| # put the perspective switcher on the top right |
| org.eclipse.ui/DOCK_PERSPECTIVE_BAR=topRight |
| |
| # new-style tabs by default |
| org.eclipse.ui/SHOW_TRADITIONAL_STYLE_TABS=false |
| |
| # show progress on startup |
| org.eclipse.ui/SHOW_PROGRESS_ON_STARTUP=true |
| |
| # default perspectiveId |
| org.eclipse.ui/defaultPerspectiveId = org.eclipse.ldt.ui.luaperspective |
| org.eclipse.ui/PERSPECTIVE_BAR_EXTRAS = org.eclipse.ldt.ui.luaperspective,org.eclipse.debug.ui.DebugPerspective |
| |
| # check for updates on startup |
| org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk.scheduler/enabled=true |
| org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk.scheduler/schedule=on-startup |
| |
| # remind the user every 4 hours |
| org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk.scheduler/remindOnSchedule=true |
| # see AutomaticUpdatesPopup, values can be "30 minutes", "Hour", "4 Hours" |
| org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk.scheduler/remindElapsedTime=4 Hours |
| |
| # download updates before notifying the user |
| org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk.scheduler/download=true |
| |
| # hide RSE System type not used (for remote development support) |
| org.eclipse.rse.core/org.eclipse.rse.systemtype.linux.systemType.enabled = false |
| org.eclipse.rse.core/org.eclipse.rse.systemtype.unix.systemType.enabled = false |
| org.eclipse.rse.core/org.eclipse.rse.systemtype.local.systemType.enabled = false |
| org.eclipse.rse.core/org.eclipse.rse.systemtype.windows.systemType.enabled = false |
| org.eclipse.rse.core/org.eclipse.rse.systemtype.ssh.systemType.enabled = false |
| org.eclipse.rse.core/org.eclipse.rse.systemtype.telnet.systemType.enabled = false |
| org.eclipse.rse.core/org.eclipse.rse.systemtype.ftp.systemType.enabled = false |