| ############################################################################### |
| # Copyright (c) 2005 Oracle Corporation. |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # |
| ############################################################################### |
| plugin.name = JavaServer Faces Tools - FacesConfig Model |
| plugin.provider=Eclipse.org |
| |
| ################ |
| # Content Type # |
| ################ |
| |
| facesconfig.name = Faces Configuration File |
| |
| ########### |
| # Editors # |
| ########### |
| |
| facesconfig.editor.name = Faces Configuration File Editor |
| |
| |
| facesValidation.name = Faces Configuration File Validator |
| # ==================================================================== |
| |
| _UI_CreateChild_text = {0} |
| _UI_CreateChild_text2 = {1} {0} |
| _UI_CreateChild_text3 = {1} |
| _UI_CreateChild_tooltip = Create New {0} Under {1} Feature |
| _UI_CreateChild_description = Create a new child of type {0} for the {1} feature of the selected {2}. |
| _UI_CreateSibling_description = Create a new sibling of type {0} for the selected {2}, under the {1} feature of their parent. |
| |
| _UI_PropertyDescriptor_description = The {0} of the {1} |
| |
| _UI_ActionListenerType_type = Action Listener Type |
| _UI_ApplicationFactoryType_type = Application Factory Type |
| _UI_ApplicationType_type = Application Type |
| _UI_AttributeClassType_type = Attribute Class Type |
| _UI_AttributeExtensionType_type = Attribute Extension Type |
| _UI_AttributeNameType_type = Attribute Name Type |
| _UI_AttributeType_type = Attribute Type |
| _UI_ComponentClassType_type = Component Class Type |
| _UI_ComponentExtensionType_type = Component Extension Type |
| _UI_ComponentFamilyType_type = Component Family Type |
| _UI_ComponentType_type = Component |
| _UI_ComponentTypeType_type = Component Type Type |
| _UI_ConverterClassType_type = Converter Class Type |
| _UI_ConverterForClassType_type = Converter For Class Type |
| _UI_ConverterIdType_type = Converter Id Type |
| _UI_ConverterType_type = Converter |
| _UI_DefaultLocaleType_type = Default Locale Type |
| _UI_DefaultRenderKitIdType_type = Default Render Kit Id Type |
| _UI_DefaultValueType_type = Default Value Type |
| _UI_DescriptionType_type = Description Type |
| _UI_DisplayNameType_type = Display Name Type |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_type = Document Root |
| _UI_FacesConfigType_type = Type |
| _UI_FacesContextFactoryType_type = Faces Context Factory Type |
| _UI_FacetExtensionType_type = Facet Extension Type |
| _UI_FacetNameType_type = Facet Name Type |
| _UI_FacetType_type = Facet Type |
| _UI_FactoryType_type = Factory Type |
| _UI_FromActionType_type = From Action Type |
| _UI_FromOutcomeType_type = From Outcome Type |
| _UI_FromViewIdType_type = From View Id Type |
| _UI_IconType_type = Icon Type |
| _UI_KeyClassType_type = Key Class Type |
| _UI_KeyType_type = Key Type |
| _UI_LargeIconType_type = Large Icon Type |
| _UI_LifecycleFactoryType_type = Lifecycle Factory Type |
| _UI_LifecycleType_type = Lifecycle Type |
| _UI_ListEntriesType_type = List Entries Type |
| _UI_LocaleConfigType_type = Locale Config Type |
| _UI_ManagedBeanClassType_type = Managed Bean Class Type |
| _UI_ManagedBeanNameType_type = Managed Bean Name Type |
| _UI_ManagedBeanScopeType_type = Managed Bean Scope Type |
| _UI_ManagedBeanType_type = Managed Bean Type |
| _UI_ManagedPropertyType_type = Managed Property Type |
| _UI_MapEntriesType_type = Map Entries Type |
| _UI_MapEntryType_type = Map Entry Type |
| _UI_MessageBundleType_type = Message Bundle Type |
| _UI_NavigationCaseType_type = Navigation Case Type |
| _UI_NavigationHandlerType_type = Navigation Handler Type |
| _UI_NavigationRuleType_type = Navigation Rule Type |
| _UI_NullValueType_type = Null Value Type |
| _UI_PhaseListenerType_type = Phase Listener Type |
| _UI_PropertyClassType_type = Property Class Type |
| _UI_PropertyExtensionType_type = Property Extension Type |
| _UI_PropertyNameType_type = Property Name Type |
| _UI_PropertyResolverType_type = Property Resolver Type |
| _UI_PropertyType_type = Property Type |
| _UI_RedirectType_type = Redirect Type |
| _UI_ReferencedBeanClassType_type = Referenced Bean Class Type |
| _UI_ReferencedBeanNameType_type = Referenced Bean Name Type |
| _UI_ReferencedBeanType_type = Referenced Bean Type |
| _UI_RendererClassType_type = Renderer Class Type |
| _UI_RendererExtensionType_type = Renderer Extension Type |
| _UI_RendererType_type = Renderer Type |
| _UI_RendererTypeType_type = Renderer Type Type |
| _UI_RenderKitClassType_type = Render Kit Class Type |
| _UI_RenderKitFactoryType_type = Render Kit Factory Type |
| _UI_RenderKitIdType_type = Render Kit Id Type |
| _UI_RenderKitType_type = Render Kit |
| _UI_SmallIconType_type = Small Icon Type |
| _UI_StateManagerType_type = State Manager Type |
| _UI_SuggestedValueType_type = Suggested Value Type |
| _UI_SupportedLocaleType_type = Supported Locale Type |
| _UI_ToViewIdType_type = To View Id Type |
| _UI_ValidatorClassType_type = Validator Class Type |
| _UI_ValidatorIdType_type = Validator Id Type |
| _UI_ValidatorType_type = Validator |
| _UI_ValueClassType_type = Value Class Type |
| _UI_ValueType_type = Value Type |
| _UI_VariableResolverType_type = Variable Resolver Type |
| _UI_ViewHandlerType_type = View Handler Type |
| _UI_Unknown_type = Object |
| |
| _UI_Unknown_datatype= Value |
| |
