int,int...)
-				"		Z.count(1, null);\n" + // only choice is Z.count(int,int...)
-				"		Z.count2(1, null);\n" + // better choice is Z.count(int,int[])
-				"		Z.count2(1L, null);\n" + // better choice is Z.count(long,int...)
-				"		System.out.print('>');\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y {\n" +
-				"	public static void count(int values) { System.out.print('1'); }\n" +
-				"	public static void count(int ... values) { System.out.print('2'); }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Z {\n" +
-				"	public static void count(long l, long values) { System.out.print('3'); }\n" +
-				"	public static void count(int i, int ... values) { System.out.print('4'); }\n" +
-				"	public static void count2(int i, int values) { System.out.print('5'); }\n" +
-				"	public static void count2(long l, int ... values) { System.out.print('6'); }\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"<21233466>");
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('<');\n" +
-				"		Y.test((Object[]) null);\n" + // cast to avoid null warning
-				"		Y.test(null, null);\n" +
-				"		Y.test(null, null, null);\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('>');\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y {\n" +
-				"	public static void test(Object o, Object o2) { System.out.print('1'); }\n" +
-				"	public static void test(Object ... values) { System.out.print('2'); }\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"<212>");
-	}
-	public void test010() {
-		// according to spec this should find count(Object) since it should consider count(Object...) as count(Object[]) until all fixed arity methods are ruled out
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('<');\n" +
-				"		Y.count((Object) new Integer(1));\n" +
-				"		Y.count(new Integer(1));\n" +
-				"\n" +
-				"		Y.count((Object) null);\n" +
-				"		Y.count((Object[]) null);\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('>');\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y {\n" +
-				"	public static void count(Object values) { System.out.print('1'); }\n" +
-				"	public static void count(Object ... values) { System.out.print('2'); }\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"<1112>");
-		// according to spec this should find count(Object[]) since it should consider count(Object[]...) as count(Object[][]) until all fixed arity methods are ruled out
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('<');\n" +
-				"		Y.count(new Object[] {new Integer(1)});\n" +
-				"		Y.count(new Integer[] {new Integer(1)});\n" +
-				"\n" +
-				"		Y.count((Object[]) null);\n" +
-				"		Y.count((Object[][]) null);\n" +
-				"		System.out.print('>');\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y {\n" +
-				"	public static void count(Object[] values) { System.out.print('1'); }\n" +
-				"	public static void count(Object[] ... values) { System.out.print('2'); }\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"<1112>");
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		Y.string(null);\n" +
-				"		Y.string2(null);\n" +
-				"		Y.int2(null);\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y {\n" +
-				"	public static void string(String values) { System.out.print('1'); }\n" +
-				"	public static void string(String ... values) { System.out.print('2'); }\n" +
-				"	public static void string2(String[] values) { System.out.print('1'); }\n" +
-				"	public static void string2(String[] ... values) { System.out.print('2'); }\n" +
-				"	public static void int2(int[] values) { System.out.print('1'); }\n" +
-				"	public static void int2(int[] ... values) { System.out.print('2'); }\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	Y.string(null);\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method string(String) is ambiguous for the type Y\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	Y.string2(null);\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method string2(String[]) is ambiguous for the type Y\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	Y.int2(null);\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method int2(int[]) is ambiguous for the type Y\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test011() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X { void count(int ... values) {} }\n" +
-				"class Y extends X { void count(int[] values) {} }\n" +
-				"class Z extends Y { void count(int... values) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	class Y extends X { void count(int[] values) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Varargs methods should only override or be overridden by other varargs methods unlike Y.count(int[]) and X.count(int...)\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	class Y extends X { void count(int[] values) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method count(int[]) of type Y should be tagged with @Override since it actually overrides a superclass method\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	class Z extends Y { void count(int... values) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Varargs methods should only override or be overridden by other varargs methods unlike Z.count(int...) and Y.count(int[])\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	class Z extends Y { void count(int... values) {} }\n" + 
-			"	                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method count(int...) of type Z should be tagged with @Override since it actually overrides a superclass method\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test012() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-					"   public static void main (String ... args) {\n" + 
-					"       for (String a:args) {\n" + 
-					"           System.out.println(a);\n" + 
-					"       }\n" + 
-					"   }\n" + 
-					"}\n" + 
-					"\n"
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	public void test013() { // check behaviour of Scope.mostSpecificMethodBinding()
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		Y.count(1, 1);\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y {\n" +
-				"	public static void count(long i, int j) { System.out.print(1); }\n" +
-				"	public static void count(int ... values) { System.out.print(2); }\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"1");
-	}
-	public void test014() { // check behaviour of Scope.mostSpecificMethodBinding()
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		Y.count(new int[0], 1);\n" +
-				"		Y.count(new int[0], 1, 1);\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y {\n" +
-				"	public static void count(int[] array, int ... values) { System.out.print(1); }\n" +
-				"	public static void count(Object o, int ... values) { System.out.print(2); }\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"11"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test015() { // check behaviour of Scope.mostSpecificMethodBinding()
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		Y.count(new int[0]);\n" + // for some reason this is not ambiguous
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y {\n" +
-				"	public static void count(int[] array, int ... values) { System.out.print(1); }\n" +
-				"	public static void count(int[] array, int[] ... values) { System.out.print(2); }\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"1"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test016() { // check behaviour of Scope.mostSpecificMethodBinding()
-		this.runNegativeTest( // but this call is ambiguous
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		Y.count(new int[0]);\n" + // reference to count is ambiguous, both method count(int[],int...) in Y and method count(int[],int[][]...) in Y match
-				"		Y.count(new int[0], null);\n" + // reference to count is ambiguous, both method count(int[],int...) in Y and method count(int[],int[]...) in Y match
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y {\n" +
-				"	public static void count(int[] array, int ... values) { System.out.print(0); }\n" +
-				"	public static void count(int[] array, int[][] ... values) { System.out.print(1); }\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	Y.count(new int[0]);\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method count(int[], int[]) is ambiguous for the type Y\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	Y.count(new int[0], null);\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method count(int[], int[]) is ambiguous for the type Y\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test017() { // check behaviour of Scope.mostSpecificMethodBinding()
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		Y.count(new int[0], 1);\n" + // reference to count is ambiguous, both method count(int[],int...) in Y and method count(int[],int,int...) in Y match
-				"		Y.count(new int[0], 1, 1);\n" + // reference to count is ambiguous, both method count(int[],int...) in Y and method count(int[],int,int...) in Y match
-				"		Y.count(new int[0], 1, 1, 1);\n" + // reference to count is ambiguous, both method count(int[],int...) in Y and method count(int[],int,int...) in Y match
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y {\n" +
-				"	public static void count(int[] array, int ... values) {}\n" +
-				"	public static void count(int[] array, int[] ... values) {}\n" +
-				"	public static void count(int[] array, int i, int ... values) {}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	Y.count(new int[0], 1);\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method count(int[], int[]) is ambiguous for the type Y\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	Y.count(new int[0], 1, 1);\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method count(int[], int[]) is ambiguous for the type Y\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	Y.count(new int[0], 1, 1, 1);\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method count(int[], int[]) is ambiguous for the type Y\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test018() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		String[][] x = {{\"X\"}, {\"Y\"}};\n" + 
-				"		List l = Arrays.asList(x);\n" + 
-				"		System.out.println(l.size() + \" \" + l.get(0).getClass().getName());\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"2 [Ljava.lang.String;");
-	}
-	// - variation
-	public void test019() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.*;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		String[][] x = {{\"X\"}, {\"Y\"}};\n" + 
-				"		System.out.println(asList(x[0], x[1]).get(1).getClass().getName());\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	static <U> List<U> asList(U u1, U... us) {\n" + 
-				"		List<U> result = new ArrayList<U>();\n" + 
-				"		result.add(u1);\n" + 
-				"		result.add(us[0]);\n" + 
-				"		return result;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"java.lang.String");
-	}
-	// - variation
-	public void test020() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.*;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		String[][] x = {{\"X\"}, {\"Y\"}};\n" + 
-				"		System.out.println(asList(x[0], x).get(1).getClass().getName());\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	static <U> List<U> asList(U u1, U... us) {\n" + 
-				"		List<U> result = new ArrayList<U>();\n" + 
-				"		result.add(u1);\n" + 
-				"		result.add(us[0]);\n" + 
-				"		return result;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"[Ljava.lang.String;");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test021() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" + 
-				"import java.util.Arrays;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"   public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"      String[][] arr = new String[][] { args };\n" + 
-				"      ArrayList<String[]> al = new ArrayList<String[]>(Arrays.asList(arr));\n" + 
-				"   }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test022() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	String[] args;\n" +
-				"	public X(String... args) {\n" +
-				"		this.args = args;\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	public static X foo() {\n" +
-				"		return new X(\"SU\", \"C\", \"CE\", \"SS\"){};\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	public String bar() {\n" +
-				"		if (this.args != null) {\n" +
-				"			StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();\n" +
-				"			for (String s : this.args) {\n" +
-				"				buffer.append(s);\n" +
-				"			}\n" +
-				"			return String.valueOf(buffer);\n" +
-				"		}\n" +
-				"		return null;\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-				"		System.out.print(foo().bar());\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"SUCCESS");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test023() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"    public static void main (String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"        new X().test (new byte[5]);\n" + 
-				"		 System.out.print(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"    private void test (Object... params) {\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}",
-			},
-			"SUCCESS");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test024() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	static boolean foo(Object... args) {\n" + 
-				"		return args == null;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		System.out.println(foo(null, null));\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}",
-			},
-			"false");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test025() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	static boolean foo(Object... args) {\n" + 
-				"		return args == null;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		System.out.println(foo(null));\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}",
-			},
-			"true");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test026() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	static void foo(int[] intarray) {\n" + 
-				"		List<int[]> l = Arrays.asList(intarray);\n" + 
-				"		System.out.print(l.get(0).length);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	static void foo(String[] strarray) {\n" + 
-				"		List l = Arrays.asList(strarray);\n" + 
-				"		System.out.print(l);\n" + 
-				"	}	\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		foo(new int[]{0, 1});\n" + 
-				"		foo(new String[]{\"a\",\"b\"});\n" + 
-				"		System.out.println(\"done\");\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"2[a, b]done");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test027() { // ensure AccVarargs does not collide
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	transient private X() {}\n" + 
-				"	void test() { X x = new X(); }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	transient private X() {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^\n" + 
-			"Illegal modifier for the method X.X()\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	transient private X(Object... o) {}\n" + 
-				"	void test() { X x = new X(1, 2); }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	transient private X(Object... o) {}\n" + 
-			"	                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Illegal modifier for the method X.X()\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	// check no offending unnecessary varargs cast gets diagnosed
-	public void test028() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.lang.reflect.Method;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	void test(Method method){ \n" + 
-				"		try {\n" + 
-				"			method.invoke(this);\n" + 
-				"			method.invoke(this, new Class[0]);\n" + 
-				"			method.invoke(this, (Object[])new Class[0]);\n" + 
-				"		} catch (Exception e) {\n" + 
-				"		}		\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"  Zork z;\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	method.invoke(this, new Class[0]);\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The argument of type Class[] should explicitly be cast to Object[] for the invocation of the varargs method invoke(Object, Object...) from type Method. It could alternatively be cast to Object for a varargs invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	Zork z;\n" + 
-			"	^^^^\n" + 
-			"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}	
-	//
-	public void test029() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"/**\n" + 
-				" * Whatever you do, eclipse doesn\'t like it.\n" + 
-				" */\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	/**\n" + 
-				"	 * Passing a String vararg to a method needing an Object array makes eclipse\n" + 
-				"	 * either ask for a cast or complain that it is unnecessary. You cannot do\n" + 
-				"	 * it right.\n" + 
-				"	 * \n" + 
-				"	 * @param s\n" + 
-				"	 */\n" + 
-				"	public static void q(String... s) {\n" + 
-				"		 // OK reports: Varargs argument String[] should be cast to Object[] when passed to the method 	printf(String, Object...) from type PrintStream\n" + 
-				"		System.out.printf(\"\", s);\n" + 
-				"		// WRONG reports: Unnecessary cast from String[] to Object[]\n" + 
-				"		System.out.printf(\"\", (Object[]) s); \n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"  Zork z;\n" +
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	System.out.printf(\"\", s);\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The argument of type String[] should explicitly be cast to Object[] for the invocation of the varargs method printf(String, Object...) from type PrintStream. It could alternatively be cast to Object for a varargs invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 19)\n" + 
-			"	Zork z;\n" + 
-			"	^^^^\n" + 
-			"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test030() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import;\n" +
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-				"		audit(\"osvaldo\", \"localhost\", \"logged\", \"X\", new Integer(0));\n" +
-				"		audit(\"osvaldo\", \"localhost\", \"logged\", \"X\", \"Y\");\n" +
-				"		audit(\"osvaldo\", \"localhost\", \"logged\", new Float(0), new java.awt.Point(0, 0));\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	public static <A extends Serializable> void audit(String login,\n" +
-				"			String address, String event, A... args) {\n" +
-				"		for (A a : args) {\n" +
-				"			System.out.println(a.getClass());\n" +
-				"		}\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}",
-			},
-			"class java.lang.String\n" + 
-			"class java.lang.Integer\n" + 
-			"class java.lang.String\n" + 
-			"class java.lang.String\n" + 
-			"class java.lang.Float\n" + 
-			"class java.awt.Point");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test031() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		Test<String> t = new Tester();\n" + 
-				"		t.method(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	static abstract class Test<A> {\n" + 
-				"		abstract void method(A... args);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"	static class Tester extends Test<String> {\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"		@Override void method(String... args) {\n" + 
-				"			call(args);\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"		void call(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"			for (String str : args)\n" + 
-				"				System.out.println(str);\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"SUCCESS");
-	}	
-	//
-	public void test032() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Functor<T> {\n" + 
-				"	public void func(T... args) {\n" + 
-				"		// do noting;\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"	\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String... args) {\n" + 
-				"		Functor<String> functor = new Functor<String>() {\n" + 
-				"			public void func(String... args) {\n" + 
-				"				System.out.println(args.length);\n" + 
-				"			}\n" + 
-				"		};\n" + 
-				"		functor.func(\"Hello!\");\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"1");
-	}		
-	//
-	public void test033() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	void a(boolean b, Object... o) {System.out.print(1);}\n" + 
-				"	void a(Object... o) {System.out.print(2);}\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		X x = new X();\n" + 
-				"		x.a(true);\n" + 
-				"		x.a(true, \"foobar\");\n" + 
-				"		x.a(\"foo\", \"bar\");\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"112");
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	void b(boolean b, Object... o) {}\n" + 
-				"	void b(Boolean... o) {}\n" + 
-				"	void c(boolean b, boolean b2, Object... o) {}\n" + 
-				"	void c(Boolean b, Object... o) {}\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		X x = new X();\n" + 
-				"		x.b(true);\n" + 
-				"		x.b(true, false);\n" + 
-				"		x.c(true, true, true);\n" + 
-				"		x.c(Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE);\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\r\n" + 
-			"	x.b(true);\r\n" + 
-			"	  ^\n" + 
-			"The method b(boolean, Object[]) is ambiguous for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 9)\r\n" + 
-			"	x.b(true, false);\r\n" + 
-			"	  ^\n" + 
-			"The method b(boolean, Object[]) is ambiguous for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 10)\r\n" + 
-			"	x.c(true, true, true);\r\n" + 
-			"	  ^\n" + 
-			"The method c(boolean, boolean, Object[]) is ambiguous for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 11)\r\n" + 
-			"	x.c(Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE);\r\n" + 
-			"	  ^\n" + 
-			"The method c(boolean, boolean, Object[]) is ambiguous for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test034() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.*; \n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"    double[][] d = { { 1 } , { 2 } }; \n" + 
-				"    List<double[]> l = Arrays.asList(d); // <T> List<T> asList(T... a)\n" + 
-				"    System.out.println(\"List size: \" + l.size());\n" + 
-				"  }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"List size: 2");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test035() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"  public static <T> void foo(T ... values) {\n" +
-				"      System.out.print(values.getClass());\n" +
-				"  }\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String args[]) {\n" +
-				"	   X.<String>foo(\"monkey\", \"cat\");\n" +
-				"      X.<String>foo(new String[] { \"monkey\", \"cat\" });\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}",
-			},
-			"class [Ljava.lang.String;class [Ljava.lang.String;");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test036() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"    public void testBreak() {\n" + 
-				"        Collection<Class> classes = new ArrayList<Class>();\n" + 
-				"        classes.containsAll(Arrays.asList(String.class, Integer.class, Long.class));\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test037() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class V {\n" + 
-				"    public static void main(String[] s) {\n" + 
-				"        V v = new V();\n" + 
-				"\"\", v, null, \"\");\n" + 
-				"\"\", v, null, \"\", 1);\n" + 
-				"        v.foo2(\"\");\n" + 
-				"        v.foo2(\"\", null);\n" + 
-				"        v.foo2(\"\", null, null);\n" + 
-				"        v.foo3(\"\", v, null, \"\", null);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"    void foo(String s, V v, Object... obs) {System.out.print(1);}\n" + 
-				"    void foo(String s, V v, String r, Object o, Object... obs) {System.out.print(2);}\n" + 
-				"    void foo2(Object... a) {System.out.print(1);}\n" + 
-				"    void foo2(String s, Object... a) {System.out.print(2);}\n" + 
-				"    void foo2(String s, Object o, Object... a) {System.out.print(3);}\n" + 
-				"    void foo3(String s, V v, String... obs) {System.out.print(1);}\n" + 
-				"    void foo3(String s, V v, String r, Object o, Object... obs) {System.out.print(2);}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"222232");
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class V {\n" + 
-				"    public static void main(String[] s) {\n" + 
-				"        V v = new V();\n" + 
-				"        v.foo2(null, \"\");\n" + 
-				"        v.foo2(null, \"\", \"\");\n" + 
-				"        v.foo3(\"\", v, null, \"\");\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"    void foo2(String s, Object... a) {System.out.print(2);}\n" + 
-				"    void foo2(String s, Object o, Object... a) {System.out.print(3);}\n" + 
-				"    void foo3(String s, V v, String... obs) {System.out.print(1);}\n" + 
-				"    void foo3(String s, V v, String r, Object o, Object... obs) {System.out.print(2);}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-			"	v.foo2(null, \"\");\r\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo2(String, Object[]) is ambiguous for the type V\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-			"	v.foo2(null, \"\", \"\");\r\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo2(String, Object[]) is ambiguous for the type V\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\r\n" + 
-			"	v.foo3(\"\", v, null, \"\");\r\n" + 
-			"	  ^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo3(String, V, String[]) is ambiguous for the type V\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test038() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import;\n" + 
-				"import java.util.Arrays;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"    static void varargs(Serializable... items) {\n" + 
-				"        System.out.println(Arrays.deepToString(items) + \" (argument wrapped)\");\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"    @SuppressWarnings({\"boxing\"})\n" + 
-				"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"	     varargs(new Object[] {1, 2}); //warns \"Varargs argument Object[] \n" + 
-				"	     //should be cast to Serializable[] ..\", but proposed cast to\n" + 
-				"	     //Serializable[] fails at runtime (javac does not warn here)\n" + 
-				"	     varargs((Serializable[])new Object[] {1, 2}); //warns \"Varargs argument Object[] \n" + 
-				"	     //should be cast to Serializable[] ..\", but proposed cast to\n" + 
-				"	     //Serializable[] fails at runtime (javac does not warn here)\n" + 
-				"        Zork z;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			// check no varargs warning
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	varargs((Serializable[])new Object[] {1, 2}); //warns \"Varargs argument Object[] \n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Unnecessary cast from Object[] to Serializable[]\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-			"	Zork z;\n" + 
-			"	^^^^\n" + 
-			"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	// - variation
-	public void test039() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import;\n" + 
-				"import java.util.Arrays;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"    static void varargs(Serializable... items) {\n" + 
-				"        System.out.print(Arrays.deepToString(items) + \" (argument wrapped)\");\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"    @SuppressWarnings({\"boxing\"})\n" + 
-				"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"    	try {\n" + 
-				"	        varargs(new Object[] {1, 2}); //warns \"Varargs argument Object[] \n" + 
-				"	        	//should be cast to Serializable[] ..\", but proposed cast to\n" + 
-				"	            //Serializable[] fails at runtime (javac does not warn here)\n" + 
-				"	        varargs((Serializable[])new Object[] {1, 2}); //warns \"Varargs argument Object[] \n" + 
-				"	    	//should be cast to Serializable[] ..\", but proposed cast to\n" + 
-				"	        //Serializable[] fails at runtime (javac does not warn here)\n" + 
-				"    	} catch(ClassCastException e) {\n" + 
-				"    		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-				"    	}\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"[[1, 2]] (argument wrapped)SUCCESS");
-	}
-	// - variation
-	public void test040() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import;\n" + 
-				"import java.util.Arrays;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"    static void array(Serializable... items) {\n" + 
-				"        System.out.print(Arrays.deepToString(items));\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"    @SuppressWarnings({\"boxing\"})\n" + 
-				"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"        array(new Serializable[] {3, 4});\n" + 
-				"        array(new Integer[] {5, 6}); //warns (as javac does)\n" + 
-				"        array(null); //warns (as javac does)\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"[3, 4][5, 6]null");
-	}	
-	// - variation
-	public void test041() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import;\n" + 
-				"import java.util.Arrays;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"    static void array(Serializable... items) {\n" + 
-				"        System.out.print(Arrays.deepToString(items));\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"    @SuppressWarnings({\"boxing\"})\n" + 
-				"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"        array(new Serializable[] {3, 4});\n" + 
-				"        array(new Integer[] {5, 6}); //warns (as javac does)\n" + 
-				"        array(null); //warns (as javac does)\n" + 
-				"        Zork z;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	array(new Integer[] {5, 6}); //warns (as javac does)\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The argument of type Integer[] should explicitly be cast to Serializable[] for the invocation of the varargs method array(Serializable...) from type X. It could alternatively be cast to Serializable for a varargs invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	array(null); //warns (as javac does)\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The argument of type null should explicitly be cast to Serializable[] for the invocation of the varargs method array(Serializable...) from type X. It could alternatively be cast to Serializable for a varargs invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	Zork z;\n" + 
-			"	^^^^\n" + 
-			"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	// - variation
-	public void test042() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import;\n" + 
-				"import java.util.Arrays;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"    static void varargs(Serializable... items) {\n" + 
-				"        System.out.print(Arrays.deepToString(items) + \" (argument wrapped)\");\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"    @SuppressWarnings({\"boxing\"})\n" + 
-				"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"        varargs((Serializable) new Object[] {1, 2});\n" + 
-				"        varargs((Serializable) new Serializable[] {3, 4}); //warns about\n" + 
-				"            //unnecessary cast, although cast is necessary (causes varargs call)\n" + 
-				"        varargs((Serializable) new Integer[] {5, 6});\n" + 
-				"        varargs((Serializable) null);\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"[[1, 2]] (argument wrapped)[[3, 4]] (argument wrapped)[[5, 6]] (argument wrapped)[null] (argument wrapped)");
-	}	
-	// - variation
-	public void test043() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import;\n" + 
-				"import java.util.Arrays;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"    static void varargs(Serializable... items) {\n" + 
-				"        System.out.print(Arrays.deepToString(items) + \" (argument wrapped)\");\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"    @SuppressWarnings({\"boxing\"})\n" + 
-				"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"        varargs((Serializable) new Object[] {1, 2});\n" + 
-				"        varargs((Serializable) new Serializable[] {3, 4}); //warns about\n" + 
-				"            //unnecessary cast, although cast is necessary (causes varargs call)\n" + 
-				"        varargs((Serializable) new Integer[] {5, 6});\n" + 
-				"        varargs((Serializable) null);\n" + 
-				"        Zork z;\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	varargs((Serializable) new Object[] {1, 2});\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Unnecessary cast from Object[] to Serializable\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-			"	Zork z;\n" + 
-			"	^^^^\n" + 
-			"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
-	}
-	// - variation
-	public void test044() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import;\n" + 
-				"import java.util.Arrays;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"    static void array(Serializable... items) {\n" + 
-				"        System.out.print(Arrays.deepToString(items));\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"    @SuppressWarnings({\"boxing\"})\n" + 
-				"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"        array((Serializable[]) new Serializable[] {3, 4}); //warns about unnecessary cast\n" + 
-				"        array((Serializable[]) new Integer[] {5, 6});\n" + 
-				"        array((Serializable[]) null);\n" + 
-				"        try {\n" + 
-				"	        array((Serializable[]) new Object[] {1, 2}); // CCE at run time\n" + 
-				"        } catch(ClassCastException e) {\n" + 
-				"        	System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-				"        }\n" + 
-				"    }\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			},
-			"[3, 4][5, 6]nullSUCCESS");
-	}	
-	// - variation
-	public void test045() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					"import;\n" + 
-					"import java.util.Arrays;\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"    static void array(Serializable... items) {\n" + 
-					"        System.out.print(Arrays.deepToString(items));\n" + 
-					"    }\n" + 
-					"    @SuppressWarnings({\"boxing\"})\n" + 
-					"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-					"        array((Serializable[]) new Serializable[] {3, 4}); //warns about unnecessary cast\n" + 
-					"        array((Serializable[]) new Integer[] {5, 6});\n" + 
-					"        array((Serializable[]) null);\n" + 
-					"	     array((Serializable[]) new Object[] {1, 2}); // CCE at run time\n" + 
-					"        Zork z;\n" + 
-					"    }\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-				},
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. WARNING in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	array((Serializable[]) new Serializable[] {3, 4}); //warns about unnecessary cast\n" + 
-				"	      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Unnecessary cast from Serializable[] to Serializable[]\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. WARNING in (at line 13)\n" + 
-				"	array((Serializable[]) new Object[] {1, 2}); // CCE at run time\n" + 
-				"	      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Unnecessary cast from Object[] to Serializable[]\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-				"	Zork z;\n" + 
-				"	^^^^\n" + 
-				"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test046() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	void foo(Throwable... exceptions) {\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"	void bar(Exception[] exceptions) {\n" + 
-					"		foo((Throwable[])exceptions);\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"	Zork z;\n" +
-					"}\n",
-				},
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	foo((Throwable[])exceptions);\n" + 
-				"	    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Unnecessary cast from Exception[] to Throwable[]\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	Zork z;\n" + 
-				"	^^^^\n" + 
-				"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test047() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	void foo(Object id, Object value, String... groups) {}\n" + 
-				"	void foo(Y y, String... groups) {System.out.println(true);}\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		new X().foo(new Y(), \"a\", \"b\");\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y {}",
-			},
-			"true");
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	void foo(Y y, Object value, String... groups) {}\n" + 
-				"	void foo(Object id, String... groups) {}\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		new X().foo(new Y(), \"a\", \"b\");\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y {}",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-			"	new X().foo(new Y(), \"a\", \"b\");\r\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo(Y, Object, String[]) is ambiguous for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			//reference to foo is ambiguous, both method foo(Y,java.lang.Object,java.lang.String...) in X and method foo(java.lang.Object,java.lang.String...) in X match
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test048() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"        Y<String> [] foo() {\n" + 
-					"                return null;\n" + 
-					"        }\n" + 
-					"        void bar(Y... y) {\n" + 
-					"        }\n" + 
-					"        void fred() {\n" + 
-					"                bar(foo());\n" + 
-					"                bar((Y[])foo());\n" + 
-					"                Zork z;\n" +
-					"        }\n" + 
-					"}\n" + 
-					"class Y<E> {\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-				},
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	void bar(Y... y) {\n" + 
-				"	         ^\n" + 
-				"Y is a raw type. References to generic type Y<E> should be parameterized\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. WARNING in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	bar((Y[])foo());\n" + 
-				"	    ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Unnecessary cast from Y<String>[] to Y[]\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	Zork z;\n" + 
-				"	^^^^\n" + 
-				"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test049() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					"public class Y extends X {\n" +
-					"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-					"		Y y = new Y();\n" + 
-					"		y.a(null, \"\");\n" + 
-					"		y.a(null);\n" +
-					"		y.a(y, \"\");\n" + 
-					"		y.a(y);\n" +
-					"		y.a(y, \"\", y, y);\n" + 
-					"		y.a(y, y, y);\n" +
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"	@Override public void a(Object anObject, String aString, Object... args) { super.a(anObject, aString, this, args); }\n" + 
-					"	@Override public void a(Object anObject, Object... args) { super.a(anObject, this, args); }\n" + 
-					"}\n" + 
-					"class X implements I {\n" + 
-					"	public void a(Object anObject, String aString, Object... args) { System.out.print(1); }\n" + 
-					"	public void a(Object anObject, Object... args) { System.out.print(2); }\n" + 
-					"}\n" + 
-					"interface I {\n" + 
-					"	void a(Object anObject, String aString, Object... args);\n" + 
-					"	void a(Object anObject, Object... args);\n" + 
-					"}\n",
-				},
-				"121212");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test050() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					" import java.util.Arrays;\n" + 
-					" public class X {\n" + 
-					"   public static void main( String args[] ) {\n" + 
-					"      Object test = new Object[] { \"Hello\", \"World\" };\n" + 
-					"      System.out.println(Arrays.asList(test));\n" + 
-					"      System.out.println(Arrays.asList((Object[])test)); // Warning here\n" + 
-					"	   Zork z;\n" +
-					"   }\n" + 
-					"}",
-				},
-				// ensure no complaint about unnecessary cast
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	Zork z;\n" + 
-				"	^^^^\n" + 
-				"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n");
-	}	
-	// - variation
-	public void test051() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					" import java.util.Arrays;\n" + 
-					" public class X {\n" + 
-					"   public static void main( String args[] ) {\n" + 
-					"      Object test = new Object[] { \"Hello\", \"World\" };\n" + 
-					"      System.out.print(Arrays.asList(test).size());\n" + 
-					"      System.out.println(Arrays.asList((Object[])test).size()); // Warning here\n" + 
-					"   }\n" + 
-					"}",
-				},
-				"12");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test052() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					"class X {\n" + 
-					"	void addChildren(Widget w) {\n" + 
-					"		if (w instanceof Composite) {\n" + 
-					"			Composite composite = (Composite) w;\n" + 
-					"			addAll((Widget[]) composite.getChildren());\n" + 
-					"			addAll(composite.getChildren());\n" + 
-					"		}\n" + 
-					"		Zork z;\n" +
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"	void addAll(Widget... widgets) {\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"}\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"class Widget {}\n" + 
-					"class Control extends Widget {}\n" + 
-					"class Composite extends Control {\n" + 
-					"	Control[] getChildren() {\n" + 
-					"		return null;\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"}", // =================,
-				},
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	addAll((Widget[]) composite.getChildren());\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Unnecessary cast from Control[] to Widget[]\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	Zork z;\n" + 
-				"	^^^^\n" + 
-				"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n");
-	}		
-	// - variation
-	public void test053() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					"class X {\n" + 
-					"	void addChildren(Widget w) {\n" + 
-					"		if (w instanceof Composite) {\n" + 
-					"			Composite composite = (Composite) w;\n" + 
-					"			addAll((Control[]) composite.getChildren());\n" + 
-					"			addAll(composite.getChildren());\n" + 
-					"		}\n" + 
-					"		Zork z;\n" +
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"	void addAll(Control... widgets) {\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"}\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"class Widget {}\n" + 
-					"class Control extends Widget {}\n" + 
-					"class Composite extends Control {\n" + 
-					"	Control[] getChildren() {\n" + 
-					"		return null;\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"}", // =================,
-				},
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" + 
-				"	addAll((Control[]) composite.getChildren());\n" + 
-				"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Unnecessary cast from Control[] to Control[]\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-				"	Zork z;\n" + 
-				"	^^^^\n" + 
-				"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n");
-	}		
-	public void test054() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	Zork z;\n" + 
-					"	public static void varargs(Object... args) {\n" + 
-					"		if (args == null) {\n" + 
-					"			System.out.println(\"args is null\");\n" + 
-					"			return;\n" + 
-					"		}\n" + 
-					"		if (args.length == 0) {\n" + 
-					"			System.out.println(\"args is of length 0\");\n" + 
-					"			return;\n" + 
-					"		}\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"		System.out.println(args.length + \" \" + args[0]);\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-					"		@SuppressWarnings(\"boxing\")\n" + 
-					"		Integer[] i = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };\n" + 
-					"		varargs(i);\n" + 
-					"		varargs((Object[]) i);\n" + 
-					"		varargs((Object) i);\n" + 
-					"		varargs(i.clone());\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"}\n", // =================
-				},
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-				"	Zork z;\n" + 
-				"	^^^^\n" + 
-				"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. WARNING in (at line 19)\n" + 
-				"	varargs(i);\n" + 
-				"	^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"The argument of type Integer[] should explicitly be cast to Object[] for the invocation of the varargs method varargs(Object...) from type X. It could alternatively be cast to Object for a varargs invocation\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"3. WARNING in (at line 22)\n" + 
-				"	varargs(i.clone());\n" + 
-				"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"The argument of type Integer[] should explicitly be cast to Object[] for the invocation of the varargs method varargs(Object...) from type X. It could alternatively be cast to Object for a varargs invocation\n" + 
-				"----------\n");
-	}		
-	public void test055() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	private static int elementCount(Object... elements) {\n" + 
-					"     return elements == null ? 0 : elements.length;\n" + 
-					"   }\n" + 
-					"   public static void main(String... args) {\n" + 
-					"     System.out.print(\"null length array: \" + elementCount(null));\n" + 
-					"     System.out.print(\"/[null] length array: \" + elementCount((Object)null));\n" + 
-					"     System.out.print(\"/empty length array: \" + elementCount());\n" + 
-					"     System.out.println(\"/[a,b,c] length array: \" + elementCount(\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"));\n" + 
-					"   }\n" + 
-					"}", // =================
-				},
-				"null length array: 0/[null] length array: 1/empty length array: 0/[a,b,c] length array: 3");
-	}		
-	public void test056() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	Zork z;\n" +
-					"	private static int elementCount(Object... elements) {\n" + 
-					"     return elements == null ? 0 : elements.length;\n" + 
-					"   }\n" + 
-					"   public static void main(String... args) {\n" + 
-					"     System.out.print(\"null length array: \" + elementCount(null));\n" + 
-					"     System.out.print(\"/[null] length array: \" + elementCount((Object)null));\n" + 
-					"     System.out.print(\"/empty length array: \" + elementCount());\n" + 
-					"     System.out.println(\"/[a,b,c] length array: \" + elementCount(\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"));\n" + 
-					"   }\n" + 
-					"}", // =================
-				},
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-				"	Zork z;\n" + 
-				"	^^^^\n" + 
-				"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. WARNING in (at line 7)\n" + 
-				"	System.out.print(\"null length array: \" + elementCount(null));\n" + 
-				"	                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"The argument of type null should explicitly be cast to Object[] for the invocation of the varargs method elementCount(Object...) from type X. It could alternatively be cast to Object for a varargs invocation\n" + 
-				"----------\n");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test057() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					"import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"  void a(Enum<?>...enums) {}\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"  void b () {\n" + 
-					"    RetentionPolicy[] t = null;\n" + 
-					"    a(t);\n" + 
-					"    a((Enum<?>[])t);\n" + 
-					"    Zork z;\n" +	 
-					"  }\n" + 
-					"}\n", // =================
-				},
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. WARNING in (at line 10)\n" + 
-				"	a((Enum<?>[])t);\n" + 
-				"	  ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Unnecessary cast from RetentionPolicy[] to Enum<?>[]\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-				"	Zork z;\n" + 
-				"	^^^^\n" + 
-				"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n");
-	}		
-	//
-	public void test058() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"    public void testPassingSubclassArrayAsVararg() {\n" + 
-					"        // The argument of type VarargsTest.Subclass[] should explicitly be\n" + 
-					"        // cast to VarargsTest.Parent[] for the invocation of the varargs\n" + 
-					"        // method processVararg(VarargsTest.Parent...) from type VarargsTest.\n" + 
-					"        // It could alternatively be cast to VarargsTest.Parent for a varargs\n" + 
-					"        // invocation\n" + 
-					"        processVararg(new Subclass[] {});\n" + 
-					"    }\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"    public void testPassingSubclassArrayAsVarargWithCast() {\n" + 
-					"        // Unnecessary cast from VarargsTest.Subclass[] to\n" + 
-					"        // VarargsTest.Parent[]\n" + 
-					"        processVararg((Parent[]) new Subclass[] {});\n" + 
-					"        processVararg(new Subclass[] {});\n" + 
-					"        Zork z;\n" + 
-					"    }\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"    private void processVararg(Parent... objs) {\n" + 
-					"    }\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"    class Parent {\n" + 
-					"    }\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"    class Subclass extends Parent {\n" + 
-					"    }\n" + 
-					"}\n", // =================
-				},
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. WARNING in (at line 14)\n" + 
-				"	processVararg((Parent[]) new Subclass[] {});\n" + 
-				"	              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-				"Unnecessary cast from X.Subclass[] to X.Parent[]\n" + 
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"2. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" + 
-				"	Zork z;\n" + 
-				"	^^^^\n" + 
-				"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n");
-	}		
-	//
-	public void test059() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					"public class X {\n" + 
-					"	public void foo() {\n" + 
-					"		Integer[] array = null;\n" + 
-					"		varargs(array);\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"\n" + 
-					"	public void varargs(Number... o) {\n" + 
-					"	}\n" + 
-					"    Zork z;\n" +	 
-					"}\n", // =================
-				},
-				"----------\n" + 
-				"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-				"	Zork z;\n" + 
-				"	^^^^\n" + 
-				"Zork cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-				"----------\n");
-	}		
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ef6041..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11826 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Random;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-public class XLargeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-public XLargeTest(String name) {
-	super(name);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-public void test001() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"\n" +
-			"public class X {\n" +
-			"    public static int i,j;\n" +
-			"    public static long l;\n" +
-			"\n" +
-			"    public static void main(String args[]) {\n" +
-			"    	foo();\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"    \n" +
-			"    public static void foo() {\n" +
-			"	byte b = 0;\n" +
-			"	while ( b < 4 ) {\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"    	    b++;\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"	if (b == 4 && i == 0) System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-			"	else System.out.println(\"FAILED\");\n" +
-			"   }\n" +
-			"}"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test002() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X2 {\n" +
-			"    public static boolean b = false;\n" +
-			"    public static int i, l, j;\n" +
-			"\n" +
-			"    public static void main(String args[]) {\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"    \n" +
-			"    static {\n" +
-			"	while (b) {\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"    	    b = false;\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"	if (i == 0) {\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-			"	} else {\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"FAILED\");\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"}"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test003() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"\n" +
-			"public class X3 {\n" +
-			"    public int i,j;\n" +
-			"    public long l;\n" +
-			"\n" +
-			"    public static void main(String args[]) {\n" +
-			"    	X3 x = new X3();\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"    \n" +
-			"    public X3() {\n" +
-			"	byte b = 0;\n" +
-			"	i = j = 0;\n" +
-			"	l = 0L;\n" +
-			"	while ( b < 4 ) {\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"    	    b++;\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"	if (b == 4 && i == 0) {\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-			"	} else {\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"FAILED\");\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"}"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test004() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"\n" +
-			"public class X {\n" +
-			"    public static int i,j;\n" +
-			"    public static long l;\n" +
-			"\n" +
-			"    public static void main(String args[]) {\n" +
-			"    	foo();\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"    \n" +
-			"    public static void foo() {\n" +
-			"	byte b = 0;\n" +
-			"	for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {\n" +
-			"	while ( b < 4 ) {\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"    	    b++;\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"	if (b == 4 && i == 0) System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-			"	else System.out.println(\"FAILED\");\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"}"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test005() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println(\"\" + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
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-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
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-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
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-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
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-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
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-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
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-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
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-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
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-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' \n" + 
-		"      + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\' + \'a\');\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	});
- *
- */
-public void test006() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class A {" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        int i = 1;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        try {" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"            if (i == 0)" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"                throw new Exception();" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"            return;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        } catch (Exception e) {" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
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-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
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-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
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-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
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-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        	i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;i = 366 * i % 534;" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"		} finally {" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"            if (i == 1)" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"                System.out.print(\"OK\");" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"            else" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"                System.out.print(\"FAIL\");" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"        }" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"    }" + // $NON-NLS-1$
-			"}"// $NON-NLS-1$
-		},
-		"OK");
- *
- */
-public void test007() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"\n" +
-			"public class X {\n" +
-			"    public static int i,j;\n" +
-			"    public static long l;\n" +
-			"\n" +
-			"    public static void main(String args[]) {\n" +
-			"    	foo();\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"    \n" +
-			"    public static void foo() {\n" +
-			"	byte b = 0;\n" +
-			"	 for(;;) {\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"	    i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;i*=l+j;\n" +
-			"		b++;\n" +
-			"    	if (b > 1) {\n" +
-			"			break;" +
-			"		};\n" +
-			"	};\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"}"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test008() {
-	Map options = getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_LineNumberAttribute, CompilerOptions.DO_NOT_GENERATE);
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_LocalVariableAttribute, CompilerOptions.DO_NOT_GENERATE);
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_SourceFileAttribute, CompilerOptions.DO_NOT_GENERATE);
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X extends B implements IToken {\n" + 
-		"	public X( int t, int endOffset, char [] filename, int line  ) {\n" + 
-		"		super( t, filename, line );\n" + 
-		"		setOffsetAndLength( endOffset );\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	protected int offset;\n" + 
-		"	public int getOffset() { \n" + 
-		"		return offset; \n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	public int getLength() {\n" + 
-		"		return getCharImage().length;\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	protected void setOffsetAndLength( int endOffset ) {\n" + 
-		"		this.offset = endOffset - getLength();\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	public String foo() { \n" + 
-		"		switch ( getType() ) {\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tCOLONCOLON :\n" + 
-		"					return \"::\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tCOLON :\n" + 
-		"					return \":\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tSEMI :\n" + 
-		"					return \";\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tCOMMA :\n" + 
-		"					return \",\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tQUESTION :\n" + 
-		"					return \"?\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tLPAREN  :\n" + 
-		"					return \"(\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tRPAREN  :\n" + 
-		"					return \")\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tLBRACKET :\n" + 
-		"					return \"[\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tRBRACKET :\n" + 
-		"					return \"]\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tLBRACE :\n" + 
-		"					return \"{\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tRBRACE :\n" + 
-		"					return \"}\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tPLUSASSIGN :\n" + 
-		"					return \"+=\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tINCR :\n" + 
-		"					return \"++\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tPLUS :\n" + 
-		"					return \"+\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tMINUSASSIGN :\n" + 
-		"					return \"-=\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tDECR :\n" + 
-		"					return \"--\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tARROWSTAR :\n" + 
-		"					return \"->*\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tARROW :\n" + 
-		"					return \"->\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tMINUS :\n" + 
-		"					return \"-\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tSTARASSIGN :\n" + 
-		"					return \"*=\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tSTAR :\n" + 
-		"					return \"*\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tMODASSIGN :\n" + 
-		"					return \"%=\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tMOD :\n" + 
-		"					return \"%\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tXORASSIGN :\n" + 
-		"					return \"^=\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tXOR :\n" + 
-		"					return \"^\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tAMPERASSIGN :\n" + 
-		"					return \"&=\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tAND :\n" + 
-		"					return \"&&\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tAMPER :\n" + 
-		"					return \"&\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tBITORASSIGN :\n" + 
-		"					return \"|=\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tOR :\n" + 
-		"					return \"||\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tBITOR :\n" + 
-		"					return \"|\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tCOMPL :\n" + 
-		"					return \"~\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tNOTEQUAL :\n" + 
-		"					return \"!=\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tNOT :\n" + 
-		"					return \"!\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tEQUAL :\n" + 
-		"					return \"==\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tASSIGN :\n" + 
-		"					return \"=\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tSHIFTL :\n" + 
-		"					return \"<<\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tLTEQUAL :\n" + 
-		"					return \"<=\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tLT :\n" + 
-		"					return \"<\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tSHIFTRASSIGN :\n" + 
-		"					return \">>=\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tSHIFTR :\n" + 
-		"					return \">>\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tGTEQUAL :\n" + 
-		"					return \">=\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tGT :\n" + 
-		"					return \">\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tSHIFTLASSIGN :\n" + 
-		"					return \"<<=\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tELLIPSIS :\n" + 
-		"					return \"...\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tDOTSTAR :\n" + 
-		"					return \".*\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tDOT :\n" + 
-		"					return \".\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tDIVASSIGN :\n" + 
-		"					return \"/=\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tDIV :\n" + 
-		"					return \"/\" ; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_and :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.AND;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_and_eq :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.AND_EQ ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_asm :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.ASM ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_auto :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.AUTO ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_bitand :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.BITAND ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_bitor :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.BITOR ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_bool :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.BOOL ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_break :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.BREAK ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_case :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.CASE ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_catch :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.CATCH ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_char :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.CHAR ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_class :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.CLASS ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_compl :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.COMPL ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_const :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.CONST ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_const_cast :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.CONST_CAST ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_continue :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.CONTINUE ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_default :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.DEFAULT ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_delete :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.DELETE ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_do :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.DO;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_double :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.DOUBLE ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_dynamic_cast :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.DYNAMIC_CAST ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_else :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.ELSE;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_enum :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.ENUM ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_explicit :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.EXPLICIT ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_export :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.EXPORT ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_extern :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.EXTERN;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_false :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.FALSE;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_float :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.FLOAT;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_for :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.FOR;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_friend :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.FRIEND;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_goto :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.GOTO;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_if :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.IF ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_inline :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.INLINE ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_int :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.INT ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_long :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.LONG ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_mutable :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.MUTABLE ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_namespace :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.NAMESPACE ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_new :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.NEW ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_not :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.NOT ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_not_eq :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.NOT_EQ; \n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_operator :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.OPERATOR ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_or :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.OR ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_or_eq :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.OR_EQ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_private :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.PRIVATE ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_protected :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.PROTECTED ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_public :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.PUBLIC ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_register :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.REGISTER ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_reinterpret_cast :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.REINTERPRET_CAST ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_return :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.RETURN ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_short :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.SHORT ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_sizeof :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.SIZEOF ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_static :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.STATIC ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_static_cast :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.STATIC_CAST ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_signed :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.SIGNED ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_struct :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.STRUCT ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_switch :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.SWITCH ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_template :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.TEMPLATE ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_this :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.THIS ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_throw :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.THROW ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_true :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.TRUE ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_try :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.TRY ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_typedef :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.TYPEDEF ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_typeid :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.TYPEID ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_typename :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.TYPENAME ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_union :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.UNION ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_unsigned :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.UNSIGNED ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_using :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.USING ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_virtual :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.VIRTUAL ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_void :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.VOID ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_volatile :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.VOLATILE;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_wchar_t :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.WCHAR_T ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_while :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.WHILE ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_xor :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.XOR ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_xor_eq :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.XOR_EQ ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t__Bool :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords._BOOL ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t__Complex :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords._COMPLEX ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t__Imaginary :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords._IMAGINARY ;\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.t_restrict :\n" + 
-		"					return Keywords.RESTRICT ;\n" + 
-		"				case IScanner.tPOUND:\n" + 
-		"					return \"#\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IScanner.tPOUNDPOUND:\n" + 
-		"					return \"##\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				case IToken.tEOC:\n" + 
-		"					return \"EOC\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"				default :\n" + 
-		"					return \"\"; //$NON-NLS-1$ \n" + 
-		"		}			\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	public char[] getCharImage() {\n" + 
-		"	    return getCharImage( getType() );\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	static public char[] getCharImage( int type ){\n" + 
-		"		return null;\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"interface IToken {\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tIDENTIFIER = 1;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tINTEGER = 2;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tCOLONCOLON = 3;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tCOLON = 4;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tSEMI = 5;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tCOMMA = 6;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tQUESTION = 7;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tLPAREN = 8;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tRPAREN = 9;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tLBRACKET = 10;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tRBRACKET = 11;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tLBRACE = 12;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tRBRACE = 13;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tPLUSASSIGN = 14;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tINCR = 15;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tPLUS = 16;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tMINUSASSIGN = 17;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tDECR = 18;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tARROWSTAR = 19;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tARROW = 20;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tMINUS = 21;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tSTARASSIGN = 22;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tSTAR = 23;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tMODASSIGN = 24;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tMOD = 25;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tXORASSIGN = 26;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tXOR = 27;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tAMPERASSIGN = 28;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tAND = 29;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tAMPER = 30;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tBITORASSIGN = 31;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tOR = 32;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tBITOR = 33;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tCOMPL = 34;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tNOTEQUAL = 35;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tNOT = 36;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tEQUAL = 37;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tASSIGN = 38;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tSHIFTL = 40;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tLTEQUAL = 41;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tLT = 42;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tSHIFTRASSIGN = 43;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tSHIFTR = 44;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tGTEQUAL = 45;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tGT = 46;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tSHIFTLASSIGN = 47;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tELLIPSIS = 48;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tDOTSTAR = 49;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tDOT = 50;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tDIVASSIGN = 51;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tDIV = 52;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_and = 54;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_and_eq = 55;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_asm = 56;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_auto = 57;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_bitand = 58;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_bitor = 59;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_bool = 60;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_break = 61;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_case = 62;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_catch = 63;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_char = 64;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_class = 65;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_compl = 66;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_const = 67;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_const_cast = 69;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_continue = 70;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_default = 71;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_delete = 72;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_do = 73;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_double = 74;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_dynamic_cast = 75;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_else = 76;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_enum = 77;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_explicit = 78;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_export = 79;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_extern = 80;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_false = 81;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_float = 82;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_for = 83;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_friend = 84;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_goto = 85;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_if = 86;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_inline = 87;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_int = 88;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_long = 89;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_mutable = 90;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_namespace = 91;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_new = 92;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_not = 93;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_not_eq = 94;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_operator = 95;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_or = 96;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_or_eq = 97;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_private = 98;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_protected = 99;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_public = 100;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_register = 101;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_reinterpret_cast = 102;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_return = 103;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_short = 104;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_sizeof = 105;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_static = 106;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_static_cast = 107;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_signed = 108;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_struct = 109;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_switch = 110;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_template = 111;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_this = 112;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_throw = 113;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_true = 114;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_try = 115;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_typedef = 116;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_typeid = 117;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_typename = 118;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_union = 119;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_unsigned = 120;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_using = 121;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_virtual = 122;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_void = 123;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_volatile = 124;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_wchar_t = 125;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_while = 126;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_xor = 127;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_xor_eq = 128;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tFLOATINGPT = 129;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tSTRING = 130;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tLSTRING = 131;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tCHAR = 132;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tLCHAR = 133;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t__Bool = 134;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t__Complex = 135;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t__Imaginary = 136;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int t_restrict = 137;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tMACROEXP = 138;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tPOUNDPOUND = 139;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tCOMPLETION = 140;\n" + 
-		"	static public final int tEOC = 141; // End of Completion\\n\" + \n" + 
-		"	static public final int tLAST = 141;\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"class Keywords {\n" + 
-		"	public static final String CAST = \"cast\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String ALIGNOF = \"alignof\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String TYPEOF = \"typeof\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String cpMIN = \"<?\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String cpMAX = \">?\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String _BOOL = \"_Bool\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String _COMPLEX = \"_Complex\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String _IMAGINARY = \"_Imaginary\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String AND = \"and\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String AND_EQ = \"and_eq\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String ASM = \"asm\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String AUTO = \"auto\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String BITAND = \"bitand\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String BITOR = \"bitor\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String BOOL = \"bool\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String BREAK = \"break\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String CASE = \"case\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String CATCH = \"catch\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String CHAR = \"char\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String CLASS = \"class\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String COMPL = \"compl\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String CONST = \"const\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String CONST_CAST = \"const_cast\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String CONTINUE = \"continue\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String DEFAULT = \"default\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String DELETE = \"delete\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String DO = \"do\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String DOUBLE = \"double\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String DYNAMIC_CAST = \"dynamic_cast\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String ELSE = \"else\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String ENUM = \"enum\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String EXPLICIT = \"explicit\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String EXPORT = \"export\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String EXTERN = \"extern\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String FALSE = \"false\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String FLOAT = \"float\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String FOR = \"for\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String FRIEND = \"friend\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String GOTO = \"goto\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String IF = \"if\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String INLINE = \"inline\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String INT = \"int\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String LONG = \"long\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String LONG_LONG = \"long long\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String MUTABLE = \"mutable\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String NAMESPACE = \"namespace\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String NEW = \"new\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String NOT = \"not\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String NOT_EQ = \"not_eq\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String OPERATOR = \"operator\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String OR = \"or\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String OR_EQ = \"or_eq\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String PRIVATE = \"private\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String PROTECTED = \"protected\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String PUBLIC = \"public\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String REGISTER = \"register\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String REINTERPRET_CAST = \"reinterpret_cast\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String RESTRICT = \"restrict\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String RETURN = \"return\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String SHORT = \"short\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String SIGNED = \"signed\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String SIZEOF = \"sizeof\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String STATIC = \"static\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String STATIC_CAST = \"static_cast\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String STRUCT = \"struct\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String SWITCH = \"switch\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String TEMPLATE = \"template\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String THIS = \"this\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String THROW = \"throw\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String TRUE = \"true\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String TRY = \"try\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String TYPEDEF = \"typedef\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String TYPEID = \"typeid\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String TYPENAME = \"typename\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String UNION = \"union\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String UNSIGNED = \"unsigned\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String USING = \"using\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String VIRTUAL = \"virtual\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String VOID = \"void\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String VOLATILE = \"volatile\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String WCHAR_T = \"wchar_t\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String WHILE = \"while\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String XOR = \"xor\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final String XOR_EQ = \"xor_eq\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] c_BOOL = \"_Bool\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] c_COMPLEX = \"_Complex\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] c_IMAGINARY = \"_Imaginary\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cAND = \"and\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cAND_EQ = \"and_eq\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cASM = \"asm\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cAUTO = \"auto\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cBITAND = \"bitand\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cBITOR = \"bitor\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cBOOL = \"bool\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cBREAK = \"break\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cCASE = \"case\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cCATCH = \"catch\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cCHAR = \"char\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cCLASS = \"class\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cCOMPL = \"compl\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cCONST = \"const\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cCONST_CAST = \"const_cast\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cCONTINUE = \"continue\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cDEFAULT = \"default\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cDELETE = \"delete\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cDO = \"do\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cDOUBLE = \"double\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cDYNAMIC_CAST = \"dynamic_cast\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cELSE = \"else\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cENUM = \"enum\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cEXPLICIT = \"explicit\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cEXPORT = \"export\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cEXTERN = \"extern\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cFALSE = \"false\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cFLOAT = \"float\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cFOR = \"for\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cFRIEND = \"friend\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cGOTO = \"goto\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cIF = \"if\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cINLINE = \"inline\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cINT = \"int\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cLONG = \"long\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cMUTABLE = \"mutable\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cNAMESPACE = \"namespace\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cNEW = \"new\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cNOT = \"not\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cNOT_EQ = \"not_eq\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cOPERATOR = \"operator\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cOR = \"or\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cOR_EQ = \"or_eq\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cPRIVATE = \"private\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cPROTECTED = \"protected\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cPUBLIC = \"public\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cREGISTER = \"register\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cREINTERPRET_CAST = \"reinterpret_cast\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cRESTRICT = \"restrict\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cRETURN = \"return\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cSHORT = \"short\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cSIGNED = \"signed\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cSIZEOF = \"sizeof\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cSTATIC = \"static\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cSTATIC_CAST = \"static_cast\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cSTRUCT = \"struct\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cSWITCH = \"switch\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cTEMPLATE = \"template\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cTHIS = \"this\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cTHROW = \"throw\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cTRUE = \"true\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cTRY = \"try\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cTYPEDEF = \"typedef\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cTYPEID = \"typeid\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cTYPENAME = \"typename\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cUNION = \"union\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cUNSIGNED = \"unsigned\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cUSING = \"using\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cVIRTUAL = \"virtual\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cVOID = \"void\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cVOLATILE = \"volatile\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cWCHAR_T = \"wchar_t\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cWHILE = \"while\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cXOR = \"xor\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cXOR_EQ = \"xor_eq\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpCOLONCOLON = \"::\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpCOLON = \":\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpSEMI = \";\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpCOMMA =	\",\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpQUESTION = \"?\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpLPAREN  = \"(\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpRPAREN  = \")\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpLBRACKET = \"[\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpRBRACKET = \"]\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpLBRACE = \"{\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpRBRACE = \"}\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpPLUSASSIGN =	\"+=\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpINCR = 	\"++\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpPLUS = 	\"+\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpMINUSASSIGN =	\"-=\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpDECR = 	\"--\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpARROWSTAR =	\"->*\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpARROW = 	\"->\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpMINUS = 	\"-\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpSTARASSIGN =	\"*=\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpSTAR = 	\"*\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpMODASSIGN =	\"%=\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpMOD = 	\"%\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpXORASSIGN =	\"^=\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpXOR = 	\"^\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpAMPERASSIGN =	\"&=\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpAND = 	\"&&\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpAMPER =	\"&\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpBITORASSIGN =	\"|=\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpOR = 	\"||\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpBITOR =	\"|\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpCOMPL =	\"~\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpNOTEQUAL =	\"!=\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpNOT = 	\"!\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpEQUAL =	\"==\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpASSIGN =\"=\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpSHIFTL =	\"<<\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpLTEQUAL =	\"<=\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpLT = 	\"<\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpSHIFTRASSIGN =	\">>=\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpSHIFTR = 	\">>\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpGTEQUAL = 	\">=\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpGT = 	\">\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpSHIFTLASSIGN =	\"<<=\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpELLIPSIS = 	\"...\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpDOTSTAR = 	\".*\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpDOT = 	\".\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpDIVASSIGN =	\"/=\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpDIV = 	\"/\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpPOUND = \"#\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cpPOUNDPOUND = \"##\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	// preprocessor keywords\\n\" + \n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cIFDEF = \"ifdef\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cIFNDEF = \"ifndef\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cELIF = \"elif\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cENDIF = \"endif\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cINCLUDE = \"include\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cDEFINE = \"define\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cUNDEF = \"undef\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cERROR = \"error\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"	public static final char[] cINCLUDE_NEXT = \"include_next\".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"interface IScanner  {\n" + 
-		"	public static final int tPOUNDPOUND = -6;\n" + 
-		"	public static final int tPOUND      = -7;\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"abstract class B  {\n" + 
-		"	public B( int type, char [] filename, int lineNumber ) {\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	public int getType() { return 0; }\n" + 
-		"}",
-	},
-	null,
-	true,
-	null,
-	options,
-	null);
-public void test009() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public static String CONSTANT = \n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n" + 
-			"    	\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy12\";\n" + 
-			"    	\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"    	System.out.print(CONSTANT == CONSTANT);\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"true");
-// Failed before using a non recursive implementation of deep binary
-// expressions.
-public void test010() {
-	StringBuffer sourceCode = new StringBuffer(			
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(String a, String b, String c, String d, String e) {\n" +
-			"    String s = \n");
-	for (int i = 0; i < 350; i++) {
-		sourceCode.append(
-			"    	\"abcdef\" + a + b + c + d + e + " +
-			"\" ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmno" +
-			"pqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n");
-	}
-	sourceCode.append(			
-			"    	\"abcdef\" + a + b + c + d + e + \" ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" +
-			"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" +
-			"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy12\";\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}");
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			sourceCode.toString()
-		},
-		"");
-// check if we hit the 64Kb limit on method code lenth in class files before 
-// filling the stack
-// need to use a computed string (else this source file will get blown away
-// as well)
-public void test011() {
-	int length = 3 * 54 * 1000; 
-		// the longer the slower, but still needs to reach the limit...
-	StringBuffer veryLongString = new StringBuffer(length + 20);
-	veryLongString.append('"');
-	Random random = new Random();
-	while (veryLongString.length() < length) {
-		veryLongString.append("\"+a+\"");
-		veryLongString.append(random.nextLong());
-	}
-	veryLongString.append('"');
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(String a, String b, String c, String d, String e) {\n" +
-			"    String s = \n" +
-			veryLongString.toString() +
-			"    	+ \"abcdef\" + a + b + c + d + e + \" ghiABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZjklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghiABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZjklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghiABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZjklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghiABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZjklmnopqrstuvwxy12\";\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" +
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" +
-		"	void foo(String a, String b, String c, String d, String e) {\n" +
-		"	     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
-		"The code of method foo(String, String, String, String, String) is " +
-			"exceeding the 65535 bytes limit\n" +
-		"----------\n");
-// variant: right member of the topmost expression is left-deep
-public void test012() {
-	StringBuffer sourceCode = new StringBuffer(			
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(String a, String b, String c, String d, String e) {\n" +
-			"    String s = a + (\n");
-	for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
-		sourceCode.append(
-			"    	\"abcdef\" + a + b + c + d + e + " +
-			"\" ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmno" +
-			"pqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" +\n");
-	}
-	sourceCode.append(			
-			"    	\"abcdef\" + a + b + c + d + e + \" ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" +
-			"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" +
-			"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy12\");\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}");
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			sourceCode.toString()
-		},
-		"");
-//variant: right member of the topmost expression is left-deep
-public void test013() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	// left to right marker\n" + 
-			"	protected static char LRM = \'\\u200e\';\n" + 
-			"	// left to right embedding\n" + 
-			"	protected static char LRE = \'\\u202a\';\n" + 
-			"	// pop directional format	\n" + 
-			"	protected static char PDF = \'\\u202c\';\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	private static String PATH_1_RESULT = LRE + \"d\" + PDF + \":\" + LRM + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"test\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"\\u05d0\\u05d1\\u05d2\\u05d3 \\u05d4\\u05d5\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"segment\" + PDF;\n" + 
-			"	private static String PATH_2_RESULT = LRM + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"test\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"\\u05d0\\u05d1\\u05d2\\u05d3 \\u05d4\\u05d5\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"segment\" + PDF;\n" + 
-			"	private static String PATH_3_RESULT = LRE + \"d\" + PDF + \":\" + LRM + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"\\u05ea\\u05e9\\u05e8\\u05e7\\u05e6 abcdef-\\u05e5\\u05e4\\u05e3\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"xyz\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"abcdef\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"\\u05e2\\u05e1\\u05e0\" + PDF;\n" + 
-			"	private static String PATH_4_RESULT = LRM + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"\\u05ea\\u05e9\\u05e8\\u05e7\\u05e6 abcdef-\\u05e5\\u05e4\\u05e3\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"xyz\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"abcdef\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"\\u05e2\\u05e1\\05e0\" + PDF;\n" + 
-			"	private static String PATH_5_RESULT = LRE + \"d\" + PDF + \":\" + LRM + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"\\u05ea\\u05e9\\u05e8\\u05e7\\u05e6 abcdef-\\u05e5\\u05e4\\u05e3\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"xyz\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"abcdef\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"\\u05e2\\u05e1\\05e0\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"\\u05df\\u05fd\\u05dd\" + PDF + \".\" + LRM + LRE + \"java\" + PDF;\n" + 
-			"	private static String PATH_6_RESULT = LRE + \"d\" + PDF + \":\" + LRM + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"\\u05ea\\u05e9\\u05e8\\u05e7\\u05e6 abcdef-\\u05e5\\u05e4\\u05e3\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"xyz\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"abcdef\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"\\u05e2\\u05e1\\05e0\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"\\u05df\\u05fd\\u05dd\" + PDF + \".\" + LRM + LRE + \"\\u05dc\\u05db\\u05da\" + PDF;\n" + 
-			"	private static String PATH_7_RESULT = LRE + \"d\" + PDF + \":\" + LRM + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"\\u05ea\\u05e9\\u05e8\\u05e7\\u05e6 abcdef-\\u05e5\\u05e4\\u05e3\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"xyz\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"abcdef\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"\\u05e2\\u05e1\\05e0\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"Test\" + PDF + \".\" + LRM + LRE + \"java\" + PDF;\n" + 
-			"	private static String PATH_8_RESULT = LRM + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"test\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"jkl\\u05d0\\u05d1\\u05d2\\u05d3 \\u05d4\\u05d5\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"segment\" + PDF;\n" + 
-			"	private static String PATH_9_RESULT = LRM + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"test\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"\\u05d0\\u05d1\\u05d2\\u05d3 \\u05d4\\u05d5jkl\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"segment\" + PDF;\n" + 
-			"	private static String PATH_10_RESULT = LRE + \"d\" + PDF + \":\" + LRM + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"t\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"\\u05d0\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"segment\" + PDF;\n" + 
-			"	private static String PATH_11_RESULT = \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"t\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"\\u05d0\" + PDF + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"segment\" + PDF;\n" + 
-			"	private static String PATH_12_RESULT = LRE + \"d\" + PDF + \":\" + LRM + \"\\\\\" + LRM;\n" + 
-			"	private static String PATH_13_RESULT = LRM + \"\\\\\" + LRM + LRE + \"test\" + PDF;\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	private static String OTHER_STRING_NO_DELIM = \"\\u05ea\\u05e9\\u05e8\\u05e7\\u05e6 abcdef-\\u05e5\\u05e4\\u05e3\";\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	private static String OTHER_STRING_1_RESULT = LRM + \"*\" + LRM + \".\" + LRM + LRE + \"java\" + PDF;\n" + 
-			"	private static String OTHER_STRING_2_RESULT = LRM + \"*\" + LRM + \".\" + LRM + LRE + \"\\u05d0\\u05d1\\u05d2\" + PDF;\n" + 
-			"	private static String OTHER_STRING_3_RESULT = LRE + \"\\u05d0\\u05d1\\u05d2 \" + PDF + \"=\" + LRM + LRE + \" \\u05ea\\u05e9\\u05e8\\u05e7\\u05e6\" + PDF;\n" + 
-			"	// result strings if null delimiter is passed for *.<string> texts\n" + 
-			"	private static String OTHER_STRING_1_ND_RESULT = LRE + \"*\" + PDF + \".\" + LRM + LRE + \"java\" + PDF;\n" + 
-			"	private static String OTHER_STRING_2_ND_RESULT = LRE + \"*\" + PDF + \".\" + LRM + LRE + \"\\u05d0\\u05d1\\u05d2\" + PDF;\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	private static String[] RESULT_STAR_PATHS = {OTHER_STRING_1_RESULT, OTHER_STRING_2_RESULT};\n" + 
-			"	private static String[] RESULT_EQUALS_PATHS = {OTHER_STRING_3_RESULT};\n" + 
-			"	private static String[] RESULT_STAR_PATHS_ND = {OTHER_STRING_1_ND_RESULT, OTHER_STRING_2_ND_RESULT};\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	/**\n" + 
-			"	 * Constructor.\n" + 
-			"	 * \n" + 
-			"	 * @param name test name\n" + 
-			"	 */\n" + 
-			"	public X(String name) {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-// Undue partial reset of receiver in 
-// UnconditionalFlowInfo#addInitializationsFrom.
