blob: 6825199ab8294e09038a3cbe098f2bcf4fb4a03d [file] [log] [blame]
--- A template preprocessor.
-- Originally by <a href="">Ricki Lake</a>
-- <p>There are two rules: <ul>
-- <li>lines starting with # are Lua</li>
-- <li> otherwise, `$(expr)` is the result of evaluating `expr`</li>
-- </ul>
-- <pre class=example>
-- # for i = 1,3 do
-- $(i) Hello, Word!
-- # end
-- </pre>
-- Other escape characters can be used, when the defaults conflict
-- with the output language.
-- <pre class=example>
-- > for _,n in pairs{'one','two','three'} do
-- static int l_${n} (luaState *state);
-- > end
-- </pre>
-- See <a href="../../index.html#rici_templates">the Guide</a>.
-- @class module
-- @name pl.template
local utils = require 'pl.utils'
local append,format = table.insert,string.format
local function parseHashLines(chunk,brackets,esc)
local exec_pat = "()$(%b"..brackets..")()"
local function parseDollarParen(pieces, chunk, s, e)
local s = 1
for term, executed, e in chunk:gmatch (exec_pat) do
executed = '('..executed:sub(2,-2)..')'
format("%q..(%s or '')..",chunk:sub(s, term - 1), executed))
s = e
append(pieces, format("%q", chunk:sub(s)))
local esc_pat = esc.."+([^\n]*\n?)"
local esc_pat1, esc_pat2 = "^"..esc_pat, "\n"..esc_pat
local pieces, s = {"return function(_put) ", n = 1}, 1
while true do
local ss, e, lua = chunk:find (esc_pat1, s)
if not e then
ss, e, lua = chunk:find(esc_pat2, s)
append(pieces, "_put(")
parseDollarParen(pieces, chunk:sub(s, ss))
append(pieces, ")")
if not e then break end
append(pieces, lua)
s = e + 1
append(pieces, " end")
return table.concat(pieces)
local template = {}
--- expand the template using the specified environment.
-- @param str the template string
-- @param env the environment (by default empty). <br>
-- There are three special fields in the environment table <ul>
-- <li><code>_parent</code> continue looking up in this table</li>
-- <li><code>_brackets</code>; default is '()', can be any suitable bracket pair</li>
-- <li><code>_escape</code>; default is '#' </li>
-- </ul>
local cache ={}
function template.substitute(str,env)
local fn = cache[str]
if not fn then
env = env or {}
if rawget(env,"_parent") then
setmetatable(env,{__index = env._parent})
local brackets = rawget(env,"_brackets") or '()'
local escape = rawget(env,"_escape") or '#'
local code = parseHashLines(str,brackets,escape)
local err
fn,err = utils.load(code,'TMP','t',env)
if not fn then return nil,err end
cache[str] = fn
fn = fn()
local out = {}
local res,err = xpcall(function() fn(function(s)
out[#out+1] = s
end) end,debug.traceback)
if not res then
if env._debug then print(code) end
return nil,err
return table.concat(out)
return template