blob: 2da754f8dade2a275d6222cfd24de5654fc5e10e [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright (c) 2012 Sierra Wireless and others.
-- All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-- are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
-- which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- Contributors:
-- Sierra Wireless - initial API and implementation
local compiler = require 'metalua.compiler'
local mlc =
local serializer = require 'serpent'
local tablecompare = require 'tablecompare'
local tabledumpbeautifier = require 'tabledumpbeautifier'
--- @module modeltransformations
local M = {}
-- @function [parent=#modeltransformations] codetoserialisedmodel
-- @param #string sourcefilepath
-- @param #string resultextension
-- @param #function transformationfunction
function M.codetoserialisedmodel(sourcefilepath, resultextension, transformationfunction)
-- Load file
local luafile, errormessage =, 'r')
if not luafile then
return nil, errormessage
local luasource = luafile:read('*a')
-- Generate AST
local ast = mlc:src_to_ast( luasource )
local status, astvalid, errormsg = pcall(compiler.check_ast, ast)
if not astvalid then
return nil, string.format('Unable to generate AST for %s.\n%s', sourcefilepath, errormsg)
--Generate model
local model = transformationfunction(ast)
-- Strip functions
model = tablecompare.stripfunctions( model )
-- Serialize model
local serializedcode = serializer.dump( model, {comment = true} )
-- Beautify serialized model
local beautifulserializedcode, error = tabledumpbeautifier.prettify(serializedcode)
if not beautifulserializedcode then
print(string.format("Unable to prettify serialized code.\n%s", error))
beautifulserializedcode = serializedcode
-- Define file name
local extreplacement = table.concat({'%1.', resultextension})--string.format('\%1.%s', resultextension)
local serializedfilename = sourcefilepath:gsub('([%w%-_/\\]+)%.lua$', extreplacement)
-- Save serialized model
local serializefile = assert(, 'w'))
serializefile:write( beautifulserializedcode )
-- This a success
print( string.format('%s serialized to %s.', sourcefilepath, serializedfilename) )
return true
return M