-public void test014() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"    int      i01, i02, i03, i04, i05, i06, i07, i08, i09,\n" + 
-			"        i10, i11, i12, i13, i14, i15, i16, i17, i18, i19,\n" + 
-			"        i20, i21, i22, i23, i24, i25, i26, i27, i28, i29,\n" + 
-			"        i30, i31, i32, i33, i34, i35, i36, i37, i38, i39,\n" + 
-			"        i40, i41, i42, i43, i44, i45, i46, i47, i48, i49,\n" + 
-			"        i50, i51, i52, i53, i54, i55, i56, i57, i58, i59,\n" + 
-			"        i60, i61, i62, i63,    i64, i65 = 1;\n" + 
-			"public X() {\n" + 
-			"    new Object() {\n" + 
-			"        int      \n" + 
-			"            k01, k02, k03, k04, k05, k06, k07, k08, k09,\n" + 
-			"            k10, k11, k12, k13, k14, k15, k16, k17, k18, k19,\n" + 
-			"            k20, k21, k22, k23, k24, k25, k26, k27, k28, k29,\n" + 
-			"            k30, k31, k32, k33, k34, k35, k36, k37, k38, k39,\n" + 
-			"            k40, k41, k42, k43, k44, k45, k46, k47, k48, k49,\n" + 
-			"            k50, k51, k52, k53, k54, k55, k56, k57, k58, k59,\n" + 
-			"            k60, k61, k62, k63, k64;\n" + 
-			"        int      \n" + 
-			"            k101, k102, k103, k104, k105, k106, k107, k108, k109,\n" + 
-			"            k110, k111, k112, k113, k114, k115, k116, k117, k118, k119,\n" + 
-			"            k120, k121, k122, k123, k124, k125, k126, k127, k128, k129,\n" + 
-			"            k130, k131, k132, k133, k134, k135, k136, k137, k138, k139,\n" + 
-			"            k140, k141, k142, k143, k144, k145, k146, k147, k148, k149,\n" + 
-			"            k150, k151, k152, k153, k154, k155, k156, k157, k158, k159,\n" + 
-			"            k160, k161, k162, k163, k164;\n" + 
-			"        final int l = 1;\n" + 
-			"        public int hashCode() {\n" + 
-			"            return\n" + 
-			"                k01 + k02 + k03 + k04 + k05 + k06 + k07 + k08 + k09 +\n" + 
-			"                k10 + k11 + k12 + k13 + k14 + k15 + k16 + k17 + k18 + k19 +\n" + 
-			"                k20 + k21 + k22 + k23 + k24 + k25 + k26 + k27 + k28 + k29 +\n" + 
-			"                k30 + k31 + k32 + k33 + k34 + k35 + k36 + k37 + k38 + k39 +\n" + 
-			"                k40 + k41 + k42 + k43 + k44 + k45 + k46 + k47 + k48 + k49 +\n" + 
-			"                k50 + k51 + k52 + k53 + k54 + k55 + k56 + k57 + k58 + k59 +\n" + 
-			"                k60 + k61 + k62 + k63 + k64 +\n" + 
-			"                k101 + k102 + k103 + k104 + k105 + k106 + k107 + k108 + k109 +\n" + 
-			"                k110 + k111 + k112 + k113 + k114 + k115 + k116 + k117 + k118 + k119 +\n" + 
-			"                k120 + k121 + k122 + k123 + k124 + k125 + k126 + k127 + k128 + k129 +\n" + 
-			"                k130 + k131 + k132 + k133 + k134 + k135 + k136 + k137 + k138 + k139 +\n" + 
-			"                k140 + k141 + k142 + k143 + k144 + k145 + k146 + k147 + k148 + k149 +\n" + 
-			"                k150 + k151 + k152 + k153 + k154 + k155 + k156 + k157 + k158 + k159 +\n" + 
-			"                k160 + k161 + k162 + k163 + k164 +\n" + 
-			"                l;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    };\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n",
-	},
-	"");
-public void test015() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"	public static int foo(int i) {\n" + 
-		"		try {\n" + 
-		"			switch(i) {\n" + 
-		"				case 0 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 4 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 5 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 6 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 7 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 8 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 9 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 10 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 11 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 12 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 13 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 14 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 15 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 16 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 17 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 18 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 19 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 20 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 21 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 22 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 23 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 24 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 25 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 26 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 27 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 28 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 29 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 30 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 31 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 32 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 33 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 34 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 35 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 36 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 37 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 38 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 39 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 40 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 41 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 42 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 43 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 44 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 45 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 46 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 47 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 48 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 49 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 50 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 51 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 52 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 53 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 54 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 55 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 56 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 57 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 58 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 59 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 60 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 61 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 62 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 63 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 64 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 65 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 66 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 67 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 68 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 69 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 70 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 71 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 72 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 73 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 74 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 75 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 76 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 77 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 78 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 79 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 80 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 81 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 82 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 83 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 84 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 85 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 86 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 87 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 88 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 89 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 90 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 91 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 92 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 93 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 94 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 95 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 96 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 97 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 98 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 99 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 100 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 101 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 102 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 103 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 104 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 105 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 106 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 107 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 108 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 109 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 110 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 111 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 112 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 113 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 114 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 115 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 116 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 117 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 118 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 119 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 120 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 121 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 122 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 123 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 124 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 125 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 126 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 127 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 128 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 129 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 130 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 131 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 132 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 133 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 134 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 135 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 136 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 137 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 138 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 139 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 140 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 141 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 142 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 143 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 144 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 145 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 146 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 147 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 148 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 149 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 150 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 151 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 152 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 153 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 154 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 155 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 156 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 157 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 158 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 159 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 160 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 161 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 162 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 163 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 164 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 165 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 166 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 167 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 168 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 169 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 170 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 171 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 172 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 173 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 174 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 175 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 176 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 177 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 178 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 179 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 180 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 181 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 182 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 183 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 184 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 185 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 186 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 187 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 188 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 189 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 190 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 191 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 192 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 193 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 194 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 195 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 196 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 197 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 198 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 199 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 200 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 201 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 202 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 203 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 204 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 205 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 206 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 207 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 208 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 209 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 210 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 211 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 212 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 213 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 214 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 215 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 216 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 217 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 218 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 219 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 220 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 221 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 222 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 223 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 224 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 225 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 226 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 227 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 228 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 229 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 230 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 231 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 232 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 233 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 234 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 235 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 236 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 237 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 238 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 239 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 240 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 241 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 242 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 243 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 244 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 245 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 246 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 247 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 248 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 249 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 250 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 251 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 252 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 253 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 254 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 255 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 256 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 257 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 258 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 259 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 260 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 261 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 262 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 263 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 264 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 265 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 266 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 267 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 268 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 269 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 270 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 271 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 272 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 273 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 274 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 275 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 276 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 277 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 278 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 279 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 280 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 281 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 282 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 283 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 284 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 285 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 286 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 287 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 288 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 289 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 290 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 291 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 292 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 293 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 294 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 295 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 296 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 297 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 298 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 299 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 300 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 301 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 302 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 303 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 304 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 305 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 306 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 307 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 308 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 309 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 310 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 311 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 312 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 313 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 314 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 315 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 316 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 317 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 318 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 319 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 320 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 321 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 322 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 323 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 324 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 325 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 326 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 327 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 328 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 329 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 330 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 331 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 332 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 333 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 334 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 335 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 336 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 337 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 338 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 339 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 340 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 341 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 342 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 343 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 344 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 345 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 346 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 347 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 348 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 349 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 350 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 351 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 352 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 353 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 354 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 355 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 356 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 357 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 358 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 359 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 360 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 361 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 362 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 363 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 364 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 365 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 366 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 367 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 368 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 369 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 370 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 371 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 372 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 373 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 374 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 375 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 376 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 377 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 378 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 379 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 380 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 381 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 382 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 383 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 384 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 385 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 386 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 387 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 388 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 389 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 390 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 391 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 392 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 393 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 394 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 395 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 396 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 397 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 398 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 399 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 400 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 401 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 402 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 403 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 404 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 405 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 406 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 407 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 408 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 409 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 410 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 411 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 412 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 413 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 414 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 415 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 416 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 417 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 418 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 419 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 420 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 421 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 422 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 423 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 424 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 425 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 426 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 427 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 428 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 429 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 430 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 431 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 432 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 433 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 434 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 435 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 436 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 437 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 438 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 439 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 440 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 441 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 442 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 443 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 444 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 445 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 446 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 447 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 448 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 449 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 450 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 451 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 452 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 453 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 454 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 455 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 456 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 457 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 458 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 459 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 460 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 461 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 462 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 463 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 464 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 465 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 466 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 467 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 468 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 469 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 470 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 471 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 472 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 473 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 474 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 475 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 476 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 477 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 478 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 479 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 480 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 481 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 482 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 483 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 484 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 485 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 486 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 487 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 488 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 489 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 490 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 491 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 492 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 493 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 494 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 495 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 496 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 497 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 498 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 499 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 500 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 501 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 502 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 503 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 504 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 505 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 506 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 507 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 508 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 509 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 510 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 511 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 512 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 513 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 514 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 515 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 516 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 517 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 518 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 519 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 520 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 521 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 522 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 523 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 524 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 525 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 526 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 527 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 528 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 529 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 530 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 531 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 532 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 533 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 534 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 535 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 536 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 537 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 538 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 539 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 540 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 541 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 542 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 543 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 544 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 545 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 546 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 547 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 548 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 549 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 550 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 551 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 552 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 553 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 554 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 555 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 556 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 557 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 558 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 559 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 560 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 561 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 562 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 563 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 564 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 565 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 566 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 567 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 568 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 569 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 570 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 571 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 572 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 573 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 574 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 575 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 576 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 577 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 578 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 579 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 580 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 581 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 582 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 583 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 584 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 585 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 586 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 587 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 588 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 589 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 590 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 591 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 592 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 593 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 594 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 595 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 596 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 597 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 598 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 599 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 600 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 601 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 602 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 603 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 604 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 605 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 606 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 607 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 608 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 609 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 610 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 611 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 612 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 613 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 614 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 615 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 616 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 617 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 618 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 619 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 620 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 621 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 622 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 623 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 624 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 625 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 626 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 627 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 628 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 629 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 630 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 631 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 632 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 633 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 634 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 635 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 636 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 637 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 638 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 639 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 640 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 641 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 642 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 643 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 644 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 645 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 646 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 647 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 648 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 649 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 650 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 651 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 652 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 653 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 654 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 655 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 656 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 657 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 658 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 659 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 660 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 661 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 662 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 663 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 664 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 665 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 666 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 667 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 668 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 669 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 670 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 671 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 672 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 673 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 674 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 675 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 676 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 677 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 678 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 679 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 680 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 681 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 682 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 683 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 684 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 685 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 686 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 687 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 688 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 689 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 690 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 691 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 692 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 693 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 694 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 695 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 696 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 697 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 698 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 699 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 700 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 701 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 702 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 703 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 704 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 705 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 706 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 707 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 708 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 709 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 710 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 711 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 712 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 713 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 714 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 715 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 716 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 717 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 718 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 719 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 720 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 721 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 722 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 723 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 724 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 725 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 726 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 727 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 728 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 729 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 730 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 731 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 732 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 733 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 734 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 735 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 736 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 737 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 738 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 739 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 740 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 741 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 742 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 743 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 744 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 745 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 746 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 747 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 748 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 749 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 750 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 751 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 752 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 753 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 754 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 755 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 756 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 757 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 758 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 759 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 760 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 761 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 762 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 763 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 764 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 765 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 766 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 767 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 768 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 769 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 770 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 771 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 772 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 773 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 774 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 775 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 776 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 777 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 778 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 779 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 780 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 781 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 782 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 783 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 784 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 785 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 786 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 787 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 788 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 789 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 790 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 791 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 792 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 793 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 794 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 795 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 796 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 797 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 798 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 799 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 800 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 801 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 802 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 803 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 804 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 805 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 806 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 807 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 808 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 809 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 810 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 811 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 812 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 813 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 814 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 815 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 816 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 817 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 818 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 819 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 820 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 821 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 822 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 823 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 824 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 825 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 826 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 827 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 828 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 829 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 830 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 831 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 832 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 833 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 834 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 835 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 836 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 837 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 838 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 839 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 840 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 841 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 842 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 843 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 844 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 845 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 846 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 847 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 848 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 849 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 850 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 851 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 852 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 853 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 854 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 855 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 856 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 857 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 858 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 859 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 860 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 861 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 862 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 863 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 864 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 865 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 866 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 867 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 868 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 869 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 870 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 871 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 872 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 873 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 874 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 875 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 876 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 877 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 878 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 879 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 880 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 881 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 882 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 883 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 884 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 885 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 886 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 887 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 888 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 889 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 890 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 891 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 892 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 893 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 894 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 895 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 896 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 897 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 898 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 899 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 900 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 901 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 902 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 903 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 904 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 905 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 906 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 907 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 908 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 909 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 910 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 911 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 912 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 913 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 914 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 915 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 916 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 917 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 918 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 919 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 920 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 921 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 922 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 923 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 924 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 925 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 926 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 927 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 928 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 929 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 930 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 931 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 932 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 933 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 934 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 935 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 936 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 937 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 938 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 939 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 940 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 941 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 942 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 943 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 944 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 945 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 946 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 947 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 948 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 949 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 950 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 951 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 952 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 953 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 954 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 955 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 956 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 957 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 958 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 959 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 960 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 961 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 962 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 963 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 964 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 965 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 966 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 967 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 968 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 969 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 970 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 971 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 972 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 973 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 974 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 975 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 976 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 977 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 978 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 979 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 980 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 981 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 982 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 983 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 984 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 985 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 986 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 987 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 988 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 989 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 990 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 991 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 992 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 993 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 994 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 995 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 996 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 997 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 998 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 999 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1000 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1001 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1002 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1003 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1004 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1005 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1006 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1007 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1008 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1009 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1010 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1011 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1012 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1013 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1014 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1015 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1016 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1017 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1018 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1019 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1020 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1021 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1022 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1023 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1024 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1025 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1026 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1027 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1028 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1029 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1030 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1031 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1032 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1033 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1034 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1035 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1036 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1037 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1038 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1039 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1040 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1041 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1042 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1043 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1044 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1045 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1046 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1047 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1048 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1049 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1050 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1051 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1052 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1053 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1054 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1055 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1056 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1057 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1058 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1059 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1060 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1061 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1062 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1063 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1064 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1065 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1066 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1067 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1068 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1069 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1070 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1071 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1072 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1073 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1074 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1075 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1076 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1077 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1078 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1079 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1080 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1081 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1082 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1083 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1084 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1085 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1086 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1087 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1088 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1089 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1090 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1091 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1092 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1093 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1094 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1095 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1096 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1097 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1098 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1099 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1100 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1101 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1102 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1103 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1104 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1105 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1106 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1107 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1108 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1109 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1110 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1111 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1112 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1113 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1114 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1115 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1116 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1117 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1118 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1119 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1120 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1121 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1122 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1123 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1124 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1125 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1126 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1127 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1128 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1129 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1130 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1131 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1132 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1133 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1134 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1135 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1136 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1137 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1138 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1139 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1140 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1141 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1142 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1143 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1144 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1145 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1146 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1147 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1148 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1149 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1150 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1151 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1152 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1153 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1154 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1155 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1156 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1157 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1158 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1159 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1160 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1161 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1162 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1163 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1164 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1165 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1166 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1167 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1168 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1169 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1170 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1171 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1172 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1173 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1174 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1175 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1176 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1177 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1178 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1179 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1180 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1181 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1182 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1183 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1184 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1185 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1186 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1187 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1188 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1189 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1190 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1191 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1192 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1193 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1194 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1195 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1196 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1197 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1198 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1199 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1200 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1201 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1202 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1203 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1204 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1205 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1206 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1207 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1208 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1209 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1210 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1211 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1212 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1213 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1214 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1215 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1216 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1217 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1218 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1219 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1220 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1221 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1222 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1223 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1224 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1225 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1226 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1227 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1228 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1229 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1230 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1231 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1232 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1233 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1234 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1235 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1236 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1237 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1238 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1239 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1240 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1241 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1242 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1243 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1244 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1245 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1246 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1247 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1248 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1249 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1250 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1251 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1252 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1253 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1254 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1255 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1256 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1257 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1258 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1259 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1260 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1261 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1262 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1263 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1264 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1265 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1266 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1267 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1268 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1269 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1270 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1271 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1272 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1273 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1274 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1275 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1276 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1277 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1278 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1279 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1280 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1281 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1282 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1283 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1284 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1285 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1286 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1287 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1288 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1289 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1290 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1291 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1292 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1293 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1294 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1295 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1296 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1297 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1298 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1299 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1300 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1301 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1302 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1303 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1304 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1305 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1306 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1307 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1308 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1309 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1310 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1311 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1312 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1313 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1314 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1315 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1316 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1317 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1318 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1319 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1320 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1321 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1322 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1323 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1324 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1325 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1326 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1327 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1328 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1329 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1330 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1331 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1332 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1333 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1334 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1335 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1336 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1337 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1338 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1339 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1340 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1341 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1342 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1343 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1344 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1345 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1346 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1347 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1348 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1349 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1350 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1351 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1352 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1353 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1354 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1355 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1356 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1357 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1358 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1359 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1360 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1361 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1362 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1363 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1364 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1365 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1366 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1367 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1368 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1369 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1370 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1371 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1372 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1373 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1374 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1375 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1376 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1377 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1378 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1379 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1380 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1381 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1382 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1383 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1384 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1385 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1386 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1387 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1388 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1389 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1390 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1391 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1392 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1393 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1394 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1395 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1396 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1397 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1398 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1399 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1400 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1401 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1402 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1403 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1404 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1405 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1406 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1407 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1408 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1409 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1410 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1411 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1412 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1413 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1414 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1415 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1416 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1417 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1418 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1419 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1420 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1421 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1422 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1423 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1424 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1425 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1426 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1427 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1428 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1429 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1430 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1431 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1432 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1433 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1434 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1435 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1436 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1437 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1438 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1439 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1440 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1441 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1442 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1443 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1444 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1445 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1446 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1447 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1448 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1449 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1450 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1451 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1452 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1453 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1454 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1455 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1456 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1457 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1458 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1459 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1460 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1461 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1462 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1463 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1464 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1465 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1466 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1467 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1468 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1469 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1470 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1471 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1472 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1473 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1474 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1475 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1476 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1477 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1478 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1479 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1480 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1481 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1482 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1483 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1484 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1485 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1486 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1487 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1488 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1489 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1490 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1491 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1492 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1493 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1494 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1495 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1496 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1497 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1498 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1499 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1500 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1501 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1502 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1503 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1504 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1505 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1506 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1507 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1508 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1509 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1510 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1511 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1512 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1513 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1514 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1515 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1516 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1517 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1518 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1519 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1520 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1521 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1522 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1523 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1524 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1525 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1526 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1527 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1528 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1529 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1530 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1531 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1532 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1533 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1534 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1535 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1536 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1537 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1538 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1539 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1540 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1541 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1542 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1543 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1544 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1545 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1546 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1547 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1548 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1549 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1550 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1551 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1552 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1553 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1554 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1555 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1556 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1557 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1558 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1559 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1560 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1561 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1562 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1563 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1564 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1565 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1566 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1567 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1568 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1569 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1570 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1571 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1572 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1573 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1574 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1575 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1576 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1577 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1578 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1579 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1580 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1581 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1582 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1583 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1584 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1585 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1586 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1587 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1588 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1589 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1590 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1591 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1592 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1593 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1594 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1595 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1596 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1597 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1598 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1599 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1600 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1601 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1602 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1603 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1604 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1605 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1606 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1607 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1608 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1609 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1610 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1611 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1612 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1613 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1614 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1615 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1616 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1617 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1618 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1619 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1620 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1621 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1622 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1623 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1624 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1625 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1626 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1627 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1628 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1629 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1630 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1631 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1632 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1633 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1634 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1635 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1636 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1637 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1638 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1639 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1640 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1641 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1642 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1643 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1644 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1645 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1646 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1647 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1648 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1649 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1650 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1651 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1652 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1653 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1654 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1655 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1656 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1657 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1658 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1659 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1660 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1661 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1662 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1663 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1664 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1665 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1666 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1667 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1668 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1669 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1670 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1671 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1672 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1673 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1674 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1675 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1676 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1677 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1678 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1679 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1680 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1681 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1682 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1683 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1684 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1685 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1686 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1687 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1688 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1689 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1690 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1691 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1692 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1693 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1694 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1695 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1696 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1697 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1698 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1699 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1700 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1701 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1702 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1703 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1704 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1705 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1706 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1707 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1708 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1709 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1710 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1711 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1712 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1713 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1714 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1715 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1716 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1717 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1718 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1719 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1720 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1721 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1722 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1723 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1724 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1725 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1726 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1727 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1728 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1729 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1730 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1731 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1732 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1733 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1734 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1735 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1736 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1737 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1738 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1739 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1740 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1741 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1742 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1743 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1744 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1745 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1746 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1747 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1748 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1749 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1750 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1751 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1752 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1753 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1754 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1755 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1756 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1757 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1758 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1759 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1760 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1761 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1762 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1763 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1764 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1765 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1766 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1767 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1768 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1769 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1770 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1771 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1772 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1773 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1774 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1775 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1776 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1777 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1778 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1779 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1780 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1781 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1782 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1783 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1784 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1785 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1786 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1787 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1788 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1789 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1790 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1791 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1792 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1793 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1794 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1795 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1796 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1797 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1798 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1799 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1800 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1801 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1802 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1803 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1804 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1805 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1806 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1807 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1808 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1809 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1810 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1811 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1812 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1813 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1814 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1815 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1816 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1817 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1818 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1819 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1820 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1821 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1822 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1823 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1824 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1825 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1826 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1827 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1828 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1829 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1830 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1831 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1832 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1833 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1834 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1835 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1836 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1837 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1838 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1839 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1840 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1841 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1842 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1843 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1844 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1845 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1846 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1847 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1848 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1849 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1850 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1851 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1852 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1853 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1854 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1855 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1856 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1857 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1858 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1859 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1860 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1861 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1862 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1863 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1864 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1865 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1866 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1867 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1868 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1869 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1870 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1871 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1872 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1873 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1874 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1875 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1876 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1877 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1878 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1879 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1880 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1881 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1882 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1883 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1884 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1885 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1886 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1887 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1888 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1889 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1890 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1891 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1892 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1893 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1894 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1895 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1896 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1897 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1898 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1899 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1900 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1901 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1902 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1903 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1904 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1905 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1906 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1907 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1908 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1909 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1910 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1911 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1912 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1913 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1914 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1915 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1916 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1917 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1918 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1919 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1920 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1921 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1922 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1923 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1924 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1925 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1926 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1927 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1928 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1929 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1930 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1931 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1932 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1933 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1934 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1935 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1936 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1937 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1938 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1939 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1940 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1941 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1942 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1943 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1944 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1945 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1946 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1947 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1948 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1949 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1950 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1951 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1952 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1953 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1954 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1955 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1956 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1957 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1958 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1959 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1960 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1961 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1962 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1963 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1964 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1965 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1966 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1967 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1968 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1969 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1970 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1971 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1972 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1973 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1974 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1975 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1976 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1977 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1978 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1979 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1980 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1981 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1982 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1983 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1984 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1985 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1986 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1987 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1988 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1989 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1990 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1991 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1992 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1993 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1994 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1995 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1996 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1997 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1998 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 1999 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2000 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2001 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2002 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2003 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2004 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2005 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2006 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2007 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2008 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2009 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2010 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2011 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2012 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2013 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2014 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2015 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2016 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2017 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2018 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2019 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2020 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2021 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2022 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2023 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2024 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2025 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2026 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2027 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2028 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2029 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2030 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2031 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2032 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2033 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2034 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2035 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2036 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2037 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2038 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2039 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2040 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2041 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2042 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2043 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2044 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2045 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2046 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2047 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2048 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2049 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2050 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2051 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2052 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2053 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2054 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2055 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2056 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2057 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2058 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2059 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2060 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2061 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2062 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2063 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2064 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2065 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2066 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2067 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2068 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2069 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2070 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2071 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2072 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2073 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2074 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2075 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2076 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2077 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2078 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2079 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2080 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2081 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2082 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2083 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2084 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2085 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2086 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2087 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2088 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2089 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2090 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2091 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2092 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2093 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2094 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2095 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2096 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2097 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2098 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2099 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2100 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2101 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2102 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2103 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2104 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2105 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2106 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2107 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2108 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2109 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2110 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2111 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2112 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2113 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2114 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2115 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2116 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2117 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2118 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2119 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2120 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2121 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2122 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2123 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2124 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2125 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2126 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2127 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2128 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2129 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2130 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2131 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2132 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2133 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2134 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2135 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2136 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2137 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2138 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2139 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2140 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2141 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2142 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2143 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2144 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2145 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2146 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2147 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2148 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2149 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2150 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2151 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2152 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2153 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2154 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2155 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2156 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2157 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2158 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2159 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2160 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2161 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2162 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2163 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2164 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2165 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2166 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2167 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2168 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2169 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2170 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2171 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2172 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2173 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2174 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2175 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2176 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2177 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2178 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2179 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2180 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2181 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2182 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2183 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2184 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2185 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2186 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2187 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2188 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2189 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2190 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2191 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2192 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2193 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2194 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2195 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2196 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2197 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2198 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2199 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2200 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2201 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2202 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2203 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2204 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2205 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2206 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2207 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2208 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2209 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2210 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2211 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2212 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2213 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2214 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2215 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2216 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2217 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2218 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2219 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2220 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2221 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2222 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2223 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2224 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2225 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2226 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2227 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2228 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2229 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2230 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2231 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2232 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2233 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2234 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2235 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2236 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2237 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2238 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2239 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2240 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2241 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2242 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2243 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2244 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2245 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2246 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2247 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2248 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2249 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2250 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2251 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2252 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2253 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2254 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2255 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2256 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2257 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2258 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2259 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2260 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2261 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2262 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2263 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2264 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2265 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2266 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2267 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2268 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2269 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2270 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2271 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2272 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2273 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2274 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2275 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2276 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2277 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2278 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2279 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2280 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2281 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2282 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2283 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2284 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2285 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2286 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2287 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2288 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2289 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2290 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2291 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2292 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2293 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2294 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2295 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2296 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2297 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2298 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2299 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2300 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2301 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2302 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2303 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2304 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2305 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2306 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2307 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2308 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2309 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2310 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2311 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2312 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2313 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2314 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2315 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2316 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2317 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2318 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2319 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2320 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2321 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2322 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2323 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2324 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2325 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2326 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2327 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2328 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2329 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2330 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2331 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2332 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2333 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2334 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2335 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2336 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2337 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2338 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2339 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2340 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2341 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2342 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2343 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2344 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2345 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2346 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2347 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2348 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2349 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2350 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2351 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2352 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2353 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2354 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2355 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2356 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2357 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2358 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2359 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2360 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2361 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2362 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2363 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2364 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2365 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2366 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2367 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2368 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2369 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2370 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2371 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2372 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2373 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2374 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2375 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2376 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2377 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2378 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2379 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2380 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2381 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2382 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2383 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2384 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2385 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2386 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2387 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2388 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2389 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2390 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2391 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2392 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2393 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2394 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2395 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2396 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2397 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2398 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2399 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2400 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2401 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2402 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2403 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2404 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2405 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2406 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2407 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2408 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2409 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2410 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2411 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2412 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2413 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2414 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2415 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2416 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2417 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2418 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2419 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2420 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2421 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2422 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2423 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2424 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2425 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2426 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2427 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2428 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2429 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2430 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2431 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2432 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2433 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2434 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2435 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2436 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2437 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2438 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2439 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2440 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2441 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2442 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2443 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2444 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2445 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2446 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2447 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2448 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2449 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2450 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2451 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2452 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2453 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2454 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2455 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2456 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2457 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2458 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2459 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2460 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2461 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2462 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2463 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2464 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2465 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2466 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2467 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2468 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2469 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2470 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2471 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2472 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2473 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2474 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2475 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2476 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2477 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2478 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2479 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2480 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2481 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2482 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2483 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2484 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2485 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2486 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2487 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2488 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2489 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2490 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2491 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2492 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2493 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2494 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2495 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2496 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2497 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2498 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2499 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2500 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2501 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2502 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2503 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2504 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2505 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2506 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2507 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2508 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2509 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2510 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2511 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2512 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2513 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2514 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2515 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2516 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2517 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2518 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2519 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2520 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2521 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2522 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2523 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2524 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2525 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2526 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2527 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2528 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2529 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2530 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2531 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2532 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2533 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2534 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2535 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2536 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2537 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2538 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2539 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2540 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2541 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2542 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2543 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2544 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2545 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2546 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2547 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2548 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2549 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2550 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2551 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2552 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2553 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2554 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2555 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2556 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2557 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2558 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2559 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2560 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2561 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2562 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2563 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2564 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2565 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2566 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2567 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2568 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2569 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2570 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2571 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2572 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2573 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2574 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2575 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2576 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2577 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2578 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2579 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2580 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2581 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2582 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2583 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2584 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2585 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2586 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2587 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2588 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2589 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2590 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2591 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2592 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2593 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2594 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2595 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2596 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2597 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2598 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2599 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2600 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2601 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2602 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2603 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2604 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2605 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2606 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2607 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2608 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2609 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2610 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2611 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2612 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2613 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2614 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2615 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2616 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2617 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2618 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2619 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2620 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2621 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2622 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2623 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2624 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2625 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2626 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2627 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2628 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2629 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2630 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2631 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2632 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2633 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2634 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2635 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2636 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2637 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2638 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2639 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2640 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2641 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2642 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2643 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2644 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2645 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2646 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2647 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2648 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2649 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2650 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2651 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2652 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2653 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2654 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2655 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2656 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2657 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2658 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2659 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2660 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2661 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2662 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2663 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2664 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2665 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2666 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2667 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2668 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2669 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2670 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2671 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2672 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2673 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2674 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2675 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2676 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2677 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2678 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2679 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2680 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2681 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2682 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2683 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2684 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2685 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2686 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2687 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2688 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2689 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2690 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2691 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2692 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2693 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2694 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2695 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2696 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2697 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2698 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2699 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2700 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2701 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2702 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2703 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2704 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2705 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2706 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2707 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2708 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2709 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2710 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2711 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2712 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2713 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2714 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2715 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2716 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2717 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2718 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2719 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2720 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2721 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2722 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2723 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2724 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2725 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2726 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2727 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2728 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2729 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2730 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2731 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2732 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2733 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2734 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2735 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2736 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2737 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2738 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2739 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2740 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2741 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2742 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2743 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2744 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2745 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2746 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2747 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2748 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2749 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2750 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2751 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2752 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2753 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2754 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2755 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2756 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2757 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2758 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2759 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2760 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2761 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2762 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2763 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2764 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2765 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2766 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2767 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2768 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2769 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2770 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2771 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2772 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2773 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2774 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2775 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2776 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2777 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2778 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2779 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2780 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2781 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2782 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2783 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2784 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2785 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2786 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2787 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2788 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2789 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2790 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2791 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2792 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2793 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2794 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2795 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2796 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2797 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2798 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2799 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2800 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2801 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2802 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2803 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2804 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2805 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2806 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2807 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2808 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2809 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2810 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2811 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2812 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2813 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2814 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2815 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2816 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2817 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2818 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2819 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2820 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2821 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2822 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2823 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2824 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2825 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2826 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2827 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2828 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2829 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2830 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2831 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2832 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2833 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2834 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2835 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2836 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2837 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2838 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2839 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2840 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2841 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2842 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2843 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2844 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2845 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2846 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2847 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2848 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2849 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2850 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2851 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2852 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2853 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2854 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2855 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2856 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2857 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2858 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2859 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2860 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2861 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2862 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2863 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2864 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2865 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2866 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2867 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2868 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2869 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2870 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2871 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2872 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2873 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2874 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2875 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2876 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2877 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2878 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2879 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2880 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2881 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2882 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2883 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2884 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2885 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2886 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2887 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2888 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2889 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2890 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2891 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2892 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2893 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2894 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2895 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2896 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2897 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2898 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2899 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2900 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2901 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2902 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2903 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2904 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2905 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2906 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2907 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2908 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2909 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2910 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2911 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2912 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2913 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2914 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2915 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2916 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2917 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2918 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2919 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2920 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2921 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2922 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2923 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2924 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2925 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2926 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2927 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2928 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2929 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2930 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2931 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2932 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2933 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2934 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2935 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2936 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2937 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2938 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2939 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2940 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2941 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2942 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2943 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2944 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2945 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2946 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2947 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2948 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2949 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2950 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2951 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2952 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2953 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2954 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2955 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2956 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2957 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2958 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2959 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2960 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2961 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2962 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2963 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2964 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2965 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2966 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2967 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2968 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2969 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2970 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2971 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2972 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2973 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2974 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2975 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2976 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2977 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2978 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2979 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2980 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2981 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2982 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2983 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2984 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2985 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2986 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2987 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2988 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2989 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2990 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2991 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2992 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2993 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2994 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2995 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2996 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2997 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2998 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 2999 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3000 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3001 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3002 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3003 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3004 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3005 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3006 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3007 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3008 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3009 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3010 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3011 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3012 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3013 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3014 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3015 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3016 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3017 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3018 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3019 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3020 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3021 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3022 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3023 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3024 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3025 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3026 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3027 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3028 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3029 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3030 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3031 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3032 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3033 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3034 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3035 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3036 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3037 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3038 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3039 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3040 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3041 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3042 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3043 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3044 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3045 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3046 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3047 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3048 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3049 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3050 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3051 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3052 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3053 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3054 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3055 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3056 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3057 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3058 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3059 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3060 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3061 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3062 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3063 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3064 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3065 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3066 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3067 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3068 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3069 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3070 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3071 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3072 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3073 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3074 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3075 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3076 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3077 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3078 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3079 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3080 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3081 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3082 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3083 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3084 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3085 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3086 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3087 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3088 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3089 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3090 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3091 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3092 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3093 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3094 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3095 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3096 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3097 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3098 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3099 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3100 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3101 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3102 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3103 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3104 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3105 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3106 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3107 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3108 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3109 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3110 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3111 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3112 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3113 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3114 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3115 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3116 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3117 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3118 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3119 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3120 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3121 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3122 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3123 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3124 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3125 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3126 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3127 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3128 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3129 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3130 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3131 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3132 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3133 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3134 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3135 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3136 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3137 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3138 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3139 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3140 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3141 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3142 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3143 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3144 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3145 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3146 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3147 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3148 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3149 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3150 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3151 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3152 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3153 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3154 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3155 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3156 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3157 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3158 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3159 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3160 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3161 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3162 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3163 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3164 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3165 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3166 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3167 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3168 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3169 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3170 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3171 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3172 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3173 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3174 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3175 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3176 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3177 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3178 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3179 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3180 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3181 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3182 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3183 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3184 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3185 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3186 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3187 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3188 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3189 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3190 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3191 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3192 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3193 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3194 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3195 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3196 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3197 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3198 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3199 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3200 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3201 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3202 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3203 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3204 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3205 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3206 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3207 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3208 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3209 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3210 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3211 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3212 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3213 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3214 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3215 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3216 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3217 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3218 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3219 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3220 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3221 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3222 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3223 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3224 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3225 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3226 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3227 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3228 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3229 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3230 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3231 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3232 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3233 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3234 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3235 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3236 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3237 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3238 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3239 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3240 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3241 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3242 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3243 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3244 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3245 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3246 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3247 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3248 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3249 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3250 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3251 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3252 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3253 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3254 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3255 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3256 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3257 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3258 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3259 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3260 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3261 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3262 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3263 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3264 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3265 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3266 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3267 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3268 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3269 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3270 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3271 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3272 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3273 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3274 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3275 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3276 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3277 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3278 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3279 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3280 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3281 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3282 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3283 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3284 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3285 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3286 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3287 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3288 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3289 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3290 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3291 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3292 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3293 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3294 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3295 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3296 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3297 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3298 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3299 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3300 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3301 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3302 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3303 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3304 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3305 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3306 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3307 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3308 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3309 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3310 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3311 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3312 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3313 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3314 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3315 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3316 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3317 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3318 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3319 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3320 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3321 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3322 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3323 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3324 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3325 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3326 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3327 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3328 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3329 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3330 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3331 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3332 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3333 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3334 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3335 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3336 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3337 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3338 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3339 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3340 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3341 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3342 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3343 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3344 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3345 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3346 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3347 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3348 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3349 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3350 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3351 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3352 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3353 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3354 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3355 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3356 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3357 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3358 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3359 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3360 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3361 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3362 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3363 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3364 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3365 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3366 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3367 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3368 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3369 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3370 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3371 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3372 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3373 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3374 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3375 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3376 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3377 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3378 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3379 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3380 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3381 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3382 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3383 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3384 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3385 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3386 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3387 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3388 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3389 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3390 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3391 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3392 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3393 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3394 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3395 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3396 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3397 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3398 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3399 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3400 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3401 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3402 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3403 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3404 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3405 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3406 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3407 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3408 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3409 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3410 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3411 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3412 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3413 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3414 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3415 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3416 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3417 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3418 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3419 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3420 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3421 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3422 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3423 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3424 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3425 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3426 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3427 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3428 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3429 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3430 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3431 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3432 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3433 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3434 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3435 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3436 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3437 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3438 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3439 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3440 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3441 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3442 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3443 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3444 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3445 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3446 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3447 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3448 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3449 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3450 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3451 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3452 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3453 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3454 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3455 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3456 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3457 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3458 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3459 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3460 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3461 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3462 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3463 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3464 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3465 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3466 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3467 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3468 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3469 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3470 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3471 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3472 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3473 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3474 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3475 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3476 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3477 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3478 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3479 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3480 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3481 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3482 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3483 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3484 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3485 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3486 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3487 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3488 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3489 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3490 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3491 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3492 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3493 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3494 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3495 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3496 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3497 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3498 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3499 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3500 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3501 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3502 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3503 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3504 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3505 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3506 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3507 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3508 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3509 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3510 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3511 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3512 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3513 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3514 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3515 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3516 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3517 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3518 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3519 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3520 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3521 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3522 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3523 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3524 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3525 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3526 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3527 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3528 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3529 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3530 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3531 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3532 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3533 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3534 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3535 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3536 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3537 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3538 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3539 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3540 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3541 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3542 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3543 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3544 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3545 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3546 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3547 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3548 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3549 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3550 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3551 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3552 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3553 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3554 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3555 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3556 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3557 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3558 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3559 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3560 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3561 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3562 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3563 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3564 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3565 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3566 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3567 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3568 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3569 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3570 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3571 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3572 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3573 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3574 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3575 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3576 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3577 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3578 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3579 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3580 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3581 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3582 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3583 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3584 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3585 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3586 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3587 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3588 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3589 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3590 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3591 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3592 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3593 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3594 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3595 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3596 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3597 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3598 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3599 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3600 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3601 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3602 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3603 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3604 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3605 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3606 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3607 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3608 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3609 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3610 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3611 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3612 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3613 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3614 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3615 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3616 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3617 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3618 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3619 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3620 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3621 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3622 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3623 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3624 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3625 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3626 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3627 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3628 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3629 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3630 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3631 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3632 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3633 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3634 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3635 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3636 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3637 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3638 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3639 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3640 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3641 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3642 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3643 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3644 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3645 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3646 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3647 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3648 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3649 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3650 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3651 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3652 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3653 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3654 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3655 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3656 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3657 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3658 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3659 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3660 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3661 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3662 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3663 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3664 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3665 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3666 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3667 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3668 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3669 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3670 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3671 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3672 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3673 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3674 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3675 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3676 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3677 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3678 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3679 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3680 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3681 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3682 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3683 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3684 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3685 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3686 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3687 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3688 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3689 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3690 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3691 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3692 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3693 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3694 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3695 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3696 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3697 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3698 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3699 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3700 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3701 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3702 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3703 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3704 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3705 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3706 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3707 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3708 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3709 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3710 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3711 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3712 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3713 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3714 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3715 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3716 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3717 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3718 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3719 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3720 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3721 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3722 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3723 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3724 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3725 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3726 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3727 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3728 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3729 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3730 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3731 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3732 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3733 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3734 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3735 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3736 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3737 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3738 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3739 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3740 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3741 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3742 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3743 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3744 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3745 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3746 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3747 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3748 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3749 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3750 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3751 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3752 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3753 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3754 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3755 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3756 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3757 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3758 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3759 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3760 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3761 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3762 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3763 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3764 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3765 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3766 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3767 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3768 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3769 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3770 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3771 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3772 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3773 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3774 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3775 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3776 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3777 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3778 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3779 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3780 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3781 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3782 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3783 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3784 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3785 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3786 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3787 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3788 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3789 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3790 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3791 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3792 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3793 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3794 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3795 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3796 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3797 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3798 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3799 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3800 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3801 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3802 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3803 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3804 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3805 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3806 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3807 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3808 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3809 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3810 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3811 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3812 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3813 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3814 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3815 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3816 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3817 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3818 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3819 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3820 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3821 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3822 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3823 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3824 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3825 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3826 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3827 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3828 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3829 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3830 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3831 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3832 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3833 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3834 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3835 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3836 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3837 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3838 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3839 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3840 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3841 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3842 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3843 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3844 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3845 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3846 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3847 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3848 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3849 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3850 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3851 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3852 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3853 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3854 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3855 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3856 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3857 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3858 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3859 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3860 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3861 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3862 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3863 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3864 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3865 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3866 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3867 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3868 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3869 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3870 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3871 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3872 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3873 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3874 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3875 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3876 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3877 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3878 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3879 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3880 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3881 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3882 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3883 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3884 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3885 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3886 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3887 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3888 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3889 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3890 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3891 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3892 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3893 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3894 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3895 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3896 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3897 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3898 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3899 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3900 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3901 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3902 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3903 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3904 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3905 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3906 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3907 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3908 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3909 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3910 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3911 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3912 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3913 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3914 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3915 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3916 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3917 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3918 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3919 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3920 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3921 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3922 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3923 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3924 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3925 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3926 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3927 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3928 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3929 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3930 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3931 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3932 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3933 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3934 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3935 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3936 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3937 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3938 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3939 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3940 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3941 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3942 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3943 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3944 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3945 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3946 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3947 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3948 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3949 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3950 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3951 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3952 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3953 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3954 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3955 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3956 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3957 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3958 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3959 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3960 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3961 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3962 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3963 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3964 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3965 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3966 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3967 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3968 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3969 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3970 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3971 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3972 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3973 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3974 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3975 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3976 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3977 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3978 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3979 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3980 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3981 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3982 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3983 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3984 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3985 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3986 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3987 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3988 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3989 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3990 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3991 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3992 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3993 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3994 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3995 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3996 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3997 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3998 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				case 3999 :\n" + 
-		"					return 3;\n" + 
-		"				default:\n" + 
-		"					return -1;\n" + 
-		"			}\n" + 
-		"		} catch(Exception e) {\n" + 
-		"			//ignore\n" + 
-		"		} finally {\n" + 
-		"			System.out.println(\"Enter finally block\");\n" + 
-		"			System.out.println(\"Inside finally block\");\n" + 
-		"			System.out.println(\"Leave finally block\");\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"		return -1;\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"		System.out.println(foo(1));\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}"},
-		"Enter finally block\n" + 
-		"Inside finally block\n" + 
-		"Leave finally block\n" + 
-		"3");
-public static Class testClass() {
-	return XLargeTest.class;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/eval/target/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/eval/target/
deleted file mode 100644
index e4ac955..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/eval/target/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-import java.util.*;
- * A code snippet class loader is a class loader that loads code snippet classes and global
- * variable classes.
- */
-public class CodeSnippetClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
-	/**
-	 * Whether the code snippet support classes should be given by the IDE
-	 * or should be found on disk.
-	 */
-	static boolean DEVELOPMENT_MODE = false;
-	Hashtable loadedClasses = new Hashtable();
- * Asks the class loader that loaded this class to load the given class.
- * @throws ClassNotFoundException if it could not be loaded.
- */
-private Class delegateLoadClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
-	ClassLoader myLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
-	if (myLoader == null) {
-		return Class.forName(name);
-	}
-	return myLoader.loadClass(name);
- * Loads the given class. If the class is known to this runner, returns it.
- * If only  the class definition is known to this runner, makes it a class and returns it.
- * Otherwise delegates to the real class loader.
- */
-protected Class loadClass(String name, boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException {
-		try {
-			return delegateLoadClass(name);
-		} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
-			Class clazz = makeClass(name, resolve);
-			if (clazz == null) {
-				throw e;
-			}
-			return clazz;
-		}
-	}
-	Class clazz = makeClass(name, resolve);
-	if (clazz == null) {
-		return delegateLoadClass(name);
-	}
-	return clazz;
- * Loads the given class either from the stored class definition or from the system.
- * Returns the existing class if it has already been loaded.
- * Returns null if no class definition can be found.
- */
-Class loadIfNeeded(String className) {
-	Class clazz = null;
-	if (!supportsHotCodeReplacement()) {
-		clazz = findLoadedClass(className);
-	}
-	if (clazz == null) {
-		try {
-			clazz = loadClass(className, true);
-		} catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
-			e.printStackTrace();
-		} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
-			e.printStackTrace();
-		}
-	}
-	return clazz;
- * Makes the class definition known by this code snippet runner a real class and
- * returns it.
- * Returns null if there is no class definition.
- */
-private Class makeClass(String name, boolean resolve) {
-	Object o = this.loadedClasses.get(name);
-	if (o == null) {
-		return null;
-	}
-	if (o instanceof Class) {
-		return (Class) o;
-	}
-	byte[] classDefinition = (byte[]) o;
-	Class clazz = defineClass(null, classDefinition, 0, classDefinition.length);
-	if (resolve) {
-		resolveClass(clazz);
-	}
-	this.loadedClasses.put(name, clazz);
-	return clazz;
- * Stores the given class definition for the given class.
- */
-void storeClassDefinition(String className, byte[] classDefinition) {
-	Object clazz = this.loadedClasses.get(className);
-	if (clazz == null || supportsHotCodeReplacement()) {
-		this.loadedClasses.put(className, classDefinition);
-	}
- * Returns whether this class loader supports Hot Code Replacement.
- */
-protected boolean supportsHotCodeReplacement() {
-	return false;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/eval/target/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/eval/target/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1024bc7..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/eval/target/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,471 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-import java.lang.reflect.*;
-import java.util.*;
- * A code snippet runner loads code snippet classes and global
- * variable classes, and that run the code snippet classes.
- * <p>
- * When started, this runner first connects using TCP/IP to the provided port number.
- * If a regular classpath directory is provided, it writes the class definitions it gets from the IDE
- * to this directory (or to the bootclasspath directory if the class name starts with "java") and it
- * lets the system class loader (or the bootstrap class loader if it is a "java" class) load
- * the class.
- * If the regular classpath directory is null, it uses a code snippet class loader to load the classes
- * it gets from the IDE. 
- * <p>
- * Using a code snippet class loader has the following limitation when the code snippet is ran:
- * <ul>
- * <li>The code snippet class can access only public classes, and public members or these classes.
- *	   This is because the "runtime package" of the code snippet class is always different from
- *	   the "runtime package" of the class it is trying to access since the class loaders are 
- * 	   different.
- * <li>The code snippet class cannot be defined in a "java.*" package. Only the bootstrap class 
- *	   loader can load such a class.
- * </ul> 
- */
-public class CodeSnippetRunner {
-	public static CodeSnippetRunner theRunner;
-	static final String CODE_SNIPPET_CLASS_NAME = "";
-	static final String RUN_METHOD_NAME = "run";
-	static final String GET_RESULT_TYPE_METHOD_NAME = "getResultType";
-	static final String GET_RESULT_VALUE_METHOD_NAME = "getResultValue";
-	IDEInterface ide;
-	String classPathDirectory;
-	String bootclassPathDirectory;
-	CodeSnippetClassLoader loader;
-	Class codeSnippetClass = null;
- * Creates a new code snippet runner. 
- */
-public CodeSnippetRunner(int portNumber, String classPathDirectory, String bootclassPathDirectory) {
-	this.ide = new IDEInterface(portNumber);
-	if (classPathDirectory != null) {
-		this.classPathDirectory = classPathDirectory;
-		if (bootclassPathDirectory != null) {
-			this.bootclassPathDirectory = bootclassPathDirectory;
-		}
-	} else {
-		this.loader = new CodeSnippetClassLoader();
-	}
- * Returns the forward slash separated class name from the given class definition.
- */
-private String className(byte[] classDefinition) {
-	// NB: The following code was copied from org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.cfmt, 
-	//     thus it is highly dependent on the class file format.
-	int readOffset = 10;
-	try {
-		int constantPoolCount = u2At(8, classDefinition);
-		int[] constantPoolOffsets = new int[constantPoolCount];
-		for (int i = 1; i < constantPoolCount; i++) {
-			int tag = u1At(readOffset, classDefinition);
-			switch (tag) {
-				case 1 : // Utf8Tag
-					constantPoolOffsets[i] = readOffset;
-					readOffset += u2At(readOffset + 1, classDefinition);
-					readOffset += 3; // ConstantUtf8.fixedSize
-					break;
-				case 3 : // IntegerTag
-					constantPoolOffsets[i] = readOffset;
-					readOffset += 5; // ConstantInteger.fixedSize
-					break;
-				case 4 : // FloatTag
-					constantPoolOffsets[i] = readOffset;
-					readOffset += 5; // ConstantFloat.fixedSize
-					break;
-				case 5 : // LongTag
-					constantPoolOffsets[i] = readOffset;
-					readOffset += 9; // ConstantLong.fixedSize
-					i++;
-					break;
-				case 6 : // DoubleTag
-					constantPoolOffsets[i] = readOffset;
-					readOffset += 9; // ConstantDouble.fixedSize
-					i++;
-					break;
-				case 7 : // ClassTag
-					constantPoolOffsets[i] = readOffset;
-					readOffset += 3; // ConstantClass.fixedSize
-					break;
-				case 8 : // StringTag
-					constantPoolOffsets[i] = readOffset;
-					readOffset += 3; // ConstantString.fixedSize
-					break;
-				case 9 : // FieldRefTag
-					constantPoolOffsets[i] = readOffset;
-					readOffset += 5; // ConstantFieldRef.fixedSize
-					break;
-				case 10 : // MethodRefTag
-					constantPoolOffsets[i] = readOffset;
-					readOffset += 5; // ConstantMethodRef.fixedSize
-					break;
-				case 11 : // InterfaceMethodRefTag
-					constantPoolOffsets[i] = readOffset;
-					readOffset += 5; // ConstantInterfaceMethodRef.fixedSize
-					break;
-				case 12 : // NameAndTypeTag
-					constantPoolOffsets[i] = readOffset;
-					readOffset += 5; // ConstantNameAndType.fixedSize
-			}
-		}
-		// Skip access flags
-		readOffset += 2;
-		// Read the classname, use exception handlers to catch bad format
-		int constantPoolIndex = u2At(readOffset, classDefinition);
-		int utf8Offset = constantPoolOffsets[u2At(constantPoolOffsets[constantPoolIndex] + 1, classDefinition)];
-		char[] className = utf8At(utf8Offset + 3, u2At(utf8Offset + 1, classDefinition), classDefinition);
-		return new String(className);
-	} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
-		e.printStackTrace();
-		return null;
-	}
- * Creates a new instance of the given class. It is
- * assumed that it is a subclass of CodeSnippet.
- */
-Object createCodeSnippet(Class snippetClass) {
-	Object object = null;
-	try {
-		object = snippetClass.newInstance();
-	} catch (InstantiationException e) {
-		e.printStackTrace();
-		this.ide.sendResult(void.class, null);
-		return null;
-	} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
-		e.printStackTrace();
-		this.ide.sendResult(void.class, null);
-		return null;
-	}
-	return object;
- * Whether this code snippet runner is currently running.
- */
-public boolean isRunning() {
-	return this.ide.isConnected();
- * Starts a new CodeSnippetRunner that will serve code snippets from the IDE.
- * It waits for a connection on the given evaluation port number.
- * <p> 
- * Usage: java -evalport <portNumber> [-options] [<mainClassName>] [<arguments>]
- * where options include:
- * -cscp <codeSnippetClasspath> the the classpath directory for the code snippet classes.
- * that are not defined in a "java.*" package.
- * -csbp <codeSnippetBootClasspath> the bootclasspath directory for the code snippet classes
- * that are defined in a "java.*" package.
- * <p>
- * The mainClassName and its arguments are optional: when not present only the server will start 
- * and run until the VM is shut down, when present the server will start, the main class will run
- * but the server will exit when the main class has finished running.
- */
-public static void main(String[] args) {
-	int length = args.length;
-	if (length < 2 || !args[0].toLowerCase().equals("-evalport")) {
-		printUsage();
-		return;
-	}
-	int evalPort = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
-	String classPath = null;
-	String bootPath = null;
-	int mainClass = -1;
-	for (int i = 2; i < length; i++) {
-		String arg = args[i];
-		if (arg.startsWith("-")) {
-			if (arg.toLowerCase().equals("-cscp")) {
-				if (++i < length) {
-					classPath = args[i];
-				} else {
-					printUsage();
-					return;
-				}
-			} else if (arg.toLowerCase().equals("-csbp")) {
-				if (++i < length) {
-					bootPath = args[i];
-				} else {
-					printUsage();
-					return;
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
-			mainClass = i;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	theRunner = new CodeSnippetRunner(evalPort, classPath, bootPath);
-	if (mainClass == -1) {
-		theRunner.start();
-	} else {
-		Thread server = new Thread() {
-			public void run() {
-				theRunner.start();
-			}
-		};
-		server.setDaemon(true);
-		server.start();
-		int mainArgsLength = length-mainClass-1;
-		String[] mainArgs = new String[mainArgsLength];
-		System.arraycopy(args, mainClass+1, mainArgs, 0, mainArgsLength);
-		try {
-			Class clazz = Class.forName(args[mainClass]);
-			Method mainMethod = clazz.getMethod("main", new Class[] {String[].class});
-			mainMethod.invoke(null, new String[][] {mainArgs});
-		} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
-			e.printStackTrace();
-		} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
-			e.printStackTrace();
-		} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
-			e.printStackTrace();
-		} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
-			e.printStackTrace();
-		}
-	}
-private static void printUsage() {
-	System.out.println("Usage: java -evalport <portNumber> [-options] [<mainClassName>] [<arguments>]");
-	System.out.println("where options include:");
-	System.out.println("-cscp <codeSnippetClasspath> the the classpath directory for the code snippet classes.");
-	System.out.println("that are not defined in a \"java.*\" package.");
-	System.out.println("-csbp <codeSnippetBootClasspath> the bootclasspath directory for the code snippet classes");
-	System.out.println("that are defined in a \"java.*\" package.");
- * Loads the given class definitions. The way these class definitions are loaded is described
- * in the CodeSnippetRunner constructor.
- * The class definitions are code snippet classes and/or global variable classes.
- * Code snippet classes are assumed be direct or indirect subclasses of CodeSnippet and implement 
- * only the run()V method. 
- * They are instanciated and run.
- * Global variable classes are assumed to be direct subclasses of CodeSnippet. Their fields are assumed
- * to be static. The value of each field is sent back to the IDE.
- */
-void processClasses(boolean mustRun, byte[][] classDefinitions) {
-	// store the class definitions (either in the code snippet class loader or on disk)
-	String[] newClasses = new String[classDefinitions.length];
-	for (int i = 0; i < classDefinitions.length; i++) {
-		byte[] classDefinition = classDefinitions[i];
-		String classFileName = className(classDefinition);
-		String className = classFileName.replace('/', '.');
-		if (this.loader != null) {
-			this.loader.storeClassDefinition(className, classDefinition);
-		} else {
-			writeClassOnDisk(classFileName, classDefinition);
-		}
-		newClasses[i] = className;
-	}
-	// load the classes and collect code snippet classes
-	Vector codeSnippetClasses = new Vector();
-	for (int i = 0; i < newClasses.length; i++) {
-		String className = newClasses[i];
-		Class clazz = null;
-		if (this.loader != null) {
-			clazz = this.loader.loadIfNeeded(className);
-			if (clazz == null) {
-				System.err.println("Could not find class definition for " + className);
-				break;
-			}
-		} else {
-			// use the system class loader
-			try {
-				clazz = Class.forName(className);
-			} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
-				e.printStackTrace(); // should never happen since we just wrote it on disk
-				this.ide.sendResult(void.class, null);
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		Class superclass = clazz.getSuperclass();
-		Method[] methods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods();
-		if (this.codeSnippetClass == null) {
-			if (superclass.equals(Object.class) && clazz.getName().equals(CODE_SNIPPET_CLASS_NAME)) {
-				// The CodeSnippet class is being deployed
-				this.codeSnippetClass = clazz;
-			} else {
-				System.out.println("Expecting CodeSnippet class to be deployed first");
-			}
-		} else if (superclass.equals(this.codeSnippetClass)) {
-			// It may be a code snippet class with no global variable
-			if (methods.length == 1 && methods[0].getName().equals(RUN_METHOD_NAME)) {
-				codeSnippetClasses.addElement(clazz);
-			}
-			// Evaluate global variables and send result back
-			Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
-			for (int j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) {
-				Field field = fields[j];
-				if (Modifier.isPublic(field.getModifiers())) {
-					try {
-						this.ide.sendResult(field.getType(), field.get(null));
-					} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
-						e.printStackTrace(); // Cannot happen because the field is public
-						this.ide.sendResult(void.class, null);
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		} else if (this.codeSnippetClass.equals(superclass.getSuperclass()) && methods.length == 1 && methods[0].getName().equals("run")) {
-			// It is a code snippet class with a global variable superclass
-			codeSnippetClasses.addElement(clazz);
-		}
-	}
-	// run the code snippet classes
-	if (codeSnippetClasses.size() != 0 && mustRun) {
-		for (Enumeration e = codeSnippetClasses.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
-			Object codeSnippet = this.createCodeSnippet((Class) e.nextElement());
-			if (codeSnippet != null) {
-				this.runCodeSnippet(codeSnippet);
-			}
-		}
-	}
- * Runs the given code snippet in a new thread and send the result back to the IDE.
- */
-void runCodeSnippet(final Object snippet) {
-	Thread thread = new Thread() {
-		public void run() {
-			try {
-				try {
-					Method runMethod = codeSnippetClass.getMethod(RUN_METHOD_NAME, new Class[] {});
-					runMethod.invoke(snippet, new Object[] {});
-				} finally {
-					Method getResultTypeMethod = codeSnippetClass.getMethod(GET_RESULT_TYPE_METHOD_NAME, new Class[] {});
-					Class resultType = (Class)getResultTypeMethod.invoke(snippet, new Object[] {});
-					Method getResultValueMethod = codeSnippetClass.getMethod(GET_RESULT_VALUE_METHOD_NAME, new Class[] {});
-					Object resultValue = getResultValueMethod.invoke(snippet, new Object[] {});
-					CodeSnippetRunner.this.ide.sendResult(resultType, resultValue);
-				}
-			} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
-				e.printStackTrace();
-			} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
-				e.printStackTrace();
-			} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
-				System.out.println("codeSnippetClass = " + codeSnippetClass.getName());
-				System.out.println("snippet.class = " + snippet.getClass().getName());
-				Class superclass = snippet.getClass().getSuperclass();
-				System.out.println("snippet.superclass = " + (superclass == null ? "null" : superclass.getName()));
-				e.printStackTrace();
-			} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
-				e.getTargetException().printStackTrace();
-			}
-		}
-	};
-	thread.setDaemon(true);
-	thread.start();
- * Starts this code snippet runner in a different thread.
- */
-public void start() {
-	Thread thread = new Thread("Code snippet runner") {
-		public void run() {
-			try {
-				ide.connect();
-			} catch (IOException e) {
-				e.printStackTrace();
-			}
-			while (ide.isConnected()) {
-				try {
-					processClasses(ide.getRunFlag(), ide.getNextClasses());
-				} catch (Error e) {
-					ide.sendResult(void.class, null);
-					e.printStackTrace();
-				} catch (RuntimeException e) {
-					ide.sendResult(void.class, null);
-					e.printStackTrace();
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	};
-	thread.start();
- * Stops this code snippet runner.
- */
-public void stop() {
-	this.ide.disconnect();
-private int u1At(int position, byte[] bytes) {
-	return bytes[position] & 0xFF;
-private int u2At(int position, byte[] bytes) {
-	return ((bytes[position++] & 0xFF) << 8) + (bytes[position] & 0xFF);
-private char[] utf8At(int readOffset, int bytesAvailable, byte[] bytes) {
-	int x, y, z;
-	int length = bytesAvailable;
-	char outputBuf[] = new char[bytesAvailable];
-	int outputPos = 0;
-	while (length != 0) {
-		x = bytes[readOffset++] & 0xFF;
-		length--;
-		if ((0x80 & x) != 0) {
-			y = bytes[readOffset++] & 0xFF;
-			length--;
-			if ((x & 0x20) != 0) {
-				z = bytes[readOffset++] & 0xFF;
-				length--;
-				x = ((x & 0x1F) << 12) + ((y & 0x3F) << 6) + (z & 0x3F);
-			} else {
-				x = ((x & 0x1F) << 6) + (y & 0x3F);
-			}
-		}
-		outputBuf[outputPos++] = (char) x;
-	}
-	if (outputPos != bytesAvailable) {
-		System.arraycopy(outputBuf, 0, (outputBuf = new char[outputPos]), 0, outputPos);
-	}
-	return outputBuf;
- * Writes the given class definition on disk. The give name is the forward slash separated
- * fully qualified name of the class.
- */
-private void writeClassOnDisk(String className, byte[] classDefinition) {
-	try {
-		String fileName = className.replace('/', File.separatorChar) + ".class";
-		File classFile = new File(
-			(this.bootclassPathDirectory != null && 
-			(className.startsWith("java") || className.replace('/', '.').equals(CODE_SNIPPET_CLASS_NAME))) ? 
-				this.bootclassPathDirectory : 
-				this.classPathDirectory, fileName);
-		File parent = new File(classFile.getParent());
-		parent.mkdirs();
-		if (!parent.exists()) {
-			throw new IOException("Could not create directory " + parent.getPath());
-		}
-		FileOutputStream out = null;
-		try {
-			out = new FileOutputStream(classFile);
-			out.write(classDefinition);
-		} finally {
-			if (out != null) {
-				out.close();
-			}
-		}
-	} catch (IOException e) {
-		e.printStackTrace();
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/eval/target/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/eval/target/
deleted file mode 100644
index d96a4f0..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/eval/target/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
- * The interface to the IDE. When connected, it uses TCP/IP sockets
- * to get code snippet classes and global variable classes from the IDE.
- * It sends the result of the evaluation back using the same socket.
- * <p>
- * The format from the socket input stream is the following:
- * <pre>
- *		[run flag: boolean coded on 1 byte]
- * 		[number of class files: int coded on 4 bytes]
- *		*[
- *			[length of class file: int coded on 4 bytes]
- *      	[class file: Java Class file format]
- *       ]
- * </pre>
- * This sequence is infinitely repeated until the input socket stream is closed.
- * <p>
- * The format from the socket output stream is the following:
- * <pre>
- * 		[has result flag: 1 if there is a result, 0 otherwise]
- * 		if there is a result:
- *		[fully qualified type name of result: utf8 encoded string]
- *      [toString representation of result: utf8 encoded string]
- * </pre>
- * This sequence is infinitely repeated until the output socket stream is closed.
- */
-public class IDEInterface {
-	/**
-	 * Whether timing info should be printed to stdout
-	 */
-	static final boolean TIMING = false;
-	long startTime;
-	int portNumber = 0;
-	Socket socket;
- * Creates a new IDEInterface.
- */
-IDEInterface(int portNumber) {
-	this.portNumber = portNumber;
- * Waits for a connection from the ide on the given port.
- * @throws IOException if the connection could not be established.
- */
-void connect() throws IOException {
-	ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(this.portNumber);
-	this.socket = server.accept();
-	this.socket.setTcpNoDelay(true);
-	server.close();
- * Disconnects this interface from the IDE.
- */
-void disconnect() {
-	if (this.socket != null) {
-		try {
-			this.socket.close();
-		} catch (IOException e2) {
-			// Ignore
-		}
-		this.socket = null;
-	}
- * Returns the class definitions of the classes that compose the next code snippet to evaluate.
- */
-protected byte[][] getNextClasses() {
-	if (this.socket == null) {
-		return new byte[0][];
-	}
-	if (TIMING) {
-		this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
-	}
-	try {
-		DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(this.socket.getInputStream());
-		int numberOfClasses = in.readInt();
-		byte[][] result = new byte[numberOfClasses][];
-		for (int i = 0; i < numberOfClasses; i++) {
-			int lengthOfClassFile = in.readInt();
-			byte[] classFile = new byte[lengthOfClassFile];
-			int read = 0;
-			while (read < lengthOfClassFile && read != -1) {
-				read +=, read, lengthOfClassFile - read);
-			}
-			result[i] = classFile;
-		}
-		return result;
-	} catch (IOException e) {
-		// The socket has likely been closed on the other end, close this end too.
