blob: 7bd258e353642f435e04bed25612d43ac2e05b24 [file] [log] [blame]
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builder="StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder()"
<%String title = "JustJ Jdeps";
int toggleCounter = 0;%>
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<li><a href="">JustJ</a></li>
<li><a href="">Jdeps</a></li>
<%for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : getBreadcrumbs().entrySet()) {%>
<%if (entry.getValue() == null) {%>
<li class="active"><%=entry.getKey()%></li>
<%} else if (entry.getValue().trim().isEmpty()) {%>
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<li><a href="<%=entry.getValue()%>"><%=entry.getKey()%></a></li>
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<main class="no-promo">
<div class="novaContent container" id="novaContent">
<div id="maincontent">
<%if (!indices.isEmpty()) {%>
<h2 style="">
<%=title%> Index
<a href="justj.modules" target="modules" style="float: right; font-size: 75%;"><img style="height: 2ex; display: inline-block;" alt="justj" src=""/>.modules</a>
The plugins of the following repositories or products have been analyzed for module dependencies using jdeps.
A summary of the overall modules dependencies of each repository or product are displayed in detail below.
Each repository or product item is a link to the report for that repository or product and each module item is a link to that corresponding item in the corresponding repository or product report.
<%for (Map.Entry<Path, URI> entry : indices.entrySet()) {
Path index = entry.getKey();
URI uri = entry.getValue();
String repoLink = index.toString().replace('\\', '/');
int mainID = ++toggleCounter;%>
<input type="checkbox" id="toggle-id-<%=mainID%>" class="toggle"/>
<label for="toggle-id-<%=mainID%>" class="toggle-label"><%=getToggleExpand(true)%> <a href="<%=repoLink%>"><%=uri%></a></label>
<ul class="toggle-content" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-bottom: 0;">
<%for (String module : getModules(index)) {%>
<a href="<%=repoLink%>#<%=module%>"><%=module%></a>
<%} else {%>
<h2 style="">
<a style="font-size: 66%;" href="<%=repoURI%>"><%=repoURI%></a>
<a href="justj.modules" target="modules" style="float: right; font-size: 75%;"><img style="height: 2ex; display: inline-block;" alt="justj" src=""/>.modules</a>
The plugins of this repository or product have been analyzed for module dependencies using jdeps.
The plugin dependencies of each module and the module dependencies of each plugin are summarized below.
The jdeps analysis of a plugin may produce warnings about split packages,
i.e., if the jar exports packages that are the same as exported by the module on which it depends,
or it may fail, i.e., if the jar has module dependencies that don't resolve.
If these issues are present, filters are provided to show only these issues.
Module Dependencies
<input type="checkbox" id="toggle-id-<%=++toggleCounter%>" class="toggle" onclick="expand_collapse('toggle-id-<%=toggleCounter%>', 'mod-deps');"/>
<label for="toggle-id-<%=toggleCounter%>" class="toggle-label"><%=getToggleExpand(true)%></label>
<%if (!splitPackages.isEmpty()) {%>
<input name="module-split-packages" type="checkbox" onclick="filter(this.checked, 'mod-deps', 'split-package');" onload="this.value = '';"/>
<label for="module-split-packages" style="font-size: 75%;">Show Only Split Packages</label>
<div id="mod-deps">
<%for (Map.Entry<String, Set<Plugin>> entry : modulePlugins.entrySet()) {
String module = entry.getKey();
int mainID = ++toggleCounter;%>
<div class="filter-target">
<input type="checkbox" id="toggle-id-<%=mainID%>" class="toggle"/>
<label for="toggle-id-<%=mainID%>" class="toggle-label" id="<%=module%>"><%=getToggleExpand(true)%> <%=module%></label>
<ul class="toggle-content filter-target" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-bottom: 0;">
<%for (Plugin plugin : entry.getValue()) {%>
<li class="filter-target">
<a href="#<%=plugin%>" class="plain"><%=plugin.getId()%> <span style="color: DarkOliveGreen; font-size: 90%;"><%=plugin.getVersion()%></span></a>
<%Set<String> splitPackages = getSplitPackages(module, plugin);
if (!splitPackages.isEmpty()) {%>
<ul style="margin-left: -2em; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; color: #E8BB14;" class="split-package filter-target">
<%for (String packageName : splitPackages) {%>
Plugin Dependencies
<input type="checkbox" id="toggle-id-<%=++toggleCounter%>" class="toggle" onclick="expand_collapse('toggle-id-<%=toggleCounter%>', 'plugin-deps');"/>
<label for="toggle-id-<%=toggleCounter%>" class="toggle-label"><%=getToggleExpand(true)%></label>
<%if (!pluginErrors.isEmpty()) {%>
<input name="plugin-errors" type="checkbox" onclick="filter(this.checked, 'plugin-deps', 'jdeps-error');" onload="this.value = '';"/>
<label for="plugin-errors" style="font-size: 75%;">Show Only Errors</label>
<div id="plugin-deps">
<%for (Map.Entry<Plugin, Set<String>> entry : pluginModules.entrySet()) {
Plugin plugin = entry.getKey();
Set<String> modules = entry.getValue();
List<String> errors = pluginErrors.get(plugin);
int mainID = ++toggleCounter;%>
<div class="filter-target">
<input type="checkbox" id="toggle-id-<%=mainID%>" class="toggle"/>
<label for="toggle-id-<%=mainID%>" class="toggle-label" id="<%=plugin%>">
<%=getToggleExpand(!modules.isEmpty() || errors != null)%>
<span style="color: DarkOliveGreen; font-size: 90%;"><%=plugin.getVersion()%></label>
<ul class="toggle-content filter-target" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-bottom: 0;">
<%for (String module : modules) {%>
<li class="filter-target">
<a href="#<%=module%>" class="plain"><%=module%></a>
<%Set<String> splitPackages = getSplitPackages(module, plugin);
if (!splitPackages.isEmpty()) {%>
<ul style="margin-left: -2em; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; color: #E8BB14;">
<%for (String packageName : splitPackages) {%>
<%if (errors != null) {%>
<li style="color: FireBrick; font-size: 80%;" class="jdeps-error">
<%for (String error : errors) {%>