| _UI_ActionListenerType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ActionListenerType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ApplicationFactoryType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ApplicationFactoryType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ApplicationType_actionListener_feature = Action Listener |
| _UI_ApplicationType_defaultRenderKitId_feature = Default Render Kit Id |
| _UI_ApplicationType_messageBundle_feature = Message Bundle |
| _UI_ApplicationType_navigationHandler_feature = Navigation Handler |
| _UI_ApplicationType_viewHandler_feature = View Handler |
| _UI_ApplicationType_stateManager_feature = State Manager |
| _UI_ApplicationType_propertyResolver_feature = Property Resolver |
| _UI_ApplicationType_variableResolver_feature = Variable Resolver |
| _UI_ApplicationType_localeConfig_feature = Locale Config |
| _UI_ApplicationType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_AttributeClassType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_AttributeClassType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_AttributeExtensionType_mixed_feature = Mixed |
| _UI_AttributeExtensionType_group_feature = Group |
| _UI_AttributeExtensionType_any_feature = Any |
| _UI_AttributeExtensionType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_AttributeNameType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_AttributeNameType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_AttributeType_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_AttributeType_displayName_feature = Display Name |
| _UI_AttributeType_icon_feature = Icon |
| _UI_AttributeType_attributeName_feature = Attribute Name |
| _UI_AttributeType_attributeClass_feature = Attribute Class |
| _UI_AttributeType_defaultValue_feature = Default Value |
| _UI_AttributeType_suggestedValue_feature = Suggested Value |
| _UI_AttributeType_attributeExtension_feature = Attribute Extension |
| _UI_AttributeType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ComponentClassType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ComponentClassType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ComponentExtensionType_mixed_feature = Mixed |
| _UI_ComponentExtensionType_group_feature = Group |
| _UI_ComponentExtensionType_any_feature = Any |
| _UI_ComponentExtensionType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ComponentFamilyType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ComponentFamilyType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ComponentType_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_ComponentType_displayName_feature = Display Name |
| _UI_ComponentType_icon_feature = Icon |
| _UI_ComponentType_componentType_feature = Component Type |
| _UI_ComponentType_componentClass_feature = Component Class |
| _UI_ComponentType_facet_feature = Facet |
| _UI_ComponentType_attribute_feature = Attribute |
| _UI_ComponentType_property_feature = Property |
| _UI_ComponentType_componentExtension_feature = Component Extension |
| _UI_ComponentType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ComponentTypeType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ComponentTypeType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ConverterClassType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ConverterClassType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ConverterForClassType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ConverterForClassType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ConverterIdType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ConverterIdType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ConverterType_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_ConverterType_displayName_feature = Display Name |
| _UI_ConverterType_icon_feature = Icon |
| _UI_ConverterType_converterId_feature = Converter Id |
| _UI_ConverterType_converterForClass_feature = Converter For Class |
| _UI_ConverterType_converterClass_feature = Converter Class |
| _UI_ConverterType_attribute_feature = Attribute |
| _UI_ConverterType_property_feature = Property |
| _UI_ConverterType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_DefaultLocaleType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_DefaultLocaleType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_DefaultRenderKitIdType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_DefaultRenderKitIdType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_DefaultValueType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_DefaultValueType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_DescriptionType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_DescriptionType_lang_feature = Lang |
| _UI_DescriptionType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_DisplayNameType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_DisplayNameType_lang_feature = Lang |