-		disconnect();
-		return new byte[0][];
-	}
- * Returns whether the code snippet classes that follow should be run or just loaded.
- */
-protected boolean getRunFlag() {
-	if (this.socket == null) {
-		return false;
-	}
-	if (TIMING) {
-		this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
-	}
-	try {
-		DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(this.socket.getInputStream());
-		return in.readBoolean();
-	} catch (IOException e) {
-		// The socket has likely been closed on the other end, close this end too.
-		disconnect();
-		return false;
-	}
- * Returns whether this interface is connected to the IDE.
- */
-boolean isConnected() {
-	return this.socket != null;
- * Sends the result of the evaluation to the IDE.
- */
-protected void sendResult(Class resultType, Object resultValue) {
-	if (this.socket == null) {
-		return;
-	}
-	try {
-		DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(this.socket.getOutputStream());
-		if (resultType == void.class) {
-			out.writeBoolean(false);
-		} else {
-			out.writeBoolean(true);
-			out.writeUTF(resultType.isPrimitive() ? resultType.toString() : resultType.getName());
-			out.writeUTF(resultValue == null ? "null" : resultValue.toString());
-		}
-	} catch (IOException e) {
-		// The socket has likely been closed on the other end, disconnect this end too
-		disconnect();
-	}
-	if (TIMING) {
-		System.out.println("Time to run on target is " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.startTime) + "ms");
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/future/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/future/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 818ab8a..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/future/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1988 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.future.compiler.regression;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression.AbstractComparableTest;
-import junit.framework.*;
-public class AmbiguousMethodTest extends AbstractComparableTest {
-	public AmbiguousMethodTest(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		return buildComparableTestSuite(testClass());
-	}
-	public static Class testClass() {
-		return AmbiguousMethodTest.class;
-	}
-	public void test000() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { new B().foo(new C()); } }\n" +
-				"class A { void foo(A a) {} }\n" +
-				"class B extends A { void foo(B b) { System.out.println(1); } }\n" +
-				"class C extends B {}"
-			},
-			"1"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test000a() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-				new String[] {
-					"",
-					"public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { new Subtype<String>().foo(1, \"works\"); } }\n" +
-					"class Supertype<T1> { <U1> void foo(U1 u, T1 t) {} }\n" +
-					"class Subtype <T2> extends Supertype<T2> { <U3> void foo(U3 u, T2 t) { System.out.println(t); } }"
-				},
-				"works"
-			);		
-	}
-	//
-	public void test001() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class C { public static void main(String[] args) { new B().m(\"works\"); } }\n" +
-				"class B extends A { @Override <T extends Comparable<T>> void m(T t) { System.out.println(t); } }\n" +
-				"abstract class A { abstract <T extends Comparable<T>> void m(T t); }"
-			},
-			"works"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test002() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	static interface I1<E1> { void method(E1 o); }\n" +
-				"	static interface I2<E2> { void method(E2 o); }\n" +
-				"	static interface I3<E3, E4> extends I1<E3>, I2<E4> {}\n" +
-				"	static class Class1 implements I3<String, String> {\n" +
-				"		public void method(String o) { System.out.println(o); }\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-				"		I3<String, String> i = new Class1();\n" +
-				"		i.method(\"works\");\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			"works"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test002a() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	static interface I1<E> { void method(E o); }\n" +
-				"	static interface I2<E> { void method(E o); }\n" +
-				"	static interface I3<E> extends I1<E>, I2<E> {}\n" +
-				"	static class Class1 implements I3<String> {\n" +
-				"		public void method(String o) { System.out.println(o); }\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-				"		I3<String> i = new Class1();\n" +
-				"		i.method(\"works\");\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}"
-			},
-			"works"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test003() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X { void foo() { new BB().test(); } }\n" + 
-				"class AA<T> { void test() {} }\n" + 
-				"class BB extends AA<CC> { <U> void test() {} }\n" + 
-				"class CC {}\n",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class X { void foo() { new BB().test(); } }\n" + 
-			"	                                       ^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method test() is ambiguous for the type BB\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	class BB extends AA<CC> { <U> void test() {} }\n" + 
-			"	                                   ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method test() of type BB has the same erasure as test() of type AA<T> but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test003a() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	void singleMatch() { System.out.print(new BB().test(new N(), new Integer(1))); }\n" +
-				"	void betterMatch() { System.out.print(new CC().test(new N(), new Integer(1))); }\n" +
-				"	void worseMatch() { System.out.print(new DD().test(new N(), new Integer(1))); }\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" +
-				"		new X().singleMatch();\n" +
-				"		new X().betterMatch();\n" +
-				"		new X().worseMatch();\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class AA<T> { int test(T t, Number num) { return 1; } }\n" + 
-				"class BB extends AA<N> { @Override int test(N n, Number num) { return 2; } }\n" + 
-				"class CC extends AA<M> { <U extends Number> int test(N n, U u) { return 3; } }\n" + 
-				"class DD extends AA<N> { <U extends Number> int test(M m, U u) { return 4; } }\n" + 
-				"class M {}\n" +
-				"class N extends M {}",
-			},
-			"231"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test003b() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	void ambiguous() { new BB().test(new N()); }\n" +
-				"	void exactMatch() { new CC().test(new N()); }\n" +
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class AA<T> { void test(T t) {} }\n" + 
-				"class BB extends AA<N> { <U> void test(N n) {} }\n" + 
-				"class CC extends AA<N> { @Override void test(N n) {} }\n" + 
-				"class M {}\n" +
-				"class N extends M {}",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	void ambiguous() { new BB().test(new N()); }\r\n" + 
-			"	                            ^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method test(N) is ambiguous for the type BB\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test003c() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	void ambiguous() { new BB().test(new N(), new Integer(1)); }\n" +
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class AA<T> { void test(T t, Integer i) {} }\n" + 
-				"class BB extends AA<M> { <U extends Number> void test(N n, U u) {} }\n" + 
-				"class M {}\n" +
-				"class N extends M {}",
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	void ambiguous() { new BB().test(new N(), new Integer(1)); }\n" + 
-			"	                            ^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method test(N, Integer) is ambiguous for the type BB\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test004() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	void test(M<Integer> m) {\n" +
-				" Integer(111));\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class C<T extends Number> { public void id(T t) {} }\n" +
-				"class M<TT> extends C<Integer> { public <ZZ> void id(Integer i) {} }\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			" Integer(111));\n" + 
-			"	  ^^\n" + 
-			"The method id(Integer) is ambiguous for the type M<Integer>\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// reference to id is ambiguous, both method id(A) in C<java.lang.Integer> and method id(B) in M<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer> match
-		);
-	}
-	public void test004a() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" +
-				"	void test(M<Integer> m) {\n" +
-				" Integer(111));\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class C<T extends Number> { public void id(T t) {} }\n" +
-				"class M<TT> extends C<Integer> { public void id(Integer i) {} }\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	public void test005() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"		 <S extends A> void foo() { }\n" + 
-				"		 <N extends B> N foo() { return null; }\n" + 
-				"		 void test () {\n" + 
-				"		 	new X().foo();\n" + 
-				"		 }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class A {}\n" + 
-				"class B {}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	new X().foo();\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo() is ambiguous for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test006() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X<T> {\n" + 
-				"   void test() {\n" + 
-				"   	new Y<Object>().foo(\"X\");\n" + 
-				"   	new Y<Object>().foo2(\"X\");\n" + 
-				"   }\n" + 
-				"	<U1> U1 foo(U1 t) {return null;}\n" +
-				"	<U2> U2 foo2(U2 t) {return null;}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y<T2> extends X<T2> {\n" + 
-				"	void foo(T2 t) {}\n" +
-				"	<U3> void foo2(T2 t) {}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-			"	new Y<Object>().foo(\"X\");\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo(Object) is ambiguous for the type Y<Object>\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	new Y<Object>().foo2(\"X\");\n" + 
-			"	                ^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo2(Object) is ambiguous for the type Y<Object>\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test007() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class B {\n" + 
-				"   public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"   	new M().foo(new Integer(1), 2);\n" + 
-				"   	new N().foo(new Integer(1), 2);\n" + 
-				"   }\n" +
-				"}" + 
-				"interface I { void foo(Number arg1, Number arg2); }\n" +
-				"class M {\n" +
-				"	public void foo(int arg1, int arg2) {}\n" +
-				"	public void foo(Number arg1, Number arg2) {}\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class N implements I {\n" +
-				"	public void foo(int arg1, int arg2) {}\n" +
-				"	public void foo(Number arg1, Number arg2) {}\n" +
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\r\n" + 
-			"	new M().foo(new Integer(1), 2);\r\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo(int, int) is ambiguous for the type M\n" + 
-			"----------\n" +
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-			"	new N().foo(new Integer(1), 2);\r\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo(int, int) is ambiguous for the type N\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// reference to foo is ambiguous, both method foo(int,int) in M and method foo(java.lang.Number,java.lang.Number) in M match
-			// reference to foo is ambiguous, both method foo(int,int) in N and method foo(java.lang.Number,java.lang.Number) in N match
-		);
-	}
-	// - case 1
-	public void test008() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class AA {\n" + 
-				"   public static void main(String[] a) { System.out.print(new C().test(new T())); }\n" + 
-				"}" + 
-				"class S {}\n" +
-				"class T extends S {}\n" +
-				"class B { <U extends S> int test(U u) {return -1;} }\n" +
-				"class C extends B { @Override int test(S s) {return 1;} }"
-			},
-			"1"
-		);
-	}
-	// - case 1
-	public void test008a() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class A { void check() { new C().test(new T()); } }\n" + 
-				"class S {}\n" +
-				"class T extends S {}\n" +
-				"class B { int test(S s) {return 1;} }\n" +
-				"class C extends B { <U extends S> int test(U u) {return -1;} }"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	public class A { void check() { new C().test(new T()); } }\n" + 
-			"	                                        ^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method test(T) is ambiguous for the type C\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	class C extends B { <U extends S> int test(U u) {return -1;} }\n" + 
-			"	                                      ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Name clash: The method test(U) of type C has the same erasure as test(S) of type B but does not override it\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	// - case 2
-	public void test009() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-				"public class T {\n" + 
-				"   void test() {\n" + 
-				"   	OrderedSet<String> os = null;\n" + 
-				"   	os.add(\"hello\");\n" + 
-				"   	OrderedSet<Integer> os2 = null;\n" + 
-				"   	os2.add(1);\n" + 
-				"   }\n" +
-				"}" + 
-				"interface OrderedSet<E> extends List<E>, Set<E> { boolean add(E o); }\n"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-public void _test010a() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  	interface Listener {}\n" + 
-			"  	interface ErrorListener {}\n" + 
-			"  	static <L1 extends Listener & ErrorListener> Object createParser(L1 l) { return null; }\n" + 
-			"  	static <L2 extends ErrorListener & Listener> Object createParser(L2 l) { return null; }\n" + 
-			"   public static void main(String[] s) {\n" + 
-			"   	class A implements Listener, ErrorListener {}\n" + 
-			"   	createParser(new A());\n" + 
-			"   }\n" +
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-		"	static <L1 extends Listener & ErrorListener> Object createParser(L1 l) { return null; }\r\n" + 
-		"	                                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Method createParser(L1) has the same erasure createParser(X.Listener) as another method in type X\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-		"	static <L2 extends ErrorListener & Listener> Object createParser(L2 l) { return null; }\r\n" + 
-		"	                                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Method createParser(L2) has the same erasure createParser(X.ErrorListener) as another method in type X\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\r\n" + 
-		"	createParser(new A());\r\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method createParser(A) is undefined for the type X\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-public void _test010b() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  	interface Listener {}\n" + 
-			"  	interface ErrorListener {}\n" + 
-			"  	static <L1 extends Listener> int createParser(L1 l) { return 1; }\n" + 
-			"  	static <L2 extends ErrorListener & Listener> int createParser(L2 l) { return 2; }\n" + 
-			"   public static void main(String[] s) {\n" + 
-			"   	class A implements Listener, ErrorListener {}\n" + 
-			"   	System.out.print(createParser(new A()));\n" + 
-			"   }\n" +
-			"}"
-		},
-		"2"
-	);
-public void _test010c() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  	interface Listener {}\n" + 
-			"  	interface ErrorListener {}\n" + 
-			"  	static int createParser(Listener l) { return 1; }\n" + 
-			"  	static <L extends ErrorListener & Listener> int createParser(L l) { return 2; }\n" + 
-			"   public static void main(String[] s) {\n" + 
-			"   	class A implements Listener, ErrorListener {}\n" + 
-			"   	System.out.print(createParser(new A()));\n" + 
-			"   }\n" +
-			"}"
-		},
-		"2"
-	);
-	//
-	public void test011() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X<A extends Number> extends Y<A> {\n" + 
-				"	<T> void foo(A n, T t) throws ExOne {}\n" + 
-				"	void test(X<Integer> x) throws ExTwo { Integer(1), new Integer(2)); }\n" +
-				"	void test2(X x) throws ExTwo { Integer(1), new Integer(2)); }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class Y<C extends Number> {\n" + 
-				"	void foo(C x, C n) throws ExTwo {}\n" +
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class ExOne extends Exception {static final long serialVersionUID = 1;}\n" +
-				"class ExTwo extends Exception {static final long serialVersionUID = 2;}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	void test2(X x) throws ExTwo { Integer(1), new Integer(2)); }\n" + 
-			"	           ^\n" + 
-			"X is a raw type. References to generic type X<A> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	void test2(X x) throws ExTwo { Integer(1), new Integer(2)); }\n" + 
-			"	                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The method foo(Number, Number) belongs to the raw type Y. References to generic type Y<C> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// test2 - warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to foo(C,C) as a member of the raw type Y
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test011a() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Combined<A, B> {\n" + 
-				"	<T extends Comparable<T>> void pickOne(T value) throws ExOne {}\n" + 
-				"	<T> T pickOne(Comparable<T> value) throws ExTwo { return null;}\n" + 
-				"	void pickOne(Combined<Integer,Integer> c) throws ExOne { c.pickOne(\"test\"); }\n" + 
-				"	<T extends Number> void pickTwo(Number n, T t) throws ExOne {}\n" + 
-				"	void pickTwo(A x, Number n) throws ExTwo {}\n" + 
-				"	void pickTwo(Combined<Integer,Integer> c) throws ExTwo { c.pickTwo(new Integer(1), 2); }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class ExOne extends Exception {static final long serialVersionUID = 1;}\n" +
-				"class ExTwo extends Exception {static final long serialVersionUID = 2;}"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test011b() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Test1<AA, BB> {\n" +
-				"	<T extends Comparable<T>> void pickOne(T value) throws ExOne {}\n" +
-				"	<T> T pickOne(Comparable<T> value) throws ExTwo { return null;}\n" +
-				"	void pickOne2(Test1<Integer,Integer> c) throws ExOne { c.pickOne((Comparable) \"test\"); }\n" +
-				"}\n" +
-				"class ExOne extends Exception {static final long serialVersionUID = 1;}\n" +
-				"class ExTwo extends Exception {static final long serialVersionUID = 2;}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	void pickOne2(Test1<Integer,Integer> c) throws ExOne { c.pickOne((Comparable) \"test\"); }\n" + 
-			"	                                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: Unchecked invocation pickOne(Comparable) of the generic method pickOne(T) of type Test1<Integer,Integer>\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	void pickOne2(Test1<Integer,Integer> c) throws ExOne { c.pickOne((Comparable) \"test\"); }\n" + 
-			"	                                                                  ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Comparable is a raw type. References to generic type Comparable<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test012() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class XX {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) { System.out.println(new B().id(new Integer(1))); }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class A<T extends Number> { public int id(T t) {return 2;} }\n" + 
-				"class B extends A<Integer> { public int id(Integer i) {return 1;} }"
-			},
-			"1"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test012a() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class XX {\n" +
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) { System.out.println(new B().id(new Integer(1))); }\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"class A<T extends Number> { public int id(T t) {return 2;} }\n" + 
-				"class B extends A<Integer> { public <ZZ> int id(Integer i) {return 1;} }"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] s) { System.out.println(new B().id(new Integer(1))); }\r\n" + 
-			"	                                                                 ^^\n" + 
-			"The method id(Integer) is ambiguous for the type B\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// reference to id is ambiguous, both method id(T) in A<java.lang.Integer> and method <ZZ>id(java.lang.Integer) in B match
-		);
-	}
-	public void test013() {
-			this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	<E extends A> void m(E e) { System.out.print(1); }\n" + 
-				"	<E extends B> void m(E e) { System.out.print(2); }\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		new X().m(new A());\n" +
-				"		new X().m(new B());\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A {}\n" + 
-				"class B extends A {}\n"
-			},
-			"12"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test014() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	void a(G x) { System.out.print(1); }\n" + 
-				"	void b(F x) { System.out.print(2); }\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		H<C> h = null;\n" +
-				"		G<C> g = null;\n" +
-				"		new X().a(h);\n" +
-				"		new X().a(g);\n" +
-				"		new X().b(h);\n" +
-				"		new X().b(g);\n" +
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A {}\n" + 
-				"class B extends A {}\n" +
-				"class C extends B {}\n" +
-				"class F<T1> {} \n" + 
-				"class G<T2> extends F<T2> {}\n" +
-				"class H<T3> extends G<T3> {}"
-			},
-			"1122"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test014a() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	void a(G<C> x) { System.out.print(1); }\n" + 
-				"	void b(F<C> x) { System.out.print(2); }\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		H h = null;\n" +
-				"		G g = null;\n" +
-				"		new X().a(h);\n" +
-				"		new X().a(g);\n" +
-				"		new X().b(h);\n" +
-				"		new X().b(g);\n" +
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A {}\n" + 
-				"class B extends A {}\n" +
-				"class C extends B {}\n" +
-				"class F<T1> {} \n" + 
-				"class G<T2> extends F<T2> {}\n" +
-				"class H<T3> extends G<T3> {}"
-			},
-			"1122"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test014b() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X0 {\n" + 
-				"	void two(G x) { System.out.print(1); }\n" + 
-				"	void two(F<A> x) { System.out.print(2); }\n" + 
-				"	void three(G x) { System.out.print(3); }\n" + 
-				"	void three(F<B> x) { System.out.print(4); }\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		H<C> h = null;\n" +
-				"		new X0().two(h);\n" +
-				"		new X0().three(h);\n" +
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A {}\n" + 
-				"class B extends A {}\n" +
-				"class C extends B {}\n" +
-				"class F<T1> {} \n" + 
-				"class G<T2> extends F<T2> {}\n" +
-				"class H<T3> extends G<T3> {}"
-			},
-			"13"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test014c() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	void a(G x) {}\n" + 
-				"	void a(F<C> x) {}\n" + 
-				"	void b(G<C> x) {}\n" + 
-				"	void b(F x) {}\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		H<C> h = null;\n" +
-				"		new X().a(h);\n" +
-				"		new X().b(h);\n" +
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A {}\n" + 
-				"class B extends A {}\n" +
-				"class C extends B {}\n" +
-				"class F<T1> {} \n" + 
-				"class G<T2> extends F<T2> {}\n" +
-				"class H<T3> extends G<T3> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-			"	void a(G x) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^\n" + 
-			"G is a raw type. References to generic type G<T2> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-			"	void b(F x) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	       ^\n" + 
-			"F is a raw type. References to generic type F<T1> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\r\n" + 
-			"	new X().a(h);\r\n" + 
-			"	        ^\n" + 
-			"The method a(G) is ambiguous for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// reference to a is ambiguous, both method a(G) in X and method a(F<C>) in X match
-		);
-	}
-	public void test014d() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	void one(G<B> x) {}\n" + 
-				"	void one(F<B> x) {}\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		H<C> h = null;\n" +
-				"		new X().one(h);\n" + // no match
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A {}\n" + 
-				"class B extends A {}\n" +
-				"class C extends B {}\n" +
-				"class F<T1> {} \n" + 
-				"class G<T2> extends F<T2> {}\n" +
-				"class H<T3> extends G<T3> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\r\n" + 
-			"	new X().one(h);\r\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^\n" + 
-			"The method one(G<B>) in the type X is not applicable for the arguments (H<C>)\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test014e() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X1 {\n" + 
-				"	void two(G<C> x) { System.out.print(1); }\n" + 
-				"	void two(F<B> x) { System.out.print(2); }\n" + 
-				"	void three(G<B> x) { System.out.print(3); }\n" + 
-				"	void three(F<C> x) { System.out.print(4); }\n" + 
-				"	void four(G<C> x) { System.out.print(5); }\n" + 
-				"	void four(F<C> x) { System.out.print(6); }\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		H<C> h = null;\n" +
-				"		new X1().two(h);\n" +
-				"		new X1().three(h);\n" +
-				"		new X1().four(h);\n" +
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A {}\n" + 
-				"class B extends A {}\n" +
-				"class C extends B {}\n" +
-				"class F<T1> {} \n" + 
-				"class G<T2> extends F<T2> {}\n" +
-				"class H<T3> extends G<T3> {}"
-			},
-			"145"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test014f() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	<E1, E2 extends B> void three(G<E2> x) {}\n" + 
-				"	<E3 extends C> void three(F<E3> x) {}\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		H<C> h = null;\n" +
-				"		new X().three(h);\n" +
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A {}\n" + 
-				"class B extends A {}\n" +
-				"class C extends B {}\n" +
-				"class F<T1> {} \n" + 
-				"class G<T2> extends F<T2> {}\n" +
-				"class H<T3> extends G<T3> {}"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\r\n" + 
-			"	new X().three(h);\r\n" + 
-			"	        ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method three(G<C>) is ambiguous for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test014g() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X3 {\n" + 
-				"	<E1, E2 extends B> void one(G<E2> x) { System.out.print(1); }\n" + 
-				"	<E3 extends B> void one(F<E3> x) { System.out.print(2); }\n" + 
-				"	<E1, E2 extends C> void two(G<E2> x) { System.out.print(3); }\n" + 
-				"	<E3 extends B> void two(F<E3> x) { System.out.print(4); }\n" + 
-				"	<E1, E2 extends C> void four(G<E2> x) { System.out.print(5); }\n" + 
-				"	<E3 extends C> void four(F<E3> x) { System.out.print(6); }\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		H<C> h = null;\n" +
-				"		new X3().one(h);\n" +
-				"		new X3().two(h);\n" +
-				"		new X3().four(h);\n" +
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A {}\n" + 
-				"class B extends A {}\n" +
-				"class C extends B {}\n" +
-				"class F<T1> {} \n" + 
-				"class G<T2> extends F<T2> {}\n" +
-				"class H<T3> extends G<T3> {}"
-			},
-			"135"
-		);
-	}
-	public void test014h() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	void x(G x) { System.out.print(true); }\n" + 
-				"	void x(F x) { System.out.print(false); }\n" +  
-				"	void x2(G<C> x) { System.out.print(true); }\n" + 
-				"	void x2(F<C> x) { System.out.print(false); }\n" +  
-				"	void a(G x) {}\n" + 
-				"	void a(F<C> x) {}\n" +  
-				"	void a2(G x) {}\n" + 
-				"	<T extends C> void a2(F<T> x) {}\n" +  
-				"	void a3(G x) {}\n" + 
-				"	<T extends F<C>> void a3(T x) {}\n" + 
-				"	void a4(G x) {}\n" + 
-				"	<T extends C, S extends F<T>> void a4(S x) {}\n" + 
-				"	<T extends G> void a5(T x) {}\n" + 
-				"	void a5(F<C> x) {}\n" +  
-				"	void b(G<C> x) { System.out.print(true); }\n" + 
-				"	void b(F x) { System.out.print(false); }\n" +  
-				"	void b2(G<C> x) { System.out.print(true); }\n" + 
-				"	<T extends F> void b2(T x) { System.out.print(false); }\n" +  
-				"	<T extends C> void b3(G<T> x) { System.out.print(true); }\n" + 
-				"	void b3(F x) { System.out.print(false); }\n" +  
-				"	<T extends G<C>> void b4(T x) { System.out.print(true); }\n" + 
-				"	void b4(F x) { System.out.print(false); }\n" +  
-				"	<T extends C, S extends G<T>> void b5(S x) { System.out.print(true); }\n" + 
-				"	void b5(F x) { System.out.print(false); }\n" + 
-				"	void c(G x) { System.out.print(true); }\n" + 
-				"	<T extends C> void c(F x) { System.out.print(false); }\n" +  
-				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		H<C> h = null;\n" +
-				"		H hraw = null;\n" +
-				"		new X().x(h);\n" +
-				"		new X().x(hraw);\n" +
-				"		new X().x2(h);\n" +
-				"		new X().x2(hraw);\n" +
-				"		new X().b(h);\n" +
-				"		new X().b(hraw);\n" +
-				"		new X().b2(h);\n" +
-				"		new X().b2(hraw);\n" +
-				"		new X().b3(h);\n" +
-				"		new X().b3(hraw);\n" +
-				"		new X().b4(h);\n" +
-				"		new X().b4(hraw);\n" +
-				"		new X().b5(h);\n" +
-				"		new X().b5(hraw);\n" +
-				"		new X().c(h);\n" +
-				"		new X().c(hraw);\n" +
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" +
-				"class A {}\n" + 
-				"class B extends A {}\n" +
-				"class C extends B {}\n" +
-				"class F<T1> {} \n" + 
-				"class G<T2> extends F<T2> {}\n" +
-				"class H<T3> extends G<T3> {}"
-			},
-			"truetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetrue"
-		);
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class Y extends X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void ambiguousCases() {\n" + 
-				"		H<C> h = null;\n" +
-				"		H hraw = null;\n" +
-				"		new X().a(h);\n" +
-				"		new X().a(hraw);\n" +
-				"		new X().a2(h);\n" +
-				"		new X().a2(hraw);\n" +
-				"		new X().a3(h);\n" +
-				"		new X().a3(hraw);\n" +
-				"		new X().a4(h);\n" +
-				"		new X().a4(hraw);\n" +
-				"		new X().a5(h);\n" +
-				"		new X().a5(hraw);\n" +
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	H hraw = null;\n" + 
-			"	^\n" + 
-			"H is a raw type. References to generic type H<T3> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	new X().a(h);\n" + 
-			"	        ^\n" + 
-			"The method a(G) is ambiguous for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-			"	new X().a(hraw);\n" + 
-			"	        ^\n" + 
-			"The method a(G) is ambiguous for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	new X().a2(h);\n" + 
-			"	        ^^\n" + 
-			"The method a2(G) is ambiguous for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-			"	new X().a2(hraw);\n" + 
-			"	        ^^\n" + 
-			"The method a2(G) is ambiguous for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	new X().a3(h);\n" + 
-			"	        ^^\n" + 
-			"The method a3(G) is ambiguous for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-			"	new X().a3(hraw);\n" + 
-			"	        ^^\n" + 
-			"The method a3(G) is ambiguous for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-			"	new X().a4(h);\n" + 
-			"	        ^^\n" + 
-			"The method a4(G) is ambiguous for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"9. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	new X().a4(hraw);\n" + 
-			"	        ^^\n" + 
-			"The method a4(G) is ambiguous for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"10. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-			"	new X().a5(h);\n" + 
-			"	        ^^\n" + 
-			"The method a5(H<C>) is ambiguous for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"11. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-			"	new X().a5(hraw);\n" + 
-			"	        ^^\n" + 
-			"The method a5(H) is ambiguous for the type X\n" + 
-			"----------\n",
-			null,
-			false
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test015() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class E {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" + 
-				"		IJ ij = new K();\n" + 
-				"		try { ij.m(); } catch(E11 e) {}\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" + 
-				"interface I { void m() throws E1; }\n" + 
-				"interface J { void m() throws E11; }\n" +
-				"interface IJ extends I, J {}\n" + 
-				"class K implements IJ { public void m() {} }\n" + 
-				"class E1 extends Exception { static final long serialVersionUID = 1; }\n" +
-				"class E11 extends E1 { static final long serialVersionUID = 2; }\n" + 
-				"class E2 extends Exception { static final long serialVersionUID = 3; }"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void _test016() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class E {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" + 
-				"		IJ ij = new K();\n" + 
-				"		try { ij.m(); } catch(E11 e) {}\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" + 
-				"interface I { void m() throws E1; }\n" + 
-				"interface J { void m() throws E2, E11; }\n" +
-				"interface IJ extends I, J {}\n" + 
-				"class K implements IJ { public void m() {} }\n" + 
-				"class E1 extends Exception { static final long serialVersionUID = 1; }\n" +
-				"class E11 extends E1 { static final long serialVersionUID = 2; }\n" + 
-				"class E2 extends Exception { static final long serialVersionUID = 3; }"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void _test016a() {
-		this.runNegativeTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"public class E {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" + 
-				"		IJ ij = new K();\n" + 
-				"		ij.m();\n" + 
-				"		try { ij.m(); } catch(E2 e) {}\n" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" + 
-				"interface I { void m() throws E1; }\n" + 
-				"interface J { void m() throws E2, E11; }\n" +
-				"interface IJ extends I, J {}\n" + 
-				"class K implements IJ { public void m() {} }\n" + 
-				"class E1 extends Exception { static final long serialVersionUID = 1; }\n" +
-				"class E11 extends E1 { static final long serialVersionUID = 2; }\n" + 
-				"class E2 extends Exception { static final long serialVersionUID = 3; }"
-			},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-			"	ij.m();\r\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Unhandled exception type E11\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-			"	try { ij.m(); } catch(E2 e) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	      ^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Unhandled exception type E11\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\r\n" + 
-			"	try { ij.m(); } catch(E2 e) {}\r\n" + 
-			"	                      ^^\n" + 
-			"Unreachable catch block for E2. This exception is never thrown from the try statement body\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-			// 4: unreported exception E11; must be caught or declared to be thrown
-			// 5: exception E2 is never thrown in body of corresponding try statement
-			// 5: unreported exception E11; must be caught or declared to be thrown
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test017() {
-		this.runConformTest(
-			new String[] {
-				"",
-				"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-				"public class AbstractFilter<T> implements IFilter<T> {\n" + 
-				"	public final <E extends T> boolean selekt(E obj) { return true; }\n" + 
-				"	public final <E extends T> List<E> filter(List<E> elements) {\n" + 
-				"		if ((elements == null) || (elements.size() == 0)) return elements;\n" +
-				"		List<E> okElements = new ArrayList<E>(elements.size());\n" +
-				"		for (E obj : elements) {\n" +
-				"			if (selekt(obj)) okElements.add(obj);\n" +
-				"		}\n" +
-				"		return okElements;" +
-				"	}\n" +
-				"}\n" + 
-				"interface IFilter<T> {\n" + 
-				"	<E extends T> boolean selekt(E obj);\n" +
-				"	<E extends T> List<E> filter(List<E> elements);\n" + 
-				"}"
-			},
-			""
-		);
-	}
-	//
-	public void test018() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X<T extends Object> {\n" + 
-			"  public static <U extends Object> X<U> make(Class<U> clazz) {\n" + 
-			"    System.out.print(false);\n" + 
-			"    return new X<U>();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class Y<V extends String> extends X<V> {\n" + 
-			"  public static <W extends String> Y<W> make(Class<W> clazz) {\n" + 
-			"    System.out.print(true);\n" + 
-			"    return new Y<W>();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {\n" + 
-			"    Y.make(String.class);\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"true");
-	}
-	//
-	// in fact, <W extends String> Y<W> make(Class<W> clazz) is the most
-	// specific method according to JLS
-	public void test019() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X<T extends Object> {\n" + 
-			"  public static <U extends Object> X<U> make(Class<U> clazz) {\n" + 
-			"    System.out.print(false);\n" + 
-			"    return new X<U>();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class Y<V extends String> extends X<V> {\n" + 
-			"  public static <W extends String> Y<W> make(Class<W> clazz) {\n" + 
-			"    System.out.print(true);\n" + 
-			"    return new Y<W>();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {\n" + 
-			"    Y.make(getClazz());\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public static Class getClazz() {\n" + 
-			"    return String.class;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"true");
-	}
-	//
-	public void test020() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X<T extends Object> {\n" + 
-			"  public static <U extends Object> X<U> make(Class<U> clazz) {\n" + 
-			"    System.out.print(true);\n" + 
-			"    return new X<U>();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class Y<V extends String> extends X<V> {\n" + 
-			"  public static <W extends String> Y<W> make(Class<W> clazz) {\n" + 
-			"    System.out.print(false);\n" + 
-			"    return new Y<W>();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {\n" + 
-			"    Y.make(getClazz().newInstance().getClass());\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public static Class getClazz() {\n" + 
-			"    return String.class;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"true");
-	}
-	//
-	// variant: having both methods in the same class should not change anything
-	public void test021() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X<T extends Object> {\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class Y<V extends String> extends X<V> {\n" + 
-			"  public static <W extends String> Y<W> make(Class<W> clazz) {\n" + 
-			"    System.out.print(true);\n" + 
-			"    return new Y<W>();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public static <U extends Object> X<U> make(Class<U> clazz) {\n" + 
-			"    System.out.print(false);\n" + 
-			"    return new X<U>();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {\n" + 
-			"    Y.make(getClazz());\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public static Class getClazz() {\n" + 
-			"    return String.class;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"true");
-	}
-	//
-	// variant: using instances triggers raw methods, which are ambiguous
-	public void test022() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X<T extends Object> {\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class Y<V extends String> extends X<V> {\n" + 
-			"  public <W extends String> Y<W> make(Class<W> clazz) {\n" + 
-			"    return new Y<W>();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public <U extends Object> X<U> make(Class<U> clazz) {\n" + 
-			"    return new X<U>();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {\n" + 
-			"    Y y = new Y();\n" + 
-			"    y.make(String.class);\n" + 
-			"    y.make(getClazz());\n" + 
-			"    y.make(getClazz().newInstance().getClass());\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public static Class getClazz() {\n" + 
-			"    return String.class;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"			
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	class Y<V extends String> extends X<V> {\n" + 
-		"	                  ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type parameter V should not be bounded by the final type String. Final types cannot be further extended\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	public <W extends String> Y<W> make(Class<W> clazz) {\n" + 
-		"	                  ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type parameter W should not be bounded by the final type String. Final types cannot be further extended\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. WARNING in (at line 11)\n" + 
-		"	Y y = new Y();\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Y is a raw type. References to generic type Y<V> should be parameterized\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. WARNING in (at line 11)\n" + 
-		"	Y y = new Y();\n" + 
-		"	          ^\n" + 
-		"Y is a raw type. References to generic type Y<V> should be parameterized\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"5. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" + 
-		"	y.make(String.class);\n" + 
-		"	  ^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method make(Class) is ambiguous for the type Y\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"6. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-		"	y.make(getClazz());\n" + 
-		"	  ^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method make(Class) is ambiguous for the type Y\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"7. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-		"	y.make(getClazz().newInstance().getClass());\n" + 
-		"	  ^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method make(Class) is ambiguous for the type Y\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"8. WARNING in (at line 16)\n" + 
-		"	public static Class getClazz() {\n" + 
-		"	              ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Class is a raw type. References to generic type Class<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-	}	
-public void test023() {
-	new String[] {
-		"",
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public static void staticFoo(Collection<?> p) {\n" +
-		"    System.out.print(1);\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public static <T extends List<?>> void staticFoo(T p) {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.print(2);\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public void foo(Collection<?> p) {\n" +
-		"    System.out.print(1);\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public <T extends List<?>> void foo(T p) {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.print(2);\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public void foo2(Collection<?> p) {\n" +
-		"    System.out.print(1);\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public void foo2(List<?> p) {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.print(2);\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"    staticFoo(new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(\"\")));\n" + 
-		"    new X().foo(new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(\"\")));\n" + 
-		"    new X().foo2(new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(\"\")));\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}"
-	},
-	"222");
-// self contained variant
-public void test024() {
-	new String[] {
-		"",
-		"public class X {\n" +
-		"  public static void foo(L1<?> p) {\n" +
-		"    System.out.println(1);\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public static <T extends L2<?>> void foo(T p) {\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println(2);\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"    foo(new L3<String>());\n" + 
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}",
-		"",
-		"public interface L1<T> {\n" +
-		"}",
-		"",
-		"public interface L2<T> extends L1<T> {\n" +
-		"}",
-		"",
-		"public class L3<T> implements L2<T> {\n" +
-		"  public L3() {\n" +
-		"  }\n" +
-		"}",
-	},
-	"2");
-public void test025() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" +
-			"  J m = new Y();" +
-			"  void foo() {\n" +
-			";\n" +
-			"  }\n" +
-			"}",
-			"",
-			"public interface I {\n" +
-			"  <T extends Number> T foo(final Number p);\n" +
-			"}",
-			"",
-			"public interface J extends I {\n" +
-			"  Float foo(final Number p);\n" +
-			"}",
-			"",
-			"public class Y implements J {\n" +
-			"  public Float foo(final Number p){\n" +
-			"    return null;" +
-			"  }\n" +
-			"}",
-		},
-		"");
-// variant
-public void test026() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" +
-			"  void foo() {\n" +
-			"    (new Y()).foo(1.0f);\n" +
-			"  }\n" +
-			"}",
-			"",
-			"public interface I {\n" +
-			"  <T extends Number> T foo(final Number p);\n" +
-			"}",
-			"",
-			"public interface J extends I {\n" +
-			"  Float foo(final Number p);\n" +
-			"}",
-			"",
-			"public class Y implements J {\n" +
-			"  public Float foo(final Number p){\n" +
-			"    return null;" +
-			"  }\n" +
-			"}",
-		},
-		"");
-// variant
-public void test027() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public interface J {\n" +
-			"  <T extends Number> T foo(final Number p);\n" +
-			"  Float foo(final Number p);\n" +
-			"}",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	<T extends Number> T foo(final Number p);\n" + 
-		"	                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Duplicate method foo(Number) in type J\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	Float foo(final Number p);\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Duplicate method foo(Number) in type J\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// **
-public void test028() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface Irrelevant {}\n" + 
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"  Object foo(Number n);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface J extends Irrelevant, I {\n" + 
-			"  String foo(Number n);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface K {\n" + 
-			"  Object foo(Number n);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public abstract class X implements J, K {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    foo(0.0f);\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"");
-// variant - simplified
-// **
-public void test029() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface J {\n" + 
-			"  String foo(Number n);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface K {\n" + 
-			"  Object foo(Number n);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public abstract class X implements J, K {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    foo(0.0f);\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"");
-// variant - same return type
-public void test030() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface J {\n" + 
-			"  Object foo(Number n);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface K {\n" + 
-			"  Object foo(Number n);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public abstract class X implements J, K {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    foo(0.0f);\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"");
-// variant
-// **
-public void test031() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface Irrelevant {}\n" + 
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"  Object foo(Number n);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface J extends Irrelevant, I {\n" + 
-			"  String foo(Number n);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface K {\n" + 
-			"  Object foo(Number n);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public abstract class X implements Irrelevant, I, J, K {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    foo(0.0f);\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"");
-public void test032() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"  <T extends Exception & Cloneable> T foo(Number n);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface J extends I {\n" + 
-			"  XX foo(Number n);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public abstract class X implements J {\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class XX extends Exception implements Cloneable {}"
-		},
-		"");
-// variant that shows that the use of a substitution is needed during the bounds
-// check
-public void test032a() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class Z { }\n" +
-			"class Y <U> extends Z { }" +
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"  <T extends Y<T> & Cloneable> T foo(Number n);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface J extends I {\n" + 
-			"  XX foo(Number n);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public abstract class X implements J {\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class XX extends Y<XX> implements Cloneable {}"
-		},
-		"");
-// variant
-public void test032b() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class A<T> { }" +			
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"  <T extends Exception & Cloneable> A<T> foo(Number n);\n" +
-			"}\n" +
-			"interface J extends I {\n" +
-			"  A<XX> foo(Number n);\n" +
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public abstract class X implements J {\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class XX extends Exception implements Cloneable {}"
-		},
-		"");
-// variant
-public void test032c() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class A<T> { }" +			
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"  <T extends Exception & Cloneable> A<T> foo(Number n);\n" +
-			"}\n" +
-			"interface J extends I {\n" +
-			"  <S extends XX>  A<S> foo(Number n);\n" +
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public abstract class X implements J {\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class XX extends Exception implements Cloneable {}"
-		},
-		"");
-// variant
-public void test032d() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class A<T> { }" +			
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"  A<XX> foo(Number n);\n" +
-			"}\n" +
-			"interface J extends I {\n" +
-			"  <T extends Exception & Cloneable> A<T> foo(Number n);\n" +
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public abstract class X implements J {\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class XX extends Exception implements Cloneable {}"
-		},
-		"");
-// variant
-public void test033() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"  <T extends Exception & Cloneable> T foo(Number n);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface J extends I {\n" + 
-			"  XX foo(Number n);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public abstract class X implements J {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public XX foo(Number n) {\n" + 
-			"    return null;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class XX extends Exception implements Cloneable {}"
-		},
-		"");
-// variant that rightly complains
-public void test034() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"  <T extends Exception & Cloneable> T foo(Number n);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface J extends I {\n" + 
-			"  XX foo(Number n);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface K {\n" + 
-			"  NullPointerException foo(Number n);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public abstract class X implements J, K {\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class XX extends Exception implements Cloneable {}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	XX foo(Number n);\n" + 
-		"	^^\n" + 
-		"Type safety: The return type XX for foo(Number) from the type J needs unchecked conversion to conform to T from the type I\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	public abstract class X implements J, K {\n" + 
-		"	                      ^\n" + 
-		"The return type is incompatible with,\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// variant - the inheriting class implements foo
-public void test035() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"  Object foo(Number n);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class J {\n" + 
-			"  abstract String foo(Number n);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public class X extends J implements I {\n" + 
-			"  void bar() {\n" + 
-			"    foo(0.0f);\n" + // calls X#foo(Number)
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public String foo(Number n) {\n" + 
-			"    return null;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"");
-// variant - extending instead of implementing
-// **
-public void test037() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"  Object foo(Number n);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class J {\n" + 
-			"  abstract String foo(Number n);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public abstract class X extends J implements I {\n" + 
-			"  void bar() {\n" + 
-			"    foo(0.0f);\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"");
-// variant - no promotion of parameter from float to Number
-// **
-public void test038() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"  Object foo(float f);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class J {\n" + 
-			"  public abstract String foo(float f);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public abstract class X extends J implements I {\n" + 
-			"  void bar() {\n" + 
-			"    foo(0.0f);\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"");
-// variant - an explicit cast solves the issue
-public void test039() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"  Object foo(float f);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class J {\n" + 
-			"  public abstract String foo(float f);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public abstract class X extends J implements I {\n" + 
-			"  void bar() {\n" + 
-			"    String s = ((J) this).foo(0.0f);\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"");
-// variant - an explicit cast solves the issue
-public void test040() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"  Object foo(float f);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class J {\n" + 
-			"  public abstract String foo(float f);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public abstract class X extends J implements I {\n" + 
-			"  void bar() {\n" + 
-			"    Object o = ((I) this).foo(0.0f);\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"");
-// variant - connecting return types
-public void test041() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"  Object foo(float f);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class J {\n" + 
-			"  public abstract String foo(float f);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public abstract class X extends J implements I {\n" + 
-			"  void bar() {\n" + 
-			"    String s = ((I) this).foo(0.0f);\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	String s = ((I) this).foo(0.0f);\n" + 
-		"	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to String\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// variant - a further inheriting class implements String foo
-// **
-public void test042() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"  Object foo(float f);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class J {\n" + 
-			"  public abstract String foo(float f);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public abstract class X extends J implements I {\n" + 
-			"  void bar() {\n" + 
-			"    foo(0.0f);\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class Z extends X {\n" +
-			"  @Override" + 
-			"  public String foo(float f) {\n" + 
-			"    return null;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"");
-// variant - a further inheriting class implements Object foo
-public void test043() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"  Object foo(float f);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class J {\n" + 
-			"  public abstract String foo(float f);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"public abstract class X extends J implements I {\n" + 
-			"  void bar() {\n" + 
-			"    foo(0.0f);\n" +
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class Z extends X {\n" +
-			"  @Override\n" + 
-			"  public Object foo(float f) {\n" +  // cannot override String foo
-			"    return null;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-		"	public Object foo(float f) {\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The return type is incompatible with\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test044() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface I<E> {}\n" + 
-			"class Y<E> {}\n" + 
-			"public class X<E extends Y<E>> implements I<E> {\n" + 
-			"  public static <E extends Y<E>> X<E> bar(X<E> s) {\n" + 
-			"    return null;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public static <E extends Y<E>> X<E> bar(I<E> c) {\n" + 
-			"    return null;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public static <E extends Y<E>> X<E> foo(X<E> s) {\n" + 
-			"    X<E> result = bar(s);\n" + 
-			"    return result;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"");
-public void test045() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"abstract class Y<T> implements I<T> {\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface I<T> { \n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface J<T> {\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static <V extends J<? super V>> V foo(final I<V> a)\n" + 
-			"  {\n" + 
-			"    return null;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public static <V extends J<? super V>> V foo(final Y<V> a)\n" + 
-			"  {\n" + 
-			"    return null;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public static <V extends J<? super V>> void test(final Y<V> a)\n" + 
-			"  {\n" + 
-			"    foo(a);\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"");
-// variant
-public void test046() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"abstract class Y<T, U> implements I<T, U> {\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface I<T, U> { \n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface J<T, U> {\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static <V extends J<V, W>, W extends J<V, W>> V foo(final I<V, W> a)\n" + 
-			"  {\n" + 
-			"    return null;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public static <V extends J<V, W>, W extends J<V, W>> V foo(final Y<V, W> a)\n" + 
-			"  {\n" + 
-			"    return null;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public static <V extends J<V, W>, W extends J<V, W>> void test(final Y<V, W> a)\n" + 
-			"  {\n" + 
-			"    foo(a);\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"");
-// **
-public void test047() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X<T extends I & J> {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(T t) {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"  public int method();\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface J {\n" + 
-			"  public boolean method();\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X<T extends I & J> {\n" + 
-		"	               ^\n" + 
-		"The return type is incompatible with J.method(), I.method()\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// Variant: javac complains as well if we attempt to use method, but noone
-// complains upon bar or CONSTANT.
-public void test048() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X<T extends I & J> {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(T t) {\n" + 
-			"    t.method();\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"    if (t.CONSTANT > 0);\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"  public int method();\n" + 
-			"  void bar();\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface J {\n" + 
-			"  public boolean method();\n" + 
-			"  static final int CONSTANT = 0;\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X<T extends I & J> {\n" + 
-		"	               ^\n" + 
-		"The return type is incompatible with J.method(), I.method()\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	t.method();\n" + 
-		"	  ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method method() is ambiguous for the type T\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	if (t.CONSTANT > 0);\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The static field J.CONSTANT should be accessed in a static way\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// can't implement both interfaces though
-public void test049() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"  public int method();\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface J {\n" + 
-			"  public boolean method();\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class X implements I, J {\n" + 
-			"  public int method() {\n" + 
-			"    return 0;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	public int method() {\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^\n" + 
-		"The return type is incompatible with J.method()\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// variant: secure the legal case
-public void test050() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X<T extends I & J> {\n" + 
-			"  void foo(T t) {\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"  public int method();\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface J {\n" + 
-			"  public int method();\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"");
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/future/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/future/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 85b0307..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/future/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.future.compiler.regression;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression.AbstractRegressionTest;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-public class ArrayTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-	public ArrayTest(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public static Test suite() {
-		return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-	}
-	public static Class testClass() {
-		return ArrayTest.class;
-	}
-public void test001() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  int[] x= new int[] {,};\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	});
- *
- */
-public void test002() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class A {\n" +
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-			"        float[] tab = new float[] {-0.0f};\n" +
-			"        System.out.print(tab[0]);\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"}",
-		},
-		"-0.0");
- *
- */
-public void test003() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class A {\n" +
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-			"        float[] tab = new float[] {0.0f};\n" +
-			"        System.out.print(tab[0]);\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"}",
-		},
-		"0.0");
- *
- */
-public void test004() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class A {\n" +
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-			"        int[] tab = new int[] {-0};\n" +
-			"        System.out.print(tab[0]);\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"}",
-		},
-		"0");
- *
- */
-//public void test005() {
-//	this.runConformTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"",
-//			"public class X {\n" +
-//			"	 private static final Object X[] = new Object[]{null,null};\n" +
-//			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-//			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-//			"    }\n" +
-//			"}\n",
-//		},
-//		"SUCCESS");
-//	ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-//	String actualOutput = null;
-//	try {
-//		byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X.class"));
-//		actualOutput =
-//			disassembler.disassemble(
-//				classFileBytes,
-//				"\n",
-//				ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED); 
-//	} catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-//		e.printStackTrace();
-//		assertTrue("ClassFormatException", false);
-//	} catch (IOException e) {
-//		e.printStackTrace();
-//		assertTrue("IOException", false);
-//	}
-//	String expectedOutput = 
-//		"  static {};\n" + 
-//		"    0  iconst_2\n" + 
-//		"    1  anewarray java.lang.Object [3]\n" + 
-//		"    4  putstatic X.X : java.lang.Object[] [9]\n" + 
-//		"    7  return\n" + 
-//		"      Line numbers:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 0, line: 2]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 7, line: 1]\n";
-//	int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-//	if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-//		System.out.println(Util.displayString(actualOutput, 3));
-//	}
-//	if (index == -1) {
-//		assertEquals("unexpected bytecode sequence", expectedOutput, actualOutput);
-//	}
- *
- */
-public void test006() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" +
-			"	void foo() {\n" +
-			"		char[][][] array = new char[][][10];\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"}",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	char[][][] array = new char[][][10];\n" + 
-		"	                                ^^\n" + 
-		"Cannot specify an array dimension after an empty dimension\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- *
- */
-public void test007() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	static long lfield;\n" + 
-			"	\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		lfield = args.length;\n" + 
-			"		lfield = args(args).length;\n" + 
-			"		\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	static String[] args(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		return args;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"");
- *
- */
-public void test008() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" +
-			"	public String getTexts(int i) [] {\n" +
-			"		String[] texts = new String[1];\n" +
-			"		return texts; \n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-// check deep resolution of faulty initializer (no array expected type)
-public void test009() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		X x = { 10, zork() };\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	X x = { 10, zork() };\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Type mismatch: cannot convert from int[] to X\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	X x = { 10, zork() };\n" + 
-		"	            ^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method zork() is undefined for the type X\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test010() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	\n" + 
-			"	int i = {};\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	int i = {};\n" + 
-		"	        ^^\n" + 
-		"Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object[] to int\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// - variation
-//public void test011() {
-//	if (new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()).complianceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) {
-//		// there is a bug on 1.4 VMs which make them fail verification (see 148807)
-//		return;
-//	}
-//	this.runConformTest(
-//			new String[] {
-//				"",
-//				"public class X {\n" + 
-//				"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-//				"		try {\n" + 
-//				"			Object[][] all = new String[1][];\n" + 
-//				"			all[0] = new Object[0];\n" + 
-//				"		} catch (ArrayStoreException e) {\n" + 
-//				"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-//				"		}\n" + 
-//				"	}\n" + 
-//				"}", // =================
-//			},
-//			"SUCCESS");
-//		String expectedOutput =
-//			"  // Method descriptor #15 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" + 
-//			"  // Stack: 3, Locals: 2\n" + 
-//			"  public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" + 
-//			"     0  iconst_1\n" + 
-//			"     1  anewarray java.lang.String[] [16]\n" + 
-//			"     4  astore_1 [all]\n" + 
-//			"     5  aload_1 [all]\n" + 
-//			"     6  iconst_0\n" + 
-//			"     7  iconst_0\n" + 
-//			"     8  anewarray java.lang.Object [3]\n" + 
-//			"    11  aastore\n" + 
-//			"    12  goto 24\n" + 
-//			"    15  astore_1 [e]\n" + 
-//			"    16  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [18]\n" + 
-//			"    19  ldc <String \"SUCCESS\"> [24]\n" + 
-//			"    21  invokevirtual : void [26]\n" + 
-//			"    24  return\n" + 
-//			"      Exception Table:\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 0, pc: 12] -> 15 when : java.lang.ArrayStoreException\n" + 
-//			"      Line numbers:\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 0, line: 4]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 5, line: 5]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 15, line: 6]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 16, line: 7]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 24, line: 9]\n" + 
-//			"      Local variable table:\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 0, pc: 25] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 5, pc: 15] local: all index: 1 type: java.lang.Object[][]\n" + 
-//			"        [pc: 16, pc: 24] local: e index: 1 type: java.lang.ArrayStoreException\n";
-//	try {
-//		File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-//		byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-//		ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-//		String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n", ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-//		int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-//		if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-//			System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-//		}
-//		if (index == -1) {
-//			assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-//		}
-//	} catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-//		assertTrue(false);
-//	} catch (IOException e) {
-//		assertTrue(false);
-//	}		
-// - variation
-//public void test012() {
-//	if (new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()).complianceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) {
-//		// there is a bug on 1.4 VMs which make them fail verification (see 148807)
-//		return;
-//	}
-//	this.runConformTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"",
-//			"import java.util.Map;\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"public class X {\n" + 
-//			"	Map fValueMap;\n" + 
-//			"\n" + 
-//			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-//			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"	public Object[][] getAllChoices() {\n" + 
-//			"		Object[][] all = new String[this.fValueMap.size()][];\n" + 
-//			"		return all;\n" + 
-//			"	}\n" + 
-//			"}", // =================,
-//		},
-//		"SUCCESS");
-//	String expectedOutput =
-//	"  // Method descriptor #35 ()[[Ljava/lang/Object;\n" + 
-//	"  // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" + 
-//	"  public java.lang.Object[][] getAllChoices();\n" + 
-//	"     0  aload_0 [this]\n" + 
-//	"     1  getfield X.fValueMap : java.util.Map [36]\n" + 
-//	"     4  invokeinterface java.util.Map.size() : int [38] [nargs: 1]\n" + 
-//	"     9  anewarray java.lang.String[] [44]\n" + 
-//	"    12  astore_1 [all]\n" + 
-//	"    13  aload_1 [all]\n" + 
-//	"    14  areturn\n" + 
-//	"      Line numbers:\n" + 
-//	"        [pc: 0, line: 10]\n" + 
-//	"        [pc: 13, line: 11]\n" + 
-//	"      Local variable table:\n" + 
-//	"        [pc: 0, pc: 15] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" + 
-//	"        [pc: 13, pc: 15] local: all index: 1 type: java.lang.Object[][]\n";
-//try {
-//	File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-//	byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-//	ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-//	String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n", ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-//	int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-//	if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-//		System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-//	}
-//	if (index == -1) {
-//		assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-//	}
-//} catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-//	assertTrue(false);
-//} catch (IOException e) {
-//	assertTrue(false);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/future/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/future/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6eb6870..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/future/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1151 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.future.compiler.regression;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression.AbstractRegressionTest;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-public class BooleanTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-public BooleanTest(String name) {
-	super(name);
-public static Test suite() {
-	return buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(testClass());
-public void test001() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public Object getAccessibleSelection(int i) {\n" + 
-		"    int c, d;\n" + 
-		"    if ((this == null) || ((d = 4) > 0)) {\n" + 
-		"      c = 2;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    else {\n" + 
-		"      if (this == null) {\n" + 
-		"        c = 3;\n" + 
-		"        i++;\n" + 
-		"      }\n" + 
-		"      i++;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    return null;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public String getAccessibleSelection2(int i) {\n" + 
-		"    int c, d;\n" + 
-		"    return ((this == null) || ((d = 4) > 0))\n" + 
-		"      ? String.valueOf(c = 2)\n" + 
-		"      : String.valueOf(i++); \n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	});
-public void test002() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class H {\n" + 
-		"  Thread fPeriodicSaveThread;\n" + 
-		"  public void bar() {\n" + 
-		"    int a = 0, b = 0;\n" + 
-		"    if (a == 0 || (b = 2) == 2) {\n" + 
-		"      //a = 1;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println(b);\n" + 
-		"    if (b != 0) {\n" + 
-		"      System.err.println(\"<bar>b should be equal to 0.\");\n" + 
-		"      System.exit(-1);\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public void bar2() {\n" + 
-		"    int a = 0, b = 0;\n" + 
-		"    if (a == 1 && (b = 2) == 2) {\n" + 
-		"      //a = 1;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    System.out.println(b);\n" + 
-		"    if (b != 0) {\n" + 
-		"      System.err.println(\"<bar2>b should be equal to 0.\");\n" + 
-		"      System.exit(-1);\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"    new H().bar();\n" + 
-		"    new H().bar2();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	});
-public void test003() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * This test0 should run without producing a java.lang.ClassFormatError\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class I {\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"    int i = 1, j;\n" + 
-		"    if (((i > 0) || ((j = 10) > j--)) && (i < 12)) {\n" + 
-		"      System.out.println(i);\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main1(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"    int i = 1, j;\n" + 
-		"    if (((i < 12) && ((j = 10) > j--)) || (i > 0)) {\n" + 
-		"      System.out.println(i);\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main2(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"    int i = 1, j;\n" + 
-		"    if (((i < 12) && ((j = 10) > j--)) && (i > 0)) {\n" + 
-		"      System.out.println(i);\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	});
-public void test004() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * This test0 should run without producing a java.lang.ClassFormatError\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class J {\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"    int i = 1, j;\n" + 
-		"    if (((i > 0) || ((j = 10) > j--)) && (i < 12)) {\n" + 
-		"      System.out.println(i);\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	});
-public void test005() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class M {\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"    int a = 0, b = 0;\n" + 
-		"    if (a == 0 || (b = 2) == 2) {\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    if (b != 0) {\n" + 
-		"      System.out.println(\"b should be equal to zero\");\n" + 
-		"      System.exit(-1);\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	});
-public void test006() {
-	this.runConformTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * This test0 should run without producing a java.lang.VerifyError\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"public class Q {\n" + 
-		"  boolean bar() {\n" + 
-		"    if (false && foo()) {\n" + 
-		"      return true;\n" + 
-		"    }\n" + 
-		"    return false;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  boolean foo() {\n" + 
-		"    return true;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-		"    new Q().bar();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	});
-// Bug 6596
-public void test007() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class Test {\n" +
-			"	Object t;\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String args[]) {\n" +
-			"		new Test().testMethod();\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"	private void testMethod(){\n" +
-			"		boolean a = false;\n" +
-			"		boolean b = false;\n" +
-			"		if (!(a&&b)){}\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");			
-// Bug 6596
-public void test008() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class Test {\n" +
-			"	Object t;\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String args[]) {\n" +
-			"		new Test().testMethod();\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"	private void testMethod(){\n" +
-			"		boolean a = false;\n" +
-			"		boolean b = false;\n" +
-			"		if (!(a||b)){}\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");			
-// Bug 6596
-public void test009() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class Test {\n" +
-			"	Object t;\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String args[]) {\n" +
-			"		new Test().testMethod();\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"	private void testMethod(){\n" +
-			"		final boolean a = false;\n" +
-			"		boolean b = false;\n" +
-			"		if (!(a&&b)){}\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");			
-// Bug 6596
-public void test010() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class Test {\n" +
-			"	Object t;\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String args[]) {\n" +
-			"		new Test().testMethod();\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"	private void testMethod(){\n" +
-			"		boolean a = false;\n" +
-			"		boolean b = false;\n" +
-			"		if (a == b){}\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");			
-// Bug 46675
-public void test011() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		String s = null;\n" + 
-			"		boolean b = s != null && (s.length() == 0 ? TestConst.c1 : TestConst.c2);\n" + 
-			"		if (!b) System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	public static class TestConst {\n" + 
-			"		public static final boolean c1 = true;\n" + 
-			"		public static final boolean c2 = true;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-// Bug 46675 - variation
-public void test012() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		String s = \"aaa\";\n" + 
-			"		boolean b = s != null && (s.length() == 0 ? TestConst.c1 : TestConst.c2);\n" + 
-			"		if (b) System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	public static class TestConst {\n" + 
-			"		public static final boolean c1 = true;\n" + 
-			"		public static final boolean c2 = true;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-// Bug 46675 - variation
-public void test013() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		String s = \"aaa\";\n" + 
-			"		boolean b = s == null || (s.length() == 0 ? TestConst.c1 : TestConst.c2);\n" + 
-			"		if (!b) System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	public static class TestConst {\n" + 
-			"		public static final boolean c1 = false;\n" + 
-			"		public static final boolean c2 = false;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-// Bug 47881
-public void test014() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X  {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"		boolean b = true;\n" + 
-			"		b = b && false;                 \n" + 
-			"		if (b) {\n" + 
-			"			System.out.println(\"FAILED\");\n" + 
-			"		} else {\n" + 
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-// Bug 47881 - variation
-public void test015() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X  {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"		boolean b = true;\n" + 
-			"		b = b || true;                 \n" + 
-			"		if (b) {\n" + 
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"		} else {\n" + 
-			"			System.out.println(\"FAILED\");\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-// Bug 47881 - variation
-public void test016() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X  {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"		boolean b = false;\n" + 
-			"		b = b && true;                 \n" + 
-			"		if (b) {\n" + 
-			"			System.out.println(\"FAILED\");\n" + 
-			"		} else {\n" + 
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-// Bug 47881 - variation
-public void test017() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X  {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"		boolean b = true;\n" + 
-			"		b = b || false;                 \n" + 
-			"		if (b) {\n" + 
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"		} else {\n" + 
-			"			System.out.println(\"FAILED\");\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test018() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static float f0;\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args)\n" + 
-			"  {\n" + 
-			"    long l11 = -26;\n" + 
-			"    \n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(\n" + 
-			"        (((l11 < f0++) || true) != ((true && true) && (!(false || true)))));\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"true");
-//	// 	ensure optimized boolean codegen sequence
-//	String expectedOutput =
-//		"  // Method descriptor #17 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" + 
-//		"  // Stack: 3, Locals: 3\n" + 
-//		"  public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" + 
-//		"     0  ldc2_w <Long -26> [18]\n" + 
-//		"     3  lstore_1 [l11]\n" + 
-//		"     4  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [20]\n" + 
-//		"     7  getstatic X.f0 : float [26]\n" + 
-//		"    10  fconst_1\n" + 
-//		"    11  fadd\n" + 
-//		"    12  putstatic X.f0 : float [26]\n" + 
-//		"    15  iconst_1\n" + 
-//		"    16  invokevirtual : void [28]\n" + 
-//		"    19  return\n" + 
-//		"      Line numbers:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 0, line: 6]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 4, line: 8]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 7, line: 9]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 16, line: 8]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 19, line: 10]\n" + 
-//		"      Local variable table:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 0, pc: 20] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 4, pc: 20] local: l11 index: 1 type: long\n";
-//	try {
-//		File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-//		byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-//		ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-//		String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n", ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-//		int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-//		if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-//			System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-//		}
-//		if (index == -1) {
-//			assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-//		}
-//	} catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-//		assertTrue(false);
-//	} catch (IOException e) {
-//		assertTrue(false);
-//	}		
-// - variation
-public void test019() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static float f0;\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args)\n" + 
-			"  {\n" + 
-			"    long l11 = -26;\n" + 
-			"    \n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(\n" + 
-			"        (((l11 < f0++) || false) != true));\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"false");
-	// 	ensure optimized boolean codegen sequence
-//	String expectedOutput =
-//		"  // Method descriptor #17 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" + 
-//		"  // Stack: 5, Locals: 3\n" + 
-//		"  public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" + 
-//		"     0  ldc2_w <Long -26> [18]\n" + 
-//		"     3  lstore_1 [l11]\n" + 
-//		"     4  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [20]\n" + 
-//		"     7  lload_1 [l11]\n" + 
-//		"     8  l2f\n" + 
-//		"     9  getstatic X.f0 : float [26]\n" + 
-//		"    12  dup\n" + 
-//		"    13  fconst_1\n" + 
-//		"    14  fadd\n" + 
-//		"    15  putstatic X.f0 : float [26]\n" + 
-//		"    18  fcmpg\n" + 
-//		"    19  ifge 26\n" + 
-//		"    22  iconst_0\n" + 
-//		"    23  goto 27\n" + 
-//		"    26  iconst_1\n" + 
-//		"    27  invokevirtual : void [28]\n" + 
-//		"    30  return\n" + 
-//		"      Line numbers:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 0, line: 6]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 4, line: 8]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 7, line: 9]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 27, line: 8]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 30, line: 10]\n" + 
-//		"      Local variable table:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 0, pc: 31] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 4, pc: 31] local: l11 index: 1 type: long\n";
-//	try {
-//		File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-//		byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-//		ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-//		String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n", ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-//		int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-//		if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-//			System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-//		}
-//		if (index == -1) {
-//			assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-//		}
-//	} catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-//		assertTrue(false);
-//	} catch (IOException e) {
-//		assertTrue(false);
-//	}		
-// - variation
-public void test020() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static float f0;\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args)\n" + 
-			"  {\n" + 
-			"    long l11 = -26;\n" + 
-			"    \n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(\n" + 
-			"        (((l11 < f0) | true) != false));\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"true");
-//	// 	ensure optimized boolean codegen sequence
-//	String expectedOutput =
-//		"  // Method descriptor #17 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" + 
-//		"  // Stack: 2, Locals: 3\n" + 
-//		"  public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" + 
-//		"     0  ldc2_w <Long -26> [18]\n" + 
-//		"     3  lstore_1 [l11]\n" + 
-//		"     4  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [20]\n" + 
-//		"     7  iconst_1\n" + 
-//		"     8  invokevirtual : void [26]\n" + 
-//		"    11  return\n" + 
-//		"      Line numbers:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 0, line: 6]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 4, line: 8]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 7, line: 9]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 8, line: 8]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 11, line: 10]\n" + 
-//		"      Local variable table:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 0, pc: 12] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 4, pc: 12] local: l11 index: 1 type: long\n";
-//	try {
-//		File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-//		byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-//		ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-//		String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n", ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-//		int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-//		if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-//			System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-//		}
-//		if (index == -1) {
-//			assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-//		}
-//	} catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-//		assertTrue(false);
-//	} catch (IOException e) {
-//		assertTrue(false);
-//	}		
-// - variation
-public void test021() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static float f0;\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args)\n" + 
-			"  {\n" + 
-			"    long l11 = -26;\n" + 
-			"    \n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(\n" + 
-			"        (((l11 < f0) && false) != true));\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"true");
-//	// 	ensure optimized boolean codegen sequence
-//	String expectedOutput =
-//		"  // Method descriptor #17 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" + 
-//		"  // Stack: 2, Locals: 3\n" + 
-//		"  public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" + 
-//		"     0  ldc2_w <Long -26> [18]\n" + 
-//		"     3  lstore_1 [l11]\n" + 
-//		"     4  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [20]\n" + 
-//		"     7  iconst_1\n" + 
-//		"     8  invokevirtual : void [26]\n" + 
-//		"    11  return\n" + 
-//		"      Line numbers:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 0, line: 6]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 4, line: 8]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 7, line: 9]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 8, line: 8]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 11, line: 10]\n" + 
-//		"      Local variable table:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 0, pc: 12] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 4, pc: 12] local: l11 index: 1 type: long\n";
-//	try {
-//		File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-//		byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-//		ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-//		String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n", ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-//		int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-//		if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-//			System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-//		}
-//		if (index == -1) {
-//			assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-//		}
-//	} catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-//		assertTrue(false);
-//	} catch (IOException e) {
-//		assertTrue(false);
-//	}		
-// - variation
-public void test022() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static float f0;\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args)\n" + 
-			"  {\n" + 
-			"    long l11 = -26;\n" + 
-			"    \n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(\n" + 
-			"        (((l11 < f0) & false) != true));\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"true");
-//	// 	ensure optimized boolean codegen sequence
-//	String expectedOutput =
-//		"  // Method descriptor #17 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" + 
-//		"  // Stack: 2, Locals: 3\n" + 
-//		"  public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" + 
-//		"     0  ldc2_w <Long -26> [18]\n" + 
-//		"     3  lstore_1 [l11]\n" + 
-//		"     4  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [20]\n" + 
-//		"     7  iconst_1\n" + 
-//		"     8  invokevirtual : void [26]\n" + 
-//		"    11  return\n" + 
-//		"      Line numbers:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 0, line: 6]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 4, line: 8]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 7, line: 9]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 8, line: 8]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 11, line: 10]\n" + 
-//		"      Local variable table:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 0, pc: 12] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 4, pc: 12] local: l11 index: 1 type: long\n";
-//	try {
-//		File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-//		byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-//		ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-//		String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n", ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-//		int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-//		if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-//			System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-//		}
-//		if (index == -1) {
-//			assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-//		}
-//	} catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-//		assertTrue(false);
-//	} catch (IOException e) {
-//		assertTrue(false);
-//	}		
-public void test023() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static float f0;\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args)\n" + 
-			"  {\n" + 
-			"    long l11 = -26;\n" + 
-			"    \n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(\n" + 
-			"        (((l11 < f0++) || true) == ((true && true) && (!(false || true)))));\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"false");
-//	// 	ensure optimized boolean codegen sequence
-//	String expectedOutput =
-//		"  // Method descriptor #17 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" + 
-//		"  // Stack: 3, Locals: 3\n" + 
-//		"  public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" + 
-//		"     0  ldc2_w <Long -26> [18]\n" + 
-//		"     3  lstore_1 [l11]\n" + 
-//		"     4  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [20]\n" + 
-//		"     7  getstatic X.f0 : float [26]\n" + 
-//		"    10  fconst_1\n" + 
-//		"    11  fadd\n" + 
-//		"    12  putstatic X.f0 : float [26]\n" + 
-//		"    15  iconst_0\n" + 
-//		"    16  invokevirtual : void [28]\n" + 
-//		"    19  return\n" + 
-//		"      Line numbers:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 0, line: 6]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 4, line: 8]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 7, line: 9]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 16, line: 8]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 19, line: 10]\n" + 
-//		"      Local variable table:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 0, pc: 20] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 4, pc: 20] local: l11 index: 1 type: long\n";
-//	try {
-//		File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class");
-//		byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(f);
-//		ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-//		String result = disassembler.disassemble(classFileBytes, "\n", ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
-//		int index = result.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-//		if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-//			System.out.println(Util.displayString(result, 3));
-//		}
-//		if (index == -1) {
-//			assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, result);
-//		}
-//	} catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-//		assertTrue(false);
-//	} catch (IOException e) {
-//		assertTrue(false);
-//	}		
-// - variation
-public void test024() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static float f0;\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args)\n" + 
-			"  {\n" + 
-			"    long l11 = -26;\n" + 
-			"    \n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(\n" + 
-			"        (((l11 < f0++) || false) == true));\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"true");
-// - variation
-public void test025() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static float f0;\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args)\n" + 
-			"  {\n" + 
-			"    long l11 = -26;\n" + 
-			"    \n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(\n" + 
-			"        (((l11 < f0) | true) == false));\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"false");
-// - variation
-public void test026() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static float f0;\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args)\n" + 
-			"  {\n" + 
-			"    long l11 = -26;\n" + 
-			"    \n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(\n" + 
-			"        (((l11 < f0) && false) == true));\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"false");
-// - variation
-public void test027() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static float f0;\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args)\n" + 
-			"  {\n" + 
-			"    long l11 = -26;\n" + 
-			"    \n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(\n" + 
-			"        (((l11 < f0) & false) == true));\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"false");
-// - variation
-public void test028() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static float f0;\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args)\n" + 
-			"  {\n" + 
-			"    long l11 = -26;\n" + 
-			"    \n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(\n" + 
-			"        (((l11 < f0) || true) == false));\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"false");
-// - variation
-public void test029() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static float f0;\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args)\n" + 
-			"  {\n" + 
-			"   	System.out.println(\n" + 
-			"   			((foo() || bar()) || true) && false); 		\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  static boolean foo(){ \n" + 
-			"	  System.out.print(\"foo\");\n" + 
-			"	  return false;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  static boolean bar(){\n" + 
-			"	  System.out.print(\"bar\");\n" + 
-			"	  return true;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"foobarfalse");
-// - variation
-public void test030() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static float f0;\n" + 
-			"  \n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args)\n" + 
-			"  {\n" + 
-			"    long l11 = -26;\n" + 
-			"    \n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(\n" + 
-			"        (((l11 < f0++) || true) == ((foo() || bar()) || true)));\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  static boolean foo() {\n" + 
-			"	  System.out.print(\"foo\");\n" + 
-			"	  return false;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  static boolean bar() {\n" + 
-			"	  System.out.print(\"bar\");\n" + 
-			"	  return true;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"foobartrue");
-public void test031() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public float f0;\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args)\n" + 
-			"  {\n" + 
-			"    long l11 = -26;\n" + 
-			"    X x = new X();\n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(\n" + 
-			"        (((l11 < x.f0) || true) != false));\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"true");
-// - variation
-public void test032() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  static float f0;\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] args)\n" + 
-			"  {\n" + 
-			"    long l11 = -26;\n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(\n" + 
-			"        (((l11 < (f0=13)) || true) != false));\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"true");
-public void test033() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		boolean b = true;\n" + 
-			"		System.out.print(b ^ b);\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(b ^ true);\n" + 
-			"	} \n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"falsefalse");
-public void test034() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		boolean b = true;\n" + 
-			"		if ((b ^ true) || b) {\n" + 
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	} \n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-// - variation
-public void test035() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	static float f0;\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println((X.f0 > 0 || true) == false);\n" + 
-			"	} \n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"false");
-// - variation
-public void test036() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	float f0;\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		new X().foo();\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"	void foo() {\n" +
-			"		System.out.println((this.f0 > 0 || true) == false);\n" + 
-			"	} \n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"false");
-public void test037() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			" public class X {\n" + 
-			" public static final boolean T = true;\n" + 
-			"	public static final boolean F = false;\n" + 
-			"	\n" + 
-			"	public boolean getFlagBT() {\n" + 
-			"		boolean b = this.T;\n" + 
-			"		if (this.T)\n" + 
-			"			return true;\n" + 
-			"		else\n" + 
-			"			return false;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	public int getFlagIT() {\n" + 
-			"		boolean b = this.T;\n" + 
-			"		if (this.T)\n" + 
-			"			return 0;\n" + 
-			"		else\n" + 
-			"			return 1;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	public boolean getFlagBF() {\n" + 
-			"		boolean b = this.F;\n" + 
-			"		if (this.F)\n" + 
-			"			return true;\n" + 
-			"		else\n" + 
-			"			return false;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	public int getFlagIF() {\n" + 
-			"		boolean b = this.F;\n" + 
-			"		if (this.F)\n" + 
-			"			return 0;\n" + 
-			"		else\n" + 
-			"			return 1;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public boolean getFlagBT2() {\n" + 
-			"		boolean b = T;\n" + 
-			"		if (T)\n" + 
-			"			return true;\n" + 
-			"		else\n" + 
-			"			return false;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	public int getFlagIT2() {\n" + 
-			"		boolean b = T;\n" + 
-			"		if (T)\n" + 
-			"			return 0;\n" + 
-			"		else\n" + 
-			"			return 1;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	public boolean getFlagBF2() {\n" + 
-			"		boolean b = F;\n" + 
-			"		if (F)\n" + 
-			"			return true;\n" + 
-			"		else\n" + 
-			"			return false;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	public int getFlagIF2() {\n" + 
-			"		boolean b = F;\n" + 
-			"		if (F)\n" + 
-			"			return 0;\n" + 
-			"		else\n" + 
-			"			return 1;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public boolean getFlagBT3() {\n" + 
-			"		X self = this;\n" + 
-			"		boolean b = self.T;\n" + 
-			"		if (self.T)\n" + 
-			"			return true;\n" + 
-			"		else\n" + 
-			"			return false;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	public int getFlagIT3() {\n" + 
-			"		X self = this;\n" + 
-			"		boolean b = self.T;\n" + 
-			"		if (self.T)\n" + 
-			"			return 0;\n" + 
-			"		else\n" + 
-			"			return 1;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	public boolean getFlagBF3() {\n" + 
-			"		X self = this;\n" + 
-			"		boolean b = self.F;\n" + 
-			"		if (self.F)\n" + 
-			"			return true;\n" + 
-			"		else\n" + 
-			"			return false;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public int getFlagIF3() {\n" + 
-			"		X self = this;\n" + 
-			"		boolean b = self.F;\n" + 
-			"		if (self.F)\n" + 
-			"			return 0;\n" + 
-			"		else\n" + 
-			"			return 1;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(\"It worked.\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}", // =================
-		},
-		"It worked.");
-	// 	ensure optimized boolean codegen sequence
-public void test038() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			" public class X {\n" + 
-			"	static boolean foo() { System.out.print(\"[foo]\"); return false; }\n" + 
-			"	static boolean bar() { System.out.print(\"[bar]\"); return true; }\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		if ((foo() || bar()) && false) {\n" + 
-			"			return;\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(\"[done]\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}", // =================
-		},
-		"[foo][bar][done]");
-public static Class testClass() {
-	return BooleanTest.class;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/future/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/future/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5002177..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/future/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3431 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.future.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression.AbstractRegressionTest;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class Compliance_1_4 extends AbstractRegressionTest {
-boolean docSupport = false;
-public Compliance_1_4(String name) {
-	super(name);
- * Toggle compiler in mode -1.4
- */
-protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-	Map options = super.getCompilerOptions();	
-	if (docSupport) {
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_DocCommentSupport, CompilerOptions.ENABLED);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadoc, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadocTags, CompilerOptions.ENABLED);
-	}
-	return options;
-public static Test suite() {
-		return buildUniqueComplianceTestSuite(testClass(), COMPLIANCE_1_4);
-public static Class testClass() {
-	return Compliance_1_4.class;
-// Use this static initializer to specify subset for tests
-// All specified tests which does not belong to the class are skipped...
