blob: 953d6ef824ecbe0209af2da1e794a97d5a667b10 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jst.pagedesigner.itemcreation.internal;
import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.common.metadata.query.IMetaDataModelContext;
public class TagCreatorFromMetaData extends DefaultTagCreator {
public TagCreatorFromMetaData(IMetaDataModelContext modelContext) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
// private TagCreationInfo tagCreationInfo;
// private IMetaDataModelContext modelContext;
// public TagCreatorFromMetaData(IMetaDataModelContext modelContext, TagToolPaletteEntry tag, TagCreationInfo tagCreationInfo) {
// super(tag);
// this.modelContext = modelContext;
// this.tagCreationInfo = tagCreationInfo;
// }
// public Element createTag(TagToolPaletteEntry tagItem, IDOMModel model, IDOMPosition domPosition) {
// IDOMPosition position = DOMPositionHelper.splitText(domPosition);
// position = BodyHelper
// .adjustInsertPosition(getUri(), getLocalTagName(), domPosition);
// position = prepareJSFValidity(position, getTagToolItem());
// if (position == null) {
// // user cancelled
// return null;
// }
// // because the next call of getPrefix() may insert new taglib node
// // into the document, if we use the normal
// // DOMPositin which use index, maybe it will be invalidated by the
// // new taglib node. So use RefPosition here.
// position = DOMPositionHelper.toDOMRefPosition(position);
// String prefix = getPrefix(getUri(), model, getTagToolItem().getDefaultPrefix());
// Element ele = model.getDocument().createElement(getLocalTagName());
// // XXX: we are using "startsWith("directive.")" to test whether
// // should setJSPTag, this
// // maybe is not the best way. Need check whether SSE have special
// // API for it.
// if (IJMTConstants.URI_JSP.equals(getUri())
// && (ele.getLocalName().startsWith("directive.")
// || "declaration".equals(ele.getLocalName())
// || "expression".equals(ele.getLocalName()) || "scriptlet"
// .equals(ele.getLocalName()))) {
// // it is a jsp tag
// ((IDOMElement) ele).setJSPTag(true);
// }
// if (prefix != null) {
// ele.setPrefix(prefix);
// }
// applyTemplate(model, ele);
// applyRequiredAttrs(ele);
// if (position.getNextSiblingNode() == null) {
// position.getContainerNode().appendChild(ele);
// } else {
// position.getContainerNode().insertBefore(ele,
// position.getNextSiblingNode());
// }
// return ele;
// }
// private void applyRequiredAttrs(Element ele) {
// EList list = tagCreationInfo.getAttributes();
// if (list != null) {
// for (Iterator it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
// TagCreationAttribute attr = (TagCreationAttribute);
// ele.setAttribute(attr.getId(), (attr.getValue() == null ? "" : attr.getValue()));
// }
// }
// else {
// //this should be removed once we start loading tagCreation infos from TLDTranslator
// createRequiredAttributes(ele);
// }
// }
// private void applyTemplate(IDOMModel model, Element ele) {
// PaletteElementTemplateHelper.applyTemplate(model, ele, getTagToolItem(), tagCreationInfo); //needs fixes
// }
// private IDOMPosition prepareJSFValidity(IDOMPosition position,
// TagToolPaletteEntry item) {
// if (isJSFComponent()) {
// return JSFValidatorSupport.prepareInsertJSFComponent(position, item
// .getURI(), item.getTagName(), isHTMLFormRequired());
// }
// return position;
// }
// protected boolean isHTMLFormRequired() {
// Trait t = MetaDataQueryHelper.getTrait(modelContext, getUri(), "requires-html-form");
// if (t != null)
// return TraitValueHelper.getValueAsBoolean(t);
// return false;
// }
// private boolean isJSFComponent() {
// Model model = MetaDataQueryHelper.getModel(modelContext);
// Trait t = MetaDataQueryHelper.getTrait(model, "is-jsf-component-library");
// if (t != null)
// return TraitValueHelper.getValueAsBoolean(t);
// return false;
// }