| _UI_DisplayNameType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_mixed_feature = Mixed |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_xMLNSPrefixMap_feature = XMLNS Prefix Map |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_xSISchemaLocation_feature = XSI Schema Location |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_actionListener_feature = Action Listener |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_application_feature = Application |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_applicationFactory_feature = Application Factory |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_attribute_feature = Attribute |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_attributeClass_feature = Attribute Class |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_attributeExtension_feature = Attribute Extension |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_attributeName_feature = Attribute Name |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_component_feature = Component |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_componentClass_feature = Component Class |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_componentExtension_feature = Component Extension |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_componentFamily_feature = Component Family |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_componentType_feature = Component Type |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_converter_feature = Converter |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_converterClass_feature = Converter Class |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_converterForClass_feature = Converter For Class |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_converterId_feature = Converter Id |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_defaultLocale_feature = Default Locale |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_defaultRenderKitId_feature = Default Render Kit Id |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_defaultValue_feature = Default Value |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_displayName_feature = Display Name |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_facesConfig_feature = Faces Config |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_facesContextFactory_feature = Faces Context Factory |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_facet_feature = Facet |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_facetExtension_feature = Facet Extension |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_facetName_feature = Facet Name |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_factory_feature = Factory |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_fromAction_feature = From Action |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_fromOutcome_feature = From Outcome |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_fromViewId_feature = From View Id |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_icon_feature = Icon |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_key_feature = Key |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_keyClass_feature = Key Class |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_largeIcon_feature = Large Icon |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_lifecycle_feature = Lifecycle |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_lifecycleFactory_feature = Lifecycle Factory |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_listEntries_feature = List Entries |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_localeConfig_feature = Locale Config |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_managedBean_feature = Managed Bean |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_managedBeanClass_feature = Managed Bean Class |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_managedBeanName_feature = Managed Bean Name |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_managedBeanScope_feature = Managed Bean Scope |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_managedProperty_feature = Managed Property |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_mapEntries_feature = Map Entries |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_mapEntry_feature = Map Entry |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_messageBundle_feature = Message Bundle |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_navigationCase_feature = Navigation Case |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_navigationHandler_feature = Navigation Handler |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_navigationRule_feature = Navigation Rule |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_nullValue_feature = Null Value |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_phaseListener_feature = Phase Listener |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_property_feature = Property |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_propertyClass_feature = Property Class |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_propertyExtension_feature = Property Extension |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_propertyName_feature = Property Name |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_propertyResolver_feature = Property Resolver |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_redirect_feature = Redirect |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_referencedBean_feature = Referenced Bean |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_referencedBeanClass_feature = Referenced Bean Class |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_referencedBeanName_feature = Referenced Bean Name |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_renderer_feature = Renderer |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_rendererClass_feature = Renderer Class |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_rendererExtension_feature = Renderer Extension |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_rendererType_feature = Renderer Type |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_renderKit_feature = Render Kit |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_renderKitClass_feature = Render Kit Class |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_renderKitFactory_feature = Render Kit Factory |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_renderKitId_feature = Render Kit Id |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_smallIcon_feature = Small Icon |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_stateManager_feature = State Manager |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_suggestedValue_feature = Suggested Value |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_supportedLocale_feature = Supported Locale |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_toViewId_feature = To View Id |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_validator_feature = Validator |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_validatorClass_feature = Validator Class |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_validatorId_feature = Validator Id |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_valueClass_feature = Value Class |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_variableResolver_feature = Variable Resolver |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_viewHandler_feature = View Handler |
| _UI_FacesConfigType_application_feature = Application |
| _UI_FacesConfigType_factory_feature = Factory |
| _UI_FacesConfigType_component_feature = Component |
| _UI_FacesConfigType_converter_feature = Converter |
| _UI_FacesConfigType_managedBean_feature = Managed Bean |
| _UI_FacesConfigType_navigationRule_feature = Navigation Rule |
| _UI_FacesConfigType_referencedBean_feature = Referenced Bean |
| _UI_FacesConfigType_renderKit_feature = Render Kit |
| _UI_FacesConfigType_lifecycle_feature = Lifecycle |
| _UI_FacesConfigType_validator_feature = Validator |
| _UI_FacesConfigType_xmlns_feature = Xmlns |
| _UI_FacesConfigType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_FacesContextFactoryType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_FacesContextFactoryType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_FacetExtensionType_mixed_feature = Mixed |
| _UI_FacetExtensionType_group_feature = Group |
| _UI_FacetExtensionType_any_feature = Any |
| _UI_FacetExtensionType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_FacetNameType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_FacetNameType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_FacetType_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_FacetType_displayName_feature = Display Name |
| _UI_FacetType_icon_feature = Icon |
| _UI_FacetType_facetName_feature = Facet Name |
| _UI_FacetType_facetExtension_feature = Facet Extension |
| _UI_FacetType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_FactoryType_applicationFactory_feature = Application Factory |
| _UI_FactoryType_facesContextFactory_feature = Faces Context Factory |
| _UI_FactoryType_lifecycleFactory_feature = Lifecycle Factory |
| _UI_FactoryType_renderKitFactory_feature = Render Kit Factory |
| _UI_FactoryType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_FromActionType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_FromActionType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_FromOutcomeType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_FromOutcomeType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_FromViewIdType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_FromViewIdType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_IconType_smallIcon_feature = Small Icon |
| _UI_IconType_largeIcon_feature = Large Icon |
| _UI_IconType_lang_feature = Lang |
| _UI_IconType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_KeyClassType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_KeyClassType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_KeyType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_KeyType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_LargeIconType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_LargeIconType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_LifecycleFactoryType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_LifecycleFactoryType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_LifecycleType_phaseListener_feature = Phase Listener |
| _UI_LifecycleType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ListEntriesType_valueClass_feature = Value Class |
| _UI_ListEntriesType_nullValue_feature = Null Value |
| _UI_ListEntriesType_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_ListEntriesType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_LocaleConfigType_defaultLocale_feature = Default Locale |
| _UI_LocaleConfigType_supportedLocale_feature = Supported Locale |
| _UI_LocaleConfigType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ManagedBeanClassType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ManagedBeanClassType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ManagedBeanNameType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ManagedBeanNameType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ManagedBeanScopeType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ManagedBeanScopeType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ManagedBeanType_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_ManagedBeanType_displayName_feature = Display Name |
| _UI_ManagedBeanType_icon_feature = Icon |