-static {
-//		TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "Bug58069" };
-//		TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 104 };
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 85, -1 };
-/* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
- */
-protected void setUp() throws Exception {
-	super.setUp();
-	// Javadoc disabled by default 
-	docSupport = false;
-// test001 - moved to SuperTypeTest#test002
-// test002 - moved to SuperTypeTest#test003
-// test003 - moved to SuperTypeTest#test004
-// test004 - moved to SuperTypeTest#test005
-// test005 - moved to SuperTypeTest#test006
-// test006 - moved to SuperTypeTest#test007
-// test007 - moved to TryStatementTest#test057
-// test008 - moved to LookupTest#test074
-// test009 - moved to RuntimeTests#test1004
-// check actualReceiverType when array type
-public void test010() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1; \n"+
-			"public class Z {	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"+
-			"		String[] s = new String[]{\"SUCCESS\" };	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(s.length);	\n"	+
-			"		System.out.print(((String[])s.clone())[0]);	\n"	+
-			"	} \n"+
-			"} \n"
-		},
-		"1SUCCESS");
-// test unreachable code complaints
-public void test011() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1; \n"+
-			"public class X { \n"+
-			"	void foo() { \n"+
-			"		while (false);	\n" +
-			"		while (false) System.out.println(\"unreachable\");	\n" +
-			"		do ; while (false);	\n" +
-			"		do System.out.println(\"unreachable\"); while (false);	\n" +
-			"		for (;false;);	\n" +
-			"		for (;false;) System.out.println(\"unreachable\");	\n" +
-			"		if (false);	\n" +
-			"		if (false)System.out.println(\"unreachable\");		\n" +		
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"} \n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	while (false);	\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	while (false) System.out.println(\"unreachable\");	\n" + 
-		"	              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	for (;false;);	\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	for (;false;) System.out.println(\"unreachable\");	\n" + 
-		"	              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-// binary compatibility
-public void test012() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"class Store {	\n" +
-			"	String value;	\n" +
-			"	Store(String value){	\n" +
-			"		this.value = value;	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"class Top {	\n" +
-			"	static String bar = \"\";	\n" +
-			"	String foo = \"\";	\n" +
-			"	Store store = new Store(\"\");	\n" +
-			"	static Store sstore = new Store(\"Top.sstore\");	\n" +
-			"	static Top ss = new Top();	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"public class Y extends Updated {		\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n" +
-			"		new Y().test();	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	void test() {		\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*** FIELD ACCESS ***\");	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*1* new Updated().bar: \" + new Updated().bar);	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*2* new Updated().foo: \" + new Updated().foo);	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*3* new Y().foo: \" + new Y().foo);	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*4* new Y().bar: \" + new Y().bar);	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*5* bar: \" + bar);	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*6* foo: \" + foo);	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*7* \" +;	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*8* \" +;	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*9* \" +;	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*10* store.value: \" + store.value);	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*11* sstore.value: \" + sstore.value);	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*12* ss.sstore.value: \" + ss.sstore.value);	\n" +
-			"	}		\n" +
-			"}		\n",
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"public class Updated extends Top {	\n" +
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"*** FIELD ACCESS ***"
-		+"*1* new Updated().bar:"
-		+"*2* new Updated().foo:"
-		+"*3* new Y().foo:"
-		+"*4* new Y().bar:"
-		+"*5* bar:"
-		+"*6* foo:"
-		+"*7*"
-		+"*8*"
-		+"*9*"
-		+"*10* store.value:"
-		+"*11* sstore.value: Top.sstore"
-		+"*12* ss.sstore.value: Top.sstore");
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1; \n"+
-			"public class Updated extends Top { \n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"+
-			"		Y.main(arguments);	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	static String bar = \"\";	\n" +
-			"	String foo = \"\";	\n" +
-			"	Store store = new Store(\"\");	\n" +
-			"	static Store sstore = new Store(\"Updated.sstore\");	\n" +
-			"	static Updated ss = new Updated();	\n" +
-			"} \n"
-		},
-		"*** FIELD ACCESS ***"
-		+"*1* new Updated().bar:"
-		+"*2* new Updated().foo:"
-		+"*3* new Y().foo:"
-		+"*4* new Y().bar:"
-		+"*5* bar:"
-		+"*6* foo:"
-		+"*7*"
-		+"*8*"
-		+"*9*"
-		+"*10* store.value:"
-		+"*11* sstore.value: Updated.sstore"
-		+"*12* ss.sstore.value: Top.sstore",
-		null, // use default class-path
-		false, // do not flush previous output dir content
-		null); // no special vm args		
-// binary compatibility
-public void test013() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"class Store {	\n" +
-			"	String value;	\n" +
-			"	Store(String value){	\n" +
-			"		this.value = value;	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"class Top {	\n" +
-			"	static String bar() { return \"\"; }	\n" +
-			"	String foo() { return \"\"; }	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"public class Y extends Updated {		\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n" +
-			"		new Y().test();	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	void test() {		\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*** METHOD ACCESS ***\");	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*1* new Updated().bar(): \" + new Updated().bar());	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*2* new Updated().foo(): \" + new Updated().foo());	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*3* new Y().foo(): \" + new Y().foo());	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*4* new Y().bar(): \" + new Y().bar());	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*5* bar(): \" + bar());	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*6* foo(): \" + foo());	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*7* \" +;	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*8* \" +;	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*9* \" +;	\n" +
-			"	}		\n" +
-			"}		\n",
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"public class Updated extends Top {	\n" +
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"*** METHOD ACCESS ***"
-		+"*1* new Updated().bar():"
-		+"*2* new Updated().foo():"
-		+"*3* new Y().foo():"
-		+"*4* new Y().bar():"
-		+"*5* bar():"
-		+"*6* foo():"
-		+"*7*"
-		+"*8*"
-		+"*9*");
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1; \n"+
-			"public class Updated extends Top { \n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"+
-			"		Y.main(arguments);	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	static String bar() { return \"\"; }	\n" +
-			"	String foo() { return \"\"; }	\n" +
-			"} \n"
-		},
-		"*** METHOD ACCESS ***"
-		+"*1* new Updated().bar():"
-		+"*2* new Updated().foo():"
-		+"*3* new Y().foo():"
-		+"*4* new Y().bar():"
-		+"*5* bar():"
-		+"*6* foo():"
-		+"*7*"
-		+"*8*"
-		+"*9*",
-		null, // use default class-path
-		false, // do not flush previous output dir content
-		null); // no special vm args		
-public void test014() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"class T {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(boolean b) {	\n" +
-			"		 System.out.print(\"\"); 	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	boolean bar = false;	\n" +
-			"	class Member {	\n" +
-			"		void display(){ System.out.print(\"T.Member#\"); }	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"public class X {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(int i) {	\n" +
-			"		 System.out.println(\"\"); 			\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	int bar;	\n" +
-			"	class Member {	\n" +
-			"		void display(){ System.out.print(\"X.Member#\"); }	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n" +
-			"		new X().bar();	\n" +
-			"	}				\n" +
-			"	void bar() { 	\n" +
-			"		new T() {	\n" +
-			"			{	\n" +
-			"				foo(true);	\n" +
-			"				System.out.print((boolean)bar + \"#\");	\n" +
-			"				Member m = new Member();	\n" +	
-			"				m.display();	\n" +
-			"			} 	\n" +
-			"		};	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"");
- * check handling of default abstract methods
- */
-public void test015() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		C c = new C() {	\n"+
-			"			public void doSomething(){	\n"+
-			"				System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+
-			"		c.doSomething();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"interface I {	\n"+
-			"	void doSomething();	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"abstract class C implements I {	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test016() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class T {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(boolean b) {}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(int i) {}	\n"+
-			"      void bar() {	\n"+
-			"            new T() {	\n"+
-			"                  {	\n"+
-			"                        foo(0); 	\n"+
-			"                  }	\n"+
-			"            };	\n"+
-			"      }	\n"+
-			"} 	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	foo(0); 	\n" + 
-		"	^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo(boolean) in the type T is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test017() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class T {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(boolean b) { System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(int i) {}	\n"+
-			"      void bar() {	\n"+
-			"            new T() {	\n"+
-			"                  {	\n"+
-			"                        foo(false); 	\n"+
-			"                  }	\n"+
-			"            };	\n"+
-			"      }	\n"+
-			"      public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"			new X().bar();	\n" +
-			"      }	\n"+
-			"} 	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test018() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class T {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(int j) { System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(int i) {}	\n"+
-			"      void bar() {	\n"+
-			"            new T() {	\n"+
-			"                  {	\n"+
-			"                        foo(0); 	\n"+
-			"                  }	\n"+
-			"            };	\n"+
-			"      }	\n"+
-			"      public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"			new X().bar();	\n" +
-			"      }	\n"+
-			"} 	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test019() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class T {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(int j) { System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"class U {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(int j) { System.out.println(\"FAILED\"); }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"public class X extends U {	\n"+
-			"      void bar() {	\n"+
-			"            new T() {	\n"+
-			"                  {	\n"+
-			"                        foo(0); 	\n"+
-			"                  }	\n"+
-			"            };	\n"+
-			"      }	\n"+
-			"      public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"			new X().bar();	\n" +
-			"      }	\n"+
-			"} 	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test020() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class T {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(int j) { System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"class U {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(boolean j) { System.out.println(\"FAILED\"); }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"public class X extends U {	\n"+
-			"      void bar() {	\n"+
-			"            new T() {	\n"+
-			"                  {	\n"+
-			"                        foo(0); 	\n"+
-			"                  }	\n"+
-			"            };	\n"+
-			"      }	\n"+
-			"      public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"			new X().bar();	\n" +
-			"      }	\n"+
-			"} 	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test020a() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class T {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(U j) { System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"class U {	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"public class X extends U {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(X j) { System.out.println(\"FAILED\"); }	\n"+
-			"      void bar() {	\n"+
-			"            new T() {	\n"+
-			"                  {	\n"+
-			"                        foo(new X()); 	\n"+
-			"                  }	\n"+
-			"            };	\n"+
-			"      }	\n"+
-			"      public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"			new X().bar();	\n" +
-			"      }	\n"+
-			"} 	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-// binary check for 11511
-public void test021() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"public class Z extends AbstractA {	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n" +
-			"		new Z().init(); 	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"abstract class AbstractB implements K {	\n" +
-			"	public void init() {	\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"AbstractB.init()\");	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"interface K {	\n" +
-			"	void init();	\n" +
-			"	void init(int i);	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class AbstractA extends AbstractB implements K {	\n" +
-			"	public void init(int i) {	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n"			
-		},
-		"AbstractB.init()"); // no special vm args			
-		// check that "new Z().init()" is bound to "Z.init()"
-		String computedReferences = findReferences(OUTPUT_DIR + "/p1/Z.class");
-		boolean check = 
-			computedReferences.indexOf("constructorRef/Z/0") >= 0
-			&& computedReferences.indexOf("methodRef/init/0") >= 0;
-		if (!check){
-			System.out.println(computedReferences);
-		}
-		assertTrue("did not bind 'new Z().init()' to Z.init()'", check);
- /*
- *
- * variant - applicable error diagnosis
- */
-public void test022() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"interface II {}	\n"+
-			"class TT {	\n"+
-			"	void foo(boolean b) {}	\n"+
-			"	void foo(int i, boolean b) {}	\n"+
-			"	void foo(String s) {}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"public abstract class T implements II {	\n"+
-			"	void foo(int i) {}	\n"+
-			"	void bar() {	\n"+
-			"		new TT() {	\n"+
-			"			{	\n"+
-			"				foo(0); // should say that foo(int, boolean) isn't applicable	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	void boo() {	\n"+
-			"		new TT() {	\n"+
-			"			{	\n"+
-			"				foo(true); // should not complain about ambiguity	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"} 	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 13)\n" + 
-		"	foo(0); // should say that foo(int, boolean) isn\'t applicable	\n" + 
-		"	^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo(int, boolean) in the type TT is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- /*
- *
- * variant - applicable error diagnosis
- */
-public void test023() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"interface II {}	\n"+
-			"abstract class TT {	\n"+		// 259+ABSTRACT
-			"	void foo(boolean b) {}	\n"+
-			"	void foo(int i, boolean b) {}	\n"+
-			"	void foo(String s) {}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"public abstract class T implements II {	\n"+
-			"	void foo(int i) {}	\n"+
-			"	void bar() {	\n"+
-			"		new TT() {	\n"+
-			"			{	\n"+
-			"				foo(0); // should say that foo(int, boolean) isn't applicable	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	void boo() {	\n"+
-			"		new TT() {	\n"+
-			"			{	\n"+
-			"				foo(true); // should complain ambiguity	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"} 	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 13)\n" + 
-		"	foo(0); // should say that foo(int, boolean) isn\'t applicable	\n" + 
-		"	^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo(int, boolean) in the type TT is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- *
- * variant - applicable error diagnosis
- */
-public void test024() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"interface II {}	\n"+
-			"abstract class T implements II {	\n"+
-			"	void foo(boolean b) {}	\n"+
-			"	void foo(int i, boolean b) {}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"abstract class TT implements II {	\n"+
-			"	void foo(boolean b) {}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	void foo(int i) {}	\n"+
-			"	void bar() {	\n"+
-			"		new T() {	\n"+
-			"			{	\n"+
-			"				foo(0); // javac says foo cannot be resolved because of multiple matches	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	void bar2() {	\n"+
-			"		new TT() {	\n"+
-			"			{	\n"+
-			"				foo(0); // should say that foo(boolean) isn't applicable	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	void boo() {	\n"+
-			"		new T() {	\n"+
-			"			{	\n"+
-			"				foo(true); // should complain ambiguity	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 15)\n" + 
-		"	foo(0); // javac says foo cannot be resolved because of multiple matches	\n" + 
-		"	^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo(int, boolean) in the type T is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 22)\n" + 
-		"	foo(0); // should say that foo(boolean) isn\'t applicable	\n" + 
-		"	^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo(boolean) in the type TT is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- *
- * variant - applicable error diagnosis (no matter if super is abstract or not)
- */
-public void test025() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X extends AbstractY {	\n"+
-			"	void bar(){	\n"+
-			"		init(\"hello\");	\n"+
-			"	}		\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"abstract class AbstractY implements I {	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"interface I {	\n"+
-			"	void init(String s, int i);	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public class X extends AbstractY {	\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"The type X must implement the inherited abstract method I.init(String, int)\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	init(\"hello\");	\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method init(String, int) in the type I is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- *
- * variant - applicable error diagnosis (no matter if super is abstract or not)
- */
-public void test026() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X extends AbstractY {	\n"+
-			"	void bar(){	\n"+
-			"		init(\"hello\");	\n"+
-			"	}		\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"class AbstractY implements I {	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"interface I {	\n"+
-			"	void init(String s, int i);	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	init(\"hello\");	\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method init(String, int) in the type I is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	class AbstractY implements I {	\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type AbstractY must implement the inherited abstract method I.init(String, int)\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
- *
- * should report unreachable empty statement
- */
-public void test027() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		for (;false;p());	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	static void p(){	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"FAILED\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	for (;false;p());	\n" + 
-		"	                ^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- *
- * should report unreachable empty statement
- */
-public void test028() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"interface FooInterface {	\n" +
-			"	public boolean foo(int a);	\n" +
-			"	public boolean bar(int a);	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"public class X extends Z {	\n" +
-			"	public boolean foo(int a){ return true; }	\n" +
-			"	public boolean bar(int a){ return false; }	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(new X().test(0));	\n"+
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}\n" +
-			"abstract class Z implements FooInterface {	\n" +
-			"	public boolean foo(int a, int b) {	\n" +
-			"		return true;	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	public String test(int a) {	\n" +
-			"		boolean result = foo(a); \n" +
-			"		if (result)	\n" +
-			"			return \"SUCCESS\";	\n" +
-			"		else	\n" +
-			"			return \"FAILED\";	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
- *
- * verify error on qualified name ref in 1.4
- */
-public void test029() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public class X {	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {	\n" +
-			"		new X();	\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n" +
-			"	}  	\n" +
-			"	Woof woof_1;	\n" +
-			"	public class Honk {	\n" +
-			"		Integer honks;	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	public class Meow {	\n" +
-			"		Honk honk_1;	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	public class Woof {	\n" +
-			"		Meow meow_1;	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	public void setHonks(int num) {	\n" +
-			"		// This is the line that causes the VerifyError	\n" +
-			"		woof_1.meow_1.honk_1.honks = new Integer(num);	\n" +
-			"		// Here is equivalent code that does not cause the error.	\n" +
-			"		//  Honk h = woof_1.moo_1.meow_1.honk_1;	\n" +
-			"		//  h.honks = new Integer(num);	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
- *
- * 1.4 signals invocations of non-visible abstract protected method implementations.
- */
-public void test030() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public class X {	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args){	\n" +
-			"		new q.X2().foo(\"String\");	\n" +
-			"		new q.X2().bar(\"String\");	\n" +
-			"		new q.X2().barbar(\"String\");	\n" +
-			"		new q.X2().baz(\"String\");	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"p/",
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class X1 {	\n" +
-			"	protected void foo(Object o){	System.out.println(\"\"); }	\n" +
-			"	protected void bar(Object o){	System.out.println(\"\"); }	\n" +
-			"	void barbar(Object o){	System.out.println(\"X1.barbar(Object)\"); }	\n" +
-			"	protected void baz(Object o) { System.out.println(\"X1.baz(Object)\"); }	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"q/",
-			"package q;	\n" +
-			"public class X2 extends p.X1 {	\n" +
-			"	protected void foo(int i) { System.out.println(\"\"); }	\n" +
-			"	protected void bar(Object o) { System.out.println(\"\"); }	\n" +
-			"	void barbar(Object o){	System.out.println(\"X2.barbar(Object)\"); }	\n" +
-			"	protected void baz(String s) {	System.out.println(\"X2.baz(String)\"); }	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	new q.X2().bar(\"String\");	\n" + 
-		"	           ^^^\n" + 
-		"The method bar(Object) from the type X2 is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	new q.X2().barbar(\"String\");	\n" + 
-		"	           ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method barbar(Object) from the type X2 is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in q\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	void barbar(Object o){	System.out.println(\"X2.barbar(Object)\"); }	\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method X2.barbar(Object) does not override the inherited method from X1 since it is private to a different package\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- *
- * 1.4 signals invocations of non-visible abstract protected method implementations.
- */
-public void test031() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public class X extends q.X2 {	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args){	\n" +
-			"			new X().doSomething();	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	void doSomething(){	\n" +
-			"		foo(\"String\");	\n" +
-			"		bar(\"String\");	\n" +
-			"		barbar(\"String\");	\n" +
-			"		baz(\"String\");	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"p/",
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class X1 {	\n" +
-			"	protected void foo(Object o){	System.out.println(\"\"); }	\n" +
-			"	protected void bar(Object o){	System.out.println(\"\"); }	\n" +
-			"	void barbar(Object o){	System.out.println(\"X1.barbar(Object)\"); }	\n" +
-			"	protected void baz(Object o) { System.out.println(\"X1.baz(Object)\"); }	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"q/",
-			"package q;	\n" +
-			"public class X2 extends p.X1 {	\n" +
-			"	protected void foo(int i) { System.out.println(\"\"); }	\n" +
-			"	protected void bar(Object o) { System.out.println(\"\"); }	\n" +
-			"	void barbar(Object o){	System.out.println(\"X2.barbar(Object)\"); }	\n" +
-			"	protected void baz(String s) {	System.out.println(\"X2.baz(String)\"); }	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	barbar(\"String\");	\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method barbar(Object) from the type X2 is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in q\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	void barbar(Object o){	System.out.println(\"X2.barbar(Object)\"); }	\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method X2.barbar(Object) does not override the inherited method from X1 since it is private to a different package\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
- *
- * 1.4 signals invocations of non-visible abstract protected field implementations.
- */
-public void test032() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public class X {	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args){	\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(new q.X2().foo);	\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(new q.X2().bar);	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"p/",
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class X1 {	\n" +
-			"	protected String foo = \"\"; 	\n" +
-			"	String bar = \"\";	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"q/",
-			"package q;	\n" +
-			"public class X2 extends p.X1 {	\n" +
-			"	protected String foo = \"\";	\n" +
-			"	String bar = \"\";	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println(new q.X2().foo);	\n" + 
-		"	                              ^^^\n" + 
-		"The field is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println(new q.X2().bar);	\n" + 
-		"	                              ^^^\n" + 
-		"The field is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- * Initialization of synthetic fields prior to super constructor call
- *
- */
-public void test033() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class A {	\n"+
-			"  public int m;	\n"+
-			"  public void pp() {	\n"+
-			"     C c = new C(4);	\n"+
-			"     System.out.println(c.get());	\n"+
-			"  }	\n"+
-			"  public static void main(String[] args) {	\n"+
-			"     A a = new A();	\n"+
-			"	  try {	\n"+
-			"       a.pp(); 	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SyntheticInit BEFORE SuperConstructorCall\");	\n"+
-			"	  } catch(NullPointerException e) {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SyntheticInit AFTER SuperConstructorCall\"); // should no longer occur with target 1.4 \n"+
-			"	  }	\n"+
-			"  }	\n"+
-			"  class C extends B {	\n"+
-			"    public C(int x1) {	\n"+
-			"      super(x1);    	\n"+
-			"    }	\n"+
-			"    protected void init(int x1) {	\n"+
-			"       x = m * x1; // <- NULL POINTER EXCEPTION because of m	\n"+
-			"    }  	\n"+
-			"  }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"class B {	\n"+
-			"  int x;	\n"+
-			"  public B(int x1) {	\n"+
-			"    init(x1);	\n"+
-			"  }	\n"+
-			"  protected void init(int x1) {	\n"+
-			"    x  = x1;	\n"+
-			"  }	\n"+
-			"  public int get() {	\n"+
-			"    return x;	\n"+
-			"  }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"0\n" + 
-		"SyntheticInit BEFORE SuperConstructorCall");
- * Initialization of synthetic fields prior to super constructor call - NPE check
- *
- */
-public void test034() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		new X().new X2();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	class X1 {	\n"+
-			"		X1(){	\n"+
-			"			this.baz();	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"		void baz() {	\n"+
-			"			System.out.println(\"-X1.baz()\");	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	class X2 extends X1 {	\n"+
-			"		void baz() {	\n"+
-			"			System.out.print(X.this==null ? \"X.this == null\" : \"X.this != null\");	\n"+
-			"			X1 x1 = X1(){	\n"+
-			"				void baz(){	\n"+
-			"					System.out.println(\"-X$1.baz()\");	\n"+
-			"				}	\n"+
-			"			};	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"X.this != null-X$1.baz()");
-public void test035() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1/ */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	class Y { Y(int i){} }	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		int i = 1;	\n" +
-			"		try {	\n" +
-			"			X x =null;	\n" +
-			" Y(++i);	\n" + // i won't get incremented before NPE
-			"			System.out.println(\"FAILED\");	\n" +
-			"		} catch(NullPointerException e){	\n" +
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS:\"+i);	\n" +
-			"		}	\n" +
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS:1"
-	);
-public void test036() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1/ */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	class Y {}	\n"+
-			"	static class Z extends Y {	\n"+
-			"		Z (X x){	\n"+
-			"			x.super();	\n" +
-			"		}		\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		try {	\n" +
-			"			new Z(null);	\n" +
-			"			System.out.println(\"FAILED\");	\n" +
-			"		} catch(NullPointerException e){	\n" +
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n" +
-			"		}	\n" +
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-	);
- *
- *
- * 
- * NOTE: since JLS got revised to allow unterminated line comments (32476)
- */
-public void test037() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TaskTags, "TODO:");
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;	\n"+
-			"public class X {\n"+
-			"}\n"+
-			"// TODO: something"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in p\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	// TODO: something\n" + 
-		"	   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"TODO: something\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);
- *
- *
- * 
- * NOTE: since JLS got revised to allow unterminated line comments (32476)
- */
-public void test038() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TaskTags, "TODO:");
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"// TODO: something"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	// TODO: something\n" + 
-		"	   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"TODO: something\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);
- * unreachable empty statement/block are diagnosed in 1.3
- */
-public void test039() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args){	\n"+
-			"		for (;null != null;);	\n"+
-			"		for (;null != null;){}	\n"+
-			"		for (;false;);	\n"+
-			"		for (;false;){}	\n"+
-			"		while (false);	\n"+
-			"		while (false){}	\n"+
-			"		if (false) {} else {}	\n"+
-			"		if (false) ; else ;			\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"FAILED\");	\n" +
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	for (;false;);	\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	for (;false;){}	\n" + 
-		"	             ^^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	while (false);	\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	while (false){}	\n" + 
-		"	             ^^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// jls6.5.5.1 - simple type names favor member type over toplevel one.
-public void test040() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	interface Homonym {}	\n"+ // takes precedence over others.
-			"	void foo() {	\n"+
-			"		class Homonym extends X {	\n"+
-			"			{	\n"+
-			"				class Y extends Homonym {};	\n"+ // X$Homonym
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"class Homonym extends X {	\n"+
-			"	{	\n"+
-			"		class Y extends Homonym {};	\n"+ // X$Homonym
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	class Homonym extends X {	\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type Homonym is hiding the type X.Homonym\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	class Y extends Homonym {};	\n" + 
-		"	                ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type X.Homonym cannot be the superclass of Y; a superclass must be a class\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-		"	class Y extends Homonym {};	\n" + 
-		"	                ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type X.Homonym cannot be the superclass of Y; a superclass must be a class\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- * 30856 - 1.4 compliant mode should consider abstract method matches
- */
-public void test041() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/", //================================
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public class X {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(int i, float f){}	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {	\n" +
-			"		q.Y y = new q.Y.Z();	\n" +
-			";	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"q/", //================================
-			"package q;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class Y extends p.X implements I {	\n" +
-			"	public void bar(){   foo(1, 2); }	\n" +
-			"	public static class Z extends Y {	\n" +
-			"		public void foo(float f, int i) {	\n" +
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n" +
-			"		}	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"interface I {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(float f, int i);	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
- * variation - 30856 - 1.4 compliant mode should consider abstract method matches
- */
-public void test042() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/", //================================
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public class X extends X0 {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(int i, float f){}	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {	\n" +
-			"		q.Y y = new q.Y.Z();	\n" +
-			";	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"class X0 {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(int i, double d){}	\n" + // extra match
-			"}	\n",
-			"q/", //================================
-			"package q;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class Y extends p.X implements I {	\n" +
-			"	public void bar(){   foo(1, 2); }	\n" +
-			"	public static class Z extends Y {	\n" +
-			"		public void foo(float f, int i) {	\n" +
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n" +
-			"		}	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"interface I {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(float f, int i);	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-// binary compatibility
-public void _test043() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"public class Y extends A implements I { \n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {	\n" +
-			"		Y.printValues();	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	public static void printValues() {	\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"i=\"+i+\",j=\"+j+\",Y.i=\"+Y.i+\",Y.j=\"+Y.j);	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"public class A {	\n" +
-			"	static int i = 1;	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"interface I {	\n" +
-			"	int j = \"aa\".length();	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"i=1,j=2,Y.i=1,Y.j=2");
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"public class A {	\n" +
-			"	static int j = 3;	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {	\n" +
-			"		Y.printValues();	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"interface I {	\n" +
-			"	int j = \"aaaa\".length();	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"i=4,j=3,Y.i=4,Y.j=3",
-		null, // use default class-path
-		false, // do not flush previous output dir content
-		null); // no special vm args		
-// * array.clone() should use array type in methodRef
-// *
-// */
-//public void test044() {
-//	this.runConformTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"",
-//			"public class X {\n" +
-//			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-//			"		args.clone();	\n"+
-//			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-//			"    }\n" +
-//			"}\n",
-//		},
-//		"SUCCESS");
-//	ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-//	String actualOutput = null;
-//	try {
-//		byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X.class"));
-//		actualOutput =
-//			disassembler.disassemble(
-//				classFileBytes,
-//				"\n",
-//				ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED); 
-//	} catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-//		assertTrue("ClassFormatException", false);
-//	} catch (IOException e) {
-//		assertTrue("IOException", false);
-//	}
-//	String expectedOutput = 
-//		"     1  invokevirtual java.lang.String[].clone() : java.lang.Object [16]\n";
-//	int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-//	if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-//		System.out.println(Util.displayString(actualOutput, 2));
-//	}
-//	if (index == -1) {
-//		assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, actualOutput);
-//	}
-// 39172
-public void test045() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public class X { \n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {	\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"FAILED\");	\n" +
-			"		return;;	\n" + // unreachable empty statement - must complain in 1.4 mode
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	return;;	\n" + 
-		"	       ^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
- *
- * should diagnose missing abstract method implementation
- */
-public void test046() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X extends Y {\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class Y extends Z {\n" + 
-			"  public abstract void foo();\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class Z extends T {\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class T implements I {\n" + 
-			"  public void foo(){}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"    public void foo ();\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"The type X must implement the inherited abstract method\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
- *
- * Abstract class fails to invoke interface-defined method in 1.4 compliance mode.
- */
-public void test047() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X extends AbstractDoubleAlgorithm {\n" + 
-			"	\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		((ObjectAlgorithm)(new X())).operate(new Double(0));\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"    public void operate(Double pDouble)\n" + 
-			"    {\n" + 
-			"        System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class AbstractDoubleAlgorithm implements DoubleAlgorithm {\n" + 
-			"    public void operate(Object pObject)\n" + 
-			"    {\n" + 
-			"        operate((Double)pObject);\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface DoubleAlgorithm extends ObjectAlgorithm {\n" + 
-			"    void operate(Double pDouble);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface ObjectAlgorithm {\n" + 
-			"    void operate(Object pObject);\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-	);
- *
- * Abstract class fails to invoke interface-defined method in 1.4 compliance mode.
- * variation with 2 found methods
- */
-public void test048() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X extends AbstractDoubleAlgorithm {\n" + 
-			"	\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		((ObjectAlgorithm)(new X())).operate(new Double(0));\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"    public void operate(Double pDouble)\n" + 
-			"    {\n" + 
-			"        System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class AbstractDoubleAlgorithm implements DoubleAlgorithm {\n" + 
-			"    public void operate(Object pObject)\n" + 
-			"    {\n" + 
-			"        operate((Double)pObject);\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    public void operate(X x) {}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface DoubleAlgorithm extends ObjectAlgorithm {\n" + 
-			"    void operate(Double pDouble);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface ObjectAlgorithm {\n" + 
-			"    void operate(Object pObject);\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test049() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"pa/",
-			"package pa;\n" + 
-			"import pb.Concrete;\n" + 
-			"public class Caller {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		Concrete aConcrete = new Concrete(); \n" + 
-			"		aConcrete.callme();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"pa/",
-			"package pa;\n" + 
-			"public abstract class Abstract {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	protected void callme(){}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"pb/",
-			"package pb;\n" + 
-			"public class Concrete extends pa.Abstract {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	protected void callme(){	System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in pa\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	aConcrete.callme();\n" + 
-		"	          ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method callme() from the type Concrete is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test050() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-		"     foo();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void foo() {\n" + 
-		"     int a1 = 1;\n" + 
-		"     int a2 = 1;\n" + 
-		"     a1 = 2;\n" + 
-		"     while (false) {};\n" + 
-		"     a2 = 2;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	while (false) {};\n" + 
-		"	              ^^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test051() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-		"     foo();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void foo() {\n" + 
-		"     int a1 = 1;\n" + 
-		"     int a2 = 1;\n" + 
-		"     a1 = 2;\n" + 
-		"     while (false);\n" + 
-		"     a2 = 2;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	while (false);\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test052() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"public class A {\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] argv) {\n" + 
-			"    foo();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  private int i;\n" + 
-			"  static class Y extends X {\n" + 
-			"    int x = i;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public static void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    return;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}",
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" + 
-			"     foo();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public static void foo() {\n" + 
-			"     int a1 = 1;\n" + 
-			"     int a2 = 1;\n" + 
-			"     a1 = 2;\n" + 
-			"     while (false);\n" + 
-			"     a2 = 2;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in p\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	private int i;\n" + 
-		"	            ^\n" + 
-		"The field A.i is never read locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	int x = i;\n" + 
-		"	        ^\n" + 
-		"Cannot make a static reference to the non-static field i\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	while (false);\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test053() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  static class A {\n" + 
-			"    interface I {\n" + 
-			"      int a = 3;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  } \n" + 
-			"  interface I { \n" + 
-			"    int b = 4;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  class Y extends A implements I {\n" + 
-			"    Object F() {\n" + 
-			"      return new I() {\n" + 
-			"        int c = a; // WE SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO SEE BOTH a and b\n" + 
-			"        int d = b; // WE SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO SEE BOTH a and b\n" + 
-			"      };\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}",
-		}
-	);
-public void test054() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  static class A {\n" + 
-			"    interface I {\n" + 
-			"      int a = 3;\n" + 
-			"      void foo();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  interface I {\n" + 
-			"    int a = 4;\n" + 
-			"    void foo();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  class Y extends A implements I {\n" + 
-			"    public void foo() {\n" + 
-			"      new I() {\n" + 
-			"        public void foo() {\n" + 
-			"          System.out.println(\"X$1::foo-\" + a);\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      .foo();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" + 
-			"  new X().new Y().foo();\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}",
-		}
-	);
-public void test055() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  static class A {\n" + 
-			"    interface I2 {\n" + 
-			"      int a = 3;\n" + 
-			"      void foo();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  interface I1 {\n" + 
-			"    int a = 4;\n" + 
-			"    void foo(int a);\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  class Y extends A implements I1 {\n" + 
-			"    public void foo(int a) {\n" + 
-			"      new I2() {\n" + 
-			"        public void foo() {\n" + 
-			"          System.out.println(\"X$1::foo-\" + a);\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      .foo();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" + 
-			"  new X().new Y().foo(8);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in p\\ (at line 11)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(int a);\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"The parameter a is hiding a field from type X.I1\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. WARNING in p\\ (at line 14)\n" + 
-		"	public void foo(int a) {\n" + 
-		"	                    ^\n" + 
-		"The parameter a is hiding a field from type X.I1\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-public void test056() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"public class MethodQualification {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"  System.out.println(\"Inherited foo() for anonymous type\");\n" + 
-			"  class Local {\n" + 
-			"    void foo(){\n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(\"Enclosing foo() for anonymous type\");\n" + 
-			"    new MethodQualification () { {foo();} };\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  };\n" + 
-			"  }  \n" + 
-			"}",
-		}, 
-		""
-	);
-public void test057() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1F9RITI\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class AG {\n" + 
-			"  public class X {\n" + 
-			"    class B {\n" + 
-			"      int intValueOfB = -9;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    class SomeInner extends A {\n" + 
-			"      void someMethod() {\n" + 
-			"        int i = new B().intValueOfB; \n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  class A {\n" + 
-			"    class B {\n" + 
-			"      int intValueOfB = -9;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}",
-		}, 
-		""
-	);
-public void test058() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1F9RITI\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class AE {\n" + 
-			"  public class X {\n" + 
-			"    int intValue = 153;\n" + 
-			"    class SomeInner extends A {\n" + 
-			"      void someMethod() {\n" + 
-			"        int i = intValue; \n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  class A {\n" + 
-			"    int intValue = 153;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}",
-		}, 
-		""
-	);
-public void test059() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"public class FieldQualification {\n" + 
-			"  String field = \"Inherited field for anonymous type\";\n" + 
-			"void foo() {\n" + 
-			"  class Local {\n" + 
-			"    String field = \"Enclosing field for anonymous type\";\n" + 
-			"    void foo() {\n" + 
-			"      System.out.println(\"Enclosing foo() for anonymous type\");\n" + 
-			"      new FieldQualification() {\n" + 
-			"        {\n" + 
-			"          System.out.println(field);\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"      };\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  };\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in p\\ (at line 5)\n" +
-		"	class Local {\n" +
-		"	      ^^^^^\n" +
-		"The type Local is never used locally\n" +
-		"----------\n" +
-		"2. WARNING in p\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	String field = \"Enclosing field for anonymous type\";\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The field Local.field is hiding a field from type FieldQualification\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. WARNING in p\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	String field = \"Enclosing field for anonymous type\";\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The field Local.field is never read locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. WARNING in p\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo() from the type Local is never used locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test060() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1F9RITI\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class AF {\n" + 
-			"  public class X {\n" + 
-			"    int intMethod() {\n" + 
-			"      return 3333;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    class SomeInner extends A {\n" + 
-			"      void someMethod() {\n" + 
-			"        int i = intMethod();\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  class A {\n" + 
-			"    int intMethod() {\n" + 
-			"      return 3333;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}",
-		}, 
-		""
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test061() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/", //======================
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public class X extends q.Y {	\n" +
-			"	X someField;	\n" + // no ambiguity since inherited Y.X isn't visible
-			"}	\n" +
-			"class Z extends q.Y {	\n" +
-			"	Z someField;	\n" + // ambiguous
-			"}	\n",
-			"q/", //======================
-			"package q;	\n" +
-			"public class Y {	\n" +
-			"	private static class X {}	\n" +
-			"	public static class Z {}	\n" +
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in q\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	private static class X {}	\n" + 
-		"	                     ^\n" + 
-		"The type Y.X is never used locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- *
- * variant - must still complain when targeting super abstract method
- */
-public void test062() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class Y extends AbstractT {	\n"+
-			"	public void init(){	\n"+
-			"		super.init();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"abstract class AbstractT implements J {	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"interface J {	\n"+
-			"	void init();	\n"+
-			"}	\n"	
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	super.init();	\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Cannot directly invoke the abstract method init() for the type J\n" + 
-		"----------\n"); // expected log
-public void test063() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1/ */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	class Y extends X {}	\n"+
-			"	class Z extends Y {	\n"+
-			"		Z(){	\n"+
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"		}	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		new X().new Z();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	Z(){	\n" + 
-		"	^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
- * Refuse selection of own enclosing instance arg for super constructor call in 1.3 compliant mode
- */
-public void test064() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class Foo {\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n"+
-			"	}\n"+
-			"	public class Bar extends Foo {\n" +
-			"		public Bar() {\n" +
-			"		}\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"	public class Baz extends Bar {\n" +
-			"		public Baz() {\n" +
-			"		}\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	public Baz() {\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type Foo is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test065() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		new X().new Y().new Z().bar();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	String foo() { return \"X-foo\"; }	\n"+
-			"	class Y extends X {	\n"+
-			"		String foo() { return \"Y-foo\"; }	\n"+
-			"		class Z extends Y {	\n"+
-			"			Z(){	\n"+
-			"				//X.this.super();	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"			String foo() { return \"Z-foo\"; }	\n"+
-			"			void bar () {	\n"+
-			"				System.out.println(;	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	Z(){	\n" + 
-		"	^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- * Check that anonymous type allocation is denied access to compatible enclosing instance available as constructor argument
- */
-public void test066() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  X(Object o) {}\n" + 
-			"  class M extends X {\n" + 
-			"    M(){\n" + 
-			"      super(null);\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    M(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"      super(new M(){});\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	super(new M(){});\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	super(new M(){});\n" + 
-		"	          ^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- * Check that indirect member type allocation is denied access to compatible enclosing instance available as constructor argument
- */
-public void test067() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	X(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	class N extends X {\n" + 
-			"		N(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"			super(o);\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	class M extends N {\n" + 
-			"		M() {\n" + 
-			"			super(null); //1\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		M(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"			super(new M());//2\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-		"	super(null); //1\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-		"	super(new M());//2\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-		"	super(new M());//2\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- * Check that indirect member type allocation is denied access to compatible enclosing instance available as constructor argument
- */
-public void test068() { 
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	class MX1 extends X {\n" + 
-			"		MX1() {\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	class MX2 extends MX1 {\n" + 
-			"		MX2() {\n" + 
-			"			super();	// ko\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		MX2(X x) {\n" + 
-			"			this();		// ok\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	super();	// ko\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- * Check that indirect member type allocation is denied access to compatible enclosing instance available as constructor argument
- */
-public void test069() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	class MX3 extends X {\n" + 
-			"		MX3(X x) {\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	class MX4 extends MX3 {\n" + 
-			"		MX4() {\n" + 
-			"			super(new MX4());	// ko\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		MX4(X x) {\n" + 
-			"			this();		// ok\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		MX4(int i) {\n" + 
-			"			this(new MX4());		// ko\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	super(new MX4());	// ko\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	super(new MX4());	// ko\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-		"	this(new MX4());		// ko\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// binary compatibility
-public void test070() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X extends Middle {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(new X().field);\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class Middle extends Top {\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class Top {\n" + 
-			"	String field = \"Top.field\";\n" + 
-			"}\n"		
-		},
-		"Top.field");
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class Middle extends Top {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"+
-			"		X.main(arguments);	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	String field = \"Middle.field\";\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"Middle.field",
-		null, // use default class-path
-		false, // do not flush previous output dir content
-		null); // no special vm args		
- * 43429 - AbstractMethodError calling clone() at runtime when using Eclipse compiler
- */
-public void test071() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"", //================================
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public interface Copyable extends Cloneable {\n" + 
-			"		public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public interface TestIf extends Copyable {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public static class ClassA implements Copyable {\n" + 
-			"		public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {\n" + 
-			"			return super.clone();\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public static class ClassB implements TestIf {\n" + 
-			"		public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {\n" + 
-			"			return super.clone();\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {\n" + 
-			"		Copyable o1 = new ClassA();\n" + 
-			"		ClassB o2 = new ClassB();\n" + 
-			"		TestIf o3 = o2;\n" + 
-			"		Object clonedObject;\n" + 
-			"		clonedObject = o1.clone();\n" + 
-			"		clonedObject = o2.clone();\n" + 
-			"		// The following line fails at runtime with AbstractMethodError when\n" + 
-			"		// compiled with Eclipse\n" + 
-			"		clonedObject = o3.clone();\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test072() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"        try {\n" + 
-			"            f();\n" + 
-			"        } catch(NullPointerException e) {\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    static void f() {\n" + 
-			"        Object x = new Object() {\n" + 
-			"            {\n" + 
-			"                    if (true) throw null;\n" + 
-			"            }\n" + 
-			"        };\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}",
-		},
-// 52221
-public void test073() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"        \n" + 
-			"        switch(args.length) {\n" + 
-			"            \n" + 
-			"            case 1:\n" + 
-			"                int i = 0;\n" + 
-			"                class Local {\n" + 
-			"	            }\n" + 
-			"                break;\n" + 
-			"                \n" + 
-			"			case 0 :\n" + 
-			"			    System.out.println(i); // local var can be referred to, only an initialization pb\n" + 
-			"			    System.out.println(new Local());\n" + 
-			"        		break;\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"			case 2 :\n" + 
-			"                class Local { // not a duplicate\n" + 
-			"	            }\n" + 
-			"        		break;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println(new Local());\n" + 
-		"	                       ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Local cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// checking for captured outer local initialization status
-// NOTE: only complain against non-inlinable outer locals
-public void test074() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n" +
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {	\n" +
-			"    	String nonInlinedString = \"[Local]\";	\n" +
-			"    	int i = 2;	\n" +
-			"		switch(i){	\n" +
-			"			case 1:	\n" +
-			"				final String displayString = nonInlinedString;\n" +
-			"				final String inlinedString = \"a\";	\n" +
-			"				class Local {	\n" +
-			"					public String toString() {	\n" +
-			"						return inlinedString + displayString;	\n" +
-			"					}	\n" +
-			"				}	\n" +
-			"			case 2:	\n" +
-			"				System.out.print(new Local());	\n" +
-			"				System.out.print(\"-\");	\n" +
-			"				System.out.println(new Local(){	\n" +
-			"					public String toString() {	\n" +
-			"						return super.toString()+\": anonymous\";	\n" +
-			"					}	\n" +
-			"				});	\n" +
-			"		}	\n" +
-			"    }	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.print(new Local());	\n" + 
-		"	                     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Local cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println(new Local(){	\n" + 
-		"	                       ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Local cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test075() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n" +
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"        System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    public void foo(int p1) {} \n" +
-			"    public void foo(short p1) {} \n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"",
-			"public class Y extends X {	\n" +
-			"    public void foo(long p1) {} \n" +
-			"    public void testEc() { foo((short)1); } \n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
- * Test fix for bug 58069.
- * @see <a href="">58069</a>
- */
-public void test076() {
-	docSupport = true;
-	runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface IX {\n" + 
-				"	public static class Problem extends Exception {}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			"",
-			"public abstract class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static class Problem extends Exception {}\n" + 
-				"	public abstract static class InnerClass implements IX {\n" + 
-				"		/**\n" + 
-				"		 * @throws Problem \n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		public void foo() throws IllegalArgumentException {\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public static class Problem extends Exception {}\n" + 
-		"	                    ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The serializable class Problem does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public static class Problem extends Exception {}\n" + 
-		"	                    ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The serializable class Problem does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	* @throws Problem \n" + 
-		"	          ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: Exception Problem is not declared\n" + 
-		"----------\n"	);
- * Test fix bug 58069 for method.
- * Note that problem is not flagged in doc comments as it is only raised while verifying
- * implicit method and javadoc resolution does not use it.
- */
-public void test077() {
-	docSupport = true;
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1; \n"+
-			"public class Test { \n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"+
-			"		new Test().foo(); \n"+
-			"	} \n"+
-			"	String bar() { \n"+
-			"		return \"FAILED\";	\n" +
-			"	} \n"+
-			"	void foo(){ \n"+
-			"		/** @see #bar() */\n" +
-			"		class Y extends Secondary { \n"+
-			"			/** @see #bar() */\n" +
-			"			String z = bar();	\n" +
-			"		}; \n"+
-			"		System.out.println(new Y().z);	\n" +
-			"	} \n"+
-			"} \n" +
-			"class Secondary { \n" +
-			"	String bar(){ return \"FAILED\"; } \n" +
-			"} \n"
-		}
-	);
- * Test fix bug 58069 for field.
- * Note that problem is not flagged in doc comments as it is only raised while verifying
- * Name or Qualified name references and javadoc reference is a field reference.
