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<title>Supplying Tag Library Meta-data for Apache MyFaces Tomahawk</title>
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<h1>Supplying Tag Library Meta-data for Apache MyFaces Tomahawk</h1>
In this tutorial we will write a plugin that supplies meta-data that will be
used when editing a JSF JSP page that uses the tag library for the Apache
MyFaces Tomahawk JSF component library.
This is part one of a series of tutorials that will build up an example of supplying meta-data for a small set of tags from this tag library. This part will concentrate on providing content assist and validation in the structured source editor, and introduce the design-time meta-data framework.</p>
This tutorial will walk through the process of writing a plugin that
provides additional functionality while editing JSF JSP pages that use the
tag library for the Apache MyFaces Tomahawk component library. By supplying
meta-data for this tag library, code-completion, validation functionality
and much of the functionality in the Web Page Editor becomes available for the Tomahawk tags. This plugin will not
aim to provide a complete set of meta-data for the library, it will simply
lay the groundwork and explain the general concepts.
It is assumed that the user is already familiar with the use of JSP tags
and basic editing of JSP pages. It is further assumed that the user is
familiar with adding tag libraries to web projects and correctly specifying
their use in JSP pages.
<h3>Create New Plug-in Project</h3>
First we will need to create a new Plug-in Project in order to extend the
necessary extension point to supply your meta-data. Select <b>File</b> &gt;
<b>New</b> &gt; <b>Project...</b> to open the New Project dialog, select
<b>Plug-in Project</b> and click <b>Next &gt;</b>.
<img src="images/new_project_dialog.png" border="0" alt="New Project dialog"/>
Provide an appropriate value for <b>Project name</b>, uncheck <b>Create a
Java project</b> (in this example we do not require this to be a Java
project, although a Java project is perfectly valid and in some cases may
be desirable) and click <b>Next &gt;</b>.
<img src="images/new_plugin_project_dialog1.png" border="0" alt="New Plug-in Project dialog"/>
Provide appropriate values for <b>Plug-in Properties</b> and click <b>Next
<img src="images/new_plugin_project_dialog2.png" border="0" alt="New Plug-in Project dialog"/>
Uncheck <b>Create a plug-in using one of the templates</b> and click
<b>Finish</b> to complete creation of the plug-in project.
<img src="images/new_plugin_project_dialog3.png" border="0" alt="New Plug-in Project dialog"/>
<h3>Configure Plug-in Project</h3>
In the <b>Package Explorer</b>, double-click <b>MANIFEST.MF</b> to open it
in the Plug-in Manifest Editor (if it is not already open as a result of
creating the project in the previous step).
<img src="images/open_manifest.png" border="0" alt="Open MANIFEST.MF"/><p></p>
In the Plug-in Manifest Editor, select the <b>Dependencies</b> tab and
click the <b>Add...</b> button to add
<b>org.eclipse.jst.jsf.common</b> as a required plug-in.
<img src="images/plugin_dependencies.png" border="0" alt="Plug-in Dependencies" style="height: 368px; width: 626px"/><p></p>
In the Plug-in Manifest Editor, select the <b>Extensions</b> tab and click
the <b>Add...</b> button to add
<b>org.eclipse.jst.jsf.common.standardMetaDataFiles</b> as an
<img src="images/plugin_extensions1.png" border="0" alt="Plug-in Extensions" style="width: 625px; height: 315px"/><p></p>
Still in the Plug-in Manifest Editor and on the Extensions tab, right-click
<b>org.eclipse.jst.jsf.common.standardMetaDataFiles</b> and
select <b>New</b> &gt; <b>standardMetaDataFile</b>. Set the <b>uri</b> to
<b></b> and the <b>location</b> to
<b>metadata/apache_tomahawk.xml</b> (the value of location is the
plugin-relative location of the meta-data file that we will create in a
later step and so is arbitrary, while the value of uri <i>must</i>
correspond with the tag library's specified URI). For this example, we
will not be specifying values for the optional <b>locator</b> property.
Save your work and close the Plug-in Manifest Editor if
you desire.
<img src="images/plugin_extensions2.png" border="0" alt="Plug-in Extensions" style="width: 625px; height: 315px"/>
<h3>Create Meta-data File</h3>
Create a new folder and XML file, such that from the plug-in project root
you now have the file <b>metadata/apache_tomahawk.xml</b> (which matches
the value of <b>location</b> as set in the previous step). Double-click
this file to open in the XML editor.