| _UI_ManagedBeanType_managedBeanName_feature = Managed Bean Name |
| _UI_ManagedBeanType_managedBeanClass_feature = Managed Bean Class |
| _UI_ManagedBeanType_managedBeanScope_feature = Managed Bean Scope |
| _UI_ManagedBeanType_managedProperty_feature = Managed Property |
| _UI_ManagedBeanType_mapEntries_feature = Map Entries |
| _UI_ManagedBeanType_listEntries_feature = List Entries |
| _UI_ManagedBeanType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ManagedPropertyType_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_ManagedPropertyType_displayName_feature = Display Name |
| _UI_ManagedPropertyType_icon_feature = Icon |
| _UI_ManagedPropertyType_propertyName_feature = Property Name |
| _UI_ManagedPropertyType_propertyClass_feature = Property Class |
| _UI_ManagedPropertyType_mapEntries_feature = Map Entries |
| _UI_ManagedPropertyType_nullValue_feature = Null Value |
| _UI_ManagedPropertyType_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_ManagedPropertyType_listEntries_feature = List Entries |
| _UI_ManagedPropertyType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_MapEntriesType_keyClass_feature = Key Class |
| _UI_MapEntriesType_valueClass_feature = Value Class |
| _UI_MapEntriesType_mapEntry_feature = Map Entry |
| _UI_MapEntriesType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_MapEntryType_key_feature = Key |
| _UI_MapEntryType_nullValue_feature = Null Value |
| _UI_MapEntryType_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_MapEntryType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_MessageBundleType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_MessageBundleType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_NavigationCaseType_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_NavigationCaseType_displayName_feature = Display Name |
| _UI_NavigationCaseType_icon_feature = Icon |
| _UI_NavigationCaseType_fromAction_feature = From Action |
| _UI_NavigationCaseType_fromOutcome_feature = From Outcome |
| _UI_NavigationCaseType_toViewId_feature = To View Id |
| _UI_NavigationCaseType_redirect_feature = Redirect |
| _UI_NavigationCaseType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_NavigationHandlerType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_NavigationHandlerType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_NavigationRuleType_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_NavigationRuleType_displayName_feature = Display Name |
| _UI_NavigationRuleType_icon_feature = Icon |
| _UI_NavigationRuleType_fromViewId_feature = From View Id |
| _UI_NavigationRuleType_navigationCase_feature = Navigation Case |
| _UI_NavigationRuleType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_NullValueType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_PhaseListenerType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_PhaseListenerType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_PropertyClassType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_PropertyClassType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_PropertyExtensionType_mixed_feature = Mixed |
| _UI_PropertyExtensionType_group_feature = Group |
| _UI_PropertyExtensionType_any_feature = Any |
| _UI_PropertyExtensionType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_PropertyNameType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_PropertyNameType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_PropertyResolverType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_PropertyResolverType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_PropertyType_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_PropertyType_displayName_feature = Display Name |
| _UI_PropertyType_icon_feature = Icon |
| _UI_PropertyType_propertyName_feature = Property Name |
| _UI_PropertyType_propertyClass_feature = Property Class |
| _UI_PropertyType_defaultValue_feature = Default Value |
| _UI_PropertyType_suggestedValue_feature = Suggested Value |
| _UI_PropertyType_propertyExtension_feature = Property Extension |
| _UI_PropertyType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_RedirectType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ReferencedBeanClassType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ReferencedBeanClassType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ReferencedBeanNameType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ReferencedBeanNameType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ReferencedBeanType_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_ReferencedBeanType_displayName_feature = Display Name |
| _UI_ReferencedBeanType_icon_feature = Icon |
| _UI_ReferencedBeanType_referencedBeanName_feature = Referenced Bean Name |
| _UI_ReferencedBeanType_referencedBeanClass_feature = Referenced Bean Class |
| _UI_ReferencedBeanType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_RendererClassType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_RendererClassType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_RendererExtensionType_mixed_feature = Mixed |
| _UI_RendererExtensionType_group_feature = Group |
| _UI_RendererExtensionType_any_feature = Any |
| _UI_RendererExtensionType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_RendererType_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_RendererType_displayName_feature = Display Name |
| _UI_RendererType_icon_feature = Icon |
| _UI_RendererType_componentFamily_feature = Component Family |
| _UI_RendererType_rendererType_feature = Renderer Type |