- */
-public void test078() {
-	docSupport = true;
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1; \n"+
-			"public class Test { \n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"+
-			"		new Test().foo(); \n"+
-			"	} \n"+
-			"	String bar = \"FAILED\";"+
-			"	void foo(){ \n"+
-			"		/** @see #bar */\n" +
-			"		class Y extends Secondary { \n"+
-			"			/** @see #bar */\n" +
-			"			String z = bar; \n"+
-			"		}; \n"+
-			"		System.out.println(new Y().z);	\n" +
-			"	} \n"+
-			"} \n" +
-			"class Secondary { \n" +
-			"	String bar = \"FAILED\"; \n" +
-			"} \n"
-		}
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test079() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"void ___eval() {\n" +
-			"	new Runnable() {\n" +
-			"		int ___run() throws Throwable {\n" +
-			"			return blah;\n" +
-			"		}\n" +
-			"		private String blarg;\n" +
-			"		public void run() {\n" +
-			"		}\n" +
-			"	};\n" +
-			"}\n" +
-			"public class Hello {\n" +
-			"	private static int x;\n" +
-			"	private String blah;\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"	public void hello() {\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"	public boolean blah() {\n" +
-			"		return false;\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"	public void foo() {\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	public void run() {\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	};\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
- *
- * from 1.5 source level on most specific common super type is allowed
- */
-public void test080() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    private static class C1 extends ArrayList {\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    private static class C2 extends ArrayList {\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		ArrayList list = args == null ? new C1(): new C2();\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	private static class C1 extends ArrayList {\n" + 
-		"	                     ^^\n" + 
-		"The serializable class C1 does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	private static class C2 extends ArrayList {\n" + 
-		"	                     ^^\n" + 
-		"The serializable class C2 does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	ArrayList list = args == null ? new C1(): new C2();\n" + 
-		"	                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Incompatible conditional operand types C1 and C2\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test081() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" +
-			"    public X foo() { return this; } \n" +
-			"}\n" +
-			"class Y extends X {\n" +
-			"    public Y foo() { return this; } \n" +
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	public Y foo() { return this; } \n" + 
-		"	       ^\n" + 
-		"The return type is incompatible with\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// covariance
-public void test082() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		X x = new X1();\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	Object foo() {\n" + 
-			"		return null;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"class X1 extends X {\n" + 
-			"	String foo() {\n" + 
-			"		return \"SUCCESS\";\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-		"	String foo() {\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The return type is incompatible with\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- *
- */
-public void test084() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		Object enum = null;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	Object enum = null;\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^\n" + 
-		"\'enum\' should not be used as an identifier, since it is a reserved keyword from source level 5.0 on\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- * Test unused import with static
- */
-public void test085() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"import static j.l.S.*;\n" + 
-				"import static;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class A {\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			"j/l/",
-			"package j.l;\n" + 
-				"public class S {\n" + 
-				"	public static int in;\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	import static j.l.S.*;\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, static imports are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	import static;\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, static imports are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	import static;\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
- * Test invalid static import syntax
- */
-public void test086() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class S {\n" + 
-				"    public final static String full = \"FULL\";\n" + 
-				"    public final static String success = \"SUCCESS\";\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			"",
-			"import static p.S;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main ( String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		\n" + 
-				"      System.out.print(full+\" \"+p.S.success);\n" + 
-				"   }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	import static p.S;\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, static imports are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	System.out.print(full+\" \"+p.S.success);\n" + 
-			"	                 ^^^^\n" + 
-			"full cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-public void test087() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"public class S {\n" + 
-				"    public final static String full = \"FULL\";\n" + 
-				"    public final static String success = \"SUCCESS\";\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			"",
-			"import static S;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main ( String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		\n" + 
-				"      System.out.print(full+\" \"+S.success);\n" + 
-				"   }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	import static S;\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Syntax error, static imports are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	import static S;\n" + 
-			"	              ^\n" + 
-			"The import S cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	System.out.print(full+\" \"+S.success);\n" + 
-			"	                 ^^^^\n" + 
-			"full cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-public void test088() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"import java.util.Date;\n" + 
-			"import java.lang.reflect.*;\n" + 
-			"public class X extends Date implements Runnable{\n" + 
-			" \n" + 
-			" Integer w = new Integer(90);\n" + 
-			" protected double x = 91.1;\n" + 
-			" public long y = 92;\n" + 
-			" static public Boolean z = new Boolean(true); \n" + 
-			" public class X_inner {\n" + 
-			"  public X_inner() {\n" + 
-			"   this.super();\n" + 
-			"   System.out.println(\"....\");\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			" }\n" + 
-			" X_inner a = new X_inner();\n" + 
-			" public interface X_interface {\n" + 
-			"   public void f(); \n" + 
-			" }\n" + 
-			" static {\n" + 
-			"  System.out.println(\"Static initializer\");\n" + 
-			" }\n" + 
-			" public X() { } \n" + 
-			" public X(int a1,int b1) { } \n" + 
-			" private void a() { System.out.println(\"A\");} \n" + 
-			" protected void b() { System.out.println(\"B\");} \n" + 
-			" public void c() { System.out.println(\"C\");} \n" + 
-			" static public int d() {System.out.println(\"Static D\");return -1;} \n" + 
-			" public static void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"  X  b = new X();\n" + 
-			"  Class c = b.getClass();\n" + 
-			"  Class _getClasses [] = X.class.getClasses(); \n" + 
-			"//  System.out.println(_getClasses[0].toString());\n" + 
-			"//  System.out.println(_getClasses[1].toString());\n" + 
-			"  if (_getClasses.length == 0) {System.out.println(\"FAILED\");};\n" + 
-			"  Constructor _getConstructors[] = c.getConstructors(); \n" + 
-			"  try {\n" + 
-			"   Field _getField = c.getField(\"y\");\n" + 
-			"   Method _getMethod = c.getMethod(\"d\",null);\n" + 
-			" \n" + 
-			"   Boolean b_z = X.z; \n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { System.out.println(\"NoSuchFieldException\");}\n" + 
-			"  catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { System.out.println(\"NoSuchMethodException\");};\n" + 
-			" } \n" + 
-			" public void run() {System.out.println(\"RUN\");} \n" + 
-			"}",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in p\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	public class X extends Date implements Runnable{\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"The serializable class X does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p\\ (at line 12)\n" + 
-		"	this.super();\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Illegal enclosing instance specification for type Object\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. WARNING in p\\ (at line 25)\n" + 
-		"	private void a() { System.out.println(\"A\");} \n" + 
-		"	             ^^^\n" + 
-		"The method a() from the type X is never used locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- *
- */
-public void test089() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"    @interface I1 {}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String argv[])   {\n" + 
-			"    	System.out.print(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\r\n" + 
-		"	@interface I1 {}\r\n" + 
-		"	           ^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, annotation declarations are only available if source level is 5.0\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test090() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	\n" + 
-			"	void foo(int[] ints, Object o) {\n" + 
-			"		ints = ints.clone();\n" + 
-			"		ints = (int[])ints.clone();\n" + 
-			"		X x = this.clone();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	ints = ints.clone();\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to int[]\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	X x = this.clone();\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to X\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-//78104 - variation
-public void test091() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		args = args.clone();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\r\n" + 
-		"	args = args.clone();\r\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to String[]\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-// check autoboxing only enabled in 5.0 source mode
-public void test092() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	void foo(Boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"		if (b) { \n" + 
-			"			int i = 0;\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	if (b) { \n" + 
-		"	    ^\n" + 
-		"Type mismatch: cannot convert from Boolean to boolean\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-public void test093() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"/*   dena JTest Suite, Version 2.2, September 1997\n" + 
-			" *   Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Modena Software (I) Pvt. Ltd., All Rights Reserved\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"/*  Section    :  Inner classes \n" + 
-			" *  FileName   :\n" + 
-			" *  Purpose    :  Positive test for Inner classes\n" + 
-			" *  \n" + 
-			" *  An anonymous class can have initializers but cannot have a constructor.\n" + 
-			" *  The argument list of the associated new expression is implicitely \n" + 
-			" *  passed to the constructor of the super class. \n" + 
-			" *\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			" \n" + 
-			" class X_1 {\n" + 
-			"  static int xx = 100;\n" + 
-			"  //inner class Y  \n" + 
-			"  static class Y {  \n" + 
-			"   public int j = 0;\n" + 
-			"   Y(int x){ j = x; }\n" + 
-			"   }  \n" + 
-			" public void call_inner()\n" + 
-			" {\n" + 
-			"   int i = test_anonymous().j;\n" + 
-			" }     \n" + 
-			" public static void main(String argv[])\n" + 
-			" {\n" + 
-			"   X_1 ox = new X_1();\n" + 
-			"   ox.call_inner(); \n" + 
-			" }  \n" + 
-			"public void newMethod ( ) {\n" + 
-			"  Float f1 = null;\n" + 
-			"  f1=(f1==0.0)?1.0:f1;\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"   static Y test_anonymous()\n" + 
-			"   { \n" + 
-			"    //anonymous implementation of class Y\n" + 
-			"    return new Y(xx) //xx should be implicitely passed to Y()\n" + 
-			"    {\n" + 
-			"    };    \n" + 
-			"   \n" + 
-			"   } //end test_anonymous      \n" + 
-			"} ",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 33)\n" + 
-		"	f1=(f1==0.0)?1.0:f1;\n" + 
-		"	   ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Incompatible operand types Float and double\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
- * Test unused import warning in presence of syntax errors
- *
- */
-public void test094(){
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"import*;	\n" +
-			"public class X {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(){\n" +
-			"		()\n" +
-			"		IOException e;\n" +
-			"	} \n" +
-			"}		\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	()\n" + 
-		"	^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test095(){
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"   int foo();\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface J {\n" + 
-			"   String foo();\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			" \n" + 
-			"public class X implements I {\n" + 
-			"   public int foo() {\n" + 
-			" 	return 0;\n" + 
-			"   }\n" + 
-			"   public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"         I i = new X();\n" + 
-			"         try {\n" + 
-			"	        J j = (J) i;\n" + 
-			"         } catch(ClassCastException e) {\n" + 
-			"	        System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"         }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-		"	J j = (J) i;\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Cannot cast from I to J\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- *
- */
-public void test096() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"    interface A {\n" + 
-			"       void doSomething();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"    interface B {\n" + 
-			"       int doSomething();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"    interface C extends B {\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"        \n" + 
-			"        A a = null;\n" + 
-			"        C c = (C)a; //COMPILER ERROR\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-		"	C c = (C)a; //COMPILER ERROR\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^\n" + 
-		"Cannot cast from X.A to X.C\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test097() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" + 
-			"    	int cst = X1.CST;\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    static void foo() {}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"class X1 {\n" + 
-			"    static {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.print(\"[X1]\");\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    public static final int CST = 12;\n" + 
-			"    static X Root = null;\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class X2 {\n" + 
-			"    static {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.print(\"[X2]\");\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    public final int CST = 12;\n" + 
-			"    static X Root = null;\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"[X2]");
-public void test098() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.print(\"foo\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	class Y {\n" + 
-			"		String this$0;\n" + 
-			"		String this$0$;\n" + 
-			"		void print() { \n" + 
-			"			foo();\n" + 
-			"			System.out.println(this$0+this$0$);\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		X.Y y = new X().new Y();\n" + 
-			"		y.this$0 = \"hello\";\n" + 
-			"		y.this$0$ = \"world\";\n" + 
-			"		y.print();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	String this$0;\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Duplicate field X.Y.this$0\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test099() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public interface I extends Cloneable {\n" + 
-			"	class Inner {\n" +
-			"		Object bar(I i) throws CloneNotSupportedException { return i.clone(); }\n" +
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	Object bar(I i) throws CloneNotSupportedException { return i.clone(); }\n" + 
-		"	                                                             ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method clone() is undefined for the type I\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-public void test100() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    int \\ud800\\udc05\\ud800\\udc04\\ud800\\udc03\\ud800\\udc02\\ud800\\udc01\\ud800\\udc00;\n" + 
-			"    void foo() {\n" + 
-			"        int \\ud800\\udc05\\ud800\\udc04\\ud800\\udc03\\ud800\\udc02\\ud800\\udc01\\ud800\\udc00;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	int \\ud800\\udc05\\ud800\\udc04\\ud800\\udc03\\ud800\\udc02\\ud800\\udc01\\ud800\\udc00;\n" + 
-		"	    ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Invalid unicode\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	int \\ud800\\udc05\\ud800\\udc04\\ud800\\udc03\\ud800\\udc02\\ud800\\udc01\\ud800\\udc00;\n" + 
-		"	    ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Invalid unicode\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-public void test101() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	Character c0 = \'a\';\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" + 
-			"		Character c1;\n" + 
-			"		c1 = \'b\';\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"		Character c2 = \'c\';\n" + 
-			"		Character[] c3 = { \'d\' };\n" +
-			"	\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	Character c0 = \'a\';\n" + 
-		"	          ^^\n" + 
-		"Type mismatch: cannot convert from char to Character\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	c1 = \'b\';\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^\n" + 
-		"Type mismatch: cannot convert from char to Character\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	Character c2 = \'c\';\n" + 
-		"	               ^^^\n" + 
-		"Type mismatch: cannot convert from char to Character\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	Character[] c3 = { \'d\' };\n" + 
-		"	                   ^^^\n" + 
-		"Type mismatch: cannot convert from char to Character\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-public void test102() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" + 
-			"		new Object() {\n" + 
-			"			{\n" + 
-			"				new Object() {\n" + 
-			"					{\n" + 
-			"						System.out.println(this.getClass().getName());\n" + 
-			"					}\n" + 
-			"				};\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		};\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"X$2");
-//public void test103() {
-//	this.runConformTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"",
-//			"public class X {\n" +
-//			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-//			"		System.out.print(X.class);\n" +
-//			"    }\n" +
-//			"}\n",
-//		},
-//		"class X");
-//	ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-//	String actualOutput = null;
-//	try {
-//		byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X.class"));
-//		actualOutput =
-//			disassembler.disassemble(
-//				classFileBytes,
-//				"\n",
-//				ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED); 
-//	} catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-//		assertTrue("ClassFormatException", false);
-//	} catch (IOException e) {
-//		assertTrue("IOException", false);
-//	}
-//	String expectedOutput = 
-//		"// Compiled from (version 1.4 : 48.0, super bit)\n" + 
-//		"public class X {\n" + 
-//		"  \n" + 
-//		"  // Field descriptor #6 Ljava/lang/Class;\n" + 
-//		"  static synthetic java.lang.Class class$0;\n" + 
-//		"  \n" + 
-//		"  // Method descriptor #9 ()V\n" + 
-//		"  // Stack: 1, Locals: 1\n" + 
-//		"  public X();\n" + 
-//		"    0  aload_0 [this]\n" + 
-//		"    1  invokespecial java.lang.Object() [11]\n" + 
-//		"    4  return\n" + 
-//		"      Line numbers:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 0, line: 1]\n" + 
-//		"      Local variable table:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 0, pc: 5] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" + 
-//		"  \n" + 
-//		"  // Method descriptor #18 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" + 
-//		"  // Stack: 3, Locals: 1\n" + 
-//		"  public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" + 
-//		"     0  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [19]\n" + 
-//		"     3  getstatic X.class$0 : java.lang.Class [25]\n" + 
-//		"     6  dup\n" + 
-//		"     7  ifnonnull 35\n" + 
-//		"    10  pop\n" + 
-//		"    11  ldc <String \"X\"> [27]\n" + 
-//		"    13  invokestatic java.lang.Class.forName(java.lang.String) : java.lang.Class [28]\n" + 
-//		"    16  dup\n" + 
-//		"    17  putstatic X.class$0 : java.lang.Class [25]\n" + 
-//		"    20  goto 35\n" + 
-//		"    23  new java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError [34]\n" + 
-//		"    26  dup_x1\n" + 
-//		"    27  swap\n" + 
-//		"    28  invokevirtual java.lang.Throwable.getMessage() : java.lang.String [36]\n" + 
-//		"    31  invokespecial java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError(java.lang.String) [42]\n" + 
-//		"    34  athrow\n" + 
-//		"    35  invokevirtual : void [45]\n" + 
-//		"    38  return\n" + 
-//		"      Exception Table:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 11, pc: 16] -> 23 when : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException\n" + 
-//		"      Line numbers:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 0, line: 3]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 38, line: 4]\n" + 
-//		"      Local variable table:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 0, pc: 39] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n" + 
-//		"}";
-//	int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-//	if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-//		System.out.println(Util.displayString(actualOutput, 2));
-//	}
-//	if (index == -1) {
-//		assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, actualOutput);
-//	}
-public void test104() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" + 
-			"		new Object() {\n" + 
-			"			{\n" + 
-			"				new Object() {\n" + 
-			"					{\n" + 
-			"						class Y {\n" + 
-			"							{\n" + 
-			"								System.out.print(this.getClass());\n" + 
-			"								System.out.print(\' \');\n" + 
-			"								System.out.print(this.getClass().getName());\n" + 
-			"							}\n" + 
-			"						}\n" + 
-			"						;\n" + 
-			"						new Y();\n" + 
-			"					}\n" + 
-			"				};\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		};\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"class X$1$Y X$1$Y");
-// enclosing instance - note that the behavior is different in 1.5
-public void test105() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    static class Y { }\n" + 
-			"    static class Z1 {\n" + 
-			"        Runnable m;\n" + 
-			"        Z1(Runnable p) {\n" + 
-			"            this.m = p;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    class Z2 extends Z1 {\n" + 
-			"        Z2(final Y p) {\n" + 
-			"            super(new Runnable() {\n" + 
-			"                public void run() {\n" + 
-			"                    foo(p);\n" + 
-			"                }\n" + 
-			"            });\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    void foo(Y p) { }\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-		"	foo(p);\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of the type X is accessible in scope\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/future/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/future/compiler/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index f05e168..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/future/compiler/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3456 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.future.compiler.regression;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression.AbstractComparableTest;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.AbstractCompilerTest;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class Compliance_1_5 extends AbstractComparableTest {
-boolean docSupport = false;
-public Compliance_1_5(String name) {
-	super(name);
- * Toggle compiler in mode -1.5
- */
-protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-	Map options = super.getCompilerOptions();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnnecessaryTypeCheck, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-	if (docSupport) {
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_DocCommentSupport, CompilerOptions.ENABLED);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadoc, CompilerOptions.ERROR);
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidJavadocTags, CompilerOptions.ENABLED);
-	}
-	return options;
-public static Test suite() {
-		return buildComparableTestSuite(testClass());
-// Use this static initializer to specify subset for tests
-// All specified tests which does not belong to the class are skipped...
-static {
-	// Names of tests to run: can be "testBugXXXX" or "BugXXXX")
-//		TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "Bug58069" };
-	// Numbers of tests to run: "test<number>" will be run for each number of this array
-//	TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 104 };
-	// Range numbers of tests to run: all tests between "test<first>" and "test<last>" will be run for { first, last }
-//		TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 85, -1 };
-/* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
- */
-protected void setUp() throws Exception {
-	super.setUp();
-	// Javadoc disabled by default 
-	docSupport = false;
-// test001 - moved to SuperTypeTest#test002
-// test002 - moved to SuperTypeTest#test003
-// test003 - moved to SuperTypeTest#test004
-// test004 - moved to SuperTypeTest#test005
-// test005 - moved to SuperTypeTest#test006
-// test006 - moved to SuperTypeTest#test007
-// test007 - moved to TryStatementTest#test057
-// test008 - moved to LookupTest#test074
-// test009 - moved to RuntimeTests#test1004
-// check actualReceiverType when array type
-public void test010() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1; \n"+
-			"public class Z {	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"+
-			"		String[] s = new String[]{\"SUCCESS\" };	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(s.length);	\n"	+
-			"		System.out.print(((String[])s.clone())[0]);	\n"	+
-			"	} \n"+
-			"} \n"
-		},
-		"1SUCCESS");
-// test unreachable code complaints
-public void test011() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1; \n"+
-			"public class X { \n"+
-			"	void foo() { \n"+
-			"		while (false);	\n" +
-			"		while (false) System.out.println(\"unreachable\");	\n" +
-			"		do ; while (false);	\n" +
-			"		do System.out.println(\"unreachable\"); while (false);	\n" +
-			"		for (;false;);	\n" +
-			"		for (;false;) System.out.println(\"unreachable\");	\n" +
-			"		if (false);	\n" +
-			"		if (false)System.out.println(\"unreachable\");		\n" +		
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"} \n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	while (false);	\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	while (false) System.out.println(\"unreachable\");	\n" + 
-		"	              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	for (;false;);	\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	for (;false;) System.out.println(\"unreachable\");	\n" + 
-		"	              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-/// binary compatibility
-public void test012() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"class Store {	\n" +
-			"	String value;	\n" +
-			"	Store(String value){	\n" +
-			"		this.value = value;	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"class Top {	\n" +
-			"	static String bar = \"\";	\n" +
-			"	String foo = \"\";	\n" +
-			"	Store store = new Store(\"\");	\n" +
-			"	static Store sstore = new Store(\"Top.sstore\");	\n" +
-			"	static Top ss = new Top();	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"public class Y extends Updated {		\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n" +
-			"		new Y().test();	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	void test() {		\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*** FIELD ACCESS ***\");	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*1* new Updated().bar: \" + new Updated().bar);	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*2* new Updated().foo: \" + new Updated().foo);	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*3* new Y().foo: \" + new Y().foo);	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*4* new Y().bar: \" + new Y().bar);	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*5* bar: \" + bar);	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*6* foo: \" + foo);	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*7* \" +;	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*8* \" +;	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*9* \" +;	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*10* store.value: \" + store.value);	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*11* sstore.value: \" + sstore.value);	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*12* ss.sstore.value: \" + ss.sstore.value);	\n" +
-			"	}		\n" +
-			"}		\n",
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"public class Updated extends Top {	\n" +
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"*** FIELD ACCESS ***"
-		+"*1* new Updated().bar:"
-		+"*2* new Updated().foo:"
-		+"*3* new Y().foo:"
-		+"*4* new Y().bar:"
-		+"*5* bar:"
-		+"*6* foo:"
-		+"*7*"
-		+"*8*"
-		+"*9*"
-		+"*10* store.value:"
-		+"*11* sstore.value: Top.sstore"
-		+"*12* ss.sstore.value: Top.sstore");
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1; \n"+
-			"public class Updated extends Top { \n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"+
-			"		Y.main(arguments);	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	static String bar = \"\";	\n" +
-			"	String foo = \"\";	\n" +
-			"	Store store = new Store(\"\");	\n" +
-			"	static Store sstore = new Store(\"Updated.sstore\");	\n" +
-			"	static Updated ss = new Updated();	\n" +
-			"} \n"
-		},
-		"*** FIELD ACCESS ***"
-		+"*1* new Updated().bar:"
-		+"*2* new Updated().foo:"
-		+"*3* new Y().foo:"
-		+"*4* new Y().bar:"
-		+"*5* bar:"
-		+"*6* foo:"
-		+"*7*"
-		+"*8*"
-		+"*9*"
-		+"*10* store.value:"
-		+"*11* sstore.value: Updated.sstore"
-		+"*12* ss.sstore.value: Top.sstore",
-		null, // use default class-path
-		false, // do not flush previous output dir content
-		null); // no special vm args		
-// binary compatibility
-public void test013() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"class Store {	\n" +
-			"	String value;	\n" +
-			"	Store(String value){	\n" +
-			"		this.value = value;	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"class Top {	\n" +
-			"	static String bar() { return \"\"; }	\n" +
-			"	String foo() { return \"\"; }	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"public class Y extends Updated {		\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n" +
-			"		new Y().test();	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	void test() {		\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*** METHOD ACCESS ***\");	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*1* new Updated().bar(): \" + new Updated().bar());	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*2* new Updated().foo(): \" + new Updated().foo());	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*3* new Y().foo(): \" + new Y().foo());	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*4* new Y().bar(): \" + new Y().bar());	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*5* bar(): \" + bar());	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*6* foo(): \" + foo());	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*7* \" +;	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*8* \" +;	\n" +
-			"		System.out.print(\"*9* \" +;	\n" +
-			"	}		\n" +
-			"}		\n",
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"public class Updated extends Top {	\n" +
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"*** METHOD ACCESS ***"
-		+"*1* new Updated().bar():"
-		+"*2* new Updated().foo():"
-		+"*3* new Y().foo():"
-		+"*4* new Y().bar():"
-		+"*5* bar():"
-		+"*6* foo():"
-		+"*7*"
-		+"*8*"
-		+"*9*");
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1; \n"+
-			"public class Updated extends Top { \n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"+
-			"		Y.main(arguments);	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	static String bar() { return \"\"; }	\n" +
-			"	String foo() { return \"\"; }	\n" +
-			"} \n"
-		},
-		"*** METHOD ACCESS ***"
-		+"*1* new Updated().bar():"
-		+"*2* new Updated().foo():"
-		+"*3* new Y().foo():"
-		+"*4* new Y().bar():"
-		+"*5* bar():"
-		+"*6* foo():"
-		+"*7*"
-		+"*8*"
-		+"*9*",
-		null, // use default class-path
-		false, // do not flush previous output dir content
-		null); // no special vm args		
-public void test014() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"class T {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(boolean b) {	\n" +
-			"		 System.out.print(\"\"); 	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	boolean bar = false;	\n" +
-			"	class Member {	\n" +
-			"		void display(){ System.out.print(\"T.Member#\"); }	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"public class X {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(int i) {	\n" +
-			"		 System.out.println(\"\"); 			\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	int bar;	\n" +
-			"	class Member {	\n" +
-			"		void display(){ System.out.print(\"X.Member#\"); }	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n" +
-			"		new X().bar();	\n" +
-			"	}				\n" +
-			"	void bar() { 	\n" +
-			"		new T() {	\n" +
-			"			{	\n" +
-			"				foo(true);	\n" +
-			"				System.out.print((boolean)bar + \"#\");	\n" +
-			"				Member m = new Member();	\n" +	
-			"				m.display();	\n" +
-			"			} 	\n" +
-			"		};	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"");
- * check handling of default abstract methods
- */
-public void test015() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		C c = new C() {	\n"+
-			"			public void doSomething(){	\n"+
-			"				System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+
-			"		c.doSomething();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"interface I {	\n"+
-			"	void doSomething();	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"abstract class C implements I {	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test016() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class T {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(boolean b) {}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(int i) {}	\n"+
-			"      void bar() {	\n"+
-			"            new T() {	\n"+
-			"                  {	\n"+
-			"                        foo(0); 	\n"+
-			"                  }	\n"+
-			"            };	\n"+
-			"      }	\n"+
-			"} 	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	foo(0); 	\n" + 
-		"	^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo(boolean) in the type T is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test017() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class T {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(boolean b) { System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(int i) {}	\n"+
-			"      void bar() {	\n"+
-			"            new T() {	\n"+
-			"                  {	\n"+
-			"                        foo(false); 	\n"+
-			"                  }	\n"+
-			"            };	\n"+
-			"      }	\n"+
-			"      public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"			new X().bar();	\n" +
-			"      }	\n"+
-			"} 	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test018() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class T {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(int j) { System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(int i) {}	\n"+
-			"      void bar() {	\n"+
-			"            new T() {	\n"+
-			"                  {	\n"+
-			"                        foo(0); 	\n"+
-			"                  }	\n"+
-			"            };	\n"+
-			"      }	\n"+
-			"      public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"			new X().bar();	\n" +
-			"      }	\n"+
-			"} 	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test019() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class T {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(int j) { System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"class U {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(int j) { System.out.println(\"FAILED\"); }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"public class X extends U {	\n"+
-			"      void bar() {	\n"+
-			"            new T() {	\n"+
-			"                  {	\n"+
-			"                        foo(0); 	\n"+
-			"                  }	\n"+
-			"            };	\n"+
-			"      }	\n"+
-			"      public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"			new X().bar();	\n" +
-			"      }	\n"+
-			"} 	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test020() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class T {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(int j) { System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"class U {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(boolean j) { System.out.println(\"FAILED\"); }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"public class X extends U {	\n"+
-			"      void bar() {	\n"+
-			"            new T() {	\n"+
-			"                  {	\n"+
-			"                        foo(0); 	\n"+
-			"                  }	\n"+
-			"            };	\n"+
-			"      }	\n"+
-			"      public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"			new X().bar();	\n" +
-			"      }	\n"+
-			"} 	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test020a() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class T {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(U j) { System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"class U {	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"public class X extends U {	\n"+
-			"      void foo(X j) { System.out.println(\"FAILED\"); }	\n"+
-			"      void bar() {	\n"+
-			"            new T() {	\n"+
-			"                  {	\n"+
-			"                        foo(new X()); 	\n"+
-			"                  }	\n"+
-			"            };	\n"+
-			"      }	\n"+
-			"      public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"			new X().bar();	\n" +
-			"      }	\n"+
-			"} 	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-// binary check for 11511
-public void test021() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"public class Z extends AbstractA {	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n" +
-			"		new Z().init(); 	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"abstract class AbstractB implements K {	\n" +
-			"	public void init() {	\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"AbstractB.init()\");	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"interface K {	\n" +
-			"	void init();	\n" +
-			"	void init(int i);	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class AbstractA extends AbstractB implements K {	\n" +
-			"	public void init(int i) {	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n"			
-		},
-		"AbstractB.init()"); // no special vm args			
-		// check that "new Z().init()" is bound to "Z.init()"
-		String computedReferences = findReferences(OUTPUT_DIR + "/p1/Z.class");
-		boolean check = 
-			computedReferences.indexOf("constructorRef/Z/0") >= 0
-			&& computedReferences.indexOf("methodRef/init/0") >= 0;
-		if (!check){
-			System.out.println(computedReferences);
-		}
-		assertTrue("did not bind 'new Z().init()' to Z.init()'", check);
- /*
- *
- * variant - applicable error diagnosis
- */
-public void test022() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"interface II {}	\n"+
-			"class TT {	\n"+
-			"	void foo(boolean b) {}	\n"+
-			"	void foo(int i, boolean b) {}	\n"+
-			"	void foo(String s) {}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"public abstract class T implements II {	\n"+
-			"	void foo(int i) {}	\n"+
-			"	void bar() {	\n"+
-			"		new TT() {	\n"+
-			"			{	\n"+
-			"				foo(0); // should say that foo(int, boolean) isn't applicable	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	void boo() {	\n"+
-			"		new TT() {	\n"+
-			"			{	\n"+
-			"				foo(true); // should not complain about ambiguity	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"} 	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 13)\n" + 
-		"	foo(0); // should say that foo(int, boolean) isn\'t applicable	\n" + 
-		"	^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo(int, boolean) in the type TT is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- /*
- *
- * variant - applicable error diagnosis
- */
-public void test023() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"interface II {}	\n"+
-			"abstract class TT {	\n"+		// 259+ABSTRACT
-			"	void foo(boolean b) {}	\n"+
-			"	void foo(int i, boolean b) {}	\n"+
-			"	void foo(String s) {}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"public abstract class T implements II {	\n"+
-			"	void foo(int i) {}	\n"+
-			"	void bar() {	\n"+
-			"		new TT() {	\n"+
-			"			{	\n"+
-			"				foo(0); // should say that foo(int, boolean) isn't applicable	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	void boo() {	\n"+
-			"		new TT() {	\n"+
-			"			{	\n"+
-			"				foo(true); // should complain ambiguity	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"} 	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 13)\n" + 
-		"	foo(0); // should say that foo(int, boolean) isn\'t applicable	\n" + 
-		"	^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo(int, boolean) in the type TT is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- *
- * variant - applicable error diagnosis
- */
-public void test024() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"interface II {}	\n"+
-			"abstract class T implements II {	\n"+
-			"	void foo(boolean b) {}	\n"+
-			"	void foo(int i, boolean b) {}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"abstract class TT implements II {	\n"+
-			"	void foo(boolean b) {}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	void foo(int i) {}	\n"+
-			"	void bar() {	\n"+
-			"		new T() {	\n"+
-			"			{	\n"+
-			"				foo(0); // javac says foo cannot be resolved because of multiple matches	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	void bar2() {	\n"+
-			"		new TT() {	\n"+
-			"			{	\n"+
-			"				foo(0); // should say that foo(boolean) isn't applicable	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	void boo() {	\n"+
-			"		new T() {	\n"+
-			"			{	\n"+
-			"				foo(true); // should complain ambiguity	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		};	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 15)\n" + 
-		"	foo(0); // javac says foo cannot be resolved because of multiple matches	\n" + 
-		"	^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo(int, boolean) in the type T is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 22)\n" + 
-		"	foo(0); // should say that foo(boolean) isn\'t applicable	\n" + 
-		"	^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo(boolean) in the type TT is not applicable for the arguments (int)\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- *
- * variant - applicable error diagnosis (no matter if super is abstract or not)
- */
-public void test025() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X extends AbstractY {	\n"+
-			"	void bar(){	\n"+
-			"		init(\"hello\");	\n"+
-			"	}		\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"abstract class AbstractY implements I {	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"interface I {	\n"+
-			"	void init(String s, int i);	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public class X extends AbstractY {	\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"The type X must implement the inherited abstract method I.init(String, int)\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	init(\"hello\");	\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method init(String, int) in the type I is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- *
- * variant - applicable error diagnosis (no matter if super is abstract or not)
- */
-public void test026() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X extends AbstractY {	\n"+
-			"	void bar(){	\n"+
-			"		init(\"hello\");	\n"+
-			"	}		\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"class AbstractY implements I {	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"interface I {	\n"+
-			"	void init(String s, int i);	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	init(\"hello\");	\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method init(String, int) in the type I is not applicable for the arguments (String)\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	class AbstractY implements I {	\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type AbstractY must implement the inherited abstract method I.init(String, int)\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- *
- * should report unreachable empty statement
- */
-public void test027() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		for (;false;p());	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	static void p(){	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"FAILED\");	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	for (;false;p());	\n" + 
-		"	                ^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- *
- * should report unreachable empty statement
- */
-public void test028() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"interface FooInterface {	\n" +
-			"	public boolean foo(int a);	\n" +
-			"	public boolean bar(int a);	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"public class X extends Z {	\n" +
-			"	public boolean foo(int a){ return true; }	\n" +
-			"	public boolean bar(int a){ return false; }	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(new X().test(0));	\n"+
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}\n" +
-			"abstract class Z implements FooInterface {	\n" +
-			"	public boolean foo(int a, int b) {	\n" +
-			"		return true;	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	public String test(int a) {	\n" +
-			"		boolean result = foo(a); \n" +
-			"		if (result)	\n" +
-			"			return \"SUCCESS\";	\n" +
-			"		else	\n" +
-			"			return \"FAILED\";	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
- *
- * verify error on qualified name ref in 1.4
- */
-public void test029() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public class X {	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {	\n" +
-			"		new X();	\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n" +
-			"	}  	\n" +
-			"	Woof woof_1;	\n" +
-			"	public class Honk {	\n" +
-			"		Integer honks;	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	public class Meow {	\n" +
-			"		Honk honk_1;	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	public class Woof {	\n" +
-			"		Meow meow_1;	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	public void setHonks(int num) {	\n" +
-			"		// This is the line that causes the VerifyError	\n" +
-			"		woof_1.meow_1.honk_1.honks = new Integer(num);	\n" +
-			"		// Here is equivalent code that does not cause the error.	\n" +
-			"		//  Honk h = woof_1.moo_1.meow_1.honk_1;	\n" +
-			"		//  h.honks = new Integer(num);	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
- *
- * 1.4 signals invocations of non-visible abstract protected method implementations.
- */
-public void test030() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public class X {	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args){	\n" +
-			"		new q.X2().foo(\"String\");	\n" +
-			"		new q.X2().bar(\"String\");	\n" +
-			"		new q.X2().barbar(\"String\");	\n" +
-			"		new q.X2().baz(\"String\");	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"p/",
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class X1 {	\n" +
-			"	protected void foo(Object o){	System.out.println(\"\"); }	\n" +
-			"	protected void bar(Object o){	System.out.println(\"\"); }	\n" +
-			"	void barbar(Object o){	System.out.println(\"X1.barbar(Object)\"); }	\n" +
-			"	protected void baz(Object o) { System.out.println(\"X1.baz(Object)\"); }	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"q/",
-			"package q;	\n" +
-			"public class X2 extends p.X1 {	\n" +
-			"	protected void foo(int i) { System.out.println(\"\"); }	\n" +
-			"	protected void bar(Object o) { System.out.println(\"\"); }	\n" +
-			"	void barbar(Object o){	System.out.println(\"X2.barbar(Object)\"); }	\n" +
-			"	protected void baz(String s) {	System.out.println(\"X2.baz(String)\"); }	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	new q.X2().bar(\"String\");	\n" + 
-		"	           ^^^\n" + 
-		"The method bar(Object) from the type X2 is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	new q.X2().barbar(\"String\");	\n" + 
-		"	           ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method barbar(Object) from the type X2 is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in q\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	protected void bar(Object o) { System.out.println(\"\"); }	\n" + 
-		"	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method bar(Object) of type X2 should be tagged with @Override since it actually overrides a superclass method\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. WARNING in q\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	void barbar(Object o){	System.out.println(\"X2.barbar(Object)\"); }	\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method X2.barbar(Object) does not override the inherited method from X1 since it is private to a different package\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- *
- * 1.4 signals invocations of non-visible abstract protected method implementations.
- */
-public void test031() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public class X extends q.X2 {	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args){	\n" +
-			"			new X().doSomething();	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	void doSomething(){	\n" +
-			"		foo(\"String\");	\n" +
-			"		bar(\"String\");	\n" +
-			"		barbar(\"String\");	\n" +
-			"		baz(\"String\");	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"p/",
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class X1 {	\n" +
-			"	protected void foo(Object o){	System.out.println(\"\"); }	\n" +
-			"	protected void bar(Object o){	System.out.println(\"\"); }	\n" +
-			"	void barbar(Object o){	System.out.println(\"X1.barbar(Object)\"); }	\n" +
-			"	protected void baz(Object o) { System.out.println(\"X1.baz(Object)\"); }	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"q/",
-			"package q;	\n" +
-			"public class X2 extends p.X1 {	\n" +
-			"	protected void foo(int i) { System.out.println(\"\"); }	\n" +
-			"	protected void bar(Object o) { System.out.println(\"\"); }	\n" +
-			"	void barbar(Object o){	System.out.println(\"X2.barbar(Object)\"); }	\n" +
-			"	protected void baz(String s) {	System.out.println(\"X2.baz(String)\"); }	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	barbar(\"String\");	\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method barbar(Object) from the type X2 is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in q\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	protected void bar(Object o) { System.out.println(\"\"); }	\n" + 
-		"	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method bar(Object) of type X2 should be tagged with @Override since it actually overrides a superclass method\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. WARNING in q\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	void barbar(Object o){	System.out.println(\"X2.barbar(Object)\"); }	\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method X2.barbar(Object) does not override the inherited method from X1 since it is private to a different package\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
- *
- * 1.4 signals invocations of non-visible abstract protected field implementations.
- */
-public void test032() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public class X {	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args){	\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(new q.X2().foo);	\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(new q.X2().bar);	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"p/",
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class X1 {	\n" +
-			"	protected String foo = \"\"; 	\n" +
-			"	String bar = \"\";	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"q/",
-			"package q;	\n" +
-			"public class X2 extends p.X1 {	\n" +
-			"	protected String foo = \"\";	\n" +
-			"	String bar = \"\";	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println(new q.X2().foo);	\n" + 
-		"	                              ^^^\n" + 
-		"The field is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println(new q.X2().bar);	\n" + 
-		"	                              ^^^\n" + 
-		"The field is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- * Initialization of synthetic fields prior to super constructor call
- *
- */
-public void test033() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class A {	\n"+
-			"  public int m;	\n"+
-			"  public void pp() {	\n"+
-			"     C c = new C(4);	\n"+
-			"     System.out.println(c.get());	\n"+
-			"  }	\n"+
-			"  public static void main(String[] args) {	\n"+
-			"     A a = new A();	\n"+
-			"	  try {	\n"+
-			"       a.pp(); 	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SyntheticInit BEFORE SuperConstructorCall\");	\n"+
-			"	  } catch(NullPointerException e) {	\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SyntheticInit AFTER SuperConstructorCall\"); // should no longer occur with target 1.4 \n"+
-			"	  }	\n"+
-			"  }	\n"+
-			"  class C extends B {	\n"+
-			"    public C(int x1) {	\n"+
-			"      super(x1);    	\n"+
-			"    }	\n"+
-			"    protected void init(int x1) {	\n"+
-			"       x = m * x1; // <- NULL POINTER EXCEPTION because of m	\n"+
-			"    }  	\n"+
-			"  }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"class B {	\n"+
-			"  int x;	\n"+
-			"  public B(int x1) {	\n"+
-			"    init(x1);	\n"+
-			"  }	\n"+
-			"  protected void init(int x1) {	\n"+
-			"    x  = x1;	\n"+
-			"  }	\n"+
-			"  public int get() {	\n"+
-			"    return x;	\n"+
-			"  }	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"0\n" + 
-		"SyntheticInit BEFORE SuperConstructorCall");
- * Initialization of synthetic fields prior to super constructor call - NPE check
- *
- */
-public void test034() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		new X().new X2();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	class X1 {	\n"+
-			"		X1(){	\n"+
-			"			this.baz();	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"		void baz() {	\n"+
-			"			System.out.println(\"-X1.baz()\");	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	class X2 extends X1 {	\n"+
-			"		void baz() {	\n"+
-			"			System.out.print(X.this==null ? \"X.this == null\" : \"X.this != null\");	\n"+
-			"			X1 x1 = X1(){	\n"+
-			"				void baz(){	\n"+
-			"					System.out.println(\"-X$1.baz()\");	\n"+
-			"				}	\n"+
-			"			};	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"X.this != null-X$1.baz()");
-public void test035() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1/ */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	class Y { Y(int i){} }	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		int i = 1;	\n" +
-			"		try {	\n" +
-			"			X x =null;	\n" +
-			" Y(++i);	\n" + // i won't get incremented before NPE
-			"			System.out.println(\"FAILED\");	\n" +
-			"		} catch(NullPointerException e){	\n" +
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS:\"+i);	\n" +
-			"		}	\n" +
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS:1"
-	);
-public void test036() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1/ */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	class Y {}	\n"+
-			"	static class Z extends Y {	\n"+
-			"		Z (X x){	\n"+
-			"			x.super();	\n" +
-			"		}		\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		try {	\n" +
-			"			new Z(null);	\n" +
-			"			System.out.println(\"FAILED\");	\n" +
-			"		} catch(NullPointerException e){	\n" +
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n" +
-			"		}	\n" +
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-	);
- *
- *
- * 
- * NOTE: since JLS got revised to allow unterminated line comments (32476)
- */
-public void test037() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TaskTags, "TODO:");
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;	\n"+
-			"public class X {\n"+
-			"}\n"+
-			"// TODO: something"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in p\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	// TODO: something\n" + 
-		"	   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"TODO: something\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);
- *
- *
- * 
- * NOTE: since JLS got revised to allow unterminated line comments (32476)
- */
-public void test038() {
-	Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
-	customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TaskTags, "TODO:");
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"// TODO: something"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	// TODO: something\n" + 
-		"	   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"TODO: something\n" + 
-		"----------\n",
-		null,
-		true,
-		customOptions);
- * unreachable empty statement/block are diagnosed in 1.3
- */
-public void test039() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args){	\n"+
-			"		for (;null != null;);	\n"+
-			"		for (;null != null;){}	\n"+
-			"		for (;false;);	\n"+
-			"		for (;false;){}	\n"+
-			"		while (false);	\n"+
-			"		while (false){}	\n"+
-			"		if (false) {} else {}	\n"+
-			"		if (false) ; else ;			\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"FAILED\");	\n" +
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	for (;false;);	\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	for (;false;){}	\n" + 
-		"	             ^^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	while (false);	\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	while (false){}	\n" + 
-		"	             ^^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// jls6.5.5.1 - simple type names favor member type over toplevel one.
-public void test040() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	interface Homonym {}	\n"+ // takes precedence over others.
-			"	void foo() {	\n"+
-			"		class Homonym extends X {	\n"+
-			"			{	\n"+
-			"				class Y extends Homonym {};	\n"+ // X$Homonym
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"class Homonym extends X {	\n"+
-			"	{	\n"+
-			"		class Y extends Homonym {};	\n"+ // X$Homonym
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	class Homonym extends X {	\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type Homonym is hiding the type X.Homonym\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	class Y extends Homonym {};	\n" + 
-		"	                ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type X.Homonym cannot be the superclass of Y; a superclass must be a class\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" + 
-		"	class Y extends Homonym {};	\n" + 
-		"	                ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The type X.Homonym cannot be the superclass of Y; a superclass must be a class\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- * 30856 - 1.4 compliant mode should consider abstract method matches
- */
-public void test041() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/", //================================
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public class X {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(int i, float f){}	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {	\n" +
-			"		q.Y y = new q.Y.Z();	\n" +
-			";	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"q/", //================================
-			"package q;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class Y extends p.X implements I {	\n" +
-			"	public void bar(){   foo(1, 2); }	\n" +
-			"	public static class Z extends Y {	\n" +
-			"		public void foo(float f, int i) {	\n" +
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n" +
-			"		}	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"interface I {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(float f, int i);	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
- * variation - 30856 - 1.4 compliant mode should consider abstract method matches
- */
-public void test042() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/", //================================
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public class X extends X0 {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(int i, float f){}	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {	\n" +
-			"		q.Y y = new q.Y.Z();	\n" +
-			";	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"class X0 {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(int i, double d){}	\n" + // extra match
-			"}	\n",
-			"q/", //================================
-			"package q;	\n" +
-			"public abstract class Y extends p.X implements I {	\n" +
-			"	public void bar(){   foo(1, 2); }	\n" +
-			"	public static class Z extends Y {	\n" +
-			"		public void foo(float f, int i) {	\n" +
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n" +
-			"		}	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n" +
-			"interface I {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(float f, int i);	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-// binary compatibility
-public void _test043() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"public class Y extends A implements I { \n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {	\n" +
-			"		Y.printValues();	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	public static void printValues() {	\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"i=\"+i+\",j=\"+j+\",Y.i=\"+Y.i+\",Y.j=\"+Y.j);	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"public class A {	\n" +
-			"	static int i = 1;	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"interface I {	\n" +
-			"	int j = \"aa\".length();	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"i=1,j=2,Y.i=1,Y.j=2");
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"public class A {	\n" +
-			"	static int j = 3;	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {	\n" +
-			"		Y.printValues();	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n" +
-			"interface I {	\n" +
-			"	int j = \"aaaa\".length();	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"i=4,j=3,Y.i=4,Y.j=3",
-		null, // use default class-path
-		false, // do not flush previous output dir content
-		null); // no special vm args		
-// * array.clone() should use array type in methodRef
-// *
-// */
-//public void test044() {
-//	this.runConformTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"",
-//			"public class X {\n" +
-//			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-//			"		args.clone();	\n"+
-//			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-//			"    }\n" +
-//			"}\n",
-//		},
-//		"SUCCESS");
-//	ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-//	String actualOutput = null;
-//	try {
-//		byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X.class"));
-//		actualOutput =
-//			disassembler.disassemble(
-//				classFileBytes,
-//				"\n",
-//				ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED); 
-//	} catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-//		assertTrue("ClassFormatException", false);
-//	} catch (IOException e) {
-//		assertTrue("IOException", false);
-//	}
-//	String expectedOutput = 
-//		"     1  invokevirtual java.lang.String[].clone() : java.lang.Object [16]\n";
-//	int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-//	if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-//		System.out.println(Util.displayString(actualOutput, 2));
-//	}
-//	if (index == -1) {
-//		assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, actualOutput);
-//	}
-// 39172
-public void test045() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public class X { \n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {	\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"FAILED\");	\n" +
-			"		return;;	\n" + // unreachable empty statement - must complain in 1.4 mode
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	return;;	\n" + 
-		"	       ^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
- *
- * should diagnose missing abstract method implementation
- */
-public void test046() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X extends Y {\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class Y extends Z {\n" + 
-			"  public abstract void foo();\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class Z extends T {\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class T implements I {\n" + 
-			"  public void foo(){}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"    public void foo ();\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	public class X extends Y {\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"The type X must implement the inherited abstract method\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	public abstract void foo();\n" + 
-		"	                     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo() of type Y should be tagged with @Override since it actually overrides a superclass method\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
- *
- * Abstract class fails to invoke interface-defined method in 1.4 compliance mode.
- */
-public void test047() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X extends AbstractDoubleAlgorithm {\n" + 
-			"	\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		((ObjectAlgorithm)(new X())).operate(new Double(0));\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"    public void operate(Double pDouble)\n" + 
-			"    {\n" + 
-			"        System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class AbstractDoubleAlgorithm implements DoubleAlgorithm {\n" + 
-			"    public void operate(Object pObject)\n" + 
-			"    {\n" + 
-			"        operate((Double)pObject);\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface DoubleAlgorithm extends ObjectAlgorithm {\n" + 
-			"    void operate(Double pDouble);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface ObjectAlgorithm {\n" + 
-			"    void operate(Object pObject);\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-	);
- *
- * Abstract class fails to invoke interface-defined method in 1.4 compliance mode.
- * variation with 2 found methods
- */
-public void test048() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X extends AbstractDoubleAlgorithm {\n" + 
-			"	\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		((ObjectAlgorithm)(new X())).operate(new Double(0));\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"    public void operate(Double pDouble)\n" + 
-			"    {\n" + 
-			"        System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"abstract class AbstractDoubleAlgorithm implements DoubleAlgorithm {\n" + 
-			"    public void operate(Object pObject)\n" + 
-			"    {\n" + 
-			"        operate((Double)pObject);\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    public void operate(X x) {}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface DoubleAlgorithm extends ObjectAlgorithm {\n" + 
-			"    void operate(Double pDouble);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface ObjectAlgorithm {\n" + 
-			"    void operate(Object pObject);\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test049() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"pa/",
-			"package pa;\n" + 
-			"import pb.Concrete;\n" + 
-			"public class Caller {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		Concrete aConcrete = new Concrete(); \n" + 
-			"		aConcrete.callme();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"pa/",
-			"package pa;\n" + 
-			"public abstract class Abstract {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	protected void callme(){}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-			"pb/",
-			"package pb;\n" + 
-			"public class Concrete extends pa.Abstract {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"	protected void callme(){	System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in pa\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	aConcrete.callme();\n" + 
-		"	          ^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method callme() from the type Concrete is not visible\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in pb\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	protected void callme(){	System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); }\n" + 
-		"	               ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method callme() of type Concrete should be tagged with @Override since it actually overrides a superclass method\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test050() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-		"     foo();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void foo() {\n" + 
-		"     int a1 = 1;\n" + 
-		"     int a2 = 1;\n" + 
-		"     a1 = 2;\n" + 
-		"     while (false) {};\n" + 
-		"     a2 = 2;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	while (false) {};\n" + 
-		"	              ^^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test051() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(new String[] {
-		"p/",
-		"package p;\n" + 
-		"public class X {\n" + 
-		"  public static void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-		"     foo();\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"  public static void foo() {\n" + 
-		"     int a1 = 1;\n" + 
-		"     int a2 = 1;\n" + 
-		"     a1 = 2;\n" + 
-		"     while (false);\n" + 
-		"     a2 = 2;\n" + 
-		"  }\n" + 
-		"}\n",
-	},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	while (false);\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test052() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"public class A {\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String[] argv) {\n" + 
-			"    foo();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  private int i;\n" + 
-			"  static class Y extends X {\n" + 
-			"    int x = i;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public static void foo() {\n" + 
-			"    return;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}",
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" + 
-			"     foo();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  public static void foo() {\n" + 
-			"     int a1 = 1;\n" + 
-			"     int a2 = 1;\n" + 
-			"     a1 = 2;\n" + 
-			"     while (false);\n" + 
-			"     a2 = 2;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in p\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	private int i;\n" + 
-		"	            ^\n" + 
-		"The field A.i is never read locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p\\ (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	int x = i;\n" + 
-		"	        ^\n" + 
-		"Cannot make a static reference to the non-static field i\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	while (false);\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"Unreachable code\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test053() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"  static class A {\n" + 
-			"    interface I {\n" + 
-			"      int a = 3;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  } \n" + 
-			"  interface I { \n" + 
-			"    int b = 4;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  class Y extends A implements I {\n" + 
-			"    Object F() {\n" + 
-			"      return new I() {\n" + 
-			"        int c = a; // WE SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO SEE BOTH a and b\n" + 
-			"        int d = b; // WE SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO SEE BOTH a and b\n" + 
-			"      };\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}",
-		}
-	);
-public void test054() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  static class A {\n" + 
-			"    interface I {\n" + 
-			"      int a = 3;\n" + 
-			"      void foo();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  interface I {\n" + 
-			"    int a = 4;\n" + 
-			"    void foo();\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  class Y extends A implements I {\n" + 
-			"    public void foo() {\n" + 
-			"      new I() {\n" + 
-			"        public void foo() {\n" + 
-			"          System.out.println(\"X$1::foo-\" + a);\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      .foo();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" + 
-			"  new X().new Y().foo();\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}",
-		}
-	);
-public void test055() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  static class A {\n" + 
-			"    interface I2 {\n" + 
-			"      int a = 3;\n" + 
-			"      void foo();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  interface I1 {\n" + 
-			"    int a = 4;\n" + 
-			"    void foo(int a);\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  class Y extends A implements I1 {\n" + 
-			"    public void foo(int a) {\n" + 
-			"      new I2() {\n" + 
-			"        public void foo() {\n" + 
-			"          System.out.println(\"X$1::foo-\" + a);\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"      .foo();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" + 
-			"  new X().new Y().foo(8);\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in p\\ (at line 11)\n" + 
-		"	void foo(int a);\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"The parameter a is hiding a field from type X.I1\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. WARNING in p\\ (at line 14)\n" + 
-		"	public void foo(int a) {\n" + 
-		"	                    ^\n" + 
-		"The parameter a is hiding a field from type X.I1\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-public void test056() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"public class MethodQualification {\n" + 
-			"  void foo() {\n" + 
-			"  System.out.println(\"Inherited foo() for anonymous type\");\n" + 
-			"  class Local {\n" + 
-			"    void foo(){\n" + 
-			"    System.out.println(\"Enclosing foo() for anonymous type\");\n" + 
-			"    new MethodQualification () { {foo();} };\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  };\n" + 
-			"  }  \n" + 
-			"}",
-		}, 
-		""
-	);
-public void test057() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1F9RITI\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class AG {\n" + 
-			"  public class X {\n" + 
-			"    class B {\n" + 
-			"      int intValueOfB = -9;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    class SomeInner extends A {\n" + 
-			"      void someMethod() {\n" + 
-			"        int i = new B().intValueOfB; \n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  class A {\n" + 
-			"    class B {\n" + 
-			"      int intValueOfB = -9;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}",
-		}, 
-		""
-	);
-public void test058() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1F9RITI\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class AE {\n" + 
-			"  public class X {\n" + 
-			"    int intValue = 153;\n" + 
-			"    class SomeInner extends A {\n" + 
-			"      void someMethod() {\n" + 
-			"        int i = intValue; \n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  class A {\n" + 
-			"    int intValue = 153;\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}",
-		}, 
-		""
-	);
-public void test059() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"public class FieldQualification {\n" + 
-			"  String field = \"Inherited field for anonymous type\";\n" + 
-			"void foo() {\n" + 
-			"  class Local {\n" + 
-			"    String field = \"Enclosing field for anonymous type\";\n" + 
-			"    void foo() {\n" + 
-			"      System.out.println(\"Enclosing foo() for anonymous type\");\n" + 
-			"      new FieldQualification() {\n" + 
-			"        {\n" + 
-			"          System.out.println(field);\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"      };\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  };\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"}",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in p\\ (at line 5)\n" +
-		"	class Local {\n" +
-		"	      ^^^^^\n" +
-		"The type Local is never used locally\n" +
-		"----------\n" +
-		"2. WARNING in p\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	String field = \"Enclosing field for anonymous type\";\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The field Local.field is hiding a field from type FieldQualification\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. WARNING in p\\ (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	String field = \"Enclosing field for anonymous type\";\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The field Local.field is never read locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. WARNING in p\\ (at line 7)\n" + 
-		"	void foo() {\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method foo() from the type Local is never used locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test060() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"/**\n" + 
-			" * 1F9RITI\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"public class AF {\n" + 
-			"  public class X {\n" + 
-			"    int intMethod() {\n" + 
-			"      return 3333;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    class SomeInner extends A {\n" + 
-			"      void someMethod() {\n" + 
-			"        int i = intMethod(); \n" + 
-			"      }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  class A {\n" + 
-			"    int intMethod() {\n" + 
-			"      return 3333;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}",
-		}, 
-		""
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test061() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/", //======================
-			"package p;	\n" +
-			"public class X extends q.Y {	\n" +
-			"	X someField;	\n" + // no ambiguity since inherited Y.X isn't visible
-			"}	\n" +
-			"class Z extends q.Y {	\n" +
-			"	Z someField;	\n" + // ambiguous
-			"}	\n",
-			"q/", //======================
-			"package q;	\n" +
-			"public class Y {	\n" +
-			"	private static class X {}	\n" +
-			"	public static class Z {}	\n" +
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in q\\ (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	private static class X {}	\n" + 
-		"	                     ^\n" + 
-		"The type Y.X is never used locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- *
- * variant - must still complain when targeting super abstract method
- */
-public void test062() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class Y extends AbstractT {	\n"+
-			"	public void init(){	\n"+
-			"		super.init();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"abstract class AbstractT implements J {	\n"+
-			"}	\n"+
-			"interface J {	\n"+
-			"	void init();	\n"+
-			"}	\n"	
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	super.init();	\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Cannot directly invoke the abstract method init() for the type J\n" + 
-		"----------\n"); // expected log
-public void test063() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			/* p1/ */
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1;	\n"+
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	class Y extends X {}	\n"+
-			"	class Z extends Y {	\n"+
-			"		Z(){	\n"+
-			"			System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");	\n"+
-			"		}	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		new X().new Z();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p1\\ (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	Z(){	\n" + 
-		"	^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
- * Refuse selection of own enclosing instance arg for super constructor call in 1.3 compliant mode
- */
-public void test064() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class Foo {\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n"+
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n"+
-			"	}\n"+
-			"	public class Bar extends Foo {\n" +
-			"		public Bar() {\n" +
-			"		}\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"	public class Baz extends Bar {\n" +
-			"		public Baz() {\n" +
-			"		}\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	public Baz() {\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type Foo is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test065() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) {	\n"+
-			"		new X().new Y().new Z().bar();	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"	String foo() { return \"X-foo\"; }	\n"+
-			"	class Y extends X {	\n"+
-			"		String foo() { return \"Y-foo\"; }	\n"+
-			"		class Z extends Y {	\n"+
-			"			Z(){	\n"+
-			"				//X.this.super();	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"			String foo() { return \"Z-foo\"; }	\n"+
-			"			void bar () {	\n"+
-			"				System.out.println(;	\n"+
-			"			}	\n"+
-			"		}	\n"+
-			"	}	\n"+
-			"}	\n"
-		},
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 7)\n" + 
-			"	String foo() { return \"Y-foo\"; }	\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo() of type X.Y should be tagged with @Override since it actually overrides a superclass method\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-			"	Z(){	\n" + 
-			"	^^^\n" + 
-			"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	String foo() { return \"Z-foo\"; }	\n" + 
-			"	       ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The method foo() of type X.Y.Z should be tagged with @Override since it actually overrides a superclass method\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
- * Check that anonymous type allocation is denied access to compatible enclosing instance available as constructor argument
- */
-public void test066() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"  X(Object o) {}\n" + 
-			"  class M extends X {\n" + 
-			"    M(){\n" + 
-			"      super(null);\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    M(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"      super(new M(){});\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	super(new M(){});\n" + 
-		"	          ^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- * Check that indirect member type allocation is denied access to compatible enclosing instance available as constructor argument
- */
-public void test067() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	X(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	class N extends X {\n" + 
-			"		N(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"			super(o);\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	class M extends N {\n" + 
-			"		M() {\n" + 
-			"			super(null); //1\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		M(Object o) {\n" + 
-			"			super(new M());//2\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" + 
-		"	super(null); //1\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-		"	super(new M());//2\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-		"	super(new M());//2\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- * Check that indirect member type allocation is denied access to compatible enclosing instance available as constructor argument
- */
-public void test068() { 
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	class MX1 extends X {\n" + 
-			"		MX1() {\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	class MX2 extends MX1 {\n" + 
-			"		MX2() {\n" + 
-			"			super();	// ko\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		MX2(X x) {\n" + 
-			"			this();		// ok\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	super();	// ko\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- * Check that indirect member type allocation is denied access to compatible enclosing instance available as constructor argument
- */
-public void test069() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	class MX3 extends X {\n" + 
-			"		MX3(X x) {\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	class MX4 extends MX3 {\n" + 
-			"		MX4() {\n" + 
-			"			super(new MX4());	// ko\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		MX4(X x) {\n" + 
-			"			this();		// ok\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"		MX4(int i) {\n" + 
-			"			this(new MX4());		// ko\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	super(new MX4());	// ko\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" + 
-		"	super(new MX4());	// ko\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-		"	this(new MX4());		// ko\n" + 
-		"	     ^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"No enclosing instance of type X is available due to some intermediate constructor invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// binary compatibility
-public void test070() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X extends Middle {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(new X().field);\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class Middle extends Top {\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class Top {\n" + 
-			"	String field = \"Top.field\";\n" + 
-			"}\n"		
-		},
-		"Top.field");
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class Middle extends Top {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"+
-			"		X.main(arguments);	\n" +
-			"	}	\n" +
-			"	String field = \"Middle.field\";\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"Middle.field",
-		null, // use default class-path
-		false, // do not flush previous output dir content
-		null); // no special vm args		
- * 43429 - AbstractMethodError calling clone() at runtime when using Eclipse compiler
- */
-public void test071() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"", //================================
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public interface Copyable extends Cloneable {\n" + 
-			"		public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public interface TestIf extends Copyable {\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public static class ClassA implements Copyable {\n" + 
-			"		public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {\n" + 
-			"			return super.clone();\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public static class ClassB implements TestIf {\n" + 
-			"		public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {\n" + 
-			"			return super.clone();\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {\n" + 
-			"		Copyable o1 = new ClassA();\n" + 
-			"		ClassB o2 = new ClassB();\n" + 
-			"		TestIf o3 = o2;\n" + 
-			"		Object clonedObject;\n" + 
-			"		clonedObject = o1.clone();\n" + 
-			"		clonedObject = o2.clone();\n" + 
-			"		// The following line fails at runtime with AbstractMethodError when\n" + 
-			"		// compiled with Eclipse\n" + 
-			"		clonedObject = o3.clone();\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test072() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"        try {\n" + 
-			"            f();\n" + 
-			"        } catch(NullPointerException e) {\n" + 
-			"            System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    static void f() {\n" + 
-			"        Object x = new Object() {\n" + 
-			"            {\n" + 
-			"                    if (true) throw null;\n" + 
-			"            }\n" + 
-			"        };\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}",
-		},
-// 52221
-public void test073() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"class X {\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"        \n" + 
-			"        switch(args.length) {\n" + 
-			"            \n" + 
-			"            case 1:\n" + 
-			"                int i = 0;\n" + 
-			"                class Local {\n" + 
-			"	            }\n" + 
-			"                break;\n" + 
-			"                \n" + 
-			"			case 0 :\n" + 
-			"			    System.out.println(i); // local var can be referred to, only an initialization pb\n" + 
-			"			    System.out.println(new Local());\n" + 
-			"        		break;\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"			case 2 :\n" + 
-			"                class Local { // not a duplicate\n" + 
-			"	            }\n" + 
-			"        		break;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println(new Local());\n" + 
-		"	                       ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Local cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-// checking for captured outer local initialization status
-// NOTE: only complain against non-inlinable outer locals
-public void test074() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n" +
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {	\n" +
-			"    	String nonInlinedString = \"[Local]\";	\n" +
-			"    	int i = 2;	\n" +
-			"		switch(i){	\n" +
-			"			case 1:	\n" +
-			"				final String displayString = nonInlinedString;\n" +
-			"				final String inlinedString = \"a\";	\n" +
-			"				class Local {	\n" +
-			"					public String toString() {	\n" +
-			"						return inlinedString + displayString;	\n" +
-			"					}	\n" +
-			"				}	\n" +
-			"			case 2:	\n" +
-			"				System.out.print(new Local());	\n" +
-			"				System.out.print(\"-\");	\n" +
-			"				System.out.println(new Local(){	\n" +
-			"					public String toString() {	\n" +
-			"						return super.toString()+\": anonymous\";	\n" +
-			"					}	\n" +
-			"				});	\n" +
-			"		}	\n" +
-			"    }	\n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 10)\n" + 
-		"	public String toString() {	\n" + 
-		"	              ^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method toString() of type Local should be tagged with @Override since it actually overrides a superclass method\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.print(new Local());	\n" + 
-		"	                     ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Local cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" + 
-		"	System.out.println(new Local(){	\n" + 
-		"	                       ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Local cannot be resolved to a type\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test075() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {	\n" +
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"        System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    public void foo(int p1) {} \n" +
-			"    public void foo(short p1) {} \n" +
-			"}	\n",
-			"",
-			"public class Y extends X {	\n" +
-			"    public void foo(long p1) {} \n" +
-			"    public void testEc() { foo((short)1); } \n" +
-			"}	\n",
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
- * Test fix for bug 58069.
- * @see <a href="">58069</a>
- */
-public void test076() {
-	docSupport = true;
-	runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface IX {\n" + 
-				"	public static class Problem extends Exception {}\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			"",
-			"public abstract class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static class Problem extends Exception {}\n" + 
-				"	public abstract static class InnerClass implements IX {\n" + 
-				"		/**\n" + 
-				"		 * @throws Problem \n" + 
-				"		 */\n" + 
-				"		public void foo() throws IllegalArgumentException {\n" + 
-				"		}\n" + 
-				"	}\n" + 
-				"}\n" + 
-				"\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public static class Problem extends Exception {}\n" + 
-		"	                    ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The serializable class Problem does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-		"	public static class Problem extends Exception {}\n" + 
-		"	                    ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The serializable class Problem does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-		"	* @throws Problem \n" + 
-		"	          ^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Javadoc: Exception Problem is not declared\n" + 
-		"----------\n"	);
- * Test fix bug 58069 for method.
- * Note that problem is not flagged in doc comments as it is only raised while verifying
- * implicit method and javadoc resolution does not use it.
- */
-public void test077() {
-	docSupport = true;
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1; \n"+
-			"public class Test { \n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"+
-			"		new Test().foo(); \n"+
-			"	} \n"+
-			"	String bar() { \n"+
-			"		return \"FAILED\";	\n" +
-			"	} \n"+
-			"	void foo(){ \n"+
-			"		/** @see #bar() */\n" +
-			"		class Y extends Secondary { \n"+
-			"			/** @see #bar() */\n" +
-			"			String z = bar();	\n" +
-			"		}; \n"+
-			"		System.out.println(new Y().z);	\n" +
-			"	} \n"+
-			"} \n" +
-			"class Secondary { \n" +
-			"	String bar(){ return \"FAILED\"; } \n" +
-			"} \n"
-		}
-	);
- * Test fix bug 58069 for field.
- * Note that problem is not flagged in doc comments as it is only raised while verifying
- * Name or Qualified name references and javadoc reference is a field reference.
