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<title>Creating a JSF JSP Page</title>
<h1>Creating a JSF JSP Page</h1>
<p>To create a JSF JSP Page you simply create a JSP Page and add the tag libraries for the JSF components that you wish to use.</p>
<h2>Step 1: Create JSP Page: New JSP Wizard</h2>
<img alt="New JSP Page 1" src="./images/newjsfpage1.png">
<p>Add the page to the WebContent folder or sub-folder for your project.</p>
<img alt="New JSP Page 2" src="./images/newjsfpage2.png">
<p>Choose "Next..." to select page template </p>
<img alt="New JSP Page 2" src="./images/newjsfpage3.png">
Press "Finish" to create the page.
<h2>Step 2: Add Tag Libraries</h2>
<p>These are the tag library references necessary to access the JSF Standard tag libraries:</p>
<img alt="Add Tag Libs" src="./images/addjsftaglibs.png">
<p>If the jars that contain the tag libraries are present on the classpath, then content assist for the tags should be available.</p>
<img alt="Content Assist" src="./images/taglibassist.png">
<p>Use the JSF Library Reference feature to add more jars to the Web project.</p>
<img src="../../images/ngrelc.png" alt="Related concepts" border="0"><br>
<a href="../concepts/jsf_libs.html">JSF Libraries</a><br>
<a href="../concepts/jsf_source_editing.html">JSF JSP Page Source Editing</a><br>
<a href="../concepts/jsf_facets.html">JSF Facets</a><br>
<p><img src="../../images/ngrelr.png" alt="Related reference" border="0"></p>
<a href="../reference/taglibsupport.html">Tag Library Support</a><br>
<a href="../reference/jsf_library_management.html">JSF Library Management</a><br>
<p><img src="../../images/ngrelt.png" alt="Related tasks" border="0">
<a href="../tasks/create_jsf_app.html">Create JSF Application</a><br>
<a href="../gettingstarted/tutorial/JSFTools_tutorial.html">Tutorial</a>