| _UI_RendererType_rendererClass_feature = Renderer Class |
| _UI_RendererType_facet_feature = Facet |
| _UI_RendererType_attribute_feature = Attribute |
| _UI_RendererType_rendererExtension_feature = Renderer Extension |
| _UI_RendererType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_RendererTypeType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_RendererTypeType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_RenderKitClassType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_RenderKitClassType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_RenderKitFactoryType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_RenderKitFactoryType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_RenderKitIdType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_RenderKitIdType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_RenderKitType_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_RenderKitType_displayName_feature = Display Name |
| _UI_RenderKitType_icon_feature = Icon |
| _UI_RenderKitType_renderKitId_feature = Render Kit Id |
| _UI_RenderKitType_renderKitClass_feature = Render Kit Class |
| _UI_RenderKitType_renderer_feature = Renderer |
| _UI_RenderKitType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_SmallIconType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_SmallIconType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_StateManagerType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_StateManagerType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_SuggestedValueType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_SuggestedValueType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_SupportedLocaleType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_SupportedLocaleType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ToViewIdType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ToViewIdType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ValidatorClassType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ValidatorClassType_id_feature = Id |
| pluginName = FacesConfig Model |
| providerName = www.example.org |
| _UI_DynamicElement_type = Dynamic Element |
| _UI_ExtensionType_type = Extension Type |
| _UI_DynamicElement_childNodes_feature = Child Nodes |
| _UI_DynamicElement_attributes_feature = Attributes |
| _UI_DynamicElement_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_ValidatorIdType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ValidatorIdType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ValidatorType_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_ValidatorType_displayName_feature = Display Name |
| _UI_ValidatorType_icon_feature = Icon |
| _UI_ValidatorType_validatorId_feature = Validator Id |
| _UI_ValidatorType_validatorClass_feature = Validator Class |
| _UI_ValidatorType_attribute_feature = Attribute |
| _UI_ValidatorType_property_feature = Property |
| _UI_ValidatorType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ValueClassType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ValueClassType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ValueType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ValueType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_VariableResolverType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_VariableResolverType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ViewHandlerType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ViewHandlerType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ExtensionType_childNodes_feature = Child Nodes |
| _UI_ExtensionType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_XMLTypeDocumentRoot_comment_feature = Comment |
| _UI_XMLTypeDocumentRoot_text_feature = Text |
| _UI_XMLTypeDocumentRoot_cDATA_feature = CDATA |
| _UI_Unknown_feature = Unspecified |
| |
| _UI_DynamicAttribute_type = Dynamic Attribute |
| _UI_DynamicAttribute_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_DynamicAttribute_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_DynamicElement_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ExtensionType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ELResolverType_type = EL Resolver Type |
| _UI_ResourceBundleType_type = Resource Bundle Type |
| _UI_BaseNameType_type = Base Name Type |
| _UI_VarType_type = Var Type |
| _UI_ApplicationType_elResolver_feature = El Resolver |
| _UI_ApplicationType_resourceBundle_feature = Resource Bundle |
| _UI_ELResolverType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ELResolverType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ResourceBundleType_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_ResourceBundleType_displayName_feature = Display Name |
| _UI_ResourceBundleType_icon_feature = Icon |
| _UI_ResourceBundleType_baseName_feature = Base Name |
| _UI_ResourceBundleType_var_feature = Var |
| _UI_ResourceBundleType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_BaseNameType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_BaseNameType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_VarType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_VarType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ApplicationType_eLResolver_feature = EL Resolver |
| _UI_ApplicationExtensionType_type = Application Extension Type |
| _UI_ApplicationType_applicationExtension_feature = Application Extension |
| _UI_ConverterExtensionType_type = Converter Extension Type |