- */
-public void test078() {
-	docSupport = true;
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p1/",
-			"package p1; \n"+
-			"public class Test { \n"+
-			"	public static void main(String[] arguments) { \n"+
-			"		new Test().foo(); \n"+
-			"	} \n"+
-			"	String bar = \"FAILED\";"+
-			"	void foo(){ \n"+
-			"		/** @see #bar */\n" +
-			"		class Y extends Secondary { \n"+
-			"			/** @see #bar */\n" +
-			"			String z = bar; \n"+
-			"		}; \n"+
-			"		System.out.println(new Y().z);	\n" +
-			"	} \n"+
-			"} \n" +
-			"class Secondary { \n" +
-			"	String bar = \"FAILED\"; \n" +
-			"} \n"
-		}
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test079() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"void ___eval() {\n" +
-			"	new Runnable() {\n" +
-			"		int ___run() throws Throwable {\n" +
-			"			return blah;\n" +
-			"		}\n" +
-			"		private String blarg;\n" +
-			"		public void run() {\n" +
-			"		}\n" +
-			"	};\n" +
-			"}\n" +
-			"public class Hello {\n" +
-			"	private static int x;\n" +
-			"	private String blah;\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"	public void hello() {\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"	public boolean blah() {\n" +
-			"		return false;\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"	public void foo() {\n" +
-			"	}\n" +
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	void ___eval() {\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"void\", @ expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-		"	void ___eval() {\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \")\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" + 
-		"	};\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"}\", { expected\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. ERROR in (at line 23)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete ClassBody\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"5. ERROR in (at line 23)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"}\" to complete MemberValueArrayInitializer\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"6. ERROR in (at line 23)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \")\" to complete Modifiers\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"7. ERROR in (at line 23)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"enum Identifier\" to complete EnumHeader\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"8. ERROR in (at line 23)\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error, insert \"EnumBody\" to complete JavaScriptUnit\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
- *
- * from 1.5 source level on most specific common super type is allowed
- */
-public void test080() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    private static class C1 extends ArrayList {\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    private static class C2 extends ArrayList {\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		ArrayList list = args == null ? new C1(): new C2();\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test081() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" +
-			"    public X foo() { return this; } \n" +
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-			"		System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
-			"    }\n" +
-			"}\n" +
-			"class Y extends X {\n" +
-			"    public Y foo() { return this; } \n" +
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-// covariance
-public void test082() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		X x = new X1();\n" + 
-			"		System.out.println(;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	Object foo() {\n" + 
-			"		return null;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"class X1 extends X {\n" + 
-			"	String foo() {\n" + 
-			"		return \"SUCCESS\";\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
- * Test fix for bug 71079: [1.5] ClassCastException resolving Javadoc
- * @see <a href="">71079</a>
- */
-public void test083() {
-	docSupport = true;
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public @interface X {\n" + 
-				"    /** Value */\n" + 
-				"    String[] value();\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-		}
-	);
- *
- */
-public void test084() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		Object enum = null;\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	Object enum = null;\n" + 
-		"	       ^^^^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"enum\", delete this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
- * Test unused import with static
- */
-public void test085() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"import static j.l.S.*;\n" + 
-				"import static;\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"public class A {\n" + 
-				"\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			"j/l/",
-			"package j.l;\n" + 
-				"public class S {\n" + 
-				"	public static int in;\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	import static j.l.S.*;\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import j.l.S is never used\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" + 
-			"	import static;\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The import is never used\n" + 
-			"----------\n");
- * Test invalid static import syntax
- */
-public void test086() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-				"public class S {\n" + 
-				"    public final static String full = \"FULL\";\n" + 
-				"    public final static String success = \"SUCCESS\";\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			"",
-			"import static p.S;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main ( String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		\n" + 
-				"      System.out.print(full+\" \"+p.S.success);\n" + 
-				"   }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	import static p.S;\n" + 
-			"	              ^^^\n" + 
-			"The static import p.S must be a field or member type\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	System.out.print(full+\" \"+p.S.success);\n" + 
-			"	                 ^^^^\n" + 
-			"full cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-public void test087() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class S {\n" + 
-				"    public final static String full = \"FULL\";\n" + 
-				"    public final static String success = \"SUCCESS\";\n" + 
-				"}\n",
-			"",
-			"import static S;\n" + 
-				"public class X {\n" + 
-				"	public static void main ( String[] args) {\n" + 
-				"		\n" + 
-				"      System.out.print(full+\" \"+S.success);\n" + 
-				"   }\n" + 
-				"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-			"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" + 
-			"	import static S;\n" + 
-			"	              ^\n" + 
-			"The import S cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" + 
-			"	System.out.print(full+\" \"+S.success);\n" + 
-			"	                 ^^^^\n" + 
-			"full cannot be resolved\n" + 
-			"----------\n"
-		);
-public void test088() {
-	String errorMessage =
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. WARNING in p\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	public class X extends Date implements Runnable{\n" + 
-		"	             ^\n" + 
-		"The serializable class X does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"2. ERROR in p\\ (at line 12)\n" + 
-		"	this.super();\n" + 
-		"	^^^^\n" + 
-		"Illegal enclosing instance specification for type Object\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"3. WARNING in p\\ (at line 25)\n" + 
-		"	private void a() { System.out.println(\"A\");} \n" + 
-		"	             ^^^\n" + 
-		"The method a() from the type X is never used locally\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"4. WARNING in p\\ (at line 31)\n" + 
-		"	Class c = b.getClass();\n" + 
-		"	^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Class is a raw type. References to generic type Class<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"5. WARNING in p\\ (at line 32)\n" + 
-		"	Class _getClasses [] = X.class.getClasses(); \n" + 
-		"	^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Class is a raw type. References to generic type Class<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"6. WARNING in p\\ (at line 36)\n" + 
-		"	Constructor _getConstructors[] = c.getConstructors(); \n" + 
-		"	^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Constructor is a raw type. References to generic type Constructor<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"7. WARNING in p\\ (at line 39)\n" + 
-		"	Method _getMethod = c.getMethod(\"d\",null);\n" + 
-		"	                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The argument of type null should explicitly be cast to Class[] for the invocation of the varargs method getMethod(String, Class...) from type Class. It could alternatively be cast to Class for a varargs invocation\n" + 
-		"----------\n";
-	if (isJRELevel(AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_6|AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_7)) {
-		errorMessage =
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"1. WARNING in p\\ (at line 4)\n" + 
-			"	public class X extends Date implements Runnable{\n" + 
-			"	             ^\n" + 
-			"The serializable class X does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"2. ERROR in p\\ (at line 12)\n" + 
-			"	this.super();\n" + 
-			"	^^^^\n" + 
-			"Illegal enclosing instance specification for type Object\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"3. WARNING in p\\ (at line 25)\n" + 
-			"	private void a() { System.out.println(\"A\");} \n" + 
-			"	             ^^^\n" + 
-			"The method a() from the type X is never used locally\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"4. WARNING in p\\ (at line 31)\n" + 
-			"	Class c = b.getClass();\n" + 
-			"	^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Class is a raw type. References to generic type Class<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"5. WARNING in p\\ (at line 32)\n" + 
-			"	Class _getClasses [] = X.class.getClasses(); \n" + 
-			"	^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Class is a raw type. References to generic type Class<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"6. WARNING in p\\ (at line 36)\n" + 
-			"	Constructor _getConstructors[] = c.getConstructors(); \n" + 
-			"	^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Constructor is a raw type. References to generic type Constructor<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"7. WARNING in p\\ (at line 39)\n" + 
-			"	Method _getMethod = c.getMethod(\"d\",null);\n" + 
-			"	                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"The argument of type null should explicitly be cast to Class[] for the invocation of the varargs method getMethod(String, Class...) from type Class. It could alternatively be cast to Class for a varargs invocation\n" + 
-			"----------\n" + 
-			"8. WARNING in p\\ (at line 39)\n" + 
-			"	Method _getMethod = c.getMethod(\"d\",null);\n" + 
-			"	                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-			"Type safety: The method getMethod(String, Class...) belongs to the raw type Class. References to generic type Class<T> should be parameterized\n" + 
-			"----------\n";
-	}
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"import java.util.Date;\n" + 
-			"import java.lang.reflect.*;\n" + 
-			"public class X extends Date implements Runnable{\n" + 
-			" \n" + 
-			" Integer w = new Integer(90);\n" + 
-			" protected double x = 91.1;\n" + 
-			" public long y = 92;\n" + 
-			" static public Boolean z = new Boolean(true); \n" + 
-			" public class X_inner {\n" + 
-			"  public X_inner() {\n" + 
-			"   this.super();\n" + 
-			"   System.out.println(\"....\");\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			" }\n" + 
-			" X_inner a = new X_inner();\n" + 
-			" public interface X_interface {\n" + 
-			"   public void f(); \n" + 
-			" }\n" + 
-			" static {\n" + 
-			"  System.out.println(\"Static initializer\");\n" + 
-			" }\n" + 
-			" public X() { } \n" + 
-			" public X(int a1,int b1) { } \n" + 
-			" private void a() { System.out.println(\"A\");} \n" + 
-			" protected void b() { System.out.println(\"B\");} \n" + 
-			" public void c() { System.out.println(\"C\");} \n" + 
-			" static public int d() {System.out.println(\"Static D\");return -1;} \n" + 
-			" public static void main(String args[]) {\n" + 
-			"  X  b = new X();\n" + 
-			"  Class c = b.getClass();\n" + 
-			"  Class _getClasses [] = X.class.getClasses(); \n" + 
-			"//  System.out.println(_getClasses[0].toString());\n" + 
-			"//  System.out.println(_getClasses[1].toString());\n" + 
-			"  if (_getClasses.length == 0) {System.out.println(\"FAILED\");};\n" + 
-			"  Constructor _getConstructors[] = c.getConstructors(); \n" + 
-			"  try {\n" + 
-			"   Field _getField = c.getField(\"y\");\n" + 
-			"   Method _getMethod = c.getMethod(\"d\",null);\n" + 
-			" \n" + 
-			"   Boolean b_z = X.z; \n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"  catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { System.out.println(\"NoSuchFieldException\");}\n" + 
-			"  catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { System.out.println(\"NoSuchMethodException\");};\n" + 
-			" } \n" + 
-			" public void run() {System.out.println(\"RUN\");} \n" + 
-			"}",
-		}, 
-		errorMessage);
- *
- */
-public void test089() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"    @interface I1 {}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String argv[])   {\n" + 
-			"    	System.out.print(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
-public void test090() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	\n" + 
-			"	void foo(int[] ints, Object o) {\n" + 
-			"		ints = ints.clone();\n" + 
-			"		ints = (int[])ints.clone();\n" + 
-			"		X x = this.clone();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" + 
-		"	X x = this.clone();\n" + 
-		"	      ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to X\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-//78104 - variation
-public void test091() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		args = args.clone();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}",
-		}, 
-		""
-	);
-// check autoboxing only enabled in 1.5 source mode
-public void test092() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	void foo(Boolean b) {\n" + 
-			"		if (b) { \n" + 
-			"			int i = 0;\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n",
-		}, 
-		""
-	);
-public void test093() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"p/",
-			"package p;\n" + 
-			"/*   dena JTest Suite, Version 2.2, September 1997\n" + 
-			" *   Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Modena Software (I) Pvt. Ltd., All Rights Reserved\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			"/*  Section    :  Inner classes \n" + 
-			" *  FileName   :\n" + 
-			" *  Purpose    :  Positive test for Inner classes\n" + 
-			" *  \n" + 
-			" *  An anonymous class can have initializers but cannot have a constructor.\n" + 
-			" *  The argument list of the associated new expression is implicitely \n" + 
-			" *  passed to the constructor of the super class. \n" + 
-			" *\n" + 
-			" */\n" + 
-			" \n" + 
-			" class X_1 {\n" + 
-			"  static int xx = 100;\n" + 
-			"  //inner class Y  \n" + 
-			"  static class Y {  \n" + 
-			"   public int j = 0;\n" + 
-			"   Y(int x){ j = x; }\n" + 
-			"   }  \n" + 
-			" public void call_inner()\n" + 
-			" {\n" + 
-			"   int i = test_anonymous().j;\n" + 
-			" }     \n" + 
-			" public static void main(String argv[])\n" + 
-			" {\n" + 
-			"   X_1 ox = new X_1();\n" + 
-			"   ox.call_inner(); \n" + 
-			" }  \n" + 
-			"public void newMethod ( ) {\n" + 
-			"  Float f1 = null;\n" + 
-			"  f1=(f1==0.0)?1.0:f1;\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"   static Y test_anonymous()\n" + 
-			"   { \n" + 
-			"    //anonymous implementation of class Y\n" + 
-			"    return new Y(xx) //xx should be implicitely passed to Y()\n" + 
-			"    {\n" + 
-			"    };    \n" + 
-			"   \n" + 
-			"   } //end test_anonymous      \n" + 
-			"} ",
-		}, 
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 33)\n" + 
-		"	f1=(f1==0.0)?1.0:f1;\n" + 
-		"	   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" + 
-		"Type mismatch: cannot convert from double to Float\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
- * Test unused import warning in presence of syntax errors
- *
- */
-public void test094(){
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"import*;	\n" +
-			"public class X {	\n" +
-			"	void foo(){\n" +
-			"		()\n" +
-			"		IOException e;\n" +
-			"	} \n" +
-			"}		\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" + 
-		"	()\n" + 
-		"	^\n" + 
-		"Syntax error on token \"(\", AnnotationName expected before this token\n" + 
-		"----------\n");
-public void test095(){
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"interface I {\n" + 
-			"   int foo();\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"interface J {\n" + 
-			"   String foo();\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			" \n" + 
-			"public class X implements I {\n" + 
-			"   public int foo() {\n" + 
-			" 	return 0;\n" + 
-			"   }\n" + 
-			"   public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"         I i = new X();\n" + 
-			"         try {\n" + 
-			"	        J j = (J) i;\n" + 
-			"         } catch(ClassCastException e) {\n" + 
-			"	        System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" + 
-			"         }\n" + 
-			"  }\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"SUCCESS");
- *
- */
-public void test096() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"    interface A {\n" + 
-			"       void doSomething();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"    interface B {\n" + 
-			"       int doSomething();\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"    interface C extends B {\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"        \n" + 
-			"        A a = null;\n" + 
-			"        C c = (C)a; \n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"");
-public void test097() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"    public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" + 
-			"    	int cst = X1.CST;\n" + 
-			";\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    static void foo() {}\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"class X1 {\n" + 
-			"    static {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.print(\"[X1]\");\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    public static final int CST = 12;\n" + 
-			"    static X Root = null;\n" + 
-			"}\n" + 
-			"class X2 {\n" + 
-			"    static {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.print(\"[X2]\");\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    public final int CST = 12;\n" + 
-			"    static X Root = null;\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"[X2]");
-public void test098() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	void foo() {\n" + 
-			"		System.out.print(\"foo\");\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	class Y {\n" + 
-			"		String this$0;\n" + 
-			"		String this$0$;\n" + 
-			"		void print() { \n" + 
-			"			foo();\n" + 
-			"			System.out.println(this$0+this$0$);\n" + 
-			"		}\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + 
-			"		X.Y y = new X().new Y();\n" + 
-			"		y.this$0 = \"hello\";\n" + 
-			"		y.this$0$ = \"world\";\n" + 
-			"		y.print();\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"foohelloworld");
-public void test099() {
-	this.runNegativeTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public interface I extends Cloneable {\n" + 
-			"	class Inner {\n" +
-			"		Object bar(I i) throws CloneNotSupportedException { return i.clone(); }\n" +
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"----------\n" + 
-		"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" + 
-		"	Object bar(I i) throws CloneNotSupportedException { return i.clone(); }\n" + 
-		"	                                                             ^^^^^\n" + 
-		"The method clone() is undefined for the type I\n" + 
-		"----------\n"
-	);
-public void test100() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    int \\ud800\\udc05\\ud800\\udc04\\ud800\\udc03\\ud800\\udc02\\ud800\\udc01\\ud800\\udc00;\n" + 
-			"    void foo() {\n" + 
-			"        int \\ud800\\udc05\\ud800\\udc04\\ud800\\udc03\\ud800\\udc02\\ud800\\udc01\\ud800\\udc00;\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		}
-	);
-public void test101() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	Character c0 = \'a\';\n" +
-			"	public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" + 
-			"		Character c1;\n" + 
-			"		c1 = \'b\';\n" + 
-			"\n" + 
-			"		Character c2 = \'c\';\n" + 
-			"		Character[] c3 = { \'d\' };\n" +
-			"	\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		""
-	);
-public void test102() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" + 
-			"		new Object() {\n" + 
-			"			{\n" + 
-			"				new Object() {\n" + 
-			"					{\n" + 
-			"						System.out.println(this.getClass().getName());\n" + 
-			"						System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName());\n" + 
-			"					}\n" + 
-			"				};\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		};\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"X$1$1");
-//public void test103() {
-//	this.runConformTest(
-//		new String[] {
-//			"",
-//			"public class X {\n" +
-//			"    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
-//			"		System.out.print(X.class);\n" +
-//			"    }\n" +
-//			"}\n",
-//		},
-//		"class X");
-//	ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
-//	String actualOutput = null;
-//	try {
-//		byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator  +"X.class"));
-//		actualOutput =
-//			disassembler.disassemble(
-//				classFileBytes,
-//				"\n",
-//				ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED); 
-//	} catch (org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.util.ClassFormatException e) {
-//		assertTrue("ClassFormatException", false);
-//	} catch (IOException e) {
-//		assertTrue("IOException", false);
-//	}
-//	String expectedOutput = 
-//		"public class X {\n" + 
-//		"  \n" + 
-//		"  // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" + 
-//		"  // Stack: 1, Locals: 1\n" + 
-//		"  public X();\n" + 
-//		"    0  aload_0 [this]\n" + 
-//		"    1  invokespecial java.lang.Object() [8]\n" + 
-//		"    4  return\n" + 
-//		"      Line numbers:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 0, line: 1]\n" + 
-//		"      Local variable table:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 0, pc: 5] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" + 
-//		"  \n" + 
-//		"  // Method descriptor #15 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" + 
-//		"  // Stack: 2, Locals: 1\n" + 
-//		"  public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" + 
-//		"    0  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" + 
-//		"    3  ldc <Class X> [1]\n" + 
-//		"    5  invokevirtual : void [22]\n" + 
-//		"    8  return\n" + 
-//		"      Line numbers:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 0, line: 3]\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 8, line: 4]\n" + 
-//		"      Local variable table:\n" + 
-//		"        [pc: 0, pc: 9] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n";
-//	int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput);
-//	if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
-//		System.out.println(Util.displayString(actualOutput, 2));
-//	}
-//	if (index == -1) {
-//		assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, actualOutput);
-//	}
-public void test104() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"	public static void main(String[] s) {\n" + 
-			"		new Object() {\n" + 
-			"			{\n" + 
-			"				new Object() {\n" + 
-			"					{\n" + 
-			"						class Y {\n" + 
-			"							{\n" + 
-			"								System.out.print(this.getClass());\n" + 
-			"								System.out.print(\' \');\n" + 
-			"								System.out.print(this.getClass().getSimpleName());\n" + 
-			"							}\n" + 
-			"						}\n" + 
-			"						;\n" + 
-			"						new Y();\n" + 
-			"					}\n" + 
-			"				};\n" + 
-			"			}\n" + 
-			"		};\n" + 
-			"	}\n" + 
-			"}"
-		},
-		"class X$1$1$1Y Y");
-// enclosing instance - note that the behavior is different in 1.3 and 1.4
-public void test105() {
-	this.runConformTest(
-		new String[] {
-			"",
-			"public class X {\n" + 
-			"    static class Y { }\n" + 
-			"    static class Z1 {\n" + 
-			"        Runnable m;\n" + 
-			"        Z1(Runnable p) {\n" + 
-			"            this.m = p;\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    class Z2 extends Z1 {\n" + 
-			"        Z2(final Y p) {\n" + 
-			"            super(new Runnable() {\n" + 
-			"                public void run() {\n" + 
-			"                    foo(p);\n" + 
-			"                }\n" + 
-			"            });\n" + 
-			"        }\n" + 
-			"    }\n" + 
-			"    void foo(Y p) { }\n" + 
-			"}\n"
-		},
-		"");
-public static Class testClass() {
-	return Compliance_1_5.class;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/interpret/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/interpret/
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--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/interpret/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.interpret;
-public class BasicInterpretTest extends InterpretTest {
-	public BasicInterpretTest(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public void test0001() {
-		interpetTest("1+2","3");
-	}
-	public void test0002() {
-		interpetTest("a=10","a","10");
-	}
-	public void test0003() {
-		interpetTest("a=10;b=a+11;","b","21");
-	}
-	public void test0004() {
-		interpetTest("a={p:21}; b=a.p;","b","21");
-	}
-	public void test0005() {
-		interpetTest("a = new Object(); a.hasProperty(\"c\");","false");
-	}
-	public void test0005a() {
-		interpetTest("a = new Object(); a.c=1; a.hasProperty('c');","true");
-	}
-	public void test0007() {
-		interpetTest("function box(w,h){this.width=w;this.height=h;}"+
-				"box.prototype.area=function (){return this.width*this.height;}"+
-				"b=new box(3,4); b.area();"
-				,"12");
-	}
-	public void test0008() {
-		interpetTest("var i=1;"+
-				"if (i>0) i=3;"
-				,"i","3");
-	}
-	public void test0008b() {
-		interpetTest("var i=1;"+
-				"if (i>1) i=3;"
-				,"i","1");
-	}
-	public void test0009() {
-		interpetTest("var i=1;"+
-				"while (i<3) i++;"
-				,"i","3");
-	}
-	public void test0009a() {
-		interpetTest("var i=1;"+
-				"while (i<3) {i++; if (i==2) break;}"
-				,"i","2");
-	}
-	public void test0010() {
-		interpetTest("a = \"abc\"; a.indexOf(\"b\");","1");
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/interpret/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/interpret/
deleted file mode 100644
index 77da302..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/interpret/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.interpret;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.junit.extension.StopableTestCase;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.AbstractCompilerTest;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.core.interpret.Interpreter;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.core.interpret.InterpreterContext;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.core.interpret.InterpreterResult;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.core.interpret.Value;
-public class InterpretTest extends AbstractCompilerTest implements
-		StopableTestCase {
-	InterpreterResult result;
-	public InterpretTest(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	public void stop() {
-	}
-	public void interpetTest(String source, String expected)
-	{
-		InterpreterContext context= new InterpreterContext();
-		context.initailizeBuiltins();
-		result=Interpreter.interpet(source, context);
-		Object res=result.getResult();
-		if (res instanceof Value)
-			res=((Value)res).stringValue();
-		assertTrue("Result has errors", !result.hasErrors());
-		assertEquals("Unexpected result",expected, res.toString());
-	}
-	public void interpetTest(String source, String varName, String expected)
-	{
-		InterpreterContext context= new InterpreterContext();
-		result=Interpreter.interpet(source, context);
-		assertTrue("Result has errors", !result.hasErrors());
-		Value value =context.getValue(varName.toCharArray());
-		assertTrue("var not found: "+varName, value!=null);
-		assertEquals("Unexpected result",expected, value.stringValue() );
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/junit/extension/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/junit/extension/
deleted file mode 100644
index 84760f3..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.junit.extension;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
-public class PerformanceTestSuite extends TestSuite {
-	/**
-	 * Constructs a TestSuite from the given class. Adds all the methods
-	 * starting with "testPerf" as test cases to the suite.
-	 */
-	 public PerformanceTestSuite(final Class theClass) {
-		setName(theClass.getName());
-		try {
-			getTestConstructor(theClass); // Avoid generating multiple error messages
-		} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
-			addTest(addWarningTest("Class "+theClass.getName()+" has no public constructor TestCase(String name) or TestCase()"));
-			return;
-		}
-		if (!Modifier.isPublic(theClass.getModifiers())) {
-			addTest(addWarningTest("Class "+theClass.getName()+" is not public"));
-			return;
-		}
-		Class superClass= theClass;
-		Vector names= new Vector();
-		while (Test.class.isAssignableFrom(superClass)) {
-			Method[] methods= superClass.getDeclaredMethods();
-			for (int i= 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
-				addTestMethod(methods[i], names, theClass);
-			}
-			superClass= superClass.getSuperclass();
-		}
-		if (countTestCases() == 0)
-			addTest(addWarningTest("No tests found in "+theClass.getName()));
-	}
-	public PerformanceTestSuite(String name) {
-		setName(name);
-	}
-	private void addTestMethod(Method m, Vector names, Class theClass) {
-		String name= m.getName();
-		if (names.contains(name))
-			return;
-		if (! isPublicTestMethod(m)) {
-			if (isTestMethod(m))
-				addTest(addWarningTest("Test method isn't public: "+m.getName()));
-			return;
-		}
-		names.addElement(name);
-		addTest(createTest(theClass, name));
-	}
-	public void addTestSuite(Class theClass) {
-		addTest(new PerformanceTestSuite(theClass));
-	}
-	private boolean isPublicTestMethod(Method m) {
-		return isTestMethod(m) && Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers());
-	 }
-	private boolean isTestMethod(Method m) {
-		String name= m.getName();
-		Class[] parameters= m.getParameterTypes();
-		Class returnType= m.getReturnType();
-		return parameters.length == 0 && name.startsWith("testPerf") && returnType.equals(Void.TYPE);
-	 }
-	/**
-	 * Returns a test which will fail and log a warning message.
-	 */
-	private static Test addWarningTest(final String message) {
-		return new TestCase("warning") {
-			protected void runTest() {
-				fail(message);
-			}
-		};
-	}
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.junit.extension;
- * A test case that is being sent stop() when the user presses 'Stop' or 'Exit'.
- */
-public interface StopableTestCase {
-	/**
-	 * Invoked when this test needs to be stoped.
-	 */
-	public void stop();
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/junit/extension/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/junit/extension/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b41657..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,748 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.junit.extension;
-import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import java.text.DateFormat;
-import java.util.*;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.Flags;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.batch.Main;
-import junit.framework.ComparisonFailure;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
-public class TestCase extends junit.framework.TestCase {
-	// Filters
-	public static final String METHOD_PREFIX = "test";
-	public  static String RUN_ONLY_ID = "ONLY_";
-	// Ordering
-	public static final int NO_ORDER = 0;
-	public static final int ALPHABETICAL_SORT = 1;
-	public static final int ALPHA_REVERSE_SORT = 2;
-	public static final int RANDOM_ORDER_JDT = 3;
-	public static final int RANDOM_ORDER_TIME = 4;
-	/**
-	 * Expected tests order while building tests list for test suites.
-	 * 	@see #buildTestsList(Class, int, long)
-	 * <br>
-	 * User may use following different values:
-	 * 	<ul>
-	 *			<li>{@link #NO_ORDER}: none (this is the default)</li>
-	 *			<li>{@link #ALPHABETICAL_SORT}: alphabetical order (ie. ascending)</li>
-	 *			<li>{@link #ALPHA_REVERSE_SORT}: alpha reverse order (ie. descending )</li>
-	 *			<li>{@link #RANDOM_ORDER_JDT}: random order using JDT/Core current version as seed</li>
-	 *			<li>{@link #RANDOM_ORDER_TIME}: random order using current time as seed (used time value is displayed in console)</li>
-	 *			<li>other values: random order using given <code>long</code> value as seed</li>
-	 * 	</ul>
-	 * This value is initialized with <code>"ordering"</code> system property.
-	 */
-	public static final long ORDERING;
-	static {
-		long ordering = NO_ORDER; // default is no order
-		try {
-			long seed = Long.parseLong(System.getProperty("ordering", "0"));
-			try {
-				int kind = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("ordering", "0"));
-				switch (kind) {
-					case NO_ORDER:
-						break;
-						ordering = kind;
-						System.err.println("Note that tests will be run sorted using alphabetical order...");
-						break;
-						ordering = kind;
-						System.err.println("Note that tests will be run sorted using alphabetical reverse order...");
-						break;
-					case RANDOM_ORDER_JDT:
-						String version = new Main(null, null, false).bind("compiler.version");
-						try {
-							String v_number = version.substring(2, 5);
-							ordering = Long.parseLong(v_number);
-							System.err.println("Note that tests will be run in random order using seed="+v_number+" (ie. JDT/Core version)");
-						}
-						catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
-							System.err.println("Cannot extract valid JDT/Core version number from 'compiler.version': "+version+" => no order will be finally used...");
-							ordering = NO_ORDER;
-						}
-						break;
-						ordering = System.currentTimeMillis();
-						System.err.println("Note that tests will be run in random order using seed="+ordering+" (ie. current time)");
-						break;
-					default:
-						ordering = seed;
-						System.err.println("Note that tests will be run in random order using seed="+seed+" (ie. given value)");
-						break;
-				}
-			} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
-				// ordering value is over int range but is a valid long => keep the value
-				ordering = seed;
-				System.err.println("Note that tests will be run in random order using seed="+seed+" (ie. given value)");
-			}
-		}
-		catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
-			System.err.println("Only integer or long values are allowed for 'ordering' system property: "+System.getProperty("ordering", "0")+" is not valid ! => no order will be finally used...");
-			ordering = NO_ORDER;
-		}
-		ORDERING = ordering;
-	}
-	// Garbage collect constants
-	final static int MAX_GC = 5; // Max gc iterations
-	final static int TIME_GC = 200; // Sleep to wait gc to run (in ms)
-	final static int DELTA_GC = 1000; // Threshold to remaining free memory
-	// Debug Log Information
-	public final static File MEM_LOG_FILE;
-	public final static File MEM_LOG_DIR;
-	public static Class CURRENT_CLASS;
-	public static String CURRENT_CLASS_NAME;
-	public final static String STORE_MEMORY;
-	public final static boolean ALL_TESTS_LOG;
-	public final static boolean RUN_GC;
-	/*
-	 * Static initializer for memory trace.
-	 * This functionality is activated using system property "storeMemory".
-	 * Here's possible format for this property:
-	 * 	-DstoreMemory=<file name>[,all][,gc][,dir=<directory name>]
-	 * 		<file name>: name of the file where memory data will be stored
-	 * 		optional parameters:
-	 * 			all:	flag to store memory data for all tests. If not specified,
-	 * 					then data will be stored only per test suite
-	 * 			gc:	flag to run garbage collection before each test or test suite
-	 * 					(depending of "all" parameter)
-	 * 			dir=<directory name>:
-	 * 					specify directory where to put the file. Default is the directory
-	 * 					specified in 'user.home' property
-	 */
-	static {
-		String storeMemory = System.getProperty("storeMemory");
-		boolean allTestsLog = false;
-		boolean runGc = false;
-		File memLogDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"));
-		if (storeMemory != null) {
-			int index = storeMemory.indexOf(',');
-			if (index>0) {
-				StringTokenizer parameters = new StringTokenizer(storeMemory.substring(storeMemory.indexOf(',')+1), ",");
-				while (parameters.hasMoreTokens()) {
-					String param = parameters.nextToken();
-					if ("all".equals(param)) {
-						allTestsLog = true;
-					} else if ("gc".equals(param)) {
-						runGc = true;
-					} else if (param.startsWith("dir=")) {
-						memLogDir = new File(param.substring(4));
-					}
-				}
-				storeMemory = storeMemory.substring(0, index);
-			}
-		}
-		STORE_MEMORY = storeMemory;
-		ALL_TESTS_LOG = allTestsLog;
-		RUN_GC = runGc;
-		if (!verifyLogDir(memLogDir)) {
-			memLogDir = null;
-		}
-		MEM_LOG_DIR = memLogDir;
-		MEM_LOG_FILE = createMemLogFile();
-		if (STORE_MEMORY != null && MEM_LOG_FILE != null) {
-			System.out.println("Memory storage activated:");
-			System.out.println("	data stored in file "+MEM_LOG_FILE);
-			System.out.println("	all tests log: "+ALL_TESTS_LOG);
-			System.out.println("	gc activated: "+RUN_GC);
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Flag telling if current test is the first of TestSuite it belongs or not.
-	 */
-	private boolean first;
-	// static variables for subsets tests
-	public static String TESTS_PREFIX = null; // prefix of test names to perform
-	public static String[] TESTS_NAMES = null; // list of test names to perform
-	public static int[] TESTS_NUMBERS = null; // list of test numbers to perform
-	public static int[] TESTS_RANGE = null; // range of test numbers to perform
-	public TestCase(String name) {
-		setName(name);
-	}
-public static void assertEquals(String expected, String actual) {
-    assertEquals(null, expected, actual);
-public static void assertEquals(String message, String expected, String actual) {
-	assertStringEquals(message, expected, actual, true);
-public static void assertStringEquals(String expected, String actual, boolean showLineSeparators) {
-	assertStringEquals(null, expected, actual, showLineSeparators);
-public static void assertStringEquals(String message, String expected, String actual, boolean showLineSeparators) {
-	if (expected == null && actual == null)
-		return;
-	if (expected != null && expected.equals(actual))
-		return;
-	final String formatted;
-	if (message != null) {
-		formatted = message+"."; //$NON-NLS-1$
-	} else {
-		formatted = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
-	}
-	if (showLineSeparators) {
-		final String expectedWithLineSeparators = showLineSeparators(expected);
-		final String actualWithLineSeparators = showLineSeparators(actual);
-		throw new ComparisonFailure(
-			    formatted
-					+ "\n----------- Expected ------------\n" //$NON-NLS-1$
-					+ expectedWithLineSeparators
-					+ "\n------------ but was ------------\n" //$NON-NLS-1$
-					+ actualWithLineSeparators
-					+ "\n--------- Difference is ----------\n", //$NON-NLS-1$
-			    expectedWithLineSeparators, 
-			    actualWithLineSeparators);
-	} else {
-		throw new ComparisonFailure(
-			    formatted
-					+ "\n----------- Expected ------------\n" //$NON-NLS-1$
-					+ expected
-					+ "\n------------ but was ------------\n" //$NON-NLS-1$
-					+ actual
-					+ "\n--------- Difference is ----------\n", //$NON-NLS-1$
-			    expected, 
-			    actual);
-	}
- * Build a list of methods to run for a test suite.
- * There's no recursion in given class hierarchy, methods are only
- * public method starting with "test" of it.
- * <p></p>
- *  Note that this list may be reduced using 2 different mechanism:
- * <p></p>
- * 1) TESTS* static variables:
- * <ul>
- * <li>{@link #TESTS_PREFIX}: only methods starting with this prefix (after "test" of course)
- * 		will be put in test suite.
- * </li>
- * <li>{@link #TESTS_NAMES}: only methods with these names will be put in test suite.
- * </li>
- * <li>{@link #TESTS_NUMBERS}: only methods including these numbers will be put in test suite.<br>
- * 	For example, <code>TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 10, 100, 125678 };</code> will put
- * 	<code>test010()</code>, <code>test100()</code> and <code>testBug125678()</code>
- * 	methods in test suite.
- * </li>
- * <li>{@link #TESTS_RANGE}: only methods which numbers are between first and second value
- * 	of this int array will be put in the suite.
- * 	For example: <code>TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 10, 12 };</code> will put
- * 	<code>test010()</code>, <code>test011()</code> and <code>test012()</code>
- * 	methods in test suite.<br>
- * 	Note that -1 will clean min or max value, for example <code>TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 10, -1 };</code>
- * 	will put all methods after <code>test010()</code> in the test suite.
- * </li>
- * </ul>
- * <p></p>
- * 2) testONLY_ methods<br>
- * As static variables needs a static initializer usually put at the beginning of the test suite,
- * it could be a little be boring while adding tests at the end of the file to modify this static initializer.
- * One solution to avoid this was to introduced specific methods name which will be only executed
- * when test suite is run alone.
- * For example:
- * <pre>
- * 	public class MyTest extends TestCase {
- * 		public MyTest(String name) {
- * 			super(name);
- * 		}
- * 		public test001() {
- * 			...
- * 		}
- * 		public test002() {
- * 			...
- * 		}
- * 		...
- * 		public testONLY_100() {
- * 			...
- * 		}
- * 	}
- * </pre>
- * This test suite will have only test "testONLY_100" put in test suite while running it.
- * 
- * Note that these 2 mechanisms should be reset while executing "global" test suites.
- * For example:
- * <pre>
- * 	public class TestAll extends junit.framework.TestCase {
- * 		public TestAll(String testName) {
- * 			super(testName);
- * 		}
- * 		public static Test suite() {
- * 			TestCase.TESTS_PREFIX = null;
- * 			TestCase.TESTS_NAMES = null;
- * 			TestCase.TESTS_NUMBERS= null;
- * 			TestCase.TESTS_RANGE = null;
- * 			TestCase.RUN_ONLY_ID = null;
- * 			return buildTestSuite(MyTest.class);
- * 		}
- * 	}
- * </pre>
- * This will insure you that all tests will be put in TestAll test suite, even if static variables
- * values are set or some methods start as testONLY_...
- * 
- * @param evaluationTestClass the test suite class
- * @return a list ({@link List}) of tests ({@link Test}).
- */
-public static List buildTestsList(Class evaluationTestClass) {
-	return buildTestsList(evaluationTestClass, 0/*only one level*/, ORDERING);
- * Build a list of methods to run for a test suite.
- * <br>
- * Differ from {@link #buildTestsList(Class)} in the fact that one
- * can specify level of recursion in hierarchy to find additional tests.
- * 
- * @param evaluationTestClass the test suite class
- * @param inheritedDepth level of recursion in top-level hierarchy to find other tests
- * @return a {@link List list} of {@link Test tests}.
- */
-public static List buildTestsList(Class evaluationTestClass, int inheritedDepth) {
-	return buildTestsList(evaluationTestClass, inheritedDepth, ORDERING);
- * Build a list of methods to run for a test suite.
- * <br>
- * This list may be ordered in different ways using {@link #ORDERING}.
- * <br>
- * Example
- * <pre>
- * 	public class AbstractTest extends TestCase {
- * 		public MyTest(String name) {
- * 			super(name);
- * 		}
- * 		public testOne() {
- * 			...
- * 		}
- * 		public testTwo() {
- * 			...
- * 		}
- * 	}
- * 	public class MyTest extends AbstractTest {
- * 		public MyTest(String name) {
- * 			super(name);
- * 		}
- * 		public test001() {
- * 			...
- * 		}
- * 		public test002() {
- * 			...
- * 		}
- * 		...
- * 		public testONLY_100() {
- * 			...
- * 		}
- * 	}
- * </pre>
- * Returned list will have 5 tests if inheritedDepth is equals to 1 instead of
- * 3 if it was 0 as while calling by {@link #buildTestsList(Class)}.
- * 
- * @see #buildTestsList(Class) for complete explanation of subsets mechanisms.
- * 
- * @param evaluationTestClass the test suite class
- * @param inheritedDepth level of recursion in top-level hierarchy to find other tests
- * @param ordering kind of sort use for the list (see {@link #ORDERING} for possible values)
- * @return a {@link List list } of {@link Test tests}
- */
-public static List buildTestsList(Class evaluationTestClass, int inheritedDepth, long ordering) {
-	List tests = new ArrayList();
-	List testNames = new ArrayList();
-	List onlyNames = new ArrayList();
-	Constructor constructor = null;
-	try {
-		// Get class constructor
-		Class[] paramTypes = new Class[] { String.class };
-		constructor = evaluationTestClass.getConstructor(paramTypes);
-	}
-	catch (Exception e) {
-		// cannot get constructor, skip suite
-		return tests;
-	}
-	// Get all tests from "test%" methods
-	Method[] methods = evaluationTestClass.getDeclaredMethods();
-	Class evaluationTestSuperclass = evaluationTestClass.getSuperclass();
-	for (int i=0; i<inheritedDepth && !Flags.isAbstract(evaluationTestSuperclass.getModifiers()); i++) {
-		Method[] superMethods = evaluationTestSuperclass.getDeclaredMethods();
-		Method[] mergedMethods = new Method[methods.length+superMethods.length];
-		System.arraycopy(superMethods, 0, mergedMethods, 0, superMethods.length);
-		System.arraycopy(methods, 0, mergedMethods, superMethods.length, methods.length);
-		methods = mergedMethods;
-		evaluationTestSuperclass = evaluationTestSuperclass.getSuperclass();
-	}
-	// Build test names list
-	final int methodPrefixLength = METHOD_PREFIX.length();
-	nextMethod: for (int m = 0, max = methods.length; m < max; m++) {
-		int modifiers = methods[m].getModifiers();
-		if (Flags.isPublic(modifiers) && !Flags.isStatic(modifiers)) {
-			String methName = methods[m].getName();
-			if (methName.startsWith(METHOD_PREFIX)) {
-				// look if this is a run only method
-				boolean isOnly = RUN_ONLY_ID != null && methName.substring(methodPrefixLength).startsWith(RUN_ONLY_ID);
-				if (isOnly) {
-					if (!onlyNames.contains(methName)) {
-						onlyNames.add(methName);
-					}
-					continue;
-				}
-				// no prefix, no subsets => add method
-				if (TESTS_PREFIX == null && TESTS_NAMES == null && TESTS_NUMBERS == null && TESTS_RANGE == null) {
-					if (!testNames.contains(methName)) {
-						testNames.add(methName);
-					}
-					continue nextMethod;
-				}
-				// no prefix or method matches prefix
-				if (TESTS_PREFIX == null || methName.startsWith(TESTS_PREFIX)) {
-					int numStart = TESTS_PREFIX==null ? methodPrefixLength : TESTS_PREFIX.length();
-					// tests names subset
-					if (TESTS_NAMES != null) {
-						for (int i = 0, imax= TESTS_NAMES.length; i<imax; i++) {
-							if (methName.indexOf(TESTS_NAMES[i]) >= 0) {
-								if (!testNames.contains(methName)) {
-									testNames.add(methName);
-								}
-								continue nextMethod;
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					// look for test number
-					int length = methName.length();
-					if (numStart < length) {
-						// get test number
-						while (numStart<length && !Character.isDigit(methName.charAt(numStart))) numStart++; // skip to first digit
-						while (numStart<length && methName.charAt(numStart) == '0') numStart++; // skip to first non-nul digit
-						int n = numStart;
-						while (n<length && Character.isDigit(methName.charAt(n))) n++; // skip to next non-digit
-						if (n>numStart && n <= length) {
-							try {
-								int num = Integer.parseInt(methName.substring(numStart, n));
-								// tests numbers subset
-								if (TESTS_NUMBERS != null && !testNames.contains(methName)) {
-									for (int i = 0; i < TESTS_NUMBERS.length; i++) {
-										if (TESTS_NUMBERS[i] == num) {
-											testNames.add(methName);
-											continue nextMethod;
-										}
-									}
-								}
-								// tests range subset
-								if (TESTS_RANGE != null && TESTS_RANGE.length == 2 && !testNames.contains(methName)) {
-									if ((TESTS_RANGE[0]==-1 || num>=TESTS_RANGE[0]) && (TESTS_RANGE[1]==-1 || num<=TESTS_RANGE[1])) {
-										testNames.add(methName);
-										continue nextMethod;
-									}
-								}
-							} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
-								System.out.println("Method "+methods[m]+" has an invalid number format: "+e.getMessage());
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					// no subset, add all tests
-					if (TESTS_NAMES==null && TESTS_NUMBERS==null && TESTS_RANGE==null) {
-						if (!testNames.contains(methName)) {
-							testNames.add(methName);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// Order tests
-	List names = onlyNames.size() > 0 ? onlyNames : testNames;
-	if (ordering == ALPHA_REVERSE_SORT) {
-		Collections.sort(names, Collections.reverseOrder());
-	} else if (ordering == ALPHABETICAL_SORT) {
-		Collections.sort(names);
-	} else if (ordering != NO_ORDER) {
-		Collections.shuffle(names, new Random(ordering));
-	}
-	// Add corresponding tests
-	Iterator iterator = names.iterator();
-	while (iterator.hasNext()) {
-		String testName = (String);
-		try {
-			tests.add(constructor.newInstance(new Object[] { testName } ));
-		}
-		catch (Exception e) {
-			System.err.println("Method "+testName+" removed from suite due to exception: "+e.getMessage());
-		}
-	}
-	return tests;
- * Build a test suite with all tests computed from public methods starting with "test"
- * found in the given test class.
- * Test suite name is the name of the given test class.
- * 
- * Note that this lis maybe reduced using some mechanisms detailed in {@link #buildTestsList(Class)} method.
- * 
- * @param evaluationTestClass
- * @return a {@link Test test suite} 
- */
-public static Test buildTestSuite(Class evaluationTestClass) {
-	return buildTestSuite(evaluationTestClass, null); //$NON-NLS-1$
- * Build a test suite with all tests computed from public methods starting with "test"
- * found in the given test class.
- * Test suite name is the given name.
- * 
- * Note that this lis maybe reduced using some mechanisms detailed in {@link #buildTestsList(Class)} method.
- * 
- * @param evaluationTestClass
- * @param suiteName
- * @return a test suite ({@link Test}) 
- */
-public static Test buildTestSuite(Class evaluationTestClass, String suiteName) {
-	TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(suiteName==null?evaluationTestClass.getName():suiteName);
-	List tests = buildTestsList(evaluationTestClass);
-	for (int index=0, size=tests.size(); index<size; index++) {
-		suite.addTest((Test)tests.get(index));
-	}
-	return suite;
-private static File createMemLogFile() {
-	if (STORE_MEMORY == null || MEM_LOG_DIR == null) {
-		return null;
-	}
-	// Get file (create if necessary)
-	File logFile = new File(MEM_LOG_DIR, STORE_MEMORY+".log");
-	try {
-		boolean fileExist = logFile.exists();
-		PrintStream stream = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(logFile, true));
-		if (stream != null) {
-			if (fileExist) {
-				stream.println();
-			}
-			// Log date and time
-			Date date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
-			stream.println("Tests:\t" + STORE_MEMORY);
-			stream.println("Date:\t" + DateFormat.getDateInstance(3).format(date));
-			stream.println("Time:\t" + DateFormat.getTimeInstance(3).format(date));
-			// Log columns title
-			stream.print("Class");
-			if (ALL_TESTS_LOG) stream.print("\tTest");
-			stream.print("\tUsed\tTotal\tMax");
-			stream.println();
-			stream.close();
-			System.out.println("Log file " + logFile.getPath() + " opened.");
-			return logFile;
-		} else {
-			System.err.println("Cannot open file " + logFile.getPath());
-		}
-	} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
-		// no log available for this statistic
-	}
-	return null;
- * Shows the line separators in the given String.
- */
-protected static String showLineSeparators(String string) {
-	if (string == null) return null;
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	int length = string.length();
-	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-		char car = string.charAt(i);
-		switch (car) {
-			case '\n': 
-				buffer.append("\\n\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
-				break;
-			case '\r':
-				if (i < length-1 && string.charAt(i+1) == '\n') {
-					buffer.append("\\r\\n\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
-					i++;
-				} else {
-					buffer.append("\\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
-				}
-				break;
-			default:
-				buffer.append(car);
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-	return buffer.toString();
- * Returns whether a given file is a valid log directory or not.
- */
-private static boolean verifyLogDir(File logDir) {
-	if (logDir.exists()) {
-		if (logDir.isDirectory()) {
-			return true;
-		} else {
-			System.err.println(logDir+" is not a valid directory. Log files will NOT be written!");
-		}
-	} else {
-		if (logDir.mkdir()) {
-			return true;
-		} else {
-			System.err.println("Cannot create "+logDir+" as its parent does not exist. Log files will NOT be written!");
-		}
-	}
-	return false;
-public void assertPerformance() {
-	// make it public to avoid compiler warning about synthetic access
-//	super.assertPerformance();
- * Clean test before run it.
- * Currently, clean only performs a gc.
- */
-protected void clean() {
-	System.out.println("Clean test "+getName());
-	// Run gc
-	int iterations = 0;
-	long delta=0, free=0;
-	for (int i=0; i<MAX_GC; i++) {
-		free = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
-		System.gc();
-		delta = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() - free;
-		try {
-			Thread.sleep(TIME_GC);
-		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
-			// do nothing
-		}
-	}
-	if (iterations == MAX_GC && delta > DELTA_GC) {
-		// perhaps gc was not well executed
-		try {
-			Thread.sleep(1000);
-		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
-			// do nothing
-		}
-	}
-public void commitMeasurements() {
-//	super.commitMeasurements();
- * Return whether current test is on a new {@link Test test} class or not.
- * 
- * @return <code>true</code> if it's the first test of a {@link TestSuite},
- * 	<code>false</code> otherwise.
- */
-protected boolean isFirst() {
-	return first;
-protected void setUp() throws Exception {
-	super.setUp();
-	// Store test class and its name when changing
-	first = false;
-	if (CURRENT_CLASS == null || CURRENT_CLASS != getClass()) {
-		if (CURRENT_CLASS != null && RUN_GC) clean();
-		CURRENT_CLASS = getClass();
-		first = true;
-		CURRENT_CLASS_NAME = getClass().getName();
-	}
-	// Memory storage if specified
-	if (STORE_MEMORY != null && MEM_LOG_FILE != null) {
-		if (ALL_TESTS_LOG && MEM_LOG_FILE.exists()) {
-			PrintStream stream = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(MEM_LOG_FILE, true));
-			stream.print(CURRENT_CLASS_NAME);
-			stream.print('\t');
-			String testName = getName();
-			stream.print(testName);
-			stream.print('\t');
-			long total = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory();
-			long used = total - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
-			stream.print(used);
-			stream.print('\t');
-			stream.print(total);
-			stream.print('\t');
-			stream.print(Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory());
-			stream.println();
-			stream.close();
-		}
-	}
-public void startMeasuring() {
-	// make it public to avoid compiler warning about synthetic access
-//	super.startMeasuring();
-public void stopMeasuring() {
-	// make it public to avoid compiler warning about synthetic access
-//	super.stopMeasuring();
-protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
-	super.tearDown();
-	// Memory storage if specified
-	if (STORE_MEMORY != null && MEM_LOG_FILE != null) {
-		if ((first || ALL_TESTS_LOG) && MEM_LOG_FILE.exists()) {
-			PrintStream stream = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(MEM_LOG_FILE, true));
-			stream.print(CURRENT_CLASS_NAME);
-			stream.print('\t');
-			if (ALL_TESTS_LOG) {
-				String testName = getName();
-				String str = "";
-				int length = testName.length()-4;
-				for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
-					str += '.';
-				}
-				stream.print(str);
-				stream.print("end:");
-				stream.print('\t');
-			}
-			long total = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory();
-			long used = total - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
-			stream.print(used);
-			stream.print('\t');
-			stream.print(total);
-			stream.print('\t');
-			stream.print(Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory());
-			stream.println();
-			stream.close();
-		}
-	}
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- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.junit.extension;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestFailure;
- * A Listener for test progress
- */
-public interface TestListener extends junit.framework.TestListener {
-   /**
- 	* An error occurred.
- 	*/
-	public void addError(Test test, TestFailure testFailure);
-   /**
- 	* A failure occurred.
- 	*/
- 	public void addFailure(Test test, TestFailure testFailure); 
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- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.junit.extension;
-import java.util.*;
-import junit.framework.*;
-public class TestResult extends junit.framework.TestResult {
-	TestCase currentTest;
- * TestResult constructor comment.
- */
-public TestResult() {
-	super();
-	/**
-	 * Adds an error to the list of errors. The passed in exception
-	 * caused the error.
-	 */
-	public synchronized void addError(Test test, Throwable t) {
-		TestFailure testFailure= new TestFailure(test, t);
-		fErrors.addElement(testFailure);
-		for (Enumeration e= cloneListeners().elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
-			((TestListener)e.nextElement()).addError(test, testFailure);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Adds a failure to the list of failures. The passed in exception
-	 * caused the failure.
-	 */
-	public synchronized void addFailure(Test test, AssertionFailedError t) {
-		TestFailure testFailure= new TestFailure(test, t);
-		fFailures.addElement(testFailure);
-		for (Enumeration e= cloneListeners().elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
-			((TestListener)e.nextElement()).addFailure(test, testFailure);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns a copy of the listeners.
-	 */
-	private synchronized Vector cloneListeners() {
-		return (Vector)fListeners.clone();
-	}
-	protected void run(final TestCase test) {
-		this.currentTest = test;
-		this.currentTest = null;
-	}
-public synchronized void stop() {
-	super.stop();
-	if (this.currentTest != null && this.currentTest instanceof StopableTestCase) {
-		((StopableTestCase)this.currentTest).stop();
-	}
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@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.runtime;
- * An abstract reader that continuously reads.
- */
-abstract public class AbstractReader {
-	protected String name;
-	protected Thread readerThread;
-	protected boolean isStopping= false;
- * Creates a new reader with the given name.
- */
-public AbstractReader(String name) {
- = name;
- * Continuously reads. Note that if the read involves waiting
- * it can be interrupted and a InterruptedException will be thrown.
- */
-abstract protected void readerLoop();
- * Start the thread that reads events.
- * 
- */
-public void start() {
-	this.readerThread = new Thread(
-		new Runnable() {
-			public void run () {
-				readerLoop();
-			}
-		},
-	this.readerThread.start();
- * Tells the reader loop that it should stop.
- */
-public void stop() {
-	this.isStopping= true;
-	if (this.readerThread != null)
-		this.readerThread.interrupt();
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@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.runtime;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util;
- * A J9 VM launcher launches an external J9 VM (and J9 Proxy if needed) with
- * the given arguments on the same machine.
- * <p>
- * Unlike with the <code>StandardVMLauncher</code>, a debugger would have to
- * connect to the J9 Proxy instead of connecting to the VM directly. In this case,
- * the Proxy port is the specified debug port. Note that an internal debug port
- * must also be specified. This port is used for the communication between the
- * Proxy and the VM.
- */
-public class J9VMLauncher extends LocalVMLauncher implements RuntimeConstants {
-	int internalDebugPort = -1;
-	String proxyOutFile;
-	String symbolPath;
- * Creates a new J9VMLauncher that launches a J9 VM
- * (and J9 Proxy if needed) on the same machine.
- */
-public J9VMLauncher() {
-	super();
- * Builds the actual boot class path that is going to be passed to the VM.
- */
-protected String buildBootClassPath() {
-	StringBuffer bootPathString = new StringBuffer();
-	char pathSeparator = File.pathSeparatorChar;
-	if (this.bootPath != null) {
-		// Add boot class path given by client
-		int length = this.bootPath.length;
-		for (int i = 0; i < length; i++){
-			bootPathString.append(this.bootPath[i]);
-			bootPathString.append(pathSeparator);
-		}
-	} else {
-		// Add regular
-		bootPathString.append(this.vmPath);
-		bootPathString.append(File.separator);
-		bootPathString.append("lib");
-		bootPathString.append(File.separator);
-		bootPathString.append("jclMax");
-		bootPathString.append(File.separator);
-		bootPathString.append("");
-		bootPathString.append(pathSeparator);
-	}
-	// Add boot class path directory if needed
-	if (this.evalTargetPath != null && TARGET_HAS_FILE_SYSTEM) {
-		bootPathString.append(this.evalTargetPath);
-		bootPathString.append(File.separatorChar);
-		bootPathString.append(BOOT_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY);
-	}
-	return bootPathString.toString();
- * @see LocalVMLauncher#execCommandLine
- */
-protected Process execCommandLine() throws TargetException {
-	// Check that the internal debug port has been specified if in debug mode
-	if (this.debugPort != -1 && this.internalDebugPort == -1) {
-		throw new TargetException("Internal debug port has not been specified");
-	}
-	return super.execCommandLine();
- * @see LocalVMLauncher#getCommandLine
- */
-public String[] getCommandLine() {	
-	Vector commandLine = new Vector();
-	// VM binary
-	commandLine.addElement(
-		this.vmPath + 
-		(this.vmPath.endsWith(File.separator) ? "" : File.separator) + 
-		"bin" + 
-		File.separator + 
-		"j9");
-	// VM arguments
-	if (this.vmArguments != null) {
-		for (int i = 0; i < this.vmArguments.length; i++) {
-			commandLine.addElement(this.vmArguments[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	// debug mode
-	if (this.debugPort != -1 && this.internalDebugPort != -1) {
-		commandLine.addElement("-debug:" + this.internalDebugPort);
-	}
-	// boot class path
-	commandLine.addElement("-Xbootclasspath:" + buildBootClassPath());
-	// regular class path
-	commandLine.addElement("-classpath");
-	commandLine.addElement(buildClassPath());
-	// code snippet runner class
-	if (this.evalPort != -1) {
-		commandLine.addElement(CODE_SNIPPET_RUNNER_CLASS_NAME);
-	}
-	// code snippet runner arguments
-	if (this.evalPort != -1) {
-		commandLine.addElement(EVALPORT_ARG);
-		commandLine.addElement(Integer.toString(this.evalPort));
-			commandLine.addElement(CODESNIPPET_CLASSPATH_ARG);
-			commandLine.addElement(this.evalTargetPath + File.separator + REGULAR_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY);
-			commandLine.addElement(CODESNIPPET_BOOTPATH_ARG);
-			commandLine.addElement(this.evalTargetPath + File.separator + BOOT_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY);
-		}
-	}
-	// program class
-	if (this.programClass != null) {
-		commandLine.addElement(this.programClass);
-	}
-	// program arguments
-	if (this.programArguments != null) {
-		for (int i=0;i<this.programArguments.length;i++) {
-			commandLine.addElement(this.programArguments[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	String[] result= new String[commandLine.size()];
-	commandLine.copyInto(result);
-	// check for spaces in result
-	for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
-		String argument = result[i];
-		if (argument.indexOf(' ') != -1) {
-			result[i] = "\"" + argument + "\"";
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
- * Returns the debug port the J9 Proxy uses to connect to the J9 VM. 
- * The value is unspecified if debug mode is disabled.
- * Note that the regular debug port is the port used to connect the J9 Proxy and 
- * the IDE in the case of the J9 VM Launcher.
- */
-public int getInternalDebugPort() {
-	return this.internalDebugPort;
- * Returns the command line which will be used to launch the Proxy. 
- */
-public String[] getProxyCommandLine() {	
-	Vector commandLine = new Vector();
-	// Proxy binary
-	commandLine.addElement(
-		this.vmPath + 
-		(this.vmPath.endsWith(File.separator) ? "" : File.separator) + 
-		"bin" + 
-		File.separator + 
-		"j9proxy");
-	// Arguments
-	commandLine.addElement(getTargetAddress() + ":" + this.internalDebugPort);
-	commandLine.addElement(Integer.toString(this.debugPort));
-	if (this.symbolPath != null && this.symbolPath != "") {
-		commandLine.addElement(this.symbolPath);
-	}
-	String[] result= new String[commandLine.size()];
-	commandLine.copyInto(result);
-	return result;
- * Returns the full path name to the file where the proxy output is redirected.
- * Returns "con" if the proxy output is redirected to the stdout.
- * Returns null if the proxy output is not redirected.
- */
-public String getProxyOutFile() {
-	return this.proxyOutFile;
- * Returns the full path name to the symbol file used by the J9 Proxy.
- * Returns null if the no symbol file is passed to the J9 Proxy.
- */
-public String getSymbolPath() {
-	return this.symbolPath;
- * @see LocalVMLauncher#launch
- */
-public LocalVirtualMachine launch() throws TargetException {
-	// Launch VM
-	LocalVirtualMachine localVM = super.launch();
-	// Launch Proxy if needed
-	Process proxyProcess= null;
-	if (this.debugPort != -1) {
-		try {
-			// Use Runtime.exec(String[]) with tokens because Runtime.exec(String) with commandLineString
-			// does not properly handle spaces in arguments on Unix/Linux platforms.
-			String[] commandLine = getProxyCommandLine();
-			// DEBUG
-			/*
-			for (int i = 0; i < commandLine.length; i++) {
-				System.out.print(commandLine[i] + " ");
-			}
-			System.out.println();
-			*/
-			proxyProcess= Runtime.getRuntime().exec(commandLine);
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			localVM.shutDown();
-			throw new TargetException("Error launching J9 Proxy at " + this.vmPath);
-		}
-	}
-	// Transform launched VM into J9 VM
-	Process vmProcess = localVM.process;
-	this.runningVMs.removeElement(localVM);
-	J9VirtualMachine vm= new J9VirtualMachine(vmProcess, this.debugPort, this.evalTargetPath, proxyProcess, this.proxyOutFile);
-	this.runningVMs.addElement(vm);
-	return vm;
-/* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.runtime.LocalVMLauncher#setDebugPort(int)
- */
-public void setDebugPort(int debugPort) {
-	super.setDebugPort(debugPort);
-	// specify default internal debug port as well
-	this.setInternalDebugPort(Util.getFreePort());
- * Sets the debug port the J9 Proxy uses to connect to the J9 VM.
- * This is mandatory if debug mode is enabled.
- * This is ignored if debug mode is disabled.
- * Note that the regular debug port is the port used to connect the J9 Proxy and 
- * the IDE in the case of the J9 VM Launcher.
- */
-public void setInternalDebugPort(int internalDebugPort) {
-	this.internalDebugPort = internalDebugPort;
- * Sets the full path name to the file where the proxy output must be redirected.
- * Specify "con" if the proxy output must be redirected to the stdout.
- * Specify null if the proxy output must not be redirected (default value).
- * This is ignored if debug mode is disabled.
- */
-public void setProxyOutFile(String proxyOutFile) {
-	this.proxyOutFile = proxyOutFile;
- * Sets the full path name to the symbol file used by the J9 Proxy.
- * Specify null if the no symbol file must be passed to the J9 Proxy (default value).
- * This is ignored if debug mode is disabled.
- */
-public void setSymbolPath(String symbolPath) {
-	this.symbolPath = symbolPath;
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@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.runtime;
- * Wrapper around the external processes that are running a J9 VM
- * and a J9 Proxy.
- * This allows to kill these processes when we exit this vm.
- */
-class J9VirtualMachine extends LocalVirtualMachine {
-	private Process proxyProcess;
-	private AbstractReader proxyConsoleReader;
-	private String proxyOutputFile;
- * Creates a new J9VirtualMachine from the Processes that runs this VM
- * and its J9 Proxy and with the given info.
- */
-public J9VirtualMachine(Process vmProcess, int debugPort, String evalTargetPath, Process proxyProcess, String proxyOutputFile) {
-	super(vmProcess, debugPort, evalTargetPath);
-	this.proxyProcess = proxyProcess;
-	this.proxyOutputFile = proxyOutputFile;
-	// Start the Proxy console reader so that the proxy is not blocked on its stdout.
-	if (this.proxyProcess != null) {
-		if (this.proxyOutputFile == null) {
-			this.proxyConsoleReader= 
-				new NullConsoleReader(
-					"J9 Proxy Console Reader", 
-					this.proxyProcess.getInputStream());
-		} else {
-			this.proxyConsoleReader= 
-				new ProxyConsoleReader(
-					"J9 Proxy Console Reader", 
-					this.proxyProcess.getInputStream(),
-					this.proxyOutputFile);
-		}
-		this.proxyConsoleReader.start();
-	}
-private boolean isProxyRunning() {
-	if (this.proxyProcess == null) {
-		return false;
-	}
-	boolean hasExited;
-	try {
-		this.proxyProcess.exitValue();
-		hasExited = true;
-	} catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) {
-		hasExited = false;
-	}
-	return !hasExited;
- * @see LocalVirtualMachine#shutDown
- */
-public void shutDown()  throws TargetException {
-	super.shutDown();
-	if (this.proxyConsoleReader != null)
-		this.proxyConsoleReader.stop();
-	if ((this.proxyProcess != null) && isProxyRunning()) 
-		this.proxyProcess.destroy();
- * @see LocalVirtualMachine#shutDown
- */
-public void waitForTermination() throws InterruptedException {
-	super.waitForTermination();
-	if (this.proxyProcess != null)
-		this.proxyProcess.waitFor();
-	if (this.proxyConsoleReader != null)
-		this.proxyConsoleReader.stop();
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- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.runtime;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import java.util.Enumeration;
- * A standard VM launcher launches an external standard VM with
- * the given arguments on the same machine.
- */
-public class JRockitVMLauncher extends LocalVMLauncher implements RuntimeConstants {
-	String batchFileName;
- * Creates a new StandardVMLauncher that launches a standard VM
- * on the same machine.
- */
-public JRockitVMLauncher() {
-	super();
- * Builds the actual boot class path that is going to be passed to the VM.
- */
-protected String buildBootClassPath() {
-	StringBuffer bootPathString = new StringBuffer();
-	// Add boot class path directory if needed
-	if (this.evalTargetPath != null && TARGET_HAS_FILE_SYSTEM) {
-		bootPathString.append(this.evalTargetPath);
-		bootPathString.append(File.separatorChar);
-		bootPathString.append(BOOT_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY);
-	}
-	return bootPathString.toString();
- * Returns the name of the batch file used to launch the VM.
- */
-public String getBatchFileName() {
-	return this.batchFileName;
- * @see LocalVMLauncher#getCommandLine
- */
-public String[] getCommandLine() {
-	Vector commandLine= new Vector();
-	// VM binary
-	if (System.getProperty("java.vm.version").startsWith("1.4.2")) {
-		commandLine.addElement(
-			this.vmPath + 
-			(this.vmPath.endsWith(File.separator) ? "" : File.separator) + 
-			"bin" + 
-			File.separator + 
-			"java");
-	} else {
-		String vmLocation = this.vmPath + 
-			(this.vmPath.endsWith(File.separator) ? "" : File.separator) + 
-			"bin" + 
-			File.separator + 
-			"javaw";
-		final String osName = System.getProperty("");
-		if (osName.indexOf("win32") != -1) {
-			vmLocation += ".exe";
-		}
-		if (!new File(vmLocation).exists()) {
-			vmLocation = 
-				this.vmPath + 
-				(this.vmPath.endsWith(File.separator) ? "" : File.separator) + 
-				"bin" + 
-				File.separator + 
-				"java";
-		}
-		commandLine.addElement(vmLocation);
-	}
-	// VM arguments
-	if (this.vmArguments != null) {
-		for (int i = 0; i < this.vmArguments.length; i++) {
-			commandLine.addElement(this.vmArguments[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	// debug mode
-	if (this.debugPort != -1) {
-		commandLine.addElement("-Xdebug");
-		commandLine.addElement("-Xnoagent");
-		commandLine.addElement(
-			"-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=" +
-			this.debugPort +
-			",server=y,suspend=n");
-	}
-	// set the classpath
-	// we don't set the bootclasspath as for StandardVMLauncher as this breaks the debug mode of JRockit
-	// we would get: [JRockit] ERROR:  failed to set up MAPI gc reporting
-	commandLine.addElement("-classpath");
-	String classpath = buildBootClassPath() + File.pathSeparator + buildClassPath();
-	System.out.println(classpath);
-	commandLine.addElement(classpath);
-	// code snippet runner class
-	if (this.evalPort != -1) {
-		commandLine.addElement(CODE_SNIPPET_RUNNER_CLASS_NAME);
-	}
-	// code snippet runner arguments
-	if (this.evalPort != -1) {
-		commandLine.addElement(EVALPORT_ARG);
-		commandLine.addElement(Integer.toString(this.evalPort));
-			commandLine.addElement(CODESNIPPET_CLASSPATH_ARG);
-			commandLine.addElement(this.evalTargetPath + File.separator + REGULAR_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY);
-			commandLine.addElement(CODESNIPPET_BOOTPATH_ARG);
-			commandLine.addElement(this.evalTargetPath + File.separator + BOOT_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY);
-		}
-	}
-	// program class
-	if (this.programClass != null) {
-		commandLine.addElement(this.programClass);
-	}
-	// program arguments
-	if (this.programArguments != null) {
-		for (int i=0;i<this.programArguments.length;i++) {
-			commandLine.addElement(this.programArguments[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	String[] result;
-	if (this.batchFileName!= null) {
-		// Write to batch file if specified
-		writeBatchFile(this.batchFileName, commandLine);
-		result = new String[] {this.batchFileName};
-	} else {
-		result = new String[commandLine.size()];
-		commandLine.copyInto(result);
-	}
-	// check for spaces in result
-	for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
-		String argument = result[i];
-		if (argument.indexOf(' ') != -1) {
-			result[i] = "\"" + argument + "\"";
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
- * Sets the name of the batch file used to launch the VM.
- * When this option is set, the launcher writes the command line to the given batch file, 
- * and it launches the  batch file. This causes a DOS console to be opened. Note it 
- * doesn't delete the batch file when done.
- */
-public void setBatchFileName(String batchFileName) {
-	this.batchFileName = batchFileName;
-protected void writeBatchFile(String fileName, Vector commandLine) {
-	FileOutputStream output = null;
-	try {
-		output = new FileOutputStream(fileName);
-		PrintWriter out= new PrintWriter(output);
-		for (Enumeration e = commandLine.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
-			out.print((String)e.nextElement());
-			out.print(" ");
-		}
-		out.println("pause");
-		out.close();
-	} catch (IOException e) {
-		e.printStackTrace();
-		if (output != null) {
-			try {
-				output.close();
-			} catch (IOException e2) {
-				// ignore
-			}
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a49609..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,470 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.runtime;
-import java.util.*;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util;
- * The root of the VM launchers that launch VMs on the same machine.
- * <p>
- * A local VM launcher has the following limitations:
- * <ul>
- *   <li>It can only retrieve the running virtual machines that it has launched. So if
- *       a client is using 2 instances of <code>LocalVMLauncher</code>, each of these
- *       instances will be able to retrieve only a part of the running VMs.
- * </ul>
- */
-public abstract class LocalVMLauncher implements RuntimeConstants {
-	/**
-	 * Whether the target has a file system and thus whether it supports writing
-	 * class files to disk. See for more
-	 * information.
-	 */
-	public static final boolean TARGET_HAS_FILE_SYSTEM = true;
-	public static final String REGULAR_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY = "regularPath";
-	public static final String BOOT_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY = "bootPath";
-	protected String[] bootPath;
-	protected String[] classPath;
-	protected int debugPort = -1;
-	protected int evalPort = -1;
-	protected String evalTargetPath;
-	protected String[] programArguments;
-	protected String programClass;
-	protected Vector runningVMs = new Vector(); // a Vector of LocalVirtualMachine
-	protected String[] vmArguments;
-	protected String vmPath;
- * Returns a launcher that will launch the same kind of VM that is currently running
- */
-public static LocalVMLauncher getLauncher() {
-	final String vmName = System.getProperty("");
-	if ("J9".equals(vmName)) {
-		return new J9VMLauncher();
-	}
-	if (vmName != null && vmName.indexOf("JRockit") != -1) {
-		return new JRockitVMLauncher();
-	}
-	final String osName = System.getProperty("");
-	if (osName.startsWith("Mac")) {
-		return new MacVMLauncher();
-	}
-	File file = new File(Util.getJREDirectory() + "/lib/rt.jar");
-	if (file.exists()) {
-		return new StandardVMLauncher();
-	}
-	if ("IBM J9SE VM".equals(vmName)) {
-		return new SideCarJ9VMLauncher();
-	}
-	return new SideCarVMLauncher();
- * Builds the actual class path that is going to be passed to the VM.
- */
-protected String buildClassPath() {
-	StringBuffer classPathString = new StringBuffer();
-	char pathSeparator = File.pathSeparatorChar;
-	// Add jar support if in evaluation mode
-	if (this.evalPort != -1) {
-		classPathString.append(new File(this.evalTargetPath, SUPPORT_ZIP_FILE_NAME).getPath());
-		classPathString.append(pathSeparator);
-	}
-	// Add class path given by client
-	if (this.classPath != null) {
-		int length = this.classPath.length;
-		for (int i = 0; i < length; i++){
-			classPathString.append(this.classPath[i]);
-			classPathString.append(pathSeparator);
-		}
-	}
-	// Add regular classpath directory if needed
-	if (this.evalPort != -1 && TARGET_HAS_FILE_SYSTEM) {
-		classPathString.append(this.evalTargetPath);
-		classPathString.append(File.separatorChar);
-		classPathString.append(REGULAR_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY);
-	}
-	return classPathString.toString();
- * Launches the VM by exec'ing the command line and returns the resulting Process.
