blob: 1ba0fea3a1ade4f7926c1905534ef10ba2d118c4 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright (c) 2012 Sierra Wireless.
-- All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-- are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
-- which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- Contributors:
-- Kevin KIN-FOO <>
-- - initial API and implementation and initial documentation
require 'metalua.compiler'
local apimodelbuilder = require 'models.apimodelbuilder'
local M = {}
-- Define default supported languages
M.supportedlanguages = {}
local extractors = require 'extractors'
-- Support Lua comment extracting
M.supportedlanguages['lua'] = extractors.lua
-- Support C comment extracting
for _,c in ipairs({'c', 'cpp', 'c++'}) do
M.supportedlanguages[c] = extractors.c
-- Extract comment from code,
-- type of code is deduced from filename extension
function M.extract(filename, code)
-- Check parameters
if not code then return nil, 'No code provided' end
if type(filename) ~= "string" then
return nil, 'No string for file name provided'
-- Extract file extension
local fileextension = filename:gmatch('.*%.(.*)')()
if not fileextension then
return nil, 'File '..filename..' has no extension, could not determine how to extract documentation.'
-- Check if it is possible to extract documentation from these files
local extractor = M.supportedlanguages[ fileextension ]
if not extractor then
return nil, 'Unable to extract documentation from '.. fileextension .. ' file.'
return extractor( code )
-- Generate a file gathering only comments from given code
function M.generatecommentfile(filename, code)
local comments, error = M.extract(filename, code)
if not comments then
return nil, 'Unable to generate comment file.\n'..error
local filecontent = {}
for _, comment in ipairs( comments ) do
table.insert(filecontent, "--[[")
table.insert(filecontent, comment)
table.insert(filecontent, "\n]]\n\n")
return table.concat(filecontent)..'return nil\n'
-- Create API Model module from a 'comment only' lua file
function M.generateapimodule(filename, code)
if not filename then return nil, 'No file name given.' end
if not code then return nil, 'No code provided.' end
local commentfile, error = M.generatecommentfile(filename, code)
if not commentfile then
return nil, 'Unable to create api module for "'..filename..'".\n'..error
local status, ast = pcall(mlc.luastring_to_ast, commentfile)
if not status then
return nil, 'Unable to compute ast for "'..filename..'".\n'..ast
local status, error = pcall(mlc.check_ast, ast)
if not status then
return nil, '"'..filename..'" contains an error.\n'..error
return apimodelbuilder.createmoduleapi(ast)
return M