<img src="images/open_metadata_xml.png" border="0" alt="Open metadata/apache_tomahawk.xml"/>
Working in the XML editor, paste the following XML into the
<b>metadata/apache_tomahawk.xml</b> file. We now have a minimal, legal
(although not particularly useful) meta-data file.
<div class="code"><pre>
&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
In this example, we will be providing meta-data for Tomahawk's <b>popup</b>
tag. To begin, we need to specify in our meta-data file the name of the tag that we are supplying meta-data. We do this by simply setting the
<b>id</b> attribute of the <b>entity</b> element to <b>popup</b>,
as seen below.</p>
<img src="images/edit_xml1.png" border="0" alt="Edit Meta-data"/>
We continue by specifying properties for the <b>popup</b> tag's attributes.
We do this by adding child <b>entity</b> elements to the<b> popup entity</b>. We will
start with the <b>displayAtDistanceX</b> and <b>displayAtDistanceY</b>
attributes, the values of which must be an integer. This is done by specifying a<b> trait</b>, a property of the entity.
The <b>trait</b> that the JSF tool uses to apply validation, and possible values to the structured source editor, is a <b>trait</b> named,
&quot;attribute-value-runtime-type&quot;. Additional information on this trait can be found in the
<a href="..\programmersguide\metadata_processing_framework.html">Meta-data Processing Framework</a>.
We specify this by adding the appropriate <b>entity</b> and <b>trait</b> elements to
our XML file, as seen below. (The
"org.eclipse.jst.jsf.core.attributevalues.IntegerType" runtime
type is one of the types pre-defined in the
org.eclipse.jst.jsf.core plug-in.)
<img src="images/edit_xml2.png" border="0" alt="Edit Meta-data"/>
We continue by specifying appropriate <b>entity</b> and
<b>trait</b> elements for the <b>closePopupOnExitingElement</b> and
<b>closePopupOnExitingPopup</b> attributes, the values of which at runtime must be
boolean, and the default value of each is "true". As seen below, we use
the "org.eclipse.jst.jsf.core.attributevalues.BooleanType"
runtime type to specify this.
<img src="images/edit_xml3.png" border="0" alt="Edit Meta-data"/>
To complete the meta-data for this example, we will address those attributes
which may be common to many tags and may have the same meaning no matter which
element upon which they are being defined for. Examples are <b>id</b> and <b>binding</b>.
A special element called <b>entityGroup</b> can be defined as a child of the <b>metadatamodel</b> element which that can include any number entities and/or traits.
Any <b>entity</b> can then reference this <b>entityGroup</b> using an <b>include-entity-group</b> element which
will copy the contents of the group to the inclusion point. As seen below, we now do this for the <b>id</b> and
<b>binding</b> attributes using pre-defined runtime types and properties.
<img src="images/edit_xml4.png" border="0" alt="Edit Meta-data"/>
If the an <b>entity</b> or <b>trait</b> is present with the same <b>id</b> as one in the <b>entityGroup</b>, the <b>entityGroup</b>
instance is ignored. This allows for the including <b>entity</b> to override a member of the <b>entityGroup</b>'s element.</p>
This plugin can now be packaged and deployed to Eclipse in order to get
advanced editing capabilities (e.g. content-assist and validation) for the
attributes of the elements of the Tomahawk tag library that we have defined
here. Obviously, this example only covers part of the tag library, but
hopefully serves as a starting point for interested developers.
For reference, the contents of the completed example
<b>metadata/apache_tomahawk.xml</b> file follows.
<div class="code"><pre>
&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
&lt;entity id="popup"&gt;
&lt;include-entity-group id="common-attributes"/&gt;
&lt;entity id="displayAtDistanceX"&gt;
&lt;trait id="attribute-value-runtime-type"&gt;
&lt;entity id="displayAtDistanceY"&gt;
&lt;trait id="attribute-value-runtime-type"&gt;
&lt;entity id="closePopupOnExitingElement"&gt;
&lt;trait id="attribute-value-runtime-type"&gt;
&lt;trait id="default-value"&gt;
&lt;entity id="closePopupOnExitingPopup"&gt;
&lt;trait id="attribute-value-runtime-type"&gt;
&lt;trait id="default-value"&gt;
&lt;entityGroup id="common-attributes"&gt;
&lt;entity id="id"&gt;
&lt;trait id="attribute-value-runtime-type"&gt;
&lt;entity id="binding"&gt;
&lt;trait id="attribute-value-runtime-type"&gt;
&lt;trait id="runtime-return-type"&gt;