- */
-protected Process execCommandLine() throws TargetException {
-	// Check that the VM path has been specified
-	if (this.vmPath == null) {
-		throw new TargetException("Path to the VM has not been specified");
-	}
-	// Check that the program class has been specified if not in evaluation mode
-	if ((this.programClass == null) && (this.evalPort == -1)) {
-		throw new TargetException("Program class has not been specified");
-	}
-	// Launch VM
-	Process vmProcess= null;
-	try {
-		// Use Runtime.exec(String[]) with tokens because Runtime.exec(String) with commandLineString
-		// does not properly handle spaces in arguments on Unix/Linux platforms.
-		String[] commandLine = getCommandLine();
-		// DEBUG
-		/*for (int i = 0; i < commandLine.length; i++) {
-			System.out.print(commandLine[i] + " ");
-		}
-		System.out.println();
-		*/
-		vmProcess= Runtime.getRuntime().exec(commandLine);
-	} catch (IOException e) {
-		throw new TargetException("Error launching VM at " + this.vmPath);
-	}
-	return vmProcess;
- * Returns the boot class path used when a VM is launched.
- */
-public String[] getBootClassPath() {
-	return this.bootPath;
- * Returns the class path used when a VM is launched.
- */
-public String[] getClassPath() {
-	return this.classPath;
- * Returns the command line which will be used to launch the VM.
- * The segments are in the following order:
- * <p><ul>
- * <li> VM path,
- * <li> VM arguments,
- * <li> the class path, 
- * <li> the program class
- * <li> the program arguments
- * </ul>
- */
-public abstract String[] getCommandLine();
- * Returns the debug port, or -1 if debug mode is disabled.
- * The default is -1.
- */
-public int getDebugPort() {
-	return this.debugPort;
- * Returns the evaluation port for evaluation support.
- * The default is -1, indicating no evaluation support.
- *
- * @see #setEvalPort(int)
- */
-public int getEvalPort() {
-	return this.evalPort;
- * Returns the evaluation target path for evaluation support.
- *
- * @see #setEvalTargetPath(String)
- */
-public String getEvalTargetPath() {
-	return this.evalTargetPath;
- * Returns the arguments passed to the program class.
- * Returns null if the VM is being launched for evaluation support only.
- */
-public String[] getProgramArguments() {
-	if (this.evalPort != -1) {
-		return null;
-	}
-	return this.programArguments;
- * Returns the dot-separated, fully qualified name of the class to run.  
- * It must implement main(String[] args).
- * Returns null if the VM is being launched for evaluation support only.
- */
-public String getProgramClass() {
-	if (this.evalPort != -1) {
-		return null;
-	}
-	return this.programClass;
- * Returns all the target VMs that are running at this launcher's target 
- * address.
- * Note that these target VMs may or may not have been launched by this 
- * launcher.
- * Note also that if the list of running VMs doesn't change on the target,
- * two calls to this method return VMs that are equal.
- * 
- * @return the list of running target VMs
- */
-public LocalVirtualMachine[] getRunningVirtualMachines() {
-	// Select the VMs that are actually running
-	Vector actuallyRunning = new Vector();
-	Enumeration en = this.runningVMs.elements();
-	while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
-		LocalVirtualMachine vm = (LocalVirtualMachine)en.nextElement();
-		if (vm.isRunning())
-			actuallyRunning.addElement(vm);
-	}
-	this.runningVMs = actuallyRunning;
-	// Return the running VMs
-	int size = actuallyRunning.size();
-	LocalVirtualMachine[] result = new LocalVirtualMachine[size];
-	for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
-		result[i] = (LocalVirtualMachine)actuallyRunning.elementAt(i);
-	return result;
- * Returns the address of the target where this launcher runs the target VMs. The format
- * of this address is transport specific.
- * For example, a VM launcher using a TCP/IP transport returns target addresses looking like:
- * <code>"localhost:2010"</code>, or <code>""</code>.
- *
- * @return transport specific address of the target
- */
-public String getTargetAddress() {
-	return "localhost";
- * Returns the VM-specific arguments. This does not include:
- * <p><ul>
- * <li>the VM path
- * <li>the class path or the boot class path
- * <li>the program class or program arguments
- * </ul>
- */
-public String[] getVMArguments() {
-	return this.vmArguments;
- * Returns the path on disk of the VM to launch.
- */
-public String getVMPath() {
-	return this.vmPath;
- * Initializes this context's target path by copying the jar file for the code snippet support 
- * and by creating the 2 directories that will contain the code snippet classes (see TARGET_HAS_FILE_SYSTEM).
- * Add the code snipport root class to the boot path directory so that code snippets can be run in
- * java.* packages
- *
- * @throws TargetException if the path could not be initialized with the code snippet support
- */
-protected void initTargetPath() throws TargetException {
-	// create directories
-	File directory = new File(this.evalTargetPath);
-	directory.mkdirs();
-	if (!directory.exists()) {
-		throw new TargetException("Could not create directory " + this.evalTargetPath);
-	}
-		File classesDirectory = new File(directory, REGULAR_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY);
-		classesDirectory.mkdir();
-		if (!classesDirectory.exists()) {
-			throw new TargetException("Could not create directory " + classesDirectory.getPath());
-		}
-		File bootDirectory = new File(directory, BOOT_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY);
-		bootDirectory.mkdir();
-		if (!bootDirectory.exists()) {
-			throw new TargetException("Could not create directory " + bootDirectory.getPath());
-		}
-		/*
-		// add the code snippet root class to the boot path directory
-		InputStream in = null;
-		try {
-			in = EvaluationContext.class.getResourceAsStream("/" + SUPPORT_ZIP_FILE_NAME);
-			ZipInputStream zip = new ZipInputStream(in);
-			String rootClassFileName = ROOT_FULL_CLASS_NAME.replace('.', '/') + ".class";
-			while (true) {
-				ZipEntry entry = zip.getNextEntry();
-				if (entry.getName().equals(rootClassFileName)) {
-					// read root class file contents
-					int size = (int)entry.getSize();
-					byte[] buffer = new byte[size];
-					int totalRead = 0;
-					int read = 0;
-					while (totalRead < size) {
-						read =, totalRead, size - totalRead);
-						if (read != -1) {
-							totalRead += read;
-						}
-					}
-					// write root class file contents
-					FileOutputStream out = null;
-					try {
-						File rootFile = new File(bootDirectory, rootClassFileName.replace('/', File.separatorChar));
-						File parent = new File(rootFile.getParent());
-						parent.mkdirs();
-						out = new FileOutputStream(rootFile);
-						out.write(buffer);
-						out.close();
-					} catch (IOException e) {
-						e.printStackTrace();
-						if (out != null) {
-							try {
-								out.close();
-							} catch (IOException e2) {
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			in.close();
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			e.printStackTrace();
-			if (in != null) {
-				try {
-					in.close();
-				} catch (IOException e2) {
-				}
-			}
-		}*/
-	}
-	// copy jar file
-	InputStream in = null;
-	FileOutputStream out = null;
-	try {
-		in = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/" + SUPPORT_ZIP_FILE_NAME);
-		if (in == null) {
-			throw new TargetException("Could not find resource /" + SUPPORT_ZIP_FILE_NAME);
-		}
-		int bufferLength = 1024;
-		byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferLength];
-		File file = new File(directory, SUPPORT_ZIP_FILE_NAME);
-		out = new FileOutputStream(file);
-		int read = 0;
-		while (read != -1) {
-			read =, 0, bufferLength);
-			if (read != -1) {
-				out.write(buffer, 0, read);
-			}
-		}
-	} catch (IOException e) {
-		throw new TargetException("IOException while copying " + SUPPORT_ZIP_FILE_NAME + ": " + e.getMessage());
-	} finally {
-		if (in != null) {
-			try {
-				in.close();
-			} catch (IOException e) {
-			}
-		}
-		if (out != null) {
-			try {
-				out.close();
-			} catch (IOException e) {
-			}
-		}
-	}
- * Launches a new target VM with the registered arguments.
- * This operation returns once a new target VM has been launched.
- *
- * @exception TargetException if the target VM could not be launched.
- */
-public LocalVirtualMachine launch() throws TargetException {
-	// evaluation mode
-	if (this.evalTargetPath != null) {
-		// init target path
-		this.initTargetPath();
-	}
-	// launch VM
-	LocalVirtualMachine vm;
-	Process p = execCommandLine();
-	vm = new LocalVirtualMachine(p, this.debugPort, this.evalTargetPath);
-	// TBD: Start reading VM stdout and stderr right away otherwise this may prevent the connection
-	//		from happening.
-	// add VM to list of known running VMs
-	this.runningVMs.addElement(vm);
-	return vm;
- * Sets the boot class path used when a VM is launched.
- */
-public void setBootClassPath(java.lang.String[] bootClassPath) {
-	this.bootPath = bootClassPath;
- * Sets the class path used when a VM is launched.
- */
-public void setClassPath(String[] classPath) {
-	this.classPath = classPath;
- * Sets the debug port to use for debug support.
- * Specify -1 to disable debug mode.
- */
-public void setDebugPort(int debugPort) {
-	this.debugPort = debugPort;
- * Sets the evaluation port to use for evaluation support.
- * Setting the port enables evaluation support.
- * Specify null to disable evaluation support.
- */
-public void setEvalPort(int evalPort) {
-	this.evalPort = evalPort;
- * Sets the evaluation target path to use for evaluation support.
- */
-public void setEvalTargetPath(String evalTargetPath) {
-	this.evalTargetPath = evalTargetPath;
- * Sets the arguments passed to the program class.
- * This is ignored if the VM is being launched for evaluation support only.
- */
-public void setProgramArguments(String[] args) {
-	this.programArguments = args;
- * Sets the dot-separated, fully qualified name of the class to run.  
- * It must implement main(String[] args).
- * This is ignored if the VM is being launched for evaluation support only.
- */
-public void setProgramClass(String programClass) {
-	this.programClass = programClass;
- * Sets the VM-specific arguments. This does not include:
- * <p><ul>
- * <li>the VM path
- * <li>the class path or the boot class path
- * <li>the program class or program arguments
- * </ul>
- */
-public void setVMArguments(String[] args) {
-	this.vmArguments = args;
- * Sets the path on disk of the VM to launch.
- */
-public void setVMPath(String vmPath) {
-	this.vmPath = vmPath;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cb14e0..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.runtime;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util;
- * Wrapper around the external process that is running a local VM.
- * This allows to kill this process when we exit this vm.
- */
-public class LocalVirtualMachine {
-	protected Process process;
-	protected int debugPort;
-	protected String evalTargetPath;
- * Creates a new LocalVirtualMachine that doesn't run and that cannot be debugged nor used to
- * evaluate.
- */
-public LocalVirtualMachine() {
-	this.process = null;
-	this.debugPort = -1;
-	this.evalTargetPath = null;
- * Creates a new LocalVirtualMachine from the Process that runs this VM
- * and with the given debug port number.
- */
-public LocalVirtualMachine(Process p, int debugPort, String evalTargetPath) {
-	this.process = p;
-	this.debugPort = debugPort;
-	this.evalTargetPath = evalTargetPath;
- * Destroys the process running this VM.
- */
-protected void basicShutDown() {
-	if ((this.process != null) && this.isRunning()) {
-		this.process.destroy();
-	}
- * Cleans up the given directory by removing all the files it contains as well
- * but leaving the directory.
- * @throws TargetException if the target path could not be cleaned up
- *
-private void cleanupDirectory(File directory) throws TargetException {
-	if (!directory.exists()) {
-		return;
-	}
-	String[] fileNames = directory.list();
-	for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.length; i++) {
-		File file = new File(directory, fileNames[i]);
-		if (file.isDirectory()) {
-			cleanupDirectory(file);
-			if (!file.delete()) {
-				throw new TargetException("Could not delete directory " + directory.getPath());
-			}
-		} else {
-			if (!file.delete()) {
-				throw new TargetException("Could not delete file " + file.getPath());
-			}
-		}
-	}
- * Cleans up this context's target path by removing all the files it contains
- * but leaving the directory.
- * @throws TargetException if the target path could not be cleaned up
- */
-protected void cleanupTargetPath() throws TargetException {
-	if (this.evalTargetPath == null) return;
-	String targetPath = this.evalTargetPath;
-	if (LocalVMLauncher.TARGET_HAS_FILE_SYSTEM) {
-		Util.delete(new File(targetPath, LocalVMLauncher.REGULAR_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY));
-		Util.delete(new File(targetPath, LocalVMLauncher.BOOT_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY));
-		File file = new File(targetPath, RuntimeConstants.SUPPORT_ZIP_FILE_NAME);
-		/* workaround pb with Process.exitValue() that returns the process has exited, but it has not free the file yet
-		int count = 10;
-		for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-			if (file.delete()) {
-				break;
-			}
-			try {
-				Thread.sleep(count * 100);
-			} catch (InterruptedException e) {
-			}
-		}
-		*/
-		if (!Util.delete(file)) {
-			throw new TargetException("Could not delete " + file.getPath());
-		}
-	} else {
-		Util.delete(targetPath);
-	}
- * Returns the debug port number for this VM. This is the port number that was
- * passed as the "-debug" option if this VM was launched using a <code>LocalVMLauncher</code>.
- * Returns -1 if this information is not available or if this VM is not running in
- * debug mode.
- */
-public int getDebugPortNumber() {
-	return this.debugPort;
- * Returns an input stream that is connected to the standard error 
- * (<code>System.err</code>) of this target VM.
- * Bytes that are written to <code>System.err</code> by the target
- * program become available in the input stream.
- * <p>
- * Note 1: This stream is usually unbuffered.
- * <p>
- * Note 2: Two calls to this method return the same identical input stream.
- * <p>
- * See also <code>java.lang.Process.getErrorStream()</code>.
- * 
- * @return an input stream connected to the target VM's <code>System.err</code>.
- * @exception TargetException if the target VM is not reachable.
- */
-public InputStream getErrorStream() throws TargetException {
-	if (this.process == null)
-		throw new TargetException("The VM is not running");
-	return this.process.getErrorStream();
- * Returns an input stream that is connected to the standard output 
- * (<code>System.out</code>) of this target VM.
- * Bytes that are written to <code>System.out</code> by the target
- * program become available in the input stream.
- * <p>
- * Note 1: This stream is usually buffered.
- * <p>
- * Note 2: Two calls to this method return the same identical input stream.
- * <p>
- * See also <code>java.lang.Process.getInputStream()</code>.
- *
- * @return an input stream connected to the target VM's <code>System.out</code>.
- * @exception TargetException if the target VM is not reachable.
- */
-public InputStream getInputStream() throws TargetException {
-	if (this.process == null)
-		throw new TargetException("The VM is not running");
-	// Workaround problem with input stream of a Process
-	return new VMInputStream(this.process, this.process.getInputStream());
- * Returns an output stream that is connected to the standard input 
- * (<code></code>) of this target VM.
- * Bytes that are written to the output stream by a client become available to the target 
- * program in <code></code>.
- * <p>
- * Note 1: This stream is usually buffered.
- * <p>
- * Note 2: Two calls to this method return the same identical output stream.
- * <p>
- * See also <code>java.lang.Process.getOutputStream()</code>.
- *
- * @return an output stream connected to the target VM's <code></code>.
- * @exception TargetException if the target VM is not reachable.
- */
-public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws TargetException {
-	if (this.process == null)
-		throw new TargetException("The VM is not running");
-	return this.process.getOutputStream();
- * Returns whether this target VM is still running.
- * <p>
- * Note: This operation may require contacting the target VM to find out 
- *       if it is still running.
- */
-public boolean isRunning() {
-	if (this.process == null) {
-		return false;
-	}
-	boolean hasExited;
-	try {
-		this.process.exitValue();
-		hasExited = true;
-	} catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) {
-		hasExited = false;
-	}
-	return !hasExited;
- * Shuts down this target VM. 
- * This causes the VM to exit. This operation is ignored
- * if the VM has already shut down.
- *
- * @exception TargetException if the target VM could not be shut down.
- */
-public void shutDown()  throws TargetException {
-	this.basicShutDown();
-	int retry = 0;
-	while (this.isRunning() && (++retry < 20)) {
-		try {
-			Thread.sleep(retry * 100);
-		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
-		}
-	}
-	if (this.isRunning()) { // give up cleaning the target path if VM is still running
-		throw new TargetException("Could not shut the VM down");
-	}
-	this.cleanupTargetPath();
- * Waits for the VM to shut down. This method returns 
- * immediately if the VM has already shut down. If the
- * VM has not yet shut down, the calling thread will be
- * blocked until the VM shuts down.
- *
- * @exception  InterruptedException  if the <code>waitForTermination</code> was
- *               interrupted.
- */
-public void waitForTermination() throws InterruptedException {
-	if (this.process == null) return;
-	this.process.waitFor();
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/
deleted file mode 100644
index 810127c..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.runtime;
-import java.util.Vector;
- * This is a new vm launcher to support sidecar settings
- */
-public class MacVMLauncher extends StandardVMLauncher {
- * @see LocalVMLauncher#getCommandLine
- */
-public String[] getCommandLine() {	
-	Vector commandLine= new Vector();
-	// VM binary
-	commandLine.addElement(
-		this.vmPath + 
-		(this.vmPath.endsWith(File.separator) ? "" : File.separator) + 
-		"bin" + 
-		File.separator + 
-		"java");
-	// VM arguments
-	if (this.vmArguments != null) {
-		for (int i = 0; i < this.vmArguments.length; i++) {
-			commandLine.addElement(this.vmArguments[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	// boot classpath
-	commandLine.addElement("-Xbootclasspath/a:" + buildBootClassPath());
-	// debug mode
-	if (this.debugPort != -1) {
-		commandLine.addElement("-Xdebug");
-		commandLine.addElement("-Xnoagent");
-		// commandLine.addElement("-Djava.compiler=NONE");
-		commandLine.addElement(
-			"-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=" +
-			this.debugPort +
-			",server=y,suspend=n");
-	} else {
-		commandLine.addElement("-Xdebug");
-	}
-	// regular classpath
-	commandLine.addElement("-classpath");
-	commandLine.addElement(buildClassPath());
-	// code snippet runner class
-	if (this.evalPort != -1) {
-		commandLine.addElement(CODE_SNIPPET_RUNNER_CLASS_NAME);
-	}
-	// code snippet runner arguments
-	if (this.evalPort != -1) {
-		commandLine.addElement(EVALPORT_ARG);
-		commandLine.addElement(Integer.toString(this.evalPort));
-			commandLine.addElement(CODESNIPPET_CLASSPATH_ARG);
-			commandLine.addElement(this.evalTargetPath + File.separator + REGULAR_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY);
-			commandLine.addElement(CODESNIPPET_BOOTPATH_ARG);
-			commandLine.addElement(this.evalTargetPath + File.separator + BOOT_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY);
-		}
-	}
-	// program class
-	if (this.programClass != null) {
-		commandLine.addElement(this.programClass);
-	}
-	// program arguments
-	if (this.programArguments != null) {
-		for (int i=0;i<this.programArguments.length;i++) {
-			commandLine.addElement(this.programArguments[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	String[] result;
-	if (this.batchFileName!= null) {
-		// Write to batch file if specified
-		writeBatchFile(this.batchFileName, commandLine);
-		result = new String[] {this.batchFileName};
-	} else {
-		result = new String[commandLine.size()];
-		commandLine.copyInto(result);
-	}
-	// check for spaces in result
-	for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
-		String argument = result[i];
-		if (argument.indexOf(' ') != -1) {
-			result[i] = "\"" + argument + "\"";
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
- * Builds the actual boot class path that is going to be passed to the VM.
- */
-protected String buildBootClassPath() {
-	StringBuffer bootPathString = new StringBuffer();
-	char pathSeparator = File.pathSeparatorChar;
-	if (this.bootPath != null) {
-		// Add boot class path given by client
-		int length = this.bootPath.length;
-		for (int i = 0; i < length; i++){
-			bootPathString.append(this.bootPath[i]);
-			bootPathString.append(pathSeparator);
-		}
-	}
-	// Add boot class path directory if needed
-	if (this.evalTargetPath != null && TARGET_HAS_FILE_SYSTEM) {
-		bootPathString.append(this.evalTargetPath);
-		bootPathString.append(File.separatorChar);
-		bootPathString.append(BOOT_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY);
-	}
-	return bootPathString.toString();
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c4dae7..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.runtime;
- * A null console reader that continuously reads from the VM input stream
- * so that the VM doesn't block when the program writes to the stout.
- */
-public class NullConsoleReader extends AbstractReader {
-	private InputStream input;
- * Creates a new console reader that will read from the given input stream.
- */
-public NullConsoleReader(String name, InputStream input) {
-	super(name);
-	this.input = input;
- * Continuously reads events that are coming from the event queue.
- */
-protected void readerLoop() {
- bufferedInput = new;
-	try {
-		int read= 0;
-		while (!this.isStopping && read != -1) {
-			read=;
-		}
-	} catch ( e) {
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f105b7..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.runtime;
- * A <code>ProxyConsoleReader</code> reads the ouput from the proxy and
- * redirects it to a file or to the stdout if "con" is the name of the file.
- */
-class ProxyConsoleReader extends AbstractReader {
-	private InputStream input;
-	private OutputStream output;
- * Creates a new proxy console reader that will read from the given input stream
- * and rewrite what's read to the given file (or the stdout is the file name is
- * "con")
- */
-public ProxyConsoleReader(String name, InputStream input, String fileName) {
-	super(name);
-	this.input = input;
-	if (fileName.equals("con")) {
-		this.output= System.out;
-	} else {
-		try {
-			this.output= new FileOutputStream(fileName);
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			System.out.println("Could not create file " + fileName + ". Redirecting to stdout");
-			this.output= System.out;
-		}
-	}
- * Continuously reads from the proxy output and redirect what's read to
- * this reader's file.
- */
-protected void readerLoop() {
-	try {
-		byte[] buffer= new byte[1024];
-		int read= 0;
-		while (!this.isStopping && read != -1) {
-			read=;
-			if (read != -1)
-				this.output.write(buffer, 0, read);
-		}
-	} catch ( e) {
-	}
- * Stop this reader
- */
-public void stop() {
-	super.stop();
-	try {
-		if (this.output != System.out)
-			this.output.close();
-	} catch (IOException e) {
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/
deleted file mode 100644
index dc17a5a..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.runtime;
-public interface RuntimeConstants {
-	public static final String SUPPORT_ZIP_FILE_NAME = "";
-	public static final String CODE_SNIPPET_RUNNER_CLASS_NAME = "";
-	public static final String RUN_CODE_SNIPPET_METHOD = "runCodeSnippet";
-	public static final String THE_RUNNER_FIELD = "theRunner";
-	public static final String EVALPORT_ARG = "-evalport";
-	public static final String CODESNIPPET_CLASSPATH_ARG = "-cscp";
-	public static final String CODESNIPPET_BOOTPATH_ARG = "-csbp";
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c369db..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.runtime;
-import java.util.Vector;
- * This is a new vm launcher to support sidecar settings
- */
-public class SideCarJ9VMLauncher extends StandardVMLauncher {
- * @see LocalVMLauncher#getCommandLine
- */
-public String[] getCommandLine() {	
-	Vector commandLine= new Vector();
-	// VM binary
-	commandLine.addElement(
-		this.vmPath + 
-		(this.vmPath.endsWith(File.separator) ? "" : File.separator) + 
-		"bin" + 
-		File.separator + 
-		"javaw");
-	// VM arguments
-	if (this.vmArguments != null) {
-		for (int i = 0; i < this.vmArguments.length; i++) {
-			commandLine.addElement(this.vmArguments[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	// boot classpath
-	commandLine.addElement("-Xbootclasspath/a:" + buildBootClassPath());
-	// debug mode
-	if (this.debugPort != -1) {
-		commandLine.addElement("-Xdebug");
-		commandLine.addElement("-Xnoagent");
-		// commandLine.addElement("-Djava.compiler=NONE");
-		commandLine.addElement(
-			"-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=" +
-			this.debugPort +
-			",server=y,suspend=n");
-	} else {
-		commandLine.addElement("-Xdebug");
-	}
-	commandLine.addElement("-Xj9");
-	commandLine.addElement("-Xprod");
-	// regular classpath
-	commandLine.addElement("-classpath");
-	commandLine.addElement(buildClassPath());
-	// code snippet runner class
-	if (this.evalPort != -1) {
-		commandLine.addElement(CODE_SNIPPET_RUNNER_CLASS_NAME);
-	}
-	// code snippet runner arguments
-	if (this.evalPort != -1) {
-		commandLine.addElement(EVALPORT_ARG);
-		commandLine.addElement(Integer.toString(this.evalPort));
-			commandLine.addElement(CODESNIPPET_CLASSPATH_ARG);
-			commandLine.addElement(this.evalTargetPath + File.separator + REGULAR_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY);
-			commandLine.addElement(CODESNIPPET_BOOTPATH_ARG);
-			commandLine.addElement(this.evalTargetPath + File.separator + BOOT_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY);
-		}
-	}
-	// program class
-	if (this.programClass != null) {
-		commandLine.addElement(this.programClass);
-	}
-	// program arguments
-	if (this.programArguments != null) {
-		for (int i=0;i<this.programArguments.length;i++) {
-			commandLine.addElement(this.programArguments[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	String[] result;
-	if (this.batchFileName!= null) {
-		// Write to batch file if specified
-		writeBatchFile(this.batchFileName, commandLine);
-		result = new String[] {this.batchFileName};
-	} else {
-		result = new String[commandLine.size()];
-		commandLine.copyInto(result);
-	}
-	// check for spaces in result
-	for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
-		String argument = result[i];
-		if (argument.indexOf(' ') != -1) {
-			result[i] = "\"" + argument + "\"";
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
- * Builds the actual boot class path that is going to be passed to the VM.
- */
-protected String buildBootClassPath() {
-	StringBuffer bootPathString = new StringBuffer();
-	char pathSeparator = File.pathSeparatorChar;
-	if (this.bootPath != null) {
-		// Add boot class path given by client
-		int length = this.bootPath.length;
-		for (int i = 0; i < length; i++){
-			bootPathString.append(this.bootPath[i]);
-			bootPathString.append(pathSeparator);
-		}
-	}
-	// Add boot class path directory if needed
-	if (this.evalTargetPath != null && TARGET_HAS_FILE_SYSTEM) {
-		bootPathString.append(this.evalTargetPath);
-		bootPathString.append(File.separatorChar);
-		bootPathString.append(BOOT_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY);
-	}
-	return bootPathString.toString();
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/
deleted file mode 100644
index 29913ec..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.runtime;
-import java.util.Vector;
- * This is a new vm launcher to support sidecar settings
- */
-public class SideCarVMLauncher extends StandardVMLauncher {
- * @see LocalVMLauncher#getCommandLine
- */
-public String[] getCommandLine() {	
-	Vector commandLine= new Vector();
-	// VM binary
-	commandLine.addElement(
-		this.vmPath + 
-		(this.vmPath.endsWith(File.separator) ? "" : File.separator) + 
-		"bin" + 
-		File.separator + 
-		"javaw");
-	// VM arguments
-	if (this.vmArguments != null) {
-		for (int i = 0; i < this.vmArguments.length; i++) {
-			commandLine.addElement(this.vmArguments[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	// boot classpath
-	commandLine.addElement("-Xbootclasspath/a:" + buildBootClassPath());
-	// debug mode
-	if (this.debugPort != -1) {
-		commandLine.addElement("-Xdebug");
-		commandLine.addElement("-Xnoagent");
-		// commandLine.addElement("-Djava.compiler=NONE");
-		commandLine.addElement(
-			"-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=" +
-			this.debugPort +
-			",server=y,suspend=n");
-	}
-	// regular classpath
-	commandLine.addElement("-classpath");
-	commandLine.addElement(buildClassPath());
-	// code snippet runner class
-	if (this.evalPort != -1) {
-		commandLine.addElement(CODE_SNIPPET_RUNNER_CLASS_NAME);
-	}
-	// code snippet runner arguments
-	if (this.evalPort != -1) {
-		commandLine.addElement(EVALPORT_ARG);
-		commandLine.addElement(Integer.toString(this.evalPort));
-			commandLine.addElement(CODESNIPPET_CLASSPATH_ARG);
-			commandLine.addElement(this.evalTargetPath + File.separator + REGULAR_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY);
-			commandLine.addElement(CODESNIPPET_BOOTPATH_ARG);
-			commandLine.addElement(this.evalTargetPath + File.separator + BOOT_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY);
-		}
-	}
-	// program class
-	if (this.programClass != null) {
-		commandLine.addElement(this.programClass);
-	}
-	// program arguments
-	if (this.programArguments != null) {
-		for (int i=0;i<this.programArguments.length;i++) {
-			commandLine.addElement(this.programArguments[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	String[] result;
-	if (this.batchFileName!= null) {
-		// Write to batch file if specified
-		writeBatchFile(this.batchFileName, commandLine);
-		result = new String[] {this.batchFileName};
-	} else {
-		result = new String[commandLine.size()];
-		commandLine.copyInto(result);
-	}
-	// check for spaces in result
-	for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
-		String argument = result[i];
-		if (argument.indexOf(' ') != -1) {
-			result[i] = "\"" + argument + "\"";
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
- * Builds the actual boot class path that is going to be passed to the VM.
- */
-protected String buildBootClassPath() {
-	StringBuffer bootPathString = new StringBuffer();
-	char pathSeparator = File.pathSeparatorChar;
-	if (this.bootPath != null) {
-		// Add boot class path given by client
-		int length = this.bootPath.length;
-		for (int i = 0; i < length; i++){
-			bootPathString.append(this.bootPath[i]);
-			bootPathString.append(pathSeparator);
-		}
-	}
-	// Add boot class path directory if needed
-	if (this.evalTargetPath != null && TARGET_HAS_FILE_SYSTEM) {
-		bootPathString.append(this.evalTargetPath);
-		bootPathString.append(File.separatorChar);
-		bootPathString.append(BOOT_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY);
-	}
-	return bootPathString.toString();
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b430da..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.runtime;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import java.util.Enumeration;
- * A standard VM launcher launches an external standard VM with
- * the given arguments on the same machine.
- */
-public class StandardVMLauncher extends LocalVMLauncher implements RuntimeConstants {
-	String batchFileName;
- * Creates a new StandardVMLauncher that launches a standard VM
- * on the same machine.
- */
-public StandardVMLauncher() {
-	super();
- * Builds the actual boot class path that is going to be passed to the VM.
- */
-protected String buildBootClassPath() {
-	StringBuffer bootPathString = new StringBuffer();
-	char pathSeparator = File.pathSeparatorChar;
-	if (this.bootPath != null) {
-		// Add boot class path given by client
-		int length = this.bootPath.length;
-		for (int i = 0; i < length; i++){
-			bootPathString.append(this.bootPath[i]);
-			bootPathString.append(pathSeparator);
-		}
-	} else {
-		// Add regular rt.jar
-		bootPathString.append(this.vmPath);
-		bootPathString.append(File.separator);
-		if (!(this.vmPath.toLowerCase().endsWith("jre") || this.vmPath.toLowerCase().endsWith("jre" + File.separator))) {
-			bootPathString.append("jre");
-			bootPathString.append(File.separator);
-		}
-		bootPathString.append("lib");
-		bootPathString.append(File.separator);
-		bootPathString.append("rt.jar");
-		bootPathString.append(pathSeparator);
-	}
-	// Add boot class path directory if needed
-	if (this.evalTargetPath != null && TARGET_HAS_FILE_SYSTEM) {
-		bootPathString.append(this.evalTargetPath);
-		bootPathString.append(File.separatorChar);
-		bootPathString.append(BOOT_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY);
-	}
-	return bootPathString.toString();
- * Returns the name of the batch file used to launch the VM.
- */
-public String getBatchFileName() {
-	return this.batchFileName;
- * @see LocalVMLauncher#getCommandLine
- */
-public String[] getCommandLine() {	
-	Vector commandLine= new Vector();
-	// VM binary
-	if (System.getProperty("java.vm.version").startsWith("1.4.2")) {
-		commandLine.addElement(
-			this.vmPath + 
-			(this.vmPath.endsWith(File.separator) ? "" : File.separator) + 
-			"bin" + 
-			File.separator + 
-			"java");
-	} else {
-		String vmLocation = this.vmPath + 
-			(this.vmPath.endsWith(File.separator) ? "" : File.separator) + 
-			"bin" + 
-			File.separator + 
-			"javaw";
-		final String osName = System.getProperty("");
-		if (osName.indexOf("win32") != -1) {
-			vmLocation += ".exe";
-		}
-		if (!new File(vmLocation).exists()) {
-			vmLocation = 
-				this.vmPath + 
-				(this.vmPath.endsWith(File.separator) ? "" : File.separator) + 
-				"bin" + 
-				File.separator + 
-				"java";
-		}
-		commandLine.addElement(vmLocation);
-	}
-	// VM arguments
-	if (this.vmArguments != null) {
-		for (int i = 0; i < this.vmArguments.length; i++) {
-			commandLine.addElement(this.vmArguments[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	String vmVersion = System.getProperty("java.vm.version");
-	if (vmVersion != null && vmVersion.startsWith("1.6")) {
-		commandLine.addElement("-XX:-FailOverToOldVerifier");
-		commandLine.addElement("-Xverify:all");
-	}
-	// debug mode
-	if (this.debugPort != -1) {
-		commandLine.addElement("-Xdebug");
-		commandLine.addElement("-Xnoagent");
-		// commandLine.addElement("-Djava.compiler=NONE");
-		commandLine.addElement(
-			"-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=" +
-			this.debugPort +
-			",server=y,suspend=n");
-	}
-	// boot classpath
-	commandLine.addElement("-Xbootclasspath:" + buildBootClassPath());
-	// regular classpath
-	commandLine.addElement("-classpath");
-	commandLine.addElement(buildClassPath());
-	// code snippet runner class
-	if (this.evalPort != -1) {
-		commandLine.addElement(CODE_SNIPPET_RUNNER_CLASS_NAME);
-	}
-	// code snippet runner arguments
-	if (this.evalPort != -1) {
-		commandLine.addElement(EVALPORT_ARG);
-		commandLine.addElement(Integer.toString(this.evalPort));
-			commandLine.addElement(CODESNIPPET_CLASSPATH_ARG);
-			commandLine.addElement(this.evalTargetPath + File.separator + REGULAR_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY);
-			commandLine.addElement(CODESNIPPET_BOOTPATH_ARG);
-			commandLine.addElement(this.evalTargetPath + File.separator + BOOT_CLASSPATH_DIRECTORY);
-		}
-	}
-	// program class
-	if (this.programClass != null) {
-		commandLine.addElement(this.programClass);
-	}
-	// program arguments
-	if (this.programArguments != null) {
-		for (int i=0;i<this.programArguments.length;i++) {
-			commandLine.addElement(this.programArguments[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	String[] result;
-	if (this.batchFileName!= null) {
-		// Write to batch file if specified
-		writeBatchFile(this.batchFileName, commandLine);
-		result = new String[] {this.batchFileName};
-	} else {
-		result = new String[commandLine.size()];
-		commandLine.copyInto(result);
-	}
-	// check for spaces in result
-	for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
-		String argument = result[i];
-		if (argument.indexOf(' ') != -1) {
-			result[i] = "\"" + argument + "\"";
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
- * Sets the name of the batch file used to launch the VM.
- * When this option is set, the launcher writes the command line to the given batch file, 
- * and it launches the  batch file. This causes a DOS console to be opened. Note it 
- * doesn't delete the batch file when done.
- */
-public void setBatchFileName(String batchFileName) {
-	this.batchFileName = batchFileName;
-protected void writeBatchFile(String fileName, Vector commandLine) {
-	FileOutputStream output = null;
-	try {
-		output = new FileOutputStream(fileName);
-		PrintWriter out= new PrintWriter(output);
-		for (Enumeration e = commandLine.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
-			out.print((String)e.nextElement());
-			out.print(" ");
-		}
-		out.println("pause");
-		out.close();
-	} catch (IOException e) {
-		e.printStackTrace();
-		if (output != null) {
-			try {
-				output.close();
-			} catch (IOException e2) {
-				// ignore
-			}
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/
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- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.runtime;
- * A TargetException is thrown when an operation on a target has failed
- * for any reason.
- */
-public class TargetException extends Exception {
-private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- * Constructs a <code>TargetException</code> with no detail  message.
- */
-public TargetException() {
-	super();
- * Constructs a <code>TargetException</code> with the specified 
- * detail message. 
- *
- * @param   s   the detail message.
- */
-public TargetException(String s) {
-	super(s);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/runtime/
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@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.runtime;
- * This is the interface to the target VM. It connects to an IDEInterface on the target side 
- * using TCP/IO to send request for code snippet evaluation and to get the result back.
- *
- * @see for details about the protocol.
- */
-public class TargetInterface {
-	/**
-	 * Whether class files should be written in d:\eval\ instead of sending them to the target
-	 * NB: d:\eval should contain a batch file TestCodeSnippet.bat with the following contents:
-	 *		SET JDK=c:\jdk1.2.2
-	 *		SET EVAL=d:\eval
-	 *		%JDK%\bin\java -Xbootclasspath:%JDK%\jre\lib\rt.jar;%EVAL%\javaClasses; -classpath c:\temp;%EVAL%\snippets;%EVAL%\classes;"d:\ide\project_resources\Eclipse Java Evaluation\CodeSnippetSupport.jar" CodeSnippetTester %1
-	 */
-	static final boolean DEBUG = false;
-	String codeSnippetClassName;
-	/**
-	 * Whether timing info should be printed to stdout
-	 */
-	static final boolean TIMING = false;
-	long sentTime;
-	/**
-	 * The connection to the target's ide interface.
-	 */
-	Socket socket;
-	public class Result {
-		public char[] displayString;
-		public char[] typeName;
-	}
- * Connects this interface to the target.
- * Try as long as the given time (in ms) has not expired.
- * Use isConnected() to find out if the connection was successful.
- */
-public void connect(String targetAddress, int portNumber, int timeout) {
-	if (isConnected()) {
-		return;
-	}
-	if (portNumber > 0) {
-		long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
-		do {
-			try {
-				this.socket = new Socket(targetAddress, portNumber);
-				this.socket.setTcpNoDelay(true);
-				break;
-			} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
-			} catch (IOException e) {
-			}
-			if (this.socket == null) {
-				try {
-					Thread.sleep(100);
-				} catch (InterruptedException e) {
-				}
-			}
-		} while (!isConnected() && (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) < timeout);
-	}
- * Disconnects this interface from the target. 
- */
-public void disconnect() {
-	if (this.socket != null) {
-		try {
-			this.socket.close();
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			// Already closed. Nothing more to do
-		}
-		this.socket = null;
-	}
- * Returns the result of the evaluation sent previously to the target. 
- */
-public Result getResult() {
-	boolean hasValue = false;
-	String typeName = null;
-	String toString = null;
-	if (DEBUG) {
-		hasValue = true;
-		typeName = "TargetInterface in debug mode. Run d:\\eval\\TestCodeSnippet.bat d:\\eval\\snippets\\" + codeSnippetClassName;
-		toString = "";
-	} else {
-		if (this.isConnected()) {
-			// TBD: Read type name and toString as a character array
-			try {
-				DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(this.socket.getInputStream());
-				hasValue = in.readBoolean();
-				if (hasValue) {
-					typeName = in.readUTF();
-					toString = in.readUTF();
-				} else {
-					typeName = null;
-					toString = null;
-				}
-			} catch (IOException e) {
-				// The socket has likely been closed on the other end. So the code snippet runner has stopped.
-				hasValue = true;
-				typeName = e.getMessage();
-				toString = "";
-				this.disconnect();
-			}
-		} else {
-			hasValue = true;
-			typeName = "Connection has been lost";
-			toString = "";
-		}
-	}
-	if (TIMING) {
-		System.out.println("Time to send compiled classes, run on target and get result is " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.sentTime) + "ms");
-	}
-	Result result = new Result();
-	result.displayString = toString == null ? null : toString.toCharArray();
-	result.typeName = typeName == null ? null : typeName.toCharArray();
-	return result;
- * Returns whether this interface is connected to the target.
- */
-boolean isConnected() {
-	return this.socket != null;
- * Sends the given class definitions to the target for loading and (if specified) for running.
- */
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deleted file mode 100644
index b86ea20..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.runtime;
- * Workaround problem with input stream from a <code>java.lang.Process</code>
- * that throws an <code>IOException</code> even if there is something to read.
- */
-public class VMInputStream extends InputStream {
-	InputStream input;
-	Process process;
-public VMInputStream(Process process, InputStream input) {
-	this.process= process;
-	this.input= input;
-public int available() throws IOException {
-	return this.input.available();
-public void close() throws IOException {
-	this.input.close();
-private boolean isRunning() {
-	if (this.process == null) {
-		return false;
-	}
-	boolean hasExited;
-	try {
-		this.process.exitValue();
-		hasExited = true;
-	} catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) {
-		hasExited = false;
-	}
-	return !hasExited;
-public synchronized void mark(int readlimit) {
-	this.input.mark(readlimit);
-public boolean markSupported() {
-	return this.input.markSupported();
-public int read() throws IOException {
-	try {
-		return;
-	} catch (IOException e) {
-		if (isRunning()) {
-			return read();
-		}
-		throw e;
-	}
-public int read(byte b[]) throws IOException {
-	// Make sure the byte array is initialized (value of 0 is used in the workaround below)
-	for (int i=0;i<b.length;i++)
-		b[i]=0;
-	int read;
-	try {
-		read =;
-	} catch (IOException e) {
-		if (isRunning()) {
-			// Workaround problem with implementation of Process.getInputStream()
-			// (see PR 1PRW670: LFRE:WINNT - Program hangs running in LeapFrog)
-			read= 0;
-			while (read < b.length && b[read] != 0) {
-				read++;
-			}
-		} else
-			throw e;
-	}
-	return read;
-public int read(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
-	// Make sure the byte array is initialized (value of 0 is used in the workaround below)
-	for (int i = off; i < len; i++)
-		b[i] = 0;
-	int read;
-	try {
-		read =, off, len);
-	} catch (IOException e) {
-		if (isRunning()) {
-			// Workaround problem with implementation of Process.getInputStream()
-			// (see PR 1PRW670: LFRE:WINNT - Program hangs running in LeapFrog)
-			read = 0;
-			while (off + read < len && b[off + read] != 0) {
-				read++;
-			}
-		} else
-			throw e;
-	}
-	return read;
-public synchronized void reset() throws IOException {
-	this.input.reset();
-public long skip(long n) throws IOException {
-	return this.input.skip(n);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/util/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/util/
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@@ -1,502 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util;
-import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression.RegressionTestSetup;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.junit.extension.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-public class AbstractCompilerTest extends TestCase {
-	public static final String COMPLIANCE_1_3 = CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_3;
-	public static final String COMPLIANCE_1_4 = CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4;
-	public static final String COMPLIANCE_1_5 = CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_5;
-	public static final String COMPLIANCE_1_6 = CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_6;
-	public static final String COMPLIANCE_1_7 = CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_7;
-	public static final int F_1_3 = 0x01;
-	public static final int F_1_4 = 0x02;
-	public static final int F_1_5 = 0x04;
-	public static final int F_1_6 = 0x08;
-	public static final int F_1_7 = 0x10;
-	protected static boolean RUN_JAVAC = CompilerOptions.ENABLED.equals(System.getProperty("run.javac"));
-	private static int possibleComplianceLevels = 
-		RUN_JAVAC ? F_1_5 : -1;
-	  // javac tests imply 1.5 compliance
-	protected String complianceLevel;
-	/**
-	 * Build a test suite made of test suites for all possible running VM compliances .
-	 * 
-	 * @see #buildUniqueComplianceTestSuite(Class, String) for test suite children content.
-	 * 
-	 * @param evaluationTestClass The main test suite to build.
-	 * @return built test suite (see {@link TestSuite}
-	 */
-	public static Test buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(Class evaluationTestClass) {
-		TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(evaluationTestClass.getName());
-		int complianceLevels = AbstractCompilerTest.getPossibleComplianceLevels();
-		if ((complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_3) != 0) {
-			suite.addTest(buildUniqueComplianceTestSuite(evaluationTestClass, AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_3));
-		}
-		if ((complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_4) != 0) {
-			suite.addTest(buildUniqueComplianceTestSuite(evaluationTestClass, AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_4));
-		}
-		if ((complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_5) != 0) {
-			suite.addTest(buildUniqueComplianceTestSuite(evaluationTestClass, AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_5));
-		}
-		if ((complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_6) != 0) {
-			suite.addTest(buildUniqueComplianceTestSuite(evaluationTestClass, AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_6));
-		}
-		if ((complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_7) != 0) {
-			suite.addTest(buildUniqueComplianceTestSuite(evaluationTestClass, AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_7));
-		}
-		return suite;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Build a test suite made of test suites for all possible running VM compliances .
-	 * 
-	 * @see #buildComplianceTestSuite(List, Class, String) for test suite children content.
-	 * 
-	 * @param testSuiteClass The main test suite to build.
-	 * @param setupClass The compiler setup to class to use to bundle given tets suites tests.
-	 * @param testClasses The list of test suites to include in main test suite.
-	 * @return built test suite (see {@link TestSuite}
-	 */
-	public static Test buildAllCompliancesTestSuite(Class testSuiteClass, Class setupClass, List testClasses) {
-		TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(testSuiteClass.getName());
-		int complianceLevels = AbstractCompilerTest.getPossibleComplianceLevels();
-		if ((complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_3) != 0) {
-			suite.addTest(buildComplianceTestSuite(testClasses, setupClass, COMPLIANCE_1_3));
-		}
-		if ((complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_4) != 0) {
-			suite.addTest(buildComplianceTestSuite(testClasses, setupClass, COMPLIANCE_1_4));
-		}
-		if ((complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_5) != 0) {
-			suite.addTest(buildComplianceTestSuite(testClasses, setupClass, COMPLIANCE_1_5));
-		}
-		if ((complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_6) != 0) {
-			suite.addTest(buildComplianceTestSuite(testClasses, setupClass, COMPLIANCE_1_6));
-		}
-		if ((complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_7) != 0) {
-			suite.addTest(buildComplianceTestSuite(testClasses, setupClass, COMPLIANCE_1_7));
-		}
-		return suite;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Build a test suite for a compliance and a list of test suites.
-	 * Returned test suite has only one child: {@link RegressionTestSetup} test suite.
-	 * Name of returned suite is the given compliance level.
-	 * 
-	 * @see #buildComplianceTestSuite(List, Class, String) for child test suite content.
-	 * 
-	 * @param complianceLevel The compliance level used for this test suite.
-	 * @param testClasses The list of test suites to include in main test suite.
-	 * @return built test suite (see {@link TestSuite}
-	 */
-	public static Test buildComplianceTestSuite(String complianceLevel, List testClasses) {
-		return buildComplianceTestSuite(testClasses, RegressionTestSetup.class, complianceLevel);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Build a test suite for a compliance and a list of test suites.
-	 * Children of returned test suite are setup test suites (see {@link CompilerTestSetup}).
-	 * Name of returned suite is the given compliance level.
-	 * 
-	 * @param complianceLevel The compliance level used for this test suite.
-	 * @param testClasses The list of test suites to include in main test suite.
-	 * @return built test suite (see {@link TestSuite}
-	 */
-	private static Test buildComplianceTestSuite(List testClasses, Class setupClass, String complianceLevel) {
-		TestSuite complianceSuite = new TestSuite(complianceLevel);
-		for (int i=0, m=testClasses.size(); i<m ; i++) {
-			Class testClass = (Class)testClasses.get(i);
-			TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(testClass.getName());
-			List tests = buildTestsList(testClass);
-			for (int index=0, size=tests.size(); index<size; index++) {
-				suite.addTest((Test)tests.get(index));
-			}
-			complianceSuite.addTest(suite);
-		}
-		// call the setup constructor with the suite and compliance level
-		try {
-			Constructor constructor = setupClass.getConstructor(new Class[]{Test.class, String.class});
-			Test setUp = (Test)constructor.newInstance(new Object[]{complianceSuite, complianceLevel});
-			return setUp;
-		} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
-			e.printStackTrace();
-		} catch (InstantiationException e) {
-			e.printStackTrace();
-		} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
-			e.getTargetException().printStackTrace();
-		} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
-			e.printStackTrace();
-		}
-		return null;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Build a regression test setup suite for a minimal compliance and a test suite to run.
-	 * Returned test suite has only one child: {@link RegressionTestSetup} test suite.
-	 * Name of returned suite is the name of given test suite class.
-	 * The test suite will be run iff the compliance is at least the specified one.
-	 * 
-	 * @param minimalCompliance The unqie compliance level used for this test suite.
-	 * @param evaluationTestClass The test suite to run.
-	 * @return built test suite (see {@link TestSuite}
-	 */
-	public static Test buildMinimalComplianceTestSuite(Class evaluationTestClass, int minimalCompliance) {
-		TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(evaluationTestClass.getName());
-		int complianceLevels = AbstractCompilerTest.getPossibleComplianceLevels();
-		int level13 = complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_3;
-		if (level13 != 0) {
-			if (level13 < minimalCompliance) {
-				System.err.println("Cannot run "+evaluationTestClass.getName()+" at compliance "+COMPLIANCE_1_3+"!");
-			} else {
-				suite.addTest(buildUniqueComplianceTestSuite(evaluationTestClass, AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_3));
-			}
-		}
-		int level14 = complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_4;
-		if (level14 != 0) {
-			if (level14 < minimalCompliance) {
-				System.err.println("Cannot run "+evaluationTestClass.getName()+" at compliance "+COMPLIANCE_1_4+"!");
-			} else {
-				suite.addTest(buildUniqueComplianceTestSuite(evaluationTestClass, AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_4));
-			}
-		}
-		int level15 = complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_5;
-		if (level15 != 0) {
-			if (level15 < minimalCompliance) {
-				System.err.println("Cannot run "+evaluationTestClass.getName()+" at compliance "+COMPLIANCE_1_5+"!");
-			} else {
-				suite.addTest(buildUniqueComplianceTestSuite(evaluationTestClass, AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_5));
-			}
-		}
-		int level16 = complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_6;
-		if (level16 != 0) {
-			if (level16 < minimalCompliance) {
-				System.err.println("Cannot run "+evaluationTestClass.getName()+" at compliance "+COMPLIANCE_1_6+"!");
-			} else {
-				suite.addTest(buildUniqueComplianceTestSuite(evaluationTestClass, AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_6));
-			}
-		}
-		int level17 = complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_7;
-		if (level17 != 0) {
-			if (level17 < minimalCompliance) {
-				System.err.println("Cannot run "+evaluationTestClass.getName()+" at compliance "+COMPLIANCE_1_7+"!");
-			} else {
-				suite.addTest(buildUniqueComplianceTestSuite(evaluationTestClass, AbstractCompilerTest.COMPLIANCE_1_7));
-			}
-		}
-		return suite;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Build a regression test setup suite for a compliance and a test suite to run.
-	 * Returned test suite has only one child: {@link RegressionTestSetup} test suite.
-	 * Name of returned suite is the name of given test suite class.
-	 * 
-	 * @param uniqueCompliance The unqie compliance level used for this test suite.
-	 * @param evaluationTestClass The test suite to run.
-	 * @return built test suite (see {@link TestSuite}
-	 */
-	public static Test buildUniqueComplianceTestSuite(Class evaluationTestClass, String uniqueCompliance) {
-		String highestLevel = highestComplianceLevels();
-		if (highestLevel.compareTo(uniqueCompliance) < 0) {
-			System.err.println("Cannot run "+evaluationTestClass.getName()+" at compliance "+highestLevel+"!");
-			return new TestSuite();
-		}
-		TestSuite complianceSuite = new TestSuite(uniqueCompliance);
-		List tests = buildTestsList(evaluationTestClass);
-		for (int index=0, size=tests.size(); index<size; index++) {
-			complianceSuite.addTest((Test)tests.get(index));
-		}
-		TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(evaluationTestClass.getName());
-		suite.addTest(new RegressionTestSetup(complianceSuite, uniqueCompliance));
-		return suite;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Returns the highest compliance level this VM instance can run.
-	 */
-	public static String highestComplianceLevels() {
-		int complianceLevels = AbstractCompilerTest.getPossibleComplianceLevels();
-		if ((complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_7) != 0) {
-			return COMPLIANCE_1_7;
-		}
-		if ((complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_6) != 0) {
-			return COMPLIANCE_1_6;
-		}
-		if ((complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_5) != 0) {
-			return COMPLIANCE_1_5;
-		}
-		if ((complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_4) != 0) {
-			return COMPLIANCE_1_4;
-		}
-		return COMPLIANCE_1_3;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Returns the possible compliance levels this VM instance can run.
-	 */
-	public static int getPossibleComplianceLevels() {
-		if (possibleComplianceLevels == -1) {
-			String compliance = System.getProperty("compliance");
-			if (compliance != null) {
-				if (COMPLIANCE_1_3.equals(compliance)) {
-					possibleComplianceLevels = F_1_3;
-				} else if (COMPLIANCE_1_4.equals(compliance)) {
-					possibleComplianceLevels = F_1_4;
-				} else if (COMPLIANCE_1_5.equals(compliance)) {
-					possibleComplianceLevels = F_1_5;
-				} else if (COMPLIANCE_1_6.equals(compliance)) {
-					possibleComplianceLevels = F_1_6;
-				} else if (COMPLIANCE_1_7.equals(compliance)) {
-					possibleComplianceLevels = F_1_7;
-				} else {
-					System.out.println("Invalid compliance specified (" + compliance + ")");
-					System.out.print("Use one of ");
-					System.out.print(COMPLIANCE_1_3 + ", ");
-					System.out.print(COMPLIANCE_1_4 + ", ");
-					System.out.print(COMPLIANCE_1_5 + ", ");
-					System.out.print(COMPLIANCE_1_6 + ", ");
-					System.out.println(COMPLIANCE_1_7);
-					System.out.println("Defaulting to all possible compliances");
-				}
-			}
-			if (possibleComplianceLevels == -1) {
-				possibleComplianceLevels = F_1_3;
-				String specVersion = System.getProperty("java.specification.version");
-				boolean canRun1_4 = !"1.0".equals(specVersion)
-					&& !CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_1.equals(specVersion)
-					&& !CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_2.equals(specVersion)
-					&& !CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_3.equals(specVersion);
-				if (canRun1_4) {
-					possibleComplianceLevels |= F_1_4;
-				}
-				boolean canRun1_5 = canRun1_4 && !CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4.equals(specVersion);
-				if (canRun1_5) {
-					possibleComplianceLevels |= F_1_5;
-				}
-				boolean canRun1_6 = canRun1_5 && !CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_5.equals(specVersion);
-				if (canRun1_6) {
-					possibleComplianceLevels |= F_1_6;
-				}
-				boolean canRun1_7 = canRun1_6 && !CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_6.equals(specVersion);
-				if (canRun1_7) {
-					possibleComplianceLevels |= F_1_7;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return possibleComplianceLevels;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Returns a test suite including the tests defined by the given classes for all possible complianceLevels
-	 * and using the given setup class (CompilerTestSetup or a subclass)
-	 */
-	public static Test suite(String suiteName, Class setupClass, ArrayList testClasses) {
-		TestSuite all = new TestSuite(suiteName);
-		int complianceLevels = AbstractCompilerTest.getPossibleComplianceLevels();
-		if ((complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_3) != 0) {
-			all.addTest(suiteForComplianceLevel(COMPLIANCE_1_3, setupClass, testClasses));
-		}
-		if ((complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_4) != 0) {
-			all.addTest(suiteForComplianceLevel(COMPLIANCE_1_4, setupClass, testClasses));
-		}
-		if ((complianceLevels & AbstractCompilerTest.F_1_5) != 0) {
-			all.addTest(suiteForComplianceLevel(COMPLIANCE_1_5, setupClass, testClasses));
-		}
-		return all;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Returns a test suite including the tests defined by the given classes for the given complianceLevel 
-	 * (see AbstractCompilerTest for valid values) and using the given setup class (CompilerTestSetup or a subclass)
-	 */
-	public static Test suiteForComplianceLevel(String complianceLevel, Class setupClass, ArrayList testClasses) {
-		TestSuite suite;
-		Class testClass;
-		if (testClasses.size() == 1) {
-			suite = new TestSuite(testClass = (Class)testClasses.get(0), complianceLevel);
-			TESTS_COUNTERS.put(testClass.getName(), new Integer(suite.countTestCases()));
-		} else {
-			suite = new TestSuite(complianceLevel);
-			for (int i = 0, length = testClasses.size(); i < length; i++) {
-				TestSuite innerSuite = new TestSuite(testClass = (Class)testClasses.get(i));
-				TESTS_COUNTERS.put(testClass.getName(), new Integer(innerSuite.countTestCases()));
-				suite.addTest(innerSuite);
-			}
-		}
-		// call the setup constructor with the suite and compliance level
-		try {
-			Constructor constructor = setupClass.getConstructor(new Class[]{Test.class, String.class});
-			Test setUp = (Test)constructor.newInstance(new Object[]{suite, complianceLevel});
-			return setUp;
-		} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
-			e.printStackTrace();
-		} catch (InstantiationException e) {
-			e.printStackTrace();
-		} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
-			e.getTargetException().printStackTrace();
-		} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
-			e.printStackTrace();
-		}
-		return null;
-	}
-	public static Test setupSuite(Class clazz) {
-		ArrayList testClasses = new ArrayList();
-		testClasses.add(clazz);
-		return suite(clazz.getName(), RegressionTestSetup.class, testClasses);
-	}
-	public static Test buildTestSuite(Class evaluationTestClass) {
-		if (TESTS_PREFIX != null || TESTS_NAMES != null || TESTS_NUMBERS!=null || TESTS_RANGE !=null) {
-			return buildTestSuite(evaluationTestClass, highestComplianceLevels());
-		}
-		return setupSuite(evaluationTestClass);
-	}
-	public static Test buildTestSuite(Class evaluationTestClass, String complianceLevel) {
-		TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(complianceLevel);
-		List tests = buildTestsList(evaluationTestClass);
-		for (int index=0, size=tests.size(); index<size; index++) {
-			suite.addTest((Test)tests.get(index));
-		}
-		TestSuite test = new TestSuite(evaluationTestClass.getName());
-		test.addTest(new RegressionTestSetup(suite, complianceLevel));
-		String className = evaluationTestClass.getName();
-		Integer testsNb;
-		int newTestsNb = test.countTestCases();
-		if ((testsNb = (Integer) TESTS_COUNTERS.get(className)) != null)
-			newTestsNb += testsNb.intValue();
-		TESTS_COUNTERS.put(className, new Integer(newTestsNb));
-		return test;
-	}
-	public static boolean isJRELevel(int compliance) {
-		return (AbstractCompilerTest.getPossibleComplianceLevels() & compliance) != 0;
-	}
-	public AbstractCompilerTest(String name) {
-		super(name);
-	}
-	protected Map getCompilerOptions() {
-		Map options = new CompilerOptions().getMap();
-		options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnusedLocal, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-		if (COMPLIANCE_1_3.equals(this.complianceLevel)) {
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_3);
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_3);
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TargetPlatform, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_1);
-		} else if (COMPLIANCE_1_4.equals(this.complianceLevel)) {
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4);
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4);
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TargetPlatform, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4);
-		} else if (COMPLIANCE_1_5.equals(this.complianceLevel)) {
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_5);
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_5);
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TargetPlatform, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_5);
-		} else if (COMPLIANCE_1_6.equals(this.complianceLevel)) {
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_6);
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_6);
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TargetPlatform, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_6);
-		} else if (COMPLIANCE_1_7.equals(this.complianceLevel)) {
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_7);
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_7);
-			options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TargetPlatform, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_7);
-		}
-		return options;
-	}
-	public String getName() {
-		String name = super.getName();
-		if (this.complianceLevel != null) {
-			name = name + " - " + this.complianceLevel;
-		}
-		return name;
-	}
-	public void initialize(CompilerTestSetup setUp) {
-		this.complianceLevel = setUp.complianceLevel;
-	}
-	protected String testName() {
-		return super.getName();
-	}
-	// Output files management
-	protected IPath outputRootDirectoryPath = new Path(Util.getOutputDirectory());
-	protected File outputTestDirectory;
-	/**
-	 * Create a test specific output directory as a subdirectory of 
-	 * outputRootDirectory, given a subdirectory path. The whole 
-	 * subtree is created as needed. outputTestDirectoryPath is 
-	 * modified according to the latest call to this method.
-	 * @param suffixPath a valid relative path for the subdirectory
-	 */
-	protected void createOutputTestDirectory(String suffixPath) {
-		this.outputTestDirectory =  new File(this.outputRootDirectoryPath.toFile(), suffixPath);
-		if (!this.outputTestDirectory.exists()) {
-			this.outputTestDirectory.mkdirs();
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Write given source test files in current output sub-directory.
-	 * Use test name for this sub-directory name (ie. test001, test002, etc...)
-	 */
-	protected void writeFiles(String[] testFiles) {
-		createOutputTestDirectory(testName());
-		// Write each given test file
-		for (int i = 0, length = testFiles.length; i < length; ) {
-			String fileName = testFiles[i++];
-			String contents = testFiles[i++];
-			File file = new File(this.outputTestDirectory, fileName);
-			if (fileName.lastIndexOf('/') >= 0) {
-				File dir = file.getParentFile();
-				if (!dir.exists()) {
-					dir.mkdirs();
-				}
-			}
-			Util.writeToFile(contents, file.getPath());
-		}
-	}
-	// Summary display		
-	// Used by AbstractRegressionTest for javac comparison tests
-	protected static Map TESTS_COUNTERS = new HashMap();
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/util/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cd3971..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util;
-import java.util.Enumeration;
-import junit.extensions.TestDecorator;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestResult;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
-public class CompilerTestSetup extends TestDecorator {
-	String complianceLevel;
-	public CompilerTestSetup(Test test, String complianceLevel) {
-		super(test);
-		this.complianceLevel = complianceLevel;
-	}
-	protected void initTest(Object test) {
-		if (test instanceof AbstractCompilerTest) {
-			AbstractCompilerTest compilerTest = (AbstractCompilerTest)test;
-			compilerTest.initialize(this);
-			return;
-		}
-		if (test instanceof TestSuite) {
-			TestSuite testSuite = (TestSuite)test;
-			Enumeration evaluationTestClassTests = testSuite.tests();
-			while (evaluationTestClassTests.hasMoreElements()) {
-				initTest(evaluationTestClassTests.nextElement());
-			}
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	public void run(TestResult result) {
-		try {
-			setUp();
-		} finally {
-			tearDown();
-		}
-	}
-	protected void setUp() {
-		// Init wrapped suite
-		initTest(fTest);
-	}
-	protected void tearDown() {
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/util/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index 86decab..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,618 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.runtime.*;
- * Verifies that the .class files resulting from a compilation can be loaded
- * in a VM and that they can be run.
- */
-public class TestVerifier {
-	public String failureReason;
-	boolean reuseVM = true;
-	String[] classpathCache;
-	LocalVirtualMachine vm;
-	StringBuffer outputBuffer;
-	StringBuffer errorBuffer;
-	Socket socket;
-public TestVerifier(boolean reuseVM) {
-	this.reuseVM = reuseVM;
-private boolean checkBuffers(String errorString, String outputString, String sourceFileName, String expectedSuccessOutputString) {
-	if (errorString.trim().length() > 0) {
-		this.failureReason =
-			"Unexpected target error running resulting class file for "
-				+ sourceFileName
-				+ ":\n"
-				+ errorString;
-		return false;
-	}
-	String platformIndependantOutputString = Util.convertToIndependantLineDelimiter(outputString.trim());
-	if (expectedSuccessOutputString != null && !Util.convertToIndependantLineDelimiter(expectedSuccessOutputString).equals(platformIndependantOutputString)) {
-		System.out.println(Util.displayString(platformIndependantOutputString, 2));
-		this.failureReason =
-			"Unexpected output running resulting class file for "
-				+ sourceFileName
-				+ ":\n"
-				+ "--[START]--\n"
-				+ outputString
-				+ "---[END]---\n";
-		return false;
-	}
-	return true;
-private boolean checkBuffersThrowingError(String errorString, String sourceFileName, String expectedSuccessOutputString) {
-	if (errorString.length() > 0 && errorString.indexOf(expectedSuccessOutputString) != -1) {
-		return true;
-	}
-	this.failureReason =
-		"Expected error not thrown for "
-			+ sourceFileName
-			+ ":\n"
-			+ expectedSuccessOutputString;
-	return false;
-private void compileVerifyTests(String verifierDir) {
-	String fullyQualifiedName = VerifyTests.class.getName();
-	int lastDot = fullyQualifiedName.lastIndexOf('.');
-	String packageName = fullyQualifiedName.substring(0, lastDot);
-	String simpleName = fullyQualifiedName.substring(lastDot + 1);
-	String dirName = verifierDir.replace('\\', '/') + "/" + packageName.replace('.', '/');
-	File dir = new File(dirName.replace('/', File.separatorChar));
-	if (!dir.exists() && !dir.mkdirs()) {
-		System.out.println("Could not create " + dir);
-		return;
-	}
-	String fileName = dir + File.separator + simpleName + ".java";
-	Util.writeToFile(this.getVerifyTestsCode(), fileName);
-	org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.batch.Main.compile("\"" + fileName + "\" -d \"" + verifierDir + "\" -classpath \"" + Util.getJavaClassLibsAsString() + "\"");
-public void execute(String className, String[] classpaths) {
-	this.outputBuffer = new StringBuffer();
-	this.errorBuffer = new StringBuffer();
-	launchAndRun(className, classpaths, null, null);
-protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
-	this.shutDown();
-public String getExecutionOutput(){
-	return outputBuffer.toString();
-public String getExecutionError(){
-	return errorBuffer.toString();
- * Returns the code of the VerifyTests class.