| _UI_FacesConfigExtensionType_type = Extension Type |
| _UI_FactoryExtensionType_type = Factory Extension Type |
| _UI_LifecycleExtensionType_type = Lifecycle Extension Type |
| _UI_ManagedBeanExtensionType_type = Managed Bean Extension Type |
| _UI_NavigationRuleExtensionType_type = Navigation Rule Extension Type |
| _UI_ValidatorExtensionType_type = Validator Extension Type |
| _UI_ConverterType_converterExtension_feature = Converter Extension |
| _UI_FacesConfigType_facesConfigExtension_feature = Faces Config Extension |
| _UI_FactoryType_factoryExtension_feature = Factory Extension |
| _UI_LifecycleType_lifecycleExtension_feature = Lifecycle Extension |
| _UI_ManagedBeanType_managedBeanExtension_feature = Managed Bean Extension |
| _UI_NavigationRuleType_navigationRuleExtension_feature = Navigation Rule Extension |
| _UI_ValidatorType_validatorExtension_feature = Validator Extension |
| _UI_RenderKitExtensionType_type = Render Kit Extension Type |
| _UI_RenderKitType_renderKitExtension_feature = Render Kit Extension |
| _UI_XMLTypeDocumentRoot_processingInstruction_feature = Processing Instruction |
| _UI_AbsoluteOrderingType_type = Absolute Ordering Type |
| _UI_BehaviorClassType_type = Behavior Class Type |
| _UI_BehaviorIdType_type = Behavior Id Type |
| _UI_BehaviorType_type = Behavior Type |
| _UI_BehaviorExtensionType_type = Behavior Extension Type |
| _UI_ClientBehaviorRendererClassType_type = Client Behavior Renderer Class Type |
| _UI_ClientBehaviorRendererType_type = Client Behavior Renderer Type |
| _UI_ClientBehaviorRendererTypeType_type = Client Behavior Renderer Type Type |
| _UI_DefaultValidatorsType_type = Default Validators Type |
| _UI_ExceptionHandlerFactoryType_type = Exception Handler Factory Type |
| _UI_ExternalContextFactoryType_type = External Context Factory Type |
| _UI_IfType_type = If Type |
| _UI_NameType_type = Name Type |
| _UI_OrderingType_type = Ordering Type |
| _UI_OrderingOrderingType_type = Ordering Ordering Type |
| _UI_OrderingOthersType_type = Ordering Others Type |
| _UI_PartialTraversalType_type = Partial Traversal Type |
| _UI_PartialViewContextFactoryType_type = Partial View Context Factory Type |
| _UI_RedirectViewParamType_type = Redirect View Param Type |
| _UI_ResourceHandlerType_type = Resource Handler Type |
| _UI_SourceClassType_type = Source Class Type |
| _UI_SystemEventClassType_type = System Event Class Type |
| _UI_SystemEventListenerClassType_type = System Event Listener Class Type |
| _UI_SystemEventListenerType_type = System Event Listener Type |
| _UI_TagHandlerDelegateFactoryType_type = Tag Handler Delegate Factory Type |
| _UI_ViewDeclarationLanguageFactoryType_type = View Declaration Language Factory Type |
| _UI_VisitContextFactoryType_type = Visit Context Factory Type |
| _UI_AbsoluteOrderingType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_AbsoluteOrderingType_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_AbsoluteOrderingType_others_feature = Others |
| _UI_ApplicationType_partialTraversal_feature = Partial Traversal |
| _UI_ApplicationType_resourceHandler_feature = Resource Handler |
| _UI_ApplicationType_systemEventListener_feature = System Event Listener |
| _UI_ApplicationType_defaultValidators_feature = Default Validators |
| _UI_BehaviorClassType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_BehaviorClassType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_BehaviorIdType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_BehaviorIdType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_BehaviorType_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_BehaviorType_displayName_feature = Display Name |
| _UI_BehaviorType_icon_feature = Icon |
| _UI_BehaviorType_behaviorId_feature = Behavior Id |
| _UI_BehaviorType_behaviorClass_feature = Behavior Class |
| _UI_BehaviorType_attribute_feature = Attribute |
| _UI_BehaviorType_property_feature = Property |
| _UI_BehaviorType_behaviorExtension_feature = Behavior Extension |
| _UI_BehaviorType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ClientBehaviorRendererClassType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ClientBehaviorRendererClassType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ClientBehaviorRendererType_clientBehaviorRendererType_feature = Client Behavior Renderer Type |
| _UI_ClientBehaviorRendererType_clientBehaviorRendererClass_feature = Client Behavior Renderer Class |
| _UI_ClientBehaviorRendererType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ClientBehaviorRendererTypeType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ClientBehaviorRendererTypeType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_DefaultValidatorsType_validatorId_feature = Validator Id |