- * 
- *
- * To generate:
- * - export to d:/temp
- * - inspect org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util.fileContentToDisplayString("d:/temp/", 2, true)
- */
-private String getVerifyTestsCode() {
-	return 
-		"/*******************************************************************************" +
-		" * Copyright (c) 2000, 2005 IBM Corporation and others." +
-		" * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials" +
-		" * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0" +
-		" * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at" +
-		" *" +
-		" *" +
-		" * Contributors:" +
-		" *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation" +
-		" *******************************************************************************/" +
-		"package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util;\n" + 
-		"\n" + 
-		"import java.lang.reflect.*;\n" + 
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"import*;\n" + 
-		"import java.util.*;\n" + 
-		"\n" + 
-		"/******************************************************\n" + 
-		" * \n" + 
-		" * IMPORTANT NOTE: If modifying this class, copy the source to TestVerifier#getVerifyTestsCode()\n" + 
-		" * (see this method for details)\n" + 
-		" * \n" + 
-		" ******************************************************/\n" + 
-		"\n" + 
-		"public class VerifyTests {\n" + 
-		"	int portNumber;\n" + 
-		"	Socket socket;\n" + 
-		"\n" + 
-		"/**\n" + 
-		" * NOTE: Code copied from junit.util.TestCaseClassLoader.\n" + 
-		" *\n" + 
-		" * A custom class loader which enables the reloading\n" + 
-		" * of classes for each test run. The class loader\n" + 
-		" * can be configured with a list of package paths that\n" + 
-		" * should be excluded from loading. The loading\n" + 
-		" * of these packages is delegated to the system class\n" + 
-		" * loader. They will be shared across test runs.\n" + 
-		" * <p>\n" + 
-		" * The list of excluded package paths is specified in\n" + 
-		" * a properties file \"\" that is located in \n" + 
-		" * the same place as the TestCaseClassLoader class.\n" + 
-		" * <p>\n" + 
-		" * <b>Known limitation:</b> the VerifyClassLoader cannot load classes\n" + 
-		" * from jar files.\n" + 
-		" */\n" + 
-		"\n" + 
-		"\n" + 
-		"public class VerifyClassLoader extends ClassLoader {\n" + 
-		"	/** scanned class path */\n" + 
-		"	private String[] fPathItems;\n" + 
-		"	\n" + 
-		"	/** excluded paths */\n" + 
-		"	private String[] fExcluded= {};\n" + 
-		"\n" + 
-		"	/**\n" + 
-		"	 * Constructs a VerifyClassLoader. It scans the class path\n" + 
-		"	 * and the excluded package paths\n" + 
-		"	 */\n" + 
-		"	public VerifyClassLoader() {\n" + 
-		"		super();\n" + 
-		"		String classPath= System.getProperty(\"java.class.path\");\n" + 
-		"		String separator= System.getProperty(\"path.separator\");\n" + 
-		"		\n" + 
-		"		// first pass: count elements\n" + 
-		"		StringTokenizer st= new StringTokenizer(classPath, separator);\n" + 
-		"		int i= 0;\n" + 
-		"		while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {\n" + 
-		"			st.nextToken();\n" + 
-		"			i++;\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"		// second pass: split\n" + 
-		"		fPathItems= new String[i];\n" + 
-		"		st= new StringTokenizer(classPath, separator);\n" + 
-		"		i= 0;\n" + 
-		"		while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {\n" + 
-		"			fPathItems[i++]= st.nextToken();\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	public getResource(String name) {\n" + 
-		"		return ClassLoader.getSystemResource(name);\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String name) {\n" + 
-		"		return ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(name);\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	protected boolean isExcluded(String name) {\n" + 
-		"		// exclude the \"java\" packages.\n" + 
-		"		// They always need to be excluded so that they are loaded by the system class loader\n" + 
-		"		if (name.startsWith(\"java\"))\n" + 
-		"			return true;\n" + 
-		"			\n" + 
-		"		// exclude the user defined package paths\n" + 
-		"		for (int i= 0; i < fExcluded.length; i++) {\n" + 
-		"			if (name.startsWith(fExcluded[i])) {\n" + 
-		"				return true;\n" + 
-		"			}\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"		return false;	\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	public synchronized Class loadClass(String name, boolean resolve)\n" + 
-		"		throws ClassNotFoundException {\n" + 
-		"			\n" + 
-		"		Class c= findLoadedClass(name);\n" + 
-		"		if (c != null)\n" + 
-		"			return c;\n" + 
-		"		//\n" + 
-		"		// Delegate the loading of excluded classes to the\n" + 
-		"		// standard class loader.\n" + 
-		"		//\n" + 
-		"		if (isExcluded(name)) {\n" + 
-		"			try {\n" + 
-		"				c= findSystemClass(name);\n" + 
-		"				return c;\n" + 
-		"			} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {\n" + 
-		"				// keep searching\n" + 
-		"			}\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"		File file= locate(name);\n" + 
-		"		if (file == null)\n" + 
-		"			throw new ClassNotFoundException();\n" + 
-		"		byte data[]= loadClassData(file);\n" + 
-		"		c= defineClass(name, data, 0, data.length);\n" + 
-		"		if (resolve) \n" + 
-		"			resolveClass(c);\n" + 
-		"		return c;\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	private byte[] loadClassData(File f) throws ClassNotFoundException {\n" + 
-		"		try {\n" + 
-		"			//System.out.println(\"loading: \"+f.getPath());\n" + 
-		"			FileInputStream stream= new FileInputStream(f);\n" + 
-		"			\n" + 
-		"			try {\n" + 
-		"				byte[] b= new byte[stream.available()];\n" + 
-		";\n" + 
-		"				stream.close();\n" + 
-		"				return b;\n" + 
-		"			}\n" + 
-		"			catch (IOException e) {\n" + 
-		"				throw new ClassNotFoundException();\n" + 
-		"			}\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"		catch (FileNotFoundException e) {\n" + 
-		"			throw new ClassNotFoundException();\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"	/**\n" + 
-		"	 * Locate the given file.\n" + 
-		"	 * @return Returns null if file couldn\'t be found.\n" + 
-		"	 */\n" + 
-		"	private File locate(String fileName) { \n" + 
-		"		fileName= fileName.replace(\'.\', \'/\')+\".class\";\n" + 
-		"		File path= null;\n" + 
-		"		\n" + 
-		"		if (fileName != null) {\n" + 
-		"			for (int i= 0; i < fPathItems.length; i++) {\n" + 
-		"				path= new File(fPathItems[i], fileName);\n" + 
-		"				if (path.exists())\n" + 
-		"					return path;\n" + 
-		"			}\n" + 
-		"		}\n" + 
-		"		return null;\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"	\n" + 
-		"public void loadAndRun(String className) throws Throwable {\n" + 
-		"	//System.out.println(\"Loading \" + className + \"...\");\n" + 
-		"	Class testClass = new VerifyClassLoader().loadClass(className);\n" + 
-		"	//System.out.println(\"Loaded \" + className);\n" + 
-		"	try {\n" + 
-		"		Method main = testClass.getMethod(\"main\", new Class[] {String[].class});\n" + 
-		"		//System.out.println(\"Running \" + className);\n" + 
-		"		main.invoke(null, new Object[] {new String[] {}});\n" + 
-		"		//System.out.println(\"Finished running \" + className);\n" + 
-		"	} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {\n" + 
-		"		return;\n" + 
-		"	} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {\n" + 
-		"		throw e.getTargetException();\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {\n" + 
-		"	VerifyTests verify = new VerifyTests();\n" + 
-		"	verify.portNumber = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);\n" + 
-		";\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"public void run() throws IOException {\n" + 
-		"	ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(this.portNumber);\n" + 
-		"	this.socket = server.accept();\n" + 
-		"	this.socket.setTcpNoDelay(true);\n" + 
-		"	server.close();\n" + 
-		"\n" + 
-		"	DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(this.socket.getInputStream());\n" + 
-		"	final DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(this.socket.getOutputStream());\n" + 
-		"	while (true) {\n" + 
-		"		final String className = in.readUTF();\n" + 
-		"		Thread thread = new Thread() {\n" + 
-		"			public void run() {\n" + 
-		"				try {\n" + 
-		"					loadAndRun(className);\n" + 
-		"					out.writeBoolean(true);\n" + 
-		"					System.err.println(VerifyTests.class.getName());\n" + 
-		"					System.out.println(VerifyTests.class.getName());\n" + 
-		"				} catch (Throwable e) {\n" + 
-		"					e.printStackTrace();\n" + 
-		"					try {\n" + 
-		"						System.err.println(VerifyTests.class.getName());\n" + 
-		"						System.out.println(VerifyTests.class.getName());\n" + 
-		"						out.writeBoolean(false);\n" + 
-		"					} catch (IOException e1) {\n" + 
-		"						// ignore\n" + 
-		"					}\n" + 
-		"				}\n" + 
-		"			}\n" + 
-		"		};\n" + 
-		"		thread.start();\n" + 
-		"	}\n" + 
-		"}\n" + 
-		"}\n";
-private void launchAndRun(String className, String[] classpaths, String[] programArguments, String[] vmArguments) {
-	// we won't reuse the vm, shut the existing one if running
-	if (this.vm != null) {
-		try {
-			vm.shutDown();
-		} catch (TargetException e) {
-		}
-	}
-	this.classpathCache = null;
-	// launch a new one
-	LocalVMLauncher launcher = LocalVMLauncher.getLauncher();
-	launcher.setClassPath(classpaths);
-	launcher.setVMPath(Util.getJREDirectory());
-	if (vmArguments != null) {
-		String[] completeVmArguments = new String[vmArguments.length + 1];
-		System.arraycopy(vmArguments, 0, completeVmArguments, 1, vmArguments.length);
-		completeVmArguments[0] = "-verify";
-		launcher.setVMArguments(completeVmArguments);
-	} else {
-		launcher.setVMArguments(new String[] {"-verify"});
-	}
-	launcher.setProgramClass(className);
-	launcher.setProgramArguments(programArguments);
-	Thread outputThread;
-	Thread errorThread;
-	try {
-		this.vm = launcher.launch();
-		final InputStream input = this.vm.getInputStream();
-		outputThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
-			public void run() {
-				try {
-					int c =;
-					while (c != -1) {
-						outputBuffer.append((char) c);
-						c =;
-					}
-				} catch(IOException ioEx) {
-				}
-			}
-		});
-		final InputStream errorStream = this.vm.getErrorStream();
-		errorThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
-			public void run() {
-				try {
-					int c =;
-					while (c != -1) {
-						errorBuffer.append((char) c);
-						c =;
-					}
-				} catch(IOException ioEx) {
-				}
-			}
-		});
-		outputThread.start();
-		errorThread.start();
-	} catch(TargetException e) {
-		throw new Error(e.getMessage());
-	}
-	// wait for vm to shut down by itself
-	try {
-		outputThread.join(5000);
-		errorThread.join(5000);
-	} catch (InterruptedException e) {
-	}
-private void launchVerifyTestsIfNeeded(String[] classpaths, String[] vmArguments) {
-	// determine if we can reuse the vm
-	if (this.vm != null && this.vm.isRunning() && this.classpathCache != null) {
-		if (classpaths.length == classpathCache.length) {
-			boolean sameClasspaths = true;
-			for (int i = 0; i < classpaths.length; i++) {
-				if (!this.classpathCache[i].equals(classpaths[i])) {
-					sameClasspaths = false;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			if (sameClasspaths) {
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// we could not reuse the vm, shut the existing one if running
-	if (this.vm != null) {
-		try {
-			vm.shutDown();
-		} catch (TargetException e) {
-		}
-	}
-	this.classpathCache = classpaths;
-	// launch a new one
-	LocalVMLauncher launcher = LocalVMLauncher.getLauncher();
-	int length = classpaths.length;
-	String[] cp = new String[length + 1];
-	System.arraycopy(classpaths, 0, cp, 0, length);
-	String verifierDir = Util.getOutputDirectory() + File.separator + "verifier";
-	this.compileVerifyTests(verifierDir);
-	cp[length] = verifierDir;
-	launcher.setClassPath(cp);
-	launcher.setVMPath(Util.getJREDirectory());
-	if (vmArguments != null) {
-		String[] completeVmArguments = new String[vmArguments.length + 1];
-		System.arraycopy(vmArguments, 0, completeVmArguments, 1, vmArguments.length);
-		completeVmArguments[0] = "-verify";
-		launcher.setVMArguments(completeVmArguments);
-	} else {
-		launcher.setVMArguments(new String[] {"-verify"});
-	}
-	launcher.setProgramClass(VerifyTests.class.getName());
-	int portNumber = Util.getFreePort();
-	launcher.setProgramArguments(new String[] {Integer.toString(portNumber)});
-	try {
-		this.vm = launcher.launch();
-		final InputStream input = this.vm.getInputStream();
-		Thread outputThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
-			public void run() {
-				try {
-					int c =;
-					while (c != -1) {
-						outputBuffer.append((char) c);
-						c =;
-					}
-				} catch(IOException ioEx) {
-				}
-			}
-		});
-		final InputStream errorStream = this.vm.getErrorStream();
-		Thread errorThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
-			public void run() {
-				try {
-					int c =;
-					while (c != -1) {
-						errorBuffer.append((char) c);
-						c =;
-					}
-				} catch(IOException ioEx) {
-				}
-			}
-		});
-		outputThread.start();
-		errorThread.start();
-	} catch(TargetException e) {
-		throw new Error(e.getMessage());
-	}
-	// connect to the vm
-	this.socket = null;
-	boolean isVMRunning = false;
-	do {
-		try {
-			this.socket = new Socket("localhost", portNumber);
-			this.socket.setTcpNoDelay(true);
-			break;
-		} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-		}
-		if (this.socket == null) {
-			try {
-				Thread.sleep(100);
-			} catch (InterruptedException e) {
-			}
-			isVMRunning = vm.isRunning();
-		}
-	} while (this.socket == null && isVMRunning);
- * Loads and runs the given class.
- * Return whether no exception was thrown while running the class.
- */
-private boolean loadAndRun(String className) {
-	if (this.socket != null) {
-		try {
-			DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(this.socket.getOutputStream());
-			out.writeUTF(className);
-			DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(this.socket.getInputStream());
-			try {
-				boolean result = in.readBoolean();
-				this.waitForFullBuffers();
-				return result;
-			} catch (SocketException e) {
-				// connection was reset because target program has exited
-				return true;
-			}
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			e.printStackTrace();
-		}
-	}
-	return true;
-public void shutDown() {
-	// Close the socket first so that the OS resource has a chance to be freed.
-	if (this.socket != null) {
-		try {
-			this.socket.close();
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			e.printStackTrace();
-		}
-	}
-	// Wait for the vm to shut down by itself for 2 seconds. If not succesfull, force the shut down.
-	if (this.vm != null) {
-		try {
-			int retry = 0;
-			while (this.vm.isRunning() && (++retry < 20)) {
-				try {
-					Thread.sleep(100);
-				} catch (InterruptedException e) {
-				}
-			}
-			if (this.vm.isRunning()) {
-				this.vm.shutDown();
-			}
-		} catch (TargetException e) {
-			e.printStackTrace();
-		}
-	}
- * Verify that the class files created for the given test file can be loaded by
- * a virtual machine.
- */
-public boolean verifyClassFiles(String sourceFilePath, String className, String expectedSuccessOutputString, String[] classpaths) {
-	return verifyClassFiles(sourceFilePath, className, expectedSuccessOutputString, classpaths, null, null);
- * Verify that the class files created for the given test file can be loaded by
- * a virtual machine.
- */
-public boolean verifyClassFiles(String sourceFilePath, String className, String expectedSuccessOutputString, String[] classpaths, String[] programArguments, String[] vmArguments) {
-	this.outputBuffer = new StringBuffer();
-	this.errorBuffer = new StringBuffer();
-	if (this.reuseVM && programArguments == null) {
-		this.launchVerifyTestsIfNeeded(classpaths, vmArguments);
-		this.loadAndRun(className);
-	} else {
-		this.launchAndRun(className, classpaths, programArguments, vmArguments);
-	}
-	this.failureReason = null;
-	return this.checkBuffers(this.errorBuffer.toString(), this.outputBuffer.toString(), sourceFilePath, expectedSuccessOutputString);
- * Verify that the class files created for the given test file can be loaded and run with an expected error contained
- * in the expectedSuccessOutputString string.
- */
-public boolean verifyClassFilesThrowingError(String sourceFilePath, String className, String expectedSuccessOutputString, String[] classpaths, String[] programArguments, String[] vmArguments) {
-	this.outputBuffer = new StringBuffer();
-	this.errorBuffer = new StringBuffer();
-	if (this.reuseVM && programArguments == null) {
-		this.launchVerifyTestsIfNeeded(classpaths, vmArguments);
-		this.loadAndRun(className);
-	} else {
-		this.launchAndRun(className, classpaths, programArguments, vmArguments);
-	}
-	this.failureReason = null;
-	return this.checkBuffersThrowingError(this.errorBuffer.toString(), sourceFilePath, expectedSuccessOutputString);
- * Wait until there is nothing more to read from the stdout or sterr.
- */
-private void waitForFullBuffers() {
-	String endString = VerifyTests.class.getName();
-	int count = 50;
-	int errorEndStringStart = this.errorBuffer.toString().indexOf(endString);
-	int outputEndStringStart = this.outputBuffer.toString().indexOf(endString);
-	while (errorEndStringStart == -1 || outputEndStringStart == -1) {
-		try {
-			Thread.sleep(100);
-		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
-		}
-		if (--count == 0) return;
-		errorEndStringStart = this.errorBuffer.toString().indexOf(endString);
-		outputEndStringStart = this.outputBuffer.toString().indexOf(endString);
-	}
-	this.errorBuffer.setLength(errorEndStringStart);
-	this.outputBuffer.setLength(outputEndStringStart);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/util/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index f5a8c69..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1299 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.IProblem;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.libraries.SystemLibraryLocation;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression.Requestor;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.Compiler;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.IErrorHandlingPolicy;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.IProblemFactory;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.batch.CompilationUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.batch.FileSystem;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.env.INameEnvironment;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.DefaultProblem;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.DefaultProblemFactory;
-public class Util {
-	private static String TARGET_PLUGIN="org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core";
-	// Trace for delete operation
-	/*
-	 * Maximum time wasted repeating delete operations while running JDT/Core tests.
-	 */
-	private static int DELETE_MAX_TIME = 0;
-	/**
-	 * Trace deletion operations while running JDT/Core tests.
-	 */
-	public static boolean DELETE_DEBUG = false;
-	/**
-	 * Maximum of time in ms to wait in deletion operation while running JDT/Core tests.
-	 * Default is 10 seconds. This number cannot exceed 1 minute (ie. 60000).
-	 * <br>
-	 * To avoid too many loops while waiting, the ten first ones are done waiting
-	 * 10ms before repeating, the ten loops after are done waiting 100ms and
-	 * the other loops are done waiting 1s...
-	 */
-	public static int DELETE_MAX_WAIT = 10000;
-	private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
-	/**
-	 * Initially, output directory was located in System.getProperty("user.home")+"\comptest".
-	 * To allow user to run several compiler tests at the same time, main output directory
-	 * is now located in a sub-directory of "comptest" which name is "run."+<code>System.currentMilliseconds</code>.
-	 * 
-	 */
-	private final static String OUTPUT_DIRECTORY;
-	/**
-	 * Let user specify the delay in hours before output directories are removed from file system
-	 * while starting a new test run. Default value is 2 hours.
-	 * <p>
-	 * Note that this value may be a float and so have time less than one hour.
-	 * If value is 0 or negative, then all previous run directories will be removed...
-	 * 
-	 */
-	private final static String DELAY_BEFORE_CLEAN_PREVIOUS = System.getProperty("delay");
-	/*
-	 * Static initializer to clean directories created while running previous test suites.
-	 */
-	static {
-		// Get delay for cleaning sub-directories
-		long millisecondsPerHour = 1000L * 3600L;
-		long delay = millisecondsPerHour * 2; // default is to keep previous run directories for 2 hours
-		try {
-				float hours = Float.parseFloat(DELAY_BEFORE_CLEAN_PREVIOUS);
-				delay = (int) (millisecondsPerHour * hours);
-			}
-		}
-		catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
-			// use default
-		}
-		// Get output directory root from system properties
-		String container = System.getProperty("jdt.test.output_directory");
-		if (container == null){
-			container = System.getProperty("user.home");
-		}
-		if (container == null) {
-			container = ".";	// use current directory
-		}
-		// Get file for root directory
-		if (Character.isLowerCase(container.charAt(0)) && container.charAt(1) == ':') {
-			container = Character.toUpperCase(container.charAt(0)) + container.substring(1);
-		}
-		File dir = new File(new File(container), "comptest");
-		// If root directory already exists, clean it
-		if (dir.exists()) {
-			long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
-			if ((now - dir.lastModified()) > delay) {
-				// remove all directory content
-				flushDirectoryContent(dir);
-			} else {
-				// remove only old sub-dirs
-				File[] testDirs = dir.listFiles();
-				for (int i=0,l=testDirs.length; i<l; i++) {
-					if (testDirs[i].isDirectory()) {
-						if ((now - testDirs[i].lastModified()) > delay) {
-							delete(testDirs[i]);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Computed test run directory name based on current time
-		File dateDir = new File(dir, "run."+System.currentTimeMillis());
-		OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = dateDir.getPath();
-	}
-public static void appendProblem(StringBuffer problems, IProblem problem, char[] source, int problemCount) {
-	problems.append(problemCount + (problem.isError() ? ". ERROR" : ". WARNING"));
-	problems.append(" in " + new String(problem.getOriginatingFileName()));
-	if (source != null) {
-		problems.append(((DefaultProblem)problem).errorReportSource(source));
-	}
-	problems.append("\n");
-	problems.append(problem.getMessage());
-	problems.append("\n");
-public static CompilationUnit[] compilationUnits(String[] testFiles) {
-	int length = testFiles.length / 2;
-	CompilationUnit[] result = new CompilationUnit[length];
-	int index = 0;
-	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-		String fileName = testFiles[index];
-		result[i] = new CompilationUnit(testFiles[index + 1].toCharArray(), fileName, null);
-		char [] fileNameChars=fileName.toCharArray();
-		int lastIndexOf = CharOperation.lastIndexOf('/', fileNameChars);
-		if (lastIndexOf>=0)
-		{
-			char[] subarray = CharOperation.subarray(fileNameChars, 0, lastIndexOf);
-			result[i].packageName=CharOperation.splitOn('/', subarray);
-		}
-		index += 2;
-	}
-	return result;
-public static void compile(String[] pathsAndContents, Map options, String outputPath) {
-		IProblemFactory problemFactory = new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault());
-		Requestor requestor = 
-			new Requestor(
-				problemFactory, 
-				outputPath.endsWith(File.separator) ? outputPath : outputPath + File.separator, 
-				false,
-				null/*no custom requestor*/,
-				false, /* show category */
-				false /* show warning token*/);
-		INameEnvironment nameEnvironment = new FileSystem(getJavaClassLibs(), new String[] {}, null);
-		IErrorHandlingPolicy errorHandlingPolicy = 
-			new IErrorHandlingPolicy() {
-				public boolean proceedOnErrors() {
-					return true;
-				}
-				public boolean stopOnFirstError() {
-					return false;
-				}
-			};
-		CompilerOptions compilerOptions = new CompilerOptions(options);
-		compilerOptions.performMethodsFullRecovery = false;
-		compilerOptions.performStatementsRecovery = false;
-		Compiler batchCompiler = 
-			new Compiler(
-				nameEnvironment, 
-				errorHandlingPolicy, 
-				compilerOptions,
-				requestor, 
-				problemFactory);
-		batchCompiler.options.produceReferenceInfo = true;
-		batchCompiler.compile(compilationUnits(pathsAndContents)); // compile all files together
-		System.err.print(requestor.problemLog); // problem log empty if no problems
-public static String[] concatWithClassLibs(String[] classpaths, boolean inFront) {
-	String[] classLibs = getJavaClassLibs();
-	if (classpaths == null) return classLibs;
-	final int classLibsLength = classLibs.length;
-	final int classpathsLength = classpaths.length;
-	String[] defaultClassPaths = new String[classLibsLength + classpathsLength];
-	if (inFront) {
-		System.arraycopy(classLibs, 0, defaultClassPaths, classpathsLength, classLibsLength);
-		System.arraycopy(classpaths, 0, defaultClassPaths, 0, classpathsLength);
-	} else {
-		System.arraycopy(classLibs, 0, defaultClassPaths, 0, classLibsLength);
-		System.arraycopy(classpaths, 0, defaultClassPaths, classLibsLength, classpathsLength);
-	}
-	for (int i = 0; i < classpathsLength; i++) {
-		File file = new File(classpaths[i]);
-		if (!file.exists()) {
-			file.mkdirs();
-		} 
-	}
-	return defaultClassPaths;
-public static String[] concatWithClassLibs(String classpath, boolean inFront) {
-	String[] classLibs = getJavaClassLibs();
-	final int length = classLibs.length;
-	File dir = new File(classpath);
-	if (!dir.exists())
-		dir.mkdirs();
-	String[] defaultClassPaths = new String[length + 1];
-	if (inFront) {
-		System.arraycopy(classLibs, 0, defaultClassPaths, 1, length);
-		defaultClassPaths[0] = classpath;
-	} else {
-		System.arraycopy(classLibs, 0, defaultClassPaths, 0, length);
-		defaultClassPaths[length] = classpath;
-	} 
-	return defaultClassPaths;
-public static String convertToIndependantLineDelimiter(String source) {
-	if (source.indexOf('\n') == -1 && source.indexOf('\r') == -1) return source;
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	for (int i = 0, length = source.length(); i < length; i++) {
-		char car = source.charAt(i);
-		if (car == '\r') {
-			buffer.append('\n');
-			if (i < length-1 && source.charAt(i+1) == '\n') {
-				i++; // skip \n after \r
-			}
-		} else {
-			buffer.append(car);
-		}
-	}
-	return buffer.toString();
- * Copy the given source (a file or a directory that must exists) to the given destination (a directory that must exists).
- */
-public static void copy(String sourcePath, String destPath) {
-	sourcePath = toNativePath(sourcePath);
-	destPath = toNativePath(destPath);
-	File source = new File(sourcePath);
-	if (!source.exists()) return;
-	File dest = new File(destPath);
-	if (!dest.exists()) return;
-	if (source.isDirectory()) {
-		String[] files = source.list();
-		if (files != null) {
-			for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
-				String file = files[i];
-				File sourceFile = new File(source, file);
-				if (sourceFile.isDirectory()) {
-					File destSubDir = new File(dest, file);
-					destSubDir.mkdir();
-					copy(sourceFile.getPath(), destSubDir.getPath());
-				} else {
-					copy(sourceFile.getPath(), dest.getPath());
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		FileInputStream in = null;
-		FileOutputStream out = null;
-		try {
-			in = new FileInputStream(source);
-			File destFile = new File(dest, source.getName());
-			if (destFile.exists()) {
-				if (!Util.delete(destFile)) {
-					throw new IOException(destFile + " is in use");
-				}
-			}
-		 	out = new FileOutputStream(destFile);
-			int bufferLength = 1024;
-			byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferLength];
-			int read = 0;
-			while (read != -1) {
-				read =, 0, bufferLength);
-				if (read != -1) {
-					out.write(buffer, 0, read);
-				}
-			}
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			throw new Error(e.toString());
-		} finally {
-			if (in != null) {
-				try {
-					in.close();
-				} catch (IOException e) {
-				}
-			}
-			if (out != null) {
-				try {
-					out.close();
-				} catch (IOException e) {
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-public static void createFile(String path, String contents) throws IOException {
-	FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(path);
-	try {
-		output.write(contents.getBytes());
-	} finally {
-		output.close();
-	}
-public static void createJar(String[] pathsAndContents, Map options, String jarPath) throws IOException {
-	String classesPath = getOutputDirectory() + File.separator + "classes";
-	File classesDir = new File(classesPath);
-	flushDirectoryContent(classesDir);
-	compile(pathsAndContents, options, classesPath);
-	zip(classesDir, jarPath);
-public static void createJar(String[] pathsAndContents, String jarPath, String compliance) throws IOException {
-	Map options = new HashMap();
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance, compliance);
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, compliance);
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_TargetPlatform, compliance);
-	// Ignore options with new defaults (since bug
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnusedLocal, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnusedPrivateMember, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportFieldHiding, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportLocalVariableHiding, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportTypeParameterHiding, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_LocalVariableAttribute, CompilerOptions.GENERATE);
-	options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportRawTypeReference, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
-	createJar(pathsAndContents, options, jarPath);
-public static void createSourceZip(String[] pathsAndContents, String zipPath) throws IOException {
-	String sourcesPath = getOutputDirectory() + File.separator + "sources";
-	File sourcesDir = new File(sourcesPath);
-	flushDirectoryContent(sourcesDir);
-	for (int i = 0, length = pathsAndContents.length; i < length; i+=2) {
-		String sourcePath = sourcesPath + File.separator + pathsAndContents[i];
-		File sourceFile = new File(sourcePath);
-		sourceFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
-		createFile(sourcePath, pathsAndContents[i+1]);
-	}
-	zip(sourcesDir, zipPath);
- * Delete a file or directory and insure that the file is no longer present
- * on file system. In case of directory, delete all the hierarchy underneath.
- * 
- * @param file The file or directory to delete
- * @return true iff the file was really delete, false otherwise
- */
-public static boolean delete(File file) {
-	// flush all directory content
-	if (file.isDirectory()) {
-		flushDirectoryContent(file);
-	}
-	// remove file
-	file.delete();
-	if (isFileDeleted(file)) {
-		return true;
-	}
-	return waitUntilFileDeleted(file);
- * Delete a file or directory and insure that the file is no longer present
- * on file system. In case of directory, delete all the hierarchy underneath.
- * 
- * @param resource The resource to delete
- * @return true iff the file was really delete, false otherwise
- */
-public static boolean delete(IResource resource) {
-	try {
-		resource.delete(true, null);
-		if (isResourceDeleted(resource)) {
-			return true;
-		}
-	}
-	catch (CoreException e) {
-		//	skip
-	}
-	return waitUntilResourceDeleted(resource);
- * Delete a file or directory and insure that the file is no longer present
- * on file system. In case of directory, delete all the hierarchy underneath.
- * 
- * @param path The path of the file or directory to delete
- * @return true iff the file was really delete, false otherwise
- */
-public static boolean delete(String path) {
-	return delete(new File(path));
- * Generate a display string from the given String.
- * @param inputString the given input string
- *
- * Example of use: [org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util.displayString("abc\ndef\tghi")]
-public static String displayString(String inputString){
-	return displayString(inputString, 0);
- * Generate a display string from the given String.
- * It converts:
- * <ul>
- * <li>\t to \t</li>
- * <li>\r to \\r</li>
- * <li>\n to \n</li>
- * <li>\b to \\b</li>
- * <li>\f to \\f</li>
- * <li>\" to \\\"</li>
- * <li>\' to \\'</li>
- * <li>\\ to \\\\</li>
- * <li>All other characters are unchanged.</li>
- * </ul>
- * This method doesn't convert \r\n to \n. 
- * <p>
- * Example of use:
- * <o>
- * <li>
- * <pre>
- * input string = "abc\ndef\tghi",
- * indent = 3
- * result = "\"\t\t\tabc\\n" +
- * 			"\t\t\tdef\tghi\""
- * </pre>
- * </li>
- * <li>
- * <pre>
- * input string = "abc\ndef\tghi\n",
- * indent = 3
- * result = "\"\t\t\tabc\\n" +
- * 			"\t\t\tdef\tghi\\n\""
- * </pre>
- * </li>
- * <li>
- * <pre>
- * input string = "abc\r\ndef\tghi\r\n",
- * indent = 3
- * result = "\"\t\t\tabc\\r\\n" +
- * 			"\t\t\tdef\tghi\\r\\n\""
- * </pre>
- * </li>
- * </ol>
- * </p>
- * 
- * @param inputString the given input string
- * @param indent number of tabs are added at the begining of each line.
- *
- * @return the displayed string
-public static String displayString(String inputString, int indent) {
-	return displayString(inputString, indent, false);
-public static String displayString(String inputString, int indent, boolean shift) {
-	if (inputString == null)
-		return "null";
-	int length = inputString.length();
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(length);
-	java.util.StringTokenizer tokenizer = new java.util.StringTokenizer(inputString, "\n\r", true);
-	for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) buffer.append("\t");
-	if (shift) indent++;
-	buffer.append("\"");
-	while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()){
-		String token = tokenizer.nextToken();
-		if (token.equals("\r")) {
-			buffer.append("\\r");
-			if (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
-				token = tokenizer.nextToken();
-				if (token.equals("\n")) {
-					buffer.append("\\n");
-					if (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
-						buffer.append("\" + \n");
-						for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) buffer.append("\t");
-						buffer.append("\"");
-					}
-					continue;
-				}
-				buffer.append("\" + \n");
-				for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) buffer.append("\t");
-				buffer.append("\"");
-			} else {
-				continue;
-			}
-		} else if (token.equals("\n")) {
-			buffer.append("\\n");
-			if (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
-				buffer.append("\" + \n");
-				for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) buffer.append("\t");
-				buffer.append("\"");
-			}
-			continue;
-		}	
-		StringBuffer tokenBuffer = new StringBuffer();
-		for (int i = 0; i < token.length(); i++){ 
-			char c = token.charAt(i);
-			switch (c) {
-				case '\r' :
-					tokenBuffer.append("\\r");
-					break;
-				case '\n' :
-					tokenBuffer.append("\\n");
-					break;
-				case '\b' :
-					tokenBuffer.append("\\b");
-					break;
-				case '\t' :
-					tokenBuffer.append("\t");
-					break;
-				case '\f' :
-					tokenBuffer.append("\\f");
-					break;
-				case '\"' :
-					tokenBuffer.append("\\\"");
-					break;
-				case '\'' :
-					tokenBuffer.append("\\'");
-					break;
-				case '\\' :
-					tokenBuffer.append("\\\\");
-					break;
-				default :
-					tokenBuffer.append(c);
-			}
-		}
-		buffer.append(tokenBuffer.toString());
-	}
-	buffer.append("\"");
-	return buffer.toString();
- * Reads the content of the given source file.
- * Returns null if enable to read given source file.
- *
- * Example of use: [org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util.fileContent("c:/temp/")]
-public static String fileContent(String sourceFilePath) {
-	File sourceFile = new File(sourceFilePath);
-	if (!sourceFile.exists()) {
-		if (DEBUG) System.out.println("File " + sourceFilePath + " does not exists.");
-		return null;
-	}
-	if (!sourceFile.isFile()) {
-		if (DEBUG) System.out.println(sourceFilePath + " is not a file.");
-		return null;
-	}
-	StringBuffer sourceContentBuffer = new StringBuffer();
-	FileInputStream input = null;
-	try {
-		input = new FileInputStream(sourceFile);
-	} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
-		return null;
-	}
-	try { 
-		int read;
-		do {
-			read =;
-			if (read != -1) {
-				sourceContentBuffer.append((char)read);
-			}
-		} while (read != -1);
-		input.close();
-	} catch (IOException e) {
-		e.printStackTrace();
-		return null;
-	} finally {
-		try {
-			input.close();
-		} catch (IOException e2) {
-		}
-	}
-	return sourceContentBuffer.toString();
- * Reads the content of the given source file and converts it to a display string.
- *
- * Example of use: [org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util.fileContentToDisplayString("c:/temp/", 0)]
-public static String fileContentToDisplayString(String sourceFilePath, int indent, boolean independantLineDelimiter) {
-	String sourceString = fileContent(sourceFilePath);
-	if (independantLineDelimiter) {
-		sourceString = convertToIndependantLineDelimiter(sourceString);
-	}
-	return displayString(sourceString, indent);
- * Reads the content of the given source file, converts it to a display string.
- * If the destination file path is not null, writes the result to this file.
- * Otherwise writes it to the console.
- *
- * Example of use: [org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util.fileContentToDisplayString("c:/temp/", 0, null)]
-public static void fileContentToDisplayString(String sourceFilePath, int indent, String destinationFilePath, boolean independantLineDelimiter) {
-	String displayString = fileContentToDisplayString(sourceFilePath, indent, independantLineDelimiter);
-	if (destinationFilePath == null) {
-		System.out.println(displayString);
-		return;
-	}
-	writeToFile(displayString, destinationFilePath);
- * Flush content of a given directory (leaving it empty),
- * no-op if not a directory.
- */
-public static void flushDirectoryContent(File dir) {
-	File[] files = dir.listFiles();
-	if (files == null) return;
-	for (int i = 0, max = files.length; i < max; i++) {
-		delete(files[i]);
-	}
- * Returns the next available port number on the local host.
- */
-public static int getFreePort() {
-	ServerSocket socket = null;
-	try {
-		socket = new ServerSocket(0);
-		return socket.getLocalPort();
-	} catch (IOException e) {
-		// ignore
-	} finally {
-		if (socket != null) {
-			try {
-				socket.close();
-			} catch (IOException e) {
-				// ignore
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return -1;
- * Search the user hard-drive for a Java class library.
- * Returns null if none could be found.
- *
- * Example of use: [org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util.getJavaClassLib()]
-public static String[] getJavaClassLibs() {
-	IPath targetRoot =  (new Path(System.getProperty("user.dir"))).removeLastSegments(1);
-	IPath pluginDir = targetRoot.append(new Path(TARGET_PLUGIN));
-	IPath libDir = pluginDir.append(new Path(new String(SystemLibraryLocation.LIBRARY_PLUGIN_DIRECTORY)));
-	IPath fullDir = libDir.append(new Path(new String(SystemLibraryLocation.SYSTEM_LIBARAY_NAME)));
-	File libFile=new File(fullDir.toOSString());
-	if (!libFile.exists())
-	{
-	targetRoot =  new Path(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY);
-	libDir = targetRoot.append(new Path(new String(SystemLibraryLocation.LIBRARY_PLUGIN_DIRECTORY)));
-	 libFile=new File(libDir.toOSString());
-	libFile.mkdirs();
-	 fullDir = libDir.append(new Path(new String(SystemLibraryLocation.SYSTEM_LIBARAY_NAME)));
-	Class clazz=SystemLibraryLocation.class;
-	String inputName=/*"../../../../../../../"+*/
-	new String(SystemLibraryLocation.LIBRARY_PLUGIN_DIRECTORY)+"/"+new String(SystemLibraryLocation.SYSTEM_LIBARAY_NAME);
-	URL resource = clazz.getClassLoader().getResource(inputName);
-	InputStream inputStream=clazz.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(inputName);
-	try {
-		copyFile(inputStream, new File(fullDir.toOSString()));
-	} catch (IOException e) {
-		// TODO Auto-generated catch block
-		e.printStackTrace();
-	}
-	}
-	return new String[]
-	                  {
-			fullDir.toOSString()
-	                  };
-//	String jreDir = getJREDirectory();
-//	final String osName = System.getProperty("");
-//	if (jreDir == null)  {
-//		return new String[] {};
-//	}
-//	if (osName.startsWith("Mac")) {
-//		return new String[] { toNativePath(jreDir + "/../Classes/classes.jar")};
-//	}
-//	final String vmName = System.getProperty("");
-//	if ("J9".equals(vmName)) {
-//		return new String[] { toNativePath(jreDir + "/lib/jclMax/")};
-//	}
-//	File file = new File(jreDir + "/lib/rt.jar");
-//	if (file.exists()) {
-//		return new String[] {
-//			toNativePath(jreDir + "/lib/rt.jar")
-//		};				
-//	}
-//	return new String[] { 
-//		toNativePath(jreDir + "/lib/core.jar"),
-//		toNativePath(jreDir + "/lib/security.jar"),
-//		toNativePath(jreDir + "/lib/graphics.jar")
-//	};
-public static void copyFile(InputStream src, File dst) throws IOException {
-	InputStream in=null;
-	OutputStream out=null;
-	try {
-		in = new BufferedInputStream(src);
-		out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(dst));
-		byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
-		int len;
-		while (( != -1) {
-			out.write(buffer, 0, len);
-		}
-	} finally {
-		if (in != null)
-			try {
-				in.close();
-			} catch (IOException e) {
-			}
-		if (out != null)
-			try {
-				out.close();
-			} catch (IOException e) {
-			}
-	}
-public static String copyToOutput(String fileName, String contents) {
-	Path targetRoot =  new Path(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY);
-	Path filePath=new Path(fileName);
-	IPath libDir = targetRoot.append(filePath.removeLastSegments(1));
-	String fullFileName=libDir.toOSString();
-	 File libFile=new File(fullFileName);
-	libFile.mkdirs();
-	 IPath fullDir = libDir.append(filePath.lastSegment());
-	InputStream inputStream=new StringBufferInputStream(contents);
-	try {
-		copyFile(inputStream, new File(fullDir.toOSString()));
-	} catch (IOException e) {
-		e.printStackTrace();
-	}
-	return 
-			fullDir.toOSString();
-public static String getJavaClassLibsAsString() {
-	String[] classLibs = getJavaClassLibs();
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-	for (int i = 0, max = classLibs.length; i < max; i++) {
-		buffer
-			.append(classLibs[i])
-			.append(File.pathSeparatorChar);
-	}
-	return buffer.toString();
- * Returns the JRE directory this tests are running on.
- * Returns null if none could be found.
- * 
- * Example of use: [org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util.getJREDirectory()]
- */
-public static String getJREDirectory() {
-	return System.getProperty("java.home");
- * Search the user hard-drive for a possible output directory.
- * Returns null if none could be found.
- * 
- * Example of use: [org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util.Util.getOutputDirectory()]
- */
-public static String getOutputDirectory() {
- * Returns the parent's child file matching the given file or null if not found.
- * 
- * @param file The searched file in parent
- * @return The parent's child matching the given file or null if not found.
- */
-private static File getParentChildFile(File file) {
-	File parent = file.getParentFile();
-	if (parent == null || !parent.exists()) return null;
-	File[] files = parent.listFiles();
-	int length = files==null ? 0 : files.length;
-	if (length > 0) {
-		for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
-			if (files[i] == file) {
-				return files[i];
-			} else if (files[i].equals(file)) {
-				return files[i];
-			} else if (files[i].getPath().equals(file.getPath())) {
-				return files[i];
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return null;
- * Returns parent's child resource matching the given resource or null if not found.
- * 
- * @param resource The searched file in parent
- * @return The parent's child matching the given file or null if not found.
- */
-private static IResource getParentChildResource(IResource resource) {
-	IContainer parent = resource.getParent();
-	if (parent == null || !parent.exists()) return null;
-	try {
-		IResource[] members = parent.members();
-		int length = members ==null ? 0 : members.length;
-		if (length > 0) {
-			for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
-				if (members[i] == resource) {
-					return members[i];
-				} else if (members[i].equals(resource)) {
-					return members[i];
-				} else if (members[i].getFullPath().equals(resource.getFullPath())) {
-					return members[i];
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	catch (CoreException ce) {
-		// skip
-	}
-	return null;
- * Returns the test name from stack elements info.
- * 
- * @return The name of the test currently running
- */
-private static String getTestName() {
-	StackTraceElement[] elements = new Exception().getStackTrace();
-	int idx = 0, length=elements.length;
-	while (idx<length && !elements[idx++].getClassName().startsWith("org.eclipse.wst.jsdt")) {
-		// loop until JDT/Core class appears in the stack
-	}
-	if (idx<length) {
-		StackTraceElement testElement = null;
-		while (idx<length && elements[idx].getClassName().startsWith("org.eclipse.wst.jsdt")) {
-			testElement = elements[idx++];
-		}
-		if (testElement != null) {
-			return testElement.getClassName() + " - " + testElement.getMethodName();
-		}
-	}
-	return "?";
-public static String indentString(String inputString, int indent) {
-	if (inputString == null)
-		return "";
-	int length = inputString.length();
-	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(length);
-	java.util.StringTokenizer tokenizer = new java.util.StringTokenizer(inputString, "\n\r", true);
-	StringBuffer indentStr = new StringBuffer(indent);
-	for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) indentStr.append("\t");
-	buffer.append(indentStr);
-	while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()){
-		String token = tokenizer.nextToken();
-		buffer.append(token);
-		if (token.equals("\r") || token.equals("\n")) {
-			buffer.append(indentStr);
-		}
-	}
-	return buffer.toString();
- * Returns whether a file is really deleted or not.
- * Does not only rely on {@link File#exists()} method but also
- * look if it's not in its parent children {@link #getParentChildFile(File)}.
- * 
- * @param file The file to test if deleted
- * @return true if the file does not exist and was not found in its parent children.
- */
-public static boolean isFileDeleted(File file) {
-	return !file.exists() && getParentChildFile(file) == null;
-public static boolean isMacOS() {
-	return System.getProperty("").indexOf("Mac") != -1;
- * Returns whether a resource is really deleted or not.
- * Does not only rely on {@link IResource#isAccessible()} method but also
- * look if it's not in its parent children {@link #getParentChildResource(IResource)}.
- * 
- * @param resource The resource to test if deleted
- * @return true if the resource is not accessible and was not found in its parent children.
- */
-public static boolean isResourceDeleted(IResource resource) {
-	return !resource.isAccessible() && getParentChildResource(resource) == null;
- * Print given file information with specified indentation.
- * These information are:<ul>
- * 	<li>read {@link File#canRead()}</li>
- * 	<li>write {@link File#canWrite()}</li>
- * 	<li>exists {@link File#exists()}</li>
- * 	<li>is file {@link File#isFile()}</li>
- * 	<li>is directory {@link File#isDirectory()}</li>
- * 	<li>is hidden {@link File#isHidden()}</li>
- * </ul>
- * May recurse several level in parents hierarchy.
- * May also display children, but then will not recusre in parent
- * hierarchy to avoid infinite loop...
- * 
- * @param file The file to display information
- * @param indent Number of tab to print before the information
- * @param recurse Display also information on <code>recurse</code>th parents in hierarchy.
- * 	If negative then display children information instead.
- */
-private static void printFileInfo(File file, int indent, int recurse) {
-	String tab = "";
-	for (int i=0; i<indent; i++) tab+="\t";
-	System.out.print(tab+"- "+file.getName()+" file info: ");
-	String sep = "";
-	if (file.canRead()) {
-		System.out.print("read");
-		sep = ", ";
-	}
-	if (file.canWrite()) {
-		System.out.print(sep+"write");
-		sep = ", ";
-	}
-	if (file.exists()) {
-		System.out.print(sep+"exist");
-		sep = ", ";
-	}
-	if (file.isDirectory()) {
-		System.out.print(sep+"dir");
-		sep = ", ";
-	}
-	if (file.isFile()) {
-		System.out.print(sep+"file");
-		sep = ", ";
-	}
-	if (file.isHidden()) {
-		System.out.print(sep+"hidden");
-		sep = ", ";
-	}
-	System.out.println();
-	File[] files = file.listFiles();
-	int length = files==null ? 0 : files.length;
-	if (length > 0) {
-		boolean children = recurse < 0;
-		System.out.print(tab+"	+ children: ");
-		if (children) System.out.println();
-		for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
-			if (children) { // display children
-				printFileInfo(files[i], indent+2, -1);
-			} else {
-				if (i>0) System.out.print(", ");
-				System.out.print(files[i].getName());
-				if (files[i].isDirectory()) System.out.print("[dir]");
-				else if (files[i].isFile()) System.out.print("[file]");
-				else System.out.print("[?]");
-			}
-		}
-		if (!children) System.out.println();
-	}
-	if (recurse > 0) {
-		File parent = file.getParentFile();
-		if (parent != null) printFileInfo(parent, indent+1, recurse-1);
-	}
- * Print stack trace with only JDT/Core elements.
- * 
- * @param exception Exception of the stack trace. May be null, then a fake exception is used.
- * @param indent Number of tab to display before the stack elements to display.
- */
-private static void printJdtCoreStackTrace(Exception exception, int indent) {
-	String tab = "";
-	for (int i=0; i<indent; i++) tab+="\t";
-	StackTraceElement[] elements = (exception==null?new Exception():exception).getStackTrace();
-	int idx = 0, length=elements.length;
-	while (idx<length && !elements[idx++].getClassName().startsWith("org.eclipse.wst.jsdt")) {
-		// loop until JDT/Core class appears in the stack
-	}
-	if (idx<length) {
-		System.out.print(tab+"- stack trace");
-		if (exception == null)
-			System.out.println(":");
-		else
-			System.out.println(" for exception "+exception+":");
-		while (idx<length && elements[idx].getClassName().startsWith("org.eclipse.wst.jsdt")) {
-			StackTraceElement testElement = elements[idx++];
-			System.out.println(tab+"	-> "+testElement);
-		}
-	} else {
-		exception.printStackTrace(System.out);
-	}
- * Makes the given path a path using native path separators as returned by File.getPath()
- * and trimming any extra slash.
- */
-public static String toNativePath(String path) {
-	String nativePath = path.replace('\\', File.separatorChar).replace('/', File.separatorChar);
-	return
-		nativePath.endsWith("/") || nativePath.endsWith("\\") ?
-			nativePath.substring(0, nativePath.length() - 1) :
-			nativePath;
- * Unzip the contents of the given zip in the given directory (create it if it doesn't exist)
- */
-public static void unzip(String zipPath, String destDirPath) throws IOException {
-	InputStream zipIn = new FileInputStream(zipPath);
-	byte[] buf = new byte[8192];
-	File destDir = new File(destDirPath);
-	ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(zipIn);
-	FileOutputStream fos = null;
-	try {
-		ZipEntry zEntry;
-		while ((zEntry = zis.getNextEntry()) != null) {
-			// if it is empty directory, create it
-			if (zEntry.isDirectory()) {
-				new File(destDir, zEntry.getName()).mkdirs();
-				continue;
-			}
-			// if it is a file, extract it
-			String filePath = zEntry.getName();
-			int lastSeparator = filePath.lastIndexOf("/"); //$NON-NLS-1$
-			String fileDir = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
-			if (lastSeparator >= 0) {
-				fileDir = filePath.substring(0, lastSeparator);
-			}
-			//create directory for a file
-			new File(destDir, fileDir).mkdirs();
-			//write file
-			File outFile = new File(destDir, filePath);
-			fos = new FileOutputStream(outFile);
-			int n = 0;
-			while ((n = >= 0) {
-				fos.write(buf, 0, n);
-			}
-			fos.close();
-		}
-	} catch (IOException ioe) {
-		if (fos != null) {
-			try {
-				fos.close();
-			} catch (IOException ioe2) {
-			}
-		}
-	} finally {
-		try {
-			zipIn.close();
-			if (zis != null)
-				zis.close();
-		} catch (IOException ioe) {
-		}
-	}
- * Wait until the file is _really_ deleted on file system.
- * 
- * @param file Deleted file
- * @return true if the file was finally deleted, false otherwise
- */
-private static boolean waitUntilFileDeleted(File file) {
-		System.out.println();
-		System.out.println("WARNING in test: "+getTestName());
-		System.out.println("	- problems occured while deleting "+file);
-		printJdtCoreStackTrace(null, 1);
-		printFileInfo(file.getParentFile(), 1, -1); // display parent with its children
-		System.out.print("	- wait for ("+DELETE_MAX_WAIT+"ms max): ");
-	}
-	int count = 0;
-	int delay = 10; // ms
-	int maxRetry = DELETE_MAX_WAIT / delay;
-	int time = 0;
-	while (count < maxRetry) {
-		try {
-			count++;
-			Thread.sleep(delay);
-			time += delay;
-			if (time > DELETE_MAX_TIME) DELETE_MAX_TIME = time;
-			if (DELETE_DEBUG) System.out.print('.');
-			if (file.exists()) {
-				if (file.delete()) {
-					// SUCCESS
-					if (DELETE_DEBUG) {
-						System.out.println();
-						System.out.println("	=> file really removed after "+time+"ms (max="+DELETE_MAX_TIME+"ms)");
-						System.out.println();
-					}
-					return true;
-				}
-			}
-			if (isFileDeleted(file)) {
-				// SUCCESS
-				if (DELETE_DEBUG) {
-					System.out.println();
-					System.out.println("	=> file disappeared after "+time+"ms (max="+DELETE_MAX_TIME+"ms)");
-					System.out.println();
-				}
-				return true;
-			}
-			// Increment waiting delay exponentially
-			if (count >= 10 && delay <= 100) {
-				count = 1;
-				delay *= 10;
-				maxRetry = DELETE_MAX_WAIT / delay;
-				if ((DELETE_MAX_WAIT%delay) != 0) {
-					maxRetry++;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		catch (InterruptedException ie) {
-			break; // end loop
-		}
-	}
-	if (!DELETE_DEBUG) {
-		System.out.println();
-		System.out.println("WARNING in test: "+getTestName());
-		System.out.println("	- problems occured while deleting "+file);
-		printJdtCoreStackTrace(null, 1);
-		printFileInfo(file.getParentFile(), 1, -1); // display parent with its children
-	}
-	System.out.println();
-	System.out.println("	!!! ERROR: "+file+" was never deleted even after having waited "+DELETE_MAX_TIME+"ms!!!");
-	System.out.println();
-	return false;
- * Wait until a resource is _really_ deleted on file system.
- * 
- * @param resource Deleted resource
- * @return true if the file was finally deleted, false otherwise
- */
-private static boolean waitUntilResourceDeleted(IResource resource) {
-	File file = resource.getLocation().toFile();
-		System.out.println();
-		System.out.println("WARNING in test: "+getTestName());
-		System.out.println("	- problems occured while deleting resource "+resource);
-		printJdtCoreStackTrace(null, 1);
-		printFileInfo(file.getParentFile(), 1, -1); // display parent with its children
-		System.out.print("	- wait for ("+DELETE_MAX_WAIT+"ms max): ");
-	}
-	int count = 0;
-	int delay = 10; // ms
-	int maxRetry = DELETE_MAX_WAIT / delay;
-	int time = 0;
-	while (count < maxRetry) {
-		try {
-			count++;
-			Thread.sleep(delay);
-			time += delay;
-			if (time > DELETE_MAX_TIME) DELETE_MAX_TIME = time;
-			if (DELETE_DEBUG) System.out.print('.');
-			if (resource.isAccessible()) {
-				try {
-					resource.delete(true, null);
-					if (isResourceDeleted(resource) && isFileDeleted(file)) {
-						// SUCCESS
-						if (DELETE_DEBUG) {
-							System.out.println();
-							System.out.println("	=> resource really removed after "+time+"ms (max="+DELETE_MAX_TIME+"ms)");
-							System.out.println();
-						}
-						return true;
-					}
-				}
-				catch (CoreException e) {
-					//	skip
-				}
-			}
-			if (isResourceDeleted(resource) && isFileDeleted(file)) {
-				// SUCCESS
-				if (DELETE_DEBUG) {
-					System.out.println();
-					System.out.println("	=> resource disappeared after "+time+"ms (max="+DELETE_MAX_TIME+"ms)");
-					System.out.println();
-				}
-				return true;
-			}
-			// Increment waiting delay exponentially
-			if (count >= 10 && delay <= 100) {
-				count = 1;
-				delay *= 10;
-				maxRetry = DELETE_MAX_WAIT / delay;
-				if ((DELETE_MAX_WAIT%delay) != 0) {
-					maxRetry++;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		catch (InterruptedException ie) {
-			break; // end loop
-		}
-	}
-	if (!DELETE_DEBUG) {
-		System.out.println();
-		System.out.println("WARNING in test: "+getTestName());
-		System.out.println("	- problems occured while deleting resource "+resource);
-		printJdtCoreStackTrace(null, 1);
-		printFileInfo(file.getParentFile(), 1, -1); // display parent with its children
-	}
-	System.out.println();
-	System.out.println("	!!! ERROR: "+resource+" was never deleted even after having waited "+DELETE_MAX_TIME+"ms!!!");
-	System.out.println();
-	return false;
-public static void writeToFile(String contents, String destinationFilePath) {
-	File destFile = new File(destinationFilePath);
-	FileOutputStream output = null;
-	try {
-		output = new FileOutputStream(destFile);
-		PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(output);
-		writer.print(contents);
-		writer.flush();
-	} catch (IOException e) {
-		e.printStackTrace();
-		return;
-	} finally {
-		if (output != null) {
-			try {
-				output.close();
-			} catch (IOException e2) {
-			}
-		}
-	}
-public static void zip(File rootDir, String zipPath) throws IOException {
-	ZipOutputStream zip = null;
-	try {
-		File zipFile = new File(zipPath);
-		if (zipFile.exists()) delete(zipFile);
-		zip = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipFile));
-		zip(rootDir, zip, rootDir.getPath().length()+1); // 1 for last slash
-	} finally {
-		if (zip != null) {
-			zip.close();
-		}
-	}
-private static void zip(File dir, ZipOutputStream zip, int rootPathLength) throws IOException {
-	File[] files = dir.listFiles();
-	if (files != null) {
-		for (int i = 0, length = files.length; i < length; i++) {
-			File file = files[i];
-			if (file.isFile()) {
-				String path = file.getPath();
-				path = path.substring(rootPathLength);
-				ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(path.replace('\\', '/'));
-				zip.putNextEntry(entry);
-				zip.write(org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(file));
-				zip.closeEntry();
-			} else {
-				zip(file, zip, rootPathLength);
-			}
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/util/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9beddab..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.util;
-import java.lang.reflect.*;
-import java.util.*;
- * 
- * IMPORTANT NOTE: If modifying this class, copy the source to TestVerifier#getVerifyTestsCode()
- * (see this method for details)
- * 
- ******************************************************/
-public class VerifyTests {
-	int portNumber;
-	Socket socket;
- * NOTE: Code copied from junit.util.TestCaseClassLoader.
- *
- * A custom class loader which enables the reloading
- * of classes for each test run. The class loader
- * can be configured with a list of package paths that
- * should be excluded from loading. The loading
- * of these packages is delegated to the system class
- * loader. They will be shared across test runs.
- * <p>
- * The list of excluded package paths is specified in
- * a properties file "" that is located in 
- * the same place as the TestCaseClassLoader class.
- * <p>
- * <b>Known limitation:</b> the VerifyClassLoader cannot load classes
- * from jar files.
- */
-public class VerifyClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
-	/** scanned class path */
-	private String[] fPathItems;
-	/** excluded paths */
-	private String[] fExcluded= {};
-	/**
-	 * Constructs a VerifyClassLoader. It scans the class path
-	 * and the excluded package paths
-	 */
-	public VerifyClassLoader() {
-		super();
-		String classPath= System.getProperty("java.class.path");
-		String separator= System.getProperty("path.separator");
-		// first pass: count elements
-		StringTokenizer st= new StringTokenizer(classPath, separator);
-		int i= 0;
-		while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
-			st.nextToken();
-			i++;
-		}
-		// second pass: split
-		fPathItems= new String[i];
-		st= new StringTokenizer(classPath, separator);
-		i= 0;
-		while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
-			fPathItems[i++]= st.nextToken();
-		}
-	}
-	public getResource(String name) {
-		return ClassLoader.getSystemResource(name);
-	}
-	public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String name) {
-		return ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(name);
-	}
-	protected boolean isExcluded(String name) {
-		// exclude the "java" packages.
-		// They always need to be excluded so that they are loaded by the system class loader
-		if (name.startsWith("java"))
-			return true;
-		// exclude the user defined package paths
-		for (int i= 0; i < fExcluded.length; i++) {
-			if (name.startsWith(fExcluded[i])) {
-				return true;
-			}
-		}
-		return false;	
-	}
-	public synchronized Class loadClass(String name, boolean resolve)
-		throws ClassNotFoundException {
-		Class c= findLoadedClass(name);
-		if (c != null)
-			return c;
-		//
-		// Delegate the loading of excluded classes to the
-		// standard class loader.
-		//
-		if (isExcluded(name)) {
-			try {
-				c= findSystemClass(name);
-				return c;
-			} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
-				// keep searching
-			}
-		}
-		File file= locate(name);
-		if (file == null)
-			throw new ClassNotFoundException();
-		byte data[]= loadClassData(file);
-		c= defineClass(name, data, 0, data.length);
-		if (resolve) 
-			resolveClass(c);
-		return c;
-	}
-	private byte[] loadClassData(File f) throws ClassNotFoundException {
-		try {
-			//System.out.println("loading: "+f.getPath());
-			FileInputStream stream= new FileInputStream(f);
-			try {
-				byte[] b= new byte[stream.available()];
-				stream.close();
-				return b;
-			}
-			catch (IOException e) {
-				throw new ClassNotFoundException();
-			}
-		}
-		catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
-			throw new ClassNotFoundException();
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Locate the given file.
-	 * @return Returns null if file couldn't be found.
-	 */
-	private File locate(String fileName) { 
-		fileName= fileName.replace('.', '/')+".class";
-		File path= null;
-		if (fileName != null) {
-			for (int i= 0; i < fPathItems.length; i++) {
-				path= new File(fPathItems[i], fileName);
-				if (path.exists())
-					return path;
-			}
-		}
-		return null;
-	}
-public void loadAndRun(String className) throws Throwable {
-	//System.out.println("Loading " + className + "...");
-	Class testClass = new VerifyClassLoader().loadClass(className);
-	//System.out.println("Loaded " + className);
-	try {
-		Method main = testClass.getMethod("main", new Class[] {String[].class});
-		//System.out.println("Running " + className);
-		main.invoke(null, new Object[] {new String[] {}});
-		//System.out.println("Finished running " + className);
-	} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
-		return;
-	} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
-		throw e.getTargetException();
-	}
-public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
-	VerifyTests verify = new VerifyTests();
-	verify.portNumber = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
-public void run() throws IOException {
-	ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(this.portNumber);
-	this.socket = server.accept();
-	this.socket.setTcpNoDelay(true);
-	server.close();
-	DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(this.socket.getInputStream());
-	final DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(this.socket.getOutputStream());
-	while (true) {
-		final String className = in.readUTF();
-		Thread thread = new Thread() {
-			public void run() {
-				try {
-					loadAndRun(className);
-					out.writeBoolean(true);
-					System.err.println(VerifyTests.class.getName());
-					System.out.println(VerifyTests.class.getName());
-				} catch (Throwable e) {
-					e.printStackTrace();
-					try {
-						System.err.println(VerifyTests.class.getName());
-						System.out.println(VerifyTests.class.getName());
-						out.writeBoolean(false);
-					} catch (IOException e1) {
-						// ignore
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		};
-		thread.start();
-	}
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/test.xml b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/test.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3472b27..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/test.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-    name="testsuite"
-    default="run"
-    basedir=".">
-    <!-- The following properties should be passed into this script -->
-    <!-- ${eclipse-home}   -->
-    <!-- ${buildDirectory}  -->
-    <!-- ${buildLabel}        -->
-    <!-- should be little need to change what's above  -->
-    <property
-        name="plugin-name"
-        value="org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler" />
-    <property
-        name="classname"
-        value="org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.JSDTCompilerTests" />
-    <property
-        name="testType"
-        value="core-test" />
-    <!-- should be little need to change what's below -->
-    <echo message="basedir: ${basedir}" />
-    <echo message="eclipse-home: ${eclipse-home}" />
-    <echo message="buildDirectory: ${buildDirectory}" />
-    <echo message="plugin-name: ${plugin-name}" />
-    <echo message="classname: ${classname}" />
-    <echo message="testType ${testType}" />
-    <property
-        name="library-file"
-        value="${eclipse-home}/plugins/org.eclipse.test_3.1.0/library.xml" />
-    <property
-        name="workspace"
-        value="${eclipse-home}/junitworkspaces/${plugin-name}" />
-    <!-- This target holds all initialization code that needs to be done for -->
-    <!-- all tests that are to be run. Initialization for individual tests -->
-    <!-- should be done within the body of the suite target. -->
-    <target name="init">
-        <tstamp />
-        <delete>
-            <fileset
-                dir="${eclipse-home}"
-                includes="${plugin-name}.*xml" />
-        </delete>
-        <!-- make directory, in case path doesn't exist yet -->
-        <mkdir dir="${workspace}" />
-        <!--  but delete to make sure fresh contents-->
-        <delete
-            dir="${workspace}"
-            quiet="true" />
-    </target>
-    <!-- This target defines the tests that need to be run. -->
-    <target name="suite">
-        <ant
-            target="${testType}"
-            antfile="${library-file}"
-            dir="${eclipse-home}">
-            <property
-                name="data-dir"
-                value="${workspace}" />
-            <property
-                name="plugin-name"
-                value="${plugin-name}" />
-            <property
-                name="classname"
-                value="${classname}" />
-            <property
-                name="plugin-path"
-                value="${eclipse-home}/plugins/${plugin-name}" />
-        </ant>
-        <copy
-            failonerror="false"
-            file="${workspace}/.metadata/.log"
-            tofile="${buildDirectory}/${buildLabel}/testResults/consolelogs/${plugin-name}.consolelog.txt" />
-    </target>
-    <!-- This target holds code to cleanup the testing environment after -->
-    <!-- after all of the tests have been run. You can use this target to -->
-    <!-- delete temporary files that have been created. -->
-    <target name="cleanup">
-        <!-- usually no need to delete workspace until next run, and leaving it allows inspection -->
-        <!-- <delete dir="${workspace}" quiet="true" /> -->
-    </target>
-    <!-- This target runs the test suite. Any actions that need to happen -->
-    <!-- after all the tests have been run should go here. -->
-    <target
-        name="run"
-        depends="init,suite,cleanup">
-        <ant
-            target="collect"
-            antfile="${library-file}"
-            dir="${eclipse-home}">
-            <property
-                name="includes"
-                value="${plugin-name}.*xml" />
-            <property
-                name="output-file"
-                value="${plugin-name}.xml" />
-        </ant>
-    </target>
\ No newline at end of file