| _UI_DefaultValidatorsType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_absoluteOrdering_feature = Absolute Ordering |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_behavior_feature = Behavior |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_behaviorClass_feature = Behavior Class |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_behaviorId_feature = Behavior Id |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_behaviorExtension_feature = Behavior Extension |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_defaultValidators_feature = Default Validators |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_exceptionHandlerFactory_feature = Exception Handler Factory |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_externalContextFactory_feature = External Context Factory |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_if_feature = If |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_ordering_feature = Ordering |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_orderingOrdering_feature = Ordering Ordering |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_others_feature = Others |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_partialTraversal_feature = Partial Traversal |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_partialViewContextFactory_feature = Partial View Context Factory |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_redirectViewParam_feature = Redirect View Param |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_resourceHandler_feature = Resource Handler |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_sourceClass_feature = Source Class |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_systemEventClass_feature = System Event Class |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_systemEventListener_feature = System Event Listener |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_systemEventListenerClass_feature = System Event Listener Class |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_tagHandlerDelegateFactory_feature = Tag Handler Delegate Factory |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_viewDeclarationLanguageFactory_feature = View Declaration Language Factory |
| _UI_DocumentRoot_visitContextFactory_feature = Visit Context Factory |
| _UI_ExceptionHandlerFactoryType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ExceptionHandlerFactoryType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ExternalContextFactoryType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ExternalContextFactoryType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_FacesConfigType_ordering_feature = Ordering |
| _UI_FacesConfigType_absoluteOrdering_feature = Absolute Ordering |
| _UI_FacesConfigType_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_FacesConfigType_behavior_feature = Behavior |
| _UI_FacesConfigType_metadataComplete_feature = Metadata Complete |
| _UI_FactoryType_exceptionHandlerFactory_feature = Exception Handler Factory |
| _UI_FactoryType_externalContextFactory_feature = External Context Factory |
| _UI_FactoryType_partialViewContextFactory_feature = Partial View Context Factory |
| _UI_FactoryType_viewDeclarationLanguageFactory_feature = View Declaration Language Factory |
| _UI_FactoryType_tagHandlerDelegateFactory_feature = Tag Handler Delegate Factory |
| _UI_FactoryType_visitContextFactory_feature = Visit Context Factory |
| _UI_IfType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_IfType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ManagedBeanType_eager_feature = Eager |
| _UI_NameType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_NameType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_NavigationCaseType_if_feature = If |
| _UI_OrderingType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_OrderingType_before_feature = Before |
| _UI_OrderingType_after_feature = After |
| _UI_OrderingOrderingType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_OrderingOrderingType_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_OrderingOrderingType_others_feature = Others |
| _UI_OrderingOthersType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_PartialTraversalType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_PartialTraversalType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_PartialViewContextFactoryType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_PartialViewContextFactoryType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_RedirectType_viewParam_feature = View Param |
| _UI_RedirectType_includeViewParams_feature = Include View Params |
| _UI_RedirectViewParamType_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_RedirectViewParamType_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_RedirectViewParamType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_RenderKitType_clientBehaviorRenderer_feature = Client Behavior Renderer |
| _UI_ResourceHandlerType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ResourceHandlerType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_SourceClassType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_SourceClassType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_SystemEventClassType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_SystemEventClassType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_SystemEventListenerClassType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_SystemEventListenerClassType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_SystemEventListenerType_systemEventListenerClass_feature = System Event Listener Class |
| _UI_SystemEventListenerType_systemEventClass_feature = System Event Class |
| _UI_SystemEventListenerType_sourceClass_feature = Source Class |
| _UI_SystemEventListenerType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_TagHandlerDelegateFactoryType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_TagHandlerDelegateFactoryType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ViewDeclarationLanguageFactoryType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_ViewDeclarationLanguageFactoryType_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_VisitContextFactoryType_textContent_feature = Text Content |
| _UI_VisitContextFactoryType_id_feature = Id |